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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 \fjt^ , f < /- ORDER OF EXERCISES -AT THE— LAYING i eORNER STONE —OF THE— i i QlTY IBUILDING. : IN THE CITY OF CHARLOTTETOWN, i f I i m ■ i m m \ — BY THE— M.W.gRANDLODgE,A.F.&A.M. —OF THE— PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, ; Friday, July 1st, A. D. 1887. I John Coombs, Steam Printer, Queen Street, Charlottetown. 1887. r I* Public Archiw ol Now Scoos ^ Cy^ # MWMiiaMMaM FORM OF PROCESSION. « i Tyler, idth drairn sword. Stewards, with rods. Oldest Lodge banner. Master Masons. Two Deacons, irith rods. Secretaries and Treasurers. MUSIC. Royal Arch Masons. Grand Tyler, with drawn sword. Grand Stewards, witf- white rods. Principle Architect, icith Square, Level and Plumb., Bible, Square and Compass, carried btj a Past Master. and supported by tv:o Stewards, Grand Chaplains. Masters and Wardens. Past Masters. Past Grand Officers. Chief Magistrate, Clerk and City Councilmen. Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer, Junior Grand Warden, carrying Silver vessel with oil. Senior Grand Warden, can'ying Silver vessel with wine. Deputy Grand Master, carrying Golden vessel with corn. Past Master, carrying the Book of Constitutions. Grand Pursuivant. Grand Ma >ter, supported by two Grand Deacons with rods. Grand Standard Bearer. Grand Sword Bearer, with drawn sword. ORDER OF EXERCISES. The procession., arriving at the place where the building is to be erected, opens to the right and left, and, uncovering, the Grand Master and his offlcera pass through the lines to the platform^ and the brethren form a holloic square around or near the platform. VOLUNTARY Band. The M. W. Grand Master being seated the W. Grand Marshall shall proclaim silence, saying : — *^By authority of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons, in the Province of Prince Edward Island, and in obedience to his order, I do now command and require al? present liere assembled to preserve silence and to ob- serve due order and decorum during the ceremonies of this occasion. This proclamation I make once, twice, thrice, in the South, in the West and in the East." Then the B. W. Grand Secretary shall read the letter of Invitation^ as follows : ClYY OF CHARLOTTETOWN, Citv Clerk's Office, 14th June, 1887. B. Wilson Higgs, Esq., Grand Secretary of A F. & A. M. Dear Sir^ — I am directed by the Mayor to inform you that at a meeting of the City Council held on the evening of the 13th instant, a Resolution was passed inviting the Masonic society to lay the corner stone of the New City Building on Friday the 1st of July next, being one of the days set apart for celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. I have the honor to be Sir, Your obedient servant. A. H. McPherson, City Clerk. The M. W. Grand Master says : R. W. Senior Grand Warden,— It amon^ the Fraternity of Free has been the custom amon^ the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons from time immemorial, to assemble for the pur- pose of laying the Foundation Stones of churches, public buildings and monuments, when requested so to do by those in authority. The Mayor and Corporation of the City of Charlottetown, having invited the ITraternity to lay the Foundation Stone of the building to be erected by them, our Most Worshipful Grand Lodge has been here convened by our order, and it is our will and pleasure that the ofQcersand Brethren here assembled do now assist I I f 8 U9 ill this Work. You will communicate this to the R, W. Junior Grand Warden, and he to the Craft, that they having due notice, this Foundailon Stone may he laid in ample form. Then the R. W. Senior Gtand Warden shall say: R. W. Junior Grand Warden: It is tlie will and pleasure of the Most Worshipfnl Grand Master of Masons in Prince Edward Island, that the officers and memhi-rs of the Grand Lodge and Brethren here assembled do now assist him in laying tlie Foundation Stone of the New City Building. This you will communicate to the Brethren, that they having due notice may govern themselves ac- cordingly. Then the It. W. Junior Grand Warden shall saij : Brethren : You have heard the order of tlie M. W* Grand Master of Masons, as communicated to me through the R. W. Senior Gran 3 Warden. Of this you will take due notice and let it be accordijigly so done. Then shall be sung the Ancient Masonic Hymn as follows : When the earth's foundation first was laid, By the Almighty Artist's hand, 'Twas then our perfect, our perfect laws were made Established by His strict command. Hail! mysterious, hail, glorious Masonry! That makes us ever great and free. As man throughout for shelter sought, In vain from place to place did roam. Until from heaven, from heaven he was taught To plan, to build, to fix his home. Hail! mysterious, &c. Hence illustrious rose our Art, And now in beauty piles appear, Which shall to endless, to endless time impart. How worthy and how great we are. Hail! mysterious, &c. Nor we less famed for every tie, By which the human thought is bound : Love, truth and friendship, and sweetest unity, Join all our hearts and hands around. Hail! mvsterious, &c. i J 4 Grand CnAPLAiN.— Let us pray. Great Architect of the Universe. Maker and Ruler of all worlds, deign from Thy Celestial Temple, from realms of light and glory to help us in all the purposes of our present assemhly. We humhly invoke Thee to give us at this and all times, wisdom in all our doings, strength of mind in all our difficulties, and the beiiuty of harmony in all our communications. Permit us, O thou Author of light, great source of love and happiness, to erect this building 6o that hereafter it may be useful for the pur- poses for which it is intended. Amen. The M. W. Grand Master says : R. \y. Grand Treasurer : It has ever been the custom of the Craft upon occasions like the present, to deposit within a cavity beneath the Foundation Stone certain memorials of the period at which it was erected. Has such a deposit now been prepared ? TTien the B. W. Grand Treasurer shall say : It has. Most Worshipful Grand Master, and the vari- ous articles of which it is comi)Osed are here safely en- closed. M. W. Grand Master : R. W. Grand Secretary: You will read the record of the articles to be deposited. Here the li, W. Grand Secretary shall read the list of articles. M. W. Grand Master: R. W. Grand Treasurer : You will now deposit these articles in the cavity beneath the Foundation Stone, and may the Great Architect of the Universe, in His wisdom, grant that ages upon ages shall pass away ere they shall again be seen of men. During solemn music by the Band the B. W. Gi'and Treasurer shall make the deposit. And the stone let down in its place. Then the Master Architect shall present the working tools to the Most Worshipful Grand Master^ saying : M. W Grand Master : I present you the working tools of operative Masonry, which are considered by our Ancient Craft, the most valued jewels of the Lodge ; sym- bols of important truths, and teaching lessons of wisdom and morality. ( : I The M. W. Grand Master then hands * TIh* Siiujire to the Deputy Grand Master, The T.evel to the Senior Grand Warden, and The Plumb to the Junior Grand Warden. The M. W. Grand Master addressses the Grand Officers as follows : Grand Master: •' R. W. Deputy Grand Master, apply the Square to that portion of the Foundation Stone that needs to be proved, and make report.'' The Deputy applies the Sqtiare to the Stone and says : *' Most Worshipful, I And the stone to be sciuare/' G.M.: ''R. VV. Senior Grand Warden, apply the Level to that portion of the foundation Stone that needs to be proved, and make report." l^he order is complied with. S. G. W. : " Most Worshipful, I find the stone to be level."' G. M. : "• R. W. Junior Grand Warden, apply the Plumb to that portion of the foundation stone that needs to be proved, and make report." This order is complied with, J. G. W. : '' Moat Worshipful, I find the stone Is plumb." G. M.: ''This corner stone, having been tested by the Square, Level and Plumb, I find that the craftsmen have skillfully and faithfully performed their duty, and I do declare the stone to be well formed, true and trusty, and correctly laid, according to the rules of our ancient craft." G. M. : '' Let the elements of consecration now be presented." Tlie Deputy Grand Master then presents to the Grand Master the vessel of corn. G. M. : ''This corn Is an emblem of plenty, [pours out the corn.'] h/iay the blessings of bounteous Heaven be showered upon us*, and upon all benevolent undertakings, and may our hearts overflow with gratitude to the. Giver of every good and perfect gift, for the manifold blessings and comforts which we enjoy." Besponse : ''So mote It be." ? 6 The Senior Grand Warden then presents the vessel of inine, G. M. : *'Thl8 Wine is an emblem of proHperity and gladness. [Pours out the tcine.] May the Great Ruler of the Universe bless and prosper ')ur Federal, Provincial and City governments, direct, strengthen and (^lieer our rulers in the discharge of their duties, and may all nations be united In a bond of Friendship aud Brotherly I ,ove tluit shall endure through all time." Jifftponse : "So mote It be." The Junior Grand Warden then presents the vexsel of oil- G. M. : •' This Oil Is an emblem of joy and peace. [Pours out the oil.] May Its blessings abide with ua con- thmally, and may the Grand Master of Heaven and earth shelter and protect the widow and orphan, shield and de- fend them from trials and vicissitudes of the world, and so bestow His mercy upon the bereaved, the afflicted and the sorrowing, that they may know sorrowing and trouble no more." Response : *• So mote it be." The Grand Master^ standing in front of all ^ and extend- ing his hands, makes the following INVOCATION. •' May the all bounteous Author of Nature bless the Inhabitants of this place with an abundance of the neces- saries, conveniences and comforts of life; assist in the erection and completion of this building: protect the workmen against every accident; long preserve this structure from decay; and grant to us all a supply of the Corn of nourishment^ the Wjue of refreshment, and the Oil of joy. Amen.'''' Response : " So mote it be." The Grand Master strikes the stone three times with the gavel., and public grand honors are given. The Grand Master then delivers to the Architect the im- plements of architecture^ saying : My Brother: Having as Grand Master of Masons laid the Foundation Stone of this building, I now return to you these implements of operative Masonry to be de- posited in their proper place until they shall again be re- (piired for our purposes. Then the M. W. Grand Mai^tor mil my : W. Grand Marshal: You will now iniike procla- tnatioii that this KouiiUiitioii Stone has been laid in ample and ancient form. The W. Grand Marshal shall say : By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in k'rinee Edward Island, I now proclaim the Foundation h^one of the ('ity building, to be laid in ample and ancient orm, accordinj^ to the customs and usuages of Free and / ccepted Masons. This proclannition 1 make once, twice, thiice, In the South, la the West, and In the East. The Grand Master ascends the platform, when the folhnc- ing Ode will he sung : • ' Tune.—" Duke Sheets O, Lord of Hosts, whose glory Alls The bounds of the eternal hills. And yet vouchsafes in Christian lands To dwell In temples made with hands. Grant that we who here to-KJay, Kejolclng, this foundation lay, May be In very deed Thine own. Built on the precious Corner-stone. Endue Thy creatures with Thv grace That shall adorn Thy dwelling-place; The beauty of the oak and pine. The gold and silver, make them Thine. To Thee they all pertain; to Thee, The treasures of the earth and sea ; And when we bring them to Thy throne We but present Thee with Thine own. The heads that guide endue with skill, The hands that work preserve from ill. That we who these foundations lay May raise the topstone in its day. The Grand Master then addresses the assembly as follows : " Men and Brethren here assembled: Be it known unto you that we be lawful Masons, true and faitiifbl to the laws of our country, and engaged, by solemn obligations, 8 to erect magniflcent buildings, to be serviceable to the brethren, and tc fear God, the Great Architect of the Universe. We have among iis, concealed from the eyes of the world, secrets which have never been found out, but these secrets are lawful and honorable, and not repugnant to the laws of God or man. They were intrusted in peace and honor to the Masons of ancient times, and having been faithfully transmitted to us, it is our duty to convey them unimpaired to the latest posterity. Unless our craft were good and our calling honorab Masonry would not have lasted for so many centuries, nor should we have been honored with the patronage of so many illustrious men in all ages, who have ever shown themselves ready to pro- mote our interests and defend us from all adversaries. We are assembled here to-day, as Masons, to build a house, which we pray GOD may deserve to prosper by becoming a place of concourse for good men, and promoting har- mony and brotherly love throughout the world, till time shall beno more. Amen." Besponse : ''So mote it be." ORATION By the Hon. T. Heath Haviland, Mayor of Charlottetown. DOXOLOGY. BENEDICTION. ^^^t^^Hf ^ m^