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Lea cartaa. planches, tableaux, etc.. pauvant «tra f limAs i dee taux da r«duction diff«rants. Lorsque le document eat trap grand pour fttra reproduit en un seul ciich*. il est film* A partir de I'angie supArieur geuche. de geuche A droits. et de haut en baa. 9n prenant la nombre d'Imegea nAcassaira. Lea diagrammas suivants illustrent la m4thoda. D 32 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 HYMNAL OV THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA WITH ACCOMPANYING TUNES. T«NIC S#L-FA EDITION. THE HARMONIES 'E VISED BY E. J. HOPKINS, Mus. Doc. OBOANIST OF THK TKHPr E CHCROH, LOITDOK, RNOLAND. Selected be a Committee of tbe 0en^raC Ztoeembls. TORONTO: ASSEMBLY'S HYMNAL COMMITTEE 1885. vi"S,'"tlr'''"f '^ *•" ^'' °^ "*« Parliament of Canada. In the CONTENTS. Hrmr I. God : Hrs Attoibtttes and Works .... ^ 1-34 II. Jesus Christ. 1. Incarnation 3S-40 2. Life and Ministry 41-46 3. Sufferings ond Death 47-SS 4. Resurrection and Ascension 56-62 5. Dominion and Second Coming 63-89 III. Holy Spii;tT: His Work axd Word 90-109 IV. Christian Lifk. 1. Penitence and Faith ... I ... . 110-130 2. Prayer and Expectation . , 131-151 3. Confessing and following Christ 152-172 4. Communion with God 173-182 5. Submission and Confidence . , , . . ,183-207 6. Conflict and Triumph . . . , , , . 208-230 V. Church. 1. Worship 231-253 2. Ordinances.— Baptism and Lord's Supper .... 254-261 3. Missions 262-275 VI. Death, Resurrection, and Heaven 276-297 VII. Miscellaneous. 1. Special Times and Occasions . , . . '. . 29S-315 2. National Hymns 316-320 3. Children's Services ........ 321-339 4. Dismission Hymns •Uo-147 5. Ancient Hymns 348-349 6. Doxologies 1-14. ^^^^^ paga 402-416 NOTE. 123,3". The Coinmittoe, appointed by (ho Genernl AsspinMy to compile n ITymx J>ooK tor use in the congregations under ilH care, now Mibniit to tlio Assemiily and to the Church the results of their labours. Ihe Comnnttee, on behalf of the General Asseniblv, offer their cratoful acknowletlgnients to the following authors and proprietors for their generous pernu88iou to insert in this collection certain copyright hymns, viz. :— Mrs. C. F. Alexandkh and Messrs. Masteus & Co.. No. 128. Rev. R. H. Haynks, No. 258. ^ Rev. E. H. B1CKEK8TKTH, Nos. fj, 261. Rev. Dr. HoKATius Bonaii, Nos. 6, 53, 68, 113, 122, 127, 131, 151, 184, 259, 276. Mrs. M. BruNH (hymns by Rev. J. D. BfUNa), Nos. 180, 30a Miss E. E. M. Campiiem. (hymn by Miss Campbei.i,), No. 313. Rev. II. E. T. Cuuso (liymns by the lato Dean Alford), Nos. Sir Edward Denny, No. 272. Rev. W. Chatterton Dix, No. 36. Rev. Henry Downton, No. 306. Rev. S. Bauino Gould, No. 223. Mr. J. H. Hayes (translations by the late Dr. Neale). Nos. 97, 170, 2u 294,295, 296,297. ^^' Right Rev. W. W. How, Bishop of Bedford, Nos. 76, 106. PttoPRiETOHH OF " Hymns Ancient AND MoDERN " (liymns by the lata Rev. Sir H. W. Bakku). Nos. 155, 290, 320. Messra. Longman, Green, & Co. (translations by Miss C. Winkwortii). Nos. 31, 58, 89, 139, 183. Rev. J. R. Macduff, No. 88. His Excellency the Marquis of Lorne, No. 20. Messrs. Thomas Nelson & Sons (translations by H. L. L.), Nos. 191 10- Rev. E. H. Plumptre, No. 44. ^ > - < • The Religious Tract Society (hymns by Miss C. Elliott), Nos. 12C, iSi, >95 5 (byiiins by Mr. Jameu Eumkston) Nos. 5, 304. Messrs. Thomas Richardson ii Sons (hymns liy the lato Dr. Eaueu), Nu> 16, 341. Messrs. Rivinoton & Co. (hymn by the late Rev. Henky Francis Lytk) No. 182. ' Mrs. Robertson, Nos. 7, 254. Rev. S. J. Stone, No. 233. Rev. Henry Twells, No. 41. Right Rev. C. Wordswoktii, Bishop of Lincoln, Nos. 34, 241. Mdjf 1880. In the name of the Committee, .lOHN .lENKINS, J . . . ^ WILLIAM GUKCJG, J •^'"''' C""*W'«-«- NOTE BY COMMITTEE ON TUNES. The Comtnittco to whicli was entrusted the preparation of an cditioa of the "Hymnal" with music have adopted for this edition the " fixed-tuno " system. They have taken pains to find tunes adapted in every case to the spirit of the words, and they have endeavoured to secure that the music shall bo of the stately and solemn c liaracter suited to the praise of God, and at the same time simple enough to be joined in by a congregation of ordinary musical culture. In a few cases tunes which are not of the highest class have been retained because they have been wedded to certain words, and have long expressed the devotional aspirations of large sections of the Christian Church. MarT{s of expression have been.inserted as a general guide in the rendering of the Hymns. The revising of the harmonies of the Tunes and the general editing of the Music have been entrusted to Mr. Edwai-d J. Hopkins, Organist of the Temple Church, London, whoso musical ability and sound judg- ment have been of great service in the preparation of the book. Not only has the use of fifteen tunes, which are his copyright, been gene* rously granted by Mr. Hopkins, but three new tunes, Avritten expressly for this work, viz., Edlingham, Trust, and Toronto, as well as a new setting of Gloria in Excelsis, also prepared specially for this book, have been freely placed at the disposal of the CoRiniitt<"8 for whicl" the warmest thanks are offered in the name of the Church. Special thanks are due to Mr. Charles A. Garratt, Organist of NOTE BY COMMITTED ON TUNES. Immanuel Cliurch, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for his tunes, Faith and Comfort, published liero for the first time ; also to tho same com- posei for Onward, Christian Soldiers; and to Mr. J. E. P. Aldoun Organist of St. Thomas' Church, Hannlton, Ontario, for tho tunc' called £f/i/j>t, published hero for tho first time. Tho Committee further tender their grateful acknowlodgmonts to tho following proprietors for their gonorous permission to use tho copyright tunes named below :— ^ Prifcef «^,^^^«U« MAJESTY THE QUEEN, for the late Prince Consort's tunes, ^/6«-< and (/o<Aa. Z^^^p'^'TL'^'"'"'''' ^'"'/""A ^'•'"■""» Court, Ifaddo, Kenw.n, P,,,,. ^ te^'^i -?S.f j^^ ^-^ --^ Jiarmbm, St. Bees, St. DroOane, St. Syh-eOer, St. Werhurfi. "TI"Zr°- = ^'^"" '^"- "^'^ ^-^'r'X«u .,„,, Sir Gbokoe J. ELVKr : £7«y ; St. George\ Wind^. Kev. Jas. Lanqkan : Deerhurtt, St. Agnea. Mr. Walter MAOFABnEN : "Lol He comet." Dr. E. G. Monk : Foundation (written by Sir Gkorgk T p,„»vi .. r . , U Light " (by Mr. G. A. l^ACFAEaEN) ^' ^'' '*"" Profesaor W. H. Monk : Advent, Morning. Kev. R Brown Borthwick : St. Peter\ St. Ursula Lady Victoria Evans-Frkkis (tune written hv p.„ u « WICK) : Gretton. ^^ ^^' ^' ^K^^N Bobtii- Miss Haveroal (tunes written bv Rev W W w*„„ Rev. Henbi Allon : JlougfUoti, Sonning. Rev. L. G. Hayne : BucldUind, Compline. Hon. and Rev. F. R. Grey : St Aidati. «lr Herbew Oakeley, Mus. Doa : Almd4, Mr. Wawkb Hatbly : St. Helen. NOTE BY COMMirrtE ON TUNES. Mr. G. F. Ghambkiw : AtakUtone. Mr. Jamkh TunLK : Westminster. Rev. J. BuLLiNOEH : "Art thou weary V Rev. R. R. Chopk : St. (Imlric. Mr. 0. H. PiiiDAT : Samlon. Mrs. (iALNTLKTT (tunes by the late Dr. GAfNTLETT) : Dura, hhy, Middleton, Rischolmc, St. Albinus, St. Alphajt, St. Colm, St. Methodius, St. Olavt, St. Jerome, Salisbury, SoidhnUd, Triumph, University College. MeMsrs. Novello U Co. : St. Utrtrudr. McMBrs. J. Mahtkiw & Co. (tuiio by Mr. R. Rkdukad) : Pctra. Mrs. S.S. Wkhlkv (times by the lato Dr. S. S. Wehi^et) : Aurdia, IlarMdye, Mr. AuTiiuii Sullivan : Faljidd, St. Theresa. The RKPnKMKNTATiviC8 of tlie late Dr. Lowkll IMahom : Doylston, Cyprus, ExceUior, Hebron, Kane, Missionary Hymn, Naomi, Olivet, Olmutz. The Committee have used tlicir beat endeavours to ascertain who arc the owners of copyright in tunes, and they can only express their rcyrot if in any case rights have been overlooked. Most welcome assistance has been rendered at various stages of the work by Professor Bruce, D.D., of Glasgow, one of the Conveners of the Committee appointed by the Free Church of Scotland to com- pile their new Hymn Book ; and to him, as well as to several friends in Canada who have made valuable suggestions as to the choice of tunes, the Committee tender their hearty thanks. In the name of the Committee, D. J. MACDONNELL, Convener. September 1881. Postscript— ¥oT the succijssful rendering of the musical portion of this Edition into the Tonic Sol-Fa Notation, the Committee are indebted to Mr. J. 0. Anderson, Teacher of Music in George Watson's Ladies' College, Edinburgh. Septanber 1885. I. GO. 1 Ktv E. d :d n ;n d :d s r :r 8 :b ti :t, d :d S| :S| n :ii d :d II |r H \i |] ,s| e |r Ifi N Id Id d' :- la d :- Id n :f Is 1, :- h '• Th P Vllj6L?,b( lA Early rii Holy, holy ,^ GodinTl "^?ffoly,holy, Casting Cherabim before Which 1 slmlt I I. GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. 1 Ktv E. d :d In :n s |s :- 11.13 12.10. :- 11 Itov. :1 J. B. 8 DyKE3 , Mua. n Doo. ii :8i d :d Id Id 111 :d :d :1, t, r :f Id :t| |n :g Id :- 1| :t, Id :r :t :f n d' :8 d B d :- *i i. 11 - If Si :- d ;- 8 :-. 3|S :s d' :- It :s :b 11 : -.B 8 ;- - :- r :r 8 :s In Is Id :r :s :t, d :r |r :n Is :s It, :d :t, Id :b |fe r Ir :-.t, : -.8 :-.s. t, B I- [f n fe 1. - S| .- [d :d In :n s - Is :- -.111 :1 s — B _ 8| IB| d :d Id Id 11. :d :d :1, t, r Id :t, 1| ti 1 d -.f.lf :r :t :f n d< B Ii n d - r f |n :g S| - Id :- d - I'd' :- Is :s 1 - In :- r Ir :-.d d - - - d :- n :f Id Is- :d :ta d • 1 : - Id :ta, 1| 1, It, f If :..d : -.n d n - - Is :- 11, :- In, :n, f. : - id :- *i I f. is. :-.d d : - - ; - ..ril ." T/uy reit tut day aiui night, taying, Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty." Xp Vl UOL?, holy, holy, LoidGod Almighty ! ^^ Early in the morning oar song shall rise to Th''^ ; Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty, ,^ ^ God inXhree persons, blessdd Trinity ! IV) ^jTToly, holy, holy,alI the saints adore Thee, [I CHsting down their golden crowns - O Cheruhim and seraphim falling down before Thee, Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be. 1' 3 Holy, holy, holy, though the darknen hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see ; )"/ Only Thou art holy ; there is none beside Thee ^^^Eerfect in power, in love, and purity. 1^ K^1« l.»U J) 1 n_j Ai~.:.-i.i.- I All Thy works shalLpraise Thy name, in earth and "ky^Bd sea ; [oly, holy, holy, mcf^ful and mighty, God in Three Persons, blessdd Trinity ! # GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. ALTENBURG.— a German. (I 1 s :n II :s If :n si :si :d :d |li:t,:d |d.r ;n d^,:d f :s Ir It, Is r, :rii^|s I :- d s d :s :s, If Id :n :t, :s n * TJ ""^ ^""^^ ' ^^«n heaven and Out of darkness, at Thy word, „.f A n m?^^ ^°*<' glorious birth, f"7m?.'^°'^''« "^fore Thee stood. And Thino eye beheld them good, While they sang, with sweet accord, / Holy, holy, holy Lord ! :r.n|f •'t, 11, :s, ^"^y. holy, fu>ty, is the Lord of hosts. " r :r Id id 1 f. :s.f In :s, Id /2Holy, holy, holy! Thee,* One Jehovah evermore, Father, Son, and Spirit ! we, mi T -TJ?' t°** ^"^^^ ^«"ld adore ; '»/ Lightly by the world esteemed, Irom that world by Thee redeeuieJ, Sing we here, with glad accord, J Holy, holy, holy Lord I / 3 Holy, holy, holy! All V^^&f h«'' *""'°P'?«°t choir shaU sing, When the ransomed nations fall Tk *t«,M8tooI of their King ; Then Rha!' ""inf- -! - • • °* Hearts and voices, swell one hymn. Round the Throne with full «Lrd // Holy, holy, holy Lord ! ' 3 KivEb. :si :n :d [:t :t, :s :s, I [:s 1 :n 1 :di.t 1 .:<i GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. German, :r Id :t, Id :s_ :s, Id :f In r Id s Is t, Id fe Is 1. It, r Ir r Is, Id 1 Id 1 In Id - II we, adore ; emed, redeemed, ccord, BEV AN.— Sir John Gosb. 1 ':s 1 :n 1 :d^t 1 Jd n :f d :d n.r :d d.ti :1| s :j,.t d :f s :f n :r 1 :d* It :1 d :d jr :n 1 :8 jf :nj t :n I r :d s t, r S| di n s d :- 1 - s s :s |f :pi r :- 1 :- |- d r :d Id :d ti :- 1 '•- \- n r :n 1 1 :s s ;- 1 :- 1 - d t, :d .t|| l|.t|:d S| :- 1 :- j- t 1 :s 1 :fe s - 1 :- 1 - r d :t| |n :r r - 1 :- 1 - s n.fe:s |l.t:d' t • - 1 :- 1 - s. li :t, Id :r S| - 1 s :f In r :t| Id s :r |d ti :si |1, d s, n ta. f :1 Is d :d Id f :f Is li :f, In, :f :r :1 :f( :- |r :- :- It, :- :- I- :f :- Is, :- d -1- d -h n - 1- d -!-• "Unto iAe King eternal, inmiortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour atuL glory for ever and ever. " t 1 TXTE give immortal praise '» To God the Father's love, For all our comforts here And better hopes above ; He sent His own eternal Son To die for sins that man had done, nsf 2 To God the Son belongs Immortal glory too, Who bought us with His blood From everlasting woe ; And now He lives, and now He reigns. And sees the fruit of all His pains. / 3 To God the Spirit's name Immortal worship give, Whose new-creating power Makes the dead sinner live ; His work completes the great design, And fills the soul with joy divine. 'H/ 4 Almighty God. to Thee Be endless honours done. The undivided Three, x And the mysterious One ! Where reason fails with all her powers, There faith prevails, and love adores. f GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. RIVAULX.-L.M. s :- :s f :- :ns r' :- :dU Id :d :d |t, :-:d |f p '^ In :- :n n :- :n 'h tjjd :r d :- :d •1 1 :- :se 1 :- :d' •f In :- :n, 1,:- :1 Kev. J. B. Dykes, M.is. Doc. - :1 s :- :- J d':d':l Ir :- :n If :- :f s :- :f I n :- :r Si:li :t| I d :t, :- d' :- :f J s :- :f - d :d :d 1 :t :di ;- 1 :s :f \n :- :r Id :s, :- 1 TIATIIll'TJ -r 1 , . ^ "wjt. Tn «.%?^ *^5*'"? ^«, "'^'^^^ bend, 10 us Thy pardoning love extend. 2 Almighty Son, Incarnate Word, Befo™ ftl'),^"^'*' »?deemer Lord; To n« tI/ *^ -""^ ""^ «'"°^" ''end, Ao US Thy saving grace extend. O (firtt Tune.) Key Ab. M. 68. Si :si Id :d <^i :r, In, :f, n :r Id ( I :d W3 Eternal Spirit, by whose breath "^deat"; " "^'"^ ^^^ "» «-l ^f^fTT'^y throne we sinners bend To us Thy quickening power exteud 4 Thrice holy ! Father, Spirit, Son • Mysterious Godhead, Tfcree in One- Before Thy throne we sinner?be"d' Grace, pardon, life, to us extend FENITON COURT.- 7 t r» o./.o./.o./, E. J. Hopkins, Mas. Doc Id :t| II, :i, In, " :-.r|d :t| | Si :li Is, :si f In :r fi |S| :s, Si :s, d :r Id :n |si :si Id :d s ;f .,Pi|n li :s. d :t, Is, Id n :-.f|s :t, Si :d Id :t| n :d |r :f d :1, Is, :s, r :-.n|d :s, fi :fi In, rrij h :s. Is, .'ta, d : - .r I m :n *i :li |1| :sei " :li It, :t, h :f| In, ;r, n :-.f|r :!, Si :s. If, :f, li .'de |r :r Iri :t, Id, :d, Ide, :1, |r, :r, | Si :fi In, :n, fr, ;s, |d, 1| :n Ir :d^*^|t, ; l,.,s,| s h .•!( It, :s, n :fe |s :r di :d, Ita rtj f : ■ .8 1 n : d^ ^1 -'Si Is, :s, f :r In :s ' Jt, Id :ii, n. :fe, Is, n :d It, d, :r, Is, 1. :t. Id li :si.f| In, s.f :n.r Id f| :s, id, GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. PKINS, Jhis. Doc f .,n I n 5| |S| ti Id ii Id, il->S|| S| 'e, |S| : It, I Is, I Id Sj\f\, £|d Id, Dykes, Mu 8. Dry. 1 1" ■ Q {S<eond Time.) :- :f 1 PI :- h | kev e. MANNHEIM.- German. :t,:- d •_ I d :n Is :s 1 :s If :n n :f Is :d PI :r Id :- is :f s •'- 1 S| :d jr :d d :t, Id :d d :r |r :d d :t. Id :- :- :r d - 1 n :s Is :n f :r Id :d 1 :1 Is :n s :f In :- — 1 d :d It, :d f, ■fl, 1 1 -A 1 :r It, :d S| :s. :- :r d : •°\ \ •'i .a ii 1, Id :- :t,:- d: _ 1 s :s 11 :s ta :1 11 :s s :r In :1 s :fe 1 s • :- :- :f n : - - 1 d :d Id :d d :d Id :d r :t, Id :n r :d It, :- :s, :- d : - ; - 1 n :n If :pi s :f If :n s :s Is :d' t :1 Is :- f the Holy CJiosC I d :d Id :d n :f Id :d ti :s, Id :1. r :r Is, :- ose breath I from sin and H d :d Is :s |r :d 1 d :s If :ii :t, Id :d n d :f Is :r |r :d :d PI d :r :ti Id :- Id •- ! sinners bend, 1 power extend. ■ n :s Is :n f :r Id :d 1 ":! Is :n s :f 1 «* • In :- Spirit, Son ; I I Three in One : ■ d :d It, :d f. :si 11, :d 1. :r It, :d s, :s. Id :- sinners usext bei 3nd. Id, 1 (1 Thou Shalt gi tide me with Thy counsel ', and afterward receive me to glory. " mp 1 J^EAD us, heavenly Father, lead us O'er the world's tempestuous sea ; Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us. For we have no help but Thee ; Yet possessing every blessing, If our God our Father be. 2 Saviour, breathe forgiveness o'er ua ; All our weakness Thou dost know : Thou didst tread this earth before us, Thou didst feel its keenest woe ; Lone and dreary, faint and weary. Through the desert Thou didst go. 3 Spirit of our God, descending. Fill our hearts with heavenly joy ; Love with every p,issfon blending, Pleasure that can never cloy ; Thus provided, pardoned, guided, Nothing can our peace destr iv. ■m GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. 6 1 KkvC. s :n n :d d< :s d :d Id' Is Is In REGEXT SQUARE.- :s ■rt :di :d n' a •.r'ld' :s ••s Is :s d' :-.t |di :d' s : ■ .f I n n' :..ri|d' I :n 1 :d 1' :s 1 :d ^ 0^9?^ ^ *° ^o^ *he Father, i; Glory be to God the Son, Glory be to God the Spirit, Great Jehovah, Three in One • Glory, glory, * While eternal ages run I «»/2 Glory be to Him who loved us. Washed us from each spot and stain; ^ Glory be to Him who bought us. Made us kings with Him to reign : /Glory, glory, ** ' To the Lamb that once was slain ! «V 3 Gloiy to the King of angels. Glory to the Church's Kin<». Glory to the King of nations," Heaven and earth your praises bnng; /Glory, glory. To the King of gloiy bring ! / 4 Glory, blessing, praise eternal! TTnJj.?* the choir of angels sings; Honour, riches, power, dominion! iiius its praise creation brings; Glory glory, Glory to the King of kings I 7 Kev E b. :di f 1 :s :d ERFURT.— LM T^ « ■"•^«- Dr. Martin Lutheu. 1483-154«. /IJI "^^^^""i:, and hoKour, and glory, and i.owerh>.u«t.u- ., . I Q uZ'ot>,ei7r:b,%ret"a,':d*J:rjf^^^^^ I \ :s. GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. Henrv Smm;t i :f In '-. • :t, Id :- I :s Is ;- 1 '»\ Id :- :1 Is •_ :fe Is _ :d' It . - :r Is, : - :t Id' ; _ :-.f|n : - :r' Id' : - :s, Id : - tie ihrotu, and of angels, irch's King, of nations, •th your praii es loiy bring ! ise eternal ! angels sings ; 'er, dominion ! eation brings ; ; of kings ! rHEii. I4S3-134fi. s :f In n :r jd d' :-.t|di s :si Id :1 Is :t d' :1 Is :r |r :n n :r it, :fe Is :s s :fe Is :r It, :n d :r Is, ERFURT— con/mwed, di d n rtMft i. _ t :1 Is :& f .n:r Id n :d Id :d d :t, Id s :f h :ta l.s:f In n. :fi Id :n. f, :s, Id "Sing unto the Lord a netv song:, and His praise in the congrcgntion of saints." /I THEE God we praise, Thee Lord con- *■ fess, Thee, Father everlasting, bless ; The tribes of earth and air and sea With wondrous voices worship Thee. 2 To Thee all angels ceaseless cry. With all the princes of the sky, The cherub and the seraph join, And thus they hymn the praise divine : 3 Thee, holy, holy, holy King, Lord of Sabaoth, Thee we sing ; /Both heaven and earth are full of Thee, Father of boundless majesty. 4 Thee, the apostles' glorious choir, Thee, prophets with their tongues of fire, Thee, white-robed hosts of martyrs bright, All serve and praise by day and night. 5 Thee, through the earth, Thy saints con- fess; Thee, Father infinite, they bless. Thee, true, divine, and only Son, Thee, Holy Spirit, Three in One. 8 Set {•A A. d :t, 11. :s, d :r In :S| s. :s, |pi, :n, n. :si Is, :n n :r Id :t. d :t. d :d d :si 11. :n. 1, :si d, :d r :rt |r :d 1, :t, d :si S| :s. Is, :s, f. :f. n, :n r :d Iti :d d :r S| :d t, :d Is, :n. fi :ri 1 d. OLD HUNDRED.-L.M. i»/«r<,< «nrf B««'* p.,«?<«.. d d s d n d n :n |r :d f :n |r 1, :s. Is, :n, 1, :s. Is d :d It, :d d :d It, 1. :n, Is, :1, f. :d. |S| n :d |r :f n :r Id s. :fe. Is, :1. s. :..f In, d :d It, :l|.t, d :t. Id d :1. Is, :r. v\4 ,:s. Id, "Make t joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands." 1 DEFORE Jeliovah's awful throne, ^ Ye nations, bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and He destroy. 2 His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men ; And, when like wandering sheep we strayed, He brought ua to Fia fold again. 3 We'll crowd Thygates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues. Shall fill Thy courts with sounding praise. 4 Wide as the world is Thy command. Vast as eternity Thy love ; F»™ as a rock Thy truth must stand. When rolling years shall cease to move. Q (f^nt Tune.) KbyO. GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. ANGELS.— L.M. (Second Tune.) KBvBb. Orlando Gibbons, igoj s :- :r Is :- .-feis Lik'-r d:ti:l, t, 8 :- :s InjT :r r "i.- :ti |djr :r, |s, d d M d, s|f :-:n jr :- :d Ifj, ..^ Lj*i-"d t,:- :d d :- it, f •'- .'s I s ;f :n h :g jf r ••-:« |s,:-:l, |^,.g^ d :-:r Si:-;1, n :-:r WALTON.— L.M. Siik:*! Id:- ||d Id :t,:l, Si :- :f , n :- ;r .•d,|d,:-:r, |n,,_:f, |g^._.g^ [.•Si I s, :- :d «! :- :n, d :- :s, fe,:- :fe, r :-:r ^r- llljr, :-:d, d :t,;l. f I :- :f , si :- l,.t, Prom Beethoven. Ob. 1827. I ' '•- :ti I t|.l|:Bi ;fei Si :- :s, L^ ' •■- '^ r.d:t) :l *2 •- :ts|d| Ti.Ti Is,; ^r.- Id, |r,:-:ri S| :- :n Si :- :s, d :- :d n ;r 1,:- de:r "i:- :n, If,:- " The Lordreisneth, let the earth rejoice:' n rpHE Lord is King! lift up thy voice ^ O earth, and, all ye heavens, Sice ! Or murmur at His wise decrees Or doubt His royal promises? ' ^ m?® ^"5** " King •' ohUd of the dust The Judge of all the earth is ju.t ? Holy and true are all His ways • Let every creature speak His praise 4 He reigns! ye saints, exalt your stmina • Your God IS King, your Fatter reiS" ' Thf M * '%*,* ^^"^ ^'^^''^r's side, *°' ' The Man of love, the Crucified. KS. ANDo Gibbons. 1653 |s :- ;feis i :t| ;1, t| n :r :r L 4ji:ri Is, [f :n :r Id Id :- :t, d Ijs :f L i f I -Si ;S| Id, GOD.- ///S ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. 2TH0VEN. Ob. ]82:. ti.Ii:si ;fe "1 :ri ;r, r.d:tj :li Si:- ri:-l t,:- d| :rj :ri |s,:- 10 KeyO. d< : r' s t s s n t n t.l :f :f :r :r' :fe :1 :r :s :r :s :t, "'/5 Come, make your wants, your burdens, known ; He will present them at the Throne : And augel-bauds are waiting tuere, His messages of love to bear. 6 Alike pervaded by His eye. All parts of His dominion lie, This world of ours, and worlds unseen ; And thin the boundary between. / 7 One Lord, one empire, all secures ; He reigns, and life and death are yours : Ihrough earth and heaven one song shall ring. Ihe Lord Omnipotent is King. . S In Is In |r' Is It Is Is In Id' Id :f :r :s :t, :t :s :r' •4 :f ; r.d :1 :r BOHEMIA.-ll.ll.ll.n. n in Is :di d :d I r ;pi.fe s :s It d :d It, :d' di s d' n n t, se n :ri :s :r ■.t :n :n :t :se In' Is Id' Id Id' In II II :r' :f :1 :r :r' :f :1 :f t s r' t|.d d' n 1 n d' n s s :1 :fe Is Is :r :t .d' It Is ■.r :se :n :t :r :s :s. II Id II II. Id' In Is Id D.C. "let theiit praise tJie name of the Lord; for He commanded , and they were created. /I pRAISE tha Lord of heaven, praise Him in the height t . "^If^ Him, all ye angels ; praise Him, stars and light : rraise Him, skies and waters, which above the skies. . When His word commanded, 'stablished did arise. 2 Praise the Lord, ye fountains of the deeps and seas, ^ocks and hills avi mountains, cedars and all trees • Praise Him, clouds and vapours, snow and hail and fire. Stormy Tvmd, fuIfilliDg only His desire. 3 Praise Him, fowls and cattle, princes and all kings. Praise Him, men and maidens, all created things • For the name of God is excellent alone ; Ove- tarth His footstool, over heaven His thione. 11 i il (FirilTutK.) Kky p. jd '•-•Tin :r S| '-.Slid :t, '* ••-.did :s, f^^sJUljl^Z^!^^!]^^^^ ^oRKs. If :m |S| :s, |ti :d AUSTRIA._8,7.8.7. v. |rti:d 111 :s |f '«' -'S' li :d It, If :n f ;a ,3 'S' ••«» llf :n Ir * •■•'I" :r If :„ |r^:d n .« ,. .„ , •^' :-.fels :fl L .. .._., II 'i^'** h :d |t, ;■ :-^«'« :b ir :n |t^:a .,f ..„ „ ' ' •••'•''• •«' '*' --d Is, :il If, :d ,r :d *• -^ I*, .-t, r :d t .'t M^"* '"'^ ' ' I .a (t, .t, Ijp, :r ,j ..^^ 1 .'1 Ir : f| .'fei Is, ; fe :-.fe|s :- d :-.d|t| ;- 1 :-.l|s ' ' '^ii'""' -lI:?'!!. :-.l.|r, :..r,|s, ; r;;?' =■•*'! :b 11 :-.8|s.f:„ •* '-'^^^ ••«» d ;..d|t7:d s .--.slf :s f :..s,3 .3 '" •'-"If .•" If :..r,|r :d jr 'Jl:f|sj;fjld ;rKr|d *' •*! Id :1, s, :t, Id s --s Is :_Kf L ..f ,„ |S' -fi l"i :f, Is, ;s, Id, Key B. |s :s \n ;d GOTHA.- f 'f In :r j|i»i :f r :r Id :t, d :d ^ -s Is :s Is ;d r :t, Id :s, Id :l, H.R.H. Pbince Albert, Is :s II :1 Is 1*1 .'d \n :r |t, I' -'s Is ;fe Is lsi ••" Id :r Is, 1 .'s If :„ d :t, Id ;d -r id ;s ••si II, :d Id Id GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. UNCE Albebt. Is :- It, :- Is :- Is, :- Id Id In Id "Pmiieye ike /.ordfrom tht ktavtm: praise Him in the hti^ht,." /I DBAISE the Lord ! ye heavens, adore A Him ; Praise Him, angels, in the height ; Sun and moon, rejoice before Him, Praise Him, all ye stars of hght. 2 Praise the Lord ! for He hath spoken ; Worlds His mighty voice obeyed ; Laws that never shall be broken. For their guidance He hath made. /3 Praise the Lord ! for Ho is glorious • Never shall His promise fail ; * God hath made His saints victorious Sin and death shall not prevail. ' 4 Praise the God of our salvation ; Hosts on high, His power pro- claim ; Heaven and earth, and all creation, Laud and magnify His name J 12 KeyD. AUCHINCAIRN .- J. K. Scott. 8 :- |n :1 s :- In :- f :f |r :s f :- In s 1 :- 1- :d' d :- Id :d d :- Id :- d :r It, :t, r :- Id d d :- 1- :f n :- Is :f s :- Is :- 1 :1 Is :s s :- Is n f :- 1- :1 d :- Id :f n :- Id - f :r Is :s, t, :- Id d f :- 1- :f s:- Id':- r'rd' It :1 s:-|- :- d':- |n:l s :- Is • _ 1 :s |di:n s:- |n:- r :n |r :-.d t,:-|- - n:- |d:d d;- Id i_ d:d |n:d d':- |s:- s :s |s :fe s:- 1- - s:- Is :f 8 :- |n _ f :s |s:s n :- 1 d :- t, :d |r :r s:-|-: - d:- |d:f n:- Id - f :n |d:d n :- |r n f :- |1 :t d':- Is :di d'rri |d':t d':- 1- :- d :- It, d d - Id :f n :- |s :n f :f In :r n :- 1- :- s :- Is s 1 - If :- s :- |d':- 1 :1 Is :s s :- 1- :- Bi :- Is, i I f : - IJL jr d :- - 1 n :1 f :r Is : S| d : - 1- :- "Praise ye the Lord: Ogive thanks unto the Lord, for He is good." /I pRAISE ye Jehovah, praise the Lord •*■ most holy, AVho oheeri the contrite, girds with strength tlie weak ; Praise Him who will with glory crown the lowly, And with salv.ation beautify the meek. 2 Praise ye the Lord, for all His loving- kmdness, And ..ill the tender aicrcy He hath shown ; Praise Him who pardons all our sin and bimdness, And colls us sons, and takes us for Uis own. /3 Praise ye Jehovah, source of eveiy bless- Before His gifts earth's richest boons are dim ; [sessing, Kesting m Him, His pence and joy pos- All things are ours, for we have all in Him. 4 Praise ye the Father, God the Lord who gave us, With full «!.nd perfect love, His only Son ; Praise ye th^ ^ who died Himsei' ',o save us j Praise ye the Spirit, praise the Three in One. f; 13 Kev O. •«'|"-d.'I.|8,:- :8,in :d :l,is,; •»| 8| ••si .-f, n, :- :s, s, :s^ ;f, L, ._ Or. Oauntlktt. c ' " ^' ''' •^' •«''"'••- 4 I r, :r, :r, Is,:- « •- ••" |r .'t,:!, IS,. '^ ••- ^d t, :s,:fe,s,^ 8 •"- ••s Is :r .-d It, :- •■'j*|-d :n In ;r :n if :s :i jg ._ •'S| 8, ;si:d d :t, :d d :d :d d ;- :t, r ;n :s s :s :s f :„ ^ „ .'. .•8<l»i:ni:d,|s, :s,;d|l,;s, :f, d ';- « |«-f -'nf .•n.-nlr ;d:t, id- NJ'-li-'l. fli:s,:s, l,..8,:s, s,:- " " -r :r r :d ;s f :„ ..^ L . d ''^«-'r--d|t,:d:d|f,:s,;s, Id,;. " ^lf»»ie alone is excellfMt . u- , Our ^^&t^^ZSl^'X ^T'. ""d H'« love- ' WhSe rlfS: Stat T °' «•« ^-e. His chariots of wratft T ".^""Py- «P*«« » And dark ia His path ^^^'^"Vder-clouds form, ««8 path on the wings of the stom, Hath%tablished U f^f Y^ ^T''^''^ «^ ^''^ ; And round it hl^e^J '^V.tS^^t^- It streams from the hin« ^.T '° *^^ '**»'''*' And sweetly distils Alt:^,^:J^^ ^^^•"' Th/iTrctZwSdr.'H ' "J^^ *« '^^^' Our Maker, Defld" fil^ "^ ^™ '"^ ^''^ ^"d : , -L^erender, Redeemer, and Friend ! ■f 6 0h measurjlesa M'crht i ,'«„« ui -r KS. Dr. OAtJNTLiin' ^ ti:s, .-feJs, :- » s :r :d t, :- jr ;d :t, Id :- 1| .*8| ;S| |s| ;- f .'n :r In ;- fi :s, :si Id, :- ieavtH." GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. 14 Kr.vB''. MARYLEBONK.- Swlsi Melody. ■:si n. :8, Id :t, d :r In 8, li :t, Id :r n :f .nlr" 'A d, :ri In, :s. S| :s, Is, 8| fi :f. In, :s, S| :1. Ir, :d n :r Id :r d :ti Id d d :r Id :t, d :d 1 1, :di d :t, 11. :8|.f, n, :r, Id, n. f, :ri ill :s. d, :fi 1 8, Ft. s :f In :r n :r 1^ f. B 'd 1?. 8| :f. In, :d S| :fi In, :''d r :t, Id :d d :t. Id "8, n. :ri Id, :8, n. :ri Id, :*in B :r Id :1 s :-.f In 'd d :t. Is, :d d :t, |8, :''d t, :s, Hi :f. 8, :8, Id '•n. S| :sj Id, :n. 8| :s, Id, ':8, 1, :1. Is, :d r :n |r f n :r Is :f n :r la^ •A f| :f, |rt| :si S| :8i Is, f. 8, :8, Is, :li S| : - .f , 1 n. :d d :d Id :d t, :d It, d d :t, Id :d d :t. Is, .:d, f. :li Id :n, r. :d. Is, 1. S| :fi In, :f. s. :s. Id, " ly/io can utkr Hu mighty acts of the Lord? who can show firth all His praise f " •'"If) GOD ! of good tbe unfathomed Bea I ■n ^^° would not give his heart to Th«>e? Who would not love Thee with his might ? O JebUB, lover of mankind, Who would not his whole soul and mind, With all hiH strength, to Thee unite? 'n/2 Thou shin'st with everlasting rays ; Before the insufferable blaze, Angels with both wings veil their eyes ; Yet free as air Thy bounty streams On all Thy works ; Thy mercy's beams Diffusive as Thy sun's arise. / 3 High throned on heaven's eternal hill. In number, weight, and measure still. Thou sweetly orderest all that is ; »ip And yet Thou deign'st to come to me. And guide my steps, that I with Thee • Enthroned, may reign in endless bliss. "'/4 Fountain of good ! all blessing flows Frcn Thee ;"no want Thy fulness knows : What but Thyself canst Thou desire? Yet, self-sufiSoient as Thou nrt. Thou dost desire my worthless heart ; This, only this, dost Thou require. '^' "^1 \b, :b, "^W tM/* in tk4 light as H* is in it, r z It shrints not, but ^thnT'»':fh'"s: sight, Can Uve, and looiron'S,'^«^'«"t That uncreated biarn' *?/ 4 ' I'v. '« « ' V ^t-T.""" man to rise , '. «'l'^(l^b^-io abode/ tht Aijt: .4i.n ' . a . * ""onnce *. ,'pinc'genergie;, * >o ate with Gt.>. s. 1 OOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. i ^ N. HBRMAN-y. ■ 16 WESTMINSTER.-aM. Jamoi Trnw. IB ;- |. ,. 1 Kr.T D B Id :d> t :1 Is n' :t Id' :ri 8 _ 1 _ I '" ' 1 1 :d r r id :n n :d .r 1 n n :s.f|n :f.n r - 1 - ^ •" '- 1 1 IB s r In :d> n' :l.t|di d' :ni.r'|d' :1 t - 1 - "' •- I- 1 1 .:d d t, 11, :1 s :f In d :s 11 :f B - 1 - d :d Id , 1 :s t 1 |se :1 d' :t 11 s :d |r :f n 1 ~ » :r r r jr :d n :n.r|d n :d |d :ti d - 1 - \ n :d Is I :t s 1 It :1 1 :8e 11 r' s :b |1 :s s 1 - \ d :l, In, 1 1 .:8 s f In :f n :n 1 1, ti d :n If :b d _ 1 - . J tlur, and tfie " The high andlojiy Ont that inhabiteth tttmity" «•/ 1 Tfy God, how wonderful Thou art, Thy majesty how bright ! How beautiful Thy mercy-seat. In depths of burning light ! 2 How dread are Thine eternal years, O everlasting Lord I By prostrate spirits day and nig>it Incessantly adored t / 3 How wonderful, how beantiful, The sight of Thee must be, — Thine endless wisdom, boundless power, And awful purity ! ■m 4 Oh, how I fear Thee, living God, With deepest, tenderest fears ! And worship Thi with trembling hope, And penitential tears. ii>S 5 Yet I may love Thee too, O Lord, Almighty as Thou art ; For Thou hast stooped to ask of me The love of my poor heart. - I" :" In ;n LTIT" - 'l^:!. Id.-l, In,:. B.C. JflSO. d ;d Id ;„ ''•••li Id ;l, "r^7 ^. ■ •-" Ml ;n, Ifjjs, "'•^l gOD reveals Hfs presence: ' - if "'°«^«doreHim, ■"'=<' "s now adore Him God we own,— /^"""^G^d and Saviour: ^ Praise His name for ever. '"•^^„^°l''«^«al« His presence. £7*h«''«'P«reso«ndi„JV -/Hear the hymn a^eendin. - n::ti:^tr-.endin., To US here : ^eark-on, O Lor^ jp~„ ioourmeansrpraiie.. purify my spirit, Trusting only in Thy merit . • I-ike the holy angels. Who behold Thy glory May I ceaselessly ador^ Thee I'et Thy will, Ever still, / Ilea's' f'"?''*^^-«, AS the hosts celestial. Whilst on earth I tarry ' Make n>e Thy blest sanctuary; Bear me up Till these eyes for ever G«« on Thee, my Saviour. KS. ••- M'-l. Is,;d ■" p ••'J Id .-n - 'f<:I. Id:l, GOD/ H/5 ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. ;r In ;t, Id :s Is :s, Id • • *■ Id i*] Id I8j In- li d, Him. » blessing, nerit JThee. trial, tiiarj ; c legions 18 Kev G. A.DVENT.- - W. H. Monk, Mus. Doo. ' n :n | s : 3 d :d |n :n li :t, Id :r n :s |r :- d :d |ti : 8| S| :1, It, :s, li :S| Is, :fi S| :s. Is, :- 3 :d |r : r n :n Is :t, d :r Id :t, d :d It, :- .d :1, Is, :i t, d :1, In, :si fi :f, In, :ri d, :n. 1-s, :- n :pi |s :; J d :d |n rn 1. :t, Id :f r :s In :- d :d |r :r d :1, It, :si li :s. Id :d d :t, Id :- 3 :s |s :s n :n In :t. d :r Is :1 s :s Is :- d :d It, :t, 1, :1, Is, :s. fi :fi In, :ri S| :s. Id :- / n :- 1 s :- 1 :- Is ;- n :s Id :f n :- 1- :r d - 1- :- d :- Id :- d :- Id - d :r Id :d d :- 1- :ti d 3 :- |n :- f :- In - s :s Is :f s :- 1- :f n - 1- :- d :- Id :- f, - Id, : - d :t, 11. :r, n, :- •fi s. :S| d, " Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord." f 1 DRAISE, my soul, the King of heavfen : •*■ To His feet thy tribute bring ; Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Who like thee His praise should sing ? ff Praise Him, praise Him, Praise the everlasting King ! '»/ 2 Praise Him for His grace and favour To our fathers in distress ; Praise Him, still the same for ever. Slow to chide, and swift to bless. / Praise Him, praise Him, Glorious in His faithfulness. mp 3 Father-like He tends and spares us ; Well our feeble frame He knows ; In His hands He gently bears us, Rescues us from all our foes. / Praise Him, praise Him, Widely as His mercy flows. »"/ 4 Angels in the height, adore Him : Ye behold Him face to face : Sun and moon, bow down before Him ; Dwellers all in time and space. / Praise Him, praise Him, Praise with us the God of grace. 19 (Pint Tune.) Kev O. ' f:d.r|n f-'d d llarfialr, :f, u, /I CtTTVrr- . ""'^ »e<nt above all." Th« r !, c °^ *^^ creation, wi^^ , '*^""'•«^^a««n• "^^2Th^A„ge,.hos,OK.-„,ofl,, Thy praise for ever tellW Beneath Thy shadow dlelW Adore the wisdom wh.nh Zt!'-:- , And power which fn..,», j " """ ~^'*"' 'CS. GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. 5n an old Latin Mei„H„ •Ara Decius. iwg"^^- »//." 19 (Second Tune.) KetG. ERK— to German. ':d d :si :si Id In, :f n :r | d Si :S|.f||ri, d PI, r_ s. pt:f :f. In Is, :r :1. k :t. Id f. :- |pi| :n d :t, Id :1| d :t, Id d t. :1. 11. :r r :- Id ■:d d :s, :s, 11. Id :f ". :S| 1 d| n :r Id 1. d s. In, In :f. :r L ;8i Id, ij_ :t. Id :si »! :s, In, :1. s, :S|.f,|n, s. S| ":f. 11. :li.s, f. :- |pi| \n n :r Id :d d :t, Id n r :d Ide :r r :- Id :d, Id :t, 11. :r, ni.f|:s, Id, d ti :1. Is. :f..n, ri js. Id, ':d f :n |r :s s :fe Is s 1 :f Is :-.f n :r Id :s, li :s, 11. :r d :d It, d d :r Ir :t, d :t, Id :n d :n Ife :s n :d |r s f :1 1 s :s s :-.f |pi •i fi :d Id :t, 1. :1. |S| PI f :r It. :s, d :s, 11, ■:n r :s, Id :f rt :r Id :1, 1. :s, is, :d d :t, Id :d r :t, Id :d s : - .f 1 n .:l| f, rsji- .In. :1. s. :- Id, W3 What God's almighty power hath made, His gracious mercy keepeth ; By morning glow or evening shade His watchful eye ne'er sleepeth ; Within the kingdom of His might, Lo ! all is just, and all is right : / To God all praise and glory ! / 4 Oh ye who bear Christ's holy name, Give God all praise and glory ! All ye who own His power, proclaim Aloud the wondrous story ; Cast each false idol from His throne : The Lord is God, and He alone : To God all praise and glory I ^^^L^!t!ll]:^!^^^2^^ ^ORKS. SANDON.- M:r|d;rln:-|-iid *i-'ti|d:t,d;-|- L, f :f |n;r d:-|- L r:-|t,:-id:-|-;-(|r._, . , 1.:-|8,:- „:-!-:- t,:-|.,j f:-|f:-|«:-|-:-L:.,f,.„ «'-j».-j^H-iijf,:-u,::|,;:;:;:|;;:;;;" l-»"l^=-l"--|r.-|-:Wf,:f,|,,:j4..-- «« -I TT«„ "''^^ '^''^ cometk front the Lord." -PipNTOt^hnisarounddoIlift^p / From «^°~-h"no:\ter^'''^^*'°'^ - Safe shalt thou be r„i '"Tio keepeth Israel in His holy care. ^i (/■;>•«< Tune.) Key Eb. id :n /3 Jehovah is Himself thy Keeper true- T»i,« i.-^^y ""^ngeless shade iinlfci ' '''' "'■"" «»« Above thee watching Hp ^v adore ^' -"^ ^''om we Shall keep thee hencefnrfi, evermore. "^"<=eforth. yea, for CirLBACH.-7,7.r.7. d' :d' It s. '-•- t|---|t,:d '-•*- s.--|f:ri -•-"si:-|s,:s, nrrjd:-] d:t, d:-| s:f|n;-( 'i:s,|d:-| hy Keeper true- IS shade, thy right hand made. ' day shall ever ihee in the silent fe keep thy soul, t'>y going out, He whom we forth, yea, for German. GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. Alt, Id Id li-i d 21 (Seco)w KeyC. I Turn.) s :s d' ( :di d :d t, :t, d :d s :s f :f n :n d :d S| :si 1. :1, n :n s :s di :d' d :d t, :t, d :d s :s f :f •PI d :d S| ill f.C. ["•s :1 t :r d' :s ■r :r s :s s :n n :di r' :t d< :di /s :s 8 :f n :d fdi :-.di t :n 1 :1 s :s n :n n :n d' :s se :se 1 :1 , PI :n r :r d :d CULFORD.— d. E. J. Hopkins, Mus. Doc. 8 d d> n 1 n 1 d 1 f d> f 8 n di tai :1 :r :t :f G. t. '•t| :r '8| :8| 'r :t, 'S| :f| 1 n d> 1 1 f d' 1, :t :pi :ri :1 :t :f :r' 8 :1 m :d di :1 n :1| 8 :n 8, :si d :d "i :d, d' :n' n :1 d' :de» 1 :s d' n d' 1 :n :di :s f d 1 r r 8| d S| r' 1 ri f r' 1 d' f :-.n 1 n :- :t, 1 d :■ :8 8 :■ :si d : :-.d d : :fi n, : :t, d : :si d, : :1 t : :f 8 : :r' r' : :r 8 : :..di Id' : :f In : :t Id' : :3 Id : ' T/te iitommg stars sang together, aiui all the sons of God sliouted/orjqy." «/l QONGS of praise the angels sang, Heaven with hallelujahs rang, When Jehovah's work begun, When He spake, and it was done. 2 Songs of praise awoke the morn, When the Prince of Peace was born : Hongs of praise arose, when He Captive led captivity. 3 Heaven and earth must pass away Suugs of praiete shall crown that day ; God will make new heavens and earth; SoiigH of praii^e shall bail their birth. "y 4 And shall man alone be dumb Till that glorious kingdom come ? '"/ No : the Church delights to raise Fsalm!4, and hymns, and songs of praise. 5 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice ; Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above ti Borne upon their latest breath, Songs of praise shall conquer death ; ./■ Then, amidst eternal joy, Songs of praise their pnwcrs employ. GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTP^ AKjy. — .^__J_2^^^^J_fS^AND WORKS. HARTS.— 7.7.7 7 "•-"O /J Ever faithful, ever sure '"■^^For n7 '°ri^" °'*'°« "broad, For His mercies shall endure Ever faithful, ever sure. ' '"•^^g^|^"»'*»-coinmandi„g might Ever faithful, ever sure ' aisfuU hand supplies their need Lah l8 G. li :t, Id ;r "' -'"i I Ml :1, ^' -se, 1 1, ;1, <*| -"i II, :f, "■f:fis merc/ettdurethfor ever." f For His mercies shall endure Ever faithful, ever sure "•^%^^,P« ^'l^o^^n race did bless In tl^ wasteful .vilderness; For His mercies shall endure Ever faithful, ever sure ' "1^6 He hath with a piteous eye Looked upon our misery. Jor H« mercies shall endure Ever faithful, ever sure ' Old Hebrew Melody. :s In :r :s, :t, Ii Is, Id Id, ;f :d :4 :1, GOD.- HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. LEONI- —continued. :d n d :ii |ti :s, Is, :d Id :s, :d r t. :- 1- :- 1- :- 1- :d.t| :s, :d li.t|:d.r|n fi :1, In, d :1, 11, :1, :f( :r se, n, t. :d d, :n, |S| :d S| :- I-. :ni fi :fi Id, :r. n. :fti 1, :t, Id :r n :r.n|f :n.r d :- It, ;- 1, :"! n. :n, In, :s, s, :li 11, :1. li :- 1 se. • _ 1, :sei 1, :se. Hi :t. d ••li H, :d.r n :- 1- :r d :ri d, :n, 1 1, :si d. :f|.nilr. :ni.fi "i :- In, ;- 1. " TAis is My name/or ever, and this is My memorial vnto all generations w/1 THE God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned above, Ancient of everlasting days, And God of love ! Jehovah ! Great I AM ! By earth and heaven confest, ii'Pl bow, and bless the sacred Name For ever blest. "1/2 The God of Abraham praise, At whose supreme command From earth I rise, and seek the joys At His right nand. "'J' I all on earth forsake. Its wisdom, fame, and power ; And Him my only portion make. My shield and tower. 3 He by Himself hath sworn i I on His oath depend ; I shall, on eagle's wings upborne, To heaven ascend : '"/ I shall behold His face, I shall His power adore, / And sing the wonders of His graot^ For evermore. I'l-Pi The goodly land I see. With peace and plenty blest, A land of sacred liberty And endless rest ; There milk and honey flow. And oil and wine abound, ^Vnd trees of life for ever grow, With mercy crowned. "«/6 There dwells the Lord our King, The Lord our Righteousness, Triumphant o'er ihe world and sin : The Prince of Peace, On Zion's sacred height. His kingdom still maintains. And, glorious with His saints In light, For ever reigns, / 6 The whole triumphant host Give thanks to God on high : " Hail ! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! ' They ever cry. Hail ! Abraham's God and mine I I join the heavenly lays ; ff All might and majesty are Thine, And endless praise. OOD, HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WOKKS. "-.».,.,-....„, „.,„,,,„^,,^^,^,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^^^^__^_ ">J 1 QOD moves In a mysterious way. liis wonders to perform ; He plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. «'P2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, He treasures up His bright designs. And works His sovereign will. *»/3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take ; The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sensev But trust Him for His grace ; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes will ripen fastj Unfolding every hour ; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err. And scan His work in vain ; God is His own interpreter, And He will make it plain. GOD: ///A- ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. oUish Ptalta: 1015. ^s are not knoivn." 26 Kkt j:d |:8| :n ':s :d :s :n p. n :s d :d s :n d :d KILMARNOCK.-C.M. Ne.,,Uouoalu 177tf-18«2. II Id If If 1 :s Id' d :dLf|(i f :s Is f :n.rld :s :d :s ; n.f :n.r :ti :se :t, n :r |d d :t| Id s ;s.f In s :si Id :r In ; d.ti l d :1.s|b ;fi.8,|d s :cy_|s :dT d :d Id :d s :rKf|n :fe n :d Id -.l, s :dT|n :r d :d Id :t, 8 :1 Is :s^ "i :fi |8| :si n :r d_ :t, s :- S| :- ' They cry unto the Lord in thtir irouile.' »»/ 1 JJOW are Thy servants blest, Lord ! How sure is their defence ! Eternal Wisdom is their guide, Their help, Omnipotence. 2 In foreign realms, and lands remote. Supported by Thy care, Through burning climes they pass unhurt, And breathe in tainted air. / 3 When by the dreadful tempest borne High on the broken wave, They know Thou art not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save. P i The storm is laid, the winds retire, Obedient to Thy will ; The sea, that roars at Thy command. At Thy command is still. »»/6 In midst of dangers, fears, and deaths, Thy goodness we adore ; We praise Thee for Thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. mp 6 Our life, whilst Thou preservest life, A sacrifice shall be ; And death, when death shall be our lot, Shall join our souls to Thee. GOD: HIS ATTRinUTES AND WORKS. ! '• i {Second Tune.) Key Bb. Ml .S| :1, di .PI, :f, d .d :d di ld,.d|:d| d .r :pi Si .s, :si S| .t, :d »! .S| :d HEBRON.— L.M. :s, :pi, :d :d, :d :s, :d :n, li.t, :d d .s, :si f|.s, :d, f .n :r S| .S| :si t|.d :t, ri.d, :S| II d s, n d, n S| t, t, .r :ri S|.S| :s, r .t| :d S| .s, :d n .d :1, Si .8, :f, d .d :d Si |d.ni:f, " Thou hast IwUien me by my right haiui." :d :si :m :d, :si .-n, :d :d, Dr. Lowell Masu.v, ti.li :S| S| .fei:si r .d :t| ri.r, :S| li.t, f,.f, d .S| :d :«, fi.s, :d, hand By which supported still we stand : The opening year Thy mercy shows, Ihat mercy crowns it till it close. «t^2 By day, by night, at home, abroad, btill are we guarded by our God ; oy His incessant bounty fed. By His unerring counsel led.' . ♦^ f X5 When death shall interrupt these son^ ' mf P: ^i' '° ^^'^"'^'^ "»"rtal tongues, " g;^'',f^^'P«'-'G"<'' in whom we trust, Shall keep our souls, and guard our dust '»P3With grateful hearts the past we own ; 5?^ ^"m^®' *" *" "» unknown, we to Thy guardian care commit, And peaceful leave before Thy feet 4 In scenes exalted or depressed, 1 hou art our joy, and Thou our rest ; Ihy goodness all our hopes shall raise, Adored through all our changing days. ■ :n ■ :d I :s 1 [:d 27 KevP. ':n :d :s :d r t, s S| 8 r r t, r t, s s f:d d l:d ':n :d :s 5. GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. J- P. Lampe, t :1 Is r :r^it, s s :fe r :r s, f.n:r Id li :t, Id f :f In r :si Id Lowell Maso.v. ti .l) :S| S| .fei:S| r .d :t| I r, .r, :S| li.t| :d fi-fi :«! d .S| :si Ifi.s, :d, I the past we nknown, are commit, fore Thy feet jpressed, Then our rest ; t)pes shall raise, changing days. 27 KevP. ("" r :n :d t, :s :s s :n u 8| :d :n r :n :d t, :si :8 s :n :d Si :d ^:d :d :n :d :pi :d :s :s :d :n :d r :n t. :d s :s s :n Id II, In Hi Id II, In H. 11 Id In H, Id II, If ff :r :t, :s :s, :r :t, :s :s, :t :n :se :ni :r :t, :f :r n d s d n d s d d* n 1 1, n d s d In Id Is Id Ir It, Is Is, It In Is in |r It, Is Is, s n s d n d s d s t, s n n d s d 6.7.6. 1). Prom AncADBLT. 1840. s :s If :n r :- 1 - r :d Id :d t, :- 1 - r :n |1 :s s :- 1 - ti :d If, :d si :- 1 - f.n:r.d|r :r d :- 1 - d :lj^|d :t, d :- 1 - 1 :n Is :s n :- 1 - f, :1, Is, :si d :- ' s :1 It :1 s :- 1 - t, :r |r :r t, :- 1 - s :fe J3 :-.fe s :- 1 - r :r [s. :r s, :- 1 - f.ni:r.d|r :r d :- 1 - d :l,.d|d :t, d :- 1 - 1 :n Is :s n :- 1 - f, :1, Is, :s. d :- 1 — " TAou art the same, and Thy years shall have no end. f 1 Q GOD, the Rock of Ages, ^ Who evermore hast been, What time the tempest rages. Our dwelling-place serene : Before Thy first creations, O Lord, the same as now. To endle.s8 generations The Everlasting Thou ! up 2 Our years are like the shadows On sunny hills that lie ;■ Or grasses in the meadows That blossom but to die : A sleep, a dream, a storv By strangers quickly told ; An imremaining glory Of things tha'u soon are old. "U> 3 O Thou who canst not slumber, Whose light grows never pale, Teach us aright to n\unber Our years before they fail. On us Thy mercy lighten, On us Thy goodness rest, And let Thy Spirit brighten The hearts Thyself hast blessed. Lord, crown our faith's endeavour With beauty and with grace, '■'•''»• Till, clothed in light for ever, We see Thee face to face : .-' A joy no language nieasufcs, A fountain brimming o'er, An endless flow of pleasures, An ocean without shore. GOD.- HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. " The henveiis iieclnre the glory c/Coii," J 1 ^HE spacious finnanient on high, With all the blue etiiereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. 2 The unwearied sun, from day to day, Does his Creator's power di8i)ljiy. And publishes to every land The work of an Almighty hand. »^3 Soon as the evening shades prevail. The moon takes up the wondrons tale And nightly to the listening earth Kepeats the story of her birth ; >"J 4 While all the stars that rounil her biiin, And all the planets in their tuni, Contirni the tidings as they roll, ' And spread the truth from pole top.le, P 5 What though in solemn silence all Move round the dark terrestrial IwlP What though no real voice, norwmnd, Amidst toeir radiant orbs be found? "(/•e In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice ; '' For ever singing, as they shine, "The Hand that made us is divine. " ..^>-^ GOD- HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. «»•• John (iiMH. |r' :dLt If :njt (1 :s If :8 Id' :t\ 1 1 :s^e n' :r^d' li :r n s d s s t Ir' :di t 11 If :n.fe :d' s r' If :1 s n' :r' d' s :-.f n d' :t d' s :S| d rouml lier bum, their turn, they rolj, •om pole to pole. 1 silence all ierrestrial liall? lice, nor ndund, •bs be found ? rejoice, •us voice ; y shine, lis is divine. " 29 Key p. Uh ia D. ' ' n :rt 1 1| :t| d :r HEINLEIN.-7.7.7.; 0. t. In :- "1 :l Id' 1 :d' t Hrinlkin. 1877. :t 11 :- li :li in, :se, 1. :1. |se, :- 'r :r In :n n :t, |de :- d :d Id :r n :1, It, :- "f :f 11 :1 1 :se 11 :- 1, :1, Id :t, 1. :f, In, :- »T :r 11. :1, n :n 11, :- f.p. ''n :n |f :f r :r In :- n :n Ir :d t. :t, 11, :- '1, :1, 11, :1. S| :8, Is, :- d :d It, :1, 1, :sei |1, :- 'd :d |r :r t, :t, Id :- s :s Is :n n :t, |de :- I'l, :li Ir, :r, 8| :s, Id, :- d :d Is, :1, n. :n, 11, :- " His kingdom ruleth over all" iil/1 OOVEREIGN Ruler of the skies, ^ Ever gracious, ever wise, All my times are in Thy hand ; All events at Thy command. 2 He that formed me in the womb, He shall guide me to the tumb : All my times shall ever be Ordered by His wise decree. mp 3 Times of sickness, times of health, Times of penury and wealth, Time* of trial and of grief, Times of triumph and relief, 4 Times the tempter's power to prore. Times to taste a Saviour's love : All must come, and last, and end, As shall please my heavenly Friend. }> 6 Plagues and deaths around me fly ; Till He bids, I cannot die ; Not a single shaft can hit Till the God of love sees fit. 6 O Thou gracious, wise, and just 1 In Thy hands my life I trust ; Have I something dearer still ? I resign it to Thy will. w/7 Thee at all times will I bless ; Having Thee, I all possess : How can I berenvfed be. Since I cannot part with Thee ? m I «'»l II GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. 30 Kev f:a D. n :1 Is :d' d> 1 ST :t ANN.— CM. 1 d> 1 s d' Dr. :s William Croft. 1677- |1 :fe |s :- | :d d :d Id :ii r :r In n n :n \n :r r :- 1 :ii s :f 1 s :1 1 :s Is a :t d> :1 t :- 1 i:d d :f In :1 f :s Id d 1| :n d :r S| :- 1 :t d> :1 |r' :t d< :1 t s :d< ri :t d' :- 1 :r d :d If :r n :n.r t, d :n f :r n :- 1 :s s :f 11 :s s :1 se s :s 1 :s s :- 1 .:s PI :f |r :s d :f n n :rt 1 r :s d :- 1 "Zonf, Thou hast beeii our dwellins-place in nil generations." / 1 A GOD, our help in ages past, ^ Our hope for years to come. Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home : mf 2 Uuder the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure ; SuflSoient U Thine arm alone, .Aud our defence is sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, •*■«. From everlasting Thou art God, To endless years the same. JJ 4 A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone ; Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun. 5 The busy tribes of flesh and blood, With all their lives and cares, Are carried downward by the flood, And lost in following years. 6 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away ; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day. / 7 O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come. Be Thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home. ^^^^^^Hi 31 Kkv ' [:s G. S :s 11 G :1 rRATITUDK— s :- 1- 6L7.6 s . f :pi :d r :d Id :d d :- 1- S| s, :si ^^^^^^■"1 :n r :n If n :- 1 - n r :d ^^^^E ^^^^^^^H- Id t, :d If • fi d :- 1- d t, :d f- s s :s 11 8 :- j- s l.t:di f :m If n :- i - d d :pi :»di r' :di Id' d' :- 1- d> 1 :1 ,:'.d i t, :d If Jfi d :- 1- PI f :n r Si t, S| f 1 r JOHANN CrPORR. :pi :s, :d :pIi :t :pj :se :pi r 1, :t, f fi It, d' . PI : 1 : 1, : Ci'B :"t, • ii fV '•A :d :n l:d 1 r:s| \m. ■ .j D.C. ■ \ d 1 :n d 1 i:d n 1 d, 1 I «yii KS. AM Croft, 1677 fe r 1 r -1727, S r t di n a d s in Thy sight ^euing gone ; ch that ends the night ling sun. of flesh and Wood, r lives and cares, mward by the flood, lUowing years. ?er-rolling stream, ons away ; en, as a dream >ening daj'. HANN CReoRR. \m. D.C. I ll r :- Id 1, :t, Id In f :- f| :ti Id, 1- d< n :- 1- 1 :- 1- 1, :- 1- GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. V f G :n, :4's . GRATITUDE— con<rawcd. :s :de de :1 If Ir |r It, :n :li :s :de f f r :d :li :f :f. id Is, In |S| :t, :-.f, :r :s. - I- "My ton^rue also shall talk of Thy righteousness all the day long. " / 1 "W'O'W thank we all our God, -1-' With heart, and hands, ar d d d, - I- - I With heart, and hands, and voices. Who wondrous things hath done, In whom His world rejoices ; ■\Vho, from our mother's arms, Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours to-day. wp 2 Oh, may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer as, ijij) ._„_„v. ^wuu>< vw vueei, ua, .ailU BUI 32 ^^■^^Jll.JLf^ And keep us in His grace, ' And guide us when perplexed. And free us from all ills In this world and the next ! / 3 All praise and thanks to God The Father now be given, The Son, and Him who reigns With them in highest heaven : The one eternal God Whom earth and heaven adore, For thus it was, is now. And shall be evermore. Handel. Adapted by W. H. Callcott. :n :d ;n.,f :d r :- s ti :- t, s :- s s, :- S| :r 1, :- :n :d :s :n, 1, f, d fi :- :f,vin, ;- :- :fi^ss :- d :- :d t, :- n n, - :fei s, :- S| d - :d r :- d 1, : - :1. s, :- d f :s :1 d :- :d d :- :1 li :- :f. :- rr, n :- :r d :- :t| s :- :f S| ;— ts. d :- n, :- d, :- d :- d :- n :- d :- "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee.' »'/l flow gentle God's commands, ■•^A How kind His precepts are ! Come, cast your burdens on the Lord, And trust His coubtaut vare. 2 While Providence supports. Let saints securely dwell ; That Hand, which bears all nature up, Shall guide His children well. mf / Why should this anxious load Press down your weary mind ? Haste to your heavenly Father's throne. And sweet refreshment find. i His goodness stands approved Down to the preseut day : I'll drop my burden at His feet. And Dear a song away. GOD: HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS 33 Klv G. WINCHESTER.— CM. From Site's Ptalter. 1595. 1 34 ':d n :-.rt |r :d f :f In r n :s Is :fe ■ KEr( :s, a J d s :-.d It, :d :-.s Is :itj :d Id :1 Is t, s d :t| s :s |r 11 :r.d :1 ' 1 ■ t, :- 1- s :- 1- 1 Si:si d d l:d a .'"i |S| :1| ii :fi Id S| d :ii |r :r s, :- 1- 1 diin. :n 1 :-.8|f :n :d It, n r :d Id :t| d :- 1- r 1 r\¥. 'A :d d :-.d|l, :d :"i Is, S| fi :ni Is, :..f. "i :- 1- I T\ IV\ :s .:d f. :-.ni|f :s •■•di|r, :n| *i :d |r :li Isi d Ii :d fi :1, |r Is, :r :S| d :- 1- d. :- 1- 1 1 f :n 8, :s ''''^^-^'^rAj;^ooa^ss^A}aTAcuAasi;a,Wuj^/^t;iem,Jiai/.arrA,,,' f 1 WHEN all Thy mercies, O my God I My nsing soul Burveya, riunsported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise. 2 Oh how shall words, with equal warmth, ^ The gratitude declare That glows witliin my ravished heart ! ■But Thou canst read it there. mp3 Thy Providence my life sustained, And all my wants redrest. When m the silent womb I lay And hung upon the breast. ' 4 Toall my weak complaints and cries Thy mercy lent an ear. Ere yet my feeble thoughts had learned 10 xorm themselves in prayer. •** Unnumbered comforts to my soul Tliy tender care bestowed, Before my infant heart conceived From whom these comforts flowed. ^ ^\^^*", *^1 "'iPPe'7 paths of youth, With heedless steps I ran, Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe, I And led me up to man : I /13 Through all eternity to Thee A joyful song I'll raise; For, oh ! eternity's too short To utter all Thy praise. '"" ^ '""'""feat'lir" *^''"^^"' *°"''' «•"' It gently cleared my way • And through the pleasingsnare. of vico More to be feared than they. A n J »!, * *^' renewed my face ; Ami, when in sins and sori^ows m nk llevived my soul with grace. Hath made my cup run o'er • H^/h .? l"A*°l^, ^*'*^'^"1 friend, Hath doubled all my store. "'•^^^ "^ Mv'jl??*".^ ^V"'^"'^ P^oi^^B gift' My daily thanks employ; ^ That tastes these gifts with joV. 11 Through every period of my jife Thy goodness I'll proclaim • And after death in distant worlds, Kesume the glorious theme. 12 When nature fails and day and night Divide Thy works no more. My ever-grateful heart, O Lord. Thy mercy shall adore. KS. m Ette'a Ptalter. 1592. GOD.- HIS ATTRIBUTES AND WORKS. fe rji I r 'I s :- |. t, :- !■ s :- |. si :- I- d :- |. "1 :- I- d :- I- di :- I- i/ear Thee." dangers, toils, and 3 my way ; leasingsnaresofvico, Id than they. cknesg, oft hast Thnii ewed my faoe ; and sorrows /-iunk i with grace. id with worldly hliss up run o'er ; faithful friend, L my store. sand precious gifts employ ; lieerful heart, gifts with joy. od of my life proclaim ; distant worlds, )us theme. ind day and night I no more, art, O Lord, dore. 34 KErG. ALMSGmNG.- Rev. J. B. Dvkks, Mus. Doc. 1 n :n :r 1 Si:S|:S|.f| 1 ' d :d :t| 1 d| :n| :S| S| :d .-PI S| :si :d n :n :n d :d :1, Si :- :S| n :r :d r :- :- S| :- :d t,:- - d :r :p! s :- - d :t, :1, s,:-: — 1 :- :- li - :- f d :r fi : - :- d :ri :-.r d Mi.Sird :-.ti S| n.d:s :..f n s, :s, :s, d ' Freely ye have received, freely give," ! IQ LORD of heaven, and earth, and sea, To Thee all praise and glory be ; How shall we show our love 'to Thee, Whogivest all? •»/2 The golden sunshine, vernal air, Sweet flowers and fruit, Thy love de- clare ; When harvests ripen, Thou art there, Who givest all. «P 3 For peaceful homes, and healthful days, For all the blessings earth displays, We owe Thee thankfulness and praise, Who givest aU. 4 Thou didst not spare Thine only Son, But gav'st Him for a world undone, And freely with that Blessed One Thou givest all. m/5 Thou giv'st the Holy Spirit's dower, Spirit of life, and love, and power, And dost His sevenfold graces shower Upon us all. 6 For souls redeemed, for Bins forgiven, For means of grace and hopes of heaven, Father, what can to Thee be given, Who givest all? wp 7 We lose what on ourselves we spend, We have as treasure without end Whatever, Lord, to Thee we lend Who givest all. m/8 Whatever, Lord, we lend to Thee, Repaid a thousand-fold will be ; Then gladly will we give to Thee, Who givest all ; »n^9 To Thee, from whom we all derive Our life, our gifts, our power to give : Oh may we ever with Thee live, Who givest all. II. yESUS CHRIST. 36 KeyG. S| :d S| :s, n :n Id :d ris, :d Si :s, n :n d :d f. Key G. ^f's :s *s, :8, d' <1< s :s s :s HM( li 1 :1 f :f 1 :1 f. :f, 1 :-. f :f ^^H ( > 1 :1 ff :f 1fi :f. BETHLEHEM.- D. 1 " .Si 'i :-.S| 1 :-.r nil n. :n »i PI »i •- 8 :s Is :-, d :t, II, :r s :s II :l "i :"i |fi :f, Key D. t. :"1 II 'f If :- dMr' :- 'd It, ;-.s, |s :s s :n PI II If, s :s I :n r :de 1 :s f( :1, »i ;- d' :s di s :s 8i :s, 8 :-.ii I PI Id' ;-.d Mendelssohs. r |P1 ;- Si :s. d :t, :p|i : :s, Id 8 :s Is :s s :s Is :n s :s r :pi .f I s s :s f :f t - tSj :-.n PI "I 0| PI :s 8, :s. |1 :s f :n |f f. :f t iii :de :de> r :PKf|s :..d ;-.s, f :- 8 :s n :f St .'s, d :t, >i •- Id JESUS CHRIST: HIS INCARNATION. Mendelssohs n :r In :- :t, Id :- :f In :- 'i :S| Id, :- :r Id :- :t, Id :- :f In :- 1 :s, Id :- :n In :r :d Id :t, :h Is :- :d Is, :- :r In :t, Id :s |s :s, Id, :r Id :t, Id :f In :s, I'' p "Glory to God in the higheU, and on earth peace, good will toward men. " ^ ^ H"^^^ ' *^® herald angels sing Glory to the new-bom King, Peace on earth, and merr-y mild, God and sinners reconciled. ' Joyful, all ye nations, rise. Join the triumph of the skies ; With the angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem. Hark ! the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born King. 2 Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the Everlasting Lord, Latfc in time behold Him come, Offspring of a Virgin's womb. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see ! Hail the Incarnate Deity ! Pleased as Man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel. Hark ! the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born King. 3 Hail, the heaven-born Prince of Peace ! Hail, the Sun of Eighteousness ! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings. Mild, He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth. Born to give them second birth. Hark ! the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born King. l! I' -^^ \ ill JESUS CHRIST: HIS INCARNATION. 36 KkyA. Si :S| Is, :si PI :fj|i|r :n d :r^|t, :d Id :M|r :d Si :s. Is, :s. DIX.~ German Chorale. :d (t PI :i- Id s, :-.f||r,, , - d :t, Id f| -'fi Ipii :1i Is, :s, Id, " IVAeM they saw the star, they rejoiced:' f 1 AS with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold ; As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright ; So, most gracious Lord, may we. Evermore be led by Thee. r>^ 2 As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed, There to bend the knee before Him whom heaven and earth adore ; So may we with willing feet Ever seek Thy mercy-seat. '»/ 3 As they oflfered gifts most rare At that cradle rude and bare, So may we with holy joy. Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures brin£r, Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King. ^P 4 Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way ; And, when earthly things" are past, Bring our ransomed souls, at last, ' Where they need no star to guidJ, Where no clouds Thy glory hide. /5 In the heavenly country bright Need they no created light ; Thou its Light, its Joy, its Crown, Thou its Sun which goes not down ; There for ever may we sing Hallelujahs to our King. JESUS CHRIST: HIS INCARNATION. FORMOSA.— 8 .8.7. D. biv Abthub Sullivan. r :n li :1. f :de If 111 Ir Ir, :f :li :d •.f|n :s '•S|!S| :S| .rid :r 1 1| :-.t||d :t| r :n |f :f li :de |r :r f :s if :1 fi :rii Ir, :d f. o. 'd' :-.d'|l :di d :-4|d :d 'PI :-.n|ri :1 li :-.lild :1| n :r d :t s :f d :si Id Id jn II, :-.d :t, :-.n :s, :n If :de |r :s If :ni I r. :f :r :1 :d f r s t, di f 1 f f r s t, .s|pi :d • .r|d -.sis :si :n -.t||d :pii :ri :f :t :r In' :ri In :n Id' :t id :sei s :fe d :d n :r 1, :r d :t| f, :f, r :r S| :S| G. t. "'f :n "li:l, •r :d •t, .-fe. ; - .s I PI -.rid -.8 I S -.t,|d :d :s, :pi :pi, :f. :r :si s t, r S| d pt, d d, r t, s S| d Pii d d, ' T/iere 7vas with the ansd a iiiultitude of the heavenly host praUing God.' S 1 JJARK ! what mean those holy voices, Sweetly sounding through the ukies? Lo ! the angelic host rejoices ; Heavenly hallelujahs rise. Listen to the wondrous story Which they chant in hymns of joy ; " Gi(ny in the highest, glory I Glory be to God on high ! 'f 2 " Peace on earth, good-wili from heaven, Reaching far as man is found ; roj* Souls redeemed, and men forgiven : Loud our golden harps shall sound. / Christ is born, the great Anointed ; Heaven and earth. His praises sing ! Oh, receive whom God appointed For your Prophet, Priest, and King. '»/S "Hasten, mortals, to adore Him, Learn His name, and taste His joy, Till in heaven ye sing before Him, / ' Glory be to God most high ! ' " Let UB learn the wondrous btory Of oiir great Redeemer's birth j Spread the brightness of His glory, Till it cover all the earth. JESUS CHRIST: HIS INCARNATION. 38 Key a. d m, d d, ADESTE, FIDELES.— John Rea' ..vo, 1^75. ( 1 |8| :d I S| :pi, Id :d I "i :d, r :- |S| :- Si :- |S| ;- t, :- It, :- Si:- Is, :- "1 d |r :n Si :si Is, :si r :r |s :n Si :li It, :d t, :- Si :- r :- r :- 111 Ife, n :r \n :f Si :8, Is, :1, d :r Id :d d :t, Id :f, 8,:- I- s, :- I- t, :- I- d :t, Id :r Si :8, Is, :s, n :r |pi :f S| :s, I S| :si PI :- |r :d Si :- |S| rn, d :- It, :d s, :- I S| :1| s :- If :n s, ;- II, :1| d ;- Id :d 111 :- |li :1, d :- is, :n si :- |S| :si n :- In :d Si :- |S| :s, d fei d li - It, :1, - Is, :fe - |r :r - |S| .T, f :- |pi li:ti Id f :- Is ri:- Id, n :r s, :s, d :t, S| :s. Oh come, let us a - doro Him, Oh come, let In :f I S| :t| Id :r JSilS, ua a- Him, Oh como, let t, :- I d ;f 81 :fi I n, ;1, r :- Id :- li:fi Uitii, s, :- dore n :- Si :- d :1, It s, :- Chriat 61 8, the d :- PI, :- d :- d, :- Lord. "Let us nmugo even unto Bethlehem:' S 1 QH come, all ye faithful, Joyfully triumphant, To Bethlehem hasten now with glad accord : Lo ! in a manger Lies the King of angels ; Oh come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! «y2 Though true God of true God, Light of light eternal. Our lowly nature He hath not abhorred : Soa of the Father, Not made, but begotten : Ob come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! :pti :d I r:s, ■ 1 ' :d II :d OHS Rea' ..vo, 1675. ^ESUS CHRIST: HIS INCARNATION. d fe, d li - It, :1, - Is, :fe; - Ir :r - Isi ;ri f :- In Lit, Id f :- Is ri:- Id, h come, let lis a - d :- n, :- d :- d, :- Lord. n :r In :f 1 ':s, 8i :si Is, :t| 1 :rii d :t, Id :r 1 :d Si :S| |si:si 1 jo, 39 Kev a. d S| d n, :s, 'A :d :d / 3 jiaise, raise, choirs of angels ! Songs of loudest triumph, Through heaven's high arches be your praises poured Now to our God be Glory in the highest ; Oh come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! 4 Amen ! Lord, we bless Thee, Born for our salvation, O Jesus ! for ever be Thy name adored : Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing : Oh come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord ! NATIVITY.— :d :fei :d :li :d :s, :d :n, It, is, Ir Is, 111 If. Id If. :ti :si :r ; S|.f| :d :s, :n d S| n n, :r \n :Mild :f Is :r. f :ii l,.t,:d f :s r, :d| |r It, Is Is, n S| d d r t. s 8i.f, d 1. n 1, :1. Ir :fe, Is, :r jr :d :si :ri.d||tj :di ti :1 s. _ Is. :fe. Is, :-.d|t, n :f Is :f d :t, Id :1| s :f In :d n. :ri Id, :f, r. :- I n :r 8. :-.fi ln, d :t, Id s. :- Id, " TAe U^ordiuas iiicuie JJesh." / 1 Q BLESSED night ! O rich delight ! When, joy with wonder blend- ing, To us from heaven a Son was given, Angelic hosts attending. "iJ)2For when, in thrall from Adam's fall, The world in death was lying, In flesh like mine, the Life divine Rose sun-like o'er the dying wp 6 God stoops to dwell in lowly cull, Nor shame nor want refusing ; He leaves His throne. His foes to own. For heaven a manger choosing. '"P 3 O God of Might ! Eternal Light ! In swaddling-bands they bound Thee; Thrust from the hall to lowly stall, The herd was gathered round Thee. •1 That cradled Child lay mute and mild, That Word whose voice is thunder ; The world's great Light withdrew from sight ; Oh, who can solve the wonder ! yESUS CHRIST: HIS INCARNATION. GORDON.— CM. :1 :d :f :fi Henby Smakt. Is Id In Id In Id Is Is :fe :-.d :1 :r s ti s 8| t, l|.ti:d s f ;s IS r :n lS| ir, rn, " / bring yon good tidings of great joy ." r.n :n ;r :t, :s :si :r :t, :s.f fM :■ n d s d d d n d - I - I J Y *" *^® ^"'■^'^ • *•>« ^"»'^ is come! " Let enrth receive her King ; I-et every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth ! the Saviour reigns ' wu?i* a^i", *''®'^ ^°"8,' employ, [plaiiiR, "Snile flehls and floods, rocks, hills, and Kepeat the sounding joy. "1/3 No more let sins and soitows grow Nor thorns infest the ground • ' He comes to make His blessings flow *ar as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace . And makes the nations prove J The g ones of His righteousness, And wonders of His love. ANGELUS.-L.M. " Himnlftook our infirmities, and bare our sicktiesses. ' '"■£$■ A T even, ere the sun was set. i JTL xiie sick, O Lord, around Thee lay; Oh, in what divers pains they met 1 / Oh, with what joy they went awny ! mp _ Once more 'tis cvcniide, and we, Oppressed with various ills, draw near ; f)y|j**,»f Thy form we cimnot see? « e know and feel that Thou art here. JESUS CHRIST: HIS LIFE AND MINISTRY. j> ? Sxviour Christ, our woes diapel ; For some are sick, aud some are sad, And some have never loved Thee well, Aud some have imt the love they had. -Uft* J And iom' havo fou' l the world is vain. Yet from the world they break not free; And some have friends who give them pain, Yet have not sought a friend in Thee ; P S And none, O Lord, have perfect rest, For none are wholly free from sin ; And they who fain would serve Thee best Arc conscious most of wrong within. »«i' 6 O Saviour Christ, Thou too art Man ; Thou hast been troubled, tempted, tried: Thy kind but searching glance can scan The very wounds that shame would hide. 42 n\f 7 Thy touch has still its ancient power ; No word from Thee can fruitless fall ; P Hear in this solemn evening hour, And in Thy mercy heal us all. LiGURI A.— Ket C. (I :1 Lahis |8 A. :d' t.l:t 11 n :f In :ii n : - .r 1 d d' :d' Id' :1 1 :se 11 1 :f Id :d.r n :n 1 1| 'd' :ri In' :d' r' :d'.t|l f :f |Pt :s f :s If 1 :t Id' :d' l.t:d' Id' f.n:r Id :n r :n |f — / ./././ • Ancient Melody. 1 :d' jr' :..di r' :n' |d' ;- n d' :1 :d' Is It : -.8 :-.d' 1 :s.f|pi d' :t Id' ;— 1 :f If : -.n f :s Id :- 1 :1 Is :d' t.l:t |1 - f :f In :n n :-.r|d - d' :r' Is :1 1 :se 11 - 1, :t, Id :d.r n :n 1 1, ; - '■'Ml m m mi "Lend, if Thou wilt, Then canst make me cleau." "';> 1 AN the shore of Galilee ^ Walked a leper silently ; Heard the eager people cry : " Lo, the Healer passeth by ! " V 2 Came the man of solitude, Shunned by all the multitude. And with all his heart's accord Worshipped low before the Lord. '<'V o *' If Thou wilt : " tho leper oried ; "Be thou clean!" the Lord re- plied. »»/ Faith enough to come and crave ; Power enough to stand and savp, Hip 4 Jesus quick put forth His hand, Token of a sweet command, )'l/" Overjoyed tin; leper's soul, f For the Lord hath touched hin> whole. »'/ 5 Oh, Thon Healer, still the same ! Speak to me Thy mighty name. While for joy I worship Thee, Like thef man of Oalilee. wv B Touch me. Lord, destroy my sin ; Touch me, .Tesus, make me clean ; Sinner I, but Saviour Thou ! Touoh,*0 Chnst, my sullied brow J yESUS CHRIST. HIS LIFE AND mNISTRY. MELITA.—, O t S Rey. J. B. Dvkes, Af,,,. n.^. f :s |n :d d :-.t||d :-.l f :r In :s_^ r :si Id :pi|.f " 7*si4S o/Kazareih />asseth by." W^^J •T''"* ^^^^ eager, anxions throng, Which moves with busy haste along"— l^ese wondrous gatherings cfav by day? What means this strange counr.otion, prav' fn accents hushed the throng reply: P Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.'' mp 2 Who is this Jesus ? Why should He ine city move so mightily? A passing stranger, has He skill To move the multitude at will ? '"•' Again the stirring notes reply : Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." ^P 3 Jesus ! 'tis He who once below Man 8 pathway trod, 'mid pain and woe : And burdened ones, where'er He camp, era TK°"^f * T^ t^eir sick, and deaf, and lame. ""• Ihe blind rejoiced to hear the crv : Jesus of Nazareth passeth by."' '^ * ^*1° 1^% ''"™^'' ■' ^™ni place to place ttw bojy footprints we can trace. :8i S| ;n PI :d d ':8, s, : :8i s, : :s n : 1 :si d 1 in r : 1 :d t, : 1 ■■' s : 1 ' Si : I ,* 1 ''' s,: 1 ■■" S| : 1 :f n : ■ :t, d : B. DVK M. Mim. Dhc d :t| Id .1, S| •S| Is, J r :r In 1< S| :si Id d ••t| 11, t, 1, :se, 11, n :n Id n :" 11, r :-.d|J t, :-.d|d f : - .PI 1 n B| :-.d|d JESUS CHRIST: HIS LIFE AND MINISTRY. 43 (Sreoml Tune.) Kky O :8 :ri :d ('■n :d :s :d n :- :f js :- :1 d :- :d jd :- :d :- :r jn d\- :d Id :- :d Id :||: [:si S| :- d Id / n :- f Is \ :s. S| :- S| |s/ -■■t, d :- d Id % :f n :- mm - :s 8 :- r |n ;- .:t. d :- /id - :si d :- d Id - :- H.- -8.! 3.S. ^.8. 8, Ti lEO. E PenKi.NS. S - n d :-.t,:d r :- :n|r :- d - d 8| :- :8| t,:- :d|t,:- d : s d L :-.f :n 8,:- :s| 8 :- :8|| 8i:- » s - :iv \< :-.ti:d pi:- :r|d:- 1 d /^ S| :- :S| d:- :t,|d:- li ;^ - :s - :d s :-.f :n 8 :- 8,:- :f |n:- :s,|d,:- •■^ d n :..r :d ! d •.d:d Id :-.t|:d r :- :n|r :- 8| -.SiJSi Is, :-.s,:d ti:- :d|t,:- 1 n -.n :n Is :-.f :n 8 :- :s| s :- d -.d:d m :-.r :d 8i:- :8,|8,:- .l:s |8 :pi :d n :- :r|d:- ^ .-.d:d Id :d :d d:- :t,|d:- >N uf:in " :s :n 8 :- :f |n:- d •Sk Id Id :d :d 8,:- :8,|d,:- ruf He pauseth at mir threshold, — nay, He enters,— cundescends to stay. Shall we not gladly raise the cry : "Jesus ot Nazareth passeth by?" w/ 5 Ho ! all ye heavy laden, come : Here's pardon, comfort, rest, and home. Ye wanderers from a Father's face, Return, accept His proffered grace. Ye tempted ones, there's refuge nigh : "Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." «'P 6 But if you still this call refuse, And all His wondrous love abiisn. Soon will He sadly from you turn, Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn. "Too late ! too late ! " will be the cry : "Jesus of Nazareth }i^ passed by." JESUS CHRIST.- HIS LIFE AND MINISTRY. 44 KeyG. OLD 137th.— D.C.M. Snglish Psalter, isflj, :d t, :1. Is, :d 11 :r |d d r :n f :r n :- 1 - :s, S| :f. |S| :p1i s, :-.f||pi| n. 1, :s. f| :s, S| :- 1 - :n r :t, Id :d d :t, Id d d :d 1, :ti d :- 1 - .:di S| :ri In, :1. s, :si |d| 1, f, rn. r. :s. d, :- 1- ':n r :d t, :d 1, :li Is, s. d :r In :r d :- 1 _ :si S| :8, s, :s, S| :fei Is, s. n, :1, 8, :S|.f, n, :- 1 - :d r :n r :d n :r.d|t| d d :d d :t. d :- 1 - .:d t, :d s, :m, d, :r. Is, n. 1. :f, s. :s, d, :- 1- ':s, d :r n :d f :f In d li :t. d :r d :- _ :ni n, :1. se :1. 1, :t|.!,|se, 1. li :li 1. :se, 1. :- 1 - :d d :1. t, :1. r :r.d|t| d d :f n :n n :- 1 _ .:d 1. :fi rt| .fi r, :r, |ri. 1, fi :ri PI, :n. 1. :- 1 - :d n :f s :s 1 :1 Is n r :n f :r d :- _ :n, 8| :li 1 S| :t, l,.t,:d It, s. s, :s. 1. :S|.f, PI, :- 1 - :d d :d 1 d :r n :fe |s s t, :d 1 d :t, d :- 1 - /I' S| :f. 1 n, << d, :ri Is, yesus . . . aproph d et mil S|.f,:ni 1 ^hty in deed. r. :s, d, :- 1 - '«/ 1 THINE arm, O Lord, in days of old, ■*■ Was strong to heal and save ; It triumphed o'er disease and death, O'er darkness and the grave ; 'mp To Thee they went, — the blind, the dumb, The palsied and the lame, The leper with his tainted life, The sick with fevered frame. '^\t 2 And, lo ! Thy touch brought life and health. Gave speech and strength and sight ; And youth renewed and frenzy calmed. Owned Thee the Lord of Light, wp And now, O Lord, be near to bless, Almighty as of yore. In crowded street, by restless couch. As by Gennesaret's shore. i English Psalter. n :- 'l s, :- '1 d :- •l d, :- d :- (,.f. n, :- '1 d :- l| d, :- d :- ei 1. :- n :- 'i 1. :- d :- i-fi n, :- d :- 1 d, :- im 46 Kbv ':si •A :d :d, :r :si :r yUSUS CHRIST: HIS LIFE AND MINISTRY. mp 3 Be Thou our great Deliverer atill, Thou Lord of life and death ; Restore and quicken, soothe and bless, With Thine Almighty breath ; »lf To hands that work, and eyes that see, Give wisdom's heavenly lore, / That whole and sick, and weak and strong, May praise Thee evermore. :• ■.( *M ST. JAMES.— CM. R. COURTEVILLE. 1680. d r In d r :f In Si S| |S| S| 1, :si Is, d t. Id d d :t, id n. 8| Id n, f. :s, Id, PI d If :n 1. :r It, S| S| If, :si f. :1, U, d d Id.t, :d d :f |r d, n, Ir, :d, f. :ri is. n s, d di s, f, t, 8, 1, :ti fe, :s, r :r d :t, Id In, Id Hi d n, d 1. :n If :ta, 1 1| :d Id :s. If, :1, :fe, ; r.d :r, :r :t, :s. S| .8, t, 8, d n, d d " / (t;« tfte way, and i/te truth, and the life." u4 1 rTHOU art the Way : to Thee alone •*- From sin and death we flee ; And he who would the Father seek, Must seek Him, Lord, by Thee. »ip 2 Thou art the Truth : Thy word alone True wisdom can impart : Thou only canst inform the mind. And purify the heart. 1 3 Thou art the Life : the rending tomb Proclaims Thy conquering arm ; And those who put their trust in Thee, Nor death nor hell shall harm. «lf 4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life Grant us that Way to know, / That Truth to keep, that Life to win. Whose joys eternal flow. JESUS CHRIST: ST. DROSTANE.— L.M. 8| S| d n, ti S| r S,.f| f r Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc, P. t. :n :si :d 's t, :d| |S| :»id |t| :'ir.n Ir, I'^si s t, f :-.t,|d :--Si|S| ; - .r I n :-.S|id d :si |1, :ni S|.fi:ni.ri[di :ni d :-.taitl| :d ni.ri;di If, -.h S| : - .f 1 1 pif "i :ri |d| d :t|.S||Si Sa :S2 |d| "Behold, thy King cometh unto thee . lowly, and ridmg upon an ass, and uton a colt thf foal of an ass." /I piDE on, ride on in majesty ! ^^ Haric! all the tribes Hosanna cry: "V O Saviour meek, pursue Thy road, With palms and scattered garments strewed. /2 Ride on, ride on in majesty ! fi In lowly pomp ride on to die : "1/ O Christ, Thy triumphs now begin O'er captive death and conquered sin. /3 Ride on, ride on in majesty ! mp The winged squadrons of the sky Look down with sad and wondering eyes To see the approaching sacrifice. /4 Ride on, ride on in majesty ! '»/ The last and fiercest strife is nigh : The Father on His sapphire throne Awaits His own anointed Son. f 5 Ride on, ride on in majesty ! V In lowly ponij) ride on to die : How Thy meek head to mortal pain, / Then take, O God, Thy power and reign. SPOHR.— Fi'om L. Spohb. d :- s d :- d n :- n d :- d :- :d ^ ;1 \n :1| D. t. "1 :se :1 f d 1 r di rt 1 n :s n :ti d :s s :si d :t :r :se :n f.G. 1 ':*s, 1 :*8, I' :i's 1 [:*8, pll :d , ':si :si :t, :si.fi 'W HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. i. Dykes, Mus. Doc, . t. } 8 :-.t,|d i ti :-.S|iS| '.11 f :-.r|n l| 8i :-.S|id 8| I " .f 1 1 Mf "t :r, |d| d :t|.S||S| Ss '.s-2 I d| and u/o/t a colt najeaty ! ns of the sky ad and wondering ing sacrifice. majesty ! strife is nigh ; apphire throne inted Son. From L. Spohb. - :s - :t, - :s - :si - :t 1 - - :r d - - :se 1 : - - :pi 1.: - SPOHR — continued. 1 f.G n :- n 1 l-S, d :- d 1 :i'8 s :- s 1 :*8, d :- d 8 :- :d d :- :d 8 :- :s n :- :ni n :- :r d :- s d :- :t| d :- d 8 :- :f n :- n 8, :- :si d :- d 1 :s :n d :- :d f :s :d fL :n, :1, f :- :t, d - 1, :- :8i^ pii - r :- :r d - r, :- :si d, - " TIte Lord liath laid on Him tlie imquity of us all." pi A CHRIST, what burdens bowed Thy V Our load wag laid on Thee; [head! Tliou stoodest in the sinner's stead, - Bearing all ill for me. A victim led, Thy blood was shed ; w/ Now there's no load for me. 1 2 Tlie Father lifted up His rod— Christ, it fell oA Thee ! Thou wast sore stricken of T'-v i..o'.;, Ill/ There's not one stroke for '< ■ V Tiiy tears, Thy blood, beneath it flowed ; »/ Thy bruising healeth me. P 3 The Holy One did hide His face— O Christ, 'twas hid from Thee ! Dumb darkness wrapt Thy soul a The darkness due to me. [space, — cres. But now that face of radiant grace Shines forth in light on me. «'i>4 For me. Lord Jesus, Thou hast died. And I have died in Thee ! "i/ Thou'rt risen ; my bonds are all untied ; And now Thou liv'st in me. When purified, made white and tried, / Thy glory then for me. 48 KevA :m :d , ':si :si :t, :si.fi :r :si :r :t, In |8< Id Id :d :si :d :p1i 1, f, d :t, :fi :r :ri ELY.— L.M. Id |pii Is, Id, Bishop TuRTON. t, 8, 8 :f In :d s, :t| |d :1, d :r In :1_^ n, :s. Id :f.n f :n |r l,.ti;d |t| f :8 Is r :d |S| s.d "i n 8, d d 1, 8, d d It, :a t, :1. Is, fe. Is, :1, 8, :fe, 1 s, d |r :n r :..d|t, 1| |8, :d, r. :r, |S: d f, d 1. I 8, In, Id Id n r :r Id d d :t, Id 8 1 :s.f|n n, fi :8, id, " God/orbid that I slwuld glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." "i/' 1 WE sing the praise of Him who died, — '^' Of Him who died upon the cross : The sinner's hope let men deride. For this we count the world but loss, 2 liiseribed upon the cross we see, In shining letters, "God is love ; " He bears our sins upon the tree. He brings us mercy from above. 3 The cross— it takes our guilt away ; It holds the fainting spirit up ; »»/ It cheers with hope the gloomy day, And sweetens every bitter cup. 4 It makes the coward spirit brave. And nerves the feeble arm for fight ; It takes its terror from the grave, And gilds the bed of death with light. 5 The balm of life, the cure of woe, The measure and the pledge of love, era. The sinner's refuge here below, The angel's theme in heaven above. li 49 KktE pd n :f :d d :- :n s :1 •d d -III (d' n s d f L f r jfBSUS CHRIST. • :r :t, :r :t, :s ;s, :t :r :f :si :1 :r :fe :r :n :de :s :n I d d n d 1 d n t r s s r r COMMUNIOIV.-L.M. Kovv.h. Ma..„. Mus. Doc, :n :d :s :d s d s_ n :di :1 ; d .r ••Lit :f n li ;f :t :si :d :Ii :f n :d d' :1 1| :d d.r :n S| :d ri.f :s S| :fe :d :1 :t :r :t, :f :s, •' mat things were gain to me, these I counted Ics. for Christ." »l^l "^HEN I survey the wondrous cross ,, . L T^'^'^y- *^<^ Prince of glory died. My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save m the death of Christ my God : All the yam things that charm me most. I sacrifice them to His blood. ^PZ See from His head, His hands, His feet. Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Uid e er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? "y 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, xhat were a present far too small ; / Love 80 amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. S n di d H d_ s s, s t, s l»7 d d n Id 50 KeyD :d I;: I p" 1 :d 1 ' ;1 1 :l.s :di :L_s :1 A.t. :*'f :»r i/i/i 1 J. 1 1 HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. ■D Miller, Mus. Boc. 50 Key D. mp Lah is B. f :ii d.r ;d 1 :s li.t,;d f :n li.t,:d :d :t :f :n 1 :s :d d :d :s f :s :d f :n :n 1 :s :d d.r:n :1 1 .t:di :l.s f :pi STUTTGART.— v. n t d> :d' d r djt :n s so 1 :1 d t| l|.t|;d.r 1 d l.s :f .8 f .n ;r f :n li.ti;d d.r :n^.d li :si r :- 1 d :t| 1 1 :s 1 fi :S| 1 r d :t| 1 1 :s 1 fi :si 1 d' f :n.r 1 1 :s.f 1 d :- 1 r * li :si 1 d :t, 1 f. :8i i n d s d d' n s d PI S| d d, t n t SBi S n di.ta d' n t :d> :n :1 d P f. D. 'd li.t|:d.r 1 :s ii.r :pi 1 :1 f :de f :n d.ti:d f :s li :si U. Leo Hasslgr, 1601. tJ:t n : n.r 1 :se n :n t.l:t : n.r :se :n rf :r :1 r .n:f .8 r d 1 f. :8 :t, :8 :s, 1 :- 1 d :- 1 1 :- 1 li ;- 1 1 ;- I d '- 1 1 - 1 1, • - 1 n - 1 de - 1 1 - ] 1 - 1 n - 1 d - 1 8 - 1 d - 1 " Surely He hath bortte our griefs," Mi> 1 A LAMB of God, once wounded, "^ With grief and pain weighed Thy sacred head surrounded [down, With thorns, Thine only crown ! How pale art Thou with anguish, With sore abuse and scorn ! How does that visage languish, p Which once was bright as morn ! wjJ 2 Lord of life and glory, What bliss till now was Thine ! I read the wondrous story, I joy to call Thee mine. Thy grief and Thy compassion Were all for sinners' gain ; Mine, mine wau the transgression, P But Thine the deadly pain. ■Dip 3 What language shall I borrow To praise Thee, Heavenly Friend, For this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end ? Lord, make me Thine for ever, Nor let me faithless prove ; Oh, let me never, never :j Abuse such dying love ! «ip 4 Be near me. Lord, when dying ; Show Thou Thyself to me ; And, for my succour flying, Come, Lord, to set me free : These eyes, new faith receiving, From Jesus shall not move : For he who dies believing, j> Dies safely through Thy love. Sfitl jfBSUS CHRIST. SOLDAU.— L.M. Id :1, I"! :fi id :d II. :f, |n :d Is, .-d n :b In :n li :t, Id :1, s, :1, .|d "i :fi In, d :d Id d, :f, id, H. DiBDiN, from an old Gennun Cliorale of I3tli Centu" r :r d :t, 1 :s fi :s, In Id Is Id, n d s d d s, m d, s :1 Is :rt d :d It, :d s :fj2lr :d "i :fi |S| :1| li :s. 111 :..t fi :ni If, :..f d :d Id :-.r f I :d| I f I : . .r " He hath covered me imtk the robe o/ righteousness." d :1, Si :1, d :d "i :f, d :d Si :1, n :f lid) :f, Id Is, In Id, Id Is, In Id, / 1 TESUS, Thy blood and righteousness y My beauty are, my glorious dress; Midst flaming worlds, in these arrayed With joy shall I lift up my head. X 2 Bold shall I stand in Thy great day ; For who aught to my charge shall lay? Fully absolved through these I am, From sin and fear, from guilt an d shame. Wd When from the dust of death I rise, To claim my mansion in the skies, '"/ Even then this shall be all my plea, Jesus h.ith lived, hath died for me 4 Jesus, be endless praise to Thee, \\ hose boundJess mercy hath for me- *or me, a full atonement r->de An everlasting ransom pai" ' ^ ^ Siit*.^^.^,!lL"^r ¥^r Thy voice; 62 Key A. Liih is I'J. n, :I, |1, :sei "i :r, In, :n, d :1, It, :t, li :fi In, :r, n, :I| 1 1, :bei n, :«, Ir, :n, d :d |1, :t, |l, :1| |f, :n, Ita, :ta, | ta, .-l. ST. 00LM.-8 7.S.7.8.7. fi :f, r :r r, :r, |si :f. Id :d n, :f, li :d Id :t, n, :1, 1 1, :se, d :n In :n d, ili In, :n, li :d Id :t, n, :s. Hi :s, d :n I r :r Ji :s, |fe, :s, d :d Id :t; h •!, 1 1| rse, v\ -.n |fe :t| n, :1, Ire, :ni t, :n se, :sei n :t, fi :r, r :s t, :S| r :t| s, :s, t, :n se, :se, n :t, n, :r, |n :r 111 :1, Id :f Id, :r, Is :f Is, :1, Id :d In, :f. In :r Hi :1, Id :f d, rr. righteousue Dr. Gaiwtlkit, 1 :t, II, :- li :se, |1, :- n :n |d :- "i :n, II, :- d :- n, :- d :- n :r s, :f, d :t, s, :S| d :t, 1, li :sei |1| n :n |d n, :n. i{ \y- 1 53 Key D. ':d n :d PI :d PI Jd PI i\n n :n n :t d' ,:se 1 [:1 p :1 s :1 s :1 s HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. "Itisjinished." m/1 TIARK ! the voice of love and mercy Jl Sounds aloud from Calvary, See, the rocks are rent asunder. Darkness veils the mid-day sky : p " It is finished ! » Hear the dying Saviour cry, wj2 " It is finished ! " Oh, what pleasure Do these precious words afford ! Heavenly blesiings without measure Flow to us from Ciirist the Lord. ,> "It is finished!" Saints, the dying words record. W3 Finished all the types and shadows Of the ceremonial law ; Finished all that God had promised ; Death and hell no more shall nwe. P "It is finished ! " [draw. Saints, from hence your comfort m/i Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs. Join to sing the pleasing theme. All on earth and all in heav6n. Join to praise Immanuel's name. / Hallelujah ! Glory to the bleeding Lamb 1 53 Ke\ ':d D. n :d In 1 DUDLEY.-6. s :- 1- :t, d' :t Id :r' Dr. RlMBAULT. :d PI :d \n 1 s :- 1- :s t* •a Is :f n - 1 — :d n :d In 1 s :- 1- :r' d' :ri |di :t d' - 1 - .:d n :d In 1 s :- 1- :f n it |n :r d - 1 - in n :1 |r' d' t :s In :1 1 :- |se :- 1 : — 1 — :ii n :n |r : r r :r |d :f n :- In :- n : - 1 - :t d' :d' 11 : 1 t :t |1 :t d' :- It :r' d' : - 1 — .:se 1 :1 |fe : fe s :s |1 :r n :- In :- 1. : - 1 - :1 s :- 1 f :- n :-| - :n n :n |n :s s :s |s :di W:- |] r':- d' -1- :1 s:-|f :- PI . 1 '- 1 - :r d:r Id :f n :f In :f n :- |_ 3:f n - 1- :1 s:-|f :- n :-! - :t 1 :t 11 :ri di:ri|di :di d':- |i b:- di -1- .:1 s:- If :- n :-| - :se 1 :se|l :t dt:t id' :1 8 :- |( i :- d -1- ' Having therefore boldness to enter into the holiest byi the blood of Jesus." / 1 T\ONE is the work that saves ! ^ Once and for ever done ! Finished the righteousness That clothes the unrighteous one ! The love that blesse; as below Is flowing freely to us now. w/2 Tlie sacrifice is o'er ; The veil is rent in twain ; Sprinkled the mercy-seat With blood of victim slain ; AVhy stand we then without in fear? The blood divine invites us near. «V/"3 The gate la open wide, The new and living way Is clear and free and bright. With love and peace and day ; Into the holiest now we come,' Our present and our endless home. / 4 Then to the Lanrb once slain Be glory, praise, and power. Who died and lives again. Who liveth evermore ; Who loved and washed us in His blood. Who made us kinf 4 and priests to God! ySSUS CHRIST: GETHSEMANE.— 1 d 1 1 n d W. H. Monk, Mua. Doc. :d' :n :1 :1. :d' :n |tj:t l_jb:di 1. :1 II In It Is in |3 :se ; n.r •I :f :-.di :r n 11 1 d 1 PI :1 :n :d< :1, :se :-.r Ise \r\ It In II Id tj,:t II n :n |l, n d s d :d' :n :1 It :1 |n.r;d.r se l.t :li In :f " The fellowship of His sufferings." wp 1 rtO to dark Gethsemane, ^l" Ye that feel the tempter's power • Your Redeemer'a conflict see: ^ ' Ji°.f 7'^^ W^ °°« bitter hour ; Turn not from His griefs a way : ' Learn of Jesus Christ to pray. 2 Follow to the judgment-hall • View the Lord of life arrai^ed, ?^u ru*"™^®°<^ and the gall ! Oh, the pangs His soul sustained » Shun not suflfering, shame, or loss • * Learn of H u to bear the cross. ' 3 Calva- Vg mournful mountain climb : „Tht ., adoring at His feet, Mark that miracle of time— „ ^S' ''s o^n sacrifice complete. ;• It IS finished! "hear Him cVy. Learn of Jesus Christ to die. P 4 Early hasten to the tomb, f r^x ■h'*- ^a*^ taken Him away ? / Christ 18 nsjn : He seeks the skies • Saviour, teach us so to rise * 1 :se n :..r d' :t n :n II d 1 1. HIS SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. Monk, Mus. Doo. | 55 ELVEY.— :1 Ise :- Key •:d E. n :s If :pi r • ,_ s 1 : :n \n :- :d d :r Id :d ti • __ l_ ti d : :d' It ;- :n s :s 1 :s s ;- _ 1 s ri : :li In ;- :d d :'5, 1. :d 8, :- - 11 d : :se 11 :- ^:8 d • _ |r • ~m n :fe s :di t : :-.r|d :- :t. d ;- :t| d :d ti :ii r : :t 11 - :s 11 ;- s s :1 s :s s : ••" 11, . 1 .:n, li :- 8| :- d :li PI d r : •se 11 : 1 ■:8 8 :n 1 :s f ;_ * f f : -■rjd : - 1 :ti de :ii r :de r :- - li ti : t 11 : - 1 1 :s n :s f :n r ;■- — r r : M 11, : 1 .:"i li :1. 1 1. :1. r :- - r. Si : 1 ':d 1 :- - :s f :b n f n : 1 :d d_ ^ 1 n :- r :r d : d d : 1 1 :s 1 :- 1 :- 1 :s s : 1 s : 1 1 :n f :- de :- r :t, 1 d : f, Si : :di :d ;1 :li sir Georog J. Elvey. :1 •d :fe ''V :r :r :f :si :r :d fe r s d n S| r ti s :f :ti :r :si Si :- s t, s 8, s t, s 8, n d d d d d n d mp ' He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death ■n\f 2 It was no path of flowers Through this dark world of ours, Beloved of the Father, Thou didst trend : And shall we in dismay ►Shrink from the narrow way, When clouds and darkness are around it spread ? 1 rpHOU, who didst stoop below A To drain the ouj) of woe, And wear the form of frail mortality, nS Thy blessfed labours done, Thy crown of victory won, / Hast passed from earth, passed to Thy home on high. mS 3 Thou who art our life. Be with us through the strife ! Thy own meek head by rudest storms was bowed ; Raise Thou our eyes above, To see a Father's love Beam, like a bow of promise, through the cloud, wjj 4 E'en through the awful gloom Which hovers o'er the tomb, That light of love our guiding star shall be ; mf Our spirits shall not dread The shadowy way to tread, / Friend, Guardian, Saviour I which doth lead to Thee. JESUS CHRIST: O0 (Fir»t Tune.) KetG :d li :S| |d :r fi :S| |1| :t| d :d |n :s fi :ni 111 :8| r:8.f } :si :r f f i:t, :s :d :s 1 1 :s Id :d If :n |fi :d GRAFENBERO.— CM. :f :d :1 :fi JOHANM CrCokr. 1002-1(162. :pi |r n s :S|.l||ti d d :n.fe| s s s :d| 1 s, d I'l I PI Id Is Is, li.t|;d f :s r :d :pi |r t, Is Is, r ;n.f |pi l|.ti:d.r|d f :s.l|s :r :t, :-.f :s, :r :t. .f If, :ni.ri|S| :s, d d PI d d d PI (Second Tune.) Key a. HOWARD. — CM. Dr. Samuel Howarp. Ob. 1782. ^:pi :s, :d :d ^:d :pi, :d :d, n ;s :f 8, :- :1, d :- :d d :p1i :f| P1_ :r :d Si :f, :pi. d :t| :d S| ;- :li r :1, :t, d :- r 1, :- :s. Si :- s, f :- :r Pi :- t. f, :- :s, d,:- s. n :fe ;s 8, :1, ;b, d :- :r 3 :1, :t. r.d:ti :l, B|.li:s,;fei r.n :r :r.d t|.d :r :ri 8,:- s,:- t,:- s,:- r :- :pi f - .n s,:- tSf.ta, tai .l,:s; d:ti:d d -:d 8,:- :d f, -:d. r :pi :d s, :- :li t| ;d :f S| ;pi, :f. d :t, 8, S| t, S|.f| B| :- PI :r s, :- s :f :pi r 1| :t, d:- s,:- S| :t| :d 1, - :si d :r :n f - :f n:- PI, :r, :d. f, - :si d,:- " l/^OH the first day o/tht •week, very early in the morning, tfuy came unto the sepulchre." f 1 "DLEST morning ! whose first dawn- \ J' 4 To Thy great name, Ahnigbty Lord I Beheld the Son of God [ing rays Arise triumphant from the grave, And leave His dark abode. j> 2 Wrapt in the silence of the tomb The great Redeemer lay. Till the revolving skies had brought The third, th' appointed day. »np 3 Hell and the grave combined their To hold our Lord in vain ; [force / Sudden the Conqueror arose, And burst their feeble chain. We sacred honours pay, And loud hosannas shall proclaim The triumphs of the day. 5 Salvation and immortal praise To our victorious King ! Let heaven and earth, and rocks and With glad hosannas ring. [sea?, 6 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore. Be glory, as it wa-s, and is, And shall be evermore. CrUoer. 1C02-1662, d 1 1 d 1 .f n - 1 d - 1 d - 1 '1 d 1 .f n 1 ll d, 1 HowARn. Ob. 1782. r.d:ti ;li 8|.l|:8i ;fei r.pi ;r :r.d t|.d :r :r, 1, f f. 1, :t *i - :f - :si to the sepulchre." ne, Almighty Lord ! lours paj', las shall proclaim uf the day. mortal praise >us King ! iarth, and rocka and mnas ring. [seas, and Holy Ghost, 1 we adore, xa, and is, vermore. ^. HIS RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION. '^^ 57 (F'rtt Tune.) Kev F. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE — Dr. OwsTLnT. n :d 11 :s f :n |r :- n :d 18 :s 8 :fe Is :- d :d Id :d r :d It, :- d :d In :r d :d It, :- s :n If :s s :s Is :- 8 :s 1 8 :8 1 :1 jr :- d :d If in t, :d Is, :- d in Id :t, 1, :li |8i :- n :r |d :1 8 :f In :- n :n Is :n n :r Id :- d :t, Id :d d :d.t,|d :- t, :d It, :d d :t. Id :- n :s.f|n :f.ri r :8 Is :- n :d |r :n.f 8 :s.f|n :- d :s, 11, :fi 8, :8, Id :- se, :1, |8, :d 8| :S| 14 :- "//e is not here, but is risen." f 1 " IJHRIST the Lord is risen today," Sons of men, and angels, say : Raise your joys and triumphs high ; Sing, ye heavens ; and, earth, reply. wp 2 Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won : Lo ! our Sun's eclipse is o'er, ./ Lo ! He sets in blood no more. inv 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal ; Christ hath burst the gates of hell ; Death in vain forbids His rise ; ^ Chri.st hath opened Paradise. 4 Lives again our glorious King ; Where, O death, is now thy sting ? Once He died our souls to save : Where thy victory, O grave ? «/ 5 Soar we now where Christ hath led, Following our exalted Head ; Made like Him, like Him we rise ; Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. / 6 Hail ! the Loi'd of earth and heaven ! Praise to Thee by both be given Thee we greet triumphant now. Hail ! the Resurrection Thou ! (rk^.^ AA i> V JESUS CHRIST: OT {Stcond TwM.) Kev O ST. GEORGE'S, WINDaOR_7.7.7.7. d. Sir 0. J. Elvet ' n : • .1 1 , 8 :n d :r \n :- n : - .n 1 8 :pi d :r In :- 3| :-.S|l8| :s, 1, :t, Id :- 8| :-.s,|8. :s. i| :li Ise,:- d : - .d r :n n :s Is :- d :-.d|r :d n :f It, :- d : - .d 1 ti :d 1, :si Id •"■ d :-.d|t. :d 1| :fi In, :- 'n : • .n 1 f r : - .r 1 n :- n :fe Is :d ti :1( Is, :- 1. :-.l,|l, :t. 8| :8, Is, :- 8| :1, Is, :li 8| :fei Is, :- d '-.d|r :r t, :t, Id :- d :d |r :n :-.d t, :- li -.1,1 r, :ri S| :8, Id, :- d :li It, :d :ri Is, :- 't, -.t,|r :t, d :r |n :- n : - .rt 1 8 :n :8 11 :- S| : -.S|| S| :&, 8| :f, Is, :- S| : -.8,|d :d :ta, 11, :- r : -.r|t, :r d : - .t| 1 d i;- d :-.d|n :s :-.n|f :- . 8, : •.S||S| :f, n. :r, Id, :- d. :-.d,|d :ta, 1| :si If, :- 1 : -.l|f :r 8 : - .8 1 PI :- f :1 Is :d n :r Id :- 1, : de |r :1. S| :t, Id :- d :d Id :d d :t. Id :- n : 1 |1 :f r :s Is :- f :f Is :n s :-.f|n :- de : 1. Ir :-.r t, :si Id :- 1. :f, In, :li 8| :8, Id :- ' He is not here, but is risen." f 1 "rjHRIST the Lord is risen to-day," Y Sons of men, and angels, say : Baise your joys and triumplis liigh ; Sing, ye heavens ; and, earth, reply. i"y> 2 Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won : Lo ! our Sun's eclipse is o'er, / Lo ! He sets in blood no more. n»P 3 Vain the stone, the watch, tlie weal; Christ hath burst the gates of hell ; Death in vain forbids His rise ; .'' Christ hath opened Paradise. 4 Lives again our glorious King ; Where, O death, is now thy sting? Once He died our souls to save ; Where thy victory, O grave 1 >n/5 Soar we now where Christ hath led. Following our exalted Head ; Made like Him, like Him we rise ; Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. / 6 Hail I the Lord of earth and heaven I Traise to Thee by both be given ; Thee we greet triumphant now, Hail ! the Resurrection Thou 1 B watch, the seul; ;he fi&tea of hell ; ids His rise ; i Paradise. tits RHSURRECTION AND ASCENSION. 58 lfir$t Tune.) .KkvP. Ti :n |r :n 't, :d It, :t, *8e :1 |bah:se •n !l| I :t| rii Ib^URRECTlON.— 7.7. 7. 7. 4. 8 :l\n :- d :r |n :d Is, :1, In :n Id :1, t, :1, n :n n :d In In li :t, n :s 1, :r|d :t, f6|!S|| 1| !S| r :r|n :n r, :t||l, :ni d :r In :- li:t,|d :- n :s Is :- li :s, Id :- n :r In :d d :t. Id :1, s :s Is :f d :s, |d| :f, t, :l,'l, :-. S| ;n, jsei;- r :&^n :- Sirliln, ti :t, li ise, 11, n :n |d "i :n, |1, D. t. ni. I Oerman. 1| j«'t,:t, p;:s, i*' v; :r (Second Tune.) KkvD. n :f |s :n d :d |r :d s :I Is :s d :I| It, :d Small nolen tued in pasninij/rom 1«( to inthaeti\.ent veratn. WESTMORKLAND.— 7. 7. 7. 7. 4. • s, :S| s :d' It :- d :s Is :- d' :n' |r' :- n rn.fjs :- d' :1 Is :n n :f Id :d d' :d' Id' :8 1 :f In :d X Dr. Steqoall. :fe Is :r :1 |r It li :r Is, s .-n |1 :s r :d Id :d s :s If :s t|:d If :n di:r' In':- rt :s Is :■ 1 :t Id': 1 :s Id :- d':l Is :n s :f |r :d d':d' |r':s n :f It, :d n :r |n d.d f :- In ; — d :t. Id d.d d -Id - s :s Is s.s 1 - 1 s — ni.f,:si Id n.n f : -Id : - " iVow is ChrJst risen from the dead." / 1 rjHKIST the Lord is risen again ; ^■' Christ huth broken every chain • Hark ! the angels shout for joy, Singing evermore on high, Hallelujah ! »>/2 ire who gave for us His life, Who for us endured the strife, la our Paschal Lamb to-day ; We too sing for joy, and s.iy, Hallelujah ! / "'P 3 He who b<ue all pain and loss, Com forth' -..s upon the cross. Lives in glory now on high. Pleads for us, and hears our cry 1 '■ Hallelujah ! »y>4 N.iw He bids us tell abroad How the lost may be restored, How the penitent forgiven. How we too may enter heaven. '^ HalloluJHh ! w/5 Thou, our Paschal Lamb indeed, Christ, Thy ransomed people feed : Take our sins and guilt away. That we all may sing for aye, ^ Hallelujah ! JESUS CHRIST: 69 Key A. ST. MICHAEL, or OLD 134th.- -S.M. From Oe r:s, d :n |r :r n :- 1- s f :n Ir :r d :ri, n. :s, 11. :s, S| :- 1- S| 1, :s, Is, :s. "i :d d :d Id :t, d :- 1- d d :d Id :t. d i:d li :nj If. :s, d :- 1- PI, f. :d. Is, :s, d. :d t, :li |8, :d d :r 1" n r :d Id :t, d :1. S| :f. jpt, :s, n, :1. Ise, s, 1. :s. Is, :s. S| :n n :d Id :d d :li It, d f :n Ir :r n U. n, :fi Id, :n, 1. :f. In, ". f. :d. Is, :s. d, - I - I " TAe Lordis risen indeed" /I " THE Lord is risen indeed ; " ■*■ Now is His work performed ; Now is the mighty captive freed, And Death's strong castle stormed. 2 " The Lord is risen indeed ; " Tlie Grave has lost his prey; With Him is risen the ransomed seed, To reign in endless day. 3 " The Lord is risen indeed ; " He lives, to die no more ; / He lives, the sinner's cause to plead Whose curse and shame He bore. ' 4 "The Lord is risen indeed ; " Attending angels, hear ! Up to the courts of heaven, with speed The joyful tidings bear. 5 Then tune your golden lyres, And strike each cheerful clioid • Join, all ye bright celestial choirs' To sing our risen Lord ! 60 ST. ALBINUS.- - T^t* /!L A f«>n<r ..,._ Key C. "* • vjnui^ij^bij : In :d s :-.n|l :1 s :- ni:r' d' :t 11 :di d> :- Is :- : In :d s :-.n|l :1 s :- s :s n :s Is :f n :- |n:- : |n :d s :-.n|l :1 s :- di :t d':di |di:l s :- Id':- 1^ In :d s :-.n|l :1 s :- d':s 1 :n If :f d :- Id :- ^d' 8 11 :n s :f In :- n' :t Id'.-s 1 :di |ri:- di :- d':! n n Id :d r :r Id :- s :f |n :s s :f If :- n :- f .-f d' : d> 11 :d' d' :t Id' :- d':ri lai :di di:d' It :- di •- 1 :1 .d : n If s :s Id :- di:s 11 :n f :1 Is :- d - f :f d :..d'|di d' :- n' :ri s :d' Id'rri d :- d :d f 1 : - jn':- FJ : - .in 1 f n :- s :fe s :s.f|n :f n :- n :n 1 : - Is :- s : - .s 1 1 s :- d' :ri ri:d' |d':t d' :- d :di d: - Id':- d : -.dif d :- li' :d' t :1 1 s :s d :- d'rl f : - Id :- HIS RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION. i'rom Genevan PtalUr. d d d, d S| PI d, r's cause to plead, I shame He bore. I indeed ; " I, hear! ' heaven, with speed, [s bear. [den lyres, cheerful chord ; celestial choirs. Lord! Dr. Gauntlett, d' n s d d' n d' d fi 1 d' f - Is :- - In :- - Id':- - Id :- d':! f :f 1 :1 f :f lii':- |s :- Id':- |d :- "Because I live,ye shall live also." f 1 TESTIS lives ! no longer now » Can thy terrors, Death, appal me ; Jesus lives ! by this I know, Thou, O grave ! canst not enthral me. Brighter scenes at death comineuoe ; This shall be my confidence. Hallelujah ! 2 Jesus lives ! to Him the throne High o'er heaven and earth is givfen • I may go where He is gone, Live and reign with Him in heaven. God through Christ forgives offence : This shall be my confidence. Hallelujah ! w/ 3 Jesus lives ! who now despairs, [spoken ; Spurns the word which God hath Grace to ail that word declares, Grace whereby ain's yoke is broken. "4^ Christ rejects not penitence ; This shall be my confidence. ^ Hallelujah ! "^4 Jesus lives ! for me He died : Hence will I, to Jesus living Pure in heart and act abide, ' Praise to Him and glory givin" Freely God doth aid dispense ; °' Ihis shall be my confidence. ^ Hallelujah ! 5 Jesus lives ! my heart knows well Nought from me His love shall sever ; Life, nor deatli, nor powers of iiell Part me now from Christ for ever. God will be a aure defence ; This shall be my confidence. Hallelujali ! MAINZER.— L.M. s :s Id' :t s :r |pi :s PI' :r' Id' :Ji d Id' :t II 1 ps s 1 ;r PI 1 :t d 1 :f PI :s •f :t :r Id' In Id' Id :pi :t :s :d' :pi 1 :1 Is f :f |pj d' :l_^|d' f :f Id 1 PI de' li f :s r :r 1 :s r :t| I PI :d< |pi :1 Is :n' Id :1, Br. Mainzeb. t :1 Is s :fe Is r' :di It r :r | s, 1 :1 Is s 1 :t f :f |pi PI f :f d' :Kt|d' d' d' :r' f :f Id d f\Pi:r Behold, / atn alive /or evermore. " Id' In Id' II ; pi'.r ' :f :1 :f :t :r :s :si Id' In Is Id / 1 " r KNOW that my Kedeemer lives : " What comfort this assurance gives ! He lives. He lives, who once was dead : He lives, my ever-living Head. 2 He lives, triumphant from the grave He lives Gternally to save, He lives all glorious in the sky, He lives exalted there on high. '¥ 3 He lives to bless me with His love. He Uvea to plead for me above. 'I'lP He lives my hungry soul to feed, He lives to help in time of need. mf 4 He lives ; and while He lives, I'll sing, He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King, He lives, my J-ind, my faithful Friend, He iivea, and loves mo to the end. / 5 He lives ; all glory to His name ! He lives, my Jesus, still the same ; Oh the sweet joy the assurance gives, "I know that my Kedeemer lives I " yESUS CHRIST: D^ (First Tune ) Key a. Si :d I OLIVET.-S.M.D. d 1, n :n :1, :d 1. :1 S -.r 1- d s, :- 1- S| d :- 1- n "i :- 1- PI f :m l^ti:d f :s r :d Uev. J. 15. Dykes, Mus. LIdc d d In :r Id :t| Is :-.f Isi :S| f :n In :r li :s, |si :f| Mi:d |dJ,:ti r, ;ni.f||si.f,:si It if II Ir :t :fe :1 :re ( Si :n |r :d d :f 1 ^ r ni.fi:Si If, :si fi :li Is, 1 S|.l|:tai 1 tai :tai 1, :d Id f di :d| Ir, :ii, f, :r, In, f, d :t|^|r :-.t Si :S| |s, :-.s, n :rji|f :..r Si :si Is, :-.S| n d d :- pii :- d :- d, :- A. t. lu. 1. r :- 's, :- "t, :■ d S| n d, I ps, 1 :ri, 1 :d 1 .:<i, Ki;v E. (IkcoiiU Tune.) ^:d :si :n :d :n :d :s :d If Id If II, :t, :r :si ps d* :t 11 :s i ^ :t, d :r In :t, :s s :s Id' :s 1 :: l:s n :s Id :n x> j.t^-1 I'M \J^Jl^ lA.— -O.iV 1. German, c. 1720. n :- 1- s 1 :di If :n r :- 1- d - 1 ~ d d :d |d^:d ti :- 1- n - 1- n f :s If :s s :- 1- d : - 1- d f :n |r :n.f s :- 1- 1 :1 |s s d :n Ir :r d :- 1- n :r It, t, d :d Id :t, d - 1- s :fe 1 s s n :s 11 :s n - 1- d : r Is S| 1. .-n. If, :s, d : - 1- :si :d s S| d n, crown / 1 H. Dykes, Mas. lj„c. r d :- |_ t, d :- 1- -.f M - 1- S| d : - 1- r d :- 1- f, n, :- 1- t; d :- 1- Si d, :- 1- A. t. lu. 1. »r :- 1- e "S| :- 1- "t, :- 1- e "s, :- - 1- HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. d S| n d, German, c 1720, r :- 1 - t, :- |- s :- 1 - s :- |- d :- — d :- - n :- - d :- - " T/iau hast ascetided on high." / 1 rTHOU art gone up on high, A To mansions in the skies, And round Thy throne unceasingly The songs of praise arise. mp 2 But wo are lingering here. With sin and care oppressed ; Lord, send Thy promised Comforter, And lead us to Thy rest. / 3 Thou art gone up on high : But Thou didst first come down, Through earth's most bitter agony To pass unto Thy crown. '»P 4 And girt with griefs and fears Our onward course must be ; But only let that path of tears Lead us at last to Thee. Thou art gone up on high ; But Thou shalt come a'^ain, With all the bright ones of the sky Attendant in Thy train. Oh by Thy saving power, So make us live and die, That we may stand, in that dread hour At Thy right hand on high ! / 5 Jn/6 / 63 Kr.y {FWit Tune.) Bf». MILES LANE.- -CM. Shrcbsole. r:s, d :d Id :r n :r.d|r 3, 1, :si.f,|n, :r. d, :- 1 :ri, si :li Is, :si S| :fe, |S| ) 3, f, :d, Id, :ta d, :- 1 :d n :d Id :t, d :d It, ( 1 d :1| Is, :S|.f| n. :- 1 :d, di :fi In, :si d :1, Is, r 1, fi :fi |S| :s2 di :- 1 r :si d :d Id :r PI :r.d|r Si d - Id /^ n :- In _/^ in. Si :li Is, :si 3i :fei|s, f| n, : - In, „ 1, :- 11, _ :d pt :d |d :t| ( i :d It, t, d : - Id - d :- Id . _ :d, di :fi In, :s, ( 1 :li Is, S| d, : - Id, - 1, :- 11, : _ To crown Him, crown Si/ ' Him, /^ s :- IS :- n :- If : - n :- Ir ;- j d : - 1 d :- |S| :- :- Id :- S| d :- 11, : :~ Id : : S| d :- |si :-. L PI, : d : - 1 - 1 :- Iti :- rt| :- In, :- di :- If, : - Si '- Is, :- d, : - 1 crown Him, croT i^n Him Loi d of all. '^He is Lord of lords, and King of kings." .' 1 A LL hail the power of Jesus' name ! ■^ Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, / To crown Him Lord of all. ''•/2 Ciown Him, ye martyrs of your God, Who from His altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, / And crown Him Lord of all. "i/3 Ye seed of Israel's chosen race, Ye ransomed from the fall, „ „ „, „„ .^^1 Hail Him who saves you by His grace, / Join in the everlasting song, / And crown Him Lord of all. I f And crown Him Lofd of all mv 4 Ye Gentile sinners ! ne'er forget The wormwood and tlie gall. Go, spread your trophies at His feet, / And crown Him Lord of all. n!/"5 Let every kindred, every tribe. On this terrestrial ball. To Him all majesty ascribe, •' And crown Him'Lord of all. «'/ 6 Oh that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall, OO (Second Tune.) Krv G. yESUS CHRIST: S| S| S| l:s, r d d d :d :si :n :d CORONATION.— \n Id Is Id :n :d :s :d r t, s S| :d ,|r :li It, :n Is :1, Is, / Sj n :r |d :m d :S| |rt| :d ri :r |d :n d :S| In, :d n s :n Id :n d s, :d |s, :d :d n :s |s :s .:d d :d \n :d Bring forth the roy-al s.f :n_T|n :s nj:dLt||d :t, s.f ;n.r|n :r ILr :d_^i|d :S| Ijd rrjnir :d Mj:t|^|t, :d s .r Is :n, :n :d :s :pi, s :■ d : PI :- d :- r t, f s. :d :d :n \n :r Id :t. Is :f :li |s, :s O. HOLDEhT. d d n d, 1793. I- I- |s :- |r :- |r :- It, :- s, :si di . a Is, :1, s :- If :- d :- Id :- s :- II :- ni:- If, ;- Let angels prosi .„, fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, ■P To crown Him Lord of all. dem.To crown ^ nitn l.oid "ffe IS Lord of lords, and King nf kings." 1 :- Is :fe s :- 1 d :- |t,:l. t,:- 1 n :- |r :- r :- 1 li:- Ir, :- s,:- 1 n :-.f r :r d :- 1 d :- i- :t, d :- 1 s :- 1- :f n :- 1 s, :- 1- :si d,:- 1 of all. '»/2 Crown Him, ye martyrs of your Who from His altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, / And crown Him Lord of all. God, '"/ 3 Ye seed of Israel's chosen race. Ye ransomed from the fall. Hail Him who saves you by His grace, J And crown Him Lord of all. «?' 4 Ye Gentile sinners t ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall. Go, spread your trophies at His feet, / And crown Him Lord of all. "'/ 5 Let every kindred, eveiy tribe. On this terrestrial ball. To Him all majesty ascribe, f And crown Him Lord of all. "l/" 6 Oh that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may faU, / Join in the everlasting song, if And crown Him Lord of all. S| n d B.t. |:*ini :'d l:''d, 1 f.E. 1 •"'*' 1 i-'s 1 [:Kf f.E. r:"t |:'pr :«s :*»if HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. 64: KF.r E. d :d .d I n S| :S|.S||d n :n .n |n d :d .d 1 1, DIADEMATA.— S.M.D. Sir Georoe J. Elvey, B.t. |:*ini ••d f.E S :"iti f.E. 1, :d f, :S| d :d f. in, s :n |r :d d :d It, :d s :s If :s ii :d |r rm •m t :•< r .A s .to f ■ .t :d :n :n :d :n :li :d :f, :1, :f, :- I- ti :li.s,ld r, :ri t| :t| :f, Id In, :d :s :n :- I- 1 d f f f fi t, ri B.t. > r ""fe •d "1, :r :t| :s :s In Id Is Id "On His head ivere many crowns." mp f 1 rjROWN Him with many crc^ns, ^ The Lamb upon His throne : Hark how the heavenly anthem drowns All music but its own. Awake, my soul, and sing Of Him who died for thee ; And hail Him as thy matchless King Through all eternity, 2 Crown Him, the Lord of love ; Behold His hands and side, Rich wounds, vet visible above In beauty glorified. All hail ! Redeemer, hail I For Thou hast died for me ; Thy praise shall never, never fail Throughout eternity. s :d If :n r d :d It, :d t, s If :s s n |r ;d s. n |r :r d S| •'li Ir, :s. n, d Id :t, d n, Is, :si ji. r Hi :si n S| If, :f, n. t, Id :r d S| :s, Hi :fc. d f :n 1r :r d d :d Id :t, d 1 :s Is :-.f n f. :d Is. :si d -1- - 1- -I- yESUS CHRIST: ST. MAGNU3.-0.M. It, Is, Ir Is, Id !1. in :si :ri :t, :..f, :t, ;s, :n in, \ d S| d n, 1. f, :r :s, :t, :ri r 1, f (n Is, Id Id, It, |K, Ir r s, ti S| s, S| t, fl in 's, (1 :d :s, :s Dr. Jl^REMIAH :fe s <-;*BK, In Isi |r:.r :d d :n Idji.-l, s :- 1- i 1 +, ■' 1 - 1 r - '- 1 ' Si : - 1 s, :1| Is, d :d Id ;mi :f, Is, :t, :si ■X n, d d. ' K^t see 7c-stii . , crowned with glory and honour. " f 1 ^\F. Rea.A that oneo was crowned with thorns Is crowned jwith glory now ; A royal dindem adorns The mighty Victor's brow. 2 The highest place that heaven aflfords Is His, is His by right, The King of kings and Lord of lords. And heaven's eternal light. 'H'' 3 The joy of all who dwell above, The joy of all below, To whom He manifests His love. And grants His name to know. '»/> 4 To them the cross, with all its shame, With all its grace, is given ; Their name an everlasting name, Their joy the joy of heaven. S They suflFer with their Lord below, They reign with Him above : Their profit and their joy to know The mystery of His love. «!'' 6 The cross He bore is life and health, Though shame and death to Him ; } His people's hope, His people's wealth, Their everlastir:^ ; 'sme, ¥1 :m HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. >r. JrREMi fe s t^K (16 IS : -.3 s T] [IIUMPH. 1 s :m - s :s 7.7. Id' :t 1 Dr. Gauhtlett. :1 Is :- 1 I t. ■- 1- I d :n is : -.8 s Is :n n :s |fe :s 8 :fe Is ;_ r - 1- 1 d :n Is : -.8 s |s :ii d' :ri Id' :ri r' :-.d'|t :- 1 IS, :- 1- ij ■ (3 ti |8 : -.8 s 8 :i<t d' :t 11 :s r :r Is :- ^ '"- '- ^' i PI ?a d' -.d' d< . u r' :d' d' :1 Is :ni r' : - .r'l d' •fi 11, :- \- \ M PI :s di ..di d' r' :di 1 :f Is :8 s : - .f 1 n _ 1 i :- 1- 1 PI :s d' -.d' d' ri :di d' :di Id' :di d' :-.t|di _ fli :- 1- II 1 PI :s d' ..d' di r' :di f :f In :d 8 :-.s|d - 1 [ n :s 1 d :r 1 1 : n : fe r 8 r ■d' 8 d' :t / d' :r n :f If Is n' 8 8 ^ Id' : :-.f|n : 1 . f :- « 1 s :t 1 di : 1 ri di 1 r' :- d' :di |r' d' d' :t Id' : _ 1 I d :t, 1 1, : r t, n 1 r :8 1 :1 It d' 8 :s Id : - '/ i/tai speak in righteousness, mighty to save." wfl WHO is this that comes from Edom, All His raiment stained with blood, To the slave proclaiming freedom, Bringing and bestowing good, / Glorious in the garb He wears, Glorious in the spoils He bears ? inp 3 Why that blood His raiment stain- ing? 'Tis the blood of many slain : Of His foes there's none remaining, None the contest to maintain ; "»/ Fallen they are, no more to rise. All their glory prostrate lies. 2 'Tis the Saviour, now victorious, Travelling onward in His might ; 'Tis the Saviour, oh how glorious To His people is the sight ! Jesus now is strong to save. Mighty to redeem the slave. / 5 Mighty Victor, reign for ever I Wear the crown so dearly won ; Never shall Thy people, never Cease to sing what Thou hast done. Thou hast fought Thy people's foes ; Thou wilt heal Thy people's woes. 4 This the Saviour has effected By His mighty arm alone ; See the throne for Him erected, 'Tis an everlasting throne ! 'Tis the great reward He gains, Glorious fruit of all His pains ? \ ySSUS CHRIST. 67 / Kky O. M. 88. ffd' :ci' It :di n :s Is :s s :d' Ir' :d' d ••" Is ;« EDLlNrrHAM.— 8.7.8,7.4.7, 1 :-.di|d' :s s :f In :n d' :-.l Is :d' f :-.f|d :d E. J. Hopkins. Mus. Doc. 1 .'-.tldi :s In' :^^dlirl f :-.8ls :f n :fe Is d' f .r'ld' :t .f|n :r d' :di Id;^ d :1 Is .f |r' :s Is :s It :dU |r :iT£ n' :-.ri|di :1 n :n jn :r s :se |1 :di d :t, II, :fe :-.s Is :fe Is 1 :d' It d :r s :t r.pi:f d' :r' s :s Is Id' In Id' Id " TAat at the name o/Jes,,, ez'ety knee should bow." f 1 JjOOK, ye saints ! the sight is glorious; See the Man of Sorrows now ! From the fight returned victorious, Every knee to Him shall bow : fi' Crown Him ! crown Him ! Crowns become the Victor's brow. S' m 3 Smners in derision crowned Him Mocking thus Messiah's claim,— Saints and angels throng around Him, Own His title, praise His name : Crown Him ! crown Him ! Spread abroad the Victor's fame. / 4 Hark, those bursts of acclamation ! Hark, those loud triumphant chords ' Jesus take.s the highest station • Oh what joy the sight aflfords ! Crown Him ! crown Him I King of kings, and Lord of lords. / 2 Crown the Saviour! angels,crown Him I Rich the trophies Jesus brinies ; In the seat of power enthrone Him, While the vault of heaven rings :' Crown Him ! crown Him ! Crown the Saviour, King of kings ! ff ff 68 Key a t d :si.,S||ri :d .d n, :n|.,n | S| :n| .pi, d :d.,d Id :d .d HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. NAAMAN.— f :n .,re|n li :S|.,fei|S| d :d .,d I d sir Jf icHAEL Costa. d|:d,.,d||d, :d|.d;|d| :d,.,d| |d r :l|.,ti|d :d.njs :f.,Pi |r :- fi:fi-,fi|n, :n|.d *i:r-.r|d :d.d S|-'S|.,s|l, :l,.l, S| :S|.,S| |S| :S| .S| d :d.,d I de: de.de " ••r-.d It, :- li :l|.,li It, :- fi :f|.,fei|8, :- tai:l|.,li I I, ;r . Si :s, .,8, I s, ;f ,. de:de.,de|r :-. r ;de.,r|ii.s;f.n li:l|.,li|S|.Wi;l|.Si li:l|.,lild :d.d fi:f|.,fi|s, :S|.S| " -•.- , — «c.uo ue .ae.,ae|r :-. jdi:d,.,d,|l, .-l^.lji, :i,.^i| |r^._^ " n,u art ^rthy, O Lord, to receive glory an.i honour and pov>er. f 1 BLESSING and honour and glory and power. r,v. I S.*"** "''^'' ^"'^ «*''^"g*h evermore, Give ye to Him who our battle hath won, Whose are the kingdom, the crown, and the throne. «/2 Past are the darkness, the storm, and the war. Come 18 the radiance that sparkled afar, Breaketh the gleam of the day without end, Kiseth the sun that shall never descend. / 3 Ever ascendeth the song and the joy, Eyerdescendeth the love from on hth. Blessing and honour and glory and praise, This IS the theme of the hymns that we ra.'se. '"" ^ ^^ 1 ^" "f^' *°<J t™e light of all light, Star of the dawning, unchangingly bright, Sun of the Salem, whose light is the Lamb, Theme of the ever-new, ever-glad psalm ! / 5 Give we the glory and praise to the Lamb, Take we the robe and the harp and the palm. Sing we the song of the Lamb that wi^s slain r :l,.,t, Id f| ''KS\ In, ti :r.,r |d Si :S|.,S| |d| Dying hi weakness, but rising to reign. ^■«te' :d :s, :rj n :n |r :li^ li :li Hi :1, d :n If :r d :d| Ir, :f| f :1 II :8 d :d f :f If :n 1, :f, Id :d d :r In :s d :t| \^ :d n .3 |s :s li :S| Id :n, r :r 1, :t^ 3 : f '.> r :r, d :t, li :sei n :r pii :ni f :r d :t, 1 :s^ fi :si HKN'nv Smabt r t, s S| 1, ll d 1, d d n d "A name which is above every name," mp 1 pRINOE of Peace and Lord of Glory, -»■ Humbly at Thy throne we bow ; Saints and angels all adore Thue, "We would join their worship now. Jesus, who wast scorned, forsaken, Smitten, wounded, crucified. We, with love and trust unshni Take Thee as our Hope and G. > f. mp 2 Watchful Shepherd, mighty Saviour Tender Healer, ever near! Xing of kings, by whose free fa- nm- "Ve o'ercome ea :!i foe and fear! — Be our Leader in all duty ; Be ' r Surety to the end ; Be 01 Oiadem of Beauty, Our lielov6d and our Friend ! p 3 Son of Man, despised, rejected, Holy, liarr-;, , undefiled ; By ,'hy lift, ,ve i.e protected, By Thy deafb we re reconcile ' Rock of Ages, sure Foundation, King of Saints and Judge of aM , mp Only source of our Balvatio^, — On Thy Bles^fid Name call ! 4 Prophet, Pr st, and Ki .ci us ; High-Pri. it, Altar, S ice, Light of light, and Sun / st glorious, Dr;.-^ to Thee our sin-.h:aiaBd eras I We are pilgrims lone and strangers. And we need Thy constant care Till jre pass earth ' ; toils and dangers, M/ And Thy final triumph share, HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. 70 (Firit Tune.) Kbv a. 'In :-.n|n :r d:-|li:- HERMAS.- n. f :-.rt|r :d t,:-)-:- F. r 8 :r |n :f t. lUVEBfJAL. n:-|d:-|| d :-.d|t, :t, lit-ln,:- li :-.S|| li :1 Fe, 8,:-|-:- ti:t| 1 d :t| d :-|S| - s :-.s|se:n pi:-|d:- r :-.s|f :d r:-|-:- r :s Is :f 8 :-|n - d :d| |ri| tse. l,:-|li:- ri :-.ii,|f, : I. s,:-!-:- Si:f, |n,:r. d,:-|d. - r :-.d|t, :1, a * 1 • 8|.- 1 - .- S| :s, 1 1, :1 fc, r :-|d:- d:d If :f n -1- _ Si:-.li|s, :fei s,:-|-:- rii :r, | f, :f| Si:-|fi 1,:S||1|:8| 8| :-l- - r :-.ii|r :r t,:-|-:- d :t, Id :f f :-|n:- d:d |d:t| d, :-l- - .ta:-.d||ri :ri «i:-| •- diiB, |f|:r, t2:-|di:- f,:niir,-8, d, -1- - d :r In :f s :- Is, :- li f In :r d :- 1- _ S| :si hi :d s, :- Is, :- f, li Is, :..f, n, :- 1- - n :r |d :d d :- Id :- r f Id ti d :- 1- — d :t| Id n, :- hi :- f, r. Is, S| d, :- 1- - - "Every day will I bless Thee." f 1 OAVIOI^l , blessfed ' iour, *~^ Listen whilst w Hearts and voices rui. Praises to our King j All we have to offer, All we boiio to be, Body, sdul, and spirit, All we yield to Thee. '«i' 2 Nearer, ever nearer, Christ, we draw to Thee ; Deep in adoration Bending low the knee ; Thou for I r redemption Cam'st on earth to die ; Thou, that we might folh)W, Hast gone up on high. I'i/' 3 Great and ever greater Are Tliy mercies here, True and rvcrlasting Are the glories there, Where no pain, or sonow. Toil, or care, is known, Whei th" angel-legions Oirc J round Thy throne. »!/ 4 Clearer still and clearer Dawns the light from heaven, In our sadness bringing News of sin forgiven : Life lias lost its shadows. Pure the light within ; Thou hast shed Thy radiance On a world of sin. "y> 5 Onward, ever onward, Journeying o'er the road Worn by saints before us, Journeying on to GoJ, Leaving all hehind us, May we hasten on, Bivckward never looking Till the prize is won, "l/' 6 Bliss, all bliss excelling, When the ransomed eoul. Earthly toils forg' ing. Finds its promise I goal ; .' Where, in joys unheard of, Siiints with angels sing, f Xover weary raising Praises to their King. JESUS CHRIST: 70 (Sfcond Tune.) Kky B ti. PAPWOHTH.-6.6.6,6. d. n :ri |s :8 |f :- In:- d :d 1 d :d d •- |d:- 8 :s Is :8 1 -Is:- d:d |ni:pi| f,. -|d:- 8 :s 11 :l " :r Id :r d':t II :1 d :d If, :f, r :- t,:- 8 :- si:- r:8 |n:fe 8:- 1-:- t :t H :s d'r- Is t,:r |d:d t,:- 1-:- r :r |d :t| d:- Id 8 :t 1 1 :1 8:- 1-:- 8 :s Is :s s :- Is r :r 1 r :r 8,:- 1-:- f :f If :f n:- In E. J. Hoi'KiNK, Mils. Uua. n :n I 8 :8 d:d |d:d 8 :3 Is :s d :d In :n t:l |s:f In ti:d |r:t, d ^ 'f |r :8 s r:d |t,:8Jd f :- In ;- I d:t,|d - 1 1 :f Is - 1 r:- Id. - 1 n '.n In :1 d :d |de :de 1 :1 |8 :s li :li 11, :1, 1 ir If lr If Hi U lr f :n t, :d 1 :s si ;s. |r :n Hi :t, If :f |S| :s. " ^very day will I bless Tkee." / 1 C AVIOUR, blessM Saviour, ^^ Listen whilst we Bing, Hearts and voices raising Praises to our King; All we have to offer, All we hop© to be, Body, soul, and sj)irit, All we yield to Thee. mp 2 Nearer, ever nearer, Christ, we draw to Thee ; Deep in adoration ^ Bending low the knee ; TJiou for our redemption Cam'st on earth to die ; Thou, that we might follow, Hast gouo up on high. "'/ 3 Great and ever greater Are Thy mercies here, True and everlasting Are the glories there, Whore no piiin, or sorrow, Toil, or care, is known, Where the angel-legions « Circle round Thy throne. W 4 Clearer still and clearer Dawns the light from heaven, in our sadness bringing News of sin forgiven : Life has lost its shadows. Pure the light within ; Thou hast shed Thy radiance On a world of sin. wy 5 Onward, ever onward, Journeying o'er the Toad Worn by saints before us, Journeying on to God. Leaving all behind us, May we hasten on. Backward never looking Till the prize is won." mf 6 Bliss, all bliss excelling. When the ransomed soul Earthly toils forgetting, ,• «rf ''"^-^ ."- P-^i'sod goal ; / Where, in joys unheard of, Saints with angels sing, .tr Never weary raising Praises to their King. d • • 1- • ^ ■ ( d ;- 1- t ~ 1 n - 1- «. 1 d : - 1- : ~ l( 71 (Fiv, Kt:v A. d :r Si :t, n :s d :si t, :d S| :8, r :d 8| 'A d :r fii :s, d :t, li :s, HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. lol'KINB, MU». Uuo. 1 *" S f :- In ; _ 1 d d:t||d '- 1 s l:f is - 1 PI r:- Id. - 1. - I- sarer from heaven, sing ven : dovvs, bhin ; radianco •d, le'road re us, Gfod, dng m. ing, d soul ng, ^ ird of, siug, 3g. 71 {Flrit Tunt.) Key A. BOHEMIA.— d :r n :s d :S| t, :d s, :si r :d Si :ni ^d :r rt| :si d :t| li :si «/lANEtli We n d s d r 8| t, n 8| d d :s :b, :d :n, :r rfe, :li :d, :s :s, :d :n, t :n |r :r li :si Is, :si d :d Id :t, fi :d| |s, :s, d d :r Id :r :si.filni :1| :t| Id :f :s, II, :f, d :t, 8, :s. r 8, r f 1, :d^,| 1, :s, :n :d, :n :1, de :s Is, Hi Ir, Ir Hi If Ir :li :fe :r :r, ti S| r SiX:n, :d |r :s, I 8, :d It, :n :s, :d fi :d. n s. f 8, r t» :r :8i :n :s, :d :d| n :r t| :ti 8 :f 8i :s, Id Id In 111 :r :1, :f :fi :t d 8, n :r s, :s, .f, German. d 8, n d, r 8| t, S| d PI, d d| "A/ritnd of publicans and sinners.' lere is, above all others, 11 deserves the name of Friend ; His is love beyond a brother's. Costly, free, and knows no end : Tiiey who onoe His kindness prove, Find it everlasting love. wtp 3 When He lived on earth abased, Friend of sinners was His name ; «{/■ Now above all glory raised, He rejoices in the same : Still He calls them brethren, friends, And to all their wants attends, ■mp 4 Could we bear from one another What He daily bears from us ? Yet this glorious Friend and Brother Loves us though we treat Rmi thus : Though for good we render ill. He accounts us brethren stili. 6 Oh for grace our hearts to soften ! Teach us, Lord, at length to love : V We, alas ! forget too often What a Friend we have above ; wf But when home our souls are brought. We will love Thee as we ought. "»/' 2 Which of ull our friends, to save us, Could or would have shod their blood? But our Jesus died to have us Reconciled in Him to God : This was boundless love indeed j Jesus is a Friend in need. f± (Si-aond Tune ) KeyBH. jfESUS CHRIST. 'OBERLIN- S| :d It, :d r :d.t,|d :d Ml :si Is, :s, 1, :si |S| :si d :d Ir :d f :r In :n d, :pIi 1 S|.f,:rt| ri :s, Id, :d, si :d It, :d r :d.t,|d :d "i :si |S| :si li :si Is, :S| d :d |r :d f :r In :n di :ii, |Si^;n, r, :s, jd, :d, d :ta,|l, :1, r :d it, :- "i-fi:s, 11, :S| fi :si.l||k, :- d :d Id :d f :n |: :- li :ni |f| :n, r, :t^\8, :f| i n s, d d d d d Si d n. :n :1. :d :li :n :li :d :li :r :s, :t, :s. |r^:t, 111 :s, |r :r Ife, :s, |r^:t. Hi :s, |r :r Ife, .-s. In :f Is, :1| Id :d Id, :f, 1( r :li :fei Is, :i\d|t| ri .Ti Is, Si 1, s, r r, n S| d S| :1- Is, :fei Is, :rji|t| :r. Is, :r Id • " -f 1 1 M, :t, Id ••s, Id, *' A friend of publicans and sinners." '»■/ 1 ANE there is, above all others. ^ Well deserves the mime of Friend • His 13 love beyond a brother's, ' Costly, free, and knows no end : They who once Hig kindness prove. *iiid it everlasting love. ^np 2 Which of all our friends, to save us, Could or would have shed their blood? But our Jesus died to have us Reconciled in Him to God • This was boundless love indeed Jesus is a Friend in need. '»y'3 When He lived on eiuth abased, Friend of sinners was His name : >"J Now above all glory raised, He rejoices in the same : Still He calls them brethren, frienda And to all their wants attends. ' »ip i Could we bear from one anotlier What He daily bears from us? ifet this glorious Friend and Brother Loves us though we treat Him thus : ^liough for good we render ill, He accounts us brethren still. 5 ^^for grace our hearts to soften ! « -«r *, ^h ^°''<*' ** 'ength to love : ^^9, alas ! forget too often ""■* * Friend we have above ; ' ?.r M.® ? ^^^^ ""i" 80"ls are bioUKht. >Ve will love Thee as we ought. 72 KevO. d [■* t :n r ;s t :n 3 :s 3 :d d :sj ta :n.f s HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. Oe '■riwii li :li Is, ;_ 3i .-fe. Is, ;- r :r.d|t, :- 'i :r, Is, :- 1 :li Is, • _ 1 :fe. Is, - :rji|t. - 1 -r, is, : - :r Id : • 1 :-.fi|n, : :t, Id : :si Id, : - iends, to save us, ive shed their blood? to have us n to God : love indeed need. 72 KevO. :s :d :t :n ;s :s :t, :f :s, :-.t :-.f :-.ri : -.s |di :1 Id :d BARRINGTON.- Rov. j. b. Dvkk«, m,,. In II. Idi In d' s :f :f :n :di r.n:f |n d :-.t||d Li:f Is Ln-r Id s :s Is f :f In r|.t;di.r'|ni t.s:l.t|di n f :r In :I 1 :t d r :li.t||d.r;n n :re 1 1 :1 |l.t:di d' :t. 1, r.n:f |1 :i f :f d' s n' s -.t|di :tj_ -.f|f :f -.r'ldi :di -.8|1 :1, :s s :f.ri|f :1 :d d :d Id :r :s_J ta :l.s|l :l.t :n.f s :d If :fe.s r' :d|^|di :s^ f .l:s.f If .n:-.r r' :tnLr^|di : -.1 s :s |1 :f ' / sM'l- of the things whkh I have made touching the King" '»/ 1 MY heart is full of Chr'st, and h.iigs rvr Ti- glorious matter tc leclare ! Of Him I make my loftier songs, I cannot from His praise forbear ; My ready tongue makes haste to sing Tlie glories of my heavenly King. "^P 2 Fairer than all the lieaven-bom race, Perfect in comeliness Thou urt ; Replenished are Thy lips with gracp, And full of love Thy tender heart : God ever blest ! we bow the knee, And own all fulness dwells in Thee. mf 3 Gird on Thy thigh the Spirit's sword, And take to Thee Thy power divine ; Stir up Ihy strength, almighty Lord, All power and majesty are Thine : Assert Thy worship and renown ; Oh all-redeeming God, come down. mp 4 Come and maintain Thy righteous cause And let Thy glorious toifsucceed : * m Dispread the victory of Thy cross, f mu^"^** "" ""^^ prosper in Thy deed ; T j°"^ *'*'"*'^ triumphantly ride on, And reign in every heart alone. F S :f r.t,;d.rj s :s I t|.s,:l_ij,| n :-.r d :t, s :-.f s :S| Pop. It |m I se In n n s d Id Id In Id yESUS CHRIST. 73 Key ':s 'GOPSAL.-o'. 1684-ir6&. " //is name shall be called Wonderful," S 1 JOIN all the glorious names ^ Of wisdom, love, and power, That ever mortals knew, That angels ever bore : All are too mean to speak His worth. Too mean to set my Saviour forth. »»/ 2 Great Prophet of mj God, Jly toDgue would" bless Thy name : By Thee the joyful news Of our salvation came ; The joyful news of sins forgiven, Of hell subdued, and peace with Heaven. »»i>3 Jesus, my great High Priest, Offered His blood and died ; My guilty conscience seeks No sacrifice beside : His powerful blood did once atone, And now it pleads before the throna / 4 O Thou Almighty Lord, My Conqueror and my King, Thy reigning grace, I sing : Thine is the power ; behold, I sit In willing bonds before Thy feet 1 :t, 1 :-.f :s, -.rjd d HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. Ha NDEL. Id 1684-1759 74 (firit Tune.) Key E p. GREGORY. -L.M. German. Harmony by W. H. Monk. d •- I' 1 ■:s n :s |1 :di s :-.f In s d :n If :n r :d |r f n " 1 :r d :d If :n r :t, Id r d :d Id :d t, :1, It, d 1 :s s :n If :s s :s Is s n :-.s 1 1 :s s :n 1 s 1 _ ■ .:t, d :n |r :d ti :s, Id t, 1| :-.s,if, :d Si :1, Is, r : 1 IS n :s 1 1 :di s :-.f In s d n If :n r :r |d t : 1 :t, d :d Id :d r :t, Id r d d Id :d d :t. Id Si : 1 1 :r d :s If :n r :s 1 s s n -.s|l :s 1 :8 |n ''I • I- 1 JSl li :n, |f| :1, t, :s, Id t, h -.S||f, :d fi :s, Id (Second Tune.) Key a IJ. ONTARIO— L.M. [ S| :l|.s. d :-.d d :t,.l, S| :- pti :f,.n. n. :-.s, 1, :s,.f, n, :- d :d.d d :-.d d :d d :- d| :d|.d| 1, : . .n. f. :f, ■ d, :- S| :t,.r f : -.r S| :S|.s, t, :-.t. S| :s,.t| r : -.8 S| :s,.s. S| :-.s. njj. i B.n d.s, :S| s.n : n.d d :d|.n, [ti ;d.r n : -.r d.t|:l,.r d :t| S| :l|.t| d :-.t. l|.s,:f, n, :r. • • • • • d :t|.d s, :S|.s, d :r.n n, :r,.di r.l,:f .r f :f fi :r,.f, d S| n S| :r r Si t, S| d n, d d, " J/e that Cometh to Me shall itever hunger, and he that believeth oh Me shall never thirst.' w.f 1 TESUS. Thou joy of loving hearts, " Thou fount of life, Thou light of men! From the best bliss that eai-th imparts We turn unfilled to Thee again. V'P 2 Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood ; Thou savest those that on Thee call : To them that seok Thee, Thou art good ; To them that fir.d Thee, all in all ! mp 3 We taste Thee, O Thou living bread, And long to feast upon Theo still ; We drink of Thee, the fountain-head. And thirst our souls from Thee to fill. 4 Our restless spirits yearn for Thee, Where'er our changeful lot is cast ; Glad when Thy gracious smile we see. Blest when our faith can hold Thee fast. mp 5 O .Tesu ' with us stay ! Dif ever Make all our moments calm and bright ; Chase the dark night of sin away ; Shed o'er the world Thy holy light. I JESVS CHRIST: 76 KsYQt. I" ."h :n ST AGNES, DURHAM—CM, •" (f :- :t, Id :- "®V- \Dyke9. -Mus. Doc. Si :- n :- d :- |Si --s, .-s, 1, :- .-s, f^j :g, I" ••" :d f :- :d r :-:r Id --d :«, |f,:-:p,, |r,:-:s, Jf "f :n jr :- ;d jli :1| :s, f, :- ..fe 1 1| 'ti :de \t :- :r I'' •'! -Ti Ir, :- :r, |s, :- :s, I s,' :'- S| :S| :S| jm :- :r |r :- Si :s, :s, s, :- :fe, L, :- f :" -T d :- :d t, :- - Ir :d :t, |d :- :l, |s, ._ n :- :r "i :- :f, d :- :t| L l"i:f. :1, s, :- :s,' |d, :' " T/ie love of Christ which passeth kua-mmi^e." "^ ^ J^ISf {. ^''^ ''^'■>' ^'^""g'^* of Tliee , mp 3 O Hon*, nf With sweetness fills my breast • OtZ f u^l "^"''^''^ ^^eart, But sweeter far Thy face to see rp ^^ ^f^n the meek, And in Thy presence Vs? ' ^V* "'" ^'j" ^^" ^"^ l""'l Thou art '"P 2 Nor VO.V. • ^""'^ *" *^°«^ ^J'" «eek " ' ^WnTheT^o;'^S-^^'^'"^■ HftButwhattothosewhofind. Ah-th. A sweeter sound than Thy blest name. ATh^lov^f T °°' P^" ''^^ «''«^ ; O Saviour of mankind ' ' / \ S , ^^ "^^^s. what it is I i ^"ne but His loved ones know / 5 Jesus, our only joy be Thou, -xs Thou our prize wilt be : Jesus, be Thou our glory now And through eternity. ' :r II, :fe, I •^- H, Knecht. *i -h Is, ;- Si .-fe, Is, :- r :r.d|t, :- :r •1. I IS, :r, d ;t, S| .'Si r.w.'f Is, :s, s, I •'I Rev J. B. Dykes. -Mus. Due. - :r - :fe - :d - :r - ■•f, - :t, r :- Si :- t, :- - -h Is, : d ;- n, :- d :- ••Si d, HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. ' Thou Shalt call His tu me Jesus. " '•if 1 JESUS ! name of wondrous love, Name all other names above ! Unto which must every knee Bow in deep humility, wi) 2 Jesus ! name of priceless worth To the fallen sons of earth, For the promise that it gave— "Jesus shall His people save." '"P 3 Jesus ! name of mercy mild, Given to the Holy Child, When the cup of human woe First He tasted here below. 4 Jesus ! only name that's given Under all the mighty heaven. Whereby man, to siii enslaved. Bursts his fetters, and is saved. W 5 Jesus ! name of wondrous love, Human name of God above ! Pleading only this, we flee. Helpless, O our God, to Thee. ntrite heart, neek, ow kind Thou art, le who seek ! ^ofind? Ah .'this 5n can show ; 'hat it is Jd ones know. '^. FT. K> 'ECriT. I. Is, •_ fe. Is, ;- rjit, ;- £•( Is, •- Si Id . - i |si ; - In ; - 1 Id, : - 77 KEi'Eb. ST. PETER.— CM. A. R. Reikaole. ':s d' :t 11 :s s :f In n r :d If :n r ._ I_ :d n :n Id :d r :t, Id d 1, :s. It| :d t, ' ^ 1 "• :n s :s If :s s :s |s s f :s Is :s s ' — 1 « :d d :n If :n t, :s. Id d f :n |r :d S| ,- 1 - :n f :n 11 :s s :f In d M :r Id :ti d :d d :d Id :d ll :t, Id li d :1, Is, :s,.f. n, : - 1- :s f :s Id :d r .T Id m s :f In :r d : :d.ta, 1. :s, If, :ri| r. :s, 11, li "i :fi Is, :si d : - 1 - -B " yy y name is as ointn ent pi mred/ortl ." z UOW sweet the Name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear ! Itsoothes hissorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. wp 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. •"/a Dear Name! the rock <.n which I build, My shield and hiding-place ; My iifver-failiug treasury, filled With UiundleM store* of grac*. W 4 Jesus, my Shepherd, Husband, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King, My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praise I bring. V' 5 Weak is the eflfort of my heart, ^ And cold my warmest thought, ,^^ p^ when I see Thee as Thou art, I'll praise Thee as I ought. »»/6 Till then I woTild Thy love proclaim With every fleeting breath : And may the music of Thy name R afresh my soul in death I 'T. jfESUS CHRIST: 78 KevQ. SOUTHWARK.-O.M. Christophkb Tve. l:rt| d :r |pi :f s : - .f 1 n f n :-.r|d :d ti :- S| :si is, :1, t,.d:t, Id d d :-.ti|l, :li (<i :d n :r Id :d rji.T Id 1 s : - .8 1 n :f r l:d (d :t, Id :1, si :s, Id, f, d :-.s,|I, :f, S| J — ':r r :de |r :d d :t. Id n r :s If :r d rta. li :-.Si|f, :1, Si :s, 1 s. d t, :d 11, :t. d : :s f :m If :d M :r Id s B :-A\T :f n : J8| li :li Ir, :f, s, :-.f||Pi, 1 d. S| ■ n, 1 f 1 :si d, : _ " Mj/ souidoth Tm^nify the Lard." ^ 1 A FOR a thousand tongues to sii^ My great Reueemer's praae. Tlie glories of my ™id and King, The triumphs of Mis grace ! «y 2 My gracious Master, and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth The honours of Thy name. '»y' 3 Jesus, the name that charms our That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peaae. »".'• 4 He breaks the power of ca..ceUiHt «n, He sets the prisoner free ; His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood avails for me. '"/' 5 He speaks, and, listening to His voice, New life the dead receive ; The mournful, broken hearts rejoice. The humble poor believe. / 6 Hear Him. v« Aaat • vtia ^~.: j.. , -^ • :-"T-rr, fv uumb, xour loosened tongues employ ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come. And leap, ye lame, for joy. 79 KeyG. f:s, d :si S| :n s :d n :s 1 :d d :n f :d fi :d :s HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. ~- ^B PHKRTve. 1M9. ■ „Q BADEN.— Sevebus Gastorius. t, 1 Key ■:si d • r \n :f s :-.f In 1 s :f |n : n r :r Id S| 1 :si S| t, Id :d d :ti Id d d :l|.t| Id : d d :t, Id r 1 ;n s f In :d r :s Is f n :f |s ; n 1 :s.f|n S| 1 :d n r Id :1, s, :3| Id fi d| :ri In, ■ 1, f, :si Id d d : 1 IS 1 1 Ir :r s :s |d n r :d It, t, 1, :li Is, 1 1 :d d r .d 1 1, :8, S| :d.ta||l, 8| fei:S|.l| |1, Si Si :fei |S| n - 1- - 1- 1 :d V f fi .f.n|r :fi Is, :t, :si.fi d :n.r |d n, :ni | f , d d, li :n |r r, :n|.fei|S| .r :t|.d r :r It, r :r, | s, 1 r.B 1 :s If s f : n |r :n r :- iS 1 :d d :- .tail 1, Ho - d san na |l,.t, :d - :t, Id 1 . in tho high est! 1 :s f f :d If If. d n. d .r : n |f :s - .s, |f| :ni 1 :8 .f In 1 f| :si Id, " Blessed is he t/tat cometh in tlie ftamc of the. Lord: Hosanna in the highest." f 1 ITOSANNA to the Ih-ing Lord ! ^^ Hosanna to the Incarnate Werd t To Christ, Creator, Saviour, King, Let earth, let heaven hosanna sing. Hosanna, Lord ! Hosanna in the highest ! nif 2 O Saviour, with protecting care Return to this Thy house of prayer. Assembled in Thy sacred Name, Where we Thy parting promise claim. / Hosanna, Lord ! Hosanna in the highest I mp 3 But chiefest, in our cleansed breast, Eternal, bid Thy Spirit rest ; And make our secret soul to be A temple pure, and worthy Thee. / Hosanna, Lord ! Hosanna in the highest ! p 4 So, in the last and dreadful day, When earth and heaven shall melt awaj, mp Thy flock, redeemed from sinful stain. Shall swell the sound of praise again. / Hosanna, Lord ! Hosanna in the highest ! hi\ jfESUS CHRIST. EVERTON.— a In Id Is Id Ir II. If Ir, In Id Is id :d :s, :s :n •"Li :li :r :fi :s :d :s r 1. s r d 1, n n. :r ;tj.d :fe •T, :t, :se, :r :n, Hekhv Smart. D.C |r .t, Is Is, II, II, Id II, f d 1 fi :r Id Id ;s.f In :s, Id H «'.f' '^1^ °"°^ despised Jesus! T.U ^''l^' ^^°" Galilean King! Tnou didst suffer to release us ; XT -1 mi "^^* free salvation bring. Hiul, iliou agonising Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame : By Thy merits we find favour ; Life IS given through Thy name, w/ 2 Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our sins were on Thee laid ; I5y Almighty love anointed, , .PiJ?" hast full atonement made. m ^ people are forgiven Throxigh the virtue of Thy blood ; Opened is the gate of heaven ; Peace is made 'twix; man and God. " Where/ore God also /lath highly exalted Him." 81 / 3 Jesus, hail ! enthroned in dorv .I'heie for ever to abide; All the heavenly hosts aJore Thee Seated at Thy Father's side. T^ ^°l,f wne'-s Thou art pleading, There T' ou dost our place prepare, Ever for us interceding, ^ ' Till in glory Tve appear. 4 Worship, honour, power, and blessing Ihou art worthy to receive ; Loudest praises without ceasing Meet it is for us to give. Help, ye bright angelic spirits, Bring your sweetest, noblest hiys • Help to sing our Saviour's merits ' Help to chant Immanuel's praise' [ \ Kev F. n :n :n d :d :d LEBANON.- d :d :ni -.r:d -.t,:d -.f :pi Braun. 8/ s :s :n d :d :d n :n :s Si:d lid :d :d 1 :-.t:d' II d :d :r a :-.r:S| f :-.f:n .r.d li :1, n :n li :1, I ii m :r n \- \- I 1, t, :- :- 1 se :- :- f. 11, :- :- HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. Henhv Smart. :r |r D.c :Mlti :- fe Is ;- ri Is, :- ti 11, ;^ se, 11, ~ r Id - "I 11, . r Id : _ ti Id : - Lfl" : - h Id : - in glory, de; adore Thee, ''s side. art pleading, place prepare. ir. r, and blessing 2ceive ; oeasing i^e. siririts, noblest lays ; r's merits, uel's praise ; Mi:d':di d:d :pi 1:1 :s 1,:1,:1. t :-.l ;se re:.-.re:n fe:-.fe:n t| :-.t| :n LEBANON— contmMfd 1:1:1 d:d:d f :f :n fi:fi:fi s :-.f :n ti:-.t,:d r :-.r :d s,:-.S|:d f :f :f l,:t,:l, r :r :d r,:!,:!. n :-.r :d sei:-.sei:l t, :-.n :n ri| :-.ni :1| r:l,:t, d:- ',- li:li:8. s,:- - f :f :r n :- - fi:fi:8, dr.- - "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain." .9 / 1 r<LORY to God on high ! 'J Let eartli to heaven reply Praise ye His name : ^;^ His love and grace adore, ■Who all our sorrows bore I And praise Him evermore ; worthy the Lamb ! wy' 2 Jesus, our Lord and God, Bore sin's tremendous load ; Praise ye His name : Tell what His arm hath done, AVhat spoils from death He won ; Sing His great name alone ; / Worthy the Lamb ! 'U 3 While they around the throne Join cheerfully in one, Praising His name : We who have felt His bjood Sealing our peace with God, Sound His high praise abroad ; / Worthy the Lamb ! »$/' 4 Join, all the ransomed race, Our Lord and God to bless ; Praise ye His name : In Him we will rejoice. Making a gladsome noise, Shouting with heart and voice. 82 Key E '?. :d :s, :n :d :r :t, :s :si CARLISLE.— S.M. Worthy the Lamb ! C. LOCKHAET. S S, r t, n d s d :d :1, :ri :li :r\d : li.d :f^ :f .n w.r 1, f f, ; d.t, :8| : n.r :s, d PI ta, ; s.l :d : pi.f :s,.f, :d^ :d :1 :f, n •r d t, s Si - f ;pi .r s :f.n 1 t d' :d.f n :r d : li :t, d :de r r d :d d :t, d :- f :s s :1 1 se 1 :1 s :-.f n :- r :s.f ri :K_s f n 1, :fi s. :si d :- ' They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb" / 1 A WAKE, and sing the song ^ Of Moses and the Lamb ; Wake every heart and every tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of His dyin"* love Sing of His rising power; Sing how He intercedes above For those whose sins He bore. "'/3 Sing on your heavenly way, Ye ransomed sinners, sing ; «'/ Sing on, rejoicing every day In Christ the eternal King. 4 Soon shall ye hear Him say, Ye blessed children, come ; Soon will lie call you Luncc away, And take His wanderers home. / 6 There shall each raptured tongue His endless praise proclaim, And sing in sweeter notes the song Of Moset and the Lamb. yBSUS CHRIST: MORNING.- d :- d :- d s d d d 1, f d f 1, -.n|l -.did -.s|f -•d|f, W. H. ilv f r B t, :s :d rn :d •"••'/ «/ on high, He led captivity captive." f 1 rj.LOl: v., glory to our King ! y Crowns unfading wreathe His head : Jesus 18 the name we sing, Jesus, risfen from the dead, Jesus, Conqueror o'er the grave, Jesus, mighty now to save. 2 Jesus is gone up on high ; Angels come to meet their King • Shouts triumphant rend the sky, ' While the Victor's praise they sing : „ Open now, ye lieavenly gates ! •V Tis the King of Glory waits." / 3 Now behold Him high enthroned. Glory beaming from His face. By adoring angels owned God of holiness and grace. Oh for hearts and tongues to sing, ff ' Glory, glory to our King ! " W 4 Jesus, on Thy people shine ; Warm our heart*" and tune o'.ir tono-uas That with angels we may join, ° " ' Share their bliss and swell their songs : .IT ^lory, honour, praise, and power, Lord, be Thine for eveimore. ;d .'S :d , M;ia. Doc, |r It, Is Is, r|pi :s n :r •S||S| :si •tijd :d .Si|di£,:jvf, s, :a, II :s 1 :t Id :d f :r If :di d' :s If :n f :s Si ;S|.fii PI, d :t, Id Id, Id' In Is Id 84 Kkv D. n d :d Id :ii jd ,';r j:., j;s :S| ( 1 f.D. 1 ■M 1 :'d' 1 :''ii HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. 84 Kiv D. n d DARWAIiL.,8. Ilov. John Dakwall. l-A •A :n ;d ':r :t, :8 f.D. |:''d :d :d :ii :d :d :d :ii :d is |r Is It, :n :d :s :d A. t. :'d d' PI 1 1 :- I- :- I- :- I- :t •.f\ :t :s II In -"l, |d':*n :8, S| .'Si r :t| Si t| Is :f Is, :1| Id -d hi :fi 1 f d< f n s, d S| f t, f r :pi :d :s :d - It, i »i d n, d d, - 1 1 :- - If :- - If :- - Ir :- r :n I f :8 s,:d Id :n s :s |di:d' t :d II :s 1 :t |d':ri d :n In :r 1 :se|l:l f :n 11 :f d':- |t:- d':- 1- n:- |s:f n:-|- d':- Ir':- di:-|- s :- Is,:- d:- 1- " //.■ m/isi reii;n, till He luitk pi, all etumies under Id's feet." f 1 DEJOIf'E, t}ie Lorfl is King ; r*' Your Lord and King adore ; Mortals, give thanks ;ind sing, And triumph evermore : J)' Lift up your heart, lift up your voice . Rejoice, ngain I say, rejoice. I'i/' 2 Jesus the Saviour reigns, The God of truth and love ; When He had purged our stains, He took Hin seat above : / Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. "U 3 His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth and lieavou ; The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus given : / Lift up your heart, lift uj) your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. "y'4 He sits at God's right hand. Till all His foes submit, And bow to His command, And fall beneath His feet : / Lift up your lieart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. 5 Rejoice in glorious hope : Jesus, the Judge, shall come, And. take His servants up To their eternal home : We soon shall hear tli' archangel's voice. The trump of God shall sound,— ^rejoice. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 ■ttlSl ISO ^^ m u Z 1^ J5 2.2 2.0 1^ U4 Hiotographic Sciences Corporalion 33 WIST MAIN STRUT WIBSTIR.N.Y. U5£'> (716)t72-4S03 ^^ -J^A ^2kV yESUS CHRIST JiEIPSIC -8.7.8,7. r :r |n :d 1| -Si \b, :8| :t, Id :n Prom PMlmodia Sacra. :d, :8 :d :n Ml :d, d d Hi :1. .*fi :d :f. II :f Id :d If :1 |fi :r, Is, :d In, :s. Is :n Id, :ni.f, :s iS| :8, d s, :si Tjnit s, :b, " lyaitiHg/or the cottsolatioH of Israel." •H/'l (jOME, Tl«>u long-expected Jesus, Bora to get Thy peopk free ; From our fears and sins release uk, Let ua find our rest in Thee. "•P 2 Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art, Daar Desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart "^ 3 Boru Thy people to deliver ; Born a child and yet a king ; Bom to reign in us for ever ; Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. »«P 4 By Thine own eternal Spirit Rule in all our hearts alone ; »'i^ By Thine all-sufficient merit Raise us to Thy glorious throne. In Id Is Id Id Is, In Id, HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. rota. Ptalmodia Sacra, r :s In cl :t, Id 9 :s Is »i :b, Id 1 :t, Id ii :s, Is, 'ji'.t In 1 :B( Id, 1 86 Kiv (Firtt Tune.) 0. Lah in R. OLD SAXONY.- -L.M, Ancient Oennnn Chorale. 1588. I ':1, 1. :li Id :1, d :r In n n :n |s :n r :r Id :ni fi :fi 11, :n. 1, :li Ise, 1, ti :li |8, :8, 1, :8, In, :d d :r In :d d :1, It, d t, :d |r :d d :t, Id 1 :1, f. :r, 11, :1, f, :f, In, 1, se, :1, It, :d H :s, Id :n n :I, Id :t, li :li Is, t, d :n jr :d ti :t, 11. 1! 1 :d ti :1, 11, :b, Si :fei Is, s. "i :8, 11, :1, 1, :8e, 11. 1 :1 n :d If :r n :r |t. r d :d If :n f :n Id 1 :1, se,:!, |f| :8, d, :r, |8, 8, 1, :n, If, :1, r, :n, ill II ■ Viv {SfconU Twe.) CYPRUS.-L.M. Dr. LowKLL Mason. :d :d .d d.d :r :t. d r :r .r n .d :t, :1, s, :8, :s, .8, li.l :1, :8i 8, t. :t, .t, d .1, :8, :fe. 8, :n :n .n PI .n :f :r n 8 :8 .8 8 .n :r :-.d t. - :d :d .d li.l :f, :s. d s, :8| .8, d .d| :ri :r, 8, [:t, :t, .t, d : - .1 • :r .r n d :d .d d .1, :8, :r d :s«, : sei.se. 1, :..t ', !t, .t. d 8, :8, ,S| 1, .f :n. :f. n, :n :n .n n : • .a :8 .8 8 d :d .d d .d :d :t, d 1 'A in, .rii. 1, : - .8 1 :s, .8, d n. :n, .n, f, .f, :s. :s, di " Bei:!(f, the Lord comtth with ten thousands of His snints" '»/ 1 THE Lord will cc.ine, the earth shall quake, The hills their f5x6d seat forsake ; And, withering, f roni the vault of night The stars withdraw their feeble light '"P 2 The Lord will come ; but not the same Ar once in lowly form He came ; A silent Lamb to slaughter led, The bruised, the suffering, and the dead. wp 3 The Lord will come, a dreadful form, With wreath of flame, and robe of storm. On cherub wings, and wings of wind, Anointed Judge of humankind. V 4 Can this be He who wont to stray A pilgrim <m the world's highway, By power oppressed, and mocked by pride, The Nazarene, the CruoiHed ? "»? 5 Go, tyrants i to the rooks complain, Go, seek the mountain's cleft in vain ; "t^ But faith, victorious o'er the tomb, Shall sing for joy,— /the Lord is come yESUS CHRIST. Walteii MACFAnusv, " :f Ir 'T :..n|f "'t, :.^|d "s :-.8|l / "BehoU, HtcoMcth wit/, clouds.' ^ Ti^L^® **""*'"» *''tl>oloud«de«cen«?iiiir i iu/o« T .o Ir '"^•"?'«'' «""«"S7' -^^ '•'S Jf «'r" »n l^hold Him llio. tlmn»„.i ._:„^ .. » ,'»*'"«?'l »" dreadful inajei'v Tho thouwrd uintH flteiidin« ^ ,f.*"'.«mpl» of His train; God Hppeara on earth to reigi '">' .i hv^ry Inland sea, an.l mountain. Won and eartli, shall flee uwav • Come to judgment, Come to judgment, come away 1 '"/ 4 Nowr redemption, long expected, see m solemn pomp appear ! V ' •«"»«. by man rejected. See the day of God appear! '^ ^"A 'i."""''J*'' '^' "^oro Thee, ^ High on Thine eternal throne I ■^f-ulm' .f"-" Poj'^^er and glory; Chum the kingdom for Thiie own : O oome quickly I Everlasting dod, come down. 'J'hoso who set at naught aiid'^sol,! Hi,, Pierced and nailed U^tot'tt' HI ,P«*P'y «'«-ling. Shall the true Messiah see. Waltbh MACMrnnv. OT (StconU Tune.) Kky F. n irrx | d :d d :d^|d :d d :d Id :n n :nJ\B :b i :njr\d :d s :s_^|n :s d :d Id :n, n :n£|d :d <:^ :se, 1 1, :d 8 :n In m d :t, II, :8, HIS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. nOUSSEAU.- r d 8 8 I d f f. r d 1 f. :r :t, :s :&, :1 :d :f :1. :r :t, :s :s, In id is Id :d :d :n :d :8_^|n :t, Id :s Is :r Id :d :s Adapted from a Ftanch melody hy Chamkh. r4:r^|d d :t, Id 8 :f In Si :s, Id s :n n :rKf Is :s 1 :d'.l 1 8 d :d d :n£ 1 d :r d :d It, n :s 8 rs.f In :s 8 :fe Is d :d d :d Id ••t, 1. •T Is, In Id |8 id :d :d :n :d :8_^|n :t, Id :8 Is :r Id :n :d :8 r^rrjild d :t, Id 8 :f In 8i :s, Id, L^ n?l''f ™ *"' *'*'' ^^"."dB deioending, Th<.. S ^?'" '"^""'•ed sinners slaiu ; Thousand thousand saints attending Swell the tnuraph of His train: Hallelujah f ' God appears on earth to reign. "Behold, He Cometh ■.vith eloudt," "'P 3 Every island, sea, and mountuiu, All ^r^i! "J'^J?'*^' shall flee away ; Ifi *^*f """ '"""*' °o"founded Hear the trump proclaim the day • Come to judgment, Come to judgment, oome away ! "I/- 4 Now redemption, long expected, «ee m solemn pomp ap,.ear! All His Mints, by man "itcted. Now shall meet Him tliear: Hallelujah ! See the day of God appear! / 5 Yea, amen, let all adore Thee. Savwur, take the power and glory ; Claim the kingdom for Thine own • O come quioklv j Everlasting God, cfome down, "•' 2 l!'»;ery eve shall now behold Him Kobed in dreadful majesty : Tkone who set at naught and sold Him P'erced and nailed Him to the triC^' Deeply wailing. Shall the true Messiah sec. 88 KryQ. JESUS CH RIST: ADVENT.- Id -"ti 111 ;ri |r|i_ " TAe cotniHg of the Lord draweth nfg/,. " »./l(jHRISTiB coming! let creation T*f th 1 ' •'■ «'■*""'* """J t'-ftvuil cease • I^t the glonous proclamation ' Hope restore, an.i faith increase : f Christ 18 coming! Come, Thou blessM Prince of Peace. '"^ ^ ^0%?" K ?r ^"* *«" *J»« »tory Hk » V ^'"f cross and pain ; She shall yet behold Thy glory When Thou comest ba^crto^eign : "V Christ IS coming! Let each heart rei^eat the strain. ,„« T, . "^ , •" '■'"*' an<l home, and Thee • '«P But ,„ heavenly vestures shinJng "*' .«/• '^°°" *^ •^/■*"'" '^''y K'o'-y "ec : Christ IS coming! Haste the joyous jubilee, «»P 4 With that blessW hope before us, mf T J'! J "** -^R "",^'*'° '"'Strung ; '"/ Let the mighty advent-ohoru« On WHui roll from tongue to tongue r •'^ Christ IS coming 1 Come, I^rd Jesus, quickly come| :s :d'.r :d.t ':8 S :ii n :dU 1 :d r ':s 1 :n d :di rt' in f ■'At mid "ff A ^»f rilS DOMINION AND SECOND COMING. 89 KkvC. d:n|s :b d:d|r :r n:l|t :t d:li|s,:f 8 :8 II:- d.r :n | n :r n^r':d'.t|l :-.t n :n |f:- NICOLAT.-P.M. d'.s Id' I'lllLlP NiCOLAI. s:-|- n :-|- d':-!- d:-|- s n d' d:r n':t n' s :s d' rd'.t dU 1 :s.f|n.r:d r' :d'|ri :- fe:s I q :fe 1 :8|U:d' r riilf :- r':- 1- s :- - t:- s,:- - : n.r jd.t, l':s [:n :d'.t :d d' :8 II :,., d :d |d^ id.ta, n'.r ' ; di.t |1 :s 1, :n If :d la' Time. f_.li :r Id li-d :- .t, Id rjn :f_^ \n r :s, Id DC. fj? :r d l|.d ;• .ti r .PI ; f .8 r :S| Id In Id :8 :n :d' 8 :f in :r n :i\d|t| ; l|.ti 1 :tA.\ 8e: ba.8e r :r jn :n 1 :t |d> :d' d :f In :f n' :r' |d' :d' f :r II :1 -I s t, 8 n.r 8 :f In :r n :r^|d :t| 1 :1 II :hse d :r in :n d :- r :n d :- l,:d 1 :- f :1 1.:- r :1 -1^ f d :- In 1 :- Is It}-- li d' n' :r s :s Is di :Vii|ni n.f:s Id s n d' d'.t d' :s 11 :n n ; d.tai |li.r:t, d' :n[^' |dU:se 1 :n If :n f :r Id rj:..t,|d 1 :s_^|n r :s, Id ■'At muMsht there was a cry made, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; ,o ye cut to meet Him." / 1 WAKE, awake, for night is flying, | up * ' The watchmen on tlia Imiahfa . The watchmen on the heights are cijing ; Awake, Jerusalem, at last ! "tjJ Midnight hears the welcome voices, And at the thrilling cry rejoices, Come forth, ye virgins, night is [.ast. •V The Bridegroom comes, awake, Your lajnps with gladness take ; / Hallelujah! And for HU marriage feast prepare, lor you must go to meet Him there. And all her heart with joy is springing, Slie wakes, she rises from her gloom : m?*" '""■ ^•■'^ fiomei down all-glorious, The strong in grace, in truth victorious, Her Star is risen, her Light is come! , U Ah, come, Thou ble»s6d One, God B own beloved Son ; J HaUelujah! We follow till the halls we see Where Thou hast bid us sup with Thee. 3 Now let all the heavens adore Thee, And men and angels sing before Thee With harp and cymbal's clearest tone ; "'0 Of one pearl each shining portal, Where we are with the choir immnrtal m f "f^"8«'8 r?""!! 'i'Jiy dazzling throne; "y Nor eye hath seen, nor ear Hath yet attained to hear, . . What there is ours ; S" J'® rejoice, and sing to Thee Our hymu of Joy eternally. MI. THE HOLY SPIRIT. ST. MICHAEL, or OLD 134th -S W ^ uu lrf4TH.-S.M. From o,„e,^„ ;.,„„^ n!..^*i5''y ^"«'•* '•«"*'»» arise ; BiHpel the darknoaa from our minds. And open all our eyes. '"^"''» •»i> 2 Cheer our desponding hearts, Ihou heavenly Paraclete: Oivo us to lie with humble hopo At our Kedcenier's feet, »'/ 3 Revive our drooping faith, An;j"t*'Ti'^-' *"'• '«•"•« "move. Ami kmdle.n our breasts the flanio Of never-dying love. "He dwe/Uth with you, and .hall be in you." »u> 4 Convince us of our sin : 1 hen lead to Jesus' blood. Thl".*""' ,^°n'>«">'K view reveal The secret love of God W 5 'Th, Thine to cleanse tlie heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life in every part. And new create the whole * WURTEMBERG.-L.M, Gorniiiii, ti :li Is) S| :fe, |S| r :d It, T, :ri Is, ■J/ :r iJ :si. f,|n, :t, Id :s, Id, HIS WORK AND WORD. '"im OtMivan PiaUtr. d n, d Id d n Bin; »' Wood, •'B view reveal Ood. » tlie heart, ul, every part, '0 whole, our hearts ; Jiidiige free ; »nd praise, una lo»« md Thee. Oemmii. I t, •■li Is, S| .•fei |S| r :d It, ri :r, |s^ r :r iJ 8. :Mil "i d .•t, Id Si :s, •^ ' (I w .'i?!''".'""' '*?'''"'• ''-"Vfiilv Dove, lY T. ''Khtarid conif..it from' above IteThou our OuHrdian, Thou our Guide. Oor every thouRlit and step preside. «y'2 The light of truth to us disphiy. I liint holy four in every heart Tliat we from God may ne'er depart. a A (Pint Taut.) Key O. '"'' •* {;S!".' J" *» '"'liiiess, the roa.l >\ hich we must take to dwell with God j ^<'a<l us to Ghrist, the livioK way. ^or lot UM from His pastures stray. 4 I,«ad m to find, our final rest, . 1 o be witli Him for ever bl.-Kt ; y L.a.l UH to heaven, its bliNs to shuro- ' t ulness of joy for ever there. MELHOSE.— CM. n f n :d d I, S| :1. s d.r n :n d ].i-t, d :1. :d :d :s :n, {Stcotid Tunt.) Kkv D. n :n.ii|s :f .m' .j^.-f NAOiII.-C.JL d :d.d|n :r^ 8 :s.s|s :s d :d.d|d :d n :n.n Is rfjn d :d4i|n :rxl s :s.s|b :s d :d.did :d tj.«:r s :s s :s, r.n;f ti4:r s :s 8 :s, In Id |8 Id In Id Is Id n d s d n d s d I n d' 1. 1 f d f, -.lis ■.n|r -.d'lt -.l.lr |r It, Is Is, |r Id II If. :fe :r :1 :r 8eotti»h Ptalter. 1935. r :- I- :n :d :s :d :r :t, :sj :s, t, 8 8, I d d PI d, Dr. Lowell Hamo.v. s :- I- r ;- I- t :- I- 8, :- I- :-.l|s.n;r -.f |n_4:t, -.dl|d^8:8 -•fil8, :s. PI d s d :- I- r/,y spirit is good: lead me into the land of uprishtneu." "^^ C^ w^liFWuI^'"*' ''^•'^•"'ly Dove, i^i- y'*^'^' Thy quicke.dng powers. Rintixe a Same or savred love In these cold hearts of ours. »';'2 In vain we ttine our formal sones. In vam we strive to rise ; P H.wannas languish on our tongues And our devotion dies. ' wp 3 And shall we then for ever live / V^^ ^''"'*' *» ''Old to Thee, And Thine to us so great! '«/ 4 Come Holy .-.pirit, heavenly Dove, AVith all Thy quickening powers; Come, shed abroarl a Saviour's love. And that shall kindle oun. BUCKLAXI>._r.7.7.7. ft,v .'8 :fe Is L- U. Uaysk, J1u«. b^, :fe Is 1 :1 .B| :de If :- r :- :1 II :1. Ir f n Id :d 1 :s :n, "if 1 PR G earttett ACIOUS o/thtSp, ^irit in our ktaru: Spirit, Love dl vuio. AJI «iy guilty fearn ._..„„, Jill me fuU of heaven audio L«t Thylight within me shine 1 remove, ve. Set the burdened sinner free ; Lead me to the Lamb of God, Wash me in His pttscious blood. 3 Life and peace to me impart, Seal salvation on my heart • Breathe Thyself into my breast. J'.amest of immortai rest. 4 Let me never from Thee stray, Keep me in the narrow way •' "!/ Fill my 8o„l with joy divine.' Keep me, Lord, for ever Thine. n — ^ - 1 HIS WORK AND • WORD. Ua »•«»;, ilu,. uc. ■ '•^^ 1" :- II 1 K»:vP. PENTECOST. -8.M.D. Prom .he OTm.n. :r |r ;- 1 "■' d :r In :f s :- 1- s I :t |d'.t:l s :~ 1 -• :1 It :- 1 ■■•■ «i :«i III :d ti :- 1- d n :r (d :d d :- l_ :r 1.. :- || I =" n :r Id :d r :- 1- n n :8 |Pi :f •1 :- :t, Id :- 1 ^^ d :t, Id :1, si :- 1- d d :t, 11, :f, d :- 1 m .•«i Is, :- 1 ! d :r In :f S :-.8|8 s 1 :8 |rn:r d :- •T In :- 1 ' li :t, Id :d s, :-.l,|t, d d :d Id :t, d :- :■! Id :- 1 '■" f :f Is :d r :n |r 8 t :n |1.8:f n :- 1 \" ' Id :1, ti :d Is, n. fi :d If, :8, d :- ■ f.Bb. IP f 1 ('' r :d It, :t, 1. :- 1- r . r. d :d Id :n r :- 1 ^'»' fi :iii |fi :ni.r, di :- 1- ''S, d :d Is, :d 1 -t, li :1. 111 :se, li :- 1- 's 1 :f Is :8 1 l^'>.i r, :1, Ir, :pi, li :- 1- »'n t :r |pi :d Sj '<- 1 - 1 [" d :r In :d d£:n.f 1 s 8 f :n |r :r _ 1 .:" 1, :t, Id :d d :d.r|n r l:tj:d Id :t, s, '~ 1 1 1^" PI :s Is :1 s :s.f|pt4 r.pt f :s 11 rs.f n :- 1 _ I '- :d 1 1. :8, Id :f n :n.r|d t. li :8i If, :s. d :- I - " Vf than h haptlud with the Ilofy Chest, net many days /umct.' *>f\ J^ORD 0.kI, the Holy Gh.mt, In thiH accepted hour, As on the day of Pentecost, Descend in all Thy power : We meet with one accord In our appointed place, And wait the promise of our IjoiiJ, The Spirit of all grace. 2 Like mighty rushing wind Upon the waves beneath. Move with one impulse every mind, One sotil, one feeling breathe : •«/ The young, the old, inspire With wisdom from above, And give us hearts and tongues of fire To pray, and jiraise, and lov«. '»?• 3 Spirit of liglit, explore And chase our gloom away, '"/With lustre shining more and more I'nto the perfect day. Spirit of truth, be Thon Tn ^\t£l ny%A <I-^aL ■ « -J- B.„.j ..tcatu our gUlUe i O Spirit of adoption, now May we be sanctified. THB HOLY SPIRIT: Anclont WaliiUon* Hiiriii..i,y frim, Dtvlt. yO (run Tunt.) Kkv BI? hlL'n,U :- :..s, s,:- !lilj:d jtijd :..d|t, VENI CRK/»Toa_L.M. di_^:..8Jn,:-:- L,:g,;f " :t, :-.tJd:-:- n :d :d iil> :-.sJd,:- :- ||d,:r,,:f, \j^ ji, |^ j^J^';; | *iiij-'8ilLiij:-.t,ld:-:-||t,:d:l, 5iiX):i-| riifj:-.rJn,:-:_L,.a,.f^ IlIXz-'^Js. :- :-.fir,:- t, :d,:d |n :- :..d t, Thou the anointing Spirit art, ^\ ho .lo.t Thy Mvenfol.1 gif u i,„,,art ^HfS Antunt and cheer our .oiI6d face With the abundance of Thy jrraco • Where Thou Rrt guide no ill can con.V * T^^f l^."' *" ^"'"^ *''o I'^t'ier. Son T it. through the Rgen all along, This may be our endless song : •'*^ 2 Thy Wes.6d unction from above I. comfort life, „„,! Are ifX;;. K.mh.,,vith,K.rpct«„llJgit •'• ThoduIneHsofourhlindedsigllt 1 / CODA. ;d ir :n •d| It, :d, Pmliio Fatb •'^' l5i_if) :1, •f' r, ;f, :f, :1| | ti ;d :d ,... .- ••f| l8j_ii, :f, In, :- er, Son, and Ho men. iirini.iiy from |)uv"t. IfO (ftivnit Tuttf.) KrvO. s :■ :n n :d :d d' :n :s d :d :d nrs IVORK AND lyORD. fjB:l d:-:d 1 :t:d' 1 :8 :f ■ :- n ;r d^ s :- VKNI CRKATDR, No. 2. O. t I ne». J. n. Dmw., M.in. 1)00. f. c. |«8:d':l '■n:n:f 'd':8:U ^d:d:d o. t «:- :<'f d':»d: - d:- :«'r, n :- ge,;!, t, :1, :b :f :r' :8| ;r :t, 8 :- :- n:-:- d':-:- d:-:- r:l,:t "f :f :f ''r,:r :r d:- d:- f o. :n in :• Wi :bah,:8eilli;- '8 d' :- :n 8 :f :n d' :- :d' 1 :- :8 111:' liii:!. n :d;d l^:f, 8 :- :d Ll^.d t :d':t.l n :d :r d :- :t, 8 :n :f n:- :r d:- ;_ d:t,.lj:t. d:- •- 8:- :f n:- - >:- :8, d:-: - • y-i kav, an unction Mm tk* lUly On*, and yt knon> all thing,. ^ And lighten with colMti.il flro; TIiou the anointitiK Sl'irit art \\ ho do«t Thy Mvenfckl gifts impart. "1/^2 Thy LIomW unction from above If comfort, life, and fire of love: J;.imlilo with |.cri>etual light ■J he dulneta of our blinded light. Anoint and chcor our loilid face With the ahundnnco of Thy grace : Where Thou art guide uo ill can come, ^ T*"f ^?" *" !f"*"' tJio Father. Son. That, through the ages all along. Tlnn may be our en<ne8(i gong : / CODA. [ d f, C. rail. 'd' >S :1 :f ;1 .t :d to :n :n V It d' d Thy S :'d o.t. .d'f • m 1 SOi :1, C| :1. :r :ti :n tor :d :d' :t .1 Fftth n bah | :8e, mil :- :r :t, .1, :ti d :d :- d ;d '- n n - 1. ; d roar It. :d Son, and Ha 8pi . rit. THR HOLY SPIRIT: Thomas Tallii Ob. 15«. yT {First Tunt.) , Knv a. Lah is E. r 1. :d 1 t, 1. :1, 1 se, d :n In . 1. :1, 1 rii n :r Id d :t, Id s :s In di :s, Id " m.n He, tke SpiHt ofir„tH, is conu. He ^m^.Ueyou into all truth. " "'•'' ^ C^K.^°^^«''?«*. «»r hearts inspire : ^ I-et us Thine influence prove. Source of the old prophetic fire, Fountain of light and love. 2 Come, Holy Ghost, for, moved bv Thee The prophets wrote and spoke f ''' Unlock the truth, Thyself tf.e key. Unseal the sacred book. «P 3 Expand Thy wings, celestial Dove, Brood o er our nature's night : On our disordered spirits move, And let there now be light '^^'Sti.rK'T'^^ii::"*^^^^^-. d n BERLIN.— 7.7.7. .TOH/ kvw CrOorr. 1602-1CC2 r :d It, :- d :r 1 M :f 1. :1, 1 se, :- 1. :t, Id :d f :n In :- n :s 1 s :1 r, :1, 1 n. :- 1. :s. Id :fi n :d It, :1. 1. .'se. 1 Ii d :1, Is, :n, f, :n, 1 n. ._ s :f Ir :d r :t. Id ._ d, :f, l«i :1, r, :n, 1 f, •_ S| :i n :f d :f n :s d :d f :n f :d p.t. :s ''S, :t, •d :r 'd :si HIS WORK AND WORD. Talli& Ob. 15S.', S :- 1 "^ t, :- j - s :- 1 - s, - 1 - d . — |_ d : - 1 - n : - 1 - d : - 1 - ruth: RR. 602-1CC2 In :f Id :d Is :1 Id :f, 1 1, :- 1 Ml :- Id :- If. ;- 97 (Sefond Tune.) VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS.— 7 7 7 d Kky F. n : ■ .r I d d :t, |S| s : - .f I n d :s, Id :d :li :f :f :s :d f :n Jf :d p.t. 'ti :s ''Si :t| •id :r ■'d :S| d B| S n :r :t, :f :r r S| s t, :n :d :s :d f :n li.t|;d f :s f d d 1. :n :d :s :d :-.d|d :t, Id :f In :s, Id :-.d|t, :li Is, :fe Is :r, Is, f. Bb. S| :d 'in, :S| d :d d| :n. :f :d.r ; l.s :l,.t r t, s s, :s :t, :s :n Samuel Wkbdr. :fe :r :1 :r, t, :d r r, n d s d :n, :d :1, :r :1. :f :r n S| d :t, jVfi:S| d :t, S| :s, n :r s, :s, .f, s t, s S| d n, d d, d n d " TAe Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost." «/l /^OME, Thou Holy Paraclete, ^ And from Thy celestial seat Send Thy light and brilliancy. 2 Father of the poor, draw near ; Giver of all gifts, be here "1/ 3 Come, of Comforters the best, Of the «oul the sweetest guest, Come in toil refreshingly. 4 Thou in labour rest most sweet. Thou art shadow from the heat, Comfort in adversitv. Come, the soul's true radiancy. »np 5 O Thou Light, most pure and blest. Shine within the inmost breast Of Thy faithful company, 6 Where Thou art not, man hath nought ; Every holy deed and thought Come from Thy Divinity. 7 What is soiled, make Thou pure ; What is wounded, work its cure ; What is parchfed, fructify ; 8 What is rigid, gently bend ; What is frozen, warmly tend ; Straighten what goes erringly. m/ 9 Fill Thy faithful, who confide In Thy power to guard and guide, With Thy sevenfold Mystery. 10 Here Thy grace and virtue send ; Grant salvation in the end. And in heaven felicity. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT. " The spirit o/God moved upon the fact of the waters. ' ^ 1 CREATOR Spirit ! by whose aid The world's fotmdations first were laid, Come, visit every humble mind ; Come, pour Thy joys on all mankind ; From sm and sorrow set us free, And make us temples worthy Thee. 2 O source of uncreated light. The Father's promised Paraclete f Thrice holy fount, thrice holy fire. Our hearts with heavenly love inspire ; Come, and Thy sacred unction bring To sanctify us while we sing. 3 Plenteous of grace, descend from high, Rich in Thy sevenfold energy; Give us Thyself, that we may see • The Father and the Son by Thee j Make us eternal truths receive. And practise all that we believe. / 4 Immortal honour, endless fame, Attend the Almighty Father's name : The Saviour Son be glorified, Who for lost man's redemption died, And equal adoration be. Eternal Paraclete, to Thee. 1 KEY 1 :d 1 :n 1 .:«i :ii :d :8 HIS WORK AND WORD. t a r' r German. DC. :1 Is :fe Is :ri.d'| t :r Is I n ,8 d' :t Id' 8 ;8.f In :ri Id' :s Id 99 Key El>. MELCOMBE.- -L.M. Samubl Webbe. 1740 ':s s :f |n :r d :1 Is s d< :t 11 :s s :fe :d d :t, Id :t, d :d Id r d :r In.fers n :r.d :n n :f Is :s.f n :f In s n.fe:s Id' :t 1 :1 :d n :r Id :s, li :fi Id t, li :t| jd.r :n d :r :f :d :1 |8 Id Is :d :s :fi |n, :d r li 1 :de :1 If Ir II Ir :r Is :t, Id :s |s :f In :f :d :1 :f ' / will /our out my Spirit ufon alljlesh." 1 Q SPIRIT of the living God ! In all Thy plenitude of grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our apostate race 1 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love, To preach the reconciling word ; Give power and unction from above. Whene'er the joyful sound is heard. 8 Be darkness, at Thy coming, light ; Confusion, order in Thy path ; Souls without strength inspire with might Bid mercy triumph over wrath. 4 O Spirit of the Lord ! prepare All the round earth her God to meet : Breathe Thou abroad like morning air, Till hearts of stone begin to beat. 5 Baptize the nations ; far and nigh The triumphs of the cross record • The name of Jesus glorify, Till every kindred call Him Lord. :r :t, .f :8! s t, s S| d d n d iliiiMl THE HOLY SPIRIT: 100 {PhitTune.) Kkv O. ' COBLENTZ.- " .-f In :r id"' «<( :li 8i :-.f, "i d :d d :t, d d :f, Si :s, d, " "^^ kingdom of Cod is n ••" If :n jr :d Id d :d d :d 1, :n, d :n 1 :8 f :d l|:si |fi:d If, :i, )»p -':rA/..«,«,x,. .«rf^,,,,, „„rf^^ .^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ rL» -?["* ^^^ «''«"d8 of sinful night • Gijeat distributer of gC «'/ O Thou glory, shining down From the Father «nd the Son, Grant us Thy illumination; Best upon this congregation. '»P 3 Come Thou best of all donations God can give, or we implore • W«"^ Thy sweet consolations »f fi ^* "^^*^ '^"'' ^o»- ««*>-■»'- more ''V Come with unction and with power AulLTi'.?^ graces show^rT ' Author of the new creation. Make our hearts Thy habitation. HI6 WORK AND WURD. OOPD'VRI. 1 lUU (Stcond Tant Ktv G ) RETROSPECT.- J. ScHOP. 1*12. f n :r jd 1 [n :f s :s f :n r :- r :- n :f s :n r :r D.C. d :- II 1, 8, :-.f, n, d :t| d -1 Si :1| d .-d t, :d r :n f :d :s d :t,.l, t, :- s :- d :d s :d t, :d r :8 d :t, s :s d n ;- i 8 :- f. Si :s, d, : 1 d :1, S| :d| f. c t J* :n,.f, Si :- Si :- d :1, s, :d| Si :s, d . - f :n jr 1 1 :si.l| ti ±tj:d Is, d :t| Id 8| :- In, r :- Id li Isi :- id ffofy Ghost.' r :n t, :d s :s S| :d G.t. «n :f d :d s :d d:l, f d 1 f. s :s t, :d r :s Si :pt, :'di 1, • r, :t :se :n' :n 1 1 di 1. d' n 1 1 :s :t :s ml s d< d :ni :s :d< :n r' 1 d' f :ri :s :t :s d' n d> d f :n li :si d :d fi :d, r :- S| :- d :t,.l, S| :- r :- Si:- t, :- s, :- n :f s :n r :r d :- d 1 — s, :1| t| :d d :t| d :- d . d :d r :s s :s n :- PI — d:l, Si :d, s, :si d,:- d,: - '• The kinsdo.n ^Cod is... ri^kUousness, a,ui feace. a,uljoy in the Holy Ghost." nip 1 TTOLY GHOST dispel our sadnesa, Hi/' Come, Thou source of sweetest gladness, Breathe Thy life, and spread Thy light. Loving Spirit, God of peace, ureat distributer of grace. Rest upon this congregation ; Hear, oh hear our supplication. r>^P 2 From that height which knows no measure As a gracious shower, descend : Bringing down the richest treasure mf n ^i " "*? '''*^' ""^ ^"^ c*" send. "»/ O Thou glory, shining down From the Father and the Son, Grant us Thy illumination ; Rest upon this congregation. "ti> 3 Come Thou best of all donations TT . *'2." 8»ve, or we implore ; Having Thy sweet conanl.itions. We need wish for nothing more. »'/ Come with unctiou and with power. On our souls Thy graces shower ; Author of the new creation, Make our hearts Thy habitation. THE HOLY SPIRIT: MILTON._C.M. „.m,„n..,d by J.mh. f-k^. S| r n. S| d r d, t. r n.f 8| S| t, t, S| S|.f, n Si d d, s d ; r.d :li :n :1. ; pi.d :s, :d :di.n, t, 8| r r :1. :fe, :ri li :t, fi :r, d :8| fi :8| Si S| t, d n, d, -I " T/tere are dkiersities o/gi/U, but tite same Spirit." '"•^^ S^^FP'"°« ' attend our prayers, And make this house Thy home ; Descend with aU Thy gracious powers; Oh come, great Spirit, come ! '»;» 2 Come as the Light : to us reveal Our emptiness and woe ; And lead us in those paths of life Where all the righteous go. o Come as the Fire, and purge our hearts Like sacrificial flame ; Let our whole soul an offering be To our Redeemer's name. ^ ^"™® *^ ^^^ I>e\v, and sweetly bless This consecrated hour ; May barrenness rejoice to own Thy fertilising power. 5 Come as the Dove, and spread Thy . ^he wings of peaceful love ; [winLrs" And let the Church on earth becomJ iilest as the Church above. '"/ 6 Come as the Wind, with rushiiij,- soimJ And Pentecostal grace ; That all of woman born may bee The glory of Thy face. 7 Spirit Divine ! attend our prayers. Make a lost world Thy home : Descend with all Thy gracious power- Oh come, great Spirit, come ! 102 KEYEb ST. CUTHBERT.- -- Rev. J. B. Dvi :d d .•-.d|r :n :-.f In s d' :n In :fr Is :s, 8| :-.d|d :d :-.d|d ±t^ d :d Id :d t. :n n :-.n|f :s :1 Is n.f s :s Is :I S (:d d :-.d|d :d :f( Id d.rin :d 11, :r S| ':f n : ■ .n 1 f :s :1 Is n s •_ 1- :f n :t, Si : .did :tai :t, id d d ; — it, :- d :r n :-.s|l :n :f Is s n ; — |r :s S .'•8, d :-.d|d :d :r In d S| :- Is, :- d 0' 103 KevG. [■A d :si li :n pt :d 1, IS f :si 1, :d d [:n, fi HIS WORK AND WORD. " The Comforter . . . whom I will send unto you.' up 1 AUR blest Redeemer, ere He ^ breathed His tender last farewell, A Guide, a Comforter, bequeathed With US to dwell. HI' 2 He came sweet influence to impart, A gracious, willing guest. While He can find one humble heart Wherein to rest. p 3 And His that gentle voice we hear, Soft as the breath of even, That checks oach thought, that calms each fear. And speaks of heaven. "0> 4 And every virtue we possess, And every conquest won. And every thought of holiness Are His alone. P 6 Spirit of purity and grace, Our weakness, pitying, see : Oh make our hearts Thy dwelling- place. And worthier Thee. / 6 Oh praise the Father ; nraise the Son; Blest Spirit, praise to Thee ; All praise to God, the Three in One. The One in Three. 103 KEyG. COMMANDMENTS. - L.M. From Gtnefan P,alte,. 160L :d :si :n :d :s :8| :d l:n, d :r li :t, n :s li :s, f :n li :s, d :d fi :d, n :n d :d s :1 d :1. r :t| s, :s, t, :r Si :si :n :d 1 :s fi :d, d :1, n, :fe, d :Tjd 1, :r, r t, s S| S| S| t, d s d n S| d d :d 1 :s f, :d f :n |r :d 111 :n, If :d Iff :1, |r :d li :8| |S| :ri| d :d |ti :d fi :d is, :1, t, S| r 8, n 8| d :d :si :ii :d |r |S| It, :r Id ;si.f|[Wi :t, Id "i-fi:8, Id, " TAt Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." '»P 1 C^PIRIT of God, that moved of old Upon the waters' darkened face, Come, when our faithless hearts are cold, And stir them with an inward grace. 2 Thou that art Power and Peace com- bined. All highest Strength, all purest Love, The rushing of the mighty Wind, The brooding of the gentle Dove : '"P 3 Come, give us still Thy powerful aid. And urge us on, and keep us Thine ; Nor leave the hearts that once were made Fit temples for Thy grace divine : 4 Nor let us quench Thy sevenfold light : But still with softest breathings stir Our wayward souls— and lead us right, O Holy Ghost, the Comfoiier I THE HOLY SPIRIT: 104 {t\i»t TUHt.) :n :d n.f: n d :d d :s, II, :ni :d |PKf:8 Id rn :s, s, n In n, :s Id :d ^ Id :t, II, n f :f 1 1, :n se, :1, In, :d| 1 :1 Is :d d :d Id :d f :f Is :pi f| :fi In, :1| I I0XA.~1).0.M. S li :1, :fe. d 11, :tjn\ f, :d I d d :1 I T. M. Mti.it. :s.f If. :f. s, :si h :1, :fe d II Ml 't3\T^ 'T Id f| .'Ldld :t, I Is, se. :s.f s, :s, :fe It, se, 'i --re, In, ||r, d, :f li:t,:d :s.l |r ' "i-f| l s, f :n li :s, d :d fi :d. Idj.-fc, II h :1, II, ise. n 'I In, :n, s, :s, Key :d :8, (Second Tune.) o. MORAVIA.— CM. '""^^^i^^^^n^^^,^- '«'■ d 1. :s In :d :s. Is, :s, d 1. :n |r :d It, n s d d :f In :d.r|d :r :t, d d 1 :n :d n I. :r Id :d :t, Id :n, d f. :s Is :d, 1 s. s d s n. :1 Is :fi |S| :si n d 1 ~ ••- 1- :n :d :d :1. s t, r s. :f In :d :s. Is, :d.tai :r Id :s :t, Id :n, d 1, f f. :n |r :s,.l,|t, :n.fe|s :d. Is, i n d s d s d s n. :f \n :d£!d :1 Is :f. Is, :r :t, :s^ :si d d : n : d, : - 1- - i- - 1- 1 - 1- ! HIS WORK AND WORD. 1. • ^_ 1- 1, :- 1- d :- 1- ll, :- 1- d :- 1- "i :- 1- d :- 1- d, :- 1- :y"TTSTx^t"''- d :- 1- d :- 1- n :- 1- d •- 1- i . _ ,_ 1 I : - i- 1 : - - li : _ i " If't have rtcrivtd th* Spirit of adoption, whertby w* cty, Abba, Fathtr." •Vl WHY should the children of a King " Go mourning all their days? Great Comforter, descend and bring Some tokens of Thy grace. Dust Thou not dwell in all the saints, And seal them heirs of heaven? When wilt Thou banish my complaints, And sliow m'3 sins forgiven ? '"/ 2 Assure my conscience of her part In the Redeemer's blood ; Ami bear Thy witness with my heart That I am born of God. Thou art the earnest of His love, The pledge of joys to come ; And Tliy soft wings, celestial Dove, Will safe convey me home. 106 KevO. grXfenberg. —CM. JOHAN-N CrI'OIR. 1602-1602 :d 1. :s, Id :r n :n |r n s :f In :r d ' ™ 1 » :si f. :s, 11. :ti d :d It, d d :r Id :t, d ! ~~ 1 "" :n d :d In :8 s :s Is s s :1 Is :-.f n ' ^ 1 ^ [:d, f. :n, 11. :8, d :d Is, d "i :fi Is, :s. d I- :s n :s 11 :s f :ii jr s r :n.f|r! :r d • :r d :d Id :d l,.t,:d it, d d :d Id :t, d : — 1 «• :s s :n If :n f :s Is s 1 :1 Is :-.f n : -" 1 ^ l:t, d :d If. :d r :d Is, n. f, :r, IB, :s. d, : — 1 " " All scripture is given by inspiration of God." «»p 1 THE Spirit breathes upon the Word, ^ And brings the truth to sight ; Precepts and promises afford A sanctifying light. »»/ 2 A glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic like the sun ; It gives a light to every age. It gives, but borrows none. 3 The hand that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat ; His truths upon the nations rise— They rise, but never set. / 4 Let everlasting thanks be Thine For such a bright display As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day, 5 My soul rejoices to pursue Tlie steps of Him I love. Till glory Dreaks upon my view In brighter worlds above. THE HOLY SPIRIT: " ffolding forth ilie word of life." ""/l A WORD of God incarnate. 2-' O Wisdom from on high, "Truth unchanged, unohanginj?, O Light of our dark sky ; / We praise Thee for the radiance That from the hallowed page, A lantern to our footsteps. Shines on from age to age. '»p2 The Church from her dear Master Received tlie gift divine. And still that light she liftoth O'er all the earth to shine. »V It is the golden casket Where gems of truth are stored ; It is the heaven-drawn picture Of Christ the Uving Word. »/ »»p3Itfloatethlikeabanner Before God> host unfurled: It shineth like a beacon Above the darkening world : It IS the chart and compass, 'lif -J *•**'*'■ ^'^®'* surging sea, Still guide, O Christ, to Thoe. '"P4 Oh make Thy Church, dear Saviour, mf f A lamp of burnished gold, To bear before the nations Thy true light as of old : " r>'"fu^ T,**^ vranderiiij; piigriras rp-ii^ t *"^"* P**^ **> *'^ce, T'".^olouds and darkness ended. They see Thee face to face. 106 KkyB». AURELIA.— n. Dr. S. 8. Wr.i r; ir , ':n n :n If :ri n :- Ir d d :1 Is :f n :- 1- ■ K :d d :d Id :d d :- It, d 1. :d Id :t, * .- - 1 8 I :8 8 :8 11 :8 s :- Is 8 r :r In :8 ' - 1 d ,:d d :d Id :d 8, :- If. n, f. :f. Is, :si d :- ,'- 1 n i ':f s :d' |d> :t t :- II 8 f :8 In :d 1 r :- 1- II ■ . :t, d :d Id :r r :- Id n n :r |d :d t, :- 1- 1 s d :8 8 :8 jse :8e se :- 11 t d' :ri Is :fe 8 :- 1- 1 ' :r n :pi jpi :pI| f. :- If. 8. 1. :t, Id :I, 8, :- 1- 1 PI d ':r n It Is :1 1 :-' Is d' d' :-.t|l :n f :- ,- , 1 ■" :t, d :t, Id :d d :- Id n PI :-.n|n :n r :- 1- 1 '■ :s s :8 Is :f f :- Is 1 1 :-.se!l :1 1 :- 1- 1 ,:s, 1 d :r In :f f :- In 1. n :-.r|d :de r :- 1- 1 '»/2 ':r n :n If :ii. n :- Ir d d :r Id :t, «:.,.,■ :r d :d Id :d' 1. :- 11. 1. li :li |8| :si 8, :- 1- 1 «)p3 :s 8 :8 11 :s s :- If f f :f |r :f n :- 1- 1 1- » :t, 1 i :d Id :d f, :- |fi f. *■. :r. Is, :s. d :- 1- 1 1 ' :n :d :n :d :s :d /n HIS WORK AND WORD. Dr. S. 8. Wksi rv 107 Ki V P. s :s :g d :d :d n :n :n d :d :d s :s :b d :d :d n :n :n d :d :d 1 d f f 1 d f f. - :b - :d - :n - :d - :s - :d - :n - :d PALESTRINA.— CM. 8 ;f in t, :r :d 8 :1 :1 n :r :1 8 ;f :f t, ;r :d 8 :t :1 n :r :r B :- r :- t :- B :- n :- t, :- se:- n :- CM. From PALiMTnr.<4. J829-1694. n :n :n n :r :d r :- :- d :d :d d :1,:1, t, :- ;- 8 :8 :b s :f :n 8 :- • _ d :d :d 1 L:1i s, :- - n :r :d :- :r n :- - d:l, :li t, :- :t, d :- - B :f :n B :- :s 8 :- : _ d :r :1. s, :- :s, d :- ; - " TAy statutes have been wy som£s in the house of my pUgnmage.' f 1 TATHER of mercies, in Thy Word J^ Wiuit endless gU.iy sliiiies ! For ever be Thy name adored For these celestial lines. »"/2 Here springs of consolation rise To cheer the fainting mind ; And thirsty souls receive supidies, And sweet refreshment find, mp 3 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around ; mp And life, and everlasting joyi, Attend the blissful sound. 4 Oh may these heavenly pages 1)6 My ever dear delight ; And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light. "1/5 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord! Be Thou for ever near ; Teach me to love Thy sacred word. And view my Saviour there. ST. ETHELREUA.-C.M. r t, 8 8| 8 d 8 n, d 8 d 1 d f :8 :d :n :n :f :d :f :1. If :n IU,:d If :s |r :d In Id Is 8, ..f :8i Bishop TuRTOjf. r t, 8 8| d d n d " All scripture is given by iMsiimtinn o/Gcd." f 1 IIOW precious is the Book Divine, •** By inspiration ariven ! By inspiration given ! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine. To guide our souls to heaven. np 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts, In this dark Tale of teari : "V Life, light, and joy it still imparts. And quells our rising fears. i»P 3 This lamp, through all the tedious / Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. THE HOLY SPIRIT: ^ 1 A^MIOHTV God : Thy word i. c«,t •«■ Like seed into the ground • Now let the dew of heaven descend, Ana righteous fruits abounci inu holy seed remove : m *?^? '*' '■"°*' "" every heart To bring forth fruits of L /e. 8Let not the world's deceitful cares The rising plant destroy, " The setil is the tvord o/God." '"'' ^?,J, '"?y i* yielJ ft hundred-fold Iho fruits of peace and joy. 4 Let not Thy word so kindly sent lo raiHe us to Thy throiio. Return to Thee, and sadly tell Tliat we reject Tliy Son. wy 5 Oft as the precious seed is sown, Ihy quickening grace bestow ; That all, whose souls the truth receive. Its saving power may know. IV. CHRISTIAN LIFE. 110 xP'-'^t Tn.-f) Kbv 1^. i..iu ts B. ■" 11 .-s If :n aTUTTGART.- n. H. Leo Hxssler. if,oi. I* r se d' :di |t_J:t l£:n In :PKr 1 :1 II :se t| fli.titd jln :n \i t Id' :d' \tj.:t |i n '•n \n :n.r ■I II :se l|.t| ;dLrJn :m /:d' :1.8 :n' A. t. r:*'f :'s, :'r :"t, :r :t, :s :s :s :r :f :t, PENITENCE AND FAITH. STUTTGART -contmuw/. hi' t.I:s 11 :t d' :- Id' B 1 :• f It n • ^ 1 } f IfU r|d :f f_ :n.r|n n M.r n \m :r de :1 ri.d':t r :n |l.s:f.i |f.n:r 1 1 :8.f|8 d'.ta 1 1 11 :1 f k |r.rt:f.B 1 1 d :- Id A. t. -:*'f n.f :b If :n r :- In f. D f :n r .s n :'s Si :si 1 l|.t| 1 h. ill Is, 'd d.t,:, :t| d ._ |_ :' r d :r d :t, |d.r :njd 11. :s, d :t, Id Os f :8 I :s 1. :S| , IS s d f| :s, Id, ;.. 1 _ 110 (Second Tune.) MUNICH - KEYBtt. -^•^•7-«-»' Storl. 1711. [:d.r n :I Is :f n :- In n s :f \t :r d D.C. :d • d :d It, :r d :- Id d d :d Id t, d ._ , :n.f s :f .n |r :s P :- Is 1 s :1 |r . n .:d d :f, Is, :t| d :- Id 1. "i :f. Is, d > ~ 1 ~ ':r r :n f :f n - In 1 d' :1 In :fe |s :t, t| :de r :r d - Id d d :n In :r.a t, - 1- :s s :s 1 :1 1 - 11 n n :di.t|l :1 s — 1 — .'8 r :n r :r 1, - 11, li li :l,.t||d :r Si : - 1 "■ ':s s :n 1 f :s 1 . 11 s f :n |r :r d : :r d :d 1 d :r.n f : If d d :d Id :t, d : - 1- :f n :s 1 di :ta 1 : - Id' d' f :1 |r :f n : .:t, d :ta, 1 1, :s, f. : - If. n. li :fi Is, :s, 1 i : - 1- 1 1 T NEED Thee, precious Jegus. ^ For I am full of sin; My soul is dark and guilty, My heart is dead within ; I need the cleansing fountain Where I can a-lw^'"' ^ssa The blood of Christ most precious, Tne sinner's perfect plea. 2 I need Thee, precious Jesus, For I am very poor ; A stranger and a pilgrim, I have no earthly store : " Unto you tktrt/re which believe He is precious." I need the love of Jesus To cheer me on my way, To guide my doubting footsteps, To be my strength and stay. 3 I need Thee, precious Jeau" And hopo to see Thee somi, Encircled with the rainbow, And seated on Thy throne ; There with Thy blood-bought chUdren, My joy shall ever be, To sing Thy praises, Jesus, To gaze, my Lord, on Thee. jl^ M i JH-y. '-' ' W.^MtaaHlitt- ' ■'-! ' , ' i P " i H!»-' ' »'.»' "i W"' l ' I ' . I-"'' 1., CHRISTIAN LIFE: ■^^K... . 111 (Fint Tuii«.) EBER.—,8, Utenberg Pialmen. 1582. Key Rf», ':pi n :ii 1 s :s f :f In n 1 :l 1 s :s PI r 1 n :d d :d r :n r :r Id d n :f 1 PI :r d 1, It, :s s s :di 1 :1 11 1 d' :d' d' :s s 1 |se :d d :1( t, :d r :r U, 1. 1, :f. d :t, d .f |pi f:a 1 t :s d> :di It s 1 :d' t :1 1 :se |1 :t, n r :n PI :fe Is PI f :pi n :f f :n id |:s s :fe s :t d' :di |r' d< di :1 t :d' r' :t 11 [:n d s :n 1 :1 Is d f :1 s :f r :pi 111 1 (:l s :n f :s n :r Id s 1 :t d' :1 s :f |pi ! :d r :d li :r d :t, Id r d :r PI :d PI :r.d|t| hn s :s f :r s :s \n s pi :s 8 :1 t.di:l |se f :l, t, :d |r :t, d :8, Id ti li :si Id :f pi.d •.r Ipi (Second Tune.) Key P, PATER OMNIUM.— d :r :pi d :t| :tai s:f 1,:- r 1, d:-:r Si:-:t, PI :- d:- — PI :f :s 1:- f n :-:s s :- - d :d :d fi:- f. Si:- :si d:- - f :-:f li:-:li f :-:f£i r :- :r f ts :r S|:- :t| r :- :s ti:- :S| PI :- d:- s :- d:- PI :- :pi r :t|:S| s :- ' - pii:-:s, sr.-:si s,:- - d:-:d t,:r :t| d:- - d,:-:d s,:- :fi pi,:- .- f :pi :1 d :d :t| f :s :r li :si :fi o. t. •^1 :l :t "•f :r :r »r':l :se •t :f :pi s :f :r 1, :li:li d :r :f f, :f, :fi s :-:d d:-:l, s :- :pi pii:-:li r, d':- :t d:- :f 1:- :t 1,: :r d:f ;pi d:-:d PI :1 ;8 s,:-:s, H. J. E d :t, :d fe •~ :fe, r :- :d ii :- :ri 1 :- :se PI :- :r d' :- :t PI :- :pi r :1 :t, li :- :si f :- :r S| :- :si Holmes r :- s,:- t,:- s,:- 1:- d:- 1:- li:- d:- s,:- pi :- d,:- PENITENCE AND FAITH. I'P 1 WEARY of wandering from my God, And now made willing to return, I hear, and bow me to the rod ; For Him, not without hope, I mourn: «■/ I have an Advocate above, A Friend before the throne of love. '■ip 2 Jesus, full of pardoning grace, More full of grace than I of sin ; Yet once again I seek Thy face, Open Thine arms, and take me in, And freely my backsliding heal. And love the faithless sinrfer still. " / mil heal their backsliding. '' ^^ ^» ^P 3 Thou knowest the way to bring me My fallen spirit to restore ; [back, Oh, fojij^hy tru* and mercy's sake, Fo^we, and md me sin no more ; The ruins of my soul repair, And make my heart a house of prayer. 4 Ah ! give me. Lord, the tender heart That trembles at the approach of sin; A godly fear of sin impart^ Implant, and root it deep within, That I may dread Thy gracious power, And never dare offend Thee more. H. J. E. HOLMEH. 112 Key A. ':d :si :n :d :t, :si.fi d S| n d s d :r :s, :r :t, I PI :d Is, :s, Id Id :d :f In :d :t, Id :1, :r |n ; 1 .s :s, id :f.pi ELY. li :t, Id f, :f| In, d :r Is, fi :r. Id, f :n |r li:ti:d It, f :s Is r :d Is. -L.M r S| ti s, S| S| s.d n. n S| d d 1< :d :fei :d :1. :d s, :f| d :d fi :1, t, S| |r isi Is, In, Id Id :d :1. :n :d, :n :d :s :r»i Bishop TcRTON. t, :li |S| s, :fe, |S| r :..d|t, r, :ri |s, :r Id :t. Id :s.f|n :si Id, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock" "'i> 1 BEHOLD, a Stranger at the door ! *^ He gently knocks, has knocked before ; Has waited long, is waiting still ; You treat no other friend so ill. 2 Oh lovely attitude ! He stands With melting heart and laden hands ; Oh matchless kindness ! and He shows This matchless kindness to His foes ' 3 Admit Him, for the human breast Ne'er entertained so kind a guest ; mf No mortal tongue their joy can tell With whom He condescends to dwell. >»P 4 Admit Him, ere His anger burn, Lest He depart, and ne'er return ; Admit Him, or the hour's at hand When at His door denied you'll stand. 6 Yet know, nor of the terms complain, Where Jesus comes. He comes to reign, '«/ To reign, and with no partial sway ; Thoughts nmst be slain that disobey. m 6 Sovereign of souls, Thou Prince of Peace, Oh may Thy gentle reign increase : m/ Throw wide the door, each willing mind, And be His empire all mankind. ja :} aiCJ T CHRISTIAN LIFE. 113 (Pint Tune.) P KEvBb. VOX DILECTL— D.C.M. Rev. J. B. Dykem, Mus. Don. n. 1. II ^1 ni :s 1. II, I ores. ISOi ■'I 1, II. f. :f. pii :ni d :d li :li Ifi :ri G. t. lu. I. Vem 1, Unai 6 and 6. r.n. •S, •der ■ 8|'f | "iSi S| :pi |r "i :ni |f| :ni d ;-.3||l|.ti;d d :d, id, :d, Q. t. m. I. Tenst 2 and 3, Unei B and "'S, "'Si-fi :'»«n, I: Si.li s, :ii |r :d n, :n, If, :s, d ;-.8|| l|.ti:d d :d| I d|.ri :ni cres. :-.f|n :n -.8,1 S| :1, r :-.r|d ; de.r t, :-.t,|d :l,.t, 1 -.d| 8| -.8,1 n -.Pl| i -.d| i :..r| ^ :-.nil i :1. 1 U :1, 1 } a :1, 1 1. :f. 1 i :d 1 f. :1. 1 16. I :1. 1 1 :f. 1 I :d 1 ', :li 1 ~T^.8| 1 :-.l,l :-.n| e : -.del n. n, :- d :- d :t, li :1, rii :n( d :d 1, :1, raU. ff li.ti 1, :ni 1, :1. I :ni cres. :r .n . :fi.s, d :d.t| li :1,.S| n, d ; r.n rt, : f|.B| d ; d.t | l,.Si d :d PI :s Si :S, 1, li n. ti :1, fi :fe, t| ;t|.l| :rei in.r d.r ;n.f f, :d I :ri_.r li.ti;d d.r :n.f SOi r :- 8 :- 8i :- ■.»! [:d r\ :si Si :n d :d, d. Kev {Secoiul Tuiie.) ■Bb. r :d |1, :r :s, 8, :si If, :f. :d r :n |d :8| l:d. t, :d, If, :t, TUKWUU V.—{ J.M. J. TORNBULL, d 1, Is, s, 1, :d |s,.n:r.d r :- 1- n. d|.ril PI, n. f, :s, In, :fe, s. '- 1- 8, Ltiid d d :d Id :d t. - 1- d, fi Id, d, fi :ni Id :1, 8, - 1- * SmaU Hotu required t» paaaiay/rom lit to 2nd OHd/rom ind to 3i-d vtrttt. PENITENCE AND FAITH. B. Dykeh, Mas. Don. :1, :fei :Ui :rei n, n, :n.r r - I- ,,:d t, - 1- •:pi.f s - 1- :d 8| - 1- :n.r ■,,'.d '. 'll :d J - •*! I " iS| :-.f • - (Si r t, s S| d S| PI d, ei J. TORNBULL. r :- I- si :- I- t, :- I- s, :- I- TOnWOOD— continued. ■ I -A :li SOi - 1 - !l H :fi n. - 1- I :Si :r t, - 1- 1 :ri n. - 1- ■ ;•«•! n :s |r ; pi.r :s, |S| :si :d :pt, It, |S| : d.t| :s,.f| d :1, Is, Si :f| In, d :d id "i :fi Id, d.r n,.f n.s:r.ni l,.Si:n.r d :- 1- S| :S| |f,.ri,:s,.f, "i - !- d.pi:r.d|d :d.t, d - 1- d| :to.d|| f,.Si:s, d, . - 1- wpl T HEARD the voice of Jesus say, A " Come unto Me and rest ; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Tliy head upon My breast ! '' ( I came to Jiasus as I was. 114 KkyE!?. d "Learn of me, and ye shall find rest unto your souls." ■nif (l came to Jesus, and I drank ^ Of that life-giving stream ; [vived, My thirst was quenched, my soul re- And now I live in Him. "ip 3 I heard the voice of Jesus say, " I am this dark world's light ; Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, , Andall thy day be bright." "V W looked to Jesus, and I found Xin Him my star, my sun ; / And in that light of life I'll walk Till travelling days are done. t'earjr, and worn, and sad ; !»/ 1 found in Him a resting-place, And He has made me glad. Mi) 2 1 heard the voice of Jesus say, "Behold, I freely give The living water ; thirsty one, " Stoop down, and drink, and live ! " ST. PHILIP.— 7.7.7. W. II, Monk, Mus. 1)o«. - :d - :1. - :n - :!i I 1 :3 d :- f :d fi in. :f :t, :r :8| r :- t, :- s :- si :- n :- d :- d :- d :- f \x\ :r d :- :t| 1 :8 :f fi :8i :S| :r :si :s :t. d d n d f d f 1, :n :d :s n s, d d r d 1 :- :f :- :d :- :d :- :1. :- :r ''~ \\t\ :- :s :- :s. s ti r S| d d n d " He beheld the city, and wept over it." '"P 1 T ORD, in this Thy mercy's day, ^ Ere it pass for aye away, Ou our knees we faffalid pray, 2 Holy Jesus, grant us tears, F-U us with heart-searching fears, Ere. that awful doom appears. 3 Lord, on us Thy Spirit pour, Kneeling lowly at the door, Ere it close for evermore. (i ver»u. W 7 On Thy love we rest alons, And that love will then be known By the pardoned round the throuo. P 4 By Thy night of agony. By Tliy supplicating cry. By Thy willingness to die. 6 By Thy tears of bitter woo For Jerusalem below. Lot us not Thy love forego. "ip 6 Grant us 'neath Thy wings a place Lest we lose this day of grace Ere we shall behold Thy face: CHRISTIAN LIFE: XlO (Pint Tune.) KbtQ. n :r :d BIDBOROUGH.— S.M. r :- s t, :- t, 8 :- s s, :- S| d ;r :n d :- :d n ;f :s li :- :n, 1. :- :t, Hakdei. d :- 1 KetO. f, - :f. n, - ll:., d - :f 8 - 1 :n f. - :r, d, - 1 ■i d :- :d t, :- n f_ •8 :1 n, -:fe, s, :- S| d - :d d - :d r d d - :1 1.: - :1. d 1.. - :f. Kkv E. (Second Tune.) ST, kETH ^lUS.—S.M. n :f d :d 8 :1 d :f, d' :t d ; r.ii fe :s 1, :M r :- 1- f t, - 1- li s - 1- f 8, : - 1- r 1 :1 Is li.ti;d It, 8 :fe |8 r :r |S| s d d f :ii In :r r :d Id :t, 8 :s Is :8 t, :d Is, :s, 1 :f |r :r d :d Id :ti d :1 Is :8 f. :f. is, :si n :- :r d :- :t, 8 :- :f 8, :- ,:8, Dr. Gauntlett. PI d 8 d n d 8 d d - I |:1 d - 1' n - 1 :n d - 1 •i "Behold, now is the acceptedlime" '■'/I MOW is th' accepted time, Now is the day of grace ; Now, sinners, come without delay, And seek the Saviour's face. "U'2 Now is th' accepted time, The Saviour calls to-day ; V To-morrow you may be too late ; 'Tis madness to delay. i»i> 3 Now is th' aov«pted time, The Gospel bids you come ; ♦'If And every promise of His word Declares there yet is room. wp 4 Lord, draw reluctant souls To seek a Father's love ! »■'/ Then shall attendant angels bear / The joyful news above. :d PENITENCE AND FAITH. I •- Dr. Qauktlett. PI d 8 d pted time, Is to-day ; ay be too late ; delay. :n :d :d :s :d :n :n :- :t, Ban d OKI. 1 116 KetO ':d n : :- :f. n. - 1 :si s, : :- :f s - 1 :n n : :- :r, d, - 1 l:d d : n :- :r d - I ':d n : d :- :t, d - 1 :si d : 8 :- :f n - 1 :n s : Si:-.:s, d - 1 :.i d f d :d li t| :d :d :s :n, :fe :d :1 :li :s :tai ; r .PI :S| :n :d :s :d s S| s d_ s n, 1 f f, ANGELS— L.M. :pi :d :s :d Orlando Gibbons. 1623. »l :r :t, :s :s, S| :r :r :8 :t, :s :d :s :pi :d :d :pi - :fe t, :h r :r d d PI d s ti r :1 S| :r :t, :f :si 4 d PI d, " TAere is jay in the presence of the angels of Cod over one sinner t/tat repenteth" f 1 WHO can describe the joys that rise Through all the courts of Paradise To see a prodigal return, To see an heir of glory bom ! W 2 With joy the Father doth approve The fruit of His eternal love ; The Son with joy looks down, and sees The purchase of His agonies. wip 3 The Spirit takes delight to view The holy soul He formed anew ; "/ And saints and angels join to sing / The growing empire of their King. f 1, r :pi :d s d r t, 8 S| - 1 8 r ti , CHRISTIAN LIFE. 117 (Firiti . Key a b. n :- :r S| :- :f| S| :1, :t| Tune.) INVITATION.- :s, :n, :d d ;- :s, d :- :d li -d ;1, d :- :d s, :- PI, :- d :- d, :- :d, IdL^r, :«, |f, ... ..j, \^ ._ d :- :si Is :- :f ip, ... Mi:- :n, Is, :- :s, L, :- d :- :d Tr :t, :r d ti :sj :t d ;- I :s, :s. d n, S| d, VJ/ : n ;s, s, d, r\ Dr. Thomas HASTrscs. |Qi 111 :t| :d Id In, d :r :s s, s, :1, :t, d f, :- riff t, ;d :r ri :- :f, r ;f :n f :r :d ti:- :d| d ;n ;r d :- :t| n, ;fi ;si t,:- «d/ (Second Tune.) Key B1>. s :f MIDIAN.- Kev. W. H. Hav£roau PI :pi d :d IS Id It r s :fe Is Si :d :li :s :pi PI :r se, :t| PI :pi Id Hi !pi "i :se, II, s ir ir !t, :di :pi :1 :li It I PI jse In :r PI :- :t, d : - :s s :- :s, d • „ 1 Id 'f Ifi 1 d 1 f 1 d f li 1 d f :s :pi :d' :d :s :d :pi if Ir II Ir If Id 1 :s :r :s :t, :r :t, :s 111 :d If, :s, pi d s d d d n d PENITENCE AND FAITH. iv. W. H. Haveroau "Retmtt unta Hit Lord Thy God." I wji 1 DETTJRN, O wanderer, to thy home, 1^ Thy Father calls for thee ; No longer now an exile roam In guilt and misery : Return, return »»P 3 Return, O wanderer, to thy home, 'Tis madness to delay ; There are no pardons in the tomb, And brief is mercy's day : V, Return, return. »>»P 2 Return, O wanderer, to thy home, 'Tis Jesus calls for thee ; The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come," Oh now for refuge flee : T Return, return. 118 Key E 'O. n :d SHARON.— :d :ii :d :d :d s :n d :d Is |r Is It, Is |r Is It, :n :d :s :d :t :t, :s :n :f :t, :s f, :s If Id Is Id Id' Ir 1 :di n :r s t/e I s d :r Is, :n :d :s :d :t :r :s :si :s :d :s :n It If Is Ir d' :1 d :d s :f Ml :fi It, Ir Is, :d' :n :s :d :ii :d :d :1, Dr. BovcE, :n jr 1770, D.C. :d :s :d :r :ti It, is is. Id Id i) ;8.f In :s. Id " Him that conteth unto Me, I will in no wise cast out." |»P 1 rjOME, ye sinners, poor and wretched, ^ Weak and wounded, sick and sore ; m/ Jesus ready stands to save you. Full of pity joined with power / He is able ; «l/" He is willing ; P doubt no more. »/ 2 Come, ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance. Every grace that brings you nigh, Without money, Come to Jesus Christ, and buy. '«J' 5 Lo ! the incarnate God, ascended, Pleads tile murit of His blood, Venture on Him, venture wholly, Let no other trust intrude : None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners ^ot)d. P 3 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Lost and ruined by the fall ; If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all. Not the righteous, Sinners, Jesus came to call. 4 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him : «*/ This He gives you, '"P 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam. CHRISTIAN LIFE: 119 KEvBf>. d :d I :li :d :fi ORIEL.—, Id Is, Id In, :d :n, :d :1, r s, t, S| I^tin Hyniii. D,C, :t. In :t. t, :d :t|.li|se, :se, t, :1, :r It, :n n :n •■fi In, rn. se, :1, " A bruised reed shall He not break." ♦»P 1 QOME, ye souls by sin afflicted, Bowed with fruitless sorrow down ; By the broken law convicted, Through the cross behold the crown ! '"•^ Look to Jesus ! Mercy flows through Him alone. ">P 2 Take His easy yoke and wear it ; Love will make obedience sweet ; Christ will give you strength to bear it, While His wisdom guides your feet "^f Safe to glory, Where His ransomed captives meet 3 Blessed are the eyes that see Him, Blessed the ears that hear His voice ; Blessed are the souls that trust Him, And in Him alone rejoice : His commandments Then become their happy choice. mp 4 Svveet as home to pilgrims weary, Light to newly opened eyes, Flowing springs in deaertj? drearj', ! cross supplies ; 1)1 r All who taste it Shall to rest immortal nse. PENITENCE AND FAITH. — mUL ■ Latin H 120 COMFORT.- - C.A L, Oarratt. t. :1, In .''•'-'„■ P KkyD. — = — ^ *'! •*| 1 S| '- ■ PI :r :- .d 8 : - .f :n r :d :r r :- :n S| :fe, Is, :- 1 d :t, :-.d r : - .r :d li :si :t. ti :- :d r :-.d|t| ^~ 1 s :f : - .n 8 : - .8 :8 f :n :f f :- :n r :ri Is, 1 d :d :- .d t, : - .t, :d fi :si :si si :- :d d :t Id 1 n :f : - .8 T : - .t :d' t :T rfe 8 :- :- 1 S| .•Si Is, : - 1 d :t, :- .d d ; - .r :d r :n :d ti :- :_ n :r In : - 1 s :s :- xl' 1 • - .8 :8 s :d* :1 8 :- S| :s, Id, : - 1 d :r :- .n f - .f :n r :d :r si :- :- ll s :1 t, :t, : - .8 d -.t :1 ■ .d :d 8 :f d :r :d n :- J :d :d t, :- 1 8 :s : - .8 8 - .8 :f 8 :s :8 se :- :1 It 8 :f : - .f n - .n :f n :t| :d m, :- :1, I ,. -. =- =» 1 d :r : - .d 8 : - .f :n r :d :r d :- :- 1 1, :ta, : - .ta. 1, : - .d :1, 1, :s, :t, d :- :- 1 PI :n : - .n f : ■ .1 :8 f :n :f n :- :- ■ I 1, :s, : - .S| f, : - .f, :f, f, :si :s, d :- :- " / wiil not leave you comfortless. " mp 1 rjOME, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish ; Come to the mercy-seat, fervently kneel ; Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish ; Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal. ^ 2 Joy of the desolate, light of the straying, Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure, Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying. Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure. mp 3 Here see the Bread of Life ; see waters flowing Forth from the throne of God, pure from above ; «?'' Come to the feast of love ; come ever knowing Earth has no sorrow but Heaven can remove. CHRISTIAN LIFE. I NEED THEE.-fl.4.6 :d ( :d :s, :d d 1. d ■ -r :d .t| Id - ''i •'nil .Ti jpi| - -ll •■S| .S| S| •f| -'Si .8, |d| • •" .T .S| • -Si :S| .8, ■ .d :t, .t| ■ 'Si :s, .8, • ... n : -.d :f .n n :r d - .S| :d .d d :t, s : - .n :1 .8 8 :s d -.d :d .d S| :s, - .r :d .1, ■ .li :li .f, - .li :1, .d - .f( :f| .f| d d, :d :s, :d :n, ROBEIIT LOWRV. n "'i' IT NEED Thee every hour, Most gracious Lord ; No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford. "V I need Thee, oh I need Thee • fcvery hour I need Thee ; Oh bless me now, my Saviour' I come to Thee. »'P 2 I need Thee every hour, Stay Thou near by ; Temptations lose their power When Thou art nigh. "V I need Thee, oh I need Thee : J*jVBrv hour T »T-'-/1 T" Oh bless me now, my Saviour I I come to Thee. " IViiAout AUye can do nothing." "'P 3 I need Thee every hour, In joy or pain ; Come quickly and. abide. Or life is vain. i»^«dThee,ohIneoflTbee, ^u^7 """'■ ^ "^ed Thee ; Ohblessmenow,mySaviour! I come to Thee. "'JJ 4 I need Thee every hour • Teach me Thy will, ' And Thy rich promises In me fulfj], '"•'' I need Thee, oh I n^f^d Thee ■ i-very hour I need Thee ; ' Uh bless me now, my Saviour! I come to Thee. PENITENCE AND FAITH. ROBBHT LOWRV. I .1. .fe •r r :d .8, S| :S| .f f .•PI S| d, :d, d d d, bour, ibide, oh I need Tbee ; [ need Thee ; now, my Saviour! ee. our; 11, ses oh InnedThee; need Thee ; low, my Saviour! 122 (Firit Turn.) SCOTT.-S.M. 8i ;- I f=S.r n, :- 1 '■' d :- I :n.f d, :- 1 1 ' S| :- I l:> 1 8, '- 1 :" t, - 1 ' :d' Si : - 1 :i> n d s d 1 f d' f. :-jnff : - .d I r : - .8 I s :-.d|t, :-.8|f :-.r|d :-.t|l :-.8||l, :pi :d :s :d :n :d :8 :d n :• Ir d :- It, 8 :- 1- S| :- 1- 8 -.f In d . -.did s : -.lis "i : -.f,|s, n.r t, S| r t, f d d n li d d m li -.d|r -.did -.nj s -•1||S| -.r|n -.did -.lis :s :t, :s :si :r :t, :f •fi|8| :8, (Second Tune.) Key p. ST. JEROME.-S.M. :d :s, :pi .:d :s :ii :di :d d I 1 fi 1 d 1 f :d :d :s If Id f 1. :-.! |8 :r |8| :t |d< :-.f In :f :ti :s :si :8 :d :s :pi PI d 8 d 1 d s r d Si PI d d 1, f f :d :d :8 :n :1 :d :fe :r 8 8 3 :pi t, r d :d 8 f PI :s S| d :d If Id II Ir Ir Id Is s, :f :t, :s H. O. Naow,!. PI d s d d d PI d Dr. Qauntlett. PI d 8 :r PI :t, d :s s :8, d "J^otiy workt o/righfeouintM which we have done.'- "'i> 1 liJOT what these hands have done Can save my guilty soul ; ^()t what this toiling flesh has borne Can make my spirit whole. 2 Not what I feel or do Can give me peace with God ; Not all my prayers, and sighs, and tears!, Can bear my awful load. "'/3 Thy work alone, O Christ, Can ease this weight of sin ; Thy blood alone, O Lamb of God, I give me peace witUiu. Can «'/ 4 Thy love to me, God, Not mine, O Lord, to Thee, Can rid me of this dark unrest, And set my spirit fi-ee. / 5 I bless the Christ of God ; I rest on love divine ; And, with unfaltering lip and heart, 1 call this Saviour mine. 6 I praise the God of grace ; I trust His truth and might • He calls me His, I call Him mine. My God, my Joy, my Light. CHRISTIAN LIFE 123 {Firtt Th/k.) MIDDLETOX.- f. P. d :d 's :s n ;n Id If f :-.d -.f -.f s :d d :d s :s If Id II Ir M :f d :d 8 :f d :r Is :1 Id :d In :1 In :f t s ri f f d s S| :d' If :n :s :d' :n :s :t, :s :s, If ;s It :d' Ir :d In :f Id :d Is :1 d :f, Dr. :d' :n :b :d n' :r" s :f d' :t s :s r :r d :t, r.n:f Si :s, OACNTirrr. Ir It, Is 1 8. Id' In Id' Id Id Id In KkvD. n :n d :t, 1 :t 1 :s mor^d ran*.) CROYLAND.- Rev. 0. J. La II :1 Id :n II :1 If :d :t :n :se :n Id' In 1 1. d' :1 d :d s :f n :f is Ir r :n :d :s Trobk. 1795. r :f In d :t, Id 1 :s is 1*1 :d If, :s, Id s :n r :f d :d d :t, n :s s :s d :n s :S| In d Ise :1 Ir :n It :d' t, :1, I: t :se |l f :n£!d t :t II Dr. OAVKrim. :d' |r :n It, :8 Is :d Is, :r' Id' :f In :t |d> :8 Id PENITENCE AND FAITH. :r :t, i:f :s Id Id In liA Trobe. 1795 :f In ;_ :t, Id :- :s Is :- S| Id ;- f In J— t, Id :- s Is - s. Id - se 11 : - iN.r !d : - b 11 : - 1 II. : - 1 n>P 1 VOT m anything wo do, ftrne, Thought that's pure, or word that'8 Saviour, would we put our trust : Frail as vapour, vile as dust ; All that flatters we disown : "'/ Righteousnefw is Thine alone. "'j> 2 Though we underwent for Theo Perils of the land and sea, Though we cast our lives away. Dying for Thee day by day, Boast we never of our own, Grace and strengtli are Thine alone. "Juttifitd/rttly by Hiigmct." mp tV "'/ ^^ cumberers of the ground, AH our fruit from Thee is found ; (^rafted in Thine olive. Lord, New-begotten by Thy word, All we have is Thine alone : Life and power are not our own. 4 And when Thy retumijjg voice Calls Thy faithful to rejoice, When the countless throng to Thee Cast their crowns of victory We will Hing before the Throne, Thine the glory, not our own I " SONNING.-S.M. ' :- I- H Dr. Oauntiett. I8M. r t. r :n t, :d If in |r :d t. :'-l1t s 8 :8 In :s 8 :-r s. s, :d It, :d Si :-|4 ' Tlieprtcious blood cf Christ, as of a lamb without blemish." "'P 1 IJOT aU the blood of bea-sta On Jewish altara slain. Could give the guilty conacieuce peace, Or wash away the stain. "V" 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away, A sacrifice of nobler name And richer blood than thev. P 3 My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of Thine, While like a penitent I stand, And there confess my sia. 4 My soul looks back to see Tfie burdens Thou didst bear. When hanging on the cursed tree. And hopes her guilt was there. «</■ 5 Believing, we rejoice To see the curse remove ; / We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice And sing His dying love. ' CHRISTIAN LIFE. - I 125 Kkv p. SOUTHWOLD.— CM, Dr. Gauntieit. 1 126 ':pi n :s Is :f f : - .f In n r :d 11 :f r i~ 1 - Key a :d d :r Id :d d :t, Id d t, :d Id :r t, ;_ 1 _ :n :s s :s 11 :1 s :s 1 s s f :n If :1 s I~ 1 - :S| l:d d :t, 11. :r S| :s, Id d s, :li If. :f. S| . :d ':8 s :f If :pi r :d It, f PI :s |r :r d — 1 — at. :t PI 1 :r :1 |r Is :d :s 1. f :1. Isi in jr r s d :d s :s Id Is :t, :s.f d pt ; - |- . r .1- .:n d :r It, :d f, :f, Is, ti d :n. Is, :si {3,}^ - 1 - .1 :«r.d "In that day there shall be afouHtain opened . . . for sin and for wicle%imess.» ■mi 1 rpHERE is a fountain filled with blood ■»• Drawn from Imraanuel's veins ; And Binners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there have I, as vile as he, Washed all my sins away. «jp 3 Dear dying Lamb ! Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, "i/* Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. / 5 Then, in a nobler, sweeter song,' I'll sing Thy power to save, mp When this poor lisping, stammering Lies silent in the grave. [tougue '«/ 6 Lord, I believe Thou hast prepared, Unworthy though I be. For me .i blood-bought free reward, A golden harp for me ; 7 'Tis strung, and tuned for endless years, And formed by power divine, To sound, in God the Father's ears, No other name but Thine. 126 {rmtTvk-M.) V Key p. S, *S, !S, n :pi ;pi d ul :d cret. n :n :n r :r :r se :se :Be b, !t, lv\ 8.:- f.:- r :- t,:- d :- pi,:- d :- 1.:- :d fe ;r 1. n :- :pi d :- :d 1 :- :ta 1.:- :s, s :f ;n PI :r ;d 1 :-:r f I :- -fei FAITH. t,:- s,:- r :- s.:- r :- :- r :- :- Si ',— ',— - t, 2ti, !b, s, :s, :si r :r :r f. :fi :f, V rail. d :t, :1, se,;sei:lj r :r :d pii :p1| :f| Lamb of C. A. Garratt. d :- :d s, :- :S| d :- :n PI, :- :pI| Sjjd d :- ;n :S| God, I oome. I f :- :f 1| ''~ !t, f '- -s^ r, :- :S| :t, PI :- d :- s :- [d {iy- d :- Si :- PI :- idi. w J0iu«! cres . :r :- :t,:- :s :- l:s :- Dr. QACNTiiriT. r :- 1 - fci :- |- 3 :- 1 - 3| :- 1- i •~ 1 ~ I :- 1- 1 :- |- Hitess." en my theme, B. ter song,' J save, ig, stammering ve. [tougiie ist prepared, e, free reward. > r endless years, r divine, ather's ears, hine. . A. Garratt, f n :- ;- t. d :- :- 1 s :- •_ •9, fd). i\ Id, (•" - 1^ ^U|J II '1 d :- - -i Si :- . - n :- : - -1 d). . d,r--' - [ come ! PENITENCE AND FAITH. lA\} (Second Tune.) ST. BARNABAS.- M.ls b^r^"' Key G. f. C. ':ti n :r |d rl. S| :d |r ' 1 1 :t Id' :t.l se : -.se| 1 :S| s, :si In, :f| fiHi :fei|S| *».f n :-.r |d.n:f n : - .r 1 d :n n :t| |d :d d :r.d|t| ' 1 d' :se |1 :r^di t :-.t|l :d d :s, 11, :f, d :1. Is, ". r n :n j 1 :r n : - .PI 1 1 at. W ':'r s :-.f|ri :r d :r It, li 8, :d |r :-.d 4 :- 1- ■.%.te S| : -.S|| S| :S| S| :fe. Is, r, 8, :8, |f, :-.«, pi, :- 1- :'r r :-.r|d :r n :r.d|r t, d :n |t| :-.S| 8, :- 1- :'r^ t| : -.tild :t| li :1, Is, fi PI, :d, Is, :-.d| d, :- 1- (Third Tune.) PASCAL.— E. J. Hopkins, Mus. Doc. mp Key E. M. 104. ' n :- 1 n :ii 8 :- 1 - :d r:-| r:- n:- n:- n :-|n :- 1 -|-:n n :-|r :- r :- d:-|d:d d:-|-:d d:-| t,:- d:- d:- r :- 1 1| :- n -|-:d d :-|d :- t,:- s :- 1 8 :s 8 :- 1 - :s 1:-| s:- s:- s:- se:- 1 se:- 1 -|-:1 1 :-|r :- r:- d:-id:d n :- 1 - :ni fi:-| 8,:- d:- d:- t,:-|r:- d -|-:1, fe,:-|fei:- 8,:- ores 'Jfin. do V T :- r:-|f:- n:- \-\n f:- |i:- s :-!-:- 8:-|d:d d:-|d:- d:-|-:- :t,:- l,:-|t,:- d:-|-:d t,:- |d:- r:-|-:- d:-|d:ti l,:-|li:- 8,:- 1 - :- :8 :- l:-|f:- s :- 1 - :s f:- |f:- f:-|-:- n :- 1 8 :8 8 :- 1 f :- P!:-i-:- .:s :- f:- |r:- d:- i-:n r:- \d:- t,:- - 1 - :- d:- h ,:rt| f,:- - 1 1,:- d:-| • • m "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." 'iip 1 TUST as I am, without one plea, " ButthatThybloodwasshedforme, f If J. And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee, V O Lamb of God, I oome ! ■iivp 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, "'«*• To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each V Lamb of God, I come ! [spot, >'ip 3 Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt. Fightings and fears within, without, V O Lamb of God, I come ! '»p 4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind ; Sight, riches, heiding of the muid, ci-es. Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, V O Lamb of God, I come ! "jp 5 Just aa I am. Thou wilt receive, '»/ Wiit welcome, pardon, clean8e,relieve I Because Thy promise I believe i» O Lamb of God, I come ! mp 6 Just as I am (Thy love unknown Has broken everj' barrier down), erc«. Now to be Thine, yea, Thine aione, O Lamb of God, I come 1 V nip 7 Just as I nm, of that free love The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove, mf Here for a season, / then above, p O Lamb of God, I come ! CHRISTIAN LIFE . 127 KeyEU MUNICH. - D. Storl. 1711. 1 pd.r n :1 Is :f n :- In n s :f |r :r d D.C. ■ :- 1- II ■ / d :n :d d :d It, :r d :- Id d d :d Id :t. d d :d :n.f s :f.ri |r :s s :- Is 1 s :1 |r :s n • ^ 1 ^^ n :1 :d d :f. s, :t, d :- Id 1. n, :f. Is, :s. d :- 1 - d :1 •:r r :n f :f n •- In 1 d> :1 In :fe s d :d :t, t, :de r :r d - Id d d :n In :r.d t, — 1 — d :d :s s :s 1 :1 - 11 n PI rd'.t 1 1 :1 s ^ 1 — • s :s :s f :n r :r li I - 11. 1 1. 1. :l,.t,|d :r s. : - I- n :n ':s s :n 1 f :s - 11 s f :n |r :r d : :r d :d 1 d :r.n - If d d :d Id :t| d : _ 1 — 1 :f n :s 1 di :ta - Id' di f :1 Ir :f n : — 1 ^ 1 Key 0. .:t, d :ta.. 1 1. :s, fi ' - If. rii 1. :f. Is, :s, d : - i" 1 f :8..1 " Cast thy burden upon the Lord. " »*P 1 T LAY my sins on Jesus, ■*• The spotless Lamb of God ; He bears them all, and frees us From the accursed load. I bring my guilt to Jesus, To wash my crimson stains "if White in His blood most precious, Till not a spot remains. mp 2 I lay my wants on Jesus, All fulness dwells in Him ; He heals all my diseases, He doth my soul redeem. I lay my griefs on Jesus, My burdens and my cares ; He from them all releases, He all my sorrows shares. mf mp 3 1 rest my soul on Jesna, This weary soul of mine ; His right hand me embraces, I on His breast recline. "I/" I love the name of Jesus, Immannel, Christ, the Lord; Like fragrance on the breezes. His name abroad is poured. mp4I long to be like Jesus, Meek, loving, lowly, mild ; I long to be like Jesus, The Father's Holy ChUd: "V I long to be with Jesus, Amid the heavenly throng ; / To sing with saints His praises, To learn the angels' song. 128 (Firtt Tune.) . KkyE. PETRA.— d :d :n :d n :n |s d :d Is, :d -.f|n -.did ■ .lis -.fild d :d s, :1, jr :n n :n {s :s d :1, |s, :d Richard Redhead. r :r Id d :t 1 :s n :t :r .,d' .,n ;s .,8 .:s .,8 '»;> 1 ■ / PENITENCE AND FAITH. VE'i'itA— continued d :n Is :s 1 :-.l|s :- d :n Is :s 1 :1 Is :- d :d |r :n d :r In :- d :d Ir :t. n :r.d|t| :- n :1 It :d' d' :t Id' :- s :s Is :s s :fe Is :- d :1, Is, :d f :f Id :- n :d It, :n d :r Is :- d :d |r :n f :-.f|n :- d :r In :r d :t, Id :- d :d It, :d d :..d|d :- d :t, Id :1. s. :8, |S| :- s :s If :s 1 :-.l|s :- s :f Is :f PI :r In :- n :n Ir :d f. :..f,|d :- n :r Id :f. s. :-s, Id :- (Second Tune.) Key C. S TOPLADY.— S .,1 n .,f di .,d' d.,d ■:t .,d' :r .,n :s .,s .:s .,s n d' d r' f t s - .n :d' .,1 - .d :n .,f - .s :s .,d< - .d :d .,d - .r' :t .s - .f :f .f - .t :r' .t * tS • s »s s n d' d d' n d> d di.r' s .1 d'.d' n.f t.,d' r.,n s.,s s.,s " That Rock was Chnst." n' : - .r' :d' .t d' s : - .f :n .r n d> : - .s :s .8 s s ' - .8 :s .8 d r' - .r' :t .8 d< f - .f :f .f n t - .t :r' .t d> s : - .8 :s .8 d Fine, D.C. '«?' 1 poCK of Ages, cleft for me, "> Let me hide myself in Thee ; Let the water and the blood. From Thy riven side which flowed, '«/ Be of sin the double cure, Cleanse me from its guilt and power. «'P 2 No.t ihe labours of my bands Can fulfil Thy law's demands ; Could my zeal no respite know. Could my tears for ever flow, All for sin could not atone j / Thou must save, and Thou alone. »nj» 3 Nothing in my hand I bring ; Simply to Thy cross I cling; Naked, come to Thee for dress ; Helpless, look to Thee for grace ; ' c^ Foul, I to the fountain fly : «^ Wash me, Saviour^r I die. 1t(r 4 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyelidu close iu death, «•«. AVhen I soar through tracts un- known. See Thee on Thv judgment-throne ; / Rook of Ages, cleft for me. Let m« hide myself in Thee. CHRISTIAN LIFE: \£a (Firit Tune.) KivEf. HOLLINGSIDE.- d. Rcv. J. B. Dykes, Mus. ' n :s 1 1 :s S :-.f|n :- d' :t 11 :s n :d |r : . d :d 11, :d d :t, Id :- d :d Id :t, d :d It, : 8 :s Id' :8 1 :s Is :- s :s 11 :f 8 :fe Is : d :n If :n r :si Id :- PI :n If :r d :1, Is, : ^ n :s H :8 s :-.f|n :- n :f In :r n :-.r|d : ;. d :d |d.f:n r :d It, :- d :d Id :d d :t. Id : s :n |f.l:d' t :1 1 se :- 1 :f Is :1 8 :f In : . d :d Id :d r :r In ,:- li :1, Is, :f, S| :S| Id : f f.Afe. "s, :d It, :d f :ii |r :- Bit. "1 :1 It :d' f :n |r : \ •'"i :si Is, :s, S| :si It, :- •d :d If :n r :d It, :■ ! 'd :n |r :n r :n Is :- '-1 :s Is :s 8 :s Is :- ! v *s, :s, |S| :d ti :d Is, :- ••f :n |r :d t| :d Is, :- |- e n :s jl :s s :-.f|ii :- n :f In :r n :..r|d :- \ d :d |d.f:n r :d It, :- d :d Id :d d :t. Id :- \ s :n 1 f .l:di t :1 |se :- I :f Is :1 s :f In :- \ d :d Id :d r :r In :- li :1, Is, :f, S| :s. Id :- "A maHihalltea san htdintfilnee fmtu A \a ftiti^nt ^« J J y.. ««^ 1 TESFS, Lover of my soul, " Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer watajs roll. While the tempest still is high. 2 Hide me, my Saviour, hide. Till the storm of life is past ; Safe into the haVen guide ; Oh receive my soul at last ! 8 Other refuge have I none ; "%, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee ; H Leavp ah ! leave me not alone ; Stilt support and comfort me. '»/ 4 All my trust on Thee is stayed. All my help from Thee I bring ; ,Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. "'P 6 Thou, O Christ, art all I want ; More than all in Thee I find : Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind 6 Just and holy is Thy name ; I am all unrighteousness : False and full of sin I am ; Thou art full of truth and grace. 7 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin ; Let the healing streams abound ; Make and keep me pur.^ within. '"/ 8 Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee ; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. 129 (5e ke\ p. ^n:-:rt| d:- d|( s:- s| ^'- d|( 'i\\- nil d:- d|( s:- si d:- dji s;- sh d:- d|( n:- n|! d:- d|( n:- nh d:- d|( s:- s|i d:- d|« PENITENCE AND FAITH. DVK «, Mas. Doc :d |r ;_ :d It, ;- :fe Is ;- :li |S| :- :-.r Id ;- :t, Id ;- :f In :- :8| Id :- :n |r - :d It, : - 8 Is : - d Is, : - -.r Id : - t, Id : - f In : - s, id : - temptit." 1 1 want ; lee I find : r the faint, ead the blind name ; snesB ; am; -h and grace. rhee is found, y sm ; s abound ; wre within. in ait, f Thee ; my heart, 129 (Swond r«n«. MARTYN.— 7.7.7 Kei p. 'n:-:n|n:-:d r:-:r|r:-: n:-:n|8:-:f .7.D, n :- :- |r : d:-:d|d:-:d t,:-:t||t,:-: d - :d 1 n :- :r d:-:- It,: s :- :s 1 8 :- :n 8 :- :8 1 s :- : 8 - :s 1 8 :- :1 8:-:- If : d:-:d|d:-:d 8,:-:s,|s,:-: d -:d|d:-:f| S| :- :- Is,: n:-:ii|n*-:d r :- :r 1 r :- : n - :n 1 s :- :f n :- :- |r : d:-:d|d:-:d t,:-:t,|t|:-: d - :d 1 n :- :r d :- :- It,: s :- :8 1 8 :- :n 8 :- :8 1 8 :- : 8 - :8 1 s :- :1 s:-:- If : d:-:d|d:-:d 8,:-:8||s,:-: d - :d 1 d :- :f , 8, :- :- Is,: 8 :- :s 1 8 :- rs 1 :-:-!!:- :- s:-:-|- -: 8:-:8l8:-:s 1:- d:-:d|d:-:d d:-:-|d:-:- d:-:-|- -: n:-:n|r..-:n f:- n :- :n 1 n ;- :n f:-:-|f:-:- ri:-:-l- -: s:-:s|s:-:s f:- d:-:d|d:-:d f,:-:-|l,:-:- d:-:-|- -: d:-:d|d:-:d f,:- n :- :n 1 n :- :d r :- :r | r :- : n :- :n 1 8 :- :f n :- :- 1 r : d:-:d|d:-:d t,:-:t,|t,:-: d :- :d 1 n :- :r d:-:- It,: 8 :- :s 1 s :- :n 8 :- :8 1 8 :- : 8 :- :s 1 8 :- :1 8 :- :- 1 f : d:-:did:-:d 8|I- !3|| Sj!" \ d -:d| d:- :fi 8, :- :- |s,: d d d d d d -11 :-:- :-|f:-:- -If:-:- -11,:-:- d d n d -I- -I- -I- -I- -:-|- :-:-!- :-:-!- :-:-!- -1- -I- -I- " A man shall be as an hiding-place /rem the wind, and a covert from the tempest' mp 1 JESUS, Lover of my soul, *^ Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high. 2 Hide me, my Saviour, hide. Till the storm of life is past ; Safe into the haven guide ; Oh receive my soul at last ! 3 Other refuge have I none ; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee ; Leave, ah ! leave me not alone ; Still support uud COiuiOi't uie. W i All my trust on Thee is stayed. All my help from Thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. '"/> 5 Thou, O Christ, art all I want ; More than all in Thee I find : Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. 6 Just and holy is Thy name ; I am all unrighteousness : False and full of sin I am ; Thou art full of truth and grace. 7 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin ; Let the healing streams abound ; Make and keep me pare within. »/ 8 Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee ; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. loO (Pint Tune.) Kry Eft. d :- I n :s d:- |d:n n :- I s :n d:- |d:d CHRISTIAN LIFE.- OLIVET.- 8 :..f I m :- r;-.t,|d:- 8 :-.8 1 8 :- ti :-.S|| d :- r :- t,:- 8 :- 8,:- |r :f |t,:r 1 8 :s 1 8| :8| f :-.Pi I r :- r :-.d 1 1| :- 8 :-.s 1 8 :- ti :-.d 1 8, :- Dr. LowKLL Maso.v. n :- I r :fe d :- i t| :d 8 :- 1 8 :l d :- I r :r Tsr-lnrf d:-|d:d n:-|d:r ld:-|d:d s:- i- t,:- I- 8:- I- 8,:- I- s:..l|s:- d:-.d|d:- n:-.f|n:- d:-.d|d:- d:-|d:d n:-|d:r d:-|d:d s:-|n:fls:-.l|s;- d;-.d|d:- n:-.f|n:- d':-|t:l d:-|d:d n:ll8:f s:-.f |n:d d:..t,|d:d n:-.r|d:s r:-|ti:- li:-|8,:- f:-|r: d:-.d|d:-d:-|d:d|d:..8,|l,:in,f,:-|8,:- d:-|- 8|:-|-: n:-|- d:-|- (Second Tune.) Key A. ':si l|:t, |d:r STOBEL.- Harmonised by Alkx. DAV.nsox. :d A, f I :f 1 1 "i :si d :r Id :t| f I :ri I li :s, ^:8|id:tai|l|:S| :ri Si:iii |fi:d| d:d id:tai pittd, |r,:n| n :- I - :s Sj J- I - ;t| d :- I - :r d :- I - :si B. t l,:-I-:'.r d,:-l-:«.l| d :s |f :n d :s, 1 1, :s, d :d |d:d li:ni|fi:d, r :- I - :s 8i :- I - :s, t,:- j-:r 8 :f \n :r r:t,|d:S| 8 :s Is :f 8,:- f.A. n :-!-:• r Si:-|-:*.fe, ii:-|-:'d d:-|-:'l, I - :ti t, ;- II, :- 8, :- I fe,:- r :- I- ai ri :- I r, :- "y 1 MY faith looks up to Thee, ■"^ Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine : "iP Now hear me while I pray ; Take all my guilt away ; «y Oh let me from this day Be wholly Thine ! wp 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire ; P As Thou hftfit died for m^ Oh may my love to Thee »"P Pure, warm, and changeless be, A liviiig fire. f.H-i'.d |t,:8,|l,:t " Be not a/raid, only believe." s:f |ii:r 8|:t||d:s r :r |d :f ti:8,|l,:t, P 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide ; '»?> Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away. Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside, P 4 When ends life's transient dream. When death's cold sullen st-fa;:. Shall o'er me roll, »»P Blest Saviour, then, in love, «•«• Fear and distrust remove • Oh bear me safe above^ ' ' A ransomed soul 1 I ii:f:l 1 il:d:d 1 i:l:f 1 d:d:d S|t-|- 1, ».:-!- 1 t,:-|- 1' s,:-|- 1 "'? 1 PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. )r. LOWKLL M fe s:- i- J t,:- 1- I s:- 1- r s,:- 1- Alex. Davidson. e,:- S| • :d t,:- :- s,:- d:-|t,:- d: li:-|s,:f, n,:- r^nlr :- d:- fi:-|s :-l d,:- 131 (Firtt Tune.) KbvB. M. 84 n:f :1 HADDO.— d:d:d s:l:f d:d:d 8 :-.f :n d :-.r :d n :-.s :b d :..d :d r :pi :f n :- :- r :s :t d:d:t| d:-:- r :r :r 1:1 :& B :-:- 8 :8 :r fi:fi:s, d:-:- t,:t|:t, 8 :r :f r :d :t| s :s :s t, :1, :s, •.r :d -.d :d •.f :pi ■ .d :d s :I :ta d :d :de ta:l :s n :n :n 1 :-.8 :n d :-.d :d n :-.pi :s d :-.d :d slower. 1 :-.s:ty\t :r :n r :-.n:r ^ t, :t| :t| f :-.8 :1 ^ 1 :f :s f :-.f :r / S| :s, :si J. Hopkins, Mas. Doo. r :n :fe 8 :- •- t,:d:d t,:- - t:l:l 8 :- - r :r :r 8,:-: - (Second Tune.) KevP. d:r :n ST. JOHN.— 6.4, Otto Ooldscbhidt. 8i:li.t|;d n:f :s d:d :d. 1 :f :s 1, :li :r n :r :r d :r :t| f :-.ii :f d :-.d :d f :-.8 :1 li:-.S|:f| :r :f :d:t :8 :r wi.fi:8i;8i n :- 8,:- d:- d:- n :-.r:d d :t, :1, 8 :-.f :n d :8, :I, d :r :n li ;I|.t,;d n :f :8 8| :f| :pi, PI :f :8 d :d :tai d ;d.r;n d:l| :8, f :-.n:r d :..d:d 1 :-.l:l r, :..ii,:f| 1 :-.! :b li:-.ti:d f :-.f :s fi:-.r :ri n :d d :d f :n :r r:d:l 8 :8 :1 t,:d:f n :- t, :- se:- n :- :r 8 ; f .n ; r.f S| ;l|.8 | ;f|.8 | d :- s, :- n :- d,:- "f/we can/^is our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive." >»? 1 lyJO ; not despairingly ^^ Come I to Thee ; No ; not distrustingly Bend I the knee ! Sin hath gone over me, Yet is this still my plea, V Jesus hath died "'P 2 Lord, I confess to Thee Sadly my sin ; All I am, tell 1 Thee ; All I have been ! Purge Thou my sin away, Wash Thou my soul this day, P Lord, make me clean ! "1^3 Faithful and just art Thou, Forgiving all ; Loving and kind art Thou When poor ones call ; Lord, let the cleansing blood. Blood of the Lamb of God, Pass o'er my soul ! "ip 4 Then all is peace and light This soul within ; Thus shall I walk with Thee, Loved though unseen ; »'/ Leaning on Thee, my God, Guided along the road, / Nothing l^tween 1 CHRISTIAN LIFE. " IVho will have all men to be saved, and to come nnto the knowledge of the truth." mpinOD loved the world of sinners ^ lost And ruined by the fall ; Salvation full, at highest cost, He offers free to tdl. / Oh, 'twas love, 'twaa wondrous love ! The love of God to me ; It brought my Saviour from above, ) To die on Calvary. '"/2E'on now by faith I claim him mine, Redemption by His death I find, , And cjeansing through the blood. / U , Oh, twas love, &c. ni/'3Love brings the glorious fulness in, And to His saints makes known The blessed rest from inbred sin, /• ^'i??"»** ^*^*^ ^^ Christ alooe. / Oh, 'twas love, &c. "if 4 Believing souls, rejoicing go ; There shall to you be given A glorious foretaste, here below, Of endless life in heaven. / Oh, 'twas love, &c. 5 Of vicloiT now o'er Satan's power Let all the ransomed sing. And triumph in the dying hour Through Christ the Lord our King. Oh, 'twas love, &o. 132 Kbv Bl>. WONDROUS LOVE— W- 0. Fiscnw 133 t :d a :n Is :-.l s.n:r Id :-.d d :f 11 :..l s :- I-. 1 ."."O; :8, s, :d jd :-.d d :t, Id :-.d d :d Id :..d d :- 1- 1 a:- 1 :n n :s In :-.f n :f In :-.8 :1 11 :..f 1 n :- 1- 1 s,:- 1 1 .:d d :d Id :-.f S| :S| Id : -.n :f If. :..f d :- 1- II n:- 1 d:- 1 ':n d :n Is :-.! s.n:r Id : -.n :s 11 :-.t|8 :- 1. kI „._ . :d s, :d Id :-.d d :t| Id :-.d ti :t. Id ;..d t, :- 1- !l i:n 1 :b n :s In :-.f n :f In : -.8 :s 1 f e : -.f e 8 :- 1- m- 8i:S| 1 .» 1 :d Sefra d :d Id in. :-.f, 8, :i|, Id :-.d :r |r :-.r 8 :- 1- 1 r:n 1 t,:d| s :-.l|s : -.n n.r:d Is : -.8 :1 Id' :-.! s :- 1- I ,._ . n : - .f 1 8 :-.d t| :d It, :-.d :d Id :-.r n :- 1- I n d' :-.di|d' :-.s s :s If : -.n :f 11 :-.t d' :- 1- 1 d " d :-.f|n :-.d f :n |r :-.d *i :f If :-.f d :- 1-' 1 8 :s s :-.l|s :n n.r;d ll^ :1 s :n jr :-.d d :- j. 1 :n n : - .f 1 s :d t, :d It, :d d :d It, :-.d d :- 1- I :d' d' :..d'jd' :s f :n Is ;d n :s If :-.n n :- 1- 1 1 :d d :..f|n :d Si :I, |S| :f. s, :s. tsi :..d d :- 1- 1 PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. 133 Kev fd:- t 0. |r :n f :- 1 PI :- OLD 124th.- r :d |d:t, - d:- 1-:- n :- 1 f :s OOUDIMKU l:-ls:- 1 s,:- |8i:8, li:-| Si:- ti:d |l|:si s,:- 1- - d :- 1 d :d d:- |d:- ] n:-|r:d d:- |d:- 8 :n |r :r n :- 1 - - 8 :- 1 f :n f :- , 5 n :- * i d:-|t,:d fi:- Id:- S|:l||f,:S| d,:- 1- - d :- 1 1, :8| f,:- Id:- 1 f :n |r :d t,:-| • — 8 :- |8 :f n :- |r - n :s 1 s :fe 8 :- 1- 1 8i:si|li:si 8,:- 1 t,:-|d:r d:- It, - d :t, 1 r :r t,:- 1- - :- 1 r:n If :n r :- 1 • r:- |d:8 8 :- 1 8 - s :s 1 1 :1 s :- 1- I t,:d|f,:d si:- 1 • • 8,:- |l,:t| d:- f8| - d :n i r :r 8,:- 1- 1 n - |r :d t, :d jr :f n :- |r :- d - 1- 9 d 8 - H. :1. - If :n 8, :si |1, :f, r :d Id :d 8i :1| It, :- If :- d n - 1- - 1- ■ d :- I d - Ifi :f, 8, :r ii Ifi :li 8, :- la 1 :- d. - 1- ■ o/tAt truth." lorious fulness "/esus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me." mp 1 JESUS, Thou Son of David, hear my cry ! " For I am blind, and full of misery. Mercy is Thine ; have mercy, Lord, on me ! Touch Thou mine eyes, oh give me uuw to see ! 2 Sin is my blindness, Lord, sin my disease ; Sin veils my heart, sin robs my soul of peace ; Sin keeps me back from loving sight of Thee ; Have mercy, Lord, from sin, oh set me free ! 3 I do not see Thee, Jesus ! but they say That Thou art passing by — art in the way : 'Tis true ! the sound of Thy blest footsteps near, And accents of Thy voice, O Lord, I hear. mf AOh loving voice! it calls out, "Come to me ! " It asks, " What wouldst thou I should do to thee? " Jesus, Tliou Son of David, shed Thy light O'er my dark soul, and say, "Receive thy sight ! " «tp 5 Wliat Thou hast done for others, I believe. Lord, Thou wilt do for me I I shall receive "if My sight ! — shall see Thee, Jesus, face to face In all Thy might of majesty and grace. 6 My cry is heard ! Thy mighty, loving hand Has touched my inner eye ; at Thy command The dark'ning scales have fallen from my heart, / And now I see Thee, Jesus, as Thou art 1 CHRISTIAN LIFE: 134 Kbv O. LEIPSIO .- From Ptalmodia Sam <>, :s, Id :d r :r In :d s :s 11 :f r :s In Si :8, 1 'i :"i 1. :Si Is, :s. d :d Id :d d :t, id n :r :d d :t, Id :n d :n If :1 s :s Is Id :t, :s, f. :si Id :dt n. :d, If, :ri s, :s. Id ' n :n :n d •r It, :s, d :1, Is, :d d :t. Id Si :s, :s, S| :fei Is, :s. S| :fi In, :s. S| :s, |S| d :d :t, n :r |r :t, d :d Is :pi r.n:f In . d, :n, |8| :s, li :r, l9i :s. n. 'f\ Iti, :n|.f| 8i :s, Id, 1715. " Looking unto Jesus." mp 1 gWEET the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the cross we spend, Life, and health, and peace possessing. From the sinner's dying Friend. Here we rest, in wonder viewing All our sins on Jesus laid, "f Here r/e see redemption fiowing From the sacrifice He made. '»/' 2 Here we iind the dawn of heaven, While upon the cross we gaze, '»/ See our trespasses forgiven, -^ And our songs of triumph raise. »«? Oh ! that near the cross abiding, We may to the Saviour cleave, V Nought with Him our hearts dividing, AH for Him content to leave. 135 {Fir Key A. (•A r : :ni s, : :d t, : :d s, : :d r : :d s, : :n s : :d t, : Key a. :si n :- ■ :S| :b d :- s :- :8i d :- 1 :n r :- 1 :d *•=< 1 :s & :- 1 :d s, :- PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. ilmodia Sacra. :s In 1715. :- 135 :d (Firtt Tune.) A. r :n Is, :d ST. PAUL.-C.M. r :t. Id n |r :s |f :n William Taw. r :- 1- 1 :t, Id :- :ni B, :8, Is, :1, 1, :b. Is, d ti :d.a,|li.ti:d t. - 1 - :s Is :- :d t| :d |r :ii f :r in s s :d if :8 s _ 1 _ 1 :8, Id :- :d S| :d |t| :1, fi :8, |d| d, s, :ni |r, :ni.fi S| - 1 - :t, Id 1 :d r :n |f :n r :d It, 8, li :f In :r d - 1 - :s, Is, - 1 :d 8, :8| jl, :8, 8i :fe, |8| 8, fi :1, |8, :-.f. n. - 1 - jnit In : - 1 :n s :b |f :8 t, :d |r d d :d Id :t| d - 1 - :s, Id, : 1 :d t, :d jf, :d, S| :1| Is, n. f, :r, |n|.f,:s, d, •- 1 - • Key ':si (Second Ti n :- :n^ « :- :d SPOK n :- :r [R d -C. • • M. From Spohk. 1784-1860. j^^xfT'Tf :- :8 n :- :8i d :- :d dSs ^ d :- :t, d >" tT d :- :d d :- :t, d :- ' :s s :- :b s :- > "S^ li" • • s f :8 :1 1 :- :8 s :- .:b, d :- :d PI :- -y <>^ d ■ m f \n :1, r :- :8i d :- ':n r :- |d^ r^ \x\ f :- :1 >s> H n :- :f r :- :r d :- :d t, :^f^. t, :- :de r :- :na r :- >- <i- :d d :- :t. d :- \ :s & :- :n r :- :s f :- :fe 8 :- 8 8 l^:! r :- :f n :- I .:d s, :- :8| 8, :f, :in 1 r, :r :d t :- t, d :- :f. 8, • _ • Bl d, :- " Ltt us there/on come boldly unto the throne of grace." wpl APPROACH, my soul, the mercy- ^ Beat, Where Jesua answers prayer : There humbly fall before His feet, For none can perish there. 2 Thy promise is my only plea, With this I venture nigh : Thou caliest burdened suuls to Thee, And such, O Lord, am I. P 3 Bowed down beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely prest ; P By war without and fears within, I come to Thee for rest tup i Be Thou my shield and hiding-place; That, sheltered near Thy side, »\/ I may my fierce accuser face, And tell him Thou hast died. 5 Oh wor.drous love ! to bleed and die. To bear the cross and shame, That guilty sinners such as I Might plead Thy gracious name I CHRISTIAN LIFE: IIULII loo {Fifit Tune ) ELSICK.- Our Kbv D. A. t. f ~ a :n |s :s 1 :t Id' :- 'n :s Id :pi r :r Id _ d :d |r :d d :r In :- '8, :8, jrt, :8, li :S|.f||n| - n :s |s :n f :f 1 8 :- 'n :r Id :d d :t, Id - \ d :d It, :d f :r Id :- ■d :t| 1 1| :8| f, :S| |d| _ , f.D. t "8 :di.t|l :8 f :n |r :- 8 :d If :n r :r Id « ' 'd :pi Id :d t, :d It, :- d :d It, :d d :t. Id -. "s :8 If :n f :8 1 8 :- 8 :n If :s 8 :8.f In _ \ •fi :d If :d r :n_. f|s' :- n :I, 1' :n.f 8 :8, 'd - (Second Tune.) Kkv p. BRUGES.- Prom Nanisi. f n :n jf :n r :r 1 " :- 8 :s In :I S :fe ! 3 . d :d Id :d d ':t, Id :- r :t. Id :ii r .1- |r ;- s :8 11 :s 1 :8 Is 8 :s Is :d' t :1 It :- \ d :d If, :d fi :s, Id - t, :s, Id :1. r :r Is, :- n :n jf :n r :r In - 8 :8 11 :1 8 :s In :- • d :d Id :d d :t, Id - d :d Id :d d :t. Id :- 8 :8 |1 :s 1 :8 Is : - n :ii f :f r :-.s |s :- \ d :d jf, :d f, :si Id : - d :d |fi :f, S| :si Id : . " Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that ivill I do. »y> 1 rjOME, my soul, thy suit prepare, ^ Jesus loves to answer prayer ; He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay. W 2 Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring ; For His -grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much. P 3 With my burden I begin : Lord, remove this load of sin ! Let Thy blood, for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt. 4 Lord, I come to Thee for rest ; Take possession of my breast ; mp There Thy blood-bought right main- tain, And without a rival reign. wp 5 While I am a pilgrim here, '"/ As Let Thy love my spirit cheer ; my Lead me Guide, niy Guard journey my Friend, 's end. 137 {Fim KEvBbr. ■ [ :d d :t, : 1 :ni n, :- : 1' :d d :- : 1 :d, d,:- : liisi:lj fdlitf, d:-:f fi:"i:r. Kl KevO. 8 n d' d (S»eon d' d I [:r' n':-: 1 :s 8 :- : 1 :t d:-: 1 .:8 d:-: "/IPROM 1 blc From evei There is a Tis found 2 There is a The oil of A place tl The blood PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. CiuniMii :r Id - :si.f,|ni - :t, Id - :si Id, - :r Id - :t, Id - :8.f|n - Si id - Prom Nanisi, fe u !■ 1 r :- 1 It :- r Is, :- 8 In :- ti Id :- -.8 Is :- s, Id : _ )gin: .d of sin ! oners spilt, le from guilt. for rest ; f breast ; ght right main- ■eign. 137 (Fit%t Tunt.) KrvBlT. :d WAREHAM.-L.M. William Knapp. d :t|;l, "i :- :fi d :- :d d, :- :f, li:g,:li.t d:-:f fi:Mi:r, s,:-:d 8i:-:ni d:-:d Pii:-:1| d:-:t| fi:ni;pt| d:-;n.r 1, i-:d:ti fiini:ri ■:sei li:d:r fi:8i:8i d :- :r d:ti:l, d:- n,:- d:- d,:- li:8i:f n :- 1, :sei t, :- n. :- r S| t, S| n 1, 1, n :r :d 8,:- :fe d :r :r d:t| :1| f :pi :r fiisj:!, ljjde:r III") :fi t| :d :r 8| :- :S| r :d :t| d:ti:l, 8,:- s,:-:fei s,:- n :r :d t,:- di:ri:r, 8,:- d;ti :d 8i:--fi :wi n :r :d 8,:- :1, r:d:ti d:- li:Bi:f. n,:- f :n :r d:- fi:8i:si d,:- KevO. (Stcond Tune.) RETREAT.— L.M. Dr. T. Hastings. :ni 8:- :8 8 :f :n 1 : ;1 8 :- t.,di ri :-:ri r':d':t d':- :n' ri;- :i£ n :- :n n :r :d d:- :f n :- r.,n f :-:f f :n :r 11 :- :8 8 :- :d' di:-:di 8 :- :d' d':- :d' d':- 8 8 - :8 8 :- :s 8 :- :di t:- :d d:-:d d:-;d f :- :f d:- 8 8 - :s 8 :- :s d:-:d 8 :- 1 [:ri ni -:ri d':-:! 8 :- :n r :- •a 8 :- :8 8 :f :n l:-:t d':- 1. :s 8 -:f n :- :f n :- :d t,:- d.,r n :- :n n :r :d d:f :r n :- 1 :t d- -:t di:-:d' d':-:8 8 :- 8 di:-:di 8 :- :di d':! :8 8 :- 1 :s d: - :8 i:-:f d:-:d 8,:- d d:-:d d:-:d f :-:s d:- ' I will commuHt with thee from above the merry 'eat.' '/ 1 TEOM every stormy wind that blows, From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat, 'Tia found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a place, where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads. A place than all besides more nueet The blood-besprinkled mercv-seat «'P 3 There is a scene, where spirits blend. Where friend holds fellowship with friend ; [meet Though sundered far, by faith they Around one common mercy-seat. 4 Ah ! whither could we flee for aid, When tempted, desolate, dismayed? Or how the hosts of hell defeat, Had sufferincr saints no tnercv-sen-f "> "'P 5 Oh let my hand forget her skill, My tongue be silent, cold, and still, This bounding heart forget to beat, »\^ If I fnnret Thy mercy se.it. CHRISTIAN LIFE: 138 Key :d \ D. PI :r Id :s 1 ROMSDAL. :t |di — di |t :1 Is LiNDEMAN. Norwegian Melody :n If :n |r :s, d :t, Id :d d :f In PI r :d.r PI :d dj,:d It, :n s :8.f n :s f :f Is 1 f.s:l.t d' :d' f :s Is rd d :8| li :pi f :r Id 1. r.pt:f PI :1 r :pKf|s :ii s :s 1 :d> t :1 Is s r' :t d' :1 1 :se |1 :d r :t, n :d r :d It, r f :r PI :d f :n In :s s :s s :s s :fe Is t 1 :s 8 :1 t :t Id' :d t, :pi d :1, r :r ) Is, s r :s d :f r :pi |1| ':t d' :t d' :1 s :f In PI 1 :s t :d' f :r Id :n PI :r d :pi r :r Id d d :d r :d r :t. Id :se 1 :f s :d> 1 :t Id' ta 1 :n f :pi 1 :s.f|ii :n 1. :r 1 PI :d r :s, 11. 8 f :d 1 s. :1. fi :s. Id "Tell me, I pray Thee, Thy name." mp 1 rjOME, Thou traveller unknown, ^ Whom still I hold, but cannot see ; My company before is gone, And I am left alone with Thee ; v\f With Thee all night I mean to stay, - And wrestle ^tdll the break of day. »»P 2 In vain Thou strugglest to get free, I never will ULloose ray hold ; Art Thou the man that died for me? . The secret of Thy love unfold : mf Wrestling, I will not let Thee go Till I Thy name, Thy nature know. mp 3 Wilt Thou not yet to me reveal Thy new, unutterable name ? Tell me, I still beseech Thee, tell ; To know it now, resolved I am : ■mf Wrestling, I will not let Thee go Till I Thy name. Thy nature know. «ip 4 I know Thee, Saviour, who Thou art, Jesus, the feeble sinner's Friend ; Nor wilt Thou with the night depart. But stay and love me to the end : »»{/■ Thy mercies never shall remove ; Thy nature and Thy name is Love. *»P 5 The Sun of Righteousness on me Hath risen with healing in His wings : Withered my nature's strength, from Thee My soul its life and succour brings; •mf My help is all laid up above ; Thy nature and Th^ name is Love, 139 EsY B It. IS jn :x :d :n d :t 8 :-. :d d :8 :r pi:- :t. dr- :s 8:- l:si d:t, f|d':- 8 |d:- r |n:- 8 Jl,:- t, 1s:- 1 |t,:- d |s:- PI |n: -1 d li)/l ■ PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. ■~" 1 ___ ■•-' *^M^* A^V> ■s ^^ i I \ji'<t • LiNDEMAN. Norwegian Melody. ■ 139^^ PENUEL.- Leipsig Melody. A in |r d.t,:d |t| f :s Is ':s :d :n n :r |d :r d :t||l| :t, s :..f|n :s n:- |-:f d:- |-:d s:-|-:l 8 :1 Is :f d :d Id :t| 8 :f |r :8 ri:-|- d:-|- 8:-|- n d s pi:- If d:- Id 1:- 11 :- :- 1 :- 1 r:- 1- b,:-|- j:- I- 1 r :nj 1 s :<i d :s,|l, :s, d:-|-:l, "i :fi|s, :s, d:-|- d l.:-|f, :- ( »,:-)- 1 :se jl f :n In (:r n:- |fe:- s :- 8 :- 8:f |ri:l se:- |1 ^^ t :d' It :- 1 :-I :t, d:- Id :r t,:- t, :- d:r |d:n PI :- |pi : » PI :- |pi :r d t :t id' :8 s:- Id :- r :- 8 :- 8 :8 Is :d' t :-|l: — 8e:l |1 :8e 1 _ r :n 111 f :r Id [:si d:t,|l,:- s,:- 8 :-.! :n:t,|d:l, n :r Id: ^ ti :li In. :- 1, : fld':- s :1 If :s n :-|d 1 ;_ 8:1 If :8 PI :- r :- ^ ■ • 1 • 1 - 1 - II PI :8 If :pi r :- r :t, Id |d:- J r :n |r :r d :- In :- d:d |d:t, d:- t,:- d:- |t,:d t,:- 1 :s.f|n |n:- s :n |1 :s s :-|8 :- 8:f ll:s 8 :- 8 :- 8 :- Is :- ■ s :- fi :si Id Jli- t, :d |r :t| d :- Id :- n:f |r :8| d:- 8,:- d :pi |r :d I 8,:- 1 r- 1 :d< It :1 8 :- 1 b :- d':- If :- PI :- |r :- d :- 1- glest to get free, ■ |*._ )8e my hold ; Hi d :n |r :d t,:- ] r :- d :- Id: _ d :- It, :- " 1 d :- 1- that died for me? H 1 1 3 !- ' love unfold : ■ n :n Is :fe s :- I i :- 8 :- Id : r p» :8 1- :f pi :- 1- 5t let Thee go nature know. 1 J«: -1 d:l, |r r B :- I i_:t PI :- 1 li: - S| • ^ Is 1 :- d : - 1- mf " 1 will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me." 1 T WILL not let Thee go, Thou Help »»/ 2 1 will not let Thee go ; should I forsake ^_ in time of need ! my bliss? Heap ill on ill, I trust Thee still, E'en when it seems that Thou wouldst slay indeed ! Do as Thou wilt with me ; I yet will cling to Thee ; Hide Thou Thy face, yet, Help in time of need, I will not let Thee go ! No, Lord, Thou'rt mine, and I am Thine ; Thee will I hold when all things ehe I miss. Thougli dark and sad the night, Joy Cometh with Thy light. Oh Thou, my Sun ; should I forsake my bliss ? I will not let Thee go ! »»/ 3 I will not let Thee go, my God, my Life, my Lord ! Not death can tear me from His care. Who for my sake His soul in death outpoured. »»P Thou diedst in love to me ; <^"- ^ I say, in love to Thee, E'en when my heart shall break, my Life, my Lord. / I wiU not let Thee go I CHRISTIAN LIFE: " There shall be showers of blessing-." «»/>! T ORD, I hear of showers of blessin" ^ Thou art scattering, full aud free- Showei-s, the thirsty land refreshing; Let some drops descend on me. Even me, &o. 2 Pass me not, O gracious Father, Sinful though my heart may be ; Thou might'st leave me, but the rather Let Thy mercy light on me. Even me, &c, .»p a Lov» of God s« pure and ehangciess ; P 3 Pass me not, O tender Saviour ; Let me live and cling to Thee : For I m longing for Thy favour ; Whilst Thou'rt calliug, oh call me. Even ine, ic, 4 Pass me not, O mighty Spirit! Thou canst make the blind to see ; Witnesser of Jesus' merit ! Speak the word of power to me. Even nie, &c. iilood of Christ, so rich, so rree ; W Grace of God, so strong and boundless — 9DBr. ■ 140 (rintTune.) KsvAfr. EVEN ME. — W. B. Bradi 141 [ n :f Is :d f ;n In :r r :n jf :r d : t, Id :^'- KkvA. 'Isi :- } s, :s, Is, :s, d :r In :s t, :d s :s Id :t, Is :s Si :si If, :1, t| :de 1 r :r s, : n : Sr r Is, In :- 1 "1 • In, :- Id :d Id :n r :d Is, :s. s,.f|:ni |r, :f, si : S| 1 ' ■ Id, - |U .- Id, :- ' s :n Is :- n :d |pi :- m :f Is :d n : r Id fl a .^ d :d Id :- Si :li Is, :- d :d Id :d d : ti 1 ** Is, 1 "1 • In, :- Id :- Id, :- n :s In :- d :d |fi :- Ev - en me, d :d d, :f, Ev - en Id :- Id,':- me. s :f ! d :1. : < .1, Let some diops de - 8 :j 8, .-( Bcend ( f ill >u In : Id, : me. - 1 ■ .^-i- {Second Tune.) Kev it. ST. SYLVESTER.- Rev. J. B. Dvkes Mus. Doc. I j's :- /■ n .,n :r. .n :r .n f .8 :n :- 1 •»" :n .n :n .r r :- 1 1, |''d :- d .,d :d .d :t, A d .t| :d :- d .,d :d .d :d .d ti :- 1 1 |*'n :- a .,a :s .n :f .« d .,d :d .d :r .d r :in |S 1 .,1 :1 .8 :fe.fe lt.,1, :l,.l, :r .r s :r ^ 1 f.A. 1 fl*" ■- 1 * s, :d S| :- / d .,d :d ji :n .n 8 .f :n - r .,r :r .r :n .r d II ■ V . . d .,l,:a^A :d .n d :d - d .,d :d .d :t, .t, d _ 1 I'-'ti :- 1 J M n .,f :n .n :s .ta d .,d :d .d :d .d 1 :s n fe.,fe:fe.fe:s .f r .,r :r .1, :si .s. n d : - ■ vl"s, :i| 1 \ f, ;d 1 Magnify them all in m: Even me, &c. W. B. Bradi Id 9U»Y D.C. :s, Is, ;- :r In ;- :si Id, - :r Id _ :t, |8| . - :f In : - :s, i on Id, : mo. - PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. Dykes, Mus. Doc, ■ Saviour ; g to Thee ; ly favour ; ug, oh call me. Even me, &c, r Spirit! 3 blind to see ; iiit ! )wer to me. Even nie, &c. 141 KkvA. 1 Is, 1 In, ll Id 1 Id, |S| In, Id d. ^'s :- •d :- *in :- ..•'d :- f.A. i\% :- \\% :- i"t, :- Idg .f KANR -S.M.D. Dr. Lowell Mason d :r In :r d :- Is, :- 1. :t. Id :1. s, :- n, :si d :t, is. Id :si :t, n, d • _ Is, Id I— f. :f, In, d :r In :f. :d n, :- d :- d| :si Id, :8, 1. :- In, :- f. :r, Id, :f. d, :- d :r Si :8| In Is, :f :1. s :r :s. In Is, :d :s. l..t,-d |r f, :s, 11, :s. d :- S| :- d :t| d :d r :ti Id :d d :d If :r n :- Pii :si d :li t, :si Id rn. fi :n, |r. :s. d, :- 1 :1 s :f s :- Id j_ r :r Id :t. d :- d :d d :r t, :- 11. :- 1. :1. Is, :s, s, :- f :f s :1 s :- In :- f :r In :f n :- f. :f 1 n :r S| :- 11. :- fi :f. Is, :s. d :- d :r 1 n :f S :r In :d l|.t|:d |r :t, d :- Si :si 1 d :t| 1 S| d :1, :d Si r :s, ;t. Is, Id :si :d f, :n, |1, d :d If :s,.f, :r n, :- d :- "i :si 1 d :1, t, :s, Id :n. fi :1. If. :s. d, :- "Revive Thy work in the midst of the years' ' 1 DEVIVE Thy work, O Lord ! 11 Tiiy mighty arm make bare ; Speak with the voice which wakes the dead, And make Thy people hear. Kevive Thy work, O Lord ! Disturb this sleep of death, Quicken the smouldering embers, now, By Thine almighty breath ! / 2 Revive Thy work, Lord ! Create soul-thirst for Thee, And hungering for the bread of life Oh may our spirits be. Revive Thy work, O Lord ! Exalt the Saviour's name ; And by the Holy Ghost, our love For Thee and Thine iniSame. t iMM^-iTK. J „ / 3 Revive Thy work, O Lord ! Give power unto Thy word ; Oront t-ha* Th" Woo.iyi n'r.— >a1 ~n.Tr In living faith be heardc . Revive Thy work, O Lord ! ) Pentecostal showers : The glory shall be all Thy own, /V^ The blessing. Lord, be oun ! r^ CHRISTIAN LIFE. Common Time form. MARTYRDOM.— CM. HuoH Wilson. 8| :d PI :r d n s :pi d :n r S( :n, S| :f. n, S| S| :s, S| :s, S| d :d d :t, d d r :d d :d t, n, :1. S| :s, d d t, :d "i :d, S| d :n f :pi r n S| :d n :r d d :ta, li :s, S| S| S| :n, S| :f. n, n :d d :d t, d d :d d :t, d li :s, fi ^d, S| d, n, :li S| :s, d, Kev A. :s, :n, :d :A ':s :s, :r l:t, d :- :1, "i :- :fi d :- :d di :- :f, Triple Time form. S| :- :d.r MARTYRDOM.— CM. n :- :r S| :- :t, d :- :s d :- :s, 81 :- :n^ d :- :d "i :- :li d :- :n d :- :tai n ;d :d li :- :s, PI :- :r s, :- :f, d :- :t| S| :- :si f :- :n h '- :si d :- :d fi :- :d, d :- PI PI, :- 8| d :- d d :- d PI S| d d, s :- :pi S| :- :s, r :- :d t| :- :d S| ;1| : d.r 8| :f| ; pi|.f| d :- :d PI, ;f| :1, Hugh :- :pi :- :d :- :d| WiLso.y. r :- s,:- t,:- S| :- PI :- :r d :- Si :- :fi pi,:- d :- :t, d :- 3, :- :S| d,:- "Lord, helpnie." "^ 1 AH help U8, Lord ! each hour of need, Thy heavenly succour give ; Help U8 in thought, and word, and deed, Each hour on earth we live. »*P 2 Oh help us when our spirits bleed With contrite anguish sore ; xi.nu wheQ our ucorta iirc cold and dead, Oh help us, Lord, the more. »»i> 3 Oh help us, through the prayer of faith. More firmly to believe ; For still, the more the servaiit hath, The more shrJl he receive. »'/ 4 Oh help us, Jesus, from on high ; We imow no help but Thee ; Oh help us so to live and die, / As Thine in heaven to be. :d :n :d 1 f.B. [:*s 1 :"'t| 1 '.H 1 J-si PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. ?t^(/- ?L HCGR ^ d :n ViLSOX r 143 Kev] n :s Idi :1 ST. BERNARD. - B. t. 8 :r In |"1, -L.M. s, :t| Id W. H. :r .n Monk, Mus. Doo. f :t, Id 8, :si S| :d d :r Id :d d :-.t||d "f. 8, :f| In, :li.Si f, :f, In, d :d t, :n s :s In :f n_.f:8 |8 •d d :r Id :d r :r fd rii :d| S| .:d d :t, 11. :f, 8, :s, Id -f. n, :ri 1 1, :f|.ni r. :si |d| n :r d f.E. s :s_ f In :n 1 ;t id' t.l 8 :d Id :r.n f :r Id Si :fi n. :"it| d :t, |d :n.r d :n In r n :d.tai| 1, :1, 1. :t| |8| d :t| d :*s s ^s Is ;se 1 :se|l f n :s If :1.8 f :f In s, :s, d, .:«si n :r Id :t, li :ni |1| t, d :n, |f| :fi.n| Ti :s, Id Hugh Wilson. 1 " TAe Lord is my light, and my salvation," d :- :n s, :- :s, r :- s,:- «y 1 PTERNAL Bea- 1 of Light Divine, Fountain of unexh*uated love. In whom th? Father's glories shine, d :- :d t,:- Through earth beneath and heaven above : PI, :- :d, s,:- wp 2 Jesus ! the weary wanderer's Rest ! n :- :r s, :- :f. i :- 1,:- Give me Thy easy yoke to bear ; With steadfast patience arm my breast, With spotless love and lowly fear. ; ; " i :- :t| ( 3, :- :S| < i :- i,:- i A 3 Be Thou, Rock of Ages, nigh ! / \ So shall each murmuring thought be gone : 1 \ And grief, and fear, and care shall fly 1 As clouds before the mid-day sun. igh the prayer of )elieve ; ore the servaiit P 4 Speak to my warring passions peace ; Say to my trembling heart, Be still : eras. Thy power my sti agth and fortress is, n^ For all things serve Thy sovereign will. * le receive. from on high ; \} but Thee ; ^e and die, ven to be. B CHRISTIAN LIFE. »(/ 1 WHAT a Friend we have in Jesus, ' ' All our sins and griefs to bear 1 "»P 2 Have we trials and temptations ? Is there trouble anywhere ? We should never be discouraged ; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share ? Jesus knows our every weakness ; Take it to the Lord in prayer. What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer I Oh what peace we often forfeit, Oh what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer ! ™P 3 Are we weak and heavy-laden. Cumbered with a load of care ? Precious Saviour, still our refuge, Take it to the Lord in prayer. P Do thy frieiids despise, forsake thee ? Take it to the Lord in prayer ; I «•««• In His arms He'll take and shield thee j "V Thou wilt find a solace there. L44 (First Tune.) Key p. n :1 Is :n d BETHANY :-.r|d :t| - ] 1, :s. 0, id : n S Hekry Smart. :f.n|r :- 1 144(5 Key p. 8 :-.s d :d Id :t, d :1, is, :8, r, :r. Is, : d d :r.d|t. ;- d :-.d _ s :f 1 s .8 n :f In :r t, :t, Id : s B :1 |r__ L2 ■ n :-.n V d :f| In, :s, 1, :fi |8, :8, fi :fi hi ■■fi} n. :f, Is, :- d :-xl n :1 Is :n d :-.r Id :t. li :si Id :f n :r Id _ s :-.s ■ S| :d |r :t, 1. :fei Is, :8, r, :r. s, :d d :t, Id - d :-.d n :n |r :s n :r 1 r :r t, :t. d :d s :s i:"|n « n :-.n ^ d :1, It, :8, 1. :r, Is, is^ fi :fi n. :1, s, :s, Id .. d :-.d C.t. ' ■ f '8 d' |di :t 1 :1 |1 :8 s :n' r' :1 di :t Id' • ^1 r :-.de J *'n :s |s :s f :f If :n s :s f :r n :f In : — I t, :-.le •di :d' |ri :r' d :r' |di :d' d' :ta 1 :1 8 :ri Id' : - I s :-.s •'d :n 1 s :8, 1. :t. Id :d n :d f :f 8 :s Id : 1 Si :-.Si f. p. ■ ^' ' "'t :s Id' :s f :-.s|f :n 1 :8 f :n r :r Id : I ( sj/ - T :t, Id :d d :r Id :d d :de | r :d d :t. Id : _ 1 JT-A *'8 :8 Is :n 1 :s Is :s f m 1 f :8 1 :s.f|n : _ 1 w n :-.n ^ *•?. :f |pi :d "T 1. here :t| id :d is a/riend that stick fi :1, 1 ■eth closer th Ti ana :n, brother f. :s, id : - 1 d :..d .11/ 1 PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. 144 (Second Tune.) WHAT A FRIEND.— D. Charles C. Convbrsi. S| :..d pi.d:s.n r 8| :-.S| |S|.S|:d.d ti n : -.n n.n :n.s s d :-.d |d.d:d.d S| Si :..d n .r :d .ti d PI, d :-.S| d.8^«,.s, Nr^'f: n .r n ««*^8| S|.S|:S|.S| d %, :-.l s.n:f .n r ? V d.d:r.d t, f r\ s.s :s.s s f :-.f n.d:ti.d S| 8| :-.d n.r :d.ti d n, :-.S| d.S|:S|.S| Si d :-.n| s.f :n.r n S| :-.8,l S|.s,:8,.S| d ' TAere is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." '»/ 1 WHAT a Friend we have in Jesus, " All ouv sins and griefs to bear ! What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer 1 Oh what peace we often forfeit, Oh what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer ! ^»P 3 Are we weak and heavy-laden, Cumbered with a load of care ? Precious Saviour, still our refuge, Take it to the Lord in prayer. P Do thy friends despise, forsake thee ? Take it to the Lord in prayp:r ; crM- In His arms He'll take and shield thee ; nf Thou wilt find a solace there. wp 2 Have we trials and temptations ? Is there trouble anywhere ? » JL-We should never be discouraged ; ' 1 Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful. Who will all our sorrows share ? Jesus knows our every weakness ; Take it to the Lord in prayer. CHRISTIAN LIFE. 146 KeyB r:8, to. :d |pi :r d EVAN. :li Is, -CM. s, |s. :d In Rev. W. H. 1 :d |r Haveroau j 146 KkyF. f:li Id :n, n. :ni 1 s, :8, n, :f, In, n, 3| :n. Is, :n. 8, :- |- :rii 1 :d d :8, Id :t. d :d Id d d :d Id :d t, - 1 _ . :d n i:d, d, :d, Id, :8i 1. :f, Id, d. n, :d. Id, :1. 8| - |- .:1| 1 ':f n :r Id :r n :d 11, S| S| :d In :r d - 1 _ (:n a :fi 8, :s, |S| :s, 8, :n, If, n. 8| :ni |8, :B,.f| n, - |- :d r :d d :t| Id :t, d :d Id d d :d Id :ti d : 1 - :s 8 U. 8| :si.f,|n, :r, d, :d, K. d. "i :d, Is, :si d, : - |- :d t, " IVAen He had sent the multitudes away. He went up into a mountain, apart, to pray." ■n\f 1 I^AR from the world, O Lord, I flee, From strife and tiunult far, From scenes where Satan wages still His most successful war. »tp 2 The calm retreat, the silent shade, With prayer and praise agree, And seem, by Thy sweet bounty, made For those who follow Thee. 8 There, if Thy Spirit touch the soul And grace her mean abode. Oh with what peace and joy and love She communes with her God ! 4 Author and guardian of my life, Sweet source of light divine, cru. And — all harmonious names in one— / My Saviour, Thou art mine. PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. W. H. r Haveroau 146 Key] pi, P*. T,iihl8U d :t, 1. :1 ST 8 MARY.-C.M. :f n \\n 8 Archdeaemi Pryi Book of Ptalmt. 1621. :d |n :r |d || S| !— — 'A 1, :Bei 1. :d d :t, t, d r d d :t, d t, !- 1 - :d n :-.r d :f n :f .1 se 8 8 n 8 :-.f PI S| — 1 — l:l| li :n, f. :f. d :r n d t| li 8, :si d d - |- [:n s :1 t :n r :d s r n li d :tr 1, J "i — 1 - :d r :r r :d S| :1. t, S| S| ■ li li :8ei li d : - I - :s 8 :fe s :s 8 :s.fe 3 t, d : d .r n :-.r d d, : - 1 - .:d t| :r s :d t, :1. S| S| d : fi PI) '.V\\ 1. "Rtmetnber Thou me,/or Thy goodnes^ sake, O Lord." "'P 1 AH Thou, from whom all goodness flows, I lift my heart to Thee ; In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes, V Good Lord, remember me. 'n^lP 2 When groaning on my burdened heart My sins lie heavily. My pardon speak, new peace impart, V In love remember me. nip 3 Temptations sore obstruct my way, And ills I cannot flee ; trt». Oh give me strength, Lord, as my day ; V I'or good remember me. P 4 Distressed with pain, disease, and grief, This feeble body see ; Grant patience, rest, and kind relief ; Hear and remember me. '"P 5 If on my face, for Thy dear name. Shame and reproaches be, crtt. All hail reproach, and welcome shame, If Thou remember me. V 6 The hour is near ; consigned to death, I own the just decree ; Saviour, with my las' parting breath, I'll cry, "Remember me." CHRISTIAN LIFE I I ( 147 KeitA!?. :8, RISEHOLME— :d :d, ^1 Qi 8i :I, "i :d| d :1, d, :f, Id In, Is, Id, :-.d ;-.rt| ;-.d -.1. :n :8ei :ti •PI, n :t, se, .'se, t| :n n, .'Pij Id :d In, :li Id 1. :s, d d 1. r li r :r |r :fei Is, :d :1. :1. :li :r fe, rfe. It, Is, It, Is, |r IB, d s, d d 8, d r 1, d f, d li d f, :f If :pi :li |S| :si :d It, :d :ri Is, :d II, :- If. : Id :- fi :- ' ne siKrifictt of God are a broktn spirit." "'P 1 JHERE is a holy sacrifice, Which God in heaven will not despise, Yea, which is precious in His eyes,— P The contrite heart. "V 2 That lofty One, before whose throne The countless hosts of heaven bow down, Another dwelling-place will own,— ** The contrite heart. '"P 3 The Holy One, the Son of God, His pardoning love will shed abroad. And consecrate as His abode ** The contrite heart »»? 4 The Holy Spirit from on high Will listen to its faintest sigh. And cheer, and bless, and purify P The contrite heart «»i> 5 Saviour, I cast my hopes on Thee ; Such as Thou art, I fain would be ; In mercy. Lord, bestow on me P The contrite heart Dr. r s, d s, d s, n d, QAVNTr.nT, :-.r In :-.Si|8| :t. Id :-.8,|d, :- !■ 148 Kkv Afr. l:d,.r :1, I l"' 1 ■■'' 1 :r 1 ,:s,.f, 1, : n, : d : 1, : f. Dh *s :i •<r :j •"t :( m,4- • f:d :n :i f 1, :i r :1 r, :r "ipipROM The vc Lord, tt And! If Thou Each Be{ V Oh!i wp 2 To wash Grace Our wor In mu No man All musi Andl: I"/ 3 Therefor And c On Him Uphol PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. Dr. QAUNTt.rrr. r :-.r|n si :-.s,|8, d :t| Id 148 Kkv :d|.r :U :1, :r :t, :r ,:s,.f, [:d :1. :pi :1| 1 L Ab. LftUisP. li :n |f ;n.r n, :n, 1 1, :sei d :1, 11, :n li :di Ir, :n, f. Db. "'s:d' It :1 »ir:n.ba|se :1 ■^t-.d' |r' :di "'t,:l| In :f f :n |r :1 li tse, |1, :1, r :t| |l,.t|:d.f r, :n, If, rn,.!. UTHER'S UO- d :r In li :li Ise, n :1, It, l|.8|:f, In, r'ji':t 11 1 :se|l t :t |ni r :n.r|d d :t, 11, rar.— n f :b If li li :ta, 11, d r :r jr li r :s, |r, Ab. t *'f n :f Is "l|.t, d :tjj| s, * r n :r |r '.r, 1, :rja|t, LUTHKI Mc :r :l|.se, :1, :f. :d :d :n.f :1, I. Harmony bj NDKL880BN. D.C d :t, 11, li :se, In, n :-.r|d 8i :-.8||d, "i.r,:n| 1 1, d :- |_ s, :- 1- n :- 1- d, :- 1- n :r Id d :t, Is, 8 :s.f|n n|.f,:8, Id, 1 li :se||n, 1 n :-.r|d 1 n. :- 11, ' Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord." mp 1 PROM depths of woe I raise to ^ Thee Tht voice of lamentation ; Lord, turn a gracious ear to me, And hear my supplication : If Thou shouldst be extreme to mark Each secret ain and misdeed dark, p Oh ! who could stand before Thee ? i MP 2 To wash away the crimson stain, Grace, grace alone availeth ; Our works, alas ! are all in vain, In much the best life faileth : No man can glory in Thy sight, All must alike confess Thy might, And live alone by mercy. '"/S Therefore my trust is in the Lord, And not in mine ov. a merit ; On Him my soul shall rest, His word Upholds my fainting spirit. "•"• His promised mercy is my fort, / My comfort and my sweet support ; P I wait for it with patience. '»P 4 What though I wait the livelong night. And till the dawn appeareth ? My heart still trusteth in His might, It doubteth not, nor feareth : So let the Israelite in heart, Born of the Spirit, do his part, And wait till (U>d appeareth. 5 Although our sin is great indeed, God's i^rcies far exceed it ; n in nAnn (M^n i*i\>a fK.* I^a1*% .**» v-o^^ How(!\ er much we need it : cres. He is the Shf^pherd of the sheep, Who Israel doth guard and keep. And shall from sin redeem him. CHRISTIAN LIFE. 149 Kkv D. d MISERERE.— D. W. H. Monk. Mug. Doc. :d :s In Id II 1, :n :d :d :1, s :s d :t, r :s 8i :s, n :s 11 :8 d :n In :d s :s Id' :pi d :d 111 :d n :s Id' :s d :r In :d 8 :t Id' :n d :t, 11. :n 1 n d' 1, f d 1 r :1 :f :di :fi :f :t, :8 :S| Id :- Id :- In :- II, :- Is :- |n :- Id' :- Id i:- |n :- Id :- Is :- Id :- n :n d :d n :s |r :d it, :d I s :n f :n Is :- t, :d !r :- f ; s.d' | d' ;t r :d Is, :- d :d Is, :1, n :n Is :d d :d |t| :d 8 :d |r :d d :li Is, :1, 11 :s |n :d Id' :n II. :d 1 :8 If :n f :d Id :d d' :n |1 :s fi :d II, :d :n :d :s s, :d r :n t, :d 8 :s s, :d Ir It |r It, Is n :s d :n s :s d :d n f :f d :r.d|t| 1 :tJ|se r :r |n r :r |i d :t. Id s :s Is s, :s, |d "ytsus, Master, have mercy en us.' mp 1 C< AVIOUR, when in dust to Thee ^J Low we bend the adoiing knee ; When repentant to the skies Scarce we lift our weeping eyes ; Oh I by all the pains and woo Suffered once for man below. Bending from Thy throne on high, PP Hear our solemn litany ! mp 2 By Thy helpless infant years. By Thy life of want and tears. By Thy days of sore distress In the savage wilderness ; By the dread mysterious hour Of the insulting tempter's power ; Turn, oh turn a favouring eye, ~" Hear our solemn litany ; mp .3 By the sacred griefs that wept O er the gntre where Lazarus slept ; By the boding tears that flowed Over Salem's loyed abode ; ♦"P By the anguished sigh that told Treachery lurked within 'J'liy fold ; From Thy seat above the sky, PP Hear our solemn litany ! P 4 By Thine hour of dire despair, By Thine agony of prayer, By the cross, the nail, the thorn, Piercing spear, and torturing scorn, By the gloom that veiled the skies O er the dreadful sacrifice, Listen to our humble cry, PP Hear our solemn litany .' 7" 5 By Thy deep expiring groan, By the sad sepuIchrHl stone. By the vau.ltj whose dark .ihrsfln Held in vain the rising God ; '' Oh ! from earth to heaven restored, Mighty re-ascended Lord, dun. Listen, listen to the cry, PP Of our solemn litany 1 Refrain. May Thy tei PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. EVERY DAY.-, with Refrain. li,d.- :S|,d.- :n.,r fi,li.- :S|,8|.. :8|.,s, d,d.- :d,d.. :d.,t, fi,fi.- :pi|,ni.- :S|.,S| that told lin Thy fold; the sky, y! despair, yer, the thorn, rturing soorn, led the skies ifice, 3ry, Yl groan, stone, srk ahndt^ God; ven restored, rd, r, -CN li,d.- :S|,d.- :n.,r fi,li.- :B|,S|.- :8|.,f, d,d.- :d,d.- :d.,t, fi»fi'- :rt|,n|.- :S|.,S| r : Bi : t, :• 8i :■ d d d, May Thy ten i-.r :d.,I, '-.S| :l|.,f| -.d :d.,d -.Mi :f|.,f| der love to me " Leaning upon her Beloved" 1 gAVIOUR, more than life to me, I am clinging, clinging close to Thee ; Let Thy precious blood applied Keep mo ever, ever near Thy side. Every day, &c. :-.d :r.n r ;- :-.B, :»,.8, 8i :- :-.d :t,.d t, :-. :-.n, :r|.d, s, :- Thy clenns-lng power ; ft\ li,d.- :S|,d.- :i<i.,r fi,li.- :8|,S|.- :si.,f, d,d.- :d,d.- :d.,t, fi,fi.- :ni,n|.- :8|.,8| Bind mo clo-ser, clo-ser. Lord, to Thee. 2 Through this changing world below Lead me gently, gently as I go ; Trusting Theo, I cannot stray, I can never, never lose my way. Every day, &c. 3 Let me love Thee more and more, xiii thi« fleeting, fleeting life is o'er; Till my soul is lost in love. In a brighter, brighter world above. Every day, &c, CHRISTIAN LIFE. INTERCESSION.- d. 8.8. W. H. Callcott. -s, :l,.r *S| rsiJfi 'd :d.l /•n, :f,.f, P"l-.f n^:n s, :..s, s, :ta, r : -.r d :s t, :..t, d :de r.li;t|.d li :1, fe :f r :r, d r t,.t j'"i -.S| - .r - .s, d S| n d, " TAen hear Thou in heaven Thy dwelUng-^lace, and/orgive." mp 1 WHEN the weary, seeking rest, '' To Thy goodness flee ; When the heavy-laden cast All their load on Thee ; P When the troubled, seeking peace, Ou 'ihy name shall call ; When the sinnor, seeking life, At Thy feet shall fall : — !?-^Hear then, in love, O Lord, the cry, ,In heaven. Thy dwelling-place on high. W. H. Callcott. r :- s, :- t, :- S| :- d :- n, :- d :- k-^-:- d' :- s n :- s :- d :- d :- s, :- n :- wtfUtOm^ d :- tj.t d :- -.S s, :- - .r n :- - .s d, :- PRAYER AND EXPECTATION. %■ l/VCT "Y ^7ff? *}!• ^"'^'dlir.g, sick at heart, When the prodigal looks back To his Father^ love ; , When the proud man from his pride / \v?*"°?u '? ^^^^ Thy face ; * iAAj"*: ^T *^'"' i,°. ^«^«' O Lord, the cry S^AA/ . ,V In heaven, Thy dwelling-place onYigh. «»P 3 When the stranger asks a home, All his toils to end ; When the hungry craveth food. , And the poor a friend : When the sailor on the wave Bows the fervent knee; t'?A* *?? ^''^'^ier on the field Lifts his heart to Thee : Hear then, in love, O Lord, the cry. In heaven. Thy dwelling-plkce ou high. m Iaj T -,{ ,\ : ^ 4 When the man of toU and care •iiru ® '''^y crowd ; When the shepherd on the moor -,,t*'*™es the name of God: When the learned and the high. Tired of earthly fame. Upon higher joys intent. Name the blessM name: Hear then, in love, O Lord, the cry. In heaven. Thy dwelliag-piace on high. «^P 5 men the child, with grave fresh lip, ; outh , or maiden f air ; « °, *m? *8ed, weak and grey, Seek Thy face in prayer; When the widow weeps to Thee. bad and lone and low ; When the orphan brings to Thee Ail Jus orphan woe : Hear then, in love, O Lord, the cry. In heaven. Thy dwelling-place on Sigh. ««P 6 t^Chen creation, in her pangs, i.r?®"'^,^ ^^^ heavy groan : Wh6n Thy Salem's exiled sons iwrr''^*!'^® *heir bitter moan ; ..„-.. ...^ j^^ii,^.^^ Weeping uiiUicL, Looking for a home,, Sendeth up her silent sigh. Come, Ldxd Jesus, come » P Hear then, i^loye, O Lord, the cry, In heaven, Thir^welling-pkco on higli. P CHRISTIAN LIFE. 162, KeyE. 'First Tune.) PILGRIMAGE.- - Sir George J. Elvkv. 1 ] ' M :s Id' :d r .'n If :ii f :s 11 :di f :n |r :- 1 , d :r Id :1, 1, .tj:d It, :d d :d Id :d t, :d It, :- 1 s :s \n :n f :s If :s f :n If ;s f :s Is :- 1' d :t, 111 :li f :n |r :d h :d If ;n r :d Is, :- 1 i: '-' In :di t :1 11 :se 1 :f Is :n r :r Id :- 1 ■ nt 1 d :t, Id :d r :d.r|n :ri n :r Ir :d d :t, Id :- 1 ' s :s Is :1 f :1 |di,:t 1 :1 Is :s 1 :s.f|n :- 1 . "i :si Id :1, r :f In :n de :r It, :d f, :s. Id :- 1 : f :f If :n 1 :t Id' :d n •_ Jr :- d :- 1- 1 Ah. d :d Id :d d :r Id :d d ; — It, :- d 1 • 1— j — ;« 1 d 1 :f 11 :s f :f Is :1 s •_ I- :f n - 1- :- 1 B i f. :1, Id :d f :r In :f s :- |si :- d : 1 • - 1- :- 1 " I/e will be our guide even uttio death." "'•^ ^ G^^^^ ?°^' ^ ^^°" g'^** Jehovah 1 Pilgrim through this barren land : I am weak, but Thou art mightj- ; Hold me with Thy powerful hand. Bread of heaven ! Feed me now and evermore ! 2 Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing streams do flow ; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through. Strong Deliverer ! Be Thou still my strength and shield I «ip 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Death of death, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side. / Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee ! i-O^ {Seemid Tune.'i Kky p. ' n :«£(d :d d :d^id :d s :s_^|n :s d .'d Id :pi '. n.T :d I is d n d : n.r :sei :n :t . d 11. In II. EOUSSEAU.--,4.7. •' I" :d Is :s^|n =*i Id :d d :ti |d •s Is :n :si Id :d ■Adapted from a French melody by Cramek. :d :d :n :s, W( :r :t, :s |fi :s, Id " "" ^'" '" <>«r guide even unto death." '' ^ G^?;^ r' O Thou great Jehovah ! I'llgrim through this barren land • I am weak, but Thou art mighty • Hold me with Thy powerful hand. Bread of heaven I Feed me now and evermore ! 2 Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing streams do flow ; Liet the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through. Strong Deliverer » Be Thou still my strength and shield ! '»P 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, iJid my anxious fears suh^.jde ^ Death of death, and hell's destruction, L.and me safe on Canaan's side. Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee ! X CHRISTIAN LIFE Sou of Man be ashamed." "{/ 1 JESUS ! and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of Thee, Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise. Whose glories shine through endless day:) ! 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! just as soon Let midnight blush to think of noon ; 'Tis midnight with my soul till He, Bright Morning Stai:, bids darkness flee. 8 Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend ! No ! when I blush, be this my shame, That I so feebly love His name. •■'■V 4 Ashamed of Jesus ! yes, I may, When I've no sins to wash away, No tear to wipe, no joy to crave. No fears to queli, no soul to save. / 5 Till then — nor is my boasting vain^^ Till then, I boast a Saviour slain \ And oh may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me ! 1 53 Key S 0. s :s |d> :t 1 MAINZER.-L.M. :1 Is If s |n :d' Dr. Maiszee. t :1 Is 1 153 {Sh Key G. ':d r : PI d :r In :s f :f In n r r |n :n s :fe Is :S| S| di n' :ri |di :di di :l.t|d' de' 1 s 1 s :1 t :di It :n r . d d' :t 11 :m f :f Id 1, r t, Id :li r :r |S| :d ti : rs s :s |d< :t 1 :1 Is s 1 :t Id' :n'.ri d' :t Idi :rt M : :r n :f |n :b f :f In n f :f In :f n :r In :d d : < :t d' :t Id' :d' d' :l.tldi d' d' :ri |d< :1 s :s |3 :s s : :f PI :r |d :ii f •f Id d f.n:r 11 :f s :S| id .:d d : ' ' Whosoever shall be ashamed of Me, atid of My words, . . . of him also sImU the "W/5 CONFESSING AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. Dr. Mainzgr. t 1 Is I [:d s fe Is 1 :S| t d' It 1 ;n r r Is, 1 .:d I d' :t n :r s :s s :S| lOO (Second Tune. KevQ. r :r jd s, :8, In, r :t, Id t, :si |1, SOLDAU.— L.M. German. d' 1 [:pi n 1 :d s 1 :s d 1 i:d n :r d :t, s :s PI d s d fi d d d 1 1, S| :li Id PI s :1 Is S| :fi |pii d ti :r It, d :d Id s s :fe Is PI, :fi Id, d PI :r |S| r :r d :t, 1 :s fi :s. I PI Id Is d. d li : s. fi : PI d : d, fi : s, PI, d d, Hi If, Id If, PI s, d d -.t, -.f, -.r -.r. d 1, Id 1, 1, Is, PI f |pi 1, f. Id, d :d s, :1, PI :f d, :f. Id Is. In Id, " Whosoevtr shall be ashamed of Me, and of My wards, . . , of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed." mf 1 JESUS ! and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of Thee, Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days ! 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! just as soon Let midnight blush to think of noon ; "lis midnight with my soul till He, Bright Morning Star, bids darkness flee. 8 Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend ! No ! when I blush, be this my shame, That I so feebly love His name. '"P 4 Ashamed of Jesu: ' v38, 1 may, When I've no sins to wash away. No tear to wipe, no joy to cv; -e. No fears to quell, no soul to 'ave. / 5 Till then — nor is my boasting vain — Till then, I boast a Saviuui- Hlaiii ! And oh may this my glory be, That Christ ia not ashamed of me i CHRISTIAN LIFE: :n d : :ti d : :b • :si li - :n :t, li ' :8 :8, 1| ' :t :8 :ri d' : :s, 1| • :8 :d :n :d 1| ! BETHANl'. —8. 7.8.7.D. Hbkry Smart. -.rid :ti 1| :si d : n 8 f.n|r :- 1. Is, ;s, r. :ri S| : d d r.d|t| :- f in :r ti :ti d : 8 8 1 |r :3 fi Is, :s, fi :f. n. :{:!,} n, fi Is, :- ..r|d rt, li :s. d :f n r Id :- fe, |8, :s. r, :ri s, :d d t. Id :- r |r :p ti :t, d :d 8 s.f|n :- r. Is, =^ f. :fi n. :1. S| S| Id :- 1 11 :s s :n' r' :1 d> :t Id' :- f If :n 8 :3 :r n :f In :- r' Id' :d' d' :ta :1 8 :r' Id' :- ti Id :d n :d :f 8 :s Id :- -.8 If :n 1 :8 :n r :r Id :- r Id :d d :de :d d :t. Id :- 8 1 3 :s f :ii :s 1 :Ekf|n :- t, Id :d f. :1. r. :n, f. :s, Id :- " Lo, we have left all, and followed Thee" '"if 1 JESUS, I my cross have taken, *^ All to leave and follow Thee ; Destitute, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my all shalt be. 2 GA then, earthly fame and treasure f Come disaster, scorn, and pain ! In Thy service, pain is pleasure. With Thy favour, loss is gain. 'i»P 3 Man may trouble and distress me, 'Twill but drive me to Thy breast ; Life with trials hard may press me. Heaven will bring me svveeter rest. 4 Oh 'tis not in grief to harm me. While Thy love is left to me ! Oh 'twere not in joy to charm me. Were that joy unmixed with Thee ♦ n S| d di B.t. '8 »fl 'S •d f.A. *s, •r "t, f. A. ' n *s, '1, ".de CONFESSING AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. 154 Kev a. M. 76, n S| d B. t. 'S d f.A. f. A. '1, i,'«.de, :d 1 :s, 1 :d 1 :ni 1 :-.s 1 :d 1 :-.s| in 1 :-.S|| :-.S|| :t, 1 :s, 1 :-.t,l :-.s,l :t, 1 :r, 1 d Tune.) 76. r :..n • d AING :S| |1| ER.- S| - D. E. J d :-.t||l| :n . Hopkins, r :d li :s, n. :si |fi f, m. :s, |f| :ni fi :li d :t, d :d Id • t, d :..d|d :d d :f fi:si li :n, Ir, • S| d, rn. If, :s. 1, :ri 1 :f n :-.nlf r d :r |n :s 1 :t d :t| d :li 11. sei 1. :d Id :d f :r f :s d :n |r n n :f 1 3 :n r :f r :s, 1, :d It, n. 1, :li Is, :s. S| :s, t, :1, t, : - .t| 1 r d r E. t. :-.r|n :»di t :-.l Si :si Si :-.8|lS| S| S| :t| 1 s, :*in f :r n :-.n f :f Is -.s f :f In :"1 1 :se d :-.d r :si In :-.n t, :s, Id :"id r :n li :n r :-.l.|s, r d :s, |l|.t|:d d :t. s, :si f, :-.fi|fi :f. Hi :s, 1 f, :n. S| :-.f, de:l, li :!,■ Ir :t, d :ti |r :d r_ d:r Hi :dei ri :d| 1 12 :s, 1, :n, If, :1, S| :-.s. Ml Id : t Is, : In : r Is, : Id' Id • In • Id 11 ' Id |1 11, Id In, Id Id, - «if 5 Take, my soul, thy full salvation ; Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care ; Joy to find, in every station, Something still to do or bear, 6 Think what Spirit dwrells within thee ! What a Father's smile is thine ! What a Saviour died to win thee ! Child of heaven, shouldst thou repine ? / 7 Haste, then, on from grace to glory, Armed by faith and winged by prayer ; Heaven's eternal day's before thee, God's own hand shall guide thee there, 8 Soon shall close thy earthly mission, ■Swift shall pass thy pilgrim days ; Hope soon change to glad fruition. Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. *#>iiw»;*-»i«J3»^.. '"■l^.H"-!- ■*"****'' '*''*■■ CHRISTIAiV LIFE. RT. MICHAEL, or OLD 134TH.-S.M. From Qenevan Pialtn. r d fi :r :si :t, :si rt S| d d S| :d d :r |n S| :si 1. :t, Id d :n n :s Is n, :d, 1, :s, Id s S| r t, n S| d d, ' 7'Ae sufftrings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall h revfakd in us." f :ri |r :r d d :d Id :t, d f 1. :s :d 11 |fi :s.f :s, n d, r :d Id :t, d S| :si Hi :s, 8| t, :s If :r n S| :iii If. :s, d, / 1 AH! what, if we are Christ's, ^ Is earthly sliame or loss ? Bright shall the crown of glory be When we have borne the cross. P 2 Keen was the tri^i! once, Bitter the cup o' woe, When martyred saints, baptized in blood, Christ's suflferings shared below. "I/" 3 Bright is their glory now. Boundless their joy above, Where, on the bosom of their God They rest in perfect love. mp 4 Lord, may that grace be ours, Like them in faith to bear All that of sori'ow, grief, or pain May be our portion here : 5 Enough, if Thou at last The word of blessing give. And let us rest beneath Thy feet, Where saints and angels live. / 6 All glory. Lord, to Thee, Whom heaven and earth adore ; To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God for evermore. [In :r Is, :si Id :t, llS| :si fr :- r :- f - r _ I WINCHESTER.— L.M, 1 :1 s :f In PI d :f r :r Id d 1 :d> t :ri Is s f :f s :t| d d n' :d' fi^:m' rl n>l 8 :s f :s s s d' :d' t :d* 1 t d' d :n r :d 1 s d -L .M. B. Crasselids, c. 1650 f :pi |r :s 1 :fe Is d :d |r :r n :r |r f :s Ife d> :1 It 1. :d Id C| d :r Is di :1 Is :di m' :r' Id' s :f Is :fe s ;s.f In d' :d' Id' .'d' d> :t Id' n :f In :1 s :s^ Id JjO^,, s#?rfcrft* 1 Genevan PtaUtr d :- d :- n :- d, :- - d :- - s, :- - n :- - d, :- - >y which s!ia I I be be ourB, bear , or pain ire: 9t five. Thy feet, bIs live. ee, •th adore ; ly Ghost, CONFESSING AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. "Afy Bt loved is mint, and I am His.' f 1 J^"??y ''"■y ^^^^ ^^^^ ">y choice \xr ,1 "®®' ^7 Saviour and my God ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. m/ 2 'Tis done ; the great transaction's done • I am my Lord's, and He is mine. ' He drew me, and I followed on. Charmed to confess the voice divine. 157 Key G. rt:- If :r d:- |d:s, s:- If :f d:-|l,:t| d :- I- :d Si:- I- :1, n :- I- :n d :- I- :1, '"J) 3 Now rest, my long-divided heart ; Fixed on this blissful centre rest. W'th nshes who would grudge to part. When called on angels'^bread to feast? P 4 Highlieaven.thatheardthesolemnrow, "M- That vow renewed shall often hear : Till in life's latest hour I bow, / And bless in death a bond so dear. EIRENE.- Prances Ridlev Havehoai- r :d It, :1| liJs, Is, :f, f :rr | r :d r, :!vf,|si :!■ 8, :- Is, :- ri:- If,:- r :- It,:- t, :- |S| :- d:- |r '.n ",:- I 8, :s, d:- |t| :d 1,:- Is, :d s:f I 8,:!, I d:d I n,:f|| [In :r |S| :s. Id :t. lis. :s. - |r :- - II,:- - II,:- - Ifi:- M :- I- se,:- I- t, :- I- "i :- I- n ;- If :r 1, :- |1, :8, d :- |r :t| li :- Ir, :si s :- I- :s 8, :- I- :d d :- I- :. n, :- I r :- |r :- n :- Id :d r:- 11,:- ti :- 11, :I, f :- If :- M :- |n :n r :- |r :- 86,:- 11, :1, d :- S| :- ti :- 8, :- It, :- Is, :- j r ;f I S| :- r :f |n :r li :t. Id :1, f :f Is :f i"; -r, in, :f, " iVhtther we live, therefore, ordU, w* are the Lords." tnS 1 TTE are the Lord's ; His all-sufficient merit, ' ' Sealed on the cross, to us this grace accords ; Weare the Lord's, and all things shall inherit ; Whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. 2 We are the Lord's ; then let us gladly tender Our souls to Him, in deeds, not empty words ; Let heart, and tongue, and life, combine to render No doubtful witness that we are the Lord's. »»P 3 We are the Lord's ; no darkness brooding o'er us Can mnke us tremble, while this star affords A steady light along the path before us— W Faith's full assurance that we are the Lord's. MP 4 We are the Lord's ; no evil can befall us In the dread hour of life's fast loosening cords ; c«». No pangs of death shall even then appall us ; / Death we shall vanquish, for we are the Lord's. :n, d :- s, :- n :- d, :- 1 :s If :pi d:pi |r :de f ;ta|l f,:s, |l,;i \ H^'^'r^" - ■«* '■ ■^.): CHRISTIAN LIFE. mt'l rtOMB, Th. a Fount of every blessing ! ^ Tune my hen fc to sing Thy grace ; Streams of ijaeroy never ceasing Call for Bongs of loudest praise. 2 With celestial fervour glowing, Let me sing like those above ; While my heart, with joy o'erflowing. Dwells on, God's unchanging love. inp 3 Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy 1 elp I'm come ; And I hope, by Ti.y good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. '''i 4 Jesus sought nie when a stranger. Wandering from the fold of Gui] ; He, to save my soul from danger. Interposed His precious Wood, 5 Oh ! to grace how great a d btoi Daily I'm constrained to bf ! Let that grace, ijord, like a : otter Bind my wandering heart to Tliee. 6 I'rone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love, '"/ Here's my heart, oh take and seal it, Seal it from Tliy courts above. w 'une) :n :di ~~ ^m 1(38 (Pint 1 ' m :d |s SHARON r :f If :n -8,7.8.7. 1 :s It Dr. BovcE. f :n |r 1779. 159 KKvBb ('•a. 1 itt. d :d |r » :pi js :d d :t, Id :d 1 :s js :3 d :d if f :s Is :pi :s r :d It, s :3 Is :- 1; ' '1 d, id :d |t| :d f, :s, Id :d f :n |r :d t, :d Is, '~ " I :d< 1 1 d n :d Is :t 1 :d' |di :t d' :1 ' • :n f :r Id Ft. d :d |r s :n Is :t, :s n :r jr :r s :fe Is :b d :d It, s :f |r :d :d r :t, Id 1 :3.f|ii :- ':'8 3 r d :d KeyBIJ :n .r It, :n 1 econd Tune.) d :d d :i :ii .s ' Is, :^, NE'lTLETO^ r :r n, :f| -8.7.8. n .3 Is, 7. D. 1 :1, s f, :£ :pi .r ii Id d D.C. ( :''ri M :8| 3 t, 1| :d .t, d :d •d .d t, :t. d d :d :d .t, d : - i ■A f, :s .f n :n \s ,.d' s :s fi 3 f n :3 .f PI : - :d d ^ :d .8, d :d d .PI s :s. d .n f :s .3, d : - ^ :d, fi ps .l.t d> :t .1 .8 1 .,s :n s .1 ,t d' :t ,1 .86 1 : - 1 J :d .d d :d d .d d :d m .f PI :r d .t, d ': - 1 :n .f 1 .:d .d d :s :d f .n d .d f .,n :s d :d 3 .d< d .d 3 d :f :r n .n PI .PI, PI : -.1 - h : 1 ^"'^ '' d ;i fl .s r :r n .3 1 :3 PI .r d : - :d .t, d :d d .d t, :t, d .d d :d d .t. d 1 :3 .f n :rn s .d' H :s S .3 f :n 3 .f PI : - . :d .S| d :d d .n s :s. d .n f :d 3 .8, d - i "J litherto hath the Lord he Ij. ^ed us. ' Dr. BovcB. 1779. CONFESSING AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. :n :d :s :d :r :t, |r It, Is Is, Id Id ;a.f In :s, Id 1 .r d :- l.t, d :- I .f n :- .S| d :- .se [1 ;- I .t, d ' :- .n n -.1 .Ml li - .r d - .t, d .f ti - .S| d _ D.C. rhen a stranger. 1 the fold of Go.] ; ill from danger, irecious blood, great a d btoi ained to be ! rd, like a •• otter ■ing heart to Thee. Lord, I feel it, le God I love, h take and seal it, ' courts above. 159 KBvBb. d, j:Si |:ni j:d 1 F.t ';'s 1 :'d 1 :'•« 1 :'.d :8| :d :d, n d s r s t, h f, d fi :s, :r :f :t, :r :si :1, :f, :d MARYLEBONE.— :t, I d d In Id Id ill Is, In, Id Id :t, :si :r :s,.f, :r :d :1 :f, :d :si :d d d n, n d s S| I Si Id 1^ if Id •.f In :r :8, :t, :r, :r :t, :s :n :S| r S| t, :d ri :d| 'k Is. It, 'ft S| s, d n, f. Bte 'd li :t, fi :f, d :r f, :r, "8, 'd in •f, :r, :t, :s3 Id In, Id II. I PI. Id, Is, Id, :r :s, :t, :si :d :si :d :n, f f. d 1. n :r s, :b, d :t, s, :f. Is :f |S| :1, Id :d In. :fi " T/u love 0/ Christ -which pcsstth knowledge." '»/l JESUS, Thy boundless love to me w No thought can reach, no tongue declare ; Oh ! bond my way w rd heart to Thee ^ ind rw,!ni without a rival there ! J» ihine, wir lly Thine, alone I'd live : Mysdlf to 1 hee entirely give. i_« '"'' ^ ^ f?i** ' ^'^'^ gi'acious is Thy way, All fear before Thy presence flies ; —— Care, anguish, sorrow, pass away Where'er Thy healing beams arise : ««• Jbord Jesus, nothing may I see, Nothmg desire apart from Thee. ,««, 3 What in Thy love possess T not? My star by night, my sun by d;iy, «-* M.y spring of life when parched with drought My wine to cheer, my bread to siay „ "v.^. My strength, my shield, my safe abode. My robe before the tlirone of God. «,i^ V 4 In suffering be Thy love my peace. In weakness be Thine arm my strength :«. A** Tml'' ^^1 «*<'™« of life shall ceasl mf T „„V r °.?°'"i?*T®" «''*^* °o™e at length. ■>V Lord Jesus, then this heart shall be For ever satisfl 1 wiih Thee. ...« SwIsR Melody. n s, d d, s, d s, n s, d s. :f .n r :l :d :f. :fi :t, :si Ir, It, |8| In. Id, Is, Id, :r :-.f,|n, :t. Is, :si Id, CHRISTIAN LIFE. m «P 1 MORE love to Thee, O Chnst, 1" More love to Thee ! Hear Thou the prayer I make On bende<l knee : This is my earnest plea : More love, O Christ, to Thee, More Ipve to Thee, 2 Once earthly joy I craved. Sought peace and rest. Now Thee alone I seek, r ve what is best : More love, O Christ, to Ihee, More love to Thee, p 3 Then shall my latest breath Whisper Thy jtiaise ; This be the parting cry My ' art shall rnise, cret. This till its prayer shall be: ^ More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, 160 r/-.r,,e ru,.e.) DERIRE.- H«hht B«»«t. 161 f Key p. M d:-|d:f 84. n:r |s:- d :- |r:r n:-|- - c. t. "1:- 11 :t d':r' |n':- 1 :- Id :t KeyO. n :r |d B,:-|l,:r d:t| Id:- d:- |d:t, d:-|- - «f :- If :8 8:f |n:- f :-|n:-.r d :ti Id , n:-|f:l d:-|f,:r, fl *s la !- PI :- |1:8 1,:- |f,:8, 8:- 1- _ •d':- |r':ri 8:l.t|d'.t l:-|l:se 8 ;f |pi 1 8i:-.fi|ni:- d:-|- - Of:- |r :8^ n:r |d:- r :-|n:n d :8, 11 c 1:-|-:- di:-|f' :ni r':ri |d':- f. P. »n:-il :8 f:f In :- r :- |d:t, d:-|-:- n :r |d Wl d:-|-:- n:-lf :8 l:B.f|pi:- 'd:-|d :t, li:t|.l||8ei:- li:- |8r.8 8,:-|-:- d :t, Id I^H 1:-|-:- l:-|l.t:di d':t Id':- 'd:-|f.ii:r r:r It, :- l|:f lPi:r Pi:-|-;- d :f In 1 li:-|-:- l:-|r :n f:8 |d:- 'l\:-|f, :8, r,:r, In, :- f, :- |8|:S|ld :-!-:- d :si |1 fS«o«<J r«««.) MORE LOVE TO THEE.-, W. IT. Hoant. | ^ r :-.d|t , 8,:- |li:si d :-.r|ii :- n:- |r :d r:- I-: - 8,:- |li:s d:-.rln:- 8| :-.B||S Mi:- |fi:"i 8| :-.8|| 8| :- S|:- 1 Si:fei 8,:-|- - 8,:- |fi:pi Si:-.Si|Si:- t| :-.d|r d:- id:d d :-.t||d :- d:- |r:r t,:- 1- - d:- |d:d d:-.t,|d:- S| :-.l||t , d,:- |f,:d, n, :-.8i|d :- d:- |t,:l, 8,:- 1- :- n,:- Ifr-d 1 ni:-.S||d:- n :r |d r :- Id :t, d :- 1- - f : - If :f f :-.n|pi :- r :- |r :r d :t, Id S| :- |8| :8| 8,:- 1- ;- d • - 1 1, :d d :-.d|d :- t| :- Itiis, 8 :f In • , f :- In :r n :- 1- :- f - If :f 1 :-.8|8 :- f :- If :f d :s, 11 1 8,:- |8i:8| d :- 1- :- 1, - Ifr.ii_ d :-.d|d :- S| :- |8i:t| i r :-.d|d :- 1,:- |1. :1, d - 1- :-' r :- Id :t| d :- 1- :-■ i'/' 1 T OVE L ^ Joy of Fix in us i 8| :-.S||8| :- f,:- If. :fi S| :- 1- :- li :- |8| :8| 8,:- i- :- t • 1' ' f :-.ii|ii :- d :- Id :d d :- 1- :- f :- In :r n :- 1 - :- AllTh] i ! . t, :-.d|d :- f, :- if, :fi PI, :- 1- :- Ti :- |S| :S| d, :- 1-:- 2 Jo.su8, Th Pure, u b! t ' "Whom, having not seen, ye lot<e:' | Visit us V Wt, % ^1 1 ,-11 ka. H Lnter e CONFESSING AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. HCWRT BVAHT. n':- 1 :- |d:t t' n:- f :-|n:..r 1 d':t l:-|l:se 1 d:- r:-|n:n 1 |d:t, |8|:S| |ri:r l8,:s, d:- B,:- n;- d:- 161 KbyO. n W. IT. HOAST. d :-.r I n :- s,:-.8||8i:- d:-.t|id:- ni:-.8ild:- r :- t, :- f :- 8,:- d :- 8| :- m :- d, :- shall be : ;, to Thee, B. it breath iae; cry ise, lyer shall t, to Thee, e. |r :r lti:si |f :f 1 8| :t| r ti f 8| r ti f S| -.d -.8, -.d -.1, r t, f Si d d n 1, d d n li t, S| r ti d d II, FALFIELD -8.7.8,7. a ( sir Ahtiiur Hullivak -.d :n If :f f : ■ .f 1 n :s 8 :fe 8 :- t, ii :li 111 :1, S| :..8||8| :s, d :d t, :- n :de |r :r r :-.r|d :r n ;r r :- S| fi :1. Ir :d t, :-.t,|d :t, 1, :r 8i :- -.d :n If :f f : - .8 1 n :d d :t, d :- t, li :de |r :r r :..r|d :si f, :f, n, :- ■.n :s If :1 s : -.s|s :pi r :r d :- 8| ii :rii Ir, :d t, :-.t,|d :ri| 8| :s, d, :- r f. c 'd' :-.dH :d> d' :ri jtni :ri O. t O'f :n r :- 8| 'i : - .d 1 d :d f :f In :n "1, :1, t, :- t, hf\ : - .n 1 n :1 1 :t id' :t »r :d 8 :- S| M, :-.l,|d :1, f :r Id :sei 'T, :fe, S| :- -.d r :n If :f f : - .8 1 n :d d :t, d :- t, 1, :de |r :r r :..r|d 18, f, :fi n, :- -.n f :s If :1 8 : - .8 1 s :n r :r d :- S| f, :li ir :d t, :-.t||d :ni S| :si d, :- " God ccmmendcth His love toward us." wi' 1 T OVE Divine, all loves excelling, ^ Joy of heaven, to earth come down Fix in us Thy humble dwelling, All Thy faithful mercies crown. 2 Jusus, Thou art a,!? compassion. Pure, unbounded love Thou art ; Visit us with Thy salvation, Enter every trembling heart. vip 5 Finish, then, Thy new creation, Pure and spotless let us be ; Let us see Thy great salvation, Periectiy rtsbtoreJ in Thets. cna. 6 Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place. Till we cast our crowns before Thee, / Lost in wonder, love, and praise. leliver ! f iiip 3 Come, almighty to deliver ! Let us all Thy grace receive ; Suddenly return, and never. Never more Thy temples leave : 4 Thee would we be always blessing. Serve Thee as Thy hosts above ; Pray, and praise Thee without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love. ^•fifife- CHRISTIAN LIFE. 162 KEvEb. n AURELIA.— n. f d 1 d d' d :n :d :s :d :t :r se :se :1 :d :f :f PI d s t r se fi 1 d f f in n :d 1, :s s :d f, r t, 3 fl 1 d 1 fl s d r h f fi d d s Ml S n t S| di m 1 li d 1, d li r fi f ri :1 :d :r :f, :s :r di :ri ti 1, d' n 1 n d li f :-.t : -.n :-.se : -.r :r :li :f r, :ri :f :t, :s :3i :d :d :fe :li :n :n :1 :de :t si :si r :f si :si Dr. S. S. Wkslky. n d s d r t, s S| f r 1 r d S| n d " Vour life is hidtuitli Christ in Cod.' "ii> 1 A LAMB of God ! still keep me ^ Near to Thy wounded .side ; 'Tis only there in safety And peace I can abide. What foes and snares surround mo ! What lusts and fears within ! The grace that sought and found me Alone can keep me clean. 2 'Tis only in Tliee hiding, I know my life secure ; Only in Thee abiding, The conflict can endure : M*/ Thine arm the vict'ry gaineth O'er every hurtful foe ; mp Thy love my heart sustaineth In all its cares and woe. / 3 Soon shall my eyes behold Thee With rapture, face to face : One lialf hath not been told me Of all Thy power and grace : Thy beauty. Lord, and glory, The wonders of Thy love. Shall be the endless story Of all Thy saints above. 163 Key B 12. S| ST. AMBROSE.— Ancient Chuich Jlelody. I'll d di d s, Id n. :d d : :ii| n, : :s, li : :d, li : r Id S| hi ti Id S| Id, d d |t| d li :li Isi S| S| |S| S| S| :fei |S| n d |r n r :r It, d, n. Is, di r, :r, |s. CONFESSING AND FOLLOV/ING CHRIST. Dr. 3. S. Weslky. pt :- 1- d :- 1- s :- 1- d :- 1- r :- I- t, :- 1- s :- I- s, :- 1- f :- 1- r :- I- 1 :- 1- r :- I- d :- 1- s, :- 1- n :- I- d :~ 1- ' gaineth foe; stainetli woe. Bhold Theo to face : en told me nd grace : id glory, y love, iitory bove. it Chuich Melody :1, Is, - :fe. Is, - :r It, - ST. AMmiOSli-continued. :fi :d Id :d Is, :pi. Id :S| |rt, :d. :r :s, :t, :s. Id hi Id Id, d n, d d, :d :si :d :p1i Id If, 11, If, :1, :f, :1, :f. Id In, Is, Id, " My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." uf 1 JESUS, Shepherd of the sheei), 'J Ayho Thy Father's flock dost keep, Safe we wake and safe we sleep, Guarded still by Thee. 2 In Thy promise firm we stand, None can pluck us from Thy hand, Speak— we hear— at Thy command, We will follow Thee. 3 By Thy blood our souls were bought. By Thy life salvation wrought, '»/ By Thy light our feet are taught, Lord, to follow Thee. i'ip 4 Father, draw us to Thy Son, We with joy will follow on, Till the work of grace is done, And from sin set free, 6 We in robes of glory drest, Join the assembly of the blest. Gathered to eternal rest. In the fold with Thee. 164 KbvBII. L IJSW. DUNDEE.-C.M. ScottisJi Psaltei: 1615. :1, 1, :t. Id :t, 1, :li |se. d 11 :r Id :t. d ;— 1 _ :«, n. :s. Is, :si ri| rf, hi S| s. :li Is, :si s. 1 _ \ .^ :d d :r In :r d :r It, d d :f h :r n *— 1 _ -:1| 1, :s. Id, :si 1, :r, |pi. n. d. :fi Is, :si d. 1 - •A n :r Id :t. 1, :li |se. d t. :li 111 :sei li — 1 — :si S| :si |pii :s. f, :fi hi n. f, :ri in. :n. n. — 1 — :n d :t. Id :n d :r It, d r :l,.t,|d :t, d : 1 _ :d d, :si 11, :«, f, :r. In, 1, r. :fi In, :n, 1. : — ~m "Let this mind be in you tuhich was also in Christ Jesus. "ipl T ORD, as to Thy dear cross we flee, ^ And plead to be forgiven, So let Thy life our pattern be, And form our souls for heaven. 2 Help us, through good report and ill ' >ur daily cross to bear, Like Tiiee, to do our Father's will. Our brethren's griefs to share. 3 Let gi-ace our selfishness expel, Our earthlinees refine, And kindness in our bosoms dwell, As free and true as Thine. V 4 If joy shall at Thy bidding fly, And grief's dark day come on. Wo, in our turn, would meekly cry, "Father, Thy will be done ! " Or brethren faithless prove, Then, like Tliine own, be all our aim To conquer them by love. 6 Kept peaceful in the midst of strife, Forgiving and forgiven, cres. Oh may we lead the pilgrim's life, And follow Thee to heaven- CHRISTIAN LIFE. I 165 KeyF. d n d n d s d d n li f d f li :r :t, :s :s, :1 :d :f (n Id Is Id u Id Is I I'll :r :li :f :sii, ; n.r :si ST. ETHELKEDA.— CM. d :t, S| :S| II :r S| :S| d :f n, :si :r d r PI s S| t, d d n s s n d S| d n n s 1 f S| d d d d s f f d n. f, 1, f :n li.ti:d f :s r :d in Id Is S| :r :si .f Biahop TuRTON. r t, s S| d d n d " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one o/tlie least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me" »'ip 1 rOUNTAINofgood,toownThylove, ^ Our thankful hearts incline ; What can we render, Lord, to Thee, When all the worlds are Thine ? m> 2 But Thou hast needy brethren here, Partakers of Thy grace, [fess Whose names Thou wilt Thyself ccm- Before the Father's face. Mi> 3 And in their accents of distress Thy pleading voice is heard ; In them Thou may'st be clothed, and fed, And visited, and cheered. 4 Thy face with reverence and with love, We in Thy poor would see ; em. Oh may we minister to them. And in them. Lord, to Thee ! 166 Kkv a b. S| n, d d, ONTARIO.— L.M. 1|.S, d :-.d d rUj si :- f|.ni pii :-.s, 1, :s,.f, n, :- d.d d :..d d :d d :- d,.d, li :-A f, :f, d, :- Si :t,r f :-.r S| :si.si t, :-.t, Si :S|.t| r : -.s S| :S|.S| S| :-.S| dj li.t, n •= - =r d=t,:l.,r d :t, d :-.t| li.si:f| PI, :ri ' : I J ; • d :ti.d S| :S|.S| d • .PI n, :ri.d| li f fi n.d . s .n d.8| :S| s.pi : pi.d d :d|.pii 1, f d •t, S| :fi PI :r S| :si 167 Key p. :d PI :- : :si d - : :n s - : :d d - : :d d - ; :si d - : :n f • - : :d I,- - : «/ 1 piVE i: ^ Wit The sain; Howl f»V 2 Once the And p( They wn With 6 CONFESSING AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. Bishop TuuTON. r t, s S| d d n d done it unto Jlle." ' brethren here, jrace, [fi-s.s ivilt Thyself cmi- s face. .S .11 r :-. :si S| :-. :ni.d t, :-. :d|.n, s, :-. *ti d : • i :f. Hi :- :r d :- :si d, :- " The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar, it shall not go out." "'P 1 AH Thou who earnest from above, ^ The purs celestial fire to impart, Kindle a flame of sacred love On the mean altar of my heart. 2 There let it for Thy glory bum With inextinguishable blaze, And, trembling, to its source return In humble prayer and fervent praise. 3 Jeaus, confirm my heart's desire To work, and speak, and think for Thee ; Still let me guard the holy fire, And still stir up Thy gift in me j 4 Ready for all Thy perfect will, My acts of faith and love repeat, Till death Thy endless mercies seal, And make the sacrifice complete. 167 Key p. :d n : :s, d : :n s : :d d : :d d : :si d : :n f : :d 1,: - :s - :d - :s - '.n - :1 - :d - :f - :f, nen. SALZBOUEG.-C.M. From JficHAEL Hatdh. 1737-1800. S_ t| S r :n :d :s :d s :n :d d :- :si n :s :ii d :- :d.tai n sei PI t, d d f 1( - :r - :se - :pi - :t, - :1 - :d - :f - :f, a :- 1,:-] d 1, PI :- f li:- f s :- d< d :- d PI :- s d :- nil :d :si :pi :d d :- :d 1 :f :f d :t, s :f PI :r di :1 s :f :pi S| ;r :d r ;s :s t| :- :d PI :r d_ :t| s :- Si :- n :f :r d :- d :- :t| d :- s :r :f PI :- S| :- :S| d :- " Compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses." w/ 1 QIVE me the wings of faith to rise ^ Within the veil, and see The saints abf^ve, how great their joys. How bright their glories be. "f 12 Once they were mourning here below, And poured forth cries and tears ; They wrestled hard, as we do now. With sins, and doubts, and fears. '»? 3 I ask them whence their victory came, They, with united breath, c*'«s. Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, Their triumph to His death. «'? 4 They marked the footsteps that He His zeal inspired theirbreast; [trod, "•«»• And, following their incarnate God. They gained the promised rest. / B Our glorious Leader claims our praise For His own pattern given, While the long cloud of witnesses ' Show the same path to heaven. M CHRISTIAN LIFE: ST. OLAVE.— S.M. r' :di Id' :t s :pi |s :s t :d' |ri :ri s :1 Is :s :d Ir Id s :s n :d : pt.f :t, \.: :s |S| :si " Whether we live, therefore, or die, we are the Lord x. " mf 1 JESUS, I live to Thee, The loveliest and best ; My life in Thee, Thy life in me, In Thy blest love I rest. ■>ivp 2 Jesua, I die to Thee, Whenever death shall come ; To die in Thee is life to me In my eternal home. . 3 Whether to live or die, I know not which is best ; To live in Thee is bliss to me, To die is endless rest. 4 Living or dying, Lord, I ask but to be Thine ; cw. My life in Thee, Thy life in me, Makes heaven for (iv«r rauia Dr. Gahntlett. di n di d n d s d 169 Kev G. d:-:d 1 S|:-:S| 1 n :s :« 1 d:n :d 1 d:-:d 1 S|:-:si 1 rt :s :in 1 ^ d:rt :d Dr. Gatintlett. d> CONFESSING AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. 169 Key G. d:-:d S|:-:si n :s :n d:n :d t|:-:si s,:- :S| r :- :t| S|:-:si 'f :- ti :r MOZART.— :f :s 1 d:-:d ti:-:si 1 S|:-:si Si:-:si 1 rt :s :ri r :- :t| 1 d:n :d Si:-:si Si :ti *i :- 5| :s :s :f :si t|.d;r .pi : f.r S|.l|;t|.d:r.t| s :- :n d:-;d PI :s :s djn :d s :- :n d:8i:l| PI :s :s d :pi :de s :f :r t|:-:S| s:-:f r :- :t| r ;f ;1 f :-:r r :- :f, " Ta me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." «'/l IJHRIST, of all mjr hopes the ground, Christ, the spring of all my joy. Still in Thee may I be found, Still for Th?<^ my powers employ. 2 Let Thy love my heart inflame ; Keep Thy fear before my sight ; Be Thy praise my highest aim ; Be Thy smile my chief delight, j»y< 8 Fountain of o'erflowing grace, w Freely from Thy fulness give ; '' l(VV ' " '^^ ■^ ^'"^^ ^^ earthly race, . Be it " Christ for me to live ! " f f 4 Firmly trusting in Thy blood, Nothing shall my heart confound ; Safely I shall pass the flood. Safely reach Immanuel's ground. "»/ 5 Thus, oh thus, an entrance give To the land of cloudless sky : Having knovm it " Christ to live," / Let me know it "gain to die," From Mozart. d :- :pi s,:- :d pt :- :s d :- :p1i d;-:t| S|:-:si PI :- :r S|:- :S| r :- t,:- s :- s,:- d;- s,:- pi :- d,:- CHRISTIAN LIFE: 170 {Fint Tune.) KeyG. ' rt :n |n :r n STEPHANOS.- :s |s :f PI si ;8| |g| :si S| :s, Id :s. s. d :d Id :t, d :r In :r d , d, :pi, 1 s, :S| d :t, 11, :t| d ■ s, :L..t,|d s, :», js, :ti :si d :r.ti|f :s, If, :n :si r 1, 8 :ff In :r rj :r Id :d d ^ n or li :si d :t, 11, :s,* f. Rev. Sir Henbv Baker. :n |r d r - 1 - : :si Is, s. s. - 1 - : :n If n t. - 1 - : :d It, d s. - 1 - ; :- |r - d 1 - : :- |S| - • n. - 1 - : :- It, - d - 1 - : :- Is, - d, 1 - : ± % pi KErAfr. :S| : 1 | :tk 14 :- «i ;f I :pi» ^, ;- d :- :d ; s, :- d,:- :d, jd,:- 'ART THOU WEARY."— r :1, :t. f, :- :f, k ii :r S| :- :s, 1, :- :si PI, :- :i»i| d :- :d d, :- :d| g, :1| :b, n :- n n :f :n n :r :1| f, - :f, n, :- s. s, :- :s. f. :- :f. t, :- :t. d :- d de:- :de 1,:- :r s, :- :&, d :- d li :- :li r, :- :r. d :- 8, :- n :- d :- t, ;- f, :- r :- S| :- PI fe, d li ROV. J. BULITNI ER. r :1, - :fe. - :d - :1, 1, :t, :f, - :r - :s, " //anj> man serve Me, let him follow Me ; and where I am, there sltall also My servant be." mp 1 4 RT thou weary, art thou languid, -^ Art thou sore distrest ? " Come to Me," eaith One, " and coming, P Be at rest." mp 2 Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my guide ? " In His feet .and hands are wound-prints, And His side." 3 Is there diadem, as monarch. That His brow adorns ? mf "Yea, a crown, Va very surety, P But of thorns ! " ir HENnv Baker. V* /b' CONFESSING AND FOLLOWING CHRIST. "^■ ,/A. »»P 4 If I jBnd Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here ? dim. « Many a sorrow, many a labour, P Many a tear." «'P 5 If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last ? / " Sorrow vanquished, labour ended, Jordan past ! " «»i> 6 If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay ? ^¥ "Not till earth, and not till heaven, Pass away 1 " '«P 7 Finding, following, keeping, struggling, Is He sure to bless ? / " Angels, martyrs, saints and prophets, Answer, Yes ! " 171 KbyA. d :d d :d li :rii PALESTINE.— L.M. :n :d :d 1:1, n -.n 1, :d n :1 d :1, d :d 1, :ni d :d fi :d, n :ii t| :d se :s n :d r :-.d|d ri.ni;f| | n, t, r t, f :-.d|d :si Id, :-.d|d :-.did : - .f I n :si Id, d fe, li ri d 1, d f, d :d li :fe, r :r fe, :ri d :d S| tn, d :d n, :d, Did Latik. 7th Century. "Jam lucii orto aldere." d :t, S| :si r :r S| :S| d :d "i :s, d :d li :pi, r S| r t, -.r jn ■.S||S| •.r|d ..t,|d r :- .d I d 1, :f| In, d :t| Id fi :si Id, ' Man goeth forth unto his work, and to his labour, until the evenins" '"/ 1 FOUTH in Thy name, O Lord, I go. My daily labour to pursue ; Thee, only Thee, resolved to know. In all I think, or speak, or do. V 2 The task Thy wisdom hath pj^signed. Oh let me cheerfully fulfil ; In all my works Thy presence find, And prove Thy acceptable will. "ip 3 Tliee may I set at my right hand. Whose eyes my inmost substance And labour on at Thy command, [see; And oflfer all my works to Thee. 4 Give me to bear Thy easy yoke, And every moment watch and pray, »!/ And still to things eternal look, / And hasten to Thy glorious day. CHRISTIAN LIFE. 172 KevP DEERHURST.- ■ D. Jamks Lanoran, Mus. Uik ' n :s 1 PI :d t| :d |r :n f :pi |r :s t :1 Is :- d :r Id :si Si :si Is, :si d :d Hi :r r :d It, :- s :s 1 s :s f :n 1 r :d 1 :s |fe :s s :fe Is :- d :t, Id :n r :d It, :d d :d Id :t, r :r Is, :- PI :s iPi :d t, :d 1 1" :pi f :n 11 :s PI :r Id :- d :r Id :s, S| :si Is, :s. d :d Id :d d :t. Id :- s :s Is :s f :pi 1 r :d 1 :s If :s s :f |pi :- d :t| Id :pi r :d It, =^ li :d If, :pi, S| :s. Id, :- Pt :s Id' :1 s :d If :pi r :pi Is :f d :r jpi :- d :r Id :d d :d It, :d r :de |r :r d :li It, :- s :s In :f s :s Is :3 1 :1 H :1 1 :1 1 se :- d :t, Hi :f PI :pi |r :d f :pi 1 r :r f :f |pi :- PI :s Id' s :d If in r :pi Is :f li :t. Id :- d :r Id :d d :d It, :d r :de |r :r 1, :s. Is, :- s :s In s :s Is :s 1 :1 H :1 f :f 1 n :- d :t| Hi PI :pi |r :d f :n r :r f, :s. Id, :- " God loveth a cheerful giver." '"/ 1 T ORD.Thou lov'st the cheerful giver, ^ Who with open heart and hand, Blesses freely, as a riVer That refreshes all the land ; Grant us then the grace of giving With a spirit large and free, That our life and all our living ' We may consecrate to Thee ! i^'» 2 We are Thine, Thy mercy sought us, Found us in death's dreadful way, To the fold in safety brought us Never more from Thee to stray. .Liixxiu uv/ii iiic ^nou ircGiv gavcsc As an oflFering on the cross For each sinner whom Thou savest From eternal shame and loss. '"P 3 Blest by Thee with gifts and graces, May we heed Thy Church's call ; Gladly in all times and places Give to Thee who givest all. Thou hast bought us, and no longer Can we claim to be our own ; «e«. Ever free, and ever stronger. We shall serve Thee, Lord, alone. »"/ 4 Saviour, Thou hast freely given All the blessings we enjoy. Earthly store and bread of heaven, _Love and peace without alloy ; ilumbly now we bow before Thee, And our all to Thee resign. For the Kingdom, Power, and Glorv, Are, Lord, for ever Thine. 173 (Fi\ KeyF. Li 1, :n s :d r :s s id t. KeyG. (* [:d d :si li :n n [:d li j':d f !:d 1, :rt r l:d d "P 1 AH for ^ Ac A light That 2 Where i Wher Wliere i Of Je :'■ 3 What p( How "But the ( rhen RAN, Mus. line I Is ; - i It, :- fe Is :- ' Is, :- • Id ;- 1 Id :- ' In :- 1 Id, :- In - 1 It, - |se : - In : - Id : - Is, : - jn : - Id, : - -s and graces, hurch's call ; places 'est all. nd no longer ur own ; nger, Lord, alone. ly given -njoy, of heave )ut alloy 3fore The esign, sr, and Gl Thine. 11, e, orv, COMMUNION WITH GOD. lid (Firtl Tune.) Key P. LahlsD. ST. MARY.— CM. Archdeacon Pri/t' Book qf Pit 'nu. 1621. ':1, d :t, li :1 s :f n pt s :d n :r 'd :ni r, :se. 1, :d d :t, ti d r :d d :t. d :d n :-,r d :f n :f .1 se s s :pi 8 :..f PI ••^ li :n. f. :f) d :r PI d t. :li si :s. d ':n 3 :1 t :n r :d s r PI :1, d :t| 1, :d r :r r :d Si :1| t, S| S| :li 1, :se. 1. :s s :fe s :s s : s .f e 3 t, d :d .r n :-.r d ;d ti :r s :d t, :1| S| S| d :fi n, :pi, 1. (Second Tune.) FARRANT.— CM. ] RiCHARO Fabbajjt. :d d : - .r PI :r d :f r r PI :s s :fe s :si 1, :..t. d :t, 1, :d t, ti d :t, r :- .d t, :ri n : - .s s :s n :1 s s s :s 1 :1 s :d li - .s. d :si 1, :f. S| S| d :n r :r S| ' :d f . f n :r d :r t, PI l,.t :d d :t, d , :d 1. S| Si :t, 1, :1. S| S| f, :ni.f, B| :si Si :n r : r d :s n :f r d d :d r :r PI :d d : t, d :s. 1, :r, S| d, f, :1, s, :s, d, " My soul/oUoweth hard after Thee." '"J' 1 AH for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame ; A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! 2 Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord ? Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus and His word ? -■ 3 W hat peaceful hours I once enjoyed ! ilow Bweet their memory still I ^)ut they have left an aching void The world can never fill. V 4 Return, O Holy Dove, return, Sweet messenger of rest ; I hate the sins that made Thee mourn, And drove Thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol be, «•«• Help me to tear it from Thy throne, And worship only Thee. '"P 6 So shall my walk be close with God, ') Calm and serene my frame ; • ,, '"/ So purer light shall mark the road j That leads me to the Lamb. X CHRISTIAN LIFE 174 Kby G. (Fint Tune.) EXCELSIOII.—, Dr. Lowell Mason ri :r :d S| !I| Sl*1{ d :t, :d d :S| :1, d :-.l,:l, li :-.fi:fi f :-.d:d fi :-.fi:f( d :S| Near - er. d 1, f f. God, Si :d :n n d, s d n d .'8| :S| :d A :ni :d| ;1 :d :f :d :s :d :a - .fi :fi .d :d - .fi :fi to Thee, r t, 8| S d n d ■ .n:s ..d:d •.d:n ■ .d:d Siyd :t| "i •.Si :S| d .,n :r Near :s, ■ er :r :si :f :s, to :r :d :f, :ni :t| :d :8| ;1| d :..1,:1, li :-.fi:f, f :-.d:d fi :-.f,:f, :s :1 d :f :pi :f, :d s m :r d \s\ :-.s :S| r :-.d :t| t| :-,d:si 174(7 Kky E f S ;- d '- n - d - 8 - d - d - , "i : - d :- I d': S| - 1 d: n - 1 s : Thee. - 1 n : h N (S'.cond Tune.) Key El?. I d d n d BD. t. "1, "1| *f. cres, S :r :r : r|.n| :f| : fi.8| :1| .t i :ri :r, HORBURY.—, - .f :n - .d :d - .1 :s Kev J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. ta :1 d :r :d n :f :-.r d :tai :f, -.s:f.r 1 .4. 8 d :- n :-jn ; r.f • A :d -.ti:l, - .rii :f\\ - .r :d dim. d :r n, d PI .8 d :d :d n :f :sja, d :d :d : r .PI :f :d :t| :8 :8 :8| :8| '• 80|.i| ', 1 1 :pIi :p1| : t| .d :r !Pii :pI| -.f :pi 8 d :-.d:d 1 :-.l :s f, :-.f,:d PI d 8 d f.Eh. ipi •^'t. ipi PI a 8 :n :r .d:r :S| ;S| :f 8| aSl IS| COMMUNION WITH GOD. . Lowei.L Mason li :-.f,:f, f :..d:d >yKES, Mus. Doc. /TV :s - :f :r d S| PI d r\ •it 174 {Third Tunc ) Kk K. M Of?. ' S WHITEFORD.— E. J. HonuNs, Mm. Doc. s : n :r I s : S| :..B :8| 1 d : r :-.d:t| 1 ^ d : t| :-.d:S| 1 ri| : - 18 - Id - In - Id - Id - Hi :f :d :1 :d :1 :d :n :1, n t, s 8| S r s t, :r :t, :f :si :f :r :s :t, |r :- It, :- If :- Is, :- |n :- Id :- Is :- Id :- 1 d' - |t:l s :f |n - d - |d:d t,:t,|d - 1 s - If :f r:r |d - 1 i n - |r :r s,:s, 111 - f :- In :r 1,:- |d:t| r ;f 1 1 :se r :- In :n d :- d :- n :- li :- r :- t, :- s :- r :- rail. d:n 11 li:d Id 1 :n |r li:li|fei f :1 d :d f :f li :fi I- 1 :t s d :r t, fe :fe s r :r Si - I- /^ <^ tlower, 8 :- |r :n d :- I t|:ti n :- |f :s Si:- |si:si I- d:- d:- n :- d:- I- "Afy soul thintethfor God." mp 1 "W'EARER, my GoJ, to Thee, ^' Nearer to Thee ! E'en though it be a croHs That raiseth me, '»/ Still all my eon^ shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, — Nearer to Thee ! mp 2 Though, like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone ; cm. Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, — Nearer to Thee ! mp 3 There let the way appear Steps unto heaven ; All that Thou send'st to me, In mercy given ; CM- Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, — Nearer to Thee ! ^"Z 4 Then with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise. Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise ; mp So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, — Nearer to Thee ! «%/ 5 Or if on joyful wing Cleaving the sky, 8uu, moon, and alaro forgot, Upward I fly, / Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, — Nearer to Thee ! fe 'i^' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4 {/ s .V ^ is .% %^ '^^ 1.0 z^^ ■» m 12.2 I I.I l.-^ia lli2£lii4U4 l^l^9B Inli^^^S Imli^HH Fhotographic Sciences Carporation 23 WIST MAIN STRIiTT WnSTIR,N.Y. 14SM (716) •72-4503 >*% A K<^ :« # 4i CHRISTIAN LIFBi BURTON AGNEa-CM. Rev. j. b. Dvk«. Mu.. Dcc |8 Id |8 In, :n :d :s :d, ^ 0** '""^ * ''*'"* *° paise my God A heart from sm set free, A heart that always feels Thy blood So freely shed for me I "•P 2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek. My great Redeemer's throne ; mere only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone : :r^|d :ti :li |B|.l);8|.fi '.tjn\n :r L:?j:'i Is, :b, " Xtttorc unto ,h^ tktjcy c/fhy sahatioH." n ;r |- d ;ti I- 8 :- I- Si:- I- d:- I- n, :- !- d:- I- d, :- I- «•/» 6 Thy nature, gracious Loj-d, impart : cr.^ «,9^«»l^»«cWy from above ; Wnte Thy new name upon my heart. Ihy new, best name of love. 2» 8 A humble, lowly, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean ; Which neither life nor death can part From Him that dwells within : '»P i A heart in every thought renewed, And full of love divine ; Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A copy, Lord, of Thine I 176 KkyC. :d' .:d n J" :8 d xl :d d> .d' :d> d .r cm BOYLSTON.-S.M. ;s n .f :s :1 s ;— d' :i<i d .r :n :f n :- n :8 :d 8 .8 :8 d 4 :d :f .1 f d' d :- 8 d 8 n d' d 1 .t :d< f .f :8 d' .r' m' f j: :d t g r' 8 d'.t :1 n .8 :8 d' .r' :n' li .t, :d d'.l :8 s -f ;r d' .d' :d' n .f :8 Dr. LowiLL Mason. :I 8 :fe 8 :r'4' t :r :8 :t :s, Bi d' d 3YKIM, Hub. Doc. B 1 I 1 n :r |- d :t, 1- 8 :- 1- Si:- 1- COMMUNION WITH GOD. d :- d :- d,:- itrite heart, d clean ; •r death can part reUa within : ight renewed, vine ; I pure, and good, hiiu)| iOWKLL Mason. g S t d' "£Uss,J ar, (A* tur* in luart.M tk^ shall ,u God." "Pi gLEST are the uurw in heart, " For they sh^l see our God, The secret of the Lord is theirs, Their soiU is Christ's aWe. ' 2 The Lord who left the heavens, Our life and peace to bring ; To dwell in lowliness with men, Their pattern and their King ;— I i> 3 He to the lowly soul Doth still ICiniself impart, Aiid f,)r His dwelling, and If is throne, Choosoth the pure in heart. "'P 4 Lord, we Th;y presence seek ; May ours this blesHing be ; Give us a pure and lowly heart. ' A teinpltt meet for Thee, KING'S COLLEGE.- Walksr. r :- :r d :- 8, 8i:-:d 8i :- :f| n. '- f. Hi:- :si d :- it. d - t, d :- :d 8, :- :s, d,: - r, d,:- :n, ':n d:-:l, 8i:-:d .-8, 8i:-:fi ni:-:Pi| :d d:-:d d:-:d .:d, "i:-:fi Si:-:8, d :- m, :- d :- di :- d :t :d fe,:- :fe, d :r :d li :- :1. li :- :t, li :- :aei d :- :n fi :- :«! d :- :r '•i I.:d:d t.:- n :- :fe s;- li:-:l, ..:-| n:-:r r:-l ni:-:li s,:- d:-:d t,:- 8i:-:fe, 8,:- fv "Pi Q LOVE Divine, how sweet Thou ^ art! When shall I find my willing heart All taken up by Thee ? I thirst, I faint, I die to prove The greatness of redeeming love, The love of Christ to me 1 "1^2 Stronger His love thaa death or heU; its nnhnB ara unsfla.rehs.hls ^ The first-bom sons of light Desire in vain its depths to see ; They cannot reach the mystery, rhelength,and breadth, and height. \ " T/m lov* qfChrUt, which fatttlh kK^Udge. ""^ ^ n wu °i? '™''*'' *•»« love o' Ood : Uh that It now were shed abroad In this poor stony heart ! For love 1 sigh, for love I pine : This on y portion, Lord, be mine. JJe mine this better part I * Oh that I could for ever sit With MaryUt the Master*. f«et ^ ^ this my happy choice : My only car«, delight, and bliss. My joy, my heaven on eaith. this, To hear the Bridegrtwrn's voice. erta. b« CHRISTIAN LIFE; t ( 178 XcvB. .n A .8 A n d 8 d .•d f d : n :d : 8 :d :1. d : n :d ; 8 d ft, J f. B. . • r.^ :1 ti.,t, :t, 8. ,8 :8 **'f .,f :f f :1.,1 :d.A :f.,f •'|*.».tJ 1 d f f. :d' :d :1 fl, r f. 8 d 8 n t d 8 f. : B^A :d • :m, :f :t, :8 :r :1 :d :f :f. r d 8 8| i r d S| 8| REST.—D.CM. d :..d d :^A 8 t, f n • .n -.1. r t, 8 8| : n :d : 8 :d : r :t, :8, :i 'A.t n : ■ .PI n : f PI d 8.ta ;l d :d :fe :d :m :1. d 8| d, 8 PI 8 d ? r r t, • ■ •8| :-.d :-.d| :-A^ : -.11 :-.n :-.d :-jn I :-.dtt,| :-.ri,» :-.d" d f. d' PI PI :f :t :r :f :r r :i W, H. CALLcorr. :1 :d :f :f. 8| PI 8| 1 d PI PI r 8| ;8e :t, :pi :pi, 8 d n d n, d T d n I, d :t, 8i :8, n :r 8| :s, d S| n d '•■i " God it tk* tlrtngih of my ^:etrt, <uui my portion for evir. " M^ *'*•'' '' resting, oh my Ood, I will give thanks and sing ; My heart is a'; the secret source Of eveiy precious thing. Now the frail vessel Thou hast made No hand but Thine shall 811 ; dtm. For the waters of the earth have And I am thirsty still. [failed, "V 2 I thirst for springs of heavenly life, And here all day they rise ; I ieek the treasure of Thy love, And close at hand it Ues. <«*. And a new song is in my mouth 'To longjoved music set ; Glonr to Thee for all the gnoe I o»v« not tMted yet »*P 3 Glory to Thee for strength withheld, For want and weakness known ; And the fear that sends me to Thv- For what is most my own. [ixilf I have a heritage of joy That yet I must not see ; But the hand that bled to nuke it Is keeping it for me. [mine My heart is resting, oh my God, My heart is in Thy care ; I hear the voice of joy and health Resounding everywhere. ertt. "Thou art snv »»"Pt!nis." sasth tr.v Ten thousand voices say, [m\i[ And the music of their glad Amen Will never die away. COMMUNION WITH GOD. W. U. CALLrorr. 179 KcY B t>. T^h in a. h :t, Id :t, "i :ni |n, in, «* :t, |1, :ge, li :8e, II, :n, NEUMARK.- C. Necmark. 1618-1681. »i 1. :t, :f. :r •t, :r Id :t, I Ml rs, In Id, :n li :t, fi.Wi;rei d :t, fi :f, Isei iPii It, ;n, I 86, In, It, In, 8| M, d di 8| n, t, n,.ri 8| ;f| I pii r, ;f|.ri|di t| ; d .r I n 8| ;l|.t||d 8, :f, |pi| "i :r, Id, d :ii:ti|d d .'v, In, :r In :n :t|.lilse. ; l|.a, :r It, :1, :fi In, :de. r fi Ii r. d n, :r :8. id, n n, d Id, :li :d, :d :fi :1. :d, :1, :fi :l,.t h :8e, 11, fi :n, |n, t, :t, Id fi :ni 111 li :8e, |1, fi :n, In, r :d |t| f, :ni |riJi,;f, t, :8, |f| :1, h :n, If, :r. t, :r r, :n, d :t, n, :r. Id 111 Hi Id, 1, rli^Mill, n, :n, 1 1, J 'TAtt itanhai/e rzhts o/CkHtt." "Vl THOU hidden love of God, whose height, Whose depth unfathomed, no man knows, I Bee from far Thybeauteous light. Inly I sigh for Thy repose : '''w My heart is pained, nor can it be At rest, till it finds rest in Thee, mp 2 'Tis mercy all, that Thou hast brotigh« My mind to seek its peace in Thee; Yet while I seek but find Thee not. No peace my wandering soul shall see. Oh when shall all my wanderings end, And all my steps to Thee-ward tend! »"•» S Is thei-e a thing beneath the sun That strives with Thee my heart to share? >rl ^^' *' thence, and reign alone, The Lord of every motion there. ****• Then shall my heart from earth be free, When it hath found repose in Thee. «»P 4 liMih moment draw from earth away My heart that lowly waita Thy call • Speak to my inuost soul, and say, «, "} tl'^'^y Saviour, God and All I " ^*' m f*®^ ^ P^^^f- *» hear Thy voice, To know Thy love, be all my choioei CHRISTIAN LIFE: 180 KKr Bb. SELMA.— S.M. R. A. Smith " JKA/o / awaie, I am still with Tkte." «P 1 gTILL with Thee, oh my God, I would desire to be ; By day, by night, at home, abroad, I would be still with Thee : 2 With Thee, when dawn oomes In, And calls me back to care. Each day returning to begin With Thee, my God, in prayer : 3 With Thee, amid the crowd That throngs the busy mart. To hear Thy voice 'mid clamour loud, Speak softly to my heart : 4 With Thee, when day is done. And evening calms the mind ; The B6tt?ng as the rising sun. With Thee my hchrt would find ; P ft With Thee, when darkness brings Th(> signal of repose ; Calm in the shadow of Thy wings. Mine eyelids I would close : mp 6 With Thee, in Thee, by faith Abiding, I would be ; By day, by night, in life, in death, I would be still with Thee. :a n :r jd :r.n s :- 1- B 1 :b In :b.,1 1 :- 1 :d d :t, 11, :s. t. :- 1- d d :t, Id :d d ;- 1 :n s :s In :r.d r :- 1- n f :r n :n f ;_ 1 :d d :s, 11, :t,^ 8, :- 1- d fi :b. d :d f. !- 1 :I 8 :l.,d'|d' :s 1 :n Ir d r.n:8 r :r d _ 1 d d :d Id :d d :d It, d ti^:d 1 d :t, d 1 f n :n Is rn f :b Is 8 8 :8 1 :b n : _ 1 f. d :1, in. :d f. :d |8| n, S|.d;pii 1 f, :b. d : - 1 181 if K«vO. [:»,ld :■ 9 '"I 8i :- 1 d n :- 1 A d :- 1 '" d :- 1 ' 1.:- 1 '.n n :- 1 ;d 1.:- Km p. (Sm M D S D OhteacI p «• "P 2 Though ( Let me I But brea p <ii ^PSIfThoui \Vhatmc I only yi p nf For frien Snbmisaii P tf] \ 181 (Fir*t Tunt.) KcrO d :- :r 8i :- :8, n :- :r d :- :t, d;t,;l, 8i:-:f| n :- :d d :- :f, COMMUNION WITH GOD. LANDSKRON.- Bo^^i„n fr,.„„t. ,581. ':n d :- :r d:-:t, :«i li :- :fei 8i:-:s, :n n :- :r 8i2lj:t, ;d h :- :r, n,:-:r, 8i ;1, :t| n, ;fi :f| ti ;r :r 8| :- :s, d :- :1, 8, :- :fe n :- :r di :- :r, d:- n 8:-:l 8 :- :ii d:- :r d ._ n,:- 8| d :- :d d:-:s, d:-:t, d . d:- d n :- :f n:-:d n:-:f n . d,:- d, d:-:f, d :- :ni li:- :8| d, '- 8i:- t, d :- :- r:- :- d :- :- ^^ ■ - ii 8r:- f. n,:-:- f.:-:- n,:-:- -. - 1 t,:- r d :- :- t,:-:- d :- :- __ • - 8i:- 8| 1,:-:- 8,:-:- d,:-:- - : -1 KtvP M (Seeontl Tune.) s D n :f d :d 8 :f d :I, 8 :- d :- n :- n, :- P T, S B METRICAL CHANT, M D A. H. D. TnoTTK. PI :r d :t, 8 :s d :s n :- d :- 8 :- d :- S D n :r d :t, 8 :f d :8, R L, P Pi d :t, 8i :8| n :r Si :s, d 8| n d "'' ^ M^ ^°^ '^'^ *'''"*®''' ^•'"^ I stray Far from my home on life's rough way, Oh teach me from my heart to sav, P "Thy wiU be done." -P 2 Though dark my path and Bad my lot, Let me be still, and murmur not ; But breathe the prayerdlvinely tauirht. " "Thy wiU be done." »'P 3 If Thou shouldst call me to resign ^Vhat most I prize^it ne'er was mine ; I only yield Thee what ia Thine ; P "Thy wfllbedone." "= 4 miat ihonga iu ioueiy grief I sigh For friends belo ed no longer nigh ? Siibmissive would I still rwnly, ' "Thy will be dmi' " Thy turn bt done." '"i> 5 Should pining sickneBS waste away My life in premature decay : My Father, still I'd strive to aay, » "Thy will be done." "'P 6 If but my fainting heart be blessed With Thy free Spirit for its guest ; My God, to Thee I leave the rest,— P "Thy will be done." '»P 1 Renew my will from day to day ; Blend it with Thine, and take away All that now makes it hard to sav V "Thy will be done." PP 8 Then. whAii tm «■»-*>. x u— *!.- . _ "O" [before, The prayer, oft mixed with tears *^*' I'll sing upon a h^pier shore, "V* "Thy will be done.' CHRISTIAN LIPB; 182 (HtH Tuni.) Rry B tt. n:- In :r d:- |t,:t, 8 :- |b :f d:- |8i:8( EVENnDB._10.10.10.10. w. H. Mo«. Mu». Do,. d:- |b:- d:- Id:- n:- |d:- li:- Ini:- f :r In :fe d:r |d:d l:s |8:d r:t,|d:l, 8 :- t,:- r :- r :- In :f t, :- Id :t 8 :- Is :8 f :- In :r l&eond Turn.) n d 8 d P T, S B :r :t, :f :8, 1 :8 |8:f d:t, |d:r d :s |8 :8 'i:8, |l,:t, n:- |n:r d:- |t,:t, n;f |8 :f d :- |8|:8| Id :i Id :r In :1 11. :f, n:- I-:- d:- I-:- 8 :- I- :- d:- I-:- d:- |8:- d:- |d:- n:- Idjjt li:- In,:- n :- If :8 d :- Id :d 8 :- If :n d .t, II, :8, 8 :f If :n d :d |de:de 1 :1 II :8 f. :-.8i|l, :1, |r :- It, :- I- :f 1 8, :- METRICAL CHANT. n :r d :t, 8 :8 d :8, n d 8 d M D S D n :r d :t, 8 :f d :s. d :- 1.:- n :- 1. :- d d n d R L, P P. 1:- d:- f :- f,:- r :- r :- f :- r:- I I- I- :- I- A. H. D. TnovTr. d :t, 8, :si n :r 8, :S| d :- Si :- n :- d :- " Ah'de with tu .- for it it toxvardt tvtning." mp 1 i BIDE with me I fut falla the even- £*■ , tide; [abide I The dkrkiicRR deepens ; Lord, with nie When other helpers fail, and oomfurta flee. Help of the helpless, oh abide with me ! V 3 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; [away ; Earth's Joys grow dim. its glories pass Ohaiige and decay in all around I see : Oh Thou who changeiit not, abide with me I »«p 3 Not a brief ghince I beg, a passing word : Lord, Familiar, condescending, patient, free. Come, not to sojourn, but abide, with me. | nt^4 Come not in terrors, as the King of « X ,!'*"8"' . [Thywingi; But kmd and good, with healing in wp Tears for all woes, a heart for ever) „ Pi** '' [w'tli m'. Come, Friend of sinners, thus Hl)id» fi Thou on my head in early jouth didit smile ; [•"canwlii''. And, though rebellions and irervcw Tiiou hast not left me, oft w I left Tliee : 0» to the close, O Lord, abide with me! fi I need Tliy presence every passing hour: ^ What but Thy grace can foil tb« ■ t«nipt«i' B imwer? [can be: *"" Who like Tiiyitelf my guide and »Ur Through oloud and sunshine, oh abide with roe I 183 Kn O d :i 1:8, :n 8, :) n :i :d Id :1 :n :d :8 :d :8, :8, :n *l *l :d "/l WHATE' " Ho; I will bo 8ti And folic He is Thou He holds m Wherefore \ /'2Wh8te'erm He never He leads me I know Mi Andt Hu hand oai And paticutl MoKi, MiM. Doo. ,. II. 0. Trovtf. SUBMISSION AND CONFIDLNCn. 183 ':d |d :gi S| :n n :d d ERK.- mtUnUrgtr lUdniamMluma. 1434. ' ■I It, :d II, :f ""/ ••//^^M«..««.,w.^j,^,2^^^,.,,,,,^,,,^^^^^ 1 ^yHATO'EIl my q<Kl ordains i« right T.,*!P ,*.*"'• whate'er He doth. And follow where He guideth. He u my Qod ; „ . .^nongh dark my road. He hold, me that I shall not fall. Wherefore to Him I leave it all. / 2 Whate'er my God ordain, ia right • He nerer will deceive me : And take, content, uu Hand oan turn my grief away And patiently I wait Hi. itj. "•P d Whate'er my G«l onlain. i. right : Tl.ough now thi. cup in drinlting May b.tter Mem to my faint heartf I take It, all un.hrinking : ' "V Tear, pan away With dawn of day: Sweet comfort yet .hall flU my lieait And pam and Mrr«w .hall depart! ' •* Whate'er mv God or.lain. i. right : Here .half my «t«nd be taken : ItlOUKh M)ITOW. iiauul ». .1 ^>. < ' . tat am I not foruken : ' My Father', care If round me there : He hold, me that I .hall not full AndwtoF 'Heave it all CHRISTIAN LIFE 184 ( KcrF. n (Firil Tutu.) :n :d :b :d I :n :d :> :d :s :t, :8 :s, f :n 1, :d f :b r :d If Ir IB It, Ir It, B :n :d :s :d :d :1. :n la. :1. LEUCHARS.- r :- t, :- B :- «i :- t, :- Be, :- n :- PI, :- - W n t, Be n, d li n 1. d :d 1 :n T. L. IlATtLY. 181C-1M7 !r t, :r :ti :b li :li |ii :bi r :n |r :r t, :d Id :t, 8 :b II :8 Bi :n, If, :8| n d B d d d n d (Second Tnnt) ■EH. BROUGHTON.-fl.6.6.6. d. i- M :i jn PI :r : - .PI :r .d ti ;- :- .B :b .b 8 j_ :- .d :t, A |b, :- :- .8 :1 .t d' :8 '- jn :t .r n :- : - .B :8 .8 8 J— :- A :d A d :- : - .PI :r A d •'tj : - .B| :bi .B| «i : - .PI :f .n n r : - .d :t, .d 8( - :-.8 :1 .t d' : 8 : - Ji :f .r PI - : • .8 :8 .8 8 - :.- .d :d .d d — f t, 8 8| n d 8 d r 8| t, S| n d 8 d f : - .f :pi .r PI r : - .r :d .t, t : - .8 :8 .8 8, : - .8, :B| .8, 8 .f :n :r d .d :d :t. d'.l :8 :f PI PI .f :8 :b. d r : - .r :d •t, d 8, : • .8, :8| .8, 8| t, : - .f :n jr PI 8, : - .8, :8| .8, d d J :n :r d d .d :d :t, i 8 .1 :8 :f PI PI .f :8 :8, d ^^UD MISSION AND CONFIDF.NCE. IlATtLY. I81«-I8«r. n d ■ d d d n d n d 8 d d d n d d n d d n d 'N«l my win, tnt Thin*, it d^u.'* ■Pl T^^wir. not mine, O Lord, ^ However dnrlc it be 1 I^ncl me by Thino own hand, Choote out the puth for me. Hmooth lot it he or rough It will be ■till tlin be.t,' Winding or stmight. it leada Right onward to Thy roit. 2 1 dare not ohooie my lot • I would not. if I might': Choose Thou for me, my God. So ■hall I walk aright. "•P The kingdom that I Reek Is Thino ; lo let the wny That lund« to it be Thine, Blue I muit lurely stray. 8 Tako Thou my cup, and it "With Joy or aorrow fill, Ah bo«t to Tliee may ■<;cm ; Ciiooie Thou my good and ill. Not mine, not mine the olioioe, « '" *'''"8" <»■ «?«■««* or small ; Be Thou my guide, my strength, •My wisdom, and my alL "t/* 186 KirO. ST. OLAVE.— S.M. Dr. < 3AinrrtET ':n f :1 |8 :f n :- 1- n' r' :d' |d> :t Id* :d d :d Id :t, d :- 1- 8 8 :ri Is :8 n :s :f |8 :s s :- 1- d' t :d' |r' :r' d> :d :f In :r d :- 1- d' 8 :1 Is :8 d *~ 1 ~ '.-s :fe Is :t r' :-.r'|d' 1 8 :n Ir :pi.f n : :n :r Ir :s 8 : - .8 1 s d d :d Id :t, d : :t :1 It :r' t :..t.|d' d< s :8 Is :8 8 : :n :r |8 :8 f :"i^^ f n :d Is, :8, d : " Commit tfy way unte th* Lord," mp 1 riOMMIT thou all thy griefs ^ And wayn into His hands. To His aure truth and tender oare, Who heaven and earth commands. "^ 2 mo points the clouds their course, whom winds and seas obey, m He shall direct thy wandering feet, He shall prepare tliy way. «/ .3 Thou on the Lord rely ; So safe shalt thou go on ; Fix on His work thv steadfast eye. So ihall Thv wnrW Ks ?-.t.- •"i> 4 No profit canst thon gain By delf-oonsuming care ; To Him commen<l thy cause ; His ear Attends the softest prayer. "/6 Thy everlasting truth, Father! Thy ceaseless love, Sees all Thy children's wants, and knows What best for each will prove. '"/> 6 And whatsoe'er Thou will'st Thou dost, O King of kings ; What Thy unerring; wisdom ohoan Tijy power to being bitogt. wp 7 AVhen Thou arisest. Lord, •u^° •?*}! Thv work withstand? When aU Thy children want Thou giv'at. Who, who ahall stay Thy hand ? CHRISTIAN LIFE: OLMUTZ. -a.M. QroK-rlHii Tone. AdapUl bf I"-. t,owiti.i. Maw!).. ^ d n, d 1. d 8| n d, t, 8| r t, Si r 8| :d :«i m :d, :d :b, :d III !fe, Ir :d Ir, :r, II. If. Id f. % •• H'ait OH th* Lord, it of good coHrag*.' :f. :t, :b, V / Hope, mid be undismnyed : OJ^CCKaA^,' t / God ihall lift up thy head. [^ O-^f'-^' VCH^i^-e^^ Kently clean thy way ; I ^"•* *•>"« H'» ««ne ; lo ihall this night Soon end in joyous day. »*p3 What though thou ruleat not? Yet heaven and earth and hell Proolaim, God litteth on the throne. And ruleth all thlngi well ! »'<^4 Leave to His sovereign sway To choose and to command ; So Shalt thou, wondering, own His win- How wise, how strong His hand ! "•P 8 Thou seest our weakness. Lord ; Our hearts are known to Tlieo ; Oh lift Thou up the sinking hand. Confirm the feeble knee I *>\f% Let us. in life and ds&t): Thy steadfast truth declare, And publish with our latest breath Thy love and guardian oare. ■i t. ■l n, d d. • ^ out. »iei.i. Maimin. ■i t- 1 - 8| •~ 1 - t, :- 1- ■l :- 1- 8| :- 1 _ n. :- 1 - d ;- 1 _ d, :- 1- SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE. FAIRFIELD.— P, M. :de :s :n f r r r 1 8 r 1 t, 8 :1 f PI n :n r t, t :1 1 86 n :de r n d 8 d 1 1. 1 f :r :8 :t, :1 :r :I ;f r:d'.di|t n 8 1. d' n 1 PI :r :fe :r t (1 Pi.r d 1 1, :piji :1 .1 :d' :pi :8 :pi 1 d d> f : 86 ■■\:} :1 :d :f :f "Afyuut it tv«n at a wtan*a ckiU." r :r d ;-. d :t, d '~ 1 :8j {\ :b, pi. d: i "•Pl pATHER. I know that all my life * 1» iwrtioned out for me : And the ohanRet that are aore to oome I do not fear to see ; But I ask Thee for a preaent mind. Intent on pleaaing Thee. 2 I aik Thee for a thoughtful love, Through conatunt watcliing wise. To meet the glud with joyful smiles, And wii)e the weeping eyea ; And a heart at leinure from itself To soothe and syinpathine. * ■' ^ !J?»'**,n*>t *>«''« the restless will That hurries to and fro, Seeking for some great thing to do. Or secret thing to know : I would be treate<l as a child. And guided where I go. i ^Vherever in the world I am lu whntsoe'er ssisii^ ' ^ ^'^f * fellowship with hearts To kegp and cultivate ; And a work of lowly love to do *or the Lord on whom I wait. »»p8 So I ask Thee for the daily .trength To none that ask denied ; ' ' w?!"'!!'* *" *''«"'l *ith outward life While keeping at Thy side • ' Content to flft /little. K:* If Thou be glorified. fl And if some things I do not ask W^ith grateful love to Thee ; More careful not to servo Thee much But to please Thee perfectly. ' " ^ '^ThtfTn V^" »««'*«"« every path That call for patient cure ; mere 18 a cross in every lot And an earnest need for prayer • But a lowly heart that leans on Thee Is happy anywhere. "■^8 Inj» service which Th» i- • - 1 Here are no bonds Wme"^*^"'' CHRISTIAN LIFE: 188 ^ )^^'^'^ -1^),^^, U ^ n :r :pi d :- :d 1 :- :s f f - :t, - :s, - :f - :s, d :- s, :- n :- d, :- D. t. if df ' r n :s :d' d ;r ; d.r s :- :rKf d :t| :1, di n s S| s :f :n n :r .d d :t, :1, S| :- Si :- :s, Ml :- :ni Si :- :fi n. •- r :- :d t, :- :d d :- :d d - It,:- :d se,:- :1, "i :- :f. d,: — - d.t S| d - n ii .ti:d.r : pii.fe :d - :1. 'Mj) times are in Thy hand." '"^ ^ M^ *i™e8 aro in Thy hand ; My God, I wish them there ; My life, my soul, my all, I leave Entirely to Thy care. 2 My times are in Thy hand. Whatever they may be ; Pleasing or painful, dark or bright, As best may seem to Thee, 3 My times are in Thy hand, Why should I dorbt or fear? A father's hand will never cause His child a needless tear. 4 My times are in Thy hand, I always trust in Thee ; ^^ Till I possess the promised land, And all Thy glory see. :t :r :s :s. C. Brtaw. d' n s d n :- :r d :- |, s, :d :t, d _ 1 d :rj :f n - 1 s, :- :s, di: - 1 189 KmrBI* n :- d :- s :- d :- 8 :- d :- PI :- d :- ^J- 1 AH Tl ^ Ne) My Lor I pass n 2 All seen To souls Where'© In heave C. Bi - :t d' - :r n - :s s - :s, d n :- :r d 1 8, :d :t, d - 1 i :n :f PI - 1 8i :- :si d,: 1 SUBMISSTON AND CONFIDENCE. 189 KeyBIJ. n :- d :- s :- d :- HOLLY.— L.M. re :n d :- In :- r :n If :s n d :d d :- Id :- t, :d |r :t, d fe :s n ':- |8 :- 8 :- Is :- 8 d :d d ;- Id :- s :- Is, :- d In. II Is Id |r It, 8 if :n :r IL IL Is Id _;n :d n :- d :- 8 :- 8 :8 d :d ta :ta n :n f :- d :- 1 :- f :- :r :li :f :f. d S| n s, It, Is, IL 8, :r • / am coHtinuaily -with Thee." r t, 8 r d 8 8 d s, n d Oeoror Ebw«. '»? 1 QH Thou, by long experience tried, Near whom no grief can long abide ; My Lord I how full of sweet content I pass my years of banishment. 2 All scenes alike engaging prove, To souls impressed with sacred love : Where'er they dweU, they dwell in mi . -I. UCC J In heaven, in earth, or on the sea. "'i' 3 To me remains nor place nor time ; My country is in every clime ; I can be cahn and free from care On any shore, since God is there. 4 WhUe place we seek, or place we shun, The soul finds happinete in none ; «'/ But with our-(}od *n ».,«» ™_ way, 'Tis equal joy to go or stay. CHRISTIAN LIFE: 190 (Pint Tune.) Kev E IJ. E. J. Hopkins, Mus. Doc. Is Id Is In Ir Id Ir :d :d ..fe :1. .r :t, :f If. :s (Second Time.) Krt D. L«h is B. COLESHILL.-C.M. n d' d s s s d n n d' d PI 1 d> d 1 n' :r' s :f d' :1 d :f s :1 d :d d'.t rl n :f I d' n s s r t, s S| d d n d :s :r :t :8 .f _ I I- r'.di:t f : t| .11 1 :se r :n d' s d' n 1 d I, " If'AetAir we live, thtrefore, or dit, we are the Lord's: '»P 1 T ORD, it belongs not to mv care ■-' Whether I die or h*ve ; ' To love and serve Thee is my share, And this Thy grace must give. »\r 2 If life be long, I will be glad, That I may long obey ; If short, yet why should I be sad To soar to endless day ? ^®' ^^' ^''®° g™«® hath raadp Thy blessM face to see ; [me rat. t For if Thy work on earth be sweet, What will Thy glory be ? "'/ 4 Then I shall end my sad complaint^ And weary sinful days, And join with the triumphant saints That sing Jehovah's praise. '"^S Myknowledge of that life is small, The eye of faith is dim ; W But 'tis enough that Christ knows all, And I shall be with Him. 191 Kkv E I» :8 n :d d ;n s C'i d .'S s •T d :t s :s n [:di t :n r :s s :d S| :s n :ti d :r d :si I. : SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE d> :s d' n :r s 8 :t d' 8 :s .f n 191 kkv e b BROADLANDS, n :1 d :d s :1 d :f Is :f In :r Id' :t 8 :s, ^:s 8 :s 11 :t :r :t d :n In 8 :d' Id' :n.r :n :8 n :d 11, :8e, n d d' d d> d n " // it the Lord, Ut Him do what seemeth Himgood: '"P I MY Savioar, as Thou wilt . " Oh may Thy will be mine ! Into Thy hand of love I would my all resign. Through sorrow, or through joy, Conduct me as Thine own, And help me still to say, My Lord, Thy will be done ! 2 My Saviour, as Thou wilt : If needy here and poor, f!ive me Thy people's br«ad, ~ ir-^vrnii i-juii aisu sure. The manna of Thy word Let my soul feed upon ; And if lUl else should fail, My Lord, Thy will be done I '"P 3 My Saviour, as Thou wilt : Though seen through many a tear Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear. Since Thou on earth hast wept And sorrowed oft alone, If I must weep with Thee, My Lord, Thy will be done I 4 My Saviour, as Thou wilt : All shall be well for me ; Each changing future scena I gladly "trust with Thee. Straight to my home above I travel calmly on, And sing in life or death, My Lord, Thy will be done ! CHRISTIAN LIFE. 192 KerO. MORNINGSIDE.— n d d 1 d f fi 8i S| t, S| :d :s, :d :n, :f :d :f :li :1, :s, rd :8, pi s :f :t, d :t, :r n :f l:f. Ml :ri :r :1. :d :fi :1 :d :f :f. :t, :si :r :fi :n :d :s :d, S| S| t, S| s d 8 M, d 8| n n, f ..8 d f .,11 :n f :8 :8, d :d :d d :n :d 1. IB, r t, f 1 :d f :d :s, :n :n, :n :d :8 :d, :f :r :1 :r, 8 d n n n d 8 d n d 8 8( :f :t, :f :r :f :d :f :1. :d :d :n :8, :1 :d :f :fi :n :d :8 :d :8 :d :n ••8, :r :t, :f H. B. DiBDIN. 8 d n d, r t, 8 S| 1 d f d d n d, ' Ife saitA unto ihtm, Why artyt so fearful, Oye of UUU faith f " W 1 DEGONE, unbelief, ■'-' My Saviour is near, And for my relief Will surely appear. By prayer let me wrestle, And He will perform ; With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm. wy 2 Though dark be my way, Since He is my guide, Tis mine to obey, 'Tis His to provide ; «^»- Though cisternp be brokeu, And creatures all fail, The word He hath spoken Shall surely prevail. mp 3 His love in time past Forbids me to think He'll leave me at last In trouble to sink : "*«• Each sweet Ebenezer I have in review Confirms His good pleasure To help me quite throuj,'!). '»P 4 Since all that I meet Shall work for my good, The bitter is sweet, The medicine is food ; e>-t«. Though painful at present, 'Twill cease before long, / And then, oh ! how pleasant The conqueror's song ! 193 KiyA. :3i d :rii S| :d n I:*'. d. :r n :si S| :t, d ••Si d [:t, d :se, li :n n :n, li [:s, 1. :si f, :d d .:ni f. m/lTHOU ^ An. Though Andf Yet one What The Scri "The '"P2Thebirt Or sto From th Tn trj! His sain Shall) So long 1 "The SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE. H. E. DiBDIN. s d PI d, d d PI d, r past think blast ink: lezer iw Hi pleasure ite through. leet my good, et, s food : t present, fore long, DW pleasant a song ! 193 Key A :ni :d :d, r :- [:r t, :- :8i s :- :t, 8. :- :s, 1 :- [:t. 1 d :- :sei f :- :ii f. :- 1 :n, I [:8, li :si :d 1 .:"! d S| n d, PI d d d li PI li 1. fi d f. :d :s, :d :n, :r :s, :r :t, :r :t, :f :1. :t, :f. :t, :r :8, :t, :s, :d :fei :r :li :n :t, :n :sei :d :f, :li :d, HANOVER.— d 1. PI d d t, S| 8| PI, d li PI li r fi 8| :b ;s, :r :t, PI :r :1. :f :f. :t, :s, :r :s, Hamsil. I7ei. d S| PI d, PI, d 8| f. r :d :fe, :d :1, :f :1. :d :fi :pi :pIi :d :d, r :d.t :1. S| 8| :8, :fe. 8| t, :pi .r :d t, t. :d| :r, 8, PI :r :d S S| :s. :fe. 8. n :t, :d t, d :t, :1. S| ll fl d f. :r :li :f :r, :t, :s, :r :s. d S| pi di " Surely gootbuss and mercy ihall follow me all the days of my life.' '»/l THOUGH troubles assail, ^ And dangers affright, Though friends should all fail, And foes all unite ; Yet one thing secures us, Whatever betide. The Scripture assures us, "The Lord will provide." "P 2 The birds, without bam Or storehouse, are fed ; From them let us learn His saints what is fitting Shall ne'er be denied, So long as 'tis written, "The Lord will provide." 'wp 3 His call we obey, Like Abram of old, Not knowing our way. But faith makes us bold ; "i/ For, though we are strangers. We have a good guide, And trust, in all dangers, " The Lord wiU provide." »"P 4 No strength of our own, Nor goodness we claim ; Yet since we have known rm.- a ; >_ t xiic ottvitrur 3 jjrcac naiutj, »'/ In this our strong tower For safety we hide, — / The Lord is our power ; "The Lord will provide" CHRISTIAN LIFE: 194 d :d f r t r r t, 1 f MOUNT ZION— s :1 d :d PI :r Bi :f, d' :t Id' :- d :f In :- n :s Is :- si :b, Id :- :f :r :1 :d :n :de :1 :n :f :r :1 :d If |r Is It, s :n |1 :1 r :d I PI :de s :s |1 :8 t, :d Ide :1, d' :t U :s d :r |pi :n 1 :se 11 :d< li :t, Id :1, PI :f Is :1 d :d Id :d s :f |pi :r d :li 1 8, :f, " TA* simplicity that is in Christ." mpl AUIBT, Lord, my froward heart, VS Make me teachable and mild, Upright, simple, free from art. Make me as a weaned child : V From distrust and envy free, Pleased with all that pleaseth Thee. ■mp 2 What Thou shalt to-day proTide, Let me as a child receive ; Wliat to-morrow may betide. Calmly to Thy wisdom leave ; «'/ 'Tis enough that Thou wilt care, Why should I the burden bear? mp 3 As a little child reli<i8 On a care beyond his own ; Knows he's neither strong nor wise ; Fears to stir a step ajone : »y Let me thus with Thee abide. As my Father, Guard, and Guide. mp 4 Thus preserved from Satan's wiles, Safe from dansrsrs. frft<^ fr^m fpsars May I live upon Thy smiles, Till the promised hour nppeara, mf When the sons of God shall prove All their Father's boundless We. Sir Arthur 1 :r r :d f :fe r :r s :fe r :r t :di r :r d :r s, :t| PI :f 8| :s, SUUIVAN. r s 8i S r t 8: d d n d r :d t. :d f :n 8i :li d :r S| :8, d :t, -■ o yjDin iOOIU/iV ^iyi U l^U lyriuc ivoc r Arthur I :r r :d Buliivan. |r :-. It, :- 195 (firtt Tune.) KtrO. d :d.r|n :r.ii f : HAM] n.r|n 3TTR( }.— n :n.n|f From a Oregoriun Chant by Lowell Mason. :n.r d :t|.d|r :- r :fe Is :- 1 8, :8|.t||d :r.de r : d.t,|d - d : d.d|d :d.8| 8, :8|.d|t| - r :r Is, :- 1 n :n.B|8 :1.8 1 : 8 |8 - 8 : 8 .8 11 :8.f pt.8:f .n| 8 - '■ d :d.s,|d :f.n r : s, Id - d : d.d|f| :d.r PI :r.d|S| - i ;fo s :- I • :r r :- 1 d :d.r|n :r.n f : n.r jn - m : r.d|r :r d :- 1- - S :d' t :- 1 1 d :S|.t,|d :r.de r : d.t,|d - d : t,x[|d :t, d :- 1- - • :r 8i :- 1 n :n.s|a :1.8 1 : 8 1 8 .- 8 : f.rt|l :8.f n .- 1- d :d.S||d :f .n r t 8, Id ,- d : S|.l,| f. :s, d :- 1- :- I :r d :- 1 :ti 1 1 :f 1 d :- Key] n :- [:b (Stc<md Tunt.) r :d If :n HARB] r :1 1 RIDG 86 E.— 8 n .8.8.6. 1 :8.f|m 8.8 :r Weslkv. IMS. n :ii |f 1 :8| 1 d :- :8| t, :d It, :d r :r t, ti d :r Is, :li li :li Hi :s f :n If :s 1 :1 1 t se n :8 \i :f.r r :de |r :d 8, :1, |r, :n, fi :f 1 n n li :t, Id :fi li :li |r. l[ :t, d :r In :r f :n 1 1 8 f :n |r :r d :- 1- 1 :8, Si :8| is, :8| d :d d d t, :d Id :t, s, :- 1- 1 :r d :t, Id :r d :d d 8 8 :8 11 :8 n :- 1- 11 :si rt) :S| Id :t, li :s. f, n, r, :d, |fi :s. d :- - II 'In whom, though how ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice." i«i)l A HOLY Saviour, Frier " uuseen, ^ The faint, the weak, .. Thee may lean; Help me, throughout life's varying scene. By faith to cling to Thee ! 2 Bleat with communion so divine, Tiike what Thou wilt, shall I repine, When, as the branches to the vine. My soui may oiing to The&t 3 Far from her home fatigued, opprest, Here she has found a place of rest, ^ exile still, yet not unblest While she oau cling to Thee ! V 4 Oft when I seem to tread alone Some barren waste with thorns o'er- grown, »ii> A voice of love, in gentlest tone. Whispers, " Still cling to Me." P 5 Tliough faith and hope awhile be tried, I ask nut, need not, aught beside : mj) How safe, how calm, how satisfied, The soul that clings to Thee ! •mS 6 Blest is my lot, whatever befall : What can disturb me, who appal, / While, as my strength, my rook, my all. Saviour ! I cling to Th«o ♦ CHRISTIAN LIFE 196 Kkv O. IaU ia E. OLD SAXONY.— L.M. Ancient aermjn Chomi,. ,«• Hwnioulwd by Ui« Hey. w. H iiiVi ':li 1. :1, Id :1. d :r In n n :n Is :n r :r Id :n, f. :f. 11. :n, 1. :li Ise, s. 1, :s. It, ;s, 1 *• li :s, In :d d :r In :d d :1. It, n d :n |r :d d :t. Id .'h f, :r, II. :1. f. :f, hi d 1, :d Is, :d 1 1 *• f| .-8, Id ':n n :1, Id :t. 1. :1. Is, t. d :n |r :d ti :t, 11, :d t, :1, 11. :s, 8| :fe. Is, S| n, :8| 11. :1. 1. :se, II, :1 n '.Z If :r n :r It, r d :d If :ri f :n Id .:li se, :1, If. :s. d. :r. Is, s. 1. :pi, If, :1. r. :n. 11, 1 Bi>. t. (:"1.| 1 :".| :'d [:*f. /B!r. :".t. ■*s :<.8, • / am poor and needy ; yet the Lord thinketk upon me." »P 1 rjOD of my life, to Thee I call ; ^ Aflaicteti at Thy feet I fall ; When the great water-floods prevail, Leave not my trembling heart to fail 2 ^«nd of the friendless and the faint, -^ ^I/'«'®«J»o«ld Hodge mydeepcomplaint? *V Where, but with Thee, whose open door Invites the helpless and the poor? »»P 3 Did ever mourner plead witli Tlice, And Thou refuse that mourner's plea' "ir Does not the word still fixed remain, ' That none shall seek Thy face in vain! ' »»P 4 Poor though I am, despised, forgot, , y«* 9'*<'» "y God, forgets me not ; "V And he is safe, and must succeed, , For whom the Lord vouchsafes to pleai 197 KrrBb. ST. HELEN.— 6-103. pn f :- If :d d :- It, :s f :- Is l:d r :- |8, r d 1 f. f a f r |r It, Is Is, If it. Is Is, n :- 1- :d' d :- 1- :pi s :- 1- :d' d :- 1- :d n ;- -' :1 d - - :d s - - :f d - - :f n : - - :d' d : - 1 - :n s : - 1 - ;d' d : 1 - :d t :1 Is s :f If d< :d' It n :f Is s :pi Ir d :d Id s :s Ife PI :d 11. t :1 Is s :f If d' :d> It n :f Is :1 :f :t :s \n :d :1 :fe, :1 :f :t :s Waltkr Hatklv, 8 :- I n :- I d' :- I d :- I r :- I t, :- I- r :- j. 8. :- I- 8 :- I- n :- I- d' :- I- d :- I- j':t |:r 1:86 :n SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE. 0«rniwi ChnniU. |ui l-U,.R„.w. H ||:'1«„, I r :r Ii :B| d f. t, li f n, j :t, :s, :t, :se, :n :"i Hi Id Id II, II, Id ilead with Tlice, int mourner'aplea? still fixed remain, k Thy face iii vain! ' rieipiged, forgot, forgets me not ; must succeed, vouchsafes to pWJ Waltkr Hatclv s :- n :- d' :- d :- r :- t, :- r :- si :- 8 :- n :- d' :- d :- Bl>. t :'d ■:t :r :se :n il ,•■•■' 1 1 !:-'«< 1 :'» 1 [:''"i n, d B| f d f li 1 d 1 1 ST. HELEN — cotUinwd. IB, :- |r, :- It, :- Ib, :- 8| n, d d I- :ii '- I- :8, :- I- :d I- :d, r :1, li :1, 1. :r f. :f. Id :t, |B| :f, In :r 1 8, :s, n :- r t, :- 1. B :- 1 8, :- f. :n f :8 11 :t :de r :pi If :f :I 1 :d' Id' :r' :li r :d If :r Ide :- 11 :- Is :- n :r Is :t, t, :t, It, :s, 8 :f |r :f 8 :s |S| :8, 'Rttum unto thy rttt, O wy tout." d PI, d d, d> PI 8 d d 8, PI d »»»' 1 DE jtill, my soul ; the Lord is on thy side ; ^ Bear mtiently thy cross of grief and ptdn : Leave to thy God to order and provide ; In eveiy change He faithful will remain. Be still, my soul; thy best, thy heavenly Friend Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end. 2 Be still, my soul ; thy God doth undertake To guide^hejjiture as He has the past. Thv hope,-«iy confidence, let nothing shake ; . All, now my steriouMhall be bright at last. Be still, my soul ; the waves and winds shall know Hw voice.who ruled them while He dwelt below. P 3 Be still, mjr soul ; when dearest friends depart. And all is darkenedsfin the vale of teai-s, "»^' Then thou shalt bettePknow His love, His heart. Who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy feara. Be still, my soul ; thy Jesus can repay From His own fulness all He takes away. ' ^wl'"' '"^ °"'" ' '^^^ ^°^^ "• fliistesiiijg oii When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone, Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored. Be still, ray soul ; wh -change and tears are past, •'</ All safe and blewid mil meet at last. :- I - I- CHRISTIAN LlFB. 108 (Ftrtl Tuiu.) KbtF. d :t, :d Si :- :s, n :r :n d :- :d r :r :n f :- :r ti:li:de r :- :t| s :1 :8 1 :- :b Bit:n r :- :8, d :d :d 8| :8, :s, n :n :ii d :d :d HURSLEY.-L.M. r :n :r d:- :- n :n :n t, :- :t, d:- ;- d:d:d f :s :f n :- - 8 :s :8 Si :- :8| d:-. - d:d:d n :- :f 8 :- :- 1:1:1 d :- :d t,:-:- d:d:d 8 :- f r :- :- f :f :n d :- . 1. s,:-:- f.:f.:f, itj :d :- :8 :- :d :- :n Itj :d :- :d :- :1, 8 :f d ;t | n ;f n ;r f :n d :- 1 ;b fi :si :n r :- :- :d t,:- - :s 3 :- - :d Si:- - :r d :t, d - :- :f n - :- :8, d: - :- »;>IIIElea< Oh fi Wbate'er StUl 'tia m He lei By I E Hit fa Forb] ^coHd Tunt.) KbyD. HE LEADETH ME.-L.M., and Refrain. w. B. Bradbu :8 :r :s PI :-.r|d :8 d :-.t,|d :d 8 :-.f|Pi :n d :-.d|d :d :f If :d Id :dl^|l :l.slf ./ Jiefi :s :t, :f :s, ram. 8 :d' It n :n |r d' :s 1 8 d :n |s 8 :d* It d ;d |r n rs |8 d :m :r' :s :t :f :r' :8 d 8 d' n :tj.|s :8.f In :d' Id' :f id :1 :d :f :li 8 :-ji|n r :..d|d r : - .8 1 8 t, :..d|d ; r.d ; t|.d :fjn :d HV. PI :n jr d :d It, s :8 Is d.r:n.f is :8 PI :-.r|d :8 1 :f Id' :t.l :t, d :-.t,|d :d d :f If :f :s 8 :-.f|n :m f :di.til :di :s, d : .did :d f :1.8|f :f 8 :f :1 :d :d' :f d' :tj|s :1 8 :8^|n :f d' :d' Id' :d' n :f Id :li.t s :n I PI .r ;d .r s :d |d.ti:l|.ti d' :8 II :n li :1, PI :d 8 :pi d :d d< rs PI :d I n .r ;d .r |d^:l,.tj II :n II. :1, s :pi I PI .r ;d .r n :d |d.t,:l|.t d' :8 II :pi d :d 11, :1, -.r|d -.tjd ■.fjpi -.Slid PI :pi d :d 8 :fe s, :S| |r It, I s s, PI : - .r I d d :-.t!!d 8 :..f|n s, :-.8||d 199 K" P. M. ao n :8 >i rs, PI rr d rt, 1 rr d rl, f :f£t f. :f, i'Si-lWHENIsi " Amidt Sweet raya ol And thorna 2 Lord, teach n From when And let me ii A glimpse c • :t, 1 :f ii :s, d; d: n :- d:- IT. B. Bradbuuy. n :n |r d :d It, s :s |s d.r:n.f Is •.r|d ..t,|d •.fjn .Slid :n I :d It, ) :fe Is :s, Si I :-.r|d I r-.tJd 1 : - .f I PI ii :-.S||d SUBXfrssION AND CONFIDENCE. I :" r :- :- 1 b, :d t,:- - 1 ^ :b s :- - 1 : :d 8i:- ~ 1 "^* calhtk Hi, ^n .k„^ t, nn^,, „„^ i,„,,,^ ,,^^ ^^^ , «Pl JjE leadeth me! oh ble.,6d thouKht! 2^?**.y '^"' where'er I be. *1«*^'' hand that leadeth V He leadeth me I He leadeth me I me; *'''" """^ "« '""'l^th S!! j[»'*i(»J 'ollower I would be ForbyHuhandHeloadeth.S "'" * mir'lf "^J ^""^ °» «"th i. done, a- m, " ■ *'"^<' ^a*"© I will not flee Since Thou through Jordan' lea.lLt .1. He leadeth ine, &o. '' ^ inIII!f ■'""'"'.''^ Meneaofdeepeatgloom Somet n.e» where Eden's Imwera bloom' "V Ho leadoth me, &o. "•P 3 Lord, I would olaap Thy hand in mine Nor ever murmur nor repine ""' Content, whatever lot I see S"'^" t» /ny 0".l that lemleth me. 'V He leadeth me, &o. 1 199 . Kit p. M. flO. KENWYN.-C.M. "A tiank/nl unto Him, and bl,ss His name." ""''sl/"''^?«"-^-* h^^^^ """' I '"^« ^"Jj^^-. -I'ate'er of earthly bliss An . *y' ^'^ ""'"f"'^ Shine between ert» a ^''^ "o/e^ign will .lenies, And thonis are mixed with flowers' -^Wt*? ** ^V """one of ^e, „ ■ -l^t tniS netltinn riao . " Xm wi? "' ^'^ '^°" Thy hand, AmlTf ''h«P"=e my comforts flow. And let me in this desert land A glimpse of Canaan know T 5 II. f ""'""" •Liet this i)etition rise ; P 4 Give me a calm, a thankful heart era Tk if ®)'*'^ '"""»"•■ free ; «•«. The blessings of Thy jrrace immj. AJiU Jet me live to Thee. * =j o CHRISTIAN LIFE: 200 (Fi^tt TuM) LUX BENIQNA.— K«v All. ( .81 d .r .s, S, .8, J1 n .f Id d A .B| d .r .8, 8, .8, .f f .f I .8, 1. .t, cre$. '.fe, PI ,,n :r .d :1| .d S| .iPiitfi .8| :S| .f; n .,d :d .d :d .d d •|d|:ri .rii :f| .1| n .;i :r A :I, .d S| ,jn\lf\ ,B\ :8| •i| PI .,d :d xl :d .d d .,d|:r, .pi, :f, .1, :ti Ji ll IS, ;- fl 8| - d :pi f d •- r 1, 8| f| Pl| — d d d| n. fe, pii r .PI :r .d :t, .1, 8| .8, :fe, :fei t| .t, :d r, .r, :r, :d •*i R-'v. J. H. nrsr. Mim. Dijo, :pi.d -.t, t, :d PI, :8|.8e l,.t, :d :pit d - xl :t| .1| - .1, :8| .f| - .1, :t, .d - .f, :f| .f. 81 :d •- .t, - .f. - .r 8, PI, 8| d PI 81 - f| :n| r :d 8| :d, (Second Tutu.) KbtQ. pj :-|n :pi d:-|d:d f :-|s :s SANDON.— ;>* f :- - :pi d:- -:d 1:- - :s d:- -:d PI :r |d :r PI :-|- d t,:t||d :t, d:-|- pii f :f|pi:r d:-|- d s,:s,| s,:8| d:-|- li \t:- 8 :t »:t PI : t.- it,:- d;t,id;t, d: r :- |s:- 8 :8|s :s 8 : 8i:- l.g,:- PI :r |d :8, d; 1:-|8: d:id:- f :-|s:- f :-|pi:- r:-|t,:- 1,:-|8,:- f :-|f :- fi:-|s,:- f :-|-:pi t|:-{- :d 8 :-|-:s r:-|-:d C, H. Pprdat. DC. d:-|-:- 8i:-|-:- pi :-|- :- d:-l-:- 8 :f |pi :r r :r jd it, l:l|8:f fi:fi|8,:8, r :-|r:ii ti:-IM s :-|f;ii 8i:-|8| d:- d :- n:- d:-l SUBMISSIOI^ AND CONFIDENCE. R«T. J. B. Dtk;:., Miiii. Duv. d n.d ..t, -.fi -.r -.8, I : r f. 'L : t. t| :d :- B, :- :- f ;n :- 8, :d :- :ni 'h :d :r • ■ t, : d f| : n. r d 8, d, C, H. PrRDAt. DC. r :-|r;ii t,:-IW s :-|f;ii 8|:-|Si;i n :r d :t| 8:f 8i:8, d:-| d:-i n:-| d:-l -i' The „.ght .-.Wk and I .„. f^ ,,„„ ,,„ «/ «■«».. Tk *^"« Thou moon; ' The dutant .oene ; one .tep enough for me. «P 2 1 WM not ever thu.. nor prayed that Thou 1 1„— J * Shouldit lead me on : I lored to <|^oo.e and .eo my path ; but no^ « I , ,. •^'♦•' Thou me on ; sir OroROK Rv.„rt. d ••- :r jnjf :n 8| :- :8, d :r :d 'rrvillbUti the Lord at all times. The praises of my Gci .hall stiU W.v heart and tongue employ. Who in Hig truth confide. «'^2 The hosts of G,)d encamp around The dwellings "f the just : Deliverance He affords to all, >> no on His sncccur trust. Wb For God preserves the souls of those • ^*lJP«"J ">d their posterity Hw bleuings shaU descend. w„^ 'xl- ■""""#«na you will th Have nothing else to fear : Make yon His servi™ »««- .J.i:_i.x i our wants shaU be Hrs o^e°"'" /. CHRISTIAN LIFE: 202 LIGURIA.— ( KEirO. 1 :1 Is sA. :d' t.l:t 11 n :t In :pi n : - .r 1 d d< :d< Id' :1 1 :se |1 1 :f Id :1 n :n 1 1, d' :r' In' :d' r' :d'.t|l f :f In :s f :s If 1 :t Id' :d' l.t:d' |d> t.n:r Id :n r :n |f 1 :d' ir PI :1 Is d' :d' It 1 :f If 1 :1 Is f :f In d' :r' Is 1. :t, Id d' s d' n d' n 1 d.r Ancient Melody, r' :n' Id' 1 :sj;|n d' :t Id' f :s Id tj,:t |1 n : - .r I d 1 :se |1 n :n |1| " //yt endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not !" "V 1 'TIS my happiness below, Not to live without the cross, But the Saviour's power to know Sanctifying every loss. mp 2 Trials must and will befall ; But with humble faith to see ^ Love inscribed upon them all, This is happiness to me. wp 3 Trials make the promise sweet ; Trials give new life to prayer ; Trials bring me to His feet, Lay me low, and keep me there. 4 Did I meet no trials here, No correction by the way, Might I not, with reason, fear I should prove a castaway ? ft Aliens may escape the rod, Sunk in earthly vain delight ; "V" But the true-bom child of God Must not, would not, if he might. 1 « he whom SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE. CYPRUS— L.M. Dr. Lowell Masow. :r .r • ti .t| :s .s n .d :t, d .1, :S| s jn :r :si .Slid .d, :r, ••d .dld.l, :s :S| .S| :d .d :ni .pii li .fi :in, d .d :d f|.fi :s, :1. :fe, :-.d :r :f. :t, :s, / 1 j^WAKE, my soul, in joyful lays, ro sing thy great Redeemer's praise ! He justly claims a song from me ;- His loving-kindness, oh how free ! "'P 2 He saw me ruined in the Fall, Yet loved me, notwithstanding all; "^ He saved me from my lost estate j- H.8 loving-kindness, oh how great ! " / vnU mention the ioving-kindnesses of the Lord. " S| S| t, S| d d d, ^ 5 Often I feel my sinful heart Prone from my Saviour to depart : "^ But though I have Him oft foVt, Hw loving-kindness changes not. 6 Soon shaU I pass the gloomy vale ; Soon aU my mortal powers must faU • V Oh may my last expiring breath His loving-kindness sing in death ! »»^ 1 Then let me mount and soar away y To the bright world of endless day ; jj „,„, itti/ture and BUi'pi-iso Hia loving-kindness in the skies. "I/' 3 Though numerous hosts of mighty foes. Though earth and hell my way oppose. »y> He safely leads my soul along;- His loving-kindness, oh how strong ! 4 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick, and thundered loud. He near my soul has always stood •— His loving-kindness, oh how good / CHRISTIAN LIFE. 20' Keii ':n 1 'Eb. n :f Is :s FABER.- Uov. R. R. Chopk. 1 s :f In [n (f :n |1 :s |s :..fe|s || | 205 KetD. ' s :s :d d :r In :d d :d Id d d :d.t||l|.t,:d d :d it, 1 n :r :s d' :t.l|s :s 1 :1 Is s f :s |d.r:n 1 :-.! Is 1 d> :s :d d :d Id :ni fi :1, Id ta, li :si If, :n. Ti :-.r, is. 1 J :t, ':s s :1 Is :d f :-.f|n n PI :f |r :d d :t, id 1 s :s :d n :r.d|t| :d d :r.d|t, d de :r |t, :d 8. :-.f, |i1| 1 ; n :r :n s :f.n|r :d 1 :t.l|se 1 l.s:f |s.f:n n :r Id 1 d' :t .:d d :f, Is, :1. r : - .r 1 fi 1. li :r Is, :1, si :s. Id I I d :S| ':n PI :s |1 :s BU. t. •d :t n. f. E '.d d : r In :f r :- 1- :r d:- l-j If d' :d' :d ( i :r In :n "li:s( s.ii. "'S, i.: l,.t||d :d d :- |t,:- d - 1- 1 d :..r :s s.l:t |d':di »n :- .r|d Os f : f Is :1 f :- 1- :f n - 1- 1 n.f:s.l .:d ( I :t,|l,:l, *'ni :ni ila 'atti f.: f. 1 n, :r. 8, :- Is, :- d : - 1- |l d.r;n.f ' ' / kave loved thee with an everlasting lave." '"/I "W'OW I have found the ground wherein •^' Sure my soul's anchor may remain : The wounds of Jesus, for my sin. Before the world's foundation slain ; / Whose mercy shall unshaken stay, When heaven and earth are fled away. »ii> 2 O Love, thou bottomless abyss ! My sins are swallowed up in Thee ; Covered is my unrighteousness, Nor spot of guilt remains on me : While Jesus' blood through earth and skies, Mercy, free boundless mercy, cries. 3 With faith I plunge me in this sea ; Here is my hone, my joy, my rest; Hither, when hell assails, I flee ; I look into my Saviour's breast : w/ Away, sad doubt, and anxious fear J Mercy is all that's written there. ntp 4 Fixed on this ground will I remain, Thottga my hoart fail and flesU decay j ■nxf This anchor shall my soul sustain, AVhen earth's foundations melt away : / Mercy's full power I then shall prove, Zioved with an evarlastiDg love. SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE. Rev. R. R. Chope. 1 205 KeyD. ZAANAIM.-8.7.8. 7.4.7. Rev W. H. Haveeoal. s :-.fe|s I [s :s Id' :-.n n :n |1 :i d :d If :n r :n.f|n .•_ ii d :d It, I 1 n :r |d :-.t id :ta, |1, :d d :d It, :d d :ti Id 1 :-.l Is I d< :s 11 :-.n n :s Id' :f 1 :s If :s s :s Is Ti :-.ri |S| 1 ,d :t, 11, :-.se li :si If, :f, f :n |r :d s, 1 •* :s, Id ;_ d :t, id 1 s :s |f :n I :1 |se :se d' in |1 :d n :r Id Si : - .f 1 1 n. I : n :r |r :d li.ti:d,r|ii :n d :d Id :d d :ti Id n :r |d I d' :t |1 :1 d' :1 It :t s :s 11 :n s :f .s|pi S| :s, Id I [la :si |r :1. fi :f In :n n :d 11, :1. S| :si Id : - :r d :- 1- 1 [d' :d' It :s 1 :1 Is :n d.r:n.f Is :di d' :t Id' : I— d :- 1- a :-,r|r :r f :f In :d s, :d |r :d r :r \n : :f n - 1- 1 n.f:s.l|t :t d' :d' Id' :s n :s Is :s 1 :s Is : '- d . - 1- H d£:n.f Is :s, fi:Sj:l|.t||d :d d :d It, :n f :s Id : " /give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish. J 1 SOVEREIGN grace I o'er «n abounding, •m: ^'"°™ed souls the tidings swell : ^ P *^*' knows no sounding— Who Its breadth or length can tell? On its glories Let my soul for ever dwell. "V 2 What from Christ the soul can sever Bound by everlasting bands ? Once in Him, in Him for ever, Thus the eternal covenant stands • None shall pluck thee ' From the Strength of Israel's hands. wp 3 Heirs of God, joint-heirc with Jesus. Long ere time its race began, To His name eternal praises ! Oh what wonders love hath done! One with Jesus, By eternal union one. "i/'4 On such love, mv annl .+,'11 J-_ Love so great, so rich, so free ; ■«7u ^°** '° ^**^y wonder,— Why, q Lord, such love to me ? •' Hallelujah ! Grace shall reign eternally. CHRISTIAN LIFE. 206 KetO. I'd :-.r|n :d I d :..d|d :d I n :-.f|s :s Id :-.d|d :n ST. MADOES.- Joachim Nkandek. Jfl80. PI :f Is :s d :d Id :n s :1 Is :d> d :f In :d d' :tJ|s :ni n :pi_^|s :s d' :d' |di :d' 1 :s.f|n :d r' :r' |di s ;B.f In di :t |di s :s, Id :ni I :s I :d' :n r' s d' s .f • ■ • :t :s, di :d' n. :n 1 :1 1, :d It In II In :t :n :se 1 :-.l|s d :f |r I :di It f :-.f|f :d' :s :d' :n r' f 1 f :t :r :s :.s Id' In Is Id .^ -•• " TAt Lord Jehovah it my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation." ^ ^ {j^^^ Jehovah thy salvation, ' ^ ■ Rest beneath th' Almighty's shade, . In His secret habitation \ Dwell, nor ever be dismayed ! » , r. «%/■ 2 There no tumult can alarm thee, Thou shalt dread no hidden snare : Guile nor violence can harm thee. In eternal safeguard there. 3 Thee, though winds and waves are swelling, God, thy hope, shall bear through all ; Plague shall not come nigh thy dwelling. Thee no evil shall befall. »'P 4 He shaU charge His angel legions Watch and ward o'er thee to keep ; Though thou walk through hostile regions, Though in desert wilds thou sleep. »/ 5 Since, with firm and pure affection. Thou on God hast set thy love. With the wings of Kis protectluu He shall shield thee from above. i Nbander. 1680. :r' id' ;s.f In :t Id* :s, Id :- :t Id' :r In :s Is :.s Id •«* salvation.' ^ ■ 1 SUBMISSION AND CONFIDENCE. 207 KeyE. BORLAN.— « :- :r d :- :n s:-:f f :n d :- :t, li :- :d r :- :r r:d s :- :f N :- :1 s :-:s s :s German. d:- :s,|l,:- :l,|t,:-:t, d:d 1 :- :s B:f :n n:r : I d :- :t, d:r :d d:t| f_ n :r 1 :s :s s :- : f.: - :s, l,:t,:d s,:-: 1 :- r :m :fe V^ :d .1 s :- :8 r :- :t, n:-:r t :s : r :t,: s :- :d' d :t, :d 1 d :- :f :- :r n:f :r d:-:t, d:- d:- :- s :- :b t| :- :n s :- :fe d :- :r 8 :s : Si:s,:- n :f :s d :r :n f . f : - :1 - :r 8 :r :f 8i:- :s, n :- 'TAett coH/essea that they were strangers andpilgrinn oh the earth." •^ 1 JJISE, my soul, thy God directs thee, Stranger hands no more impede ; Pms thou on. His strength protects thee, Strength that has the captive freed. 2 Light divine surrounds thy going, God Himself shall mark the way ; Secret blessings, richly flowing. Lead to everlasting day. ^P 3 Though thy way be long and dreaiy, Eagle strength He'll stUl renew; Garments fresh, and feet unweary, TeU how God wiU bear thee through : i TUl to Canaan's long-loved dweUing Love divine thy foot shall bring, "^ There, with shouts of triumph swelling, / Zion's songs in rest to sing. CHRISTIAN LIFE. 20. »^ JHT.- d fi - D. S| :d jr :n Si :n, |S| :S| - ■ ^ ^ MORNING Lie rBb. d :-.d|n :d d :- 1 1, "i :--ni|B, :s, 1, :- |f, GtEo. JAa. Webb. r :- 1- 8. :- 1- 1 "V 3 Stan St The Y :s, Si :-.8||s, :d d :- Id 1. d :d It, :d t, :- 1- I Put .'d, d) :-.d||d| :pii f. :- If. f. n, :n, |r, rd. S| :- 1- ^^1 J\.i m Whe '.'8, d :..d|n :d d :- 11, d 8, :-.d|n :r d :- 1- m nnr\ :s, ;s, "i :-.ni|8| :8, Si :-.8||s, :d 1. :- If. d :- Id f. 1. m, :-.ni,|S| :f, d :-.d|d :t, n, :- 1- d :- 1- KwO. '8, :- .:8i d| :-4ld| rn. f. :- If, -f. 8, :-.S||s, :sa d, :- h 1. 8. :- K '••8, :si r :-.r|d :r S| :-.8||n, :8| n :- 1 PI 8, :- Is, n 8. f :n jl, :r f. :s. 11, :1, d :t: 1 8, :- 1 ^H PI :- d :- r ] :s, ti :-.t||d :t( d :- Id d :- Id d d d :d Id :f li :si jf, :r. n :r | 1 PI :- d :- d .:8| 8, :-.S||I, :8| j a, :- 1 d ':s, :s, d :..d|n :d Ml :-.ni|8, :s, d :- 11, 1. :- If. d f. 8, :-ji\n :r n, :-.ii||S| :f, d :- 1- n, :- - ^M 8 :- d. :- 1 f :b, Si :-.Si|s, :d d :- Id li d :-.d|d :t, d :- ,. 1 .:si di ;-.d,|d, :pi, f. '•- If. f. 8, :-.8,|S| :S3 d, :- 1- 1 "And, having don* all, to stand." / 1 QTAND up ! stand up for Jesus ! ~ Ye soldiers of the cross ; Lift high His royal banner, It must not suffer lass ; From victory unto victory His army He shall lead, Till every foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed. / 2 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus ! The triunpet call obey ; Forth to the mighty conflict, In this His glorious day : " Ye that are men, now serve Him," Against unnumbered foes ; Your courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. Geo. Jas. Wibb. r :- Si :- t, :- si :- d :- d, :- d_ |t; S| :- n :r 8| •_. ■h; a St^d up I stand up for Jesus ! Stand in His strength alone ; The arm of flesh will fail you— Ye dare not trust your own : A °!? gospel armour, wu ° '.^^'^'^'^'"e unto prayer. Where duty calls or danger Be n^er wanting there I y ' ^^ "P ' ''*»n'l ^P 'or Jesus Ihe strife will not be long ; mu^y the noise of battlef The next the victor's song : To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be : He with the King of glory j rt. ''^'^ eternally --S.M. '^"'^^".Vi^.i? ?«^«« Abelabd. "MittetodVlrginem." 1120. n d s d r t, s s :s d :d s - n n d s - d "Put OH the luhole artnour a/ God." :s :n :f :d :1 f :n r :d r t, s :s s It, :d Is, n :r d :t, s :-.f d d PI / IgOLDIERS of Christ, arise, And put your armour on, Strong m the strength which God supplies Through His eternal Son : 2 Strong in the Lord of Hosts, And m His mighty power ; Wbo m the strength of Jesus trusts Is more than conqueror, ^f 3 St^nd, then, in His great might, With all His strength endued : Uut take, to arm you for the fight. The panoply of God. * |!r°"i, strength to strength go on, Wrestle and fight and pray? lYead all the powers of darkness down. And win the well-fousht day • *• P*'' li^^ing »11 things done, And all your conflicts past, T 7JTI. °'j«»°»« through Christ alone, J And stand complete at last . t dt:- CHRISTIAN LIFE: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.- f :n r :d s :8 Dr. Gauntlbtt. f :n It, :d «vi 3 If UOH in sorrow, oft in woe, •^^ Onward, Christians, onward go • Fight the fight, maintain the strife, ' Strengthened with the bread of life ! i Onward, Christians, onward go : Join the war, and face the foe • Faint not ! much doth yet remain ; AJreary is the long campaign. ^rink not, Christians; will ye yield? Will ye quit the painful field ? Will ye flee in danger's hour? Know ye not your Captain's power » _ fe' ^uH'" looping heart* be glad • March m heavenly armour clld^' Fight, nor think the battle long' Victory soon shall tune your soi '"i* 5 Let not sorrow dim your eye. Soon shall every tear be dry • Let not woe your course impede Great your strength, if great four need »y 6 Onward then to battle move • More than conquerors ye shall prove Though opposed by many a foe; Ohristiaa soldiers, onward go? S. Weslev. 211 KbyD. DONCASTER.- -S.M. ■ :s d' :n d :d If Id :1 :d s :- 1- d :- 1- s 1 :s d d :d It :d' r :rt r ^^EBmw :s >:d s :s n :d If 111 :f :f. n ;- 1- d :- 1- s n f :s f :n Ir :s :d t s /:: s :d' d :n It Ir :r n :1 Is 1 f :p, d :d Id li r> .A Ir :r d Mi :t d' :s Is :t a' :d' Id' 1 s :s i " 11 .5, :8.f u PI 1 IB 1 n :d 'Is :8e I :f In f ! t, :d If. :s, d CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. -*J«.w,«.^...,^,,^^,^.,,„^^,.^^^^ \^\ yOUR harps, ye trembling saints. ^ Down from the willow! take • Loud to the praise of love divine, ' Bid every string awake. 2 Though in a foreign land, We are not far from home, And nearer to our house above We every moment come. 3 His grace will to the end Stronger and brighter shine ; xVor present things, nor things to come Shall quench the spark divine "'P 4 When we in darkness walk. Th„n ""• !u *^'' heavenly flame. Then IS the time to trust our God. And rest upon His name. 6 Soon shall our doubts and fears bubside at His control • "•". Hisloving-kindnessshallbreakthrough The midnight of the soul. *" '»/ 6 Blest is the man, O God, cvu wi; ^^y/ ''ii?"^^' °" Thee ! •^ Shall Thy salvation see. ST. MADOES.- m. °- ' ■ °- ' • Joachim Neander. 1680. - I kl spoken : "Oh my people, faint and few. Comfortless, afflicted, broken. Fair abodes I build for yoii "IwillA,ar^hat God ike Lord will s^eaM.' Von ii "n "°™ P^'P^^* y^""- ways ; i^ou shall name your waUs Salvk- tion. And your gates shall aU be Praise. ^^P 3 There, m undisturbed possession, K.JL^i!^^ righteousness shall reign • Never shaU you feel oppression, ^ ' Hear no voice of war again. 4 " God shall rise, and shining o'er you ^ nf^^T^'^nhe^'^"'" "knight/ ^ H^th« Lord, sKall be your Glory, ' W God, your everlasting Light." CHRISTIAN LIFE: ^^^[''"'•IJ^r;^ . ^'^- THEREgA.- d., and Ref. sir Arthcb 8v,.l,v*. Kky B a. Treble Voioei. n:- :r In :- :f s :- :- js :- :- n :- :r n :- :r In :- :f s :- :- Is :- :- n :- :r 1 :-:s If :-:l Id':- 1 :- :8 If :- :1 |d':- Bb. t. M:-:d |d^:l, It,:- ■d:-:d |d_rtj:l, |t,:- |li:- :1| | li;g| ;feil8i;- |li:- :1, |li:si:feilsi;- / f.Blt V>n:- :r jn :- :f d:- :t| Id :- :r ( s :- n :- ll :-:l It ;1 ;s |l :-:l It ;1 ;s d':- d':- - Is:- - |s:- - Is:- - Is:- - It,:- - |t,:- - Is,:- - U;:- - Is:- s :- B 8 |s :- 8 I 8 :- |rn :- :f In :- :f If :- :r |n :- :<J If :- :r |n :- :d B :- B :- r :- r :- t,:- :t, | t,;l| ;BOi|l,;- t|:- :t, I titli isejli;- :f :f |Si:- :8, |1,:- ts. Is,:- :8, |1,:- rs, Ir. ; :r |n :- :f Id :~ :t| Id :- :r n :- :- |r :- :- n :- :- |r :- :- d:- d:- |s :- In :- d:- d:- " /m the name of our God tue will set «/ our boHners. " f 1 BRIGHTLY gleams our banner •*-' Pointing to the sky, Waving wanderers onward To their home on high. Journeying o'er the desert, Oladly thus we pray, And with hearts united Take our heavenward way. S Brightly gleams our banner Pointing to the sky, "Waving wanderers onward To their home on high. / 2 Jesus, Lord and Master, At Thy sacred feet, Here with hearts rejoicing See Thy children meet ; ■mf Often have we left Thee, Often gone astray. Keep us, mighty Saviour, In the narrow way. / Brightly gleams cur banner Pointing to the sky, Waving wanderers onward To their home on high. "y 3 All our days direct us In the way we go, <*«». Lead us on victorious Over every foe : dim. Bid Thine angels shield us When the storm-clouds lower, Pardon, Lord, and save us In the last dread hour. / Jjrightly gleams our banner Pointing to the sky. Waving wanderers onward To their honje pn high, CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. Artrvr Sui.livax. ^l^J^Tt^T^ TADCASTER.- a, ar>cl Ref. e. J. Hop„k,. Ku.. Doc. n .n :f .1 Is :- d'.s :1 .t Id' n .d :d .f I n s .s :f .f 1 8 d .n :f .r jd I .t :1 .,B I s n .d :d .,d 1 1| s .8 :fe.,s 1 8 d .1, :r .,r | s, B. 1. m. t. "S.8 :1 .t Id' 'ir.r :r .r Id "t.t :1 .8 |8 'f.f :f .f In n .n :f .8 1 1 d .d :d 4 I d :8 :r :8 :t, :n :s :t, :8 :r • ^ :f d .d :d .d I d 8 .8 :f .f |f_ d A :I, .f, Id 8 .8 :1 .t Id' r .r :r .r Id t .t :1 .8 |s 8 .8 :f .f In f. A. '"ti.t, :d .r I n '8|.8| :8, .silsj rte ■r.r :d .f In js Id :8 :t, :8 :r d'.8 :1 .t Id' d .d :f .f In 8 .d' :d' .r' | d' n .n :r .S| 1 1, t.Q. •^ti.t, :d .r In ••81.8, :8, .8||8l d.f :t :r :8 :t, • :d r.r n :8 ''8|.f, :n,.r, |di :d i %.ti :n, .r, | d; f. D. 'd'.8 :1 .t Id' '•n-n :ri .f In 'di.d':d'.r'|d' ''d.d :8 .8 II n' ji' :di .ta| 1 :- d'.ta:! .8 |f .n :r .d 8 .8 :1 ji If .1 :8 ^ f .f :n .d Id .t, :d .d r'.r':dM 1 1 .f :8 .f t|.t| :d .d |r .r :n .1, n d 8 S| :r :t, :-.f :s, Id Id In Id :8 :r :r' :t 9 ^ " Ih ihe name of our Ged w will set up our banners. " f 1 BRIGHTLY gleams our banner " Pointing to the skv. <r/ Pointing to the sky, Waving wanderers onward To their home on high. Journeying o'er the desert, Gladly thu» we pray. And with hea .-ts united Take our heavenward way. ff Brightly gleams our banner Pointing to the sky. Waving wanderers onward To their home on high. / 2 Jesua. Lord and Master, At Thy sacred feet. Here with hearts rejoicing See Thy children meet ; »»/ Often have we left Thee, Often gone astray. «>/ Keep us, mighty Saviour, In the narrow way. / Brightly gleams our banner Pointing to the sky. Waving wanderers onward To their home on high. "l^ 3 All our days direct us In the way we go, era. Lead us on victorious ■ Over every foe : dim. Bid Thine angels shield Bs When the storm-clouds lower, ParuOu, Lord, and save ua In the last dread hour. / Brightly gleams our banner Pointing to the sky. Waving wanderers onward To their home on hiirh, CHRISTIAN LIFE. "'P 1 11 ARK, my soul, it is the Lord ; **■ 'Tis thy Saviour, hear His word ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee : " Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou Me ? 2 " I delivered thee when bound, And, when bleeding, healed thy wound ; Sought thee wandering, jet thee right, Turned thy darkness into light. S " Can a woman's tender care Cease toward the child she bare ? Yes, she may forgetful be, f'v,«. Yet will I remember thee. mf 4 " Mine is an unchanging love, Higher than the heights above ; Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithful, strong as deatli. '"P 5 "Thou shalt see My glory soon. When the work of grace is done ; Partner of My throne shalt be : Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou Me?" ~? V Lord, it is my chief coinpiaint That my love is cold and faint ; f^**- Yet I love Thee and adore, "^ Oh for grace to love Thee more ! 214 (FirttTunt.) PLEYEL.— Kiv O. loNACK PHYKI, 1 215 n :8 |r :..m t :r >^ :- n :8 |r : 'jn :r Id '«. I Kky D. ■ (:» ld<:s d :d It, :..d li :t, |d\:- d :d It, :-.d 1| :t. Id ;- :d n .d 8 :8 |8 :..s f :8 |8 V S, ,^8 1 8 : -.8 :8 In ;- I :n 8 :8 , d :n, |8, :-.d|r :g, |d :-\fd :n, |b, :-.n 'i :8, Id, - ■ :d d :n r '.n Id :..r t, :!,><:- H =8 |r : -.n :r Id __ I [IB n;f 8, :sei |1, :..!, 8, ^, 1 8| :- S|\8, |S| :-.B, 1| :8|.f,|n, : _ d:d ti :ii \n :..r r' :r.d|t, :- d fds^ It, :-.d d :ti Id : _ 1 s s:l I B, :n, 1 1| ufe. Si :ri |8, -.J d :n,V :-.d f. :b. Id, : - 1 ' = t, d:l, (SeeonA Tutu.) ST. BEES.— Kry Ab. lRey, J. B. Dykks, Muh. IVic 1 "^ d :d Id :-.t, 1. :t, Id :- r :r |n :8| 1. :r It, :- 1 8i :8, If, :..f| fi :fi In, :- 8| :S, |8| :8, 8, :f. Ir, :- 1 n :n |r :-.r d :r In :- r :f In :d d :1, Ir :- 1 . d :d |8, :-.8, 8, :8, Id :- ti :t, Id :ni f. :fi |8| :- 1 S^f 'r :f In i-A t, :r Id :- d :r Id :d d :-.t,|d :- 1 s, :8, |8, :..8| fi :fi In, :- li :1. Is, :si 8, :-.8i|S| :- I r :r |n :-.n r :t, Id :- f :f In :r.d r :-.r|n :- 1 t, :t. Id ..A 8, :s, 11, :- fi :fi Is, :si 8| :..8,|d, :- 1 "Lwest thi TuMtt' I V InNACR Pl,«?Kt. Id Id In Id, CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. Id f il Ml >i Id I Id, KM, MtW. Pnc, It, 1 Ir, . Ir I |S| .t,|d .S|| S| .rjn .8,1 d| ig love, bs above ; 9 beneath, ig as deatli. ory Boon, !P is done ; ihalt be : /'at thou iipiaint id faint ; lore, ice more ! 216 KkyD. STANLEY.-ll.n.ii.ii. 1 :i d':8:l l.-s.f n:r :d 8 :- s n :r :d 8 :t :r' 1 •i n ;d ;d d :d :t. d:8,:l, t,:- t. d:r:l| ti:r :r 1 n 8 :s It f :s:g 8 :s :fe 8 :- 8 8 :8 :fe 8 :s :s 1 d d:n:f t in :r d:t,:l, 8,:- 8, d:t,:l, Si:s, :t| J. Htanlcv, d':t :I n :r :fe 8 :s :d' d :r :r 1 n:f :b d>:d':s 1 :t:di dl^t t d':s:l 8 :f :n f :n :r d 1 d :d :r n :r :d d :r :n Pl.T r d:n:f r:r :d d :d :t. (f ; 1 m 8 :1 :s 8 :f :n l:f rs 8 :- s 8:d':d' t :8 :8 I :8 :s.f It '. 1 l:t, d:l|:t, d:d:d f :r:d 8,:- U. n:d:f| s,:t,:d fi :s, :s, d: •• r*is is t/u ,uune ^h^rtby He sHaU 6e calUd, The Lord Our Ri.hUcusneu." ^P 1 J ONCE was a stranger to grace and to God, I knew not my danger, and felt not my load : Though fnends spoke in rapture of Christ on the tree. Jehovah Tsidkenu ; " 'twas nothing to me. ^,/lP 2 Like tears from the daughters of Zion that roll, I wept when the waters went over His soul ; Yet thought not that my sins had nailed to the tree Jehovah Tsidkenu ; " 'twas nothing to me. 3 When free grace awoke me, by light from on high, Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die : iVo refuge, no safety in self could I see— Vv< "Jehovah Tsidkenu " my Saviour must be. «y 4 My terrors aU vanished before the sweet name ; My gudty fears banished, with boldness I came To dnnk at the fountain, life-giving and free ; Jehovah Tsidkenu " is aU things to me. 6 Even treading the vaUey, the shadow of death. This watchword shall rally my faltering breath { For If from life's fever my God set me free, Jehovah Tsidkenu " my death song-shall be. / 6 Jehovah Tsidkenu I my treasure and boast. Jehovah Tsidkenu ! I ne'er can be lost ; In Thee I shall conquer by flood and by field My caUe, my anchor, m,y breastplate and shield ! p CHRISTIAN LIFE: 216 KbyO. :s, :n d :d |r :r Si :s, It, :t, n :n |,s :s .:d jd :d |s, :s, GALILEE.— D.c. Venetian Melody. 1 ;-.s |r :r.n d :- It, :t,.t, s :- If :f.f di ;-.ni l Si :s,.s. d d n d :d.d :s.s :d.d f Jn-.T A\x jc :x .t r.d:t,.l||t,.d;r.t| s.s:f .nls.s :s.s t,.d:S|.l,|s,.l,:t,.s, »y 1 AH Thou that on the biUow ^ _ Couldest sleep WMle tempests round Thy pillow Fierce did sweep- Grant us Thy holy peace, While the tumults rage around us, And the perils still increase, Our hearts to keep. 2 Oh Thou that in the night storm Drewest nigh, Appearing as a bright form From on high— <^1T {FirttTune.) EE7B. ^:d n.r:d.t,|d :d£ s,.s,:s,.S||s, :1, d.t,:d.r|n :d d.S|:n,^s,|d :f, " Be o/good c/uer ; tits I." :d :n f. A. n. Is It, Ir Is, :d :d :n :d • S| :t, :s, :r :s d :n d :d n :d d :1, d :d |r ;ii "i :"i jl, :s, d :1, |l|^:d 1, :li:8i|f, :n, d :m is :-.d S| :d , I ta, :-.ta, n :s \v\ :-.n "ip still 'mid our gloom appear ; Guide us gently to our haven ; Give our fainting spirits cheer. Say "Lo, 'tis I!" 3 Oh Thou that stood'st at morniu" On the shore, " To bless the bivrk returning. And the store — orei. Bid us such welcome blest, i»if When beyond those troubled waters From our night-long toU we rest For evermore. ST. WERBURG.- Rev. J. B. Dvkks. Mu3. Doc, d :d id -.d d :1 Is d ;l,.t,|d f :d.r|n 1. :fi Id f ;n.r|n fi :fi In, d :t. Id r, :s, Id, d :1 is 1, :d.r|n f:s:l_^|d' d :d Id s d.t n.f d.r d> :s d :d E. t. ' S i.r ''S, s PI .r s_ d .1 .r s PI f d 1 li d' d PI PI :s :pi :f :r :s :t, :s :d :s :pi If i Pi.r id^:d is :s.l In Id Is Id ; d.f| :d :s, :pi :n PI d s s, :r Id :t, Id :-.f|ii :s, id if ; pi.r id^:d Is :s^ |r :d.f, f :pi |r l,.t,:d f :s It| |s r :d iS| PI :r Id d :ii Id s :-.f|n S( :s. Id :s s :i :d d :J :n s :1 [:d n :i ':1 f :a :d r :r in f :r 1:1, r :t Venetian Melody. CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. 1.S ippear ; ir haven ; -its cheer, !" b at morning iraing, blest, loubled waters, oil we rest ■KES, MuB. Doc, 1 :r Id :ti Id :-.f|n :si Id :n |r t.rd It, ilH! :s Is :d |S| :r Id :t, Id :-.] rin :si Id Ai I (SeeoHtl Tune.) KEvEb. :s :f :t COMPLINE.- Rev. L. G. Havnk. Mus. Doc. d :- 1- 1 ':! f d - 1- 1 :d r n [ — 1 ^ ■ 13^ _ 1 1 :ii f (d,i' 1 1:1. r :r :s :r :r :t, |8 In Id- Id :d' :d :s :n In :1 Id :d In :n Id :1, t r f r se t, n n :1 Is :n |r :n Is :d It, :t :n II In :se |1 :r Id n : - .r I d ti :t, Id s : - .f I n Si :s, II, :d :li :n :li M,:d f :s r :d •nlr f t, s S| d' n 1 li r t, s s.f n d s d t r f r B d s n :n :r :se :t, :1 :ii :pi :d In :1 Id :d II :1 Hi :f, Is |r Is It, :-.f In :r Id :s |s :t, Id :s :t, :s :n :d :d :s :n s t, r S| s r 1 r n t, f S| :f :t, :r :s, In Is, Id Id :fe Is :r It, :1 Is :r Is. :-.r|d :t, Id :-.f|ii :s, Id '• /« iAai He Himself hath suffered, being temited, He u able to sitccour titem that are tempted" w 1 WHEN gathering clouds axound I ' ' view, And days are dark, and friends are few, On Him I lean, who not in vain Exiierienced every human pain ; '«/ He sees my wants, allays my fears, And counts and treasures up my teara. »'P2lf aught should tempt my soul to stray From heavenly wisdom's narrow _ way, To fly the good I would pursue, Or do the sin I would not do, ''"'«• St'l He, who felt temptation's power, bhall guard me in that dangerous hour. "tp 3 If vexing thoughts within me rise, And sore dismayed my spirit dies ; "'"' m^^ ^®' '^^^ *'"°® vouchsafed to bem- The sickening anguish of despair, Shall sweetly soothe, shall gently dry, The throbbing heart, the streamiw eye. ° P 4 "When sorrowing o'er some stone I bend, Which covers what was once a friend, And from his voice, his hand, his smile. Divides me for a little while ; Thou, Saviour, mark'st the tears I shed, For Thou didst weep o'er Lazarus dead. »/? 5 And oh, when I have safely passed £-n'"'^A,*^^''>' conflict but the last, Htill, still unchanging, watch beside My pamful bed, for Tliou hait died : *'•«. 1 hen point to i-ealms of cloudless day. And wipe the latest tear away. CH'RISTIAN LIFE, 218 KeyO. r :n :s, :n :d f 1 :r :t, :r :s, t, S| r tai r S| :d rn, :d :1. :n :tai :d FAITH.— CM. Rov. J. B. Dykes, Mu, i. D f :-.n li :t, d r n :f s :1 r ll :..S| f. :f, PI, S|.f| n, :d d :d ti d :-.n f .n :r n r s n :r r f, :-.d fi :s, d t, d • li S| :f( Ri \u f :n.r d :..r ••I s s t, :r J 1. :1. Si :..S| S| S| 1. • li f. :f. Hi d :f n :-.f n d d r :t, d fi :fi S| }-.t| d n. f) •^^1 S| :si d, have Jia for refuge to lay liold uJ,oh the ho^e set before its." wy 1 HEAR refuge of my weary soul, *^ On Thee, wheu sorrows rise, Ou Thee, when waves of trouble roll, My fainting hope relies. 2 To Thee I tell each rising grief, For Thou alone canst heal ; Thy word can bring a sweet relief For every pain I feel. i' 3 But oh! when gloomy doubts prevail, I fear to call Thee mine : The springs of comfort seea f o fail And ai! my hopes decline. ' "«i> 4 Yet, gracious God, where shall I flee V Thou art my only trust ; And still my soul will cleave to Tlieu, ihough prostrate in the dust. "y> 5 Thy mercy -seat is open still, Here let my soul retreat ; With humble hope attend Thy will. And wait beneath Thy feet. HH ^^^m BATTY. - German. d :r In :r n :f Is :n 1 :s If :n r :r |pi :- W^m d :t| Id :si d :d It, :d d :d Id :d d :t, Id :- wBb n :s Is :s s :d |r :n f :pi If 16 1 :s Is :- ^H d :si Id :t, d :1, |si :d fi :s, 11, :d f, :s, Id :- IKBHB / a :s Is :r m :f In :r d :r In :f n :r Id :- H^^B d :d It, :ti d :d Id :d u :t, id :- i^aBHt K^n n :pi Ir :s s :1 Is :s PI :s Is :1 S :s |pi :~ ^B d :-! Is, :sj d :fj isi :s, 1, :s, Id :f. Si :8j Id :- ^^^^^^B^R\ 220 KevO. f:d' |t :s s :ni r' :d s :s s :n r IS s :d t, DVKJJB, Mul i. Due s :1 r 1 :d t, 1 :r r si :f| ^ b, :r J '. :f. Ml • :t, d 1 :s, d, «*." )OTiiy doub ts miue: rt seen.' Jo decline. fail, Inhere shall I -rust ; 1 cleave to a the dust. Theu, CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. r In '] Id Is h Id Id h Id "As seeing' Him who is invisible." ^iP 1 A LL unseeu the Master walketh rT r^.,? toiling servant's side ; Comfortable words He speaketh. While His hands uphold and guide. 2 Grief, nor pain, nor anj' sorrow Kends thy heart, to Him unknown : He to-day, and He to-morrow, Grace sufficient gives His own. nfS Holy strivings nerve and strengthen. Viiru °^.f "*^"'''*"<'« '^»°« the crown ; When the evening shadows lengthen, Ihou Shalt lay thy burden down. 22( Key pdi 0. t :s 11 :t di NARE :- 1- :s s :s Id :f n :- 1- :ni r' :di Id' :ri s :- 1- :d s :n If :r d ••- 1- :s s :s 11 :t d' :1 It :n r :n |r :r n :r |r :s s :s |fe :s B :fe Is :d t, :d Id :t, 1, :r Is, Ancient Chorale from the Colnrrve Hi/mn Soot. Id' :1 In Is Id |r' II Id' If :r :fe :r :r' :s :t :s s t, s S| d' PI d' d " W^/c/,, tJure/ore,/orye know not what hour your Lord doth come.- mp 1 yE servants of the Lord, ■*■ Each in his oflace wait, Observant of His heavenly word. And watchful at His gate. 2 Let all your lamps be bright, And trim the golden flame ; Gird up your loins, as in His sight. For awful is His name. 3 Watch ! 'tis your Lord's command, ^,, . ",^'"'^ ^'^ "peak He's near ; ■»\f Mark the first signal of His hand. Ana ready all appear. 4 Oh happy servant he, In such a posture found ! He shall his Lord with rapture see. And be with honour crowned. - 1- CHRISTIAN LIFE: ^Al (Firtt Tunt.) RBvEb. n d s d ■.PI If :s -.did :d ■.s|l :n ■.d|l, :s, 1 d f d 1 d f VIGILATE.— -.lis -.d|d -.f In -.did :s :t, :f :s, Id Id In 1.. :-.n|n :n :-.r|d :r :se 1 1 :t, II, f :- I- d ;t|.lilti W. n. Monk, Mus. Doc. :t :sei :r :t, :f f :- I- n d 1 li d d n :f :r :1 :fi r ti s s, 222 Key E. :d n ; :si d : :n s : l:d d : [:s 1 : :tn n : -.3 n : :d d : (S(efmd Tuw.) Key El \.GATHOS — |r :- It, :- r :n If ta, :ta, 1 1, :s.l :r s :n r :d Is :- s :s If :f r :s Is, :- S| :d |r :d t, :d J. W. Elliott. Ir t, Id n, :n, 1 1, P f. Ek. 'in :r |d Wiitch and pray, "-t, :t, Id "s :f In "'Sirs, !1, Watch and pray- slower. t, :i| 8 :f Is, IB, In ti Watch and pi-iiy. " Watch and pray, thai ye enter not into temfiatton." m 1 QHRISTfANf seek not yet repose, Cast thy dreams of ease away ; Thou art in the midst of foes ; P "Watch and pray." r^p 2 PrineinaliHAa an^ iv\nrai«i Mustering their unseen array, Walt for thy unguardf d hours ; P "Wartch and pray."' «*/" 8 Gird thy heavenly armour on, Wear it ever night and day ; Ambushed lies the evil one ; V "Watch and pray." "'? 4 Watch, as if on that alone Hung the issue of the day ; «•«. Pray, that help may be sent down ; P "Watch and pray." ^-r^ CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. ONK, Mus Doc ' Ir ;- It, :- Is :- 1 Is, ;- 22S Kev r:d B. n :r In :f B 8 [EIDELB :- In :8| d :r id :d d :t, Id :n s :s Is :d r :- In .:<i d :t, Id :1, S| :- Id :8 1 :1 It -.d' 1 :- Is -.3 n n :r :fe |r :n |s :s r :d It, fe :- Is :d d :d It, :1, r :- Is, 1 d f fi n d s d 7.6. 7.6. Melchior Vctpirrg 8 :f In :r n :- d :d Id :t. d :- n :f Is :s s :- d :1. Is, -.8, d :- f :n |r :r d :- t, :d Id :t, d :- f :s Is :8.f n :- r :n.f Is :s. d :- 1609. " TAt Lord is my light, and my salvation." f 1 QOD is my strong salvation, What fpe have I to fear ? In darkness and temptation, My light, my help, is near. »»/ 2 Though hosts encamp around me, Firm to the fight I stand : What terror can confound me, With God at my right hand ? mp 3 Place on the Lord reliance : My soul, with courage wait ; His truth be thine affiance, When faint and desolate. / 4 His might thy heart bhall strengthen, His love thy joy increase ; Mercy thy days shall lengthen ; dim. The Lord will give thee peace. CHRISTIAN LIFE: I 22o (First Tune.) f KkyP. s :s Is :s n :n \n :n d m Is :d' ST. GERTRUDE.— s;-.l |s :- f :- if :- SlrAHTHCE Sullivan. d':- |t:- [ d :d|d:d |r:- |s,:- 11 :1 |n:fe d :d |d:d fe:fe|s :1 r :r |r :r 1 :8 If :s 1_^ Ifjs d :d |d:d d:- |d:- f :n If :n f ;ri | f :n t :d |l,:d f :d |l,:d r :r |d:r ti:t||l,:t, s :s |s :s f :f |n:r r :r |s:r ti:t, |r:t, s :s Is :s Si:si|t,:s 1 :s If :ri d:d |r:d f :n |r :r fi:filf,:f, r :r !r:dj 8i :S||s,:s, f :f If :f ti :S| I ti:S| n:- I-:- Si:- I-:- n ; d I n :s war, Look - lug d:-|-:- s:s |d':t n :m I f :f d':- Is:- un . to d :d I r :r d':- |s:- n:- |d:- s:- Is :- pi:- |n,:- d:ti Is :d< d:d |d:d s :s |s :s n:n |n :n s :s |d':s d:d |d:d n:n |s :n d:d |ii:d d:d |d:d Si:s, |S|:s, v\'.n I n :n d:si|d:s, f :n I r :-.d d:d |t,:..d 1 :-.s| f :-.pi fi:r,|s,:-.s,.fji:-|-:. " The Lord your God, which goeth before you, He shall fight for you." f 1 QNWARD, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, liooking unto Jesus who is gone before, Christ, the Royal Master, leads against the foe. forward into battle, see His banners go. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war Loolcing unto Jesus who is gone before, 2 At the name of Jesus, Satan's hosts doth flee ; On, then. Christian soldiers, on to victory ! Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise • Brothers, lift your voices ; loud your anthems raise, ^-nward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war Lookmg unto Jesus who is gone before. ' 3 Like a mighty army, moves the Church of God. ' Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod. CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. THUE SrLLIVAN. 223 (Steond Tune.) Kev O. 8 :n' |r':t n :n If :f d>:s It :r d :d Is :s 8 :d |r :n 8|:ni|l,:t, d :d If :f n,:!, |f,:si "ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS. ' n.ii.u.n. d':t jl:pi r :r |d:de se:se|l:l n :n |f:pi 8:n|n :r n:d|t,:tr d'lslf :f d':- n :- d':- 1 :- d :- d :- n :- d :- s :- n :- ta:- de:- d :- d :- PI :- s:s|S|:sei|l| :- 1 ita di fe 8 :n jn :r n :d |t|:t, d' :s If :f s :s |8,:si r. B. d. f. Ek. * n:n |s :r *Pi:d |ti:t| •^s:s If :f *»id:d |S|:s, n :d |r :re d :d |d:l, 1 :1 11:1 n :n If :f r :n |f :1 li :de|r:f 1 :1 |l:ri f :« |r :d d :-|- d :-|- n :-|- d :-|- n :-|n d :-|r n :-|se d :-|t, n :-|- sei:-|- t :-|- n :-l- :-|s :-|ii :-|n' :-ld :n |l:<«'f :r |d:"l :se|l:«d :t,|l,:'.r, _C. A. Qarratt. Q. t. n :-| 8,:- d:- n :1 It :pi d :d |r :r 1 :1 |se:se li :1| |pi :n C. t. m. 1. " 8 :n' •"•n :ii d':s d:d I r':t f :f t :r' 8 :s n :s |r :r d :d |d:t, 8 :s |1 :s.f d :ii If :s d':- d:- l,:-l d':- n :- d':- 1:- d:-| d:-| n :- d:-| 1 m: di fe: / We are not divided, all one body we One in hope and doctrine, one in charity. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, Looking unto Jesus who is gone before. .3^ * St ni? *^;°«;« »ay Perfsb, kingdoms rise and wane ; »«»• But the Church of Jesus constant will remain • GatM of heU can never 'gainst that Church prevail : We have Christ's own promise, that can never fail. / Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war. Looking unto Jesus who is gone before. 5 Onward, then, ye people, join our happy throng • Blond with ours joor voices in the triumph -song"; Glory, praise, and honour unto Christ the King: This through countless ages men and angels sing. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war Looking unto Jesus who is gone before. ' CHRISTIAN LIFF: 224 INNOOENTS.- - ■— 1 m .1 The mn Key E \). n :-.f|8 :d' t :I |8 ._ d : - .r j n :s f :pi ■ ■ " Glo^ 1 r •-. II 1 Celostia d : - .r 1 n :d d :d Id ;- S| :..t,|d :d d :d 1 * It, ■ From ■ 4 The hill 8 : - .8 1 s :s 8 :f In '- n :-.f|8 :s 1 :s Is ■.^ ■ Atho d :-.d|d :n, f. :li Id - n : - .r 1 d :n, f, :d |S| 1 226 1 1 ' ■ KkvD. ' n r - .f 1 8 :d' t :l Is - d : - .r 1 n :f n :r Id _ 1 ':n r :i d :..t,|d :d r .-.djt, ■- 8| :-.t,|d :d d :t, Id — 1 :d d :( 8 : - .8 1 8 :1 8 :fe Is : - n :-.f|8 :1 8 :f In : _ 1 :s f :i d : - .r 1 n :1. r :r |S| : - n :-.r|d :f. S| :si Id ; ^ 1 :d d :c ' The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs.' / 1 rjHILDREN of the heavenly King, ^ Aa ye journey sweetly sing : Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in His works and ways. "I/" 2 We are travelling home to God, In the way the fathers trod : They are happy now, and we Soon their happiness shall see. / 3 Shout, ye little flock and blest ; You on Jesus' throne shall rest : There your seat is now prepared, There your kingdom and reward. «l/'4 Lift vour eyes, ye sons of light, Zion's city is in sight : There our endless home shall be. There our Lord we soon shall see. / 5 Fear not, brethren ; joyful stand On the borders of your land ; Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, Bids you undismayed go on. n\f 6 Lord, obediently we go, Gladly leaving all below, «•«. Only Thou our leader be. And we still will follow Thee. I 226 Key E b. PI :s d d :si I :pi i:d ^:s :r :t 1:8 :r :r :t, :d' :r :fe fe :r d> :1 d :d :f :fi :s :r :t :t, PRAGUE.— S.M. f r :fe ; r.d :1 :r 8 t| 8 S| 8 t, 8 t, 8 f| :d.r|ii :d.t||d :s Is :n.r|d d' :ii d :d 8 :1 If |r 1 :fe :d :I :li :r :t, :8.f "i :li |fi :8i "Let the children of Zion bt joyful in their King" Rev. L. R. West. S t, r S| d d d / 1 riOME, ye that love the Lord, ^ And let your joys be known ; Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne. / 2 Let those refuse to sing That never knew our God ; But children of the heavenly King May speak their joys abroad. :d :s :n :n :d :s .:d :s :f :t :s n t, s f r d f d n' PI d> d :i :t :s :f :pi :d :8 :d :d :pi :s :d "!/' 1 qomet: ^ The( It is the '. With \ "VVhen coi Hegra A season To che( '■'P 2 iu Jioly c< Wesw( The them And fir '■'■"■ Set free f Weche Even let I Bring v :n |r :d It, - rs Is - :d Is, - :r Id - :t, Id - :f In : - :b, Id : - ngs." 8 of light, • me shall be, on shall see. oyful stand tr land ; tber's Son, goon. 0, ow, be, >w Thee. Rev. L. R. West. s :- 1- t, :- 1- r :- 1- s, :- 1- d :- 1- d :- 1- n :- I- d :- !- rGod; [ivenly King abroad. CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. tup 3 The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; Celostinl fruits on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow. 4 The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, •mp Before we reach the heavenly fieldi, Or walk the golden streets. "{/"S Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry ; «•«. We're inarching througli Immanuel's / To fairer worlds on high, [ground, BENTLEY.— d. John Huliah. :n n :r :d t, :t :s s :s :n f :f :n r :n :d d :d :s f :s :d d :d :s n' :di :f PI :n :t d' :s :s d :d Id Id Is In If Id II Id It If I s Ir :s :d :s :n :1 :f :t :d :s :f :s :r s d 1 r 1 f d' d d' PI 1 li Is In Id' Id If Id II Ir Is In Id' Id Id Id In Hi :d' :n :1 :1 :n :d :ta :d :di :n :1 :1 :s :t, :d :n, t PI t s n d 1 f t n t s s ll r f. :s :pi :t :n :f :d :1 :f :s :s :t :m :f :1. :r :f. f f d' r d d 1 f 1 s d' r pt t, f S| :1 :f :t :f :r :li :1 :f :t :fe :d' :r :r :t, :f :s, s d d' n PI t, se PI s 3 t s d s, PI d " Weeping may endure /or anight, httjoy comtth in the morning: Hf 1 QOMETIMES a light surprises ^ The Christian while he siugs ; It is the Lord who rises __W'ith healing in His wings : when comforts are declining. He grants the soul again A season of clear shining. To cheer it after rain. '"P 2 lu holy coiitempiation. We sweetly then pursue The theme of God's salvation. And find it ever new : Set free from present sorrow, We cheerfully can say, Even let the unknown to-morrow Bring with it what it may ; fi'M. »ni> 3 It can bring with it nothing. But He will bear us through ; Who gives the lilies clothing, WiU clothe His people too. cres. Beneath the spreading heavens. No creature but is fed ; And He who feeds the ravens. Will give His children bread. "•^ 4 Though vine nor fig-tree neither, Their wonted fruit shall bear, Though all the field should wither. Nor flocks nor herds be there ; Yet, God the same abiding. His praise shall tune my voice ; For while in Him confiding, I cannot but rejoice. creg Mf / CrtklSTIAN LIFE: WORMS.—, sJ :t r :s s :s t| :n B.l :t d :r s n s r t r r 1. d :s :r :fe ; r.d :1 :r :r :s, 'hi :s, d^t:l pi.rid s : -.f e d :r dU:l n :fe :r^d :r s :1 n :n d'.ta ;! n.r :de s d s t, s S| d s, :- n :- d, :- f .n :r • ^ r.d ;ti 1 :r.f r.fi:si s t, s Si s 8 t d< d P1.1 1. d' n.f d' 1 d d n 1, f. D. '1 •t '1 :1 :nj :d' : d.r :1 :f t r 8 t, t 8 d' :di n :f s :s r :d s.f;ri t, :d 1 :s de :r 8.1;ta n :r 8 8 t n 8 f t, :1 :n :di :li :1 :n :1 :de 1 :t d :f 1 :f fjnrr lj:f n :r n :1 de :r d n d / 1 A SAFE stronghold our God ig still, ■"■ A trusty shield and weapon ; By His right arm He surely will Free from all ills that happen. For still our ancient foe Doth seek to work us woe ; Strong mail of craft and power On earth is not his fellow. "1^ 2 Stood we alone in our own might, Our striving would be losing ; For us the one true Man doth fight, The Man of God's own choosing. " God it our refuge and strength." f.n:r |d Id In Id Id Id d' n 8 d PI de 1 1. r .d :t, 1 :f r :si f .n :r r .d :t, 1 :r.f r •L :s. Who is this chosen Oue ? 'Tis Jenus Christ, tlie Son, The Lc rd of hosts, 'tis He Who A'ins the victory In every field of battle. / 3 And were the world witli devils fille.l And watchino' to devour us Our souls to fear we need not yield, They cannot overpower us ; Their dreaded Prince no more Can harm us as of yore ; His rase we can endure ; For loT his doom is sure, A rt^ord shall overthrow him. / 4 fStill m For w Still is ] With 228 KeyB!;. :ii n :t :d d :( :s 8 .'£ :d d :d :f :t, :s :r 8 :d d :d 8 :8 :r n :f :t, d :t, :s 8 :s :si d :r :r :r :s l:ti d :d 8 :8 d :d "'/l AUR hlessi ^ Thou a The rule of Is thine o Thiiu art ou Who, to 1 To Thee, an Our souls '"/'-Tiiy peace h Thy prese Tliy light ou Tliy 8treu( CONFLICT AND TRIUMPIJ. / 4 Still mugt they leave God', word iti miRht, Stnn^H'"'' °.u ^^"P^" ^^^y went ; xv■^ ^?- "^'^^ "« •" tlio fight, With Hw good gifts aud Spirit. 228 KkyB!;. Id :s "I/- Even should they, iu the strif., ores w » '""'•"'J. ?ooJ8. and life, We freely let them go, * . ,, T?oy profit "ot the foe ; / With us remains the kingdom. AURELIA.- d. |':f ':t, :s :r :r i:t, :s .:si :r :r n d s d .:t, s d s n n d s d n d s d :n :d :s :d :d' :d :s :n :f :t, :s :r :n :d :s :d If Id II Id Id' Id :n :d :s :d :t I se :se |m :n, IB Id Is In If Id 11 Id :I :d :f :f :n :d :s :d n d s S| t r se fi J d f f n 1. s fi Ir It, Is If. II Id II If. Is Id Is In Ir II. If If, d d s In, s n t d 1. r f. f n d> s< |l d' n 1 1. d 1. f f. I d' n 1 n d 1, f r. :I :d :r :f. :s :r :r' :t. Is Id In Is, In Id Is Id :-.t|l ; - .n I n ;-.se 1 1 -.rid :f :t, :s :s, :d :d :fe :1. :ri :n :1 :de :r ;f Id :t. Is, :si |r :f Is, :si Dr. S. S. WiSBLEY. In d s d r t, s s, f r 1 r d s, m d h>f "Efui^avouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." ^ O^mJ''®'^*^' ^"""^ of union, Xfie rule of our communion la tlnne own faithful word. Th.m art our Elder Broiiher, >V 10, to redeem us, died ; Jo ihee, and to none other Our souls we do confided' '' - Tiiy peace iu as abounding, lliy presence ever sure, Any light our path surrounding, i.liy strength to us secure. f«- Beneath Thy banner glorious, „./• xJ^^'^^ \^ ^'^^°® armour true, "V We shall march on victorious. And all our foes subdue. "'i> 3 Saviour, most true and giacious. Any Spint now impart. And let Thy love most preoious Possess and fill each hearS. cft». We grasp Thy promise given. We set before our eyes One faith one hope, one heaven, ■' One battle, and one prize. CHRISTIAN LIFE. 22Q (Pint Tune.) KtcY BiO. TRYPHENA.— 8.8.8. FiMNciM H. Haveugau :si :n :d :d :d :n :1, In Id Is In, :r :1, :f :s d' :1 Is :d :d d :d Id :d :n n :f Is :pi :d 1. :f, In, :1, n 8| r d 1 :t, :8, :r :S| :r :t, Id In, Id II, Id Id r t, s S| :d< :d :1 :1, It |r Is It| :1 :d :n :d :fe :1, :r :r I I (Second Tune.) KbyEe. ; 8 .f I n :s, (Id ST. AIDAN.— 8.8.8. Hon.'aud Rov. F. R. Giikv. f :-:f d :- :r 1:-:1 f :-:f t :- :ri f :-:f s :- :t s :- :s l:-:n n : :r d: — d :- :d d:- :t, d: - f :1 :8 s :- :f n : - f :-:d 8 :- :si d: - d' n s d d';t :1 f :- :f 1 ;-.8:l.t d:- :d 8 :- n :- d':- d:- 8 :- :s r :n :f t :di:ri Sj:- :s s :- n :- d':- d:- • TAt Lord is my rock and my fortress, and my delivtrtr, my God, my Ureneth. tn wliom I wilt trust " ' "/ 1 WHY should I fear th.- darkest ' ' hour, Or tremble at the tempter's power ? Jesus vouchsafes to be my tower. 2 Though hot thefight, why quit thefield? Why must I either flee or yield, Since Jesus is my mighty shield ? '"P 3 When creature-comforts fade and die, Worldlings may weep, but why should '"/ JcHus still lives, and still ia nigh, n ' mp i Though all the flocks and herds werti dead, My son! a famine need not dread, "l/' For Je-^tta is my living ;read. MP 5 I know not what may soon betide, Or how my wants shall be supplied; «'/ But Jesus knows, and will provide. "'P 6 Though sin would fill me with dis- tress, C'-ei- The throne of grace I dare address, For Jesus is my righteousness. mp 7 Though faint my prayers, and cold my love. While Jesus intercedes above. m 8 Against me earth and hell combine; "v But on my side is power divine ; / Jesus IS all, and He is mine. 230 (Sir, KeyO. [.'8, jd : :s, 1, : :n PI :i :d li :i :n d :1 :sei 1. :1 :t, d :d :p|| li :f Key E. :d :8i :n :d (Second r :ii t, :d 8 :8 S| :d d' :t d :r s :s pt :s I '■'/ 1 pRACE ! ^ Harmc / Heaven with And all the ;iM U. Haveug.w 8 :fe Is ti :1, It r :r |r r :r Is (rengtk, ' soon betide, .11 be supplied ; 1 will provide. I me with dis- dare address, 30U8ne88. lyers, and cold II _. , * 8 above. hell combiuu ; er divine ; mine. 230 {Firtt Tunc.) Kkv O. CONFLICT AND TRIUMPH. AUOUSTINE.-S.M. 1 I r:s, d 1 1 ;si 1. 1 :n n 1 1 '^ 1, Rev. P. R. Ghkv. 1 s :- :s s :- 1 r :ri :f n :- 1 b :di:r' d':- 1 j,:-:s, d:- 1 :se, j:t, :r :s :8, d :f li :1, d :d 1. :f, In Id Is :r :t, :8 d d n J. 8. Dacu. leso-irso. •VL-Si id, In Is, Id Id :r :si :r :t, d 1. n 1. :d :fe :d :1. n s :8 If :p, r S| t, :d 11, :8, S| d r :n |d :d t, d 8i :d If, :d, S| |r Is, It, Is, w r t, s s. n d s d :f :d :1 :f. In Id Is Is, .T ;s.f :s, Id :- »i :- {iv- Key B, {Second Tu)u.) FIIANCONIA.-S.M. ;d |:r, ':s ••t, :8 r :n t| :d s :s s, :d If Id If Hi :8 :t, :r :s. '- I Oerman, r 1720. d' :t II :s d :r In :t, s ;3 Id' :s n :s Id :n d :- I- n :- I- d ;- I- 1 :1 Is n :r |t, s :fe Is d :r Is 8 d n d s t, s 1 d f f d d :d' :d :s :n :n :d If in |d.t,;d If :s |r :n.f |r Id :r :t, n :s |1 :s Is, 11, :n. If, :si r ti s 8 |d d PI d "' ^ G^i^^ ' '*'« » oharming sound. Harmonious to my ear • J Heaven with the echo shall resound, And aU the earth shall hear. Sy grace ye are saved." »'i» 3 Grace taught my wandering feet To tread the heavenly road ; -^"^ new supplies each hour I meet, "y 4 Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days ; It lays in heaven the topmost stone, And well deserves the praise. mp 2 Grace first contrived a way To save rebellious man ; And all the steps that grace display Which drew the wondrous plan. V. THE CHURCH. 2ol {jeini 2'uni'.) AUSTRIA. n. Key p. tt :-.r|n :r f :n |r.t,:d 1 :s If :n r :n.d|s Si :-.s,|d :t| S( :si Is, :si 1, :d It, :d li :d It, n :-.f|s :8 r :n If :n f :s Is :s 1 :1 Is . d :..d|d :s, t| :d Is, :d f :n |r :d fi :fe. Is, d :-.r|n :r f :n |r.t,:d 1 :s If :rt r :n.d|s d :-.d|d :t| 8, :s. |fi :ni d :d |l,.t,:d li :d It, n :-.fe|8 rs r :n |t,.r:d f :n If :s 1 :1 |r .111 :-.lils, :s, t| :d Is, :d fi :d Lr :d fi :fei 1 s. r r :n |r.t|:s, f :n |r.t|:s, s :f In :-.n fe :-.fe|s Si :si Is, :s, Si :s. Is, :s. s, :l|.t||d :-.d d :-.d|ti ti :d It, :t, r :d It, :t, n :r |d :-.n 1 :-.l|s ■ Si :s, Is, :s, t, :d Is, :sj^| ni :f|.S||l, :..!, ri :-.ri|si ' d' :-.t|l :s 1 :-.8 |s.f:Pi 1 r :n.f |8.1 :f .r d :(i .r 1 d d .-•.did :d d :-.d|t, :d t, :t. Id :1, s, :t| Id « :-.s|f :s f :-.8 Is :s s :8 Id :l.f n :f |n \ n :..n|f m f :..ii |r :d Si :f. In, :f. si :s. Id, Haydn. M^ " Glorious things are spoken o/thee, O city qfGod." 1 rjLORIOUS things of thee are spoken. ^ Zion, city of our God ; He, whose word cannot be broken, Formed thee for His own abode. 2 On the Rock of Ages founded, What can shake thy sure repose ? / With salvation's walls surrounded. Thou may'st smile at all thy foes. «?3 Sw, the streams of living waters. Springing from eternal love, rVell supply thy sons and daugl .f^d ul fear of want remove. mp 4 Who can faint while such a river Ever flows their thirst t' assuage,- «'•«»• Grace which, like the Lord the giver, Never fails from age to age ? mp 5 Saviour, if of Zion's city I through grace a member am ; Let the world deride or pity, I will glory in Thy name': 6 Fading is the worldling's pleasure, All his boasted pomp and show : crti. Solid joys and lasting treasure, None but Zion's children know. Jdl (Second Tune.) Key F. n :n |s :s d :d |t| :t, 8 :s If :f [d :d Is, :s, THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. HILARY.- d. d 1| PI 1| :r :t, :s :s, In Id Is Id :r :t, :s :s, f r s t, :n |1 :s :d Id :t, :s If :r :d If, :s, d :d s :s d :d s :t t, :r s :s 8 :f Is It, If :s :t, :f |si :si :r :t, :s Id' Id Is In :s :pi :s :d d :r In li :t, Id n :s Is h :si Id :s, :r :t, r :s I t. :r I s :s 1 1 Si :t, |r fe :s r :t| f r s t, :n :d :s :d In Id Is :s Is, :s, s :t t, :r s :s s :f n :n Is :s d :r d :d It, :t, 1. :t. s :s If :f n :s d :d Is, :si 1, :si In Id I s Id :r :t, :s :si f r s t, :n :d :s :d Id' Id Is In II Id If If :s :n :s :n :s :d :f :d .1 :r f d 1 1. s 1. PI d f r s t, PI d s s :n :d :s :d :fe :1. :r :r :pi :d :s :d :r :t, :s :S| Hfl QLORIOUS things of thee are siwken ^ Zion, city of our God ; He. whose word cannot be broken. Formed thee for His own abode. 2 On the Rock of Ages founded, « hat can shake thy sure repose ? ,n, *'*"''ition'8 walla surrounded, Ihou may'st smile at all thy foes. " Cionotii, things are sfoken ej thee, O city of God. " Gantheb. Ir :- It, :- Is :- Is, :- Is :- It, :- Ir :- |S| :- Ir :- It, :- Is :- Is, :- Id :- Id :- In :- Id :- wp 5 Saviour, if of Zion's city I through grace a member am ; liet the world deride or pity I will glory in Thy name : C Fading is the worldling's pleasure, cTt, « v\ ■ ^'"",*?<* I'omp and show : f". Solid joys anrl lasting treasure None but Zion's children know Q '»/> 3 See, the streams of living waters. .Springing from eternal love, Well supply thy sons and daughters. And all fear of want remove. 4 Who can faint while such a river ^,v. n ^®'' ^*?^* *^^''" thirst t' assuage.— '•'•«. Grace which, like the Lord the giver Never faiU from age to age? ' THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. 4 Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. 5 Jesus, Thou Friend divine, Our Saviour, and our King ! Thy hand from every snare and foe, Shall great deliverance bring. "V ^ i^iire tta iiij- truni snail last. To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield, / And brighter bliss of heaven. 232 KevEO. HOLYROOD.— S.M. James WATso>f. 233 :d n :s Is :1 s :- 1- S 1 :d' It :1 s :- 1- II ■ r^jrf:!- :8| d :d Id :d d :- 1- r n :d |r :-.d t, :- 1 - :d d :pi s ••n In :f n :- 1- s n :1 Is :fe s ' — 1 » * a .:d d :d Id :d d :- 1- t, d :1, |t,.d:r S| 1 • S :d s d ':s s :1 Id' :n f :1 Is n r :f It, :t, d r.f 1 « :d d :d In :d d :d It, d li :li Is, :s, s, : — 1 :t. d :n n :f Is :s f :f |r d r :r |r.n:f n : .:d d :d Id :ta, 1, :f^ Is, 1. fi :r, |S| :s, d : - 1 _ :s 1 :r "VI forget thte,OJeruiaknt,Ui my right hand forget Jur cunning." | ^,^ ,^ "y 1 J LOVE Thy kingdom, Lord, The house of Thine abode, I :t, d 1 The Church, our blest Redeemer saved ■ I :s s With His own precious blood. 1 ' :s. d 2 I lovs Thy Church, O God ! 1 Her walls before Thee stand. 1 :r n Dear as the apple of Thine eye. 1 ;r d And graven on Thy hand. 1 { :s s , «ip3 F or her my tears shall fall. 1 :t, d : I'im, THE CHURCH. Jamks Watsox. a • 1 233 KETEb. AURELIA.— d. Dr. S. S. WEstEY. o t, S '- 1- ':ii m :n If :n n :- Ir d d :1 Is :f •n :- |- :d d :d Id :d d :- It, d 1, :d Id :t. d :- 1- :s s :s 11 :s s :- Is s r :r \n :s s :- 1 - S| :d d :d Id :d S| :- Ifi n, fi :fi Is, :s. d :- 1- d — 1 - 1 ':f s :d' Id' :t t :- 11 s f :s In :d r :- I- 81 : n : d : 1 :t, d :d id :r r :- Id n n :r jd :d t, :- 1- 1 1 :s :r ■' ' ,1 |se In :se :pi, se f. :- 11 :- If. t 8| d' :ri Is 1. :t, Id :fe :li s ;- 1 - Si :- 1- "ng." ^:r n :f Is :1 1 :- Is d' d' :-.t|I :n f :-- 1- :t, d :t, Id :d d :- Id n n : - .n 1 n :n r :- j- :s s :s Is :f f :- Is 1 1 :-.se|l :1 1 :- 1- :s, d :r In :f f :- In 1. n :-.r|d :de r :- 1- :r n :n If :n n :- Ir d d :r Id :t. d :- 1- :r d :d Id :d 1. :- 11. 1, li :li Is, :s. s, :- 1- :s s :s 11 :s s - If f f :f |r :f n :- 1- 1 :t, d :d Id :d f. - If. f. r, :r, |s. :s. d :- 1- " OtherfoHndation can no man lay." dim i/l THE Church's one foundation ^ Is Jesus Christ, her Lord ; She is Hifi new creation By water and the Word : From heaven He came and sought her. To be His holy bride ; With His own blood He bought her. And for her life He died. '/2 Elect from every nation, Yet one o'er all the earth, Her charter of salvation, One Lord, one faith, one birth. One holy name she blesses. Po..foUp- «-_ V-1— *- - 1 *•"*-•"*'« Orttr nuij lOOU, And to one hope she presses With every grace endued. "'^3 Though with a scornful wonder Men see her sore opprest. Men Si By sinsms rent asun^r, By heresies distrest^ cre». Yet saints their watch are keeping. Their cry goes up, "How long?" And soon the night of weeping / Shall be the morn of song. 4 'Mid toil, and tribulation, And tumult of her war. She waits the consummation Of peace for evermore ; cre». Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest. And the great Church victorious P Shall be the Church at rest. mp 5 Yet sho on earth hath union With God the Three in One, And mystic sweet communion With those whose rest is won : Oh happy ones and holy 1 Lord, give us grace that we. Like them the meek and lowly. On high may dwell with Thee. THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. 234 Kky B. M. 84. d :n Is FOUNDATION— PI d :d :s :d !d' Id Is .f In In Id s :s :d :n :d :s :d :ii :d :r :t, :s :s, 1 d f f. 1 d f f f d 1 :I :d :f :1. :1 :r :f :r :f :d :1 1 ;s n :n d :d d :d f :n s :1 d :d d :li !r Id II :s :t, :r sir QEonoR J. Elv s :fe :1, EV. II Id In In If Id II Id :se :t, :n |Pi :n :d :s :d |fei :s, If :n Ili:tj:d If :s de :-.l,|r :n.f 1 li n :s :li :n :t :r :f :r Id' Id Is In :f :r :1 :f n d r d 8 S PI d s s :r :r :r :t, :s :si It, |r Is, In Id Is Id :r Id :ti Id : - .f I n :si Id '"•^ ^ C^SP?'.".."*^^ *!»« s^J-e foundation, riu '^'*"'* V^e head and corner-stone. Chosen of the Lord, and precious. Binding all the Chu?oh in one. Holy Zion's help for ever, And her confidence alone. mp 2 To this temple, where we call Thee, TT-^lTm? ^ ^^^ "f ^08*8. to-day ; ^^'^ Thy wonted loving-kindness, . ,!^^ Thy servants as they pray : And Thy fullest benediction • ^' Shed within its walls alway. 3 Here vouchsafe to all Thy servants, -.r^"*^ *^^y '^^ o^ Thee to gain, ; . What they gain from Thee for ever ■' ' With the blessM to retain w*". And hereafter in Thy glory Evermore with Thee to reign. / 4 Praise .and honour to the Father ^ Praise and honour to the Son,' Praise and hoiioui' to the Spirit ' Ever Three, and ever One, ' One in might, and One in glory While eternal ages rnn. ' lOBOB J. ElvKV. ;fe Is h It, r Ir r Is, In Id Is Id Id Id -.f In }. Id <yter-stoHe, r t, s S| r ti THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. )(^ fX •^y^^ ST. GODRIC.- ^^- J- ^- l>vKiih, JiEY JL. Mus. Doc. 1 " r :d 11, :t, d : - 1- r n :s If :pi r 1," Si :"( Hi :s,.f, "i : - 1- 8| 8i :si |l,.t,:d ti :d ti :d If :r d : - 1- S 8 m If :s s [■.a si :li If, :si 1, > 1- 1 t, d :n |r :d Si E. t. •*! pi s :d If :f n : - 1- f 8 :1 Id :t, d . :'d r :d id :t| d : - 1- d d :-.l,|s, :f, m, : ]:"1 t :s 11 :f s :- - 1- f n :r |n :r i : [:-f f :n |r :r d :- ■ 1- 1. Si :f! Is, :s, c i '. 1 .f-.A. 1 :*s, S| :s. Is, :d d :d Id d f :f 1 PI :r d :- |r :- d :- 1- 1 :"-t, d, :r, 1 n, :n, fi:s, 11, Si f, :s, 1 s, :1, 8,:- If, :- PI, " 1 :- 1- 1 •'' lirt, Id :d r :n |f S| li:t, Id :f n :- It, :- d 1 ' 1 " 1 (:«T, 1 "i :r. Id, :ta. 1, :i ». If, PI, ri :r, 1 pt, ;f, Si:- Is, :- di :- 1- "/«w CAriit Himself beinjs the chief corner-stone." f 1 rjHRIST is our corner-stone, ^ On Him alone we build ; With Histtrue saints alone The oodrts of heaven are filled ; On His great love Our hopes we place Of present grace And joys above. ^ ^ ^ m?**®" ^^*^ hymns of praise These hallowed courts shall rine • Our voices we will raise The Three in One to sing : And thus proclaim In joyful song, Both loud and long, That glorious name. mp 3 Here, gracious God, do Thou For evermore draw tigh ; Accept each faithful vow. And mark each suppliant sigh : In copious shower On all who pray Each holy day, Thy blessing pour. «ijp 4 Here may we gain from heaven The grace which we implore ; crcs. Ami may that grace, once given, Be with us evermore, dtm. UntU that day When all the blest To endless rest Are called away ! THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. 236 KeyO. f d :d f. :s :d :s :n, d :r S| :t| n :f n :r f d d 1. CALVIN.— L.M. From Genevan Psalter. 1562. |r, :s Id :s, Is :pi Id :n f :n f :s T :d |r It, Is Is, :n |r :t, :s, II, :si :d U, :r :d |fei:s, d n, d 1. :li Is, rfe, I s, :r.d|t, :r. Is, n d s d n S| d d. :d f d 1 :s f ti f r, |r :d It, :1, |s.f;pi |Si :li |r :d It, :d |s :n :n :d :s ;pii.fi|si :1 " TAe sabbath a delight." «y 1 j^^NOTHER six days' work is done, Another Sa^^bath is begun : Return, my soul ; enjoy thy rest ; Improve the day thy God hath blessed. 2 Oh that our thoughts and thanks may rise As grateful incense to the skies ; And draw from heaven thiit sweet repose Which none, but he that ftjels it, knows. «'i' 3 This heavenly cahn within the breast Is the sure pledge of glorious rest, Which for the Church of God remains, The end of cares, the end of pains. 4 In holy duties let the day. In holy pleasures, pass away : cm. How sweet a Sabbath thus to spend In hope of one that ne'er shall end ! t, :d se, :1| n :n :r :t, :s.f n,.f|;8 |r It, Is Is, Id Id In Id, 237 Key p. J ^B n:-:8 1 8i2lj:t, I s:-:f 1 I d:-:S| 9 n :- :s 1 SNl,!t| I d:-:f I d:-:si r s :- :n s,:.. :t. n:- :n ri|:f| :s. ^ Go Let us Wait Day of Emblei an Psalter. 1662. t, :d Ir sei :l. It, n :n Is n, :li Is, PI :r Id i :t, Id } :b^ f|n i,f ,:s, Id, THE CHURCH : ITS WORSHIP. 237 Key p. M. 76. ' Vt shall kgep My sabbatlis and rtvertnce My saitciuary." »(/ 1 I^AFELY through another week God hath brought us on our way ; Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in His courts to-day •, Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. mp 2 While we seek supplies of grace, Through the dear Redeemer's Show Thy reconciling face, [name, Take away our sin and shame ; From our woildlj' cares set free, May we rest this day in Thee. «</■ 3 Here we come Thy .lame to praise ; Let us feel Thy presence near ; May Thy glory meet our eyes, While we in Thy house appear : Here afiford us, Lord; a taste Of our everlasting rest. 4 May the gospel's joyful sound Wake our mincJi to raptures new ; r.et Thy victories abound, Unrepentiag souls subdue : era. Thus let all our Sabbaths prove, / Till we rest in Thee above. THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. CALEDOX._6. From ConyregaUcuU CUurck m... d' d n li s d s n || t r s t, f d 1 :1 :n :d' :d :ii :d :s :d Is |r It Ir :fe :r :1 :r 1 :t Id' :di f :f Is :n d' :ri Id' :d' f :r In :1 :r :t, :f :si - It - Ir s r t S| d d n d / 1 " TAis is the day which the Lord liath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.' ■ A ^^•^*^^' yo saints, awake, -^ Aud hail the sacred day j In loftiest songs of praise Your joyful homage pay : Come bless the day that God hath blest, The type of heaven's eternal rest, "l^ 2 On this % ^spicious morn The Loru of life arose ; / He ' irst the bars of death, A .1 vanquished all our foes ; "V An 1 now He pleads oxu- cause above, An ' reaps the fruit of all His love. 239 Kev E. / 3 All hail ! triumphant Lord, Heaven with nosannas rings ; And earth, in humbler strains. Thy praise responsive sings : Worthy the Lamb, that once was slain, larough endless years to live and reigu, Great King, gird on Thy sword, Ascend Thy conquering car, While justice, power, and love ^ Maintain the glorious war : This day let sinners own Thy sway, And rebels cast their arms away. FRANCONIA.— S.M. Gorman, c. 17:'0. :s d< :t :t, d :r :s s :s Us n :s THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. / 1 THIS is the day of light : ^ . Lot there be light to-duy : Payspnng, rise upon our night. And ohase its gloom away. •'V 2 This is the day of rest : Our failing strength renew : ^l^T^^.^'^iS, """'^ troubled breast Shed Thou Thy freshening dew. 3 This is the day of peace : Thy peace our spirits fill ; " / was iu. tilt spirit oh the Lord's day." '"P Bid Thou the blasts of discord cea^e Ihe waves of strife be still. P 4 This is the day of prayer : Let earth to heaven draw near • en,. Lift up our hearts to seek Thee there, tome down to meet us here. "t/" 6 This is the first of days : / A ^f^ ^"""^^ '^}^ quickening breath, / Ami wake dead sou'ls to love and praise, O Vanquisher of death ! ' rmaii, c. 17:;0. 240 KEy D. S n d' d n d s f. D. s : 'd : 'ipi : 'd : :-.s[di '.v\ :-.f|s :d :-.t|di :s : ■ .r I n : - .f :-.f :si :-.n|di :-.r|d :-.se 1 1 ;-.t,|i, -.s|l -.did -.njf -.dif :t :r :se ':t, :f :d :1 :r n d s s A. t. r :d ml .1 1| .X| r :f "f, :f, MORNING.--7.7, :r Id :- :t, Id :- W. U. Monk, Mus. Uoc. d n d s d -.n|l -.did -.8 if -.d|f, :s :d :n :d :n :d :s :d Ir It, Is S| PI :r s 'I •- d :-.r|n :s n :r Id d •■-.S||S| :s, :-.t||d :d Si d :S|.f|||tt, :t, Id 1, :-.S||d|.r,;ni.fi S| :si Id, :s In :t, Id :8 Is :si Id :s :d :nt :d II Id If If :3 :d :di :n 1 f di f :t :r :s :s Id' In Is Id "Ig^we them My sabbaths, to be a si^ between Me and them." Yi h *''°'^ ^^ii^^ and sacred morn, T • ..X *?"? y'*^ gladness in thy beams ! Light, which not of earth is born From thy dawn in glory streams : Airs of heaven are breathed around And each place ia holy ground. V 2 Great Creator ! who this day From Thy perfect work didst mt : By tlie souls that own Thy sway, Hallowed be its hours and blest : Uires of earth aside be thrown. ihiH day given to heaT«n (Jone 1 ^S""""' ^^'^ *^i* ^^y "^idat break The dark prison of the tomb, Bid my slumbering soul awake, er^ T J ** through aU its sin and gloom, "«. Let me, from my bonds set free, Rise iiuiu alii and live to Thee. »»P 4 Blessid Spirit, Comforter, Sent this day from Christ on high • Lord, on me Thy gifts confer, Cleanse, illumine, sanctify ! «'•««• AU Thine influence shed abroad ; Lead me to the ti-uth of God. THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. WORDSWOttTH.-7.6. 7. 6. a w. H. Monk. Mu.. Doc. Id r n :s d S| d :r n s s :r d t, d :t, PI s f :n d d d :d s n f :s d ta, 1. :s, B. t :r PI :8 11 :t :t, d :t, If :r :s 8 :s If :f [:8, d :pi |r :s, 8 t, f Si f d 1 fi :s :d :pi :1. :pi :d :pi :1, 11 :1 s :- 1 Id :d t, :- 1 |n :fe s :- 1 11, :r s, :- 1 |r :r d :- 1 Id :t, d :- 1 |1 :8 PI :- 1 If, :8, d :- 1 If :pi r :- (■ |r :sjjj t, :- 1- |r '.nj_ It, :d 8 :- 1- Si :- 1- |r :r d :- 1- Id :t. d :- 1- 11 :8 pi :- 1- |fi :S| d :- 1- " This is the rest whertwithye may came tht weary to rest." [neas. "t/^ 1 AH day of rest and gladnesi ^ Oh day oJf joy and light, Oh balm of care and sadness, Most beautiful, most bright ! On thee the high and lowly. Before the eternal Throne, Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, To the great Three in One. '»/ 2 On thee, at the creation, The light first had its birth ; On thee for our salvation Christ rose from depths of eaitu; On thee, our Lord victorious The Spirit sent from heaven ; And thus on thee most glorious A triple light was given. crc», »«1» 3 Thou art a cooling fountain In life's dry dreary sand ; From thee, like Pisgah's mountain, We view our promised land : A day of sweet refection, A day of holy love, A day of resurrection From earth to things above. 241 (5. KevO ■iry d :b. S| :d^ n l:d d ':n.,r d :si 8, : :s.,f n : :d d : \K^ 8 : :d d : :s.,f PI : :d d :i ':ri.,r :si :8.,f fi. - ■ Monk. Mub. Doc. ■ ^41 (Secant 8 :- 1 - ■ KeyO t, :- 1- 1 (•■M rd :d ■ ■ :S| s, :si s :- 1- ■ H. •_ 1 1 :dj • n :n ''' • 1- II ■ .:d d :d d :- 1- I - - d :- 1- 1 :n,r d :d I :si 8, :d m :- 1- ■ ■ :s.,f n :fe d :- 1- I 1 l:d Id :1, r :- |- 1 - t, :- 1- 1 ■M s :s 1 :d d :d s :- 1- ■ ' 8. :- 1- 1 :s^f n :n ' " ■ l:d 1 d :d d :- 1- 1 , ■ :n.,r d :d d :- 1- I ■ :si S| :si n :- 1- ■ ^ i :- 1- 1 :s.,f n :n ■ 1 :si d :d ;ion, 1 its birth ; ■ * !ktion H epths of eartri ; B ctoriouH H )m heaven ; H )8t glorious 1 given. ■ THB CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. Tune.) Ir Is :s |S| :S| |r :r Id :t, Is :s Is, :si II :1 II, :d Id :f.n ENDSLEIGH.-7.6.7.e. D. B. Salvatori, n :- Id :d..t d :- :- In :d d :- :«! 1, Id fi :li Is, :s, d :f |n :r n :- Id :d.,t Si :si d :- .f In :n. :n fi :f. d :f Si :S, Si :s, :r.f _Itj Id :de -II Is :1 f| :fi 8| :- Id :l, Id :d.,t d :- Si :s, d :- Id :n, fi :fi Is, :8, li :S| Is, :s, f :r Id :n r :t, Id :d f. :li Is, d :f In || ii »«i» 4 To-day on weary nations The heavenly manna foils ; To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls, Where Gospel light is glowing With pure and radiant beams. And living water flowing With soul-refreahing streams. *>\f 6 New graces ever gaining From this our day of rest, ....j^n vtrc icnL rciiuiimng To spirits of the blest. / To Holy Ghost be praises, To Father, and to Son ; The Church her voice upraises To Thee, blest Three in One. d, :- d :- «i ;- r :- t, :- Si :- >i •- ^cA^^ a>Q ctny\j(KMjijudl oJC /S^(o THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. era. " Tktn r^maineth. therefore, a rut to the people o/Ccd." -^P 1 J^ORD of the Sabbath ! hear u« pray, <r.« A /°*^^'^^yl»°»«e.onthi8Thyday: «w- And own as grateful sacrifice The songs which from Thy people rise. Z ^ J'^j"! ^^^'^Jy Sabbaths, Lord, we love ; -'"• But there's a nobler rest above ; To that our labouring souls aspire With ardent hope and strong desire. f>^P 3 No more fatigue, no more distress ; No guUt the conscience to oppress ; No groans to mingle with the songs Resounding from immortal tongueo : 4 No rude alarms of raging foes ; No cares to break the long repose ; No midnight shade, no clouded sun, But sacred, high, eternal noon. 5 Oh long-expected day, begin ! Dawn on these realms of woe and sin • ff.si. Fain wuuid we leave this weaiy road, And sleep in death, to rest with God ! THE CHURCH. ITS WORSHIP. s :fe Is i1 1 :r :1 :r :i' :r :s :s Ir It 1 8, d' 1 f;: n ■ •' I :8 B ■ d lUI ^ -h Is, id (f "// isagoodtkins to give thanks unto the Lord." f Ig^^^'^" 'Rework, my God, my King. To J" "^"^"7^^ '"'""'' »>^« *hank8 and «ng ; To show Thy love by morning hv^ht. And talk of all Thy truth at night. '"" 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest, No mortal cares shall seize my breast ; Oh may my heart in tune be found, lilke David's harp of solemn sound. «if 8 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless His works, and bless His word • Ihy w.rks of grace, how bright they shine ' How deep Thy counsels ! how divine ! - * JJIl!'*'*'*" I «f"*" a glorious part, When grace hath well refined my heart, And fresh supplies of joy a,-e shed. Like holy oil to cheer my head. S Then shall I see and hear and know All X desirvrl ni. n.;„u i 1..1 . «-w. And every power find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy. THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. ^^^^""''""'•^ WARRINGTON.-L.M. Rev. R. Harh.son. 1748-1810. | 244(5., ' srsrf PI :s :d' d'rri :t d< :- pii ri:-:ri p|i:-:ri.di t:-:l a :- :- Kev O. :8 1 : n :d :r PI :- :pi f:- :r PI :- s s :- :s s :- :s s :- :fe 8 :- :- :n n : di:s :U di:-:di 1 :- :s s - d' t:-:t di:-:r'.pii r':-:d' t:-:- :di d' : . d:n:r d:pi:l f:r :s d. - d s :-:s d:-:t|.d r:-:r s:-:- :d li : 'd':di:s l:t:di fi:-.n':r'.d' dirt 1 s:-:f pt :s :d' di.T'rt d> r:ri PI' : PI :s :n f :-:s 1 :-.s :f PI :r r pt:-:t, d:-:n f :-:r PI •_ •_ :s s : s :s :di d':r':s f :-.s :1 s :- U d':s :s s :di:d' 1 :-:s s - ;- ' :t di : [ d:n:d f :-:pi r:-.Pi:f ' s : - f PI :- :r d:pt:l fjr:s d. - ;- :s d : 'Lord, I have laved the habUaiion of Thy house, and the place uhere Thine Itcnmtr divelleth." mp 1 gWEET is the solemn voice that calls The Christian to the house of prayer ; I love to stand within its walls, For Thou, O Lord, art present there. 2 I love to tread the hallowed courts, Where two or three for worship meet ; For thither Christ Himself resorts, And makes the little band complete, '»/■ 3 'Tis sweet to raise the common song. To join in holy praise and love, And imitate the blessM throng That mingle hearts and songs above. "JP 4 Within these walls may peace abound ; May all our hearts in one agree ', Where brethren meet, where Christ is found, May peace and concord ever be ! THl ? C 'HURCH: ITS WORSHIP. 1 RISON. 1748-1810 s :- :- 244 Key (:b b (Second Tune.) C. 1 :s If :8 d< PENTECOST.- :r' Id' |di -L.M s 1 ':V Ascribed to Ambrose. :r' W :pii |r' | ■ 1 » :-:fe s :- :- •.n Pi :n Id :d n :s |pi n s f In :s 3 s Is Mi :-:d' t:-:- :di di :d' 11 :d' d' :t Id' d* d> d' Id' :t d' d' It :-:r s :-:- [:d li :d If :n 1 :s Id d n f 11 :s d' d Is ^':t di :- :- r:r' ni :d> |1 :8 t :d' Ir' s d' 1 If 1 s • s Is :- :r n :- :- :s s :s If :ii s :ii Is r s n |r r r . r In :- :s s - :- :t d' :d' Id' :d' r' :d' It t d' d' 11 l.di d' : t Id' ]T :s d: - ;- ,:s d :ii If :d s :1 Is f n d |r f. Si S| Id ftere " Lord, I have loved the hahttation of Thy house, and the flace tuJure Thine honour dwelleth." '"P 1 gWEET is the solemn voice that calls The Christian to the house of prayer ; I love to stand within its walls, For Thou, O Lord, art present there. 2 I love to tread the hallowed courts, Where two or three for worship meet j For thither Christ Himself resorts, And makes the little band complete. "t/" 3 'Tis sweet to raise the common song. To join in holy praise and love, And imitate the blessed throng That mingle hearts and songs above. ip 4 Within these vails may peace abound ; May all our heai-ts in one agree ! Where brethren meet, where Christ is found, May peace and concord ever be ! THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. ^40 (FirttTune.) KeyQ. d :r :n MAIDSTONE.— n. s :f ;n d:ti ;d n ;f ;s n :r :d W. B. Gtlbert, Miw. Ric, Jd :- :s, ii_:f| :«, r, rs, :S| d, :- r :n :f s :t :n d;t,;d m:f :s 1 ;8 ;f fi:ni ;ri r ;n ;f 1 :8:f d:-:t| S|:- :8| n:-:r Si:-:S| mi :d f,;pii ;ri - PI :- :f si:-:l| d :- :d s :- :f Si:-:1| d:-:d d:-:t, Si:-:si n :- :r Si:- :si n :- :r Si:-:si d :- :t, d:-:l||m,: :f,|d:-: s ;f ;n d:t|;d n :f ;s PI :r :d r ;n :f 1 :B;f f :pi ;r d:-:t, 8i:- :S| PI :- :r S|:- :si d:- s,:- n :- d,:- d:- Si:- Pi :- d,:- n :- s,:- d:- d:- d:- s,:- n :- d,:- "J^ora day in Thy courts is better titan a thousand. ' "/ 1 DLEASANT are Thy courts above, In the land of light and love ; Pleasant are Thy courts below, In this land of sin and woe. Oh, my spirit longs and faints For the converse of Thy saints, For the brightness of Thy face, For Ihy fulness, God of grace ! ■mp 2 Happy birds that sing and iiy Round Thy altars, O Moat High f Happier souls that find a rest In a heavenly Father's breast ! Iiike the wandering dove, that found No repose on earth around, «M. They can to their ark repair, And enjoy it ever there. 246 (« Key C. n :pi d :d s :s d :d 'n :n d :d s :s d :d • G :! 1 •T :r 1 "t :d' 1 "s :s 1 n :n -• THE CHURCH. ITS WORSHIP. iTLBEiiT, Mim. Bac :-:t|id:-!-. 240 (Sew)ui Tane.) OULFORD Key O. — D. K. J. Hopkins, Mus. Doc. :- :S| Si:- ;- 'n :n |s :s d' :di Is :- 1 :1 Is :1 f :-.n|n :- :- :r 1 " • n :- :- d :d It, :t, d :d Id :- d :r |n :d d :t| Id :- :-:S| d,:-!- s :s If :f n :n | d' :- 1 :t Id' :1 1 :s Is :- ■ ■ " ■ 1 . d :d Is, :s, Ir :1| In :- f :f In :li r :s. Id :- -:t, - :S| d ;- ;. Si:- :- 1 n :n |s :s d' :d' 11 :- a. t. '*t, :r Is :n r :-.d|d :- - :r PI :- :- 1 d :d It, :t. d :d In :_ 's, :s. Is, :s. Si :fi hi :- -:S| d,:-:- 1 s :s If :f n :pi |1 :- •r :t. Id :d d :t| Id :- " 1 I - :r m :- •_ h ■ , d :d Is, :s, jl, :l, |d :_ ' c. 'Si :fi In, :d, S| :si Id, :- -:s, s,:-:- 1 *8 :1 It :ri d' :s 11 :- 1 :t Id' :n' r' :1 It :- -:t| d:-:- 1, "T :r Is :s 8 :ii If :- n :n In :1 1 :f Is :- -:S| d:--- 1 "t :di |r' :t d' :d' Id' :- d' :r' Id' :de' r' :r' |r' :- ' " g I *s :s Is :f n :d If :- 1 :1 11 :s f :r Is :- -:t| d :- ;- ■ . - 1 ** • -:s, s,:-:- 1 d' :-.di|t :n 1 :1 Is :- 1 :t Id' :n' r' :-.di|d' :- - :r n :- :- 1 s :s |pi :n n :n |n :- f :f In :n 1 :f In :- ■ :S| d,:-:- 1 d' :s |se :se 1 :1 Id' :- d' :ri Id' :d' d' :t Id' :- 1^ n :n |r :r d :d 1 ta, :- 1. :li 11 :s f :8 Id :- »«i> 3 Happy souls ! their praises flow Even in this vale of woe ; Waters in the desert rise, Manna feeds them from the vkies ; ^"' 2^J^,^y ^° '™™ strength to strength, Till they reach Thy throne at length, At Thy feet adoring fall, Who hast led them safe through all. mp 4 Lord, be mine this prize to win ; Guide me through a world of sin : TCp.fin mfi Kir TK». <>«<,:_» Give me at Thy side a place ; ■'•«• Sun and shield alike Thou art ; Guide and guard my erring heart. Grace and glory flo.v from Thee ; Shower, oh shower them, Lord, on me. B THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. 246 KkvD. n 1 :d :d :n :d ':r :t, :« d s d n d s ;s, Id f. D. 1 : d: 1 : f : DARWALL.— :d :d :pi :d :d :d :n :d -It -If - If - Ir Rev. John Darwaiu Is |r Is It, :n :d :s :d :- I- • ^_ A.t. 1 :*d |M :"li s, :s, |d':*n r :t. lli:*'Mils, :f, d> n 1 :- I- 1 :- I- ti :s, Is S| :t :in :t :s :f :1. Id :d In, :f, I :s f :d di :pi f :n n :- Si :- d :- Si :- If :pi It, :d If :s |r Ir :d I- :fi It, :- Is, d':- |-:d n :- I- :d s :- I - :n d:- |-:d r :n |f :s s,:d jd :v\ s:s |d':di t,:d II :s l:t |d':r' d:n In :r l:se|l:l f :n |l:f d':- n :- d:- s :- " How amiable are Thy taiemacki, Lord God efhoits I " ^ ^ T PRD of the worlds above, JL* How pleasant and how fair The dwellings of Thy love, Thy earthly temples, are ! To Thine abode My heart aspires, With warm desires, To see my God. '"/2 Oh happy souls that pray Where God appoints to het; : ! Oh happy men that pay Their constant service tl«re ! / They praise Thee svHl ; " And happy they That love the way To Zion's hill. "i/3 They go from strength to strength Through this dark vale of tears. Till each arrives at length, == Till each in heaven appoaia ; ^ Oh glorious seat, Wlien God our King Shall thither bring Our willing feet ! r t, d d d, 247 Key p. I :d l:d |:1 t:- d' :-l- ll f.F. s:f n - 1- 1 n r':- d' - 1- 1 :'n s,:- d: -1- 1 ,:'d PI : t, : t, : se, : s : t, :: s :] THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. 247 Key p. n d '\v\ :d :1 f.p. Lah is D. r :'d t, t, SO) s t, s n :d :1, :d :li :1 :r :f :r II. U. If. Id' In Is Id :n :sei :t :t :r :s :s, LUBEOK. -, d :t, II, Ii :sei 1 1, Luther. 1537. Harmonized by Mendelssohn. :fe Is : r.d 1 1| :I Is :r :n :d :d Si :liiS| d 1. 1 d PI 1. PI d f f. :r :pi, Id II. :se jl :pi :m, :r :t| :f :s, Id In II. Id Id In Id PI 1. d 1. c. I. ifi df PI d PI 1. PI t, ml s d< d f li r :r : li.t, :r :f. :r' :s :r' :ti s d PI PI, :n ; d.t :pi :d, Id' :t Is :s In' :r' Id :s, :pi :se, :t, r. :n, " Surely the Lord is in this ^lace.' Id II. II. Ifi :r :I. :f :ri wp 1 TO ! God IS here ! let us adore, T X ,, .^f."^ ^""^ dreadful is this place I Let all within us feel His power. And silent bow before His face: Who know His power, His grace who prove, Serve Him with awe, with reverence love. 2 Lo ! God is here ! Him day and night Ihe united choira ^i angels sini? • c-a. To Him enthroned iibove all height. Heaven s hosts their noblest praises '» ica • Disdain not. Lord, our meaner song, Who praue Thee with a stammeriHg tongue. mp 3 Gladly the toys of earth we leave. Wealth, pleasure, fame, for Thee alone: To Ihee our will, soul, flesh, we give, ' Oh take, oh seal them for Thine own f «•«. Thou art the God ! Thou art the Lordl ' Be Thou by all Thy works adored. ""^ * ^'iu^ °* ^*''"«" ' ™*y «»r praise Thy courts with grateful fragrance fiUj Still may we stand before Thy face. Still hear and do Thy sovereiim mil • c'-e,. To Thee may all our thoughts Se, ' Ceaseless, accepted sacrifice. d 1. f f. 1 PI :r :I. :r :fi :se :pi d' :t d I. n :n It, :se, :r n, :pi, n se, ti n. 1 PI d< I. I. 1. d I. THE CHURCH: ITS IVOR:. HIP, 248 MELOOMBE, :1 \B :d Id In Id :f :fi L.M. 'AMUEL Wi-HBI", d' :t 11 :s f>'. .r iafe;« n.Uy.s \iV :t li :ti |d.r:pi ifi :n r :n |f f n :r Id :d li :de |r r d :t, Is :s 1 :\ 11 1 s :s In, :d fi :li Ir r s ;f IS Id Is In :f :d :1 :f ir4o-isir. :fe Is :r^|t, :1 Is :r Is, :r Id id :-.f In :s, Id iwo or three are gathered together in My mine, thi. re am I in t/ie midst oftliem." "«/■ 1 JESUS, where'er Thy people meet, There they behold Thy meicy-seat ; Where'er they seek Thee Thou art found, And every place is hallowed ground. wji 2 For Thou, within no walls confined, Inhabitest the humble mind ; Such ever bring Thee where they oome, And going, take Thee to their home. 3 Dear Shepherd of Thy chosen few, Thy former mercies here renew ; Here to our waiting hearts proclaim The sweetness of Thy saving name. are. 4 Here may we prove the power of prayer To strengthen faith and swee To teach our faint desires to . And bring all heaven before eyes. 5 Lord, we are few, but . i ' u.rt near; Nor short Thine arm, n-iv ' i Thine ear ; ii\f Oh I'etid tiie lieaveiiH, oo i ', •< i-Iy down, {Secom KeyQ. [:d d : :si d : 8 : i:d n, : [;f n : :1, :d d : d : l:f. li : wplflOMM V^ OG Behold Whilt 2 Commai May ^ Speak W( Say m And make a thousand he^rti: own : THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. g :fe Is n :r _jfl 1 1| 1 :1 Is d :r Is, n :r |d d :t, Id 8 :-.f|n 8 :si Id m'dst o/tlum." 249 (■''''•''« r«««) KeyQ. ANGELS.— L.M. Orlando Gibbons. 1623. 1 [:d n :- :d r :- :m f :n :r d :- d n :- fe 8 :- :r 8 :- :fe 8 :- 1 :si S| :- :d d :t| :d d :- :t| d :- S| d :- d d :t, :r d :t, :1, t,:- 1 ■.n n :- :s 8 :- :8 1 :s :8 n :- n 8 :- 1 8 :- :s w :r :r r :- 1 :d d :- \x\\ 8| :- :d f, :si :s, d :- d d :- 1, n, :- :t, d :r :ri 8,:- . 1 C f :- :s 1 :- :8 f :- :n r :- 8 f :- n 1 * d :- :tai Jjd :d 1, :r :d t,:- d l,:t, d 1 ' f :d :r.n f :- :s 1 :s :s 8 :- n f :- 8 \V li :- :8, f 1 :f :n r :t| :d 8,:- n r :- d (Second Time.) KeyQ. NICEA.— L.M. r :- :d t| :- :d 8 :f ;pi 8| :- :1| Old Latin. 7th or 8th century. " Luois Creator." f :n :r d :- d :- :t| d :- 1 :s :f n :- f 1 :si :s, d,:- d d 8 n, n d d :r :t, :8 :si :r :8, :f :t, n d 8 d n S| n Id :r :d :1 :fi :r :li :f :f, :r Id :t, Id :-.f In :si jd :d \r :fei |8| :d It, :li Is, PI d 8 d PI S| d d 8 d 8 PI, 8 S| r t, :1 :d :f :fi :n :si :s :d Is It, |r Is, If Id If 111 :pi :d :d :1. :r :d :1 :fi 8 t, r S| PI d 8 S| :f :t, :8 :si :r :t, In Id I s Id Id Id :..f In :si Id, " TAtre the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore." rap 1 riOMMAND Thy blessing from above, ^ O God, on all assembled here ; Behold ns with a Father's love. While we look up with filial fear. 2 Command Thy blessing, Jesus, Lord ; May we Thy true disciples be ; Speak to each heart the mighty word, Say to the weakest, " Follow me.' ■nip 3 Command Thy blessing in this hour, Spirit of truth, and fill the place With humbling and exalting power, With quickening and confirming grace. 4 Oh Thou, our Maker, Saviour, Guide, One true eternal God confessed ! Whom Thou hast joined may none divide, [blessed. None dare to curse whom Thou hast wip 5 With Thee and these for ever found. May all the souls who here unite, f:ft*' With harps and songs Thy throne surround, Best in Thy love and reign in light. THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. \ 260 KkyBIJ. r V :n :d :s :d r. n :d :1 t, f r t, s f :d :1. :n :li :d :d :s :n In 111 Is |fi Is Id II |r r li f fi f r 1 r :r :t, :s :s, DUBLIN,— L.M. 1 t, John Hullaii. In Id Is Id :d :d :s :n :r Is 1 s :d' :t, Id t, d :ii :s is f s :1 :f, In f PI :1. f :n li.t|:d f :8 r :d f :n li.t|;d f :b r :d " Th^ watch for youy souls as they that must give account.' mp 1 J^ORD, pour Thy Spirit from on high, And Thine ordained servants bless ; Graces and gifts to each supply, And clothe Thy priests with righteousness. 2 Within Thy temple, when they stand To teach the truth, as taught by Thee, Saviour, like stars in Thy right hand Let all Thy Church's pastors be. 3 Wisdom, and zeal, and love impart, Firmness with meekness from above^ To bear Thy people in their heart, And love the souls whom Thou dost love : 4 To love, and pray, and never faint. By day and night their guard to keep, To warn the sinner, form the saint. To feed Thy lambs, and tend Thy sheep. 5 So when their work is finished here, They may in hope their charge resign ; When the chief Bhenherd shall appear w/ They may with crowns of glory shine ! n n 1 f PI t, f :r :I. :1 :f :r :t, :f s, :s, In It: |se In Id Is, In Id 251 KEYBf>. PI d :s, :d :s ri :r r :t 1 :s fe THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. ' i J John Hullah. 261 PRAGrE.-S.M. Rev. L . R. West. n :r |n Key Bl>. :d n :8 Id' :1 s :- 1- f n :d .r 1 n :fe 8 1 _ 1 n :li It 1 :1 Ise :n d s :r :r Id In :d :f d :- 1- 8 :- 1- t, s d :d.t,|d s :s Is :d :1 t, r 1 - V f :f In :d d :t, 111 :f, n, :- 1- S| d : nj 1 d :1, S| 1 " n :r |d :s r' :d' It :s s :fe i s s d< :n If :r d j t. :t, Is, :r r :r |r :r n :r.d|t| t, d :d id :t. d f :f In :t 1 :fe Is :t 1 :1 Is 8 s :1 il :8.f m - 1- S| :s, id ,:s fe :r Is :t, d :r Is, f n :1. If. :si d — 1 _ 1 "I/inu beautiful upon the vtountains are the feet of him that bringetk good tidings !" »»./■ 1 IJOW beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill, Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal ! 2 How charming is their voice, How sweet the tidings are ! / Zion, behold thy Saviour King ; He reigns and triumphs here. v\f 3 F ''appy are our ears That hear this joyful sound, Which kings and prophets waited for. And sought, but never found ! 4 How blessed are our eyes That see this heavenly light ! Prophets and kings desired it long, dim. But died without the sight. 5"/ 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ ; / Jerusalem breaks forth in songs. And deserts leam the joy. 8 The Lofd liiukcs bare His arm, Through, all the earth abroad ; Let every nation now behold Their Saviour and their God. THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. 262 KkyC ':8 (First Tune.) .^r._R.M. n .f d .r r»f. Lowell Masov. :b :n Kf.\- p B .8 :s d ^ :d n .t :s d xl :d d' a :d' d .r :n (SecoHil Ttme.) t .1 W di 1 .t :d' f .f :s d' .r' :ni f .: ':d n d'.t :1 :1 rt .8 :s :fe d' .r' :n' ; r' .d' It .t| :d :r 8 d'.l :s :8 8 .f :r di.di;di :t n .f :s :s :r .f 8i n d rd :- r :f si :- S| :d n :- r :d d :- t, :li n :r d :t, d.n:8.f 8 :s: POTSDAM.— S.M. d :- 8 d :- r n :- r t, :d' :n :n Ascribed t :1 r '.Tji s :fe t,.d:r to J. 8. Baci I » n :- f \ 8 :*' n : e 8 :- d ;- r :f n :r d :- 1 ■• d :- d .. d :-.t| d :d t, :- d - li :r d :f;, S| :- 8 :- f :f n :r d :d r :- d - f :1 s :s.f n :- 1 • d :- 1. :f, 1 c. :r, "i :![ 8, :- L • - fi :r, n,.fi:si d :- 1 "Keepth ^ unify of <hc 'Spirit t nthe bond of peace." 1 "*/" 1 DLEST be the tie that Wi ds -" Our hearts in Chrif lov The fellowsh'p of kindrc n Is like to hat above. ■mv 2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers : Our fears, our hopen, our aims are one, Our comforts a;, i our cares. mp y We share our nr'-ual woes, Our rnutnal burdens )ear; And i> en for each other flows The ympathi 'nf toar. »'/ 4 But gl. is hope revives Our courag- by the way ; While each in expectation livf s, And longs to seu the day. '«P 5 From sorrow, toil, and pain. And sin we shall be free ; o««- And perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity. 253 Kk\ D. I.K n :ii 1 d :t, 1 1 :t 1 1 :s 1 n :n 1 ti :t, 1 se :se 1 I" :r 1 [s :s i d :t; 1 8 :8 1 In • ' 1 wpl TESUS •J Tak Gladly, Of Thv With o\i As we 8i 2 In tlH» h Is the w All Tho .\pperta "'*■ ( 1aim, t And oui THE CHURCH: ITS WORSHIP. 253 Kkv D. n :n d :t, 1 :t 1 :s n :n t, :t| se :se n :r s :s d :t; s :b n • Lah Is B. 1 :1 d :pi 1 :1 f :d CROYLAND.— 7. 7. 7. 7.7.7. t :t Id' :- d' :1 |g Rev. C. J. La Tiu hr, n%. n :r d :sei 8 :ii d :t| f :n In 1 :se 11 r :in ' ' t :t id' n :n \n 1 :se 11 n in 1 1| d :r \n 1. :li Id_ n :1 |1_ 1, :f, In, :n d :d |r :d s :f |r :8 n :f |t| :d di :1 Is :n 1 :d Id :d 1 :f In :s fi :li Id :n se f :n t, :d se :1 r :d se :1 r :n t :d> t, :1, r :f In : d :t| Id : 1 :s la : fi :s, Id : r :f In : d :t, Id : s :s Is : s :8| Id : t :se 11 : f •!U Id : t :t 11 : r :n U. : "Jtmt sat over against the treasury, and beheld h<nv the people cast money into the treasury." ii'P 1 JESUS, Lord, we humbly pray, *^ Take our gifts on this Thy day : Gladly, gratefully we give, Of Thy grace do Thou receive : With our store vi worship Thee, As we seek Thy favour free. 2 In the hollow of Thy hand Is thp wealth of sea and land ; All Thou grantest us to own ,\ppertain8 to Thee alone ; "■f*- < laim, then claim, our earthly btore And ourselves for evermore ! »ip 3 In our wealth and poverty With glad hearts we bow to Thee ; Thii ■ we are in life, in death ; Thine from ^irtb to latest bre; ' h ; trti. Ransomed ildren, vva shall Imj Thine to all eternity "'i' 4 Though our gitta be poor and small, Thou dost welcome one and all ; Widow's mite or water cup, To our Lord when offered up, Is as precious in Thine eyes As the costliest sacrifice. »»P 5 Jesua, we our vows w pay In Thy house on this Thy day ; And Thy servi'-e be our joy, Anti Thy work our hands employ <•)•«. Till we hear the sweet " Well done " / Ff05i Tliy giusrioiia Judgniioit Throno. THE CHURCH: ITS ORDINANCES. 264 KevE ( n (Fint Tune.) n .n :ri ,n hd d .d :d .d :s S .8 IS .8 [:d d .d :d .d DAMASCUS.— L.M. r :d r PI t, 1, t, d 8 n 8 s Si 1. 8l d :s :d :pi :d s .8 :s .n f :8 1 B d .d :d .d d d d d pt .PI :n .8 f . n f s d .d :d .d li : d ' f n PI .PI :1 .8 d .d :n .r 8 .8 :d' .t d .d :l,.t| 8 .8 :f .n d .d :d .d 8 .8 :1 .8 PI .n :l,.d :fe :r :1 :r :r d ••t, d •u n :s, d KbyE. (Second Tune.) ANGELUS.-L.M. d :- :r PI :fe :s 8, :- :t| d:- :r PI :- :f sjl :s PJ :- :r d :- :t, s :- :fe n :- :1 d :- :r 8 :- t,:- 8 :- 8, :- 1 :- :t m :r :r d':l :8 s :f :f d' :- :t d :- :r 8 :fe :s n :- :r JOHAKN SCHEFVr.FB 1 :- :1 8 :- ■- n :r :d t,:- - 8 :- :fe 8 :- - d:r :r 8,:- : - r :r :n f :- :f d:-:r pi :- :- r :r :de r :- r d:-:t, d:- :- t :1 :s 1 :- 1 1 :8 :f 8 :- :- s :f :pi r :- : r f :pi :r d:-:- t, :d :r pi :- :f ti :s, :t, d :- :d 8 :s :8 s :1 :1 S| :pi :r d :l,:f, , " 0/such is ike kingdom of heaven." mpl ^ LITTLE child the Saviour came, The mighty God was still His name, And angels worshipped, as He lay, The seeming infant of a day. 2 TTe who^ » little chilu. lis^an The life divine to show to man, Proclaims from heaven the message free, " Let little children come to Me." r :- :r d • « 1 d :- :t, d - 1 r :pi :f n - 1 8, :- :si d - 1 THE CHURCH: ITS ORDINANCES. :fe 8 :r t| :1 S :r S| :r d :t, d :8 .f n :s, d NN SCHEFKLER, 1 t,:- 8 :- 8, :- d fe r 265 KrvEI?. (:a d' :t :d :n :d - :r d • _ 1 - :t, d - 1 PI :f n - 1 - :s, d: - 1 :n :d :s :d.tai :n :s :n :n :d :s :si "•r 3 We bring them, Lord, and with tho sign Of sprinkled water name them Thine ; Their souls with saving grace endow, Baptize them with Thy Spirit now. 4 Oh give Thine angels charge, good Lord ! Them Hafely in Thy way to guard ; Thy blessing on their lives command, And write their names upon Thy hand. 5 Oh Thou, who by an infant's tongue Dost hear Thy perfect glory sung, May these, with all the heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. cyei, ST. PETER.— CM. 1 d f f 1 d d f. :s :d :8 :ri :s :d :d :pi, 8 r 8 ti 8 1, r ri :f :t, :8 :si :f :t, :r :s, In Id Is Id In Id Id 11, n d s d d 1, PI 1, r li f f PI d 8 PI, :d :8, :s :pi :r :li :f :f, f t, 8 r d 8| PI 8| :n :d :s :d :t, :8^ :r :8, A. R. Reinaolr. r t, 8 8| d PI, d d " Jfe shall/eed His flock like a shepherd." mp 1 gEE, Israel's gentle Shepherd stands, Vitii all-engaging charms ; Hark ! ho"' He calls the tender lambb, And folds them in His arms. 2 Permit them to approach. He cries. Nor scorn their humble name ; For 'twas to bless such souls as these The Lord of angels came. 'nf 3 We bring them. Lord, in thankful hands, And yield them up to Thee ; / Jojrful that we ourselves are Thine : Thine let our offspring be. ^06 (Firtt Tune.) Key p. THE CHURCH: ITS ORDINANCES. t, S| r S| s t, r :d :si :n :d :s :d :n :d r li 1 f s t, r :n :d :s :ti :n :1. :d ST. JOHN.— CM. :f :s :s, Si :1, n :n soi :1, t, :d n, :li in Id Is Id In |se, It, In, n S| n d d S| n d r :s li :S| fe :r d :t, d :d tai :1| s :f d :d Is Id In Hi Id Hi If Id ' TAt's do in remembrance of Me." :fe :d :d :1, :d : 8|.fi ; n.r :d James TrtRi.r;. s :- t, :- r :- si :- d S| n d ■m.% 1 j^COORDING to Thy gracious word, In meek humility, This will I doj my dying Lord, I will remember TWiee. 2 Thy body, broken for my sake. My bread from heaven shall be ; Thy testamental cup I take, And thus remember Thee. 3 Gethsemane can I forget, Or there Thy conflict see, dim. Thine agony and bloody sweat, And not remember Thee ? np 4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes. And gaze on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice I I must remember Thee : — 5 Remember Thee, and all Thy pains. And ail Thy love to me ; n-M. Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, Will I remember Thee. V 6 And when these failing lips grow dumb, And mind end memory flee f 'w When Thou shalt in Thy kingdom come, Then, Lord, remember me. 20D (Sccc KevA. :si :n :d d :i s, :: d :1 :s n :J :d d :( :n s :i :d d :] ^:d :S| :n i:d :d s :i S| \i r :i d :1 :s :r :d ^ In This wil IwiU 2 Thy bod My b b Thy test Andt 3 Gethsen Ortht •''«• Thine aj Andt "•\ James Tnnip 1 THE CHURCH: ITS ORDINANCES. 1 s :- I-. t, :- 1- 1 25( Kev •:d 3 (Second 1 A. d :S| 'une.) Id :n OLD 132ND.-D.C.M. Z'^^n/i/^'! r :r Id d |f :n |d :r \n Iter. 1663. FlNOLANO. :- 1- i r :- j- I :si S| :s, 11, :s, li :si In, S| s, :si |1, :t, d — |S| :- 1- 1 1 :n n :r In :d d :t, Id n r :d |n :s s ;_ _ 1* d :- 1 - 1 .:d d :t| 111 :n, fi :8, Id, d t, :d 11, :s. d, :- - • J S| - 1- 1 ':s n :f s :ii d :r jn n r :d Id :t. d • _ ..^ • PI - 1- 1 :d d :d S| :si li :li Ise, s. fi :s, 11, :s. S| ; — _ 1 d :- 1- III :n B :f r :d n :r |t. d 1, :d If :r n • _ _ ■ 1 .:d d :1| t, :d li :f, In, d, r, :n, |f, :s. d. :- - 1 1 ■:d s :f n :d r :f |n n r :d It, :d S| •_ _ 1 1 :S| s, :s, s, :d d :t. Id S| li :si If, :n| ri « - 1 1 :n r :r d :t, d :1, s :s Is Si :s, Id, d d, 1, :d Is, :d fi :ni jr, :d, d ii _ 1 S| - fl 1 ■:si 1. :d 1 t| :si d :n 1 r f n :d |r :r d — - 1 n :ni f, :si 1 s, :s, Si :s, |S| S| Si :s, |1, :s. n. - ~ 1 1 :d d :n r :t| d :d It, r d :d Id :t. d - — 1 1 1 .:d, f. :d, 1 S| :f| n, :d, 1 s. t, d :n. If, :s, d, : - - fl ' T/tis do in remetttbrance o/Me.'\ np 1 ACCORDING to Thygracious word, In meek humility, This will I do, my dying Lord, I will remember Thee. 2 Thy body, broken for my sake, My bread from heaven shall be; Thy testamental cup I take, And thus remember Thee. 3 Gethsemane can I forget. Or there Thy conflict see, diui. Thine agony and bloody sweat, And not remember Thee ? mp 4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes, And gaze on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice ! I must remember Thee : — 5 Remember Thee, and all Thy pains, And all Thy love to me ; cres. Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, Will I remember Thee. 2' 8 And v.'iieti theso failiug lips grow dumb. And mind and memory flee, [come, «-e». When Thou shalt in Thy kingdom Then, Lord, remember me. THE CHURCH: ITS ORDINANCES. ^OT (Pint Tune.) Key B b. COMMUNION.— L.M. Edward Miller, Mus. Doc. s :f :r: t| ;r :d s :- :s ':d n:f :r d:-:n s:-:l s:- s di:-:t 1 :- :s :d d:-:t, d:-:d d :- :d.r n:- n n :- :r d :- d :n s :1 :s n:- :s 8:di:l.t di:- d> s:-:f n :- s l:d d:f,:s, d:-:d n :- :f d:- d d:-:s, li:- . n :t, :d n :r d:t, 1 s :- 1 s,:- 1 ':r s:-:l t :- :s di:pi :fe 8 :- d f :-:n r :- :d :s t|;r :r j:s :fe r :n :f s :- :t n :d :d d':l :1 t,:- 8:f d PI li:t|:de f :-:s r :1, :1, 1 :- :f l:s, S|:t,:r s :- :si li:d:r si:- li r :-:n f :- :f, d.r;pi :r Si :d :t| n.f:s :f S| :- :s I d:- d:- n :- d:- 200 (Fi, Key G. L d li d 1, PI d 8 S| 1| n li r ti f (Second TMie.) Key B. ANGELUS.— L.M. JOHANN SCHKFKLER, ':d d :- :r pj :fe :s s :- :fe 8 :- 8 1 :- :t d' :- :t 1 :- :1 s :- .. 1 [ :s, Si:- :t, d :- :r li :t, :d t,:- r PI :r :r d :- :r PI :r :d ti:- _ 1 :pt pi :- :f s :I :s n :- :1 8 :- t di :1 :s 8 :fe:s s :- :fe 8 :- 1 Ul pt :- :r d :- :ti d:- :r 8,:- 8 8 :f :f PI :- :r d :r :r 8,:- : _ 1 r :r :pi r :r :de t :1 :s 8 :f :pi :f :r :1 :r d :- :r d :- :t| Lis :f f :i'i :r t| :d :r 8 :s :s S| :pi :r - :f - :d 1 :1 1, :fi r :- :r d :- :t, r ;pi :f Si :- :si *• JJe brought me to the banqueting house." "y' 1 MY God, and is Thy table spread, "^ And does Thy cup with love o'erflow ? Thither be all Thy children led, And let them all its sweetness know. '"i* 2 Hail, sacred feast, which Jesus makes, Rich banquet of His flesh and blood! Thrice happy he who here partakes That sacred stream, that heavenly foodl wp 3 Oh let Thy table honoured be, And furnished well with joyful guests ; cm. And may each soul salvation see That here its sacred pledges tastes. i»^ 4 Let crowds approach with hearts prepared, With hearts inflamed let all attend ; cfis. Nor when we leave our Father's board. The pleasure or the profit end. {Scco Key ER. n :- :p d :- :c 3 :- :s d j_ :d d ;- 1 d - 1 PI - 1 d - 1 ^ :- :1 \x_ :d f s :- d :r :r " The T> »y'l TESUJ " No With tl ;> 2 While i Mourni cti. Turn on THE CHURCH: ITS ORDINANCES. iLEB, MUS. Doc. f_ :n r :d - :s t, :d n:r 1 I <l:t. 1 s:- 1 s,:- 1 i ^Oo (First Tune.) Kev G. Lah is K. t, n :r d:- 1 [ d :t| d:- 1 s :f n :- 1 - :si d:- 1 i ll ll d 1, n d s :d :1, :n :li :r :t, :f :s, sei n n, d d n d BERLIN.— 7.7.7. r ll f PI S| n d ti sei n n, ti fi r JoHANN CrDoeb. 1602-1662. d 1, n li 1, n, t, n, :r :li :f :f. :sei :p1i :t, n de s "i 1, d li NN SCHEFKLER. 1 Jesus makes, osh and blood! 5re partakes that heavenly (Second Tune.) Key ER. LACRYM.^.— 7.7.7. Sir Arthur Sullivan. :1 s :- ;- 1 [ :d t, :- s :- - :r s, :- : - 1 i :n :d :s :d - :r d 1- 1 - :t, d - 1 m :f PI - 1 - :si d - 1 ^ 1 :- :1 n ;r :d s :- :fe d :r :ri d s d_ s t, s d d PI S| 1 r f ri :r :t, :f :si :8 :li :de :pIi 1, r \n :r :- :1, Ml :f :- :fi 3 r r t, s t, f :s :r :r :t, :ti :s, :f di d n d PI d fe " T/ie cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood cf Christ } The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ f " mp 1 TESUS, to Thy table led, " Now let every heart be fed With the true and living bread. j> 2 While upon Thy cross we gaze, Mourning o'er our sinful ways, CM. Turn our sadness into praise. »y> 3 When we taate the mystic wine, Of Thine outpoured blood the sign, Fill our hearts with love divine. P 4 Draw us to Thy wounded side, Whence there flowed the healing tide ; There our sins and sorrows hide. ■')ip 5 From the bonds of win release ; •v^t tij'.r, rfcr-'r: dim. Lamb of God, grant ua Thy peace '"iJ 6 Lead us by Thy piercfed hand. Till aroimd Thy throne we stand, crea. In the bright and better land. THE CHURCH. ITS ORDINANCES. 259 Key p. n :- d :- s :- d :- (Firtt Tune.) ST. AGNES.— James Lanoran, I s :- r :- s :- t, :- Id :r Id :d \n :f Id :d |r :- s, :- s :- t, :- is Id Is PI, :d :s :d n :r |r Si :S| Is, d :r In Id :1, fe d :t, 11, :r, I s : -.n| r :d d :-.d|l, :1| n : -.8| f :n d :-.d|f, :f, t,:-|- :- d : s,:-|- - s, : r :- 1 - - s : s,:-|-: - R : f d 1 f, t, :- s :- » - S| :- - |r :d ■ Is, :s, ■ I ta:ta ■ |n :ri n :r d :t, 8 :f S| :S| d :- I- d :- I- n :- I- d :- I- Mus. Buc. • in :r |1,:1, |fe:fe Id :d d :- Id :d f :- In :- d :- Id :d t, :- Id :- s :- |1 :s s :- Is :- n :- |f :pi r :- Id :- d :r In :f li :t||d :d 1 :la|s :1 f :f In :r n :- I r :- d:- |t,:- s:- If :- s:- |s,:- Key p. (Second Tune.) PR^NESTE.— d :r d :s f.n:r li :t, Adapted from Palestrina Prof. Taylor. by n :r s,:t, d:s d :s. d:-.r d:l, s:l n:t n :n d :t, 1 :se n :n. n :- d:- 1:- 1,:- n :r d:-.d t|:r d :t, d:- d :t, d:fei si:li Si :si s,:- B :s n :d r:f r.d:r ri;- d :«, 1,:1, 8,:f, 8| :si d;- " Before -whose eyes Jesus Christ htith been evidently set forth, crucified among you.' wy 1 JJERE, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face ; tx-^rc r.airn can loucn aiui iiitntllo Ihingu unaeen ; Here gr.-isp with firnj^rJiiaA^ the eternal grace, And all my weariness upon Thee lean. 2 Here would I feed upon the bread of God ; Here drink witii Thee the royal wine of heaven ; 260 Key Or. fi :n :n S| :s, :s, n :n :d d :d :ni f :f :n li .'li :s, Ii :t, :de fi :ri :r. "i"! A JESUS ' I long '> TesuB Ch Come Mn( 2 Now while Before Tl And Thou, Their yea THE CHURCH: ITS ORDINANCES. IRAN, MuH. Bac. n :- in d :- II, s - |fe i :- id f :- In t, :- Id 3 :- Is r :- Id d d n d a Palestbina by Taylor. n :n d :t, 1 :se n :ni n :- d:- 1:- 1,:- d :t, d:- Si :si Si:- r.d:r n ;- 8, :si d:- ngyou. 260 Key Or. n :n :m S| :s, :s, n :n :d d :d :ii, f :f :n li -li :S| li :t| :de ri :r, :r, mv Here would I lay aside each earthly load • Here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiven. 3> 3 1 have no help but Thine ; nor do I need Another arm save Thine to lean upon • It 18 enough, my Lord, enough indeed : * "•«. My strength is in Thy might, Thy might alone. P 4 Mine is the sin, but Thine the righteousness • Mme 18 the guUt, but Thine the cleansing blood • «•«*■ Thy blood. Thy rigliteousness, O Lord my God. wp 5 Too soon we rise ; the symbols disappear ; TV. if '^**'' *i^°^«'^ ''®* *^« '°ve, is past and gone ; Ihe bread and wine remove, but Thou art here Nearer than ever; still my Shield and Sun. 6 Feast after feast thus comes and passes by: Yet, passing, points to the glad feast above. Giving sweet foretastes of the festal Joy The Lamb's great bridal feast of bliss and love. «•«», ST AGNES, DURHAM.-C.M. Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. r :- :n 1, :- :si f :- :d fi :- :ni r :- :d fi :- :fe r :- :r ri :- :ri f :- :t| r :- :r ii :- :S| t, :- :1, s, :- :fe r :- :d S| :- :si d :- S| :- n :- d :- s, :- s, :- t, :- s, :- S| :S| :S| S| :si :si f :n :r r :d :t, S| :1, :d s, :s, :f| d :d :d ni :f| :1| n :- :r S| :- :fe d :- :d d :- :1, n :- :r "i :- :fi d :- :ti S| :- :si r :- S| :- t,:- S| :- d :- n, :- d :- d, :- " My jink h >n. at indeed, and My blood is drink indeed." oplf) JESUS Christ, f.'ie Holy One, / Ilongtobe^' \t>. Thoe: O Jesus Christ, tli lo.^yOne, Come and abide with me. 2 Wow while t^ie symbols of Thy love Before Thv saints nre set. And Thou. a»mo.^i\dAns frsm abrj.'e J heir yewiing hearts hast not :' I "/ 5 Till nourished, strengthened, satisfied My glad and thankful lieart r/a. Forgets the things Thou hnst denied / In tliose Thou dost impart. P 3 Come, and o'ershadow with Thy power This lonely heart of mine ; And feed me in this solemn hour With Thine own bread and wine. mp 4 My "meat indeed," my "drink in- Art Thou, my gracious Lord; [deed," cip -i-ou ray 3oui oy laun lo reed On this Thy precious word, I THE CHURCH: ITS ORDINANCES. REYNOLDSTONE.- Rov T. R. MArrnKws. d' :t d :r fe :s li :t, II In Id' Id :s :n "Ye do show tke Lords deaxk till He come." mp 1 " npiLL He come "—oh let the words J- Linger on the trBmbling chords ; Let the little while between In tueir golden light be seen ; P Let na think how heaven and home Lie beyond that "Till He come." mp 2 When the weary ones we love Enter on their rest above, Seems the earth so poor and vast, All our life-joy overcast? P Hush, be every murmur dumb ; It U only "Till He come." "tp 3 Clouds and conflictH round us press : Would we have one sorrow less ? All the sharpneKi of the cross, All that tells the world is loss, P Death, and darkness, and the tomb, Only whisper " Till He come." mp 4 See, the feaat of love is spread. Sweet memoriRlB,--till the Lord Call us round His heavenly board ; cres. Some from earth, from glory some. Severed only "Till He come." :fe :r :1 :r :fe :r.d d' :1 d :r :r :t, :-.f :s, s t, s S| d d n d 262 (Pint KevD. 1 n :r :d 1 d :t, :d 1 s :f :n 1 d :d :d 1 s :1 :t 1 d :d :n 1 n :1 :se 1 d :f :n (SecoJK KevC. 8:s :f n :d :r d':8 :U d:n :r di:d':s n:s :ti s :s :d' d;n :d !1 n d' d_ r f f »/l TESUSsl " Does 1 His kingd shore, Till moon more. »'?> 2 For Him si And praise I*'". His name 1 With ever T. R. WATTnKft :fe 1 s :- :r Ir :- :1 It :- :r s, :- :fe s :- :r.d t, :- :1 s :- :r 8, :- :r d :- ti 1 d :- •-.f 1 n :- Sl 1 d :- THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. zDA (Firtl Tunf.) KevD. n :r :d OMBERSLEY.— L.M. W. H. Gladstone. d :t, :d s :f :n d :d :d [s :1 :t d :d :n n :1 :8e .d :f :n - :f - :r - :1 - :d - :ri - :f - :t - :8 f :- :f _r :d :t| 8 :- :8 t,:2, ;3, JV il' :d' !L If :s ^ i* :di d :r :n n :f :s d:d:d 8 :f :n d:l,:d 1:-:1 d:-:d f :-:f f :-:f ri:-:d' f :-:r 1:-:1 r :-:f t:- r :- s :- 8 :- 8 :n :r d:-:f n :- :r d:-:- d:t|:t, d:-:d d:-:t, d:-:- d'rsrf n:-:l 8 :- :f n :- :- n :s :s, li:-:f, Si:-:si d:-:- KeyO. s:s:f cond Time.) n :s :d' n :d :r PI :- :n d'ls :U di:-:d' d:n :r d:n:l \VARRINGTON.-L.M. Rev. R. Harkison. 1748-1810. di:d':8 1 :t ;di n:s :n f :- :s s :s :d' d :ri :d d':ri:s f :-:n d^ :i' . u f - :r 1 - :s f T :s f. jsH •iL d' 1: -.8 :f fj -.S :1 r : -.n :f d':- pi :- s :- d:- d'rt n :r 8 :- 8 :- PI' 8 d' d 1 r l.t f ri:-:ri 8 :- :s t:-:t 8 :- :s 8:-:f n :- :t d' : s : s PIl :- :ri.d 8 :- :s d' :- :r'.ri d r- :t|.d n :8 :d' d :- :pi s d' :d' t:-:l 8 :- :fe ri:-:di r :- :r s :- s :- t :- 8 :- n :- :r d :n :1 di:ri:t d':- - f :-:r n :- . - 1 :-:s 8 :- : - f :r:s d:-: - ' A/i nations shall call Him blessed." »/l TESUS shall reign where'er the sun " Does his successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons slmll wax and wane no more. ■"'P 2 For Him shall endless prayer be made, And praises throng to crown His head ; ''•"■ His name like sweet perfume sliall rise With every morning saeiiUce. '"/ 3 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song ; And, infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His name, '»i' 4 Blessings abound where'er Ra reigns ; The prisoner leaps to lose His chains ; The weary find etemn] rest. And ail the sons of want ar" blest. J fi Ij&t every creature rise and bring Peculiar honours to our King ; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen. THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. I 1 263 Key p. AUSTRIA.— n. 'd :-.r|n :r f :m |r.t|:d 1 :s If :n r :ii.d|s si :-.S||d :t| Si :s, |s, :si li :d It, :d li :d It, n :-.f|s :s r m If :n f :s Is :s 1 :1 Is ,d :..d|d :8, ti :d Is, :d f :n |r :d 1 ■• fi :fe. Is, 'd :-.r|ii :r f :n |r.t,:d 1 :8 If :n r :pi.d|s d :-.d|d :t, Si :s, If, :ni d :d |l,.t|:d li :d It, n :-.fe|s :s 1 - 1 r :n ||,.r:d f -n If :g 1 .1 |r li :-.li|S| :si ti :d Is, :d fi :d |r :d fi :fe, 1 s, r :pi |r.t|:s, f '.n |r.t|:S| 8 :f In :-.n fe :-.fe|s Si :s, |S| :s, Si :s, |S| :s, si :l|.t||d :-.d d :-.d|t, ti :d It, :t, r :d It, :t, n :r |d :-.pi 1 : - .1 1 s Si :si Is, :s, ti :d Is, :s^f, "i :f|.Si|l, :-.!, ri :-.r,|s. d' :-.t|l :s d :-.d|d :d 1 :-.8|s.f:ii d :-.d|t, :d r :n.f |s.l :f .r t, :t. Id :1, d :in.r|d 8, :t, Id 8 :-.s|f :8 f :-.s|8 :s 8 :8 Id :l.f n :f In n :-.n|f -,n f :-.n|r :d Si :fi In, :f, 1 s, :si Id, Hatdn. •'BUsserii, HU glorion, name for ever ; and let the whole earth befUUdwith His glory. Amen, and amen. ' f 1 7I0N'S King shall reign victorious, All the earth shall own His sway ; He will make His kingdom glorious, He shall reign in endless daj'. Nations now from God estrangdd. Then sball see a glorious light ; Night to day shall then be changed, Heaven shall triumph in the sight. mp 2 Then shall Israel, long dispersed, Mourning seek the Lord their God, Look on Him whom once they pierc6d, Own and kina f.Vio oViocf..n:n» a «•«. Mighty King, Thy"arm"reveai!ngr' Now Thy glorious cause maintain, Bnng the nations help and healing. Make them subject to Thy reign. I f:d 1 :8| 1 :n 1 :d 264 Key B. n 'A d n :s ;n :s :d THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. 264 KevB. PI d j':d |:8| :n :s :pi :b :d :r :r s :s d :t, 1 :1 n :r n :fe d :d n :f d :d s :d d :I, t :d' r :n s :s t, :1, HEIDELBERG.- Mk.c.„.oh Vu.p.uh. ,m. s :- d :t| r :- Si :- 1 :- r :d fe :- r :- In Id In Id Is It, Is Is, 1 d f fi n d s :f In :r :d Id :t. n :f Is :s d :1, Is, :8, f t, f r :r :t, :n |r :d Id :s Is :8^f :n.f|s :si n d s d d d PI d ' O/i that the salvation of Israel were coute out of Z ion V "'J* 1 QH that the Lord's salvation Were out of Zion come, To heal His ancient nation, To lead the outcasts home ! *»»• 2 How long the holy city Shall heathen feet profane Return, O Lord, in pity, Rebuild her walla again. 3 Let fall Thy rod of terror, Thy saving grace impart ; Roll back the veil of error, Release the fettered heart. wtp 4 Let Israel, home returning, Their lost Messiah see ; cm. Give oil of joy for mourning, And bind Thy Church to Thee. THE CHURUi: ITS MISSIONS. " Awake, awake, put on strength, O artn qfthe Lord." /I A EM of the Lord, awake, awake ! ■^^ 1 At" IV strenpth, the nations shake, And let the world, adoring, see Triumphs of mercy wrought by Thee. 2 Say to the heathen from Thy throne. I am Jehovah, God alone : " Thy voice their idols shall confound And cast their altars to the ground.* mp 3 Let Zion's time of favour come • Oh bring the tribes of Israel home ! And let our wondering eyes behold Uentues and Jews in Jssisg' foP «y 4 Almighty God, Thy grace proclaim In every clime of every name ; Let adverse powers before Thee fall / And crown the Saviour Lord of all. ' .M. — 1 ^63 (^wtt Tv.w.) Key E IJ. KKFURT.-L Dr. Mabtin Luthkk. 1483-ljj(), | 266 it\ pa' 15 :i it :s 1 :t Id' d' d' :8 Is :pi s :f In 11 1 y KkyD 1 r -T |r :d d :f In PI d :pi |r .d 1 1 1 :{ ^H pt :r la 1 n d :s s :1 Is :s f :f Is s s :d' It :a d> :-.t|di 1 > 'Bi Id 1 :t| (:d 8 :fe Is :n f :r Id d PI :d Is :1 s d ■ :d 1 :1 Is :t n :r |r :n d' n :1 Is ••r It, d' d t PI :1 Is :s :d Id :d f .pi;r Id 1 d :t, Id 1 1 .s:f PI ■ :s n :fe Is :s s ■i^ Is rt S :f |Pi ;ta d :t| l:d 1 d :r It, :n d :r Is, 1. Pli :fi Id :ii, fi :s, la 1 s d CYPRUS.— L.M. Dr. LowKLL Mason. | ,', „ psl d .d d .d :r :t ^ 1 r :r .r PI .d :t, :li S, II 1 ti .•S| :3; .8, li>li :1| :s, S| t, :t, ■t, d .1, :s, :fe. 1 s, 1 *'i s :d :d .d n .n :f :r li.li:fi :S| d s S| :s :si .s s .PI :r d .d| :r, :-.d t, S| . s <'t| :t| .t( d : - .r :r .r n d :d A d .1, :s, :r d d 1, :ta, :pi :sei :se,.sei li : - .t| :t. •t, d S| :si •S| li .fi :pIi :f, n. in :n .n n : - .s :s .s s d :d .d d .d :d :t, d 1. !Si l-'Mi :wi .PI, 1, : . .8, :s, .S| d PI, ;pii .pii fi .fi :s. :s. d, 1 1 •"1 « ■*! *•( ■ "Hewk THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. V rUEK. 1483-15^8. 1 s :f In i| 1 2C)0 (Firit . P KfyD. ■ n ;r rune.) :- .d 8 COMFORT. — 11.10 ! r :r 0. A. Gaiiratt. r :- :n ll n :r la 1 d' :-.t|d' 1 s --s, Id 1 d :t, 8 :f d :d :- .d : - .n :- .d r 8 t, : - .r :d : - .8 :8 : - .t| :d 1, f f. •.S| :m :8, :ti :f :8, t, :- f :- 8| :- :d :n :d f.n:r |d d :t Id 1 n -.i :- .8 T : - .t :di t :T :fe 8 :- 1 d :t, :- .d d : - .r :d r :n :d ti :- ._ l.s;f n fi :si la ll ^i :s d :r :- .d' : - .PI 1 f : - .8 :s • - .f :n 8 r :d' :d :1 :r 8 :- si :- :- LOWKLL Mason. 1 s :1 ti :t, - .8 d' d - .t :1 - .d :d 8 d :f :r :d m :- r :d ~ :d :li B. 1 ! t, :- :fe, 1 s :s " .8 s - .8 :f s :8 :s se :- :1 :-.d t 1 1 s :f . - .f n : - .ri :f n :t, :d n, :- :1. :r, 1 8, i 1 d :r : - A s : - .f :n r :d :r d :- :r d I li :ts : - .ta. 1. : -xl :1, 1. :s, :t, d :- ;_ :f, ", 1 n :n : - .n f : - .1 :8 f :n :f n :- ;_ :t, d 1 i li :s, : - .8, f, : - .f. :fi fi :si :8| d :- • _ :s, 1 d. 1 << U....l.!,L . .^..— ....^.. t j/.^ _-• y. At. - .,. r f ■_ _ " Ht which convtrttth the sinner from ttie error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." W 1 J> ESCUE the perishing, care for the dying, •1^ Snatch them in pity from sin and the gi-ave ; dim. Weep o'er the erring one, lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus, the Mighty to save. mp 2 Though they are slighting Him, still He is waiting, Waiting the penitent child to receive : dim. Plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently ; He will forgive if they only believe. mp 3 Down in the human heart, crashed by the tempter. Feelings lie buried that grace can restore : Totiohed by a loving heart, Witkeiicd by kindness, Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. 4 Bescue the perishing, duty demands it, Strength for thy labour the Lord will provide : Back to the narrow way patiently win them ; Tell the poor wanderer a Saviour has died. !il IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) <^ .^' <. 1.0 ^ui m ■" lU 112 Sf lit 1.1 11.25 |j£ 12.0 Uft Ay J^ ..Sciences Corporalion as WIST MAIN STHIT WIBSTII,N.Y. 14510 (716) •72-4503 4^ ' Ji *'.^ THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. *"" |d :t,.l,|l, :s, Si ••8,.f,|f, :p,, "i :fi-fild, :d, |S| :n|.fi|S|.Si:8, ["1 .*d|.ri|n,.n,:n, |d :s,.8,|s,4l:d Id. :d,.d,|d,4:d, Si :l|.t,|d :r.ii ^1 :fi.fi|ni :S|.S| *i -'d-rld ;t,.l, Uo*;;c. r :d .1, Is, 8i :fe,.fe,| s, ti :li Ji It, si :n,.f,|B,.8,:8, id :t,.ljl, :8, "i :d,.r,|n,.n,:n, s, :8,.f,|f, .•„, |d :8,.8,|s,^:d d ;dd|d :d Id, :d,.d,|d,4:di \n, :f,.f,|f,^ .^^ ^Re/rain. r :d .r | n :d 8i :s,.8||8, :s, ti :li.t||d :d Si :si.8,|8, ;S|.d,|r, :r, .r, |8 |8i :l,.t,|d :r.n|r :d.t||d |r :d.r|n.,r:d jSj :s,.8||S|.,f,:n, ti .•l|.t,|d.,d:d fi .'fi.f,|ri, :8,.8| t, :d.r|d :t,.d IS, :8|.S||S| :8,.n. li :s,.8,|8| f :n.r|pi fi :si.8||d| IS. :8,.8,|d.A:d, Is, :s,.8,|d, :«, |d :t,.l,|S|.<I:n |r :d.t,|d pi :8,.f,|s,.s,:s, 1, ;s,.8,|s, d :d.d|d.d:s, r :n.f|r, If. :fi.fi|n,.Pi,:d, |f, :s,.8,|d| . Jesus u merciful, Jesus will save! *' ToSh h J . buried tlint grace can restore : * Ai. 1 °K. »'«''"'» heart, wakened l)y kindna.. Chords that were broken will vibrate See more ««• Rescue the perishing, care for the dvL^ Jesus IS merciful, Jesus will save! '"P 4 Rescue the perishing, duty demands it. ^ ^«^r P-r -a»df^/aiaw/urT«;a' ^ Rescue the perishing, care for the d?ii« Jesus IS meroiful, Jesus wiU save! '* THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. Ref. w. H. d .1, Is, fe,.fe,| s, I A It, fi .ri 1 s, d.tjd : 8|.Sils, : n .r 1 n : S|.Si|d, : i.tild :■ Mils, :- i.f|n :- i'Si|d, :- ro*» dta/A, 267 Key p. rid llSl In d r 8 lit, SALISBURY.-CM. r 1. f d n d s d :f :s, :r :t, :f :d :1 :f. Ravonerqffi Pnlttr. I62i. In Is, In Id Ir It, Is is, :s :r :r :ti c t. • ml :-.»'n :-.»di :-.»'d :fe :d :d :1. :s :r d' :t_.l|s r :si Is n 1 :s t, d d :d r PI f :s 8| d f :n n f. F. f :n d 'd r 'A s "1 s • d M, ti :d If Id !1 Ir ir Id Is Is, :f :t, :s :si :r :t, :f :s. d d n d ^ ^ S^'^^^^'^N' "'^ *■«« J»yf«l sound! ■^ i 18 pleasure to oxir ears, A sovereign balm for every wound. A cordial for our fears. •"P 2 Buried in sorrow and in sin, At hell's dark door we lay ; " He is becom* my salvation." f 8, n [n Soxology to etch verse. o-ti. Bat we arise, by grace divine, To see a heavenly day. / 3 Salvation ! let the echo fly wTm* spftcious earth around, iviiile all tlie armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. :r :t, :f :r In Id Is Id :d :s, :n :d :f :d :1 li :fi Is Id Is :n :d :s :d <'l"-ry, hon-our, imiUe.aud jww - or !l f t, 1 ri Je S t, 8 :n :t, :se :n. Ir 111 II If. :d :J. :r :fe, aus Clirist la 8| - .r - .t - .s .s In Id !S d :d :d :d le-lu ■ JtthI t, S| r s. our f d d 1. Hal :d .'fe, :d :1. Re :n :d :d :s, le 1 d 1 If Ir Is, It, It, :f :d :I :f un :s, :s, :r :t, Is Id Is In to -.n -.d ■ •« -.n Rov. M. Madan. :r In :d d :t, :s r :s, tho Lamb for :d :n :d is Id ov . er! S t, S - .r jri ■.t,|d - .s |s - .s, I d - dconi - er, 11 :f Hal n lo - lu LI ..did Id :d d lt,.,d|d Id :i s f .,f 1 n If. :f, lu . Jobl 8, : praise - -.Slid thu Lord :r :t, :s :s, Jab I THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. " Ih His day^ shall the righteous Jlourish." 1 HAIL to the Lord's Anointed ! Great David's greater Son ; Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begtin. He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free ; To take away transgression, And rule in equity. 2 He shall come down like showers Upon the fruitful earth ; And love, joy, hope, like flowers, Spring, in His path, to birth. Before Him, on the mountains. Shall peace, the herald, go ; And righteousness, in fountains, From hill to valley flow. 3 Arabia's desert-ranger To Hin? '«hall bow the knee ; The Ethiopian stranger His glor^ come to see : With offerings of devotion. Ships from the isks siiuli meet, To pour the wealth of ocean In tribute at His feet. 268 (First Tunt.-) KbvBI). ZOAN.- i». rov. W. 11. IlAVK«.,Al, 1 268 ':d n :-.r|d :t, d :- Id d f :-.n|f :r n :- 1 - I KkvB*' 1 i\% ' '* • 8i :-.f,|8, :..f, rj, :- Ifi Si li •'-•l.jl. :S| S( :- 1- u :s, d :-.t,|d :r d :- 11. S| r :..de|r :t. d :- 1- 1 . n. :A di :-.r,|n, :s, 1. :- If. n. r. :-.li|r, :s, d, :- 1- 1 l-d! s, d, r:« r :-.d|t, :n r :- Is, d t. :d 11, :l, s, :- 1- 1 >Si ''^ l:s, Si :-.lils, :s, fe, :- Is, rf. Si :s. Is, :fe, Si :- 1- u :d ti :r |r :d.t| s, :-.fe,|s, :d| li.t, :d.r|t, n d, ^ \n |r :d.r n. :d, jr, :r. t, :- 1- s, :- 1- 1 lii; PI, :d r. :- In, s, d, ':8, li :-.l,|l, :1, t, :- It, t, d :..d|r :r n :- 1- , 1 :pt, f, :-.f,|f, :f, S| :- Is, S| h :-.ni|l, rs, Si :- 1- I [•"*' r :d d :-.d|r :r r :- In n n :-.d|d :t, d :- 1- ^H S| t, S| :d, fi :-.fi|r, :r, S| :- In. PI, 1. :-.li|f| :b, d, :- 1- :1. f :-.n|r :d li :-.8||f| :fe, t, - It, - Ir, n 8, ^ Is, :t, n. -T. |r, :8, d :- 1- Si :- 1- ^^k d :de r :-.de|r :1, r : - It, t, d :1, It, :r n :- i- I ' n, .:1. r, :-.ni|f, :1, Bi : - Is, n. 1. :f. Is, :t., d. :- 1- 1 1:Bi' S| d, THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. ^OO (Sceniid Tune.) KkyB». MORNING LIUHT.- f :8, :n, :s, :d, :si :8, :s, d Hi : s, .- d, : d : n, : 8. : d, : f; d n, S| d, - .d I n :d ••"ilsi :s, •.8i|8, :d -•d||d| :n, -.din :d -•"ilfli :si ■■8||8| :d ••dild, :ni : - .d I n :d :-.n,|s, IS, :-.8,|8, :d :-.d||d, :n, d 1. d f, d 1. d :8, r :-.r|d :r n :s, 8( :..8||n, :si 8. :8, t, :-.t,|d :t, d :s, 8i :-.8,|l, :s, d d d f. II. If, Id Ifi 111 If. Id If. In Is, Id Id II. If. Id If. d f. 1. f. d f, 1. u. n 8. d d d f. 1. f. 7.6. 7.6. 1). S| :d |r 8. :s, Is, d :d It, "i :w, |r. :n :s, :d :d. 8| :-.d|n :r n. :-.nil8, :f, d :-jl|d :t, 8. :-.8,|s, :b, f :m Hi :r f. :8, II, :1, d :d Id :f h :8. If, :r, 8, :-^|n :r n. :-.n.|8, :f, d :-.d|d :t, 8. :-.8||S| ISi Oko. Ja«. Wbbb. r :- 8i :- ti :- Si :- d :- n, :- d :- d, :- d ;t. 8, :- n |£ 8i :- d :- n, :- d :- d. :- 4 Kings shall fall down before Him, And gold and incense bring ; All nations shall adore Him, ^ His jnaise all jjeople sing ; For He shall have dominion O'er river, sea, and shore, Fur as the eagle's pinion. Or dove's light wing, can soar. t> For Him shall prayer unceasing And daily vows a-scend ; His kingdom still increasing, A kingdom without end. The mountain dews shall nouriah A seed in weakness sown, Whose fruit shall spread and flourish. And shake like Lebanon. 6 O'er every foe victorious, ^ He on His throne shall rest ; From age to age more glorious, All blessing and all blest The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand for ever ; That name to ui is Love. Tim CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. MISSIONARY HYMN._7.6.7.6. v. Dr. LowKLL Masov. :tjn\r •f\ IS) "Cemtovtr. . . aiidhtlpm: "^ 1 fROM Greenland's icy mountains, vvi. a"J India b coral strand, Where Afno's sunny fountains ^loJ down their golden sand, ' rom many an ancient river, Irom many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. •"J* 2 What though the spicy breeze. Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle ; Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile ; In jam with lavish kindness The heathen in his blindness B«ws down to wood and stone. THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. r. LoWKLL IfAHoy. n t, 8 8| n d_ 8 S| d d n d t, <oOy (.SSfWJIcf TuHf. KkvBO ) LANCASHIRE.— 7.6.7, |:f 1:8, i.Ab. |:*'fe, 8 d n d 8 d n d r 8| t, :d :8 :d :n :d :ta :d :t, :8, :f l:''r, f. El?. f |:"t l:t»,f 8, :r d< :d' 8, :d d< :8 n :n If Id II Id If Id II Id 1 8, Ir, If It, Id' |r II If :1 :d :f :d :1 :d :f :d :8 :t, :f :8, :d' :n :ta :8 8 d n d 8 d n d 8_ d PI d, d' f 1 1 - In - Id - |8 - Id - In - Id - I 8 - Id :Ji|d ■ l8, -.8 In - Id - It - Id - Id' - If d' n 8 ta, d' f 1 1. n d 8 d Bl t. Ill "r r ••ife 'd *.l 8, t, 8, 8 d n 8, fl. n. :f :d :d> :1, :t :r :8 :r :t, :8, :f :r :n :d :8 ••8, |8 :1 Id :d It :1 |8| :f, II :fe Id :d Ife :1 |r :r 1 8, :8 |r, :t, If It It, :8, Ir :t, 1 8, :8| If :r |8| :8, Hkshy Smart. r :- 1- t, :- 1- 8 :- 1- 8, :- 1- 8 :- 1- t, :- 1- 8 :- 1- 8, :- 1- 8 :- n d :- 1- n :- s d, :- d d :- 1- 8, :- 1- n :- 1- d :- 1- »»P 3 Can we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Can we to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? / Salvation, O salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim, Till each remotest nation Has learnt Messiah's name. ■>»P 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, His story. And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory. It sprftads frr.m pole to pole j *)•«. Till o'er our ransomed nature The Lamb for sinners slain Redeemer, King, Creator, ' In bliss returns to reign. THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. 270 f Kkv O. M n (FjrnT„„,) i^ET THERE BE rJOHT.-6.fl.4 d - .f :d :d :s «fl.6.4. O. A. Ma '•TARRtV. - .1, :d s In se PI s - .1 :s in, .d :d •d :f, Is, n d d n :n :1 ;1 :w :s fi : - .r :n : ■ .r :d :- .1 :1 :-.f:l, I - .d :s ■ .d :d ■ .n :8 f. o. 'd :d '1, :1, :d :b '.8 - .t - .Si n " C<Hi said. Let then he light ; and there w« light." '»/ 1 ^HOU, whose Almighty word Chaos and darkness heard, And took their flight, •''■»•• Hear us, we humbly pray. And where the gospel-day Sheds not its glorious ray, / Let tharo be light I "I/" 2 Thou, who didst oome to bring On Thy redeeming wing Healing and sight, Health to the sick in mind. Sight to the inly blind. Oh now to all mankind / Let there be light ! >"/' 3 Spirit of truth and love, Life-giving, holy Dove, Speed forth Thy flight ; Move on the waters' face, Bearing the lamp of grace, And in earth's darkest place •'' Let there be light ! 4 Holy and blessed Three, Glorious Trinity, Wisdom, Love, Might : Boundless as ocean's tide, Koiliiig in fullest pride, Tlirough the earth far and wide, Let there be light ! 1 d ll 1 f. ll[ r ^1 s d d 1 1 n 1. ™/l fi- THE CHURCH. ITS MISSIONS. 4aJ\) (Sfeonl Tune. Kev O. 8 :n :d :d :n :li :n :d :s :d MO.SCOW.- d :t, n :s d, :pt, f J— d :- 1 :- f. j_ :n :d :s :8, :d :t, :n :b, :f :r :s :B| :d :1. :f r 1, f :- :r f. .8| r • • — d :t,.l, :t. 8 • — • • • 8| • — • • • — i4 ■ .r :d d - .8, :8| s : - .f :ri d •A :d s : - .f :n d ■ .t, :d s : - .8 :8 "i : - .ri :d, d 8| n d, 8 8| r t, r r 8 t, r 1. f f. :n :si :d :d :n :d :8 :d :d :si :n :s< :d :8, :d :n, :f :d :1 :fi :t, :si :r :s, d n d 8| 8i t, 8| PI d 8 d PI d, "God Mid, Let th^re be light ; and there was iight." 8| OlARMKI. :pi :d I :8 I :d .r :d •8i :8| .f :pi A :d ♦^ 1 'pHOU, whose Almighty word Chaos nnd darkness heard, And took their flight, '''"I- Hear us, we humbly pray, And where the gospel-day Sheds not its glorious ray, / Let there be light], '»/ 2 Thou, who didst come to bring On Thy redeoming wing Healing and sight, •"""— "• »"c aivs in mind, Sight to the inly blind. Oh now to all mankind ^ Let there be light ! / ff '«/> 3 Spirit of truth and love. Life-giving, holy Dove, Speed forth Thy fliglit ; Move on the waters' f»ee. Bearing tlie lamp of gniee. And in earth's darkest jthice Let there be light ! 4 Holy and blessM Three, Glorious Trinity, Wisdom, Love, Might : Boundless as ocean's tide. Rolling in fullest pride, iTirough the earth far and wide, Let there be light ! 271 (first Tunt.) KkvO REGENT SQl7ARR_a7. •• Ti^^^^U ..kick rat in da.k.^ss sa.o a ^at li.kt" -MO'ERthe gloomy hills of dark..e«s. All the promises do travail Blessed Jubilee, Let the glorious morning dawn. And from eastern coast to western May the morning chase the night. And redemption, Freely purchased, win the day. "^3 Fly abroad, thou mighty Gospel I Win and conquer, never ceSe • Mjyhy lasting, wide dominions' Multiply, and still increase ; .Sway Thy sceptre, Saviour, all the world around. 271 Kkv B |:d .r I -'Si .S, l:n .f ':d .d ':n .1 :d jd :8 .n :d .d I. Krv B. :* 8 .8 :"'t,.t, :*s .8 ;''8.f (Stcond M. 03, n d s d Tune.) THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS. WILDERHMf)UTH.- 7 E r i, 8 t| r 8, d' d 8 PI .« :r .n d :d 4 .• :f .8 •d 'd 4 If, :f, • - .f :ri .r •• - -ti :t, .t, •• ■ .1 :8 .f • • -81 :«, .8, •: d' :s ••4 -ti '} 't .'- .n :r " r*//r^//* «;/i,V-4 «/ /» darJtN^u saw a grtat light." "'J' 1 O'ER tho gloomy hllJ*. of dai kneHs, ! ' . my Boul, be itill ««id gaze ; •m. All tSa , J romlBes do travail With a glorioui. day of grace : Blesped Jubilee, Let the glorious morning dawn. «y' 2 Kingdoms wide that sit in darkne«., Orant them, Lord, the glorious light, And from eastern coast to western May the morning chase the niidit, "^- And redemption, Freely purchased, win the day. "VS riy abroad, thou mighty Gospel ! Win and conquer, never cease ; May thy lasting, wide dominions Multiplv. and nfiH ;.,»——_ . ^"'- Sway Thy sceptre. Saviour, all the world around. I •■' I' •" I' :ru[\d :..rln •■*' **' ••*«. 1. :l, 8, :-.s, s, , ■■' r ■'* r •' r •■•n« ^•■' l«. :-. If. ;f, Is, :..t,|d «^ 1 I^IGHT of tho Icndy piJ^rha'H heart, ow»r of tho coining day "". Ame. «nd with Thy .„o„.i;.g u.a«„ ChMe all our griefa away. "*^ 2 Come blesHod Lord ! bid every ehore .i-« rr, "^ answering uland hing ''«• The prai«ea of Thy royal name, And own Thee aa their King. "tr 3 Bid the whole earth rt.s,.,n8lvo now lo the bright world above. '■-'■ Break forth In rapturoua strain- of joy In memory of Thy love. "" ^ ^'S' ^'': J^^ '""^ "'«*«-' e"'*'^-. The air, tho earth, the sea, In unison with all our hearts, And calls aloud for Thee. 6 Comes then, with all Thy quickening power. With one awakening smile Ai^d bid the seriient's trail no moro i-ny beauteous realms defile. ti Thiuo was the cross, with all its fruits Of grace and peace divim, . J Be Thine the crown of glory now, ihe palm of victory Thine. I d 273 KkvO n : . HT. (;K()I10K'.S, Wl\I>HO|l._7.7.7.7. ... ! »»r O. J. KtvBr. - n ■i d d ••n|a :n -dlr :d d :r 1. :1, n :f In I Ml It, •**'*' :d |1, :f, j„ ., - Ill :fi In, :1, Is "A/l,Ma;MtA, Lord God omni^Unt rcisnctk. / 1 J|ARK ! the song of Jubilee, I^ud aa mighty thunder's roar, Or the fuhie«8 of the at-a, When it breakH ujKm the shore i Hallehijah ! for the Lord GtHl omnipotent shall reign : ilallt'Iujah ! let the word Echo round the earth and wain. 2 JlaUelujah ! harU i ♦»,„ j I rom tVe depths unto the skiei,, Wakes above, beneath, around, All creation's harmonies ; / See Jehovah's banner furled Sheathed His sword: He speaks ti8 done ; A!id the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of His Son. With illiniitivble sway; He shall reign, when like a scroll Vonder heavens hftv« nasa."-' ~-a- Then the end ; beneath His rod"" ^ ' JT Hallelujah ! Christ in God, God in Christ, is all in all. THE CHURCH: ITS MISSIONS, 274 . Kev D. d :n d n d :d :s :d |r Is It, :s :d :n :d f. D. "s :dU|l :s d :n Id :d f, "•s :s ''H :d If If :d 1 d f f f t, f Ir :t :r :f :r :n :d :s ELSICK.— A. t. Id- In Is Id Ir It, Is *m :s ""Si :s, :r :t. Tl Id :n In, :s. Id :d Hi :s, Qorniiin. r :r |d 1, :S|.f||ni d :t, Id f, :si Id, :n.f Is, :d :d :pt :1, If It, If Ir :d :s :pi.f r :r |d d :t, Id s :s.f In s :si Id '• na, //. «„.^,y,,, ^,^,„^^ ,^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ aW^.^/..i^,rf.. "^ ^ S^ «^^' ?l' ?re^. tl'ou mighty Word Wh<?P"*? the kingdom of the Lord ' Wheresoe'er His breath has given ' liifa to bomgs meant for heaven. '«/ 2 Tell them how the Father's will Made the worl.l and keeps it still. How He sent His Son to save ' AU who help and comfort crave. vtp 3 TeU of our Redeemer's love. Who for ever doth remove, By His holy sacrifice, All the guilt that on us lies. 4 Tell them of the Spirit given Now, to guide us up to heaven, Strong and holy, just and true Working both to wiU and do. ^L?<'■tr^fS*'^^V'"°^^P"'•« '^"d strong, «•« « A .*M f ^ *^« "**'ons long ; *" Spread, till from its dreary night AU the world awakes to light. ftp 6 Up, the ripening fields ye see, dim ^%y "ha" the harvest be; dim. But the reapers still are few, Oreat the work they have to do. "^ 7 Lord of harvests, let there be mvj. rli *^ strength to work for Thee : L6t the nations far and near ' See Thy light and l^arn Thy few. 276 KkvE!>. [:d n :d d :n s '••d Id f:s 1 \:n f : :d' d' : l:d f : r.-d d ;i :s, 1, :t :n n :s U 1. I, :s •f 1 PLOW ■D Tht Let all i Toeai The yeai Return, N*.i, 276 n CALEDON.- r.o. .o„,.,„.,,.„, ,,, !'vA il/i(*(V. I- ^ ^ B^ t7 ^? ^'J® trumpet, blow Tn* n x.^'^'^'J: ^°^«""» sound : iiet all the nations know To earth's remotest bound. The year of Jubilee is come; Keturn, ye ransomed sinners, home " '^''^ '^<^f/'t<tl>ie year 0/ the Lord." '"/ 2 Jesus, our "^ " ^^*?' *''« ^amb of God The all-atoning Lamb ; Ptedemption through His blood Ihronghout the world proclaim • / The year of Jubilee is come; Keturn, ye ransomed sinners, home. '»/ 4 Ye who have sold for nought Your heritage above, Keoeive it back unbought. The gift of Jesus' love : Ihe year of Jubilee is come: return, ye ransomed sinners, home. "ir 5 The Gospel trumpet hear. The news of heavenly grace ; And saved from earth, appeal Before your Saviour's face : J The year of Jubilee is come; ^ Keturn, ye ransomed sinners, home Hath full atonement made: Ye weary spirits, rest ; ^^ mournful souls, be glad : / The year of Jubilee income,. Keturn, ye ransomed sinners, home. / m, > V^M, VI. DEATH. RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. LEOMINSTER._S.M.D. O. W. MAiiTijr. ^' 'fi :fi Ife, :fe, U r t, r ii :- In :r S| :<i It, :t, II " :s Is :f life, Is, :s, Is, :s, d PI '••s Id' :.^'|d' :t - 1 :-.n|r :r * d' :s |se :se l-'i* d' ;..d|n m, 1 :-.l|l :n s " .'-.nln rn p, d' :-.d'|di :1 t '- --liHi :d \n t :1 Is r :d Ide se :1 ! 1 f. :fi II, d s :-.d|ii :r ••■.d|t, :t| - j- :-.n|s :f n ' lsi :-.S||s, :s| |d d d n "A little while." A ^y """"^ y^*" 8JJ«I1 roll. An^ „ u® » ?°™ sewons come ; And we shall be with those that rest Asleep within the tomb. eret. np leMi within the tomb. vPj ^ V7 ^'^^' Prepare My soul for that great day; InTtakS «S ^>'^ '"•««'«««« blood. Ana tnico my sms away. 276 c. Key E&. r:d n :d d :n s :d d M s :d d :f n : :fi d : DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN U VEN. 6. W. Mahtiv. 2T0 iStema Txmt.) Key R&. SELMA.-S.M. R. A. Smith. ':d n :r |d :rji s :- 1- s 1 :s In :s.,l 1 :d d :t, |1, :s, t, :- 1- d d :t, Id :d d ._ |_ rn s :8 In :r.d r :- 1- n f :r In :n f l:d Id :s, 1 1, rt^^ S( :- 1- d f, :s. Id :d f. |- :1 8 rLjdlld' :s 1 :n 1? d r.n:s |r :r d : ;d d :d Id :d d :d It, d t|.d:d Id :t, d : ^ 1 :f n :n Is :ri f :s Is s s :s 11 :s n : 1- .:f. d :1, In, :d f. :d Is, n. S|.d:ni If. :s, d : - 1- 1 - I- ^(H? u. trci. mp ^U^v 'Jb' P 2A few more suns shall set O'er these dark hills of time ; And we shall be where suns are not, A far serener clime. Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that great day ; Oh wash me in Thy precious blood. And take my sins away. P 3 A few more storms shall beat On this wild rocky shore ; And we shall be where tempests cease. And surges swell no more. «*«»• Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that great day; »«)» Oh wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. »»/4 A few more Sabbaths here Shall cheer us on our way ; And we shall reach the endless rest. The eternal Sabbath-day. cres. Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that great day ; «»P Oh wash me in Thy precious blood. And take my sins away. 5 Tis but a little while, p jj And He shall come again j^* 4 »i~ Who died that we micht UvarWha I*""- That we with Him may reign «•«»■ Then, O mv Lord, prepare My soul for that great day • r»P Oh wash me in Thy precious blood. And take my sins away. . DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN LUCCA— Melody first printed at Ntlniberg, W74. d :r li:t, n :s n :n d :d s :s 111 .'Si |d, .-n, s, :s, .:s,|l,:s, nili'B, Id, Id ti.-dll, :l^|fe,:r *i n :r d:t, s :s di:s, d:r l,:li n :f li:ri|ni:n "St> sltallive ever be with the Lord." ^P 1 FRIEND after friend departs ; VVho hath not lost a friend ? m^*"/^ "°'°° ^^""^ of hearts, - — ."^ .jcio 01 neai 1 hat finds not here an end : Were this fraU world our only rest, l^ivmg or dying, none were blest. 2 Beyond the flight of time. Beyond this vale of death, There surely is some blessM clime, Where life is not a breath, Nor life 8 affections transient fire. Whose sparks fly upwards to expire. "•««■ 3 There is a world above. Where parting is unknown ; A whole eternity of love. Formed for the good alone : And faith beholds the dying here Iranslated to that happier sphere TOP 4 Thus star by star declines Till all are passed away, As morning high and higher shine.s lo pure and perfect day • "•«. Nor sink those stars in empty night • They hide themselves in heav'en's own light. SOLDAU.— L.M. H. DiBDiN, from an old Genmm Chorale of 13th Century. 8 -1 Is :pi Id :1, Id A .A \ 1. . t . d :d It, :d s :fji|r :d "1 :fi Is, :1, S| :1. Is, d :d In n. :f. Id, I :s, 1. :-.t = .f d :d 'I PI :f Id Is, In rild, :f, ,d I idi mp 2 The race The coinl "•M. And now And now DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. ' Lord, now Itttett Thou Thy servant dtpart in ptacer mp 1 THE hour of my departure's come ; -*■ I hear the voice that calls me home : dirn. At last, O Lord ! let trouble cease, ;' And let Thy servant die in peace. mp 2 The race appointed I have run ; The combat s o'er, the prize is won ; era. And now my witness is on high, And now my record's in the sky. mp 3 Not in mine innocence I trust ; I bow before Thee in the dust ; And through my Saviour's blood alone, I look for mercy at Thy throne. «*/' 4 I leave the world without a tear, Save for the friends I hold so dear ; dim. To haal their sorrows, Lord, de- scend. And to the friendless prove a friend '"P 5 I come, I come, at Thy command, I give my spirit to Thy hand ; Stretch forth Thine everlasting arms, And shield me in the last alarms. mp 6 The hour of my departure's come ; I hear the voice that calls me home : P Now, O my God I let trouble cease ; PP Now let Thy servant die in peace. h'V \H. urn. 27^ KevO. RETREAT.— L.M. Dr. T. Hastings. 8 :f :n 1:- :1 n :r :d d:- :f 8 :- :di di:- :d d:-:d f :- :f d':-:! 8 :- n n :-:f n :- d di:-:di d':- 8 l:-:f d:-' d s :- n :- d':- d:- r :- t,:- 8 :- 8,:- tyd' r.,n d.,r r':- :r' f :-:f 8 :- :8 s :- :s 8 :- :8 n :- :n di:-:d' d:-:d r';d';t f :n;r 8 :- :8 8 :- :s 8 :f ;n n ;r :d 8 :- :di d:-:d di:-:ni n :- :8 8 :- :d' d :- :d 1 :-:t d:f :r d':l;s f :-:s ri:- 8 :- t:- 8 :- d':- w :- 8 :- d:- " T/tem also wJtich sleep in Jesus, will God bring with Him." w2> 1 A SLEEP in Jesus ! blessed sleep, •^ From which none ever wakes to weep, A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. 1^ 2 Asleep in Jesus I oh how sweet To be for such a slumber meet, With holy confidence to sing That death hath lost its venomed stinff. 3 Asleep in Jesus ! peaceful rest, Whose waking is supremely blest ; No fear, no woe shall dim that hour. That manifests the Saviour's power. A »'i> 4 Asleep in Jesus ! oh for me May such a blissful refuge be ! Securely shall my ashes lie, Waiting the summons from on high. A 5 Asleep in Jesus ! time nor space / 1 Debars this precious hiding-piace ; I I On Indian plains or Lapland snows, / > Believers find the same repose. y |fj6 Asleep in Jesus ! far from thee Thy kindred and their graves may be ; / \ But thine is still a blessed sleep, I ' From which none ever wakes t.n weep DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN, 2o0 (Firit Tune.) Key p. :s :r :r :t, NASSAU.— Id Id In II. RosenmI'ller. :r :t, :s :s, :1 :f Ir' :1 |fe :fe d' :d' jr' :r' f :f Ir :r :s :r ;r Id Id In :r :t, :s :ti II, :s I n d s d t s r' n d s d II Id If If. :t :r :f :r, d' :n d :d in.f;s 1, :si |r :r Id :t, U :s^ |fi :s, Id' :s Is :n Id' :d' In :d 1 :d' Id' :t f :n Is :s.f !I Id If If :t :r :f :r d' :d' f :1 d' :ri d :d s :s n :d Ir' Is Ir Id Is Is, :r' :s :r :t, ; f .8 :s. " H^AfH thty had nothing to^, he frankly forgave them hotJu" "'J^l WHEN this passing world is done, " When has sunk yon glaring sun. When we stand with Christ in glorv Looking o'er life's finished story. »«/ Then, Lord, shaU I fuUy know- Not till then— how much I owe. "';' 2 When I stand before the throne. Dressed in beauty not my own. When I see Thee as Thou art, ,„^ Jf?^* Thee with unsinning heart, »'/ Then, Lord, shall I fully know-1 Not till then— how much I owe. "ip 3 When the praise of heaven I hear. Loud as thunders to the ear. Loud as many waters' noise. Sweet as harp's melodious voice. w/ Then, Lord, shall I fully know- Not till then— how much I owe. mp 4 Chosen not for good in me. Wakened up from wrath to flee Hidden in the Saviour's side, ' By the Spirit sanctified, »«/ Teach me, Lord, on earth to show. By my love, how much I owe. d d n d d' n d' d d d n d ROSENMI'LLER. d d n d d d n d DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. 280 Kky E. d :d (Second Tune.) PETRA.— RicHAHD Redhead. S| :8, n :n d :d d d PI d ^d d s n :d :d :s :n r t, s :pi :d :s :d :n Is :s :d |r :n :1 It- :d' :1. Is, :d f d 1 fi 1 d -.fin -.did -.lis -.f,|d :1 :r di :t f :f Is In Id- Id :n :d :s :d f d 1 f. -.fjn -.did -.lis -.fild d S| n d :d :li :n :1. d :n d :d s :s n :d :r :t, :f :r |r It, Is Is, Is Ir Is It, In Id Is Id :n :d :s :d :s tt, :s :n :r :li :f :f, r d 1 f, 1 n 8 d d s, n s. :r Id : :t, Id : :s In : :s. Id : :1 Is : '.T_A :fe It, : Is : :r Is : :t. Id : :s, Is, : :r In : :s. Id : ' IVitH they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both." »»P 1 WHEN this passing •world is done, '^ When has sunk yon glaring sun, When we stand with Christ in glory, Looking o'er life's finished story, inf Then, Lord, shall I fully know- Not till then— how much I owe. mp 2 When I stand before the throne, Dressed in beauty not my own. When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart, «/ Then, Lord, shall I fully know- Not till then — how much I owe. "nip 3 When the praise of heaven I hear, Loud as thunders to the ear. Loud as many waters' noise. Sweet as harp's melodious voice, ■mf Then, Lord, shall I fully know- Not till then— how much I owe. inp 4 Chnaen not for giKvl in me, Wakened up from wrath to flee. Hidden in the Saviour's side, By the Spirit sanctified, Hf Teach me, Lord, on earth to show, By ray love, how much I owe. If. IV ': .-•^ Tit' 'if f^j:ATH,^ESURRECTlON, AND HEAVEN. f:n.t s :d.t| d :s s :d.r n :s ' TAy /a/uf, O Immauuel. ^ 1 T^g «ands of time are sinking, Ihe dawn of heaven breaks, The summer mom I've sighed for, Ihe fair sweet morn awakes : Dark dark hath been the midnight, • ^"d glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land. «i' 2 Christ, He is the fountain, rhe deep sweet well of love ; •^*f.»*'«»ms on earth I've tasted More dn.p I'll drink above. ' Ihere to an ocean fulness His mercy doth expand, And glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land. :si d :r :si 1, :t in n :s :d li :s :n d :f :sei 1. :1 :t, d :d :"i li :f cvt». DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. r' I. ere$. "U' 3 With mercy and with judgment, My web of time He wove, And aye the dews of B()rr«)w Were lustred with Hih love. I'll ble88 the hand that gnided, I'll blsHH the heart that planned. When throned where glory dwelleth, In Immanuel's land. «</■ 4 Oh I am my Belovfcd's, And my Belovisd's mine, He brings a poor vile sinner Into His "house of wine." «»■«• I stand upon His merit ; I know no other stand. Not e'en where glory dwelleth, ^ ^ In Immanuel's land. AUGUSTINR-S.M. d :r |n :r d :- 1- 1, :t, Id :t, d :- 1- n :s |s :s n :- 1- 1. :s, l"i.fi:s, d, :- 1- d :f In :r d :d |r 1, :1, |S| :si 1. :fe, Is, d :d Id :r n :d It, 1. :f( Id :ti 1. :1. Is, n S| d d r t, s s. s tl r S| n d s d :s :d :n :d :f :d :1 :f, J. S. Bach. 168&~1750. If II. Id If. In Id Is Is, :n :si :d :d, :r :t, ; 8.f :s. r s, t, S| d 8| n {if ' IVkoseever livcth and believeth in Me shall never die." "'i>l jT is not death to die. To leave this weary road. And, 'midst the brotherhood on high, To be at home with God. 2 It is not death to close The eye long dimmed by tears, Mjp And wake in glorious repose, To spend eternal years. 3 It is not death to fling Aside this sinful dust. And rise on strong, exulting wing, To live among the just. n\f 4 Jesus, Thou Prince of life ! Thy c' ■>n cannot die ; era. Like T:. ;hey conquer in tir 'trife, To reign with Thee on high.* j^f^^TH^RBSURRECTION, AND HBA VEN. SUABIA.-S.M.D. s 1 :t n rt :r n n :s d d :t, Id' :I Id :d In :f U. :f, s d n Id , Ourniim Cliomlc •• There remaincth, therefore, a reH to the people o/Cod." ">P 1 QH Where shall rest be found, Rest for the weary soul ? 'Twere vain the ocean's depths to sound, Or pierce to either pole. Thf! world can never give Tlie bliss for which we sigh ; 'Tia not the whole of life to live, Nor aU of death to die. -' Beyond this vale of tears There is a life above, Unmeasured by the flight of years, And all that life is love. '"i* There is a death whose pan-' *«"». Oh what eternal horrors hang Around the second death ! -i' 3 Lord God of truth and grace, Teach us that death to shun ; Lest we be banished from Thy face, •' And evermore undone. Here would we end our quest • _^ '..ne are found in Thee, Th« life of perfect love-the re.t Of immortality. ^ I DEATH, HESURRliCTION, AND HEAVEN. 1 284 KEVA& Lull lit K SOUTHWKLL.- -a.M. From Dtnham'i PtuUt 1 ':!. d :d It, :t, 1, :- 1- 1. d :d |r :r In 1 :n, pt, :li 11, :se, 1. :- 1- n. n, :ii| Hi Ri 1 :d d :d If :n d :- 1- d d :d Id d 1 [••1. li :fi |r, :n. 1. :- 1- li Ii :8, If. d. 1 ~ 1 :n 8 :s If :f |n :" |r PI r :d It, :t, 1. 1 :d d :ti 11, :s. 8, :si Is, s. fi :pi. |pi. .'PI, d,: 1 :n r :r Id :r r :d It, d li :li Hi :se, li : 1 l:d 8( :si 11, ;t. d :«! 1 8, d, 1 r, :1, |PI, :n, 1, : — 1 » " WW t/ie titad wert judgtii." "'i' 1 JIHOU Judge of (luick and dead, Before whose bar severe, With holy jojr, or guilty dread, We all shall soon appear j 2 Our cautioned souls prepare For that tremendous day, And fill us now with watchful care, And stir us up to pray : 3 To pray, and wait the hour. That awful hour unknown, When, robed in majesty and iwwcr, Thou shalt from heaven come down, "•«• i Th' immortal Son of Man, To judge the human race. With all Thy Father's dazzling train, With all Thy glorious grace ! "'/ 5 Oh may we thus be found Obedient to His word, Attentive to the trumpet's sound, And looking for our Lord ! ( 285 K«vA d Id DBATrr RESURRECTION, AND HE A VEN LUTHER'S HYMX._87. ••"l 8| :s :d d :d :d, n, :d, f t, r. :d, Id :1, 1 286 1 1 [:r° d 1 n. 1 :t, d 1 i:B. d, 1 ['"' n " 1 -'"' 8| 1 n I :si d "I saw the dtad, small a,ui gnat, Uand be/or, Gcd.' f 1 r}RBA.T God, what do I see and hearl I / 9 Ti,« j i • «l ■ , ^ The end of things crenf^d ! ^ ^wl '',"' ^''"'* ''^*" *"* ''""e. The Judge of mankind doth appew Pnn!,,:? '*!* *'''""?«*'» Bounding, The Judge of mankind doth appeal' On clouds of glory seated I The trumpet sounds ; the graves restore The dead wh'oh they contained before ; Prepare, my soul, to meet Him ! P 3 Ec i sinners, filled with f\<\\' Behold His wrath pre For they arise, and find their tears And sighs are unavailing. The day of grace is past and gone ; Trembling they stand before the throne. AH unprepared to meet Him. / 4 Great God, what do I see and hear f The end of things created ! The Judge of mankind doth appear On clouds of glory seated ! J^T!„„„. ixa cross X View the day When heaven and earth shall pass away. And thus prepare to meet Him. Caught up to meet Him in the skies, With joy thoir Lord surrounding • No gloomy fears their souls dismay: ills presence sheds eternal day Cii "ih-se prepared to m 3t Him. DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. r LOTMUu r>.t :- la »i :- In, L 1. Id Id, :r In 1 :t, Id :s Is :s, Id 9ae KrvG EMMANUEL.- -CM. Brrthovcn. :8, d :d d :d n :r d S| r :r f :n r 1 :si n, :8, 1. :rt, 8i :fi n. fll 8| :8| S| :8| Si :t, d :d d :d d :t, d n r :t, r :d t, l:si d, :n, f. :1. 8| :8| d, d t, :8i t, :d 8| ps, n ■ :n n :n f :8 1 f.r d :d n :r d :8| S| :sei 1. :8, f, :d d 1. S| :fe, 8. :8|-f| n. :s n :n n :d d :n f f n :r.d d :t, d , :s. 1 d :r d :ta, li :8| f. f. S| :1, i- :s, d, irst arise, mnding, 1 the skies, rounding : Ui dismay ; Iday It Him. "f,ft me go ot'tra. i ttt ih* good land that is btyond Jordan." "»/ 1 fj^IIERE is a land of pure delight, Wlieie saints immortal reigo, Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. 2 There everlasting spring abides, And never-withering flowers ; Death, like a nnrrow sea, divides Thi» heavenly land from ours. 3 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green ; So to tlie Jews old Cnnaan stood. While Jordan rolled between. »»P4 But timorous mortals start and shrink To cross this narrow sea, And linger shivering on the brink. And fear to launch away. 5 Oh could we make our doubts remove, These gloomy doubts that rise. And see the Canaan that we love. With unbeolouded eyes ; 6 Could we but climb where Moses stood. And view the landscape o'er, <•'•«»• Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood. Should fright us from the shore. u ■ ■ DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. 287 Kev O. TABOR.— P.M. :d' :d :d :d' d' :..t:l n :-.8 :f d' :-.di:d' d ;..d:d 1 :-.t:d' f :-.s :s d' :-.r':n' s :n :1 PI :d :dj; d' :s :l_.t d :d :d d' :1 :ri n :f :1 d' :di :f' 8 :- l.t PI :- d.r d' :- f.f d :- f.f d' :pi :1 PI :n in a :s :d' PI :d :1, f :-.f:Pi |l :f :r t :- 8 8 :- 8 r' :- ri P :- t, PI' 8 d< d ;-.ri:d' -.f :n -.t :d' -.r :pi 8 r t t, d> r 1 f Dr. :pi :fe :d :d :s :1 :d :1, :1 :t :r :f :1 :s :f :s " TAe itt/teritatKe of the saints in light." «/ 1 '^E speak of the realms of the blest, Of that country so bright and so fair, And oft are its glories confessed ; / But what must it be to be there ? ™/ 2 We speak of its pathways of gold, Of its walls decked with jewels so rare, Its wonders and pleasures untold ; / But what must it be tc be there ? 'Mf .3 We speak of its freedom from sin, From sorrow, temptation, and care. From trials without and within ; / But what must it be to be there ? mp 4 We speak of its service of love, The robes which the glorified wear. The Church of the first-bom above ; / But what must it be to be there? "'P 5 Do Thou, Lord, 'midst pleasure or woe. Still :'or heaven our spirits prepare. And shortly we also shall krjnv? / And feel what it is to be there. Stiwoali,. 8 :- r :- t :- 8i :- 288 Key a. ':pi (Fi d' :- I n :- 1 f" 8 :- 1 ]'*' d :- II :8 .:fi f.Q. :n, pi.r d n d, 8 d 8 PI, 8 d n d 8 d d PI, / 1 r]OME, ^ Tho And on To jo' Let all i With For all i In eai "'/ 2 One fair OneC Though Then One arm To Hi Part of I And p i Dr. Steooal fe s :- d r :- 1 t :- 1. Si :- t d' :- f n :- s s :- 3 d :- DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. 288 (Firtt Tune.) KeyG. ST. URSULA.— D.C.M. Fkederick Westlake. [:n :d :s jd ^:r :t, :s f. Q. :n, :' n.r :-.f In d :t, id n :f Is di :r, In, s d s n, s d n d s d d PI, :-.f|ii :-.t,|d : - .s I s :-.ri|d, :-.s|l :-.d|d : - .n I f :-.d|d :-.3|l :-.d|d :-.d|f :-.ni|f| :d :li :f :fi : 1 .8 :li :d : fi.ni :s :d :n :d :s :de :n :1. n :r |d Si :si |S| f :f In s, ;l|.t||d f : - .n I r li :-.lill, r : -.del r ri :-.ni|f, r r t, f r r r :-.f In :-.r|d : - .8 1 s :-.t,|d :s |n :r Id :r 1 8 :t, Id n, d d, n ■set t, n, n d s d r t, f li :d Id :-.r fi :ni Is, :1, d :d Id :f f. :1, D. t. ^f :1 hi :fi 't :f Id' In :..t :r "f :f^|l :se 't :r In :n, d li f f d d n ii :1 :1. :..d|f :-.f|f :f :n |r :d r B| 1 d 1 li r S| ;-.d|d :t, :-.lils, :s, -.f|n :r -.fi|si :s, n d, "O/zv/tem the whole family in heaven and earth is named." f 1 rjOME, let us join our friends abov«, ^ That have obtained the prize, And on the eagle wings of love To joys celestial rise. Let all the saints terrestrial sing With those to glory gone, For all the servants of our King, In earth and heaven, are one. '"/2 One family, we dwell in Him, One Church, above, beneath, Though now divided by the stream, The narrow btreaiu of death. One army of the living God, To His command we bow ; Part of His host hath crossed the flood, And part is crossing now. '»/ 3 Our old companions in distress We haste again to see. And eager long for our release And full felicity : Even now by faith we join our hands With those that went before. And greet the blood-besprinkled bands Ou the eternal shore. / 4 Our spirits, too, shall quickly join, Like theirs with glory crowned. And shout to see our Captain's gign^ To hear His trumpet sound. Oh that we now might grasp our Guide ! Oh that the word were given 1 Come, Lord of Hosts, the waves divide, And land us all in heaven. i DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. ^OO (Second Tuve) :s, :s, :s, .f .•S| d .d :r Si .S| :si pt .d :d d| .n, :s, s .PI :n S| .S| :S| r .d :d t,.d :d DENFIELD.— CM. :r :s, :t, :s, :d :1. :d :l. |n .r :d S|.f| rn, d .S| :si d|.d| :d| d .1, :1, S|.fi :fr d .d :rl ni.fi :^ r S| t, {s. f. t, ri n .M :f S| .S| :s d .d :r Id .d :t| S|.d :d "i.Si :S| d .d :r d|.n, :s, :pt :si :d :d :t, :s, :f :s, "Q/wiom the .vhole/amily in heaven and earth is named." S 1 fjOME, let us join our friends above, aL /"** ha^« obtained the prize, And on the eagle wings of love ' lo joys celestial rise. •iv-i*i\® ^'^'"*» terrestrial sing Fnl oil i''°^^ *° ^'"'•y «one, *or all the servants of our King, In earth and heaven, are one. "1^2 One family, we dweU in Him, Thnn^^''"'"''!!'. '^^"^"j beneath, Though now divided l,y the stream. The narrow stream of death. One amy of the living God, Ao Wis command we bow ; And ,S ^'* •"':''* "'•""^^'i *''e flood. And part is crossing now. 3 Our old companions in distress we haste again to see, 4 jTn ^T\^ '"•■ o"'' release And full felicity : f 4 Our spirits, too, shall quickly join. Like theirs with glorV crowned,' And shout to see our Captain's sign. lo hear His ♦;ru>T..j»* -V. j *» » ^Oh\*h J?>!!f * "'jgl't"gr^p"our Guide ! ua that the word were given ! Come Lord of Hosts, the waves divide And land us all in heaven. ' CO. r d Olabk d n d, 1 - DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. ill 3. 0. Glasrh. 280 (First Tune.) Key a. CONWAY- From Congregational Church Muaie. f '' r :- 1 f'^ '" n :r In :f s :- In :- 1 :s If :n r :- 1' i h •- 1 l"i :- Si :S| |si :1, S| :- Id :- d :t. 11, :s, S| ._ li''' I *i Id :- d :t. Id :d r :- Id :- f :r id :d ti Si 1 : - Jd :- d :si Id :1. t, :- Id :- f. :8, Hi :d "1 S| :- 1 , • ;- 1 P •'" n :r Id :r n :f Is :n f :n |r :r d ._ mk ' 1 1 |si :- si :fi hi :si Si :I| |S| :s, 1. :s, is, :s, n. ._ IKr'I :- It, :- d :t. Hi :t| d :d |r :d d :d Id :t, d if % ; :- 1 Is, :- r :r | d :s, n :r Hi :S| d :1, It, :d f. :d, :f |Si :s, d, d:- 1 ;f , 1 n :s |1 :s n :r |d n :- |r :- . , : ■ ' ■ s, :s, 1 si :s, Si :d Id :d s, :s, In, :li 8i :- 1- :f. n,:- '/,:'yf;:;?ra'.l 1 mmm 1 t, :t, 1 d :t| d :n If :m d :t, Id :d d :- 1 1, :- d:- '-^H^^^uJir 1 I S| :s, 1 d :si d :d If, :d d :s, 11, :fi si :- Is, :- i:- ^^^■^ 1 Hal - le • lu ■ jaki Hal - lo . lu - jah ! Wo are ou our way to Qod. ] rA " IVe arejoumtying unto the place, of which the Lord said, I will give it you.' nifl "pEOM Egypt lately come, •»• Where death and darkness reign, We seek our new, our better home. Where we our rest shall gain. Hallelujah! We are on our way to God. / mp 3 There sin and sorrow cease. And every conflict's o'er ; There we shall dwell m endless peace, And never hunger more. / Hallelujah ! We are on our way to God. ■mp 4 There, in celestial strains, Enraptured myriads sing ; There love in ever^- bosom reigns. For God Himself is King. / Hallelujah ! We are on our way to God, 5 We soon shall join the thron" Their pleasures we shall slTare, And sing the everlasting song. With all the ransomed there. ff Hallelujah I We are on our way to God. '»/ 2 To Canaan's sacred bound We haste with songs of joy ; Where peace and liberty are found, And sweets that never cloy. / Hallelujah ! We are on our way to God. DEATH, RESURRECTION, EGYPT. AND HE A i I s ■•"jn :n In ;n jh .., j^ .j. ••n|n :n |l, :i, \i .i , "t - 1" 4 ••" '" :s LV; i: :;' •> • ^« a«-e ou our way to >H/1 ..w . ""' ^^y to God. ?ME.ypt lately 00.0. ^^^^/— ' ^ -V.,,.. ,v.., pKWlEg35,t lately como, W« S"""^ *^***'' *'»'* darkness reign WW r^" "«^' o*^ better homer Wliere we our rest ahoU gain. ' Hallelujah ! * We are on our way to God. '"^^^\«;;V''»'''^d sorrow cease', And every conflict's o'er- IB- Hallelujah } we are on our way to God '"^^"^fei" 'celestial strains, ^ Hallelujah! ^ >Ve are on our way to God. We are on our way to God. '«/ 2 To Canaan's sacred bound We haste T,ith songs of joy mere peace and liberty are foun,? And s^veets that never cloyf'^^' XV ^•^"elujah! ' VVe are on our way to God. :d :s, :n :d :s, :d :n, :s :si :t, :n, DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. r :- It, :- IS :- h :- 290 Key A. (First rune.) ANNUE CHRISTE.— d. Prom La Feiix^e. S| d rt, d S| n d n S| d d 1. fi d f. n t, n S| :r :s, :t, :s, :f :1. :d :li :t, :f. :r d li n In Is, Id Id Is Is, Id In, Id Is, Id In, If Hi |r Ir, PI d :s :s, :t, :«! :d :n, :i<i :li :n :sei :ti :n. n se, t, n, d 1, , 1. fi r s, t, S| d d 1, :r :1, :r :fi :li :f. :d :f. :d :s, :d :n, :r :s, :s :t. In Is, Ide In, It, If. Ir Ir, Ir If. It, Ir, In Is, Id Id :f :fi :r :r, :d :s, :n :d, :n :n, :d :d. n Si d ^ .d . •n, I M, .d Id .d. d, Si* 3 ii fe. - .8,1 si - .S| I S, - .t, I t, - .8, I S, S, r r - .r - .s, I s, ■ .t, 1 1, - .Si I S, Si/ :f :1. n 3 :r s. - ; :d :f. d t, : S| . ■ .d - .n, - .d -.d. " God shall wi^ away all tears from tJtrir eyes." In, Id d. '"/I THERE is a blessed home ■*■ Beyond this land of woe, Where trials never come, Nor tears of sorrow flow ; Where faith is lost in sight, And patient hope is crowned. And everlasting light Its glory throws around. «'i' 2 There is a land of peace, Good angels know it well ; Glad songs that never cease Witliiu its portals swell ; Around its glorious throne Ten thouimnd saints adore Christ, with the Father one. And Spirit, evermore. "t/3 Oh joy all joys beyond, To see the Lamb who died. And count each sacred wound In hands and feet and side : / To give to Him the praise Of every triumph won. And sing through endless days The great things He hath done. «t/"4 Look up, ye saints of God, Nor fear to tread below The path your S.a^'insjr trod Of daily toil and woe ; Wait but a little while In uncomplaining love, «'■«■ His own most gracious smile Shall welcome you above. .^^^^];^^2^ESURRECTI0N, AND '"/l^'HERE is a blessed home Beyond this land of woe, Where trials never come, Nor tears of sorrow flow ; Wnere faith is lost in sight, And patient hope is crowned, And everlastmg light Its glory throws around. "'J* 2 There is a land of peace. Good angels know it well ; Wad songs that never cease Within its portals swell • Around its glorious throne' Ten thousand saint« ador" a"^^' ^'*^. ^^^ *'*""^'' one, ^ And Spirit, evermore. " ^"^ '^^ «">'^ """y '^ll tears from their eyes." "^3 Oh joy all joys beyond. To see the Lamb who died And count each cacred wound In hands and feet and side ; / To gue to Him the praise ' Of every triumph won, And smg through endless days The great things He hath done. "'/ 4 Look up, ye saints of God, Nor fear to tread below I he path your Saviour trod 117 .. . ''^ *«" and woe : Wait but a little whilp em w"^" uncomplaining love, ""• His own most gracious smile {Shall welcome you above. 291 KKvBb :d d :n n i:d d ps s :ti d :f n .:si d f. Ab. :''r r :*ifei 8| :'d t, l:"T, S| f. Eb. d' :"<r S| :"t d< [.ta,f n '"/ 1 DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. 291 KeyB!>. LANCASHIRE.— D. Henry Smart. " T; ■:s s :pi If :1 S :- In d' di :f 1 s :1 r '~ 1 ~ '; 1 , :d d :d Id :d d :- Id n f :d Id :d t, ;_ 1 — :n n :s 11 :f n :- Is s 1 :d' It :1 s ;_ 1 _ H' i:d d :d Id :d d :- \(' tai li :1. Is, :f. S| :- 1 - f-.B s :n If :1 s :- Ir n r :t 11 :fe s • — 1 ■« ^K^ :t, d :d d :d d :- Id d t, :r Id :d tl •— 1 « :f PI :ta 1 :f n :- Is S s :s fe :1 s • ~* 1 -~ [:s, d :d d :d d - Id d r :r r :r S| * ^ ' 1 ^ f. Ai7. IT :t'fe, r :s, :s s -.n|d Bft. t. ".fe, m. r :ti s, :s, S| r. :s :t, s :- PI d : - Is, d •^ 1 ^ :'d t, d' :f :r :d> 1 f t, d< :f :s, :d< n -.sin 'd M, 1 t, :f s, :r s :n f t, r :f :si :t. n :- 1 s d, : d> : - Id - It d, :- d f. Eb. ■:0s d ^^^I : 'T S| :d 1 r :n f : - Id d d :d 1 S| :si s. •— 1 « :"t d' :s 1 1 :ta 1 : - Id' f 11 :s 1 f :r n * — 1 _ .to,f n :n 1 f :s 1 : - If f, s, :s, 1 S| :s, d :- 1 - ^^^^^^ffi ' By reason pfthe glory that excelieth" '"/ 1 AH, fair the gleams of glor)', ^ And bright the scenes of mirth, That lighten human story And cheer this weary earth ; / But richer far our treasure With whom the Spirit dwells, Ours, ours in heavenly measure The glory that excels. "iJ' 2 The lamplight faintly gleameth Where shines the noonday ray ; From Jesus' face there beameth Liqht of a sevenfold day ; And earth's pale lights, all faded. The Light from heaven dispels ; «!•«. But shines for aye unshaded The glory that excels. '"i' 3 No broken cisterns need they Who drink from living rills ; No other music heed they Whom God's own music thrills. Earth's precious things are tasteless, Its boisterous mirth repels. Where flows in measure wasteless The glory that excels. 4 Since on our life descended Those beams of light and love, Our steps have heavenward tended, Our eyes have Ifwked above, Till through the clouds concealing The home where glory dwells, Our Jesus comes revealing The glory that excels. CTti DEATH RESURRECTION, MONTGOMERY.- KeyB {Secoivi Tune.) r :ri t, :d s :s S| :d If ;s Id ;t, If ;r Ml :s, In Id PI d rilANCONlA.-S.M. '" I German, c. 1720. '- I- <* :r In :t, \A' 1 :1 in :r is t, :s :n s :fe Is DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. B. Woodbury. " A tid so shall we ever be with the Lord." . ■>»<f 1 I^OREVER with the Lord ! -*- Amen ! so let it be ; Life from the dead is in that word, Tis immortality. dim. Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. i^\f 2 My Father's house on high. Home of my soul, how near, At times, to faith's foreseeing eye Thy golden gates appear ! «*"»• Ah ! then my spirit faints To reach the land I love. The bright inheritance of saints, Jerusalem above. n\f 3 Forever with the Lord ! Father, if 'tis Thy will, The promise of that faithful word Even here to me fulfil. Be Thou at my right hand, Then can I never fail ; Uphold Thou me, and I shall stand ; Fight, and I must prevail. A' ». c. 1720. 4 So, when my latest breath Shall rend the vail in twain. By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain. crea. Knowing as I am known, How shall I lovt that word. And oft repeat before the throne, n\f " Forever with the Lord ! " 5 The trump of final doom Will speak the self-same word, And heaven's voice thunder through the tomb. Forever with the Lord ! " The tomb shall echo deep That death-awakening sound ; The saints shall hear it in their sleep, And answer from the ground. 6 Then, upv.ard as they fly, That resurrection-word Shall be their shout of victory, "Forever with the Lord! " crtt. That resurrection-word, That shout of victory, / Once more, " Forever with the Lord ! " Ameu] aoletitbel 203 (FirttTune.) Key B. ^^?^iff^:^^f£!^w^^^^^^^^^„ •'Ls|f ;f •" I ri.de ;r 1 II :l SOUTHWELL—CM ;' If -'^ '« 1|B Id' :n ,r t •^-^p. .-Mid u d :d^;i".; l:*i Ml .'d ir ;r H. 8. Irons. 'f| .'f. Id |f ■•s.flPi |L:d.*ti Id •'8 Is " ^^ ^'''^ "■'J'. ^^^"JcrutaUm." /I JERUSALEM „,,ap,vw. Name ever dear to me: , '"'^T'^-^'^'tPPierbowe™ than Eden's bloom «^- Blest seats .' through rude an^ f I onward p«ss to y^u^ "'^ '*"""^ ^''^''^^ »y 4 Why should I shrink fr«», • Or feel If \ !l.. "" P*'° *»d woe, '«*• I'vecS,. . *'''^'''°*y• lveC»naan'8goodlylandinview And realms of endless day. ' -i' 5 Apostles martyrs, p«,phets,the« cres .t°""''»y Saviour stand; wiJi jom the glorious band. "^6 Jerusalem, my happy home! My soul sfni ^«-i.- * — •^ X^en shall mjrlaboui cnee; When I thy joy« shall ™ have an end. 293 (, Kr.v A. ':si \n : :n, Si : :d d :■ (:d, d, :■ ^■S| n ;- :fi m, :- :r s :- :t, 1 i :- see. Zy3 (Stcona Tutu.) Kr.v A. ':s, In :- ;r m :- :t, i!f:l!2l^ff^^^^r/0Ar. AND HEAVEN. Si :- :f, d :- :t| di :- :s, BELMONT.-C.M, \tLlli-d Is,:- Prom Mozart. "i :- :si S| :f( :f, d :- :n d :- :d ^1'- :"i Ifi:- :1, s 'f :n In^jr :d Si :- :si r :- :n t, :- :d li :- :1, 8 :f :n :s, n :- :r d :- :t| :f. ni :- :f, "i :- :S| :r 8 :- :t, d :- :n [:t, d :- ;si li :- :«i, fi :- :fei s d :t| S| :- n :r 8i :f| :f, f| ;n^ d :- :d d :- fi :- :li |d, :- s_Lf :r (d_Mi :r Id :- li:- :1, d :- :f "i |fi:- :f, " ^'** -*"'> "6'. ^ew Jtrusahv,." -/I JERUSALEM, my happy home, Name ever dear to me : When shall my labours have an end, In joy, and peace, and thee ? -P 2 When shall these eyes thy heaven-built waU, And pearly gates behold ? «•"• Thy bulwarks with salvation strong, And streets of shining gold ? "•PS There happier bowers than Eden's bloom. iNor sm nor sorrow krfow • «•«. Blest seats ! through rude and stormy scenes 1 onward press to you, «^ Why should I shrink from pain .^nd woe, Or feel at death dismay ? '^»- I've Canaan's goodly land in view, And realms of endless day, »'P 5 Apostles, martyrs, prophets, there Around my Saviour stand ; «*»• And soon my friends in Christ below Will join the glorious band. "l/'e Jerusalem, my happy home ! My soul still pants for thee ; / Then shall my labours have an end, When I thy joys shall see. Si :- :f, n, :- n :d :t, d :- Si :- :S| d,:- DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. rEARSALL.- n. Bt. Oall, Kdthntiichtt (jtmnghueli. :n :d s :b d :d B :s :n :di :d :n :d 1 :1 f :1 d' :ii d :d s :ta n :d 1 :- d :r 1 :t d' :- . i r :d d :r 1 :t f t- s n d' d 8 PI d< d s d n t, s n a d f d f 1. 1 r fe d :n :d :s :si :t :r :s :t, r 1 8 :f t, r n :t, 8 t d' :s 8 f n :r s n d' d f :n d :d 1 :s f :d r d 1 f, d' n 8 1, :r :ti :s :8, ; ri.di :r :fe :r PI :r d :d 8 :fe d :I, r :r d :ti 1 :8j f| -.8, PI d s d t r 8 8| 8 t, 8 S| d d n d - I- - I- "But HOW they desire a better country, that is an heavenly." I)))) 1 rrHE world is very evil, A The times are waxing late ; Be sober and keep vigil, The Judge is at the gate,— The Judge that comes in mercy, The Judge that comes with might, To terminate the e\i\ To diadem the right, 2 Then glory yet unheard of Shall shed abroad its ray, Resolving all enigmas, An endless Sabbftth-d.ay. eres. Then, then from his oppressors i The Hebrew shall go free. And celebrate in triumph The year of Jubilee. erei "'./■ 3 Then, nothing can be feeblf, There none can ever mourn, There nothing is divided, There nothing can be torn. Strive, man, to win that glory : Toil, man, to gain that light ; Send hope before to grasp it, Till hope be lost in sight. m/ 4 Oh sweet and blessed country, The home of God's elect ! Oh sweet and blessdd cotuitry, That eager hearts expect ! P Jesus, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest ; mf Who art, with God the Fatlier, And Spirit, ever blest. 296 Krv O. d PI • 8| d PI d u d 1. : d n :l d d :« PI 8 :< d d mj) ire^. Vif 1T)RTI J> B The lil The Ohhaj Shoi For mi A ni 2 There Sucl No hui Nol t :- I- :- I 296 Kkv O. n DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. :f Is :d :1, :d :1, s. d :d Id :d 1, :f, I PI, :1, PI :f |b :b d :d It, :d r :n s, :d ST. ALrHEGE.— Id tl - f. - r - S| - 1 - d t| f r f, - Is Id In Id n PI, PI 1. s :s Dr. Oaijntlktt. PI :r d :t, s :..f 8| :s, i^M bj I . : " T/tere shall be no wort curst." wp 1 'DRTEF life is here our portion ; ■*' Brief sorrow, short-lived care ; *res. The life that knows no ending, The tearless lifo, is there. "i/" Oh happy retribution ! Short toil, eternal rest ; For mortals and for sinners A mansion with the blest ! 2 There grief is turned to pleasure. Such pleasure, as below No human voice can utter. No human heart can know. "•p And now we fight the battle, era. But then shall wear the crown Of full and everlasting And passionless renown. I'P 3 And now we watch and struggle, And now we live in hope, And Zion in her anguish With Babylon must cope ; "l^ But He whom now we trust in Shall then be seen and known, And they that know and see \\m Shall have Him for their own. '»/ 4 The morning shall awaken, The shadows shall decay, And each true-hearted servant Shall shine as doth the day : Yes, God, our King and Portion, In fulness of His grace, We then shall see for ever. And worship face to face. 5 Oh sweet and blessfed country, The home of God's elect ! Oh sweet and blessM country, T^f***.^ f>Of»j-»*» Virtn^'i-ej Avr^nrt^ I p Jesus, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest ; W Who art, with God the Father, And Spirit, ever blest. DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. " For he looked for a city which hath foundations' •nvp 1 pOR thee, oh dear, dear country 1 ■T Mine eyes their vigils keep ; For very love, beholding Thy happy name, they weep : "l/" The mentioa of thy glory Is unction to the breast. And medicine in sickness, And love, and life, and r^st. 2 Oh one, oh only mansion ! Oh Paradise of joy ! Where tears are ever banished. And smiles have no alloy : With jaspers glow thy bulwarks ; Thy streets with emeralds blaze ; XII 6 S&FulUS aud tu6 topuz Unite in thee their rays : 3 Thine ageless walls are bonded With amethyst unpriced ; The saints built up its fabric, And the comer-stone is Christ. 29( Key r:d.r J (Firit Tune.) n :1 Is :f I n MUNICH.. :- 1 n - n s D. :f |r :r Storl. irii. d :- 1- 1 296, se ■ Kev F. H 1 r:n.f|s :d d :d It, :r d :- Id d d :d Id :t. d :- 1- :r» r . :n.f s :f.n|r :s s :- Is 1 s :1 |r :s n :- 1- :di t : :d d :f, Is, :t. d :- Id li n, :fi |S| :s, d :- i- ..•d d : r:d.r n :1 Is :f PI :- In n s :f |r :r d :- 1- c. t. (ri .t d' : :d d :d It, :r d :- Id d d :d Id :t, d :- 1- 'M s : :n.f s :f.n|r :s 8 :- Is 1 s :1 r :s n :- 1- t'di d' : :d d :f, Is, :t, d :-i Id li n, :f. Si :s, d :- 1- ,:0f n : ':r r :n |f :f n •- In 1 d< :1 n :fe 8 :- 1- :d' di :( ;t, t, :de |r :r d - Id d d :n n :r.d t, :- 1- :n ta:] :s s :s 1 1 :1 - 11 n n :di.t 1 :1 8 :- 1- •< :di.r' n' :1 :s f :ii |r :r 1| ' - 11. 1. 1. :l,t, d :r si :- 1- ;1 s :J ':s s :n |f :s - 11 s f :n r :r d :- 1- f. F. d' :s :r d :d Id :r.n - If d d :d 1 d :t. d :- 1- 1 :n, d :d :f n :s Id' :ta - Idt di f :1 1 r :f n :- |- 1 j •Uf n :d .:t, d :ta, 1 1, :s, f, : - Ifi n, li :f. 1 S| :8| d :- 1- 1 [ i-s, Ii :n \ DBA TH, RESURRECTION, AND HEA VEN M 1 1 ffinSvw TOBL. 1711. 1 ^K?v^. ^ m"84. '"'"^ B^J^aSED COUNTRY._7.6.7.6. d. Bkrthold Tours. !— 1 — [:r».f s :di It :1 s :- In :d.r n :d.r|n :r id •- i_ I W' :- 1 - :di r :d Id :d t :1 Is :f d :- Id :d " :- Id :n ti :d Id :t, n :rKf|s :f • 1 Si :- 1- n :- 1 _ ip- • ™* 1 *" c. t. d :d If, :i,.t d :- Id :1, se|.:l| Is, :s, d :- 1- !< :- 1 - .df d' :f' In' :ri s :se |1 :n d' :- 11 :Kt n :- In :1 d' :]^t|d' :t s ;f In :n 1 :- 1- n :- 1 - %l [.' i; *■" -" :'di d' :t |n' :se 1 :- Id' :f' n' :r' |1 :se.r d' :- 1- 1' 8*f • "" 1 ^ :M n :r |d :t, li :- 11 :f d :r In :n 1 :- 1- K^-Sti V :- 1 - :di di :di |ri :f' ta:l 11 :1a "' :- Id' :dLr| s :- Is :f n' :d'.r'|n' :r' n :1 Is :f d' :- 1- n :- 1 - :- 1 - :di.r' :1 n' :f' ir.nl :ri s :f.n|r.d:ti n' :- In' :d' d :- Id' :1 s in'.r'ld'.lrt d :fe Is :s d' :- 1- d r- 1- ■ .f-.F- ■ - • 1 1 Im^iH • " 1 ~ i'.^'a d' :s Is :f n :- Id :d.r n :d.r|n :r d :- 1- Mn • " ~ :n, d :d.t||li :t|.l| se, :- 11, :i, Si :fei Is, :si 1 s, :- 1- •~ "■ ]:'»f " :d Id :r.d t, :- Id :d d :d Id :t,.f 1 1 n :- 1 - • ^ 1 "■ I -s, 1 li •"! |fi :r, "1 :- 11, :f, "i :r, Is, :s. d :- 1- hE^ah / m cross is all thy splendour. The Crucified thy praise : His laud and benediction Thy ransomed people raise. »\f 4 Thou hast no shore, fair ocean ! Thou hast no time, bright day ' Dear fountain of refreshment, To pilgrims far away : / Upon the Rock of Ages They raise thy holy tower : Thine is the victor's laurel, And thiue the golden dower. "l/ 5 Oh sweet and blessed country' .s-.j.^. ..1 vTuu a cicci; Oh sweet and blessed country, That eager heaita expect ! P Jesus, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest : »>J Who art, with God the Father, And Spirit, ever blest. DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. 297 Tune.) f d 1 d :n :d :s :d n :r t| :sei se :pi n :ni :t :n :se :n PI :r t, :se, se :n n :n, r t, f d li n 1. d' n 1 1 d 1. n li EWING.— - |d rt S - Id d d - |n PI n -II, d d - Ir - It, - Is -'Is, - |r' - Is - It - Is PI PI d d s s d d D. :d' :pi :s :d :pi :d :s :d :-.pi' :s :d> :d Alexander Ewimu. |r PI PI in It, d d :d Is s s :s |S| d d :pi. t :se PI :r se :t PI :pi r :d li :li f :r fi :li r' :d' 1 :f 1 :d' f :1 r :d t, :d f :pi s, :d " T/tc city was fure gold, like unto clear slass." W 1 JERUSALEM the golden, " With milk and honey blest, Beneath thy contemplation Sink heart and voice oppreat : :ra. I know not, oh I know not, What joys await ub there ; What radiancy of glory, WJiat light beyond compare ! / 2 They stand, those hallfl of Zion, All jubilant with song, And bright with many an angel, And all the martyr throng : The Prince is ever in them ; The daylight is serene ; The pastures of the blessld Are decked in glorious sheen. 1 d 1 li r t, r s, t s r' s d d PI d 297 ( KkvG. (:v\.,-c d :si s. :d..r PI l:d d pPl.,! d :s, s. :s.,f PI l:d d ('.m4 s :d d :s.,f PI [:d d r:n..r d :s, s. :s.,f n JS, d DEATH, RESURRECTION, AND HEAVEN. 297 (Second Tune.) ENDSLEIGH.— D. s. Salvatoei 1 r:n.,r d :d |r :r n :- Id :d.,t, li :r Id :t. d ' ^ 1 -• 1 i'^' S| :si It, :t, d :- Is, :s, f, :1, Is, :s, s. l— 1 _ :d.,r PI :n Is :s s :- In :d d :f In :r n ' ^m 1 1, l:d d :d Is, :si d :- Id :ii| fi :f. Is, :s. di '•- 1 - f'.n,r d :d |r :r n :- Id :d.,t, li :r Id :t. d :- 1- :s, S| :d Id :t, d :- Is, :s. f, :1, Is, :s. s. ' — 1 -~ :s,f n :fe s :s s :- In :d d :f n :r.f n ._ 1 :d d :1, Si :S| d :- Id :n, f. :f, s, :s, d. •- I- ):d ■ :s.,f s :s d :d n :n d :d 1 :1 1, :d d ;f.in f, :f, s :-.f|n :n f :s li :s, f :r r :t, n s, d d :d :s, :n :d r t, s : s, : d_ _ltj Id :de r :s Is :1 S| :- Id :1, - 1 - f:n.,T d :d 1 r :r n :- Id :d.,t| 1, :r 1 d :t. d : — 1 -■ :s, ■< s, :s, 1 ti :t, d :- Is. :S| fi :li 1 s, :si s, : — 1 . :s..f n :ii 1 s :s s :- In :d d :f 1 n :r n : ~ ^ js, d :d i S| :S| d :- Id :n, fi :f. 1 S| :s, d, : - 1 " '«/ 3 There is the throne of David ; And there, from care released, The shout of them that triumph, The song of them that feast ; •-•'■es. And they who, with their Leader, Have conquered in the fight, For ever and for ever Are clad in robes of white. »/ 4 Oh sweet and blessM country, The home of God's elect ! Oh sweet and blessed eountry, That eager hearts expect I P Jesus, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest ; "'/ Who art, with God the Father, And Spirit, ever blest. VII. MISCELLANEOUS. 298 (^. Key A. Yit TttJie.) MORNING HYMN.- E. t. -L.M. F. H. Barthelemon. l:s, :pi pdr PI :pi In :f .PI r :r |r 'd' t :di jt.l :s.f PI :r Id l:d l:s, S| :s, 11. :li I'l :fei 1 s, *ipi r :d Id :r d :t. Id /" . — :r».f PI :n Id :d t, :d |r 's f :pi If :1 s :f |pi 1 l:d, d :d 1. :fi S| :1. It, -d S| :1. If, :r s :s, Id :s, ,f..A. \ :d :"'s,.l, t, :d r :t|.d r :pi If PI 1, :ti |d.pi:s.f PI :r Id l:n. :».r, S| :fei S| :s, li :S| If, 8| f. :f. |pii.li:si.l| s. :-.f,|pi. :"t|.d r :r r :r 1. :de |r d d :r Id :d d :t, Id 1 S| :1. 1 t, :s, f, :1. Ir, n, f. :ri Hi :ni.f| s. :si Id, 1 " My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O Lord." W 2 Thy precious time misspent redeem ; Each present day thy last esteem ; Improve thy talent with due care ; For the great day thyself prepare. / 1 A WAKE, my soul, and with the 3uu ■f^ Thy daily stage of duty run ; Shake oflf dull sloth, and joyful rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. »»P 3 la conversation be sincere ; Keep conscience as tiie noontide clear ; Think how All-seeing God thy ways And all thy secret thoughts surveys. 4 Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, And with the angels bear thy part, Who, all night long, unwearied sing High praise to the eternal King. W 5 All praise to Thee who safe hast kept, And hast refreshed me whilst I slept : cre$. Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, / I may of endless light partake, mp 6 Lord, I my vows to Thee renew ; Disperse my sins as morning dew ; Guard my first springs of thought and will, And with Thyself my spirit PU. 7 Direct, control, suggest, this day, ' All I design, or do, or say ; cm. That ail my powers, with all their might. In Thy sole glory may unite. ' / 8 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow j Praise Him, ail creatures heie below ; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. ^ (.1 SPECIAL TIMES AND OCCASIONS. COIVIMANDMENTS.-L.M. TromGenev, n :n f :n |r n f d :d d :d It, d d s :1 1 :s Is s 1 d :l. fi :d, Is, d f, :t, :s, :r :s, d M, :fe, Is, 's. d :r^ 1 1, li :ri Is, n S| d d f li d :n :d :s :d :n :s, :d :d r li f f, r s, t, S| :d :N| :d :1, :d :n, :d :1, "Afy voice shalt Thou hear in the tnoming, O Lord." ^ ^ K ^tF^i ??y ^°'^'' »°d with the sun au , ^'^•L^,*^^!? ^>8« °f duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. ■«\f 2 Thy precious time misspent redeem ; Each present day thy last esteem ; Improve thy talent with due care ; For the great day thyself prepare. wy> 3 In conversation be sincere ; Keep conscience as the noontide clear ; Think how All-seeing God thy ways And all thy secret thoughts surveys. 4 Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, And with the angels bear thy pai-t. Who, aU night long, unwearied sing High praise to the eternal King. ■mf 5 All praise to Thee who safe hast kept, And hast refreshed me whilst I slept : ««. Grant, Lord, when I from de.rth shall wake. / I may of endless light partake. '»i> 6 Lord, I my vows to Thee renew ; Disperse my sins as morning dew ; Guard mv first springs of thought and will. And with Thyself my spirit fill! ^ ?n 1? j' ''Octroi, suggest, this dav, All I design, or do, or say ; That all my powers, with hU their might. In Thy sole glory may unite. / 8 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Praise Him, all creatures here below • Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. er«. 'an Paalter. :d :si :n :d :r : si.f| :ti .fi:S| 1501. |r Is, It, Is, Id In, Id Id, ? I r i. MISCELLANEOUS. 29^ Kfv :s ) (First Eb. s :f Tune.) In :r d MELCOMBE.- :1 Is s -L.M. di :t SAMi'Er. Wehbe. 1 :s 8 1740-1817. fe Is 300 KevD. s :s :d d :t, Id :ti d :d Id r d :r pi.fe:s n r .d 1 1, d :d :n n :f Is :8.f n :f In s afe:s di :t 1 1 Is - n :s .:d t'l :r Id :si 1, :f. Id ti li :t, d.r :in d r Is, d :n ':ri n :f Is :n r :n If f n :r 8 :f PI r Id n :n :d d :d Id :d 1, :de |r r d :t. d :d d t, Id d :d :s 1 :1 Is :s 1 :1 11 1 s :s 8 :1 3 -.f |pi J s :s .:d 1, :f, In, :d f. :1. I'r r 8 :f n :f 8 s. Id \ d :d Kby ':d (Se A. d ctmd Tune.] d Id :d r PALESTII :-.d|d s^E.- d -L.M. d :d Old Latiw "Jiun luc d :t| r . ?th Centvirj-. B otto nidere." -.r |n d' :1 d :d :ni ri| S| 11, :n, ^Ji nr.fi In, fe, 1, :fe, 8, :S| s. -.8,1 8| 1 :f :d d d Id :d t. :-.d|d 1, r :r r :r r -.r|d \ fi :fi .:d li n, |fi :d, s. :s, Id, r. fe, :r. 8, :s. t, ..t,|d itn pt n In :n r :-.d|d d d :d d :d r -.did :d 1, d It, :d ti :..did 1, Si :n: n, :s. 1, f. In, 1 :d n 1 jse :s f :-.f|n d d :d d :d d t, Id 1 .:1. d 1. In :d s. :8, Id, f, n, :d, 1, :n, f. 8, Id, 1 " His compassions fail not : they are new every morning." "^ 1 AH timely happy, timely wise, ^ Hearts that with rising morn arise ! Eyes tliat the beam celestial view. Which evermore makes all thihgsnew. 2 New every morning is the love Our wakening and uprising prove : Through sleep and darkness safely brought, [thought. Bestored to life, and power, and 3 New mercies, each returning day. Hover around us while we pray ; New perils past, new sins forgiven, New thoughts of God. new hopes of heaven. w/ 4 If, on our daily courae, our mind Be set to hallow all we find. New treasui'es still, of countless price, God will provide for sacrifice. 5 The trivial round, the common task, Will furnish all we ought to ask ; Room to deny ourselves ; a road To bring us daily nearer God. m» ft Only, O Lord, in Thy dear love. Fit us for perfect rest above ; «■«»• And help us, this and every day, To live more nearly as we pray. ^;f SPECIAL TIMES AND OCCASIONS. 300 d' :1 d :d 1 :f f. :f. is It, |r Is, RATISBON.- n :n |r :ii d :d It| :d s :s Is :s d :d Is, :d :n :d :1 :1, d< n s d f d 1 1, f d 1 r :di :n :s :d :f :r :s :ti It :- |r :- Is :- Is, :- In :- Id :- Is :- Id :- In :- :r^|t, :■ :tJ|se :■ :r In :- 1 d n 1, n d s d 1 n 1 d :d' :n :n :li :1 :n :di :1, :1 ;d :n :n :d :s t, :d se :1 n.r:d t :1 n :f :n :d :s :d " ^^ day spring from on high hath visited us.' "i/" 1 (JHRIST, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only Light, Sun of righteousness, arise. Triumph o'er the shades of night ! Day-spring from on high, be near ; Day-star, in my heart appear. '"P 2 Dark and cheerless is the mom Unaccompanied by Thee ; Joyless is the day's return, Till Thy mercy's beams I see ; ereg. Till they inward light impart. Glad my eyes, and wai-m my heart. •np 3 Visit then this soul of mine, Pierce the gloom of sin and grief ; Fill me, Radiancy Divine, Scatter all my unbelief : «•«»• More and more Thyself display, Shining to the perfect day ! f d 1 f| t f 1 r r d 1 f, :r :t, :s :s, :t :n :se :n :r :ti :s :s, Oermnn. Id id In Id 1 Id 1 1, Id Id In Id ti' . StlSCBLLANECUS: 301 KevQ. CANON.- -L.M. TnoMAB TAt.r.is ':d d :t, Id :d r :r In d :f In :n r :r Id :si S| :S| In, :s. li :si Is, d 'i :t, Id :8, 1, :S| |Ri :n r :r Id :d d :t, Id d :r In :d 1 n l:d |si :s, 11, :ri. f, :s. Id, pt, :r. Id, :d d !t| Id ':s f :r \n :n r :r Id s. :t. Id :n iJT :d 1. :s, Is, :d h ••t, Is, s, :f, In, :si |pt| :n r :r Id :s 1 :r In n :r Id :si Id [:d r :t, , Id :n, f, :s,i Id, n, *i :si 11. :n. fi :si Id, " Thou, Lord, only makest mt dwell in safely,' f 1 j^LL praiBt to Thee, my God, this night. For all the blessings of the iiglit ; Keep me, oh k-ep me. King of kings. Beneath Thiue own almighty wings ! mp 2 Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done ; That, with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the judgment-day. P 4 Oh may my soul on Thee repose, And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close ; cres. Sleep that may me more vigorous make ' To serve my God when I awake. mp 5 When in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply ; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest. No powers of darkness me molest. / 6 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow • Praise Him, all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host •' Praise Father. Son, and Holy Ghost.' SPECIAL TIMES AND OCCASIONS. [OMAR TaLMS. :r :s, :f :t, :r :r, :t. d n d d d d, O02 (Firit Twu.) KEvAb. 1 [ S|:d:t| 1,:-:1, 1 ii|:f|:si s,:fi:l, 1 d:d:d d :- :de 1 I d,:r,:n, fi:-:ni 1 f t|:d:r f :- :n 1 S|:s,:8| l,:-:d 1 f :n:r d:-:s 1 [ r:d:t| d:-:d (Second Tune.) Key P. d:d:d HURSLEY.— L.M. s,:si:s, n :ii in d:d:d r :r :n ti:li:de s :1 :s s :f :n d ;t, :d Si :- :S| n ;r in d :- :d f :- :r r :- :t, 1 :- :s r :- :si r ;n :r ti :- :t| f ;s :f Si :- :si n :- :f d :- :d s :- :f d :- :1, n inin d :d :d s :s :s d:d:d d:- d:- n :- d:- 8 :- t,:- r :- s,:- " Abide with us." n ;r in d ;t, ;d s :- :s d :- :d 8 :- :pt d ;ti ;d r :- :d Si :- :1| s ;f m d :ti ;d n :f :s n ;r :d f m :r d :- :t, 1 ;s :f _fi :8| :8| r :- t,:- 8 :- s,:- d:- d:- n i- d:- '»;'l gUN of my soul, TLou Saviour dear ! It is not night if Thou be near ; Oh may no earth-bom cloud ariBe, To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes! P 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep My wearied eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought, how sweet to rest For ever on my Saviour's breast ! A3 Abide with me from mom till eve. For without Thee I cannot live ; Abide with me when night is nigh, 2> 4 If some poor wandering child of Thine Have spurned to-day the voice divine, cres. Now, Lord, the gracious work begin, ' Let him no more lie down in sin. ^»P 5 Watch by the sick, enrich the poor, With blessings from Thy boundless store ; Be every mourner's sleep to-night Like infant's alv.mbers, puK- and light. ■xf 6 Come near and bless us when we wake, Ere through the worid our way we take' «•«• Till, in the ocean of Thy love, * ' "^ u re noi; aie. I / We lose ourselves in heaven nbnveU^VA MISCELLANEOUS: ^^^^^^ FirH Tune.) If :ii PI TEMPLE.— { :r |r :d 1 :- Is E :r J. PI HOPKI 1 303 ( Kf.v D. ' n :n Ns, MiiR. Dor. 1 1- :- II J 303 {Sect KWD. -'- d :d Id :d t, :t, It, :d d • _ Id :t. d 1 ' PI :pi 1 s :b 11 :s s :f If :pi f_ ;n |r :s s ._ 1 d :d 1 . d :d Id :d S| :8| 11. :1, f. :- Is, :s. d :- -;•= 1 9 :s 1 d :d 1 d :d If Id :d PI t, :r :t, Id Id :pi :d 1 PI j- Is Id :fe :d 8 t| :- fl '"h"| s :s 11 :3 se :se 11 :1 1 •_ 11 :1 8 ._ 1 d :d )( d :d Id :d PI :pi U. :1, d •_ |r :r Si 1 8 .'S |j ^1 '■•"'■ I d :d M s :s Id' :t t :1 Is :pi n :pi 11 :s 8 :f If :pi 1 ,. . r :r Is :3 s :f |r :d d :d Id :d d :d |r :r 1 a :a |i t :t Id' :di d' :di 1 s :8 d> :t 11 :n PI :1 It :t 1 d :d |1 8 :f In :ii f :1, It, :d d :d If :pi 1, :li 1 soi :>sei 1 n :pi 1 e ^^ 1 " ** 1 H 1 d :1, la n :n If :n r :1 It :^' s ;— If •r d • ^^ 1- :- 1 .:. d :d |de :de r :r |r :d d •— It, :t. d ._ 1 f :s 11 1 :1 11 :1 1 If :f n • _ |r :f n 1 d :d Id li :1 At ^ Is :s f :f |r :r S| :- Is, •S, d :- 1 _ ,_ 1 f :pi. If 1. :d If " The Lord will command His lovi»^ki,,dn»s in the daytime, and in the night tits song shall be with me." mp 1 rjOD, that madest earth and heaven, ^ Darkness and light ; Who the day for toil hast given, For rest the night ; ereg. May Thine angel-guards defend us ! Slumber sweet Thy mercy send us ! Holy dreams and hopes attend us, P This livelong night ! 2 Guard us waking, guard us sleeping ; And, when we die, May we, in Thy mighty keeping, All peaceful lie ! cvsa. When the last dread trump aiv Do not Thou, our God, forsake / But to reign in glory take us With Thee on high. wake ua. "rhes SPECIAL TIMES AND OCCASIONS. f r t se, 303 [Second Tune.) ^I JTFI] Id' BLD.- - 's :- Ir :s W. n. Monk n :- , Mus. Doc. KrrD,' If :8 1 :t n :ri :s 1- :- d :d Id :d d :f 1 n :d d :- Id :t. d • _ 1- :- s :s 11 :d< f :f Is :s s :- Is :s s • __ d :d If :ii f_:r. Id Id' :s n_ :-.f Is :8, :s d n :- s :- Ir TfTW =Tf'"'Ts" 1 :t d :d )d :d d :f In :d d :- Id :t. d • ^^ I- :- S 'S 11 :d' f :f Is :s s :- Is :s s • ^ - :- d :d d :d If :pi |r :n f :r f :ii Id Ir :d pi_ :-.f Is :s, :s d 1 :s f :n n :n If d :d It, :d d :d It, :d d :d Id :ta. 1. :t, d :d n :n Is :s 1 :s If :n s :8 If :f.n f :r 1 :s d :1, Is, :d 1, :d !s. :d d :ta, 11, :s. f, :s, 1 l,t,:d f :s 11 :t d' :s If :n s :- |r :n d • _ 1 ._ d :d Id :f n :d Ir :d d :- Id :t. d • ^ 1 _ ._ f :n. If :f s :s 1 s :s s :- Is :s n • «, 1 — * — • 1, :d If :r d :pi It, :d PI :-.f Is :s. d j_ 1 « • _ ' T/ie Lord will command His loving.kindness in the daytime, and in thenieht His song shall be with me." mp 1 rjOD, that madest earth and heaven, ^ Darkness and light ; era. Who the day for toil hast given, For rest the night ; May Thine angel-guards defend us ! Slumber sweet Thy mercy send us ! . i Holy dreams and hopes attend us, aAl/\ Ti P ^^.a I. i This livelong night ! ^^ "^ 2 Guard us waking, guard us sleeping ; And, when we die. May we, in Thy mighty keeping, All peaceful lie~! When the last dread trump shall wake us, Do not Thou, our God, forsake us ; But to reigi. in glorv take us With Thee on tligh. rrM MISCELLANEOUS: 304 KkvO. (Fir.t Tune ) ITALIAN CHORALE. -8. 7. 8. 7. p. Amnged >,y W. H. d :-.d|t, :d^ •Si|S| :si .M I r :d .disi :ni n :-.pi|r :n Hi :-.8||S| :t| d :-.d|t| :« d| :-.Pi||S| :sei Monk. .1,1 t II "-I .f,l S II o| ■.r|r :r .ril«i :si .d|r :r .n,|S| :si .djt,. :t, •li|8i :8, n, n .n|r :s .d|ti :t, .8 Is :s di :n, Is, :n, n :-.ii|r :s d :-.d|t, :si s :-.8 I s :r d| rn. Is, :t :fe Is d :d 1 :1 Si :si r?. I I '.fe I s -.lilt, ■.r|r •.rjs, n. -.8,|L, -.d |d^ -.n. If, - .r,in| f -.8, Id -.r Id -.t,|li -.8 If -.8,11, -.djd -."ilf, -.8 If MiUi - .n,\ f I t,:d.r d :t, Id S|:s,.l S| :s. Is, r :n.f n :r In :n|.r S| :s. Id, :rt.f ri :r Id :d d :t, Id :§J. 8 :-.f In •hli 8, :s, Id :n r :r In :si 8, :s. Is, :d d :t. Id :d, 8, :s, Id, .-ri r :-.r Id :S| S| :-.f,|ni ;d d :t, Id :d, S| :8| Id, (Semid Tune.) WRAYSBTJRY.— 8.7 8 7 KfvP. M. 00, Snflly and sm.^oiMy. r :s |n.r:d B. J. Hopkins, Mus, Doc. :r Id :n :t, Id :s, :-.f |_n.r:d :s, |1| .-n. 1, :si d ;t| f, :s, 1 8, :si |d.r;n Id :d d :li iM:r lid .1 I -. o II ;ii i5| :-.i| i'i,.ri d^ i'l |PKf:s xj^.i |r\d:t, d d :n |r 8, :d |r n :in.fe| s li :s ; d.t :s s :n Id d :-.t:|l :n I .u.bj :n |r :»,.d|d It, :n :d s.l:fe Is 1. n :r d :r :lNd|t, :- |r :- Is, :f, .t,:l, ;-.s|l :f.n Hi :", If, :r, js, :s. 111, :n, |f, :f, d :t, •f 1 1 rti 1 1 '''I r.d:r s, :si t AVI ^J Kr :n :d IS i:d ':8 :t, :f :r :r :t, :s IS fil :t, ir l:fi 1 ftAVIOUI Ere re| Sin and wa -""^hou can X^r\Though dei A Though < ^\Angel-gunr We are b 305 Key E !>. M. n :n n :d s :d> ti :1, d' :t d :d s :s n :n s :f d It, s :s n :r s :d d :d 8 :n n, :1, '"J'l ANOTHEI ^ Lord, V Our days an We look t AVa will Rot We inifts froi Our joy al P 2 Yet, when o We oannoi "'i' But Thou ar And wilt c hy W. H. Monk. t, Id 8| Is, r In »i r Id t, Id -.f In si Id r In Ji Is, ti Id ii Id, .r Id •f 1 1 n, 1 Id I Id, INS, Sfiis. Doc. 9 Is :- ^jt, :- |r :- I Si :f| Id f,|pt. Id Id, SPECIAL TIMES AND OCCASIONS. \l *A.VIOUK, iireivtlio an evening blessing, *^ Ero rejiose our Hpirits seal ; Sin and want we come confessing : "^r^^"" *"^"''* *'*^®' ''"•^ '^'•"U c'""»t Ileal. V^\Thougli degtructioi walk around us A Though tlie arrows past u» fly, /\AnKel-guar(ls from Thee surround us ; We are safe, if Thou ait nigh. "ffe shall giv* His angtU ckargt ovtr thee." 305 Key B 0. :d A 2 Though the niglit be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from Thee : Thou art He, who, never weary, ^^ AVatchest where Thy people be. ]P]pShoultl8wiftdeaththisnighto'ertakeu8, And our couch become our tomb, cm. May the morn in heaven awake us, 'V Clad in ligiit and deathless bloom. M. 80. TRUST.—,8.8.6. E. J. Hopkins, Hua. Doc. :s :d :s :t, :f :r :t, :s l:s r:i :t, :r :f, n :n js :f n :d Id :d s :di It :1 ti :li In, :f. d' d s n s d s n s d s n, :t :d :s :n :f ••t, :s :r :d :d :n :1. It I r I se If In Id Is Id Ir Hi |r If. :d :1 :f :n :r :se :t, :-.d :t, :f :s, n :-.r|r :n d :-.t,|t. :t, s : - .s 1 s :n s, • ■•S|| S| :s. s ;-.f|n :n S| :-.8||s. :li r : - .r 1 n fe t, :-.t,|d d d' :-.t|l : t d :r Id : t, 1 :se 11 : 1 1, :n If : r d :- 1- d :- 1- n :- 1- d :- 1- f t d 1, r r s ti n d 1 n :1 :d :f :f. :s :t, :s :n :n :t, ise Is Id |r Is, H II, In Id :1 :n :1 :r :t, :s :s, :-.s :d :fe :r :s :n :1 :r :d :de n d s d s t, s S| f r 1 r - I- - I- - I- -.n|r -.de I r -.8 11 ■.n|f ' He is thy life, and the length of thy days." >'>1' 1 A NOTHER year hath fled ; renew, ■^ liord, with our days Tliy lovt ! Our days are evil here and few ; We look to live above : . . -■"" = .,»..!.. .5,, Ottjf Djr attj- We pHss from earthly joys away ; Our joy abides in Thee. }> 2 Yet, when our sins we call to mind, We cannot fail to grieve ; But Thou art pitiful and kind, And wilt our prayer receive : iiij} ^i-P O Jesus, evermore the sanip Our hope we rest ui)<)n Thy name ; Our hope abides in Tliee. 3 For all the future. Lord, prepare Our souls with strength" divine ; Help us to cast on Thee our care. And on Thy servants shine : Life without Thee is dark and drear ; / Death is not death if Thou art near; Our life abides in Thee. 4 t r; 306 (First Tune.) Key Eb. d :pi MISCELLANEOUS: CULBACH.— di :d' "Great is Thy faith/ultiess." JT\ \ 1 rOR Thy mercy and Thy grace, f^ Constant through another year Hear our song of thankfulness. ' Father and Redeemer, hear. »'/2 Lo ! our sins on Thee we cast. Thee, our perfect sacrifice, And, forgetting all the past, Press towards our glorious prize. »ip 3 Dark the future Wt Thy light Guide us, bright and morning Star cm. Fierce our foes, and hard the fight ; Arm us, Saviour, for the war. "t/ 7 So withia Thy palace gate n^^^ f,^**^^ praise, on golden strings, "M. Thee, the only Potentate, ' s Lord of lords, and King of kings. V 4 In our weakness and distress, cm. Rook of strength, be Thou our stay; In the pathless wilderness Be our true and living way. • P 5 Who of us death's awful road In the coming year shall trend? With Thy rod and staflF, O God, Comfort Thou his dying bed. «y5 6 Keep us faithful ; keep us pure ; Keep us evermore Thine own : Help, oil help us to endure ; Fit us for the promised crown. SPECIAL TIMES TES A Nl/oCCA STDNs: ' It :d :f Id II. In II. If Id- II If Is Id In :r :t :s :s, :n :d :s :d :f :d :1 n d s Id :f :d :1 :1. WEIMAR.- a me^chioh v.i^ius. Is Id Is In, r :d It, h :rvf,| s, h :li In, :f, s :n 1.1 :s r :d Id :d s :s If :n ti :d If, :d f fi n d s S| :d :1. :r :t, :s :s. ■ :n l|.t,;d f :s |r Is, In Id Is Id |r It, Is r injla n - \n :s :d :n :d :r :t, :f :r If :n |li.t|:d If :s In Id :n :pi :d :1 r d 1 f f r :r :t, :s :s 1560-1616. Id :- Id :- In :- Id :- In :- :r.d|t, :- Id :1, Ir :r 1 :tJ I se :- :s :d :n n :d II Id :s :t, |n.fe;s Hi :t. Id n d s d :s :d :s :pi. If Id H If. :n :d :1 :f. :fe :1. :r :r :r :t| r d r.n;f Si :s, In Is It, Ir Is, d d n fd " So teach us to uu.nl>er our ,ays. that .ue .nay apply our f.arts unto ^iscio.n. !{?,}:- '«.l ^HILE^with ceaaale«« course the .^2 As the wingM arrow flics Never more to meet us here :' mu '" "" eternal state, We a little longer wait, But how little, none can know As the lightning from the skies Darts, and leaves no trace be- hmd: cf"'*- Swiftly thus our Heeting days eves Tw'*''/' T *"^^" ^'^^'^ ''"^Pid stream ; cres. Upwards Lord our spirits raise: All below 13 but a dream. n-> 3 Tlmnks for mercies past receive : mdon of our sins renew ; ^ir-TiT"'! "''"•""fprtJ'i how to live With eternity in view: Bless Thy worcl to young and old ; if HI us with a Saviour's love : Ami, when life's short tale is told. May we dwell with Thee above MISCELLANEOUS: 308 {FirttTune.) Kbt p. " :1 |s :n d :d Id :t, 8 :f Is :s d :f, In, :si Is |r r :n :t, :s d d n 1. d 1. PI BETHANY.— d. li :si Id : n ri :ri Is, : d ti :t| :-.r|d :t, :li Is, :s| :f In :r :fi Is, :si d : s .;d) I"' ={d. Henry Smart. :f .n|r :r^|t, :1 \r_ S| :f :-.r rfe, :r Id Is, ir, :t, :si :r lti -'Si 111 :r. Is, :s, li :s, ri :ri Id |S| :f :d ti :t. Id :d fi :f. In, :1| :r Id Id n d s ;s.f In Si :s. Id Id' Is Ir' Is :t :s :r' :s. •r :t d> s :a *'s :f Id' :s Id :d Is :n In :d 1 f d' li f d 1 1. :1 :f :r' II :s If :n Id' :d' id :d s :n' s :s d' :ta n :d :-.s If :r Id :s Is :t, Id :n :d :s :d :s :de :n Ir' If II If If Ir If :1 :r :1 :f :n :d :s d' :t :f :r' :s Id' In Id' Id fi ••li Ir, :n, "As thy days, so shall thy strength be" mp 1 AT Thy feet, our God and Father _*■ Who hast blest us all our r1n.v« :r Id :t, Id ;s.f In fi :si Id s Who hast blest us all our days, era. We with grateful hearts would gather To begin the year with praise ;— ' Praise for light bo brightly shining / T, • **,"'' ^*®P^ ^™™ heaven above : W Praise for mercies daily twining Round us golden cords of love "'i' 3 Every day will be the brighter, When Thy gracious face we see ; Every burden will be lighter. When we know it comes from Thee op.„ifT i ny luvc 3 oroaa oauiier o'er us, inf Tin TK "' f'^''^^ ,*° f*"« »"d wait, 7 Till Thy glory breaks before us, .' Through the city's open gate. "y 2 Jesus, for Thy love most tender «... -nr *¥ ^™^^ ^°'" sinners shown, «•«• We would praise Thee, and surrender «7-- C ""'■ ^^^^ *° ^ Thine own. With so blest a Friend provided, We upon our way would go, '«/ Sure of being safely guided. Guarded well from every foe. f. :li 1 r, :f, 1 li :li 1 r, :d, 1 f d< :t 1 s :f 1 s :se 1 . n :r j '"^l ATTh ^ Wi «•«. We with To be Praise f( On ou "^ Praise fc Rounc Ienby Smart. Ir Id Id f|n "id Id' In Id' Id Id Id In Id tender s shown, id surrender line own. •ovided, d, ry foe. dUo (Second Tune.) Key a. M. 72. |r in |fi :s, Hi :t, Id, :d, SPECIAL TIMES AND OCCASIONS. PEACE.— D. E. J. HoPKina, Mus. Doc. s, :n Hi :si d :s, di :di d n, d d, :--ti|li :S| :si |f| :n, :d Id :d :ni |fi :d, fi :si 111 s, :n Id :d fi :li I Si ri :fi |r, li :li |r ri :d, |ta |r :n |li :se, If It, :n :n. :f, ■.S| 'l -.r d :-.t,|l, :s, li :", |n, :na, n :r Id :d li :t. Id :d, s, :1, Id :t. fi :n, d :d li :s, s, :t |fi Id :t, :f. :r d' :t s :f :se :r H In H Id A. t. :*d :*tn. n, S| d, t, fi f r, :n, :s, :d| If, Is, Ir, :-.lilli :fi Ifi :r Ir :fi :s, :r, :si :fi :r r, t, r, li 1. r fi I :si :t, :ni :t, :s, :r :fi Ifi :r. In :r |fe, :s. Id :r Id 1*2 -.d s, :se, :-.d :-.Mi Id In, d :n S| :fe, d :d n, :li d :1, ni :r, 1, :d di :ri f. D. ••s :1 'in :n •^s :s 'id :d I in rr_ Is, :- I d ;ti s, :- Is, :- Ir, :- It, :~ Is, :- I d' ;t If :- Is :- Ir :- S| :n ni :s, d :tai di :d. Ir If, H, If, "As thy days, so shall thy strength he." '"^ 1 A T Thy feet, our God and Father, ■^ Who hast hlesf. na nil nnr Aaita :d :li :r :f, d ;t|.,d|d s, :f| r :r s, :s, In, Id Id, Who hast blest us all our days, «•". We with grateful hearts would gather, To begin the year with praise ; — Praise for light so brightly shining On our steps from heaven above ; w Praise for mercies daily twining Round us golden cords of love. '»P 2 Jesus, for Thy love most tender On the cross for sinners shown, ces. We would praise Thee, and surrender AH our hearts to be Thine own. With so blest a Friend provided. We upon our way would go, »«/ Sure of being safely guided, Guarded well from every foe. '»P 3 Every day will be the brighter, When Thy gracious face we see ; Every burden will be lighter. When we know it comes from Thpp. «•«• Spread Thy love's broad banner o'er ua, Give us strength to serve and wait, »»/ Till Thy glory breaks before us, / Through the city's open gate. Y H' ■ MISCELLANEOUS: OOy {Fint Tune.) KevO. ST. CATHARINE.— L.M. " Thou crownesi the year -with Thy goodness." f 1 JTERNAL Source of every joy, Well may Thy praise our lips employ, While in Thy temple we appear, Whose goodness crowns the circling year. ■^P 2 The flowery spring at Thy command Embalms the air, and paints the land ; The summer rays with vigour shine, To raise the com, and cheer the vine. 3 Thy hand in autumn richly pours Through all our coasts redundant stores, And winters, softened by Thy care. No more a face of horror wear. 4 Seasons, and months, and weeks, and days, Demand successive sonp of praise ; «»•«'■ Still be the cheerful homage paid, With opening light, and evening shade ! »n/"5 Oh may our more harmonious tongues In worlds unknown pursue the songs ; / And in those brighter courts adore. Where days and years revolve no more ! ri S| d d S| r QOUDIMRL. :r :s, :t, :si In, Id Id, :ti Id : - .f 1 1 n, :r Id :si Id, QOUDIMKL. rt :r Id 8| :S| 1 Ml i :t, Id h :s, Id, SPECIAL TIMES AND OCCASIONS. %i\jy (Stcond rune.) Key p. ALBERT.— L.M. O. t. H.R.H. Prince Albbrt. " TAou crownest the year with Thy goodness." f 1 JJTERNAL Source of every joy, Well may Thy praise our lipa employ. While m Thy temple we appear, Whose goodness crowns the circling year. ^P 2 The flowery spring at Thy command Embalms the air, and paints the land ; The summer rays with vigour shine, To raise the corn, and cheer the vine. 3 Thy hand iu autumn richly pours Through all our coasts redundant stores, And winters, softened by Thy care, No more a face of horror wear. 4 Seasons, and months, and weeks, and days, Demand successive songs of praise • ««»• Still be the cheerful homage paid, * With opening light, and evening shade ! 'H/'S Oh may our more harmonious tongues In worlds unknown pursue the songs • / And in those brighter courts adore. Where dayc and years revolve no more f r' :ri d' 1 :s^f n d' :t s f :s d 1 <y r d 1 f. :r :t, :s.f :s, d PI ( i Wm^ MISCELLANEOUS: 310 KkyB. DUEA.- t. • Dr Gauntlett ':s s :fj Is :di n :r Is d d :t, Id :pi r :r In :« n :re In :d d :t, Id d S| :s. |S| :d d :ti 1^ :s s :1 Is :s s •s Is s :f In :s s :s Is .:d Id :d Id :n s :f In Bt. n :r Id :d S| 1 "* :s, Id :s s :fe Is :di n :"1, |r S| :t. Id :pi r :r Id |:n PI :re In :n d :*fi If. S| :f. In, :s, 1. :S|.f||ni :s s :1 Is :1 1 :>r Is n :r Id :d d :ti Id .:d d :d Id :li 1 :«d It, ti d :si Hi :«! f. f 1 '^ :S| Id, f. E. • — ) 1 ««l >pf n :r Is :s f :n |r i. M :r Is :di n :r Id :•. r d :t, Id :d r :d It, r d :t, Id :d d :ti Id :*s s :s Is :s s :s |s s s :f Is :1 s :f In .r^'S, s :f In :n t, :d Is, S| d :r In :f s 1 • :si Id " T/. ■ freparest them com." mf 1 T ORD of the harvest, once again -" We thank Thee for the ripened grain, For crops safe carried, sent to cheer Thy servants through another year- For all sweet holy thoughts, sup- plied ^ By seed-time and by harvest-tide. «'P2The bare dead grain, in autumn sown, Its robe of vernal green puts on ; <"•««■ Glad from its wintry grave it springs. Fresh garnished by the King of kings ; *■»«. So, Lord, to those who sleep in Thee, Shall new and glorious bodies be. »»P 3 Nor vainly of Thy word we ask A lesson from the reaper's task ; So shall Thine angels issue forth ; Z, «^® *?r*^ ^^ ^"™* ' *'^® J"8t of earth, "•«• Playthings of sun and storm no more. Be gathered to their Father's store. inp 4 Daily, O Lord, our prayers be said. As Thou hast taught, for daily bread : «•«• But not alone our bodies feed. Supply our fainting spirits' need : W O Bread of life, from day to day, Be Thnu their comfort, food, and stay Dr . Oauntlett. r :r In d :t, 1^ 3 :s Is 3| :s, Id f :r Id 1. :si. Ll"i I :t, Id • 1 :s, Id, 1 :r Id :t, Id :f In ;s, Id '» in autumn ■n puts on ; ' grave it the King of sleep in Thee, 1 bodies be. SPECIAL TIMES AND OCCASIONS. ST. GEORGE'S, WINDSOR. -7. 7, 7. 7. d. Sir G. J. Elvey. PI S| d d -.n|s :n -•Si|S| :s, -.djr :d -.d|t, :d d :r n :f In |se It, li :fi In, ti :S| Id "l.ei botkgrmu together utfil hamest." Kf mp 1 QOME, ye thankful people, come, Kaise the song of Harvest-home: All IS safely gathered in, Ere the winter storms begin • l^od, our Maker, doth provide J^or our wants to be supplied ; Come, to God's own temple, come, Raise the song of Harvest-home ! 2 We ourselves are God's own fie'd wu'* ""*" -^''^ P''*'^^ *o yield ; Wheat and tares together sov/n, Unto joy or sorrow grown " ' 1 irst the blade, and then the ear, ihen the full corn shall appear : Grant, O harvest Lord, that we Wholesome grain and pure may be •> ■^VA.. IKf\x^ ^^^^, y »i/'3 I or the Lord, our God, shall come, ^nd shall take His harvest home ; 1 rom His field shall in that day A 11 oflFences purge away : "'i' Give His angels charge at last In the fire the tares to cast ; / But the fruitful ears to store Ii I His garner evermore. 4 Then, thou Church triumphant, come. Raise the song of Harvest-home ! An are safely gathered in, J ree from sorrow, free from sin, There, for ever purified. In God's garner to abide : Come, ten thousand angels, come. Raise the glorious Harvest-home 1 . "pi '\M... MISCBL LA NEO US. DUNFERMLINE.— CM. Scottieh Piaiter. 1015. •' fym the earth remahteth seed-time a,id harvest :- I- J 1 POUNTABf of mercy, God of love I «r '''^ ^^y bounties ax^l"' The ro ling seasons, as they move. Proclaim Thy oonstaut care! "1^2 AVhen in the bosom of the earth T,>««07«'' hid the grain. Thy goodness marked its secret birth And sent the early rain. ' '«i'3The Bang's g^get influence waa Th plants in beauty grew • A V^,1 '^f'Jgent suns to shine And mild refreshing dew. ' shall not cease." mp 4 These vanous mercies from above Matured the swelling graip, A yellow harvest crowns Tijy love And plenty filU the plain. ' ^ ^^ThoJfl?'' ''"'■^^l*' ^"^'J' alone Ihou dost on man bestow : Let him not then forget to own Irom whom his blessings flow. "'/e Fountain of love, our praise is inine; / AnH°J/'®*' ""'■ «°nK8 well raise, / And all created nature join In sweet, harmonious praise. DRESDEN.- d. J. P. SCHCLTZE. n PI, n n ri :d| Is, :- s, :- I f. Bf7. (••% r :% ti :"t. s l:-s, S| {'.S, d :s. d :s. d [:s. d • d • n. ; S| *.' d, :r n :ti d :s s :S| d )»/l SPECIAL -TIMES AND OCCASIONS. f. Bb. DRESDEN-co»^<mMcrf. I:'*'t, r :r |n :ri ti :ti Id :s, s :f In :d si :s, Is, :si V d d d d d :d :d :d :d :d Is, Is, Is, |S| Id Is, Id :s, :s, :s, :d :s, :n Si :s, di :s. In, :d, :r :t, :s :s. Id : -.r ■ " •*, ; -.8 I - tS, f S| *L Si 1, 1| ll 11. r S| t, s, d ll n li :r |r Is, If It, In, In, In, In, |r Is, It, Is, r ti f r n, n, n, n. s d s n fi f, f, f. :s :s, :n :n If It, If Ir :n :d :s :d ■•rils, :t, ■•rils, :f, ■•ri|s, :r ■.r,|s, :s. r n t, d s s S| d ■ .8 I f -.d|t, -.n|f -.n|r :t. Id rse, II, :n In :n, 11, -.S| ll :r d -.8, f, :1, S| -.d d :f n -.M, f, :r. S| :n :d :8 :d :t, :f( :r :si WE plough the fields and scatter 1, \ .,V'«,good seed on the land. But it IS fed and watered By God's Almighty hand : He aeuds the snow in winter The warmth to swell the grain. The breezes and the sunshine, And soft refreshing rain. •' All good gifts around us rt- m, ^}? *^,"* ^'■"'n heaven above : ff Then thank the Lord, oh thank the For all His love. [Lord, «'/2 He only is the Maker Of all things near and far ; He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star ; The winds and waves obey Him By Him the biids are fed ; ' " TAou blessest the sj-ringing thereof." r t, 8 S| d n, d d, r t, 8 S; d n, d d. TO/ Much more to us, His chUdren, He gives our daily bread. / All good gifts around us /P n^C-^^ If^^ ^^°^ heaven above : JT Then thank the Lord, oh thank tho For all His love. [Lord, / 3 We thank Thee, then, O Father, For all things bright and good, The seed-time and the harvest, mf ^ -fl t' °"*" ^'^'*^'^' our food ; '»/ No gifts have we to offer Fnr all Th" if^-" --r.,- - I But that which Thou desirest. Our humble, thankful hearts. J All good gifts around us A- TI, ^™«^?* from heaven above: J) Then thank the Lord, oh thank tho For aU His love. [Lord MISCELLANEOUS: f :f In 1 -ttdijiln' f.s:l.t|d' MELITA.— 1 :l Is A' Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mub. Doc. "S PI PI t, PI s f r' t, f :s |pi :d d :-.t,|d :-.l, f :r In :8.f r :si Id :pii^ 8, :8, |d d :t, Id 8, :8, Is, r :r |n d :t, 11, :r li :-.sei|l, :-.t| n :r li :t, :1 :r :d' In Id Is I PI :f ;r :pi :d Id' :s |S| :8, d 1. PI n r t, f :t, ise, :n :pi II. II, Id 1. :-.d|d : - .n I n Bi :-.d|d " These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep." «V1 JTERNAL Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the rest- less w .ve, Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep ; P Oh hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. "«/'2 Christ, whose voice the waters heard, And hushed their raging at Thy word. Who walkedst on the foaming deep, dim. And calm amidst its rage didst sleep ; P Oh hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. P "1^3 Most Holy Spirit, who didst brood Upon the chaos dark and rude, And bid its angry tumult cease, And give for wild conf usiou, pea<:e ; Oh hear us when we cry to Thee ^ For those in peril on the sea. "^ 4 Trinity of love and power, Our brethren shield in danger's hour; From rock and tempest, fire and foe. Protect them wheresoe'er they go; «•«. Thus evermore shall rise tn Th'- ^ Glad hymns of praise from land and sea. 316 KbyBO :d d :pi, PI, :8, S| [:d, d, Bfl, MU8. Doc :t, Id :S| Is, .T In :si Id :t, 11. :sei 11, :n Id 316 K«yBl> SPECIAL TIMES AND OCCASIONS. WURTEMBERG.— L.M. ti :d |r Si :s, |8| r :n If fi :n, It, : S|.l :s, :n :d, n :s If :n Si :8, II, :s, d :n |d.r :nA "I :d| |I,.t,:d t, S| r r S| d Gemian. f :1, iJ ¥ :fe, |8, :d It, :ri Is, ^ :r :s,.f ,1 n :t 1,1 n. Si :8, / 1 Q GOD, who metest in Thino hand The waters of the mighty sea, And barrest ocean with the sand By Thy perpetual decree ; 2 What time the floods lift up their voice, And break in anger on the shore. When deep to de.p calls with the noise Of waterspouts and billows' roar; 3 When they who to the sea go down, And in the wateivs ply their toil, ' Are lifted on the surge's crown, And plungad where seething'eddies boil ; • «if 4 Rule then, Lord, the ocean's wrath, ^ id bind the tempest with Thy wi'll • Tread, as of old, the water's path, <*»»». And speak Thy bidding, p "Peace, be still." Id, "iT 5 So with Thy ■new a-es. mercies ever : Thy servants set i And bring them. Pilot wise and true I peril free. ill TTnto the port where they would ff MISCELLANEOUS. ^/Pb^ '"' '""'^ THANKSGIVINQ.-ll.ll.lUl. p.. «„,, Chorus. Mo,.n. F. t. :.of :.of d n d, s n s d :r.t| :s|.s, :f.r .'S|.S, :pi.1 :d.f :8.f :d.f, d n d :8,.8| :d.d :d|.d| f :n.,n 8i :S|.,S| r :d.,d ta :d|.,d| r S| t, .t s^d :d.d Hi. 8 1 :S|.S| d.n :n.n .Sildi :d.d d.n:ii.s f :r.,r d S| :8|.S| Si :S|.,S| n. n.d:d.n r :t,.,t| d d :d|d, Bi :si.,S| d, s :n.s f :n.,n r : .8 n :d.n r :d.,d t, : .r s :s.8 8 :d.,8 8 .8 d :d.d t, :d.,d S| •t, /; t. B b.. Verte 4 to btgin here. ■ Or :r.r :8,.8| • t|.t| iS(.8| r S| t, d n Chorus. PI :n .n n -rid. Si S| :S|.8| d.r:ii.Si d :d|.8| n :n.n S| :S|. 8| d :d.d d :d|.d| f .pi:r .8! S| :-.S| r.d:t |.8i Si :-.Si 8 n 8 d 8 S| r t, :n.s :d.n :s.s :d.d :n.d :S|.S| :d.n :d.d s :d'.s f :r.,r d n :8.n r :t,.,t| d 8 :3.8 s :f.,f n d :n.n s :S|.,S| d t, :s,.8| 8 :n.d S| S| :s,.8| S| :8|.s, S| r :8|.S| r :d.n t, S| :S|.s, tj :d.ni S| :r.t| d :s|.8| f :n.,n :s,.S| S| :n|.pi| 8| :8,.,s, :f.r PI :d.d r :d.,d :S|.s, d :d,.d, t, :d,.,d, r : .8| 8|.d :d.d S| . : .8, pii.8i:si.s, t, : .t| d.pi :m.n S| : .S| d, :d.d .d .8, .Pt .d S| :8| .8| d :d .d tai.'tai.tai f f. d 1, :f.f :f|.f, :d.d r :s.,8 S| :S|.,8| d :t|.,t, 8i :S|.,s, n d d .d .8, .d PI :n .PI S| :S| .S| d :d .d tajitai.tai d.n:pi.8 S| :8|.s, pi.drd.pi d :d,.d, f :f.f fi :f,.f, d :d.d 1. :l,.l, r :8.,s Si :S|.,s d :t,.,t, Si :S|.,s Thy lov. ^.UThy wi, ■ domou,to^u»,Ua,len..p.„,. I„ ,i,ut «,d la dar>c.ne»."iu Jr.row"lJ, J„,. s :8|.,S| S| :8|.,8| 8, :8|.,8| d :d.pi pii :n|.pi d :d.n d| :d|.pi| 8 t8|.,S| S| .•S|.,8| 5 ;S|.,S| S| :8,.,8| d a •PI .PI, .PI In IlKbt and In d»rkneM, lu nor-row and Joy- .Pl, lu aur S| S| S| row -.8, •.8, -.Si PI, d •.S| d| uid Juy, :n Jd ':r ,r :si.S| :t,.t, AS.i;.8.i NATIONAL HYMNS. ' ! I; dl0 {Secmui Tu,nt) KkvQ S| HOUfJHTON.-ll.n.iMi. :n :r.r ;S|.S| :t,.t| :s,.S| n .-d :1, B, :si :f| rt :s :d d :n, :f , t| :d :n B| :S| :d r :n :s S| :ni :d| S| :- d.d f :f :r 8 :s :n n, :- d.d d :d :t, d :d :d n :- n.v\ 1 :1 :8 s :s :s d :- li-li ii :ri :si rii :ni :d| n :r :ii d :t, :d 8 .-s a Si :S| :d f :s ;1 d :d :d f :n :f li .'s, :f, a .'f :f f :n :ri 1. :1, :1, PI :r :r de:r :d S| :8, :s, r :d :s t| ;d :d " Ev^ry^aci^/t, and every fer/ut^/t, Ufrcm atove." We trust in Th^fLt Si' '"' ''^^"«^ ""^^ *«»»«''. We thanlr Ti ^ f«"thfulness, mercy, uud i.ower. Thy lovo and Thy wisdom, &c. For the wealth of the ocean, hi I AVe thank Tho» i -^ "ghteousness rule. ' TiT.Jf"' *? 8""' "». «• <i«y follows dnv That Thou wUt receive us, &o. 1' itl % (.»' f MISCELLANEOUS. MORNING LIGHT.— d. Geo. Jas. Webb. / :si :s, .•8i d n, -.din :d -.rills, :S| -.S||S| :d -.d||d, :n, d d f, d d fi PI d d d li d ft II. If, Id If, (1, |fi Id If, d f, li fi d f, 1, f. :d :s, :d pii :ni s, n, d -.d -.d -.8, In n f :n Is, S| f. :si Id d d :d Id d 1. :s, Hi |f| Id If, s, n, d s, -•dj -.n,| -.dl -.8, |r :n r :- 1 Is, :si s, :- 1 It, :d t, :- 1 |r. :di 8, :- 1 In :r d :- 1 ,|s. :f, n, :- 1 Id :t, d ;- 1 Is, :8, d, 1 Hi :r d t, 1 Hi s. Id :f n r 1 |f| S| - 1 In :r d : - 1 |S| :f. n, : 1 Id :t. d : 1 Is, :si d, : 1 • Happy is that people whose God is the Lord." f 1 IpROM ocean ? ; ito ocean ■*• Our land shall own Thee Lord, And, filled with true devotion, Obey Thy sovereign word. Our prairies and our mountains, Forest and fertile field, Our rivers, lakes, and fountains, To Thee shall tribute yield. "I/" 2 O Christ, for Thine own glory. And for our country's weal. We huii 'ly plead before Thee, Thyself in us reveal ; And may we li aow. Lord Jesus, The touch of Thy dear hand ; And, healed of our diseases, The tempter's power withstand. wp 3 Where error smites with blindness, Enslaves and leads astray, Do Thou in loving kindness Proclaim Thy gospel day ; era. Till all the tribes and races That dwell in this fair land. Adorned with Christian graces, Within Thy courts shall stand. «'/ 4 Our Saviour King, defend us, And guide where we should go ; Forth with Thy niessage send us, Tliy lovo and light to show ; ci-fs. Till fired with true devotion, Enkindled by Thy Word, / From ocean unto ocean Our land shall own Thee Lord. :( ps 1 :i :d d :c f :£ l:d f :p {\v\ n :1 :si 86, :] :n r :d .:d t, :1 ^:n n :d :ti 1, :1 :n.r d :n ,:se. li :1 "Ren. mp 1 flREAl ^ Whi And huE ToTh even. The guil Ohtui But heai And h \i . NATIONAL HYMNS. 318 KeyF. GRETTON.— D.C.M. Rev, R. Brown-Bo R THWICB •:d d :n Is :1 s :f In :n r ;S Is :fe s :- i_ :si • S| :1, It, :d d :t, Id :d r :r Id :d t, :- 1 _ :i<i 11 :d |r :f.n r :s Is :s fe :s 11 :1 s :- — :d d :1. Is, :f. S| :si Id :d d :t, Hi :r s, :- 1 - ':s 1 :s f :s n :d If :n 1, :r Id :t, d :- |_ :d d :d d :t. d :1, l,.t,:d 1, :1, s. :si S| :- 1 — :n f :s 1 :s d :pi f :s f :r n :f n :- 1 _ .:d f :rt r :8| li :li r, :p)| f. :f, 8| :si d, :- 1- :n n :1 se :1 :r ii :1 f :n r :r n :- 1 _ :s, < SOj :1. t. :1. 1| :li ti :li r :d r :1, t. :- 1 - :n r :d 1 n :pi :1 se :1 1 :1 1 :1 se :- 1 — .:d t, :li 1 n, :d :f n :d r :n f :f n :- 1 - ':n n :d 1 f :n li :r 1 t, :d f :n r :r d :- 1 .^ :t, 1, • h ! l,.t i:d li :1. 1 Si :s, ti :d 1 d :t, d :- 1 _ :n.r d :ii 1 f :s :f 1 r :ii f :s 1 1 :s.f n :- 1 _ .:sei 1. :1. 1 r, :n. fi :r, 1 S| :ri r :d 1 f, :si d, :- 1 - " Retnetnber, O Lord, what is come upon us; consider and behold our reproach." mp 1 rjREAT King of nations, hear onr ^ While at Thy feet we fall, [prayer, And humbly, with united cry, To Thee for mercy call ; Jies- The guilt Is ours, but grace is Thine, Oh turn us not away, But hear us from Thy lofty throne, And help us when we pray. '»P 2 Our fathers' sins were manifold, And ours no less we own, "»/ Yet wondrously from age to age Thy goodness hath been shown ; When dangers, like a stormy sea. Beset our country round, To Thee we looked, to Thee we cried. And help in Thee we found. mp 3 With one consent we meekly bow Beneath Thy chast'ning hand. And, pouring forth confession meet, Mouiu with our mourning land ; P With pitying eye behold our need. As thus we lift our prayer, "Correct us with Thy judgments, Lord. Then let Thy mercy spare." Pl>-4 ' ¥\ MISCELLANEOUS: ST. JAMES. - CM. r :f In n li :t, li :si Is, S| fe, :S| d :t, Id d r :r fi :s, Id, d| d :t, B. COURTEVILLE. 16S0. :li :fe, :r.d d :r :1, :f fi :r,' It, Is, |r |S| S| t, Id In, Id _ Hi :r, d :n |f :r n, :tai 1 1, ; s,.f| d :d Id :t, li :si If, :s. S| S| t, S| d "i d d - I- - I- ' Tfie place of my fathers' sepulchres" "$/" 1 TORD, while for all uankind we pray, -*-* Of every clime and coast, Oh hear us for our native land, The land we love the most. '»p 2 Our fathers' sepulchres are here, And here our kindred dwell ; Our children, too ; — how should we Another land so well ? [love '"P 3 Oh guard our shores from every foe, With peace our borders bless ; Withprosperous times our cities crown, Our fields with plenteousness. 4 Unite us in the sacred love Of knowledge, truth, and Thee ; era. And let our hills and valleys thont The songs of liberty. "»/ 5 Lord of the nations, thus to Thee Our country we commend ; c««. Be Thou our refuge and our trust, / Our everlasting Friend. 320 KeyB \). Lah is 0. ni.,sei| 1, :t, d CANNC :-.r|t. n, d|.,r, |n. :n. n. :f, In, d l...t, Id :se, li :1, |se. I2 d,.,t, 1 1, :n. 1, :r, In, d :S|.,ti|d :r n, :n,.,f,|s, :s, s, :d.,rln it, d, :r),.,r,|d, :s, Handel. n :-.f|r Si :li |S| d :d It, d :fi |S| f :-.n|r :d -.t,|l, ■ "I d :-..n|f :d li :-.Si|fi :n. t, 1. |se. t, f, ri In, S€, r 1, It, n ri f. •"] "1 n :1, |r.n;d li :li Ise, :li :f |r :n di \X\ I \% \\% ti :t, 11, 1, :3e, llj n :-.t,|d mp 1 A GO] ^ Ml The wr Give pe 2 Remem The wo P Remem Give pe 321 Kkv p. :n.r I n d s d n d ;d.t| :s_.f I :d ;n.f I ; d.r :s Id :d n ; n.r d :d_.t, s :s_.f I d :d mp 1 T CRD J> Thou ai Ohh( tres. 2 Fill our And ( And let He w rtLLE. 16S0. - I- a every foe, •s bless ; rcitiescrown, lusness. »ve tnd Thee ; Jeys thoiit Handel. :-.! rir :li |S| :d It, :f, Is, II, :■ lUi :■ ii|d :- |1, :■ i !. CHILDREN'S SERVICES, " He maketh wars to cease unto the ends of t fie earth." nip 1 A GOD of love, King of peace ! ^ Make wars throughout the world to cease ; The wrath of sinful man restrain, Give peace, O God, give peace again ! 2 Remember, Lord, Thy works of old ! The wonders that our fathers told ; P Remember not our sin's dark stain, Give peace, O God, give peace again ! '»/3Whom shall we trust but Tliee. O Lord? Where rest but on Thy faithful word ? None ever called on Thee in vain, P Give peace, O God, give peace again ! mp 4 Where saints and angels dwell above, All hearts are knit in holy love ; Oh bind us in that heavenly chain, P Give peace, O God, give peace again ! 321 Key p. ; n.r ; d.t :s.f :d :d :d :s s :s n :n di :s d :d d :d d :d n :s d :n r t, s s 1 f f fl :r :t, :s ROUSSEAU.— d ; s.f :n.r .a, :1 :f :f r :r t, :t| s :s s :si n :d d :d s :n d :d :n :d :s :d :s :d :PKf :dT :s :d n :d d :d s :n d :d s :s^ rt ; n.r s :s d :d :n :d ROUSSEAIT. P.O. d s :s d :pi s :s n :n d< :s d :d n :m d :d s :s d.r:M.f r.d :r.pi Id : t,.l,:t| Id : s :s In : s :si d : 1 :i^l s : f :l.f n : f :f s : f. :f. d : r.d :r.n d : t,.l,:t, d : s :f 1 n : s :S| d : " Suffer little children to come unto Me." mp 1 T CRD, a little band and lowly, ■" We are come to sing to Thee ; P Thou art great, and high, and holy. Oh how solemn we should be ! «)M. 2 Fill our hearts with thoughts of Jesus, And of heaven, where He ia gone ; And let nothing ever please ua He would grieve to look upon. mp 3 For we know the Lord of glory Always sees what children do. And is writing now the story Of our thoughts and actions too. "^ 4 Let our sins be all forgiven ; Make us fear whate er is wrong ; ores. Lead us on our way to heaven, / There to sing % pobler song. hi ill hi ti. MISCELLANEOUS: 322 KEvBb. MADRID.— P.M. Spanish Melody. I il [ II n d d d 8| n d, - It, :d - |si :si - |r :d - |S| :pt, - Ir :n - Is, :si - It, :d - Is, :d - It, :d - |si :s, - jr :d - Is, :ri. 1, :d fi :fi d :d f. :1, f :pi Si :s. ti :d d :d :fi :d :1. Pii s, n, d d n :d s, :si d :d n d :- d, :- :d :s, :n :d f :r 1, :1, d :f fi :f. r :in s, :s, t, :d s, :ii. d :t, s, :f. n :r s. :- Id Id, D.C. f :ii |r f d fi :r :li :f Si :s. Is, t, :d It, r, :d Is, Id In, Id Id, d :t| S| :fi n :r S| :- "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise.' f 1 pOME, chiidreni join to sing, ^ Hallelujah ! Amen ! Loud praise to Chiist our King, Hallelujah ! Amen I Let all with heart and voice Before His throne rejoice ; Praise ia His gracious choice ; Hallelujah ! Amen ! / 2 Come, lift your hearts on high ; Hallelujah ! Amen ! Let praises fill the sky ; Hallelujah ! Amen ! "V He is our guide and friend ; To us He'll condescend ; His love shall never end : Hallelujah ! Amen ! / 3 Praise yet the Lord agr.in ; Hallelujah ! Amen ! Life snail not end the .train ; Hallelujah 1 Amen J On heaven's blissful shore His goodness we'll lore, Singing for evermore, Hallelujah i Amen ! Kkv D. aLORY.— I l: d :rKf|s :s S| :d.r|n :d :s s :pi d :d Id :d 1 :1 Is d :f In f^:lj|di f :f Id n 1 :r' Is :l.t d' :- f :f d' :1 n s :si i:d 1 f d' f r:n.f f:d.r ] :di.di l:d.d aing-lng Git S n d' d' 323 (* KevA. ■S| •Si .s, •Si d^ S|. n . d,. r.,d :t,.] t|.,l|:s,.l s.,r :r .c r.,r :r|.i "fl AROUl ^1- Tho Wliose s; A holy / Sii CHILDREN'S SERVICES. C d> 'A\ 1 :f Is :n f :d Id :d d' :1 Is :s f :f In :d GLORY — continued. n ( I ti.f :d.r di.di :d.d s :s n :n d' :di d' :d II :l If :f If :f «ing-ingGlo-ry, glo - ry, glo LsrKtjdi d 'f Is f :d' Id' f :f I s :- i n d' d In Id' Id 1 di d'.ri s.f s.s n.r s.l;8.f n.f;pi.r d' :di s :s n' :d' :d' :1 ry!Siiig-iiigGlo-ry, d :t, Si :s, f :r 1, :s f :s glo • ry, d> n s d glo In Is Id ry! 323 {Sccoml Tune.) AROUND THE THRONE.— 8 6 8 6 8 Kbv a • ■ . • .S, d .d :t| .d S|.S| :S|.S| n jn :r .n d| .d| :d| .d| Arranged by H. E. Matthews. r .r :d .r t,.t| :l|.t, r .r :s .s S| .S| :S| .S| n .r :ii .f d .t| :d .r s .8 :n .r d .d :d .d .s .PI .d .d 1 .s :f .n f .n :r .d d .n :f .s d .d :d .d f .n :r .d d .d :S|.S| 1 .8 :f .PI d .d :d .d 8|.1 | :t|.S| Si.li :S|.S| t|.d :r.f :S|.S| d S| PI Hiug-iug Glo :d. !S|. :n. :d. r ti s S| glo :r. !t!|. :8. !S|. n.,f :s.f d.,r :d.l, s.,f :pi.d d..d :d.f, „, glo-ry bo to God Si f :r :f, :t, :s, on d pii d d, liiglt ! 'Of such is the kingdom of heaven." / w/2 W5 at brought them to that t;>:, That lieaven so bright and f'.i I'l/ 1 A ROUND the throne of God in heaven -'»• Thousands of children stand, Whose sins are all through Christ for- A holy, happy band, [given, Singing Glory, glory, glory ! i»f'6 Because the Saviour shed His blood To wash away their sin, ci-e*. Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean, i. SingingGiory, glory, glory I ■»\f 4 On earth they sought the Saviour's grace. On earth they loved His name ; cru. And now thev see His blessed face, And Bland before the Lamb : / Singing Glory, gloiy, glory! Z above, Where all is peace and joy ant,, iove- How came those children there, Singing Glory, glory, glory 1 t'! MISCELLANEOUS: 324 Kky ] ':s, s, n, :d :8, It, :d.r n GLE^OiIK :d 1 V :si Is, ,N.-< n.r 3.M Id T. Ills, :n.r ifi 3B16.1867. ^S S| :S| S| », K, ;'3, f, r^i « "" 1 " |a|^ j :d r :d.t| d :d It, d„t. d, :d :<^ :d.t| d :- 1 - ^^^^H[ l:ti, id. 'W; Si.fi'.'Ji.ri d, :n, Is, di.r. "i :fi Is, :si d, :- 1 - H ''4± r'; :a r :s d :r jn d.L!«?i :d |r :n.r d J— 1 — ^^^^^^v ".iL'fi .^. ;s, i5( :S| n, :1, |se, 8|.f, :n, 11. :8|.f| n. ;- 1 - ^H :d d :d t, :d d :li. It, n.d d :d Id :d.ti d :- 1 - ^B .:d, d, :n, 1 s,.fi:ni li :f, |pi, d, d, :1. If. :s, d, ;- 1 - :si ; si.f :si :s :S| : t|.d _;S| .Ij " Remember tiow thy Creator in the days ^/ thy youth." ■H\f 1 DY cool Siloam's shady rill. How sweet the lily grows ; How sweet the breath beneath the hill Of Sharon's dewy rose I hip 2 Lo, such the child whose early feet The paths of peace have trod, Whose secret heart with influence sweet I» upward drawn to God. 3 By cool Siloam's shady rill The lily must decay ; The rose that blooms beneath the hill Must shortly fade away. p 4 And soon, too soon, the wintry hour Of man's maturer age Will shake the soul with sorn 'v .i power, Aud stormy passions rage. mp 5 O Thou, whose infant faet v . , found Within Thy Father't> fihriiis, Whose years, with cb v; -^T-sa Tirtue crowned, Were all alike divine,-- 6 Dependent on Thy bounbeoi!' ( -..'r.Ui, We seek Thy grace alone - (!!•«. In childhood, manhood, age, i ■'■ leatb, "^ To keep us still Thine own i 326 d n S| n d CHILDREN'S SERVICES. 326 KEvAft. DENFIELD,— O.M. C. a. QLAaKit. ■:si d.d :r :r n .r :d r n .n :f :ii r '_ :S| s,.S| :si :si S|.f| :ni S| S|.S, :8, :8| S| • _ " :Si^ m .d :d d|.ni :s, :s, d .8, :s, d, .d, :d| t, d .d d .d :r :t, :d :d d ± .:si S| - ':s s .n :n :d d .1, :1, S| S|.d :d :t, d . :si S|.si:si :1. si.fi :fi f, rii .S| :8| :s, Si : _ :t|.d r .d :d :d d .d :d t, d .d :r :f n : ,,, .:8,.1| t, .d :d :li ni.f| :f| Ti di.rii :s, :s, d, : _ " 2'ht Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken. «t/"l THE morning bright with rosy light A Has waked me from my sleep ; Father, I own Thy love alone Thy little one doth keep. 3 All through the day, I humbly pray, Be Thou my guard and guide ; ™/ My sins forgive, and let me live. Lord Jesus, near Thy side. 3 Oh make Thy rest within my breast, Great Spirit of all grace ; cm. Make me like Thee, then shall I bo Prepared to see Thy face. 326 Key a. d -.d - .n, - .d -.d, - .PI - .n -.d d .d :ti .d S| .S| IB\ tt.\ d .d :n .n pii .pt| :d| .d| n .n :r .d d .d :ti .d d .d :n .n DIJON.— :r :t, :s :Si :1 :d :f :f. - .r ..t| - .r - .8| - .n - .8, -.d Ooi-man Volkslled. r .r :d .r t| ,X\ '.i\ ,X\ 8 .f :n .r S| aS| 'S| .Si 8 .1 !l| ,t| li.l, :fi.f, d .r :r .r fi.fi :S|.s, PI d d d, d d d, " He shall gather the lambs viiik His arm, and carry them in His bosom. 1 TPSTTa 4.„«,],.- Ql 1 J u - " Bless Thy little lamb to-night ; Through the darkness be Thou near me ; Watch my sleep till morning light. 2 All this day Thy hand has led me. And I thank Thee for Thy care ; Thou hast clothed nie, warmed and fed Listen to my evening prayer, [me j 3 Let my sins be all forgiven ; Bless the friends I love so well ; Tuke me, when I die, to heaven, Happy there with Thee to dwell. v.^ p M * '1 MISCELLANEOUS. ELLACOMBE.— d. S| :d rt|_ JL I Si 8, l,.t,:d |r :r PI n, :si d, :r, In, n. fi :s. 11. :8, s. d :d d :- Id d d :d \^ :t, d d, :n, 1, :S|.f||n, d, s, n, d l,.t,:d fi :s, d :n d s. r :s, :t, :-.f, :r di S| :d n, :fi Is, d PI, :s, d, :r. In, pii d :d d :-, Id d d| :ri, li :si.fi|n. d, d.r n,,f. f, :d, n :r s, :s, S| PI S| :si :f :li d, n :f r :t|.d|r r S| :1| S| :- Is, Si d :d t, :si.l||t. d d. d :r d :t. d d :d :fi ti d :f, S| :- Is, S| S| :d n, Jfj Is, s, S| d li.tjid f, :n|.f, d :d d S| r :ti :s, :r d S| :si til :r,.d,|r. S| s, :d d :- It, PI s, :n, li :- Is, n, fi :li s. :s. d, Gorman. " There is a/riend that sticketh closer than a brother." »»/ 1 ri^HEBE'S a Friend for Uttle chU- -*• dren Above the bright blue sky, A Friend that never changes, Whose love will never die ; Unlike our friends by nature, Who change with changing years, This Friend is always worthy The precious name He bears. mp 2 There's a rest for little children Above the bright blue sky, Who love the. W.essM Raviour, And to His Father cry, — A rest from every trouble. From sin and dangei- free ; There every iittle pilgirim Shall rest eternally. «i/' 3 There's a home for little chil- dren Above the bright blue sky. Where Jesus reigns in glory, A home of peace and joy ; No home on earth is like it, Nor caa with it compare. For every one is happy. Nor can bo happier, there. / 4 There's a crown for little children Above the bright blue sky, And ftll who look to Jei=iis Shall wear it by and by, — A crown of brightest glory. Which God shall then bestow On all who love the Saviour, And walk with Him buluw. 328 Key O. I Is, Is, In Id, :t, :fi :r Is, :t, Is, :f. In :r Id, :ri |1 :1 Hi :d If :f fi.Si:li.t mplANCE yj sto Where i In a I Mary w Jesus C 2 He cami Who And Hi And] With th Lived 01 CHILDREN'S SERVICES. 4 I 328 Key Q. 8| n d, S| S| n d, 1 li f • t, :fi :r :ri :t, :fi :r :ri :1 :d :f fi.Si:l|.t d d n, d 8| d s :-.d|d.t| : -.S|| Sj : - .n I n.r :-.d||S| : - .d I cLt I : -.S||fei :-.n|d :-.d,|l, :-.dlf d.t,:d.d|d n .f : s .PI I r d.r :n .d | S| IRBY.— :n :d :d :1. :n :d :d :1. :1 ; d.r :f :li.t| Dr. Qauntlett. :d.r r :d d : :S|.t| t, d S| '. :pi.f f ■n PI : :s, S| d d : :d.r r d d : :fe, s,.f, PI, Si : :d t, • d n : :r, S| : d d : :f n - 1 : :t, d - li.t,: :s s - f : :si d : - f,.8,: s d d pii s d d : -.Piln.rrd.ti :-.d|l| :si : -.8| s.f;pi.r :-.d||f, :S| :-.pi;|pi.r:d.t| :-.d|l, :si : -.8 I s.f;m.r :-.d;f| :si s ;■ ■Piln.r*'^..* S|.ti;d .Sil?i :»| f .r :n .s | s.fin.r d :-.d|f| :s, " Ve shall find the babe wrapped in swaddltng clothes, lying in a manger." »«p 1 ANCE in royal David's city ^ Stood a lowly cattle-shed, Where a mother Ir " t infant In a manger for ii..i bed ; Mary w.is that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little child. 2 He came down to earth from heavfen Who is God and Lord of all. And His shelter was a stable. And His cradle was a stall ; With the poor, and mean, and lowly, Lived on earth our Saviour holy. •mv 3 And, through all His wondrous child- He would honour and obey, [hood. Love, and watch the lowly mother In whose gentle arms He lay ; Christian children •^ll "'h'luld be Mild, obedient, go ' r^s }Ib. 4 For He is our childhood's pattern. Day by day like us He grew. He was little, weak, and helpless, Tears and smiles like us He knew ; And He feeleth for our sadness. And He shareth in our gladness. "i/" 5 And our eyes at last shall see Him, Through His own redeeming love, For that Child so dear and gentle ' Is our Lord in heaven above ; And He leads His children on To the place where He is gone. mp 6 Not in that poor lowly stable. With the oxen standing by, We shall see Him ; era. but in heaven. Set at God's right hand on high ; ifit When like stars Hib children crowned All in whit" -iiall wait around. > , H i^^^^^H I !"1H 1 kH MISCELLANEOUS: 329 cxlANT. KkyO. M D S D S T, S M n :r d :ti s :f d :s, B :f d :r n :s 1. :t, Id In 111 In Id id p f L, S| D r L. t, B L, P Pi r ti f S| A. H . D. TnoTTE. :n Ir :- :d It, :- :s Is :- :d Is, :- :- Id :- :- Id :- :- In :- :- Id, • " Unto you is Bom this day, in the eUy of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord," mp 1 rPHERE camo a littlejchild to earth J Long ago ; And thelangels of God pr<i|:laimed His birth, High and low. aOat iti the^iight, so| idm and still, I Their song was heard ; «•«». For they lew that the Child on JBethlehem's hill ' WasjChriBt the LorU mp 3,Far away in ajgoodly land, (rair and b jht, Children wi' crownn o^lory stand, P' bed in white. ^fi Theyls'ng ho - the Lorl of that3|worl(i -n fair Achild w|is born • Anf <it| y might His crow ■ of Igjorv share, ^«»»>' P Woj;e ajcrown of lijojp ; P 5 And inlmortal weakness, inKvait .tnd pain, Came forth to die, cres. That thejchildren of earth might inlglory reign )With|Him on high. i 11 w 6 And forievermore, in their^obes so fair , And xmdefiled, ThosJransomed children His praise declare Who was once a child k 330 Key B&. pd d :si li :n f l:d. f. r:d d :s, li :n f Ui fi pd d :n, n, :d d l:d li :d S| :s. s, '.n d l-.d, n, / 1 CHILDREN'S SERVICES. 33C Key ':d ) d :t, Id !li S| OLD :si 44th.— D.C.M. d :8 f :n meran Figlith Psalttr. 1566. r :r d :- |- | :8i 1. :8, In, :fi s, :rt, n. :n, f, :si 1, :s. n. ,- 1 - :n f :r Id :d d :d d :d li :d d :t, d ;- 1 - .:d, fi :s, 11. n. :d, d, :d, r, :ri. f. :s, d, ;- 1 - ':d d :t, Id • ii 8| :8i d :n f :ii r :r d — 1 - :s, 1, :8i In, • *i S| :n. n, :s. li :h 8| :f, n, 1 :n f :r Id d :d d :d d :d d :t. d 1 ~ .:d, f. :si 11. !I| n, :d, d. :d. f. :d, S| :si d, - 1 - ':d d :r In s :f n :r d :1. t, :d r _ 1 _ :"i n, :si Is, •1| t, :t. d :1, 8. :f. f, :n. S| 1 - :d d :t, Id :d r :r d :i' n :d r :d t, - 1 - .:d 1. :8i Id :1. 8| :si li :ri n, :f. r. :1, S| - 1- :d S| :li It, :d r :ri r :d t, :d r :r d — 1 - :s, S| :fi Ir, :n, f. :s. S| :ni s. :s, 1. :si n. 1 - :n d :d |S| :8, 1. :d t, :d r :d 1 d :t, d - 1 - .:d. n, :f. Is, :n, r. :d, S| '^i 8| :n, f, :8, d. - 1 — " Hosanna in the highest.' f 1 TIOSANNA ! raise the joyful hymn ^^ To David's Son and Lord ; With cherubim and seraphim Exalt the Incarnate Word. ' Hosanna ! Lord, our feeble tongue No lofty strains can raise ; But Thou wilt not despise the you. ,-, Who meekly chant Thy praise. ''/ 2 Hosanna ! . ivereign, Prophet, Priest, How va? Thy gifts, how free ! Thy blood, our life ; Thy word, our feast; Thy name our on^y plea. dim,. f Hosauna ! Master, lo ! we bring Our offerings to Thy throne ; Not gold, nor i: yrrh, nor mortal thing, But hearts to be Thine own. 3 Hosanna ! once Thy gracious ear Approved a lisping throng ; Be gracious still, and deign to hear Our poor but grateful song. Saviour, if, redeemed by Thee, Thy temple we behold, Hosannas through eternity We'll sing to harps of gold. If'.. I',., 1"* 'P i - 5'1 1 MISCELLANEOUS: 331 (firtt Tmt.) Key P. 'd :-.r|n is 1 TENDERNESS :8 |s.n:- -8.4,8.4.8 n :- .8.8 In 4. : -.r d d :-.t,|d :d d :d |ri.d:- d :- Id :-.t, d ;- 1 _ [ . n : -.8 1 8 :n :n 1 8. Sl- 8 :- 1 s :-.f n • _ 1 . d :..8,|d :d fi id |d.d:- d :- Is, :-.Si d :- - :- d :..r|n :s :8 |8.n:- n ;- In : -.r d • «. _ .„ d :..t,|d :d :d |n.d:- d :- Id '• ' 1*1 d :- - ;_ s :-.s|s :ii :n |8,.s:- 8 :- 8 :-.f n ;- — ;_ . n : - .r 1 d :d fi :d |d.d:- 8 :- 8| :-.8| d :- - d' :-.t|l :8 :s Is :n 8 :n d> :t 1 :se 1 n n : - .8 1 f :ii :rt In :d n :d n :r d :t, d d 8 : - .n 1 f :s :s Id' :8 s :s 1 :f p\ :ri PI ti d :-.d|d :d :d Id :d d :d 1. :r n :n, li 1, 'd :-.r|n :s :-.8|8 :n n ;- n : -.r d • ^ _ _ d :..t,|d :d :-.d|n :d d :- d :-.t, d ;- — ; - 8 :-.8|8 :n : - .n 1 8 : 8 8 :- 8 :-.f n ;- — ; - . n : - .r 1 d :d fi :-.d|d :d 8 :- S| :-.8, d :- - : - " J'Atre is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother," "')' 1 ANE is kind above all others — ^ Oh how He loves ! His is love beyond a brother's — Oh how He loves ! Earthly friends may fail or leave us, One day soothe, the next day grieve us : «*.'. But this Friend will ne'er deceive us — / Oh how He loves ! ',np 2 Tis eternal life to know Him— Oh how He loves ! Think, oh think, how much we owe Oh how He loves ! [Him — With His precious bloodHe bought us, In the wilderness He sought us, «•«. To His fold Ho safely brought ua— / Oh how He loves 1 '«i' 3 Through His name we are forgivfen — Oh how He loves ! Backward shal iir foes be drivdn — hi \jii iM\r n. 10VC3 I Best of blessings He'll provide us, Nought but good shall e'er betide us ! «*»• Safe to glory He will guide us — / Oh how He loves I :S| .8| :n .f :d .d :d .r :S| .8| :n .f ,:d .d f. E. din I^.S,.!, :'ir .r l^lO.Si.Si E.t. ('}<r x\ li^ili-de :* f .8 « ♦ :pi :d CHILDREN'S SERVICES. Ool (Strond Turu.) mf Kkv B. M. 88. :r I :d I :f ROSEBANK.- E. J. HoPKiNB, Mill. Doc. :d .r :s, .8, :n .f :d .d :d .r :si .8, :n .f :d .d :d :n :d If :n Id :d II :8 Id :d B. t. If :"1, Id :0f, s :se |1 :'r d :ti 111 :»'d| f. E. di :">t|.d m. T :n If :1 I-'iBi.li t, :d It, :d :'ir.r 8 :s If :-.r :''iSi.8| f :n |r :d E.t. :'ir .PI crea • f :f cen . do :fe :"ili.de r :r |r :r 'M.a 1 :1a Is :d' •M.n r :d It, :1. 1 d f d r f, 8| t, 8 r r t, 8 d n Id S| f, r ta IPI Id \B I 8 :- Id f. A. 'l,.t, •ini.sei 'd.r 'd.t, :se :n 11 :d' :na :fe d' :pi ir n :d 11 If di :s 8 :- 8 :- |r ti :- Hi r :- Id 8i :- |S| PI :- |r Ml :8| |fi d ;ti Hi d, :- |fi d :d |r li :li Hi n :n |r li :8i If, f and rati. 8 t, Ir 18, :f PI ; - 1 :s. 8, - 1 :t| d - 1 :s, d - 1 :8i d - 1 :f. Hi - 1 :t. d - 1 :8, d. - 1 :f n - 1 :li 86, - 1 :-.d t| J? 1 :r, n. - 1 :t. d - 1 :8, 8, - 1 :f r. - 1 :S| d ;- 1 d li n li " There is a/riend thai sticketh closer than a brother." mp 1 ANE IB kind above all othein — ^ Oh how He loves ! His is Jove beyond a brother's — Oh ho A' He loves 1 Earthly friends ma} iail or leave us, One day soothe, the next day grieve us : crff. But this Friend will ne'er deceive us — / Oh how He loves ! mp 2 'Tis eternal life to know Him — Oh how He loves ! Think, oh think, how much we owe Oh how He loves ! [Him— With His precious blood He bought us, In the wilderness He sought us, o-i's. To His fold He safely brought us — / Oh how He loves ! mp 3 Through His name we are forgiven — Oh how He loves ! Backward shall our foes be driv5n — Oh how He loves I Best of blessings He'll provide us, Nought but good shall e'er betide us ! «■'»• Safe to glory He will guide us — / Oh how He loves ! ».| «t" m 1 MISCELLANEOUS: :tiJj|S| :d :fi l"i :si :d !d :d :d. Id, :n. d ;t|.l||s, "i :fi I", s, :d Id di :d| :r :s, :r :t. :d :s, :d In :f Is, :1, Id :d Id :f, ' t|.l| | s, :t|.li|S| ; ti.l| | s, :t|.l||S| :d :s, :d :ri. ELLACOMBE.— n. German. Hi :fi Is, di .Ti In, S| n. l,.t,:d fi :s. |r ill :r :s. n :- s, :- 1 - d :- Id d d :d Id :t. d :- _ li :S|.fi|n, d| S| n, d li.ti:d fi :s, d :n If. Id Is, r :s, :t, :-.fi :r d, :- d :- n, :- d :- 1 - Ml :f, Is, di :r. In, d :- Id li :S|.f,lMi d, d.r "i.fi fi :d, n :r s, :s. S| n S| :s, :f :1, d, :- r :- Si :- j- r :t|.d|r s, :- |s. t, :S|.l||t, d d, d :r d :t. d d :d :fi ti :- s, :- - s, :- Is, "i :fi Is, S| St d l,.t,:d 1 fi :nilil d :d 1 d S' r :t, :si :r d :- Si :- n :- - Ml :r,.d,|r. d :- It, 1, :- Is, n, fi :1. 1 S| :s. d, :- - " Hosanna to the Son of David." w/ 1 IIOSANNA ! loud hosanna ■*■■*• The little children sang ; Through pillared court and temple The lovely anthem rang ; To Jesus who had blessed them, Close folded to His breast, The children sang their piaises, The simplest and the best. P'/ 2 From Olivet they followed, "Midst an exultant ci'owd, Waving the victor palm-branch, Arid ahoutiiijr clwir and loud ; Bright angels joined the chorus, Beyond the clolidleRs sky, — / " Hosanna in the highest, Glory to God on high !" mp 3 Fair leaves of silvery olive They strewed upon the ground, Whilst Salem's circling mountains Echoed the joyful sound : iXim. The Lord of men and angels Rode on in lowlv state, m-es. Nor scorned that little children Should on His bidding wait. / 4 " Hosanna in the highest !" That ancient song we sing For Christ is our Redeemer, 'liie Ijorii of heaven our King, Oh may we ever praise Him, With heart, and life, and voice. And in His blissful presence Eternally rejoice J 333 Key p. pd.r n : :d d : :in.f s : i:d d : r:d.r M : :d d : :s.f n.s: :n.r d : pn.f s : :d.r u : :s fc'.di: l:d d : r:d.r n : :d.t| d : :s.f rt ' i:n.r d.l, mj> 1 T THI ■>• st Whei HowH( t Ishoi I wish t That And th 1( "Let 2 Yet sti n And And if] Itiha CHILDREN'S SERVICES. ^■| German. 333 Key p. SALAMIS.— P.M. Greek Air. t1.f d s d f.r t|.t| s.f S|.S{ 11 n.f d d s s d s.f s.n:d'.tll.8;f .n r_^:n.8|d :t|.d s ;s.& |f .s:3.s t|.d:d.n| f .n;r.d d ;d.n|ii.r;d.t d :d.d|l| :S|.S| PI :s.s|f :i>i.r li :pi|.in4|f| :s,.S| s.pi;d'.t|l.s;f .n d :d.d|d :r.d s ;f .3 |f .s:s.8 ii.d:r .nj f .pt:t|.d s f.r d :d.ti|ii.r:d.t d t|.t| d :d.d|l| :S|.s ri r.f n :s.s 1 s.ftn.r d Si.Si li :ni.pi||f| :S|..s n : - Ir d : - It, s : S| : d S| M ,d m II 1 1 1 1 »4 d :- It, s S| id 1 S| n ,d II 1 1 1 1 II (ill " yesus called a little child unto Him," «i|) 1 T THINK, when I read that sweet ■*■ story of old, When Jesus was here among men, Ho w He called little children, as lambs, to His fold, [then, I should like to have been with Him I wish that His hands had been placed on my head, [around me, That His arms had been thrown And that I might have seen His kind look when He said, " Let the iiUle ones come unto Me." 2 Yet still to His footstool in prayer I may go, And ask for a share in His love ; And if I thus earnestly seek Him below, I uhall see Him and hear Him above. inp In that beautiful place He has gone to prepare For all who are washed and forgiven ; And many dear children are gathering there, [heaven." "For of such is the kingdom o\ 3 But thousands and thousands who wander and fall Never heard of that heavenly home ; I sliould like them to know there is room for them all, And t.hat.Tfisus hns hid them to come, I long for that blessfed and glorious time. The fairest and brightest and best, When the delft little children of every clime Shall crowd to His arms and be blest. 'ilk* x MISCELLANEOUS: FULSTOW.— d S| r S| n d s It, Is. |r Is, |r It, 1^ Is, :d |r Hi Id li :n, |f| :d :d :d :s :"i Ir 11. If f. :f :si :t, :s, :r :t, :f :s, Rev. T. R. Matthews. n S| d d. d d n d, " T/te Lord is high, yet hath He respect to the lowly: mp 1 JESUS, high in glory, *-' Lend a listening ear ; When we bow before Thee, Children's praises hear. 2 Tiiough Thou art so holy. Heaven's Almighty King, Thou wilt stoop to listen When Thy praise we sing. P 3 We are little children. Weak and apt to stray ; Saviour, guide and keep us In the heavenly way. 4 Save us, Lord, from sinning, Watch us day by day ; Help us now to love Thefl; Take our sins away. mp 5 Then, when Jesus calls us To our heavenly home, '"/ We would gladly answer, •Saviour Lord, we come." 335 KeyD. n m d' d ST. COLUMBA.— :f Is :r Id :t.l|tf :d :d :s In :rj II :s I PI :n II :1 :s :ri :t :n.r |de :de r d 1 f f r :r :t, :s :s :s :r :s :ti In Id Is Id In id Is Id :di It :1 :n !r :pt :-.fe|s :di :1. It, :d Ir :n i,.t|:d f :s f :n If :n |r ; S|.d l^rdi r :d Rev. R. R. Chopk, ;fe :r :1 :r :r :t, :s.f f. :s, Is :- |r :- It :- Is Id - 1 Id : - 1 In : - 1 Id : - i IpEN^ U L( Pityn Suffer 2 Fain I Deares Give 11 In the 336 (M Key p. n d s d di d s n d' n s d .r '»/ 1 THE] 1 Fi Where Brig crcs. Oh ho Wortli Loud 1 Prai / 'iiip 2 Come Com Why ^ Wh: . Matthews. p us ining, f R. Chopr. S :- r :- t :- a ~ d _ 1 d : - n ; - d : - 1 CHILDREN'S SERVICES. " Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart." 1 pENTLE Jesus, meek and mild, ^ Look upon a little child j Pity my simplicity ; Suffer me to como to Thee 2 Fain I would to Thee be brought ; Dearest Lord, forbid it not ; Give me, dearest Lord, a place In the kingdom of Thy grace. 3 Lamb of God, I look to Thee ; Thou shalt my example be ; Thou art gentle, meek, and mild, Thou wast once a little child. 4 Loving Jesus, gentle Lamb, In Thy gracious hands I am ; Make me, Saviour, what Thou art, Live Thyself within my heart. >00 (^First Tune.) KeyF. I- [AP] PY n :n .r n .S :s d :d •t, d .d :d s :s .s s .n :n d :d .S| d .n :ii d' :di .1 1 .s :s d :d •d d .d :d s :s .f f .n :n n :n .f f .d :d d' :d' .1 1 .s :s n :d .d d .d :d s :s .f f .n :« d j£ :n .f f .d :in n :n .,r d :t, .,t, s :f .,f d :s, .,S| n .,r :n .s d .,t, :d .d 3 .,f :s .tn d .4 :d .d :i»i .,r :t| .,t| :s .,f :S| .,S| d d n d 1 .s d .d f .n f .d d d n d Indian Melody. B.C. "At Thy right hand are pleasures for evermore." W 1 THERE is a happy land, J- Far, far away, Where saints in glory stand. Bright, bright as day ; cres. Oh how they sweetly sing, Wortliy is our Saviour King ! / Loud let His praises ring, > raisOj prRinG tor sy^i MP 2 Come to this happy land, Come, come away ; AVliy will ye doubting stiwid, Wliy still delav? o-es. Oh we shall happy be. When from sin and sorrow free, Lord, we shall live with Tliee, Blest, blest for aye. "'/ '6 Bright in that happy land Beams every eye, XT — 4. u.. ~ '• ■ • Love cannot die : / Ou then to glory run ; Be a crown and kingdom won ; And, bright above tlie sun, Reign, reign for aye. r'..4.i,„„>,. i,„_j 'I *<!' ' i >k' MISCELLANEOUS. 336 KeyF. (Second Tune.) THERE IS A HAPPY LAND. - • ' n :n .,r r .d :d d :d ,d n • __ d :d .,t, t, .d :d 1, :1, .,1| S| •__ s :s .,f f .n :n f :d ..d d •_ . d :si .,S| li .1, :li f. :fi .,f, d :- s :s .,f f .n :pi t, :t, .,t, n .. d :ti .,ti d .S| :si sei :bai .,bai se. ;_ 3 :s .,s 8 .8 :n n :re .,re n •_ . " :r .,r d .d :d t, :t, .,t| n, :- ' 1 :1 .,s 8 .f :f 1 .1 :s ..f f .n :pi 1, :ii .,n n .r :r f .f :n •,r r .d :d PI :1 .,1 I .1 :1 r .r :s •»s 8 .S 8 de :de .,de r .r :r t, .t, :t, .,t, d .d d d' :t .,1 8 .n :d .f ri :r .,d d : _ d :d .,d d .t, :d .r d :t, .,d d _ d :n .,f 8 .8 :n .1 s :f ..n n : ^ 1. :si .,f| rii .Si :1| .f, S| :s! .,d d : ^. "Ai Thy right hand are pleasures for evermore." "'/ 1 THERE is a happy land, ■*■ Ear, far away, Where saints in glory stand, Bright, bright as day : <^m- Oh how they sweetly sing, Worthy is onr Saviour King ! / Loud let His praises ring, Praise, praise for aye. '»JP 2 Come to this happy land, Come, come away ; Why will ye doubting stand, Why stm delay? oxi. Oh we shall happy be, When from sin and sorrow free. Lord, we shall live with Thee, Blest, blest for aye. "I/' 3 Briglit in that happy land Beams every eye. Kept by a Father's hand, Love Gjinnot 'iii* * / On then to glory run ; Be a crown and kingdom won ; And, bright above the sun. Reign, reign for aye. r:d .r :d .d :ii .f :d .d r:d .r :d.d :pi .f :d .d pd .t :d .d :s .8 i:n .n f:d'.t :d.d :s .8 \\n .n "T) mf 1 ^yH r: CHILDREN'S SERVICES. I, and, )w free, Thee, 337 KeyB. ':d .r n : n :m .f JEWELS.- s :s - :1 n :n :r G. F d Root. d :d .d d : d :d .d d :d :d d :d :t, d ■ d - :n .f s : s :s .1 n :n :d d .n :s :f PI PI ,:d .d d d :d ,d d :d :fi S| :si :si d d pd .r n n :pi ,f s :s :1 PI :n :r d :- :d .d d d :d .d d :d :d d :d :t, d :- ■I :n .f s s :s .1 n :ri :d d .M :s :f ri :- .:d .d d d :d .d d :d :f. Si :s, :si d :- pd'.t 1 .1 :di s :s :1 .8 d :d :r PI :s :d .d d d :d d :n :d d :d :t, d :d H :s .s :f :1 .t d> :s :f .m n :n :s s :pi :n .n :f :f n :d :d li :1. :s, d :d td'.t :1 :di s :3 :1 s :d :r d :- :d.d :d :d d :n :d d :d :t, d :- :s .8 :f :1 d' :d :f n :n :f PI :- \:n jn :f :f n :d :fi S| :si :s, d :- ' T/tey shall ie Mine, saith tke Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels. f W mf 1 WHEN Ee cometh, when He corneth, ' ' To make up His jewels, All Hi- ;i\ t'l* orecious jewels Hi' k M-evl will His own. Ijilt the stars of the morning, .'Til bri^-ht crown adorning, Ti.oy shall shine in their beauty. Bright gems for His crown. »i/' 3 Little children, little children, Who love their Redeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own. / Like the stars of the morning, His bright orowu adorning, They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gem.' for His crown. 'lip 2 He will gather, He will gather, The gems for His kingdom ; All the pure ones, all the bright ones, His loved and His own. Like the stars of the morning. His bright crown adorning. They shall shine in their beauty, Briglit gems for His crown. 'I UA m fl ^1?S 'I 1 Miscellaneous. 1 HERE we suffer grief and pain ; ■^^ Here we meet to part again : In heaven we part no more. Oh that will be io^ful, Joyful, joyful, jc/ful ; Oh that will be joyful, When we meet to part no more. 2 All who love the Lord below, Wbcu they die to heaven will go, Aud sing with saints above. Oh that will be joyful, Joyful, joyful, joyful ; On that will be joyful, Whan we meet to ""irf r.o rr.i-.r= 3 Little chil<^ren will be there, Who have sought the Lord by prayer, From every Sabbath-sohool. '/« Thy presence is/mntss of joy." Oh that will be joyful Joyful, joyful, joyful;' Oh that will be joyful. When we meet to part no more. 4 Oh how happy we shall be, * or our Saviour we shall see Exalted on His throne. Oh that will be joyful Joyful, joyful, joyful ; Oh that will be joyful, When we meet to part no luore. 5 There we all shall sing with joy. And eternity Gm»il<!y In praising Christ the Lord. Oh tliat will be joyful. Joyful, joyful, joyful ; Oh that will be joyful, When we meet to part no more. Cares ai Hiddf 2 Oh may Trod] Make ue Guard m/l T ORD ^ Fill Let )is e; Triuiti Ohi Travellii 0MA8 BiLBV. :n :f :d :r :- :s :n :r In :- Id:- Is:- d:- d :- d:- n :- d:- 1, • more. liiore. y, more. CHILDREN'S SERVICES. 339 Key p. s :1 MARINERS.- :d :f :d s.f;pi.f d :d w.r.'d.r d :d :1 :d :f :d I r.pi : r.n t|.d;M s :s Si :s, :f :r :s s, :t n.frn.f d.r;d.r s :s d :d s :s d'.trl.s n :n d :d s :s n.s:f .n d :d d :d dM;s.f d :d l_.f:s.l fi :M..f :r :t, ;f :s, Fol/cw Me." "•? C^S'^599?'^ y^^^ ^^^ passing o'er ^ Youthfuldayswillsoonbedone; fug, Cares and sorrows lie before us, Hidden dangers, snares unknown. 2 Oh may He, who, meek and lowly Trod Himself this, vale of woe, Make us His, and make us holy, Guard and guide us will we go. P 3 Hark! it is the Saviour calling, ' Little children, follow Me ;" Jesus, keep our feet from falling ; Teach us all to follow Thee. i"P 4 Soon we part-it may be never. Never here to meet again ; J Oh to meet in heaven for ever ; Oh the crown of life to gain 1 340 Key A. d :r |pi :f S| :S||S| :d n :r |d :d d :t||d :1, pj t 's:di|U:s.f d:pi id :r 's:s If :l *'t'i:d If :r BENEDICTION,-8.r. Samuel Wkbbb. 1740-1817. s :f In :r Si:li|si:si d:d |d:t| ni:fil.S|:S| n :r |d :- d:t||d:- s :-.f|n :- s :si Id :- d :d|d:f Si :li|si:f d :d|d:d ni:fi|ni:li f. A. ■^tiitildis, "sirsilsitn, •r:i'|d:d ''si:fiini:d| ti:r |d:- S|:-,f||n|:- d:t, |d:- Si:si Id,:- l,:t,|d:r fi:fi |ni:si d:r |d:t| fi:ri|li:si li :li '|S|:s fi :fi In,:s d :d |d:r fi :li ld:t| ri.r:d,t||li:f si :si |f|:f| d :d id:d d :n, |f|:l| d:d |d:t ni:fi|si:s, d :d In :r li:li |S|:S| n:r |d:- SiXfilm,:- d:t, |d:- Si:s, Id,:- I i ' "^Til "*' ' •sets j.i:j* (L7ira3injj, ^ Fill our hearts with joy and peace : Let US each, Thy love possessing. Triumph in redeeming grace ; Oh refresh us. Travelling through life's wilderness I »y i; cres. 2a Tnanks we give and adoration, lor Thy gospel's joyful sound ; May the fruits of Thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound ; May Tliy presence With us evermore be found ! I s.f:ii s :s 1 :t.di t :1 s : - d :d n :r d :r.n r :d t, :- n.r:d s :s fe :s s :fe s :- d :d d :t, li :si.d r :ri Si :- Hi i HI MISCELLANEOUS: o41 (First Ttme.) Kky B I>. s :s :s d :n :r n :s :f d :d :S| IN TENEBRIS LUMEN.- Rev. J. B. DvKEs, Mus. Doc. d' :- :1 8 :- :r n :- ;- d •- :d d:-:t, s,:- - n - :f n:-:f pi :- - li - :fi S|i- :S| d:-. - de:r :n 1 :- :s li ;ti:de 1 :- :r PI ;r :d f :- :fe r :-:r / f. Efe. :"it 's s ;1 ;t ti ;d :r f :-:f S| :-:s, d':- d:- n :- r ;g :s t|;d :r s :-^f si:li:t, d:-:d Spjl|:ta n :n :n sei :1| :t, n :n :n pii :ba{ :se Btt. d^ :1 d:r :n n:se :l li:t,:d s :- :f r :- :r t:-:l r :- :r n r se n d:-:d iii:f|:s, s :- r :d n :- d:- d:- d:- fi:- d :r t'Hi :ri cres, di:t:l d:d:d 1 :r :re fi:fi:fei rn, :d :d, r :- :t| li:-:sei 1,:- fi:-:f, ni:-:n, n,:- t,r-:r d:-:t| d:- ri:-:ri n,:- :ni 1,:- s :- :n d:-:d n :- :s S| J— !S| PI :r :- t|:ti:- 8 :f :~ S| IS| J — 1 Q SAVI iJR, bless us ere we go ; Thy Word into our minds instil ; And make our lukewarm hearts to glow With lowly love and fervent will. Through life's long day and death's dark night, Oh gentle Jesus, be our light ! 2 The day is gone, its hours have run, And Thou hast taken count of all The scanty triumphs grace hath won, The broken vow, the frequent fall. Through life's long day and death's dark night, Oh gentle Jesus, be our light ! 3 Grant us, O Lord, from evil ways True absolution and release ; AiiCi oiebs ut), molts than in past days, With purity and inward peace. Through life's long day and death's dark night. Oh gentle Jesus, be our light I 341 (Se, KevP. ':n r :d t, :s f .:d S| pa 8 :t,.d r :s 8 ,:8,.1| t, ^•d d PI d . J. B. Dykes, Mus. Ooc. d d n d DISMISSION HYMNS. )( 041 (Second Tune.) KeyF. ■:n r :d |f :n :d t| :d |d :d f :n If :s S| :d 11, :s, ST. MATTHIAS.— W. H. Monk, Mus. Doc. r -.n Id n r d ti Id d S| 1 s In s s fi S| Id d t, s :f In :n r :t, Id :sei.li s :s |B :n t, :r Id :ni.ba<i M :r t| :sei PI :n S0| tuj d 1, n li r .PI li r.de fi.pi I .I'll f 1, r ri d |r :s d |t| :r -.fe| s ; 8.t 1, Is, :t, fe d 1 r It, :d S| ; S|.d r :d s, :n, r :..r d :t| 1 :f fi :8| s t, s S| d d PI d r :n |f :pi t| :d Id :d s :s |f :s 3, :d 1 1| : d.tai f :8 11 1 d :-.tai| 1, d f :pi If f.pi li:s, |f| f. s :PKr|d :f d^i:t| Id :d r :f jpi :1 Si :8, |1, :f, n :- 1- :r d - 1- d :- 1- :t, d - 1- 8 :pi If :f d -1- -1- Si :- 1- :si 4 Labour is sweet, for Thou hast toiled ; And care is light, for Thou hast cared ; Let not our works with self bo soiled. Nor in unsimple ways ensnared. Through life's long day and death's dark night. Oh gentle Jesus, be our light ! 5 Do more than pardon, give us joy, Sweet fear, and sober liberty. And loving hearts without alloy. That only long to be like Thee. Through life's long day and death's dark night, Oh gentle Jesus, be our light 1 6 For all we love, the poor, the sad, T'jifj p.infiil ii'ito Thee we call * Oh let Thy ly; rcy make us glad I Thou art c i - Jesus and our all. Through life's long day and death's dark night, Oh gentle Jesus, be our light ! 11^ n If' MISCELLAhROUS: I 342 ^Fi Kby O. d* :■ n :s 8 :d' d :n f. c. •r' :ri "s :1 's :fe i-it Tune.) \ :1 f :f d' :ri f .in:r.d ri :d|^' 8 :s t : di.t s.f:in.r :f :t, :s :8, ; ri.d :fe CAR MEL. — Q. t, German. d' :d' d :1 d ;r.n|f :n 's, :ti4|l, :1, d :f_^|f :d '"i :r,.d,|fi :1| .f :t d' n d' 1 :s q :d' /t:d' If :rr |d> :d' If :l.s r :r Id : 1. :t, Id : r :8.f In : fi :si id, : r' :ri Id' : 1 l.d :8.f :t In : Id- : t :s d : 1,. jV 8,: d, ; (Second Tune.) BRANDENBUKG.- :d :s, :d r :- :r 8, :- :si t, :- :t, 8, :- :si 8| :- :d ri :- :d| t| : - :S| S| :fi :ni n :- :d S| :- :S| d :- :s, d :- :n, ti:-:d fi:-:ni Si:- :d ri:-:d! f :- :n fi:-:8, li;ti;d ri:-:d| r :- Si:- t,:- s,:- d :n :d S| :- :8| d :- :8| n, ;di :ni r :- :- d :n :d 8,:-:- 8| :- :si t,:-:- d :- :S| 8,:-:- Ml :d| :n, - :r - :f, - :1, - :r, - :r - :f, - :1, - :ri d:- :t| ni:-:r, S\'.- '.B\ 8 1 • "- 1 83 d:-:t| ni:-:r, S|:-:s, S|:- :Sa Gorman. d:- n,:- 8i:- d,:- d:- n,:- s,:- d,:- 1 "]\JOW may He who from the dead •^' Brought the Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ, our King and Head, All our souls in safety keep. 2 May He teach us to fulfil What is pleasing in His sight, Perfect us in all His will. And preserve us day and night. 3 To that great Redeemer's praise. Who the covenant sealed with blood. Let our hearts and voices raise Loud thanksgivings to our God. 343 1L. :f In *L lll^ 8 :1 Is 8| :f,|d f r : d t, _1, 8_ n ij h t. /"I : "s, - •^t, - [% - rd ;- d :- n :- d ;- DISMISSION HYMNS. GernMii. Id Id n d, Qennan. d:- M,:- Si:- d,:- 343 Key F. d :- I d :r S| :- I B| ;t| m :- | w :s d :- Id :si r ;d ti :1 8 '.n B^ t. I "s, :- j "t| :- d :- d :- l:;: It. s S| n :- d:- 8 :- TRINITY.— 8.7.8,7. D. ' :- in :- d:- |d:~ s :-|8 :- d:- Id:- r :d f - 1 n • ti:d d -Id 8 :n 1 -Is: Si:l| f, -Id:s, D.C. d - 1- - s - |s:l d -1- - n - |n:- n -1- - d' - |d':- d -1- - d -IllL If :r ill :t| if :s I'l :s, IL. :n Is, :- It, :- I s- :ni n d a d d n, d :n d :- 1 :8 fi ;d [r Mi_ if, :s, li - If, :n. f - |m : d - Id : 1 - Is : fi - Id : f :- If :- r :- |r :- 1:- |1:- r :- |r :- d I h I n I 1. I s Si f :n f, :s, 1, :d II. :ni :d I ;1, 8 Ml I Si :1i From Laudi Spirituali, r :- |n:f n :- |r:d t,:- |d:- d:- It,:l, 8 :- |8 :1 8 :- 1 8 :n 8,:-|djf, d:- |s,:l, 8 :f | n :r r :- | d:t, t:- Is:- 8,:- | d :8| :r n :- |n d:- Id 3 :- I 8 d:- Id 1, :t, f :s r, :8, r :t. li :s, f :r fi :8, f :r li :t, f :s :8, d : - 1- :■ d : - 1- : n : - 1- : d • - 1- : d : «. f. p. |>.r: s. - I'H,: n - I's: d. - 1 ''s, : d ,- 1- : d - 1- : n :- 1- : d, ;- 1- : ' .if m 1 ..i 1 MAY the grace of Christ our Saviour, ■^" And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favour, Best upon us from above. 2 Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, And possess in sweet communion, Joys which earth cannot afford. 4 •* IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 I" IB 122 £ lit ^ : 112 12.0 IL25 M 1.4 11.6 ^ ^ > "m ■^ u 7 HiotDgraphic .Sciences Corporation as WIST MAIN STMIT W^iSTIR.N.Y. 14SM (716)t72-4S03 ) MISCELLANEOUS : 344 KirD. DISMISSION. T.W.NAnu«. 'd :-|r :- i n :- Id :- s:- |t:l ajt |n:- «:-|8:- d':- |t:- d :- It, :- d :- |d :- d:-|d:- r:- Idr- n:- |r:- d:- |r:- n :- If :- s :- |n :- d :- Id :- d :- |d :- Lord, dla • miaa ua roi eMh breaat with n :- 1 f :- d:-|f :- with Thy oon • ao . Li* iBJ- tir-ld:- bleaa • ing, la - Uon; s:- js :- d:-|t,:- Bld ua Up to n :fe| s :- 1,:- |t,:d now de • Thea our '1 :-|l :- « 1 :-|- :- r:- |r:- f :- |f:- n:- |n:- 1 :-|l:- II r :- 1- :d t • :-!- :- t,:- |t,:- r:- |r:- r:- |d:- d :- jr :- ■ :- jfe:- a :-!- 8 :- Is :- 1:- 11:- 1:-|1:- 1 -|t:- . r :- |r :- s .:-l- 1 -1 B<:- 1 si- r :- |r:- l.:-ll:s f : - If :- Si. w. ST-' SSI r "^^-'^^ nun.— r,d.W: ■■ aaana w« ralae. Wh«i wa reMh yon bllaa • ful ate . Um , a :- Is :- d' :- Is :f ll : - Ir :- d r( Tinu. :- 1- D.G Secotui Time. d:- 1- « :- If :- n :- |r :- d : - It, :- d :- 1- •_ d :- 1- d« :- It :- d' :- 11 :- 8 : - Is :f n :- 1- *^ n:- 1- , H :- 1 r :- d :- If :- 8 : - Is, :- d - 1- d ?- I- I«t our Th«i well tolth and 'oT« In . omaa- ' glT« Th«« no . bier p„i^_ Ohobos. rA :d :d d :- In d :- In d :- In :s :s :8 d' :- |d< :8.8 d' :- |d> :n.n d' :- |d> :dA 1 :-.slf :l .d 8 :- 1- :s f :-Jilr :f n :- 1- :s }aht d' :- Id* :r' iu . . . d' :- |d< :d :d d :- In :8 d' :- Id' : : 1 :djll d' :- Idi !t. And aing Hal •l«-lu . Jahl Hal-le-lu - Jri, 1 HaWa-lu . 'j^| And ' d' :t ;i :1 U :a Is :f( B :8 1 :8 « :d' It i :1 :fe . :- , :{ 8 :- 1 :r ) 8 :fl £ % it 1 :f n :~ |i 1 :t d' :- |r' :d' t :- 1 :t 1 :8 |r :r n :n 1 :r d :li |r :r 8 :- i :8. 1 ■tag Wai-U • la - jah to Gh »d and tha Lamb, For s n d> d ar d_ *. !u f itt f r 8 d':- |t:- d:- |r:- n ;fe l a ;- now ThM de • our 1 :-|l:- d 1 f : :- jr:- -|t:- -|f:-l f.ed •to ■ bag, Uoi. Set d ond Tinu. :- 1- d - 1- n: - 1- d : - 1- - I- :■ - I- :■ - Id' :r' - Id' :t • J«hl And :8 :r :t :8i I For r' f 1_ 1l lu ' t t 8 t, A /?s v:/ DISMISSION HYMNS. V r t, 8 :r :t, :8 DISMISSION— «on«mued. / 8 :8 1 :d< d • • 1 :8 snd ar • ar, Si :d'.* d AjA 1 :8.8 :H.n f__:n Jah I Hal-Is • la d' n d' li Jahi r' 8j n d 8 d man. /^ >;/ Lento. t :- r :f f :1 8, :- A • :8 :r :t :», for I :n.n t| :d .d 8 :8.s :d.d n :r d' :t d :8| ar r jioi! Hal-le-lu r' :d'.d> :1.1 _ Ha:-la-1u n\ n :r 8 :f >d/ d> d n d men. :r I :ti I :8 I I and av - arl - :n .f n d d 1. Jabi d' ; n : 8 ; d : lab I - I - I - I ff\ w LORD, dbmisfl ns with Thy blearing, Bid ua now depart in peace ; Still on heftvenly manna feeding, Let oar faith and love inoreaae t Fill eaoh heart with consolation ; Up to Thee oar hearts we raise : Tfatai well give Thee nobler praise. And sing Hallelujah to Ood and the Lamb, For ever and ever, for ever and ever ! Hallelujah I Hallelujah 1 Hallelujah 1 Amen. \ '.MJt :r.r :t.t Hal'le- I- :d'd' I- :nji I- :1.1 I- :l,.l, Hal-la- /^ •^ MISCELLANEOUS.' 345 KbyO. WINCHESTER. —KM. B. CRAS8ELID8, 0. 1660. ':8 d' :s 11 :1 8 :f In n f :pi !r :8 1 :fe |8 :n d :in.r|d :f r :r |(i d d :d |r :r n :r |r :d' s :ta 11 :d' t :r' |B 8 f :8 |fe :b d> :l It l:dl n d If :f 8 :t, Irt d 1. :d Id :t, d :r |8 ':8 d' :r' |pi' :d' f :n' |r' n' d> :1 Is :di n' :r' Id' :r d :8 Is :8 f :8 is 8 8 :f 1 8 :fe 8 :8.f In :t B :t |d< :d' t :d' It d* d' :d' Id* :d> d< :t |d> i:f PI :r Id :n r :d Is d PI :f In :1 8 :8 Id 1 pBOM aU that dwell belwv the skies Let the Creator's praise arise ; Let the Redeemer's name be sung Through every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord, Eternal truth attends Thy word. Thy prafse shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. 346 Kby A ELY.- -L.M. ':d d In :d 1, :t, Id r n :d :d t, :li Is, :si S| •S| Is, :si f, :f, In, s. s, :fe, jri, ill 8| :fe, 1 s, :pi n d :d d :r |8, ti d :d |r :n r :-^|t, l:d d :t| d :n, fi :r, Id, S| d :1, Is, :d. r, :r, Is, ps. 8 n :d f :n |r s. 1. :d Is, :n r :r Id :B| 8. :t, d :li li:ti:d It, 3l Si :f. In, :d d :t, Id :t, d :r 1 n :1.8 f :8 |8 s.d d :d Id :s 1 :s.fin :8,.f, n, :s, 1 d :f .n r :d |8, n, 1 fi :1. Id :pt. f. :s. Id, JJISMISS us with Thy blessing, Lord j Help us to feed upon Thy word ; All that has been amiss forgive. And let Thy truth within us live. Though we are guil'y Thou art good. Sprinkle our works with Jesus' blood ; Give every fettered soul release. And bid u» all depart iu peace. 1 ( I n d LIDS, C. lOfiO. :fe |B :r |r :I t :r s :r' d' :s.f n :t d< :b 1 A Lord, word om 8h ate to nom ore. top Ten ITON. :1. 1 B| :fe,| S| :.^| t| :r, 1 8| 1 :r 1 d :t, 1 d •lil n :si 1 d, d :r d :t, 8 :s n, :s, f :n d :t, f :s 1, :s, 8 :f d :r PI :1 n, :f, 1 :8 d.r :n fi :n, DIUMISSION HYMNH. ALTENBURa- d. German. :f :d 8 :f d :1, r :d 1. :1. 1 :n f. :1. n :r d :t, 8 :s 8i (81 f :n d^:d f :8 r, : wi.f, 8 t, r 8| t, 861 n n, n d 8 d r t, 8 B| 1 :8 d :d f :n f, :d d :r 1. :t, PI :8 1, :8, r :r 8i :t| 8 :8 t| ts, PI :8 d :8| 8 ; r.ii d :t, :n :d :8 1, :d PI :8 d :d 8 :8 d :pI| pi.fe;B d :r 8 :b d :t, :pi :t, f d f :8 li :8i DAET in peace ! Christ's life was poace, Let us live our life in Him ; Fart in peace ! Christ's death was peace, Let us die our death in Him : Part in peace 1 Christ promise gave Of a life beyond the grave, Where all mortal partings cease ; Brethren, sisters, part in peace. r d : d :t| d : 1 :B.f PI : f. :8, d : f PI : d d : d 8 : li :ti d : 8 :fe 8 : d !l| t, : PI r : li 8, : r d : li :t| d : 1 :8.f PI : f. :S| d : MISCELLANEOUS: 348 Key p. Joyful. 1 :1 8 :- d :d d '- f :f n - fi :f, d : - Gregorian. n :f n :r d d :d d :t, d s :1 s :s n d :f. S| :si d "WE PRAISE THEE, O GOD." PART L— DOXOLOGY TO THE FATHER 8 r 8 t, Lord ^' ^™^ ' ^''' I God: II we acknowledge j Thee to | be the | lastfng^^ *^' ^"^^ *^°*^' ' ''°' " '^'P ' ^'' • II *^« I Fa - ther I ev . er - I powUthe^" t. "'^'^ ' ^^ ^- ' ^^"•^^ " ^^« ^— ' and I aU the , 4. To Thee | cherubim and | seraphim: || con- | tin-ual- | ly do 1 cry. Stow. SANCTUS. 6. Holy, I ho-ly, | holy: || Lord | God of | Sa-ba- | oth. 6. Heaven and | -^arth are | full: || of the | majes-ty | of Thy ) glory. Joyful. 7. The glorious company | of the a - | poetics : || praise | - _ | — _ 8. The goodly fellowship | of the | prophets : || praise J — _ | _ _ 9. The noble | army of | martyrs : i| praise | — — f — _ | Thee. 10. The holy church throughout j all the | world: || doth I ac - - know -ledge | Thee; ' ' 11. TlieFa. | j ther: jj of an | in- - | fin-ito | majesty; 12. Thine honour I a - ble, I true : || and j on - — | — - ly | 13. Also the I Ho-ly | Ghost: || the | Com- — | — fort- | Son er. 'm ANCIENT HYMNS. Kkt F. Moderate, n :r n :- d :t, d :- 8 :8 8 :- d :si d :- r :d Or«gorian. r :r n :- || t, :d t, :t, d :- 8 :n 8 :8 8 :- 8, :1, 8, :8, d :- 1 PART IL— DOXOLOUY TO THE SON. n n :r n :- n d d :t, d :- d 8 d 14. Thou I art the | King : || of | glo - — | ry, O | Christ. 16. Thou art the ever - | last - ing | Son : (j the | Son — | of the | Father. 16. When Thou tookest upon Thee to de - | liv - er | man : 1| Thou didst not ab - I hor the | Vir - gin's | womb. 17. When Thou hadst overcome the | sharpness of 1 death : || Thou didst open the kingdom of | heaven to | all be - | lievers. 18. Thou sittest at the right | hand of | God : || in the | glo - ry | of the | Father. J I I KbyF. Slow. r t, 8 S| PART III.— THE SECOND ADVENT. r n :r t, d :1, 8 8 :f 8. d :fi f :r n :- r :t, d :- 8 :8 8 :- 8i :s, d :- 1 d :t, S| :S| n :r 8, :8, Grogorian. d :- 8, :- n :- d :- 19. We be - I lieve that | Thou || shalt | come to | be our | Judge. 20. We therefore pray Thee, | help Thy | servants : || whom Thou hast redeemed | with Thy | pre - cious | blood. 21. Make them to be numbered | with Thy | saints : || in | glo - ry | ev - er - | lasting. 22. Lord, | save Thy | people : || and | bless — | — Thine | heritage. 23. Qov - I — em I them : || and J lift them | up for J ever. MISCELLANEOUS. I I KbtP. 8 d n d Vieaee. PART IV. 1 :1 8 :- d :d d :- f :f n :- f. :f, d :- :f :d :1 :r :t, :8 Oregrorian. d d n d 24. Daj I hy - I day : II we I mag- - I _ ni . I fy Thee. 25. And we. | worship Thy | name : || ever ( world - | with-out | end. PART V.-THE PRAYER FOR PURITY. KiyP. Slow. . XflA rtu n n :r n :- n d t, :1, t, :- t, n n :1 se :- n 1. 8. :f, n, :- ■•i d :r li :li n :r d :t, li :8ei n :n fit 'fi) Gregorian. 1. n 1. on U3. 26. Vouch . I safe, O | Lord : || to keep us | this day | with . out | sin. 27. Lord, have | mercy up - | on us: || have | mer - _ | cy up - I HbtF. Moderate, n d 8 d THE PRAYER FOR CONTINUED GRACE. n :r d :t, 8 :8 d :8i I n :- n r :d d :- d t, :d 8 :- 8 8 :n d :- d 8i :li r t, 8 :r :t, :8 :8i 28. Lord, let Thy mercy | lighten up - | on ua : || as our Oregorinn. n :- d :- 8 :- d :- Kky P, Vivace. 1 :1 8 :- 8 d d :d d :- r n f :f n :- 8 .« f, :fi d i- t, n :f d :d 8 :I d :f. trust — I in Oregoriuii. 29. O Lord, in | Thee have I | trusted founded. n :r d d :t, d 8 :8 n B| :Bi d let me J ne - ver J be con - I 349 d s d Qlo P r 1, d f. and A 8 d n d pnlM I ere$. 8| :•.! f :-.r t, :-.t glo • r d : - 1 B< : - 1 r : - 1 8,: - 1 glo flragorian. d i-out I end. Gregorian. 1| 1, n Ii out I sin. cy up - I Oragorinn. n d s d List — Orogoriau. d d PI d l)e cou - il ANCIENT HYMNS. \ J f )49 / KtrA. M. M n :- Is : d :- It, : GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. •'T/Tj. v^^l muI'dJ?.""' . Bold and Jop/ul, - d :- 1- :t, 1, :- |d :- n :- |- :~ to nod - d :d |8, :- - :- |f, :- 8, :- |- : ■ 8 :- 1- : d :- |8, : OIo . ry f n :r be to 1. :- be |d :- Ood In, :- to - :- 11. :- f. :- 1- :fi God on d :- d, :- high, 1- : f P r :-.r|f : «• PI :- 1 :8 B. t. «f :..fl8 :- n :- 1 :^ li :-.lil8, : - 8, :- 1 :8, •.d :.4|t, :- d :- 1 :8 d :-.d|t, : - d :- 1 :r "1 :-.l|f :- 8 :- 1 :8 . fi :-.fil«i : and on earth — d :- peace. 1 :t, good • ••r :-.r|r :- will to • wards d :- men. 1 :8, • 8 :- |n : d :- Id : d> n A t :- r :- P |d< :n Id :d 1 :- 1- :8 d :- It, :- f :- B.t PI :"1, d :- 1- :-f. n :- |8 : 8- f :- \n :n r :- 1- :r d :- 1- :>r b d :- Id : pr»iM Thee, wo 8i :- bloaa Hi :1. Thee, we fi :- Is, :- wor • ahlp 1. ._ 1- :>r wo trtt, r : - .w 1 f : 8, :-.8,|8, : - PI :- 8, :- mf \n d we give |8i :- li :- 1- :1. thanki to - :8, If, :- 8, :r Thee - :fi In :d Ihi :s, f :-ji|r : t, :..t,|t, : glo • rl • fy - n :- d :- Thee, Id :- we |n, :pt, wo give - :li Ir :- giTe thanks fi :- 1- :ri tbanlu to - :8, t, :t. Thee for Is, :d |d| :n, Thy groat d :- It, :- d : r«! * d : d, : - 1- - !- - 1- - 1- . ' A f. B. 'd':- '.d :- "8 :- '.n :- A H :- Id ;- If :- If :- 8:-|- r :- Id f :- M :- A 1 d r f. :- 1- :- It, :- 1- :- |8, 8 r - 1 8, :- 1- :f, ■ r :- 1- :- .8,:- 1- :- t, :- Id M m glo rr. Lord God, Heaven • ly - n - I In 1( King, d I 1 Ood MISCBLLANEOVS: GLORIA IN EXCELSIS-w,Ui„tt*rf. II Id II If Uie d' :- d :- 8 :- PI :- FH - Id :n Id :d |n :n |li:l, thor Al 1 :- In d - It, r . - 1' Ll - I», niigh P Slower and jtiano. r. 1. d. f. O. M. 70. ^n :- :- „ il Id t, 'se :t :1 i d d PI d 'n :- :se PI Lord, ; .PI .PI .86 I .n the on 1 ;l.l:t.t PI :pi.Pi:f.f 1 :d'.d':t.t d :d.d:r.r n :f lybo-got-ten Sou, t :1 n d' 8 Jos r' r 1 f Lord 8 r_ t_ f_ God, jd :d' 1 d 1 f Lamb of mp a :d' :-.d' d :pi :r PI :8 :fe d' :t : .t n :r : .r 8 :s : .t ^ 'A :li Is, :s, : . .8 1 :t :de* n :pi :n de':t :1 s :8 :8 - I- •>u d" :j :r :8 Son of the Fa-ther, thattak-ost r I f Wiiy :1 :r :1 :f t :di :..r' r :r r-.s s :1 :-.t f :f :..f J- PI :- : :t, d :- : :8 8 : :- d : God, : the siiia of the world, d' - P :-. :8 8 •-. :s d' . -.:d' PI : -. in 8 :i n :p d' :d 8, :fl mer • o • :t ■ • "" \ 8 r' f 1 d* f Fa :'^8| :*Mi, bavo f 1 :d' :-.t f :pi :f d' :1 :r' f :d :r mp 8e:pi . : 86.86 PI :n .. ;n jn t :8e. :t .t PI :pi . :pi .PI mw-cj up - on ui. Thou that tak- est a - way •ins of the world, haro p . :s 1 f .f . :f 1 i..ii . :t 1 r .r . :8. 1 d.d <« ■ n d' :d' :n :di ANCIENT HYMNS. -.1 na -.d' -.8, fe r d< 8| GLORIA IN EXCELSIS-cojUinwed. :r :t :b, :b.s B :f.f n : :r'.r' d' : :ti.t, d : 1 :d' d :ii 1 :b f :d mer • oy up - ou ui. Thou that tak-est a • way f6 -.1 the tins of the s 8 :n' r 8 :8 t d* :d' f n :1 liJ =: ? -. :8 •. :s . ■.:d' . :n rid, luvo J :t. :d' 8 : -. :n r' :-. :d' 8 : •. :d d< - :8 1 :-. 1.1 f - :n f :-. d.d 1 8 :ta 1 :-. 1.1 d - :d f :-. f.f era, t :1 -.8 A n' 1^ t d> 'I f :f -.f n - 8 1 r' :d' ..r' d< - n* 1 8 :1 -.t d* - d> 1 118 world. ro • •- f ^, ^^ ;: • 1 d< — — I- ] f Fa ■ - our prayer. Thou that ilt-test at the right hand o{ Ood the 1' :.. ?d' n' 8 : •. :n d* :-. :8 d :•. :d ther, have mor d* n 1 1, mf Moderate. A- 1. m. 1. M. 96. n :t|.,ti|d_ 8| :B|.,f||nj_ n :r.,r|d_ d :b,.,8,|1. For Thou on-ly art d :- It, s, :- 1 8, n :- |r S| ly; 8, :- ho t r n 861 cy 1 d n :8ei 1| up • ou :r :n Be :- t, :- n :- n :- U8. r.,m|f :f l,.,8,|i, :8, d.,d|d :ti fi.,nilr, :s, d d n, Tliou on-ly art tho Lord ; f :w I- 8, :- I- d :- I- d, :- h :n :b, :ii :d Tliou •. :s - -f -. :t *. :s, Id, have ' f .f :b ii .I| :S| r .r :r d .d :t| on - ly, o Id I 8, In It. :d.d :f,.f. :d .d :l..li ti fi r li Christ, with the Ho :ri :t, :8| ly II. in, Id Is. crea :l..l. :r, .r, :r .r :f..f. t, a, r f. cen :8, .8, Id :b, .8, 1 S| :t|.t, |d :f, .f , I n. do. :8, .8, :8, .8, :d .d :n, .n. GhoRt, art most high in the glo . • ry of B t. cre$, '« :d .d II ''d :pi .PI I r ''n :8 .s Id' '■i :s .8 I fa God. art moit high ■ :- I- :ta, I i :pi If :de |r high, most high, most MISCBLLANEOUS: GLORIA IN EXOELSIS-«>n/i»u«d :t .d' :p«.pn :t .1 :fe.fe In the f/\Q d' n 8 :t, :f :r :t .1 1 1 '.n .n If :d' .d' I r' :■ .■ 1 8 ry ol God Um F* 1- 1^ :f.pi r :I,.t,|d :r :si.ii 1. :1i-Ii|b, :t, ll :d.d f :f.f|n :f In ipii.pii f. :ri.r,| b, :«i :- .4' d' : :- .f n : :• 8 :b, d f.A. I*'B rt, IT I'B, ther, mott »l r t, f d :pi :d :n I- h«gh, mMt high, Id the glo • ry of God the F\» . "ther, ill II d Ulu moat :ta, It, :- :ii If :- :de |r :- high, moat high, moat 8 :- I- :8 - :ta, It, :t, :n If :f :de |r :r Jl If :pi de :- |r :1, :b 111 It. :de '..f:r II, :t, l|..li:f. If, :1, '..f:f |r :f '•.r:li Ifi :r, i.«g»..mo.t hlgh,mo.t high in the glcy of God 'the d ;- |Pi :r s. •"( L£l •_ 5L :d |i| :t, «l 9% A r :- I- :- d| Fa ther. - :- Si :- ta. :- 21 •- di :-.d,|d, glo . ry of lJIl :- PI :8, Ml :8, iPi of d d, :- God Id :pi |fi :«! Ir :d nod I- :d, the J- d :- 1- I- 1 ',- rt, :- rosn. 1- :- 8i :- 1- :- d, :- 1- :- n 8 d d 8 PI meiii r.A. :■! n, 'r •8. : ther. oaoat I- :i, moat 111 :t, If. :1, |r :f If. :r, Ood the Id :pi If. :m, Ir :d niNi - :d, Um I DOXOLOGTES. KkvO. d :r MILAN. ». n d Blu :t, U'Utl, In Id :r |b :s Id :b, llluM - Wt :8 If :n ;d.«i| li.ti:d :n If :8 :n Ir :d ttu Ju • hu • villi, r\ ad lib. n :r |d :t| Hi :8i I B|.fei :S( d :r jr :r d :t, II, - Im • taol't Oud Anelrat Melody. D.C. 1, :r^|t,.,li :8, 8, :fei|8|.,fe,:8, r :r |r.,d :ti -.mt r, :r, jr.j, :8| to »U e • t«r-nl • t/ : d :r.,r|n :f n :r |n :- n :- jd 8, :t,.,t,|d :d d :t, Id :- d :- |d n :8.,8|8 :1 8 :s |8 :- a :- \n d, :8,.,8i|d :f, s, :8, |d :- d, :- |d, lAit uU tho iH)o-plo nay, A • moil. A • tueu. PiuIm) to th« Lord jjIto ye. r :n,f |n :r t| :d.d|d :t| 8 :8.1 18 :8^ 8| :d.f||8| :8| d :- d :- n :- d, :- pLR»8^p, blesajxl }>e Jehovah, iMrael'H God to all eteruitjr : Let all the people gay, Amen. Atuen. Praue to the Lord give ye, Kkv D. d' 8 n n d 8, 8 8 d' d n d c 1 d< d d n s f :ri d< n f 1. CHANT. Dr. BoTCK. n r 8 fe • :- 1 d r r -.d t, :- 8 8 1 1 8 :- d t| :8| r r 8, :- 1 8 :f .n n r d :- f d :r jA d t, d :- d> d> 8 -.f n :- f n 8 8. d :- / ^LORY be to the Father, uiid to the Son : and to the ^* HolyGhoBt; As it wax in the beginning, in now, and ever uhuU be ; world without end. Amen. 2d f] MISCELLANEOUS: :n p. :n KkvO. 1 BADEN.- :s d :t, f :r fi :s, If :n |r :d Is :s t, :d r :r d :t, 1 :s |fi :s. Id Id In Id 1 ••8 If IBj Ml :f. Id :r Hi :t, d :t, f :r .••d If, :s, '.•Si 111 :t :s, :d fi d I :f. :r Id :r |ni :s, Id :t, n :-.n |r Si :s, Is, d ;d It, id :n, Is, n ; j\d I r Si -fe. Is, d :d It, 'i J'l Hi :s. Id :1, s. d d PI Id r ti s s, s s, t, r :r |pt.fe;B *i :si IMj:Si^ 8 :r Id :r.n Gorman 8 :fe Is t, :1, r :r 8i :t, Id :ti^|r :r t, r 8, n :r d :t| s :f d :s, d :r Wi. :s, d ;f Id 111 In 111 In s, :r^lt, :1 :li :r :fe, :f :li :d I si :fe, r :d Is, Is, t, 8i :r, Is, r :r |d 8, ;S|.f,|w, d :t, Id JMMORTAL honour, endless fame, Attend the Almighty Father's name ! •Let God the Son be glorified, Who for lost man's redemption died 1 And equal adoration be, Eternal Spirit, paid to Thee I a|^ Key a. .'d in :n PETERBOROUGH.-C.M. s t, r s, :s :d :n :d :n :s, I;: I r :r s, ;s, 'I "1 In :d Is, :1, Id :d f :n li :s. |r Is. '! \: ■ s S' -'s- Id ;1, If, :d, |g, d :d It, t If :ii Hi :s, Id :d Ifi :d. If :r 1| IB, Author unknown. r Si t, S| d :d Id :t, d :n. If, :s, |d, n, - I- «• II. :t, Id :f, Is, :s, (d. - I I d d d PI PI n PI PI d s d German. :fe Is 1 'h It, :r |r :r, Is, 'h Is, :fe, 1 s, :d It, :'i Is, Li DOXOLOGIES. 1 ■^JOW blessed be the Lord our God, The God of Israel, For He alone doth wondrous works, In glory that excel 2 And blessM be His glorious name To all eternity : The whole earth let His glory fill, Amen, so let it be. TRIUMPH— s :-.s s :-.8 8 : -.8 8 :-.s d' :.^' d' :.4ii d' :..di d' :.^i 1 :fe n :r d> :1 li :r s s 8 S d' d> di d' 8 r r' t, :1 :1 :1 :l :t :t :t :t :d' :8 :d' :n 8 :n 8 :n s :n s :n :d' :d' :d' :d' d' :t fe :8 r' :r' r :s 8 :s n :8 d' :r' d> :t d> :1 1 :f d' :d' f :f d' :f' n :f d' :d< 1 :1 d' :t fe :s d' :r' 1 :8 8 :n' s :8 d< :d' n :d f :n' 8 :8 r' :d' t :d> F OW to Him who loved us, gave us. Every pledge that love could give, Freely shed His blood to save us. Gave His life that we might live : Be the kingdom And dominion. And the glory evermore. Dr. GAUMTLrrr. 1 :1 Is 8 :fe |s r' :d' It r :r Is r' :-.r'|di 8 : - .f I PI d' :-.t|d' 8 : • .8 1 d r' :..r'|d' 8 : - .f I n d' r-.tld' s : • .s I d 1 k\ MISCELLANEOUS: KkvA. °^^ HUNDRED.-L.M. "'^ I* •*• II. :s, Id :r In •»i Si :8, In, :n, L, :s, |s, •" " •' Id :t, d :t, Id '^ Id .'8, II, ;n, (i, :g, Id, Marot and Bitu's Ptalter. I' -"d If :n |r |S| :«! li .-8, Is, 1*1 :d d :d It, 1 8' 'h If, :d, Is, I " -d fr :f In Si .'fe, Is, :1, s, :- d ;d It, :^jd :t, d .'li Is, :ri |n,.f,;8, Pr»5.-^- u ' ^'^ creatures here below • P^ we Him above, ye heavenly hostV ' rnue Father, Son, and Holy GhrTt. ST. MAaXUS—CM. n 11 r S| 8, d |t, d, h. Dr. Jbrxviab Clark. n ;t, :8 •'' '*• -•^.l"! .T, Id, Is, Id " '^ Id :t, 11, :r d :t, 11, :s, f, :i 8 .'8 In :n :d 'I :8, d :s :n I n :fe |8| :d \ n.T :d IdJ.rl, :s, li» :s, |1, :n, •8jf|n ;r S| -'Ir 1 8, :..f, d :d Id :t, "' -fi lsi :si Id, 8 :- I- t, :- I- r :- I- s, :- I- d n, d — f 1 gALVATIONana .mmortal praise " lo our victorious King ' "^^^Tad^oslSjlir^-"^-- 2 To Faihe^ Son, and Holy Ghost, ihe C»od whom we adore. Be glory, as it was, and Ih, And shall be evermore. ^:8 il Bvtu's Ptalter, f :n |r li :8, Is, I :d It, I A I S| :r Id I :-.f,|ri, :t, Id •Ii'Bi Id, riAH Clark. '- i — ' — DOXOLOGIBS. 8 Kkt ^:d :8| :n [Id '.d :s, :pi :d A. d :t, B, :s, n :r d :S| r :n s, :s, r :d t, :d li :si n, :n, d :t| 1, :ni r :d s, :s, t, :d 8, :n. OLD HUNDRED.— L.M. d :r n, :8, d :t. li :8i d :t, :f. :r fi :r. n d d, n n :n 8| 1. :8, d d :d d li :n, d n, S| d, n :d 8, :fe, d :d d :1, Mavot and Seta'$ Ptalter. r :d 8, :n, t, :d r :f 8, :1, ti ; l|.ti Si :r, f :n |r I 1. :8, |8, il d :d It, ;■! f. :d, Is. i h n 8| d :r Id :..f,|pi, :t, Id "■•fi:8, Id, TO God the Father, God the Son, ^ And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be honour, praise, and glory given, By all on earth and all in heavea 9 Set :8 8 :d>.t 1 1 :s JAOKSO] f :8.f|n !^.-0 n .M. 8 :d' It :1 8 Jack :- 1 :d d :d Id :d d :t, Id d r :n |r :-j& t, :- 1 :n 8 :n If :n 1 :8 |8 s s :-.8|s :fe 8 :- 1 [:d n :d If :d r :8, Id d t, :li jr :r s, :- 1 ':s n :n If :8 1 :r^d'| t d* 8 :l.f In :r d :- 1 :t, d :d Id :d d :f |r d d :d.r|d :t, d - 1 :s 8 :8 If :n f :1 Is n 8 :f.l|s :s.f PI - 1 [:8, d :ta, 1 1, :8, fi :r |8, 1. M :f Is :8, d - 1 1 TO Him that loved the souls of men, ^ And washed us in His blood, To royal honours raised our head, And made us priests to Gtod : — 2 To Him let every tongue be praise, And every heart be love ! All grateful honours paid on earth. And nobler songs above I t Il MISCELLANEOUS . 10 (Fint Silting.) KkyO. :1 :d :1 :f I d' n s d Hosts! Ho - ly, n' :- SANOTUS I. |r' :r' :dU ^ :f : n .r I :I :s r :r :s Ho . ly, Lord God, d' n s d I^rd God of ;r'.,d'{d' s :- d' :- :s n 8 d' :- :d d |n.,f:s :1_^ d.,r:ii :f.r Heaveu d' :- imd ( earth Thes n.,f:s Id.,r:n ;g.n ll Qlo-17 be to Thee, :s.se 1 :8 s :r n :t d' - :t, |l, are full of :r' :f :8 :d' :1. :fe :r :d' :!: s :s :r :t r :s, "^7 glo . ryj :I :f o 8 8 Lord *— 'a Most High. SANOTUS II, n de 1 1. Ho .f ' - :r M :-.pi f :f.f n.fe:8 - :t, d :..d d :r.r d.r:r - :s s :-.s 1 :5.B S.2 :8 - :s, d :..ta, li :t,.t, d.d:t, and earth are full ofthema-Ji :d •^® Ji_-Lii|s :- t, :- 8 :- t, :-.d ios-ty of Thy glo »l .-- S( :- ry; .8 t 8 r' :..r' 8 : - .8 d' •^ D.S. < n :- :- 8 *— •^. d :- ;- I n /Tv t :f.f f :n r I r. Ahnolu / f de :- r :r.r r :d t, |. :s 1 - 1 :1.1 8 :s 8 : _ :t 1 • 1( : ■</ r :r.r t, :d 8i : - :. 1 1 ly. Ho. ly Lore IGod of hosts heaven \ lu glo BOKAS V Kbdow. :d' :t :n :r :s :s xl of :s :r :t :s, D.S, - I r. Abnolu , / :r' :s :t :s I heaven DOXOLOGIBS. SANCTUS U.-conti7med. t :t s :s r' :r' f :f be to d' s di n Thee, to d' :d' :s :d' :n Thee, O r' 1 d' f Lord r' ;..n'.f 11 IV BY U. :d> t :1 s :1 s :f n X :f n :f n :r :d' d' :t :f s :si s :- t :- s :- Most PI : d : d' :d' d :d PI' 8 d' d High I f 1 f A Id' iPi Is Id men, R. A. Smith. t :1 r.,pi:f /^ :1 :dLf s :1^ pt :f s :f n :r d' :t s :si Lord, bless us still 1 O bless us still ! Lord, hear our prayers ! O hear our n :s d :n d' : 1.8;l.t f .pi:f .r d' :d< PI :pi :s :d r' :t f :r 1 :s fi :b, d' pi s d prayers I Ac • cept our praise ! Ac - cept our praise ! pi.r ; r d.ti;t| s :s S| lu :s, jah! PI :fe d :d bA :1 d :r 8 t, 8 PI lu :d' :pi :8 :d jaht t.r'.d ; t .1 r : r .d 8.t,l;s .fe r Hal ' le d' :8 PI :n 8 :d> d :d Hal - le 1.8 ;8 d.t,;ti fe.s:s 1 :s f :n d' :d^s f :d f :pi r :d 8 :s t, :d lu • jahl Hal-le d' PI ; r'.d' :f .PI r.s ;8 lu • juh t Hal • le - lu • Jah I I t :-.t B :-.s r' :-.r' J :-.8 flo • ry [ t.l ; 8.f t.l:8.f pi.frs 1.8:l.t d' :d> s.frn.r d.r;r? f.p.:f.f s :n • • • • d' :d'.r' d> :d' • • • d :f.r PI :1 Hal • le ' lu • Jah ! Praised be Thy ho • ly r' :t f :r 1 :8 f :s name! A d> 8 d men. 1 :- 8 :- f ;- PI :- d' :- d' :- f. :- d :- men. MISCELLANEOUS: I- :n :s, :d :d, le [n Id Is Id lu Id Is. In Id, Jah! .«N Id n :r Si :s, t, Henkv Smart. " :r Id :t, Si :s, In, :s, d :t, Id :n '^ :8> Id :s, II, :„, Hal . lo . lu . Jah, H^ , ,^ |d :t, II, :s, 1| :8, If, :n, |n :n |d :d 'li :«i If, :d, lu • jahl Hal-le |1 :s If :8 ti :d Id :r f :s II :s r :n |1, :t, , li :d |r :s 1^1 :Mi Is, :8, |d :d Id :t, |f| -'Ir Is, :s, lu ■ Jah ( , Hal . ]e n d |s Id :f d 1 f. |r :s Id :t, Is :s s, :si V t [n :d |"i":a |S| :s, |».d :d Id :n jtf :n Id, :d |<»f :d lu - Jah I Hal - le In :d |d :s. (f :n t, :d f .-8 d' :t r :r , 1 :s r :n If rs lu-jahJ Hal-le fB\l. lu-Jah! H»l.lo . ;„ . j„hl Hal-le S d :n :d lu - jahl I 1^ For li :- |r :r p< '- Ir, ;1, d •- II. :1, |S| :- If. :f. Lord It, :s. Id 1^ -'s. Is, |r :t. Id |fi :f, In, Ood Om - nl - po . tent rs, :s, I'T, :r, rt, :t, I - :s, For the P. t. I-ord n :- 1- :«j S| :- 1- :«>f d . - 1- :«d' d, : - Id ;-f eth, For the n : - In :-.l t, :■ - Id :-.n Ss :- - ii .-..HI oth. d :1, I 1 n d n, d 1. world / n I n :■ d :- 3 :- d :- Christ ; Ilnl . le Henrt Smart. :r Id :t, :s, In, :s, :t, Id :n :s, 11. :n, Jahl Hal • le . 'PI Id' :t d Ir :r s • 11 :8 n If :s ahl Hal • le . rs, :s, I'Ti :r, l"t, :t, I - :s, For the P.t, I- :«1 I- :"«f I- .-d' Id :<f For the In :..l Id :-.n II :-,d' Id :1, I Ilnl . le . DOXOLOGIES. I I :se|n :-.l n :n Id :-.n d' :t II :..d n :n, Id :1, I :se| n :n \ d' :t I n :ni j lu - Jah 1 Hal • le • lu . Jaht d :- Id :d ni :- Hi :1, d :- |n :n 1. :- Hi :1. world are be • come V : In ' i» It, - 1 se - JH' Tbe -1- - f :- If !- d - Ir - 1 - Is - li - It, 1 - the The n :- II d :- It, s :- If d :- |r king • doms r :- li:- 1 :- f. :- king • Id Hi \L If. doma 8 :- I f ;ii d :- | r ;d s :- il :- n :- If :- of our Chriat; and n :- I- f. Bte "8, And d :- 8, :- r :- si :- of It, :- I- :f, Ir :- Is, :- this r :- Is :- t, :- In :- t :- It :- 8 :- In :- Lord aud s :- 1- :- Christ; . . . - :- 1- :- -:-,/=- t. :- Ir :- and 8 :- It :- and 8i :- 1- :- n of d' : of - Id :- Bla - 11 :- Hli - 1- :- r :- Id :- Christ; t :- Is :- CbriBt; - :- In :- f :- If :- d :- It, :- 1 :- Is :- r :- Is, :- of His d d Christ ; - I- »l He f. Bit. T':- I- :- e • • • . ■'r:s I- :f : t, Id :r ■ball reign, shall :*s. Is, :s, :*s, II, :t, :*s. Is, :f, And He shall reign t :- Id' :- 8 :- Is :- n, :- r :d f :- In :r for e - Tor and li :- 1| :- Is, :s. f :n r jd It, :t. 1. :- r. :- Is, :f. for e . , vor and - :- il' :r' ver shall n :f Is :1 s :- Id' :1 He n ;l shall pi :- Is :- 8 ;f In :- relga for - Id' :t - |n :r - Is :s - |s :s Ter and e - Id' :- - In :- - Is :- - Id :- M Ter: d f f. King n, d lorda MISCELLANEOUS. |8 Id n, of Id Hi Id If. Hal :b, It, Aud Lord :- I s :- liordi, :s, :n I- :f or Hi :t, In :r kiugs. f d d 1. kings, In - Id IS, and r n. I| d - f, Lonl - I- - I- -A .rln :d |d :..r ' 8i :8i 11, :1, d :d Id :f di :n, If, :i, le-lu-Jah! Hal.le n :d In :s Si :s, Is, :8, n :n |d :r d :d Id :t, lu • Jah t Hal . le n lordi. d :«! Ifi :s, 11, and Lord of lorda r :- 8, :- t, 8, of d :n |r :r li :8, II, :s, n :d Id :t, h :n, If, :s, lu-Jabt Hal • le ':d :d :n :d :8 :n :d> :s, :n :d 'n :d Id Si :s, II, d :n Id d, :d. If, .rln :d -.1 -.d 8, :s, d :d d, :n, Id :-.r Hi :-.1i Id :f If, :1, n :d 8, :s, n :n d :d lu.jahl Hal - le.lu-jahi Hal • le - lu - jahl Id In, Is, Id, jab In :s Id :t, Id :n 1, :n, I d :n |r :r li -'8, II, :8, li :d Id ;t, fi :d. If, :s. Hal-le - lu .jahl Hal . le Slow. d :- 1- :- Id f, :- 1- n, 1. : - i- : - 8, f. : A - 1- : d, mea :8 :n :di :d 8 :s !r :r 8 :8 t, :t, 1 :t Id* :1 f :f |8 :f d' :r' Id' :d' f :r In :f DOXOLOGIES. \JAljXiU\JSS,- — o,«. 8.«. a.ai Ancient Church Mtlody. d' :- 1- d' t :1 |8 :fe 8 :- 1- d :- 1- d r :n |r :r r :- 1- pi :- 1- n 8 :d' It :1 t :- 1- * 1. :- 1- 1. t, :d Ir :r Si :- 1- 8 :- 1- 8 f :n Ir :r d •- 1- ^ n :- 1- d d :d Id :t, d - 1- { d' :- 1- s 1 :8 Is :f n - 1- •1 i d :- 1- n, f. :d Is, :si d : - 1- i n Ir :r S| 11. :s, d Id :t. PI, If. :s. ihl Hal •le . 1 Ir :r »i 11, :S| I Id :t, I. If. ••s, hi HaI ■ le . d :r In :d 1, :t, Id :d n :8 |8 :8 li :s. Id :n n :f J8 d :d |r s :1 It d :li Is, 8 n d< d 1 :t |di:d> f :f |8 :n d':r' |d':d' f :r In :1 - It :- - Ir :- - Is :- - Is:- Jyf OW to the King of Heaven Your cheerful voices raise ; To Him be glory given, Power, majesty, and praise ; Wide as He reigns, His name be sung By every tongue. In endless strains. d> _ 1- ^ n - 1- '9 8 - 1- d : - 1- ! I MISCELLANEOUS: TE DEUM LAUDAMUS. w,r,u*« Bovc. Mu.. Doo. f '- In :- n :..r|d :t,.d liiVIi Is, :- B, ;-.3,| S|.fe, ;B. d :-.r|l, :r - :t, Id r, :- Id, pralsolTioo, O God d :-.t,ll iMi :si L:d:tyd|tjj, .,B, li :si | Bi:fei ..8i r :r |r:- j fe, :s I -a, mf f\B, :- |ti^:r All tha 8i :- t, :- s, :- Lord. 1 8, :f. All tha |s, :r IrKfrs earth doth wor • ship "i .T, Is, :-.f| earth doth wor - ihlp Bi.l.rt. Id :t| we Rc-know - ledgo Thoo to d Ir,:- .r, be tho :n |fji:r^|t, rd^rld :t, Thee, the Fa . thorj a . Toir^ |,ut . 'I'liee, . . tha Fa ■ ihrr d :-.d|d :fjn r!ili:s. Id, :s, l2i:t,:d |f, r-.f, . - - I -I - —I Sfal, !n,.i,| 8) ! — All thb earth doth wor. ship Thoo: the Fa-thor e-ver-lnst . :s I ver IS, :- iMt - r.r :n.H|r ;-.Pi.f .n|r :d .8,1 s, ; B|.fe .d|r :1, .d|t, :1, To Thee nil .n|r :d.d .8)1 8, :S|.fe ^|r :l,.l, .d|t, :l,.l, t, ; l,.B, | d.t ,;d.r s, :-.8,|s, :f, r :-.r|8, il^ n :-.n\t :r "i :-.li|l, :-.t| rji:dj,|d_2t|.,l se, :n, |n, :-.ri, ti :1| |1, :8ei "i :li In, :-.«, d :-d|l, :r 8i :f. In, :r, |d, :..d,|r, :f, an. gels ciy a . loud: the hoav'ns. and all the 'pow'«thoilo / t, :- \n Ho n, : -.1,1 l,.8,:f,.ni t, ; l|.8, | d.t ,;d.r 8, :-.8,|s, :f, r :-.r|8, :1^^ Si :fi In, :r, n :-.n|f.n:r.d d :-.d|l,.l,:l,.i d, :-.d||r|.r,:r,.lj ToTheeCher-u-bim and So - r» . phlm con-Un-ual lydo cry.' n, :- I pii.bai Ho ■ se,:- I n, :- I n Ir. se. de :1, |r :r.d ho . ly, ho . lyLord li :n, II, :- ho . ly, ho - n :de |r.pi;f Ho . ly, ho . ly, li :li If, :ri Ho ho . ly, ti :2| Is :..f Qod of Sa . ba St :r, In, r-.f, ly Lord God r ;t, |d_j ho • ly Lord 8i :s,.f,)«, :d. of bo n ;rj| d :t„ .g,d :- |n.,f;n.r oth, of s, :1 8a m Sii • ba- Sj : - .8 • • • - ba- f.n!r :..r God of 8a . ba- ly LordGod of Sa": — i — t"^. '. 'b,' d :f, s oth; Heavii and S| :- |n, :8e. oth; n :- oth; d, :- oth: Heav'n and |de utrth 1. earth n li..tai HouTei I Mni.f.ls, :- her e-Ter-loat • DOXOLOGIBS. TE DEUM LAVDAUVS-continued. ;<*o :li |r :r.d iOarth arv full of tlio 'li :n, |l|.g|;f,.Pi aro Ml of thu :de Ir :1, 'I joM-th ti.li:si ri,d|:tj _ Mitjea-ty of liiy^ M :r .r I n .f :s |H :-.f i)f Tliy I di.r,:n,.f| 'l|.,ta|;li.gi|fi :r, |s, :8|.f ,1 ni.ri:di HouTou and earth are fuU of the Muj-es-ty of Thy Ql'o n :r.d - :t| lit.) 8| ■h s, (llo d :f.n r :- d :f. s, J— 8|.,f|; W|.,f,| g,;l,..t ri'.ri:d| |8|:f,.,ri t|.,t,:d |d:d.,r . 8|.,8,:1| |n,:f|.,f d.,r:ri^ [ s ;f..n 8| :&| n.,f:8 n m, JEs^jii | d.,ti:li :d|.,ri|piL :f, ' : .Sils, :8, 8| : .8||8|.,fi:n. ti : .n|r :d si : .d|t, :d d 8| n d. ry. .8||8|.,Si:8, •8|| S|.,f|:n( .n|r.,r :d .d|t,.,t,:d The glo-ri-oua S|.,fi: ni.,f, | 8,;l,. .t, ri.,ri:d| |8i:f|..r t|.,t|:d |d:-.r S|.,Si:li |ni:f| com.pa.ny ot th, A-po. . Ue. pralH, Thoo. The good • ly folLw-ehlp of'th'e a.,r:pi ..r | s :f ..n r 8i :si In, :r,.,d, 8| n.,f:8 |d.,ti:l, n, :d,.,r,|n, :f, t, •r jr :r •8iili :8| .ti|r.4;ti •Silfe, :8| tid:t|.,d|r :d^ fe,:8,.,l,|t, :1^ li :S|.,8|| 8 :n fi :n|.,ni| ta :d| *i :1| is, : .r Bj :fe, Is, : .s, Pn,-pheU praise Thee. The no., ble ar - myof Mar-tyn. pndae* r :- |r : .t, fi :- Is, : .8, Thee. The r :r ir rtj^d li :8, Ife, ;si..l| r.,d:ti jl, :s, fe, :S| |r, :n. r :d.,t,|l, :8,.d t, :l,.,S||fe, :8|.1| s ;n.,8|r..d;t,.Pi ta :d,.,d,|ri :n|.d| ti ;li .,S||'.r :1 s, :fei ..8il*>r :f r : - .rl'l :f ^„"'~' '■ -a .«i.,«ii»i .ri|.ui r, :- .r,|».r :r a :-.d|t, :t. Ho . ly Church through-out aU the world doth acknow - ledgo Thee : The Fa - thor of J, 1 :-.l|l :se n :-.n|r :r 1 :-.l|t :t d :-.d|t, :t| I d' :t.lll :se..l B. t. m. 1 :"r |r :n.f 8 :1 It :d' n :r.d|d :t, d :*% It, :d.r 8i :d Ir :n.d n :f.f|n : - ji li :r.r|n : - .n ia . fi-nlteMa - jes n :>8 Is :..t li :'8 If :8.f ty : Thine hon • our - d'.t;l.s|f.r:s n :f.n|r :d » • We, true, nud ly tiou; Al V jlj MISCELLANEOUS: 1^ DEUM LAVliAMVa-continued. r rnjls :1 ti :dj|s, :d ■ :-.t|dU:l_^ f :Bj\n :tjn •o the Ho . ly Ghost, tho Com - for-t«r. :d ■.8i - I- l.tiXl.r In :n Olo . . . . ry. li ;-.8i,fi|g| :S( King or Olo ■ rjr, :-.n .r |g :d KlDf oC Oio . ry, '|fi :-.fi | d|..ri;ni.fi King of Olo r .,d ;r .w If Clirlit, O Cbrlit, t|..l,;ti.d lr ) Cbrht, 8j :s, | r,..ni;fi.g, •T n :- |r : Chrl»t - :Bi I Si : O Chriit, d :- It, : O ChrUt, lititd |g, ChrUt *g'i :8i.,«ild :-A Thou kit tlis King of : |*8|:g..,fl Thou r. tbo : 1*11 :r ,n lliou an the : l'"'iii :d,.4, Tiiuu Mi tba t| :d.,r|8, :d T, :rt|.,f,|g| :n, r :d.,t||M.r:d ev-«r-but ■ fi :f|.,f||ni :1| Thou art tho ev • er • f :njf In Ii :Bi jg, - :ti id :r.d :l|.l. :f .n f, .w iMt •• Id :f,.f, d :t, B| r • ^ Id |8| In 8i :- |d( P f. D •t :-.r|r H, :..t,|t, *8 :-.g|g :-.r -.r -.t * g : - .g I f : - .f :8 :f :f :d :d :t, :a :1 :r' n :n :r :r Son of the Fa • ther. When Thou took'st up ■ on Thoo to de - n d 8 d :-Ji|r :8 :-.d|ti :n :-.8|8 :t 8 ;f .f |f.,g;n.r n :r.d|t| :8| d' :l.l|r' :d' 1 :1.1|8 :d f.G. n ;r ..dld : ."ti 8| :-.>},|S| : .*8| d' :t !d : ;'r 8, :- ?,i!5 ! .-lif : -.d|8| :s .,.._. _,._,„,._ , - er man, Thou didst not ab-hor the Vlr-gin's womb. When ThouhLd«toy-er-'comoth( t,.t|:l,.ti|d :..".t 8|.8,:1|.8||S| :-.g r.r :r.j |n :.,r g|.8,:fi.iiini : -.n CV€S» li :t|.d|sei:t, .t| fi :f|.f||n, :se,.sei j~ :r f !t, ;n .w ; fi ; T^rij Wi :n r d irjijf .n;r.d Ii :t|.d|r.d;t|.li m •am 111 •^ m d :t,.l,|r :r.l tiji:d^i[d_M), .,1 se, :1| | li;8ei ..l Pi : Fi I fs : - ,rj :li in,:- .n, 1. :1. li :li pt in li :li I I /D. t :*f..8 :>'r «rp newof deatt. iiou didst o-pen the Klng-dom of Heav'n to all be-Uev - en. Thou ' 1 r I f d 8| n d, ther. 1| n, d li blood. t, :1, last • f. A. Bi :s,.,S||d :■ A huu kit tbe King of : |'si:i..,a, Thou u. tbe : I'n :i" ,n Ihou en the Tliuuui tlM I :d.,r|8| :d , :ni.,f||8| :n, :d.,t||pt.r:d ev-«r-lMt :f(.,f,|ri| :1, ou art the ev • er - :s :f :f :d :d :t, :a :1 :r' :n :r :r Thoo to do - ,t,:l,.t,|d :.;.t B,:I|.8,|8, :-.8 r :r.i In :.,r S|!f|ii|| pij ; -.rii hadatoT-er-come the :li I :li I :n i :li I -en. /D. t. :*f^8 :"i Tbou DUXOLOGIES. 1 .'-.tld' :..t t '.-.tin :i 1 :-.r'|d' :b f :-.r|l :n TE DEUM LAVDAUVa-continuecL A. t. n :8.8|'«'f :..f d :n.f n, :..i, 8 :8.rl»d .r d :d.rriK8,:l,.t toitat the right hand of God.* lu'tho I^ d :f. rr ot tho Fa n :- \n :..f l8,.n,:l| W« b« • Have Id :..d :- Id :..! Wo r :-.ii|d :r •'te,:B, |-.ii,;f, Uint liioii (halt com* r :..t,|n :l, ti :-.Sill, :f, t, :d - :«, r.8i:d coma to be 8, :1, |r '.nj^ II. :8, I- :t, ■i :&i |S| :..8| d A |r :s fi :8, Id 'I :t! It| :ti be.lievo thatThouahalt co.e to b, '1 .udg;.; .. 2JoL |rL.d;t|.l Hi :-.1 U, :r d :t, In :..8 li :se, II, :..! n :n In :..n I • • • •! I [111 ^B, If, :..f,|n, :n, |de, :..de, ., ..., ,„ .-„, r, -r, P«y Thoo. help Thy.er.vant..whou,Thouha.t re - dcL.ed Jliliy f :n |r :d li :s, |f,.l,;8, r ; t,.de | r :n ri :ni |f, m. ti .-Lit, l^jae,.,!, f| -li I '^1 :.- .n, f :r |J_£t, .,d ri:fi k'-' .n, I lous li :8i..f If, :-.!, Id :..d Ifi :-.f, d :s, |1, :8, Si rn. If, :d, d :d Id :d "i :d| |f, :ni fi :-.fi|ni :8, di rta Id, :ni r :-.r |8, :d fi :-.r;|d, :d^ Make thorn to be num.L.r'dwUh ThySaintili: glo - ,7 de : ores. djjr:_fc^dlxi:jbjyd fe, :si d :r li :s. II, :s, ir r I f e, . s. ev - er 8, :fe, last JS| :- |Bi :- ir :- |si :- lug. .r r n. :- II. n :- Si :- Lord, 8 :-.8 If :f.r "1 :-•", Hi rli.Si de :-.de|r :r.t, "1 ••-.«, I r, :r|.8| trr save If II. Id :d Thy poo . ple.and bloBs, blesa Thiue n 8| d I! f . MISCELLANEOUS: f. D. n ;r ..dld :«t 8| :-.S||S| :*'r d ;t, ..dld :^B E: :-.S||d, :*8 TE DEUM LAVDAMUa-corUinued. - :d' II :n :s - :n I Id If f -.1 -.d .1 -.n tor . i . tage. Gov - em thorn, and lift t.di:r' I- ; d'.t,l lift tbem up f :- .f|n :..rjd r' :-.t|se:l .rjn :1, /B. t. m 1 ;Be |1 :<«»'t ti ;-.d.r |d :"r them up for n e ;> s ;» s In II. ver. Day :d' :d :s - :n II Id If If -.8 • .d ..d' -.n f t, f by day ;pi.f I s :r :d |r :t, :s Is :s :d I ti :s, mf !l:f:sji|l :1 d :d Id :d 8 :8 If :f do-rn.dlf :f wemag-nl - fy Theo; And we wor-ship Tliy 1 I :se If Ir II Ir Name, d :t, n :- n :- ver world with • out |f:n.,f|r :d..r f,:s,.s, |l,.t,:d_ dny witli-out d':ta.ta|l :s li:8|.8||f, :rijX keep ua this day with - out II Id In II. end. V d' 1. n I. Vouch iJlf - II. - Ir - Ir • safe, n : t, Id :n I-ord, have niep • oy :*s, In, :s, •'r Id :t, :*s, |1, :n, : O Lord, havo mer . cy up . on n :r mf Id :n oil us, 8i ;-.fi lw, :s, Id :d Id, :d us. O d :ti Is Is, :d :1. :d Lord, let Tiiy mer- :d :f. t, :1, f :rKr|ii .t.s, h :si 1 8, :su8 ' :t| Id :r.r :s, ! tir.t oy liitfat-oM up. V DOXOLOGIES. fa. t. m. :se 11 :<««'t 1 :-.d,r|d :"r :ii In :> s :- 11. :>s ver. Day :- If ;. e :- ir - __ I" 11 - :- Ir : - y Name, f In :d - Is, :ii, - Id :s - Id :ta, Lord, to / :d It, :r • on us, have '^^\B^ :-.S| h'd jr :t, ••li Is, :f, > cy up - < m TE DEUM LAVrDAMVB— continued. I d :- S| :fe, PI :1| 1. on Ir Is, us. s f .ri|n :r 8, 1|.1||8, :8, n r.d|d :t. n. f |.f ll s. :si t, fl aa P PI S, d d Thee have I trubt^d ; let d;t|.l|| 8, :d our :- .ri|ni.fi;8, :-.ti|d :d :-.fil"i :ni our trust is ; r.pi :si :r :tai me If II. d 1. :tai :8 f f|-W| r, in r 1. r f. be in Is, Id Id, Thee, mf PI S| d d o :d It, :s, :n Si.f ir Ml r :ni.f,lsi con • found :- |r :d Is, '.t%Jj It, Ids Is, :1, Lord, in Id Is, In Id, ed. ^ '•n-r|n :r.8 :s, jSj :t, Id :si Id «y light -en up- ;r.r :t|.t| ^ INDEX OF F IRST LINES A few more years ehall roll A Uttle ohUd the Saviour came A safe stronghold our God la sti]! Abide with mo I fast faUs the eventide According to Thy gracious word . . All hail the power of Jesus' name. . All praise to Thee, my Gi,d this nitrht Another six days' work Is done Another year hath fled ; renew ." .' Approach, my soul, the meroy-seat Arm of the Lord, awake, awake Around the throne of God In heaven Art thou weary, art thou languid . . A«^S^'^ i'f''^ ' "«««°d sleep . . As with gladness men of old At even, ere the sun was set At Thy feet, our God and Father . . Awake, and sing the song . . . . ' Awake, my soul, and with the sun Awake, my soul, in joyful lays Awake, ye saints, awake .. ffir,?' "»^"«^' ^y Saviour is nekr ««.«?,' * Stranger at the door . n?«f.'i"' '"y «°"1 '• the Lord is on thv side Blessing and honour and gloiy and mwot "lest are the pure in heart Power West be the tie that binds Blest morning I whose first dawning rays HH T 7u *!!« t""npet, blow . . . . iJrtef life is hero our portion Brightly gleams our banner }}y„^<l"] Siloam's shady rill . J',?" Jehovah thy salvation . Uiidhood's years are passing o'er u's r^^uli'^r." "* ^^^ heavenly King Christ IS coming ! let creation ' ' rhwff ' ""^^ ^^^ «"•■« foundation' ^n"st Is our Comer-stone Christ, of all my hopes the ground" Clirist the Lord is risen again Christ the Lord is risen to-day Christ, whose glory fills the skies . . Christian I seek not yet repose Come, chiidroii, j(jiii to sing < W' 2",'^ SJ?"\*' ""'• ^^^^ inspire Come, Holy Spirit, come . . ^_ " Come. Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove ut •10:i 301 219 109 238 Rnbtrtsnn . . Tr. from Luther LyU .. Montgomery Perronet . . ICfn.. Mackellar . . Cawood Stennett ■Russell 170 56 278 295 Newton Shrubsole Shepherd Neale, from the Greek . Mackay Twells J. D. Sums Hammond ., Ken Medley I-yte.. Watts Neioton . , ,1 H- 1. Z., from the Qeitnan Bonar KebU j Leominster ( Selma J Damascus ( Angelas Worms f Eventide ] Metrical Chant j St. John (01di32d / Miles Lano ( Coronation Canon Batty Cambria Calvin Trust St. Paul Spohr Erfurt i Cyprus ) Glory Around the Tlirone btephancr ry 258 JFawcett 58 Watts Wesley I Male, from Bernard '. '. T. J. Potter Heber Montgomery W. Dickson Cennick Macduff' .. Neale, irom the latin Chandler, from Anc. Hymn Wardlaw .. < Winkworth, from the") ( German ., j- C. Wesley C. Wesley .. C. Elliott , Bateman Wesley Cosin, from the latin Mart ,, WalU If V Art thou Retroat Dix Angolus / Bethany ( Peace Cariisle j Morning Hymn ( Commandments Cyprus Caledon Old Hundred Morningside Ely St. Helen Naaman Boylston f Boylston 1 Potsdam J Grafenberg t Howard Caledon St. Alphcfife j St. TKerosa < Tad caster Glencaim St. Madoes Marinei-s Innocents Advent Foundation St. Godric Mozart ( Bosuirection ( Westmoreland mniversity Colleffo iStGeorge's,Winasor Ratisbon f Vigilato ( Agathoa Madrid Tallis Venl Creator St. Michp^ ' Melrop J Naomi Zwie. INDEX OF FIRST LINES. ry / Leominstor ( Selma J Damascus ( Angelns Wornis ' f Eventide ] Metrical Chant J St. John ( Old i32d j Miles Lano ( Coronatiou Canon Batty Cambria Calvin Trust St. Paul Spohr Erfurt ) Cyprus I Glory AroundthcTlirone Stephancr , Art thou v, Retruat Dix Angolua j Betliany ( Peace Carlisle j Morning Hymn ( Commandment* Cyprus Caledon Old Hundred Slomingside Ely St. Helen Na.iraan Boylston f Boylston [ Potsdam GrUfenberg Howard Caledon St. Alpliege St. Theresa Tad caster Jlencaim it. Madoes lariners nnocents advent oundation t. Godrlc fozart iosurrection Vestmoreland Jnirersity College tGeorge's,Windsor itisbon igilato gathos idrid His nl Creator Mich? A elro." J ftomi Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove Come, let us join our friends above Come, my soul, thy suit prepare . . Come, Thou Traveller unknown Come, Thou Fount of every blessing Come, Thou Holy Paraclete . . Come, Thou long-expected Je.sus " Cn^2' y° disconsolate, where'er ye lancmish CnTr,' r ""V'^'u'' P"""" '^■'d wretched ^ Come, yo souls by sin afflicted ' ' Come, yo thankful poople, come ' " Come, ye that love the Lord ;. Command Thy blessing from abovo Commit thou all thy griefs Creator Spirit ! by whose aid trown jhm with many crowns " ' Dear refuge of wy weary soul >T r^lf w"h Thy blessing, Loi^ IV.no is the work that saves Etema Beixm of Light Divine ' ' Lteinal Father, strong to save .' ." Lternal Light ! eternal Light Eternal Source of every joy Far from the world, Lord, I flee" Jather, I know that all my life v^hZ t ''°-'*^«n' Y'*"se love profound Father of mercies, in Thy word Forever with the Lord For thee, O dear, dear country For Thy mercy and Thy grace Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go ^ oun tarn of good, to own Thy love " l-ountain of mercy, God of love F nond after friend departs . JVom all tliat dwell lielow the skies 1' rom depths of woe I raise to Thee From Egypt lately come .. From every stormy wind that blows Prom Greenland's icy mountains .. From ocean unto ocean Gentle Jesus, meek and mild C.ive mo the wings of faith to rise '. ! (»ive to the winds thy fears . . Glorious things of thee are spoken Glory be to God on high blory be to God the Father C.lory, glory to our King Glory to Qud o!i his-h Go to dark Gethsemitne God is my strong salvation God loved the worid of sinners lost God moves in a mysterious way God of my life, to Thee I call God reveals His presence God, that loadest earth and heaven Hymn 91 883 136 138 168 97 85 120 118 119 311 £25 Browne . Weilty Newton Wetley Robinton . 185 98 64 218 346 53 143 314 15 309 145 187 4 107 293 306 171 165 312 277 345 148 Neale, from Anc. Hymn.. We»Uy Moore ^«''< Sioain Alfonl Waits .. ;; ;; Montgomery WetUy, from the Germ. Oryden, from Anc. Hymn 2E9 187 269 317 335 167 1 6 231 349 6 83 81 54 222 133 I 24 196 17 Bridr/es Steele Hart .. \\ Bonar Wesley Whiting ,. ,[ Binney Doddridge .. Cowper Waring .. .' ' J. Cooper .. Steele •.. Montgomery Neale, from Bernard Doumton .. Wesley Doddridge .. " Floicerdev! .. Montgomery Watts Massie, from luthcr Stowell Heber M. .. Wesley Watts .. \\ Wesley, from the Germ. '. '. Newton From the Za<w .. Bonar Kelly Allen . . Montgomery . , ] .' Montgomery Mrs. iicockton Cowper Cowper .. ,[ ]' Mercer . . . , [ _" Heber and Whately Wurtemberff ( St. Ursula ] Denfield J Elsick ( Bruges llomsdal ! Sharon Nettletoii Berlin VeniSancteSpiritus Leipsic Comfort Sharon Oriel StGeorge's, Windsor Prague f Angels { Nicea St. Olave Linden Diadcmata Faith Ely Dudley St. Bernard Melita St. George f St. Catharine (Albert Evan Fairfield Rivaulx Palestrina f Montgomery i Franconia f Munich Blessed Country Culbach Pleyel 'alestino St. Ethelreda Dunfermline Lucca Winchester Luther's 130th ' Conway Egypt Wareham , Retreat Missionary Hymn , Lancashire Morning Light St. Columba Salzboiirg Olniutz f Austria j Hilary Gloria in Excelsis Regent Square Moniiiig Lebanon Gethsemane Heidelberg Wondrous I.ovo Dunfermline Old Saxony Arnsberg f Temple 1 Nutfleld 403 J'irst line. INDEX OF FlR^iT LINES. Qi-ace! 'tis a charming sound Gracious Spirit I Love divine Great God, we sing that mighty hand oZf vf' "^l""* '^° I ««« and hear ' Great King of nations, hear our pr.iyer Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah ^11. thou bright and sacred morn Hail, Thou once despised Jesus . Hall to the Lord's Anolntod . . . ] Hark, my soul I It is the Lord H«rt i' tu^ ^^""'^^ ""tfels sing K«^°^"V«f"^ Jubilee .. ■• • K "l? T"'"* °' lov« and mercy Hark I what mean those holy voices " He leadeth me 1 oh blessed thought Hear what God the Lorti hath spoken Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face Here we suffer grief and pain Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness Holy, holy holy, Lord otna\»o^rna^<^^'«i>V i." H=:Ke^fvfa^>'> •■• •■•■ How are Thy servants blest,' b Lord '• How beauteous are their feet How gentle God's commands " " How precious is the Book Divine " ' How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds 1 heard the voice of Jesus say I'lnv^T !''** "^ Redeemer lives" 1 lay my sins on Jesus 1 love Thy kingdom, Lord " 1 need Thee every hour ;; ;• I need Thee, precious Jesus It is not death to die .*." Jerusalem, my happy home . . Jerusalem the golden 285 318 ■tiuthor. Ihddridge , , Stacker Doddridge . . Colhjer, from the Germ Gurney W. WiUianu .. •^. A. Elliott Jiakewell .. Montgomery Coieper Wethy Montgomery J. Evma .. Cawood J. H. Silmoiir Cowper Bonar Toplady, from the Gevm Montgomery fleber ThreJfall ., Havergal .. Heber .. Addison Watts ■Doddridge .. ■Fawcett Jfeuton .. '[ Bonar Medley Bo7iar Dwight A, S. Hawkei P. Whitfield M'Ckei/ne .. Mrt. Luke .. /ruUtoorM, from the ffer'm Bethune, from Malan From an old LaUin Hymn Ttme. {\ Jesus I and shall it ever be Jesus, high In glory Josus, I live to Thee ..' Jesus, I my cross have taken Jesus lives I no longer now Jeaus, Lord, we humbly pray .' ." Jesus, Lover of my soul . . [[ Jesus ! name of wondrous lovo Jesus shaU reign where'er the sun Jesus, Shepheid of the sheep ■'osus, tender Sliopherd, bear me ' " Josus, the very thought of The^ :; 404 163 3S6 75 Ifmle, from Bernard Grigg ffarbaugh ,. Miss Cox, from the Gem. ■"» • .... ^- W.How Wattt Cooke Mary I. Duncan '. ' " Cfuwell, from Bernard ','. f Augustine ^Franconia Biickland (Kent ( Hebron • . Ltither'sHymu Gretton j Pilgrimage ( Rousseau Morning Everton /Zoan Morning Light Pleyel V St. Bees Hethlehem §*George's, Windsor Ht. Colm Formosa f Hursley ■^ He leadeth me St. Madoes St. Agnes , Preeneste Joyful ( Coblentz ( Retrospect Altenburg Nicaea Sllacombe Old 44th Baden Kilmarnock Prague Bidborough St. Ethelreda St. Peter j Vox Dilecti ITorwood Mainzer Munich Eolyrood I need Thee < Stuttgart ( Munich Stanley Salamis Penuel Augustine f Southwell I Belmont ' Ewlng J Endslelgh J Mainzer I Soldau Fulstow St. Olave / Bethany j (dinger St. Albiuus I Croyland / Holiingsiao ( Martyn Vienna (■ Ombersley (Warrington St. Ambrose Dijon St. Agnes, Durham Time. j Augfustine iFranconia Biickland (Kent ( Hebron * liiither'sHyjuii Gretton f Pilgrimngo I Rousseau Morning Everton Zoan Morning Liglit Pleyel St. J3ee8 iethlehem tGeorge's, Windsor t. Colm 'ormosa Hursley He leadeth me t. Madoes 3t. Agnes i'rsBneste )yful ^blentz lefrospect tenburg icaea lacombo d44th ideu Iniarnock ague Iborough Etlielreda Peter )x Dilecti irwood Inzer Dich yrood :ed Theo ittgart mich iley mis uel ustine ithweU mout ing Isleigh nzer !au ;ow lave mny fer ibiuus and ingsidd yn a 9rsle5r ingtoa ibrose nes, Durham INDEX OF FIRST LINES. -FVwf linf. Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts . . Jesus, Tliou Son of David, Jiear my cry Jesus, Ihy blood and righteousness Jesus, Thy boundless love to me Jesus, to Thy table led Jesus, where'er Tliy people meet . . Jom all the glorious names Joy to the vi^orld I the Lord is come Just as I am, without one plea lead, kindly Light, amid the enoircUng ^ Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us Lot us with a gladsome mind Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart ' Lo ! God IS here ! let us adore . . ',] Lo ! He comes, with clouds descending Look, ye saints ! the sight is glorious 'd, a little band and lowly •d, as to Thy dear cross we flee " " d, dismiss us with Thy blessing d, disraiss us with Thy blessini? .^I'd Qod, the Holy Ghost . . . . ,', Lord, I hear of showers of blessing Lord, In this Thy mercy's day Lord, it belongs not to my care Lord of the harvest, once again Lord of the Sabbath ! hear us pray Lord of the worlds above J'*"^' £?"'■ '^'•y ^P'"t from on high Lord, Thou lov'st tlie cheerful giver Lord, while for all mankind we prav Love Divine, all loves excelling May the grace of Christ our Saviour More love to Thee, O Christ Much in sorrow, oft in woe . . My faith looks up to Thee . . My God and Father, while I stray Sly God, and is Thy table spread . . My God, how wonderful Thou art My heart is full of Christ, and longs Ay heart is resting, O my God Jly Saviour, as Thou wilt My times are in Thy hand . .' Nearer, my God, to Thee No ; not despairingly Not all the blood of beasts ,. Not in anything we do Not what these hands have done . . Now I have found the ground whoioin Now ia th" accepted time .. Now may He who from the dead .. 74 133 51 159 258 243 73 40 126 200 5 22 272 247 87 67 331 164 344 340 94 140 114 190 310 242 246 250 172 319 161 343 160 210 130 181 257 16 72 178 191 188 174 131 124 123 122 204 lis 342 f RayPalmtr, irovaBema, \ o/Clairvaux .. J. Wesity, from the Gni,i. '. [ From the Oervian Baynti Coioper Watt) Watts .. '■ C. Elliott Neviman Ednieston Milton Sir £. Denm/ .. .', Wesley, from the Oerm. , J Cennick, Wesley, and ( Madan JCelly M.E. Shelley .. '.', Gwney Anon Shirley Montgomery E. Codner .. . . Isaac Williams .. R. Baxter Anstice .. .. \\ Doddridge . . Watts Montgomtry Wreford '.'. ['. Wesley Newton . . , . \\ E. Prentiss H. K. White Palmer .. . • C. Elliott Doddridge Faher Wesley .. ,[ " Waring .. ,. \[ JH. L. I., from the Oenn. Lloyd S. F. Adams Bonar Watts Afford Bonar Wesley, from the German Dobell Nevton ., .. f Gregory ( Ontario Old 124th Soldaii Marylcbnno f Berlin 1 LacrymsB Melcombe] Gojisal Gordon Faith St. Barnabas Pascal Lux Benigna Sandon Feniton Court ^ Mannheim Harts Faith liUbeck J Lo, Ho comes ( Rousseau Edlingham Rousseau Dundee Dismission Benediction Pentecost ( Even me ( St. Sylvester St. Philip St. Hugh— Coleshill Dura Winchester Darwall Dublin Deerhurst St. James Falfleld Trinity f Desire ^ More lovo to Tlieo University College (Olivet 1 Stobel J Landskron j Metrical Chant J Communion ( Angelus Westminster Harrington Rest Broadlanda Serenity ( Excelsior < Horbury ( Whiteford J Haddo ( St. John Sonning f Middleton \ Croyland j Scott ( St. Jerome Faber f Bidborough ] St. Methodius J Carmel ( Brandenburg 406 ■First line. INDEX OF FIRS T LINES. Now thank wo all our Ood n P.^ '*' ,Y^'** t-urdena bowid Tliy head " O come, all ye faithful . . '^ ^" O day of rest and gladness .. O fair the gleams of glory O for a closer walk with God O for ^ ?.'"*'* *° P'^^e ray God ." ." O nL . t^^usaud tongues to sing O On^ /"f ^"""^ *•»« unfathomed sea ' ' ^S^^^'lo^'e.O King of peace •• O nn^' ^^'^ fe^'l? '" ages pS«t O God, the Rook of Ages n ?„°5 "]"' ""f'o^* In Thine hand' ' ^ ''^PPy day that fixed my cho"e O help us, Lord ! each hour of need O holy Saviour, Friend unseen O Jesus Christ, the Holy One ., " ' O Lamb of God, once wounded O Love Dl^«7'^ ' """^ ^'"^h, and s^a " ^°ve Divine, how sweet Thou art 1 O Saviour, bless us ere we go Hymn I^f"^7foj'*. from the 6-tr. Mercer, from the Latin '. '. C. WordsKorth C. I. Cameron Coieper Wesley Wtiltl/ bir H. W. Baker . Wattt O Thl*^v^ ^''^^ salvation . . " O tW *7 ^°'>» «P«rience tried ;: offetertW^r»-«-« O Thou who camest from abeive " ' O timely happy, timely wise '. O t what, If we are Christ's . . O where shall rest be found n r*""!?^ <^°<^ incarnate . ' ' ' O worship the King all-glorious above " O er the gltomy hills of darkness On the shore of Galilee Once In royal David's city .".* One is kind above all others .' .' .' One there is. aVve aU others Onward, Christian soldiers , . Our blessed bond of union Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed ' ' Part m peace. Christ's life w^ Se ' ' Pleasant are Thy comtj above Praise my so,il, the King of heaven Praise the Lord of heaven ''^'*^^" •• Rescue the perishing, ca^ for the dying Return, O wanderer, to thy home Revive Thy work, O Lord 406 Bicke)'tteth.'. DodMdgeW \'. ■Mihnan . . '/ C.Elliott .. Browne I \ ''' F- -^Ifxander,' from ) 0. U'ordtKorth Wesley Faber Montgrmerij ^yt* .... Omoper, from Ouyon Jiaweis Mrt. Cousin Wesley Keble Sirff. W.Saker.. Montgomery W.W.How Sir A Orant [ '. fT. Williams P- O. Morris C. F. Alexaniler '. '. Ifunn 71 I Newton 228 102 347 Baring Oould M. .. Auber S. P. Adams lyte. . T. B. Broten Mant I^y M. C. Campbell M. .. Neater Wesley ,] P. Crosby ., Hastings „ Midlane . . Gratitude Nativity Spohr Adeste, Fidelcs > f Word.sworth ( End.-leiKh Lancashiro I St. Mary 1 Farrant Burton Agnes South wark Marylebono Cannons St. Ann Jerusalem Wurtembcrg Winchester Martyrdom f Hamburg I Harbridge St. Agnes, Durham Stuttgart Aurelia Almsgiving King's College ; f In Tenebris Lumen \St. Matthias Melcombe Heidelberg Holly St. Mary Galilee Ontario ' Melcombe Palestine Old i34th, or St. Michael -iuabia Aurelia Houghton ' S?^®"* Square , wilderamouth Liguria Irby ' Tenderness Rosebank Bohemia Oberlin St. Gertrude V Onward Aurelia St. Cuthberfc Altenburg ( Maidstone ) Culford Advtiit Bohemia Austria— Gotha Auchincalm Everton AlountZlon Darwall f Comfort; [lag ( Rescue the Porish- f Invitation ( Midian Kane J'une, Gmtlhide Nativity Spohr Adesto, Fidelcs > Wordsworth EndsleiKh [jitiicasliiro St. Mary Fiirrant Jurtoa Agnos louthwark larylebono 'annons t. Ann enisalem 'tirtcmbcrgf 'iuckcster aityrdonj Jamburg iarbridge • Agnes, Purham uttgart irelia msgiving ug'8 College •■ 1 Tenebris r.umen ;. Matthias Icombe idelberg Wary ilee tario slcombe lestine ?lic» " «*• bia elia ghton jent Square Idersmouth iria demess ebank eniia rlin Sertrudo fard lia ithberfc burg Istoue 3rd It uia ta-Gotha Qcairn :Zion U art fing the Porish- ition INDEX OF FIRST LINES. Firtt line. Ride on, ride on In majesty RUe, my soul, thy God directs the"o Rock of Ages, cleft for me . . Safely through another week Salvation, oh the joyful sound Saviour, blessed Saviour Saviour, breathe an evening blessing Saviour, more than life to me Saviour, when in dust to Thee See, Israel's gentle Shepherd stands Sing praise to God, who reigns above Soldiers of Christ, arise Sometimes a light surprises . ! Bon^s of praise the angels sang . . Sovereign grace ! o'er sin abounding Sovereign Uuler of the skies Spirit Divine I attend our prayers ' Spirit of God, that moved of old . . Spread, oh spread, thou mighty word Stand up ! stand up for Jesus Still with Ihee, O my God Sun of my soul. Thou Saviour dear Sweet is the solemn voice that calls Sweet is the work, my God, my King Sweet the moments, rich In blessing The Church's one foundation The God of Abraham praise . . The Head that once was crowned with) thorns !• i The hour of my departure's come '.'. The Lord Is King, lift up thy voice The Lord is risen Indeed .. .. [[ The Lord will come I the earth shall quake The morning bright Tiie sands of time are sinking '. '. The spacious firmament on high , The Spirit breathes upon the Word The world is very evil Thee, God, we praise, Thee. 'Lord, confess There came a little Child to earth There Is a blessed home Tliere is a fountain filled with blood There's a Friend for little children There is a happy land, ^ There is a holy sacrifice There is a laud of pure delight Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old. . This is the day of light Thou art gone up on high . . Thou art the way': to Thee alone . . Thou hidUeu love of God, whose height Thou Judge of quick and dead Thou, Lord, art our life and the length of ) our days f Thou who didst stoop below .. Thou, whose Almighty word Though troublfld assail and dangers affright 45 179 284 316 S6 270 103 Hymn 46 207 128 287 267 70 304 160 149 256 19 209 226 21 205 29 101 103 274 .009 180 302 244 243 134 233 23 65 278 9 69 86 326 281 28 lOS 294 7 329 230 125 327 336 147 286 44 Author. Tune. Milnian Darby Toplady Newton Wattt .. " Thrinif Sdmetton F. Crosby ,. Sir R. Grant .. ',', Doddridge Min Cox, from the Qenn. Wtiley Cowper .. ., " Montgomery Kent Sy'.and .. .. \\ WinictBorth, from the Oer Duffield /. D. Burnt KM* i-ytt Wattt Allen and Shirley Stone divert Bruce Conder Heher Summert ,, Mrs. Coutin Addison .. Covrper NeaU, from Bernard W. Robertson £. Elliott .. Sir B. W. Baker Cowper JUidlane . . A. Young 'Montgomery Watts .. .. ;.' Plumptre . , BlUrton .. ..' \\ E. Tohe DnnKf. Wesley, from the Oerman Wesley M. !! Miles Marriott Newton St. Drostane Borlan f Petra IToplady Toronto Salisbury ( Hermas j Papworth j Italian Chorale ( Wraysbury Every Day Miserere St. Peter f Stettin (Erk Gildaa Bentley f Culbach ICulford Zaauaim Heinlein Milton Commandments Elsick Morning Light Selma ( Abends j Hursley J Warrington 1 Pentecost Leigh Leipsio Aurelia Leonl St. Magnus Soldau Angels— Walton St. Michael i Old Saxony (Cyprus Denfield Rutherford Peterborough Grafenberg Pearsall Erfurt Chant ( Annue Christe ( The Blessed Home Southwold Ellacombo f Happy Land (There is a Happy Riseholme [Land Emmanuel Old 137th Franconia ( Olivet 1 Franconia St. James Neumark Southwell f Thanksgiving ■(Houghton Elvey ( Let there be light I Moscow Hanover 407 f^ytt lint. LWDEX or TUNES. Through all ti.o changing .cenes of life Thy way, not mine, Lord . . E" ^o come,-oh let the words J^«'»y J';'PPfnes8 below "' '• •■ w:Kl^aif-"!^<^-i-Ht We plough the fields and Bcatter We praise Thee, O God We sing the ,.rai.-e of Him whodi;^ Wo spouk of the reahus of the blest V> cary of wandering from my God What a Friend we have In Jesus .. Whate'er my Qod ordains is right What means thU eager, anxious throng When all Thy meitjles, O my God When gathering clouds around I view When ¥surT:^^i ^^"^ He cometh "lien 1 survey life's varied scene WheS th'e"l'"^ ^^' wondrous cross- " wuen the weary, seeking rest When this passing world la done " l" »vno is this that comes from Edom Why should I fear the darkest hour Why should the chlldt«a of a King Ye servants of the Lord iiiion s King shall reign vinfnWn... "^ •■ DOX Ifj/mtil Author. Tate and Brady JBoiiar Bicltrtteth.. Couper ., " " ^^rqvis of Lnrne" n 'iS^"'?-.'*' ^""ora the Ger. Matti \Mi»> CampbtU," trom) ( the Gei-vian . . ( From the latin . . Kelly Jf- Mil* .'. \[ Wetley 1*4 I From " Faith Hymns " . . M3 I rPi»i*ieo»-M, from tho <?«•. Mitt Campbell Additoii . . Sir It. Grant W. 0. Cushing Steele .. U'attt Bonar ircheynt .. Neioton U'attt W9 I Jfewton .. Tune. 43 IM fTattt ■Doddridge. . Toplady .. Kelly T n^ w'^ honour endless fame JLord, bless us still " ^ow blessed be the Loid ou^■God " " Now to Him who loved us, KavTus Tn u-^ V}° ^»*''«'-' GM ?he Ion • • OLOGIES. Wiltshire f Leuchars ( Brouffhton Reynoldstone Liguria Sandon Nicolai Eirene Bevan Dresden Gregorian Chant liUy Tabor (Eber ] I'ater Omnium j Bethany (What a Friend Erk i AfoUta < Jesus of Nazareth Wini'hester f St. Werburg \ Compline Jewels Kenwyn Communion Intercession (Nassau LPetra Weimar Angels Triumph 'l^hena , St. Aldan J lona (Moravia Narenza Uoncaster Austria Tune. INDEX OF T LMsTi^ Milan" Chant Sanctus L and IL Baden Peterborough Triumph Caledon Old Hundred St. Magnus Old Hundred Jackson Te Deum Laudam Abends Adeste, Pideles Advent A(jiithos Ainger.. Albert.. Almsgiving .'. Alteiibuj^ 408 '■ Metre. I'M. 6.6.11. S.6.XI. 8 7.8.^.4,7. 7-7-7-3- •• D. I'M. .. .. 7-7.7.7- D. Author or Source. ?i^?.pakeIey,M.A.,Mu8. Doc. John Heading, ifi,, ' J. W. Elliott H.RH. Prince Albert . Hymns. 302, isttune 3S 18,88 321. 2d tune 154. 2d tune 3091 ad tune 34 ». 347 Ttmr. WUtshlre ( Lenchars ( Brouifhton Royiioldstone Lipiria ' Sandou Nicolal Elrene Bevaa Dresden Gregorian Chant Kiy Tabor Eber i'.iter Omnium Bethany What a Friend 2rk Molita Jesus of Nazareth Viniliestcr St. Worburg CompUno ewols ieiiwya ommunlon itercession Nassau ?etra elmar tigels iumph ■ryphena t. Aldan wa loravla renza noaster stria Ian mt ;Ctus I. and II. I en urborough imph III on Hundred *Iagnu8 Hundred isou 'eum Laudam. 9t tune 1 tune 1 tune I tune INDEX OF TUNES. Tune. Angolfi Angolus Annuo Christo Around the throne Anisberg Art thou weaiy Aucbincaim . . Augustine Aurolia Austria Baden . . Harrington Hatty liolmont Benediction . . Bentley Berlin Botbiiny . . Bethlehem . . Bevan BldborouRh . . Blessed Country Blessed Homo Bohemia Bohemia Borlan .. Boylston Brandenburg Broadlaiids Broughton Bruges Buckland Burton Agues Caledon Calvin .. Cambria Cannons Canon .. Carlisle Carmel Chant .. Coblentz Coleshill Comfort Commandments Communion Compline Conway Coronation Croyland Culbach Culford Cyprus Damascus Darwall Denfiold Deerhurst Desire . . Diademata Dijon . . Dismission Dis Doncaster Dresden Dublin . . Dudley Dundee Dunfermline Dura Mitrt. L.M L.M 6.6.6,6.0. 8.6.8 6.8. 8.S.8.3 II. 10,11, 10. S.M D. D. 8.7-8.7 CM D. D. IJ.,8. S.M. D. D. II. II. II. II. .. S.M. .. 7.7. 7.7. •- D. D. • 7.7. 7- 7- .. CM. L.M. CM. L.M. L.M. S.M. .. CM. 1 1. 10. 1 1. 10. L.M. L.M. 7.7.7-7. .. L.M. CM. D. S.M.D. . . 8.7.S.7. .. 7-7-7-7.?.7- 8.M D. L.M. .. CM. CM. Av,l}\or or Souret, Oil.inrtoGiblioiiH, Mus.Doc., 1633 •Tuhaiiu Uoheffler From La Feilldo Arranged by H. E. Mathews .Joacliim Noandcr, 1680 Uev. J. BuUingor .T. K. Scott J. S. Bach, 1685-1750 .. 8. 8. Wesley, Mus. Doc. Haydn Severus Castorius . . ,. Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. German Adapted from Mozart . . . ! Samuel Wobbo, 1740-1817 John Hullah, LL.D. .. .. Johann Crllger, 1602-1662 .. Henry Smart Mendelssohn Sir John Goss, Mus. Doc. '. '. Hiindel, ad. by W. H. Callcott Berthold Touw John Stainer, M.A., Mus. Doc. German ', German .' '/_ Lowell Mason, Mus. Doc. '.'. German lausanne Ptalter .'. Hymn. Prom Nanlni Rev. L. O. Hayne, Mus. Doc. Rev. J B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. From Cong. Church Music Genevan Psaiter, I s6a .. Handel .. .. '/, Thomas Tallis . , . , [[ C. Lockhart .. .. ',[ German . . . . , , A. H. D. Troyto .. [', Goudimel . . . . C. A. Qarratt .. .. [ Ooievan Psalter, 1561 . . Edward Miller, Mus. Doc. Rev. L. G. Hayne, M<is. Doc. From Cong. Church Music O. Holden, 1703 . . Rev. C J. La Trobe, 1795 German E. J. Hopkins, Mus. Doc. Lowell Mason, Mus. Doc. Rev. John Darwail .'. C. G. QltUer James Langran, Mus. Bac. . . Henry Smart Sir Geoige J. Elvey, Mus. Doc. German Volkslied T. W. Naumann . . ." German Chorale S. Wesley J. P. Schultze .. John Hullah, LL.D. . E. P. Rlmbault, Mua. Doc. ! '. Scottish Psalier, 16x5 .. Scottish Psalter, i6ts .. ,[ H. J. Gauntlett, Mua. Doo. .. 9) ist; 116, 249, ist 41, 254, 2fl; 257, 2d 290, ist tune 333, 2d tune 17 170, 2d tune 13 230, ist tune ; 282 106, 162, 228, 233 II, ist; 231, ist; 263 79 73 219 393, 3d tune 340 236 97i ist; 358, ist tuno 144, ist; 154, 1st; 308, 35 [ist 3 j2, IIS, ist tuno 396, 3<1 tune 390, 2d tuue 10 71, ist tuue 207 176, 252, ist tune 342, 2d tuno 191 184, 2d tuna 136, 3d tuno 93 17s 338, 275, and Dox. 13 236 109 320 301 82 342, ist tune 329 100, ist tuno 190, 2d tune 120, 266, ist time 103, 298, 2d tune 49, 257, ist tune 217, 2d tune 289, ist tuno 63, 2d tune 123, 2d tune ; 253 21, ist ; 306, ist 21, 2d ; 245, ad 86, ad ; 203, 265, 2d 254, ist tune 84. 246 288, 3d; 325 172 160, ist tune 64 326 344 36 311 313 250 S3 164 24. 31a 310 409 «bor .. Ediliigham g»fypt .. ^^irene .. Ellacomba Elslok .. Rlvey . . fy ■■ '■ ^-mmanuol Eiidslelgh Erk . . Eifurt .. Evan .. Even mo EvenUde Evorton Every Dny .] awing . . Excelsior Fiiber .. Fftirfiold Falfleld Faltli ., Faith .. EaiTant Feriiton Court" Formosa Foundation .'.' Franoonla Pulstow Oalilea.. Gethsemane Olldas .. Glencalrn Gloria In ExcelaJs Glory .. Gopsal , . Gordon.. Gotha .. Grttfenberg Gratitude Gregory Gretton Haddo.. Hamburg Hanover H«PPy Und .■■ Harbrldgo Harts .. Hebron Heldelbere Helnleln .'.' He leadeth mo Hermas Hilary.. Holliijgsida ."." Holly .. Holyrood H.irbury ]' Houghton Howard Hiirsicy Ineed'fhee .. Innocents InTenebiisLumon.' mtercessloQ 410 INDEX OF TUNES. 8.7- II.IO.II.IO. D. .•• L.M. CM. 7.6. 7-6. D." 8.7- Author or Source. '^,'*f erg Ptatmen. 1SS2 Frajjco,ItidleyH:.verg.il German . . Heotlioven 8. Salvatori i Wltteubergor Liedorii'unra- ) ( IllDgf, 1524 f Dr. Martin Luther, lAS^-j.^e ' Mytt^-«- W. H. Doaiio ;.' Alexander Rwing I-owell Urison, Mus. D^ls, Rev. R. R, chopo y. J^{e/i*^R',?"l"'*°' Mui. Doo: Richard Parrant. . ^•/; JopklJ's. Mus. Tide. I SrArthur Sullivan, Mus Doc R«'.T. R Matthews .' , Venetian Melody y;.^; Monlf. ^"w. Doc*. AttribtoPet, vbelard. njo 1. L. Hately, i,S,6- ,^67 ff]fmn. f Composed for this work by) ( E. J. Hopkins, Mus, Doc f O. F". "Handel, ,684-,7sg Henry Smart . '^' H.R. a Pri„co Albert ;; Johann Crtlger, 1602.166, Johann Crliger, ,649 ^' ' S^;">p'har. byW.*fi.Monk" 5«^- R- Brown-Borthwick I B. J. Hopkins, Mus. Doi. G. Wn^dS77V" ^- !■ Indian Melody 8. 8. We>ley, Mus". Doc!" iSe^' Benjamin Milgrove, "j^lfsL WellMa^o„rMu8.l/o\'.'^'° 5*f,f 'or Vulpius. 1609 Paul Heiulein, 1677^^ W. B. Bradburjr .. •• F. R. Havergal . . Ganther Rev. J. B. Dykes." Mus." "doc " George Hews . "• ^o^- James Watson . Rev J^B. Dykes. Mus! "Doc" — iir.i.ot Howard, 2Uus. Doc. Rev. Robert Lowry [] ^V"ctt'^^^;^-«oo.:: 'II, i«t tune I 289, 2d tuno •57 3.^7. 33a V 136, isttuno; ayi 55 '* 48. H9, 346 286 "41, »d ; 297, ad 19, ad tuno ; 183 7, 965, ist tuno 145 140, ist tuno 182, ist tune 69, 80 150 '97. i«t tuno 174, ist tuno i04 161 -if, 972 ia6, ist tuno »73. ad tuno 5, ist tune 37 P* , tags, ad 6»^ ad; 230, 2d; 239, ai6 54 209 3^4 349 333, ist tune 73 40 II, ad tuno 56, ist tune ; 10s 31 74, ist tuno 318 1311 ist tuno 195, ist tune 193 336, ist tuno 19s, ad tuna 22 26, 2d tuna aaa, 264 29 198, 2d tuna 70, tst tuno 231, ad tuno 129, ist tune 189 23* 174, 2d tuno 13, 3'". ad tuna 56, ad tune 198, 1st; 302, 2d tuno I2t 224 341, ist tune 151 Lubeck Lucca .. Hymn. Ill, iBttuna I tag, ad tuno 157 \^7, 33a ^ '36> ist tuno; 274 8, 112, 346 00 ♦I. ad ; 297, ad ), ad tuno ; 183 a6s, i8t tuno IS 0, ist tuno 2, lattuue , So a 7, IsttUliO 1, iBt tune \ • 97a '. ist tuno > ad tnuo st tune , fapa, ad aa; 330, 3d; 939, INDEX OF TUNES. Tant, xst tune i tuno it tuno ; 10s it tuno st tuuo Bt tune )t tune 1 tune tuno '4 [ tuno tune tuno I tune tune zd tuno une ; 302, 2d tuno tune Invitation ,. lona Irby ,. Italian Clinrnlo Jorusaloni •ToauH of Na»ireth JowoIb.. Ji'yful . , Kiino . . Kent .. Kenwyn Kllniaruock ,, King's CoUogo Licrymw I^uiuashlro l^ndskron Lobniion Leigh . . Loipslo . . Leuiii luster .. Leoni . . Let there bo light I.eiiclmrs Ligurla Linden . . Lo t Ho conios Lubock Lucca .. Luther's 130th Ijiithcr'B Hymn L\ix Oenigua . . Madrid.. Mnldatono Slulnzor Munnlieim ^liirinora .^lartyii .Martyrdom.Coinmon ) Metre. D.C.M. 8 7.8.7. 1), D. P.M. .. 8.M.D. .. L.M. CM. CM. time form Martyrdom, Triple ) time form . . f Marylebono . . Melcombo .Melita . . Melrose Jlotric.al Chant Middleton Midian.. i^lilos Lane . . Milton . . Jliserere JIl.sHlonary Hymn Montgomery . . Moratia More love to Thee Morning Moi'iiisijj Hymn Moniltig Light Morningside Moscow Mount Zion Moz.irt .. Munich Naamau 8.'8.6.8.R.6.' 7-7-7- D. •. L.M. 1.^'-^: :: 6 6.8.4. D. . . 7-77-7- •• 8.8.8 8.8.8.,101 P.M. m 7.D. ., 7-7.7-7' CM. D. CM. L.M. 8.8 CM, .. CM. CM. 7.7.7-7. I>. D. 8.M.D. ., CM. D. 10. 10. 1 1. 1 1. 7.7.7-7- .. D. 10. 10. 10. 10. . 'Author or Sourct. Dr. Thoraai Hastings . . T. M. Miidio U. J. O.iiiiitlett, Mils. Uofl. .. Arr. by W. IL Monk, ,Mus. Doo. Arciiflclt, 1540 Theo. E. Poikins «. F. Root Thomas Bllby Lowoll Mason, M us. Doc. J. F. Lainpu H. J. Hopkins, Mus. Doc. Neil Dougull, 1776-1862 Walker .. Sir Arthur Hulllviin, Mus. Doc. Henry Smart Jlohemian J/i/mnal, i$3t Uruiin A. R. Relnagle PtalnwUia Sacra, i7i< . . G. W. Martin .... Old Hebrew Melody . . Sir Q. A. Macfiirron T. L Hntoly, 1816-1867 Ancient Melody Oerraau Walter Macfarren _( Luther, 1537, harmonlsod by ) ( MendoUsolin . . . . ) ( Melody first printed at Nttm- ) \ '?"■»' .'374 .. f Luther, har. by Mendelssohn Luther Kev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doo. . Spanish Melody .. W. B Gilbe.-t, Mu.s. n..c. Dr. Malnzer German Hugh Wilson Hugh Wilson Swiss Melody Samuel Webbo, 1740-181 7 Rev. J. B. Dykes, Jlu». Doc... Scottiik Ptalter, 163s .. A. H.D.Troy to . .. H. J. Gauntlutt, Mus. Doo. . . Rev. W. H. H.tvergal . . Slimbsole Harmonised by James Foote! '. W. H. Monk, Mus. Doo. Lowoll Mason, Mus. Doc, I. B. Woodbury . J From N. Hermann, o:\ 1561, ) t adapted by T. L. Havely I" W. H. Doano . . W. H. Monk, Mns. Doc. '. !''■ li. Baitliulumou George James Webb . . H, E. Uibdin .. .. ',' Giardini " Sir Arthur Sullivan, Mus. Doc! From Mozart J. G. C StOrl, 1711 Sir Michael Costa Jfymn. 117, ist tiino 104, ist tuuo 3»8 304, lat tune 37 43, ad tune 337 338 141 a6, ist tuno «99 as 177 358, 2d tiuie 269, 2d tuHe : sgi 181, ^8t tuuo 8j a43 85. 134 376, ist tuno 33 270, ist tune 184, ist tune 42, 3oa 98 87, ist tune 247 377 148 38s aoo, ist tune 322 345, ist tuno 61, 153, ist tune 5, 2d tune 339 , 129, 2d tuuo 142 14a, 2d l,une >4. 159 99, 248, 299, ist tuno 43, ist tiuio; 314 92, ist tune 181, 2d ; 182, 2d tuno 123, ist tiuio 117, 2d tuno 63, ist tune lOI 149 269, ist tune 292, 1st tune 104, 2d tune 160, 2d tuno 298, ist tune 2o8, 268, 2d tune; 317 192 370, 2d tune 194 169 no, 2a; 127, 296, ist 68 411 INDEX OF TUNES. Tune. Naomi ., NiiroiiM Mftrt. CM. 8.M. Nwwnii . . Notlvlty Nottloton Noiuimrk NIcwa . . NIcoa .. Nlcolai.. Nuttleld Oborlln Old lliindml. Old Saxony . 1-7-7-7-7-7- D. 11.13.1a.1a L.M. r.M. 8.<. L.M. Old 44th Old ia4th pidi34th(St.Mlchnol) Ola 137th Olivet .. ,. ;; Olivet Olmuti Omliersley •. . Ontario "Onward, Christian Soldiers " Oriel Palestine Pnlestrina Papworth . . ',[ Pascal I'iiter Omnium .' '. Peace . . Peorsall , . [[ Pentecost . , .', Pentecost Penuel Peterborouffh Potm .. .. Pilgrimage . . Pleyel .. .. ;: PotHdam Prog'ie.. .. ;; 1 8^; Proenosta Satisbon Regent Square Rescue the Perishing Rest Resurrection .. ,', Retreat Retrospect D.C.M. .. 10. 10. 10. 10. D.C.M. .. H.M. D.C.M. ,. S.M.I). .. e.M. .^ r'.M. L.M. II.II.II.II. CM. D. .. D. D. 8.M.D. .. L.M. 6.10.6. L.M.D. .. 7.7.7-7.7-7- m-'- ;: 7-7-77.7.7. 8-7-8.7.4-7. ii.io.ii.io. ARef. D.C.M. Reynoldstone Riseholme Rivaulx Rumsdal Rosebank Rousseau Rousseau Rutherford S.ilamlH 412 .. L.M. D. Author or tiniiret, Lowell Mason, Mus. Doo! ~ f Ancient Chorale. Culoffw ] \ Hymn Booh .. .. J Joliunn Rosenmllllor .. O. Neumark, i6n-i68i nry-r"';."- ^y^°'- """• Dor. : n ' !■ U"' 7tl' "r 8ih century W. H. Monk, Mus. Doc." Oernum ., Marnt and Sem't Ptaltrr Krom Anc. German Ohornle' ' r ■ ri.ni Anc. uernian (Miornle \ ( W. H. Haverg/il ) Oenevan. KnoHih Pmlter, i,,6 (ifMidlmel . . " ( JVom Ztay* yialUr, ■ ,563,' ■) ( harrr .y by S. Fingland [ Onievan Pmlter, 1561 . UnglUh Pmlter, 1562 Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mus.' Doc. .' ." Lowell Mason, Mum. Ddc. f Orejforian Tone, adapted by ) W ^o^"" Mnsr.n, Miw. D„o. ," W. H. Qladsiono.. Hymn. 9*, ad tuu« *90 aSo, ist tlltio 39 158, ad tuiiu '79 I 349. 3d tune 89 303, ad tune ad tune ox. 6 and 3 71, ad 8; Do 86, ist tune ; 196 CA. Oarratt Lutin Hymn Old Latin, 7th cent. .".' Prom Palestrin.i, 1 529-1 CQi ' K. J. Hopkins, M„fl)„'c"* ;• E. J. Hopkins, Mus. Doc. H. J. E. Holmes a • "^ Hopkins, Mus. Doc. 8t. Qttll Kathol. Oemnqhuch Prom the German Ascribed to Ambrose . , Leij).sig Melody .. Sir John Gobi, Mus. Doc Richard Redhead Sir George J. Klvoy, MiVs. Doc Ignaco Pleyel Ascribed to J. S. jjach."." Rev. L. R. West., i ■^'^fP'ed from Palostrina bj-') ( Prof. Taylor . . ■* - Gei man . . _ _ ' ' ' Henry Smart W. H. Doane . W. II. Callcott ... German . . Dr. Thomas Hastings '.'. J. Schop, 1642 Rev T. R. Mattliews .".' H. J. Gauntlett, Mus. Doe uov J. U. Dykes, Mus. Doc. . . ijfndeman, Norwegian Melodv ,*'; J- Hopkins, Mus. Doc. (Adapted from a French") ( Melody by Cramer . . f J. J. Rousseau . . Urban Lautan'ne Pnalter Greek Air. ... 330 '33 as*), ad tune 59. 90. '55 44 62, ist tune 130, i8t tune 186 a6a, ist tone 74, 2d tune ; i66 233, ad tune "9 '7'. 399, ad tune 107 70, 2d tune 126, 3d tune III, 2d tune 308, ad tuno 394 94 244, ad tune 28 n8, ist; 280, ad 153, ist tuno 314, ist; 306, 2d 252, ad tuno 335. 251 359, ad tuno 300 6, 271, ist tuno 266, ad time 178 58, ist tuna 137, ad tuno loo, 2d tuna 261 147 4 '38 331, 2d tune 87, ad; 15a, ad 321 281 333 279 fli/mn. ; ad tuu« lO !o, lit tiiiio » ;8, 2d tiiiiu 9 g. ad tuna 3. ad tuna , 3(t tune Dox. 6 mid 8 , lat tune ; 196 > I i, 3d tuna 90. «55 iBt tuno , lat tune , I at tnna 2d time ; i6« , 2d tuuo 299, 3d tune id tune 3d tune 2d tuno ad tuno ad tune ist; 280, 2d ist ttuio ist; 306, ad 3d tune id tuno :, ist tuno id tuno t tune d tuno ; 279 d tuuo i tune ; 1521 ad INDEX OF TUNES Tunt. HiUiabury Mttrt. CM. and chorua IKiUilxiurg CM Handou 10.4. 10.4. 10.10. .. Bt, A);nuH 10. 10. 10. 10. Kt. AgnuM, Durham . . CM Kt. Aidau 8.8.8. St. Alblniia .. St. Al]>hc|;o . . .. St. AmViroao .. l^t. Ann 7.7.7.S C M. St. llaniaboa .. St. Boos tit. Jlornard . . f;.y.-'- :: ■ St. Catharine . . r-..M. St. Colin St. Colinnl« . . 7-7-77 St. Cuthljort . . St. DroHtano . . L.M. .. at. Ktholroda . . CM St, Gflorgo St. Ooorgo's, Windsor D. >it. Oortrude . . TI. II. II. II. St. Oodrio ..,4.4, St. Helon 6 line zo'a St. Hugh CM St. JamuN CM St. Joi'oiuu S.M, St. John CM St. John,6,6.4. St. MaduoH 8,7.8,7. ,: .. CM.' ., St. Magnus Bt. Mary CM St. MatthluH . . 8.8.8,8,8.8. Bt. Methodius S.M St, Mlchaol (Old 134th) S.M St. Olave S.M St. Paul CM Bt. Peter CM St. Philip .. 7.7.7. St. .'(ylvcstcr . . St. Theresa . . 6,5,6,5. 1). df Ref. St. Ursula D.CM St. Werburif . . 8,8.8,8,8,8, Bcott S.M Holtna S.M Sorcnity S.M Sharon Sharon Soldau w./.w.^. .• , , L.M Sonnlng S.M Southwark . . C M. Southwell S.M, Southwell CM. Southwold . . .. CM. '.'. Hiwhr .Spohr ." CM Stanley II. II, II, II. KtfinhoTing - a ^ "0-".3 8,7,8,7,8,8,7. Stettin, r .. '.' Stobel .. 6.6.4,, ,. 7.6.7,6. D. Stuttgart Suabia S.M.D Tnbor p,M Tailcaster Tallis D. & Rcf, CM. . . , . Author ov Soure*. Ravenseroft'H Psaltor, i6at .. Friiin Mioliiiel Haydn, 1737-1806 0. H. Purday Jamun Latii^rau, Mas. Dm;. .. Rev. J. H. DyknH, Mils Dor... j Honouniblo and Uov. F, R. ) 1 Oroy ; H.J, Gauiitlutt, Mus, Doc, .. H.J. Gamitlutt, Mum Dim. .. Ancient Cluirch Melody Wm, Croft, Mus. Uoc., 1677-1727 Hov, J, H. Dykes, Mux. Doc. . . Rov. J. ». Dykis, Mm, Uoc. W. H. Mouk, Mus. Doc. Ooiidimel H. J. Oauiitlctt, MuB. Doc. .. Rev. R. R, ClmiK) Rot. J, R. Dykes, Mus, Doc.., Rev. J. a Dykes, Mus. Doc... Ulsluip Tm ton .. ,, NU'iilaiis Ht'inmnn Sir George J. Elvoy, Mus, Doc. Sir Arthur SulUvnn, Mus. Uoc. R'iv. J. B. Dyke-s, Mus, Doc. . , Walter Hatoly K, J, Hopkins, Mus. Doc. Raphael Coiirteville, i68i H. J. Gauntlott, Mus, Doc. .. James Turlo . . ,. Otto Goldschmidt Joachim Noander, i68o Jeremiah Clark, Mus, Doc. \Archdeacon Prya'a Book y F • "] Piabni, 1631 W. H. Monk, Mus. Doc, H. J, Gauntlott, Mus. Doc. .. ¥\om Oauvun PinlUf .. H, J, Gauntlett, Mus, Doc, .. William Tate A, R. Relnaglo W. H. Monk, Mus. Doc. Rov. J, B. Dykos, Mus, Doc, . . Sir Arthur Sullivan, Mus Doc, Frederick W),stlake Rov. J, B. Dykes, Mus. Doc, R. A,"Snuth !! v. .'. C. Bryan W;ii. Boyce, Mus. Doc, 1779 ., Wm. Boyce, Mus. Doc, 1799.. ( H. Dibdin. From an old Gt r. ) ( man Chorale of 13th cent, f H. J, Gauntlott, Mus, Doc, 1856 Christopher Tye, 1559 , . From Denham's Psattev H, 8. Irons H. J. Gpuiitlott, Mus. Doo. ,. From L, Spohr, 1784-1859 From L, Spohr, 1784- 1859 J. Stanley Rev. Sir Henry W. Bilker, Bt, Nicolaus Decius, 1529 ., Harmonised by Alex, Davidson H, Leo Hassler, 1601 ,, j German Chorale, Eherier- ) 1 'lehen Pmlmbucb, 1646 J Charles Steggall, Mus. Doc, , , B. J. Hopkins, Mus. Doc . . Tliomas Talli", ob. 1585 Hymn. 267 167 3o, aoo, 2d time 259, tat tuuo 75. a6o 229, 2d tune 60 295 163 30 126, 2d tune 214, 2d tuno 143 309, ist tuno Sa 33S 102 46 108, 163 IS 57, ad tuno ; 273, 311 223, tst tuno 33s 197 190, ist tune 45. 319 122. ad tune 256, ist tuna 131, 2d tune 206, 213 65 ; and Dox. 7 146, 173, ist tune 341, 3d tune 115, 3d tuno 59. 90. 155 168, 18s 135, ist tune 77. 35s "4 140, 2d tune 213, ist tune 288, 1st tuno 217, 1st tune 122, ist tune 180, 376, ad tuuo i83 118 158, ist tuuo 51, 153, ad tune ; 378 124 78 384 393, ist tune 47 135, ad tune 215 17U, jhI tune 19, 1st tune 130, 3d tune 50, no, ist tune 283 287 a 1 3, ad tuna 96 413 METRICAL INDEX. Tune. Temple . . _ Tenderness Thanksgiving JI'O'^.w 'I liappy land Tlio Blessed Home Toplady Toronto .. [[ Torwood Trinity.. Triumph Trust .. .. ;■ Tryphena TTniversity College .*." Vent Creator . . Mttre. Author or Souree. L.M. Veni Creatur, No. » . Veni Sancte Spiritus | 7.7.7. D. Vienna . . \ i, i, i, " Vigiliito .. .... ii.n ii.ii.D.&pb, 6.4,^ ., D. 7-7.7-7.7-7' 7-7^.7.7.7._ .. 8.7-8.7- .. :: 8.7- 8.8.8 7.77.7 L.M. 'E. J, Hopkins, Mus. Doc. From Mozart ','. Vox Dilecti . Walton :. Wareham . . \\ Warrington . . Weimar We praise Thee, O God Westminster . . Westmoreland What a Friend Whiteford . . Wlldersmouth Wiltahire .. ,\ Winchester ,. Winchester .. Wordsworth .. .'] Wondroiia Love Worms . . Wraysbury .'.' Wiu-temberg . . Zaanaim . . | Zoan .. L.M. L.M. L.M. 7.7-7-7- D. CM.' ;; 7-7-7-7-4- -- D. \,6.6.4, 8.7^ L.M, CM. 7-6. 7-6. D. John Stainer, M.A., Mus. Doc K J. Hopkins, Mis. dJ)c. .' .' J. TiimbuU J'rom Laudi Spirituali " H. J. Ganntlett, Muft Doc. ]'. ii. J. Hopkias, Mus. Doc Francos R. Havergnl H, J. Gainitlett, Mii«. Doc (Ancient Plain-song; Hari") ( mony from Duv.il . ( ?■"■• JiB; Dykes, Mus. Doo... Samuel Webbe . . J. It. Knecht W. H. Monk, Mus. Doc".' Rev J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc..." iteethoven, 06. 1827 William Knapp ..' " •' S^r-u?' Harrison, 1748-1810 '.'. James Tiirie Charles Steggan,Mua.Doo Clias. C. Converse E. J Hopkins, Mus. Doa h. J. Hopkins, Mus. Doc. Sir George Smart B. Ci-asselius, c. 1650 .. h^te'K Psalter, 1502 W-H. Monk.' m',?s. Doc.- W. Q. Fischer I'Uther, Hymn. -.,.-., .„.„./. iiutner, 1520 German 8.7-8.7.4^7. . . I Rev. w: H". Haver^al D. Rev, W, H. Havergal 303. ist tune 3311 lat tune 316, ist tune 336> ad tune * 290, ad tune 128, ad tuue »37 113, ad tune 343 66, and Dox, c. 30s ^ 329, ist time S7> ist tune ; aio 95i ist tune 95, ad tune 97> 3d tune 76 321, ist time ii3> ist tune 9, 2d tune 1371 ist tune 344, ist ; 362, 2d 307 348 16 58, ad tune 144, 2d tuue i74> 3d tune 371, ad tune 301 "56, 343, 345 33 341, ist time 133 327 304, ad tune 91, 315 305 368, ist tune 12 fiaden Caledon Chant .. Hallelv^ah . .' '. Jackson Lord, bless us still '. Milan . . Old Hundred!.' Peterborough Sanctus I. Sanchis ir. .. St. Magnus .. ,. Triumph Te Deum Tiaiidamua DOXOLOGIES. CM. L.M. CM. CM. German 7. 7. Aiielent Church Melody William Boyce, Mus. Doc. . .' Henry Smart Jackson . . " " R. A. Smith !.' Ancient Melody . . Marot d: Beza'g Psalter '.'. Author unknown Thomas Bbdon . . Samuel Arnold, Mus. Doc. ' ' n T*^'?'"'^' *'»» Doc, Ob. 1707 H.J. Gauntlett, Mus. Doc. .. William Boyce. Mus. Doc. METRICAL INDEX. Abends 30a Albert 309 Angels 9. "6, 249 ^MM ; 3^, '*■*'' •• t. .. 301 414 Communion 103. 29s Sn>™ §6 353.26s Damascus asi ^ Gregory .. .; ^'^^ Hebron ^ iq8 He leadeth me' Holly .... Kt ;: •• ''if'^' leiph .. .. ;• •■ "" Mamzer . . , Melcomhfc Mpmlug Hiiun Micea 343 61, 153 99, 348, 2'/} 398 249 Hymn. 103, i8t tuno 131) ist tune ;i6, ist tune 36, ad tuno ^ 90, ad tune aS, ad tuue 37 ^ i3i 3d tune 5, and Dox. 5. >9, ist tune ', 1st tune ; 210 i, ist tune :, ad tune > ad time t) ist tune 3, ist tame ad tune 7, ist tune »> ist ; 26a, ad J ad tuno :, 3d tuue ., 3d tune , ad tuno » »43, 345 I ist tuue ^... ;in\«-> 7\ t/' ^^ f ' i^J Si " IO t/ / V/^,-^ v^' / I ad tune 313 ist tune Bt time i tune .. 198 . . 198, 30a .. a6 ..343 •• 6i. 153 ■ ■ 99. 348. "n .. 398 ■ 349