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Les diagrammes suivants illuatrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 To (he Right Honourable the EARL OF C^i Cioyernment of (he Province of Canada Forces in British l^orth America, &c. dkc' The Petition of the Inhabitants of the Townshii Jiorth Easthope, South Easthope, ElJice, JflcKillop, Humbly showethy TImt your Petitioners rosiJe in tlic inferior of tl.e Gonntrv, at a distance of on ,. b„ ; Co,nm„,„cat,on with L„ke Ontario, and ll.ut all tl.e prodiiee of thirimDo tnn. .n..- f "" only mode of (Conveyance your Petitioner, have, or c„ avail tl e , ! d e "f for the ^ "' "TT want, of alarge and increasing population, is by the ordinary n.otles of earri^^c bv IV '"' "' veyanoe are always nltetided with a heavy cxiience even on Jood ro!r f ''>' '^"gSo"^ >'<" Your re,,..o„er., feel grateful forthe facili'Iy alTorZl Srvl. p:rtt '„ o"f tfeVl /"''.''I ntcafon with Lake Ontario. The works on this KoaJ having h ett'co lene d aul I "L'd 7 the wort ; for want, therefore, of the necessary means the centre (whlrhuTl 'f '.'="^' "' « ,0 „,, and much less productive in point of reven.^ V iTe tio e b h ve Ini'Ir 'f "'« f produce a revenue sufficient to redeem the principd within a rcasotlaWe time ' '' ""' '' adantiJe'S ~ paTsiiTrott" rI"of7T"' 1- '"Z .^"'"™^^' "•»'" P"' "^ ^^ hdly and uneven charac;c!:"'^rf'„''ro:f n^ t G ^tlnl? Llt":/™^^^ -«' ' of this pat-t of the line, and thisexponded under the diltl.lo asMfulF^ ""'^t''''" '""'*' ' d,.ch,„g the lowand swatnpy part, your Petitioners wot.lira'b';e1:'t'n^;^r:;:i:t3T^ ca,,aiaVd"uif::t;ra;:;t\L^Ll:n7a:::':;;fS '"-""''' ^-"^ '=-^'"'-.-- "- ",„, Uoads, the wisdom of whi r;™ Pe i r^^ e no d! nor,"'''"''' ?"""??"''' '" ''•I 'I'" "-ghb ..uation, and the ,r„w,ng infportance Xlr^SZ e^l^^X^ I ytn^r ±^7 " labour Xo;'':tr,tonhf:iL.l::X''':rVote^^ '=^= '- >•»- - .oo «oad, and a further grant of *.000 tfb^e rpetrolr S ^'mCr :,:etr.3^ And your Petitioners, as iu duty bound, wil •^S-%Wd?^^'? r^"''^' ¥-^»- Administrator of tfie icaf &elt' ""^ Commander-in-Chief ofi Her MajestyV ^ the Townships of Dumfries, Waterloo, Wilmot, Blenheim thope, Elhce, Downic. Fullerton. L^gan, ffibberti s of, for .he ,ran»po,., of , "heir P.o^.cT ZlZotlSf S' ^''T"' '" =" ''"'''■'S" ''*''"■■"='■ ''"I'"' 'h« Is, a„,l „„ ba.l roads by a t,,i,,!,„s|o"^w!.v^ ,''''''" " ^"""Mnn,|„, >vl,icl, mode/of co„- ion of ,fe IVI .as and Wa, Z it [dreadv Z 1:1 ^l'^"?,' "?•"'"" =""^'"" "' "'" "I-'" ^rop. .me„oe,l at U.l,.e„ds at one a„d he arao time ,1 e T "'"':'',"°="' '',"1"'" 'hoir .lireet lino of commu- hi» ll.ewcrst ,art„f tl.e Road) , loft .7(1!, r„'l h '"PP^P™."™ »'■'* "ot fo"nd sufficient to complete MieveiftlusKoadwasfullycamdeedit^^^^^^^ time. ' '""'•"" ""• " """W ""♦ ""ly P^y the Interest on the Money eipen.lcd. but it':^:,rwlLC anV'L^^hiirl^rtrTotfsr ""r W-r'"" »' ^-''--d Watermo Mac- ^*2000 was given to aid and assist .3,, It ; ,^"0 ' '', wo^d b:'C"" ""7 'T'"' '' '"■= ™'^ Engineer, and management of men of prudence and nric ic,I ll 1 " ^■"™ '""■ ""' ^Pravement veyasmnchoversuchaRoad,dnri„/ei,htro:,lK:;lt::l^„t:^^^^^^^^^ ^icfp:::""", thetijhboti^rste: f, 7!"""'""^ '^ ''"""•'^ "»- ^-n -Pe-ded on the Welland "Othing for „|ny yeartrs^ee'n're'V: t^ZtST™' i: ""t^ '"/ '17.''™/°" ""^ P<"' 0-- on your consideration. "iis paitoitlic country. They feel therefore that their isolated :;lt;::trr.^er::erbr;:oZt7^:;^ mos, d,rec. ii„e of Road from Galt to th/lCas. .ZZZ^^^TZ^: T^^'TJiZZe:': i:' ""''"- »er:5, as lu duty bourul, will ever pray.