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MONTREAL : IHHS. /9t. ^7^557 » -«l»M , , |l.|.|. _ ..|, |„ || -^^rT BULES AND BEGULATIONS — FOR THE — SUPPLY OF GAS. Notice.— This Company are prepared to supply Gas, where tHeir mains are laid, subject to the following Rules and Regulations, and consumers are required to conform to them accordingly :— I. All applications for a supply of Gas must be made m person, or by an agent, at the office of the Company, and the applicant must accede to these Rules and sign an agreement with the Company to that r^\.^^^^il^^ supplied by meter only, the register of which shall be prima facie evidence of the quantity of Gas consumed. Should the meter cease to register or become otherwise defective, it shall, upon discover^ thereof, be changed, and the quantity of Gas consumed shall be computed from the registration of another meter, or by reference to the consumption of a corresponding period, at the discretion of the Company. //>/ 3- The meters will be provided, and kept in repair by the Company, at the following rentals, payable tiuarterly : — 2 and 3 light meters, $0.40 }^ qr. 5 0.50 10 0.60 20 0.90 30 1. 10 45 1.60 50 1.80 60 2.20 80 280 100 / . -_ And upwards \ ^'^ The Company exercise the right to determine the pcoition of the meter, and require the consumer to screw a suitable brass stop-cock on the end of the street service pipe. 4. The meters shall be inspected quarterly, or half- quarterly if the Company deem it expedient, and the accounts will be furnished quarterly. The price of Gas shall, until further notice, be $2.00 per thousand cubic feet in ordinary localities, but should application be made for supplying Gas on distant streets or roads in which there are but few consumers, or in localities difficult and expensive to lay pipes, the price shall be such as to afford a reasonable return for the outlay of capital, allowance being made for conden- sation, extra service, and other incidentals as estimated by this Company, from which there will be a discount of 50 cents per 1,000 cubic feet, on all bills (meter rent not included) if paid at the Office of the Company with- in fourteen days after the expiration of each quarter, /.(?., on the 14th of February, May, August and November, respectively, in each year ; but the Company reserve to \\ /^^' i themselves the right to have the accounts settled monthly, if they deem it requisite, <^ As the discount is made to insure prompt pay- ment, none will be allowed, under any circumstances, on Gas bills remaining unpaid after the fourteenth of the months above named, or such other days as the Company may appoint ; and, in default of such pay- ments, the supply of Gas will be discontinued until all arrears are paid. 5. The Company may, if they think fit, require security for the payment of the Gas expected to be consumed, or the deposit with them of a sum (according to the number of lights to be supplied) sufficient to secure them against loss. 6. Service pipes will be laid by the Company from the main to the inside face of the walls of buildings situated on the line of street or road in which the main lies, free of expense ; but, where the pipe has to extend beyond the boundary of such street or road, the extra length will be charged to the consumer. 7. The Company reserve to themselves the right, at any time, to cut off the communication of the service pipe, if necessary to do so, to protect themselves against loss by fraud or otherwise. 8. The junction or connection with the street service pipe of this Company ; the laying and fixing of the pipes, tubings, fittings and stop-cocks beyond the said service pipe, may be executed by any competent gas- fitter the consumer may choose to employ ; but such work shall be done at the exclusive cost and risk of the consumer, and the Company shall not be held responsible for the results of any defects in such materials or workmanship, or for accidents of any kind that may take place in connection therewith. /^/ 6 9. Immediate notice should be t;iven at the office of the Company, whenever there are indications of a defective supply of Gas. In winter the supply is liable to be stopped by severe weather ; and should any defect arise from the neglect of the consumer in not protecting the pipes, tubings, fittings and meters from the action of the cold, the expense of restoring the same to good working order shall be borne by the consumer. 10. When there is any smell of Gas, the stop-cock must be at once closed by the consumer, who shall forthwith cause the defect to be rectified, if in the interior pipes or fittings. If it be found that the escape is from pipes outside the premises, notice thereof must be immediately sent to the Office of the Com- pany. In cases of such escape of Gas, doors and windows must be opened for the admission of fresh air, and under no circumstances shall a light be allowed near the escape, as a dangerous explosion might result. Consumers will particularly note this warning, as also the special agreement in which the Gas is supplied, that this Company shall be held harmless and free from responsibility in all cases of accidents from explosion or otherwise arising from any defect in the pipes, tubings, fittings, stop-cocks or meters, beyond the end of their service pipe in the wall of the building, and at which point it is agreed the responsibility of the Company shall terminate. 11. The Company's officers or servants shall have the right of free access, at all times, into any premises supplied with Gas, to ascertain the quantity of Gas con- sumed, examine the meter or remove the same. 12. Consumers intending to remove from their premises, shall give at least three days' notice in writing, to be sent to the Company's- office, to enable the Gas to be turned off and the meter removed. The •Kk- registered consumer will be held liable for the (Jas supplied and the rent of the meter until such notice lie given. 13. In case of the turning off of the Gas, disconnec- tion of the pipes, or removal of the meter, in conse- quence of non-payment of the Gas account, a charge of one dollar will be made to pay for turning on the Gas again and re-connecting the meter. 14. Any proprietor of building or consumer of Gas will be furnished with a copy of these Rules, without charge, on application at the office of the Comp; ny. \S' The former Rules and Regulations v .-re repealed and the foregoing duly approved and adopted bv tne Directors, nt the Special Meeting, held at the Company's office, on Wednesday, the 23rd April, 1873. 1/ ?f^ 8 SCHEDULE A. In order to secure an unitcrrupted flow of Gas it is deemed proper to require adherence to the follow- ing Tables : — Size of Tubing. i Greatest TxMigth Allowed. 6 feet 2o " 30 " 40 " 50 '' 70 " 100 " 150 *' 200 " 300 " 450 " 600 " Greatest Number of l^urners. 1 X inch n " Yi " % '• ■ X " I " iX " 1% " 2 " 2>^ - 4 " I 6 12 20 35 60 100 200 300 450 750 J) 5 ic 20 3^ 45 100 SCHEDULE P.. Mktf.rs. Size of Meters. Greatest Number of Burners. Light 1 << I 5 10 20 40 60 100 250 it is o\v- er