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My Lord Bi«Ao|>,— In accordance with my-long assumed prerogative to dictate in matters relating to the Onurcllt in this Diocese, I had a right to conclude tl^it no measure of importance would be introduced into the Synod without my havhig giyen my apprinvtl, as the acknowledged head of the teithlhl Laity. Imagine, then, my consternation when the proposed Canon on the appointment of a Bishop Coadjutor wa« hiitight to my notice. For my own part, it reached me at a time when, although I may possi- bly have misapprehended its meaning, B bad at least ample opportunity of considering its plain provisions, whfb ire clearly stated and easily understood. Tet it seems to me flraughf vgPi serious danger to my lead- ership and prestige, and I cannot (M>nseiW uiat a measure, no matter how good in itself or how necessary to the best iiittrtsts of the Church, should be plaoed befbre the Synod thup and rashly. fK ■V ■■?^- 1~ ^■r;^^j: ■^■■■-•^\i >■■.,. "i: <nx^A .Ti (2) Consider at how great exertion my position as Lay Bislicf» hm been attained. What self-sacrifice, what forethought, what planninip, what perseverance. I have pushed myself forward at judicious tfauMt and for popular objects. I have influenced well-meaning an«\ impreuion- able men, both of the Clergy and Laity, to put me in nomination for im- portant offices. At meetings of Synod and Church Society, I have pre- served for many years a prominent place. My name appears on nume rong committees for various purposes. Life membership in the Church Society I gained by subscription ; but representation in the Synod was not so easily obtained. I changed from Parish to Parish, carefully and warily^ until at last I have secured a place from whiolr I can always command votes as representative at Synod. Pardon me if I speak too plainly. No one shall yield to me, (I have read this expression lately, and I adopt it here, as it appears to have «> reversible meaning). '< No one shall yield to me " In respect for Tour Lord- ship — next to myself. When the question arose ai^ to the Bishop's nega- tive vote. or veto, I withdrew opposition at the proper moment to avoid defeat, for I like to be on the winning side ; and, therefdre, when I found that the Synod would carry the veto, I yielded " for conscience sakd,^ and voted with the majority. I stood by Your Lordship In the result on that occasion; so now I ask with confidence that you will withdraw or postpone the proposed Canon either for a year or to a special ges<ilon, and I will then introduce it and carry it In Synod. If it is passed now, with- out my having had anything to do with flramlng It, my authority as Lay Bishop win be compromised. Is It right that such a sword of Damocles should hang over me ? My Lord Bishop, trust me, and i^ve me time to Intaroduce this Canon myself at another session, and all will go well. I know you have the right of veto over any nomination of the Synod, and I will urge the adoption of the Canon to give nominatloii In this case of Bishop Coadjutor as preferable to the exercise of vet». What have I done that Tour Lord- ship should not consent to this delay, to keep me In the front rank ! I shrink from the responsibility whieh the publication of this letter en- tails. I know that it is ordinarily considered an unpardonable Imperti- N- (3) nence to addreaa any person as If In private communication, and, wlthou asking permission, publish for general information; but the emergency must plead my excuse. The loss of my influence as "Lay Bishop" would, I believe, involve the posMibllity of Hcrious hazard to the Church. I am, my Lord Bishop, Your Lordship's most obedient servant, WHIL-LIUM ST. .JOHN, Lay Bishop.