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Un des symboies suivants apparaitra sur la derni^re image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^-signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as rtiquired. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte d des taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seui cliche, il est film^ d partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche il droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ i > BOOK OF BLANKS FOR BOTANICAL ANALYSIS. With a Classified List of the principal Descriptive Terms, u List of Kxeroises for Laboratory Practice, Sche<iu!es to l.egin the Classiticalion of Plants, and a (u-neral Tnde. : Plants Described. HV D^ S. SKINNER, b. A.. Ph B. SCIRNCK MASIKR, CHATHAM (OI.I.K.i ;i ATK INSTI in IK. ^. CHATHAM: I'l.ANK.r I'UKI.ISllINC l|()i;SK.. 1887. Kntcred arcordinj,' lo Acl (if I'arliament of Canada, in the year of our Lord 1887. ''y 1^- S. S. , Chalham. Ontario, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. mmm ***fst*^^^^^^y^^y^y*,-^ PREFACE. The Hook ol Blank-) for Botanical Analysis has been prepared to furnish students with an exercise hook for re- ronliny systematically the characters of plants. The "classified vocabulary of terms" to which is appended no explanation, is all that is necessary in a book of this kind. The few easy exercises in "laboratory practice" which c;in easily be added to by the teacher, will introduce the use of the comjiound microscope (high antl low power.) The "(ieneral Schedule" is intended to be used first, as a preparatory course, before using the more difficult Floral Schedule. As it is especially important that the pupil should be able to describe a plant without the prompting of a schedule, the (juestions after the names of the different organs have been omitteti as far as practicable in the Floral Schedules. The order of thought in recording the proper descriptive terms in these sched- ules will, of course be, that marked out in the (ieneral Schedule. The drawing in outline of the various organs of the jilanl examined, as well as of the plant as a whole is highly recommended, tor which purpose the blanks under "Illustration" are designed. The meaning of the botanical expressions "plant characters" and "plant affinities" must be learnt as soon as possible, after lieginning the use of the "Floral Schedule." At the outset, assume that those plants have the strongest affinities that resemble each other most in the characters recorded in the "cohesion" and "adbeaion" columns. The first plant examined is to be entered at once as Type No. i, in the olanks under "(ylassilication," along with its leading characters of adheslon and cohesion. All plants; whose characters agree with Type No. i, will be placed in the same group ; while those that differ will form Type No. 2, Type No. 3 and so on. After a number of plants have been examined and classified in the way indicated, the scieJitific names of each type or order, as well as genus, may be determined by the use of the authorized Flora, and the names entered in their proper places in the blanks. The object here is to fix upon a method to begin the work of classifying plants, by comparing the groups of characters they present. The following plants a^e well suited for this purpose, to the beginner : the buttercup, columbine, larkspur, cat- nip, mustard, shepherds' purse, radish, mallow, pea, bean, clover, locust, wild rose, apple, geranium, violet, morning-glory, etc. By pursuing the foregoing plan with the plants of any region, the beginner will be surprised to find how (juickly many of those plants which were never thought of as at all alike, fall into company, on account of these deeper re- semblances which your studies will have led you to observe. Chatham, March, r887. VOCABULARY OF THE DESCRIPTIVE TERMS. i.i*^7^>" *■'" ""'"H*^"" aft'--'' 'he terms, refers to illustrations in the authnriml M„tanv the se.-..n.l m (;rav's "Hew •lants(.r<)w and V to exercises in "Younian's r)cKcrii>tivf Rotany". ' PartS,--Axis, rootlets, spongioles, rootcaj). Class, -Primary, Secondary or adventitious. Kind, -(a) Tap (93) {yi),- Conical, fusiform, (-) ( ,-7) uapifonu, (-) (70) (b) fibrous (I) [a,^),— Filiform {-) {jb), moiiiliform, fascicled (/-,-) [48). 7«/;<?m^.f (95-) (jcS-). oltuation,- I errestrial, aerial, ar|uatic. Parts, -Nodes (51), internodes (-) (67), axils (■) (57). Class, (a) Exogenous (168) (239); (b) Endogenous ( i6g| (501 ) ; (f, Atrogenous. Kind, {^) ^^'c\^\—Catilis, Truvk, caiidex,culiii. (b) Underground. -//«//. (/o/) {66), corm, {7S) (76) tu/.cr (w) ( ,-v). rhiuw,, Uoo\ 6,) (c) Acaulescent. ' ."• Structure. I.igneous, herbaceous, fruticose, suHVuiicose, arboreous. Duration, -Annual, biennial, perennial. Surface,— (a) Glabrou.s. (b) Glaucous. <5l,or^^ r.^""^ Hairy. -AV^..; hirsute, hispid, pul>esce„t, villous, Imiuginous, sericeous, arachmid hmievtose Shape, Rounded, half.rounded, triangular, s.juare, compres.sed. fluted, acut^-nngle.l tomentose. Leaf Position, -Radical, cauline. '^'"'^"'"^^°^^"S;^7)rSS;:;£iL^^'- ^"-"- '■' '^- ""••<-- <- '33), whored ,.05, Attitude -Erect, drooping, creeping, trailing, prostrate, ascen.ling, climbing, twining, difluse. d.-cun '-nt Juice, -Milky, acid, watery. Branches, -(a) ( '\rrangement).-(See Leaf arrangement). Dichotomous. scattered. (b) Modifical,on.-.S/^/«, (-) (7^), runner, offset, sucl-er. spine, tendril [-) (7^). BTJZDS. Kind, Leaf-buds, flower-buds, dormant, Imlbils or gemmae. Position, Terminal (-) (22), axillary (-) (52), adventiliou.s. Covering-8, Naked, membranous, waxy, gummy, varnished, etc Vernation, (a) Folding -AWHnate, conduplicate, plicate, eircivaie, awvolute, involute, revolute. (1.) Arrangement - Ta/zw/^, imbricate, conduplicate. ol,vclute, n<pervolute, equitant. P MS. ray's "How tumentose. rled (105) •.Tim '-nt. three 'cred. Parts, (a) Simple leaf (-) (82). -I.amnui, f'toh: sti/^nks, .uua>l,, ;>^,<k, r<7//.«. rw/./,7.., inulrih, Ules, .sinus. (1.) CinpuiMKl leaf.— S7/>///<'.s s/if'fis, petiole, ^''t'oli'/r, n,r/ns, leajivts. Stipulation,- (:v) Duration. -(V/(///<w^f, Av.s/.vAv//. (1)) SlracUire. ■/•■(V/(«/-, iihinlo-aiioiis, mwioiis. spiny. (c) AdIiesioM ./,/;/./.V. />r.?, o,/in-ate : (.St.piil<>t.\ ,:xstiptiiate). Venation -M) Nelveined (-) (82). f'innat,; (■) (Sj\ {alnnite (-) [83). (1)) Slraighl-veiiied (-) (851. (c) KoiU-veiiied Insertion, — IVliolale, >essile. I^S^^lASSttaci'I-MloK), ohtuse, (■) (.07) .nuu-a.e (-, (.08,, reU,se () .>C9,, enuu.inate ,-, (• .0). ' ohroidale (118) (III), cusiiidale (-) (112), imuioiune 1-) ("3)- >, , . Base.-- taate ) 9S , reniL-m |.) K^l aur.cular (•) ( .0., hasuUe ,-, ( .03). ..^^. ( ..o 'oo), aper.n^. oblique, claspinj,s perfoliate (129), connate (130), ^l,ealh>n^, ''^•';''-'^'';l' ■? T'' ',' J V n .) lobed Margin,- -liliale, entire (-) (99K crenate ( 128) {116), repan 1 (-) (n"). "It'-itatc (• ) ( . I S) -nale (■) (II4), lobed (\(i->n\ ,-l..ft (-W l-^'l narled (-)( I24I, divided I )( 127). ,, , , > a^'l'^leJ. /llilA/r i;L/, ^.)K>Apnn,at.pi (-) (/-) -/-../.^^ Mnn^^ly ioM. (-) K'.x) palmatifidK-) {1J3) pedate (/<,-). niin.nale, lyralc. laamale. wtntijui. (b) Sinuses" Open sinus, shut sinus, sharp snini. etc ,>/o^ ,y„nl { \ {oo\ Shape, (a) IJroadest nt tlfe mi.ldle ^- \cindar (//<-) (/,% . In^ar u//) (.i?), "^""".V (") (-^v)- ^" "^ < > ('^'"' ' (Dlwi'lMllVip^. (.^,.n/,,/M//A)(///K''^--/'t''^'ll^^).'''^^'--^^^^ (c) l(^.;;dSlu'-irnaslf'^/.<..r./;.'. U/.r) t^^'), -'/-/^'^^ (/-) (Ao), --.. ,.,,.) (,/), <■.;,/«/. (..7) {gj), reniform (/SJ) (SS), deltoid {//j). KiSd^'linnniSl-la) I'innate. JA;.^//."/--"^ i") (^.-), un.yuu /j^-J^innate (-) (/.^), /;,/..r,^/..^,'- ' pinnate (,?^) (-), ^//;///./A' (/^--M (/.,v), tripiunate iyrate/y-finnate, "^rose. b) I'duiatr (-) (131) I'.///"/'', /'V,V/rt/r' tfA- /7i'<; fiui^erea, lernate, tii/otiatc 01 fingered { )_(/?6), quadrinate, quaariioliate or four fnr^ered, septcuate. inu'tnolr .V. t,„ce-thrce-i,n^ Duration, -Deciduous, fuj^'arious, ])er-isleni. Vernation, -(See liuds). Parts -i'eduncle (-) (96), l-ract (■) (.40), involucre (■) (.44), l-Hcel (-) (.40), l.actle. (-MMo), involucel, ' rachis, receptacle (-) (154), ^-cape ( 10), spathe (79) ( 147). Attitude, -Erect, nodding, pendulous. Poaiti.-n, --Terminal, (-) (138), axillary (-) ti39)- Kind -la) Determinate or deiinite or centrifugal or cymose Ij) \\^0]. ' (b) Indeterminate or indefinite or centrijietal or racerm.se (26) (139). Variety, -(a) ^S;^;;j;5o);__^.^^ ,_^ ^^^^^^ ^^,^,^,^^, ,„. ^.^^,,^,, ,, ,, , ,,,,, .^,,,,, „,, (,,,, ,../ (.) ,.^). (c) ii7icdeil'-clusters.-AV<w/e (/,V.) (/70), <oryiut' UJ^) (//?) ///«/"'/ (./<;) t/V-/)- A""''^'' (") (^-Z^), //y/r.f^, lyne {/j?) (/T/) fascu-le. Parts (■) (154)- --(a) Receptacle, (-) (154)- ^tipe, stipitate, goimphore, anlhophore (V 206.) (b) Floral envelopes.— Calyx, corolla, perianth. (c) Ks-ential organs.— Stamens, pistil. ,•, 1 , Peduncle or pedicel. - Sessile, long, .short, straight, recurved, thick, slender. binary, ternary, (piaternary, cpunary (3) (162). 3ompleteneS8.--(a) eomplHc U) (162)^^ ,23, (.63), aekla.ydeous (165) ..64), .....r^/«..V- (/tw/.v (19) (163), dichlamydeous (3) (162). PerfectneSS.-(a) l^^^^^}^^^^^^ ^Sta.unate .62) (.65), ^./.7/a/. (61) U68), sterile (6.) (.65), /..///. (62) (168), neutral (-) U69), nionoedous (61), dioecious (63) (i67). (c) Polygamous. Cohesion. I'..lypl.yn..us, (72) ,am..,>hyll..us. nH.nn,,hyllous. Adhesion. Inferior (72), superior. #^r Du.at.ion, .hape, Seo ------ ^^^^,,,^ Parts, Sq.als, n^W (■) (72). thrcml, teeth or '"l'^''" Cohesion -I'.'lysqv.''""^ (3) ('70), pamns..,.U'>us (./, ) (i«). Adhet^ion, Inferior, superior. Duration, Ca.lucous, deci.lu.a.s, perMM.nt. Form -(See corolla), of sepals (see leaves). Attit^;de of Sepals. K-'. -lexe.l, .-.nnnen.. .hver.en . COII^OLXjJ^ (-) (1 "'•')• . ,,,.,, I,,,) (,7,), corona, scales, nectary, (saccate), lube (40) (72). Parts, Tetals, liml. (i.^S). cia%v(L,S), spui (Mi) V'/"' tii'oat (40), lobes. , , rohesiot ■ I>..lype.alous, ^nmopetalous, (,uono,Kialous Form, M Ke^^ulur (polyi.eial.a.s).- /.///<7,^fl//^ Ub' \i ^" (■(/r)'iy'/n'//((rvv'//.M-) (129)- ..,„ (3<>W3cn hYviltiim, airiiia, alac), anomalous. ,b) Irre,u1ar (polypctal..us - ^^^ ~; ^V^H^ ^ ('79), rotate (-) (183). «Wa/., ic) Remilar (ijamopeltaLais). I tionla Wjy) '(, ' > .a..vxv/.,Avn.40 (ISO), /.W-^^^^^^^^^^ . ), ,,,,,,, (57), i„„iate (S3). (For (d) Irre;;ular (namopelalous). -/.rt'/'-""''^57Mi<--'",y AestivatlC^-Kll'rtSilml'-Valvular, in.luplicate, reduplicate, contorted, imbricate, <,uir,cuncial.vexillary, cochlear, suiiervolute. (V. 60). -- -,.. ST'^^n^vdZElsrS (Auflnuriuni) (Y. .30). Parts, -Kii»..,™,, »,w.., poh™, ;-7«;- -^^^^ i:8ir;:":,:,*:;:; ,., ,.,7., ,o.yn.io,p.o,. ,,„„, syngenesions (53( (184). ,.,,;,Mnniis Kot eninetalous (58), rynandrous (86), free. Idhesion. Ilyp>.ynous (.6), pen,yn.,us 4 )-^^-;- JSo),, M ^1 ^^ (5^ )^^^^^^^ ^^ ,^,^^^ Filament, J^ '.';-: ^^y-'IkT:-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ '"-'7^'"' (1) Len^lli . •'*./,'/ ^/,/„„ ., kidney-shaped, smuous, emar^wate. Anther,-- a ^1-1- ^ •,^' '^-"^XnalA. lasi/J.^r^ adna/e, or dor^ifi.ed, versatile, aps.fi.ed. (,)) AdlicMon ^ . ^4 . i-a>o-<elied, three-celled. id) Msc:,;:^^v! v.!^-^«^ -^"^'-^-'^^' ^-"-^''-' ^^'-'""' ^'^'^"^^• (e) Facing ' V. 33). " /"/'•'''-■^^; ''■^■forse. Pollen,-(V. 36)-'^) i;"-:;^--^-;^^:':^^^^ /^^^'A Z^/^^- Connective, .V- 37). Ap,,endictdar, widened, abortive, .linnd.ate. i \7 *^ (1 i. Parti Kinc Simp Mull Dehi Part Coal Fori Suri Nun Bml Albi I=ISTII-j (Gynoeciuni) (Y. .'59 to 56). Parts -Ovary, ,c:avpcn cell, v;^^^^-;^^-^:::^:^^^ «^-. ^-- , . (c) lMrectio,t''X'S;;/./, ascending erect st,spendrd, fendnlons. SSeS5!r'i4u;ar:^v^v:,C"Hil^S^;c^S^^ circu.nscissi.e, irregular, porous. Stvle.— a) F.',rnv "(Sec Filament) sigmoid. stLa;'^a:'K;n;r-£S^"r^^™""i.A ...,,.*..>..-.,. ..«. Kind "Simiile, e.nnpound, muitiple. g"ol,_esion. - -Aiiocarpous (9S syncarpous (48). Adhesion.- Inferior, superior. Par Con ■of salts aleuron Tiss hast-tis Bpi' Bxc Bnc Roc LeE arc Fo< Pre n^TJIT. , tulio (40) (72), ■eons (43) (j6l), omalous. \ (183), iirceolate, ulate (S3). (For icuncial,vexillary, Parts, IVTicarp. h.f>narf>, iiir..\otarp, inMnarp, v«,/, {pittuinen uurouirp). Kind. -Simple, Miilti|ilo, or Coulliicnt, A;4jirct;:ite or Ktaerio (1571 .Accessory or Anthocarpous (15H). Simple- (a) Kk'^liy, iivlcliiMnnit, /igrrv, lies peri, I in in, pome, pepo, (1)1 Drupe or stoiii.' fruit, (f) Dry indchisi-ciU, .■iclieiniii>t,'iil>i,l,), ,n'iiio<,up,iypsela, earvopus or grain, i^lam ornut, (cupule) saiiiarn or /,'ey (162), KUDrydeiiisccnt, AV'///(/f (25), h\i;iiiiir (13S), /onieiit, (138) sili,/iie, (160), siiicle (29), pyxis, lapsiiie. Multiple. Sorosis, lone or slfoliilii^. \i'(i»/iis, •^(i/l>ii/iis. Dehiscence. Scr :'isiil. Parts, (al Niick'iis, railiclc, cotyli'tions, phmnik'. il)) Alliunu'M, (ciKlospcriii piris|ii'riii\ Coats 'I'csta, li'i;iiu,'n. aril, coma. Form Ovoid, ohloni;, };lol)\dar roniforin, cylindrical, topshapetl, ai^jular, etc. Surface. -Smoolli, siriali'il, ril)l)ed, netted, tnhercnlmis, lurrowcd. Number. --I>etinite, indetinile, solitary. Embryo, (fv) ("otyledons, -Monocotyledonoti^, ditotvledoiioHs, polviotyledonoits, acntykdonous ih) Position, - licfcittrii, peripheric, ariiniheiif, iiteinnhent, [eonduplicale). (c) Direction, -//.fCtv/(//;/i,', deseeiidina^, centripetal, eentri/ui^al, vagite. Albumen. "Alliiuninoiis, exalltuniinous, nualy. oily, mucilaginous, horny. yadelplious, nion- lous (58), distinct, us (86), free. • bicuspid. xed. r, base. IS or half-inverted jular, porous. STRUCTURAL PARTS. Parts. -Cell-wall, iiriiiiordinl utricle, nucleus, nucleolus, protopalasui, cell-sap. Contents. —Cli'iiophyll, diromule, su>;ar, starch, i^um, volatile-oils, re-,ins, caoutchouc, lixed oils, crystals of salts of lime (raplmli's), tartaric acid, citric .acid, tannic acid, malic acid, oxalic acid, gutta percha, inuline, aleurone. . , • , , Tissue. Tarenchym I or cellular tissue, prosenchyma or woody tissue, vascular tissue, tiiiro-v.iscular-system, hast-tissue, camhiuin Inycr, cork tissue, (inier.:eiiuiar sp.ices). Epidermis. - Stomala, inlands, stin^in^^-hairs, bristles, iiairs, jirickles. Exogenous Stem. During the lirst year the stem consists of ; I'ilh, lil)rt)-vas(uiar bundles, cellular tissue, bark, aftei the lirst year it consists o\, — I'ith, wood, medullary sheath, medullary ray.s, bark (inner and outer) epidermi.s. cambium. Endogenous Stem. 'Ibis slem consists of hbr<i-vascular tissue in the form of bundles embedded in cellular tissue, all of which is surrounded by a bark which differs from a true bark by n t increasing in Layers and ntjt being sei)arate from this wood. Root. I lie rooi siruct.ire is on the .same plan as'the stem, there being no marked distinction between exogens and endogciis, no pith, no stoinata, no buds, a root cap. Leaf. Kibrovascular tissue, cellular tissue, epidermis, stomata.. Growth. Mullipliralion of Cells, growth of cells, points of growth, conditions of growth, food. Pood -Sources, clcmenis, .sap, circulation, transmission, Ktulosmosis, Meta.stasis. i^Er'i^oiDTJCTioasr. Prom SeedB,-- ,^ , , . ,, Prom Buds, NaUnally by : StoUms, offsets, runners, .suckers, tubers, bulbs, conns. Aiitlicially by: Crafting, layering, slip.s, budding. LABORATORY PRACTICE. Protoplasmic Movements '^,rorr,or.tH hi Kxamiiic wilh tlif .•..mix.un.l ini(r(.s<-..p.-, the Ntinj-inj' liairs of the ""%'!' M»l". .hin .r»nsvcr.c .cci.,,, „l ,1h )..«.,« «r ..i.,« >..„, ..f l...i;»n .n,,, ,*/. Formation of New C&'"'K;-in.. ,1,. ,»,J,li,„ .., „... ,o„» in ,.,„ ,.,. .< n- ,„ui. a piece of carrol. Chlorophyll, -;;n......,;...;Mn;;;».,;™;;--^ I„„" I?,' ',111. ™., Uul ' in n ,l.rk ro„n,, and u't .Ik-,,, ..mail, amil M,. fl„w„s ..|Hn. N,.,« ,0 Raphldes'."-"£ami„o in «a„lcn ,ln,l.a,l., .vcnin„ ,,.in„„sc, fira,,.- vin., will, ,,„„i.,n> -uil.l.U' L" tlie microscope. Cellular or Parenchyma. KNomine under the microscope the jjre. n pulp of leaves, the en.ls of youn,' ' -D 4. „v,/l W^Ih'ov PrnKPnohvnm Make tiiii. Innpiudinal sections of tlie stems of wouly plants e,;., Bast and Wood or Probenchyma.^^^ • k^ ^ ^^^,^^^^u^^^ ^^^^ .^^ _^._^,^. ^^.. , ^_^^, ,..„,,,i chlorate, Th. f,l,rcs may then he separated under ihe mi.roscoi-e hy lapping lightly on the centre ol tin Vascular \lakerio£u<linal section of the scale of the hull, of an onion or of the sU m ..f t^.e n;il^-vveed vascular. ^^ ^^^^ ^y^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^,^^, ^^, ^^^^ ^,^.,^, ^,^ ^,,^. (;^,,,,.„ ,5,,,„,„ ( i „udi-Me-N..t). Noi, the latici/,-) Otis 7'csst:h, iit've tiil'fs am/ .'.firal vessels. Tri.id«rmal - Strp thin sheets from the leal of a lily, balsam, fuchsia, lilac, tulip, hyacinth, or a , lad. Epidermal. ^^''^^ ^^^,, ,,,„^,,,^ ;,, ^^^,^,^ „, ^^,,,,,,„,. Transverse sections may he cut hy placing a p.ec. of leaf between pieces of elder pitli. Aole Ihe imUr rores in the jiu hsia. Hairs and Glands in nu.sl' cases hairs may be scraped off, mounte.l in alcohol or potash, and exammed in the usual way. K^s. Nettle, immpkin, etc. hootch Pine -Cut a transverse section of a year ol.i stem late in the spring or summer anrl examine an.l note CCOtcn ^"^«-jj j^^ j^ij,^ .^ j,^^. ^^„j,^.^ u, ,„min^., angles, and the h.ose ar.angement of Us cells. (") The wood, its resin vessels and rings of growth. (3) The Cambium, a narrow misty zone of tissue surrounding the wood. (4) The outer and inner bark, (5) Medullary rays extending from the pith outwards. The. internil structure of the leaf may be ea.ily stu.lied by making transverse sections at right angles t.. the sur f.<3 av d nc thosr- nmg leaves that are downy or hairy. The leaves of the apple, cherry lilac are very good. Not; thee^eirmL^^ lower surface,'the palisade tissue, so called, of u,.per an<l lower portion, the stoma with guard cells. The root cap may be easily studied in roots grown in the water eg., duckweed, also roots of indian corn furnish easily made and good sections. < ^inj; linirs of tlu- aixl root hairs of iiiul cover in tin , and some of the tc, a small piece Diis of theepidcr- ian I'nrn. {Nod- fir culliNatii'ii on )ntinnin^' no iron, i>rninf;t;lory bear s open. Note re L'lls of the pea and f iodine, and note .ons siiitalili' loi 6 uMil'icd 1m. tile, ;ml :d.o\.' the surface of (I) Suspuid a horse chestuui l.y a piecr ol ;\vin" ir. the nerk of a wme un Place llie hotllc in the w.iiiii siinlif;ht. Note results. of dilleniu kinds in inoi,l svarni -aw-dust, .in.l ohsorve the dill.TUi: >u.^.-. m IhL.r ^;r. sslM. v)Mie water 2) Plant ( ; Diu »i|. Ihr.v plants ,.| ihe lu.Uer cup. carefully, roo's and all ; leave one on the tal.le. place another vs.lh , ts roofs in water, hani the third up.ide dossn over water «ilh a few of the leaves in the .aur. hui .),.• rout expoM.l Note and explain \>liat taki'^ place in each ease. a bottle (illed \silh fre-h spring water. (.11 T il<e a bunch of fresh I'reen le.ives (water cresses) and place them in a liottle (illed will • , , . , n vm tl ■ b ,t n a bavt. .S' water. takin(, care that no bubbles of air are left in the boUle and place both >n ihe <c.j,oai the cxperhnent, placini.; the bottle aivl basin m the dark. hour' In siioni' sunlii;!)! for several , . .,-,.,. D.visi-a nutlwid f(.r siiMwiniMhal the t;a. iibuaicd ui iIk suidij^ht. isoxyyeii \f, ,„„.rnl (SlKiuVwide n.outhed stoppered botUe one third with soaked peas, cork the bottle loosely. After several hours let a lit^hted taper be low.-red into the bottle. Note results and explam. (6i Plant iiutatoes and onions and ooserve the changes nuheirj^'rowth i„„i ..n.l (7) .s'edy the vernation a.,d aestivation in six .Un-erent plants, by nwakinfi transverse sections of the.r bu.L. and cxauiinini' with a small hand lense. Make drawings. _ _ (S) Kxaniini' tlie mode of action of tciuhil.,. and in twining; stems of (our ddlerent plants. . ^ . io STiumberofcomm^ f-r an hour .a- two and then dissect and make drawin^^s of the parts exhibited. In the case of albuminous seeds, separate the end.rj'o from the albumen. (lo) Examine under microscope dinerent pollen-gra.ns mounte.i in water. Press the cover tjlass gently, anil note any chan^^e tliat takes place in each t;rain that may be instructive. the ends of youiij.; wo)dy jilaiUs ej;., iic chlorate. 'rh< 1 Ihe centre of tlu of the milkweed, ch-Me-Not). Not,' acinth, or a blade by placin(^ a piect a.sh, and examined 1 examine and note % s cells. v5, It an|;Ies to the sar lilac are very good, lower portion, the ots of indian corn f lii >.; .-■ 1 S GENERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. Date- Ci'ze. iName • ■ Habitat- S ROOT -Parts Kind Variety Remarks STBM-Parts Kind Color Surface Shape Leafpos'n Leaf arran^'t- ■ Structure Duration Attitude- • ■ • Under ground, stems Remarks • • • LEAVES, -Parfe Simple or Comp'd. Stipulation Venation Insertion Petiole Apex Base Margin Shape Surface Color Vernation Kind (if comp'd) ... F 'marks INFLORESCENCE, -i'ar^s Attitude Position Kind Variety Receptacle Remarks WLOWBR- Parts Peduncle or pedicel Formation Symmetry Completness Perfectness - Rem^arks '^ Illustration pa^e J^o V4 i GENERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. J^ame Habitat Variety ...Color Leafpofi'rf^ _... Duration ■■■ Surface ..Leafarrang't Attitude Date- Size- Kind Remarks ■• Kind Shape Stra^cture Underground stems Remarks ' LBAVBS,-i'a^'^« g^ljjulation ,Sirr^P^eorComp'd. •• ^^^^^^tion •• Yenation Base . . Apex--- Petiole Surpirc ■■ Shape Margin .., Kind i^^ ^-^^'^ '^^ ... Vernation Color Remarks-- , IKFLOBBSCBNCE,-P«* ■•• — -^^ : Attitude Receptacle Variety Remarks FLOWBB -P^''^*^ formation- ... Kind 7> ^.^ride or pedicel perfect'oess- Peduncieor , Completness ■ - ■ ■ Symmetry Remarks- ■■■ lllmtrationpage- M- M GENERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. Date- Size • . JSame ••• ■ Habitat ■• ROOT -Parts Kind Variety Remarks • SmmiL -Parts Kind Color Surface Shape • Leafpos'n Lea,f arrang't-- ■ Structure Duration Attitude-'.' Under ground steins Remarks LEAVES, -7^fW'^5 Simple or Comp'd. Stipulation Venation - Insertion Petiole Apex Base Margin Shape Surface Color Vernation A7/z-rt^ (if comp'd) ... Remarks IN FLORESCENCE, -Par^5 Attitude Position Kind Variety Receptacle Remarks SLOWER -P(xr^5 Peduncle or pedicel Formation Symmetry Completness ■ Perfectness- Remarks Illustration pa^e JVIo GEKERAL PL ^NT SCHEDULE. Date-- ROOT.-'P«'^*«-- Kind Remar^^^^ . STBM,-P^^*^ ...... ..Col^^ ^^^"^ Leafpof^'^^ ShaP^-' ,, Duration gtructurf^ , . t/^^er^rour.^*"^" ■■■;;■■;;■ ^pemarlcs • J^ame jlabitat- Variety- Surface 6't ■ Leafa.rran ,... Attitude 'd. II Fl Stipnl^^^'O^^ SimpUorCovvp^'- ^^, insertion -■• •• Yenation ^7;6.v- • • Petiole ■ ^,^^^p^ • •• •^^^^'" '"_v,rnation Color---- • Remarks --- ^^ jittitU'de Variety ■ Jleinarlcs BasP^ ....Surp"'^ •• Kind iif ^"^^^^'^^^ Kind ...Recep tacle ^■D Pnrts forrnation FLOWBR.-^^'^'\.^^ ^"^ j.^rfeetness- Peduncle or pcdi'^^ " ' ' ' ^^^^^pUtness ■ Sijrntnetry Remarhs--" Illustration pa 6e- Ko- 1 p'tl) nd feotness- 'I i, Date. 4 Size-- GENERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. .Name ■ • Habitat- ROOT -Parts Kind Variety Remarks STEM -Parts Kind Color Surface Shape Leafpos'n Leaf arrang't- ■ ■ Structure Duration Attitude- • • • Under ground sterns Remarks LEAVES, -P«r#5 Simple or Comp'd. Stipulation Venation Insertion Petiole r^pex Base Margin Shape Surface Color Vernation ^^n-cZ (if comp'd) ... Remarks INFLORESCENCE, -Par^5 Attitude Position Kind ■ • Varioty • "Receptacle Remarks . P'LOWBR -P«xr*« . ■ . . Peduncle or pedicel Formation .. .ifSymmetry Completness Perfectness- • . :|R zmarks Illustration page JVb B> ii iih GEN ERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. Date- Size- JSame ■■ Habitat ...Color Leafpos'n Duration ROOT.— Pilaris Kind Remarks STEM,— Ptt^'^s Kind Shape Structure Under ground stems Remarks LEAVES -Paris Simple or Comp'd. ■ ■ Venation Petiole Margin Color Remarks INFLORESCENCE, --P«''^s Attitude Variety Remarks FLOWER,-Par*« Peduncle or pedicel Symmetry Remarks Illustration pa^e .... Variety- ...Surface Leafarrani't- Attitude Apex- Shape- Vernation- ■ ...Stipulation Insertion Base Surface •• iTimHif compM) . Position Kind ...Receptacle .Formation- Completness- . Perfectness - JfO' ^9 GENERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. Date- Size. J^ame . • Habitat. ROOT -Parts Kind Variety Remarks • • • STimi-Parts Kind Color Surface Shape Leafpos'n Leaf arrang't- ■ ■ Structure Duration Attitude — Under ground stems Remarks LEAVES, -i^ftrfs Simple or Comp'd. Stipulation Venation Insertion ■ Petiole Apex Base Margin Shape Surface Color Vernation Kind (if comp'd) ... Remarks INFLORESCENCE, -Par^5 Attitude Position Kind Variety Receptacle Remarks FLOWER -Par^5 • • • Peduncle or pedicel Formation ^mmetry Completness • Perfectness- ^wiC'rks Illustration page Jfo ml GENERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. Date ■ Size- J^ame •■ Habitat ROOT.— Parts Kind Remarks STEyi.,— Parts Kind ■■ Shape Structure Under ground stems - Variety- ...Color Leafpos'n Duration ...Surface leaf nrraui't- Attitude Apex- Shape. Vernation- ■ Remarks LEAVES -P«rfs Simple or Comp'd. Venation Petiole Margin Color Remarks INFLORESCENCE -Par^s Attitude Variety Remarks FLOWER, -P^t^^s Peduncle or pedicel Symmetry Remarks Illustration page ...Stipulation Insertion Base Surface •• ^WCi (if comp'd) Position Kind .Receptacle .Formation Completrwss- .Perfectnesi: M- f: GENERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. Date- Size-- iName -- Habitat- ROOT -Parts Kind Variety Remarks STEM, -Parts Kiml Color Surface SIbape Leafpos'ri Leaf arran§'t- ■ • Structure Duration Attitude-- - Under (ground stems Remarks ••• j IjEAVB3,-Parts Simple or Comp'd. Stipulation Venation Insertion Petiole Apex. ■■ Base Margin Shape Surface Color Vernation Kind (if comp'd) . . Rem^arks — INFLORESCENCE, -Par^5 Attitude Position Kind Variety Receptacle Remarks FLOWBR,-Par^5 Peduncle or pedicel Formation ^ Symmetry Completness Perfectness- Meniarks Illustration page J^o ^ GENERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. Date Size- J^ame • ■ Habltdt STEM,— Parts Kind ^"^'^'' Surface Shape Leafpos'ih Leaf arrati^'t- Structure Da^ra ..ion Attitude • Under ground sterns Beniarks LEAVES, -Pfl^r/5 Simple or Cornp'd. Stipulation Venation Insertion Petiole Apex. • . Base Margin Shape Surface . Color Vernation Kind (ifcomp'd) Remarks J)ate iize. BTEl r< S) St u R M ' Si M C( R. INPLORESCEN0B,-Par^s I^^^ • Position Kind ■ — Receptacle • • • Attitude Variety Remarks FhOWER- Parts ■ Peduncle or pedicel Formation • • • Symmetry Completness J'erfectness • Remarks Illustration page JVb A y R FLO^ /p. Si y GENERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. Habitat- Variety- mOOT. -Parts Kind Remarks TBU-Farts Kin,(l Color Surface Shape Leaf jms'ri Leaf arran^'t- ■ Structure Duration Attitude-" Under ground stems J Remarks EAYES-Farts Simple or Comp 'd. Stipulation ■ Venation Insertion Petiole Apex Base Margin Shape Surface Color Vernation Kind (if comp'd) .. Remarks ■■■• INPLORBSCENCE,-Par^5 A ttitude Position Kind Variety Receptacle Remarks WlxOWE'R -Parts / Peduncle or pedicel Formation Symmetry Completness Perfectness ■ Hemarks Illustration page J\/'o 'I ill r, ENERAL PLANT SCHEDULE. Kind Remarks •••••••**' . • • • • • • _ ...Color Lenfpos'n Dura t ion TEM.,—P<it'ts rand Shape Structure Under ground stems Remarks •LEAVES,- Part.<i Simple or Comp'd.- Venation Petiole Margin Color Remarks INFLORESCENCE -Par^s Mtitude Variety Remarks •p-LOV^'Bi'R,- Parts Peduncle or pedicel Symmetry Remarks Illustration pa^e ....Surface .Leafarranft- Attitude- Apex- Shape- Vernation- ...Stipulation Insertion Base Surfure ■■ ^imZ (if compM) . Position Kind .Receptacle Formjation- Completness- . Perfectness • JVo. 1 • ILLUSTRATIONS. NO I NO 2 NO. 3 %ess- NO. 4 ILLUSTRATIONS. NO. 2 NO. I NO. 4 NO. 3 11{ IP \ NO. I ILLUSTRATIONS. NO 2 r.'o.s NO. 4- \ \ y ILLUSTRATIONS. NO 2 ^o.\ NO. 4 NO. 3 % FLORAL SCHEDULE. Date- ROOT STEM LEAVES FRUIT -Pnrfs Kind • • ^mm),- Parts Form y.i^.J^^ ^'-^ '^((^'ihfr:' .Dehiscence Variety • Surface- ■' .Albumen- Ewyhryo. • tDBR iU^M^":^. (*rMf^. .'.... GENUS AND SPECIES . /^'MONNAMB..../?-i^/^ e^^i-uM^U f "1^ Illustration page ^o :gMA-M,4,4f- ... THm^^ 4.4.'««. FLORAL SCHEDULE. Organ. No. Cohesion. Date Adhesion. Form, Etc. Perianth Leaves Glumes Talels Lcdicules Calyx Sepals ^. LfLiJ^J^^^' ^i4JlA^^ Corolla I'eLals ^ iAfl^l^' ^ff-^T^"^' ' Stamens Filanients Anthers '"o"' Ji^a. ^ *---^' L/^-k^^^' ^LH^tfsM Pistil Carpels Ovary-cells. Styles Stigmas 1 1 1 1 •enan Leaver C'llume % I'alets '■■ Lcdici Calyx ■ Sepals Ooroll -i'elals 4.... Stamt Filani AiUhi ROOT STEM LEAVES FRUIT,— Prtrfs KM T)ehiscence SBBD,-Par*s Form Embryo ORDER COMMON NAME Illustration page Variety Surface Albumen GENUS AND SPECIES. Pistil CariK Ovar Style Stimi ROO' STEI LBA PRU R SEE li IRE !?' JVo. Form, Etc. FLORAL SCHEDULE. Date..Jn^-'^^--- ^ Organ. ** perianth •(ilunies -; I'alets Lcdicules No. Cohesion. Adhesion. <?alyx . Sepals \ Form, Etc. ;^^-u lli.c^y'^^^;,''^'' Corolla petals Stamenb Filaments Anthers I Is Pistil Cai'iiels Ovary-cells. Styles Stigmas / A. r.- ■t-t-'^CO^^^^* d.i^iU -^^ t'!'^^^.. . ,''XA^'> t K/--'- A ".i* i< -- r ROOT. STEM .:f,toA/."^■.•4»{k.<;.^.•:'^. . . :.;^^H« ... . . X..u,« / ^V^' Mr..s-!',.; ..^.cf^^^'^ iscence. Variety LEAVES ^V.^^.^-.^-----^^ V. ...... .^... .;.. -<..-^'-' . -► /- . FB^JVT,-Parts.rfy^^^--^- - , ^ SEED, -iUr^s Form- COMMON NAME • • • WJ^ ;.r: .k .^ J..Q \ .,, ,^._.-.„._,„... '. jVo .•••■ ■ Surface- ■■• ■ Alhumen- niustrationpaie- FLORAl- Organ. Periantli Leaves Clumcs I'alets Lcdicules Calyx Sepals No. Cohesion. SCHEDULE. Adhesion. Form, Etc. ^ :y^^Zfr^' //./-' ^^-^ Orgai leriant! ■ Leaves iciumes ll'alcts iLcdicul feepals Corolla ,1 ■ f^ Petals \ / i^^'^ J If J- ...•••••••'•■. '"^^ {wit (ju /> I,' J brolla Petals Stamens Filaments Anthers / _ 1 . i.U /^>c</> ^'-w Ji^' L r ' i^ rj V^t^-'-" lr\A^'^' Pistil Carpels Ovary-cells. Styles Stigmas a^^>t ^ -A.C »«' / Stumei Filame Anther Pistil Carpel Slyles Stlgm; / ¥'<>>:^/- LEAVEs-^. ^^ ,.,a^r.m^^, FBUIT.-P^^'^s- • *" ' Dehiscence Kind i\.ii. >f'^ ' C. ■ • V QTi^W,-F^rts Surface.. •■ m-' Variety Form Alhumen ORDER.-— '^ .,,^.^ '•^■^^^^ COMMON NA^^^S -^ ^^ Illustration pa ]^e-"' • • FLORAL SCHEDULE. Date- ORM, Etc Organ. rianth Leaves (ilumes Palcts cdicules No. Cohesion. ilyx Sepals itJLiL (S^ ^<• Adhesion. A u^ &rolla Welals Silimenfcj filaments Anthers Form, Etc. CJ'X^Urr^<^/vClf Pistil Carpels Ovary-cells. StyU's Stigmas ^j /-y^ iK.V^-'fX.r A iA- {a,<*^\ h^-\ jjJU-<^ j-/^^ ^ ' .ic.i>< ROOT... .^/..■/.^'.■^'••■- STEM kcXtV-i LEAVES > ^ ^ 'y Jr'.' I ( '■ ' FRUIT, "ZVtrfs jLind SBBD, -Parfs Form .■■-■•• Emhiiid • ■ • .Dehiscence- Variety Surface Albumen QBDER.. . . . . . • . • -nu-l-y L .<\ ^X GBNUS AND SPECIES. 30MM0N NAME // lustration page ^o EUr.' R.^. ill"" " I LORAL SCHEDULE. Date AOHESION Oroan. Perianth Leaves CiUimes I'alets Lcdicules No. Cohesion. Calyx Sepals r Jf^Xre^^'' r)^a^'*-^^ Corolla i'elals Stament* Filaments Anthers /.r^r /'"*'' ' J Pistil Carpels Ovary-cells. Styles Stigmas ROOT. STEM LEAVES >-'-^' y- / 0\<r,i Perian Leaves (Hume Talets Lcdici Calyx iT. ■•/•••• -I ,^ .1 t^.'y^/./^-' w ,>:.«.. .Dehiscence- PRUIT.-P^rfs- .^ /ilift^ S^^D,-Parts '^'^'^^''^ Surface For^ ■ Alhumcn a^^y.\:.'-'^'- Variety '' / Emhryo •; ORDER- •••••^^'••• COMMON NAME ;,.... GENUS AND SPECIES. ^.'^^ "^ Illustration page- Xo- tam( I'ilaiv fe Antli( - li SEE 1 1 ORI COIS FLORAL SCHEDULE. Date. m, Etc. Okc.an. Perianth Leaves (Jlumcs I'alels Lcdicules No. [Calyx Sepals JoroUa I'clals tameiiH Filaments Anthers jistil 'i C'ar|".e1s .? Ovary-cells. ' Styles Stigmas Cohesion. Al)IlESl©N. I I <. ' > <■•*' c FOOT STEM ^''IT— Parts- ■ MRind Dehiscence SBBD,-Par^s Form — Enibnjo I f^ uy, .^fevl^.'.-.'. gipRDER COMMON NAME IHustratiou page FouM, Ere. v< r^C Variety 7 7 Surface Alhmnen GENUS AND SPECIES. JVo. *^- FLORAL SCHEDULE. Date Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. FoKM, Etc. Perianth Leaves Cilunies I'alels Lcdiculcs Calyx Sepals / t -' ^'" /l\.i$W Corolla Petals / 1 •1 I Stamens Filaments Antliers /.,,./ !u /'/-'>■■' Pistil Carpels Ovary-cells. Styles Stigmas / s 1 ROOT. STEM LEAVES . ..;••/: ^-^ i-^M". . A<'. y ......;.... ''^^. if. ..c^.^ :y. '^.M^J.il.t A/ltv</ f/ f F^X^m -Parts j^ijt^d Dddscence Variety ■ SBSD,-Parfe- • .^n/n^M Form - Surface Embryo Albumen y- ■'■■^ ORDER. . ...^.^Ui^i.^tiM. . . . GENUS AND SPECIES. -Cc^r^.^'. ft OMMON NAMB»'i^^< '.^•<- • • .Ui:\,..tj>^-(>h.- :.-.:(/. ,f. . . . Illustration pa^e J^'o FLORAL SCHEDULE. :V^ )0T... .^^.k'^^'V!■A ' ^;...,. ?EM »i,v.c<€/..T. .^/:•U.C<.A^^;^..<Wf.C...:.^.A■^^n,..<.i<l.;A-i;i . B^UIT.-Par^s. . ./C^.S^.U^-.v.'i'^.Ai kind '• • Dcldscence Variety ?^^Ii -Tarts •4 Form Surface ,1 Krnhrijo Mhiimen OtDER GENUS AND SPBUIBS MMON NAME Illustration page JVb FLORAL SCHEDULE. Date- { Oroan. No. Cohesion. Al)|{F.SION. Form, Etc. Perianth Leaves Cil limes I'alets Lodiculcs Calyx Sepals •— /M'^ ■r Corolla I'etals r .'I, IV ft^'-'v • Stamenis Filaments Anthers <r^ i v ■' ; ' Pistil Carpels Ovary-cells. Styles Stigmas ROOT. STEM ^rSL ,k •- 1 /" f LEAVES. ..Am .i.;..>:r.u7rd.l\AC^...4C.^^>; ,^. .'^/f;^/1 .^ tfi .''j"**' . Dehiscence Variety FRTJIT -Parts Rind SEBD -Parts Form Surface Embryo Alhumen ORDER . .tA n k% i AX'. i AiS^U . GENUS AND SPECIES . U/Aj.: '. COMMON NAME.. (f/h(.i'.V/7.V.^: .<.'... .'....» Illustration page JVb FLORAL SCHEDULE. Date. OUCAN. N<i. CoiiF.sroN. Adiip.sion. FnuM, Ktc. orianth !,(• ivi's ( liulllC'S I'.lk'lS I.i (li( ulfs ^ alyx St jials i' U>i^r<tU<0^^ /A •' ' ' orolla IMals • ^^^"i^^U^ ' f tamenH i ilanietits Aiitlicrs >•/ A^' ^( it^i^v*'- • ' ' ■ • ; distil ( 'ni|iL'ls ( )sniy-(X']Is. Styles Stigmas ' t OOT 7 Dehiscence Variety I N (EAVES |RUIT-Par^5 k irid . • imy -Parts Form " Surface.' • Enibrnq Albumen iDBR J^p.t.-ij(^;t7.^.^ GENUS AND SPECIES . 6^/.^. ^:^*:<.w'. . .[^h^^Tt^i ^ /<Sc^^! )MMON NAME.. ;JW;tVi<^Vr.....':¥.rKl?<<^.... (7^4*,. •^.... " I Illustration page Jfo 11 FLORAL SCHEDULE, Date- '.J V ' Organ. No. Cohesion. • Adhesion. P'OKM, Etc. Perianth Leaves Glumes Palets Lcdicules Calyx Sepals ^/ 1 *. Corolla Petals '/ i7iX>' .'/■"■ ■■- ''"^ /Ctyy,..^-, StamenB Filaments Anthers ... i jyJLifidjiA- Pistil Carpels Ovary-cells. Styles Stigmas i ROOT.../lf.XW<:.'.<:r ^ sTEM.c^(</..^.c^.v:.^.. .A^^-.'..^ /^^/^.^^.^::r::^ FRUIT -Parts. .'.•''. iL. ■ Dehiscence Variety Kind SBBD,-i^r^5 Form Surface Embryo Albumen ORDBR.CfVxy{^.^i.Vf-.fe>5.'7.^: G-ENUS AND SPECIES. ^^/.i.'.^%1^^. v. V;^/i:'.. COMMON NAME Illustration page JV o. 5 ILLUSTRATIONS. RM, Etc. NO I NO 2 NO. 3 NO. 4 fW,ULM X. 'y,:.^L. H.\ ¥!' \H I 6 ILLUSTRATIONS. NO. I NO. 2 NO. 3 NO. 4 ILLUSTRATIONS. NO. I NO. 2 I. V '1' NO. 3 NO. 4 8 ILLUSTRATIONS k } NO. I NO. 2 NO. 3 9 ILLUSTRATIONS. NO. I NO. 2 NO. 3 NO. 4 10 ILLUSTRATIONS, NO. I NO. 2 NO. 3 NO. 4 11 ILLUSTRATIONS. NO. I NO 2 NO. 3 NO. 4^ NO. NO. 3 FLORAL SCHEDULE IL .'Vo — • Root..i/V-.i^../...U.w.'..,. Date- '-rVvv.(_. '-i- Stem (/^,?-r...U.V:rf.;....H^'r^?M.\ Leaves. .s.y.^. .. . ^id^^^~i . . J-/^/^':^ f-j: .^/UJ. .^1-^ .U'.-^,:^^^ff: r^^ • -^^^ Inflor'enoe . . • . n. Fruit. Seed. Organ. No. Perianth Leaves Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Calyx Sepals ^Corolla Petals \ f ^ Z- J^Uvvs't^ <^^>.i.-i.*'-»%^ ^amens I - i /i i .1 » Kihiirients |l \ 4U/J^}^^^ Anthers ! ^' . // Pistil il * * ' n^arpels ,^ %A^ rfLU^ kA^*-, •Styles *Stigmar, / COMPOSITAE,-7/?.7;o//tr;r Ray FlorcU Disk-Florets ■■■■ Receptacle Pappus GRAMINB AE,--GZu7?i«5 Palets ■ Lodicules •Remarks ^ C 4 . . . • ••,••)'!•• ;1- • • •; V •/' ■ V,' ■ " y " " ' LSv 7U^'.t-t^'i't *''--' I f^<^ ORDER. 0^.r7C/^A>f'9--'-**'*^-^enus and Species. ..^....^^^ y-- - Common Name ./>^u../ . .. ^>v;»a.C- habitat /Av^U - r • • • JVo. FLORAL SCHEDULE 11. Root..../l/xt:\^. Leaves., „,.■.;//'.'/.( ■7U,/..hf.^:.:/.r:(... ...^SAAt.-.^..... Inflor'enoe Pruit Date. * I f • « I I f t * I i 1 « I t I ( t (I • • • * ■ * > Seed. Organ. No. Perianth Leaves Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Calyx Sepals •Corolla Petals Stamens Filainems *Anther Pistil *Car|iels *Ovary-CelIs *Styles *S tig mas ^- r J ' ' ' i ' I ...... COMPOSITAE.-/-,HY>7,/r/-^. Ray FloreU Receptacle Ohk- Florets GRAMiNE AS, -<;/,,,;,.,. ■.;. . . ;. . . ;; ■ • v .■.v;^^';"^''''' ■ ';, " Lodicules 'Remarks Paid?;. ORDER.!':'''-' ''•' nr. KT * '"" Vi ■ ' V"'V ■]■■■•■/•>•■• S^^^s and Species . Common N.raet/iP^....W4y . .fX^.^;.... Habitat . FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- Mo noot....lJ^C.\A:h/ .y..., ...y.... , IjBQi v6S » • ^/« » Ti * I • • • •* >'i ,* » • ^•d' y ■ . '-.^»« ( • • r I * . I I I ■ • |-| t t i %^ % % % % % t <[ %-%%% % \ % \ % % ^ % I t ( I « I |\^« I t I • « • • • t • iimoi wiiCo t « « 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 • • * * I, t * 1 1 1 « 1 1 «•«« I ( 1 1 •• 1 1 1 « 1 1 >»*•«*.« » 1 1 « • « I ( * 1 1 1 < t • t • I » • * * 4 t I Fruit. Seed. COMPOSITAB,-/;ii;o?Mcre Ray FloreU • Dish-Florets ■■■■ Receptacle Fappus GRAMINB AB,- Glumes Palets Lodlciilcs •Remarks Okg.^n. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Perianth l.LMVL'S ■l^ffL'--' ■ •••''"■'.' Calyx .S..)al.s . •Corolla I vials Stamens Filainciils *Aulhers ,. Pistil *t"arpcls *Ovary-Cell.s •Styles *Stigmas 1 1 ! ORDER i?.f -." :...... r'^^'r: ......... Genus and Species . |rVV v)>V- • -^^S-L- 1:^^. Common Name. '..-54. J,. -J. fp^U Habitat FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Root...tM.V. Stem. /.'I ^'. ?.//.;. Leaves Inflor'enoo Fruit Seed • 1 t • 1 I • 1 » » < y... 1 ( < 1 ' » * 1 1 * * 1 1 1 III 1*1 > • 1 1 • t ■■■■^P *•''•»••••• 1 » t 1 1 1 ■• 1 till, Date ■ ' ' ' Organ. No. Coi lESION. ' Adhesion. ! Drawings. Perianth Leaves i ■ Calyx Sepals •Corolla Petals 1 1 j Stamens Filaments •Anther 1 1 Pistil 1 •Carpels *Ovary-Ce!l.s i ' Uyles ; •Siit^mas i 1 t • OO^^OBITA-E-Ifivolucre Ray FlnreU Receptacle GR AMINE AE,-G^/a„^^5.... Lodiculen •Remarks ■Dhk-Flnvrt.s... Pappus Pdlats- ORDER Common Name. Genus and Species Habitat FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Ao. Date- iTViOOu if«teftt(««'*rii#f«f«fi* tt**>* itt 1111(1 (It, J ■■(••iii(i(« J jt * "> (•»((( ..§»•• UctlVoci • I < > • <i •> r rt I • ■ > t . I T t > t'l . I • > . ' < > • • . I k 1 1 I • • ■ f I I I I i > . 1 1 < 1 I I •< • : • *■ > C/vi i > > ■ ■ ■ i ■ Inflor'enoe ♦ t t • • ( « I Fruit. Seed. Organ. No. Perianth Leaves Cohesion. Adhesion. Calyx Sepals •Corolla IVlaU Ifu^'-filUh i \fp^m stamens '' - /), , 'j J ^ AiUhcrs /. ' ) Vv,^%^ ' Pistil •Carpels *()vary-Ce!ls *Stylc.i *.Suymas tpiJf^(i.ft' COMPOSITAE, -Involucre luiij Florets Dhk-Florets ■■■■ U('rci)larle Pappus GRAMINBAE,-C;/7t/».r^5 Palets ■ Lodivules •Remarks Drawings. ■^ ■ J ORDER. UVi).1/4^-wV^-.-*.'k Genus and Species.... rr..-, '.u\-.\,-..c^:..'^-^^K^^j Common Nime . . »^' V.'. ."^/.-.V-^'. • . .^v Habitat ^- JVo. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- Root . . . . i u,1>'>^n<.T. y.\ r. I J i'*^ Stem . ./. .i^i/ir^fA^, \ '. . r... . ,/V.4,V:Vv. . . . -.C^, .'C J. . ./^.t.s ; .C. .'. . S. . , ;. , Leaves. . tU*\ rf./r Jj^n . .K<,V'. ..<^' ^^^iy, '^. .-f /, " " Inflor'ence Fruit. .w. Seed Organ. | No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Perianth Leaves Calyx Sepals 'Corolla Petals Stamens Filaments *.'\nther H ■'J ^^^u.r'*-* ,'?^'-'* I' Pistil *Cari)els *Ovaiy-Celis *Styles *Stigmas n ' ^?^.•^A^' COMPOSlTAE-nivohmre -Rar/ Floret',' n; .i. lv l _ l^'s'k- 1 lorrt.'-i Iteceplacl p. p GRAMINEAB,--r;//Am,r.? Loclicules *Remarks q>]>n.s V((hl. Drawings. ORDER Common Name Genus and Species Habitat FLORAL SCHEDULE IL .A'o. Root. la- Bate ^^m! I" "1-/ Leaves . ■(il t Stem.'<^:^y^.S.::;:;^:../:<:^ ... ;..;;f/V.^ f^.' /iy~-£.u^ Inflor'ence Fruit. Seed. Organ. Perianth Leaves "Corolla Petals No. Cohesion, Adhesion. t t I • M « I t t ' • f M I I I * 4 t ) I I i I I I * ■ « ( - I I H f H t ti I . i I M • H M I I Stamens I'"i!ainL'nls •Anthers Pistil *C'arpels *Ovary-Cells * Styles *Sti}jmas COMFOSITAE,—! nuulucre Riiy Floreta Disk-Florets ■■■■ lieccptacle Pappus GRAMINEAE,- t?Zzt;;i-6\s Palets ■ Lodlciiles •Remarks Drawings. ORDER Gonus and Species . Common Name Habitat Root. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- Stem . t^.r.C.J, /. . Ai^u^, ?<. . . -!r*.^ . ? /.: O'.i^.^l, •./--. a Leaves.. /ifr^.^.Vl.Xr.'ir.*;/' ..A:^.". V<-<'<^-^'^ ^^'^^ ' Inflor'ence Fruit /' Seed. Organ. Perianth Leaves No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Calyx Sepals 'Corolla Petals Stamens Filaments *Anther 6 f^-Yhh-^^'"' //■'/i.iA.rK^ Pistil *Carpels *Ovary-CeIls •^.Styles *.Stii:mas ..v^.f'..y^' OOM.¥OBITA-E -Involucre.... Ray Floret, Dhk-Florets . . . Receptacle Rtpims GRAMINBAE,-6?/«m,,5 , p„j,f, Lodicidex •Remarks .4,, ,:. , . M<^ i.,^ ORDER... ;..,:'. Common Name. Genua and SpeciBS . !\.A i-Xj-X^ >X.\ >X!>y. JlL*-'''^(^/<i Habitat ^0. Root. Stem Leaves Inflor'ence Fruit . Seed. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- GOM'PO^VTA.-E,, -Involucre liaij Florets Dish-Florets ■■■■ Receptacle Papjms GRAMINEAE, -<^;Zz6/>ir6" Palets- Loci icicles •Remarks Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Perianth Leaves Calyx Sepals *Corolla Petals Stamens Filaments *Anthers Pistil *C'arpcls *Ovary-Ce!!.s * Styles *.Sti^mas 1 . ..... 1 i ! 11 ORDER Genus and Species . Common Name Habitat i-. ;vo Root . Seed. *CarpeIs *Ovary-Cells *Styles *Stigmas FLORAL SCHEDULE IL • * . t I I • I Date- Stem. Leaves. Inflor'ence , . . Fruit I* >■ i.ttiift *iitiii*ii«*t«itiitii Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Perianth Leaves Calyx Sepals i * ! •Corolla Petals ' Stamens Filarnenls •Anther i 1 Pistil OOM-PO^ITK-E-Tiivohicve Ray FloreU /)/,/,.. inovrfK . Recej)tacle r<,])i,us GRAMINPJi^E,-~6^/,A7nr^9 y.,,/,,^,, Lodiciolefi •Remarks • ((.•■( I t I I Drawings. ORDER Genus and Species . . . . . . ' . , Common Name Habitat J^o. Root. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- Stem Leaves Inflor'ence Fruit. Seed. COM^OBVI A-^,~~Involucre lidij Florets Disk-Florets — lierepfacle Pappus GRAMmEAE,- Glumes ; Palets. Lodicules •Remarks Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Perianth Leaves 1 Calyx Sepals •Corolla Petals Stamens Filaments •Anthers i Pistil •Carpels *Ovary-Cells •Styles •Stigmas i ORDER Genus and Species . Common Name Habitat Root. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- Stem Leaves Inflor'enoe ... Fruit • • I • ( I * • • ) 4 1 I I I I I Seed. COM-POSIIA-E -Involucre Ray FloreU Dhk-Florets . . . Receptacle Pappus GRAMINBAB,-6JZ,,m,fi,5 P<ilcts. Lodiculea •Remarks Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings, Perianth Leave:: Calyx Sepals ' *Oorolla Petals Stamens Filaments *Anther 1 • Pistil •Carpels *Ovary-Cells •Styles •Stigmas 1 1 I ®^^^^ Genus and Species . Common Name Habitat Mo. Root. FLORAL SCHEDULE H. Date- Stem Leaves Inflor'enoe Fruit. Seed. *Cariiels *Ovary-Cells •Styles *StiLrmas COMPO^VI A.'E.-Tiivolucre Ray Florets Disk-Florets ■ ■ ■ ■ Receptacle Pappus QB.AMm^A.-E,-Cilumes PaJcts- Lodicides •Remarks Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings, Perianth Leaves Calyx Sepals * *Corolla Petals * ■ Stamens Filaments •Anthers Pistil ♦/' 1 - ORDER Genua and Species . Common Name • Habitat i FLORAL SCHEDULE IL jyo. Date- Root. Stem ... Leaves . xziuoi' onow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 « • » * * 1 1 • » t * • * . » • I •*• • I « • » Itlii* lll»*|lttl*tllllt*llll*«lti Fruit. Seed. Organ, No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Perianth Leaves Calyx Sepals ■ *Corolla Petals ■ i Stamens Fiiamsnls •Anther Pistil •Carpels *07ary-Cells •Styles 'Stigmas COMFOHirAE -Involucre Jiaj/ Florets Disk-Florets ■■■■ Receptacle Pappus GRAMINEA-B -GZj6m,«5 ' Palets- Lodicules •Remarks ORDER Q-enus and Species 'Jommon Name Habitat FLORAL SCHEDULE IL 1/11/ Root uaie-- Stem Leaves Inflor'ence Fruit .. Seed . Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Perianth Leaves Calyx Sepals . . , , ,.....».. •Corolla Petals Stamens Filamcius *Anthcrs Pistil *Carpels *Ovary-CelIs "Styles *Stij;mas COMPOSITAE, -//i?,7;/7/,f;/r. Jlay Florets Disk-Florets — liecerUicle ■ Papfius GRA liillSi'^A.^, -Glumes Palets ■ Lud icules ■ "•Remarks • ORDER Genus and Species. Common Name Habitat >A' it f p JVo. Root. Stem Leaves Inflor'enoe Fruit. Seed. *Stigmas FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- COMFOSIT AE,-Involucre Ec y Flor^U Disk-Florets ■■■■ Recephucle Pappus GRi!LMINBAB,-riZ^ir^^^.5 Palets- Lodicules •Remarks Orc'.an. No. Cohesion. Adiiksion. Drawings. Perianth Leaves ' Caiys: Sepal- •Corolla Petals ' ' ' ' ' ' $ Stamens Filaments •Anther Pistil •Carpels *Ovary-Cells ORDER Genus and Species . Common Name Habitat J^o. Root. Stem. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- ***■•! <>>*lltt*|«tl ••••ilt«l*i ((•*••'! I !••• »tki*l||«i«ailtl«< Leaves.. Fruit Seed Pistil *(\irpels *Ovary-Cells "Styles '.Stigmas QOMPOBVT A.-E,, Involucre Ua u Florets Disk- Florets ■■■■ lieceptacle . Fappiis GRAMINB AE,-6^Z//,mY'.s Palets Lodicules "Remarks ORDER Genus and Species . Common Name Habitat y ' J^o. Root. Stem Leaves Inflor'enoe Fruit. Seed. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Perianth Leaves *.•■.! ■ ! I Calyx Sepals •Corolla Petals Stamens Filaments •Anther Pistil •Carpels *Ovary-Cells •Styles •Stigmas QOM.VOQITA'E -Involucre Ray Florets Dlslc-Florets ■■■■ Receptacle Pappus GRAMINBAB -G^Z;^m«5 Palets • Lodicules *Rem.arks ORDER Genus and Species Common Name Habitat Root. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- Stem Leaves Inflor'ence Fruit Seed Pistil •Carpels *Ovary-Cells •Styles *Siiijnias Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Perianth Leaves . • * * • t Calyx Sepals •Corolla IVtals Stamens KilameiUs •Anthers C0MP061TA-E1 -TnvoJucre /icaj Florets ■ • • Disk-Florets ■ ■ ■ ■ Jie('e])t(i('le Pappus GRAMINEAE,- Glumes Falets- Lodiculcs " •Remarks ORDER Genus and Species . Common Name Habitat If i is I'H ^(7. Root. Stem. Fruit. Seed. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Leaves . • • Inflor'enoe ( I «•«**• I I GOMFOSITAE -Involucre Hay Florets Dish-Florets • ■ Receptacle Pappus GRAMINBAB,-G^^?tmr^5 Palets Lodicules •Remarks Date- til* i»(i Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Perianth Leaves Caiyx Sepals . •Corolla Petals " Stamens Filaments •Anther 1 Pistil •Carpels *Ovary-Cells •Styles •Stigmas ORDER Genus and Species Coinmon Name Habitat V\ Root. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- Stem Leaves Inflor'ence Fruit Seed. Organ, No. Perianth Leaves Calyx Sepals *CoroUa Petals Stamens Filariients *Antliers Pistil *Carpels *Ovary-Cells •Styles *Sligmas Cohesion, ■«» r i i 1 1 1111 11,1 t I..., — „ ,i ,„ , j^i I Adhesion. Drawings, I • * « I I . I ( • I < * ' ' ( * J * * * • 4 i J * • * . « « « , COM-POBITA-E -Involucre. Ray Florets Disk-Florets ■ ■ ■ Receptacle Pappus GRAMINBAE,-ri/am^^5 Falets Ludicules •Remarks ORDER Genus and Species . Common Name Habitat . U'l ;vo. Root. Stem Leaves Inflor'enoe Fruit Seed FLORAL SCHEDULE IL Date- Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Perianth Leaves Calyx Sepals •Corolla Petals ■ Stamens Filaments 'Anther Pistil •Carpels *Ovary-Cells •Styles •Stigmas ■ OOMPOmT!A.-m,-Involucre Ray Florets Disk-Florets • • • Receptacle Pappus GRAMINBAB -6^Z7^m,«5 Falets. Lodicules •Remarks » > ORDER Genus and Species Common Name Habitat s-wifeieshrap'wsE %^^'<p mmm»<* FLORAL SCHEDULE H. ■ .No J. X. Date :^H I Root jfl ■ Stem ■ Leaves 1 ■ Inflor'enoe . 'g' Fruit • H ■ 1 Seed 1 .s. Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. ! Drawings* 1 I Perianth Leaves ' i \ ' 1, 1 i i 1 ^^^1 ^^^^1 ^^^H Calyx .Sepals 1 ^CoroUa Petals 1 ^ Stamens W Filaments •Anthers 1 Pistil *Carpels *0 vary- Cells * Styles *Sti<,nnas ■ 1 . — .— -^_ 1 1 /^/^TV/TTi '^::m ym 1 ^^H L'UMPOSITii.iij,— , 'nvolzicre- ^^H Jiay Flo) Receptac -ets- ■■ Jlifih- FJnfo^o ^1 le • • -Pappus H GRAMINBAE,-GZ?t»u^5 Lodicules Palets.. ! 1 *Remarks 1 1 u H H H i~\ "D T\ TTl *n» _, - . ^H ORDER Gem Common N ame is and Species ^1 Habitat 1 ^m J^o> Boot. Stem Leaves Inflor'enoe Fruit. Seed. FLORAL SCHEDULE IL GOWPO^lTA-E,~Involucre Ray Florets Dish-Florets ■■■■ Receptacle Pappus GRAMINBAB -G!Z?i,mfJ5 Palets- Lodicules •Remarks ORDER Genus and Species Date- Organ. No. Cohesion. Adhesion. Drawings. Perianth Leaves . Calyx Sepals •Corolla Petals Stamens Filaments •Anther Pistil •Carpels *Ovary-Cells •Styles •Stigmas ■ 1 t" Habitat .^^ . ■^-^i, w w r4 , m it ji iaia»,j^ («*«; CLASSIFICATION. CHARACTERS OF THE ORDERS TYPE No..v. ORDER.. :^ :■....<..... -.^.- Genera '"''/' Sc'H'l) No. Adhesion -^-"'x' >>" >.^-c<n..'*. . r^.v^.atv^f.^! '^... fc-' Cohesion p7t V^ "^^ it' y , Remarks •••• TYPE No. .^. / r.<<T.^< ORDER . /.rTr:J:<r. p.<<: ff. Ci..tta '^uAu -^J^u^uj^ Adhesion . . .i&i^X. itt.4f:Vr<^^^ ''-*'^^^*» V- ■hm yf,\4~>^ Cohesion/:-.. ..if-.i^-fX. '/' Remarks . . l^J/. ; if. . LU'CL ^U 4H^^A /Kid / v ■*' • ••••• ..V/;U.;.Wft..^r."...t.:'!.l,:.. TYPE No. . .^.- ORDER. /V y^tfXjt..^ti.aX ft^Mi. .i^n.u.......^ Adhesion — ?k(y. \.<^..>. , Cohesion . , .i vkf: y. ; . V^. . . >r^M ^rr. ^.CH ♦ ^^ ^ * 4 Remarks TYPE No. CLASSIFICATION. CHARACTERS OF THK ORDERS. ORDER Genera SC'H'I) No. Adhesion Cohesion .... Remarks TYPE No. ORDER. i"^ 'U TYPE No. ORDER. Adhftsinn . Cohesion Remarks 1 ' • ' * • 1 Cohesion Reiaarks TYPE No. Genera CLASSIFICATION. CHARACTERS OF THE ORDERS. ORDER Sc'H'l) No. Adhesion . . 'Cohesion . . . Remarks... TYPE No. TYPE No. ORDER. ORDER. Adhesion . Adhesion Cohesion Remarks Cohesion. Remarks I': CLASSIFICATION. CHARACTERS OK THE ORDERS. TYPE No ( ORDER Genera Sc'h'i) No. Adhesion Cohesion .... R.pmnrlrfit TYPE No. ORDER Adhesion Cohesion "R.fim fl rlra TYPE No. ORDER. 1 Adhesion ,,.,, i Cohesion * Remarks TYPE No. Genera TYPE No. TYPE No. CLASSIFICATION. CirARACTERS OF THE ORDERS. ORDER. ISc'h'i), No, Adhesion Cohesion Remarks ORDER. ORDER. Adhesion . Cohesion. Remarks Adhesion Cohesion Remarks .... k}|^^ •M TYPE No. Genera TYPE No. TYPE No. CLASSIFICATION. CHARACTERS OK l IIP, ORDKRS. ORDER , » • t • • • • • » Sc'h'i) No. /i'Uieaioi: ORDER. Adhesion Cohesion . Remarks . . ORDER. ■Adhesion . • • iCohesion . • jRemarks • • Cohesion Remarks . . . TYPE No C^enera CLASSIFJCATIO No. CHAKACTER3 OK ) ORDER N, '"'IK ORDERS. Adhe, eion '••».. jCohesi on.., ••••|Reniarks.. t w TYPE No. TYPE No. CLASSIFICATION. CHARACTRKS OK THE ORDKRS. TYPE No ORDER Genera Sc'ii'n No. Adhesion , . Cohesion . . Remarks ORDER. Adhesion Cohesion . Remarks . ORDER. t Adhfisinn . . Cohesion Remarks CLASSIFICATION TTPB No "'"""CTM, „, ,,„„ ^^^^^^^ TYPE No. TYPE No. CLASSIFICATION. CIIAUACTrvRS OK THE OKDKKS. ORDER. ORDER. Adhesion 1 I Cohesion. TYPE No ORDER Genera Sc'h'i) No. Adhesion . . Cohesion Remarks Adhesion . . ; Cohesion Remarks Remarks ■ ;:> 41^ <3U<^4-t^ 6^^ /" / ^/t/- "^^Hi.a/- tH!^^.y* ^V /:?o ^-^1^. Y Ut^-ift'i' fi^d. 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