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BEING TBB ' ''^'^'AlrSli^r|,~™a\^^^^ ^ol"T/ l^ll HUMILIATION PARDON OF OUR Sms aI^J^ m ll,,,®?^- ^^ ORDER TO OBTAIN MANNER SENruPoVpRAYER'^?^AN^n'^«^n??^^^^^^ ^^^ SOLEMN DIVINE MAJESTY, FOB rMPmJiN«H^«?nT^^^^^^ TO THE ON OUK ARMS FOR 't"hSSt?(5S Sf tTa^N^Q^IT^ ?^L\^^^^^ 385 gittthorfte. ,• . • ' ^.TORONTO: HENRY ROWSELL, KING-STREET. < • si.« '.'■-i^* I I li at ■ 'f 4 I 8 I /I mmM ^'f \ M a i ^ n <=>} l'T^ 11 Rev, and dear Brethren,— I nereby authorise the use of the following Special Service on the day appointed to be kept as a day of humiliation and fasting ; and I recommend that the oifcrtory collection on that day be appropriated to the relief of the suflferers. The amount may be trans- mitted to the Rev. T. S. Kennedy, Secretary of the Church Society, who will act as Treasurer of the fund. I remain. Rev. and dear brethren. Your faithful friend and brother, JOHN TORONTO. ^ ./■ . « '1 «"! «?^/. MAY 1 1933 #■. i ' BOWSILL A KLLTS, PBfNTBRfi, m VM-V •io'5| ,i>prf 1 f|'>'» fj FORM OF PRAYER. VA*^^^ Morning Prayer. ^ The Service shall be the same with the usual Office for Holy day 8, except where it is in this Office otherwise appointed. % 'Let these Sentences of Scripture be read before the Exhortation : OLORD, correct me, but with judgment ; not in Thine anger, lest Thbii, bring me to nothing. ^ i Vill arise and go to my Father ; arid will say unto him, jv^ Father, I have sinned against Heaven, and before Thee, and am ^ no more worthy to be called Thy son. *' " ^'Instead qf the YeniiiLexxiUemvia. '• GOD is our refupje and strength : a very present help in ' ^rouble, ■ ' ; ^ ^ Therefore loilt we not fear, thoiugh the earth he moved: and rUfgh the hills hi carried into the midst of the sea. Though the waters thereof rage and swell : and the mountains ' shake at the tempest of the same/; ^'';^^ .:^:ur,r^.\''■^^ hf ' ^ t'lJ ': The Lord ff Hosts is wit (i us : tfie (xod oj^jacoh' is ow^^ X Fbr 1 Will not trus^t in riiy boW : ft is not niy sword tliat shall help irie. i !l Morning" Prayer. iji I will say unto the Lord Thou art my hope, and my strong, hold ; my God, in Htm tmll I trust. ■" ^ ' ^ s For it Is Thou that savest us from our enemies : and puttest tnem to confusion that hate us. The Lord shall give strength unto His people: the Lord shall give Hts people the blessing of peace. Gh^sr^*'^ ^ "^^^ ^'**''^'"' '^"'^ ^""^^^ Son: and to the Holy As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall he: world without end. Amen. f Proper JPsalms, LXXVU. and LXXIX. ^irst^ Lesson J Daniel IX., Verse 1 19. Second Lesson, Acts XII, Verse 1—17. Collect for the Dai/, r\ LOKD, raise up, we pray Thee, Thy power, and come V / ^ amongst us, an^ with great might succor us ; that we who are justly punished for our offences, may be mercifully delivered by Thy goodness, for the glory of Thy name, through Jesus Christ our Savior, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy (xhost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. ^ il"''/;/" ^'^yrj^'t^l Litany (We humbV beseech Thee) read the two foUowmg, instead of the Prayer in Time of War and Tumults, fV LORD God Almighty, who orderest all things both 'in ' \f heaven and earth ; look down, we beseech Thee, on us Ihy unworthy servants, who turn to Thee in this our time of trouble, when evil and misguided men have risen up against the government which they were bound to defend, and have brought wasting and destruction upon our Eastern dominions. We con- fess, O Lord, that in many things we have deserved Thv chas- or - - - --rr V x«.ivvA j,u mu,ft.i; tuui reiurn wnicn inou migiitest Morning Prayei^. ' 5 have justly required at our hands when Thou hadst ^ranted . success to our arms, and increased our wealth and power. ^ But O Thou who hast revealed Thyself as a God fordvinff iniquity transgression, and sin, we pray Thee, enter not into judgment with Thy servants, who now humble themselves before ihee. Let us fall into Thy hands, and not into the hands of men. Defend, we beseech Thee, our countrvmen from the malice and treachery of the sotis of violence who have risen ud against them : rebuke the madness of the people, and stay the hand of the destroyer. Cast Thy shield, Lord, over any of our brethren who may even now be in peril of death, and let their lives be precious in Thy sight. Direct the counsels of RWffcA i"\^ m .this hour of danger. Teach the natives of iSntish India to prize the benefits which Thy good Providence Has given them through the supremacy of this Christian land • ana enable us to show more and more, both by word and rood example, the blessings of Thy holy religion. May those who are now the slaves of a hateful and cruel superstition be brought to lay aside their vain traditions, and turn to Thee, the only •["1! ^u' ^"^ ^^^"^ ^^^^^* "^^^^ Thou hast sent. And so if It be Thy good pleasure, establish our empire in that distant land on a surer founcjation than heretofore, that we Thy peonle and sheep of Thy pasture, may give Thee thanks for ever, and Show forth Thy praise from generation to generation. These and all other mercies, we humbly beg, not for our own worthi- ness, but for Thy love, and through the merits and mediation of Ihy blessed Son our Lord, to whom with Thee and the Holy unost be all honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen, GOD, our refuge and strength in every time of trouble mercifully receive these our nravers nnd tnfArPoeai/.r.« fr.L our armies now engaged in defence of their Sovereign's rights and of the lives of their brethren, who are in peril through 1 > t ■: V 6 Ccmmunion Service. jl i . violence and treachery. Be with them, we beseech Thee, in all their trials and privations. Let (hem enter into baltie with hearts full of repentance towards Thee^ and of faith in the Lord ^^^^Jesus Christ; und crowii with success their courage in their ^/ country's cause. I^reserve them alike from the pestilence that walketh, in darkness, and from the arrow (hat flieth by day. ReUeve the ^ick and wopndfd, with tjhe consolations of Thy ^^j/Blessed' Spirit, and support the jTatheTless and widows in their ^^j\afflii?tiQp, JH^rant tJb^t all the sorrows and trials which are ^ /^tl4ure4,ipay yprk to^elhe^tfor thq everlasting welfare of tl^ose . rtiflio sufferithem. Hear us„pJHej|.v^nIy Father, for the sake of ^oJJJfi^.dearSon, Je^sC^^^ nn^^rr -rf n^^ni t\^d\ ^ Tiien the^jreftiritt ThkiiUcBgrnng^to the end of Morning J^rjaye'i eh a« i 'vt ttxtr: ■i^Jl. ',;•'; ii , 7kiO ^lli C,om,tp«n^Qi^ S|eryi^e. . „,o .:'!'.' -T-r~, M . ii> '^ T ^/^fey* the Pi'aypr fair the Queen, or instead of the Ptayer for tlie ii}iiole ^n. stiatedfvhrisfi Churchy let the foUoi^ing he u$ed: - WAIMiGmrY <}Oi)lyfi bl?sep We^ of Thy gf^jit; gdo(Jnlss ~ ' \J ^ tp re^feiW these ourj jpraj^^rs which w6, offei* u^to Thy '' \ Ijmri^f 'Majesty lii this %}^ ; "bif necessity ^hd ji^ i^; ^^ Mercitiijly ^ forgive tl|e kitis whipfeby we have p;^b Thjr ciiasjti^'emSts, and grant that the judgments which Tliou hast ^elit may' work ^|m,^9i^r hep,i;taj a more, livejy faith, a more entire obedience, a ;^ more cori^tanf endeaypr,to cpiiform to Thy will^and to promote ! plfwy giWy- , i^e-ke u^ duIy^^eii^iMle pfTpy goodness Jn. main- %j^^ at home, in! preserving us from ' ' " *^^^ ■ ^m Communion Service. 7 commotions, and in granting a plentiful return to the labors of our husbandmen. Look with an eye of pity and compassion upon those who have been suddenly thrown into affliction by the calamities of their friends and relatives. Visit the fatherless and widows with the consolations of Thy Holy Spirit, and enable them under the burthens which they have been called to bear, to litt up their hearts towards that heavenly kingdom where pain and sorrow, and war and hatred, shall be no more. And as Thou hast commanded us to love our enemies, and to pray for them that despitefully use us, have mercy, we beseech Thee, even on those who have shown no mercy, and whose malice and cruelty has turned to sorrow and monrning the homes of many families m this land. Deliver them from- the blindness of that Idolatry and superstition which has encouraged their murderous H rebellion. ^ ONirn them from the gross dai^kriess which now covers y themi to the light of the eVerlasting gospej, that so our present ^ calamities raiiy be overruled to the promotion of Thy glory and m ^ancement of Thy kingdom. Hear us, O Lonfoil/God. ^^ for^ Thy gj^bdness is great!; hnd accoi^ding to the multitude of n-ihy^mercies receive these our p6titii>lis, though Jesus Christ J-^; our Lord. Ame7i. "' nmn^ iu ':-*wBr -viiT iiio^", imwoMUii ilml li (Collect for the Day, as before. > i OLORD, raise up, we pray Thee, Thy power, and come amongst us, and with great might succor us ; that we, who are jrustly punished for our offences, may be mercifully delivered by Thy goodness, for the glory of Thy name, through Jesus Christ our Savior, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy (xhost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. ^^ ^ For the Epistle. Jeremiah VII., Verse 1—7. rPHE word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying X btand m the gate of the Lord's house, and proclaim there 8 Communion Service. i f this word, and say, Hear tlic word of (lie Lord, all yc of Jiidab, that enter in at these gates to worship the Lord. Thus saith (he Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place. Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, are these. For if ye thoroughly amend your ways and your doings; if ye thor- oughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor ; if ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt: then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever. |-,i? 8U p. 1 The <}o8pel St. Luke XIIL, Verse 1—5. 'tl^HERE were present at that season some that told him of the * 1 Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye , that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you. Nay: but, except ye repjBut, ye shall all likewise perish. Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem ? I tell you. Nay : but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish, I (9) Judab, 3 saith ^'s and Trust •d, the For if e thor- 3or ; if vv, and r other place, vh\v/ r- » i of the I their ose ye ecaiise ept ye I, upon e that m? I kewise I .i t "tW •«>I I Evening Prayer. ^ The Order for Evening Prayer shall he in the usual coursey except as herein otherwise appointed. •J Let these Sentences of Scripture he read before the Exhortation, OLORD, correct me, but with judgment ; not in Thine anger, lest Thou bring me to nothing. I will arise and go to my Father ; and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against Heaven, and before Thee, and am no more worthy to be called Thy son. T' ' ' > < > < f ; ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ The Bymn appointed to he used at Morning Prayer, instead of the Venite, ^c, shall here also he used hcfore the Proper Psalms. t Proper Psalms, LXXXVI. and XCI. T Fifst Lesson, Jonah III. % Second Lesson, Rom. II. to Verse 16. ^ Collect for the Day. OLORD, raise up, we pray Thee, Thy power, and come amongst us, and with great might succor us ; that we, who are justly punished for our offences, may be mercifully delivered by Thy goodness, for the glory of Thy name, through Jesus Christ our Savior, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. TT Instead of the Prayers in Time of War and Tumults, and for all Conditions of Men, the three following shall be used : LORD God Almighty, who orderest all things both in u^ttvcii auvi cai til j luviii. uuwu, vvu uuBvJuru i.uuu, Uii lia Thy unworthy servants, who turn to Thee in this our time of n i II 10 Evening Pray en trouble, when evil and misguided men have risen up against the governmeut which they were bound to defend, and have brought wasting and destruction upon our Eastern dominions. We confess, O Lord, that in many things we have deserved Thy chastening, and have failed to make that return which Thou mightest have justly required at our hands when Thou hadst ^ granted success to our arms, and increased our wealth and power ^>. , ^ . . But, O Thou who hast revealed Thyself as a God forgivmg iniquity, transgression, and sin, we pray Thee, enter not into judgment with Thy servants who now humble themselves ^before Thee/ Let us fall into Thy hands, and not into the hands of men. Defend, we beseech Thee, our countrymen from the^ i malice and treachery of the sons of -violence who have risen up->n ■a and sheep of Thy pasture, may give Theq thanks for evt r, and show forth Thy praise from generation .to generation. These and ali other meities we humbly beg, noiifor oirr own worth mess, hut. fr>r Tlivlovfi: arid throuorh the merits aiid mediadj)n of Thy, ^ blessed Sori oiir LoM, tu*ihom With 'Hiec dttd the Holy (ilio^' be all honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. ^i Evening Prayer. II O'GOD, aur refuge and strength in every time of troubk, mercifully receive these our prayers and intercessions for our armies now engaged in defence of their Sovereign's rights, and of the lives of their brethren, who are in peril through violence and treachery. Be with them, we beseech Thee, in all theii^ trials ? and privations. Let them enter into battle with hearts full of > repetitance towards Thee, and of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ ; and crown with success their courage in their country's cause. Preserve Ihem ailike from the pestilence^ that walketh in dark- ness, and from the arrow that fli^h bv day. Relieve the sick andwounded with the consolations of Thy Blessed Spirit, and support the fatherless and widows in their affliction. Grant that all the sorrows and trials which are endured may work together for the everlasting welfare of those who suffer theni. Hear us, Heavenly Father, for the sake of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. * ALMIGHTY GOD, we beseech Thee of Thy great goodness to receive these our prayers which we offer unto Thy Divine Majesty in this day of necessity and peril. Mercifully forgive the sins whereby we have provoked Thy chastisements, and grant that the judgments which Thou hast sent may work in our hearts a more lively faith, a more entire obedience, a more constant endeavor to conform to Thy will, and to promote Thy glory. Make us duly sensible of Thy goodness in main- taining tranquility at home, in preserving us from intestine commotions, and in granting a plentiful return to the labors of our husbandmen. Look with an eye of pity and compassion upon those who have been suddenly thrown into affliction by the calamities of their friends and relatives. Visit the fatherless and widows with the consolations of Thy Holy Spirit, and enable them under the burthens which they have been called to bear, to iill up ineir uearib luwurus luut uuuvciujr rwiiigvi^^m TTii-^iv jp^xxi »!i 1 il2 Evening f r ayer. V and sorrow, and w?,r and hatred, shall be no more. And aa Thou hast commanded us to love our enemies, and to pray for them that despitefully use us, have mercy, we beseech Thee,, even on those who hav^ shown no mercy, and whose malice and cruelty has turned to sorrow and mourning the homes of raaay families in this land. Deliver them from the blindness of that idolatry and superstition which has encouraged their murderotis, rebellion. Turn them from the gross darkness which now coders them, to the light of the everlasting gospel ; that so our present calamities may be overruled to the promotion of Thy glory, and the advancement of Thy kingdom. Hear us, O Lord dur ;Grod, for Thy goodness is great ; and according to the multitude of Thy mercies receive these our petitions, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ^ \ Y '^|mrv'! ..)..?^U JM !t «' V' I. j^"!ir—-rrmfr- m^ i.fsmm&smmmmm *t.)J ** *.' V'