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THIMIAS. tew- G? ■4— ^^ f%^ trength Blessings on the hand of Wo-man I Ang-els guard its strength and grace, In • fan-cy's tilie ten • der fountain ; Power may with Beau - ty flow, Wo- man how di • vine your mis-sion Here up • on our na - tal aod ; ? ^ ;^=^ ? in the pal- ace, cottage, hov -©10, no mat- ter where the place! Moth - ers first to guide the streamlets ; From them souls un- rest - ing grow. Keep, O keep the child- soul o • pen Al • ways to the breath of God I $^^^rM^ m :^:=^ :t2=t2=tz tZJit -<9- i Would that ne\ - er storms as - sail'd it; Grow on for the good or e • vil, All true trophies of the A - ges a tempo, dolce. Bain- bows ev - er gent ■ ly curled : Sunshine stream 'd or darkness hurled: Are from Mother Love im- pearled : ^^^ PIE^ m For the hand that rooks the era- die cres, 5^ f ten. ritard. Is the hand that rocks thr> world. espress. m ~\- ?i 1^=1=:: atzf: -(5^ ■^■^- For the hand that rocks the cra-dle la the hand that rocks the world I 4. Darling girls, with Edeiv music Binging yet in each young heart, Learn and treasure household kiTowledge, Precious in Life's future part ; When you'll too, exulting mothers. Bravely boyed and gently girled ; For the hand that rocks the cradle lA tihe hai?<3 that rocks the world. 5. Blessings on the hand of Woman I Fathers, sons and daughters cry. And the sacred song is mingled With the worship in the sky ; Mingles where no tempest darkens, Bainbows evermore are curled; For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rocks the world* / READ I REMEMBER! m The greatest Bargains ever offered to the People of Fredericton and the surrounding country now o])en for inspec- tion and sale at the \ anii 10 Cent Store, OPPOSITE THE STONE BARBACKS. HEW GOODS! HEW GOODS 1 1 Just opened, An immense stock of New Goods, in Glassware, Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, Playing Cards, Dominoes, Checkers, Paper and Envelopes, Toilet Soaps, Balls, Marbles, Jewelry, Toys, Dolls, and thousands of Useful and Fancy Articles usually costing from 10 to 30 cents, but which you can buy at this establishment for 5 AND 10 CENTS EACH. ^^ 1500 PIECES *« VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, Full size, only o cents. Regular price, 20 to 40 cents. ]v(3]nember the place, and that the only store of the kind in Fredericton is the Ne'w 5 and 10 Cent Store, OPPOSITE THE STOXE BARRACKS. Oueen Street, Fredericton. Imrie k, Graham, Printers, '2t) and 28 Colborne Street, Toronto. «