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CAMPBELL, Commisaioiier of Crown LaiicLs, IN THE tKOLSIATlVE COUNCIL, ON THE Dth and Khn MARCH, 1865. J^ ei>oii<,l io,. the ^•X>siilj> iXewis." QUEBEC: ITJNTKD AT THE "DAILY NEWS" OFFICE, ST. ANTOINE ST., L. T. LEGIS I .V Hon. Mr. reading of th the protect liill, said t been defern opportunities Hubject to 1 might deem laoro perfect second rcadi pcctation thn but 1 think, il and printt'd, raeiius durir aelves with i 6iO!» hon. inv with il to gr ttitit niiiditic >iie tiill .-'met nuprobfihli> i purfKise het( possible to Fisheries to sary thac the tention tlic 1 able interes ion of the docs not yet which it dcs this source i the House is years, and turns CThibil Can Am AX Fi caught in 185:1 *l,4 that Cana 000 wortli and 1 «(V2 Lovrer Ca tire) V $73 i> i: i^ A r ii: ON TITi: FISHERIES BILL. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TiiinsDAY, 9th March, 18C5, Hon, Mr. CAMPHELL moved the second readingofthe Kill to make belter provision fur the protection of tlif Fisheries. This Bill, Said tho honorablt' Coiniiiinsioiicr, hits beon deferred from limo to tnue to airorJ opportunities to persons interested in tho subject to make such Fii}r^"me prepared to deal with ii to greater advantage Several impor- tant miidilications Imv indeed been nuule in the bill .^iiice ii was iiitii.idiiCid, and it is ri JFl, 406,288. The report of ISafi shows that Canada West caught the value of5'38o,- 000 worth ; and the nfficial reports for 18^1 Rnd 1 K(i2 show the value of the lisli caught in Lovrer Canada, in tliese years, to be re.-pec- tivply $730,010 find f703,H05, The census reports of Canada for J 801 phow the quantities caught to he :— In Canada East. In Cantda West. 2^0,453 quintals. 2,517 quintals. i:iO,5r)8 barn Is. 10,01:5 barrels. 41;{,4H2 pounds. 175,744 jionnds. The following statistics are for Loner Cana- da fot 18tiJ :— YuuibiT of fishing b-..U.s 2,535 V.ilii'- 1575,95:) •Number of lisbeiiii;ii 5,044 Quantity of cod taki-n Ji;y,4G;> " Haddock taktu 1,0H« " Hrill taken .: 50l> Hirr-'ls herrings 0,721 " .Mackerel 1, "•>"'! " Salmon 2,3:'.Ii Gallons cod oil 07,832 The neit table tjjiows the iiumbrr of .sea going vessels, ite., with their products obtaineil for Canada Ka-.t : — NimhiT of v.'<-.il~ 1 70 TouDage 11,07« .Vtitubcr of seamen 1,1 G5 (Vuiutals of codfish 14,IC8 Crallons of oil (;;{,75;{ Heals 23,38'.« The Magdalen Islands (which belong to V,n- nada) in 18tjl owned 38 schooners, and 23.! tishiiig b')ats. The pi'odiic*s of their tisheries were loj.OOO bur-'ls (f picl:K-d fish. ItJ.OOo (liiinliils of dri'-il lisli, .md :;'\'>')\j gallons of oil . Their iioinilation in the latter year was only 2<«."i I souls. These sialLineuis are taken from the IJlue Books. 1 have just said that this important suli- ject had not secured all the attention to which it was entitled, and this i^ no doubt duo to th"i other iMultifarioua duties which the Commis- sioner of Crown Lands is required to attend to Yet I am happy to say that tho pubjcct is now ill eliarge ol a ;,reiitU'iu:in iiruhi.'ing ihe Kishep- ies l,.aucii ofthi' l^pariuuiii, wli'is" speeial ef- f-'its nre directed lo the be^t modc^ of tkalinz villi il, ami 1 t'lfl iimch plfii-iiir,' In liMi-iii'^ ic-- rmiitiy to Ilio {,'rc.it zeal, iiitelii^fiMKr iiiui ifii- (■■k'Ucv uf timt iitlicT. iH well iv.-t li> lii-! lliiiroii;rli ii'-iju.iintiiiicf Willi till- (biliis (if llic iiflicc iimlvi' liis inaii:iprpin''iit. In oriltT ti>(Mi!ililc tin' il.iii -■ !■) j'i'l;?? fairly ill the (m-c, it sii'iii-s mri'.ssaiy !lial il siioul 1 111* iiunlc aware of lli'.' ri.i,'lilH of varlir-s wiio^c li-licrii ■! iiie likely t<> lio afl'.clfil l.y (lif Mil. .SoMio iiii-cuiii;i.'itiic)ii> iaI-i i;i if- j itioii to tlicHi- '.•ijrht.s, it'll it was iii dm wi.-r ilic riliiiiliDn ol tiic (iovpriiiiu'iil Id iuii-rliTC wiili liRin T!ii.-« i-" ptatid al liu* oiiisci Iicciiii.u; iny i ..II. iVifii'i np]i(>,-iic (lliiH. Mr. iK'iVrtiijt'ii) hail I MiiirK-it'.'il :«'i'iii' ii[i]ir.'!M'ii.5i 'iiJ tlrr ilic li'll i.iiglit lu sonn' way iiivi'li; llio rijrliU of llr- ^ 'ifjni M'.^ ami Ci'iisitairc-, ami in or.lcr to fiivr- 1 laliy riuief sucli ffdrs it iri proi^Hed to imUc a t irttior ."•li'^ht ilieration which will fiitircly rc- I'l )Vo any sui'li ilaiijjjcr. Tiiis alU'iMtion is notcil i 1 the i'.ril (jlaii-c, ami pr >vid',M lliil niily when.' no exclusive ri;,'liii ul' li-hini; exist by law in favor of private jiersons, .shall the C(jniinissioncr iif ('town Laiidd issnc I'.-ase.-:. Hop.. Mr. LKTKl.LlKKDi: iST. Jl .ST.— Tiii.-^ ilocs not now appear in the hill. Hon. .Mr. CAMrilELL— No, i have ja.st .«ai.l thai I ]iroposo niaUitij; the fillerition in Coni- inittee as rtlir'ady noted ill the hill. I helieve conveyed, lail al.s > iLi' [.rivil ■■.'(■ o' Ii..lri)^ i any w.iy tliat .seeine 1 lie-' l> ii- ^•.aiiteis I am .^triMiifly pie->-ed l>y imcM''; wmo laUi* . a(!tivi' ami prai.-ew irtliy ii:i( ii -i in.ili" ii-!ierii lint mire in I'n' clriiMCt r i f iin ,!■ u ■. iln a- trad'TJ <<\ paiii'- \\ 1;m pnr-iae li'i.-nvj t'-r livelili'iiiil. In inli'it'er" in ■" eh a W ly as In ah li-h in l.iiwer ("aii.nla tin- ;>rariic' I'f c-'.M-l'.ir fi. 1. I y iii"an-^'.l' lini-n weii- inn «nt .-uni • di t.iiKi'i'ii iliv ti aeli ii'WartN d»'c|i Wivlor. Tlu- jieiiilMiiii'ii m.iiat.iin that ihi.s in ■•' • 'A tt.hiii<; desli'ii'ti\e of ihe lidie.i's, and llni, in tooVi il inli'i'teres willi the li'ih'- of pi r-u i' liij»'ei- > li»e iir-am-, hi. the cs coH n i ";e«i iii m i' pati III- lUai ly proN >• tlni ilrai' v ■; . •• r.-ir' tioii .1.- to ihi' .i;ip!i inec- ui Ic u-,i 'I ly tin- jie S'.n . owniii;; ih'.-e lidiii!;r rijjcht.s. (,'nii<- a nuii liiT of ofli'-r ri'tiiciif'S lo til'' same eirel f:'oi like d'ic;iments iiii^hl be jeMuce I. hut the. will pfobalil. siilic' to sh rv the int-nii iti-' - the l-'ri'iieli ('.own t<> have bein a f.ill ami \»'. fed (• >nveyani( ot' a proprietary lijj'il in tlir- fi.slieries to he used as the owner- th(ei..;lit fit. i in e,'-eordaiie.' with th- jaaetii-e of the I'm- The iM'i'ci.se praetier w .;'ld tie fact Hon. Mr. i:!'!,!.- Wa.' ther .show that tl e ti-hiii:: mi..::!' b" means of li'U'nvs in lie' siicini' not the wonl " 'aekl.^ A <|iie.-ii'in .an;. t-iii)!r M (>!• liociiti-d t.< .Vi.d do. I iiiiii!\' a u< .ica'.Ie jrear R that there is ionie niisai>preIiersion abroad as to the po.sition of the Seif,niior.s in rej.^ird of j bee lUid Cacouna and in ri.jhinp riffhts, which it would he well to dissl- p.'ite. rptai referring to the jiatents or £(rants issued to the Seigniors, or to the parties from whom the Si'ifriHiiries has l.een purehased, il is found that there have been a conveyance of lishing rights which ought not to he disregard Hon. Mr. CVMl'IlK!,! I'.etw.cn ^n oil)" (ither jdaci it seen)s that li-liiio.r w- 1- t!< u rarri'.d t by incii.^ of bnish weir-:. ;i had b"i seen from the words of a ;iati'n'. he ha 1 nuote. t'.iat il might be done ly jiiiaiis ol any kind . tackle or apjiliance.* wiiat.-oever, and though tljj word rendered "tackle' in llnrdish. mijjhf be pi ei; and to enable the H.msc to judge oftheun- 1 Famed t:) mean some oihcrm.de, yd it di*! i (jiics'ionable cliaracter of Ihe-e riglit-, 1 will appear what tiait mode was, altho igh it is si.' (piote from a W'w of the pat'-nts or grant.). ' licieiitly evideirt that the brush wier- were tl;i- ' Among numerous «ther deeds, more or less simi" j in common use. .Moreover the lai.giage oftl*! lar, may be instanced those of the seigniories of original grants is as foljow.s: "./irr li'n't L^let du Torl'igi', Verbois, River dn l,ou:>, Isle Verte, (Jrand I'lihos, tSoulange, St. Hnlpiee, I'.oucherville, I.sles I'.ouchard, Kainr.uraska, Sil- lery, (laiidaiville, rc/i<', a lout s si,r'".i i,f/i/i^:' «* "'-•>" ^"' '''^• ,. )iBiui?ing tliet Jlon. Mr. DKHKAlMKr— The manner ol f^^'i^-r^Ui:Avhi:i\ ing was determined by law just as the maniu i . . of mining, and could ijc easilv ascertained. >'''» right is i :«rve •' to leav Hon. .Mr. ("AMlM!i:i,I; — The (jneslion of po- J, •> ,j,j^ ,,.^^,,. five owiiershi|i in these fisheiies had been rai<. ^^ y.,)^. {,, ^^^^^ upied by tilt Seigniory ; L> Seignior d he coiieo It to enjoy •, and ill 1 ii.tU not iiav( abolition of rian owners air ''icrefo no rigiu ol no oppo.-ili iroprietry I |irivil •.:(• II ■ li.li ir^ 111' .1 t I lii • ji •jiiitei s, i\- I'.ir'i''- WMii litl^r' Hill M -I iii.tli'- li-lifrit i';i r ( r iiM) il"ir-i ili i II ■*' ('ll !l >V ly !!• ill llh II' ;i|-!ii'ii»'i' I'}' iMirhir' vt'ii- I nil ii'it •■•111' lii ivtU ili'i'i' '.VuU'r. Till- t ilii.-< 111 i' • •■! riir.ii-^ "s, iiii'l ll ii', 111 'ri-tvi' fill- iif'|ii r-(ii< liiitiH'f >,A i',i>i-\ n I lU-.l lii'tii 1 •il ili''ii' V •: - .11 n-ylr" • 111 li;- iiif't liv t!u' ]!(• '.; I'h/iil.-i. (^iiiu- a mill !■■ IIm- S'lin- l-ii'Tt f:M|- Li- ii'Miiin-!. l.;i! tin' >!| I'V tlic iMt'i'!l in tlio-* ,\ti(iiii>\ (ii'iicr.il WHS iiUvcrsj lo sucli ii ll w.ii a-" Tulliiu -• ; — l'oiiiinif»i»ii-r 'il Cidi'-ii LiiiiiIk' hltcr rci- /i:rliiii/ l/i'- ri'/'it <;/ liflfi-i/ ill tit: i\ii;lHi- • •n/ III' l.'i liouf'i/lrrir. till' •JCili UcUiIkt, lo'T'J, tin; Sill r ilo la Iciif \viiJ j^riMiti'il '/ ////" (A' fir/, two .1. |iri(i'?ii(' (.f till' vnv- il iimv-iiiin t| ^'il: IXti ? .slri'iiii 1 tlicv.' ;ui\tiii)!r 1 1)1' !>:• ijociite'l \> A\n\ ticji imply :» III 'VC:i''li' gear •!{i:i,L — I'.CtW.CM Hi ill sojii" (itliiT ] ■)! liny kiml I t-ic 10 vcr, kimI lliui'.ph \\'i ill Kii«• pi' liir m i,lf, yi'i it diil n. \Mi>, altiio i^jii it i-; si,i | c )>;mis1i wiiTS were thi' jl'i- 'li"^''l 'jf nitilicaiiou lia,- friveii to llie (vor tlie laiiiraace of tl*i["i»''= ^J* '^ Ijon'-oill'.'iiL- tlie ri;,d''' 'J' ti-iliintr, >llii\vs: "■7//'c"(//'//7 ..jf only ill liie uinrmuutatinii (ipf the seigniory, Kil'f)i'/iii^-.'' it'alsuuii tiie svliuk' I'Mi'iil of liic liisi }:;raiit. iBipri-iiii^ Uic I'iiiio tlii^ pan oC ilie liiver tit. ,1 — Tiici.iaiiiUTi.l ti-i^.j.^.,,^^. ^yl,^^^,.^ Hi^ boiimifil. law jii.st lis IMP maniit - easily nswrtainoil. Ill lU'liiciit' w:n j^niiiti'ii '/ {lies (>r iaiui ill ri'iiil liy one ami almlfin til, to In- laki'ii nil till' IJivcr Si. Lawrt'tifi', ril : nil" Ifasiii- aliovc ami (Uio k'ugia- iii.'- tiif l.'ivcr Oui'lK', iiiclii'liii^ tla* .-'aiiic Ml till' '.ioiii OcIoIht, IT.'iU, aiioUicr ^raiit ina'l(! to .Mck'. Di-ivaiiu'/.ay, widow id'Sieiir IlifliiTt, ut two K'a;,Miis in front liy two 111'.; ill dfpili ; lo III' laki'ii at tlic dc|.!i! of ica;;in' and a liiiHol iiiid foiiiu'i'ly coiitaiiK'd |i"' Soinnii'iy of l-a llonicilieiii', lol'onn to- \nv witli tin.' foniu'r coiici'a.sioii of liiT'J, oia- till, iiim: .sei;(nioiy . [Itis la.-l ;iraiit Hpiicars \n liavi- licfn ralififd |lii' 24ili Jiii'c< 17') I. and in tin; di'cd of rii- ilioii it i-i said ilial •' ili^^ Mnje-ty lui:^ rali- |d .111 I (•iinliinitd tlic -aid (?raiif, wishes, in lii»iMpn'niM', tli.it rill- Siiid Widow Djiioi-lii'- frl, liff heirs or ;. ;sii;n.-, enjoy in ]ie!-|iitiiity >aid land, lo Ije one niiii the .■5..ine seij^ni- Hj-, «/ /''//•-■ ./'■ jl -t' vitli tho old jj;ranl, willi L'h. middle and low ji;.stii-f, rii//il ntjif/ii/i'/, hilinp: and tr.id iiif willi the Imlia is, in llie liole extciil i;f ;iie said jji'iuit ; without liL'in;^ 1, fir all that, to pay to His .Miijeslj- or lec .isors. any money or indeinnity," of Ir-'. iviniilaiH-e, " with the Stipulation lo ii\e the lieach Utv for all lisherinen, with le exception of lliose necessary to the eaiil Lin- I>(. I!oi.-heljert for her tisliurv." Tliii rijjjlit is not restricted liy llie char •: or !a|rvc " to leave the beach free lo everv tiiher- I.— riie (pie.slion of \'t>- ^- ,!,i,^ reserve not apiilvin;,^ to the llsh.M'ies, hshene.s had l.een rni.^. ^v y.,,^. j„ ^^^^^^ |,.^,.,^ „,• ,'!,„ ^^^.^^.^^ .^ l,,.;,,^, iistration was in^l.ow.|.|j,j,i;,j by tbe fisheries of tiie proprietors of ' Seieiiiory ; up to the time of M.k iibolilioii 'i' Sei<{niorial Teuiiro, this riglit ot (ishery 1 lie coiieeded, and the cnintees li ive a I to enjoy it coiiformalily to the ^^rants e, and in the parts of the Se;;ulory where ,ill not have been granted, it belongs, since abolilioi! of the Segniorial Tenure, to the iaii owners. leiieral for (Canada Ka>, id delivered a.i opinii. (picstioii strose in con-'J Kill of the Slieritf th;., certain day to Si II a ci iere (hielle. taken iiiidt" condiicliiig liiefi.iliiiignj [ire-;.spr.;nt offishries Wii was anxious to ei^taH a;y dK^cd could lud sir wr.s then suggested tli esided in the (."rownar.J ■old. bill the opinion an- ''icrefore, ot opinion {U-^ tlie Crown no right of lishny in tlii-; Sc'gni.iry, and no oppo.-iuon can be iiiude to the sale of oroprietry kiiowii t;mJe;" liie iiaino cf Ureal I'orpoi.Ne F!iiiery of Ifiver O'lcUo I'oiiit, aiid of the liiliery rights att.iehed to it, .seized on Messrs. (.'a-rgraiii tiinl Tctu, at tlie suit of tile Trinity House of Qiielicc. vSij^tied;, A. A. Dt.iiloN, .Vtt.irney-llenerul, L.C. Tiia! opinion li:i8 Jnrllier coiilirined rue in the view taken of tile matter, and I wi.s glad to find myself so supported, not professing lo bo intlniaUly coiiversunl witli Lower Tanada law. 'I'lie Ti.liject also eaiii'- in a special manner Ij*- fore ihe .'^'eigniorial Tenure Coininis.-ioners, afid there my iioii friend (Hon. .Mr. De liea'ijeu) piesented a claim fi>r ,a leaniifn iitioii for i lie loss uf liis lidiiiig rights, when the (Joinmission- ers dcci'Jed In." had not lost llieni, but ihiil they conlin.ied to ve.~l i i liini as fully am', "•rfeetly lis ever, and that ..niLseriuenlly lie had no claim t'j coinpensaUon. Such bcini' the case with tli.il lion, ineiiiber's rights, it of course followed thai it was likewise the case with all olher jter- sons similarly situated — at le.ist \\ilh all seig- niors who had not lieeii compensated for the surrender of rights of this kind. I believe Uiat in some cases comnensation was made, and the Commissioners determined the amount, the ef- fect of which, however, was simply to eonnriii the c. iisi/'iii'-.i u\ ihi.- cesaion of fishing rights made lo tliein by ibe ."^i-igniois by virlue of their sjiecial grants. IJiit the rights tliHS paid for had nit reverted to the Crown, and it was not proposed by the l)ili lo interfere with fhem otlicrwise than to regulati- the iniiniier in which they should be exercised, so that ihey would not prejudice those of other jiarties who had ob- t.iined grunts from the Crown, nor Injure t'lC public. Hon. Mr. KVAN begged to ask if the Talents indicated the times or seasons when llie rights lo fish might be e.\ercised, for if not, ai*d the (iovernment desired to protect a most valuable braiich of our industrj', tliey would lind it ne- ces.sary to interfere in this particular. Hon. -Mr. Lin'KLLIKll — It would he neccr- sary in such a case to compensate tlio parlies. Hon. .Mr. CAMI'lJELL-There was no purpose or inlenlion whatever to take away any right really owned, but to regulate its use, arid that (udy to subserve the general interest. The liCgislaUire had, on one or two occat^ions?, inter- fered with such rights, lut the law nassed with that view was found not to be practicable, and not being observed, had been repealed. The act in question was the 18tli Vict., w.Icli for- bid the \i^iirri»i«'(l ill lliut wiu , tlio ii|;hl woiiM Im con- tiuued to tiic |io8!ie8aor. I 'ifiprclieiid (hat nn roi;.' lit liny time made. It would, 1 cnii- t, iv. , inoii; p;irticul.irly a)iii!y lo the srthuiii tind lidiii lidlii'ne.^. t^o fur for Lower ('aiiadu. In Upper G'aiiiida tho riKJil of li.-hinjj w.i^ altoijeilicr m lln' li.mdH cf the CrcAvn, or hehi by the Crown for thi; pid.lie or for tin- In- dians, mid I'lirMiiinriil waa lliereforo al libeily li> make sncli Ip.wh t n t .o sulijecl as niiyht l-o considered deriiruhk!. Willi tiieso views 1 now ri>'-in' to ask the House to assist in framing n bill wl^jc 1 will previ'iit tho nse of tixod eii^fincs in :* way detractive of the (iiiicries, and »mUmi- -ated to make ihcm more huraiivo to the pa- tenioes, and more bcnidieial In tlic country. Tin- iiQxt9tii.(e of the in'|iiiry was us to the actual II cans now einphiycd in tho I'rovincu for c.ilcii- 11;;^ nsh. In Lower Canada liiere were s^ever.il kiiidd of uet.s ascd, •■-•pceiiilly tor the taking of palmoii, whi'li wa.M a 'i.-ihery o| eoiiaideialile im- portance, since in I hi' year IbO;'., the value of tills fish c/iuglii Wad CHtiniaifd nl ;• Hh,0(iO, t'lou^ih lliio fell far f-liort of the actual value, for tlie Sum only iiu'luded the salmon cured ami packed, not thobO ciiuglit fr.-sh ami consumed, oi'scdd in the market-:. The nets used in catch- iiig salmon npp"ar to bo of three kinds, chaniie. lior or barrier ii"t, the iiiakc net, and lloat ret. NuW tho gtullemcn to whom ho ha as vested ri;4his, imd confined itself I to re;jciili»'ing them. The manner and extent of 1 this altiratiiui are fully di t.'iiled in the reports \ made to the Imperial j'arliamenl on the subject j in resjiect of tlie salmon lisluries of the United Kingdom. Now, the enacijng daus'..' in the law ' of ICngland which had been appealed to so con- fidenily by the amateurs in this country as abo- ] lishing all fixed engines had, on the contrary, expressly reserved esisiing right.'*. I will read ' it for the i;itormatiou of the House. Il is .section II of the "24 and 'Jjvic.,cap.lO!» ; • " .\o filed enpitie of any description shall be placed or used for catching s.ilmon in any in- j land or tidal waters •. and any engine jilaced or : used in conlravcutioii of this section may be I taken possession of or destroyed | and any I engine so jdaced or tised, and any salmon ' taken by such engine, shall bo forfeited, iind, ; in addition thereto, the owner of any engine placed or used in coutravenlion of this section , shall, for euidi day of so placing or using the same, I incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds ; and for the jmrposes of this section a net that is I secured by anchors, or otherwise temporarily j fixed to the soil, shall be deemed to be a lixed ei'.ginc, but ibis section shall not affect any an- ' cient rigiil or mode of fishing a? hiw fully exer- ' ciscd at the time of the passing of this act by any person, by virtue of any grant or charter or immemorial usage : provided always, that nothing m this section contained shall be deem- ed to apply to fishing widrs or fishing mill- dams.'' This clause establishes conclusively, I think, that even in Britain where so many and fiuch advanced improvements have been made in respect of oahiion fishery legk-^latioii, they ittve not yet g ixrd methods < u n vvy n ■ 't •art'eulnr i •. i will read t lie ei •efnusf it ha.s i Ulsion, Hiid coi M advancemei Qg the fisheru'i IthFebnr-y, OOii-li.iher foi' lUbiish bell I w, Qea-^iire^ of legi olve thn saliiio rOUld hf: Ih^' VV • • To ttbolish all mch aa we di-1 talices, be to s ears' tltk, and ion We can IV a thiuki'ig th.it II ♦ e;u-.y to arr^ ill would li>> ! Poni I'arliiuieMii at careT of sal I0li-=5iires propo; oulill'ss eifei t lUoit too ?\:\m rbich woulil be Ilnn. Mr. LK ref ilu' iiarii:-j ftb- fiiidfciic lit fi-ie'rmcn > Hon. M,. i:.\' u( u:j I, .111 1)0 'J ) wliicli li.i'y I inte it rccogni/ I *d the tii.iiiiv I ffiiiild I " .^een r.)vid'."! cnc im 'hicli exK-nded 'M t-o lie a ira Urpose of alio imani"-. This (MS .-^uitod b) tl fish, tfic const land of w;itcrti llie aaiDo rITfcl. It were chiefly r/inghl hiiisli weirs bein(;j ivr kinds uf thh. use tlirro kiiidy H, and poiitid nets 10 sometimes alrcloh- le iiioutjjsi of crt-eks tlic tisli tVorn K^i^K garded as vory iiijiir- iit |>roii(i" limes ohjcciionuble tlmii iiini-i wliieli lull) V)pon .^ of tlie immense in- n itpMit Uritiiin con- III liie iilidii.Hlimcnt of u' l.ikeii witii some my (ixeil en|,'iiios had ■ iiad not 111! heen, inuined had been re- lie done in ("anadti known thnt in Knp- iieans nscii to e.ilch n)uic object ionahin pridii, but the recent isiile I he modern ob- lecti (1 th(^ old and.'iu- i.s, 11 nd conliued itself i):>niier and extent of (aih-J in the re|iorl.4 anient on the subject heries of tlic United iuj,' ciaus'..' in tlie hiw I appealed to .-to cnn- liiij country nn abo- d, on the contrary, rJRhls. I will read L' llonae, and 2Jvic.,ca]>.10!> ; de3crii>tion aliall be g salmon in any in- any engine placed or thi.s section may be ■ \stroyed ; and any d, and any salniim 11 Iw forfeited, and, iwner of any engine ulion of lliid section ingor using the same, ing ten pounds ; and section a net lliat id herwise temporarily eemed to be a lixed II not ulfect any an- iug n? Liwfully exer- pnsaiing of this act any grant or charter ovide likely to obliiiii "ven a heailng "oni I'arliaiiiont. We are cjoing 'ill fast in Uf careT ol'salm jh lep;i.'^l;'.lion as it i.', I'Ul tl:« leasnres propo. ed by niu- t")rre.=[ iriUcnt, hough oabll's.1 eifi.'etive in the liighe.^t denrpc, are iiKh ton =i:->)ng nteat f'T ihu wlmIc Kt'inachs rhjch wmild he o.iiled on tn diu'est it." Hun. .Mr. LP: ■l-|'!.MKlv Dk ST JUST— Who refe till', jiarii.- tli..l ine-^.-icd for the aleiliiion ftbe fiii il engines, tiic aniMteur lishermt.n or iiA (i-iii'rnien w'.o TKirsucd fiihit'g as a bui.!. e«B ? Hon. M,. t.'AMI.'I'KI.L— The f-rmcr chiefly, m U:J ImuI lio J >l,'i\vn, i!ie very Knglish lavv > wiiieh tl.ey ap;..nh'd dM not bear them our, infe it recogni/.C'd old rights, ami lUifcly rogu- » ed the unun'T f.!''xcrei-ing Ihetn in future, t. Would 1 •■ >-\ This r-i.-- is r"ipiired l(j Li- of diiniii- 0|>s ,s,jiti.'d to the Hi;',e of the ;-;ri'.an», tlie kinds fish, It.e construction if the ilani, and the d/- land of \v!iter power for the mill. luBiead of eing. as it ha^ been in Canada under the nld iW, an nrbiti'nry s' ■iCture, open at all titacs, ad sueli n' iii many idaee? wa.^ inefT'-etu'il. aO in some imjio.^'^ihlo tn build, it wiU lo miily stic!; as shall sei'vc a jiraetical pur;:.j, e. : is tlu?reforo (Ksirallc, in thin p'spect, to take tlio law a.i cigy and a>j little burii"n*>.iino J possible. In=itead of lia\Ipgoae fixed size >r fia.hway3, iuvo'ving in inutij easo.s n great •»8le of water, Iii.. i a large outlay r.r money, itjiont lieiniT praetici'ly elfectivc, it is pro- iil^d in this HiT, thit they .shall not be of ono i^riablo pattern — iinr i,-: it intended that they ildl iiii kept open at all time.J. But, that they l$ll be kept opei, at e::sential periods only, nl, that tvcu then they «iuill not waGte an ••.s.'.Ti-y quantity cf v.a''T. Wh'ui the \ •altuon or i.>tU'r fi^h iiie rutiningup, these psuitei will of course lia\e to be 0| en«J, nt other times there Is no le.i-tou m h«»tf.'ver, why they nhould not be cloBed. (Hear.) The proper litnej will be tlxrd ny the local OTerfiuer. It it aUo proposed that, aii the public ure interested in thesn litih- ways, which are not fur the benefit of any einglo ' individual, and as it wouhi be homewlmt uu- ' fair to impose on thf owners of mill-dams tho nolo ex]iense of making Ihoin, tho public, through tho Commissionor of Crown Landd, hhall I'car half the expense of constructing them. ThiJ expense can not be considerable at any of the mill-dains, and it ia projiosed to Bliar»' it between tho Government and tho pro- [irieiors. This seems to have beun the plan which observation ha.) shown to be the most likely to attain the ivcpiired end. Tho r;ile in t]uglad is '.lot tliat wiiicli has hitherto been in force in tiils country — it does not say wiiu respect lo all Hireams, that Ihcro shall bo a fish-way so many yards wide, and so long or deep, but that there shall bo a (ishwny of the size which will ansv.-cr the purpose for which it is built — wide enough and large enough to allow the (ish to p'ta.s, and that the proprietor of every uill-dam shall attach to it a fish-pass of Buch dimensions ns the Home Oilice may prescrilie. Thi.j is made imiieniiivc by the 23rd clause of the Kngii.ih ;>:ilmon Fi»herie.-< Act, but no arbitrary model is proscilijcd, and the jiassage of li-h i,^ thus accoinmodaij'd without injury to the milling power. This j,lan hag been found by experi^uia* lo be the Ix'st In J]ngland for accompli.diing a much desired pur- pose without doiii}!: unnecessary injury to the ovv.'ier of the null, and this is the p' ui iiovv in- tended to be adopted by the present bill. (Hoar.) I)oiibtlc.'.s in tlii.-j, as in many other respects, tho old law hag been very defoetive ; but being the first essay, so much could not \m: expected aM from a newer measure. I desire to nieutiou here liial the then Fishery Supenutcndeni U enli- tlea to every jmiLseas the author of the old act. It is, in the next plac<«, proposed to chaiige to a considerable exunt the close se^isoiis, that i.s, the S(\isuus when no fishing shall be carried on. I am of course aware that varieties of npin- ion exist on this point, and that views did'er as to the bejJt periods for prohibiting fishing. During the preparation of this bill, I liaveheMrd a nu'iibcr iif different opinions expressed by jiersoi..^ lioiu various jiarts of the country it lii.'iii^ Mcvertlicle.ss almost impo.ssibie to get aiiy very strong expression of opinioti from any con- siderable number of persons in any direction. Allhougli iln-ic ara diverge opinions upon the exact clo.^e time, liicrc is a goueral concurrencjc ill the need of some close jieriods. We have thought it best to make iIjc clo.se time a inoder- uto one— -not to give it any uudur; exfcasion, but to go so far only as is ivbsolu'cly necessary for tho protection of fish when spawning; and I will read to the House a tabic showing in contrast the close periods under the old bill and those which it is propoiicd to ndof tunder the new one. 8 T\U\.P. SlIHWINCr RKI-ATIVK CLOSK HKAyoNs roil FiHii \-y\)\-:]i Tiir: OLD KISIIIMMES ACT. AND TIIK NKW FISHKItY DILI.. I.OWIUI CAXADA. 7«^ 2 cr 3. e « ?3 I* ;3 ■^ s : «< 1-3 •/) u r i3 ■>i r» si ■/3 ' •s'l • •K 1 o^/ I 5 ( O r •3 MK3 1 •U .u > !- c C_ (n •< ^ i , 1 ^rf Ti p* V •i« P '■< ^ %*v*^ 1 > -3 O 9 .1. y ■ 3 •Ji = ■?■•- 2 o ^? 3 IT " • -1 ■i". 3 'Z.' *'* E5 '1 • g O '5-3 -5 P ^ 3- 3 I' 2.3. 3 S> 9-T^ 1 o 3 !.=^ £.^i -J 03* u" 5' -^ S f « ;„ c ''so?;' B f» J* 3' o C , 3 "^H-o - I 3 I O Tln.'lry of these lislics not to bo killed ut nuy time. In I'ppcr fiitiftilft tlie wliiirt (i*h k mont viilii atji'. Itiiiin;f ilic lust few ycim gwni ili',strui- tidii li,n bten f,'oiiip on, iiiiil it i.^ imw jirfijut-- <(1 to Htop "iiiimn'r sciiilriK - Hon. Mr. SIMl'SO.V.—Tlmt won't .lo. Hon. Mr. CAMl'I'KM,. My lion, frioii' will pat'loii niP Cor n moment. We propose li allow fiili to lie cai'.Tflit in ^111 nct-t at ati\ piM'iotl heforn >fov. l;')tli — Hon. Mr. SIMI'.SO.V.— TIml will do. Hon. Mv. CAMI'MEI.r-— .-^o tlmt t!i"v -o' the whole < 3 - I n Jh (! frvof ll!es Hon. Mr. How will \i)!i Stnnding tisli who has a sal oontinuu in Olher fish, to • Hon. Mr. tbey are take Hon. Mr. fct them gf) Ihc House wl U|t it go, cspc lie a Friday, we dry twii o continue vliitrt (t»h h mn«t vulu iV ycar/i gicul ilcslriii ml it id now iJropo- -Tiiat won't !•'!!»(• Ii4liin)», Im' »iii-t. fi.iliin{{ wi!l\ 1,'il: in ilccpcr rtntl coMc: 10 in good condiiioii mltr, wlik'li coin];!'!.-'"- r.'il^c. •»iia\viiiti^' -i''!!,',.!, — Tlifil will d(.. : I hnvc tlio dill' ti\t il II' )'U liny 'tnc'siinn wlail ifii i-i one ul' tin- llni'.> in Xovcnilxr, nt lln' Tiuy go lo till' ji.Wr; ind '/i-l njioii tin- sntnl n. I tliini; my lioi" \j. — i nm very glad ni. finvillo i9 of tlmt opi r tVcni Victori.i (lion with iTlV'fcii'-i' t') trout LMied is nut snnicic'iii. iilbrni I lie House ol' tli. il it will be reCeried l- r'e, coinimscd ni' tliosi tiiiiilc, liuve most uc- Oct. [ luxve, however. :iH>ricMce which has leu odx given, for it is no; lily, or even of a singli or interested in H.-hini: oni the various opinion ' and classes, iind I an had lu'ttcr not dejiar nee mncli stronger thai lad before it. J fear art of the table whiel M tn th'^ ditrereiit fi^liinifi of I'jiim'I' (' inii- I.V.I/M. ■n '> n ii'i-r.n >' -• n 1 j: i •y X' "^ ". r" 3 '^ r C-~ a ;1 T :^ % X - - '• ^ a ? ^ - X.' ^ ;* ■', ? ^ ^ -. a .. ;^ -5 7. ? 3 X ■,' — ■ O '/. — ^3 t •3 3'* i! •n S, - " ^ -" i i )? =J ^' •5 3 " ;. -3 £ - ^ §^ JT i- 7 '" 2 £; o - - 3 -;■-; 2 '^ 3 n i,15 o — ." 3 s — "I • /-^ 5 3 •>! The fry of these fslies not to he killed at aiiv time. Hon. Mr. I.ETKLLIER Dk St. JUST.— ' How will you do in eases where people have standing ti.-jhcries? Will yon oblige a man who has a salmon fisherj', which he wishes to oontiniie in the fall, not for salmon bnt tor (rther fish, to take it away ? Is Hon. Mr. UYAX. — Let the salmon go, after j ftey are taken. lion. Mr. LKTKLLIKR.— It id rery hard to , let them go. I don't believe any member of j rhe House who had taken a fine salmon would lot it go, esiiecially if tlu' next day happened to be a Friday. (Tiaii;;l:ter,) Well, t!ie'f> fisheries i»re dry twiip a day— they are set in tlso ^jfring, (^ continue for the whole sea^-oii — and their owiiiT.H ail' hIwhv* i'.\|t' M-ii In kill >';i!tii'in, Im-- <':iii:ii> t liiu Haltiioii is out of the \Mttei' fur a lew iiiinntey, it i.i Mirc to die. Now I a^k, and the ijtie.slion dt'iierve.^ great eoniideralion on iIm' . pari of III"' Hon, (-'oihUii-t->i"i.er uf ('rown Land-, ' wlii'/((> niea-ure, m fiir a.-t I cnii juilg'', i-t vei\ iiiiH !i better than that we now have, i< tin- killing if yiilmon in the f.slieries to Ke a piini.-»h- :ibl.' oH'ciiee? I know llii; faetJ, and feel that the law cannot be applied in thi.^ respeel wiih- I'Ul grosy iiijustii'e (o tho si clioii of countiy In - iwift!, I may .-ny, IVrthier or llt'aninoni ' d Ihe Disliiet of Kiiiiiuiski, and farther, tint) '■i lioiiaventuri', for, in all parl.H of that eoii't line, the li.slierie.^ are li.ved in tlio .spring and .'land i.ntil the tall, during all whieh tinii' llieiv \-i a chance that ^aiinoii niiiv ei;nie into ihi ni. lIoii.Mr. C.\M1'1;KLI,.— Iti such ea.ses it will !»• the d'uly {if the owneiM of the fisheries to .-^et the .salmon that may nccidentally eome into the iirt at liberty, as is provided for by one of the elait.ao^ of the Mill. 1 know of no other coiiise. If the li.-;h should be kilhd, it will be for tlir oviTsecr to take the facts into consideration when 1-1 iiiplaint ii? made. Iti.«, however, impossible to say, (111 the one hand, thaf there shall be a elo-e season f(u* salmon, during which they si all not be taken, and on the other, that in eerlain eases they may nevertheless be caught. I sii|i|Kise any man, wiio might kill iisli in the way de>eribeil by my lion, fru'iid, might, under iliis I'.ill, pli'iid the fnfits atul practice of /c///'^ j!il'\t in e.\teiiiia'. ion. lion. Mr. MWRMdl'llt-l know tlint umhr l! c present law peojile have been obliged in .-oiiKi cades io open their ti^heli(•s allogfthcr, for liie over.-»eers have fuid, '• if yon don't open them yon will be sued," so that they not only did not take salinmi but lost theopi)ortuuiiy of catching the otlii'r lish they had aright to take under the concessionof their fishery from '.lie I'lvneh gov- ernment. The date fi.^ed for herrings will |irevent their being caught in the St. liawrence at the best Sanson. lion. Mr. MOOHK— The only way will bo to Impose a penalty on the salmon for going into the net. ( Laughter. ] Hon. Mr C.XMPHHM,— The close season for herring in [,ower (Janaila applies only to the lishingofthe inland lakes. Hon. Mr. LHTKLMKIi— Tlmt will do, Hon. Mr. CAMI'HKLIi— Then I ju-opose to introduce 11 system 1 find in use in Knglaud and Scoll.ind, whieh is attended there with the most satisfactory resiiVts. It is new to this country, but I hope it will receive the assent of this House and of the Legislature. I propose that there shall be a weekly close season. (Hear.) In England and Scotland, for .'16 hours, com- mencing on Saturday night and terminating on Moiidny morning, tlie salmon nets are lifted, or Home niiJijure is takea to allow tlie fish to pass t!a- nets, r thinl\ il is dciirabk', in tlic iniorest of the f»hcries, that there should occasionally 10 I be tifrw run fo- the fish, and 1 believe the res- triotifin uovv proposed will be u wholcsuuie one, iitid be beneficial us well to the fishermeii ihom- nelved H8 to the public. It will not .f ;reat advantage to the Indian.^ to, at least, ini'i- ;ate the evil, by allowing the salmon to pass "rwly along our shore during the time \)yn- dded by this Bill. Before h'Hviug the Rini- jonclie, I ought to incntioii that arrangements ira being made with the Govermuenl of N'l'w Jron.swick to ad(jpt the same law there, and I lope tin; New Brunswick Ijegishilure will pass t measure of a similar kind, so that purily hrougli their endeavors, and partly through our )Wii, we may prevent the total dcstriicliun of .alnion there In a very interesting /''n/rAwr-, piib- ished last year by the Lieut. Governor of Nw,- Jrunswick, the abuses practised in the salmon isherics of the Ristigouclie are d<'r>cribed. in ilie lOpe liial attention may be directed towards jotreeling them. It has been jiropo.scd that we jhould do away with the system of usiug other iinds of iieis, known ;is liJip and p(iuns the practice has :rept up of stretching net; ontirely acro-s cer- Alnopeii spaces. !n the ]5ay of QniiUc, for in- itaiict', there are certain guis opening into the ake, a mile or t>vo miles in widili, and lets arc stretched absolutely the whole vay across tlmni, thus preventing altogether ;he passage of fish iuto the bay. One ciae has :onie before me i'rom Lake Huron whuro, be- ween Drumiiiond Island and (Jockiiurii Islaud ind near 8t. Joseph's Island, nets were stretch- id tteross the entire chanuel, iu this instance by in American from Cleveland, thus barring ivery passage, and lite people coiii[ilaingrievou3- y rf the total destruction of their fisheries. The adians of tiie Mauitoiilin Islands are esiiecially iggrieved at this. I believe some diflicully ot i Biinilar kind has been experienced iu that part )f the country represented by my hon. friend rotn Burlington (Hon. Mr. Bull), that nets are itretched across some passage there so as to )revent the ingress offish into Burlington Bay, t is proposed, also, to prevent the spearing of )ai8only at ler'aiu jieriods of the year, and this s another poi i. '\ which my lion, friend from Juriington takes great interest ; and indqcd the ilause was added to tlie bill at his suggoPtion. (ileiti-.) 1 now rcvt-rt lu the Subject ot wlatc fish. The owners of the gill nets .way ilie fish are being destroyed by the use of the seine ; the owners of seines say the tisti are being ilestroy- ed by tlie use of the gill nets. I will read to the House some of the opiuiiuis bearing upon this branct' ' f the subject. .Mr. Joseph I'ierson, of the tow lip of llillier, and many (jtliers in I'rince Kdward county, where the veiy exteu- sive and highly remunerative white fish fisiieries '■•nee carried on are now nearly d(,'Siroyed, say that the gill nets cause iliis desU'uciion. Mr. Edward Brady, of Consecoii, and others, on tiie oiIkt hand attribute the injuries done i(; the white fish fisheries to seining. The sauie view is expressed by .Mr. Leslie, of Brigiiton, and also b}' the Hon. Mr. Wilkins, of Carrying J'laee. These opinions will demonstrate to the Hou.se that So far as the expression of individual opin- ion goes, (lersons are iniiueuced, as is natural. Some by their own interest and others by local views each ona (when the parties are actual fishermen) desiring lo abolish thai modeof fisti- ing which his neighbi-r or his opfunent carries on. (Hear.) We ja-opose in the oill to allow seine fishing to be continued, but not during the summer months, while the fish are along shore on their profier feeding grounds accom- panied by innumerable fry, which drawing the seine destroys, when, if caught they cannot b- cured, and when they are fiabby and soft. During tlie.-e summer nionth.-;. hcwevor. we pro- jiose to allow ihern to h" langht with gill nets, which are set in deeper arid colder water wlicii the fish are in a b'tier stall', so that they can be seiil lo market eiiiier oi ice or sotr.e other way. (Hear. ) During this time, also ti'i saliucm and salmon trout fisheries are being (Miried fin. The-NC. hoiiorable gentlemen, are the princijiHl (changes we propo.se in this Hill. The system of fi.duug Imunties we propose to coi.iinne, uUuvving it to remain as it is. After ilie bill shall havi- been read a second time, 1 p'opose to refer it lo ii JSpe- cial Committee on which I will endeavour to name those who will take most interest in the mat tcr, who will go through the measure carefully, and i^uggi^stPuch alterations as may be ibiiud ex- pedient or uecessaiy . The House is aware that I had another bill on ttic talkie intended to \n-o- vide for the proper curing, packing and inspect- ing of fish. I have ho)K'd by these two measures lu effect what is most desirable iu vefei'onco to the whole subjcci, botii as lo the catching of fish and the jireparation of them for market after being caught. 1 have, in my own mind, always laid much stress on this valuable trade, and have recently taken pains to inform myself fullj in referenee to it. And although we c;annot legislate on the subject this session, I hope the remarks I have made will remove some misap- prehensions Ihat existed in the public mind — that the im[ircssion will be removed, that in England, Scotland and Ii.laud they have gone to the o.\tcnt of doing awuv with fixed engines — and that if we desire the 30 hours free run, it J l!i is in lilt! iiilciol of ilmsii wlm use s',cli fixed engines u.s ueli iiS uf ilie pnblic al liirjre. 1 hope tliu uUiniiiie lesnit, will lie that iliis ini- ; porliint trude wiilbcimicli !iu>i- ll> therefore sui th'iiiglii a c! lill to f'lr'i he use of si; le-troye'l. 'ii li-ii a- \vi 'lly abiiiel:,! ^liiv deereas iiracili- li HIT' doulit that tl fiigiu'"-'- T lisheries of t Und, in the Jie;'.(-r iniiof jkif iix"d I ngi liad decreu: fiLiiieuting ivere likeii llieiii idlogi J tuiii.-tauce ^Itinny rca.-so ',|[oiy lish, an jlha'l all thi ,Vitlioul inj ,|idoptei.l to ,^S\'liic!i he ( .inboiit by CO These, he ac Ideas of an ; . V as [latent .jieariiig, ai: , ,,liiscatorial 1 juMctice, c;j ■this growiii *M' lixeil eujj ComiuiUee vcomniend t lield I hat a 1 ,j^t 1 regulate It he open pc i.Jjiill was int Jlishia'inen i Jlaiigh) but, iml, wait fo to a-cend, 1 Vaired lo I .ill disgust l^langhter.) Hon. Mr "tnanv as lii ]\ |Hisiti()ii Id l)cc()iTie a hiiljlo siiiircc of wciiltli • ir, fVdiii ilie cwili-lierv !ini of S7()(),0(io Imil 1)11 tlii-i |i;irlicill:ir fc;i- I'.' ri'iMirt (if the Sckct llii- lA'^'ishiilvc As-\ri,- llu llio lijln'1-ifri ul' till- C'iiii-J lo adopt to iii- ?.^. Ill tlii.s rt'iiorf, the tlic cijt!, -Jiiirifcjieil ■' I lie .^i.'ihc as l>eiiiji too (.'3 wliicli cause int- \'^ I)ie largor tisli, siip- coflti.sli. lie iTi_'n'tU'(l iK'i- of (^I'owii Lands ;c'.-ii()n (iftlic (Joiiiiuii- 1 ilioii'j-lit it was only ulioii to the matter to .s.-ion. The report of 1 on the evidence of , wild i,Mve it as tlair r experience of fact-', if taking the cod were f !hu tish, andre(|ii.red C'Xt feature of inipor- Ihe herriiil!, was still liicii wtTe annually , a very luciative dt.crcasing more and aleis, from the want As he had said, it 1. h'll diniiniUive and liie handsome sum of e. Next to the cod important feature in liiiiltee had regaided Handed a coiisideniblr on the occasion ot ni'ls or fixed engines one of the principal lliis valuable lisli, as The Commissioner of ck, .Ml , Perley, proved ed engines Were ruin- .'11 he sai' t!ie large .suj>i.ly. Tfi" .-lakeni" v ■ many yeai. ago roudettiiu'd 1\ ih-J I i.; ■ ^mlnaity. -'As all ^'alnioii and iS.ilii'.ai Troi.i, ijetiirii to their iiiiive riv.rs, ;s) S.ike-ml fish- Hig- ought to be I'.bolishcd. S-ilinai do nut g . ir (lit into the sea, and alw.iy- i-'Murn at'i : llie coast, scenting out as ir wvy : ',■ iivi'., "ays Sir Ifntuphrcy 'J^vy' it was'v:- Jeio from lhe.-;e autliiri'ii'.-; tint the decline ■a< owing to th ' use of Jiied cigiiitt.s. The Jmetic,,' pll.nved ;:i 1h.- M.igd.iliM r'^mT- nf isihg sciu'', 10 c'lpMip' ;!i.' h.-irini'. ■ L>d to>>e ill - I'ast de.siriii.-li\ ■ t I i , . . hcicf'iri.- .--npcriir to il,c oihc'- ui . . , , th ".'h' a c'.aus" .-hoii'd be i,itn h. ''I f'ir'ud the t.ikiii;! I th i.-e of such seine?, i (e-iniyed the l:'.r:-iiig, o. f 1 -ii a> well -f liv simd, tor iMstaiic", foiia- i]\ .ibiiudnni i" o'lrwakTs. w i^ now c iit,-ide"- filily decrea.-i'd, ai.d il.e 'oiu: irreiit te.itim uiy ol pru'Mlcal men .'lii-'\ mI b y luil ;li:' sliidow of or.lit tiiat the falling ol! v>as owing to ij." !ix"d nL'iu'V-. Tlie third iinjiuriaui f'aMr<.' in the Jishiiies of the I'.oviuce w as tiie salni >n lis!i''ry ♦ind, in (he di'crease of liiis vabiaiil.; lisli, no |ie;',(i' i.n;of (ould lie had of tile destructive .e-s ,|)f II.vhI uigiiu's. Ji was a faei lliat the saluion |iad (hcreas>'d evvii more than oilier species |"iLi|i(niling our waters, and that utiles- c.ire ,Veri' taken, it would soon disap|i'..a.- fV(nn them a.llogether, which AViuild be a e'r- uinslance to be deeply ngretied for iny reasons. The salmon was ji migra- aoiy lish, and it was ul' the ulmos! importance ih:it all the precautionary measures iio.-^ible, (Vithoui injury to privjite interests, should lie ■•>iid tiie;e w.i.; .'aio!l"r iioiiit lai which he disircd to i"i.> »'•'•; — he al'viied to the siiperiiiteml'-iice of ■• i' .i.i'.'ie.i !) '/artuient The (^v'umiittce i,) wi;;i: . \r- Iiad Ji.ivady niaile fre<|ieiit allusion, in s;:vaktiig o' I'i^ subject, rec amui'iided that f!.e h •,' 1 .)f '111' Hraiich .diouM be a g nOeuiiii of piae'ieal e\peri;ne(.'. ]],• had every confibuice iu the ze.il, g'eneral iu- ii-iligenee, and atitnliou of the present .Siiper- iutendeii!, ' it did not think he wis possessed of that praetie.il and intimate knowledge of tisiiing ni it;ers which was so liesirable. He did not. desire I > detract from the nvrits of the gentleni in in q iesfioii, fat mearly wished to I call the fitt"utie a deckl- ed iniprovemenl on tiie actual law, i)iit he thought it might be .so modified as to londcr it protective at the siuno time of exisliiiti rights and the jniblic interests to a greain- extent than was prupos^'d. There were ceri;iin rights in regard to fishing, wiii<'li had existed from time immemorial, and he held it woidd neither be just nor right t(^ deprive the present claim- ants of tho.=;e rights without compenrfntini: them for their los-. Changes in this rt-spcct could not be effectod without proper indenniily > the parties. [Hear, hear.J In relation to vvh>tl had been said in regard to the destruction of the fisl> by fi.xed engines, he remarked thai he tholight the decrease of the fi. considerable fall. -I dont exactly know Im high it is — Hon. .Sir E. P. TACHE -Twenty-five fe. at low tide, and five or six at high water. Hon. Mr. LETELLI^ilR Well, it would h very desirable that there should be salmon i the river, but it would be very disadvantag'; ons to tho proprietor of the mills to have tL useful uess of his dam destroyed. The propriv tors of the dams only make use of a right cor. veyed to tliem in their ])atenls, but m sou cases the ofticers spoken of have obliged the to let a certain quantity of water over the d;v to let salmon pass, and the con.sequence w:i that the mills were stopped in the dry seasd and the people had to wait before they cou get flour. It is a good thing to have fish one's bread, but it is belter to have bread wit out fish than fish without bread. (Hear, ai laughter.) We have also seen the proprietoi of nets for herrings sued because they happem to catch a salmon. .Now when a railroad opened, we do not take the land for it from ti private proprietors, but provide that a reaso; able compensation shall be given therefor, an so it should be with the mill-dams and pas.-^ Insterul of having overseers at $.")i) per aunir salary, we should have more important oflieer.- Some rule is necessary for the protection of fi fisheries, but unfortunately all these moasur arj devised not by th(' Legislature itself, hut I those to whom tho Legislature in some wn delegates its powers . I have no doubt tii those who have tried to make rules have trii to make them for the public advantage, but v arc notexpectcd to have rules made which canii be applied — for instance, tho rules for the ct and herring fisheries do not apply equally to n sections of the country. Vc have seen th people in our pan of the country obliged ! make opeqings in their nets big enougu lot the salmon pass through. Well, the sardiiif andthp herrlngj naturally follnwpd the f!^\r\\n: ;tnd ID noth OBt the prolJ the iuvestme ft river Icasei man, for I of fishing Gorernment I have know idams, and it |he officer th J)el the ownc ^.Jhe dams, w! ^Ibred in tho ri and there th JTry. These c Intondent f^f ♦hare should 1 from going I *rhe sue-gt-sti ^hns tho expi ftnod all abi luen who tl {heories thai ion. friend c ipoke yestcr That subject 1b an annual that we can AS herring a: f|he river no\ 'character of •IscwLerc to lea carried o |ew herrings (MofSt. Dor |he fish arc v to bo. In ' formerly, ' ?nd the coni els, aro the [Hear.) So lowcver, the lat a kind I possible f'c lere the T)ic' guys that si iears the fisl in Europe an Itrictions so I said before, tre so vast t terminate th' eod, for exai .Of eggs, and ire taken on Jpiat really a 'inough to bi tourse, whci tion of eggs. $ro great loc anantity of ' but come to ttproduction but little fea Kevertfeeless fcction nhoul 1 I.') 1 Inlci them which chutij iitur, Ao. If the lish '. wilier to which tin: thoj do not thrivt know thnt the li not like tlic fif hey can tell by U f salmon to whul slrear one method hiia h I ttie3e riviTH, conaisii! !cies of pass. This irfrt :«in point, Imi in ct-rtii ust to coinppl thciie tii: one of o;ir riven wo ha- ils, and iliii'iii^ the tin d to be opi-ii, I he farme tlieir rt )iir lu I"- grouii jrnini'iit Ilivc formul ninistratiiMi df'tlie fishc- lie local ofliccis who '. •who have not riuHicie; ! diatiiictioiM iif'ccessan istance, wiieie there i> ont exactly know ho CHE-Tvventy-five fiv six at liijjh water. ER Well, it would h are should be rialmon i be very disadvantage [if the mills to have tt icstroycd. The proprit nake use of a right coi ir patents, but m sou eu of have obliged the y of water over the cl;v I the consequence wa )pped in the dry seasn ) wait before they coi; k1 thing to have fish .'Iter to have bread wit thoiit bread. (Hear, ui also seen the proprieto; •A because they happene Now when a railroad e tlie land for it from tl t provide that a reaso: II be given therefor, an 3e mill-dams and passf jrseori at $10 per aunu' I more important officer; for the protection of t! toly all these measur Legislature itself, hut I r»gislature in some wn I have no doubt tii; ,0 make rules have trii public advantage, but v .> rules made which cann ce, the rules for the ci ) not apply equally to a y. V"e have seen th the country obliged '. eir nets big enougi. ' ough. Well, the sardijif Filly follnwpd the pfllnio; |knd 10 nothing wag catight, and the fishermen ^08l the prolil they had a right to expi.-ot from the inveatment of tiicir capital. We have seen B rlvor leased by the Governinpnt to a gentle- man, for liuQ fishing, although the right of fishing in it was ceded by tlic French GoTernment to the seignior of that distrii't. 1 have known a plr.ce in which ihoro. were thru/ .iflains, and it was a few years since proposed l;y Jhe officer then charged with that duty to cuiii- Jpel the owners to put a salmon pass on each of the dams, when it was well known that salmon ^Ved in the rivor below the lowest of tlicse darns find there the stream was alway.^ full of .salmon fry. These owners suggcslcd to the then Super- Intondent '^f FislnTies thai iii pr icrcnce to jnisses thare should be some barrier to pre vent, the salmon from going beyond good br^;: ding places f/oswa- J *rhe suf;gealiou was, however, thrown aside and thns the experience of practical men who uinJcr- Jtnod all about the liahrries was disregarded by |uen who thought " wo knew more by our theories than yoH do by your prartice.'" My ton. friend on my left (Hon. Sir X. F. Belleau) •poke yesterdr.y abont the irtiv.'gration u(' >tt", tl;c ii'vvt f.'.iiimi"::^! nifi' ul' t r.fwii ]ii«ii(is ul.t'iwiinl- liriiiipflii in luiiiilicr dill, wliifh, Hi nnietuJi'il, i,s now on 'Ik- Sinluli> llddk. This, liowKvcr, liiis litt'ii found dcH'c- livi'iii m;iny a'speclH. Tin' m-w nu'i\s;ire, wiili u I'uw iiiix'rulnu'iit-' wliicii I lliiiik chii etijflj t)c TMiulf, will cuiilile us til [T ■Icet oar (ijlieri.s ff- l'L'«'lively. Tiicro is no doiilit ttmt tin' wnrkinir (f our .vUinnii iuni hurrinjf tii^lu-riej; i^ of \n>\' t!i; in. \".'l;C(i Bcrvauls en- pijTud witn their makers I hey used to i;i'd- time 11 eriniitnil olfencc to kill siilrnon by 3; eiuiiiu^ or 'ly torchlight. Ho far as this bill id c^ n 'e.ned, it would much enhance its value if the (I.ivern- nieiil would pass il ai once, this very ."-i 'U, ill order tl1.1t wee 'iild have i; fair trial if' ii ne\t sensoii. (Hear.) I p to the year l^TJ ilic North Shore of ihe St. Liowrence w,is lieiaHj- teeming with salmon. The lluds ui'i! Bay <;.an- ]iauy used toc.\[K)rl theusunds of barrels. For nuxny a day salmon was not known to b • legh- er than 9''^ or S'J a tierce in the Quebec m o'ket, wherea.? latterly — I ?poak of iliree years iig ) for owing the disturbed sliit6 of affairs to ovcT the border, it is not worth bo much now as il w.is then — i:, brought ^=18 per barrel of 200lbs. liast year, I believe, it fetched §10 or $11. A3 a jiroof of the value to wliicii our sulnioa fish- eries might be raised, I will state one casc that has oecurrcd in Ireland, with respect to the river Moy, in Avliich no i»;dmon formerly existed, on account of a very high fall near its mouth which salmon could not ase.nid. Certain persons got a siiecial lease of this river tor a long term of years, and immediately cleared the stream of fish destructive to salmon. Their leases from the riparian proprietors con- tained a clause empowering them to kill all fish that injured the salnujn, and the people were .n little surprised when they saw the pike and tTout nliiKKst destroyed. These gentlemen made .vveral little brooks and spawning jiiuids, and jihiced 200,000 ova in tiaem. The consequence was that the fry went down the fishway wh'ch had been built at the falls, nnd came fiack ;i;,niiu the, i:»x( year to their native waters. The fifth year after the river had been leased to them they cleared £2G,70O from the salmon they caught. That is a suflicienl proof that money can be made out of the fishery of almost any river well managed and preserved. (Hear, hear.) There is no venture, lion, gentlemen, more templing than this of restocking, and breeding fish — no investment more secure — no result more criaiii — because salmon alwui ret.ini t 1 ih ir nalivv' rivers like »-l.eep to tlK'-~*~ IMd. L'|) U) 1><12 llie Jluhoris Hay Co;.ijia;.,I;f.loni shcu''.' killed :»,0oo fish jier niuiuin in the ludout |,e-.c5-«i'y lu.st (i-herie.? alone. From the Muisie I'.'cy used i nnd we a; i* ( lake us m^iy as 1 1,000. IJcfore that year, Ih^r .-eilie .-''i li.-r. woulil not .sell a pound of fishing twine : .•(•m1v:i,i ^s maki; nets svitli, and would not bay Epenrv „• 1* r by i.i.' c lisli fi'oii. tie* Indian;, who tlurefore used l..ir.j .\:>'i".':i eaich IV h III ihai \sMy only for lluir own c;L--v'.'"n ;(.'.• :'; .-^uiiijiiioii. wiica tliey ha; peiied Ic I- passii.j.nsil i'\'ij':li c f ovr ilie rivers ^Aller 1842, bo\i ve.-, wlu.',-*, .<■> a- to ■•• .. their e.\e!ii,sivc lea-e of the King'." I'o.-.:.-; Tfrr..-- .."isii; ■•■*. tory expired, the Hudson's liay Cjui;)au,\ coul i'»ii-. i vvd r.u not prevent u.hers f'lOiii sittliuj:', i lini'eriii;:^"!^, r«:r-.'W;ii ii.idiii!; and fishing along lliet-.i-;. liieref a'e, b.-^sT in to be erected "ii ih Slioie in ISiJ, the dams of whi'jh preve s.dniKii from going u[> the stri ams tw and placjs where, when a boy, I u ei iheni sii luiiiierous as to kill lli''iii \\',:h and liav" ofieu siie.ued them, nie now i (ieserieii liv the fish. Ataouj liv Mil'-, ,ii .11. Cn Nor; ou'' i>;li..'r, li iv • d ti.i S-!i'Tiej. I .) 1 dWitf»i|i;;t of the c- '.a ti..-y outlay and i sionery hi'v. Vi '.dire! U | r.:«;;ic.ii!y v.hci'iii'js. liavini' i<: they have b.';.-n c viu|detely exttimiuu'ed owir..;i.ul IkW -c't to the mill-d.im, 1 may meniion ti.e lilsco ■ »'i,j!! ''.le;-'? wv main--, the IV. rgeroine, tlie Puti; 6a_.4;iL-iiay, t!, t.U, liie u'.^lie St. John, tlio Grand J!ay, and i' ■ Ha ! Huliuwecer, kif.w rivers. One clause 1 put into the bill, 1 lir.-cre.l Xt"*0 a vo introdueod was, that all proprietors of daiivjMon, b :t tl"' should ha 'e lish ];.«i<.>;,n. with tlie fishvs.y open, il would have to be clo- t.^kc^ I ; liirn cd, exeeuting in three days in the week whi.jlicry yi'.-h.'fj the mill was not running. I have seen it state r.-rate" Iiim ; i m the Encyclopa^lia Britannica that the olde:-J lor Iii.i tDuM of the salmon rememtiering that certain fisljht or ten tii.-.i ways were opened on Saturday night, have be€..>3 who h.-d tei; known to collect at tlit foot of them in thrt;otninitte'» tir v nights only waiting for flic opportunity of goin.i nl'o;'t ;5') t a up (Hear, and Laughter.) Hon. gentlema:ootT'r mo:-'-, laugh, but I can quite believe that after futii j,ao«-- ii; ,; riv attcmjits to get up ou week days, that wel'^.j p:^... nn- ov known instinct characteristic of fishe3(especiall -.c. Marg-toriW'. salmon) might jirompt them to try again on t!i!p,j5,the 6s!i !..»-. day when from the general quiet, and the at" the net nad si sence of sawdust and disturbance in th^ wate:r?.stork<'d. i-"' their native instinel wouiil recognise a chang rofrainei! 1] , «nd a chance to (jverconie the obstacle. [H'^a'Tijliin" j; nr .;! hear.] I was about fo say of *.he Hudsour co'i-id-T.iMc liay Company, that when their l<-'a;. m wliile tii ;■! was near expiring, they thought they woul i,%, t[,» ,„,f|..v make as much out of it as they could, un.cl a trvmnr.dou they bouirht speared fish from the Indians, Mii. fortni"Iit or macs and mountaineers, and indeed, witlur:, wli'-n th"" fij!) distinction, .linusl from everybody, and it dinJutjln Jtijnrr not take many years to ruin the rivers at tl...n,jn,hprs nf ih^ rate. Since our [iresent law has bee;i in ojjei"^^.i,-n.;, wi.- v" ation, there has 'm.'en so ui ich opposition U> ixwn i-.v sit in that we have never been able to cany it ou-,r'.^a qV .j, . .:' effectively. The lion, member for Gmudvilli- ^j,jty ,;- ^. j,,-, [Hon. Mr. Letellier] has said that there shouK.r mon*')'* t' be no Deiiut;;,iental regulations. of tCc-jtpn'ib'*' Hon. Mr. LKTf'LLIEll— Ua-.diy that. crowd' 1 .ciJi Hon Jlr. rUIGE— Well, I sboukl prefer if thi^cend. J, w',;. whole thing could be condensed into one shoicr i'.is "siaco in A(-t, but as it cannot, it is exiiedieut that thcr washed .iwar Sp.lfCrl to X'.-.f : 1 n r 1842, bo\. (he Kiug*" 1' 111 stltliuu, Ollil' tilt! 11- I'jcuusi' salmon idwu; I'l.-rs like »-l.t'L'p tu tliv— ~ ~~ 11 ul^.iiij IJiiv r.v..ii.u;.Jii-.i,>rn jhc.li''' I.-.- m.-.il*' f.orn tir.-'- f.> timi* nj mum in the 'iuduut iir.c5-«-'y '^''^"^- Tl-.iy Ii.i%« ■i.cri '-.i F.r.»- he iMuisi'; t'jcv used linri'l wf ar..- oM'qc- J lu Imvo liicin !.•:•, I.r- IJoluiv Hint j'eur, Ihi; :eili-.' r.-nii:-t.. >:iv< i.tlec i!i'.i.-s ••;.• ?o nut!!- ul (if lisliiug twine ; !hih1v:i. i ■:» tii-tt llioy ci;"--'. ■».! • •- fo- ouM not b.iy Epcnri ,} i' i- b.v l.».' <-.\;.>~'5 i.-riiiA «f .":.■.■ Stucrc ,viM tlu>a'f.)i'e iHcJ L.ir.j .\:'""!ur -..'liii^ !•• ix- ^••'■■'•'■•'' '"' i- Illy fvji- ih-'ir uwii c>)L—\»'.''n :i.'.- :'!.-: 1 ill w.is lr'..:i,!i: in, t!.-.- -. passiii'/.jnl ii^iij';!! ( f i.i," icn-i |im|ii'..'il '.v m 'Jl vc;', wUt,-*, .<•> .i' I" ••• ■• '•j<:i-:2-: j •''»;'!• to |,'.t iir-* l!.«? »■,;; Tf n. . • .."isii; •'. .'. ^»o.il ciy ot i.uiu-i liy wj; iili_\ COlll\»*Cr M'V'l .".11 1 111'; te.';;| VV.l.4 ri'lv:?! t.> un'oriii;: VM'^, ren'.-";»i !•,> C.ir fiiir nnrc, t-iviifz iii.;- Mil'-, III »ll. C >:i>.''t::i.l:lly lf;it l'N'> ['tT-vil', [ iivclcii "H i!i" Nor; ou«> o;l...'r, luv\- invtitffl r.ipi;..! ill 'I.e e.i!- 5 uf wlii'ii ;i;'i'V.'!.! d ti.i S-ii'TicJ. I .k:i tl.i)a»M;rlily d's^uit.-d wi 'i till' btn .mi:! iw .; au-;ir»i|i:;t of ihf c'.;il*.tl I itiit in— I \u\ve l.id .i •II a boy, I li ii', 19 si.*youtI.iy and li;!.' rctjrri. Ci.dt.-l ( .ir.i n kill llkiu wi.li .=ione:y I. •-.«»•. Vi .• otucr party [Mr. IIoLidiy] lliem, fiiH' n.iw iMtircl i* i i-.-.clio.i'ly acjiviu'oil wii'i tlii ti'u'-y Anion.::, livs.- v/licmcii. li-i*'i":f " ■ca i ii.;.t';cd in !• in frv'.';;l, fly exttiiniiia'iil i'\v;r..;i»ul IkW k.'I t 'ult-ri-d fir ih-. M:'i;i" river. ay niontioii tl.i- l.]3Cu' »'ij;!i 'ik-i-? '.vc.i' •;'.•• .ul oilier fcl-Ta lit.'- tlie Pcti; .Sii^;.i.imy, t!, t.U, tiic ni^lip-t nfiiiem w.u ?.'."» ' r .';i"i. Bay, and i' ■ Ifa ! HaliuWcnT, ki'.i'A 'n.: :I.:' v.-.lii(» '.t tie ri'' t, t)ut iiilo the L'ill, 1 iir^-cred Ci'i') i yoir. He \wr\* d iwm tit :;ilvc ill ]iro|iilelor.s of dui:v;>ion, !■ ;t lI-'* :•«' •?« \vii<> |j I'i h.-.-n il.i'ro L'S. Of cuaiac it ■\VL-tfiiJ ' ;'i:ij.':it i t.-y !;.\;.?o>iin. and in cniise'ii.-T'.'e ^'^v :.<.u it would have to be clo. tAkcii 1 y liiin ili;- il,-»t yi..,'h fo g. I have seen it state r.'Tiitc liim ; 1 .5t jcason, Imwcvcr, l? 'v:is itanniea that the olde:J j'nr IiiiirmMe and ot.t'.ay I.y t'.io c ijita-s lering that certain fi.-?ljhtor fen tii. •.i^iifni fish. W'hcr the o'.in-r iturday night, have bec...j who h/d tendered n-crc bro-.^'it bvi'ure foot of them in thrtlominitfe" tli- y 5;i:d »!m riv;r v.m only tl.c opportunity of goin.i nl>n;'t :5" t, nui Mr. Ifolllil »y ni.-t b? !i er.) Hon. gentlemaioctTT i:r):'-. W-ll, Mr. irofli.! lyV; f \p.?r- believe that after fulii>ao«' ■ ti; i: rlr^rs c\a b-.-mi;! • valiLiM-?. I week days, that wol'^jp:;.;- my o-.vn PXfi"n'--iir.c; i'l one raor, rlstic of fishcs(especiall;c. M;ir^'a'ri;f. uiiieh v.-a? r.-nd- rrd q.il.- them to try again on t!i!p,«,tlu.6,-l!!..i-. ir.u'biPnoxtcinvnat- !'• y t!.-; eral quiet, and the al'thonet a.id i:'0.:r. liy d<';;.ce; it ha.- •ijc:' isturbance in thw walt.;re.st>>rkf'd. <■!;.;!/, |;.)\vover. lucn.se I lid rccugiiise a chang rcfcaincd, i". .rial' f!ij H'-vi .,f w' lei-f. . me the obstacle. [Hi'iirfijliin^j i; iv :;!; vxith n<:;-!, altlinu,' i I jay o sa\ of 'he Hudsjur co-.-id-r.iKio ri-nt f.a- Hi.' f.'vi.c^.- (".f when their leaj> so, w'.n'.e tir:< ^.•il::(;: notliiiv.' to ■ en;'"-- • y thou^'lit they woul i,>. ti,> ,,,,t|..._v \: •> !,, ,. Ti.n-' y l^■^.l;^^ it as they could, aii.^ a tri-inondoas f.-r-^!i'ft llirre, w;),".;! i <>:eJ h fioni the Indiana, Mi'. fortni'^Iit nr tiiroj week?, d.u-ia:j ilr- and indeed, witho;:. wli'-n'tli-* fi^!) wen- sp.iwni i- I: c i".>-t! everybody, and it ditjlnljlr« i;ijnrv t;- »^.■.• rivrr. dr r^j;. i:i;r ' ruin the river.-; at th-numhers of th>b.-c..d;n;j iis'«. ahn ■-• every t law has becii iu opei'^vhicii wi.- ^■x -^.r oiit '>f tlu! live.-, .Mi 1 m ich opposition to i.^^n j-v sit ir..''!:5 •.hl-vk in plac s ' i: tl- ' liable to carry ii cuor^a oV tii .• j!v,i'-i f.f tl.o :»fiv.;n. Lan ntniber for Gi«ndv:lU..^f(jty ,;-y i,-.^._. qilv w-Mit up 'i irin^' tl." .said that there shou!..r monVH, t it i-i tfio 3nti;r i, in' i'-c ; ulatio"3. of t>'»p!enib?r and the ''c^'i.'nir, ,4 .:"<.» •- ' !i— "dardiv that. cmwd-.l s^h:-" •.!> f ;* t;:«; fi-li cf t\ 1 ya-s 'ell, I should prefer if tlil'Cendi J, wiii-^h sli iw.^ th^it tii.- .-t-.e^of udcused into one shoicr {;as "Jiaco ininr.jvo.l. When th- .^tn-.vn , is expedient that thc< wnslicd .T.v.'ar, ir can prxlnco no fi-ii — i spa-'cd to I'r.r- jurs or to tho 6 ill water. i!9 j •" H c'ii-\ EvT?ry r.on knowj \\rki the t.i'.rmn yi'-ldj h>--j::x 1,o.jo iv.\ f.j: e? .-h ;/jund of In o-.in "-cm!!:. Ti:..*, a :\':r.: n > f ; J po-ird*, prcdiO'.-'* 1.'','jC") f'/iTi. 1! •.•/;•.:.: cn'iir.^i ia •Jo r^?. v.-!^i!.\i l'a>lv.-<> I :>, tl;.; ]i:r. i.'r-' ,;ri- s^:; ,..>a'd •■• con:a'.; 'i.j i.v«"..». .•.-.•i :'. • r;,*:)t lito ftfi.i.de i.v.i ; rt'.i.l !'.!•, •• v.'i.'j i'i\ v.* c.) ;-.: 'l ;l;'-i .-ay riiere li i.uT!y .h d .lor^t^c-v C ; 'Tiia:-.* ; •'• it.- 'i.V ''r^' b.twocrj I'., i.wi. :.': ., :tn I. ■!: I',' I.-, il:-.' : !.".ioi. .T. ••.':'.x''.ii..-'v • .;::e. 1 '•-.ve ;• / my !• .;.i .ii liter.i :tl .<\ ;.v.,.-- • \'.:r,^. T :*•/ a;e iI.-.m q liu- p:i~-Jvf. a:.d rardly ••♦..<■•» v. ;v-ii y./i ij;,i- ; fhi-u;. honci? '.iie f.itiil ftcili'v <• * d'-.« t:iv. li';; ti -n. Tl.f fi'rn il- d ■; o-"'-: hic • ;•'.• . .1 t'ie 3tri.iiii:, .".iid '.!i? ni.«'.,' li;* '.-^l:,.: '. ii-r. \v!i Ij l!i')i;^ni- cf trc-i" i-'t- \.-.i:;i,!.^ f.,r:!r.'.' d».\ ■ j?-. rr- :. ■..: i-.-v.iy. Ti'-^ (•>r.'^ i:? t-i!. -d hy i'K c.:;iii: : .u: lii=f ";".!'•, .■mil l,.'.!'dly 5 [nr cent, ar'' cv'-^r f.?'i ei'.'e J, which i.i t!'? rcrtsr.n wliy so l;;-.' ». ;•' n'j»-r i-^ loit. [f .tM liie 0V.1 tf wii'.'h inv* h- a . f-i-i.-.J froi:i fJrui'.-. i!Ic spoke, citi? tu . ia'iri:y tlie (' ij "A )\i\n iK-cme io nunmr'. ; pj I .1; -ly 10 r** able ti s">i!n i.i tin? .«'."■.. ^^•'■•.ii". h..\^r. > Ti'-'^r^ is ar.'iiher cvso be^ij^j :ii---e n:inn''j bv nr ho.i i'.iend, v.l;ic!i iej.n.vs •.! » i -"i >■» fl^!;<;ri.:^ Vi.'> herri: ,; ;'j nrsr i';« ;•'. re^n (i.'p.'si'. ll:'?ir V'z'. and wi^e-. r ;:* T.-r ira.r.Tirij;, canri'.' re'ain t'.ien: I'mz'T. .'^ j;-ii< ih'.T. (.••rrif;; jn, in i '.lie fs'iare ' ir:'.vii r.;>i:i'i>n :*-» '-^-j!. I have :icn b'r:! .' i".'! C'o'iiT lyir.? ;•.♦. ;''.e'ie« rtr a f'ot in d'-iih .ilonj; (I*.o ihun?. ■■••1 n^ttn- ly ti.ey. bi'. "i-'jir .^pawn rr-* d"^' ■ y-^. T!i<«y are • '..ked up by I'le aj^iind- .r..i ^ ■■'• .i.tti.in al)!?' '.ii" coast for f»';d or :.:.i . ..c. .-% pioii !!)'' iiPt> '.JT I ■.•fin*.; •v.- r.Vi ;l;ii; ty th.ai! i-y siaki- r.-i>"v;-ij sriiU ine-!i»». I; w.i;i!d ! '; tl:^po.^ii^.^'' *.-.• .!■» .I'.vay \«';i; ••: -se ii>'*?, I'lr il-.p:" II-.' ri>;'.;- c- .*: ."tVil «•;'„ tlioni \.!iich '..di.M'. ••!•••." a 1 ■.•- "." • ■* b.-'uii; \v irs ;■» 10 iio prri.ii'oj \\\\t !\ '.«:. "ivi? f <•» l"^ :.'.r , ■vA a rcT !h»' T* •\'yi cT w.'-.ii:-!? aio to bo ivc-fi^iKli.-i ('f an incli ^'j!;.!.*. ii" <":-'.»r (•> .•l;ii".w ii;j yi-i;p<: f \ \'. :-, ^.l■^ior. ri'!'' ! v ..r'«.'irr fiih to 1 ..va['>. Tri>, f ba- «» s -.'^^ ■: •"< • ■' •. :^" liih !\in;:in t'.e-e fishT:. • i'.t !• -•• ti !■? '••■■- ors-i:< f'?f. c'-e;-, bat I'lis '* w..iitin d'^-,'.- 'ir"i.->-. '-.r.-J i tliink liicrc'b' aid i'" n ci.'.!;.-.' in ;■:•■ i i , '. ,'. afi^r a (.nriiiin tiin • i.f i!''^ ;?" ■' r^o T-i^ori-.'* «li.)ai I i? rer.v-ved. A- f.ir r vy;,,^ i'- n g oi ill". J them. I doii't see why it «ho'.;ii -. :' i o taken — Hsl* i-j.iy m well be r u?" : in r-e T.-^.y a.? ar.ot'r.'^r. \ r-vrided i^ ij d'^u* d ir-'r? ti;* ^•'^■\\ 5-nj:n,h.il t.h'rre '\* "x cert'iir. t'rr • wV|.»-j »^'-r n Ci'.?? .ml gril 50 b«'2in. a jd the rr.c^i.-'.s orcr ti".*^ 18 I g(\]>« and in hII other nrtd shoiild be liir^e eiiMUKh t> iilif/w tlipin !o pel through freely. My li'.a. fVk'ii'l, whn spoki lut, nlliidcd in liin ri:t)i.rk-t tn 1|r» lliviT Ourllp, tluiujjli lii> v,i!oii .1" ilii.-* ri.'.r dofi not .xiist, but il i.i alni"st iijidj.-c to uUtinpt to maki.' a pa:i:-agc ikjw at llic wali-r la ubJilly .so low that 't" liie mil! li t.) be worked tL) fiih c.mnut m-t up. V\ itii a fi w oxcfption^, sucli 113 thi:!, almost all the rivcis cmu I>o made valiiablo. mid 1 thii,',; it 1,4 tiic ihiiy cf ilic (Jov- •.Ttmiori' o iL'j Ilia*, ai! mill d;iiiKi .shall have a proMcr llih pasi. Thi.i •.•.icasurc propoacii thar the (iovornmi.'n* shall pny halt the e.\pen-ie. It mi^iit b;> still t.iircr if M; > (eovcrntnf-ni tJiiiJer- touk iliii whole Cost ; hL''.vcvc'', it a bi'ticr to have lialf a loaf than no bread, and hiudly a mill owner wtio knows the .sport that the sal- TUoa would allbnl him, and the u^c ilii-y would b».i to the cownln-, will rei"ii?o to contribute, flle.'u.) 1 have tr.ivt'll'.' 1 'hioii(^Ii Norway and fj'Mid with a ^Tcat dial of pleasiuo that the h.-^h- iiij; riKhta tiiero are ca!cf..i'»' provided for. tvery mill dam ba-) a pie^.s, and dnrin;^ ccrtiiin dHvsof tlie week — y;i-;da\i and •! ilidays — th" iUli aro allowed t)|i,i.-.-!. Wlu-revi r liiere is a u dam and a nidi, iheie i.s a stroiij: le.-.ther bag- or apron arranged .-^o that I'.-.e wiiole vsweefi- in>;,i of .sawdn.-il and ol'vr rabbi.ih fr'in the mill are throwij '.ijion one lioor, ami not an atom of sawdu:;t or a riliavin;; of wood \a iliruwn i^to liie river, but tlio whole aro r.fierw.\r l.i bm.T; 'd. 'l\vo-third^ id' the piip.,latir)n (d' N'orwry exist altogether on lidli, eorn, bran and corn bread ; the li.sheries are a ino.st iinpor:«nt sonrrc of pro- fit to them. I may meniun) ci} fniisunt. that there is };oing to be ne.\t summer a fi.slnry exhibition lit ikrgen. In my ea;i:icity a^ one of the Vice- jon.snl.ft for Norway, I invite honoruljlu pnntle- inen to visit it at their oivn e.tpon.ie. [Hear.] Ttipy w.irit all nations to shew their curioiin kind* of net:!, and thfi produrts ♦;f their fiiiherie.-'. [ile.ar.] My hon. I'riond made Home remarks in rejf.ird to Coranianihr Fortin, who, it would seem, want.3 to be Commis doner of Fisheries down below. There i.s no do; bt that Capt. Fortin i3 a very eflicicnt ofTlcer, who has done all he could do in his cipacity, hut I think the charge has tieen too great for him, for ino North Shore has never .?een anything of him. That Shore ha:» never had ju.sticc done to it. The schooner Canadienne ia a great deal of tho tima on the Soutli Shore, where there are Courts established, and suitors can have justice il'thoy resort to the meana provided, but she is only for a very short period on the North const. Oommodoi-e Fortin has no doubt the control df hlsscrvici^, but not being a departmpntal ofii- irden i.poQ '^gOf:», bill we 1 1 cer, he tnuit receive bij imtructiraid from h offieiHl chief through some one ehargeii wis .such dutie.-, in the departmnnt. What he wmvJ^C; ";;;;;,; Jj Mtolw Commu.ioner r,t Crown I.anda ; ^ V^Je: . now there arc oMicis, I think, who kv.ow qmtt -^^y y,.^, ,.-!) wel! as !.c what ought to b" done witV the th:,^\ '^i .',,,.' or;e-^. aiM of e.)iir;e tho dv-parimv nt:il oflic. who gives him hid in.'^tructi. lis (i".^ht to be, not his siipiiicr, at least his icpi d. iHear ) .NjJJj do:djt the l*'i.-jheried 15;ancl> Inn I) irn miich u'J siniiteil 111 its op!;r,:tion>», and bus had to cc tend with the antMgoni.-m and entMiinter iL, aniiiio.-iiy cf'., iv.m.s prejudiced .igain^t it, iU.^^^,,^ jj, ^l^^. | who h.. .c tlieir own ends lo aerve ; hut it W'y|ft (j^. ii,(. niea be the duty ut' the governnn-nt if .iii; I i!! p;., • -2Li rTcar to e:irry it nut with a slioughund and or;c.iii;,*m! ' *" ' ' that IJr ni'h a.-; it oiigin m be. N. ;li ^crniiit-nt w I p ;.•>■!, i\ji' 'I jfjr lif, Hiid /n-n .-ea Rcr. : it will arw s lo overseers tioiied ilie law onlv allows -^,400 to bo "iven f , each sid of the St. Lawrence, and as lie p.]«&«'"> .1>«'1 " tent of country i.s very great, tho povt'rnnie:*°P'"""^""" "^ has been at the pains to 11:, d I'artlcj lihc; \nu tor a vet ei^o the Hon-: otiervation. T thft lion, mom enoiign to 'ake the matter small rei. uieralion. I w '! a.^k mv 'i'.— ,_ , friend whether . lich ft in:i:i as .Mr. ComJau w.T^ particular not an ellicient oliicer ? TIumc are persons w! 7^/' , [" , ".' " maintain thai beca'i?c tiiev have b.^cii engag. "P*'"' .,*",''/ ^ in the )islier;.-:i thev kn'nv evervlhiug ah. i '*fP**"'''''^\'", them, and if my Iimi. friend receives his '^JS-d Itor-' form.ition from a certain peroon — a relative i^^^f*^*-'' " '^- his own— H"" ^'f. I'H lion. Mr. T.FITI- IJ.IER - Let the 'nn, pentlf^'',^ !^!'^ '■'; ni.m be a littli; 1-sb persouul in hi^ refu-.rk?. !2|!,, . !'^ ,i"',7,'. v.'ould not do him lie.' same iniu tic: he doc; •,?Tijij' ,'^ . ,^j, •• iw^Mr. Puce M'l'.e l);i'l done Hon. Mr. PlIICE— I would aak if my hrr. ^ fiiend considers that K^f.'ilcman a iiractica ^^'' ' ,,' man ? ' ^ '« ;^''' ' dOttie III the ' Hon. Mr. I ETELLIi^R -I have, priithcrcd ni.^j^ij,,, [^.^i^^ j ricN>.. iis the Hon. « lommi.s.sionpr of CroM.|^ j^, relates l-ands did, from a vaiietv of *>•;' :: s. ^j^^^ sea.s'on Hon. .\!r. V'lMOi". — I 'ili'ient aitei/ion !;ftAj|d re believe not yet been ]'x\d i.- our n- i.erii'S to give us pertaiturc- consid •}ons thorongMy aefj'iiiiatei! with iL. ,s;!' y-et th4 part of th \Vc could brio , them hev from o'ber coi.i.'rif.-lJ||e new Bill but wc have i:. i, got ihem .iniong u?, though '^^^eJ^niption. J liave tho«e wlio coiiiu very soon ac-^aire tlie ir^^fcds might ces.5ary lr".\vierige. 'Ihe p'jison e.liudcil to j,i il^^ change, ai niiw is •. i^)nncction rf the .lou. mcmbo,- fn ;:Wi- consider tl Griii;d'''lU', ,'.iid one whot:i I huvcahvay. ki.oi.v:.fig|jiug tr/^e o as a friend. lie ha.s even been a i>ar'ner 1 190taplai!,.;)g mine in some of his fisheric, bu^ although li:-lioj>rd an oppo theoretical acquirements • c very great, ur.f.n-of supplying i tunatcly for him and for ine and tho.sc who fiavi ffjed thet gill iiad anything to do with him, cveiybody KnowindS; be placed that he has never sr.cceeded. He must then bavonfjfcr the first some fault — probably a Wfint of judgment. Th.nili Rtormv w. officers acting under the fisheries branch — thf-ftjiron >•, -. S Inspectors, Mr. Blais and others — are uscfiMirtli, if it beci men, and if they are only supiiorlt'd by tL'^e hon. Com Government in carrying nut the law, as theyMbrmed him outiht to 'le, they will, eventually, be n most cf-»ij|tance to tTV ficicnt staff, and bf^fore long we shall seo resultsgSlll too great, creditable to the Government and tho couutry.tiHj Cominitte< The fisheries Mrvice has, indeed, Vttberto been m 1» tinderati n I iiiftructioiid from ii^ ir J .1 . r , , li'liirdea i.pon ihe country, M fur an cxitense , . „,, '*. I«W!>, iHit wo have somi! iiuliact conjpeiisfttioH r,t Crown f'^n.Ja I :.,,.^J^.^ J,,^^ . ,,^_,, „,^ ^.ndf fi.laMip' Ic, who Kv.ow (jiiitt ' '^ :') li" (1()!H.- Will- iho f: rreiv V'ar, wh'i' hcv'n viv«M air" (liiTu v/t-re ^ , ;, ' ; noli, urc ll).;:i turo <.r ihrfL ; .i CiiaiiKf, iwiii;:, t I.'."!M"i If "■'\ c .-in ami ct'.oiinter : 'j:uii(;-t'(l .i^jilriat. i(, 3 U) atTvo ; buc it w iTinnMit if •nil I i!! j,ii • lon^li.'uul ;inJ or;C.ii. I" lie. \>)\v ;n 10 il ortf': ing .IV ib, Hi'il U.I'll' i.i 110 li.-ltcr nic.ins (if niak- ri icii 'frii than by tniitiinir liiem ns tish- .rwi;-. it will iriccasc Uis iiir oer of vesseln ^ owvii-ii i:i tliL' Low;'r St. Liiwrenci'. Hiid evcntii- u\lj bi' llic nieuiis of doliig an iiniiieiise doal of ga^d. (;"uar, heai-.) JBiKi '•'r. LETKI.I.IEU "nid tiio bon. mcmbrr lioi) fritjiid li.'i.s m !•*'***'•'■'* ""'^ liuvp. iitlribiileii wbtit lie (Mr. Lt;- w.-t -400 to bo ''ivcn f **Wicr) bad said to any otu! person in purticu- rcMci' and as lI e o-'*'*""'^ bad no grounds for doiiiq; so. The gi'i'at' llu' (rovcTunic^^'*^'^""^''"'^ ''^ I I«'-'leHifr| iiad conimuniciit- to liiiil vai-ilvj iilic' ***''^" ''"' "'^"■^" ^^'i"* g'llliei't''^ li'^i''- and tbcrc t>y tci- : !: liui tor ;v voi®^""^"'''^"- Then as to i oflioial? [ w '! ask liiv h I ^''* '"'"• "''''"''*'r liiniseif Imd lione the same, riiin a-! .Mr'CunK'ni w '^''* parlicidar jK'iion to whom the bon. nieu> Tiiorc'are persons v.I*^/^^*-''"'"^"! ''^ j^avinp prompted bim^'r. b-- te||ier) t(» !"iy v.du' be b<»d sai.l w i.^ i.i no sense i^= .Mr. <,onK'aii w lore are |>cr.sons w :.ev have tieeu enj'a^ rolponsibio i. but Uiv» Slat"nient3 be bud nnv evirvihiiiB' ab. -, , , . , , , . . , , n-iend rec^■'iv(.•,^ bis i"^*^ '""^ *''^ '■'■'' "'^ ''" '''*'' f M'-'S^^'d h'^ii Ijcen I pcs-jon — il ria'ive ' nl'or::''.',! I from tlie public. Mr. I'FUCE .«nM .':,erii':! to ;:;vr: us per-taiturc- consider •! ion, ftnose Lakes had written to bim en been a par'n'T i<80lbplaii,.;i^ of tbe jirnpo.sed change. Hi. ?ric,5, b:;. nlthoiigli lii-haj'f J ar. opport'.inily would be alT.'rded them !• very great, ur.f.n-of supplying information. Tbe Bill ul^o pro- me and those who hav>«f|Bed thet gill nets used in trout fisbinf: sbuuld him, eveiybody knowiuflit be placed within five miles of the shores, ded. Hernust ri.onbave^irter the ♦irst day of September. In the d-Mp Th:«jpJ storiov wafers of Georgian Hay, and La'ies -thffiqron '-. ', Superior, the cflfect of this pro^is- nd other.s— are uscf>;!io|i, if it became law, would be probibiiiou. ly supported by tI.eTfce bon. Commissioner of Crown Lands bad oat the law, as thev^oimed bim, t;..;t hi ]■:.)• csed reducing the want of judgment, fi.sheries branch bv tI.eTfce bon ventually, be a most ct-4j|tance to two uiiie;. V.lw.dher this was rot Dng we shall sec resulUci^ too great, would be for the cons'-ieration of racnt and the couutry.tllj Committee. He highly approved of the plun, iodwd, Vtthertc been ■§ bt Tuidentood it. pi«oj»twed Wy thf bcm. Cnti*- rtli.^3i1nera of harlnjc'the Fiill reprinted, iHamond* ed, and distributed widely among ihoie interested ia the trade, 8o t'la' lii 'y iniglil biivc it f>r enu- sideralion d'jring the retc.-..-. Thisi would en- al 11' thein to present tiieir views to the tjoin- uiitti-e. 'i'i.o.te e.iguged in iho Ldke (i.-herie« led ti laborious uu<{ precirious life, and ho wni « oe iUeir iaiere-it, Wculd receive f.,;l consid T- ation fr iiM the (J'.'ininitlee, and fri;rii Ibiit ll-'use. Jfoii. .Mi'. i;V.\.\ bi-gged to usl. the boo. (/omnii^ioner of t.'iowii Lands wli'ih'.- lie in- tendi.M referring tb.: bill with the amcndin.'iuta he i>roi)osed mtiking to a Special (.■omn)itt?e, and whether al io be would be prepared to cf>n- .sider any otlier amendineiita which iniglit be oll'ered in Committee. Hon. Mr. CAMPBELL replied that be h>id nn o' v'ction whatever to bdlow any cjr.r*e the L.iise iniglit deem best, and would be prcpar- d to acceiii any amendments which might cb-nr- ly apiH'ar tj bj for tbe improvement oftbe mea=i.re. Hon. Mr. McPHKU.SO\ tbonglit tbe best w.-iy woiihi be to make all tbe amendments to tlie bill wiiicb tin House might desire, and then to jirint it for dislritiution among the parties most inleic.-tt .1, so that tbcy might bavon tbe law as now existing, but be thought it did not do all that was needed. There was, f tv instance, no piovi;!wn for tbe remedy of a i .actiee which on all sides was admitted to be a great nb'.i^:-?, he meai.: tlie 'lischirge ofsaw-dufta? th-.- mills in- to thf ijfp'arns u|)on wbicli they were creeled, and by wtiich means there w^as .'in imraense de- struction of fish. He thought the law should nj.ike it corr.n;.;sory uimii all owners of p'lch mill- to C'.";s';me the saw-dusf, and ?h.? wast* wo!»d and sl.tb?. which were now got rid of by thrown. jf f!icm in the writer. Then be also tbonglit tliat some more etfectual means of neu- tralizing the evil results of str.kc nets and other fi.ved engines which all tbe wor'd over were re- garded as detrimental to the fi.3!ieries, should lie .idopted,and that at any rate op^n ways to allow the fish to pass the dams would be pro- vided. Hon . Mr. LETELLIER de St. JUST— In the St. La'vreiice ? 11 in. .Mr. RYAN" — Yes, that was where thej were most wanted. Hon. Mr. LKTCLLTER de St. Jl'ST— It woaid be easy ei.oi'gb to op;n them, but tbe qne-:'ion would be about Bbutting them when once open. That was not so easily done as said. Hon. Mr. RYAX — In that case an increased value would be given to public property and for bis J art be would have no objcoiii/ii to lea^e t hem always .?pen. It would probably not suit , the views of persons who wanted to make large ' profits out of the fisheries, bnt thos«> who had 20 I i the public pn( (I nt luun wn.' 1 pp-f-r it ho. Good siipe'.i.iUnrJenco would L'; p'ljiiireil to make tlie law iMi3V,'cr till' PtvN pni;iO!»H. Tl:? bill providctl for hucIi ?.i;i(.>nt)t'iiil' mcp, nnd it' I'mt w ■..■! ;fivi'ti ami llio pfuul ; iTnpn^'Ml np- o:t tivs;)i;s.-. .; were (l:il_v Ii'>';;r liir i' ac- ti.r lu thi. law now in fotvo. Don. 11-. P;' I^RAIMM: sii.l a fi-w won! •, 1 ;,• \:.i) f'C. .;,^ iir "' ".r- lurtln'r aitiOiMiiii'-nt, l!'-! I.>'(MiJc Dulu:") ui w.n .'.J <()uli net bi; umlcr.ilooJ in tl.u gallery. Hon. Mr. CAMPUKM. sni;l tirit lij- lun. friciKl wlia h.u\ i'u'it frrnmcntiMl upon lu ■ re- marks (Ii.)... hir 2>. F l.'olie.iii) Inii (iv;Tlo"kf'(l r provi.d"! of the hill wliic'h ni'jt his oljjv'c'.ici I....-' •• of i! ■ •>rritci.''.i;n to iiio ctul lis!i»'rv, nurl I 1 >. Ir .J. I ;ml)fr l-.p.(l r? ..1 tn tiio Hoii.-'^ po''tion.5 C'f ihi' [;ciK>it ff a (■•inirnittoc tc lin? o'l.or bra;.' i: of till' Le^i.-'ntiire to :ho fuUow- iag cUbct ; - " Ilaii'l li-:hin;^ linr.^ am tli<' pri;'ripal nv^nti.J n.nil(! '.;.- Mif til fatcli rixl in ''aiiadiaii watcis On the North HIi'Tc tia; seitu- ;> rir-itioli'ar'-j, l.af seldom, employ I ■!, ami at llie MajT nn with regard to maelcoal Tliere were " ^risl. lions f'.itiipbtdO believed thnt hcrrinff't ti:vd bft'n iii-gd^h be not 'lit j'lr d tiy till' fixed <'nt!iin"<, which drstr, yt I ll.»t#iaised if Civj try, and h" bid tliordr^ prpviih-d '.bat thfoPor ftcipii. ■•■••' fT'Ofl nil'. 11 I he r:^.er<^l with net work. whi'h«A>areijily in b wiidd Ib'-.v «li'iii to r.HiApc. Tli :), the chaMwlili' to ''.c ac iict-r iind r o' ."t-ncy of tb.: dti lii-i-rrt to h'jfliftcrv privib';^!' cn'ploy 'd ill c.irrv),!^ .ait tbi- Put, liad been ad-U' •Tti'd to, 111 not iiil'i'idr;; isairicient giiarante<'tl Tt it' pri.,ier e:{ec:itioii, b..l hmi. mrinber* r in^'iitber that tlie amount pbiTd ntl V . I'lhiwiii'; to ever, if a.iv lonraiic lia 1, litit . : ai< I.' "ill of il'.c '?'>ninii-t. i"!v r of (V . w ■^•t^, antl In- l.aiidj lia- tlli^ l .-iervii.', was no'.tiBsivj bn.,. i .'.u'.i n^ to v.arniit a larye cxpenditare.fwbrn'd it ti (. ' i.'Ci''. w=! n vii-t f'Xtent of «:i)!iri'ry lnfl<|cricM oa I. d' ' b' i .ol'ed after, and ii ;;reMt iimiiber ofthit tli-re w.. .i\'.".\a r< rv'i.iee, rn.iuin:;- sour; thoir-andj ofsmious bat in mil''", t.iil if tho work of ovfiyceii;;.^ bad to '^pt^t of one kin d.)..J 1 _, lnr-'( 'y paii ;. jft'tiH no amount i.f rioiuvcUjic .seayn i!icer<, ho h •. i done the n-.-si l)e-t thiii;^ in hi'p^ of a clos' ; 1 j)()>i/r, lie Ii.'d fwiiiid iliat the .-ierv '.,"?} of in-(H»n. Mr. (Jami t('ii;,'en* p'actical men intcroleii in tl.f protec-nild c .aid j^cc ; lb),! "1 ]•,•; Ii .heries, and who were willin;^ tno:"tbH|ni:>it hi/bl} i.tim a love of I' ; .< c.ipatioii ♦.! i.? because (>i'no^ b" cipially t K' r w If I, to cc-'i|)->rat'! 'n caryio r o;it tho Aijgii.sl wiicn t I law c.iiibi be pecar d lo. : \ery mo i.-raic rc-fWP' food it \ ni i;i.i lUcn, and he bad IberefoiC decided nponftl^i I'ft !> r( ' .iv.illinj; himself of thtdr help. I'f.i far a.s hcWmr lliere wa? onlil , 'C, this wn.i \hc. ciily praeticabli' wavof^thi.s very s (.pc.-i at ire:3ci;' of dealinj; i\:';i that biaiirh (ifSW why tlie r I- ; '. I. i'^ nun. memoir lor ^iiaiiiivniruiwivs uiiii,.» ♦. T'l'' hon. membi r for (iiandvilirLnItes llan, •in.iphiincd tli.it ll.c f'i;i'r!".itend.ril of tiicotber Lake.-s and •»VlH Ca t!ii^ v.'as Ik was nc no snch For; in, !il if.a; L': ntiennip w had -.11. ipliiincU tli.it W.i' I'ij'rr.itendiril of tiicOtber LaKe.-!, ) Gulf (idierie.*, Captain Furliii, had not received tiM(» weri chosi tl'.e 'i^anlenaiice and Hupiio'-t from the C'rownseiion in one Linda Dep: i-niV'Ut nece-i^ary to en diloseijion in anoili bim elil'c; :ally to dijcl..-;^r. },!,» fbiiies.tiojl it conld be nn ali.-ioliite 7iiiHtak",thf. bill hclVr Vctly assured that th' ivopilii ai llicre impre.ssion on i!:^" miiulthf^laKi's for al but that on the contrarvold law tiicrc 'lid be ready f) dtjclare h'.for Bi>rckled tn bad rcr'.ivel all dan aid and cuui.tenance tViaiiftHaded to the ( tlic Dcpartin' nt ui UiU rcpect. Captain For-giH n'''-^ mi-riit tin wa.s an admiiisiralivo oilier, and he lll:)n>nd he h.ui r .Mr. Canipbcll] !;:id £fieat ideriSjre in i ;r.tiii,i,'tlii8 'listauce o that he diseliar^'.d tlie duties a]«pert'ii.;iii,.;ed, nii;o .a !T;,-iilstio!i proiiib.ii'i^ ■' b;dtow" lines within tlirr-e miles of the Magdalen Island.^. The total probib'iflor. of oulsh so!ne.=t and of set lines, althonph so decideuly i-c-.m- mcnd' My the Oommi'iee, was nolc.rried out, beca'.i.se r 1. deein'd ad"isahle, and i.i ('.^'f-rence to the express opinion of Capt.iii Foi.-;:. who 8ay.=! that to d i so would vf>r' ' riiiLsIy and e;:- neco.ssarily injure the fi:;K.:ir.en. TI:o hnn. member biad al.so alluded to the herring fidicir, but there were no recommendations on the sub- ject in the Report he '^ad quoted. He (Mr. the D;:p.irtment, aiul as n::cision renderial 'l nc-"'*''^'" " ^''''^ •''' ccv-ary to communica'J tbcm to the C'i»,.;i;::i opf^rto ;;ie 2iid ] to other.-:; as the case mi.^hi be. The iii.strar ' jn.^ vvonb' find it « -w.-re not theirs but liio^e of the D.-p-.r'.- .nt.doflt wa^ not t- and, of (,)Mr.se, all such ii.^tractions hid ■ ^ r^^s^e bo.cd, wonl throng;, the head of the Fi.shcries F.-ancli [Mr. ^nxi ;y. Whittiier] wiio, as he had already .••.tatoJ, also H-n Mr. R' discharged the duties «.f his oflice •i.'iilirarc abi- tbat :l .I-ie'd i lily, and he felt sure that Captain Fortin had penalty annex: always received the most cordial assistance oi TElon, Mr. C tbat officer in his particular line of service. In- for all infractii deed, he vould now iMrn it for the first time, if -==- "^"=^ if I'crritiff't timl brcn io-iQ:h be not 'lie ciw,', au'l Le wuiild li'cxtn iiielv , which 'Ifsir, yt I i!.»f#jiii»ecl if CiiiUvin Ffjrtin liml any ktrnwlcl^r,) IV piTvii!,',| '.liiiUli^oft)!' nc.i'iit.';c'i'fMn tliR cuuiiliiiiM licir in.nlo aIiIi !)fl work, wlii'-h»A>iirpijily in lii« I-'IiaH'. Objor.'idn hail l),'»ii v;'C. Th:i, tin* rhar-DMlili! ti> i.f .u-i;;iMiilati ii (iriuTcar.s of r.-rit tVir rars* if tli;: ijT) rifcrH to hi Mm- huT, liad liwn ad- ' jJiiHicii'iit yiiaranlO'M b..t hi>n. niriiilfd' ry I^^ivil»■;^^'^, wliich C >ahl ivit bj r'Milily C >!• ,i'iimviii'( (;i .l-t'ft-< i. Ihi; 1 iw ; t!.. !•)•!-', I'.i-r, ir .i.iy, ;ii'i •' li ' c .iirii<.>';i;ivvly tnisll, ortiaiH' lia 1 li-ni cxi'i irtiMl inw i.il.< ihr I'.ir- , bui iiraiH v.i.'iY' b.""2: u*"il t J oH ill thi'»e its, ami he wa-i siUi-«lii'ii tl.cic w 'iiLl lii umx- \w l'"-;.,. Th'- liiin. m Miib.'i'rc.rS:i'.i,^t'>'ii !iai| rrfd li ti tliaiiK' i i tli<.' law in n-siici't ol' llio t'ifljfcrici o.i I. tk"; llaron '-lA S.iii-'ii.iv ivlli'tfing Pfthdt lllTC w, 11. t |iU)\ i-i'iii at ■!i. ii" flom- V H jnis..tk 'h I'.ir in r.'i- ii^^ .'inioiint i>!ii''c»l at »in»lA ioiior of C.-w: \ sci'vir;-, was no! large L-xpcnilitan lent of t:ii;iti'ry II ;:;!Pat nuniljer :; som? thr)in:u\<1j ofM||puii-i, but in tlii-i h ■ ovv:i(.'o''.r,,f Ilt! lo ^'ptft uf one iiiiul (it'ii -'-, \vli;t>: ti'ih, •li'Mf' was <\ t^ no nntount (.t'tuoiHVcUlie siM^'ni i):i in tin- old net, btit In; hat the scr\'.."sof in-(Hen Mr. Oaniplr-ll | ll. .uijjlit llii;re should itc one tero-jliiii in tl.;' iirotccnud Ciuid ."Cf a',nM.-on wliv wliitu lisli, oiii' of •ho were v.iliiii;» nio:'>thf!ni;'::t lii/'ily pn/.od .>f onr lake lis!), slmiiM lion *.ri.' Iicciinsic (yfnol b" ciiually pr.)ti->'ied. In .Idiie, .In''- and ■; Ml car;, in : o;it llicAlBii.st wiii'ii tlii.s fish was suCl undaliiiogt iiiilii f.iod It wa5! caniflit in large (luantili^'.^ lid l.'l'i ! ) rot on ;hi' beaches, and in lliis far as hcW^ there was a p.oal do.slriiction and waste (.'lily priicliiMblr WiUOf^this very siipi rior tish. IK; could not well iif,' >\;!h that l-raiirh (ifser why the r.slrictitni should imt apply to neinbi r for (iiamlvilicLiijccs linn, a and rinporior as well ns to the >'i;"f I'.itendiril i,f tlicolher Lakes, ]).()vidinpc always tiia'. the jirop.-r •rlin, had not reccivorltime we-.-.' cli"-en, a-» It w.ts ])os ilUe that the pc-t fn.ni the C'rownsetion in one place r.iijht not Ij- tlic e.vat I e-j-,ary t;^ en ihloseiion in another. If there w.i:? such a dl-^ iiie- ich.'"i;e lii.j dniiei.tioil it could be ascui-taiiied and provided for in aiHoIiite iiiistak'-,thf. hill bc-n.ro it hucanie •l.iw. 15al in his assured that th- i-copJui ui there should b;- a close season on all ion on iIk; niiiHlthtlaiu's for all kinds "\' iisli, wlierras i:i 'he hat on tlie fMntraivOld law flierc was a gi-iicral close ;,ea-;on or.ly re.-uly to deci.ire h'.fur Bi"''"i!aci^'l. It w.is now hve niih.-.i ollic r, and he lli)n.''nd X vory mo.ieratc rt-for refo. Iielp. iherefoiT deelded npnnfti he h.ni reiliiccd it to two mile-:, niakli t I lefiSjrt' in r.tiiiL'thii uistaiice only where fteiniii'.;- f^round.s e.Kist- duties niipertairijiijed, and from all he cotild learn from parlies en- e ^vitll the (rem-gagfed in tl;is iadiisti y iliis wtmld bi; about fair ]-!iit this did III,; for all the iiiten-sts involvrd. The lion, nvm- itiitc con^oariiuns lu'- ocr for Vietnrin [J Ion. .Mr. Ryan] had slateil 1-3. The other office I :.tl>*it ''''<• w.-.s ir provijion in the hill for the ■whose bu3ine3.=! itdispoaal ofLJiw-dii.ii, Avliicli he mentioned should ions of ;!!C h?ad i.,fnot li.' Ih.own into il.' w. cr, b-at lliat hon. cision render'd 'l nc-"^''*"'"'" ^'"•''^ 'i'^' mi^^ltt^- '•'■- ^i-'i'^ 'f ''f wonld re- •m to t'ijf. (ji. ,,,■.:., (jrferto '.iie 2nd i .ira.'.'r.vjh of the ISth clause be i)e. The iu.'-itr;ic^jn.= wonli'. find it WIS there eniic'rd that the f>'v. ; of the Dep:;r'.- >ut,tl08t was not to be H.'-own into the water. Tuis, tiuctions hid -n^sh* hoicd, wonld rel.?ve the honorable member's Fi.shtries P.anch [Mr, unxi 'y. a!re;u'y rai\J, ulsa Hoi. Mr. RY.\N' — It w-; ■'. not eno-;p;!i to f;^" IS office w-iilirarc abi- that il c!:r>i''d not be d^n", but there should be a Captain Fortin had penalty annexed to the oHencc. cordial assistanco of ion, Mr. CAMPBELL— And so there was Ir line of service. In- fo, gn jnfractionB of the bill. it for the first time, if II »n. .Mr. IIVAN— Wlmt ponftUies. Hon. Mr C.AMViJKLL- Kine.< of mt leriMhnn ifH, nor ni'ii" ih.ui r.-", and impriidnment when th' liiie \v,i.- not f )i-the'-"niin» ui fri.ni » i;;lit days tootle itiMi il H"'c iiii JO iniikcB otfenc.'J daily ;ind .K'p.t! »'■■. II in. Mr irVAN'— Tint wa.i noliufflcient. lion. :.!,• C.\MI'!;KLL— U'ell, the h .n mem. ber l>i.l;!iid hji ■'iiid it Was I lo pov.Te, (lau^;li« ti'i-;, ^■l beiweeii ">ntlm(iiijf .ipinions he liioukfhi liie 111" lii.iii h 111 b-( n at ,m;| a-ceitained, ami at any rate .sm-Ii details nii;^ht be chi'njjji-d in (.'om- tniltee. 'In- hill had bren prepared with Ki'eal •MieailU iil.i-r pa i i.i coii-iiiltaliipn wiiii piaeiical 111 -n, iind i.'.' ;iii',i);lil it (h -ei ved the ns-cnl of the House. II.- hail lit lirst iiropo-ed to reter it (o a lar;jce .Special Coiiunittee, ami had selec- ted nlemb.■;•^ from biuli sections of the Province wh(^ he 111 fiicrht would bi; able to >rive llio suiije"; due coii.r leraii'ii, but upon relleition, an.! iiL the sv^i/i.^tiivi of the lion. ."Speaker he h id det^.lv I lu brioi^ it into Committee of the Whole on .Monday, when he would move the ;. I iption v.f his own amendments. The Com- luiltee would thin riie and report proj/ress, and the bill would In- luiiili-d !is then amendi'd, and sj placed br-fore the c.ainlry. 'I'ln' (iovern» , ni"nl firopi^sed lo in.ik.; arrangements by wliich ' tl.!' iialiniahed liisiii'ss would be taken nji next i J-. -.on, at the stage at which it was left this H' -isioii, and if this was agreed to, then the bill I c^/uld bi! put in (.'oiiimiltee a^ain at the eom- I meuc'.neiil of tlic next sessi;)ii, and if nece.-sary lifter that sent to a Sjicrial Coinmitteo This, , he thoiigiit, would be the most clfeclual way of i dealing with it. [Ilaar, hear.] Hon. Mr. r.().S.-»F, said he was git 1 the Gor- crnment hud undertaken lo deal wiin thi3m..i- , sure, but he was afraid that some of the pn.vis- ions for executing; ih.it law by piinisliing otVnders would be attended with unneccs.iury ' hardship. For instance at Cap dca Mont? and 1 Wane Sablou where sonio of the best fisheries in , the I'rovince or the world Misted, there were I no Justices of the Peace, and no persona to con- llfic the oll'enders, and if they had to he brought tip to (.,>"ehcc, and .so removed for nn indelinito term fr.>u their families, the consequence,'' mipcht be very disastrous. He thought thnf ('.jmmiiu'.er F'-.rtin should have the authority to try such offeuders, an 1 that the Govern- ment schooner niiijht for the purposes of the act be used jis a gaol for the detention of the od'eaders. It. was clearly nece.«sary to j)roceed ■with ca:Uion in this matter, le:.t, too great a puiiishmeut should be inflicted. He ir>w bogged to call attention to the .M.i;;d.i1rn I.slands, whose fisheries -were ex- traordinarily prodnelive. Ua himself had seen from ^;m,OO.i toS-,000 worth offish taken p.t one tide, oil of v/hich ■ivero carried ofT by foreign-rs ■who came and went at will with- out let or hindrance. He would suggest tc the hoD. Comraisr.ioner that the municipaliti"* 21 7Viliitiiiiii itd tli'.'- iiiiplit (li-riii jn.''T''.Mry for il •.: prolccli'ii of tl.fir ti-liiiifs. If'iu Mr OAMIMJKI.F, conrurrnl in tlic n •:•• g(*S>iilll (it ill)' llli.l. IIICIhIhT, IMI'I Uil<4 uliil^r.t lo him lor iii Hill caiiic \\\>,ni lin ln' tlu)i'i;lil !t vV"ii!iI lie well lo ctjliiuly siicli a provLsiit!! in It. n'<;>ect|i.g tin: .M(i>r'l:iU'ii Islnuil.', a-i th • liriM. Ill •iiilicr l-i jmiuinl uiil. As ti» niiikiiijr l!'' siiiodivr (\'-ti'iiii nnr a j.ii', ho I'l-ar- I'd tltdl wo.il.l ii'il III rf III" (lillifiilty. us flu: co'iM iu)t iilways wait in iln- plan.' wlicr.- the filfi-' 'I'T liiiil licin tioiivifinl until tlio U':m of iin[irl->uiiin"iit IkuI fX|iirt'(l, ami so llic nntniti;' iiiiK! I'lan lakt'h tVom Mni^ic, or fI?i»'\vlioic, nii^flil li>' lamli'd at Hi'-tijj-.iiiclif, or Home iitli'T (•(iniilly distant place, ■\vhicli wiail'l Ik; ju-t as had a.-: to liiin;j! Iihn i;;i I > Quel ''i', cv .simiI him to anolli.T jiri-iuii. There wcii-, no doiili', dilli- cullies in llic way, hat tln' ofrrn>c.s had usually heen vi.situd with lii,<'s, and it' ih<-y wi" iv-t paid, l»y C'liirHrati 111 cl the iiotn. A^ M the want of inat^islr ales, it wionubly well executed, Tlie Hill Wi-.s tlicn rend n second lime end or'Jered l. he It aiglil up in Commitlce of t!ie Whole on Motnl.n-. M'.MiAY, l.lth March, 18C6. THE FISIIEIUKS' DILI.. l'u"?nant to order, the Iloi:se then resolved the Hill for ihe pro- itMclf into OommiUce, on ledion of the Fisheries. — Hon JitU ij the Chair. Mt Dk HEAU- Ilon Mr CAMIMIK.'.L xM hp need not r^ jiont at liny nrwi l.Mi^»tli the closinR renmrkg I.» liad made on Fr'diy, in relation to thecour/." h« dcnind to t, ike wiili ffoirnce to the menjurr hut W'uld meivlv ly h' tiropused to Imvc tl* aiii'Mi i.n-'i'.^ he liad Iium I'llly cxplaiaod to '\.i Jh.'i-f j.a.<' i aiv p.intcd iisuin' ni- fd (or ili.-itiihalii.ii. Tli'-n at ilio in'Xl Sei»i( r nf er il l.al received the eltoniioii oMioti. men. her^ ni:d if lie t > .ntr , if il wcr-j found ''^ Birahle ui iritrod::^ . .i,v farther ihiii.iX.iH !» would he I I' 'iiir-d ti ..'"iisider them, and, if tin lloii^e a;{rii.d that tlav were deiiruble, to uc- c.'pt them. If .11 .'Ir KVA>(' Knid !ic fullr ronrarrrd ir llic popri- tv (if tioconrise proposed to he pnr- Fiicd !'V •' :' Hon. Convi•;.^^ione^ of Crown Lands, ;:i 'alion to the meainrc, it hoinp nn- der-flood thm when the hid rame up m xt Ses. ^i.ln any lirlivr (.rnenilini-nt linn, memher' ni'jjht he pr pared to ofl'.T would receive due r Msidcralion, aial bo accejited if found Ljne- tic.u!. ITon. Mr. CAMPI'.rLL nwntcd. The hill was then r^-n'! chuigohy clause with t'le !iiiu'udmentl?!, all of Tvhie!i were adiptei The ('(iintnit'ec then r"se nud the Chairrnm re- p.irt>'il tliat they li.nd (:'<■" Ihroujj'i the hili ani afiiTcd to Ihe ;"n:'iuinii'nl3 proposed, a^kin; iL-nve however, tu sit again, which was granted II ai. Mr (\\MrHKrJ/ then said that as th" hill was very imporianl and as it was rr:.r': cpieaily desirahle to Imvc it extensively ir- eulat.d dirin^r the interval, ho would satr;res! that a larper niimher than usual, pay .500 copies HI each lanf;nnjrc, .shraild be printcl for the use of members. The Ihmse seeming to assent, the Hon. (/ommissioner made a inotiou to that ef- fect which was carried/ IIE.MOKA.\n CA.MI' CROW Oh A radical < that power to Iftte and |>roti' Ofown. The IilW ri;iiit of p •M mad?, am: o^ the (Joverr CMsaiitly C')i principle it is mtails. AIsc WJCessarily im IilBom: respei lUd it not be dflpiii'tnvn'al «iiiU flirt h ■hfculd a;r.ird. ,T!ic new bi pwciical e.vpi under the c\i Its clnu^e'i vltions lew a- nad its pruhil and fiir spirit eflTcctually to ccpnomicHlIy •ervicc. Instead of Imkc .-^alaric.^ local fiihe ry ( rj' places by i These ()verse( Pwca (! .ring pWr and more of the Peace wHl get .small rwideats wil p^hses. Beir Ming is carr Vf bt abnasv* ol « snld hr ne«d not n- the cloMini; rcmnrka !ii rf'lAtion to llipcour/ioh" icnco to the infn»iiri'. M'OpllHOil til liiivc il> I I illy (•x|ilniii<»«l to '\,k • •Mil" |MIilCiii of lion, ini'ir. , if it vvn found 'V V l'iirtlii>r tliaii)70H !.t iisiiler tliom, nnd, if the wore deiirublc, to uc- 1i(* fullr ronniiTcd in *f ;>ropo9fil to he jiup nvi;s>ionor of Crown ini'imirr, it hciiip iin- liiil rnriH' lip 111 xt Sts. uliiKMil lii>n. nn'mbcr r.T would receive due CTjilcd if found Line- I n«spnted. 1 rlmircliy clause with •■ wliifli vcrc adiiitui (> 1111(1 tlic Clinir:n 111 re- r.!' tliruiig'i the bili atil n'lits in-Dposeil, n^km: uii, wliich wiisKnuitcd I then said thnt as t'l' : juiil 113 it WI13 rr:.r') live it extensively ir- Val, llO would Klljrrrosi in usual, say TiOO cojiios [1 be printf'l for the use 3 seeming to assent, the Ic a inotiou to that d* I .VPPENDIX. MEMOUANPrM FOR TlIK 1H).V<)UAL'LR A. CAMIMJKLI., (•.■).\IMI.SSlUM..l OF CROWN LAXDd, ic , kc. OH NRW riiIlr.M.:.H BIM.. A radical detect cxldt.< in the old net : it is, timt power to dispose 'if lislierie.*, and to rcgu- late M\i\ proit'ct tl.t'iii is not cUr ily ci-'tn to tliu Ofowii. Tlii'iv i; no il":./;^iiiii'n if li*' ointnou |H|W ri;jiit of public pi.>cii;y. (/'.Ml;iiii provi.-idij •M ma'l?, and ob'i^iliinis ai\: liiip()^.iMl imtli tip- o^ the (luvernnii ,it and t'.o public, winch i»- Ctliiiiitly c iiiHict. licin,!,' liiu-t defective in principle it i.s inu; CMliv.' In llic In.).^l important ditnils. Also, niMily.iU oiieialioii.-. I'lidi-r it arc nocessarily iiicungruoti? und c'iTnl".MaMim', and lilBonij re>pec!.^ iib.-ivc. Hid it not been for rxccutivc rcg'il i; ns and d«d at neeessa- ^'placcs by ihc Comiuissionpr of 'Jrowii Lands. TBtese CKerseers will be eu-oijicio Jik^uces ot the P*iC2 (I .ring such incmnlici^cy . This is ?im- pl^r and more I'ffectiial than iiominatin;: .Justices of the Peace by commission. The Overseers wHl get small ullowances for salary, and being Wlideuts Will incur very few travelling ex- p«h8es. Being also always on the spot where fiihing is carried oa th«y can detect and pre- fffct alrasn of ficbing, or (luaieh breaches of the . . " ji .1 1 . ■ ■ ' I ■ " f f ^ i ^ law. Wiih the dutiea ofOei yerj there will 1)0 also un,: d those of (n-^pectori of Fiili and 0.1 under li.c In:<,icction l):ll. KCil'LAriNf) KLStlKnlKS. P wer is driven totl'o Conimissicnrrof Crown La id < instead of to the (''xViMiior Oi-neral in '.'ouiicil to uMiit fi-;lie;y I.i-fu s and Licviise.i. T'ii.% inetlioin~ revi-nieij abandiiM'd. Tliw imposit, a of ; Jtiy i .it^ uill bo '-imply on tho Ua-;.- ■ i' piiyi!i;jexpoii-< s of in iderat • proioition. Wiiere lea.-c .^ I'nr a Ion;; period ure il -ired, or w lenj ae.isoii Liceu.te.s ov b ml [,: •( n.^es arc pre- ferred, iliey can be i.•'.^lle I in either form; but chiefly for important '. .tio:-",. .Merely pu'.-"j tlose se.vson.s. T!ie closc-tinu's are altered fn ni ih'.ge fixed by tl ■' old ac.', and inoie moderate i lies nro adoptt'cl. Opinio:;! so mi^eli dilfer as to the exact dati'H for closing npfishiiigj becau.se of the breeding -ica-Hon.*!, and each a variety or interests and wants iniisl be consulud, and ditlcr-'iices of 8ii'.i:>iiM>i and locality recognized — that it seems fairest to impose modera i- (as ditfericg from ez' tnm'') close limes .rtening these periods the expense of guardianship is greatly reduced ; and a fair and reasonable close time can be more rigidly observed. Also, tlie.;e prohibitory .■^'.•asovis arc so framed ns to afford a continuous su[>ply of some ki als of ti>h, to admit of poor poople and backwoods settlers obt.uning cheap and wholesome food. .Vaturo distributes tha v.trious breeding time.^ of lishes throiigiiout all the seasons of the year. The law should admit of e.achkind oflisli being taken after the essen- tial jieriod rf reproduction is past. Thus a temp- tation is withdrawn from the needy, and tha interests and wants of ail become reconciled. As the white fish fishery of Upper Canada has been very seriously injured by summer fishinj: with rcines, rMtrictions are pat on this mode' of 24 Killing;. Al.io tlit* iiijiiries duno bj .i'Ikm' iitts Mivl ill tlio wliite liili Hnil saliuoM tr > i tlshtrio.^ nre piuvirted iigiiurfi.. 'I'lici'c iire string ^i clauses lo jiiotc'Cl from Wiisti! iinrl diStriRU.i, !ic yuuiig auii fV) of the moK vuliiabli! kiiii's el i.-'ali wiitei' li.slii.':!. without imiii.'diiig ihe IvgiiimiiC pursuit o)ti-.hiaii liy tlioac luug esiiibli'h.'el i.i ihc buji- UfSrf. Ku'.leavoiin hnvti bpcn rec.Mtl/ !ti:u1o to nb.ili.sh st iiiouary I'jiunio.j. li..\V(.'\\'r '-..■.■•irabii' it might be as ;t sfvi-tc UK'asu;o of pn.^x'rv.i'.i.j-. for lailiiig iishurr'.r, to ei.iufitl lliu uwntid cf stake wi:irs an I fiXL'J ue ;; to re-jrl tn ih.; less productive (uud iu most (jUicvj i.lu.s(,i'_, ) p.,ici;.C! of ireiuuieil oxha'iS'ion nl our loii,-;---.hi ic iis'icritV ns to e.iil for cuch L'i'islati.i!i, nui (vriainl/ there 13 luin'h iu tlie vested ii;.:;:;ti ai.'! local cir- c.utUjtauces (if ti)'j li-^IaTin .mi to ■IcuiiiU'l i he most i:>;lfii:a.i.i;i of sucli a is'i will iuipcrative pub.ic r.eed iu 8fe;i. Thfi iillegf'i (l^■^-l•o}ai of youi be by the prcieut b'.ll iiUog.Mlier ob tlu\-i' biii..li and stake lis'.ei-.Ca rcui nocaoas as ij praciicablo. tcil, ;uid ;\:d us ia- Penaltles are made moro leuicu;, ai'l consist- eut, and theninde (jf r;'c>jverirm h m - siui[»li- lii'd aud uiaiio n\ -v c- li-'ic-;, . ji) ■ 'a iu)!o iiia- cuiU'Ty of liu' li.iiury leiW.i i.:> lu tucv-o , .-rliculars much improved. MItL-I)AM9 AND FISUWAY3. Regarding ilie improveuient of streams bar- red by mil!-, lam-, tiie new l.r.v is mure discrimi- nate and reasoi.able, and nvjrc acceptable to millers than the ollh"r. Fcr instance, the ollur required tisiiways on ff;7dai:i. . without resjicct to tliei. utility oriicl, and whether the li.sh iu the streams wcio valuable or worliilcss. A I .>, wiihout distinguishing between streams not ai all adap cd to breeding f; Ii, or altogeilr .• de- serted by them, and without regard to the fact of whether or not the Uiiil-dams really eut off th3 sup|)lies of fi3i wlu''' ba'kw "0 is settlers, people of the ir.terii>r, ..r re.udruis al; ug the streams were aceu3t()med t') tak;? for ekiu;;- out a living, or for cuual Tiod. T;;eu the old law throws upon the mill propaxtor.; tKe solo ex- pense cf making lishwiys necirdiug to ;'..i ar- bitrary model or p^iileru, rt' f.ueh duu2Ds;"r.i and kiud ad to draw oft moi-'> waler i'.ian liic mill could spare, and luoro t.iau is needed fu' fish, and obliges them to koi.ji me iisuway? al- ways oi;e'.i with a com" lual uveillow of water, quite regardless of the actual running of ls!i, the droughty state of the season and weathei , or the inexorable demands of milling business. The new bill alter.s all tijis, and re(pure3 fish- ways to be kept open only at appropriax'dale.^, which the local Overseers can (ix iu accord with the wants of the mill and the just nghts of all parties, and the reasonalilc ex|iectati(m3 of the. public. The mode of I'roceding to enforce the construction of fiihways is, in the old law, ?o un- certain that compliance can often he. entirely evRd'.d, always eiisily deferred, and eompjimes Hit ihi'y alar t'nc oliji'cl (jf the law becomes altogether defeat large shoals < ed. The new law proceeds upon the prineij'l for the purpo that an iuterfst of sucli great consequence the country i-.s are the lumber and milling in ter( •>?, sliiU'.ld iit; fully reco;.:ni-ied, and as liitl as pos.iii)l(! alleeled I y i;ie liaiis e'oplo;, li ' accoi lodate the juiblU' i.itecest i.. the lislie;ie And that a i the ] ub.ic licieltt by the. c iMc.-ii'i.. lion of i;.sh"V!V -, lu.' pi.bhc bin ■ M slia •• il;'.; v:o~i 'f I.e bi!! provide.-; f;r all uis, ai;tl obli;'' miil-ov.-ners to bail I tis.i-;iu3s>*3 ouly on su dam.^ as the {"oT.nriissiouer of (Jr>;wn La'ii!: s'..iU deem :.■ '• ■ ',.■.;_'. t^ech disc;':'iou adnu: of the C.:--iiui.5ii..ne" rvfanging t?- t, if it can I- lioi:. '.'•'' a.s to gi>e duo e".!'. t to th;; law, tl; slides \^!licll vhy -" ^'''^- '■■•i'- 4'' ''-i'' '1^) »' mi'i )v,-:iersare oblig d ly c iistruet and umI oiiti may i/C ma! : - I'vicable also as fislnvay- I'l any case the p'eb.ic sliail ;liaru iliC expeti.e.' '.f uialving llsh-pas.^.v.T on mill-dain.i. Thj whole ot iliij j.lan a.3 re.>pec'.3 fisbway- '.vld sectu'c the avoidance cf u.-e!css and vexatioj; costs 'u prosec.tiintr, wl.iirat t!;e same time en. Eurincr t!ie speedy and clllctual a:i::.\iBLY, oy I'i-vJIvvii: . iJhirjI.Rr.D TO IN TiiE FORFGCIN'r DEBATE. T;i:t REi'onT:— " Af'er .-, niatn-' ex imit^.tion of the evidence nnnrxcil to tl..; ;:poi'', year Committee have Ciine lo the co;. elusion that liie lixod a-pparatus, of which some tl,e,>ri.>t3 complain, should not be prohibited, but that no law to regulate their use which can be enforced can be too stringent. " Rr.v. Dii. Adamson t — " My opinion is in favor of the total abolition, in the River St. Lawrence, of stake and bag-nets. I believe that tliese engines not only destroy old and roung fish. I am fortihei Committees ( Commissione leave to add, forbid the us the St. Lawr pj-osent law. .Mk. Will merits iu tin mend ■.' .l/^^•. As a selves adopt catching tis be placed u) as to jirevei and injury IPliese restrif. l^gartl towa ATid profit b tlio salmon i llonal cliara fixhansted ct est po.ssible ,»istent with fttitli towari censes. Th at least thrt irith which nadian watt nets ; these on chandr/i toast, outsi' nets are cor (^ur;!. Da 1K>ts to kill All.", Sta they arc at live to sain fishery in tl that they 1 tnouihs of tween the :■ )■>, that the fhnndetier- the beach, ft leader ar the deep w the salmon do not reli net, snspei partly at r dmvn the rd. To ,iiig !'or sal itl\e u.s. 4/' :\'.u] 48) ai <) c- liilriicl and u:)] c-a.iilc alr'tj ad fcliwav,. lil iiait.' ilic ex^jcnse iniii-danij. n Hi i-e.si)C"c!3 fisbwaj: ( fuHdcssaiid voxatic;; i'';ill!;e t-aiuo time cii. ell' ctiiai acJ.ipfKiioii of of (i-di — so much re- li.'licr:o q :ito ns miu;!i ib.iol these (ishwaysa- ud (('Ware or ever havo clieai)er and quicker to IK-tcnt parties, and no! nil private mnansin an- Ifrequcnt and re.ndtlesi inspect, to repair, &c., new act gnt tiia work nd sliall .'cnoiv it to be ery such as fur these few ISC. li:it iiuv3 from limo to •nmcut are embodied in ■red with, bnt provi,sion ludulonr claims, and to r j,'rantiiig them, '■d, ClIRK, . 1 L :ads U?[)fir!menf, Fi*lioned Branch, f!R T?r?ORT AXD A r'(.):,,.';[TTr:R r.p ■U'iVE .' lSi::.\lf5r.Y, iJl-JFJlaif.D TO IN DEBATE. .'. main-' cx.imir.ation to th,.; icpoif, your !o the Co;. elusion f wliiehsome thcriota roli.bitod, but tiiat no viiiclj can be enforced My opinion is in faror ic River St. Lawrence, r believe that these old aad young fish. but ilicy alai'in and IVighlon from our ylMire-! Iiiiire shoals of salmon who iir(^ .seeking them for the purpose of i)ropa^atiou. In this opinion I am fortilied liy the e% ideiice taken bcfon^ Committees of the House of Coinmons and the Commissioners of the British Fisheries. 1 be^ leave to add, that for the present I would wii forbid the >ise of stake-nets in the tributaries to the St. hawrenee, when sot according to the present law. .Mu. Whitciikr: — "Qiicx. What iniprove- inents in the manner of fishing do you recom- mend '.' AiiK. As a general rule the fishermen lliem- nelves adopt the roogt improved methods of (Sitching fish. Tiie only restriction which should be placed uiion their ingenuity, should be such as to lu'event the wanton destruction of fi-li ,«hd injury to the increase of their species, these restrictions should be governed by a due regard tovvarils allowing the lishermcn to live ami profit by their calling. With respect to the salmijn fishery, it is of a, somewhat excep- Ijonal character; owing to its past and present exhausted condition, it is desirable that the full- est possible restriction should bo applied con- tistent with tlic wants of the trade and gcxid faith towards existing holders of leases and li- censes. The meshes of salmon nets should be at least three inches square. The kind of nets iFith which salmon are at present taken in Ca- nadian waters, are gill or float and standing nets; these standing nets are set as stake nets on clianilrlirn:, only upon the St. Lawrence coast, outside the mouths of rivers. All salmon nets are confined to tidal waters. (^iii':'. Do you recommend the use of stake ^ts to kill salmon? Ans. Stake nets, confined to the places where they are at present used, are not more dest rue- live to salmon than would be any other net- .fishery in the samo places. [ would recommend that they be not used inside of or near the tnnuths of salmon rivers. The differenco be- tween tlie standing net and \\k stake net proper is, iliat the first consists of a rf \; of stakes or fhandidier-, extended ns far a=i jiossilile down the beach, to whicli is fastened a net to serve as a leader and barrier, forming at the end towards the deep water an enclosure or pound, into which thesnlmon dart through i narrow aperture, ard (1(1 not return. The second consists of a gill- net, suspended on smaller pickets, far ap^rt, and partly at right angles to and pn tly hanging ^•di>wn the stream ; in this the salmon are mcsh- jod. To abolish the u:,e c '" these means of tish- .iii;; !ur salmon woidd render necessary '^sort to F the use of Seines or some other dovicc. Any 'imoveablo apparatus would be morn difiicult to keep under eonirol, and prevent, nouses and en- ernaehments upon tiie chnnnel, than with th'", .elaiidingor stationary nci.;, the po ition, lf.>eali- ty and extension of v.hich eaii i)e always dc- tiiici! ;i;id kept within safe bounds. Seine nets for salmon 1 do not think adapted to our v.uters, liecau.se the lishing being eonliuf^d t'> the tide- way, ihe labor an injurious to admit of their use in the fresli water portion of the river.'. Qiirf. Will you state the chief cause of iujury to the salmon fisheries, and how to remedy it ? .•I//.<. Three clearly asrtained causes accoun', for the destruction of salmon in Canadian rivers. These are— 1st. Excessive nptting(too many netsMn the tide-way. This practice (>bstruct3 the jiassage of fish into the rivers at the jiroper season ; and the few not killed by it linger in nnfavorabli- localities for breediuir nnd spawn so late that the egg-* addle, or se'dc[> then! n\ y from proper breeding grounds. If we subject No. I to judicious restrictions — prevent altogether the practice of N'os. 2 and 3 — and remedy tie last cause by sliiles and restock- ing, — nothing, save natural causes, or some in- sc'utable influences beyond human prevision and control, can defeat the restoration of our salmon fisheries, '.)'/'-. Could 'iir jyi^tem (.1 li'asing or rentim.- I 2t5 lislii-iy ^liiliuiis if. r[i|M'r Cixnnd.a lie iiiniliU'Ml, 3 • lli.U lliuiv ?li(i.il(l ill- 1''.-;; ouitry a^iiiiist the rail'.- (if k'usiiij^ '' Alii. It I'.tiliiil. ill t.ii:!. e^'iisiili'ialilc liicilili- calioiiri luuf hi'cii already fffi.'ctod. I Ihhik tlial ill iiurjiiiiitr till' supposed desire of tlie Go- vciiiiiieiit to attain revenue rentals, and auiiuut- ed lliMS by woitliy zeal, tlie odicers liave over- r.ited liie working value of many fisiiing sta- lioiij. liy over-rating, I do not mean to say they iiave pu' altogether au excessive valuatior. ; l)Ul iliat tije value lias been given irrespective of the draw-backs, fluctuations and costs of the bu^^mess. Thus leaving no margin under ilu; leasL'3 for prolitand hjss. It would be better to have small rents pairl \\\i lively, or in advance, ilian higher rates lardily and expensively col- lected, and paid under a sense of burdensome taxation by tisliennen At best promiscuous lisLing is u desultory, uncertain occupation. It is only when carried ou upon a large scale, and odi of the category ot mere jieddling, that any a [jpreciablo returns can be counted on. The nuip \>lui sells small lots of fresh iish, spends the scanty proceeds as fast as gathered. Few sucli can manage to scrape together a stated timount wherewithal to pay rent. The elTect of liigij rents upon con.-umers is, so long as fish 'U-e scarce or the lessee canconiniind the mar- ket they sell at high prices ; and if not, the les- see may get undersold, and eventually cannot I'l'y. Expressing these views, I am in comidete sub- ordination to the opinion recv)rdod by the Hon. Mr. .Macdougall, in iiis Report as Commissioner of Gr'jwn liands, tor 18t!".i. It is there said that ■ tlie system of Jelling fisheries for rent may be uiodilied with advantage to the public and iln' tisliiiiif interests.' the ',)ii .'. Is the r, Itching and use of lierriugs eaplin, Ac, &e. . for manure, injiirions to tishi'ries, and are not these fishes hurtful rather tliiiU otherwise to the l..nd ? Alls. It strikes nie that the wholesale destruc- tion of caplin abi.ul the mouths of rivers hurts .he salmon fishery. There is danger likewise t't destroying fry cf other valuable kinds offish ai i!ie same time. If, however, small fish, not the >oung of other sjieeies, be too little for eat- 1111/ or curing, and not needed for bait, besides iieinjj (as is apt to lie the case) in excess, there is no good reason why they should not be ap- plied to some useful purpose. With respect to the larger fish, such as herrings, it docs at first blush, seem that the employment as manure, of any substance available for human food, however rich ir its elements as a fertilizing agent, is a perversion and waste. Refuse, or stable and farmyard dung and exuviu', appear alone re- ci.ticilabli! with our economic notions. The utility offish, us a fertilizer, can hardly be ([uestioned. The prevalent opinion that it deteriorates soils, and impairs the (piantity and i;ualiiv ol' loot or y';i\ n cr" ■~, is an error. too, t: Djutitless in -uosl iustunees, it has been oui to def'Cive eiiUure, or may be to native ami d irati' poverty of soil, or insiifficit-ncy of i terials, that the seeming iiutrnilfnlness anil apparent impoverislimeiil of lands, are attri! able. Tue loose texture of sandy lands n. cause too rajiid and dteii an absorption ot more soluble combinations of blootl, flesh a bone that in denser soils serve to effect the quisite degree ot vegetative stimulus wl. plants should derive. .\11 tillage is moiu less exhaustive ; and 'lis well known artificial s'.imulants may e.xhaust even fine especially if aggravated by neglect of i^ lion. Hence appearances have justified notion, that fish as manure is bad, and that continued use dries up and exhausts the soil. Most fishes, particularly bony, nuiscnlar, latinous and oily kinds, arc converted i: phosphates and auunouia, and are in concern- ed form as powerful almost as any other ar cial manures. The celebrated guano is but excreraen* of sea birds, which subsist on fis: in various parts of Britain and France, and the United States, fish offals and whole fishes used with advantage for plants and cere Along the co.^st of the Ked Sea they arc ex; sively used for vegetables, pulse and grains. Upper Canada, garden shrubs and fruit ii are constantly manured with fish and fish rel It is thought liie phosphoric acid destroys sects. Knowing such facts, it is not surpri- that they are liberally used in so many part- Lower Canada. But I think it a pity t where vast quantities of cod heads and hi carcasses of marine animals, and fish|offal.- cast away, no efforts should be made to con them into p^'tablc manure, and that mature marketable fishes should be caught expr. for such use. The examples set iu this res by P'rance, Newfoundland and .Massachus might be profitably imitated. Such place- Moisic, the coast between there and St. Jo Long Point, Ksquimaux Point, Little Nat qulian, &c., &c., the Magdalen Islands, JI venture, Gaspc, and up around the South Ijawrence coast, could feed a large inanufa ry, and thus retrieve from dead loss much st: fertilizing matter noAV thrown way, or often posed of as a nuisance to fishing settleiiu and the cause of great trouble at stations ii. of or near our salmon fisheries. iMii. Foin-iN : — Ques. What is the best nw of taking the salmon ? Ans. After considering the plan foiloAvc the lower Provinces, the United States, Eiig and Franco, I cannot say that I have seen better method of taking salmon than thatai; ed in Canada. It consists of the use of ordi: salmon nets, the meshes of which should b; least five inches from one knot to another, i' drawn out, and which are stretclied eitlicr stakes or else by means of grapnels, or am' when the water in which the fishery is ex on is deep, These lishing iniplemoiits, v kie placed iu and ill a man Wlio obtain a iDgentillen K itt liower Can fishing static fchery, wliic lerve tliat sev •^ suppressini description w object of tlies t) have exaii mon fishery i less it is to pi ,of industry, ii in which that Aud who wo' rels of salmi «very year, ei exportation t United States Or should we .jBeine ? The would be ver; cumstanccs i\ pus to the riv ; hets. (ijue.-i. Wilt «od-3eines ? Ann. I thiu 'taking cod, v suits injuriou . «rraen very ■iiot more tha .iOn all our co .can lisherme find Prince ' North Shore, if' reach fisliei of New foil III jug season, Jisliiiig. I tical tislieriii United Statt was prejudii kinds offish imain apart i kinds of fish (,>ii,y. Wl of ground 11 An.s. The •very remote enuau on tli them in pre largest spec more than are sunk, ai grapiiles. fish removei line fishing fishermen, i fish of fi'om ■even lica ofgrouiid-l ■ire caiic.i-hi 27 ic\s, il li;is lii'cii (iwi nay hi; In luilivu iiinl ir insiiflicifiicy nC i llllt'niilf'illllL'aS iUliI il III' laiiiis, are attiili •e of sandy lauds n, I an al)Sur|it.ioii of IS ut' blood, Hi'sh u si'fVL' to cHect till' itativo sliiutilus wL All tillage is inoru we'll Unown too, t! exliaust oven lino >. ted by noj^loct of v nces have justified uuT is bad, and that and exhausts the soil. rly bony, muscular, "s, are converted i: ia, and are in concent' uost as any other ar ebrated guano is but which suljsist on fis: ain and France, and >fFals and whole fishes for i)lant3 and cere l^ed Sea they are ex les, pulse and grains, shrubs and fruit t: 1 with fish and fisli rel horic acid destroys facts, it is not surpri' used in so many part- • I think it a pity t )f cod heads and Ik imals, and lish|ofrali hould be made to coi: lure, and that maturu lid be caught expn amples set in this re?, and and Massachus' itated. Such place- '^'n there ami St. Ji^ X I'oint, Little Xai lagdalen Islands, 11 p around the Soutli feed a large manufa om dead loss much st: tlirown way, or often ; to fishing settlenk trouble at stations ii. ishcries. What is the best mt ing the plan followc le United States, Eiig ay that I have seen g salmon than thatin: ists of the use of ordi !S of which should b: )ne knot to another, » are stretched either s of grapnels, or am' ch the fishery is ex Iiing impli'iueiits, n j*re i)laced in our rivers in limited numbers only, and ill a manner fixed by law, by fishermen who ol)t:iiu a lease or fishing license l)efore be- ing ciitiileu to set any salmon net in any place in Lower Canada, allow the occupants of salmon flfihing stations to carry on a remunerative fishery, which, is not too destructive. I ob- gerve that several persons are desirous of entire- Sr suppressing salmon fishing with nets of any escriplion whatever ; I cannot make out the object of these jteople, who aiipear to me never it) have examinnl into the question of the sal- mon fisliery in x conunercial point of view, un- less it is to jiut a stop to that fishery as a branch of industry, in order to make over all our rivers Id which that fine fish abounds to the anglers. And who would furnish those thousands ot bar- rels ef salmon of which our traders dispose «rvery year, either for home consumption or for . exportation to the other provinces, and to the United States? Would the anglers furnish them? Or should we have recourse to the use of the ^.peine ? The latter method of catching salmon would be very expensive, and under many cir- .cumstances much more destructive, and injuri- '6us to the rivers than the use of the ordinary ; nets. (Jites. What is your opinion as to the use of «od-3eines ? ' Ana. I think it is one of the best modes of 'taking cod, witiiout in any way prod;icing re- . suits injurious to the lisheries. Canadian fish- . «rmen very seldom use cod-seines ; there arc jBot more than some twenty seines of the kind ;.^n all our coa?t3. A. large number of Ameri- . ,«an fishermen, and some few from Nova Scotia ^nd Prince Edward's Island, who fish on the "•North Shore, use nothing else but seines. The (French fishcriuen, of the north and west coast of Xewfoundliiuil, during a portion of the fish- ing season, use nothing but large seines forcod- iishing. 1 have never heard it stated by prac- tical tisliermcu from Canada, Xova Scotia, the riiited States or France, lliat the using of seines was prejudicial to the cod, much less to other kinds offish : for the slioals of cod always re- .miiiii apart iiud isolated from shoals of other kinds offish, sucli as herring, mackerel, &c. V«t.>.'. What is your opinion ns to 'he use of ground lines ? An--:. The use of ground-lines dates from a ■very remote period. The French and other fish- erman on the Great Hank of Newfoundland use them in preference to hand-lines to catch the largest species of cod. Some of the lines have move than one thousand hooks. These lines are sunk, and kept at the bottom by means of grapples. They are taken up twice a day, the fish removed, and fresh bait jjut on Ground- line fishing for cod is extremely profitable to the fishermen, inasmuch as they take none but large fish of f''om fifteen to fifty pounds weight, and •evenhca. ■ •. It has been asserted that the use of ground-lines (on which none but large iisb are cau fill ne;u' lin' coa.'^t, is iiiiurioiis t(. Miis branch of the fisheries. The li'ige fish, it is said, are females, and in destioying tliem you destroy their progeny. 1 1 has also been stated that, when hooked on the ground-lines and not renidved at once, (he lish struggle a gro:-t deal before they die, and drive away the rest of the cod from the banks on which the grouml-lines are set. But many fisl.ormen, on the other hand, pretend that these objections to ground-line fish- ing have no fomulalion whatever in fact. How- ever this may be, the French Government have thought proper wiiolly to suppress ground-llne.s on the coast ofNewfoundland, where the French fishermen are allowed to catch cod only with seines, nets and iloating iiand-lines. In Cana- da, on complaint of the .Magdalen Islands' fish- ermen, ground-lines have also been prohibited around those islands. Ground-lines arc not used on the Gaspe coast, or on the north coast. The ground-lines or rather fixed lines, used in some of the lakes of Canada, to catch iroiit, are not, I believe injurious. Mr. HoLUDAY. — Qties. 1st. Do you think that the use of any nets, seine or otherwise, in the salmon rivers, would be most destruc- tive to the salmon, who have found their way there for the purpose of breeding ? 2nd. Do you think that owing to the salmon nets set on the coast of the River St. Lawrence and in the estuaries of its tributaries, the sal- mon are frightened and driven off from their intended course for their native river, and be come lost at sea, as Dr. Adamson states ? 3rd. W^ould not the use of seine nets be a most expensive way of taking salmon on the coast of the St. Lawrence, and at same time almost fruitless as a means of fishing? 4th. Do you tl'ink there is any aualogy be- tween the vested fishing rights in tlie rivers, and on the sea coast of Great Britain and Ireland, and in the rivers and on the seaand river coast of Canada ? .5th. Do you not think, that if our present law, witii useful amendments, was etliciently carried out, and the nets at present used for the taking of salmon, still used for that purpose, that our salmon rivers would be well-stocked and the net fishing increase in viiliie yearly ? Gth Arc not the nets used at present for ihe taking of salmon, the must simple and least in- jurious that can be made use of", in allowing the fisherman to carry out his business ? .■l;i.s'. 1st. I think the use of nets of any de- scription in the upper or fresh water [lortion of the rivers would be very injurious, as they would capture the sahnou necessary to stock the rivers, and eventually cause a great decrease in this fi.shery . '2nd. From personal observation and know- ledge of the habits of salmon, I am satisfied that the nets used in the St. Lawrence and the estuaries of its irihutaries do not frighten or drive salmon from their inlemled coiir-e in re- visiliuL'' tlieir nai'vi' livrs, nn '■inl. I ci''a.-i'd netting ovcrvwlierc in (Ircat Britain uuist cause a decrease, wl,, there is no respite giv^n the .-Jalmoii in tiie ii per or fresh water division during the li-hii season. r)th. The existing laws, efficiently c.nni' out, would amjily suftiee to regulate the netii as now practised ; and under their provisin the rivers must become well-stocked, and, i\< consequence, the value of the net-fishing p: portionately increased . G'th. I consider the primitive system of n fishing in use in Canada as the least injur!' that could bo devised. Mr. Thtii ; — Qiies.. Have you ever .seen a salmon fry destroyed by Ihv /(igriiux fisheric. Mie sduth shore ? Alls. No. Qiicf. IFave you ever known any salmon to be destroyed on the north shore by the > seines, or otherwise ? Anx. I have seen salmon fry destroycil ^fnscinei^ fisheries on the north siiore, and' by I ring nets set to catch bait. Qiit'x. Do you not think that the .qalmor.-l ing apparatus in present u.>e is the liosi ami least destructive tliat can be usetl? A lit. Yes, Qiip.9. Do you not think it impossible to i salmon by seine nets on the sea coast, every wl in salt water ? .1;/.". \Vc might take a few salmon with .seine, but it would never pay the c.vpcii Having seined myself very often for mackc codfish and herring, close to the salmon net? happened only once that T caught a salmcfx f 3 a ili'C'i'Cii!JC, wii. le salmon in I lie i, 1 (liiriii}? the li-hii 3, efficient)}' C!iiri 3 regulate the nelli ider their provisjo >ll-stockeJ, and, a< f the net-fishing p- mitivc system of n as the least injniii eyou ever seen iv ie fiiKrincx nslierio. loffn any salmon •th shore by the ' ;; mon fry destroyoil )rth shore, and' by 1 ; thnt tlie salmor.-l ,; ise is the hesi ami 1| he used? c it impossible to i; e sea coast, everywl few salmon with r pay the expcii: 'y often for mackc: to the salmon net? 1 cauglit a salmo'X