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Tous laa autras axamplairaa originaux aont filmte an comman9ant par la pramlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta dimprassion ou d'illustration at an tarminant par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una talia amprainta. Un daa symboias suhranta apparattra sur la darnlAra imaga da chaqua mieroficha, salon la caa: la symbols —m^ signifia "A SUIVRE", la aymbola ▼ aignifia "FIN". Laa cartaa, planchas, tablaaux, ate, pauvant Atra filmia A daa taux da rMuction diff Arants. Lorsqua la document ast trap grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul clich4, 11 ast filmi A partir da I'angia aupMaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'imagas nAcassaire. Laa diagrammaa suivants illuatrant la mAthoiJa. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 W'if ■M ^ f W '*: M-:'- *n. INCOBPORATED CHUKCH SOCIETY .** OF THK Wioctst oi Toronto. Report for the year ending 31st Hareb) 1851. TORONTO: PRINTED AT THB D100BSAN PRESS. MB THB OHURCH 8001 BfX OP TBB PIOCBSB OP TOBOMTO. *■ lOU. '.i|IDOO< ■»*• Ur'.J '^^^aiHiyii ^f.^ijt- . ■ I'M ^«*« '■J lUOkN CHpCH OF CANAI ,%;. M- ^- THE NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OK THE INCORPORATED CHUECH SOCIETY OK THE Wxoctst of Toronto, FOR THE YEAR ENDING ON 31st MARCH, 1851. I'.STAT3LTSHED 28Tn APRIL, 1842. INCOKPORATED BY ACT OF PARLTAMEKT, 7 Victoria., Cap. 58, TORONTO: PRINTED AT THE DIOCKSAN PRESS. FOB THE CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF TOHONTO. MDCCCLI. -■* The Depository and Office of Tl.e Churvn "^ocl'Aj of the "DIocoso of Toronto, i? at No. 5, King Street West, Toronto. Benefactions from any persons, whctiier Members or not, towards the Society's general objects, or to any particular branch of tliem, and all jwyinents on the Society's account, will he received by remittance, or by payment at the Society's Office, or hy the Secretary or Treasurer of any of the District Branches. It is requested that the Annual Accounts of District Branches, and a List of all Members in their respective Districts, may be transmitted by or before the last day in February in each year. A General Meeting of the Incorporated Members is held at three o'clock, p.m., on the first Wednesday in every month, except during Lent, arnl then upon the Thursday following. The Stated Montldy Meetings of the Standing Committee are held at three o'clock. P.M., on the last Wednesday in each month, except during Leni, and then upon the Thursday following. Forms of Conveyance for securing the title of Lands to Tiie Bishop, The Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, or the Incumbent or Rector of any particidar living, may be obtained at the Society's House. ^fc Ill I OFFICERS or dlje (aijttrcl) 0ocictM of tl)e Wmm of Toronto. J^^-\^v\^-^ v/VVvN-'V '^■■^y^-^^^^'T*'^^ • \» ,^S««»"^ •A,S*6 IITS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. THE VENERABLE SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. THE VENERABLE .SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. THE HON. AND RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF THE DIOCESE. l!liff-|>if»il»Cttt6 : THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON OF KINGSTON. THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON OF YORK. THE HONOURABLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE. " MR. CHIEF JUSTICE MAC AULA Y. MR. VICE-CHANCELLOR JAMESON. MR. VICE-CHANCELLOR ESTEN. MR. VICE-CHANCELLOR SPRAGGE. MR. JUSTICE DRAPER. P. B. DE BLAQUIERE. JOHN MACAULAY. JAMES GORDON. COLONEL WELLS. Z. BURNHAM. JAMES KERBY. WILLIAM ALLAN. 1 rl' li li %< iV OFFICERS OF THE SOCIEir. [VICK-PRESIDKNTS — CONTINUKD.] THE HONOURABLE GKOlUiE CJIOOKSHANK. •• " liOUr.UT C. VVILKIXS. ♦♦ " I'HILH' VANKOLGNNKT. M « HEiNUV .SHHIIWOOD, M.IM'. » " G. H. JiOULTON. " '• J. 11H.YAKD CAMERON, M.P.P. SIR ALLAN N. AfACNAB, M.P.P. THE REV. JOHN iM(CAlJL, LL. D. THE REV. JA.MJIS IJEAVEN, D. D. JOHN B. ASKIN, Ksq. THOMAS iMEKCEll JONES, Esq. tiUV C. WOOD, KsQ. FREDERICK VVIDDER, Esci. MR. SHERIFF JAUVIS. MR. SHFRH^F liUT'l'AN. ALEXANDER IIFRNSIDE, Esq. JUSTUS S. .MERWIN, Esq. JOHN ARNOLD, Esq, THE CHAHLMEN OF THE DISTRICT ASSOCL\TIONS. The Rkv. H. J. G'RASETT, M. A. ■' " H. SCADDING, M. A. " " THOMAS CREEN. •' " A. F. ATKINSON. " " J. G. GEDDES, B. A. '' " D. E. BLAKE, A. B. " " T. S. KENNEDY. •' " ALEXANDER SANSON. ■' " R. J. MACbEORGE. " " W. S. DARLING. (CoinmiUce : TiiK Rkv. H. C. COOFER, B.A. CLARKE GAAH5LE, Esq. L. 0'BR11:N, Esq. F. W. BARRON. Esq.. M. A. ALEXANDER DLXON, Esq. WHJJAM ATKL\SON. E.jq. ROBERT STANTON, Esq. WiLLLVM FROUDFOOT, Esq. JAMES G. CHJ:\VETT, Esq. ^ ^ jTrtttlJ (Cummiltic : i'HE HON. J. H. CAMERON, M.P. P. | JAMES G. CHEWETT, Esq. OGDEN CREIGHTON, Esq. (^ubtturo : WILLIA.M PROUDFOOT, Esq. | LEWIS MOFFATT, Esq. 'Srcaeurf r : THOMAS W. BIRCHALL, Esq. THE REV. J. G. D. McKENZIE, B. A. ,^ssi»tant Svcrctart): THOMAS CHAMPION, Esq. # CONSTITUTION • ■ (!Il)c Cljurci) Society) of ti)e IHioccee of Toronto, INCOnPORATED BY THE STATUTE OF CANADA, 7 VICTORIA, Cap. C8, FOR PROMOTINO THE FOLI.nWINa OnjECTi: First — For the pncouragcment and support of Missionaries and Clergymen of the United Church of liiighmd and Ireland williin the Diocese of Toronto, and for creating a fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of poor Clergymen, and towards making provision for those who may be incapaci- tated by age or infirmity, and for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy of the said Church, in the said Diocese. Secondly — For the encouragement of Education, and for the support of Day- schools and Sunday-schools in the said Diocese, in conformity with the prin- ciples of the said Church. Thirdlt — For granting assistance, where it may be necessary, to thoie who may be preparing for the Ministry of the Gospel in the said Church, within the said Diocese. Fourthly — For circulating in the said Diocese the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer of the said Church, and such other Books and Tracts as sliall be approved by the Central Board or Managing Committee of the said Ass ciation. Fifthly — For obtaining and granting aid towards the erection, endowment and maintenance of Churclies, according to the establishment of the said Church, in the said Diocese; the erection and maintenance of Parsonage-houses; the setting apart of Burial-grounds and Church-yards; the endowment and support of Parsonages and Rectories, according to the same establishmeot, and the management of ail matters relating to such endowments. I. That before the Society shall enter upon business at any of its meetings, the following Prayers be said : — Prevent us, Lord, in all our doinais, with Thy most gracious favour, and fur- ther us with Thy continual help ; that in all our works bej^m, continued and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally by Thy mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Jtmen. O God, from Whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all works of piety and charity do proceed, we beseech Thee to visit with Thy favour our Sovereign 0ueen Victoria, and so rule her heart, that she may in all things seek Thy honour and glory. '!< vi CONSTITUTION. l'ro«rer with Thy Messing the designs of this Society. Comfort with Thy grace thoso benefactors who contribute to its snpjmrt. Bless tlie ministry of Thy servants the Clergy ; the emieavoiirs of ull wlio are enRanetl in spreailiiiK the knowieJije of true reiiKion in this Province, and the labours of those Minsionarie8, who are promoting the ^arne in fort-ign parts. And may Thy Holy Snirit direct all our consultations to tho jiilvancerncnt of Thy glory, and the good of Thy Church, through Jesus Christ om' lMti\. ^men. O Mf.ncirui. Cion, whohtist made all men, and hatest nothing that Tliou hast made, iinr wouldcst the death of a sinner, but lathcr tlint he should be conviTled and live : have mercy u|)on all Jt'ws, Turks, Inlidcl.H, and llcrctics, and also upon all thoso Hea- then Nations on whom the light of Thy glorious (iospcl hath not yet shone : especially the Indians of this Continent. Bless the means usi-d for their civilization and conver- sion, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy Word: and so fetch tliein home, blessed Lord, to Thy Flock, that they may b»! saved among tlie remnant of the truo Isnielites, and be matle one li)ld untler one Shepherd, .'esus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one (.iod, world without end. Amen. Our Fatiikr, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingilom come. Thy will be done in earth. As it is in Heaven. Give us this tJny our daily bread. And forgive us our trespusis* s, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us (Vom evil ; For Thine is the Kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. AND WUKN BU8INKSS IS ENDED! Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we Thine unworthy servants, do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving-kindness to us and to all men: more particularly, for tho providential support by which this Society hath been enabled to spread abroad the knowledge of Thy sacred truth. But above all, lor Thine inestimable love in the re<leniplion of the world, by Thy blessed Son, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory, which Thou hast given us in the same our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; to Whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honor and glory, world without end." .fimcn. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God ; and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. jUmen. II. That all those who now are, or who shall hereafter become Members of the Association, and who shall subscribe Ten Shillings annually to the Funds of the Society, or contribute as much as Five Pounds in one sum, shall be associated Members of the Society, and shall be eligible to be Members of the Corporation. III. That every Incorporated Member subscribe not less than One Pound Five Shillings annually to the funds of the Society, or contribute not less than Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings in one sum, or lands to the value of Twenty-five Pounds; and that the Standing Committee be empowered, with the sanction of the President, to recommend persons, whether associated member -^ or not, to be elected into the Corporation as Life Members, who shall have contributed through any of the Parochial Associations in connexion with the Society, in money, the sum of Twenty Pounds, or in land to the value of Thirty Pounds, for any of the follow- iug special purposes : To be invested or held in tru3t for the endowment of a Church, Rectory or Living within the Diocese ; tu be invested or held in trust for the Widows and Orphans' Fund ; or to be invested or held in trust for the endowment of a Church- School, or, to be applied to the building of a Church, the building or purchase of a Parsonage House, or the building of a Church-School. CONSTITUTION. IV. vu That the Corporation ahall coniiit of the DUhop of Turonto for tie time ■ being, of thtt Member! appointed by the Charter, and of lo many of the other Aiiociated Members of the Society ai ihall be elected by ballot members of tho Corporation, at the meetings to be from time to time holden on the days and at the pUce appointed by the By-laws of the Corporatiun for its stated meetings. Provided always that the whole number of members of the said Corporation, in addition to those who are made members by the Statute, shall at no time exceed three hundred, and that tho whole number of members of the Corporation shall never be less than one hundred. V. That the Standing Committee of the Society, to be appointed as provided in one of the following Uy-laws, be empowered with the sanction of the President, to recommend persons, whether Associated Members or not, to be elected into the Corporation, without reference to the limitation of numbers. VI. That the Lord Bishop of Toronto, for the time being, shall be President of the Society, and the Venerable the Archdeacons within the Diocese shall bo Vice-Presidents. VII. That the Society shall, at their Meeting on the first Wednesday in June iu each year, choose one or more Vice-President or Vice-Presidents, in addition to the Archdeacons ; one or more Treasurer or Treasurers ; two or more Auditors : one Secretary and one Assistant Secretary ; and such other oflicers, ministers, and servants, aa shall be thought convenient, to serve in the said ofiiuea for the year ensuing. VIII. That the Standing Committee shall propose to the Board at the General Meeting in July, a list c( seven Members of the Society, to form the Tract and Book Committee for the year ensuing ; that at that Meeting any Member be at liberty to propose another list of seven Members of the Society, instead of that proposed by the Standing Committee ; and that the election of the Tract and Book Committee take place at the General Meeting in August. IX. That if it shall happen that any of the persons at any time chosen into any of the said offices shall die, or on any account be removed from such office at any time during the period for which he was elected or appointed to serve, iu such case the President, or any one of the Vice-Presidents, shall convene a Meeting, to be held at the usual place of meeting of the Society, at such time as shall be specified in the notice of auch Meeting: and that such Members of the Corporation as shall be present at the meeting, or a majority of them, shall and may choose an officer or officers in the room or place of such person or persons so dead or removed, as to them shall seem meet. Provided, that it shall not be necessary for any such Meeting to be called for supplying a vacancy io the office of Vice-President : but the President may do ao in his discretion. 1 \ Vlll CONSTITVTIOK. X. That the Society shall and may, on the first Weduesday in every month, for ever hereafter, and oftener if occasion lequires, meet at the place heretofore used - for the transaction of tlie business of tHe h-'u\ -Society, ur at such other place as may be hereafter appointed for that purpose ; and that the Presiileut or Standing Committee have power to call a Special Meeting of the said Society at any time. XI. Th&t no act done in any Meeting of the said Society shall be valid and effectual, unless the President, or some of the Vice-Presidents, shall be present at such Meeting. xir. And with regard to all Meetings of the Society, and to the making, altering, or repealing any By-laws, Rules or Regulations, at such meetings, it is to be specially noticed, that by the Act of the Legislature incorporating this Society, (7 Vic. ch. 68.) it is enacted that no act done in any such assembly or meeting of the Corporation shall be valid or effectual, unless six persons of the Corporation, at the least, shall be present, and the nixjur part of them consenting thereto. Aud further, that no Constitution, Uy-law, Rule, or Regulation of the Society, nor any abrogation, repeal, ';hange, or alteration of the same, shall be of any force or effect until it shall have been sanctioned and conlirmed by the Bishop of, or administering, the Diocese fur the time being, by writing under his hand. XIII. That there shall be a Standing Committee (three of whom shall be a quorum), to prepare the business for the Monthly Meetings of the Society, That the President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer or Treasurers, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary, be ex officio members of tlie Standing Committee. That the other members of the Standing Committee, not exceeding twenty in number, shall be elected by the Society out of its incorporated members. That of the non-ofHuial members of the Standing Committee, tlie four who, having been on the Standing Committee for one entire year, have attended the fewest meetings of the Standing Coiirmittee, and of the Sub-Committees, during the twelve months, ending on the first Wednesday in March, shall go out at the Annual Meeting in June ; and if any doubt shall arise untler this rule, which member of those who have attended the fewest meetings is to retire, then the one who has served the shortest time on the Contaiittce shuU be considered to have vacated his seat. That the Standing Committee shall recommend to the Society at its meeting in March in each year, four members to be elected in the place of the four retiring members, who shall not be eligible fur the ensuing year. ■ That any member of the Society wishing to propose other candidates for election on the Standing Committee, be required to give in the names of such candidates to be proposed by him, at or before the monthly meeting in March. XIV. . That Minutes of all the proceedings of the Society be taken, and that at each Meeting of the Society, the Minutes of the preceding Meeting be read by the Secretary, aud signed by the Chairman. CONSTITCTIOK IX XV. That the Accounts of the Society be closed on the thirty-first day of March Q each year; and that the same be audited within one month from tliat date. XVI. That the Treasurer manage the receipts and expenditure, under the orders of the Society ; and that he Iceep his accounts in such manner as shall from time to time be directed by the Auditors, subject to the control of the Society. XVII. That the Secretary conduct the correspondnnce of the Society, take Minutes of the proceedings of the General Meetings and Committees, and prepare the Annual Report of the Society. XVIIT. In connection and correspondence with the Society, District Associations shall be established, comprising one or more Districts (ns shflll be approved by the President), into which the Province is bylaw divided; tlie same to be composed of the Clorgy resident within the bounds of tlie same, and all other members of the Church who shall contribute in aid of the Society's funds; the Archdeacon, or senior Clergyman reeident within its bounds, shall, px-offichy be Chairman of such District Branch Association, with whom shall be associated, as composing a Committee of Manacjement, the Clrrgy of the several Piirishesor Missions within the bounds vof such District, and one or two Laymen from each of the same, a Secretary and Treasurer. A general meeting of each Branch District Association shall be held in each year, at any time and place which may be agreed upon at a previous Quarterly Meeting of the Committee of Management ; and Quarterly Meetinps of the Committee of Management, — not less than five to form a (jiiotum, — f^hall be held, for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Brand! Association. In order the more fully to carry out the objects of the S((ci»ty, each Parish, in the person of its Clergyman and Churchwarduns, shall he a Sub- Association, in correspondence, through its Chairman, (the Clergyman), with tiie District Brafich Association, and may be denominated The Parochiid Committee of the Church Si>cieti/. The Committee shall meet so often', and at such periods, as they shall thenisclves decide to be nmst convenient, invitmg the co-operation of all the Parishioners in their deliberations and designs. They shall collect sub- scriptions and donations from the members of the Church, in such manner as they shall deem most effective, and crdeavour by every means in tin ir power to augment the resources of the Society. All moneys raised to be transmitted to the Treasurer of the District Association. One-fourth of all moneys paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the District Committees respectively, shall be transmitted to the Treasurer of the General Society, to be at the disposal of the Central Board, and the remaining three-fourths of all such Collecfi(ms shall, when required, be expended within the Parish or District in which they have been made, for such objects only as are specified in the Constitution of the Society, — the allctment to be made at the Quarterly Meetings of the District Branch Associaticyn. All nnyneys not required to be expended for local purposes, and remaining unappropriated at the (ieneral Annual Meeting of the District Association, shall be forthwith transmitted to the Treasurer of the Society at Toronto. X CONT8ITUTION. The DUtrict Associations, through their respective Secretaries, shall com- municate to the Secretary of the Paretit Society at Toronto a minute statement of all receipts and expenditure within the sphere of their operations, embodied in the form of a Report, once in each year, so soon as convenient after the General Annual Meeting of such District Branch Association. XIX. That four Sermons be preached annually in the several Churches, Chapels, and Stations in this Diocese, in aid of the funds of the Society, at such ti(ues as the Lord Bishop shall appoint; that of these collections the proceeds of one shall be for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans of Clergymen deceased; that the proceeds of two of the said Annual Sermons shall be devoted to the maintenance of Travelling or Resident Missionaries in this Diocese ; and that the proceeds of the fourth shall be appropriated to any other object embraced within its Constitution, as the Society may from time to time direct. XX. That the Charter and these By-laws do together form the Constitution of The Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, and that nothing which is con- tained in the Constitution of the Society established on the 28th day of April, 1842, or in any By-law, Rule, or Regulation, amending or altering the same, shall apply to, or be in forca in respect to, the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, except such provisions thereof as are above continued in force. NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF 9II)C 3fncDrj)oratcb €l)urcl) ©odctn OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO, PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING AT TORONTO, HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 8TH, 1851. The Ninth Annual Report of the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, exhibits a statement of affairs which, on the whole, is encouraging, and affords ground for devout thankfulness to Almighty God, that He has been pleased to visit th" labours of the Society during the past year with His favour and blessing. The following is a brief statement of the Society's income for the past year : — Receipts of the Society, for the year ending 31st March, 1851 (not including moneys received on trust, and sales in the Depository) £1799 9 10 The estimated income of the several District Branches, and Parociiial Associations in the Home and Simcoe Districts, has amounted to £3354 11 o From which deduct the sum remitted to the Parent Society 591 19 2752 12 5 Total receipts of the Society and its District Branches for the year £4552 2 3 This statement shews an increase in the receipts of the Parent Society of £'223 Os. 8^d., and an aggregate increase of about £1150. This large increase has been caused by the return of nearly £1700 collected in the parish of London for local purposes, which if deducted will, whilst it shews an iiicrease on the income of the Parent Society as above, exhibit a decline in the aggregate of the several branches. f .t'-iA- ■■ ' ■ 12 REPOnT. Only three sermons have been preached during the year on behalf of the special objects of the Society, as provided for by the li)th Article of the Constitution, viz : — For Missions, made in May, 1850, at 178 stations £244 6 10 J For the Widows and Orphans' Fund, in Octciber 1 850, at 206 stations 3G0 11 5 For the General Purposes' Fund, Jan. 1851, at 170 stations ... 257 5 11 The sales in the Depository have amounted to £949 9s. lO^d., an increase over the past year of =£33 8s. 9d. There has hoeii another increase in the number of District Branches — the Western District havinj^ been separated from the London, Western, and Huron. This division bids fair to be a useful one, and will no doubt be beneficial to the new Branch, and also promote the (general interests of the Society. As has been before observed, there is a decrease in some of the District- Branches, but not of so ^reat a nature as to leave room for <lespoiidency. Wliilst those Branches wliich have, from the first, been enerj;etic in their operations, still contitiue to exert themselves with utiabated zeal. Several of those which heretofore have done but little, are now endeavouring^ to make tite Society what it is intended to be, and capable of beinjr, viz : the means of carryinjy out the object of the Church, which is to bring the Gospel to the iiomes of all who live within its bonttds. There are now twelve District Branches : — 1 Newcastle, 7 Gore and Wellington, 2 Midland and Victoria, 8 London and Huron, .'3 Prince Edwjird, 9 Brock, 4 .lohnstown Deanery, 10 Talbot, 5 Batiiiirst Deanery, 11 Ci>lborne, 6 Niitgara, 1*2 Western. N' wcasfJe District Branch. This Branch presents reports from eij^ht Parochial Committees, and the Committee express a confident hope that, as the number of Clorirymen in the District has happily increased by the acquisi- tion of three more, they will be able at the next annual meetinjr to coni>^ratulate the Society on the successful workin^i^ of three or four additional Parochial Committees. The collections made by five of the Parochial Committees of this Brancii, viz., Cobour^, Port Hope, Colborne, Grafton, and Cavan, have been £184 .5s. Od. -^ (Extracts from the last Annual Report of this District Branch.) CoBouRG Association. — The method pursued in this parochial branch, during the two preceding years, of distributing its h'mits amongst several collectors, has proved, in a most satisfactory decree successful. Owing to the zeal and Chriotian earnestness of these gentlenieD, the amount raised within this REPORT. 13 seventy pounds. The donat'.ons and BuhRcriptionR necessary to eflect this most Parochial Branch eeemB progresHivply to increase ; and for the pabt year, it has reached the satisfactory sum of £104 9d. lOd. Of this amount one-fourth, according to the established rule, must be traiiRmitted to the Parent Society to aid in its general purposes. An tqnitable appropriation has been made towards missioiwry operations witliin the District ; and a small amount is appropriuied annually to secure the tuition of a few scholars in Mr. Dorn's flourisliing school. An annual appropriation is also made to meet the expences of the Sunday School. The bfiiance remaining, after de- fraying these necessary expences, is applied to meet the motithly payments upon five shares in the Newcastle HiiiUliiig Society now owned by this Parochial Ilranch, and whicit are available for any pious and benevolent object which the Committee may decide npon. The amount realized by this Parochial Rrancli for the p€".st yenr is the more creditable to the parisliioners of Cobourg from th(-ir being now mgfiged in an enterprise of great magnitude, the extension and completion of tiieir Church, upon the plan commenced in the new front and tower erec.'ted some years ago. When tl)is undertaking, so much called for by the increasing population of tbi^ town, and the corresponding angnientation of the number of mtinbers of the ('hurch, is completed, accommodation, it is calculated, will be provided for at least one thousand persons. Although this improvement svill cobt, it is estimated, about <£l,tiOO, the congregation of Cobourg, long so distiiigoislud for their liberality in ail religious undertaking.', will, it is felt, not allow any such consideration to delay the cOioplction of what, on all hands, is admitted to be so imperatively called for. Pout Hope. — This growing town is not. by any me-itis, an exception to the o?)ward progress of the Church, so characteristic of ihc whole Dii)cese. The Church Society, which has been found there, and elsewhere, a great means (vf awakening Chiirchinen to a sense of thti. duty in contiibuting to promote the ginry of God, continues to be a great help towarcis keo|iing up the sjiirit of lilu rality, in expcnuing not only money, but, what is often more difficuk to obtain than money, /e;/ie in the extension of the Church. Within the last i-is months one hundred and two pounds have been raised for local Church purposes, by means of the monthly sales of the Sewing Society niaiiitaintd by the sf If-deny- ing and praiseworthy efforts of the ladies of the congrega'ion. The increased demand for Church acconnnodation requires every exertion on the part of of our members to eidarge the present Church; and to build a Sunday School-house in some central part of the town, which may be used also for Divine Service, preparatory to the erc'lon of a second Church in the West end, which is already in contemplation. But tho'igh, under these circumstances, tiie Port Mope Parochial Connnittee might ask to stand excused from lessening their local funds beyond the fourth of their annual collection, belonging, by the constitution, to the Parent Society, yet they are prepared to contribute their quota, as usual, to the Travelling Mission fund ; and this, indeed, they are the more especially bound to do from the fact that the Church at Perry Town, having been lately included in the charge of the Travelling Missionary, leavcS more of the Rector's time at the service of Port Hope. At the annual-meeting, which was well attended, these matters, and also the support of the Sunday School from the funds of the Parochial Committee, were provided for. . The whole amount of the collection for this year is thirty-three pounds one shilling t - 14 REPORT. V '■ and two pence-half-penny. Of this two pounds twelve shillinga and sixpence, were special donations to the Widows and Orphans Fund, and one fourth of the remainder was transmitted to the Parent Society. Cavan. In the flourishing Township of Cavan, there are two Parochial Committees, one in each of the congregations of St. Paul's and St. John's both increasing in zeal and usefulness. In the scattered congregations in country places, of course, the same results cannot reasonably be expected as among the more populou!^, and comparatively richer congregations of towns. It U no less true, however, of the former than of the latter — and this is an observation which applies universally to every part of even this Diocese, remarkable as it is, amongfit others, for the unexpected liberality with which it has supported (he Church Society. It is, your committee would repeat, no less true of country places than of towns, that very much more can be done than has ever yd been done in promoting the best interests of our people by the agency of the Church Society. Darlington and Clarke. — Owing to the late absence of the Rector in England, the Committee in these townships have not efFceted as much as might be expected from parishes of fsueh magnitude, and so thickly populated. For the reason just mentioned, the Stations in rear of the Townships, which the Rector w»8 in the habit of attending periodically on week-days, had not been kept up, and, in consequence, he feared that we should have but few subscribers from tliose places. The subscriptions of the congregation of St. John's Church ia Bowmanville, will be found, however, to exceed those of last year. Much good had been effected by holding periodical meetings. The people had begun to take a greater interest in the affairs of the Church, and to see that its temporal prosperity mainly depended on (he exertions of the laity; as he could testify by the readiness with which they came forward to carry out all local objects. They had augmented their Sunday-school Library, paid their share of the sum required by the District Association for Missionary purposes, and they now had taken active mea-^urcs towards enlarging, if not wholly rebuilding theii church. At the Annual Meeting, resolutions were adopted* pledging the congregation to renewed and increasing efforts in support of the Church Society. Grafton. — The Parochial Committee in this interesting Parish, is, as usual remarkable for its exertions in the good cause. Through the zeal and exertions of several ladies of the congregation a large amount, for that locality, has been done in addition to various improvements connected with the church and parsonage, which have been effected during the past year. Amongst these encouraging signs of rapid onward progress, it may be mentioned, that an excel- lent Organ has been purchased at an expense of nearly seventy pounds, which has been obtained by the unceasing exertions of the ladies of this congregation. Seventeen pounds one shilling and six-pence have been contributed by the inembers of this Committee in the year just ended. CoLnoHNE. — Here, also, the same unremitting Pastoral care evinces itself in like fruits as those which gratified your Committee in Grafton. In both Parishes, in addition to the fourth transmitted to the Parent Society, the Trav- elling Mission has been aided. The Sunday-school, also, has been assisted in Colborne, by the purchase of an excellent Lending Library. Here, also, within the last few months, an excellent Organ has been procured at a cost of nearly I .immwmi. REPORT. 15 desirable object, were procured by the zealous and unremittini; efforts of the same lady who so efficiently conducts the Sunday-school. The reports from these Committees conclude with the following significant words : *' Your Com- mittee beg to exhort the various members of the Church to unity, peace, and concord ; fur at a lime when our Church is assailed by enemies without, atid lukewarm friends within, it behoves every faithful member to give her his hearty and most zealous support. If ever there was a day when the Church required the best exertions of all her children, for her peace and prosperity, that day is the present." This Parochial Committee has collected the sum of thirteen poundi), twelve shillings and six-pence during the past year. It must be a great satisfaction to the Incumbent of these two Churches to find so lai'ge an annual contribution a^ £30 14;)., testifying to his exertions in behalf the Church So- ciety ; and exhibiting so marked an example to ^ther rural parishes. * Seymour and Pekcy. — Owing to the untoward state of the weather, the more distant Clergy were unable to give their attendance at these places at the time appointed for meetings. Your Committee do not feel disposed to press any large or general contri- butions there, on behalf of the Society, until the Church in those townships can be more fully organized, and they have bad time to recover from the expenses incident upon tlie erection of Churches, and other similar enterprises. Con- nected with these, not the least is the charge of bearing one-half the expense of the Clergyman's salary. Cartwright and Manvers. — The same reasons have operated with the Clergy of the District in not pressing the claims of the Church Society in these townships, which now also enjoy the ministrations of a settled Clergym n ; and are bound, by the recently established regulations, to contribute one-half of the maintenance of their Clergyman. Besides this, they are actively engaged in Cartwright in completing their Church, and arrangements are iu progress for the erection of a Church in Manvers. Travelling Missions. — The happy circumstance of resident Ministers being placed in Seymour and Percy, at the eastern part of the bounds of our Association, and in Cartwright and Manvers at the west, have narrowed con- siderably the extent of the Travelling Mission in this District. In consequence of this, the inestimable benefit of the ministration of the Gospel is now afforded to places where it was before impossible to include in appointments so frequent and stated ; and stations, formerly served by Clergymen whose entire time is now demanded in their own immediate localities, by the increasing requirements of growing towns, have, by the late arrangement, the advantage of services of a more settled and satisfactory nature than they ever enjoyed before. The charge of tlie Travelling Missionary includes the Church at Gore's Linding; Siint Paid'e Church, Perrytown; two new and very promising stations in the north-west of Hope, and at the village of Bewdly, on Rice Lake, where measures are now in progress towards the erection of a Church. It may be here mentioned, as showing the importance of this mission, that the western portion of it, including the rear concessions of Hope, contain by the last census members of our Church numbering one hundred and twenty-two families, containing altogether six hundred and eighty-three souls. Besides, the places already mentioned, the Travelling Missionary attends occasionally a station in Monaghan, long served by the indefatigable exertions of the Rector of Cavan, though at a great distance from his residence. He has it also in charge to visit the township of Alnwick. I i ! ! ^^^mIii REPORT. It »a,vs a great deal for the growing interest raanifeBted in the Church, and the beneficial tfTt'CIa of the Church Suciety,. which has in great measure originated the call foi these niulliplied niinisiraiiuns, as it contributes to support them, that in the case of the welcome additions iHtelj* made to the clerical body in this District, a large amount of their stipends is mude up by tiie members of the Church who enjoy the advantage of their services. Midland and Vidvria District Branch. Tlie Travelliiiif Missionary in this District continues to perform services on Sundays at the several stations wiiicli have heen mentioned in former reports. His weeli-day services are more liable to chanijes of time and place. The ap))ointnientof an additional Cler<5ynian to the immediate neighbourhood of Kingston, wliieh was anticipated in the last report, has recently taken place. The ll'ev, E. Patterson is now re^ident in Kingston, and liis ministrations exti iid to Wolfe Island as well as to Portsmouth. A stone church has been erected at Portsntouth durinu- the past year, in which two services are per- formed every Sunday, by the Uev. VV. JM. Ilcrchmer at»d E. Patterson. '1 he cash accoinit exhibits a receipt of £209 Gs. lOd., and an expenditine of £147 9s. Id. The fj'rants nuide by this Branch to the Missions of 13arriefield and Pittsl)urj>h, and to tlie Truvellinij^ Mission of the District, are about to expire. The Committee slate that it is highly important that these Missions slu.uld be maintained in full eificieiicy, but that cainiot be, unless a now and immediate eifort be made throughout the District. The Committee, thouj^h aclini>- for the whole Mid- land District, have seldom any other funds at their disposal but huch as are collected within the single Parochial Association of St. George's, Kingston. The Committee express their desire of continuing; to the Barriefield Mission such a measure of !^upport as may be found compatible with their new and nearer obligations; and express an opinion that, as the District Travelling Mission is evidently the care and concern of eveiy Parochial Association alike, it must for the future be maintained by the combined exertion of every part of the District. Remittances have been received by the Parent Society from ^ the following Parochial Associations within the limits of this Branch : — St George's, Kingston ; St. .James's, Kingston ; St. Paul's, Kingston ; St. Mark's, Barriefield ; Pittsburgh, Portland, Storrington, Sydenham, Camden East, Napanee, Mohawk, Lough- borough, Adolphustown, Frankford, and Port Trent. {Extracts from Reports of Parodtial Jlssocintions in this District.) Parochial Association of St. Paul's Church, Kingston. — The Parochial Association of St. Paul's Church is not yet quite a year old, having beeu orgauizid ou the 12lh of February, 1850. It has, however, already beeu REPORT. 17 while we thauk God having -*•«*<« fjw j* ^ productive of tome good to the Church ; i prospered our past endeavours, we look forward with humble confldence for Hia blessing upon our future labours. Our Parochial Association has much to accomplish ; our pews are still unpainted ; something remains to be paid upon the organ ; and a debt of more than thirty pounds has Just been incurrt-U for repairing the roof of the church. When all these liabilities shall have lieen met, a more important object remains to be accomplished in the establishment of a school. A Church university and Church grammar-schools are not enough : every congregation must have its youth instructed under the eye of its pastor.. This would effectu&Ily arm them against Latitudinarianism on the one hand and Romaniflm on the other. Uarriefield Chubch Association. — If past success be an indication of future prosperity, the Committee of this Association can not only look back with thankfulness, but also look forward with hope. Though Church-members in this vicinity ate neither numerous nor wealthy, yet our subscription list is by no means a short one ; and though the amounts subscribed are not large, yet there seems to be a desire on the part of all to assist in the good work ; some, of their abundance, contribute liberally — others, who have but little, gladly giving of that little. The amount subscribed last year was £15 6s. 6d., shewing an increase over the preceding year of about £4. For this increase in our funds, the Society is indebted to the active exertions and earnest zeal of the ladies, who so kindly acted as collectors, and in that capacity visited every family in the neighbourhood attached to the Church. Besides this* Association, other or Sub-associations have been formed in different parts of the townships : viz., one in connection with St. James' Church, Birmingham's, another in connection with the congregation at Franklin's School- chouse, and a third in connexion with the congregation at McLean's School- house. At these several points subscriptions, very creditable in number and amount, were received. For instance, at St. James', £38. 15 ; McLean's £4; and Franklin's £2 10s.; amounting in all to £10 5s. Of the three fourths reserved to be expended in the several localities where the money was raised, a part was appropriated to the travelling; mission fund of this District, and with the residue a small but select Library was purcbesed for the use of each congregation. It is in contemplation to make additions to these libraries year by year, and so place within the reach uf every member of the Church in the Township, standard works of an interesting and instructive character. In Storrington, a subscription has been opened for a new Church, to be built in that township, and ninety pounds have been collected, uf which sixty pounds was contributed in the locality itself. During the past summer, your missionary established a monthly service in the remote township of liinchinbrooke, where he was encouraged by the good attendance of tite inhabitants. The Baptisms administered in the district mission during the past year have been thirty-seven, including one person of riper years. In the Parochial Association of Batli, tht; sum of eleven pounds three shillings has been collected, and applied to the purchase of a Melodeon for the use of the Parish Church. The Mission of Barriefield and Pittsburgh, continues in a satisfactory state. Divine Service is performed at two stations, in addition to the two churches of St. Mark and St. James. The largest congregatioD in the mission consists of about 150 persons. n| 18 REPOBT. A ■pcoial lubtcription hai been opened for the support of the new miitiion of Portimouth and Wolfe lalaod, to which jrour Committee deiire to direct your atteotioD, aa an important brancli of their operation!. The sales of books and tracts at the depositorj during the past year have been but small. This is mainly to be explained by the fact that the slocic on hand has been extremely limited, as the funds at the disposal of your Com- mittee have not admitted of the purchase of an adequate supply. Post Tbint.— The amount collected by this Association is not ho large as last year, but this is on account of the special contributions to the Church bell, which has just been procured at a cost with the fittings of upwards of ^80, and all that has been received for it has been obtained by the lady collectors of the Parochial Association. Prince Edward District Branch, The Secretaries of this liraiicli, in submitting their annual report, rejoice in being able to shew a marked improvement in the condition of their Branch, as compared with last year. The Clergy have exerted themselves in a greatly increased measure to impress upon the minds of the people the bounden duty of aiding in the advancement of Christ's truth, and the laity have been found not indisposed to such impression. Reports have been received from Picton, Carrying Place, liillier, Marysburgli, and Aineliasburgh. {Extrucls from the tmt Annual Report of this District Brunch.) The Picton Association desire to express, on behalf of the Parish, thank« fulness to God fur the measure of success with which He has crowned the end'-avours already made. They express the belief,-thac the amount subscribed would have been much greater than it is, were it not that a very destructive fire occurred there during t!ie past year ; many families having been almost ruined, and others so impoverislied as to prevent their giving any considerable sum, even for so excellent a cause as that of this society. The sum total collected by the Parochial Association of Picton amounts to £21 8s. Id. The Carrying Place during the Rev. J. Mclntyre's Incumbency, has set an example of contributing the whole amount raised in the Parish, by its Association, to the Funds of the Society, which we trust to see followed at no distant period by all the Associations in the District. The Committee of the liillier Association report that, although in the first year of its existence, an association in a remote rural parish, by no means wealthy could not de expected to accomplish great things — yet, if they are able to shew that something has been done for the support of Missions, for the cause of a sound education, and for the repairs of the sanctuary, they prove that the Asso* elation was not organized in vain. The Committee report the collection of £5 3s. 9d.; which sum they have thus expended. Remitted to the Treasurer in Toronto £1 5 9 For the purchase of two shares in the Church of England Building Society, to be given on behalf of the Parish, to the Church University I 16 For repairing the Parish Church, &u 2 2 £5 3 9 Msfc^ REPORT. 19 ! The Muryaburgh Commiitee report — that they lament that Marjaburgh haa done to little for the *' General Purpoiet* Fund " of the Society— yet, as one of the object* of the Dioceaan Church Society ia, the encouragement and aupport of Misoionariea and Clergymen of the United Church of England and Ireland within this Diocese, they can not o'^ly look back with thankfulnesa, but look forward with hope. Though the amount subscribed is not large, yet there seems to be an increasing desire on the part of ull, to help in the good work ; those who have but little gladly giving of that little. The statement of moneya received ia tbu« given :— From, St. JohnU Parochial Committee for Special Purposes, Clergyman's Salary £30 Repairing Church, &c 1 15 Register books 16 3 From St. Philip's Church. Clergyman's Salary 30 Building seats in Church, &c 11 Total for Special Purposes £75 11 3 For General Purposes 4 15 ThouKh Maryflburgh is able to contribute only £4 1 5s. to the District Funds yet with leso ineann, perhaps, than any other Mission in the Diocese, the sum raised fur Local Purposes may be honourably compared with that contributed by more wcaltiiy communities. Johnstoivn Deanery Branch, . The Report of this Brunch exhibits a falling off in each Parochial Committee except fronfi those of Cornwall and the mission of the Rev. Mr. Watkins. Out of nine Parochial Societies only five iiave made any report to the Branch Society, viz., Cornwall, Prescott, and the missions of the Rev. Messrs. Plees, Watkins, and Tremayne. {Extractsfrom the laiit Annual Report of this District Branch.) Of the Reports received, the first is from the parish of Corn wall, which always deserves to yccupy one of the most conspicuous places, inasmuch as it has generally afforded the largest annual amount contributed to the funds of the Society. Such again is the case this year ; and besides the contributions to the Church Society, there has also been subscribed by this congregation, to the funds of the Church University, £205 15s. and 950 acres of land. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. Annual subscriptiona from Cornwall 50 Baptismal Fees given by the -Rector 2 7 6 Missionary Box 4 7 52 12 1 From the Mission of the Rev. II. E. Plees 36 5 Of naburg, annual. collection 6 Collection for General Fund .. 10 7 From the Mission of the Rev. Mr. Watkins 43 5 to RIPORt. Annual colleottoni, Portland 10 3 6 •• Newboro' 10 18 ** Lanidowne 10 M Leedt 12 10 •* Weilport 5 48 11 3 From the Million of the Rev. Mr. Tremnyne : Annual collecliont, Burnet'i ichool-houie 14 12 6 «• New Bnyne 10 8 9 (^ Front of Lundidowne 7 10 ** Gananoque 12 10 45 1 3 Williamsburgh and Matilda : Annual collections 12 Brockville — The following report from this Association was sent to the Secretary of the Parent Society :— Amount of moneys collected for the Parish of Sf.Pcter'H, Brockville, by the Committee of the Parochial Association of the Church Society, and how apppro- priated. The moneys collected amount to £\8 Ss. 9d., and are entirely appropriated to the support of the Travelling Missionary for this District. _ Niagara District Branch. The ninth annual report of this energetic Branch states, that the Travelling Mission has been regularly kept up, ai<d that seme changes in the stated regular appointments ot the Missionary have been made. Reference is made to the arrangement made by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, by which the missions or parishes which now become vacant, and which heretofore con- tributed little or perhaps nothing at all to the support of their ministers, will be required to make up fully one-half of his salary, as well as to provide for liim a residence. This arrangement has already taken effect in three parishes within this District, and the salaries of the incumbents are now provided for in part by the people, in addition to which another parish has ajso been called upon to contiibute, for the first time, to the support of an additional Clergyman. The Committee remark that the only change in the District which they have to notice is the removal to another Diocese of the Rev. G. M. Armstrong, late Rector of Louth, whose regular attendance at their meetings, fn m tlie very commencement, and zealous advocacy of the Church Society's claims, will long be remembered by the Association. Within the past year every parish in the District has been visited by one of the Secretaries of the Branch Society, and with a single exception the cause of the Church Society advocated before attentive congregations. The total amount of the donations and subscriptions for the "V- REPORT. ei le pait year appears to be £305 Os. 8H., which, compared with the previous year, shews a decrease of £9 6s. Od., a dencienoy far less than was expected, considering that so many parishes have had to contribute largely towards the maintenance of their own ministers. ( Extmctt of the tail jlnnuitl Ri-port of thii DUtrici Branch.) The state of the Travelling Miuion U about the aame ai uiiial. The Miiiionary report! that hit •tationi for Divine Service are nearly the aatne M those mentionod in the Report of laat year, and that the only changes he has made are at the Junction and at Stonebridge. The one at the Junction, he felt himieif called up>)n to give up, in consequence of the indifferenee shewn towards it ; and he did so with the less regret, as it is within a reasonable distance of Port Robinson, where there is a weekly Sunday Service, and it was with pleasure he learnt that some in the neighbourhood of the Junction availed themselves of it. This appointment he has transferred to Uroad Creek, on the " Feeder," where be has now a promiiiing congregation. The one at Stonebridge he had expressly for the Coloured Company stationed there. Upon the latter being disbandud, the service was discontinued, and the appointment transferred to Marshville, where there is now Divine Servict every Sunday, and the attendance is good. The Rector of Grimsby authorized the Missionary to state to the Church people in Caistor, that he would consider them under his care ; the Misbionary, therefore, has no tegular appointment there, but he occasionally visits them. During the past year he has baptized fifteen children, married four couple, and buried three members of the Church. lie has made the quarterly collection at each of his stations, and though the people are poor, and many of them profess to belong to different religious denominations, the collections will be found to be respectable, and to have this pleasing characteristic, that they are generally made up of a little from each. The Missionary has circulated the grant of books sent to his Mission by the Parent Society, for which he desires to return his thanks. He has likewise dis- tributed four dozen Prayer Books and one hundred Catechisms. Grimsdt.— The Parish of Grimsby Reports — . Donations for Widows and Orphans' Fund £5 5 Subscriptions 30 13 d Total ,£35 18 9 This amount, which ia indeed very creditable, the Parochial Committee hope will be deemed satisfactory, when it is considered that the Parishionera have now to contribute a large proportion of the Incumbent's salary. LocTH.— This Parish regrets that, in consequence of having now to make up a considerable portion of their own Clergyman's salary, they are wholly unable at present to contribute any thing to the general funds of the Church Society. The Parish of Tuobold reports that the sum contributed this year is less than that for last year, owing to various causes; the chief of which are, the removal from the parish of several contributors ; the amount paid by the parish- ioners, as a voluntary offering, to the gentleman who officiated during the Rector's absence ; the large contributions of the same parties to a new church, which is to be commenced early ia the ensuing spring ; and the cessation of the large 10 BEFORT. expenditure of money on the public works, which has for several years materially aided the Church Society subscriptions in the parishes on the line of the Welland Canal, Subscriptions for General Purposes £37 5 6 Donation for Travelling Missionary 15 Total amount £S8 6 Stamtobd and Drummondvillk. — The Committee of the above branch of the Church Society, within the parish of Chippawa, report that the amount which they have to remit does not equal that which was collected last year ; but they must at the same time state that, while some of their largest subscribers have removed from the parish, and ot lers have thought themselves obliged to withhold their annual subscriptions for thia year, yet the number of subscribers will be found to be increased, which is rather encouraging than otherwise. They would also mention another circumstance, as a reason for the small amount of subscriptions, and that is — these united charges have had, for the first time, to contribute, during the past year, towards the support of their Clerg>man to the amount of between £30 and 40, independent uf the collections at the weekly offertory. Subscriptions for General Purposes £12 9 4^ Donation for the Parent Society 9 4 Total amount £12 Hi 8J Chippawa. — This parish reports- Subscriptions for General Purposes £30 8 9 Donations for Widows & Orphans' Fund 10 Totalamount £40 8 9 Fort Erie. — The Parochial Committee of the Church Society in Fort Erie, acknowledge with regret, that of late years much has not been done by this parish in furthering the objects of the Church Society. But this is in some measure to be accounted for by the protracted illness of the late much esteemed Pastor, which terminated in his lamented decease. This event caused an im- portant change in the affairs of their parish, which was then called upon for the first time to assist in the support of their Clergyman. This Parochial Branch of the Church Society was re-organlzed on the 7th June last, when they were favoured with the valuable assistance of the Venerable the Archdeacon of York ; and on the 22nd of October following a sermon was preached by one of the District Secretaries in St. Paul's Church, which was attended with marked and, it is to be hoped, beneficial effects. Three collectors were appointed, and the sum of £14 17s. 6d. has been the result. This may appear small when compared with what has been done in other parishes ; but when it is stated that a considerable outlay has been expended in the repair and improvement of the two churches io the parish, in addition to the raising of between £60 and £70 towards the support of their clergyman, which was never done before, the Fort Erie Committee venture to hope that it will appear evident that there does not lack any disposition, on the part of the parishioners, to assist to the utmost in carrying out the holy and benevolent objects which it is the design of the Church Society to promote. Port Maitland and Dunnvillb. — Port Maitland reports that the parish has been called on for several local improvements at the Glebe and also at the REPORT. 23 Church ; having constructed at the latter a shed, which cost £30 ; and at tho former a -well some twenty feet deep ; and that the church still requires some substantial repairs. Donations for Widows and Orphans' Fund £3 5 Subscriptions for General Purpoies 11 7 6 £14 12 6 Subscriptions at Dunnville 8 13 Total Amount in both places £22 13 9 Niagara. — This parish reports the amount of— Subscriptions for General Purposes to be £61 2 7^ Donation for Local Objects £6 5 Donation for Widows and Orphans' Fund 10 7 5 Totalamount £68 7 7J When the depressed state of businees in this place, and the removal of some subscribero, are taken into account ; and when it is also considered that immediately preceding the collection of the Church Society subsciiptions, the sum of £25 was raised for a local object, it must be admitted that it speaks well for the energy of this Parochial Committee and for 'the liberality of the members of the Church in Niagara, that this parish is enabled to make such a favourable return. St. Cathebines. — This parish begs to report as follows — Donations to Widows and Orphans* Fund £3 10 Subscriptions for General Purposes (including £9 129. 8d. from the Eight-mile Creek congregation) 68 8 1 £71 18 1 Being an increase over the amount subscribed last year of £27 15s. 7d. The Parochial Committee cannot forbear expressing their satisfaction and thankfulness at being enabled to make so favourable a report, more especially as just before the collection of the Church Society subscriptions, the congregation contributed a large sum for the purchase of an excellent Bell ; and that all these efforts are in addition to the quarterly Church Society collections, and to the sum of about £220 annually contributed for local Church objects. And they deem it but justice to say that much of the success of the present year is owing, under God, to the zeal and energy of the collectors, by whose means several new subscribers have been added to the Hot. Gore and Wellingioii District. The Gore and Wellington Branch has ever taken a prominent place among the Associations of this Society. Its parochial collections and subscriptions have amounted to within a few pounds of the Home and Simcoe District, although the collections in churches have not been nearly so large. The receipts from Parochial Associations and dividends have been £399 Is. 5d., an increase over the past year of £11 5s. 3d. The reports from the Parochial Associations are of an interesting and encouraging character. H BEPORT. {Extracts from the last Annual Report ofthit District Branch.) GuELPH. — Thia Association continues in a very prosperous stat^. Thti annual meeting held in the Court House was, as usual, very numerously and respectably attended, the court-room being completely filled. The amount collected during the past year is ^50 48. 2d., exhibiting an increase in subscrip- tions of £2 over those of the year preceding. The amount reported at the previous annual meeting was £51 I5s., of which £d was a donation in Bibles and Prayer Books to that amount ; while the only donation this year was £1 53., so that, as regards actual subscriptions, there is an increase to the amount already stated. The sales from the Depository were fourteen Bibles, eleven Testaments, fifteen Prayer Books, and six Ilymn Books. During the past year this parish has acquired by purchase a piece of ground containing five and a half acres, for the purpose of a cemetry, at a cost of £217 15a.; and the wants of the congregation requiring the enlargement of the Church, measures are now being adopted to add to the present building a portion of a new church to be completed at a future period, and to form for the present an enlargement of the present structure. DuNDAS AND West F1.AMBOBOUGH. — The Parochial Committee of this Association beg leave to report that the amount collected during the past year is £41 17s. 4^d., being £4 6s. 8^d. less than the previous one, although the number of subscribers has not been materially changed. This deficiency is attributable to three causes: First, the removal from the parish, during the past year, of several of its largest subscribers: Secondly, the withdrawal of several subscriptions, and their appropriation towards liquidating the existing debt upon the Church : and Thirdly, that during the past year, about £75 was raised towards paying the last instalment upon the organ, and for furnishing lamps for the church. These things considered, your committee have no just cause for discouragement, but rather a groutid for rejoicing, that this parish has been able to do so much for the interests of the Church during the past year. Ancasteb. — The Committee of this Parochial Association beg leave to report that the amount of subscriptions for 1849 amounted to £17 5s., to which was added the thanksgiving collection. The amount this year exceeds that of the former by £l, being £18 5s. Your committee have reason to congratulate themselves that the interests of the Church Society have not been overlooked in this parish, aud that they are enabled, year after year, to report a steady, though small increase in its funds. Bbantford. — The Brantford Parochial Committee report the sum of £25, as the amount contributed to the general objects 'of the Church Society, during the past year, by the church in the town of Brantfurd. Last year the same sum was raised in the whole mission, including the collection made in the Hawley settlement, and that in the village of Mount Pleasant. As the Church in the latter place is at present making an effort to raise part of the salary for a clergy- man, as the members of the Church in the Hawley Settlement have recently built 8 church, and have contributed to the Church Society an amount which will appear in the report of the travelling missionary, the report from Brantford indicates improvement ; and tht recent Annual Parochial Meeting evinced a general and warm interest in the progress and growing efficiency of the Church Society in 'his Diocese. Gavt.— The Committee of this Association have great pleasure in being able !o report that the interest in the objects of the Church Society in thia REPORT. 25 mission is still upon the increase. The amount contributed in the out stations, for this year, viz.: Beverly, Preston, and Doon MilU, is larger in each than it Has the year preceding, whilst the amount subscribed in Gait is equal to that of the former year. The Depository in this Mission continues in a prosperous state ; and the Churchmen here shew a readiness to assist in every way, in extending the Church and her ordinances to all these places which are as yet unoccupied in this Diocese. The amount remitted to the Treasurer is £30. MouAWK AND TuscARORA. — The Rev. Mr. Nelles has remitted the sum of £1 17s. 6d., and remarks that though the amount is rather less than that for the last year, he does not consider this branch of the Society less prosperous than formerly. There are several new subscribers, and several persons have with- drawn their subscriptions in order to contribute toother objects recommended by the Traveling Missionary. He is happy to say that there are more Indians who have contributed this year than any former one. Nelson and Wellington Square. — This Association has proceeded with its usual activity, and has remitted the sum of £29 to the Treasurer. The Rev. Mr. Greene regrets his inability to attend the meeting, owing to sickness in his family. He writes as follows : — " You may report of our branch that it still continues to prosper, and to commend itself to the favourable consideration of the members of our Zion." He concludes by praying that the Fatlier of mercies may be with you all, and that your meeting may enjoy seasonable refreshings from His presence. Paris. — The Rev. Mr. Ruttan remits £11 ISs. from his Parochial Asso- ciation, but states that their collections are not yet completed, but will probably amount to £14. Elora. — The Committee of this infant Association in remitting £3 ISs. to the Treasurer, remark that the difficulties which they experience in common with all new missions, preclude their dwelling at any length on past success, nevertheless reviewing what has been done, they would not despise the day of small things, but would look forward with lively anticipation to the future, trusting that He who has hitherto blessed their exertions, will arouse all within the bounds of this mission to co-operate in the high and holy work — impressing upon all the high responsibilities which rest upon them as sheep of His flock, and members of His body, which is the Church. Oakville. — The Committee report that in consequence of the removal of our late estimable Minister at that particular period of the year when the operations of the Society require the direction of an experienced and influential Superin- tendent, and his successor having only recently taken change of the Mission, the working of the Association has in some measure been interfered with. The committee are only able to report £10 as collected. It would appear from the past operations of this Association that for several years the amount remitted to the District branch under the head of " Oakville " embraced the contributions of the whole of Trafalgar. No incon- siderable portion of this sum was derived from the rising villages of Hornby and Milton, situated in the rear of the Township, but as the former has, by a tempo- rary arrangement, been assigned to the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. Fraser, resident Missionary for Esquesing, and the latter is visited by the Travelling 26 REPORT. Missionary for the Districl, the contributions of the friends of the Church in those localities find their way into the Treasury of the Society through other channels. If therefore the amount contributed this year by the Association should appear comparatively small, the Commiltee desire it to be borne in mind that the subscriptions have been confined to Oakville and its immediate vicinity. Saltfleet ani> Binbrook. — The Missionary at this station, the Rev. Mr. Alexander, deserves great credit for his exertions in behalf of the Church Society. He ban remitted £20 to the Treasurer, which amount of subscriptions has not only been procured by his own exertions, but the money actually advanced out of his own pocket on the credit of the Subscribers. His self-denial is the more apparent from the fact that in the time of his predecessor, no collections were made for the Church Society, but £33 contributed to the support of the Missionary. At present the Missionary receives but £,5 per annum from the people, and he sends £20 to the funds of the Church Society. Saltfleet. — In reference to this place, Mr. Alexander writes : — " The people of Saltfleet are determined, as they do not expect any assistance from the Church Society towards building a church at Stoney Creek, to retain, for that purpose all the collections they make among themselves this winter. They wiJI avail themselves of the rule of the Society which permits them to designate the object they wish to contribute to, and thus make their contributions special donations for the above mentioned purpose. So that I fear there will be a coH'* siderably smaller sum contributed from my mission for the year, than was raised among us last j'ear for general purposes. This selfish policy is not of my suggesting, nor is it approved by me. On the contrary, I am resolved to fight against it. The Church Building subscription paper is just out, and will doubtless interfere with our annual collection ; but if I could go about myself for a few weeks, I think I could realize the usual amount, notwithstanding.'* NoRVAL Mission. — The Rev. Donald Fraser has transmitted two pounds ten shillings, being his own subscription for two years, and expresses his regret that in consequence of the great local exertions which are still necessary to liquidate debts contracted before he came into the Mission, he cannot apply to the members of the Church for other purposes at present. Travelling Mission. — Much praise is due to the Travelling Missionary for his exertions in behalf of the Church Society. By forming parochial associa- tions at three of his stations, he has been enabled to return no less a sum than £20 to the funds of the Society. The first, St, Mary's Upper Cayuga, number* forty-four subscribers, and pays in £6 Ss. 9d. The second, Milton, enrols sixty-three members, and subscribes £8 128. 6d. The third, Waterdown and East Flamboro', numbers sixty-five members, and remits £5 5s. The appointments of last year are still kept up, with one exception, viz. ;— that at Mann's School-house, in the 5th concession of Ancaster. A regular monthly service was maintained at this station until October last, when it was removed to Newport, on the Grand River, near the borders of the Tuscarora township. This locality was found much more favourable than the former, the congregation being almost double, and the people more accessible and easier to be influenced by occasional ministrations of the Church. Taking these and other things into consideration, it seemed advisable to make the change, which has accordingly been effected, and seems in every way to answer the Missionary's expectations. REPORT. 27 "•■'if^A ^^'il^' Upper Cayuga or Hawley's School'house (as it i« known in last year's Report) enjoying an afternoon service in connection with the last mentioned place, your Missionary considers one of the most promising stations. Here a neat brick church has been erected during the past year, at a cost of £337, by the voluntary ofTeringa of the people, assisted only by a grant of £2-2 from the Christian Knowledge Society. The corner stone was laid on the lt>lh June, by the Yen. Archdeacon Bethune, with appropriate ceremonies; and on the 27th of December, the church was opened for Divine service. It is still in an unfinished state, wanting seats and other furniture ; but these will be supplied before many months. One great object has been to keep out of debt, and in this we have so far succeeded. The small additional sum of £2.5 (and that is not due for some time,) will ultimately enable the Building Committee to meet all their present engagements. It is pleasing to relate of this congregation that notwithstanding the above large expenditure, they still remember the Church Society, and have forwarded to its 'i'reasurer the sum of <£6 8s. 9d. This may not appear so great when compared with what is raised in older parishes, but, considering the means of the people and the demands lately made upon them, it speaks stronger than words IB favour of their liberality and zeal, giving hope for time to come. The con- gregation here is large, and fully averages one hundred, with every piospect of increasing under judicious management. 'J'hanks are due to the Rev. Mr. Nelles, for providing a service once in eight weeks. In last year's Report only a bare allusion was made to the township of Glanford. Your Missionaiy is now enabled to give a more lengthy notice of the infant congregation there formed, and can assert, that it has not been behind others in giving evidence of a desire to secure more frequent ministrations. There are in this township from three to four hundred professed adherents of the Church of England, without any opportunity of worsiiipping according to the faith of their fathers or the dictates of their conscience, save when viaited by the Travelling Missionary. At the present time they are as sheep without a shepherd, having none to gather them within the fold of Christ. However, they have been induced to rally round your Missionary, and take counsel together concerning the best means of providing for the future. Until a church can be built, a house has been lent for the monthly service, and there we are content to assemble at present for the purposes of prayer and praise. But we hope.this is only temporary, and that during the coming summer another Church will mark the place where a congregation of faithful men are gathered and the sacraments duly ministered. To promote this praiseworthy object, an acre of land has been deeded to the Bishop in trust for the site of a Church and burying-ground, and a large sum of money subscribed sufficient to warrant the building committee in proceeding with the work. A suitable plan has been obtained from the coin- niittee in Toronto for building and enlarging Churches, which is distinctive in its character, and evidences a return to a better style than has hitherto been adopted in our buildings for religious purposes. It will be your Missionary's care to see that it is carried out as far as circumstances will admit ; for he is firmly persuaded that external beauty and harmony of design contribute no little to promote reverence and foster religious feeling within the heart. Hence these matters, though comparatively little in themselves, cease to be so from their connexion with the worship of Almighty God. The material of this Church will be of brick ; and its completion for Divine service may be looked for towards the' close of the present year. 98 REPORT. That portion of Barton Township extending from the brow of the mountain to the Glandford line has also be^^n visited by your missionary, with a view of re-organizing the old congregation which formerly assembled at the Barton Church. He entertains the most sanguine hopes that this attempt will prove successful. Sufficient land for a site has been obtained adjacent to the old burial ground, along with contributions to the amount of near ^300, which sum, it is confidently expected, will receive large additions. It has been resolved to commence the woric early in the ensuing spring, so as, if possible, to render the edifice fit fur divine service by next autumn. And there can be no doubt but this may be looked forward to as a certainty, from the zeal manifested towards the undertal(ing by many churchmen, whose subscriptions have been mos. '<beral. That a house of prayer is needed in B»rton, above the mountain, for those ofour communion, will not be questioned by any one who is familiar with that part of the country. Many of the inhabitants attend no place of worship ; others having none of their own, go elsewhere, and so the Church is losing yearly those whom she formerly claimed. At all events, if the old people remain attached to the Church of their youthful days, their children have not the same associations to keep them in the right way, and consequently if they join not other Christian bodies, they become indifferent to all religious teaching, and lose sight of the great truths of the Gospel. The churches in the townships of Barton and Glanford will probably be joined together, forming one mission — as the people in neither place can raise the necessary amount for the maintenance of a Clergyman without the assistance of the other. Thus they will both obtain that pastoral superintendance so much needed — and our communion, instead of decreasing, may be expected, with the divine blessing, to expand and enlarge, exhibiting to all around tha beneficial effects of a Scriptural system, combining evangelical truth with apostolic order. At Waterdown, in E tst Flamborough, some progress has also been made in those preliminary measures necessary before commencing a church, though your missionary regrets to state, not eqaal to what has been done at other stations. From £(i to £70 are available to make a beginning, also a grant of £22 from the Christian Knowledge Society. This latter, however, cannot be bad until the church approaches completion. A branch of the Church Society has been formed in this township, under the Dame of the Waterdown and East Fiamboro' Branch, and the contributions for this year amount to £5 5a. There has been no dimunition of the congre- gation at this station since last year, though your missionary cannot report much increase. Without doubt, a large number might be gathered, if an efficient system of visitation could be maintained, as the Church population numbers over 400,. while, lamentable to relate, more than 200 of the inhabitants profess no form of the Christian religion. To reach all these, and attend to other duties, is manifestly out of the power of one whose labours are co-extensive with the district. The offertory at this service has been continued with good effect.— From its proceds a surplice has been obtained for the use of the officiating minister, and the recent collections have been appropriated to the building fund of the new church. After morning service at Waterdown, another station ten miles distant is taken up in the afternoon. Here there are materials for a good congregation if it was possible to visit from house to house ; and your Missionary deeply regrets that bs cannot hold personal and familiar intercourse with the family of eyery - Wiiite'* REPORT. t9 -''■Mitaili* person attending public worship. This is the only way of overcoming their prejudices, and attaching the people to the English Church. So deeply im- pressed is your missionary with this opinion, that nothing but urgent necessity prevents him from carrying into effect a systematic course of pastoral visitation throughout the mission. But the Society is fully aware, that what is compara* tively easy in a settled parish is altogether impracticable in such ministrations aa are described in this report. At the Brock Road many infants have been bap- tized, and the people are generally attentive, orderly and anxious to obtain the means of grace more frequently. Milton, in Trafalgar, always affords a large and devout congregation. It is a thriving settlement, and ought to have a Church and Clergyman to gather the people every Sunday. Your Missionary hopes to see this good work taken in hand early in the ensuing summer. Subscriptions to the amount of £240 have been entered into, which, with a small additional sum, it is hoped, will be sufficient to erect a frame building suited to their present wants. The infant association of the Church Society, here organized, continues to increase. The contributions this year exceed those of last, and amount to £G 13s. 9d. Church- men here see the need of supporting the Society, and the advantage they them- selves derive from it; obtaining, as they do, the services of a Missionary, and receiving back a portion of the Funds. With this, they last year obtained a surplice, and from the proceeds of this season they expect to derive service-books. On the whole your Missionary cannot say that there is any decline in the prospects of our communion in this quarter since last year. When at Milton in the morning, your Missionary officiates at Palermo in the afternoon, thus enabling the Rev. Mr. Givins to visit Bronte, a station where a favourable opening presents itself for future usefulness. The Onondaga Township is the last locality which it will be necessary to speak of. The Church population of this new and rapidly increasing section of country is large, numbering 600, mostly new settlers and very poor. On that account it is most important to occupy the ground — and it is much to be regretted that a Clergyman cannot be specially employed for the spiritual instruc- tion of those in this vicinity, as your Missionary is confident that the result would be more satisfactory than in an older settlement. The Service here is held in a small School-house, once a fortnight, through the kind assistance of the Rev. Mr. Elliot. It is well attended, especially in fine weather. The worshippers are 'c-ry --tentive and use their Prayer Books much better than at i^rst. However, such places as this require time to effect anything permanent. We must content ourselves with sowing the seed, tending it earefuUy and wailing God's own time to bring it to maturity. Your Missionary has admitted sixty-one persons into the Church by baptism, officiated at five burials, and solemnized one marriage. He has sold and distri- buted from seventy to eighty Prayer Books, besides a large number of tracts and other publications in accordance with the principles of the Church of England. Hamilton. — The Parochial Committee regret that their exertions this year in the cause of the Church Society have not been attended with greater success. They are fully aware, however, that the falling off in the funds can be satisfacto- rily accounted for, and, that under existing circumstances, it cannot be looked upon as an indication of diminished interest in the Society. In addition to the heavy demands made upon the members of the Church of England in this parish 30 BEPORT. during the last year, towards erecting the new church, they have very recently contributed the handsome sum of £70 to the Assistant Minister, who from letters recently received, appears to be deriving the benefit anticipated from a more genial climate ; and who, it is hoped, will be enabled to resume the active dis- charge ofhis duties at no distant period. The amount collented is ^92 14s. l^d., being £15 less than last year. The sales in the Depository during the past year have been to the amount of £21 194. 9d. : viz., fifty-six Bibles and Testaments, one hundred and eight Prayer Uouks, and two hundred and sixty-one other publications. It is much to be regretted that steps have not been taken to enlarge this establishment, and to render it in some measure adequate to the wants of the district, and worthy of the importance of this rising city. The Committee would fain hope that the Managing Committee of the united districts will bestow their serious considera* tion on this matter, and that a special appropriation from the district funds will be agreed upon, to effect so desirable an object. There is another appendage to the parish, the want of which is seriously felt by the poorer members of the Church of £ng!and in this city, i. e. a Parochial School. A good elementary school where the children of the poor can be educated cheaply, and on sound religious principles, would be an unspeakable blessing. A school-house might be erected at a moderate cost, on ground adjoining the parish church ; and means could, without much difiiculty, be obtained to maintain a respectable master. The Committee would beg the subscribers to bear this object in mind and to appropriate their contributions another year to that specific object. The Sunday-school has been supplied with books from a special collection, which amounted to £21 8s. 9ii. London and Huron. Tin's Branch, in its report, states, that in the County of Middlesex there are six Parochial Associations, viz., St. Thomas, Port Stanley, Port Burwell, Adelaide, Delaware, Caradoc, and the Town of London ; from four of which, viz., Port Burwell, Dela- ware, Port Stanley, and the town of London, reports have been received for the past year; in addition to which, remittances have been received for the past yef<r. The account of the funds of this Branch, and of the subscrip- tions for local objects, within the past year, is as follows : — For general purposes, not including collections after sermons ... £ 32 2 3} Special purposes (collections made in the Churches for objects embraced by the Church Society) 31 19 Special Coiitributions : For erection of galleries and changes made in the church S55 For a peal of bells ordered from England and now on their way to Canada 456 For organ, just finished 450 For furniture for church, imported from England, from the house of Gilbert French, of Bolton, consii<ting of rich velvet cover for communion table, linen cloth and napkins for ditto, carpet, robes, &c 108 For church debt 294 ^1727 1 3^ REPORT. 01 The Committee express their gratification in being enabled to report that the object which the Branch has had so lonc^ in view Jias at length been obtained, by tlie appointment of Travelling Missionary for the townships of Biddiilph, McGillivray, and Blanchard. The Rev. A Lampman has entered upon his labours in these townships with every prospect of success. Mr. Lampman has been occupied in his mission but a few months, and has furnished a report of his proceedings which shews the zeul with which he has undertaken his labours. Brock District. The Committee of this Branch, in their seventh report, state, that the apparent deficiency in the amount collected for the general purposes of the Society, arises from the necessity of devoting the whole of the offertory collections made in Woodstock, since the 23rd day of June, 1850, to the payment of instalments and interest on moneys borrowed from the Woodstock Building Society, for the enlargement of St. Paul's Church. These payments must necessarily continue till the operations of the Building Society are closed. The Committee state, that they have felt a great advantage has accrued to the Church by the loan made ; the debt being easily repaid without any direct appeal for contributions, and an increase secured in the amount of accommodation, far beyond what might have been expected, if the alterations in the Church had depended upon present subscriptions. The report from tlie Huntingford Branch has been received, and exhibits much zeal in furthering the interests of the Society. Talbot District. Hitherto the Talbot District has consisted of but one Parish. A Travelling Missionary now regularly visits the settlements in this District, and this Branch is endeavouring to provide half the Missionary's stipend ; this it has done for nearly two years, with the assistance of £30 from the mission fund of the Parent Society. Colhorne District. Small remittances have been received from the two Parochial Associations in this District, viz., Peterborough and Emily, but no reports. Western District. - This is the second year of the existence of this Branch of the Society. It was formerly part of the London, Western, and Huron* but it was found that it would be more convenient if separated from the London and Huron, and established as a distinct Branch. Parochial Associations have been established at Sandwich, Col- chester, Amherstburgh, Moore, Fromefield, and Mersea. 'I * I ! 3Z REPORT. Home and Simcoe District. It is much to be regretted tliat more favourable reports have not been presented from the several Parochial Committees in the Home and Simcoe Districts. It would probably have a good effect) if these several Associations were combined in one Branch, as in other Districts, and so, having a common object in view, would direct their united exertions to the attainment of that object. Reports have been received from Barrie, Tecumseth, and West Gwillimbury, Penctanguisliene, Orillia, West Medontei Flos, and Mono, in the Simcoe District, which exhibit an aggregate amount of collections, amounting to £69 18s. 4d., and from Thorn- hill, Vaughan, Scarborough, York Mills, Georgina, Lloydtown, Chinguacousy, Newmarket, and Weston, in the Home District) whose collections amount to £86 lOs. 8d. The particulars of the collections in the several Associations will be given in the appendix. (^Extracts from the several Reports of the Parochial jlssociations.) SiMCOB Deanery Bradcii. — It has been customary for several years, for the meetings in this District to be held in immediate sucuession, so as to secure as large an attendance of the Clergy t>8 possible. This result has generally been attained.This year,n)uch interest has been created in the cause, and an opportunity has been afforded for the Clergy to meet and comfort one another by communing concerning God's blessings, and urging each one to renewed exertions in this missionary field: only thobe who are separated (as most of the Clergy in this district are) for twelve months together, can appreciate the pleasure derivable from meetings such as ours, in the February of each year. Every year that comes round shews more clearly the wisdom of the pro- moters of our Society, so admirably adiipted as it is to the peculiar circumstances of the Diocese, and doubtless, as its objects become more thoroughly understood, its funds will proportionably increase. The meetings at Barrie, Orillia, and Penctangufshene were all well attended, both by Clergy and Laity — and strong evidences afTurded of increased determi- Dation to use every effort to enlarge the means of the Society, Owing to the withdrawal of our Travelling Missionary, the Rev. John Fletcher, and his settle- ment in Mono, several townships have been left entirely without the ministrations of the Church. Since our meeting arrangements have been made, by which some part may be visited at intervals, until his Lordship the Bishop of Toronto can provide a travelling Missionary for the northern part of the District. The townships of Sunnidale, Nottawasaga, (a thickly settled township) Ospry, Col- lingwood, and the upper part of £ssa, have been left to themselves for the past year, the missions possessing resident Clergymen being extensive, and their requirements demanding such continued attention as has hitherto prevented these destitute parts being visited. In the township of Innisfil there has never yet been a resident Clergyman, but until the close of the year 1849, was visited once a month by the travelling Missionary, and occasionally by the Rev. S. B. Ardagh of Barrie. When the travelling Missionary was withdrawn, the ministrations of the Church could only be obtained at intervals and these very uncertain, owing to the great extent of the Barrie and Shanty Bay mission, which rendered it quite impossible to supply it (Innisfil) more frequently. mmmsm RBPOBT. for It wai thought adviiable to establish a Branch of the Church Society here, there being a large number of Church people scattered throughout the township. Accordingly, February 18lh was appointed for holding the meeting, and to which all who felt any interest in the cause of Christ were invited ; it was well attended, many coming from a long distance, and evidencing, by their attention and response to our calls upon them, their willingness to aid to the utmost of their power in furthering the objects of the Society. The duty of providing perina- nently for the religious instruction of themselves and children, was forcibly set before the meeting, and the immediate fruits of the appeal was not only a numerotiii list of subscribers to the Church Society, but a goodly array of names pledged ic the support of a missionary among themselves. It is expected before the monUi oi June, that a Clergyman from Ireland, sent out under the auspicea of the " Pfcpagation Society," will be labouring in this hitherto almost destitute part, and there can be but little doubt, that the spirit thus waked will not be permitted to die a«ay, and the Church will still number within her fold many in this quarter, who were, from want of her miuistrations, fast falling into the hands of those whose " they are not." Six o'clocli of the evening of the same day was appointed for a meeting in the rising village of Bradford. Soon after the time appointed, the capacious room was crowded, and here, in a place where the Church has hitherto been without a name and without a portion, was assembled a concourse of men of all sects and opinions to listen to the details and appeals of our missionaries. The meeting having been opened with the usual prayers, and after an address from the Rev. Mr. Iliil, as Chairman, detailing the objects of the meeting, &c., various resolutions were proposed and seconded in speeches of the most impressive character. Though ten o'clock had struck before the meeting was closed, the deepest interest pervaded the minds of all present. Nothing could be more encouraging than the result of this day's work, and the spur given by the energetic addresses to the exertions of our people, it is hoped and believed will be felt. On the following day, the annual meeting was held in Trinity Church, Tecumseth, the Rev. F. L. Osier in the chair. The following extracts from the report submitted to the meeting, will shew clearly the circum- stances of this Parochial Association, and the efforts which have been made to further the cause of the Church in these townships, especially in West Gwillim* bury. "There was received during the past year in the townships of Tecumseth and West Gwillimbury, the sum of £24 lis. 4^d., one-fourth of which, by the Constitution of the Society, was remitted to aid the fund of the parent society ; of the remaining three-fourths, £15 was devoted to the establishment of the mission of West Gwillimbury, and the remaining £3 Ss. 6^d. was expended in insuring Christ Church, West Gwillimbury, and St. John's and Trinity (partly) Tecumseth, against fire. For many years past the whole of the funds at the disposal of the Committee was devoted to the support of a travelling mis- sionary in the Simcoe District, nor was any portion withdrawn from that object, so long HS a missionary was employed in that duty, but the Rev. J. Fletcher having been appointed as resident clergyman at Mono ; and West Gwillimbury having been constituted an independent mission, it was deemed right to assist the congregation of that township, and to continue to assist them until the debt on the glebe and parsonage is liquidated. The committee have much pleasure io stating, that during the past year, a parsonage house has been erected in West 1 ■sj 34 REPOBT. ' I Gwillimbury, the frame of • church erected In the vlllege of Dredford, and many iniprovenienti made on the glebe, and it U ■atinfactorjr to the Committee to be able to itate, that all the Churchri in the two townahipa and both the pamonnge houtea are iniured, and the only debie are £0A duo on the glebe, payable in 1 852, and £40 on the parsonage huuie, due in July of the preaent year." Mono. — In presenting their annunl Report of the atate of the Church in thit parish, the Committee think that the following statistics of the parinh mny not be uninteresting to the memberri of the Cliurch, as they shew much belter ihun mere assertions could do, what is the pietent state of the Church in tiiia locality. The population of these lonnshipa appears by the census returns to hare been as follows :— TOWNSIIirS. Mono Mulnicr . Tosurontio Adjaln. . ., Im 1848. OM ^^ V 4) 814 2(i5 1!22 394 c ♦3 o H 1180 237 253 2003 502 375 1208 1602 1505:2887 4482 I In 1850. 01 4) ^ 085 1242 340| 258 151 258 416 1318 1001 3076 *6 2227 G07 400 1734 4977 According to these returns it may be seen that while Dissent, in the eUven forms which (according to the lasl centtuB) exist among us, has increased only G\ per cent, during the last two yearn, the Church during the same period has iutreased 10 per cent. The following is a more practical analyttis of the returns fur each town* bhip : — lu Mono, the Church has increased 2 1 per cent., Dissenters 4 per cent. In Miilmer " " 31 " " " la Tosoroutio " " 23 " " 2 " In Adjaltt " ♦' 5 " "9 " The sums contributed for Church purposes (exclusive of the Sacramenlnl collections in the different Churches and the offertory in St. Luke's Church) bince our last anniversary, are as follow : — £ s. Subscriptions to Church Society 2 15 Collections for Widows and Orphans Culiccttoiis for general purposes 8 Subticripiions to stipend of Minister 63 13 d. n H 11 £67 6 10 iacluJing the Rnmau Catholics. I. -^ REPORT. It may bo noticed that the lubioriptione in aid of the Church Society have fallen ahnrt of tiiuie in former yeara ; but thia ia very naturally accounl^d for by the change of the circuinatanuea of the pariah, the inenibera of the Church in thii pliicc being now rcqiiirccl to contribute one half of the atipend of their Mini«trr. Toward* this liilter object, inembere of tha congref^atinn of St. John'a Church, reiii'liiig in Albion and Culedon, contributed £2 2i. Gd. ; inembrra of St. Mtuk's Ciiurch, rcaidini^ in Culcdon, £3 16«. 3d. ; pemnns attending at Mr. Tliomnt IrwiirM8tatiun,ri siding in V]*Hn, IO4., mid |>t>r8on!) wlionre not cniinrntcd with the Church, £2, leaving n bulance of £;52 4*. 3d., aa contributed by the niembera of the Church in the four Townihipa, which may be properly conaidered aa con8tituting this puriHh. This 8UM1 has been collected in the foHowinu manner : — Mulmur £4 6 10 Toiiorontio 4 10 A(ij»la — Mr. T. Irwin's station £2 10 In connection with St. John'a Church 7 13 2^ 10 3 2^ Mono — St. John's Church 32 4 2^ St. Mark's Church 2 17 6 In connection with St. Luke's Church 1 12 G 36 14 2J £55 4 3 If we compare these sums w'th the Church population of these Townships, ns returned by the Inst census, we tthull obtain the following results:^ Miilinur, containing G3 fainilieii, comprising 349 profesHcd niembera of the Cliutch, coniributeH £4 Qa, lOJ., giving an average of Is. 4^d. to a family, or 3d. to CAcli individual. Tosorontio, containing 28 families, compriHing 151 individuals, contributes £4 Ih,, giving nn averugb of 2«. lO^d. ton family, orG^d to each individual. Adjula, containing 7G families, comprising 41G individuals, contributes £10 'Is. 2d., giving an average of 28. 8d. to a family, or 5^J. to each indi- vidual. And Mono, containing 171 families, comprising 985 individuals, contributes £36 14?]. 2^d, giving an average of 49. 3^d. to a family, or 9d. to each indi- vidual. It should, however, be observed, that the subscriptions towards the stipend of the settled Minister, have been obtained from a comparatively limited circle, 95 families having contributed the amount, at an average of 1 U. 7^d. from each family, and that 52 families of professed Cliurchmen residing in Mulmnr, 20 in Tosorontio, 54 iu Adjala, and 117 in Mono, or 243 families in the parish, have not paid anyliiiiig towards this object during the past year, and that if the mem- bers of the Ciiureh iu these townships had given to the cause of God, in proportion as He had blessed them, or had only given, as an average, two dollars from each family, they might have it in their power to procure the ministration of a second clergyman amongst them. The number of religious services performed in this mission during the past year has been 120, on the Lord's day, and festival occasions, and 43 on week days, at various stations throughout the missiua ; there have been during the 36 B SPORT. I. ■ i same period 91 baptisms, (including one of an adult) ; 11 marriages, and eight burials, showing an increase over the previous year of 50 baptisms, three mr-riages, and five buriald. , Cit^ of Toronto. The anticipations expressed in the last report, of the favourable working of the Parochial Associations in the city, have been in a good measure realized. Reports have been made from four out of the five Parochial Committees, and a considerable increase has been made in the amount of their several collections ; the amount received this year having been, from the four Associations, £194 18s. dd., an increase upon the return of last year, from the same Associations, of £52 lis. 7d. {Extracts from Reports of the several Parochial Associations.) St. James' Parochial Association. — While the Committee have to regret that the same causes are still in existence which have for the last two years operated against the interests of the Association, and delayed the accomplish" ment of some of its most important designs, they can rejoice in the prospect of these hindrances being removed at no distant period, when they may hope fully and satisfactorily to carry out the objects they have in view. It must be a subject of deep thankfulness to us all to witness our Cathedral Church gradually rising upon its ruins, and promising to exceed the former building in beauty of architecture and convenience of arrangement. May the work, at length so auspiciously begun, and thus far advanced, be carried forward under the blessing of God to a happy completion ! It must be obvious that objects which require the united efforts of the whole congregation, cannot pos- sibly be carried into effect while our people are scattered as they are at present. The Committee, therefore, would urge upon every member of the congregation the duty of manifesting the zeal which becomes true Christians and Churchmen, in contributing freely and bountifully towards the re-erection of their Church, remembering that the sooner this great object is accomplished, the sooner shall we be enabled to prosecute with energy and effect the minor, but not less impor- tant objects of our Association. The Committee are happy to learn, that a handsome design has been adopted for the Parochial School-house, to accord in style of architecture with the Cht""S. Contracts for this work have been entered into and the building actually .imenced, and it is to be completed by the 31st of August next, at a cost of £928 15s. ; as the expense of this erection will exceed the amount in band for that purpose by about £200 ; the Committee recommend that a liberal grant be made this year in aid of the buildmg fund. The sums set apart during the'two last years towards the maintenance of the teachers of the Parochial School, and which may probably be augmented this year also, will materially assist in bringing the day school into early operation. The Sunday-School which cumbers between two and three hundred rhil- dren in regular attendance, is upon the whole in a prosperous condition, — the library attached to it has been increased by about 100 volumes, procured by means of a subscription set on foot by some of the gentlemen teachers. To Messrs. Brett, Price, Holmes, and W. Baldwin, the Committee feel that their special ackDowledgments are due, as it was owing chiefly to their zealous exer* REPORT. tiona that the sum of £36 lis. lOd., was collected for this purpose. After supplying the library to the extent above-mentioned, a small surplus remains whicli it is intended to apply to the purchase of a few articles of furniture for the new School-house. The Parochial Library has received an accession of some valuable works by means of the grant voted for that object at our last anniversary. The subscription list for the present year in aid of our Association, exhibits a total of £100 129. 6d., showing a considerable increase over the collections of former years. Application of the Funds of the St. James' Parochial Association. Parochial School. Application for 1849 £12 10 Do. " 1850 12 10 £25 0* Parochial Libbabt. Appropriation for 1849 10 0* Bell Fund 40 0* Unappropsiated. Being cash in hand for contingencies 10 17 1 £85 17 1 Estimate of the Funds of the St. James' Parochial Association for the year 1851. Amount subscribed about ^ £100 Of which the Treasurer has received from the Collea- tor the sum of £87 158. Deduct Commission to Collector, about £ 5 Deduct one-fourth of £95 to be detained by the Treasurer of the Church Society 23 15 £28 15 Probable amount at disposal of St. James* Par. Association £71 5 St. Pauls' Parochial Association. — In laying before the Society a statement of its transactions during the past year, the Committee have it in their power to point, with satisfaction, to a fair measure of success. It will be recol- lected, that the balance of the funds of the Society in hand, at the end of the year 1849, being the sum of £23 78. ll^d., was, by a vote of the Committee, at the last annual meeting, appropriated towards the liquidation of the debt then due for the organ belonging to the Church. That sum has been paid accordingly, and there still remains only the small balance of £16 4s. 3d., due on account of that debt. The amount of subscriptions during the past year is, £35 63. Id., of which there has been collected £30 Oo. 4d. Of this last mentioned sum, in accord- ance with the rule of the Parent Society, one-fourth, namely, £7 10s. Id., is payable to the general fund ; leaving at the disposal of the Committee the sum of £22 10s. 3d. If it be thought that the sum thus realised, is small in proportion to the number and means of the members of this Branch of the Society — and truly * Deposited in Home District Savings* Bank. ! •' I i i ! I |# REPORT. cnouf^h, the amount if divided by the number of parishioners would not give a large result for each — it should, at the same time, be remembered, that the contribution to tiie funds of the Society has not by any means, formed the only call upon the resources of the members, — that for the good purpose of forming the commencement of a building fund, with a vievy to the erection in course of time of a new Church in the Parish, there has been collected the respectable sum of £74 ll-'ia.; and further, that within tiie past year the congregation has subscribed upwards of i^SOO towards the establishment of the Church Univer- bity — an undertaking rendered necessary by untoward circumstances, which need not be here particularized. St. George's Parochiai< Association — Before coming to those objects more immediately in connection with St. George's Church, the Coiiunitfee would first allude to one object which is so essential to the well-being of the Church in this Diocese and the Province generally, and for furlheiing which this Asso- ciation so warmly and unanimously pledged itself at the last meeting. The endowment of a University for the education of our youth, with which the neces- sity and duty of coupling instruction in the principles of the Christian religion, as taught by the doctrine and instilled by the discipline of the United Church of England and Ireland, would be both recognized and acted upon. Towards this holy object, a sum of upwards of £l,U0O, in donations of money, landsi, and Building Society stock, was with alucrity subscribed by members of this Associa- tion ; and your Committee look back with pleasure and thankfulness to this subject in particular, as your Society was privileged, at their last annual meeting, in being the first to take up the subject of the Bishop's Pastoral, and to prove their sincerity by thus promptly responding to the call of the Church. With a lively interest, they have since watched the success of the appeal throughout the Diocese, and the crowning exertions of our venerated Diocesan in the Mother Country, which we can never sufficiently admire or be thankful for, superadded as they arc to all hin past labours for our happiness, both here and hereafter. Nor can your Committee leave the subject without a gratulatory reference to the fact of the site of the new University Buildings being chosen within the limits of St. George's Parish — another reason (though a secondary one) why our sympathies and interest should be warmly enlisted in this good and holy cause. But it is not our province to allude more than passingly to these general subject)), whicli demand our interest and support as Churchmen (at all times as far as our own wants will permit), and we shall therefore now confine ourselves to a Report of the exertions made on behalf of the Church in our own district, and a review of our own strict sphere of duty yet to be performed. Foremost, then, among our local claims stands the Debt of the Church.—- Towards the reduction of this our efforts have been mainly directed ; and youv Committee have pleasure in recording the following sums collected and paid to this account since the formation of your Society : — In 1849-50, By special collection £100 " 1 850-5 1, By special collections and vote of Par. Association. 25 And, within the last quarter, the munificent sum collected at the Offertory, after the eloquent sermons preached by the Rev. Septimus Ramsey 100 Thus making the sum of, , , £225 /***• — •> REPORT. 3d raised and applied te this purpose— 'to wliich, though not immediately available, has to be added the annual instalments paid on building society 8tocl(, by parties who have assigned their interest in such stock as the foundation of a sum to matnie for the eventual extinction of the debt, and which have involved, and continue to involve, a payment from the donors of upwards of £100 per annum. The sum of £,45 has been also raised by special collection, on account of another debt of almost equally long standing — the cost of our church bell, on which a balance of £45 still remains due. In the past year additional subscriptions have been also received towards paying off the balance due on the purchase of that beautiful Service of Commu- nion Plate, which monthly, and on the high festivals of our Church is used in the celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. And the allusion to the provision thus made for the becoming administration of the one Sacrament brings your Committee to record the supply during the past year, of the want so long felt on the occasions of the public celebration of the other holy Sacrament of the Church. At the west door has been erected a chaste and beautiful marble Font, the cost of which £60 10s., has been paid in full by thank-offerings from individuals impressed with a sense of special mercies received. The following inscription, inlaid in silver on the pedistal, commemorates lastingly the humble and pious spirit in which funds for the purpose wrre collected: — " This Font was erected in the Church of St. George the Martyr, from thank-offerings made on Whitsunday, 1849, being the tercentenary of the pro* mulgation of the Book of Common Prayer; and on the 3rd day of Jan., 1850, being a day of general thanksgiving for the removal of the cholera ; and on sun- dry other occasions. It was wrought by John Worthington, and first used on the fifth Sunday in Lent, 1850. John Strachan, D.D. LL.D. being then Lord Bishop of Toronto. Stephen Lett, LL.L). being Incumbent of the Church. Henry John Lefroy and John Arnold being Churchwardens." Further to record matters of local interest, your Committee have to name that within the Church a galleri/ has been erected to meet increasing demand for Church accommodation, at a cost of £130, for the erection of which, (that it might not draw from the general income of the Church,) a member of this Asso- ciation, joined by one or two more to a small amount, became liable, for the time, by an advance of funds. An Organ has been presented to the Church by the ladies and gentlemen who so kindly assist in the musical portion of the service, subject to a stnall balance in the 'jost of erection of £15, and which has been since reduced by a thank-offering to £10. For this valuable instrument, while your Committee regre; tlie want oJ' a suitable case, yet they do not feel that they would be jus- tified, under present circumstances in soliciting subscriptions while so many important objects press upon them. Your Committee have an especial gratification in availing themselves of their Annual Report to record the gift, by a lady, of a valuable plot of land immediately adjoining the Church on the north side, as the site of a Parsonage ; and your Committee would express a hope that the pious and benevolent designs of the donor may be realized, in due time, by the erection of d suitable residence on the land thus given. Your Committee would, lastly call your attention to, perhaps, the most important object which presses itself upon our immediate care, — the instruction 40 REPORT. 1^ i- of the numerous and increasing in/ant population of our Pariah, and which hai hitherto been almost entirely defrayed from the liberal provision made for that purpose by a single member of the congregation. To carry out a system of infant instruction upon an enlarged and satisfactory scale, a main want exists in the absence of a parochial school house. This subject has already been brought prominently before your Society at the last Annual Meeting, and the fund in hand from special subscriptions, and a vote of the Parochial Committee now amounts to £143 16s. 2d., including the liberal sum of £50, presented by a member of the congregation as a thank-offering to Almighty God for augmentation of worldly wealth, thus dedicating to the service of the Gracious Giver of every good gift the first fruits of that which we trust the donor may long live to enjoy. Nor can your Committee omit to mention, as a further inducement to the provision of a school house, that the Sunday school in connection with our Church, and for want of separate accommodation obliged to assemble therein, is steadily on the increase, the average attendance now being 300 children. On this subject the Com'Mittee further add, that they have been in treaty for the purchase or lease of the lot of land to the east of the Church for the site of the school house, in the hope that the day is not distant when the Society may supply the want here alluded to, without prejudice to other claims. Parochial Association in connexion with the Church of the Holy Trinity. The Parochial School-House on the South side of the Church has been erected and paid for during the year, by the contributions of the Parochial Association of this Church, in connexion with the Great Diocesan Church Society. At the last meeting of this Association, held after Evening Prayers on Ash-Wednesday, steps were taken gradually to secure to the Church the fee- simple of the site of the School-house. A commencement has been made in the filling of the East Window with stained glass. The tracery in the head of the arch and in the division between the upper and lower tiers of lights, is already filled in. The artist, Mr. Bull, contributes his skill and labour gratuitously to this undertaking. Arrangements have been made by the Churchwardens for the final pur- chase of the Organ erected in the north transept, which, independently of the additional dignity given thereby to'the public worship, is a source of widely-felt, refining pleasure, to the large crowds frequenting this Church. It is earnestly hoped, that a generous spirit will be manifested in the assistance rendered to the Churchwardens in meeting the liabilities which they have entered into for the purchase of this noble instrument. During the year, the sum of ninety pounds was contributed, indepenoently of the Offertory, principally by the metnbers of the congregation of St. James's Church, towards the Organ Fund. His Excellency the Governor General kindly gave five pounds. Beyond this usual routine of steady usefulness, the transactions of our Church Society during the past year present nothing of sufficient prominence to call for special notice. But to the Church at large, in this Diocese, the past year has been a memorable year. The incidents which have made it memo- rable may be briefly noticed, with propriety it ig conceived, in the Report of a Society which must be directly affected by everything that materially affects the Church at large. ■i. REPORT. 41 On the I7th of March last, the Church Union, which had been formed some time before, but from various causes had remained inactive, was revived on the same principles, and with the same designation, viz. — '* The Church Union of the Diocese of Toronto.'** It may be described, in brief terms, as a Protective Association of the Church, whose office it shall be to defend the temporal interests of the Church in matters which do not fall within the province of the Church Society. The Church Union promises to contribute greatly to the prosperity and strength of our Zion ; and this more particularly by combining the laity in one confedera- tion and system of tactics for the defence of our Cnurch temporali- ties, and thus bringing their concentrated influence to bear — as our numerical strength would cause it to bear — with very apparent effect upon the political vicissitudes of the time. On the 30th of April our venerable and beloved Diocesan, after the most energetic personal exertion, most cordially seconded by his people, laid within the limits of this city the corner-stone of an University to be called Trinity College, and to be devoted to the high and holy purpose of educating young men in secular and religious learning, under the tutelage and in harmony with the {)rinciples of the Church. A very numerous body of clergy and aity, comprising many of the most influential inhabitants of the Province, assembled to do honour to the occasion and to witness the gratifying scene. The ceremony was peculiarly impressive, and the demonstrations of feeling on the part of the congregated multitudes were, we need not hesitate to say, perfectly enthusiastic. Nobly conceived, and vigorously commenced, our rising University seems to possess, in a high degree, the confidence of the great mass of the Church population of this Province, who look forward to its future career with what we may venture to call a religious solicitude, because they are ready to receive it into their hearts' best sym{iathies, as being founded upon those sacred and immuta- ble principles of truth which God has made conducive to His glory, and essential to the welfare of His people. On the following day, being the Festival of St. Philip and St. James, His Lordship the Bishop of Toronto held in the Church of the Holy Trinity his Visitation of the Clergy, which was suc- ceeded by the organization of a conference, composed of the clergy of the diocese, and of lay representatives previously elected from communicants in each congregation. His Lordship then proposed to the conference two great questions for deliberation ; relating — the one to the protection of our Church property, the other to the privilege of holding Diocesan Synods. These two questions were taken up on the morrow, and discussed in an admirable spirit. " With one heart and one soul," both clergy and laity professed themselves resolved to rally round the Church in her exigency, and by all legitimate means to protect the r il \ i 5 REPORT. ' threatened heritaj?c of God. The meetinj^ assented unanimously to a petition, addressed to the three branches of the Colonial Legislature, against the meditated disturbance of the 3rd and 4th Vict. ch. 78, which provides for the final settlement of the Clergy Reserves; and with similar unanimity resolved upon petitioning Her Majesty for the establishment of a Diocesan Synod. As further legislation upon the Clergy Reserves has been postponed, we may confidently hope that the breathing-time thus allowed us will bring about such an improved appreciation of sound and just views as may lead to a favourable result in the Provincial Parlia- ment. Of this we feel assured, that the deliberations of the conference, and the animated meeting of the Church Union immediately after it, will exert a powerful influence over the public mind. JNIost cheering is it to entertain the persuasion, which the late proceedings force upon us with a cogency of evidence not to be doubted or resisted, that the heart of our laity is sound, honest, and true. The lay members of the conference, we feel convinced, will be each of them the nucleus of a strong and fearless gathering of our brethren in the towns and rural parts of this diocese. They have returned to their homes to aid — as we would venture to recommend — in the extension of the "Church Union," and to circulate, as we hope, with augmented fervour and courage, those excellent principles to which they have not been ashamed to bear open testimony iu the ecclesiastical conference and at the public meeting. We feel encouraged in no ordinary measure by what they have already said and done, and by the prospect of their strenuous endeavours hereafter ; and we cannot allow ourselves to doubt that, for the time to come, the Church will continue to acquire a steadily increasing control over the tone of public opinion and the complexion of public affairs. During the current month it has pleased Almighty God to remove from this earthly sphere the Rev. James Magrath, A. M., for many years Rector of St. Peter's Church, at the Credit, in the township of Toronto. The venerable deceased had attained the age of eighty-two years, and four months, and had been upwards of fifty years in holy orders. The chief interest which pertains to our present meeting is derived from its connection with the Third Jubilee of the venerable Society for the l^ropagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. One hundred and fifty years have now elapsed since the Charter of this celebrated institution was signed, an event as to which we should not greatly err, were we to consider it inferior in sacred interest only to the history of the Bible, — the Reforma- tion alone excepted. During this century and a half, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel has been prosecuting its noble, but arduous work ; at all seasons, animating or disheartening, true to its weighty trust, devoted to its holy cause ; at one time encou- REPORT. 43 sly ng ■<— V -W?" raged in its j^reat designs by the government of the daj', at another lime repelled in its anxious and unrelaxing eflForts by the chilling indifference of government, striving, in vain, by carnci^t represen- tation, to urge home to the hearts of those in power the spiritual destitution of the Colonies, or its numerous missionary enterprises in other quarters of the world. But *^l'.rough good report, and through evil report, it has unwearedly pursued its career of Chris- tian benevolence, dispensing light and knowledge to the American, and Asiatic, and African Pagan ; to the Mohammedan ; and to the famishing soul of the poor emigrant, for whose religious instruction it seems to repent the rulers of the land that any national provision should ever have been made. And in this last particular, as we especially can testify, it hath surely performed the part (if we may speak thus) of the " good and faithful servant," in doing the Lord's work. Not only has it made " God's name great among the Gen- tiles," but it has most affectionately watched over the Christian population of the British Colonies, and has laboured to tlie full extent of its means, to counteract those extensive and pernicious moral evils which might have been expected to flow, and have too abundantly flowed, from the want of a sound and religious scheme of colonization. The Society deeply felt what danger the soul of the emigrant must incur, when he makes his way into the heart of the forest, remote from the sacred services which blessed his early years. They felt and they feared tliis danger; and we, in a pecu- liar degree, have reason to gratefully acknowledge how untiringly they have pressed upon the public mind of Britain the responsible duty of following up the adventurous footsteps of the emigrant with the ministrations of the Church, and of doing every thing that might be done to preserve him from so fatal an event as falling away from the faith of his fathers. To humble faith the Divine Head of the Church may seem .'ndeed to have set His seal of approval upon its labours. In common with the Church Missionary Society, it can point to many precious seals of an apostolic ministry amongst the Gentiles; and many churches in the Colonies, fully organized, in the possession of the Episcopate, speak of it with filial love, and invest it with the attributes of a mother's tenderness, and call it by a mother's name. More than three hundred and fifty missionaries are maintained in whole or in part by the Society. "In the lands which are, or have been within the limits of the Society's charter, where, a hundred and fifty years ago, not a dozen Clergy- men of the Church of England could be found, there are now about 3,000,000 members of our communion, to whom the Word of God and the Sacraments are administered by 2,750 Clergymen, under the superintendence of fifty-seven Bishops."* -i The Society's revenue, both for general and for special pur- poses, amounted, last year, to £1*21,425 19s. 8d.; a large sum, -! I J ! • Colonial Churchman, 44 REPORT, perhaps, compared with the resources of most other religious associations, but sadly inadequate to its vast field of operations. How soon is this income swallowed up, almost like a drop of water in the ocean, in the broad territories of the British empire I How scanty the provision which ciin be derived from it for the thousands of emif^rants who annually leave their mother-land! And, after all that, in God's strenufth, a devoted band of self-sacrificing mis- sionaries can achieve, how faint an impression has the Society the means of making upon the millions of unbelievers in four of the five great divisions of the globe, who, though they live under or in proximity to British sway, know as yet little or nothing of that gospel which has made Britain enlightened, glorious, and happy I On the present auspicious occasion of the Society's Jubilee, let us effectually testify the heartfelt interest which it cannot be doubted that we feel in the Society's continued prosperity, by cordially responding, in our several parishes or missions, to the invitation of our venerable Diocesan, and by giving to the Society all the help we can afford. It may be pleaded, indeed, that local wants will not leave us much to spare; but, in speaking of our local wants, we cannot keep out of sight all that the Society has done to relieve them. Something, at least, we can spare ; and that, be it great or small, we will give, not grudgingly, but in a dutiful spirit and with warm hearts. "The empire on which the sun never sets;" that is the proud and exulting language in which, as a nation, we describe our unsurpassed dominion. But in the broad expanse of that empire, unnumbered multitudes there are, on whom the Sun of Righteous- ness hath never risen ; and others there are, on whose hearts His heavenly light is falling more dim and more deeply shaded day by day, tliroiigh the total absence or the irregular participation of the Church's means of grace. These are solemn thoughts, which may well temper, with an awful sense of Christian responsibility, the high pretensions of national pride. We, who form no obscure portion of that empire, may appropriate to ourselves, in measure, this sobering reflection upon the coincidence of national responsi- bility with national elevation. Possessing already so respectable a position amongst the colonies of Great Britain, and eagerly ambitious to rise still higher in the scale, let us watchfully guard against those disturbing influences of the world — most likely to affect us — which too often turn away the tipirit of man from the contemplation of better things. As we clear away acre after acre of our forests, let not the land thus gained to cultivation be lost to Christ; and as we advance in commercial wealth and political Importance, let us not be a people to be measured by our diplomacy, our jurisprudence, or our trade; but let us study to approve our- selves a people faithful unto God, and " mindful of the duties of planting the kingdom of God in its integrity and perfection." RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE NINTH GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING, Held at Toronto, on IVedncadnr Jnne, 18, 1§31. The Honourable and Right Rbvebend the Lord Bishop or Toronto in the Chair. Moved by the Rev. E. Denroche, seconded by Dr. Bovell, Resolution 1. — That the Report just read Ke adopted, and that it be printed under the direction of the Standing Committee of the Society, in such number and form as to them may seem expedient. Moved by the Rev. T. S. Kenngdt, seconded by the Rev. A. Dixon, Resolution 2.—- That this meeting desires to record its thankfulness to Almighty God for the success which lie has been pleased to vouchsafe to the Society during the past year. Moved by the Hon. the Chiet Justice, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Lett, Resolution 3. — That we commemor!>te with unfeigned rejoicing and thanksgiving to Almighty God, the third Jubilee of the Venerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ; and that it be recommended by the authority of his Lordship, the Bishop of Toronto, as a suitable acknowledgement of our indebtedness to that eminently useful Society that sermons be preached and collections made in behalf of the Society throughout the various Parishes and Missions of this Diocese, on any Sunday prior to the Slst of July next ; the proceeds of such collections to be devoted, at the sug- gesiion of his Lordship, to either of these two objects, which are amongst the four specified by the Society, viz :— The extension of the Episcopate abroad, and the General Purposes' Fund. Moved by E. G. O'Brien, Esq., seconded by the Rev. R.J. Macgeorgb, Resolution 4. — That we feel it a duty to unite with our brethren at Home in recording our earnest protest against the recent aggression of the Bishop of Rome, upon the supremacy of our Most Gracious Sovereign, and the independent rights of our National and Apostolic Church. Moved by the Rev. Henrt Scaddik*, seconded by Geo. Rtkert, Esq. Resolution 5. — That this Society rejoices to hear of the establishment of a Church Society for the diocese of Montreal, and of the continued prosperity of the sister Societies of Nova Scotia, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. Moved by the Hon. Vice-chancellor Esten, seconded by S. B. Harman, Esq., Resolution 6. — That the thanks of the Society be tendered to the Clergy of the Diocese, for having so zealously responded to the call that was made by the Society, under Article XIX. of the Constitution, on behalf of the Missionary Fund, the Widows and Orphan's Fund, and the General Purposes* Fund. Moved by the Rev. C. L. Ingles, seconded by Dr. Paget. Resolution 7. — That the thanks of this meeting be presented to the officers of the Society for their services dating the past year. 46 CONSTITUTION. \\ I m Moved by G. W. Allan, Esq., seconded by the Rev. II. B. Oslbr^ Rpsulutioti 8. — That the following meniberi of the Society be Vicc- rresldents for the ensuing year : — The Hon. the Chief Justice, the Hon. Mr. Chief .Tiistite Macaiilny, the Hon. Mr. Vice-Chancellor Jameson, the Hon. Mr. Vice-Ciiiiiicellnr Ksten, the Hon. Mr. Vice-Chonctllor Spragge, the Hon, Mr. Justice Draper, the Hon. P. B. de Blaquiere, tlie Hon. John Macaulay, the Hon. James Gordon, the Hon. Col. Wells, the Hon. Z. Burnham, the Hon. James Kcrby, the lion. WiliiHm Allnn, the Hon. George C ookshank, the Hon. Robert C. Wiikins, thn Hon Philip Vankoughnet, the Hor. Henry Sherwood, M. P. P., the Hon. G. S. Boulton, the Hon. J. H. Cameron, M.l'.P., Sir Allan N. McNab, M.P.P, the Rev, J. McCaiil, LL.D., the Rev. James Beaven, D.D., John B. Askin, Esq, Thos. Mrrtcr Jones, Etq., Guy C. Wood, Esq., Frederick Widder, Esq., Mr. Sheriff Jarvis, Mr. Sheriff Ruttan, Alexander Burnside, Esq, Justus S. Merwin, Esq., John Arnold, Esq, and the Chairmen of the District Associations. Moved by the Rev. S. Givins, seconded by L. Rodinson, Esq. Resnliitiun 9. — That William Proudfoot, Esq., and Lewis Moifatt, Esq., be Auditors; that Thomas W. Birchall, Esq., bo Treasurer; that the Rev. J. G. D. McKenzie, B.A., be Secretary, and Thomas Champion, Esq., Assistant Secretary, for the ensuing year. Moved by the Rev. J. G. D. McKenzie, Secretary, seconded by Thomas Champion, Esq , Assistant Secretary, Resolution 10. — That in conformity with the recommendation of the Standing Committee, Article XIII. of the Constitution be repealed, and that in its place the following rule be substituted ; — That there shall be a Standing Committee (three of whom shall be a quorum), to prepare the business for the Monthly Meetings of the Society. Tliat the Presidchf, Vice-Presidents, Triasurer or Treasurers, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary, be ex officio members of the Standing Committee. That tlie otlior members of the Standing Committee, not exceeding twenty in nuniber, sliali be elected by the Society out of its incorporated members. Tliat of the non-official members of the Standing Committee, the four who having bet-n on the Committee for one entire year, have attended the fewest meetings of the Standing Committee, and of the Sub-Committees, during the twelve months, ending on the first Wednesday in March, shall go out at the annual meeting in June ; and if any doubt shall arise under this rule, which member of those who have attended the fewest meetings is to retire, then the one who has served the shortest time on the Committee shall be considered to have vacated his seat. That the Standing Committee shall recommend to the Society at its meeting in March, in each year, four members to be elected in the place of the four retiring members, who shall not be eligible for the ensuing year. That any member of the Society wishing to propose other candidates for election on the Standing Committee, be required to give in the names of such candidates to be proposed by him, at or before the monthly meeting in March. Moved by Dr. Mewdubn, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Beaven, Resolution 11. — That the thanks of this meeting be offered to the Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Toronto, for bis kindness in presiding on the present occasion, i / VPPENDIX. iovm of €ont)ciiance to tlje Dtsljop. WITHOUT BAR OF DOWER. This Inoenturb, made the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Between of the of in the County of in the Province of Canada, of the one ptut ; And the Right Reverend J^oijlt, foxff j^t9l)op of ^aroittP, in the said Province of Canada, of the other part : WuEREAs the said is desirous of Conveying the Parcel or Tract of Land and Premises hereinafter particularly described to the said "Ju/tn, Lord Bishop of Torotilo" and to his successors, to the uses and upon the trusts hereinafter declared, according to the provisions of an Act of the Parliament of the Province of Upper Canada, passed in the fifth year of the reign of llcr Mnjesty Queen Victoria, intituled, " An Act to make provision for the ninnngement of the temporalities of the United Church of England and • Ireland, in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned." Now THIS Indenture witnessetii, that the snid for the purpose aforesaid, hath given, granted, and conveyed, and by these pre- sents doth give, grant, and convey, unto the aaid *^ John, Lord Bishop of Toronto," and to his Succpssors, for ever, all and singular that certain Paicel or Tract of Land and Premises, situate and being in the subject to the reservations and conditions expressed in the original grant of the said land from the Crown. • Together with all and singular the appurtenances to the said Parcel or Tract of Land belonging : To Have and to Hold, the said Parcel or Tract of Land and Premises, with their appurtenances, unto the said " John, Lord Bishop of Toronto,^ and his Successors, forever, to the uses and upon the trusts following that is to say : IHere insert the trusts.'] And the said doth hereby for himself, his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, covenant wi 'i\ the said "John, Lord Bishop of Toronto,'' and his Successors, that the said and every person rightfully claiming, or to claim, any interest at law or in equity in the said premises, or any part thereof, under or in trust fur him or his heirs, shall at all times hereafter, on every reasonable request, and at the sole expense in all things of the said " John, Lord Bishop of Toronto," or his Successors, make and do, or cause to be made and done, all such further acts and assurances in the law, for more fully and satisfactorily assuring the said premises, with the appurtenances, to the said " John, Lord Bishop of Toronto,'' and his Successors, in manner aforesaid, and according to ;1 ■ Li 48 APPENDIX. the intent of these preienti, as by him or them, or his or their Counsel in the Law, shall be lawfully and reaiioiiubly advlBcd and requ!ri>d. In WITNESS wiiERBor, the parties in these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Signed, SenUd, and Delivered, in the presence of Ci">'] Jovin of JHcc^ of Conociiatur. TO TOE CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO, WITH BAR OF ^OWIR, Tins Indenture, made the day of in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Between of the of in the County of in the Province of Canada and his wife, of the one part : and " €\)t ^l)ur(l) ^tfcirtt) of ti)e piottte of tCoronto" of the other part : Whereas the said is desirous of conveying the parcel or tract of Land and Prcniises hereinafter particularly described, to " The Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto,'" aforesaid, to the uses and upon the trusts hereinafter declared : Now this Indenture witnesskth, that the said for the purpuse aforesaid, hath given, fi^ranted and conveyed, and by these prest-ntR doth give, grant and convey, unto " The Church Socifty of the Diocese of Toronto" aforesaid, and their assigns, for ever, all and singular that certaia parcel or tract of Land and Premises situate and being in subject to the reservations and conditions expressed in the original (irant of the said Land from the Crowo. TonsTHEB with all and singular the appurtenances to the said parcel or tract of Land belonging : To have and to bold the said parcel or tract of Land and Premises, with their appurtenances, unto " The Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto,** aforesaid, and their assigns, for ever, to the uses and upon the trusts following — that is to say , And the said doth hereby for Heirs, Executors and Adminstrators, covenant with " The Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto," aforesaid, and their assigns, that the (aid and every person rightfully claiming or to claim any interest, at law or in equity, in the said Premises, or any part thereof, under or in trust for Heirs, shall at all times hereafter, on every reasonable request, and at the sole expense in all things of " The Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto," aforesaid, or their assigns, make and do, or cause to be made and done, all such further acts and assurances in the law, for more fully and satisfactorily assuring the said premises, with the appurtenances, to " The Church Society of the Diocese uf Toronto" aforesaid, and their assigns, in manner aforesaid, and according to the intent of these presents, as by them or their Counsel in the Law shall be lawfully and reasonbly advised and required. And this Indenturb further witnesseth, that the said r with the approbation and coDseat of her said APPBNOIZ. 19 huiband, in contiderttion nf the PreroUet, and in further coniidentlon of the •um of Ave shillings, of lawful money of Canada, to her by ** Th« Church Sodetjf of the Diocene of Toronto" aforesaid, in hand paid, at or before the aealing and delivery of theie pretcntt, the receipt whereof ia hereby aoknowledged, hath remiied and released, and by these preienta doth remise and releaae unto " Tht Church Sociifty of the Diocexe of Toronto" and their aiiigna, all Dower, and right and title to Dower, which she the said now hath, or, in the event of her ttirviving her said husband, can or may have or claim, either at Common Law or otherwise howaoever, of, in, to, or out of the Landa, TenementH, Hereditaments and Premises, hereby conveyed. In wiTNRga wuBBRor, the parties to these present! have hereunto Mt their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered, in presence of , [l.s.] [!-•.] [!..•] iorm of Btqueet TO THB CHURCH SOCIETT OF THB DIOCSSB OF TORONTO. I give, devise and bequeath unto '* The Church Society of the Dioceee of Toronto," all and singular that certain parcel or tract of Land and Premiaea aituate and being in the To have and to hold the said parcel or tract of Land and Premise!, with their appurtenances, unto ** The Church Society of the Diocete of Toronto,'* aforesaid, and their asaigns, for ever, to the uses and upon the truata following, that ia tosay ,.,.. ,, ,, Sovme of Srnst. For General Pnrp«aca. Upon trust to hold the same forever hereafter, to the intent and upon the trust that the rents, issues, and profits thereof, may be appropriated and applied to the general purposes of " The Church Society of the Diocete of Toronto," aforesaid, as set forth in the Statute incorporating the said Society. For the Bwpport of nila»ione« Upon trust to hold the same forever hereafter to the intent and upon the trust, that the rents, issues, and profits thereof,— .after deducting all such chargea and disbursements, as may be incurred in the care and management of the said property, and in the execution of the said Trust,— may be appropriated and applied for the encouragement and support of Miasionariea and Clergymen of the United Church of England and Ireland within the Diocese of Toronto, and for creating a fund for the augmentation of the stipends of poor Clergymen. Wido^re and Orphaae* Fnnd. Upon trust to hold the same forever hereafter, to the intent and upon the trast, that the rents, issues, and profits thereof, after deducting all such charges s i\ ! ) 50 APPENDIX. and diBbursementa as may be incurred in the care and management of tfatd property, and in the execution of said truat, may be appropriated and applied towards the fund for making provision for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Toronto. SchooU. Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, to the intent and upon the trust tliat the rents, issues, and profits thereof, after deducting all such charges and disbursements as may be incurred in the care and management of said property, and in the execution of the said trust, may be appropriated and applied for the encouragement of Education, and for the support of Day Schools and Sunday Schools in the Diocese of Toronto, in conformity with the principles of the United Church of England and Ireland. Pnrticnlav School*. Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, to the intent and upon the trust that the rents, issues, and profits thereof, after deducting all such charges and disbursements as may be incurred in the care and nianngenient of said property, and in the execution of the said Iruac, may be approprinted and applied fur the support of Day Schools and Sunday Schools [or Day Schools] [or Sunday Schools] in the Township of [or lor tlie support of a School which hath been established on Lot No in the Concession of the Township of ] in the Diocese of Toronto, in conformity with the principles of .the United Church of England and Ireland. Divinity SluiIciils. Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, to t'je intent and upon tha trust that the rents, issues, and profits thereof, after deducting all such charges and disbursements as may be incurred in the care and management of said property, and in the execution of the said trust, may be appropriated and applied towards a fund for granting assistance, where it may be necessary, to those who may be preparing for the Ministry of the Gospel in the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Toronto. Circulation of Biblra, Prnyer Rookii, niid Rrligious Booka and I'racts, Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, to the intent and upon the trust that the rents, issues, and profits thereof, after deducting all such charges and disbursements as may be incurred in the care and management of said property, and in the execution of the said trust, may be appropriated [and applied towards the circulating, in the Diocese of Toronto, the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer of the United Church of England and Ireland and such other Books and Tracts as shall be approved by The Church Society of the Diocece of Toronto aforesaid. ^ Erection and Endoivment of Ciinrchcs and Paraonages. Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, to the intent and upon the trust that the rents, issues, and profits thereof, after deducting all such charges and disbursements as may be incurred in the care and management of said property, and in the execution of the said trust, may be appropriated and applied towards the erection, endowment, and maintenance of Churches, according to the estab« lisbment of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the Diocese of Toronto; S« APPENDIX. M the creation and maintenance of Parsonage-Houses ; and the setting apart of BuriaUgrounda and Church-yards, and the endowment and support of Parsonages and Rectories according to the same Establishment. 8Iie of a Chnrch. Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, for the use of a Church of the United Church of England and Ireland, to be erected upon the said parcel or tract of Land, and for a Burial-ground in connexion therewith, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever. Site of a Church and pnrposea appnrteuant (hereto. Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, for the site or ground plot of a Church of the United Church of England andl reland, and for such other uses or purposes appurtenant to the said Church as the Lord Bishop of the Diocese shall from time to time appoint. Entlowment of a Chnrch. Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, to the intent and upon the trust that the rents, issues, and profits thereof, after deducting all sach charged and disbursements as may be incurred in the care and management of said properly, and in the execution of the said trust, may be appropriated and applied to the support of the incumbent of that certain Church of the United Church^of England uod Ireland, situated in called Mite of a Paraonage-IIouse. Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, as a site for a Parsonage- House for the use of the Clergyman of the United Church of England and Ireland doing duty at 21 Bequest of |)er0onal (Estate. I give and bequeath to The Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, the sum of [or Shares of Stock in the Bank, standing in my name in the Books of the said Bank,(if Debentures briefly describe them)] upon trust, to be by The Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto aforesaid, applied to the general purposes of the said Society as set forth in the Statute Incorporating the said Society. N. B. — A Bequest of Personal Estate may also be made for any particular object of the Society. I < H ▲PPI:NDl3ti m Dr. T. W. BIRCHALL, ESQ., TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WiTrf 1851 Balance from ei&rhth vear •••••• *••*• c £ ■. D. £ S. D. 226 15 8i • General Porposes — Special donations £ 14 7 6 11 271 13 5 265 3 2i 100 I 3 2 3 15 « 515 6 2 1 13 15 2 7 10 317 6 6 Collections in Churches 257 5 Mission Fund — Collections JE244 6 7i 9 10 Dividends 15 13 Rev. S. S. Strong, for eighth year, 4 2 Rev. F. G. Elliott, " 10 Special donations 210 i;267 3 Less the sum of £2 put to this ac. in mistake in 1850, and carried to Bishop's Students' Fund... 2 2i MissioHART Fund, for Investment — donation ner E. Sealer. Eao ... . . j . . . . ■' SiMCOE District Mission Fund — Rev. George Bourn Temporary Investment — Dividends .... ....••.. .. ..... ,--- Widows and Orphans' Fund — Collections in Churches £360 11 Dividends.. 100 18 5 9 9 3 Special donations 43 13 • Rev. N. Watkins, for eighth yeai-, 6 Rev. S. S. Strong, " 6 Rev. J. C. Usher, •• 2 15 Rev. F. G. Elliott, " 15 Rev. G. Graham, '< 6 Bishop's Students' Fund— Collections for eiehth vear • .. . SSPTUAOESIMA FuND— Interest District Branches— Newcastle ,.,,>. ,£45 8 1 2 lOi 10 2 Midland 42 8 Prince Edward 11 19 Johnstown Deanery 13 15 Niagara District 72 3 Colborne 2 10 Gore and Wellington 94 16 London 11 5 Western 20 10 Brock 2 10 Carried forward ;ei495 12 7i 226 15 8i 8i -¥Kfm»u»- 81 APPENDIX. $8b THE CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO. Cn. 1851 Grants for General Purposes— ^'t'.. ' f'-< Books from Depository £40 19 Mrs. Peterson 10 Georgina Parochial Association.. 10 16 7 Church Plans 12 15 Brock District 30 Thornhill Parochial Association.. 27 3 St. James's, Toronto 51 8 5 St. Paul's, ■■' 22 10 3 St. George's Mission Fund — 28 4 4 Re . J. Hickie W. McMurray W. C. Clarke. . E. Patterson . . J. H. Ede . . . , J. Kennedy. . ., E. R. Slimson, , C. C. Brough . R. G. Cox ... ■ 282 19 1 £ s. D. £ 9. D. o!l 233 16 7 ■:^'f ;:f t Indian Expenses — Per Revs. W. Ritchie, R. Flood, Dr. O'Meara, and G.Bourn . . 41 5 7 I Widows and Orphans' Fund — Annuities £185 Expenses printing Oil 3 Investments 232 10 324 4 8 1 \I1M.J ::^:'^i Bishop's Students' Fund ■. Disbursements on Land in trust as per Schedule A. . . » i ■ '. '.--!■ •'■■-Of Trust Accounts — Cornwall Parochial Schools £9 Kent Testimonial 7 10 418 1 3 260 74 16 9 -:lv:j<^. -_*v ■^I^'S, 3t- I 16 10 Depository — ! Books, freight, &c 804 Carried forward i ' 2131 13 4 1327 9 3 4 1 D 2 1 •• ! I' I M' "" APPENDIX. Dk. T. W. BIRCHALL, ESQ.. TREASURER, IN ACCOTNT WITH 1851 Brought forward District Branches, continued — Home — St. James's, Toronto .. St Paul's do. St. George's do. Holy Trinity do. ..£90 15 . 30 4 . 60 . 24 2 11 Home— Thornhill £13 8 li Scarborough 12 7 9J York Mills 4 10 Georgina 7 7 6 Lloydtown 3 10 Pickering 1 5 Chinguacousy 210 Broek 2 10 Markham 3 2 6 Weston and Etobicoke.. 1 15 Newmarket 5 9 8 Sinicoe — Barrie 5 8 11 Tecumseth 6 2 6 Orillia 2 10 Penetanguishene 2 3 7 Mono 3 12 10^ Mahnatooahning P. A Bible and Prayer Book Fund — Special Donation , Emiiy Parsonage — Donation by Rev. W. M. Shaw Trust Accounts— Kent Testimonial , Lands Gen. Pur. C. S. D. T Land Toronto City Trinity Church , Nottawasaga endowment St. Stephen's, Vaughan Albion endowment , Cornwall Parochial Schools See of Toronto Cathedral establislmient Lands Society Propagating Gospel in F. P. Sales in Depository s. D. 1495 12 7J 194 18 3 19 8 2 10 226 15 8{ 57 15 7 8J 25 4 4 8 8 5 I 10 16 2 19 7 12 1 3 9 9 10 4 16 3 4 5 6 1799 9 10 ■^<sss^-m 63 949 4 1 9 m 3038 19 6 Balance in the Treasurer's hands £407 6 6 T. W. BIRCHALL, '••■'< Treasurer, «i 10 1 m 6 APPENDIX. 59 THE CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO. Cb. 1851 1 f! T ', Brought forward. Expenses Account — 1)1 ',• Salary Assistant Secretary, twelve months £ 50 Superintemlent of Depository 125 Messengers Wages 30 Donation Thos. Champion 35 Rent of House £100 Taxes 8 15 Gas, water, fuel, and candles, for Depository only 23 12 9 Stationery, Printing, &c Postage, Carriage, Petty Cash Printing, Paper, and Binding Report. ' " .?. ^', . y ..:''{' Balance , £ 8. D. i'H> , •,' r,i:.i Uii'?.v:::iV; 240 132 7 18 10 38 17 70 3 499 19 8 :/ 407 6 6 3039 19 6 Jli-i ' ■ -'^ ^^ i-'f' f> f t, it J'ii'V f ;■! ■ 1 i 1 .' M .O'l APPENDIX. SCHEDULE A. £ 8. D. C. S. Lands, General Pur. 15 Nottawasaga Endowment 2 3 9 St. Stephen's Vanghan... 7 12 Cartwri^ht Endowment.. 10 Albion Endowment 2 10 Bayham S.Talbot Road.. 10 7 Do. do. 10 Con. 10 7 Malahide 10 7 Norwich 5 Burford 10 Plantagenet 1 12 3 Metcalfe, Lot 17 Con 10 7 Grafton, St. George's 15 Warwick Lands 30 12 C Land fees 1 5 Arthur ... 5 St. Jude's, Scarboro' .... 089 Barrie Church 12 6 Cathedral Establishment. 3 4 7 MulmerNo. l,Con.7 1 2 6 Howard Church Oil Society for Propagating the GoBpel in Foreign Parts. 2 7 OowenSound,SydenhamCh 9 Markham Rectory 3 Carried forward £60 19 9 £ « D. Brought forward.. 10019 9 York Mills Church 19 fi Innisfil 1 2 6 Nottawasai,'a Church 10 Vespra 8 9 St. Alban's Endowment.. 1 Camberland 5 (i Peterborough 5 Mount Pleasant 5 Raleigh 10 Raleigh 5 U Tilbury West 6 Uxbridge 1 Gwillimbury West 10 Wardsville Church 12 H Whitby 12 « Burwick 12 6 Esqircsing 10 London 10 Holland 5 Lindsay 5 Trinity College 10 St. Paul's Toronto, Endow 10 Markham 12 Thornhiil 18 9 Students' Fund 18 9 Total X71 16 9 SVaimLAUY OF THE SEVERAL. ACCOUNTS. . . GENERAL PURPOSES: RECEIPTS, Balance 8th year jC353 12 7 Collections 257 5 11 Special Donations 14 7 6 District Branches 317 6 6 Home and Simcoe 108 5 X1051 1 11 PAY.MEXTS. Grants £104 10 7 Widows and Orphans 181 5 Expenses 499 19 " 8 Balance, 10th year 265 6 8 £1051 1 11 GENERAL PURPOSES FOR INVESTMENT. Balance 9th year £ 119 11 | Balance 10th year £ 119 11 MISSION FUND : Balance 8th year £185 17 llj Sundries as pr Treas. acct. 265 3 2i iiifiZr^t £151 1 2 Payment, as pr Trea. acct. £324 4 8 Balance to 10th year 126 16 6 £451 1 2 MISSION FUND FOR INVESTMENT : Balance 8th year £6 6 Balance, 10th year £106 6 Donation from E. Seagar... 100 £106 6 6 £106 6 APPENDIX. 67 SIMCOE DISTRICT MISSION FUND: KECEIVTS. PAYMENTS. fialance, 8th year £30 2 6 Rev. G. Bourn 1 3 2 £31 5 8 Balance 10th year £ 31 5 8 £ 31 5 3 BROCK DISTRICT MISSION FUND : Balance, 8th year £ 5 19 6 , Balance, lOlh year £ 5 19 ff British American Assurance Company's Stock £ 3 15 Balance to lOth year 124 TEMPORARY INVESTMENT: Balance, 8th year £127 £127 15 15 £127 15 WIDOWS AND ORPHANS' ANNUITY FUND: Receipts as per Treas. acct. £515 6 General Purposes account ... 181 5 £696 6 2 Payment as per Treas. acct. £418 Bal. carried to Invest, acct.. 278 1 3 9 11 £696 11 2 WIDOWS AND ORPHANS' FUND FOR INVESTMENT. Balance, 8th year £373 15 5i Balance to lOth year £652 Balance from Widows and Orphans' Annuity Fund. . 278 9 11 £652 5 4i 5 4i £652 5 4J DEPOSITORY : Sales £949 9 lOJ Balance, 10th year 504 6 5 £1453 16 3i Balance, 8th year £669 12 21 Purchases on account 784 4 1 £1453 16 3J Dividends CORNWALL PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS: , £ 9 I Rev. H. Patton £ 9 KENT TESTIMONIAL: Balance, 7th year £ 3 15 Dividends 8 5 £ 12 Kent, Prizemen £ 7 10 Balance to 10th year 4 10 £ 12 SEPTUAGESIMA FUND. Balance, 8th year £ 7 16 2i Interest 7 10 £ 15 6 2| Balance to 10th year £ 15 6 2J £ 15 6 2i BISHOP'S STUDENTS' FUND i Balance, 8th year £220 14 71 Sundries, as per account. ... 1315 2 Balance, 10th year 25 10 2} £2'60 Sundries as per account .... £260 £260 ! H 58 APPENDIX. UECAPITVIiATION OF BALANCES. £ $. d. Temporary investment 124 Depository 504 6 5 Land Accts. , as per Schedule B 457 19 9 Students' Fund 3 10 Bishop's Students' Fund 25 10 2 J Treasurer, as per abstract. .. 407 6 6 Total £1543 13 lOJ^ £ f. d. General Purposes 265 6 8 " " for investment 1 19 11 Missionary Fund 126 16 6 " "for investment 106 6 Simcoe District Mission Fund 31 5 8 Brock District Mission Fund.. 5 19 6 W.&O.Fund,for investment.. 652 5 4i Kent Testimonial 4 10 Septuagesima Fund 15 6 2) Bible and Prayer Book Fund 25 Sundry accts., as perScheduleD 275 15 6 Land accts., as per Schedule C 31 12 6i Total £1543 13 \0\ \ SCHEDULE B. Land account Elora Mono Amaranth Medonte Bishop's Lands', Gen. Pur.. Society's do Stamford Home District Nottawasaga Endowment... Toronto, St, George's Ch.... Georgina, St. George's Albion Endowment See of Toronto Shanty Bay Grimsby Shannonville Tyendiniiga, 3 Con Dereham Bayham, 1 10 S. Talbot road Bayham, 10 Con Malahide Do. Aylmer Norwich Burfurd Toronto city, St. Paul's Trafalgar Roxborough Moore Do. Sutherland Whitchurch Moulton, Dnnville Fenelon King, Lloydtowu Plantagenet Emily Parsonage Cayuga £ 95 .1 18 19 l>. 5 23 12 1 1 11 2 17 2 15 10 3 3 5 1 15 2 3 5 5 11 6 14 10 1 16 6 6 2 8 16 9 4 11 10 3 4 2 12 6 5 17 G 1 3 1 1 7 12 6 1 3 1 17 6 1 2 6 1 17 6 15 1 4 7 15 U 15 I 6 6 12 6 1 7 6 15 1 19 9 1 7 G 7 6 Carried up £203 8 1 Brought up Penetanguishene Endow.... Orillia Endowment Tecumseth Chinguacousy, St Mary's... Do. 1 Con. East. Caledon 4 Con Do. 1 Con Do. 2 Con Vaughan, St. Stephen's Toronto, Gore Beverly Church Ore Niissagaweya Whitby Aiherley Church York, 2 Con Dover Mersea Seneca Mulmur Howard Sandwich Zorra. East Christ Church, Hamilton ... Mountain Church Kemptville Marlborough, Christ Ch ... Sons of the Clergy Mosa Church Errol Norval Toronto, St. Peter's Amherstburgh School Sunnidale Whitby, Windsor Do. Oshawa £ 8. D. 203 8 1 2 6 7 2 12 8 4 17 6 1 5 12 6 1 3 9 1 5 3 15 1 6 1 3 3 1 17 6 1 15 8 5 5 1 15 1 7 5 5 7 8 1 1 1 5 6 7 6 15 1 10 1 3 18 ' 6 ;5 5 15 1 5 15 1 G 9 2 1 9 15 t 7 6 6 Cacried forward £253 14 3 APPENDIX. Brought forward ... Goderich Westmioster Woodbouse Colchester Pickering Perth Metcalf Grafton. St. George's Ch.... Indian Missions St. Alban's Richmond, St. John Guulbourn Dunimer Yarmouth Sarum , Dunn Warwich Adelaide , Mono Do. School Belmont Fredericksburg Arthur Scarboro*, (-'hrists Do. St. Jude's Innisfil Burrie Ghurch Piislinch •Midland Orillia House Cathedral Eiitablishment ... Tuwnsend SCHEDULE n.^Coniintud. £ a. D. i:253 14 3 12 6 7 6 7 C 7 6 2 9 15 1 5 7 2 1 5 1 7 6 17 5 7 6 1 11 3 5 5 15 31 2 6 15 19 17 10 12 1 3 6 5 10 15 1 3 9 2 3 4 2 2 9 6 5 12 4 16 13 4 7 11 11 3 Brought up Tyendinaga Kingston, St. Jam<>8' Owen's Sound Toronto, city, Victoria Sq . West Hawkesbury Markbam i'larke, Rectory York Mills Marysburgh Innisiil Ameliasburg Endowment.. Notuwusaga Church Vespra Cumberland Peterboro' Mount Pleasant Raleigh Do Tilbury West Uxbridfje Gwiliimhury West Wardsvilie Church Whitby Burwick Church Eitquesing London Holland Lindsay Trinity College Markham Thornhill Carried up £372 16 6 SCHEDULE C. Carlwright Endowment Trinity Church Toronto Land Fees Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts 6 £ 8. D. 372 16 6 1 10 5 9 5 5 7 42 11 1 9 6 15 1 2 6 2G 17 6 10 8 9 5 5 5 10 5 5 1 10 12 12 6 10 1 10 5 5 10 12 6 5 Total X457 19 9 £ B. v, U 19 11 15 3 I 2 1 10 1 7 8i £31 12 6| SCIIEDVL.!: D. Kent Testimonial, for investment £ 1 17 6 Diocesan College 23 6 6 Bishop's Fund 40 18 6 Relief Fund 3 2 8 Educational Purposes 15 Scarboiou'jh "22 15 7 Thornhill *4 7 2 Georgina *5 10 8 Trinity Church '33 6 St. James's, Toronto *68 1 3 St. George's, do *37 10 Church ofthe Holy Trinity *43 14 8 Total je275 15 6 I B APPENDIX. ^ IIVCOIUE AND EXPEIVDITVBE OF THE SEVERAL DISTRICT BRANCHES, Not mcluding the Collecliotu made in the Churches, Chapets, and Miuionarj/ Station*^ M,B.— Where no return has been made o' moneys appropriated for local purpotei, it li auiimed thai the diflTerence between thn amount !*\ted by inch Aiioiiation and the monny remitted to th» Trcaiurerof the Churcli Society hai been to uted. For the particulari of ihe itim, " iteceived from Parochial Aiiociatloni,"iee the Summary of Subtcriptiout, Uouattou*, &c., fcc, under the bead or the leveral Ulttricti reipectively. GORE AND WELLINGTON DISTRICT: Balance from eighth jrear, including investments £ 465 14 Sale of Stock and Dividends 53 8 Received from Parochial Associations 371 14 Remitted Treasurer Church Society £ 94 16 2 Travelling Missionary . , 62 Parochial Associations, for Local purposes 188 4 1 Invested 119 8 Balance in hand , 426 8 9] i;89Q 17 Oj Jt'SgoTT NIAGARA DISTRICT: Received from Parochial Associations JC305 3 Remitted to Treasurer Church Society £72 3 10 Parochial Associations, lor Local purposes and Travelling Missionary 232 19 10 £305 "i 8 £305 3 LONDON AND HURON DISTRICT : Received from Parochial Associations £1732 19 Remitted to Treasurer of the Church Society ... £ 11 5 Appropriated to Parent Society 32 2 3 Local purposes 1689 12 1 £1732 19 4 £1732 19 WESTERN DISTRICT : Received from Parochial Associations £61 11 Remitted to Treasurer Church Society £ 20 10 4J ' Parochial Associations, Local purposes. 41 1 l| £61 11 6 £61 TT BROCK DISTRICT: Balance from eighth year £ 23 9 Received from Parochial Associations 34 10 Do. special 237 16 Remitted to Treasurer of the Church Society.... £ 5 8 2 Associations, for Local purposes 276 12 10 J Balance to tenth year 13 13 11} «, £295 15 £295 15 U 3 oj u 3 74 ■^ • APPENDIX. 61 3 a NEWCASTLE DISTRICT: Balance from eighth year £ !•* IJ '' Received from I'arocnial Associations 180 12 10 Rcniitted to Treasurer of the Church Society i) 45 8 1 Travelling Missionaries 12 18 7 Parochial Associations, for Local purposes.. 118 4 9 Balance to tenth year 18 18 11 » £195 10 4 X195 10 4 MIDLAND AND VICTORIA DISTRICT: Balance from eighth year £ 69 16' 5 Received from I'urochial Associations 3''"^ 10 3} Sales in Depository 11 6 5 Remitted to Treasurer Church Society £ 42 18 2 Paid to Missionaries 114 16 Building Church at Storrington 91 10 Parochial Associations, Local purposes 85 12 2} Balance carried to tenth year 61 16 9 i;39e 13 \\ £396 13 \\ - -• I.- — ^ PRINCE EDWARD DISTRICT : Received from Parochial Associations £114 10 Remitted to Treasurer Church Society £ 11 1!) lOJ Clergyman's salary, Marysburgh 60 Local purposes 42 10! \ £114 10 £114 10 JOHNSTOWN DEANERY DISTRICT: Received from Parochial Associations JE195 7 7 Remitted to Treasurer Church Society £ 13 15 Travelling Missionaries and Local purposes ••... . 181 12 7 £1!).) 7 7 £195 7 7 INVESTED FUNDS. General Purposes — Diocesan Press £270 o Sundry Lands 260 4 8 Missionary Fuivd— £330 4 British America Fire Insurance Company £437 10 Bank of Upper Canada 37 10 Share in the Diocesan Press 5 Tkhpobart Investsient — ^ £480 Land Scrip £ 2 15 British American Insurance Company 125 WiDoirs AND Orphans* Fund— £127 15 Stock Rank of Upper Canada £1484 13 9 " Commercial Bmk 103 3 3 " Toronto Building Society 495 2 5^ " Farmers and Mechanics' Building Society.. 85 13 9 " Mortgage 117 10 •• City Debentures II 5 Lands in the Home District 185 18 6 Disburment on Lands in Pittsburg 5 Depositors — £2483 11 Stock in Depository 31st March, 1851 £2426 SSFTCAGBSIMA FuNO— Loaned £ 212 10 s 81 II It APPENDIX. w ' 1 B »m ^ ti m n s eft IK • 1 m o ^ „ o -< » ^ p? w W " a c« CO i w ><; K U O 1 o u OS f^ >. (^ o o Vj (/} ^ ^ P3 -< c f^ Vi N &2 ft CO »-^ O:! ««J Ch k3 <; K u > H m g h e >< St 9 a B » ( HI o W O n ST. o « w 00 O 3 ■n so e o 0» <A l« •4 c» «e M c o »• Q (o eion «o ot«e<fior« APPKNDIX. 63 ©OSOC<S c-os — e n o ^ « o « O 9 n'V o at o 9 o * 3 00 — n « — "eS* flOffTownoo* oooo^3^^ cooo3>« o o 64 APPENDIX. < >• 0» 00 o> 03 e<j e o 00 'Nttei e« FN FN «N C^ o o o o o o >n o o 04 FN n O M p«oeoo»t*'*o-NO»oo»oo«o ^ao«ocoMaoiA>na>OFNOFrt^ 00 M FN «e (o o (0 o lo 00 o t^ n FN FN FN n ;^FN00e9O<-«0OO(M000 FN FN O O 01 FN C9 £• Q o< o> <0 o ^ 0> «e >o o n il i oa:::o>'*:^«:«:; • • • ^N • ^ ^^ • • • o> •* « « 00 : «^ O O OO FN « O O ©1 FN as o S 04 00 tti 0« 04 01 01 n ■* o M «-< ^ t>. '« o o (O <-• 00 00 te o : r« in o O FN 00 «0 (M ■* FN 04 w a — tN a P B « *! 2i.T '«. « « 00 ti O "' — - B I. 'i « Cd a = 9 b 1) a bo <C3 PP CO u 3 3 J2 o o >, • • a o a SJ e . :sa a? cs , ! £ *3 CO ZI i gfi ^o PnH •a n o o u X) a •a 03 •o a a O ii o (• APPENDIX. 65 c to o «s It) tn ^ 00 ^■^ pm m^ (O (O 91 1^ r- oo CO c ifi in o o o o c« o o to M o eo o o> o o o (o (0 o o o o -^ o> o o CO CO CO (0 1-^ 1-^ o fM N -• O 1* « O A lA '^ CO c4 n <o »o r- «^ ^^ Ol o 1^ o o o o o o •* O O rt o o o o us « o O at o o o o o o> o o CO O f-i !>. « 1^ • • • : o US o »». : ^ •« 1^ «o : : <e : « : : • • • o « ■* •^ C5 o o o o o o » l-H o •* M O • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • o • • • O o • • o • • • • ■ • • • • n o o CO o o o CO Ok o o o : ^ o • • • • • • o • • • • *r • • • • ^^ • ■* : : w : : :«» • • • M 00 O ^4 • »>. 00 1-^ o 9% eo 1-^ o w ■a ft go CO >S s s cr CO 0:2 'f » ^ C <»CQ ;l «<3 ; ; 9) C w J* ^ be." I. u V a n rt a> .- C .S a"^ B Si o o H CO < a o c n 1^ a cd a 14 J3 ,c _ a. a « « o 2 « a a oa>a- •-2 •§3 2 0:2 a v t: sd bdea es o S 0) . . §1 £?« o.a oi u S g 2w w . « a c/j en 4* S 1 fe bO s U9 a .e g S 4> Pl4 .2 >» CBS'S ^U a 5 aS • no '^ a fi • - aOQ S PS arg . bo^ H H P ««! (4 -^ s sag ,ce S o •2'S5 :CiS « s 1 1 r S 3 9 P4 O) a o s« •a .a •^ a o CO O -S o.S'w £ a M » 01 u i; ll 66 APPENDIX. u CO O (A n o CIS 09 Hi o « •J> i-> ■< D !<; v o le na>"OOi-aooino«oi0O0>ooooc0>o?9 aoF40ieo>nin>noOi-r<o>floe<oC'^nc»< Oi-i>-<»IOOO«S-«00^0'«0'>0000 o ^ 1ft 1^ t>i e« CO <0 •» 64 F' CO O<4>OOO0»OCOCO aoeo>ft>ooaoeo«octo B 9 fa •V4 V i)0 ooo&^>nt»^o>oono>;oo«o«eO(M m") oooc4>nn•«(O;ot0>o«o>n^rtl•MOes^<•o tt} CO ^ « F*^ — «N — If O O — — C O O F- O O O o A 2 e« o eo o> « <o « « o •* e : :"» ai 00 00 00 10 CO F4 o t^ 00 00 eo 03 eo 94 9 el » g. a. 13 O .a u b a ji U a 09 a a s k Q 2-? "3 ►^ ™2 St. C » 4J 3 ¥ B « S * f • » 2 ~ a b 9 J3 o *J *- M 03 con 01 _2j ^ '^ s CO. es > C b c la ■S « C le > be . S >^ fc CD 'S U u J JS «» 'r> O « — "i > 9) t. "3 « b a •^ 2 a c 1) a 01 ft- -a ooa S; § a'3 c 13 O 3 s « 60 X b ova a Si a » o ^ • ago "a o H H «<«<1 <} o d fe a o I— ( OS H O -^ H :* :Sa O C tB - ►^ --r § "k" h a ^ o .a -d 'r a. oo a o a W 6 4 t •o -n o o .2 CO a o h3 13 a C4 u Hi a rt .2 a APPENDIX. 67 0> CO «4n -m -m O I- 1< ♦^ — o ©-< o 0» O 3 n m o eo -H o o o >o o 91 O — O o o 91 5 W 0> M O t ee oo o ooooooon ©•O O 300^e09IOO-« tC to f-H pH -^ O 00 o *C O ' o ' o o o e* c0'4<oo I fH fH • FH F^ O O o O o eo O O O O ; O : US »ft o (N fH f- <N O S 'C c Ml OO * a ».2 u V SO H u 1—1 I I— I a o •-3 i^ «} s e S " - '-' - « o c <e «• - JB OlOOO b 0) (i<<'^ti<J 09 .« '/J I e« C9 u u 9 S A fl) ■5 e ^^ 2.S OO : ft >..« s J a"^ 2-2 u SSQ • "* O " « o >.-^ S "2-- *! « OH'^w I _« ■.2 b a) C -T *^ 5 a o> h a >«a • • fa • O O >^ o ^ . so a a OO • • BQO ^ :,2« ■g a a ~ a a ^1 a el a fa a » -I £.1 o a o H 6>^ 3-^ ^ ■o o o at : a a :3 *~ o ' . >. 09 fa <« a •aw OM u a a a C4 u o •a a c4 ^■a fa a O O Ck FM a P 1^ 4) -a 6 'IS 60 tS 'to ?. .a a fa i2 coOk) 4> .-5ta'5 s t •^ ■3 — "« i fa "3 ^ to a 2 > w .a .a- V ■a a a o o O a 68 APPENDIX. O H u PQ o (A < VI a »5 O S g •o'S U9 »J 'A "A e < 3 b e i« ^ O O O OOTfOO o « irt »o ^o-*^ w ^^ •— * I— « I— I— 0\ fhO-^O •-< o <4> n 0> io s o ^ (O ;o ^ >A eO O O O rH O =^ (~.^ on (Oi-iouj o wo O"-" "hOuO fh 00 O 00 «o «0 1-1 « o 1^ o ooo ococou to o:>noo in<e«e« t^ ei F^Oi-i oofho i-i »>■ o « M : : o 00 » F< It •* «0 t ooo 1% gi 'rt re ^llll *. o CO -o^ s: ■S f? S go U < c 9 u a^* fH H O 5 I?; 'A H CO W o o FN «0 CO •* O o •*« :o • FN « eo FH <N 00 o o 1-. at CO e4 O CO O «» « : «5 »« FN e cd •J* .a a c (X>M J5 _ ."J ^ a (»0 1 : «>_ * S V C wo (9 . e^o J3 O •" U h t •; " O SS g " 0) ♦ > * *j •" rfs 5 -a (-• U ^ O a J3 ^- J3 cQOcoy «> la u n > • *)D Q^ Q> fe fa pt< h-S 1-8 a : u O • 0) •a ol^ ts a -• H (/3 o .a s 09 .a bo u tn 09 a u *£ « S ^i 3 ,2 -J g.o.SP •3 ►- .a "S a a V - M 2-a 9 PQ bo lU •-> 4J bo S O ^ <j *j gU c« A S >>-a.a i.s S & a c o W-^ 2 w *3 fa fa 2 ca "3 ea U C5 09 o CO I I o "I 8 n APPENDIX. 69 \ •^ # i4 1 • o o o o «o«'*M«>'»Or» o o II a 5 aS o O 00 ■* FN O TO •>. f FN M TO C/3 o CO M o I-H « o o MTOOOOOOO o o 4 39 o ^ FN O O TO «0 (M r. !>. >n -^i o FN FN FN « « : TO » • ••FN • c- o m o o ■* : < It =*< lO (N O O O FN F- »o -< o o If 1 o o 55 a • o »-lN -'« -IM ooo<Mi-<n«ooo <o o ^ o o «! <d o »0»0 0«WTO«e(N»« : : : o» to o ■ • FN o o FN FN • • • • i «f} 00 « O FN O F« FN O TO (N o o o (M O o o I I Ol t o CO «o 0> FN ;o : O «0 ; <N .-< *Ji TO «0 «0 •* TO t- O TO FN FN FN O ; o > FN CI a o o «> a t: fc 6 ft- (2 a ^ to of -g g <N S! ec K M3X a «>2 3 o o a 4-> «-* 4^* ^ V p >- l§ •go a <e So — o •r fa-" ■ %• IS B O a O te O 01 CO a d 2 § g « s a o (- o "£« ^ S ,.a 03 C 81 "' 3t • C 4» ..a a M U * In q> 1) l* Q • •< .a f^ 0) C -u . K O ^»-s -a fi > > O) 4) - >P3 u a o e In < B a <u «3 a o o ,a "^ o «> PQ H O •s (ri O P O o S .■" a a c« J3 •^•E^^ i a rr O v) 'A O O H.S US a o i r a o 5) a o (2 a In o x> "o O •a a o .a c« a o a s o z a a a 70 APPENDIX. 35 o as u < Is 11 10 5^ u O H 0^ o •c ~ .2 = o . Si -^ a » 1 t o "5 2 -B — J* *" c u e a. 2 •= 5 y «! o. I» J3 a s 1 H O H o H U so o « "- o : "fl — (N o<0 na(e«0eeo<o9e(ssoco0to — o wooocooooooooco W — IN <0»ft«t^ ; ;ift ; ;4ntn>->n t r»»-0 -N003 3 COCO CO o ffl'tOO «*! OO — OJOOO o — < ^H •-«00-H OO ooooooo o — o n : 00 o O tf o o o ;0 ; ;;omoo t O ifl W "f (?l o o o o ; o ; «» : w t I "* W "- •* — £ 3 *i ,i ^ yj V? BO a o 09 a y e . * 4) £ _ fc§" = .-= . K CO i « e « > '/J X «* o . 03 -C b o o ». c "» Sja •J >..«' S 5" 2^ a ■5 OTS jb 3 a a • ?.» "^ of '/; T '■y; v: '/j s s $ - ^ a S 2 D i"^ 3 a.«9 ■ « " ^, 2 *r t : £ n 5S s ^ ti *" ,/ ^ t^-H J-S «■= cr^"3J3^ a V ca H t> hH* a o rt CU a si b 3 • a '^3 ^ ^-< M fe • > 1^ ■-» c" a o S -a 3 -13 O sq » .3 O a; a -3 o -<l a V >! ■^ a S 2 -a a "5 o •e a a, o » ^ a s APPENDIX. 1) n o N -t 00 o --o — n O't o o o CO -IH-HM o> <o ^ * o o 0> ffl « « <N rt •»• OT r^ « "l" in o ••r «o w t CO c o o coco O O O O O O O ^ o o f^ o o o o -< n Hfn -in t» (O o 00 o O vo O m o» — 00 O o o <© <« « o o <0 CI O IM M • I" •* t- w — n C «fl 1— 1 (O kn r>. • to t^ m o o c o o o O O O c c o us O o ^N — o o o (N • IN ^IN -IN t^ w t^ 00 — r^ O o o eo o O O o> o : : ; ! ; • • «a ■* o r^ I- ff» »>. : tc : >n lA o 00 • o c o o o o o ■* o o o o o •- o IN -IN o o O — «» O 00 w F- 't i-H o ; o w c — "5 c5 : 1-1 at (N in o B B o 33 u to a tw 2 V §.S CCS •o -o o K "5 go C i| to ^ UD ao 2 o 2 S . o ■ . •*i« Al* -^4 «rf <a s o cd . . _ ® o o "'"tS a £ *- J3 s 01 a 5 £ ^ « ^ SbO-_ u b a o c o J * «S *J M -'* m r/j y: E&4 ,^| a e4 a u ■d 0-: P u a o s >. •^ es 60 a »^ 5 es A r/3 V) S gp -^ b H.a*^ ♦» a o S 70 >■« O "a ^ «5^ o H I— I H < a 3 s t 2 S J «Q a -a 3- ¥ • •• »i «J ^ ja 'u I- a f=^ -J .2 i> • — bi a o to a b S h a o U) :9 72 APPENDIX. I I VI "A O Bi U !!; « o o-x ■■o CO O 5v«3 OX -f o « o s t>- ifS o « o o o o o m in If) M C O o to r-. a-j O f>. OC M • o o o o •O O Ci XI <z t>- in <o "N • • o c c o o o u •a I o cq b O Pi t3 »3 ■^ e in CO Si « «c «e o o c> CO o M . • <>> ■?! l>. S O X r» • C: 00 (NMXiOJ^O-t <N APPENDIX. t$ ©o ifS © © CO o o o o iOO CO in to r^. ^a> o © en>H o o © o T^ ^^ ?» o OO «© © 1-^ © o ©© o lO ; in <H rt in S5 • M in in — OS ♦1 • O) ©o ©©o O t-HIN© ^H O 3 Orf -^t © CO© © - OO • • ©^ — -H © WO . • .-4 • • • • in 00 »H "H © ©O © M O ^^ o • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • < • • • • • • • © o» © M C0 05© rt © o 00 • • • • • • (NOO © • • 1— t • <N • © . 1-H • • • • c ^ ©CO *-4 f— 1 c©in 1-* 1-^ in « <N • ■a • B Cm .. j= s iil • a • >> . > .^ ■^ • 2 S ^ %-4 0) cd J3 ^ u u rl ^ o o »-»H, - .. s S t» J3 f/3 X' y v2 c/j !» yj O ~ 4> O «i 5 .S 5 -3 C >-.^ *5 C O .■e o K « -o C • B o lU E-1 yj cc Cu »S W 'S '3 • u _ 4) a J» o t/> O o3 uo u- cj S, - c^ ■6 -S ■•-• o *C ,a *n • • o C4 "."' n ,3 a t; i:f .^ 1 • pq ^ -«c « • • «« .« u > _^_ Q 1 £ 4) 1 1 g > s ti (fj t4 H en VJ CJ <u +-» ST"" W j«K !« I— i o H I— I 'A < c« a o .s "a! > c4 a ^=: a ii C5 O bo 3 k7 CO :•€ CJ 2 B 4> CO fc^ APPCNDIX. n C 3 •y 9 B CS i-s ■s 6c s © ^ a& OS 3" M SI 1 1 c ^ ^ n _ o o a-. -r 00 S -«5 o o o © c bo s -< p ^ J3 © o O OS © © © © o o © © © o © la © ao IP o Hi ^ ^ : O S X c : c ^ ^ — < ^0 'to m x's : : C c = : :xU D 3-7j : ■5^ 5 -r-r"^ «-3 ^ ;£ O ;^ = _. c •■1 = '- •-I 4-1 OJ SI T3 S _ i .Si ~: J 3 '-5 ?: - ^ e 5 3 -3 >■ ■— „ a - -^ yj • •_ ¥. O - Sl-J c2 H I M u k4 9 J3 <: o > t ■'■' X. C re o c o e2 c o b5 , -H C ~ ^ 5 If; r. r 5 5 O B O e o -•—,05: » -"i o ' 1-3 >- ■ >: r.. ■ I t I o o c o H 'o c u M B J3 u c e o s o o >^ O-S c o Q P S Oi B g V U B ^ •2 Ji E h rS A s ci ^ 1 1 1 ^- H B 'S-5 &. - <^ c s^ ii S .2 *fi C) «^ s ^cS s ^ = 2 eg c o v5 e- s o APPENDIX. 75 LIFE MEMBERS OK THE INCORPORATED CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESK OF TORONTO. Ills Excellency Lord AUun, Honouinble William Anilf rsoti, Kobcil G. Baldwin, Ilonnuruhle tlobert Baldwin, William A. Bethune, Veii. A. N., D.D. Blake, Rev. D. E. Boultoii, jMis. Cameron, II uioiirable John Ilillyard Cameron, DuuitUI Cartwrlsjht, Mrs. 11. D. Cartwriijlit, Mis. .1. S. Cayley, HoiKPiirablc William L'hewett,-.JaiiRs G. Clark, Janus \V. O. Cochrane, R veiend W. ('rooksliank, Ilononrable George Draper, Honouiublu Mr. Justice Elgin, Governor General. I Gamble, J. W. Gordon, Honourable James I lliscolt, Richard j Lefioy. Captain J. 11., R. A. Lett, Reverend (Stephen, LL.D. I Kirby, Honourable .Fohn i JNlacauiay. Honourable John ! ]McLeodI Captain Mervvin, J. S. jMurncy, Ivlmund ralmcr, N. Riddcll, Lieutenant R. A. Robinson, Honourable Mr. Chiel' Justice Scaddin:.', Reverend Henry Seager, Edmund 'riiuoNTo,Tlie Lord Bis'iop of Widder, F. SPECIAL DONATIONS. General Puup./sls — The Hon. the Cliief Justice Robinson £12 10 T.F.Smilh 2 6 W. Dull" lU £13 2 Mission Fund for Investment — Edmund Scuger lOJ Mission Fund — Proceeds of sale of a deceased dau2;htcr's ornaments, first portion ... 2 iO Widows and Orphans' Fund — Mrs. Knowlton , per Rev. S. Armour jCO 5 S. Kirkpatrick 5 Baroness Grunt 15 Kingston rarocliial Association 2 Per Rev. A I'alnie 5 PerRev. J. h^hortl 2 12 5 Proceeds of a sale olNccdle-work by the Sewini; Society of St, Joiur.j Church, Port Hope 10 Anonymouji 3 9 Niagara District Druuch 9 4 Mrs. Delhi 1 £IS 5 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS TO $lje Cljnrdj 0onct2) of tijc Wxomt of (Toronto. HOME AND SIMCOE DISTRICTS. CITY or TORONTO. St. JameaU ParochUtl JImo- cialion. £ ». d. Allan, Hon. W... 2 10 AtkinioD, Wm... 15 Badgley, Dr 1 Baldwin, Hon. R. 1 Baldwin, Rer. E. 1 5 Baldwin, Mrs JS 1 5 Baldwin, W.W... 10 Beaumont, Dr.... 10 BetldV, M 1 5 Bettridge, J. C... 15 Bilton, Thos 10 Bircholl, T. W... 1 5 Birchaii, Mrs ... 1 5 Boulton,HonH J 1 Boulton.Mrs Wm 1 5 U Britton. Robert... 10 Brooke, Dan 15 Brooke, George.. 10 Brown, James ... 10 Bruce, Hon. Col. 10 Burnside, Alex... 15 Carruthers, F. F. 10 Cary, J 1 Cayley, John ... 1 5 Cudd, Miss 10 Crawford, John... 15 Croft, Mrs 1 5 Cumberland, F C 1 5 Dixon, Alex 15 Dixon, Joseph ... 10 Duggan, G 15 Duggan,John ... 1 5 Esten, Hon. Mr. V.-Chancellor.. 15 Gait, Thomas ... 10 Goddard, N 1 Gordon, Hon. Jas 2 10 Orasett, Rev HJ 2 10 Hallowell, Dr.... 10 Harris, T.D 1 Harris, Wm 10 Harrington John 15 Hector. John ISO £ Hector. Thos ... I Heward, Mrs. ... Hind, Mrs 1 Howard, J. S .... Ince, William ... Jones, Mrs 1 Keefer, Samuel... 1 Keefer, Alex. ... Lewis, Rice Magrath, C Mercer, A 2 Mills, Thomas ... Moffatt, L. and Family 3 Morrison, W. C. McCaul.Mrs 1 McCutchon, Jas. 1 McDonell, James 1 Norris, H. F Owen, R Owen, Mrs Patcrson, P 3 Patrick, Alfred .. 1 Powell, Miss 1 Preston, T. J. ... 1 Proudfoot, Wm... 1 Reiffenstein, G C Ridout, Mrs. S... 1 Richey, J. H ... Robertson, T. J... 1 Robinson, Hon. G Justice 2 Robinson, J. L... 1 Rutherford, E. H 1 Shortt, Dr 1 Shortt, Mrs 1 Skelton, W. B.... 1 Sullivan, Hon. Mr Justice 1 Thomas, Wm. ... 1 Todd, Mrs. T. ... 1 Toronto, Lord Bishop of 5 Tucker, Hon R A I VankoughnetiFM 1 s. d, 10 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 2 10 5 5 5 10 6 10 5 5 5 5 5 Vnnkoughnet. M. 1 Wakef-ld, Wm. 1 6 Widder, F 2 Williams, H. B... 1 Wylie. G. B. and family 1 10 I. d. 5 St. PauVa Parochial jisao- citttion. Allan, G.W 1 6 Allan, Mrs 1 5 Bacon, Mr 6 Bacon, Mrs 2 6 Bacon, W 1 3 Bacon, R 1 3 Bacon, C 1 3 Baldwin, Adm . . 10 Baldwin, Mrs.... 10 Brough, Mr 1 Brough, Mrs 5 Buckland, Mr... 1 Carthew, Arthur 2 Carthew, Mrs... 10 Caithew, C 5 Carthew, Emily.. 5 Carthew, Fanny.. 5 Carthew, J. A.... 5 Clarke, Alex 1 15 Clarke, C. J 5 Clarke, A 5 Clarke, Miss. ... 5 Cooper, Robt... 1 10 De Blaquiere,Hon. P. B 1 DeBlaquiere,Mn. 10 Evans, J 5 Evans, Mrs 5 Gilmour, Mrs.... 10 Glennie, Miss.... 2 6 Henderson, James 15 Henderson, Mrs.. 10 Henderson, J.... 5 Henderson, E.... 5 Henderson, R.. . . 2 6 HendersoHi Miss. 2 6 » I I I I jl 78 X s. (1. Hore, Dr 10 Hutrhinson W... 1 3 Jaivis, Mr. Sheiiff 1 5 Jarvis, Mrs. S.. ..1 Jessopp, Henry.. 10 •lessopp, Mis.... 5 .Tesso|)p, Mary. . . 2 6 .lessopp, G 2 C .fessopp, D. F... 2 G Kearney, John. .. 2 (J Kearney, Mrs... . 2 6 Lea, William.... 5 Lea, Mis 3 9 Lea, John .funr..'. 5 Lea, John Sent. . 5 McElroy, E 2 6 McKenzie, Rev. .1. G. D 1 15 Murray, Alex ... 1 Price, Miss 5 Price, Maria 7^ Price, Joseph ... 7j Price, Charles Jr. 7^ Prouflfoot, Mrs. . . 1 5 Telfjr, Wm 15 (» Telfer, Miss 5 Twohy, Henry.. 1 Twohy, Jane . . . . 5 Twohy, Henry J. 5 Twohy, Wm.... 5 Twohy, Ssrah... 5 Wells, Col 1 5 TrinUy Church Parochial Jlssorintiun. ' Allan, Hon. V... 5 Adams, A. & lam 3 9 Bright J 1 3 Bethune, Louisa . 10 Brunskill, Mrs... 10 Barber, C 5 Bright, Mr 2 6 Bright, Mrs 2 C Bright, IMissH... 1 3 Bright, Miss I 3 Bright, T 1 3 Blanchard. T. ... 2 6 Bell.Wm 7J Barns, J 2 Bolton, Mrs J. ... 5 Collier, Thos. ... 10 Cameron, J.M. A. 5 Cain, J 2 6 Coate,Thos 5 CoBle, T. W. . . 5 Coate, Mrs T. W 5 Coxwell, Mr 2 6 Cox well, Mrs. ... 2 6 , Clarkson, Mrs ... 10 Devdney.D 1 3 Dempsey, Mrs ... 2 6 Denard.ll. S 2 G Davis, Mrs 2 G Dudley, Ml- 13! APPENDIX. Dudley, ]Mrs Dorane, Isaac ... Friend, A Friend, A Friend, A Friend, A Fr nJ, A F:ie«d, A Friend, A Faulkner, S Faulkner, i\[rs ... Gordon, Hon. Jas 10 Gooderham, 3lr.. 10 Gooderham, IMrs. 10 Gooderham, !Miss 5 Gooderham, ^1. A Gooderhanr,, Vic. Gooderham, A.... Gooderham, R.T Gooderham, H... Gooderham, Geo. 10 Gooderham, Mrs George 5 Gurnett, Mrs. ... 2 Haworth, Thos, . 10 Haworth, Mrs ... Hutchinson, J. ... Hurley, Mrs Hardy, D Harrison, R Hunter, Mrs Hunter, Margaret Hunter, L Helliwell, Miss.. Harris, Mrs.T.D. 10 Hewitt, Mrs 2 Jones, JMrs. E. C. 5 Joseph, U A. ... 2 Jackson.R. & fam 10 Jucksou, Edwd... 2 Jackson, Jas Joyce, Fanny ... Johnston, Robert Lee, Joseph Lee, ]Mrs. ... Lee, JNIiss Lee,J. W Lock, Henry Lane, Chas iMitchell, Sam. ... Mitchell, F. B.... jNIarson, Jnne .... Merideth, J I\Iulligan,J. jMulligan, Mrs.... Mitchele, Rev. R 1 jNIitehele, Mrs. ... 10 JMacaulay, Hon. Chief Justice... 2 Orford, Miss M. . Piatt, John Piatt, Jane Kolph, Wm 1 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 5 10 1 5 t/. 3 9 3 71 3 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 £ i. d. Ridout,S 1 Ridout, Mrs. T. . 2 6 Ramsey, ilrs. W ' 1 3 Robinson, Mrs G • and children... 5 Roberts, D 5 Robinson, j\Ir ... 2 6 Ripley. Mrs 10 Small, Mrs. C. C. 10 Small, Mrs. J. C. 5 Shepherd, Mr. P. 5 Smith, J. T 2 6 Sl.uter, i\lr 2 6 Shuter, Mrs 2 6 Storm, jNlrs 1 3 Smith, J. T 5 Turner, Mr. 1 Turner, Mrs 10 Tansel, IMrs 2 6 Tapscott, Sarah... 5 Telfer, A. 1 3 Vollor, Mrs 2 6 Webster, J 2 6 Wilson, IVIrs 1 3 Worts, J. G 10 Worts, Mrs 5 Worts, Miss 2 6 Worts, Miss C... 1 3 Worts, JMiss E... 1 3 Worts, Miss V... 1 3 Wilkins, Mr 1 3 Wilmot, Mr 5 6 j St. George's Parochial jls- .tociation. 6 N.iiiips marked thus ♦ are »ub- scribors to liuildingL'ocietySliurM Q I iiibc'lialfofthe debt oftlie Church , *Arnnld, John... 2 10 G I don. com. plate 16 3 G *Bish<)p, the Ld. 4 *Jk'aven, Dr. ... 2 10 G ♦Rovell, Dr. ... 1 5 *Brock, Geo. ... 1 10 G Rell, Mrs 10 G Rell. Mrs 2 6 G Hlack, — ,sch, h. 5 G Buckle, Private 6 7ist Regt.,s.h. collected by... .3 Brown, Jas. 7' Bright, Wm 6 Oi o 2 1 Burns, D *Biittersby *Boulton, Mrs... *Cameron, Hon. J. H 1 5 Cameron, Mrs. J. H 15 Cameron, Mrs. E debt 1 5 7^ Cameron, Alan I debt 2 10 APPENDIX. 7« £ s. Cameron, Miss school house.. 5 Cameron, Mrs. (Grafton) 8. h. 10 Cassels,8chi>ol h. U 10 Coates, Mr. and Mrs 1 5 Coates, H 1 Coates, Will 10 Coulson, A. H. debt 2 10 •Crickmore, J. Crickraore, Mrs school house . 5 Daly, John 2 Dartnell, E. T... 1 5 Denison, G. T. . 1 DenisoD, Mrs... 5 Denison, Miss... 1 Denison, John. . 1 Denison, Charles 1 Denison,G.T.jr. 10 Denison, Mrs.... 5 Denison, Miss... 2 Denison, Geo.... 1 Denison, G. B. . 1 Denison, M. E. . 1 Denison, Fred. . 1 Denison, Mary.. I Denison, Clar... 1 Denison.R.L. jr. 5 Denison, Mrs ... 2 Denison.R.L.jr. 1 Denison, E. L... 1 Denison, W. G.. 1 Denison, J. G... 1 Denison, A. E. . 1 Esten, The Hon. Vice Chancel- lor com. plate 1 10 Fleming, A 5 collected by, for sch. house 2 1 Foster, Mrs 5 Goodenough, Lt R. A 1 5 Grier, Mr 5 Friends by ... 4 Hagarty, John.. 2 10 *HarmaB, S. B. . 2 \0 Harman, Bruce. 1 •Hodder, Dr. Houghton, G.W 10 Hawkins, Mrs. debt 5 Helliwell, John . 5 Hodgson, Jas.... 10 ^Jameson, Hun. R. S •Lett.Rev.Steph LL.D ,.,. 1 Lett, Mrs O 10 Lett, E. M 5 3 *h 3 Lett, Dulcibilla Lett, Stephen jr. liett, IJ. Henry . Lett, R A Lt'tt, T. sch. h... ♦Lt'froy, Capt... com. plate ... Lefioy, Mrs. ... L:]inbert, Miss., liister, Mrs .... = . Loring, Mrs. ... Mercer, A. M:igratli, Chiis. Medcalf, F •McMulI.-nJi.C. Munro, Mrs. ... Millar, Ann ... McLean, Mrs..^ Marshall, H. ... Macklem, H. M. Mountjoy, J. R. McDonell, D. ... Metcalf & Bar- ber, organ ... ♦Nation, E. W. Nordheimer, A. Owen, Miss ... Page, Lt. Col.... 2nd. subscrip. Page, Miss 2nd. subscrip. Parsons, — , s. h. Perkins, G Perkins, Mrs.... infant schot)l.. •Robinson, Chief Justice *Robinson, J. L. Robinson, Mrs L school house.. •Robinson, J. B. Junr Robarts, Mrs. school house.. Rees, Dr Rykert, C llowsell, H Sampson, D. s.h. Smith, L. sell. h. Shortis, Kl'v. ... Sherwood, G. ... *Spragec, The Hon.ViceChan- ceilor, debt Spragge,Mi'3J.G debt Spragge,H. debt Spragge,J.G. jr. debt Spragge, E. W debt Spragge, Cath.E debt £ 1 1 1 1 1 1 s. 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 2 5 2 10 10 5 10 2 1 10 10 17 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 .5 10 ,5 1 5 1 5 1 10 1 1 10 5 1 3 ol £ s. d. Spragge, W.debt 2 10 Spragge, Mrs. W debt 1 1 5 Spragge, Mrs ... Truenian,Mr8.J 10 Taylor, J. F. ... 10 Taylor, Miss ... 10 Taylor, Mary... 2 6 Taylor, E. H.... 2 6 Taylor, Geo 2 6 Thomson, Miss, friends by ... 1 1 ? school house . 2 .i Warburton, P... 1 ') M'ickstead J.W. bell 2 Widder, F 1 5 VVorthington, J. 10 school house . 1 Wilson, Mrs. ... 1 3 Wilson, Adam. . 5 Wakefield. Wm. 10 Williams, C 2 6 Williams, Mrs.. 2 G Williams, The Misses 2 6 2 10 5 5 5 C irch of the Holy Trinity J'arodiidl dissociation. Asbndge, Mrs ... 1 lOJ Boucher, H. F.... 1 5 6 Brent, J. W 10 Krent, Mrs 5 Brown, J 10 Campbell, B 10 Champion, Thos. 15 and family ... 5 Crawford, D 15 Develin, A 10 Duff, A. G ,. 1 Fox, Jas 5 Friend, A 13 Friend, A 13 Gedd.J 5 Goldsmith, Edwd Goldsmith, Mrs... Hill, Thos 2 6' Hogg, John 10 Johnson, Miss ... 10 O Biien, £. G . . 1 5 Pearce, S. T, ... 10 Plees, A. F 2 10 Scadding, Rev. H 2 10 Scaddiiig, C 10 Stennett,Ilev. W 2 10 Smith, Jas 5 Thompson, Alex. 1 10^ Townley, A. B .. 5 Tyson, Thos. ... 10 Wall is, Thos. G. School purpog. 5 Wcstmacott.Wm. 1 5 Westmacott, Mrs 15 Ill ^ I! i 80 ETOBICOKR. St. George^s Church. £ s. Bell, Mrs Brush, L.M Bagwell, M. A.... Campbell, Alex. I Cooper, Rev H C 1 5 Cooper, T. G ... 2 Custead, D 10 Cotter, Mrs 1 Friend, A 1 Friend, 1 Gracey, J 1 Gamble, Mr 5 Gamble,Mr8 b 10 Gamble.Miss 5 Gray don, Mrs ... I Gappy, Mrs Millimore, Mrs... 1 Hemphill, Mrs... 1 Howard, Mrs ... Hudson, T 1 Jefferson, T 1 Johnston, T 1 Musson,Mr8 2 Moore, J 5 Monigomery, T.. 1 Murray, Mr Oliver, Miss 1 Oliver, M. A 1 Poole, Eli 1 Phee, W 1 Phee, Robert 1 Rowell, W 2 Skank8,J 1 Stuart, Mrs 1 Southwell, T 1 Snelgrove, S Snelgrove, L Spiers, Mrs 1 Smith, Mr .. 5 Stinson, Mrs 1 Tindal, R 1 Thompson, Mr... 2 Thompson, Mrs. 2 Thompson, V .... Thompson, C Ihistle, Mrs Whitney, F 5 Wood, S 5 Ward. Mrs 1 Weston. Dennis, S 1 Dennis, H 2 Dennis, J 2 YORK MILL. Sanson, Rev. A. 1849-50 2 10 Sharpe, Mrs 2 ?! n 6 3 3 n 3 3 1 71' 3 3 7J 3 3 3 I 6 3 7^ 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 7h 7^ 3 3 3 6 6 7A 7J 3 APPENDIX. THORNHILL. £ s. d. Agar, T., a don. 5 Arnold, Miss 5 Arnold Robert J. !> Arnold, T 13 Arnold, Mrs. T... 1 3 Blake, Rev. D. E. 1 5 Boyd, Mrs 10 Brunskill, J 10 Carlton, Anne... 5 Doughty, F. !0 Drake, John 0.2 6 Duncumb, John... 5 6 Durie, William... 15 Edey, John 2 6 Gallanough, A... 5 Canton, John 10 Gilbert, Mrs 5 Harris, Thomas.. 10 Hopkins, Mrs 15 Kirswell, Giles..,. 5 Letter, Joseph.... 5 Lawrence, Cbas.. 5 Linfoot. John 5 Ludford, Thos.... 2 6 Lyne, Mrs 2 6 Macleod.N. T.... 15 Macleod, Mrs .... 15 Marsh, Mrs. Senr. 10 Marsh, Lewis R. 1 5 Marsh. Miss 5 Medd, George 5 Mortimer, Mrs... 2 10 Mortimer, Miss .. 15 Moseley, Mrs 2 6 Paget, Dr 2 Parson8,Mr& Mrs 2 Faarsons, John... 10 Pexton, George... 5 Playter, James... 5 Pottage, Edmund 5 Seager, Edward.. 7 6 Seager, Edmund.. 10 Steele, Th')ma8... 5 Watson, William 5 Wilcocks. H I Wiles, Robert 5 Special Donations totvards Parsonage Fund. Arnold, T 2 6 Blake, Rev. D. E.50 Booshby, Mrs 2 6 Bray, Philip 10 Brunskill, J 5 Cogswell. M. E... 10 Cooper, Thomas . 7 6 Edey, John 10 Hay ter, James.... 10 Lawrence, A. C... 5 Lawson, William 10 Linfort, John 10 Marsh, Lewis R.. 1 10 Mortimer, Mary.25 Mortimer, Phebe 7 Mosely, Henry... Parsons, Mr& Mrs 2 Parsons, John 2 Pexton, George... 1 Seager, Edmund.. 5 Meager, Edward... 1 Shepherd, Chas... Snowdon, W Wilcocks, H 2 Wiles, Robert 1 Vuughan. Braithwaite, J.... Cellers.J.&family Conway, John.... Dyer, Mrs Dyer, Fanny Dyer, Mary Hadden, Mrs Jackson, Edwd... Kcffer, M. Senr... 1 Keffer, Mrs Kcffer, Susanna... Keffer, Louisa Keffer, Jane Ann K«ffer, Benjamin. Keffer, T. & H... Keffer, Valentine I Keffer, Susanna... ' Oliver, John Pearcey, Thos... Ramsey, A Ramsey, Mrs . . Reaton, Thomas White, Hiram ... 1 While, Isaac «. d. 10 10 10 5 7 6 10 10 10 2 10 5 2 2 1 2 5 2 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 2 6 1 5 1 2 5 5 2 3 6 6 3 6 6 12 6 1 3 MAKKHAM. Hill. Rev. G.S.J. 1849 50 3 2 NEWMARKET, ST. ALBANS, AND MACHBLL'S CORNER. Collected by Miss Trent. Cawthra, J 5 Currey, Mathew. 5 C Currey, Mary 13 Davison. John.... 2 6 Evans, Jane 2 6 Friend A, 1 3 Friend A, 1 3 Guernsey, A 5 Garbutt, W 2 6 Gamble, N. A 2 6 Hewitt, J 2 6 Maguire, John.,.. 2 6 Marsh, B 2 6 Nash, J 2 6 Porter, J. S 2 6 Robertson, Anne 1 3 Richardson, M... 2 6 APPENDIX. 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 3 6 6 2 6 1 3 3 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 Srigley, R. S 5 Stephens, Julia A 1 3 Stephens, M. A... 13 Stephens, W 5 Stephens, S 9 6 Stephens, W. jun. 2 6 Simmonds, Jus.... 13 Trent, Samuel... 5 Wilkin Mary A... 1 3 Weeks, E. S 2 Wood, Ann 2 6 Cotter, Colonel... 10 Macmaster, 2 6 Collected by Mitster Ramsay Bridgland, S 1 3 ColTy, R 1 3 Friend A 7J Hart, M.J O 7J Johns, R 7J Mathews, M 1 3 Ramsay, Rev.S.F. 1 5 Ramsay, Mrs 5 Ramsay, Robert.. 2 6 Ramsay, A. A. J. 2 6 Yeatman, C 13 Collected by Miss Sharp. Doane, Jacob 2 6 Fowler, A Sharp, John Sharp, W Sharp, A Sharp, Agnes Webster, VV £ s. ,1. Torrence, Mrs.... 6 1 3 Weeks, C. S 2 Collected by Miss M. Machell. 2 2 2 2 2 o Bennett, J Bosankoe, J Caldwell, A Charles Mrs. C... Charles Mrs Friend A Gamble, N. A.... Gamble, J Gurnett, T EJogK, Mrs Huchiasun, Mrs.. Hodge, Mrs Hodge, John Jacobs, J Lepper, M Larment, Mrs Moseley, J ]\foseley, Mnry... Machell,theMissesO Mortimer, Mrs... MePherson, P... Pearson, J Petch.J Ryan, John Ransom, Mr Ransom, M Stewart. W Thornbury, F Thornburv, Mrs. Weeks, E.S 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 5 1 2 2 1 1 2 5 2 5 5 7 1 10 2 6 71 2 6 2 6 6 lOj Collected by Miss Maffelt. Collected by Miss Wayling. Atkinson, Mrs.... 2 Bennett, James... 5 Brown, J. W. C. 5 i Borthwick, J. C. 5 ! Cnlverwell. R 5 Cawthra, Joseph 3 9 Cawthra, J. Junr. 7^ Forsyth, James... 13 Gamble, N. A 5 Gamble, James... 5 Gunn, Mrs 2 Goram, Charles... 5 Guernsey, John... 2 6 Hunt, John 2 Harrold, Mrs 2 6 Jones, Mr 5 Kermot, E 13 Maffett, Miss 2 Maflfett. MissC... 2 6 MePherson, P 2 6 McKinley, A 1 3 Nash, Mrs 2 6 Rogers, Obadiah.. 5 Reid, William 2 6 Sutherland, Mrs.. 2 6 SpoDg, George... I 3 Ayerst, Francis... Bell, Mr Boyer, Charles... Earle, J Friend, A Falkonbridge, S... Harrison Jakeway, Aaron.. Kemp, James Marsh McMaster, James May, Mrs. T Playter, Mrs Playter,Mr8.U.B. Phelps, Henry... Selby, John Selby, T Selby, W Taite, Adam Wayling, Rich'd. West, Amos Woodall, M. A... Woodall, R Wiggins, S Wheeler, E. S 5 1 3 5 2 6 1 3 2 6 2 6 5 5 2 6 5 2 C 5 2 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 6 GGORGINA AND NORTH GWILLIMUURY. £ Anderson, Mrs... Anderson, F Anderson, W. ... Bourchier, Mrs... Bourchier, Mr..., Bourchier, Miss.. Bourchier.MissC Bourchier, W. ... B(iurchier,MrsW Brodie, J Corbett. W. E. F 10 Donnell, J Donnell, J. jun... Donnell, Miss ... Evens, S Fry, E Fry, Miss Fry, H Fry, G Gibjon, Rev. J... 1 Goode, Lieut. ... Goode, Mrs Goode, H. W. ... Goode, E. A. W. Goode, Miss Goode.Miss M.G. Goode, C I Howard, Mr Howard, Mrs ... Howard, Miss ... Howard, W. ...... Kay, James Kay, J Macdonnell, C ... Mengage, Mr. ... Mossington, Mr.. Mossington, Mrs. Park, Mr j Park, Miss i Park, M : Park,H I Preston, H ' Stennett, Mr ; Stennett, Mrs ... j Thornber, Mr.... ' Thornber, Miss.. i Thornber, Miss A ! Trent. Mr : Trent, Mrs I Trent, Miss ' Trent, Miss M... Trent, Miss N.... i Turner, W Watkins, F Watkins, J s. d. 2 6 1 3 1 3 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 3 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 a 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 5 5 5 1 3 1 3 1 3 n 7i 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 5 2 6 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 I 3 2 6 2 6 BROCK. Garrett, Rev. R. 1849-.50 2 10 I I . SCARUORO. In connection with Clirist' Churrli. £ s. il. Antony, "Win 2 U Antony, Mrs 1 3 Antony, Maria... 1 "i Anderson, 1> IK) Anonymous 13 Booth, Wm. Senr. 2 G Booth, Thomas... 2 Booth, Mrs. T... 2 G Bell, Wm 5 Bell, Mrs 5 Darling, Rev. W.S 1 5 Galloway. F 5 Galloway, Wm... 2 G Galloway, E 2 G Gulloway, J 2 Galloway, John.. 2 6 Galloway, Sarah. 1 3 Gallo;yay. I. 2 6 Galloway, Mrs. E 1 3 Humphrey, J Sen 2 6 F ioiphrey, Mrs. 2 6 Humphrey, Wm. 2 6 Humphrey, J jun. 13 Humphrey, E 13 HelliwelI,'Wm.... 10 Helliwell, Mrs.... 10 Ormerod, Thos... 2 6 Scheldon, George 5 Scheldon, Eliz... 2 6 Skelton, Wm 2 6 Skelton, Mrs 2 6 Sanders, Thomas 10 Sanders, Chas ... 10 Secord, Mrs. Ann i 3 Secord, Mrs. S.... 1 3 1'hornbeck, Mrs.. 5 Willis, Sam 1 3 Westney, Wm.... 2 G Westney, Mrs.... 2 Westney, Sarah,. 7:^ Westney, W. Jun. 7i Westney, S 7^ Collected by Mr. Wm. Skelton, from the pupils of his school... 4 4i Li connection inlh Sl.PauVs. Armstrong, F.... 5 Armstrong, Eliza 13 Armstrong, R... 13 Armstrong, Mrs.. 13 Armstrong, Mrs. Mary 7^ Armstrong, Wm. 13 Anonymous, 13 Burk, Wm. B 2 G Burk, W. B 2 6 Burk, Mrs 2 6 Burk, Geo. H.... o I 3 APPEXDIX. ( Rurk, Jonin Tl I Hurk. .Mary J I Hiii-k..Sirrih E ... i Hurk, David S..,., Mi.s ! Cniwthi.T, 3Irs... Fisher, 11 i llopjier, Jdhu i H(>p!)er, Mrs '' ll;iniy, F Hardy, llobert... Long, James i Morgan, Mrs .Myrt'S, Mason. Wm Mason, Mrs Palmer, John Palmer, Mrs Smith, Jos Smith, Mrs Smith, John Shepherd, Paul.. Steers, Richard... Steers, Mrs I.LOVDTOWN. Armstrong, G.,,. 1 Bull, Dr 5 Bull, B 5 Brown, P 1 Brown, J 1 Bond, G 1 Calvert, J 5 Clarke, J 2 Courtnay, Mrs.... 2 Cowan, C 2 Duffus, Mr... 2 Dutfus. Mrs 2 Dale, J I Eastwood, Mr.... 10 Eastwood, iNIrs. .0 10 Ellis, Mr 10 Ellis, i\Irs 10 Ellis, I\liss 5 Egan, J 5 Egau, Mrs 2 Elliot, J 1 Friend, A Gamble, G 2 i Gardiner. .Miss... 1 Gieeulis, Mr. ... 1 Henderson, Mr . , 1 HuLse, Mr 2 Henry, W 2 Jennings, ^Mis ... 1 Kearnts, i\l. J.... 1 Lie, J 1 Little, T 2 Lawrence, Mr. ..0 I Lount, H 2 Maxwell, S 1 McCabe, H 1 Osier, Rev. H. B. 1 5 I 3 « 3 C C « G li 6 6 6 6 G 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 3 7i 6 3 3 3 G G 3 3 3 6 3 ; l\ 3 j I X s. c/. i Osier, Mrs 1 , ReicI, W 1 3 Rapcr, J 2 6 Robinson, R 1 3 Robinson. S 13 Ramsey, W 1 3 Siitiierhiiid, D. ... 1 3 Suiitli, J 5 Stead, 3lrs 2 6 Sloan, A 13 Shigley, J 7 6 Snoiien, E 1 3 Street, iNIr 5 Street, Mrs 2 6 Street, Sophia ... 1 3 I'hompson, W.... 2 6 Thompson, Mrs,. 2 6 Tyrwhitt, W Oil 3 Walker, W 2 6 Sumlaij Sclwlars. Newton, B 7J Osier, Harry ... 1 3 Ramsey Mary ... 1 3 Stead, Caroline ..013 Skelton, Mary ... 7i Small sums 4 4| Bolton. Anstead, JMrs. ... 1 3 Armstrong, Mr. .013 Booth, Mr 2 6 Hrownlee, J 13 Hrownlee, M. ... 1 3 Brownlee, G 13 Caldwell, S 2 6 Densmere, T 2 6 Devlin, J 7i Devlin, .Mary ... 13 Denison.J C 7i Donnelly, J I 3 Friend, A 7i Friend, A 2 6 Gray, IMrs 1 3 Hill, R 1 3 Harper, J 2 6 Lawrance,G 2 6 Livitigstoiie, Mr.. 13, T 1 3 Mills, E 7i Noble, C 1 3 Newlom, G 13 Prosser, Mr 1 3 Rutherford, A. ... 1 3 Shields. W 2 6 Shields, I^Iiss ... 2 6 Stewart, J 7| Stoughton, W. ... 3 9 Shore, J 2 6 Shore, Miss 13 Shore, E 1 3 Swinington, T..., 13 Wood, W 7{ Wolfe, J 1 3 ■ I h BARRIE , £ s. il. Anderson, Miss , 1 5 Ardagh.Ilev.S.H 1 .5 Ardagh, J. A. ... 1 y Ardagh, A 1 3 Anderson, E I a A, A n 1 3 Bernard, T. G.... I 3 Bernard, II. A.... 1 3 Berczy, A 7 Brewer, James ... 2 c Soys, Dr., & fam 1 Bingham, Mrs. 11. 1 3 Burnett, Aaron... 2 6 Bacon, Mrs I 3 Crow, Mr, 1 3 Crow, Joseph ... 2 6 Carney, W. H. .. 2 C Copeland, R. ... 5 Clarke, M. A ... 1 3 Crow, Thos 1 3 Bavis, Thos. F... 5 Edwards, Jas. ... 1 3 Friend. A 1 2 ,3 Fraser, H 6 Gowan, R. H. ... 1 5 Hayton, M 2 6 Hopkins. H. B... .5 Harris, C 1 3 Kins. C 7J Laing, M 1 3 Lount, George 5 Lowry, Thos. ... 5 L, A 1 3 Lally, Miss A. ... 1 3 Lally & Whitly, Messrs 1 10 Lally, Miss Con.. 1 3 Lally, Emma 1 3 Lally, Harriet ... 1 3 Lally, Edmund. . 1 3 Lally, Francis ... 1 3 Moberly, George 5 Moberly, Mrs. ... 2 C McCausland. Mrs 2 C McCarthy, Mr.... 15 Pass, Mrs 10 {) Patton, James ... 2 10 Povey, Wm 1 3 Pass, A. C.J 2 6 Palmar, H. E. ... 2 6 Plaxton, Wm. ... 2 6 Plaxton, Geo. ... 7i Pearson, John ... 2 C Ross,H 2 G Ross, Mrs. II. ... 1 3 Russell, A 2 2 r, Russell, James... 6 Robinson, Geo... I 3 Sheran, John 1 3 Summersett, Jno. 2 G Summersett, Mrs. 2 tj Savigney, H. F... 1 API VDIX. £ s. d. Sanford, S. M. ... 10 Saiiford, Mrs 10 'I'honison. ("ath... 2 6 Tippiiiff, .M, .M... 1 3 Walker, E. A. ... 5 Walker. Mrs. ... 10 Warnock, T. N... 10 M'cst j\Iciloiitc (tml Flos. Bonsall. Mr .'5 Clifford. II. A.... 2 G (.'raig, John .5 Craijr, Thos 2 G Herbert, Dennis 13 Johnston, John... 5 Laing Alexander 1 3 j Laing, John 1 3 | Morrison, James. 5 0! Swan, Thos 2 6 | Swan, William... 2 G TECUMSETH. A Widow's Mite, 2 G Bennett, J 1 3 Braden, J 1 3 Bruce, David 5 Carruthers, Ann.. 2 G Chapman, C 5 Collected by D. Robinson 3 9 Collected at Ma- cauley's School house 11 3 Collection, 15 5 Cross, R 5 Davis, Richard... 10 Dolan, J 3 Evans, D 5 Gamble, T 10 Hammell, Wm... 5 Hammell, T 5 Hammell, Mrs.... 2 G Hammell, Mr. jua 2 G llaniuiell, James.. 13 Mamraell, H 5 Jacks(m, Wm 5 Johnston, J 7-1 Lilly, Alexander. 2 G I-on«r, James 5 McGirr, J 2 6 Mairs, Mr 5 Martin, R 5 Matchelt, R 2 6 .Mitchell, R 2 6 Moore, H 2 6 Morris, Edward.. 1 3 Morris, H 5 Morrow, R 2 G Nevilles, Stella ... 2 6 Nixon, C 6 Osier, Rev. F. L. 1 5 Pearson, J 13 Perram, Mr 16 3 83 £ s. d. Richardson, J.... 2 6 Richardson, J.... 6 Scott, T 2 6 Stevens, F 5 Stewart, Edward 5 Sumnierville, P... 5 O Tliompson, F.... 5 Walker, W 5 Whitfside, Mr.... 5 Whiteside, Mrs. .050 Williams, Mr and Mrs 2 12 6 Wright, June.... 2 6 Cullccled by Maria Emns, Chambly, Mr. ... 1 3 Evans, JMaria 2 6 Evans, Philip.... 1?, Evans, Hichard. .026 Evans, Wm 74 Evans, Richard... 2 6 Evans, Matilda... 13 Gaviller, j\Ir 13 Walls, Mr 13 \Vashbourn,JMrs.S.O 7 J Collected h]i Maria Thompson Bird, E 74 Bloomfii'ld, John 1 34 Clark, JMrs 74 Coffey, R 1 3 Coffey, Sarah.... 13 Ccmtts, John 1 3 Dewson, Miss.... 13 Ferson, Ur 1 3 Giuty, C I 3 Haviloek, T. C... 1 3 Hufihes, E 74 :McGarry, Mrs. .011 IManning, Wm... 13 Richardson, H... 5 Steavcnson, Mr.. 74 Small Sums 4 8 Smith, S 74 Stone, Henry 74 Thompson, ^laria 74 Thompson, 1 74 Thonip.son, B.... 74 Thompson, .Tos... 74 Thompson, Thos. 74 Thompson, H. A. 74 Walker, John.... 13 Willsou, Mrs 74 Winter, Mrs 13 WEST GWILUJinURY. Armson, Wm ... 10 Armstrong, John 3 13 Baden, H 13 Barry, Mrs 1 3 Boats, Geo 1 3 Brown, Wm 10 Calhman, R. H... 5 w n r uiBe anatBg 84 APPENDIX. I I f £ s. d. Charchtnan A ... 1 3 Cosgrove, Thos... 13 Coulson, John ... 6 Drury, James ... 2 6 Duck, Robert. ... 2 6 Ellis, M. A 1 3 Ellis, N. E 1 3 Evans, George... 2 6 Evans, James ... .'> Friend A 2 6 Friend A I 3- Friend A 13 Friend A 1 lOj Friend A 7i Friend A 1 3 Ginty, John 2 6 Goodfellow T .... 2 6 Hill, Rev. A 1 7 6 Hughes, Jas 2 6 Kneeshaw, Robt.. 13 Mortimer, Herbt. 1 5 Methodist A 13 McBeth.John ... 1 3 McDowd,Johu... 13 McKay, Wm 6 Ornsby, Ann ... 1 3 Sacks, Mrs 13 Smith, James ... 2 6 Swallow, John ... 1 3 Tate, Robt 2 6 Thorpe, Geo 5 Torin, B 1 3 j Todd, Mrs 13; Townley, Mr 1 3 j Trott, S. sen 13 Trott, S 1 3 j Wallaces 2 6 Wallis, T. G 1 3 W. L 2 3, Wilson. Mrs 13 Wood James 8i OBILLIA. £ s. A Churchman,..,. 10 Anlagh J.(M.D.) 10 Bell, Mr O'lO Booth, George.... 5 Bourn, Rev. Geo. 1 5 Burkitt, 5 Fitzgibbnn, M.... 2 Hooper, Mrs ■'i Morrison, Mrs.. 2 M. L. R 12 St. John Mr.s c 5 Scott, Mrs o 5 M ionte. Bailey, Mr 2 Bailey, Mrs ) :i Beard, Mrs \t 1 Goss, Joseph 2 Hallen,Mr.&Mr8 Geo. 1850-51 2 2 Morn.H. 18.'50-51 10 3 1 5 1\ 1\. 7J 2 6 1 3 PENETANGUISHENE. A Friend, don. .. Allen, Jane Bannister. David Bannister, Mrs... Bannister, Thos.. Bell,W. C Bickwell, T. don. Bowden, Jas Bowden, Mrs ... Buchanan. Robt. Copeland, Geo ... Fraser.F.C.Mdon George, Thus. ... Hallen, Rev, G... Hamilton, W. B.. Hogg, D. don. ... 2 £ «. «/. Jeffery, Stephen. 5 Jeffery, Edward.. 2 6 Mitchell, Mr, don. 3 9 M(>ffatt,K.M. don 10 Ross, Mr don 2 6 Seymour,Mr. don. 2 6 Simpson, Wm. ... 10 Thompson, Sergt R. A. 1850-51, 10 Thompson, A. A. 5 Thompson, H. . . 1 3 Wilson, Wm. ... 10 Woods, Fort Adjt donation 10 JUililanj. Corpl. J. Parker.. L.Corpl.O.Mason Private J. Cobb... " J. Belt " J. Davy „. " W. Jenkins " J. Keatly... " DReadpath " G. Shapcott " S. Stewart. '« J. Whitley. '• W. Wright MONO. 4 2 Armstrong, M, 7i Bennett, Thos. 6 Ellis, John Fletcher, Rev. J. 1 Leech, Thos McKim, D McManus, Geo... 1 Robinson, Wm... Robinson, Mrs.... 5 10 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 7i 3 7i 3 7i 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 6 2 6 7i 1 3 3 '> 2 6 1 3 GORE AND WELLINGTON DISTRICT. HAMILTON. £ s. (1. Acraman, Mrs.,, 5 Adams, H. S 5 Ainslie, Mr 1 Alexander, Mrs. 5 AUott, Mr 5 AUott, H 5 Aikens, W 5 Aikens, S. M..,. 5 Armstrong, Jas.. 2 6 Armstrong, Mrs. 2 6 Austin, Mr. 5 Aynoley, Joseph 5 Awty.J 2 6 Baker, H.C 2 10 Baker, Mrs 15 Baker, H.C, jun. 15 Baker, Miss F. A. I 5 Baker, S. B Barkey, Edward Bates, Or Beardmore, Mrs. Bellhousc, W. ... Benner, Mr Bentley, Miss R. Bentley, Mrs. ... Beresfcrd, Capt. Best, W. T Blakeney, Mr, , , Biakenev. Mrs., , Blythe,t,A Booker, A Bradley, John.. . Bradley, Mrs. . . . Bradley, V Bray, Josiiut £ s. 5 1 J 10 '5 5 1 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 7 6 2 U 5 d. 3 I 3 I i I I 1 6 i i Bray, Mrs Browne, M. W.. . Browne, Mrs.... Browne, Miss.. . Browne, Master. Browne, Master. Bull, H B'.'' Mrs. H,... Eutior, Mr Buca, Thos Cahilt, James. .. Campbell, D, F,. Campbell, Geo. . . Campbell, Mrs. G Carter, J. F.(Wi- dows&Orphans) Carter, Mrs Cartwright, Geo. £ 1 1 s. d. 5 10 2 2 5 5 2 2 1 5 6 6 6 6 10 5 10 s. J. 5 2 6 3 9 2 6 2 6 5 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 7i 1 3 7i 1 3 7i 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 6 2 6 7i 1 3 5 10 I 3 (t 2 6 I 3 s. d. 5 i) 5 5 1 5 10 2 6 2 6 5 5 2 6 2 6 ArPENDIX. I J'Json, iVrrs 1 a ' Innuui, J. \V (i I Irvine, Walter... j Iiviiio, .... ; Ireland, II. W . . . £ s. Cash 5 Cwh, 2 Case, W 2 Case. G. W 1 Case, Dr. A. J... 1 5 Clarke, W 2 (i K-nnov, Mrs .... Clement, J. S.... Corbey, L. R.... Conway, Kdwaid Counsel, .Mrs Crocker, Mr.... Dallyn.J. E Dampier, Mr . . Dam pier. .Airs. Davidson, J [) 5 5 5 5 2 10 10 1 Davidson, H. E.. 10 5 5 5 5 Ki'ir. \l W K-rr. !\lrs ; LaurcTu'o, Tlios.. I Listor, Jamf.s.. . . </. 1 10'. 5 £ s. Thompson, \V... 6 Thnn-pson, John.. 1 Tout,T 5 V'ars, .Mr 5 Walker, Mr. 5 85 d. 3 Disiiii,W. L 1 Dodds, VV Donnelly, Mr.. . . Evans, D Evans, R Evans, George. . . a Evans, Mrs. G.. 5 Evans, James... 5 Evans, Mrs. J. . . 5 Faircloush,iMr.. 5 Fairclough, JNIrs. 5 Fisher, Mrs 5 Fish, Mr 2 Freeman, S. B... 1 5 French, John. ... 2 French, Mrs 1 Garrett, J 15 Gates, Mr 1 5 Geddes, Rev. J.G. 2 10 Geddes, Mrs J. G. 1 5 Geddes. Miss H.. 10 Geddes, Miss S.. 10 Geddes, Miss xM. 10 Geddes, J. G 10 Geddes, Mrs 10 Geddes, Miss.... 10 Geddes, J. C 1 5 Gillesby. J 5 Gillesby, Mrs. ... 5 Grant, P 5 Griffith, Ihomas 6 Lo2nn, J 2 .McCloy, .Mr 2 Mi-Innes. 1) 10 .McDonald. W.R. 10 McKay, A 1 .MrK.>and,G 10 I McK«e, VVm... I McK/Mizio, Mr,. McKinstry, H.. ■ 3l(Neile, Anne. : iMartyn, J. W.. Martin, Mrs Masson, Capt, . Mas.son, Mrs. . Matthews, G.. Mathews, Mrs. Mill.s, John W. I 1 Hamilton P. H. .0100 Hardilcer, Mr. ... 10 ' Smith, George Harper, Mr 5 , Smith, Thomas.. Harris, S. B. & J. 10 ! Smith, Thus, junr, Hebden, Rev. J.. 1 5 ; Smith, David HebUen, Mrs 1 Stewart <*si family, 2 5 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 Miller, Alex 2 Mills, S. Hon.... 2 10 Mitchell. Mr.... 1 \0 .Alurray, W. F... 5 Mullen, James. .. .5 Murton, Mrs.... 2 Murion, Miss... . 2 Nelles, George. .. 1 O'Reilly, Charles 2 O'Reilly, Alice.. 2 (rReilly, Dr 1 Patterson, 5 Pennington, T. . .. 5 Pool, Samuel.. ..0 1 Price, W. G 10 Piing, Mr 10 Reid, MatiMa 5 Ruthvon, Peter.. C 5 Simons, T. ^I... 1 Simpson, .F 10 Smith. D. junr. . . i> ~ ■ f) 3 t) G 6 6 6 3 G 6 3 Watkin.s R 10 Warren, H 2 6 WiLs'^n, Tliomas. 13 \Vhyto, Mr& .Mrs 15 Whyte, David... 5 Winer, .Mrs 10 Workman. Thos. 5 Yoinvi, J.Y 2 6 Zealand, Edward. 5 Zwich, Mr niNUROOIC. Al''Xfmder, Rev. J. L 10 17 Alexani'er, Mrs . 10 Bonner, Samuel.. 2 Daniels, George.. 2 Donnelly, Mrs... 10 Henry, P 10 Magiil, 3Irs 5 Morgan, Henry . 1 * My lis, Thomas. . .5 Quanee, John ... 15 Quance, J. jun ... 5 Quanee, Mrs. J. . Quance, Richard Twiss, Edward .. Webb, T. & fam. 1 10 Weekly CoUec tions, Binbrook Church 2 Saltjhd. Freel. Mrs & fam 7 6 Tajlor, Miss J... 2 6 2 5 5 Eelliwell, 2 10 He!iwcll,C. S.... 10 Hill yard, Thomas 5 Hurley, J .^ Jaeo, Miss 2 Jeffrey, Mrs 2 JoUey, James.. ..0 5 Johnson, (Jeorgc. 5 Jones C. T 5 I Captain 2 ; Stinsoii, E 10 ! Stinsoii, Ml- E.. 10 5 3 i Stokae, C H 1 G ; Street, R. P I G iSullivan.E. R... I Swain, ]\Ir. . . I Svlvoster, ^'r. , . .sVivtsl'M , ."frs Tudd, Mrs 5 > tiinv> . « S Juson, R 2 10 I Twv\ sw,, V. H.. Ames. Wm 10 Anderson, John... 1 Armstrong. Isaac 5 Arm.stroii!::, John 2 Arm trong, D..,. 2 I) u Armstrong, Jas. . 2 5 15ate, Thos 2 5 nat)ington, J. M. 10 5 I'abington, Mrs... h Regue, Mrs,.,.... Belt, Rev. W. ... 1 Hranigan, Edw.. Biintin, .log , Carroll, Wm Case, D. G Cochr-x^e, John... 2 <"op'r . F 10 (J 1 *..<.(U.. - Tary 1 ^7 I CooV, Airs '.'■ \ iViii'., Henry .... 5 W 10 IDarkina, Robt.,.. 2 G U mteiflfilfiiifiiiiir i muff- fu '^f £. t. DayidioB, Tboi.. Die ie, John 2 Dickon. D. R.... 5 Dixon, Jamei ... 5 Douglas, Robert . 5 Dudley, Joseph... 1 Ewart, J. B 22 Ewart, Mrs 1 Ewart, Frances.. 5 Ewart, Elizabeth. 5 Ewart, J. B.,jun, 5 Ewart, John .'5 Ewart, M 5 Farrow, Mary ... 10 Faulkner, A. W.. 5 Faulkner, Mrs... 5 Fenix, Moses ... 1 Friend. A 2 Fyke, P 1 Fyke, Mrs 1 Glennon, Cath.... 1 Gray, Mary A.... 2 Gray, Jane 2 Bobbin, H. G. ... 2 Habbin, Harriett. 2 Hoffman, John... 2 Holmwood, H 3 Holm wood, R.P. 2 Holmwood, Chas. 2 Howe.Thos 2 Howe, Mrs 2 Huls, George ... 5 Hunter, R.,MD. 12 Ironside, Mrs ... 5 Irvin, William ... 1 James, Benjamin. 1 James, George . • 5 Johnson, George. 5 Jones, Georg* ... 5 Kerby, A. T 2 10 Kerby, Mrs 1 Kerby, Misd 10 Kerby, Sarah A.. 5 Kerby, Henry ... 5 Kerby, Andrew.. .5 Kerby, A. N 5 Kerby, R.L 5 Kerby, Jas. M.... 1 Kelly, George.... 1 Kennedy, Mrs ... 2 Kernigham, Robt .5 Kennedy, Mrs.... 2 Kievill, John ... I Kievill,Mrs Killey.E 7 King, Hiram 3 Kirkpatrick, A... 1 Kirkpatrick,R.... 1 Knox, Day id ... 1 Kyle, Thos O 2 Kyle, John ...... o 1 Lambley, Wm.... 5 Lanty, Joseph ... o 2 APPKNUIX. A. 7i 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 G 6 6 6 6 9 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 lOi 6 6 3 Latschaw, Isaac . Lee, James Lewis, Lewis ... Lynch, Mrs Macklem, Wra... Markle, .T. K. ... Martlin, Mr Martlin, Mrs Martlin, Wm. ... Martlin, Robt. ... Mead, Isainh Meadows, Jas. ... Mewburn, T. C. Me Murray, Mrs. IMcMurray, W.S. McMurray, J. IL Mc .Murray, Jas. . McMurray, C. E. Millman, .Tas. ... Morrison. Mrs.... Murphy, Daniel.. Neville, Thos Noble, Rev. Jno.. Noble, Wm Overfield, Mrs.... Overfield, Sam... Overfield, Miss... Page, Dr Page, Mrs Passmore, Wm. . Parker, Mrs Patton, John Piper, Thos Porter, John Racey, Thos Reid, James Reynolds, James. Riley, P. B Rolph, Geo Rolph, Mrs Rolph, T. L Rolph, W. M. ... Rolph, Anne Rolph, M. J Smith, G. & fara. Smith, Geo Smith, Albina ... Smith, Geo Stanley, Edward. Straltou, Mary A Tink, John Taylor, R Teaehman, INIrs £ 1 10 .5 .5 2 5 5 I 10 10 5 2 2 1 10 1 5 1 2 5 i 10 5 7 J Teaehman, John. Thorpe, Jas Townsend Miss . 3 Trask, Joseph ... 3 Unsworth, E 3 Venobles, Thos... 6 Wakeley, Joseph. 3 Wales, Jas Walton, Mrs 6 Warren, Geo. ... '/. U 6 G 6 3 G G 7i 3 3 G 3 6 6 3 3 7J 3 6 G 6 6 G 3 3 G 6 3 3 3 6 6 9 G £ $. d. Warran, Mrs 5 Warren, Margt. . 71 Warren, R.J. ... 7J Waters, John ... 5 Weaver, M 5 Webster, J. & fam 2 West way, Wm ... 10 Williams, Wv., ... 1 3 Winniott, Henry. I 3 WIshnrt, K 5 Wishart, Mrs. ... 1 W(mham, '.V. R,. 1 2 « Woods, Thos. Q. 5 Woods, F.S 2 6 Ancaslcr. Aikman, John ... 1 3 Almas, John 2 G Almas, Jane 2 G Almas, Frederick 2 G Almas, Elizabeth 2 G Almas, Henry ... 5 Almas.Christiana 13 Almas, H. J 13 Anderson, Mrs... 7i Arkill, S 7i Andruss, Margt... 13 Arthur, J 13 Beattie, Edwd. ... 3 9 Brown, Thos. ... 6 Bull, .T.J 1 3 Bull, Mrs 1 3 Bul'qs, Geo 13 Byfield, Francis.. ."> o Byrns, G. & fam. 5 Carson, C 7i Cooly, Mrs 5 Crooks, Mrs 1 3 Crooks, Peter ... 1 3 Dalton, W 5 Dalton, Miss 2 G Duff, Adam 5 Egliston, Harris. 5 Egliston, Alonzo. 2 G Edwards, Wm. ... 1 3 Filman, Wm 13 Filman, Magd ... 1 3 Gabel, Jacob 2 G Gage, John 2 6 Gaee, Elizabeth.. 2 6 GeUisby, Arch.. 1 3 Grant, MissM... 1 3 Gurnett, L. A. ... 2 6 Halson, Mrs ...... 2 6 Halson, Mist; ... 1 3 Hamilton, Alex .013 Hamilton, John .013 Hammill, Thos. .10 Hammill, John... 2 6 Jimerson, Wm... 2 6 Jones, Mrs 12 6 Jones, Mary 5 Jones, Wm 13 WSSsmamn >. d. 5 71 7J 5 5 1 3 1 3 5 2 r, 5 2 6 1 3 2 G 2 C 2 6 2 5 1 3 1 3 7J 7i 1 3 1 3 3 9 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 '» 5 7i 5 1 3 I 3 5 2 G 5 5 \ 6 1 3 1 3 3 ! 6 ! 6 ' 6 3 3 G 6 3 3 3 6 6 6 3 £ *. d. Kelly, Tsaac s Kern. Wm s Kern, Isaiah 5 Kern, Samuel ... 10 Lodor, Job 1 5 Logan, Miss M.A 71 Logan, Alux n McKelkin.J. juD, 5 Mc Mullen, Jan... n McMurray, Rev. William 1 5 Marlatt, Jas 1 3 Marr, Adam 10 Marshall, Jas. ... 1 3 Miller, John n Milue, Alex. S... 10 Milne, J. G 5 Penfold, G. R. ... 10 Regan, James ... .5 Robertson, Mrs J 2 6 Kousseauz, G B. 5 Ryckman, VV. & family I Showers, D 1 * Smith, H 10 Smith. Jas 7J Stewart, Chas .... 3 Tisdale, Air. S.... I 3 Tisdale, Miss A.. 1 3 Tidy, John 2 G Wade, John 1 3 Wiilson, Jas r. Wishart, Duncan 2 c Woods, W. H. ... 1 10 Woods, Mrs 5 Waods, A in. 2 G BnANTI'OJ A Friend 1 3 A Friend 2 C Armour, Unbt ... 1 3 Ballachey, Geo... 5 Buker, Jus 1 3 Bennett, A. B. ... 5 Bennett, Mrs. ... 5 Bothum, Thos ... 5 TJotham, Mrs. ... 5 Brethour, James. 5 Brethour, Jos. ... 5 Brown, iH. 2 G Brow^n, Charlotte 7A Brown, Sarah ... n Brown, Richard.. 1 3 Buchanan, Jas. K 1 3 Buck well, Wni... 1 3 Burley, Luther... .5 Cameron, John... 2 G Carroll, Miss ... 1 5 Catton.J. R 1 3 Claus, Wm 1 3 Clarke, W. H. ... 2 6 Cleghorn, A 5 Cleghorn, Jas ... 2 6 APPENDIX. £ *. d. Clifford, John .. 2 6 Cheeseman, Mn. s Christie, Jas 5 Connor, Thoi ... 1 3 Cowcher, M 5 Craw ford, George 2 6 Crooka, Chas. ... 5 Digby, Mr 5 r>ix(m, C. C 5 Dawding, Mrs.... 2 6 Driohurst, F. A.. 2 6 Eakins, P. A 2 6 Florance, Wm.... 5 Foster, Chas 5 Gilkinson, Mrs... 5 Good, Mrs 2 6 Good, Charlotte . {( 1 3 Good, Eliza (1 7} Good, Miiis 3 9 Good, Fanny ... 1 3 Good, Charles ... 1 3 Good, John 2 6 Good, Thos 1 3 Griffin, S 5 Griflin, Mrs .') Griffin, Sarah ... 1 3 Handyside, Mr. . .5 Running, C. G.... 5 Hardy. H. A. ... 5 Hart, Mrs 5 Hasbee, J. F 2 6 Higinbothum, A. 5 IIiginbotham,Mr8 5 Hodge, J. L 5 Hughes, Mrs. and fan)ily .5 James, Thomas... 2 G Jex, Johnson 5 Johnson, Mrs R.. 1 3 Jones, S. F 5 .Fones, J. Loyd ... 5 Kerby, John 1 Kerby, Mrs. John 5 Kerby, Thos. M. 5 Kerby, Wm 2 G Kerby, James ... 5 Kerby, Abraham 5 Kirkland, Mrs ... 2 G Lemmon, Henry. 10 Leonard, Miss ... 2 6 Leonard, F. H.... 2 G Lines, Wm 5 Lines, Mrs 5 Lines, W. C 2 G Lines, E. M 1 3 Lines, Julia 1 3 McCarthy, T. ... 1 3 McCutcheon, M. 2 G AlcKyes, Mrs... 1 3 McLaughlin, Jas. 5 Martin, Mrs .'■> Mason, .Tohn J.... 5 Merigold, Chas... 5 87 £ t. (/. Montaith, R 2 6 Moore, Wm 13 Muirhead, Wm... 6 Muirhead, Jai... 2 Muirhead, John.. S Orchard, John ... 2 Patterson, Jai.... I Patrick, Mrs. ... S Patrick, Miss ... 2 Patrick, Mist CO 2 6 Petcher,Wm 2 6 Pruvn, M. W ... 6 Racey, Henry ... 5 Racey, Mrs. H... 5 Rainbow, Mri ... 5 Richardson, Mrs. 2 6 Richardson, Misa 2 6 Richardson, T... 2 Rowan, Wra 1 Rubidge, Wm . . 2 Smith, Mrs B. ... 5 Snoad, G 2 Snowden, J 1 Stamp, Mrs 1 Stamp, Arthur ... 1 Stamp, George ... 1 Stamp, Eliza l Stevens, Mrs. ... 6 Stewart, Mrs. ... 5 Stewart. Chas E. 2 6 Strobridge, R. R. 5 Thomas, John S.. 1 Usher, Rev. J. C. 1 5 Valentine, Wm... i s Wallace, Samuel. l Walker, Wm. ... 2 Walsh, Jas 2 Watts, Mrs 5 Wilkes, Geo. S... 5 Wilson, W 5 Winter, T. B. ... 5 Wye, M 5 WELLINGTON SQUARE, AND NELSON. Aiderson, James. 13 Alton, T. and family 10 Alton, G 6 Alton, John 1 3 Applegarth, Mrs. 5 Bird, R 71 Baker, Mr 2 « Baker, G 1 3 Baldry, F 5 Barchard, Wm... 13 Bates, A 2 6 Beeforth, Mr 5 Bowden, Mrs.. .. 13 Buckley, Mr 5 Bunion, W 7 6 Bunton, John.... 2 6 "-M APl'ENUIX. £ $. d. R I I Bunton, Mr. and Mrs. H 7 Braham, John... 2 Brown, Mrs 5 Bruce, Mr 3 Bryans, \Vn.... 1 Calder, C 2 Cambel, James.. 1 Carter, Dr 1 Carter, Mrs 1 Carter, Miss 1 Carter, Arfio 1 Cowley, Mr (» 5 Champion, Mr.. . (j 2 Chapman, W.... fj Chapman, Mrs.. . 2 Chapman, Miss. . 1 Chapman, Miss S. 1 Chisholm, Mrs. and family. ... 1 5 Chishoir.j, D 1 Cotter, James. ... 2 Craddock, M.... Craddock, C Crysler, Mr 5 Crysler, Miss.... 1 Culloden, A 2 D.-ile, H 5 Day, Mr ..0 5 .^ines, Mr 5 /.dwards, H 2 leatherstone, K.. " Featherstone, J. . 1 Featherstone, R,. 2 Featherstone, T.. 1 Field, Mrs 5 Foster Mrs 5 Foster R 2 Friend 1 Friend 1 Furness, W Gage, A 10 Gage, James .... 2 Gage, Miss 5 Gage, L 5 Gaskhill, W 5 Gilliland, T 2 Greene, Rev. T,. 1 5 Greene, Mrs 5 Hemingeray, J.. . 1 Handysides, Mr.. 1 Hartley, James. . 1 Hawkms, John. . 1 Hedley, R 1 Holman, Mr 10 Hogath, Mr. and Mrs 6 Hurd, Mi 2 Hopkins, Mr.... 5 Ireland, Mr. and family 10 Ireland, J 1 Irelbnd, Mr. J. . . 5 Ireland, Robert.. 5 Ireland, H. C . . . . 6 Ireland, Mrs 6 Kilviiigstone, H.. McCoy, Mr & Mrs (( McCoy, A 3 McCurdy. E 6 McCra(ly,M;iryA. 3 Macgillii-uddy, Mr Mugiiire, Mr Marshall, Mr.... 3 May, JNIi 3 Melbourne, Mr. . MiiU'r, 3Lrs 6 Mills, Mr Mills, Mr 6 Mill, Isaac 3 Minliiitii.'k, Mrs.. 3 Nesbitt, Mr. and 31rs Nesbilt, Kli/.a. . . 3 Nesbitt, George, . 6 O'Reilly, Walter.. 7J O'Reilly, II 71 Orr, \Vm Orr, Jane 3 Orr, JSIary 6 Paiiton, IMr. and (' Mrs "otit, Mr. rnd Mrs '•dson,J.... I '\'i'i jon, Mr... Irs JIrs 6 ... son, Thos.. . 3 Sincliiir, W Smith, Mr Speuce, ^Mr. and 6 Mrs 3 I Spence, JNliss.... 3 Spence, S 7 J Spence, W.&R.. Still, Mr 6 Stokes, Mr TnlFord, E Tyndell, Mr Unsworth, R 6 Walton, Mrs.... Walton, C : Walton, \Vm.... 3 Wharton, Henry.. 3 Whitlaker, W... 3 'Williams Chas.. . 3 Wilkio, Mr 3 Wilkie, John.... ' Winskell, James. [Wilson, Mr 3 Woods, Mr 6 Wyatt, H Yale, Mr X s. 1 5 J 10 {) (> U '< (» 1 1 1 1 10 (I (I 10 5 1 2 1 5 5 10 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 5 2 2 1 2 1 2 5 PARIS. Alchin, Thomas.. 5 ! Brown, George.. 5 {Bullock, Nuali... 5 (/. 3 3 6 (I 3 3 I) (J G 3 3 3 3 3 <) G n 6 3 6 7i 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 G 6 3 6 3 G 6 6 6 6 £ 1. rf. Burrovves, ^lajor. 1 5 I'urrows, ,Alrs... 1 5 • apron, Hiram. . 10 c'dssari, -Uiss,... f) Fry, Lifoige 5 tiortloii, .Miss... . 5 tJretiistrcet, H. J. 1 5 ..'.ecii-u, ct, Mis. 10 Git'i'iistreet, J. T. 5 i) Jackson, John. . . G 3 ^Macartney, G... 1 6 iMcQuiit', Miss... 5 Ninimo, James.. 1 I'tilidck, James.. 5 I'uttaii, Rev. ('. . 1 5 Kvail, I'houjas. . 5 Simmons, George u 2 6 Street, Noah 2 6 Tassel, Mrs 2 6 Tisdall, J. H.... 5 Waldion, J.. . . ■ 2 6 Watt, Dr 5 V.!,'3, William . ., 1 3 OAKVIUK. Beatty. W. jun... 2 6 Heardsley, U. C 5 Bigger, Chas. ... 5 liigger, Sarah ... 2 6 Rigger, J. L 2 6 Bigger, Mrs 2 6 Bigger, C. H. ... 2 6 Bigger, Mrs. C.ll 2 6 Bigger, Miss 2 6 Bigger, John ... 3 Bigger, Andrew. 3 Bi{.'ger, Jane 3 Bigger, Elmira... 3 Carpenter, Mrs. . 3 Champion, John.. 5 Chisholm, ISlrs... 5 Coafes, Richard., 5 Coyne, Alex. ... 5 DcLman, Mrs, ... 2 € Evans, Eliza 5 Friend, A 1 3 Gasden, G. L. ... 2 6 Giving, Rev. S ... 1 5 Grantham, A. ... 5 Grantham, ]\Irs.., •0 2 6 Grantham, Miss.. I 3 Grainger, Geo,,,. 1 3 Hatton, James ... 1 3 liatton, Wm 1 3 Heuriod, N c 1 3 Hewson, Elu 1 3 Ho wd an, Thomas 2 6 Howse, Mrs 2 6 Jaivis, M 1 3 Jarvis, Arthur.. 2 6 Jarvis, Mrs 2 6 Marshall, John... 1 3 PattersoD, C 1 3 APrENDIX. m 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 « 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 3 3 £ $. d. Pettit.W.Y o 7 (i Pfttit, M. E 7 6 Pettit, Mary 2 6 Pellit, Mary H.. 2 Pettit, Surah 2 G Proudfoot, Mrs & family o lo RaiiifB, W. R. ... 5 Reid, James 5 Steele, Mrs 1 Sullivan, Mrs ... 2 Taylor, Geo jiin. 1 Thomas, Mrs ... 2 Thompstm, W.... 2 Thompson, W. A 5 Thompson, O. ... 2 Vernor, / . C ... 5 Wells, Hoi Tt ... 1 Williams, J W... 5 Williams, M. ... 1 Williams, J. A... 1 Williams, A 1 10^ £ n. Souls, W. D 5 Thomas, Thos.... .'> Tyson, lleury.... 5 Wad.', U 5 Williums, 8 5 '/. I ' ; o N0RV.4L. Frascr,Rev.D... 15 Do. " 1847. 15 MOHAWK AND TUSCARORA. Anthony, Geo ... 5 Brant, Henry ... 2 6 Cavanajth, D 5 Clark, R. E 10 Clark, Mrs 5 Davis, Samuel ... 5 Day, B. & family 5 Day, L 1 3 Day, Soloman ... 1 3 Elliot, Rev. A.... 2 Elliot, Mary .... 5 Green William... 5 Griffin, Cyrus ... 5 Harris, Richard .050 Hawley, Mr 5 Heavnor, Ann ... 1 3 Herdsman, R. & family 7 6 Johnson, J. S. ... 5 Johnson, G. M... 5 Johnston Mrs 5 Jones, T 10 Kennedy, Rev.... 15 Kennedy, Mrs.... 5 Lovely, Jas 5 Martin, Jacob ... 2 6 Menell, Joseph... 13 Menell, J 2 6 Nelles, Rev. A... 2 Nelles, Jlrs 10 Nell<i, J. C 5 Nelles, R.B 5 Peatman, H 5 Skimmons, J G 3 TRAVKLLINO MISSION. St. Man/K Church, Upper Cdi/ii^a. Rimnell, Euns ... 2 6; Hunndl, Alex. ... O 2 (J Huiinull, Augusta U 2 G Caviii, Peter 2 6 t'uviii,.Mr8. V. ... 1 3 Colver, .M.. 2 6 Catton, .Miss 2 6 Ellison, Joseph... 2 6 File, A. C 5 File, Robert W... 2 G File, Amelia 2 6 File, Maria E. ... 2 6 ' File, J. J 5 File, .Airs. J 5 File, 3Iis. Sarah.. 13 File. Levi 13 Flanders, Iluburt. 2 6 Grceney, A 2 6 Hunt, A 1 3 Ludlow, A 13 Merritt, Rev.R.N 15 0, Merrill, John ... 5 Miller, M 1 3 i NottacThos 5 Page, Josetih ... 5 Pepper. William. 2 6 Smith, Jeremiah . 5 Smith, Mrs. J. ... 2 6 Smith, Enos B ... 1 3 Smith, Stephen E. 1 3 Smith, Asa 2 6 Squires, S 1 3 Thomas, Mrs. J... 2 6 '1 homas, Miss E. 2 6 Wetniore, James. 2 6 Wetmore, Mrs ... 1 3 Wetmore, B. F... 13 Wetmore, Steph.. 13 Wetmore, John ..0 7i Wetmore, S. J.... 75 Westbrook, Peter 2 6" Westbn.ok.Mart. 2 6 Westbrook, Harrt 13 Westbrook, Jane 13 Milton. Black, Thos, H. 1 3 Brown, Geo 2 6 Butcher, Wm. ... 1 3 Bowes, Mrs. T... 13 Bowes, Mrs. J... 1 3 Cavanagh, Geo... 13 Coats, Thos 7i £ ». rf. Cobban, J 2 6 Caldwell, R 1 3 Dempsey, Geo.... 2 6 Dempsey, John. . 3 6 Fleming, Mrs. ... 5 FleminK, Samuel 2 Fleming, Edwd... 13 Flensing, Jennette 1 3 Fleming, Mary... 13 Fleming, Lucy... 1 3 Fleming. E 13 Frith, Tlios 18 F:illis. Thos 1 3 Foster, Hugh ... 1 3 Friends, Three... 2 6 Hill, William ... 1 3 Hampton, Edwd.. 13 Humphrey, J. J.. 1 3 Hurrisou, James. 7) Hunter, John ... 1 3 Hc>g>;r, Alex 2 6 Irvine, William... 7i Joyce, Wm 5 _ Joyce, Mary 13 King, 'I'obias ... 7| Ly.m, W. D 7J Lyness, Wm 13 liangrell, Matt.... 13 McLeman. Edwd 2 6 McNab, Wm 13 McChesney, Jos. 7J McDowell, Robt. 13 McCallum, F. ... 1 3 Martin, Edwd ... 2 6 Ovcutt, Harry... 1 3 Rixon, J. & fam. 10 Simpson, Robt ... 2 6 Sawyers, Jas 13 Souter, Andrew.. 13 'J'horapson, T. H. 2 6 'i'hompson, John. 2 6 'I'h(>mpBon,Marg. 13 Teetzill, M 2 6 Trotter, John ... 2 6 Willmott, H. E... 2 6 . Willmott, W 2 6 Willmot, Austin. 13 Willmott, Mrs. ... 13 Willson, Levi. ... 2 6 Wesenger, R. ... 1 3 Wright, Wm 2 6 I Wright, Mrs 13 j Wright, J 13 Wright, E 13 Walker, Philip... 1 3 Walker, P. jun... 13 Offertory at the Holy Com 10 Wuterdown SfEast Flawboro. Ashbury, John... 2 6 Bastedo, Jacob... 2 6 Brown, Mrs 10 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 11.25 ■^ fM 12.2 UUi. U II 1.6 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN riREET WIBSTER,N.Y. 145S0 (716) •72-4503 \ s ^ DO APPENDIX. £ I. d. Brown, A. ten.... 2 6 Billinga, Dr 5 Crooker, F 2 6 Coopt-r, Mrs 2 6 Cockburn, John, 2 6 Cumnia, H 2 6 Cranstoun, H. ... 1 3 Duoham, H I 3 Evans, Walter ... I 3 Fretwell, F. 2 6 Fretwell, Geo. ... 2 6 Foster, Thos 1 3 Garvin, J. B .'i Graham, H. F.... 2 6 Griersop, Wm.... 13 Griffin, K I 3 Griffin, J. R 2 6 Griffin, Absalom 2 6 Hopkins, R 13 Lottridge, R 2 6 Murray, Dr 5 Mullock, Luke... 10 Mclnnes, D 5 Oliver, John 2 6 Orr, Wm 2 6 Powis, Wm 5 Shouldice, F 2 6 Stuart, Wm 2 6 Stewart, John ... I 3 Thompson, H. ... 1 3 Webbe, C. R. G. 5 Wood, Benjamin. 13 Wellington District. OUEtPH. Alcock, Miss. ... 5 Allen, John J 6 Allen, Mrs 2 6 Atkinson, John.. 2 6 Atkinson, Mrs. J. 2 6 Atkinson, George 2 6 Atkinson, Mrs. G. 1 3 Arkell, Thomas. .050 Badgley, Wm... 2 6 Baker, Alfred.... 10 Baker, Mrs 10 Beles, Mrs 13 Bell, Peter 5 Benedict, D 5 Bogert, James... 5 Benham, James.. 5 Benham, Mrs.... 5 Bolton, John 13 Bolton, Emily... 13 Bolton, Heniy... 13 Bolton, Thomas.. 1 3 Brock, Mrs 5 Brock, Thomas.. 7i Bridget, William 2 6 Browne, Edvi'ard 2 6 Browne, W. J. . . 2 6 Card, T. & family 10 Card, John Card, Mrs. John.. Card, Mary Carthew, E Carihew, Mrs... Caulfield, John.. . Cayley, John. ... Cayley, Edward.. Carter, Thomas . . Clarke, Wr Clarke, Mis Clay, Mr Clement, Mr.... Colton, David.... Cunningham,J. 1 . Cunningham, E.. Cunningham, Esth Cuniiingham,S.A. Cunningham,M.J. Cunningham,]. T. Cunningham, J... Davidson, J Davie, Mr Davis, Charles... Davis, Wm Davis, Mrs Davis, Mrs. G... Davis, Mr Davis, F. &W.. Deane, J Deane, Mrs Decker, W. H... Decker, Mrs .... Decker, Rachel. . Dunbar, Mrs .... Dunbar, Mrs. S.. Dunbar, Robert. . Dunbar, E Dunbar, Samuel.. Edvvaids, Mr.... Edwards, Hugh.. Eserton, 'I'hos... Elliott, George.. Elwood, Messrs.. Friends, Fcrgusson, A. J.. 1 Franck, John.... Gay, Mrs Gay, Wm Gay, Edwin George, Mrs Gow, Mr Grange, G. J., Sheriff 1 Gwynne, J. W... Haines, Henry. . . Harvey, Mr Harvey, Mrs. ... Harvey, George. . Harland, John... Harrison, John... Harrison, Mis. ... Herd, George. ... Herd, ^— ' d. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 5 1 3 1 m 7i 7J 1 3 3 7J 6 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 7i 7i 10 £ ». d. Herd, Mrs 13 Hewat, Col. and family 1 10 Hewat, Mrs. A. 5 U Hewer, James. ..05 Higginbotham, A. 2 6 Higgmbotham.A. 13 Howes, Benjamin 13 Hogg, Arthur.... 5 Hurd.Edwd. EW 1 6 lies, John 5 Jarvis, Wm 5 Jarvis, Mrs 5 Johnson, Richard 13 Jones, Strachan.. 5 Jones. Charles... 2 6 Jones, Mrs 2 6 Jones, Alfred.... 13 .Tones, Clara 13 Kerr, Francis.. .. 5 King, Mrs 5 Kirby, Robert... 16 Knowlf i, Hester. 13 Knowles, Robert 13 Larter, Mrs 5 Lawrence, Mrs. . 13 Linderman, 2 6 Machin, MissH.. 5 Malone, W 5 Marsh, W. H . . . . 1 3 Marsh, Mrs 13 Marcon, F 15 Mackenzie, J.... 9 MacCurdy, Capt.. 5 Macphfrson, S. . . 5 Mac Williams, R, 2 6 Melli&h, Mrs 5 Murton, George. . 2 6 Maydew, John. ..01 3 Nash, George R.. 5 Nceve, Wm 5 Nceve, Mrs 2 6 Neeve, John..... 5 Neeve, Mrs. J. ..050 Nichols, Mrs 2 6 Nichols, Miss.... 2 6 Nicholson, Wm.. 5 Nicholson, Mrs... 2 6 Oliver, H. H.... 5 Oliver, Mrs 5 Orton, Thomas.. 5 Oulton, John.... 5 Palmer, Rev. A.. 2 5 Palmer, Mrs 2 Palmer, Miss F.. 2 6 Palmer, Miss MA. 2 6 Palmer, Miss H.R. 13 Palmer, Master. .013 Parker, W.H. and family 16 Parsons, Henry. .050 Parsons, Mrs. ... 5 Peterson, H.W... 10 Petty, John 13 \/ APPENDIX. 91 £ : d. Powell, Mrs 1 Pipe, John 2 6 Pipe, Mrs 2 6 Pipe, Mary Anne 13 Pipe, Emma 7^ Parker, Miss don. 15 Kichardson, R. M. 5 Richardson, Mrs.. 5 Richardson, Wm. 10 Robinson, Miss.. 7] Sanders, Henry. .013 Sanders, Mrs.... 13 Smith, James.... 2 6 Sayers, T 2 6 Sayers, Mrs 2 6 Sayers, Fenton... 2 6 Sockett, George.. 2 6 Steele, John 2 6 Steele, Thomas.. 2 6 Stewart Re v.E.M. 15 Stone, F. W 5 Stone, Mrs 2 6 Stone, Edward. ..013 Stone, John W... 13 NIAOARA. £ «. d. Adison, Mrs 15 Arthur, James. ..01 3 Ball, Miss 2 6 Ball, John 10 Ball, Mrs 10 Ball, Miss 5 Ball, Miss M.... 5 Barker. John.... 2 6 Bates, Henry A... 10 Baxter, Qr Master Royal C. R.... 5 Best, William.... 2 6 Best, Robert 5 Blain, T. & Mrs.. 5 Boomer, George. .10 Boomer, Mrs. and children 1 Bonner, Bearer. .050 Bonner, Jane 5 Buck, Thomas... 10 Briggs, Mrs 5 Burke Henry..... 13 Carnathan, R.... 5 Carr, H 10 Cellyham, H. ... 5 Claus,W 5 Clench.T.A.B.... 5 Clement, Mrs.... 5 Clement, Miss... 5 Clement, Caroline 5 Clement, G. A... 10 ^ Clement, Mrs... 5 0; Clement, P. B... 10 | Charles, Henry.. 5 0! Connolly, J. H... 10 ; £ i. d. Stovell, W 2 « Strowger, A 1 3 Strowger, W.... 2 6 Strowger, Miss.. 7} Sweetmaii, M.... 3 9 Tatham, Mrs 5 Terry, James.... 7J Terry, Sarah.... 7} Terry, Joseph... 7} Thorpe, J., senr.. 5 Thorpe, Mrs. ... 5 Thurtill, Mrs.... 5 Thurtill, Miss... 2 6 Thurlili, George. 13 Tolton, Wm 5 Tolton, Mrs 2 6 Tollon, George... 13 Tolton, John 13 Tracy, Thomas... 10 Turner, Alfred... 15 Turner, Mrs 1 5 Turner, family... 10 Wakefield, H.... 2 6 Wakefield, G.... 13 NIAGARA DISTRICT. £ s. Conyan, Robert.. Cox, Samuel 10 Creen, Rev. Thos. 1 5 Crysler, A 2 Cronch, Joseph... 5 Dickson, W.H... 2 10 Dick8on,Mrs.WH 2 10 Dickson, Mrs. R.. 1 ^ Douty, Thomas.. 5 Elison, Henry... 1 Fallan, Miss 10 1 2 5 5 Friend, A 1 Friend, A Graham, John. .. Hall,J Harvey James ... Hill.Major,RCR 1 Hiscott,R.andon.l2 10 Hiscott, Mrs 5 Hiscott, E Hiscott, James... Hiscott, Miss.... Hunter, Geo. L . . 1 Kirby, William.. Kingsmill, W.. Luck, James. . Luck, Mrs Luck, Eliza Luck, Fanny.... Luck, Jas. junr. . McCormick, T.. 10 McCormick, G.. 15 McFarland,MrsJ. 2 MoFarland, Mrs.. 10 McKinstry, D... 5 McKee, A 2 5 5 5 2 2 10 5 5 1 1 1 d. 71 6 3 3 6 6 3 3 3 6 6 £ ». d. WakeAeld, L.... 1 3 Watson, Henry. .026 Watson, Thoi.... 2 6 Watson, Mra.... 2 6 White, Mrs 5 Williams, Thos.. 2 6 Williams, Emma 13 Willoughbee, C... 7) Willoughbee,Mrs. 71 Wilson, James.. . 5 Wilson, J. C 5 Worsfold.J.E.and family 6 ELORA. Carter, W 2 6 Clarke, C 5 Dolman, G 2 6 Finlay8on,J 10 O Geddes, A O 10 O Geddes, J 10 O Gordon, J 5 Marsh, Re V.J. W 1 5 O Reynolds, W. ... 5 O £ t. d. McMullin, 6. and Mrs 5 Maneilly, John... 13 Mansell, J 1 3 Melville, Mrs.... 10 Mercer, L.W.... 15 Mercer, Mrs 10 Moffatt, Mr. and Mra 10 Morgan, Mrs.... 2 6 Fafford, Mr 5 Petie, Mrs 1 3 Powell, Mrs J... 10 Powell, John 10 Reid, Mrs 10 Rifles Royal C. Ofiicers & men 7 16 lOi Risley, Mr. and Mrs 1 5 Roddy, Charles... 1 « Savage, Mr. J .... 1 5 Senior, Mr. and Mrs 5 Servos, Mrs 5 Servos P.B 5 Simpson, John.... 10 Simpson, Mrs.... IG Simpson, J. B.. .. 5 Smith, CaptF.H. 15 Smith, Mrs 1 6 Telford, Henry.. 10 Trew, Mrs 10 Watts, Thomas. .026 Wilson, George. . 2 6 Willson, Mrs.... 5 Winterbottom,Mr 5 92 £ s. Winterbottom,Mrs 2 Wise. Mr 2 Woodruff, J. A... 10 Young, John 5 oniMsnr. Anderson, H 5 Anderson, Mrs... 5 Single, T...) ^ o 5 Single. Mrs. S '? 2 Book, George ... .5 Carpenter, Alex. 5 Carpenter. Mrs... 5 Chambers, Amos 10 Chambers, Mrs... 5 Clarke, E. W. ... 10 David, Rev. W. W.&O's. Fund 2 10 Dearr, Seth 10 Durham, John... 5 Durham. Mrs ... 2 Fanner, Wm. ... 5 Ferguson, Sam... 2 Fisher, Wm 5 Fisher, Mrs 2 Fisher, Martha... 1 Fitch, Dr 5 Fralick, Mrs 2 Fralick, Mrs E.. 2 Grout, Mr... 1 .d 5 Grout, Mrs . I &* 5 Grout,MrsG I *-• o 10 Grout. H.M. [ ^ 5 Gumey, Mrs K5 .5 Garney,Mi88j ^05 Henry, Robert... 10 Hindson, James.. 5 Hindson, Mrs. ... 5 Lewis, Levi 7 Lnndy, Rev. F.J. 1 5 Marlatt, Isaac ... 7 Maxwell, George 5 Maxwell, Mrs ... 5 McCardy, Byard 5 McLean, John ... 10 McLean, Mrs ... 10 McLean, Henry.. 2 McLean, Hiigh... 2 Muir, A. P .5 Muir, Mrs. A. ... 5 Muir, Miss 5 Muir, Jon 2 Muir, Ketnrah ... 2 Muir, Victoria... 2 Mullen, Mrs 2 Nelles, W. & Em. 2 Nelles, Mrs P. B. 5 Nelles, Mrs H.W 10 Nelles, Samuel ... 5 Nelles, Catherine 2 Nelles.Chas 10 Nelles, Jane 5 NaUes, Robert F. 10 APPENDIX. d.\ £ s. d.\ 6 ' Nelles, IVIrs R. F. 10 ! « i Nixon, Wm 10 i Nixon, ^Nlrs 10 1 Nixon, Robert ... 10 i Nixon, iilrs R.... 5 Nixi'n, Henry A. 2 G Nixon, Kiizii 2 «•> Nixon, .lolin 10 Nixon, Mrs 5 G Nixon, R. H s Nixon, MrsR. H. 5 Nixon, Denis ... 7 C Nixon, Mrs. D.... 5 Ninon, Wm. Z... 5 .0 Pettit, Jon. A. ... 10 Pettit, Mrs 10 Pettit, Jon. R. ... 7 G Pettit, John S. ... ,<> Pettit, Andrew... 10 Pettit, Mrs. A.... 5 6 Pettit, jAIary Y... 5 Pettit, Ja!ie 5 6 Pettit, J. n 5 Pettit, Asa 5 6 Pettit, Mrs. Asa. 2 G 3 Pettit, John B.... 10 Pettit, Mrs. J. B. 5 6 Pettit. Martha ... 2 G 6 Pettit, Mrs J 6 3 Pettit, Martha ... 2 6 Pettit, Isaac 2 6 Pettit, Jon. J 5 Pettit. Mrs, J. J.. 5 Pettit, John O.... 5 Pettit, Mrs. 2 G Pettit, Ben. ■» 2 G Pettit, John,, J 5 Pettit, Mrs. J. ... 2 G 6 Pettit, liliss 5 Porter,jMrs.-w.o.F. 2 6 6 Randall, A 5 Richardson, Mrs. 2 G Roarlhouse, Sam.. 5 Ruthven, James.. 5 Ruthven, Mrs. .. 5 Ruthven,C.J.& E, 5 G Siranierman, A... 1 G Shepherd, James 5 1 Smith, Ananias.. 10 j Smitli, Isaac B.. 5 \ Smith, Mrs.J.B.. R G Sumner, Wm. .. 5 G ; ^umner, MrsW., 5 6 1 Twecdl'?, Mrs. . 5 G 1 Tweedle.Richarc I .» 6 1 Tweedle, Joseph 2 6 Tweedle, Thos .. . 2 C Tweedle, John.. 2 G Tweedle, Sibyl.. 1 3 6 Walker, Miss .. 2 6 Walker, Ralph.. 2 6 Walker, R, junr. . 5 Wilson, lion. J.. . 1 Wilson, J.W I 6 Wilson, Mrs ^ ^ Wolverton, Mrs... Udell, M Udell, Mrs d. G CHII'l'AWA. Anderson, Jas.... 10 Aiiflerson.Mrs... 5 Anderson. i^Iary. 13 Mond, Henry 5 C'umniings, Car... 1 10 Cummings, Soph. 13 CnmmingR, L. J.. 1 3 Cummings, M.M. 13 Cummings. AV.... 13 Emmons, Alex... 13 Gordon, Geo 5 Hiirper, L, M. ... 5 Ilosmer, Anna ... 1 Kirkpatrick, Jno, 1 10 Kirkpatrick, A,.. 1 10 Leeming, Rev. W 5 Leeming, Mrs ... 5 McKcnley, Geo.. 13 Macklem, Jas ... 2 10 Macklem, O. T.. 1 10 Macklem, Mrs.. .110 Macklem, T. C. . 1 5 Macklem, Mrs L. 15 Macklem, Anna.. 10 Macklem, Wm... 5 Nicholson, G. ... 10 0. Nicholson, W. ... 5 Phillips, John ... 5 Rapeljie, John ... 2 6 Raymond, L. D,.. 5 Ross, John 5 Sawbridpe, Mrs... 10 Sayers, E.W 5 Siattr, Robert ... 2 6 Strect,S.,E»fateof 5 Street, Mrs 3 Street, T. C 3 Usher, John 15 Stawford Sf DrummondviUe. Anon 2 6 Anon 13 Anon 13 Anon 13 Blackwell, Mrs . . 5 I Blackwell, Miss.. 2* 6 Blackwell.MissL. 13 Brownrigg, Mrs. 13 Brownrigg, J. ... 1 3 Brokenshaw, Mr. 5 Crowther, Mr.... 5 , Crowther, Mrs... 5 Davidson, Margt. 10 Don. to Par. Soc. 9 4 i Foster, E 7} ! Foster, Mrs 3 9 APPENDIX. 93 (. d. 5 5 5 5 2 G ) 10 5 1 5 I 10 1 1 I 1 1 5 5 1 10 1 10 5 5 1 2 10 1 10 . 1 10 15 15 . 10 5 . 10 . 5 U 3 3 3 3 3 3 U 3 . . .. ,. ... 1 ,. .. 5 2 5 5 6 5 2 6 of 5 .. 3 .. 3 ... 15 ummondville. 2 1 1 1 s.. S8.. sL. Ira. ... Mr. •.... 8... 6 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 Foster, Ann* ... Foster, Charlotte. Ingles, Rev. C.L. Lefferty, Mi8S ... Matheison, Mr... Matthews, Mrs... Mewburn, Dr Mewburn, F. C... Mewburn, Mrs... Murray. Mrs. ... Nelles.Miss Newman, Mr Peto, Mrs PidgeoD, Mrs Robinson, Mr.... Russell, Mr Warrens, Mrs. children Woodruff, Mrs... £ $. 2 10 13 5 1 2 2 10 3 5 15 2 1 5 ^ H rgt. 10 Sec. 9 4 7i 3 9 THOROLD. Ahey, James Abey, John Aiken, James ... Ball,MrsJ.H~; » Ball, Augus. I » Ball,Cath.... V . Ball, Carol... Ball, Jacob A. Ball, Mrs W. H.. Ball, Mrs J. J. ... 10 Baker, Thos 5 Battin. John 5 Beattie, John ... 10 Beatiie, Anne ... Beattie, Stephen.. Bell.Mr Boothe, Robert... Boy le.Mrs Fanny a Boyle, Arthur ... 5 Brooks, Mrs 2 Brown, Miss 2 Campbell, David. 5 Campbell, R. W. 5 Campbell, Mrs.... 5 Campbell, Kichd. 5 Carroll, Mrs S.... 1 Casper, J. H. ... 5 Coleman, D.&fam 1 Coulter, Mrs. ... 2 Durham, Ellas ... 10 Durham, Mrs. ... 10 Fergusson, G. jr.. 2 Fish.Wra.T 5 Fuller, Rev. T. B. 2 10 Fuller, Mrs 2 10 Fuller, Mary M.. 5 Fuller, Th.s. R... 3 Fullt-r, Sam. S.... 3 Fuller, liHura A... 2 Fuller, ElizHbeth. 2 Fuller, Wni 1 Fuller, Yallancey I d. 7i Friend, A 7^ Garden, Captain.. Garden, Ilrs Happell, Geo Happell, Mrs. ... 6 Hicks, Mrs Hill, Mrs Hoover, Peter ... -I Hoover, Mrs. ... j Hoover, Margt... 6 Hoover.Cath'rine Hoover, Eliza A. Hoover, Geo Hoover, Mrs. G... Hutt.Wm.N Hutt, Mrs James, Hugh ... James, Mrs Ingram, Daniel... Ingram, Mrs Jordan, George .. Jordan, Mrs. G... Jordan, Margaret Jordan, William.. Kelly, Daniel ... King, Dr. ....I... King, Joseph ... King, Mrs Keefer, Geo Keefer, Mrs Kee*"er, G. junr... Keefer, Mrs G ... Lampman, Peter. Lampinan, Jlrs. . Lampman, Joseph Lampman, Mary Lampman, Thos.. Lampman, Fred.. Lampman, M. M. Lelaiid, IJ. P. ... McMahon, Fred-. McKew, Mrs ... Marshall, \Vm ... Mac Key. Thos... Malloy, Mr Mettler, Philip... Mettler, George . Mettler, Mrs Mettler, Moses... Mettler, Mrs. P.. Mettler, Nancy... Mettler, Albert .. iVIonrne, James .. Oliver, Miss Pew, John Phillips, James... Powell. J. S Radclitt", Ji hn ... Rsnnie.John ... Reveley, Mrs ... Rcveley, Anne... Rev^l^•y, Jai e. ... Reveley, Cath.... £ «. d. 2 6 7 6 7 6 15 2 6 5 5 10 2 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 5 15 10 5 5 5 2 6 5 5 1 3 1 3 5 5 5 5 1 10 10 1 10 1 10 5 2 G 2 G 2 G 1 3 5 5 2 G 2 G 5 2 6 2 6 2 G 2 6 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 5 10 2 6 2 6 5 10 10 t 6 2 6 1 .•} I .3 £ I. d. Reveley, Wm. ... 1 S Reveley, J 2 6 Reveley, Mrs. J.. 2 6 Roberts, Wm 5 Rolls, Dr 5 Shannon, Mrs. ... 5 Shreincr, John... 5 Stanley, MrsCapt. 5 Stocks, Mr 5 Stocks, Mrs 5 Stuart, C. &fam. 10 Tims, H. W 15 Turuey,Mr8 10 Turney, Ann E.. 5 Turney,W,Lewi8 10 Upper, Mrs. Jas.. 5 VaiiEvery,Mrs.. 5 Wallace. Robert.. 2.6 Weeks, Jas 2 6 Willatts, Mr 10 Willkerson, Mrs. 2 6 FOHT ERIE. Adair, Jas I Adair, Jas. jun ... I Adair, Jane 1 Anderson, Mrs... 5 Anderson, Miss... 5 Anderson, Wm... 5 Anderson, John.. 1 Anderson, Helen 1 Anderson, Carol. 1 Anderson, H 1 Anger, Jihn 1 IJowen, Henry.... 2 Bowen, Mrs ...'... 1 IJowen, Chorlotte I liristow, Henry... 2 6 IJristow, Mrs I Ih'istow, Eliza, A. 1 Buch, Georjie ... 1 Churchwardens of St. Paul's, Fort Erie, (ex- tra.) 10 Clarke, Harriet... 2 Cooke, Wm 5 Cronyn, Mrs 2 Douglas, Alex . . 5 Douglas, Mrs ... 5 Douglas, John ... 1 D' uglas, Wm. ... 1 3 Ellsworth, V 5 Ellsworth, Mrs... 2 Forsyth, Nelson.. 2 Free' Mis 2 (ilrasett, Rev. E.. 1 5 Mallan, Dr 1 Hiircison, Geo ... 5 Har.iisoii, Wm... H llaun, I.-aac 2 I'aiin, Mrs (i 1 Hiuii;, A. W,,.,., C 7i 94 APPENDIX. £ I. d. Haun, H. A 7^ HauD, Mattbius... 13 Haun, Alex 13 IJenderBhot, A.... 13 Hfiidersluir. P... 1 3 HoflFman, Widow 1 3 House, Berj 1 3 Jumes, NuthaDiel 13 Johnson, Jnlm ... 5 Jnlinston, Rdbt... 1 3 Kerhy, Hun. Col. 10 Knowles, Dan.... 13 Laur, Henry 2 6 Laur, Mrs 2 6 Lepper, G. & fam 5 McConnell, John 2 6 McConnell, Mrs. 2 6 McKenzie, Ken., o 2 6 McKenzie.Mrs... 2 6 McMurray, Mrs.. 13 McMurray, Jos... 13 McMurray, Sam.. 13 McMurray, Alex. 13 McMurray.MrsA 13 McMurray, Mary 13 McMurray, A ... o 1 3 McMurray, John 13 Miller, John 1 3 Myers, John 2 6 Near, Henry 13 Palmer, Lewis ... 2 6 Palmer, Mrs 2 6 Powell, Mrs 2 6 Bainsford, Wm ..050 Rainsford, W. jr. 1 3 Rainsford, Thos.. 13 Rainsford, Margt 13 Rainsford, Ann... 7i^ Bainsford, Hen.... 7^ Richardson, R ... 1 3 Rooth,WmA. .. 10 Rootb, James ... 5 Booth, Mrs Major 5 Schnoiey, J 1 3 Seager,Frederick 13 Sherle.Benj 13 Sherle, Jessie ... 1 3 Stanton, Jas 2 6 Stanton, Mrs ... 2 6 Stanton, Henry... 13 Stanton, Caroline 13 Smith, Mrs 2 6 Smith, Miss 1 3 Smith,Mary Jane 13 Smith, Henrietta. 13 Stevenson, Robt.. 13 SteTen8on,Wm... 13 Stevenson, H. ... 1 3 Stevenson, John.. 13 Stevenson, J 13 Stevenson, Rjun 13 Stevenson, Mary, 13 St«T«nsoD, Agnes 18 Thomson, Isaac.. Thomson, Mrs S, Thompson, W. A. Thompson, Mrs., 'I hornliill, Miss. . Thornhili, Mr,... Th(iri)hii), Sophia Tutton, Joseph... Tutton, Mrs Warren, Mrs K... Warren, Grant... Warren, Anna M Warren, John Wi'ekes, John ... Willoiighhy, Miss Wilson, Widow... Wilson, Robert... Wilson, Horatio.. Wilson, Alex. ... Wilson, Powell... d. 6 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 S 6 3 3 3 3 3 ST. CATQAniNKS. Adams, Mrs .5 Adams, Miss 5 Adams, Mary ... 5 Adams, Elias S. 10 Adams, Mrs.E.S. 10 Adams, Caroline 5 Andrews, Mrs..,. 2 6 /tndrews.Emelyn 5 Andrew8,Edward 2 6 Armstrong, John 2 6 Arnold, C. M.... 6 Aikinson,Rev.Mr 15 Atkinson, Mrs. and family 15 Atkinson, Wm... 5 Atkinson,Mrs.W 2 6 Barker, Joseph... 2 6 Barker, Mrs 2 6 Barker, James ... 13 Barker, Mrs. Jas. 13 Bate, Mrs 5 Bate, Charles 2 6 Bate, Mrs, C 2 6 Baxter, George... 2 6 Belford, Edward 5 Bell, Lachlan,W. and O. Fund... 10 Bell, W. H 1 3 Benson, Bialey... 5 Boomer, A. R.... 10 Boomer, Mrs.and family 15 Boomer, J. P 10 Boyd, James R... 5 Boyd, David 16 Boyle, Andrew and fiimily 15 Boyle, Mithiiel... 10 Boyle, Mrs. Wm, 5 Boyle, James .... 13 Bracken, Wm.... 5 £ I. d. Brady, A 2 6 BrQdley,TboB.Sr. 5 Bradley, Ar. Jr.. 2 6 Bridge8,Ephraim 13 Brownlee, James 5 Brownlee, Wm... 5 Brownlep.Thos. .013 Bryant, ISIark ... 5 Buchanan, Mrs.I. 2 6 Bunting, Thos... 13 Burgess, James... 13 Burgess,Mr8 13 Camp, E. P 2 6 Capner, James ... 5 Carlisle, Henry.. 5 Carlisle, Mrs 5 Cartwri{rht,Jas,. 2 6 Cartwright, John 2 6 Casey, Thos. P. 5 Casey, Mrs 5 Chippin, John ... 1 3 Chisbolm.Wm.A. 5 Cbisholm, Mrs... 5 Christie, Mrs.... 10 Christie, Miss G. 5 Clark, Col 5 Clark, Mrs 6 Clarke, J(hn C... 5 Clear, William ... 2 6 Clear, Mrs 2 6 Collins, William 2 6 Conolly, John .... 10 Coy, Francis 5 Coy, Mrs 5 Crawther, L 13 Darrington, Wm. 2 6 Dittrick, Jacob... 5 Dittrick, Mrs. J. 5 Dittrick, Walter 5 Dittrick, George 2 6 Dittrick, Mrs. G. 2 6 Dittrick, Robert 2 6 Dittrick, Mrs. R. 2 6 Eccles, William.. 5 Eccles, Mrs 5 Ellens, Robert ... 2 6 Elliott, Elias 2 6 Foley, John 5 Forbes, George 3 9 Foster, Robert... 2 6 Foster, Mrs 2 6 Fraser, Mrs 5 Freeman, Geo.... 2 6 Freeman, Mrs... 2 6 Friend, A 13 Gadsby, William 5 Gadsby, John .... 2 6 Gaze, James 2 6 Gibson, John.and family 10 Giles, J. B 5 Goodman, Mrs... 5 Goring, F. A 6 itPPENDIX. 06 a 6 6 2 6 3 3 3 6 1 3 1 1 ) 2 3 3 6 6 6 3 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 1 5 5 10 5 5 5 6 2 2 6 2 6 10 5 6 i 5 1 ,026 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 r e t . .. . . re .. .. .. .. ... ... im ... 2 ... 2 ind ... 1 ... 5 ... 5 I.... ft 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 2 6 2 6 5 2 2 I 5 6 6 3 6 6 £ $. d. Graham, Jatne*.. 13 Hainer, Mr«. C... 1 3 Hamilton. A. C... 10 Hallowell, Saml.. 5 Handy.Miss. don. to W.&O.Fund 2 10 Harris, Joseph... 2 6 HHrris.Wm., Sr... 2 6 Harris, Mrs. VV... 2 6 Harris, James. .. 5 Harris, Wm 2 6 Hargan, Corn's... 5 Harper, James... 2 6 Harvey, Adam... 3 9 Harvey, Mrs 3 9 Hawn.William... 13 Hawn, Mrs 13 Hayner, Jac.,ind family 15 Hayoes, John 5 Haynes, Mrs 5 HayneSjHiram... 5 Haynes.Mrs.H... 2 6 Helliwell, Tho.L. 5 Helliwell, Mrs.... 5 llindson, Ueorge 2 6 Hindson, Mrs.... 2 6 Hodgkinson, R... 5 Hodgkin8on,I\Irs. 6 Holloway, Mrs. 1850 & 1851... 10 Horner,SamueI... 5 Horner, Mrs 5 Howse, Henry... 2 6 Howse, Mrs 2 6 Huston, John..... 5 Huston, Matilda. 5 Hyland, Fred 2 6 Johnston, John ..026 Kearnehan, Jas.. 13 Kelly, James 2 6 Kelly, Mrs 2 6 Kinu, W. D 5 Kirkpatrick, J.C. 5 Lepper, Jhs. V... 5 Lepper, John 5 Leslie, Mrs 10 Lewis, Richard... 5 Mack, T.,M.D... 10 Mack, Mrs 5 McClelland.John 13 McCourt, James. 13 McCourt, Mrs ... 1 3 McGiverin, Wm. 10 Molntyre, Thos.. 5 MuKenney, Miss 5 Merritt,Mr8.W H. 15 Merritt, W.H.Jr. 10 Merritt, Thos. R. 10 Miller, Mrs. R.... 10 Montgomery, Ad. 2 6 Montgomery ,Mr8. 2 6 Montgomary,G«o. 13 £ «. Montgomery ,M.J. 1 Nichol, Thomas.. 5 Noble, Jacob Nohle, Mrs Osborne, Wm... Paffard, Fred.... Paffard, Mrs Parnell, IMrs. Sr. o Parnell, Wm. Sr. Parnell, Wm. Jr. Parnell, Mrs. W. Parnell, Eiizah... 1 Parnell, Francis.. 1 Patterson, A Patterson, Mrs... Peterson, John... Peterson, Mrs.. Peterson, Robt... Pettee, Dr Pettee, Mrs.. Pindar.Alex Pindar, Miss Platts, Joseph ... 1 Platts, Mrs 1 Ranney, John L. 1 5 Raper, Samuel ... 2 Robertson,Mrs Sr.O 2 Robertson, James 2 Robertson, Mrs J. 2 Robertson, MissE. Robertson, Geo... Robertson, Mrs. G. Roddy, John Rolls, Charles.... Rolls, INIrs Rykert.George... 2 Sandham, John... Sandhani, Mrs... Scobell, I? Scobell. Mrs Scott, James 1 Scott, Mrs 1 Slianklin, Rev.R. 1 5 Slate, Hiram ...... 5 Slate, Mrs 5 Smith, Wm., and family 10 Smith, John 1 Soper, iMrs 2 Spiller, Miss Stephenson, E.W. Stinson, Miss Stinson, Thos. ... Taylor, Jas., and family 1 5 Taylor, Wm 1 Tenbroeck, J. R. 5 Tenbroeck, Mrs. Thompson, Wm. Thomson, Mrs... Vanderlip. Jos.... o Walker, Mrs 2 Waud, Rob«rt,... 6 d. ' 3 i ; 6 6 ( 6 I 6 6 6 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 6 9 9 6 6 3 3 3 6 6 3 9 6 6 6 6 £ I. d. Wand, Mrs 5 U ^Vilson,Sergt.J... 5 Wilson, Mrs 2 6 WiUon, James ... 1 3 Wilson, Lucinda 13 Wilson, John G. 1 3 Wood, Samuel... 10 Woodruff.Uich... 5 Woodward, John 2 6 Woodward, Mrs. 2 '6 Eisht-mile Creek. Bate, Thomas.... Cudney, Fzekiel. Cudney, John ... Cushman, James C.llanl, Arthur.. Depotty, Joseph.. Donnldson, Chas. 1 Forbes, Huah Gilleland,Thos... Gilleland, Mrs... Graydon,Thos.F. iliscott, James... Hosteter. jNIrs. J. Jones, Warner... Jones, Wm. H... Jobson, Robert... Keys, Thomas ... Keys, Mrs Merikle, Benj.... Moore, George... Mc Mullen, James McMullen,Mis... Read, Aaron Head, Cornelius.. Read, Geo., Sr.... Read, Mrs Read, George C. Read, John B.... Read, Mrs Read, Stephen.... Read, Mrs Rogers, Abraham Sampson, Thos.F. Sampson, Mrs.... Servos, James B. Servos, Wm.B.... Trusdall, John... Whitmore.Dan.S. Whitmore, Peter Young, John Z 12 5 5 5 1 5 5 8 U 3 2 6 10 2 6 2 6 2 6 O 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 6 6 6 2 6 5 5 5 2 5 5 PORT MAITLAND. Benson, W 5 Bolivent, W. B... 10 Clarke, Rev.W.C W. & O. Fund. 1 5 Crawford, C 6 Cronk, Peter ... 2 Hickes.W.J 10 Huggan, Mrs ... fi 6 7i 6 • 96 £ I. Imlnoli, Mrs Cttl. W. & O. Fund. 1 Imlach, Mrs. Col. 1 Imlach, Wm 10 Imlach, Henry... 5 Johnson, Mrs Col. Estate, w.&o.F. I Johnson, Mrs Col. Estate 1 JoftnstoneMrs... 10 Martin. Jos 2 Moss, Jos 5 Sheehan. W 5 Spratt,Miss 10 Spratt, Mrs 5 S^ratt, Mrs. Robt 5 APPENDIX. d. £ 1. d. Spratt, R 2 6 Thomson, C. E... 1 Townley, Uev. A 2 Townley, Mrs ... 1 Weteuhall.Mrs. .. 10 Lunnville. Amsden, Samuel 5 Atkinson, James. 5 Atkinson, Mrs. J 2 6 6 Atkinson, George 2 6 Boomer, II 10 Boomer, Mrs 10 Boulton.H.J 2 10 B .yie, Tlios 10 BrowasuDiA 5 «. d, 5 6 2 6 2 6 Browoion,Mn A Qarnett, Wm. ... Hunter, Peter ... Hunter, Mrs. P.. . Inman, Wm. ... LawsoD, Sinclair. Lfiwsim, Mrs, S. . Marshall, Henry. 2 6 May, Uichard 10 Minor, Solomon.. CIS Murdy, Robert... 5 Penny, H 5 Penny, Mrs. H... 5 Ramsey, Francis. 10 Russell, R. O. ... 5 Wright, James... 10 LONDON AND HURON DISTRICT. London District. LONDON. £ 8. d. Adams, Edwd. ... 1 5 Adams, Mrs 10 Bay ley, Benjamin 2 Bayley, Mrs 10 Bayley, Miss. ... 1 Bentley, H 5 Beatley, Thos. ..050 Begler, Rich»rd.. 5 Brough, Rev.C.C 1 5 Cbisholm, Hiram 15 Code, George ... 5 Cronyn, Rev. B... ISO Cronyn, Mrs 10 Dixoo, Thos 15 Eccles, Samuel... 10 Elliott, W 15 Fennell, Mr 10 Geary, Mrs 2 6 Gingham, Thos.. 5 Gill, Mrs 10 Goodhue, HonG. J 10 Gondhue, Mrs ... I Hashett, Mrs 5 Horton, William. 15 Hutchinson, C ... 1 5 Labatt, J. K 10 Lawrason, L 15 Lawrasoo, Mrs... 10 Massingbe, Rev. Mr 1 5 £ 8. d. Meredetb. J. C... 5 Parsons, W 2 6 Scott, G. B 15 Shanly, James ... 1 Sbanly, Mrs 10 Street, W. W. ... 1 5 Stuart, John 2 6 Thompson, D. M 10 Wilson, Robert. . 10 Wilson, J 10 POHT STANLEY — 1849 50. Arkell, Henry ... 5 Arkell, T., don... 5 Bobier, Wm 2 6 Bostwick, H. B... 5 Bostwick, Mrs ... 2 6 Crysler, J. C 10 Gordon, John ... 10 Hoadley,A.G don 10 Jones, M. A 5 Johnson. Mrs don 5 Lilley, W. A 5 o Morgan, Jas 10 Moore, F 5 IMount, Ttios M.. 2 6 Neely, A., don.... 2 6 Neely, Samuel... 2 6 Price, Samuel ... 10 Price, Mrs 5 Street, Uev. G.C. 2 10 Street, Mrs. G. C. 10 £ 8. d. Street, C. A 5 Street, Fanny ... 5 Sheeban, H.F.. . 5 Turvill, Richard. 2 6 Vance, Rach.don. 13 Woodward, J. R.. 10 Wade, Jas :0 SpecialCollection 16 6 Five acres of very valuable land given by Col. John Bostwick. DELAWARE. Clench, H 2 6 Drake, John 2 6 Flood, Rev. R.... 1 7 6 Gowinlock, Geo.. 2 6 Grant, Mr 2 6 Rielly, Joseph ... 1 3 Price, John 2 6 Scott, J. C 13 Young.Mrs 2 6 POR/T BURWELL. Read, Uev. T.B... 15 MALAUIDE. Brown, Rev. C... 15 Huron District. OODERICH. Elwood,Rev.£.Ll 5 APPENDIX. d. 6 6 6 6 3 WESTERN DISTRICT. 6 3 He 6 6 5 6 > % ■ANSWICR. £ $. d. Allen, Mri 5 AIlinioD, Mrs ... 2 6 Allinnon, H 1 3 Allliison, E 13 Barclay, J 5 Bampton, W. ... 5 Bullock, 10 Cheenman, Mrs... 70 Chewett, A 1 10 Ellis, A.C 2 6 Elliott, J. F fi Fluett, L. 8 1 Green, J 2 6 Hall, Miss 2 6 Herons, T 5 Hunt, W 5 Button, J 5 Johnson, W 5 Johnson, Mrs. ... 5 McKee.T 2 6 Overton. E 5 Prince, John ... 1 5 Princ*", A 10 Rankin, A 15 Richards, M 10 Richardson, J. ... 2 6 Ritchie. Rev. W. 1 5 Salter, D. P 5 Salter, P.J 5 Stephenson, E,... 5 Stevens, Win. ... 2 6 Stokes, S 5 Taylor, J 2 6 Vidal, W. P. 1 5 Watson, E 2 6 Watson, J 2 6 Wilkinson, J. H.. 5 Wilkinson, J. A.. 1 5 Woodbridge, Jas. 2 6 Woodbridge, Jas. 2 6 AMHER8TBURO. Allen, C. C 2 6 Anderson, John.. 2 6 Archer, Wm 2 6 Archer, Mrs 2 6 Archer, W. E. ... 5 ArwisoD, Gust.... 2 6 Askins, Mrs .... 6 Bailie, John 2 Bailie, Mrs 13 Bailie, Miss 13 Baker, Jag 5 Baker, Miss 13 Baker, Miss M... 1 3 Coatin8,Ja8 5 Coz,Capt,RCRO 5 Curle3r,T 13 Dearoa,John ... 1 3 I>flWwn,Dr. 19 Dewson, Mrs ... Dewson. Miss. ... Dewson, MissE.. Dewson, A Dewson, Miss P.. Dewson. W. W.. Dixie, Mro Doherty, Mr Ddherty, Mrs ... Doherty, Miss ... Doherty, Miss M Doherty, Miss F. Doherty, Mr Donahue, Mrs ... Dunbar, Mrs Elliot, Mrs. Col... 1 Elliott, R. H. B... Elliott, T. J Fitzell, John Fitzeb, Mrs Gordon, L. G. ... 1 Gordon, Mrs Cott, Mrs Gflulden, Jasper. Harling, Mrs ... Harvy, San^uel... Uivons, Mrs Honour, John ... Honour, W. E.... Horsely, Robt.... Horsman.Mrs.... Horsman, Miss.... Lacy, Isaiah Lavary, Chas. ... Lavary, Mrs McVitty, Mrs... Mack, Rev. F. ... Mason, James ... Mason, Mrs Mears, Mrs Mears, T. A Morley, Wm Morris, Stephen.. Moore, John Nelson, Horatio.. Nelson, Mrs Nelson, Miss Nelson, Miss Nelson, Miss F. .. Nelson, H Nelson, Miss Noble, James ... Owen, Thos Patipiece, A Patipiece, Mrs. ... Patipiece, Miss... Patipiece, John... Patipiece, Thos .. Pazton, Thos ... Reid, Robert Reynolds, Miss C d. 3 3 3 3 3 6 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 7A 1 lOi 10 2 2 2 5 10 1 3 2 1 2 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 £ : Reynolds, Hbbt... 10 Ridsdale, Miss ... 1 Salmoni, Thos.... 10 Salmoni, Mrs .... Salmoni, Mrs Taylor, G. Wm,.. Wright, Mrs Wright, I^f i»s ... Wright, Miss H. Wilson, Wm. ... Non-Commission- ed ofScers, and Privates.R.C.R 3 d, 6 6 3 3 3 « 8 11 2 2 1 1 10 8 2 3 6 7J 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 6 2 6 COLCHESTER. Brush, Miss J. ... 9 6 Buchanan, Mrs J 2 6 Cornwall.U.W.P. 2 6 Cornwull,John H 2 6 Cornwall, Lucin. o 1 3 Crookshank,R,.. 13 Crookshank,Mi88 13 Elliott, Mrs 2 6 Elliott, F. G 2 6 Grubb, Waller... 2 6 Harris, E. H 2 6 Hoffman, Mrs J.. 2 6 Johnston, Wm ... 1 3 Jones, Thomas... 10 LeDuc,Mrs,w.&o 2 6 Lock hart, J. H... 2 6 Ridsdale, John.... 5 Thompson, Thos. 2 6 Thompson, L 2 6 Wilcox, Asa 2 6 Wright, John. ... 2 6 Wright, Francis.. 2 6 Wright, Miss A. 1 3 Wright, Amelia.. 13 WARWICK. Mockridge, Rev.J 16 HOORE & SOMBHA. Baby, Mrs. J 5 Begg,Mrs 5 Biddle, Joseph ... 10 Bogle, Mrs 5 Bowen,Mrs 5 Bury, Wm 3 1 Carey, Rev. John 5 Gary, Mrs 2 6 Coulter, Jno 13 Creighton, F. ... 5 Edwards, Mrs. ... 7i Evans, A 2 6 Evans, Mrs 2 6 Gard, Wm 18 Hadden,Jno 2 8 JamiesoD, Rev. A 16 Johnson, Wu ... 2 6 9t APPENDIX. I £ I. d. Johniton.T. 2 6 Jobniton, 8 1 3 Johniton, Geo. ... 2 6 Little, Mri 2 C McCash. Misi ... 1 3 McCash D 1 3 McOlaahan, Chas 6 McClaahan, M ... 2 6 McMillan, Miii.. 1 3 Payne, J 5 Payne, Mrs. ••••0 1 3 Payne, Misa .... 7J Payne, Miss E... 7 J Salter, Rev.G.J.R 1 5 Simpson, F 5 Sutherland, Mrs.. 12 ti Sutherland, Mrs A U lU Sutherland, Geo... 5 Taifouid, Froome 1 5 £ «. d. Vidal, Alex 10 Whcutley, Mr... 5 Witset, Benj 2 6 Witset, Mrs 1 3 \Vri«ht, W. E. ..010 Wrii,'ht, Mrs. M.. 5 Wright, P. M. . . 1 3 Collected by Mr. Payne for the purpose of buililing a Chapel, 'Mil Con. Moore. Abermcthy, \Vm. 5 Ambrose, Jas. , . 5 Anderson, J 5 Biddel, Joseph... 1 5 Booth, T 5 Butler, J 10 Clay, D 5 CreiL'hton, F .... 15 £ $. d. Fisher. Thoi 16 (Vurd, Wm 15 Hiscott, Joel .... 15 Hiscott, J 15 McDonald, J.... 10 McKenzie, Jon.. 2 6 Payne, Joseph.. . 15 Perryman, John .076 Sutherland, Thos. 1 5 Tremelis, Wm... 15 Turubull, F 6 TYRCONNGLL. Holland, Uev, H. for 1830-51.... 2 10 MGnSRA. Beyer, Rev. J. C. for 1S5J-51.... 2 10 BROCK DISTRICT. WOODSTOCK. nUNTINGFOBD £ «. d. £ «. d. £ «. d. Fauquier, ReT. F 1 5 Woodstock offer- Armstrong, A. ... 2 6 Fauquier, Mrs. ... 10 tory 17 6 8 Karnes, John ... 2 6 Fauquier, Miss... 10 Alexander, Geo. . 1 5 Barnes, Mrs 2 6 Harwood, Henry. 2 6 Bettridge,Rev. W 1 5 Barnes, Fred 1 3 Harwood, Mrs. H 2 6 Cottle, Mrs 1 5 Barnes, Robt. ... 1 3 Harwood, A. ... 2 6 Deeds, Robert. . . 1 5 Cuister, Caleb ... 5 Harwood, iMrs. A 2 6 Deeds, E 1 5 Caister, James... 2 6 McKnight, J. R.. 5 Mills, W.M 1 5 Denman, VVm. ... 2 6 MiKnight. Mrs.. 5 Eastwood Asso. . 4 4 Uenman, Mrs. ... 2 6 Peacock, Mrs*.... 2 6 Beachville do. 16 3 Donaldson, John. 5 Thwaites, Joseph 2 6 Ingersol do. 16 9 Duke, Thos 5 Turner, Jofeph... 2 6 Farmer, A. H. . . 2 10 Shadwick, Mrs H 2 6 COBOURQ. £ S. Alexander, O. ... 5 Alexander, Wm.. 5 Anderson, Capt.. 1 5 Armstriing, J. G. 5 Austin, Dr 1 Battell, Wm 5 Barber, G. A. ... 5 Beck, J. W. R.... 1 Bennett, B. , U 15 Bertran,Jo8 5 Bethune,Ven.A.N5 Bethune, Mrs & family 2 10 Birney, Geo 1 Boggs, 5 Bolster, John ... 2 Bolster, Geo 2 Bolster, Wm 1 Boiwell.J. V. ... 2 10 Botwell, O. M.... 1 10 BoiwelL Wm. ... i NEWCASTLE DISTRICT. £ s. d. d. Bosvell, A. G.... 5 Boulton, Hon G.S .5 Boulton, D. E. ... 1 Boulton, E. T. ... 5 Bradbier, Wm ... 2 6 Broughall, Mrs... 10 Broughall. T. ... 2 6 Brown, M 5 Burnham, Hon Z 2 10 Burnham, A. A... 15 Burnham, J 5 Burnham, Thos.. 1849-50 10 Buchanan, M .... 2 6 Buchanan, Wm... 2 6 Buck, Mrs 10 6 Butler, Wm 10 6 Cameron, Mrs ... 5 3 Covert, H 15 Campbell, Major. 2 10 Crawford. A 10 jCkloatt, J. Jan.... S £ s. d. Calcntt, K 2 6 Carnavan, Jas. ... 10 Callender, W. ... 6 Carr, S 4 3 Campbell, Miss... 5 Castle, G 15 Chatterton, R. D. 1 5 Clark, B 5 Clarkson, J 6 Clench, Wm 13 Clench, C 3 Cockburn, J 10 Cook, Mrs 10 Coonc-y, E 5 Cox, Wm 2 6 Coriigal, Wm. ... 1 5 Corrlgal, Miss ... 1 5 Cruss, M 10 Cullingford, Dr.... 5 Damtry, G. S. ... 1 Delany, J 9 8 Doak, J S « APFUNDIX. 99 d. I • ) I 6 6 s. d. 5 10 10 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 5 5 2 2 I 2 6 2 6 6 6 6 9 2 6 10 9 5 4 5 5 5 5 6 1 3 3 3 10 10 O 5 2 6 5 5 5 9 S £ «. Dnwn, N 5 Dropp, D S Drope, R. ..' A Dunn, Mri 10 Elliott, R 4 Elliott, C 2 FBrroer, Mrs 10 Fennell, Mrs 2 Fleming, D 5 Fortune, J. B. ... 10 Franklin, J 5 Friend, A Oarralt, W. A.... 1 ."> Gee, J 5 Cleale, T 2 Gibson, J. C 2 G(>ld«t()ne,G I Ooiideve, G. M... 10 Graham, Ann ... 1 Graiidy, S 5 Graveley, W 1 5 Grieve, \Vm 5 Grieve, Geo 5 Groves, F. J. S... 5 Halliday, J 5 Halliday, Mrs. ... 5 Hamilton, J 5 Hargraft, Wm.... 2 Harris, J 2 Harrison, Wm.,.. 5 Hart, B o 1 Hayward, Miss... 5 Hayter, B 5 Hayter, A 2 Hawke, A. B. ... 5 Henry, Mrs 1 Hewson, A 5 Hill, T 5 Holman,J 5 Horton, Mrs 10 House, F 5 Howard, J 5 Hull, E. C 15 Hurst, J. F. 10 Huff.H 5 Jessopp.Rev.H.B. 1 5 Jex, W 2 Johnson, W.A.... 2 10 Johnson, C. C... 5 Jones, 5 Kennedy, J 5 Kershaw, T. 5 Leith, R 2 Lewis, S 5 Lodge, Miss 1 Lunn, Mrs 2 McConnell, J. ... 10 Mackechnie, S.E. I 5 MacNab, Rev.Dr 1 5 McKyes, William 1849 50 3 McKyes, D., do.. 3 McL«od| Mrs. ... 10 d. £ McNeil, N Manners, G 1 Martin, J. J .Morrison, A Nelson, S 6 Nixon, O., sen ... Nixon, J 6 Nichols, N Noble, A.. 1819. Nourse, W 1 Pearson, Wm. . . 7i Petiit. C. B Philtpotts, C. B.. 1 Pollarco, Mrs... 6 Powell, W. O.... 6 UiuUIifT, J 1 RifhariLson, J.... Rowan, Dr 3 I Rowe, Lieut .... 1 I Rowe, H I Riiltan, Sheriff.. " «. 6 .5 5 2 5 5 6 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3 7 Rutfan, R 10 Salisbury, Mrs. . . 2 St. Qiiinton, Major 10 Solomon, Wm... 10 Stiles, L 5 Sunday School, Court-house ., 10 Tate, M 2 Teney,R 1 Tooney, James. . 3 Throop, Mrs 10 Townsend, Mrs.. 1 5 Tiemayne, F .... 5 Van Ingea, Wm. 10 Van Ingen, A. J.. 5 Waddel.Wm.,.. 5 Wallace, Capt. ..110 Walker, J 5 Wilcocks, Mrs.. . 1 5 Wilcocks, J. H.. 10 5 5 5 d. 6 3 U Wilkinson, ]Miss. 1 Winans, E. J.... 1 Ycrrington, Miss. rORT HOPE. Andrews,MrsJ.M 10 Ard, Asy 1 Armour, Mrs. ... 5 Armour, Robt.... 10 Armstrong, Mrs. 5 Axtell, Mr 5 Baker, Henry ... 2 Bates, John 10 Billingsley, J. R. 3 Bradrock, John.. 5 Brogdin, Wm.... 1 Brooke, Nancy... 1 Brooke, L. F 15 Burnham, Wm. W. & O. Fund. 2 Burns,J.M.w.&o. 6 Clark, Jos 6 £ Cash Chrysler, Mrs ... rhr>sUr, G. H... Cottin){ham, Mr. Day, Mrs Diiy, John Evatt, Francis ... ! Evatt, Dr i Evait, Capt. , ' Eriandson, E. ... Klliott, Mrs I. d. 2 « 6 ; Fowke, Job Fowke, Mrs Fniser, Mrs Friend, A Friend, A Friend, A Friend, A Friend, A Furhy, W., s. sch. Gwatkin, Wm.... (larnelt, Mr Gilchrist, Miss ... Gilchrist, Miss... Gillespie, David.. Gillett, H Gladman, Miss... Gladman, Tbos... Graham, Mrs. ... Green, Mrs. J. ... Greene, F Hackett, Miss ... Hatton, John ... Hastings, T. W... Helm, Miss Henderson, J. ... Henderson, Thos W. & O. Fund. Hills, Mrs Howell, Mrs Honor, F Hughes, C Hutton, Richard. Hutton, D Janes, Mrs. '. Jardine, Mrs Kent, Elizabeth... 3 Kirchhoffer, N... Kitchener, Mrs... Lang, Elizabeth.. Lang, Mrs Lang, Alex 6 Lang, Mrs A. ... Lee, Mrs 9 Lilhgow, Mrs.... Martin, G 3 Maimion, H . . . . 3 McCausland, Mr. Meredith, H. H... McDermr)tt, Mrs 6 W. & O. Fund Meredith, Mrs. W. & O. Fund y 6 6 6 3 9 2 2 1 10 10 10 10 5 10 2 fi S 10 2 2 2 2 2 9 10 5 2 10 10 5 5 1 5 2 5 1 10 6 1 5 5 5 10 2 1 5 5 3 5 2 5 2 1 15 6 6 3 6 ft 6 8 6 ft 6 2 6 2 ft 3 7i 6 3 9 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 7J 6 3 9 6 6 3 5 10 100 I. 3 5 3 a 5 a a 5 5 a MUoheU, Mr* — J Ma»r«g»n. Jno...- " Kowmfto, Mr ^ Orr, R. ••••••«;•■' P,.arke«. A. W- ■ " Perry, Horace... « Reynold*. Ua»c... Rhodes. J a'». Rowland, Mr .,..0 Rowland, W " Rtttttn. >"••;;•*' 5 Rtt»8en.0e«.H... B B^sott. Mri........ yi Shorn, Bev. J.- ^ J Si.son.Mr..,w°-J*J Smith, M«M A .- » * SmUh. Anne"."- " 1 Smith, Catherine. 2 Smiih.Susan...... « ^ smith, Lucen A. smith. Mrs. E.... " Spalding, Mr. ... o \ Spalding, M"-- " ' Spaldind. Anna... o Smart, D. Soden.MrB. " Stevenson, Mrs... " Strong.N Syer, Miss •••••• " Turnouth, John 8. School " Trimble, Jas » Truscott.Geo " Turner, Thomas Waddell.BN-0 ^^ Ward, G. »^. •••••• .q Ward, Mrs., Box 1 10 Ward.ThoB - " Warner, Mr..... " * Whitehead.Mrs.. 2 Whitehead. M.F. 10 Williams, J- I-' » „ Yottdon, Mrs. •.. " <• £ Knowlson, Mrt- L.mb, Uattd l,aw«on, Wm. ... " X d. « 6 3 3 3 « liOUR", ■ I.undy.JB"?'- ■ McCall. W'Jow.. Mclndoe, Malt... Mclndoe, Wni .. McNeal, Mrs. .. McNeal, Jane .. McGill, J"™" ;:• Malligan.Francii Mulligan, Mrs... " Mulligs^n. Joshua, o Mulligan, Fanny. Forttr. John ' Parcel, Alex. ... " Sisson, Jrtmes " Sowden, Wm. ... « Staples, Tbos. ... 3 Storry.Tho8 2 Syer.Thos........ o Thaxton, RoM ... * Thompson, John 5 Thompson, Jos... " »" WhiteU, Th"«- I Wilkinson, Bobt. ^ Williamson, M.8S J Williamson.Tbos 2 Wood, Arch " ^ U Connection wilf^SLPaul 1 Church. 71 A Friend .•• elAkilt.lSUchae "O Armstrong, Alt h. u ' Armstrong, Josh. " ArmsUoiij,', M^ss. u Armstrong, ^Vm. u Barnhait,John.. Beck, John...... " Benson, Stephen. Berrv, Mrs y BrovCn. William. Burton, John... .. " Burton, Wilham. Burton, George.. Campbell ,Wm... Carson, Wm J Grabam, Jowpfc" J Graham. J"bn ... " Green, Mrs " Hall. Mrs ••• " IMherington, >l. « Hetherington, 1. " Hcihering, O " Lang, Robt. I Lang, Mrs R. .•• " I ang. Wm " McAonis, Rob*. . « McAoley, And... " Medd. Wm. ...... Merefield.John.. u Might, Samuel... Moore. Maria ... o Moore, Tho«.^ ... " Newton, G. A ... " Newton. M«»" " Nurse, R»ch»'«»- J Osborne, Robt ... " Osborne, Geo ... " 6 i F.lhic, Robert ... Reynolds, J. R-. " 6 i Reynolds Wm...O Sing.Edwd Shells. Thos « 8owden,Thos.... 10 Sowden, Mrs.. ... Sticklinson.Thos. o Tttit, Wm ..."..- Thorndeck, i^-' " Thorn, Jos " Thorn, John " Turner. Mrs " Wallace, Wm. ... " Wing. O. A Wood. Jas " Wright, Wnw^O 6 6 6 6 C I. ft a a 1 1 1 a a 1 a 5 5 a 1 I I s s 5 a I a a 1 I ft Carson, wm " Church. _ I Clark, Jas., ]un.. Elliotte, Jas " Elgar, John ^ ■nun «/.•— Church. Armour , Rev. Sam 1 Armour, Mrs.... J J Dawson, Wm " »" Dundass.John... " ^ Elliotte. Mm. ... " * Fee, Henry J ^ Fee, Hannah ... " Fee, Eliza " ^ Fee, Sophia. ...... " Howden, Gust.... u | Ho-wdtn, Robt ... « 1 1 5 2 2 5 1 I 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 I 1 1 .5 2 2 1 3 6 6 3 3 3 6 3 6 74 6 3 3 « 3 6 6 6 6 3 a 5 1 3 5 9 a a 5 1 Elgar, Jonu Fa.r,Wm J Fair, John Fair, James " Falli8.W.n... I Fitzgerald, Jas... " Fitzp. raid. Jno... Foster, Robert ... " Gegan.Mr. " CLARKE. 3lBrock,Wm. 3 Burnham.Anra.O 3 Burnham.Wm... o ^ ' Clarke, Mrs F.... Clarke, Geo. M... Connor, Henry... Connor, Maria .^ Corsec8«lden,Wm 3lCor8ecadden.Mrs0 6 Corsecadden, M.. 3 Corsecadden, I.. « Corsecadden, W.. Corsecadden, H. • " Fairbairn, Robt^" J F«rncomb,Fred. Foster, Mrs " Gibson, Wm " Gibson, Mrs " Gibson. Thos. ... HewRon, W m. ... " HfWRon, Mrs ... •.«•>• 3 HewRon, iy'- •- 7il Kennedy, Be*. A * 5 5 5 a 2 1 1 1 2 5 5 1 1 I 1 ft 7J 6 6 3 3 3 7i 7i 74 6 3 3 7i 3 3 APPKNDIX. 101 Z ». d. ) ft a • a • o 1 9 I 3 1 s a 6 3 6 1 3 a 6 10 5 a .086 .018 .013 .013 L. 5 ..080 .050 . a 6 ... 7» ...0 2 6 f- * I ... 1 3 .... ft .... 10 .050 ko8. « • .050 -.. * 2 3 6 .050 ;::... ? « D.... 3 6 3 6 ... 5 r.*.... 1 3 ARKE. 5 Ura. 7 J Vm ... 7i • E.... 5 0. M... 5 ,Dry... 2 6 aria ... 2 6 jn.^Vm 1 3 en.Mr8 1 3 en, M.. 13 en.T.. 7i en.W.. 71 len,H..0 7* ,Bobt... 2 6 ,,Fred.O 6 Ir« 5 »Ir8 I 3 rh03. ... 7i Wm. ... 1 3 Mrs ... 13 ^.Ret.T I 8 £ M, tl. Kennedy. Mr* ... s Camerno, Mrs.... Kenni'dy.MnryA 71 Catnernn, Miss... Kpnni'dy,.lrin. K 71 Campbell, M. C. Kennt-dy/r. 8.JI 71 Coates, l)r Kerr, Jua 3 6 Contes, Mrs McIntoKh, Jai.,.. 1 3 ('ulleton, CH|)t ,.. Mclntoih, Mrs... 5 Cummins, Robert Rohfl'in, Mrs 5 Cummins, Mrs.,. Rohiion, John J. . 5 Doidge, Andrvw; RnhRon, Mrn J ... a (t F.winfr, Miss Rnmford, W 7; 1 Finley, John Riimrord, Mnriu.. Finh-y, Mrs Smith, JuD (1 5 a G Kinley, Ann FiuU-v. June ,,, Stuhhins, Mm. ... Stewart, VvWr . . (1 1 1 6 Friend, A Stewart, Mm. ... Friend, A Stewart, Klii 1 1 3 71 6 Friend, A Tawn, John Friend, A Taws. Mrs Friend. A Wilson, Mrs Oillard, James,.. Wilmot, Samuel.. 10 Oillaid, Miss ... Wilmot, Mrs, S... 5 Gillard. Eliza ... Darliiigl on. Gillard, Jo«ias ... Godard, Ff^-d Baker, Robt 2 6 Hammond, Lieut. Fuwler. Mrs 2 6 Hayncs, Mrs Grace, John 2 G Henderson, Wm. Hibbcrt, John .,, 5 Hickcy, John ... Hutchinson.S.J.II 5 Leary, Robt Hoovey, Mrs. ... 5 Leary, Richard... •Teffrey, John ... 5 Leary, John I.i8t(>r, Mrs J. ... 1 .1 Mc(^)rmick, D... Low, Dr 1 .5 5 McNeil, Mrs Mar.ninir, Uobt... iMcNeil, John ,,, Muirs, Mrs 5 McTavish, Mrs... Nevillf, C, C 5 5 iMiiEon, R Parks, Win Musscy, J. G. ... Pet (rick, Wni. ... 2 Montgomery, Mrs Held, Mrs n T Moiiigoniery, R.. l'layl\ird, Samuel Richards, Rich... 2 c Sutton, Mrs. T.V. 2 6 Pym, W. F Sutton Fred 2 C Simpson, Mrs ,.. Sylvester, Uoyd.. 2 6 Spalding, Miss... Wilson, N 5 Spalding, T, M .,. Spalding, T. jun. GRAFTON. Siewart, !Mrs Allan, Mrs 5 Stewart, Thos.... Arkland, John... 5 Stewart, Mrs. W. Arkland, J. jun.. 2 6 Stewart, Jas Baker, C. D 10 Stewart, John ... Baker, Mrs 5 1 3 Strangers Baker, Lucy Taylor, Mrs Barnum, E 10 Thomas, Mrs. ... Barnum. INIiss ... a Thomas, Richard Bln|fley,T 5 Vernon, Hamlet,. Mlackburne, li... 1 3 Vernon, C. H. ... Bolster, R 1 5 3 Vernon, Mrs Builer, Mrs Walsh, S.S Butler, ChaR 5 Wells, Samuel.... Butler, Mrs. C. . 2 6 Wilson. Rev. J... Brewster, J 1 3 Wilson, Mrs Caddy, Edward.. 2 (') Wilson, JMiss Cameron, J.D.... 1 1 K. 5 Wilson, Hugh .. £ I. IS 10 a 1 1 u I o 1 i 1 a 1 2 10 2 5 10 1 1 5 5 5 1 d. 6 6 6 6 G 6 3 3 3 10 71 6 G 6 3 3 3 6 1»)1 3 3 6 3 G 6 G a 6 3 G 6 6 11 6 6 3 G 6 6 3 3 Colborne. £ I. (t. Andrews, Jane. .013 Armstrong, Wm. 3 6 Boucher, R. M,,. A Houcher, Mrs. ... 5 Buckley, John ... 2 6 Bunbury, Henry. 13 Bunbury, Wm ... 5 Burrell, O S. ... 5 Burrell, Mrs 5 Burrcll.MissE.M 3 6 Burrell, M s M.. 3 6 Bnllerfield, John. 3 6 Caldbuck, Jas. ... 3 6 Cusey, H. N 2 6 Colton, W. IL ... 5 Crook, John 1 S Gumming, C 10 Cumming, Mrs... 5 Delany, Ann 5 Delany, Fanny.,. 3 6 Delany, Ellen ..0 13 Fiddick, Wm. ..026 Fortune, Thoi.... S Friend, A 5 Goodridue, Robt. 2 6 Goslee, J. D 1 G'>slee, Mrs, 5 Goslee, Geo 5 OroviT, J. M. ... 10 Grover, Mrs ,5 Grover, Miss M.. 13 G rover, Alice G. 1 3 Grover, Emily G I 3 Grover, P. M. ... 5 Grover, Mrs. P.M 2 6 Hnight, Mrs 2 6 Hart, John 1 3 Hayes, J. D 5 Jaquns, John ... 2 C Juqui'S, Wm 2 6 Keeler, INIrs 5 Lane, Mrs 2 G Lennon, Herbert. 5 Linton, James ... 2 6 Linton, Mrs 2 6 Linton, Elizabeth 13 McDonald, Mm... 5 Merriman, J. M.. 5 Miller, Pbares ... 2 G Niles, W. H .5 Nobles, W. H. ... 2 6 Pette, Wm 5 Pott, Margt 2 6 Reed, Henry 2 6 Reed, Robt 2 6 Reed, Mrs 5 Reed, Miss 5 Rusbford, James. 5 Shannon, Rich... 2 6 Spilsbury.F. B... 10 Shaw, Miss 5 Teasdale, J. M... 5 102 Van\.5artcttni. I Voibury, John Wood.P- • Wood.Ja*' X2 10 APPENDIX. J'^VlWebbTbo. 5 Q 2 6 1 Welch, John « COLBOllNE DISTRICT. r A- . Rev Robert 1850 and 1851 Emily. -Harding, Rev. t^tsTRICT. MIDLAND AND VICTORIA DI TR Midland Didrid. \ ^^^^^^^ j^lrs. .^-^ ^, ^ o\ Palm"', E. W. . KINGSTON. St. George's Parochial Jssociation £ I. d. a 3 Abram Angel Askew Baker Barham Bartlett, Re n % G Goodearl,.Tohn... " « ^ I Robinson. i.Fanny.. | J Ooodeve, W. J... <> | o Ro««nb«^f^.' ® 'V--:-.l"o Goodeve^Mrs-.O 5 ^,T 1" " Grant, Mrs \ " Sampson, ^^ ,Dr 1 I nlGrant'Wm \ ° 3 Sadler. M?' m.Miss... 1 ^ GtsVHenry.... 1 J UcobiU, Sidi :ttRev.T.H6 ^rist, Rev.'wm. 1 & « |,obiU,Mv Sampson, Dr Sampson J ^rs. * 'lor • ney. £ $. d. 10 5 1 10 10 10 5 ,050 Bradley, 1 ..••;•" ,;; Hoborougn, '■■•.• - ^ 6 »«""'' I %„ ft 1 3 ?'?"'.S;. '0 1 •'■.''»»°LT''r,;i,-. " i^sd-.-;.:::. 5 1 "« lsir-/:tio I Stougbton • u I „. r._„^ John Wilkinson, W. T. S. & family Cassii Clarke Clarke Colter Corbett Cor Corkill Cox Cridford, CrookshanksiT Crysle: Deacon S?y&, Mrs-.-... 10 l--i;;;;on; Mrs 4 10 " 1 Ya;v,ood;E. M- J ^^ ", Diehl,Dr \ J J Markland,G 1 ^ 6 Yates.Dr. ..... ^ ^ Diehl.Mrs 1 g J Ulilo, F. • J J 6 U^^"^'^^'- ' ' . 2 6 Duff,IVJr J X Moore, C. J ^ lyoung.Mrs Ferns Ferns Ferns Forsyth,- u \ a"- 1? Foster, A ...•••• J. ^ « MutUebury, * Foster, Arthur .. » " > WiiKinsou, "• '• ^ 2 6 Wotherspoon, 1- " g Wothcvspoon,Mr8 ^ ^ St. James's Parochial jssociatum. Adams, Mrs..... J | Anderson, Dr. ... APPENDIX. laa I. <i« I 3 El s. 5 .•100 :8 les's Parochid ssociatUrtf »"•;•• 5 £ s. «/. Bates, Mrs 1 3 Bryan, Miss S. . . 5 Cameron, Mrs, per week 2 Corner, Mr &fam. 10 Curran, Mrs 1 Crawford, Mrs. per week 1 Desborouvh, Capt R. Artilery ... 10 Durnford, J,O.D. 12 6 Dupuy,G, O.Dept 6 3 Dupuy,Mrs 10 Dobbin, Mrs.... 10 Elliott,Mrs,perw 1 E8ten,Maior,R.B 10 Free S. per Month 8 Fridd, A 13 GeofTrie, Mrs per week 2 Grimston, Lieut . R. Artilery ... 1 (rootllellow, per quarter 1 3 Harvey, Mr, O.D .') Hornby, Mrs. per week 1 Hornby, Mrs, Lot 24, per week. .001 Hay ward. Dr.... 15 Kirkpatrick, S. F. 1 Kemp, Mr .') Kennedy, MrGeo 1 3 Lawrence, Lieut. Col. R. BriRade 2 Longcroff, Mrs., per week 1 McCracken, Mr.. 2 6 McLeod, Daniel .076 McLeod, Neil ... 1 .5 McLeod, Mrs.... 5 Macphcrson, Mrs 5 Mulkins, Rev. H. 1 5 Milner Mrs 5 Munns, Mrsperw 1 Oakes, Mr 5 Pickering, M rs,per week 1 Rogers, Rev.R.V. 1 Rogers, M. per w 1 Rogers, R. per w 1 Roach, Mrs 5 Rogers, H., O.D. 5 Stayner, Mr. 1 3 Stace, MiES 2 6 Stace, Capt R. A. 10 Taylor, Richard .0 10 Taylor,Mrs,perw 1 Yarker, Mrs 2 6 Wood, Dr., Staff. 5 iS^. PauVs Parochial Association. Abbott, Mrs .... 1 3 Anderson, Mrs ... 5 £ s. Anderson, M . . . . Anderson, E.. . . .' Backhouse, Miss. 1 Bartlett, Rev. T. H. M 10 Bartlett, Mrs .... 10 Bartlett, M. S. L. 5 Barleff, H.,roof.. 10 Barleff, Mrs 2 Barnes, Mr 2 Bond, Luke 1 Boot, Mrs 1 Bourchier, Mrs.. 2 Brent, Charles. . . 2 Callaghan,D, roof 7 Callaghan, Mrs. . 1 Callaghan, S Callaghan, D Cartwright,Mrs.J roof 15 Chff,G 1 Cliff, G.jun...... 2 Cooper,C.W.,roof 10 Cooper, Mrs., roof 5 Cooper, C 1 Cooper, S 1 Corbett, Sheriff . . 2 Corbett,Mrs 2 Craig, Wm 1 Crawford, J., roof 10 Crawford, Mrs . . 5 Crawford, Miss.. Criddiford,T 1 Cruse, T 1 Deacon . ^Trs .... 5 Deihl, Mrs roof. . 1 Dixon, Thos .... 1 Durnford, J 1 Durnford, C Forsyth, J.R, roof 10 Forsyth, Mrs.... 1 Greig, Rev, W... 1 5 Grcig, Mrs. roof . 1 Hall, Mrs 1 Uall, Miss 1 Ham, Dr 2 Henderson , R. S. roof 10 Henderson, R. S. 1 Henderson , Mrs. . 5 Hoborough, Mrs.. 1 Hoborough,C.roof 5 Hogan,Mr 1 Hogan, Mrs Inglis,Capt.,R.B. roof 2 5 Kelly, Mr 1 Kirkpatrick, T. roof 10 Laurence, Jemima Lindsay, P. paint- ing 2 10 Lindsay, P., roof. 10 MacCuniffee, Mrs 1 5 2 2 2 (/.I £ s. d. 7 J Macaulay, Hon. J - 7i roof 1 3 , MacGrier, Miss . 7J I Maclllroy, Mrs.. 1 3 MacKenzie, Mrs.. 13 Macpherson, Mrs. roof 1 Mayne, Miss .... 5 6 Melvin, Dr., roof 1 5 6 Melvin, Mrs 5 3 Melvin, S 1 3 3 Melvin, C 1 3 6 Melvin, H 1 3 6 Millar, Mrs. roof. 10 6 Morley, S 2 6 3 Moggridge, Mr . . 2 6 71 O'Loughlan, Mrs. 2 6 7i Palmer, Miss ... . 050 Palmer, N. roof . . 5 Parker, Mr 1 3 3 Parker, Mrs 13 6 Parker, Gabriel.. 13 Pence, Mrs 13 Phillips,Abraham 7J 3 Phillips, E 71 3 Sellars,Robt 2 6 6 Smith, Mrs. H. .. 6 Smith, Mrs. J. S.. 3 Smyth, W. H. B. Swcetland, S .... Talbot, Mrs, roof. 101 Taylor, Mrs 3 Waddingham, Mr 3 I roof 5 1 Waddingham, Mrs 1 3 i Watkins, J. roof. 10 3 1 Watkins, Mrs ... 1 3 3 1 Willis. Miss 1 3 71 Wood, Mrs 2 6 3 I Waterloo. \ Baker, H 71 ! Baker, J 4 3 : Berry, Richard ..026 3 I Berry, Mrs 2 6 6 i Berry, Francis. . . I Berry, Thomas. . : Berry, John 3 Brown, J. W. ... 10 Brown, H 1 3 Brown,. E 10 Carrick, John ... 2 3 Carrick, Robert. . 13 71 Cumming, C .... 2 6 Gumming, S. J. . 1 3 Cumming, C.E.. 71 3 Cumming, E.G.. 71 Cumming,W.S&P0 71 Downs, Henry . . 2 6 71 Friends, A 10 Noble, Mrs 13 Noble, Jane 7} Noble, Ellen .... 71 3 Noble, James ... , 71 6 6 6 5 2 6 3 3 3 sam 104 £ 8. Noble, Edwd.... Northmore, Mr ..02 Northniore, Mrs.. 1 Northmore, E... . Northmore, P. H . Northmore, J. ... Ovens, John .... 2 Ovens, Mrs 1 Ovens, E 1 APPENDIX. BARRIEFIEI.D. Allen, Mary A... 1 Allen, John 1 Allen, Thos 1 Attrill, Mrs 5 Attrill, Mr. R. N. 2 Bailiie, Mr. 2 Baillie.Thos 1 Bailiie, Emma ... Bailiie, John 1 Bailiie, Louisa ... D Barker, Mrs 2 Barker, Miss 2 Baxter, Mr 5 Baxter, Mrs 5 Baxter, Miss 2 Baxter, W 2 Baxter, Isabella... 2 Baxter, James.... 1 Baxter, Jane 1 Baxter, Peter..... 2 Baxter, Mrs P.... 2 Beggs, Mrs 2 Belwa, Mrs 1 Belwa. Charles... Borselle, Mrs 1 Borselle, Eliza ... Borselle, Oliver... Brent, Rev. H.... 2 10 Brent, T. H 5 Brewster. Mrs.... 1 Breeze, Elizabeth 1 Browne, Henry... 5 Browne, Mrs. ... 2 Cuddy, Mrs ,. 1 Davis, Richard... 1 Dawson, T 2 Dillon, Mary A.. 1 Doweller, R Dugdale, Henry.. 1 Dugdale, Mrs 0- 1 Dugdale, Harriet. Dunking, Mr. ... Dunn, Mr 10 Essford, Mrs 1 Essford, Thos.... Essford, Wm. ... Ferguson, Mr. ... 5 Ferguson, Mrs . . 5 Fergoion, James. 1 Ferguson, Wm... 1 Ferguson, Mary . 1 Ferguion, Jane .. 1 (I. I 7J' Fizzell, Joseph. .. 6 I Forbes, Mrs 3 I Fothergill. Mrs... 7j Germain, Mrs.... 7i Germain. W.&F 7| Gilbert, Surah A, 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 3 7i 3 7i 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 3 7i 3" It 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 71 3 3 7i n 3 71 7i 3 3 3 3 Gurley, Mrs Gurly, Walter.... Gurly, Mary Hamilton, Thos.. Hamilton, Mrs... Hamilton, Jane... Hamilton, James. Hart, George Hart, Mrs Hart, Emily Hart, Mary Ann. Hayes, Mrs Hughes, Mrs Hughes, Eliz. .. Humphries, Geo.. Johnston, Jos. ... Johnston, Jno. ... Kelly, Thos Kelly, Mrs Kelly, Robt Kelly, Elizabeth. Kirk, James Kirk, Mrs Knapp, James ... Knapp, Wm Lane, Charles ... Lawless, Dr., R.N Lowry.Mrs Malyn, Mrs Malyn, James ... Malyu, Ann Eliza Malcolm, John... Manton, Mrs. ... Manton, Henry... Mantoo, Alice... Marks, Mr Marks, Selina ... Marks, William.. Mavety, Mrs Mavety, Mary A Mavety, John ... Mavety, Sarah... Mavety, Margt .. Medley, Miss Medley, James ... Newberry, R. B.. Nixon, Joseph ... Oakes, R. E Oriel, Asst. Com. General Oriel, F.H Penner, Mr Porter, Mrs Randall, Jno Redfern, Mrs Richardson, Mrs. £ s. I 1 5 1 2 2 2 1 2 d. 3 3 3 75 7i 6 3 3 6 3 7i 7i 6 6 3 3 7J 3 7i 3 3 3 6 3 7i 7i 6 6 3 3 3 1 5 I 2 2 2 10 7 5 2 5 1 1 £ Sangster, Mrs ... Smith, Edward... Smith, Mrs Smith. Miss Smith, Elisha Siacey, Mrs St(me, John Strachan, M Strachan, Mrs J.. Taylor, Mr. R. N. 10 Taylor, Mrs 5 Taylor Miss Taylor, MissM.. Tracey.L. B Tracey, Mrs Tracey, Francis.. Tracey ,Catherine Twining, Miss ... Wilkiuton, Mrs... White, Ellen .... Wilson, Mrs. ... d. n 6 6 6 6 7* 6 .3 7i u 3 3 3 3 6 3 71 Pittsburg. Congregation at McLean^s iSchool-House. Beaton, Anne ... Bryant, George. . Bryant, James ... Bryant, Mrs. D... Chestnut, Mr ... Chestnut, Mrs.... Chestnut, Miss... , Chestnut, Eliza... 71 Chestnut, David.. G j Chestnut, Samuel 71 Crawford, Daniel 7i! Friend, A 3 j Gardner, G 6 i Gates, Joseph ... 71 Gates, Abel 71 Gates, William... ; Graves, Henry... Graves, Mrs 3 Graves, Michael*. 6 McFadden, Juo .. 71 McLean, John ... 71 McLean, Mrs .... 71 Milton, Mrs ll Milton, Jno. L ... 6 Moore, Geo 6 1 Moore, Mrs I Murphy, Thos... 7f Rider, Richard... Siddon, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Stewart, A Taylor, Mr. Way,Wm Way, Anne Wilmot, Mr. Wilmot, Henry... Wilmot, Jno 71 101 101 3 6 6 71 71 3 3 3 6 6 3 3 6 6 3 71 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 6 3' 71 3 6 6 6 3 3 APPENDIX. 105 s. d. 7i 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 7* 2 6 1 3 7i 10 5 5 5 1 1 I I 1 2 5 k) 1 U 3 3 3 3 6 3 7i l/c£ean's se. 7i 1 lOi 1 lOi I 3 5 2 6 ,026 . 7i ,. 7i 10 13 10 13 .013 ,.026 ..026 ..013 ..013 ,.. 2 6 ,..0 2 6 1-. 1 3 ).. 7i ... 1 3 ... 1 3 ... 1 3 ... 1 3 ... 5 .... 2 6 I... 1 3 d... 1 3 2 6 . ... 1 3' 7i 1 3 2 6 2 6 ... 2 6 TV... 1 3 .... 1 3 ^ PORTSMOUTH. £ 8. d. Atkinson, Mrs. . . 15 Baker. T.S 1 Bickerlon, Mr. , . 5 Bickertori, C I) 5 Bryan, S 5 Cart\vri«ht,MrsU 2 10 Cartwright,Mrs.J. 10 Clarke, A 2 6 Chace, E 5 Coulter Catherine 10 Cox, J .O Dennison, W. ... 15 Ellerbeck,Hannah 5 Forbes, David... 10 Forbes, Jane A.. 10 Gibson, R 10 Gibson, Mary.... 5 Gibson, Ann 5 Graham, W 5 Goodeari, Hannah 2 6 Goodearl, Ann.. . 2 3 Henly, Joseph ..026 Henly, Jon 1 3 Henly, Elizabeth 13 Hoy, James 1 Hoy, Mary Ann.. 10 Hoy,C 3 Hoy, M 3 Irwin, W I Kirkpatrick, T . . 2 10 McLeod, Alex... 10 Murray, S. G 1 Patterson, Rev... 1 10 Phippen, W 5 Phippen.Rosa... 5 Ramsden, George 2 6 Revell, E 2 6 Revell, Mrs 2 6 Revell, E. jun. ..026 Revell, Mary 2 6 Richardson, John 5 Richardson, Jane. 5 Robinson, R 5 Robinson, R. A.. 2 6 Robinson, Mary A 2 6 Robinson, E 1 3 Sexton, George.. 5 Smith, Thos 2 6 Smith, Tho.s. jun. 1 3 Smith, John 2 6 Smith, Elizabeth. 13 Willford, Mrs ... 5 Wood, W 1 3 FREDEBICK8BCROH. Mulock, Rev. J. A. 1850 & 1851 2 10 NAPANEE. Lauder. Rev. W.B.I 5 To purchase a Melodian. Bartles, George. .013 Bartles, James ..050 £ 8. d. Bluett, Jno 1 3 Caroy, I)r 10 Carey, W. B 1 3 Cameron, Jno ... 5 Campbell, A .... 10 Carskalon. Luke. 2 6 Chamberlain, Ur. 5 Churchwardens. .0 19 9 Davy, G. H 10 Dickens, J 1 3 Esison, Miss 5 Esson, Robt 5 Fennell, T 1 3 Forward, H 5 Friene, Jno 2 6 Georgine, T. M.. 5 Halpenny, Jos ..026 Ham, P 5 Herring, Jno .... 2 6 Hughes, L 2 6 Lauder, Miss.... 5 Lauder, G. P . . . . 5 Lauder,Rev. W. B 5 McGrier, Chas ..050 McGrier, Thos ..050 Mac Kay, Arch ..050 McPhereon, Mrs. 5 McNeal, Mrs. ... 2 6 Martin, James. ..05 Murray, Mrs .... 5 Parish, W 2 6 Perry, J. W 10 Pringle, D 2 6 Sisson, E 5 Sisson, Mrs 5 Shirley, Dr 5 Shorey, M 5 Stephenson, A. . . 5 Wilson, Geo 5 MOHAWK. Anderson, Rev. G. A 1 5 AMHERST ISLAND. Ruthwell, Rev. J. 1 5 CAMDEN. Shirley, Rev. P. 1 5 oTORRINGTON. For building a Church. Allighan, James. 10 Aykroyd Steph... 5 Barclay, J. L. ... 5 Bruce, Samuel ... 10 Campbell,Samuel 15 Campbell, Jas 4 Campbell, A 5 ChristufP, H 5 Claxton, Thos... 15 Conklin, Thos.... 10 Corrigban, Jas. .. 5 CorrigbaD,J.,jr.. 5 £ s. d. Daley, Mrs 1 10 Derling, W 5 Dixon, Uoht 10 Donnelly, James. 10 Duff, Wm 5 EdwardH, Geo ... 10 Finny, Peter 2 6 Graham, Robert.. 5 Hampton, James. 5 Hewton, John ... 10 Hopper, Itobt ... 5 Hughson, Geo ... 5 Knapp, Anson ... 5 Lattimore, Wm. . 10 LangwJth, Chris.. 10 Lyon, P 1 McFarland, Chas 10 Merrill, Miss 10 Miller, A 5 Mullen, B 5 Mullen, James.... 5 Murray, Wm. ... 2 6 Oakley, Thomas.. 5 Osborne, Robert* 5 Richards, John... 4 S'gsworth, C 15 Snook, T 1 5 Sheppard, Jno ... 1 5 Sheppard J.junr. 10 Shannon, R 10 Spring, John 5 Spooner.S 10 Stanton. Nichol is 5 Steenson, James. 10 Toland, John .. 10 Vanlune, Henry.. 10 Waldron, John... 5 Walker, Wm 5 Wiley, Thos 5 Wolf, John 2 10 • One acre of land for the site of a Church. vidditional Subscriptions o6- tained in the City of King- ston. Askew, Thos. ... 1 5 Hriggs, Thos. ... 1 5 Forsyth, J. R. ... 1 Goodeve, W. J.... 10 Herchmer, Rev. W. M 10 Macaulay, Hon.J 15 Samuel Morley. . 10 Martin, Henry J. 10 Scobill, S. W 10 Smith, Henry jr.. 2 10 Stuart, Veu. Arch- deacon 5 Tayler.S 10 Watkios, John... 2 10 Portland. Ferguson, D 13 Ferguson, Mrs... 1 3 .■ *jm - *' yp.-ii'^syfc' , oam^ wtMr-v^.,^ 11' I % '.t 106 je s. d. Fergoson, D. Junr 1 3 Ferguson, Margt. 7i Ferguson, Geo ... 7i Mills, Wm 1 3 Mills.Mrs 1 3 Murton, J. sen... 10 Murtnn, Mrs 2 6 Murton, Mrs. M.. I 3 Murton, John ... 2 6 Murton, Mrs. ... 2 6 Murton, Jas 2 6 Murton, Mrs 2 6 Wilson, Mary ... 1 3 Wilson, Margaret 13 Sydenham. Allen. Rev. T. W 1 5 AuU,John 2 6 Ault, Mrs 13 Ault, John T. ... 13 Blake, Daniel ... 1 3 Blake, Mrs 1 3 Blake, John 1 3 Blake, Amanda.. 7| Blake, Mercy ... 71 Blake, Miriam ... 7| Boyce, Wm 2 6 Boyce, Mrs 13 Boyce, Albert ..0 7i Boyce, Amelia... 7: Clough, Wm 1 3 Ciough, Mary ... 13 Clough, Wm. O. 7 J Clough, Mary ... 7i Cull, Charles ... 7i Cull, Jas 7J Deer, Henry 13 Deer, Mrs 13 Deer, Jane 2^ Deer Samuel 2^ Deer, M 2J Deer, Mary 2J Deer, John Deer, Geo Holditch, Wm.... 2 Holditch,Mary A 2 Hutchinson, Mary 1 Joyner, Chas. ..* 1 APPENDIX. Joyncr,Elixaheth Kibbr, Richard.. Kibby, Mr» Lawrence, Win... Lawrence, Ann J Lawrence, Mary A Lawrence, Mary. Lawrence, Jos.... Lawrence, Tim... Mace, Wm Mace, Mrs Mace, Wm. D. ... Mace, Geo Maveety, John... Maveety, Letilia. Maveety, Mary J Maveety, Rlarg't. Scott, Wm. J. ... Scott, Mrs Scott, Margaret... Scott, Catherine.. Upham, Edwd... Waters, N. H. ... Wilson, Richard. Wilson, Mrs Wilson, Elleaoor. Wilson, Richard.. Wilson, John ... Victoria District. PORT TRENT. Allen, Mrs Bensley, Thos. . . Bensley, Misis ... Bleasdell, Rev. W 1 Bull, MrsG. E... Cluto, Mrs Eccles, Thomas.. Ford, Mrs Fowler, Mrs .... Francis, Robtjun. 2Jj Francis, George.. 2i!Havvley, Mrs. S. . 6 Havvley, Mrs. J.. Meyers, Mrs Meyers, Mrs E.W 10 Tiiomson, Mrs.... 5 d. 3 3 3 6 7J 6 7j 7i :i 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 8 8 8 Frank/ord, £ $. «/. Acker, Gabriel... 13 Asles, John 2 6 Betts, L. A 5 Bowen, Wm 2 6 Kowen, Harriet.. 13 Brock, Samuel... 2 6 Oaton, Martha ... 13 Caverly, Elvira... 13 Chisholm, Frazer 10 Crowe, J. B 5 Crowe, Anna ... 1 Crowe, E. B. ... 7} Crowe, John 7} Crowe, James ... 7} Ferguson, B 2 6 Francis, Wm. ... 10 Grass, Henry ... 5 Herns, James ... 1 3 Huffman, David.. 1 3 Iby, Mrs J 1 3 Kelly, M. H 5 Ketcheson, D. O.. 5 Ketcheson, Mrs... 5 Ketcheson, Geo.. 2 6 Ketcheson, J. C 13 Ketcheson, John. 13 Ketcheson, P. CO 2 6 Ketcheson, Wm.. 2 6 Ketcheson, Lucy. 13 Ketcheson, Thos. 5 Ketcheson, G. II. 1 3 Ketcheson, Mrs.. G. H 1 3 Ketcheson, Wm.. 13 Ketcheson, .Allan 5 Lnckwood, J. ... 2 6 Maybee, E 1 3 Monk, Thos 13 Ostrom, D 1 3 Rogers, John W. 2 6 Rose, S.E 3 9 Rose, Mrs. S. E.. 3 9 Rose, John 1 3 Rose, David 2 6 Simpson, John ... 1 3 Smith, Isaac 7 6 Small Sums 3 PRINCE EDWARD DISTRICT. PICTON. £ s. d. Anderson, Jno... 5 Armstrong, A ... 5 Armstrong, Chas 5 Babbitt, Mrs 5 Baily.Mrs 7 6 Baily Miss 2 6 Barker, David ... 1 5 Barker, Miss ... 1 3 Barker, J. S 5 Bog, Thomas ... 10 Bog, Mrs 10 Bousfield, Rev.T. 1 Campbell, Chas... Carrel, F. A Cauger, Miss ... Chadd, Mrs Chadd, Geo Chapman, R. J... Coppinger, C. ... Downes, John ... Downes, Mrs. ... s. d. 10 5 5 5 1 3 1 3 1 3 10 2 6 7 6 5 £ s. Edwards, Miss... 2 Edwards,Jemima 2 Forsythe, G. D... 5 Fralick,J.J 2 Friend, A 1 Friend, A Friend, A 1 10} Gibson, John ... 5 Haight, C 5 Hubbs, Mrs 5 Irvine, Rebecca.. 13 d. 6 6 6 3 7} APPENDIX. 107 1 2 1 i 10 5 6 6 3 3 1 71 li 71 2 6 10 5 1 1 1 5 I 5 I 5 3 3 3 6 3 3 2 6 2 6 1 3 5 1 3 3 3 6 3 6 9 9 3 6 3 6 3 £ s. d. ..0 2 6 na 2 6 ...0 5 ...0 2 6 ... 1 3 ... 7i ... 1 lOi ... 5 .... 5 .... 5 sa.. 1 3 £ $. Jeffery, George ..0 5 Johniton Martha 1 Johnston, Ann... 1 Johnston, Jane... 1 Johnston, James. 2 Johnston,Hannab 1 Johnston, Robt... 5 Johnston, R.junr 1 Johnson, Sarah E 1 Jones, Eliza 1 Kain, James I Kennedy, Miss... 2 Ketchiira, W. P.. 2 Low, Philip 10 Low, Philip, don. 5 Low, Henry J. ... 1 Low, Frederick. . 1 Low, George 1 Low, Helen 1 Low, Philip, junr 1 Mortimer, Cecil.. 1 5 Murray, L 5 Owens, J. B 2 Owens, Mrs 2 Porter, Wm 1 Post, Mr8.Levina 1 Pruyn, A. V. V... 10 Pruyn, Mrs 5 Pruyn, D. J 1 Shaw, J juo. don. 1 Sills, Mrs. don.... 1 Smith, David ... 1 5 Smith, Eliza Stevenson, D. B.. 15 Stevenson, Mrs ..0 5 Stevenson.? 5 Striker, Gideon ..0 5 Taylor, Mrs 5 Taylor, Francis . 10 Taylor, Mr. 5 Thompson, Thos 1 Thorp, Mrs 2 Thorp, Henry J. 15 Thorp, D.L 1 Thorp, M.E 1 Tbarison, Ann... 1 Wallace, L 1 iVaahburn, Miss. 5 Webster, George, 10 Williamson, T ... 5 Williamson, Jas . 5 Williamson, Robt 5 Worthington, P.. 5 Wycott, Mrs 5 £ s. Wycott, Maria... 5 Wycott, Henry... 5 CARRYINQ PLACE. Biggar, Maria.... 2 Friend, A 5 Fliiidell. S 3 Flindell. Mrs 2 Havden,Mr8 2 Mclntyre, Rev. J. 1 6 M<!lntyre, Mrs... 2 Mclntjre, John... Mclntyre, G Patterson, S 5 Patterson, Mrs.. 2 Proctor, John S Smith Thomas... 5 3 ! Weller, Anna 2 3 Weller, Amelia... 2 Weller, B 5 Weller, A 2 Wilkins, Hon. R. C 1 Wilkins, Smith... .5 Young, Ruben.... 10 Seventh Tovm. Austin, James 2 Brickman, J 2 Bush, W. R 6 Bush, Mrs 2 Colter, R. U 5 Cotter, Mrs 2 Cofer, M.A 1 Cotter, Ellen 1 Cunningham, H. 5 Cunningham,Mr8 2 Cunningham, G... 5 Cunningham,Mr8 5 Cunningham, H.. Cunningham, Y.. Dolmau, J 5 Dolman, Mrs 5 McMurter, T 2 Mercer, Wm 2 Morden, Mrs. J... 5 Russell, John .... 5 Snyder, E 1 Wiggans, Wm... 1 Wiggans, S 1 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 71 3 6 3 3 3 3 MARYSBURQH. Allen, Mrs 2 IS. o. P. 1 d. 6 9 6 6 6 71 71 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 71 71 6 6 3 3 3 Bongard, C o Chambers, Capt.. Creighton,T. sen. Creighton, Miss.. Creighton.R David, J David, C Friend, A Fitzgerald, — .... Frost, G Lear, B McDonnell, Mrs. McDonnell, J McDonnell, C... McDonnell, Miss McDonnell, Miss Morrison, M Nugent, B Ritchie, T Sallans, W o Wall, Thomas.... St. Philip's Church. McDonnell, W... I 3 May bee, Peter... 2 6 Tooke, Rev. J. R. l 5 Tooke, E. M 71 Tooke, K. E 71 Tooke, W. M 71 <. d. 2 6 10 5 1 3 5 2 6 71 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 71 71 1 3 71 2 6 SILLIER. Babbett, H o Babbett, Samuel Babbett, David... (Mark, David Coroy, Dr Dorland, Widow.. Foster, John Fushai, Charles.. Gerow, John Gerowjj. Junr... Gerow, J o Hubbs, B. H Jones, J. Senr. ... Jones, Samuel.... Jones, George.... Jones, Robert.... Leslie, D. Y McFaul, H Stinson, David... Sheridan, Mrs.... Thorn, Selh Young, Capt. W. 10 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 2 6 5 5 5 2 6 10 5 7 6 5 5 5 5 1 3 5 10 County of Leeds. BROCKTILLB. £ S. d. Crawford, G 3 Crawford, James 15 Crawford, John... 5 DaTidson, W. A. 5 JOHNSTOWN DEANERY BRANCH. £ s. d. Denroche, Rev.E. 10 Deuroche, Rev. E., 1849 1 Denroche, Mrs... 10 Friend, A 1 3 £ t. d. Friend, A 2 5 6 Ford, D. B. O.... 1 Jones, Mrs. S 3 Jones, Mrs. Sid* ney, 1849 3 lOS « p Jones, Ormona... Jones, H Jones. Mrs... .^- • McCUan, W.H... Morris, Mrs. K... Xleynolds, I Rcynolils, J Ross. S " Sherwood, t«eo.... Some person un- known... ...••• Tr«niayne, '»•" X «. f^- 15 5 10 ,0 5 . 5 I 5 6 10 15 !> 5 2 5 TBVVELLINO MISSION. Burncirs School-home. Arnold, H « { Baker.Thomas... a Barber, Char es.. 10 Bennet. 2 Boddy,JoV.n \ q ^ Bryan, John « 15 Cardiff, J^K" n 5 Cariy, Wiiaam... 5 Conners, Win.... ■• q Conners, Thomas 5 Conners, Uo^^'f- J l " Cotton, \V lan*. « f Dooiin, 10 Dowsly. David. 2 Evans, John " ^^ Goff, Jacob " • G„ff, William ...0 Hanton.R. s«n-- ^ \^ Hanton, William 10 Kerr,Thos.. J - Looby, Edwd ... - Michael, Sam. ... o ^ Moles, Georue ... lu Mulvagh, 1 enry. 2 Nexvsem, Wm. ... 10 Pepper, John ... " •^ L-l- lam APPENDIX. ' £ s. t Oillespey, Thos.- 2 HamiUon,Jo8... ^ Hamilton, r Hannah, J^-r"" - Holmes. Edward. . Holmes Wm. ... 5 Joynt, ^ f. a Joynt.Robt 2 Joynt. Henry ... 2 Joynt, John " Joynt, Thomas... 2 JoynS^tf S ' I.msey, wm Lyons, John " , Lyons, James " ■ Mackcy, R-bt..- " Morrison, A " Morrison,* " Parker, Andrew., o Parker, Hugh ... " Parker, Robert... u Parker, Joseph... " Patrick, G. F. ... " P>.lke,Wm Polke, Chas...... " Preston. Anthony Reed, Patrick -• Richards, Wm.... Robinson, Thos...0 Ro-rers, Geo " ,<ogers,John ... o Stenson, Wm. .•• " Walker, Jamis... " Welch, John...... Willis. Richard... Woods, Richard.. 7 5 5 2 5 6 6 6 l^i^^-^^?tei^i^- ^^wson. wm ... 15 Scott, John ......0 10 Stafford. Andrew I Tate, Joseph ...0 -^ Tremnyne.Rev.F I o Wolf, A. D- Young, John ^ Kcw Boync Slalion Blackley,John...OlO Blackley. John... lu Cauley.Joh" ••• " ' Cly ens, Samuel... ^ Davis, James ... « 'I Deck, Thomas... ^ Gardener, I' " ; Gardener, James. • Gardener, Robt. . o Front of Lamdownc and Gannanoque. Armstrong. Wm. 1 Dixon. B'e^f^,; • I 10 Gilbert, Mcl.olas 10 Graham, Wm. ... « ^^ Mac.""'""' ■;• A Ti Mitchell. Robt ... 15 u RatluWrn^.; II Richards. Ehz ... 15 Sbaw.Wm^ 10 ^ Wallas, John " 5 o , Webster, Wm..... ^ q Webster, Ed«d... o | Wherry Robert... lo White, George... i» Young, C .0 1 T L. McDonnald, Wm. N«ltv and other friends of ' 1 rhurch at Gannanoque the <-n."'^''" Church Society subscribe to Cburcb.^^.^^. in behalf of tneu ^ ^^ ^ ary County of Grcnville. PRE8C0TT. £ s. d. Bacon, M". E- J ^^ 3 Belfoy. Mrs ^ Belt, John......... o Blakey, Rev. R^ ^ Bulger, Lmt R C Burrit«,Mr8H... Crane, Mrs. E ... l Crane, Miss F ... " Crane, Miss H...0 Dickenson.MrsM - Enos,J,6?tbRgt0 2 Foster, Miss..... " " Gainfort.Thos... 10 ^ Gooden.John...- ^ ^^ q Hooker, A ...••••• „ 10 Hooker, Mrs. A. 2 lu Hooker, Martha. & Hooker, Isabella 3 9 Jarvis, William.. ^2 6 Jones, A j 3 Jordan, Mrs " » juby,J...... Kelly, John " Leitoh, George... Levis, William... Luard, Thomas. I Luard, i-^"*'" q 2 MCalley.R";)*;- ^ q lM'Carthy,Dan-. & M't:ulla, Jam'."'.- J 5 M'Millao. A " 9 r Melville, nios ... ^2 6 Merwin.J.b.^.. ^ Merwin.^liss ^' r, Moore, C. " Moss, S. H ....... " Plumb, Charles.. 1 Plumb, Isaac, if. " I Rickey. B." I Robinson, 1 .-••• Robinson, Wm... Robinson, Mrs... Saunders, Wm... Shaver, C Walsh, GeoTK^... Ward.Nesfied... Warner, ^aml. &. " Warner, Mrs..... Williard, Charles I 5 5 5 3 6 5 2 5 5 r> 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 0. 6 6 6 ith Company Royal ^' ^' Col.-Sergeant J- g 6 Young rt 2 6 Sergt. J. Bell .•• 2 «» S.J.Wand-^ ^ ^ SeSw." Lewis. 2 6 Corpl. T. Finch. 1 3 Act.-Corp. J»«- 7i I Conway " APPENDIX. 109 ^' J £ s. a. 2 6 , 1 3 . 10 1 5 :o 7 6 .050 .. I ..050 ..026 M 5 ..050 I... 10 .026 .... 2 10 A. 2 10 ha. 5 eUa 3 9 m.. 2 6 2 10 1 3 I 3 5 1 , '. 10 obV... 2 6 Dan.. 5 ime«.. 2 6 A .... 5 hoB ... 2 6 S 2 10 i8.D. 10 5 I .... 2 6 haries.. 5 aac ir. 5 r i> 5 0. T ..026 .Mrs... 2 6 >-S 5 I lesfield... 5 Mrs ^ S i, Charles 5 mpany Royal C R. rgeant J' ^ g 6 I^bVu'".".'. 2 6 ^'^.a^to 2 6 W.'LewU. 2 6 T Finch. i >* avray £ 1. d. Baglr. E. DaTcy. 1 3 " W.RobimoD 1 3 PrWt. Abbot 0... 1 3 •• Cherry, J. it •' Campbell, E " Duke, J... 1 3 " Fi»h,J 1 3 •• Gleadle, J. 1 3 " Green, J... 7i, " Harvey, J. 1 3 <• Hodgson, J H •« Hubbard, R i 3 " Isaac, Wm. 1 3 '• Keevil, P. 7J " Lyness, J. 1 3 " M'Connag- hev, J.... 74 " Mitchell.W I 3 i " Moorhead.TO '* " Newman, J 1 3 •• Priestly, J. 7l' *• Reading, R 71 " RicardsonWo 1 3 " Robison, J. i 3 " Scott, J 7J " Self, Saml.. 7* " Siddlei, J.. 1 3 " Simmonds.HO 1 3 *' Spencer, E. 1 3 «• Tanner, R. 7* •* Upston. T. 1 3 •' Webb, G... 7* " WilkensonAO 74 " Wood, W... 1 3 " Laughlia.R 71 Maitland. ColKns, Daniel... 5 Henderson Mrs. and family ... 1 5 Hnrd, Alonson... 1 3 Jones, Dunham.. 10 Jones, Mrs 5 Jones, D., jun. ... 1 3 Jones, Andrew... 1 3 Longley, George. 10 Murray, Miss M 2 6 Stone, Lyman ... 5 Stone, Erastus ... 2 6 Webster, Wm.... 5 Wells, J. B 10 Wright, Amos... 5 JOHNSTOWN DISTRICT TRAYELLIKO MISSION. Newboro. Bennett, John ... 5 Bobier, Thomas.. 5 Bolton, Wm 5 Boulton, Eliz. ... 2 6 Cavenab, John... 5 £ I. d. Cannon, John ... 2 6 Crawford, Geo... 5 Dormer, Jacob... 15 Dormer, J 10 Elliott, James. ... 10 Elliott, Martha... 2 6 Hartwell, Geo. ... 5 McDonald, D. ... 5 McDonald, Jas... S Pierce, B 2 6 Pool, John 10 Roswell.H 7 6 Roswell, M. A... 2 6 Rows well, John.. 10 Singleton, Wm... 7 6 Singleton, Thos.. 2 6 Stedman, M. 0(3 Stoult, Geo 7 6 Tett. Benjamin... 2 Tetf, W. H 10 Watkins, Rev. N. 1 5 Warwick, J 2 6 Wilwood, Wm... 5 Wilwood, M 2 6 Trinity Church, Lansdown. Berney, Wm. ... 5 Danbey,John ... 5 Fenley, Richard.. 2 6 Fooley, John ... 5 Fooley, Wm 2 6 Gainford, Kobt... 10 Gildy, Thos 5 Green, Samuel.... 5 Green, John 5 Green, J. C 5 Green, P. F 5 Green, H 13 Johnson, S 13 Johnson, J. S. ... 5 Johnson, R 10 Johnston, John... 5 Johnston, H 5 Johnston, Jon. ... 5 Johnston, Geo.... 5 Johnston, Robert 5 Johnston, Wm... 2 6 Kendrick, J. jun. 2 6 Molton, Wm 10 Molton, Joseph.. . 10 Molton, B 5 Molton, James... 2 13 Murphey, Geo ... 7 6 Murphey, Edwd. 2 6 Reed, Sidney. ... 2 6 Shuffelds,Richard 5 Shuffttlds, Thos. . 5 Webster, N 10 Webster, Robt... 7 6 Webster, Wm.... 10 Williams, John... 10 Wright, A 2 6 St. JohnU Church, Leed$. £ «. d. Bryan, J 7 6 Bryan, Wm P.... 2 6 Bryan, J. T 2 6 Bryan, Sarah ... 5 Carley, Elizabeth 10 Carley, Wm 5 Carley, Wm 10 Chapman, Mrs... 2 6 Coleman, Wm.... 15 Collison, Wm 15 Oollison, Mrs 10 Denoison, John. .080 Dillon, Sarah ... 5 Dillon, Catherine 2 6 Dobbs, J 5 Ellis. Wm 10 Gamel, Mr 5 Green, Edward... 10 Grpen, Mrs 10 Green, Wm 10 Jacob, John 2 6 Jacobs, Ann 2 6 Jacobs, M. A.... 1 3 Jacobs, Eliza ... 1 3 Jacobs, Samuel . . 1 3 Jacobs, John 13 Jacobs, Wm 13 Jacobs, Sussanah. 2 6 Jacobs, Sarah. ... 1 3 Jacobs, Rosanah. 13 Jacobs, E 13 Johnson, W. T... 10 ' Johnson, Mrs. ... 5 Kenney, Marg't.. 10 Lucker, J 2 6 McGhee, Dr 10 Moltnn, Jane ... 1 3 Morris, Thos. ... 5 .Morris, Wm 5 Miblock, John ... 1 Miblock, Mrs. ... 5 Shell, Adam 2 6 Simmons, Joseph 2 6 Simmons, Robert 2 6 Singlton, John... 2 6 Smglton, Joseph.. 5 Singlton, R 2 6 Singlton, R.janr. 2 6 Singlton, Miss P. 2 6 Sly, Thomas..... 2 6 Sly, William 2 6 Sly, Wm. junr.... 2 6 Sly, Henry 2 6 Sly, Adam 2 6 Sly, Mrs 2 6 Sommerville, J... 10 Tye, Thomas ... 2 6 Tye, Jane 2 6 Waters, Patrick.. 2 6 Waters,Margaret 2 6 Waters,Elizabeth 2 6 I l! j^ppENDlX* Wini.m'.Ma'8'^-S ^5 5 Brooks. Israel.... J ^ Christie. Uana... ^^ Clarke. Hannab.. ^ i CUne,W««-— 5{ ^ 5 5 ! dough, Jobn..... J , 6 Deu8 er, M"-.. D^ I ' Dickinson, J . >»' ^ Dickinson, Mrs... ^ ^ Dixson, J-»> jj I 1 Dixson, Mf* q Dixson.J.L. 'Dixson,M.E.... DixBon, O- J- Q Dixson,GeorMia..uO Dixson.lsa'i'h-.. J \ Eastman, IV t-- ^j 1 Eastman, >l"-- ^ 5 Eastman, AWa... ^ j. MornB; Henry ... " ^- ^ Eastman Joel— ^q Morris. John J 15 ^ ^^ j^mes.. ^ ^ Murphey. A...- » » ,, Farlingt.r. l!-r^^ Oat.8. Edward... 15 ^ Fiupa "^J' ^^"^ ^ ^ French, Mrs » II French, G.o -0 .French, V;"V"u J French, Mrs. B- Portland. Abbott. Wm ) Barber, Wna J ^ BoUon.Mrs-....-. ^ 15 Bolton, Henry- " CambiU.Wm ...J Denney.Mrs. ... « Eaton. James ...J Fret man, Wm.... " Freen>an, Mrs.... ^„,„,her, Jame.. ^- Graham.rhos... Green, John ...... Grem, Jostpb ... " lltnderson, V. McCue. John Moks,John .. Molten, Benj .-• - ^ Molten, Mrs " MorriB. Henry ... 15 Morns, John .^ ^ 2 2 I 2 15 3 5 5 5 6 6l 3 I 6 ' 9 1 G 'ilMulbern,Mrs.....O J ; Mulhern, A. C... „ S Mulheru,AM. -^ S Mull.ern.L.W.. " ' Mulhern, O.G..- Mulhern. MA." Mulhern, G...-- Mulhern, t.S.... " Palion, Bev. II-.' '^ Patton, Mrs. ^ Patton, A.M-- Putton, EH ^ Pation, ". ^•••"' Pelan, Mrs. and family „ Pierce, Wm- " J. c 5 5 2 2 1 74 7i n n 7i 6 6 3 Scoffild.S.S...^. 6her«o( d, W. H. SingUon,Mr«. ... Webster, Robert. Y.ung.Mihs ... 5 5 2 7 5 2 2 2 I I 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 Yiung, M1U8 ... " . Gall nger, J.---- ^ ,, & MOUMNSTTE. GalUnger. WIS.. CORNWALL & MOV Oallinner.B ...... ^ Adams, P. E-.-^- J t ^ loirlsMissronBox Adams, »;• p,-'- q Alguire, W.dow^ Aru^ftrong, Wid. Armstrong. ^•••- Armstrong Mrs. Appkion, I.-.-- Appleton, MrS;.. " BlpVvsmal Begu- tration "^ ee», granted by the iev.U. Patton 2 7 Barnbart.G.6enr. 5 Barnhart,Mr8.G. .^ Barnhart, A...... Barnhart. Mrs.... j. Barnbart, U.-- 5 Barnbart Mr..^- J | 5*"^" • m;s .. Girls Mission Box o Grant, Job" Hartle,J''Vrn..... Hart e, M ^ Hartlc, l^-,--"J llart,Samuel.and ^ ^ family ... -..••• 3 Hopper, Mrs » ^^ Jarvis, Judge 5 Jarvls.Mrs..^.... J Johnson. R. »-• ^ Kewen.J.-- . Lindsay, Mrs..... i Lindsay, Henot... Lindsay, Salter... Lindsay, J •• q Pierce, Wm. .^. Poole, Charles ...0 10 'Purcell,M>" J 5 Raymond. J...-' 5 R'Omond, Mrs^. ^ lliiymoud, ^*\V , o Raymond. Sophra 2 llayroond, J. j oUlajmond.O ^ Raymond, M ^ 1 llunmons, H J ^ Schuser. H 5 Smith, John " g Smith, D... 7 „ Stafford, C ^ e Tanner, J""V;"1 n 2 V Thompson, H'ss 2 5 Upright, Betsey 3 ; 'for 1850-5 ... l Vankoughnet, P. d ^ Vankough«et.Mr8 3 1 Vaukoughnet, M. ^ 1 Wade, Sarah " , , Welch, A.-.--- " J, Wilson, Wido.r..O «; Wood, G.C. and 1 family \ 5 «; Wright, Widow... . •* 1 Wright, N » • 5 3 2 5 4 5 5 5 I 5 I 7 6 6 U 3 6 n 6 Barnbart, l^*-- • " ^ g Lindsay, J-- • ^ Barnhart, W. O. w g Lindsay, G Barnbart, Mrs... 6 Lindsay, A.^-y q Barnbart, W. N. . > 1 t „„.ks. L. D . Barnbart, w . i-^. Barnbart, G.Jun.O I Barnbart, A ^ j. Barnbart. A^;--; 5 Barnbart Mrs-. ^ Barnbart, e* " 5 2 5 2 2 I 1 1 5 5 5 Lindsay, A-"-- ^ Loucks,L. D " Loucks,M J Loucks, A.^...." - Mountarn, Mrs... J ^ Mulhern, P. G.... ** EASTERN DISTRICT TRAVELLING MISSION- Edwardsbur?. Abbott. Isaac ... 15 6 I Adams, Mrs...... ^ Bailey. Thos. .. ^ 6 Carman, «• ^ 5 6 !Corrigan.A. ^^^ 3 Fraser. R-l^ „ ,q 3 Fraser. James. ... W '3 Hume,J.Be«-i;«0 2 Jenkinson. Sarah » ^ Johnson, Charles n Kingsbury, Mrs., i J McCarthy, J'-bn-O^J 6 a 6 o APPENDIX. Ill £ I. Murdock, 0*0... 10 Papst, John 5 Pitt, Wm 10 Ried, James 2 Slorah, Jamei ... 2 10 Suwden, Stephen. 5 Tripp, Robt 5 Western, John ... 10 Wright, Capt. ... 2 10 Mountain. Baldwin. John ... 10 Bolton, Henry ... 10 Bolton, Peie^' ... 10 Bolton, George... 10 Bowen, Peter ... 1 U £ «. (/.I Bowen, Nelson... 10 ' Brouse, Mrs O... 2 6 Clelaud, Wra. ... 13 Cleland, John ... 5 Collisiin, Hannah 7 C Crobar, Henry... 5 Higginson, Wm.. 5 Ka>8e, John 10 iMaVshHll, Wm... 7 6 MiiriisDn, Jumis. 10 Morrison, J. jun. 15 Price, Widow 10 Price, Edwd I 5 PIti'H, Hev. il. E. I 5 bal. for 1848... 15 Redmond, Mrs... 5 Richardion,John 1 innche»/cr. Fox, Chas 2 Fox, Mrs C 7 6 Laing, George ... 5 U Finch. Cryslcr, .Tohn ... 1 Crysler, Jumes... 10 FIrney, John ... 10 Johnston, Wm ... I Legjr, Cornelius,. 10 .Mcboncll, John.. 1 Wright, James ... I n OMITTED. ST. George's church, xonoxTo, farochial association. Brough, Secher XI 5 V 'N.-v /V' V^'^.'^ "^ "•.'■\^ '\AV^,*'-"N,^ ,N DISTRICT ING MISSION' I 0> rs 108. » 4 A D.... imes. . senr 1 5 5 2 10 10 5 2 « '. Sarab- '^ » Charles I » " iy,Jobn. '" (^ J, John- I « *• %_ » f i^.jm jM. ijr 2r I F ■•V; -m T. ' ' •> TABLE OF CONTENTS. N otieM Bod DinetioM ••••• i Oflctn of the Society • "... * m Coiutitutioo of tho Society v Raro»T for 1800-51 , ' II IneooM and Expendituit > 11 Dfpoeitory 12 DitTMCT Bbanchu If Neweairtle 12 Midland and Victoria 16 Prince Edward II Johnstown Deanery 19 Niagara • 2^ Gore and Wellington • • 2f London and Huron 80 Brock , 81 Talbot 81 Colbome •..*.. SI Western 81 Home and Simcoe • 82 Citv of Toronto , SC RqiolutioDi Ninth Annual Meeting ,.» " 45 APPENDIX. Form of Conveyance of Land to the Lord Biahop J* 47 Form of CcHiTeyaoce to The Church Society 48 FormofBequeat , 49 Forma of Trust ; 49 'Form of Beouest of Personal Estate ,u ..« * 61 Abstract of Treasurer's Accounts 62 Summary of the several Accounts .^ '.,. 56 Recapitulation of Balances 68 Ineome of the District Branches ^ 60 Invested Funds 61, Summary of Snbaeriptioos, Donations and Collections 62 Lands given for Church purposes 74 List of Lift Menhbtra ^. 76 Special Donations '. 75 StJBscBnns: — Home and Simcoe Districts... ». 77 Gore and Wellington -. t. 1 84 Niagara ,.^. 91 London and Huron... ».....'. ', 96 Western ^. 97 Brock ; *.... , 98 Newcastle ....„ 98 Cdbome .*. ..,. ITO MidlMd and Victoria „ 109k Prince Edwvd ;. W6 J«bnstdwn Deanery : 107 FxintMd by A. V. n«ea« at " Tib Chotoli " Offioe. ToiOQto. ■<"*>, ^- - ^e-iit'^JM m