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TIimsworth, Es(1., Deputy Minister, Inland Revenue. Sir.— I bejf to hand you a report of eighty (80) samples purchased throughout Canada, as Meat Extracts, in February and March of last year. The necessity of taking in hand the analysis of articles which could be le«8 readily preserved, or whose cxaininntion was more pressingly demnndod, cHiiaed this collection to be held over for the long period of eighteen nionthj>. While it is believed that the nature of the article, the care observed in its pn.-king. and in it,s preservation while in our poasession. haye preventp iukI i'"iitiiiiin imt iimrc lliaii wv ulv rive (75) hihI not \i'»* than Hfty (.W) |XT ciMit of total tiolids. 3. Hoiif oxtnict or stoi'k i-« lln- proiliict olitaiiu-cl l.y cxtrni-liiiir clfnii. t'rtsli, trituiiifd boiK'r*, of iiiiiiiial!* in Rood liculili at tiu' tinio of siniiilitcr, vitli luiilini; wafer niij cun- coiitriitiiiK tilt' liiiuid iHirtioii liv cvap''- ilion, nftiT n'Mioviil of the fat, ainl coiitnina Hot !('•*< tliiiii M'vii: Ive i".">) per cciil of total ■•olids. I. Fluid l)oiu> cxtrai't is idi iitical with hone cxtraot exot'Dt that it in ooiioi'iitruted to a lower denree and e.iitaliis not more than -ieve'ity-Hve Ci.O nnil not Ions than fifty . Meat iiiiee is the lliiid porticu of luiMele fibre, obtained by pre--'irp or other- wise, iiiid nii:y be e.uieentrated by evaporation at a temperature Im'Iow th nirnlatinf; point of the soluble proteidx. The soliiis ciiitain not more than fiftwti (I'l) per cent of ash, not than two and five-tenths (i'-.'.) ]H*r I'ent. of sodium I'hioride fealcidateil from the total ehloriiie priseiit.) imt nion- than four (4) nor less than two (2) iier eent of plio!), and M"t le-- lliaii twelve (I.') per eint of nitrogen. The nitro«eiions lio.lies coiitain not li--» lliaii Ibirty-Hve (."..') per eent nf enamdable proteids and not more than forty (4ll) per eent of meat bases. li. I'rptnnes are pri'diiet* |irepiired by the digestion of pMteid material by means of eii/ymes or otherwise, and i- mtain not less than ninety (Ito) per eent of prot^'nse.^ and i)opt.>nks. It will be -ten that Meat l'".xtr.iet is foiin I in the marlcet eitlier a-" a solid m ss. nmially in enbe-*: as what iri;iy Im- eidled the normal Kxtraet eoiitaininjr nboiit T.^ |)er e" pri~eiit i-ollretiini we find:— Solid Meat i;xtraet>- ..•.•• 12 Normal " " 2.") Fluid ■■ ■• 42 yicnt Jniee , 1 80 The ash. npresentiiiir mineral matters of the meat and adde.l eninmon salt, shoidd not exeeed l'T i>er eent of the total solids: ami the salt (sodinm chloride) .should not cxeeisl 1_* per eent. In all the KxtracI-. rhe ash and salt exeeeil the limit named by Our St.-oi lard for AFeat, Flxtraet. Perhaps these Standards shoidd not be held to apply to Meat Extract in the sidid form. This is a point for further eonsideration. Fat is riMiuired to ln> loss than six-teTi'''s of one per (vnt (O-fi) of the total solids. Tho Petrolic Ether Extract shown in the table, is essentially fat, and is decidedly exee.s.sive in 17 samples. With fi'w exceptions these an- solid Extract.*, and it is pos- sible that the limit fat nniv have to b(> ree.nsi b'red in the ea-- of this kind of Extract. Tho most iniporlaiit datum is the c.intent nf nitrou:en. Xitro^en is rcipijrcd to constitute at lejist > |ier cent of the total solid matter of the extract. This reipiiremeiit is met b.v all bnt four of the samples reported. Two of thi^-^e ar" not sold as Afeat Extracts ('4fil,")9, r.(ti:',0"). but a.s Conccntrat-s of .Meat and Vi-irefabb's. \o. 47014 is slightly lower than Standard re""" ''>' ''"' '""T** |, > of „itr.von in inH..|ul.l.' .•..,„,„,„i,.k Wliil.- tl..> trxw M.-ai Kxtrm-u iihow Iiss than on.-hiilf of ono |>.r cent, of iiitrftgi-ii in iiiitohibli' fonns, llii' initnplM in quw- ll,.ii nivc fr^Mi >ui' to two IHT cfiit. of iii«oiiililt' liitroKi'n. TIk' Kr.iitin •!;..! Kn'iitiiiiii -lic.ul;roatl.v ix.m.«kI.-.1 in tlio (H'nniTK- Extni.-t* : l-iit it not r.fl.-h.Ml in thoso of low ^ra.lo hi ..r.lrr lluit tlii- fact may \h- Wit. r hUvv.i\. I have iirriiii^'o.l ill Kiil.-i.liarv tulil.- tin- -ami'l'-" li' r.' placiiiir t..|t.'thiT thowj ripri-ontinn tiio .am.! bran.l. Il will U' not.-.l tliat mon of th.'-,. linml- af manu- ta.-liir..l with int.-ll.^'.Mi.v iiii.l ..inv n- ^hown tiv tli. ir m.^an <-om|..«iti. "i.l l>.v the iiiiiformiiv (.htainimr iini..iiur ili" -nnirl.* aiial.vMii. Th.' oo-.m a.-vniimnvi. -iil>^ 'liary tablfs makf it iinn.*.vH>ar.v to say aiiytiiinu ni. r.- than that thi- work will I I im, to u- in furtluT inv.'^tiKHt-. n of th.- -.iil.j.-t : m:i.1 I l»v t.i I it* puhli.'ation at iMilk'tin No. 2B7. , ,. I liave the hoii' ir to '•«', Sir, Your Olx-diciit Servant. A. Mc H 7W lU 20 4 !)1 H MU 211 M) ft 11 H 792 l» 311 ft 23 »* 704 11) HO ft 19 H aw 20 V> ftM M 4N4| 1!) (10 4 !K( H 4i'>)i: 1!) 3( ft 72 H 428 1!) 40 ft-2X 8 K)6 ilOSO ft 82 8 2iiO 1908 ft 17 MMlj PC 273 823 189 202 2«i 316! 304! 2;ni 2t» (I 308: 3i)U! 279 |..c. 4 M7 4 KW 4 389 72« 880 601 480 72ft Ml 480 194 p.C. 3 9S4| 3 906 .1 ))62| 3 MM; : «i2 3 388| 3 (ilOi 3 000 3 640J 3 Nixl 3 (W7: |>.C i p.c. 78 HI «-7(i H7 62 no K> 73 It tn 0-67 I) U3 4 642 S 720| 007 69 48 (» 42 tXI M 01 " 74 DM < 71 fW Ii2 (!0 Sold us (normal) meat Extract. Fat i.s very nliglitly in excew of standard. Otfher' wist' rei2 14 36 BEKKENE. 1 1 -3 1 o ! c i 1 : 1 i ' p.C. i p.n. 8-12! ft-488 8 .'19, .■) (W4; 1 ( Nitn 1 1 4 !'■'■. 4.5 (H) 4.'> 2J 4.^.57 p.C. .•>4 10 .MTft J U u . 11 p.C. 1 00 1 :i5 igen an ■ . ' -Tl 1 s s 3 1 hi P.C 1 -Ii4 1 3H1 P^ JiMi 1 1 it 3!)ai2 . as;n2 .. p.C. p.l'. p.C. 2 ;w4 1 :i4n o 4.5 3 «21 1 ;i02 0.5:1 p.C. 13 111 Mean 54 43 1 17 8 2.5 3 .»8H 1 362 2 703 1 ;i21 ii 49 12 A Fluid M.-a'. Extract. Fat. .slightlv in ex.e.s.n, also siU. Meat b.c. i)»: 1 « |> c. p '•. l>.o. ITS" 21 1» A •olid meat Extract. P.'rh«p« the nUmkrds for norruttl inf»t extract uliould not Huplv A.>h. H»lt an.i f^it are .Incidodly t>i!?h. r than lliew- htaixUr-U ["''"'l ''.''»' irT^-n w Ih>Iow sUndur.1 for ii..rm«l in... .-xtrafl ; mottt Uh.- nitrogen is i,r..|K>rtion- niKielv up t»SKNCK. NitroLffii as •r. P^-?. ^li^i •^ -x I I'-i-'- I I'-"'- l>-c- ; P-c. p.c. I1.1-. |>c. : |1.C. p.C. pi'. P.O. S'Olii .! 3oS...! 2i) Stt 7'.» -Jii i"i 1.^12 .s .'(2 !l ISI ii 1% I'-i'- p.<'. 1 ; p.c. .") OSS 4 iHHi ] ;(o (I wi Jii(Ig.-.i iis iioririiil Hcff Extrart. Fully iiit-rts stiindard reiiiiirniicnf.s. (ill.MDri; K.VTHACT. i "3 P.i-. I p. p.c-. . p.r Xitn»iren ;i^ P<-'- }■■<•■ pi'. p.'. p.c-. p.f. :iiHi.-iii . IP :.-i, nil 2."> \:.u^ 22 mi, .; 70' 2 ,„;s h :i7,s -j-nr^; 111124 11;!.. nil .-V |-"lm-| lU-f \:\i ,:i;r!ii.i;.- hi;,'h ; .lis* tut. '{"..tHt iiili..y^ii ,iiiil iii.-Ht biM- iiitroKi 11 M'lv linv. 41 ■ IVKLCON-CUBES. 6 >4 » M e X •5 U • k s £ ^S i. it * 1 p.C I).0. p.c. w,\m. . p 25 !« 7r 4 45 X •o ■5 .£ O E 1 < d5 H p.c. p.c. p.f. 53-65 23 93 2!HJ« Nitrogiii an i p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. P-c. 0133 073 1 H!(0 SSj 11 A Solid Meat Extract. Perhaps the standards for normal .neat extract should .u.t apply. Ash, salt and fat are decidedly higher than these standards permit, lotal nitrogen is helow standard for normal meat extract; meat base nitrogen is proportion- ately up to re.iuirement. The presence of vegetables is acknowledged. LKMCO. B Urn i B ■/■. 4B156. 4.SI>03. 17012. 37375. s p.c. Me 24 HO 24 50 24 40 24 20 24 4S :5 p..C. 75 20 75 5o; 75 ■do 75*) 75•.^2' p.c. ."." s;. 50 3S Xitrf)gen as P.C. IS 00! IS 50 IS 20 IH 7" p.c. o H p.c. p.c. P* pie. p.c. lOlilOl o 3t>l 5 2«l( !) 8S4I 0-402 4 rilii] 3 07 -Kl 3H.S 434 5 OOOi 2 74 10 :Mi 3i»2 4 042 3 2 OSi ."ill IS 35 2 HS 10-31H 30s 4-fl7Sj »c. p.c. p.c. 5 012 t S72 4 ■ S5S 5 02(1 70 72 0-72 75 l-.-iO 1 27 1-47 170 4 942 0-72 1-60 Sold as (normal)i5pef Extract. Fully meets requin-ments of the standards. N.\ hkt. co.-k.\tr.\< 1 (1 (1 05 87 05 10 75 89 25 p.c. 11 02 88 98 3 :t5 2 110 3 45 3 .V) 3 00 3 25 3 70 3 85 3 50 3-39 p.C. H4>diuin Chloride. Nitrogen a» Kreatinin . Total. p.c. . l>.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. 34 90 26 fH) 7 -2,80 1 628 3 3281 35 05 2V77 7 8(18 1-778' 3 .511' ;« 05 24 43 7 616 1 610 3 346: 34-8(1 21-88 7 924 1 624^ 3 794 3t .55 ■.'5 117 7 072 1 (1.31 3 437* 33 ,5(1 ■S> 27 7 »7() 1 (1031 3-28;<: 34 115 24 87 7 (172 1 .582 3 486 35 20 2174 7 476 1.582. 3 HI2: 35 05 25 (12 7 120 l-589i 3 311' — — _- ! 34 lis 25 24 7 (ioO 162.5! 3 456; 2 324, ,53 ,55 2 576: •57 38 2 660 70 :w 2 506! 62 32 2 6O4I 67 0,38 2 Smij .■|9 .56 2 (lOi; (17 45 2-282! II 70 44 2 -5201 70 34 2 5191 63 42 A sdliil meat extnict Perhaps tlif standards for normal meat extraot shouM not apply. Ash, salt mid t'at are derid.-dly hiiflicr th-in these slandnnls jHTiiiit. Total nitro;,'cii impels standard rec|uiri'ini'nts. .Meal Imse nilro<;(»n is rclativeiv low. 11 OXO FLUIU BEKF. ^ 1 jl :/l .g •z H k V i ir J Petrol i tract. B Solid I).C. p.c. p.c. p.c. 11138... 31 75 6.5■2.^ I 10 1!) (10 47HS6 . . . :m 10 (W !tO 1 15 i9 31) 4l)H.i3 . . . x> 00 «5 01) 1 25 19 21 411114 ... 34 10 65-90 100 19 6!) 41136 . . . 34 70 65-30 1 30 1'l-30 493(iO... 34 90 1 03-10 r;« lit 65 478ti4 . . . 33 30 1 66-70 1 15 j 20 20 _ Mean... 1 34 40 65 60 1 17 19 «:i p.c. 9 71*1 9 ICV 9 19 9 45 9 2H 9-«>i 9-82 Nitrogen a« p.c. fi 160 5 8.52 6 048 5 740 5 964 6 244 !K»2 I p.c. I 812 0-840 840 840 fi 994 1000 0-728 9 .N) 6000 865 ^ *'oi S « 2S e p.C. 3 066; 2 534 2 828| 2-5481 2-47Hi 2-7521 2-7721 ~2 71l| p.c. 2 282 2-478 2 ;«o 2 y.2 2 492 2 492 2 4!)2 p.c. 701 5l! 1)1 1 62 ."« O-50I 621 p.c. 018 26 23 30 0-44 46 32 2 424! 63] 31 A Fluid Meat Extract. Fat, a,sli and salt are slightly too liish. Otherwise meets standard re 28 31) 12 20 8 960 252i 3 598 5 no 2 .S2 II 70 Sold as (normal) Meat Extract. Slight excess of ash : otherwise meets all re- quire iiieni:*. R.AMONIE. Nitrogen :i» 37373. .. 37374. .. 37.37(1 37377. .. Mi-an . p.c. 17 33 17 70 17 1)5 17 85 -i p..-. 82 117 82 311 Hi 9.") S2 b) 82 .52* i. ^ p.c. 70 i.H) .-w 1) 8 1 < I"-- 22 81) 23 15 2;< 'i") 22 7.-. 22 98 ■/. I"- 4 37 5 ()-. 4 52 .". 21 4 79 ^ i p.c. p.c. H' '.*;■>• 1)2(11 K 840 XiD H !HK)i 1) :W5 9 JUH, ;»;« f^ JIMI p.i-. p.c. 3 925 4 774 3 (i;i2 4 s:>s 3(141 4 981 1116 i 7S- p.c. 2 32 2 32: 2 12 j pc. 1 IB 70 1 47 2 !5 17 48 1)75 9 007 327 3 829 4-851 l-84i 1 1 17 Sold as (normal) Boof Ex tract. Meets reijuiren [tents of the standard. [ 1 i 12 If' I I ""fr ii'-ll 1 B p.C RED CROSS K.\TR\CT. Nitrogen uh I I.e. I'i \>.c. p.c. L. :««Ci4. . . 4iw;«. . 3mV) .. 37 7" i-> ml 5.") (kl 1 112 :!ii .")S(HI 44 40 11.-. I 2^! 1 1 IX i;i I7n;i 111 IKI ^; s i 1I.C. 7 2Hn ,^ 2(12 4 5H2 3 ! p.e. 2 12H 1 .".d.-) 1 <1.}2 0, E--C-- c 'c i -X P.<-. 11 in 4l> l:. i. 'X 1 I..C. 7i!2! 7 K'.r S 13 p f. p.c. 3S'.io 1 2mi 2 4.".7 1 :w 2 173 7117 p.c-. m :<2 (1 117 N(yri-:. -Tliw iliffiTent griiclcs. Fluid Meat Extract", sold as .litFerent grades. In all the fat and ash are sligi.tly ligh ; and meat nitrogen ttx, low. Ivreatin :vncl Kreatinm are low, except in too 1 No. 4(>.H:i-J VI(;i)lt.\I, KXTRACT. 3^ Z^ n 9. ^ u JS b a s « 4'.1U2 . 4!lil.')l . . Mean. A hi^h. ,"iii 711 .•«! .S,l .52 2ti r.i 2:( Fluid Me OllKTwisf pc. 1 1 :sii 4:1 20 (I :v.! » 2jj II 3111 3ll| Ull'l I.-. 23 1.-. 4 I 2.HS 1 :wii 1 073 2-3!t4 nm 20 2 030 O-.W 21 \ '.m 30; IB 3 .XC.4 324 1-431 2 IW 51i 19 It Kxtra.t. Total solidssli^l.tly h.'!ow standard ; ash and salt slightly i practically meets requirements. ;i'i at VIMBDS KXTKACT. riouo. 4!lU0. 4i',lf,7 . 4«40. 4S(;(H. 4'.«;i)5. Mean 33 02| ;« 22; :« 12; 32 22, 32 40 32 Wi 3:f 01). 32-87i 17'05| S 27 17 24 »yi 17 S(l »B1 17 lil ft' 10 17 !K)1 6 :•' 17 OOi T 4X 17 00| 7 4S 17 45 8 9ft CTI3; 00: 17 32^ --'M. (Wi 98| 0-65 (« 78: Of)."): 07 I"': o.Br.i (Ml 88. tai f,7 78i II m i>7 »>; G;) KTOS; 50 07 00 7:> ! 7 (UO 1 180 7-500 MOO 7 r.A) 1 lOlij - J2«l 1 i:«> 7 220 1-300 7 420 7 080 1 r*o; 7 280 1 39. t! 4 819 4 790 4 .-02 4 f>20 4 400 I 280 3x20 4-207; 1 (ai 1 r.5i' 1 r)08 1 471' 1 r.20 1 024 1 f>80 1-621 r.7 70 0-w 59 U 57 62 0-48 0-70 i3 28 14 30 T)! 04 ;ad 12!t4i 4 480 ir>83 60 5 Naiiit' and Aildrcfw of Vendor. Co«t. Name and Address of Manufacturer or Furnisher as niven by the Vendor. Miinufacturer. ' Kurriiher. Inap«-t4>r'M Keiurt. ( I s not an expren- sion of Opinion). DISTRICT OV NOVA SCOTIA- 1912. i Feb. '.I Meat 47011 ract. 47012 P. H. HoldhWiirth, 3 tins.i 30 Oxo Co., Lon- Mfru .. 16 Extra „ 16 ■■ ., 19 " ., 29 " 47013 47014 47015 Uigby, N.S. Nat. Drag & Chem. 3 .. Co., Digby, N.S. u . . 13 07,H don, Kne - . 12.^>iljeibig»>, I>ni- ii don, Kng. SOiliovril Ltd.. I , I London, Ent;. ,1. McD. Taylor,|8pkg«, 30|B<.vril Ltd., A B.M.Uhen. Digby, N.S. I ' Montreal. Hahfax.N.S. S. A. Rounnefell,.! Lunenburg, N.S. ■ 2.") Oxo Co., Lon Mfra, don, Kng. '. DISTRICT OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND- }»^i (»■ Feb. liMeat Extract. 4lil56 J. G. .lamipBon, 3 pkgK ; Ch'town., P.E.I. 1G157 Apothecaries Hall 3 .. . I Co.,CharIottetown, ! P.E.I. 4)!l.'>81Stewart * Son, Cbw- 3 lottetown, P.E.I. 4fil59!l5eer & fioff, Char lottetown, P.E.I. 3 4inoo John McKenni (.Ch'town., P E.I. 105 I*ibig» Ltd.,j London, Eng. lOSBovril Ltd., Montreal. I 30. 90 Alpln ft Bar-I. rett, Yeovil,! England. 105 Armours Ltd.,;. i Toronto. | Cor ne I 1 1 e. David ft Co- Toronto. DISTRICT OF NEW BRUNSWICK- ! Feb. Hi Meat Extract. 6! 141 13 45616 H. W. Cole, Ltd., 3 tin.. SOjOxo, l^indon, Oxo ! St. John, N.B. . *■"? , , ' 45617 Pidgeon ft Co., St. 3 iikgs; 75 ArmourH Ltd.,! ' John. N.B. ,. ^""'"t"'- , i ' 82Bovrd Ltd., MoiitrPul. ' 4i)^\ 33:0 11 4 91 8 f.40 1891 4 3891 3 962 0-70'0 60 46159 Solid Extract: Cut*s. A-h and Halt muih tmi high, t at t.K.hlgh. .Sitrogentoolow. Contains vegetables by ack- nowl^lgenient. 46160 J. C. FERGUSON, INSPECTOR. 1010| 88 90 21 65 78 35 ;a 22 66- 7H i : IT, '• ,.,u,rT^3!2^590 59 56 45r Fnriii»li«T UK givtn liy tlif Vtmlor. N'atnrs of Sauiplf. Naiiif and AililrnHn of Vemlor. ! I r. jr. MiHiufactMiiT. KuriiintiiT. IiwiK-ctor'!* j Kt<|>urt. (U |iH)t an expreiw- ion of 0|>inion). DISTKIcr OK ql-KBKC- 11112 .'>M I.aii>chf Co., 4 Kuf :i Iji Kabriiiii'-, i^ii' U'C. 37371; .1. K. I.Uiriiois, .St. 3 .Ti-an it l^iuvillard, ! ; (^uci'vc. ' 37377 K. (". Kaeliivroiii.rf. 3 ■JJ4 Kile St .It'an. ' 21(1 I., Aiiieritan " Kuract. Mnull..-.f .1 3'.H),">:'. All.. Trattf. Mano^;. . 3 .. I i 3'.K).".4 Nap. llaniel. .Mai,'"K 3 . ., 21 .. 21 Mar. II 3!KI.V>,los. I'icaril, St. Cuil 3 * launiH . SlXWi.Xeal I'.ro!.., \ViH'rl.«i3 70 1> o V r i i Ltd,, . London, lot i'olonud Fluid lieif Co, . Mt)ntr<'al. l."i . .. From stoek ofj .\.(^.(tilniorf,{ I Watirli"'. I DISTRICT OF MONTKKAL- I'i 40,S31 Uovril Ltd., Montreal 3 lK.t> 70 Vcnd.r^ Kxtiact. 411S32 Colonial Hunl U«f .. I * Sliecialty Co., Slontrt-al. 4(iH:i3 B. Fox, IIW St, Law- 3 ri*nce li rpnct" Boulevard, Montreal lOKCi L. O. D'Arifencourt, 3 37ii St. Denis St , Montreal. II Ifi I Hi 10 45 75 'Af!ii,rtir'-1,td Tori)nto. Uovril . , Ked CriHs. i iOxo 10,-> ' iLeibiga, 17 MEAT EXTRACTS. RmulU of .\n»Iyiii». t ' ^ ^ -s Solids. Petrolic K. Extract. Ash. NitroRfn aii '■ a . 1- -1 . I ^ 1- i KfmarkH anil Oi-ini'm Chief .\tinly»t. V. X. W. E. BKLA>M>, IXSJ'KCTOK. nJ 82 Jo-70 22-... 4 3- S 9.i2 0-26, « U25, 4 774 2 3. 1 IH 37.,,. ^ 17 70 82-3o|ll 00 23 If) 5 05 8 «40 24 20 75 800-36 I 1. 17 05 «2 950 86 1870 274103t» 23 25 17 85 82150 85; 22 75 STXl' 3 6321 4 8582 :«0 70 37871 8U2 4 912; 6 02« •> 7"> 1 70 37X-"' 4 52 5 21 8 WO SR-i 3 (Hi' 4 984 2 12 1 47 3T37I. 9 2B8 364 4 US 4 788 622151 37S77 J. C. ROULEAU, INSl'KCTOH. 45-9o' 54 loll 00 14 10 18 12 40-5' 59 250 f&> 15 23' 8 BS' 37 70 62 30115, 1819; 7 62 55 60 40 75 44-401 15j 19 00! 8 13 59 25 1 M 22-60 6 70 5-488{ 1-764 2-3*1 J 340:0 45.0 13 iia08| 0-9941 2-310 l--K»4'0-73Jo 16 ■280 2-128! 3 890 1- 260 10:0 01 4 592j 1-652 2 968, 378 2 1731 767 2 666 924 130 0? 330 14 ;til052Flnid Meat Kxtrwt. Salt • too liigli- 39053| I 39051'. .■SI055' ■• , I Solids too low. VtOWi Fluid Meat Kxtr«t. rat to." hi«l.. Nitr.«en too low. J. .1. COSTIGAN. INSl'KCTOR. 8-83 7 89 9 19 75; 19 701 5-19 95 14 35 1 25! 17 83 1 25 19 21 5 aig! 1 155' 2 193 2 000^620 44 40831 ! Fluid Meat Extr«^ 5-292! 1-505' 2-457' 1 33o[o-400-32 A>mi I ; ! I I ; 6 oJ 0-840i 2-828' 2-:«0;0 64'o 23| 40H:1:V 8 764': 0-273, 4 657, 3 934,0 78 0-4«^ 40S;l4i J 28 30| 12-20 8-960 0-252| 3-598! 5-llo|2-32;0 70; 408;.. 48240—2 18 BUU,ETIN No. 267— m I 3 Nkttira of Jt Hani|>le. i ■r. d 'A NiiiiK' 1111(1 Aililn* iif \>iir. Cwt. I Null If and AiliHwof MaiiufacturiT nf Kuniinher u (fivt'n by thrt Veniior. Maniifftctiirer. i Furiii^hiT. In»|>«Htor'H K('|><>rt. (U not »n expn'« finn of OpiBionl. KI.STRUT OK OTTAWA- !•.> M.;lt Kxtnwt. .•lOUIfi KUi.H Ur.M., .S»iimr«it ;t jarii. 7S St., Ottawii. AriiMnir'iiI.til. Tonjiito 12 12 l!t I I 20 oDlSTiWiii. York, ,Siiiuni(l3box'i»| 1 St., Ottawii. I ! i .'iltlwiT. liowiimn. .Soiiur S liotn ! wt St., ottftwii. I iVIlSii.loK. 1'. Valiiiuttti',:3tinH. I I)»lliou.Hie St.. nt I i tawa, I I .'lOlW Kryiion (irahuin, I.til. 3 I Ottawa. •M 75 75 63 .Mfrii .. A rmour'n. M a d •' from Hiuiitouality of frfHli luti. Corncillo IM- Oxo f "ulws — vis ftCo. ,i Toronto. ! Hovril I.til., K. .1. Owtl.' A ISovril I^.mloii.KnK. i Co., Ottawa K. S. Hurnhaiii S. .1. .\l a )or. Boviii. HiRlily Co., Nbw Ltd. .Ottawa foiH-fntrated York. I I ex tract of I ni e a t a 11 d j ! vcgftalilf't. Bo V r i 1 Ltd., iMfni :J o li n « ton ' a Montreal. H'nu »*«*'- DISTRICT OF KINGSTON - II Feb. .^ Meat | 4a">;»i H. M. StoM-r, Kinns-jS pkRn i Kxtrai't., 1 ton. ; „ -, „ i 4!t5.t7 \V. .1. Arnill, Kins» :3 ., . ; i ton. I „ tI „ ! 4il53H.\V. I). Stephenx, I'orta ,. . I ! i HoiH.. ! ., s; .. 49.'>3!>|.I. K. Lillico, IVter- 3 .. ' lion). „ h: " .| 4!»540 A. Vear.Hon, er;3 j I I boro. 75 Armour's, To- . roiito I 7,") Bovril,I>oiidoni. 75 .\riiiour'», To- ronto, (Ki IVivril KJT) DISTRICT OF TORONTO Feb. 7 Meat F.xtmnt 17; i 17 493.^7(;eo. H»rdiii(t. 227|3boU.; GO B(.vril Ltd. ! King St., llaniil-l 1 IKThe\Vni. l)avie«r„., 3|.kK» .'W; Veiidor.-i .. ; i Ltcl.,521 ]■■ I Chieen St. eiwt, • Toroiitbd Ite.f Kx tract. !Vj\ ril . '(' ., V h - i ? ' *■ ■■Oxn I David *Crk» ttiHl Opinion of till' Chiff An»ly»t. .1 A. KK'KK.Y, INSl'KtrrOR. Ip. c. p.". ' !•• i\m 7U«)i<» •« 1!( *l 5 28 11 95 88 («:» r*: 34 80 24 88 p.c. ' p. c. p. c. 8 .'Wi 0308 i 4 4811 7 924 i in24 3 79« i 3 8 tiigli- 1100 •»; 15 33 !• 11 5 3.t. i ! 19 63' 3 324 «3 1(t; 6 :« oiii fi7 oo;o 551 i7-8o 8-51 ■530 1 lOtii 105 I 46'.l 2121 2 ll&8liM!0 23' &»ll38!Klmd Mrat Kxtrai t. 1 75o'o210 18 50139 Meat and ».v- table., cuI»;h ''1 1 A»h»n; 4!« 8466 231 41 90; 58 lojo 75^ 14 48| SW) 6 04o' 1099 44!)5| 55 OeilOO 15 2o'; 8 Sg' 5 572| ia57 4 585 3 MOO 66:008 49536| 2135i 1 8200 6710 38 495S7| Fluid Meat Extract. 4 72.^i 3 5000 7310 71) 49J88j 2009' 1 9320fi4'o30 495S9| Fluid Meat Extract. 2 039 1-876.0 -57 0-36: 495401 H. J. DACER, INSPECTOR. « 1.5! 51-85'o-95i 14-63 8 44 5208 1 0»-i 22^ 2O-81V 79 200 25' 15 12i 8 32! 9 184; 196 41 05; 58 95,1 «> 16 15i 9 10 5-404 1 057 3«-ao; c:>-ui;V.'wi 19 65 1110 88-902-90 3505 9 65i 6 244 lOCO I i 25 771 7-868: 1778 5088 2-401 2 762 1 8.W0 54'o 30 4-900|l-30:0 80 i I 1 9460 640 36 2-4920 500 46| 49367 Fluid Meat Extract. 49358 49369|Fluid Meat Extract. hieb. Fat too 3 514 2-676 5710-38 49861 ICube«. Aiih and salt too high. Fat too high. •>■ r. K-J so 1; ¥lii NUtirr Xani|>W. BULLETIN No. 267— Null"' aii'l \iMi''«" .,( V.iiilir. Vimt. ■J. t •A 3 NaiMX anil Ad'In'M of ManulwHirtT or Kiiniinhfr M givm liy the Vriidor. Mmiiifitcturrr. ' KiinimliiT. In«|>«icliir'« Ktk.iirt. (Ih not an e»i»rw«- Miini til i tpiniiint. DISTKlCr «>K I.ONDliN ini3. I I K,.li. V.> M.iii K\tract. ,. Itt, M '.It „ 20 II » 47Hm W. S. C.ili-, Kxff r .'.1 pUlfK ''< >*»'• "r"* C°' »7«S<1 \V. S. Hi.w.v, Kx. t.r. :l . 47Hit>\V. S. R. HuliiHK, 3 ('liiit< II. 47S'ir).l. !•'.. limey, W. iX. Mir,,niifll. :i nuitiiii. ,'."i Ijeiliiif" f I^iiiilnn.KiiK. 7ri Hiivnl I, til Iiomlop.Kiiij.i 7-| .\rnii.iir'i.l-td.,l Arin-.ur » . Tiirniiti* I 7r. f,f itiin"''".. i I.nniliin.KnK. (Kucill** . inSTKlCl OF WINUSOR- rgr Fel>. ft M'-at 17»*fi4 Ai»l.r«in * N. 11m, :\ |ikif Kxtrait. l/imil..n „ (i „ , 4W)T!t,liilin Iiil'iii"<'. I^in-l j«r>-. I i : iliin. 1 Fe 7i> I,"ilii(K)''"*'<'-.! Uiiiiliiii.Kntf. (ill I'liivril litil. ,; .1. H. .lohii 1 I ! ■*U>np. I 4HOH7Tli'«. Slunv, biiKlim.Hiikk-Kl »i')«i., I^.mli.ii,; i-ttHt '■'"fr I 4W)!W •r.vli.r liri.K »'....:? " .; 7.-.Nat. l)ri»BCo.i Uiii(liii in^il I ft .-k'. I .1 48»»5 .. " ■•13 M . la') Trillins Ltd. i London. Oxo . 82.1 (ihns ton'f i Fluid Betf. !„. 75' Armour * Co., 1 ' Vi(fc -al. i CliioaKo. ' ;_ . DISTRICT OF CALCARV Mar. tiiMrftt Extract. 4413ti,C»|iit>in-onth£i<)K. ,. ,j :r. «0 75 21 1.. .370 6 J «,! 3 «... 2 5900 n|o 0. ;,,«.;.*.. pn^. sj5H58lO«.«'2^3M47«OM;o2e !ri ».! 7»i 70:0 ti6| » so 6 11 10 ::. «» 2fti;vw>| avos avfiv 4 I 1 '^ " 1 K»m»rk»«n.l<)l«inMiii of till* Chirl .Vii«l>«'- 87»2i a« 4 726 S»«40 670 M 7 43o' r5»» s sn! 2 Molo ^•^o 34 47HIM 4r8»i|l''Uii>l Mfiit K.xtrw t. 47W« 47896 4»202Cu>»«. Axil »iwl. «" »<" I high- K»t UiO tiiKh. j1^). TAUMrrTiNa v kctor^ ^,3.,l«V7Oll5|30 20 „ »2 6 992 72H 2 772 45 i-. M 7r.O 76! 14 IS » <»t 5 *J0 I C«29 2 457 ,0 4^ m.66 3 4^;i5 06 24 48:7«16 1 610| 3 M.; 24 05 7.V9r,12.)' 22 01 13 88^ 6-52t j3 90 76 loroo; loso & 23 nm 2 492'o ti2'o :«! 47«64'Fl..i.l M«t KxtnKt. 1 irr4'o 810 II 4«07»1 u 1 i 1 ; 4H087 Oiil*.. A»>i »n h'gh. 4M0'.M 2 (ifiO 67 :«{ 32tll 3 622| 2 5760 200 (K) oW, 4 886 3 612|0 620 61 48100 X:i5riAmvi£RE7TN9ipECTo^ 40 25 12 on 24 a r,'f750-75i 14 3fi s7yr>'3 ST)' a'i 20 i i 7J-500 8f); 18 50 871 24 74 B 124' iJ 2 156' 1 .«00 57'0 49 48601 Flui.I Kxtr^t. 7 476 1 r>82 2 68 9 884 402 8 612 2 2820 700 44 4 6101 4 8720 721 48602iCut)e». A»h and nalt too high. Fat tixi high. 48ti03 32-97 67 -OS 0»! 17 W 7-48} 7 («oj 1580 BO 7o| 49 JoW, 14 60 8 20J 40321 OSW S; W. FI-KTCH KB, I^Sj;^™^ a 82)1 I 68o'o-48'o 61 4860* Fluid Meat Kxtract. 1-288 2-3»4'0 60,0 20 34 TO 4r75 34-75! 65-30ir3.^ 19 3ol 9-28 5 964; 0-99.. 2478, 2-492^0-50,0-441 55 25 1-00 14 !«l 8 39, 5 628| lOCtfi 2 632 1 960.0 62|0-27 65-l^l-lo!l9-,K)l 9 78j6-lfio;0 812 3-06«| 2282^0 7B«-18: 4n3<>Fluid Meat Extract. Fat tuo high. 57 33 J 66-980-^ 17 05' 8 27| 76,0 1180 4819 1 631 32-40! 67-60V65I 17-00; 7 4«| 7-420| yJ^^^^S^V^l^^\*^^ I BULLETIN No. 267^ •w Nktura of Saiiiplf. ClMt. Na:iie and AdilreiM of Maniifttctiirer or Fnriii»liiT iw given liv the Vi inlor. Xani** anH AdHrt' of Vt-llilnr. a Feb. 13 .. 13 M 13 M 2U M 26 3 '/i Miinnfui!ttir('r i Kiirnisher. U Insjieclor'K Kt-|if)rt (I» not an oxpre^ Hion of Opinion). DISTRICT OF NKLSON- Mvat Kx tract. W18N Mai lory DruitC.. ,3 |iot-. l.^i Nat. Drug Co I KaniliMj|M, It.C. j , .Miintrtial. I 4'.Hi(».^,St.-vrnHft Allan, 3 laim IWIIiovril Ltd. i ' Kaniloii|)n, li.C Montreal. I 4!lfil5Wilv.n (irotcry Co., 3jai-s. 12()Hovril Ltd. Kanilooi>8, B.C. Lontlon. Ill2(i7.1. .1. Lini? & Co.,|3tin«. 105 Armour Co Aslicroft, 15 ('. 1 Chica(fo. 4'.Mi31; Canada Drug & IViok I Co., Nelson, B.C. 3 botx 105 UIHTRICT OF VANCOUVER- Feb. 21 Meat ;W.1lO Hudson's Bay Co., K-vtract. ' Vancouver. 38311 Lndon. Kng 75 Bo V ri 1 Ltd.. I Londi^, Va\^ .\ni. Fluid BiH'f Co., Montreal .Armour l,ti|. I Toronto. +") Northlandj. M fir., Co.,; Toronto. ConsistH of the juice of the Hnest beef. \ combination of t h p E X ■ tractives of the Albumen and fibrin of U-ef. Alwo- lutely pure. Contains the tibrine and Al biiinnt.'ids (»t prime Ijeef Made only from the fin- est ({ u a 1 i ty of fresh Ijeef. Nutri-O.'i Con- cen trated fluid beef. DISTRICT OF VICTORIA- Feb. 27 28 M. 1 at Ixtract. 49110 41)111 .. 29 . 49112 Mar. 1 1 ■■ 49113 49114 i 2 20i 47-800 30; 1540 «-33 17-46' H 99' 7-2S0i 1 393 15 30! 8 9(1 5-628' 1 ()90 p. c. 4 466 4 267 I p. c. |p. c 2 1000 13 p. c. 16 48488 16200 76 It 04 4d605 Fluid Meat Extract. 2 498 2(>400 76 2« 4il616i 77 75'0-90' 2()-6V 5 58, 8484 364 4480 3 752; 175 1 673 I 304o;0(BO 55 49627 I i : I 1-90410-36 16 49631 Fluid Mnat Extract. Solids [ i slightly low. F. rOWEK. INSPECTOR 90-30^ 9-70090, l-4o| 98 16.52 044 343 1 2li5 tr'ce tr'ce 38310 Mtat juice, 43-15 56 85 45 26 23 50 45 35 60 14 40 8-:U 5 152 54-75 70 50 .'^6-65 1 35 1 05 14-62 20 30 2 35 16 30 8-39 5 .•12 9-69 1 3 0-lo| 38312 Fluid Meat Extract. Fat I to< I high. 546 I ,302 3 (i67 63 2 4920 50 60 .18313 22 38314 ! Fluid Meat Extract. Fat too high. U. O'SULMVAN, INSPECTOR. 33-12 (.6 880 60 17 12 2135 78 1150 75 19 801 S f>0-8i) 43 00 ,34-10 49-20 25i 15 23^ 8 57 00 65 90 O-80: 15 671 9 10 7 220 19 8 204 I 60 3 808 15! 6-666 1-00; 19-69 l-l,3t) 4 620, 1-470,0 59 315 4 601 3 .388 60 448 r3.3lt 2 030 0-63 49110 Fluid Meat Extract. i I 74i 491111 580 21 49112 Huid Meat Kxtnwt. 1-085 2 5.50 451 8-740! 0-840 2-548 1 I 2 0210 64,0 24 49113 2-352 6°20 30 48114 .