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This item is filmed at the reduction r&iio checked below/ Ce document est film* au taux de rMuction indiqu* ci-dessous. 10X 14X 18X 22X 7 12X 16X 20X 26X 30X 24X 28X n 32X I tails I du odifier une mage The copy filmed here has been reproduced thanks to the generosity of: National Library of Canada The images appearing here are the best quality possible considering the condition and legibility of the original sopy and in Iceeping with the filming contract specifications. Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed bi^ginning on the first page with a printed or iliustrjtfid impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol — »■ (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. L'exemplaire filmA fut reproduit grAce A la gdnArositA de: BibliothAque nationale du Canada Las images suivantes ont 4tA reproduites avec le plus grand soin, compte tenu de la condition at de la nettet* de l'exemplaire film*, et en conformity avec les conditions du contrat de filmage. Les oxemplaires originaux dont la couverture en papier est imprimte sont filmAs en commenpant par le premier plat et en terminant soit par la dernlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d 'illustration, soit par le second plat, salon le cas. Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmAs en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniire page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, chart&, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte A des taux de reduction difftrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film* A partir de i'angle iiup6rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. rrata o leiure, Id J 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 niK ►ik-skal's tooth!' hk tuiKU ■p i^ THE FUR-SEAL'S TOOTH / B Stovs ot aiasftan B^penture BY KIUK M UN ROE AUTIIMK UP "OORYMATKS" " CASirMATKS" " CANOKMATES " ILLUSTRATED NEW YOKK HARPER k BROTHERS PUBLISHERS 1894 t*^T*^< Bv KIRK MUNROE. RAFTMATES. A Story of the Great Rivvr. CA NOEM ATES. A Story of tlitt Florlrfs Rw>f and EverKUdn. CAMPMATES. A Story at the Plaint. DORYMATES. A T«l« of the Fiiliiug Bank*. £aeh inu rotumt. IllHtrattd. lUl »vo, Cloth, |l J5. nt Ht in a bot, $h OU. WAKULLA. A Story of Adventure in Florida. THE FLAMINUO FEATHER. DERRICK Sl'ERLINU. A Story of the Mioei. CIIRYSTAL, JACK A CO., and DELTA UIXBY. TwoStorloa. Each one vutamt. Illtiitrattd. Squart Idmo, Cloth, |l 00. Pi;b:.i«hri> bv HARPER It BROTHERS, Niw York. tW for tatt bj/ all huokttlltn, or «m7/ bt teiU bf tht publiihtr$ to any part of the Vnittd Stalt$, Canada, or Mttieo, on rtttifl <^ pritt. Copyright, 1891, by Hari-kr & Brotobrs. AH rightt ut*n*d. ALASKA A land of rwk, dipped in the brine Like a brown finyer pointing toward tlie wc»t * • « * • 77ie little craft Jlies font to the fair bay Whotc waters kiss the feet of Sitka toton u. E. n. i V CONTENTS ntlAPTRIt I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. PAIIK PniL AND Seuoe 1 Winning tiik Piuzk g An Undesikaiu.e Acquaintanck .... 16 Acitoss THE Continent 23 Five Bull's eyes in Six Shots ..... 28 Phil's Sad Predicament 36 The \ ALUE OK a Tiiue Fiiiend 43 One Result ok Good Shooting .... 49 Introducin(» "Old Kite Roiiekson". . . 56 Phil Discoveuh What He Is ..... 02 Seals and Seal skins 68 Captain Duff's Shuewdnkss 75 The Fin.sT Seal hunt si Overboaud in the North Pacific ... 88 Phil Becomes "IIioh Line". .... 94 A Venture into Forbidden Waters . . lOl Cruel Killing of Mother seals .... 107 Cii.\sED BY A Revenue cutter ii;{ Castaways on Oonimak ny Hri.mstone and Feathers Luxury on a Desolate Aleutian Isl.x.vd How Jalap Coombs Got His Name K«kmja the Alei t. and His P.idarkik A Double Wahii for Schooners Hunting the Sea otter . 1 *>•■; i.'jy ur, IQI 158 vl CONTENTS flUAPTBR PAOR XXVI. Sekue Kills a Beau, and Jalap Coomuh I)I8A1M>EAU8 165 XXVII. Phil Sees Himself as Otiieus See Him . 171 XXVIII. Phil and Serge as Puisoneks of Wau. . 178 XXIX. A CiiuisE on a Beuino Sea Cutteb . . . 185 XXX. The TiiinD Lieutenant's IIumiliatino Po- sition 102 XXXI. Whbke is the Centre of the United States? 100 XXXII. Why the Cutteu Departed without Her Passengers 200 XXXIII. In Hot Pursuit 213 XXXIV. Mr. John Rvders Story 220 XXXV. Jalap Coombs's Philobopiiy 227 XXXVI. Lost and Drifting in Bering Sea . . . 284 XXXVII. Saved ijy a Miracle 241 XXXVIII. Japonski's Tempt.vtion and the Fur- tradkr's Offer 248 XXXIX. Serge Ukcovers a Bit of Lost Property . 255 XL. A Prospeci' of Snow-shoes and Sledges . 203 ILLUSTKATIONS "•TIIKrUR-SEAL's TOOTll!' IIK CRIED" Fr