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 CelvnM *|«1) agent, 
 Bsofl faMnre to iatliaMe, thai h» MA tho fiNUidktfaa td tbte biuh»M jha 
 Upper Cmada, Oetober 181? ; and fen numOu aijoyed fiatteriii^ fgo- 
 ifflQta. tiMrtl|f4f4 by IjMidfttiTe Ckmndlkuni^^e wm. caB«d fiiv ni^ry 
 into 4iB ittWi of ^ P^tmaoe, md wooM- have cvried tliat importmt 
 mmsant »^tt oxgeady raqidred, had he not beea betrayed) deserted^ and 
 mbfld I7 tilieie very men. Enwrpng from unexaunpled perMcati<Hi, ha 
 now ttartt with renewed hope, never fcHr a nuiment having abandtmed 
 his <leRtgn. At onoe to eataUtah tnisineu and ou^^aoe madunations to 
 that liim aa inaane, he piu-posea to make the tour of the Kingdom. In 
 eoeo^ pwidkea he wiQ adviae Laboarers to form Emigration SeeiodeK : 
 in Maricet Towns converse with farmers as to aettlem«it abroad ; and, 
 ia ffi«at«r towns^ d<^v^ Disoonrses on fk« Frin<!lples of Foot law 
 Bfl^rm and EinigHftiivn, ;whi»ii^ W^U )WOTe, idiait,. leiAmt Meting 
 a tktgk aUOutel .tUkp^ifbifi, a ei^gte ln*(*ft*^i«; Ofj mirfwing teith pro. 
 jfertg, the toAjvIs igstem of tne jPtor L,MsaMi ae,t:!s''mag be df^pfnued 
 with in 20 ^fAfV, whiiel fft^ 'JiaiUimqipsbt «?ffl|f .*» paid off withm SO 
 gearM^frtm SaUrc^'Ckitarl^l Aandsi.^ « ' : -' ; 
 :^ebmari/Uih im. ' ' " 
 To Ihe Reverend Thomas Chalmers, D. D. 
 My Dear Sin — You are called upon by Government to say 
 whether or not Poor Laws ought to be introduced into Ireland ; and 
 it is fortunate thai a question so important should be put to one so 
 well qualified to judge, and whose authority must be paramount. 
 You will doubtless say no ; but what then } What is to become of 
 Ireland ? and can Poor Laws ever be dispensed with in England ? 
 On your passage to London you may reflect on these questions, 
 and also have leisure to peruse the following letters. The more to 
 engage attention, my correspondence with you shall take the lead. 
 No. 1. 
 St. Andrews, l^th February 1826. 
 My Dear Sir — I can assure you that I received your interesting 
 letter of the 6th of February with no slight emotion of kindness and 
 respect, having ever regarded you as one of the ablest of my fellow- 
 students in St. Andrews, and who, if human life had not been the 
 lottery which it is, would have earned by his talents, and merited by 
 his friendly dispositions, a place of high and honourable distinction 
 in society. 
 You may rely upon my good wishes ; but you estimate at far too 
 high a rate my power to be useful to my friends. I am conscious 
 that I have the desire, but I do not clearly see how it is that I can be 
 of great service to you. 
 I transmitted your interesting paper to Dr. Buist. 
 I beg to be numbered by you among the subscribers to your 
 I felt much interested by your description of the peace which you 
 enjoy amidst all the external discomforts of your situation. There is 
 a peace beyond the reach of outward circumstances, a peace that 
 passes all understanding. — Believe me^ my dear sir, very truly yours, 
 Thomas Chalmers. 
 Robert Gotirlai/, Esq. 
 No. 2. 
 House of Corrcdion, Cold BalhFieU^, 
 London, March 24, 1820. 
 rCa" NTSr .„Vr«t'Si™l 3:.= n„ , Je u„.™ed. 
 Why should they not assist «ie? academic duties ; 
 A month hence Y^^ ^^^^^ ^Pr the course of moral philosophy, 
 and having then gone twice «^«^^^^i^^ T/^'-^n, on the Poor Laws, 
 will, I hope, have leisure ^^^^ '^'"''^^l^^'^'Xythe vr^^^'^' ^'^Y ' 
 That is o\.t of sight the most ^---J^^f/^ "^^ ,2 hearSly wish you 
 and your principles ^g^^^^^g^'j^^s "nee 1 devoted myself to the 
 success. It is now twenty-five .«^/« ^"^^ ',j ^v from me, or rather 
 subject, but it seems decreed tl^f ^f ^ "^ cares while running 
 that I shall be eternally worried by.a th«"sanQ ^^^^ ^^ 
 xny favourite scent The ^"f«f^^ is partly to give :j^^^^^^.^^ ^^ ^^^ 
 xny strange eventful history, ^"\f "f y^/,; 2 n,an would be 
 assertion, that, under circumstances every 
 able to earn the pnce of half « ^J"'^^^^^^^ irown gave out a ques- 
 When we were at "^'^^^^"^f ^'^^ *?f f ^'e th L : How could rents and 
 tion which you ^^^^^ ^f'^l J^^'^ Zvntith^^ I assert that 
 taxes be paid if every labouring ^f "^^^^^^^J ^.^^..^^ miijht advance to 
 it is not only possible, but that J^^^ "^^i'^^" er, while this was 
 greater wealth, strength and do r^imon than ,^^^^^^^ ^^^ 
 Realized. Lay by this letter till the end oy .^ ^^^^^ _^ ^^^^^ 
 tr/rS-a Slir I lur^y ^..^eavou. to exp>.„.- 
 Yours sincerely, Robt. Gourlay. 
 The Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D. 
 No. 3. 
 House ^Cor^^^^^ath Fields, 
 Mv DK.n Sxn-Hcre is the J-^^day o^i^^^^^^^ aTdtxl'ltld 
 gave you to solve the question, ^"^ P^^f "f h^lf a bushel of wheat 
 be paid if a common labourer earned the price ot na ^^ ^^^ 
 per^ day." You know that I announced this^ to the m^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ 
 indrews ; and I did so to all ^^e. ^^ f ^JiS' economy, and hope 
 attention to the mightiest proposition m political y 
 you have gravely ^^"g^* ^f^f/ ^^^^a but connected with the same 
 There is a question ot aiiotner kiuu, uuu v 
 » ^c. 
 , and 
 d me 
 s ac- 
 is the 
 uties ; 
 ; day; 
 sh you 
 to the 
 ance of 
 I to the 
 votild be 
 ; a ques- 
 ents and 
 sert that 
 irance to 
 this was 
 and then 
 r a week, 
 splain. — 
 h which I 
 axes could 
 si of wheat 
 ister of St. 
 so to arrest 
 , and hope 
 1 the same 
 subject, which I am now to put, because not algebraist enough to 
 satisfy myself, and for five years have wished for a correct answer : 
 The population of Great Britain was, in 1 700, 6,523,000. 
 in 1801, 10,817,000. 
 — in 1821, 14,089,677. 
 Now, supposing it desirable, all things considered, that our population 
 should go on to double every century for several centuries to come 
 (and you can easily suppose that improved agriculture and economy 
 otherwise might admit of this, with safety and comfort to all, even 
 though we had no supply of food from abroad)— Supposing that, while 
 oar population remaining at home increased no faster, we neverthe- 
 less doubled by breeding every twenty-five years, and got quit of the 
 surplus by emigration of people between the ages of twelve and twenty 
 years — ^ 
 Queri/— How many must emigrate every year from the united 
 kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, taking the population to start 
 with at twenty millions ? 
 Before answering with precision, several points may require consi- 
 deration. But I now do not wish to confuse my meaning as to the 
 principal point, and should willingly do mv best to explain any doubt 
 which may arise. Even a vague soliition at first would be acceptable, to 
 give opportunity for correcting mistakes or error. It will afford me great 
 pleasure to have a letter on the subject directed to this house, where 
 a good unknown pays my postages. In my forthcoming publication 
 there is a letter of mine which appeared first in the Morning Herald, 
 with an allusion to your using the word alone. I have now in a note 
 said, " This word is so used by other authors when onli/ or sole would 
 be more proper. My justly respected friand will excuse my pointing 
 to his much too frequent use of it thus, as it smacks of affectation, 
 than which nothing is more distant from the real character, admirable 
 for genuine sincerity." 
 Could I once be thought perfectly sincere, it is my hope that a 
 broken ship may come to land. You, I hope, think so, and will accept 
 my best assurance that I am very truly yours, 
 ,„. „ ROBT. GOURLAY. 
 The Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D. 
 No. 4. 
 Glasgow, July 27, 1826. 
 My Dear Sin — I received your volume, and take it very kind 
 that you have sent it to me. 
 Be assured tnat if I have declined entering upon the question in 
 political economy which you submitted to me, it is not because I am 
 indifferent to any wish or request of yours ; but you know as well as 
 I, how the doctrines of this science hang together, and that we really 
 cannot do full justice to one of its topics, without taking a comprehen- 
 sive view of the whole. 
It is ill fact far too unwieldy a subject for a literary correspondence ; 
 and besides, I am impressed with the feeling of a great elementary 
 difference betwixt us in our views of population, pauperism, the rights 
 of the labouring classes, SiC, and I am pretty sure that the result 
 of our launching together on the sea of so wide a speculation, would 
 just be a controversy that we should find to be interminable. 
 Will you forgive my haste, as at present I am very much occupied, 
 and believe me, my dear sir, yours very truly, 
 Thomas Chalmers. 
 Robert Gotirlay, Esq. 
 No. 1. 
 2, Bridge Street, Ltiih, 30/A April 1829. 
 Sir — I have this day read your affecting letter to Sir John Max- 
 well, dated 24th instant, and printed in the Glasgow Chronicle, 
 wherein you say, " We want no public pity — no pecuniary relief — 
 we are willing and able to labour." 
 May I beg the favour of a few lines, saying if you think the wea- 
 vers would listen to advice from me. Write after inquiry and reflec- 
 tion ; but say nothing of this letter, which keep private — Yours, &c. 
 Mr. Charles M'Kay, Secretary to the 
 Operative Weavers, Glasgow. 
 No. 2. 
 Glasgow, May 6, 1829. 
 Sir — I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of date 30th April, 
 in which you signify a wish that it should be kept private. In answer 
 to this suggestion 1 have to say, that every letter addressed to me as 
 an official person is laid before a general body of delegates, chosen 
 from the operatives connected with the union, amounting to a popula- 
 tion of about 15,000 ; these delegates are again bound to lay the sub- 
 stance of the contents of said letters before their respective constituents ; 
 consequently your letter has not been kept in a corner. You ask me 
 if you think the operatives of this quarter would listen to your advice. 
 They will listen to every reasonable opinion ; however, I would beg 
 you never to mention the possibility of paying the national debt in 
 fifty years by the sale of colonial lands, for I am confident it would 
 only excite their risible faculties ; for we are convinced that although 
 the lands of Uritain, which are much more valuable, were sold, with 
 houses, mines, and canals, the proceeds arising therefrom would fall 
 far short of paying off the iiational debt. I, however, return you my 
 sincere thanks in name of my constituents for the interest you have 
 taken in their condition. — Yours respectfully, 
 Charles M'Kay. 
 Ttobt. Gourlay, Esq. 
 ondence ; 
 the rif^hts 
 lie result 
 n, would 
 1 1829. 
 )hn Max- 
 r relief — 
 the wea- 
 nd reflec- 
 'ours, &c. 
 i, 1829. 
 )th April, 
 In answer 
 I to me as 
 ?s, chosen 
 a popula- 
 f the sub- 
 stituent? ; 
 ou ask me 
 lur advice, 
 would beg 
 al debt in 
 it would 
 t although 
 sold, with 
 would fall 
 n you my 
 you have 
 No. 3, 
 2, Bridge Street, Lcith, 'Jth May 1829. 
 Sin— The only reason for wishing my letter to you kept private 
 was, that female relations in Glasgow might hear of it, and have other 
 than their nsible faculties excited ; for it is difficult to manage between 
 women and weak men, or shall I say between weeping and lauL'hing 
 philosophers. The risHdc faculties of Sarah were excited when told 
 she was to have a child : nevertheless she had a child. Agrinna, 
 the heathen, might doubt when asked, « Why should it be thouKht 
 incredible with you that God should raise the dead ? " but now-a-davs 
 we must not doubt. 
 Should operatives listen to me, I shall not draw on their faith, but 
 submit to reason, as to what I have engraved on my business card. I 
 am neither mad, young, nor inexperienced ; have suffered more for 
 operatives than any man alive ; and as this, by your rules, will be laid 
 before l.),000 of them, I take the opportunity to say that their best 
 hope should rest in what you think impossible— what you beg me never 
 to mention, as it would excite their risible faculties viz. my asserting 
 that the national debt may be paid off from sales of colonial lands. 
 If operatives incline, I shall meet their delegates in Glasgow when- 
 ever they choose, first to prove this, and then to shew how every in- 
 dustrious man throughout the kingdom may have constant and profit- 
 able employment. Should my offer be accepted, you may, instead of 
 keeping this private, publish it in the newspapers, that all the world 
 may laugh me to scorn in case of failure. Otherwise, the less ex- 
 posure the better— Yours faithfully, 
 Mr. Charles M'Kay. 
 No. 4. 
 Glasgow, May 26, 1029. 
 Dear Sir— I am sorry that I have not had it in mv power to 
 answer your last communication at un earlier date than 'the above 
 \ou will, however, be ready to grant me your excuse for this seeming 
 neglect when you are in possession of my reasons. In the meantime 
 as I cannot enter into particulars, I will just say that since I wrote you 
 last I have been threatened with the strong arm of the law, and pro- 
 claimed through town and country because I happened to be the au- 
 thor of a circular letter to the operatives in the country. 
 I laid the contents of your last letter before my constituents, or dele- 
 gates appointed by my constituents ; and as they considered it rather 
 opposed to the proceedings in which they were engaged, they could 
 not give any definitive answer ; but they informed me, or rather I 
 should say instructed me, to say that if you would come to Glasgow 
 they would be happy to hear what you have to propose for their benefit • 
 and by giving me timeous information of your arrival, or the time you 
 intended to come, a respectable meeting would be convened. 
 Tliis id the sum totul of what passed. Before I conclude, however 
 1 niust say you seem to have been rather cut with some of the expres- 
 sions I used in n.y last card to you. If this is the case, I have iust to 
 say that men have a right to differ in their opinion ; and I can assure 
 you that my mind is open to conviction, and so I believe is the maioritv 
 of my constituents (excuse mo for saying a majority.) You sav vou 
 are neither youn^ nuuL nor inexperienced. This I knew before vou 
 expressed vourself ,n that manner. I am none of those who believe 
 a man mad when he ,s condemned by the money-catchin- part of the 
 community because he has followed the dictates of a benevolent heart. 
 If ever we should meet, which T earnestly hope we may, you will find 
 rnc both young and inexperienced. Do not think we are indifferent 
 to your proposal. .No: I believe you will (if you promise to come) be 
 nnxi.msly expected and warmly received. You ^vill therefore excuse 
 tins hasty .croll ; and, m the meantime, I remain vours respectfully, 
 Rol^i. Gourlaj/, Esg, Ch.hi.e8 M'Kav. 
 No. 5. 
 -^ ^ Leil/t, 27(h May 1829. 
 Dkar Sir— Yours of yesterday is received. I was not cut with 
 your expressions, nor cast qou ^ because of opinions. The Duke of 
 \Vell.ngton, to whom I had written on the same subject the week be- 
 fere, was as contemptuous of my opinions as your brother weavers can 
 be. and the chief magistrate of this place has been more so ; but I only 
 leave them to enjoy it. ^ 
 I would be with you without delay, but have business on hand 
 here. I trouble you at present to beg your particular address-your 
 p ace of residence in Glasgow, as I may send you a parcel, and vvrite 
 at greater length, ,f sure there would be no miscarriages You can 
 satisfy me of t . . by return of post, without consultation. I need 
 scarry say, that the heart-rending accounts from manufacturing 
 towns touch me ; but we must be cautious in expressing feeling^ 
 Mr. Charles M'Kay. ^^^^ ^o^^^^^' 
 No. 6. 
 Glasgow, June 1, 1829. 
 Dear hi R--I acknowledge the receipt of yours of date 2^th Mav 
 and on account of my having removed my former place of call, it dfd 
 not reach me until this day. As you want to be informed of mv 
 place of residence, I have to state that I live about a mile from gS 
 gow, at a place called Drygate Toll, and by calling at Mr John 
 Barne s, grocer there, you will find me ; or if you have any parcel to 
 send, you can djrect to the care of Mr. John MaCechnie/EIephanJ 
 lavern, 27, Gallowgate, Glasgow. ^«p"dnc 
 I do not wonder that your plans, or any plan for amelioratine the 
 condition of the industrious poor, should be treated with contempt by 
 [le, however, 
 'the expres- 
 hiive just to 
 I can assure 
 the majority 
 if ou say you 
 ' before you 
 ivho believe 
 part of tlie 
 olent heart, 
 ou will find 
 to come) be 
 fore excuse 
 Vf 1829. 
 t cut with 
 e Duke of 
 5 week be- 
 eavers can 
 but I only 
 ; on hand 
 •ess — your 
 and write 
 You can 
 !■ I need 
 , 1829. 
 ''th May, 
 til, it did 
 3d of my 
 om Glas- 
 Ir. John 
 parcel to 
 iting the 
 ;empt by 
 the powers that be. However, the time is not fur distant when tliov 
 will he under the neccmly of imiuiring into tlve condUion, and adopt- 
 ing plans for the relief of suffering thousands Yours, &c. 
 n t, f. , ,. Charles M'Kay. 
 /too/. Liourloij, Lsif. 
 No. 7. 
 2, Bridge S'reel, Leilh, Alh June 182.0. 
 Mr. Gourlay accompanies this with pamphlets and papers to be 
 perused by delegates of the operative weavers, Glasgow, viz 
 Letter to Lord Kellie, written 
 Do. to Archdeacon Coxe, ... 
 Tracts on t';c Poor Laws, 1st and 2d 
 Address to the Labouring Poor 
 Do- do. do. . 
 Petition to Parliament, presented by Mr. Hume 
 Vhe United Labourer, and sundry papers connected 
 therewith - _ _ 
 These pamphlets and papers are not submitted from anv rc«ard to 
 the sentiments and projects contained in them, but to afford proof of 
 Mr. G.s long and steady adherence to the cause of operatives and 
 thTnr*''"' experience have changed his opinion in many 
 Mr. Gourlay conceived a high respect for Glasgow Weavers from 
 the appearance made before the Parliamentarv Committee on emi- 
 gration, i«27, by Joseph Foster and James Little, from that place • 
 and he rejoices that now, when grim want is exciting others to coml 
 mit useless acts of violence, sealing and cutting out webs, breaking 
 machinery, &c.. that Glasgow Weavers deport themselves manfullv 
 prudently, and peaceably. They may learn from the present success 
 of the Irish, that the toughest battles maybe won hy orfranimaTn 
 and perseverance. Tliay may always be assured that the people have 
 sufhcient strength with sufficient wisdom. Tiie operative weavers of 
 Glasgow have funds by which they can send delegates fiir and near 
 Should they incline, they may have JMr. Gourlay's advice in person' 
 for payment of his expenses, say a seat outside the coach going to and 
 returmng from Glasgow, with board and lodgings as long as thev find 
 him worth so much. Mr. G. dare not in prudence, even were he 
 able, tender his services gratis. The engraving above is his business 
 card. He must speak and act with the operative weavers as a nmn Tf 
 business; and if required, will give good reasons for all that he has 
 wntten as to paying the national debt from colonial land sales 
 He will shew how every industrious man throughout the kingdom 
 may be speedily and profitably employed. ^'"gaom 
 at fifrth?sr'^^^ ^'^ ^''^''* ^" ^"''''^' ^'^ *^'' '"^ *^^ '°''''^°^ ^'"^ J«y« 
 Mr. Charles M'Kay. 
 "-■-.^ •*• 'fWxflRKJirfllW 
 No. 8. 
 ,., , ,,..«,/ Toll Cross, Angusl 9, IQ29. 
 ,te to you with a P'^'^^^'' "" n^^.,^^^ ^oll : called at Turn- 
 ., but you had rernoyed from ^^^^^^^^^^^ no one was 
 Mr. Charles M'Knif. 
 I wrote 
 rl^rr^lliXt^t but you we. „o. .he. ) 
 No. 9. 
 2, Br«/gT S/ree<, L.i^/., 12//. September 1829. 
 Mr. Gourlay is -inded of Glas^^^^ ^ZJ^I ^^^^^^ 
 newspapers that a number of them have craveu jea ^^f ■ are 
 9th 1B29). 
 Mr. Charles M'Kay. 
 (no reply.) 
 W J 
 No. 1. 
 London, January 10, 1827- 
 Arrx Having expressed a wish in an address to the 
 Fellow ^»''^--"f^^"^, ,■ L,i .,„.„„„ you last October, to be as- 
 people of Upper Canada publ^hedamcm you ^^^^^ .^ ^ ^^^^^ ^ 
 iistid by them, or by Y^u, or ^Y ^^^ J want a subscription to the 
 subscription, ^nd now say that ^J^^ J^ a single cen? from each 
 amount of hve ^l^J-^ f.^Tand wt h^nfght be^obtained even be- 
 subscriber, in f ^.^J^J^editors of newspapers to publish this, 
 office, Geneva, thence to be '^J^'''^^^^ T; ^^^,,^ ^^ your part gener- 
 My object is ^o ^-- -^^^^^^^^^ ilniA/ f om 
 ally to assist me m estaWisning a ^ ^^ipable. Were five hun- 
 Europe to America which ^^«"^'^, ,*;"^'^^^^^^ on the strength 
 Toiaing meatus Xfil^:^^^-^.^^^ I would cros. 
 Should the P3'\°f^^PfJ,^;rround Lake Ontario; otherwise 
 ?™'":;n-;>™-/" ?»*"■• The BOve™me„t of upper Ca„ada 
 ame to 
 ; Turn- 
 ne was 
 ng from 
 and re- 
 ving are 
 , 1827. 
 ;s8 to the 
 to Le as- 
 I want a 
 ion to the 
 from each 
 . even be- 
 blish this, 
 the Land- 
 »art gener- 
 tion, from 
 five hun- 
 le strength 
 isten to my 
 tion ; pro- 
 iTOuld cross 
 ; otherwise 
 per Canada 
 may hang me as legally as they imprisoned and banished me. Of that 
 however, I liave no fear, and but for a delay in Chancery, should have 
 returned to the Province in autumn 1H23, 
 It is now ten years since I resolved to seek an outlet for the poor 
 of England in America. My first intention was to sail for New York, 
 there to make arrangements, but chaucs carried me to Quebec, and ori- 
 ginated a world of misfortunes. My objects are so pure, steady, and 
 great, that nothing appals— nothing' makes me despair; I desire to 
 rescue the poor from the oppression of the rich, and regard govern- 
 ments with satisfaction only as they tend to liberate and humanize, 
 earing nothing for names and forms. Ten years of misfortune, failure, 
 and persecution, have rather whetted my desire to proceed in the cause 
 of benevolence. These years have indeed afforded experiences which 
 may greatly promote ultimate success; and emigration is not a momen- 
 tary conceni. It is not in times of distress only that this should be 
 thought of: the more that the world prospers in peace, the more should 
 emigration be regarded and encouraged. 
 iMy zeal for reform in Upper Canada sprung from no disloyal source : 
 it had no view whatever but to render that fine country a desirable 
 asylum from the miseries of the parent state. "With reform in Canada, 
 emigration from hence would have been more immediately successful, 
 and less resisted by our government, than emi.cration to the United 
 States. Now there are fewer obstructions, and prejudices are dying 
 away, while we have people to spare for every p:;rt of the new world 
 — hundreds of thousands for each succeeding year. 
 There is a rumour of war, but this, I trust, \. ill prove groundless ; 
 and could peace be maintained for twenty years, I doubt not but all 
 who speak the Knghsh language may again be re-united under one 
 government. I am told that congress proposes speedily to dispose of 
 the remaining unoccupied lands of the Union to individuals, for little 
 or nothing. Were I at New York, I would post to ^Vashington, wait 
 on the President, and advise that not another acre should be <lisposed 
 of till the subject is well understood. Pardon me ! — v<>ur government 
 never has rightly understood how a new country should be most pro- 
 fitably settled, and that is a matter of utmost consequence to humanity 
 and the world at large. I need not say more. If you incline tr) as- 
 sist me, club your cents, by tens, and hundreds, and thousands, without 
 _, - ^ Rob. Gourlav. 
 House of Corrcclion, Cold Balk Fields. 
 The above was pul)lished in Airerican newspapers ; and in the Colonial Advo- 
 cate, pul.hshetl at New York, Upper Cana<la, January 10, 1828, there was the 
 foUowHig article :— . 
 " Latest fiiomEnot-and. 
 ^<- NewProjecL-.m.Roh^vt Gourlay has addressed a leuer to the people of 
 the state of New York, calhnp upon them each and all to subscribe one cent to 
 « nrSJl"".*" '.Ti^'f^^d. This fund to be employed in mifrratin,. the po„r 
 ' ot England and Ireland to the United States." A Ko.,d speci.nen of edit, rial 
 SU11II.-S3, and ot general misconception. 
 No '2. 
 . iA i,.,«o ,^f RrUiin ' You wlio alone are in- 
 Listed -quer -- J rdlirtt„t- ctada ; and be not 
 are >nvinaUe. It ^^g ^^^^ > right-hand of fellowsh p .cross the 
 Tf'Z Let us be done with jealousy and war-vanity and vexa- 
 "^^ "i !;iri^ Let ,^ e^unite. and then you may be more than con- 
 tion of «P%*; ,/f ."t se^re yourselres, vou may give security to all. 
 nuerors. Ihus, being secure yu '^Usnthe eloben the r arms; 
 Lt Britons and Americans re-umte ^^d e-lasp the ^loDe 
 bestow enlightened laws «"/^« 3^' f ,^,,X ,^^^^^ 
 throughout, erect a tower whose top may r«ach un 
 Til '"u clre^d" 7h: K^g: wl^:;.?! - wt^g ?"-Why should 
 t"Xo le'^e tSaid of ^r^^yj^^^^^ on.- 
 blinded with prejudice and P^^t^^J^^fbeTl in^l^^^t^ 
 press to ei-ulate common sense e^ > ^^,^ 
 tnend government L«\ "^ [^f,^^^^ f^^ J common good, to expose 
 f M-^l'o;rbo?h ides and it u ^ow profit by it. that our family- 
 Stmav be renewed and confirmed. How monstrous to suppose 
 compact "'^^^^^^.f "S^'„,i, ^f Lower Canada, or the rag-tag of all na- 
 that the «"^"f^\^^^^X provinces, should be better disposed towards 
 tions, scattered o^^y ^"'f^^J;^ offspring ot her patriots and statesmen- 
 Britain than y«"^*^Xs-herTet" and philosophers :-yo«, whose 
 her moralists and martyrs "'^'^ P*;^ n Wallace— Hampden and 
 blood ran pure from tlie veins of B^- ^^^ J^alhce ^^^^, J__,, 
 Sydney-Wickcliffe, W^slmrt, and ^^ ^^,^^ ^^^^^ 
 speare, J»^^"|„^i,7aTymimthize more warmly with the benighted 
 people of B"tam, should sympa ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ VV^ashington. 
 things who hadnot ^t to^ ^^ court-appointed 
 nor even "ow, sense and spmt to ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^.^^^ , 
 gove^nors han you who '-^^y e ^^^^^^.^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ 
 '" f '"'[nilnd hws a^id sentiments are all the same : nay, when 
 a (1 language, f"^ /=;';'', ^i"^^ fi^^re, rightly understood, are one. 
 rf:^ol"SS you would be less than ever subject to 
 change and disunicm. . .,, , ^Ljered me when cheerless : 
 V ^"S\";;^» d ardo r ori^h^^^^ flame of freedom misht 
 know that ;' F^.^^^'',;™;, ,,_J,i„ ,„ burn forth with nnex- 
 X'«iS.i;s^t^".r 'n.ere was no. among you one wh»e boson, 
 le are in- 
 ancestors ; 
 of power, 
 ember that 
 annoi;, un- 
 without it 
 and be not 
 across the 
 r and vexa- 
 } than con- 
 urity to all. 
 1 their arms; 
 ;ir language 
 ven — not of 
 ert}'. Why 
 Why should 
 e be longer 
 with a free 
 ) make or to 
 y years only 
 d, " to expose 
 our family- 
 s to suppose 
 tag of all na- 
 losed towards 
 statesmen — 
 -you, whose 
 lampden and 
 wton — Shak- 
 that we, the 
 ;he benighted 
 irst gave hope 
 )d and spirit, 
 ; : nay, when 
 tood, are one. 
 be one whole 
 The northern, 
 jsite interests. 
 I'er subject to 
 lien cheerless : 
 "reedom might 
 :h with unex- 
 e whose bosom 
 glowed with more generous passion, and now is the time for ac- 
 I knowledgment. J\ry efforts in Canada were solely to open a door of 
 I connexion with America for a grand system of emigration. Now it 
 1 IS open, and cannot bt' closed. It matters not where emigrants laud 
 Everywhere they will b'.come independent : it cannot be otherwise, 
 ihink of It : talk of it : cherish the idea iliat the world must speedily 
 be emancipated, if the people unite and esiiblish a grand system of 
 emigration. Had xve free trade, the interchange of manufactures for 
 tood would be immense. The profits of agriculture would draw forth 
 tlie industrious labourc'rs of Europe, and a million at least would an- 
 nually cross the Atlantic, to enjoy the blessings of your excellent in- 
 stitutions : not redemptionera— not paupers: but free, vigorous, and 
 substantial settlers — prospering, and to prosper. 
 I have said that vour government never has rightly understood how 
 a new country should be most profitably settled ; and that were I at 
 xNew York, I would post to Washington, wait on the President, and 
 advise that not another acre of national territory should be disposed of 
 till the subject IS well understood. Repeating this, I trust attention 
 may be arrested, for it is matter of importance, not to you only, but to 
 mankind at large. Ten years ago, travelling among you, this idea oc- 
 curred, and ever since I have mused npui it : indeed these ten years 
 iiave been mainly occupied with such contemplations ; and four of them 
 in prison have brightened my prospects, and ripened my plans. Owen's 
 plans are trifling when compared with mine. They are well enough 
 tor experiment, but fundamentally erroneous. Human energy can be 
 highly stimulated only by the love of self, property, and power—by in- 
 dividuality. Passions M'ere bestowed, not to be smothered, but quick- 
 ened ; and the question is, how to regulate— to balance man against 
 man, and guard against dangerous ascendancies. A community of 
 goods may ensure happiness ; but man was not made for bread al6ne • 
 he was made not only to be happy, but great. Owen has means and 
 coadjutors : ^ylth these I could in a few years create a stream of 
 emigration vvhich would be irresistible : which would refresh Europe- 
 strengthen America— cement the human race— weaken the dominion 
 ot despots, and leave the Holy Alliance to contempt. 
 II rr^ J- ^ ,, ^ , ^. KOBT. GOURLAY. 
 Jlotixe of Correction, Cold Bath Fields, 
 London, October 10, in27. 
 No. 3. 
 2, Bridge Street, Leitli, 24th December 1829. 
 Sir— There was a time when no one disliked you more than I did 
 But then halt your own nation, and all the world besides, were aeainst 
 you My countryman IMelish. the geographer, wrote to me in Niagara 
 Jail, January »1U, from Harr.sburgh, that I " was entire!' Jonl 
 nslothe execuhm of the two scoundrels called Arbuthnot and Art 
 bnslic; but antipathy to military despotism, and uncontradicted 
 assertions, then admitted of no reasoning. Your conduct has sinco 
 undergone the severest scrutiny, and the most free, most intilligent 
 anJ most moral people on earth have not only acquitted, but raised 
 v<.u to the liighest dignity. Yes, Sir, to be President of the United 
 States is to be more exalted than the mightiest emperor that ever 
 sw'ived a sceptre ; infinitely more exalted than the greatest of here- 
 ditary puppets. Placed where voii now are, it would be impious to 
 doubt your merits or puritv of heart ; and most sincerely do I say, 
 " whom the Lord justifieth, a-ho is he that condemneth ?" 
 I left home in England April 1817, on a visit to my friends and 
 property in Canada. Expecting to land at New York, four tracts 
 published by me on the poor law system were put m my trunk, as 
 introduction there, where I wished to establish an Emigration bociety. 
 Arriving at Liverpool a few hours too late lost my passage to New 
 York. I sailed for Quebec, and thence arose a tram of events which, 
 up to this hour, has marred all my projects ; but by which I am more 
 than ever determined to persevere, believing that every thing great 
 must be dearly paid for. T»r i • ,. 
 The annexed printed address was dispatched to Washington, in 
 liope that I would follow it within a year ; but here I am, stranded 
 and netted in by grievous perplexity. Were I free, no tinie would 
 be lost in sailing for America ; and arriving there, I would hasten to 
 confer with you, assured not only of welcome, but that with your ear, 
 and the concert of your constituents, my designs of nine-and-twen^ 
 years could be accomplished. These need no secrecy, nor can they be 
 advanced by force. They regard directly neither politics nor govern- 
 ment They are purely'benevolent, and have but one object, the 
 .rood of our fellow men. When you see from newspapers what 
 wretchedness prevails in London, in Dublin, in Manchester, nay, 
 throughout the united kingdom; when you peruse our parliamentary 
 reports, and observe what pains are bestowed to search for causes, and 
 discover remedies ; when you reflect on the generous disposition of 
 the British nation, and witness the efforts made by us m the cause of 
 humanity ; when you mark the prevailing spirit of our rulers, aiming 
 continually, even in madness and errors, at what is fair and honour- 
 able, and'of good report ; nay, when you behold the Holy Alliance 
 itself bending to necessity, the dread and glorious power of awakened 
 civilization,— that power which the press is daily strengthening : when 
 you spe this leviathan drawn out with a hook, and now acting with 
 submission to public opinion, you must be aware that a new age is 
 approaching, and that man is destined, ere long, to enjoy better days ; 
 you must now >>e sensible that it is not so much the tyranny of govern- 
 ment, as the ascendancy of wealth, generated by the funding system, 
 and that for the time rendered omnipotent by the increase of maclii- 
 nery, which beggars and enslaves the mass of our population. Anien- 
 cans generally believe that convulsion only can cure the evil, but God 
 forbid. That will best be done by endurance, by peace, by time : 
 That may be speedily done by establishing a grand system of omigra- 
 tion : that may be done, sir, with your ear, and the concert ot your 
 Constituents. „ . , , 
 As soon as free and able, I shall be off to commune ^^■lth you, and 
 till then, accept the assurance of my respect. 
but raised 
 the United 
 that ever 
 st of here- 
 impious to 
 y do I say, 
 riends and 
 four tracts 
 J trunk, as 
 on Society. 
 ge to New 
 ents which, 
 I am more 
 thing great 
 liington, in 
 1, stranded 
 time would 
 d hasten to 
 ;h your ear, 
 can they be 
 nor govern- 
 object, the 
 lapers Avhat 
 lester, nay, 
 causes, and 
 isposition of 
 the cause of 
 lers, aiming 
 and honour- 
 oly Alliance 
 af awakened 
 ■ning : when 
 acting with 
 I new age is 
 better days ; 
 ly of govern- 
 ding system, 
 se of niaclii- 
 i)n. Anieii- 
 vil, but God 
 ;e, by time : 
 II (if oniigra- 
 icevt of your 
 ith vou, and 
 Mt. Gourlay presents his compliments to General lifacomb. I\Ir 
 G. received a letter from a friend in Upper Canada lately, who had 
 been last summer at Washington, and reported that General INIacomb 
 inquired kindly after him. 
 ^}^k?' ^^'"^'^bers having spent some days in a hotel at Kingston 
 with i\Irs. Macomb and lier son or nephew, "summer 1817, and after- 
 wards crossing Lake Ontario with them in tlie steam-boat. Delighted 
 with the lady's conversation and manners, lAIr. G. made bold, when at 
 Detroit, some months afterwards, to wait on her at the governor's 
 house ; and remembers with much pleasure the reception met with 
 there. He can never forget contrasting the dreary and wretched ap- 
 pearance on the British side of the river to the thriving, cleanly, and 
 spacious streets of Detroit ; but above all, the poor shrivelled French 
 Canadians and the magistracy of his JMajesty, with the open counten- 
 ance, frank address, and full-grown manhood of General Macomb. 
 Mr. Gourlay had for many years before stood the brunt of persecu^ 
 tion because of his principles, and ever since has been the victim of 
 remorseless vengeance. Were he at Washington he could a tale un- 
 fold. Now, he can only make the best use of this sheet. He begs 
 that General JMacomb will present it to the President ; and wishes 
 many a merry Christmas to the Republic. 
 Jamiarif 2Q, \^0. 
 F.h. — The above was despatched when first ^vritte^ to General 
 Macomb, to be presented to you by hin., and a duplicate a few days 
 later. Copies were also sent to Mr. Henderson, Washington ; J\Iessrs. 
 Webster and Skinner, Albany ; Mr. Fellows, Geneva ; Mr. Stuart] 
 near New York ; the Secretary of IMassachusetts Agricultural So- 
 ciety ; and Major Secord, Upper Canada. Thus, sir, have I at once 
 declared my sentiments and views, as well as made reparation for what 
 1 formerly published to ycm prejudice. I have further read my let- 
 ter to many individuals, and shall give a copy to be deposited in the 
 library of St. Andrew's University, my alma mater. 
 Your message was printed in Edinburgh, the 9th instant, and gave 
 universal satisfaction. We are glad you are liberally disposed to Bri- 
 tain : glad thpt your tariff is to be reconsidered ; glad that popular 
 rights are to be more and more maintained : glad that Indians are to 
 be kindly treated : glad that your national resources, after the liqui- 
 dation of debt, are to be applied to agricultural improvements the 
 extension of roads and canals. 
 Let me, sir, about to despatch this last copy of my letter directly to 
 yourself, repeat, with respectful consideration, what I have again and 
 again asserted, that " your government never has rightly understood 
 how a new country should be most profitably settled." 
 RoBT. Gourlay. 
 General Jackion. 
 No. 1. 
 2, Bridge Sired, Leith, 9(h Fehruarij 1R30. 
 Madam— Mr. lAIetliven, writer in Cupa)-, being employed by one 
 of my creditors to get a settlement brought about, found it necessary 
 to write to you ; and you thought projjer, in return, to address a letter 
 to me through him, ilated 3()th October 182!), at once ridiculously 
 peevish, and m;.nstrously unjust. INIadam ! look to a cojiy of what 
 your brother wiste to me in Canada, and which never should have been 
 exhibited, but for his and your persevering blindness. 
 " York, March 23, 1818. 
 " INIy Dkar Gouhlay— My feelings were never so much hurt at> 
 -■ they were this morning, on reading a letter from INIrs. Clark to me, 
 recounting the shocking behaviour of herself and father to you ; I am 
 at piesent too much vexed to say anything more on the subject, but 
 sincerely hope your good sense will make you look upon this worse 
 than savage treatment as it deserves. I hope to see you nearly as 
 soon as, or shortly a.^er this will reach you ; ! wrote you the other 
 day by THr. Stevenson (son-in-law to Mr. AJdison.) Yours truly, 
 ' •' " Thomas Clark." 
 What, Madam, did your brother do after writing this letter ? He 
 and air. William Dickson, had, by their violent complaints against 
 the executive government, drawn me into a controversy, and made me 
 publicly declare that there was " one thing needful, viz. a radical 
 chan<re of system in the government of Upper Canada." For publish- 
 ing thisi arid advising the people to send home a commission to pro- 
 cure this one thing needful, which by this time would have made his 
 liuided property ten times more valuable than it now is— for this 
 your brother, more savage than his wife, pronounced my conduct se- 
 ditious, and at a township meeting, uttered against me the most un- 
 founded calumnies. ]Madam,your brother is now in Britain, and any- 
 where I will meet him face to face, either in doors or out— before the 
 public, or before parliament, and dare him to convict me of a single 
 mean, cowardly, or dishonest act in the whole course of my life. More 
 than that, I will shew good cause for all you see in my engraved busi- 
 ness card which heads this letter. If he has a single spark of courage 
 or honesty remaining, he will repel what 1 have here said of legislative 
 councillors, who were no other than the Honourable Thomas Clark, and 
 the Honourable William Dickson— repel or make me amends. As 
 you transmitted your letter to me through Mr. Methven, this shall 
 go to you through him, while a copy shall be despatched to your 
 brother, and several to Upper Canada.— Yours faithfully, 
 Miss Jean Clark. 

 uarij 1830. 
 iloyed by one 
 d it necessary 
 Idress a letter 
 3 ridiculously 
 co])y of what 
 uld have been 
 h 23, 1818. 
 much hurt an 
 . Clark to me, 
 to you ; I am 
 e subject, but 
 ion this worse 
 you nearly as 
 you the other 
 Scours truly, 
 AS Clark." 
 1 letter? He 
 )laints against 
 , and made me 
 viz. a radical 
 For publish- 
 nission to pro- 
 have made his 
 vv is — for this 
 ay conduct se- 
 ; the most un- 
 itain, and any- 
 )Ut — before the 
 me of a single 
 my life. More 
 engraved busi- 
 park of courage 
 id of legislative 
 )mas Clark, and 
 2 amends. As 
 iven, this shall 
 itched to your 
 No. 2. 
 2, Britlge Street, Leilh, Feiruarij 20th, 1830. 
 Sir— I did not expect tliat JMr. Methven would forward my letter 
 to your sister, and he has not. JNIy object was to make him witness 
 it, and to rouse you into a just sense of your and Dickson's conduct, 
 in first instigating me to call for inquiry into the state of Upper 
 Canada, and then persecuting me to the 'death. But, sir, I am not 
 yet dead ; and, while you are in Britain, ask you to appear with me 
 before government and say what is best to be done for this and that 
 country, conjointly, at the present awful crisis. You always appeared 
 to me a good-hearted honest man, but miserably misled by Dickson. 
 Be led now by a sense of the wrong done to me and the cause of truth! 
 In your ])lacard of 23d April 1818, you characterised my writint^s as 
 " improper and unwarrantable." But all that I wrote in Canada 
 up to that date, and onward till my banishment, August 1819, can 
 yet be produced by me, and will prove that my object was of the pur- 
 est and most exalted kind. I can prove, indeed, by a series of writings 
 up to the present time, that no man ever adhered more pertinaciously 
 to a great cause than I have done for twenty-nine years : Yes, it is 
 twenty-nine years sincel was employed by government toniake inquiries 
 for bettering the condition of the poor, and it was mainly for that cause 
 I exerted myself in Upper Canada. Six years ago Lord Liverpool 
 declared that were we to go to war, there would be no want of means 
 to carry it on ; and on the 12th instant, the Duke of Wellington said 
 " the country was never in such a high state of preparation for war at 
 any period within my memory, as at the present moment— never in 
 my time was its credit higher, or its power and efficiency for foreign 
 war greater." But the question is, How to make these means, this 
 state of preparation and efficiency, redound to the honour and advan- 
 tage of the country during peace? and I, sir, will dare to answer it. 
 In June 1820, I offered to his Majesty's ministers to shew how they 
 could " remove 15,000 people to tlie colonies that year, and at hak 
 50,000 afterwards annually, with comfort to themselves and profit to 
 the nation — give instant stimulus to industry in every quarter draw 
 from the sale of colonial lands half a million by the end of five years, 
 and in twenty, havs an yearly income from tlie same of five millions! 
 while poor-rates are reduced to a trifle." 1 shall now better that offer 
 by saying that 100,000 may be removed this year into British Ame- 
 rica, and as many annually, for at least twenty years to come, with 
 comfort to themselves and profit to the nation : but no time should 
 be lost. I shall despatch copies of this to the Duke of Wellington and 
 Sir George Murray, besides several to Upper Canada, that all*it home 
 and abroad may witness what I say ; and at a day's notice from the 
 ministers shall set off for London to meet you before them. I shall 
 take with me the emigration reports, whereby to prove my points, and 
 demonstrate that IMr. Wilmot Horton knoMs nothing of right prin- 
 ciples of poor law reform and emigration, but has laboured for years 
 to mystifv and mislead on tliat all iniiwrtimt subject. I repeat, no 
 tinie'should be lost, and am your obedient servant, 
 N.B. — The above has been read to two writers in Edinburgh, one 
 of whom directs the letter. 
 [_Extractcd from the Dundee Advertiser, March 11, 1830.] 
 The following are a placard, published by an individual in Canada, 
 from the publication of which 'Mr. Gourlay dates all his misfortunes, 
 and two communications addressed by ]\Ir. Gourlay to this individual, 
 on learning that he had arrived in Great Britain. We know little of 
 Mr. Gourlay's case ; but we have been induced to publish these 
 documents, chiefly because, on conversing with him, we think his 
 plans of emigration aie essentially sound and excellent. They are 
 founded on the assumption, that, in a country like this, where labour 
 is superabundant and scantily remunerated, the labourers can only 
 protect themselves effectually from distress, either by resisting the 
 natural impulse to multiply their numbers, or by finding means of 
 transporting themselves, before the pressure becomes great, to places 
 where labour is scarce and highly productive. The first remedy is 
 found to be impracticable in the present state of civilization ; but 
 there does not appear to be the same obstacles to the application of 
 the second. It is easy to conceive how a publication like the sub- 
 joined placard wouh' operate against a person like Mr. Gourlay, — 
 especially in a country like Canada, which is attempted to be governed 
 after the aristocratic notions of Great Britain. Nothing could be 
 more necessary than the inquiry for which Mr. Gourlay called. 
 Nothing in politics can be more certain than that Great Britain will 
 lose Canada, if it continue to be governed as it is and has been. We 
 say that Great Britain will lose Canada ; but we should rather have 
 adopted tlie vulgar phraseology, and said that she will gain a loss 
 by losing it. Only think of our attempting to establish a hot-bed 
 of aristo'.ratic fungi in the near vicinity of the United States of 
 America ! 
 To Ihc Public. 
 It having been stated to me, by some of my friends, that the public 
 mind was impressed with the idea of my having participated in and 
 sanctioned the recent improper and unwarrantable publications of 
 Mr. Robert Gourlay, I conceive it a duty which I owe to the Govern- 
 ment, to the province, and to myself, to declare that, beyond publishing 
 a statistical report of this province, he had neither my approbation 
 nor my countenance. 
 In making this declaration, I trust that th^ tenor of my life 
 justifies my asserting that factious discontent never originated in 
 my breast. Having said this much in vindication of my own sen- 
 timents, I shall in order to prevent error in, and rescue from distress 
I repeat, no 
 inburgli, one 
 il in Canada, 
 , misfortunes, 
 is individual, 
 inow little of 
 )ublish these 
 ^ve think his 
 t. They are 
 where labour 
 ers can only 
 resisting the 
 ng means of 
 eat, to places 
 rst remedy is 
 lization ; but 
 ippHcation of 
 ike the sub- 
 p. Gourlay, — 
 be governed 
 ing could be 
 mrlay called, 
 t Britain will 
 IS been. We 
 d rather have 
 1 GAIN a loss 
 ish a hot-bed 
 ted States of 
 lat the public 
 ipated in and 
 ublications of 
 the Govern- 
 ed publishing 
 ly approbation 
 >r of my life 
 originated in 
 my own sen- 
 from distress 
 i 17 
 the heedless proselj'tes of Mr. Gourlay's One Thing Needful-v\z 
 a radical change of system in the Government of Upper Canada"~l 
 transcnbe forther information, an extract from tVe common law 
 of the Bntish empire, which bears on the point of unlawful meetint^ 
 or conventions, viz. '; The constitution of Great Britain hS 
 placed the representation of the nation, and the expression of M^ 
 national vyill. in the Parliament, no other meeting or coTendnevt 
 exnrirr^'^ir^ " ?' ^".S^""' ^«"'d ^' a competent o"gan to 
 to «pS^ T" 'i",""^, '""^^'^S' °^ ^"'^^ ^ ""t^re, lending merely 
 Tilt r:- ri'" •^.'^".^l *''^ I^«"P^« '"*« ^" ™«gin«ry assf rtion of 
 Pari a Jn/ 'u ^ Y ^f'' ^^^^S**^'^ *« their representatives fn 
 ParLament. could only tend to introduce anarchy and confusion, and 
 to overturn every settled principle of government." An act of Par- 
 iTeZjZ'TT' "'-'-'',- the yir 1793 to prevent any fuch 
 ineetmgs or conventions; and a few ignorant individuals who, in 
 wereSrdi ^^'^'^ ^/^^^/^ ^.-emble under that title in ScotJ^nd 
 cS Zfh '^ T^ sentenced to transportation. I shall con- 
 tita;ytth:rr'"^"*^ ^" *^^^^'^^-^-^ ^t ^'^^r^"^-'^ *- 
 Niagara, April 18, 1818. ^"''''' ^''^"^- 
 Tlia™ c* • 1 Leilk, Fchniaru 24, 1830. 
 ADril23 IhTh 'V"""".™ published in ,h„ Niagara SpeCalor, 
 «ffi"h dread IZr'jV'" '"?*."' <'»"'P»"'"1 "f fclse insL«i„n 
 aiinst St .^d "'""r''"!'' "■'.'■ "'»* you raised the hue and cry 
 out WUIiam U.ckson, I doubt not, was the author; He who had 
 50S" SeTof S'fo'"" l^r-'r? Goverumen._he who offered" 
 r :rTh:;s rdt'adri;i;rj: r^e-esitr^D-s 
 S^hPs re?2;iT ^ T-' '''"^ ^^ '"^^'^^ ^"° that country retained 
 iX'^orrXllf:;^^ ^-*-^«f being disgrLedwi^h 
 to SmlwTvluTrp^^ V^'' 'T'^y ^^« announced, I resolved 
 ParliS wras:eS7%\^^^^ 'Z' -^.P-F-Ij delayed till 
 awaken vou and I^^. ^"^^^ "^"t*^" ^* intervals, the better to 
 was LtJnL'^o KhTorfepI?''* ' '" ^*^^'/- ^^^^ ^^^ letter 
 great and good and hLT ^^'' ""^ '""""^ *« ^'^^"'^^t objects 
 Kted. Yra;e in Britain a'tXC ?V'^'^"^' ^^^* y*?^-^^^ i"«ti. 
 one knows Canada better an^ „5\^''* *f ^ '" ^ive evidence. No 
 ^ uua oetter , and no one can better confirm what I ^vfnt 
 - ^J^Mik^..., 
 to establish, were you properly questioned. Your insinuations agaiiwt 
 me were vile, and every accusation was false. Ihe sufferings I have 
 endured in consequence are beyond descriptiori ; but I am not untor- 
 triviuLr. When you visited us in Wiltshire, 1814, you saw me at the 
 head of an amiable family-all my affairs in order, and my farm 
 mana.'ed to admiration. I visited you in Canada : instigated by you 
 and Dickson. I called for inquiry into the state of the Province ; was 
 deserted, persecuted, and ruined. Sir, I repeat that I am not unfor- 
 tliving. Come forward instantly and volunteer your appearance with 
 me before Parliament or his INIajesty's jMinisters. My prime object 
 has all along been to establish a grand system of emigration ; and that 
 may be instantly set on foot, thoug;. the political state of Canada is 
 unchanged. I could meet you in London . ext week; ""J; before 
 another was at an end, make all sensible that a hundred thousand 
 people may be removed into British America this very year, witli 
 comfort to themselves and profit to the nation. 
 Copies of this letter shall follow the last to the Duke of Welling- 
 ton, and Sir George aiurray-be sent to Canada, and lodged in the 
 hands of respectable persons here. We are now at issue. W itliin 
 three weeks you may convict me of being a " vmomnj enihimasi, 
 or make amends for unspeakable wrong.- Your obedient servant, 
 ROBT. G0UKl./»y. 
 The Honourable Thomas Clark. 
 Copied at Dysart, Fchrtiary 2(5, 1830. 
 James Bain, wilness. 
 RoBT. DoBiE, rvitness. 
 Wm. Swan, wilness. 
 Seafield, Fife, February 2(3, 1830. 
 p s The importance of this communication is such, that I have 
 crossed"to Fife, that a copy might be sent to the Earl of Rosslyn (to 
 be laid before the Privy Council), which it now is, witnessed by his 
 factor Mr. Bain, INIr. Dobie, a ma;Aistrate of Dysart, and Mr. Sv -n, 
 iustice of the peace, Kirkaldy. This duplicate will be directed by my 
 daughter, and sealed with her seal, that you may think more seriously 
 of luivin'' ruined, not me only, but my family, by vile insinuations. 
 " RoBT. Gourlay. 
 Frierton, Fife, March 10, 1830. 
 You have, or you have not, come forward : His Majesty's Ministers 
 have, or have not, resolved to give me a hearing ; but hovvever this 
 may be, I shall remain steady— determined in principle, and resolute 
 for truth. , , ,. . • tr' i „ij 
 Mv last cammunication was read to a public meeting in Kirkaidy, 
 and shown to many persons elsewhere. You now see it m print, and 
 thus it will go forth to the world. Ten years ago, the editor of the 
 Dundee Advertiser liberally gave his paper tr make known my hor- 
 rible treatment in Canada: and is now to exhibit these my letters to 
 you, that the public may judge betwixt us. I am here on the spot, 
 dear to my earliest recollections, and with my oldest friend. Here, 
tions agaiitst 
 rings I have 
 [1 not unfor- 
 w me at the 
 nd my farm 
 jated by you 
 ovince ; was 
 m not unfor- 
 earance with 
 prime object 
 m ; and that 
 of Canada is 
 and, before 
 •ed thousand 
 y year, with 
 of Welling- 
 odged in the 
 iue. Within 
 y enihusiast," 
 y 2(3, 1830. 
 1, that I have 
 if Rosslyn (to 
 ;nessed by his 
 nd Mr. Sv -n, 
 lirected by my 
 more seriously 
 h 10, 1830. 
 sty's Ministers 
 t however this 
 ;, and resolute 
 in Kirkaldy, 
 t in print, and 
 e editor of the 
 nown my hor- 
 5 my letters to 
 e on the spot, 
 friend. Here, 
 where my mother's family has sojourned for a hundred years, noted 
 for sterling honesty ; and in this county, where my forefathers can be 
 reckoned back throiigh seven hundred and fifty years, without one 
 blot on their escutclieon, I take my stjuid against slander, and say 
 with you, that "Joclious (tixcovtent never originated in my hrcasl." 
 If ever a cause justified enl/nixiastn (nnd what great goofl is ac- 
 complished without such agency.?) it was that maintaitied by me in 
 Canada, its sole object being to render that fine country an asylum 
 from distress. You never had such opportunity to do good as by ad- 
 hering to me, whom you first instigated and then betrayed. You 
 cannot say no. I have yet your letter of Fela-uary 1818, bidding me 
 brmg to York, where you were then sitting in the Legislative Council, 
 some copies of the Niagara Spectator, containing my call for inquiry 
 into the state of the province " as it was," you said, " selling for 
 twelve dollars a copy." I can assert that you expressed a wish, by no 
 means agreeable to rae, that my brother might be refused a grant of 
 land, the better to manifest the infamous conduct of the Local Govern- 
 ment ; and you cannot deny, that only a few days before publishing 
 your protest against my proceedings, you sat most cordially with me 
 in a large company, and then paid a dollar towards sending home the 
 commission for inquiry. 
 The writings characterized by you a; " improper and unwarrant- 
 able" were within the last three weel submitted to a university 
 professor, who was so struck with their power, and the purity of my 
 motives, that he urged me to publish them immediately, and get my 
 friends. Professors Leslie and Dr. Chalmers, to back endeavours for 
 inquiry into my whole case. 
 Now, sir, knowing the confusion with which yov must read this, 
 I am anxious to save your blushes. You have, first and last, been 
 misled by a man who has not u tenth part of your sense, or a hun- 
 dredth part of your goodness— indeed by the most dangerous fool I 
 ever had the misfortune to come in contact with. Be yet undeceived. 
 Consider that there is a Providence in all things ; and that we are 
 but instruments. Should you yet do your duty, it will be easy for 
 me to pardon — 
 " Forgiveness to the injured doth belong. 
 They never pardon who have done the wrong." 
 It was not, sir, because of my being a visionary, that after two honour- 
 able acquittals on jury trial, I was flung into prison and ruined ; but 
 I novv give you opportunity to prove that I am one, repeating that 
 a hundred thousand people viay be reinoved to British America this 
 very year, with comfort to themselves and profit to the nation ; and that 
 merely by the force of iwq proclamations,— one addressed to the people 
 at home, and the other to the people abroad. I shall write these pro- 
 clamations as soon as required ; but no time should be lost, as they 
 ought to be issued this very month. 
 I have purposely staid from home ten days, to give time for vour 
 decision, and that of Government. Two days hence, I return to Leith, 
 mmm^ij^mm-mmMm «•».■«*" 
 and, if called on, »l.all pro^reed immediately t« London. Well know- 
 ?nK the .m«lne«8 of pow^r and the inveteracy of prejudice, I "« I'X "« 
 "tuns BanLuine ; hut beard or unheard, shall remam steady to the 
 Tuseof truth and benevolence, nothing envying either your wealth or 
 your nominal honour. ^^^^ Goublay. 
 The Honourable Tho>nas Clark. 
 No. 1. 
 Seafield, near Kingkorn, July 1, 1828. 
 Sm-Some years afio I sent your predecessor, Mr. Huskisson, a 
 mr>e" relating to colonial policy, of vast importance, c^-iring him to 
 K i in a hlank covLr if thought little of. The paper was re- 
 [urnSl accordingly ; and thenceforth I thought little of Mr. Huskis on. 
 T^,w encS for your perusal a handbill (Purposes of Emigration 
 Societrs-Untn and^gency) of which were lately forwarded to 
 thTDuke of Wellington, Mr. Huskisson, Mr. Peel, and Mr. WUmot 
 Hort^n with duplicates for the Privy Council. 6b uld you thinK this 
 nf HtUe Tonsequence, return it in a blank cover along with the accom- 
 miv UK S and ^e shall be mutually satisfied It is, sir. in the 
 Tower ofThe British Government to effect all that I assert in mjr card, 
 jr that, " rvithout altering a single statute, changing a single institu. 
 i^ T interfering with properti,, the whole system ofthevoorlaws 
 Z'Zles Jy he dispensed with in twenty years, while the naiiona 
 Thtmay he laid off within Jijly years from sales of colonial lands 
 S:. i ho^ever,^no time to be lost ; and I ^^^^^J^^^^^l^^ 
 Sir George Murray. 
 N B — Although every thing like the above should be ju^gedof by 
 its own merits you are welcome to consult as to me with Sir Henry 
 Wns, or write to your Perthshire constituent, Captam James Kerr 
 of East Grange, now'residing at Greenside, near Largo, Fife I re- 
 peat there is no time to be lost. ^' ' 
 No. 2. 
 2, Bridge Street, Lcilh, i<ovember 25, 1828. 
 ^iR— Referring you to my letter from Seafield of July Ist, I now 
 accomVny S wit?^ anotheJhandbill (Discourses), and you are a* all 
 times welcome to make advantage of your obedient ™^'^^^^^^ 
 Sir George Murray. 
 No. 3. 
 2, Bridge Si reel, Leith, April 19, 1029. 
 My Lord DuKE-While you were merely a «.ldier I thoueht Jittle 
 of you, seeing your greatest victories turn on a straw; and still less 
 when you became Premier, being yet ignorant of your real churucter. 
 You have now achieved a victory of the highest order. You have 
 conquered prejudices, even your own, and brought mankind intoch«er 
 union. \ on, who are fearless, have, for the sake of peace, surrendered 
 humanT ' ""•J^^stionably this offering of love will Imj propitious to 
 But, iny lord, Catholic Emancipation leaves much to be don«— much 
 which should be done without delay. At hor^e the greatest evil is the 
 poor law system ; and the colonial system is altogether wretched 
 You see what I have engraved above. It was engraved t<, seal opi- 
 nion atter my last appeal to government proved fruitless. It will be 
 adhered to now that I am abandoned bv the people, and will be at'-' 
 hered to whether this letter is acknowledi^ed or not. To prevent mis- 
 takes, I distinctly say that, " wil/iout altering a single statute, chang. 
 tnga smgie institution, or interfering with property, the whole system 
 oj the poor laws and rates may be dispensed with in twenty years, 
 cololiauZds"''^ '^^^^ ""'■^ *^ ^'''^ "ifn-i/Ain^/^ years from sale, of 
 Five years ago I offered Mr. Peel a plan for reforming the poor law 
 system, and was desired to send it to him in writing. This I could 
 not do,- but should your Grace so far confide as to send for n,^ : ..ive 
 me an hour s personal interview, to declare leading principles and^the 
 means to explain fully, which I could do within a month, I shall be 
 forthcoming immediately. I shall subjoin a copy of my last letter to 
 his Majesty that your Grace may, if you please, submit the whole to 
 the King — I have the honour to be your Grace's obedient servant, 
 'lU T\ 1 Pur „• . ROBT. GOUBLAY. 
 I he Duke of Wellington. 
 No. 4. 
 Mr. Gourlay presents respectful compliments to the Duke of Wel- 
 lington. Requests that this letter (a letter from Upper Canada, dated 
 23d February 1829, announcing that the act under colour of which 
 I was banished had been that day repealed) may be returned after 
 perusal ; and, at sametime, Mr. Gourlay's letter to his Grace of 19th 
 instant, if its contents are of no moment to his Majesty's Government. 
 2, Bridge Sired, Leith, April 24, 1829. 
 No. 5. 
 2, Bridge Street, Leith, 3d May 1820. 
 Sib— Two letters returned to me in the Duke of Wellington's 
 blank cover accompanying this will speak for themselves ; and I have 
 to request that you will show the whole to your brother magistrates. 
 Keiecedb, t.e ^■:^^^^ J^^^I ZS^^ 
 ,vith the countenaiice of ™8'»'^;;\^*he cllar conviction, that fa. - 
 able employment. . , . ■ Sunday, that my 
 „«?;/rr.oSr.r U: S, th^n tT* i. ian,nis.n. ana 
 explr-n. But if, like Ins f/^^f ' >°^ J^^^ least trouble.-I am re- 
 return what is now sent, so as to occasion ^^^ Goublay. 
 •spectfully yours, 
 Jnrne.i Scarlh, Esq. 
 Chief Magistrate of Lciih. 
 No. 6. 
 Leith, 29th May 1829. 
 • 1 „ +1,0 nnnprs which vou transmitted to 
 "^%' sTi St'^ antraptl^Kr Wng Lpt .them so long, 
 LTwhrclfV"rr;;u W - inconvenience.-! am, 
 sir, your very obedient\ervant, j^^^^ Scarth. 
 Mr. Robt. Gourlay. 
 No. 7- 
 2, Brit/ge 5<ree/, June 8, 1829. 
 S,„_You did not keep n,y Canada letter and that to Jte Duke of 
 WeZgton. returned by his «'-;„- ^at^^^^^^^ 
 ..xpectatlon you would respect "J f '■"'■°° ? ^'Jj j,, j^^e you as a mt- 
 be paid off from colonial land ».»'«!' 'f;;'7,?J'„"ser you kept the 
 i that governu,ent ^^''S'i::^:^-::f^:Z.%Joe. \ 
 letter, the better wui ne youi , . „j v,e„ your acceptance 
 1 now come lower down, »i "'"f ' J?™^,' " s,2aV approve of 
 „f plans for the "7^;-™- ,f 3,'^,te X eeommendin'g the^S to the 
 X r;our'Llr ^^iisuate^ and n/merous friends.-I have the 
 honour to'be respectfully yours, ^^^^ Gouiilay. 
 Jatnes Scarth, Esq. 
 No. 8. 
 ,. e- AT ft ftfPwflTt nresented a petition from the Society of Emi- 
 « (invernment with regard to tins subject. 
 " Sir George Murray said, that if any practicable plan could be de- 
 *' vised, his Majesty's Government would have no objections to carry 
 " it into effect ; but they could not agree to go to any expense." — 
 Morning Chronicle, 3d June, 1829. 
 2, Bridge Street, Leith, September 25, 1829. 
 Sir Georgr — I addressed to you a letter dated July 1, and No- 
 vember 2'), 1828, as I do this, to call attention to what is engraved 
 above, and I have kept the extract from the JMorning Chronicle till 
 this quiet time of the year, when probably you have most leisure to 
 reflect on the subject, and when you may compare it with what I 
 recorded, page 4 of the general introduction to my statistical account 
 of Upper Canada, under date 1820. 
 " I do assert that by proper management, the miseries experienced 
 " by emigrants going to Canada might be averted, and that even 
 " people destitute of means could be comfortably settled there." 
 I addressed the Duke of Wellington April 19, 1829, and an- 
 nexed my last letter to the King. Five days afterwards, I requested 
 to have this returned, if its contents were of no moment to his 
 ^Majesty's government. It was returned under the Duke of Welling- 
 ton's frank, and then lodged with the chief magistrate of Leith for 
 upwards of three weeks. It shall accompany this, and you may repro- 
 duce it to the Premier. He has fought a dueHRvithout necessity, and 
 indicted a newspaper editor for calling him proud, overbearing, grasp- 
 ing, dishonest, and unprincipled, — all beneath the dignity of a British 
 Minister. His opposition to Canning's corn-bill induced me to call 
 him stupid, and when that opposition appeared to proceed from mere 
 dislike to Canning himself, I thought worse of him ; nor would aught 
 less than Catholic Emancipation have tempted me to submit to him 
 my letter to his iMajesty. 
 Had the Duke of Wellington remained in the army, his good for- 
 tune would have secured renown, and posterity would have bowed 
 for ever to the conqueror of Napoleon. But now, that in the pleni- 
 tude of his power he becomes fretful — now, when tiiousaiids of in- 
 dustrious people in London, Dublin, Manchester, Glasgow, nay, every 
 where, and even during harvest, are unemployed and starving, he is 
 occupied with prosecuting for libel, hew little does he appear ! 
 Sir, tl.ere is but one way of keeping the empire entire and happy, 
 that is by establishing a grand system of emigration, and I can tell 
 how that may be done. An able writer in the Quarterly Review 
 of April last, has said, " No pains should be spared to teach the labour- 
 " ing classes to regard the colonies as the land of promise, which it 
 " should be their highest ambition to be able to reach." 
 This, sir, is most true ; and I can tell how it may be done. In- 
 deed, with the Duke of Wellington's power, it would be as easy as it 
 was for Columbus to discover America by sailing westward. VVhen I 
 say this, is the Duke of Wellington justified in refusing me a hearing? 
 No, sir ; and it was to mark my sense of his conduct that I made our 
 chief magistrate witness my returned letter. I assert that letter is 
 worthy of serious consideration ; and the Duke of Wellington would 
 a„ wen .0 drop '.\H''y PXtv^nTro^'^f *et^^^ 
 f„r »nd hear me, tvery a^e *;'• P™" P™ , t„ rf^e above it- 
 stalled power. It would U ""^J »' ,'r P, ,^^a ;„ liberality : at 
 worthy of t''^«™''"'™"SiTnrm»n tte ever existed : It thi» 
 '^:r&^ "nS r^eetr 'K^L th.„ is .he respond. 
 bility of her present rulers! improvement of Edinburgh, 
 I sent you yesterday plans f»^ J^e imp _^^^^^^ 
 xnerely to shew how I ^-^^J-P^^^^^^^J ^^^^^^^^ think of ; 
 it would gve me pleasure to have n^orei^^^^^ ^ that may be 
 and should t^;^,^.t^^^^ ^„,^ „„,,,,,, yo, ^hall 
 ret\rfh:rtltLm ^e.-Your obedient s^rv^-,^^^^^^^^ 
 Sir George Murray. 
 No. 9. 
 2, Bri^e Slreet, Leilh, September 30ik, 1829. 
 «.„ Sn little did I know of vou beyond being secretary of state, 
 .h'e:.\7d':i:?ng you last week, that I conceived you were head of your 
 family in Pertlishire. , having been con- 
 In like --ner yuu^^^^^^^^ l^lTand thenc'e have cast 
 fined in Cold Bath J^ields rrison however, that 
 aside -y,le"ers as mere ravmgs^ Let me rennn y^^,^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ 
 I referred m tha ^^ ^^^ ^^J^^lfZ^-n^eA with a letter from one 
 your constituents. This «haU be ac V ^^ ^^^^^ jyth Fe- 
 f *^^"\t2randd"ecte1 to me in the above-named prison. Dr 
 bruary Uiio, ana uirecieu i kindness and 
 respect, bnt states tnaiiw. ^'^^ on political economy, and 
 I soon afterwards -ot^. - ^.^ . lecture ^^ ^^P ^^ J 
 asserted that a cotnrnon la j ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ 
 "';^tndnl'^^e;in^Efto Ire than d 
 S^fe, Aprin826, oLing to explain, if the Doctor gave no solution 
 by May follou-ing. j ^^ ^^j^ t ^u, and in my letter to his 
 mS; Sun'e: bv the liuTe of Welli'ngton I add the above asser- 
 Sot and shalTprove it if the Duke will send for, and hear me-prove 
 it or be 'lisgff '^^; disrespect by the freedom of my language. 
 I Lrefflauer'^rf::, tTv'alue myself chiefly as an honest man 
 Mrwishwasto rouse him, and by that rousing I had proof of his 
 My wish ^^«\^° ;;' , ' Kina, which I could not obtain from a 
 having seen my letter *« ^^e K^ng^ w ^^ ^^.^^.^^ ^^^ 
 SXTreTona^'raTrhar^^^ more reason to give the ^ory 
 fotlii^theniore reason to make good nseofthe peace which they 
 purchased by calmly considering what shonld now be done to ensure 
 liuppiness to mankind. 
 A copy of my last letter to you was transmitted to the Duke of 
 Wellington, as a copy of this shall be ; and all that I now beg, is to 
 be informed if he will send for and hear me. 
 You will have the goodness to return Dr. Clialmers' letter ; and if 
 denied a liearing, enclose it in a blank cover, to give least trouble to 
 yourself.— I have the honour to be, sir, yours faithfully, 
 „. „ ,, ROBT. GOURLAY 
 oir Ueorge Murray. 
 No. 10. 
 Pratis, Fifes/lire, October 2, 1829. 
 Sir— While you and the Duke of Wellington may be perusing my 
 letter of 30th ultimo, I am seated in a house, built and occupied by me 
 two-and-twenty years ago, wlien I was perhaps, without exceijtion, the 
 most fortunateman in this county. My father then stood pre-eminent for 
 public spirit, and as a gentleman, was without stain. I and my family 
 were provided for to our utmost wish, and beyond risk, as was then 
 thought. Out of doors I was well with all ranks'; in retirement, blessed 
 with the society nf a most amiable wife, and her friend, the lady of the 
 late Sir Henry Torrens. An accident at a county meeting touched 
 my feelings, and biased my fate. I left this place for England, not 
 because of that accident, but to follow out studies of the poor law 
 system, and I will dare to say, have encountered in continued succes- 
 sion, during the last one-and-twenty years, more vexation than any 
 man alive. At this moment I am deprived of all property, abandoned 
 by relations, unhoused, separated from my children, and can assist 
 them only by putting an end to my existence, which I shall not do 
 while reason and hope remain. At this moment, Sir, I do not despair 
 even of making good what is stated in my letter to the king, returned 
 to me in the blank cover of the Duke of Wellington. His Grace may 
 send for and hear me ; or, let me be examined in Edinburgh durin<' 
 the present month, by three university professors, who have known 
 me from boyhood, viz. Dr. Chalmers, Dr. James Brown, und Mr. 
 Leslie, with any other the Duke of Wellington may name, and I shall 
 answer every question they may put, either as to the assertions made, 
 or conduct at home and abroad. If I have injured any human beings 
 or offended against any law, I shall make any proper amends : if I 
 have erred in conduct, I shall submit to rebuke. 
 This letter, and a copy, shall be dispatched without cover, to you 
 and the Duke of Wellington, that if you refuse my offers, it may be 
 in your power to oblige me by returning it to me in Leith, bearing 
 the post-marks, that I may exhibit it to the public, and leave it as an 
 inheritance to my children — I have the honour to be, sir, most faith- 
 fully and sincerely yours, 
 Sir George Murray, 
 No. 11. 
 St. Andrews, October 10, 1829. 
 IMv Lord— I am here, in the arms of alma mater, and every way 
 wellc ircumstanced for philosophical reflection. Let us then indulge. 
 While vou eyed your watch, counting the minutes of slaughter and 
 endurance, till the Prussians came up; while, too, Napoleon surveyed 
 the field of Waterloo, longing for Groushy,— Napoleon, who said that 
 he had vet thirty years to live, and would not sit on a throne without 
 .rlorv, was there not a superior power, a Disposer of events ? Yes, 
 most assuredly. All that has passed has been with the ^ylll, and by the 
 power of an Almighty Being, who prepared you for the battle, and 
 uave vou the victory. . i ^ 
 Up to this hour, believing all for the best, honour is due to you, 
 not as our minister only, hut as the instrument of God. B^t while 
 we do you honour, should we flatter and seal up your eyes? Should 
 we not tell vou what we think, and should you not submit to be 
 arrai-niod and tried by the British people ? Should j-^u not confade m 
 publfc opinion, rather than in the award of a court of justice Should 
 vou not hear an individual, however low in your opinion, who stakes 
 ins all on the issue, and who can have no object but the good of hir, 
 fellow men ? , /-. . i v .,«. 
 Believe me, my Lord, with high respect, your Graces obedient 
 ''''''''^' ROBT. GOURLAY. 
 The Duke of Wellington. 
 V B —The Duke of Wellington may shew the accompanying ;)/«« 
 to his Majesty, and point out the situation for an equestrian statue of 
 the King. 
 No. 12. 
 St. Jmlrem, October 10, 1829. 
 Sm— This letter has no other object but to close a series. Just 
 now twelve years, travelling in the United States of America, I saw 
 the errors in the system of settling wild land, and the advantage which 
 might accrue to Britain from the adoption of a right system. In a 
 ktter addressed soon after this to Sir H. Torrens, to be laid before 
 Lord Batlmrst or the Duke of York, I asserted that Upper Canada 
 miLdit aflbrd a revenue after maintaining two regiments, repairing, 
 and keeping in repair the forts, &c. JMy eftbrts in that Province, 
 %vhich led to my ruin, chiefly went to obtain inquiry into the princi- 
 ples of rightly settling wild land. Since then, efforts to the same end 
 Lve been made year after year, but all in vain. Emigration com- 
 mittees have sat and reported again and again, but never have attend- 
 ed to this most important point. I am now about to return to Leith, 
 have little hope of a hearing, but .if it is granted either by the Duke 
 of Wellington personally, or by a commission in I^dinburgh, I shall 
 shew, by a regular series of documents, from the year 1817 ti" "'« 
 present time, how constantly I have pressed inquiry on this subject. 
 My letters to you of 25th and 30th September, with that of 2d 
 instant, have been read to many of my friends. Nothing is done bv me 
 which may not be witnessed by the whole world, and for which at 
 all times, I shall be happy to answer.— I have the honour to be.'sir 
 your most obedient servant, 
 r,. r- i^ir ^OB- GOURLAY. 
 oir ijteorge Murraif. 
 No. 13. 
 Sir George IMurray presents his compliments to Mr. Gourlay, and 
 begs to acknowledge the receipt of his letters of the 30th September, 
 2d and 10th of October. 
 Sir George returns the inclosure from Dr. Chalmers, which Mr. 
 Gourlay may probably wish to preserve. 
 Downing Street, 15lh October 1829. 
 No. 14. 
 2, Bridge Street, Leith, 5th May 1830. 
 My Dkar Sir— I heard only eight days ago, that you were called 
 io London to say whether or not poor-laws should be 'introduced into 
 Ireland, immediately resolved to publish letters which had been lying 
 for some time with a printer in Edinburgh, to dedicate the same to 
 )-ou, and the more to arrest attention, copied out a correspondence 
 with yourself to precede these; having first submitted to your brother, 
 in yoiir absence from town, whether there was any impropriety in 
 my doing this. I hoped all would be printed and ready for you in 
 Edinburgh, but the printer delayed, and you were off before I could 
 see you. Annexed is the title and backing of the pamplilet, and my 
 wish is, that you would endeavour to procure me a hearing before the 
 same committee which is to examine you. You may hand this to the 
 Chairman, and say, from personal knowledge, if you think it likely 
 that I may be able to give useful information on the subject This 
 would oblige yours very truly, 
 RoBT. Gourlay. 
 The Reverend Thomas Chalmers, D.D. 
 No. 15. 
 2, Bridge Street, Leith, 5th May 1830. 
 Sir — Twenty-four years ago I voted at a county meeting in favour 
 of Catholic Emancipation, in opposition to my father. You will 
 readily believe, therefore, that I feel indebted to you who won the 
 causa. But more MaSt; %e: dotia ;. ai>d- y.ouf. organization in Ireland is 
 at an end. Will ypji^Us^^ t^Vne r ^VS$'J )vi:^,r^cHt to the House 
 of Commons the enclosed petition, get'it'i^rinlt'dj'ant^ bring me before 
 the Committee no^^ <!'an§idprmg ^wiie<;liei::or :riet:pooi:-l8VV8 should be 
 introduced into liJoJahd". . .' ' : : •.*.*• '. .*: .**•'. . ■ ' 
 Dr. Chalmers has been sent for to give evidence before that Com- 
 mitteo, and I have printed a series of letters to induce him, one of my 
 oldest friends, to get mc a hearing before tlie same Committee ; but 
 this he may not be able to eftect. A similar petition to what is en- 
 closed was" presented by Mr. Hume, February 1828, but he would 
 neither move for printing, nor say why he would not. Thus situated 
 you may the more oblige me. 
 Favour me with a few liv's after perusing the petition, and say, 
 1st, If you will present it ? 2d, If you Avill get it printed ? 3d, If you 
 will bring me before the Committee ? — Yours faithfully. 
 Daniel O'Cunncll, Esq. M.P. 
 No. 16. 
 To the Honourable the Commons of the U/iiled Kingdom of Great 
 Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled, 
 The PETITION of Robkrt Gouulay, 
 Humbly Sheweth — That your petitioner has, for twenty-nine years, 
 devoted attention to the correction of the poor-law system, and for the 
 last twelve to Emigration in connexion therewith. 
 That, having for many years petitioned your Honourable House for a 
 liearing on these subjects without avail, "he had resolved never again 
 to olTur services in the same way ; but since session 1827, having 
 perused parliamentary reports on emigration, and discovered that 
 M-hile there seemed to be liberal dispositions on the part of Govern- 
 ment towards the poor, and earnest desire for their comfortable settle- 
 ment abroad, there existed profound ignorance as to means and modes 
 of proceeding, he is induced now again to come forward. 
 Your petitioner asserts, without desire to be censorious, that not a 
 single individual examined by the select committee on emigration, 
 has olFered even a hint as to right principles of settlement in colonies, 
 or for the effectual relief at homo of the labouring ])oor. He has in 
 an address to his ]Miijesty, dated August 10, 1827, declared, that 
 " without altering a single statute, changing a single institution, or 
 " interfering with property, the whole system of the poor laws and 
 " rates may be dispensed A\'ith in twenty years, Avhile the national 
 '• debt may be paid off witliin fifty years, from sales of colonial 
 " lands." He has offered, in a letter to the colonial secretary, dated 
 Novendier 11), 1827, to submit " a plan by which two hundred thou- 
 " sand persttns may be removed f'nmi the United Kingdom next spring, 
 " and comfortably settled in British America, without a farthing's cost 
 " to Government, beyond publishing two proclamations." He now is 
 willing to explain to your Honourable House, how the whole of this 
 may be effected: and most .earnestly entxeats. that he may be examin- 
 ed on the subjefct-;i aisO Uial* iVls petition h\ay he printed. — And he 
 will cvei pray, . . ..',•.•.■ • ■ ' • ■ ' • ' 
 ... •-." -.Roex. GouRiiAY. 
 2, nridge Slri'd, 'JUftlA, iV«,'/:*VlfiS(). :■./,• '. ■ 

 Inferior animals communicate by ;«•<* ^^^^ ^^ ^^ J^^^^n to 
 ..^«b time ^^^^;;^^--^^XZ:i t ^t-'that peri.h ; 
 generation '«"»"^*^« "^^ J^ "^d the candidate for immortality. 
 but man i. ti^e ^"-J^^^^teTne^ and surrpunded with diftculty. 
 His spirit, though cradled m ^«**'7~', .,,^u ^^r every ill— to enjoy 
 a rational miUemum on earth, and at last to hold conve 
 1826, toprint them, "^^^^^ '*"^'^' ^tf^^r is a continuation : .nd 
 ference. What is conta^^ed r^^^^^'^^^^.^^,, however w«th. 
 should Ilive to havepeaceandfreedom,th«e«> 
 1«B by tl^emselves, and disjointed as at present, may enaoie m 
 . Proj-s of mightiest moment to huma^. ^^^ ^,^ ^„, ,„ „. 
 Evenat present »yre^»--;f;^^^^^ 
 flection on past hfe, «^*^;™f"^" ^ p^^er ;_gives assurance that 
 eam^. and effects process f^mAhmgW^^^ ,^^^^^ 
 • »- H„t,t Mid over rugged paths to tranquilhty. 
 ^Butmyr^nu* B moment, all is for the best. I be. 
 o# «i/Ai« 50 years, from sales qf Colmial Land,. ^^^ qqURLAY. 
 3, Bridge Street, Leith, June 18W.