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IVIaps, plates, charts, etc., may be ffilmed at different reduction ratioc Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fiimis A des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, ii est film6 d partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, d«t gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 F( "a m ** "*'> ■')tV ra m THE ORDER OF -n. CONFIRMATION, ^'%' :!«r WITH ^ * ^ FORMS OF SELF-EXAMINATION AND DEVOTION AND If DIRECTIONS FOR THEIR USE. '''i*^ " Ye are to take care that this Child be brought to the Bishop to be " Confirmed by him, so soon as he can say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, ♦• and the Ten Commandment* in the vulgar tongue, and be furtheK in- " strucied in the Church Catechism set fortli for that purpose." YORK, U. C. Printed bt Robert Stanton. . 1829. «' ■m,. m- ^. '%■ #■> s* % THE / ORDER OP CONFIRMATION, Or laying on of Hands upon those that arc Baptized^ and come to Years of Discretion, ^ Upon the day appointed^ all that are to be then eonfrmed^ being placedy and standing ia order before the Bishop; (he or some other Minister appointed by him) shall read this Preface fol-* lowing. \ To the end that Confirmation may be ministered to the more edifying of such as shall receive it, the Church hath thought good to order, That none hereafter shaU be Confirmed, but •such as can say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments; and can also answer to such other Questions as in the short Chatechism are contained : which order is very eonvenient to be observed, to the end that children being now come to the years of discretion, and having learned what their Godfathers and Godmothers promised for them in Baptism, they may themselves with their own mouth and consent openly before the Church, ratify and confirm the same; and also pro- mise, that by the grace of God they will evermore endeavour themselves faithfully to observe such things as they by their «\vn confession have assented unto. ^ TTien shall the Bishop say. Do ye here in the presence of God, and of this Congrega- tion, renew the solemn promise and vow that was made in your Name at your Baptism ; ratifying and confirming the same in your own persons, and acknowledging yourselves bound to be- # 'k^H^'i^'v ';^ if- r ■4 4 lieve, and do all those things which your Godfathers and God- mothers then undertook for you ? ^ And every one shall audibly answer ^ I do. The Bishop. Our help is in the name of the Lord ; Anstv, Who hath made heaven and earth. Bishop, Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Answ, Henceforth world without end. Bishop. Lord, hear our prayers. Answ, And let our cry come unto thee. Bishop, Let us pray, ' ' ^ Almighty and everlasting God, who hast vouchsafed to re- generate these thy servants by water and the Holy Ghost, and hast given unto them forgiveness of all their sins ; strengthen them, we beseech thee, O Lord, with the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, and daily increase in them thy manifold gifts of grace ; the spirit of wisdom and understanding ; the spirit of counsel and ghostly strength ; the spirit of knowledge and true godliness; and fill them, O Lord, with the spirit of thy holy fear, now and for ever. Amen, ^ Then all of them in order "kneeling he fore the Bishop, he shall lay his hand upon the head of every one severally^ Defend, O Lord, this thy child (or this thy servant) with thy heavenly grace, that he may continue thine for ever : and daily increase in thy Holy Spirit more and more, until he come unto thy everlasting kingdom. Amen, ^ Then shall the Bishop say. The Lord be with you ; Answ, And with thy spirit. ^ And (all kneeling down) the Bishop shall addy , ' , Let us pray, . „ •>S. m '•»„ Our Father which art in heaven ; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be clone in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil.--« Amen. *ff And this Collect* Almighty and everlasting God, who maketh us both to will and to do those things that be good and acceptable unto thy divine Majesty ; We make our humble supplications unto thee for these thy servants, upon whom (after the example of thy holy Apostles) we have now laid our hands, to certify them (by this sign) o{ thy favour and gracious goodness towards them* Let thy fath« rly hand, we beseech thee, ever be over them ; let thy Holy Spirit ever be with them ; and so lead them in the knowledge and obedience of thy Word, that in the end they may obtain everlasting life, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, ever one God, world without end. Amen. O Almighty Lord, and everlasting God, vouchsafe, we be- seech thee, to direct, sanctify and govern both our hearts, and bodies in the ways of thy luws, and in the works of thy commandments, that through thy most mighty protection, both here and ever, we may be preserved in body and soul, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen, ^ Then the Bishop shall bless them, saying thus, The blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and tiie Holy Ghost, be upon you, and remain with you for ever. Amen. ^ ( Taken from the Boole of Common Prayer.') REMARKS. The Bishop has adopted it as a Rulej not to admit any Can- didate for Confirination under the full age of Fourteen years. Persons who have been baptized, ahhough not by a IVKnis* ier of the Church of England, arc admissible to confirmation, if they purpose to conform themselves to that Church. Persons having received adult Baptism, and all who have not been confirmed, even though they have already been par- takers of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, should be in- vited and encouraged to come forward. The observance of the Rubric which follows tho Catechism^ and which has reference to Sponsors in Confirmation, is not, under existing circumstances insisted on. It is however to be recommended generally, that persons who have acted as Spon- sors in Baptism should fulfil the charge there given to them, to — "take care that the child be brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by him." A METHOD OF PREPARATION, THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND CON- CERNIG CONFIRMATION. I In a work written solely for the use of those who arc willing to h2 confirmed, it cannot be necessary to enter into any formal proof of the antiquity of the rite itself, nor to shew that in all ages of the Church the power of administering Confirmation has been confined to the order of Bishops. The work is in its character entirely devotional, it is addressed to those who love piety, not to those who seek dispute ; and, therefore^ it will be sufficient, by way of introduction, to state what is the opinion which the Church of England has expressed in her Liturgy concerning the origin and use of the rite of Confirmation. Confirmation in the language, and according to the prac- tice of our Church, is a rite derived from " the example of the a Mims<« rnmtioi}, i. ho have leen par- Id be in- techistn, , is not, er to be IS Spon- them, )p to be CON- Ulng to formal t in aU mation s in its 10 love will be pinion iturgy n. prac- of the -ii H Holy Apostles," whereby jwrsons baptized, and " now come to years of discretion, do openly before the Church ratify and confirm the promises made for them by their Godfathers and Godmothers at their Baptism ;" * upon which the Bishop lays liis hands upon them, prays for the gift of the Holy Spirit to them, and blesses them. When, ind- '^ the Apostles laid their hands upon the bap- tized, they at iiie sauie time conferred upon them the miracu- lous gifts of the Holy Spirit ; but though our Church teaches us to regard the imposition of the Bishop's hands only as " a sign" intended to "certify the confirmed of the favour and gracious goodness of God towards them," t without asserting that the Holy Ghost is thereby authoritatively conferred ; still we cannot hesitate to believe, that as our ordinary prayers and intercessions are means of grace to ourselves and others, so in a more especial manner are the prayers of the Church and of the Bishop effectual, to procure the ordinary gifts and graces of his Spirit to them, who " ask in faith nothing wavering." Confirmation is therefore, the coming forward to profess so- lemnly before God, and the Christian Congregation, that you take upon yourself the vow, that your Godfathers and God- mothers liiade in your name at your baptism ; and to receive llie blessing of the Bishop who prays for you, that you may- receive grace from God, to confirm and strengthen you in keeping this vow, and in leading a Christian life. When you were an infant and unable to understand the be- nefit of God's favour obtained through the Sacrament of Bap- tism, or to know any thing of the faith and obedience to God which he requires of you, your Godfathers and Godmothers stood in your place, and entered into an engagement for you. It is right therefore, that when you become able to understand these things, you should confirm with your own mouth that Ordfir of Cojafinnation^ fib. i '^■ r i cngngenient, and pray that God would confirm his promises to you. ; •') i v^' * - You are not to suppose, that persons are not responsible (that is, answerable) to God for what they do, till they have been confirmed : As soon as ever you are capable of knowing right from wrong, you are answerable to God for all your ac- tions, words and thoughts, and every one is lial^le to punish- ment from God, as far as he knows his duty, or has the means of knowing it, and yet does it not. It is not because your Godfathers and Godmothers made promises in your name, that you are bound to believe in God and to serve him ; but because there is no other way to obtain his favour in this life, and endless happiness after death. - '■ »i OF THE RULE OF PREPARATION FOR C(. " • IRMATION PRESCRIBED BY THE CHURCH. Having thus stated what is the duty to be performed at Con- firmation, namely, the renewal of our baptismal vows ; and also the nature of those spiritual benefits, which we believe to be consequent upon its administration, we proceed to inquire, what the Church expects to find in those who come to be con- firmed. It is the manifest purpose of the Church, that none shall be confirmed, but those who have a competent knowledge of the doctrines, which the religion of Jesus Christ proposes for our belief, and of the duties which it requires us to practice ; for as much as this is certainly implied in the words of the Confir- mation service, directing, that every person coming to be con- firmed should be able to say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments ; that is, to say them " with un- derstanding ;" whilst the rules of the Church enjoin tnat they shall be also " such as can render an account of their faith according to the Catechism contained in the Book of Common $ »» t' n. 9 W^ Such is the brief summary of preparation presicribcd i)y the *«P Church of I'ngland. Y IMATION AN ADDRESS TO PERSONS ABOUT TO BE CONFIRMED. If you arc about to be confirmed, do not think that you arc- fit to perform this solemn rite, merely because you can say by heart all that the Catechism contains ; you must endeavour to understand its full meaning; for until you do so understand it, the doctrines and precepts of the Gospel will not be imprinted on your heart; and no religious instruction is profitable or fruitful till it is felt and retained there. << With tlic heart,'* says the Apostle,* ''man bclieveth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." When, therefore, you are requested by the minister of your parish to come to him to be examined, let not a false shame, or a fear of being found ignorant, or a notion that you know enough alrpady, prevent you from taking a d^antago of his public and private instruction. The Ministers of the Church have then done their duty to you, when they have assured themselves, that you understand the principles of your religion, that you are desirous to renew your baptismal vows, and to receieve the Bishop's blessing at Confirmation ; when they have endeavoured to impress upon your hearts the importance of being sincere in the pcrformant i of this duty, and encourage you to devote yourselves to tlue service of Christ. But the duty of preparation on your part is a great deal more than going to be examined by your Mi- nister : for when you shall come to be confirmed, you will de- clare solemnly "in the presence of Almighty God that you renew the promise and vow made for you at your baptismj, and acknowledge yourself bound to believe and to do as your »t RpQ. X. 10. B :!:;■ n m '1^' % 10 Godfathers and Godmothers then andertook for you."* Go&l»> dider what a serious matter it is, to make so solemn a cove^ nant with God. What a dreadful act of hypocrisy will it be, to make such a promise to. God, without either seriously in^ tending to keep it, or so much as reflecting upon the meaning of what yoti ave going to say. In order, therefore, to guard you against the commission of 30 great a sin, and to enable you to profit by this rite of Confirmation, let me advise you to prepare yourself according to the directions here given. — May the grace of God attend you in the use of them, and work a serious conviction in yon " soul of the awful importance •of the duty, which you are aboat to perform. )) felREfcTIONS FOR PREPARATIOiN FOR CONFIRMATIOX. / As soon as you have determined to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity of Confirmation, let me advise you to devote a few hours, at a convenient season, to retirement and meditation; and having first prayed to your Almighty Father to assist you in this exercise of devotion> endeavour to pursue the following method of selt-examination ; and do not, my young friend, pass hastily over the questions here proposed, but pause upon each of them, and wherever your heart condemns you, pray God to give you pardon and grace to repent. The examina- tion of yourself, upon the whole of your baptismal vows, is too long to be completed at one time, and you will find it a much more improving exercise, to make this examination the work ■ A MEDITATION UPON CONFIRMATION. »- • I AM shortly to appear in the presence of God, and in the sights of the assembled congregation, to renew by my own solemn act the vows that were made for mp at my baptism. I know, indeed, that I am already bound to fulfil them, and my consci- ence tells me that I have often broken them. Although I have not yet so perfect an understandir.g of the will of God and of his testimonies, as I hopt one day to arrive at, yet hav- ing been brought up by Christian parents and teachers, 1 have heard enough of both to know, that God is holy and that 1 am sinful. 1 should therefore onlv add sin to sin, were I to brad myself anew to keep these vows, without having first examined myself as to my past obedience and the sincerity of my future, intentions. I may deceive my fellow cre'^>■* :• -'■ h^.^' ' Or have I been careless, or ashamed of learning my duty, as if it were a childish thing to be taught the knowlege of God ^ Have I taken delight in reading my Bible, and prayed for help to know its meaning f Have I spent my time in reading ai^ that my Saviour did whilst on earth, and seeking instruction from His own words, and from the commands which his Holy Apostles have deli- verpd ?.''■, , ^ -^i-f Or have I been soon weary of reading the word of God and employed myself in reading in its place, such things as have amused my fancy, or perhaps raised sinful thoughts in my soul f Have I diligently attended Church, and listened to the dis- courses of my spiritual teacher ; and do I now purpose to avail myself of his knd offices, to prepare myself for being confirm- ed by the Bishop ? Have I considered that as I have been admitted a member of Christ's Church, by a Minster of the Church of England, and am now to be confirmed in her communion, so it is my duty to learn whether her doctrines be the doctrines of tlie Scrip- tures, and being so persuaded to continue myself a faithful member of the Church, and to induce those under my influence not toforsake it ? ' I he "The third promise made at my baptism was this. That I should keep God's Holy Will and Command- ments, AND WALK IN THE SAME ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE. How great is the duty which I thus togage to perform !— Certainly, I must confess, that I have fallen very short of my promises ; that I have been guilty of many ^iQS. *¥ /atechisiA d what to my duty, jofGod^ irayed for iviour did i^n words, lave deli- ' God and 1 as have my soul ? o the dis- p to avail confirm- ember of^ and, and my duty je Srrip- faithful influence MMAND- HY LIFE. orm !— ' rt of my Can 1 say, that having engaged to do the will of God, I Iiave devoutly and earnestly prayed for grace, to know what is that holy and perfect will of God, and for strength to pec-' form it ? . , . , I ' Can I say, that 1 have made it my business to learn what he has commanded and to avoid what he has forbidden ? Have I not deceived myself into a belief, that there is no occasion for a young person like myself to attend to the con- ■<:erns of religion, but that I may safely put off the care of my soul, until I am more advanced in years f Am I so insensible to the sinfulness of my nature as not to [perceive how much I stand in need of forgiveness, and so un- aware of its weakness, as not to feel my want of grace ? Does not the thought of death terrify me ; and is not there I a voice within, which testifies that I am not prepared to die ? 1 promised, indeed, to walk in the ways of God all the days I of my life, but instead of doing this, have I not deliberately [resolved to continue in a course of thoughtlessness and folly, mtil some more years are past, years which may never arrive ? Am 1 convinced of the necessity of repentance, and that mless I can acquire an hatred of sin, it will be impossible for le to love sincerely the holy commands of God ? Your duty, as required in Scripture, is — • 1st. To love and to fear God, and to put your trust, not iu /our own merits, but in the rnprits of Christ your Saviour. 2nd. To love all mankind, and to act charitably, kindly^ land honestly by them. . 3rd. To repent of your sins, and to forsake them ; to keep yourself always sober, chaste, virtuous and humble in thought, word and in deed. After all you must be sensible that you are not able of your- self to do your duty, to believe and to obey the Gospel in tlie religious manner that you ought ; but you can, and we hope # #* *'* l-W' m that yan wiU through ttie assistance of God's Holy Spirit.— You must therefore pray unto God to give yoQ this assistance, or Grace of His Holy Spirit, and you must apply to your Soul the other means of grace which are likewise necessary. — 1st. Frequently reading, or hearing the Holy Scriptulfls. 2nd. Attending constantly Public Worship. 3rd. Religiously observing the Lord's Day, — and 4th. Receiving constantly the Holy Sacrament of Christ'ii precious body and blood, to which you are invited, and may be admitted, after you have been confirmed by the Bishop. The consequence of all this will be, that if you are sincere Christians in heart and life, you will obtain the blessings of pardon, grace and salvation : You will be comfortable here, and happy hereafter for ever and ever, through the merits of Jesus Christ your Saviour. Amen. v ., -a ;h ■ ' * A FORM OF CONFESSION TO BE USED DURING THE TIMES OF SELF-EXAMINATION. O Lord God, with shame and sorrow do I confess and ac- knowledge thine infinite mercy and goodness to me, and my great ingratitude to thee. Thou, Lord, wast pleased to shew thy love towards me, by making me a member of the mystical %body of thy Son, adopting me as thy own child, and giving me an inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven; but J, alas! havtf despised and rejected these blessings, which my baptism confer- red upon me, and have deprived myself of all those gracious in- fluences of thy Holy Spirit, which thou vouchsafest to thy obc- I dient children. I have yielded to temptation; I have too great a longing after the pomps and' vanity of this wicked world; I have indulged the sinful lusts of the flesh, and loved those things which are hateful to thee. Woe is me J for I have neither believed in thee, O God, nor loved thee, as 1 ought, and as 1 solemnly vowed I would, I >J^ ■■■;i 17 lament, O Lord, my sad impiety. I bewail my unworlhiness, and the hardness of my heart. O Lord God, whatever else thoii deniest me, deny me not a broken and contrite heart. Lord help me, help me for thine own merc'3S sake, and for the merits and sufferings of thy beloved Son Jesus Christ, in whose holy words I sum up all my wants Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed he Thy name* Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen, THE TIMES A FQRM OF RESOLUTION. Lord, I am now about to renew those solemn vows, which were made for me at my baptism, and which alas ! I have so often broken. I do, therefore, resolve by the aid of thy Holy Spirit, to renounce in future the devil and all his works, those sins of the mind, pride, ihalice, and envy, all lying, revenge and cruelty, all tempting others to sin, all hatred of religion. 1 utterly renounce the pomps and vanities of this wicked world, all sinful excesses in things lawful, all evil customs, all evil companions, all that friendship with the world, which is enmity with thee, all things that may estrange my heart from thee. I utterly renounce all the sinful lusts of the flesh, all the inordi- nate desires of my own corrupt nature which render us unclean in thy sight. O Lord, 1 utterly renounce all things that may in any way displease thee, and pray thee to deliver me from them. 1 know that sin is an abomination to thee, I therefore desire grace to abhor it. . A • . V ■ ■. .- . # IVS IS 1 know that sin exposes us to thy wrath, and set8 the sinnet* at a distance from thee ; I know that I cannot love thee unless I hate sin, I therefore pray thee, give me grace to loathe and forsake it. ; ^r- , Thy love shall be hereafter the sole rule and guide of my life ; I will try to love what thou lovest, and to haie what thou hatest. I will believe all that thou has revealed in thy word, and attend to all that thou hast commanded, and walk in the same all the days of my life. All this I own myself bound to believe and to do ; and though of myself I am unable to per- form it, yet by thy help 1 will strive to keep these my vows. — O Lord, send the spirit of adoption into my heart, to instil into rae true filial affection to thee my heavenly Father, that I may again be owned by thee as thy child, and call thee Father, and share the blessings which thou impartest to thy children, and for my Saviour's sake, be admitted to an inheritance with him in the kingdom of heavei . O Lord, accept my imper- fect repentance, compassionate my infirmities, forgive my wickedness, purify my uncleanness, strengthen my weakness, and let thy love ever rule in my heart. These prayers I hum- bly offer, and pray thee to accept and hear thera for the sake of the merits and suflerings of Jesus Christ thy only Son. Amen. A PRAYER TO BE SAID ON THE DAY OP CONFIRMATION, AND 4T ANY PREVIOUS TIME. O Lord and merciful God, I give thee humble thanks and praise, for that thou hast called me to receive the holy rite of Confirmation, thereby affording me an opportunity of repent- ance, and of publicly renewing my baptismal vows. I thank thee that thou hast given me the will to perform this solemn duty, and humbly pray thee to grant me sach supplies of ■m '*' 19 > ■• ■ grace, that I may keep my vows, and continue in thy faith and fear unto my life's end. O let the ordinance, in which I am ahout to partake, be to me an assurance that 1 am restored, for thy mercies' sake, to thy favour, and to all those graces and privileges of baptism, which are justly forfeited by my gins ; and, O Lord, be pleased to make me a lively member of thy Chuch, of the mystical body of thy Son; and grant ^ that I may so improve and profit by all the opportunities which are offered to mc in the ordinances of that holy Church to which I belong, that I may at the last, through the merits of thy blessed Son, be made a partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in light, and behold the glories of thy Church trium-* phant in heaven. Amm, k DIRECTIONS FOR THE DAY OP CONFIRMATION. As soon as you wake in the morning call to mind the holy work which you are to perform in the course of the day ; con- sider that you are going into tlie presence of God to make to him the most solemn vows, and to engage yourself anew in his service, and when you say your private morning prayers, let me recommend you to add the preceding prayer to your ordinary devotion. Thus fortified by the exercise of prayer, and a course of sincere self-examination and humble confession, it will not be possible for you to proceed to the appointed place of Confirmation, without testifying by the quietness and seriousness of your demeanour, that it is no place of vain amusement which you are seeking, but that you are going up to meet your God. The great concourse of young persons at Confirmation is apt to produce a scene of gaiety, and a day begun with God is often ended in frivolous meetings, and in such society as tends to dissipate those serious impressions, which the service has produced. When you come to tUp ^-J.; 'i^ ■■J, ' '' •J^^^*r' 20 ^ Church, be prepared for temptation ; the busy scene of the assembling multitude, the meeting with friends and acquain- tances, will be so many obstacles in the ways of your devotion* Strive then, I beseech you, to withdraw yourself in spirit from every thing but the service itself, and let the stillness and gra- vity of your behaviour throughout be an evidence, that your heart is engaged in a very serious work. On this and on every other occasion you will remember, that the house of prayer is, in a more especial manner, the place of the pre- sence of the Lord. Let the remaining portion of the day be occupied in devout and holy thoughts, and let it be ended in earnest and heartfelt prayer, in carefully reflecting upon the new obligations to holiness which are now laid upon your soul ; and in. resolving by the help of God's Holy Spirit, to prepare yourself for receiving at the earliest opportunity that blessed Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, which will strengthen and refresh your soul, and be to you the continual source of new supplies of grace, enabling you to increase in holiness, and in the fear and love of God. ni wm ^^ A PRAYER AFTER CONFIRMATION. O God, I beseech thee, to direct, sanctify and confirm my Soul, by the gracious influences of thy Holy Spirit, in the true Christian belief and obedience of thy Gospel, that 1 may be enabled to confirm and to keep all my holy resolutions of a pious and Godly life : And grant that I may serve Thee, and worship Thee, so faithfully here upon Earth, that I may ob- tain pardon and peace, present comfort and everlasting happi- ness, through the merits of Jesus Christ my Lord and my Saviour. Ameri' ^'*^i-' ■'t**Br"':rrP?JP«Tr«ir #■ Ik « 21 NOTE — ON GODFATHERS AND GODMOTHERS. - The Parents of Children are already engaged under such strict bonds, both by Nature and Religion to take care of their children's education, that the Church does does not think that she can lay them under greater ; but she makes provision, that if notwithstanding these obligations the Parents should be negligent, or if it should please God to take them to him- self before their children be grown up, there yet may be others to supply their place, and upon whom it shall lie to see that the children do not want due instructions, by means of such care« lessness, or death of their Parents — hence the beauty as well as advantage of this institution — it is knitting together the Christian family, by the most tender and engaging ties. Godfathers and Godmothers were of early origin in the Church, and in the case of Infants are particularly necessary, in order that they should make, in the name of the child, those promises of repentance and faith to which the privileges of baptism are annexed. It is not an uncommon thing, in civil matters, for one person to promise or engage for another ; and '' that which a guardian doth, in the name of his ward or pupil, standeth, by natural equity, forcible for his benefit, though it be done without his knowledge ; and shall we juc' 'e it a thing unreasonable, or in any respect unfit, that infants, by words which others utter, should, though unwillingly, yet truly and forcibly, bind themselves to that whereby their estate is so assuredly better." " Since the laws of all nations (be- cause infants cannot speak for themselves) have allowed their guardians to contract for them in secular matters ; which con- tracts, if they be fair and beneficial, the infants must make good when they come to age ; it cannot, one would think, be unreasonable for the Church to allow them spiritual guardians, to promise those things, in their name, without which they cannot obtain salvation," when they arrive at an age in which they are capable of performing these promises. ■# * ^ j| P '#, % ^•t \ '* . 9 0, ' li" ^y 7H > * ^ The duties of sponsors are summed tip in the exhortation to them, and extend to an attention to the religious instruction of the child. Where this duty is discharged by parents, the responsibility is removed from sponsois ; but exists, in its full force, where, from any cause, parents neglect this duty. .Some persons refuse to become sponsors, under an idea that thus they will escape a serious charge aud responsibility. But will it not be their duty, in case of parental inability or neg- lect, to promote, by all prudent means in their power, the spi- ^ritual welfare of tlie children of a friend or relative, even though /v they ai^'^not sureties for them in baptism? And are they a- ware, that by declining to stand as sureties in baptism, they shrink from a duty of pious kindness and charity ? It is much to be lamented that erroneous views, or a censurable timidity, lead to the nej^lect of the Venerable custom of having god- fathers and godmothers, which increases the security for the religious education of children, and promotes the pious chari- . ties of lite. - t , W^' »\«r-. I'.^f! '.0^■i ' W I , ^ , • ■. ; 4*' .l-,«'i\ %.. "k >'i- " R. STANTON, PRINTER. -■.i:-y -.^ t •#. tat'ion to struction ents, the in its full ity. idea that Ity. But y or neg- ', the spi- !n though pe they a- ism, they t is much timidity, iing god- tv for the JUS chari- , . « -■ »■ * 4. 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