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Vicb-Pbesident : - SIR JOSEPH HICKSON. Managing Director: J A. L. STRATilY, Esq. Your Valuables are not safe in your house.— Place them heyond tlie reach of fire and thieves. Aig^Safes from $10 per annnm upwards. ? isfa/K •; .<ar/.«3r»»/9ais«(S<s/;4/»'>/MSiinBA«M!IAns(4A(i)A4k i'J - - A\OhiTR&AL ■y(b«*i>.> • vvuntm^v. fftvusiMmaiWiMSittSmf 9% ^\ THE MEDICAI. HALL (BSTABLISHBD A.D. 1883 ) DBUIiII£PABTI£HTTV.COLOHIllLillSE; X -> PH I L LIPS SQU AR E . Drugs, Cheioicals, Perfamery, Patent Medlolnes and Toilet Requisites, etc., In great Tarlety. PBBSOBIPTIO NS AOOUBATBL Y DISPBNSBD. 917.14281 i:9 cimt». M582 ■ I? 8 ni ! UIOmGEClUIKE&CO. (IBUEBS RW THE STOCK EX€IUI«E) E3 i MONTREAIi OFFICE, KBW YORK OFFICE, BUBLINGTON, Vt., RUTLAND, VT., - PLATTSBURG, N.Y., BRANCHES: 1183 St. James Street, Tem- ple BuUdiaff. - 15 Broad Street. - 106 Church Street. - 51 Broadway. 4 Clinton Street;. OOITireEIiMAN ft DAY, Chicago. Private direot wire to all the above ofVioee. Receive deposits subject to cheque at sight. ^ Interest allowed oh dally balances. ■xecute orders for the purchase of Stocks and Bonds for Investment or on mar- gin. Special accommodation offered to wc^rk- men on Saturdays, In order to enable them to save their earnings. 0. 'em- X /';f«i' >•'.«■■ H ^ oes. B at ooks nar- fc^rk- able -if d M i ^;J;H:, 1 ^1 , Bl UNION Assurance Society, A. D. 1714. Head Office: 81 Cornhill, London, E.G. Capital Subscribed, - - £ 450,000 Paid-up, - - - £180,000 Accumulated Funds, - £2,373,418 Annucil Income, • - . - £643,899 ■i ] RISKS on almost every description of Insurable Property accepted at current rates of Premium. TAKE A POLICY IN THE I TJHSriOI^ ABSOLUTE SECURITY PROMPT SETTLEMENTS The Best is the Cheapest. I ^ H INSURE IN THE UNION. Fire Insurance Since tbe Year 1714. Canadian Brand) Office Union Assurance Society. 55 ST. FRANCOIS XA.VIBR STo, MONTREAL. M f Telephone l943> T. L. MORRISEY, Resident Manager. JUH 3- 197V ' .•*-: 1 r.i ^ "V ^■' mmmmmm mg B4W«4 p— T I ST. JAM \i 11 n I ■-' ^ ^~~1 LID j r 1 1 -, 7"^^ '^-zi::^-^ uUlI jQ.nj- inHyrTn'LlL In votitftue 1 ^'^^"l«^■J■tiir■^f^-■-^.?^^^v^■^^J■|^^:'^^:J.^^■^<^J>•,■^^;;'.^s:•:Jlf:■1'',',^< 'u'^^^ i > ■lw>-- THE MONTREAL POCKET GUIDE . . GOKS MONTHLY . . Il^sTTO THE HIOIJ^BS OF THE BEST FAMILIES, And our best business men have it FOR A POCKET COMPAN ION. IT V/^ILL PAV VOV \ TO ADVERTISE IN THE GUIDE. / No better and no cheaper mode of Advertising in the City of Montreal. A FACT THAT SiiOULD KNOWN BE that the publishers of the Guide are no novices in the ^eld of legitimate advertising. For the past thirty-five years their practical familiarity with printers' ink and its use enables them to make its judicious and inexpensive application one of the leading avenues to wealth for the business man. WE ARE ADVERTISING AGENTS, and as our success depends on the true fulfillment of every contract we make, we assure our patrons that their advertisements will be duly handled so as to bring about the best results. "We make Advertising Contracts on the basis of circulation. We print and circulate what we contract for, and vouch for such by sworn testimony. Many flattering testimonials have been received as to the efficacy of the Guide as an advertising me- dium, copies of which will be submitted by our Agents. *> J 4 SCARLETT & CO., 03 Temple Bulldingr- PuUiahwa, &e. UNION Assurance Society, A. D. 1714. Head Office: 81 Cornhill, London, E.G. Capital Subscribed, - - £ 460,006 - " Paid-up, - - - £180,000 Accumulated Funds, - £2,373,418 Annual Income, - - - - £543,899 RISKS on almost every description of Insurable Property accepted at current rates of Premium. TAKE A POLICY IN THE TJisrioisr ABSOLUTE SECURITY PROMPT SETTLEMENTS The Best is the Cheapest. INSURE IN THE UNION. T. L. MORRISEY, * : ...^ Resident Manager. Telepltone l943> «■■> JUH 3*- 197V ■ ■<•■ "■-,' 1 ■ r '.'!! Fire Insurance Since the Year 1714. ,„l Canadian Branch Offlce Union Assurance Society. 55 ST. FRANCOIS XA.VIEH ST., :%:A MONTREAL. "' ' S The :iety, on, 160,000 180.000 373,418 543,899 E.G. Insurable Premium. ■ • ENTS »e8t. ION. 14. Q .. ,r ^iv * •■--.- ^:,'^;j I) Society^ ST., , , ^:-'f:^i ■ii EY. Manager. 7k THE OPENING OF THF ST. CLAIR TUNNEL COMPLETES THE LINK BETWEEN THE Grand Trunk Railway AND ITS AFFILIATED LINES, VIZ : The Chicago Sc Grand Trunk, Detroit, Grand Haven & Miiwaukee, Gincinnati, Sa&sinaw & Mackinaw, Toledo, Saginaw &, Muskegon, Michigan Air Line, etc. WHEN GOTSQ TO GHICAGO AND THE WESTERN STATES DO NOT PAIL TO INSPECT THIS MABVEL OF ENGINEERING SKILL. Through tickets issued to all principal points in Canada and the United States. Pullman and Wagner Palace cars on all express trains. Tourist fares with endless varieties of routes during the summer season. Periodical and commutation tickets with other special inducements offered to suburban residents. Apply to any of the company's agents at Bonaven- ture station and 143 St. James street, for full in- formation. N. J. POWER, L. J. SEARGEANT, Gen'l. Pass. Agent. Gen'l. Manager, ■■-o' Speol<Ua<^ttonwIJlbeWdi«o; ^mitute and PUmoi^^}^ 8*'»nger.. ''"^^^ i-J83npJBA R own ' ' _ r. LAPOiNTK. mm^^'^Zi^S^: r.--«" mm mm iB(sa'«»aHSH«iwwwiiSH G. T. B. Time Tables 7, t O.P.B. " " 11.13 BiTer Kavlgatioii 29 Banks 88 Consulates 51 Xxhibitlon Proar&mnie. 87-72 Stages and Bos Lines 47 l^ns from outside Stations for Montreal 13, 15 Post Ofiloe— ploeing and ArriTal 17, 19, 21, 23 European and Foreign Mails ^ 26 Postage Bates 25,29, 31 Money Order Exchange ...^ 29 Letter Carriers' Delivery 83 Street Letter Collections 83 Street Car Time Table........ 88, 89 Cab Tariff : 87 Places of Interest * ^9 Distance Table.... 41 Fire Alarm 48,46,46 Ambulance Calls 29 Lacrosse Fixtures 49 1892 SEPTEMBER. 1892 SUN MON TDE WED TSU FBI SAT • • •■- » • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 j 30 II Montreal, Sept. 8th, 1892. Oertifled that we have printed ten thousand copies of the MOKTBBAIi FQOS^ QUIDii for the present month of September for Scarlett ft Company, the publishers. JOHN LOVELL ft SON. El. i^ered according to Act of Parliament of Canada in tbe year 1892, in the Dept. of Agrioultaf^ by Scarlett 4c Go. :i5i,'A .11... — I n't Hi ^ ifiAi. mtmnaaH J FINE Banjos, Guitars, Mandolins, Violins, etc. Best Russian Gut strings. Methods for all Instrnm^iits. SHEET MUSIC. MUSIC BOOKS. PIANOS TO RENT. PIANOS TUNED and REPAIRED. WE J. mmi 8274 and 2276 St. GalMie SM. MONTRBIH^ J\ IV K9XABK,I8KC:0 1845* IP YOU WANT I'SEEDS GABBEN and FABM IZ^FJLEMKNTS, FBETIUZERS, FEITIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES, FAXiL and SPRING BULBS, CALL AT . . WM. EVANE' Seed Warehouse, « Cor. McGill and Fomidlmg vStreets. enoh and Englisli Catalogues Free. roMuEUiL ferpT, OPPOSITIOfi BOAT Montreal (Jacques Cartier Square) azid Lbngueuil. Between E PEOPLE'S UUE, tr. **ABC': C - CAPT. WM. PAtTL. Bxtra Boats will run during liongtieuil Exhibition, Sept. I3tb and 14th, and Montreal Exhibition, Sept. 15th to 23rd. FARE ONLY 8 C^I^TS; • Tickets at reduced mtes to be had on board, QmCSE TEANSI1* BY THIS BOAT. J t) - / .. RAILROAD AND SLEEPING CAR TICKETS Viii all lines from t'niB city . Windsor Hotel Tloket Office. Depot prices SEPTEMBER RAILWAY GUIDE. Grand Trunk Depot. Trains leave as follows :— WEST— Chicago, Detroit; Toronto and intermediate stations, 9.80 a.m 3.00 p.m., 10.15 p.m. Brockrille (mixed), 12.30 p.m. Cornwall, 5.00 p.m. Ottawa, Hawkesbury and Malone, via Canada AtIantiO| 9.00 a.m., 4.45 p.m. EAST— -Portland, Quebec and St. Flavie, 7.56 a.m. For Portland, 8.45 p.m. For Quebec, St. John and Halifax, 11.15 p.m. For Island Pond, 3.55 p.m. For St. Hyaointhe, 5.20 p.m. Mixed for Quebec and Island Pond, 6.45 a.m. SOUTH—New York, Troy and Albany by D. A H. R. R., via Rouse's Point 7.15 a.m., except Sunday, 7.20 p.m. daily. Rouse's Point, 5 a.m., Albany 4.30 p.m. For St. Johns J)y O.V.R.R, 7.30 a.m., 8.30 a.m., 4.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m., 8.35 p.m. daily. Hemmingford, Howick, Ormstown, Huntingdon, Fort Covington, Valleyfield and Beauhamois, 3.45 p.m. Mixed for Hemmingford, Huntingdon, and Massena Spirings, 6.45 a.m. St. Hilaire, 7.50 a.m., 3.55, 5.20, 8.-^0, 11.10 p.m. Saturday, 1.40 p.m. Local for Cnambly & St. Gesaire, 5.20 p.m. daily cz* oept Saturday and Sunday. Saturday only 2.00 p.m. 4.40 local for St Albans, Rutland & intermeaiato stations. Local train for Chambly, Richolien, Marieville, Farn- ^ ham, Granby and Waterloo, 4.40 p.m. For White Mountains, Montpelier, Bethlehem, Profile House, Fabyans, Mt. Washington, Portland and Old Orchard Beach, 8.30 a.m. FOR NEW YORK. Fast train, via Rutland, Trov and Albany, arriving New York 9.20 p.m. Express, via White River June. A Springfield, ti>rriving New York 10.00 p.m. Past night tri^in, ^la Troy and Albany, arriving New York 6.45 s«m. Night Express, via Springfield and New Haven, arriving New York 11<30 a.m. I 1,-1 8.30 a.m. Except Sunday. r.30 a.m. Except Sunday. 7.80 p.m. Daily. 8.85 p.m. Daily. r" 1 ^IF YOU WANT TO BUY *^ WITCHES, am *t mimi YISIT XHR ESTABUSHMBNT 07 ALFRED EAVES, 1679 Notre Dame Street, aie Fre^S'churoh. THE UR6EST JEWELLERY HOUSE IN THE CITY. The Stock comprises all the latest styles in I I i S o p ^ I ^ And many other Novelties too numerous to mention, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Watchmakers' Supplies of all kinds. A Large Workshop in connection, and all Jewellery and Watch repairs, and Jewellery made to order a^ shorteFt notice. y ^ F. O. BOX g«r TlflI.|EPHONE IWH^/' K0TI0E.-Only Maker In Oanada of i;he Celebrated SoldmrleM and Jointless Plain Gold lUng. fa/'- FROM GRAND TRUNK DJEPOT. 9 8.3( a.iD. Bxcept Sunday. 8.30 Except Sunday. 7.30 p.m. Except Sunday. 8.36 p.m. Daily. FOR BOSTON. Day Express, via Rutland and Fitch- burg, arrivlnir Boston 7.36 p.m. Fast Train, via White River Junction & Lowell, arriving Boston 7.15 p.m. Fast Train, via Bellows Falls and Fitchburg, arriving Boston 6 a.m. Night Express, via Concord & Lowell, arriving Boston 8.15 a.m. SUBURBAN TRAIN SERVICK. Itaohlne.— Leave Montreal 6.20, 6.30, 8.05, 9.15 9.26, 10.15 a.m., 12.06, 12 30, al.20, 62.06, 3.80, 506, 6.16, 6.20, 7.40, 9.00, 11.20 p.m. Hetuming, arrive Montreal 6.20, 7.26, 8.15, 8.52, S.OO, 10.16a.m., 12.10 1.06, 3.00. a3.30, b 4.00, 4.30, 4.36, 6.05, 7.20, 8.22, 8.48, 11.10 p.m. Dorval.>-.Leave Montreal 10.16a.m., a 1.20, b 1.65, 3.30, 5.00,6.15, 9.00, lt.20p.ra. Returning, arrive Montreal 8.16, 9.00 a.m., 12.10, a 3.30, b 4.00, 4.30, 4.85, 7.05, 8.22, 11.10 St. AnneH.— Leave Montreal 9.00, 9.26, 10.15 a.m., 12.30 p.irt., O1.20, 61.55, 4.46, 5.00, 6.16, 7.65, 9.00, 11.10, 11.20 p.m. Returning, arrive Montreal 7.00 a.m , c 7.85, 8.15, 9.00, 11.35 a.m. , 12.10, a8.30, 64.00, 4.30, 7.06. 8.00, 8.22, 8.30, 11.10 p.m. VaadrAuil.— Leave Montreal 9.00, 9.26 a.m., 12.30, a 1.20 61.66, 4.45, 5.00, 6.15. 7.65, 11.20 p.m. Returning, arrive Montreal 7.00, 8.15, 9.00 a.m., 11.36, a 3.30, 6 4.00, 4.30, 7.05 8.22, 8.30 p.m. St. lAmbert.— Leave Montreal 5.00, 6.45, 7.15, 7.80, 7.60, 8.30, 8.40, 11.10 p.m. oexcept Saturday, 6Saturday only, cExcept Mondays. The St. Annes and Vaudreull trains shown above stop at all points west of Dorval. , Through trains leave Montreal 9.00, 9.25 a.m., 12.30, 4.46, c 8.40, 11.65 p.m. Returning, arrive Montreal o 7.40 , 11.35 a.m., 5.00, 8.20, 8.30 p.m. For St. Henri, Point St. Charles, St. Lambert, 5.00, 6.46, 7.16, 7.30, 7.50, 8.30 a.m., 12.10, 6 1.40, 2.00. 3.45, 3.56, 4.30, 5.00, 5.20. 6.30, 7.20, 7.30, 8.86, 8.40, 7.20, 7.80. oexcept Saturday and Sunday; 6, Saturday only; o, daily. Tra tna arrive at the Bonaventure Depot as follows : WEST.— Chicago Detroit, Toronto, 7.05, T.86, a.m . , 8.00 p.m. Brockville (mixed), 4.30 p.m. Cornwall, 9.00 a.m. Ottawa, via Canada Atlantic, 11.85 a.m., 7.30 p.m. EAST.— Quebec and Portland, 7.85 a.m. Halifax, St. John, Quebec, 10.00 p.m. Island Pond and way sta> tlons, 12.05 p.m , 7.30 p.m. St. Johns, 7.15, 7.40, 8.15, 9.30 a.m., 3.^", 8.55, &.15, 9.35 p.m. SOUTH— New York, Troy and Albany by D. Sc H., via Rouse's Point, 7.16 and 9.30 a.m. 9.15 p.m. Rouse's Point, 3.26 p.m. New York via Troy 816, a.m., 9.35 p.m. Boston via Lowell 7.40 a.m., 8.56 p.m., 9.86 p.m. New York via Springfleld,7.40 a.m. Boston via Fitchburg, 8.15 a.m. 8.66 p.m . , 9.85 p .m. Albany via Rutland, and Spring- field via W. R. Junction, BM p.m. Vi^aterloo, Qranby and Farnham, 9.30 p'.m., 8.65 p.m. Marie- ville and Chambly, 8.60 a.m. , 9.80 a.m., 6.00 p.m. Hemmingford, Huntingdon, Fort Covington. Valieyfield, and Beauhamois, 8^40 a.m. Mixed, iueluding Bom- bay and Massena Springs, 5.00 p.m. 10 HOTEL BALMORAL, V ^ Uader Entirely New Managrement. j lENTRALLY Located, and has been completely refur- nished and redecorated, and is being run as a first-class Hotel with H. W. RANDOLPH, Manager. S ESTABI.ISHED 186». T # EBmPII BESTtDBtlT, No. 1661 NOTRE DAME ST. Proprietor. . Oldest and Best Restaurant in the City. JOHN M. M. DUFF, RBill- eSTATB AeBNT. . , ISSUKB OP . • Marriage Licenses. J e OMMISSIONER for taking Affidavits for New Branswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, New Yoik, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and Illinois. Imperial Buildinir, Place d'Armes, r.O. Box 687. MONTBGAL. Telephw VMt \ %' ^ €' t\ L J refur- st-class :er. 11 i# \ ^ r. ^ T, New New New % CANADIAN l^ACliiFiC BAILWAT. City Ticket Office, 266 St. James St. cor. McCili. Windsor Street Station. Trains leave as follows : — 9.20 -A • For Toronto, Smith's Falls, Kingston, Peterboro, a.m., (a) 9.00 p.m. For Detroit and Chicago, (a) 9.00 p.m. For Ottawa 7.40 a.m., (a) 11.45 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. For Sault St. Marie, Minneapolis, etc., (a) 11.45 a.m. For St. Johns, Farnham, etc., 9.00 a.m., 4.00 p.m., 5.40 p.m., 8.20 p.m. (8.40 p.m. daily except Sat.) For Boston, Portland, Old Orchard Beach, Manchester, 9.00 a.m. and (a) 8.20 p m. FofSherbrooke, 3.50 p.m. (8.40 p.m. except Saturdays). For Lake Megantic, St. John, N.B., and Halifax, N.S., 8.40 p.m. except Saturdays. For Newport, etc., 9 a.m., 5.40 and (a) 8.20 p.m. For Winchester, 5.15 p.m., arriving from same at 9.45 a.m. Trains arrive at 'Windsor St. Station as follows :— From St. Johns, Farnham, Newport,, etc., 7.55 a.^.» 9.55 a.m., and 8.40 p.m. From Boston, Portland, etc., 7.55 a.m. and 8.40 p.m. From Sherbrooke, Drummondville and St. Hyaointhe^ 12 noon. From Halifax, N.S., St. John, N.B., Lake Megantio and Sherbrooke, 8.20 p.m. From Rigaud, Vaudreuil, St. Anne, etc., 8.30 a.m. From Toronto and West, (a) 8.05 a.m. and 7.55 p.m. From St. Paul, Sault Ste. Marie and Ottawa, (a) 3.40 p.m. SUBURBAN TRAINS FROM WINDSOR ST. For St. Antoine, 7.40 a.m. 3.50 (X), 4.15, 5.15, 6.40, 6.1i p.m. daily, except Sunday and 1.30 p.m. on Satur- days. For Montreal Junction, 7.40, 9.00, 9.20, (h) 11.45 a.m., 3.30, 3.50, 4.15, 5.15, 5.40, 6.15, (a) 8.20, 8.40 p.m. except Saturdays (a), 9.00 p.m. \ on Saturdays at 1.30 p.m. For Dorval, Valois, Beacon sfield, St. Anaes and Vau- dreuil at 9.20 a.m., (does not stop at Lakeside or Bay View.) To all these stations at (X) 4.16, 5.16, 6.15 p.m., and to St. Annes and Vaudreuil, (a) 9.00 p.m., and on Saturdays only at 1.30 p.m. For Rigaud and Hudson 6.15 p.m., and on Saturdays at 1.30 p.m. (aV Daily, Sunday included, (h) Daily, (X) Sixoept Saturday and Sunday. ■ h 12 The Canada Shipping Oo/s — LINE OF STEAMERS BTSTWEEN — mnrntM akd tiveapoot, Lake Ontario, Gapt H. Campbell, Lake Superior, Capt. Wm. Stewart, Lake Huron, Capt. F. Carey, LAke Winnipeg, Capt. C. F. Herriman, Lak6 Nepigon, Capt. W. H. Taylor 5,300 tons 5,000 *' 4,100 *' 3,300 " -2,300 « SUMMER SAILINGS Between MoNTitBA.L aito Livebpool Dibeot. From Liverpool. Sat., Aug. 20 u u 27 " Sept. 8 U H 10 II H 17 «« «< 24 Steamships. Lake Ontario.. Lake Nepigou. Lake Huron... Lake Superior.. Lake Winnipeg Lake Ontario.. From Montreal! We«l.; Sept. 7 " * 14 ** 2^ " 28 Oct. 6 " 12 Connection is made at Montreal with the different Railways for all points in Ganadfi, Manitoba and the Northwest Territories and the Western States of America lliese steamers have superior accommodation for Sa- loon, Intermediate and Steerage Passengers, and carry Surgeons and Stewardesses. BATES OF Passage. Moktbbal to Livebpool. Saloon, $40 and $50 . Round trip, $80 and $80, according to accomodation. The $40 and s»0 rates are per Lake Nepigon only. Intermediate, $80 ; Steerage. $20. All passengers land and ei ibark at Montreal. Passen- gers from Montreal embark vf ter 8 p.m. the day previous to the advertised sailing dat« ,aB steamers sail at daybreak. ' Passengers can obtain thro igh ticket by the Beaver line to and from all points in Cansula and Great Britain and Ireland. Through Bills of Ladins are granted for freights to and from all points by most mrect routes. For freight or other particulars apply ; in Belfast, to A. A. Watt, 8 Custom House Square ; in Queenstown, to N. G. Setmoub St VjO. ; in Iiiverpool, to B. W. Robbbts, 3L Water street; in Quebec, to U. H. Sewell, 125 Peter street: in Boston to E. A. Adams & Co. ,115 State street. H. E. MURR AT, General Manager, Custom House Square, Montreal* m 'Boi Foi Poi Foi Foi Foi Foi Foi Foi Foi 4^ 1 (& </^ Fro (( <i I ti St. S' c. ot 81 SI C< 28 it. 5 12 (S>^ </^ 18 RIRKDEAU HOTEL, US and 60 Jacques Cartier Square. Tiie che&pest flrst-class Hotel in Montreal. JOS. RIENDEAU- CANADIAN PACIFIC .-^Continued. liOave Dalhonsie Square statioo : For Quebec, 8.10 a.m., 3.30, 10.30 p.m. Sundays, 3.30 p m. For Quebec and all points on Intercolonial Railway, to Halifax, N. S., 8.10 a m., 10.30 p.m. For Three Rivers, 8.10 a.m., 3.30 p.m., 10.30 p.m. For Joliette, St. Felix de Valois, St. Gabriel, 5.15 p.m. For St. Vincent de Paul, etc., 8.25 a.m., 3.30, 5.15, 10.00 p.m. and on Sundays 3.30 p.m. For Ottawa, 8.50 a.m, 4.40 p.m., 8.40 p m. For Winnipeg, Vancouver, Victoria, 8.40 p.m. For St. Lin. St. £ustache, 5.30 p.m. For St. Jerome, 8.50 a.m., 5.30 p.m. For iSt. Rose and intermediate Stations, 8.50 a.m., 1.30 (Saturday only), 3.00 (except Saturday and Sun- day), 4.40, 5.30, 6.20 p.m. Arrive at Dalhousie Square station : From Quebec and Three Rivers, 6.30 a.m., 3.40, 8.05 p.m. " Winnipeg and Vancouver, 8.00 a.m. " Ottawa and Lachuto, 8.00, 11.10 a.m. and 8.20 p.m. St. Jerome, 8.30 a.m. and 8.20 p.>n. St. Lin and St. Eustache, 8.30 a.m. Three Rivers, Joliette, St. Felix de Valois, and St. Gabriel, 8.40 a.m. u ST. JAMES HOTEL, Montrealp OPPOSITE Q.T.R. DEPOT. CM N. VALLEE, GEO. D. FUCHS, FtoprietorB. TEIiSFBONE 1661. Manager. and and oA. N. ,31 eter 'eet. TBAINS FOB MONTREAL. From the following Stations. LEAVE Ottawa via Canada Atlantic, 8 00 a.m. ; S 00 p.m •• " CP.Rm 4 30, 7 00, 11 40 a.m. ; 4 40 p.m. Bherbrooke via O.T.B., 8 00 a.m. ; 11 38 p.m., 2 32 p. 12 00 p.m. Sherbrooke via G.P.B., 8 10 a.m. ; 10 p.m. Cornwall, 8 80 a.m. ; 1.18 p.m., 6 00 p.m. 14 I- ,- CHAMPION FIBB AND BigRGI^B PROOF SAFBS. These Safes are in use in all EartH o£ the Dominion . They ave always proven a sure protection agaiopt both Fire and Burglars. Prices and Terms to suit. S. S. KIMBALL, HannfactDrer, 577 Craig Street, - nOMTftEAl. CHAMPION CASH ANI> t'AUCKJL CABBIJBBS. These are the very best in use. They are so simple that a child can u^e them. Are not liable to get out of order. Are full nickel-plated. Will pay for themselves in. less than a year, Pnoes one-half of other kinds. Gall and see them, or send for circular giving price and testimonials. S. S. KIMBALL, Naker, 677 Craig ^t., MONTREAL. CHAMPION SrUjJfP and STONK BXTRACTOB. Over 4000 of these in use in Canada. Too well-known to need any description. Circular with Testimonialc, Prices, etc., on ap plication. 8. 8. KIMBALL, Maker, 677 Cnig Street, - MOITREAL. tBATTTT'S DEHORNING ^ CLIFPBR9. These Clippers are in use in all parts of the States. I have made arrangements with the Inventor to manufacture them here for the Dominion Trade. They are very much better than the Saw. We must Dehorn our Cattle if we wish to compete with the States in feeding and shipping. Send for Circular. 8. 8. UliAll, m Cndg 8troet, lOrrBBiL. («•. t*'. ^ 10 TICKETS FOR ALL POINTS At 143 St. James Street, Next door to St. Lawrence Hall. TRAINS FOB MONTREAIi.^Con. Lb AYR. St. Johns, G.T.R., 6 46, 7 00, 7 15. 8 36 a.m. ; 1 30, 7 26, 8 35, 9 03, 10 56 p.m. St. Johns, C.P.R., 6 65, 8 47, 10 64 a.m. ; 7 19, 7 39 p.m. Biohmond, 1 50 a.m,, 3 36 p.m., 8 66 a.m., 2 45 p.m. St. Hilaire, 4 48, 7 60, lO 56 a.m. ; 6 24, 7 06 p.m. Massena Springs, 5 00 a.m.; 1 16 p.m. Fort Covington, 5 46 a.m, ; 2 02 p.m . Huntingdon, 6 21 a.m. ; 2 40 p.m- Orrostown, 6 41 a.m. ; 3 00 p.m. Howiok, 6 58 a.m. ; 3 20 p.m. Talleyfiel 25 d, 6a.m. ; 2 16 p.m. Beauhamois, 6 63 a.m. ; 2 43 p.m. St. Bemi, 7 10 a.m. ; 3 00 p.m. Laprairie, 8 00 a.m. ; 4 10 p.m. liongueuil and Montreal South.— Discontinued St. Lamhert, 6 66, 7 15, 7 19, 7 35, 7 56, 8 20, 8 30, 9 10, 9 30, 11 45 a.m. ; 1 00, 2 45, 2 52, 4 30 5 67, 7 00, 7 10, 8 36, 8 65, y i6, 9 40 p.m. Victoria Park, 7 36, 9 11 a.m. ; 1 01, 2 46, 7 01 p.m. Point St Charles, 7 43, 8 28, 8 88, 9 18, 9 38, 11 63 a.m. : 1 10, 2 64, 3'07, 4 47, 6 05, 7 03 p.m. Hibemia Boad, 7 45 a.m. ; 1 12, 2 66, 7 10, p.m.^* Yaudreuil, *6 16, 7 10, 7 55, 10 62 a.m. ; 2 30, 3 00, (Sator- day only) 3 10, 6 10, 7 23, 7 60 p.m. Yaudreuil, C.P.B. 7 19, 7 40, 8 50, 6 10a, 7 06 p.m. St. Annes, 6 22, 6 69, 7 17, 8 06, 10 68, 11 15 a.m. 2 38, 8 08s, 3 22, 6 18, 7 31, 7 20, 7 66, 10 15 p.m. " C.P.B 7 27, 7 47, 8 57, 5 17(a), 7 12 p.m. Yalois, 7 38, 8 27, 11 36 a.m., 2 58, 3 28z, 3 45, 7 51, 1086 p.m. •* C.P.B. 8 0^3, 9 14, 6 32 a, 7 28 p.m. L&chine, 5 55, 7 00, 760, 840, 9 60, 1147 a..m., 285, 3.0t, 3 37z, 4 11, 3 59, 6 66, 8 00, 8 23, 10 47 p.Qi. Laohine Wharf, 8 23, 12 35, 6 36» Convent, 5 68, 7 04, 8 32, 9 54, 11 60, a.m.,12 44, 2 89, 8 10, 8 40, 414,544,6 69,8 03,827,10 50 p.m. Dominion Station— add. 2 minutes to Convent Time. Bookfleld ** add. 4 " to do do St. Antoine, 8 25, 9 36, 9 60, 11 55 a.m.; 5 52, 6 66, 9 35 p.m. Montreal Junction, O.P.B., 7 45, 1 56 a.m., daily, 8 18 a.m.,9 32 a.m., 9 45 a.m.; 11 60 a.m., 3 30 p.m., dally, 4 26, 5 48, 7 ^ p.m., 8 10 p,m., 8 30 p. m., 8 28 pan. *Daily. /Flag Stations, trains st<^ when signalled, (a) except Saturday and flanday. m Saturday only. le American Steatn Laundry r ^ 41 BEAVER HALL HILL, /\OHTREAL. First-Class Work and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed* TELEPHONB 4355. McCaffrey & lodge, Proprietors. VENU HOUSE McGill college Avenue, MOMTREAL. I^HIS popular Family Hotel is central, quiet, near- depots and points of interest. Travellers will find clean; comfortable rooms, and good table. Hot and Cold Baths. No liquor sold. TERMS: $1.60 to $2.00 PBB DAY. To insure rooms, please write in advance, or send for Circular. E. S. BEYNOLDS, Prop. d^ e\ 0L( ndry -} delivery )GE, (n tfh c let, near* lers will 1 table. , or send Prop. MONTREAL POST OFFICE. IT CLOSING AND AREIVAL OF MAILS FOR AUG. PLACE. Close. For Delivery. A-aM* 1 P*JnI* ^.•Sf* P.M. Actouvale Q. 6 46 6 15 8 00 8&7 46 6 20 3 45 9 30 11 00 12 SO 12 30 Albany (Sun. 7.00). .y. Y. Alexandria 0. • • • • 9 16 Arnjprior 0. Arthabaskaville Q. 10 45 730 9 00 4 40 6 46 7 45 9 30 • • • • Aylmer ... O. 7 50 346 9 00 9 16 Baltimore (Sun. 7.Q0)Md. • • • • 3 30&7 930 • • • « Beauharnois Q. Barrie 0. 6 80 2 46 9 30 600 8 00 8&9 15 9 30 • • • • Bedford - Q. BelleviUe 0. 6 30 8 80 9 30 • « • t 8 00 660 9 30 900 Berthier /..Q. 7 15 6 00 8 00 4 40 Bolton Centre Q. • • • • 3 00 10 30 • • • • Bord-ii-Plouff e Q. 7 00 • • • • • • 12 30 Boston (Svm. 7.00) Mass. 730 3 30&7 930 11 00 Boucherville Q. Bougie Q. « • • » 1 00 10 00 • • • • • • • • 3 30 10 00 • • • ■ Bowmanville . . > O 8 00 • • • ff 8 00 8 00 6 60 7 30 660&916 6 50 9 30 9 30 9 30 9 30 9 00 Brandon M. Brantford BrockvlUe 0. 900 Brooklyn{8vai. 7.00)i^. Y. 7 30 6 20&7 9 30 9 15 Buckingham Q. 8 00 800 666&915 11 45 9 80 Buffalo ir.Y. Calgary Man. Oardwell 0. 11 00 • • • ■ 7 30 9 30 • • • • 8 00 8&9 15 9 30 • • ■ • Carillon Q. 6 30 10 45 6 15 7 30 930 1146 9 30 Carleton Place 0. 4 40 Cartierville Q. 7 00 • • • • • • • • 12 30 Chambly (Canton) . . .Q. " (Basin) ....Q. / » • • » 3 30 9 30 • • 1 • Charlemagne Q. Charlottetown. , . . P.E.I, • • • 1 2 00 10 00 1 00 • • • • 740&915 • • • • 10 00 Ohateaugnay Q. Chatham 0. t • * » 800 9 30 • • * • 8 00 650&915 9 30 • • • • CAico^o (Sun. 7.00) III. 8 00 660&91& 9 30 9 15 Clarenceville Q. • • • • 33U 9 80 • • • • Coaticooke. .J. Q, 6 46 3&7 45 9 30 12 45 Cobourg O. 8 00 6 50 930 9 00 Collingwood 0. 8 00 8&9 15 980 • • • • Gomnton. Q. 6 45 7 00 8&4 740 930 • • f • 12 30 Cookshlre...... Q. Cornwall 0. 66U 8 00 660 9 30 900 Cdte des Neiges Q. 7 00 • • • • 12 00 • • • * C6te St. Antoine Q. 845 12 45 • • ■ • 1 & 6 Cdte St. Louis Q. 7 00 2 15 • • • • 245 C6te St. Michel Q, • • • • 2 15 • • • • 2 46 C6te St. Paul... Q. 6 00 t • • • 2 16 2 15 830 6 30 C6te Visitation Q. 246 Oowansville C . ■ • • • 446&740 9 16 11 00 *. • • • Dalhousie. .N.B. ^0 00 JOanTille Q. 645 7 4fi 930 • • • • 18 BACK TO HIS OLD LOVE. R. T. R. BARBEAU has decided to resume the business of Merchant Tailor, and has purchased Mr. A. Kelsen''^ stand and stock, No. 189 1 Notre Dame Street. Mr. Barbeau, in 1884, at the Exhibition at Monlreal, was awarded the gold medal, silver medal, 2 diplomas and 7 prizes for the excellent finish of his goods exhibited. This is, no doubt, the best guarantee for strangers wishing to get a suit well made and in the best style. He will be not only a Fancy Tailor, but will carry one of the finest stocks in hat«, furs, etc., etc. Mr. P. A. Leduc, his former manager, has renewed an engage- ment with Mr. Barbeau ; he assures his numerous friends and acquaintances, that he will do all in his power to serve them satisfactorily. The head cutter will be Mr. Arthur Courtemanche, who for 9 years served Mr. V. Girouard, the well known fancy tailor of Notre Dame Street. A visit would greatly oblige T. R. Barbeau, 1891 Notre Dame Street, opposite Balmoral Hotel. — Montreal Star^ Aug. 27th. o CO a* <^ E. to resume •r, and has and stock, arbeau, in s awarded t\d 7 prizes ted. This ;rs wishing style. He irry one of Mr. P. A. m engage- numerous ) all in his tiead cutter for 9 years ancy tailor atly oblige t, opposite th. I S/® o CA fJ^>9^ m^ if 10 Montreal Post OflBoe— Cd?/7A PLACE. DrummondTillo East Dtindas EastFamham Elora Emerson M Esquimault B.C Famham. Q Frederloton N.B Gait O Qananoque O Georgeville Q Qoderich O Granbv Q Grenville Q Guelph O Halifax N.S Hamilton O, Hawkesbury O Hemmingf urd C Hoohelaga ., Howick , Huntingdon lugersoll , Inyerness Q, Jersey City (Su.7.00) JV: J, Jollette Q Kamloops B.C Kemptville O S^incardine O EUngsey Falls Kingston Knowlton Q, L'Aoadie Lachine Laohlne Locks . . Laohine Bapids.. Lacolle Lachute Lanark. KsnoASter O, Lapratrie Q, L' Assoraption Q, LennoxvlUe L'Epiphanie L6vfB Lindsay ..„;..... L'iBlet. « Listowel .0 London O Longue Fointe ...... .Q LongneulL Q L'Orignal Q 8 Close. A.M. 646 800 • • • • 800 • • « • • • • • 800 800 t • • • 800 • • • • 8 00 800 • • • • 800 8 00 't'so 6 30 630 8 00 646 • • • • 7 15 • • • • 8 00 8 00 t • • • 8 00 600 600 800 8 00 800 630 7 16 645 7 16 6 46 • • ft • 6 45 8 00 8C0 7 80 6 00 800 P.M. 7 46 660&916 446&740 6-50&gi6 7 30 7 30 3,446,740 7 40 650&916 6 60 3&7 46 660&916 3 30 666&916 740&916 650&916 * • • • 2 46 1230,646 246 2 46 800&916 7 46 330&700 • • • • 7 30 6 50 660&916 7 46 660&916 (3,446 t&740 446 2 16 216 4 46 830 • » • • 800 660 2 46 3&746 • at* 7 46 8 00 7 46 660&915 660&9t6 2 00 lft4 For Delivery. a.»bk« 9 30 9 80 1100 9 30 9 30 9 30 11 & 930 93611730 9 30 11 & 730 9 30 9 30 11 46 9 30 ■ • • • 9 30 11 46 9 36 8 ID 9 30 9 30 8 45 9 80 9 30 • • • • 9 30 9 30 9 30 9 30 ^9 80 11 00 9 30 830 8 30 11 00 11 00 11 45 9 30 8 46 945 9*30 • * • • 930 9 30 9 30 980 930 10 00 930 1146 P.M. • t • • • • • • • t • • 12 30 10 00 • • • ■ 90O • • • • tea* 10 00 900 1&616 • • • • • • • ■ 10 16 440 • • • • 9 00 9oa 600 • t • • • « • • 9 00 6 00 4 40 12 30 440 680 • • • • 9 3U 1 00 880 - ■ ■ui-t niiA rmmmmmstm'm mmtmimm /^ WEEKLY SAILINGS, Montreal to Lioerpool. — ■ <•» ■ — From Montreal, Frtni Liverpool. . STEAMER. Daylight. Friday, Aug. 19 TORONTO Wednesday Sept. 7 Friday, •* 26 SARNIA " " 14 Thars., Sept, 1 LABRADOR " '* 21 Friday, Sept. 9 ORFGON " '* 28 RATES OF PASSAGE : First Cabin, $40 to 880 ; Return, $90 to $160, accord- ing to steamer and accommodation. Second Oabin, Steerage, $20. ffj MB ARK on a Dominion Liner the evening previous r to date of sailing^nd spend the first day of your ^i trip to the Old World sailing down a river along whos3 shores is scenery the most picturesque, and abound- ing in points of historical interest, yet to be increased on arrival at Quebec. Leaving this harbor the Steamer's course for the next two days brmgs the tourist through the abrupt and rugged scenerv of the Giilf , and the in- ■ vigorating salt breeze perceptible now prepares him for the Atlantic, which is crossed in the following four or five days. The Saloons are large, airy and amidships ; Ladies' Rooms and Smoking Rooms have been placed in the most convenient positions ; Promenade Decks are very spacious, and every attention is paid to the comfort of passengers ; and that the Dominion Line continues to be a favorite with the public is shown in the many testimonials pre- sented by passengers. For further information, apply to .any Agent of the Company, or to W. M. MACPHERSON, Agent, Quebec. DAVID TORRANCE:* CO., Gton'l. Agents, Montreal. FLINN, MAIN * MONTGOMERY, Manaelng Directors, LlverpooL *^-; ,'*» '%, C pool. I Montreal, Daylight. sday Sept. 7 " 14 " 21 " 28 L60» aooord- [ig previous ay of your river alone nd abouno- acrea&ed on B Steamer's rist tlirough md tlie in-- )8 him for four or five s : Ladies' n the most :7 spacious, tassengers ; 9 a favorite onials pre- ent of the I CO., , Montreal. eotorst 91 ,'*» ^^■: .%. o Montreal Post Office— C^w/. PLACE. Lowell (Sun. 7.00) Mass. Malsonneuve Q. Magog Q. Melbourne Q. Mile End Q. MUwaukee{Sn. 7M)Wis. ItinneapoliH(8.1.00) Attn . Monoton.... N.B. Montmagny Q. Morrisburg ... O. Montreal South ... Mount Royal Vale . . I^apanee O. New rwkCSxm.7M)N. V. Nicolet ' Notre Dame de Grace Oka Ormstown Qshawa Ottawa (Sun. 7.00pm).O. Outremont Q. Pakenham O. Papiueauville Q. Pembroke O. Peterboro' O. Philadelphia{8. 7. 00) Pa. Plattsburg, N.Y. Pointe aux Trembles. Q. Point St. Charles . . . , Q. Pont du JSault Q. PontViau Q. Port Arthur O. Port Hope O. jportland Me. Presoott O. Quebec Q. llenf rew . . O. Bigaud Q. Biohmond Q. Eochester (Su. 7.00) N. Y. Emues Pt. (S. 7.00) N. Y. St. Andrews, East. . . .Q. St. Albans (Su. 7.00) Vt. Ste. Anne de BellevueQ. St. Catharines O. St. Cesaire Q. Ste. Cunegonde Q. Ste. Dorotn^e St. Eustaohe St. Gabriel Montreal Ste. Genevieve St. Benrl, Montreal, Q. Close. A.H. 730 • • • » 6 45 7 00 8 00 8 00 • • • * 6 46 8 00 • • • > 845 8 00 7 30 7 15 8 45 630 5 80 8 00 8 00 9 16 9 16 10 45 8 00 10 45 • • • • 7 30 6 16 736'ii45 7 00 8 00 7 30 8 00 7 15 10 45 680 6 45 6 16 6 15 8 00 7 30 8 00 8 00 ■ • • • 600 7 00 7 00 730 1145 8 00 6&1116 P.M. 3 30 & 7 1230,545 3&7 45 3&745 1245,516 6 m,9 15 6 60,9 15 7 40 7 45 6 50 i2'46 6 50 6 20&7 7 45,9 16 12 45 • • • • 2 45 6 50 3 45,7 30 & 915 'f'so • • • • 7 30 8 00 6 20,7 00 2 00 5 45 3 80 3 30 7 30 6 50,9 15 7 45 6 50 8 00 7 30 5 15 &7 46 30,6 20 6 20 30 00 6 50 30 16 30 30 45 For Delivery. A.M. 400 9 30 10 00 f • • • 9 30 9 15 9 30 9 30 « • • • 9 30 9 30 9 30 9 30 9 30 30 9 30 9 30 9 30 9 00 11 45 9 80 9 80 9 30 9 30 10 00 8 80 10 00 10 00 9 30 9 30 9 30 9 3> 9 30 9 80 9 30 9 30 9 30 9&10 3n 11 46 9 30 9 30 9 30 930 10 30 * « • « 9 30 8 30 946 10 30 P.M. 11 00 i &616 12 30 12 30 115&7 900* &916 10 00 6 30 9 00 • • • • 1&6 900 11,10 45 440 1&6 900 9 00 440 6 00 440 • • • • 440 • • • • 1100 LI 00 1 00 1230,640 12 16 12 15 « • • • 900 9 00 900 4 40 4 40 • • • • 12 30 11 00 11 00 • • I • 9 15 900 6 80 12 30 12 30 1230 645 1 sd/o ao till John Louell s ^on + PUBLISHERS gooKi^ Job Printers PRINTING 23 S 25 SI. Nicholas St., + TELEPHONE 230. Orders Promptly Exeouteu JV[ONTREflL. *" ^ r* ■y °: <P. (" ■ ^ + + FERS 28 " A n '^^- 1.. i' '^ T%.. ^ J Montreal Post Ot^oer-Cont* PLACE. T Close. A«M. St. Hilaire Station St. Hyaclnthe St. J. Bte de Montreal St. Jerome Q. St. John N.B. St. Johns. Q. St. Lambert % . .Q> St. Laurent .Q. St. Leonard de Port M.Q St. Lin. . . Q St. Louis (Sun. 7.00) Mo. St. Martin Q. St. Paul I'Hermite . . . Q. St. Paul (Su. 7.00) Min. St. Th6rfe8e de B Q San Francisco (S.7) Ca Sarnia ...O. Saratoga ^. (S.7) -w. Y. Sault aux Rocollets '^ Sherbrooke Smith's Falls ....O. Sorel Stanfold Stanstead > Sutton Sweetsburg Q- Syracuse (Su. 7.00) ^T. T. Terrebonne Q. Three Rivers Q. Toronto (Sun. 7.00). . .0. Troy (Sun. 7.00).. N.T. Valfeyfleld Q. Vancouver B.C. Vankleekhill O. Yarennes Yaudreuil Veroheres Q Victoria B.C. Viotoriaville Q. Washington (Su. 7) D.C. Waterloo Q. Whitby .0. Windsor JO. Winni peg M. Woodstock O. Yamachiche Q. 6 45 6 45 7 00 8 00 • ■ • • 6 15 6 46 7 00 7 00 • • • • 8 00 800 8 00 8 00 6 15 7 00 6 45 8 00 7 15 646 6 45 6 15 7 15 7 15 8 00 6 15 630 • • • 8 00 8*00 7 00 For Delivery, A.M. 800 800 • • « • 8 00 7 30 3 &7 45 3& 7 45 1245 515 4 30 7 40 3&4 45 3 00 • • • • 2 15 430 7 30 *2'6o 650&915 4 30 660&916 660&916 6 20 3 30 3&T45 8 00 6 00 7 46 745 446 445,7 40 6 20 • • « • 8 00 650&916 620 2 46 780 • • • • 1 00 4 00 100 7 30 7 46 330 1330446 i 7 40 6 60 660&916 7 30 &9 16 9 30 9 30 9 16 9 30 • • • • 10 30 9 30 P.M. 930 846 9 30 10 00 9 30 &11R0 9 30 930 9 30 10 00 9 30 930 10 30 930 930 1100 11 00 9 30 • • • • 9 30 9 00 9 30 9 30 900 11 46 10 00 10 00 900 9 80 9 30 10 00 980 930 9 30 930 130,11221 12 30 115&700 • • • • 10 00 12 30 7 30 12 30 246 • • ■ • 9 16 12 30 1 00 900 • • • « 900 • • • * 11 00 12 15 12 80 • • t • 440 • • • • • • • • 1100 440 440 980 1100 600 900 • • •• 900 900 900 OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. Large, c!lean» uncut Newspapers at one cent per pound at Scarlett's Advertising Agency. 93 Temple Bulldlna(. * j ri L, i M!J!JIIJi„lLU!i i | 24 QIROUARD'S Tailoring Establishment and Gents' Furnishing, - 1$33 lotre Dame St., facing St. Jean Baptiste St, HOHTftEAL. V. CIROUARD, Proprietor. I ARRANGE & TURCOTTE, " Signs and HouLds Painters and Decorators, Painting and Gilding on Glass, etc., etc, also Decorations on Paper. All oidere promptly attended to. g5 St. Sulpice Street, - - MONTBEAJL. HUGH BRODIE, ISSUER OF MARRUCiE LICENSES. New Tork Life Building, - MONTREAL. Established 1850. J. H. WALKER, •v;roox) EBpTer_&_Desiper. 181 ST. MMES ST.. MONTREAL. Citizens' Ins. Co.'s Building. ^>. vT t' mmmrnKtam umisliiiig, OSTBEIL. r. decorators, )ecorations id to. STBEAJL. JTREAL. 850. "H k\ t' MAILS FOR GKEAT BRITAIN, EUROPE &c., CLOSED AT MONTREAL^ Friday... 2PerSS Servia, Cunard 6 30pm. Saturday 3 " *' Parisian, Allan 7 00?m:. Sunday . . 4 " '* do Supplementary . . 6 00 am. Tuesday.. 6 '• '* Teutonic, White Star... .. 6 30 pm. Thursday 8 " •* Umbria, Cunard 6 00 PM, Friday... 9 " " " Supl'tary 7 00am. Saturday 10 '• " Circassian, Allan 7 00 pm. Sunday... 11 *• " •' supplementary 6 00am. Monday .12 " " Spree. N. G. Lloyd 6 30 PM. Tuesday. 13 " *' City of New York, Inman. . 5 30 pm. "Wed'y... 14 " " Columbia,Ham. Am. P.Co. 5 30 pm. Friday... 16 '* " Aurania, Cunard 6 30pm. Saturday 17 " " Mongolian, Allan 7 00 pm. Sunday . 18 " *♦ " supplementary 6 (0 am. Tuesday. 20 " " Majestic, White Star 5 80 pm. Thursday 22 " " Etruria, Cunard 6 00 pm. Friday ... 23 " " " Supplementary. , 7 00 am. Saturday 24' •* " Sardinian, Allan 7 00 pm. Sunday.. 25 " " " supplementary 6 00 am. Monday.. 26 *' " City of Paris, luman 6C0pm. Tuesday .27 " " " Supplementary. . 7 00 am. Wed'y... 28 " •' Augusta Vict. Ham. P.Co. 630pm. MAILS FOR FRANCE. Thurs. 1 per SS. La Tourraine, Gen. Trans. Atl. 6 00 pm. « 8 •« " LaBourgogne, " " 6 00 pm " 15 '* " La Champagne ^ " *• 6 00 pm. " 22 " «' LaBretagne. " «♦ 6 00 pm. MAILS LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO. For Australia, 16th September. For Hawaiian Kingdom, 16th, 27th and 28th Sept. For China aud Japan, 6th, I7th and 27th September. MAILS LEAVE VANCOUVER, B. C. For China and Japan, 18th September. m^f* To ensure connection, correspondence should be posted in Montreal eight days before dates of sailiiig from San Francisco, and seven days from Vancouver, B G. Mails will also close at Halifax for Newfoundland, on the let, 9th, 12th, 20th and 25th. Parcels for Newfound, land are forwarded from here via Halifax. A mfdl will close for Jamaica at Halifax on the 27th. POSTAGE BATES. LETTERS for Cote des Neiges, Delorimier, Outremont, Gote St. Antoiue, Cote St. Louis, Oote St. Paul, Cote Visitation, Mile End, Notre Dame de Grace, St. Cunegonde (including Doioheater and Metoaif _.. Avenues), Maisonneuve, St. Henri (Tannery West), St. Lambert and Longueuil, I cent per oz. City, Point St. Charles, St. Jean Baptiste, Hoohelagai, 2 cents per oz. Other places in Canada, letters, 3 cents for eaoh I oz. Newspapers, 1 cent for each 4oz8. Books (limit 5 lbs), 1 cent for eaoh 4 ozs. (S.lngle book 7 lbs.) I II {! 26 PriDteps t • • • OF CANADA, flduerfisers • • FROM EVERYWHERE, Gfet tl\eir Electrotypes n\ade at tt\e •/ %• Montreal Electrotype Fotindry, Be= y One of our best customers said in recommending our work : ** You not only get good work at Lovdll's,but you get !t when you want it." Tt\ey get tt\eir work type- l\igt\. Sn\ootl:\ sVirface. Ho sViriker\ letters. Tl\e best wood for wood rr\oUr\ted ar\d tl\e best ii\etal for n\etal-rr\oVii\ted electros. TH© PRIC© IS RIGHT. You CAM get perfect electros if you see the right people. THE MONTREAL ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY hare a reputation to sustains You will not get poor w<H-k there. Fine machinery, skilled workmen, and the best material are at your service. Why not get an estimate for your next wotkt Our prices are low enough for bvbrtbody. Ouk work good enough for anybody. THE MONTREAL- QTROTYPE FOUNDRY. 26 8T» NICHOLAS ST., ■^MONTREAL, » m i t..-* & < wil Ne Cit nie ] Bil «E, • • • )clpy. *k type- face. ltl\e :;tros. T. ht people. RY have Mrk there. rial are at act work? irork good TREAL. » •( tS r* ^ •« & « A thietic Club Housed COTE DES NEIGES. A visit to the Grounds and House of this Beatifif (il Tentperance ^Resort will amply repay the Stranger. Cote des Neiges is within a short distance of the City, and can be reached by Bus at conve- nient houfs. Lawn Tennis, Archery, Croquet, Quoits, Billiards, Shooting, Skittles, Swings, Donkey Riding, &c., &o. ^>1 The Club House is open from 8^ a.m. until II p.m. Refreshments supplied at City prices.' 28 kEORGE W. REED, ROOKHR,- Booflngr Materials, Aspbalb Floors, Walks, &bg» 783 A 785 Craig Street, MONTREAL. JOHNSON A COPPING. Pictures and Picture Frames, The Old Stand, First Door West -jao pdaip ctdcct of Victoria Square, '^^ bKAlU ^IKb^l. No Trouble to Show Goods. .' > * SPOO NER'S PHENYLE, The most effective Powdered Disinfectant, Ddodorlzer, Germicide, known to modern science. For sale by Hard- ware, Druggist and Grocery Stores, or by Horaoe Vi. BiDOUT, 22 8t John Street. Telephone 2343. Li, & M. WHITE, Successors to L. E. Bivabd, Stationery, Books, Music and Fancy Goods, 133 St. Peter Street, MONTREAL. Q, A. MARTIN, ^^ Electric Manufacturing and Supplies, Estimaies and Price Lists Fnrnislied. 76S GRAIfi ST., MOHT&GIL. P. O. Box 1078. Telephone ■ QROKERS' LUNCH ROOM, J. L. IjECLAIRE, Prop. 60 St. Francois Xavler St., MONTREAL. DICHARD8 & SONS, "^ Bfercliaiit X»llor8, 114 St. Pater Str eet, ■ - MONTREAL. ESTABLISa^ 1867. ' "THE COLDEN STAR" Wholesale and Betail Boot anil Slioe Kmporlniii, 117, no, 121 McGIII Street, MONTREAL. Western Hoiue Building. H. A. PELLBTIER, - - - Proprietor. DOBERT IRWIN, ^ Saddlery and Harness Manufiactory, 60 Beaver Ha lt Hill , -_ MONTREAL. Established 1$S5. lelephone 8^86. .W' W^alks, &c. AL. les. 8 STREET. t, Daodorizer, sale by Hard- HORAOB B. 3. iD, icy Gtooda, L, • Supplies, ST., MOHT&EAL. >OM, NTREAL. >NTREAL. ale and Retail inm* >NTREAL. tprietor. feictory, >NTREAL. -'■ ■<"( !■ •, -• '. ■ POSTAGE BATES.— Continued, Parools (limit 7 lbs.) to Great Britain, Ireland, 20 cts . Japan, must be prepaid, 25 cents per lb. Newfound- land, 15o. per lb. For other points enquire at Post Office. Parcels, to Canada closed, containing no correspon- dence (limit 5 lbs.), 6 cents for each 4 ozs. Parcels not sealed, 1 cent for each 1 oz. Pattern? and Samples put up so as to admit of in- spection (limit 24 ozs.), 1 cent for each 4 ozs. United States — Letters 3 cents for each 1 oz. News- papers, 1 cent for each 4 ozs. Books (limit 5 lbs.), 1 cent for each 2 ozs. Patterns and Samples (limit 8 ozs.), or the U. States 1 cent per 2 ozs, MONEY ORDERS EXCHANGE. Amount in currency (exclusive of commission) to be Eald or received for Money Orders dr&T^u in or on Canada 1 or on the United Kingdom and Newfou!idland : 5s Bter. equivalent to $1.22 £48terl. .equivalent to $19.48 lOs " „ <( 2.44 6 " •• •' 24.35 168 •« (1 3.65 6 *' " " 29.22 £1 " « 4.87 7 " •* « 34.09 2 •* <t 9.74 8 " " ♦ " 38.96 3," . u \ 114.61 9 » *• " 43.83 10 " " " 48.70 BIYEB NAVIGATION. TO QUEBEC. — The steamers QUEBEC and MON- TREAL will leave Montreal daily at 7 p. m. and on Sundays at 3 p. m. TO THREE RIVERS.— Tuesday and Friday, 1 p.m, TO CHAMBLY.— Every Tuesday and Friday at 1p.m. TO BOUCHERVILLE, VARENNES, VERCHBRES and BOUT DE L'lSLE. — Daily (Sundays excep* ed), at '3.30 p. m. Saturdays at 2.30 p. m. LONGUEUIL FERRY.— From Longueuil 6 a.m. and every subsequent hour. Opposition Boat '* Artie," See pafi^e 6. LAPRAIRIE FERRY.— Until September 26th in- clusive, from Laprairie, 6.00, 8.30 a.m., 12.30 and S.30 p.m.; from Montreal 7 00, 11.00 a.m., 2.00 and 5.00 p.m. Sundays and Holy days — From Laprairie, 7.00, 9.15 a.m., 4.00 p.m. From Montreal, 8.00 a.m. 2.00 and 6.C0 p.m. TORONTO every day except Sunday at 10 a.m. OTTAWA every day except Sunday at 8.05 a«m. train for Lachine to connect with Steamer. til 80 Have yoli s^^d it 1 ? CAI^IGRAPH'S NEW KEYBOARD. The greatest advance made in Tj'pewriters this year. ,. MADE BY THE .. HARTFORD, CONN. Agents for Eastern Ontario and Quebec, .*. .*. MORTON, PHILLIPS & CO., 1755 Notre Dame Street, MONTBEAIi ' * ■■', ■s^ V? ■ i* it? !"..i- 7 ■ '- ^y-i;. \^V H'S A* **«► rs this year. • • • CO., TBEAIi ^* BATES OV POSTAGE. Articles.* Canada Rates. U. States litates. Other Oonii' tries Ezcepti _jikPua Books llMikForaw lotonioal k Batoaolott _eiil8p««imeM. Balbs gards(XnMMd Viritiatl uroulars (Printtd) • . aty liOttomDropLotUn) Oouuieroisl Pftpon •'•*••• OnatooM MMifefU Oottini goods Drawings. '.M Drop Lottor* En(i«Tinn.M.«*«>«« Examinattoa Popors .(Sohool ft Collofo) . . BxhibitionKntrrXIokoU Byo Qlosvoo •••••• Pattpr Substaooos ••...«. . wrafti' ••••'••t*«*««>»*'*t* Handbillo «>'o Insuranco PolioioO' • • liOgal Paperoi ;...%.. •••••••••^•••••« 1 - f •• I •• 4 - 1 « 2 - 1 H 4 .. J •» I - • ? 1 M I do do " ^ R*giiterod, 5o. tjn addition to postage* iouids ••••• ••••••• •.••• ithograpbs Maps, (with or without mountings Manuscript (of Books or Nows Papers, ft Musio) Morobandiso' (open to iupection) Mioroseopio Slides. •••(.. Militia and Municipal , notums •,••••••••••.•.'■ " Instruction Books.. Newspapers (transient) . Oils Parools Pamphlets Patterns.......... Pass Books feriodioals holographs...'. ?Poiioies of Insuranea ost Cards _rioes Current (Printod). Printed Forms, (Station vn\ 1 Roots ^... ...... 1. Samples .,,. 1 Seeds. | 1 StationeiT /•; | 1 1 1 4 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I* 'I «i 4 2 2 1 2 2 2 \ 1 4 4 2 4 or I 1 •• 2 - • • • • ff »T« i* w <« it M ■• 44 44 44 44 44 44 .4 44 % % \ 2. 2 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4) 4* it 4* «4 4* 41 •« 4t 4* it loeaob. 1 per 4 OSS " 2 •• 4 '• 4 •• 4 it 44 <4I if * *-«'««.«r.«.. . \ \ 1 \ " 1 •4 2 4. jl t4 •4 '40 d* 1 i lp«r2oss.^ ParoelPosV 1 Ber2ots« do do lp«r2oss. I Psroel Posit 4o - do lii«r2oss, do d* do do * 6 per I OS. ' Pareel Post. lper2oss. do do • IpsrSoss. * 1 ?• 2 "•..• 1 I. a J. 1 " 4 "' i aonossaled * allowed. 1 per 2 OSS* 1 - 2 ^^ 1. " 2 «•♦ 1 .♦ 4 4. I M 2 •• I « 2 •* }o each. 1 pojr 2 ^i. 1 * I •• 1 - 2 **t i ** » ** Panel Poiu 1 p«r2os8. do do j do do ParoslPostt ' Ratss-faiy., IpsrSosr. . do do, t do do. • do dp , do da •do do •* 2e oaob. 1 per toH. CO <H»' ~^ > lp«r2oif» t)i ^ParooiPost 1 lper2 •Aminimmn prepft/ment of te. la rMUired, covering » rnttt of lUou. t " '^ «o. " '• " 4 " I Hxeept for Britlnh Bachofuuland, Orange Free State, Transraal and other man remoteplacea in the interior of Africa, ■erred by way of OapeCiolony orNatal, fhe rate for irtiich ia 10 oenta per 4 oa. for Letten and 1 ont per eibflw Bookfi and Kewspapera. 82 NICHOLSON & CO., IMPOBTBBS AND DBALBBS IN Fish, Oysters , Game, Poultry, 46 Victoria Square, Telephone 832. J^OHtroaZ. HAMBURG AMERICAN - - - - - - PACKET COMPANY CANADIAN SEBYICJE: Hamburg and Antwerp to MontreaL General Passenger Agency, 14 Place d'Armes Sq., MONTREAL CHARLES I. MURPHY, G ENTS' F URNISHING S, v^ 2381 St. Catherine Street. -0pp. Erskine Church. The Neckwear House of Montreal. Shirts, Collars and Cuflfe to Order. Canada Truss Factory. Established 1856. F. Gross. 712 OBAIGSTo MONTBBAL. Manufacturer of all kinds of TRUSSES, Instruments for Physical Deformities, ^ Artificial Limbs, Etc. Gross* Improved Chest Expander and Shoulder Brace. The Deaf made to hear. • The Lame made to Walk. Write for circular o and Price List, BBFOKB USING. AV'X'KK VSIMG. ^9 «^ * i-l-^ o., ultry. re, itroal. PANY itreal, ■REAL NGS, Ihuroh. o Order. tory. i^ Vn^ i * AFTER VSINO. t I 83 STREET LETTER BOX COLLECTIONS. AU l¥ard« 8 00 12 30 Sundays Holidays 8 00 Bxoept : Point St. Charles ...•In At St. Gabriel | " '^ Sundays & Holidays St. Jean Baptlste |j]| JJ | 4 80 Sundays & Holidays ..*...* 4 30 6 00 900 .... 4 00 .... .... 4 00 .... 8 00 800 800 • I • • 800 OFFICIAL STREET CAR TIME TABLE. ST. LAWRENCE, BLEURY AND ST. CATHERINE WEST.— RED LIGHT. 6 Minute Service from 5.40 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. 12 " " " 9.30 a.m. to 11.2C p.m. First car leaves Oott^ street for Mile-End at 5.40 a.m.; Cotto atreet for Greene Avenue at 6.20 a.m. j Mile End (Mount Royal Avenue) at 6.02 a.m. ; Cote St. Antoine (Greene Avenue) at 6.42 a.m. Last through car leaves Cote St. Antoine (Greene .\venue) at 11.06 p.m. ; Mile End (Mount Royal Avenue) at 11.02 p.m. Last car leaves Bleury and Craig streets (going west) at 11.22 p.m. j Place d'Armes Hill, Craig street for Mile End at 11.28 &m. J Greene Avenue for Cot6 street at 1 1.42 p.m. j ile End, (Mount Royal Avenue) for Cott^ street at 11.50 p.m. CRAIG AND ST. ANTOINE STREETS.— MAROON LIGHT. 6 Minute Service from 5.40 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. 12 " " " 10.00 p.m. to 11.16 p.m. First car leaves Cot^ street going west at 5.39 a.m. j . going east at 6.15 a.m. ; Hoohelaga, going west at 6.57 a m. ; Dominion street, going east at 6.67 a.m. Last through oar leaves Hochelaga, going west at 10.57 p.m. ; Dominion street, going east at 11.03 6m. Last car passes Central OflSce, Place d'Armes ill, going west at 11.14 p.m. ; going east at 11.21 p.m. ST. DENIS ST. ROUTE.—GREEN^LIGHT. 6 Minute Service from 5.33 a.m. to 9.46 p.m. 12 " " " 9.45 a.m. to 11.16 p.m. First oar leaves Cott6 street for Mount Royal Avenue at 6.33 a.m. ; Mount Royal Avenue at 6.00 a.m. Last car leaves Victoria Square for Mount Royal Avenue at 11.15 p.m ; Mount Royal Avenac for Cott4 street at 11.42;p.m. Hafional Defgciive Agency,^ \ GLADU <& DOUGLAS, 48 St. James St., • MONTREAL. BEIil. TEIiEPUONE SOIO. "* «. if /" HIS AGENCY is|prepared to under- take all legitimate Dett':tive Business for company or individual, etc. ^ SAIVITABY EARTHENWARE andlAPFLIANCES, FIiOOB and WALL TILING, MOSAICS ^^^^= -3^ WOOD MANTELS, ORATES FOR COAIi, ORATES FOR OAS. JORDAN & LOCKER, 1749 Notre Dame Street, )==^ ^H0HTREflL. .!-■•# ' / w^mmmmmt^ cy. \ lEAL. ^ under- usiness iflL. i {STRBET GAR TIME TABIiE.^Continuetl. WELLINGTON, CENTRE AND ONTARIO STREETS —GREEN AND RED LIGHT. 7i Minute Service from 5.30 a.m. to 10.45 p.m. First car leaves Napoleon Road, Centre street, at 5.30 a.m. ; Wellington street at 5.37^ a.m. ; Harbor street for Ontario at 6.00 a.m. ; Cott6 street for On- tario at 5.34 a.m. ; Cott^ street for Centre street at 6.03 a.m. ; for W^ellington street at 6.10 a.m. Last through car leases Napoleon Road, via Centre at "* 10.45 p.m.; Wellington at 10.52 p.m.; Harbor street, via Ontario and Centre at 10.52 p.m.; via Ontario and Wellington at 11.00 p.m. Last car passes Cen<rral Office, Place d' Armes Hill,for Centre at 11.15 pim. ; for Wellington at 11.22 p.m. Last oar leaves Ontario and Harbor for Cott6 street at *f 11.46 p.m. NOTRE DAME ST. ROUTE.— RED LIGHT, 6 Minute Service from 5.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. 10 " «* « 8.30 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. First oar leaves Hochelaga Stables, going east at 5.30 a.m. ; going west at 5.30 a.m. ; St. Henri Stables, going east at 5.30 a.m. Last car leaves terminus at Maisonneuve at 10.50 p.m. ; Hochelaga Stables at 11.00 p m. ; St. Henry Stables at 10.50 p.m. Last car passes Place d'Armes Square, east and west, at 11.20 p.m. * ST. CATHERINE ST. EAST.— GREEN LIGHT. 6 Minute Servi ie from 5.50 a.m. to 9.20 p.m. 12 " " " 9.20 a.m. to 11.02 p.m. First car leaves Hochelaga Station at 5.50 a.m. ; Greene Avenue at 6.27 a.m. Last car leaves Hochelaga ..^ Station at 11 .02 a.m. ; Greene Avenue at 11.39 a.m. NIGHT SERVICE. Cars for Hochelaga, St. Henry and Point St. Charles, leave corner MoGill and Notre Dame streets, at 12.00 ^ , . p.m., and at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 a.m. (Sharp on the hour.) ' Cars for Bleury and St. Catherine West, St. Antoine, St. Denis and St. Lawrence, leave Company's Central Office, Place d' Armes Hill and Craig street, at 12 p.m., and at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 a.m, (Bleury and St. Lawrence connect with St. Catherine East). Cars leave thtf terminus of each of above lines at 12.30 .,m., 1.30, 3.30, 4.30 and 5,30 a.m. Terminus of Point St. Charles Route for night ser* rice is Napoleon and Centre. No transfers from day oars to night oars. Fare on night oara ten oents. (No tioketi.) B. MoDOJTALD, Head Road Mait«r. 3« MILITARY UNIFORMS. LADlES' COSTUMES. FRANK J. RAFTER, WercHan* Tailor*. A fine selection of Spring Suitings, Coatings and Pantings just in. CALL. AND FEB THEM. 1687 Notre Dame St., MONTEEAL. V. BEDDING! J GHX YOUR bedding and bedsteads FROM A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. Established ;«0 Tears. Bock-Bottom Prices. Old Bed Feathers and Mattresses Purified and re-made at the shortest notice. d. t TOWNSHEND, Xo. 1 Little St. Antoine Street, Comer St. James Street ON LY. TE'.EPHONE 1906. ESTABLISHED 1840. JOSEPH O. WRAY, UNDERTAKER, 123 and 125 ST. DOMINIQUE ST. I(Near St. Catherine St ) ^ET'M. G. H. Ambulance Headqueu^ters. Tblbphomb No. 1503. ( i ,*■ <^. 1- rt. J* S' 8 ^-■=» 1) n T t! W 87 dES. '/■'ii. >^i t in. ds Ices. ad •*: (V^ J* t, L MONTREAL CAB TARIFF. ' ONE HORSE VEHICLES. V ' ^^ From any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed fifteen minutes : ] or 2 per- sons, 25 cents j 3 or 4 persons, 40 cents. * /, y . From any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed half an hour : 1 or 2 persons, 40 cents j 3 or 4 persons, 60 cents. Where the drive exceeds the time limited as afore- said, hour rates to be charged. BY THE HOUR— ONE HORSE. ' For the first hour : 1 or 2 persons, 75 cents; 3 or 4 persons, $1.00. ■- " ' '" •■K:i^.^^*'^ For evory subsequent L ^ur : 1 or 2 persons, 60 cents ; 3 or 4 persons, 75 cents. : ^^ Vk i^> i "' i ^^ 7: TWO HORSE VEHICLES. From any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed fifteen minutes : 1 or 2 per- sons, 50 cents ; 3 or 4 persons, 65 cents. From any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed half an hour : 1 or 2 per- sons, 65 cents ; 3 or 4 persons, 76 cents. When the drive exceeds the time limited as afore- said, hour rates to be charged, BY THE HOUR— TWO HORSES. 1 or 2 persons, $1.00 ; 3 or 4 persons, $1.25. Fractions of hours to be charged />ro rata hour rates — but not less than one quarter of an hour shall be charged when the time exceeds the hour. Fifty per cent, to be added to the tariff ratea for rides from twelve midnight to four a.m. The tariff by the hour shall apply to all rides extend- ing beyond the city limits where the engagement is made in the city. BAGGAGE. — For each trunk or box carried in any vehicle, 10 oents. But no charge shall be made for travelling bags, valises, boxes or parcels which pas- •engers carry in the band. 88 POCKET AND FANCY PEN KNIVES. li 0) flC < u z (0 (0 o (0 (0 o (0 in o N < F0X CUTLERY MFG. G? CANADIAN BRANCH: Temple Bnilding, MONTREAL > r m 00 c H O X m 0) 2 < m (0 EDWARD T. TAYLOR A SON, GENERAL INSURANCE, ) And llirn.]*ine* Money to lioan on Mortgage. Bdttaed T. Taylor. Jas. D. Taylob. Telephone 2205. 4,1 St. Francois Xavler Street. QOUGLAS T. TAYLOR, Importer of BREWERS', BOnLERS*. DISTILLEEii' SUPPLIES AHD liCHIIERT. Tel. 9205. 41 St. T^'rancoig XavlerSt., Montreal. n DRVSDALe, ■^'builder's supplies, hardware, mechanic's tools, etc. lUephw* m, 645 Craig 8t„ Montreal. Que 88 NIVES. > r n 00 c H C z n u (0 Z PLACES OF INTEREST IN MONTREAL. L < m in SONp Lne. A.YLOB. CmiERT. [ontreal. ntreal. f lontreal Safe Dejwsit Co. Royal Insurance Building 10 a.m. to8p.iii. St. Peter's Cathedjal, Christ Church Cathedral, Notre Dame Church, Church of the Gesu, Bonsecours Church, St. Patrick's Church Church of Notre Dame de Lourdes,- Crescent Street Presbyterian Church, St. James Methodist Church, Young Men's Christian Association, Redpath Museum, David Morrice Hall McQill Unive'-sity, Presbyterian College, The General Hospital, Royal Victoria Hospital, Notre Dame Hospital, Hotel Dieu Hospital, The Turkish Baths, Eraser Institute and Free Library, Mechanics' InstitutOi Grey Nunnery, Art Association, City Hall, Post Office, The Temple Offices, New York Life Buildings, Academy of Music, Queen's Theatre, Theatre Royal, Lyceum Theatre, Windsor Concert Hall, Queen's Monument, Nelson's Monument, Cyclorama Custer's last fight, Viger Garden, St. Helen's Island, Bonsecours Market, Mount Royal Park. - The Cemeteries, Court House, ^perial Insurance Building, Natural History Museum, Victoria Bridge, Athletic Club House, Cote des Noiges. rtAVSU^Y BROS, Hatters and Furriers, (SuocESBOBS TO WM. MURRAY), 22u2 ST. CATHERINE ST., 0pp. EnglishfCathsdrr FALL STYLES in HARD AND SOFT FELT HATS. Send in your Furs early for repairs or alterations, and avoid delay later in the season. ^— — ■■■■'■ I I I Open every evening until 9 o'clock. Saturday eveningS| iz o'clock. E. RATTELLE, 1884 St. Catherine Street, P 14 1 DP DH f\\ CT <^«n>s« Banions, Inin'owing laUs bnin' rUUiOli Bomoyed withont Pain. NATIONAL WIRE WORKS, ■^ 570 Craig street. Three doors west of Place d'Annes Square. Bank and Office Bailiugs a Speoialtv. Manufacturers of all kinds of Wire Work. GAS, STEAM & HOT WATER FITTER, TINSMITHING. I BBiTEB HALL HILL, 40 ST. ELIZABETH ST., Bell Telephone 3277. Bell Telephone 0280^ MONTBEAIi. I -^^ All Jobs promptly attended to at a low figure. Am Am An Alg Aln Bar Bal Bei: Bro Buf Bos Broi Brai Cah # Chaj Oarl Con Cob( Care Cooi Coat Cowi Chal Chic Cine Colo; Cars Caco Clev »* Cam Chai Don( Detr Dese Parn ^ Guel * Gait Grai Gam Graf Glen Grar Ham Hav( Hall Hem Hun Hun Islan King Keev Lenn Lorn Iion( lUob. Minn Mass OS, 41 DISTANCE- TRO?^ B^ONtftEAL. 8, EST., f^TS. repairs or ter in the i, II o'clock. le Street, Ingrowing lails llhont Piiin. RKSi rmee Sqaare. * lufacturers of \ FITTER, FH ST., 'elephone 6280^ ow figure. TO Antigonish.N.S AmherstjN.S , Arnprior, O AIgoma,0 Almonte, O , Banff Sp^gs,The Rockies Baltimore , BelleviUe,0 Brockville, O, . , Buffalo, N.Y Boston, Mass Broadview, N.W.T Brandon, " Calgary, Man Ghapleau, O Carlton, O Cornwall, O Cobourg, O Cardinal,© Cookshire, Que Coaticooke, Que CowLUBville, Que Chalk River, O Chicago,Ill Cincinnati Colorado Springs Carson's City Cacouna, Que Cleveland, Ohio Campbellton, N.6 Charlottetown, P.E.I. . . Donald, The Rockies . . . Detroit, Mich Denver, Col Desoronto, O Farnham, Que Ouelph, O Gait, O Gravenhurst, O Gananoque, O Orafton,0 Glen Sutton, Que Grand Narrows, C.B .. . . Hamilton,0 Havelock, O Halifax, N.S Hemmingford, Que Huntingdon, Que Hunts vllle,© Island Pond, Vt. Kingston, O Keewatin. N.W.T Lennoxvilie, Que London, O Londonderry, N.S liMihate, Que Hlnneapolia, Minn Massena Springs, N.Y. . Mis 779' 418 172 638 155 2345 683 221 125 440 842 1688 1657 2264 616 148 68 264 105 128 123 67 246 869 967 1934 2960 292 623 476 2448 664 2006 209 44 889 391 446 160 266 86 866 374 238 766 46 87 479 147 176 1296 104 464 e77 44 1119 lYanoouYer, 96 Morrisburg, O Moncton. N.8.... .... Metapedia, Que. Moose Jaw, N.W.T Medicine Hat, '« Napanee, O Niagara Falls, O North Bay,0 North Sydney, C.B New Glasgow, N.S Nipissing Jet., O •, New York New Orleans..... Newport . . Ottawa, Ont Ormstown, Que Owen Sound.O Peterboro, O Perth O Port Hope, O Port Mulgrave, N.S. . . . Portland, Me Prescott, O Port Arthur, O Point Levi, Que Philadelphia Pictou,N.S Quebec, Que Qu'Appelle, N.W.T Richmond, Que River du Loup, Que. . . . Rat Portage, N.W.T. . . . Regina, " .... Rouses Point, N.Y Rimouski, Que Schreiber,0 Sudbury, O Smith's Falls, O....... Sherbrooke. Que St. John, N.B Sydney, C.B Samia, O St. Louis... San Francisco St. Paul, Minn St. Johnsbury, Vt Sturgeon Falls, O Swift Current, N.W.T. . Toronto Truro, N.S Troy, N.Y Woodstock, O. Windsor,0 Winnipeg, Man Washington Westminster. B.O , 6.0 Victoria, B.O Mia 98 570 462 1S22 2084 199 417 364 902 787 656 403 2604 109 120 48 456 262 140 270 817 297 114 993 172 485 749 166 1748 77 297 1291 1781 60 352 866 443 128 108 481 909 661 1326 3238 1129 153 387 1935 333 694 266 422 662 1424 623 2897 2906 2990 1 4fi OMETHING NEWT y Tia-sr OTJia Orange, Rose, Winfergreen / / TOOTH POVDEB \ IN BOTTLES AND BOXES. PBEPABED ONLY BT ^J. t. TREMBUE,«> DispensiDg CberRist -AND Family Draggist. CORNER ST. CATHERINE AND MOUNTAIN STREETS, Tblsphone 4028. <l hi <! H <| ■I "A «s 1TB :s. mist Isf. B AND -1 P4 I. 5 S? o S (^ ^«^ ' 5-^ 05 <D -Q — 13 ee ee o t-t-b-eo 2.183 o o ei 00 O 09 ^ 03 So :3 w bOo3 o aoaWjgH P3o aa«ia ss c3 fl Sec 4-3 4J • -1-3 -M O O O O rt « id • J Is Oi ftjo'g «.^ 43 VX SI ml') iU © 08 5 3+3 Bog 434300 ocQ a> O) a? a s OS ^ O Cj Si,^ P^ 125 <3 .9 ■ a M e8 "9 OB ijs^^s^ssssss&ssssssgsssssesg: o J o's5 »^ 08 Oj S 05 Mf^ 2 © ■** (n © © 2-B-«l acq 3 I hJ'3;5««8o8 I '^■«g.d©0«8 eS«3 © © © »4«0 © <:d CO :i/i 2 ^ §■£311 ®-S!«,'S's3>.2Pp ri © .S r « 0*0 s<©Qj5 Q ,«, ^ r-i t-( t-t rH »-i -• T<?4^Mc5c^Ni>)Seo«cowe5eo««^'* ?i ■ in ji' ■■•:":",' ' .-* 44 R E - CO V E P I N G~Our Specialty. All umbrellas re-ooyered warranted equal to new. Large stock of fine goods always on hand. THE DOMINION UMBRELLA STORE, 2318 St. Catherine St. - - - Factory : 714 Craig. PUIXMAN SASH llAIiANCls:, Steel frame, A lumi- um Tape, no box frame required ; will last longer ; saves time and money. L. J. A. STJRVEYER, Agent, 6 St. Lawrence Street. McLEOD & SHOTTONp And Dealers in Travelling Requisites Generally. 1819 NOTRE DAME ST., MONTREAL. Sample Trunks and Bepairing a Specialty. STRANGERS and CITIZENS WISHIKG TO VISIT Mount^RoyaUPark SHOULD AVAIL THEMSALVXS OF THX Opporttinity of visiting same for fhe itmall sum of 25c. itOOND TRIP « • BT THB . MONTREAL OMNIBUS LINE. Busses leave the Post Office ai; 9 a.m. every morning and every subsequent half hour, and will take up passen- gers en rwtte, W. MUNRO, Proprietor. 580 St. Antoine Street. X.B^Speciai rates to Pio-Nio Parties. ' U\ rS.fl M umbrellas >ok of fine 14 Craig. 36, Aluml" it longer; ce Street. CQ I I nerall;. e \IS reip INE. noming passen- sreet. 9 u 09 I 5 1^1 ^1 s^ <i <13 o o o S eoi J £3 o t3 s^i^ aS ^ i '1i ■ • .CO 00 « tp-d &< „ +;, ^ ^ a .2 i=1 O g g ca< te 5 > rt d X c8 c8 5 p- th' ^^o 8 «^ SI'S §■ ill coS J 0} «8 Si, en Q © «§50S25|© ^ --Q.-S ^^O clgM si-? Ss5q aaOPHtJMScol^HeoO 46 FIRB ALARM.— Continued. Box. Locality. 511 Lagauchettere and St. George. St. Catherine and St. Philip. Ontario and Bleury, Berthelet and Aylmer. Sherbrooke and Mountain. St. (/atherine aud Bishop. St. Luke and St. Mark. Corner of Albert and Canning. 0< irner Notre Dame and Murray streets. Corner of William and Young. Corner of Conde and St. reter. Corner of Montcalm and Mignonne. Corner of Poupart and St. Catherine. Corner of Mignonne and Plessla. Corner of German and L&gauchetiere. Foisy's piano factory, Papineau avenue. Victoria Hospital. C. P. R. workshops, Hochelaga. Comer of Knox and Charlevoix. 512 518 514 515 616 517 618 619 6!^ 622 524 626 627 628 636 637 688 166 AMBULANCE CALLS. General Hospital— Telephone No. 330. Notre Dams Hospital— Telephone No. 446. BA J. C. SPENCE & SONS, Stained Class Works, 37i Bleury Street, - MONTREAL. \» »^\f'S*'\*'\*'\*'\tf>.*>Hf\f''W\*- Designs snd Sp«cimens of onr work may be seen at oar Establisbm'ent. SOWBNIR SPOONS, NOVELTIES 2383 St. Catherine St.. ( Near the Windsor Hotel,) JOS. L. CURD, Jeweller. THE ST. ELMO, Comer McGiU and Becollet Sts., MONTBEAL. The cosiest I'ining ji^loom, The best Bill of Fare and the quickest service in the City. Dinner flx>m 12 to 2- SO ; only 26 Oenta. JEL. SE^XiE & soi>r. Nos. 41 and 43 ST. ANTOINE STREET/ BeU TeJ 1082. MONTREAL i) o [ 8- Ft\ 8 a.i Neig andi Poi andf Fr( leav€ 2.3PI Poj Poi ville, Poi Post Poi at 9.0 Sand •Por every 6.00 p For from and 6 10 mi] City a Por a.m.»i page^ f' .^ \ 8, REAL. ttablisbment. r Hotel,) sweller. I TRBAIi. |the City. ?ents. ^» 'REET, 1) S./ [ 4T CARDINAL A CO., -^ Faslilonable Tailors, "3 1616 Notre Dame Street, MONTBEAL. MERVOL Cures Toothache, Head- ache and Neiiralgia in two minutes, by simply applying over seat of pain. 25 Cents at all Druggists, or JNO. T. LYONS, Cor. Craig and Bleury. J^ BISAILLON, BATHS. 1599 Notre Dame. ' £DMOND HARDY, Music and Musical Instruments of all kinds, 1637 Notre Bame Street. STAG£ AND BUS LINES. Prom Aubry's Hotel, 121 St. Lawrence St., a Bus leaves 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily, except Sunday, for Cote des Neiges, St. Laurent, Cartiervllle, St. Martin, St. Doroth^, and St. Eustaohe. For Sault au Beoollet (Back River) at 4.30 p.m. daily, and at 8 a.m. on Sundays. From Hotel du Pays, 146 St. Paul Street, a stage leaves for Pointe aux Trembles, Longue Pointe, &c., at 2.30 P>m. in Winter, and 3.30 p.m. in Summer. For Varennes, Boucherville, &c., at 1.30 p.m. For St. Eustache, St. Martin, Bord-ii-Plouflfe, Cartier- vllle, St. Laurent, and Cote des Neiges at 7.3U a.m. For Cote St. Antoine and Mount Royal Vale from the Post Office at 9.10 am., 1 10 p.m. and 6.10 p.m. For Outrement from corner of Craig and Bleury Streets at 9.00 a.m., 12.10 p.m., 4.00 and 6.15 p.m., daily, except Sundays. Saturdays at 1.30 p.m., instead of 12.l0j).m. ^J " For Cemeteries leaving Post Office at 9 a.m. 9.30 and every subsequent half hour. Last bus returning toCity at 6.00 p.m. See advertisement page 44, For Athletic Club House, Cote des Neiges, a Bus loaves from corner of Peel and St. Catherine Street at 10.30 a.m. and 6.20 p.m. From Lewis' Drug Store, Victoria Square, 10 minutes earlier. A Bus leaves the Club House for the City at 9 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. For Mountain Parle, take Bus leaving Post Office at 9 a.m. , and every siibsequent half hour. See advertisement pt^e 44. If YES! IT IS A FACT!! That a 1 of Coal from MoOrory's scales welghf fS.OOO |. ^nds and - ' lesB.—PubHo Oi^inUm. NOW IS THE TIME TO BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR GALL OR TELEPHONE P. JvicCi^ORV, COAL IMPORTER, 9Z wiLliam strb-bt. Telephone No. 1005. Yard. No. 2 Canal Bastn. WHITE HOUSE, 65 St Lawrence St, MCNTREAL The Leading Hatters and Gents' Furnishers, SPECIALTIES AMERICAN STYLES OF HATS. Just Received full assortment in •^(Sollars and Quffs, The Latest Novelties in Neckwear always received. A CALL SOLICITED. T. BRIOAULT. >Va Set Oct .* .!. vJ M weight ntofi. EBSFOB S-T. rd. lal Basin. *>■ ;. , 'vV^If SE, EAL ishers. lATS. IN [tz//s. LWEAR 'LT. LACROSSE 1892. SENIOR SCHEDULE. Date CIttbs. Grounds. June 4 Montreal vs. Capital Ottawa '( 11 Capital YS. Sbamrook Shamrook ** 18 Toronto vs. Mont' eal .... Montreal *' 18 Capital V8 Cornwall Cornwall July 1 Shamrock vs. Toronto Toronto « 1 Cornwall vs. Capital Ottawa <' 9 Montreal vs. Sbamrook Shamrock «« 9 Toronto vs. Cornwall Cornwall " 23 Montreal vs. Cornwall Cornwall " 23 Shamrock vs. Capital Ottawa Aug. P Shamrock vs. Cornwall Cornwall *'' IS Toronto vs. Shamrock Shamrock ** 20 Capital vs. Montreal Montreal " 27 Cornwall vs. Toronto Toronto Sep. 3 Shamrock V8. Montreal Montreal " 3 Capital vs. Toronto Toronto ** 17 Montreal vs. Toronto Toronto •* 17 (.;or n wall vs. Shamrock Shamrock Oct. 1 Cornwall vs. Montreal Montreal « 1 Toronto vs. Capital Ottawa Play rain or shine. - A. MONGEAU - Watch makery Jeweller, Optician .... And General Bngrraver .... 42 — St. Lawrence Street, — 49 ()tetween Craig and Vitre Sts.), P ^ - =MONTBEAr.. Best place in tov;n to buy your Jewelry ; Repairing a Specialty. » - R. W. WBBB, . . SuccesBpr to H. F. Jackson, p iSPEIISiNC * QHEMIST, 2263 ST. CATHERINE STREET, • •••• MONTREAL. Bell Telephone : 4402 A, « » Night Bell. Sinn>AT Attbndakcb : 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 8 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. r 80 WALTER H. WARREN, Temple Ballding, Boom 61. Accountant, Trustee, Estate Agent, Ac. Special attention given to the management of estates of deceased or absent persons, and trust matters generally. LOANS NEGOTIATED. TABDIFF^S. C. J. TIERNEY, 629 ORAIG STREET. News Dealer and Stationer, ill 8p«rting Papers in Stock. Sew and Second Hand Books Bought and Sold. CLARKE Sl McCUBBIN, Custom Xallors, * FantB to Order, S8. $12 Suits. OrercoatB, $12. Call and Eismine ftoodg. 17>8 lotre Dame Street, MOMTREAL. -» WELSH J ROOGH — : FOB A :— 1796 Notre Dame St., Montreal. Near St. Pctcr Street. UQHTHALL & MaCDONALD, Advocates and Attomeys-at-Ijaw, CiH and »is^tri«t ^^^^^^ ^^^ } iso ST. JABES STEEET. QTTO THORNING & CO., ^^ GRAIN AND COMMISSION, aa 8t. Sulpice Street, - Montreal. Correspondence solicited. HOT & COLD WATER BATHS, ■■ - - SIS ots. '^'^'"f ,; co; . Argen L. Wanl Austr Belgifi Brazi Chili vice-con Danis Prenc treal. Germs Sulpice. Hawai Oommiss Italy, Nethe St. Peru, Place R( Portuj Swede St Sulpi Switze Repub Bul, 8 IMi Spanis hours 1 1 United Quebec, consul -g< Unitec general) Banl St. J Banh dith and Bank dont Banh * Smil God Banq Pen( REN, of estates of I generally. rs-at-Law, I STREET. MISSION, [ontreal. ATH8, STREET, ind Books >atB, $12. >»TREAL. iJGH ntreal. 61 COKSUIiATES AMD YICE-CCMSULATES. ■ Argentine Confederation , F, C. Henshaw, consul j F. L. Wanklyn, vice-consul, 8 Place Royale. Austro-Hungarian, Ed. Schulze, 166 McGill. Belgian, Jesse Joseph, 156 St James st. Brazil, John Magor, vice-consul, 6 Port. Chili and Peru, George B. Day j F. C. Henshaw, vice-consul, 8 Place Royale. Danish, Oct. I. West, 32 St Sulpice st. French consul, M. Aug. Girard, vice-consul, Mont- treal. German Empire, Wm. C. Munderloh, consul, 61 St. Sulpice. Hawaiian Kingdom, Uicksou Anderson, consul, 227 Commissioners street. Italy, C. Mariotti, vice-consul, 17 Beaver Hall hill. Netherlands, S. B. Howard, vice-consul, 14 Hospital St. Peru, G. B. Day ; F. C. Henshaw, vice-consul, 8 Place Royale. Portugal, F. A. Routh, 195 Commissioners. Sweden and Norway, D. Connolly, vice-consul, 32 St Sulpice st. Switzerland, D. L. Rey, vice-consul, 14 Cadieux. Republic of Uruguay, Fred. C. Henshaw, vice-con- sul, 8 Place Royale. Spanish vice-consul, J. L. Leprohon, M.D. ) ofSce hours 1 to 3 ; 961 Dorchester. United States consul-general for the Province of Quebec, hon. Charles L. Enapp ; U. S. vice and deputy consul-general, P. Gorman, 246 St James. United States of Mexico, D. A. Ansell, consul- general, 4 Corn, Exchange. BANKS IN MONTREAI^. Bank of British North America, 140-142 St James St. J. Penfold, Manager. Bank of Montreal, 109 St James st. H. V. Mere- dith, manager West End Branch cor St Catherine and Mansfield sts ; D. B. McPherson, sub agent. Bank of Nova Scotia, 130 St James st. T. V. Mao- donald. Agent. Bank o/ Toronto, 168 St James st. J. Murray * Smith, Manager Branch Point St. Charles ', J, .Godfrey Bird, Manager. Banque d^Hochelaga, 107 St. James st. M. J. A. Pendergast, Manager. ■•II N ALUANBC Assurance Company. ESTABLISHED IN 1824. Head Office, Bartholomew Lane, Losidon. The Right Hon. Lord Rothschild, Chairman* CAPITAL. $20,000,000. Branch Office for Canada : 157 St. James Street, - MONTREAL. The Hon. J. R. Thibaudeau, Chairman. Ba\ qi Ba{ D. St I err Bat d'. O. H. McHenry, - Branoh Manager. Joseph MoCrory, City Agent iny. oaidon. LD. o. lEAL. lager. 53 BANKS— Continued. Banque du JPeuple, 95 St. James »t. J. S. Bous- quet, Cashier Branch 2265 Not'-e Dame st. Banque Jacques C artier, 9 Place d'Armes sq. D. W. Brunet, Manager. Branches Northern, 1061 St Lawrence st., Michel Bourret, Manager. East- ern, 1138 Ontario st. A. Boyer, Manager. Banque Nationale, cor St. James and Place d'Armes sq. Alf. Brunet, Manager. Banque Ville Marie, 163 St. James st. W. Weir, Manager Branches : — 1 Centre st.. Point St. Char- les, W . J. E. Wall, Manager, Hochelaga Branch, 284 Notre Dame st., D P. Kiopelle, Manager. Canadian Bank of Commerce^ 15T St. James st- A. M. Crombie, Manager. Branches : — 276 St* Lawrence st. J. C. Pike, Manager. Chaboillez Square Branch, 2034 Notre Dame at., W. W. Ruthven, Manager. La Montagnef Clarke & Co.^ Brokers and Bankers; 183 St James Street, and Mills' Building, 15 Broad Street, New York* Merchants Bank of Canada, cor St. James and St. Peter sts J. S. Meredith, manager. Merchants Bank of Halifax, 1720 Notre Dame st., Edson L. Pease, Manager. West End Branch, 2542 Notre Dame st., E. A. McCurdy, manager. Motion's Bank, 200 St. James st. James Elliott, manager. Ontario Bank, 8 Place d'Armes sq, E. N. King, Manager. Quebec Bank, New York Life Building. T. Mo- Dougall, Manager. . Union Bank of Canada, 1766 Notre Dame st. Q. H. Balfour, Manager. Savings Banks— City and District, 176 St. James St., Henry Barbeau, Manager. Branches : — 656 Notre Dame st. East, J. G. Ouimet, Agent. 2312 Notre Dame West, E. Varin, Agent. 1532 St. Catherine st., H. A.Plamondon, Agent. Cor Grand Trunk and Shearer st. Point St. Charles, W. Daly, Agent. Merchants Bank of Canada, cor St i^ames and St. Peter sts. Bank of Montreal, 113 St James st. Molson*s Bank, 200 St James st. Post Office Savings Bank, Post Office, St. James st. 54 CITY CAFE CO-i ^^ ^^- ^^^i^^i^ibe stbeet, ' • < . ; , ■ • — (Opposite ((neen's Block). :-' The Populttr Uptown Bestaarant. ^ jn 7.30 9,.m., to 12 Midnight. A Choice Meal for 26c. Meals also served & la Carte. y OTSTEKS. PURE CANDIES. STANLEY HOTEL, ^ . ^T.^,^^' Psbor ne and . W i ndsor .St, Opposite Windsor Station. Cafe in connection; open till midnight. J. A. BELIYEAU & CO., Props. MONTREAI.. CM. CERINI, (Milan, Italy) Cabinet Mak* and * Upholsterer. Art furniture made and repaired as ffood as new. Pianos polished fir»t-class. iVrtistic work In wood and real French polish made with particular care. « Prices moderate. 52 ST> ANTOINE STREET. yHOS. SONNE, lannfactnriir of Awnings, Tents, Waggon Covers, Hone Covers' 187 and 189 Commissioners Street. Bell Telephone, 1161. Federal, 25S. OW TO SPEND YOUR WINTER. y r TBE H lDgpes«CoWeIIier SCHOOLS OF LaDgtiag?s Established all over the Continent. Montreal Branch— 1000 Dorchester street (Kinkora), Teech English, French, Cerman, Spanish, Italian, By Hatlve Teachers. Katoral lethod. loDrndgenr. Snccesa finaranteed Free Trial Lessofis (at the school or at the student's residence). Send for circulars. Ami Acade: Queen' Boyal * Lyceui Cyolon " The Art Ga » Open c Natural Open d WaxW St. Lav Sohmer A magi lection of departmei Admission TheBoj In this variety pei daily. St. St. Hele: This par is free. T Square. I Montrea From th the City ca Office ever be visited I Fare for tl Athletic Dont fai; the house Commercif TREET, «k). :or 26c. DIES. or .St, 3Ction J • B EAIi. k« and »aired as tic work larcare. * REET. g?s street W illany iQuranteed >r at the Amusements in Montreal ^W%r . .«K Academy of Music- Victoria St. Queen's Theatre.— St. Catherine St. Boyal Theatre.— Cot6 St. Lyceum Theater — St. Dominique St. Cyclorama.— 1981 St. Catherine St. <« The Great Indian Battle or Custer's last fight." Art Gallery.— Phillipps Square. Open daily from 9 a.m. Admission 25c, Natural History Museum.— University St. '^ Open daily. ' v Wax Works' or Eden Musee.— St. Lawrence Main St. Open daily. Admission loc, Sohmer Park.— Notre Dame St. A magnificent Band plays here, and a large col- lection of wild animals may be seen in the zoological department. Notre Dame Street cars pass the Gate. Admission loc. Open daily. The Boyal Park.— Head of St. Denis St. In this Park a large pavilion is erected where variety performances are given. Admission loc. Open daily. St. Denis Street cars run to the park. St. Helen's Island. This park is well worthy of a visit. The admission is free. Take the boat at foot of Jacques-Cartier Square. Fare for round trip only 5cts. Montreal Park and Drives. From the top of Mount Royal a splendid view of the City can be had. Take the bus leaving the Post Office every Ijalf hour. Mount Royal Cemetery can be visited by this route. First buss starts at 9 a.m. Fare for the round trip only 25c. See advt. page 44^ Athletic Club House. Dont fail to visit this Temperance Resort. It is the house of the " Bone and Sinew " of Canada's Commercial Metropolis. See page 41. am 66 a rmS «s Is O 9 d o On Becelpt of 60c. a box of Chocolates will be lent to any address, prepaid. ENGLISH EVEBTOI TOFFY [§. 237? St. Catherine Street, (Near Peel Street) MONTREAL. TRY OVlt ^PHILADELPHIA. ICE CREAM. <^ Orders Filled Promptly. § OB M< n - W «> ^§ PiDI B Cf On receipt of 60c. a box of Everton Toffy wUl be sent to any address, prepaid. THE SHEDDEI COHPHY (IITEII) Contractors, Warehousemen, Forwarders and Carriers. OARXAGBi AOENTTS KOR The Orand Trunk Bailway Company of Canada. The Chicago & Grand Trunk Railway Company. The Northern Pacific & Manitoba Bailway Company, Itc. Branclieg throngliout Canada and the United States. Shipraenta Qonsigned to our CMfe will recetre prompt attention. Storage facilities to all poliits. iflPOETERS AND BftEEDEES OF THOROUdHBRED €LYDE8DilE AID OTHER HORSES. Heatd Offlee, 188 St. James^Street, HONTBBAIi. H U Q H P ATOM » Manager anA Seereteify, *.~ *• *-s- tr 1. 3. wiUb* § AL !.■<- I?' n ffy Win t ITED) mers. lada. Tbe pany. ites. re prompt .ts. iSDilE AID TBIBAt.. 8tary» *■-■> -flr *^-' fr 67 MONTREAL EXPOSITION PROGRAMME. First Day, Thursday— Morning. Concert by the Band of the Royal Scots. Captive Balloon Aecent by Mr. Stanley Spencer. Interesting Novelties, including the Microscopic Wonder. Edipon, the Long- Tailed and Maned Horse. Wire Walking and Glass Blowing, etc., etc. Afternoon— 2 p.m., on the Park Side. 1. Concert b^^ the Celebrated Hungarian Gipsy Band. 2. Rice and Elmer — the Champion Horizontal Bar Performers, in their Grotesque and Clever Acts. 3. The Coogan Brothers, Fancy and Trick Rol- ler Skaters, in their unequalled feats. 4. Ray Burton, in his marvellous acts on the Swinging- Wire, Shooting Glass Balls, Jug- gling Feats, etc. During the afternoon Balloons will be sent up. The above Programme will be repeated during the Evening, commencing at 8 p.m. 3HMAN UCTIONEER ;'«■•'■'/ IBIPISBIAI. ftUILDING, M ON TBEAI.. PERCY HOIpROYD ~ Collecting, InturancA and General Agant. Room 81, UPpRIiL BClfDM, 107 81. J AIES STREET. XMik boun &tc> 10.80 a.m. , 2 to 3 68 i:^ H A great saving of Money effected by getting your Boots and Shoes from us. T Chaboillez Square, Comer Notre Dame St. HE LEADING SPRING BED HOUSE. ^ ^ \ 624 and 626 St. Paul Street, - Montreal^ THE THOMPSON MATTRESS CO., — MANUFACTURERS OP — Spring Beds and CotSy Mantel Beds, Mattresses, — AND A FULL LINE OP — Iron Beds and Combination Beds. Institution orders carefully and promptly attended to. ♦• Telephone 9276. Write for Circular. r r ••K i;^ h 1. Q t r r treal; COv ^^ sesy aptly lilar. C9 Second Day, Friday— Morning. Concerts by the Royal Scots. Captive Balloon ascents by Mr. Stanley Spencer. The Little World — the wonder of the age — with a host of attractions. Afternoon— on the Park Side. 1. Concert by the' Hungarian Gipsy Band — This Band has delighted Montreal audiences during the past summer. 2. Ray Burton in his swinging wire act which hcs no equal. He shoots at glass balls while swinging on the rope. 4. Rice and Elmer in their wonderful Bar per- formances. The Band of the Royal Scots will perforn: a select programme. Balloons will be sent up during the afternoon by Mr. Spencer. _ ^ , The above programme will be repeated during the evening. INDIAN STORE. A. PAYETTE, ^^ DEALER IN j finow-Sboes, Moccassins, Toboggans, Smallwares, also Fancy (ioofe. 1658 Notre Da me Street. VANCOUVER HOTEL, i!2HH^ ^ Directly Opposite the C. P. R. Station. 117 & 119 WindBor Street. J08KPH DORVAI^, Proprietor. [Late of the Albion Hotel.] LANDS FOR THE PEOPLE. Minnesota has tlionsand of rich acres await&ig to be tickled with the hoe. No hardship to be enduied in order to make a rich inheritance. Thousands of Easterns now in Minnesota can testify to the fact that it is the Land of Promise. Do not miss the opportunity of writing the Interna* tional Land Company^ Minneapolis, for all informa- tion. 60 F. McCOOL'8 -d» c irr 4C* FOB THE BEMOVAL OF PIANOS, FURNITUBE, SAFES, MACHINERY, BOIIiEKS, BAGGAGE, Etc., Etc. PIANOS OABEFULLY PACKED AND SHIPPED. SAFES MOVED, HOISTED AND LOWERED. TEAMS FUBNISHBD FOB PLEASUBE PABTIES. Orders promptly attended to. Lowest prices in the City. OFFICE : m ST. JAMES STREET. MOSTREil. Stables, 88 Albebt St., a few doors from Chftboi.lez^Sq. Bell Telephone 2107. Art Gallery, y PHILLIPS SQUARE. Special Exhibition of Designs BY v^ WALTER CRANE, _/ > • • ALSO * • a THE PEBMANENT COLLECTIONS* Open daily, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. y ADMISSION, 26c. Btmt&ra EXHIBITION WEEK, 10 CtS. iW ■^ r ^"Sf 1. 2. 3. 4. iS 4€- aiNERY, 3. KD. ,* "* 1. [•lES. 2. 1 the City. *i <* A 3. >oiJeZqSq. 4. ^ ARE. ;ns 1 y ONS. OCts, "^ ^^.v 61 Third Day, Saturday— Grand Military Day. Band Concert by the Band of the Royal Scots. Captive Balloon Ascents by Mr, Stanley Spencer. All desiring to go up in the Captive Balloon can do so on payment of a small fee, wbeu the programme of Friday, the previous day , will be repeated. Afternoon— 2 p.m. Band concert by Hungarian Gipsy Band. Grand Parade of all the City and District Battalions, Naval Brigade of H. M. 8. Tar- tar and Physical drill by the Highland Cadets. Rice & Elmer, Horizontal Bar Performers, in their marvellous feats. Prof. C. A. Damon, Champion Rifle and Pistol Shot, in many Fancy and difficult shots. Coogan Bros., Champion Fancy and Trick Roller Skaters, in many acrobatic and in- teresting feats. Ray Burton, in his marvellous Swinging Wire acts, shooting glass balls and juggling while standing on a swinging wire.* Balloon Ascension and Parachute Jumps by Mr. Stanley Spencer, from a height of 12,000 feet. The following Bands will perform during the afternoon and evening : V ictoria Rifles, Band of the Royal Scots and the Hungarian Gipsy Band. The afternoon Programme will be repeated in the evening at 8 p.m., with the exception of Military Parade and Balloon ascension, with the addition of A Grand Exhibition of Fire Works, Bombs, Topaz Stars, Fire Balloons, Salvos of Rockets, and many new and attractive set pieces and devices, by Prof. Hand, and the Luminous Fountain, something new, never before seen in Canada : Electric sprays, in beautiful colours, making a Ciovel and lieautiful sight. 6. 6. 7. / ^ IP M I 62 SELECT AND (Catalogue now ready.) Canadian Timothy, Clovers and Forage Seeds, Garden Tools and Supplies, Oil Cake and Cotton Seed Meal. WILLIAM EWIHG S CO., 142 McGIII St., - Montreal. FOSSEIilME It renders the Skin Soft and Smooth and Clears the Complexion. UHECIXJALLED FOB TAN and SVilBXJRN. For Chapped or Rough Hands.. p. McCORMRCK S CO. CKxr. McGiU and Kotre Daane Sts., ' MONTREAL. <• eeds, Meal. CO., real. mooth • NBXJBK. Ids- CO. d St8., Fourth Dd^^lir(Uidiiy-~BIorni]ig. «3 perform a H 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. CIVIC HOLIDAY. The Band of the Victoria Rifles will choice selection of music. Grand ]B)loral Display. All kinds of Machinery in motion, Marvels of Mechanism, when the programme of Saturday will be repeated, and a host of other attractions. Afternoon— 2 p.m., on the Park Side. Band Concert by Darrow's Ladies' Band. Stirk and Zeno, Kings of the Air, in their thrilling performance on the Flying Trapeze. 3 Marvels in their grotesque, acrobatic and wonderful contortion act. Profi C. A. Damon, Champion Rifle and Pistol Shot, in all kinds of fancy shots. Prof. Morris and Mikis Nettie Morris with their Equine Paradox Company of 60 beautiful and educated Ponies and Dogs. Racing, jtimping hurdles. Pony Wrestler and other amusing tricks. 'y»%f*:i«5H»»*^^ CooganBros., Champion Fancy and Trick Roller Skaters. Rice and Elmer, Horizontal Bar performer the best and most daring in the line. Ray Burtori, Champion Swinging Wire Rifle Shot, shooting glass balls and juggling while stanaing on the swingingwire. Balloon Ascension and Parachute Jump by Mr. Stanley Spencer, who will jump from his monster Balloon when at a height of 12,000 feet and descend bjr means of his Parachute. The following Bands will perform a choice selec- tion of music afternoon and evening: Hun- farian Gipsy Band, Darrow's Ladies' Military land, Ogdeneburg Brass Band and the Band 'f i of the Victoria Rifles. \ The above programme will be repeated in the evening at 8 p.m., with the exceri.ion of the Balloon Ascension and Parachute Jump. With the addition of the Luminous Fountain, beautiful Electric showering Sprays, Trans- parent Rocks in natural colurs, something new, never befbre seen In Canada, and a grand Exhibition of Fire Works. 6. 7. 8. 9. 64 HARDWARE and PAINT and OIL . MERCHANTS While visiting THE MONTREAL EXHIBI- TION would do well to call and see samples and prices of ^ LONDON BRUSH F/ICTORY before buying for Fall trade. It is claimed by the leading trade that our Brushes are not excelled by any manufactured in Ca- nada for finish and durability. We warrant pricesright. o • < THOS. BRYAN, Prop. Sample at Room 73 Imperial Building, 107 ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. D. B. WHITEHEAD, Agent. S508 St, Catherine Street, MOXTRBAXi. Country Nurseries, BROADLANDS, COTE ST, PAUl* TELEPHONE 8411. Boaqaets and Floral Designs, in every style, made to order. All kinds of Fruit and Forest Trees and Shrubs always on hand. All orders by mail will have prompt attentions. TELEPHONE 4348. LeMESURIER'S DARJEELINC TEAS! Direct from the HixntilayaB, By the 1 lb., also in 6 lb., and j. ^ and full ohests, at prices to Buit everyone. Indian Tea Dbpot, 114 Mansfield Street, Corner St. Catherine Street. DO NOT BR£AK YOUR NAILS, BUT I.£T THB I.OCK SPRING mo THE WORK. me AUTOMATIC KNIFE COMMNY OF ONTMIIO, SiMiloiMit. id OIL XHIBI- samples )RY i claimed Brushes d in Ca- ; warrant Prop, dlngr, DNTREAL. ST» PAUT^ to order. nraysonhabd. itions. :i TEAS I ssts, at prices 14 Mansfield L.BT THS: IK. 1, 8iMno(|iitk I M ■tei: 85 ^j GOVERNOR GENERAL'S DA#f^Jr| Fifth Day, Tuesday— Morning. , {^^j^ Concerts by the Sherbrooke and Ogdensburg Brass Bands. Captive Balloon Ascents by Mr. Stanley Spencer, who will take up passengers with him. The Machinerj^ will be in motion in the hall. The ;■ ■, Microscopic Wonder, Glass -Blowing, Wire A/n Working and a host of other attractions, , ftf^ Afternoon—2 p.m., on Fa.rk Side. 1^ 1. Concert by the Hungarian Band. ^'^'''■■^^WP!f\ 2. Rice and Elmer on the Horizontal Bar. 3. Prof. Morris and Miss Morris with the trained iJtt.„Bonies and Dogs in an interesting perform- ance. Ray Burton in his Champion Swinging Wire . i»ai>< .... .,_^,^»,...„., .»..«■, ,. .. ■. . Balloon Ascent and Parachute Descent of Mr. Spencer when 12,000 feet in the air. The Marvels— The Greates Contprjtionists of the day. > » ... ■ ;'•"*/ Stirk and Zeno, Kings of the Air, in their daring feats. The Coo^n Bros., Champion Fancy Trick Skaters, in Acrobatic and, Comical feats. Prof. C. A. Damon,Champion Rifle and Pistol Shooter, in fancy and difficult shots. 10. Grand Parade of the Fire Brigade and Exhi- bition. Parade of Horses, Trotters and Ponies. Balloons will be sent up during the afternoon. Band Concerts by the celebrated Ladies* Band, the Ogdensburg and Sherbrooke Bands dur- ing the afternoon and evening. The above performances, with the exception of the Fire Brigade parade and balloon ascerts, will be repeated in the evening. At 8 p.m. a jgrand display of Fire Works by Prof. Hand, m^ wliich will be exhibited some set pieces. Also Luminous Fountain, showing ^^>%mM^^7^ of beautiful colors by electric eflfecfc. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. V O O ■^ o S3 X o < UJ o S ■> CO X CO o c (0 m o P3 <1 CO o o CQ -f i^ !' 'i-JZ <l 67 Sixth Day, Wednesday— Morning. Band Concert by the St. Johns Band and the B and of Sherbrooke. Many new and novel attractions, including all kinds of Machinery in motion. Grand Captive Balloon aacen^t by Mr. Stan- ley Spencer. Parties wishing to make an ascent can do f-o on payment of a small fee. Afternoon— 2 p.m., on the Park Side. 1. Concert by Darrow's Ladies' Military Band, 2. Ray Burton, Champion Swinging Wire Rifle Shot and Juggler. 3. Coogan Brothers, Champion Fancy and Trick Roller Skaters. 4. Prof. Morris and Miss Nettie Morris with their Equine Parac -.x Company of 50 Beauti- ful and Highly Educated Ponies and Dogs, in all kinds of Chariot Races, Hurdle Races and Jumping, Tricks, etc. 5. Stirk and Zeno, Kin^s of the Air, in thrilling and daring feats on the Flying Trapeze. 6. Three Marvels, Grotesque and Acrobatic contortionists. 7. Rice and Elmer, Champion Horizontal Bar Performers, the finest in America. 8. Prof. C. A. Damon, Champion Rifle and Pistol Shot, in many difficult and daring feats of marksmanship. ,- Grand Parade of Horses. Flat Hurdle and Pony Races. Grand Balloon Ascension and Parachute Jump by Mr. Stanley Spencer from the height of 12,000 feet. The following Bands will discourse a choice pro- frammeof music both afternoon and evenmg: )arrow'8 Ladies' Military Band, the Hun- garian Gipsy Band, Bati Band of Sherbrooke, and St. Johns Brass Band. The above programme will be repeated m the evening, with the exception of Balloon Ascent and Horse Races, witn the addition of the Luminous Fountain, showering Electric co- loured sprays, Brilliant transparent colored Rocks To conclude wah a Brilliant Display of Fire Works, bv Prof. Hand, Salvos of Rockets and Aerial Bombs, Topaz Stars, etc. •■■^m :•>■• rrE/iM 136 to 140 ST. PETER ST- CITY BRANCHES: 771 Craig Street. 184 St. Antoine. 1595 St. Catherine. 2i35 Notre Dame. HELEN DRAKE, 10 Phillips Square, - MONTBEAL. IMPORTER OF NOVELTIES FOR • Dressmaking, Millinery, Etc. SOLE AGENT IN CANADA FOR F. I.L CORSETS. B. M. BABTMOLOMEW 68 VICTORIA SQUARE, Montreal. - - Telephone No. 2204. - - ^IW 69 r^ - 1 liK^y. 1 • (- - '■'V-' ) ' SI; ^^J^: , ■,-'v J-' >■■"■' •^ «lj) !i *sii 'BEAIi. Etc. S. lEW NTREAL* iJtjttiEir, Seventh Day, Thursday— Morning. Band Concerts by the St. Johns Harmony Band and the Band of the Garrison Artillery. Grand Floral and Horticultural Displays. All kinds of Electrical and SteanK .power ma- chinery in motion, etc., etc. J' >;/"^% ""'^ Grand Balloon Ascension and Ce^ptive Balloon ^1*, Ascension by Mr. Stanley Spencer, and a ;' fsi- host of other interesting attractions. ";^ .V, .1- t i i. .^ ^ ■it':>-^ =^ ^Afternoon— 2 p.m., on the Park Side. 1. Band Concert by the celebrated Hungarian Gipsy Band. 2. Three Marvellous Acrobatic Contortionists and Tumblers, the best in their line. 3. nice and Elmer, Horizontal Bar performers, in their marvellous feats. 4. Coogan Bros., Champion Fancy and Trick Roller Skaters. 6. Ray Burton, Champion Swinging Wire Rifle . Shot and Juggler. 6. Prof. Morris and Miss Nettie Morris, with their troupe of fifty beautiful trained Ponies and Docs ->.^^a«*<>'M**.vi''s*%r*»*Mw««u>iv'*w~4*»few^,*i{p^ *. ,v 7. Stirk and Zeno, icings of the Kir^ in their wonderful feats on the Flving Trapeze. 8. Prof. C. A. Damon, Champion Rifle and Pistol Shot, in difficult feats of marks- manship. 9. Special Races for Hurdlers, High Jumpers, Ponies and Donkeys. 10. Grand Balloon Ascention and Parachute Jump by Mr, Stanley Spencer, who will jump from his balloon when at a height of 12,000 feet and descend by means of his Para- chute. The following Bands will perform during the Afternoon and Evening ; Darrow's Ladies* Military Band, Hunirarian Gipsy Band, St. Johns Harmony Band and the Band of the Montreal Garrison Artillery. The above programme will be repeated in the evening at 8 p.m., with the exception of the Balloon Ascension and Horse Races, with the addition of the Lumiuous Fountain. , s , » . ; ',< i 70 1842 - FIFTIETH YEAR - 1892 CHAS. A J AWOeR, LUNCHEON and DININ& HilLL, 219 ST. JAMES STREET. Visitors of the *' Exhibition " when down in the city will find this a convenient and central place. DINNER 26c. from 11 am. to 3 p.m. Luncheon Boom '' a la carte '' open all day. Calces aiid Cai\dies Fresh Daily. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIAIiTY. 219 ST. JAMES STREET. J. D. O'^COIfflffOR^ GLASGOW FISH and GAME MARKET, Fish, Lobsters, Oysters, Game and Poultry, 2666 ST* CATHERINE ST„ MONTREAL. Bell Telephone 4499. flnierican Hoiise, ^T. J, O'NEIL, Proprietor. ST. HENBY STREET, Cor. Notre Dame. This well-known and popular Hostelry is now re-opened. Newly Furnished throughout. Rates, $1.00 per day. The American Horse Exchange and Boarding Stables, in connection therewith Stal! Accommodation for 100 Horses. Roomy Sheds and Large Yards. The whole ccupying an entire block in the business centre of t^, the City. Horses Bought, Sold and Exchanged. . ii i^ .| 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8, 9: - 1892 H4LL, BT. own in the ntral place. pen all day. \ Daily. XT¥, LRKET, i Poultry, ST., e, Proprietor. e Dame. low re-opened. 1.00 per day. ing Stables, in )dation for 100 is. Tbe whole inei>8 centre of changed. I i. & ^ 71 Eighth Day, Friday— Morning. Band Concert by Montreal Garrison Artillery Band. Marvels of Mechanism. The Little World, one of the wonuers of the present age. The Micro- scopic Wonder. Captive Balloon Ascent by Mr. Stanley Spencer, and many other attractions too numerous to mention. ^ ><rt» .'k^fllr..* Afternoon— 2 p.m., on the Park Side. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. Band Concert by the Hungarian Gipsy Band^ Ray Burton, Champion Swinging Wire Rifle Shot and Juggler. 3 Marvels, Acrobatic Contortionists and Tum- blers . Coogan Bros., Champion Fancy and Trick Roller Skaters. Stirk and Zeno, King3 of the Air, in many daring and dazzling feats on the Flying Tra- peze. Prof. Morris and Mies Nettie Morris and their troupe of 50 beautiful trained Ponies and Dogs. Prof. C. A. Damon, Champion Ilifie and Pistol Shot, in many difficult shots. Rice and Elmer, in their wonderful perform- ance on the Horizontal Bar. Balloon Ascension and Parachute Jump by Mr. Stanley Spencer, who will also send up some Gold-beater skin balloons during the afternoon. Grand Processsion of Animals. Cattle at 2 P.M. and Horses at 3 P.M. The following Bands will perform ' during the afternoon and evening : Darrow's Ladies' Military Band, Hungarian Gipsy Band, St. . Hyacinthe Band and Montreal Garrison Ar- tillery Band. The above programme, with the exception of the Balloon ascent will be repeated in the evening at 8 P.M., with the addition of the Luminous Fountain, to conclude with a Grand Display of Fireworks, by Prof. Hand . 72 MELDRUM BROSff ^^^ WorchMts & Oeneral Cartera, Office, Yards and StableSi 32 Wellington Street, Montreal. M. Meldrum, T>^l. 742. tTtts. Meldrum, tTr* Am JENNINCSf - - MANUFACTURER OF . - PATENT STEEL COAL CARTS, ' m STEEL LORRY WAfiflONS AND PATENT SPRING WHIFFLETRBES, 50 to 66 King St., Montreal, P. PEL08SE. 808 CRAIG ST., MONTREAL. All kinds of baskets made to order. Repairing and Cliair Caning promptly attended to HOT & COLD WATER BATHS, Practical Basket Maker, ,^ I I I I II I i i j ji ^ v.'-: TAB BIFF'S. THE FOSTER HOUSE, " One of the finest Restaurants in the City. Cor. McGill Sl St. Paul Sts., Montreal* X. 'W. f'OBTJeR, Pro p. tl. 50 to 12.00 PER BAT- ■eals on European Plan. Splendid Dining Rooms. Tel. 2748. Ulonde Hotel CkMuins out from O.T.B Station, torn to your right, 2nd House to the left. N08. 57, 59, 61 & 63 Chaboillez Square, MONTBEAL, A. LALONDE, . Proprietor. »efore purchasing, call and examine E. LEMIf UX'S stock of Tweed and Gent's Farnishings. A special line of Tweed for F^^nts made to measure for $3.00 and 93.50. Address ! No. 3 St. Lawrence Main St. ELMONT HOUSE, ... f i V. —'^ Private Hotel. 29 & 31 Belmont St., off Beaver Hall Hill. A. E. EDWARDS. Prop. IGHT and MORNING HOTEL, Cor. St. Charles Borromee ind St. Catherine Streets. Bestaturant open all night. -jf OADIBUZ BROS., Proprietors. i^ n eral Cartew, ,'*., 't I ■■•<'.,•■ ■. ntreal. tdrum, JTr, ■■■■■■■^■'■■^ R OF > *■. (••'j-V *■ TS, ^FLETKEES, Maker, ly attended to. ATH8, f 9 t n the City. >ntreal* 2.00 FEB Bit TeI.274S. B Station, tnm >as6 to the left. Square, 'oprletor. [iEMIfUX'S s. A special ure for $3.00 Main St. ite Hotel. trine Streets. ' ' . - ' ''.''. ropxietors. f «i USEFUL ITEMS. 73 FOOD FOK STOCK. The following-table shows the number of pounds of various products, used as food for stock, which are equivalen*. in value to 10 lbs. of good hay : Food . ' ■• ■:-T.'...:A fin^ jiT>H;,<T»->! i, *,^T».?T4jii:.fv 'i ..iriij Pou nds. Barley ........' 5 to 6 Cabbage 20 to 30 Carrots, red «1;;Vm ..U^.- 25 to 30 Carrots, white, 40 to 50 Clover, green 45 to 50 Indian corn 5 to 7 Mangel-wurzel 30 to 35 Oats. ,..— 4 to 7 Oil Cake • 2 to' 4 Peas a>iid beans •^••••tj* • •••••#•••»••••• ' 3 to 5 Potatoes .....:.;..:.;.. .5....;..;....;..^: "^^O to 25 Straw, barley ,.... 20 to 40 Straw, 02ti..:':,.'X»(^^y'7':\;-:.\i-:-:^^^ to 40 Straw, pea .»;..»;.. :\:.;.. -:h ;;..L i,X^::' lo to 15 Straw, wheat 40 to 50 Turnips 45 to 50 Wheat 5 to 6 FOOD FOB SHUlfiF. The table shows the number of pounds, live weight, and the number of pounds of wool and of tallow, produced by 1,000 pounds of each of the arti- cles^named, when used as food for sheep. Barley Buckwheat....... Corn Meal, wet Mangel-wurzel, raw Oats fp Pea8'a>ritiiiHii%.'vf«^. ........«•• Potatoes rawi^ with salt. .... .Potatoes raw, without salt, Rye, with salt ; Bye, without salt ...v..... Wheat.;... ..«*4 .ui... 74 ULIjEIY'S POQITRT FOOD For Poultry, Pigeons, Turkeys, Geese and Ducks. WILL MAKE HEKS LAY THE BBST THINO ' ;V PREVENTS ROUP, GAPES, DIARRHOEA PREPARED BY Breeder of thoroughbred Poultry, member of Montreal Poultry Association. 68 VICTORI A SQPABE , MONTREAL. Pound Package 25 cts. - 5 lbs. $1.00. For sale by all Druggists, Seedsmen and Qeneral BtOXQB. C. - ):,•■ "?;;, ' 7« OD d Ducks. FOOD FOR POUI-Tir/ir The table shows the percentage of imtrtment in differ- ent kinds of food for poviltry. '| ^ V mW'^:^' RHOEA SY ember of \, $1.00. There is in every 100 Parts by Weight of— and > .'. B e a n'.s ^J.Peas .. batmeal Midd.Iing, thirds or Fine Sharps Oata... Wheat buckwheat...] Barley.,..,..,. Indian Corn.. Hempseed Eioe Potatoes Milk 25 18 18 15 12 12 11 11 10 7 6i 4i Warmth-giv- ing and Fatten- ing Material, viz. F t or Oil. 2 6 8 6 3 6 2 8 21 A trace 3 »Staroh 48 63 53 47 70 58 60 65 45 80 41 5 111! 1 8 2 2 2 5 4 2 20 2 1 U 11 2 14 1 5 2 14 A trace 2 J t5 15 9 14 10 12 Hi 11 10 8 13 50i 1865 HII.LS OB PLANTS TO ONE ACRE. :>!"-' Feet Apart. 1 1.6 2.6 3 3.6 4 ...... 4.6 6 ...... 5.5 6 6.6 7 , 7.5 8 8.5 «••••••■• No. 43,560 19,360 10,890 6,969 ,4,840 3,556 2,722 2,151 1,472 1,440 1,210 1,031 889 775 680 592 Feet Apart. 9 9.6 10 10.6 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 25 30 35 40 • ••«•• •!•• No. 638 482 436 361 302 268 223 193 171 161 135 108 69 48 35 27 A shovel of hot coals held over varnished furniture will it iff said, take out spots and stains. Rub the place while warm with flannel. 76 The Question of the Day, ^Where can I find fi a home? Where can I make a living? Where can I, with ordinary dih'gence, prudence and ecomomy, provide my family with the necessaries of life, and feel assured that at the end of it I can leave to my children a decent mheri- tancc? To what place can I go and find good land on terms so reasonable that I may get a portion of it without burdening myself with debt, which I can never hope to pay off? Where can I find such a place on these terms and safe from crop failures and allow me to devote myself to any special branch of agriculture for which I may feel myself fitted. to in a few words. Get a home in the great Flour State of Minnesota. It never yet had a crop failure, where land values are increas- ing rapidly. Write without delay to the Intemationai Land Company^ Guaranty Loan Building, Minneapolis, Minn., or our Canadian Office, 93 Temple Building, Mon- treal, for all information. They can sell you farms on any terms you may desire so that you will be satisfied, and if needed they will assist you. '* .?T Day. lean I find ? Where n I, with comomy, ssaries of nd of it I ;nt !nheri- ) and find ble that I burdening ever hope ch a place Dp failures If to any r which I is. Get a jreat Flour yet had a re increas- ay to the Guaranty in., or our ling, Mon- f can sell jr desire so ceded they VITAIilTY OF SEEDS. The table shows the limit seeds of the ocmmon garden forjjsowing. Beans 2 years. Beets 7 years. Cabbage 4 years. Carrot 2 years. Celery.; 2 years. Cacumber 10 years. Lettuce 3 years. Melon 10 years. of time beyond which the vegetables become useless Onion 1 year. Parsnip 1 year. Peas 2 years. Radish 3 years. Squash 10 years. Sweet Corn 2 years. Tomato 7 years^ Tnrnip..M 4 years. BUSHELS OF SEED TO THE ACBE.^;bf«? Table of different varieties of seed, showing the quantity of each required to plant an acre. \c^-)j^' Kind of Seed. 'H Wheat Barley Oats Rye Buckwheat Millet Corn..... Beans..'. Peas • Hemp Flax Rice Broom Corn.... Potatoes Timothy Mustard.... Hurd's Orass... Flat Turnip Bod Clover White Clover.., Blue Grass...... Orchard Grass. Carrots..... , Parsnips. , . 1 ii<r ii>^ Bushels to the acre. u to 2 li to 2i 2 to 4 1 to 2 1 to u 1 to IJ i to 1 1 to 2 2i to 3* 1 to ij * to 2 2 to 2* 1 to l| 5 to 10 12 to 24 8 to 20 12 to 16 2 to 3 10 to 16 3 to 4 10 to 16 20 bO 30 4 to 6 6 to 8 ■.iVu bush. (( (( (C it *t (f <( ^ ««'■; (( quarts. u <i lbs. i( << (< <( « T0UA.TO Catsup.— Take 1 peck tomatoes, \ lb. peppen i lb. all-spice, { lb. white mustard-seed, 2 ounces cloteic!, 6 spoonfuU salt. <} gallon vinegar. Boil slowly six hours. Cool and tnen bottle. 78- WHERE IS MllESOTi The Grf>,at Farming State? It is only 42 hours ride by the C. P. R. and Soo through train from Montreal, and the immi- grant fare is only $15.00. It is the State with the four great rising Manufacturing Cities of St. Paul, Minneapolis, with the Cities of Duluth and Sup- erior, at the head of the Great Lakes. It produced in 1891 36,000,000 bushels of wheat, one for each baby born in the world dur- iDgtbe year. The output from the Flour mills of Minneapo- lis is 37,800 barrels daily, and last year its saw mills cut 447,000,000 feet of Lumber. It has 600 factories manufacturing over 225 different kmds of articles. Fifteen lines of railway enter it from all parts. This is an unparalleled record for a City practically but ten years old. It also produced millions of bushels of .oats, barley, rye, flax, potatoes, and rniicti fine live stock. It has sixty-one banks, seventy newspaper8,and hundreds of schools, churches and post offices. No newly settled section of the United States is so well provided with modern comforts and facilities. Minnesota is no " howling wilderness " — the frontier life is past. It is the " Poor Man's Pa- radise," which hundreds of Canadian Settlers can testify to. If you would like a Farm and a Home on this fertile soil at moderate and easy terms, write to the International Land Company, Min- neapolis, or our Canadian office, at 93 Temple Building, Montreal. •> V' 79 )Ti B. and e irami- w'lth the ist.Paul, nd Sup- hels of rid dur- i' - uneapo- its saw has 600 Dt kinds enter it d record of . oats, fine live per8,and Bees. d States ►rts and I "—the -n's Pa- lers can i Home ' terms, y, Min- Temple FACTS FOR BUII.DERS.1 'v' One-fifth more siding and flooring is needed than the number of square feet of surface to be covered, on account of the lap in siding and matching of flooring. A cord of stone, 3 bushels of limcand one cubic yard of sand will lay 100 cubic feet of wall. Twenty-two cubic feet of stone, when built into the wall, is 1 perch, .V .».„;,..' '^ r; J ^ Three pecks of lime and four bushels of sand are required to each perch of wall. ; :; . There are 20 common bricks to a cubic foot when laid ; and 15 common brioks to a foot of 8-inch wall when laid. , . < , Five courses of brick will lay one foot in height on a chimney ; 8 bricks in a course will make a flue 4 inches wide and 10 inches long. Cement 1 bushel and sand 2 bushels will cover 3^ square yards 1 inch thick, 4j square yards ^ inch thick, and 6|'' square yards ^ inch thick. One bushel of cement and 1 of sand will cover 2^ square yards one inch thick, 3 square yards £ inch thick, and 4 ^ square yards J inch thick. ^^* ;- Two thousand shingles, laid 4 inches to the weather, will cover 200 square feet of roof, and 10^ pounds of four-penny nails will fasten them on. Pickled PeaChes. — Take out of free stone peaches the pita ; fill with large and small mustard seeds, mixed with grated horse raddish ; tie up; pour on a hot syrup, made of 1 lb. brown sugar to a quart vine- gar. Seal from air. • To CciRE Hams. — One ounce saltpetre to each ham ; pne pint pure molasses to one pound of salpetre ; quarter pound salt to every pint of molasses. Heat the mixture until it nearly boils, and while hot rub it in the meat wellj eapecially around the bones. Let hams lie one week ; then place them in a strong salt brine three weeks; remove, and soak eight hours in. fresh water ; hang and dry two weeks ; smoke three to five days, according to size. Then wrap up in strong tar paper, and tie close. Then tie in cotton cloth bags. Separate the paper from the oioth by stuffing in shavings or sawdust. Hang near the rt»of. 80 The ^^ ''s Opportunity. At^fl^i'i^ky. , J:: . THIR T V Million Acres in Minnesota waiting the plough and you. Land % , there is as easily cultivated and will raise as much as any of your River bottoms, can be had at prices which will satisfy. Do you use good sense to stay where you are and grub your lives out trying to cultivate both sides of the hills, when land like this can be had on easy terms. Any indus- trious man can go to the Great Flour State nothing and in five years owi his FARM and HOME. :v^:, »r^ This has been done over and again. Are you aware that Minneapolis is the greatest Lumber centre, as well as the largest Flour City in the world. Those with hundreds of othei '-"Jlustrier in the Twin Cities provide work the year around for those who want it Mini:e!iota is no howling ^'ilderness The " Fiontiei is ;i tbiyy of the past. This is the oppoituiity of a life-time. No time like the press-.t write the International Lan^ Company. Guaraniy Loan Building^ Min- neapolis^ or our Canadian office, 93 Temple Building, Montreal, for full particulars as to the 6asy terms. '^:;y p. ■ 25 20 16 14 12 11 10 9 8 6i 6 5 4 3 ♦/^ 2 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 Hi nity. nnesota Land nd will ottoms, fy. Do ou are ultivate ke this indus' ir State £. ■'V>:, .vv 1. Are reatest t Flour eds of provide want it The This is ) time ^ Min- xmple ars as ;. CAFACITT OF CISTERNS OB WEtM. , «* ^ f i I «o y .sFor eacl|L 10 in. in depths >f;^_^;4^^i^%* 25 feet in diameter holds 3,059 gallon 20 << " " 1 058 '' 16 " " t4** 1,101 •' 14 «< .< iw »• <« 952 " 11 « «« « 592 ** ■ 10 " « - ' " 489 " 9 " . « .jv <* 396 " , 8 <« « <« 313 '* V '< «« « 239 ** '^' fit <' «< ** 20fi " ■ . 6 «' " *' 176 " 6 " " " 122 ** 4 '« « <« 78 " ■ 3 " " « 44 '* 2^ ** «< " 30 " 2 " (« ". « 19 « ' ■ • • : .?;; • 4> OIRCUIiAB CISTERN. - 5 feet in diam&ter holds 4.66 barrels. 6 '* '«V^«<« 8.54 «* 7 « " " 11.63 '* 8 «' . '* ** 15.19 '* 9 « " ** 19 39 *« 10 '*„. ^.. <* C;/" 23.74 *« r^, '!;-!',■ ^^^M^B^^^fc'' ''■* ' '' '*''-*' ■,'!'- ■''■■.' ^f ■*^*'"'!, J* J "■- ^-M*"*^ _^ ' • _ , ' "^ » ' 4 : ■ ; ■ RULE FOR MEASURING THE CAPACITY OF A "•.'■.• ;r'X;/! SQUARE CISTERN. ,^.>^.^. ^,, . Multiply the length in feet by the width in feet, and multiply that by 1,728, then divide by 231. The quo- tient will be the number of gallons capacity of one foot in depth* i*^* S^k f RULE FOR MEASURING THE CAPACITY OF A CIRCULAR CISTERN. Multiply the square of the diameter by .7854, or the square of the circumference by .07958, in order to find the area of the cistern, then multiply the area by the depth in inohee and divide the product by 23L The quotient will equal the namb«iF of gallons the cistern will contain. In measuring oisteros, etc., 31| gaUons ar© estimated one barrel j 63 gallons to ooe hogshoad. fi 'f>.. 11 > i II 82 What Horace Greely said : v^ "Go West, young man, and grow with the Country." r <^ '#?,: i>. fi^?* Those who take this advice and go to the Land of Plenty in Minnesota will become rich by a few years of steady industry . ^ , x. W£SOTA iS PiO BARE PRAIRIE. Water for all purposes is of the best, abundant, and easily obtained. It has an un- equaled surface water supply, there being thou- sands of lakes and numeious rives and strearaa affording wator-power. It has two water-ways to the sea. '(■■'<"> ■■ Ws^' It has vast qtinrries of the finest building .<tone, and splendid mineral resources. . . I®* It has tli.- , i^'geef TO refits of harawood and pine in the Nortr>j»ep' Tii. ber for fuel, building purDOses, and fen( •if* is tc u.? alongside the farm- ing lands. iN*:« Jj^^No Country has ^ach timber, mineral and water privileges hi clone association with farming and grazing lar -i. Jji@* It can give Employment to all persons willing to work at remunerative wages. Jl®* Market towns are scattered all along the various lines of the Railways throughout the State. The Park Jftegion and ReJ River v alley districts «.re within easy distance of the great markets of Twin Cities, . Nov* is the time to get u farm an .1 a bouse on the best of termy. W^ want the people wnte the Jatftmational LancS Company, Minneapolis or •our Canada Oilice, 93 Tempk Building, Montreal. %.^ \ 1.1: 5 fee 6 " 7 " 8 « 9 " 10 '' . n ■'»■ W ■mi: *x( ;■ •■•.;^-y47 y-h aid: Id go to the e rich by .a,«s-: mil. he best, > an un- ng thou- i stream a r-waye to building vood and building he farm- leral and farming persons ilong the he State. districts arkets of 1 a house pie write ipolis ot ioRtreaJ. i 83- MEASUBEMENT OF CORN IN THE CRIB. Tabular view of the number of barrels contained between the walls, for each foot in depth. SQUARE CISTERN. 5 5 feet by 6 feet holds 5.92 barrels^ 6 " « 6 " " 8.54 7 " « 7 " " 11.63 " 8 " '* 8 " » 15.19 '< 9 « " 9 *« « 19.39 " 10 " " 10 " «» 23.74 " — — ^— -'-■'>" . MEASUREMENT OF CORN IN THE CRIB, HAY IN THE MOW, ETC. Two cubic feet of good dry corn in the ear will make- one bushel of shelled corn ; therefore to calculate the quantity of shelled corn in a crib of corn in the ear, ascertain the length, the breadth, and the height of the crib, i in feet, measuring inside of the rail j mul- tiply the length by the breadth, and the product by the height; this gives the cubic contents of the crib in feet ; divide by two, and the result will be the number of bushels of shelled corn in the crib. When the sides are flaring, multiply half the sum of the top and bottom width, the perpendicular height^ and the length, in inches, together, and divide the product as in the previous rule. To find the number of bu&hels of apples, potatoes, etc., :n a bin, ascertain the cubic contents are above^ by multiplying together the length, the breadth and the depth of the bin ; divide the product by 8, and point off one in the result for decimals. To ascertain the weight of hay in a mow, find the- cubic contents in feet and divide by 612. The result will give the quantity very approximately, in tons. CAPACITY OF BOXES. A box 24 inches long by 16 inches wide and 28 inches deep will contain five bushels. A bov 24 inches long by 16 inches wide and 14 inches deep will contain two and one-half. bushels. A box 14 inches wide, 23 1-25 inches long and 10 inches deep, will contain one and one half bushefs. A box 16 inches square and 8 2-5 inches deep will contain one bushel. A box 10 inches long by 8 2-5 inches wide and 8 iuobas deep will contain one-half bushel. A box 8 inohea square and 8 2-5 inohea deep will dontftix Gue peek» FARMS FOR SALE IN THE BREAD BASKET OF THE WORLD, FARMING LAND, /. ".- .-. GRAZING LAND, /. itv: TIMBER LAND. . pi(?x)-- A tiAU opponrvmn TO OWN - A FARM and A HOME IN THE GREAT FLOUR STATE OF MI]S^]SrESOTX, EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT AT LOW PRICES. *.•?■■ During 1891 lands costing from $10 to $15 an acre produced wheat worth $20 to $30 to the acre. Renters were able in many cases to pay for farm and all expenses from the proceeds of one crop. Farm hands become landlords in a single season. Splendid opening for men with little means. Loose no time, if you want to possess an inheritance. Write' the International Land Company Minneapolis, or our Canadian office, at 93 Temple Building, Montreal, (ot full information^ 1 V TH Brass Brick Copp Clay Coal Char( ' » "^ Char I 9y 1 1 [\ U. 85 '/\ri\!i -vV-v i'ifrW • ^^ - ^^:ll?': .'■ -.u- ■ n f THK WEIGHT, AVOIRDUPOIS OF A CUBIC FOOT OF DIFFERENT SUBSTANCES. ••••••••a >•«•• ••••••••• •• •••t ••#• • ••• 'if i if One cubic foot of— Brass ^^i'^.. weighs Brick " Copper Clay. Coal (anthracite) Charcoal (hardwood) Charcoal (pine) Coal (Bituminous) .. Cork Glass Gold Granite ,,M Iron (cast) ^''* Iron (wrought) ** Marble .*t...... '.„...'.;" ** Mercury... Platinum. Sand ..;. ..i.!. *^ Silver " Soil (common) '* Steel " Tallow " Tin.. Water (pure) Water (sea)... Wood (oak). Wood (white pine) " Wood (yel'ow pine) ** Zino " •*•% ^ *>"*»>%• iat«* •••••••• •••••• riM 504i lbs. 125 665 135 64 18 50 15 180 1,203 166 450^ 4865 7085 171 848 1,218 • 95 654 124 490 59 456 62^ 64ii 55 30 42 439 (i (( (( (( (( (( (( <t <( t( it (( u (( <( u (( it (( (( (( (( (( ({ (( (( a (I MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES. 1 barrel of flour weighs I barrel of beef, pork or fish " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 barrel of salt '* bushel of salt " bushel of barley '* bushel of oorq or rye " bushel of bluegrass seed f *' bushel of hemp seed bushel of wheat, beans, clove?: seed, peas or potatoes bushel of timothy seed • . .•• bushel of oats bnshel of a^ple or poaches, dried..*., bushel oi onions.. •••• ••»•*«••»«••»*« (I it U <( u u t( (( tt 196 lbs. 200 " 280 50 48 56 14 '• 44 " 60 " 40 '* 3S « 96 »' 67 V M 86 v.i 'fr. PLENTY OF, EVERYTHING . BUT PEOPLE » ^$:.^,:v•>Mr^■:■■*«^,•*^i5; .,.>/rJ^-^'''M.rS THE GREAT ^,:-f;.w .r-.Oi;^:. 'r ■ V ; c»:S^A;?4gK^*;'j-!! :\J'.r i Agricuitural State OF MINNESOTA, which is only 4S hoars by the C. P. B. from Montreal. W'k M'iifi 'fi^Dv* vi. £; j.!Tr u'ftivrtn -■<f.. No new region can show a larger number of examples of success from small begin- nings than Minnesota. It has a healthful climate. There is no malaria and attending diseases. The air is good for lung troubles. Finest country in the world for horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. Best of grasses and plenty of water. It is particularly adapted to mixed farm- ing, dairaing, and poultry-raising. It is a natural stock-raising country ; all animals enjoy singular immunity from dis- ease J it is one of the best beef and mut- ton raising and wool-producing sections of America. Women, you like to own a Farm and a Home in the Premier State ; if so, write for all information to the International Land Company, Minneapolis, or to our Canadian office, at 93 Temple Building, Montreal. 1.-1. .ivV'. ■'\ " 4 ^' I' -,,r<.J' ;all dis- lUt- tions id a for ind lian ;''.' ':'. H' 87 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Inehes. 36=. 72= 198= 7920= 63360= 190080=» 15840 liONO BCEASUKB. 1 foot. 3=1 yard, ft — 2 16.6 = 5.5 =» 2.75 660= 220= 110 = 40 5280= 1760= 880 = 320 = 5280= 900 = 24 GUNTER'S CBAIN. fathom. = 1 perch. = 1 furlong. =8 39 1 mile. =3 =1 league Inches. 7.92 792 = 360 1 link. 100 = 1 chain. 8000 = 80 = 1 mile. NAUTICAL MEASURE. Nant Mile. 1=6086 feet. 3= X league. 60= 20 = 1 deg. 69.16 Eng. miles. SQUARE MEASURE. Inches. 144=, 1 foot. ,., 1296= 9 = 1 yard. 39204= 272.25= 30.25= 1 perch. 1568160=10890 =1210 =40 = 1 rood. 6272640=43560 =4840 =160 = 4 = 1 acre. An acre is 69 670 yards square j or 208.710321 feet square. A township is 6 miles squares 36 sections. A section is 1 mile square= 640 acres. ^ section is i mile square ±s 160 acres. 1-16 section is \ mile square^ 40 acres. SOLID SfEASURE. Cubic Inches. 1728= 46656= 1 onbio foot. 27 = 1 cubic yard. i :i DRY MEASURE. -^ Pints = 33.6 cubic inches. 2=1 quart « 67.2 cubic inches. 8 ^ 4 a 1 gallon ^ 368.8 onbio inoh«h. 16 Z 8 <» 2 a 1 peck = 537 6 oubio inohei, <M a. 32 «■ ft w 4 » 1 bushel. e> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) <' =,<^^, v.. 1.0 I.I 1.25 ItflM 12.5 Hf U£ 12.0 1^ "' 1.6 1.4 6" Photographic Sdences Corporation as WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTIR.N.Y. 14580 (716)873-4503 •S3 •s « •r Ml 8 I b ► o ((4 d o < BEST MSTANCES FOR PLifliTINfi. Prom Stone & Wellington Oatalogue, { See opposite page.) Standard Apples 30 feet apart each way Standard Pears and strong growing Cherries..,.. 20 *' " " Duke and Morello Cherries... 18 " « " Standard Plums, Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines 16 to ^S *' " Dwarf Pears 10 to 12 « " .Dwarf Apples 10 to 12 « « Quinces 10 to 12 « « Grapes, rows 10 to 1 4 ft, apart; 7 to 16 feet in rpwp. Currant and Gooseberries .... 4 feet apart. Raspberries and Blackberries 4 by 5 feet. Strawberries, for field culture 1 by 3jf feet Strawbe rries, for hill culture 2 feet apart eachway NUMBER OF TBBES OX AN ACRB, 30 feet apart each way a 50 25 " " TO 20 " " .. 110 18 " " ~... 135 16 '• " 205 12 " " 300 10 " " 435 8 ^ " " 680 6* " « 1210 6 " " 1745 4 " " 2725 3 « " 4840 RirLi.-~Multiply the distance in feet between the rows by the distance the plants are apart in the rows, and the product will be the number ^vquare feet for each plant or bill; which, dirided into the anmberi of (^ hi«i mere (43,560)j will glVe the numlj^ar Pf plants or ti«e8 to the acre. 90 llHESOTt FI'BIS FOI SUE. FARMINC LAMP, CRAZIWC LAND, TIMBER LAND. aST No state presents s greater combination of opportunities for the intelligent and industrious homeseeker than Minnesota. It has a climate unsurpassed for health- fulness and exhilaration. It has one of the finest school systems and the largest school fund in America. It has a deep, fertile and productive soil ; It produces No. 1 hard wheat—the best in the world— and all the staple small grains ; it is the native heath of the most nutrit^'ous grasses ; ve- getables grow freely and of superior quality. Produces all the staple small grains of the North Temperate Zone and the finest vegetables under the sun. Farms sold on easy terms of payment by tlie iDternalional Land Company of Minnesota. Write for all information to Guaranty Loan Building Hiiitteapolis, or to pur Canadian Office, 9$\]^mple Buildings Montreal. ' ' ^ f ^ .#» '^ <i fp e i s t 2 tlE. AND. bi nation iustrious r health- systems ive soil ; t in the it is the ftses; ve- ty. ■ • ^tns of egetables t by the Write Juilding, Temple f\ .^ ^?f -^^ ,H rH F-t 1-4 iH tH IM Bin 20 Feet Long. t-l fH i-t r-t »H rH Bin 16 Feet Long. «© •^ W r-l O 0» -^ «0 "^ eo jH i-H rH r-4 rH Bin 15 Feet Long. ?H 1-4 iH i-H tH) QOoeo»oooe>eo»oooo t-< rH rH >-l Hi o>«oe<^o»"!SIHQ0T}^1-^^- g^: d 49 M d 4a bfi •So $ s iHi-HMMcuseoeO'^i-iTH •rt«M oao«o cq eo '* •^ >« IC4.0 00 «o !*• OC 00 OS d 4a» r-ioo«oeoot^»oo^o»«o --S" 0»iftM00>Oi-t*?P'^Ot- 5 Ifl <»»ft(Noo^ot-eoo»i« (Oe>4QOCOO»>QO«OrHt« rHM*qM€<9Tl4>««0<0«0 A ■a sp "" ^ 1 * o5 CO M op CO '«*«o»«<*4we»5coeOQO us MJ 1^1 M ; : ^ ii(i (ie !<• do a> e 1-4 e<i -.».i^' . 91 I r esi S M M M © I % 99 H g § d-s o S >" a « a •^ ail Ad "^ M^ ^ ^ s« ^ B O til ^ ^ 94 C<t ^ • to S 4> 92 THE LAND OF PLENTY. That is, Plenty of ETerytblng; bat People. If the people of the East realized the &ct that Min. nesota is truly a "Land flowing with Milk and Honey," they would not be slow to go out and possess it. If you witA to know all about the Flour State, write for full particulars to the Inter- national Land Company, Minneapolis, Minn. SIGNS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION TO BB HAD ON SHORT NOTIOB • • • ▲T THB lOlTBHlJlHfOaKS. NORMAN w. McLaren, BelllTel. HUST, lMINNE80TA==TKe Poor Man's Paradise. It never had a Crop Failure. It raised last year 60 million bushels of wheat and 52 millioh "busheli of oats, and all other things in proportion. Laiatds rm now. offered 6tt terms wbich will tiiriiig riches in A short time. Write the Inter- national Land Company, Mirmeapnlis, for 1^ infor- omtioft. 'f '^ i <^.M 10 \ ^^>hf^' X. p. O. Box 129«. / V, ( ' , TY. People. :t that Min- Milk and 1:0 out and about the > the Inter- inn. 4/ t/, riON i ivheat and things in ms which he Inter- ' ftll infoz^ 9s SHIPPING ADMEASUBBMBNT. ^ REGISTER TON. For Regitiet Tonnage or for measurement of the entire internal capacity of a vessel 100 cubie feet=l Register ton.' This number is arbitrarily assumed to facilitate oomputaiton. SHIPPING TON. For the measurement of cargo. ing ton. 40 cubic feet = -(31 16 Imnerial bushels. 42 cubic feet flU. S. shippi = -^ 31 16 Imperi (.32.143 U.S. = 1 32. I 33. British shipping ton. 719 Imperial bushels. 76 U. S. i( INTEBBST TABLES. 1 Per Cent. Amount. 1.00 10.00 100.00 1,000.00 One Day. .0000277 .000277 .00277 .0277 One Week One Month.! ^^^^ .0001939 .001939 .01939 .1939 .000833 .00833 .0833 .833 .01 .10 ^ 1.00 10.00 5 Per Cent. $ 1.00 .0001386 .00097 .00416 .06 10.00 .001386 .0097 .0416 .50 100.00 .01386 .097 .416 $ 6.00 1,000.00 .1386 .97 4.16 60.00 6 Per Cent. t^ 1.00 .0001662 .001163 .006 .06 10.00 .001862 .01163 .06 .66 100.00 .01662 .1163 .60 $ 6.00 1,000.00 .1662 1.163 6.00 60.00 TIME AT WHICH MONEY D'^UBLES AT COMPOUND INTEBI.3T. A(t 2 per cent, interest, in 36 years ; at 3 per cent.* in 23 years 6^ months; at 4 per wnt., in it years 8 months ; At 6 per cent., in 16 years 2^ months ; at 6 per cent., in 14 years ll months; &i 7 per oeht^, in 10 yeavs 3 months j at 8 per*oent., in 9 years ;, at 9 per owt., in Syears and^ month ; at 10 per (jent., in 7 yeisw Bf months. H A'«i, V"«^i HOTELS IN M A MEBIOAN HOUSE, cor. St. Henrv and Notre Damo •^*- StreetB, T. O'Neil, proprietor. $1.00 per day. See page 70. . AVENUE HOUSE, 17 and 19 McQlU Oolleffe Arenne, E. S. Beynolds, proprietor,! 1.60 to 92 per day. See p. 16. TSALMOR/X. Notre Dame Stroet, under new manage •'-' ment, ^2.00 to 93.00, U . W. Randolph, Manager. Se€ page 10. ee BELMONT HOUSEi-Private Hotel— 81 Belmont S\ree:j. Rem nflxrA79. See page 72. li^y CITY HOTEL, 1912 Notre Dame Street, J. W. Lewis proprietor. » Exchange, ISO Mlll St.. Point St. Charles. -OOSTEB HOUSE, cor. McGill and St. PaulStreets. 91.60 ■*■ per day. See page 72. T ALONDE HOUSE, 67 to 63 Chaboillez Sq., A. Lalonde, •^ 91>00 to 91.60 per day. See page 72. lies Cartler Square. Montreal. Joseph piENDEAU H(/rEI, m to 60 Jacques Cartler Square. A*' The cheapest iirst class hotel In Mo Biendeau, proprietor. See p. 13 T>ICH:ELIEU, 41 St. Vincent Street, L B. Durooher, •"• proprletorr QT. LAWRENCE HALL, St. James Street, Henry •^ Hogan, proprietor. - QT. JAMES, St. James Street, next to G. T. B. Depot, »^ C. & N. Vall6e, proprietors, 92.00 per day and upwards. See p. 18. QTANLEY, 181 Windsor Street, J. A. BeUveau, pro- ^ prietor, 92 and upwards. See page 61 VANCOUTEB HOTEL, Windsor Street, opposite * 0.P3. Di^E>ot. See pagd 59. WINDSOR, Dominion Squab, George W. Swetl^ Man- ager. ^:'":- st .Af'ji B C l^'r. C C ■ ;■ C C #■•,.„ C c ^ r ■■■■ 1 1 i. ■ ] M :-;.■ I •f st >v y WHERE Tfl BUY. Read the advertisements of these houses — ^Ihey art fepresentatJve. Please mention the Pocket Guide when purchasing, as some give a discount for so doing. They will supply the Pocket Guide every month. ACCOUNTANTS, ETC.— "Walter H. Worren. See page DO. ADVOOATES— litgbtball&Maodonald. See page 00. ADVERTISING— A. Scarlett & Co. See map in front. ACCOUNT BOOKS— Morton, Phillips & Co. See p ge 30* Johu liOToll & Son. See pSL%e 22. ABT GAIiliEBT— See page 60. A ITCTIONEEBS— Ashman. See page 07. AWNINGS— Thos. Sonne. See page 54. BASKET MAKEK— P. Pilosse. See page 72. BEDDING— J. E. Townshend. See page 30. F. liapolnte. See page 3. BEXiTINC^Rohin & Sadler. See page 18. BOOTS & SHOES— The Golden Star. See page 28. Konayne's. See page 08. Fogarty Bros. S>^e Back Coyer. BUS TO MOUNTAIN PABK-Seo page 44. BATB8— Tardlllb. See page dO BREWERS' SUPPIilES— D. T. Taylor. See page 88. BUIIiDEBS' SUPPLIES— D. Dvy^dale. See page 38. CABINET M4KEB— C. M. Cerinl. See page 54. CATlRIEBe^, etc.— The Shodden Co. See page 06. CONFECTIONERS— Everton ToflTy Co. See page 56 Alexander's. See page 70. CUTURIlif— Fox Cutlery Co. See page 88. CLOCKS— A. Eaves. Seepages. CHIROPODIST— M. E. ICatelle. Sed page 40. CARRIAGES & BUGGIES— Latimer's. See pp. 14 & 46. CO AL— P MoCrory. See page 48. Meldmm Bros. See page 72. DENTISTRY— Dental Parlours. See page 20. DEPOSIT CO.— Royal Ins. Co. Building. Front cover. DETECTIVE AGENCY— National. See page 34. DINING ROOMS— St . Elmo. See page 46. Brokers. See page 28. Terrapin. Seepage 10. Welsh & Rough. See page 00. City C»f« Co. See page M. Alexander's. See page 70. DISINFECTANTS-H. R. XUdout. See page 28. DBB»»MAKINe-^Bll«n Dmlc6. See page 68. 9BUG8, Etc.— B. W. Webb. See page 49 John T. I<rons. See page 47. 96 WHERE TO BUT. Mention this Book and get a Discount. HOTEL LIST AT PAGE QIT DRUGS, Bto.— P. MoCormaok. See page 62. Ken. Campbell Front taid Back coyer. J« B. Treunble. See page 42. !B]:;B0£KIC SVPPLIICS—C. A. Martin. See page 28. EIiFCTBOTYPES— Jos. B. LoveU. See page 88. BNGRAVINGON 'WOOD— J. li. Wiseman. Seepage 18. J. H. Walker. See page 24. SUBOPEAN TICKETS— Beaver ILine. See page 12. Dominion Une. See page d. Hamburg Co'y. See page 32. EXPBESa-City Express. See page 60. FISH AND GAME— Niobolson & Co. See page 32. J. D. O'Connor. See page 70. FUNEBAIi SUPPIilES-Armstrong. See page 24. Jos. C. Wray. See page 36. B. Seale & Son. See page 46. FUBNITUBE—K.tapointo. Seepages. -^ Rae & Dob nelly. Back cover. f s GI.OTES— E. B. Cooice & Co. See page 98. 6BAIN & COMMISii^ION— Tborning & Co. See page 50. HABDWABE— li. J. A. Snrveyer. See page 44. D. B. Whitehead. See page 64, BATS, Etc.— Hasley Bros. See page 40. T. Brioanlt. See page 48. HOUSE PAINTEB—B, H. Bartholomew. See p. 68. . INBUBANCE COmPANIES— Union. See Map in front, . Alliance. See page 62. INSUBANCE— Taylor & Son. See page 38. INDIAN FANCY GOODS— A. Payette. See page 59. JBWEIJLEBY— A. Dftongean. See page 49. A. Eaves. See page 8. Jos. li. Gnrd. See pi^e 46. liAUNDBT— American. See page 16. Troy, See page 68. liADlES' UNDEBWE AB— Aitken ft Co. Back cover M ABBIAGE I«ICENSES« Eto~J.M JH. Duff. See page 10. IIATTBB^ES, Etc— Th« Thompson Co. See page 68. MINEBAL WATEBS— St. Iieon. Backcovdr. MUXINEBY— Ellen Drake. See page 68. MUSIC All INSTBUMBNTS—Sheppard. Seepages. NjSWS PEAI.ER— C, J| Iflemey. See page 50 NUBSEBITMBN— a; Mfurtin, See page 64. OUTFITTBBS^Hailer "BtoB. SeejNige 40. Biohaicds ii Sim. See page 28* ^■. 1 . /•■ % ) i t: t: T. t: T U ■v^T'W' J 94. k cover, page 28. See panels, tee page 24. Age 12. ee page 8. e page 32. ge32. tge 70. ;e 24. age 36. page 46. lee page 50. A ■ I, p. 68. in front. ce59. % If r- Bover I page 10. stgeSS. kge5. mrH&RE TO BUY. " (Continued.) Mention this Book and, get a Discount. OUTFITTERS— Frank Kaftor. See page 36. T. Brleanlt. See page 48. Clias. I. Murphy. See page 32. E. Iiemieuz. See page 72. PAINTS AND OII.~D. cl. Whitehead. See page 61. PHOTOOBAPHS— Notman. See 3rd page cover. PIC riTRE FB AMES— Johnson A Copping. See page 98. ' PIANOS ft OBGANS— Edmand Hardy. See page 47. Foley Bros. See page 34. PLUMBER, ETC. —Alex. Mackay, ee page 40. POULTBY FOOD— W. H. UUey. Se r> 74. PBESESTATION ADDRESSEIS— E. See p. 66 PBINTING— Morton, Phillips & Co. . <;e 30. John liovell & Son. See pa, 2. QUININE WINE— Kenneth Campbell. Back cover. BESTAUBANTS- Terrapin. See page 10. Night and Morning. See page 72. BOOFEB— Geo. W. Beid. See page 28. SAFES —S» S. Kimball. See page 14. SANITABY AFPIilANCEft— Jordan & Looker. Page 34. SADDIiEBT— Bobt. Irwin. See page 28. SCHOOLS OF LANGUAGES— See page 54. SEEDS FOB THE FABMS— W. Evans. See page 6. William Ewlng St Co. See page 62. SIGNS— N. McLaren. See^ page 92. STANLEY HOTEL— See page M. STATIONEBY— Morton, Phillips & Co. See page 30, C. J. Tlemey. See page 60i H.&M. White. See page 28* STAINED GLASS WORKS— Spence & Son. See page 46. STUMP & STONE EXTBACTOR8-9.S. Kimball. Page 14. TAILOBS— T. B. Barbeau. See page 18. Girourd's. See page 24. Cardinal & Co. See page 47. Richards & Son. See page 28. Clarke & McCnbbln. See page 50. TEAS— LeMesarler's Daijollng. See page 64. TILES— Jordon & Looker. See page 34. TKUNBlS, etc.— MoLeod & Shotton. See page 44. . TBUSSES, EtiJ.-P. MoCormaok. See page 62. \. P. Gross. See page 32. TYPEWBITEBS— Morton, Pbllllps ft Co. See page 30, UMBBELLAS, &0.— F. W. Groas« Seep%e44. * WAGGON MAKEB, Etc.— A. Jennings. $ee page 72. WATCHMAKERS— A. MongiMItt, See page 49 ^ . A-.. JECaves. - S«B page-SL - WIGS-J. BlsadltOtt. See p«m 4|. WIRE GOOi^i^Nationaf Works. See page 40. • t^;:--'' "W^^f^^«lpp"p»«pi B8 V. PARIS • • • • 1( 10 GLOVE STORE, 262 St. James Street, MONTREAL. ! ■ ' \ jfjf»» ik * ■>»» ¥r * It w * * i^ -it * ii^ A> Ladles', Misses', Men's, Boys' Obei f'i '': Frtted to tlie haiii, aiid warratited. £ Note. — ^We are the largest Importers of Gloves in Canada . E. B. COOKE 5 CO. .V •71 JOHN 'wm^m- NPIne UndermMMMMry for Ladies, Gentlemen ezeeptlon, the fini e have, without the Dominion. THE DepartmlMrHil VmUb and Child- ren 1>M also a f^'IRff Afi¥y selected stock. Infants RMIMyA Specialty. ^ * i^ loys' itited, j» «^ ^f Iters of • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WE INVITE INSPECTION. MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN ATTKEN & CO., 1757 Notre Dame St., MONTREAIi. a..- y s mi ESTABLISHED 1847. W. NOTMAN & SON. FINE PnOTOGRAPnS IN ALL STYLES. SPECIAL BEDUCnOH DXTRINa EXHIBITION WEEK STUDIO: Bleury Street, - MONTREAL. .^- McnoN <ALE8 -\75xp^°*$rEr?;^y s M O o 3i o o o I 00 KENNLTH CAMPBELL 6c CO., Ql 3 BELtS o TH eC)R|G-1Na4V d- GinTes ' S JO THE FEEBLE^ IMPARTS J •Vl&OUROUS'" ; APPETITE ■ O G E N U_l N E ' ' CUPES •'' DYSPEPS'IA*,. j PA. I N FUL Or&ESTIpN, AG-UE ANQ MALARIA. 603 CKAIG 8TR6E1, MIONTmHaL. S" o 1 » o o.. 0-1 jjj., r CO (MqAi** M««i3«(S«0s« y<9«oie/sa<g«»s«is«@«9 syssya&asasiss^ssswcawtsttgsaassiatiagg ■'9&»si»SP -9& srr, iLijBOvr inrjLTx: For ^yapepBia or ^eak 'digestion, drmk ST.LEOlHlBUJVlTEe Xt le- af ter each meal. For constipatior takeitoeforo breakfast. 54 VICTORiA SQUARE, MONTREAL. ■? s >«»9»iS'" tt8«s«flWWWfei8«gwsaa«<i!»i^^ <; "I £'1 P ft o ^ SCHOOL^OOTS! vThe Best and Cheapest in the City. / EVERY PAiR WARRANTED. FOCARTY $i BRO. Cor, St Lawrence and St. Catherine Streets. X > r O Si m r r •< «-j9^^PIAN08 AT RAE it DONNCLLY'S^n^