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(with power to the Shareholders to increase it to £ 1,000,000.) Avs ;:-.A U hr iiiio\3tvnox, THi: RIOIIT HONOUUAIM.K KAKL FITZWIIJIAM. lIEMn KINGSCOTE, Esq. D(vcctors(« JOHN AliLDJO, Esq. ' COLONEL IIKNHY URUEN EDWARD H. (•^APMA^, Es«. SIR JOSIAII CnOllILL COGHILL, Bakt. SIR JAMES DIKE, MI'. JOHN HARMAN, Esq. ' ;" n. HENCHY, Esq. ' ' ' UOBERT LATOICHE, Esq * DONALD MACLEAN, Esq. THE RIGHT HON. LORD MILTON, M.IV MESSRS. LADUROKES, KINGSCOTE & Co., l.omlon.- SoUcttov0. JAMES MORRISON, E'^q. - T. L. MCRKAY, Esq. COLONEL NORTH JOHN PIRIE, Esq. Ai.Dt.iMAN THE HON. FREDERICK PONSONUY BRICE PEARSE, Esq. U. RYAN, Esq. THOMaS teed. Esq H LOITL'S WIGRAM, Esq. -MESSRS LATOICHE & Co,, Dublin. LONDON. Messrs. CHARLES PEARSON and WILKINSON, Ouildliall Yaiii and Park Street, Westminstti. riBLiN. Messhs YOl SI. AND MURDOCH, Mouiitjoy Squr.rc. This Corporation is established by Act of Parliament for the purpose of planting British Colonics in the North American Provinces, by means o£ an extensive Emigration from the Cnited Kingdom by persons of all classes and conditions. The Stock of the Com[mny is divided into 16,nO(t Shares of £20. each, of which t'2. is to be paid at the time of subscribing. , ^ This Company having been constituted a Corporation by an ex[ircss Act of the Legislature, it can ^ii(« and be sued only in its corpr.rate rapacity: and, to afford an opportunity to Noblemen and otlior.s to invest Capital in the Company without subjecting their Kstates to trading responsibilities, it is ex]iressly provided by a Clause in the Act, that the Shareholders shall not i»c liable for a greater sum than the amount of their Shares in the Stock of the Company. ^ ,^. - . :' ' ' III order that the Company may commence operations with as little delay, and under circumstances as favourable as possible, tbey have purchased the extensive Signiory of Beauliarnuis in Lowtn' Canada, with large tracts ..f Land in the adjoining Townships, neauharnuis is, in [.oint of soil and situation, perhaps the best property in the whole Province; the climate is healthful, and the land is fertile; the l-state is intersected by useful Koads and Rivers; it is situate on the St. La« rence— the great highway of Emigration and Commerce; it is within two hours' water communication with Montreal, which already posses.ses a population of J0,OU() souls, and will in all probability become the Capital of the United Canadas, and is now the point whence five-sixths of the Emigrants from Great Britain are distributed over the country. A cousid.'rable portion of the Company's Estate is already in an advanced stage of settlement ; there are t.pon it Eight Protestant and Four Roman Catholic Churches and Chapels, and Fifty-one Schools, together with Saw Mills, Grist Mills, General Stores, Taverns, and other Establishments, mdicative of a thriving Settlement, Upwards of H.OOO British Settlers are located upon the property. The Land which the f'oinpaiiy liii!< to let or tell 1ms bt't'ti t'liiiiuciputcil troiii iIk' I'lfiicli IriKliil tcntin's, imd is n'i>;ulatp<l l>y the British lawn of projwrty. Thnre are nearly ITiO.fKK) ncn»H of thi« land in the hands of tin; (;oni|iany, capable of ininnHliate Hettl«>iuL>nt, and in various stajfes of iniproveniunt. Tho late proprietor has carefully reserved the sites suitable for the erection of Towns and Villajfes, and also the valuable timber and water powers and privileges un the Estate ; all of which will be ready for lease or sale early in the ensnins; Spring, upon a plan for the general settlement t>f the Kstate, which is now in the course t>f jireparation. A Mail- coach Road from the United States to Montreal runs through the Signiory ; extensive lines of Rail-road are now forming between Ogdemduirgh and Plattsbiirgh, iu the State jf New York, in the immediate neighl)ourhi)od of the Signiory; and it is intended immediately to carry a Rail-road through the Signiory property (^which must l>e the future highway between IJpper and Lower ('anada), with branches to com- munii ate with the Rail-road between Ogdensburgh and Plattsburgh; a ship canal also, to complete tlie great navigation from tlm Welland (^anal to the Sea, is intended to ])ass through the Estate, —the ternmii of all these Works will bf on the property — they will furnish employment to a vast number of emigrant ■labourers, and of course greatly augment the val.ieof the whole property. The operations of the Company will Vie piincipally directed to the following objects: — let. — They will purchase l..ands in British America, both iu an uncultivated state, and in various stage? of improvement. 2nd. — They will contract with Noblemen and other Landed Proprietors, who may be desirous of assisting the surplus labourers on their estates to emigrate, for their safe and comfortable transmission to the Colonies; and they will likewise provide such Emigrants, on their arrival there, with tempo- rary shelter and employment, that they may escape the miseries hitherto attendant on uiiregulateil emigration. The Company wdl likewise enter into similar contracts with, and undertake the agency of, families and indivi i;ials of all classes and conditions desirous of emigrating; so that by a judicious combimition of olyects, and union of nund)er8, a safe, efficient, and economical system of emigration may be estaidished. Drd.— Tlie Company will sell and let Land to Settlers; in (piantities, and upon terms, to >:uit tlu-ir means and inclinations. 4th, — For the purpose of giving additional facilities to Emigrants and Colonists, the Company will establish Banks, under the authority of their Act of Parliament, for the security and remittance of Money ; and they will likewise issue Notes, and make Loans and Advancst upon Bills and other Securities. r>th. — The Company will negotiate Purchases, Sales, and exchiinges of Property, in the different Provinces; they will acipiire and disseminate information respecting suitable spots for location, estates to be disposed of, the price (d' land, and the rate of wages in different districts, so '*' as to assist in balancing the demand and supply of each; and thus prevent, as much as possible, fluctuations in the price of Land and Labour — equally injurious to the Settler with Capital, and the poor Emigrant wiio lias nothing but his labour to depend upon for support. Of the £.3(X),()(H). Stock in the (Company, t.W.OOO. has been taken by its Founders and Directors ; i;,'')(),(KX). is reserved for Residents in the Colonies where the (Company will have Settlements; £100,000. has been appropriated to Noblemen and Gentlemen in Ireland, and other Land-owners; and .t! 100,0<H). is about to be disposed of in England ; for which apjdications, in the following form, are to be madi- to Messrs. Ladbrokes k Co., Bankers, London, to whom the dejiosits must bo paid. The Board will proceed to allot Shares to applicants on Monday the 24th Instant, and on each Bucceeding Monday, till Monday the 22nd day of July next, after which no applications will be received. 'i, Hunk Ufildings, Loi.doii, June 18lh, 1839, »' % \^^ FOIIM OF yVPPLTCATIOIV. or To the Govcnior and Directors of the '• North American Colomal Association of Ireland, No. 2, JiuttA /iuiidms^s. Gestlemes, J request yon will insert my Name as a Proprietor of Stock in your Company fi Shares of Tiventy Pounds each ; and I hereivilh enclose you Pounds, heinu; Two Pounds per Share, as a deposit upon the said Shares in the Stock. ^ J am. fl^:^TL^lV^:s, JiDII IttitO.