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Maps, platas, charts, ate. may ba filmad at diffarant raductlon ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraly includad in ona axposura ara filmad baglnning in tha uppar laft hand corner, laft to right and top to bottom, as many frames as rsquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., pauvant itra fllmto k das taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra raproduit en un seul cllchA, II est fllmA A partir de Tangle supArleur gauche, de gauche A drolta, at de haut en bas, en prenant le nombra d'images nAcessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 '*'''''**ii^ ^f, ,,.i;^t\. ^^^4s.;.>:''^^')-;i^&^|n.if' ^^^^ffse^ ^^s 1^ 1 T F ^ MOliFm- tf «|''^" ,-|Ht m..^:-pM, ," .^)i'^r" ■■'■ '■ ■ ■■■'/ ; ... ", ■*'■ ■, . '■■" ■ ''■it*','.; ■ ■' ffl' 'ft 21 ^^il)?] ^^ ei|i(i«»ltt the iwiilil 1. i> in jK ir«4t«»». Ire. W m4\ r^fe'* ■•"^f. . *'p . 1 :i: n^ ■!#>»> 111 Up *;^5, w''- ^^^' mX %^m?,: '■*«mM I/- • 1%*' 7f ■ - Sn^'* "■ E.**' *. V m'^ K \ r • ' -f fS^ ^P>^ iiw#»§*» #»ii i i iii j i )i i fl|.i' i I I I 1 1 1 , 1 1 II ^ XXIX. Dtyt» 1788. ^#*1>t!^ fiHPl|M»»i Oem, «nbiUoii*s Plume, f| Hitfl Cjrteni^a & Peng. tr$mtber at ii 6 P ad Sun. in Lent, ctmt, 6 Qenters X sh. 24m. Aft. 6 ^ ^crjQM h0w no Hay to h« 6 4|Clo. ftift i^m-jtcatcMin th Sionutrs. \Jtdty it a better Guard, than mi Pr.OcT.b.7*8fct. I ah4f4flii 6 6 7 , ^^^ P 3d $.inL.St.MAT.Pr.AD. ao.fafti3m.s5r (Pa.b. ^ Ittary Force. fhtv$9tir^$ 4 If^iutkor nuUlfiottioovtr. (^ -In thia J^ndi i» One6 ^Day more, than is bi^t d once 'in Yean vr^ry ^^m^''^W'»^, n. Aft. ARCHw hM^MMM •MMMipMMM TO me tKv better Gifti impoart. Each moral Beau^ of tKe HcMf, By ftudious Thoaght n&l»*d i For Wealth— the Smiles of cl«d Contdtt^ For Pow'r^it's ampleft, bcft E«t«irt^ ^ An Empire o'er my Min^- ^M ^ i'. ■-V' F. S. HJM. 3 4$ 4- 30 5 »5 6 S 45 7 35 8 Z5 9 15 10 5 NewMoon 7Day, 7h.i9m|faft7m. 241. ^OOD FaifDAY. • r^i>it ■> ,>»« mi} m PflffttM 4fop» her gajr Ftnide^ ftalliM't tnudkBt Rofei fade» ..W'iAad wither in the Tomb : ix^f >jQWEkMi|f4it thcj immortil Prize^ !^^^ ilpef cfcrh^frdMit Leureli iile» Je ladectyim Bloom. »i'' ipa 6t>iy, oh. 3m.Mor. ) f Full Moon loDax, oh. 46m. M. if p9f, 7h.y8m.M0f. I I Laft Q£. ig Day, yh. z^m. M. MM % eiMhKABL^ Days, tr. 0'« WgATIIBfc, Ac. ll.li.B 3|e|ftAft3m.Air. AUFool». $ 42 4I. Wi^wottldfeUhitButb $ '40 d-|linRfbraMcPer. j; 24 M db.tBf ether. 7*s ^ 22 ^4i#JbiAi, (ftt.dl.35m s 20 S 4 If 6lL cm. Ifor, , irfie^ BAtTtii. 18 - *^ I 16 ' 4 »«; liVi0.Coii]^46 5 ^ 17 »lefs , . « »3^ » w ^^f^m i V. MAY. hi tittmdiifltJM I BY thee piote NaturerdiA^teato ob^ Clo. fl. tm. 5of. FerypUm- font n^tmtbtr with rtAL > Perig. frtjhing Stotvirs. IVhitsvnbay. Middling 4. Whit Monday. TirVlSr/. 4 Whit Tubjd. Clo. flow 4 (jm. 5Qf. 4 Grmning Phmfinit Wtailn \ Mhttt thtjk D»fu 4. 4 Tn.S.Cl.fL|m.;4f. 7*» f«« ♦ Q;^CHAKL.b.i744. (7^25 4 enters n 7h. 7m. Mor 4 The Specter warns the 4 5 Prs. Eliz. b. Ladies to be 4 o Clo.flow 3m.36f. very cir- 4 ) Apog. . cnmfpeA this 4 iftS.aft.Trin. Month. 4 A-AovtT. iftB. QMai,1imn 4 m/ fttbmpx 7hmtdtt » 4 4JCI0. (low 3m. t^.huithii 4 " C|iA(.|I.Reft. 7)te«. 4 ^y Cfitdiodaiii in the 4 yiroildiM M Cbtflovir am-asf. Shtmien I I MMd^ts/km ITutbir. ij *^ 4 fC.GBO.III. b 1738. Oe- "^ir.SaN.Avo. b* (d.invjf. Perig. PrttlyfttU7idu. iJtvR.aft. Trinity. 16. How im. 6f. M. Amilia born. t. Barnabai. Neceffi^ is the Shadow of an Excufe for the iaft, 1p. flow f f. but the firft " SvN. aft. Tr. has none ;owfaft 2of. at all. H*M« H it. Al B A N . A good Timt 4 $9 pUmt CtuimMr/, tmd 4 ilCio. faft C9f. limi emougb, |p.BDw.K.W.Sax. Oent. 7 > Apog. (8B sh. 48m. A. B cth S. aft. T. tutUfsyu emtl '■% Cloi fiiftim.5of. mffori hot 4 -3 St.j0Hll BaVTIST. ^f/i. 4 :4| T/k fhldi hnin to ^9w ^ fkririuai'iM Btmityt mkd ^ fihmnthtBjtstfikiB*^ 4 >. faft am. 58C btUtrsi ^ B.aft.Tr.St.FBTBB.{^^ i.F. i nc J uxt. XXXI. ^ HE bade IHfliO tuttefal 6mtm. Convey thy phUofi>phic Theme* Of perfoft, ftir, aiu! good t Attentive AAiem caaghi; the Sound, And all her Hft*toing Soni arou^id. In awful faience dtood. ll f«il P'^ j,«Vj N(fw Mooil^Diy. oh. rm:Aft. I ( Firft Qr.ioDay, 3L.19m.M0r. | ( Fall Moon iSDay, Itk.i^My Laft Qr %bDMy,ih s6mi lf<«. M tfP t-^ ^ I W Wbathbr, &c. V' i-.^PHB ^^^^^Bt'./f " ' '^^'afll ^^K'''^-' ^^K^'''" jl ^^H^^' ^^^Bis^'i'- 3 • Z/tUdftf^ andffrhmft 4 4Yirit:B. V. MARV.:R«i* c CIo faftjm.S ir. witbTimm O^it. Mart. SPerTgl dir ' /»r#//y bighTUis'. 7thSuK.iJft. Trin. fltufant Wttabtr nvhJb showers, Clo fait 4tn. ^of. Some true Caljiulki and Poll ticiatu niiiy be found in ajlNationi. 8tHS. aft Tr. Ftgtftmer. Cb. faft 5p. 27,f «i(0'/'^ $!;• $ W I T H I N . o/mY tf / #Aii S^afen, 'rhe(;e may One 4 l5ay be n 0hiforniity ot i]> A^og Folitici'ahd Re- plo. fail i;m. 5zf. ligion ^tkS. aft. Tr. through the 'World. Per/^a'fs Raia 3^AQDAL. p enters ^'2h. 4 tifitbThuiultr. (30m. M. |piockr«$6m. 3f. 6 St'. jAilkt. By your Eye|4 It Ann's, Doge's B*g i ife, by Yoiii' £ar faft 6ni. iWtfe. That own JJ^, you' may ire ~ "ilmsiniritlattiforUfe. i^iq '"^W: m^' \0imm WS^^iPilUr wUd U(;entioa« Youth, ^^DbB^'d ihf Mfeeat V«ice of Troth ^ And Mt it> jttft Contfoul j lilt P«iSoBi QMf'd their loud A^anm. :AM Virtue's fofc perfuafive Charms, V O'er all their Senfes aole. ^IS ', ^ , iJ>a.yj6k,^2m./Ut.J f LaftQr. 24Day,iih.25m.For. ^ ^ ' lEMDf^ S Day. sh. 32m. Aft. > < NewMoon «iDay,2h.2om. M« j PuttfiSon i. . And all the fweet. engaging Ijet Of iUU domeftic Life. ♦ '1 F^ Ctjl' 7 Dajr».i^h. 4m. Mor. ) C Laift (k. t2 Day, 7h. 2401. Ev; ~T. I |KewModii»9Day,iih.}ri».F. Full Moon 1 5Day„8h. 56m.M. If MiWrR BMARICABXt DaTS, Weathir, &C. 2:CIo.fl»z8f. 7*s rife9h.«om London burnt 1666 O.S, iViniy and 'warm. Dog B>.;]^& end. i*rtn»Alr begins to rtfre0tht tra- Clo. flow 2m. 6f. wiiti^ 16th S. aft. Tr. Pkafant Nativ.B. V.Ma R.5i&9.w^ri Never intrcat thy Servant to flay with thee, or tniil J Apog. him with thy Se- 5 43 7 Clo.flow4m9f. cret8,foi5 44 7 that will make hitn thy i7thS.aft.Tr.HoL.CRbs8 5 it Matter, rife 7h. 50m Lambert. CoolMorwt^ Q\oJ\. 6m. I5f. mnJE-JtH- ings are bajtining, SthS.aft.Tr.St.MATTH. K.GEO.in.c.i76i.0ent6 o 6 Pr.ALF.b.(iQi5h.28m.M.i$ i Clo. fl. 9m. 2of. t % JPerig. 61 St. Cyprian. 6 . -5 19th Sun. aft. Trinity. j5 8^ St Mi c H .Prs.CH. AuG.bi!6 - 9*" 6 St. jBROM.Cl.fl.iom lij^JSr'ti [i Jii'h "iM TO J Em Uxh Nft more to f«bk4 Nunei coBftn*d| To the fttpretne, all-perfect Min4», My Thoughts direa their iPIlght : IK^om's thy Gi^t^ and til her Forct» From the derivMI eternal fource Of intelleaual Light \ ■i Ik-. &«•, ^^ 6Dayfi,ih.i4m.Nrdit I { LaiTQr S2pty, ah.s9m.MQr, P«lil.Moon i4p*y,i|h.3$9i.>J. 5 I NcwMo6n««Dty,iih./5n».M RE^ARKABLf DaYI« U ^^.^ I'l jr. )/.j| H.M. H. Pinci, H^Ajf. A. 12 6 14 6 18 4}Reijtigia9. ISteiufy ra'iv Air. VAtars upJirtHt andpUa feint. When thou btiycft raf|>ea Ornatnents and iilothSvN. aft. Trin. Clot flow 12m. 5f. Commendations. . High Vfindi and Jtmn. SlDbvyi. ) Apog. li it m*t jibfurd tb ex- y CJo, flow I fm^ 24f. claim ^|ftSuN.>ft.^Tr. kgainft f^% ti(e 6h 48m. fdrcign iS 3I' littxarles, and iat the 5 J , iitme time, make thofe 6 5lCj[p. flow li^. 5if. who IS 6 £thieldred. live By intro- 6 'St. LuKS. ducingthem, is 22dSuN. aft. Tr. theiS 40 Leadeivofdur Fjdhicus.ffS 42 43 ¥^ 48 49 5» 5« 54 m 3|Clo. flow i5ii[i. 2^f. /*/r«-K 4I ^;l*er. Qent. n|, i h.i^m. A 5 6! , M^rffiw and Ewinings, 6 7'k.CrEO.ni.Accef.CRi8P 6 ^«3d S.aft,T. KiGEp.in. JS 2^1o. flow^i^in. 2f. (Prbcl. '6 3 4t. ^f M . ft Ju D . ( 1 760. 5 4| ^ * • - . . 6 5I . ;^ 6 ^ 'BQlo. floW i($m. i'3f. 16 e8 »9 21 %z «4 U 28 30 3» 33 3S 36 3» 39 nif«cr«tf|6 46 39 J Ji.!i •4 «7 kneet SI leg! feet I «^? ' he«d 16 neck, *S arms hrehd at 6 fn Kurt $^; ^9 ^* belly. 6»9l 17 6 * reins 6* 16 6fOt S9 6mfccrets 6|> thighs .^ 6>C 6» 6'to 60 li 20 ^21 J li \^ m, MiW, DDI ^'^NWEkfigi^^j^ O lend her fure,.hcr llcidy Rty, To reguUte my doubtful Wif^ . Through Life's pet]»lexu^e ftbtSi The Mifti of Error to contfbul. And through it's Gloom dtMfk my BoiAt To Happinefs itnd goo^ Firft Or. spay, 7h.J9m. After, 1 J Laft Qr ioDay, ^. xSm. Vm> Fall Moon iiDay. itL26m,Af. ] ( KewMoon 2^Day,ih.efot.w. ■ II I .^ ■ 1 1 I II I I ■ ■ - ■ - ■ - ^1 . 1, 1 11^ I "Jt mi' Rbmarkablb Days, . Al L . S AI n t I . Failing {i4th i.a.T. All Sott Pr xPri. SopritAb. (jBftw.b 3 7*8 fo. I in. 5 $m. W^tathv 4r9wd.Ploc.160;. ^Apog 5;Clo.Aow i6m. 6f. ahiu oDukeofCvMB.b. thtj, 7'Pr8. Aug. Soph. b. Duys. £ |25th Sum. aft. Tr. Before a; you fpeak evil of Digni 3 St Martin, ties upor 4 Clo.flo. 1 5m. 29f. hearfay. 5j cohfider whether if you 7 '14 was in Place, you would 7 7! not be liable to Miftakes. E '.a6th S. aft, Tr. or to be 2 Hugh B .of Lincf)ln.7»8 fo , 7 3jC!o.fl 1 4.^. a if. (1 ih.c6m 7 *o 5 4I ^ Perig. belled. ; 21 jl'Eo.K. JeMart. Lcfld Mo. 7 22 6^0 enters jf ph. 38i!h.Mor 7 ^3 j Cecilia, ney to thy £ne^ 7 H 5 27th S. aft.Tr . St.CLBM, 1 \\ J Cle.A0.t2m 44f. my, thou 7 20 5 Du>fplo.b. wilt gaim liifnJ to thy Fi'iend, and thou 7 c 0fccIlpfed,invif. wilt loofc ^ 2.9 5 6, him. Ftrhapsm light /aU 7 3I0 5 7 Cl<).flo. II n^.if. 0/ Sttt-ju. 731 E Adv.Sum. St. ANbiiBw«7 32 *iMiMr ■5"' ' ' M&BCEMMR, hath XXXI. Days, i7«8. ■Js^ u ".rv% ■ BBN^^TH the* clekr difcerahig Eye, The viliohaiy Shadows fly, ' OfFoIly*! |»mt6d Show; She fees through cv*ry fair Difguife, That: all but virtue's folid Joys, Are Vanity and Woe. PirHQr: sDay, 4h. 3*111. Aft. ) J Full Moon i3Day,2h Sm.Mor. | ( Laft Qr. ipDay, 5h^ 50m Aft. NewMoon i7Day,6h.i7in. M. M|W BD •16 19 ao 7 3 2 J 4 I 7 E 2 Remarkable Days; jr. Weather, kc. U. Oil M.H. >'8 Place. r. >i H.W 7*» ib. I ih. lom. SHrw,\'j Rmm, then clears off cold. ) Apog. We all fet out on Clo. flow lom. i6f. the More Show, Journey of 7 Nicholas, or Rain, tbef\y id Sun. 'n Adv. cold again Conception of V.Mary 3 ClO'flovir 6m. 5 if. Life, on tc^^X Footing. . Why 1 1 1 J fliouid FcllowTravcUers iz^ijr^sfo. loh ^3 ib h\ 7 3» 20m. fight or 'ihvcY. enflave each B 4d*S V N . in Adv. other ? Clo. flow 4m. if. fltafantfor the Sea/on. 4 P Ferig. followed by fal- ling iVeather^ probabl) , SnofJj, But Accounts ShortDay . O ent. Hf 1 oh. M 4th^.in Adv.St.Tn o M A s . CLo.flo. ^2f.7*« fo.ph 3501 ^111 be ballanced at ^.. Ruvui cold and difagree Crfiist BoRN.tf^^ Wea St. Stephen, iker. . St ja'tt^.*Cld.fiiftrm.58f E lil S.aftJChriftm. In noc. ' More Saonv or Rain . 3j );Apog«p. ' the Ead. ^S^VEtT.Ct.faH 301. 55f - ^- A F. S. H.M. 335 V a? 34 5 -» leg* 35 5 5P 18 36 5 K feet 36 5 H la 37 5 K 24 38 5 V head 38 5 T 19 39 5 a neck 39 5 « »5 40 5 « 29 40 5 u arms 41 5 n 27 41 5 91 bread 6 42 5 ZB 27 4» 5 SI heart 42 5 a 26 \2 $^ belly 4* 5 *« 25 4a 5 ^ reins 42 5 A 22 42 5 ftlfecrets 4* 5 "I >9 42 5 / thighs 42 5 ^ 13 42 5 / 26 42 5 l^ knees 41 5 >t 21 41 5 ^ legs 40 5 « 14 40 sir 27 8 33 9 34 10 35 11 36 Morn, o 55 44i 5» 6 Mom o 25 I 2- » 59 3 4 4 7 5 18 b JO Riies. 20 32 26. 27 26 »4 c *3 Sets. 15 »4l >3 Id 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 12 13 »4 »5 © »7 18 19 20 21 C *3 24 25 26 27 28 29 II 12 12 I 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 II 12 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 9 o II ^ 20 10 55 40 *S 10 55 «^ 25 o 10 }^ 55 <^ 40 25 10 <;5 40 25 10 55 50 45 30 25 20 »5 ^ "♦— ^1|: •^^' Province of NOVA-SC His Excbll^ncy .^iU.- ->• The Right Honourable LO|lD DORG HESTBJt» 'M. Captain-General and Governor in Chief in and Over His |iij}|Nt; ^ fty's Provmcesof QuiBEC, New-B.rvnswick» NanTA-Soo^^ TiA, and their Dependencies, &c.?&c. &c. v m? His Excellency JOHN PARR, Efq; LMdfe««ti»C Governor arid Commander in Chief in and over jHis )M{(jd%^i Province of Nova-Scotia, and. its Pjcpendencies, VicclAd«- miral of the fame. Sec. See. &c. His Majesty's Council. -'♦7 i<» , ^ ^ The Hon Richai-d Bulkeley, Henry Newton, Jofeph Gorham* Arthur Goold, John Butler, John Creighton, The^ en. Alexamdi* "Bryttt^, IfaacDefchatops, : : Tho..Cochrjnj I Ciia. Morris, ,..,.,'j John Hall^btgrtqa^ ; MEMBERS OF the HOUSE of County of Ha L I F AX. »1 S. S. Blowers, R. J. Uniacke, 1^ John Geo. Pyke, Efqrs. and '> Mr. Mich. Wallace. « Countyof Annapolis. Maj. ^ Tho. Barkley, and Alexander Howe, Efq. County of Cumberland. John B.Dight, Efq. Mr. Philip Marchinton. Queen's County. Simeon Perkins, Efq; and Mr. Benajah Collins. County of Lunenburg. D.C. Jeffen, and John William Schwartz, Efqrs. King's County. Jonat. Crane, ^ and Elijah Laurence, Efqrs. County of H A N T s . Benjamin Dewolf, and Wink Tonge, Efqrs. County of Shclburne. Alex. Leckie, Cha. M'Niel, Efqrs. County of Sydney. I. M. F.' Bulkeley, Ja. Putnam, Efqrs. ASSEMBLY. ' Town of Halifax. Jolm FlUis, Efqt^. and Mr.Wi£Uklii j Cochran Onslow. CharlesDickfonJ^fq. Tr u r6, Mr. Math: A«cil3|rd. Londonderry. Mr. jAihes Smith. .^ . , "'•'irifdjgo Annapolis. Col. pelaiw^ri '^ G r A N V I L L E . Benj . James m'^ Lunenburg, Cafper WQK|reQ> haupt,^ Efq; ' , '5 Ho R TON. Gurd.Denniibiii^Efq; QoRNWALLis. M^fielMj^Qia Belcher. , J^^ Falmouth. Jcr^miah^J^^ab. thup, Efqr. ;. New-Port^ Jife. John t^^ Amherst. Mr. Char. HiUj./" Win psoR. j.M'Mq^aglftyl^fqrv, LitERPopi,'. Mr. EphJj Jyeaif. Yarmouth. Mr. SaiIiv|^.^hc|- don PooTe. ' ' ♦ ♦■ •t^yo^ Barrincton'. t)lGBY Tho. Shelbvrnb. Efq: 4, ' i , -^•7 fe 2U. %:- '*«/.?** •t i^W^^on. Richard Bulkoliy, E%. J Ltndl, Giiirlti Him-ris^ £Vqr» 1, 8.1s. Blowcff,' Elq. MM, kkiiiraOBikcke* Bio. •lid Clerk oftlieCrbWtt, Wm. Tkom&m B%. tMimrt Jfenkmin Green, B(qr. ||niMMfe<^« WiiiikwiQtth ToBge, JBfqr. |gl||afllwiCMitQf Vice^Adniiriirtxior Appcali, ]on»tkaii $«welj ^|l|ib tit ]!^Mi^JtBieiBKatQa.«.Siqr. H B.J Bob. Kciud Bnlkdey, Efqr; Judge. Ei^ John l^iaci^e, Advocite (general. Civiltalionrif* Efgr. Regifter. tlf. F. HIke)ey,£rq. Marfhal. UbllAiMTf*^ RUF^t^S GQUET for ;hc ffitwifici. ilM«9iii»b)e Efqc. Chisf-Jumce. Um B i fe k n n p«« >n^ juuigBrencon, Efi|rs; JulUcet^ «r tbe INfiBRTpR-COURT of COMMQN- FLEAS. idfLtin^nbiu'g, J<^ Creightori, Tor. Fernette D. C. Jeffim, htfcott, and J. C. Itiiii^f, EfqlT. ^ ' 1 OMin^|ohA Bridge, Lcl)b,etts^~'' »: John Chipn^n, iid|alm^nudden,EfqrJ; ^ - t^tjrif tumbetland, Edward Barron, t^'^^^, fod l^m iVCvMr. Simeon FeifkiM, Sanm^ finnan, WiUM «Ml>nwah Cdli&, E%y«. W. jonge, OM|rge Defc}i«|ii|»f , Jo^ph Qfay, t,p€n. Payis, Nip. Qgden. ai4|||Mt|»c^ ■h i^iiflppL CHESTER, Jamel Fojtjm, Cha. IJJ? l#^Htadd^l^^ ^ ^ - J iH^ii iJUSTICEjS of the PEA'Cie.' OONTY of HA LI FA X. Benj. Green, John Cunningham, John Newton, Chtrlea Mij#ifi|i Geo. Smith, Enoch Ruft, Geo. Wm, Sherlock, J. G.-Pv"" Tho. Cochran, Anthony Stewart, Wm. Taylor, Stephen Biiu[ Charlci Lyons, L M. F. Bulkeley, Wm. Porter, Thcophji^'] Chamberlain^ Wm. Jordan, Mich. Houfeal, James Qautij" Wm. Morris, Cha. Morris, Junr. Roger Johnfton, and Dai Wood,jun. Efqrs. .■-.-■v? 'M: w For the Diftrift of COLCHESTER, formerly called COBIQmil';,^ including Tat ma couchb-JPIay, and the Harbgt^,an<| Jj^tl|^ ment adjacent, called SouTHAMPTQjii'.alfot^^ PiCTO, and Harbour called Tin NftujH * ' iy^^'f^:^^. ♦ T David Archibald, James Fulton, John MahanV ftii'i ten De- 1 ¥^'f^ ^^kI''' iijrm 1 1 m . '^s««l J ■/ Gfiy.yfl ^^^■^'^ «j>eyj^ H' ^^^HL??', Harris, Robert Paterlbn, Charles Dicklbn, Enijijn,^ bert Archibald, John Frafer, and Hugh Deno^^ll COUNTY of ANNAPOLIS, Jofeph Wi«(|mf!ieb f Lovet, Chriftopher Princt, Thomas Williams, "^Prro^/'S.'iP Kathrens, John Ritchie, B. James, Stephen Delaiicy, "-Hh B&rkley, Thorn. Milldcge, Pan. Ifaac Brown, ffaac Bonnel, Sam. W Chcfley.Rich.Hall, Lewis Demolliter, Anth Geo Kylh, WilUam^^ M'Neill, Sam. Goolfbury, J of. Jones, Tho. Banifter, Neil JJ M'Niel, Terence Kerin, Peter Pineo, Chriftopher Bcnfon, A^dt-, * "^ Snod//afs, Ed. Thome, and John Hodges, Efqrs. COUNTY of LUNENBURG. Jofeph Periiette, D. C. . /Jeilcn, Jona. Prefcott, Jofi. Marfhall, J. C. Rudolf, Ed. Jl^^Cl, j yCafper Woolenhaupt, Ja. Green, F. Q. Etter, , John Martin, ,/ Cooper, J. W. Schwartz, J. Donig 8c G. Deblois, jun, Efqrs.^^ KING'S COUNTY. John Burbidge, Charles Morris, " £^b- beus Harris, Handley Chipman, Jofeph Pierfe, -John Chip- man, John Biftiop, junr. Jonathan Crane, Jonathan Shearman iohn Whidden, John Vought, Antill Gallop, Finly -'^urni ►an. Bowen, Tho. Wm. Moore, Benjamin Hilton, and Edward 4> Potts, Efqrs. . ' - - COUNTY ofC UM B E R L A N D. Edward Barron, Wm, Black,. Tho. Watfon, Geo. Fofter, Cha. Baker, Henry Pprdy, L^ Sam. Kipp, and John Pugfley, Efqrs. QUE E N's COUNTY. Simeon I^erkins, Samuel Freiwn,* ^ tSd. Nichol, Benjaniin Green, Nathan Tuppcr, Wm. Johnftoa W» Fweman, Bencjah Collins, Efqrs, ^1 le f :wfr«*-i*V =«•, Ts^SFSic&F Kj ^OUKT Y of'MAN'fS7^\^cS:woith Tonce, JoHn C«nn- in^m, T. Pcraette, Jof. Onv, G«orte Defchamps, Mi- chftd Head, JeremUkNonh^f, l^QDeit WalEer. Conftant Ckafch jolhua Sanfofd, John Emenon* John Small, Alexandfi M*- . , uon^d, Duncan Campbell, Allen M'Donald, John M*Po?iaId, «# Robort Campbell, Geo; Fran. Boyd, Heftor MWleah, itenith V McDonald, John McDonald, Bn.Dewolf, John Dav, John I M'Monagle, Tho. ?herfon, Wm. Meek, John Bond, Roger | JbhmftoB, and Dan. Wood, jun. £(qrt. ..t County of SHELBURNE. Tfaac Wilkins, John Crawley, R. M. Kinnon, Fra. Cook, Ph. Durgee, If. Xing, Archs. Smith, I TametM'Ewen, Jo(h. Diirfee, Bn. Davis, Nick. Ogden, Abm. I Van Bulkirk, D. Thompfon, Jofliua Froft, John Homer, John | ' Coffin, John Serjeant, Cka. M'Neil, Eben. Parker, Alex. Lee- 4i Kie, Jolh. Pell. Robt. Gray, Val. Nutter, Matthew Cahill, | 8am. Sheldon Poole, Bn. Barnard, Gedeon White, Sam. Camp- | b^ll, John Tench, Greg, Springall, Efqrf . COUNTY of SYDNEY. Tim. Hierlihy, Geo. Dawkins. iof. Maiihal, Dan. M'Neil, Tho. Hamilton, Liffbrd Waldron, L. F. Brownrigg, Tim. W« Hierliky, Geo. Whitmore, Alex, i^ Sutherland, Wm. Sutherland, Nathan Hubbell, John Stuart, y ^ Tho. Cutler, Richard Cunningham, James Stoward, Efqrs. ^ % COMMISSIONERS for taking Special Bail in the Country on ^ Aftions depending in the Supreme Court. ANNA^OLit, Joftph Winniett, Efqr ; CoRNWALLis, John Burbidge, Efqr; HoaTON, NathanDcwolf, E^r ; \ • WiHDSOK,,Gf LuNiNBVRO* Ed. James •♦»,•■■'" King** County, Queen's County, of Hanti, of {hiBLBURHI, • OffrvKiY, - Elifha Dewolf, J. Tinkham. Peter Shcy, James Clarke, James Lodge, "Efqif. \y^ i u ♦ County of Sydney, ^^»i CUSTOMS. \ USToftheOFFlCERSofhi.UM..-;^«» I Hon. Henry N«wton. Efq^ 1 John SJayter, E|i; Co^pt^^^^^^^^ ^^^^, T lohn Newton, Bfqi »«!;^y ^ * {Jr. Rowland Savagp.Gattger. „„c».*.*«X"::r.'"'"' ^^J^nSelbyaud Rowland SaY»ge,w ^ »5* \' STAFF «fc*:,,*f "aMES OGILVIbV T LWC/*'-*' Adam Fifc» ^ ^^^ Wi„; Jii. Almondi ,i"niwj'*.-*%f ^*,v^ . -Htiiffy pm ■'•1 of the fe thit' SBSaiONS in SUPREME COURT, At H A L I r A x» The Firft TtieCdav of April, Second Tuefda^ of ^ ^ July, and SccwbA Tuesday ef Oftober. At Hon TON, The Third Tuefdav of May, Mid the Fourth Tuelday 'of September. At Anmapolii« The Fourth Tuefdayof May, and Third Tuef. of September. Second Tucfday of Auguft. •Circuit on the Tuefda^ after Sitting at 7/ir.-—— Autumn-Circuit on the Monday ne^t after Sitting; at Kin£t Ctuntj. I- ACANHAPOLii^ incrourui day of Sepi At Amhbait, The Secon At W I H to R, Spring-Cir Jntiapolit,- next ftfter I INTERIOR - COURTS of COMMON PLEJS. At H A A I F a X, On the Second Tuefday of March, Second Tuefday of September. At AN9AP0LH, On the Firft Tuefday of April, and the Firft Tuefday of November. At LuMBNBVRO, On the Second Tuefday of April, And the Se- cond Tuefday of Oftober. n At Ho R T OJti On the Firft Tuefday of June, and the Fitft'^ V. Tuefday of Oaober. JK At LivI)||pIl, On the Second Tuefday of April, andtheSe-i^ cond Tuefday of November. At Yarmouth, On the Firft Tuefday of April, and the Firft Tuefday of Qftober. At Amherst^ On the Firft Tuefday of April, and the Firfl:^ Tuefday of Oaober. At Shblbvrme, OntheLaft Tuefday of March, andlaftTuef- ^ day of Oftober. ^ At Omilow, On the Firft Tuefday of February, and the Firft Tuefday of Auguft. At W I K D s o R, On the Firft Tuefday of April, and the Laft ;. Tuefday of Oftober. ^^ll^iAt M^ N.c H B s T B R , On the Second Tuefday of May, and the Se ^ fcfei^ie;^ cond Tuefday of Oftober> j^^Jfi^ . SESSIONS of the PEACE. m:M H A 1 1 P A X, On th Firft Tuefday of March, the Firft Tue^- " diayofjttnc, the Firft Tuefday of September, .{|s^, and the Firft Tuefday of December. pdti»> On the Firft Tuefday of April, and the Firft '" ' Tuefday of November. 4*2U*A thtSe- At LuNiiiBUKo, Ott ihe 3cc6nd Tuefdpf of ApcU, cond Tuefday of Ofbber At Ho R T N» On the Firft Tvefday of Jme, and the Firft TuefdayofOftober. # At L I T I a POO L , On the Second Tuefday of April » and die $c> fj)^ cond Tuefday of Oftober. At B A a a I M G TO N , On the Firft Tuefday l^f November. ^1 At Y A R MO V T H , On the Fir(L Tuefday of April . /t At Am H BRIT, On the Firft Tuefday of April, and the Laft H^ Tuefday of Oaober. ^ At O N • L o w. Oh the Laft Tifttday of February, and the Laft Tuefday of Auguft. At Shilbvrni, On the Laft Tuefday of March, and the Laft Tuefday of Oftober. ^ At W I N D I o R, On the Firft Tuefday of April, and the Laft hJk Tuefday of Oftobcr. i At Man CHisTiR, The Second Tuefday of May, and the Second ' Tuefday of Oftober. Diilance between Halifax, and Annapolis Royal with the Houfes of Entertainment on the Road. i From Halifax, to Fort Sackville, Scott V To Wenman'sFarm, Falkner*i»^ To Springfield, Fenerty's, To Eglinton, Montgomery's, To Preper's, ToRudolft''sFarm, Woodworth'* To Montague Houfe, To Margaret Place , To Windfor, Andrews, Hall , k Roft, To Ferry at Falmouth, Wilfon, To Halfway River, Frame, ToBifliop's To Horton, Fowler's ToWilloughby Farm, - - - To Marlhall's Farm, To Aylesford Townihip, Boundary - 6 MileSi ^- ^ I 4-4^ \ ■ 3 II 5 o '^' To Bowen's, Farm, Buikirk, in Ditto, Xo Seven Mile River, the Weftern Boundary of Aylesford, To Woodberry's, To Dunns >. • « To Munro's To Leonard's « •• To the Ferry, — ^-^ lijro^ } of im .-^s^* tf& Si i^^MikaMM^^Ms^^ *,**•- ^^ a i.» T It' y:i^^ ■*f^ ccdiriitdrBtlOTS, tht>ftNfe0tti4»»c» of $hip>» f«illii| iftMid mm «f ' Utt!iiicl4 Rock M»n Rock — ftstwcen Chedibti^o «nd . tht Litclificld Rock Pbtet Pletiknt Shoal. th« 8. £. part of it, shod b be bared at any Time, but kept moift by the Sarth. ,)Thc Root you graft on may be of an Apple or Fear-Tree, about 6 Inches long-; it Oiould not be lefi than the Graft, bat it miQr be biggpr» but it is'beft when they are both of a Size. f, Lsfif^o/Trtts. This Operation is peffermed by taking a Bovgk^ it %il!i leyiilg it into the Ground about fix Inches deep, in good fretti * ^ vj jMould, ylettin» the Top ftand about 14 or i6*Inches\b6ve the t M^ wrround« imd keeping the Layers moift during dry Weather : la 8 At H ^ 10 Months^ Time they will take Root. Others cut a Slit in the ^^ayer a| Jn Pmtmations, then peg down : Others twift tbfe L^ei^ Athe Fjace that is to be covered, like a Withy ; uid peg down iiMH. « ivtr'jp'ant ave. Uid in^ Augufi i other Trees A L I r W > (hanehesjjf the- Pears are of «> large. Sort, Itjr feven or eigki "^ Ak^apoiu F**""? »f«^*^**^Kind, five orfix. * ' 1 ' *'t. ' \** bloffomiirft at-^theEnd of the ^' if thoftare ihortenedj% the Bll^Bbm rwiU KP «y^\ tl.. Ut '^^^ ,^.,.^^^$m:y littiek, B/«r4 Mnirf, tr tke>«lf l/iMr Mf«^ Cttrr^ SiMrlil ^ JlMr|r.SiMM tie fet in ttrvmhr m a M b jrosirNivlilr. . Tte Tlilit oi6r»/Hiig if the Utter End of 7«kMP9, iM lllf^. *^-'~i I or bjr lanmltiM in J»«, «:«} is e Flefli Htsel loamy 8ml i but in a gravelly Soil, and a w«t onc« they will i|ot eontbne long. PIjfJt.fRSSS have the fame Cnhwn %i J^In, only «^ frtfbed fooner bv a Month, on Ptmr-Ktrntl Stocks or SuckeTf, uid rill profpec in ftony, hungry, gravelly Lands, whei« Jfin wlU lot. . . ,« . You mtj alfo bud Peart cm FrH'Sttckt, or upon ^f«r# ^tocisg 9t Wbittfhtr'Hi but Fret.Stoch, or Stocka proc\£ted froflkme, Ito^kera of old Pears, arc the beft. * * i ^ i^cor/ «gKinft fFa/is or EJ^alitn fllould^e at twelve Feet Diftandj^ ,||| poffe. -Thofe that are fet for Standards, feven ^r eight Yf^6r 0T -■ : ■ .. m^Timrof pmning of thefe i^ fronv the Be^niiifi|-of J|^< ..jAir'to-CaiM^MiMf. ^ ' ' •^■'■ TIni lit Sittmmer, they are to be tmined to the % «ih»|i40atiriiya9«otrcm, butOiortcsini^SUMMij tf ^di^b&O^i^^ieftve iivror^l^e»«^ ^e lower Part. . ■f\ m ?^v;iy^ . J*-, ^m ^^^1 .-,'; :■ .. ■''•::-V'-i?^ sMy^-^.^ i'i^--ii^'tjf ■" '^^'■'■'a^ W^m p*-^'' 'rt. ^w^^!^ V W .f^r' .f?_'*,.fe'*