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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 AlexamierCl.iJL' i^L.tLit- Tarnnlu, /I I. OP "'^^^#ii;# J^^^2ut '-^^if^Sm •} l/i:ii('(>JIH...TO*<)?IK-^(^I'rY'S*({7rHSTS {♦ i ARTHUR R, BOSWELL, Mayor ill^t.N '. srMl-CENTENNtAt rXECUTlvr W. B. McMURRlCH. I!. ilARMAN. i;. r.. HAMILTON. iAMES ROSE, I 'K'( >i , 1n:.\ M M 1 HltMXt. .11 M, liilli >■ Miiitirt|>al iiiltl lllslitriial l>ii>." Specially coiiin ..f the ("ily'^ iiiiuiicipal orgaii^ Uiiniciiiil liMiiu:.-., I'ulice, l''ire HrigaUo, etc. York riuiitci.-., uiih Miperb tableaux, accdiiipanyin'.' ,arailc, j^iving a jiictorial ri;|iri-svi\tation ^A prominent Lvenl> in tlie history of the City. In iiiF. .XiTKitNooN I'irc Mn^ailt- Competition and Drill, a»il reception to visiting Hrigados. Cranel lh\tiirii-al (Inti.i'i. .u I'lr iip!^i -ui.il Mvhiljiii. .n ( oonntK. I "- . ^^ I ■■ ' i ill I'twC, .!, II i:si>(l. .11 M: i:iIi ' ■■ li-ath's ami liKhisiiiiil l»)i>." '■' \ ••■-' pri>i^ri.->N and present condition ot ilie Cuimm jci.d liiii. rest.> of ilu •'l!V. I'.ili'l a'tal''- • ' Kailw etc., eic.,_,uid w.iyuii.- ■ (l)iiig business in the t i In IIIK AlTK.KN(iON---l>an(l (.'ompeUlioll. In t!lK, I'",V!'N'IN"'; Conmii.nioration IMiini: i I'liilh.iriii I lioral Socii i . ! Memiiers <,f all the Lalwjr Organizations in" the 'Ciiy, each willi !e riiliovv..-\i:<.|»AV, .11 Vi: isili •• «illl:ir.> l»a,».*V r.irade lo conipiix-; " I li<- \ iiuiiu- i ^ i.t iip' 'Thirties ', ^ '--iling ( 'orps from oi he -r Cities, the v.-uimis ' ity Corjis, (irand Street I'aiaile and Review. Is IKK KvKNiNi: DL^ix' ,,r Ki, .,,,,, I -. (irand Ci.nuneu.oration Ball in the Pavilion, uitn Ouadrillc Set • >i lift) years ago, and d inces then in vogue. nil i(-iiiv, .11 >i: I'xii iii.ind demonNtialioii, coiiuu, .., .!go, which will be pariicip on the May. In \i[\ KvKMNi;--A grand 1 ; i.ikr place in the Harbor. All the steamers, tugs, and row boats hundreds in nundier uui lorm in line and move around tlu I'.ay; they uill be illuminated by Chinese lanterns, itc, and irom lin' decks of the larger crab, m ignificent Fireworks will U- iiisplayeil, \shile all .dung the line a i-onlimious shower of rockt:ts and Roman candles will be (ii-iCharged. ri:il»il. .11 \K -.'(lUi "Till' lt<-ii<-«<>l«iii Socielit's' l>a>." 1 he I'lriii, In couipf isc : I'mforaied and un-anilormed Lodges of Masons, Odd fellows, Knights of I'yihi,-.-. Knights of M.dta. Foresters; National Societies, Orange Societies, lOmerald anil Irish * Catholic lienevoleiu Societies, etc., etc. In rill'. Aki KKNODN -i'arade and l>riilol the Cniformed F^ncampments, when prizes will lie gi,,ii for best drill. Unveiling of the Monument on >ite of the ancient Ion Rouille, at the FlNhibition (i rounds. In iiir FAkninc, (irand < "raiorio and Concert Iiy the combined Societies, Clcneral ilhiminaliuii >.iri HI) tt. .11 \r. -iut To iie specially commeuM'r.ili^e oi