t %tl^ril last, the )o,-einment of Canada had, lor a mimbir of veiii>. |»'rniilti 1 Anoiii-m \■e^>e!■; to navi^'ale freely that portion of the Ueil Uivor within "aiiudian territoiy, and to la'n! merchandise de-tincd tor any ("in inCunaila on the rivci, and hnd firmed the iii.>t oxpectalioti thiit ^iir.il.i! pnvilo^Of would hi allowed hy the liovcrnment of the Un tcil Slates to (.'anadlan vt»:-els on, that portion .it the ri\e! Iyii\^ within ttie territory of that country. The ivcippKily de.sire American vessels on the part of C.uiada. that the p.'ttch lo Sir Ivlwaixl Thornton, aliovn relerred to, eomplaius of this treatment, ami conti'ast,s it with the privilege said to lie graiittHi lo Canadian vombIh .laviu'aling that jHHtion of tl.e liver lying within the I'nited Slates by Section .1102 of I III' Revisisl Statutes of that eoiinlry. and urges also thai the onler to the Canadian Custom House oflBcers is liable to come n iiiect conflict with the stipulations of '• the Hecond clause of Article XXX. >>l ilie rrcHty of Washington, concluded May '■ Hlh 1>'71, whiidi perinil- eiti/.ens (It the United Stales to lairy in nnilod Statew ' vessels, without pavmont of duty, giuxls, wares, or inerihaiiilisi^ trom one |H)rl or '• place within the possessions of llcr Miitannic Majesty in North America to another " |Hirt or place within the said possessions I'rovideil, that a portion of such trans- " |Hiitalion is made through (he l.'|.riliiiy of the Ignited States liy land carriage aud " in Ixind, under such rules and rcgnl.'itioiis as may Ih> agreed upon livtwoeii the "tiovernmpnt of the lliiittnl Stales and the Uovornment of Her Britannic Majesty" Willi refeivnce to the last of tliose reas liie ])rivilfj,'n.« >;ili| ii ',„; c .nfon-oii on < 'imuiliun ve-st^U by the hoctioii ol'lhn lii-vi-oil StatuloH r<'!'''yrBri lo, tho umicrsigruvj is contiilent that it will he liaiTKxl Willi sMli>t:iiMion by yoiir Kxi-.-lleiicy- ll,)vcniim>nl that tho se~cil in 18»i4, ami that the cases rel'erreiwar.i Thornton of the 8r.| of Soplirnber, 1S75, to Mi'. Hunter, of refusals on the part of the L'nitcil Slat.,- (o allow C'anaiiian vessels to ascend the lieii River, oceurrfri after that Act became law. Hut, whether it be that Section 3102 of the Revised Statutes was overlookod when this subject was formerly under con- sideration, or that a different interprelHtion i.s now placed u|X)n it, the underMgned is persiiailod that Your Exrcllcncy's Government will j;lailly cooperatein emieavoringto !;ive i-ffect to the lilx>ral vicw,^ now held by the e olttcor, iho (J.ivorr.mont .>f the United Slate- -I'anlinj,' similar pi-ivilc..'e~ to Canadian ves^ci^ in Ihat portion .if the river lyin;^- within tho territory of tho United States. All which is respctfully submitted. A. CAMPliKLL. P«IVY CoiNfll,, Ottawa, Nov. nth. 187!t. P 4 s. s> s ^ ^ ^ cn HI n o w or