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N. 15 28 Bnyce, Robert 2 c 16 62 Cooper, John 1 17 54 Cndmore, Williom 1 18 56 Campbell, DonaH 3 19 67 Campboll, Alen .ider 3 20 6M Calaader, WUliam 2 21 S8 Cameron, Malcolm 3 22 59 Cameron, John D. 2 23 M Cameron, John 4 S4 «8 Cowan, John 8 23 63 Cooper, William 1 do do 1 D 26 114 Dixon, William I do do B. R. S. 27 117 Diehl, Valentine S do do 6 do do 4.1 28 118 Diehl, Jacob 5 do do 5 29 116 Dinadale, ThoBus 2 do do 3 E 30 150 Edgar, WilUam I 31 149 Earueit, William 1 F 32 I9G Fulton, George 1 do do 2 S3 181 Foots, John, Sr. B. R. N. 84 180 Foote, John, Jr. B. R. a 35 173 Freer, Thomae 1 do do I 36 179 Fisher, Malcohn 3 37 177 Frailer, Donald 3 G 38 202 Orahm, William, 3 39 197 Grant, Keniie 1 40 200 Gilmore, ,Tohn 3 41 201 Gilmore, Hugh 3 42 212 OJen, ICdward 4 do do 4 do do S 43 205 Grauiok, Donald 2 44 204 Grauick, John 2 45 207 Gibaon, John 3 H 46 240 Hoo<l. Henrv 1 47 242 Hudson, WiUiam 3 48 238 Higgina, Joseph 2 40 239 Higgins, WUIiam 2 50 246 Hart, George 3 61 245 Har fey, Joeeph 2 62 243 Hood, Joseph 2 63 244 Hood, John 2 54 241 Hollinf^head, Samnel I 66 263 I anil, John 2 66 260 Innia, Alexander 2 do do 2 67 266 Johneon, Alexander B. R. N. K 263 Johnson, William B. H. N. 69 265 Jones, John 8 60 260 Johnson, James 7 do do 7 61 294 Johnson, John I _ K do da 2 S3 396 Kaiser, Benjamin I do Jo 1 do do 1 64 297 Kettle, Robert I 65 296 Kemiard, Tbomaa I do du I L 66 313 Unders, Jolin 1 67 3i.S Uat, John 4 do do 3 ■& 3 9 6 18 27 and 28 33 and 34 14 lud2 4 18 ;« 33 and .14 6 27 21 oa»r Df-xription. W.H. E. H. W.H. partis N. H. 8. H. 24 N. pt. of N. pt. 11 2 81 29 29 19 26 24 4 Ilrnd32 18 and 19 V 20 1, 2 and 3 25 25 26 2r8 24 28 S 3 8 30 36 33 24 24 36 34 5 18 part 1 S. H. N. H. E. H. part .% part 36 parti S. W. part N. part S. part pt. 38 19 con.3,lot20,E.H. 94 98 SI 89 80 6 6 IS 4 3 16 16 9 8 7 7 I 30 82 81 96 96 \\ 18 84 W. part W. part N. H. S. H. owner S. part E.H. W. H. W, H. putl W.H, K.H. W.H. N. H. 13 18 4 inlMllvisinn 16 4 do 1 and 10 do 2 con.2, Iot2,E.H. 13 BDbdivisioQ 16 14 do 7 10 SO II ft tT -?§ §-;; 2 3 SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. 1 ■1 Ot\er II Kamt, A t) i Dttcription. h>' AndoraoD, George 7 4 do do 5 4 N. H. 1 do dc 4 18 W. H. Annstroii){, J«nie8 B. R.N. 6 tJDbdivsion 19 2 dc do B. R.8. 2 Amutrong. Thoi. B. U. N. 14 3 do do B. H. N. 33 and JA 4 do do B. R.N. 3 do do a R. N. 16 ^nnstroog, John 8 18 H.S. 6 6 10 B 6 .10 Beatty, George 6 31 Boles, }oY\ 7 29 Boyd, John 8 53 Brook, Jamas ^9 .33 Backer, John V do do c 10 99 Campbell, James 11 74 Curry, William 12 75 Gurry, James 13 72 Coleman, Francis do do 14 69 Cochrant, John 16 fcl Creerer, Peter 16 63 CameroD, Alexander 17 64 Cameron, John 18 66 Cameron, Ptter 19 66 Calwell, Joseph 20 76 Cla^k, George 21 77 Concit, John do do ■22 78 Cotpet, John ■ 23 74 Coxworthy, Jamca 24 79 Clark, Win^m 29 80 Curvin, Edward do do do do 29 71 Clarke, David D 27 145 Duncan, James H. 28 121 Duncan, James do do 26 119 Dennison, Robert 30 12U Dunnison, John 31 122 Pawsoo, Henry 32 123 DawBoD, Henry ■13 124 Dawson, Joseph E 34 173 Emu, Dai d 70 651 Evitt, WiUiam 36 162 Elliott, Wil'iam 37 153 Erratt, Isaac F Forreat, James do do Forbes, A-thar Forest, George Forest John Fisher, J. B. do do do do Foster, Charles Foster, Alexander G Galbraith, John Green, Frederick do do Garey, William Garey, Thomas G rum met t, Godrid Gratiani, WilUam Grabam, WiUjaa Grabam, Albert Galbraitb, David Gaibi-aith, Archibald n Hudson, Joseph do do Hagan, John do do J Jehus, Jamea Johnson, Joba Joliusoij, Matthew .Tauohs, Joseph jj-Ujjjj th do do Johnson, James do do do do Johnson, William r)ohuaon, James H. -' .'ett, James 'iu do Jubnson, Thomas do du 38 187 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 61 52 63 54 55 66 57 58 183 184 186 185 188 182 2S4 214 210 211 203 215 216 217 208 209 249 250 290 274 275 293 (M!0 C2 269 63 64 65 272 273 271 66 270 B. R. 8. B. R. S. 5 B. R, N. 9 8. B. B. R.8. 6 8 7 7 8.8. 4 4 4 4 B. R.N. 9 6 Bayfield 8 V 9 a 12 9 8. B. B. R.a B. R. N. B. R. N. B. R.N. B. R. N. 9 11 8 W.H. 07 (>8 Oil K 298 KjU', William SOT K(.v«. William :UKI Ki ,>, AiiJi, 7 6 B. R. N. 5 5 B.RN. B. R. N. 6 B. R.S. B.RS. B. R.N. a fi. 8. do B. R.N. B. R. N. B. R. a 8 8 8 B. R.N. B. R. N. B. R. N. B. R.N. B. K. N. aR.N. 7 7 B. R. N. 6 6 S. B. 6 6 6 S. B. 9 18 17 15 19 S 18 14 II 6 4 6 9 18 3 4 3 4 and 5 20 4 I'l S 4 6 8 9 10 19 II 16 17 17 17 19 10 4*nd5 17 IS 19 U 8 4 20 13 3 A 1 IS 16 22 14 16 17 18 18 21 16 17 17 11 8 8 8 19 9 12 15 15 22 17 19 14 13 24 14 13 II 6 18 15 E.parl wTh .lart Sabdivision 19 S. H. E.H. 8. H. N. H. E H. E H. E H. 19 Subdiv 19 N. H. N. H. N. H. E. H. N. H. N. U. Kput W. part. E. pt. of E. H. a H. aH. 8.H. B.H. s.n. Snbdii N. W. ision 19 Comer. W.H. W.H. B. H. W.H. KB. K.H. KB. &B. aa. E.put W. H. W.H. E. part J.Tumer owner Subdivis'on 19 N. H. N. pt of N. pt N. H. W. part 7 8 9 lU II 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 33 36 37 .38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 46 47 48 49 60 61 52 53 64 65 56 67 68 59 60 l>4 •an Kettle, Kobert 2 con.2, lot 3, EH. MUNIdPALITY OF THE NLET FOR THE YEAR 1875. ). 2. Other DtMription. N. H. W. H. Sabdivaion 19 Sabdiviiion 19 H.8. E.twri wTh .•rt Sabdiviiion 19 S. H. E.H. 8. H. N. H. E. H. E. H. E. H. 19 Subdiv 19 N. H. N. H. N. H. £. H. N.H. N.a Kput W. p»rt. E. pt of E. H. 8. H. B.H. 8.H. I s.n. Sabdiviiion 19 N. W. Comer. W. H. vr.H. B. H, W.H. K. B. K.H. N. E. &H. 8.H. E.put W. H. W.H. E. part. J.^TuiTier owner SubdiTJi'on 19 N. H. N. pt of N. pt N.H. \V. p4rt SUB-DIVISION NO. 3. 7 8 n lU II 13 14 16 16 S8 30 40 41 42 43 44 46 46 47 48 4i) 60 13 111 86 84 !7 87 18 88 19 86 20 86 21 80 22 82 23 81 24 97 26 98 26 96 27 105 127 133 130 31 1.34 32 129 33 131 34 132 36 123 36 124 37 126 .38 126 39 128 153 169 160 164 166 16C 166 196 190 191 189 61 223 Ging.ich, Jacob L. 52 222 Gorman, Daniel 63 221 dninan. John 64 220 Guiuan, Pat.iok 56 218 Graham, WiPiam H 56 243 Hironimu, Jacob 67 264 Hanuau, Janiea 68 253 Hardnick, William 59 247 Hothom, Kobert J 60 269 JoItDaon, Jamea do, do. do. do. do. do. Jobnaton, Edward JohnitoD, Jamea %1 do. do. 63 276 JohDatoD, Uenry 64 277 Johnston, Thomaa 65 287 Johnstou, (T«orge K 66 306 Kennedy, G«orge L Lehman, Benji ''■m Lane, Henry M 69 408 MoytT, Francis .\(,. il.i. 317 319 A Armstrong, Jamea Sr., do. do. do, Armstrong, Kaney do. do. Armitrong, John Armstrong. David B l>acher, William Batei, ueorge Boycc, Edward Ijerns, John Crown, William Brown, John Brownette, George do. do. Baoher, Jobi do. do, Boyce, Jamea c Camie, William Campbell, Maloolm do, do. Campbell, Pet*r do. Campbell, James Campbell, W^ 'lam Campbell, John Campbell, Archibald Corvin, Edwurd du. do, do. do, Clarke, Launcelott Clarke, William Calloway, Joseph, Sr. Calloway, Joseph, Jr, Ching, Richard do. do. Cleivti, Paul D Danby, James Dotiglau, Peter do, do. Detweiler, Ueniy do. do, Dunn, John Dalgety, Itolwrt Douglass, llobert Douglaas, Allen DawBOD, Honry Dawson, Joseph Dawson, John Dawson, George Davis, James E KbKt, John Eslur, Allen Ealer, EUgleaon Erwin, Ceorge Ealer, Jamea Elliott, Robert Krrett, Isaac F Foster, Joieph do. do. Foster, John Ford, John Flack, WiUiam S 12 Bayfield 11 11 8 11 11 aiuN. 12 12 13 12 B. B.N. BaylieU 9 8. B. 11 13 B. E, N. 12 Range E 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 9 10 10 B. R. N. B.R. N. Range 8 bTR. N. Bayfleid 11 12 12 13 13 12 12 S. R 8. B. 11 8 10 10 11 13 13 13 S. B. 10 u B. K. V. S. B. 8. B. S. B. 10 8.8. 13 13 la 13 10 3.a 13 11 8,R 7 7 B. R.N. B. R. r. 10 8. B. a w •• f^ 8. R 10 11 B. R.N. 10 10 B. n. N. S. B. 13 ^ M 19 197 12 13 18 19 7 6 10 11 11 9 196 3 18 SO II 4, 6, 0. 7, IS 9 18 21 24 17 17 8 9 10 22 22 8 8 11 C Othfr DucrifHion. 199 W.H. S. H. £. H. E.H. St. Andrews 8. H. Ran<nD ^. H. 8. H. N.H. N.H. K H. N.H. 22 and 23 » 4 8 8 IS 21 22 10 4,5 Jl 11 ai 8. B. comer 8. H. N. pt 8 4 4 20 5 4 7 23 19 19 6 IS S 8 9 9 18 13 14 11 12 14 13 24 10 21 27 IS 23 9 1< ' 10 6 E. pt of E. H. N.H. S. H. S. H. N.H. E. H. 8. H. N.H. ^ P*- N.H. N.H. 8. H. N.H. W. H. 8. H. 8. H. W.H. E.H. N.H. SUB-DIVISION NO. 4. 26 27 28 29 30 31 ,12 33 34 36 .■W 37 38 39 40 41 42 4S 44 46 46 47 48 49 50 61 62 63 66 56 67 68 69 64 66 77 96 667 201 90 106 107 1U8 143 136 136 139 147 144 140 142 141 137 164 163 162 161 172 167 174 169 166 64 168 194 193 220 229 230 Same, A >'IaD, James Ayott, Ragis Armstrong, John Annstrong, Jas., 8r. do do Armstrong, Jaa,, Jr. Adam*, Juhn do do do do £ Biggart, John Brownaon, A. B. do do do do ^0 do RaDQeinuui, Andrew Bannerman, A 'ex. Bannerman, Wm. Baihy, Ragis, Brovi lette, G«orge do do Bailey, Richard Burgess, Thomaa Ballentine, Donald c Commander. C. R. Castle, Elijah CastU, (leorge Castis, (ifDrge Challet; Francis ChalM, August CampbelL Alex. Cao.pb«U, Oeorgs Campbell, Malcolm Campbell, Peter do do do do do de Concit, Jonh do do Cbing, Richard do do Cameron, M. C. Cullen, David Cowie, James. Cameron, Donald Jameron, Thomaa Connor, W. W. do do D Dewer, James Urysdale, Robert do do Duran, Peter Duahtrm, Nelson Dresser, Henry Do« jing, William do do Dupee, Michael Durand, B.')Bsil Diak, Robert Durand, Joseph Dusbarm, Christ. E English, Robert Etue, Levi Ealer, John Ealer, James Egleson, Robert Eflson, John do do do do do do Erwin, George do do KlUott E>Iward Elliott Thomas do do Elliott Andrew F Foley, William Ferguson, John G Oravetlf 4aaph (irtinger, Jamea, Jr. Grainger, Alex, do do I 67 252 68 281 69 26,^ 70 2.W 71 262 K. pt. 72 21'pO 232 Gairdner, James 2j3 Gairtlner. Kobt, M. D. 227 Geffrey, Cepra .326 Gelleno, Oleo 224 Geror, Moses 228 Qib«)n, Wm. H Herd, Thomaa Higgina, Benjamin Homer, John Homan, Valentine Haacke, Arthur Hfiwani, Henry L. K. K L. -. W. U v.. W. Q D WoodLsnda Range P Range E Range D Bayfleld Bayfield Range K Bayfield Range L and 1 L. R. E. Bayfiekl Bayfield BavHcld L. R. W. Range 1) RangeC Range B 13 «->J lUyiield Bayfield L. R. W. L. R. W. L. R. W. h. R. W. ■jia ih, \v lUnge K Range I W R. W. BayHeM Bayfield 5 Olkrr De»fTij4knt. B. R. N. U. R. W. U R. E. 12 Bayfield L. h. E. Baj field Bayfield Range E Range H RangeH Range F L. R. E. L. R. E. L. B. E. U E. W. B. R. y. Bayfield Bayfield Bayfield McTaviah street iUcge 1 U R. W. L. R. W. Bayfield L. R. W. L. R. W. L. R. E. U R. B. 12 12 B. R. N. Range E Range D Bayfield Range E B. R. N. Bsyfield Bay.leld K R. W. Bayfield Range A ' Bayfield Range F L. R. W. 8. B. L. R W. 8. B. L.& E. Bayfield Bayfield L. R, E. lUuge M U R. W. L. R. W. L. R. W. L. R. W. Hang* A, IM 14 N. 4 of 8, 4 1,2 2:1 17 19 197, 199 3 E. part 7 lUnnO 206, 20t, 204 203,202 26,24,298 6 4 6 7 14 14 14 19 9 196 172, 126 241, 242, 244, 238 3, 4 tit. Andrew't N.H. N. B. a D N. H. of N.' h! W. part BayfveU, 948 8. H. of N. H. N.H. of N.H. 8. H. N.H. 8t. Andrew'! 2,3 6 6 54 21 21 9 18 18 4,6,6, 9 1 4 146 11 6 8. I{. corner 26, 28, 46 and 24U other* 182, 183 12 179, ,339, 340, 341, 342 3,4 249, 248, 247, 260, ie. 121,6,7 8,0 30 25 29 23 169 262 2 3 20 10 16 8. )25 E. U. 8. W. comer 8. E. ooraer W. H. of W. H. 8. H. K part N. put owner 8 N. H. ■ 6 8. a 24 8. part 30 8. pvt I N. Woods, owner 3 3,4 4 21.3, 73, 20i, 3.'i8, to. 169, 168, 167, 144, fto. 3 H»7 8. H. 8, 8, 7, 7, E. i 6 4 218, Bayfiekl 163 119, 120,66,66,67,^ 174, 186, 4, 5, 60, 62. ke. 21 N. H. 11 11.9,7,8 8, 9, 6. 7 74, '76. '76, 'ao. 74. 76, 76. to. 19 H. part 20 8. 1 of STj 23 8. uit 8. 9 W. part 6 2?, M. pt 23. 1,. R. E. 240, 177, 281, »c I! 1.1 166, 166, I4.\ kc. 1, 2, 7 228 Gibxm, Wm. K.-ttl.'. l:..t,.;rt \ «.'. 'J9& Keiiiiaol, 'I'liouiu 1 do du I L 66 812 lAadera, John 1 «V 31% Uut, J.ihn 4 do do 3 M 68 3M MiuUnl, J*ma I do do 1 69 381 Murdock, Junu 1 70 3A2 Mordock, ViiV'UO 2 71 3S0 Moody, Jvnea 1 72 32r> MutUrd, Willijun 3211 MuiUrd, Alciuidtr 1 78 1 74 34« Munroe, NbU 1 7B 347 Miller, J>mM 1 7< 349 M»k«, Kobnt 1 77 378 Moffit, Wmltw 4 do do 4 78 379 Moffat, Willum 4 79 377 MUU, Thonua Mc 5 80 3ri5 Mol^an, Jiunea I 81 3S3 MoKenne, Andrew I 82 345 McGregor, Hugh 2 83 .143 McCDwan, John 2 84 364 McKwen, Aleiander 3 do do 4 88 344 McOregor, Hoah 2 86 327 MoQaeen, James 1 87 328 McT.t'unrt, Malcolm I 88 330 Mc1..hI>, lioiiglaa 2 89 331 McKwr :, ,)oli,T 3 90 332 McKwan, Malcolm 3 do do 2 91 333 MuEwan, Duncan 2 92 334 McOregor, Duncan 2 93 348 Mofiregor, I'eter 1 94 ai5 MoEwan. John 3 95 3,17 MoEwan, Finlay 4 96 33« McEwan, Duncan 2 97 338 Mc(iregor, Grogor 3 98 .339 McQueen, John 2 99 ,140 McQueen, William 3 100 .180 McKenzie, Donoao 4 iOI 370 McKarlane, Jar;ies 4 do do 4 do do 4 do do 4 102 341 McCarlane, William 2 103 460 McDonald, Donald 1 104 363 McNair, (ioorgc 3 im 360 MoDermot, Donald 3 IOC :I58 McDonald, Gilbert 2 107 3S7 McDonald, John 2 106 3,'>g \ .Dougall, John 3 109 345 McDonald, Duncan P 1 110 442 Phillips, Peter 1 111 444 Penfound, Henry 2 do do 4 112 438 I'ayne, David 1 113 439 Perrin, Thomaa 1 114 440 Perrin, John H. 1 116 443 Phillips, WillUm 2 110 450 Pcarion, William 3 do do 2 R 117 470 IloM, John 1 118 474 Koaa, Jamei J 119 475 lloss, Alexander 1 do do 2 120 473 lUttenbury, WUIiaai 2 do do 1 121 471 Itou, Donald 2 122 472 Roaa, Daniel 2 123 480 Koas, Donald 3 124 481 Itoss, Hugh 479 lloM, Ro<lerick 3 125 3 !26 477 Held, David 3 127 476 Keid, Hector S 3 128 525 Shaffor, Henry 1 120 524 Swan, Andrew 1 do do I 130 516 SUnbnry, George 1 131 117 Stanbury, William 1 132 118 Stanbury, John 2 do do 2 133 619 Stephenson, John 1 do do 1 134 521 Speara, William 3 IJ6 537 Sfrswart, Jamea 4 do do 4 136 636 Stewart, John 6 do do S do do 5 do do 4 \n «iW Hmith, CoUn 2 IS8 523 Stewart,Jame«, M. D. I 139 520 Skinner, John 1 do do 1 T 140 596 Tumey, Hugh 616 Turner, William 5 141 B. R. N. do do 6 142 591 Turner, Jamei B. R. N. 143 693 Taylor, George do do 1 2 144 594 Thompaon, Alex. 3 14S 596 Thompaon, Hugh 3 146 590 Tomlinaon, John V 1 147 617 Vine, Thomaa w 3 148 620 Whiteman, John S.B. 149 618 Waldron, Thomaa do do 1 1 ISO 628 Wolf, Jacob do Jo 4 4 151 652 Wuoda, Ninian, Y L. R. W. ISS 652 Youall, David 3 153 663 Youall, Robert 3 ■.! cm. 'J, lot-', i; II. 13 labdiviaion 16 14 do 7 » 5 4 10 10 11 17 16 I 6 II *g » 20 at 17 M IS IS 17 19 32 33 and 34 SO SO 25 23 29 W. H. N. H. lub'iUviaion 16 sub.diviaton 16 do N. K. E. H. K. H. S. H. 1, 2, ,1, 8 and 9 anb-diviaion IS S8 » SO » 02 M SO 31 30 29 20 31 11 8 3 3 11 12 12 W M M 6 92 31 8 IS 14 14 16 7 and 8 27 26 14 14 10 7 7 1 16 E. H. E. part W. part E.part W. part S. E, oomar N.H. 8, H. sub-diviaion 16 W. H. 8. H. 8. H. sub^Iiviaion 16 N.H. parti 6 anb-diviaion it> » K U 36 21 I a 27 18 27, 28 and 29 f 6 19 1 1 17 17 21 12 4 32 23 26 K land2 16 16 N.H. K. H. S, E. corner W. H. E. H. 8. H. anb-diviaion 16 8. part 36 ^o N.pait t;4 65 ^73 2il 66 270 ^"sKs^l* r hi iL,H. Hi H, N. ^ HI 112 113 116 117 118 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 136 136 ^ ^37/ 139 140 141 142 143 144 , 145^ ■ 146(1 147 ^48 Vl49 160 151 Jutioaou, Jamea 11. Jan-utt, Jamei du <lo Jubnaon, Thomaa do du K 67 298 Kylo, WiUUn 68 290 Keyi, WUIiam 69 30U Keya, AndiJW 70 301 Kuj», Thomaa 71 302 Keya, Robert 72 303 Keya, Wdlian 73 304 Keys,Thamu L 74 313 Lyon, David do do 76 314 Logau, ChaiJa* 76 316 Love, Husk 77 323 Logan, James do do M 78 383 Mitchell, Alexander 8r. 79 .184 Mitchell, Alexander Jr. 80 385 Mitchell, George Mc McCIymoDt, Wir**in McClymoDtf James McFarlanet Dudcui McB'arlane, Donald McTaviah, Peter McNaughton, JoSq do do McAfli, John McDie.'irott, John McDiennott, Hagh McDiertnutt, J9-n«t MuBtith, John McHeth, Walter MuDuufpiI. Donald McDougat, Johu Mclver, James Mclver, / 'eiander Molntyrf, Tbomu Mulntyrt), JamtM Mc Bride, Samue! do do McCHnchey, Wi'Iiam McC'linchey, Robert Mcljii:, Alexinder McGil). Neil P Purdy, William do d ) Pollock, Maraha'l Parsons, William tto do Penfound, Henry do do Patton, John Peck, John Peck, liobert do do Pollock, John do do Pollock. David Plewia, William do do 114 440 Perrin, John R 115 483 Keid, John do do 502 Reid, Itobert 501 Reid, James 505 lUid, William do do do do 119 504 Reid, Johu do do 484 Robertson, David do do 503 Reid, Robert do do 510 Rife, David 511 Rife, Maurioft do do 500 Reid, John 509 Rattenbury, Isaao 486 Richardaon, William 482 Reid, Samuel 512 Redmond, John 488 Robinson, James 486 Kapkett, George do do 484 Robinson, John 81 .174 82 375 83 382 84 381 86 373 86 417 87 365 88 370 89 361 90 362 61 .16» 92 .109 93 366 94 367 95 380 9o 387 97 388 98 389 99 390 100 397 101 398 102 392 103 371 104 449 105 470 106 451 107 444 108 44,5 109 462 110 453 4G1 462 447 643 544 3»:: 631 ^616 87 5) 433 635 646 64 1 546 647 048' (649 550 651 mi !j9 632, 152 153 154 155 613 680 592 l&ff' 616 167 16R 159 160 161 162 697 698 669 600 602 (iOI S Stinaon, Andrew, Stinson, Thomas Stogdill, fVMMa '. Simpson, VViUiaia do do S|>arrow, Johnfi, Simpson, Thon^ do do Smith, William Smith, John O. Smith, Henry I Shaw, Charles Stephensonj^aTid , 3tc phenBoni^eo?g8 HMnojjfou, William I Sleji^Dko^, Joh< ^•Miaw, James Hharo, William Schaffbr, John Smith, Malcolm j(Jo ^ do gRiarp, Robert, Seacord, Jostah do do . do do Seaoord. 8t«Dhan ; T Turner, Samuel Torrance, John Turner, .John do do do do Turner, William do do Turner, Jamea Turner, John Turner, Robert Templeton, Jamea do do Thompson, Wm. Thiimpaon, H. 1) H. B. 6 6 6 S. B. 13 11 6 16 15 15 14 V.B. W, part 9 9 9 8 13 13 12 9 N.H. 8. H. 8. H. B, R.N. R R. N. 7 a. B. 6 4 7 21 15 "8 B Subdivision 19 8. W. Comer. W.H. B. R. 8. 8 B. R. 8. 7 7 7 7 4 B. R. N. B. R. S. B. R. 8. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 e 7 9 9 10 9 4 5 B. R. N. B. R. .S. B. R. N. S. B. 4 S. B. 11 B. R. N. 9 9 9 10 9 9 r, 5 5 6 6 B. RK. B. R. N. Bayfield B. R. S. Range H. B, K. N. B. R. 8. a R. N. B. R. N. B. R. 9, 7 8 8 aB.x. 6 4 • B 8. a aH.». do do tE.S. . R.N. D.B. N. 7 7 8. B. 6 6 6 • « ■ 8 9 8.& 8 S h. n. a. do do *> B. I.N. B. P % do B. R. N. do B. E.N. 6 7 7 7 8 15 19 13 16 16 7 7 13 23 23 20 6 7 7 8 8 10 11 18 10 18 14 4 3 8 6 12 10 E.H. an. N.H. N.H. 8.H. W.H. 8.H. part. N.H. 2 Subdiv. 18 8 N. E. Corner fi Subdi>', 18 8 3 7 9 20 8 9 10 W.H. 18 IS 12 12 » IS 16 12 12 818 . 3 Sand 6 13 2 and 3 16 18 13 18 11 8 11 8 IC n s &H. a H. E. part N. W. C. E. part £. part E. H. E. H. 319 8ubdiv. 19 W. End. E. H. Subdiv. 18 W.H. Subdiv. 10 W.H. W.H. N. H. 4t H.ofS.H. do w. a. v.a S.H. KB. N.H. f 8«bdiv. IS 14 17 3 4 17 7 laris s • 8 17 8 IS u 18 13 11 17 7 12 4 S 19 J« 8. pt. K.H. N. part £■ part Subdiv. 18 do W.H. £. H. 8.H. &H. aH. K.H. N-H. an. N.H. an. E. |M>rt Subdiv. 19 do part 10 .S-ahiiv, IS 11 E. H. 19 8. H. 1? N. E. C part 19 18 Subdiv. 18 21 8 8 6 10 II 14 IS 10 10 an. s. H. N. H. < 66 67 6S .70 71 72 73 74 76 76 II 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 !Ki 97 98 99 100 101 102 104 lOii 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 11,'; 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 IS 12V 130 131 iS2 133 1S4 lie V.B. \V. part *iti 67 6S 317 319 5 4 3 N. H. 3 S. H. 2 9 a H. 7 Sttbdirition 19 21 i . W. Comer. 15 10 6 5 W. H. 15 19 13 E.H. IG an. 16 N. H. 7 7 13 23 23 20 6 7 7 8 N. H. 8 S.H. 10 W. H. 11 16 16 IS S. H. 14 4 part. 3 N. H. 8 6 12 10 2 Subdiv. 18 8 N . E. Corner fi Subdiv, 18 8 3 7 20 W. H. 8 9 10 20 18 aH. 18 8. H. 12 12 E. part N. \v: C. 9 16 B. part IS E. part 12 E. H. 12 E.H. 818 319 3 Subdiv. 19 nd 6 W. End. 13 E. H. and 3 Subdiv. 18 16 W. H. 18 Subdiv. 19 13 W. H. 18 W. H. 11 N. H. 4«.H.ofS.H. I » do II w. a. aM« > w.a. IS M « S.H. a E. H. • N. H. 7 S«bdiv. IS J« 8. pt. K.H. 14 N. part 17 £. part 3 Sabdiv. 18 4 do 17 W.H. 7 E. H. and 3 6 aH. S an. S an. 17 N. H. 8 IS N-H. U aH. 18 N.H. 13 an. 11 17 E, part 7 12 4 Subdiv. 19 S do 19 part 10 ' 11 E. H. 19 S. H. IP, N. E. C )trtl9 18 Sabdiv. 18 21 6 6 10 11 aH. 14 8. H. IS N. H. 10 10 < 69 406 ,70 71 72 73 74 78 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 9.5 '.Hi 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 lOu 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 11,'; 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 123 124 125 126 127 12V 130 131 ISl lU 1S4 US 4*17 392 393 4U0 401 397 398 396 394 .395 399 433 4t9 454 465 456 457 458 459 460 461 4G2 463 404 496 490 489 492 491 493 495 494 665 .IGT B62 561 058 652 653 564 554 55« 057 583 MO 639 5.18 682 606 607 604 605 SOS IS est S37 636 625 (33 634 63S •It Kennedy, (ieorgo L Lane, Ifciiry M Moycr, Francri do. do. Meyer, Jacob Mack, Jubn MansoD, John Murray, Angus Mc McLean, Samuel McClincbey, \ViUiani MoClincbty, Itobert MoCtinohey, Jamea MoKtuley, joba do. do, McKinley, Kobert McCIinctaey, Her y o Otterben, Ueory P Purdy. William do. do. Parke, (ieorge I'arke, Jamea Parke, George Parke, John Parke, James F. Peck, \Vi"iam Peck, Heniy Pollock, John Pollock, John Pol'ock, Da\:d Peck, John, Jr. R Rouatt, John Robinaon, Thomas Robinson, liklward Rouatt, Robert lloua*t, George Rathwell. W^"iara Rathwell, John lUthwell, WiltUm Ritchie, D, H. S Htylea, James Scotchmer, Alfred •Steingtiiger, Charles Smith, Adam Stickley, Daniel do do do do Shea, Robert Sparks, George Sparks, Alexander do do •Sherrit, Thomas Sherrit, Wdliam Stodgill, William, Sr. Stogdill, William Stephenson, John Stephenson, John Stephenson, lUIph Stephenson, Thomas Stephenson, Robert Stephenson, Ralph Sterling, George do do T Tippit, Charles do. do. do. do. Thirsk, Thomas Tliirsk John Tough, Charlss Tough, John Toiigb, John, Sr. w Westlakc, Gdmuad do do Wetw«r, Frederick Witwpr, Hatnual Walkfr, Bobort WaHs, ThomM Wells, Jamea do da Wair, John Waltar, Jeka L'-JS (Jll*ili. \V| I I, VN 10 10 B. n. N. 8. a 13 13 aB. u 10 12 10 9 10 11 II 10 11 13 B.R.N. B. H. 8. 10 fl B. It. N. B. R. N. B.R.N. 10 10 10 9 9 11 B. U. 8. 10 10 10 10 11 B. R. a 11 B. R. S. a D. 12 8. R 8. B. 12 13 13 13 12 12 13 10 11 U 11 10 10 10 11 11 11 Range p. B. R. 8., B. R. N. Hangs E Bayliald 13 ig 13 II U LB. a do as. S.B. 19 B. R.«. .do §. b: It ic 10 6 7 5 * U IS N. U. W. pt £. pt .S. H. W. H. n 7 8 6 15 8. H. 9. E. corner 2 Sub-Di\ k'on 18 K N. E Comer 3 12^ 5 5 5 18 18 SO 18 aH. 18 aH. 28 W. pt 3 9 N.H. an. 17 N.H. 17 a H. 22 N.H. 9 22 ■ S.H. 7 20 aa 9 N.H. 45 E.H. 24 8. E. comer 7 aH 7 7 10 W. pt of 8. pt 13 14 16 4 ■ S 9 9 14 10 S, H. 18 H. H. 18 aH. 17 IS 9,10,11 6 a pt. 6 10 IS7, IN 4 N.fl. ft It M R. a. U Id u ts ss e 10 is-s f-lO (S « 9. KoorMt & X. tonm (••IN 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 7V 78 7» 8b 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 00 91 92 114 115 116 118 119 125 126 127 128 129 180 131 133 133 134 186 136 137 138 1.39 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 161 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 169 160 16! 162 163 164 1C5 166 167 168 170 171 252 251 265 259 262 260 261 283 287 286 284 288 291 292 .306 .307 309 301 .308 321 320 318 408 93 410 94 409 95 403 iW 41)4 07 45 98 402 !(9 425 1 1 391 101 414 102 415 ia3 411 104 423 lft5 429 106 428 107 412 108 421 109 420 110 418 111 413 112 419 113 41>i 432 431 117 4.37 435 4.34 120 469 121 4S8 122 407 123 465 124 466 496 .505 498 .503 499 514 806 138 .580 581 677 ,576 576 574 .570 572 669 673 571 .578 585 .584 559 560 679 582 G08 611 614 615 602 643 648 660 636 640 642 633 634 64S 651 660 64S 6.38 649 644 II Herd. Tbonus Higgina, B«ajamiD llortier, John H<Mnan, Valsntioo Haackti, Arthur Howani, Henry Harrison, W, J Johnson, Ch itopher Johiuon, Wm. Juhnwin, James Johnth>n, Wm. Johnson, I'aSriok Johnson, Wm. JohosuD, T^K Janiivaon. Oeor;ge Johnston, Jufai K Knowles, Thos. Keys, liunea Keys, John King, W'I'iam King, John L Ijockhart, Richard I:*tl<lie, I'hos. Logan, Wm. iio do M Mayo, Frank do do Mero, David Muso, Narcis Montj,'omery, Wm. Montgomery, Samnel Montgomery, Wm. Mossop, Thos. Martin. Abel Moyer-, John Morrison, Robert Morrison, Wi" ■•>m Mayo, Henry .Morgan, John Middletnn.ChfTles Marks, Tudor M'ler, Henry Mc Mclntoab, James do do McCaulcy, Xormaa McCauley, Neil McDonald, George McDougal', Dapiel McDonald, James do do McCann, Heniy N Nicholson, Jcwepb NichoUoD, Jona}i Oster, Peter do do Orr, Robert • Oater, Michael P Pollock, John do do Plunkett, Wm. Penhale, Richard Reliant, Joseph Porter, Wilham R Row, John Reid, Wm. Row, Peter Reid Robert Rowse, John Roth Valentine Uutledgc, Andrew s SherraCt, Benjamin Spackmin, Robert , Spackman, Geor^^ Snowdon, Bernara do do Snowdon, Robert Slack, (loorge Stephenson, Wm. Sharrett, Pascal Screen an, Bernard Screenan, MioHsel Sharrett, Louis Snider, Jacob Stirling, Archibald Strutbere, John Stanbury, Richard, M. Sharrett, (jeorgo Sharrett, Wm. Stinson, Thomas Sterling, George Tod J, James Tolbert. Kdward Twentyman, Thoi. Thompson, Jamei Todd, WiUiam w Wild. Josenh Wooil, Frederick Whitten, James Watson, Robert W^estiake, Matthew W;!d. Cissitncr Wells, Thos. Wells, James Wilson, Frederick Woods, Ninian, U. D. Wall win, Aaron Wilson, John Wilson, Daniel do. do. Williamson, Jamsi Watson, John z |«rt UangaK 6 Itangal 6 U K. W. 2?, M. pt 23, 1,. a s. 240, 177, 281, *o. HayHckl Bayfield 165, 166, 14.5, kc Range K 1, 2, 7 Bajteld 550, 551, 552, Range K, 4 KaomK aB S, "-T'h* L It E W put S. B. 29 R H. a a » an. L. It B L. K. K. ■• n.m.«t ttrs. vr. 1 'J7 . 4 I<>t4>i BaySaid 88. H», UO, aiul 14 otkera a "i BayA.ld BayBeU 290 ; Kaaga N, -2 L. R.K 13 lUngeF Bayfbia n 2.59,26' 434-11 otlun llayHcId 222,223 Bayfield 263 ; Range H, Lot 6 Bayfield 56, 198, W. part M Bayfield 208 lUnge.M Bayfield 5, 6 : Ranffe L 5 .« L. R. W. 24 N. put .s. a 30 W. part L. R. K. H. pt. 20, N. pt N. pt 21 22 ft-. H. L. R. E. I,. R. K. 8 L. H. E. 7 L. R. E. r' I,. R. E. Bay Held S. ii. 246, 451, 452, and 3 oUieta P \V. part Bayfield 221 Range C 10 L. R. E. 18 N. H. Bayfield 15, 14, 16, and 7 othera Bayfield 257 Bayfield 82, A, B, 7, 8- 9 othera Range M 4-lUnge L, 4, 2 RansaN Bayfield 1 24.5, 291, 292-6 others Bayfield 53 Bayfield 200 Pingeft Bayfield 6,7,8 209, 212 BaylicM 180, 187, 188 Ran-ve P, Lot 5— IUn((C E, Lot 5 Baynelil 163, ICl, 147, 148, 12 L. R. W. 4 part E. U R. W. 4 part a St. Andrew'i 1 Argyle itieet McTaviah atreet A, B— Argyle itreet D L. R. E. 16 N. H. L R. W. 18 a. H. B. a N. 1 St. Andrew's McTaviah atreet I — and6athen Bayfield 289, 270, 279, 280, &c. L. a \V. 17 N. H. L. a W. 16 S. H. of N. H. L. R. E. 18 8. H. 656 Zaphe, Chriatisn I,. R. a Kann H L. K. W. B. R. N. U. R. N. Range K Bayfield L. a W. L. It. E. L. R. a L. R. W. L. It E. L. R. W. L. R. E. L. R. E. L. R. W. L. R. W. L. R. a L. R. a L. R. E. Bayfield D. Bayfield 13 13 U R. \V. Range F L. R. E. U R. W. Bayfield Bayfield L. a E. L. R. a Bayfield Bayfield L. Ii. E. I.. It E. t., u v„ B. a 8. B. R. 8. Bayfield L. R. W. Range N Bayfield L R. W. L. R. a Bayfield Range F Bayfield a 4 22,N. pa.t23 6 19 N. H. ot a H. W. 113-6 othera 6 a H. 8—6 others an, 214, 35, 33 . pt.8, s 5 13 W 14 15 16 22 20 20 29 19 21 7 324,223, 228,229, 12 12 7,3,4 9,10, 11 S.H. IS— 2«Uisn W.part 8. part N. part 8. part N. pwt a H. of W. part N. H. of W. part an. 226 230- -22 others 8. H. N. a -a K. 8, Lit s 21 8. H. of N. n. N. 4 18-2 others a 4 200,41, 27-5 others 199 IBayfield mills 21 8. if. of N. H. middle part 1- 6 othen 502,603, 604-12 ntben 194, 195, 193 9 11 *•■ pstc I — 9 tr^ncnt 10 12, 8-R A 9, 10 316 w, a. I, 2-17 others 4 178, 181, 180-3 othera II, 8. a pt 10 8. W. 4 8, N. W. i » 185,184 8 231,232 15« 158 100 161 162 5U7 598 59U 600 602 6t> 163 625 164 16S 166 167 170 171 172 627 626 621 619 623 624 622 720 C30 'I'uran, Jamea Turner, John Turnor, Uobert TempUton, Jame* do do TbompuD, Wn, ThumpaoD^ H. w Ward, ThonuH do do do do Wyley, Hugh \Vyley, Thomu WhitQman, George Wanlew, Jamea Sr Wanleat, John Wanlesa, Wm. Waoleea, Jamci Walkfr, John Walker, Jamei } 1 7 s 8 B. U. N. RR. ft 6 6 6 4 B. R. N. do do do 9 S G 10 11 14 13 10 10 1£ 19 15 U 12 10 8 19 19 13 18 14 S. H. S. H. N. H. W. H. N.H. E. H. Sukdir. 19 N.H. N.H. N.H. ^d I heX call ,?non "?,• ,^^ ^ 'r*^^^ °^M tiat a copy It the forSg lit w° Dated August 14tli, 1875. , — ,T A ,: t a/ expositor print, seafc 1 VV > 10 11 14 13 10 10 IT') C44 WaUuii, John S. H. S. H. N. H. |.«yt . ,.| Ituigo P B4yMd I'^X 1*4 m,£tt W. H. N.H. E. H. \S 19 IS 11 12 10 8 Sakdir. ig 19 N. H. 19 :3 18 N. H. 14 N. H. xposiTo^~^Sii;Fr, sEAFORTHf~ . A. M. CAMPBELL, Township Clerk.