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Lea diagrammas suivants illuatrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 U£ III 2.8 1— |M ll'l^ 1^ IIM 2.2 Hi 1^ 2.0 !£. t. u li^ku i.8 1.4 1.6 M APPLIED IIVT/IEE Inc ^; 1653 East Main Street r^S Rochester, New York 14609 USA ;= (716) 482 - 0300- Phone ^S (716) 288- 5989 - Fax r BY-LAWS PASSED BY THE HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS OF MONTREAL, AT A MEETING DULY HELD AT THE CITY OP MONT- REAL, ON THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OP APRIL, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND PIFTY-NINE BOARD REGULATIONS OF THE CORPORA TION. Artide 1.— A Chairman shall be elected by the Commissioners from among themselves, annually, on the first Monday m January, or at the earliest conve- nient period thereafter ; and th ill hold office till the first Monday m the then ensuing January, or till the elec- tion 01 his successor. « ArlicU 2 —The Chairman shall preside at all Meet- mgs of the Board, and shall have authority lo maintain order and regularity ; but in his absence one of the Commissioners shall be chosen by vote to perform his duties; and during such absence shall have all the powers hereby conferred upon the Chairman. Article 3 —All Debentures to be issued by the Com- missioners, shall be signed by any three of them : all checks shall be signed by one Commissioner at least : and all deeds and other documents whatsoever, shall be executed by the Chairman ; and no debentures, checks, deeds, or other documents shall be binding on the Cor- poration, unless signed and executed in conformity with this By-law ; and then only, provided they are counter- signed or endorsed by the Secretary. of anyWnfl ~S':f;rhlt ''h^' ''"^ "° ''»='"■'«» member thereof h„ in! j members ; nor shall arTy tainin? to any work, r-,.7T \. 1"^^^ ""°> "PPer- but all such irnsacfViw 1, n ""^ ""' Commissioners ; by and through rStarvli.h''ff''^ "^ ~"''"«'»'i Board. secretary, with the approval of the Master.oranyTorloaor ^t or impede the Harbour or supervision"^ Ky oX Zon""« ""''^' ""'^ »*" ed by or's u„d/r the 0X3 „? tL^HaT "P??'"'" o*r any ^t^At 1''^^^;, -^r prompt or thr V oil ai ri ,■ tc aril val it'I'orJ at I ii^'oi.- Office ARRIVAL OF VESSELS. before heTh"a^I b eak b.^l^' ^ ' ^^^^^"t delay, and Wharfinger's Office ftrii'^ "^^^^ ^"^ "^^^'^^^ ^^ '^^ signed aSd certSed by hTm ofTh?'' 'T V^ ^^^*^"g' seJ, of her cargo, of the vTluf thl'T''/ u '"'^ ^^«- andof her draft of water and Inl ' 'n^7 *'.""^g«' pect of such vessel am Uf h P^^,^" *^"^8 in res- and shall aJsr^hpn n. i ^' '''''^^' ^^ *^^ Wharfinger; alties th n'^due ?faj ^a d T'' '^ ^""^^"^ ^" P«- such vessel, or of her cail '^^''^'^'^ ^" '^'^''' ^^ thereof. ^"^ ^^"^^o, on any previous voyage ?"'rSlat'' • -^^':^*^^^ S.~The Harbour Master sh«ll « ^• power to ch^1j;Vt;!;rC^f[;^ettr^^^^ / sball be a no dealinfrs f shall any directly in ito, apper- lissioners ; conducted )val of the act, word 5 Harbour his orders ' appoint- our Com- eir duties )rompt or of every 'lay, and ir at the writing, uch ves- Sonnage, ) in res- rfinger ; all pen- spec t of voyage ding to he said iedence o, over II have i as he '"Inrs to 1)0 shown may gee fit ; and such assignment of a berth may be made by a verbal notice to the Master or person in charge of such vessel ; and either on each trip of such vessel, or for the whole business season. And no vessel shall take up or occupy any berth in the said harbour, unless such berth shall have been assigned to her bv the Harbour Master : provided always that the Harbour Master do assign a berth to such vessel within twenty- tour hours after her arrival in the said harbour. Jrtide 9,— The colors of every vessel arrivinir in^'"'"^^ '" "^ the said harbour shall be kept flying until the report a"a'j;;i:u.^;!r°'^^'^'^ mentioned in the foregoing By-laws, shall have been made and delivered, as therein provided : and until the Harbour Master shall have allotted a berth to such V6SS6i« Article 10. — During the prevalence of any eDidemio ^'x ''""»k«. "•• heniw orwhenthere shall be cause to apprehend the S --"^^^^^^^^^ ot any infectious or contagious disease, the Harbour Master shall have power to designate and set apart some certain anchorage, wharf, or place, for every steamer or other vessel arriving in the said harbour, hav-ing on board more than twenty passengers ; where such steamer or vessel shall remain, until such sanitary UTlTi ipl" ^^^' ^''? "''^' ^« «^^" ^ appointed in that behalf by a resolution of the Harbour Commis- sioners ; and upon the delivery of a verbal notice of the appointment of such anchorage, wharf, or place, with a copy of such resolution, to the Master or person in charge ot such steamer or vessel, either before, or immediatefy upon Its arrival jn the said harbour, such steamer or vessel shall forthwith proceed to such anchorage, wharf, or place, and there remain until the terms of such re- solution shall have been fully complied with. Article ll,_Every vessel entering the said harbour w«ter gauge, name, sHah have a water gauge marked conspicuously and ac thowZrev^rJ^e. curately on her stem and stern ; and her name painted -'• on the stern, bow, or quarter, so as to be easily dis- cerned from the wharf; and the tonnage of each river craft entering the said harbour shall be cut L. the face of the foresido nF th^ k«7 r ■ ^^*^ after part of the mabhatoh T.^^'^"'' ^''•"^•ng tho four iJ^ches in length i^ ^.h ^^"''' """^ ^''' ^^^n ble from the deck ' '"''"'" ^' ^^ ^« ^i«- Conditions under A .' i . ^ wl'Icli vfWHuJN with ■reticle 12. Nn v«»qQol !,«. : , hi-her UD tho S? T * ''' '"^T''"' '" *^« said harbour wharf; which point shall ^^^.ZSl'.ltl^'. •^tonmnrs to reduce Artiolty IQ XT . !.-"•'''"''•'- harlourtbove"^: steam vessel while within the said VESSELS LYING IN TH3 HAKBOUR *r' be "n-,-^ r.f'^ '" "■» -■" harbou. shall be s^.K„;';au,der ts o;;;trof;;f IhTH^J^^S^Tr''^' ■" gards their no»iH«r, „„„^:?T .'"'i""^' «» f""- as re- onlBr- on board or inchargeof mt ^Ll in Vh^f-A" t""" fus.l or d\^^t;m:- ord'^eJs S * rSoIr t f to remove any vessel it ah^u u \ r "V^^l^^our Master hour MastertoSoffto„ ' ^ '^'f 2' ^°' """''' *^r fastenings of such t3 ^^.tT^ *?° ''*"''" <"• o""" a^rrit'drs^?'"--^^^^^ bo cut into forming tho fiot less than IS to be visi- 1 twenty-five sail through under deck, il cloth, tar- such vessel aid harbour of said har- ^harf, form- he Harbour ^ed for that ichor or re- below such uch resolu- in the said 'e at a rate )TJR. ir shall be far as re- loval, and in charge no person 1 harbour, Harbour ' such re- ir Master tich Har- ' or other y ring or 3 may be penalty n charge i of such vessel shall be bound to pay to the said Ear- hour Commissioners, the damage (if any) caused to the wharf or wharves, by the cutting away of such ring or post. Jrlide 15. — In the event of the resistance of any Jf;;;,,;;;;'"^^^'.'^'^^^';^^''^ person or persons on board of any vessel to the orders '^•^'^""s hu authority of the Harbour Master to remove the same, under the powers conferred upon him by the last preceding sec- tion ; whether such resistance be active or passive ; it shall be lawful for the Harbour Master to take posses- sion of such vessel, and to remove the same ; and he shall have the power of employing a sufficient number of men for that purpose at the expense of the Master, owner, or person in charge of such vessel, to aid him m enforcing such removal ; and shall have the right to moor, anchor, or make fast, such vessel at such other place as he shall see fit. IS control Ma.>toi oatiii)( uniler of Article 16.— No raft, crib, raft bottom, or floating SJ^^v^lt'^' " timber, shall be or remain attached or secured to any «^i'^''^^ "^ ' wharf, or to any part of the beach, in said harbour, ""'"'"' without the express permission of the Harbour Master ; and irrespective of the penalty hereafter provided for, the Harbour Master shall have the power without any notice to any person whomsoever, to cut adrift any raft, crib, raft bottom, or timber, which shall be so attached or secured without his permission ; and such raft, crib, raft bottom, or timber so cut adrift shall thereafter con- tinue to be and remain at the proper risk of the owners thereof respectively. And no raft, crib, raft bottom, or timber, shall, under any circumstances whatever, wjcupy a berth in the said harbour above the Victoria Fier, or be anchored in the stream within the limits of the said harbour. Arlicle 17.— No vessel shall anchor within the limits X?''-*"' -*"'*" °"' ="> of the said harbour in such a plax^e or position as to asLi:;;'^ " '""^•"^' prevent a free and unobstructed passage for all other „ vessels to and fro m the said harbour ; and to and from the Lachine Canal, or any wharf in the said harbour. 8 ex,™s purpoi 'of hll ^'a" ™:;,T'"?i'r"'« mediate y, or for the nnmnon nf if- ' ^^ ^"^» '™- slackened in order to i/ivA o fr«„ i ■ P° ^"^'' ^' VcHHcIs not to liava an * . , niK^lior out. unlesi to Arltcle 19. VeSSfilfl lirJn^ „♦ I. ,. ""'"■'"'■■ a tier within tbe S or.hrhlr„r"Sl if,''''" an anchor out, excent fnr f ^^ naroour, shall not have hauling in or out^ *^' P^'P"'' °* immediately *"ii run or fast- pting for the or out, ira- 'essel off the ope shall be iTuptcd pas- pas8. ■f, or within ill not have tnmediately very vessel ings placed 3 mooring raverse the t or to any those spe- ves within up, their •ms rigged oom irons id aft, and damage to 3 lying at B and un- earest the of them, vessel or unication lels have ' over the or inhllnl^nT^'' ^^""**,' ^''.".^^'' P""^" '" charge of, Fa^..n.n^ of v«..o„ or on board of, any vessel within the said harbour ♦ ''"'I """•««• oTwitb- which any other vessel shall be made fast by any ll ^'""^ hawser, or chain, shall cut or cast off such rop^"haZ; off «?;? ' f •*"'® *"' P^r""' '^« «'^™« to be cut or cast oft, without giving ample and distinct notice of the whfrvc'fin^fh7«^^5"T 'k^'''" '''''^'' ^* ^""7 of the't.«montohave wnarves m the said harbour, or at any landintr nkrp 'rTr^"- »"*J"K».t« within the limits of the same, shall provide a go^orand "'"'"'"" ""^^^^" suffiaent gangway from such steam vessel to such sunnorSl hv^'^lF'""" ' • ^'^^ ^'''«« '«P«« «» ^oth sides, tSfP^ hiri'^u' ''"" ?t««cheon8, not less than three feet high ; for the use of persons going and com- ing from on board such steam"^ vessel : and on da Sc nights a light provided by such vessel, shall be placS S^'avLlT^ "'^'i «"f^g-«-ay. BO tfatTuch wire vblin- n^offf^^^^ 25.-~All steam vessels, except those using '""''»•"''>•« to .wvc coa for generating steam, shall, while within the limit! r " ''"' " of the said harbour, have wire caps fitted over their chimnies so as to prevent sparks issuing therefrom the interstices of which caps shall not be more Zn one quarter of an inch square. Ar/tc?e 26 - Any vessel aground within the said harbour shall shew three bright white lights over thlt s^de or end of such vessel, nearest whichf other vessels must approach m passing her. luer vessels VESSELS LOADING AND UNLOADING plalttr^lLi;ltleriumW iht^ .t^ boa«ls, cn.a.n. or „.- to remain Jn/KovJi.*^^^' ^^^^^ °ot be permated"^"*"*' '»'''« ^n^cribH, to remain m the berths assigned to them, unless the unloading of the cargo therS)f be commTnci m mediately, and diligently and continuou^rp^i'^- 10 i i^?u^«T^'naaa.^[^'/n^»^hen unloading firewood alonfi:side of anv wharf, at the rate of not less than twenty-five cords p2 ^r''wh?cMheya% vessel in theharbour, shall take the ramp nearest to °"'*" such vessel. Article 50. — No omnibus, cab, caleche, truck, cart, '^'^ vehicle to obstruct or vehicle whatsoever, shall be permitted to stand on Z ntSnve? fc any wharf or pier in the said harbour, in such a manner g^^roTothor^Xor" as to obstruct the passage to and fro, upon such wharf oi' pier,— or to or from any vessel arriving or lying at, or departing from, such wharf or pier ; nor shall any driver of any such vehicle, or any other person, obstruct, importune, or annoy,^any passenger or person landing Irom, or embarking on board of, any vessel in said har- bour. Article 51 —No omnibus, cab, caleche, cart, truck, no vehicle to stand or vehicle whatsoever, shall stand or remain on the "po^,{e'^o"r^steX wnari in iront oi any steam or other vessel, or on anv^"^^"''"'"^'"*^*""''®- ramp leading to such wharf, on the arrival or departure "'"''" ot any steam or other vessel ; but the entire space be- tween the whole length of such steam or other vessel and the revetment wall, shall be left free and unob- structed by such vehicles, both previous to and after the arrival of such vessel. Article 52 —No omnibus, cab, caleche, cart, truck. Regulations for T«l7nd Wtn'lf ^*'T'* -^'1^ '?"^ °' '•^"^^^^ «" the-wt^rn-nVa^p" isiana w nart, on the arrival or departure of anv steam- p''°*<=*' '» ^^eds er, within ten feet of the shed or store-housi erected "' '''"'°""- by the Champlam and St. Lawrence Railroad Company • nor shall they stand or remain on the said wharf or any other wharf so as to obstruct or impede the passage, or way, to or from the said shed or store-house, or to or ' from any shed or etore-house that may be emjted on any other wharf. "^ 18 ^:mft^m^ ^""^^^ 53.--EVC0: ,P«"o^ i° charge of a horse or their horses until call horsBS, or ot any vchicle drawn by a horse or horses, fng'^Sr'dmdfa'rgfnr'^ ^^ remain beside such horse or horses, except when •uch vehicle. loading or discharging such vehicle, and shall not then leave them so far as that they shall be beyond his con- trol ; and no cabman or driver of any omnibus or other vehicle on any wharf or pier in said harbour, shall leave such vehicle on any pretence whatsoever, until he shall have been called and his vehicle engaged. FINES AND PENALTIES AND THEIR COLLECTION. Artide 54.— Every person, in whatsoever capacity he may be acting, who shall violate or infringe any of the By-laws hei*einbef ore contained, and passed this day, or any part or portion of any one of them, shall be subject to a penalty of five pounds currency. Article 55. — Every person, in whatsoever capacity he may be acting, who shall fail or neglect to obey any one of the aforesaid By-laws, or any portion of any one of them, shall be subject to a penalty of five pounds currency. Article 56. — The Master, or person in charge, of any vessel, which shall violate or infringe, or fail or neglect to obey, any one of the aforesaid By-laws, or any part or portion of any one of them ; and the master, or person in charge, of any vessel in the conduct and man- agement of which, any one of the said Bji-laws, or any part of any one of them, shall be violated, infringed or disobeyed, shall be subject to a penalty of five pounds currency. Article 57. — In the event of the contravention, or neglect to obey, any of the foregoing By-laws having reference to the landing or shipping of gunpowder, the landing or shipping, as the case may be, of each keg or package of gunpowder, shall be a separate offence, and shall give rise to a separate penalty of five pounds, against the offending party. (i h 19 \ Article 58. — The owner of any cargo, lumber, or effects, or of any matter or thing whatever, landed from any vessel ; in respect of which cargo, lumber or effects, matter or thing, there shall be any violation or infringe- ment of, or disobedience to, any one of the aforesaid By-laws, or of any part of any one of them ; shall be subject to a penalty of five pounds. Article 59 —The owner, or person in charge of, any goods, lumber, or other effects, deposited for shipment on any wharf, or elsewhere, in the said harbour ; in re- spect of which goods, lumber, or effects, there shall be any violation or infringement of, or disobedience to any one of the aforesaid IJy-laws, or of or to any part of any one of them ; shall be subject to a penalty of five pounds. ^ "^ . J^'^^¥^ 60.— Any person who shall be convicted of infringing any of the said By-laws, or any of the provisions of the Statutes now in force in this Province, providing for the management and improvement of the Harbour of Montreal, and the deepening of the Ship Channel between the said harbour and the Port of Quebec ; and who shall be condemned to the payment ot any pecuniary penalty for such infringement: and who shall make clefault in the payment of such pecu- niary penalty, and of the costs of such conviction, may be imprisoned for a period of thirty days, unless the amount of such penalty and costs be sooner paid. INTERPRETATION. Article 61.— The word « vessel" when made use of in the foregoing regulations, is to be understood as com- prehending and meaning rafts and every other descrip- tion of floating vessel ; the words « working days " are to be understood as comprehending and meaning days on which work can leg illy be performed ; the word owner shall comprehend and mean a part owner or owners; the words "Harbour Master" shall com- Pu ^ i ^J"^ T^"" *^^ ^<^P"*y Harbour Master also : the word goods » shall be understood as comprehending i 20 ^ lumber, firewood, ballaat and merchandize of any des- cription, together with all kinds of live stock ; and when more persons than one are hereinbefore made subject to any penalty, in the disjunctive, the said Corporation shall have the option of proceeding for such penalty against such oae of such persons ae the said Corporation may see fit. Krtick 62.— All By-law8 ""passed by the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, prior to this date, shall be and are hereby repealed, except so far as they may be necessary to enable the said Corporation to collect any dues or penalties that may have accrued thereunder, or to continue any action at law that may be pending, or to commence or continue any action at law for oflFences thereunder ; and except also in so far as they repealed all By-laws, orders, rules and regulations made by the Trinity House of Montreal, for the regulation and man- agement of the affairs of the Harbour of Montreal. CUaj^ ) des- and Qado said Buch said hour 11 be y be any •, or ;, or nces aled ' the laa- 4.1^ )