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Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole ^^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre film6s i des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd i partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 /c ^^< o.H.M.a Deputy Minilter. LABORATORY OF THK INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CAIs^ADA BULLETIN" No. 151 STANDARD FERTILIZERS, 1908 743—1 r- Oo:>4S70;i T. A ROn ATORY III IHK INLAND UKVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA. nri.r.HTix x.. i.-.i. STANDARD FERTILIZERS, 1908 UiTAWA, April 14, 1908. W. J. GKIiALI), E>(|., Dejnity Minister uf Iiiland llevcnue. Sill,— I luive the hiinour to report ujion 19"J samples of Agricultural Fertilizers, ref^istered for sale in Canada in I'.HIS, The appended t.-iMe is self explanatory, and contains a statement of the i,'u.iranteeil content (jf each samjile, as well as the content found by analysis in this Lal)oralory. Th.' Fertilizers Act (Chap. 1 ;!■_', 11. S. 1900) Section 4, requires the publication of the 'Ti'lative value of each fertilizer calculated from its contents in fertilizing ingre- dients, at their current nir.rket \alue." The following val .eg have Iwen used in calculating this pOative value : — Cent-s |>«T II). Xitroj^en, in salts of ammonia, or nitrate.s, as well as in com- pound fertilizers 17 Orjjanic nitrogen, in ground bone, fish blogen in most of the coanpound fertlizers, is derived in part from organic but chiefly from inorganic materials, its value has been, in most cases taken at 17 cents per lb. It is believed that the error so introduced, is small enough to be negligible. The \alualion of the phosphoric acid involves greater difficulty. Many .samples are accompanied by statements of the total phosphoric acid, without distinguishing between soluble and insoluble acid. In such cases it has been im{)os8ible to place a value based on the manufacturer's or importer's guarantee ; but the relative value is calculated upon the results of analysis of the sample deposited here. 'Whether the importer can be held responsible, without his explicit consent, for such valuation in an open question. It has been claimed that, while the importer guarantees a minimum percentage weight of phosphoric acid, he does not guarantee a minimum value for such ingredient. 743-1^ -**|r^». In li fi'W caHPH, tliiTc occur in thi' tallies, Naiii|>|pii which h«\e liem itnAlyofd ami re({ist inaniifacturi' of fprtili/cn. Htrictly »p«'ukinn it i~ no part of the duty "f thin ')r|Mirtriiciit t-i do thia cIojih of work, whirn 18 I'titircly i iiiierciiil in its character, and Nhoulil U- left to U- dealt with by those (inanciallv intereitcii in it. The re^'uliition under vhich a fertiliiEer analyRiH is tnxJv i>< thin laboratory for the nominal churjfe of three dollars, is made primarily in the intereiil of UHei-H of fertilizerM, or '>t° ilealiTs in the same who may desire to l>e in a jiosition to ifive a |i«rsonal guarantee ai to the value of the ;,'ooits they lell. The I )e|iartniental lalK)ratory does not desire to come into com[>otition with commerciiJ analysts, or t- fltieneiM with which the !ila)( i8 ground, than upon any a' -'lal statr of c (|UMti■! phoNphoric acid, »a» made by the late chief Analyst for rt-asonH given in itiillc'iii i'l (page ti) Thrse may be <|uot(Hi here. ' HesidpH (I fending the position taken by this Hranch, and also by the Agricultural Coniniittee of the Houne of Coninioii-'. I also «ugg< . t.|.t. Ill Auk. 2, \»ti. *tr,: land, '■ '' 'i, 1 « 1 _i LVrtil ,. •.•<(.•,;•, r..»l.r« Cunn.liiUi Co.. MHtmlaitiir.r« K.-ulii.- of an Ham,lt..i., .•„,. 1 t.nk- ...I M I llli iKItf Uttlll. Sal,,, ;,i.ii,,., a).-it K™-.r IlivHrO.l.Tv.Vai, K,a».r Kiwr Oil .mlFi.l, 1.111.1 iMii%.», h * ■ (iuaiv (*"'. ••So.tii.r,a.ioSli.((. ■."<>■•. \|.x. <>:..-* S,,„-, 1,1,1, K. A. ll«k«ah, A,ii-,lly fr.-lmt m the til»»l{ii». ScotUml. . lifr»l, N..S. Nitriitf o( S.i,» Rnflu K. < Ingi; Il,i|«il I' r, l!uf»ilii>-.-, il)ri.'« ioc,.M„..u,„i K..r..:.....^»i"\v.!i.-„ ii.v,...i'„.,Lfi., :"^-!.;i..m;;;:,.;::;;l I ,iuitU'r. ; lKvii|«ir»t«l Tiiiik w»t»"r refufte, !r. a. IWkwith. Aii,;STil|.l,«t.. i>f am- liir»t, N.S. „iiaiia,liiKln(r»il« :i Ilinir |)n«t 7 Sami'li- K 'i.iiili A 'r,'rii»t"' 10,CMiictiitruttMl Ft-lti '-'"61i I h/rr 11. ' 21iSl»-i.i»l I'otat-i Mil 2»ti2!. niiff. 21 l)i-^ilve.l ll-mc 20(n R. A. B.tkwitl 21 Tai k.i^BD .. . JOi;! UiiviiH l':i< kiiittfii., Hai l'aiif» I'aiking Co.,Har- ri«toii, (Int. ri>l,>n, Ont. 21 K'rtili/ir'.TankiiR.) 2tHK. 1). B. Martin C". I.t.l., MniiiifHitun rs Tcmmto .Iii,,etioii. 24 Tankage 2"itlti Ciillinitwixl I' a r king ■ Co., Ltd. 2.". Pi'.:;tii'. Tnick 20B7 Iiitcniati'mal S..rwl Co., ■■ tili/i-i. I UiHhenti-i-. N.Y. j toM'nuvii i>«jta»h, tt,)i,n%l nifttler aint »iii>erph»»«- (►Iiute. Talikagt!... 25 C'rni*he*l one. 2.-. lioiif Meal 2070 2S 28 2iH>!i:\Vni. lla\ita Co.. I/,. I., Toronto. Tankage -iCl anilnnl Ik»ne am I'otato Fertilizer. Uavie.H Ltd.. Montreal. Standard Hone an.l 2i.72 Miehigan Carl on Works, \„>. Agr. Cjien.ical Co., HU-xl, '«'"'-»■''' ' l,,,,roit Midi liiiffjIoSalei. Ile|)t. tankage, mineral ' I pliud)>hateH and I)ota"«li. :KTIU/EUH UEOIMTEUED FOR THE YEAU l»('H ('•rhU'iitM att found. nt#s'( cont**nt« Timtt ; ' AM found. (iiiAmnu'i'd ciiuti'nu' . . . ■ C'oiit»'titi> ft" found. . Nont- i (ftiAiantfetl cont«'nti« ('untfntf« »•» found. . ( iu irunt*'! d conU-nU rtinU'tit'4 AH found.. \ 13 3-.> 10 47 '-■O-Vt 2 7o!33 7" I (i la . . . -urn •i lA 37 91 I 11 IK) 20ISII 10 30 37 09 111 « I I . . . • ■ i i:> iHli 0-2f "Ki 271 l-'Wl 2-4' i... . i f* I <)« 05 lauoi '825 ' 23 26 6-7 5 37, 6 9S 2-3 3-85 9 88 In 58 «:t 11 48 111 li", 1 t 7 88' 1 to2 Iltol5 1otol3 2 a 12 12 72 9 liO 24 21; j. 24 251 16 ai 22'a-)| I. 22 001 14 63|. 10 72; 9-75' 9—11 11 02 7 82 7 87 1 .V2 1-2 1 80 8 23 8-10 9 22 «o,42 .M; 7to9j 2062 7 !K' 7 20 28 40 au83 5 111128 8l! 7 7!.., ;2«64 9 65,37 ;« .. ..'2065 10 50.« 40 716 aofw 4-77 39 32 7 to 10 20 95 2067 . -28 11 40 24 28 50to;i .W . . 18 86 2068 2 »7l 12 2019 42 7-45 2069 .... 5 '.10 33 66 .. 7 40 ■ •■ 2070 I 6 15i31 »)i I 8-80 ....:2071 6.7030 711 4-E 19 31:2072 4 82; U 20122 13 I .iML^ DESCRIPTION OF STANDARD SAMPLES OF ■c as -o < > Denignatinn. ManufacturtT. My whim: Rfnt. Kroiii what Materials I'm- iluced. .2 I S 1 a: I 1908. .Ian 28r.reat Ea»ternNorth '20-3;A.n, Ajn-, rhemkal Co.. Manufacturer,. 1 em Corn S,*cial. CreatKa-ternl-ertil./.er I Branch, Rutland, \ t. : 28(ir»;it Kastem High 2i»74 I (irade Potato ■ Manure. 28 (irent Kastem Potato 2075 I Manure. 28 G. E. Potato Special 2071' „ 28 G. E. General 2077 ,. 28 G. E. Grass ,incl Oats 2078 Fertilizer. 28Aro<«tound. ' 29Bra Ciinti-nt.- as f.piiiul . , - 'JI 2 fi'.l 'Iiiariintef'ii cont* nt.-^ ;» ;Ht \ \:< ' 4 5 Ccniti'iitH LIU fiiiinii .1 ;<:«'. I 0« I luarantewi contfnt!*;2(Mi Cttntt'ntH UP found . ' < Jiiar:intHc(l coiitt'iits ;V:iO < 'itntfut!* as fouiHl . . I tuaraiitt^'fi contents SL' ( 'ont; nts as fouU'l . (ftiarantceil ccuitfiits ('omt'Mte :vs found (luarantrt'd contt-nts :J'40 ( '(tntcnts a-H found . . tiuarantfcd contents 4 (H» Ci intents as f a r.i 1 (m 1 14 •-' -.'4 .". (Kl 1 4H :(;.'■> 1 ol 1' l'- r. (I (1 ,s.-i 1 ti 5 7" I'- i; li H li IHI •)-7 "i (K) II 7 (1 II.") :f 4 2 4 1 '.12 :i--4 2 '12 2 :i 4 INI i; (12 ,, e. I 2 :! 10 i:;' 1 :.7 1" '.l."i 12 7 I" 125 .SH7 .■) 44 1 2 1 H7i 310- 7r- 11 2 !l 17 11 -:i III 711 10 :.' 12 ' I-'i 12 M .'i."i S 12 ' III ' III p. c. s-ni 1 !l as (1 H, 7-il2| » 10 10 17 .S-11 !t s;) « II <) IKI II i:i III 117 11 H S ltd 7 I" ,S (!.". '.I 11 p. c. .Ml - 2 2 lo" 1) p. e. » c. -lO IS 4((207S to; 10 7."i21 nil 12 . . 2,S ,Vi2o74 ■.Mi io or>:to i:i 1 ■> 10 III . Ill 90 21175 4 H."i2.i 42 27 i»2 2iiTH (r2r>;fo :< 1-2 !) II K-10 • > . ;.J .14 4il2iis:t 1 07 HIKI il "17 (1 07 2 10 !l !I5 IS HI 2 -Hi 1 2 11 11 s 10 l-."e2'."i is 20 2IIS4 2 l(l| 2 75 |(l 40 7 I'm 2 20 10 :i.-| 10 71 75 III 117 S -III s H: < 111 i) :i-7 4 25 II 7 1 (15 2 Hi 25i 2 H; H as' 2 H 2 12 2-3l 2 i*2: 2 Hi 1 42 2 3 ■! 87 2-3 H INI 2 -H 3 CH 12 II 125 II 1 2 il H 12 11 I 2 0- 1 25 HI ! 2 20I 10 1 2l !» 2 SOi !l 1-2| !l- ■>-M 111 i 2! !t 2 75| In 1 2; 2 ii7i il 14 H. IHI il II S 50 s II s 42 il II S H7 S II K 72 II U S- H7 7 II I 8- INI 7 II H- 7-8 27 89 20S,"> Sil 10 25 28 54 s il . . 20 10 2118(1 7 74 io (1520 S4 l-.5.2'5 18 '20 211.^7 2 (12 10 15 2(1 S7 1; 7 5 SO 8 73 lo II III IHI 4 5 4 40: 7 8 (1 ill 3 41 24 II120SS 27 84 i 25 HI 12 25 211 12: 1(1 4it: 12 15 1(1 tw; '27 «lt niiCii) 23! . . . . I lii H 491 14 10:2(1 57 1(1 11: i25 31 '.Klsil ."OilO ■2091 ■Jinn: 2093 10 3;ti 12'35i25 95 1 .,^^mk.- <■■-,- 10 DE8CHIPTION OF STANDARD SAMPLES OF • i I)l*^il.'^:lti'^T^. .lull. •»i M. ('. Ciuiplitf l-'ir- -Mn Micliin.w r:irbin fi tilizt-r. Detroit, ai M. <". I).ti:iii<-i- F.T- aiii).") ■«tM. C. ♦icneral Cn.p-Jii'.Hi KcrtiliztT. :!% *'r;il)lr K'TtiliztT. •».) lligli 'irade Krui! •Jil'.IlP mill \',gi-t;ibl,- Kit •«) rim''l't!iiii- M.iil . . . -'li"i \\'. \.Kr.r,i!;.ii O. , I.til.. Muiuifiictunr. llMihilt..n. Out. ■Jf.l I'.oiM- ami r.ita>li. •Jit 'ruliiiciw Maiiuri' K.I. •JKil •Jin--' •J.I ( ■.!. TV an.l Kurl,\:;i":< Viy..t;il.l.- Maniin- ■Jit I'otat.i .Miiiiui-.-. '-'Ii'4 •J..! SiiTctiniwtfi MMimn- '-'Ml."' 2!! I'lioii.liat.- I'l.w.lcr. . Jim; •2!) Ta-'kag.' Miniiin- '.'lUT 'iilKiTtiliz.T lOS Fowl. Tr. C;iii. Co., I.t'.l.. Hamiltiiii, (Int. riiospliatc, blood, b iiif, tiinkagi- »Hl|.lim-ic aci'l iiiiiiiati. of I"" ash, biilpliati^ of l«itaKh, siiliihat.' of aiiiiiioiiia, ni- trate of smia. HUkmI. I«iiu. and tank r.'sidiii' of liog« ami cattle. •"iThonias I'liospliat,. •21.ii\V.,ik... H. & K. AINtI. AiiitIo_Caii. Clieiii. ('..., I'owd.r 17 Lli. London. St. .loliii, N. li. ;iO 'l'honuu>< '!'lKi«|.l.Ht.-^.'110 H. K. All..Tt \V,.rka, I'ow.l.r. 14 Hi I,ofiiloii. ^ ij;roiiii.l basil- ^l.iK) ,.. , , ,, ^ .■W) Vll»rtiHoiti.iiU.inil-21IH'li.-iii. \\ork.< lat.' H.* i .Maiiiir.- Braii.l. K, Alb.ri, lli.bruli on I .\ t; Uliiiii*, (i.-itiiaiiv. ,5'll.'.m.'»te:wlC..rn and •Jll-i Michigan ralbonWoiks, Aiu. .Aur. rli.-in. Co., Ciain l'i-..liic.T. l).-troit. Ilntfalo hal.'« D.'pt. , .-, lloll„■^tead^>i.■<»<.lv.■dL'll:^ M " " " •- . j> HI .,1...... I •■) r.^i'ti'l'lz.-r" ' -'114 ly.iidoii l-'.TtiliziT Works, .Manutacturers ■l>.i..-» au.i me«l ..I ■] London, Ont. anmmlB. 11 FERTILTZEHS REGISTERED FOR THE YEAR 1908. p. c. ti\iaraiit(t' 2 47 ('(intents a« fmnil. . IHK; (luiimntvcd <-iintints 1 ll.") •_' 17 ( 'iintents !is found. 1 !H> (lUaiaiituMl cont^ntH n H2- 1 '►">' C.intcMts ax fiinnd. . i> '.)1 (InamntJ'Hil i-mti-ntn 2 (16 -2 W; ( ont^iit!. HK fonnd. . 2'M\ (Juaninti'wl <-<)llt<'nts'2 (Ki -2XH Ointints iis found. 2 Id iliiHiantwd fontrntu;:* "'■< 4 12| Cinti-nt.'* a« found. . . 4 4(1, (innrantefd conti'iits 247 -4'12' Contents as fo\ind. . ; 3 29, (liiiiranteed contents 1 dri— 2 47| ( '(intents us found. . . 3'02j (luaranteed contents 1^47 -3 29; ( 'onteiits as found. . . "i i'-^ (iuarrinteed contents 112--.*) 77i ( '.intents as found. . . . .') •">(•; (iiianiutced contents 2 '47 3 '2!*; (, intents as found. , | 3 05 (iM.wintecd contents 2 M.S-4 12 ( 'nntents as found. . . 343 (luaranteed contentsi ('[intents .as found. ■,,:■_ ( luiuanteed contents 1 (i-'i ."i^? ( 'ontent^ as found. 7 (*H (oiaranteed contents ^ Contents as found.. . 7(l*> (I.iaranteed contentM ( 'ontents as found. . . . Guaranteed contents . Contents as found. . .' . (luaranteed cont*>nts ContenlH a-s found. . . 11 !I0 12 07 (liiarantee.1 contents ICo— 2 47 Contents as found. . 2(J(> ( iuarantee C. 7 2 3| .1 2 2 (12 •"> M 4 231 1 2.") .»-5 ••■ 7 2-3' 12 :> 34 5 :*> 3 d."! 1 •>" 4 00 13 75 ( (5 2-3 3 (17 3-4 3 S2 12? 1 12 "4 95 ■4-7(;^' 2 !)5 '3 B2, (iCif* 86 (i 03 2 37 3 4 3 71 87 5 3;!j 3 35i 3 5-5 4 18 n 47 '5 93 2 iK»j .:'.:; 11 37, 737 8 W ' 6 25 !t .50 2 25 8-.')7 12 5 33 i .10 14 45 .] 13 00 5 -.'5 ;; 12 45, 4 30 uio 14 S5 11 1" None : Traci 2-3' ('.-7 2 3! 12 2.87 t! 17 3 r^'fi 2 :!(l 1(1 12 2-3| 12 ' 10 40 2(>5j 192 (i 3(11 Trace; 8-32i '200 2094 20!ir 9-11 S K'i 4 -5 ... 19 31 ; 11-10! s-73 4 321 12 1521 54 9 11 8 10 2-3 ,17 3i: 9 75 8 08 2 31 13 35'20 "0 9 11 8 -Id! 4 5: 1(1 49 2096 10 25 8 :K1 » 15' 13(1517 41: iP 11 s -10 3-4; 19 7(12097 It 7.-) 7 .".3 4 (15* 11 45 21 28 !) U 8 111 (1 7 .... 22 70 2098 11 iKi 9 7.'i 11 31: 121025 3l! 7 8 . , •27 89:2(«I9 (1 97 U 11132 34i !l 11 8 10 10 ip5 8 5i '.SI 2.5 21 ,50 1:1 75 2100 8 1)112M 64 ■9 10; ... ' C-S 2101 !) 12 (1 17 6-29 10 10 24 35 7- 9i 1 4^5 2102 9.50 5 88; 5 23 9 80 23 61 9 10' ' 5-7 ... 2101 9 25' 6 88 4 iXi 9 15 32 02 8 10 57.. 2104 9 55 6-20 5 96 7 45 24 24 8-10 ... 3-4 2105 il 30! 6 40 4 61! « 9524 23 13- 18 .... 18 74 11-37: 12 -15 12 00, 9 75;. '6'75;"t-45;; 17 20' . ! 18 25 13 00; 14 16 . . :. 11; 75 12 45 10 30 10.15 '(i'85 14 72: 35 .50' 28 99 11 10! 11 10 Trace I 'Trace 2106 2107 2108 15 88: 14 99 68 94 15 16, 15 25i 13 95 69 61 9 -Hi 8-10 1'2 00 9 70 13-1.5 12 It 14 37' 12 45 2109 2110 2111 2112 2-3 ... 17 31 : 2 24' 9 45 23 261 1 14 r.()''2113 . i 10 90 15 31! I ,... .2114 10 32! 8 321 : 10 5(1 23 52i ^PFl^TT^ ^mmmmmm ^-?^' ; '•'.■;/: 12 DI'.SCUIPTION OK STANDARD SAMPLES OF ' j wi , l»i iviiiili'lii. Manufactun'r. Ilv wfi'ini St'iit. From what Mali riiili. I'ri)- ltKl7. I WmIiI. Km i;i'i« "I i:. Si.ui' Kilt, .t I'lii'in. C.i.. 1,1.1.. Smith'- Kiill. 7 K.itili>.r' •luiikiit;.' ■JlHi I.:.iiiK Tack inn an. 1 I'r" Mi>""f.iit"ii'i- \ i^-i..ii Ci... 7 |)n..| n!.«"l, v!<;i.. .111.1 r...ii.' lit liil.n-. l'.r;.li.l . l:; 1' jliil.. Man. Ill' . i:t l'..t,itu (J.iaiio . :;il7 " " -1 I •JUS Till- I''i'.in K.'itilisi-rj C... I.t.l., \Viii.l-...r.i ; N.S. ! •Jll'.l •-■1-Jll ■-'\-Jl la>\Mck liran.l. -'I'JL' l:! K.irika lMi,.»l.hat.- , --'l-.':'.: 11 Swifts K.iw.'ll ('. r.iil '-'ILM Swift,* Li.wcll K.itilizrr K.Ttiliz.i. ''" . li'.-ti'ii, M.i>-. 14 Km|.ifM« lirnn.l. .. If' KirtiliziT. . 14 .\iiiii...I I'.r.m.l . ,, 1 t l'i.t;.t.. .Maiiiir... . ,. 14 I'.'tut.. I'li.i.|.li,it. 1 1 i>..f . I.. I ;,...«..!• , '.'IS."! ■.'i-.>i; ■Jl'_'7 Jl-JS ■JlLIt ■ji:ui Nitrttti' of niMla, ainiiiDliia, ix.tiksh I a 11 il niatfui'sia 1 Kjilt.i. Bout', sii- j iMTphuKpliati- .)f ' linir Jllul bom iiM^al. r.onc- ami ofTal of flop?*, cattle urn) shit'p. . Hloi«lof hi>(?".cattlr and Klit-wp. Nitiafi of iiKia, (Irii'il 1.1. kkI ami tallkaK**. Rroiiml 1 iMjnc. ninrtati' of |M)tasti, iN.ta^li salts, r.»fk ')1mw phatc, nciilaml siil|ihati' of aniiiiunia. 'i i , lUiKxl iiieiit. Ujne, ! lutnc black. 1k>iio I plnisphrtt*-«, ni- i fatf <«f Hiwlii or sulphat*- <'f aiii- incinifi an*) huI- ph;\u* or miiriiite of pntash. H Swift-* Sni-f-riur Fir JIM - " ■■: tiliz'-r. ',- , 14 Lowt'llCr.MMMl r.<.nt'. l!i:iL* Su ift's Low.H l-t-itilizcr MaimfaetunTs ('.... Ma.-s. '\^^ »:>. ^./Il&& 13 FERTILIZERS UEGIHTEHED FOR THE YEAR 1908. Kksi i.Ts OK Analysis. PhDNipliiiiic Aoicl. [-■s ^ 1 1' gS.s : X* i i 1— ^^ =« S.' — - ' — ' ■'- ' " " f-' \ i • U p. c. ].. c. (iiiarauUfd contentu CoiiWiits a.t fimnd. . . (■MaranUN-d fiinl«Mits OinttiitK a« found . . (iuarante<' 1 iW) 1 54 2 47 2 liO S-2!l 3 » 3 7(! 4 o;^ 2-47 2-6: 4 4 IW (1 31 HIS 15 tlO 15 !l."i 3 0" 3 37 1 1 p. o. p. c. p. c ii (xi, 8.") 5 m) 2 50! 2 W I I ."Ki 2."iNone . 13 IH) 11 00 6 U.") 1 M 5fo o;i.j 5 42 2.3 IV): -. 30 100 "o .50 rtv3 62 100 IS* S2 1 50 . 1 wl 1 .-Xi 5 37 3H8 02 '.M"> , 2 .52 ;. 00 3 (W .S7 3 (K) 3 If.l 5 32 4 48 o;C) 2 ()0 rn7 5 10 3 7o 62. 3«l, ... 2 -:H 4 W) .5 32 !»5l 4 00 ] 4 7» 4 17 4 20 75, 4.50 1! 4 iKl 4 45 V22 o;0i 3 1 3 lit. 17 51 7 20| 3 e2 1 i ■Z \ P. \x Is i ^ p. c. p. C. p. c. p. e. * c. I H 1211 OK 2115 155 13 lo| 11 f.,| 7 13 6 70;;t5 70 10 46 10 45 7 r>o 75 075' 10 (10 . 2116 10 00 33 >-3 17 11' 20 no' 24 110 13 (tO; 15 9543 ISi . .. 1 is 4 K< 26 !W !2117 ;2iiH 7 CKI 7 so !) - 10 -Q r loi 7 07 6 00 rooj 1 2119 3 Htl 12-40il9 9!l 5 li ilH 91 2120 5 31 9 ll'[20 02 -8; 2.V).... 15 SI 2121 6 70 5 .57 11 i;0 19 3S 800 2122 6 92 6 42! S .53 12'»)2tl SO S oOi 1.50 17 30 2123 !l 75 9 13 3 H4; 10 7021 '■'" S 7; 1' .... 11 71)2124 s ()0 7 ISj 1 23 12 .50 13 24 S 7 2.14 2212125 s: 9 25 21'' 6 70 17 44' 9 S . . 17 3SJ2126 '.) ■.">() ,S tK» 3 .'5 20 .">4 10 8 21 K0I2127 10 75 9 SO 4 l;r J 30 24 16 8 7i 4 17 612128 9 47 8 85; 4 44 6 ;5o 2<» 11, 9' Si 6 . . . [2;? .VI 212!l 11 07 10 12' 6 ,56 6 40 27 30 7 6 16 28 119 2130 9 12, 8 371 I't .50 4 -.50 .33 81 i'"' 81 7; 10 30 .58 2131 9 37 i 8 1)7 10 iiO 7 60 31 10 25!.... '.... 21 75i \' m.... 2132 4 .50 2<( 84 WWt^i,: 14 DESCRIPTION OF STANDARD SAMPLES OF r •5 < s I >i ;^igli:lllo M»ii>ili>i't">i''- I^- wl»>!li '*rllt. I''l\iln wliat Miitiri.'iK I'ru- y. VMIS. |:K Niw Knulini.l l-'t-itilizt-r V,.], 14 l",.il.-- K.itili/.r. .•.'i:«N'W f.iiKliiii'l l-'-i Cii.,!.-.f.\ r.rtiliz.T (''<-.' U K:--.\.M:iil<'tlianl.-nL'i;W iuid l'"talo.Maiiiiri' II K--s.\ (',.iii|il.ti' .M.i -'14" rin, fi.r l'ot.-i''ii-, I lt.i..t~ and Vcj;i- I 11 |.:^„ \ Ciuun.l l;..ii.- -Jill ■■ •■■■i 11 linidl. v',-Sui..i|.li..<. -JM-i .Viii. Agr. Ch.-imcal ('..., ; |,lKit.'-f"itlivliiinl> l'„.~tonSali-»l)i'l.t. 14 II.H.I1..V- 1'., tat. .214;! 1 F.rtili/..r. 14 r,ra.ll...v-XL .SnjHT '.'l 14 |iti..-.|.|iatf..f \Am-. II r.ra.llfv's I',.inii.i>'il45 V,.u-' M..tli...l I'.r i tiliz.r. II Dra.llfy'-i Fiiu-'llll j (Jr. .iiliil H.1I1I-. 14 l?ra.ll.v'> Kfli !..-<• 21 47 ■'«-- IUimhI. iiicat, l«m'.. Imiim- Ilia, k, l/iiiif |ih..»i.:'ati-, 11 i ■ trati' siida (ir »ul. I'liat.' aiiiiiii»ii» and mlpliatf of IK.taKli iir muri- ate i.f iiiita!*h. KirIi liwat, Ikiiii', 1 Ion.' Iihick, Iwni! |>liati-, 11 i • tratf I.f siKia or ' >ul|.li.>t«' ..f aiii- 1 iiH.nia anil »"1- pliatr or muriate 1 i.f i«>la»li. ISuiii' lilack,»- l.hat" f; II a no, muriate or siil- l.liat.. ..f l«>ta9li. r.. .Ill' black, animal |>lios|.liat< ^nano, (lrii-. f, (Jiiiininti'C'l c! <;ii:trunlt't-'il contcnti ("untriitsaH fcninil. (luaraiit- i-cl r-i intent; * "KHtents :u* found- . (iii.iruntfcil ciiiitent» CcintMitx us fimnd. . .| (iiiaraiitH-il contentp ( 'iintt-nts as found. . . (iiiarantifd couti-nts Contents .IS iimnd. . . c. ! p. c. p. f. p. f. 1 .. . \ li 1 Lf, .^ 75 H 30 70, p. c. p. f. p. ■■• I I'-c. i » c. 9 r: 1 (•,-) 2 ... ' 1 74 •J 11 ;■) ri7 .■iOti II Ii2 1 "4 1 .'ill . .... 1 1 14 1 :."> r, 5."i 1 to, 1 i-iO -' 47 3 •?. .^2 :f id; 4 95 CO 2 45 •' 47 a 2-.M ;vu:Vi 14 23 10 S7 ? (13 4 57 9 10 20 72 7 2 14 22 213."i 8 45 9.") 2 56 7 70 Hi 11 7 i; 111 25 35 10 !H II 70 20 .S4 .>5 I 2137 25 Til 14 23 10 3.5 20 95 U ,s 3 . 19 lii2i;'H 11 00 5 ,ss 3 41 7 W-'l M I iuiua'ltHWl (.■onteiit-j foiitcnts asfoinid.. .i I Juarantt-rd cont*^nts (.'oiitt-nts as found. . . I I i'utralitt'fd contents ( 'oiitcntM as fou: J. . I inarantft'd contents • 'onlcntsas found...! ti.iie 2 0i: 2 17 3 2<.t: 3 61; 2 5 . 2(;3 I 4 39 4 S5 3 11. 4 42 2 75 2-47: 2 (Wi ; 20 14 a-. ll-13i 3-4; 1200: 160; 1 ■ lai-anti'i-d contents 2 0« -2 S8 !'■ ntentsas found.. .\ 2 21 -3 5 6-6 6 (Kl 3-4 1 2 7.''' 1 9 10 1-2 3 25 2-3 3 (XI 10 ' 23 15- 16 10- 10 8 8 00 10 . 14 65 11-17 13 60. . 5-51 101 10 35 1 21 10 2139 7 15 23 08, ■IX on'i'lio 6 30 31 iw! 8-10, 7 75' 3 59 loiarant.ed wnteutn2 116 -2-88: 2'5— 3^5^ ( ")itint> as found. . . 2 27' 2'7ii. I niiranteed contents IIW- 2 BO 1-25— 3 ( 'iiitentsas found. . .; 148 1 80! I iuaianteed contents 2i>0 - 325 3— 4 Cinitints as found.. 1 2 91 3.54 liuaiantwl i-oiitents 1 a3-2 50 1 25-3 (0 Con teiitsas found. . .| 131 1 'iO i22 80 Jl 11 '5 35 27 2(i 16 so 214 10 70 17 14 I 119 90 2143 11 10 21 2:! 5 0; 3- 2-3 10- -13 8- 10 1 5-2-5 .. . 18 40 2144 62| 5!-> 3 00 10 17 7 17 i 73 12 15 18 90 6 S| ■>- -4 2-3 10 15! »— 12 •-3 .... 15 690i 1 95i I 2 15 11 21 0,.„t.ii, .Nil.. D-it. 14 lir.'i.lley-- .\lk..l.m--JU!i; Hmif with I'l't.i-li. 11 Hr.iill.-V'* CuMUilit- iir." .\laliilrf«itli 1"|»' ■ cent l'iitJli*ll 14 llra.ll..y's IliKliJlJl, \ Ciiiili' FiTtili/t-r \ with III 1" r ii-iit 1 I>ntn»h. 14 K.M'l ■- St .iiiil:ir.! 'jI.VJ : .Sii|., r|.lMis|ihiii''. U'Ri'ii'l'.i Ship Catih U'l.".:i I F"Ttili/.fr. 14,K.Mil'. Ki-h I'.Mip Jiril ami l'uta:-li. 14 K.-ii.l- I'lautitiil I'.i '.'I."'."! tat" Siw-cial. 14 R.-ailsVfKi-talilt'aii.|-Jl."ii; ViiK- K< itiliz'-r. 14 Kea.r- I'litat.i Ma L'l.".7 liiirH. 14 Kiiid^ HiKfi <;ia'li'-'1> h'nrniirs Kriiinl. 14 Flick, r's I iiip.-iial LMr.'.! r>iiTi.' Su)'. !|>h. -■ , |.hatf. 14 Wilhalii- .^c « 'l.iiU'- -'ll^i Am. riiMi.1 r.rt a t ... ! Mauiii.'. 14 rariHc V.itiit.i Si..- -JIi;! cial. 14 Pari He L'lliL' (Juaiio. 14 I'acitii.' Fill.' (IiuihmI^'K;:! li,m... i' lilaik. aiiini Uillf, I'lloHphatt; ^nialio, drieil ti^l., iiifat or hi. Hid, I n'trat*. "f xniaor mlpliat.- iif am- iiKiiiia, sulplinti- (tr iiiuriati' l«.t- a»h, aiil II li urii' aci.l. lion., i.lac'. aii'.l |.ti(.«iiliatfRiiani>, iiuiriat»' or .-ul- |.hati' i»' I' black, animal Ixiiif, |.h.*iihotB gxiaiio, (Irit'li ti^h, int-al, .»r I.IihmI, liitlatn'f Btilpliatf i.f mil- llKi-lia. siili.liatp or riuriateof i«it- a.«li. Mil pli 11 ric aci.l. 17 FKUTIIJZEUS l{i:(iISTP:RKD FOR THE YKAU 19(m. AH 'J Kkhilth or Analymim. Nitn^t-n. l*liim)>)inric A( id. •* o 2 Is, a _ a ^-5 2 p. c. |.. c. 1 , ^ I .2 1>. C. I p. f. (iiiiHiiiit«.l c .1,1- 1 lilt - -J .jTit»'iitrt ** ^'^- 1*>5 r.jnU'iitrt iirt fuuml. . . ' 1 !•' I niivrmitcfd omtcntHl ] ■ ( 'itrlt«-litf art fnim(l. :\ 4 3 26 1-2 1 41, ( Miaraiittttl c'oiiti'HtH Coiiti'IitH art fouili). . . ;' 2 I" :t M :xi -2 HI I luaraiitMHl contfiitB < fouml.. .; 1 12 r3t> liuarantiwl cmtciiU 2 IK>-2 MX 2 T) Hfti I 'i.nlmtH a» fciTiml. . 2 ng 3 13 I ; uaranteed CKHitcntH 24 3 3 4 r..nt('nt»as fimiiil. . 2S(i 3 47 Huarantfcd contintrt S 5 413 4 Ji ' 'unti'ntrt as found. .. ; 3'8."i 4 *>7 i;iiaraiitc<"l (•* found. . 2 27 l.uaranti-ed contfntrt 103 2 5 < 'nutHuts art found. . . I 1'23 I ;iiar.vit«Hl conti'ntrtj 2 .">— 3'i') I'lintfUtrtasfound...' 2 23 2 5-35 2 7:<, 1 25 3 0| 1-501 3 4 2 70 .'.C 2 4 2-3 1 45 3 25 6-7! li !»2 4 U 5 «.•> 5- »! "> 17 5 42 ti-7 82 3-4 5 'JO 2-31 5 .;5 5 « fi 05 5-6 6 42 4-6 ti 00 6~H B ,"iO 5-0 5.1I7 .5-6 6-8 6 15 p. c. I p I 10-15 8 12 10 li- 7 4i I 5 6' 5 .'rf* 2-4 1 60 15 20' 1 Hll 1 2 1 HO 1 2 2 10 2 3' 2 37 1-2, 2 lOj 1-2 1 21 2 35 212; 2-3j 1 421 3-4 2 13 1-2 1 28 2-4 1 55 2- 4i 12 2 75 2-3 1 9i 1-2 2 55 1 1 su 2 3 2 M 2-3 2-80 3-4 2 73 3-4i S 2ii 2—4; 2 05| 17 20' 8-301 2-3 2.10 p. C. , p. 0. $ c. 2-3 [15 50 2148 2 16 13 80 17 o;i 12 15 11 13 2 3 It :«l 12 .W 1 !I8 7 10 6 810-12 U 25 7 45i II 13 80 2140 S 4516 '.Hi . 2S 02 2150 10 15 30 42 : 10 li 8 10-12 !25ri(i2151 it 42 7 32 !» 84 8 5.5 '28 l!li 10 -14^ 8-11 4-5 16 6!t;2152 10 TH) 8 13 5 44 6 ^'M'.l 58] 11 14 10 12 2-3 13 '.KI2153 13 12 11 02i 1 87 10 4015 30 5-8 4-6, 4-6 . . 15 HO 10 37 8 25 4 34 14 do 22 4ti 2151 5-8 '.I 42 !0- 13 10 10 7-10 :> 25 : 10 ••I 35 10-15, 11 25; 10-13] 11 501 10-13 li ,65 10-15 10 30 2i-2:v '25 50 4—6: 8-10 6 67j <>7, 8 10[ 6 7 8-lHi 6-50 6-8jlO-12 6 70! i)-84! 6 8110-12 7-55' 0-82 8-12, 8 75 8-10 8 70 8—10 8-12 8 20 17 20 •2-3 2 81 3-4 3 57 3-4 1 ?--47\ 2-3 218 . ..1ft 14 00 21 22 13 'JO 25 25 7 25 28 16 40 32 15 12 4017 i I'J 11 1021 I 69 2166 57 110 2156 45 5li 21.57 24 20 2158 36 80 21 !M) 85 ! 002160 •J2: !19 902161 13 :»16 502162 63i . . 2163 5 10i28 991 IH DKSCKH'TloN OF STANDAHI* HAMPLKM OF |l, -It'll.ltloll. MaiiiifiiiliU'T- l',> wliolii S.'lil. I"'"- III vvluit M,'in llllCI'tl. A lOtC. ■ ■ ..l.'i V.,, \i-r rliiMll •'"■. Miimif*'!'!''"''' Kit.. iis„i„M,i'..,t, ^""■-"•'■^'|:;J:;s.N'i.'|.t. I I I lnnilil|il.l<- <'lilli:i-. "Jlli.i " " ' I'll.' l.'l- -ill ('r..|-. lli,i.niiiii|.i.ii I'.iiiii.. -'Ii.i' " M;iiiur.-. II (;iiiMin|.i»i' Markit lilfiT (J.iiiliii Miiiiuro. [ M CuTnUrlHiul Sui»r 2l(W |,l,...l.liiit.. 11 Cuinl.i.iliiii.l r... -.It.. 'Jit)'.! KiTtili/fr. 14 Ciin.l-Tliin.t Klnc2170, i (;r..nn.l I U StiHi.l:iril Fcftiliz'T '.'171 U'Su.i.hii'l S i.l'lT- .. .... i l'(it:vt.» U'Diirliiiif sHli>.«l. '*""'■ -•'.' iiilil r. .tiiHli. 14!'liii-k'.., (,'J174 ■. ... I'laMt ManiirH. | II ll'','liHia'l',i-.'17.'i " ... „i,l, III l',.t:ish. '.,,,, ,„ (.,, •J, (■r„k,TMi,.,„Tal(Vu|.-.'i;C. .\n,. .y-r. !,.■_' "■• ! liiirt:ll.. Skill's I "I't- „S,!.;.;;r:;;....lM,..^2,77No;„ sen. K..r.,U..r pliat. (•■... HnlilH^. N.S. 21 I'„,in. Miiil , -'17» l'l...> ■_M7H 14 C.:ri^.|»-ri.hon'l'^"" ^l*^" ^'i^:;H(:,''^N"'s"'""' i •.>1 111 I'.itiit ,., >i;iir;r;v 1^,11. liliM-k. aiiiiiiftl U.lii., |il....«|.llilt,<-, IfUiilii.. .Ilii'l li»li, „„at ...• I.l.-Hl. iiitrHt. i.f .i«l:i..r «iil|.liati' "f .1111 Ini.llMl, ►illflliilr ..r iniiriiiti- |»*'t ^■i\\, Hiil|.li"rir Hun. . iliiir ImiIH', iiri.-.ll'l.">f lllM- 111.. Ilia, llitrati' "f RiKta, ii.miatr or Nulpliati- ..f li<>t- anh, suliihiiric ! ftci.l. '«.ii|.'. .ln.K ANAHOIH. \ltr^'^r' n. I'll.-l'i \,l.l p <•■ I iiialalifi'fO '"iitflll";-' <•*; ( ' tnttntM aH fiatn't. ' • ir.< P <•■ P c. p <•. 1 J I ;' ;<7 iiiarant- 1 liiarantt't 'illltClltH ;uarinil»' ■i.ritrllt.- Miaranlfi ■ iiarantf iiiararitc' 'oIlt'IllH Htaralitt* '. .ntl■ntH illaI■antt■ !■..^tl■llt» I iilarant*' [ •iiarattlc Ciintt'litH iuarantf ( '.lilt* iit»* ' iiiaratitt ' '-'iitentH < .narantt -.1 .■..- ifiii,. -' :< ;t lis fimiii). - -.1 i"iiil> nt» ;t 'M I a»f .1. ., •ii c.iitiiit. J I'l; 2 a»f..un.l. , 1 111 tt-iit»]-! >»'■ - .'iH fuun K , 1 ici ciiitiiit,-. 2 "> ;i an fcmiid. 2 eil .^int.'iit-. 2 ik; 2 iiH fuiin'l. 1 i«l* 2 Oil .' a- f..iiail. 1 111 oii\tciit» t HI as fomul. . . •* -ili ciihtrlltf •* •' - 4 ;wi fomiii. . •* ..| (.■UTlll'llt- 2 1 ai fiiiiiiil- 2 ih1 luiitelitsO S2 1 IiH found. . . ■ml «inl>-Mls 1 I".'' 2 tts fiiuiid. . 2 ."i :i IK) 1 mi :< 4 2 > 4 ■) 2 W 5-s :. 1 H.-. :■- ;i :■ 2 11 n 4 2 H!l : "> - :t 5 170 : f) 3 r> 2 14 r> i> 4 "lO 4 r. 4 44 ;< 4 ;< M 1 2 1 or> 2 ;< 3 111 .'i Ml fi (1 I IMI II H II If) 5 II II it ,") li tl Id 3 II .■| fiO 2 I 1 .S.S tl."i 37 — r. 411 '.13 4 HI 4 CiT) 3 10 -3, '.hi; o 115 3 02 II 20 1 :to 2 3 2 H2 2 3 3 :Ci 1 2 2 2."i 2 3 2 32 2 3 ;i .•<2 2 3 2 32 2 3 2 3."i 1 2 1 70 1 2 ih; 1 2 2 Ori 1 2 2 00 2 3 1 (K) iiaiaiititil rimtents 2 47 iiilt nts an fiiulid. . Hitianli-fr^I fonU'nls 2 Oil -iitflits as f.mnd. i ii:iraiiti*<*il cnuti'iitHi 1 IIJ 3 2!», 1 :« 2 47 1 IIM 2 47 ' ?'■ tt 3~~4 r. 32 ,. 15 75 •■'■*> .',-3 2 3 2 IX'> 5 8."i 1 .")!< 1 32 2-3 2 3 ■_• 13 7 ■-■•.! 1 :<« 1 80 I p c. •3 P c- 6. .a 1^ p C. p c. p.C. I 111 13 M 10 I 11 311 7 M ■ir, IH 10 21114 IIS 10 211 111 10 in 15' 10 .lO ■« 11 10 Oil !l 13 10 1.12 M 13 !•! 75 10-13 n 17 21 2:t 21 75 10 13 11 75 HI -13 11 50 S 12 <.i 15 ■I 13 10 .52 7-10 37 S III «2 H 11 S ."lO, .s 12 7 lis 11 H i; 115 s 11 H 117 2 3 3 51 5 11 5 fUl 7 s 7 70 1 5 .-lO 14 III 17 lit 2ir>:i H 10 1-5 2-5 10 »3 1 S7 S-10 3 t S 40 3 72: 14 113 ... S -10 1 5 -J II 43, 1 S--10 it 15 7 lol 7 4.51 8 11 S (151 11 S, 34; 3 IKl 7 12: 7-S' 7 S7' 10 12: 7 32; 10 20 7-0 1 2 742: 131 (1—81 7-!t 7 501 111 13 I . . 21 2<)2iri(i 13 00 21 52 27 112 21117 K :*) 25 .S7 IS 402I1IS in im lo !i:i .... 10 !I0 21(!'.l 12 25 20 31 2170 5 16 27 411 IS 10 2171 12 00 IS 2(1 17 50 2172 11 05 20 mi 20 44 2173 9 05 20 11 27 112 2174 7 7o;)o 113 25 rm 2175 S 10 28 7Si 112 2(12176 11 85 13 .57 !l!l 81 2177 y 15 29 a;: ....... 217^ 25 25 15 751 1 8 20;;H 19 8-11 (i-«;io 12 ;24 20 2170 H 75 7 43' 10 06 9 (16 24 9(1 9 12 7 9i 2 3 '15 !d2180 iO 40 HTiO: 4(11 9 9(121 28 tII!S!S!S535SS^SS!^^ST?'S^^ llr-i^iiAlM'n. 90 l)K.>C'UI ni<»N «>K 8TANI»AHI> HAMPI.KS OF Miiiiii(!Mt"r«'r. Il\ nli'iiii S"'«"'"'> '.'I'K'ii'ii"- I.til.'r"r.iiit-i.lun( ■'|.s;t r. iKiil.. h. Hill" I <■" lli,tt»l.., N.V. |!»|ili.itc, Milpliittf of mil iiiunia, nitrulf <>1 i mmI». 'iiiiriBti' or ] »iiliilmt«- iif |»>t- luli.Hiilpliiiiciu'iil AiiiiiK'niurrKiiiitni mill nmtUT.taiik ii)fi' mill tiloiKl plinxplioric aciil fiiiiii |ili.».|ili;it<- riK,k, acidiilalwl aiiil from tine ttroiinil Ihiii" unii till- )>>tiu
  • ■.' l.lralWh.'Utan.l <:..rn ■-•1«7 ^►iVcl.i-v mill l'utiit..'.'lSH "I S|«Tial. Mar ;t Itiiil" Sii|«rplitw -MH!' ,.h;,t.. TIliMlUl- N.I'.. Kii.l, Si., :( Slai; . . i f, StiHklai.lic- S|.iial (•..rii|.!.l ■ M:iilill'' t..r I'"-.-- and ' \-,..'rtai.|.'^. •r.Kt H.i»k.r ll.i>t.>li NovaSaiiiaKi-rtiliior'' Halifax. I'.rtiiiz.r Cc, Manuf;utiirh»tic«raiii, Um«' plioH(inat^'s. :lriwl blooil meat or fi»h, milphatii of ammonia or nitratre da, s.ill.liate of pot- anli or iniiriat'ij of of |iot»«li and mil' pliiirii' ftcid. ?»y.. fcV 31 FERTILIZERS REOISTERED FOR THE YEAH IU08. Rui'I.Tlt»r AMAI.T»I». Nitn««'n. I'hh(iric Aciil. r-'^ p. r. p. c. p. c. iiii«r»nt<'«l i«nti'iit« 1 ti'i — - *' < 'iintxnU M foiinii I '"* < luftrantetni c*nitrnU < V»i)t4>nU ftM finintl. I ;ii»r«nt«-Ml ciHitrntBi (', .ntenu m (oiiiid. . I ;ii»rantMHl content" * '< int«'nt8 aa found I iimrHnt<^l c<>nt»'nt« < unt'-nta aa found I iiiarantewl content! I ''intent" «» (ounil. .| ' iuaraiitrml t'ntH I ' iiitcTita aa fo\ind I .u:ii»nteed contt-ntx < '>>iiti-ntM a" found. . ' • i.tranteed content* I uttnta M found ''K*rant«ed content" ■TitfT.ts as fnund .! . laranteed contents' ' 'iitentit ae found . . 'Uaranteed contenta ■' ^nt*-ntj* aa found . . ' luranteed oontenta Mtents aa found 7 42 7 2.'! 40 H2 '.» «2 1 111 16.'. 1 6» 1 Rit I 72 tiit 3 29 3 11 2-471 9 79 2 47i 2 tie 1 ti6: ItWl 1 65; 1 74i 2-3 |. 2 tM K :M. I i iS I i 1 1 1 Mi p. c. 2-81 1 30 il IW . . . . H 81 1 62i 8 7» 11 UO 2M 2 an 4 «0| i; 1 19! 1 1-22 21 20h; 21 2 U!t| J 0-83 1006 ti'iVi 5 37 '4-62 3 37 1-17; 4-20 93r 4 »: . ...i .. .. . 0-80 . 30 'i'M! J 7B ....1 L 1 40, 3 66; I 3-20; 4-3S '.'.'. l"6'37' 5 S7 3' S 30' a 3 11 2 2 04 2 2 11 1 8H! 1 2.') 4 67 2 Of. 4 92 3 13 6 121 2 si 2 021 8'36j '2''77 6 92! 2 861 8'37 9-12 10 02 \K e. i It c. p. c. • c. 7_!»1 4-6 17 9112181 H Wi 4 H2 9 7021 42 isr. .... 10751 8 40 . ...I 14 16 70 12 18 ! 10 16 42; U 22 ..' 9 li 8ft| 7-M I 8 y 861 0-S8 ' 9 ior.r' 6 92 8 6 9... 2183 12 W33 31 n 40 2183 8 20 in 94 g 19 (»(2184 811! 61024 m 2 . . . 14 .'.a 21H.'. 2 74 12 2.M6 13 6 ,16 59 2186 6 18 14 4018 S8i 51 . . . 20 61 2187 4 841 10 45 19 8f. lOJ . . . 24 41 9 67 6 l»2i 10 811 13 '■0 24 84 "j'ilS 17 60 7 8-60 6 571 16, 12 23 6 7 2.''. 3188 2189 16 KilO (« 17 ti02190 15 06l 28 09 2191 lOj. 9 tW 7 45 29 15 7 6 8-75 673 If; 10 40 SK> 9 8 11 70 8-93 9 8 11 15 I 878 10 25 30 219r 10 13i 6 5627 85| ' i' 5! .WSl' 4 821 13 80,23 88i 2! . , ilB 71;21!. 2 10 2 2 43 9 60 19 08{ ... 1 11 301 16 71!: 19 Sl{ .2" "i '7^':^^ff^''^m^^~V&yS^7!F.jtmSSS^^L '* 9i-^^^''^ DESCHIPTION OF STAKDARD SAMPLES OF I)i/-ii;niiti"ii. .M;mufactun'r. by wliuni Si'iit. I I I I l!t"7. M.ircli .-■ n..«k.r- S ., .1 a r r -Jl!"; li..wker F,-rtili/.r Co./iMa.u.factur.Ts , liiiitiil Hiiiii' :iud Bcwtuii. ' i Putx.h. .j I'H.wk.r's K:iriii :iim1 -.'lli:: (Jiinli-iiI'liD^iiliatf. r, .Sur.' Cri)p21»H' I'licsphaf. ; ,-, ll..wk,T» l"ut:»sli21Uit Hon.- l'h^l^|lhatl'. n lldwk.T's t; 1' .. 2200 tiitiic VV-rtiliziT. 1 .-, HuwktT's 10 . Ma 2201 nurt'. I 5 liiiwk.T'»Siii»Tiih..>-22inl. pliatr Willi I'uta~h. -ili.iwkerV I'l-.'sli-^Jifl tin limit Itiiiie. .Mi..ivker's Nitrate of 2204 Si da. .-. linwk.-iV Mliriat.i iif 220."i I'litavli. :. l(..wk.r's I)i>solv«1220- 2:'ii!» Provincial Cliiiiiical F. r- ; tiliz.T Co.. St. John, X.B. OCoiiipM.' Ar>..»t.K.k'.>210 Potato. j •ilioi,.-, liloodaiur.'ot-2211 " " .■ ■ a-li. i I i>ne-lilaik, phospliateKiia'io. UiiifphoKphativ, 1 dried IiKkkI meat I or tis-li. Hiilphate (tf aniiiioiiia or nitrate of suila, Slllpliate of |)Ot- ' ash or muriate of , iHjtiW'h aii'l -111- phiiric acid. Kle-h and blood. . Ptone- .Xiiinial ni a 1 1 e r. mineral phos- phates and imt- a»h. all treatwi- with sulphuric acid. 23 FERTILIZERS RESGISTEREO FOR THE YEAR 1908. llE.ltLTS (It- ASAl.V.-'l!*. Nitrogen. Plioxi'li'irii' .Vi-id. -;'r fe.'r w - fc; 1.' ^3 .2 Ji 15.5 "3- = .5 * 3 3 -3 i a.* 3 1 H H •/. 5 1 I..C. |.. c. p. C. p. c. p. c. p. c. 1 ^ -i li : "! I •7. i~ • « p. c. p. <■■■ p c. so. (iuarantetKl contents 16.} CVmtt'nt: 2i. . lU 61121% «e(i conieni!« i "•' - ..• , A,, „v,-' in «- « n'> s a.- fo.inrl . . 1 1 (M 2 01, liSO 1 t<2 2*, 10 t*, « 0. 2-5S 7S.t1.H44 (Iniirantei'd contents (.'. 'ntcnt^ as fuimd . . c liiarantcwl contents Ci intents as founil . . I < 1 iianinteed omtentsj Contents as found . .| I iwaranteed contents' ('. ■nt4'nts as found . (Hiuranteed contents Cnntents as found . .j I MiaranteiHl contents! . ContMits as found . .1 (iuaranti-ed contents! Contents as foxind . . i * iuaranteei^nati.v)7 .. Davison Hill, l>n»low •JOLw-ils Tlmnuu. Ph.^- -•27 ^ ^^ phatf Fluiir. 2.') (iruund Bont* . Ajiril ti I?one Meal 7 Dried TankaKe. 222".i ,Stat & Ker llillin(r Co., Vancouver, 223U Canadian P.acking Co., Tliemselve Ijondon, <)nt. I '.I Fertilizer !2231 .Tcweph OMara, PalmerjHimself . . j 1 stjn. Ont. ! IX Fertilize r '.W. . l22;«lviecoria Chemical Co.,, Themselve 1 I Ltd., Victoria, B.C. l«F.rtilizer'B- 22331 1*<: Fertilizer 'C 2234i ISiFertilizer M)' 2235, IKSujierphuHiiliate of'22:W, Lime. 18, Nitrate of Soda 223"' 18 Sulphate of l"<.ta»h, 22:18 18 Muriate of l'ota»h,. 223(1 Waste general of l»ckinK house. Blood, offal and tankage of hogs. Nitrate of soda, muriate of pit- ash and BU|per 11 h o 8 p h a te of lime. ; Muriate of potash I and BUiierphos- I phate of lime. .■Nitrato of soda, ! muriate of potash I and suiierphos- I phate of lime. . Spent lione, char- I and sulphuric 1 acid. Innmrted from Chili 'lmix)rte s i S ^ ■* 1 .0 '1 s 1- i p. c. ! p. c. p. c. J c. 17 3 45 i i2 is 35 14 00 ie'eo >: . . I .... I 9 13 2 00 ... 7 93; "i -95 0'62 None.] 1 30 I'i? i 35 roo 'fc'OOl 056 0-98 54 4 05 42 6 37 1 52 I 15; 14 25 4 6'50 8'. 9 70i 5 '50 '8'60 .1. ■|' 'i' 4 6 40 X90 10-14 14 80 12 63 I 9-lli .... 11 12 «-7j. 9 621 7-9;. 9 12 .17 51 . 81 60 j 69 36 12: '.. 12'(l6i 9 45 32 62 4 1.. 4 11: 10 2021 V.\ .W— 55 50 55 55 28! 155 55 28 48-50 48 50 49-56! 100 49.56 4|.... j 4 061 6 90|16 95 8 75 15 46 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2221 20 33 9 82 '8'45 '7-77 13 36 11 17 14 00 5-0 6 27^ 10 15 2-3 2224 32 44 .... 2225 2 89 5 40,22 45 3-4 2226 3 70 6 20 22.46 ....' 2227 ' .K 16 79 5 27 212228 67 6 1533 57 2200 19 66 26'25 16 50 110 '8'22 6 7."> 7.3f) 11-26 10 04 10 00 10 Oi 9'8: 9 00 8 50 12 6 12 55 10 9 50 16 00 20 75 9 25 8 05 '9 '87 8 08 12 i8 '7'98 ig'eo 0'35! 59^ 70 8 26 12 10 11 00 14 06 11 00 12-16 11 00 11 78 50 00 47 96 !50 00 4804 12 60 31 35 •28 23 3254 36' 65 32 43; 12 36 75 26 79 28 80 23 46 64 40 43 52 50 00 47 96 60 00 48 04 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 223fi 2237 2238 2239 fm^i^ i:v^*m*^^ j';..i2;^^ 26 DESCRIPTION OF STAN'DARD SAMPLES OF Dt'ti^natioii. Maiiutacturer. r.v whuin St'iit. Frnm what Miit«Ti»l!i IVii 1!MI7 May 1 Hiiini-itt-ad, A Him- ■.'•.•40 Mii.-liii;an (/arljim Works Tliiiiisi-lv».» DiswilveH Ixmi-, r.lack K.rtili/.Hi. ■ D-'trmt. 1. 1 a i k miniTal iin(w]>liates Mi!p- \ ! Iiateof aliinionia, i i I aci'inlat<'(i taiik- aj^H, Htilpliatt* ■.> H .. .. M Annual ••■) I'niver-al Firtili/er 2"J4.'> t lutario Seed Co.. Water- Mamifaeturers Siilphate of iK)ta»h l.«.. (Int. •'5 Fnirrai- rhiiiiiciue. , . 224tl F. Cauai- Mariiuis '^»'- "r. Fiset (Jrepii Umes anil liec. i •\vsi.(\ animals. :in Heme Meal Hii' I'ortlanil S -eil Co., Port- J. R. Rennie, Vanomver lanil, (»reK..n. U C. 30 li.pne .Meal ■-••24S ., •■ M. .T. Ilmry, VaiiLomer ."iCeiieral 1!1.«k1. Iloni' 224!t Mieliigan CarlH.n \V..rk<, .\m. .Viranialated Chein. UIkhI, Wmv anil ami I'otiwii Ferti- Detroit. Co , liuffalo, N . Y. tankage mineral \^yt■T. ' phosjiliatefi ami Itotanh. 5 IW-st Vutatoaml liar- -'iVi .. .. •■ ■• Hen lllooil and 'I'ankiige Fertilizer ■^^.'^^m^k^. •27 FEHTILTZERS REGISTERED FOR THE YEAH 1908. I!k«ii,ts ok AxAivwm. Nitrogin. IMiusplitiric At- z 3 p. V. I luaraiUffd contents < ■iiiitentN 11^ fuuiid. uarnntt'cd contents 'intents as foiniH. , . ^■t>\. 2 IHil IniiranteetJ 'ontenta afl -iiariinteetl 'i intents as iimranteed '■intents as oiaranteKl ■'intents as lUiuanteed ■'■ntents as '!i;trantee(i ".itents as ■ i;aranteej. -4 IL'S 3 1.^1 '■vu\ 3 «2:, 3 58 3 (•)■-> 2 96 1 ra 2 31 20s 2 I'lT 148 — ll> 75 14 50 4-.-, fi^7 L'-3 121 3 1)4 8 17 oX, 11."' 3X1 — j i3'io"s'wV '4-'35None. i7-00 s'ool ' I 3-59 None, io'66; "5 50 200 (i-7 2-3; 1-2; 2 HI 7 (12 l'6«i 1 M 2 50 r> 7 2-,5S 5 87 2—3 1—2! 3 12 2 Oli eT s. <. - -= o p. c. p. c. j p. c. : p. c. .S c. : . ,..: 8001 1 50 .. :18 H0:224O 10 .■ .'<-23 21(i 15'2r>21 oO: 10 50 ii i.-i 10 37 '3i'2:i 9-11 11 00 .'<-23 8(10 8 70 9(10 8 40 8 7 7" 2.") (Ml 1(> 75 8 -in » ,85 2 00 3 16 3 00 3 Oi 7—8 5 lU 21 (K) .13 lOj 20-40 1 22 00 17 (Xii 20 40 21 50 1(1 (10 9 11 8— Id 10— 11 10 00 8 70 9 92 9-11 8-10 ti— 7 , 11 (Ki 8 99 7 3(J ... 14 '.I9 2.'41 14 00 22 98 ... 17 00 2242 10 3.5 18 47 . 15 20 2213 13 15 15 07 .... 32 :M) 2244 1 ."i0 2(: i\x 27 811 2245 s 00 2(1 li."i 2:w 15 80-27 00; 12247 6 25 31 »;, 12248 0-25 28 72 25 31 2249 9 75 28 44 I i -22 7(1 2250 :!0 25 (12 I