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M.D., M.A., « • » (M.B., University of Toronto), MEMBKR f.r THE MEDICAL COUNCIL, AND EXAMINER IN THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS OF ONTARIO". TORONTO : ROWSELL it HUTCHISON. 1873. ^B5ll.V\B J J ( ' M j< Entered according to Aot of Parliament of Canada, in tlie year one tliousand eight hundred and Reventy-thred, by J. Morrison, In the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. TORONTO : PRINTED BT ROWSELL AND HUTCHISON, KINO STREET. PREFACE. The following pages were drawn up for the use of Students pursuing the higher Mathematical course in our Colleges and Universities. All the necessary formuhu for calculating transits of the planets and solar eclipses Ironi the heliocentric elements, have been investigated in order to render the work as complete in itself as possible ; and while I have endeavoured to simplify the computation, I have, at the same time, given aa full an account of the various circumstances attending these phenomena, as is to be found in any of the ordinary works on Spherical and Practical Astronomy. This is, I believe, the Jirst work of the kind ever published in Canada, and therefore I hope it will tend to encourage, in this country at least, the study of the 'Trandest and noblest of the Physical Sciences. J. M. Toronto, March 4th, 1873. V> Cs. hi a 1)1 prcparatioit. by the Mine A uthor. FACTS AND FORMUL/E IN PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, m . . M ., , For the use of Studen^.rf, Teachers, Engineers, and others. "'• ■; ''■''■ M '* A TRANSIT OF VKNUS. Deckmbkr Htii, 1871. Art. 1. — A tnitiHit of Vomis over the Huuh diHk, can only liai»|>Pii when the j)hinct is in or near one of its nodes at the time of inferior conjunction, and its latitude, as seen from the Kurth, must not exceed th(^ sum of its apparent nemi-diameter and tlie apparent semi-diameter of the Sun, or J31"4-9(Jr'=a.9Ul'"; and therefore the phmet's distanee from the node must n>)t exceed 1° oiV. If the Earth and Venus ht; in conjunction at either of tlie n(»(U.'s at any time, then, wlicn they i-eturn to the same jtosition again, ('ach of them will have perfornied a certain number of complete revolutions. Now the Earth revolves round the Sun in ,*JG"5.,2.>(5 days, and Venus in 224.7 days; and the converging fractions approxi- mating to 224-7 are 8 2.J,> 713 &c., 3()-5.25G ' 13 382 115!) where the numerators express th(! number of sidereal years, and the denominators the lunuber of revolutions inad(! by Venus round the Sun in the sante time nearly. Therefore transits may be expected at the same node after intervals of 8 or 23 J or 713 vears. Now, there was a transit of Venus at the descendinir node, June 3rd, 1701) ; and one at the ascending node, December 4th, lG3t). Hence, tr.insits may be expected at the descending node in June, 2004, 1 tl2, 2217, 2255, 2490, 2498, Ac; and at the ascending node in Oecembei-, 1 "4, 1882, _117, 2125, 23G0, 2368, &c. In these long '^riods, t .e exact tin> of conjunction may ditfer many hours, or von four >. • five days W»ni that foui'd by the addition of the co uplete siderc years, according to thp ])recediiig rule, which supjiosi's the place of the node statioiiaiy, and that the Earth and Venus revolve round the Sun with Kui/'orin velocities — •hypotheses wliich are not strictly correct. Ill order, therefore, to ascertain whether a transit will actually occur at these times or not, it will be necessary to calculate strictly tlie heliocentric longitude and latitude, and thence tin; geocentric longitude and latitude at the time of conjunction ; then, if tlio geocentric latitude be less than the sun! of the apparent senii-diametcrs of Venus and the Sun, a transit will (•(•rtainly take plact;. The ))resent position of Venus's nodes, is such that transits can only ha[)pen in June and December. The next four will take place December 8th, 1874, December 0th, 18S2, June 7th, 2004, June oth, 2012. APPUOXIMATE TIME OF CONJUNCTION IN LONGITUDE. Art. 2. — From the Tables of Venus" and the Sunt, we Hnd tlie heliocentric longitude of the Earth and Venus to be as I'ollows :— Greenwich Slcaii Time. Dec. 8th, Oh. (noon) Dec. 9th, Oh. •' Kiirth's Ilelioccn, Long. 70" 17' sr.o ir 18' 34".:J Venus's Ilelioeon. Long'. 7o° 52' 55". 1 ir 'I'd' 40". From which it is seen that conjunction in longitude takes place between the noons of the 8th and 9th December. The daily motion of the Earth = 1° 1' 0".8. The daily motion of Venus = 1° 30' 45".5. , Therefore Venuss daily gain on the Earth = 35' 44". 7, and the difference of longitude of the Earth and Vemuj at December Sth, Oh. = 24' 3R".4, therefore we have .. , . ^ 35' 44".7 : 24' 38".4 : : 24h. : iGh. 32ni. " " Hence the approximate time of conjunction in longitude is December 8th, 16h. 32m. * Tables of Venus, by G. W. Hill, Esq., of the Nautical Almanac Ofl5ce, Washington, U. S. t Solar Tables, by Hansen and Olufseu: Copenhagen, 1853. Delambre's Solar Tables. Leverrler's Solar Tables, Paris. The exact time of conjunction will be found presently by interpolation, after we have compnted from the Solar and Plane- tary Tables, the heliocentric places of the Earth and Venus (and thence their geocentric places) for several consecutive hours both before and after conjunction, as given below : — tireenwiclt Mean Time. Eaitli's Heliocentvi»r Longitude. Dec. 8th, 14h.| 15h. IGh. 17h. 18h. 19h. a (< 70"5.V 8".9 70 55 41 .4 7G 58 13 .9 77 46 .5 77 3 19 .1 77 5 5\ .7 ^'eml.s's Heilocciitric Longitude. VenuH's Ileliocentiiu Latitude. 7r)°49'2r'.4 4'30" N. 70 .'53 23 .3 4 44 .3 70 57 25 .2 4 58.0 77 1 27 .1 5 13 . 77 5 29 . 5 27 .3 77 30 .9 5 41 .0 The Sun's true longitude is found by adding 180° to the Earth's longitude. Ureenwidi Mean Log. Kartli's R.adiiis Loff Venus's Rutiius Time. Vector. 9.9932897 \'eetov. Dec. 8th, 14h. 9.8575304 15h. 9.9932875 9.8575330 lOh. 9.9932854 9.8575309 " 17h. 9.9932833 9.8575281 " 18h. 9.9932811 9.8575253 19h. 9.0932790 9.8575225 Venus's Equatorial hor. parallax =:33".9 = y*. (See Art. 0.) Sun's Equatorial hor. parallax = 9''M=7r. Venus's Semi-diameter =31".4=t('. (See Art. 7.) Sun's Semi-diameter =10' 10".2=g. The last four elements may be regarded as constant during the transit. Sidereal time at 14h.=7h. 10m. 35.64 sec. =Sun'.s mean longi- tude + Nutation in A.Ji., both expressed in time. m,. ., v»^ The places of Venus and the Earth, just obtained, are the heliocentric, or those seen from the Sun's centre. We will now investigate formula? for computing Venus's ])lacf's as seen from the Earth's centre. 8 GEOCENTRIC LONGITUDE. " '^ ' Art. 3. — Tri F'kj. 1, let *S' be tlie Sun's centre, E the Earth's and r that of an inforioi' jjlaiiet, S X tlie direction of this vernal tHpiiiiox. Draw VI* )ier|iendicnhir to the phme of tlie Earth '.i oi'hit, then .V .V /i' is tiie Karth's heliocentric longitude; T SI* the planet's heliocentric longitude; V SP the ])lanet's helio- centric latitude = / ; V A' /' the planet's geocentric latitude =v: \ ; J* S K the diftereiice of their heliocentric longitudes, or the comniutation = (J ; P K S the planet's elongation r= A' ; »S' /* A' the ])lanet's annual parallax = p ; S E the Earth '» radius vector — R ; V S the pknet's radius vector ^= r. Then in the triangle P S /;, we have P S -rr. r cos /, E Sr=P, and angle P S E-= (', therefore P -f /• cos I : R - r cos / :: tan I {p + E) : tan ^ (p- E) But p+E 18U°-(.' rr 90-^ - Thereft)re C l-f-i cos^ : 1— _-cos/ :: cot- ' : Ian .1 (/> — E A A* '2 Then Put — cos I r= tan f) R tan I ip-E) r. 1-tan l + tan« cot — , C = tan (4;^- ()) cot _, a and /; = 90=- _ - }, Ip-E) . 0)- (2). Now, before conjunction, the planet will be east of the Sun, and if // be the Sun's true longitude ( = the Earth's heliocentric longitude + 180"), and G the geocentric longitude of the planet, we have G = II ± E (.3). the positive sign to be used before, and the negative sign after conjunction. 9 When the angle C is very small, the following method is to be preferred. Draw P D perpendicular to S E, then S D = r cos I cos C PI) = r coal sin C, . r cos I sin C Then tan -&' = li _ /• cos I COS G tan sin C r^tan d cos (*)• GEOCENTRIC LATITUDE. Art. 4. — From the same tigure we have SPteiul = VP = Pi;tan\ liTu ; PA' si" <■ ' Or Therefore tan \ = - sin C tan /, (5). ' When the planet is in conjunction, this formula is not applic- able, for then both E and Care 0°, and consequently their sines are each zero. Since E, P and S are then in a straight line, we have E 1* = R — rco^l ' and EPhmX = r sin Z r sin / Therefore tan \ — Ji — r cos / .t/?^ (6). DISTANCE OF THE PLANET FROM THE EARTH. (7). Art. 5— E Fsin \ = VP = r sin ^ r sin / ^^^= sinX' When the latitudes are small the following formula is pre- ferable : , ., ,y ., 77 sin 7;: sin C :: P ^ : PE : : r cost : E V cos X . ; r sin cos I From which E V -- -^:^^ j,j ^^^ ^ i •(«)' 10 HORIZONTAL PARALLAX OF THE PLANET. Art. 6. — Let P be tlie jilanet's horizontal parallax j tt the Sun's parallax at mean distance ; then, r being the planet's radius vector, expressed of course in terms of the Earth's mean distance from the Sun regarded as unity. From which E V : \ ; P = IT TT EV ir sin X r sin / TT — • r sin E cos X sin 6* cos I (9). (10). APPARENT SEMI-DIAMETER OF THE PLANET. Art. 7. — The semi-diameter of a planet, as obtained from observation with a micrometer when the planet is at a known distance, may be reduced to what it would be, if seen at the Earth's mean distance from the sun, viz., unity, Let d! be this value of the semi-diameter, and d its value at any other time. Then Therefore EV '. \ :: d! d = = d'. : d A. EV d' sin \ r sin I P W (11). (12). ■V, ABERR>7ION IN LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE. Art. 8. — Before computing the geocentric places of Venus by the preceding formul.Me, we will first investigate ibrmulce for computing the aberration in longitude and latitude. Let p and e {Fig. 2) be cotcm])orary positions of Venus and the Earth; i^and E other cotemporary positions after an interval t seconds, during which time light mi ves from p to e or £. if the Earth were at rest at E, Venus would be seen in the direction "p E. Take E F = c E and complete the parallelogram H JR, ihewpE R is the aberration caused by the Earth's motion, and ep is the true direction of Venus when the earth was at c. Now R E is parallel to p ,>, therefore the whole aberration = PER, or the planet when at P will be seen in the direction E R. Bin PER = PEp - pER = PEp - Epe = the motion of the planet round E at rest, minus the motion of E round p at rest. •^ the whole geocentric motion of the planet in t seconds. Now, light requires 8 minutes and 17.78 sec. to move from the Sun to the Earth, and if D be the planet's distance from the Earth ^considering the Earth's mean distance from the Sun unity), then f ^ D X (8min. 17.78 sec.) r= 41)7.78 D. And if m — the geocentric motion of the planet in one second, then aberration = vi t = 497.78 m/). (13), Resolving this along the eclij'tic and perpendicular to it, we have (/ being the apparent inclination of the planet's orbit to plane of the ecliptic). Aberration in Long. = 497.78 mD cos 7 (14). Aberration in Lat. = 497.78 m i) sin 7. (15). We are now ])rc'i):tr(d to com))ute the apparent geocentric longitude and latitudes of Venus, as well as the horizontal paral- lax, semi-diameter, aberration and distance from the Earth. FOR THE GEOCENTUIC LCXGITUDE. Art. 9.— At 14 hours, wo have, by using Eq, (3,) since the angle 6' is only 3' 47."o, log/- = 9.8575364 cos / = 9.999999(1 log 7? =-. 9.9932897 tan ff = 9.86424G3 ~. 36°iri5" 12 tan e cos C 9.8G42463, 9.9999997 0.731553 - 9.8042400 tan e = siu C -' log (1-tanO cos C) = taw E E 9.8G42463 7.0425502 G. 9008025 9.42885G9 7.477945G 0" 10' 20" Then G - 250° 53' 8".9 + 10' 20" =. 257 3 28 .9 FOU THE GEOCENTKIC LATITUDE. By Eq. (5). sin E tan I cosec (^. 7.4779437 7.1109388 12.9574433 By Eq. (8.) tan X - 7.5523203 A - lii' 15". 8 North S DISTANCE FROM THE EAIITII r = 9.8575364 sin C — 7.O425502 cos I = 9.9999990 cosec E ~ 12.5220503 sec A. — 0.0000027 log E y =-- 9.4221512 Eq. (7,) gives log E Y = 9.4221513 •' " ■«■.'- VENUS'S HORIZONTAL PARALLAX. ; • 'J'hc Equatorial Horizontal Parallax of the Sun at the Earth '.s mean distance will be taken — 8". 95, instead of 8". 577, for reasons which will be given when we come to di.scuss the Sun's distance from the Earth. l!y Eq. (9.) 77 = 0.951823 sin \ = 7.552323 v: % /•, (ar. conip.) — cosec / — log r = 8. 504 140 0.1424G3 12.88300 1 1.529070 33".9 This element \ii constant during the transit. m VENUS S RRMI-DIAMETEU. Venus's semi-diameter at tiie Earth's mean distance from the Sun, as determined by theory and observation, is 8". 305 = d'. By Eq. (12.) (/' r= 0.91934 P = 1.529G7 2.44901 77 = 0.95182 logf? = 1.49719 (f. = 31". 4, constant durmg transit. Some astronomers recommend the addition of about g'g part for irradiation. Tlie aberration cannot be computed until we find Yenus's liouily motion ni orbit as seen from the Eartli. ^ In this manner we obtain from Formulce 1 to 12, the following results : — Greenwich itean Yenus's Geonontric Venus's Geocentric Log. Venus'.s Time. Longitude. Latitude. Distance from Earth Dec. 8th, 14h. 257° 3'28".9 12' 15". 8 N. 9.4221513 15h. 257 1 57.7 12 54.7 '* lOh. 257 2G.() 13 33 .7 9.4221491 " 17h. 256 58 55 .9 14 12.9 18h. 25G 57 24 .8 14 52 .0 9.4221342 19h. 25G 55 54 .4 15 31 .0 VENUS S ABERRATION IN LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE. - Art. 10. — Venus's hourly motion in longitude is 91", and in latitude 39" (as seen from tlie Earth's centre). Since these aie \ery small arcs, we may, without sensible error, regard them as the sides of a right-angled plane triangle. ^ % Venus's hourly motion in orbit = ^ (39"'' + 91') — 99" and therefore the motion in one second = 0".0375 Also r 91 , . , 39 cos / = and sm J = - 99 99 14 Then by Eq. (U). 497.78 = 2.C97037 m = 8.439332 n = 9.422149 0.558518 cos / = 9.9G340G Aber. in long. = 3". 32 = 0.521924 0.558518 sin 7 = 9.595429 Aber. in latitude = 1".42 = 0.153947 The aberration is constant during the transit. Since the motion of Venus is retrograde in longitude, and northward in north latitude, the aberration in longitude must be added to, and the aberration in latitude subtracted from, the planet's true geocentric longitude and latitude resjiectively in order to obtain the apparent places. SUN S ABERRATION. Art. 11. — The Sun's aberration may be found from Eq. (13), by making 1) = H and m = the Sun's motion in one .second. The Sun's houi'ly motion in long. = l.')2".G. :nul the motion in one second = 0".0423 Then aberration (in long.) = 497.78 Jim =.. 20". 77, and as the Sun always appeal's behind his true place, the aberi-ation must be suhtracled frori the true longitude. Applying these corrections, we obtain the following results : — Greenwith Mean Sun's Apparent Venus's Apparent Venus's Apparent Time. Lougitiule. Gcoccn. Longitude. Geocentric Latitude. Dec. 8th, 14h. 25G' 52' 48". 2 257" 3'32".2 0° 12' 14". 4 N. 15h. 'l^iQ 55 20 .7 257 2 01 .0 12 53.3 IGh. 256 57 53 .2 257 29 .9 13 32.3 17h. 257 25 .8 256 58 59 .2 14 11 .5 18h. 257 2 58 .3 256 57 28.1 14 50 .G 19h. 257 5 31 .0 256 55 57 .7 15 29 .6 ^^k sti*.f/». 15 APPARENT CONJUNCTION. Akt. 12. — By inspection wv find that conjunction will take place between lOli, iukI 17h. The relative hourly motion of the Sun and Venus is 24.3". 2, and the dictance between them at IGh. is }5('}".7. Then 2'l.r.2 : 1JG".7 :: 1 hour : .-JSm. 40 sec. During this time the Hun moves 1' .38''..'], and Ventia 58''. o ; therefore, by collecting the elements we have : — Greenwich INt. Time of conj. in long. Dec. 8th... 1 Oh. .38m. 4C..;jc. Sun and Venus's longitude 256° 59' 31".4. Venus's latitude 13'57'M, N. Venus's hourly motion in longitude 1' 30". 7, W. Sun's do. do. 2' 32".5, E. Venus's hourly motion in latitude 39". 1, N. Venus's horizontal parallax 33".9. Sun's .., do. 9".l. Venus's semi-diameter 31". 4 . Sun's do. 16' 16".2. Obliquity of the Ecliptic 23^27' 27".8. Sidereal time at 14h. (in arc) 107° 38' 54".6. Equation of time at conj. + 7m. 34 sec. The last three elements are obtained from the Solar Tables. X y ) / TO FIND THE DURATION AND THE TIMES OF BEGINNING AND END OP THE TRANSIT FOR THE EARTH GENERALLY. Art. 13. — The Transit will evidently commence when Venus begins to intercept the Sun's rays from the Earth, and this will take place when Venus comes in contact with the cone circum- scribing the Earth and the Sun. The semi-diameter of this cone, at the point where Venus crosses it (as seen from tiie centre of the Earth), is found as follows : — Let E and S be the centres of tlie Eartli and Sun {Fvj. 3), and V the position of Venus at the V)eginning of the transit. Then the angle V E S is the radius or semi-diameter of the cone where Venus crosses it. /Or ^ 4 16 c Ci V "i \i VES = AJ'JS + Vf:A = A A'.V + B VE =^. B ■{■ P - ir — 970". 2 + 33".0 - B AE [)"A — 1001". (16). Ill Fitf. 4, U\kv A C ~ 1001"; C A' at right angles to A C, r- i;V,'i7".4; On - - 4' 0.r'.2, tho relativo hourly motion in loiigitudo ; (J m -■=^ 3'J".], tlio hourly motion of Venus in lati- tude, ami through K draw VX i)arallol to mn, then E is the |M»siti(>ii of Venus at oonjiinction, m n is the relative hourly iriotion in apparent orhit, and C E j)eri)endicular to V X, is the least distance betwetni their centres. The angle E C F ■= angle C n m. Put E C = A ; Cn = w ; Cm = ff; C K = C A -\- seini-diam. ot* Venus = <: ; Cv = (J A — senu-diani. of Venus = h ; and T = the time of conjunction. U Then, by jilane Trigonometry, we have tan n 111 It in m sec 71 = relative hourly motion in apparent orbit; C E ■=- \ cos n ; F E = \ sin n ; tinu; of describing E /' -— A, sm n ut oec n X sin 2 u 2~m = / ; therefore middle of transit occurjr) at T -\^ t . (Positive sign when lat. is S. ; ncgativ'o when N.) Again, liind'^ ' — ' ; 1'/'^ = t; cosvlvf time of describing ■ <■ '^ c . VE = — sin n cos V = t' = time of describing EX, supposing the motion in orbit iniiform, which it is, very nearly. Therefore iirst external contact occurs at 7' J; < — /', and lust external contact at ^' i < + ^' • Writing h for c, these exjjressions give the times of first and last internal contact. Substituting the values of X, c, y and hj, we obtaiy n — 9° 7' 33".9. Hourly motion in apparent orbit = 2 16". 5 3; C E = 13' 16". 8 ; 'eF= 132". 8 ; time of describing /; E ==: 32m. 19sec. Therefore middle of transit = 10/i. 6 m. 21 sec. 17 Again, tlir anglo V r.= .r.i" 12' 41".7 ; V F -~-- dl^".!'*}, uml tlie time (if (loncrihiDg VF --^ 2h. .'}Oni. 2Ssec. Theioforc tlu^ ^VtfZ extemul contact will take place at l.'JIi. Horn. .'J.'^sec., and tlio last external contact at 181). 3()in, -lUsco. Tiio duration will therefore be 51i. Ini. very nearly. ' ■ ' • The duration as thus determined, is not the duration of the transit ns seen from the centre of the Earth, or from any point on its surface, but the whole duration from the moment Venus V)cgin.s, to the moment Venus ceases to interce|>t the Sun's rays from any part of tiie Earth's surface. For the time of internal contact, we have h = y(!9".G. Then Pin V -^ f^ , or V = 58" 30' 32".5 ; v F = n0ii"A8, and time of describing v F, 2h. 3m. IGsec. Therefore, the Jiist internal contact will take ]»lacc at 14h. 3m. 5sec., and ihoAast internal coxx- tact at 18h. 'Jm. 37scc. FJIOM TIIK EARTHS CENTllE. •. i As seen from the centre of the Earth, wo have at the first external contact, c = the sum of their semi-diameters = 1007". 6, and at the first or last internal contact, b = difference of their semi-diameters = 94:'i".8. «, ^ „ . , ^-p^ ; Sin V = FC 82G.8 ,, f. „ - — = .therefore Y c 1007.G 55° 8' 28". 5 V F ~ c cos V = 575'\8, and the time of describing VF — 2h. 20m. 9sec. Therefore the Jirst external contact as seen from the FJarth's centre will occur at 13/t. 4Cwi. \2sec., and the last external cotitact at 18/t. 2Gm. 30sec. The duration = 4h. 40. 'im. FG Again, sin V 61° 3' 10". V F ^^= b cos V = 457". 286, and time of describing it = Ih. 51ni. 17sec. Therefore, First internal contact, 14h. ISwt. 4«ec. i/ f- Last internal contact, 17 h. 57m. 38sec. • ' ? Art. 14. — The Sun's E.. A. and Dec. are obtained from the Equations, **. tan R, A. = tan Long, cos obliij. (17)- tan Dec, = sin E. A. tan obliq, (18). li L I 18 Ki'orii which wo Hnd, at conjunction, Sun'sR. A. — 255°r)r .j;r. ~ 17h. .'Jm. 27sec., and Sun's Doc. = 22° -19' ir/' S. Adilin;; 2h. .'J8ui. lOscc. converted into Hidereal time and then oxpn'HHod in arc, to tlie Hideieal time at 14h., we obtain the sidereal time at conj., = 147° 2;")' 25". Tlie Sun's li. A. at the same time = 255° 51' 63", therefore the diHerence 108° 2(5' 27" is the Sun's distance cast of Oreenwicl), or the east longitude of the places at which conjunction in longitude takes place at appa- ntnt noon, and that point on this nuM-idian whose geocentric latitude is equal to the Sun's dec, will have the sun us its /.enith at the same time. The Sun's dec. was found to be 22° 4'J' 15" S. -= the geocentric latitude which, converted into apparent or geographical latitude by Eq. (19), becomes 22° 57'. 5 S. In the same way we find, that at the time of the first external contact, the Sun's R. A. — 255° 44', and Dec. 22° 48' 33" S., rtnd the sidereal time = 104° 11'; therefore at this time the Sun will be in the zenith of the j)laco whoso longitude is 1.^1° 33' east (nearly), and geocentric latitude 22° 48' 13" S., or geographical latitude 22° 5G' 50" S. Similarly, wo find that at the time of the last external contact the Sun will be in the zenith of the place whoso longitude is 8P 23' E. (nearly), and geographical latittido 22° 58' S. These ])ointg enable us to determine the places on the Earth's surface best suited for observing the transit. \ TO FIND THE MOST ELIGIBLE PLACES FOR OBSERVING A TRANSIT OF VENUS. Art. 15. — The most eligible places for observation may be Ictermined with suflicient accuracy by means of aconimon terres- tial globe. From the lueceding calculations, it appears that the transit will begin at 13h. 4G,2m. Greenwich mean time, and continue 4h. 40.3ra., and that the Sun's declination at the same time will be 22° 48' H. Elevate the south pole 23° (nearly), and turn the globe until places in longitude 151° 33' E. ave brought under " the brass V.) mf'riilian, tluiii tlio Hun will l)0 visible rtt tlio timo of the first con- t:i<'t, !it all jiliiiM's ul)(»vt' tlu! lioiizou of the gloho, iiml if tin' gl.iltf Im! turiH'tl wcHtwiinl through l.d? X ^•>° ~ 70°, all placrs ill tho Ki'coiul jiositioii, will see the Hun at the time of the last contact. ThoHd placeH whii-h leiiiaiii above tho horizon while the globe is turned through 70'' of longitu'le, will see the whole of the transit ; but in either iiositioii ol' tlu' globe, the beginning and end of the transit will not be sj'cn from <»// jtlaces in the hori/on, but oily from the points whi(;h lie in the great circle jiassitig through the centres of Veins and the Sun. The place which will h.i\»; th(f Hun in the zenith at the begin- ning of the transit, will have tlu! first contact on the Hun's eastcnn limb, and as the Hun will be near tho horizon of this place when the transit ends, the dn ration will be diminshed by i)arallax. Hince Venus is in iicrth latitude, the ])lanet will be de])ressed by ])arallax, and const ^uently tho duration of tho transit will b(* diminished at all places whoso south latitude is greater than the Hun's declination. For the same reason tlio duration will be increased at all places north of tho 22iid parallel of south latitude. 'i'herefore from those places from which tho whole transit will be visible, those which have the highest north or south latitiule, should be selected, in order that the observed diflerenco of dura- tion may be tho greatest possible. The entire duration of this transit may bo observed in eastern Hil»eria, Central Asia, China, and Japan. Among tho most favorable southern stations, wo have Australia, Tasmania, New y^oaland, Auckland Island, Kerguelan's Land, and several i.slands in the Houth Pacific Ocean. For a comparison of tho differences of absoliitt! times of ingress only, or of egress only, stations differing widely both in latitude and longitude should be selected. TO COMPUTE THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE TRANSIT SEEN FROM A GIVEN PLACE ON THE EARTH's SURFACE. Art. 1G. — Before proceeding to calculate the times of begin- ning and end of the transit for a given place, it will be necessary to ]>rovide formulse for computing the parallax in longitude aiid latitude, and in order to do this we must find : . *! t 20 1st. The reduction of geogmphical latitude duo to the earth's spheroidal figure. 2iid. The reduction of the earth's equatorial radius to a given geocentric latitude, and 3rd. The altitude and (celestial) longitude of the Nonagesinial, or in other words, the distance between the ])oles of the ecliptic and horizon and the (celestial) longitude of the zenith of the given place at a given time. But as this transit will not be visible in America, it will not excite that interest in this country which it otherwise would. We shall therefore omit the further consideration of it, and ai)})ly the following formula? to the computation, for Toronto and other points in Canada, of the transit of December, 1882, which viU be visible in this oountry. •1 FIRST. — REDUCTION OF LATITUDE ON THE EARTH. Art. 17. — On account of the spheroidal figure of the Earth the meridians are ellipses, and therefore the appr.rent or geogv;i- phical latitude does not coincide with the true or geocentric latitude, except at the equator and tlie jjoles. Let X and i/ be t?lie co-ordinates of any point on the ellij)se, / ■' the origin being at the centre. The subnormal = ~ x, and if ' . - X tan Or, a I* tan ^ -.=: — _ tan 0' = 0.9933254 tan 0' (19). SECOND. "-REDUCTION OP THE EARTIl's RADIUS. Art. 18. — Let /• be the radius at a place whose geocentric latitude is 0, x and y the co-ordinates of the place, then x = r cos (j,, 1/ =: r sin })Iy k1 other ich vill e Earth geogia- iocentric el]ij)se, and if (19). )centric X = r e have bed on Therefore, Or, W ■^ -A- — 7'2 sin« (h / + r' 0,0^ -f __ V- .siu2 (f> = a'' , a From which »• := a sec

iace when referred to the equator, then V C = Sun's A. R. + hour angle from noon = sidereal time = A. VN ■= longitude of the Nonagesiraal i\^, = m . Z Q = N I, the altitude of the Nonagesiraal = a . P Q =. the obliquity = w . PZ = co-latitude = 90° — (p , (geocentric). /_ ZPQ ^ 180° - ZFT = 180° - {VT - VC) '' , = 90° + ^ , and Z ZQP= N(= Vt - FiV=r:90° - m In the triangle Z P Q, we have cos ZQ = sin PZ sin PQ cos ZPQ + coa PZ con PQ . 22 Or, cos tt = — cos sin w sin ^ + sin cos u) . Put sin A cot = tan 0,' Then cos a = sin sec cos (w + ^) . (21). In the triangle PZ Q, we have Hin ZQ : sinZP :: sinZ/^r^ : ainZQP Or, sin a ; cos :: cos A : cos m Or, cos m = cos A cos ^ cosec a . (22). And from the same triangle we get cosZP= sin Z Q sin P Q cos Z (> /' + cos ZQ co^ P Q . Or, sin sin ^ sin a Dividing this by Equation (22), we have tan d) sin o) + cos a sin A tan wi = J- ■ , cos A = tan (fi sec A sec sin (oj + ^) Eq. (22), may now be used to find a, sin a = cos A cos (f) sec »i . (23). (24). i TO FIND THE PARALLAX IN LONaiTUDE. Art. 20. — Let Z be the zenith, Q the pole of the ecliptic, >S^ the planet's true place, S' its apparent place, Q S the planet's co-latitude =90 — X, then Z Q = altitude of the nonagesimal = a, the angle Z Q S =^ the planet's geocentric longitude — the longitude of the nonagesimal = h, S Q S^ = the parallax in longitude = a*, and SS' is the jmrallax in altitude. From the nature of parallax ^v6 have sin SS' = sin P sin ZS' and from the triangles *S' Q S', Z Q S', we have sin X 23 _ sin SS' sin S' sin Q S » sin P sin Z S' sin .S' sin Q S > sin P sin ZQ sin Z^.S' sin QS sin P sin a sin (/^ + .t) COS \ = Z^' sin (/i 4- 3), if /c = sin P sin a cos A, and by a well known process in trigonometry, k sin h k^ sin 3/t /r' sin 3/i , .T sin r' sin 2' sin 3" (2o). (26). TO FIND THE PARALLAX IN LATITUDE. Art. 21. — In the last FUj. let aS''^ be the apparent co-latitude = 90 — X', then from the triangles QZ S and Q Z S', we have „ cos (?S — cos QZ cos ^S _ cos QS' -con QZ cos if.S' COS yy rr= — — - — - or sin QZ sin ZS sin X — cos a cos ZS sin (^Z sin ZS' sin X' — cos a cos J^iS' sin i^/6" sin ZS but from the same triangles we have cos ZS = sin a cos X cos 7* + cos a sin X and cos ZS' = sin a cos X' cos (/t+tc)+ 00s a sin X'. which, substituted in the above, give after reduction sin ZS' tan a sin X' — cos X' cos {h-\-x) sin ZS tail a sin X — cos X cos h But from the sine proportion, we have, sin ZS' _ sin (/i+x) cos X' sin ZS sin h cos X tan a sin X' — cos X' cos (/i + a:) sin {h+x) cos X^ tan a sin X — cos X cos /i ~ sin h cos X ' tan a tan X' — cos {h + a)_ sin (/i 4- a:) tan a tan X — cos h sin h therefore or m m. 24 ^ 11. -. tau a ttiii X .sin (h + x) — sin x ,.,_, From winch tan >.' — , — j-^ — - — '- , (27) sin h tan a But Siin X = sin i'sin a sec X sin (/t + .'c). Thereibro ^ , tan a tan X sin (//4-a?) — sin 1* sin a sec X sin 'fi + x) tan X = !^ ■^ ' ' Or sin A tan a Sill I /a "i ■ '7') tan X' ~ ' \ 'J (tan X — sin P cos a sec X). sui k ^ ' sin (/a + .7') sin /t (1_^' cos a sni X ) tan X. (•28) Tliis formula gives the ap])arcnt latitude in terms of the true latitude and the true and ai)[)arent liour angles, but ib is not in a form for logarithmic comi)utatiou. We will now transform it into one which will furnish the parallax directly, and which will Vje adapted to logarithms. ]jet }] — X— X', the parallax in latitude. From E(]. (27) avc have sin ;/; sin h tan X = + . tau X' sin {]i-\-x) tan o sin (/i + x) sin X /sin (/i4-;c) — sin h\ _ — — _^ tan X' I — -. — r- — ^ I sin \h-\-j-) tan — tan X'= Or cos X cos X' "" sin (/t+^) tan a ~ sin (/i + .r) But 2 sin * = sin .1' sec -^-,and sin X = sin P sin a sec X sin (A + a:) by Eq. (^"Ib) Making tliese substitutions and reducing we have sin y —sin P cos a (cos X' — tan a cos (A + ^ ) ^^^ a ^^^ ^ ) Put tan a cos (/t + ^^- )„sec •^' = cot ^, Then sin ?/ = sin P cos « cosec {) sin (0 — A'), = sin i'cos a eoscc sin ( (0 — X) + v) (29) Put sin V cos a cosec ^ = /•', tlieii as before y _h sin (0— X) ^ I' siu 2 (6J-X) ^ k^ sin 3 (^— X) ^ . sin l" sin 2" sin y (30) ^•ld:i'.iLi;LiLdie^'^ 25 ■' ' ' ( n. ) ' A TRANSIT OF VENUS. December Gth, 1882. Art. 22.— The following heliocontric positions of Venus have been computed from Hill's Tables of the Planet, and those of the Earth fv.im Delambre's Solar Tables, partially corrected by myself, t being taken = 8".9o at mean distance :— y? --(< CO 1—1 o CO I-. 'O I5-5 -ti oi o CO 'O CO .-^ CO CO CO CI CI CI CI CO -* 'i* ■rj^ -rr' CO o • (Tl err .v'3 o Ci ■J ci CJ o r-l "O o -+ CO CI 1- O . CO o CT o 1- o CI 0) '^ ^ (M l'^ CI 1(0 CO o ,■» To ^ I- (r^ CI -t 1- o 5s (Tl C-l CI CO CO CO -f r if -+* '^ -H -t< -f -f ^ 1^ t- .■-- I- l^ I- 00 O o OS t- '^ CI ii CO T— 1 00 -^ I— 1 CO •o lO lO -+ f ^ CO CO (U o Ci o o o o cs C5 >> h- t- i^ I- l^ 1- t-- lO >o JO lO »o i-O •o QO CO 00 00 00 CO OO Ci CJ ci Ci o o ci o 02 o lO CO CI o c» o »o ll CO O l- -^ o t>- -* •s-5 CO Ci -H o o 1—4 1- 1^ CO >-• o lO CO CI o ^ -+• '^ CO CO CO CO OO I- >o »o CI «o «;:> • • ■-^ CI * o w >o j-o r- CT) —( CO -* o ^ .t; o o o I— 1 I— 1 '~'- I— 1 ^ >o o CO 1- 1—1 1(0 CI (M CI CO CO -H ■-*' 'mJ 3 13 o -+I ~¥ -* -H -^ ^ 1- I- l^ 1- l^ 1- I— g -ii rd ^ • rJ^ ^ J a> .^ CI CO ^ r-i CI CO a CI CI CI CI Ii n3 13 g-'p 'O ^ - ^ CT) ^ ;; 1 8 J ^ ft m 26 Art. 2.3. — Passing to tho trup geocentric places by the aid of Formul.'P (l)-(ir)), and then applying the correction for aberration (which, by Formuhe (14) and (15), is found to be, in longitude, + 3".3 ; in latitude + 1".4 ; 8un's aberration — 20".7), we obtain the following apparent geocentric ])lacc.s : — VVn-shiiigtoii Mean Sim's Apparent Venus's Apparent Venns'si Ajjpar. Gcoc. Latitude. Time. Geocentric jonJ5Mtuilc. Oeooeiitiic Longitude. Dec. .5d. 21 h. 254° 24' 27". 4 254° 34' 58".3 1 2' 28" S. 22h. 20 59 .8 33 20 .7 11 49 " 23h. 29 32 .2 31 .■)5 .2 11 10 24h. 32 04 .7 30 23 .0 10 30 .8 Dec. 6d. Ih. 34 37 .1 •IS 52 .0 9 51 .0 2h. 37 09 .5 27 20 .3 9 12.5 3h. 39 42 .0 2:) 48 .0 8 33 .4 Log of Venus's distance from the Earth at noon =^ 9.421550 . FormuL-e (9) and (12) give us P =: 33".9, and d=^ 31".4G, both of which may be regai'ded as constant during the transit. Interpolating for the time of conjunction, and collecting the elements, we have as follows ; — Washington M. T. of Conj. in Long., Dec. 5d. 23h. 35.1m. . Venus's and Sun's longitude 254° 31' 01 ".5 Venus's latitude 10' 47" S. Venus's hourly motion in longitude 1' 31".^ W. Sun's do. do. 2' 32".4 E. Venus's hourly motion in latitude 39". I N. Sun's semi-diameter 1 G' 1 0".2 Venus's do I 31".5 Suns Equatorial horizontal parallax 9".l Venus's do. do. 33".$^ Obliquity of the Ecliptic 23° 27' 09". Sidereal time in arc at 20h 195° 12' 54".4 Constructing a figure similar to Fig. 4, and enqdoying the same notation as in Art. 13, we obtain from these elements the following results : — n ■= 9° 6' 14", 4 ; relative hourly motion in qrbit, — 24)T".1 \ least distance between centres, 1 0' 39" ; the aid of aberration ongitude, M)".7), we 27 First external contact, Dec. 5d. 20h. .'iiO.Tui. Veims's )|tar. Gcoc. l-atitude. 2' 28" S. 1 49 1 10 30 .8 D .'51 .(> I) 12.0 "! 33 .4 .4215;50. 4G, both 3ting the Urn. n".5 17" S. U".)IW. {2".4 K. G".2 il".5 9'M !3".fi^ 9". 4". 4 ing the iiits the 20h. .'iiO.Tui. \ 21h. llni. ( Washington Mean Time. First internal do., " Last internal do., Dee. Od. 2h. 48ni. Last external do., *' 3h. 8ni. As seen iVoui the Earth's centre. By the i'orinulie of Art. It, we llnd, that at the time of llie jivKt external contact, the 8nn will be in the zenith of the place whose longitude is 4.")°.9 East of Washington, and latitude 22° 37' S. ; and at the last external contact the Sun will be in the zenith of the place whose longitude is 48°. 3 W., and latitude 22° 41' S. From these data we find, by the aid of a terrestrial globe, as in the case of the transit of 1 87;il-, that the entire duration of this transit will be observed in the gi'eater j)art of the Dominion of Canada, and in the United States. As Venus is .south of the Sun's centre, the duration will be shortened at all places in North America, by reason of the effect of parallax. The times (if tirst contact will be retarded at phices along the Atlantic coast of Canada and the United States, while the Islands in the western })art of the Indian Ocean will have this time accelerated. These localities will therefore afford good stations for determining the Sun's parallax. The time of last contact will be I'etarded in New South Wales, New Zealand, New Hebrides, and other Islands in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, and accelerated in the United States and the West India Lslands. The duration will be lengthened in high southern latitudes, and especially in the Antarctic continent. The astronomical conditions necessary for a successful investigation of the Sun's parallax, will therefore be very favorable in this transit ; and it is to be hoped that all the available resources of modern science will be employed to secure accurate oUservations, at all favorable points, of the times of ingress and egress of the planet on the Sun's disk, in order that we may determuie with accuracy this great astronomical unit, the Sun's disfci ice from the Earth, and thence the dimen- sions of the Solar System. / 28 ■K 4- li i 1 TO (;OMPUTE Tlin TRANSIT FOIl A OIVRV PLACE ON THE EARTHS SUUFA(!K. AllT. 24. — he.t it be require'l to find tlui limes of contact for Toronto, Ontario, wliicl) is in latitutlo 'i'.]'^ 3!)' 4" N., and longi- tude I'Jh. 17m. .S.'kec. west of Greonwicli, or 9ni. 22soc. west of Washington. Since the ))arallax of Vtinns is small, the times of ingress and egress, as seen from "^Poronto, will not difllu" nuich from those found for the Earth's centre. Hubtracting the difference of hm- gitude between Toronto and Washington, from tho Washington Mean Time of the Jirst and lost external contacts, as given in the last article, we find the Toronto Mean Time of the first external contact to be December, 5d. 20h. 41 3m., and tlie last external contact to he I>ecembe', Gd. 2h. 58. Gin , when viewed from the centre of the eai'th. The ingress will therefore occur on the east, and the egre.ss on the west .side of the meridian, and the time of ingre.s.s will consequently be retarded, and the time of egress accel- erated by j)arallax. We liierefbre assume for the first external contact, December od. 2()h. 44m., and for the last external con- tact, December Gd. 2h. 54m. Toronto Mean Time ; or, December 5d. 20h, 53m. 22sec , and December Gd. 3h. 3m. 22seo. Wash- ington Mean Tinu-. From the elements given in Art. 2.'{, compute for these dates the longitudes of Venus and the Sun, V nius's latitude, and the Sidereal Time in arc, at Toronto, thus : — Washington Mean Time. Dec.5d.201i.53m.'J2s. " Gd. 3li. 3m.2'2H, Sim's Apparent Longitude. 254° 24' 10".5 254 39 50.5 Venus's Appar. Longitude. 254° 35' 8".5 254 25 43 .5 Venus's Latitude. 12'32".4S 8 31 .3 Sidereal Time at Toronto. 206° 15' 06' 299 17 The relative positions of Venus and the Sun will be the same if we retain the Sun in his true position, and give to Venus the difference of their parallaxes, reduced to the place of observation by Art 17. 29 Compute next by Formulte (19) to (30), the parallax of Venus ill longitutle uiul latitude, and ajtply it with its proper sign to the api)arent longitude and latitude of Venus, as seen from the Earth's centre ; the results will give the planet's apparent posi- tion with rttspect to the Sun, when seen from the given place, and the contact of limbs will evidently happen when the apparent distance between their centres becomes equal to the sum of their semi-diameters. Wo now proceed with the computation : — By Eq. (19), tan ' = 9.9795 U const. loff= 9.997091 /" X tan (f) = 9.97GG35 , therefore = 43° 27'34" const, log = 0.001454 By Eq. (20), tan a = 9.978089 cos e= 9.860164 see (^ =10.139140 log?-= 9.999310 Diff. of Parallaxes, 11V'.$ = 1.394452 Reduced Parall ax, 24 ". ^9 "- 1.393762 therefore ^^43° 3319" / ALTLTUDE AND LONGITUDE OF THE NONAOESIMAL, AT THE FIRST ASSUMED TIME. By Eq. (21), sin A = 9.04573b/, cot = 10.023300 tan Q = 9.669097W 154' 58' 42" : « = 23° 27' 9^^ ft)+ = 178° 25' 51" By Eq. (23), tan ^ = 9.970634 secyl = 10.047275« sec B = 10.042801» sin (w + 0) = 8.437493 tan m = 8.504203 m = 181° 49' 44" «Mi (/, =: 9.837488 sec e = 10.042801n cos ((u + 0) = 9.999837» cos a = 9.880120 a = 40° 38' 30" Check by Eq. (22), cos A = 9.95272$« cos = 9.800854 cosec a = 10.180201 cos m = 9.999780rt m = 181° 49' 44" ■■r pi 1 30 PARALLAX IX LONGITUDE. Longitiule of Venus = '25 i" 35' 8". 5 Long-ofthoNonagesinial = 181° 41)' 44" TluH-elbve, h = 72Mr/24".5. Then by Eq. (2G). Hin r = 0.079337 sin a = 9.813790 sec X = 1 0.000003 /.• =:r ;>.893139 sin h = 9.980029 t k' = 1.78G3 sin 2/t = 9.7529 h' = 7.G79 sin 3/t = 9.792/i cosec 3" = 4.837/t = 8.308« cosec 1 " = 5.314425 cosec 2" = 5.0134 15".402 = 1.187593, ".0003 = 4.552G The last two terms being extremely small may be omitted, therefore the imrallax in longitude = -f 15". 4 = x. I PARALLAX IN LATITUDE. ' n \\i. H ifft' im ]!! By Eqs. (29) and (30). tan o = 9.933G72 cos(/t + ^0= 9-47 18G0 sec I = 10.000000 cot e = 9.405532 = 75° 43' 34". 5 \ = 12' 32". 4 S. ^ + X = 75°5G'G".9. IS' - 1.94G1 sin 2 (e + \) = 9.G734 cosec 2" = 5.0134 "•0004 = 4.G329 sin P = G.079337 cos a = 9.8801 2G cosec i) — 10.013G19 k = 5.973082 sin (« + \) = 9.98G782 cosec 1" = 5.314425 18".808 = 1.274289 /.:» = 7.919 sin 3 (^ + X) = 9.869« cosec 3" — 4.837 = 8.G25/i Therefore the parallax in latitude = ^ 18".8 = ?/. In the same rvay, we find at the second assumed time, a r= 27° 37'; m = 317° 23' 4G"; A « - 62° 58' 2".5 ; a: =» - 10". 3; y = + 20".8. W, / ^x 31 llonce we have thr tollowin'i rcsult8 :■ Dbo, 6p., 20h. d8.M. J.'fKi f,nN(i|TI'PK, Venus'B Parallax. Sun's Difference. •J54 254 1254 rtr,' 8". 5 15". 4 ;35' li4' 28". n 10". 5 11' IT A \ cults East. I,ATITft)F. ! 12'.?2".4 8. -f 18".8 12' 51 ".2 Dec. en., 3h. 3m. 3!tocc. I,.. NOITItDK. 254' ::.v 4.']" 5 - 10" 3 254 25' »3" 2 254 S9 50' 5 14' 17" .3 Venus WcMt liATrTrnr.. t^iiV.S S. 4 20". 8 8' 52". I <>oii.strnct ii figure similar tf» /''i' iV sec of the inclination of apparent orbit -= /)' N ^ sec fiNQ {N'Q being parallel to // /*) tan UN QyI- B 11 - NP II P — 1553".8 == relative motion of Venus in 6h. 10m., therefore V onus's relative hourly motion = 2ol".8 BII tan BC 11 ^ II , BCH= 48° 52' 23" BC BC sec B CH = 1023".8 77 C ^ = 41 ° 7' 37: , hence II F = 50° 0' 1 8" CF-^ 77 C cos flCF^ G58"; /77''= 110 sin HCF=^ 784". 35 V, the sum of the semi-diameters = 1007". 7. cos VCF OF , VOF=40° 13' 54" VF -■= OV sin VCF= 763". 19 BV = HF- VF=2V.\Q. h V >■ Time of ilcHnribiii;^ fj V — 5in. 2.scc., uiul time ttf deHcribin;; VF ~ iWi. l.ii. ^ls(M-. Tlicrofon; ihr. (iisl cxtonml coiilacL will occur, !)<'(!. i'xi. 2nli. I'Jrii. 2scc., and tlu; last cxttTiirtl contacl., Dec. Od. iMi. o'2in. llscc, Mean TiiiM^ at Toronto. In a similar niarnu'r \vv. ohiaiii /'/•'• = (J r7"."S.'J ; tlna-clorc, Vv — 8r)"..'JG and tin- time of dcscriWin;,' Vv ~ 20ni. ^Omoc. Tlu'rdbrn Ous fir.st intfinal contact will dccnr, Dec. ."id. I'lli. 9m. 2'2hoc., anaS'L. Or tun DSfj =coH long tan w . (31). The Sun's longitude at 8 h. 49 m., xV.M., is 25'P24' 23".2. '^ clt'Hcribing . 5(1. 20h. Im. 11 HOC, tlicrcfoiT, ;(Ih('(\ '.5(1. 2 111. 0(111 Tinio , we have ., A.M. lu., " in., P.M. in. " ]uire(l, WH np(l. For und .snfti- Y to know it coiitact iwn from ro\igh the uputed iiH lo, A' the endiciiUu', is a riglit ? will lie between and tlie i J ^*^■^J 88 Kt'j.'cting 180° we havf cos* 71" IH' - 23" = 9. 429449 tan 10 =■ 9.637317 tan DSL = 9.0G6rGC DSL = Ci" - 39' - G" Now the angle r6'A' = angle I XT - angle i,'C/' = 400 -21' 12" Therefore the angle of position is equal t(» the angle DSL -f the supplement of IV.'A'. oi- 140° -17'. 9 fronj the northern limb towards the east. In the same way we may compute the angle of position at the last external contact. From a ))oint in longitude 71° 1)5' \V. of Greenwhich, and latitude 45° 21' . 7 N., at or near Bishop's College, Lennoxvilh;, we find by the preceding method, First external contact December Cth, 9 h. 19.5 m., A.M. First internal " '• 9 h. 39.4 m., '« Last internal " " 3 h. 2.G m., P.M. Last external '• " 3 h. 23 m. '• Mean Time at Lennoxville. Least distance between the centres 10' - 59".8. From a jwint in longitude 64° - 24' W. of Greenwich, and latitude 45^^ 8' 30" N., at or near Acadia College, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. First external contact December Gth, 9 h 48.7 m., A.M. First internal •' >* 9 h 28.4 m., " J^ast internal " " 3 h 31.7 m., P.M. Last external '• " 3 h 51.8 m.. " Mean Time at Wolfville. Least distance between the centres 10' - 59", 5. (31). 2.3".2. THE SUN S PARALLAX. Art. 25. — a transit of Yenua affords us the best means of determining with accuracy the Sun's parallax, and thence the distances of the Earth and other planets from the Sun. Ill 34 The same things may be determined from a transit of Mer- cury, but not to the same degree of accuracy. The complete investigation of the methods of deducing tlie 8un's parallax from an observed transit of Venus or Mercury, is too reSned and delicate for insertion in an elementary work like this. We add, however, the following method wiiich is substantially the same as found in most works on Spherical Astronomy, and, which will enable tLo student to understand some of the general principles on which the compntation depends. ? n TO FIND THE SUNS PARALLAX AND DISTANCE FKOJI THE EARTH, FROM THE DIFFERENCE OF THE TIMES OF DURATION OF A TRANSIT OF VENUS, OBSERVED AT DIFFERENT PLACES. Art. 26. — Let T and 2^' be the Greenwich mean times of the first and last contacts, as seen from the EartKs ceiitre; T+t and T' 4- i' the Greenwich mean times of the first and last contacts, seen from the place of observation whose latitude is known ; S and G the true geocentric longitudes of the Sun and Venus at the time 1\- P che horizontal pnrallax of Venus; tt the Sun's equatoiial horizontal parallax ; v the relative hourly motion of Venus and the Sun in longitude ; L the geocentric latitude of Venus, and f/ Venus's hourly motion in latitude. Now, since Venus and the Sun are nearly coincident in position, the effect of parallax will be the san^e if we retain the Sun in his true posi- tion, and give to Venus the difference of their parallaxes. This difference or relative parallax is that which influences the i-ela- tive positions of the two bodies. Than a (P—tt), and b (P — tt) will be the parallax of Venus ill longitude and latitude respectively, where a and b are func- tions of the observed places of Venus which depend on the observer's position on the Earth's surface. The (qjjxifent diflTer- ence of longitude at the time T -'ill be G — ^ + a (P — tt); and therefore the apparent differ- ence of longitude at the time T -\- t * ^G~S ^a{P-TT) +vt, and the apparent latitude of Venus at the time T -v (. = Z + b(P—Tr) -^ gt. . • 3^ 3it of Mer- le complete I's parallax too refined like this, ubstantially Astronomy, ome of the PHE EARTH, .T[ON OF A OES. imes of the • T+t ai\d st contacta, known ; S xud Venus lus ; TT the irly motion latitude of Now, since he effect of true i)osi- xes. This i the rela- c of Venus b are func- id on tha rent differ- •ent difFer- .4 Now at the time T+t the distance between tlie centres of Venus and the Sun, is equal to the sum of their semi-diameters, = c, then we have c2 ... ^ a_ S+a{P-^) + ,t\'+ \L + b {r~n) +yt\'^ (32). ^(G_S)-+ Z- + ^a{a-8) + bL\ (P-TT) + 2f. neglecting the .squares and products of the very small quan- tities t, a, I, and {P — rr). But when seen from the centre of the Earth at the time T, we hav(! ci.= [G — Sy^ -;- L% which substituted in the last equation, gives -- 8. (P — 7r), suppose (33). Therefore the Greenwich time of the first contact ab the place of observation z= 1' + S {P — tt). If 8' be the corresponding quantity to h for the time T', then the time of the last contact at the place of observation == T +Z' (P- tt), and if A be the whole duration of the transit then A= T'—T+ (g'-g) (/'— TT) Again, if ^V be the duration observed at an// other place, and /3 and fi' corresponding values of g and 8', we have <:A'-A= {(/y'-/3)-(8'-S)} (/--TT) Therefore Or, Now Therefore P- ir A'- A I Earth's distance from the Sun TT Earth's distance from Venus ' P — IT Venus's distance from the Sun (34). TT Venus's distance from the Earth ^- It, a known quantity TT^-i {P~tt). n (35). — {Hymers's Astron) n I ■[ It 'i, < 36 If the first or Uist contact onli/ be observed, the place of obser- vation should be so selected that, at the beginning or end of the transit, the sun may be near the horizon (say 20° above it) in order that the time of beginning or end may be accelerated or retarded as mnch as possible by parallax. Again, since t is known in Kq. (33), being the difllerence of the Greenwich mean times of beginning or end, as seen from the Earth's centre and the jdace of observation, v/e have from Eq. (32) by eliminating r, - ^M^' + .90 + 2t(v(G- .S ') + Av) n* + b' Or, (P — ttY ■{■ A (P — it) ^ B, suppose. (36). And let (P — tt)' + C {P — w) =^ D, bo a similar equation derived from observation of the first or last contact at another place, then C)(p—:r)=^B—D {A. Or, P TT " ~" ^ ' A C ' And TT = (/* — tt), as before (37). I ^'1 II { THE SUN S DISTANCE FROM THE EARTH. Art. 27. — If D' represent the Sun's distance, and r the Earth's equatorial radius, then =^ r r sin 7r 20(5264-8 TT (38). From the observations made during the Transit of I7(i9, the Sun's equatorial horizontal parallax (tt) at mean distance, was determined to bo 8".;'57 which, substituted in the last equation, gives for the Sun's mean distance 24008. 23/-, or in round num- bers 95,382,000 miles ; but recent investigations in both ])liysical and practical astronomy, have proved beyond all doubt that this value is too great by about four millions of miles, 'Vf», !e of obser- end of the bove it) in ilerated or iiice of the 1 fi'om tlie from Eq. •tt) = (36). r equation at another (37). he Earth's (38). I7fi9, the taiice, was equation, und iium- h jthysical :- that thig 37 111 determining the Solar parallax from a transit of an inferior planet, two methods are employed. The first, and by far the best, consists in the com|iHrison of the observed duration of the transit at jdaces favorably .situated for shortening and lengthening it by tlie effect of pnnillax. This method is independent of the longitudes of the stations, but it cannot be always applied with advantage in ever\' transit, and fails entirely when any atmoa- phericid circumstances interfere with the observations either at the first or last contact. The other consists in a comparison of the absolute times of the Jirst external or internal contact 07ili/, or of the last external or internal contact o?i/y, at places widely differing in latitude. The longii/udes of the stations enter as essential elements, and they must be well known in order to obtain a reliable result. The transit of 1761 was oKserved at several i)Iaces in Europe, Asia, and Africa, but the results (ibtained from a full discussion of the obsei'vations by different conijniters, were unsatisfactory, and exhibited diffei'ences which it was in)possible to I'econcile. That transit was not there- fore of much service in the solution of what has been justly termed " the noblest i)roblem in astronomy." The most probable value of the jjarallax deduced from it, was 8".49. The partial failure was due to the fact that it was impossible to select such stations as would give the first method a fair chance of success, and as there was considerable doubt about the correct- ness of the longitudes of the various observers, the results obtained from the second method could not be depended on. The unsjiiisfactory results obtained from the transit of 1761, gave ri?' ': rrcater efforts for observing the one of 1769, and observcrh ' .o sent to the Island of Tahiti, Manilla, and other points in the Pacific Ocean ; to the shores of Hudson's Bay, Madras, Lapland, and to Wardhus, an Island in the Arctic Ocean, at the nortli-east extremity of Norway. The first external and internal contact.s were observed at most of the European obser- vatories, and the Ifist contacts at several places in Eastern Asia and in the Pacific Ocean ; while the whole duration was observed at Wardhus, and other places in the north of Europe, at Tahiti, «fcc. But on account of a cloudy atmosphere at all the northern stations, except Wardhus, the entire duration of the 88 ill ! ■ p.'"w n : transit could not bo observed, and it conseriuently happened that the observations taken at Wardhus exercised a great influence on the iiual result,. This, however, would have been a matter of very little inii)ortanoe, if the observations taken there by the observer, Father Hell, had been reliable, but they exhibited such dilTerences fi'oni those of other observei's, as to lead some to regard theui as forgeries. A careful exatuination of all the available observations of this transit, gave 8".o7 for the solar parallax, and consequently 9i3, 382,000 miles for the Sun's mean distance. The first serious doubts as to the acciiracy of this value of the Solar pai'allax, began to be entertained in the year 18o4, when Professor Hansen found from an investigation of the lunar orbit, and especially of that irregularity called the ^;«?'fl//rtc<rd, By the excessive motions of Venus's nodes, and of the perihelion of Mars, also investigated by tlie same distinguished astronomer ; 4th, By the velocity of light, which is 183,470 miles per second, being a decrease of nearly 8,000 miles ; and 5th, By the observations on Mars during the opjiositions of 18G0 and 18G3. A diminution in the Sun's distance will necessarily involve a corresponding change in the masses and diameters of the bodies composing the Solar system. The Earth's mass will require an increase of about one-tenth part of the whole. Substituting LeVerrier's solar parallax (8".95) in Eq. (38), 40 H , ■ ' the Earth's mean distance from the Siin becomes 91,333,070 which is a reduction of 4,048,800 miles. The Sun's apparent diameter at the Earth's mean distance = 32' 3".G4, and in order that a body may subtend this angle, at a distance of 91,333,070 miles, it must have a diameter of 8a 1,700 miles, which is a diminution of 37,800 miles. The distances, diameters, and velocities of all the planets in our system will require corres- ponding corrections if we express them in miles. Since the periodic times of the planets are known with great precision, we can easily determine by Kepler's third law, their mean distance irom the Sun in terms of the Earth's mean distance. Thus : if T and t be the periodic times of the Earth and a planet respectively, and D the planet's mean distance, then regarding the Earth's mean distance as unity, we have T^ : f^ :: 1 : Z> Or, J) = (^' (39). In the case of Neptune the mean distance is diminished by about 121,000,000 miles. Jupiter's mean distance is diminished 21,003,000 miles, and his diameter becomes 88,290 miles, which is a decrease of 3,808 miles. These numbers shew the great importance which belongs to a correct knowledge of the Solar parallax. . 'vh -■»* 41 31,333,670 s apparent d in Older )1, 333,070 v^hicl) is a eters, and ire corres- Since the jcision, we n distance i. Thus : a planet regarding :; 1 : i> (39). lished by iminished es, whicli he great the Solar (III.) A TRANSIT OF MERCURY. May 6th, 1878. Transits of Mercury occur more frequently than those of Venus by reason of the planet's greater velocity. The longitudes of Mercury's nodes are about 46° aud 226°, and the Earth arrives at these points about the 10th of November and the 7th May, transits of this planet may therefore be expected at or near these dates, those at the ascending node in November, and at the descending node in May. Mercury revolves round the Sun in 87.9693 days, and the Earth in 365.256 days. The converging fractions approximating 87.9693 7 13 33 ^'^ 1365:256- "^'^ 2-9' 54' 137' ^"^ ' Therefore when a transit has occured at one node another may be expected after an interval of 13 or 33 years, at the end of which time Mercury and the Earth will occupy nearly the same position in the heavens. Sometimes, however, transits occur at the same node at inter- vals of 7 years, and one at either node is generally preceded or followed by one ^ +he other node, at an interval of 3 J years. The last transit at the descending node occurred in May, 1845, and the last at the ascending node in November, 1868. Hence the transits for the 19th century will occur, at the de- scending node May 6th, 1878 ; May 9th, 1891 ; and at the descending node November 7th, 1881, and November 10th, 1894. COMPUTATION OP THE TRANSIT OP 1878. From the tables'^ of the planet we obtain the following helio- centric positions : — * Tables of Mercury, by Jogpph Winlock, Prof. Mathematics U. S. Navy, Wnshington, 1864, Il 42 tii'ii It! WasliiiiKtfPii Mean Time. Merrury'H Ilelluc. Longitude. MeriMir.v's Ilelloc. Latitude. iiog. Rad. Vector. 1878, May 6d. Oh. Ih. « 2h. ♦« 3h. 225° 52' 57".0 226 15 .4 220 7 33 .6 226 14 51 .6 r 17".3 N. 6 23 .4 5 29 .0 4 35 .8 9,6545239 9,0540389 9,6547535 9,6548677 The following positions of the Earth have been obtained from Delanibre's Solar Tables, corrected by n)yself, tt being taken equal to 8". 95 at the Earth's mean distance : — Washington Mean Time. 1878, May 6d. Oh. Ih. " 2h. " 3h. Earth's Helioc. Longitude. 220° 0' 38".9 220 3 04 .0 220 5 29 .1 226 7 54 .2 Log. Ranh's Rad. Vector. 10,0040993 10,0041038 10,0041082 10,0041120 The Sun's true longitude is found by subtracting 180° from the Earth'.s longitude. Passing to the true geocentric places by Formulse (3), (4), and (5), we obtain : — Washington Mean Tfnio. Mercury's true Geoc. Longitude. Mercury's true Geoc. Latitude. 5' 53".0 N. 5 10 .2 4 20 .8 3 43 .4 1878, May 6d. Oh. Ih. " 2h. " 3h. 40° 0' 52". 4 40 5 20 .4 46 3 48 .3 40 2 10 .3 Formula (7) gives log. distance from Earth at Ih, = 9.7406455. This will be required in formuhe (14) and (15) for finding the aberration. Formula (9) gives P = 15''. 9. The semi-diameter of Mercuiy at the Earth'.s mean distance, 3". 34 = d', therefore by Eq. (12), d == 5". 98. Aberration in Longitude r=: + 0" 07, by Eq. (14). Aberration in Latitude =^ + 3".34, by Eq. (15). The Sun's semi-diameter = 15' 52".3. (Solar Tables). ' The Sun's aberration c= — 20". 25, ^a '•''fM'' ')?. Rail. Sector. 545239 i 54G389 ] 547535 548677 I I lefl from ig taken Id. 80° from (4), and eoc 466455. ling the istance. 40 Correctinj^ i'ov aberration we obtain the apparent places as foUowH : — AVu»liin)jloii iVIeuii Tiniu. Meicur.v'o A(i|mr. Ueuc. LiOiiKituUe. Morciiry'.s Ap|i. Qeoc. Lat. Suii'it Appar. Longitude. 1878, May, (k\ Oh. " Ih. " :i 40" 0' 51). "0 40 5 27.0 40 3 54.9 40 2 'JO.!) 5' 50 ."9N. 5 13.5 4 30.1 3 40.7 40^ 0' 18".7 40 2 43.8 40 5 8.9 40 7 34.0 liitcrpolatiiig for the lime of conjunction and collecting the element.^, we have Washington mean time of conjunction in longitude, May 6d. Ih. 41 miu. 17 sec. Mercury's and Sun's longitude 40° 4' 23''.G Mercury'.s latitude 4' 43". 6 N. Sun's hourly motion in longitude 2' 25".l E. Mercuiy's hourly motion in longitude 1' 32". I W. Mercury's hourly motion in latitude 43".4 S. Sun's equatorial horizimtal parallax 8". 87 Mercury's ecjuatorial horizontal parallax ... 15''. 9 Su)''s semi-diameter 15' 52".3 Mercury's semidiameter 5".9 Employing the same notation as in Art. 13, the preceding elements give the following I'esults. Relative hourly motion in longitude : 3' 57". 2; n - 10° 22' 7"; mn ^. 24 I'M 3 the rela- tive hourly motion in apparent orbit. C F the least distance between the centres ~ 279" ; E F — 51".04; time of describing E F - 12 m. 42 sec. Since Mercury is north of the Sun's centre at conjunction, and moving southward, i7i^will lie on the right of C E (see Fig, 4), and the middle of the transit will take place at Ih. 54m. P.M. • , Sum of semi-diameters = 958".2 V = 16° 55' 44" ; V F = 916".G8 ; Time of describing V F - 3h. 48.1 min. - half of the dura- tion. Subtracting 3h. 48.1 min. from, and adding the same to 44 tho time of the middle of the trnusit, we obtain the times of the fivHt and h\st contacts, as seen from the Earth's centre, thus : First external contact May (id. lOh. H.i) niin. A,M. Lust external contact •* 5h. 42.1 niin. P.M. Mean time at Washington, The places which will liavo the Sun in the zenith at these times can be found in the same manner as in Art. 14, with the aid of the following elements : — Obliquity of the Ecliptic 23° 27' 2.'5". Sidereal time at Washington at nitian noon of May Gth (in arc) 44° 24' /)0".4G. Since the relative parallax is only 7" the time of the first or last contact will not be much influenced by the parallax in longitude and latitude, and therefore the preceding times for Washington are sufficiently accurate for all ordinary purposes. The mean local time of beginning or end for any other place, is found by applying the difi'erence of longitude, as below : — The longitude of Washington is oh. 8m. 11 sec. W. The longitude of Toronto is 5h. 17m. 33 sec. W. Therefore Toronto is D min. 22 sec. west of Washington. Then, with reference to the centre of the Earth, we have for Toronto, First external contact May Gd. 9h. SG.Sm. A.M. Last external contact " 5h. 32.7m. P.M. Mean time. For Quebec, longitude 4h. 44m. 48 sec. W. First external contact May Gd. lOh. 29.3m. A.M. Last external contact " Gh. 6.5m. P.M. Mean time. For Acadia College, longitude 4h. 17.Gm. W, ", First external contact May Gd. lOh. 56.5m. A.M. Last external contact '• Gh. 32.7m. P.M. Mean time. For Middlebury College, Vermont, longitude 4h. 52.5m. W. First external contact, May Gh. lOh. 21.5m. A.M. Last external contact *' 5h. 57.7m. P.M. Mean time at Middlebury. 45 APPENDIX. Eclipses of the Sun are computed in precisely the same way as transits of Venus or Mercury, the Moon taking the place of the planet. The Solar and Lunar Tables furnish the longitude, latitude, equatorial parallax, and semi-diameter of the Sun and Moon, while Formula (19)-(30) furnish the parallax in longitude and latitude. If the computation be made from an ephemens which gives the right ascension and declination of the Sun and Moon instead of their longitude and latitude, we can dispense with formula (21) and (23), and adapt (25), (2G), (29). and (30) to the computation of the parallax in right ascension and declination. In Fig. G, let Q be the pole of the equator, then i Q is the co-latitude = 90° - ; Z Q S =^K the Moon's true hour angle == the Moon's A. R. - the sidereal time ; S Q S' is the parallax in A. R. == a:, and Q 5' - Q *S is the parallax in declination = y. Put Q S, the Moon's true north polar distance .= 90 — S, then Formula (25) and (26) become, sin X- = sin Pcos sec g sin {h + a) (25, bis). = A; sin (^ + oc) Or, X k sin h ^ F sin 2h ^ k' sin 3/t _^ ^^ ^20, bis). 1 / sin 1 sin 2 Q// Sin o Again, the formulse for determining the auxiliary angle in (29) becomes, r, , o■^ x ^ ' cot ^ = cot cos (/t + I) sec % And (29) becomes, sin y = sin P sin cosec sin ( (^ - g) + v/) . (29, bis). = /csin((e-8) + y) k sin {Q-D . 7 c' sin 2 (6>- 8) , /c" sin 3 ^0 -g) ^^ y "= 8in 1- "^ ^^^' s^^ 3" ^ (30, bis). 46 Theso purnllaxc'S when ai)[)Hn(l with tliciv propfr signs to the light nscciiHioiiH aiul th'clinations (tf tlic Moon for th(> assumed times, luiiiish tlie apjuiretd right nsccnsioiis and declinatiuns. The din'crt'nce between the apparent jl. 11, oi" the Moon und th« trap. A. U. of the Sun, must he reduced to sceonds of arc of a (jre.at cli'cle, hy multiplying it by the cosino of the Moon's appa- rent declination. 'I'lie a|.))arent places of the AFoon with respect to the Sun will give the Moon's apparent orbit, and the times of apparent contact of limbs are found in the same way us described in Art. lii. The only othei correction necessary to take into account, is that for the augnnuitation of the Moon's semi- diauuiter, duo to its altitude. The augmentation may be taken from a table prepared for that j)ur|)ose, and which is to be found in all good works on Practical Astronomy, or it may, in the case of solar eclipses, be computed by the following formula) : — TO FIND TllK ALKJMKNTATION OK TIIK MOONS SKMI-DIAMETER. Let C anil M be the centres of the Earth and Moon, A a point on the Earth's surface, join CM, A 31, and ]»roduce C A to Z ; then M (■ Z is the Moon's true zem'th distance -^~ Z =. arc Z S in Fhj. G ; and MA Z is the apparent zenith distance ^= Z' =: arc Zi ii' in the same figure. Represcjnt the Moon's semi-diameter as seen from C, by d; the aemi-dianu'ter as seen from A by d' \ the apparent hour angle Z Q S' by h', and the apparent declination by g', then i£ ^ CM _ sin Z' d A M sin Z ^miZ S' sin Z iS 'II ^' sni n cos o sin h cos 3 sni h cos t) {8ee Fuf. G.) , by Art. 21. (40). Therefore, d' ^ d. (41). sni a cos o This formula furnishes the augmented semi-diameter at once. It can be easily modified so as to give the augmentation directly, but with logarithms to seven decimal places, it gives the apparent semi-diameter with great precision. 47 Ah cxninploH wc give th«i following, tlio fii'Ht of which in fi'om Looniis's I'ructical Asiroiioiny : — Kx. 1. Kind th(! IMnou's pm-iilliix in A. A', and lU'clinution, .ind thr imgnicntcd Kcnii-diamclcr for lMiiIiidf'l|ihia, F^nt. iV.f ,'>7' 7" N. when tho hoi-izontal piirallax of tlu; placi! is .Y.)' '.]()". H, iho Moon's declination 2[' .V 11". C N., llio Moon's true hour angle 01' 10' 47". 4, and the sunii-diameter IG' IG". J ws.- Parallax in A. R., \i' 17"M Dec, -jr,' 10". 1 Augmented senii-diani ^ 1(»' 2G".1;5. Ex. 2. R('((uirod i\w tinies of beginning and end of the Solar Eclipse of Octol)or 0-10, 1874, for l'](liiil)urgh, Lat. ,10' 57' 23" N. Long. 12ni. l."5 »(<(! Wesl., from the following eleinont.s ohtained from the English Naiitiral Almanac : — rTreenvvich moan time of conjunction in ^1 />', Oct. 9d. 22h. 10m. 11.4 .sec. bun s and Moon's yl /t", 195" 36' 30" Moon'K declination S ,> 39 8.9 Sun's declination S G 39 .34.1 Moon's hourly motion in J. Yi' 26 21,9 Sun's do 2 18.2 Moon's hourly motion in Declination. S 13 48.3 Sun's do S 5C.9 Moon's Equatorial Horizontal Parallax. .53 59.6 Sun's do do 9.0 Moon's true .semi-diametor 14 44.2 Sun's do 16 3.8 Greenwich sidereal time at conjunction. 171 23 32.8 Assuming, for the beginning, 20h. 55m., and for the end, 23h. 10m. Greenwich mean time, we obtain from the preceding elements and formuhe the following results, which may be verified by the Student : — Geocentric latitude ::::= oo''-' 16' 41" ; reduced or relative Parallax = 53' 43".2. 48 \^^ Moon's A R Sun's AR Moon's Dec Sun's Dec Sid. Time at Edin. (in arc). Moon's true hour angle... Moon's Panillax in A.R... Moon's do in Dec... Moon's apparent A R Moon's do Dec Diff. of A R in seconds of arc of great circle DifF. Dec Aug. semi-diam of Moon.. 20h. 56m. G. M. T. 23h. 10m. G. M T. 195" 3' 27". 6 196° 2' 46"9 195 33 3G.8 195 38 47.8 5 21 50.9 S. ^ 52 54.6 S. G .38 22.9 S. 6 40 30.9 S. 149 21 51.0 183 12 24.1 45 41 56.1 E. 12 50 22.8 E. + 21 49.4 + 6 48.5 + 46 25.1 + 47 32.7 195 25 17.0 196 9 35.4 6 8 16.0 S. 6 40 27.3 S. 496"- 9. Moon W. 1835".l MoonE. 30' 6". 9, Moon N. 3".6 Moon N. 888".4 890".5. Eclipse begins October lOd. 8h. 43m. 32 sec. AM. Eclipse ends " lOh. 58m. 22 sec. A.M. Mean time, at Edinburgh. Magnitude ,369 Sun's diam. THE END.