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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour §tre reproduites en un seul clich6 sont film6es d partir de Tangle sup^rieure gauche, de gauche d droite et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Le diagramme suivant illustre la m^thode : 1 2 3 4 5 6 '^i^mrmm'wmmm ^1 r ^ CONSTITUTION . . OF THE Canadian electrical Association ^ ADOPTED September i8th, 1895 < \ ^ss. ' \ /^ '4 r4 /' CONSTITUTION r y^ / %i>i^ OF THE Canadian Electrical Association ADOPTED SEPTEMBER i8tii, 1895 1897: Canadian Electrical News Press, Toronto, I TKl •i# r iMimPi MMiP • # Article I. Name. — This org^anization shall be known as the Canadian Electrical Association. Article II. Object. — The object of this Association shall be to advance the science of electricity and to promote the interests of those en- g-ag^ed in any electrical enterprise and for discussion and inter- change of opinions among its members. Article III. Membership. — The Association shall consist of active, associate and honorary members. The term Active Members includes all members actually engaged in electrical business. The term Associate includes those interested or actively engaged in any electrical pursuit, and they sh" t entitled to attend all meetings of the Association, except those fthe Executive, and take part in all discussions, but shall not \ ntitled to vote or be eligible for office. Honorary members shr.ll be elected by a two-thirds vote of the Active members present. Article IV. Officers. — The officers shall consist of a President, ist and 2nd Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer, and an Executive Committee, consisting of ten members, five of whom shall act on the Committee for two consecutive years. The President and Vice-Presidents sliall be ex-officio inembeis of the Committee. Five shall form a quorum. The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one person. Article V. Fees. — The annual fee shall be for active members $3.00, asso- ciate members $2.00, payable in advance. Article VI. Election of Officers. — All officers shall be elected by ballot at a general meeting of the Association. The ballot shall be taken in the following manner : — The Secretary shall read the list MHMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillii Hii of active members alphabetically, and each member shall deposit with the Secretary a slip of paper on which he has recorded his vote, the Secretary checking off his name on the list of voters. Two scrutineers named by the Chairman shall assist the Secretary h\ counting the votes, and the Chairman shall declare elected the person receiving- the majority of the votes cast. In case no one candidate receives such majority on first ballot, another ballot is to be taken, and so on until a clear majority is given in favor of some one candidate. Officers shall hold office until the close of the session, at which their successors are elected, such successors to be elected on the second day of the first annual session after the expiry often months from day of previous election. Article VII. Election of Executive Committee. — Members of the Execu- tive Committee shall be elected by ballot in the following manner, the vote being taken immediately after the election of officers : — Ballot papers contaming the names of the ten members of the Ex- ecutive Committee, five of whom must be re-elected, shall be given the members. The Secretary shall read a list of those en- titled to vote, and members, having first marked a cross opposite the names of the five persons selected for re-election, shall deposit the ballots vvith the Secretary, who, assisted by the two scrutineers named by the Chairman, shall count the vote, and the Chairman shall declare elected the five persons receiving the greatest num- ber of votes. Members shall then proceed to elect the five other members of the Executive, the election being by ballot and the Secretary reading the names as before. Each active member of the Association shall have the right to vote for an active member of the Association, including the retiring members of the Execu- tive, and the vote being counted in the usual way, the Chairman shall declare elected the five persons receiving the greatest num- ber of votes. Article VIII. Place of Meeting. — Place of next meeting shall be decided by ballot, taken in same manner as laid down for election of officers. Article IX. Vacancies in Office. — Vacancies in office, caused by death or resignation, shall be filled by the Executive Committee to cover .7 mmsmm. wmrMirinMi the term until the next general meeting of {he Association, at which the officers are elected. Article X. Notice of Motion.- Permission to introduce any notice of amendment or amendments to this Constitution must be granted by a majority of two-thirds of the active members present. Per- mission being granted, notice may be given and the proposed amendment moved at any subsequent sitting. After discussion the amendment must be submitted to a Committee of five, named by the Chairman. The report of said Committee cannot be consid- ered on the same day on which it is introduced. A two-thirds vote of all active members present shall be necessary for its adop- tion. Article XI. Notice of substantive motions is required, and no motion shall be discussed at the sitting at which the notice has been given, but this rule does not apply to merely formal motions, such as motions to adjourn. All reports of standing Committees are to be dis- cussed at a sitting subsequent to the one at which such reports have been received. This rule may be suspended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Article XII. All motions must be duly proposed and seconded, and shall, ex- cept those of a purely routine character, be In writing. Article XIII. No member shall speak more than once, or at a greater length than five minutes, upon any question until all others have had an opportunity of doing so, nor more than twice on any one question without permission of the Chairman, or a majority of the members entitled to vote. The mover of a substantive motion has the addi- tional right to reply. Article XIV. Questions may be re-considered upon a motion to re-consider being made by a person who voted with the majority, provided such motion is carried unanimously. No discussion of the said mmimt mmmmmimMmmim question is allowed until the motion for re-consideration has been carried. Article XV. Voting. — Every active member present must vote, but any per- son entering the room after the question has biuMi i>ut by the Chair- man may not vote. The Chairman shall not vote except in the case ot a lie. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed. Article XVI. Except where vote is by ballot the Chairman will lake the sense of the meeting by voice, or by asking members to stand, but on call of five members the Secretary shall read the list of persons entitled to vote, and record the yeas and nays. Article XVII. An appeal may be taken without debate against the ruling of the chair, a vote of two-thirds being required to reverse the decision. Article XVIII. • The President shall nominate a Committee of three to strike the Standing Committees for the following year and define their re- spective duties the report of the Committee being considered at a subsequent sitting to its introduction. The number of Standing Conunittees must be decided by the Association. Article XIX. The first person named on any Conunittee shall act as Chairman until Committee is called together, when they will elect tlieir own Chairman, but the President, in his absence the ist or 2nd Vice- President, shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee. In the event of the absence of ex-officio members, the Executive Com- mittee shall proceed to elect a Chairman pro tem. The general order of business at all sessions shall be as follows : Reading Minutes of last meeting. Report of Secretary-Treasurer. Report of Standing Committees. Election of Standing Committees for following year. Selection of place of next meeting. Approximate date of next meeting. . Election of Officers and Executive Committee. 1 Time being allowed for g-eneral business and social aftairs, at the discretion of Executive Committee or Chairman of meetinjj. Se- lection of next place of meeting and election of OflRcers and Ex- ecutive Committee must be on second day of meeting. Order of business may be altered only by unanimous vote of members present. Article XX. Ten active members of the Association shall be a quorum for business. Article XXI. Todd's Parliamentary I'ractice shall be the governing law of the Association in all cases not provided for in its own rules. Article XXII. Duties of the President. — It shall be the duty of the Presi- dent to preside at all meetings of the Association and to call meet- ings of the Executive Committee, and when requested by the Ex- ecutive Committee, to call a special meeting of the Association. Article XXIII. Duties of the Vice-Presidents. — The ist, or in his absence, the 2nd Vice-President, shall act in the absence of the President. Article XXIV. Duties of the Secretary. — The duties of the Secretary shall be to attend all meetings, take record of all proceedings, and per- form such other duties as the Executive Committee shall direct. Article XXV. Duties of the Treasurer. — The duties of the Treasurer shall be to keep a correct account of all receipts and disbursements in connection with the Association. All checks for disbursements shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Presi- dent, after being approved by the Executive Committee. Article XXVI. The Duties of the Executive Committee. — The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the Association, shall manage its affairs, pass upon all applications for membership, _^^g_g_|g__^ _ > >4i!^iSi^t-wi;«*rft!?»Wflauviat*s-*,^_.3!!.vstT. '«^yr. ■:*-.■-.')* -!-'«'.■■ iHliiiii