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 A IIiSTORY, like the following, recording events 
 which ha^ t transpired within the recollection of 
 many still living and containing sketf^hes cf indi- 
 viduals still in existence, is, doubtless, of ail species 
 of composition, the most irksome and unsatisfactory 
 to its author. 
 Firs^— Unlike the history of countries that have 
 been peopled for centuries, the events are neither of 
 the number or character to prove interesting to 
 readers beyond the locality in which they occurred. 
 Second. — Interest, jealousy or treacherous memo- 
 ries may cause a wide difference in the opinions of 
 persons at the present time of events of which they 
 were eye-witnesse:i a decade or more of years ago; 
 hence, the one who transfers those events to the 
 page of history is not unfrequently subjected to se- 
 vere and unjust criticism. 
 Third.-^A similarity in the events described, neces- 
 sitates much effort on the part of the author to 
 prevent a monotonous similarity in the de.^criptions ; 
 and, even with all this effort, a degree of sameness 
 will inevitably pervade his work that may prove dis- 
 tasteful to the connoisseur in literary art. 
 Last, but not least, is the danger of omitting some 
 name that one or more readers think should appear, 
 or of speaking of others in more eulogistic terms 
 than may be consonant with the ideas of parties 
 claiming more perfect knowledge. 
 Whatever criticisms of the kind, however, may 
 arise, it cannot be denied that the local history is a 
 necessity -something that, sooner or later, will be 
 imperatively demanded ; and, with this view, the 
 writer has embarked in this simple literary venture, 
 trusting that the future historian may accord to it 
 more importance than it will receive at present. 
 With the design of rendering the work useful at 
 the present as well as in future time, besides its his- 
 toric character, it has been made to partake some- 
 what of the nature of a Gazetteer. 
 The writer has received valuable assistance from 
 different sources while compiling the work, but he 
 desires especially to acknowledge that rendered by 
 C. H. Par melee and O. B. Kemp, Esqrs. 
 Waterloo, P. Q., 28th Nov., 1876. 
 As in all new countrieH, the first permanent settle- 
 ments in Canada were made along the large rivers 
 which communicate with the ocean, and afforded the 
 only means of penetrating the wild wastes of the 
 newly discovered land. 
 Quebec had sprung up, grown old, and its name been 
 familiar for more than a century at the Courts of the 
 French and English Monarchs — it had been beleaguer- 
 ed by hostile armies and had won a proud place in his- 
 toric annals; Ville Marie had expanded into a city, 
 and had figured in wars with the Iroquois, the 
 English and the French ; Three Rivers, Sillery, St. 
 Joseph and St. Mary, had also become famous in 
 Canadian history, while the country east of the Riche- 
 lieu, now forming a part of the Eastern Townships, 
 was in "the lap of savage desolation. '*^-A broad tract 
 of country possessed of great fertility of soil, rich in 
 mineral deposits, blessed with perennial streams, 
 dotted with beautiful lakes, unsurpassed in tho gran- 
 deur of its scenery-— a territory yet to be acknow- 
 ledged the " Garden of Canada," was unknown to the 
 civilized world till more than a quarter of a century 
 after the triple cross banner of England had sup- 
 planted the^eMr de lis of France. 
 An exploring party was sent out to this section by 
 order of Governor Haldimand, and they carried back 
 to the settlements on the St. Lawrence such a favor- 
 able account of their discoveries, that, in the autumn 
 of 1784, a party, Rtyled United Empire Loyalists, 
 decided to emigrate hither. Desirous of effecting a 
 settlement as near as possible to mills and markets, 
 they " pitched their tents " on the shore of Missisquoi 
 Bay and in the country adjacent. Lake Champlain 
 and the Richelieu afforded the only convenient means 
 of travelling, and St. Johns, twenty miles distant by 
 land and sixty by water, and Burlington, in Vermont, 
 were the only places where they were able to procure 
 the necessaries of life. 
 From Missisquoi Bay new settlers gradually pushed 
 eastward. Others — daring and adventurous spirits — 
 plunged northward into the unbroken wilderness 
 from different sections of New England; and thus 
 commenced the settlement of these now flourishing 
 Much has been said respecting the U. E. Loyalists, 
 who, for the love they bore the mother country and 
 the veneration they still cherished for monarchical 
 institutions, voluntarily accepted a home amidst the 
 wilds of Canada. Eulogies have been lavishly and 
 indiscriminately bestowed on all the early pioneers 
 of this section, as if they all belonged to this class, 
 and were thus entitled to the admiration of every 
 loval heart. 
 Panegyrics like these, however, should be received 
 with caution, and with duo allowance for fervid 
 imaginations and proneness to hyperbole in their 
 It is a well established fact that a large proportion 
 of the pioneers of this section, so fai from being 
 martyrs to their political principles, cared as little for 
 royalty as they did for republicanism, and only 
 emigrated to thitj country to escape the dangers and 
 turmoils of war. 
 In the early part of the contest between the 
 American colonies and England, not an insignificant 
 part of the population of the colonies remained loyal 
 to the British cause. Another, and no inconsider- 
 able party, desirous, no doubt, of following quietly 
 the peaceful pursuits of life, regardless of the Stamp 
 Act, Tea Tax and other grievances of which their 
 neighbors complained, attempted to remain neutral 
 in their movements during the approaching contest. 
 Such, however, was inconsistent with the wishes of 
 their Eadical brethren, who both suspected their 
 friendship and detested their want of patriotism. 
 The Kadicais, consequently, not only reproached 
 them, but indulged in other acts of aggression against 
 them until they were compelled either to join one of 
 the belligerent armies or seek peace and safety in exile. 
 Many choosing the latter alternative emigrated to 
 Canada, and, induced by ^tho cheapness of the land and 
 fertility of the soil, plunged into the wilderness east 
 of the Eichelieu. 
 It is a fact, too, that after the independence of the 
 American Colonies had been declared by Groat 
 Britain, not a few of those who had fought in the con- 
 tinental armies became pioneers in this part of the 
 Dominion. Thus we find among the early settlers 
 of this section, not only those who admired the insig- 
 nia of royalty and believed in the " divine right of 
 kings," but those who were passively indifferent to 
 these things, while others cherished as little respect 
 for them as they did for the religious tenets of 
 i ! 
 Whatever the religious or political principles of 
 the pioneers, however, it cannot be denied that in 
 providing homes and sustenance for their families 
 in those wilds, amidst every privation they toiled on 
 with the self-sacrifice of martyrs rmd the devotion of 
 patriots. There is a heroism displayed in their per- 
 severance and in the fortitude vith which they en- 
 dured hardships that demands our admiration, and 
 which it becomes their posterity to emulate. 
 In addition to the difficulties under which the 
 early inhabitants labored, on account of their long 
 distance from mills and markets, much inconvenience 
 was also experienced from the absence of legal tri- 
 bunals in the Townships, and in having roads estab- 
 lished in the manner prescribed by law. 
 In 1796, an act was passed entitled, " An act for 
 making, repairing and altering the highways and 
 bridges in this Province, and for other purposes ; " and 
 by this it was enacted that ■' all the king's highways 
 and public bridges shall be made, repaired, and kept 
 up, under the direction of the Grand Voyer of each 
 and every district within the Province, or his deputy." 
 This law, with but little if any alterations, continued 
 in force till 1841. 
 Although his works were homologated by the Court 
 of Quarter Sessions, it will be seen that much authority 
 was vested in the Grand Voyer. 
 These Townships were obliged to send all the way 
 to Montreal or Quebec for this digr itary or his deputy 
 to establish roads, and at that time the work of 
 bringing him to the J ackwoods of this section we can 
 easily imagine involved both time and expense. 
 The township of Shcfford is bounded north by 
 Roxton, east by Stukcly, south by Bromo and west 
 by Gran by. It was erected into a township by Let- 
 ters Patent dated February 10th, 1801, and granted in 
 part to Caj^t. John Savage and liis Associates.* 
 The term "Associates" not being generally well 
 understood, a few words by way of explanation, may 
 not bo amiss. 
 Any individual of responsibility who had sustained 
 losses from his loyalty to the government, or other- 
 wise merited reward, by pursuing a proscribed course 
 in company with a certain number of others of un- 
 doubted loyalty — could obtain a grant of five-sevenths 
 of a township. The individual who took the most 
 active part in procuring this grant, and bore the ex- 
 penses, was denominated — " Leader or Agent." 
 The course pursued was substantially as follows : 
 The Agent presented a petition to government, in 
 which his claims were set forth, and the tract of land 
 prayed for usually described. The grant was made 
 only on condition that the Agent and each of the As- 
 " Names of Associatos. .Tolin Savngo the youngor, Ilozeklali Wood, 
 John Allen, Simon (Jrigga, Kiclmrd Pnwora, John Sarage the son of 
 Edward Savage, Petor Savage, Ezckiel Lewis, Henry Hardie, Anthony 
 Cutler, Isaac Kennison, Solomon Konnison, Malcolm McFarland, Peter 
 Hayfl, Edward Graves, Henry Powers, Alexander Douglas, Silas Lewis, 
 John Lockhart Wiseman, James Bell, .John Mock, Timothy Hoskins, 
 William Moffat, Thaddeus Tuttle, Isaac Lawrence the younger, Elijah 
 Lawrence, James Berry, Abraham Kennison, John Spalding, John 
 Knatohbaok, John Mock the younger, Joseph Mock, William Bell, John 
 Bell, Samuel Bell, 
 pociates Bhould take the oath of allegiance, and thoy, 
 their heirb,, or assigns, should make " actual settle- 
 ment," and certain iniprovements in the township 
 before a specified time. 
 Five-sevenths only of the township were granted to 
 the Agent and his Associates, and these were divided 
 equally among them ; the remaining two-sevenths 
 being reserved for the support of the Protestant clergy 
 and for the disposition of the Crown. But a private 
 bargain was previously made between the Agent and 
 each Associate, in which it was stipulated that the 
 latter should have a certain number of acres — ^gener- 
 ally two hundred — and should deed back to the Agent 
 all he should draw more than this amount. The 
 Agent was to defray the expense of opening a road 
 through the township, of building mills and of having 
 the township surveyed ; the land deeded to him by 
 the Associates being received as compensation for 
 the expenses thus incurred. 
 These private bargains, in many instances, were not 
 faithfully adhered to by the Associates, and much 
 trouble and expensive litigation frequently arose in 
 This small village, often called Shefford Plain from 
 the level ground on which it is built, is situated In the 
 south-west part of the township on a branch of the 
 Capt. John Savage, who was a native of Ireland, 
 was the first settler at this place, and the first one in 
 the township. We have no records to show at what 
 time he came to America, but a little light is thrown 
 ^ on his subsequent history by a petition which he pre- 
 sented to the Governor of Canada, a copy of which is 
 given below : 
 " To His Excellency Alured Clark, Esq., Major 
 . General, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces 
 in America. 
 The Humble Petition of John Savage Most humbly 
 Sheweth : 
 That Petitioner took an early and active part in 
 the late Eebellion, and served as Lieutenant in a 
 Corps raised by Governor Tryon for His Majesty's 
 Service ; being made prisoner by the Rebels, and re- 
 fusing to join them, he was committed to Albany Jail, 
 from whence he escaped and joincv! the Army at New 
 York, with which he served until taken prisoner a 
 second time and closely confined in irons in Kingston 
 Jail. That Petitioner was very serviceable to the 
 I i 
 scouts sonloiit from tliiM Province by His Excellency 
 the late General Sir Frederick llnUlimand, then Com- 
 mander in Chief, b}^ procuring for them intclllgcnco 
 and affording them asHistance. 
 Petitioner at present has a farm in Caldwell's 
 Manor within the American lines, from which Colonel 
 Allen is attempting to remove him, for refusing 
 to take the Oath of Allegiance to the American 
 States. Petitioner having never received from 
 government any componsution for his losses, and 
 wishing to come under the protection of a British 
 Constitution, humbly implores that Your Excellency 
 will be pleased to grant him a township of ten miles 
 pquare, to be owned by Petitioner and his Asso- 
 ciates ; and he, as in duty bound, will ever pra}'. 
 John Savage . 
 Quebec, aOlh July, 1'792." 
 The following is an extract from an account kept 
 by Capt. Savage during his efforts to obtain the grant 
 prayed for above. 
 A journey to Quebec to obtain the 
 warrant to s^Jirvey for the township 
 of Sheflford at 10 shillings £48 10 
 To Capt. John Savage's expenses ... 23 15 
 To exploring township, 10 days 5 00 
 To cutting the road from St. Johns 
 to Yamaska Eiver with six men, 
 4 weeks, each 40 shillings a month.. . 12 00 
 To myself 28 days at 10 shillings. 14 00 
 To provisions and money expend- 
 ed in cutting said roads 8 00 
 June 5 
 Nov. 15 
 May 10 To cutting the road from Sutton 
 to Shefi rd, 16 miles 16 00 
 July 13 To cash paid John Clark, Dept. 
 Surveyor, for 92 days at 10 sh'. lings 
 aday 46 00 
 Juno 24 To cash paid JeHse Pennoycr and 
 Patrick Conroj^, Esq., for their ser- 
 vices in apprizing the improvements 
 in the township of Shofford 6 00 
 Capt. Savage came to Shefford in 1792. He direct- 
 ed his course by means of a compass, and was followed 
 by men who cleared away the underwood for the pas- 
 sago of ox sleds which brought his household goods 
 and provisions, and these in turn were followed by his 
 family. A pile of stones on the stream near the vil- 
 lage still marks the spot where he built the "Dutch 
 back "of his first cabin. He brought with him to 
 Sheftbrd thirty head of cattle, all of which, with the 
 exception of three, died from the scarcity of fodder 
 and the intense cold of the following winter. 
 Mr. Savage had two sons, one of whom died before 
 the removal of the father to Canada ; the other, John 
 Savage the younger, was one of the Associates of 
 Shefford, and the first settler in the north part of the 
 Many of the descendants of Savage live in Shefford, 
 and are numbered with its honored citizens. 
 The second inhabitant of the township was a man 
 named Towner, but his stay was brief. 
 In the winter of 1794 * Isaac Lawrence from Hines- 
 *For this sketch of Isaac Lawrence wo are indebted to Mrs. Day's 
 rion9«rs of the EHStern Townchipe. 
 I ! 
 :i 1 
 burg, Vt, took up his rosidonco in tho township, set- 
 tling in or near tho present limits of the village of 
 Samuel Lawrence, one of his sons, settled at West 
 Shefford. About the year 1804, he commenced 
 erecting mills at this place, and his brother Henry, 
 who had been assisting him in this enterprise, was 
 despatched to Westford, Vt., for tho purpose of pro- 
 curing the necessary irons. Ho took with him a yoke 
 of oxen with which to draw in the machinery, but 
 having no vehicle, ho was obliged to rosort to hit] 
 wits to invent means of transporting tho heavy load. 
 Accordingly he made a dray, which was nothing 
 more than a long piece of timber split at one end, 
 pried open, and fastened by inserting a short beam 
 crosswise between the parts, when eight hundred 
 pounds of iron castings were bound on it by heavy 
 chains. This end trailed on the ground, while the 
 other end was fastened into tho yoke on the necks of 
 the^sturdy beasts, and drawn by them over rough roads 
 and through rapid streams to Sheldon, Vt., where the 
 young man obtained a pair of large heavy cart wheels 
 on which he fastened tho dray, load and all, so as to 
 balance, and then proceeded on his way. There was a 
 ferry over the Missisquoi Eiver, but all the other 
 streams had to be forded. At St. Armand he took the 
 then only route through to Shefford through Dunham 
 and Farnham ; but tho roads wore so rough and the 
 load so heavy that the axletree of his cart gave way 
 three times, and was ready for tho fourth breakdown 
 on arriving at his destination. With tho aid of axe 
 and auger, with which he was provided, and a piece of 
 the hard timber which grew so plentifully by the way, 
 ho repairs i the damage each time. 
MlSTOllY OF «nEFF(>RI>. 
 T)io clatter of tho iron load, a« the cart rolled over 
 stones, logs and other obHlructiona, aroused the people 
 08 it paHsed along tho line of road, attracting consider- 
 able attention from being the first pair of wheels that 
 had penetrated by that route io far into the interior 
 of the country. 
 Two years after t^e ari'ival of Capt. Savage, his 
 son-in-law, Hezckiah Wood, from Fishkill, N. Y., 
 became an inhabitant of West Shefford, settling in a 
 lot now owned by Henry Roberts. 
 Three of his sons still live at this place. 
 Peter Hayes from Now Hampshire was another of 
 the pioneers of West Shefford. He first came alone^ 
 selected a lot in the north part of the township, where 
 he cut down seven acres of forest, and then returned 
 to New Hampshire for his family. In the winter of 
 1796, he returned to Shefford with the design of 
 taking up his abode on the lot where he had pre- 
 viously labored, but as his family were worn out 
 with their long journey on a sled, and several miles 
 of unbroken forest still intervened between him and 
 the spot he desired to reach, when he had arrived at 
 West Shefford he decided to remain there till tho 
 following spring. When spring arrived, however, he 
 had abandoned his intention of leaving his present 
 habitation, and thus remained there till his death, 
 which occurred on January 2nd, 1834. He has 
 several descendants in Shefford, and his son, Stephen 
 B. Hayes, now lives in the homestead. 
 In 1822, Edward Roberts, from Ireland, became a 
 resident of this part of Shefford. He had previously 
 been a merchant, but having failed, he came to 
 Amerioft to retrieve his fortune. 
 ttlStORV OF SIlEl*T'Otlt)* 
 I I 
 it ;. 
 H<j died poor, however, .nd left his cliildren to be- 
 come the architects of their own fortunes. His son 
 Duke affords another striking example of what a 
 young man with tact and energy may accomplish. 
 With nothing bu6 bis hands to sustain him, he 
 boldly commenced the battle of life. Having placed 
 himself in a comfortable position by farming, he 
 began to turn his attention to buying and selling 
 cattle and horses, and so successfully has he managed 
 this, with his other business, that he has amassed a 
 fortune. ' lie owns a fine residence at West Shefford, 
 but, leaving this in possession of one of his sons, two 
 years since, he moved to Waterloo, where he still 
 Although settled the first of any part of the town- 
 ship, ^est Shefford is still compai-r.avely a small vil- 
 It is situated in the midst of a beautiful level 
 farming country, and in beauty of location surpasses 
 Waterloo, though, owing to various causes, the latter 
 has far outstripped its elder sister in growth. 
 There is one hotel here, two groceries and two 
 stores. A public house was first opened here in 1837, 
 on the spot now occupied by the hotel. 
 The stores are owned respectively by John N. Mills 
 and George Tait. Mr. Mills has been engaged several 
 years in mercantile business, and is widely known in 
 this section of the country as a dealer in bark and 
 butter. He is esteemed as a man of public spirit 
 and has held municipal offices. 
 Mr. Tait is also regarded as a man of worth. He 
 is Postmaster and a School Commissioner. A post 
en to be- 
 His son 
 what a 
 him, he 
 ? placed 
 ing, lie 
 assed a 
 ns, two 
 le Htill 
 office was established here about the year 1840,* and 
 a man named Johnson was a2)pointed Postmaster. 
 A large brick building, designed for a te»nperanco 
 hall, was erected here in 1863 ; it is now used as a 
 place of worship and also for a school. 
 The village contains two church edifices belonging 
 respectively to the Roman Catholics and Episco- 
 palians. A sketch of the Church of Enghmd mission 
 at this place will be found in the history of Waterloo. 
 A short distance from West Shcfford is another 
 small village springing up, now known as Sheftington. 
 The Btream affording good facilities here for manu- 
 facturing establishments, in 1859 a man named 
 Ei)hraim Senior, erected a woollen fiictory. 
 Two yet^rs afterward, Ashley Kilburn purchased 
 the factory and a sawmill standing near. The 
 factory not long afterwards was burned. Another one 
 was erected, and this, together with the saw mill, a 
 few years subsequently was swept away in a freshet. 
 Mr. Kilburn, being one of those sanguine and deter- 
 mined men not easily disheartened, soon built other 
 mills, and is now doing an extensive business in the 
 way of wool carding and manufacturing cloth and 
 A post office was established here, April 1st, 1875, 
 and James Hayes was appointed postmaster. Mr. 
 Hayes is one of the public men of the township, and 
 has been called to fill one or more of the municipal 
 offices. He opened a store hero in 1874, in company 
 with Mr. Henry Noil. 
 * On tao 29th of November, 1841, the building in Quebec containing 
 records of the establishment of Post Offices in the Trovince previous to 
 that time was consumed by fire, consequentiy in obtaining this date, "wc 
 have been obliged to trust to tlie memory of the " oldest inhabitant." 
 This piace — now scarcely deserving the name of 
 village, so small is the number of houses here, is situ- 
 ated in the south-east part of the township. 
 About the year 1S08, three brothers, Jonathan, 
 Eichard and Joseph Frost, from Marlborough; New 
 Hampshire, came toShefford and settled air this place, 
 their name in after time being given io the village 
 which sprang up here. 
 Jonathan Frost was the one who first felled a tree 
 at this place, and his first house was erected where the 
 dwelling long occupied by Hon. L. S. Huntington 
 now stands. He subsequently sold his improvements, 
 built, and sold again several times in the same locality. 
 Eicharu settled on a lot about a mile north of the 
 present village. Joseph became the first occupant of 
 the lot now owned by his nephew, David Frost. 
 In 181 0, Jeremiah Frost, a brother of those named 
 above, and from the same place, arrived in Shefford. 
 He first purchased the improvements of his brother 
 Richard, but, about two years afterward, he bought a 
 piece of land on the site of the present village, and built 
 a house on the spot now occupied by that of John 
 Parker. Subsequently, he purchased the farm where 
 ame of 
 is situ- 
 j; New 
 9 place, 
 a tree 
 3re the 
 of the 
 ant of 
 his son David now lives, and there resided till 1830, 
 when he died. He had seven children, three sons and 
 four daughters, who arrived at maturity, but David 
 was the only one of those who remained permanently 
 in Sheflford. He is a highly respected citizen, and has 
 hold the office of municipal councillor. He has throe 
 sons who are numbered with the prominent men of 
 Waterloo. David Frost, jun ., one of these, was a very 
 successful teacher for some time in the Province of On- 
 tario. For several years he has been an efficient and 
 popular station agent at Waterloo, and also holds the 
 position of councillor in the village council. 
 About the year 1812, Richard Frost, mentioned 
 above, opened a public house at Frost Village, the first 
 one in the place. A few years after this he removed 
 to Granby, where he lived during the remainder of his 
 life. A son, now deceased, was for a long time one of 
 the prominent and influential men of that township. 
 Not many years after the four Frost brothers had 
 made their home in Canada, they were joined by an- 
 other, Aaron, who likewise came from Marlborough, 
 N. H. He was a cabinetmaker, and on his arrival 
 erected a shop and followed his trade hero for some 
 years, but finally abandoned i';, sold out and returned 
 to the Ctates. 
 Alvin Williams was an early settler at Frost Village. 
 He came from Newfane, Vt., to Stukely, \bout the 
 year 1801, and settled on a lot in the north part of 
 the township, several miles from any inhabitants. 
 He was then a young man, only twenty, and with 
 perseverance and energy, at which modern degeneracy 
 wonders, remote from civilization, he toiled for com- 
 petency and a home. 
f • : ' 
 I hi' 
 i i 
 To strong arms and courai^eous hearts like his, are 
 we indebted for our fertile fields ; and though we smile 
 at the uncouth manners and rustic garb of our fore- 
 fathers, it cannot be denied that they possessed the 
 qualities which in other men in different circum- 
 stances have won the chaplets of heroes. On one 
 occasion, while living alone in the wilderness, Mr. 
 Williams cut his knee with an axe, which so disabled 
 him that his circumstances becaii o unpleasant and 
 perilous in the extreme. His provisions were ex- 
 hausted, and being so lame that he could not hope to 
 reach another human habitation, the sad prospect of 
 dying in this secluded place without kindred or friends 
 to solace him, rose with all its terrors before him. 
 Nerved, however, by a forlorn hope, he crawled up 
 to an eminence in the forest, and shouted as loudly as 
 his feeble state would permit. He was induced to do 
 this from the fact, that he had learned a few weeks 
 before, while absent from home, that parties were 
 soon coming into that section to look for land ; and 
 the thought struck him that some one, providentially, 
 might even then be within reach of his voice. 
 Strange as it may seem, his cries were answered 
 by a man named Aylmer, who happened to be near, 
 in the forest, for the purpose named above. Through 
 his aid, the young invalid was supplied with provi- 
 sions, and cared for, ^till he was restored to health. 
 In 1804, he was married to Charlotte Rebecca 
 Rogers, the daughter of a merchant from Newfane, 
 Vt., who had settled in South Stukely. He had once 
 been wealthy, but had fiiiled in business on account of 
 having his property chiefly invested in Continental 
 money which proved worthless. 
 II It 
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 At the time of which we write, wolves were nume- 
 rouft in Stukely, and bands of Indians occasionally 
 strolled througli the forest. Some time after the 
 marriage of Williams and the birth of several children, 
 1)0 was one day absent from homo and his hired man 
 was at work in a field surrounded by woods, some 
 distance from the house. Sudaenlj^, Mrs. Williams was 
 startled by loud cries, and supposing that their neigh- 
 bor Aylroer's family had been attacked by Indians, 
 she hurriedly prepared herself and children for flight. 
 She was, however, arropted in her purj^ose by the 
 hired man who came run niij^i, xn. hatlessund breathless, 
 affirming that he had barely escaped from the wolves 
 with which the field, where ho had been at work, was 
 literally covered. 
 Amidst scenes similiar to this, and all tho hardships 
 incident to the life of a pioneer, Mr. Williams spent 
 nine years in North Stukely, and then removed to tho 
 southern part of tho township, from which place ho 
 moved, in 1821, to Frost Village. He took up his 
 residence on the lot now owned by his grandson, Geo. 
 Williams, and lived here till his death, which oocurred 
 February llth, 1849. 
 Mr. Williams was a man deservedly esteemed. 
 Possessed of integrity, a genial temper and a pleasing 
 manner, he soon won the confidence and respect of 
 those with whom he was called to associate ; and his 
 influence among them always tended to harmony 
 and goodwill. H6 was for some time a school com- 
 missioner, a commissioner for the summary trial of 
 small causes, justice of the peace and captain of militia. 
 He had four sons, John, William, Henry and Arad ; 
 the first named being the only one living. Henry 
 ^ £1 
 M ! 
 entered mercantile business in Brome, atid became one 
 of the prominent men of that township. Arad 
 was a successful and respected farmer in Bolton. 
 William remained on the homestead. The esteem in 
 which he was held by his fellow citizens may bo 
 learned from the following obituary, copied from the 
 Waterloo Advertiser of October 21st, 1869 : — 
 " An old and highly respectable citizen of Frost 
 Village, Wm. "Williams, Esq., died at his residence 
 there, on Friday last, after a short ilkiess. He was 
 an amiable, kind- hearted man, esteemed by all who 
 knew him. He has filled many local offices, and at 
 the time of his decease was a municipal councillor. 
 He was one of those quiet, unassuming, unobtrusive 
 men that gradually acquire a hold in the esteem of 
 their neighbors, and, in everything that tands to make 
 a good citizen, are all that could be desired. It may 
 truly be said of him that no solicitor of alms wont 
 emp«y-handed from his door. On Sunday last his 
 remains were followed to their final resting-place by 
 a large concourse of friends and neighbors." 
 John Williams, like his brother Widliam, has been 
 entrusted with various offices, the duties of which he 
 has discharged^to the general satisfaction of his fellow- 
 townsmen. He has been postmaster, captain of militia, 
 school commissioner for fifteen years, and a municipal 
 councillor. He early turned his attention to mercantile, 
 pursuits at Frost Village, in which business, through 
 tact and industry, he has been remarkably successful. 
 He still resides here, in an attractive residence. 
 Samuel Willard was another active and prominent 
 early inhabitant of Frost Village. He was born in 
 Petersham*, Mass., and was the son of Major Willard, 
 Loyalist, distinguished in the American Eevolulion. 
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 He firs! commenced business at Newfane, Vt., 
 from which place he removed to Sheldon, in the same 
 State, thence to Stukely, in Canada, and became 
 Agent for the Associates of that township. 
 After residing there for several years, he came to 
 Frost Village to engage in mercantile business. 
 In this he was for a iime successful, but, having 
 lost a new and, for that period, an extensive stock of 
 goods, by the burning of a steamer on the St. Law- 
 rence, between Quebec and Montreal, he failed, and 
 returned to his farm in Stukely. 
 The energy, the active business talent of Major 
 Willard is still remembered by the old citizens of 
 Frost Village, and the era at which he resided here is 
 regarded as one of the most pleasant and prosperous 
 of the place. 
 He left respected descendants in the Tov/nships ; 
 and Samuel Willard, grandson, is one of the popular 
 young merchants composing the firm of Eobinson, 
 Stevens & Willard, of Waterloo. 
 Benjamin Martin was another pioneer who pur- 
 chased a lot near Frost Village. He left thrae sons, 
 Benjamin, Reuben and Simeon Martin, who settled in 
 Shefford and took an active part in the aflfairs of the 
 township. Benjamin Martin remained on the home- 
 stead, where he died a few years since. His family 
 still live here and his widow has ably managed tho 
 farm and business left by the deceased. 
 The following is an obituary of another of the early 
 inhabitants of this place who died in 1860 : — 
 " It is our painful duty !o record, this week, tho 
 death of another old aiul respected resident of this 
 township, Orange Ellis, Esq., which took place at his 
 refiidence, in Frost Village, on the 28lh ult. Mr. Ellis 
 had led a long and active life, and had lived to see his 
 children and randchildren grow up to bo men and 
 women about him. He 'vas among the last of the 
 early settlers, and with him is removed another link 
 that bound us to the age which has passed away. Mr. 
 Ellis was a man of sterling indep^r.donce, strong 
 practical good sense, and more than ordinary intelli- 
 gence. He bore his last long and painful illness — a 
 cancer — with the meekness of a child and the forti- 
 tude of a martyr. Only a few days before his death, 
 he said to the writer that he longed to be et rest, and 
 begged him to bear witness how his trust in Jesus 
 comforted and sustained him. And in this peaceful 
 trust he fell sweetly asleej)." 
 Mr. Ellis camo from Rockingham, Mass., to Canada, 
 in 1814. He first settled at Odelltown, P. Q., but some 
 years afterward, removed to Frelighsburg, and from 
 that place came to Shefford in 1832. His two sons, 
 K. A. and J. C. Ellis, are mentioned farther on in the 
 History of Waterloo. 
 For the following paragraph and sketch of Dr. 
 Foster, the writer is indebted to Mrs. Day's History 
 of tiie Eastern Townships : — 
 " When the Settlements were so advanced as to 
 make it necessary that a way of communication 
 should be opened between Montreal and the townships 
 east, and a route was chosen from Magog Outlet, 
 through Stukely, Sheftbrd, Granby, &c., to Chambly, 
 Frost Village became a sort of centre for the retail 
 trade of the section, and several business and profes- 
 sional men located here. Prominent among these was 
 Dr. Stephen Sewell Foster, born at Oakham, Mass., 
 Mr. Ellis 
 to see his 
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 is death, 
 rest, and 
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 of Dr. 
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 prof es- 
 se was 
 Nov. 22, 1791. February 7th, 1813, he married Mis8 
 Belknap of Dummerston, Vt., and, in 1817, settled to 
 the practice of his profession in Newfane, Vt., where 
 ho remained till 1822, when he came to Canada with 
 his wife and four children. 
 His first location was at Frost Village, but, after a 
 residence here of one year, he removed to the locality 
 where is now situated the thriving village of Waterloo, 
 at the time when there were only cloth dressing works, 
 mills, a blacksmith's shop and two dwollingy in the 
 place. After a short residence there, however, the 
 Doctor returned to Frost Village, and settled upon 
 the farm until recently occupied by his second son, 
 Hon. A. B. Foster. 
 His license to j^*actice his profession had been 
 received from the Vermont Medical Society, but, after 
 coming to this country, he attended lectures at Quebec, 
 and obtained license to practice in Canada. Under 
 the Earl of Dalhousie, he was appointed surgeon to 
 Col. Jones' Battallion. After the establishment of the 
 McGill College he attended lectures there for a period, 
 and, on the formation of the College of Physicians and 
 Surgeons, was elected one of its governors, which 
 position he held till 1866, when failing health obliged 
 him to resign. He also held the oflBce of Justice of 
 the Peace and Commissioner for the trial of small 
 causes, when there was no other court in the Eastern 
 Townships. In 1841 he was elected to the Provin- 
 cial Parliament from Sheftbrd County, and, being re- 
 elected, was a member of that body for seven years. 
 At the time Dr. Foster settled in Frost Village, 
 there was no physician for man}'' miles around, his 
 practice exten4iiJg from Yamaska Mountain to Mis- 
>. -m?-» f rt w iiMiir^ 
 iiii i 
 i! ! 
 Bisquoi Bay; and it was no uncommon thing for him 
 to attend patients in Stanstoad, or oven in Derby and 
 Coventry, Vt. At such times he went by bridle 
 paths through the forest to the outlet of Lake Mem- 
 phremagog, (six miles intervening between dwell- 
 ings at places on the way, ) and thence up the 
 lake in a log canoe. On other occasions he was 
 guided by nothing more definite than marked trees ; 
 sometimes seeing the wolves cross the path before 
 him, and often hearing them howl in the woods on 
 either hand. 
 In the practice of his profession under such circum- 
 stances he was often brought in contact with scenes 
 which ox'^'ited his warmest sympathies, and had fre- 
 quent occasion for the exercise of a benevolent 
 and kindly feeling, which was manifested in ways 
 peculiar to himself, and which won the hearts of the 
 people among whom he lived and practised so long, 
 and established a claim upon their lasting esteem and 
 gratitude. In October, 1857, he removed to Knowlton, 
 in Brome, with the double view of retiring from the 
 active practice of his profession and of being near i^lz 
 eldest son, Capt. Hiram S. Foster, of that place. He 
 died at Knowlton, December 29th, 1868. 
 Dr. Foster had eleven children, and some of his sons 
 have held high positions in public life." 
 Hiram S. Foster was registrar of Shofford County 
 for some time, and on removing to Knowlton, many 
 years ago, he was appointed registrar of the County 
 of Brome, and still holds the office. He has been war- 
 den of that Couni,;'-, and has also hold many other posi- 
 tions of honor and responsibility. Few men are better 
 known than he in the District of Bedford. Generous, 
 r for him 
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 and glad to witress the progress of improvement, ho 
 has been a patron of everything that promotes the 
 prosperity of his county. 
 Another son of Dr. Foster has long been one of the 
 prominent men of this district. Ho was an advocate 
 residing at Knowlton when, about eight years ago, he 
 was appointed district magistrate. 
 A sketch of Hon. A. B. Foster, his brother, will be 
 found on a succeeding page. 
 The first school house at Frost Village was built 
 about the year 1812, on the site of the present one. 
 In 1824, a building designed for a church was 
 erected by the Episcopalians. It was not completed 
 till the year 1833, when it was sold to the Methodists, 
 with the reservation, by the Episcopalians, of usin^ 
 it one half the time. Th') upper part of this building 
 was finished and used for several years as an academy, 
 and became the Alma Mater of many of the sons and 
 daughters cf Shefford. 
 An incident occurred on the day that the frame of 
 this building was erected which is still often related 
 by one or two aged individuals who were present: 
 A wolf which had that day been caught was exhi- 
 bited to the men who were engaged in raising the 
 frame of the church, and after he had afforded them 
 sufficient amusement a discussion arose as to what 
 should be done with him. It was finally decided that 
 he should be supplied with a coat of tar and sulphur ; 
 that a bell should be fastened on his neck and that he 
 should then bo freed to roam at pleasure through the 
 forest to frighten away, if possible, by his uncouth 
 rppearance the bands of wolves that were prowling in 
 the vicinity, and committing nightly depredations 
 on the flocks of the settlers. 
 I! li 
 h' I 
 This novel method of frifijhtetun^ away the wolves, 
 however, Reomw to have had little otfoct, as this same 
 wolf, — always known by the bell ho wore,-— was fre- 
 quently seen in company with others, in the borders 
 of clearings. He was at last killed with a stone by a 
 man known as Dr. Washburn. 
 Frost Village was the place where formerly nearly 
 all the business of Sheft'ord was transacted. 
 In the early days of these Townshipj, journeys to 
 distant markets were usually performed in winter. 
 Many of the first settlors depended chiefly on the 
 potash whi( h they made from ashes for the necessaries 
 of life, though occaaionally one fattened pork to sell, 
 but the latter did not become a general article of com- 
 merce till a later day. The potash, pork, or whatever 
 the settler had to dispose of, was placed on a rough 
 but strong ox sled, and then the pioneer, in company 
 with many others having similar loads, started on 
 his tedious journey for Montreal. When their pro- 
 duce had been sold, they always endeavc.od to pur- 
 chase enough of household necessaries to last their 
 families a year, as they were not at all desirous of 
 making a second trip to market within that period. 
 The inhabitants of the surrounding country often 
 met and started together from Frost Village on these 
 expeditions, and the number of ox teams thus setting; 
 out was soneti'oi )8 so great as to form a train a mile 
 or more in it igth. Viewing in our imaginations 
 these slow, toiling trains, taking many days to 
 perform the journey, we cannot refrain from thinking 
 of the wondrous change that has taken place since 
 that period, seeing, as we now do, the farmer of this 
 section seating himself, in the morning, in a hand- 
 iiH same 
 wiiH t've- 
 mo by a 
 ' nearly 
 noyfi to 
 on the 
 to soil, 
 of com- 
 L rough 
 led on 
 ir pro- 
 to pur- 
 t their 
 ous of 
 1 mile 
 ys to 
 somely finished car, going to Montreal, transacting 
 his business, and returning to his family in the even- 
 ing of the same day. 
 The District of Bedford Teachers' Association was 
 organized in this village. The first meeting occurred 
 here on Friday, the 29th day of Oct., 1858. Nearly 
 all the High School teachers of the District wore pre- 
 sent. The Rev. Dr. Nichols, Principal of the Univer- 
 sity of Bishops' College, Lennoxville, was elected 
 chairman for the session. Henry Baker, Rector of the 
 Freleighsburgh Grammar School, was elected secretary 
 pro tern. The Association which wtis then formed con- 
 tinued to hold annual meetings and to increase in im- 
 portance until finally, by uniting with others, it grew 
 into a Provincial Association, which is still flourish- 
 ing, and has its annual sessions. Its efforts have done 
 much towards efevating the standard of schools and 
 promoting the cause of education in the Province, and 
 its growing strength and popularity dOom to promise 
 grand results in the future. 
 Commissioners courts were formerly held in this 
 village, and the township and county councils also 
 held their sessions here. 
 Frost Village was once the head of the Shefford 
 Methodist Circuit, and the parsonage was located here; 
 but, as the ecclesiastical history of Shefford is given 
 in the history of Waterloo, the reader is referred to 
 that for a further account of the rise and progress of 
 Methodism in this section. 
 Another individual who was prominent among the 
 citizens of this place is Thomas L. Osgood, who came 
 here from Hatley, in October, 1829. He began 
 keeping hotel at the old stand in Frost Vi'lage, in 
 li 1 ' 
 N'overnber. The first comity representative to Par- 
 liament being sent from Shefford, the election was 
 held at this village, as the principal place in the county, 
 on Nov. 29th of the same year. The candidates were 
 Le Mesurier of Quebec and Tjyman Knowlton of Stuke- 
 ly. The latter being successful, the usual festivities 
 Were celebrated at Mr. Osgood's hotel. When the 
 Rebellion of 1S31 and 1838 broke out. Frost Village 
 being the head quarters of the militia, the hotel 
 became their chief rendezvous. Here too, on a cold 
 winter night, Wolfred Nelson was brought after his 
 capture in the woods, in a most pitiable condition of 
 mind and body. Mr. Osgood, with his own hands, 
 ministered to his comfort, during the three days pre- 
 ceding his being sent to Montreal Jail. Frost Village 
 not only became the rendezvous of the volunteers and 
 militia, but here, also, during this year came loyal 
 French gentlemen for protection from the insurgents) 
 among them Major Chaffers and Messrs. Casavant and 
 Guereut. These gentlemen stopped at Mr. Osgood's 
 house, bringing with them their books, papers and 
 other valuables, and remained until affairs became 
 more settled. Dicing Col. Head's term of service as 
 commander-in-chief of the forces, Mr. Osgood had the 
 honor of entertaining at his house for some time this 
 refined and courteous gentleman. It would perhaps be 
 only justice to say, that, although Mr. Osgood kept 
 during this exciting time, a house of enterlainment for 
 the volunteers with the promise of compensation from 
 the Government, he has, up to the present time, re- 
 ceived none whatever. He remained in Frost Village 
 twelve years. After, an absence of several years he 
 returned to Shefford, and has lived in Waterloo and 
 o Par- 
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 vicinity for the last twelve years. His wife died t'ii 
 Waterloo in October, 1868. Mr. Osgood is at present 
 in his seventy -ninth year. He has had throe children, 
 one son and two daughters. The former, Thomas 
 Edwin Osgood, died at Frost Village in 18-40. 
 One of his daughters married Benjamin Haskell, 
 Esq., a prominent and very worthy cit'zen of Water- 
 loo, who was for some years the secretary of Hon. 
 A. B. Foster, and who has recently been appointed 
 inspector of weights and measures for the district 
 of Bedford. The other daughter married Michael 
 Mitchell, a surveyor, who has long been a citizen 
 of Waterloo. He is very efficient in his vocation, 
 and has surveyed many of the railroad routes in this 
 and other sections of the Province. 
 In the year 1823 a weekly post was established 
 between Chambly and Stanstead, and a post office was 
 opened at the same time in Frost Village. For 
 a long time the mail was carried in summer on 
 horseback, one side of a pair of ancient saddle bags 
 being used for this purpose ; the other was devoted to 
 provisions for the mail carrier and to the pound of tea 
 for which inhabitants along his route would occasion- 
 ally send to Montreal. 
 On one occasion when returning from Chambly this 
 dignitary, having imbibed a little too freely of the po- 
 tato whisky with which the country at that time was 
 abundantly supplied, lost his way in the dark when 
 near the site of Waterloo and vvatidered into a beaver 
 meadow. Early the next morning, loud shoutf< were 
 heai'd by a passer-by, and on penetrating the marsh, 
 which was concealed from sight by bushes, ho found 
 the mail carrier presenting a forlorn appearance — his 
 '«1 i 
 hat being lost, his face and clothes besmeared with 
 mud, his horse in the mire up to his sides and unable to 
 move. Be it said, however, as one proof of his trnst- 
 worthiness as a servant of the public, that the mail, 
 which consisted of two letters and three newspapers, 
 had been preserved intact. 
 The Waterloo and Magog Eailway is completed 
 through Frost Village as far as the western boundary 
 of Stukely, but, as yet, none but freight trains have 
 ever run over the road. 
 At the time the registry office was moved from this 
 place to Waterloo a rapid emigration commenced, many 
 of the leading families taking up their residence at 
 the latter place j and this migration was increased as 
 th*^ railway was completed and the depot erecteo at 
 Although the land around Frost Village affords a 
 very pleasant site for a large village, the abundant 
 water-power atWaterloo, andthe successful operation 
 of mills and manufacturing establishments already in 
 existence there, rendered it a more desirable location 
 for those engaging in business; hence it became the 
 centre of trade and the chef-lieu of the county. 
 Frost Village, on the other hand, has continued to 
 decline in importance, many of its buildings having 
 been burned, others yielding to the ravages of time so 
 that at present it presents a desolate aspect. 
 Thip village is situated in the southern part of the 
 township of Shefford, two miles from Frost Village 
 and eight from West Shefford. It is adjacent to 
 Waterloo Pond, a beautiful little sheet of water some- 
 thing less than two miles in length and nearly a mile 
 in breadth. 
 It is said that the way in which the place received 
 its name is this : Several individuals were once en- 
 deavoring to fix on a name for the yet unchristened 
 settlement when the late Judge Knowiton of Brome, 
 who was present, suggested Waterloo, and the sug- 
 gestion met with a hearty approval. The name was 
 one cherished by the Judge from the fact that he was 
 a great admirer of Wellington, and had taken a deep 
 interest in the battle which gave to the Duke his 
 crowning laurels and decided the destinies of Europe. 
 Waterloo was incorporated Jan. 1, 1867. TheHmits 
 of the village are lots Nos. twenty, twenty-ono,twenty- 
 two and the south half oflot No. nineteen in the fourth 
 range, and lots Nos. twenty, twenty-one, twenty-tvvo 
 and the north half of lot No. nineteen in the third 
 In speaking of the pioneois we shall mention not 
 only those who settled within the limits of the Cor- 
 Hi III I 
 poration, but others who took up land near it and 
 were prominent either in developing the resources of 
 the township or in improving its social fabric. 
 Silas Lewis from Templeton, Mass. , one of the 
 " Associates " of SheflFord, became an occupant of the 
 lot now owned by Lewis Clark as early as 1796. He 
 remained there only until 1804, when he sold his land 
 and moved to West Shefford. In the following year 
 he returned and settled on the lot now owned, in part, 
 by his son, Amasa Lewis. Here he died in September, 
 1849. He had nine children — eight of whom settled in 
 Shefford. One daughter became an inhabitant of 
 Mr. Lewis was a quiet man, caring little for public 
 affairs, and preferring to spend his time chiefly in cul- 
 tivating his farm and in providing for his family. He 
 was a devoted member of the Episcopal Church. He 
 built the first mills erected at the outlet of Waterloo 
 Pond, where now the mills of J. C. Ellis stand. Mr. 
 Lewis was appointed captain of militia, and held the 
 office several years. His daughter Elizabeth was the 
 first female child born in the township. He had a large 
 family, but only one child, a son, bearing the name 
 of his father, lived permanently in Shefford. The 
 descendants of these two brothers are numerous in 
 this township, and are numbered with its sober and in- 
 dustrious citizens. 
 The early inhabitants were obliged to go to St Johns, 
 forty miles distant, for the most common necessaries 
 of life. On one occasion, Silas and Ezekiel Lewis, 
 with two or three others, went there on foot, to pur- 
 chase salt, which they brought home on their backs. 
 In returning, Ezekiol Lewis became so exhausted, that 
 he sank down in the forest, unable to proceed farther 
 without assistance. The others pushed forward to the 
 nearest settlement, procured nid, '•^ t'.:rned and rescued 
 their companion. 
 The land and improvements of Silas Lewis, where 
 he first settled, in SheflFord, were purchased in 1804, 
 by Daniel Clark, from Al burgh, Vt. 
 Mr. Clark, with the aid of his sons, cleared up the 
 greater part of this lot, and lived on it till his death, 
 which occurred in 1854. He once let to a man the job 
 of felling several acres of forest. One morning, soon 
 afterwards, the man commenced work, and continued 
 it till nearly noon, when besought shelter in the house 
 of Mr. Clark, from an approaching thunder-storm. It 
 raged with great violence,'and when the woodman 
 returned to his work, to his surprise he found not a 
 tree standing of those he had engaged to chop down. 
 Mementoes of this event may still be seen, in the 
 shape of numerous hillocks, resulting from upturned 
 Mr. Clark had six children, three sons and an 
 equal number of daughters. The sons all settled in 
 Shefford, and two of them are still living. They are 
 quiet, industrious men, and so strong is their local 
 attachment that they have never been far from the 
 place of their residence. 
 John, the eldest child of Daniel Clark, settled in a 
 lot adjacent to that of his father, which is now owned 
 by his own son, John E. Clark. He died here on the 
 14th of February, 1869, in the 78th year of his age. 
 He, also, was very strongly attached to his adopted 
 township, and was never known to be absent there- 
 from more than two weeks at any one time. 
 : >l 
 John R. Clark, his son, is one of the active and 
 highly esteemed citizens of the township. For seve- 
 ral years he was a conductor on the S-S.^fe C. Railway, 
 but is now in trade in the village, and is a mtmber 
 of the village council. He has long been connected 
 with the Methodist Church, and is regarded as one of 
 its pillars. 
 Zepheniah Harvey, from Marlborough, Mass., set- 
 tled at Frost Village, Shefiford, on the lot now owned 
 by Wm. G. Parmelee, Esq., in March, 1810. He was 
 the first occupant of the lot, and built a block house 
 on the site of the house now standing there, and for- 
 merly occupied by Mr. Parmelee. About twelve years 
 after this, he removed to the lot near Waterloo, now 
 owned and occupied, in part, by his son Cyrus Harvey. 
 There was no house on this lot at the time he pur- 
 chased it, but small patches had been cleared, here and 
 there, by parties who had consumed the timber in 
 making ashes for potash. 
 Mr. Harvey was an active, earnest christian. He 
 died July 11th, 1858. He had three sons, Cyrus, 
 David and Zepheniah. The two latter settled in 
 Granby ; the former remained on the homestead, and 
 is one of the staunch Christians and industrious far- 
 mers of Sheiford . He has four sons ; three of whom 
 live in Waterloo and contribute their influence to- 
 wards industry and respectability. 
 The first settlers of Shefford suffered, like those of 
 all new countries, from the incursions and depreda- 
 tions of wild beasts. The last excitement, in the vici- 
 nity of Waterloo, occasioned by their appearance, 
 occurred about a quarter of a century ago. One 
 evening Mr. Cyrus Harvey, and his neighbor Mr. 
 ^ongloy, hearing wolves howl, went in pursuit of 
 them, and discovered that they were on the north 
 side of the stream running into Waterloo Pond, near 
 their own clearings. They gave notice to the citizens 
 of the village, and early in the morning the woods 
 were surrounded by men and boys, eager to capture 
 the marauders, but, owing to the scarcity of fire-arms, 
 the wolves, six in number, and two of them black, 
 broke through the line and escaped. 
 In 1812, Benjamin Longley, from Marlborough, 
 N.H., but originally from Littleton, Mass., settled in 
 Shefford. His son, Edmund Longley, now resides 
 where his father purchased, and the ^amily name has 
 been given to the place,which is known as Longley Hill. 
 Soon after coming to Canada, Mr. Longley broke his 
 leg, which misfortune made him an invalid during 
 the remainder of his life. He died in 1837. He 
 had a large family, but his son Edmund is th« 
 only one whose history is connected with that of 
 Waterloo. He has been a very active man, and has 
 taken large contracts for grading railroads, not only 
 in this section but in other parts of the Province. He 
 has held various offices, having been a commis.^ioner 
 for the trial of small causes, justice of the peace, 
 councillor and mayor of the township. He has two 
 sons. Dr. Edmund Longley, now residing in Manson- 
 ville, P. Q., who has practiced medicine with much 
 success both in the Townships and in Massachusetts, 
 and the Eev. B. Longley who is at present pastor of 
 the St. James' Wesleyan Church, Montreal. He is a 
 young man, graduating from college as recently as 
 18'7'4. The following notice of his graduating honors 
 is from the Advertiser of June 12th, 1874 : — 
 At the convocatio'j of the University of Victoria 
 CoUego, held on the 27th May, we observe that Rev. 
 B. Longley of Magog, and formerly of Waterloo, de- 
 livered the valedictory oration and took the degree of 
 B. A., as Silver Medalist and Yaledictorian. He 
 also won the Prince of Wales Silver Medal ; the 
 Webster Prize, First English Essay; the Punshon 
 Prize, first in Composition and Elocution; in the 
 Faculty of Arts, in Theological department the Cooley 
 Prize, first in Ethics and Evidences ; and in the 
 Literary Association the prize poem. ,. 
 This is about the most creditable record we have 
 seen for a long time, and Waterloo may be proud of 
 William Whitcomb, originally from Wincbendon, 
 Mass., became an inhabitant of Shetford in 1822. He 
 had previously spent a few years in Vermont and 
 New York, and came to Canada at the solicitation of 
 Eufus Whitcomb, a younger brother, then residing 
 in Sheflford, at the place now called Warden, where 
 he owned a saw mill and a grist mill. 
 William White- mb, at the time he decided to emi- 
 grate to Canada, was living in the town of Augusta, 
 Oneida County, New York. Leaving that place, he 
 had proceeded on his way as far as Watertown on the 
 the Black River, when he met an old friend who 
 endeavored to dissuade him from coming to Canada, 
 describing it a as cold, barren place where there 
 was such a dense growth of white birch that " a 
 hog could not get through the woods." Discouraged 
 by this account, he decided to remain where he then 
 was for a while, and then to return to Watertown. 
 Accordingly, ho dismissed the man whom he had 
 hired and paid to bring hia family and effects to 
 Shefford. Shortly afterwards ho started out one morn- 
 ing on foot, with his boy Mark, to visit his brother. 
 Mark (now Major) Whitcomb describes Warden at 
 that time as a small clearing where there was only 
 one house, and the old mills referred to above. The 
 nearest neighbor of his uncle lived a mile distant. 
 Finding the country more attractive than had been 
 represented by his friend at Black River, Mr. Whit- 
 comb returned for his family and lived with his brother 
 Rufus a year, after which he took up his residence 
 on the lot now owned and occupied by his son. Major 
 Whitcomb. He died June 3, 1837, leaving foo.r sons 
 and one daughter. These all settled in Shefford, and 
 have an honorable social status. 
 Mark Whitcomb has ever been a useful, public- 
 spirited citizen, one prominently identified with every 
 important social, political or religious movement that 
 has taken place in the township. He is an old mem- 
 ber of the Methodist Church, has always held respon- 
 sible Church offices, and, by his earnest efforts, has 
 done much towards sustaining and building up Metho- 
 dism in Waterloo. He has been a school commis- 
 sioner, councillor, justice of the* peace, and major of 
 During the Canadian Rebellion of 1837-38 Major 
 Whitcomb, (at that time sergeant of militia) heard 
 one day that three suspicious-looking individuals 
 were secreted in an isolated house at Stukely. The 
 Sergeant, after considerable effort, succeeded in get- 
 ting a few men to accompany him, and they set out 
 in the evening, by moonlight, to ascertain the char- 
 acter and business of the persons whose actions were 
 the subject of fio much comment. On the way to 
 Stukoly, the party was augmented by other men liv- 
 ing along the road they were travelling, until, in all, 
 they numbered nineteen. Arriving near the place 
 designated, they held a short consultation ixa to the 
 best'method of surprising and capturing the iji mates 
 of the cabin. It was finally decided that they should 
 quickly and noiselessly steal up to the door, enter, 
 and arrest them, before they should have time to offer 
 resistance. But who should be the first to enter? 
 As it required more than ordinary courage to open 
 the door of a strange house, in the night, in the face 
 of enemies, no doubt desperate and well armed, this 
 was a question not easily answered. After some hesi- 
 tation, how^ovcr, Sergeant Whitcomb and another man 
 volunteered to lead the way. Silently approaching 
 tho dwelling, they burst into it and demanded an im- 
 mediate surrender. To their chagrin they found that 
 the men had fled and that the house was empty. On 
 searching, however, they discovered the tracks of the 
 fugitives in the light snow that covered the ground, 
 and they at once started in pursuit. A fow hours, 
 subsequently, they overtook them in North Stukoly 
 and made them prisoners. One of them was the 
 notorious Dr. Wolfred Nelson for whose apprehension 
 the Provincial Government had offered a reward of 
 $2,000 ; the others were an Indian and a Frenchman, 
 and all were endeavoring to reach tho States. Nelson 
 was nearly exhausted from hunger and fatigue. The 
 prisoners wer<' brought to Frost Village where they 
 were kindly treated and then sent to Montreal, there 
 to await, in prison, their trial for treason. The reward 
 was equally divided amongst the men who effected the 
 Major Whitcomb, has several stories of rencounters 
 with wild beasts, but our space forUds the insertion of 
 more than one. In his youthful days he and another 
 young man were once at work near Waterloo in a road 
 leading to Gran by. Suddenly, they wore startled by 
 a loud bellowing in the woods adjacent, nnd,on going to 
 ascertain the cause of it, found a huge bear despatch- 
 ing a young moose. After ifiuch shouting on their part 
 and throwing of clubs. Bruin retreated, leaving them 
 in possession of the moose. 
 One of the earliest pioneers at Waterloo, whose 
 enterprising spirit gave an impetus to business and 
 whose descendants are still, morally and 80'~ially, 
 among the first citizens of the place, was Hezekiah 
 Robinson, Esq. He came from Nowfane, Vt., in May, 
 1821, and took up his residence in fetukely. He had 
 previously been engaged in woolcarding and cloth 
 manufacturing, and, on coming to Canada, at once 
 turned his attention to this pursuit. 
 He started a carding mill in Stukely, but the 
 thought that the outlet of Waterloo Pond afforded 
 better facilities for his business than the place where 
 he was then located, induced him to purchase in 
 Shefford, which he did, in the month of October, 
 following his arrival in Stukely. 
 This purchase consisted of lot No. 21 in the 4th 
 range,on which the mills were standing, and on which, 
 also, was the frame of a small house, which ho moved 
 to the spot now occupied by D. Darby's office and 
 completed for his dwelling. 
 It has already been stated that the first mills at this 
 plnce were built by Captain Ezolciol Lewis. These 
 wore first nold to a man named Lalanno, and he 
 subsequently sold them to a man named Lestourneau, 
 who in turn sold to Mr. Robinson. The latter gen- 
 deman built a carding mill and repaired the other 
 mills to render them fit for use, and with these differ- 
 ent mills he was chiefly employed during the first few 
 years of his residence in Shefford, but he never ne- 
 glected to do, meanwhile, what he was able to do, to 
 build up the township of his adoption. 
 In 1829 he opened a store, and in the following 
 year erected a now saw mill. In 1832 he entered 
 into partnership with Peasely and Copp, two gentle- 
 men who had been engaged in mercantile business in 
 Georgoville, whore they had amassed considerable 
 property; and the capital the^'^ furnished enabled him 
 to make changes in his business which he had lojpg 
 desired to make^ but which, from want of me- he 
 had, hitherto, been unable to effect. 
 Immediately after the formation of this co-partner- 
 ship, the old grist mill was greatly improved, so that 
 it answered the demands of the place, until 1835, when 
 tLe one which is still in use here was built. 
 In 1841 the co-partnership was dissolved, and Mr. 
 Robinson, having been successful, found himself at this 
 time more able to engage in enterprises congenial to 
 his tastes. Ho now built the stone store which haa 
 long been noted in the Townships for tho largo amount 
 of business transacted in it, and a year subsequently 
 entered into partnership with his son Jonathan, and 
 son-in-law, R. A. Ellis. About this time he purchased 
 a lot of land on which tho principal part of the village 
 now stands. 
 Mr. Robinson died in 1851, and his loss was deplored 
 as deeply, doubtless, as? that of any person who has 
 ever died in Waterloo. Coming to this place at a time 
 when it was merely a patch in the wildei'ness, and 
 possessing the energy and generous sp- it requisite 
 to promote the interests of a new settlement, he 
 bocame identified with every enterprise that contri- 
 buted to its growth and prosperity. 
 So destitute was Waterloo of those conveniences 
 and comforts which are found in it at the present 
 time, in the early years of his residence L^^re, that he 
 was once obliged to travel to Derby, in "V t., a distance 
 of forty-five miles, to post a letter, that being the near- 
 est point at which a post office could be reached. At 
 one time, also, in the history of this thriving village, 
 Mr. Robinson's watch was the only time-piece in the 
 place, and his was the only team of which the place 
 could boast. 
 Mr. Robinson earnestly endeavored to induce intel- 
 ligent and active men to take up their residence in 
 Waterloo, and it was owing to his exertions that 
 several men settled here who figure prominently in 
 the history of the place. 
 His loyalty was unquestioned. During the Rebel- 
 lion of 1837 and '38, reports were circulated in Water- 
 loo to the effect that the Radicals were intending to 
 attack the village, and burn the residences of those 
 who were known to be in favor with the Government. 
 No sooner had Mr. Robi»ison heard this, than he boldly 
 hoisted the British flag from the roof of his store, and 
 for wf^eks it floated there as an evidence of his deter- 
 mined spirit and the reverence ho cherished for the 
 Britisn Crown. 
 He was devotedly attached to the new country to 
 which he had emigrated, and also to the Church of 
 England. As a Christian husband, father, friend and 
 neighbor, a magistrate and man of business, his char- 
 acter was most exemplary,and deservedly commanded 
 the respect of all who knew him. 
 Among the many contributions that he made for 
 benevolent or public purposes, he gave seventeen acres 
 of land as a glebe for the Church of England in Water- 
 loo, erected in 1843, and subscribed more largely than 
 any other person towards its erection. 
 Mr. Eobinson married Selucia Knowlton, a daugh- 
 ter of the late Judge Knowlton of Brome. After his 
 death she also subscribed generously for religious 
 and educational purposes, and for public improve- 
 ments. She gave $400 towards the building of the 
 present Anglican parsonage, gave the site for the 
 present French School building, and presented the 
 Park to the village Corporation. 
 Their children were nine in number, all of whom, 
 with the exception of one, grew up, married and 
 settled in ShefFord and in its immediate vicinity. 
 Frederick Robinson, their second son, was educated at 
 Bishop's College in Lennoxville, and was the first 
 student that entered that College from the Townships ; 
 also the first native of the Townships ordained from 
 that Institution. He was ordained in 1847, and ap- 
 pointed to the temporary charge of Coteau du Lac. 
 In 1848, he went to Abbottsford, in Quebec, as an as- 
 sistant clergyman and incumbent of Rougemont, but 
 soon took the whole charge of the parish, and is still 
 an acceptable pastor at the same place. 
 George Robinson, another son, entered the ministry, 
 and was ordained in the Episcopal Church in 1863. 
 He took charge of a church in Clarendon in 1864, 
 where he still remains, and has become much endeared 
 to his parishioners by his earnest and consistent efforts 
 as a clergyman. In his earlier years, while with his 
 father at Waterloo, he devoted much lime and atten- 
 tion to agriculture, and the knowledge he thus ac- 
 quired, has made him serviceable to the new settlers 
 of the section where he resides. 
 Edward Bobinson, a younger brother, engaged in 
 mercantile business, but death, a few years afterward, 
 prevented the realization of his youthful hopes. 
 H. L. Robinson, a fourth son, also became a mer- 
 chant, and his success may be learned from the follow- 
 ingariicle taken from the Waterloo Advertiser of Sep- 
 tember 30th, 1869 : 
 " Our village is losing some of its best citizens this 
 summer. Aside from those we have, from time to 
 time, mentioned as taking their departure from our 
 midst, we have this week to announce that Major 
 Luke Robinson is about to leave Waterloo to take up 
 his residence in the city of Baltin )re, Maryland. He 
 has been in trade here so long, and is so intimately 
 connected with the best interests of the place, that it 
 is hard to realize that he is going to leave us. There 
 are but few men, if any, who will be more missed than 
 he. For any benevolent or public work. Major 
 Luke was a ready donor and on this account, as 
 well as many others, he will be sadly missed. 
 One good quality of his, among many others, was 
 the interest he alwaj-s manifested in the young men 
 of the place A word of encouragement or of advice 
 from a man of position is, at some periods in ayoung 
 man's life, of incalculable benefit. In his new home, 
 and in the career opening before him, he will have 
 the beat wishes of the people of this place for a con- 
 tinuation of health, happiness and prosperity." 
 Major Robinson, preferring a home in his native 
 country, returned after the lapse of a few years, and 
 entered into business in Montreal where he still 
 remains. » 
 Jonathan, the eldest son of Hezekiah Robinson, re- 
 mained in Waterloo, and was long known as one of 
 the leading merchants and active business men of the 
 place. For several successive terms he was the mayor 
 of the township and warden of the county of Shef- 
 ford. He also filled the position of postmaster here 
 for many years, to the satisfaction of all. He died in 
 1866. He married Emma J., a daughter of William 
 Dampier, Esq., and she and her children still reside 
 at Waterloo, where their influence is justly felt and 
 Wm. H. Robinson, their eldest son, commenced the 
 study of medicine and passed his primary examination 
 at McGill College, where he took the first prize in his 
 class. His health failing at this time he traveled ex- 
 tensively in Europe, and then returned and entered 
 the mercantile firm of Robinson Brothers & Stevens. 
 In September, 1871. he was married to Julia M., 
 youngest daughter of Zenas Reynolds, Esq. He has 
 filled several municipal offices, and was for a time 
 secretary-treasurer of the Waterloo Boot and Shoe 
 Company — a Company that he was largely instru- 
 mental in forming. He resigned this position in 
 1875 for that of accountant in the Eastern Town- 
 ships Bank, at Waterloo, which place he still retains. 
 Arthur F. Robinson, his brother, is one of the rising 
 young merchants composing the lirm of Eobinson, 
 Stevens & Willard. 
 J. H. Eobinson, a still younger brother, is already 
 well known as an amateur musician. At the present 
 time he is in Europe, for the purpose of completing 
 bis musical education. _^ 
 Charlotte K. Robinson, the eldest child of Heze- 
 kiah Robinson, married R. A. Ellis, Esq., who com- 
 menced business in her father's store as a clerk, and 
 rose by his ability and integrity to one of the most 
 influential men of Waterloo. He was a son of Orange 
 Ellis, Esq., mentioned in another part of this work, 
 and was born in Odelltown, P.Q. His youth was 
 spent in Frelighsburg, but for nearly forty years he 
 was a resident of Waterloo, and was intimately con- 
 nected with all the material interests of the place. 
 For several years he was successfully engaged in 
 trade, and was regarded by all who knew him as a 
 straightforward, reliable man of business. The office 
 of magistrate, which he long held, was filled with 
 honor to himself, and to the entire satisfaction of 
 the county. His success in business had enabled 
 him 4,0 retire from its perplexities and cares, and, 
 during the few years preceding his death, ho had 
 been quietly closing uf) his affairs and enjoying the 
 repose of the family circle. He wa^ an active and 
 consistent member of the Church of England, and 
 his house was emphatically the clergyman's home. 
 He cheerfully responded to every call of the Church 
 on his time or money, and the present Church edifice 
 in Waterloo is largely due to his exertions. 
 Mr. Ellis died April 2, 1873. There was a largo 
 attendance at tho funeral, and, as a mark of respect 
 to the deceased. Judge Dunkin adjourned the Circuit 
 Court, then in session, during the service, and he and 
 the members of the Bar attended. Not only did the 
 business portion of the citizens of Waterloo and Shef- 
 ford feel that a void had been created in their midst 
 by the death of Mr. Ellis, but a respected family was 
 left to mourn his loss. 
 Sarah H. Robinson, another daughter of Mr. Ro- 
 binson, married Dr. J. C. Butler, whose obituary will 
 be found on another page. 
 From Hezekiah Robinson and his descendants wo 
 pass to another pioneer of Shefford and founder of 
 Waterloo — Daniel Taylor, Esq. : — 
 Mr. Taylor was from Newfane, Yt. He was a cloth- 
 Iresser, and, previous to coming to Waterloo, in 1823, 
 had been for some time engaged at his trade in Clare- 
 nont, N.H. On his arrival here he bought a house, 
 which stood on the site of the present residence of 
 J". B. Malboeuf ; he also purchased the building which 
 lad been erected by Timothy Harvey for a cloth- 
 Iressing shop, and at once engaged in his former 
 business. He afterwards became a partner of H. 
 ilobinson and Charles Allen, Esqrs., in other business, 
 he details of which will be found in the succeeding 
 »ketch of Mr. Allen. 
 Mr. Taj'lor was twice married ; first, to Mary A. 
 Ainsworth, of Claremont, N.H., who died in June, 
 1826, and next to Lucia Chase, of Wethersfield, Vt. 
 His obituary, published in the Advertiser of Sept. 23, 
 1858, gives us an idea of his moral worth : — 
 "Jit is our painful duty to record this week the 
 death of Daniel Taylor, Esq., of the firm of Allen & 
 Taylor, of this place, ono of our oldest and most 
 respected citizens. Mr. Taylor had been for some time 
 in poor health, but to the last was able to exercise the 
 active oversight of his largo business. The imme- 
 diate cause of his death was paralysis. He was a 
 good man, just and generous ; of quiet, unobtrusive 
 habits, but of sound judgment, liberal views, and ex- 
 alted moral and religious principles. In his social 
 relations, he was kind and courteous; no man had 
 fewer enemies or deserved them less. He was the 
 liberal patron of whatever tended to promote the 
 progress of intelligence, morality and religion, and 
 his sudden death has created a sad void among us, 
 and cast a deep gloom over our entire communitj^ 
 * Death loves a shining mark.' Mr. Taylor was buried 
 here, with Masonic honours, on the 19th instant, and 
 was followed to his grave by a large procession of 
 relatives and sympathizing friends." 
 He left one daughter and two sons. The daughter 
 married Leonard L. Brown, and settled in Dunham, 
 where she died in 1875. The sons, Walter A. and 
 Edwin A. Taylor, still live in this village. 
 The former is one of those cheerful, fun-loving 
 individuals, whose presence is a rebuke to melancholy, 
 and whose peculiarities, generally, makes him a 
 celebrity in the community in which he lives. In 
 'lis youthful days he sought his fortune in Boston, 
 lis unpretentious appearance made many a specu- 
 lating Yankee regard him as an individual with whom 
 a profitable trade might be negotiated, but the sequel 
 ^)f the trade generally proved that the Yankee had 
 mphatically caught a Tartar. 
 In 1849, he married Mary A. Bryant, of Boston, 
 and in 1855, he returned to Canada, and engaged in 
 agricultural pursuits. 
 Though never losing an opportunity of indulging 
 his propensity for fun, ho nevertheless possesses a 
 good judgment, and a quick and clear appreciation of 
 character. His influence as a man of business is 
 deservedly acknowledged in Waterloo, and he is not 
 unfi-cquently called upon by his fellow-citizens to fill 
 one or more of their local offices. He is now a school 
 Edwin A. Taylor devoted his early years to farm- 
 ing, but on the death of his father in 1858, he and 
 Lis brother took charge of their father's business in 
 the firm of Allen & Taylor, and he has ever since been 
 a member of that firm. 
 Some men obtain influence in a community imper- 
 ceptibly and unconscious to themselves. A man who 
 unostentatiously pursues his vocation, year after year, 
 who is proverbially courteous and honorable in his 
 dealings with his patrons, slowly, but surely, secures 
 their esteem. PMwin Taylor is a man of this stamp. 
 Without ever seeking office or popularity, ho hoida 
 the respect of the citizens of Waterloo with a tenure 
 stronger and more enduring than that which could 
 bind them to a man continually courting applause. 
 His generosity is well known, and no enterprise is 
 started which has for its object moral or social im- 
 provement that does not receive his cordial support. 
 In 1862, he married Ellen M. Lawrence, a daughter 
 of Westf^y Lawrence, Esq. 
 Of those whose histories are identified with that of 
 Waterloo, few are more prominent than Charles Allen, 
 Esq. He was born in Andover, Windsor Co., V. His 
 father subsequently removed to Chester, in the same 
 state, and the son lived there till he was twenty-one, 
 when he went to Troy, N.Y., and apprenticed himself 
 as a blacksmith. The following account of his 
 arrival in Canada is given in his own language : 
 " I arrived in Waterloo on the 31st day of March, 
 1825. I was ten days in making the journey from 
 Claremont, and had a tedious time of it. Being 
 informed at Montpelier, Vt., that I had reached the 
 terminus of the stage line, north, I started from that 
 place on foot, and, with the exception of an occasional 
 short ride I was sometimes fortunate enough to ob- 
 tain, I performed the remainder of the journey in this 
 " 1 first came to East Hatley, and started from 
 there to Magog, being directed in my course by 
 blazed trees. A heavy snow storm set in about the 
 time I left Hatley, and, as I was already beginning 
 to feel the discomforts of home-sickness, this part of 
 my journey was anything but pleasant. I stayed in 
 Magog all night, and ti^e next morning, again placing 
 my pack on my back, I resumed my journey. After 
 travelling about three miles, I was overtaken by a 
 man with a two-horse team, to whom I gave half a- 
 crown — the only money I possessed — for a ride to 
 Frost Village. This village, at that time, was a lively 
 little place, and the only one at all prominent in what 
 is now known as the County of Shetford. In Water- 
 loo there were but six families when I arrived, and 
 their dwellings, together with a shoemaker's shop, 
 an old rickety Gaw.mill, a grist mill, carding and cloth 
 dressing shop, and a small hotel, comprised the entire 
 village. I was very glad to see my old friends, Daniel 
 ilMl i 
 Taylor and his wife, and their society mitigated in u 
 great measure the unhappiness I felt in coming to a 
 land of strangers." Mr. Allen engaged to work at 
 blacksmithing for Taylor and Hozekiah Robinson, 
 very soon after coming to Canada. He was thus 
 employed for three months; ho then purchased Tay- 
 lor's interest in the business, and entered into part- 
 nership with Robinson. Having boon successful, two 
 years afterwards he bought out Robinson, and con- 
 tinued the business alone. Possessing much mechan. 
 ical ingenuity, and having tools for manufacturing 
 sheet-iron and stove-pipe, ho was very serviceable as a 
 mechanic to the new settlers of the county, and thus 
 became widely known. 
 In 1829, he married Laura, a sister of Daniel Tay- 
 lor. In 1832, his shop, wnich stood where now the 
 shop of Hill & Foss stands, was burned, by which 
 fire he lost about everything he possessed. With 
 characteristic energy, however, he went to work, and, 
 in a short time, erected a much larger and better shop 
 on the site of the old one. Uniting his business once 
 more with that of Daniel Taylor, in 1835 they built 
 a foundry and continued in partnership till 1837. At 
 that time, business being much affected by the break- 
 ing out of the rebellion, Mr. Allen sold his business 
 to Taylor and a man named Stevens, and enlisted in 
 a cavalry company in the interest of the loyalists. A 
 year after this he was about returning to the States, 
 but being earnestly solicited by his friends to remain, 
 decided to do so, and ^oon after, a new copartnership 
 was formed, under the name of Allen & Taylor. In 
 1839 they opened a store, and this, in connection with 
 their other business, they continued together, till the 
i^HHla } V 
 death of Mr. Taylor in 1858. The two sons of Mr 
 Taylor then continued the business, representing 
 their father's interest in it, until 1865, when one of 
 these brothers retired. George H., the second son of 
 Mr. Allen, who had for some years been a clerk ir 
 the business, became a partner in 1861, and stil 
 remains as such. During the period of all thes< 
 changes the business of the firm has been enlarged, 
 now buildings have been erected, and the reputation 
 of the firm has increased, until the name of Allen & 
 Taylor has become familiar in every household in the 
 Townships and to all the business men of the Pro 
 vince. At present, they have ten different buildings, 
 besides their store, devoted to their business. The 
 first of these is a pattern and wood shop, in which 
 the woodwork of agricultural implements is made 
 and general job work done ; the second is a stove 
 fitting shop ; the third a brass and iron foundry, 70 
 by 50 feet in size; the fourth an engine house, from 
 which proceeds the power by which all their machi- 
 nery is propelled ; the fifth building is a machine 
 shop, brick, 100 foot by 40, two storeys in height, and 
 devoted to the manufacture of various kinds of brass 
 and iron machinery. In the upper part of this are 
 stored the various machinery patterns. The next 
 building is a blacksmith shop, and the next, in order, 
 is a sample room. Besides these buildings they have 
 three warehouses, in the basements of which are kept 
 the rough materials, and in the upper rooms the 
 manufactured articles. The value of the machinery 
 and patterns connected with this business is $20,000, 
 and that of the real estate $10,000. From liOO to .300 
 tons of iron are manufactured here annually. Anglo 
 'I j 
 Saxon ni'^Tihood is acknowledged to bo capable of 
 great tl^ jgH, but the granite features of the stock are 
 seldom seen with more distinctness than in the life of 
 Charles Allen, Esq.; who, through unflagging energy 
 and perseverance, has become one of the leading 
 merchants and manufacturers of the country. 
 His ability has long been felt and acknowledged by 
 his fellow citizens, who have repeatedly entrusted him 
 with municipal offices. He has been a school com- 
 missioner and a member of the municipal council for 
 many years, secretary-treasurer of the Agricultural 
 Society, and also a justice of the pe.nce. It would be 
 unfair, however, to deny that his success is owing, in 
 part, to the tact and ability of his partners. 
 Goo. H. Allen, his son, mentioned above, who is now 
 mayor of Waterloo, has long been one of the leading 
 men not only of the township but of the county of Shef- 
 ford. He has been secretary-treasurer of the Agri- 
 cultural Society of the County for twenty years, 
 Auditor of the Township and County several 
 times, and has frequently served as municipal 
 councillor. His generous oft-hand contributions 
 for benevolent purposes and enterprises of pub- 
 lic utility have mad© him renowned in Water- 
 loo, while his devotion to business, his genial 
 manner, clear judgment and fearless way of expressing 
 his convictions at once demand from all who know 
 him the tribute of unqualified respect. In February, 
 lt)64, he was married to Mary T. Ed gar ton, daughter 
 of Jc B. Edgarton, Esq., late registrar of the county of 
 Chas. T., the eldest son of Chas. Allen, a worthy 
 citizen now living in Shefford, has always devoted his 
 attention to farming. 
 Daniel Allen, the youngest of the sons, has for some 
 years been a clerk for the firm. He is a graduate of 
 St. Francis College. After completing his college 
 course he commenced the study of Medicine, but was 
 obliged to abandon it on account of ill health. Subse- 
 quently, he travelled extensively for the purpose of 
 regaining his health, and in the course of his rambles 
 visited the Holy Land. 
 Dr. Rotus Parmelee, whoso name is so familiar to 
 both young and old in the District of Bedford, may be 
 numbered with the pioneers of Sheflbrd. The sketch 
 of his life here given was published in the Advertiser 
 of July 8th, 1870. 
 " Died— At Forest Grove, Oregon, 27th May, 1870, 
 after a long and painful illness, of a disease contracted 
 whilst in discharge of his duty as school inspector. 
 Dr. Rotus Parmelee, formerly of Waterloo, P.Q., in 
 the 69th year of his age. 
 Probably no man was better known in this district, 
 or knew so much of the district as Dr. Parmelee, to 
 whose memory we devote these lines. His long and 
 popular career as Government school inspector was a 
 fit supplement of the active years he had devoted to the 
 practice of his profession, and the severe toil of those 
 early years in the (then) new country where he made 
 his home. True, his life did not abound in adventure, 
 nor was it marked by achievements to win the world's 
 applause, but as one of the jDioneers of this aforetime 
 wilderness, he was an active participator in the 
 struggles those men made, and has left the present 
 generation in posession of cultivated lands where stood 
 the wilderness, of comfortable houses in the place 
 of the rude dwellings of those days, and of luxuries 
 instead of deprivations. The life of such an one is 
 worthy of all honor though the great deeds be want- 
 ing. One cannot honor too highly those sturdy old 
 pioneers, among whom the name of Dr. Parmelee 
 stands prominently out. He was born at Fairfax, Vt., 
 April 1st, 1802, and even in his childhood days must 
 have known something of the life of a pioneer, in a 
 country which was then almost a wilderness. To 
 obtain a higher culture than that afforded by the 
 District school, was no easy task in the early history 
 of Dr. Parmelee's life. He was ambitious to obtain 
 that higher education, however, and in order to obtain 
 the funds necessary to pay his way through college 
 he taught school from time to time as he went along 
 with his studies. He graduated at Vermont Univer- 
 sity, Burlington, about the year 1826. , Soon after gra- 
 duating hecrime to Canada and taught in the Academy 
 at Hatley, in Stanstead County. It was while teach- 
 ing at that place that he commenced the study of 
 medicine with the late Dr. Weston, then a noted prac- 
 titioner in that part of the country. In the course of 
 his studies he attended medical lectures at Montreal 
 and Quebec, and in due time obtained his Diploma. 
 In 1829, he married Sarah H., eldest daughter of the 
 late Wm. Grinnis, Esq.,of Hatley, and in the same year 
 settled in Waterloo, where he continued to reside 
 until the last autumn. In those days of bad roads 
 physicians were scarce. The newly settled country 
 possessed strong arms and stout hearts but wealth was 
 wanting. In the extensive and successful practice o^ 
 his profession, in such a country, the young physician 
 had a hard life, but for many years he devoted him- 
 Belf unremi ttingly and uncomplainingly to the arduous 
 task of ministering to the bodily ills of a large circuit 
 of patients, of which Waterloo was the centre, until 
 the increasing population brought an influx of medi- 
 cal men, and his own appointment as Government 
 Inspector of Schools for the District of Bedford ne- 
 cessitated his retirement from the practice of medicine. 
 Previous to this, in the political entanglements and 
 complications of the troublous times existing in the 
 country, growing out of new political combinations, 
 he had been brought forward by his friends, as a can- 
 didate to represent the County in Parliament. He 
 was not ambitious of political honors ; his tastes and 
 habits of life found no congeniality in politics, and he 
 was just as well pleased that the result of the election 
 was not in his favo^^. He was, however, one of those 
 men who deemed the right of suflfrage in the nature 
 of a solemn act to be consummated vigorously and 
 consistently; and without participating in the many 
 exciting contests that shook the County to its centre 
 from time to time, he yet always recorded his vote 
 for the party which he believed after mature consi- 
 deration to represent the principles most advantageous 
 to the country, and ^or many years he recorded the 
 first \ofo polled in tiie township of Shefford, until it 
 came to ' ' admitted as a sort of customary right or 
 privilege hich none might gainsay. 
 In the arly part of 1834 he lost his wife. In 
 1835 he married again, Sarah H., a daughter of late 
 Judge Knowlton, and widow of D. W. Sanborn, Esq., 
 Newfane, Vt., who survives him. 
 From the time of his appointment as school in- 
 specter till the day of his resignation he devoted 
 himself assiduously to the duties of his office. Under 
 his charge were about three hundred schools, besides 
 several Academies and high schools, each of which 
 he visited twice a year — a task requiring energy and 
 patience, Owiiig to bad management and a poor 
 school law ho found the schools in this district in a lax 
 state, but he at once set himself earnestly to work to 
 reform whatever was wrong in the management, and 
 to improve the schools that were doing well. It was 
 a work in which he took pride as well as delight, and 
 he lived to see amazing improvements in scholastic 
 matters in the district, before he took off the harness. 
 Out of the educational chaos he brought order ; 
 school houses were erected all over the district; 
 teachers with higher qualifications were provided; 
 interest was evoked in aid of the schools until the 
 common schools of this district will bear comparison 
 with any in the Province. Those who remember 
 how matters stood before Dr. Parmelee received the 
 appointment of school inspector, and who watched 
 with an appreciative interest his course throughout 
 his term of office, cheerfully accord him the credit 
 of the great reform which this district has witnessed, 
 not many years past, in educational matters. He 
 brought the whole power of his strong and active 
 mind, and he devoted the whole of his time unceas- 
 ingly to education in the district, and he was satisfied 
 only with the best results. School commissioners, 
 managers and teachers, he kept well up to their 
 work, never deviating from the path of duty him- 
 self, nor allowing it in those connected with him in 
 the work of education. He was one of the pro- 
 meters of the District of Bedford Teacher's Asso- 
 ciation, and took an active part in its deliberations. 
 He was its president for one or two terms, and 
 much of the good it accomplished during its exist- 
 ence is in main d>ie to his efforts. For many years 
 he was an active magistrate, until infirmities and 
 the requirements of his office compelled him to 
 relinquish that important duty. 
 While on a tour for his health, two years since, 
 extending to California and Oregon, he was so much 
 pleased with the latter stale (and having a daughter 
 there, the wife of Professor Marsh, of Oregon Uni- 
 versity,) he determined to make it his place of abode 
 for the remaining years of his life. Accordingly he 
 returned to Canada, closed his business, and then took 
 his final departure for the Pacific coast. Soon after 
 his arrival there a disease which he had long before 
 contracted assumed more alarming proportions, and, 
 after many months of patient suffering, he was called 
 away to a better land, " a house not made with hands, 
 eternal in the heavens." 
 Dr. Parmelee was highly respected wherever 
 knowr* He was a descendant of that old Puritan 
 stock that settled New England, and ho retained 
 their lirm dislike to vice and their unswerving at- 
 tachment to right, not because it was the best policy 
 out because it "vp-as God's teaching and man's duty. 
 He was a member of the Advent Church here for 
 many years, and, up to the time of his removal, was 
 one of its mosr. active members. Ho was in all 
 respects a zealous and consistent Christian. He 
 loaves many relatives in this district to mourn his 
 loss, as well as a largo circle of friends. 
 Besides the daughter alluded to above, Dr. Parmelee 
 left one son, Wm. G. Parmelee, whose history, like 
 his father's, has been intimately connected with that 
 of ShefFord. A man of honor, sobriety and wisdom, 
 his influence has long been felt in his native town- 
 ship and he has frequently been solicited by his fel- 
 low townsmen to accept their most responsible muni- 
 cipal offices. Honors of this kind, however, he has 
 steadily declined, and wherever we find him holding 
 a public office it is because the honor has been literally 
 thrust upon him. He has always displayed a lively 
 interest in educational matters, and has been one of 
 the governors of the Academy at Waterloo, since its 
 organization. About sixteen years ago he was engaged 
 a clerk in the Eastern Townships Bank, but his 
 efficiency soon won for him the place of manager, a 
 position he occupied until the commencement of the 
 present year, 1876. At that time, his ability as an 
 accountant and his trustworthiness as a man of busi- 
 ness having become widely known, ho was called to 
 Ottawa and employed as accountant and chief clerk 
 in the Customs Department. 
 In 1873, he received the appointment of Justice of 
 the Peace, and, during his residence in Waterloo, he 
 was frequently called on to exercise the prerogative 
 of this office, which he always did with such impar- 
 tiality and justice that his decisions were never sub- 
 jected to criticism. In 1874 he was one of three 
 commissioners appointed under the Great Seal of 
 Canada to investigate affairs at the Montreal Post 
 Office. In the same year he was elected school 
 commissioner of Waterloo. In discharging the 
 duties of these various offices he has always been 
 actuated, not by self interent but by an inflexible 
 regard for rectitude and a desire for the public 
 good. Possessed of broad and liberal views with 
 an independent spirit, he has ever been above 
 the influence of men controlled by jealousy or 
 sordid ambition ; indeed, so well known aro his 
 principles that no one presumes to solicit his aid 
 unless conscious that his cause is fortified by reason 
 and justice. Amidst all the demands which his 
 onerous duties have made on his time, he has not 
 neglected the continual cultivation of his mind. A 
 great reader, with a desire to exa:i.ine whatever is 
 novel or mysterious, he has kept pace with the progress 
 of literature and science, so that he is well informed 
 with regard to both past and present events in the 
 world's history. As may be imagined, the removal of 
 Mr. Parmelee to Ottawa was a source of sorrow to 
 the citizens of Waterloo. He was a po]>ular manager 
 of the Waterloo Branch of the Eastern Townships Bank, 
 and his departure on this account would have been 
 more keenly felt had he not been succeeded by a 
 popular and very capable manager, W. I. Briggs. 
 Mr. Briggs, like his predecessor, became connected 
 with the Eastern Townships Bank as clerk. lie was 
 first employed at Stanbridge in 1859. Evincing not 
 only activity and honesty in this position, but talent as 
 an accountant he was promoted to the office of manager 
 of the Cowansville branch of the Bank in 1871. Here 
 he officiated to the satisfaction of the directors of the 
 Bank and of the public generally, until the commence- 
 ment of the present year. Faithful and courteous in 
 the discharge of his duties, genial in his manner, he 
 is regarded by the citizens of Waterloo as a valuable 
 acquisition to their society. 
 While it is a fact that Hozekiah Robinson, Daniel 
 Taylor and Charles Allen, Esqs., were the founders of 
 Waterloo, and continued to reside here amidst many 
 discoura<^ements, and to perfect enterprises that result- 
 ed in public good, it is a fact no less undeniable, and 
 in every way worthy of record, that Waterloo is very 
 largely indebted for its growth and present flourish- 
 ing condition to the daring enterprise and generous 
 spirit of the Hon. A. B. Foster. Mr. Foster is a son 
 of Dr. Foster, of whom a biographical sketch has 
 already been given in the History of Frjst Village. 
 He was born in Newfane, Vt , in 1817. Like many 
 others who have secured a niche in the temple of 
 renown, and astonished the public by the magnitude 
 of their achievements, he commenced life without 
 fortune. His first appearance in business was at 
 Waterloo, while only a youth, where he entered into 
 partnership with a merchant named Woodward. He 
 discontinued this after a short time, went to the 
 •States, and was engaged for some years with an uncle 
 residing in Dummerston, Yt., in building railroads. 
 In 1849 he was married to Miss Fish. Having ac- 
 quired much knowledge of railroads, and of the most 
 easy, expeditious and proper method of constructing 
 them, in 1841, he took a contract for building a part 
 of the Boston and Portland R.R. This being com- 
 pleted, he engaged as contractor in building several 
 miles of the Vermont Central Railway on the Southern 
 section of that rowl. Not long after the fulfilment 
 of this contract he returned to Canada, and the Grand 
 Trunk Railway being then in process of construction, 
 he found once more an opportunity to embark in the 
 business for which he seemed to have acquired a 
 liking, and again appears as a contractor. By this time 
 he had become widely known. His enterprising spirit 
 winning the admiration of the people of the County of 
 Shefford, his success in business assuring them of the 
 correctness of his judgment, they began to regard him 
 as eminently fitted to represent their interests in the 
 Provincial Legislature. Accordingly, at the solicita- 
 tions of his friends, he offered himself as a candidate for 
 Parliament in the interests of the conservative party, 
 and was elected to the Legislative Assembly in 1858. 
 In 1860 he resigned, and was elected by acclamation 
 to the Legislatiye Council for Bedford Division, which 
 he represented until the Union. Previous to this, the 
 Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railway had been 
 commenced. Mr. Foster was one of the Directors of 
 this road, and as its completion seemed to be a matter of 
 uncertainty, on account of the lack of funds, he resign- 
 ed his office of director and took a contract for com- 
 pleting the road from Granby to Stukely Line. 
 This labor was successfuly accomplished, and he 
 then took a lease of the road for a term of years. 
 Soon after this he leased it to the Vermont Central 
 Railroad Co. for twenty years, or until 1882. 
 His next step in the way of railroad enterprise 
 was building the Montreal Vermont Junction, and 
 this was followed by the construction of the South 
 Eastern Counties, and the Canada Central Railways. 
 At present he is engaged in completing the Northern 
 portion of the South Eastern Railway from Sorel to 
 Sutton Junction, and the Canada Central Extension, 
 commencing at Sand Point, and terminating at Lake 
 Nipissing. Among the honors that he has received, 
 some years sin^e, ho was appointed Lieut.-Col. of the 
 Ist Battalion of Shefford Militia. 
 It is not surprising that, after having devoted so 
 much time to railroad building; after having repeat- 
 edly embarked in gigantic railway enterprises, from 
 which most men would have shrunk in dismay, he 
 should be regarded as the Canadian Railway King. 
 In 1867, he was called to the Senate, b}'' Royal 
 Proclamation, and held this office till 1874, when he 
 resigned. During all these immense and varied 
 labors, he has not been unmindful of the prospei'ity 
 of the village where he resides. 
 We have already said that the completion of the 
 railroad, and the erection of railroad buildings at 
 Waterloo, tended to produce emigration to the place 
 and give a rapid impetus to its growth. To continue 
 this growth, Mr. Foster a lys labored unceasingly ; 
 his purse being opened generously for the promotion 
 of everything which promised to benefit those already 
 here, or offered inducements for others to come. One 
 of his first stops towards building up the place was 
 to open several new streets, and to make a free gift 
 of many desirable building lots to individuals to 
 induce them to settle here. He also erected a com- 
 modious public house, known as the Foster House, 
 besides a goodly number of private residences. He 
 built a steam saw-mill, which he afterwards presented 
 to the Shaw Brothers, to be enlarged and fitted up for 
 a tanner}', and also gave to them sufficient land for a 
 site. In this way the southern part of the village 
 rapidlj' sprung into existence, and it has ever since 
 been in lively competition with the much older part 
 known as the Lower Village. 
 Among the many gonorous contributions for o(la- 
 cational and other purposea that came from his hand, 
 we mention a few which the citizens of Waterloo 
 have reason to hold in grateful remembrance. He 
 presented to the village one acre of land for the site 
 of an academy, and subscribed largely towards the 
 erection of the building. He gave to the Church of 
 England the site for their church editice, and $1000. 
 To the Universalist Society ho gave the land on which 
 their church is built and $200. To the Methodist 
 Society he gave the beautiful site on which their 
 church stands, containing one acre of ground, the 
 brick for their church, and 3200. The Koman Catho- 
 lics are indebted to him for the site of their church, 
 also for liberal pecuniary assistance. The Adventist 
 Society has likewise received from him liberal aid. 
 In 1865 he built a house in Waterloo, at an ex- 
 pense of several thousands, which, for size and 
 architectural, beauty vies with any of the private 
 residences in and around our large cities, while, for 
 the beauty of its surrounding grounds and situation, 
 it is unsurpassed. In his business habits, Mr. Foster 
 is in a degree anomalous. Reticent with regard to 
 his projects, even his friends are frequently in igno- 
 rance of his plans until they are well matured, and, 
 sometimes, even till they are in execution. Such is 
 his memory, that he keeps the details of his immense 
 business ever in mind, and is able to define and 
 explain it in all its ramificationb when occasion de- 
 mands, without referring, like most men, to a multi- 
 plicity of written documents. With him, to conceive 
 is to execute. Generally, when a man projects a 
 work of more than ordinary magnitude, he enters 
 upon it with many misgivings and with much caution. 
 A long time is spent in specuhiting, pondering and 
 consulting. The opinions of others are solicited, and 
 even when they are of the most encoura^Mng nature, 
 he commences work with a trcj)idation which is dis- 
 heartening to those interested, and which often cheats 
 the enterprise of a successful issue. Not so with the 
 honorable gentleman of whom we are speaking. When 
 he has once conceived the desire to accomplish a 
 work, its consummation is certain. Without hesi- 
 tation, quietly and confidently, he begins, and, as if 
 by magic, everything that can contribute to the fur- 
 therance of his schemes is made to offer tribute. 
 Possessed of an intuitive perception of character, he 
 seldom fails in selecting the proper person to perform 
 the work assigned him, and such is the magnetic in- 
 fluence that he exerts over his fellows, that he rarely 
 meets with opposition. In his business, in later years, 
 he has received valuable assistance from his two sons, 
 Charles W. Foster and Asa B. Foster, jun., also from 
 his sons-in-law, T. A. Knowlton and J. B. Edgarton. 
 Having devoted the forregoing pages to the pioneers 
 of Shefford, we shall next attempt to give an his- 
 torical sketch of the ecclesiastical affairs of the town- 
 The following account of the Church of England 
 Mission has been prepared for us by the Eev. D. 
 Lindsay : — 
 " The history of the Episcopal Church in this 
 village *s deeply interesting, from the fact that, hav- 
 ing been for many years the only station occupied by 
 that Church in this district of country, all the other 
 parishes more or less trace their source to it. The 
 108 i- 
 first regular appointment was that of the Reverend 
 R. Whitwell, in the year 1821, during the Episcopacy 
 of the first Bishop Mountain. Tiiose are the remem- 
 brances of the Reverend Mr. Garlick, who is men- 
 tioned in Mrs. DayV History of these townships as 
 having ministered in this village. No records are 
 found of his work. In those early days he did, no 
 doubt, what he could in the wilderness, and it is to 
 be regretted that no authentic account of his labors 
 is to bo found. Mr. Whitwell's mission was almost 
 without limit — the nearest minister of the Church 
 being at Dunham. Many a memory of his labors 
 still remains in the parish, though his work was rather 
 that of a travelling missionary than a settled pastor. 
 In 1826 ho was promoted to the rectory of Philips- 
 burg, where he labored successfully for u[)wards of 
 thirty year.s, and then resigned his parish, on account 
 of growing infirmities, in 1856. Ho died in the year 
 1864. He will always be remembered as a holy, 
 self-denying man, one of those early pioneers of the 
 Church, who had difficulties to contend with that we 
 can scarcely estimate. During his ministry a church 
 was completed on Longley's hill, but destroyed by fire 
 just as it was finished. West Shefford church, also, 
 seems to have boon completed, though not consecrated 
 till 1833, by Bishop Stewart. This church,with its beau- 
 tiful burial-ground, still remains, and is, from its age 
 and association, one of the most interesting in the 
 Diocese. The church at Frost Village seems to have 
 been commenced in 1824, and, after much struggling 
 on account of the want of funds, was finally finished 
 as an Union church, with an academy in the upper 
 story, and dedicated in 1833. This appears to have 
 been the only building specially set apart for the 
 public worship of God, in this part of Shefford, until 
 the church was built in Waterloo. The district school- 
 houses being used then, as they are now, in new 
 placjs, for the purpose of religious worship. 
 Up'^n the resignation of Mr. Whitwell, the Eev- 
 erend George A. Salmon was appointed by Bishop 
 Stewart, and it was during his ministry that the 
 Union Church in Frost Village was first occupied and 
 the church at West Shefford consecrated. He was 
 very much respected for his high christian character, 
 and the zealous and punctual performance of his duty. 
 Failing health obliged him to resign in 1838. He 
 returned to Simcoe, Ontario, and was occupied in 
 teaching and taking occasional duty. 
 He was succeeded in the Mission by the Reverend 
 A. Balfour, who was appointed by Bishop Mountain 
 in 1838. Mr. Balfour still survives, and is living at 
 Kingsey, in honorable retirement from active work, 
 which his many; labors in years past have amply 
 won. He has kindly sent a few reminiscences of his 
 work, from which we make the following extract: — 
 He says that upon his entrance to the Mission, except 
 the Stations of West Shefford, Waterloo, Frost Village 
 and South Stukely, the church maintained a strug- 
 gling existence. It was not generally known nor 
 heard of without prejudice. The nearest clergyman 
 on the East was Hatley, and at the West at Abbotts- 
 ford and Dunham. On the North and South to the 
 French Country Or the Province Line, our church had 
 not a cordial greeting. Taking in the state of the 
 roada and the discorda. t elements of religious thought, 
 it was a formidable undertiiking t-o cultivate this moi^al 
 f m 
 wilderness. The Church, working on its old lines, had 
 enough to do to hold weakly its own ground. The 
 Village of Waterloo receiving always the first consi- 
 deration and holding its regular services in the old 
 school house, until about theyeur 1848, when, through 
 the zealous exertion and liberal aid of II. Robinson, 
 Esq,, one of the first' enterprising and successful set tiers 
 of the village and chief supporter of the church a 
 church edifice, which had been commenced in 1843, 
 was completed on an elevated and then central ground, 
 giving a free access to the cctntry parts by the newly- 
 opened road. As necessity called, or a door freely 
 opened, Mr. Balfour^spread his canvas, taking a stand- 
 ing at every school-house promising a good result, 
 on all sides of Waterloo, and seldom failed in gather- 
 ing a Church Congregation at North Shefford, Rollins 
 Hill, Roxton, Gran by Village, South Ridge, South 
 Ely and North Stukoly, while the more sparsely 
 settled Townships of Eolton, Brome and Potton 
 received an occasional or periodical visit. To 
 these remote settlements he was frequently called 
 for the customary funeral sermon, which, though 
 a heavy tax, was always cheerfully given. Here 
 it may not be irrelevait to note an incident in con- 
 nection with Potton : A gentleman by the name 
 of Perkins became a resident of Waterloo, and con- 
 ducted a tannery at that place. He said he had never 
 attended Episcopal worship before ; this man and his 
 family became attached to the church, and, being an 
 educated and exemplary man, he was a great acqui- 
 sition. After some years he purchased a farm in 
 Potton, near Mr. Mauson's mill, and took his family 
 there. Being warmly interested in the church, iie' 
 eagerly desired to have it with him in Potton. He 
 :i !i 
 ■I >'. 
 invited Mr. Balfour to visit him and hold service there, 
 also requested him to intercede with his Lordship 
 Bishop Mountain to that end. This was accordingly 
 done, but without any immediate effect. This gentle- 
 man is now dead, but lived, I believe, to see the 
 church established there. 
 It must be confessed that, during the twelve years 
 of Mr. Balfour's incumbency, the church became well 
 and favorably known and sought after. Within this 
 period, however, ho was relieved on one side by the 
 appointment of the Rev. Mr. Slack to the mission of 
 Granby ; and, through the public spirit and liberal 
 zeal of Hon. l\ H. Knowlton, the church was 
 established and endowed in the Township of Brome, 
 which owes so much to tne fostering care of its dis- 
 tinguished benefactor and patriotic statesman. 
 Mr. Balfour was succeeded by Mr. Whitten in 1850, 
 and, in the early part of 1851, rost Village and 
 Stukely were formed into a new mission under the 
 Rev. David Lindsay. The tirst church of St. Luke's 
 was consecrated by Bishop Falford, in 1851, and was 
 for many years the only church in this village, a very 
 diflerent state of things from what exists now. North 
 Sheffbrd also become part of Granby Mission in 
 1852. In ;1862, Frost Village was united to Water- 
 loo, and a new mission formed of which W est Shef- 
 ford was the centre. Mr. Whitten took charge of 
 the latter, where he lived till he went with his family 
 to Nebraska, in the year 1871, and was succeeded by 
 the present incumbent, the Rev. il. D. Mills. The 
 Rev. I^avid Lindsay was appointed to Waterloo in 
 1862. The growth of Waterloo, consequent upon the 
 completion of the railroad, had its effect upon the 
 EpiscojDal church as well as other bodies. The church 
 edifice was no longer in the centre of the village, nor 
 was it in size adequate to the wants of its members. 
 The present church was opened in December, 1870, 
 and the old one taken down a few months afterwards. 
 Duke Roberts, Esq., has since built a handsome house 
 on the place it formerly occupied. The new church 
 enters upon its work under circumstances very 
 different from the earlier history of the parish, and 
 we can only trust that it may be as successful as its 
 more humble predecessors, whether of school house 
 or church, 'n which so many members of the church 
 who have passed away have raet for prayer and 
 praise. The following list of churches may not bo 
 uninterestii\g, showing as it does the growth of 
 the little company, which looked to this place for 
 its spiritual sustenance, and under whose pastors 
 these churches at one period or another of their 
 history, have been more or less cared for and tended. 
 It tells also of a material progress, the trials of 
 which we, whose lines are fallen in pleasant places, 
 ought to keep in remembrance and think what fields 
 there are to which we can give the same spiritual 
 culture which our predecessors have given to the 
 fields wo have entered, and so leave behind us, as 
 thoy have done, memories which can never fail : — 
 West Shetford, North Shefford, 
 Iron Hill, 
 Bolton Centre, 
 Bolton East, 
 Bolton South, 
 North Ely. 
 Frost Village, 
 Brome Corners, 
 r^^i\mTtnmmkt}iMa\\mi':fnai rn'l 
 We should be doing injustice to our readers, shoutd 
 we omit a sketch of a clergyman who, like Mr. Lind- 
 say, hus lived and labored for a quarter of a century 
 in a township whose history we are writing. Mr. 
 Lindsay was born in London, in 1821, and sf ant his 
 boyhood in that city. He came to this country in 
 1813, having, in the meantime, spent some little 
 time in England ; he went to Lennoxville in 1849 to 
 study for the ministry. He was sent by Bishop Ful- 
 ford as lay reader, to Waterloo, in December, 1850, 
 and was ordained Missionary for Frost Village and 
 Stiikely in March, 1851. In 1862, Waterloo and 
 Frost Village were united, when Mr. Lindsay was 
 appointed Incumbent, Mr. Whitten going to West 
 Sheflord at the same time. In 1874 he was appoint- 
 ed Eural Dean of the district of Bedford. He has 
 built churches at Fulford, Frost Village, Stukely, 
 and started missions at Boscobel and South Ely. 
 The life of Mr. Lindsay, during his residence in Shef- 
 ford, has been one of earnest, patient and unremitting 
 toil. Keenly alive to the responsibility resting upon 
 him as a minister oi' the gospel, he has devoted his 
 time and all his physical and mental energies to the 
 furtherance of the work he has had in hand. He has 
 warmly espoused the temperance cause, and there is 
 no doubt that his exhortations and lectures, united 
 with his example, have done much good in this direc- 
 tion. A lover of literaiy pursuits, he has always 
 endeavored, by the encouragement of schools, libraries 
 those around him, and it has ever been a source of 
 sorrow to him to sec the young of his parish neglect- 
 and literary societies, to awaken a taste for them in 
 ing th? cultivation of their minds. Hiy works of 
 benevolence are manifold, and in them he has always 
 been ably and heartily assisted by Mrs. Lindsay. 
 The preachers of the Methodist Church commenced 
 their labors in the Eastern Townships in the year 
 Itinerant preachers from the States had frequently 
 visited Shefford and labored here, but the first Mis- 
 sionary sent by the English Conference was Eev. 
 Thomas Caterick, who came in 1821, and was stationed 
 here as the incnmbent for three years the utmost 
 limit of Methodist itinerancy. 
 In the interval between 1823 and ISTG, the follow- 
 ing ministers have been stationed here : — Kevds. W. 
 Squire, Thos. Turner, Hichard Pope, Jas. Booth, Wm. 
 E. Shenstone, Adam Townley, Thos. Turner, John B. 
 Selley, John Tomkins, Thos. Campbell, E. S. Ingalls, 
 Hugh Montgomery, Malcolm McDonald, Rufus A. 
 Flanders, Gifford Dorey, Wm. A. Bakewell, John 
 Armstrong, John Tomkins, J. P. Lews, Joseph E. 
 Sanderson, M.A., Alfred H. Rayner, B.A., Wm. Gal- 
 braith, W. W. Ross, Wm. H. Peake, 'ohn Armstrong, 
 L. Hooker, Wm. Timberlake, J. M. Hagar, B.A., 
 Allan Patterson, D. Connolls, and B. M. Taylor, B.A. 
 It has already been stated that the first building 
 used by the Methodists in Shefford specially for 
 public worship was erected at Frost Village. The 
 first Methodist churh at Waterloo was built in 1864, 
 and it was opened for divine service in the month of 
 July of that year. This was burnt on the 18th day of 
 February, 1868. Another was soon erected on the site 
 of the old one at an expense of something over six 
 thousand dollars, and this was ready for use in June, 
 1869. -. ' 
 After sovoral divisions and subdivisions >f the Shef- 
 ford Circuit, Waterloo was set apart as a tation for 
 one minister, at the Conference of 1876. Rev. D. 
 Connolly is the present incumbent, and, being an ear- 
 nest, able minister, he seems to be working to the 
 general satisfaction of his people. . 
 The number of communicants belonging to the 
 Church at Waterloo is one hundred and fifty, the num- 
 ber of adherents about four hundred, i- i y^ 
 Some years ago the Rev. Thomas Charbonnel, 
 Methodist, came to Shotford, and labored amongst the 
 French population of the township, and formed a 
 society at Saxby's Corners. At the time of his 
 arrival, there were but a few Protestant French fami- 
 lies in the township. In 1372, he was succeeded by 
 the Rev. J. A. Dorion, who has labored in Sholford 
 and in adjacent townships with good success. He has 
 formed a French Methodist Society in Wat- loo which 
 has about twenty-five members. Their services, as 
 yet, are held in a school house. 
 The Advent Church of Waterloo was organized ill 
 1851 ; Elder R. Hutchinson being pastor. He resigned 
 in 1855, when Rev. J. M. Orroek, who had been 
 associated with him became pastor of the church, 
 which oflSce he held until 1866, whmi he was caJle'i 
 to Boston, Afass., to t0^k& editorial cli«igfi of the 
 Advent now Messiah's M&mU\, — a positiofi he still 
 occupies. He was a successful pastor, an able ex- 
 pounder of the Word, and jiow conducts the paper 
 with marked ability. 
 Among the principal contributors to the house of 
 worship were Br. R. Parmelee, L. Taylor, W. O. Law- 
 rence, E. A. Taylor, W, A. Tayior, Cyrus Harvey and 
 • £^W».' 
 Jonathan Allaid. The building was dedicated February 
 27th, 1862. After Elder Orrock resigned, the church 
 was for a time without a pastor. In 1868, Rev. G. W. 
 Burnham, of New bury port, Mass., became pastor, 
 preaching here and at Magog, alternately. He was a 
 very earnest and successful laborer. In 1869, Rev. W. 
 B. Kinney was called to the pastorate ; he remained six 
 3'ear8. He was a scholarly gentleman, popular with 
 all sects of Christians. He is now pursuing his studies, 
 though with precarious health, at the Baptist Theo- 
 logical Institution, Newton, Mass. He was succeeded 
 by the Rev, S. F. Grady, an energetic young man of 
 sterling piety, who is still laboring here with a good 
 degree of success, as is evidenced by the growing 
 interest and increasing congregations. This church 
 once numbered one hundred and fifty members, bat is 
 pow much smaller, owing to deaths and removals. 
 ^/'he following has been kindly furnished us by a 
 Ifstifffhtif of the Qniversaiist Church of Waterloo : 
 " In the summer of the year 1827 or 8, when there 
 were but few families settled in this vicinity. Rev. 
 Joseph Ward laade an appointment to preach in the 
 school house at Wr^mt Village, and the news was 
 spread abroad. Wiien the time came, Mr. Charles 
 Allen of Sheffiard, Mr. Elijah Goddard from Stukely, 
 Artemus Stephens. Benjamin Martin. Daniel Taylor, 
 and their families. )r parts of them, and others were 
 present. This wat- but a year or two after Mr. Chas. 
 Allen first cam© into Shettbrd. He was a Univer- 
 salist when he came into Canada, as were the most of 
 those, if not all, who were present at the meeting 
 above mentioned at Frost Village. Mr. Ward was 
 then living in Stanstead. This was the first preach- 
 ing of this setu of Christians in this vicinity. The 
 next summer Mr. Thomas Wheeler was ordained in 
 Frost Village by Rev. Joseph Ward and Rev. Joseph 
 Baker. There was no more preaching for a year or 
 two after this, until Rev. Eli Ballou came into those 
 parts and preached in various places ; there being no 
 churches, these men held their meetings in school 
 houses for the most part. About the year 1831, Rev. 
 Eli Ballou was prevailed upon to come to Knowlton 
 one-fourth of the time. His time was all employed, 
 as the other three Sabbaths he preached in other 
 places. He remained upon that circuit a year, and 
 then the people in the vicinity of Knowlton were 
 without preaching for a time until the year 1835. 
 At this time there was an association formed, 
 taking in the three counties of Shefford, Brome and 
 Mi8sis(juoi. Geo. Cook of Brome was secretary. 
 This association obtained the services of Rev. Joseph 
 Baker, who came and preached at Waterloo, Warden 
 and other places. He was here about a year, and 
 during that time there was a great meeting at Dun- 
 ham Flat, and at this meeting the Sacrament of the 
 Lord's Supper was observed. The church in which 
 this meeting was held is now gone. Reverends 
 Joseph Ward, Joseph Baker and Eli Ballou were 
 present, and took part in the religious services. 
 About this time, the secretary of the association 
 Geo. Cook, died, and, the Rebellion breaking out, there 
 was no more preaching, and no efficient work for 
 some time. A Rev. Mr. Sargent came and preached 
 for a time, but did not remain long. He afterwards 
 became a lawyer. 
 About 1855, a new association was formed, and 
 William Fuller of East Farnham was chosen presi- 
 dent. Rev. Mr. Chapin was then hired, and preached 
 at Waterloo, Warden, Knowlton, Dunham, Stunbridge 
 and East Farnham. Mr. Chapin remained about a 
 year. After this there was only occasional preacli- 
 ing, by Revds. Eli Ballon and C. P. Mallory in the 
 vicinity of Waterloo, and Ilev. V. G. Wheelock in 
 Stanbridge and Abercorn. 
 In the year 1869, Rev. Geo. W. Quinby of Augusta, 
 Maine, came (o Waterloo by invitation of Mr. Chas. 
 Allen, and preached a few evenings; and on the 
 Sabbath following, while he was in the pi ice, he 
 induced the Universal ists, who were then quite nume- 
 rous, to move in the direction of building a church. 
 A subscription was circulated the following spring, 
 and the friends signed liberally. Chas. Allen, Esq., 
 and the Shaw Company were the largest subscribers, 
 each giving $1,000. Wm. Clark, Chas. S. Hall, J. B. 
 Edgarton, Mr. Hayes, of West Shetford, and J. C. 
 Ellis were also liberal subscribers. It was finished 
 that autumn at a cost of $10,000. A nice organ 
 was put into it at a cost $1,000, and, on the 22nd 
 day of February, 1871, the church was solemnly 
 dedicated to Almighty God. Rev. Geo. W. Quinby 
 preached the dedicatory sermon. Rev. James Mars- 
 den was called to the pastorate from the Second Uni- 
 versalist Church in Portland, Maine. AJr. Marsden 
 remained with them until the first of May, 1872. lie 
 did much for their prosperity. In April, 1871, he 
 organized a church. He brought the Sabbath School 
 into quite a flourishing condition, and gave tone arid 
 strength to the pastorate generally. 
 In November, 1872, the Rev. H. E. Whitney, a 
 youDg man from Iho Divinity School at St. Lawrence 
 University, was called to the pastorale. He was a 
 young man of much talent, and was liked very much / 
 by the people. In his care they prospered, especially 
 financially. When he came, a large debt was weigh- 
 ing them down, which he managed to greatly lessen. 
 He was obliged to return to the States about the 
 first of January, 1874. 
 Kev. W. P. Payne came shortly after the departure 
 of Mr. Whitney. Ho was not permanently settled as 
 pastor, but remained with them about three months. 
 He was much esteemed by the people. 
 From the first of May, 1874, the church was with- 
 out '^gular preaching and pastoral work until the 
 first of the September following. Brother Thomas 
 Thompson, a young man in his third year at the 
 Divinity School, preached to good acceptance a part 
 of the time. 
 About the first of September, 1874, the church 
 called the Rev. L. S. Crosley, a j'oung man just 
 graduated from the Divinity school. Ho was a man 
 of great piety, and much beloved. He was a great 
 worker, and his zeal led him to overwork at times, 
 and, being of feeble health, ho soon broke down. He 
 has since partially regained his health, and is at 
 work again in the Master's vineyard. Immediately - 
 after Mr; Crosely went away the Rev. S. S. Davis was 
 called to the pastorate." 
 Mr. Davis is a native of Eddington, Maine, He 
 was educated at St. Lawrence University, St. Law- 
 rence Co., N.Y., where he graduated in 1871. He 
 was ordained in 1873. Previous to coming to Water- 
 loo, ir 1874, ho preached eighteen months in East 
 Montpolier, Vt. A stiulloiis and able man, his minis- 
 trations have been very acceptable to his congrega- 
 tion. ♦ 
 •' During all these years the cause has been steadily 
 gaining ground; and sin -^ the church edifice was 
 built, whenever the pastoi; has been obliged to be 
 away, or whenever there would occur an interval 
 when no minister could be obtained, Bro. H. Rose 
 has occupied the piilpit, using the service book and 
 reading the sermon. 
 " The society now numbers about forty iiimilies, 
 and the church forty-seven members. The Sabbath 
 School takes all the children of these families and 
 miiny others." 
 The following history of the E. C. Church of 
 Waterloo has been prepared for 11 s by request : 
 The greater part of the terr»cory now included 
 in the parish of St. Bernardin de Waterloo belonged 
 formerly to the parish of St. Francois Xavior de 
 Sheffoi«d, where service was conducted by Rev. Ohas. 
 Boucher, the first resident cure. 
 In 1859, there was only one Catholic famih in 
 Waterloo, and there was only a few Catholic families 
 in the surrounding country, principally on the south 
 and west sides of the Mountain. From that date the 
 population increased, particularly in the village, to 
 such an extent that the Rev. Chas Boucher thought 
 best to call a meeting of his Parishioners at the Court 
 house, the 17th August, 1862, to devise means to con- 
 struct a church in the centre of the village. A sub- 
 scription list was opened, and through the energj' of 
 Messrs. Jos. Lefebvro, Joseph St. Denis, N, V. D. 
 Labonte, Ed. Perras, Charles Gregoire, and Louis 
 '^ /-^^c 
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i! 1 
 Brodeur, who visited each of the parishioners at their 
 domiciles to solicit their aid, a sufficient sum was 
 raised. Seeing this, the Hon. A. B. Foster gratuitous- 
 ly gave to the Rev. Chas. Boucher and his sucr^essors 
 in office a piece of land in blc^ik nine of the village 
 plan. The deed of donation was dated 30th Nov., 
 1863. Work was commenced on the new church and 
 continued until the following Spring. 
 About the beginning of the Autumn of 1864, the 
 Rev. Chas. Boucher was transferred to the Parish of 
 St. Liboire, and was replaced here by Rev. F. E. 
 Gendroau, then Vicar at Compton. Knowing well 
 what he had to do in this young and struggling 
 Parish, v/ith a characteristic spirit of enterprise, Mr. 
 Gendreau spared neither trouble nor fatigue to carry 
 to successful issue the ^yoi*k commenced by his pre- 
 decesaor, hindered to some extent by difficulties 
 which arose in the course of the summer. He made 
 arrangements with the Hon. A. B. Fo;jter, and with 
 the pecuniary assistance obtained from the Hon. 
 Soniitor, he was able to recommence work upon the 
 church, finishing it, so that he had the good fortune 
 of celebrating the first Mass in Waterloo on Christ- 
 mas Bay, 1 864. In the course of the January follow- 
 ing, he made a visit throughout his parish aiid ascer- 
 tained that there were forty ^nine families, comprising 
 two hundred and ninety-seven souls. Upon the 
 authorization of the Bishop of St. Hyacinthe, he left 
 West Sheffbrd and established himself at Waterloo, 
 about the last of April, 1865. 
 The Parish was canonically erected the 23rd 
 September, 1865, and the first wardens were elected 
 on the 31st day of December, of the samt) year. The 
 6th February, 1866, the church was formally opened 
 b}' its dedication and the benediction of a bell, weigh- 
 ing 817 lbs. The Eev. Misael Archambault, Cure of 
 St. Hugues, presided at the benediction of the 
 church and bell. 
 The civil acknowledgement of the Parish took 
 place on the 8th of February, 1866, but the decree 
 was proclaimed only on the 26th March following. 
 Daring the month of June following the Parish was 
 honored by receivinf^ a visit from Monseigneur Chas. 
 Larocque, Bishop of St. Hyacinthe, who gave the 
 Sacrament of confirmation to one hundred and 
 thirty-eight persons. About the end of September, 
 1868, the Eev. Mr. Gendreau, upon the order of his 
 Bishop, left Waterloo for Cookshire, his departure 
 occasioning great grief to his flock. He was replaced 
 by the Eev. Alph. Phaneuf, at Waterloo, who took 
 possession of his Parish on the 251 h September, 1868. 
 Besides the duties of his ministry he was oblig ed to 
 toil for the liquidation of the debt upon his church, 
 in which he was successful through the gene- 
 rosity of the members of hia Congregation. At 
 that time the Cure had no Presbytery, but on the 
 3rd September, 1870, the Fabrique purchased the 
 house of Mr. Toussaint Bachaud lor that purpose, 
 and it has been used as such since. At present the 
 Eev. Mr. Phaneuf is working indofatigably to cause 
 the erection of a ne>v church, to be in no respect 
 behind the other church buildings of the place, and a 
 convent for the education of his numerous parish- 
 ioners. Mr. Phaneuf is a gentleman much esteemed. 
 A person of retiring manners, a fluent and interesting 
 speaker and an earnest worker^ he has the warmest 
Willi h M 
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 affections of his congregation. T'le census made by 
 Tdr. Phaneuf, in January, 1875, showed, in the limits 
 of the village municipality, one hundred and fifty- 
 three families, and in the parish outside of the village 
 limits, one hundred and five, making a total of two 
 hundred and fifty-eight Catholic families in the whole 
 parish, with a population of 1,295 souls. The number 
 of baptisms, marriages and burials, from the 25th 
 October, 1865, to the Ist July, 1876, are as follows, viz. : 
 Baptisms 754 
 Marriages 103 
 Burials 263 
 The first jschool house in Waterloo was erected in 
 1825, near the site of Gilmour's block. Waterloo has 
 never been without very fair school accommodations. 
 As early as 1860, before the t-own had assumed much 
 importance in population and wealth, a few promi- 
 nent citizens took preliminary steps for the establish- 
 ment of a high school cr academy. With an ener- 
 getic determination worthy of the people, plans were 
 at once discussed, adopted and carried out, which 
 resulted in the completion of an academy building in 
 1862. This was entirely accomplished by private 
 means, and not by any assistance from the muni- 
 cipality. On Monday, the 22nd December, 1862, the 
 school was opened with R. W. Laing, M.A., as Prin- 
 cipal, assistec?. by an efficient staff of teachers. The 
 academy was ably managed by a Board of Trustees 
 for a number of years. Principal Lairg, a gentle- 
 man of large experience as a teacher, and a ripe 
 scholar, remained here till the autumn of 1869, when 
 he resigned to accept a better position in a College 
 in one of the Western States. He was succeeded by 
 ii 1 
 Mr. C. E. C. Brown. In 1870, the academy carae 
 into the hands of the School Commissioners, and a 
 graded school was established. Mr. Lane, B.A., was 
 the first principal under the new rigime. He was 
 followed the next year by Mr. Charles W. Babtable, 
 who remained but one year. Edward Archibald next 
 assumed the principalship, which he held for nearly 
 two years, and resigned to entor the Episcopal 
 ministry, Rev. W. B. Kinney and C. A. Jackson 
 complete"! the unexpired term of his second year. 
 Mr. C. Thomas became Principal in 1874, and still 
 holds the position. The academy has always main- 
 tained a high place among the educational institu- 
 tions of the Province, and many young men have 
 left it to matriculate at the University, or enter upon 
 the battle of life. 
 While for municipal purposes Waterloo and the 
 township of Sheiford were divided by the incorpora- 
 tion of the former in 1867, the school interests of the 
 municipalities remained united until the summer of 
 1874. In June of that year, by an order of Council, 
 Waterloo was established into a separate school 
 municipality, with same limits as thr; municipal cor- 
 poratiOi'i The management of both school munici- 
 palities has been facilitated and rendered more satis- 
 factory by this change. The township has an excel- 
 lent system of common schools. A French model 
 school building was erected in Waterloo, at a cost of 
 $2,500, a few years ago, and is largely attended by 
 the French Canadian children. The Township School 
 Board is composed of the following gentlemen : — 
 William Chapman, Chairman ; John L. Cleary, Lewis 
 E. Bichardson, Francois Desmaruis, jun., and James T. 
 Booth. The following gentlemen are at present on 
 the Waterloo School Board. : — Thomas Brassard, 
 Chairman; Wm. Clark, Walter A. Taylor, Orrin 
 Pickle and A. F. Savaria. 
 The early history of the Waterloo Advertiser is 
 given in the succeeding sketches of Mr. Huntington 
 f*nd Mr. Noyes. The latter gentleman transferred his 
 interests in the paper, January 1st, 1870, to H. Rose, 
 who for some years previous had been engaged in 
 newspaper editorial work in different parts, of the 
 Townships. Mr. Rose has always taken an active 
 part in the temperance cause, and from this, and the 
 warmth with which he has espoused other movements 
 calculated to elevate the morals and intelligence of 
 the community, he has proved himself a worthy 
 citizen. He has recently opened a book store in 
 Waterloo, in connection with which he, also, has a 
 book-bindery. In the early part of the year 1875 he 
 sold the Advertiser to Parmelee & Ingalls, two young 
 gentlemen who still have the paper in charge. C. 
 H. Parmelee is editor, and, although quite young, his 
 able management of the paper, and the talent which 
 he displays as a writer, bespeak for him a prosperous 
 Like every chef-lieu of a county, Waterloo has 
 always had its quota of advocates. Foremost in the 
 list of these stands the name of the Hon. L. S, 
 Huntington. Although he long since ceased to be a 
 citizen of this town, hip, the interest that he has 
 always taken in it, and the affection that still lingers 
 in the inhabitants for their former representative, 
 demand that a sketch of his life shall have place in 
 these pages. The Hon. Lucius Seth Huntington 
 H 'i 
 Postmaster General, was born on the 26th day of 
 May, 1827, at Compton, P. Q. His ancestors came 
 from Norwich, England, to Massachusetts, in 1663, 
 and in the early part of this century his grandfather 
 emigrated to Canada, taking up his abode in Compton. 
 His father, Mr. Seth Huntington, also resided there 
 until his death in 1875. The maiden name of Mr. 
 Huntington's mother was Hovey, also from New 
 England, of English stock. The Hoveys were 
 among the Associates to whom the township of Hatley, 
 in Stanstead County, was patented by the Crowu. 
 Mr. Huntington received his education in the com- 
 mon schools and academic institutions of the Eastern 
 Townships, finally fitting himself for a college course 
 at the (then) celebrated Brovvnington Seminary, Vt., 
 but was prevented from carrying out his design of 
 matriculating for college training. During his 
 studies there were many gaps caused by his teaching 
 in the common schools. In these days he was a 
 frequent participant in the debates of the village 
 lyceums, and those who knew him then state that 
 he was a ready debater and vigorous speaker, giving 
 ample promise of that success which was destined to 
 be attained. 
 After leaving Brownington, Mr. Huntington com- 
 menced to study law at Sherbrooke with Judge 
 Sanborn, teaching during his studies at Hai,ley and 
 Magog and finally Sheiford academy, then located at 
 Fi'ost Village and in high repute. One of his pre- 
 decessors in the latter institution was Judge Doherty 
 of Sherbrooke. While at Frost Village Mr. Hunting- 
 ton met and finally married Miram Jane, only 
 daughter of Major David Wood, For a short time 
 iiiiH' ' 
 ! I 
 I \ii I 
 he engaged in mercantile pursuits at that place. 
 He was admitted to the Bar in 1853, at Tliree 
 Eivers, to which section of the Bar the District of 
 St. Francis then belonged. At that time there 
 certainly was not a rich opening for a professional 
 man. The courts were all held at Montreal, rail- 
 roads there were none, the country but sparsely 
 settled, and the Eastern Townships very different 
 from what they are to-day. 
 In 1856, Mr. Huntington started the Advertiser at 
 Knowlton, Brome Co., in conjunction with the late 
 Hon. P. H. Knowlton and Hiram Foster, Esq., the two 
 latter retiring in a short time. The Advertiser com. 
 menced with many grand objects in view for which 
 to battle :n the interests of these Eastern Townships. 
 It is strange to read to-day in the Prospectus of that 
 paper, that the Eastern Townships ''are excluded by 
 nature from easy access to the great commercial marts 
 of the country, and that such exclusion is but a typo 
 of the political isolation to which we have been uni- 
 formly doomed." It was true, however, at that 
 time. Decentralization of the law Courts, represen- 
 tation in Parliament by men personally interested in 
 the Townships, the opening up of the country by 
 railways, and the development of our agricultural, 
 mining and industrial I'esources, are some of the 
 questions of which his paper became the fearlees 
 champion. Vigorous and sparkling editorials soon 
 attracted the attention of the public to these subjects, 
 and the rare powers of organization which he pos- 
 sessed enabled him to take advantage of the public 
 opinion he had helped to create therein, and effect 
 combinationB which ultimately brought Buccess 
 Without the Advertiser and Mr. Huntington, pro- 
 bably, the^e necessary reforms would have been 
 achieved, but that both he and his paper hastened 
 their accomplishment many years, cannot be gain- 
 say ed. The outlook for success was dismal at times, 
 and the early fyles of the Advertiser show not only 
 the means at work for and against, but also the undis- 
 mayed courage of Mr. Huntington under disap- 
 pointments that must have discouraged any but those 
 possessed of the largest faith. 
 About that time the agitation for the construction 
 of the Stanstead, Sheftbrd and Chambiy RE. began 
 of which Mr. Huntington became an early and active 
 promoter. He was appointed secretary of the road 
 shortly after its incorporation, and with a short inter- 
 mission, held that post until his resignation in 1874, 
 when he was appointed a director. 
 In July, 1857, the Advertiser was removed to 
 Waterloo, where Mr. Huntington opened a law-office, 
 having been practising at Knowlton whilst his paper 
 was published there. He retired from the Advertiser 
 in 1863. In September, 1857, he entered into a 
 law partnership with the late A. B. Tarmelee, Esq., 
 which continued until October, 1858. Shortlj' after- 
 wards he opened an office in the " Old Advertiser 
 building," where his sign remained as L. S. Hunting- 
 ton until 1861, Huntington & Lay (the late John B. 
 Lay) from 1861 until 1864, Buchanan & Huntington 
 fi«om 1864 until 1865, Huntington k Leblanc (the late 
 Joseph LeBlunc) from 1864 until 1866, Huntington, 
 Le Blanc & Noyes from 1866 until 1871, and since that 
 time as Huntington & Noyes. He was created a 
 I' l!!l 
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 Queen's Counsel in 1863, At the Bar he had a large 
 practice. A fluent speaker, he possessed the faculty 
 of making his points concisely and clearly, aiid his 
 professional aid was much sought. 
 For a short period he was secretary-treasurer of 
 Shefford, and was for one term municipal councillor. 
 He presented himself for parliamentary honors in 
 1860, for the first time, having M. A. Bessette, Esq., 
 for his opponent, the result being a tie. Both sides 
 demanded a scrutiny, but before a decision was reached 
 the house was dissolved. In 1861, he was elected over 
 F. R. Blanch ard, Esq. On the formation of the Mac- 
 donald-Dorion Administration, in 1863, he accepted 
 oflfice'as Solicitor-General East, and at the general 
 election which followed defeased his old opponent, Mr. 
 Bessette. In 1867, the first Dominion election, he ran 
 against and defeated the late A. B. Parmelee, Esq. ; at 
 the general election of 1872, he defeated Chae. 
 Thibault, and in 1874, he was successful over J. J. 
 Curran. A few months after the formation of the 
 Government of the Hon. Mr. Mackenzie, Mr. Hun- 
 tington took office as President of the Council, and 
 was elected as such at the general election of 1874. 
 He became Postmaster-General in 1875, on the eleva- 
 tion to the Bench of the Supreme Court of the Hon. 
 Mr. Fournier, and holds that portfolio at present. 
 In 1865, Mr. Huntington purchased the copper 
 mines in Bolton, known as the Huntington Mines, 
 and at once commenced developing them. The mines 
 are very rich, but the obstacles in the way of their 
 successful operation were of a very discouraging 
 character, chief of which was the cost of transportar 
 lion to and from Waterloo, the nearest railroad station. 
 To obviate this, in 1869, ho conwtructed tho Hunting- 
 ton Tram Railway from Waterloo to the mines. It 
 was changed from a wooden to an iron railway" a few 
 years later, and. now forms a portion of the Waterloo 
 and Magog Railway. In 1871, he sold his mines to a 
 Scotch Compan}^ by which they are still worked. A 
 few years previous to his enterng the Dominion 
 Cabinet he became president of Missisquoi and Black 
 River R.R., but resigned that position on entering the 
 In 1873, he formulated from l\is place in Parliament 
 grave charges against the Macdonald Government. 
 These charges are now designated in political nomen- 
 clature as the " Pacific Scandal," and, after heated dis- 
 cussions and a bitter struggle in and out of the House, 
 they led, in the fall of that year, to the resignation of 
 the Macdonald Cabinet. The forbearance and self-reli- 
 ant steadfastness of Mr. Huntington during that time, 
 under the fiercest criticism of the press opposed to him, 
 and of the most bitter attacks of opponents in public 
 life, to which any public man in the Dominion had 
 been subjected, was such as to win high encomiums 
 from his political friends and tho admirajiion of those 
 who differed from him. It is not within the province 
 of a work of this nature, did space permit, to enter at 
 any length upon a subject to a large extent within the 
 domain of national politics. It belongs more naturally 
 to a history of the country than to a section, how- 
 ever important it may have been ir. the most general 
 sense to the latter. We trespass lightly upon a 
 question of politics, and have said thus much only 
 because it formed an exciting episode in the public 
 life of the subject of our sketch. 
 III ' 
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 In politics Mr. ITuntinp;ton belongs to the Liberol 
 party. At one time ho advocated Canadian Indepen- 
 dence, on the assumption, from the utterance of 
 public journals and politicians of the mother country, 
 that the policy of the Home Government was in favor 
 of sundering the colonial connection. This having 
 been demonstrated to the contrary, he withdrew from 
 the advocacy of the question. 
 Mr. Huntington's reputation as an orator is admitted 
 to be of the highest order. He has few, if any, super- 
 iors in the country as a campaign speaker, and in the 
 House *8 one of the first debaters. His style is easy, 
 vigorous and brilliant. He possesses wonderful 
 powers of sarcasm, and understands the art of impal- 
 ing an opponent with a cutting sentence. At the 
 outset of his parliamentary career he obtained great 
 influence as a debater, and was one of the most 
 reliable speakers of his party. For many years pre- 
 vious to the death of that popular orator, the late Hon. 
 T. D. McGee, Mr. Huntington was pitted against him 
 in the House, being assigned the no light duty of re- 
 plying to that gentleman, and he did not always come 
 off second best. 
 In public life Mr. Huntingten's career has been 
 eminently successful, the result of a mind remark- 
 ably constituted for public life. His business capa- 
 city, powers of organization, self-reliance and know- 
 ledge in the administration of affairs have been felt 
 in the country and in her highest interests. 
 He has many warm friends, particularly among 
 young men, in whom he takes a lively interest, and 
 whom he is always happy to encourage. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Esq., a nephew of Dr. Rotus Par- 
 meleo who died in Juno, 1875, was for years an advo- 
 cate in th.3 village. The following is an extract 
 from an article published in the Waterloo Advertiser 
 of Februarj-e, 1874: 
 " On Monday last, A. B. Parmelee, Esq., advocate, 
 of this place, retired from the position he has so long 
 and worthily held of the mayoralty of the township 
 of Shefford and warden of the County of SheflFord, in 
 consequence of his retirement from the first named 
 office. We know of no man in the Eastern Townships 
 who has been engaged in municipal offices during so 
 long a term of years as Mr. Parmelee. For consider- 
 ably more than thirty years Mr. Parmelee has been 
 connected, in various capacities, with the municipal 
 administration in the County of Shefford, and more 
 particularly in the township of SheflFord. He served 
 a faithful apprenticeship as secretary-treasurer of the 
 Local Council of Shefford, of Shefford township and 
 of the County Council. So largely was his experience 
 known and so great was the confidence in his judg- 
 ment in the wants of the county in municipal 
 matters, that he was called to Toronto by the Hon. L. 
 T. Drummond, then Attorney-General of Canada, to 
 assist in the perfection of what was afterward known 
 as the Lower Canada Municipal and Eoad Act. 
 In 1858, Mr. Parmelee was elected mayor of Shef- 
 ford township and warden of the County of Shefford 
 and has filled both these offices up to the present time. 
 It is a matter of deep regret that his health renders 
 it impracticable for him to continue to fill the posi- 
 tion he has so acceptably occupied for some years to 
 Mr. Parmelee was a man of strong prejudices, and 
 _ rl'' 
 Mi ill ^ 
 he was well known for his fearless and emphatic 
 manner of expressing his convictions. But, whatever 
 offence this may have given, no one ever denied that 
 he Tras a man of sound judgment and an honest 
 The following is an extract from an obituary 
 notice published in the Advertiser of July 26, 1872 : 
 •* John B. Lay, who died on the 11th day of Jun(jt, 
 1872, was for several years an active lawyer and pro- 
 minent citizen of Waterloo. He was born in the 
 Township of Bolton, not far from Bolton Springs, in 
 1834. He recei '^ed his education at Shefford Academy 
 in Frost Village, and was for some time assistant 
 teacher in this Institution, as well as a very succc ssful 
 teacher in the common schools of this section. He 
 commenced the study of law with Mr. Huntington, at 
 Knowiton, was admitted to the legal profession in De- 
 cember, 1861, and immediately entered into partner- 
 ship, at Waterloo, with his old patron, Mr. Huntiugton. 
 In 1859, when the Circuit Court foi the County of 
 Shetford was o.stablished, Mr. Lay was appointed the 
 first clerk of that Court. He was tilso appointed 
 secretary-treasurer of the township cf Shefford, in 
 1858, which office he held until 186 », when he re- 
 signed. He wa& a staunch advocate of the Temper- 
 ance cause, and filled all the grades of office in the 
 Temperance organii-ation of his locality, aid 'vas, 
 during one term, the Grand Worthy Patriarch of the 
 Grand Division Sons of Temperance for this Pro- 
 vince. He sat in tho National Division, and also in 
 the Grand Temple of Canmla. 
 In 1862, he was married to Eleanor, second daugh- 
 ter of Col. B. Savage. During his later yon rs ho took 
 a deep interest in church and school matters, as well 
 as continuing his efforts in the Temperance cause. He 
 was for some time a warden in the Church and also a 
 delegate to the Synod, where he took an active part in 
 shaping legislation upon vital questions. He was 
 also school commissioner and, at the time of liis death, 
 chairman of the board. In his death Waterloo lost a 
 good citizen. It was well said of him, that " you 
 always knew where to find him." He was always on 
 the side ' "right. He was possessed of great energy 
 and perseverance, and, had health been vouchsafed 
 him, ho would h^ive made his mark in public lifo." 
 W. A. Lay, a younger brother of J. B. Lay, was 
 also a lawyer in this village. Ho attended the 
 McGill Law kjchool and was admitted to the Bar in 
 1837. He was a gentleman of genial manners, and 
 mig.it with effort and good health, have been one of 
 tht> leading law;)'ers of the place, but declining health, 
 during the last years of his life, prevented his doing 
 much in the way of active labor. He died September 
 2. 1876, and was buried at Waterloo with Masonic 
 John P. Noyes is one of the most prominent and 
 •successful advocates of Waterloo. He was born 
 in Potton, P. Q., in 1842. While yet a child, ho 
 removed with his father to Bangor, Franklin Co., 
 N. Y., where he lived until 1861, when he came to 
 Waterloo, He was educated chiefly at Bar.gor and 
 Fort Covington Academy, and while at school, gave 
 evidence of ability which if rightly employed, would 
 secure him honorable distinction. After returning 
 to Canada, he acquired a good knowledge of the 
 French language, and devoted some time to the study 
 \ I 
 of the classics. He commenced the study of the 
 law in the office of Huntington & Lay, but his 
 articles of indenture were subsequeutly transferred 
 to the Hon Mr. Laframboise. He graduated at the 
 law school connected with St. Marj^'s College, and 
 was admitted to the Bar in October, 1866. He first 
 commenced practice with Huntington & LeBlanc, 
 but the latter soon afterwards retiring he continued 
 'to practice with Huntington. Previous to being ad- 
 mitted he was elected secretary-treasurer of Sheflbrd 
 and, after Waterloo was incorp -rated, he also became 
 secretary-treasurer of the village, and still holds both 
 offices. On the resignation of Mr. Huntington he took 
 his place as secretary of the Stanstead, Shefford 
 and Chambly railway. In 1867, he was married to , 
 Lucy A. Mercy, a lady residing in Magog, and who 
 for three years was a very able and popular precep- 
 tress of Sheftbrd Academy. About a year aftei Mr. 
 Huntington severed his connection with the Adver- 
 tiser, Mr. Noyes took charge of it, and continued to 
 hold tho position of editor until 1870. Being con- 
 nected with other business as he was, during 
 the whole time he occupied the editorial chair, he 
 could not be supposed to make the paper what it 
 would otherwise have been, nor could he display to 
 the full extent his ability as a writer; yet, amid all 
 his manifold labors, he managed to make it a good , 
 local paper, and one extremely popular with the great 
 Liberal party of this country. Many of his news- 
 paper contemporaries have reason to remember his 
 pungent replies to their attacks upon him, and, though 
 an individual may now and then have felt aggrieved 
 by a paragraph that fell from his pen, it should be 
 Baid that every thing of that kind arose from a well- 
 ing fountain of humor, and a keen appreciation of 
 the ludicrous which he possesses rather than from 
 any inclination to wound the feelings of others. He 
 is thoroughl}'^ well road, and, by one not intimately 
 acquainted with him, might be regarded as better 
 fitted for literary pursuits than for the tedium of the 
 labors connected with the law ; but the fact that he 
 has many cases at every session of the Superior 
 Court, shows that he is a successful member of the 
 But whatever may be said to his credit, as a law- 
 yer, one thing surpasses all, and that Is, that he 
 never encourages litigation, and always manages his 
 cases with a strict regard to honesty. 
 A. D. Girard is another advocate of this village. 
 He was educated at St. Hyacinthe College, graduated 
 at the Law School connected with St. Mary's College 
 in Montreal, and was admitted to the Bar in 1864. 
 After practising a few years at other places, he came 
 to Waterloo, and has been so successful that he has a 
 very extensive practice. In 1875 he was the candi- 
 date opposed to the Hon. Mr. Laframboise for Mem- 
 bership in the Local Legislature, and, though defeated, 
 received a large number of votes. 
 John F. Leonard was educated at both Nicolet and 
 St. Hj^acinthe Colleges. He studied law in Montreal, 
 was admitted to the Bar in 186G, and in the same 
 year came to Waterloo. In 1873 ha was appoint>ed 
 secretary-treasurer of the Board of School Commis- 
 sioners of the township, and the following year 
 received the office of secretary- treasurer of the 
 School Boajfd of Waterloo. He is a good French 
 scl Dlar, and for this reason is more fully qualified 
 for the offices he holds, — a large part of the popula- 
 tion of both the township and village being French 
 and speaking the French language. He also has a 
 good practice. 
 D. Darby is a native of Ely. He was educated at 
 che schools and academies of the Eastern Townships, 
 and attended the McGill Law School in Montreal, 
 where he received his degree of B.C.L., and was 
 admitted to the Bar in 1870. He immediately com- 
 menced practice in Waterloo, and by industry and 
 probity has won an honorable standing in his profes- 
 sion, and secured a large amount of business. 
 C. A. Nutting, a son of Y. Nutting, Esq., of this 
 village, is the youngest member of the Waterloo Bar. 
 He received a good mathematical and classical edu- 
 cation under tuition of Prof. R. W. Laing, when he 
 had charge of Shefford Academy. He took his 
 degree from the McGill Law School, and was admitted 
 to the Bar in 1872. His success, thus far, has been 
 good, and his youth and ability bespeak for him 
 honors and extensive practice in the future. He has 
 recently erected a neat and commodious brick build- 
 ing for an office on Main street. 
 F. X. Girard was born in Boucherville, P. Q., in 
 1841, and was educated at the Seminary of St. Hya- 
 cinthe. He studied law with Judge Sicotte, received 
 the degree of LL.D. from the Law Faculty of the 
 Seminary of Jesuits, Montreal, in April, 1863, and 
 was immediately admitted to the Bar. He practiced 
 law two years in Montreal and for the same length of 
 time, also, in St. Hyacinthe. While in the latter 
 place he edited the Courier de St. Hyacinthe. In 1865 
 f^ M 
 he was married to Marie Eosalie Tanguay, eldest 
 daughter of Joseph Tanguay, Esq., of that city. 
 During a period of ten years he acted as deputy pro- 
 thonotary at both St. Hyacinthe and Sweetsburg. 
 From June, 1867, to October, 1870,he kept the office of 
 T. Sauvageau, official assignee, in Montreal, conducting 
 the legal department of the business under the In- 
 solvent Acts of 1864-'65 and '69. He came to 
 Waterloo in 1870, and is still here in the practice of 
 his profession. 
 Besides her advocates, Waterloo has prominent 
 citizens belonging to the 
 Notarial Propession. 
 Thomas Brassard, N.P., is one of the oldest and best 
 known notaries in the District. He was born at 
 Murray Bay, on the Saguenay R'ver, now a famous 
 Canadian watenng- place, and educated at the 
 Seminary of Quebec. He studied 'for his profession 
 at Quebec, was admitted to practice in 1855, and at 
 once settled at Henryville, county of Iberville, where 
 he spent eight years. In August, 1863, he came to 
 Waterloo. Of genial temper, good acquirements and 
 happy adaptation, he has been called to serve in 
 many different public capacities. He was secretary- 
 treasurer of the school commissioners for eight 
 years. In 1866, the secretary- treasurership of the 
 county council was accepted by him, a position which 
 he has since filled with great credit to himself and 
 the community. Under the Insolvent Act of 1869 
 he was appointed official assignee, and, when this 
 law was replaced by the new Insolvent Act of 1875, 
 he was re-appointed by the Government, assignee for 
 1 - 
 ^^ '-Hi 
 the District of Bedford. When the separation of the 
 school interests of Sheflford and Waterloo was effected 
 in 1874, by the erection of the latter into a separate 
 school municipality, he was elected school commis- 
 sioner for Waterloo, by acclamation, a position 
 which his long connection with school matters ad- 
 mirably fitted him to fill. Ho is now chairman of 
 the Board. 
 Joseph Raphael Tartre was born at St. Hyacinthe 
 in 1843, and educated at the college of that city. He 
 came to Waterloo in 1864, and received a commission 
 as bailiff of the Superior Court of Bedford. While 
 attending to his duties as bailiff he commenced to 
 study for the notarial profession under Mr. Thomas 
 Brassard, to which he was admitted, after passing a 
 thorough examination, in 1871. He entered into 
 partnership with Mr. Brassard, and took the secre- 
 taryship of schools off that gentleman's hands, hold- 
 ing the office for two years. When the late Mr. 
 Edgarton became, by illness, incapacitated for his 
 duties as registrar of Shefford County, Mr. Tartre 
 was appointed deputy registrar, and assumed the 
 entire responsibility of the office till that gentleman's 
 death, in April, 1876, and the appointment of another 
 registrar, a period of over two years. Ha again 
 went into partnership with Mr. Brassard after leaving 
 the registry office. He occupies a place on the 
 Catholic Board of School Examiners of the District 
 of Bedford, and is commissioned to receive affidavits 
 for the Superior Court. 
 Louis J. Jodoin, N. P., was bom at St. Pie, Bagot 
 County, and educated at the St. Hyacinthe College. 
 He studied for the notarial profession under Mr. A. 
 Gauthier, St. Pie, and was admitted to practise in 
 1867, when he at once came to Waterloo. He waa 
 for many years deputy registrar under the late Mr. 
 Edgarton, and is now clerk of the Commissioners' 
 Court, and commissioner for receiving affidavits for 
 the Superior Court. 
 The different registrars of Shefford may properly 
 be mentioned in this connection. A registry office 
 for the County of Shefford was opened at Frost Village 
 on the 23rd of July, 18.32, and Eichard Dickinson was 
 the first registrar. Hiram S. Foster, Esq., of whom we 
 have already given a sketch, succeeded him. In 1848, 
 Mr. Joseph B. Edgarton came to Shefford, and at once 
 became deputy registrar. He continued to act as such 
 until 1856, when he was appointed registrar, and in tht> 
 same year the office was moved to Waterloo. Mr. 
 Edgarton held the position with credit to himself and 
 satisfaction to the community till the time of his 
 death, in April, 1876. He was born at Shirley, Mass., 
 in 1803, and received 2, good education in the schools 
 of that State. He held several positions of honor and 
 trust in the United States, and earned the reputation 
 of being a painstaking, honorable, business man. Dur- 
 ing the twenty-eight years that he held an important 
 public position in Canada he maintained the universal 
 respect and confidence of the people. No public 
 official could have given more general satisfaction. 
 He was of a retiring disposition, and, when not en- 
 gaged in his office, seemed to enjoy himself best in 
 his own family circle. His wife, a kindly, charitable 
 lady, survives him. 
 Joseph Lefebvre, Esq., the present registrar of 
 Shefford County, was born at Laprairie, P.Q., on the 
 9th of November, 1834, and in 1849 became a resident 
 of I^ily, where he carried on a farm for two years. He 
 then abandonvKl agricultural pursuits for commercial 
 life, and enteredthe store of Erastus Lawrence, Esq., 
 Lawrenceville, as a clerk, with whom he remained 
 four years. He moved to Knowlton at the expiration 
 of his engaf;ement with Mr. Lawrence, and, in 1856, 
 received the appointment of deputy registrar for 
 Brome County, under Hiram Foster, Esq. It was 
 shortly aftor this that he commenced to study for the 
 notarial profession, to which he was duly admitted 
 by the Board, in October, 1863. For eight j'^ears 
 he was the only notary in Brome County, and had 
 a large practice. During a number of years ho 
 efficiently discharged the duties of clerk of the Circuit 
 Court, and, upon the establishment of District Magis- 
 trates Courts in 18j9, he was made clerk of that Court 
 for Brome as well. These several positions he only 
 resigned on receiving the registrarship of Shefford 
 County, in July, 1876. A few years since he erected a 
 large building at Knowlton, and commenced the ex- 
 tensivo manufacture of furniture. The management 
 of thiB manufactory he has now given over to his two 
 sons, Joseph and William E., who are conducting it, 
 notwithstanding the pressure of the times, with 
 marked success. Mr. Lefeb^re was appointed regis- 
 trar, as before stated, by the Quebec Government, in 
 J\x\y, 1876, to succeed the late Mr. Edgarton. The 
 appointment gave general satisfaction, and that is 
 saying a great deal in a mixed community like ours. 
 Mr. Lefebvre is pre-eminently social in his nature, of 
 a genial, obliging disposition, and makes warm per- 
 sonal friends wherever ho goes. His eldest son Joseph 
 is deputy registrar. 
 - The Medical Profession. 
 The oldest practitioner among the physicianfl ot 
 Waterloo is Dr. Ezekiol Minckler, who was born in 
 Grand Isle, Vt., and graduated from the Medical 
 Department of Vermont University. Soon after 
 leaving college he came to Canada, settling at St. 
 Cesaire, where he had an exw^jusive and succossful 
 ' practice. Thence he moved to Granby and remained 
 some time. In 1864, he came to Waterloo. Here 
 he hsis succeeded in sustaining the high reputa- 
 tion he had gained by long years of devotion to his 
 profession. Advancing years have rendered him too 
 feeble to attend to calls which require much travel, 
 especially at night. 
 The following is an obituary notice, published in 
 the Advertiser of April 18th, 1861 : 
 " It was our painful duty to record last week the 
 death of Dr. J. 0. Butler, of this village, for years 
 the victim of a painful disease, whose fatal termina- 
 tion was well known to him. Dr. Butler endured the 
 afflictive dispensation with the fortitude of a martyr, 
 and the cheerfulness of a Christian. H« was a man 
 of rare abilities, and his clear, strong, well-cultivated 
 intellect was unclouded to the last. Few men have 
 more devoted friends than Dr. Butler, or have 
 deserved them more; and though his long, painful 
 illness had prepared them for the sad event, his 
 death has cast a deep gloom over our community 
 which time only can remove. I rovidence, in its 
 wise dispensations, has been pleased thus to call away 
 . - ii I 
 Pi ^ 
 our friond in tho prime of his UHefuln98.« — the flower 
 and vigor of his manhood — and it is left for us but to 
 kiss the rod which has chastened us, and to ' mourn 
 not as those without hope.* Dr. Butler was bui led 
 here on Thursday last with Masonic honors. A large 
 number of Masons, from all parts of the District, was 
 present to take part in the ceremonies." 
 Dr. Angus A. Gilmour, son of Dr. W. A. R.Gilmour, 
 received his early education at Nicolet College, and 
 graduated from McGill University with the degree of 
 M.D., CM., in 1868. Ho first settled in Granby and 
 subsequently in Waterloo. He has been very succes- 
 ful as a surgeon. His father was an active physician 
 at Three Eivers for forty years, previous to 1859, 
 when he came to Granby. He has practised in the 
 Townships, almost uninterruptedly, ever since. 
 Dr. Joseph Ducharme received his degree from the 
 Medical Department of Victoria University, at Mon- 
 treal, in 1867. He came to Waterloo fresh from Col- 
 lege, and has shown himself loyally devoted to his 
 profession. His practice is principally among the 
 French, and has been attended with considerable suc- 
 cess. As Coroner, to which oflftce he was appointed 
 in 1870, hd is well known over the District. 
 Dr. Cornelius J. F. K. Phelan was born in the 
 parish of St. Columbia, County of Two Mountains, 
 P.Q., in 1 840, and received a classical education at the 
 College of Sto. Thereee. Leaving this institution, he 
 entered the Medical Faculty of McGill University, 
 from which he graduated with the degree of M D., 
 CM., in 1865. During the College vacation of 1864, 
 he visited the hospitals of the United States in order 
 to perfect his knowledge of surgery. After graduat- 
 ing from McGill, ho recoivod his license from the 
 Board of Physicians and Surgeons, and commop.cod 
 practice at Knowlton, P.Q., where he remained till 
 1870. In Janu;.py of that year he came to Waterloo, 
 and at once estaolished a large practice. Dr. Phelan 
 is a studious man, of quiet habits and gentlemanly 
 demeanor, and by rare devotion to his profession has 
 won the esteem and confidence of a large circle of 
 friends. He has been very successful, and is often 
 consulted by his fellow practitioners in difficult 
 Dr. B. H. Jameson, after receiving a liberal educa- 
 tion, entered the Montreal College of Physicians and 
 Surgeons, from which he graduated with the usual 
 medical degrees in 1847. He, at once, settled in Ontar 
 rio, where he maintained a large and successful prac- 
 tice for several years. Later, he established himself in 
 Chatham Township, Que. ; then in St. Andrews, and 
 from that place he went to Montreal, and remained in 
 that city a few months. Thence he went to St. Pie, and 
 in 1867 moved to Waterloo, where he has permanently 
 resided ever since. Arriving here at a favorable time, 
 he soon became very popular as a physician, but his 
 manner is so retired that few have become acquainted 
 with him outside of his profession. He has always 
 received a liberal share of the practice of the town. 
 • Waterloo has two dentists. 
 Newell Fisk studied Dentistry with the late Aldis 
 Bernard, Montreal, and duly received his degree of 
 L.D.S. He first commenced practice in St. Hyacinthe. 
 After remaining there a short time he removed to 
 Montreal and worked in Dr. Bernard's office for a 
 while and then came to Granby. In 1866, he moved to 
 Waterloo, which he has since made his place of resi- 
 dence, but spends u few weoi^s eacli year in the prin- 
 cipal villages in the District. He is considored a 
 skilful dentist, and hc» a large practice, extending 
 over the whole of this section of the country. 
 A. A. Knowlton commenced the study of Dental 
 Surgery in 1859, at St Albans, Vt., with Dr. Gilman. 
 After learning his profession he returned to Canada 
 and practised in various places in the townships, set- 
 tling permanently in Waterloo in 1871. He was 
 licensed to practice as required by statute, in 1870. 
 During his residence in Waterloo he has received a 
 good share of the public patronage. 
 We devote the few following pages to sketches of 
 several of the public men * of Waterloo. 
 The follo^ving is an extract from an obituary 
 notice of Wesley O. Lawrence, Esq., which was pub- 
 lished in the Advertiser, July 3, 1S74 ; 
 Mr. Lawrence was long a resident of Waterloo, and 
 was a descendant of Isaac Lawrence, mentioned in 
 the history of West Shefford in another part of this 
 " In those early struggles of tho early settlers 
 Mr. Lawrence bore a part, storing his mind with such 
 knowledge as could then be attained in the schools in 
 those early days. Ke came in after life to sit in the 
 old County Council in the days of the municipal 
 regime, and when our present municipal system went 
 into operation he was many times selected by his fel- 
 low townsmen to represent them at the Council 
 • The first two of these should properly have been mentioned 
 among the pioneers, but were forgotten until ?,t vas too late. 
 Board. Ho aided and took an active part in the ])ub- 
 lic works in the township and village. For some 
 years past he has been an active magistrate. His 
 reading as well as his strong common-sense and love 
 of right made him an exceedingly useful citizen in 
 that capacity, and since the death of R. A. Ellis, Esq. 
 — who had been our oldest magistrate for years — the 
 brunt of the burden had fallen upon him. Notwith- 
 standing bodily infirmities, he was always ready 
 when called upon to serve hie fellowcitiiens in his 
 magisterial capacity, no matter hov.' great might be 
 the suffering to himself. So when it came about that 
 after years of the greatest physical suffering— when he 
 had wandered down very near the valley of the 
 shadow of death many times — he at last succumbed 
 to the great enemy. There was a feeling of sadness 
 throughout the village and township at the final 
 departure of a good man and a useful citizen." 
 A son of Mr. Lawrence, George Lawrence, is a 
 reliable and popular mail clerk on the Shefford and 
 Chambly Railway. 
 The following is copied rom the Advertiser of April 
 28, 1864 : 
 " With this issue of our paper we furnish our 
 readers with the mournful intelligence of the death 
 of Capt. Z. Reynolds, of this place, who died on 
 Saturday last after a short illness of about two weeks 
 of pleuratic fever, in the 56th year of his age. Captain 
 Reynolds came to this place about 25 years ago, and 
 has resided here ever since. Consequently he has 
 felt and endured most of the hardships of a pioneer's 
 life, and known the vicissitudes attendant upon the 
 first settlers in the backwoods of the Eastern Town- 
 ships. In 1852 Mr. Reynolds was appointed Captain 
 of the Militia, and in 1863, upon the prospect of an 
 outbreak between the United States and Great Britain, 
 ho formed a Volunteer Company, of which he was 
 appointed Captain, a post which he held at the time 
 of his death ; and only a few weeks since we chron- 
 icled the fact o.' his being presented by his company 
 with a silver tea-service on account of their high 
 appreciation of his many excellent qualities. By the 
 death of Capt. Reynolds our village has met with 
 the loss of one of its best citizens, the community of 
 one of its benefactors, the poor an ever ready and 
 willing friend, am"*, his family a kind husband and 
 affectionate father. Few, indeed, are the men in our 
 midst hold more highly in the estimation of their 
 neighbors. We are not aware that bo had an enemy 
 in the world, although he has held offices of trust and 
 been a servant of the public for a long series of years. 
 He was identified with all the literary, local and 
 intellectual improvements going on, and his purse 
 was ever open to public contribution. At Knowlton, 
 on the 26th inst., upon motion of S. W. Foster, Esq., 
 the Circuit Court adjourned over one day, to give the 
 members of the Bar and otherc having business 
 before the Court an opportunity of being present at 
 his funeral. His Honor Justice McCord paid a high 
 tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased, 
 whom he had known, he said, for the last twenty 
 years. The funeral took place yesterday, at which it 
 is estimated about 1500 persons were present, includ- 
 ing a large number of Masons, (of which order the 
 deceased was a member, and, at the time of his death, 
 Master of the Lodge here) and also a large turn out of 
 Hon. G. G. Stevens was born inErompton, P.Q., in 
 1814. Gardner Stevens, his father, was one of the 
 early pioneers of Brompton, and became a thrifty far- 
 mer and one of the prominent men of that township. 
 "Until the age of 21, the younger Stevens lived on the 
 farm, but at that time he assumed the charge of a farm, 
 mill and store in Waterville and was ^hus employed 
 for ten years. He then became connected with the 
 British American Land Company as agent, and devot- 
 ed hio attention chiefly to this agency for a quarter of 
 a century. 
 In 1847 he marriod R J., daughter of the late 
 Sidney Spafford, Esq., of Compton. He moved to 
 Shefford in March, 1851, and^ with the exception of 
 four years which he spent in Roxton Falls, he has lived 
 here ever since. While residing at Jioxton he was 
 elected municipal councillor and mayor of the town- 
 ship. He has been a justice of the peace for many 
 years, and since his return to Waterloo has held the 
 office of councillor, mayor of the township and warden 
 of the county. Ho was largely instrumental in estab- 
 lishing the Eastern Townships Bank, and has been 
 connected with it as director for ten years. He is 
 also a director of the Stanstead, Shefford and 
 Chambly Railway, and, on the organization of the 
 Company, was elected treasurer. Having by his 
 ability shown himself worthy of these various honors, 
 in February, 1876, on the resignation of Hon. A. B. 
 Foster, he was appointed to fill his place as senator. 
 Mr. Stevens is emphatically a self-made man, and 
 like all men of this class his perceptive faculties, sharp- 
 enad by cultivation, make him keenly cognizant of 
 whatever aifects his own interest or anything com- 
 mitted to his trust. A man of extensive reading and 
 retentive memory, with ready powers of conversation, 
 he is eminently qualified to amuse or instruct. Ac- 
 customed to habits of industry, he appreciates this 
 quality in others, and while he is ever ready to assisl- 
 the young man who is bravely fighting the battle of 
 life, he has no sympathy for the one who shrinks 
 from hardships, or who, with everything in his favour, 
 makes shipwreck of his possessions. 
 Gardner H. Stevens, his eldest son, is in company 
 with Robinson & Willard in mercantile business, 
 and is also postmaster in Waterloo. Sidney J. 
 Stevens, hia remaining son, is a clerk in the Eastern 
 Townships Bank. Both are esteemed for their intel- 
 ligence, politeness and efficiency in business. 
 O. B. Kemp, Esq., crown land and timber agent, 
 has had his office in this village since March, 1874. 
 Mr. Kemp is a grandson of Elijah Kemp, Esq., one 
 of the very early settlers of Frelighsburg, who be- 
 came prominent in that village, and who was for 
 many years the leading citizen of St. Armand East. 
 His son, the late Col. Kemp, and the father of O. B. 
 Kemp, also became a prominent man in the Town- 
 ships, and during his life held a number of impor- 
 tant offices. Among these was that of crown land 
 agent, which office, on his death, was given to his son. 
 O. B. Kemp resided in Frelighsburg, his native 
 village, until April, 1871, when he removed to 
 Granby. During his residence in Frelighsburg he 
 became one of the most influential men in the place, 
 and was made the recipient of many of the public 
TVk Buri<nd-Dt$ianit.liilio. Coap" 

 offices. He was secretary-treasurer of the mnnicipal 
 co^incil for seven yeiars, school commissioner for six 
 years, clerk of the Magistrates' and Commissioners' 
 Court, and one of the trustees of the grammar 
 school. The ability with which he filled these dif- 
 ferent offices, his social qualities and politeness, 
 greatly endeared him to the citizens of the place. On 
 his departure they presented him with a valuable 
 silver tea service, as a testimonial of their esteem. 
 He received the crown land agency in 1866, and to 
 this was added, in 1869, the timber agency. Mr. 
 Kjmp lived in Gran by *=" March, 1874, when, as 
 above stated, he came to vV^aterloo, where he has 
 already formed many warm friends. Inflexible in his 
 purposes, independent in spirit, persevering and hon- 
 orable, he ably sustains the reputation of his ances- 
 tors, who were i-eputed true specimens of the Anglo- 
 Saxon stock. 
 The court house was commenced in 1 859, and com- 
 pleted m li-60. 
 V. Nutting, Esq., has very efficiently discharged 
 the duties of the clerk of the Circuit Court, since 
 1861. He was once secretary- treasurer of South 
 Stukely, and also of the county council. He has long 
 been a resident of Shefford, and is regarded as one of 
 the efficient public men of the township. 
 The Grange movement, which has been, and is 
 still, so popular, as an agricultural organization, in the 
 Western States, first extended to the farmers of this 
 section in 1875. Granges were organized at Knowl- 
 ton. South Stukely and West Bolton, and are now 
 largely supported by many of the best farmers. 
 Later, a lodge was formed at Warden, which is patron- 
 4 1 
 i 1 
 izcd b}^ the farmers of North Shefford principally. 
 In the spring of 1876, a Grange store was started 
 at Waterloo, with Mr. E. Slack as agent. In the fall 
 of the same year this commercial venture was put 
 upon a more reliable basis by changing it into a joint 
 stock company, under the name of the " Grangers' 
 Co-operative Society," of which Mr. Slack was made 
 the managing-director. This gentleman is a son of 
 the late Eev. George Slack, rural dean, and was edu- 
 cated at Bishop's College, Lennoxville. He early 
 entered upon commercial life, and has been engaged 
 in many important enterprises. He is at present and 
 has been for many years, a member of the municipal 
 council of Waterloo, in which capacity he has served 
 with great satisfaction to the electors. Appointed a 
 justice of the peace in 1874, he at once qualified, and 
 has since adjudicated upon most of the cases not 
 brought before the higher courts. 
 ' Mancipactures. 
 The extensive manufacturing establishment of 
 Allen, Taylor & Co, has already been described. In 
 addition to this there are others doing an amount of 
 business which would do credit to a much larger 
 place. One of the most flourishing of these is the 
 extensive tannery of S. & E. G. Shaw & Co. In 1864, 
 Fayette Shaw of Boston, Brackley Shaw of Montreal, 
 William Shaw of Kingman, Maine, all brothers, and 
 carrying on extensive business in their respective 
 places of residence, built a tannery and commenced 
 businesT in Waterloo. In the same year Spencer 
 Shaw, an uncle of the brothers named above, came 
 hero to take charge of the business. In 1866 he and 
 another nephow bought one-half the business, and 
 the firm then was known under the name of E. G. 
 Shaw & Co. This establishment contains hree en- 
 gines of thirty-horse-power each, and employs forty 
 men. It turns out five hundred tons of leather annu- 
 ally, consumes six thousand cords of bark, and pays 
 $12,000 for labor. For the year ending May 1, 187o, 
 seven thousand two hundred and twenty cords of bark 
 were purchased at the tannery. Besides this, there 
 are two small tanneries in Waterloo, doing consider- 
 able business, and are owned, respectively, by J. C. 
 Bull and J. D. Porchno. 
 The Waterloo Boot and Shoe Company is not only 
 one of the most important manufacturing companies 
 of the village, but of the Province. It was organized, 
 a building was erected, and a stearu engine, with other 
 necessary machinery, purchased in 1874, but the Com- 
 pany was not chartered till March, 1875. It consists of 
 sixty-one members, with Hon. G. G. Stevens for presi- 
 dent, and E. D. Lawrence for vice-president. The sum 
 of $17,000 is now paid annually to the employees — 
 these at present numbering fifty. During the year 
 1875, thirty-six thousand pairs of boots and shoes were 
 manufactured, which were sold in all parts of the 
 Province. The popularity of this manufactory so 
 rapidly increases that the demand for its goods is 
 already greater than the supply, and necessitates 
 enlargement of the business. The sale of the goods, 
 at first chiefly confined to the district of Bedfoi-d, has 
 since spread over the greater part of the Province of 
 Quebec, and is extensive in Ontario. W. T. Rockwell 
 is foreman of this establishment, and his efficiency 
 has aided much toward securing the success of the 
 enterprise. Although a young man, he has had much 
 experience in the business, having been foreman of 
 an extensive boot aid shoe manufactory in Newport, 
 "Vermont, previous to coming to Waterloo. Gardner 
 Eldridge, a gentleman deservedly esteemed, both for 
 ability and politeness, is secretary treasurer of this 
 Hill & Foss, who entered into partnership in 1873, 
 are proprietors of a bojt and shoe store, and give 
 employment to several men. They manufacture boott^, 
 shoes and harness, and receive a large share of the 
 village and county patronage. 
 N. V. D. Labonte is also proprietor of a boot and 
 shoe store which gives employment to several men and 
 does good business. Mr. Labonte has taken much in- 
 terest in public matters, and has filled several of the 
 local offices to the satisfaction of the citizens. 
 There are two bakcxies in Waterloo, Hills & Hills 
 and Hugh Contois'. Hills & Hills opened a bakery in 
 this village in 1867, and besides doing the work 
 generally performed in a country bakery they have 
 been engaged somewhat extensively in the mak- 
 ing of crackers and confectionery — their trade in 
 these articles extending over many of the town- 
 ships. They are now completing a building on 
 Main Street, which is designed for a bakery, salesroom 
 and office. It is brick, and its imposing appearance 
 not only adds to the architectural beauty of the village, 
 but indicates the success of its proprietors in business. 
 Hugh Contois entered this business in 1865; he is 
 also doing a thriving business in confectionery, and 
 largely supplies the families of the village. 
 There are two tin shops in Waterloo. One in the 
 south end of the village, owned by W. M. Fessenden, 
 was opened in 1873. Hot air furnaces and stove pipes 
 are manufactured here quite extensively, and all the 
 various kinds of tin ware. The one at the lower end 
 of the village, near the foundry, is owned by Wm. 
 Goodwill, who commenced business in Waterloo in 
 1872. He gives employment to two or three men, 
 and manufactures the various articles made of tin, 
 copper or sheet iron. 
 There are three cabinet shops and furniture ware- 
 rooms in the place. H. W. Dawson has been en- 
 gaged in the manufacture of furniture here for some 
 years, and has also kept a good stock on hand. 
 Jos. Lefebvre has recently opened warercoras here, 
 in connection with which J. B. Malboeuf has a 
 cabinet shop. An extensive stock of furniture may 
 constantly be found here. Wm. Jolly is also engaged 
 in the furniture business, and has a supply on hand. 
 A carriage factory, owned by Wallace & Payan, has 
 been doing good business here since 1871. The 
 machinery is propelled by an engine of thirty horse 
 power. They give employment to fifteen men, turning 
 out a goodly number of carriages during the year, 
 which for durability and beauty are acknowledged to 
 be unsurpassed by any in the country ; and in addition 
 to this, the firm is extensively engaged in the manu- 
 facture of sash, doors,blinds, etc., and general job work. 
 Eldridge & Harvey also have machinery in the 
 same establishment for the manufacture of broom 
 handles. They have but recently commenced the- 
 business, but have already received extensive orders. 
 A sash and blind factory owned by Norbert Beaulne 
 is in operation here, and gives employment to several 
 hand^. The machinery of this also is propelled by 
 steam power. 
 J. C. Ellis has been doing an extensive business 
 since 186 1 . He is now assisted by his son, 0. E. Ellis* 
 He owns the saw mill, grist mill and carding mill, at 
 the outlet of the pond, and has recently started a shin- 
 gle machine and box factory. 
 In 1873, the Star Peg Manufacturing Company of 
 Montreal started a branch at Waterloo under the 
 name of the " Star Manufacturing Company of Water- 
 loo.'* They put up a building and placed in it a 
 small engine for the purpose of manufacturing ribbon 
 pegs and shanks. Finding that this building was not 
 large enough, in 187i) they erected a much larger one, 
 purchased nc^y machinery and an engine of forty horse 
 power. At this time, thoy were making pegs, shanks, 
 broom ferrules and bottle tops. In the same year 
 they built a saw mill and fitted it up with a circular 
 saw. This manufactory not only gives employment 
 to many men but also furnishes market for good lum- 
 ber. Birch is used exclusively in the manufacture of 
 shanks, but this must be of the best quality. A half 
 cord of birch is frequently cut into shanks in one day. 
 This Company also manufactures shingles, and intend 
 soon to put in machinery for making lath and clap- 
 J. M. Dubois owns a marble shop in this village and 
 gives employment to several men. His work is ex- 
 ecuted with artistic neatness, and he receives orders 
 from a large section of country for tombstones, monu- 
 ments, sinks, and other articles usually manufactured 
 at shops of this kind. 
 As Waterloo is the business centre of a largo sec- 
 tion of thickly settled country, it is necessarily well 
 supplied with stores. Most of the merchants keep a 
 general stock, in order to supply every want of their 
 customers. Starting at the south end of the town, 
 commonly known as the Station, Eldrid^e & Lynch's 
 large establishment comes first. This firm com- 
 menced business in 1872. They deal most extensively 
 in butter, grain, flour and produce. Near them is 
 the large and neatly arranged store of Elihu D. Law- 
 rence, who keeps a full stock in every department of 
 country trade. Ho started at about the same time that 
 Kldridge & Lynch did. The centre of the village is 
 accommodated by the fancy goods store of J. H. Tou- 
 zin, and the large general store of J. & J. E. Clark. 
 The latter firm has been in business here several 
 years. A. F. Savaria has been a successful merchant 
 in Waterloo for a long time. Ho is also at present 
 a school commissioner, and a director of the Water- 
 loo Boot and Shoe Company. His place of business 
 is near the market. In the new block nearly op- 
 posite his store, Henry A. White has recently 
 opened a drj goods establishment. Next in order 
 is the fancy dry goods and stationery business of 
 A. T. Lawrence, in the Post Office block. Passing 
 the Advent Church on Main Street, the next building 
 is the Gilmour block, in which G. W. Gilmour keeps 
 a general store. In this block also is the bookstore 
 and book-bindery of H. Rose. Standing nearly 
 vis-d-vis on Main street, north side of the bridge, 
 ai'e the two oldest stores in Waterloo, belonging, 
 respectively, to Robinson, Stevens & Willnrd . nd 
 Allen, Taylor &Co. They were both started many 
 years ago, and have kept pace with the progreas of 
 wealth and population in the surrounding country. 
 In 1873, Mrs. D C. Rodden opened a dry goods 
 store between the " old stone store " and the Brooks 
 House, and has succeeded in securing a good trade. 
 There are three drug stores in the place, o^ which 
 G. W. Gilmour, C. Skinner and F. M. Caiponter 
 are the respective proprietors and dispensing drug- 
 gists. In 1874, F. M. Carpenter succeeded L. L. 
 Dutcher & Sons, of St. Albans, Vt., who started a 
 branch here in 1874, and he, already, has an exten- 
 sive wholesale trade. He has had much experience in 
 pharmacy, and is thus prepared to give satisfaction to 
 his many customers. C. Skinner has been engaged in 
 the drug business in Waterloo for some years. He 
 has recently erected a neat building, on Main street, 
 for a drug store, and in it he also has a telegraph 
 oflSce and jeweller's shop. G. W. Gilmour keeps 
 quite a stock of drugs in connection with his dry 
 goods store. 
 There are seven groceries in Waterloo, as follows : — 
 T. 0' Regan, Station; M. Temple, Foster street; R. 
 P. Harvey, Clark's block ; A. Fontaine, Foster street ; 
 Mrs. F. B. Hp/ion, :s>stor street; E. N. Shaw, Main 
 street. The latter gentleman has a jeweller}^ busi- 
 ness in addition to his grocery. Hugh Contois has 
 a grocery and a bakery near the foot of Main street. 
 Waterloo has five hotels. Commencing at the 
 south end of the village the first of these is the Foster 
 House. This is a large and imposing structure kept 
 by C S. Ilnll, and will probably accommmluto tho 
 greatest number of guests of any hotel in tho place. 
 Mr. Hall has made hotel-keeping a specialty for 
 many years, and with much success. The next hotel, 
 as we proceed northward from the Station towards 
 the lower village, is the National Hotel, the proprie- 
 tor of which is J. O. Paquette. Although not as 
 large as some of i,he others, the able manner in which 
 it is conducted by its intelligent and gentlemanly 
 landlord causes it to be well patronized by the public. 
 Farther down the street is the Eastern Townships 
 Hotel, owned by Isidore Beaulne, and the large hotel 
 lately remodelled of T. Legue. At the lower end of the 
 village is the Brooks House, of which L. H. Brooks is 
 proprietor. This is a large brick building, erected in 
 1874, and its imposing front at once attracts the atten- 
 tion of the stranger who visits the place. It is heated 
 by furnaces, and has all the modern improvements of 
 the city hotels. 
 In 1870, a large brick building was erected in the 
 centre of the village, the upper part of which was 
 designed for a town hall and council room and the 
 lower part for a market. Still beneath this in the 
 basement of the building is the dreaded " lock up," 
 which has received many oiienders and which no 
 doubt helps to preserve good order in the commu- 
 nity. The market is opened for the benefit of tho 
 public two di.ys in the week, and, though unlike 
 Bonsecours market in the variety and quantity of its 
 wares, it answers well the purpose of its erection arid 
 is a great convenience to the citizens of Waterloo. 
 The pleasure afforded by the gala days and evening 
 entertainments of Waterloo in often greatly enhanced 
 by the music discoursed by Hubbard's brass band. 
 A band had been in exist nee in the village for 
 several years, but about two years since it was re-or- 
 ganized and now consists of sixteen members. They 
 have devoted much time to practice, and, having 
 received thorough instruction, are prepared to 
 entertain as successfully as any band in the Pro- 
 vince. Since the spring of 1875, H. S. Hubbard, a 
 'oung gentleman of St. Armand, has been their in- 
 structor. Mr. Hubbard early displayed great aptitude 
 for music, and by practice has become so proficient in 
 the art that he is widely known, and has been called 
 to different localities to give instruction. In compli- 
 ment to him the members of the band at Waterloo 
 have called themselves Hubbard's Brass Band. 
 From the Advertiser of June 17, 1870 : — 
 " On Monday, June 13, 1870, Waterloo was honored 
 by a visit from his Eoyal Highness Prince Arthur. 
 The Prince was received at the station by the mayor, 
 G. G. Stevens, Esq., and the warden, A. B. Parmelee, 
 Esq., and was introduced by Hugh Allan, Esq. 
 After the Prince and his suite had been escorted to 
 a platform where addresses were read by the mayor 
 and warden, and replied to by the Prince, the dis- 
 tinguished party crossed the square to the Foster 
 House. This hotel was handsomely decorated v^ith 
 evergreens and its balconies lined with ladies who 
 were awaiting the carriages to convey them through 
 the village. 
 The procession soon formed, W. B. Heath, Esq. 
 master of the ceremonies, on horseback, leading the 
 way; the Prince with Lady Young and the mayor 
 in tho first carriage ; His Excellency the Governor 
 General, Mrs. Worseley, and the warden in the 
 second ; then followed the rest of the suite in car- 
 riages, the village and county councils and a*long 
 string of carriages. The procession move^l down 
 Court street. Across this street, between the Foster 
 House and the brick store, was erected an arch, deco- 
 rated with evergreens,in festoons and wreaths, bearing 
 the inscription " Welcome Arthur" on both sides 
 the whole surmounted with flags, and bearing the 
 Royal Coat of Arms. 
 At B. A. Haskell's, the band and singers, to the 
 number of about 200, played and sang God save the 
 Queen, to the evident satisfaction of H. R. Highness, 
 who repeatedly acknowledged the compliment by bow- 
 ing to the performers. 
 Between the Advent Church and Labonte's store, 
 on Main street, another arch was erected, massive 
 pillars of evergreen formed the sides aod surmounted 
 by flags and wreaths, the beaver, the national emblem 
 of Canada, and bearing the inscriptions on one side 
 " Bienvenue au Prince Arthur^' and on the opposite 
 side " Vive la Reine." 
 Across the bridge was another arch, nicely decor- 
 ated, surmounted with flags, and inscribed on one 
 side, " Long live Prince Arthur " and on the other, 
 Dieu et moti Droit. 
 The procession moved up Ellis street, then along 
 West street and North street to Main street, taking 
 the route back to the station. At Reynolds' hotel the 
 Prince was loudly cheered. 
 The stores and principal places of business dis- 
 played bunting, and were decorated with evergreens. 
 At the old Btone store was displayed a full sized por- 
 trait of the Queen. 
 The procession then passed up Main street and 
 Foster street. Between the Foster house and Hutchins' 
 store, was another arch similar to the one on the 
 opposite side of the Foster house on Court street? 
 and ornamented with flags and a beautiful crown 
 made of evergreens, bearing the inscription on both 
 sides, " God Save the Queen." The procession then 
 broke up on the square, and as His Royal Highness 
 and party moved rapidly out of the village towards 
 Knowlton, the assembled crowd made the welkin ring 
 with cheers, and then quietly disbanded for their 
 A post oflSce was opened in Waterloo in 1836. 
 The locomotive passed over the S. S. & C. Railway 
 from Gran by to Waterloo for the first time on Monday, 
 August 19th, 1861. In the early part of the year 1876, 
 the part of the Northern section of the South Eastern 
 railway between Sutton Junction and Waterloo was 
 completed, and the remaining part between this place 
 and Sorel is now in rapid process of completion. 
 This work accomplished, Waterloo will be in ready 
 communication with all the great commercial marts 
 of the country. Situated in the midst of a rich agri- 
 cultural district, with stores of lumber and minerals 
 adjacent, it requires no prophetic vision to see that 
 Waterloo, at no distant day, will vie in wealth and 
 population with the cities of the Province. 
 A stranger visiting Waterloo is struck by the air of 
 cJty-like elegance and substantiality of several of its 
 public and private buildings. Of the former Clark's 
 Block, Stevens' Block and Gilmours' Block deserve to 
 be mentioned; of the latter we notice the residences 
 of W. G. Parmelee, Dr. Jameson, J. P. Leonard, J. P. 
 Noyes, G. G. Eldridge and A. B. Parmelee, besides 
 that of Hon. A. B. Foster which has already been men- 
 For a time the growth of the village seemed to be 
 confined to the Southern section, but at present it is 
 enlarging in all its borders. In 1874, C. Deragon made 
 quite an addition to i^s tenement houses by the erec- 
 tion of several buildings. 
 The people of Waterloo are pre-eminently social — 
 a feature in their character developed, no doubt, in a 
 great measure from the isolated position of the place. 
 Distant from the large towns and cities of the Province 
 its inhabitants have felt the necessity of relying upon 
 their own efforts — hence, musical, dramatic and liter- 
 ary entertainments are of frequent occurrence, and are 
 conducted with such skill and taste that the stranger is 
 convinced the performers are no novices in the work. 
 Morally, Waterloo may not have reached the strict 
 standard set up in the early Puritan days of Now 
 England, yet, it will compare favorably in point of 
 morals with any village of its size in the Dominion. 
 For the following history of the village council 
 we are indebted to the politeness of O. B. Kemp, 
 ISsq. :— 
 First general session of village council, 24th Januarr, 1867. 
 Members. — Hon. A. B. Foster, G. G. Stevens, H. L. Robinson, 
 G. H. Allen, Noel V. D. Labonte, Augiiste Hel>ert and Spencer 
 Shaw. Hon. A. B. Foster elected mayor ; J. P. Noyes elected 
 Session, 24th January, 1868. Members. — Hon. A. B. Foster, R. 
 A. Ellis, Charles Allen, Spencer Shaw, N. V. D. Labonte and A. 
 Hebert. R. A. Ellis elected mayor. 
 3rd election, January, 1870. 
 Members. — G. G. Stevens, N. V. D. Labonte, Joseph Leblanc, B. 
 Slack, D. Frost, jun., Hon. A. B. Foster, J. B. Lay. 
 1st Session. — G. G. Stevens, elected mayor, 14tb February, 1870^ 
 13tb June, 1870. — An address was presented to His Royal High- 
 ness Prince Arthur, upon his visit to Waterloo, by the Mayor : — 
 May it plbasb Tour Royal Highness. 
 On behalf of the Municipal Council and the citizens of 
 Waterloo, I desire to express the gratification we feel on this occa- 
 sion, and to cordially welcome you to the Eastern Townships. 
 Your visit is so unexpected that we are unable to honor you with 
 a more attractive reception, but we feel assured that, in the noble 
 and romantic ^scenery of this part of the country, you will find 
 more delight than in any grand ceremonial our limited oppor- 
 tunities could devise in your honor. In the Eastern Townships 
 of this Province, Your Royal Highness will find a loyal and 
 patriotic people, earnest in their attachment to, and veneration 
 for, your gracious mother, Her Majesty Queen Victoria. In other 
 times, the people of this section have more than once displayed 
 their fidelity to Her Majesty's Government, and it is with profound 
 gratification that we know that Your Royal Highness, as a partici- 
 pant in the late movements to repel the Fenian invasion of our 
 Province, h&s had an opportunity to witness the gallantry of 
 Eastern Townships men in defending their country, and in evin- 
 cing their stem loyalty to a throne that they revere. 
 We are not prone to vaunt our loyalty, but prefer rather to 
 express it by action. We trust that Your Royal Highness will be 
 pleased to convey to Her Majesty the Queen the expression of our 
 deep-seated attachment for Her, and that the prayer of our people 
 is, that Her Majesty may long be spared to rule over a united and 
 prosperous country. We earnestly hope that Your Royal High- 
 ness' sojourn here will be pleasant, and that the recollections of 
 the Eastern Townships "v.'ill not be among the least agreeable of 
 those you will carry back with you, of the country which is proud 
 to honor the son of so good a sovereign. 
 To which His Royal Highness made the following 
 reply : — 
 OF WATER! '^'\ 
 Gkntlbmen, — Pray accept my sincere thanks for your loyal 
 address, which, I am pleased to find, gives utterance to sentiments 
 so fully in accordance with my own views. Let me assure you that 
 it is not the splendor of the ceremonial which I value, but rather 
 the truly loyal and h^rty spirit with which the welcome is given; 
 and my reception here this day shows clearly how strong that 
 spirit is here. I am well aware that your's are not idle words, but 
 that you are, and ever have been, ready to prove yourselves staunch 
 adherents to your Sovereign, and the presence of those gallant men, 
 soldier-comrades, lately met at the frontier, shews me that you 
 are able as well as willing. 
 Should circumstances ever .require it, which, however, God for- 
 bid I proud would I be to lead on men like you in the defence of 
 country and their Queen." 
 (Signed,) " ARTHUR." 
 Election, 8th January, 1872. 
 Members elected. — Orrin R. Foss, Hon. A. B. Foster, N. V. D. 
 Labont^, G G. Stevens, A. Herbert, E. Slack, David Frost, jun. 
 Session, 12th February, 1872. — G. G. Stevens, Esq., re-elected 
 Election, 15th January, 1873. 
 G. G. Stevens and A. Herbert, re-elected. 
 First Session, 10th February, 1873, G. G. Stevens, Esq., re-elected 
 Election, 11th January, 1875. 
 N. V. D. Labonte, Edward Slack, and George H. Allen. (La- 
 bonte and Slack re-elected.) 
 First Session, 8th February, 1875.— G.G.Slevens, Esq., re-elected 
 mayor. 8th March, 1875, John R. Clark was elected by Council 
 to fill the vacancy caused by the absence of Hon. A. B. Foster over 
 three months. 
 Election, 10th January, 1876. 
 G. G. Stevens and Clovis Deragon elected. 
 First Session, 14th February, 1876.— George H. Allen elected 
 Preaent composition of tlie Board. 
 Mayor— George H. Allen. Councillors— E. Slack, N. V. D 
 Labonte, David Frost, jun., J. R. Clark, G. G. Stevens, 0. De- 
 18fl7 $255,456 
 1809 276,660 
 1872 305,643 
 1875 505,425 
 Tills village is locatod nbout two miles noi-th of 
 John Mock, one of the Associates o.'^Shefford, settled 
 here and built mills in 1795. As has already been- 
 stated, he afterwards sold his land and mills to Riifus 
 Whitcomb. This projDerty passed through several 
 hands previous to 1848, when it was purchased by 
 Col. P. H. Knowlton, Hiram Foster and Mark Whit- 
 comb. These men at once built new mills here, thus 
 increasing business and attracting settlers. From 
 this time until the establishment of the post office in 
 1858, with the name of Warden, the place was called 
 Knowlton's Falls, Salvin Richardson was thu first 
 postmaster, and was succeeded in this office by his 
 son, L. E. Richardson. The latter also has a store 
 here, and is one of the influential citizens of the 
 Selby Lee built a tannery here about 1850. This 
 was purchased in 1872 by the Shaw Company, men- 
 tioned in the history of Waterloo, who enlarged it 
 and placed in it an engine of thirty horse-power. 
 At present this tannery employs fifteen men, con- 
 sumes three thousand cords of bark annually, and 
 tans two hundred an<i twenty-five tons of leather. 
 A iMothodist church was erected here in 1861. 
 In 1875 a neat and commodious model school 
 building was erected. Besides the store of Mr- 
 Richardson, Warden has a grocery owned by — Paig- 
 non. It also has a few mechanic shops, and two 
 hotels owned respectively by Michael Harper and J. 
 I if 
 John Savage, a V. E. Loyalist, came to Shefford 
 about the year 1800, from Caldwell's Manor, and 
 settled at Shefford Mountain, on the lot now occupied 
 by John Copeland. He had served as a soldier in the 
 British army in the war of 1812. He was taken 
 prisoner at Philipsburg during the war, and, after 
 being confined in Burlington for some time, was 
 liberated. He returned to Canada where he remained 
 until his death, in 1856. He had nine children, several 
 of whom still remain in the township. One of his 
 sons, Benjamin K. Savage, born here, became an 
 honored and influential man in the town. 
 During the rebellion of ISST-'SS, this son, Capt. 
 Savage raised a company of volunteers, and was 
 in such active service as was required at that time. 
 He was promoted to the rank of Lieut.-Col., and 
 sundry commissions of different Governor-Generals 
 testify to the high consideration in which his ability 
 and loyalty were held by the Executive Govern- 
 ment. Early in life Col. Savage engaged in mer- 
 cantile pursuits at Saxby's Corners, amassing a 
 considerable fortune. He took an active interest in 
 the township and county, and was a member for 
 many years of the township and county councib 
 He was a warm advocate of the Stan stead, Shefford 
 and Chambly Eailway, and aided much in its con- 
 struction ; and was also one of the directors. He 
 was- one of the earliest promoters of the Eastern 
 Townships Bank, and one of the directors till his 
 removal Wett He was frequently solicited to pre- 
 sent himself as a candidate for Parliamentary honors, 
 but he persistently declined. He was faithful to any 
 trust imposed on him, and his removal to Illinois, 
 in 1862, was much regretted. He died at Foreston, 
 111., Nov. 20th, at the ripe age of seventy-two. Take 
 him all in all he was a noble,true man, and his death 
 is mourned by a large circle of friends. 
 S. N. Bhckwood has lived in Sheft'ord for thirty- 
 five years. He was born in Montreal. Commencing 
 the business of life with only the capital of a clear 
 head and willing hands, his success has been eminent. 
 For some years after coming to Shefford he was his 
 own shoemaker, harnessmaker, general mechanic and 
 farmer. Now a fine farm of over two hundred acres^ 
 with farm buildings to correspond, evidences his 
 buccess in the last pursuit. For twenty yearw he has 
 been president of the Agricultural Society of Shef- 
 ford, and also succeeded Judge Dunkin as member of 
 the Agricultural Council for the District of Bedford. 
 He has been a commissioner of the Commissioners 
 Court for twenty -four years, and municipal councillor 
 for several years. Mr. Blackwood, though Canadian 
 by birth, is c^ Scotch descent, with all the distin- 
 guishing characteristics of the sons of the land o' hea- 
 ther: stern, upright, thrifty, benevolent, and, withal, 
 a man of no ordinary judgment and ability. 
 Wni, Saxby, now one of the most influential men 
 hero, and from whom tho place gets the name of 
 Sax by 's Cornern, has resided here several years, as 
 merchant and postmaster. He has been municipal 
 councillor, and now holds the office of mayor of Shef- 
 In 1852 the post office was established here, Daniel 
 E. Savage being the first postmaster. The office 
 took the name of Shefford Mountain. 
 Dr. Washburn, who is mentioned in the history of 
 Frost Village, once met with an adventure near this 
 place. Riding along on horseback he discovered a 
 bear, with one or two cubs, crossing the road before 
 him. Dismounting, he followed Mistress Bruin over 
 a brush fence, somewhat in bravado, intending to 
 frighten her, and perhaps seize one of her cubs, wh'ch 
 were quite small. The bear, however, squared round 
 to him as soon as he had crossed the fejice, and, as 
 he had no weapon save the slender switch he used for 
 a riding-whip, he found his situation not altogether 
 pleasant. Fearing to retreat, he boldly walked up to 
 the bear sitting on her haunches, and lustily laid his 
 switch over her head. The bear snarled, growled, 
 and tried to fend off his blows for a few moments, 
 and then, much to her assailant's comfort, turned and 
 ran away. 
 John Savage, jun., son of Cajit. John Savage, the 
 firwt settler at West Shefford, was the first who took 
 up his abode in this part of the township. He cut 
 his way through the forest from West Shefford, and 
 settled here in 1796. He took up a lot, nowjowned 
 and occupied by the widow of his late son, Ch^^'les 
 Savage, He built. a sawmill here about the year 0, 
 and some years subsequently his son, Abram, bunt a 
 grist mill. Since that period the place has been 
 known as Savage's Mills. In 1875, several lots were 
 taken from this part of Shefford and united with lots 
 from aJjacent townships to form the parish of Ste. 
 In the early history of Shefford two companies of 
 militia were organized and were commanded respec- 
 tively by Capt, Henry PQwers and Capt. John Savage. 
 At the commencement of the rebellion of 1837-38 
 two companies of volunteers were formed, and those 
 were commanded by Capt. Mark Whitcomb and Capt. 
 Abram Allen. A company of cavalry was also organ- 
 ized at the same time. In 1862, two companiijs of 
 voluntoerH wore also formed, and thefio were com- 
 manded respectively by Oapt. Zona« Koynoldn and 
 Capt. Charles Maynos. On the death of Cupt. Rey- 
 nolds H. L. Robinson took his place as Captain, by 
 request of the Company. On his resignation F. E. 
 FourUrinier took the captaincy,and he being promoted 
 not long afterwards was succeeded by George Cfxld, 
 who is still captain of this company. Capt. Charles 
 Maynes died, and was succeeded in the command of 
 his company by his brother, Jlfmes Mayties, who still 
 retains the position. In 1864, another company was 
 organized, of which J. H. Leonard became captain, 
 but, resigning soon, L. H. Brooks t(jok his place. In 
 1865, a volunteer company was organized at West 
 Shefford, commanded by Capt. W. Wood. In 1864, a 
 prize offered by Government to the volunteers in the 
 district of Montreal for pr tciency in drill, was won 
 by the company of Capt. Reynolds, and that of Capt. 
 Maynes, at the same time, received lionorable men- 
 tioj^ for their good drill. 
 The surface of Shefford is somewhat broken, though 
 very little of it is so rough as to render it unfit for 
 agricultural purposes. The only mountain is in the 
 western part of the township. 
 The number of elemental y schools in Shefford is 
 The following history of the Township and County 
 Councils has been prepared by O. B. Kemp, Esq. : — 
 Formation of Township Council of Shefford, July, 1855. 
 Members. — Jr..nes Thompson, Jonathan Robinson, Mark 
 Whitcomb, Simeon Martin, James Hays, John Booth and 
 Lucius S. Huntington. 
 First Session held Waterloo, 13th July, 1875.— A. B. Par- 
 melee, Esq., appointed secretary-treasurer. Jonathan 
 Robinson, miayor. 
 January 2nd, 1856, James Thompson was replaced by 
 appointment of Col. Benj. Savage. 
 April 6th, 1857, a By-Law wps passed taking £14375 
 stock Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railway. 
 November 2nd, 1857, Council tendered two sites for 
 Court House, and a third site was recommended. 
 2nd General Election held in January, 1859. 
 Members. — Jonathan Robinson, John Booth, Duke 
 Roberts, Silas Geer, Hugh McClintock, Benjamin Savage 
 and Lucius S. Huntington. 
 First General Session, 1st February, 1858, James Miller 
 appointed secretary-treasurer. J. Robinson re-elected 
 Session July 5th, 1858, sites tendered for Court House 
 were withdrawn and another site, to wit, one half acre north 
 of the residence of George Robinson, on Lot 21, in 4th 
 Range tendered. 
 December 6th, 1858, James Miller resigned, and John B. 
 Lay, Esq., was appointed secretary-treasurer. 
 3rd General Election of CounciUors, 9th Januarv, 1860. 
 Members. — A. B. Parmelee, S. N. Blackwood, "Charles 
 Allen, James Miller, Duke Roberts, Jesse S. Martin and 
 Jedediah C. Spencer. 
 First Session, 3rd Council, 16th January, 1860. — A. B. 
 Parmelee elected mayor. J. B. Lay resigned, and L. S. 
 Huntington appointed secretary-treasurer. 
 15th November, 1860j L. S. Huntington resigned, and 
 J. B. Lay appointed secretary-treasurer. 
 4th General Election of Councillors, 12th January, 1862. 
 A. B. Parmelee, J. S. Martin, W. 0. Lawrence, Alfred F. 
 Lay, John N. Mills, John Clary and Edward Perras. 
 First Session, 4th February, 1862. — A. B. Parmelee re- 
 elected mayor. 
 5th General Election, 11th January, 1864. 
 A. B. Parmelee, G. G. Stevens, Jesse S. Martin, John 
 Clary, Hugh McClintock, Samuel N. Blackwood and Moise 
 First Session, 1st February, 1864. — A. B. Parmelee, re- 
 elected mayor. 4th March, 1865, J. B. Lay resigned. 
 John P. Noyes appointed secretary-treasurer. 
 October 1st, 1866. — Resolution of sympathy was passed 
 to family of J. S. Martin, and same Session William V/il- 
 Uiams was appointed to the Council to succeed Martin. 
 At a General Monthly Session, 7th January, 1867, Syl- 
 vester S. Martin was appointed councillor in room and 
 place of G. G. Stevens, who became incapacitated from 
 acting in consequence of his residing in the Corporation 
 of the Village of Waterloo. At same Session, A. B. Parme- 
 lee re-elected mayor; that, although he lived within Cor- 
 poration of Waterloo, he owned land in the Towa^hip. 
 Township divided into two Electoral sub-divisions 4th 
 February, 1867. 
 7th Election, February 3rd, 18Y8. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Hugh McCUntock, S. N. Blackwood, 
 Fl&vien Cote, S. S. Martin, W. W. Williams and John N. 
 Session, 3rd February, 1868. — A. B. Parmelee elected 
 8th Election, 10th January, 1870. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Hugh McClintock, S. S. Martin, Dennis 
 M. Savage, Flavien Cute, John Williams, and George Tait. 
 A. B Parmelee re-elected mayor, 7th February, 1870. By- 
 Law passed taking stock in the Richelieu, Drummond and 
 Arthabaska Railway, $50,000, 6th February, 1871 : recon- 
 sidered 6th M,arch, 1 87 1 ; approved by electors, 4th April, 
 1871 J ratified by Council, Ist May, 1871. 
 9th Election, 8th January, 1872. 
 A. B. Parmelee and George Tait elected by acclamation, 
 and Francis Fortin, Dennis M. Savage, William Saxby, Fla- 
 vien Cote and Sylvester S. Martin by greatest number of 
 votes. 5th February, 1872, A. B. Parmelee re-elected mayor. 
 Meeting of Electors held 12th January, 1874, for election 
 of two Councillors, at which meeting George Savage and 
 William Pearson were elected, replacing Francis Fortin 
 and Dennis M. Savage. 
 2i\d February, 1874. — S. S. Martin appointed mayor. 
 16th June, 1874. — A. B. Parmelee resigned and Philo A. 
 Curtis appointed by Council to till vacancy. A vote of 
 thanks was passed to A. B. Parmelee upon his resignation 
 for the services rendered by him during the many years 
 he had filled the ofiBces of secretary-treasurer and mayor 
 of said Township. 
 General Public Meeting for Elections of Councillors, 1 1 th 
 January, 1875 — S. S. Martin, William Saxby and Flavien 
 Cote re-elected. 
 First Session, 1st February, 1875. — S. S. Martin re-elect- 
 ed mayor. 
 March 1st. — 0. B. Kemp appointed assistant secretary- 
 treasurer. 8. S. Goddard appointed 5th April by Council 
 to fid vacancy occasioned by disqualification of George 
 Savage, whose domicile is in the Parish of St. Pudentienne, 
 which was organized in January, 1875. 
 General Election, 11th January, 1876. 
 George Tait re-elected by acclamation — after contest. 
 Philo A. Curtis re-elected. 
 First General Session. — William Saxby elected mayor. 
 Composition of Present Council. 
 Mayor — William Saxby. Councillors — S. S. Martin, Wil- 
 liam Pearson, George Tait, Philo A. Curtis, S. S. Goddard, 
 Flavien Cote. 
 1855 $392,805.00 
 1858 555,035.00 
 1860 524,674.00 
 1864 672,618.00 
 1865 521,268.00 
 1866 773,452.00 
 1867 631,682.00 
 1869 565,487.00 
 1872 680,905.00 
 1875 *714,508.00 
 Ist General quarterly session of County Council of the 
 County of Shefford, held 11th Sept., 1855. 
 Jonathan Robinson, Mayor of Shefford. 
 Washington Frost, " Granby. 
 Asaph A. Kiiowlton, " South Stukely. 
 Michel A. Bessette, '' North Stukely. 
 Flavien R. Blanchard, " Ely. 
 John S. Cummi) s, " Roxton. 
 Pierre H. Guyon, " Milton. 
 Jonathan Robinson elected warden, and A. B. Parmelee, 
 secretary-treasurer ; delegates, Knowlton and Bessette. 
 Session 12th March, 1856, resolution passed to build a 
 registry office; site accepted from Charles Allen, Esq. 
 Building accepted September 10th, 1 856. Quarterly ses- 
 sion, March 11th, 1857. Hyzien Dubrule replaced Cum- 
 mins, Roxton. A report was received from the Township 
 * After deducting 40 lots taken ttom the Township in forming tho 
 Parish of Sto rudoutienue. 
 Council of iShefford that the amount required to be paid 
 by Sheflford towards county buildings had been subscribed. 
 Waterloo fixed as the chef-lieu of the county, and sec- 
 retary-treasurer ordered to petition the Governor General 
 to approve of the village of Waterloo as the chef-lieu of 
 the county at which the Circuit Court should be held. 
 MEMBERS, 1858. 
 J. Robinson, Mayor of Shefford. 
 Washington Frost, " Granby. 
 Thomas Hacket, 
 G. G. Stevens, 
 F. R. Blanchard, 
 M. A. Bessette, 
 Thomas Rooney, 
 North Stukely. 
 South Stukely. 
 J Robinson re-elected warden, Stevens and Blanchard, 
 county delegates. 
 Members 1859 same as above, and Patrick Hackett, 
 mayor village of Granby. March 9th, 1859, warden author- 
 ized to receive deed of land oflfered by Township Coun- 
 cil for site of County Court House. 
 June 8i,h, 1859. — Plan of County Court House accepted, 
 and secretary-treasurer ordered to ad\ ertise for tenders. 
 By-law passed taking 1150 shares in capital stock of 
 Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railway. Quarterly 
 session July 26th, 1859. — Members as above, Harrison L. 
 Knowlton replaces Thomas Rooney, South Stukely 
 Tenders for building Court House by H. D. Jordan andA.* 
 F. Lay for $2,664 accei)ted,and secr^^tary-treasurer ordered 
 to give notice of meeting of electoi , of county to £.pprove 
 or disapprove taking stock in the Stanstead, Shefford and 
 Chambly Railway for 22 August, 1859. By-law confirmed 
 by electors, and by-law ratified by Council, August 30th, 
 General quarterly session, March 14th, 1860. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Mayor of Shefford. 
 Jacob Shepherd, 
 M. A. Bessette, 
 F. C. Gilmour, 
 John Wood, 
 F. R. Blanchard, 
 Marcus Dougherty, 
 Thomas Hackett, 
 South Stukely. 
 North Stukely. 
 Village of Granby. 
 ! I 
 A. B. Parmelee elected warden, and V. Nutting appoint- 
 ed secretary-treasurer. 
 MEMBERS, 1862. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Mayor of Shefford. 
 North Stukely. 
 M. A. Bessette, 
 F. R. Blanchard 
 Hyacinthe Dubrule, 
 Charles Brin, 
 JameT Horner, 
 Robert Cunningham 
 Amasa E. Knowlton, " 
 Village of Granby. 
 South Stukely. 
 A. B. Parmelee, re-elected warden. 
 Nutting, Esq., resigned, and M. Boyce appointed 
 secretary-treasurer ; delegates, Bessette and Blanchard. 
 MEMBERS, 1863. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Mayor of Sheflford 
 M. A. Bessette, " 
 F. R. Blanchard, " 
 Amasa E. Knowlton, '' 
 Robt. Cunningham, 
 James Horner, 
 John Wood, 
 Hyacinthe Dubrule, " 
 January, 1864, Township 
 Municipal purposes. 
 N. Stukely. 
 Soutl. Stukely. 
 Village of Granby. 
 Roxton Falls. 
 of Ely was divided for 
 MEMBERS, 1864. 
 A. B. Parmelee, 
 Charles Brin, 
 Charles Chaput, 
 Narcisse Trudeau, 
 John Wood, 
 Robert Cunningham, 
 E. Bradford, 
 Pierre Gendreau, 
 Joseph Smith, ♦ 
 A. B. Parmelee re-elected 
 Mayor of Sheflford. 
 St. Cecile de Milton. 
 St. Valerien de Milton 
 Village Roxton Falls. 
 Village of Granby. 
 North Ely. 
 County delegates — ^Trudeau and Chaput. 
 June Session. — Resolved that County Council Meetings 
 in future be held in lower part of Court House. 
 A petition was presented by R. A. Ellis, Esq., and others, 
 praying for the erection of a certain tract of land in the 
 Township of Shefford into a village municipality, and was 
 referred to M. Mitchel, Esq., provincial land surveyor, as 
 special superintendent. 
 General Quarterly Session, 4th September, 1864. 
 M. Mitchel reported in favor of the erection of the Vil- 
 lage of Waterloo into a separate municipality, which was 
 duly homologated. 
 MEMBERS, 1865. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Mayor of Shefford. 
 M. A. Bessette, 
 North Stukely. 
 Charles Brin, 
 Charles Chaput, 
 St. Valerien. 
 N. Trudeau, 
 John Wood, 
 Roxton Falls. 
 Robt. Cunningham, " 
 A. Dubrule, 
 Joseph Smith, 
 North Ely. 
 W. W. Willard, 
 South Stukely. 
 E. Bradford, 
 Village of Granby, 
 A. B. Parmelee, 
 Mayor of Sheflford. 
 W. W. Willard, 
 South Stukely. 
 M. A. Bessette, 
 North Stukely. 
 Joseph Roussin, 
 South Ely. 
 N. Trudeau, 
 P. H. Guyou, 
 St. Cecile. 
 R. Cunningham, 
 J. G. Cowie, 
 Village of Granby, 
 Joseph Perreault, 
 St. Valerien. 
 John Wood, 
 Roxton Falls. 
 Joseph Smith, 
 North Ely. 
 A. B. Parmelee re-elected warden. 
 County delegates — Warden, J. G. Cowie and M. A. Bes- 
 January 20th. — M. Boyce resigned, and Thomas Brassard, 
 Esq., appointed secretary-treasurer. 
 MEMBERS, 1867. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Mayor of Shefford. 
 Hon. A. B. Foster, 
 W. W. Willard, " 
 M. A. Bessette, 
 Joseph Roussin, 
 John Wood; 
 F. F. Legendre, 
 South Stukely. 
 North Stukely. 
 South Ely. 
 Roxton Falls. 
 St. Cecile de Milton. 
 J. G. Cowie, . Mayor of Village of Granby. 
 R. Cunningham, " Granby. 
 Joseph Smith, " North Ely. 
 Joseph Perreault, " St. Valerien. 
 Narcisse Trudeau, " Roxton. 
 A. B. Parmelee re-elected warden. 
 County delegates — Warden, Cowie and Bessette. 
 MEMBERS, 1868. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Mayor of Shefford. 
 R. A. Ellis, " Waterloo. 
 W. W. Willard, 
 South Stukely. 
 M. A. Bessette, 
 North Stukely. 
 John Wood, 
 Roxton Falls. 
 Narcisse Trudeau, 
 F. H. Ayet, 
 St. Valerien. 
 Andrew Kay, 
 J. G. Cowie, 
 Village of Granby. 
 Joseph Smith, 
 North Ely. 
 Joseph Roussin, 
 Antoine Cote, 
 St. Cecile. 
 A. B. Parmelee re-elected warden. 
 County delegates — Warden, Cowie and Cote. 
 MEMBERS, 1869. 
 A. B. Parmelee, 
 W. W. Willard, 
 A. Cote, 
 Andrew Kay, 
 J. G. Cowie, 
 R. A. Ellis, 
 M. A. Bessette, 
 John Wood, 
 N. Trudeau, 
 F. H. Ayet, 
 James Smith, 
 Joseph Roussin, 
 Mayor of Shefford. 
 South Stukely. 
 St. Cecile. 
 Village of Granby. 
 North Stukely. 
 Roxton Falls. 
 St. Valerien. 
 iNorth Ely. 
 MEMBERS, 1870. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Mayor 
 G. G. Stevens, '<■ 
 Benj. M. Martin, 
 M. A. Bessette, 
 Warren A. Lay, 
 Wm. L. Davidson, 
 Narcisse Trudeau, 
 of Shefford. 
 South Stukely. 
 North Stukely. 
 South Ely. 
 North Ely. 
 John "Wood, Mayor of Roxton Falls. 
 F. H. Ayet, 
 Theophile Brunelle, " 
 Andrew Kay, " 
 J. G. Cowie, " 
 St. Valerien. 
 St. Cecile. 
 Village of Gra'fiby. 
 A. B. Parmelee re-electod warden 
 County delegates — Warden, Trudeau and Cowie. 
 Quarterly Session, 8th June, 1870. — An address was pre- 
 sented by County Council to his Royal Highness Prince 
 Arthur, tendering him a welcome upon his arrival in the 
 Eastern Townships. 
 MEMBERS, 1871. 
 A. B. Parmelee, 
 G. G. Stevens, 
 B. M. Martin, 
 M. A. Bessette, 
 W. A. Lay, 
 W. L. Davidson, 
 iN". Trudeau, 
 John Wood, 
 F. H. Ayet, 
 F. Brunelle, 
 A. Kay, 
 J. G. Cowie, 
 Mayor of Shefford. 
 South Stukely. 
 North Stukely. 
 South Ely, 
 North Ely. 
 Roxton Falls. 
 St. Valerien. 
 St. Ceoilo. 
 Village of Granby. 
 MEMBERS, 1872. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Mayor of Sheflford. 
 G. G. Stevens, 
 R. Peters, 
 J. B. St. Pierre, 
 N. Trudeau, 
 Fred. D. Pariseau, 
 Andrew Kay, 
 James Irwin, 
 Joseph Robin, 
 W. L. Davidson, 
 John Wood, 
 F. H. Ayet, 
 South Stukely. 
 North Stukely. 
 St. Cecile. 
 Village of Granby. 
 North Ely. 
 Roxton Falls. 
 St„ Valerien. 
 A. B. Parmelee re-elected warden. 
 County delegates — Stevens, Trudeau and the warden. 
 • Lay replaced by 0. Gendreau. 
1 1 
 ! I 
 j : 
 MEMBERS, 1873. 
 A. B. Parmelee, Mayor of Shefford. 
 G. G. Stevens, 
 R. Peters, 
 South Stukely. 
 J. B. St. Pierre, 
 North Stukely. 
 J. Robin, 
 N. Trudeau, 
 John Wood, 
 Roxton Falls. 
 Andrew Kay, 
 S. H. C. Miner. 
 Thomas Cassidy, 
 Village of Granby. 
 North Ely. 
 Damase Langevin, 
 St. Cecile. 
 F. H. Ayet, 
 St. Valerien. 
 A. B. Parmelee re-elected warden. 
 County delegates — Warden, Stevens and Trudeau. 
 MEMBERS, 1874. 
 G. G. Stevens, Mayor of Waterloo. 
 S. S. Martin, 
 M. R. Knowlton, 
 Chas. Willard, 
 Andrew Kay, 
 S. H. C. Miner, 
 J. B. St. Pierre, 
 Joseph Robin, 
 W. L. Davidson, 
 John Wood, 
 N. Trudeau, 
 F. H. Ayet, 
 South Stukely. 
 St. Cecile. 
 Village of Granby. 
 North Stukely. 
 North Ely. 
 Roxton Falls. 
 St. Valerien. 
 G. G. Stevens, Esq., elected warden. 
 County delegates — Warden, Kay and Trudeau. 
 A vote of thanks was passed unanimously to A. B. Par- 
 melee, Esq., upon his retirement, for the able and impar- 
 tial and straightforward manner in which he has conducted 
 the affairs of the Municipality during the long period 
 fourteen years) he has filled the office of warden of this 
 MEMBERS, 1875. 
 G. G. Stevens, 
 S. S. Martin, 
 R. Peters, 
 Dr. J. Fregeau, 
 W. L. Davidson, 
 Benj. Truax, 
 Mayor of Waterloo. 
 " Shefford. 
 « South Stukely. 
 " North Stukely. 
 " North Ely. 
 " South Ely. 
 Eoxton Falls. 
 St. Valerien. 
 St. Cecile. 
 Village of Granby. 
 W. Trudeau, Mayor of 
 John Wood, " 
 F. H. Ayet, " 
 Hyacinthe Lecours, " 
 A. Kay, 
 S. H. C. Miner, . .„„g,^ „. v. 
 G. G. Stevens, Esq., re-elected warden. 
 County delegates— Warden, Kay and Trudeau. 0. B. 
 Kemp appointed assistant secretary-treasurer of County 
 Council, Parish of Ste.Pudentienne, organized 1875, taking 
 part from North West corner of Shefford. 
 MEMBERS, 1876. 
 Mayor of Waterloo. 
 Eoxton Falls. 
 North Ely. 
 Eoxton Falls. 
 G. H. Allen, 
 Wm. Saxby, 
 John Wood, 
 A. Kay 
 W. L. Davidson, 
 John Wood, 
 E. Peters, 
 Benj. Truax, 
 N. Trudeau, 
 Magloire Fregeau, 
 Jeremie Bachand, 
 S. H. C. Miner, 
 Cleophas Leclerc, 
 John Wood electe 
 South Stukely. 
 Ste. Valerien. 
 Ste. Pudentienne. 
 Village of Granby. 
 St. Cecile. 
 County delegates— Warden, Kay and Trudeau. 
 WA TEML OO , p. Q, 
 J. P. NOYES. 
 D. DARBY, B.C.L.. 
 P. Q. 
 i. D. iJiii©, 
 P. Q. 
■ I 
 Official A£si£nccs fcr the District of Bedford, Ccmmissicners 
 of the Superior Court, 
 Agents for the Loan of Moneys and General Agencies- 
p. Q. 
 Stationer 8c Bookseller, 
 Fine Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Fancy Requi- 
 sites and 
 i^'^iwcir Goons, 
 In general. 
 Always on hand a good stock of Books, 
 By Standard Authors. 
 ^fnll line of Stationery and ^lanh^oohs, 
 in the Eastern Townships. All sliades of Berlin Wool 
 usually in stock. 
 Full Lines of Slipper, Stool, Bracket, Pincushion 
 and various other Patterns. 
 Orders received for Books or other Goods in my line not in 
 Stock will be procured at earliest convenience, with no extra 
 cliarge. Orders taken for periodicals at publishers' rates 
 A. HEBERTf*'' 
 WATERLOO, . . P.Q. 
 Wholesctle and detail druggist, 
 Dawson's Block, near tbe Brooks House, 
 WATERLOO, - - - - P. <?., 
 A Large Stock op 
 Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye StiifTt^, 
 Oils, Perfumery, Druggists' 
 Sundries and 
 Manufacturer and Proprietor of Carpenter's 
 German Cologne, 
 The most fragrant and lasting perfume in the world. Two sizes. 
 Price 25 cents and $1.00. 
 Carpenter's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, 
 An invaluable remedy in Dyspepsia and Sluggish digestion. 
 Price 25 cents. 
 Carpenter's Blood Renovator, 
 For all diseases of the blood. Price $1.00 per Bottle. 
 Sole Agency for the Dominion for L. L. Dutcher & 
 Sons' Proprietary Medicines. 
 J. M. DUBOIS," 
 Monuments, ^Grave- Stones, TMets, 
 MANTLE PIECES, &c, &c, 
 tSfQ^Ordera by Mail Promptly attended to .^^fgf 
 wo sizes. 
 tcher & 
 Manufacturers of Crackers, Tasbnj, 
 Breads and dealers in Choice 
 Brands of 
 Flour and Confectionery, 
 Wholesale and Retail. 
 WATERLOO, . . . P. Q. 
 •fa \i, 
 — »- *m* *— 
 The Lost of PIJOTOGRAPflS finished in ImIcsI shies. Al s 
 A Collection of Chromo??, Steel Engravings, Frames, &c., 
 Always on hand. 
 Bailiff of the Superic;- Court. 
 M©©a®©€ 4ia©tlo;.|ie!>©r, 
 WATERLOO, . . p. Q, 
 ii I!! ' 
 Fancy Store and Barber Shop, 
 Gents' Furnishing Department 
 Always on band. 
 ' Barber Slion kept in first-class style. Only ccmpetent men 
 employeu, and satisfaction guaranteed. A full Stock of 
 Jewellery and Watches, Cigars and 
 Tobaccos of eveJ^y Brand. 
 Oyster Saloon refitted with all the 
 latest conveniences. 
 WATERLOO, P. Q., Dec. 1st, 187G. 
 ^kUikm k PA¥AN. 
 lu addition to all descriptions of CARRIAGKS, tliis tirm is exti'n- 
 sivoly employed in the Manufacture of 
 Sashes. Ooors and Blinds 
 Employs about Twenty Hands. 
i.<. .*»-!*s^i<4,!^(ai„;<^»*B. 
 Jtcnt men 
 ")ck of 
 11 the 
 mx\%% 'SM^ 
 m MM^^i 
 -' ^^^ w 
 In all its branches executed in first-class style and at moderat-: 
 (PiotzLTcs FraiTusd to oTdei\ 
 A stock of 
 mw%n mat 
 % ^ 
 Constantly on hand. 
 I havo on hand all the negatives taken in this place hy 
 E. B. HODGE ; Also all those taken in this pl;,ce 
 5"ince he went away. Orders on any of th(Mn 
 will receive prompt attention. 
 Also AgL at for the Celebrated 
 Elias lowe Sewing MaGbines. 
 jMain StTcct, 
 Next to Dawson's Furniture Rcorns, 
 WATERLOO, . - . p.Q. 
 The undcrsipjncd would respectfully announce to the public 
 that they are Manufacturers^ of first-class Machinery, consisting 
 i n part of 
 With improved Lever Set, 
 Planers, Clapboard Mills, Water Wheels, 
 Shafting, Hangers, Tanner's Machinery, 
 A large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Double and Single 
 for Hot Air Furnaces. 
 Particular attention is called to the Popular C< ")K STOVE, 
 Nos. 8 and 9, which for beauty of deslern, convenience and supe- 
 riority oi workmanship, is unsurpassed in the Dominion, Also, 
 A Piulor Uook Stove, which combines eco.iomy of space and 
 good heating qualities. 
 Agricultural Tools, Plows, 
 Cultivators, Straw Cutters, Shellors, 
 Sugar Grates and Arch Irons, &;c. 
 Farmers are requested to notice that we are .Manufacturing h 
 Superior BARK MILL, both right and left hand, with sec- 
 tional teeth. 
 General Jobbing done in Iron and Brass Foundry, 
 Machine and Wood Shops. 
 All orders entrusted will bo executed with neat r.e.« and des- 
 patch at moderate prices. 
 Dealers in Smith'' s Coal, Bar Iron, Steel 
 ami (ieneral Merchandise. 
 WATERLOO, Doc. 5lb, 187G. 
 lie public 