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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmte en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illurtration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboiee suivants apparaifra sur la derniire image de cheque microficho, selon la cas: le symbols — »• signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre filmte A des taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filrn^ d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche h droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le ncmbre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iliustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i^"i « 1 1 is, f&£ ^^^ 1880. NEW BRUNSWICK PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION. PRIZE LIST FOR THE B^^EEIBITIOISr TO BE HELlJ AT ST. JOHN, N. B., On 1 uesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, • 5lh, 6th, 1th, and Sth October, fSSO. FREDERICTON : I'lllXTED AT THE " REPORTER OFFICE," QUKEX STUF.ET. 50 oi'> // 7 // (,20. "^11' The Provincial Exhibition will be held in St. John hi October next. A large Building is being erected on the Barrack Scuiare, tioar the Drill Shed, the use of the latter having been given for the Exhibition. The two Buildings will be connected by a covered way. The accommo- dation .will be ample ; and as the buildings will be iierinanent, wull-finished structures, Exhibiters need have no fear that their Goods will be exposed to damage. The Stock-yard and Sheds are in the immediate vicinity of the Buildings, and will be iiufticient to protect all the animals should the weather be stormy. The situation selected is very suitable, having a southerly ex})osure and of easy access either by railway or water. The Intercolonial R K. passing close to the Grounds, and the commodious deep water wharves being (^aite near, afford the best facilities possible for landing Stock or GoOc^s. The following Regulations and Premium List are j)ublished for general information. Any further particulars desired will be y en on application to the Secre- tary for Agriculture at Fredericton. PREMIUM LIST OF THE New Brunswick Provincial Exhibition of 1880. )rill mo- iled cUo • be and uite eral ere- RULES AND REGULATIONS. • ' Tlie following Rules and Regulations are jMiblislied for the information and f^uidance of intending exhibiters, and a strict compliance therewith will be required : 1. The Exhibition will be open for Live Stock, Agricultural, Horticultu- ral, Domestic and Dairy products, Manufactures of all kinds, Minerals and Arts. 2. Aniu^als may l>e Provincial Bred or Imported, but mustbs the property of a resident of the Province, and if Imported, must have been the pro])erty of the exhibiter for at least three months. o. Agricultural, Horticultural, Domestic and Dairy products, Manulac- tures, Minerals, and other articles, must be the growth, product, or manu- facture of New Brunswick, to be eligible for a money prize ; other articles may l)e exhibited, and, if considered worthy, recommended for honorary mention, or a Diploma may be granted. 4. In all cases the right is reserved to reject entii-ely, or accept condition- ally, any entry oi- application ; and under no circumstances will articles which are oHensive, by reason o^" their odor or a|)i)earance, or which are dai^gerous, by reason of their combustible or explosive character, be admit- ted -^ ami if any such be introduced by an exhibiter through misai>prehension ()!• otherwise, they may be leiuoved by order. ENTRIEvS. o. All entries mu->t be made on printed forms, which may be obtained fiom the Secretary for Agriculture, and the Secretaries of the several Agri- cultiu-al Societies, free of charge, on apjilication l>y mail or otherwise. Thes3 forms are to be filled up by reference to the classification and numbers in the l'remiu)n List, signed by the exhii>itei-, ami forwarded to the Secretary fur Agriculture at Fredericton, not later than the 20th of Septendjer next. 0. Tickets in accordai\ce with the entries will be furnished to exhibiters, w ho are I'cqnired to attach the same to tlie article exhibited, and allow it to RULES AN]) REGULATIONS )'eiiiain so tittaclied during the Exliiliition. Exliiliitoi's are vtHiUestcd to label their articles with the name of the same, and any intbiniation desiral)l<' to l)e made i>ul>lic. They may \n\t their own name on the article in any way they please. 7. Exhibiters are particularly re({uested to take notice, that ciity'ics f^houl.f. he vuhli; vol lufrr flui.n Scpfi'mher JOth, in order to allow time for carrviny out the various details, Entries not sent in by the above date may be ve- eei veil conditionally imtll the Safiirddi/ hcfore the, Exhibition, and will be allotted such space as may be vacant. ArriiR this day no i<:ntries wiij. UK UEC'KIVKD. It is intended to publish a list of entries for the information of the Judges and the pul^lic, and only those sent in early can ajipear in such list. 8. In the classes of Blo<3d Horses and Pui-e Bred Cattle, full Pedigrees, l)roperly certilied, must accompany the entry. No anin.als will Vte allowed to compete as " ])ure bred " unless they possess regular Stud ov Herd Book Pedigrees, and satisfactory evidence be produced that they are directly descended from such stock. The English, American, oi* Canadian Stud Books, and the English, Amer- ican, Canadian, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Herd Books, shall be the standard authdrity or evidence of purity of Ijlood. 0. Exhibiters of Pure Bred Stock are refpiired to register the Pedigree of the Animal in the Provincial Herd Books if not already (Miterod in one of the Herd Books, previous to Exhibition, a certificate of which must accom- ]»any the entry. Regard wall be had to blood as established by pedigree, symmetry, size, and general characteristics of the several breeds or races of animals, and the Judges will make due allowance for age and other circuin- stances, which may seem to them pi-oper. 10. Exhibitei's must come prepared to have their horses and cattle led into the ring, when directed to do so by the Superintendent of the grounds, ])recisely at the time s})ecitied ; all animals not so brought forward will be ruled out of competition. 11. Exhibiters of Pure Bred Sheep, Pigs, and Poultry, are required to tile certificates at the tmiQ of entry, clearly showing to the Judges that the animals specified therein are from reliable breexlei's and exhibiters of stock in Europe or America, or descended from such stock (if Provincial Bred), acconipanied with pedigree of the same ; the name of the breeder to he inserted, also that of the exhibiter. 12. In the Live Stock Classes, the entry nnist in every instance be made in the nan;e of the bona fide owner, and unless this rule Ib observed no premium will be awarded or paid. PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION. i:{. Ill all otlit'i' (Jlfivst's entries imist be made in the name'of the produceis ur innnulacturers oiily. • 14. ilaiuifactiners are !•(.■< |;iest<<l to furni>h with the article exhibited a stateiueiit of the quantity th<^y can i)ro<hice or supply, and the price, fortlie intbrniatioii of the Judges, decision will be based on the combination of (juality, style and price, and the adaptation of the article to the pin-pose or piajtosiis for which it is intended. No person .shall Ix; allowe<l to cuter for exhibition more than one sj)ecimen in any Section of a unless the atlditional article be of a distinct na!iied variety or pattern from tlie first. This rule is not to apply to animals, biit to all kinds of grain, vegetal)!e ]>ro(hicts, fruit, manufactured articles, etc., in which each additional speci- men would necessarily be )»recisely similar to the tirst. ENTRIES IN THE NON-ENUMERATED LIST. 1.5. Every article must be entered under some one of the headings in the list wlien ptwsible ; but if any article is of a distinct charactei- from anything .specified in the list, it may then l)e entered in the non-euitmerdtai li<:t. No article, however, shall be admissable as a non-enumerated article, which, Ijiitfor a deficiency in (piantity, or }uiiiiber, or other like reijuirement, would be admissable as an enumerated article. 10. All Agricultural and Horticultural })roducts be the growth of the ])resent year. Manufactured articles or Works of Art which have been awarded prizes at any previous Provincial Exhibition shall not be entered in competition for the prizes named in the prize list, but may bo awarded diplomas, or honorai'v mention if, in the opinion of the Judges, such articles are superior to any other exhibited, and are deemed worthy of the same. 17. Exhibiters of machinery and other heavy articles, are re(£ueHted to have the articles on the grounds, if possible, a week before the Exhibition opens. Lighter articles may be received until the Saturday previous to the Exhibition. 18. Exhibiters should be particular to see that the proper entry cards, as juentioned in the .Hh Rule, are attached to each article, and, should there be any omission or error, procure others at the office. 1!). Articles not accompanied by the owners, may be addressed to the care of the Secretary for Agriculture, who will receive them, (if within the time l^pecified for the delivery of such articles as above mentioned,) and I)lace them in the buikling, but in no case will they be opene<l or placed on exhibition, unless written authority is forwai-ded to do so at the same time. 20. Exhibiters, on ai-riving with their articles, will apply at the office for information as to where their articles are to be placed. RrLKS AND RKCJITLATIONS 21. ExhiMtovH will, at all timfs, pfive the noceasarv j)ersnnal atlcntion to wliAtevcr tlicy may have on t'xliihition, and, at the dose of the show, take entile chai'>,;e of the same. 22. Nothinj^ will he all()we<l to l>e vemoveil from th»i premises until the close of the Exhiltition. exeept live stock, which may be removed at 4 o'clock, P. M., on Friday. 2S. While every jireoaiition, undcv tln' ciicnnistances, to ens'ii'e the safety of articles sent to the Exhiljition will be taken, yet it is to be distinctly understood, that the owners th"mselves nuist take the risk of exhibiting them : but should any article be accidentally injured, lost, or stolen, the offi- cers will give all tiie assistance in their power towartls the recovery of the same, but will not make any jiayment for the value thereof 24. Arrangements will l>e niade with the proprietors of steamers and rail- roads for the conveyance of animals and articles to and from the p]xhibition at reduced rates, as may hei-eafter be arranged, the })articulars of which arransement will be dulv made i)ublic. ADMISSION TO BUILDINGS AND YARD. 2.'). The entry tickets upon animals or articles will admit the ])erson bringing them to the Yard or Building, along with such animals or articles, without the use of any other ticket. Afterwards such parties must be pro- vided with proper admission tickets. 20. Necessary attendants upon stock and machinery belonging to exhibit- ers will be fui'nished with admission tickets, with their names written upon them, which ticket will be good at the entrance only, mentioiied on the ticket during the Exhibition. Any person transferring such tickets «to other persons Avill forfeit all privileges conferred by them, and the doorkeei)er will retain the ticket. 27. Exhibiters will be furnished with a season ticket to the Building and Show Yard on the j)ayment of one dollar. The exhibiter's name will be written on the ticket, and it will be good at the exhibiter's entrance only ; any other person presenting this ticket will be refused admittance, and the ticket forfeited. The doorkeeper will see that this rule is rigidly enforced. 25. Admis.sion tickets t..; the public will be issued on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thui'sday and Friday of the Exhibition week, at 25 cents each. Each ticket good for one admission ; children under 14 years of age, 12 cents. ( 'arriages to the yard, .50 cents, occupant, except the di'iver, to Ix.' provided with the usual admission ticket. JUDGES AND THEIR DUTIES. 2i). The Judges will be appointed, and will receive a circular inforn\ing them of the fact and inviting them to act. PIIOVINCIAL EXHIBITION. ;i(). The Ju(l«,'i!H avo re(|uest<.Ml to report tlieiDsulves at the otHco, laTscntin^L!; their circuhir of ui'iiuintnifiit, on or hefon; 10 o'clock, A. M., on tlic «lay of openuij^. :U. JiKlyt's not reporting' thfiv itrci-rnco at the l>!ism(,'s> Othco liy :io clock, P. M., will y»t; consiilcrfMl alisrut, and their pliu-cs will lie suiiplicd. .S2. The Jti(lj,a's will nun t at the UlHcc on the day of opening at 2 o'clock, P. M,, to I'nake arrangements for entering upon their several duties, and will tlien be fin-nisl)ed with books containing the niunb.'r of entries in each class. Judges are expected to specially- report upon the class for which they are ai))iointed, noting such things as are worthy of notice, as well as the g^neial character of the class. :>:}. No iterson shall act as Judge in any class in which he may be an (^xhibiter. 34. The Judges shall award only such prizes as the aninial oi' article may- be deserving of in any class, oi section of a class, or may, if the animid or article is unworthy, withhold the prize altogether. 35. Judi^es will be expected to give diligent attention to their duties, and liand in their awards at the ofhce as soon as possible, so that the list nmybe prepared pre])aratory to paying the i)remiums. 3G. In addition to the stated j.remiums offered for articles en\unerated in the list, Judges will have power to reconunend discretionary articles, not enumerated, as they may consider worthy, and such prize n'ill be subse«iucntly determined. The Judges guish such animals or articles as tliey consider deserving ot m h have ncjt received prizes, by tickets with the words " Highly v or "Commended," upon them. These tickets will^ not entitle the i . to any payment. 37. In the Fine Arts and Mechanical Departments, Diplomas may be awarded in addition to the money prizes, to any specimen evincing great skill in its production, or deemed otherwise w^orthy of such distinction, on its being recommended by the Judges and a[)proved of. 38. In the absence of competition in any of the. classes, or if the stock or articles exhibited be of inferior quality, the Judges are instructed to award only such premiums an they tlunk the animal or article deserving of. They will exercise their discretion as to whether they will a\\ ard the first, second, third, or any premium. 39. Each award nuist be written in a i)lain, careful manner on the blank page opposite the number of the entry. 40. No person will be allowed to interfere with the Judges while in the discharo-e of their duties. Exhibiters so interfering will forfeit theo- riglits to any premium to which they might otherwise be entitled. +V' .,uch It of s KULES AM) P.K(;rLATf()N.S. ■H. JikIi^'o.h will be govenu'd ]»ytlit' Spfcial Kult-, iiiidt reneh ela-s ("if nnv,. auil thf Gfneral llules. (Sim> iiiiilfr tli.- Iieml of Kiitrics } Any t'urtjjur int'ofujutiou required can l>e ul>taint.'"l cii apjiHoation ut thu office. TAYINC; THH I'ltHMITMS 4"I The |>rt'iuimiis \ HI Ik; pniil op tlit- In-sf, day of tlit.' E\liil;itiun. [f not convenient to call in poison tht-y will \n- paiii to ordiT, and all j 'j/fs not (.'laiiiied within tluee nionths vvill Iv con-<idvr.d ft.ifi.Itt."l, M ISCKL LAN Er)rs. ■V.l May for food, and straw and sawdust fur bedding, will lie fmiiislaMl free to exhibitors. 44, Application for StalHon or Bidl boxes sljoidd be made two weeks previous to tlie o])Onini^ of the Kxhibition. 45. All Bulls over one year old, must have rinys in their noses, to prevent danger to themselves and others. 40. Horses and Cattle must he provided witli ropes or halti,>rs to j'/uperlv sectu'o them. Pi-oper pens will be furnislied for Pi^rs or Hiieep. 47. Auctioneers will be on the ground after the premiums are announced for the purpose of selling any animal or ai'tiele which the owner mav wisli to disjiose of, and every facility will hn offered for the transaction of "business, but all expienses must he i)ald Ijy those who employ tliem, 48. Sliould any information be re(jiuied in leference to animals oi- articles taking prizes, the owners will be exiK":'ted to transmit it- reijuired to do so. 49. Applications for sjtace should l)e made early, and every facility for fitting up the .same will' be given. For Itlank forms and all information apply to JULIU.S L. INCHES. ySecrdurij for AnrivuUure. d y. IMIEMIUM LIST. !3T0CK. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 17 18 19 20 QO 23 24 25 2(j 27 SOHSZS. Class J —Tlioroaijlihrcds. ^ 'J'horoughbred Stallion, 4 years old and upwards. '• '• 3 years old, »♦ 2 years old, " 1 year old, Thorou^ifhbred Mnre and Foal, 4 y ifs old and upwards, Thoroughbred Fiily, 3 old. , " 2 years old, " 1 year old, «• It Cl(if<s ;' — Trottivy, Carriage, or Road Purposes, 9 Stallion, 4 years old and upwards, 10 " 3 years old, 11 " 2 years old, 12 " 1 year old, 13 Maie and Foal, 4 years and upwards, 14 Filly, 3 years old, 15 " 2 years old, 16 " 1 year old, • • • » « Class 3 — Draught or Agr'wultuval Purposes. n (< Stallion, 4 years old and upwards, 3 years old, , 2 years old, ^ 1 year old, | Mare and Foai, 4 years and upwards, [ Fillv, 3 years old, *' 2 years old, " 1 year old, Carriage Geldiog or Mare to Carriage, . . . . ; Carriage matched pair (not Stallions,) to Carriage, ; Draught; matched pai'r, ' ' 1 e* ■ft 55 $20 $10 15 8 12 7 10 5 i £ ;? 10 5 8 4 3 5 3 15 12 10 6 10 8 6 20 15 10 (5 10 8 G 5 10 15 15 10 8 6 4 6 6 4 3 10 8 6 4 8 4 4 5 j 8 $5 4 3 2 4 8 2 5 4 3 3 5 3 3 2 10 pR?:Mimi LIST. 28 59 30 31 311 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Tlie ( 'iima,i,''e and Draught Horses tulie shown in liariiess, ajid to In; tested in any way the Judt^es may direct. All the Horses unist Iia shown as the .Iu(lj,'es order, and li'd out when re(|uirefl. Stallions will he subject to e.vaininatioi! as to soundness by a Veterinary Surgeon, or other person apiiointed for the purpose. CiaSA -Percherons. The followin;,' sjieoial ]>rizes are otfered for Percherou Horses and their i)n>j^'eny. Those animals may also compete, in ( 'la-^ses 2 and a, if of suitable stjde, form, weight ;vnd action, })ut separate entry must be made in eacli Class. Stallion, 4 years anrl upwards, Colt or Filiy, 3 years old, . . . ."" 2 years old, .. . " " 1 year old, . . ; Foals of 1880, Stallions taking 1st prize in ( 'lasses 1, 2, 3 and 4, will l>e en- titled to a Diploma in addition to the money jmze. OATTIiE. A Certificate of Herd Book Pedigree will be required at time of entry of all animals Hi -ntioned in the following Classes. (See General llules, 7 and H.) ^itrict compliance with these Rules is neces.sary to obtain 'jvizes. Cla.^ ■iH o- -Sh> rt Horn>>: Bull, 3 years and upwards, " 2 years old, " 1 year old, Bull Ciilf, under 1 year, Cow, 4 years and upward, " 3 years old, Heifer, 2 years old, " I year old, Heifer Calf, under 1 year, Herd of 1 Bull and 4 females, any age or ages, all owned by exhibiter, Class G — Herc.fords. Bull, 3 years and upwards, " 2 years old, " 1 year old, $20 10 10 10 8 15 $10 10 $15 $10 8 5 8 5 8 5 5 3 $10 $6 $3 10 (J 3 6 4 3 5 4 3 8 5 3 8 5 3 {] 4 3 5 4 3 5 4 3 & Dip loma $5 5 4 $3 3 PREMIUM LIST. 11 $10 5 5 $3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 o 45 40 47 48 49 60 61 62 63 64 65 56 57 58 69 60 61 STOCK. • • • • • Bull Calf, under 1 year, Cow, 4 years and upwards, " 3 years old, Heifer, 2 years old, «' 1 yea*" old, Heifer Calf, under 1 year, Herd of 1 Bull and 4 females, any age or ages, all owned bv exhibitor. Chm -Deroii!- 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Bull, 3 years and upwards, " 2 years old, .... " ,1 year old, i Bull Calf, under 1 year, Cow, 4 years and upwards, " 3 yea!s old, Heifer, 2 years old, '« 1 year old, Heifer Calf, under I year, Herd of 1 Bull and 4 females, any age or ages, all owned by exhibiter, Bull, 3 years and upwards, '* 2 years old, •* 1 year old, Bull Caif, under 1 year, Cow, 4 years and upwards, .... " 3 years old, ,-,.... Heifer, 2 years old, <' 1 year old. Heifer Calf, under I year, Herd of 1 Bull and 4 females, any age or ages, all owned bv exhibiter, .... 72 73 74 Clusfi — Ji'T'^eyK. Bull, 3 years and upwards, " 2 years old, 1 year old, • ZJ $5 8 8 i 6 1 4 i 4 ages, 10 i$lO ; 10 i ^ : 5 I 8 ! 8 I 6 i 4 i 10 • «^ • I 75 ' Bull Calf, under 1 year, <M 1 S $4 $2 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 i 2 & Dip loma. $10 10 6 5 $5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 $3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 <9. & Dip loma. $10 $5^^ $3 10 5 3-- 6 4 2 5 4 2 8 4 3 8 4 3 6 3 2--' 4 3 6) 4 3 - 2 10 !& Dip loma. $5 5 4 $3 3 2 2 / 12 PREMIUM LIST. c 76 77 78 79 hO 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 STOCK. Cow,, 4 years and upwards, " 3 ye^l•s old, Heifer, 2 years old, .... " 1 year old, • Heife- Calf, under 1 year, Herd of 1 Bull and 4 feir.ales, any age or ages, all owned by exhiblter, and diploma, . . « I'lills taking first prize in Classes .'», «, 7, 8 uiid It, will be en- titleil to a diploma in iulditidii to the money priw. C/.a.«! !0—G,<ide. Cait/e. Bull, 3 years and upwards, . ...... " 2 years old, ...... " 1 year old, Bull Calf, under 1 year, ...... Cow, 4 years and upwards, '• 3 years old, Heifer, 2 year3 old, " 1 year old, Heifer Calf, under 1 year, ...... lair of Steers, ..... Pair of Oxen, trained working with yoke, complete, CUuis J J —Fat C(dtU', avy lind. 'I'he .T\i(lj,'es are p.artieularly instiucteil not to awiiril tlie prizes the aninia.'.s l)rCm}.'lit forward are deserving ; having been proi)erly fattened and in ripe condition it being the intention to award the prizes for animals in first-olafs condition oTily. Pair Fat Oxen, 4 years old and over, " " Steers, 3 years and over, One " Ox or Steer, any age, (not included in any other entry.) One Fat Cow or Heifer, Best Fat Animal, competition open to any of the above, and in addition to any money prize, The exaet age of young aiifnuds must be stated on tlu-ii' cards, and will be taken into consideraiiou liy the Judges in making awards, and any person \inderstating the age of an animal will forfeit tlie premiums to which he might otherwise be entitled. ( 'own i'l any of the above Classes must be giving milk At the time of Exhibition, or evidently well gone in calf. AH Hulls ovfir 1 year old luive rin^^s in liicir H>..,es, ami be provided with leading stick.s. ^ Prize. Prize. f— 1 ^ ^ $8 14 $3 8 4 3 6 3 2 4 2 4 4 2 10 6 $4 $3 5 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 2 5 4 3 5 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 2 3 2 1 5 3 8 5 20 $12 $8 15 10 6 12 ^ 5 12 8 5 Dipiloma. PREMIUM LIST. 13 STOCK. 6'/a.s'.s 12 — Leicester, pure bred, aniijied pedUjme. &4 4; 97 I Ram, two shear or over, 98 " shearling, 99 : Ram Lamb, 100 1 Ewe, two shear or over, 101 i " shearling, 102 , Ewe Lamb, 103 Penofiive Ewes, any age, i / Glass lo — Cotswold, certijied iiedujree. 104 Ram, two shear or over, 105 " shearlir.g, 106 Ram Lamb, 107 Ewe, two shear or over, 108 " shearling, 109 j Ewe Lamb, 1 10 ' Pen of five E\ves, any age, , 16 6 5 5 5 4 15 $6 6 5 5 5 4 15 Clas!^ J/f — JfeiUnm Wooled.' Soutluhnca, Sh yopshlre aivl Oxford Domas. Same Prizes as in Classes 12 or IS. Kains takiiiLf first prize in Classes 12, 13 ami 14, will be en- titled to .1. (liplonia in addition to the money inize. CloMs /-> — All other Croi^ses and Grades : LowjioooIh. Ill 112 US 114 115 116 117 Ram, two shear ana over, " shearling. Ram Lamb, Ewe, two shear or over, " shearling, Ewe Lamb, Pen of five Ewes, any age, 118 I Best Ram, any age or breed. Any lliuii in .any of the above Classes will be eligible for vurn- l)€tition foi the dijilouui, but special entry must be ma<le. 15 5 4 4 4 4 10 5 4 4 3 10 $4 4 3 3 3 3 6 $4 $3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 9. 10 5 $4 I $3 4 3 3 3 3 2 5 $2 « 1 2 2 3 & Dip loma / 14 PREMIUM LIST. i STOCK. n IN 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 14^ 144 145 146 SWllTS. Class 10 — Bcrl-xhire, pure bred. Boar, 2 years and upwards, 1 year old, under 1 year, Sow, 2 years and upwards, . »' 1 year old, " under I year. it Class 17 — Large Yorl-shire and Chester White. Boar, 2 years and upwards, 1 year old, under 1 year, ., Sow, 2 years and upwards, 1 year old, under 1 year, (C «( (( Clctits IS — Small Breeds, Suffhlks, Essex, Yarkshire or other pure breeds. Boar, 2 years and upwards, > ...... 1 year old, under 1 year, Sow, 2 years and upwards, " 1 year old, " under 1 year, (C Class 19 — All other Crosses and Grades. Boar, 2 years and upwards, " 1 year old, " under one year, Sow, 2 3'eats and upwards, " 1 year, " under 1 year, " wifh litter of not less than 4 pigs, any breed, Fat Pig, over 1 year, any breed, " " under 1 year, any breed, Best Boar of any age or breed, and Diploma, Any Boar in tlie above clas'ses will he eligible for the diploma, but upecial entry must l)e made. Evidence of i)urity of blood will be required in the pure breeds. The exaot age of auimais mast be stated on the cards. $6 6 4 6 6 4 «6 6 4 6 6 4 $5 5 4 5 4 3 $5 5 4 5 4 3 6 4 3 5 $4 4 3 4 4 3 $4 4 3 4 4 3 $3 3 2 3 2 2 $3 3 2 3 2 2 4 3 2 $2 2 2 2 2 6> $2 2 2 2 2 2 $2 2 1 2 1 1 $2 t> .w 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 PREMIUM LIST. 15 o S $2 2 9. $2 2 2 2 $2 2 1 2 1 1 2 I 2 1 1 2 2 1 9 >5 STOCK. POTJl.TE.'y, FIDGEOITS, Ac. JO—Foich. . A pair (male and fi male) to be exhi1)itetl. 147 Pair Dorkings, White 148 (( " Silver Grey, 149 i< «* Colored, ISO <( Bramahs, Dark, 151 <<' " Light 153 (( Cochins, BufF, . . ... 153 (C »• Partridge, 154 « " White, 155 « " Black, 156 <( Hamburgs, Black, 157 (( «• White, , 158 (( " Golden Spangled, 159 4< " " Pencilled, , 160 (( " Silver Spangled, 161 (( " '' Pencilled, 162 << Leghorns, White, 163 " " Black 164 (( " Brown, 165 (( Houdans, 166 <( Polands, White, 167 (( Silver, 168 (( " Golden, 169 << " White-Crested Black, 170 C< Plymouth Rocks, 171 (( Dominiques, 172 (( Spanish, 173 (( Crevecoeurs, 174 1 <t La Fleche, 175 c< Game, Black-red, 176 t( " Brown-red, 177 ^i " Yellow-duckwing, 178 (C " Silver, " 179 (( <' Pile, 180 (( Bantams, Black or Brown-red, 181 (( " Yellow-duckwing, 182 ! " " Silver, 183 \ << Golden Seabright, ....... 184 (( Turkeys, White, \. •^ • • • • $2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 /. 16 PREMIUM LIST i STOCK. i Prize, j ■2 X 111 §2 _s 7. 185 Pail Turkeys, Colored, 186 t( " Bronze, o J- 187 (( Geese, Bremen, 2 1S8 ct " White Oriina, 2 181) (t " Tonlouse, '2 190 <( " Egyptian, 2 191 *' " Wild, 2 . 192 a Ducks, Rouen, 2 193 194 195 « " Ajdesbury Cayuga, Pekin, 3 •> 2 196 (( " Muscovy, 2 1 197 « White Crested, 2 198 « Guinea Fowl, 2 199 (1 Pheasants, English, 2 200 (( Pea Fowls, 2 201 C( Pidgeons, Pouter, 2 J. 202 (( Carrier, 2 ]^ 203 <( Tumblers, 2 204 tt Fantails, 2 205 a " Best cdlection of, ,5 206 >( Rabbits, Fancy, 2 207 208 Lop-ear, " Co lection of, 2 3 Note. — In compliance with the request of the St. John Poultry and Pet Stock Association, a First Prize of Sl.OO and a Second Prize of 50 cents each will be given in addition to the above prizes for this year's Chickens in all the varieties comprised between No. 147 and No. 183. It is hoped that this liberal addition to tlie list of Premiums will induce exhibiters to make a large exhibit in this interesting class. PllKMIUM LIST 17 MAITITFACT'CTB.SS. NoT!-;. — In compliance with the express desire of the manufacturers of iS't. John and vicinity, the usual money prizes are omitted in Classes 21, 22, 33. til, 25 and 2(>. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ETC. 209 :'>!(» I'll 212 214 *jir» 217 218 220 .IV /V ltd 224 22() 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 4i Plough, Iron. Iron, with Steel mountings. Wood and Iron, Wood, with Steel Mountings. Two Furrow. Side Hill. Sub.soiK Gang. ♦• Double Mould Board, Harrows, Iron. *' Wood and Iron,' " Chain. '? Zig Zag. Cultivators, Iron. '* Iron and Wood. Grubber, Iron, Horse Hoe, Iron, Double. " "Wood, Double. " '* Wood, Single. Roller, Iron, " Wood, or Wood on Iron Frame Clod Crusher. Ditching Machine for two horses. fined to the Piovince.) Mowing Machine, for two horses, " " for one horse. Combined Mower and Reaper, Horse Rake, Sulky. Hay Loader. <« Tedder. Horse Pitchfork and Takle. Potato Digger, to be workcni by horses Root Cutter, *• Pulper, Fanning Mill, hand use. Seed Separator, hand use. 3 (To be tei'ted > competition aot con' /, 18 PREMIUM LIST. 1^44 245 ).'4« 'Ml 248 5i49 250 251 254 255 256 257 258 259 2tt0 2H1 262 263 264 265 266 267 26H 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 2«0 281 282 283 284 285 2H6 287 [mam-kactirks.] Thresher and Separator combined, two horse power. Horse Power for general use, two horse power. , '« " " ♦' on** horse power. Brick Making Machine. Tile Machine. Assortment of Drain Tiles, not less than 100 feci, to hv. hhowa. Hay Press. Hay and Straw Cutter, hand use. '♦ •' '• horse powci. Apparatus for cooking cattle feed. Seed Drill for hand use. Seed Drill for Grain, with Manure Distributer. Turnip Drill for two ro.vs. Corn Sheiler. Hay Rakes, one dozen. Manure Forks, one halt dozen. Hav Forks. Potato Forks. Ho«;s. Hoes, new land Spades. Shovels. Draining Tools, set cf Churn. Cheese Press. Pails and Tubs, assortment of Wooden Ware, assortment of Horse Shoes, assortment of Apple Parer. Cider Mill and Press. Bee Hives. Ox Yoke ard Bows. Loom. Spinning Machine. •' Wheel, large. «' " small. "Whip Stocks, Axe Handles, Scythe Sneaths, Fork Handh s, and FiaU Handles, with Bows, assortment of Cooper's Work, assortment of Farm Gate. " Buildings, model of - •• Cart. •* Wagon. Spring Markot Wagon, one horse. •* " " two horses PREMIUM LIST Id [MAMTFAf'TITRKS.) «89 2V»0 291 ^9ii ■?.94 ^95 «9« 297 298 5»99 300 Wheelbarrow. Varm Boiler. 303 .104 .105 306 ({07 308 ,309 310 311 .'J 12 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 3S0 321 322 328 324 325 326 327 Clann ^i—Cdrruigf.s <hvd Sleighh. Phjcton, Open, Single. " Covered, Double. Top Buggy. Carryall. Open Waggon, one scat. v •< ♦• two seats, (loach, for two horses. Track Sulky. Sleigh, Single. " Double, '* Covered, " Trotting. {.Carriage Wheels, Spokes, Hubs, Rims, Fellows, Shafts, and otb,er parts of Carriages, unpainted, assortment of (Uvb!^ '^^i—Mfintifdct'turen, principally in Ir-oit. Steam Engine, Stationary. '< »< Portable, with Boiler. *' " complete for farm work, in operation Donkey Kngine, in operation. Garden Engine. Model Steam Engine. Lathe for Turning Wood. *" Self-acting. Screw Bolt Cutting Machine. Mortising Machine. Planing Machine. Clapboard Machine. Shingle Machine. Safe, and parts of Safes. Cooking Stoves, assortment of Parlor Stoves, assortment of Hall and Shop Stoves, assortment of - Furnaces, Hot Air, assortment of Hollow Ware, assortment of Cut Nails and Spikes, assortment of Wrought Nails and Spike-s, assortment of Tacks and Brads, assortment of Bolts and Screws, assortment of Gas Fittings, assortment of • • - '"ill Saws, assortment of /. ■^i 20 PRKVIllTM LIST. :i3l 340 341 34'2 343 344 345 340 347 !!J48 349 350 Sol 352 3o3 3o4 355 3oH 357 358 359 5«iO 3(U 3H3 3(;4 3 Ho 366 3f)7 368 369 fMAXi;|.:ACTrHKS.] All otiur Saws, assortment of Saw Sharpeninif .Machine. ()rnam.Mital Iron Work, as>ortni('nf of Ornamental Wire Work, assortment of VVrori^ht Iron Work, specin^ens of Cast Iron Work, specimens of Ke<,Msfer (iratcs, assortment of Iron Mantles, assortment of Slate Mantles, assortment of Marble .Mantles, assortmenl. of Heatinf,' Apparatus, Hot Water and Steam. Castings for general building purposes, assortment of l.o.-omorive and Railroad Car Castings, assortment of (.ast.ngs for .Mill Wright and Machinist Work, including PulHos and uearmg, assortment of Iron Bedsteads, assortment of Hrass Castings for Ships' use. for Huilders' use. •• " Steam Whistle. Valves, Oil Cups, Lubricators, Mom. « -ouplmgs, etc., assortment of Iron Work for Ships' use. Buihbr's Hardware, assortment of Axes, Adzes, Hammers, etc., assortment of Edge Tools of all kinds. Files and Rasps, assortment of Tin Ware f hand made,} assortment of '' Stamped. Refi igerators. C'ar Cart and Carriage Springs, assortment of Hall Patent Axles. Plating, specimens of Nickle. " • specimens of Silver. " specimens of Gold, specimens of Electro. Knitting Machine (in operation.) Sewing Machines, assortment ot; (in operation.) ('hiss :,\^f—lf,ather GoviIh. Sole Leather, three sides. Pebble Giain Leather, three sides. Buff Leather, three sides. Split Leather, tfiree sides. Enamelled Leather, three sides. Patent Leather, three sides. Top Cover Carriage I>eather, three sides. Ho>e Leather, three sides. ITtEMllM MST. I'l r>:4 :J7« :577 /J78 vn9 :J80 m2 ;{84 S8(; 387 -*388 ;i89 ^'.90 r}9l ;392 4i93 ;J94 395 ,'196 .S97 :}98 S99 400 401 40« 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 [MANrFAiTURES.] Belt Leatlier, three sides. Harnesr, Loathor, three sides. Calf Skins, Satin finish, six. " Waxfd. six. • Upper licather, three sides. I,ace Lcatlier, three sides. Sheep Skins, twelve. Ladies' Boots and Shoes, assortment of Mens' Roots and Shoes, assortment of Larrigans, Oak Tanned. Hose, Copper Riveted. Helting. Harness, set of Sinj?le Carriage. " set of Trotting. •« set of Double. " set of Team. Collars, assortment of Saddle, (Gentleman's, •' Ladv's. Hoi-se Boots, assortment of Carriage Whips, assortment of Leather Trunks, at loast three to be shown. Valises, Leather, at least three to be shown. " Hand, at least three to be shown. 'J runk, Wood, Leather covered, at least three to bo shown. " Wood, other covering. do. Trjivelling Bags, at least three to be shown. 7((.s.s ;.'.7 — Cabinet and otfier Mawxfadarexi^ prhu'lpidl;) of Wood. Bedroom Furniture, suit of Bedroom Furniture, cheap, workmanship and material to be considert i. Dining Room Furniture, suit. Drawing Room Furniture, suit. Furniture for workman's dwelling, specimen of Library Furniture, suit. School Furniture, assortment of Invalid Bed. Spring Bed, Hair Mattrasses. Flock Mattrasses. Wood Turning, specimens of Jig Saw Work, specimens of Wood Carving, specimens of Fancy Wood Work, specimens of Chimney Piece-, in Wood. Picture Frames, specimens of /. t>o PllKMCUM I.IST [■dANTFACT'-RKSJ 414 Mirror, specimens of 415 (,'ottago Piiinoforte. 416 Square Pianotorte. 417 Grand Pianoforte. 41H Cabinet Organ. 419 Washing Machine. 420 Wringing Machine. 421 Turned Tubs and Pails. 422 Clothes Pins. 423 Mangle. 424 Shoemaker's Lasts, assortment of 425 Ship Blocks. 42() Wooden Pump, for general purposes. 427 Models of Sailing or Steam Ships. 428 Figure Head for Ship. 429 Wheel for Ship. 460 G-ig, two oars. i 43 1 Gig, four oars. 432 Canoe. Bark, 433 " Wooden, 434 Rustic Work, assortment of 435 " vSeats in wood, assortment of 436 Turners' Work, specimens for domestic purposes. 437 " *' specimens for building purposes. 438 Corn Brooms, Whisks, etc., assortment of 439 Brushes, all kinds, assortment of 440 Blinds for windows, assortment of 441 Doors, factory made, assortment of 442 Sashes, factory made, assortment of ClcifiH ;?6' — Other Man^xfacttires. 443 Soap, Hard, not less than 25 lbs. 444 " Fancy, not less than 10 ba. 445 Candles, not less than 25 lbs- 446 Matches, not less than a case. 447 Biscuit, assortment of 448 Candies and Confectionery. 449 Furs, assortment of, manufactured. 450 Millinery, display of 451 Ladies' Haberdashery, display of 452 Tailor's Work, display of rUKMU'M LIST. 2$ ACHICTJI-TTJRAli PB.OD'U'CTS. V, 457 45S 459 4H0 4(U 4«2 4B3 464 4«5 466 4«7 468 4(;'.) 470 471 472 473 474 47.') 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 486 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 ^94 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. CUiHif J7- Farm Prodiwti. \Vh»at, ^'ife, onft bushel " Hlack Sea, one bushel, •' Lost Nation, " " Any other, onv bushel, " Winter, one bushel, Oats. VVhite, one bushel, »• Black, one bushel, Barley, one bushel, Kye, Suumer, on*- bushel, •♦ Winter, one bushel Buckwneat, Smooth, one bushel, " Rough, one bushel, Indian (.'orn, fifty ears, Peas, White, one bushel, " Grey, " Beans, White, Field, one bushel, '• Horse, one bushel, Timothy Seed, one bushel, Red Clover Seed, one-half bushel, White Clover Seed, one-half bushel, Alsyke Clover Seed, one-half bushel. Turnip Seed, Swedish. 5 lbs., '♦ " other kinds, 5 lbs., Carrot Seed, Early Horn, 5 lbs., " »' Intermediate, 5 lbs,, <' " Belgian, 5 lbs , Mangel Wurzel Seed, Long Red, 5 lbs , •» '• '< Globe, 5 lbs.. Beet Seed, Lonp Blood, 5 lbs., " " Turnip, 5 lbs., Sugar Beet Seed, 5 lbs Parsnip Seed, 5 lbs., Flax Seed, one half-bushel, Potatoes, Early Blues, one hundred, Christy, one hundred, •« Owen, one hundred, •« Early Rose, on^i hundred, *' Markey, one huudicd. I \i \i I i 5? S H : $3 $iJ 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 •i 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 It 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 ' 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 L 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 J. 3 2 ft 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 , 1 i 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 o 1 1 1 24 "■A 495 ' 41)<> 497 49H 499 500 ; 501 ' 502 5oa ! 504 I 505 506 i 507 1 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 PllEMU^M LIST, AGRICULTURAL PKODUCIS. Ig' Potatoes, Black Kidney, one hundred, • . . " Compton Surprise, Jackson White, one hundred, .. '• Silver Dollar, " Gillyflower, one hundred, « Susie, Susan or Roche, King of the Earlies, one hundred, ♦' Bradley, one hundred, »» Srowflake, one hundred, «• Burbank, one hundred, " Early Ohio, one aundrt-d, greatest variety by one exhibiter, California, one hundred. ♦« other kinds for stock feedins I'urnips, Oreen Top Swedish, twelve, " Purple Top, Swedish, tvvelve, ..• '• Yellow, Aberdeen, twelve, . • «' Thwait's Improved, twelve, . ... Carrots, Early Horn, fifty, " Intermediate, fifty, . • • - " Altringham, fifty, " Belgian, White, fifty, .i " Yellow, fifty, Parsnips, fifty, Manuel Wurzel, Long Red, twenty-five, . . *? «' Globe Red, twenty-five, . . " Long Yellow, twenty-five, .< .. Globe Yellow, twenty-five. Sugar Beets, *•;••• Sweepstakes— Farm Produce, assortment ol I,, deHdiii.' this prize, the (luivntity shown ^^iU be taken into i , on-^" l.rSaH we 1 as the .i«ality, und the aniount an. umnher 1 of m'i/es taken bv the exliibiter in the Ftvnn Produce dla-ss. A 1 list of all articles shown will be rwiuired. )Z:^^^'^ --re; Carrots, I'arsuips and Man.el I W'nrzel, one-eighth of an acre, I Hoots nm.t be clean, (.lot w^.shed ) t^P =^"'1 '£;'»\7'i? ^ tl,^ Knlh •ind siiri)his roots removed. 1 he Judges nuij, it tle.> I uir,.ni"- trim them to rule, or n.ake allowance for «urplu« roots, necks and tops. . i. . t , The names of the .lifferent kinds of tiruni. beedr, and Koot«, to he inserted on tlie, \11 ■irticles in this Class must be -rown m IHHO and any per- son illtv of "eception or misrepresentatcn ,n tlm pa.t.cular wi 1 "f t'-it anv premium he m=t,'l>t otherwne t>; entitled to. i 2 t2 1 fl 2 1 2 I 1 o 1 •^ 1 1 2 1 6) 1 2 1 2 1 o m* 1 1 5 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 O 3 y r^ 3 '*, 3 2 3 2 3 2 15 10 PREMIUM LIST. X AG KlCULXrRAL PRODUCTS. ^ r)2o 527 o28 530 531 532 533 ,^34 53-:) 53() 537 53S 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 54(5 547 54 M 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 55(i 557 55H 559 560 5«l 562 563 I ,J,^' — Horfh'iilfnir. ! ,. . 'I urnips, Swedish, Groen Top, twelve to be shown, " " Purple Top. twelve to be shown, " other kinds, twelve to be shown. Carrots, Early Horn, twenty-five to be shown, Intermediate, twenty-five to be shown, " Altringham, twenty-five to be shown, *' Belgian, twenty-five to be shown, j Parsnips, twenty-five to be shown, Heets, Long Blood, twenty-five to bo ."^hown, " Turnip, twenty-five to be shown, Sugar Beets, twenty-five to be shown, Potatoes, Snowfliike, one hundred to be shown, " Burbank. one hundred to be shown, " Early Ohio, one hundred to he shown, •' Early Hluo, one hundred to be shown, ' " Earlv Hose, one hundred to be shown, " Chiisty, one hundred to be shown, " Owen, one hundred to be shown, '* Markey, one hundred to be shown, " Bhick Kidney, one hundrinl to be shown, " Compton Surprise, one hundred to be shown, " Jackson White, one hundred to be shown, " Silver Dollar, one hundred to be shown, " Gillyriower, one hundred to be shown. " Susie* Susan or Roache, one hundred to be shown. '« King of the Illarlies, one hundred to be shown, .... " Bradley, one hundred to be shown, " greatest variety. Squash, Marrow, three to be shown, " Hubbard, three to be shown. ...... " Mammoth, one to be shown, " Turban, three to be ehown, , '* English, vegetable, three to be shown, ('ucumbers, assortment, , { Melons, Musk, three to be shown, | " Citron, three to be shown. ■■ " Water, three to be shown, Pumpkins, Common, three to be shown, Onions. Danvers, from seed, one peck, , 4 O O 2 2 o 2 2 o 2 2 c> 2 0} Or • o rw 2 2 Of t* C) 2 o o 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0) PREMIUM LIST. 564 5(i5 560 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 2 o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 586 5>7 588 589 590 591 592 596 597 598 Onions, other varietK^, " Potato, Celery, White, twenty head, j " Red, twenty head, 1 Salsify, twenty roots, .- \ Scorgonera, twenty roots, | Cabbage, Summer, six heads, " Late, six. head, : " Red, six head, Scotch Kale, Curled, six heads, Cauliflower, six heads, Broccoli, six heads, Peppers, twenty-tive, Tomatoes, Red, twenty -five, " Yellow, twenty-five, . Beans, Windsor, peck, ...... " Pole, peck, " Bush, peck, Capsicums, twenty -five Corn, Common, twenty-five ears, •' Sweet, twenty-five ears, Sweepstakes— Garden Produce, assortment ot aarden Produce, ,moHMcnf of -In deciding "'iM^i^^^' ^^ nnautitv shown will be talcen into consideration a-s well as the al tv^in.l the a)uount and m.J.iber of pr zes taken by the exhi- ter in the Horticultural Class. A list^ of all the articles s lumn will be re.,nired, and tlie Rules under Farm Produce will be ob- served as far as applicable. i Class 29— Fruits. Apples, six varieties of six each, correctly named, j $9 $4 " twenty varieties of six each, correctly | 1 I 10 named, • * , ,« " greatest variety, six each, correctly named, lU Pears, greatest variety, six each, correctly named, Plums, greatest variety, six each, correctly named. Grapes, greatest variety, six bunches each, correctly named. Canned Fruits, greatest variety, Class ,30— Bees, Honey and Wax. Hives of Bees, common. «» " observatory, Honey in boxes, $2 2 2 6 6 1 1 1 1 ^2 4 4 Vi' PREMIUM LIST. 27 Vi' 4 4 c ()01 603 (504 <)05 €06 607 <>08 (i09 (no 611 (il2 <)13 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 599 I Honey in glass, 60U Wax, not, less than 5 lbs., ClaHH -31 — Dairy Produce. Butter, packed, not less than 40 lbs., ...... Fovth prize, $S, jifth prize, $2, sixth prize, $1. Butter, in crocks, not less than 10 lbs., Fourth prize, $1. Butter, in rolls or prints, not less than 10 lb=., Fourih jfrize, $1. Cheese, domestic made, two cheeses, " factory made, two cheeses, Claims .L>- -Flour, Au'dl, Etc. Wheat Flower, Provincial manufactured, 100 lbs , Graham Flour, Provincial manufactured, 100 lis , Corn meal. Provincial manufactured, 100 lbs , Oat Meal, Provincial manufactured, 100 lbs.. Buckwheat Meal, Provincial manuf., 100 lbs.. Barley, hulled. Provincial manufactured, 100 lbs., Rye Flour, Provincial manufactured, 100 lbs., Maple Sugar, not less tban 10 lbs., MZSGSZ.Z.^lTEIOT7S. Class 33— Fish. Salmon, Smoked, six fish, " Preserved, six cans, ...... Cod, Dried, large, not less than 100 lbs,, " " medium, not less than 100 lbs., " " small, not less than 100 lbs., " Pickled, small, not less than 100 lbs., Pollock, Dried, not less than 100 lbs Hayke, Dried, 100 lbs., Herring, Pickled, one-half barrel, Mackerel, Pickled, one-half barrel, Shad, Pickled, one half barrel, Preserved Fish, assortment of Lobsters, Canned, six cans, Salmon, Frozen, Bass, Frozen, $2 2 $6 6 4 3 4 $4 4 3 3 3 2 4 $3 3 2 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 3 3 2 5 3 3 t 3 2 3 2 r3 $5 3 3 2 2 $2 2 I 1 1 2 2 1 3 $4 2 2 I 1 lis PREMIUM LIST. MISCELLANEOUS. /; (^29 , ti;i() *un <;r3:3 &U : (>35 I H36 I t)37 I ti38 f>39 040 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 65 1 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 663 663 664 665 ♦166 667 ChlSS hnnit sth: Mil li 'I ll'ci" i'i'<. Woollf'n Goods, assortment of, factory made, Cotton Goods, assortment of, factory made, " Warps, assortment of, factory nuidi,-, Knit Goods, assortment of Blankets, pair, Carpets, all wool, not less than 20 yards, " Cotton, not less tnan 20 yards, " Cotton and Wool, not less than 20 yards, Ka-, " Stair, not less than 10 yards, Hearth Rugs, all wool, ..... " hooked, Carrianje Ru<i;s, Knitted Ru<?s, ..... Quilt, VVoollen, " Cotton, " Patchwork, Flannel, White, not less tVian 10 yards, ' Fancy, not less than 10 yards Cloth, Fulled, all Wool, not less than 10 yards, " not Fulled, all Wool, not less than 10 yards, " not Fulled, Cotton and Wool, not less than 10 yards, " not Fulled, Cotton and Wool, Fancy, not less than 10 yards, ..... " for Women's wear, Fancy, not less than 10 yards, I Socks, Woollen, Hand Knit, fou- pair, " Machine Knit, ionr pair. Cotton, Hand Knit, four pair, " Machine Knit, four pair, Double (Hersocks, Hand Knit, Ladies' Hose, Woollen, Hand Koit, four pair, " Machine Knit, four pair. Cotton, Hand Knit, four pair, " Machine Knit, four pair. Linen, four pair, Child's Stockings, Woollen, four pair *' " Cotton, four pair, ..... " Socks, Woollen, four pair, " " Cotton, four pair, Ladies' Hose, Silk, four pair, (I $6 $4 $ 6 4 6 4 6 4 3 \ ;J i> 1 3 2 I .3 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 ^> 1 2 1 3 3 O 1 2 1 3 "' 1 /w I. 2 1 3 2 1 o O 0) 1 3 I 3 O 1 fW JL 3 .V M. 3 C:> 1 <V Jl. 3 '^ 1 3 O 1 3 2 1 3 ^) 1 3 '? 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 0) 1 3 '> 1 <V JL 3 2 1 3 1 r^ JL 3 ' 2 ' 1 /- PREMIUM LIST. MISCELLANEOUS. (',(58 (;()9 ()70 <;74 675 f;7(3 »i7^ 078 ^J79 C.SO fi,Sl (582 H83 i «84"l 685 • 686 i 687 688 ^ 689 «)90 1 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 Mitts, Woollen, Men^s, three p<nr, u «« Boy's, three pair. Gauntlets, (glove,) three pair, (mitt,) three pair. ' Gloves, AVoollen, three pair, Shawl, Woollen, one, ... • • • , Cloth, Linen, not less than 10 yards, . 1 Thread and Twines, noteless than 5 lbs., ■ Flax, Scutched, not less than U) lbs , ! ^7,,.^,,. .]-,„1j,AI,'^ F<n,c;! Work. 1 Crochet in VVool, specimen, I « in Cotton, specimen, Tatting, specimen, Netting, specinen, a " r>iuned, specimen. Knitting, Fancy, specimen, in VVool, specmien, u '« in Cotton, specimen, Braid Work, specimen. • • Braid, by Sewing Machine, specimen, Cretonne Work, specimen, Crewel Work, Arrasene Work, Macrame Work, Roman Embroidery, specimen, Work on Linen, specimen, Muslin Embroidery, specimen, Scotch Needle VVork, specimen, Point Lace, speciman3, Bretonne Lace, -specimens, Honiton Lace, specimen, Applique, Limerick Lace, specimens Net Embroidery, specimens, j Silk Embroidery, specimens, ! Embroidery on Net, specimens, ' Darning on Net, specimens, Mexican Work, specimens, Berlin Work, specimens, . • Worsted Work, Raised, specimen, Bead Work, specimen, Cone Work, specimen, $3 3 3 3 3 3 3 53 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 o 3 3 3 3 3 3 .> o 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 e-1 52 2 2 2 o 2 o 2 2 12 i o 2 2 o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 o f^ 2 •2 2 2 o> 2 29 •c p.. 35 2 2 2 2 o 2 2 2 2 2 2 30 PREMITIM LIST. 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 -'39 740 741 MISCELLANEOUS. o! <u i N N •3 •c Ph cu (^ r^ ^ f>\ Leather Work, specin\en Lacquer Work, specimen, Moss Work, specimen, Wax Flowers, specimen, Wax Fruit, specimen, Shell Work, specimen, Straw Work, specimen, Hair Work, spc imen, ■• • ^ Knit Quilt, one, • Wove Quilt, one, • • • • " Shirt, made by hand, «« " Machine made, " ■ Drawers, made by hand, Knit Drawers, machine made, *« Sontags, two, " Garibaldi, two, Shirt made by h»nd, • " made by machine, Feather Flowers, Illuminated Texts, Book Pictures, Greatest variety of Fancy Work, Indian Work, specimens of variety and quality to be considered, TUra. i»ize, $4, Fourth, $2. Coiiii>etition confined to Indians only. Class 36 — Minerals. Minerals of New Brunswick, arranged in Geolo- gical sequence, •.•••• Useful M'nerals of New Brunswick, collection, Combustible Minerals of New Brunswick, Granite, Grey, manufactured specimens, " Red, manufactured specimens, Freestone, manufactured specimens, ...... Other Stone, (if worthy) manufactured specimens, than fu\ir cubic feet of each 3 3 3 3 3 3 $20 10 10 5 i 5 ' 5 I 5 Of nuniliers 73: niHst lie lilijwn. 1—738, not li'.-«; aas8 37— Flowers. Dahlias, collection of Pansies, collection of Fuschias, collection of 2 2 2 2 2 2 $10 5 5 3 $2 1 3 ^ i 3 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2