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Thia item la filmed at tha reduction ratio checked below/ The she TIN whi Mai diff( anti bagi righ raqi met 10X Nsum mm m VI Til m« a 14X u mil X am r«au Biion 18X mail |U« o fa«a «aus 22X 2BX SOX y 12X 16X 20X 24X 28X 32X Th« copy filmed h«r« hat bMn r«produc«d thanks to the ganarosity of: Library of tha Pubiic Archivaa of Canada L'axamplaira filmi fut raproduit grica h la gAnArosit* da: La bibliothAqua das Archivaa publiquas du Canada Tha images appaering here are the beat quality possible considering the condition and legibility of the original copy and in iceeping with the filming contract specificetions. Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated imprea- sicn, or tha bacic cover when appropriate. All other original copiaa are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, end ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. 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IMapa, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diegrama illustrate the method: Les cartas, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiimAs A des taux de reduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un aaui clichA, 11 est filmA A pertir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bea, an prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaira. Les diagrammes suivants illuatrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 IM7EBZAL FZai! OFFICE OF LONDOIT. RINTOUL BROS., Genera] Agents, 102 St. Francois ZaTier Street, Montreal. AiiAiAAit AidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ^ii^AAAAAAAAAA^i^ POCKET GlENERAL 187 Stxxts Jit0t after Ipeap l^ar. -^' » B^ » ■ # YEAR OF PUBLICATION. KPEaOFSTAH » ■ » ■;.in: ?•*' i:7 7.1C.16 359 L 2 roiKTERS AND PUBUSHtRS, iXavler Btreet^lloiitfttal. 'iimiiFi^fm^Smm^^ » I m^ iHSORiittt lanc OF lead Offioei 103 Bfe. PraaioiB ^tier Bla««t, |j^|iM^ ^ A- 1^ W^l^^^ I EPWARP RAWtiUQS JWittiftgefi S URETYSHI P ! PBIVATE SVBZTTSBIP Is a most dangerous, onerous and delicate relationship, and one which there is now no need to be asked for on the one hand, or granted on the other. It is, therefore, surprising that so many persons, who, probably, have their families to provide for, still consent to be responsible for BANK, GOVERNMENT OFFICERS and others, thereby rendering the provision which should be for their families, liable to be swept away by another man*s defaults. THE CANADA GUARANTEE COMPANY makes the granting of Suretyship its special business, and its Bonds are readily accepted by the Dominion and Local Governments, and the Banks, Railways, Boards of Trade, and Commercial Institutions generally throughout the Dominion, in place of private Bonds. There is now NO EXCUSE for any employee to hold his friends under such serious liabilities, as, if he be a reputable person, he can at once relieve them, and be SURETY FOR HIMSELF, by the payment of a trifling annual sum to this Company. This Company is not mixed up with any other business. The capital and funds are solely for the security of those who hold its bonds. 53- This Company has made the FULL DEPOSIT required by Government of fSOyOOOy for the special protection of its bond-holders, and is the only Guarantee Company that has made any Government Deposit. ■ <•> « HEAD OFFICE: 103 St. Francois Xavier St., Montreal. SVeHdeni: yiee^lVetideni: SIR ALBZ. T. SALT. JOSH BAKKmr, Baq. No «.)■■ joh: 1 incap it the hoide C Rati 1 RAtln panie; h ADVERTISEMENT. ^mg^ sBb i9h sHb ^^pwl iIBbskB wni^w WM^ V NSllRANCEmOMPANY 1 . .'-'ft 'I |:>.-,,^-:,^V^f^:;r- «■■■.■ VI .rr. Capital, HEAD <3F|?JC Afe. 775 St dameiMM, MonU&i^ DIRECTORS: SIR HUGH ALLAN, ADOLPHE ROY, .^ N. B. CORSi^U. HENRY LYMAK. :>.:'^ RRMDBNT, JQH15I U CASSIDY. RDBERT Al«B]£liSON. JOHH HUTOHISCm, Matt^i(^v ^^^^ AECpipiIil^"SR^t^^ FIRE and^lfiqC RiSiCsi taken at LO^^^ RATES^^^ ^"^ AC<:iDENlriSttjl3 to $2$ pel- week g;ujirarite See 'I^Q4fpk«s ■ ■■.: ■•;>; ' . Guarantee 3j«i^is^ued«n t^ie fidelity of Eirployees* at Xp^'SSt Raths pF Pj«»iiM[ix- o, ''■^''■■:-' '^■'■■■.'-\"--:l"'-^;: --■ The Bpods of tqij^ Company are accepted by neatly all tfii Eanks, Railways, Municipaif '•Corporations, Boards of Trade, ^Public Coih- paniesi^ jand Coinmercial Firms, as welil as by aU departmeltfs of the ■ ; :;\ ;;:i>OMINIOlSF,,i j;i, y .' ■' ■ ; ; . i\\ 1 ' ■ . ' .1 ■ ' — ,1. l" I ■; V i ■ ! I — l i- ■ I I ■■ ' ■I' " i « .■•..,, ii%;. •'•■!i.\%i - - .. ,Ji_ ■ <■:-'.' '■TAX STARKE'S POCKET ALMANAC ADYERTISER AND. GENERAL REGISTER I i! FOB 1877 i I gtiuQ Jit^t ^fUx ^tiAp Stat. jHIRTY-jSlXTH^ y ^^^ °^ J'UBLICATION. i~?^-. , •»» H/"n:'-fi^j|'^, ,*. .-'fin, T * ►»<-«% ,iS- T¥inied for Gfratuitoua CireulatUnt BY J. STARKE & CO,, FRINTERS & PUBLISHERS, ^^^-.64 St. Francois Xsvier Street, MONTREAL. vm !• n ,'iiH W It ADVBRTISIMINT. I. i. €EA Wr OU * €0. STOCK BROKERS ( Mfmbert of tJU Stock ExohangB^ ) WAEEHOUSEMEIT, Office— 12 Huspitol Street, MontreaL WABEHOirSSS: 40, 44 ^ 48 William Street, 126 ^ 127 QtJueen Street, 28 Hospital Sbreety^ 9 St, Sacrament Street. oU |niok Idikj ||ill$ |osif any. Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament. Prbsidbni^Sik FRANCIS HINCKS, K.CM.G., CB. ViCB-P?BSiDBNT— JAMES DOMVILLE, M.P. ' 0ff«r to fbo Viaiv tl Lowoit IttM i Cut Nails, Cut Spikes, Sblp and Railway SpUkes, Axes, &^ Agents, ~ "" '"^ J. D. CRAWFORD A CO. 12 Hospital 8treet» Montreal. OON-ENTS. ▼. CONTENTS. Pies. A1manao,Ao 1-27 British Ambassadors abroad, and Foreign Ambassadors in England 2S3 Oanada GoTemment Departments at Ottawa :— Governor General of Oanada, Ao 254 Governor's Secretary's Office , 265 Department of Justice 266 ** Minister of MUitia and Defence. . . 27D ** Oustoms 266 ** Finance 265 •• Public Works m '* Inland Revenue zB7 ** Secretary of State 260 ** Marine and Fisheries 272 ** Postmaster General 278 ** Agrieulture 274 *' Receiver General 269 *< Minister of Interior 266 *< Library of Parliament 264 Oanadian Pacific Railway 271 Deputy Surveyor General (Manitoba.) 268 Collectors of Onstoms for the Dominion. 266-267 Oorrespondence Branch v***** 274 Dominion Public Buildings— Engineer's Office 271 Emigration Agents for the Dominion in Europe 274 Emigration Agents in the Dominion , 274 Game paws of Oanada 297-302 Geological Survey ^4 Her Majesty's Household 260-261 imperial Government and Ohief Officers of State 261-2RI nspectors of Inland Revenue. District 266 nspeotors of Ports and CoUeistors of Oustoms 266-207 Intercolonial Railway 271 Members of the Privy Council and Officers 264-2B6 ^' Senate of Canada and Officem *i, 256-269 ** House of Commons and Officers. ....... 26^264 " Legislature of Ontario and Officers 275-279 *' Legislature of Quebec and Officfers 279-285 *' Legislature of Nova Scotia and Officers. 286i>2B9 i* Legislature of New Brunswick and Officers 2B9-291 *^ LegislatureofManitobaandOfflcen... 2i^-294 •^ North West Territories ....... 1^". , , . . . 294 ** Legislature of Prinee Edward island andOfficers.. 291-293 V. PAOI. Membtn of the LegiiUture of Britif h Oolnmbift 2M-296 ^ " Leriilfttura of Newfoundland 296-296 OffleW ArbltratofB .....* 271 PatentBranoh 274 Prince of Wales* Household 261 Supeiintendents,i:o., of Indians 268 _ TheQueen and koyal Family.... 249-260 XONTBEAL. Adulteration of Food 79 Apothecaries and Chemists 150-161 Afrioultural and Horticultural Societies 190-191 Assignees, Official 140 Banks. Local Officers» and British and Foreign Agents. lHB-181 Bar, Members of 137-140 BenoTolent Institutions 191-194 Boards of Trade. Dominion and Montreal 181- 1 82 Building Societies 188-190 Carriages, Cartage, Ac, Rates of 97-100 Cemetery Company, Mount Royal • • . . . 190 Churohes, Chapels, Ac 202-207 Clubi , 211-212 Colleges and Schools , % 198-202 §oroner for the District of Montreal 191 ommissioners for receiving Affidarits for Sup. Court.. 142 ommissioners for taking Affidavits in Que. for Ont... . 143 Conunissioners for taking Affidavits in London, Eng., for Ontario and Quebec 143 Commissioners to Administer Oaths to Public Officers. 143 Commissioners to Administer Oaths, Ac 143 Commissioner to Grant Passports 127 Consulates 162-108 Com Bzohance Assooiation 182 Corporation of Montreal and Officers 94- 96 Courts of Justice 119-127 Customs Department 47 Customs Tanif of Duties 47-76 Dentists 160 Dental Board of Examiners ^ 160 Dis^^nsary « 162 Duties Payable on Licenses 79 Excise Duties 77 Export Duties ....^ 76 Express Companies 191 FaresforCoaches, Cabs, Ac.^ 97-100 fire Department «. 116-118 _ire Alarm Telegrai^ Signal Boxes ^ 1 16-118 Foiesters, Ancient Order of 217 CONTENTS. tU. PAOl. Gm Company, New City 188 Qas inspeotor's Offloe -. 184 Grand TruDk Railway- 186 Harbor Oommiiaioners andOfBoeri 89 Henoheirs WeatherTable 8 Hospital, Montreal General ; 161 '^ Univereity Lying-in 161 <* Women's 162 ** Hotel Diea 162 Inland Revenae •••.. 77 Insurance Oompanies and Agents 163-166 Immigration Agents 163 Institutions, Literary aud Soieiitiflo . . » 209* 211 [nspeotorsof Produce, Ac 182-184 [nyestmonts, Canadian > 177 Jewish Festirals 206 Justices of the Peace 144 Loan and Mortgage Companies 187-189 Marriage Licenses 118 Masonic Lodges 212-216 Medical Colleges and Schools .<.... 151-161 Militia 145-148 Mining Companies 187 Montreal Stock Exchange 184 Sational Societies 194-196 otaries' Association, Notarial Board for the Province of Quebec 141-142 Odd-Fellows 216-217 Orange Order 215-216 Petroleum Inspection 78 Pharmaceutical Association for Proyinoe of Quebec. . . 151 Physicians and Surgeons 149 Physicians, Homoeopathic 160 Police Magistrate 127 Poliee Force, City and River 127 PostOffioe 28 «• MoneyOrder 43 •• Savings Bank 44~ Protestant Board of School Commiss'rs & Bd of Bzam'rs 200 Public Companies 186-191 Recorder's Court 127 Registrars, Province of Quebec 128 & 137 Religious Societies 206-209 Roman Catholic Board of School Commissioners 202 Stamp Duties. 46 Steamship and Steamboat Companies . . . .^ 186-186 TarifT of Pilotage 89-90 Tariff of Rates and DneSi Harbour of Montreal 91-93 Taxes, Municipal 9^:07 Telegraph Companies « 187 . Temperance Societies 196-197 1 ' ' ' ; -^ .f< i PAGE. Water Works, Regulations and Tariff 100-115 Weights and Measures Inspection Office ^ 184 OITT OF QUBBEO. Adulteration of Food 220 Banks 224 Board of Trade 219 Consulates 220-221 Courts of Justice, Terms, &o 119-127 Corporation Officers. 218 Crown Timber Office 219 Customs Department. . . . • 221 Exchange r 219 Fire Alarm Signal Boxes 222-223 Harbour Commissioners 219 Inland Revenue Office .^ 219 Inspection of Weights, Measures and Gas 220 Justices of the Peace 223-224 Post Office 218 Registry Office 224 School Commissioners 224 Supervisor of Cullers 220 OTTAWA CITY. ^ Banks 229-230 Benevolent Institutions 246-247 Board of Trade. 229 Building and Agricultural Societies 238-239 Clubs 239 Gorporati(« 225 Custom House 228 Crown Timber Office 240 County and Judicial Officers 230 Courts 231-232 Churches 240-245 City Rep;istry Office 232 Educational Institutions 235-237 Fire Brigade and Alarm Signals 227-228 Inland Revenue Office 229 Justices of theBfeace 230 Loyal Orange Association 248 Marriage Licenses 240 Masonic Societies 247-248 Military and Volunteer Militia Force 232-233 Miscellaneous 240 N ational, Literary and Scientific Societies 237 ffioial Assignees 232 Ottowa River Works.... >i 240 PAGE. Post Office 228 Rideau Canal 240 Railroad, Steamboat and Public Companies 234-235 Religious Societies 246 School Trustees 236-237 Tarifif for Coaches and Cartage 225-227 Temperance Societies 247 Water Works Commissioners 229 ADVERTISEMENTS. Accident Insurance Co. of Canada, Ed. Rawlings Cover* Browne & Co., P. D., Banking and Exchange Office. ... 8 Btflrsalou's Steam Refined Family Soap Foot of Pages, Baylis. Wilkes Manufacturing Co 38 Caledonia Engine Works, John McDougall 110 Campbell's Quinine Wine, Medical Hall 12 Canada Agricultural Insurance Co 35 Canada Metal Works, Mattinson, Young <& Co 136 Canada Paper Co., late Angus, Logan k Cos 107 Canada Guarantee Co., E. Rawlings, Manner, 2nd page Cover. Chemia Coartata 303 Citizens' LifC) Accident, Guarantee <& Fire Insurance Co i. Clendnineng, W., Stoves, <&c 37 Coderre, J>v^ J. E.. Expectorating Syrup, bohal rrnllul. ' « "roiioJ l&oialmod Autumnal Equinox ** September22 5 Winter Solstice *' December 21 11 Tropical Year is 360 days, 5 hours, 36 minutes. 48 ev. 42 mo. ECLI^|g.^jHijr%,f^7«K|R 1877. , There will be five J!clip8fis, thrA^ of ihe Sun^jand. two of tha |5viS%,ASniyon^64^fiSSW^ 01 ir.— Maroh.t^tijtf)%faerfiilii is pfedrtittll^t ^oUpeaflMnlirfBTbld^ A ^nis|^rtVauy^l?^yfe«ai^ rr, IV .— Augua^ miaaie,"6.'I6/'^ TJTCirpge ends ».t) evening, iiegins'at Toron 4.1 evening ; total begins 5.2 ; middle, 5.52. Eclipse ends 7.42 evening. v.— September 6th.— A p8rttal~*clipse of the Sun, invisible. iM^$l^:^f¥^ Mi^MCKftlif^ mx^s. Star. Saturn is a Morning Star from March m^i^ ik««— Ii. J. A. itirvcreir* fiOLtDAtd OdSfiRVHD t^ PiiBtA(^ OlFlflOlSM. Oiroumelgflioii . » .. J aM&ir | Bpiphsny. •• i ** . B Annunoiation V.M* .Mattih 26 GoodFrid^ *' 30 Ascension Day ...... .May 10 QuMo's Birthday.... ** M d Good Friday, Saster Monday, the Qttldo'rBirwday, and each ||»ri^l9^d by Royal Proclamation ai a geiuMral faet and >hMM»«aWrihMf l|aeeB, Fir# it iM^, lBsarftii«# Cmt^WwI^m 4kM«U(|i#| AIS HOTIEE BARn 8TRBBT* WflAt^E !t^ABtl. pa 11 8 S I ^ id I? It o I 1 I 8* -a ^ ^ i liS CO u CO w a il Is St 1^ V 9 •• tig • • OB S • A •s r ^ 8 le 9 wr . i ii I 1 BQ •"'^ a^^ •2*1 S 3 .o OQ tow I I Mil Hi 8.Si.S.g.g2|2 S I i ■JU. m "* vS • • • • • C'S • IS a o o o o © 04 jw® *'"* ** SlS*^'***S m^BfBIMUUItJ'S HOMlBilf 1€ UAM MAFu-Tbe iVunll^ *ffliYorlt«« ItoM lij' All Gffoc«r«« ^i:i i;- ! f ts!*' DO <-k a. BL ItE ]g.PPr!fil SHflTlbrillTOBS* * n o .iitsiicnSI till ^4 filoiil .9ikiiQT«l' °t1 La si Fiui If. 2 3 4 6 6 7 i 12 16 Tu 17 W 18 Th P S Su M Tu m p s 19 20 21 22 23 24i 26 26 27 28 Sir 29 M SO 31 <|ueeii. JgmnilMtf W«liiff«M» WMheniy Iron B«dste«d«» BpHn^ .TtiuiiaaiiAsyaA »5 32UOH?iMW4il»IOITAT2 Q.nounslJj ;^) Iko bluaw ladi'O v DAYS. If. 1 3 4 6 6 7 8 10* 11 12 13 W. W Th P S Su M «K Th P S ?o>: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2fi 27 28 29 30 31 3 40m. •»gW odi ts»sa. lol atlaiup^i yiava ^nhattfina aaoog TTiuoo B^ THE BUN sets ^ Court House invest'n ,^jk)flt., com. . 1876 7 46 Bombardment ofFan s com m enoed. J sV 1 7 46 Epiph, 1«« Su Insuri 7 40 M assofiMCiClfiMI^. IBHMtfhattB, CtfllrTlsml^T^ Emp. of ChiiLa died (2ILKfiftJLold 1.1875 Vancouver's Is. ceded to U. J5. Co.lS"49 42 42 Tu W Th F S Su M Tu p s Su M T W 7 88 mi^ Lord BulwerLyttqn died 1873 Ca rlist Insurrec^nidnSTTRh ...*.■ 1873 Pirst nffin^^i n,^n>>nH-Q,rMj^aT^ K^yg D. o^diiibur^h ni. to G.XLof Riissia.'T4 oolRidfin Nl^ Brunswick.... 1875 Septuapestma Sunwiw.. ... 7 31 4r64 General Election W^^^ffk . .1874 iMd. b^hMdftd^ {TV «T- 1649 7 89 3 24 25 26 28 29 m 4 32 4 83 4 84 MOON r.3cg» Ml 9 86 10 49 morn. 8 1 9 2 18 5 36 6 SO 7 16 7 1 8 4 9 7 10 9 38 39 4 41 4 42 11 14 mom. 21 7:31 7 30 7 28 4 56 4 58 5 00 rises. 5 46 7 8 8 27 C|ue€ii» Fire 4c liife. Insurance Co.— Forbes dE IHadiret ^«i. ADYBRTIBBMBNT. STATIONERY WAREHOUSE 307 Notre Dame Street, Hfontreal. The S^b•criber would call the attention of Merchants and others to his WELL-SELECTED STOCK ol mmum immm, Embracing every requisite for the Warehouse or Counting-house. ACCOUNT BOOKS Adapted to every variety of Business, cosstantly kept m Stock* or Ruled and Bound to Pattern on the shortest notice. EXECUTED IN ANY STYLE. FROM THE PLAINEST AND CHEAPEST TO THE MOST ELEGANT. LIBRARIES REBOUND AND BOOKS REPAIRED. fAmt suiMD tQ jtxrr ^Awaaf. Printing and Wrapping Papers 91 ^veiy quality and description constantly on hand and made tp order. L. ROBERT MILLEK 9VT YOUR SHIRTS AT DBSMABTB BOHB^ 415 NOTRE RAIHE STRBBT, CALENDAR. »v«/-. PBASES:OF IHB MOON. PHABB8. Quebec, Montreal, Kinffiton. Toronto, LastQuar... 5 New Moon . .13 First Guar . .20 Full Moon.. 27 12 m. 4 11 m. 11 28 ev. 2 2eeT. H. M. 6 m. 4 6 D(, 11 22 ev. i2 22ey. H. M. 11 54 4th 3 53 m. lllOev. 2 8eT. H. 11. 11 42 4th 3 41 m. 10 58ey. 156e?. London, H. M. 11 84 4th 3 83 m. 10 50 ev. 148«v. DATS. W. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2ft 26 27 28 ? S Su M Tu W Th F 8 Su M Tu W Th F 8 Su M Tu ^W Th F S Su M Tu W SVBNTS, &o. Pottal convention bet. U.S. and Can.'75 Purification of* Virgin Mart Avalanche at Quebec, 7 killed 1875 Sexageaima Sunday (4) Ojp. of 3rd 8e88.of 2nd Prlt I>. of 0.'76 Gladstone, English P. Min., resign. 1874 Charles Dickens bom... 1812 ExtMiive Fire, New Torhi ;187f li>«^t King of Siain, abdicated. 1874 n. Viotoria & Pr. Albert married. .1840 JuinQWxgeeima Sunday Michelet, French historian, died. .« 1874 Shrove Tueeday Ash Wedneeday, St. Valbmtinb Ashantee War ended 1874 (17) D'Israe|i Ministry formed 1874 8.8. Strathdyde sunk in Eng. Chan.1876 QiMdraffe^ima Sunday ...,.|... Serious Fire in Portland, N.B 1875 Lord Qough'g victory, Qoojerat • • -1849 D'Israali Ministry ree. seals of offiee.'74 Qeorge Washington bom 1782 Louis Philippe abdicated 1848 8t. Matthias > let. Sunday in Lent ^... . . . Destructive Flood in Tennessee . . . 1875 Contraction in money market D. of C.'75; Civil War in Spa,|n ended • 1^ THB sun rises sets 27 26 25 23 22 20 7 19 7 If :8 17 16 14 13 11 7' 9 7 8 ■| 3 1 5» 57 56 53 6 51 6 49 6 47 6.46 7 7 17 7 7 6 6 6 6 1 2 8 5 6 8 , 9 5 11 5 13 5 14 5 16 5 17 5 18 5 IP 5 20 5 22 5 24 5 25 5 27 5 28 5 30 5 31 5 33 5 34 1^ 5 39 5 3Q MOON r. Af. 9 40 10 .64 mora. 6 1 2 3 4 16 24 28 24 5 14 5 52 6 27 6 56 sets. 6 57 8 1 9 4 10 11 11 19 mom. ^ 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 44 55 58 61 83 6 83 6 57 I 1-t i YET BABSAJLOU'S STEAM BEFINfiD VASOLX SOAF< Snpenor lo ail «tlieg».' :!i ravroa nTflAniasia ta rtmihs huoy yii« T f ^"'■'* ^fn^^ 'awi'Oin aiA ,8 AD NT. p. D. B^A.WMi& CO. Bankei\s and Brokei^s, 124 ST. TAWM'^YrEET, .8HBAIIH - St&tes Iffonds , Gotd, Stiver and all ^^»>'v>(^A 818 8 " ' (>i* V ' itHLir^raai ,.niM .4 dhiijiaM ,9aoJiibaU) of •;» Ul k ril—p— f ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ 8S K ' ti H Ijii T ' ii^r' . r."J^.'" . ...niod HttakM aehedri v7 ! 7 ^•r A Willi t^fU)#)ELblL/(P(8 23 a ' l-r <\ '»r f , 0F8trrb»miiui Hod I A .1 .-^1 ., ^. , _ ... odJnfiil^. [ 8 :0i!5|8 7 i iT^t bobiie iJi .. „ „.. rr or ; tS: ?, ^ V , (iT8r.iiud:> .^nil iii >lau>',;^W»AUniVj .a.8 i .. ,. )fl 2 1 ra a I T?, O ' S8Tr mod noJaaidgeW oaiaof) I riTlsS " ^i^m^t^Mmm "" Furnishing. lias u8 pT vr |U8d 8S TS 82 ,«ni«>«flo lilt ol loiiofiiiM Ho«M Fnvniililnff H«HIwam» Cooklaff B«BC«0f €091 iacw4 #cr-y*t /t At •fliTfri^ D. LftitQuar. •. 6 New Moon .14 H. M. 6 13 67. 5 7 •▼. 4 55 ev. DAYS, 181 2^l5S S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO 81 jri 10303 laarhjirtBYtE&SVSbs^kOuBrf noftfiiAqsi' S 8u M Tu W Th F S s 817 M Tu W Th P S W Th F S e?. ' POL QQf^.I ^ 4^74: E 9 36 by. 8 51 m. 8 3 m. " '* 18(19(12X1.111 Tor&kt I 19V»^ fit H. ir. 4 43 ev. fkAi.^i' H. M. 4 35 67. 9 28 e7. 7 43 m. fll'^ffv" 'ft ■">t"'^p'>y [oih^M ^tt« In gt«ir^mn»i trM tefeaiw/^p Maf7>;q98'W)i K7A0iiaHnn of Bfnii«)i4fii3A«N«d.tM>ivil!Hb 2nd Sunday in Lent Don C«rlo8 arn7ed hrtwrton. . • .^876 SimAtM Home foiSea. KC>k&, SKSedJQS' King William III. died 1702 Grand Trunk Ry. Cfi^^C^J^* • •^^^'S Disturbances at Oka 1876 6 39 6 37 8ia. ^ 34 6 31 6 29 6 27 yi'4'l4*3fi3t4 5 45 6 47 5 48 5 49 5 51 5 53 5 54 . - Am, mail morn. 9 1 2 3 3 4 =^iMMlfS^^^JM%i#i St. Patrick JMi^o.^t ^v.x««.oi k »i9d|||i; t •« Ba biibnai Princese Lo niee bom 1848 6 12 6 4 En ff. troops r«td. troni'UCTfl Coast. 1874 6 10 6 6 Emp. William of Oermany born... 1797 --'»'' LaplRce. FrenekilaAiS(B)|iOI^Qnr'1749 (25) Am. Epi.f*. Cb. opened, Home 1876 k^'^^i^Sfib^^Sll^'ifiii^^ ra; •n. Victoria feft Eng. for Germ any .1876 HatSSr^rp wOOD JTRIDAT • tj • • »j.»jt3A ut-t J..J jL» i,.x« . • EaHer Eve . . ^^X^^fM^xCO^ . . enaec i4 6 9 6 11 6 12 5 I' 5 50 6 20 5 47 6 21 mil 8 17 18 10 53 28 ,56 20 I** 56 2 10 23 11 84 mom. 45 1 2 3 50 45 29 5 34 58 5 21 rises. 8 32 9 47 (lueeiiy Fire Sc Ijife» Insurance Oo«— Forbep 4e Hudve^ i' >?>"?! , 10 ADVSRXXSSBIENT. !K 1(! ESTABLISHED 1803. LYUAFS Qmnn wm. In Dyspepsia, General Debility, latermittent diseases, a^^ as 9, remedy in Fever and Ague, this Preparation is invaluaUfi* Cod Liver Oil Emulsion. This elegant Preparation has received the highest encominps from the leading members of the Medical Faculty, to whom it has been submitted for approval. In all cases where Cod Liver Oil is rejected by delicate stomachs, the Emulsion may be freely administered with the most beneficial results. LY 3^ VIST'S PURE HEWFOUNOUIID COO LIVER OIL. This article is selected with the greatest care, and can be recopn- mended as superior to any in the market LYMANS, CLARE & CO. WHOLESALE Druggists and Manufacturers^ 382, 384 &; 386 St Paul Btroet, i DATS M. n 1 S 2 » 3 T 4 \ 5 T 6 P 7 S 8 8 9 H^ 10 T 11 ^^ 12 T 13 p 14 s 16 Si 16 M 17 Ti 18 Yf 19 TI 20 P 21 S 22 Sc 23 M 24 Ti 26 W 26 Tl 27 P 28 Si 29 So 30 M W0ITB BBB88 SHIRTS $1.50, WORTH ^9^9 AT IIESIII AUTEAIT ^ ROND'S. CAIiENDAR. 11 AFBZL. PHASES OF THE MOON. PHAeiKB. D. LastQuar... 5 New Moon.. 13 First Qu4.r.. 20 Full Moon.. 27 Quebec, Om M« 11 42 m. 1 2ev. 2 29 ev. 11 48 m. Montreal. H. M. 11 86 m. 56 ev. 43 ev. 42 m. 2 11 Kingston. H. If. 11 24 m. 44 ev. 2 31 ev. 1130 m. Toronto* H. H. 11 12 m. 32 ev. 19 ev. 2 11 18 m. ^ondon. I H. 4ev. 24 ev. 2 11 ev. 1|1 10 m. DATS. M. ▼. 1 Su 2 M 3 Tu 4 W 6 Th 6 F 7 S 8 Su 9 M 10 Tu 11 W 12 Th 13 F 14 S 16 Su 16 M 17 Tu; 18 w 19 Th; 20 F 21 s 22 Su 23 M 24 Tu 25 W 26 Th 27 F 28 S2 29 Su 30 M EVENTS, &o. Master Day. S.S. Atlantic lost. . . .1873 Battle of Copepbagen 1801 iff. bet. der. A Bel. on R.O. pastorals S. Ships ooll. on c. of China, 50 kiU9d.75 Montreal Witness nndet R. C. ban. 1875 Badajos stormed 1812 (8) Fifri Is. ceded to Great Britain.. 1874 Low Sunday (8)Univer8ity Bt. Race, OambMge w.'76 A. T. Stewart, New York, died. . ^876 Napoleon signed his 1st abdioation.1814 End Algerian insurrect'n ag. French. 76 First swa^lonfrs seen at Montreal. . .1876 Pres. liineolQ assassinated ..,*., ...1865 2nd Suf^daiioftsr SqMter Serious facttoD fight in Limerick, Inl876 Benjamin Franklin died> ......... 1790 T. Scatoherd, M.P., Lon. Ont. int. 1876 Owen Jones, Arch. & Artist, died. 1874 Montenegrins war aftainst Turkey. 1876 Garlists commence civil war, Spain.lS72 Srd Sunday after Easter St. Qeoboe'sDay-. Snow blocks Un. Pacific Railroad. 1875 St. Mark First River Steamer at Montreal. . 1876 Queen Victoria, Empress of India. 1876 Lacrosse Team left for England. . 1876 ith Sunday after Easter. . . Baron de Waldeok, art., d. aged 111.'75 TRY AARSAIiOfJ'S l>OMESTIC BAR SOAP^lUe FAml]|r H .1 ii ■i 1*1 i > t ill ■ in. I I » 1^ HTHOW ,0^•l$ BTMIH« BBBHa JfTIHW iP ADYJfMi^JfiB^T. \diaiA yioou aiiT -50 saaAH^ .itoV)itOt L 5S 8 9fr 8 UHH .STAa 8e, p. s <•'"■*! • • - n i^wj/A -x-^An \\»iMVM'<^ Ml ^r 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16< ^ ]g 'R 1^ ^ 2W of 21 M 22 Ti 23 V^ 24 T 25 F o§S S w vHI M 29 Ti 30 W 00 Tl Miiiiffteg, ^riiiff«Mi, t^asii^vi, tvon B«Aitea«i«, ipiliitf ,TZ5 aA ]^t Id Last Quar.. New Moon . First Fu, DATS. .h^^-mmh^x .hz ^^Is :o. ajJO Rogation Sunday Lord BrouebaoflLSed 8.S PqHinekgiJSt o. ai^ M< GQiyi^fV% JJ^iftoYi, Bt . Delhi Genten'i Ex., Pa., op. f Wales retd. jxom India. 1876 "sage of the ^^^wgH^^^^i^- • .1809 Sunday after AscetmSn^- M ( 3) Glenbervie, 1st sairg ship Mont. 1876 Extraordinary high water at Mont- '. Vendome colu irdi« TfR SUN sets laSS las 4 50 ler died MOON 11 41 58 Interuational metric conv., Paris 4 iib 7 28 .yyi, ..j.. yyy , >--;'i-/^ ■>> -*^''.;-g x;^^-. ■t^.^^^.J^ ^"^A 14 ADTBATISEMliNT. ii« ti$\ & |t8tttrtt#|[ 1pai?4ft W 21 Th 22 f 2^ 5 24 Sit 25 M 26 Tu 27 W 28 2& f SO s. EVENTS, Ao. Hon. Malcolm Cameron died 1876 let meeting synod Kefd* Epis. Ch. .1875 l»f SiMiday after Trinity Deposed Sultan Abd-ul-Asiz died. 1876 Sir Joseph Pazton, architect, died..l865 Bmp'r A Eps. of Brazil in Montreal.76 MameloB taken by the British 1855 Seryia rebels against Turkey. .... .1876 P'oe Arthur n'd Duke of Gonnaught.74 ^Md Sunday after Trinity St. Babnabas... Large fire in Kingston, Ontario. . . .1876 Rio de Janeiro arsenal burnt 1871 American Rifle Team in Ireland. .1875 Montreal retaken by British 1776 Turkish Ministers assassinated. . . .1876 Brd Sunday after Trinity Most destructive fire, St. Johns, P.Q. 76 The Shah of Persia visited England 73 Ends the 40th year of Q. Victoria's reign Proclamation of Queen Victoria.. • 1837 Great fire in London, ^7,500,000- . .^861 PYol iiiund'ns S.W. France, 1000 d. 75 ^h Simd<»y after Ti'iiiiiy* M.'stimmerd. Sioux d. Oustar & force Black Hills. 76 9000 Mennonites lea. Eng. for Amca.75 (25) Sir W» Logan, em. geologist, died75 Queen Victoria crowned 1838 St. Peter and St. Paul H. Grinnell, eel. Am. shipowner} d«.74 TBB BtJK rises MtS 420 734 420 736 4 19 7 37 4 19 7 37 4 18 738 4 18 738 4 17 739 4 17 7 40 4 17 7 41 4 17 n 4 17 4 16 7 42 4 16 743 4 16 743 4 16 744 4 16 744 4 16 744 4 16 745 4 16 7 46 4 16 7 46 4 16 746 4 16 7 47 4 17 7 47 4 17 7 47 4 18 7 47 4 18 7 47 4 18 7 46 4 19 746 4 19 746 420 746 ico6n r.As. 11 48 1 1 1 30 48 6 27 61 2 22 siets. 8 23 9 19 10 5 10 40 11 9 11 34 11 55 mom. 17 40 1 1 2 2 5 35 12 55 rises. 8 55 9 26 9 55 10 14 11 S4 XI TBT BARSAIiOVni SITEAJH RETOKrEH F AltlliT SOAP, ^ ^ ' ' (Inpenov to all MAknnii* • ' , 1^ ' t II :^ ': I ■ ■> r r i - - i Y . vTi;yT--^;i i, ri^;,rYr r' i -TmTir ' ■- r-|Trr''ifn'r-'^'T1'"'^~-'ti'^yii Hoi /-"■^r-^Kiv?' •I IB ■iii«£ftUCMiii AD.XSII«li]yilPNT. *ito HOUS^MPyP^okEPICINES. j^noxeatio EmnlaioiLand PanorMtingt .- . punt^f-abcLatrengthl.- JS avojiyI & Mookb • cautioa the -public-agaitint .8 A .'PpDA''jQSM{1o ^^ ^ CLBAR*Bnc»rrFLon, pleasant tastii,i^s^ 1 Hy^ilSa&e witnlwater QranyjBuitable-inenatzuunw The pz6.^&ti& ot ETHBK<>DiNB|are identical with those of Chlorqdynb. put tfie 8» fd^eK:ii:ki»^i^i^d.iiK)r6n£lsad b»ii8i\r aigiaH io riiiri^i snT ' uT Ai^ i u8 ' 4^S »*|AOM f Jllf #.1 i:UI ir#^:iTM M'lHMl. 19 Tl 20 F 21, S 22. So 23 M 24 Tl 25 W 26 Tl 27 ¥ 2a 8 29 So 30 M 31 Ti «rt9fflto IIm o> Yoif^i^uiil -» 'I Hofuie Fnmtoliliiiv Hardware, Cooklnv Wtmn^eih Cor* CALENDAR. 17 JTJI.T. PHASES OF THE MOON. PHASES. D. LastQuar... 3 New Moon . • 10 First Quar ..17 Full Moon.. 25 Quebec, H. M. 4 14 ev. 6 18 ev. 8 24 m. 2 31 m. Montreal. H. 4 5 V. Ser. 12 ev. 8 18 m. 2 25 m. Kingaton. H. 3 5 8 2 M. 56 ev. 00 ev. 6 m. 13 m. Toronto. M. M« 3 44 ev. 4 48 ev. 7 54 m. 2 1m. London* H. M. 3 36 ev. 4 40 ev. 7 46 m. 1 53 m. DATS. If. w. 1 Su 2 M 3 Tu 4 W 5 Th 6 F 7 S 8 Su 9 M 10 Tu 11 W 12 Th 13 F 14 S 15 Su 16 M 17 18 '^^ 19 Th 20 F 21. S 22. Su 23 M 24 Ta 25 W 26 Th 27. F 2& S 29 .Su 30 ^M 31 Tu EVE2JTSk&c. 5th Sunday aft. Trinity, Dominion Day Sir Robert Peel died 18-50 Serviar& Montenegro war ag. Turkey 76 Mass. of ool'd militia, Hamburg, U.S.'76 Princess Helena married 1866 Earl Dalhousie died 1874 J. E. Cairns, political eoonom. died.1875 Qth Sunday after Trinity Lacrosse team return to Montreal. 1876 Columbus born 1447 (12) Dom Pedro sailed for Europe.. 1876 Gt. Orange celebrations in CanadB.1876 Public recep. to Lacro. team, Mont.. '76 Explos. onbd. H.M. ss. Thunderer. ISlQi Itk Sunday after Trinity, St. S within International Congress, Brussels.. 1874 Gawnppre retaken by Havelook. . . .1857 Lady Franklin died 1875 Dest. fire at Laohine, sev. lives lost. 1876 Mohawkt U.S. yacht upset, many dr. 76 Sir F. B. Head, late Qov. U.C.died.l875 %thSuH, of, Trimew. Garibaldi bornl807 Great loss by floods in England. . .1875 PrineeflB Victori&^ol Prussia born..l860 St. James Irish Prot. Church disestablished. 1869 Sir Geo. Airey, astronomer, born. .1801 Atlantic Cable finished ... .1866 %h Sunday after Trinity. F'rench revolution of. 183rt And. Job&eon, late Pres. U.8.| died..75' THE SUN rises 4 20 sets 7 46 421 7 46 422 7 46 423 746 423 745 424 7 44 4 24 7 44 4 25 7 44 4 26 7 44 426 7 42 4 27 7 42 4 27 7 42 4 28 7 41 429 7 41 4 30 7 41 4 31 7 40 4 32 7 39 433 r38 434 7 37 435 7 36 435 736 4 38 7 84; 7 38 439 782 440 731 4 41 730 4 42 7 30 4 42 rrll ^2? MOON r.dks. 10 52 11 10 11 27 11 50 lU. 16 50 I 34 2 31 sets. 8 37 9 10 9 36 9 59 10 21 10 44 il 9 67 morn. 12 53 1 43 2 41 rises . 7 66 8 21 »8 37 mB. ,58 9 54 llueeuy Fire &; lilfe, Insurauce Co.— Forbes A ifKadar«f Cliief Aff enU^ 191 fund 193 St. James St.,,]1ioiitreal. U i. ; 18 ADVBRTISEMBNT. ROYAL INSURA NCE CO MPANY. FZBE and LIFE. OFFICES! Cornet St Francois Xavier & Hospital Streets. CAPITAL (10,000,000 AmruAL nrooio! - - . 6,000,000 FUNDS nr eabs - - ■ 12,000,000 ■A ' ■■ FIRE DEPARTMENT. All descriptions of Property insured against Loss or Damage by Fire at moderate rates. * Insurances on Dwellings and their contents effected on favorable terms. Losses promptly settled without reference to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestion- able security is offered to Policy-holders. Besides the large Sub- cribed and Paid-Up Capital of the Company, Assurers have Addi- tional Security in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. The Special XAfe Assuranee Wund now amounts to $9,265,055^1 •• • '* 'i having been added thereto as a result of the business of the past year, after the payment of all Claims, Cash Bonuses, Annuities, and Expenses of every description. Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms, and full information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. H. L. bOUTH, J. KEKNEDY, W. TATLBY, Inspector, Chief Agents for Canada, W. E. SCOTT, m.M.y Medical Examiner, 19 20 SB M 21 Ti 22 W 23 Tl 24 P 2& S 26 Su 27 M 28 Td 29 W" 30 Th 31 P %: BUT TOim SHIBT8 AT HBSIKAB B AV * 415 NOTBE DAHIB 8TBBBT. CALENDAR. 19 AXrOTTST. PHASES OF TAB MOON. PHASES. D. LastQaar... 2 New Moon.. 9 First Qaar ..15 Full Moon.. 23 Quebec. H. U.. 5 33 m. 29 m. 5 40 ev. 6 22 67. Montreal. H. II. 5 2/ m. 23 m. 5 34 ev. 6 16 ey. Kingston. H. M. 6 15 m. 11 m. 5 22 er. 6 4ev. Toronto. H. M. 5 3 m. 11 59 Sth 5 10 ev. 5 52 ev. London. B. 4 11 5 5 M. 65 m. 518th 2ev. 44 ev. DATS. If. w. 1 2 3 4 & 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 2& 26 27 2B 29 30 31 W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Ta W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu EVENTS, Ao. Herzegovine insurreot. ag. Turkey.1875 Battle of Sedan 1870 Hon. J. Robertson, St. John,N.B. d'76 Battle of Wissembourg 1870 Wth Sunday after Trinity Thermom. 104^ in shade Montreal. 1876 Royal Insur. Co.'s annual meeting.1877 Anti-Vapoination Exoitiut., Monti. 1874 L SAUttrmk&Aa'fihv Mlantio Cable. • .1858 «lRpr4)iriMmra«kc6n8field 1876 1 Irlsraeli left House of Com., Eng..l876 UthSun.aft. Trinity. Guizot died.1874 Thermomet 96'' in shade, Montreal 1876 Mass meeting, oivio tax., Montreal.1876 Assumption Day Bomarsund bombarded 1854 Albert Mem. Stau \t^y. by Edin.76 Sir; fiS|X;5f PI Swiss suppress cwivents A rel. orders^S Battle of Bosworih Field 1485 Heavy frosts in West'n States of A.1875 St. Babtholomkw Prinoe of Walei mhs. ourad Khan deporod 1876 the BUN MOON rises sets t.&B. 4 48 7 24 10 16 450 7 22 10 44 4 51 7 21 11 22 4 52 720 mom. 4 53 7 19 12 4 55 7 17 1 16 4 56 7 16 2 82 4 57 7 14 sets. 458 7 12 7 34 4 59 7 11 7 58 5 1 7 9 8 22 5 2 7 8 8 46 5 3 7 7 9 10 5 4 7 6 9 37 5 5 7 3 10 n 5 6 1-2 19 ^ ;l^ii u ia t.f F T3 5 12 16 54 2 40 5 13 6 52 rises. 5 14 650 6 44 5 16 648 7 3 5 18 6 46 7 21 5 19 645 7 39 520 643 7 69 5 21 6 41 8 20 522 640 8 47 523 6 38 9 19 524 636 10 3 TRY BARSAIiOV'S DOMESTIC BAR «OAP-Tlie Family Favorite. iU»ld by all Grocers. ' W-M a ■I". is i !;■ ■! Ji I ■I ao ADVERTISBMENT. W^ DOW & CO )umu mA M^Mm imOlffTREAI.. India Pale and other Ales. Extra, Double and Single Stout, in Wood & Bottle. -•* ^'\ i#.V •,1^,'^. _x Je^mities SuppUed. \ BedSf MattremMSy « f«* J. A* Bnrvejrer. f OALBN >4R SI SBPTElCBVIt PHASX8 07 THB MOOIT. PHA8RS. New Moon . 7 First Qaar.. 14 Full Moon ..22 La8tQuar...30 Quebet. JB. M. 8 12 m. 6 20 m. 10 46 m. 1 32 m. Monir€tU* H. M. 8 6 m. 6 14 m. 10 40 m. 1 26 m. Kingston* H. M* 7 04 01. 6 2 m. 10 28 m. 1 14 m. TorotUo, H. M. 7 42 m. 5 60 m. 10 16 m. 12 m. Ltmdon. H. 7 5 10 M. 34 m. 42 m. 8 m. 54 m. DATS. M. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 w. S 9v M Tu W Th I- 8u M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su BVSNTS, Ao. St. Giles lith Suv^ay after Trinity Extensive fire at St. Hyaointhe. . . • 1876 French Republic proclaimed 1870 French pay £10,000,000 to Qer. l.ins.^S Gastelar el. Pros, of Spanish Rep.. 1873 H.M.S. Captain add crew lost. ... 1870' Malakoff and Sebastopol taken ...1855 Ibth iSunday after Trinity 6tr. Equinox foundered with crew. 1875 Thompson, poet, bom. ... 1700 Ashanteeexfitdttion left England. 1873 ^^liSiHSPVParis ^874 DjlSufWeHington died 1852 BiatesmanA^killed • IJ ,8' ruption of Mount Etna i874 Com. panic New York A Wa8h'toil.l874 Emperor of Morocco died 1873 St. MATTHESf King ofltav visits Bm[>. of Gei|nany|73 Havelock relieved Luokn(W 1857 Mulez Abbas proo. Bmp. of Morocco. '73 ^tish claims allo'd ag. U.S. $2,300,000 BomhaCfkattit df AMIoante 1873 St indi S THK SUN rises sets 5 26 5 28 5 29 30 31 5 32 33 35 36 37 39 39 40 42 43 46 48 49 5 50 5 51 52 54 56 56 57 59 6 00 6 2 6 34 6 82 6 80 6 28 J C|ueeii» Fire 6c Ulf e» Insurance Co*— Forbes & Madg^ Clilef Asento, 191 and 198 St. James Sit Moalreiaf !i' .li' •I ii. I m i Tt i ,. It, I- h: I: W k ;t.i inMSi ADVBRTISBMENT. W. HBNRY, 13 jaan with Gibb & Co. R. O. WILSON, 6 yetra with Gibb ft Co. 4 yean with Adams. ■BirET A WIIiStM TAILORS, Dent's Gloves, GarinriiffhtA DTarner's merino ITiiderclotliliiiff Best London-Made Silk Umbrellasy 236 St. James Street, Two Doors East of Ottawa Eotel, MONTREAL. ■■11 I » - ■ (LIMITED,) 515 Lagaaoheti^re Street, Head of Gott^ treet, SOLI IIANVPAOTUBBBS IN THB DOMINIOIT OF DA! b^ m AKD Cards, Tickets, &c. cut to any size. Manilla Paper and Bags, Ink, Mucilage, Address Tags, &c. &c. Samples, Estimatea, azkd Price Lists, furnished on application. .Iii- >-%^- **' x'>fj^:> p New First Full Last DATlj M. Ti 1 A^ 2 T 3 Vi 4 T 6 F 6 S 7 81 8 M 9 Ti 10 W 11 Tl 12 F 13 S U 61 16 M 16 T 17 W 18 t; 19 F 29 s 21 Si 22 M 23 Tl 24 W 25 T 26 P 27 S 28 S( 29 M 30 Tl 31 Yi Shirts made to ord«r at DBSniASTBJLlT 4e BOITD^ 416 NOTRE DAME STRBBT. CALENDAR. OOTOBBB. PHASES OF THE MOON. PHASES. D. New Moon.. 6 First Quar.. 13 Full Moon. 22 La8tQaar...29 Queheo, H. M. 5 10 ev. 10 54 ev. 2 43 m. 9 33 m. Montreal. H. If. 6 4ey. 10 48 ey. 2 37 m. 9 27 m. Kingiton, H. M. 4 52 ev. 10 36 ev. 2 25 m. 9 15 m. Toronto, ll* Ma 4 40 ev. 10 24 ev. 2 13 m. 9 3 m. London* H. M. 4 32 ev. 10 16 ev. 2 5 m. 8 55 m. DATS. M. w. 1 M 2 Tu 3 W 4 Th 5 F 6 S 7 8u 8 M 9 Tu 10 W 11 Th 12 F 13 S 14 8n 16 M 16 Tu 17 W 18 Th 19 F 20 S 21 Su 22 M 23 Tu 24 W 25 Th 26 F 27 S 28 Sv 29 M 30 Tu 31 W EVENTS, &o. St. Patrick's Hall, Mont'l, burned..]872 4 tons gunpowder ezp. London, En. 1874 Modoc Indians executed .^. . 1873 Barry Cornwall, poet, died. 1874 Insurrection in Argentine Republicl874 Marshall Bazaine tried by Ct Ml.. 1873 l\^h ijunday after Trinity Great fire at Chicago 1871 Lord Lisgar died 1876 Duke of Leinster died 1874 Sir E. Landseer, paint., int. St. P. C. '73 Robert Stephenson, engineer, died. 1859 Eliza. Fry, philanthropist, died... .1845 20th Sunday after Trinity Cor. bet. Pope <& Emp. ofGer. publ.1873 Execution of Marie Antoinette. . . .1793 Lord Palmerston died 1865 St. Luke the Eyanoblist Rev. Dr. Candlish died 1873 E. ot (Germany visits E. of Austria. 1873 2{§t Sunday after Trinity (21) Bat. of Trafalgar, Nelson killed.'05 Earl of Derby died 1869 John Knox, reformer, died 1572 Great floods in England 1875 Adm. McClure, Arctic voyager, died.'73 Virginia city, Nevada, U.S., burnt. 1875 22nd Sunday after Trinity King John of Saxony died 1873 First snow, Montreal 1875 Hallowe'en THE SUN rises sets 5 87 6 3 6 4 535 6 5 633 6 7 5 31 6 8 530 6 9 527 6 11 525 6 12 524 6 12 5 21 6 14 5 20 6 15 5 19 6 17 6 17 6 18 6 14 620 5 12 6 21 5 11 623 5 9 6 24 5 7 625 5 5 6 26 6 4 628 5 2 629 5 1 6 31 4 59 8 32 4 57 633 465 635 4 53 6 36 4 52 638 450 6 39 4 49 6 41 4 47 6 42 4 46 643 445 MOON r.A 8. mom. 24 1 44 3 3 4 22 seta. 5 86 6 6 6 41 7 26 8 17 9 16 10 19 11 24 mom. 28 1 SO 2 32 3 34 4 37 6 41 rises. 6 52 6 2 6 50 7 48 8 58 10 11 11 29 morn. 45 i .1.. I. ,: ^i ' i FBT BABSAIiOU'S 6TEAM BEFITTED WAMILY SOAP, Supenor to all others, • ^^ x V ttoHM Fomtoliiiiff'rHilvdware) CooklHip ttailflfM, €or> nicesy Ac«— li* J. A* Snrreyer. CALENDAR. NOTBICBSB. PHASBS OF THE MOON. PHASR8. Quebec. Montreal, Kingeton. Toronto. London. D. New Moon. 5 FiritQuar..l2 Full Moon. 420 La8tQaiir...27 H. M. 3 51 m. 6 66 ev. 6 31ev. 5 24 ev. H. M. 3 45 m. 6 50 ev. 5 25 ev. 6 12 ev. H. M. 3 S3 m. 6 88 ev. 5 12 ev. 5 00 ev. H. M. 3 21 m. 6 26 ev. 5 lev. 4 48ev. H. M. 3 13 m. 6 18 ev. 4 58 ev. 4 4Pev. DATS. M. w. Th 1 2 P 3 S • 4 Su 5 M 6 Tu 7 W 8 Th 9 F 10 S 11 Su 12 M 13 Tu 14 W 15 Th 16 P 17 18 Sir 19 H 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 23 F 24 S 25 Su 26 M 27 Tu 28 W 29 Th SO F EVENTS, Ac. A^L Saints Dat Vienna Exhibition closed 1873 SAttle of Hohenlinden 1800 23rd Sunday after Trinity Gunpowder plot 1605 London, E., to Australia by S.S. in 45 d. Battle of Mooltan 1848 -l>rince of Wales landed at Bombay.1875 Pfinue of Wales bom 1841 Gt. fight m Navarre b. Rep. & Car.1873 2ith Sunday after Trinity. St. Martin Richard Baxter born 1615 King Edward III. bom 1312 Dr. Abercrombie died 1844 Insurrection in Argentine suppr'd.l874 Guibord interred, Montreal 1875 Tom Hood, poet & humorist, died. .1874 25tA Sunday after Trinity D'Israeli Lord Rector of Glasgow U.74 Earl of Elgin died 1840 Fire in Jersey city. U«S.,-$1,500,000.1872 Kir H. Havelock died 1857 Gas first used in Montreal 1827 Lord Lyons died 1858 2Gth Sunday after Trinity Garthagena bombarded 1873 Sir Wm. Jardine, fam. natur., died.1874 Washington Irvihg died 1859 Gar. Manning excom. all who deny P's St. Andrew [«ut.'73. THB SUN rises sets 644 444 6 46 4 42 6 48 440 6 49 4 39 6 51 4 37 6 52 4 36 6 54 434 655 4 32 6 56 4 31 6 57 429 6 58 428 7 427 7 1 4 26 7 3 4 26 ? 5 425 7 6 4 24 7 7 423 7 8 422 7 11 4 21 7 12 4 20 7 13 4 19 7 14 4 18 7 16 4 18 7 17 4 17 7 18 4 16 7 19 4 15 7.21 4a5 7 22 4 14 7 23 4 13 725 4 13 MOON r.^w~' /' ( -»'W/%n. Agents. 8 • i I H U •«M^ 34 ADVBRTISBMBNT. CRAIG STREET 8ION OP THE GOLD CORNICES, ORNICE ^OLES, STAIR RODS, Marbleiz^d Kitchen Utensils. AOBNT FOR Aman Mer Baip ani Fnrnaces, WAEBANTED IN ETEitI RESPECT. First-Class Furnishing Store. L J. A. SURVEYER, 624 CxAig Street, Montreal. C %lsS ADVXBTISKHBNT. a O JL H* Jk D NSURANCE5iOMPANY CAPITAL, - - - $1,000,000. OFFICE: 186 St. Jasies Street, Col. A. C de L. HASWOOD, wniiAK augub, - ■ Fr6idd6iit* Vice-President EDWARD H. COIT, MANAGIIIG DIRECTOR. Insures against Loss from damage by lightnings whether fire ensues or not. This Company makes a speciality of insuring FiiRM Property and Dbtached Residences. W 36 ADVBRTISBIiENt. I ^ CENTRAL 4^ HAT & FUR STORE, No. 232 Moaill Street, KEEPS M STOCK AND IMKGI TO ORKR THE LATEST STYLES OF MATS, CAPS AND FURS, WhUh A« ••ll9 ai the lowest €aah JPHwa, N.B.— Hats and Furs renovated and altered. — Good work guaranteed. — Prices moderate. DAWES & CO. BSTABX^ISUED 1820. India Pale Ale and X X Mild Ale. No. 1 Strong Ale & Extra Stout Porter. \ Brewery, Iachine, P. Q. OFFICE, ai6 ST. JA1CS8 STSSBT, MONTREAL.. « C s ADVSETISEMBMT. n « wifSiviiisnTiiif @9 VOXritOBR. Stoves, Iron Bedsteads, Bailings, Heavy and Idght Castings, &C. ftc. .ftc. Works, Cor. of Inspector and William Streets, City Samplf tnd Salt Soeai, 19 lal 81 ▼kterU Sqaart , ul 632 Oriig a Streit, and 686 St. CithMtoi Stfiit, Montrtal, P.a. 7? • a)"2 j^^* If yQu want any Cast Iron laoods, please call and look at Patterns. A selection is offered from the I4»irest Stoek in tbe Dominion. A LABOZ ASSOSTlflXI^ Of f ATTZBSS fOB 8AILWA7 CASTIHaS. 88 ADVBRTISEMENT. 'l READY MIXED PAINT ALL COLORS, COMBrNINQ DURABILITY, ECONOMY and .HIGH FINISH. READY FOR USE IN ANY COLOR. Not to be Equalled. DRIES QUICK. BVSBT MAN SIS OWK PAZNTSR. FINE COPAL CARRIAGE AND FURNITURE VARNISHES. BAYLIS' CELEBRATED STQYE PIPE ¥ABIIISMt FOB PBBBEBTINO AND BBAUTIFTING ST07E fIBS&mi ALL KDIDS of TSOS ¥OBE. WHITE lEiD. GlIARiNTEEI» PVllE. PRINTING INK For Newspaper and Job Printing, 0/ which thit Book is a Specimen, MANUFACTURED BY THE BAYLIS, WILKES MANUFACTURING CO. PLATE GLASS INSURANCE. a?ECB3 CASH CAPITAL, - - - $100,000. nrincipal Office^ 141 Broadway, Nefw Tork. HENRY HARTEAU. PRESIDENT. EDGAR W. CROWELL, ViOE-PRESIDENT THOMAS S. TtOBP, SEOrifcTARY. GREAT REDUCTION ^IN PREMIUMS. The Metropolitan Plnte Glass IniMitancie Companv have folly reduced Premiums 30 to 40 per cent from the old established Rates of Pkte Glass Insurance. HEAD OFFICE FOR THE DOMINION: 163 St. James Street, Montreal. ^oavh of %ttntxttt : WM. DARLING, Esq., Prt^ttUfU Board of Trade, THOS. TIFFIN, Esq., Director Exchange Bank. J. L. CASSIDY, Esq., Director Bank Jacquet Cariier, B. J. LONSDALE, (ieneral Agent. CERTIFICATE OF THE HON. O. W. CHAPMAN, SUPT. OF THE INSURANCE DEPT. STATB OF NEW YORK, Insurance Department, January xofh, z876k The Metropolitan Plate Glass Insurance Company ALONE has ftilly com- plied at this date_with the law ; it has $100,000 Capital, has deposited $60,000 irtment, and, after examination, was yesterday authoruned usinesB. O. W. CHAPMAN, Supt df the Insurance De|>t. SiM oniT Flat* Olin tuui&ei Coapuy Noegniied Ijr tht SoBinloB QoTMBBMi ii hating madi rttoni thirtto. securities in this Dei to commence doing 1 *l V^TBA trniVE DiiisMi ttaiRTs ^i.ito, woarr h ts.asiAV 0B9MARTBAU & BONB'lS. POST OFFICE. 41 TraruMiaaion of Patterru and Samples within tha Province of Canada. Patterni or samples of merchandise, and goods for 8i|.le, not exceeding twenty -four ounces in weight, may be posted in Ca- nada, to be forwarded to any place within the Dominion, on pre-payment by postage stamp of a rate of one cent per four ounces, under the following regulations : — I.— ^Patterns or samples must be sent in covers open at the ends, so as to be easy of examination. Samples, howerer, of seeds, drugs, and so forth, which cannot be sent in open coyers, may be enclosed in bags of linen or other material, fastened in such a manner that they may be readily opened, or in bags entirely closed, provided that they be transparent, se that the officers of the Post Office may bt able to satisfy themselves as to the nature of the contents. II.-^The packet ma^ bear on tne outaida the address of the sender, in addition to the address of the person for whom it may be intended— also a trade mark and numbers, and the price of the articles enclosed; inaide there must be no enelosure but the samples or patterns themselves— the particulars, however, of the trade marks, numbers and price, may be marked on the articles themselves instead of on the outside ot the packet, at the option of the sender. III.— Any sample or pattern packet eontaining a letter, or otherwise violating the oonditions of the preceding rules, is to be rated and treated as a letter. I v.— The rate ef one cent per four ounees is to be pre-paid by postage stamp,— and if suoh rate be no:, fully pre-paid by the stamps affixed, the package is to be rated with the delieient postage, and a fine ot five cents in addition. y.— Packets of samples or patterns may be registered on pre- payment by postage stamp of a registration fee of five cents in addition to the postage rate— and'provided such packets be duly handed into the Post Office for registration. A registration receipt or certificate should always be obtained for such packages when presented for registration. VI.— No packet of samples or patterns must exceed twenty- four ounces in weight ; any packet exceeding that weight is to be sent to the Postmaster-General. Penal O/ai^fe.- The Act contains the following penal clause : To enclose a letter or letters, or any writing intended to serve the purpose of a letter, in a parcel posted for the parcel post, or to enclose a letter, or any writing, or make any written marks to serve the purpose of a letter, or to enclose any other thing in a newspaper, posted to pass as a newspaper^ at the rate of postage applicable to newspapers, (except in the case of accounts and receipts of newspaper puplishers, which are per- mitted to pass folded within the newspapers sent by them to their subscribers), is an offence punishable by a penalty of not left than ten and not exceeding forty dollars. VRT BARSAI^Oir*S MTEA9I REFINED FAMILY liOAP, ISIiiperlor to all others, i '■\ ! :'i 1.1," i"' -■1 ,^^' r. P ( :•? ;i; v.- • \ tlie market, at L« J. A. Snrreyer's, S24 Oraiff 8t« 4^ tOST OFPICBi PostAob Bates on Letters ind PafebS. ' Pr6-j^B^mftiit Oomt>tilsory; tioUNTRf* Austraii& (except iVeitf South Walet and Queeruland • • « • Argentine Confederat'n Austria*. Uahamas ••*.' Belgium Bermuda Bra«il Cape of Good Hope. . . . Ceylon Chili. ... China(excei>^Shangnai) Cuba Denmark •••> Egypt France Germany Gibraltar Great Britain & Ireland Hayti Holland Hong Kong India Italy tlamaiea Japan Malta Mexico New South Wales New Zealand Norway TortoRico liuseia San Domingo Shanghai Spain Sweden Switzerland United States AVest Indies (except where otherwise stated by British Mail via Colon, Ha- vana or St. Thomas) Letierdpei^ half OB. ' cents i 8 28 10 6 10 8 24 28 22 20 13 8 10 10 10 10 10 5 8 10 13 16 10 I- 10 13 15 15 10 28 10 16 8 10 10 10 5 16 News- papers. cents. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 6 4 4 1 6 Route. Via San Francisco England. if ii 14 (C It 41 i( 44 tl (4 4i 4( 4t 41 «4 4i i( (t (( (4 (i (( « (4 (4 44 44 it C4 4( (4 4( 44 l( 4( 44 New York. England. New York. England. II New York. San Francisco New York. England. 41 (I «< l( 14 New York. England. San FranciECO England. 4i New York. San Francisco England. New York. San Francisco •* 44 England. New York. England, New York. San Francisco England. II i( trueen, Fire d^ Lit e, In.urauce Co.-Fpri^es ds in udge, |;l>ter A«enl»^ 191 ao^ m 1$U /ame« St., ttonu^nl, 416 NOTBB BARKK 8VRBBT. POST OFFICE. 4S MueelUneoua Poikii Jlfaf^er^— On books, p»mphtet8. dOo»» sional publications, printod oironlars, prices enrrent* naaa-bins« book and newspapor manuscripts; printers* proof sheet8,whetlier corrected or not ; maps, prints, drawings, engrarings, litho- graphs ; photographs, when not on glass or in cases containing glass; sheet musio^ whether printed or written: documents, ^ wholly or partly printed or written, such as deeds, insurance policies, militia and school returns, or other documents of like nature; packages of seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions or grafts; patterns or samples of goods or merchandise, when posted in Canada for any place in Canada, the rate of postage is one cent ger four ouneeexn weighty to he pre-paid by postage stamp, or y tne use of stamped post bands when suitable for the purpose. No letter, or other communication intended to serve the purpose of a letter, must be sent or enclosed in any article of miscella- neous mail matter ; and all transmissions authorized by this regulation must be put up in covers open at the ends or sides, or in such manner as to admit of inspection to ensure compliance with this condition. If enclosed in sealed envelopes, notched at the ends or sides, or with the corners cut off, letter rate of postage will be charged. Miscellaneous mail matter as above specified, when addressed to the United States or to Newfoundland, may be forwu'ded, when pre-paid the one cent per 4 oz. rate, as if addressed to a place m Canada, with the exception of packets of samples and patterns of merchandise addressed to the United States, on which the special rate of ten cents must be pre-paid. Money Orders in Canada.— AW the Money Order Post Offices in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba and British Columbia, are authorized to draw Money Orders on each other for any sum up to $100, and for as many Orders of $100 each as the applicant may require, upon I :!, ■ J mi BAR!»AI.OU'S l>Oil&£STI€ BAR SOAP— The Family ^ . r»Torite« Sola bjr.all Oroeers, t. ! UttvbUUfted OooKliiar iri^iidllff anA Isrf est >aHet]r #r Kdiise Furnishing Goods at »nrVeyer»»^ 5»4 €raiy gt# ;;f F:i: 44 POST OFFICE. Newfoundlandt like those of the United Kingdom, are made payable in Sterling money. Orders up to £5 25 ots. " from £5 to £10 .50 *' Orders from £10 to £ 15, 75 ots. ♦♦ 15 to 100, $100 All the Money Order Offices in the Dominion are also author- ised to grant Money Orders on the United States, the maximum amount of which, however, upon a single order, is limited to $40 Canadian currency. The rates are :— For Orders under and up to $20 25 cts. ♦* *» over $20 up to $40. 50" In all classes of Orders, as many of the maximum amount may be obtained as will be needed to make up the sum the applicant desires to remit. By the amended Post Office Act, which came in force on the 1st October, any Postmaster issuing Money Orders on credit, and any person aiding and abetting, or procuring the issue of Buoh orders, will be guilty of misdemeanor. The Money Order Post Offices in the Dominion are furnished with lists of all the Money Order Offices in Canada, the United Kingdom, Nova Scotia, ^ew Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, British Columbia, and Mewfoundland ; and the Post- masters are iniitruoted to afford everjfi information in their power, in respect of the places upon which they draw, together with any other information relating to the issues as the intend- ing remitters may desire. Post Office Savings Bank. 1. The Post Office Savings Bank commenced operations in Ontario and Quebec on the ist April, 1868. 2. The direct security of the Dominion is given by the Statute for all deposits made. 3. At each Savings Bank Post Office the Savings Bank regu- lations may be read by the public, giving full iniormation with respect to the mode ot depositing and withdrawing money, and these regulations are printed upon the cover of the Pass Book supplied to each depositor. 4. Any person may have a deposit account, and deposits are received daily during ttie ordinary hours of Post Office business, ot any number of dollars, from $1 up to $300, the total amount which can be received from a depositor in any one year, except in cases to be specially authorized by ihe Postmaster-Q-eneral. 5. The Postmasters of the Savings Bank Offices will act as agents for the receipt of the money deposited for transmission to the Postmaster-General, and for the payment by the Post- master-General of money withdrawn by depositors. «|neeny Fire & Eilfe, Inaurauce Co.— Forbes & JlladgOy Clllff Ageui0« 191 and 198 dt. James St.^ HKoafreal* nUriM nhJrt* made to OWI«r at DmmABTBAV * BOmMI 415 nOTBE DAIHB 8TBBBT. POST OFFIOB. 45 6. Each depositor ii supplied with » Pass Book, and tho sums paid in, or withdrawn, are entered therein hy the Postmaiter reoeiying or paying the same. In addition, a direct receipt for each amount paid in is sent to the depositor from the Postmaster- General, and the Postmaster-Qeneral will issue a cheque pay- able at any Post Office Savings Bank desired, for any sum with- drawn. 7. Every depositor's account is thus kept with the Postmaster- General, and a depositor may pay into his or her ac<^ount with the Post Office Saviufts Bank, at any of the Savings Bank Post Offices, which at the time may best suit his convenience, and exercise the same choice in drawing out money, subject only to the obligation of produoin? ^h«> Pass Book, in proof of identity, whenever paying in or drawi u^ \,ut deposits. 8. Interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum i» allowed OB deposits. 9. Postmasters are forbidden by law to disclose the name of any depositor, or the amount of any sum deposited or with- drawn. 10. No charge will be made to depositors on paying in, or drawing out money, nor for postage or communications with the Postmaster- General in relation thereto. 11. The Postmaster-Gtoneral will always be ready to receive and attend to all applications, complaints, or other communica- tions addressed to him by depositors or others, relative to Post Office Savings Bank matters. CANADIAN STAMP DUTIES On BilU of Exchange^ Drafts awi Promiseory Notes. (In computinr the duty, it must be borne in mind that any interest payable at maturity, with the principal, is to be counted part of the amount.) AMOUNT. $25 and under Over 25 and not exceeding.. $ 50 (( It 50 100 200 300 400 500 t< K t< 41 « t4 «i 100 200 300 400 600 600 SINGLY. Duplicate each part. $0.01 $0.01 02 0.01 0.03 02 0.06 0.04 0.09 006 0.12 0.08 0.15 0.10 0,18 0.12 Triplicate each part. $0.01 0.01 a.oi 0.02 003 0.04 005 0.06 rUT BABSAI«OV'S 6T£AM REFINED FA1UI.T SOAP, Snpenor to all otliemu DRAIN PIPES, Cement, Vases, AND ALL FXBE CLAY QOODS 54 I'd, FOR SALE BY B & MnhMMM Cor. Wellington & Grey Nim Ste. Simm wflim TARIFF. 47 CUSTOMS DEPAETMENT. W. B. Simpson, Oolleotor. John Letvis, Surveyor. Zonor i?pom.~Franoi8 Grispo, ohief olerk ; C. Selby, cashier ; R. H. S. Trestler, assistant cashier ; J. P. Puroell, W. Bleakley» J. CoXf F. Lavoie, J. Dunn, A. Laurin, J. A. Jordan* A. Mal- boauf, A. A. Lantier. E. Nadeau, Thos. BurroweSi George Smith, James Oampbell, John F. Campbell, clerks: W. J. O'Hara, corresponding olerk; Jas. Mtfckay, Peter Iionovan, •supernumeraries. Surveyor and Warehouse-Keeper* » OMee.—T. Watkins, clerk ; J. NelsoQ, landing waiter; H. A. Lemieux, acting clerk, J. R. Thompson, J. F. Wolfe, T. Chambers, and R. McBratney, supernumerary clerks. WcUer Side.—E. Meyer, chief landing waiter; T. Barry, L. Olobensky, S. Tidmarsh, H. Laoroix, J. O'Meara, B. Blomely, J. B. Lamer, E. Brosseau, M. Charland, and E. H. Mercier, landing waiters : W. P. Weir, tide surveyor ; Remi Boyer, asst. tide surveyor; H. A. Lemeaux, inspector of bonds; Robert Stuart, chief looker; S. Comer, weigher and gauger; Louis St. John, assistant weigher and gauger ; R. Powney, clerk. Examining Warehoxue.—'K> Thompson, examining warehouse- keeper ; A. Bryson, D. McKay, and J. E. Villeneuve, appraisers : P. G. Fauteux, T> Gabler, P> A. Meroier, E. Mercier. assistant appraisers ; J. MaiUoux, A. Lanthier, L. Contaht, G. Labelle, John Hannan, and P. O'Brien, packers ; 0. Boyer, ticket clerk; William Burrell, chief warehouseman ; Jas. Meharg, engineer; P. p. Momanari, Robt. Burrell, John Morrison, P. Lapiere, A. Qailet, Jas. Pendergr-vst, T. W. !Nieholson, F. Bennett, Louis Tessier, Alex. Perraglio, John A. Grose, L. Sanguinette, Jas. Johnston, J. W. Guy, Capt. H. MuUins, and J. Lambert, tide waiters. DOMINION OF CANADA {All Goods not hereinafter enumerated are subject to 17i per cent, duty, A. -I^ c. Acids of every description, except acetic acid, vinegar and sulphuric acid ..•••••••••••h., <«.•.. ...•••••« .••• Free Acetic Acid and Vinegar 12 cts. per Imp. gal ; bottles 17^ Advertising Pamphlets. 17? Agriculture Societies— Farming Utensils and Implements — when imported by, for the encouragement of Agriculture. . . Free Alabaster 17^ tU\ 1^AXiHAt,OV^H BOMKSTIC BAR SOAP— Tlie Family Favorite. Sold by all Orocers, !. i i I li <09rmi—9 Cmrmi^ ]P«1«0, Matr R«Am • MeoiAlftymt L. X. A. aVBVBTflRt, AM Gralff Street. BITT 48 DOMINION ^ Alcohol. * /per Imp. gal. 91.20 Ale, Beer and Porter 10 per cent, adval, ; pkgs. Do. in bottles, 6 c. "^ Imp. gal. ; in casks, 8 2-5 c. ^ Imp. gal. Almonds and Nuts Alum t Aluminous Cake Aniline Salt, for dyeing Do. when preparea for domestic use Anatomical Preparations Anchors. Angola Hair, unmanufactured Animals of all kinds, except such as are imported for the improvement of stock. . .^ Animals imported for the improvement of stock Animals of all kinds from B. N. A. Provinces Antimony Antiquities, Cabinets of. ••... Annatto, liquid or otherwise Apparel (wearing) of British subjects dying abroad, but domiciled in Canada Argentine, Albata and German Silver and Plated Ware (all kinds) manufactured Argol Army and Navy, for use of — Arms , Clothing Musical Instruments for bands Military Stores \ , Articles for the use of the Dominion *' by and for use of Go^srnor-General , *' for use of Foreign Cansuls-General Ash— Pot, Pearl and Soda Asphaltum, a mineral pitch Atlases ; Axles^ for railroad cars m Free Free Free Free Free Free 10 Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Bagatelle Boards and Billiard Tables, and Furnishings. 17^ Bag^ge, Travellers* Free Bark, Tanners' Free Bark, Nuts, Vegetables, Wood and Drugs, used chiefly in dyeing Free Barley Free Barilla or Kelp Free Beans and Peas , Free Beer in Wood { gee "Ale '» • Beer in Bottles S ^®® ^®' Berries, used chiefly in dyeing Free Bitters, containing spirits $1.80 ^ Imp. gal. Blacking , 17^ <|aeen. Fire ic lilfe. Insurance Co.— Forbee & llludc«s Cbler Asems, Iftl and 19S.St. Janie* fft.y ]IIoutrea|« Blac Blea Bloc Bota Boo Boo wr Bool Re Bo drs PUT T017B SHIBTS AT DVUfABTSJllT * 415 IfOTBB DAUB STBBET. TARIFF. 49 r c. Blacking, for military Free Bleaching Powders Free Blocks and Patent Bushes, for ships' use 5 Botany, specimens of • Free Books, being reprint of British Copyright works . . . • • 12^ Books— Blank Account and Copy Books, and Books to be written or drawn upon 17^ Books, (printed) Periodicals and Pamphlets, not being Foreign Reprints ol' British Copyright works, nor Blank Account Books ; nor Copy Books ; nor Bopks to be written in or drawn upon : nor Reprints of Books printed in Canada ; nor printed Sheet Music 5 Bookbinders' Tools, Implements, Mill Boards and Cloth. . . . Free Boots and Shoes (leather) . . .' 17^ Boot Felt 10 Book, Map and News Printing Paper 1 Bone, manufactured t •...• ] Bonnets, Hats and Caps • ] Bibles, Testaments and Devotional Books Binnacle Lamps, Ships' 5 Biscuit and Bread from Great Britain and B.N. A. Provinces. Free Boiler Plate, Iron 6 Bolting Cloths Free Borax- Free Box Wood.... Free Bracelets, Braids, &c.« made of hair 17^ Bran and Cearaline as Bran 10 Bran, from B. N. A. Provinces Free Brandy. $1.20 V Imp. gal. Brass and Copper, manufactured * 17^ Brass, in bars, rods^ sheets, scraps and strips .• Free Brass Tubes and Piping, when drawn, or Iron. . ^ Free Brass or Copper Wire, and Wire Cloth Free Brass and Tin Clasps, Slides and Spangles, for the manu- facture of hoop skirts Free Brimstone, roll or flour , Free Bristles and Hogs' Hair of all kinds Free Britannia and ftfetal Ware. .... Bronze Ornaments. Brooms and Brushes, all kinds Broom Coim Free Buckwheat Free Buffalo Hair, for the manufacture of felt Free Bulbs I Free Bullion and Coin, except U.S. silver coin ^ Free Burr Stones Free Busts, natural size, not being cast, nor produced by any mere mechanical process Free Butter 4cts.; i.-:iiI!jS 00 DOMINION Oibineta of Coins, Antiquities, Gems and Medals Cables, Iron Chain, for ships, over i in., shackled or swivelled, or not ^Da^ Gral?! ( ^*»«" "»«^ ^^^ ****?• *"^ ^'••*^* ®"^y Cabinetware or Furniture • Carbolic or Heavy Oil, used in the manufacture of wood block pavement, and of wood for buildings and railroad ties Cards, Playing Candles p.nd Tapers, of Tallow, Wax, or any other material. . Canada Plates, Tinned Plates, Sheet Iron Cane Juice (see Syrups) • Caoutchouc, or India Rubber and Gutta Percha, unmanufiic- tured Caoutchouc or India Rubber, manufactured Canvas ( Nos. 1 to 6), for ships' use Canvas, for the manufacture of floor oil cloth, not less than 18 feet wide, and not pressed or calendered Canvas, when otherwise used Caps, Hats and Bonnets Carriages Carriages of Travellers, and Carriages laden with Merchandise (Hawkers and Circus Troupes excepted) Carpets and Hearth Rugs Cashmere Cassia, ground Do,, unground Castile Soap Casts, as models for use of schools of design Castings (all others). Iron Cearaline, as Bran Cement, Marine or Hydraulic, unground Cement, Hydraulic, ground and calcined Chairs, Wrought Iron or Steel, imported for railway purposes Cheese 3 cts.r !b. "' Do. firom B. N. A. Provinces Chandeliers and Gas Fittings Chinaware, Earthenware and Crockery Charts, Maps and Atlases Charitable Institutions, Donations for Church Bells Chickory, or other root or vegetable u?ed as coffee- Raw or Green.* 3 cts. if ft. Do. kiln-dned, roasted or ground 4 cts. ^ tt. Cider Cigars 70 cts. HP'*; pkgs. Cinnamon, ground Do. unground Citrons. < Do. imported in brine for the purpose of being candied. . . r c. Free Free m Free 26 ? 25 Free 'V Free 17* 17} 17} Free 174 17} 25 17* Free 17* 10 Free Free Free 17* 17* 17} Free Free 17* 17} 25 17* 10 Free Qii0«ii, Fire dc Life, Insnraiice Co.-Forb«s * Ma4c«, Ciaef Agents^ IM aii4 198 St. James St^ Moiitreal. ^5 IfOTRB HAMB WttBirV. VARIFF. 61 IT c. Coach and Harnetui Furniture . ••• 17^ Cocoa, bean, shell and nibs Free Cocoa Nut, dessicated and sweetened 1 c. I** lb., and 26 Cologne Water and Perfumed Spirits 81.80 ^ Inop. gal. Do. in flasks or bottles weighing not more than 4 oz. each 6 cts. each. Communion Plate .*. Free Composition, for making spikes and nails Free Compasses, Ships* 6 Clay Pipes, Clays, Earth and Sand Free Clocks 174 Clothing, or Wearing Apparel, made by hand or sewing machme i 174 Clothing for An y and Navy, or Donations of, for Charitable Institutions.. : Free Clothing, Plain, imported fo' Officers of the Army and Navy serving in Canada Free Clothing and Arms, foi the Army and Military Forces in the Dominion Free CoalandCoke Free Cocoa Nut Oil in natural state. ••• Free Cocoa Paste, from Great Britain uid B. N A. Provinces Free Coffee, Green 2 cts. ^ lb . Do. from U . S., Grc and or Roasted 3 cts. ^ ft. Collar Cloth Paper > Free Commissariat Stores Free Colors, &c., viz : Lakes in Pulp, Scarlet and Morone, Ultra- marine and Chinese Blue, Umber, raw, Blue-Black, Paris and Permanent Greens, Satin and fine-washed White, Bi- chromate of Potash, S gar of Lead and British Gum ...... Free Copperas ....*... Free (Confectionery ■ 1 c. ^ lb, and 25 C^per Tubes and Piping, when drawn Free Do. in pigs, bars, rods, bohs or sheets and sheathing Free Do. or Brass, manufactured 174 Corkwood, or the Bark of the Corkwood Tree Free Cordage, wh n vsed for ships and vessels only 5 Do. wL; ; >\ot for ships' use 174 Cordiah $1 . 80 ^ Tmp. gal. Cottons 174 Co t ton Warp .... , 174 Cotton Warp, not coarser than No.^ 10 Cot ca Yam and Cotton Twist .'. 174 Cotton Thread, in hanks, colored and imfinished, Nos. 3 and 4 ply (white), not under 20 yarn 10 Cotton Thread on spools 10 Do. in hanks, colored and unfinished, No. 6 ply (white), not under 20 yarn Free Com, Indian Free Cotton Waste Free Do. Wool Fr6e mr BABSAIaOV'S DOmEftTIC BAR SOAP^ilM FiUiltt^ BieliMI«ii4 Mi4 BmyrcM PorteMe tike market^ At I^. J» A* SnriEeyer**, Oiraiff nu 62 DOMINION re. Cotton Candlewick. Free Do. Netting and Woollen Netting for I. R. shoes and gloves 10 Corks.... 17J Cranksi for steamboats, forged in the rough Free Do. formills, do. do. Free Cream of Tartar, in crystals , Free Coin and Bullion, except U. S. silver coin Free Currants 17i Curled Hair, used in the manufacture of sofas, mattresses, &c. Freo Cutlery, Polished (all sorts) 17^ 5 5 5 Free 17) 171 Free Free Free m Free Free Free Dead Eyes, Ships' • •.*. Dead Lights, do •• Deck Plugs, do Diamonds and Precious Stones, not set Dried Fruits Drugs, not otherwise specified ,. . . . Drugs, used chiefly for dyeing '. ... Dye Stuffs, viz : Berries, Bark, Drugs, Nuts, Vegetables, and Woods, unmanufactured, used chiefly in dyeing Drain Tiles , Drain Pipes ••••••; • • Drawings, not in oil Donations of Clothing for distribution. by charitable institu- tions Duck, for belting and hose :es Earth, Clays, and Sand ...... Free Earthenware and Crockery ' 17f Eggs. Free Electrotype Blocks, for printing purposes Free Emery - Free Emery Paper and Cloth 174 Engravings and Prints itl Essences, not containing^ any spirits 17j Essences, containing spirits $1. 80 i^ Imp. gal. Essential Oils of all kinds 17^ Extract of Logwood , . . Free Extracts, mixed with spirits or strong water.. .1.8G ¥* Imp. gal. Factory and Mill Machinery 17} Fancy Goods and Millinery, viz. : articles embroidered with Gold, Silver or other metals "17* Fan and Fire Screens I7J Farming Implements and Utensils, when imported by agri- cultural societies for encouragement of agriculture Free Feathers and Flowers 17 j <|iie«ii, Fire Sc lilfe, Inearanee €o.— Forbes & Mtidfei f^mer J^ventof m w« 1»8 uu Jmm^u Sin nonlrMOU vmoTB DBB8S naviM fi,5o, woBTH ta-ss, A« DesmARTfiAU A BONN'S. TARIFF. 63 and Felt, for gloves Felt, for hats and boots . « Fibrilla, Mexican Fibre, or Tampico, white or black, other vegetable fibres, for manufacture Fire Brick, common Fire Brick, shaped Firewood Figs, dried fruits Filberts, do • » Fire Clay Fireworks Fish (fresh) the produce of the United States Fisheries, includ- ing oysters and lobsters in tins or kegs Fish Baits , Fish Oil and Fish of all kinds, the produce of the fisheries of the United States, except fish of the inland lakes and of the rivers falling into them, and except fish preserved in oil. . . . Fish, salted or smoked, from Uuited States Fish, do. do. from all other countries let. IP* ill. Fish, preserved, from United States, not in oil Fish, do. from other countries Fish, preserved in oil Fish, products of, and of all other creatures living in the water, from B. N. A. Provinces Fish, of all kinds, from 3. N. A. Provinces Fish Oil, from B. N. A. Provinces ' Fishing Nets and Seines * Fish Hooks, J^ines, and Fish Twines Fish Plates, wrought iron or steel Flat Wire, or Crinoline, uncovered (see Hoop Skirt) Flax Seed, Waste, Hemp, and Tow, undressed Flour of Wheat and Rye Flour, and Meal of any other Grain Foreign Newspapers, sent otherwise than through Post Office, Forest City Pavement Stone Fruits, green and dried, from B. N. A. Provinces Fruits, (green) of all kinds Fruits, preserved in brandy or other spirits. . .$1.80 ^ Imp. gal. Fuelt Patent Fun, Skint, Pelts, or Tails, undressed Fur, or of which fur is the principal part . . • • «»' c. 10 10 Free Free m Free m Free m Free Free Free Free Free m m Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free 5 Free Free 10 Free Free m Galvanized and Sheet Iron 6 Gambler, for dveing Free Gems and Medals, Cabinets of Free German-plated and Gilded Ware, manufactured, all kinds.. . 17^ Gasoline, 80° and upwards, 12 c. ; under 80°, 18 c. ^ Imp. gal. German Silver, sheet .... Free Gin, including Geneva and Old Tom |1.20 iP* Imp. gal. TBT BAIMAI^OU'S HTEAAt KKFUfED FAJIIII.Y liOAP, ^iipenor to All afhfliMt ■' 1 A <\ ;:■ I 13. Ginger, Ordund ».». Ginger, uugroUnd • ••• Glass and Glassware, plate and silvered, stained, painted, or colored Glass Paper and Glass Cloth Glassware ., • . Globes, when imported by and for use of Colleges, scientific and Literary Societies, and Schools Glucose—not Grape Sugar Glucose— Grape Sugar * » 1 c. F lb., and Goat Hair, unmanufactured Gold, Silver, and Electro-plate, manufactured Gold and Silver Leaf Goldbeaters' Brim Moulds and Skins Grain of all kinds Grass, Osier, Palm Leaf, Straw, Whalebone, or Willow except plait, elsewhere mentioned Gravels Grease and Grease Scraps Grindstones Gums, British Gum, Copal, Damar, Mastic, Sandarac, and Shellac Gunpowder Guns, Rifles, and arms of all kinds Gutta Percha, unmanufactured Gutta Percha, manufactured Gypsum, or Plaster of Paris, neither ground nor calcined .... Gypsum, ground, when imported expressly as Manurt if c 25 17* 17* 10 17* Free ^2 Free m 17* Free Free 17* Free Free 17* Free Free 17* 17* Free 17* Free Free Heavy or Carbolic Oil, used in the manufacture of wood block pavement, &c ... Hardware, viz :— Cutlery, polished, all sorts ; Japanned, Plan- ished Tin and Britannia Metal Ware : Spades, Shovels, Axes, Hoes, Rakes, Forks and Edged Tools; Scythes and Snaths: Spikes, Nails, Tacks, Brads and Sprigs; Stoves and all other Iron Castings. Other Hardware— Horn, Pearl, and Ivory manufactured Harness and Saddlery, of leather manufacture Hair or Mohair, manufactured Hair— Human, Angola, Goat, Thibet, Horse, Hog, or Mohair, unmanufactured Hair, Curled, used in the manufac. of sofas, mattresses, &c.. Do. Buffalo for the manufacture of felt Hat Plush, for hatters Hats, Caps, and Bonnets Hay ^ Hay from B. N. A. Provinces Hemp, undressed Hides, Horns and Pelts . t Free 17i 17| 17J Free Free Free 10 17* 10 Free Free Free J lliiMMy Fire dc I«lfe, Inauraaee Co*— Forbes * Mii4a#| 'r«e Hr«elry.., , i. 17* liovA Hairi UnmahtifaCtured «.*« ••"j;* Fne heps 5cti. iP* lb* Hops, from B. N. A. Provinces .^ • Free Hoop Skirt Manufacture— the following articles for Crinoline : Thread for covering Crinoline Wire, Clasps,— tin and brass — Slides, Spangles, and Slotted Tapes, and Flat or Round Wire, uncovered Free Indian Corn, and Grain of all kinds ........*• Free Indian Meal ....*«....... Free Indian Rubber (see Caoutchouc) Indigo ; Free Ink of all kinds, except printing 17* Ink, Printing Free Iron— Pig Free Rod, Bar, Hoop or Sheet 5 Canada Plates and Tinned Plates & Scrap and Galvanised Bars, puddled 5 Girders 6 Puddled, in bars, blooms, and billets 5 In Blooms and Billets, puddled or not puddled 5 Bolts and Spikes, Galvanized 5 Nail and Spike Rod — round, flat, or square 5 Hoop or Tire, for driving-wheels of locomotives, bent andwelded 10 Boilerplates 5 Railroad Bars, Wrought Iron or Steel Chairs, Fish Plates, and Car Axles Free Rolled Plates 5 Tubes and Piping, when drawn Free Kneesand Riders, Ships' 5 Ivory, Bone, Pe^rl, and Horn— manufactured 17* Ivory Nuts Free Ivory, unmanufactured <> . • • Free Ivory Veneer ••••• .....t.*. Free Japanned Tin, Planished Tin, and Britannia MeUl Ware. . Jewellery and Watches Junk and Oakum • ••• Free 17* 17j Kelp > Free Kryolite — Free Kneesand Iron Riders •..•*••••••••• **i**tM 5 FftX 0Alll9AIiOU*S^ DOMESTIC BAB ftO AF— TlM JTillllllj^ ■I '■ 'i 1 \ Ir i :, CotnteeUf €omtce Poles, Stair Rod«9 a special itf at li. jr, A. SURVBYBR^S, 524 Cralgr Street. i 66 DOMINION li ^^ c. Lard and Tallow • let. -T ft. Lard from B. N. A. Provinces Free Lead, Pig P>ee Lead, in sheet.... Free Lead, white dry Free Leather, viz : Sheep, Calf, Goat and Chamois Skins, dressed, varnished or enamelled 17^ Leather, or Imitation of Leather, manufactured 17} Leather, Sole and Upper 10 Leather, Manufactured, viz : — Boots and Shoes, Harness and Saddlery 17^ Lemons and Oranges 10 Lemons and Oranges, and Citrons, imported in brine for the purpose of bemg candied ; also the rinds of these fruits imported in brine for the same purpose Free Lobsters, in tins or kegs, from U. S • Free Locomotive Engines and Railroad Cars 17^ Locomotive Engine Frames, Cranks, Crank Axles, Axles, Piston Rods. Guide or Slide Bars, Crank Pins, Connecting Rods, Hoop Iron or Steel for Tires of Wheels, bent and welded 10 Locomotive and Railway, Passenger, Baggage and Freight Cars, running upon roads crossing the trontier, so long as Canadian Locomotives and Cars are admitted free, under similar circumstances, into the United States Free Logwood, Extract of Free Liaen 17^ Linen Machine Thread 10 Litharge Free Lithographic Stones Free Lumber (see Plank and Timber) Free Machinery for Mills and Factories of kinds which are not manufactured in the Dominion » 10 Maccaroni and VermiceUi ITi Machinery , 17 j Machine Twist and Silk Twists .,,. 10 Mace 25 Madder Free Malt 40cts. 'tf>'bush. Manilla Grass, Sea Grass, and Mosses for Upholstery p*^-^( ::» Free Manures, vegetable and animal only Free i>o. w nen containing mineral matter 17^ Manufactured Marble 17J Manufactures, viz : — Marble, or imitation 17i Caoutchouc, Indian Rubber, or Gutta Percha 17$ Furs, or of which Fur is the principal part 17} <|neeu, Fire & Life, Insurance Co.— Forbes ic JUiidiref t^hleff Agents, 191 ana 198 St. James St., Montreal, :T^:«y « r -•"<■ '^»*7 K^V: ti.'JS ^ sti^f'rg-nft^^if'^'^r fv^I'a "~^^Sak!iis;.'Kiiui fi!;tTr-*«<«iSffi > r' ^ MP#^*s^^*t^s;^ ^*Bt~'i;; i ^ ■M 1-1 *3 '^i.'S J^0 •>4 .■...-••A, S/. Mffh^ ^^^;m^''''^^^^^^ ■^:ji:m^Mm^m>M^ v;;f,'^ -y ,;.-,i*;,i-»- i; _ .,^-^t4.'..^ \S' ■,Vv:,.>^' k*A if>y, ! i M,-^ ^^^c^iMl^^iO •j,i,i>l^ -.J': ^ ^V^ rklli?' |||lf' .m^n^ «;W ^ ■''■ iitl^'',-i,;.i!'. .; . ■*:"», cat ■Jv'iv 1 '3)H 2a. v^;^ Jt-H-.rv; t-.V>.i.--''^ ;'?;j ■*;. i •4 l;''-.'V -15... ' ' ■• •*V'V,vW f!iV4V>;r m uMmm ^' ^IHt^ _^^y^ rip ^ IIB^'v. ';. '^^1 1 ir- fl - 41" .s • ,'?^;i,-.- ^i"^^^- .'.■ |,?,>'\v„..> .;-' v: .r^ ;^''*$!am # f*?"; •hIrU made f ord^r at DB0IIIARTBAI; A B01fO»t, 415 PfOTKR DAHIB IITRBBT. TARIFF. 6ft Manufacturet— ContinMid. Hair or Mohair Papier Mach^ Grau, Osier, Palm Leaf, Straw, Whalebone or Willowi except Piatt* elsewhere mentioned Bone, Shell, Horn, Pearl and Ivory Gold, Silver, Electro- plate, Argentine, Albata, and German Silver, and Plated and Gilded Ware of all kinds Brass or Copper Leather or Imitation of Leather r c. 17* 171 17* 17J 17' or unground, and washed or Wood 17 Cashmere 17 Meat and Vegetables, Preserved 17 Maps, Charts and Atlases 17 Marble, in Blocks, unwrought, or sawn on two sides only; and Slabs from such Blocks, having at least two edges unwrought, Masts, iron or part of Iron Masts (ships'; Meats— fresh, smoked or salted 1 c. ^ H). Meats from B. N. A. Provinces Medals, Cabinets of Medicinal Roots, in their natural state Medicines, Patent, not mixed with Spirits or Strong Waters. Do. mixed with Spirits or Strong Water, $1.80 iP* (mp. gal. Medicines, for Hospitals Menageries, horses^ cattle, carriages and harness of, under restriction of Minister of Customs Metal, Type, in blocks or pigs. Metallic Oxides, dry, ground unwashed — not calcined Military Clothing, imported by officers of army or navy sta- tioned in Canada Mill and Factory Machinery Millinery of all Kinds Mineralogy, Specimens of Models, when thev cannot be used as the articles of which they are said to oe the models Molasses, if used for refining purposes, or for the manufacture ofsugar 73 cts. HP^ 100 tos. Molasses, if not so used , Molasses, other (see Syrup) Moss, for upholstery purposes Musical Instruments for Bands (Army and Navy) Musical Instruments, including musical boxes and clocks .... Music, Sheet, printed Mustard Nails, Tacks and Brads \1\ Nails, Composition Free Nails, Sheathing ; Free Newspapers, Foreign, sent otherwise than through the Post Office 5 Free Free Free Free Free 25 m Free Free Free Free 17* Free Free 25 Free Free 17* 17* 17* TRY BARi»AI.OU'S STEAM REFINED FAMII^Y SOAP. 8apenor i» **^^ Atbenu 6 « Mangiest Wiinsers, VfrnOaerm^ tVon Dediiteads, Spring Beds, Mattresses, Ac— 1a. J. A. Miweyer, 524 €ralir St. 66 DOMINION r. Fre« Free 174 Tvee- Frittt 26 „^, „^ Free Naphtha 18 cts. ^ Imp. gal. Navy and Military Stores • Free Nitre or Saltpetre Nitrate or Soda ;• • • • Nuts, unless otherwise specified Nuts, Ivory . . Nuts, used chiefly in dyeing . . . Nutmegs Natural History, Specimens of Oatmeal and Flour, or Meal ©f any other Grain Oats Oakum Ochres, ground and calcined'. Ochres or Metallic Oxides, ground or ungrrand, and washed or unwashed— dry, not calcined Officers* Mess : [NoTR.— All articles for Officers* Messes and Canteens,, formerly free, now pay the duties imposed upon similar goods imported for ordinary uses.] Oils— Cocoa Nut, Pine, and Palm, in their natural state Gasoline, 80*^ and upwards 12 cts. ^ Imp. gal. Do. under 80" 18 cts. I?" Imp. gal. Kerosene and Coal, distilled, purified, and refined, 18 cts. ^ Imp. eal . , Benzole, Benzine, Benzoline, and Petroleum, distilled, purified or refined 18 cts. ^ Imp. gal. Petroleum, crude 7^ cts. ^ Imy. gal. Products of Petroleum, coal, shale, and lignite*,, not otherwise specified ... 12 cts. ^ Imp.^ gal. Whale, in the casks, from on shipboard, and in the con- dition in which it was first landed Essential Oil Cake Oils, in any way rectified, pumped, racked, bleached, or pre- pared, not elsewhere specified Oilcloths : Old Tom Gin $1.20Hf>' Imp. gal. Opium Oranges Ordnance Stores Oranges, imported in brine for the purpose of being candied. Ores of all kinds of metals Ornaments of Bronze, Alabaster, Terra Cotta, or Composition. Osiers, or Willow, for basket- makers' use. Oysters, in tins or kegs, from U . S Free Free Free i7i Free Free Free 174 Free 17. 17 m 10 Free Free Free m Free Free Packages of Goods Set Note at end of Tariff. Paints and Colors, not elsewhere specified 17 4 Paintings in Oil, by artists of well-known merit, or copies of the old masters by luch artists Free ((aeen. Fire & I^lfe, Insurauee €o.— Fovbes 4c imudare, CUtef jl {fonts, 101 and 193 St, Janios St., moutreal* WHITE DRESS SHIRTS $1.50« UTORTH i2.SS» AT DESHARTBAV dc HONO'S. TARIFF. 67 Paper Paper Collar Cloth Paper, *' Union Collar Cloth " Paper waste, for manufacturing purposes only. Paper Haneings Paper Mach^ Parasols and Umbrellas. ..^ Patent Medicines, not mixed with spirits or strong waters. . . . Do. when mixed with spiritsor strong waters. |l.i^ #^ Imp. g^. Peas and Beans Pearl, H orn, Bone and Ivory, manufactured Pelts, Hides, and Horns Pepper, ground Pepper, unground ... Perfumed Spirits $1.80 F Imp. gal. Perfumed Spirits, when in flasks or bottles not weighing more than 4 ozs 5 cts each. Perfumery, not elsewhere specified Pine or Palm Oils, in their natural state Phosphorus Pickles and Sauces .,, Pimento, ground Pimento, unground Pipe Clay Pipes, Tobacco Pitch and Tar Plaster of Paris, not ground or calcined Plaster of Paris, ground and calcined Plush, for Hatters' use and tur gloves Playing Cards Pop Corn Portable Hand Printing Presses Potatoes ■ Potatoes, growth B. N. A. Provinces Preserved Meats. Printed, Lithographed, or Copper-plate Bills and Bill- Heads Potash, Bichromate of Pouhry Poultry from B. N. A. Provinces Porter, in bottles I ^ «0.11KSTl€ BAR *iOAP— TUe Family Favorite. JSolil by all Grocers, f j :l h Blchinond and Bmpres* Portabl« Rallies, bes^ In the market) at £«• J* A* SnrTeyer's, 524 Oral^ St. 68 DOMINION ^ c. Platers' Leaf 17* Precipitate of Copper. . Free Precious Stones, unset • Free Printing Ink and Printing Presses, except portable hand printing presses Freft Proprietary Medicines, mixed with spirits or strong waters. . . $1.80^ Imp. gal. Patent Medicines 25 Prunella, for uppers of ladies' boots and shoes 10 Puddled Iron Bars, Blooms, and Billets 5 Pumps and i'ump Gear, Ships' 5 Prohibited Articles See end of Tariff. Quartz, crushed Q Ra^s, including paper shavings. Railroad Bars and Frogs . . Ratan, fur chairmukers .... Red Lead, dry Rennet Rosin I^ Rice !€.*>' ib. Riders and Knees. Iron (ships') RiSgiiigt Wire, (ships') .......r. Rinds of Oranges, Citrons and Lemons, imported in brine for the purpose of being candied Roots, Medicinal, in their natural state Roots, other Rifles, Guns and Firearms of all kinds Rum l....$1.20*»' Imp. gal. Rum Shrub |l.8U #^ Imp. gal. Rye S Sails, ready-made , Sail-cloth or Canvas, for ships' use Sal Ammoniac, Sal Soda. Caustic Soda, Silicate of Soda, Soda Ash, Nitrate of Soda, and Saltpetre Salt Sand Sand Paper and Sand Cloth Santonine > Satin and iine washed white Sati^iage Casings Schiedam Schnapps $1 .80 ^ Imp. gal. Sea GraHS, Manilla Grass and Moss, for upholstery purposes. Seeds, not classed as cereals ~. Seeds troip B. N. A. Provinces...... Free Free Free Free Free Free Free 5 Free Free Free 10 17i Free Free Free Free 17 17 17 17r Free 10 Free Queen, Fire dt I^lfe, Insurance Co.— Forbes 8c Iflndge, Oliief Affcntfit'lOi and 103 St. James St., IKIoutreal. BUY TOVB SHIRTS AT BBSM ABTdAV A BOlfDniy 415 N OTBE DAME STREET. Settlers' Effects of every description in actual use, not being merchandise, brt)ught by persons making oath that they intend becoming permanent settlers within the Dominion. . Scrap Iron Scrap Bras; Sculpture, Specimens of. Shafts for mills and steamboats, in the rough. Shawls Sheet Music, printed Ships' Blocks and Patent Bushes for Blocks Binnacle Lamps and Bunting Sail-cloth or Canvas Cables, hemp or grass Compasses Dead £ye8 Dead Lights Deck Plugs Pumps and Pump Gear Shackles, Sheaves Signal Lamps Travelling Trucks Steering Apparatus Iron Knees and Riders Wire Rigging .'. . ...... Cordage Varnish, black and bright Wedges Iron Masts, or part of Iron Masts. Shell, manufactured. Sheet Iron, not galvanized Shrubs, Trees and Plants Shrubs, Trees and Plants, from B. N. A. Provinces Silks, Satins and Velvets Silk, raw or reeled from the Cocoon Silk, Woollen. Worsted and Cotton Embroideries, and Tam- bour Work Silk Twist, and Silk and Mohair Twist, not elsewhere specified, fur tailors' use. in hanks Silk Twists, for hats, boots and shoes Silk Twist, Machine Silver Coin, United States Silver Leaf Silver and Gold Cloth Silver-plated Ware * Skins, undressed ' Slate Do. prepared for slating purposes Slotted Tapes, for the manufacture of hoop skirls Small Wares n I »lClf liAK&iAJLOL'S ATEAiH RKFl^'ED FaMIIiY iiOAF. ^ _ Sap«riot to all otlien. SbUFbtelaed CookliMr tTAeiMllSf and Uaegtmt Tsrletsi of House Furnlsliliiv CUhmIs, at tlliir¥eyer*Bt 024 €mlfr HU 70 DOMINION "^ c. Soda Ash Free Soap, common $1 iP* 100 lbs. Soap, perfumed and fancy • 25 Spades, Shovels, Stoves, and all other iron castings 17^ Spelter or Zinc, in sheets, blocks or pigs Free Specimens of Natural History, Mineralogy, Botany or Sculp* ture Free Spices, ground, including Ginger, Pimento and Pepper .... 25 Do. unground, including Ginger, Pimento and Pepper. ... 17jr Spikes and Nails, composition Free Spikes, Scythes and Snaths • 17^ Spirits and strong waters, not having been sweetened or mixed with any article so that the degree of strength thsreof cannot be ascertained by Sykes* hydrometer, for every gallon of the strength of proof by such hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength than the strength of proof, and for every ,«;reater or less quantity than a gallon, viz. : — Brandy, Geneva, Alcohol, Rum, Gin — including Old Tom •—Whiskey, and unenumerated articles of all kinds, «;l.20nmp. gal. Other Spirits, being sweetened or mixed, so that the degree of stren;2;th cannot be ascertained as aforesaid, namely ; Rum-Shrub, Cordials, Schiedam Schnapps, Tafia, Bitters, and the like ^l 8011^ Imp. gal. Cologne Water and perfumed Spirits, not in flasks, $1.80 rire 6c Life, Insurance Co.— Forbes Sc Mudce« OlUef Agepitst IM and 108 St« JaaiM St.« IHoiitreal «hiri« made to Order at BillSMARTEAlT A BOND'S 415 NOTRE DAMK STREBT. PrqMinices Straw * Straw from B. N. A. - ^y i.^ancy Plait. Straw, Tuscan, oraas, a .^j] or flour \'";^\L Sulphur or Brimstone, m i ^ ct. 1^ Vl* Sulphuric Acid ' * * ' 1 ct- ^ fc and Sugar Candy, brown or white .. » _ ja. «, j Sugar, equal to and above JNo. 9, ^ ct. rw and Dutch Standard \ 1 ct. ^ * and Sugar, above No. 13 **/.*...i ct. %»' *> and Sugar, below No. 9 , ^f Molasses, or of Syrup of Sugar, or of Sugar Cane, Syrup ^r Concentrated Sorghum, Melado, Concentrated Melado, . i ct. ^ ft and Molasses and Cane Juice r c. 10 Free Free Free T .$1.80 -t Taita Tails, undressed Tallow , Tallow from B. N. A. Provinces Tampico, white and black Tapes, (slotted), for the manufacture of hoop skirts Tar Imp. gal. let. 4t^' Tea, Green or Japan . . . , 4 cts. ^ ft . Tea, Black 3 cts. 4P' lb/ Teasels *•.... Thibet Hair, unmanufactured Thread and other articles embroidered with gold or for embroidery Thread Lace and Insertions Tiles, drain Timber and Lumber, round and hewed, but not otherwise, from B.N, A. Provinces, manufactured in whole or in part. Tin, in bar, blocks, pigs or granulated I'iu and Zinc, c r Spelter, in block or pig Tin Clasps, Slides, ai:.d Spangles, for manufacturing hoop skirts Tin Plates Tinctures, coiriaining r,pirits $1-80 ^ Imp. gal. Tinctures, other Tissue Paper for making shapes Tobacco, manufactured, except cigars, 25 p.c, and 25 cts. ^ ft. Snuff and Snuff Flour, dry . 12^ p. c, and 25 cts. ^ it) . Snuff diimp, moist, pickled . . 12i p. c, and 25 cts. i^ fe. Canada Twist, from raw Canada tobacco. . .#*' ft 10 c. Tobacco, unmanufactured, (but must be bonded on impor- tation), under conditions of Act 31 Vic, chap. 51 Tobacco Pipes Tow, undressed ^ Toys , Trees, Shrubs, Roots and Plants .... Trees, Shrubs, Roots and Plants, from B. N. A. Provinces. . 25 25 25 25 25 Free Free Free Free Free Free Free m m Free Free Free Free Free 5 17i 17} Free 17i Free m 10 Free TBT BAU«A1.01J'N DO]»I£S'ri€ UAU »iOAP— The Family Fairorlte. Sold H^y all C^rocenu Comlceftf Cornice Poleii, Stair Rods,! a speciality at li. J. A. SIJRYEYER'S, 624 Cralff Street. 72 DOMINION *t c. Travellers' Bagpjage Free Travellers' Carnages ♦ Free Travelling Trucks, Ships' 5 Treenails. Free Tubes and Piping, of Copper, Brass or Iron, when drawYi. . . . Free Turpentine, Spirits of. 17^ Turpentine, other than Spirits of Free Twist, Silk, for Hats, Boots and Shoes 10 Type Metal, in blocks or pigs • .*..• Free Type 5 Union Collar Cloth Paper, used in the manufacture of Paper Collars, Cuffs, &c Free Varnish, bright and black, for :^hips' use Varnish, other than bright and black Veneering of Wood or I vory > Vegetables, including Potatoes and other Roots Vegetables from B. K. A. Provinces Vegetable Fibres ••••••; > . • • ; Vegetables used chiefly in dyeing « Vegetables, Fisli and Meats, preserved Velvets, Silk? and Satinu Vinegar 12 cts. ^ Imp. gal. Vitriol, blue Walnuts, dried Fruits Wearing Apparel and Clothing, made by hand or sewing machines V/eaving or tram silk, and weaving or tram cotton for making elastic webbing, and crinoline thread for covering crinoline wire. Wedges, Ships' Whale Oil, in the casks, from on Ship-board and in the con- dition in which it was first landed , Wheat .» Whiting or Whitening WhJk Zinr, dry White Lead, dry .$1-20^ Imp. gal. Whi.':kay WilJow for basket makers Wines, not containing over 20 per cent, of alcohol, and not worth more than forty cents pf.*- g§l., of all kinds, incUu1n\g Ginger, Orange, Lemon, Goo.seben^, Raspberry, Strawberry, Elder and Currant Wine, (live quarts or 10 pint bottles to a callon), per I tup. Ballon Wines— all others when in wood) except sparkling, per Imp. gal. 5 Free 10 Free Free Free 17* i7} Free m m Free 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free 72c llneeiit Fire dt i>lt'e. Insurance Co.— Forbes Sc IVIrtAae, Clitef Agents. 1«»1 and 198 St« James St., I1Ioiitrsal« iy lit WHITE DRESS SHIRTS HIJIO, WORTH $HJUit AT DESMARTEAIJ A BOND*S. c. ^ree ^ree 6 ^ree 'ree I7i ree ^ree 6 TARIFF. 78 ^ c. Wines— all other except Sparkling Wines, in bottles, ('five quarts or ten pints to Imp. gallon), per dozen 81 •SO Wines— Sparkling, per dozen 2>00 Wines— Sparkling, $1.50 per Imp. gallon. Wire Cloth, of Brass or Copper Free Wire (Brass or Copper), round ^r flat Free Wire, Steel or Iron 6 Wire, flat or round, for crinolines, uncovered Free Wire Rigging, Ships' Free Woods of all kinds, wholly unmanufactured Free Woods, unmanufactured, when chiefly used in dyeing Free Woods, manufactured, not elsewhere specified 17^ Wool Free Wool, waste Free Woollens 17^ Woollen Netting for India Rubber Shoes and Gloves 10 Writing Desks, lancy and ornamental Cases and Boxes, and other fancy goods 17^ Yam for the manufacture of Rope • f^ Free Yellow Metal, in baA^ bol^ or tor Sheathing ....•«• Free Zinc or Spelter, in blocks p^fRHf. ..;. Free Zinc or Speltlt^ in sheets * Free Zinc, white dry •«• m. i..«* Free - NOTES ON TARIFF. All Liquids In the foregoing list are reckoned at Imperial Gallon. -^ Schedule D. — The foUowinfl; goods, when the growth and produce of any of the British North American Provinces, may be imported free of duty, subject to alteration or regulation by proclama- tion of the Governor- General in Council, viz. : — Animals of all kinds ; Fresh, Smoked and Salted Meats ; Green and Dried Fruits ; Fish of all kinds, products of iish, and of all other creatures living in water , Poultry, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tallow ; Timber and Lumber of all kinds, round, hewed, but not otherwise manufactured, in whole or in part ; Fish Oil, Gypsum, ground or uuKround ; Hay, Hops, Straw, Bran, Seeds of all kinds, Vegetables, inciudine Potatoes and other roots ; Plants, Trees and Shrubs ; Coal and Coke; Salt; Wheat, Peas and Beans; Barley, Rye, Oats, Indian Corn, Buckwheat, and all other grain ; Flour of Wheat, l^ye, Indian Meal and Oatmeal, and Flour or Meal of any other grain. All goods not enumerated as charged with any other duty, or declared to be free of duty, aud non-enumerated packages, 17^ p. c. TRY BAR»ALOU'N STEAM Rf:Fi:^f:D FAMII^Y SOAP* i»~ ;> i< *tr Superior to all otiiers. . ! Muiirlcttf WHnir«i«» WMdienf Iron BedsiMidei* Uprkw^f Beds, MaUiwMMS, Ae*— li. J. A. Snrveyer, 5*J4 Crniff St. liinr 74 N0TB9 ON TARIFF. *'The following paAkagesi viz. : bottles, jars, demijohns, and carboys, whatever be iheir contents, and brandy cauks, barrels, or other paokanes in which spirituous liquors, wines, and malt liquors are contained, and barrels or other packages in which petroleum oils or the products thoreot are contained, and all goods not enumerated iu this or any other Act as charged with any duty ot Customs, and not declared tree of duty by this Act or some other Act or pro? ision unrepealed by this Act, shall be onarged with a duty of Oustoms of aevent«en and one hai/ per etntum ad valoreini when imported into Canada or taken out of warehouse for consumption therein." *' But all packages not hereinbefore specified, (and not speci- ally charged with duty under bection 4 of the Act 31 Victoria, Chapter 44, or any other unrepealed enactment,) and being the ordinary or usual packages in which goods are packed for ex- portation according to the general custom and usage of trade, shall be free oi duty.'' ** Tho fair market value for duty of all goods upon which an ad valorem duty of Customs is chargeable under this Act or any other Act, shall be aseertained and determined, except as hereinafter provided, in accordance with the provisions of the sections twenty-nine to lorty-six. both inclusive, of the Act passed in the thirty-first year of iler Majesty's reign, intituled, ** An Act respecting the Cuetomet" so much of any Act is incon- sistent with this section being hereby repealed." " Whereas difficulties have frequently arisen in determining the fair market value of goods imported into Canada, being the manufacture or production of foreign countries or of Ureat Britain, such as musical instruments, sewing machines, agri- cultural machines or implements, medical preparations, (com- monly called patent medicines), or other similar goods, the prices ot which are published by the manufacturers or pro- ducers, or persons acting on their behalf, it is hereby enacted, that the Governor in Council may, from time to time, fix and determine a certain rate of discount which may be deducted from such published prices of any such manufactures or pro- ductions, and the remainder of such published price, alter deducting such rate of discount, shall be deemed and taken to be the fair market values for duty of any such manufactures or productions as may or shall be specified in such order in Council, anything in this or any other Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding." *'If the importer swears that no invoice has been, or can bo received, then the Collector or oificer shall fix the amount of duty to be paid, in all other '>ti>^eb, iu voices are to be produced, verified upon oath of importer, ana hied at Custom House." "No person making or authorizing a false invoice of any goods shall recover any part of the price thereof." >l|aeeii. Fire dc IJIe, Insurance 4^o.— Forboa A, Mudge, Clilef Agents, 191 and log St. James St., Montreal. BUT TOVR ftHIRW AT DEftKAftTCAV A BOSTB^ 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. "Any importer dissatisfied with appraisement, may appeal against it. Two merchants then to appraise the goods, and their judgment on the matter to be final. Appraised value to be never less than invoice value." Paekagea (Ulivered be/ore Examination.^ AW the paolcages mentioned in any one entry, although most of sueh packages may have been delivered to the importer, shall be subject to the control of the Customs authorities of the port at which they are entered, until such of the packages as have been sent for examination to the Examining Warehouse shall have been duly examined and approved, provided such examination take place within three days after the delivery of the package or packages into the Examining Warehouse, and after twenty- four hours' notice by the importer to the collector ; and a bond shall be given by the importer, conditioned that the paokagei so delivered shall not be opened or unpacked before the pack- age or packaiiies sent to the Examining Warehouse shall have been examined and passed as atoresaid, provided they are examined within the delay aforesaid; and the packages so delivered, or the goods if lawfully unpacked^ shall, if- required by the Collector of Customs, be returned to the Custom House, within such delay as may be mentioned in the bond, under a forfeiture of the penalty of such bond j provided that the Col- lector shall use due diligence in causmg such examination to be made, and may, if he sees no objection, permit the remain- ing packages to be opened and unpacked, as soon as those sent to the Warehouse have been examined and approved." CoUectom to file fnvoicen. — "The Collector of Customs, at all the ports of Canada, shall retain and put on file, after duly stamping same, all invoices of goods imported at such ports respectively, ot which invoices they shall give certified copies or extracts whenever called upon so to do by the importer, and such copies or extracts, so duly certified by the Collector or other proper officer, and bearing stamp of the Custom House at which they are filed, shall be considered and received as authentic, and the collector shall be entitled to demand for each certificate a fee of fifty cents, before delivering the same." Materials uaed in Canadian Maninfactures. — 34 Vic, cap. 10, Sec. 3.— "Governor in Council may, from time to time, transfer to the/ree lutt^ any or all articles (whether natural products or products of manufactures) used as materials in Canadian manufactures. ifac/itrtcr/y.-— Sec. 4.—" Governor in Council may authorize the admission, free of duty, of all machinery to be used in any Canadian manufactory, on satisfactory evidence that like machinery is not then manufactured in Canada. Under the authority of this section, certain rules for the free admission of machinery have been adopted by Order in Council of 7th JunC} 1871." North- Weat Territory.—Seo. 5.--Customs duties in North- West Territory to be same as in Man?toba.~32 and SSVio.i cap. 2. XllY ISARHiAl^OtJ 'H UOxtiJbMi iC is/^ll ai^^Al^— AHe Aamily r»vorile« Sold by all G/ooenk - ^ I ■ Blehmond and BnpreM Portable Rang ••9 best ia the market^ at L« J. A. MnrTeyer**, (194 Cralff 8t« 76 NOTES ON TARIFF. The following artich§ ahnll be prohibited to beimnorted under a penalty of two hundred aoVam, together with the forfeiture of the parcel or package of goods in which the §ame may be founds viz. :— Books, Prioted Papers, DrawitiKSi Paintings, Prints and Photo- graphs, of a treasonable or seditious, or of an immoral or indecent character. Coin, base or counterfeit. EXPORT DUTIES. Shiagle Bolts per cord of 128 Cubic feet, $100 StiiveBolts •• ♦• " 100 OakLogs perM. 2 00 SpruceLogs ** 100 PineLogs " 100 The importation of Arms and Munitions of War, otherwise than from Great Britain or the British Possessions, is not allowed, unless by ipecial permission from the Minister of Customs. ■ " ■■ ii ii ^ — OCEAr EXPRESS CO. OF LONDON. Eead Offices h r ttdo^r r 69 Zing William Street, City, E. C. . ^ .4 & 5 Agar Street, Strand, W. C. .'f' ) 40 Segent Circus, W. C. Uverpoci ; 8 Castle Street. Dublin : 32 Eden Quay. Montreal: 32 St. Francois Xauier St. T. MAXWELL BSTSON & CO., Agents. And with Agencies in all parts of Great Britain, Ireland and throughout Europe, Asia, Cape Colonies, Australia, and the United States of America. Custom House Business Transacted <|ueeii. Fire ic Life, Insurance Co.^Forbes ft Idndge, Cblef AsenUi Ml and 198 8t« James 8t«, MontreAl. flhlrU made to Order at DEBREARTBAIT A BOlfO*0 419 NOTRE DARIE STREET, INLAND REVENUE. 77 INLAND EEVENUE. Offices— Custom House Square. MoNTRRAL Inspkction DISTRICT.— Revonue Divisioni of Montreal •' St. Hyarinthe, Terrebonne, Beauharnois, St. Johns, Sherbrooke, Three Rivers. DiSTRiOT Insp ROTOR.— Raphael Belleraare. MoNTRRAL Rryknur DIVISION. — City of Montreal, Ooonties of Hoohelaga, Jacques Cartier, Laval. Vaudreuil, Soulanges, Laprairie, Chauibly. Veroh^ros, Berthier, Joliotte, L'Assomp- tlon, Montcalm, Richelieu, Yamaska, Drummond, and Artha- baska. CoiiLRCTOR.— Dunbar Browne, M.A.. D.C.L. Dkputy Collkctoks— L. G. Fauteux, Moatreal; J. L. Brien (lit DesRochers, Joliette ; Aim^ Roy, Sore* . Acco TANT.— John Dodd. Ex( Offioer8.~L J. Vincent, W. Hastie, L. Blonchard, R. Riciiard, Francois Duquet, Jaq^ues Viileneuye; Charles Barker, Dugald Macdonalu, Thomas Culhane, William Bul- mer, J. N. Camyre, James Manning, ;L. C. A. Ste. Marie, Malo, Goron. Probationary Officrrs.- I. P. Beauohamp, A. St. Louis, Thos. Fox, and Ludger Sto. Marie. Messenokr and HoutiEKKEFBR.— George Norris. 90.90 0.01 0.03 9-10 0.20 0.10 0.20 EXCISE DUTIES. On every gallon of Spirits of the strength of proof by Sykes' hydrometer On every pound of Malt On every gallon of any fermented beverage made in imitation of Boer, or Malt Liquor, and browed in whole or in part from any. other substance than iV|alt On Cavendish Tobacco, on any lb. or less quantity On Canada Twist ( Tabac blanc en torquette) do. •. On Snufif, per lb., or le^s quantity On all other descriptions ot manufactured Tobacco per lb. or less quantity Cigars, subject to an abatement or allowance for moisture in calculating the weight for duty, to be fixed by Order in Council - . . 40 ots. ^ lb. Petroleum and Coal Oil 6 ** gal* Vinegar 3 6-10 o p gal. All goods manufactured in bond shall, if taken out of bond for consumption in Canada, be subject to duties of excise equal to the duties of Customs to which they would bo subject if im- ported from Great Britain and entered for consumption in Canada ; and whenever any article, not the produce of Canada, 0.20 TRY BARJ»ALOU«fi» »TEA9I RKFI^VED FAMI1.Y SOAP. Snperlor to all othenu f \ , IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 11.25 ■am |M It! lU ■it IM 1.4 6" 12.0 1.6 Photographic Sdaices Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. I4S80 (716)S72-4S03 Iji 'S'N ,x*^ SIlMiirleii* WHngerg, WmI1M»s, Iron BeilMeAds, Spring Beds, Mattresses, Ae*—Jj* J. A. Sarveyer, 5S4 Cralg^ St. rs EXCISE DUTIES. upon which a duty of Excise would be levied if produced in Canada, is taken into a Bonded Manufactory, the difference between the Duty of Excise in which it would be so liable and the Customs duty which would be levied on such article if im- S>rted and entered for consumption shall be paid as a duty of xcise, when it is taken into the Bonded Manufactory. Begulatiom for the Inspection and Branding of Petroleum, sanctioned by Order in Council of ZOth May, 1868. 1st. Refined Petroleum shall be tested by Taglibue's Pyrom- eter or by such other similar instruments Inland Revenue Act, as may be approved by the Minister of 1868, Sec. 17. Inland Revenue, and all such instru- ments shall be distributed under the supervision of the Department of Inland Revenue, and shall be used in accordance with instructions sanctioned by the said Department. • Fire test 105 degrees. 2nd. All barrels, casks or packages containing Petroleum which have been inspected, shall be branded with :— The date of the inspection. The name of the Inspecting Officer. The degrees of heat at which the vapor produced by it ignited. The name of the refiner, or, if imported, the name of the im- porter. 3rd. Refined Petroleum may be warehoused and removed in bondfunder the regulations made by an Order in Council on the 27thdayof April, 1868. All Petroleum and Coal Oil manufactured in or imported into Canada, offered for sale with- out having been inspected, shall be liable to forfeiture, and for every barrel| cask or package (containing not less than 20 gals.) inspected, there shall be imposed an inspec- tionfeeof 10 cents. Do. do. less than 20 gals ^ cent F gal. Regulations respecting Petroleum and its products which will not stand the fire test of 105 degrees, sanctioned by Order in Council of 15th January, 1875 :— No imported refined petroleum which will not stand the said test, whether designated as '* Coal Oil," " Naptha," ** Benzine," " Benzole," ** Parafine," or other oil or flaid, distilled, manu- factured or produced by any process or treatment whatever, shall be admitted to entry for consumption or warehouse in Canada, unless the importer shall have produced a license from a collector or other proper officer of Inland Revenue, authorizing him to iinport and keep the same on hand.. <|iieen9 Fire & I^lfe, Insurance Co.— Forbes A Mattflre, Chief Accents, 191 and Id^ ISC. James St.9 miontreal. 0UT TOVB HRHtTli AT HESMARTEAV ft BOITB^B) 419 NOTRE DAMK STREET. ADULTERATION OF FOOP, Ac. 19 DUTIES PAYABLE ON LICENSES. Slst ViCf cap, 8, and 3I«t Vie., cap. 51. License for distilling and rectifying* or for either, by anyprocess * $250.00 License for Brewing 50-00 License for Malting :— 1st Class— making over 100,000 lbs. weight of Malt 200. 00 2nd " " " 50,000 « " 150-00 3rd " •• •* 25,000" *♦ 100-00 License for manufacturing Tobacco 50.00 License for manufacturing in Bond 50.00 License to refine Petroleum 50.00 ADULTERATION OP POOD. Extracts from Slat Vic.j chap. 8. ** An Act to impose License duties on compounders of spirits ; to amend the *Act respecting the Inland Rerenue ' and to pre- vent the Adulteration of Pood) Drink and Drugs. 26th May, 1874." 3. "A license to earry on business and to act as a compounder, and to sell by wholesale the articles compounded under suoh license, may be granted to any party who had complied with the provisions ox this Act ; provided that the granting of the license has been approved by the District Inspector of Inland Revenue, and that the party has, jointly and severally, with two Sood and sufficient sureties, entered into a bond with Her lajes^, her heirs and successors, in the sum one thousand dol- lars, and suoh bond shall be taken before tht Collector of Inland Revenue, who shall cause such sureties to justify as to their sufficiency. bef(M:e Mm, by affidavit endorsed upon such bond, and shall be conditioned for the rendering of all accounts and the payment of all duties and penalties, which the party to whom the license is granted will become liable to render or pay under the provisions of this Act, and that such party will faith- fully comply with the requirements thereof, according to their true intent and meaning, as well With regard to such accounts and penalties, as to all other matters and things whatsoever/^ 4. " The party in whose name a license is granted to act as a compounder shall, upon receiving such license, pay to the Collector of Inland Revenue, the sum of fifty dollars." 14. Gives authority to appoint analysts of food, drink and drugs. 15. Empowers Revenue officers to seize and destroy adulter- ated articles, when so reported by the analyst. TRY BARSAIiOV'fi^ BOMESTIC BAR SOAP^Tbe Family Ftevorite. (Sold by all Grocers. . _ '"^ H MarblelBed Cooking iTtenslhi, and laivelfe, Insurance Co.— Forbes «& Mudge, Cbief Agents, 191 and 193 St. James St., Montreal. m^ f-jMi^>:- .«.'•:, ■ViCk ' :.^m iW:i<:. m. ••^f f?)'.'^'- m ■ik;**. t w'J )^.i 'M -^fSji ••t^: ■^ •* fsvi ,-s- >.^ A.K/: l^f. '■V'*^ s^/^ »^ i ■-i ^>j»* m. •■"<*■' s^f r\f!i ('^ \f,.-v, -!■ •m ^)^A I ^ ?i*(*?iS' m :'^lf^ ^ ;m^ ^^: ;V 'Mii, ■'■^■i^ >%i 'vjm% utU.-'l'' '/.'n 'v'lf./- j'»,v«' ^';^ ■I . '-V} i i^.. MMmWWm^. i\t .VV\ v-^'N ■m tk^. "jy- :■ ''im^ ■ ■■■■■v*- '." • ':.-'4 1 . •■ i.^< •■-.ii'^^^l- wmrttm Dttcitt ahirM |i.■ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 ton 2,000 lbs 10 •♦ 10 " 10 each 2 10 " 2 t« u •( •I M •••«••.. <« head ton weight t» «( 1 4 25 25 25 "i^M.vk'Jf 1l House FurpiililacfitaMite at 8«VT«f»r'0« 934 Craiy St, 1 II HARBOR TARIFF. Articles. Per Rate CM. _. . . C ton measure- Chinaware, m ) ^gnt of 40 Pk«» ( cubic feet. 15 Copperas ton weight 25 Clay " 10 Corks 12 gross 2 Conii Indian . . 100 bush 25 Candles 1,000 lbs 15 Cheese " 15 Chocolate .«j.. " 15 Cocoa. •* 15 CoOee " 16 Cordage " 15 Cork, unmanu- factured *• 15 Cottonwool... " 16 Crackers ** 15 Dusters (Com). doz. 1 _ , ( ton measure- Earthenware, ) njcnt of 40 m packages ( cubic feet. 16 Earthenware, loose 100 pieces 16 Eggs 1,000 4 Fish bbl 2 Flour " 2 Ftsh, shell .^ . . . bush 1 Fruit, green ... *• 1 Fluids (except in bottle).... 100 gals 20 Feathers 1,000 lbs 15 Flax " 15 Fruits, dried... ." 15 Game doz. 2 Gear (raft) ton weight 25 Gypsum....... *♦ 25 Grindstones ... " 26 Glass (window). 100 ft. 2 ^, . i ton measure- Glassware, in ) n,e„j o£ 40 packages . . ( ^ubic feet. 15 Grain 100 bush 25 Ginger I,0001b8 16 Glue " 15 Grease '* 15 Gunpowder. ... " 16 Goldoir Bullion «... Free Hides doB 6 Horses.. each 4 Horns ton weight 26 Articles. Hoofs Hay -Handspikes . . . Hemp Honey Hops Iron Iron Hollow Ware Junk Lemons. Lime Luggage Liquors, except in bottle .... Laths Lumber (board measure) .... Lampblack... . xjard. ......... Leather. ...... Meal Meats Metals of air kinds in Eigs, bars, olts, rods or sheets. Millstones .... Moulds (plo*gh) Matches Malt.. Marble Nails.... Nuts, all kinds. Oars Oranges Onions Oysters Ores of all kinds Oil (except in bottles) Oakum . Ochres Oilcake Pitch Porki Plates (Canada) Plates (tin)...* PaUs Per Rate cts. ton weight 25 lOObdis 100 pieces 1,000 lbs u ton weight 1,000 lbs box ton weight it 1100 Kails Luuga L,00O 1,000 ft 1,000 Ibt it tf bbl «t «<- 12 gross 100 bush 100 cubic ft ton weight 1,000 lbs 100 box bush ti ton weight 100 galls 1,000 lbs «t bbl ft box •« dos fs 15 15 15 25 25 15 2 20 4 10 15 15 15 2 2 - ton weight 25 25 25 2 25 20 26 15 16 2 1 1 25 20 15 16 2 2 2 2 2 4t« Mrmfi vAnttt St liiHftqr. HABBOA TARIFl*. 18 Articles, !•••••• -'I Poultry Puncheon p'cks Pipes (empty). Puns (empty).. Pipes (clay)*... Potatoes Plaster of Paris Poles (hoop)... Pulse r... Paint ........ Paper (wrap- ping- • Putty Phosphate of Lime, un- manuf'd Plaster of Paris, unmanufd. . . Rosin jva^s «. ....•.,• Kice Rope Shovels gkins (Buffalo). Sikins (uMni'd and uncured). Spades Snooks (punch) Staves (barrel). Stsives (punch) . . Staves (stand) . Satid. . .)....«,. Shorts i .' i .'i im > Shot Soda Ash Spikes Stoves Straw Stone (except ballast Salt Per doz each . Ansley, City Surveyor. Patrick O'Meara, Assistant City Clerk. F. W. L. Pen ton, Chief of Policfl. Louis Lesage. Superintendent Water Works. Wm. Robb, City Auditor. H. J. Ibbotson, Clerk Recorder's Court. Chs. Lapierre, Accountant Water Works. W. PattoB, Chief EnKineer Fire Department. J. Naud and Francis MoCulloch, Assistant Engineers Fire Department. 0. Rouillard, Inspector of Buildings. A. Brittflin and F. W. St. George, Engineers and Draughts- men, City Surveyor's OfiSce. W. A. Mussen, City Cashier ; John O'Connor, W. Lane, F. X. Castonguay, W. D. McNeil, Frs. Dowd, Edmond Beuthillier, John Palmer, and Ens. Lapiorre, Extra Clerks Treasurer's Office. J. B. Duverger and A. H. Germain, Extra Clerks Recorder's Court. Chas. Arnoldi, Accountant Road Department; P. J. Curran, Clerk Road Committee ; N. Thibault, Messenger Road Depart- ment. ^ Henry Filteau, 'G. E." Starnes. M. Downs, N. Lesage, D. Beaudry, Clerks Water Works Office. Alph. Gosselin, Clerk City Clerk's Office. , F. H. Badger, Superintendent Fire Alarm Telegraph. F. X. Gauthier, James Yuill, and James Ferns, Assistant Telegraph Operators. J. Perrigo, Clerk Bonseeours Market. F. Benoit, Assistant Clerk Bonseeours Market. Ihomas Day, Clerk of St. Ann's M9<,rket. Joseph Robillard, Clerk of Cattle Market. John O'Reilly, Assistant Clerk of Cattle Market. , Clerk of Hay Market Max. Groulx, Assistant Clerk of Hay Market. Alph. Larin, Clerk of St. Lawrence Market. ^BABSAI«OIJ*S STEAM RKFIIf £D FAMIliT SOA|», |Sa|>erior to all others, iMH Beds* HattrecMtt* A««— 1<* J- A. Hmrweyer^ aS4 CvAlff St. • 96 CORPORATION, 0. Daunais, Clerk of Papineau Market. M. M. Vaughan, Clerk of St. Gabriel Market. Chfi. Larin, Clerk of St. Antoine Market. T. Giroux, Clerk of St. James Market. A. I). Joubert, Joseph Dumont, L. G. Th^rien, I. Rioguette, L. Or. Nolin, and G. Gelinas, Bailififs. James Daroy, Messenger. Bouer Roy, Attorney. r Wm. deC. Harnett, Assistant Attorney. Papineau & Durand, Notaries. Board of Arsrssors.— J. B. Allard, Chairman : P. H. Morin, J. T. Dillon, Walter Drako, Richard Thomas, J. W. Grose. Clerks.— F. L. Coursol, G. Alph. Normandin, S. Cazavan. Mount Royal Park Coiimibsionkrs.— Aldermen H. A. Nel- son, F. David, and J. W. McGauvran. William McGibbon, Superintendent ; W. J. Picton, Engineer. MUNICIPAL TAXES. Assessment of one per cent, on the assessed value of real estate. Business tax on trades, manufactories, occupations, business, arts, professions, or means of profit, <&c., at the rate of seven and one half per cent, on the rental of the premises. Tax on Banks as follows :— Banks with paid up capital of $1,000,000 or less $400 Banks with paid up capital of more than $1,000,000, but not exceeding $2,000,000 500 Banks with paid up capital of more than $2,000,000, 600 Tax of $400 on each Fire Insurance Company. Tax of $200 on every Life, Marine, Accident or Guarantee Insurance Company, with proviso that when any Insurance Company combines two or more branches of any kind of Insur- ance, one tax only ; that is to say, the largest one, shall he taxed. Tax of $12,000 on Street Railway Companies. Tax of $5,000 on Gas Companies. Tax on every Auctioneer as follows :■— If he sells exclusively within the premises $160 If he sells both in and outside said premises 200 For every clerk employed to cry or sell by auction. . 40 Auctioneers to annually take out license, and pay tax before carrying on business, and are held to furnish to City Treasurer names of clerks employed to cry or sell by auction. Tax of $50 on brokers, money-lenders, or commission mer- chants, and a license to be taken out annually. <|U6en, Fire Js Life, Insnranee €o.— Forbes db Hndsf^ ,C|&l^f Agents, 191 9.n4 19^ Sf. James St„ Idontreal. 4I« IN^TRB ItAME 8TBBET. CORPORATION. 97 Tax on iim or hotel keepers, upon a graduated s saloi aooord' ing to rental of premises^ as follows :— When the assessed yearly value of the prenises doesnot exceed $160, $27.00 When such value exceeds ^^160, but not $2^^> ••. . . 36 00 *y ** 240, " 320 46.00 " " 320, »< 400 66.26 *• " 400, " 600 67.60 «* ** 600, " 600 78.76 " -" 600, " 700 "* 90.00 " " 700, " 800 101.25 •* Sa " 800, " 1000 r 112.80 " ** 1000, « 1200 128.76 " «« 1200, *• 1600 136.00 •« " 1600, *♦ 2000 167.60 *< «» 2000, " 2400 1175.00 ** ** 2400, there shall be levied fbr every S400 over the last mentioned rate (8176) an additional rate of * 17. 60 Tax on distillers at the rate of $80 for every 9400 rental of premises. Tax on brewers at the rate of $60 for every $400 rental of premises. Tax of S120 on proprietors of theatres. Tax on circuses, menageries, ^c., of $250 entry, and ftlOO besides for every day of performance, and compels owners of the same to obtain license, with a proviso friving to the Mayor authority to reduce such tax when exhibitions or performances are of minor character and importance. Tax of $200 on Pawnbrokers, and to obtain a license at the City Hall. Tax on Pedlers at the rate of $20 with a cart or other vehicle, and $8 without such cart or vehicle. Statute Labor money, $1. Tax of $200 on ferry steamboats plying to the city from any place within nine miles distant therefrom. Tax on billiard Tables as follows :— Public billiards— fbr the first table, $100 ; for the second, $50 ; for every additional table. $2(7. Billiards kept and used by Clubs— for each tablei $20. TAXES COLLECTED BY CHIEF OP POLICE. Hachney Carriagea. — For a two-wheeled cab or caleche, one horse, $8 ; for a four-wheeled cab or caleche, one horse, $10; for a four-wheeled cab or caleche, two horses, $14.50 ; for an omnibus or stage coach, two horses, $21 .50. Carts, Trucks and Wagfions^—Firftt Class includes all carts, trucks and waggons used as vehicles for hire. For a two- wheeled cart or truck, one horse. $4.75; for a four-wheeled waggon, one horse, $8.75; for a four-wheeled waggon, load vmx BiUi&Axae>ft dohs^tic bah soA|P--iiie itamy BleliaiMA andl EmpreM Portable RAiiir««« beM i the market) at Ii« JT* A. Sarreyer**, 594 Craig St. 96 CORPORATION. under 4,000 IbB.« two homes, fl2.25; for a four-wheeled waggon, load above 4,000 lbs., two horses, $14.25; for a diable, two horses, S9.25. Second Class inoludes all carts orwaffgons uned by mdrohants, traders, manufacturers, contractors, <&o., for the purposAH of their trade. For a two-wheeled cart or truck, one horse, $7.25 ; for a four-wheeled waffcron, one horse, $11- 2.*); for a four-wheeled wairgon, load under 4000 lbs., two horses, $14 -75; for a four-wheeled wacrgon. load above 4000 lbs., two horses, $16.75. Third Class inoludes all carts or waggons used by expressmen, bakers, brewers, distillers, farmers or gardeners. For a two-wheeled cart or truck, one horse, $9 75 ; for a four- wheeled wagsron, one horse, $13.75: for a four-wheeled waggon, load under 4000 lbs., two horses, $17.25; for a four-wheeled waggon, load above 4000 lbs., two horses, $19.25: for a two- wheeled cart for farmers, one horse, $9-75: for a four-wheeled cart for farmers one horse, $13. 75. /&'i:)ecia^--Scavengers, $4.75 ; milk vendors, two-wheeled vehicle, one horse, $5.75; milk vendors, four-wheeled vehicle, one horse. $9.75 ; milk vendors, BO vehicle, $1 ; chimney sweepers, $7 ; wood corders, $1 ; stamped measures for corders, 25o. ; pocket numbers for drivers, 25c. ; owners of does, mnle, $2 ; owners of dogs, female, S3 ; hearses, four-wheeled, one horse, $10; hearses, four wheeled, two horses, $U.50, TARIFF FOR HACKNEY CARRIAGES. One Horse Vehicles.— "From any place to any othef, provided the time occupied does not exceed twenty minutes : for one or two persons, 25 cents ; three or four persons, 50 cents. From any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed half an hour : for one or two persons, 40 cents ; three or four persons, 60 cents. When the drive exceeds the time limited as aforesaid, hour rates to be charged. By the Hour,— "Sor the first hour : one or two persons, 75 cents ; three or four persons, $1.00. For every subsequent hour : one or two persons, 60 cents ; three or four persons, 75 cents. Two Horse Vehicles.— 'Wrojsx any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed twenty minutes : for one or two persons, 50 cents ; three or four persons, 65 cents. From any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed half an hour : one or two persons, 65 cents ; three or four persons, 75 cents. When the drive exceeds the time limited as aforesaid, hour rates to be charged. ^^'A* ^oter.— One or two persons, $1.00; three or four per- sons, $1.25. ^aeen. Fire de lilfe. Insurance €o.— Forbes A Mndipe, ClMel-AirentBy 191 anil 198 6t^ James St,« Montrealv BRBM mSIBTi $1.50, WORVH •S.S5, Alt DfifllHARTEAlT A BOND'S. CORPORATION. 99 Fractions of houn to be charged at pro rata hour rates— bnt not less than one quarter of an hour shall be charged when the time exceeds the hour. Fifty per cent, to be added to the tariff rates for rides from twelve midnight to four a.m. The tariff by the hour shall apply to all rides extending beyond the city limits where the engagement is made in the city. Baffpaffe.—Vnr every trunk or box Carried in any vehicle, 10 cents ; but no chanre shall be made for travelling bags, valiseSt boxes or parcels which passengers can carry by the hand. RATES OF CARTAGE. From any place to anv other in the 1st Division, or from any place (exclusive of the Harbor Wharves) to any other place in the City, and viee verm, provided the distance does not exceed three-quarters of a mile. Articles not herein enumerated (of a convenient bulk), not over 1,500 lbs. weight, 15 cts. Ashes, Pot or Pearl, two barrels, 15 ots. Beef, Pork or Fish, five barrels or three tierces. 15 ots. Coals or Coke, half a chaldron or half a ton. 15 cts. Crockery, one orate or one hogshead, 15 c*s. Flour or Fruit, seven barrels, 15 cts. Grain, not over 1,500 lbs. weight, 15 cts. Lumber, sawn^ from yard or boat, 500 feet board measure, 15 cts. Salt or Rice, six bags or six barrels, 15 ots. Firewood, dry, from yard or boat, half a cord, three feet long, 15 cts. Firewood, green, or from rafts, half a cord, three feet long, 20 cts. Fur- niture or Luargace, per load, 20 cts. Lumber, green or hard, from rafts, 500 feet board measure, 20 cts. Molasses, Sugar, or Oil, one puncheon, . hogshead or load, 20 cts. Pig Iron, Lead, Copper, or Tin, one ton, 25 ots. Bar Iron or Steel, one load, 30 cts. For each additional i mile for above description of goods, lOo* And from any of the Harbor Wharves to any place in the 2nd or 3rd Divisions, within half a mile distance from the boundary line of the 1st Division, and vice versa; or from any place (exMusive of the Wharves) to any other in the city, and viee versa, provided the distance does not exceed U nules,— instead of 15, 20, 25, and 30 ots., the rates shall be 25, 30, 35, and 40 cts. From any place in the Western Section of the First Division : To the stores and wharves below Wellington Bridge, north side of Lachine Canal, 20 cts. The stores and wharves below Wellington Bridge, south side of Lachine Canal, 22 cts. The Basins above Wellington Bridge, south side of Lachine Canal, 25 ots. The Basins above Wellington Bridge, south side of Lachine Canal, and the stores, stations, 4&c., at Point St. Charles, 25 cts. The factories, <&c., at and above St. Gabriel ■■r .-I- ii ■I ! TUT BABSALOIJ'S 8TEAM RKFIlinED FAMIIective rates charged in the sub- joined tariff for the supply of water in such oases ; and in no case shall the said hose be used for sprinkling or watering the KHY SiU|QIAI«OU'SBOM£STI€BAR(iOAP--.VlieJPil|||||y II OonilcMiy Oomlee PolMf Stair BoAm A i|M«tMitf at li. J. A* SVaTBYIfiB**, 984 Oralff Street. 102 WATER TARIFF. itraetfl between 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 6 o'clock in the afternoon. See, 17. Xo person ihall use any hand-hose of a larger sise or nonle than onetourth of an inch oritioe, or use any hand- hose tor the purpose of washing horses, coaches, omnibuses or other vehicles. Sec, 18. No meter shall be used for determining the quantity of water supplied by the said Works, unless the same shall haTe been previously submitted to and approved by the said Superintendent. Sec, 19. The several rates ^numerated and specified in the tariff contained in the subjoined schedule, shall be, and the same are hereby imposed tor water to be supplied from the Water Works uf the said city. Sec, 20. The said rates shall be due and payable to the City Treasurer, in advance, on the 15ch day of August, every year, by the occupant or lessee, or occupants or lessees, of ail build- ings, part of buildings or tenements in the said city, supplied with water from the said Works, as well by those who shall consent as by those who shall refuse to receive the water pipe to supply the said water, or to use the same. Sec. 21. All charges for specitic supplies, or for fractional parts of the year, shall be payable in advance, and before the water is let on. Sec, 22. In buildings occupied as offices, where there are water closets in the building, each tenant of an office or suite of offices, will be charged, in addition to the tariff rate, a Water- closet Tax. ' ^ec. 23. A discount of five per cent, shall be allowed to all water tenants who shall pay the said rates on or before the hfteenth August in each year. Sec. 24. In all cases of non-payment of the rates imposed by the present By-Law, for thirty days after the same are due, the said Council, or any duly authorized officer charged with the management of the said Works, may cut off' the supply of water from any building upon which the said rates shall be due, or from any one in default to pay the said rates, which shall not prevent the said rates from running as before, and the water shall not be let on, for the use of any such defaulter, except upon payment of all arrears due. iS'ec. 25. Any person offending against any of the provisions of this By-law, or of the said Tariff, shall for each and every such infraction be liable to a tine not exceeding twenty dollars and costs of prosecution, and, in default of immediate payment of the said tine and co8t», to an imprisonment in the common gaol for a period not to exceed two months, the said imprisonment to cease upon payment' of the said fine and oosts. Iltteen, Fire ac Ijif e^ luaurance Co.— Forbes A illadc«9 Cbief A^entm^ IM una t98 St« Jamev Sf «« Kovtrealt SlilrUi made f •rder at DBSMABTBAV * BOXlMS« 410 NOTBi: DAIHB STBBBT. WATBR TARIFF. 108 WATEE TAEIFF. DWELLING HOUSES. For every Tenemer;^ or Dweiliog House ocoupied by one fftmily ^'^'^ • Per Annum. 1. When assessed at an amount not exceeding $30 per annum $5 00 2. When assessed at an amount exceeding $30| but not O7er|40 5 75 3. When assessed at an amount exceeding $40, but not over !I50 6 60 And so on, continuing according to the same scale, that is to say, adding tor every additional sum of $10or any part thereof 75 For every additional tamily lodging in or occupying any part of such Tenement or Dwelling House, an additional rate snail be enacted, equal to one-third of the rate imposed for a single family. STORES. SHOPS. OFFICES, &c. For each House, p(rt of a House or Tenement, occupied as a (Store, bhopf Office, Warehouse, Manufactory, or other place of busmess I Per Annum. 1. When assessed at an amount not exceeding $50 per annum $4 00 2. When assessed at an amount exceeding $50, but not over$75 5 00 3. When assessed at an amount exceeding $75, but not over!»100 6 00 And so on, continuing according to the same scale, that is to say, adding for every additional sum of $25, or any part thereof 1 00 Stores, IShops, Offices, and other places of business, when attached to a Dwelling ocoupied by the same party, to be charged at Dwelling- House rates on the full rental ot the whole tenement, when such rental does not exceed one hundred dollars per annum. ^ SCHOOLS, CHURCHES. HOSPITALS, <&c. Every building used as a College, Academy, Seminary of Learning or {School, all Churches, Poor or Alms Houses, Mun- neriesi Houses of Industry, and generally all Religious or Chari- table InstitutionB, Hospitals and Reformatories, shall be charged at bhop Rates, to be based and determined upon the IBY BAB9AI«01J*S STEAM REITK£]i> FABII.T SOAV^ MnperuMr to tax oiOk^mh t'i-fil'j jWantrleSt Wringeiftt, WA6ii«i*s, Iron Bedstencls, fllpf4iltf Beds, Mattresses, Ae.— Ij* J* A* Snrveyer, 524 Cralf? St. intorest, at four per cent., of the actual value of the property in such case, ihe said value as set forth and established in and by the assessment roll last made and revised. Provided that all such institutions, with the exception of Churclies, may, if they see fit, use water by meter, and pay therefor at the same rate as distilleries, breweries, and other establishments herein- after mentioned. Charitable Institutions, wholly supported by means of public subscriptions, shall be charged at the rate of one and a half cents per hundred gallons. HOTELS AND TAVERNS. For every Hotel or Tavern : j,^^ ^„„„„^ 1. When assessed at an amount not exceeding $100 per annum . $12 00 2. When assessed at an amount exceeding 1100, but not over $ 150 17 00 3. When assessed at an amount exceeding $150, but not over$200 22 00 And so on, continuing according to the same scale, that is to say, adding for every additional sum of $50 or any part thereof. 5 00 Hotels, whose assessed rental per annum will be .1P400 and over, shall take the water by meter, and be charged therefor at the same rates as Distilleries, Breweries, <&c. HAND HOSE. Per Annum. For the right to attach and use a Hose of not more than one-fourth of an inch orifice, for watering purposes $2.00 BUILDING MATERIALS. For every thousand bricks used, the water therefor to be charged (payable in advance) 06 For every toise of Masonry, the water therefor to be charged (payable in advance) 05 For every thousand yards of Plastering (payable in advance) 4 00 FOUNTAINS. Fountains shall only be supplied with water at the discretion of the Water Committee, and when so supplied shall be charged as follows :— For every 100 gallons of water $o 03 The quantity used to be determined in all oases by the estimate of the Waltr Committee, or by meter. ^'i??'5*'*/' ^"*' Insaranee Co.~Forbes 4c Madffe, OUlef Affents, l»i and 193 ^i. James St., JHontrealt i m m? m ■ m „; 13^' . 'J". . *i^ m Ih '■ *s^ *^ >. r:v> , %* ir S ^r*^? ' ifta i \ -jffl tj' i-±'M -yi 1?^ mS ':\.^j3mMm h fm <>-"' >% ^rf"*»^^' ??«:'; '♦"■i m^[ s^mi ■' .^ -■ J* ' »V: •'tf^/'l ?;/!£*'- .«1S"i^' ^^^,J*Vit*VT\ t -,5 I'-'W'-: •-WJ ; IS • \ >v i^' \' ^ lii^«r' n.- ill t>i;i ,V-i M'»^ \ i * » ^k '^»^* ^m 'w| ^ t' f vTv** ,tvV;''a;-f ^ ^i M m IV^^ mm v>>: >'^#l^^ ri< ¥'f ^ ■: 'M\; 4t^ j:^ #^ ■■i^^j 9r i m u ^ i-'jav ^ •• J ^BEffi^K^A? s^|lpfe# *^ V « if,^ fraiSil ^:ft^ ;iim*^:*t-;-, ^r? ■^|»^$^si^f>. \ Ls. -i:S]ntART]SA.U de BONN'S. WATER TARIFF. 113 BATHS. Per Annum. Public Baths, or Baths for the use of whiph a char is made by the oooupants— for each tub $6 00 —with power to the Water Committee to charge by meter if they see fit. ■?*t HORSES AND COWS. A uniform rate shall bo charged for Horses and Cows, as follows:— .. -w Per Annum. For each Horse j $2 00 For each Cow * 1 00 Livery Stable Keepers shall pay— for each single stall, whether occupied or unoccupied 2 00 Hotel and Tavern Keepers shall be charged— for each single stall, whether occupied or unoccupied. ... 1 00 WATER CLOSETS. „ * • - fst' -ti-'' '• »»**•*•■"" v-"v»-»^j.ij. Per Annum, For eaeh Pan Closet supplied from a cistern, with a service box and valve For each Pan Closet with Underhayes, or any other regulator approved of by the Water Department. For each Hopper closet with Underhayes, or any other regulator approved of by the Water Department. For each Closet of any kind, with cistern, service box, and double valve 4 00 Trough Closets, for each seat, or for every two lineal feet 3 00 For any other kind of Closet, each 15 00 One additional Water Closet will be charged at half-rates for each dwelling where there is more than one water closet. $4 00 300 3 00 .H. f* w ^?- URINALS. For each Urinal with self-acting valve, or cook, rmnning only when being used :— . .^. . . . , ,,.,..,. p^. Annum. In a Dwelling House or Store $1 00 In a Bank or Public Building 1 50 la a Hotel, Restaurant. Saloon, or Tavern 3 00 When running constantly 15 00 I i mUY liASiSA1.0V'H DOMESTIC BAR ^^OAP—Tlie ramiiy t^ — _ JFawrito* sow by «n ^jj-oceiSs, - 10 . ■ > (' ill BtoliinoBd and JBinprM* Porta1^1« Babc««9 httt im the market^at L,* J* A. Surveyer'a^ 584 Craig (It* m WATER TARIFF. ' STEAM ENGINES. For stationary high pressure Engines, working not over twelve hours per day: per Annum. For each horse power $7 00 Or for every hundred gallons of water (the supply to be determined by meter) 03 For stationary low pressure Engines: for every 100 gallons of water (the supply to be determined as above, by meter) 03 All rates herein imposed for Steam Engines shall be separate from, and over and above, any other rate for water imposed on the premises. ; . DISTILLERIES. BREWERIES, &o. Distilleries, Breweries, Dye Houses, Railway, Printing or Photographic Etttablishments, and all Manufacturing Estab- lishments, Colleges, Seminaries, Nunneries, and Hospitals, may be supplied by meter, and charged as follows : When the quantity used averages 1,000 gallons per day or less, at the rate of 30 cents per 1,000 gallons— when the quantity used averages from 1,000 to 2,()00 gallons per day, at the rate of 20 cents per 1,000 gallons. From 2,000 to 3,000. .28 cents. *' 3,000 to 4,000.-27 ** " 4,000 to 5,000. .25 " " 5,000 to 0,000.. 23 ♦* From 6,000 to 7,000^.-21 oents. *' 7,000 to 8,000. .19 »* " 8,000 to 9,000.. 17 " " 9,000 to 10,000. -15 " When the quantity averages over 10,0(.V) gallons per day, —15 cents per 1,000 gallons. f METERS. The meters shall be furnished by the city and placed within the premises of the consumers, whose duty it, shall be to see that the same are protected from frost or injury, the whole under the direction of the Water Department; such meters suall at all times be accessible to the Corporation Meter In- spector. An annual rent shall be paid, by the consumers for the cost and care of such meters, as tollows : Fora Hnchmeter $3 00 i^er annum. i " *» .... 3 75 " 1 *• " 4 75 »♦ " U " " 8 00 ♦♦ '* 2 " " 14 00 »* " 3 '* " 25 00 " " 4 " *> 46 00 »* " 6 " " 10000 " <|aeen» Fir«^ I0}i£l»Tl€ BAR S02LP— TUte SPHmOJIf I ■ 1 'Is * f i ,€ofii|«efi» toraAem Pole«9 Stair Bodfl, « flpeeiaUtj «t li. J. A. SURT£TEB*S, 584 Cirai« Street. 118 FIRE DEPARTMENT. BOX NO. LOCALITY, &0, 64. BonseoourS) near Notre Dame street— Key at 17 Bonsecoura 65. Dalhousie Sqaaret (Fire Station.)-~Key Id Station. 67. Corner Wolfe and St. Mary streets.—Key at 508 St. Mary a I'll* A A I* 68. Corner Roy and Drolet streets.— Key at 100 Drolet street. 69. Corner Sherbrooke and St Denis streets.— Key at 385 Sher- 71. St. Qeorge's School House, ( :*>tanley street. )— Key with Guardian. 72. Corner Visitation and Craig streets.— Key at 15 Visitation street. 73. Corner Counrille and Cadieux streets.— Key at 58 Cadieux street. 74. Corner Dorchester and St. Andr^ str3ets.— Key at 121 Cam- peau street. 75. Corner Mignonne and St. Andr^ streets.— Key at 433 Mig- nonne street. 76. St. James Market, (Ontario street.)- Key with Clerk of the Market. 78. Corner St Patrick and Seigneurs streets.— Key with Shearer at Mills. 81. Corner Visitation street and Robin Lane.— Key at 252 Visi- tation street 82. Corner St Catherine and Panet Streets.— Key at 475 St. Catherine street. 83. Corner Sydenham and Dorchester streets.— Key at 112 Dor- chester street. 84. Corner Seaton and Logan streets.— Key at 189 Soaton street. 85. Church of the Sacred Heart, (Ontario, street.)— Key at 326 Ontario street 86. Corner Congregation and Wellington streets.— Key at 583 Wellington street. 87. Comer Forfar and Menai street8.~T^Key at 86 Forfar street 91. Corner Craig and Gain streets, (Fire Station).— Key in Station. 92. Adam's Tobacco Factory, (St Mary street)— Key at 100 St. Mary street » 93. Corner Ontario and Fullum streets.— Key at 272 Fullum street. 94. Comer Dubord and Berri streets.— Key at 67 Dubord street. 95. Qas Works. Hochelaga.— Key on premises. 96. Rolling Mills, (St Joseph sti-eet.)— Key on premises. 97. Shedden's Stables, (William street.)— Key on premises. MARRIAGE LICK^SES. Issued by John Monk,— office. 34 ^t. James street,— house, 24 Berri street ; and G. P. Davidson, (of Cross, Lunn k David- son,)— office, 10 Merchants' Exchange Court»— house, 318 Bleury street ilneeiiy Ftre dc lilfe. Insurance Co.— Forbes it Htnige, €l&i«f AgeatiH IM alid t«8 St. JTnUiM 8t,^ IXIontrsal, WHrtE ]>Ri:sii dtoiltTft 91.SO, woRTii: $2.25, a¥ bCSMARTEAV A BODTD'S. COURTS OP JUSTICE. 119 COURTS OF JUSTICE. THE SUPREME COURT AND THE EXCHEQUER COURT OP CANADA. 38 Vic. Cap. 11. Hon. William Buell Richards, Chief Justice. Hon. W. G. Ritchie, \ Hon. S. H. Strong, / Hon. Jea.n T. Taschereau, ?- Puisn^ Judges. Hon. Telesphore Fournier, \ Hon. W. A. Henry, / Robert Cassels, Junior, Ottawa, Registrar. s^^.J The Supreme Court, for the purpose of hearing and deter- mining Appeals, hold annually, at the City of Ottawa, two sessions, the one beginning on the third Monday in jLanuary, and the other beginning on the first Monday in June. * COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. Judges. Hon. Antoine Aim^ Dorion, Chief Justice. Hon. Samuel C Monk, "^ Hon. T..K. Ramsay, f p^.^^^ j^^^^^^ Hon. John S. Sanborn, Hon. Jean T. Taschereau, Officers of the Couet. G. A. LeBlano, Sheriff. Charles E. Schiller, Clerk of the Crown. Altred de Beaumont, Deputy Clerk of the Crown and Superin- tendent of Crown witnesses. J. F. DuBreuil, Assistant Clerk. Adolphe Bissonnette, High Constable. Louis PayettO} Gaoler. Appeal Side. ^Montreal.— 11th to 22nd (inclusive), March, June, Septem- ber, and December. *Qu£BF.o.--l8t to 8th March, June, September and December. *By the 22nd sec. of chap. 77 of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada, oases in Appeal or Error from the Districts of Ottawa, Montreal, Terrebonne, Joliette, Richelieu, St. Francis, Bedford, St. Hyacinthe, Iberville, and Beauharnois, shall be heard and determined at the City of Montreal oiUy^ and the Writs in such cases shall be returnable theie; and cases in Appeal or Error from the Districts of Three Rivers, Quebeo» TBTfL BABSALOIT'S STEAM RKFINED FAMII^Y SOAP. li^,^ — '"■'^ Sniieilor to fill otliers. ^iiKlci0» Wxijag^vfi, Wapliera, Iriopi Be4»t«iMlm J^pwipiff Beds, Matires(i«B, ^c— .li. J. JL* i|iivT«yer, 524 Craiicr St. :i _ OMcera of Court.^L. W. Marohand, clerk of Appeals, Mont- real; Come Duteau de Grandpr^, special deputy clerk of Appeal« for Montreal. W. E. Duggan, deputy clerk of Appeals, Quebec ; Augustin Dorval, special deputy clerk of Appeals for Quebec. Crown Side. Where Held, When Held. Quebec 27th April and 27th October. Montreal 24th March and 24th September. Three Kiyers. . .... -. 23rd March and,23rd September. Sherbrooke 1st March and 1st October. Kamouraska 23rd June and 18th December. Aylmer 21st January and 1st July. Perc^ 13th March and 13th August. New Carlisle 13th January and 18th September. Arthabaskaville 19th February and 19th October. Seauce 20th June and 20th October, iontmagny 25th March and 25th November. Joliette 1st March and 1st September. RichelUKi. 20th January and 1st July. Chicoutimi 13th Fe1)ruary and l3th June. Bedford 3rd Tuesday in March and Sept. Rimouski 14th March and November. Malbaie 1st May and 13th December. Beauharnois; 1st March and 1st October. St. Uyacinthe 15th January and 15th June. St. Johns 22nd March and 15th September. St. Scholastique 7th January and 2nd July. IberviUe 22nd March and'15th September. SUPERIOR COURT. Hon. Wm. Collis Meredith, Chief Justice. PuisnI; Judges. Hon. Ls. E. N. Oasault, Hon. Gbas. Mondelet, " Andrew Stewart, Aim^ Lafontaine, Antoine Polette, Joseph A. Berthelot, Thomas J. J. Loranger, Louis Victor Sicotte, Francis G. Johnson, Joseph N. Boss^, Robert Maokay,' Fred. W. Torrance, Joseph U. Beaudry, Henri E. Tasehereau, it i< (I ti (C ti t( »( (t t( i( *4 (t t.( ({ i( tl (( {( t( U i< Christopher Dunkln, Adolphe B. Routhier, Louis A. Olivier, Thomas McOord, Marcus Doherty, Ls. Bel anger, Hubert W. Chagnon, Marc A. Plamondon, Ls. B. Caron, Vinceslas P. W. Dorion, Ulrio J. Tessier, JohnMaguire. Saguenay, Gasp4, Chicoutimi, Rimouski, Kamouraska, Mont- magny, Beauce and Arthaba^ka, shall be heard and determined at the City of Quebec only, and the Writs in such cases shall bo returnable the le. 4 ftueep. Fire &; Xit'e* Insuraiice Co.— Forbes 49c ]IKu4pp»» Ohlef Affenu, 191 ai|d 10^ Sll. Jfimep St., mcontreftl* 'AS UrOVllE^BJJtlSS.SVIIBET. COURTS OF JUSTICE. 121 *MoNTREAL— tHoohclaga, Jacques-CaFtier, Layal* Yaudreuil, Soulanges, Laprairie, Cfiambly, Verch^res, and City of Mon- treal, held at Montreal, from 1st September to 20tli December, and Ist May to 30th June. B. A. R. Hubert, Honey (&,Gendron, prothonotary ; George Pyke and Charles A. Terroux, deputy prothonotaries ; Charles A. Leblanc, sheriff; M. H. Sanborn, deputy sheriff; Joseph Jones, coroner. QuEBBO.— Portneuf, Quebec, Montmorency, Levis, Lotbinidre, and City of Quebec, neld at Quebec from tiie 1st to 5th of every month, except January, July and August. Fiset, Burroughs and Campbell, prothonotary ; Hon. Charles Alleyn, sheriff. Thrke RivERS>--:M0.skinopg6, St. Maurice (including City of Three Rivers,> Champlain and Kicolet, held at Three Rivers, from 17th to 22nd March, June, September, and December. Edward Barnard, prothonotary ; J. Dumoulin, sheriff. St. Francis.— Richmond, Town of Sherbrooke, Wolfe, Comp- ton and Stanstead, held at Sherbrooke, from 6th to 10th Feb- ruary, April, June, October and December. Short & Morris, prothonotary ; Geo. F. Bowen, sheriff. Kamourabka.— Kamouraska and Temiscouata, held at Ea- mouraska, from 19th to 22nd March, June and September, and 14th to 17th December. J. G. Pelletier, prothonotary ; Vinceslas Tach^, sheriff. Ottawa.— Ottawa and Pontiac, held at Aylmer, from 20th to 25th April, 6th to llth October, and 16th to 20th December. Altred DriscoU, prothonotary ; Louis M. Coutl^e, sheriff. GaspIs.— Gasp^ and Bonaventure. Held at Perc^, from 13th to 19th March, August, and 13th to 24th December. Joseph X. Lavoie, prothonotary ; L. Z. joncas, sheriff. At New Carlisle, from 13th to 19th January, 10th to 16th June, and 13th to 19th September. G. F. Maguire,4>Xothonotary; Martin Sheppard, sheriff. Terrebonne.— Argenteuil, Two Mountains and Terrebonne, held at St. Scholastique, from i3th to 19th February, May, and October. Jules R. Berthelot, pi:ethonotary ; Z6pherinRoussille, sheriff. JuLiBTTB.— L'Assomption, Montcalm, and Joliette, held at Joliette, from 15th to )20th of January, March, May, September, and November. Morin & Desilets, prothonotary; B. H. Le- prohon, sheriff. KiGHRLiEu.— Richelieu, Yamaska «Bd Berthier, heldat Sorel, from 1st to llth of levery month, except January, July and • August. Antoine N. Gottin, prothon(4ary ; A..D. DeGrandpr^, deputy prothonotary; Pierre Guevremont. sheriff. Saquen AT.— Charlevoix and Saguenay, held at Malbaie, from 13th to 19th MarchnM^ay and December. Charles Du Berger, prothonotary ; P. H. Cimon, sheriff. Chicoutimi.— Held at Chicoutimi, from 13th to 19th February, June and October. F. R. Gosselin, prothonotary; 0. Boss6, sheriff. •District. t Counties,*&c,, comprised. IBT BAASAI.Q1J S DOMES^TIC BAR SOAP— tlae JTiimUar ^ FaTOKtto* Soiifl by all €Ufoce«k ^•.%^^ , ,1 vis I :i^' nKiehaioiid and BmpreM Portable RangM^ he&t lH the market) at Ii« J. A. Sarreyer's^ 924 Craig St* 122 COURTS OF JUSTICE. B.IMOUSKI.— Bimouski, held at Si Germain, from 7th to 12th March, June and November. Frs. M. Deromoi prothonotary ; J. A. Rouleau, sheriff. Mo^TMAGNT.— L'Islet, Montmagny and Belleohasse, held at Montmagny, from I3th to 19th February, May and November, and from Ist to 7th September. Albert Bender, prothonotary; J. D. Lepine, sheriff. Brauce.— Beauoe and Dorchester, held at St. Joseph do la Beauce, from 13th to 19th March, June and October. Z6pherin Vezina, prothonotary ; T. J. Taschereau, sheriff. Abtharaska.— Megantic, Arthabaska and Drummond, held at Arthabaska, from 20th to 25th March, June, September and December. Barwis & Theroux, prothonotary ; Auguste Ques- nel, sheriff. Bbdfobd.— Shefford, Missisquoi and Brome, held at Nelson- yille, first Tuesday in January, March, May. September and November. F. T. Hall, prothonotary ; Peter Cowan, sheriff. St. Hyacinthe.— St. Hyacinthe, Bagot and Kouville, held at St. Hyacinthe, from 1st to 6th February, April, June and November. De Lorimier & Roy, prothonotary; Louis Taoh6, sheriff. iBERViLLB.— St. Johns, Napiervillo and Iberville, held at St. Johns, from 15th to 19th, inclusively, of March, June, October and December. F. H. Marchand and F. J. Henri Marchand, prothonotary; Charles Nolin, sheriff. Bbauharnois.— Huntingdon, Beauhamois and Chateauguay, held at Beauhamois, from 23rd to 28th February, May, Septem- ber and December. P. J. U. Beaudry, prothonotary; Louis Hainault, sheriff. CIRCUIT COURT. Montbbal Dibtbict. Montreal District Circuit, held at Montreal, from 1st juridi- oal day to 20th at least, every month, except January, July and August R. A. R. Hubert, clerk. Vaudreuil County Circuit, held at Vaudreuil, Ist to 5th March, July and November. F. de S* Bastien. clerk. Soulanges Circuit, held at Coteau Landing, 6tn to 10th Mareh, 6th to 9th July, and t>th to 10th November. Luc H. Masson, clerk. Verch^res County Circuit, held at Verehdres, 1st to 5th Feb- ruary, May and October. E. E. ChagnongiOlerk. Quebec Distbiot. Quebec District Circuit, held at Quebec, 16th to 21st January and June, and 20th to 25th of every month, except July and August. Fiset, Burroughs & Campbell, clurk. Lotbinidre Circuit, held at St. Croix, 9th to 12th January, June and October. Louis L^may, clerk. <|iieeii. Fire 4c I«lfe, Insuriince Co.— Forbes dc Mudse, Clitef Agents, 19t and 108 St. Jamee St., BEontreal. j tnitrts made to Order at DESMARTBAU Jk BOlf IM 41S NOTRE DAREfi STRBET* COURTS OF JUSTICE. 123 Three Rivers District. Three Rivers District Circuit, held at Three Rivers, 10th to 16th Mardh) June, September and December. E. Barnard, olerk. Maskinongd County Circuit, held at Riviere du Loup, 4th and 5th February, June and October. L. J. Bourret, clerk. St. Francis District. St. Francis District Circuit, held at Sherbrooke, 6th to 10th January, March, May, September and JNovember. Short & Morris, clerk. iStanstead Circuit, held at Stanstead Plains, 15th to 17th Feb' ruary. May and November. C. A. Richardson, clerk. Stanstead County Circuit, held at Coaticook, 22nd to 24th February, June and November. Otis Shurtieff, clerk. Compton County Circuit, held at Cookshire, 25th to 27th Jan- uary, May and uctober. A. W. i'ope, clerk. Richmond County Circuit, held at Richmond, 19th to 21st January, May, and September. Arthur Witcocks, clerk. Richmond County Circuit,*! held at Danville. 22nd to 24th January, May Und September. T. Leet, clerk. Wolte County Circuit, held at South Ham, 13th to 15th Jan- uary, June and September. E. S. Darche, clerk. Kamouraska^istrigt. Kamouraska District Circuit, held at St. Louis, 15th to 18th March, June and September, and iUth to 13ih December. P. Langlois, clerk. TemisCouata County Circuit, held at St. Jean Baptiste, 5th to 7th March, June and December. N. L G^auvreau, clerk; J. G. Pelletier, clerk of the crown ; J. G. Peiletier, olerk of the peace; Ottawa District. Ottawa District Circuit, held at Aylmer, 7th to 12th February, June and November, and 15th to 19th April, 1st to 5th October and 12ttL to 15th December. Alfred Driscoll, clerk. Ottawa County Circuit,* held at Papmeauville, 7th to 10th January, May and September. F. 8. Mackay, clerk. Ottawa County Circuit, held at Buckingham, 17th to 20th January, May and September. Edmund Wm. Murray, clerk. Pontiac Circuit, held at Portage du Fort, 2nd to 7th March, 20ch to 29th of June, and 3rd to 8th November. Charles Jacob Rimer, clerk. Pontiac County Circuit, held at Chapeau Village, 8th to 11th March, 16th to 20th June and October. Wm. L. Gray, clerk. * The Circuit Court at the chef-lieu of a District has concur- rent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court in and for the various Counties in the same District. t The Circuit Court held in two or more places in a County has each' concurrent jurisdiction over the whole County, TRY BABSAIiOIJ'S STEAM REFIlirfiB FAMII«T MAF^ Saiperlor to all ottaenu . S i^ I: ; I i I ' * I ! irll House Fwrntolitaig €kWMig, atrHnvwejerHti 624 Craiy St. Qkspt District. Gasp6 District Circuit, held at Pere^, 7th to 12th Maioh, August, and 12th to 17th December. Joseph X. Lavoie, ctetk. Qaspe District Circuit, held at New Carlisle, 7th to 12th Jan- uary, 4th to 9th June and 7th to 12th September. G. ¥, Basin Circuit, held- at Basin, from 25th to 28th February, and 12th to 15th October. John Eden, clerk. Magdalen Islands Circuit held at Hamerst, 22nd to 30th May» and 22nd to 30th August. Edward Borne, clerk. Bonavehture Circuit, held at Carleton, 23rd to 26th January, 20th to 23rd June, and 22nd to l:5ch September. Edward Mann, clerk. Fox River Circuit, held at Fox River, 25th to 3l8t July. John de St. Croix, clerk. Terrebonne District. Terrebonne District Circuit, held at St. Scholastique, 7th to 12th February, May and Octuber. J. R.' Berthelot clerk. Terrebonne County Court, held at St. Jerome, 2nd to 6th February, May and October. J. B. L. Villemure, clerk. Argenteuil County Circuit, held at Laohute, 12th to 16th January, 25th to 2Uth of May, 12th to 16th September. T. Barron, clerk. JoLiiFTTE District Joliette District Circuit, held at Joliette, 15th to 20th Feb- ruary, April, June, October and December. Morin & Desilets, clerk. L'Assomption County Court, held at PAssomption, 5th to SHi March, June, September and December. J. Z. Martel, clerk. Montcalm County Circuit, held at St. Julien, 10th to 13th 'M^rch, June, September and December. Joseph Beauobamp, Clerk. Richelieu District. Richelieu District Circuit, held at Sorel, ISth to 16th Feb- ruary, March, April, May, June, September, October, Novem- *ber and December. A. N. Gouin, clerk; A. D. DeGranpr^, deputy clerk. Berthi«r County Circuit, held at Berthior, 17th to I9th Feb- Tuary, May, June, September and November. Pierre Tellier, clerk. Yamaska County Circuit, held at St. Franci^a, 26th to 27tfa February, May, September and December. L. M. Blondin, Clerk. Saguenay District. Saguenay District Court, held at Malbaie, 7th to 12th March, May and December. C. Du Berger, clerk. Charlevoix County Circuit, held at *Baie St. Paul, 20th to 23rd January and May, and 28th to 31st October. J. Perron, clerk. V. - * The Circuit Court at the chef-lieu of a District has concur- rent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court in and for the varidus i Counties in the same District. unveil, Ftre 4c Idie^ lusiiraiice €o«— Forbes A MwStge Cliief Affenteilfima 38 SI. Jame* St., Montreal, 415 BTOTllE'DAlIir STIHBET; - COURTS OP JUSTICE. 125 Chtooutimi District. Ghiooatimi District Oourt, held at Ghiooutimi, 7th to 12th February, June and Ootober. F- R. Gosselin. clerk. RiMousKi District Rimonski District Circuit, held at St.* Germain, 1st to 7th March, June and November. F. M: Derome, clerk. Rimouski County Circuit, *held at Matane, 24th March, June and l^ovem ber. D. F. St. Aubin, clerk. MONTMAGNY DISTRICT. Montmagny District Circuit, held at Montma^ny, 7th to 12th ' February, M^y and November. A- Binder, clerk. L'Islet County Cirouit, held at Jean Port Joli, 20th to 24th February, May and November. L. Z. Duval, clerk. Bellechasse County Circuit, held at St. Michel, 1st to 5th April and July, and from 2nd to 5th November. M. Meroier, clerk. Be AUG E District. Beauoe District Circuit, held at St. Joseph do la Beauce,7th to 12tb March, June and October. Z. V^zina, clerk. Beauce County Cirouit, held at St. Vital de Lambton, 26th to 29th January and May, and 24th to 27th September. L, A. Brodeur, clerk. Dorchester County Cirouit, held at Ste. HenedinO} 2nd to 6th . March, June and October. J. Reny, clerk. Arti/abaska District. Arthabaska District Circuit, held at Arthabaskaville, 14th to l9th March, June, September and December; enquitea 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th January, February, Aprilr May, October and November. Barwis & Th County Circuit, held atKnowlton, on the second Tues- day of each of the months of February, vApril, June, October and December, each for three juridical days. J. M. Lefebvre,}. clerk. SLeflford County Circuit, hold at Waterloo, on the second Tuesday of each of the months of February, April, June, Octo- ber and December, each for four consecutive juridical days. V. Nutting, clerki Missisquoi County Circuit, held at Bedford, on the last Tues- day of each of the months of January, March, May, September and November, each for three consecutive juridical days. T. Capsey, clerk. BbHiMrl«m Wriii««nm Wasliewt Iron Iled«tc«Am Spiia« BedSt Matfreases, Ao.— !<. J. A. Sarvejrer, S84 Cralff Si. 126 COURTS OF JUSTICE. St. Htaointhb District. St. Hyaointhe District Circuit, held at St. Hyaotnthe, Ist to 6th March, May, October and December. De Lorimier & Roy, clerk. Rouville County Circuit, held at Marieville, 15th to 19th February, May and October. G. Bombardier, clerk. Iberville District. Iberville District Circuit, held at St. Johns, 6th to 10th March, June, October and December. F. H. Marchand & F. J. H. Marchand, clerk. Iberville County Circuit, held at Iberville. 20th to 24th Feb- ruary, June and October. F. L. Mongeau, clerk. Napierville County Circuit, held at Napierville, 1st to 5th February, June and October. A. Merizzi, clerk. Beauharnois District. Beauhamois District Circuit, held at Beauharnois, 17th to 22nd February, May, September and December. P. J. U. Beaudry, clerk. Chateauguay, County Circuit, held at St. Martin, 2nd to 4th February, May, September and December. C. M. Lebrun, clerk. Huntingdon County Circuit, held at Huatingdon, 6th to 8th February, May, September and December. John Morrison, clerk. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH.-CROWN SIDE. Charles E. Schiller, clerk of the crown \ Alfred de Beaumont* deputy clerk of the crown ; J. F* Dubreuil, first clerk ; Allan S* Hamilton, second clerk. COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS OF THE PEACE. Charles Joseph Coursol, Chairman. Charles E. Schiller, Clerk of the Peace. Alfred De B.»UM,nt \ ^^^^t^^tl, Z^^^l^^' J. F. Dubreuil Clerk. Terms : Montreal— -1st to 10th March and December. COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Under the Statutes of Canada^ 32 and 33 Ftc, Chap, 35. C. J. Coursol, Presiding Justice. €|tte«n9 Fire Sc I— Station, corner Ottawa and Kempt streets. 8.— Station, 73 Canning street 9.— Station, Point St. Charles. 10.— Station, bt. Catherine street, near Guy. 11.— Station, Logan street, near Dufresne. RIVER POLICE.-^tation, 12 Grey Nun Street. John Mc- Laughlin, chief constable; B. Holdbrook, W. Donohoe, J. Wilson and Camille Nourie, sergeants, " TRX, BARiSAJLOVfit »OMi»TI€ BAR SOAP— The FamUy ^Favorite, fik^ld by all Oroeem. h \. iV n 1 BedA, ]IIattr«fW€«i Ae.->I^ j; A. Stn^cy^i*, 524 €mlfr St. REGISTRARS OF COUNTXES-PROVINCB OP QUEBEC. District. NAme of Roeistratfon County Name> of Registrar, or Division. Montreal Montreal. George H. Ryland Ghambly N. Misneault n Huntingdon, Ist Reg. BiT.Adolphe Beauvais Laval Ad^lardB. Leonard Soulanges > L. H. Masson Vaudreuil F. de Salles Bastion Verchdres Aim6 Geoffrion QueZtec....... Quebec G. N. Montizambert Portneof Hon.. J. B. Thibaudeau Montmorenoi Gabriel Biok Orleans (Island of) Bruno Peltier Dorohester T. E. Rouleau Dx/rchesteiv 2nd Reg. Div.Franois M. Guay Lotbini^re Joseph Filteau TAree^toer^. Cham plain .Elie Rinfret Maskinong^ J. Edouard Pibbette Nicolet Joseph A. Blondin Three Rivers Louis A. Duval St, .Franeii'- Richmond Ti P. Cleveland Sherbrooko'. Daniel Thomas Wolfe .Jean Bte. Richad Stanstead G. A. Richardion Goatieook Otir Shurtlelf Gompton. • Samuel Orr Gaapi Bonaventure Joseph G. Le Bel 2nd Div. of ditto.. J. A. Verge Gasp^ • •• •J. H. Lavoio St. Anne des Monts John Perr^e / Magdalen Islands Edward Borne iiLamoura«A^.Kamouraska Henri Garon Temiscouata . . . • • .EUe Mailloux Ottawa Ottawa W^ Washburn Pontiac Walter Rimer Terrebonne . . T wo Mountains Dosith4 Di^pras Argenteuil' Thomas Biiron Terrebonr>.e'. * Louis Laohaine Joliette Joliette Ghas. G. Bbaudoin L'Assomption Barth^le'my Richer Montcalm ....Joseph Ed. Boaupr^ Richelieu • . . . Richelieu ,......*.... Jules Ghevallier Berthier : .B. E. Peillant Yamaaka. ... .Yamaska L. M. Blobdin Saguenay .^.. lit Div. of Charlevoix ? pi, „_ t»„ n.^^. anttSaguenay j Chasi Du Berger 2nd Div, of ditto TSbsphore Fortin GhitoxUimi, . . Ghiooukimi Ovid Boes^ 2ad Div. of ditto. ....... .G. Hebert ^imoiMA;«....RimouskiNd. 1. A/E* Gui^ Rimouski No. 2 Andr6 E. Gauvreau Ciller AseiitS)rl91_aii« lOS 19f. Jmiteii Sit., Monirenl. i 4] ii I '■;>..■ -:;''',«c' . :•(; sSSSsfe. »5' 189 f^ II i l l 1 1 I ' ll I < i >iwi«i4to>iil!iii; ,iit i)|i i |« ^.>i;-,v-/:v^ .V •■■••' -^A >■. S' ;-', " i I. ;. — "^^n ''./. ■ i ^..?^.f.„nl '''ftSAIiSttl' 'tX^ "^ ''' ■.. i'^'i y iiiii lj V i | h' '.i' ' . ' ''"' ' '.' • ^^'-'--r •* r**'->,." ■ » ;>,•. ■-;» Jiiiiii-jii»^ TTT^ ^,s t,* f*. ' i*" .'•'' hMM .^ i;^\^rT..T, 'irWW^M^^ K^-'£- m-' ■ I.. ^ -^ f:iK mm \mt r, . ,\i' :■ i ■■■' ?i. y 'Wilt i^awl ftW ^pA««^iife I'"' imjss^i .'"''■.;■ 'i r-u 'iVi; .^1 :*>; -■«) ^ . '^.Ufi^jL^ . '^^im)^- ^«?^T fe!?.J A/'' '''■■^' ^ _'• 'T*!'T^ .\ *:-■:. :^ ■'■:.■., ^:.-.^: ■ 1 Hi t^4f\ r' ' ^'''rrrirjyT'ji . *■■■-'■■■■ iv^^iy^'jg^^-^vfff'.^^gv^^iiiroip ;;d ■^ ! >l 11 iwl i Wl t 111 ; Mj iHBn ■Hi H^^R< t^BH^B' kiiiTB DRESS smR-rs $i.6o; tirORT«i ss.t^, av »BBMARXBAV Sc BOXD^S. District. Name of Registration County Name of Registrar. or Division' Jfonfmaon]/. -L'lalet Thadee Miohand Montmagny Jos. iiayid Lepine Belleohasse Fantateun i!*orgae8 Beauce\ Beauce JeanE. Froulz ilr(/ki6a«A;a*>MegamiO'*... Wm. H. Lambly Arthabaska M. Poisaon Drummond Edmund Cox ■ Bedford iSbefford Jo8epu B. Edgarton Brome Hiram 8. Foster Missisquoi JKiobard liickinson St>, Hyaointhe Horaoe 6t. (iermain Bagut Joseph 0. Baohaud Rouville Ls. Ed. P. Laberge Iberville . t . « .bt. Johns • Q, A. Marchand M apierVille Ephron Bouohard Iberville iiidaoe Tass6 ^^auAarnoit.BeauharQois Y. A. L. l>e Jdartigny Ohateaugay Alixis M. Gagnier Huntingdon Andrew Someryiile THE BAR DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. Council. W. H. Kerr, Q, C B&tonnier. Alex. Laooate, Q.C Syndic. Q. H. iiorlase Treasurer. P. H. Roy Secretary. Straohan Bethune, Q. C, G. Doutre. J. 8. C. Wurtele, Q, 0. ' W. W. Robertson. lyan T. Wotherspoon. W. Prevost. L. A. Jette. C. A. (^otfrion. Adtooitib Library and Library of thh Bar. W. H. Kerr, Q.C President J. S. C. VVurtele, Q. C Secretary. Straohan Bethune, Q, A A. Cross, 0* C, Rouer Roy, Q. C, Qonzalye Dontre. L. a. Jette. L. 0. Lorangtr. Board OF ExAHiNRRS. S.Betliune, Q.C, president; W. \y. Robertson, G. H. Bor- lase, J. J. Curran, Charles P. Davidtion, Q.C\, Iraa T. Wother- spoon, J. R. Gibb. Louis Armstrong, F. L. Beique, G. B. Carter, C. A. Geofifrion, Louis A. Jette, L. O. Loranger, Simeon Par* nuelo, A. Laooste, F. X. Arohambault, C. C. de Lorimier, J. B. Robidottx, J. J. Maoiaren. f AT BARII^I^OIJ S DOMESTIC BAB SOAA^pTbe FMllll|r rt i ) 1 •I ',i; 1 '•I m iiieloiioiidl mMd JBmpifeM i^rtaible Ranses, i>«il Hi the milrkety at Ij* J« A. Surreyer'si 524 Oraiff St* 188 THE BAR MSMBBBS. Date of Commission. ♦' Jan. 1829 " May, 1829 " June, 1834 " Sept. 1841 " Feb. 1842 •♦ May, 1843 " May, 1843 »* Oct. 1843 « Aug. 1844 " Feb. 1845 " Mar. 1846 " Mar. 1849 " Oct. 1849 " Aug. 1860 C. S. Cherrier, Q.C Aug. 1822 F. Griffin ♦* Deo. 1824 P. Moreau Henry Judah John J. Day And. Robertson J. Rouer Roy S. Bethune Alex. Gross Or. Joseph Hon. 6. Ouimet E. Garter B. A. U. Pich6 G.C.V.Buohanan " Nov. 1846 J. Doutre *' Apr. 1847 Hn.J.J.C.Abbott *' Oct 1847 Wm. M. Kerr " Nov. 1847 Oeorge Futvoye " Aug. 1848 F.B.Godin R. Lailamme Jonat. Wurtele _ _ Thos. W. Ritchie " Sept. 1852 J. K. O'Halloran *' Dec. 1852 HnLSHuntington " Sept. la^ii J. A. Mousseau " Feb. I860 Hn.J.A.Ghapleau" Dec. 1861 J. J. Gurran ** Mar. 1863 Ttiomas Nye Dec. 1827 Hugh Taylor Nov. 1829 John Bleakley Dec. 1830 Adolphus M. flart..May, 1836 John Monk Jan. 1841 H. J.Ibbotson Feb. 1841 Jos. Delagrave April 1841 Ohas. Burroughs' . -May, 1843 Hn.M.Lafraniboi8e.Dec. 1843 EudideRoy Jan. George Macrae Nov. Bernard Devlin. . . Oct. Henry W. Austin . .Feb. P. 0. Duranceau. . -May, 1848 Richd. Macdonnell.Juue, 1848 F.i. Judah Oct. 1848 M. Branohaud Feb. 1849 William A. Bates . .May, 1849 John Bates July, 1849 J. E. Bureau Aug. 1851 A. G. Papiaeau . . . .Aug, 1851 1845 1846 1847 1848 Members. Date of Commission. Wm. B. Lambe . . . .Sept. 1851 W. W. Robertson . AprU, 1862 L. G. Macdonald. . .Dec. 1852 W. Prevost Juno, 1853 Edmund Barnard. .Oct. 1853 Alex. H. Lunn Feb. 1854 George B. Gram p.. .June, 1854 Jos. M. Loranger. . .April 1855 George H.Borlase.. Sept. 1855 P. A. Fauteux. . . . Dec. 1855 G. J. Barthe Oct. 1856 H. L. Snowdon Jan. 1857 Louis A. Jett6. .'. . .Feb. 1857 J. Duhamel April, 1857 J. A. Belle Mar. 1858 J.K.Elliott Mar. 1858 L. 0. Loranger Mar. 1858 Adolphe Germain .Sep. 1858 G. A. Ghampagne. .Nov. 1858 Hon. L. R. Church. . Feb. 1859 D. Z. Gauthier June, 1859 John L. Morris June, 1859 F. J. D. Ricard June, 1859 E. Racicot June, 1859 Edson Kemp Oct. 1859 M. E. Gharpentier .Nov. 1859 Hon. G. B. Baker. .Sept. 1860 D^sir^ Girouard . . .Oct. 1860 Pierre Bachand .... Deo. 1860 L. A. N. Seers. ... Jan. 1861 T. G. DeLorimier...Jan. 1^01 J ohn Dunlop J an. 1861 J. G. D'Amour July, 1861 Louis Armstrong. . . Aug. 1861 B. A. Globensky. . .Sept. 1861 E.L. DeBelleteuille.Sept. 1861 S. Pagnuelo Oct. 1861 G. A. Roohon Nov. 1861 Hn.F.X.A.Trudell..Dec. 1861 F. X. Mathieu Dec. 1861 G. Thibault Jan. 1862 Louis T. Par6 Jan. 1862 A. Brunet April 1862 A. Branchaud May, 1862 J. P. Garreau June, 1862 T. G. A. Desjardins. June, 1862 Adolph Fontaine... July, 1862 v. B. Siootte Aug. 1862 ehiefA^mm^itmmmA Mft«t«- j«m»^»i^ mrontr^al. Btnr Yom shirts at BHiuaiAATExv Sl fidimtig^ 415 UrOTBE DAME STREET^ THE BAR. 189 Mbmbers. Date of Commission- F.W.Terrill Sept. 1862 G. Mirauk iSept. 1862 K. E. j^'ontaine Oot. 1802 P. A. A. Dorion. . . Deo. 1862 D.G. Dumas Deo. 1862 A. Laooste Feb. 1863 L. F.. Morrison Feb. 1863 C. J. C. Wunele . . .May, 1863 M. M. Tait J une, 1863 J. B. Brosseau Juiy, 1863 Chas. De Montigny. July, 1863 C. A. Vilbon Aug. 1863 A. N. Charland . . . .tSept. 1863 Gonzalve Doutre ..iSepc. 1863 N. H. Bourgoin ^ept. 1863 J . (J. Laooste tiept. 1863 G. G. E. Gauthier . -Sept. 1863 L. jN. Benjamin. . . .(Jot. 1863 W. Wrenier Oot. 1863 G. W. btephens . . . .^ov. 1863 F. X.Arohambault.Mov. 1863 A. Demers \}%c. 1863 M. Gayley Jan. 1864 L. 0. David April 1864 il. T. Day April 1864 L. H. Davidson . . . .June, 1864 N. Duraud June, lb64 Glias. P. Davidson .June, 1864 F. Lefebvre June, 1864 E. Z. Paradis ■ tiept. 1^64 P. Mackay iSept. 1864 A. E. Brassard Oot. 1864 ThoinasBrossoit .Oct. 1864 Arthur De8Jardins..JNov. 1864 Am^d^e Gagnon... .Deo. 1864 Frs. E. Oilman.. . . June, 1865 J. E. Gagnon J une, 1865 A. A. Laterri^re • > -July, 1865 P.S. Lipp6 July, 1865 A.MaoMahon Aug. 1865 T. A. Miohaud bept. 1865 A. P. Garon Sept. 1865 Ghas.G.DeLorimier,Uoc. 1865 Jos. 0. Turgeon. . . .Oct. 1865 L. 0. laiilon JNov. 1865 :N . W. Trenholme . . M ov. 1865 L. Gushing JNoy. 1865 J.B.Latieur JNoy. 1665 Members. Date of Commission. A. Choguet Nov. 1865 J. A. iSimard Nov. 1865 M. Mathieu Deo. 1865 L. L. Maillet Jan. 1866 J. E. Kobidouz . . . .May, 1866 C. A. Geoffrion June, 1866 Ivan Wutherspoon June, 1866 0. B. Garter Sept. 1866 T. P. Butler Sept. 1866 L. Tellier Oot. 1866 G. \. • olet Oot. 1866 Leoi. L. Gorbeil. . . .Dec. 1866 Mag. Desjardins .... Dec. 1866 Alphonse Houle .... Dec. 1866 Arthur B. Longpr^..Jan. 1867 Olivier Auger ....I .Jan. i867 xM. Gorbeil Mar. 1867 L. A. Pre vest April 1867 Kobert A. Ram8ay..April 1867 D. Girard June, 1867 E. Uolton June, 1867 H. Meroier June, 1867 A. £. Mitchell June, 1867 F. A. Quinn Sept. 1867 Chas. J. Gill Oct. 1867 T. T. Ouimet Nov. 1867 Alf. Daibeo. Nov. 1867 John G. Hatton . . . .Dec. 1867 J. A. Ouimet Mar. 1868 David R. MoGord . .Mar. 1868 Peter J . Guyle Mar. 1868 Fred. L. B^ique. . . Mar. 1868 Alt'. Pauz6 Mar. 1868 0. A. Dugas May, 1868 J. J. McLaren June, 1868 Thos. J. Doherty. . .June, 1868 J . Bte. Doutre June, 1868 J. K. Gibb June, 1868 Louis Pichd Sept. 1868 Jos. S. Messier Sept. 1868 Th6op. Bertrand. . .Deo. 1868 G. A. Dansereau. ..May, 186i^ M. B. Bethune.... July, 1869 Fred. o. Lyman. . • -July, 1869 J. E. Bureau July, 1869 Aristide Pich^ July, 1869 L. Laflamme i»ept. 1869 Lucien Huot Sept. 1869 El ■ i" ; II «JBY BARSAJ^OU'S tilTEAM REFINED FAMILT SOAF^ -^ _ Haperiof lo »ll otiiera, • i, ■I- 'Si' i: '' \\ Ml ' lt*lpbi«iBed CookiUff Vienslls, ated laiv«st va^letsr 6t House Fnrnlflliliiff CNmnIs, at Snrveyer's, 524 Cratir St. 140 OFFICIAL ASSIGNEES. Meiibrbs. Date of Commission' Aid. Ouimet Jan. 1870 0. MoMahon Jan. 187U Urgel A. Denis* . . . Jan. 187U Daniel Darby July* 1870 L. A. DeBlois July, 1870 Henri G. 8t. Pierre. July, 1870 Edward G. Monk. . July, 1870 T.S. Richer Aug. 1870 Edmond Lareau . . .Sept. 1870 John ti. Archibald.- Jan. 1871 Francis I. Keliar.- Jan. 1871 Pierre M. Durand. Jan. 1871 Thos. P. Foran Feb. 1871 W.G.Gruickshank.July, 1871 Phiilipe H. Koy . . . July, 1871 Francis 0. Wood. . July, 1871 J.L.G.Arohambault,July, 1871 K.t). G. Bagg July, 1871 Am^d^eE. Forget. July, 1871 GamilieiSantoire.-.Julyf 1871 F. G. Boutillier . July, 1871 F. L. ISarrasin. ... July, 1871 D. Macma8ter July, 1871 L. Laframbuise . . . .July, 1871 C.i. Powell Jan. 1872 Frs. O. Kinfret — Jan. 1872 F. E. N. Boucher . .July, 1872 Alphons^ David... .July, 1872 Galizte Leboeuf ... July, 1872 Ernest Desrosiers Jan. 1873 L. DeSala berry . Jan. 1873 Wm. DeG. Harnett. June, 1873 Kaymd.Pr^fontaine,July, 1873 Ghas. Labelle .... July, 1873 Membrbs Date of Commission* Ghas.L.GhampagncJttly, 1873 Joseph DesRosiers.Jan. 1874 E. B Major Jan. 1874 J. A. Bonin Jan. 1874 M. Hutchinson Jan. 1874 D.E.Bowie Jan. 1874 H. B. Hainville . . . .Jan. 1874 D. Barry Jan. 1874 Michael Lonergan- Mar. 1874 A.Adam April 1874 F.A.Archambault.July 1874 J.B.Abbott July, 1874 L. H. Archambault.July, 1874 J. G. Larividre Jan. IS?**) P. Pelietier Jan. 1875 F. Poutre Jan. 1875 F. D. Ghoquet Jan. 1875 F. Vanese Jan. 1875 J. E. Z Bouchard.. July, 1875 Ghas.P.Gharland.July, 1875 Ed. Gouillard July, 1875 R. DesRivieres .. .July,; 1875 O. B. Devlin July, 1875 W. S. Walker July, 1875 G. A. Nantel July, 1875 •D. Messier July, 1875 L. P. Gnillet Jan. 1876 J.S. Hail Jan. 1876 R. W. Huntington ..Jan. 1876 O. McGormick. ...Jan. 1876 Z. Renaud Jan. 1876 J.U.Richard Jan, 1876 G. H. {Stephens. ... Jan. 1876 OFFIGIAL ASSIGNEES FOR THE CITY OF MONTREAL. 0. Leeonrs, 16 St. Vincent st L. J. Lajoie, 60 St. James st. Jas. Gourt, 22 St. John st Edwd. Evans, 22 St. John st. W. Rbind, 58 St. Frs. Xav. st D J. Craig, 11 Hospital st J. Fair. 181 St. John st A. M. Perkins, 60 St James st A. B. Stewart, 11 St Saor't st. L. Dupuy, 11 St. Sacrament st T. Darling, 182 St James st J. W hy te. 102 St Frs. Xav. st A. Doutre, 59 St Frs. Xav. st FOR THE DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. G. Beansoleil, 60 St James street. <|aeeii. Fire A I«ife» Insurance Co.^Forbes Sc iVludse, 9Jil«f Jfeaiff in and IM 81, Jaan^ Ht.^ isoaireal* ate of imission* Ft 1873 • 1874 1. 1874 1. 1874 1. 1874 1. 1874 i. 1874 u 1874 r. 1874 ril 1874 y )874 y» 18<4 yi 1874 1. 187.'> 1. 1875 1. 1875 1. 1875 J. 1876 y» 1875 y, y» ibio 1875 y» 1875 y^ 1875 y» 1875 y» 1875 y» 1875 !• 1876 1* 1876 !• 1876 1876 L* 1876 u 1876 1. 1876 . . 4 east. «r't st. (lentst es St av. St. av. St. '— ■ ^ 1 ftbirts made to ^wdw at DESMAltTEAV 4t BOKD'i 419 NOTRE DAME STREET. NOTARIES. Ml • NOTARIAL BOARD FOR THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, Elected for three yeare/rom June 1876, D. E. Pnpineau President. George Larue Vioe- President J. B. Delnse, Secretary for the Quebec Section. H. A. A. Brault Secretary for tne Montreal Seotion. F. J* Durand, Treasu P rer, L. E. Galipeault Syndic. • UBLIC NOTARIES /Trohambanlt A. M. Doucet, T. L'Archeyesque, E. Archambault 0. Duinesnil, G- H. Leolero, C. E. Baynes, O'Hara Dumouchel, L. N. Lighthall. W. F. Beaufleld, R. Durand, Benj. Lonergan, J. Beaudry, A. Durand, F. J. Longtin, M. Beaudry, P. J. Fahey. W. Mainville, P. B^dard, L. Faure, L. F. Mandeville, F. Bel anger, T. Frechette. Ed. P. Marin, 0. Belli UKen L. Garand, M. Marion, J. P. Belle, G. E. (libb, I. J. Marler, Wm. deM. Bernier, B. Grenier, L. A. MassS, J. A. Bernier, R. H. Griffin, J. C. MazuVette, E. S* Bourbonniftre, N.G. Guy, P. M. Mcintosh, E. Bourbonni^re, T. B. Guy, A. Mousette, S. P. Bourgeois, L. G. Hall, W. A. Myer, H. J. Boyce, M. Hart, L. A. Normandeau, P. E. Brault H. A. A. H^tu, L. 0. Panet E. A. Brault C. Houde, L. A. Papineau, C. F. Brogan. A nth. Houl^, J. B. Papineau, D. E. Brodie, Hugh Huet, S. Papineau, J. G. Bro88oit, J. Hughes, G. A. Parent C A. i Brofseau, A . 0* Hunter, J. S. Perrault, M. ■ Brunet M. D. Isaacson, A. G. Pepin. H. P. Bureau, Hon. J. 0* Isaaci^on, J U. Phillips, 11. W. A. Pitt J. M. Chalut J-0. Jeannotte, H. Charapoux, J. E. Johin, A. D. Plamondon, S. rhoquet A. Jnbin, J. H- Prudbomme, E. Coderre, J E. Kittson, G. R. W. Quintal, J. A. Con tan t M. k^ Labadie, J. A. Renaud. C. F. P. Coutl^e, J. L. Labudie, J. A. 0. Rieutard, F. j Coutu, J. F. G.^ Labadie, J. E. 0. Robillard, P. E. 1 Gushing, Chas.. Labadie, M. F. A. Ross, W. : Deoarie, A. 0. Labranohe, J. 0. Sanborn, M. H. Defoy, J. B. Lafleur, E. Simard. J. ; Demartigny,V.A.L. Landry, J. P. Stuart B. Des Hosiers, Jos. R. Lamothe, P. Terroux, C. A. Des Hosiers, L. A. Larue, R. A. Watts, W. H. . Devlin, J. 0. Latour, L. A. H. Wright, H.B. TUT RARSAI'OIJ'S BO»l£fiiII€ BAR ftiOAP— Xli« Famllj f .i^^^nl^^. «^Wl( t«<_l8oia b^ all € »*^W- . . ^,.^ I I . « 'j'l ■ '1i- f ! ■•!-■ ■i I. ^■' ^ 4i CmOtm^ fHmtM IPalM* mtsi» mo4i» • uvmeucuty M I.. J, A. mmr^YEWBf 694 Cnilff BtveeU 142 COMMISSIONERS. BIBMBBRS OF THE PROVINCIAL CHAMBER OF NOTARIES. Elected for three years from June 1876, MontreaL—D. E. Papineau, J. S. Hunter, F. J. Dnrand, J. B. 0. Labadie, E. A. Beaudry, F. dn S. Bastien, W. F. Lltrht- hall, J. R. Brillnn, J. N. A. Arohambault. Quebec .—Theodore Paquet, George Larue, H. C Austin, Louis Leolerc, Louis Nap. Carrier. Augustin Vooelle, S. J. Glaokraeyer, Cyrille Tesaier. Three River g.—PetruB Hubert, Louis Ed. (^alipea alt, Robert Trudel, J. Alexandre Poirier. St. Hpncinfhfi.—Evnary Lafon- taine, Michel Esdras Bernier, Fdlix Fontaine. Jiichelieu,-*- John George Grdbassa, Francois Xavier A. Biron. Iberville. — F. G. Marohand, L. A. Auger.— 0«aM>a.—E. d'Odet D'Orson- nens. Terrebonne. — Hon. Fdlix H. Lemaire. Joliette. — Hon. Ls. Arohambault, L. Desaulniers. Arthabnaka.^Ls. Rainville. ^cc(/brrf.--Jo8eph Lefebvre. Bennhamois. — Joseph Mayer. Kamouraekfr. — J. B. A. Chamberland, Augustin Martin.^ Monlmngny. — L. A. Beaubien. Beauoe. — Joseph Bolduo. — St, FrancU.—Jogeph Azarie Arohambault. Snguenau and Ghi- cou<«m.— Cl^op. Cimon. Bimotuki.—F. L. Gauvreau. Oaep4. —Pierre Clevis Beauohesne. COMMISSIONERS FOR RECEIVING AFFIDAVITS For the Superior Courts in the City of Montreal, L. J. A. Papineau J. A. Labadie William Ross Etienne Guy Wm. H. Br6baut John H. Isaacson P. J. Beaudry George Weeks Gaspard Dagen C. A. Terroux P. E. Normandeau Joseph Jones Joseph H. Durand J. S. Hunter G. E. Kernick J. 0> Labranobe Wm. F. Lighthall H. Lappare Napoleon Brault Adolphe Oherrier Robert Watson D. J. Craig H. A. A. Brault J. Garr Griffin S. P. Mousette J. 0. Villeneuve J. Fauteux L. N. Dumouchel C. E. Belle L. A. DesRosiers O'Uara Baynes M. H. Eloott A. D. Jobin Robert Watson Hugh Brodie W. A. Phillips J. F. Dubreuil Alex- Moffatt N. G. Bourbonnidre M. Bouthillier R. Beaufield 0. J. Devlin T. Douoet J. E. 0. Labadie E. Molntosh J. L. Coutlee L. J. Lajoie <|v®«n» Fire Sc lilfe. Insurance Co.— Forbes A nrnllgei f?iaef Agents* in anA 198 St. /ames S|t| IllQiitreal* WBim BBBM MHUim #!.••, W«Wni f 94Ub [AV COMMIBfllONERS. 148 COMMISSIONERS FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS In the Province of Q%iebec, to he used in Ontario, C. J. Ooursol J. Court Hon. J. J. C.Abbott G. Macrae J. H. Isaacson W. B. Lambe J. Kirby P. Browne H. Chapman P. E. Normandeau W. Rom T. Doucet J. Popham J. C. Griffin W. P. Lighthall J. C. Hatton J. ?. Hunter E. Holton W. A. Phillips R. A. Ramsay I. T. Wotherspoon D. J. Craig E. Evans 0. Cushing R. Watson A. McGoun A. Moffatt A. 6. Stewart C. P. Davidson COMMISSIONERS TO ADMINISTER OATHS. &o. Commissioners to administer Oaths to Public Officers.— Hon. C. S. Monlc, C. J. Coursol, John P. Sexton. T. Bouthillier. Edw. Carter, Charles B. Schiller, A. de Beaumont* R. A. R. Huberti L. J. A. Papineau, and John S. Honey. Commissioner for takin^r Affidavits, and givincr Certificates of Transfer and Registry of Vessels for Nova Scotia.— John Pop- ham. Commissioner in London, England, for taking Affidavits to be used in Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and Affidavits and Acknowledgments of Married Women, to be used in the Pro- vince of Nova Scotia.— Alexander Gillespie, jr., of " Howard Ss Gillespie," 40 Old Broad Street, London. Commissioner in London, England, for taking Affidavits to be used in tbe Provinces of Ontario and Quebec— Arnold Summers Munns, of " Lewis, Munns A Longden," solicitorSi 8 Old Jewry. London, E.C. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in and for the Courts of Manitoba, outside the Province.— John Carr Griffin, MontreiUi and John Irvine, Montreal. Commissioner under Extradition Treaty and also of Dominion Police.— Charles Joseph Coursol, Judge of Sessions. Commissioners to Enlist and Attest Soldiers or persons desiroua of entering Her Majestey's service under the Imperial Act 12 V., c. 10.— A. M. Delisle ; W. H. Brehaut, Police Magistrate ; C. J. Coursol, Judge of Sessions ; and E. Garter, Q.C. I I ': . ^ I jrt HbUMVlMt Wrinc«Mt Wmalkwmt Iron BH tm i timdMt Mpwimtg B«ds« lHaiirciMSt Ac— 1«. J. A. •«rvcjer, 084 Cnilir St* rt- 144 JUSTICES OP THE PEACE. JUSTICES OF THE PBAOE For the CUy of Montreal, The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Montreali for the time being, are seyerally Justices of the Peace. Allard, Oroer Alexander, Charles Atkinson, John A Offer, J.-Bte. Bamalou, Jniteph Beaubien, Pierre Beandry. Jean B. Rrydflres, Charles J. Bmusfienu, Jean B. Browne, Oenrge Bnioh. Oeorffe Bastien, Benoit BemBrd. Aldis Benoit, Z^nhirin Beoket. John C Beaudry, Hon. J. L. Beandry, P J Belair, Louis P. Belle, Charles E. Beliveau, Leuis J. Buntin, Alexander Bulmeri Hetfry Brown, Alfned Bartley. Wm. P. Boulanffer. .Tos. G. Bonrffeau, Victor Bonthillier, T. Boxer. Frederick N. Brazeau. F. X. Campbell. G W. Campbell, Robert Gantin, AuffnsHn Oassidy, J. Lewis Gharlebois, II. H. Chapman, Henry Chauveau, Hon. P. J. 0., Q. C. Cherrier.S.C. Q.C, X)larke, Francis Coderre, .T. Emery Contant, Frs.' Corse, Newton B. Guddihy. Michael Clerk, Alexander Glendinnenif, Wm. <^ott<«, Honors Crawford. John Onvilier, Maurice David, Ferdinand Ooran, James Devlin. O. .T. Dickson, Walter H. Donnelly. James Del isle, A. M. Delveochio, P. Derome. L^on Donnelly. James Dorion, Hon. A. A. Diivernay, Louis N. D'Orsonnens, G. D Dyde, John Doran, S. James Dakers« .Tames Flsdaile, Robert Ferrier, Hon. James Fullum, Georffe Farmer, Michael Galnrneau, P. M. Gault, M H. Globenski. BenJ. Godfrey, Robert T. Gould. Ira Goyette, JeanB. Gravel, Jean A. Grenier. J. Griffin, Fred., Q.C» Griffin. J C. Grenier, Jacaues Hamilton, John Hamilton. John B. Hetu. Leonard 0. Hi] don, Pierre Huntinffton, Hn L.S. Hutton. Wm. H. Hart, Theodore Hawley, J. A. Hibbard, Ashley Hinffston, W. H. Hogan, Henry Holton, Hon. L. H. Hooper, AngngO. Hudon, Victor Hunter, Jas. 8. Hickson, .Joseph Howley. James Henshaw, F. W. Hutchinson, M. Hudon. Ephraim Isaacson, .John H. Jackson. Henry Jobin. J. H. Joseph, John Henij Judah, Henry, Q, Q, ^udah, TnomasS. Kirkup, Jogeph Lnbadie, .Toseph A. La4)roix. C. J, H. La framboise. Rn. M. Lamothe. GuiI'me Larkin, Pn trick Law, James Leprohon. Jean L. Levy. Alexander Lionais, Hardoin Lomer, Gerard Lunn, Wm. Lyman. Benjamin Lyman, Henry Lighthall. W. F. Lam^re. .Jean B. Lovell. .Tohn Little, Thomas MacFarlane, W. MaoDonald. Wm. McGauvran. J. W. M a jor. Jas. E. Marchand. Louis Masjion, Damase Mathewson, John MoCambridge, A. McDonald, Duncan McDonnell, R. L. McDougall, D. L. MeDougall, John McGibbon, Alex. 4|aeen, Fire 9c litfe. Insurance €o.-~Forbes 4e IHadir^i Cmef Agenu, 191 and m St. ^aaieii %Uy REontr^i^^ BVT T017R •HIBTS AT DESMABTBAV A BOMD»0t 415 MOTRB DAME ftTRBET. MIUTIA. 145 McKay, Edward McKenna, Thoma« MoKonaie, John O. McKensie, G. (4. MoNaaghton. W. Meilleur. J. B. Mofifntt, Oeorpre Mnlnon. J. H. R. Morley. John 8. Mopi*, Fidwflnl Mow, Hirnm D. Moefi, Samuel H. Moore, Luke Murphy. Edv/ard Murphy, P. 8. Musoen, Thomng Merrill, Win. H. MoShnne, Jamen MoKeon. Edward Nelson, H. Admiral Normandeau, P. E. O'Brien, Wm. Offilvie, Alex W. O'Leary, J. P. T. Ogilvie. John Palmer, Wm, Papineau, Denis E. Pelletier, David Penn, Frederiok Penny, Edw. Qoflf Phelan, John Phillips. W. E. Poupart. .Joseph Penton, P. W. L. Plessis dit Belair, L R. Prett. John ' r^vont. Rem! Pnid'hommo, M. Quevillnn. Charles Hankin. John Rndden, Wm. Rodier, 0. S. Rylnnd. O. H. Rodier. C. S , jr. Rolland. O. T Rolland, .Tenii Bte Rose, SirJ.,BL,m»»on.— Lieut.-Col. Thomas Bacon, Brigade Major. Head-quarters, Montreal. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Pontiac, Ottawa, Argenteuil, Montreal West, and Second Montreal Centre, Huntingdon, Napierville, Second ChateauKuay, and St. Johns. 2nd Brigade 2>tfn«ton.— Lieut.-Col. Honorable Matthew Aylmer, Brigade-Major. Head-quarters, Richmond. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Iberville, Missisquoi, Brome, Shefford, Richmond, Drummond, Stanstead, Sherbrooke and Compton. Military District, No. 6. Lieut. -Col. A. C. de Lotbini^re Harwood, Deputy Adjutant- Ghneral, commanding; Major W. H. Brehaut, district pay- master. ith Brigade 2)»«t«ion— Lieut -Col. Count Gustavo d'Odet d'Orsonnens, Brigade-Major. Head-quarters, Montreal. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Montreal Bast, First Montreal Centre, Yaudreuil, Soulanges, Beauharnois, First Chateauguay, Laprairie, Two Mountains, Terrebonne, Hoche- laga, Jacques Cartier, and Laval. bth Brigade Z>tvt«ton.— The duties oi the 5th and 6th Brigade Divisions are performed by Brigade-Major of 4th Brigade Division. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of PAssomption, Mont- ealm, Joliette, Derthier, Maskinong^, Three Rivers, and St. Maurice. %th Brigade Division ~-The duties of the 5th and 6th Brigade Divisions are performed by Brigade-Major of 4th Brigade Division. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Nicolet, Arthabaska, Wolfe, Yamaska, Bagot, Richelieu, St. Hyaointhe, Eouville, Veroh^res and Chambty. l|««eM, Fire A J«f ff)&, Ineuranee €o.— Fovbee 4c llinilg«« ClUef Ageii«»| m mHI ttmBU JTamM^t*, Montreal. SKtiti lli»ae to OWl«r at nesnrAB'TBAlf A IHMVIM 415 NOTRE DARTB STRBET* MILITIA. 147 MlLITABT DiBTBIOT, No. 7. Lieut -Ool. H. T. Duobeitney,' Deputy Adjutant-OeneTal. oommanding: Major W. H Forrest, distnot pAy-master. 7th Brigade Divinon.^The duties of 7th Britrade Division are performed by Brigade-Major of 8th Brigade Division. Head-9uarterB, Levis. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Lotbini^re, M^gantie, Beauoe, Dorchester, Levis, Bdlechasse, Montmagny, L'Islet, Eamouraska, Temiscouata, Rimouski, Bonaventure, andOasp^. 8«A Brioade IH'vt9«on.— Lieut.-Gol. E. Lamontagne, Brigade- Major. Head-quarters, Quebec. Consists of the Regimental Divinions of Ghamptain, Portneuf, Suebeo East, Quebec Centre, Quebec West, County of Quebeo* rontmorenoy, Charlevoix, Chicoutimi, and Saguenay. MONTRBAI.. Cavalry.— AV«e TVoop.— Capt. John Tees'; .Lieut. Colin MoArthur ; Comet, Thomas Porter. FiRLD Battery op Artillery.— Capt A. A. Stevenson, (l.c); Ist Lieuts. William McGibbon, (l.o.)/and Thomas W. Boyd; Surgeon, George E. Fen wick, M.D. Brigade Oarkiron Artillery.— Lieut-Col. Henry MoKay; Majors, David T. Fraser and £. A. Baynes. First Captains— W. F. Kay, C D. Tylee, W-LRobert Oswald and Thomas C. Gordon. First Lieutenants.— G. W. Hamilton and John Pangman. Second Lieutenants.— John W. Molson, James A. Currie, Henry R. Ferrier, H Vincent Meredith and W. J. Binning. 5fO;^.— Paymaster, Captain 6. Lulham,(mj ; Acting Adjutant, 2nd Lieutenant, A. Currie ; Quartermaster, Donald Maodonald ; Surgeon, J. Bell, M.D. ; Assistant Surgeon, G. W. Major, M.D. Enoineb»8.— JVb. 1 t7oinponv.— Captain, J. A. Devine ; 1st Lieut., Lawrence P. Berry ; 2nd Lieut., Chas. Fred. Davies. No, 2 Compani/.— W. Kennedy (m.) First or "Prince op Walks" Regiment.— Lieut.-Col. Frank' Bond ; Majors, Edward L. Bond and Fred. S. Barnjum. C7ajpeatn«.— Samuel C. Stephenson, E. W. Mudge, Alex. MoT. Watt, George F. Armstrong, Robert W. Shepherd, Jr., Alex. Robertson. Lieuienar^a.—'RoheTt Tatlow, Thomas H. Wright, Frederick James Glaxton, Sidney Caldecott Chubb, John Fortune Nott, William Wallace Watson. EnHions. —Kennoth C. Patterson, and Stanley Kinnear. iS'to/f.— Paymaster, Alex. Milloy, (m.); Adjutant, Thomas Charles Wats6n, (c.) ; Quartermaster. Robert Balfour; Surgeon, Francis W. Campbell, M.D., Assistant Surgeon, Jai. B. Mo- Connell, M.D. fHY BABSAIavid (c.) : Quartermaster, Douglas Battersby, (1.) ; Surgeon, A. David, M.D. ; Asst. Surgeon, Richard A. Kennedy, M.I). 65th Battalion, or Mount Rotal Riplks, Montreal.— Major Nap. Labr ache, (I.e.), in command; Michel Deguise, (1.0.) Captaina.—y, Bourdon, Frs. Corbeille, Frs. Lapointe, Louis Alphonse P. Barthe. Lieuienanta^K. Lapierre, G. Gadoufti Alp. Couture, G. Qui- met, T. B. Toutrie. Qunrtermaater. — Adolph Roohon. J. Brudeur, R. Brousseau, A. T* Bruueile, J. Bulier, F. Burland, W. B. Gamerun, J. G. Campbell, F. W. Campbell, G. W- Garndre, P. Casgrain, P. F. Chainberland, N. Gline, J D. Guderre, J. E. Craig, A. B. Craik, R. Grevier, Joseph A. Dagenais, A« Dansereau, Chas* David, A. H- Demers, F. Detgardins, G* H> Desjardins, J. A. De:uardin8, L A. E> Desmarteau, N • 6. Des I osiers, L. J. P. Drake, J. M. Dubuo, G. Duckett, W. A. Duolos, B. A. Dugdale, J. J. Duhamel, A. A. D'Orsunnens, F. E. Durocher, L* B. Edwards, 0. C. Eneas. J. Fafard, Charles Faiard, Nurbert, Jr Fat'ard, Thomas Fen wick, G. E Filiatrault, C M. Fiiiacrault, F. J. Finnie, J. T. Fioher, M. G. Fuller, W. Gagnun, Jos. Gardner, W. Gautbier, S. Genand, F. L. Gird wood, G. P. Gudtrey, R. T., sr. Godtrey, R. T., jr. Grenier, G. Hiugston, W» H. Howard, R. P. Jacques, LA G* Kearney, NV. J. Kennedy, K. A. Kuhuiyer, A. H« Labadie, A. H* Luberge, L. Lachapelle, E. Lamaruhe, A. Lanotot, Joseph Lapierre, J. A. Laramie, A.J. Larocque, A. B. Latour, Andr6 Latour, H- T. Leblano, Bonj. fl. Leduc, Joseph Lemery, H. Lenuir, J . Leonard, T. A. R. Leprohon, J . L. Love tin, N. Lussier, J . G. MoGallum, D. C. McCallum, D. MoConneii, J. B. McDonald, Wm. McMillan, L. J. A* Mac bean, David MacDonell, Angus MacDonnell, K. L. Matte, J. H. A* Major, Geurge Mariun, J. J. Maihieu, A. Meunier, A. Molson. W. A, Mondelet, W. fl. Mount, E. P. Mount, John W. Muusseau, F. X. Munro, D. Monro, P. Nelson, Wolfred O'Leary, P. Oiilar, Wm. Paquet, E. Patton, E. K. Peltier, H. f errault, Aug. Perrigo, James Perrin, F. Pioault, 0., & Co. Pioh^, A. Poitevin, J. C. Plante, P. E. Proudtoot, Alex* Quintal, Luc Raymond, 0. Keddy, J Reed, X. D. iltcard. A. G* Richelieu, P. Robillard, E. Rubillard, N. iioddick, T G. Rudgers, Thos. A. Rollin, A. RosH, George Rottot, J. p. Rourk, Franeis Roy, J. A. Schmidt, S. B. bcutt, W. E. Shaw, G B. Simpson, ThoB. Slack, G. F. Smiih, NV. P. Thompson, K. Trenholme, E. H. Trudel, E. U. Turgeon, L. G. Webb, J. T. S. Witkins, Geo. Wheeler, ihos. 6. Wright, Rev. Wm. %BJ nA]l9AI J. H. MuUer, F. Alloway, R. A. Andrews, J. J. Bazio, J. A. Beers, W. G. Brewster, G. Bowker, H. M* Niohol, T. Utley, M. H. DENTISTS. Bell, J. Ulobensky, S. Lauder, John Lovejoy, tt. W. Mathieu, E. MoGowan, Wm. Wanlesfl, John WaniesB, John R. Nichols, J. C. Trescler, G. F. F. Turcot, E. Webster, J. H. Wright, Alfred Young, W. Dental Boabd op Examiners of the Provincb of Qukbkc— Incorporated March 30th, 1869.— Hon. P. Baillargeon, President ; W. George Beers, Secretary; G. Brewster, Treasurer; G. F, F> Trestler, Registrar. J. H. Webster, J. McKee, H. I>. Ross. CHEMISTS AND APOTHBGARIES. Ambrose, J. D. L., corner MoGill and Notre Dame streets* Birks, R., 187 McGill street. Bourqne, E. J., M.D., 47 HU Antoine street. " Brodeur, R. J., M.D-, 333^ St. Lawrence street. Bulling, William, 018 8t. Mary street. Gampbell. Kenneth & Co., Medical Hall, St. James street, and branch estaoiisbment, Phillips Square. {See adv. page 12.) Gasgrain, P. F., M.D., 803 St. Gathenne street. Dawson, — — , St. Lawrence street- Desjardins, J. A., 22 St. Lawrence street. Desjardins, H., M.D., 45 dt Antoine street. Desrosiers, L. J. P., M. !>., 389i^ St. Joueph street. Devins & Bolton, next the Court House, Notre Dame street. Dubuc, Ghas., M.D., 480 St. Joseph street. Ducios, E. A., M.D., 53 St. Mary street. Dugal, Rooh, 515 St. Catherine street. Duckett, W. A., M.D.. 664 St. Joseph street. Edwards, Dr. J. B., 51 St. Radegonde street. Edson, M. G., corner Mountain and St. Antoine streets. Evans, xL'*^' ^r <& Co., 6t. Jean Baptiste street. Farfard ., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine; D. C. McCallum, M.D.. Professor of Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Children; Robt. Craik, MD., Professor of Chemistry; G. E. Fenwick, M.D., Professor of Surgery; William Gardner, M.D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence; Joseph M. Drake, M.D., Emeritus Professor; Wm. Osier, M.D.. Professor of Institutes of Medicine ; Gilbert P. Gird wood, M.D., Professor of Practical M I I1IX*I^BSAI., Prutessor ot Clinical ourgery ; Jb'rauois J . tdhepnerU, Demuodtrutor ut Anatomy ; Kubert 1'. UuUtrey, M !>., Frotessor of Hygiene and Public iiealth; Prolestior H. Aspinwall, A.M., LL.1>., Matriculation Examiner. University op Bishop's College, Lk^vioxyulv..— Faculty of Medicine.— A. h. iiaviu, M.D., Edm, L.K.C.d.E., D.C.L , Dean, Prot. ui I'tieory and Practicu ut MedLcine, 42 iieaver Uall Ter- race ; J. L, Lepronun, M. A., M..D,, U.M., Prut, ot Hygiene, 237 fist. Autoine oireei ; b\ vV. Campoeil, M.A., M.D., L.K.C.t'., Lond., Prot. ot Physiology. 10 I'UUlipa Plaoe, Beaver Hall; E. H. Treuholuie, iVi.A., Al.D., U.M., B.C.L., Prot. ot Midwttery and JJitfeueted ot Women and Utiildreu, '61 idt. Kadeguude Street, Victoria Square ; J. B. EdwaiuJ, Ph. D., JD.C L., Prot'etisur of Praotioal (Jhemistry and Microscopy, 030 Lagauohetiere dtreet : K. A. Kennedy, M.A., M.D., CM., Prof, of the Piinciples and Practice ot Surgery, 41 Bleury iStreet; J. Perrigo, M.A., M.i>., M.K.C.i^., Prof, of Medical Jurisprudence, 591 St Catherine street; G. Wilkins, il.D., M.K.C.S., Eng., Prof, of Patnology and Lecturer on Practical Pbysiology, 165 St. Autoine Street ; A. H. KoUmyer, M.A., M.l>., Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 80 St. Urbain Street; G. B.Shaw, CM., M..D., Prot. of Ctiemistry, 51 St. Kadegonde iSireet; J. B. McUonneil, M.H., CM., Prof, of Botany and Zoology ; Wm. l<'uller, ALD.1 CM., Prof, ot Anatomy, 531 Wellington Street; G. E. slack, CM., M.l>., M.H.Cs., Eng., Lecturer on Minor Surgery, 142 St. Antoiue Street; Andr6 Latour, C.M., M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy ; Wolt'red Nelson, CM., M.D., Assist- ant i^emonsirator ot Anatomy, 1 St. James Place, 1U9 Canning Street; Wm. EuUer, Curator of Museum. School of Surgery and Medicine of Montreal.— Faculty of Medicine of the University of Victoria College of Montreal.— Pierre Muaro, M.O., Pre^'ident, Professor of 6urgery; J. P. Kottot, M.U., Professor of Medicine ; Eugene H. TruduU, M.D., Professor of Midwifery and tne Diseases of Women and Child- ren; J. U. Bibaud, M.D., Professor of Anatomy ; J.Emery Coderre, M.D., Professor ot Materia Medica and Therapeutics; Thomas E. H'Orsonnens, M.O., Protesbor of Chemistry and Pharmacy; 11. Peltier, M.D., Professor of the Institutes ot Medicine ; A. Brosseau, Protessor of Legal Medicine and Botany; A. Lamarcde, MLD.^ Demonstrator of Anatomy; Dr. Muuro, Clinical Surgery; Dr. Kottot, Clinical Medicine; G. Beaudry, M.D., Professor of Anatomy; Dr. H. Peltier, Sec'y and Treasurer. l^aeeUf Fire dc Life, Insiirauce Co.— Forbes Sc jnadKe, Cllitof Agents* 191 and ^99 St. James Strt Jflontrenlt ■«M* ABYBRTISEMBNT I . Il I I. ihKktnmwt SSiiMbirirtSiiSi;^^ to twluc* tMv BilTBJg OF ^HWMTOM iumAvki ■ ; 7 l**f'-' '^-N^ i» *-w ■' -.»■>» ^ ?i WHITE DREM SHIRTS $1.90, WORTH AT DB8]»EARTBAIJ 6c BOND'S. MEDICAL 161 CoLLKOR OF Physicians and Surorons for Lowrr Canada. —Dr. Russell, of Quebec, Pref^ident: Dra. Marmette and How- ard, Vioe-Preflidenrs ; Dr. Peltier, lor Montreal; Dr. Belleau, for Quebec, Stioretariee ; Dr. FeDwiok, Registrar and Treasurer. Board of Oovemora. For City of Mont real.— Dn. Scott, FeDwiok» Hingston, Godfrey. Peltier, Howard. Rottot, and HobiUard. For DiHrict of Montreal.— Dts. Cbambt>rlin, Brigbam, Weil- brenner, Ducheaneau, Gibson. Ghurfh, and Perrault. For City nf Uaebac. — Drs. Belleau. Tessier, Landry, Russell, Hobitaille, Jackson. Rousseau, and Kinfret. For District of Quebec— Drs. Desjardius, Micbaud, T^tUf Marmetto, Dub^, and P. Pelletier. For District of St. FrancU.—DtH. Worthington, Qilbert, and Hamilton. For DUtrict of Three Rivera.— Drs, Ross, Landry ,^and Mig- nault. — Montrkal Grnrral Hospital— Elected Governor§.—V, 8. Whitney, Jackson Rue, John McLean. John Stirling, David Law, 11 un. M. Lafraoiboise, Archibald Ferguson, 0. S. Wood, Thomas Kershaw, A. T. Paterson, R. B. Angus, David Riibertson. Elected Officers for 1876.— Peter Redpath, President; Chas. Alexander, Vice-President; Andrew Robertson, Treasurer; Dr. R. P. Howard, Secretary. Committee of Management. — Arch. Ferguson, William Lnnn, Peter Redpath, Charles Alexander, William Clendinneng, Andrew Robertson. Hon. Mr. Justice Torrance, John Rankin, T. M. Bryson, John Stirling, C- J. Brydges and Sir A. T. Gait. ContiuttiuQ FhynicianH.- George W.Campbell, A.M., M.D. ; Robert Crnik, M.D ; W. E. Soott, M D.; R P. Howard, M.D. Attending Phf/aicianti,— Drs. William Wright, D. C. MacCal- lutn. John Reddy, G. H). B'enwick, J. M. Drake, George Ross, R. T. Godfrev, T. G. Roddick. Out-door PhjmcianH.—hrB. G. P. Girdwood, Thos. Simpson, George Wilkins and George W. iVlajor. Oculist and 7luW«e.— Frank Buller. M.D. lienident Medical Officers.— J as. C. Cameron, M.D. , House Surgeon ; John D. Cliiie, B.A., M D., Assistant House Surgeon ; W. U. Burland, M.D., Apothecary; Edward Russell, House Steward. Ladg Superintendant. — Miss Maohin. Hours for Medical Advice, 10 to 12 o'clock daily. Hours for friends visiting the sick, 3 till 4 o'clock daily, Sundays excepted. University Lyinq-in H(>8pital.— First Directress, Mrs. Mc- Donnell ; Second Directress, Mrs. Ostell ; Secretary, Mrs. M. McOulloch; Treasurer, Mrs. James Rose; Matron and Mid- wife, Mrs. Hannah; D. C. MeCallum, M.D. ; Professor of Mid- wifery, McGill University, Physician and Acooucheur; Con- sulting Physicians, the Medical Faculty of McGill University. TRY BABSALOl/'S STEAM REFINED FAMILY SOAP, Snperioi to nil othen. r J I ' I 1; I tH ) ; t I ! u ■i ff '■ i' i IIUlilil«ted ana BAipMM Po»t«M« BantfM, «ktt l« the market, M L* J» A. •«rT«yev*«9 BM Orals >t« lat CONSULS. WoMSn's Hospital of Montrral.— Xt ^^c treHtinvnt of diMMM peouliftr to ^Tomen and for Lyini- ! .^i,Mt, U nder the ■aperintnndenoe of the Medical Faculty of i>ii«hoi»'i Cnlloge. > 0%U-donr Cliniool />ei)arim«nl.— Attendance daily at 11 Attendinff Hhytieiant and Surgennt. — Drs. F. W. Campbell, B' H. Trenholme, R. A Kennedy and Geo. Wilkina. Superintendent of Lj/ing-in Department. -rl&. H. Trenholme, M..D* Conavfting PAi/«totan«.— Medical Faculty of Bishop'i Oollege. Coneulting Surgeon,— Vf^ H. Hingston, M.D. ifatron.— Mrs. U. Ritchie, 51 8t Antoine Street. HoTEL-DiEU, Montreal.— Hie Lordship, Mgr. Fabre, Su- Grior: Rev. D. Tambereau, Director; Rev. 0. Maillet, Ohap* in; Rev. Sister Justine Bonneau, Superioress; the Professors of the French School of Medicine, Physicians ; Drs. W. Hingston and Angus Macdonell, Head Surgeons, Physicians of the Bnglish-s peaking Department ; Dr. 8. Duyal, House Surgeoii uid Physician} J. G. Guimond, Agent. MONTRfeAL DiSPRNS ART.— President, Wm. Workman; Vice- Presidents, Major U. Mills and A. \V. Ogilvie; Treasurer, C. 0. Perrault; Seoretar;^. Diehard A. Kennedy. M D., CM. Conaultina Phy%%e%ana.—K. P. Howard. G. E. Fenwitik, R. Oraik. H. Peltier, J. L. Leprohon, W. H. Hingston, F. W. Oampbell, G. P. Girdwood, W . Gardner, E. H. Trenholme and Geo. WilkiDS. Attending Phpieiana.—IBL. Thompson. R. A. Kennedy, J. Bell, G. F. Slack, B. K. Patton, T. J. Alloway, W. Nelson, J. B. 'McOonhell and A. Proudfoot. Committee of Man€igement,—Wm» Workman, Major Mills, A. W. Ugilvie, G. 0. Perranlt, J. Y. Gilmour, G. R. Prowse, Henry Mulholland, R. Moat, Dis. Leprohon, F. W. Campbell, Gardner, Trenholme,, Slack, Kennedy, Thompson and Mac- donald. CONSULS AND VICE-CONSULS. Argentine Republic.-— Buenos Ayres.—H. Chapman, J.P., St. John street. Argentine Republic— Monte Video.— Geo. B, Day, 13 Hospital street. Austro-Hungarian Empire.— E. Schultz, 2^1 Notre Dame street. Belgiat).— Jesse Joseph, 102 St. Franoois Xavier street. Chili.— George B. Day. 13 Hospital street. Danish.— J. F. Wulff, 370 St. Paul street. French Consul- General.— Monsieur Lefaivre. Quebec. French Vice-Confiul.— C. 0. Perranlt, Place d'Armes. .^ Hartford Fire, of Hartford— Wood k Evans, general agents and attornevs, 91 St. Francois Xavier street. Hastings Mutual Fire Insurance Company— A. DeLaet, agent, 162 St. James street. Imperial Fire, of London— Rintoul Bros., agents, 102 St. Fran- cois Xavier street. - See adv- firtt Doae cover. Isolated Risk and Farmers' Fire— S. E. Lefebvre, secretary, 12 St- James street. Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Company— H. McKay k Co., j^ents, 11 St. Sacrament street. Life Association of Scotland— Richard Bull* secretary, 99 St. James street. London and Lancashire Life— William Robertson, manager, , 1 <& 2 Molsons Bank Chambers, 167 St. Peter st— iS'ee adv. Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company— G. F. C. Smith, resident secretary, 16 Place d' Armes— i9ee adv . London Assurance Corporation — Stephens k Foster, chief agents for Canada, 56 St. Francois Xavier street— iSee adv. Lloyds iLondon) Glasgow Board of Underwriters— H. Chap- man, agent, 22 St. John street. Ujy— W.Burke, general agent, 196 St. James street-— «S'fti udn. Niagara District Mutual Fire Insurance Company— J. Irvine, agent, 162 St. James street. North British and Mercantile, Fire and Life- MacDougall & Davidson, general wgents; Wm lowing, iiibpeciur. Uflice, corner ot St Francois Xavier and Hospital streets- . R. Thomson - R. Richardson -.Jas. Young 4|tte«nt^ Fire A: iAit^ lutturance €o«--fforbee ik JfEudge) OlUef AgeutetlM AMd ittS St* Junes St.t Moulreai* BUT TOVB samTB AT DE8]ltAttTBAl7 A BO1VB^0 415 NOVBB BAAUB STBBBT. BANKS, 167 Place, Name of Bank, Manager or Affent, Berlin '. M^rchaQts' B'k Canada Charles Grookall Consul idated B'k ot Canada. .C. J. Brent Bowmanyille • Ontario Geo. MoGill Dominion • J* A • Codd Bradford (Standard B'k Canada T. Dewson Brampton MerchHnts* B'k Canada F. Cresswell, Jr* Brantt'ord British N. America A. Robertson Canadian B'k Commerce J Pollock Montreal S. Read BrookTille Molsons J. W. B. Rivers Montreal J. N. Travers Cannington. . .Standard B'k Canada John Houston Cayuga. Canadian B'k Commerce... -W. Roberts Chatham Canadian B'k Commerce. . . . W. S. Ireland Merchants' B'k Canada R. N. Rogers Consolidated B'kot Canada- A. Richardson Clinton Consolidated Bk. of Canada. .M. Lough Cobourg Montreal C. R. Brough Toronto J. Henderson Dominion ...W. D. Burn Colbome Standard B'k Canada F. R. Sohon Collingwood.... Canadian B'k Com meroe.... John MoMaster Toronto W . R. W adsworth Cornwall Montreal Neil Maclean Dundas Canadian B'k Comiaeroe D. Just Dunnville Britibh N. America F. 0. Cross Elora Merchants' B'k Canada Wm. Kingsley Exeter Molsons ^E* W. Strathy Fergus Montreal — G. D. Fergusson Gait Canadian B'k Commerce. . . .E. Cowdry Merchants' B'k Canada J. S. Meredith Consolidated B'k of Cunada. .John Cavers Gananouue • • . Merchants' B'k Canada A. Petrio Georgetown.... Hamilton E. A. Colquhoun Goderich Canadian B'k Commerce.... A. M. Ross Montreal James U. Finley Guelph Canadian B'k Commerce. . . . Wm. iSmith Montreal T. A. Kerr Ontario E Morris Hamilton British N. America Thomas Corsan Canadian B'k Commerce. . .John C. Kemp Exchange B'k Canada C M. Counoell Hamilton H. C. Hammond Merchants' B'k Canada . ...W. Cooke Montreal T.R.Christian Consolidated B'k of Canada. -J. M. Burns Harriston Standard B'k Canada R. B. bouierville IngersoU Merchants' B'k Canada David Kemp Imperial B'k Canada C. E. Chudwiok Kincardine . . . .Merchants' B'k Canada T. E. P. Trew 1:b3^.i^bsalou*s sxeasi rkfined famii . .R. M. Moore Merchants' B'k Canada D. Miller Montreal H. Dunsford Ontario H.A. McMurtry Hamilton W. Corbould British N. America Oswald Weir Canadian B'k Coramerce....R. W.Smylie Merchants' B'k Canada W. F. Harper Molsons Joseph Jeffery Montreal F. A. Despard Federal C. Murray Canadian B'k Commerce«*..J. £. Thomas Standard B'k Canada F. A. Heesor Molsons P. Molsons C. Merchants' B'k Canada R. Molsons H. Ontario J. British N. America A. Fuller W. Clinch D. Freeman Clouston F. Fieide Allan Orillia.. Oshawa Ottawa Owen Sound'.. Paris Paisley . . . Parkhill- . Pembroke Perth Peterborough. Merchants' B'k Canada Alex Amith Standard B'k Canada J. K. Allen Consolidated B'k of Canada- Joseph Cawthra Consolidated B'k of Canada- -J asi Maodonald .Canadian B'k Commerce K. T. Haun IVlerohants' B'k Canada A. M. Kirkland Dominion H. K. Scadding Dominion J. H. McLennan Ontario K. Milroy Standard B'k Canada J . B. Cu mmins British N. America J. Robertson Canadian B'kCoiumcTce K. Gill La Banque Nationale Samuel Benoit Merchants' B'k Canadi^ Thomas Kirby Montreal A. Drummond Ontario J. H. Woodman Ottawa P. Robertson Quebec H. V. Noel Union B'k Lower Canada i. G. Leitch Merchants' B'k Cauada John Puitinger Molsons Thus. BUkoney British N. America )ohn Carnegie Canadian B'k Comrae^'ce ..^.J. F. Patervon Exchange B'k Canada D. E. Cameron Merchants' B'k Canada Hector Fraser Quebec J. Walker Merchants' B'k Canada James Gray Montreal .. R.J. Drummond Montreal. • •.•• .F. J. Lewis Toronto v.... J. H. Roper Uneen, Vlre A Iitfe,<:InBaranee €o.— Forbes Sc MudgCf Chief Agents^ 191 anA 198 tttt Jiuiaes St^ nianirealt iiilrUi maile to oMer at inSSMARTISAIT ^ BOlflMi, 416 NOTRB DAME 8TRBET. BANKS. 109 Place, Name of Bank. Manager or Agent, Peterborough. .Canadian B'k Comraeree. . . . W. Manson Ontario George E. 8haw Picton Montreal Fred. White Standard U'k Canada W . M unroe Port Colborne.. Imperial B'k Canada T. H. Nasmith Port EUiu Hamilton H- S. hteven Port Hupe •• . . .Montreal R. A Macgregor Toronto A. M CoNby Ontario G. H. G McVity Port Perry Ontario A. C. Mowbray Presoott Merchants' B'k Canada J. F. Harper ""t-Xg*"'' ("■''»"» •• »• ^ B"'' Renfrew British M. America..* J. Watson Merchants' B'k Canada .... C G- Morgan St. Catharines. Canadian B'k Commerce.- .. H. C. Barwick Imperial B'k Canada C. M. Arnold Quebec D B. Ciombie Toronto E. D. Boswell Cunsolidated B'k Canada ...W. T. Benson St. Mary's Federal C 8. Rumsay Montreal R. Uillyard St. Thomas ....Merchants' B'k Canada A. iVi. Crombie Molstrnd ■ G. K. Mort«n Sarnia Montreal VV. ij. CrelKhton Canadian B'k Commerce. ...T. W. Wisbet Seaforth ..« ....Consolidated B'k ot Canada. .M- P. Hayes bimcoe ...Montreal F. F. Blakader Canadian B'k Commerce . . . F.W. Holmestead Federal Henry Groff Smiths Falls- ..MolMotis A.L.Thomas btratt'ord ..... .Montreal J. Hogg Merchants' B'k Canada C. U. Kanson Strathr>^»y ...... Canadian B'k Com:oerce A. 11. Ireland Federal — W. T. iSmitU Thorold CainWif'.o B'k Commerce. ...W.J. Hi>bert80n Quebuo ....G. VV. Heury Tilsonburg ...Merchants' B'k Canada R. W. Cresswell Toronto Briii^h N America Samuel Taylor Canadian B'k Commerce ....J. d. Loekie Cone^olidated B'k Canada ... .J. Turnbull Do!iiinion R. H. Bethune Do. Queen St. Branch. -Jarauii Price Federal H. S. Strathy Iiuperial B'k Canada D. R. Wilkio Merchantd' B'k Canada Arch. Cameron Molsons L. H Robertson Montreal ...... G. W. Yarker Ontario A. Fiaher Quebec J- L. dearth ht:i' 'lard B'k Canada J. L- Brod>Q Tonuuo < D. Couttiun 1 I - *l i I 'SWiH BARSAILOC H DONEflTIC' BAR SOAP^The Familsr F«Tont«. filold i>y all Orocenu ^ . ^^ 4 m ]|l«liBi#iid ana EmproM PortablA Ranges, lieat In tlie market, at Ij. JT* A. Surveyer's, 504 Craig St. 170 BANKS. Beauharnois.. Bedford Carletun Coatioook .... Place, . Name of Bank* Manager or Agent, Trenton ... .Canadian B'k Gommeroe . . . .1'. H. Fauquier Uzbridge Dominion W. U. UoUand Walkerton ....Merchants' B'k Canada Alex, ^proat Waterloo Merchauta' B'k Canada D. M- liaruian Wetland Imperial £'k Canada J. MoGlasiian Whitby Dominion U. B. Taylor OnUrio T.Dow Windsor Canadian B'k Commerce B. £. Walker Merchants' B'k Canada H. H. Morton Molsons C. D. Qrasett Wlngham Standard B'k Canada W. Hayward Woodstock . . . Canadian B'k Commerce W. A. iSampson Consolidated B'k Canada. .. Thos, McDonald Yorkville Federal .« K. T. Montgomery QUEBEC. • Merchants' li'k Canada .... Norbert Roy .Exchange B'k ot Canada T. L. Rogers La Banque Nationale John Meugher . Eastern Townships B. A ustin Metropolitan . . > A. W Uart ■ Eastern Townships. J. McKinnon •La Banque liatiunale. . ■. J.LeBuutillier & Co. • La Banque Natiunalo >J. Le Boutillier MerchaDts' B'k Caniida J. H. Stewart ■ Exchange B'k ot Canada D. O. Pease La Bauque a'Uochelaga U. N. Boire Merchants' B'k Canada 1. Wells British N. America K. R. (i^rindley Canadian B'k Commerce W. himpson Consolidated B'k of Canada. J. B. Renny Exchange C. R. Murray D'ilochelaga Jean S. Paquet Du Peuple s..A. A. Trottier Jacques Cartier • . • J. L. Beaudry Merchants' B'k CMiad. . . . } J^wT ChTp.nan Metropolitan G. Wainwright Molsons <. F. W. Thomas M iYfrpfl] I R. B. Angus ^'''"®* (W. J. Buchanan Mor treal City nid District S i^ ^ Rftrh«Aii Savings Bank l^"^' ^»»^^»« NK.tkOGal«) J. B. Sanoer Ontario Charlts Uutland Ouebeo Thus. McDtmgall Toronto t • M. Smith Union B'k Lower Canada — F. ^ash Ville Marie P. A Fauteux Cowans>f ille . • Gasp^ Gaep6 Basin. . Granby Joliette LoTis . . . . Montreal %qi|^n. Fire St Iilf«, liiii«r%nc« Co.— ForlH^a 4k inudg^f C;hler Agents, 19i «a4 IMI ^t. J»Mie« UU^ iXIoutre«l, itmnM 1UU8S raipivs $U50, wouish t%.%s^ at l>fi»]IIARTCAU dc BOND'S. ■ 1 Place, Quebec . . . Richmond . . . • St. Hyacinthe St Johns Sherbrooke ..* Sorel. Stan stead . . Three Risers Valloyfiold • • AVaterloo .... WestFarnham Winnipeg Amherat ..... Ann;i|)()ii». . AnuKuiiinh . BridKCwater Halifax Kentville Liverpool . . . . Loi'ktiport .. .. Matttitnd ... . New Glasgow Parrs boro.... Piotou Name of Bank. Manager or Agent, .British N. Amerioa C. F.. Smith Montreal J. Porteons Nationale Francois Vesina guebeo ..Jas. Steyen^on tadacona W. R. Dean Union B'k Lower Canada. . . .P. MoEwan .Eastern Townships A. J. Gieyeland .Merchants' b'k Canada F. Bartelo St. Hyacinthe R. St Jacques .Merchants' B'k Canada W. L Marler !St. Johns J. L'Eouyer .Consolidated B'k of Canada. -William Addie Eastern Townships W. Farwell, jr. Nationale P. Lafranoe .Merchants' B'k Canada A A. Taillon Molsoiis H- C. Brewer . Eiistern Townships A. P. Ball Quebec F.G.Wotherspoon Union B'k Lower Canada.... C. A. Boxer Exoh>inKe D. B. Pease . EaMtern f owiishi ps W.J. Brig^s .Banque de St. Jean P. Baudoum MANITOBA. .Merchants' B'k Canada D. Mo Arthur Ontario ; .Qeorge Brown NOVA SCOTIA. .Bank of Nova Scotia J. M. Hay .Union K'k of Halifax Thos. 8. Whitman . Merohanis' B'k Halifax 1. M. King .Meichani8' B'k Ualilaz Andrew Gow . B'k Nova Scotia W. C. Menzies British N. America Jeffrey Penfold Halifax Banking Co Samuel H. Black Merchanr^' B'k Halifax George McLean Multions Halifax Bkg. Co. Montreal F. Gundry People's J^oter Jauk Union B'k of Halifax.. .. ....W.S. Sterling havings B'k J. R. Wailiico .B'k of Nova Scotia L. DeV. Chipman B'k of Liverpool John Leslie . Teople's Austin Looke .Merchants' B'k Halifax David Frieze B'k of iN ova Scotia J. W. Canuichael Halifax Banking Co ...A. S. Townshend .B'k ot N»)va Scotia Howard Hrimroso Merchants' B'k Halifax William Ives Piotou B'k T. Walsou ', I TMY llA]|(iAI.OU'l>i fi»T£AAI BKFIXIID FAMII.Y IIOAP. SMHP«nor to nil otiMMk I :i tearblelMd Oooklnv Vt6ii«ll0| mttd. lArgcst rtM^tf of House Fnrnlshlns Qoods* at sarvejertSf 584 Oralg nu 172 BANKS, Place, Name of Bank, Manager or Agent, Stellarton......B'k North America J. F. Reid bydney, C B. . . B'k of Nova 8ootia Hon. T. D. Archibald Merchants' B'k Halifax J. K- Burohell Truro Merchants' B'k Halifax John B. Dickie Halitax Banking Co Chae. Blanchard Weymouth ...Merchants' B'k Halifax Colin Camp bell, Jr Wolfeville People's A. D. W. Barss Winusor Commercial B'k Windsor.... Walter Lawson Yarmouth B'k of Nova Scotia James Murray Kxohange ......A. 8. Murray Yarmouth J. W* Johns NEW BRUNSWICK. Campbelltown.Molsons John McMahon Chatham Montreal R. J. B. Crombie Fredericton . . . British N. America R. Napier People's 8. W. Babbitt MonctOD British N. America W. £. eollier Montreal D. F. B. Glass Newcastle.... Montreal F i:^. Winslow Sackville Mariiiiue Bank ....M. Wood ^fc Sons St John B'k New Brunswick William Gir van B'k Nova Scotia J. M. Robinson British N. America J. P. Lawless Maritime B'k of Dominion t A\r^A p.» of Canada J Alfred Ray Molsons B'kN. Brunswick Montreal E. C.Jones PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Charlottetown..Bank of P. E. Island William Cnndall Merchants' B'k of Halifax- ...Owen Connolly Merchants' B'k P. E. I William McLean Molsons. Mer. Bk. Halifax Union B'k of P. E. Island. . . .George McLeod Bustioo Farmers' B'k Rustico M. Blaucharc 8t. Stephen ...British N. America R.Burns St. Stephen's R. Watson Summersido... .Merchants' B'k of Halifax. . . bteptfen McNeill Molsons... Mer. Bk. Halifax Summerside Bank R. McU. Stavert Union Bank of P. E. Island.. Neil MoKelvie NEWFOUNDLAND. St. Johns. Com'I B'k Newfoundland Robert Brown Molsons ComU Bank Mouueal Union B'k Newfd Union B'k of Newfoundland. .John W. Smith <|ae«u. Fire Sc iiil'ey lusurotiictt Uo,— Fvrbea ^ MuflffOf ClUef AgeiitSf IM and 19S St. J««io» ht^ llloiilreal. BUT TOVII 0HIBTS AT DBSMAIITEAIJ 4b |I0!VD»« 415 NOTRE DAIHB STB'^.BT. BANKS. 173 BRITISH COLUMBIA. Place, Name of Bank, Manager or Agent* Barkerville . . .Bank Brititih Columbia Walter Powell *^^lnkle^.^ 1 ^*°^ BritiBh North America.. James Cran Victoria........ Bank British Columbia Wm. 0. WarU BankBrititih^tlorth America.. Johu Goodfellow Montreal B'is B.Columbia rOEEIGM AGENTS. Belfast, Ireland- Consol. B'k of C. . -Ulster Banking Oo. Dublin* Ireland..Cuniiul. B'k of . .National Bank. Bdinburgh,^^^ ( Montreal Brit. Linen Co. & branches Edinburgh, I nonaol B'k of n 5 National B'k of Scotland Scotland ) Consol. u k ot L . . . J g^^j g, anches. Liverpool Montreal Bank fjf Liverpool '' London OUioe, 3 Clement's LondoutEngland, B. N. America. . • Laue, L.C.. B'k of Eng- land, and GJyn, Mills, Currie Sc Co. Toronto City Dank, London. Commerce Bank of iSootland, London M.roh.nt.. of C. . { \J- Alinf^rk %t Ban<. ot England, Union B'k of London, and the London and Weatmin- Montreal i ster Bank, B'k of Mun- Itreal, 1) Birohin Lane* Lombard St., London; C. Ashworth, secretary Exchange Alliance Bank (limited) Quebec Union Bank of London Consol. B'k of C . .Alliance Bank (limited) Montreal City and ( District iSav'gs < Bank of Montreal. Bank ( Jacques Cartier- . . Olynn, Mills, Currie & Go. Niagara District. ..Bi>saoquet, Salt & Co. Du Peuple Glyn, Mills, Currie tfe Co. Ontario B'k of Montreal, London IBank of Montreal, and Glyn* Mills* Ourrio & Co. . Messrs. Morton,Kose Smitherf & Watson City Bank City Bnnk • First National Bank .Casoo National Bank Bank of British Columbia ■ Second National Bank } Montreal. , Montreal •Oriental B'k Corporation .Bank of New Zealand Bank of Montreal.— Established I818.--Capital, 1112,000,000. Capital paid-np. «1 1,979,800. Reserve fund, $5,500,000. ffead Office, Montreal. — Hoard of IHrectore.—Qeo, Stephen* President: George W. Campbell, M D., Vtoo- President; Hon. Thouiah Ryan, Peter Redpath, Sir A. T. Gait, K.C.M.G.. Hon. 1). A. Siiuith, T. W. Ritchie, Q.C., Edwd. Maokay, Gilbert Scott. R. B. Angus, General Manager. Thr Conbolidatfd Bank of Canada.— Capital. $4,000,000. i>»recfor«.— Sir Francis Hinoks, KC.M.G., President : R. J. Reekie, Vice-President: Hon. Alex. Campboll, John Grant, Robert Moat^ Hugh Mackay, W. W. Ogilvie. .John Rankin, R. H. Stephens, H. J. Tiffin. J. B. Kenny, General Manager ; Thos. McCrakeu, Assistant General Manager. Mrrchants Bank ok Canada.— St. James Street.— Capitali $9,000,000. />»Vcc 7 /A Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WiST MAIN STRUT WeBSTIR,N.Y. 14580 (7I6)S72-4S03 MfmslM, Wrtnven, IfVaslieM, Iron Bedsteadi^ Sprtnff Beds, Mattresses, Ac— Ij. J. A. Snrveyer, (MM Cralff St. 176 BANKS. Bank op Bbitish Nobth Amebic a.— ( Continued.) . Secretary in London.— R. W. Bradford. Head Office in the Colonies.— ^t, James Street, Montreal. — - , General Manager.— "K. R. Grindley. Inspector. — Wm. Grindlay. - f MONTBEAL BBANCH. Manager.— 'R, R. Grindley. Accountant.— Qt. Hart. La Banque du Peuple.— Established 1835. Capital, $2,000,000. Head Office^ 95 St. James Street, MontreaL—G. S. Cherrier, President. Directors— C. J. Couxsol, W. Francis, G. S. Brush, G. R. Fabre, A. Prfivost, A. Leclaire. A. A. Trottier, cashier. Q/%cer«.— B. Fournier, accountant; A. Mercille, paying teller ; R. Terroux, receiving teller ; H. Bourdon, discount clerk ; Jas. J. Bogue, book-keeper; L. J. Lamontagne, John Hennessey, C. H. Parent, J. Bousquet, L. G. Gennnd, clerks ; N, Cdt^. porter. Days of Discount : Tuesdays and Fridays. Dividends, 1st Monday of March and September. MofisoNS Bank.— Capital, $2,000,000. Directors.— John Molson, president; H. Workman, vice- president; Thos. Workman, Thos. Cramp, T. J. Claxton, R. W. 8hepherd. T. Wolfeistan Thomas, cashier. il^ento.— Quebec and Ontario. —Bank of Montreal Branches and Agencies. Discount Days: Mondays and Thursdays; Dividends, Ist April and 1st October. La Banque Jacques Oabtieb,— Capital, $2,000,000. Oj^cers.—J. It. Beaudry, president, (acting as cashier and president); D. W. Brunet, assistant cashier; L. G. Lacasse, Eaying and receiving teller; Jos. Cooke, discount clerk ; F. B. lafleur, accountant; M. Bourret, dept. ledger keeper; J. Le- blano, messenger. Union Bank op Lowbb Canada.— Capital, $2,000,000. Head Office^ Quebec— Feter MacEweu, cashier. Montreal Branch.— Frederick Nash, manager ; A. J. Whitton, accountant; A. N. Bell, teller ; M. A. Anderson, discount clerk ; J. InRlis, clerk ; R. F. Reeve, ledger keeper; J. Moore, mes- senger. !l dneen. Fire dc lilfe, Insnrauee €••— Forbes & iflud|[rttt Ol&lef AffeutSf 191 ana 19S St. Jam«« St., Montreal. ADVERTISEMENT. 177 %i , OSWALD BROS. Members of the Stock Exchange ^ ■-n *. ■ ', 63 & 66 St. Zavier St., ii KOIVEEAL. -.:*..: -' Stocks and Securities of all descriptions Bought and Sold on Margin or for Cashi Correspondents In London, Engi, and New Yorki » i M • .,-,Vj,. > ; ! v . . »■■ --'*»«» ,.'in r--;i L For Oanadian Stook List, see next page. /^ r i ' -(da List of Principal Securities dealt in JANUARY, BANES. Montreal ^ British North America. . . Ontario Merchants' Consolidated Du Peuple Jatques Cartier Molsons Toronto Quebec Nationale Union of Lower Canada. Commerce Eastern Townships ..... Metropolitan Dominion Hamilton Maritime Exchange. Imperisd Standard Federal..... ViHe Marie).. d'Hochelag'a. MISCELLANEOUS. Montreal Telegraph Dominion Teilegraph .. .. Richelieu and Ont. Nav. . City Passenger Railway. . City Gas Montreal Loan & Mort. . Montreal Building Ass.. Royal Canadian Ins. Co.. Dominion Stock MontM City Corp., 7 p.c. Do. do. 6 p.c. . Do. Bonds, 6 p.c. . CAPITAL AUTHORIZED. $ 12,000,000 4,866,666 3,000,000 9,000,000 4,000,000 1,600,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 6,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED. 2,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,200,000 4,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 6,000,000 $12,000,000 4,866,663 3,000,000 8,697,200 3,500,000 1,600,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,600,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 6,000,000 1,457,850 1,000,000 970,250 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 912,300 626,550 1,000,000 1,000,000 800,000 I.V -J w f ■• /' > 2,000,000 600,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 600,000 6,000,000 CAPITAL PAID-UP. $11,979,800 4,866,666 2,996,000 8,168,286 3,477,950 1,600,000 1,937,820 1,996,715 2,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,990,956 6,000,000 1,302,507 793,070 970,250 643,120 489,640 1,000,000 838,422 501,250 948,101 765,970 616,350 2,000,000 550,000 1,500,000 600,000 1,800,000 625,000 470,000 600,000 745,000 323,000 4,060,000 OSWALD BROS., Members of i^ida I P. Btames, teller ; W. P. Bulger, ledger keeper ; F. Brian, messenger. Foreign Afrenft.— The Bank of Montreal and its agencies. * ExcHANOR Bank of Canada.— Capital, $1,000,000. Head Ofiice, Montreal.— M, H. Gault, president j T. Caverhill, vice-president ; A. W. Ogilvie, T. Tiffin, E. R. Greene, James Gratbern, Alex. Buntin ; C. R. Murray, cashier ; George Burn, inspector. « i r :> -■ ■ ; • ' ^ Canadian Bank of Commb&ob.— 153 St. James street.- W. Simpson, manager ; A. L. Dewar, accountant ; F. L. Hankey, assistant accountant; J. Pangman, paying teller ; J. C. Robin- son, receiving teller ; R. E. Salter, discounts ; E. L. Pease, col- lections ; Wilfred Childs, ledger keeper ; A. A. Cumberland, exchange ; J. L. Campbell, cash book ; R. Dalton, Ist messen- ger ; J. McDonald, 2nd messenger. ;.■»•' La Banqub Nationalb, Place D'Armes.— Capital, $2,000,000. Hecui OMoCi Que6ec.— President, Hon. E. Chinic ; cashier, E. Y^zina. Montr&d Branch —J. B. Saneer, manager ; J. W. Lesperanee, teller ; P. V^siua, ledger keeper; G. Meroier, clerk; N. Nolet, messenger. I|li«eii» Fire St Life, Insurance €o«— Forbes Sc Oladcef ^lUet jL^entit IM nuA IM S$. James Hu% REoatreal^ MlilrtA made to Order at DKftMABTEAV' A BOTim 415 SrontE DAME STREET. MERCANTILE. 181 Banque Villb-Marib.— p. A. Fauteux, oashier ; Charles La- oaille, president; John A. Leclero, vice-president. Directors —P. P. Martin, L^andre Chaput, E. H. Trudelf 0. F. Vinet and Thomas Wilson. Days of Discount, Tuesday and Friday, v r Agenoy.-'St Cuthbert. La Banqub d'Hoghblaga.— Capital, $1,000,000. Louis Tourville, president ; J. P. Paquet, oashier ; J. E. Brais, accountant ; A. Gari^py, paying teller ; A. Giroux, receiving teller ; J. H. Ortigny, ledger keeper ; N. Beau dry, disoount clerk j A. D. Parent, elerk; T. Bellemare, messenger. Meohakigs' Bank.—C. J. Brydges, president ; Wm. Dunn* oashier ; J . H. Menzies, accountant ; J. C Auger, ledger keeper ; J. T. Roche, clerk; J. Tesker, messenger. City and District Savings Bank.— 176 St. James street.— Henry Judah, president ; Sir Franeis Hincks, vice-president ; A. M. Delisle, H. Mulholland. Judge Berthelot, A. LaRocque, E* Murphy, Chs. Blackman, Dr. W. H. Hingston and J as. O'Brien, directors. E. J. Barbeau, assistant receiver general for Mont- real, manager. Open every lawful day during banking hours. The Board meets Mondays and Thursdays. The Bank has three branches : Corner St. Catherine and Jac- ques Cartier streets, A. Gari^py, agent. Comer St Joseph and Versailles streets. Hy. Barbeau, agent. Corner Wellington and St. Btienne streets, Point St Charles, Wm. Daly, agent Bankers : Bank of Montreal. v i MEECANTILE. DOMINION BOARD OF TRADE. President, Andrew Robertson, Montreal; Vice-Presidents, Adam Browne, Hamilton, Ont ; A. Joseph, Quebeo; J. A. Harding, St. John, N.B. ; Hon. Robt. Boak, Halifax, N.S. ; Hon. G. W. Howlan, Chariottetown, P.E.I. Executive (7ounc»/.— Richard R. Dobell. Quebec, Q. ; Thomas White, Jr., Montreal, Q. : Wm. Pennock, Ottawa, O.J Wm. Thomson, Toronto, 0.; Wm. Darling, Montreal, Q. ; W. C. Watson, St. John, N.B. ; 6. W. Farrell, Toronto, 0. ; Hugh McLennan, Montreal, Q. Treasurer, C. H. Gould, Montreal, Q.; Secretary, W. J. Pat- terson, Montreal, Q. ; Deputy-Secretary, Wm. J. B. Patterson, Montreal, Q. Seventh Annual Meeting to be held in Ottawa, on third Tuesday of January, 1877. JMY BAR[»AI^OlJ'S ]>Oai£tSTI€ BAR SOAP— Tbe FanUl^ i^r^ ^ |PaTw4te«_ Sow toy nil €tro^ef% - " II . 5 t I- i! ¥> ■ ; ! Cmmiee Prt cg, flteiv WMLm^ a «p««lidltjr at li. J. A. »VBTETER*S, 084 Crisir Street. ,-A „: 1. MONTREAL BOARD OP TRADE. (Incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1842.) Andrew Robertson, President ; Henry LymaOi Vice-President ; John Kerry, Treasurer. Council.— Q. H. Gould, Thomas Macduflf, JohnCassils, P. W. Henshaw, David Robertson, John Torrance, W. H. Hutton. J. L. Cassidy, H. Shorey, James Cr^them, W. Clendinneng, E. K. Green, Board of Arbitration. — John McLennan, James MoDougall) Geo. Moffatt, Peter Red oath, A. W. Ogilvie, Henry Thomas, John M. Yonng, Hugh McLennan, J. H. Winn, Andrew Allan, V. Hudon, Geo. A. Drummond. W. J. Patterson, Secretary; Alf. W. Hadrill, Assist.-Seo'y. CORN EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION. (Incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1863.) J. «, _ * - i Committee of Management.— llMuh McLennan, President; A. A. MoOulloch, Treasurer; R. Simms, C. H. Gould, A. E. Gagnon, D. J. Rees, J. E. Kirkpatrick, M. Hannan and A. Mitchell. Board of Revie^o.—R. Esdaile, Chairman ; John Ogilvie, T. W. Raphael, James MoDousrall, Gilbert Scott, M. Lang, W. J. Patterson, Secretary ; Alf. W. Hadrill, Assi8t.-Sec'y> INSPECTORS OF PRODUCE, Ac. Aehea.—Dyde & Major. Inspectors, College Street. By Chap. 45, 37 Vic. 1874— The Inspector shall charge the sum of 10 cents for «very hundred pounds of Pot or Pearl Ashes inspected by him. 25 cents for each new head furnished, 18 cents for cooperage and repairs on each barrel,— said cooper- age to include nails and end hoops of barrel. 25 cents for put- ting in a barrel partly filled the additional quantity thereof necessary to fill the same whenever duly required to do so. 25 cents per barrel in all oases where lime, raw ashes, damaged ashes, or other trash, have been packed or mixed with Pot or Pearl Ashes, for extracting or separating the same. I^lour.—Kon. John Young, 88 Common Street. Fees 2 cents per barrel for inspecting and branding (exclusive of cooperage.) ^* When any less quantity than 100 barrels of flour are offered for inspection, the Inspector shall be entitled to receive the fall fees that would accrue to him on one hundred barrels. When the Inspector, in his judgment, deems it necessary to strip or empty out the flour, to find out if there is the proper weight of flour in any cask, he shall be entitled to 2 cents for each barrel so stripped or emptied (if it prove to be of short weight), in addi- tion to the 2 cents per barrel for inspection and branding." ^1IeeIl9 Fire & liife. Insurance €o.— Forbes Sc TUM-nUge^ Ipblef Ageats, 191 auid t9B St. James St. « Montreal, at WHITE BttBM SHmiS lent; §iusOf wowm $mM^ at DESMABTEAiU A BOND'S. INSPECTORS OF PRODUCE. 183 (?rotn.— Thomas Biokerstaflf, 6 William street. -BtfWer.— Inspector, ■ The Inspector is bound to provide a safe and suitable place for storaRe. ^' For all the servicer to be performed as aforesaid, including unbeadinR, weighing, salting, heading, tightening hoops, mark- ing and branding, and 10 days storage, each inspector shall be entitled to receive 10 cents for every package of butter by him inspected, as aforesaid, and if re-inspected 7 cents, together with the actual cost or charge of any package by him furnished, or for extra cooperage or repairs done to packages containing butter by him inspected, and no more ; the charge for which extra cooperage and repairs shall not, in any case, exceed 6 cents per packac'C ; in consideration of which all packages shaU be delivered in good shipping order ; and such charges shall be paid by the person offering such butter for inspection, or his agent. Beef and Pork.— J&mo8 Doheney, 44 Wellington Street, In- spector. ''For such inspection and branding, the Inspector shall be entitled to receive of and from the person submitting the same for inspection, for each and every barrel and half barrel, tierce or half tierce of Beef or Pork so inspected, salted, packed, pickled and branded, 25 cents for each barrel, 15 cents for each naif barrel, 35 cents for each tierce, and 25 cents for each half tierce, exclusive of cooperage and repairs, the charge for which cooperage and repairs shall not exceed 15 cents per barrel, tierce or half tierce ; in consideration of which charges, all barrels or half barrels, tierces or half tierces, shall be de- livered in good shipping order." Fish and Fish OtV.— L. E. Morin, Quebec Gate Barracks, St. Paul, entrance by Water Street.—*' Every Inspector or Deputy Inspector, who shall inspect, and brand, or mark any cask or package of pickled fish or in bulk, or any fish oil in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall be entitled to fees at the following rates, which shall be paid by the origin .^ owner or the person who employed him in the first instance :— i? o? each tierce of salmon, salmon-trout or sea-trout, 15 cents. For each half tierce of salmon, salmon-trout or sea-trout, 10 cents. For each barrel of salmon, salmon-'trout or sea-trout, 15 cents. For each half barrel of salmon, salmon-trout or sea-trout, lOots. Foreach barrel of mackerel, 10 cents. For each halt barrel of mackerel. 5 cents. For each barrel of herring, 5 cents. For each half barrel of herring, 3 cents. For each barrel of shad, 10 cents. For each half barrel of shad, 7 cents. For each barrel of white fish, 10 cents. For each half barrel of white fish, 7 cents. For each barrel of pickled codfish, hake, haddock or catfish, 5 cents. For each half barrel of pickled codfish, hake, haddock or cat- fish, 3 cents. For each barrel of dry-salted codfish, hake, haddock, catfish, ling or pollock, 5 cents. For eaeh half barrel of dry-salted codfish, hake, haddock, catfish, ling or pollock, 3 cents. For each barrel of bass, 10 cents. For each half barrel !i s; a TBI? BABSAJLOV'S STEAM BEFINED FAMIIiT SQJUT, Ii€dm Ae.— !<• J« A. ftarrejrer, 5114 Cralir St. ,> I 184 INSPECTORS OF PRODUCE. ofbaai. Teents. For each barrel of ood tonffUM« eod sounds, halibut or eelsy 10 cents. For each half barrel of ood tongues, ood sounds, halibut or eels, 7 cents. For inspecting, gauging and branding each puncheon of oil, 20 cents. For inspecting, gauging and branding each hogshead of oil, 15 cents. For in-, specting, gauging and branding each tierce of oil, 20 cents. For inspecting, gauging and branding each barrel of oil, 15 cents. The foregoing rates shall be reckoned exclusive of salt, pickle, cooperage, storage and labour employed in washing, rinsing, cleaning, nailing, screwing or repacking and pickling any fish. For branding or marking Newfoundland fish which have been inspected in Newfoundland, 2 cents per barrel. For inspecting empty packages, 1 cent" The owner may employ his own cooper to act under inspector. Lemther and /Ttc^et.— Thomas Hawkins, Inspector, — '* Every Inspector shall be entitled for ih6 inspection of such hides to a fee of 5 cents for each hide in lots under 100 in number, and 4 cents for each hide in lots over 100 in number. The Inspector may inspect and measure all kinds of leather which are sold by superficial measure or by weight, and shall be entitled to charge 2 cents for each side or piece of such leather inspected and measured by him." James W. Muirhead, City Weigher, Measurer and Qauger, 17 Common and 60 Grey Nun Streets. Weights and Measures Inspection Office, Custom House Sqr. -S. J. Quinui L. N. T. Roy, D. Lyons and 0. Fauteux. -iT Qm Inspector's Office, Cvstom House Square.— N. Anbin, Inspector. MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE. D. L. MacDougall, chaMman ; John Low, acting secretary. Member8,—H. A. Budden, J. Burnett, A. M. Cohen, J. D. Crawford. T. Davidson. B. Ford, L. G. Forget, C. Geddes, C. G. Geddes, Thomas Kershaw, D. L. MacDougall, H. S. Mac- -Dougall. G. C. MacDougall, R. Moat, John Moat, W. R. Oswald, Wm. Rhind, H. C. Seott, G W. Simpson, D. R. Stodart. H. G. Strathy, B. A. Prentice, T- Wilson, J. T. Vanneck, J. Try- Davies, P. 8. Bamston, J. C- Ritchie, C G. Hobson, John W. Gordon, D. Kinsela, John Nichols, Wm. Saohe, A. S. Bamston, J. F. Nott, A. McCuUoch, W. J. Fenwiok, John Low. Meets Daily.— Morning board at 11.10; Afternoon board at 3.10; Saturday at 10.30 only. Iluceiiy Fire Sc Ufe, Insurance Co.— Forbes Sc JUKudg^^ fllilef Agents, 191 and 109 8f , James St., Moiif |> p mrr tovh shirts at dksmabteav a Boin»*s« 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. PUBLIC COMPANIES. 185 PUBLIC COMPANIES. RAILROAD, STEAMBOAT, TELEGRAPH, Ac. Grand Trunk Railway Company op Canada, including Thb Montreal A Chauplain and Buffalo r i Montreal & Ottawa Forwarding Company.— J. W. Dun- can, Secretary and Treasurer. Office, CO Canal street, Montreal. Ottawa & Rideau Forwarding Co.—L. C Oouvrette, Agent, 60 Common street, Montreal. i, /. Union Navigation Co.— Between Montreal, Quebec and in- termediate ports. C. H. Lefaivre, Secretary and Treasurer. Office, 20 Jacques Cartier Square, Montreal. SiNCENNES MoNaughton Line.— Between Montreal. Sorel, Three Rivers, Quebec, Chambly, Lake Ghamplain, Troy, Albany, and New York. Office, 88 Common, corner Nazareth street, (Canal Basin), Montreal. 4|iie«B, Fir« dc I^ife, In»uranee.€o.--F4irbes 6c lUadiBe, Clilef Affenta, 191 and 193 St. jramas »t., Sloutreal. MhiHm mwie to Order at BmnWARTSAU 4e S61ffns 415 NOTBE DARIE STRBET« PUBLIC COMPANIEB, 187 MoNTRKAL Trlkor^ph Co.— Thifl Company connects by the Weetern Union TeleRranh Company with all parts of the United States, Mexico. WeRt Indies. BahaniHS, Cuba, and Britiih Columbia, and by Cable, &o., with Europe, Asia and Australioi D ireetor 8. —8\r Husrh Allan, president; A. Allan. G. W. Campbell, M.D., P. Redpath, J. G. Mackenzie. James Dakers, superintendent and secretary ; Charlos Bourne, treasurer. Il«ad OMoe.- Corner St. Francois Xavier and St. Sacrament streets. Dominion Telegraph Co.— The Hon. T. N. Gibbs, president ; J. I. Mackenzie, vice-president; J. Miohie, treasurer; Thos. Swinyard, managing director. Directors.— T. N. Gibbs, M.P., A. R. McMaster, A. Copp, L. Oliphant, and Wm. Cayley. Hugh Neilsoni Ghas. R. Uosmer, and T. C. Elwood, superintendents. Huron Copper Bat Co.~North British and Mercantile Buildings, 72 St. Francois Xavier street. D. Lorn MaoDougall, President; Michael Baboock, vioe-pre Jdent ; Charles Geddes, !.. Simms, directors ; John G. Burrowsi secretary. Kennebec Gold Mining Co.— Hon. Thos. Ryan, Senator, G. J. Brydges, E.M. Hopkins, A.Wilson, Walter Shanly,M. P., Thos. Reynolds, Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, directors. Messrs. MacDougall & Davidson, North British & Mercantile Insurance Buildings, brokers. Messrs. Ritchie & Borlase, solicitors, St. James street. Montreal Mining Companis.— R. Anderson, president ; M. H. Gault, vice-president ; G. W. Campbell, M.D., J. Hutton, H. MulhoUand, A. Cross, G. Terapleton, P. Redpath, directors ; N.J. Handyside, secretary. Office, 58 St. Francois Xavier street. Montreal Plumbago Mining Company.— R. W. Shepherd, president; H. R. Ives, vice-president ; Hon. Thos. Ryan, Dr. G. W. Campbell, Thos. Cramp, T. R. Christian, Thos. David- son, directors. ^ :*!Vi Trust and Loan Company oi- Canada.— Russell Stephenson, commissioner ; Gedeon Bordeau, accountant ; Thomas Trihey, assistant accountant ; Judah, Wnrtele &, Branohaud, solicitors ; A. D. Jobio, notary. OlBce, Life Association of Scotland Buildings, 97 St. James Street. J. 'fur BABSAI^OV'ft STEAM RdlNED JPA9III4T SOAPf 1 (Superior to all otbevs. 't ! 1 atevblelMd Cooklnv irt«iMilfti, and Imam^mi TAHcigr «f House Fnmlsliliiff CkMMki, at Snrreyer's, 684 Cimlfp St. New City Gas Company.— Board of 2>irec«or».— Henry Thomas, president; Andrew Wilson, vice-president; Alex. Urquhart, H. Mulholland, John Ostell, Wm. Maodonald, M.D., Jesse Joseph, G, W. Campbell, M.D., R. J- Reekie, L. K. Masson, M.P., Husrh McLennan. E. 8. Cathelm. en(dneer and manager ; James F. Scriver, secretary ; J. MoElroy, superin- tendent of works; D.CunninRham, meter inspector; A. Demers, Patrick McElroy, H. Normandin, N. L. Leduc, clerks; C, Bienvenu, collector. Office, cor. St. J ames and St. Gabriel sts. Edwardsbubgh Starch Company.— Montreal and Edwards- burgh. W. T. Benson, managing director ; M. Thomson, secre- tary-treasurer. Office, 9, 13, 17, 25 St. Peter street Montreal Turnpike Trustees.— H. Taylor, chairman; J. Bielle, secretary. Office, 146 St. James street. - « Montreal Loan and Mortgage Company. — Formerly Montreal Permanent Building Society.— -^enry Thomas, presi- dent; M. H. Gault, vice-president; Robert Eadaile, A. W. Ogilvie, Theodore Hart, Thomas Caverhill; Thomas Craig, secretary-treasurer. Office, 181 St. James Street Scottish American Investment Co. (Limited.)— 2)*V«c Stimm HU Momtvetd. St. I; Mndge, mnr tovb sHmTs at bebbejlrteau m on^i. 415 irontE DAME STREET. PUBLIC COMPANIES. 189 MoNtRBAL Mutual Building SooiETT.—Johii Forrester, pres- ident; Fred. Jones, yioe-president ; Jonathan Findlay and W; 8. Walker, trustees; P. P. Martin, John KoUo. A. Sargent, Jas. Anthony, Geo. D. Reid, Fredk. K. Clarke, John Wayne, Ghas. Corner, and F. P. Currie, directors ; L. H. Charbon- neau, secretary-treasurer; U. B. Wright, notary ; A, C. Hutch- inson, valuator; Wm. Cross, Wm. Hill, and P. Dansereau, auditors. Le Credit Fonoier du Bas-Canada.~M.C. MuUarky, pres- ident; W- H. Hingscon, vice-president; Hon. J. A. Chapleau, J. IS. C. Wurtele, J. H. BotteriU, J. iSimard, J. Fogarty, P. S. Murphy, E. P. Laohapelle, directors; A. L. DeMartigny^ cashier; C. C DeLorimier, advocate. Office, No. iH bU Lam- bert street* CoMPAGNiE DB PRltT ET Cr6dit Fonoiers.— D. E. Papiuoau, president; Naz. Vilieneuve, vice-president ; John L. Cassidy, A. Dubord, Calixte Bupras, directors ; G. N. Fauteuz, cashier; F. X. A. Coutu, assistant cashier ; C. F. Papineau, notary. Oi/£ee.— No. 8 St. Lambert street. Provident Mutual Building SooiETv.Wohn Wayne, pres- ident; John Wilson, vice-president; Wm. Alderson, Jas. Anthony, J. C. Beoket, Isaie Boudreau, Thos. Chambers, Geo. Davis, Daniel Devine, Andrew A. Lavers, George Penk, Jas. Kiddeii, William iSecombe, Joseph Walton, Alfred Ward, John Wayne, John Wilson, directors : J. C. Becket, Isaie Boudreau, and Daniel Devine, trustees ; William Turner, secretary-treas- urer; John Holder Isaacson, notary; Alex. C. Hutchison, surveyor; Wm. Wall, Wm. Wayne, Jas. O'F&rrell, auditors; the City and District Savings Bank, bankers. Commercial Mutual Building Society of Montreal.— W> H. Kerr. Q.C., D.CL., president; Kobert Miller, vice- president; William Turner, secretary-treasurer; C. B. Carter, H. C. Collins, W. G. Dickinson, J. B. Hutcheson, K. Jellyman, W. H. Kerr, (c^.C, D.C.L., John Martin, Kobt. Miller, Moses Parker, David B^bertson, J. T< Sadler, Wm. Samuel, Wm. Stenhouse, W. D. Stroud, and J. H. Timmis, directors; John Martin, W. D. Stroud, and C. B. Carter, trustees; J. H. Isaaoson, notary ; Alex. C. Hutchison, surveyor; G. W.Kobin- son, Kobert Finlay, and Stephen C. Kyte, auditors ; the Consol- idated Bank, bankers. Montarville Building Sooirtt.— J. A. Quintal, president; J. B. Jodoin, vice-president ; Elie Lalumidre, Francois Audet, Theophile Sicotte, directors; C H. A. Guimond, seoretary- treasuror. Office, No. 17 St. Lanlbert Hill. !■ 1 11 '!! i ''■' r ■" V i 1'- jS *■ %BJ IMURSAI^OIJ'S BOIEESTIC BAR SOAP^Tbe f^unily ^1 ik 4— mmylf, IfBirliigiJiiir WiyAi•ll^ ItoH Beds, Mattreasfls, Sf^r^M^ J* A. Sww^ierr 584 Cralff St* 190 PUBLIC COMPANIES. Canada Mutual Building Sooibtt of Montikbal.-'J* B. HutohesoD* president; J. G* Hunt, vioe-preaident; WiUiam Turner, secretary-treasurer ; Isaie Boudreau, Thos. BuchanaOf < C. G. DeZouohe, John Hagar, John Gt. Hunt, J. B. Hutoheson, John Leslie^ George Lulham, F. A- MoAae, Dayid Mewton, Henry Plow, J. A. Boohe, Ohas. E. Saunderson, Jonathan Simpson, and Charles E. Wisenborn, directors; Geo. Lulham, G. 0. DeZouche, and Isaie Boudreau, trustees; Aid. D. R. MoCord, B.G.L., solicitor; Wm» de M. Marler, notary; W. H* Hodson, surveyor; Thos. Fordo, J. H. Tiuimis, and Daniel Hatton, auditors ; the City and District Savings Bank, bankers. . Ihpbbial Mutual Building Sooibtt of Montreal.— A* Miller, president; R. Irwin, vice-president; J. H. Timmis, secretary-treasurer; W. D. Stroud, J. F. Soriver, and John McLean, trustees ; Robert Miller, R. Irwin, John McLean, J. Murray, D. MacDonald, Wm. Higgins, Wm. Larers, E- Roth- well, R. N. Pearce, Thos. Scott, W. D. Stroud, J. F. Scriver, Wm. Lapham, John McDermid, and W. L. Wnyte, directors. Office, ^o. 1 Bleury street. Field's Photographic Gallery. Mount Royal Cemetery Company.— Trustees.— CAttroA of England— iA., H. Gault, J; J. Day, Q.C., Ernest Idler, Wm. Turner, Henry Bulmer, Geo. Macrae, Q.C., Aid. D. R. McGord, and Hiram Mills. Presbyterian CAuroA.— Ben- jamin Lyman, John Stirling, Robert Esdaile, Charles D. Proctor, James McDougall, Alexander W. Ogilvie, M.P.P., Andrew Robertson, and Alexander Murray. Methodist Church, —J. Sinclair and Thomas M. Bryson. Congregational. — Henry Lyman. Bavitist.—Qc. B. Muir. Unitarian.'^Qr. W. Stephens, Aid. ; Benjamin Lyman, president; Robert Esdaile, vice-presi- dent; M. H. Gault, treasurer; Wm. Turner, secretary; R. Spriggings (at the Cemetery), superintendent. Montreal Agricultural and Horticultural Sooibty.— W. F. Kay, president ; Wm. Evans, vice-president; Henry T. Evana, honorary secretary and treasurer. Directors. — T. Irving, R. Spriggings, John Forrester, J. D. Gibb, R. Imrioi S. S. Bain, Major Letour. Canadian Telegraphers' Mutual Insurance Association. — Ji Stephenson, supt. G. T. R., Montreal, president ; Hugh Neilson, supt. Western District D. T. Com Toronto, vice-presi- dent ; B. J. Hickey, train dispatcher, G. T. R, Montrealf sec- retary ; J. S. MoConnell, treasurer's dept, M. T. Co., Mont- real, treasurer. . Executive C'ommtffe«.—Angus Grant, M. T. Co.: C. R. Ho8- "T, supt. Eastern District D. T. Co. ; J. S. Mackenrie, chief mer. operator, head office M. T. Co. ; A. T. Nurse, operator, M; T; Co» ; D. MoCarthy, train dispatcher, G. T. R. Ciller A««iiiitliAMHtt«t tt^^MMm^tiJimtKMil, Ifi^tnc DttBSS Bl^tBTS $1.50, Ttonvm$2^MrA*i^ BESniASTEAirA^ BOND'S; ^ BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. 191 CouKTT OP HoCHELAGA Ageioultural SociETt.— William £vaii8, president; Jaoques Leonard, vice-president; Hngh Brodie» secretary and treasurer. Council op AQRicuLTimE ©p the Phovinob of Quebec— J. M. Browning, president; L. H. Massue, vice-president: George Leolero, secretary and treasurer. Officoi 63 St. Gabriel street. Coboneb fob the District op Montreal.— Joseph JoneSi 637 Ontario street, Montreal. EXPRESS COMPANIES, Geo. A. Boon, 132 St. Maurice street. International, G. N. G^ff, supt., 30 Victoria square and 69 St* Alexander street. Burreli's, 22 ifoundllng street* Canadian Express Co., G. Cheney, 84 and 86 St. Franooig Xavier street. United States and Canadian Express Co., 84 and 86 St Fran- cois Xavier street. European Express Co., 84 aBd-86 St. Francois Xavier street. Dumaine & Halpin's City Express, 1 Campeau street A. Larin's City Express, 53 Chaboiliez square. P. Quinn's City Express, 17 William street. D. Lafferty's City Express, 116 Bleury street. L. P. Murphy, 72 St. Bonaventure street K. Simpson ^The FaftiflJii^ ,r i; V-^ I 1 . I tlbKm$tUMt WiingeMf WMlieMt Imm Bedit— d i » BpfiiMr 192 BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. English Wobking-Men's Benefit Sooiitt. — The Moit Bey. Iho Lord Bishop of Montreal and Metropolitan, patron; John Curtis Clark, president ; Chas. Willis and James Cook, vice-presidents ; Edward Leach, secretary ; L. S. J. Symoai, assistant secretary ; Charles Andrews, treasurer ; Bev. Dean Bond, Bev. Canon Baldwin, Bev. Chas. Belcher, chaplains ; James T. 8. Webb, M.D.C.M., Medical Officer; J. J. Bay, honorary solicitor; J. H. Isaacson, honorary notary; S. J. Symons, C. Godfrey, W. Turner, auditors; T. Massey, B. Thyer, T- Shepherd, W. Stevens, B. Norris, J. Mills, G. Hob- son, J. Wingham. stewards. Montreal Wobking-Men's Mutual Benefit and Widows' AND Obphans' Provident jSooijsty.-- J as. -Wright, president; M. Palmer, Ist vice-president ; B. Cooper, 2nd vice-president ; J. H. Vincent, rec. secretary; Warden King, treasurer; Wm. iStenhouse, Unanciai secretary; Jas. Atcheson, assistant llnauciai secretary; J. W. Tiiompson, Gilbert Scott, A. W* Ogiivte, trustees; A. McGibbon, Jonathan Jb'indlay, John Chestnut, auditors; George Ahem, librarian; — — — Brown, bt. Ann's Ward (Jbjast) ; John Jones, tft. Ann's Ward (West); John Byslop, bt. Antoine ; John Chestnut, bt. Lawrence ; Wm. Bostock, bt. James; Peter Morrison, St. Louis; Wm. Clarke, Bobt. Mason, bt. Mary ; Ed. McConnell, Centre ; Wm. bten- house, West; Jas. Mason, East, stewards; John Bell, M.i>«, physician ; Ed. Carter, Q.C., honorary solicitor. Montreal Ladies' Benevolent Socibtt.— Mrs. Vanneck, 1st directress ; Mrs. Wheeler, 2nd directress ; Mrs. Bessey, sec- retary ior children ; Mrs. ii\ Thomas, treasurer; Miss Evans, secretary to society* St. Andrew's Home, 484 Dorchester street.— Under the man- agement of a committee named by the bt. Andrew's bociety, assisted by a committee of ladies. JL>. Campbell, superinten- dent. United Protestant Working-Men's Society. — Francis McCullochy president ; J. Ward, 1st vice-president; W. John- ston, 2nd vice-president; John T. Einnie, A.M., M.D., Physi- cian; Bobt. Lumsden, recording secretary ; John Porter, hnan- cial secretary; John A. Millar, treasurer; Wm. Cowie, Chai. Duncan, John Doyle, Thos bonne, Chas. Boon, trustees. Irish Protestant Benevolent Sooibtv.— W. J. McMaster, president; Bobt. Irwin, 1st vice-president; Andrew Baile, 2nd vice-president; George Wilson, 3rd vice-president; George A. Holland, treasurer; J. P. Black, recording secretary; W< G. Wilson, assistant secretary i J. W* Eeatherston, correspond- ing secretary. James street.% Protestant Institution fablDkaf Mutes.— C6te St. Antoine Road, Montreal.— C. Alexander, president; Thomas Cramp, vioe*prewdtot ; F. Maokenaiejsecretary-treasnrer ; WUlUm;B. Scott. M.D., physician; T- Widd, pnncipaJ; Mrs. T. Widd, matron ; Miss C Bulmer, assistant teacher; ProCr J* Dttnoan, teacher of drawing antd painting. The Harvey Institute.— (Incorporated February^ 1875.)— Miss Harvey* hon. president ; Mirs.H. L. Routh, Utmredtreiis.; Mrs. Dr. Dfake, 2iia directress ; Mrs. Alex. Holmes, treasurer; Mrs. F. A. Clark, secretary; Mrs. Tasker, assiitant-secrctaty. T RichmMit lil file market) Ht !<• J. A. Snr-ireyer>e9 694 Orals 8t* Roman Oatholio Orphan Asylum, 1185 St. Catherine street- Founded 1832.— Mrs. T. BouthilHer, president; Mrs. John Ostell* yioe-president ; Mrs. Joseph Bourett, treasurer; Mrs. Maurice Laframboise, secretary ; Miss Morin, matron. Dbaf and Dumb Institution.— Founded, 1848, for the in- struction of deaf and dumb boys, under the direction of the« Clerks Regular of St. Viator. The pupils are taught to speak and read on the lips with the help of signs.— Rev. A. Belanger, director. Asylum at Mile-End. NATIONAL SOCIETIES. St. GBORaR's Socibty.— Patron, The Most Rev. the Metro- politan ; John Kerry, president ; John Heath, 1st vioe-president ; F. W. Henshaw, 2nd vice-president; W. S. Walker, treasurer; F. H. Reynolds, secretary ; John F. Norris, assistant secretary. ChaplaifM.— The Very Rev. Wm. Bond, Dean of Montreal ; Rev. H. Wilkes, D.D. j Rev. R. W. Norman, M.A. ; Rev. Chas. Chapman, and Rev. J. F. Stevenson, LL.B. PAv9tc«an«.— Messrs. Q. E* Fenwick, M.D. ; G. F. Slack, M4)., and T. D. Reed, M.D. Board of Management.— Measra, N. Mercer, F. Cole, A. R. 0. Selwyn, Geo. Morris. W. D. Stroud, ^ohn Bauden) J* F. Eidner, and George Weldon. St. Andrew's Sooibty.— Ewan McLennan, president; Col. A. A. Stevenson, 1st vice-president; J. C. Watson, 2nd vice- president; Robert Gardner, jr., secretary; F*' J. Logic, as- sistant secretary : C. J . Baird, treasurer; Rev. J. C. Baxter and Rev. Gavin Lang, chaplains ; Drs. G. W. RosS|Wanless, Bell, and Campbell, physicians; D. Morrison, A. Wilson, F. G. Logic, A. N. Shewan, and T. Robin, charitable committee ; Hon. John Young, Sir A. T. Gait, A. McGibbon, A. W. Ogilvie, M.P.P., A. Robertson, and D. McKay, committee of accounts; J. C. Becket, representative on Board of Protestant House of Industry and Refuge. Caledonian Sooibty op Montreal.— John Fulton, president; David Guthrie, Ut vice-president ; David Miller, 2nd vioe- plresident: Daniel Hose, treasurer ; James Yuill, financial sec- retary; James M. Glass, B.C.L., secretary, and a Committee of twelve. leen. Fire Sc I«lfe» Insurance Oo.— Folrbei & lludvey ^■"■" f : i iSwiss RomwTy. — Established December, 1874. — ^N. AubiUt president; M. Coindet, vice-president ; H Dreifuss, treasurer ; A. Monet, secretary; H. Dreifuss and A. Monet, charitable Committee. TEMPERANCE. : h . T/ ii United Trmperanok Obdrr, Grand Lodor, Pbovinor of Quebec, (late Grand Lodge British American Order).— \. Leighton, president. South Durham ; Mrs. Robert Meldrum, vice-presitfent, Montreal ; J. H. Timmis, secretary, Montreal ; Robert Meldrum, treasurer, Montreal ; Robert Ness, Lecturer, Bowiok ; M. Parker, counsellor, Granboro' ; R. Robertson, Chaplain, Howick ; F. D. Lillie, financier, Montreal ; M. J. MoGarth, assistant secretary. North Georgetown; Robert Hus- ton, marshal, English River; M. Carson, deputy marshal, Montreal ; John Caldwell, guard, Huntingdon ; A. M. Mason, sentinel, Huntingdon ; Wm. Neil, past president, Granby. Viotoria Lodge, No, 5.— Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o^elook, in the basement of New Connexion Charoh, Dapre. Lane, off College street. .. ■ . , ,, ^. , Next AiM^ual Session of Grand Lodge will be held on third Tuesday in January* at South Durham. nil J|^P^M>C'S BOHEStriC BAR SOAP— Tbe FiunlljF '■ilif y / il l ":1 i ■*f !■ "S' : ■1 Jl! ■ 4 '■ ii: ill I iliii House irnrnlvbtAs OoOds at S^nrerer'a, 094 Oraly St. 196 TEMPERANCE, TifDKpRTiDieNT Ordrb #f GK)od TmtPhAUB.'^Moimt Boval Loda9% No. 1.— Meets every Monday evekiing at 7.S0 o'olook» in the Ora&ire Hall, 81 St. James street. Royal Victoria Lodge^ No. 3.— Meets every Thursday even- ing at 8 o'dook, in toe Temperance Hall, 6 Bleary street. Hope Lodge No, 15.— Me6t6 evdty Tnesday evening in the basement of St Mark's Church, at 8 o'clock. Winttanlev Lodge No 76.— Meets every Tuesday evening in the school- room of St. Jude's Church, at 8 o'clock. Shaftesbury Lodge, No. 77.— Meets every Saturday evening in Orange Hall, 81 St. James street, at 8 o'clock. Star of Liberty Lodge No. 46.— Meets every Wednesday even- ing at Unitarian Mission Room, Wellington street, Point St Charles, at 8 o'clock. Wellington Lodge No. f^>.— Meets every Friday evening in th0 basement of the Panet Street Church, Quebec Subui^bs. Boyal Arthur Lodqe No. 113.— Meets every Friday .evening at Shaftesbury Hail, Mountain street. jlfoun^ain Zo«fflre iVb. 121.— Meets every Wednesday evening at Methodist Mission school-room, Ul St. Lawrence street, St Jean Baptiste Village. Royal Albert Lodge No. 125.— Meets every Monday evening at 104 Bonaventure street - Rechabitbs.— Perseverance Tent No. 1 , meets every Tues- day evening at^8 o'clock, in ithe Temperance Hall, 6 Bleury street. Sons op Temprbanob Crand Divisioir, Province of Que- bec— Wm. Mo Wafters, Montreal, G.W.P.; J. R. McEwan, g'uebec, Q^.W. A- ; .T. S. Hall, 6 Bleury street Montreal, Grand cribe ; James Fish, Lachute, G.T. ; RevI T. Gales, Montreal, G. Chaplain; G. J. Walker, Lachute, G.C. ; J. W. Raitt, Lft- chute, G. Seht. Howard Diviaion^ No. 1., meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock, at their rooms, 6 Bleury street. ReHcuB Diniaion, No. 91, meets every Wednesday evening ttt school-room, Tannery West, at 8 o'clock. Tkistie Division, No. 53, meets at Nasareth Stsset Church every Wednesday evening at 8 o'elock. Exof^or HvoiMion^ No. 100, meets on Monday evening at 8 o'declc. HoeheHaga Divinon, No. 116, meets on Tuesday evening in in the school-room, Hochelaga, at 8 o'clock. Oka Di^iBiofit i^o. 123, meets on Tuesday eveniagi ia the School Room, Desrivi^res Street, at 8 o'elodk. I^neen, Fire & lilffey Infturfince €?o.— Furbes ic ISiidgv^ ]»A]II« •VRKBTSi TBMPERANGE, W Unitid TbmpbramOr Ordbr (late British American Order of Good Templars).— Victoria Lodoe No, 5.— iJIf eets every Thursday evening at 7.30, in the Methodist Cfanrdh, in Dupr^ Lane. MoiTTSBAL Trmpebanoe SooiRTT.— All Clergymen in the city J ho are total abstainers, and J as. Courts John Dougall, B. P. anes, J, S. Hall, T.- Oampbeli, J. A. Matthewson, W. J. Fat- tersoni J. C,3eoket, £. Atwater, G. W. Weaver, B. Lyman, C. Alexander, H. Vennor, J . Rogers, T. S. Brown. Dr. Oar* penter, John Butchie, vice-presidents ; Robert Irwin,|.trea8U- xer; G. A.6argentt secretary. St. Gborgb's Chubgh Teupehancb Sqoibtt.-tRbv. Jiunei Carmichael, president ; Very Rev. Dean Bond, vice president; l^icnolas R. Muage, treasurer ; William Walkiate, secretary i T. U. Schneider, H. 0. Andrews, E. F. Dartneli. R. w. D. Olier, S. K. Orawlord, W. Radford, Daniel Lowery, T. A. Mo- Lean, Joseph Brown, B. W. Mudge, Wm. Johnson, G. R. JProwse, committee. DelegateB from St, George's Y, M, 0, 4*HS. F. Putnam, Jo<" seph Tomkiqs. Secretary's add^ss : 268 St Antoine Street. St. Luke's Ghurgh TsMPBRAZfOE Sooibtt.— H. J. Dart, president; J. Wentworth Hill and Blizabeth E. Beardsell, vioe-presidei^ts ; Fanny Ovoring, treasurer; Maria Giimoux, secret^Jry. Meets alternate Fridays. St Patri^'s Total Abstinjbkob Sooibty.— Members meet 2)id Sunday oCeaoh month, after Vespers, forreligious inttruo- ti.0|i,.at ;whieh time the pledge is administered. ' St. Bridobt's Total Abbtinbwce Sooibtf. -^Meets every Sunday at 10.30 a.m., at thi^ir 41all under ;St. Bridoet's Gbuioh, 101 D6rc^(af ter street. SooiiTis DB Tbmperanoe ou Diooese de Montbbal.— R. C. Bishop, of Montreal, honorary president; Very Rev. H. Mo- reau, acting i^resident. TlSilPBRA;90B SOOIBTY (R.C?.)0FSt. JaME9' 0HURCk.--M9etr ing, Ist Sunday ^every month, at 7 p.m. St. Ann's Total Abstinbncb Societt.— Meets on 2nd Sun- day in «a^h wonth, immediately i^ter Vespers. The secretary 1^ )St^ Ann'n Churi^h* U • 1 I. I: I: ii;, 'I I I i' •f I" li' * lli ! Ill M OMmteMf C«Nile« Petes, Stair Roaii, * it»e<»iallt|r it li. X. A. 8URVBYBR*8, 094 Oralff Street. 106 COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Unitbrsitt of MoGill Colleqb.— Fmtor.— His Exoellenoy the Governor General. Oovernora — Hon. Ohas. Dewey Day^ LL.l>.t D.C.L.* Fre»%d€nt and Chanceilor of the Univeraity; Uon. J. Ferrier, senator, M.L.O.. A. Robertson, M.A., Q.G.. Hon. C iiunkin, M.A., ii.C.L., Peter Kedpath, Geo. Moffatt, M.A.* John H. ii. Molson, Hon. Fred. W. lorrance, M.A., B.O.L.f 0. J. Brydges, Hon. Sir A. T. Gait, K.C.M.G., Uon. SirFranois Hinoks, K.G.M.G., C.B., Hon. L. H. Holton, M.P.. J. Molson, J.Hicksuu. FrincipcU and Vice- Chancellor. —-J. W. liawson, Ma.» LLD., F.A.&i. J^Hlowi. — \ en. Archdeacon Leach, i>.G.Jj.,LL.I>., Vice-Principal and Dean of the Faculty oi Arts; Henry A. Howe, LL.D. ; Hun. J. J. C. Abbott, D.CL., Q*G' Dean of the Faculty of Law; G* W Campbell, MA- , M.D., LL.D., Dean of the F'aouity of Medicine ; Kev. J. Cook, D.]}-t Principal uf Mornn College, vouchee ; A. Johnson, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Pbilosophy, Vioe-Dean ot the Faculty of Arts ; Kev. G. Cornish, M.A., LL.D., Pro- lessor of Classical Literature; iiev. H. Vyilkes, M.A.. D.D'i LL.D., Principal and Professor of Theology and Church His- tory in the Congregational College ot Britibh I^orth Ameiicai Key. D. H. Mac Vicar, LL.D., Principal and Professor ox Theology inihe Presbyterian College of Montreal ; R. A. Ram- say, M.A., B.C.L., Representative F'ellow in Arts ; J. Reddy, NLD.1 Representative Fellow in Medicine; W. H- Hicks, Prin- cipal of McGili formal School : Rev. John Jenkins, D.D.t Gtiairman ol! the Protestant Board of School Commissioners for City of Montreal ; J. J. McLaren, M.A., B.CL., Representative Fellow in Law ; F). Holton, B.C.L., Representative Fellow in Law ; G. Doutre, D.C.L., Professor of Civil Procedure ; S. B. behmidt, M.D., Representative F'ellow in Medicine; John R. Dougall, M.A., Representative Fellow in Arts ; W. H. Kerr, Q.C., D.G.L.* Acting Dean of the Faculty of Law: Rev. J . G. Murray, LL*D., Professor of Logic ; R. Craik, M.D., Professor of Chemistry. JSeeretarpt Hegietrar and Bursar. — Wm. Craig Baynes, B.A.,— residence and office. East W ing MoGill College. 6'ter/b.— James W.Brakenridge. Pbofbssobb. Facvity of Arte.— John Wm. Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S.t Principal Logan Professor of Geology and Professor of JN atural Uistdir ; Ven. Archdeacon Leach, D.C.L.. LL.D., Vice-Prin- cipal, Dean of tne Faculty of Arts, and Molsou Prufessor of English Literature; H. A. Howe, LL.D., Emeritus Protessorof Mauiematics and Natural Philosopny ; Kev. A. DeSoia, LL D., Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature ; Alex. Johnson, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics, and Kedpath Professor of €|mtteii« Fire dc I^lfe, Insurance Oo«— Forliee A HEnAgei €iaef Agente, Itm mi4 199 1$U JfWiM lit.f Montrealt 415 NOTAB DABEB MTUMBT. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS, 199 Natural Philosophy ; Rev. Qeorge Cornish. LL.D.f ProfeBior of Clasbical Literature; Pierre J. Darey* M.A., B.O.Li Profetsor of Frenoh Language and Literature ; 0. F. A. Markgraf, M.A., Professor of (ierinan Language and Literature ; Kar. J* Clark Murray, LL.D., Professor of Logio, and Mental uid Moral Philosophy. Department of Practical and ApplUd (Sc»«no«,— — — •— ^« Professor of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanios ; B. L* Harrington, 6* A., Ph. D., Professor Assaying, Mining and Chemistry ; C. H. McLeod, B.A.iS., Lecturer in Surveying and Drawing, and Superintendent of Meteorological Observatory ; Archibald Duff, M.A., iteoturer in Mathematics. FactUty of Zatc—Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, D.C L., Dean of tho Faculty of Law, and Professor of Commercial Law ; Hon. W. Badgley» D.C.L., Professor of Public and Criminal Law ; R. G. Laflamme,D.C.L., Professor of the Law of Real Estate; Edw. Carter, Q.C., B.C.L., Associate Professor of Criminal Law ; N. W. Trennolme, M.A., B.C.L., Professor of Roman Law: J. 6. C. Wurtele, B.C.L., Assooia a Professor of Commercial Law :W. H. Kerr, D.CL., Acting Dean uf the Faculty of Law, and Pro- fessor of Literuational Law; Gonzalve Doutre, D.C.L.» Professor of Civil Procedure; H. F. Kainviiie, Associate Professor of Real Estate Law ; C. A. (s^eoffriun, B.C.L., Lecturer in Roman Law; E. Larue, B.C.L.» Lecturer in Legal History; J. S. Archibald, B.A., B.CL., Lecturer in Criminal Law. John Andrew, Instructor in Elocution ; Fred. S. Bamjumt Instructor in iiymnastics. McGiLL Normal School.— Affiliated to the University under the control of the buperintendent of behools and the Corporation of the University. Wm. H. Hicks, Principal; J as. McGregor, M. A., Ordinary Professor; S. P. Rebins, M.A., Associate Pro- fessor of Natural History ; Pierre J. Darey, M.A., Associate Professor in French. Regular instruction in Drawing given by Mr. J. Duncan, and in Music by Mr. R. J. Fowler, feieoretary, W . C. Baynes, B.A. Model School op McGill Normal ScHOOt.— Teacher ot Boys' School, H. Hicks, M.A. Teacher of Girls' School, Mua Jane Swallow. High School of Montreal.— /Seo^ of jL.D. Teacher 8, -* He **< Master, H. Aspinwall Howe, M.A., LL.D. Assistant Masters, Geo. Murray, B.A., ozon.; George E. Jenkins, Frederick H . Kelly, B.A., Ph. D. ; Alexander N. bhewan, M.A. ; Wm. L. Whyte, John Andrew, ^arcisse Duval, Frederick S. Bamjum. Assistants in Preparatory tiohool : Miss Lilias Watson, Miss Jane Reason, Miss Florence Reniiie, Miss Hannah Bell, Miss Elisabeth Hargrave. Instructor in Drawing, A. H. Bird, R.A. 1 fc li Tli|[^]|ABSALOU'S STEAM RSFIlfSD FABHIilr 0OJJ% Superior lo aU oOwm* »il'ik> ■Jiil:^ ItadBt MmttwHmm^ Wk««-»Ita Mm A. SvTcgrev, ftS4 Cmlff St. 900 COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. HiMi ScaooL 9fn-GtTKLB.'^TMehing <5te(^.— Mn. John Soott, MiM Hart. MiM .Uendetfon, Misi Flahmann, Mr. H. Bird, M^.A.; iMr. J. F. W. B«rriion, MiM W«*ki, fitisf AfoFee, MiM €lkriitia. Spaoial Leotarers : 0«o. ^durray, B.A.. Ozon. ; F. W. K«Uy, M.A., FJI.D.; John Andrew, 6. P. Robin, M.A. PlpTUTAirT Board or Sobool Oommissiokrbs.— (7oi;ern^na ^oery.-^RoT.JohnjQnkixM, D.DMOhairman; Wm. Lunn.Hon. Treasurer. ^^ommtmorMt**.— Rot. Oanon Bancroft, D.D., LL.D.; PrinQipitlI>aw8on,LL.D.,F.R.S.: Aid. G.W. Stephens, B.O.L. ; 6.'B. Dawson. Secretary and Superintendenu—B' P. Robins, M.A. Cashier and Aeeountant.—B. Bvans. PaoTiisi\4ivr BoAKD OP School Examtvbbs of Movtbial.— The Rey. G.Cornish. LLJ)., President; A. Johnson, LL.D., Vioe'^Presidant; the ReT. 0. A. Dondiet, A.M., St. Matthew's Church; theRev. C. Chapman, A.M., Zion Ohuroh ; the Rer. PisnoiiMa LoMey ; T. A. Gibson, A Jkl., Secretary. There ane four Statutory Quarterly Meetings : on the first Tuesday in February, May, August and November. The nuetings are ImU in the Natural Histoic^ Society's Rooms, Uaifvtsity 8treet,«t XQia^n. 'UiomuBiirT.ov Bibbop's Coli/kob, LnmoxviLLB.— Incor- porated by Royal Charter, 1853.— President of the Oorporatioo and Visitor, the Right Rev. the-Lerd Bishop of Quebec, D-D. ; Vice-Prasident of the Corporation and Visitor, the Most Rev. the Lord Bishop of Montreal. D.D., Metropolitan sOhanceltor, Hob. G. Irving 'M.P.P. ; rioe-Chancelior, R. W. Heneker. 2>i#0e».^-H%. W. fieneker, Chairman rL. H. Davidson. G. F. Bowen^jR. Hamilton, G. MaiSrae, Rev. R. Lindsay, B. T. Morris, L. H. Mohis, H.'Pangman, J. S. Hall, Rev. C. P. Reid, Rev. F. Robfaisbn, W. B.ndilDpson. Rev. C Rawson,R. H. Smith, W. R. Wvrtble. CoUeae Oottneti.— The Rev. Principal Niools, D-D- , Chairman: the Rev. C. fl. Badgley, S. Bethune. Q.C., Rev. J. Brock, B. Carter, M.P., E. Chapman, Rev. J. Foster, Rev. C. akmilitOBtRe^.iG. V. Bousman, Hon. G. Irvine, D. R. MoCord, IT. R. W.ifaEaian, Hon. Mr. Justice Ramsay, Rev. Prof. Roe, Rev. Prof. Scarth, Rev. Prof. Tambs. (Mocrt of the CoriTororfton,— Edward Chapman, Secretary ; E. L. Montizam- bert. Honorary Counsel; C. Brooks, Auditor: B. T. Morris, Attof^V- OMeert of the OoUeffe.—The Rev. J. H. Niools, D,D., PrinoiiMil and Professor of Classics; the Rev. G. H. Badgley, J^.4m. •Viee^P|i;iQipai ; the Rev. H. Roe, M.A., ProieMor of D\TiQ|br; theRev. A.;C. 3oarth, M.A., Professor of Eoclesias- tM^WUstory; Jie Rev. R. C. Tambs. MA., Professor of MatiievtAtios ;Jtef . A. Boudrias and W. Faley, Associate Professors and Teachers of Boys' Model School: G. (iervais, Associate Professor and Secretary ; J. Brassard, S. Aubin, and A. de Poupart) Associate Professors. Jesuits, St. Mart's College.— Rev. T. Fleck, S.J.. presi- dent; Kev> T- Drench, S.J., vice-president; Kev. S- Kobert, IS. J., treasurer. /'ro/e«9or«.— Rev. M. Nobile, S.J. ; Rev. L. Jouin, S.J. ; Rev. A. Larcher, S.J. ; Kev. J. Grenier, S.J. ; Kev. E. Hudon, S.J. ; L. Drummond, S.J. ; L. Lebiano, S.J.; T- Gaisse, S.J. ; L. Garceau, S.J. JJiaciplinarians.'—T' Lussier, S.J.; A. Daignanlt, S.J. ; L> Tremblay, S.J.; K. Koy, S.J. Professor o/ Drawing, — ^J. L'Herault. Projeasora of Muaie» — J. Foilonus, J. A. Fowler, N. Martel, M. Saucier, J.Moreau, J. A. Duquette. Church op the Gesu.— Rev. T. Fleck, S.J.; Rev. V. Beau- devin, S.J.; K. I. fiaudry, S.J.; K. A. Braun, S.J.; Kev. C. Connileau, S.J.; K. H. Lory, 6.J,'i Kev. J. Kaynel, S.J.; K. A. Jones, S.J . Rohan Catholic Board of School Commissioners fob the Citt of Montreal. — Kev. M. Kousselot, chairman; Ed. Murphy, Severe Kivard, J. A. Ouimet, M.P.; P. S. Murphy, Very Kev. Canon E. Moreau.M. C. Desnoyers, secretary treas- urer ; A. D. Decelles, assistant secretary-treasurer. CHUECHES, CHAPELS, &0. PROTESTANT. m Church of j^ngrZanc?.— Most Rev. Ashton Oxenden, D.D., Lord Bishop of Montreal, and Metropolitan of Canada ; The Very Kev. Wm. B. Bond, M. A., LL.D., Dean ot Montreal ; Ven. Archdeacon Leach, LL.D., D.C.L., Archdeacon of Montreal; Ven. Archdeacon Lonsdell, M.A., Archdeacon of Hoohelaga. Cathedral Clergy.— The Kev. M. S. Baldwin, M.A., Rector and Senior Canon ; Kev. , assistant minister. Trinity Church.— Kev. Canon Bancroft, D.D., LL.D., incum- bent. ^neeiiy Fire Sc lilfe. Insurance €o«— Forbes ic Madgfei Clilef AgenCsy 191 and 19S 8f • James Stf ISontreal. XnMTTB DRBS8 SHIRTS $1.50, WORTH t2.S59 AT DCSMARTCAU dc BOND'S. CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. 203 St. George's.— Very Rev. Dean Bond) M.A., LL.D., inoum- beat; Kev. James Camrichael, M.A., bishop's Chaplain. St. John the Bvangeiist.— (Free Seat.)— Itev. E. Wood, M. A., incumbent; C A. Daniel and Wm. Wright* M.D., assistant ministers. St James the Apostle.— Rev. Canon EllegoodfM.A., Rector i Rev. K. W. Gorman, M.A., assistant. St. Stephen's.— Key. Canon Lewis Evans, M.A., incumbent. St. Luke's.— (Free Seat.)— Kev. — — — — , incumbent. St. Thomas'.— Rev. R. Lindsay, M.A., incumbent St Mary's, Hoohelaga.— Rev. J. D. Borthwick, incumbent Chaplain to the Jail.— Rev. J. D. Rorthwick. Grace Church.- Rev. S. fielcher, incumbent St. Jude's Church, St. Joseph street— Rev. J. H. Dixon, rector. St Martin's.— Rev. J. P. Dumoulin, M.A., rector. St George's Mission Church, Cote St. Antoine.— Rev. J. Empson, B.A. oervioe on csunday evenings, at 7 u'dock. Seats Free. Hours of Service : Cathedral, daily, at 10 o'clock a.m., Sun- days at 11 a.m., and 4 p.m. j ovening at /, seats irwe ; all others at 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Church cf Scotland.— SL Andrew's.— Rev. Gavin Lang. Ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; dunday School at '6 p.m. Week- day Service on Wednesday atteruoon, at 4 o'clock. East End Mission of St. Andrew's, Panet street.— Rev. John Hutchison. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at \i.3i) a.m. St. John's, comer of Dorchester street and Bronsdon Lane.— Rev. . minister. Preahyterian Church in C?artarfa.— St. Paul's.— Rev. Dr. Jen- kins; Rev. R. Laing, B.A., assistant minister. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Wednesday, 7-45 p.m. St. Gabriel.— Rev. Robt Campbell, M. A. Serviees at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school at 3 p.m. Wednesday, 7*45 p.m. St. Matthew's, Point St Charles.— Rev. . Services at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p,m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Thursday, 7^45 p.m. St. Mark's, Griffintown.— Rev. John Nicholls. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Wednesday, 7.45 p.m. ^T BAIlSAIiOIJ'S STEAM RKFIUnED FAMII^Y SOAF, '■" Snpenor to all oihenk 'I I ii -.r ^ ii mkm I' li! I Pi ml i II! Ill- -! (' oiiiie FurntoliiilS Gbjodpy at Snrir<)jr^r'Sf 524 ^ralfr S^ 201 CHURCHES AND CHAPELa Forfar Street Mission StaUoii.<- ( t i \\ '- I : i!i!yi(|i l!l!l Conilc««, ConUee P«]m, stair Rodfl* « •peelallty «t !<• J. A. SITRTBTBR'S, 624 GratfT Street. 206 CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. Coiiprepational. —Z\on Ohnroh.— Rev. Henry Wilkes, D.D., LL.D., Rev. A. J. Bray, Pastors. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Wednesday. 8 p.m. Emmanuel Church, corner of St. Catherine and Stanley sts.— F. Stevenson, LL.D., Pastor. Servic n at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Eastern Church, corner Craig and Amherst Streets.— Rev. William Williams. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Shaftesbury Hall, Mountain street, near St. Antoine.— Rev. George Anderson. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Wednesday, 8 p.m. Sunday School at 9.15 a.m. Baptist.— Beaver Hall Hill (First.) Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. St. Catherine Street.— Rev. Joshua Donovan. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. ^^ Olivet Baptist Church.— Rev. John Gordon. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. French Protestant Church. — Baptist.— Rev. T. Lafleur. Ser- vices at 3 p.m. on Sundays, at New Jerusalem Church, corner Dorchester and Hanover streets. German Prnteatant—^t. .John's Church.— 127 St. Dominique street.— Rev. Dr. A. Soramer. Minister. Services at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2 p.m. CTnifarian— Church of the Messiah. — Beaver Hall Hill .—Rev. J. Cordner, D.D. ; Rev. J. B. Green, assistant. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9.30 a.m. Nero Jeruanlem CAttrcA.— (Swedenborifian.)— 684 Dorchester street, opp. High School.— Rev. E. Gould. Services at 11 a.m. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Bonaecoura Church,— how Mass, 6.30, 7.30, a.m.; evening, 6.30 p.m. St. Paul street. Cathedral.— Low Mass, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30, a.m.; High Mass, 10 a.m. ; Vespers, 3 15 p.m. ; evening, 7 p.m. Cemetery street. Church of the Gesu.-^-JjOW Mass on week days at 5.15, 6, 6.30, 7 and 7.30; Sundays, at 5.15, 6, 7 and 8; High Mass, 10 a.m.; Vespers, 3- 30, 6.30 and 8 p.m. Bleury street. General Hospital CAurcA.—Low Mass, 6 a.m. Grey Nunnery, Guy street. ^AaeettrFtre 4c litfe, Insuranee Co.— Forbes * Mailgey Oiaef Aseutei H^l^ aad 198 »tt JTaflfiee 8t.t ntontreal. ii",r Ml?, Bhirtm madJB to ovder mt BEBMARTlBAir A BOHIHA, 415. NOTRE DAME STRBBT. CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. 207 Hospice St. t/oMD^.— MignonDe street. JTbeeZ DtcM.— Low Mass. 5.30. 7.30 a.m. ; High Mass, 9.30a.m.; Vespers, 2.30 p.m. Hotel Dieu street. L* Enfant Jenua ffu Coteau St. Louia.— "Low Mass, 6.30, 7.30, a.m. : High Mass, 10 a.m. ; Vespers, 3 p.m. in winter, and 7.15 p.m. in summer. Coteau St. Louis. Notre Dame de Grace.— law Mass, 6.30 a 8, 9 New Year, Aimo Mundi, 5638 " 17 Kippoor~Day of Atonement. *' 22, 23 First Days of Tabemaoles. Peo. 1 Feast of DedioatioB. EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Colonial Chureh and School j^oeteey.— Incorporated by Aet of Parliament. Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, Patron ; ^is Grace the Archbishop of Oanterbury and Bis Grace, the Archbishop of York, yice-patront. Oorresponding Gonunittee of the Diocese of Montreal.— The Most Rev. the Lord Bishop of MS., scientihc curator and recording secretary. Council. -Prof. R. BeU, Dr. B.J. Harrington, R. W. MoLaoh- lan, J. H. Joseph, Rev. Canon Baldwin, J. B. Goode, Dr. W. Osier, N. Mercer, M. H. Brisette. Library and Membership Committee.— A. R. C. Selwyn, D|. B. J. Harrington, R. McLachlan, M. H. Brisette, and Dr. W* Osier. A HX 11ARI»AI^01J'S BOMJESTIC BAR SOAP-r'TllA 11 Nri it '; t '! i A ■■ \\ i 1 '^- ifklMtt^^ iMi4 iBiii|^#es« |iWtftt»le BAnget, l>«s^i|| 'thkt niairket^ at l4* S» A. SitrTe]rer*B9 594 Orals »U Mechanics* Inatitutei^G^oTjn Graik^hank* pjfesidentt Jo^n BQ:^d, y|6<^|tt^siae&t j John Heath. oorre|pondiiig seoretary ; jyAiiieljKo80» reoo^diog seoretary ; Norton B. Cor^e, treasurer ; B^nry Tettlozit librarian ; Wm. Reidjoabinet keeper. Genei^al Gommittee.— Johii Allan, Win. Patun, J. Findlay; W. Simpson Walker, Robert Irwin, Joseph Smith. S* M. eansum, superintendent. Merchant't Exchange and) Reading Room, -— Established May, 1854 : incorporated by Act of Parliament, May 23rd, 1853. John G. Dinning, secretary. Inatitut Canadient 111 Notre Dame Street— Free Reading Room and Library. A. Boisseau, superintendent.] Art Asaociation of JlfojK^'ea?.— Incorporated 22nd Vic, Chap. XII, 1860. Office : Mechanics' Hall. His Excellency the Gov- ernor General, patron ; president j ' yioe-president; R. W. Shepherd, treasurer; John POpham, honorAi^'Secretaiy ^ Members of the Gounoil.— 0. R. Jacob!, G. J. Way, F. B. Miatthewfl, D. R. McGord, John Popham, Dr. Duncan MoCal- lum, John McLennan, W. F*. Kay, Andrew Wilson, and J6hn Hope. 3%eiVa«er /n«tjtnd J. Noitkes, committee. * . NuimavMitic aud Antiquarian Society o/ilfonfreo^.— Organized 1862 ; Incorporated 1870, 33 Vic. Chap. 53.— Daniel Rose, presi- dent;. Major L. A. H. Latour, Ist vice-president; William Blackburn^ 2nd vice-president; R. W. McLachlan, curator aitid treasuter; Gerald B. Hart, secretary. The Sooie^ meets at its rooms, in the Natural History Soeli6t7'6 Bttildinkt every 2nd Wednesday ih each month, at 8 pim. Museum open to visitor^, free, on application to the Secretary. The Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Jour- nal pAblfished quarterly by the Society, price $1.50 per annnm^ ai|ficf|l» Fire dc Ufe, Insarauce Co.— Forbes A Ulndire, Viaer A|r•n{|l^>t|^pM l!Nli«l»^aMOi fikti niontre«l# 415 NOTRE DJJHE STREET. CLUBS. 2U The Montreal Sailor** Irutitute." Andrew Allan, p«'! ^- *<• ^H ir' 11 1 |C 11 I' li'll t iiiii J! i ii il ' '""flit y M DMMlMi, (^fiilM 1^1«m tall* Bods, » ipMlallty «i !<• J. A. BIJBTETEB'S, 594 Cralff StMet. 212 MASONIC. Montreal LaoroBte Cluh.—N. Huffhes. honorary president : Dr. W. Geo. Beeii, president ; Wm. H. Wnyte, 1st vioe-president ; R. Croebie, 2nd do.; Jas. K. Whyte, secretary; H. W. Beoket, treasurer. Committee: Angus Grant, D. E. Bowie, W. L. Maltby, F. C. A. Molndoe, I. E. Hodgson, James Paton, G. R. Starlie. Montreal Base Ball Club.— J, Kenwiok* president; G. A, Taylor, vice-president; J. H. Cameron, secretary-treasurer; W. G. Clare. captain. Committee: Li. N. fleney, W. MoMaster, Alma Macpnerson, £. L. Pease, J. Gilmour. Montreal Cricket Club.— Sir A. T. Gait, president ; Gilbert Soott, £sq., vice-president. Committee : E. T. Gait, J. W. Ghordon, E. S. Clouston, W* A. Holland. F. Stancliffe, seoro- tary-treasuier. Montreal Golf C7Zu6 .—Established 1873. Patron, Hi? Excel- lency The Earl of Dufferin ; A. Dennistoun, captain ; H. Mao- dougall, vice-captain ; J. K. Oswald, secretary ; D. D. Sidey, treasurer; Kev. Robert Laing, chaplain. Days of play, Wednesdays and (Saturdays, on " Green,'' head of Durooher street. MASONIC. Q/??ccrf of the Grand Lodge of Quebec*— yL^W . Bro- James Dunbar, Quebec, Grand Master; R.W. Bro. M. M. Tait, Mon- treal, Deputy Grand Master; R. W. Bro. C. Judge, Quebec, D.D.G.M., Quebec and Th^e Rivers District; R.W. Bro. J. T. McMinn, Montreal, Montreal District; R, W. Bro. Herbert B. Newell, Bedtord, Bedford District; R-W. Bro. Jas. Addy, Lennozville, iSt Francis District; RW. Bro. E. B. Eddy, Ottawa. Ottawa District ; R.W. Bro. Peroival L. Cowan, Grand Senior Warden; R. W. Bro. M. Burnie. Grand Junior Warden; R. W. Bro. Rev. H. W. JNye, Ironhill, Grand Chaplain; R. W. Bra Alex. Chishoim, Montreal, Grand Registrar; R. W« Bro. H. M. Alexander, Montreal, Grand Treasurer; R. W. Bro. J. H. Isaacson, Montreal, Grand {Secretary; V.W. Bro. A. Boisseau, Montreal, Grand Senior Deacon ; V.W- Bro. W. ti. Walker, Montreal, Grand Junior Deacon; V-W- Bro. G< H* Presby, Sherbrooke, Grand Director of Ceremonies ; V.W. Bro. , Grand Organist; V.W. Bro. G. L. Kemp. Dunham, Graud Pursuivant; V.W. Bros. E. A. Pfeifer, Quebec, Wilcox, St. Francis, W. LeMesurier, Montreal, ana George H. Miller, Hull, Grand Stewards. (lueeut VIre A EiitiDy Insurance €o«— Forbes 4e Mndcet ^^ gblrto made to Ovderat DESMABl* VD A BOVD^fl 41S NOTBE BAME STBEI T. MASONIC. au Cfrand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada,— M. IS* Oomp. L. H. Henderson, Z; R. E. Comp. Fred. Monet« H; R. E. Comp. F. Edgar, I; R. E. Comp. D. McLellan, treas.; R. E. Comp. Dan. Spry. Soribe E ; R. E. Comp. F. Deipardy Scribe N ; K. E. Comp. T. J. MoMinn, Grand Superintendent Montreal Distriet. Riehard Coew de Lion Encampment of Kniphts Templare.— Dr. Lovejoy, E.P. : William Young, P.B.P.: C. W. Woodford, Marshal; James Gibson, Constable: John McLean, Prelate; J. W. Mairhead, Treaiurer ; J> A. Adams, Registrar. St, Helena Conclave No, 2.— Of the Knights of Red Cross of Rome and Constantino, under the Grand Imperial Council of England and Wales.— Illustrious Sir Kts. XI. H. Steams. S3", M.P. Sovereign; tE. M. Copeland, SS^", P.M.P.S.; t William Looker, Secretary. St, PavVs Royal Arch Chapter^ No, 374 E,R, (attached to Bi* Paul's Lodge.)— Regular Convocations hold in Chapter Room, No. 910 St. Catherine street, third Thursday in January, March, June and October. ..r ^j Mount Horeh Royal Arch Chapter^ No, 25 O'.iZ.C.— Meets 2nd Wednesday of every month, at British Masonic Chambers, 359 Notre Dame street. Carnarvon Royal Arch Chapter j No, 21, R. (7.— Meets on 3rd Thursday of each month, at British Masonic Chambers. Montr etd Chapter ^ No. 42, C.R.— Meets on 2nd Friday of each month, at British Masonic Chambers. Royal Albert Chapter, No, 43, C.i?.— Meets 3rd Wednesday in March, June, September and December, at British Masonic Chambers. St. Charles Chapter^ No, 51, G.R.C'—Meeta at St. Charles Masonic Chambers, iPoint St. Charles, Ist Tuesday of each month. 7BT BABSAXOr'S DOBfitSTIC BAB SOAP— Tbe Family S.i m if I Bt Iffl ll! I House Fnmlitliliiff €NmmIb» at Smrreyei^ 594 CnUir Mt* 214 MASONIC. The fbllowing Lodges meet In the Britfeh Masonic Chambersy 809 Notre Dame street. Montreal : St. Andrmo*»y Q. R»—2nd Tuesday in each month. St. Oeorge^e Lodget Q. E.» No. 6.— 3rd Tuesday in eaoh month. Zetland Lodge^ Q. i?., No, 7.— 2nd Thursday in each month. Kilwwning Lodge, Q, R., No. 13.— 2nd Monday in eaoh month. Victoria, Q. R., No. 17.— 4th Monday in eaoh month. Lee Cceura Unie Lodpe^ Q- R't No. 30 (work in French).— 4th Wednesday in eaoh month. Prince Voneort Lodge, Q.R., No, 37.— 4th Tuesday in each month. E?ffin Lodge (Scottiah Reg.), No, 348.— 1st Monday in each month. St. Lawrence Lodge {.English Reg.), No, 640.— 1st Tuesday in eaoh month. The following Lodges meet in the Canadian Masonio Oham- berst Place d'Armes, Montreal : Lodge of Antiquity, Q. i?.— Meets on the 1st Thursday in each moijth. St, George's Lodge, Q.R., No. 19.— Meets on the 3rd Tuesday in eaoh month. Zetland Lodge, Q.R., No, 21.— Meets on the 2nd Thursday in each month. Mount Royal Lodge, Q. R., No. 202.— Meets on the 2nd Tues- day in eaoh month. Mount Moridh Lodge, Q. R., No, 226.— Meets on the 1st Friday in each month. St. George* 8 Lodge, {English Reg.) No. 440.— Meets on the 1st Tuesday in each month. St. John, No. 41.— Meets on Ist Friday each month. The following Lodges meet at Templars' Hall, No. 243 St James stteet : Izahud Council, R. S.t ilfa«l«r9^— Meets at pleasure of Thriee Illustrious Masters. ORANGE ORDER. 215 Lehlane Lodge Ark Marinette R, C,% No, 6.— Meet! on tht 2nd Wednesday in each month. Richard Capur c^ Lion Eneampment,'^'bi9tii on the 4th Thursday in each month. Sl Helena Conclave, No, 21.-'Knight8 of Oonftantin«» meats on the 4th Tuesday in each month. Royal Albert Lodge, Q.R., No 16.— Meets on the 2nd Mon- day in eaoh month, excepting Juno, July and August, at No. 6 Fhillipv Square. Su Paul's Lodge, (Enplitih Reg) No. 374.— Meets on the ^d Tuesday in eaoh month, at the Lodge Room, oyer the Academy of Music, Victoria street. St. Oharlee Lodge, Q. R., No. 29.— Meets on the 4th Tues- day of each month, at Lodge Room, Point St. Oharles. St. Charlee Lodge— Meets on the Ist Tuesday of each month, at their Lodge Room, Poinf St. Charles- St' Cluwlee CAajvter.— Meets on the Ist Tuesday in eaoh month, at Lodge Room, Point St. Charles. Hochelaga Lodge, Q. ^.— Meets on the 1st Tuesday in eaoh month, at its rooms, J^arlborough street, Hochelaga. OEANGE ORDEK. The Hobah Black Preceptory, No. 158.— Meets 6n the 4th Thursday of each month, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James street. Royal Scarlet Chapter.— Ueets on the 4th February, April, June, August, October, and December, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James street. Provincial Grand Lodge Loyal Orange Aesociation of the Province of Quebec-— AjuxaAl meeting, 3rd Tuesday in Feb., 1877, takes place in Waterloo. County Orange Lodge, Montreal.— AnnuBl meeting^ 8rd Wednesday in February, 1877, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James street. Dietrict Orange Lodge, Montreal.— Annual meeting, 2nd Tuesday in January, 1877. Quarterly, 2nd Tuesday m April, July and October, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James street ! iiw '"' ^^ fil^l^flor to nit •lii^^ 'I i 1 1' i BI^Nuiioiid and Brnpress Portable Rany m, .betft In the ttltflrkett at I.* jr. A. Snrveyer's, 524 Grala: St. 218 ODD FELLOWS. Prince of Wales L. 0. X., No. 364.— Meets 3rd Tuesday in ertry month, at Orange Hall, 81 St James street. Victoria L. 0. X., No, 350.— Meets 4th Tuesday in every month, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James street. Duke of York^ L. 0- L., No, 413.— Meets 2nd Wednesday in every month, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James street Derry L, 0. Z., No, 224.— Meets 2nd Thursday in every month, at Orange Hall, No. 81 St James street. JSoyne luO* X., No, 40V7-Meets 3rd Friday in every months at Orange Hall^ No. 81 St. Jp.me8 street. Dominion L, 0, Z., No, 1263.— Meets 1st Thursday in every Montht at Orange Hfkll, 81 St. James street. Xom« L, 0' X., No, 1373.— Meets on the 1st Wednesday of every momth, in the §t Charles Club House, Point St. Charles. Obakgb Youno BrItons.- >S«ar of the Eaat^ No. 70.— Meets on t^e 1st Wednesday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 St. James street Prince of Orange^ No. 80.— Meets on the let Friday in every monthj in Orange Hall, 81 St. James street I. 0. ODD FELLOWS, M. U. Montreal Diitriet<—Wm. Papps, Proviriftial Grand Master ; James Powells, Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; Jonathan Findlay* corresponding secretary. Loyal Montreal Lodge. --J. Greenway, G. M. ; B. J. Hickey, N. G. ; H. P. Timmerman, V. ft. i G, W. Payette, recording secretary; John Reed, financial secretary ; Jonathan Findlay, treajBurer. Loyal Victoria Lodge,— ¥r&no\a Upton, Grand Master ; Robt. E. Martel, Noble Grand ; George Papps, Vice-Grand ; Donald Robertson, recording secretary ; Philip Upton, financial secre- tary; James Anthony, treasurer. <|iiei»nf Fire & I^ife, Insurance Co.- Forbes 4c IXIadffe, f%tfl Agvntsi |%1 ai|4 |0S stt Jam«s St., Montreal, Sblrtfl m*de to Order at DESMARTBAU Sc BOND'S 41(r NOTRE DAlflE STREET* ANCIENT ORDER FORESTERS. 217 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Under the jurisdiction of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the United States. District Deputy Grand Sire, George Yarey. Montreal Odd Fellows Joint Stock Asiociation. — Capital, $2,500, in $5.00 shares ; 626 Oraig street. Montreal Encampmenti No. 1.— Meets 2nd and 4th Wednes- day of each month, at 626 Craig street. Provincial Degree Lodge^ No, 1.— Meets 1st Wednesday of each month, at 626 Craig street. Mount Roved Lodgey No. 1.— Meets every Monday evening) at 295 Notre Dame street. St. Lawrence Lodge, No. 2.— Meets every Tuesday evening, at 626 Craig street. Minpah Lodge, No. 3.~»Meets every Thursday evening, at 626 Craig street. Duke of Edinburgh Lodge, No. 4.— Meets every Monday evening, at 626 Craig street. Albert Lodge, No. S.^Meets every Friday evening, at 626 Craig street. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Montreal United District.— jTrtw^cc^.—W. Anderson, of Court 6,694 ; J. T. S. Webb, M. D., 5,774 ; T. D. Reed, M. D., 5.889; T. F. Bedford, 5,890. Chief Ranger, C. W. Bolton, Robin Hood Hotel, Point St. Charles; Sub Chief, C. Duncan, 695 Craig street. Treasurer, H. S. Lomas, Lomas's Club House, Point St. Charles ; secretary, R. Bumham, 117 Nazareth street. Court Mount Royal, No. 5,649.-— Meets fortnightly at Lomas's Club House, Point St. Charles ; 1st meeting, January 5, 1877. Court Allans Pride, No. 5,774.— -Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the month, at Odd Fellow's Hall, 295 Notre Dame street Court St. Jude, No. 5,889.— Meets fortnightly at St. Jnde^s Schoolhouse, corner Workman and Vinet streets. First meet' ing, January 11th, 1877. • Court Robin Hood, No. 6,890.— Meets fortnightly, at St. Mark's Schoolhouse, Dalhousie street. First meeting, January 8th, 1877. jnf 1UM^/kLOV*H STEAME REFINED VAMOUY |SM>AFff f Ifl * I #. i Himlci, WvliiVMnm WiMihers» If>oi& B^dBimOB, Wpwlmtii Beds, IKattresflMMb 4;e.— !<• J. A. Snrveyert 024 Cral^ St. 218 QUEBEC. QUEBEC. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. Owen Murphy. Mayor, - L. A. Gannon, city clerk ; N. Fages, assistant ol6rk ; L. E. Dorion, city treasurer ; John Boomer, assistant city treasnrer; Jiathew F. Walsh, accountant; John W. Wrkht, check clerk; J. N. Hamelin, clerk ; Chas. Baillairg^, city surveyor and water works manager; P. Oampeau, assistant road surveyor; Jeremiah Gallagher, assistant water works manager ; A. B. McConnell, clerk; Gabriel Valin, Jr., clerk; Pierre Boiyin, keeper Chateau d'Eau ; H Heigham. superintendent of police ; Leon Lemieux, chief of fire brigade ; Matthew Coleman, deputy chief of 6re brigade; Philippe Bruhelle, chief telegraph Opera- tor ; Begin, deputy chief telegraph operator ; G. Noreau, Jr, ;|^istant telegraph operator; Maurice O'Leajry, Joseph Onesime vezina, J. A. Grenier, assiessors; John Shaw and Joseph E. Bolduc, auditors ; M. Foy, Chas. Trudell, Gabriel Valin, Sr., Leon Bertrand, L. N. Rheaume and Norbert Guay, market clerks; Joseph Pruneau, weigh master; Joseph Lyonnais, keeper of the ferry service ; Registe Roy and E. Reneaud, col- lectors of Palace Harbour revenue ; Cyrille Delagrave, recorder ; Chas. E. Gethings, clerk of Court; Ed. Foley, deputy clerk; J. Bte. Plamondon, head bailiff; Joseph Belanger, Uldric Desroches and David Blanchet, bailiffs^ L. G. Baillairge, attorney ; Adolph Tomangeau, notary public ; Peter E. Wrights guardian and chief messenger- COURTS OF JUSTICE, TERMS, &c. See pages 119 to 127. POST OFFICE. J. B. Pruneau Postmaster. J. Bolduc Assistant Postmaster. p. Vaughan, money order and savings bank clerk ;0. Biron, clerk : J. Grey, 6. Lacasse, C. Chamberland, Wm. fiandiford, J. G. Poston, L. A. Rochette, Wm. White, F. X. Labb6, Z. Gaonon, Ed. English, F. Gaboury, T. Morriset, M. Myler, and J. J. LeMoine, clerks. For ReguiatioBS and Rates of Postage, see pages 2B to 32, and 41 to 45. ^^^Mtii) Vive A Iitfe« Insarance €o.~Forbes A M.n.4^^ %Stf^ A««iil% IM imd i9» m. ^mmm St., Montreiil. S^ Jtoim «UnVtB at DEgHAItTEAV A B0im% 415 UrOtilE DAME STBIIET. QUEBEC. 219 QUEBEC EXCHANGE, Arthur street, L. T. Managina Committee.— Weston Hunt, chairman; Andrew Thomson, Henry Fry, Walter Moodie, John C. Thomson, R. R. Dobell, David Rattray; Wm. Walker, secretary-treasurer; Frank Johnston, superintendent. 45©' BOARD OF TRADE. Office : Victoria chambers, corner St. Peter and St. Paul stveats, L. T. Oj^ccr*.— Weston Hunt, president; Jos. Shehsm, M. P.P., vioe-pre8ident;.H. W. Weleh, treasurer; — , secretary. Council.— A- Fraser, Jas. Connolly, W. Rae, W.G. Wurtele, P. M. AudfBt, A. D. Webster, R. H. Smith, A. Woods, H. Fry, R. R. Dobell. CROWN TIMBER OFFICE, 7 Sault-au-Matelot street, L.T. Collector of Crown timber dues, MoLe&n Stuart; assistant, John Mackay ; Pierre Miller, clerk. HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS, Custom House, Meet every Wednesday at 3 p.m. Hon. P. J. 0. Chauveau, president : J. B. Martel, secretary- treasurer; Hon. J. Thibaudeau, M.P., John Burstall, R. R. g obeli, Henry Fry, Alex. Woods, Joseph Shehyn, M. P.P., Jos. . Simmons, E. W. Sewell ; Jas. Wood, chief clerk j Ulric Bmet, clerk and messenger. INLAND RBVENUEfOFFICE. 17 St> James street, L. T. OfKcera.—J. M. LeMoine, district inspector; J. E. Portier, collector: J. H. Cahill, accountant; M. MoNamara, Joseph ^i>uleau. James Courtney, George Bourassa, George Neilan, Chas. Belanger, and A. Bernard, excisemen. IPli'r Bi»lSAliOV'» llOMK8TI€ BAR BOAIP-TO© J^MmliT I 'i H ■■: r! ^■'t i IMi itli ' l': Mi' Bf^bleteea CkiolUiiff UtensIUi, ana liiiv««t Tarletr of l|oiuie FamlBliliiir Goods, at SiirTeyer>8, 534 Cralir St. 220 QUEBEC. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Old Military Bakery, St. Ann street. » J. M. Lemoine, chief inspector; Joseph Gregoire and W. Dulwood, deputy inspectors. GAS INSPECTION. Old Military Bakery, St Ann street. C. J. L. Lafranoe, inspector. _ ADULTERATION OF FOOD. Professor H. Larue, analyist and chemist. SUPERVISOR OP CULLERS* OFFICE, 7 Sault-au-Matelot street, L. T* Supervisor of cullers, William Quinn ; deputy and book- keeper, Alexander Eraser; cashier, T. J. Walsh ; office-keeper. John Tierney; sBecification clerks, Edward Duggan, Wolfred Launidre, Joseph E. Belland, F. X. Drouin, Z. Levasseur, James Foley. Thomas Power, George DeBlois, S. P. Grogan, M. O'Brien, Wm. F. Whelan. CONSULATES. Argentine Confederation.-^ John Laird. JSdgium.—A, Joseph, St. Peter street, L. T. ChUiand Peru.—John Laird, St. Lawrence Chambers, St. Peter street, L. T. Denmark.— Gt. T. Pemberton, Commercial Chambers, St Peter street L. T. i^ance.— Albert Lefaiyre, comer of Couillard and-Hamel sts. Gennan Empire.— Ghajlea Pitl, Dalhousie street. Italy.-~Qt. T. Pemberton, Commercial Chambers, St Peter street, L. T. Monte Ficfeo.— Charles P. Champion, corner 8t. Peter and St. Antoine streets, L. T. Haeen, lire A Ufe, Insiuance Co.— Forbes A Mndce, l^ill^ AgvaUh IM «!aA 199 Ut» Jam^ii Bi^ B[oiit|r«ii|f trtitlTK BRBSS SHIRVS $1.50, WOR^lt $j|.li5, AT DfiSinLARTEAir A; BONB'8. QUEBEC, 221 Netherlands ^—Q, J. Janseiii oonsulf Dean's BuildingSi St. Peter street, U. T. Sweden and Norioay,'-W» A. Schwartz, consul, Bean's Buildings, St. Peter street, U. T. PortugaL—G, T. Pemberton, acting consul. 'S'lxein.— Senor le Gomte de Premio-Real, consul general for the Confederation of Canada and British and French posses- sions in North America ; Le Chevalier de Navarro Lopez de Avala, vice-consul, 12 Mount Carmel, Gape. United States,— W* C. Howells, Hamel street, XT. T. CUSTOM HOUSE, Pointe-2i-Carcy. J. W. Dunscomb, collector. Surveyor and Warehouae-Keeper^s Q/?2cc.— James A. Green, surveyor and warehouse-keeper; L^andre Dugal, assistant warehouse-keeper and head looker ; Wm. N* Lee, chief landing waiter ; A. E. Langevin, 2nd landing waiter ; W. H. Carter, 3rd do. ; Edward O'Brien, 4th do.; Hugh McHugh and A. Gt, Bowden, samplers and weighers ; Wm. Higgins, John Hogan, Chas. Mar- ootte, J. B. Dion, Jas. Batterton, K. Cauohon and W. E. Edge, lockers. Water Side.—AUted Wheeler, tide surveyor ; E. P. Larue, assistant do. ; M. Gauvin, tide waiter ex warehouse ; D. Byrne, do.,G.T.K.jLevis ; Thos. Dudley, do., G.T.K, Quebec; P.Dobbin and Wm. Hamilton, do., night watch ; James O'Brien, do., SS. St. George ; F. Deslauriers, do., S.S. coasting ; L. Patry and Jas. Clifford, do., schooners ; E. Trudel, do., strs. Kichelieu Co., . 8. Corner Ste. Famille and Hubert streets. 12. Corner St. John and Collins streets. 13. Corner Palace and McMahon streets. 14. Corner tit. John and St. Stanislas streets. CHAMPLAIN WARD. 15. Dinning's Ship-yard, Champlain street 16. Taylor's Grocery, Champlain street. 17. Fire Station, Champlain street. 21. Giblin's House, Champlain street. 23. Jalbert Foundry, Champlain street. ST. PETER'S WARD. 24. Comer Arthur and Dalhousie streets. 25. M^thot's Store, foot of Mountain Hill. 26. Fire Station, cor. Sault-au-Matelot and St. James street. 27. Foot of Dambourges Hill.. 31. Lemesurier's Building, St. Paul street. 32. Fire Station, St. Paul's Market. JACQUES-CARTIER WARD. ' 34. Corner Des Prairies and St. Dominick streets. 35. Corner Des Fosses and Dupont streets. 36. Comer Valier and Delachapelie streets. 37. Corner Church and St. Joseph streets. 41. Comer Dorchester and Notre Dame des Anges streets. 42. Corner Valier and Belieau streets. 43. Corner Colomb and Nelson streets. 45. Comer St. Anselme and St. Joseph streets. ST. ROCH'S WARD. 46. Comer Caron and Queen streets. 47. Comer Queen and Crown streets. 51. Corner Queen and Dupont streets. 52. Corner St. Dominick and St. Francois streets. 53. Comer St. James and Kyland streets. ||iill9iif Wire 4c Itfifey laaurauce Oo.^Forbea 4c ifIa4|E*i latf Itovu fsihwH At HKSMAiilnlAtr ^ bosiIi^ 415 irOTRE BAMB STREET. QUEBEC. 22a , MONTCALM WARD. 54. Corner Artillery and St. Eustache streets. 56. Corner St» Augustin and St. Patrick streets. 57. Fire Station, corner St. Patrick and BerUielot streets* 61. Corner D'Artigny and Amable streets. 62. Bon Pasteur, Amable street. 63. Comer GrandiB AU^e, CjEitholic Cemetery. St. JOHN'S WARD. 64. Comer St. John and DeSalaberry streets. 65. Corner St. John and Sutherland streets. 67. Corner St. John and Cdte 6te. Genevieve streets* 71. Comer St. Olivier and St. Clair streets. 72. Comer St. Au|;ustin and St. George streets* 73. House of Parhamefit, Palace Ward. 7. Comer St. Eustache and St George streets. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. John W. Dunscomb. Edouard Glackeineyer. George Holmes Parke*^- = '^ Joseph Robitaille. Edouard Rousseau* Daniel MoCallum. Abraham Joseph. Jean Elie Gingras. F^lix Thomas Bigaouette. Louis Falardeau. Daniel McGie. Anthony Von Iffland. John James Nesbitt. Horatio Nelson Jones* Abraham Hamel. James A. Sewell. Wm. Harsden. Jean Baptiste Frechette* Michael Connolly. Henry Bolduc. Uenry McBlain. Jean Baptiste Renaud. Paul Allaire. Benson Bennett. Louis Amiot. William Darling Campbell* R6mi Ferdinand Einlret. Pierre Guillet Tourangean* Louis Eugene Blais. William Miller. John Greaves Clapham, jr. Henry Fry. Robert Shavr. William G. Wurtele. Etienne Miohon. Edward Coveney. Richard Henry Wurtele. George Hall. Thomas Glover. Jacques E. Blais. John Giblin. James Hossack. Fortune Dionne. Isaac Dorion. Charles St Michel. Pierre Gauvreau. Giaorge Miller. Simon Peters. Pierre Garneau. L^ger Brousseau. James Connolly. William John Withall. Augustin C6t6. Francois N. Gingras. !• ■' 1-1 ti i I i 1 w : '■It- f r \ >■+■ VI. * i |S? Il ^ Blehmond and BmpreM Portable Raiise«» best In tbe market) at Ij* J* A. SfkrTeyer's* 5a4 Crals 8t* 224 QUEBEC, Norbert Germain. John Laird. Guillaume Gharland. James Dinning. Gyrille Tessier. Ijiohoias Maheux. George T. Tremblay. Samuel J. Glaekemeyer. M. Wheatlejr Anderson* Robert Hamilton. Alfred G. Belleau. William Bae. Owen Murphy. Joseph iShehyc. Victor B61anger. Alexis Gari^py. Raymond Blakeston. Edouard Giroux. James McCorkell. William Kirwin. BANES. Bank ofBritiah North America,— G. F* Smith, manager, St. Peter street, L. T. > . n Bank of Montreal,—J6hn Porteous, Qianager, oomer St ^eter and Arthur streets, L. T. Banque Rationale.— F, Y^zina, cashier. Banque du Pewp^e.—Banque Nationale, agent, St Peter street, L. T. , Quebec Bank,— J&a, Stevenson, cashier, Quebec Bank Build- mg, corner St James and St Peter streets, L, T, Stadacona Batik,— W. R. Dean, St. Peter street. Union Bank.— Petdr JMLaoEwen, cashier, St. Peter st., L. T. Savings Branchy Union Bank.—QeotgQ Veasey, cashier, St* Lewis street, U. T. Notre Dame Savings Bank.— St John street, U. T. :— 0. Robi- taille, M.D., president ; A. B. Sirois, vice-president ; F. V^zina, manager, cashier; F. K. A. V^zina, secretary-treasurer ; J. 0. Mathieu, accountant ; G. Bouchard, clerk ; D. Pampalon, mes- senger. Office; St. Peter street, L. T. :— G. D^ry, accountant ; L. V^zina, assistant do. L6vis :— C. N* Hamel, accountant ; G. Roy, olerk. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS FOR THE CITY OF QUEBEC. Protectant Board,— Wm, Hossaok, chairman ; Joseph White- head, R. H. Smith, Rev. Charles Hamilton, Wm. Walker, W. G. Wurteie ; Rev. A. N. McQuarrie, secretary- treasurer. Roman Catholic Board, — Rev. Jos. Auclair, president ; Rev N. Hammel, sec-treasurer. REGISTRY OFFICE. Office : Basement of the Court House, St. Lewis street, Upper Town. Charles N. Montizambert, registrar ; J. A. Malouin, Hubert Weippert, E. C. Glackmeyer, and C. Trudel, clerks. Ciaeen» Fire 6c lilf e. Insurance Co.— Forbes A MniUre* €lilef JLiieiitffi m aa« 19S St* Jamod St., Hoptreal. WHIVB DRESS SHIRTS $1.50, ITORTH f 8.S0» i» nBSMARTBAir & BOBfU^S. OTTAWA. 225 OTTAWA. CITY GOVERNMENT.-1876. Mayor, W. H. Waller. Victoria Warrf,— Aldermen : E; H. Bronson, Gt. B. Pattee. and David Scott. Wellington Ware?.— Aldermen : Amos Rowe, P. LeSueur, and James Lang. St, George's Warrf.— Aldermen : T. Birkett, J. W. Currier, and James Egleson. ^2/Warcf.— Aldermen : Franois MoDougall, John Heney, and P. H. Chabot. Ottawa Wani?.— Aldermen : 0. A. Rooque, James O^Connor, and A. Deguise. OMoera of^ the Corporation,— VfrOi, P. Lett, city clerk and registrar of births, marriages and deaths ; Uenry Jackson, accountant and assistant city clerk ; Wm. P. Lett, junr., eleric ; T. H. Kirby, treasurer; T. W. Thomson, collector ; J. Lindsay, accountant ; Robert Surtees, city engineer ; Hugh Conn, fore- man of works ; J. C- Grant, clerk ,* J. O'Reilly, license inspector : Abraham Pratt, assessment commissioner ; Wm. Cousens and Robert Stewart, assessors; R. O'Reilly and James Lindsay, auditors. Police Commiaaionera. — The Mayor, Judge of County Court} and Police Magistrate. Police Court.— The Mayor, Judge of County Court and Police Magistrate, commissioners; M. O'Qara, police magistrate; Wm* P. Lett, clerk ; Thos. Langrell, chief of police; Dr. Lynn, health inspector; Wov McVeity, detective. TARIFF FOR COACHES, &0, Two Horae Vehicle.— ¥ot the conveyance or carriage of any number of passengers, not exceeding four, in a carriage, sleigh, or other vehicle drawn by two horses, when hired by the hour, or when the time occupied amounts to or.ezceeds one hour : For the first hour »#. $1.00 And for. each subsequent quarter of att hour 0.15 Each additional passenger for the first hour 0-20 And for each subsequent quarter of an hour .... 0.05 1»T BARSAIiOIf'S STEAM RfiFUVBD VAMILlf SOAT^ Snpeidov to «lLoih< 18 ;f''' |i I- Bbur1bl«lBe4 Oooklns Ut«iiallp« and lAryesit TmvHtj t Souse FnrnlBliliiK Good* af Surveirer'Sf 594 €ralv St. 226 OTTAWA. 0ns Horte VehieU.^'For the conveyance or carriage of any taumber of passengers, not exceeding three, in a carriage, sleigh, or other vehioie drawn by one horse, when hired by the hour, or when the time occupied amounts to or exceeds one hour : For the first hour $0. 75 And for eaeh subsequent quarter of an hour 10 Each additional passenger for the first hour 0. 20 Ajid for each subsequent quarter of an hour 0. 05 For the eonveyanoe of one passenger from any of the carters' stands, or from one part of the city to one or more places con- ieontirely in said city, provided the time occupied in conveying and waiting for sucA passenger Does not exceed fifteen minutes $0. 25 And for each additional passenger 010 If time occupied exceeds 15 minutes but ncrt 30 • . 0-40 And for each additional passenger 0-15 Each subsequent 10 minutes after first 30 minutes 10 And for each additional passenger 0. 05 But K the time occupied continuously whilst any such vehicle shall be in the employ of the same person or persons amounts to or exceeds one hour, then the rates by the hour, as aforesaid, shall only be proper and legal, and no higher rates shall be legal ; That each passenger shall be entitled to take with him or her, one trunk or other baggage to a reasonable extent, free of charge, and it shall be the duty of the person in charge of any such vehicle to load and unload the same free of charge ; That children under five years of age shall not biB charged for AS additional passengers* and Children over five and under twelve years of age, shall not be charged for as additional passengers more than half rates. RATES OF CARTAGE. For li'^ensed carts, trucks, sleighs, or other vehicles for the carriage of loading by licensed carters, within the city of Ottawa : From any part of Upper Town west of Ba.rik street, to any part of Lower Town east of Nelson street or north of Gatnoart street aadviceveraa $0-40 To any other part of Lower Town, and vice veraa ... . .. 0.25 . : J p, . . _ ^ ^^ ^ ^ I ^ ■ I I^MMMIIIII I I 11 ■ M III! ■ ^^ . ■ ■ H^B^ ■■[■^■H I^M !■■ ■ I 1 ' f^u^iBUf FiFe dE liife. Insurance €o«— Forbes 4c Hadge^ ehXmr AK^mUn Itl Mid.IM St. Jarne* St.* IXEoutreal. PHlvtaMii Ada to OvAer a BBSIHABTBAV * 416 IfOTHE DAIHB STREBT. OTTAWA. 227 From any part of Lower Town east of Nelson street or north of Cathcart street, to any.part of Upper Town east of Bank street 0.25 From any other part of the city to another, except as aforesaid. 0.20 That the loading referred to above shall consist of twelve hundred pounds, or six barrels of flour, or^ four barrels of pork, or half a cord of wood. FIRE BRIGADE. Aid. Birkett, Chairman Fire and Light Committee. Wm. Young, superintendent ; Paul Favreau, assistant do. ; Steamer Conqueror, A. Peacock, engineer, J. Reiliy, driver; C. Taylor and Johnson, drivers hose ReoLs; Ghaudidre Engine Company, Thomas Keane, captain ; Union Steamer, J. Albert, captain ; Conqueror Hose Company, J. Holt, captain. Bcc, No. 2. o 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH. Locality. .corner Russell House corner Sparks and O'Connor streets .corner Elgin and Gloucester streets •corner O'Connor and Gloucester streets .cornel' Maria and Bank streets • corner Wellington and Kent streets * .IJ.T- Engine House, Sally street corner Vittoria and John streets .corner Bay and Maria streets .Fleck's Foundry, Wellington street corner Nepean and Concession sts. (Ashburnham Hill.) ..corner Albert and Perce streets, (West ) corner Duke and Oueen streets corner Richmond Road and Broad street .corner Broad and Queen streets ■ corner Broad and Oregon streets .Booth's Office, Victoria Island Bronson k Weston's Office, Viotorialleland corner Sussex and Rideau streets . .corner Rideau and Ottawa streets , .corner Wilbrod and Cumberland streets •corner Nicholas and Theodore streets . Fire Station, St. Paul street ■ comer Rideau and King streets ■ < l^ \ rSY BABSAI.OI}'S( STEAIH RKFINED FAMII.T SOAP, Superior io all otlieris. m 11! m 4ltnUflMf dMnlM P«lM, Sialr ••«•, » tfpedalMr At li. J. A. aVRTVTaR'S, M4 OraliT 8«rMt. 228 OTTAWA. Box. 32 . 85.. 86.. 87.. 41.. 42 43.. 45.. 51 52. 53. 54. 61.. 62.. 63.. Zootdtty, corner Rideau and Gloueester streets corner Daly and Chapel streets corner Wilbrod and Nelson streets Protestant Hospital, Rideau street Currier's Factory. Canal Basin Fire Station, York street Fire Station, Cumberland street corner Clarence and Sussex streets ^ comer Sussex and York streets corner Sussex and Bolton streets corner Dalhpusie and Church streets comer Cumberland and Gathcart streets corner Dalhousie street and Railway Depot corner McLaren's Mills corner St. Patrick and Nelson streets corner Chapel and Parry streets POST OFFICE, Post OMoc—G, P. Baker, postmaster ; F. Hawkin, assistant postmaster ; F. French, C. S Scott, E. B. Bates, E. S. McDer- mott, E. J. O'Connor, C. Shaw, J.G. Poston, and G. W. Baker, clerks ; D. B. Gordon, J. Smith, W. 0. Mercer. H. 8. Shaw, A. A. Smith, C. Pope, E. B. Wood, H. O'Neil, I. Traversey, junr., L. MoCuUoch, clerks; J. Brown, supt. of carriers; V. Daz^, P. Larue, J. Holland, T. S. Warwicker, E. Daz^, A. Gautnier, H. Poole, M. Dolan. carriers ; W. Daroy, W. Good- win, collectors of letters ; H. Duggan, Messenger. Temporary Clerka.—F. McDonald,lM. Whitty, F^Redmond. Office hours, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Inspection Department.—^, P. French, Inspector; G. R. Cochran. C. P. LeSueur, J. F. O'Connor, clerks. Mail Clerks.— T. 0. Butler, J. D. Thomson^ E. Gordon. N. W* H. Curtis, W. D. O'Brien, A. Jones, M. LoTitt, fl. Rimlin, D. B. Maloiiey, £. Stantcm. CUSTOM HOUSE. Custom House.— Z. Wilson, collector; J. T. Partram, sur- veyor; W. S. Kirby, chief derk; W. A. MaoAgy, appraiser ; G. Carletoii, ohi^f landing waiter ; A. Heney, G. J. Horan, J. B. Steaoy, S. C. Kier, landing waiters ; H. McLean, temporary clerk ; G. R. Johnston, messenger. Office hours, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registrar of Shipping*— Z. Wilsoo, collector of customs. Surveyor and Measurer of Shippina.^W • M. Someryille. '%iieeii^ Fire A Life, Insurance Co*— Forbes & Slndgei Chief AcenMf m ana IM St. Jmm— Ht^ Monteeal* 415 OTTAWA, 229 INLAND REVENUE OFFICE. Martin Battle, oolleotor: J. M. B. Henry, assiitant eolleotor; Oodfiey 6. O'Brien, and J. M. Brough, ezoiiemen. ji lit . ti WATER WORKS COMMISSION BRS-1876. J. Cunningham, chairman; J. Hope. W. Cowan, T. Coffey. J. T. 0. Beaubien, M.D. ; G. R. Cunningham, secretary; W) Eennedy^ manager ; J. Pennock, oolleotor. BOARD OF TRADE. Hon. James Skead, president ; T. Patterson, vioe*president ; James Cunningham, treasurer ; W. M. Somerville, secretary. (7o«nct7.— W. Pennook, P. Clemow. W. M. Somerville, J. A. Pinard, J. J. C. Brennan, R. W. Cruioe, H. H. MoCormiok, W. Shoolbred, J. W* MoRae, Chaa. Magee, E. McGillivray, Joseph Kavanach. BANKS. If Bank OP MontmsaIm — Ottawa Branch, — A. Drummond, manager; G. S. Rot)ert8on, accountant; F. M. Cotton, teller; J. Maitland, assistant teller; F. Hunter, collection clerk; J. Morkill, ledger- keener; J. M. Greata, K. E. Wiimot, Govern- ment clerks ; S. 0. Richards, A. B. Monk, clerks ; J. C. Kearns, messenger. Bank op Bxitish North Ambrio a.— O«awo Pranc^.—OflSce, Wellington street. J. Robertson, manager; H. A. Grampton, accountant: J. C. Welch, teller ; E. Hallimore, G. A. Robert- son, J. G. Taylor, T. V. Maodonald, clerks; James Larden, porter. Canadian Bank op Commbroe.— O^ai^'a Branch.— -OfRoet Victoria Hotel Block, Wellington street Robt. Gill, manager ; Wm. Mkynard, accountant; John Stewart, teller. MKROHAirrs' Ba^sk.,— Ottawa Branch,— OfRoet comer Sparks and M^toaife streets. Thos.Kirby, manager; J. 0. More, ac- cottntsnt; W. H. Rowley, teller; Hy. Cooke, ledger-keeper; C. W. A. Waloot, clerk ; J. Edmonds, messenger. La Banoue Nationals and Savings Bank.— O^totoa Branch, —Office, Wellington street S. Benoit, manager: A. P. A. Rinlret, accountant; A. J. St Pierre, ledger-keeper; A. Hardy, P. Drapean, clerks; A. Martin, messenger. ' Sit ^in«- BmmuBtbm 16 Ml mtbmn* > ' w i^ i\ if- \i 'I if .1 I ''A i I i ltMiffl«09 WriniieM, WAsb^lM, upon Bedtfteads, ftpHng BedB» aiatti«ase«9 Ac«— 1«. J. A. I§iarveyer, 024 €ral|r St. 230 OTTAWA. Ontario Bank and Savings Bank.— OWoioa J?rancA.— OflSoe, north-east corner of Wellington and Metcalfe streets. J. H' Woodman, manager ; G. R. Bartlett, accountant ; A. DennXi teller; J. B. MAOdunald, teller savings branch; G. L. Tempest, ledger-keeper; W. H. Holland, clerk; P. Fitzgerald, mes- senger. Bank op Ottawa and Savings Bank.— Office, Wellingten st., south side, corner of O'Connor. P. Robertson, manager; E. D. Arnaud, accountant ; A. Burwash, teller; W. J. Christie, ledger-keeper ; J. Martin, messenger. i^ QuBBEO Bank and Savings Bank.— Ottaioa Branch.— Office, Wellington street, opposite the Houses of Parliament. H. V. Noel, manager; J. H. Anderson, accountant; C. V. Noel, pay- ing teller; J. M. Johnson, receiving teller; S. Piddington, deposit ledger-keeper; J. H. Pinhey, discount clerk; C A. Moore, clerk; J. Carleton, messenger. Union Bank op L. C. and Savings Bathk,— Ottawa Braneh, — Office, corner of Rideau and Little Sussex streets. J. G. Leitch, manager; C. H. Maguire, accountant : J. Irvine, teller; C. R. Armstrong, cheque clerk; C. E. Webb, J. B. Monk, clerks ; J. Martin, messenger. Justices of the Peace for the County of Carleton resident in the City of Ottawa. George Hay, W illiam H. Thompson, W. P. Lett, Donald M. Grant, Alexander Workman, Thomas Langrell, George King, M. O'Gara. COUNTY AND JUDICIAL OFFICERS. County Ofpicrrs.— County Town, Ottawa.— Ira Morgan, warden; William Cowan, treasurer; Charles MoNab, clerk ; G. B. L. Fellows, solicitor; J. Cunningham, W. Corbett, county auditors and auditors of school moneys; Dr. Church, surgeon of the gaol ; R. bparks, P.L S., city engineer ; Wm. Gordon, city constable and license inspector. Rev. John May, M.A., Inspector of Public Schools, County of Carleton. Judicial Oppiobrs.— W. A. Ross, County Judge ; Robert Lyon, jun., County Judge; W. M. Matheson, Master and Deputy Registrar in Chancery, Ottawa; Robert Lees, County Attorney and Clerk of the Peace ; W. F. Powell, Sheriff, County of Carleton; X F. Brown, Deputy Sheriff; J. Fraser, Deputy Clerk of Crown, Clerk of County Court, and Registrar of Surro- gate, Ottawa,* A. W. Powell, Gaoler; W. McEwan, Court House Custodian. County op Carleton Registry Offiob.— Edward Sherwood, Registrar. Offioe hours from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. <|ae«iif /jPIre & Iilfe, Insurance €o»— FovIm* ic Mndg«i ClUer AsealSf 191 and IM UU JamM Hu raontrMa* 0lhlrfi made to order At DESntAttTCAtt * BOND*4 415 NOTBB DAlflE STBBET, OTTAWA. 231 COURTS. Police CouRT.-^M. O'Qara, Pelioo Magistrate; W. P. Lett, Clerk. Sittings : half-past nine a.m. daily. CoBONKBS.— Dr. J. T. C. Beaubien, A» Pratt, H. T. Gorbett, M.D., J. P. Lyn, M.D, County Court.— Presided orer by a resident Judge, in each county. Their jurisdiction extends to all personal actions -where the debt or damage claimed does not exceed $200, and to all suits relating to debt, covenant or contract, whera tHe amount is ascertained by the acts of the parties or signatures of the defendant to $100. An appeal lies to either of the Superior Courts of Law, These Courts also possess equity powers to the amount of $200, subject to an appeal to the Court of Chancery. Officers of Court.— Wm. Aird Ross, Senior Judge ; Robt. Lyon, Junior Judge; James Fraser, Clerk. Court of General Sessions of the Peace. —Wm. Aird Ross, Chairman ; R. Lees, Clerk of the Peace. This Court is held twice a year, commencing on the second Tuesday in June and December, for trials by jury in cases of larceny, mis- demeanor, and other offences. ^ Court of Chancery.— W. M. Matheson, Master and Deputy Registrar for the County of Carleton. Surrogate Courts.— The jurisdiction of these Courts relates to all testamentary matters and causes, and to the granting or revoking of probate of wills and letters of administration of the effects of deceased persons having estate or, effects in the Pro- vince of Ontario, and all matters arisir« but of or connected with the grant or revocation of probate or administration, sub- ject to an appeal to the Court of Chancery. William Aird Ross, Judge Surrogate Court. The County Judges are also Judges of the Surrogate Court. J. Fraser, registrar. Law Circuits.— The Circuits are held twice a year in each county; between Hilary and Easter Terms, and between Trinity and Michaelmas Terms. Clerk of Assizes— Deputy Clerk of the Crown, e»-offi.e%o. Division Courts.— For the summary disposal of cases by a Judge ; but a jury of five persons may be demanded in certain cases. Their jurisdiction extends to action of debts or contract amounting to $100, injuries or torts to personal chattels amount- ing to $40, but not to actions tor {gambling debts, liquor drank in a tavern, or notes of hand given therefor, ejectment, title to land, &c., or any toil, customs or franchise, will or settlement, malicious prosecution, libel, slander, crlm. con., seduction, or breach of promise, or action agaiust a J. P. for anything done by him in the execution of his office, if he objects to it. Courts are held once in two months in each division, or oltener, at the discretion of the J udge. *SX% BABSAIiOC^S OOMESTIC BAR BOAP-llie Family ... —: F»Tonte« Sold i»y all OMioenk :fl HieiBVMMiA •lid EmpreM Portable Umngw^ best In tlie markety at I^. J. A. Snrreycr'*, 534 Crais St. u 232 OTTAWA. The Division Courts, County of Carleton, open in each division as follows :— No. 1, Ottawa, on the last Monday of each month, except July and December, at 12 o'clock noon. Examination of debtors taken first. No. 2,'Rfohmond, Wednesday, February 7, April 18, June 20, August 22, October 10, December 19. Opens at 12 o'clock, noon No. 3, Carp. Thursday, Februarys, April 19, June 21, August. 23, October il, December 20. Opens at 12 o'clock, noon. No. 4, Mohr's Corners, Friday»February 9, April 20, June 22, August 24, October 12, December 21. Opens at 12 o'clock, noon. No. 5, North Oower, Tuesday, Feb. 6, April 17, June 19, Aug. 21, Oct. 9, Dec. 18. Opens at 12 o'clock, noon. No. 7, Bell's Comers, Saturday, February 10, April, 21, June 23, August 25, October 13, December 22. Opens at 12 o'clock, noon County Court and Sessions (with jury), 12th June and 11th December. County Court (without jury), 2nd April and 1st October. County and Surrogate Court terms, 1st January, 2nd April, 2nd July, and Isit October. CITY REGISTRY OFFICE. Alexander Burritt, Registrar; Kingsforth (S^raburnt Deputy Registrar. Ofi&ce hours, from 10 a.m to 3 p. m. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEES. Franeis Clemow, Elgin street; W. Fingland, Sparks street; D. S. Eaetwood) Elgin street. MILITARY. i^aff QffUser of Penaioners.—C&ptaiia. J. Hosketh, 357 Sparkfl street. VOLUNTEER MILITIA FORCE. DiSTRCT Staff, District No. 4.— Lieut-Colonel Jackson, D.A.G. : Major Gregor Mattice, brigade major ; Major David Wylie, district paymaster. GovBfiNOR-GENBBAL's FooT GuAKDS.— Lieuteuant-Colonel t Thomas Ross, 1 V. B.; Major William White, 1 V. B.; J. P. Acpherson, 1 M. S.: Captains John Tilton, 2 Y. B.j H. S. eatherlv, 2 V. B. ; W. H. Lee, 2 V. B.; A. H. Todd, 1 M. S ; W. Mills, 2 M. S.; U. G. Dunlevie, 2 V. B. ; Lieutenants T. Claeeiit Fire 4e I^lfe, ladurano^Oo.—FarbeB 4b Madyei C^ef Agentmj 191 aaA lOS st« Jan&es St^ niontreal. WBm nsnis nwaww $iuso^ wobivm «kM« ait OTTAWA, 2t8 Antnond, 2 V. B. ; G. R. Major, 2 V. B. ; C. Grabum, 2 V. B* : H. W. Griffin, 2 V. B. ; F. Toller, 2 V. B. ; W. A. Maokinnon, ProYisional; Bnsigns F. A. Fleming, Proviuonal : F. White, Provisional; K. Graburn, Provisional ; R. Surtees, Provisional ; F. G. A. Gauthier, 1 G. S. ; Honorary Major H. A. Wioksteed, R. Bell, assistant surgeon; J. Keating, sergeant major. Ottawa Field Battebt.— John Stewart, captain command- ing; W. M. Wright and B. Billingr, 1st lieutenants ; B. Savage, 2nd lieutenant; T. B. Bentley, M.D., surgeon ; James Harris, Vet. Surgeon. BitioADE OF Garrison Artillert.— Lieutenant-Colonel, James Egleson ; Major, Arch. Graham ; Surgeon, H. J. Corbett ; Assistant Surgeon, D. A. Garmichael ; Quarter Master, Jno. Peacock; Captains, T' Evans, A. P. Patrick, and C. Ryan; Lieutenants, W. L. Heron, L. F. A. Maingy, Jas. Grant, Jas. Blackburn, E. A. Mara, W. J. Bedard, J. Walker, and Jas A, Brough ; acting Adjutant, A. J. H. Russell. Ottawa Rifles— iVb. 5 Company^ ^ih ^affa^ton.— Captain, R. Lalai^ Lieutenant, H. Cluff. Guar . flb Association fob 1877.— President, Lieut. - Colonel ; J. Ross ; Vice-President, Major White ; secretary- ti'easurer. Lieutenant C Graburn. Committee, Cai>tain Todd. Lieutenants Mackinnon, Aumond and Griffin. Captain ana Ajutant Walsh, and Ensign E. Graburn. Captain of Team, Major White. DouiNiON OF Canada Rifle Association.— Patron, His Excellencv the Governor-General of Canada, &o. President, Lieut.-Colonel C. S. Gzowski, Toronto ; Vice-Presidents, Allan Gilmour, Ottawa ; Lieut.-Colonel C. J. Brydges, Montreal ; Lieut.-Colonel Hon. A. E. Botsford, Sackvilie ; Lieut-CoL A. K. McKinlay, Halifax ; the Hon. D. A. Smith, M.P., Fort Garry : the Hon. R. W. W. Carroll, Victoria; Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. T. H. Haviland, P. E. island. Bx-offido: Presidents of the Provincial Rifle Associations, Militia Staff Officers in command of Militia Districts. Auditors, J. Langton and T. D. Harrington, Ottawa; treasurer, Lieut-Colonel Macpherson, Militia Department, Ottawa ; secretary, Lieut.-Colonel Stuart, Ottawa. Metropolitan Rifle Association.— Patron, Hon. W. B. Vail, Minister of Militia and Defence. President, Allan Gilmour; 1st Vice-President, E. C. Barber; 2nd Vice-Presi- dent, G. b. Pattee; Managing Committee, W. P. Lett, H. Walters, E. D. Sutherland, F. Newby, E. Graburn; Frank Clayton, assistant secretary ; A. F.Cotton, secretary-treasurer. (' ! ;! \^ I '.it BEarMelfled Oooklngr Vt^nMIs, and larif««t iraMetjr •€ House Fnrnlsliliis Goods^at Surreyer'sy 624 Oralg St. 284 OTTAWA, EAILROAD, STEAMBOAT AND PUBLIC COMPANIES. St. Lawbbnob and Ottawa Railroad Company.— General Oflloet Wellington street. Length of road, 59 miles. Managing l)irector, Tboinas Keynolds, Ottawa ; iSeoretary-Treasurer and Oeneral Passenger Agent, A. G. Peden, Ottawa ; LooomotiTe Superintendent, C. Dame, Prescott; General Jfreight Agent, J- M. Taylor, Presoott and Ottawa ; J. G. Maoklin, Resident Engineer ; Station Agents, R. K. CiarO} Sussex street, and J. A. Houston, Chaudidre, Ottawa. Canada Cbntbal Railboad Co.— Offices, Elgin street, oppo- site the Russell House ; depot, Chaudidre Flats ; President, H. L. Redhead; General Manager; A. B. Foster; Secretary and Treasurer, A. B. Chaffee; Mechanical Superintendent, H. A. Alden ; Superintendent, T. A. MoKinnon ; Agent, W. S. Eaton; Operator, E. C. Lalonde. Union Fobwardino and Railway Co.—Alfred Browne, President; W. R. Thistle, Vice* President; John Rankin, A. 0. Hooper, N. S. Cassels, C. O'Kelly, John Hamilton, Jr., H. W. Egan, Directors; Henry Chepmell, Secretary; John Murphy, Byokkeeper. OiTAWA RiYER Navigation Co.— Head Office, Montreal. President, R. W. Shepherd ; Secretary, E. Scott ; H. W. Ran- dolph, Agent ; James I. Sutton, Ticket Agent. Ottawa Office, at the Company's wharf, foot of Sussex street. Montreal and Ottawa Forwarding Co<— Head Office, Montreal. M. McNaughton and C T. Bate, Directors; Deui8 Murphy, Agent, Ottawa. Office and warehouses, west side of Canal Basin. SiNGENNBS AND MoNaughton Line.— Canal Basin. Gedirge O'Gilie, Agent. Montreal Telegraph Co.— Main Office, Metcalfe street. Branch offices: Parliament House, during session, Russell House, Union House, Albion Hotel, Clarendon House, St. Lawrence Hall, Battle Bros., Rideau street, J^amiiton Bros., bussex street, Queen's Wharf, St. L. & 0. R. R. depots, C. C. R. station, Bridge street. Chaudidre, and C. C. R. Ticket Office, opposite Russell House. N. W, Bethune, District Superintendent ; C. F. Maodonald, Local Manager; 0. Higman, Chief Operator; T. W. Mills, Receiving Clerk; W. Nichols, Accountant; C. B. Steaoy and E. J.i^teaoy, Clerks ; J. Keenehan, Delivery .Clerk ; T. Aherne, N. Boyd, H. B. Spencer, W. Y. Soper, J. Hurley, J. Lockwuod, A. McCuUooh, L. M. Fortier, H. Bott, and R. Brew, Operators ; Kenneth McDonald, Battery man ; X. JU^febvre and E. Picard, Line Repairers. Dominion Telegraph Co.— Main Office, Elgin btreet. Branch Offices: Parliament Buildmgs, during session, Russell House, Jbi. McGillivray's, Wellington street and !lfork street. I|««eii9 Fire & IilfiDf Insnranee Co*— Forties Sc Had^e, ClUef ▲gentot.lM and IM Uu Jamea St^ RIontreal. mrr ^otn shirts At i^ESMAttarfiAtr ^ noimfs ^ 415 NOTRE DAmB STREET. OTTAWA, 285 Ottawa City Passenger Railway Co.— General OflBoe, New Edinburgh. Thomas C. Keefer, President ; Thomas Keynolds^ Vice-President; J. M. Currier, M.P., W. Cemetery Co.— J. M. Currier, M.P., President; H. J^. Bate, Vice-President ;B. Batson, J. Durie, J. Sweet- land, M.D., Alex. Burritt, Directors ; C. T. Bate, Treasurer ; John Durie, Secretary ; Wm. Connor, Assistant Secretary ; D. Gordon, Superintendent. Ottawa Gas Co.— Office, Elgin street. C. T. Bate, President ; Francis Clemow, Managing Director ; A. Gilmour, R. S. Cas- sels, E. McGilliyray, T. Patterson, S. Howell, Direotors ; Alex. Spittal, Secretary-Treasurer. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. The University op Ottawa.— The Right Reverend Bishop of Ottawa, fatron and Visitor; The Very Rev. A. Pailler, Superior. Professors: J. H. Tabaret, Theology; Rev. J. Fournier, J^oral Theology; Rev. J. Filiatreau, Dogmatical Theology ; Rev. J. Nolan, Mental Philosophy ; Rev. L. Ben- nett, Greek ; Rev. R. Barrett, Latin ; Rev. G. St. Lawrence, English; Rev. J. Lagier, French; Rev. P. Paquin, Mathe- matics ; M. E. Harnois, Bursar. Normal School.— J. A. MaeCabe, principal and English master; W. R. Riddell, B.A., B. L., mathematical master; G. Baptie, M.A., M.B., science master; D. MoArthur, writing master; W. G. Workman, music master; M. Sparrow, drawing master; £. B. Gupe, secretary ; R. McCann, janitor. IRT BARSAIiaU'S DOMESTIC BAR SOAP— The I^Mnlly ,li^i^9£t,. MvovMtt (MA 1^ fill ««oe«M, li. J. A. SVBTJBYBR'S, 984 Cralff mreeU Ottawa Oollroutb Institute.— J. ThorbuTD* Bf^A** head master; J. MoMUIan. B.A., olasiioal and soienoe assistaat; Key. T. D. PhiUipps* M.A., mathemadoal assistant; 0. Maniy« Englisli assistant; Miss A. Siving, dommeroial branehes; W, B*. Siimmerby, teacher of preparatory class ; Rev. Maro Ami* French master; M. Sparrow, drawing master. Board of Tru9tee9.—J, P. Fcfatherstoni chairman; B. Mo- Gilliyriay, Geo. Hay, W. i'ennock, A. Rowe, F. Glemow, Dr. Beau Men, and J. Warnook, trustees; John Pennoo^, secretiary andtivasarer; Gt. IL Locke, janitor. Ottawa Ladies' Oollbgb.— Incorporated by Act of Parlia- ment, Deo. 17th, 1869.— H. F. Bronson, president; J. Sweetland, 1st vice-president; Rev. W. Moore, 2nd vice-president* Board of Management— Hon. J. Skead. Kiev. D. M. Gordon, BD., J. M. Garland; J. B. Booth, J. Rochester, A. Mutohmor, E. Mo- Gillivray, J. Cunningham, A. 8. Woodbum, Alex. Burritt, J. McMillan, B.A. ; Rev. Wm. Moore, principal ; John Dickie, bursar. GhurOh of England Ladies' School, 200 Wellington st, Ottawa.— Established, 1869. Incorporated, 1871. Visitors— The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ontario, the Yen. Arch- deacon of Kingston, and the Yen. Archdeacon of Ottawa. Council— The Yen- Archdeacon Lander, chairman ; Judge Lyon, W. R. Wright, J. A. Torrance, G. W. Wickstead, G. P. Baker, Francis Oiemow, G. May j T. M. Clark, treasurer ; J. 4* Torrance, secretary ; Lady Pnnoipal, Miss Ma&n, assisted by an efficient staflf of teachers. Ottawa Business Colleob.— W. aide O'Connor st«, between Qneen and Albert streets.— J. Musgrave, Principal iBsCmotor of Commercial Department and lecturer on book-keeping, cor- rewondenoe, &o. Ottawa Content.— Corner Sussex and Bolton streets.— Established 1815.— Now under the charge of the Rev. MoUL«r B^tiy^re, superioriess. YouNO Ladies' Literary Institute— Conducted by the Grey Nuns, Convent of Notre Dame du 6acre Coeur, Rideau street, Ottawa, Sister Th^r^se du Jesus, Superioress, assisted by twenty teachers. Seminary for Toung Ladies, a branch of ** Villa Maria " establishment of Montreal, Gloucester, between Elgin and Metcalfe streets.— Condaotedi by the ladies of the Congregatien of Notre Dame. Madame St. Gabriel, Superioress. BOARD OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Wdlington tTard.- E. C. Barber and W. H. OluflF. Victoria Ward.—¥, LeSueur and E. H. Bronson. St* Otorgt?9 Ward,— J. P. Robertson and John Graham. By Ward.-T, H. Kirby and W. Bedard. Ottawa Warcf.— H. Robinson and C. S. Shaw. WMbf^ illira« to orC«v mt 91Hi!ttAli1fMAir ft ^^1i!^^ 44V INITliE "IMiffil: SVltiBlBT. OTTAWA, 287 Ghainnaii, Hiram Robinson ; City Inspector of Publio Schools, J. (4. Glasban ; Secretary to the Board, J. D. Joynt; Messenger, J. McCarthy. Board of Examiners of Public School Teacher s. -~3 > G. Gl-ashan, obairman ; Rev. T. D. Phillips, M.A., A. Pratt, S> Rathwell, John McMillan, B.A., secretary. Roman Gatholig Sepabatb School Trusters.— A. 0> rRpogue, chairman j E. A. Lapierre, W. l^inley. J. W. Peachy, W. H. Waller, C. P. Dorion, J. Quain, G. O'Keefe, J. White, andG. Blartineau; Louis Tass^, secretary ; W. Finley, treas- urer; K. O^Reilly, superintendent. NATIONAL, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, &o. St. Gboroe'b Sooistt.— Dr. Sweetland, president ;H. Mea- dows, 1st vice-president ; Samuel Rodgers, 2nd vice-president : Wm. Mills, treasurer; R. J. Cook, secretary: Rev. H. Pollard and Rev, T. D. Phillips, chaplains; John Sweetland, M.D., physician; T. Kirby, T. Beament, auditors. St. Andrew's Society.— Allan Gilmour. president ; Col. J. MoPherson, 1st vice-president; J. M. Taylor, 2nd vice-presi- dent ; A. Mann, treasurer ; J. P. Robertson, recording secretary ; G. S. McFarland, correspondinff secretary ; Rev. O. M. Gordon, B.D., chaplain; Dr. Malloch, Dr. Carinichael, doctors. Committee of Manapement—A. H. T.iylor, convener; G. Stockand, J. Smith, J. Young, G. Dalgleish, D. C. Robertson, H. Inglis, W. Kerr, J Harris. St. Patrick's Literary Association.— W. H.Waller, presi- dent ; W. Kehoe, 1st vice-president ; P. A. Egleson, treasurer ; I. M. Goulden, corresponding secretary ; J. Casey, recording secretary ; T. MacCabe, assistant do. ; J. McStavick^librarian; T. Kehoe, custodian; M. Starrs, grand marshal. Institut Canadian Franc ais.—B. Suite, president ; S. Benoit, 1st vice-president ; Dr. F. X. Valade, 2nd vice-president ; A. Benoit, corresponding secretary ; A. Lat>erridre, librarian. St. Jean Baptists Society.— Joseph Tassd, president; Leon David, 1st vioe-president ; H. Peltier, 2udvice president; A. Olivier, recording secretary ; A. Blais, corresponding secretary; J. W. Peachy, treasurer; F. R. E. Oampeau, marshal. Ottawa Litbraay and Scientific Society.— Rooms, Sparks, near O'Ccmnor. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 24th Dec, 1869. John Thorburn, president; W. D. LeSueur, 1st vice- president; B. A. Meredith, 2nd vice-president; H. P. Hill, secretary; T. Hector, treasurer; G. R. Cochran, librarian; £. A. Ackro^d, G. R. Wicksteed, P. Robertson, members of council; J. Jackson, custodian. Mm MattreMcSy Ae.— !«• J* A. Snrveyer, 924 Cralff St. OTTAWA. OiTT OF Ottawa Aoricultural Society.— Hon. Jas. Skead, president ; G. W. Eaton. Ist vioe-president ; R. OumminffSt 2nd vioe-pref»ident ; A. S. Woodburn. seoretary-treaaurer ; A. Mo- Kellar, Ira Monran. A. Wright. M.P., J. M. Currier, M.P.. W. MoKay Wright, MP., McLeod Stewart, Alderman Rowe, W. H. Herdman, and His Worship the Mayor, directors. County of Carleton Agricultural Society.— Thos. Clark, president; M. K. Dickinson, Nepean, Ist vice-president; W. Kidd, Burritt's Rapids. 2nd vioe-president; A. Abbott and W. Arnold, auditors; W. Corbett, Bell's Comers, secretary- treasurer, W. Thomson, D. McDougall, H. Qourlay, N. Alex- ander, J. Kemp, A. Bradley, W. MoCurdy, R. Wallace, H. Davidson, directors. Mutual Building Society of Ottawa.— Subscribed capital »234,200 : paid-up capital, .SieO.OOO ; established. May, 1867.— Office, 498 Sussex street.— H. MoCormick, president ; P. A. Egleson, senr., vice-president ; H. P. McCarthy, A. S. Wood- bum, G. MoEdward, and W. H. Cluff, directors; R. Lees, solic- itor; J. Egleson, secretary-treasurer; Bank of British North America, bankers. Annual meeting, Ist Thursday in May. 2nd Mutual Building Society of Ottawa.— Office, 498 Sussex street —P. A. Egleson, president : J. Stewart, vice-president ; H. McCormick, G. McEdward, H. F. McCarthy, and J. R. Armstrong, directors; J. Egleson, secretary treasurer; Mer- chants' Bank of Canada, bankers ; R. Lees, solicitor ; capital subscribed, flt>lW,000', capital paid-up, $165,000; establisned, May, 1873. Annual meeting, 3rd Thursday in May. Capital Mutual Building Society.— Office, over Union Bank, comer Sussex and Rideau streets. Subscribed capital, $200,000; organized, April, 1876. Directors— R. Ryan, W. Kehoe, J. Kavanagh, W. H. Waller, J. Gillie, F. McDougal, D. Murphy, J. Heney, and P. A. Egleson. Officers— R. Ryan, president; W. H. Waller, vice-president; O'Connor ■; '«» •!•• J. ▲• 0iirv«y«v, 694 €nii|r 8t. 210 OTTAWA. MISOBLLANBOUS. Croxon Timber Office* for the Dominion and the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec— Hugh street.'— A. J. Russell, crown tim- ber agent, inspector of crown timber agencies and collector of slide dues ; C S. MoNutt, assistant do. ; J. Ritchie, sen. clerk ; A. J. Russell, draughtsman ; £. T. Smith, J. Daily, and ti. LaRose, clerks ; J. Steen, timber counter : J. Macdouald, dep. slide master and timber counter; J. Jackson, messenger. Rideau Canal— Ot&oe, 170 Wellington street. F. A. Wise» C.B., superintendent ; F. 'Abbott, clerk and book-keeper; Jas. Carroll, foreman ; R. H. Cooper, clerk* Otta^oa River Works.— Goo. P. Brophy, superintendent; D. Soott, clerk and accountant ; W. Kane, messenger. Marriage /^'c«n«e«.— Miss Fanny Yielding, issuer, 599 St* Paul street CHURCHES. PROTESTANT. Church of England.— St. John the Evangelist— Sussex street, west side. The Right Rev. J. Travers Lewis, D.D-, LL.D., Biabop of the Diocese of Ontario, rector ; residence, Daly street. Rev. H. Pollard, M. A., assistant minister. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Christ Church— Sparks street, south side. Rev. J. S. Lauder, Archdeacon of Ottawa, M.A., rector; Rev. J. May, MA., assistant minister. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. (Free seats in the evening.) Church of St. Alban the Mattyr.— (Free seat).— Daly street, north side. Rev. Canon T. B. Jones, M.A., LL.D., rector. Hours of service, 8 a.m., 11 a.m.. and 7 p.m. Sunday school, 3 p.m. Commnni A. M. FORSTER Hannfaoturer of all kinds of fij^i^ifigtoij? ALSO OF THE IDTOMTIC CRmU FOUNTUII BSPECIALIiT DESIRABIiE FOR The Store, Counter, Show Window, Parlor, Dining- Room, Library, Drawing-Room, Conservatory, Ball- Room, Theatre, &c. Pleasing and benefiaal in the Sick-Room, for it purifies the air, and is a very attractive ornament. SFEOIALTISS: Boiler Purger and Vacuum Lubricators. Gold and Silver Plating Neatly Ezecnted. P.O. Drawer 115. ADVERTISEMENT. 243 1. inuE * soir» I 1^1 I Blank Books, Office Stationery, Cop3rizig: Fr^sees. ALL THE BEST INKS. ALL TBS LBASZITO FSXI8. School Booha and general Literature, Bibles, Prayer Books, Se'm'ces, and everything in the Book anu Stationery Line. ' J. DT7EZE ft SOIT, Sparks Street, Ottawa. l! a' k ' I t ij u 1:4 04 PQ iS^ ^? fid (d z fl) Id 09 & 8 J$ 8 DESniARTBAlJ A BONB'S. OTTAWA, 215 Bank street, west side.— Rev. W. Moore, minister. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Wednesday, at 7.aO p.m. Daly street, south side.— Rev. W. Armstrong, M.A., minister. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 6^ p.m. ; Wednesday, at 7i p.m. Knox Ghurcli. — City Hall square. Rev. F. W. Farries, min- ister. Hours ol service, 11 a-m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday, at 1^ p.m. Methodist Church of Canada.— Besaenr street, nortli side. Rev. Mr. imparling, minister. Hours of service, 11 H.m. and 7 p.m.; WeduoHday, at 7 p.m. Dominion Methodist C7/m/-c7i.— Metcalfe street. Rev. Wm. Hunter, mmister. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Wed- nesday, lecture at 8 p.m. Richmond Road —Rev. Mr. Campbell, minister. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Episcopal Methodist Church.— Bridge street, west side. Rev. J. ^oung, minister. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and (5^ p.m. Dalhousie street, east side.— Rev. W. J. Phillips, minister. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 6^ p.m. Congregational Church.— Qoinw of Albert and Elgin streets. Rev. J. G. Sanderson, pastor. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sabbath school, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. ; bible class, Mon- day! 8 p.m. ; lecture and prayer meeting, Wednesday, tt p.m. Baptist Church.— ^xxevti street, south side, near Elgin. Rev. A. A. Cameron, minister. Hours of. service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday school, 3 p.m. German Lutheran CAurcA.— Wilbrod street. Rev. A. Senne, minister. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Cathedral Notre 2>anie.— Sussex street, east side. The Bishop, Kuv. Father Jouvent, Kev. J. Molloy ; Rev. J. O'Connor, l>.i>-, sec. ; Revs. P. Foley and G. Bouillon, priests. Hours of service, C a.m., 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. St. Jean Baptiste Church. — Le Breton Flats. Rev. Mr. Francoeur, P.P. Hours of service, 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. St. Joseph Church.— yfWhrod street. Rev. M. Pallier, P.P. Hours of service— Sundays and Holidays, Mass at 6, 8 and 10 a.m. ; Vespers, 7 p.m. St. Ann's C'/ijt/rj A.. —Ottawa street, south side. Rev. Father Jouvent, P.P.. Hours of soivice, (3 a.m., 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 7 p.m. St. Patrick's Church.— Corner Hugh and Gloucester streets. Rev. J. Collins, P.P., Rev. M. Whelan. Hours of service, 8 and 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. f RY BARSAI.OV S DOMESTIC BAR «OA^Tb« Ftemilr ^ 1 I r It i I lllehiiloiiii and JBiiiJiJresa Pottmiiiib Rikntfes, ie«i Ui (lie marlcett at ti» X. A. Survey er's« 524 Oraiff St* 246 OTTAWA. RBLiaiQUS AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. Young M€n*8 OhriaHan il9«o«ia. Hay, J. Dune, T. G. Brumley, J. Peacock, Z. Wilson, T. Pihtterson, J. Roberts, G. Mortimer, W. Pennock, W. Gousens, directors. The Board meets first Tuesday in every month at the hospital at 4 p.m. Frotetiant Orpkan§* ifome.— Albert street.— Mrs. H. F. Bronson, Ist directress ; Mrs. E. B. Eddy, 2nd directress ; Mrs. Alex. Christie, 3rd directress; Mrs. J. Thorburn, reo. secretary; Mrs. A. boott, cor. secretary; Mrs- T. Ross, treasurer^ E. G. Malioch, M.D., and Dr. Garmichael, attending physicians; H. Iiill> M.D.., and J. A. Grant. M.D., F.K.G.S., of Edinburgh, cqnsulting physicians ; Mrs. Fruser, matron and general super- intendent; Miss bimms, teaeher. About thirty orphans in the Home. UnUed Protestant Benefit Society. — Incorporated by Act of Parliament.— Thus. Kirby, president; J. Hamilton, Ist vice- president; H. Hibds, 2ud vice-president; J. Yeoman, secretary; W. Hill, financial secretary; H. Davies, treasurer; Dr. Sweet- laud, physician ; H. PoUurd, chaplain ; Dr. bweetland, J . Morse and H. FuUowos, trustees ; Savings Departmont of On- tario Bank, bankers. An olfioient committee and stewards. Society meets in Rowe's liail. Rideau street, first Monday in every month at 8 <»' clock p.m. Oenwal Hospital.— Bolton street Under the superintendence of the bisters of Charity, bister Sauv^, directress j bister E. Lsvoie, economist ; Dr. Hill, consulting physician ; Drs. Beaabien, St. Jean, Robillard and Lynu} surgeons. ||fieen» Flr« & I^iffet Insuranee Co.— Farbee dc illa4lv«| BCt rotn smuw at nt^mjUMttiAv jt WKXh% 419 irOTBE DAMi: BTAEIB'r. OTTAWA. 247 St Patrick*9 Orphan >l«)y^M»».— Maria Ptraet.— D. O'Connort pretiident; W. McCaffrey, vice-president; W. Wall, treasurer; K. Devlin, seoretary; Kev. Br. O'Connor, spiritual director; Sisters Fitzinaurioe and St. Q^oorge, matrons. at. Joaeph^H Or/}h»t t AHylum- — Corner Cathcart and Sussex streets —lister E- Tn I'adeau. superioress; lister Ste. Cecelia, directress. Estabik; hod iu 18(iU, under the care of the Grey Nuns. St, Charles* Anylumfor Aged Peopfe.—W Ater street.— Under the eare of the Sisters of Charity. Sister Charbonueau, direct- ress. TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES. Trtah Catholic Temperance Society^ founded 1845.— The Rev. P. Malloy, president; John Ueney, Ist vice-president; John O'Rieliy, '2nd vice'- president; P. Brady, treasurer | P. (}. hay' den, secretary ; Man in Battle, chairman of committee. *' tiytown Divviinn" No. 224, Soim of Temperance,— 3 . M. T. Uannuiu. D G.W.P. ; J. T. Bartram, W.P.; Sister Aitchi- sua, A.S.H.S. ; John Humphreys, F.S. ; Charles Shaw, treas- ; Robert Wheatioy, chaplain. Meets in Temperance Hall every Monday evening. Chaudiire Sana of Temperance,— MeeU in LeSueur's Block) Wellington street, eveiy Friday evening. Cameron Temple, J. O. G. T.—Meets in Musgrove's Hall, O'Connor street, every Friday evening. . Elliott Temple, 1. O. G T.— Meets in LeSueur's Block, Wel- lington street, every Tuesday evening. hlnttr priae Temide, I. Q. G, T.— Meets at Morrison's Hall, York street, every Monday evening. Oitaion City Temple, I G, T., iVb. 403.— Meets in Rowe's Hall, Kideuu street, every Tuesday evening. Ottawa Cold Water TenijUe, I- 0. G, r.— Meets in Morri- sou'h Hall, York street, every Friday evening. Ottawa Total Abstinence Society,— Aleeta in Bell's Block, overy Sunday at tor noon, at 4 p.m. Marble Hall Temple, 1. 0, G, T.-Meets in Marble Hall, every Wednesday evening. No Surrender Lodgct I, 0. G, T.— Meets in Rowe's Hall, every Thursday evening, at 8 p.m. MASONIC. Ottawa District.— District Deputy Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Wm. Kerr, Ottawa; R. E. Comp. Wm. SomervUlei G. S. of Central District. Godernh Council, R. and S. Manone of Canada^ No. 8.— Meets the third Monday in each mouth. Carleton Royal Arch Chapter, No, 16, G. R. C— Regular Communications, second Monday in each month. «. _ Snperioi to all olli«i«. I ? L II ' DttMliMm eolnde* ^Icd Uimiit ftodtf, m tpt^aMtf at li. J. A. S1JBTETER*S, S24 Cmlff Street. 248 OTTAWA. Dalhowie Lodge, A. F. & A. itf., No. 52, G. B. C.--Me«t8 first Tuesday in each montbt at Masonio Hall, Sussex street* Doric Loaget No. 58, O, R, C— Meets first Wednesday in eaoh month, at Masonio Hall. Winter, 7.30 p.m. ; summer, 8 p.m. Civil Service Lodge, F. db A, M.^ No, 148, 0. B, C— Regular Communications, seoond Thursday in eaoh month, at Masonio Hall, Sussex street. BuUdera* Lodge, F & A. M., No. 177, G.B. C— Meets second Friday of every month, at Masonio Hall, Sussex street. Fidelity Lodge, A, K & AM, No, 231, O. R. C— Regular meetings on the seoond Wednesday in each month, at Masonio Hall, Sussex street. Chaudiere Lodge, F, & A. M., No, 264, 0. B. C— Meets first Monday in eaoh month, at Masonic Hall, Sussex street. LOYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION OP B. N. A. Loyal Orange County Lodge of the County of Carltton.-^ Meets semi-annually. County Master, F. Clemow. Ottawa Loyal Orange DintHct Lodgcy No. 4, of the Gounty of CaWeton.— Meets quarterly, in Ottawa City. Distriot Master, James Clarke. PRIVATE LODGES IN THE CITY OF OTTAWA. Loyal Orange Lodge^ No, 47.— Meets first Monday in eaoh month, in Orange Hall, I'pper Town. Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 119.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, in Orange Hail, Upper Town. Loyal ()range Lodge, No, 126.— Meets second Monday in eaoh month, ill Orange Hall, Upper Town. Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 221.— Meets second Tuesday in each month, in Orange Hall, Upper Town. Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 227. — Meets second Wednesday in eaoh month, in Orange Hall. Upper Town. Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 1812.— Meets first Monday in eaoh month, in Orange Hail, New Edinburgh. Ottawa Royal Hear let CAap^er.— Convocations open in the Orange Hail, on ^.h- I4th of eaoh month. ROYAL BLACK KNIGHTS OF IRELAND. ThS ** City of Ottawa " Boyal Black Preeeptory, No, 227, OMaioa.— EncampineDt opeiKs un the first l)riday ut eyeiy month in the Orange Hall, Upper Town. Ilneen* Fire 6l Ijil'e» Insurance €o«— Forbes 6c JUadgei llllf f A||entti| 191 and 108 St. James St.| Aloatreiil* !»• t> ililrfs made to Order at DESniAllTEAV A BO]r]>*S 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. THE ROYAL FAMILY. 249 THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY. THE QUEEN.— Victoria, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &e.. Queen, Defender of the Faith. Her Majesty was born at Kensington Pala-^e May 24, 1819 ; suo- oeeded to the throne June 20, 1837, on the death of her uncle. King William IV. ; was crowned June 28. 1888 ; and married Feb. 10, 1840, to His late Roy»l Highness Prince Albert. Her Majesty is the only child of His late Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent, son of King George III. The children of Her Majesty are :— Her Royal Highness Victoria-Adolaide-Mary-Louisa, Prin- OEsa Royal op Evgland and Prussia, born November 21. 1840, and married to His Royal Highne.4fl Frederick- William, Crown Prince of Germany, January 2^ 185S. and has had issue, Pnd- eriek William- Victor- Albert, born January 27, 1859 ; Victoria- Elizabeth- Augusta-Charlotte, born Julv 24, 18fi0; Albert-Wil- helm-Heinrich, born August 14, 1862 ; Francis- Frederick-Sigis- mund, born September 15, 1804, died June 18, 1860 ; Frederioka- Wilhelmina-Amedia- Victoria, born April 12, 1866; Joachim- Frederick-Ernest- Waldemar, born February 10, 1868 ; Sophia- Dorothea-Ulrike- Alice, born June 14, 1870; and Margaret- Beatrice-Feodora, burn April 22, 1872. His Royal Highness Albert Edwanrd, Prinor op Wales, born November 9, 1841 ; married March 10, 186;^, Alexandra of Den- mark (Princess of Wales), bom December 1, 1844, and has issue, Prince Albert-Victor, born January 8, 1864; George- Frederick-Ernest- Albert, born June 3, 1865 j Louisa-Victoria- Alexandra-Dagmar, born February 20. 18b7; Victoria- Alex - andra-Olga-Mary, born July 6. 1863; Maud*Charlotte-Mary- Victoria. born November 26, 1869, and a son born April 6, 1871, who died the following day. Her Royal Highness Alice- Maud- Mary, bom April 25. 1843; married to H. R. H. Prince Frederick-Louis of Hesse, July 1, 1862, and has issue five daughters and two sons ; (second son killed by accident. May, 1873.) His Royal Highness Alfred-Ernest- Albert, Duke op Edin- burgh, born August 6, 1844 ; married Grand Duchess Marie of Russia, January 22, 1874; has issue a son, Alfred- Alexander- Ernest, born November 17, 1874, and a da'ughter. Her Royal Highness Helena-Augusta- Victoria, born May 25, 1846; married to His Royal Hit W. T. Manning, Esq. lord chamberlain's DBPARTMEXT— ST. JAMR8' PALACE. Lord Chamberlain. Marquis of Hertford Vice-Chamberlain Viscount Barrington Governor of Windsor Castle. . ..Capt. Count Gleichen, R.N. Comptroller uf accounts Hon . S. Ponsonby Chief Clerk Geo. T. Herttlet, Esq. Private Seo'y to Uer Majesty. .Major-Gen. H. F. Ponsonby <|ii6en» fire it Llte» iaBurance €o»— Forbes it Utii^ce, €]|lefl Ageiilsf llll and !•• ISt. Jmbm ill,, monlr^alt WHITE BlIVM SHIBm 91^0, WORTJi; iMMt 40^ DESMARTEAV A BOND'S. Keeper of the Priry Purse Exnmuier of Plays Poet Laureate Seoratary. •#••••••••••••••< Librarians I Gapt. of Yeomen of the Guard. Gapt. of Gent1eraen-at-Arms.. Master of the Ceremonies Dean of the Chapel Ruyal Rub-Dean Clerk of the Closet Resident Chaplnin Mistress of the Robes Groom ** " Clerk " « Lient.-G(^n. Rir T. M. Biddulph E. F. S. Pijrott, Esq. Alfred Tennyson, Esq. H- T. Harrison James M. Berry, Esq., M.A. Rioh. R. Holmes, Esq., F.R.S- H. Sahl, Esq. Lord Rkelmersdale Earl of Shrewsbury Gftn. Hon. Sir E. CustJ Bishop of TiOndon Ro7. Francis Garden, M* A. Biahop of Worcester I)oan of Windsor Duchess of Wellington H. Erskine, Esq. J. Kinlooh, Esq. HA8TRR OF THR HOBSR'S DRPARTMRNT, PIMLICO. Master of the Horse Earl of Bradford Clerk Marshall M u jor-Gen. Lord Alfred Paget Crown Equery and Secretary... Col. Ashley Maude, G.B. Master of the Buokhounds Earl of Hardwioke PRI5TCB OF WALES' HOUSEHOLD. Keeper of the Privy Seal Lord of Loioester Comptroller and Treasurer. . . . .Gon Rt. Hon. Sir W. KnoUyfl Private Secretary F. Knollvs, Esq. f Lient.-Col. Teesdale E<.".rl~ S-^TlBm. I Major-General Probyn HER MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFICERS OP STATE. First Lord of the Treasury Right Hon. Earl of Beaoonsfield Lord High Chancellor Lord President of Council Lord Privy Seal Chancellor of the Exchequer.. . C Home Departm't Secretaries J Foreign Aflfairs. . ofstate. 1 ^ISP.?*;;::;;:; V. India First Lord of the Admiralty.. . . Postmaster-Genoral it tt It it (t li Lord Cairns Duke of Richmond Earl of Malmesbury Sir Staff. Northcote Rich. Ashton Crosa farl of Derby arl of Carnarvon Gathome Havdy Marq's of Salisbury George Ward Hunt Lord John Manners {The above form the Cabinet.) TBY BARSAJLOtrS STEA9I aFJFINEO FAlKItT ttOAFf W -^ (Ipperior to nM otlieiWf ■ 3, 3 k f Iiiliii ■:S f. Btelmiend and BmpreM Portable RaiiirMi» ^*t In tlie marketf at L* JT. A. Bnrreyer'Sf 684 Gralir St. 292 HER MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFICERS. I'der-in-Cbief of the Ariny | I. o^ the'fioard of Trade. . . . Com Pros Chief Seoret^ry of Ireland . Vice- President of Council on Education First Commissioner. of Works- . Judire Advocate GeneVal President Local Oov. Board- . • . Chan.' of Duchy of Lancaster.- • Master of. the Rolls Lord Chief Justice of England.. Lord Chief Ju8tioe»- Common Plens ... Lord Chief Baron ... . Attorney-General Solicitor-General Right Hon. H. R- H. The Duke of Cambridge. SirC. B. Adderley Sir M. E. H. Beach It i< II II (I Vificonnt Sandon Lord Lennox Stephen Cave, M.P. G. Sclater Booth Col. T. B. Taylor .Sir G. Jessel .Sir Alex. Cookbum • Lord Coleridge) .Hon. Fitzroy Kelly Sir R. Baggallay .SirJno-Hoiker,M.P. BCOTLAWD. Lord High Constable .V i!arl of Enroll Keeper of the Grand Seal Earl of Selkirk Lord Clerk Register Right Hon. Sir W. G. Craig Lord Privy Seal Marquis of Lothian Lord High Commissioner EarUof Rosslyn Master of the Hoiisehold Duke of Argyle Knight Marischall Duke of Hamilton Standard* Be nrer A Jmiral Earl Lauderdale Lord Justice General Hon. John Inglis Lord Justice Clerk Lord Monorieff Lord Advocate Right Ho'h..E. 8. Gordon, M.P. Solicitor-General John Watson, Esq. Deputy Clerk Register William Pell DundaSt Esq. Historiographer • . - J. Q. Buston. LL.D. Commander of the Forces Ma)or-Gen. Sir John Douglas Captain General of Archers. . . .Duke of Bucoleugh IBBLAND. Lord Lieutenant. His Grace the Duke of Aberoora Lord High'Ste ward. Earl of Shrewsbury Chief Secretary andvKeeper of Privy Seal Rt. Hon. Sir R E. H. Beach, Bt. Under Secretary Thomas Havilland Burke, Esq. State Steward Gustavus Lambert, Esq. Gentleman*- Usher Sir J. M. Stewart, Bart. Chamberlain^ Lieut.-Col. R. Bernard Ld. Chancellor' (in oommis8ion)Kigbt Hon. Sir J. Napier. Vice-chancellor Hon. H. Chatterton Receiver. Hon. James Lawson Lord Justice of Court of Appeal. Hon. J. Christian Mflsterof the Rolls Hon. E.Sullivan Attorney-General Right Hon. John Ball Solicitor-General Henry Ormsby, Esq. Commander of the Forces Gen. Sir John Michel. Secretary John Hanbey, Esq. llaeoBt F|re Sc Life, Insuraaee Oo»— Forbes 4c made*, .€%l«f AijMits, m an4Jltt It* JamM.»i«,:MoatrfalY SIdrto mi Jkle to Order at DEBRIARTBAIJ * BON IPS 41S NOTRE DARIE STRBET, AMBASSADORS. 268 BRITISH AND FOREIGN AMBASSADORS. British Ambassadors Abroad. Foreign Ambassadors m En)(land. U. S. 0/ America. { ^'t?nf K.C.bT.'T.*!?™! } ^^^' ^- Pwrrepoint ^/eTJfZlnF"!'.: \ ««"• I^- W. S. West. } DonDiejodo Alvear 5c/a»ui» j "^ cfB.^.T.\*^*. ^'?:: } Baron Hy. Solvyne. Brazil <*n% Mathew, Esq., ) g^^ ^^ p^^^^^. Central Amerioa, .S. Looook, Esq. CA»I» I H. Humbold, Esq ... | ^^^^J**^'^ ^^^^^^ CA»na SirT.P.Wade,K.C.B. Columbia R. Bunoh, Esq M. Felipe Zapata. Denmark } ^ir Charles L. Wyke, | Lieut General Equador i . . . .F. Hamilton, Esq General Salasar. J"'""" {•"^on? a; C^°B?....i «««»!» "rt Germany Lord 0. Russell, G.CB. Count Munster. Greece j Hon. W. Stuart, C.B. } ^jch." d'Ait r*"^*"'* Italy Sir A. B.Paget, K.C.B. Count Menabrea. Japan SirH. Parkes, K.C.B. TerashimaMunenori Morocco •••. Sir John H. D. Hay, K.C.B. jv^ti^j^ 084 Cralff St. 2M DOMINION OP CANADA. DOMINION OF CANADA. Seat of Oovemmentt Ottawa* GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA, Aidet'cU'Campi &c. His Exorllkngt Thr Rt. Honorablr Bib Frrdrrtgk Tbmplr Hamilton Blackwood,. Earl of Dukprri^, Visoount and Baron Clandrbotk, of Clandeboye, hi the County Down, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom of Ghreat Britain and Ireland, Baron Dafferin and Clandeboye ti Ballyleidy and Killeleagh, in the County Down, in the Peerage of Ireland and a Baronet, one of Her Majesty's Most Honorable Privy GovDcil. Knight of the Most IlTustrious Order of St. Patriok, and Knignt Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. Govemor-Gener>il of the Dominion of Canada and Vice- Admiral of the same, Ao., 4&c. Rideau Hall, Ottawa- Lieut-Colonel the Hon. £. O. P. Littleton, Qrenadier Oaards, Gk)vemor- General's Secretary, and Military Secretary. Walter Baker, Private Secretary. Lieut. P. Ward, RN., A.-D.-C. Lieut F. R. Hamilton, H.M. 9th Regt Foot A.-D.-C. K:§^:^'Si*ig.Xi* I Extra Aide-decamp. Deputy^Oovernort to »ian MoiMy 'Warraidt : Wm. A. Himswortht Clerk of the Privy Council, and E. A. Meredith, LL.D., Deputy Minister of the Interior. PRIVY COUNCIL. Min- of Public Works, (Premier) Hon. Alexander Mackenzie. Ministerof Justice <& A tty-Gen. Hon. Edward Blake. Minister of Militia Hon. William B. Vail. Minister of Customs Hon. Isaac Burpee. Minister of Marine & Fisheries Hon. Albert James Smith. Postmaster-General Hon. L. S. Huntington. Reoeiver-Gteneral Hon. Thomas Coffin. Minister of Interior Hon. David Mills. Minister of Finance Hon. Richard John CartwrighU Minister of Agriculture — Storetary of State Hon. Richard W. Scott Minister of Inland Revenue. . ^ Hon. Rodolphe Laflamme. President of the Privy Counoil. Hon. J. B. CauchOn. J 4|li^«Mty Mw A Life, Iiis«niM«« CkK— fovb«« A Mudft^ €iiltf A«Mit% m Mi« IM «i»#aaM»«t., Momireal. tMnt r4nm ahiktc at DEAXAmTBAv * mrtnii% 415 BTOTBE DAME STREET. GOVEllNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 2S5 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL NOT IN THE OABINBT. The Riffbt Hon. Sir John A Maodonald, K.G.B. The Hon. S. L. Tillev, C.R , Lient.-Gov. of New Bninswick Sir A T.<4alt,K.G.M.a. William MoDuuifall. C.B. W. P. Howland, C.B. A. a. Archibald. C.M.a., Lieut.-Goy. of NoTa Sootia Peter Mitchell Alexander Campbell J. C. Chapaifl H L. Lanjjevin, OB. Sir Edward Kenny, Kt Sir John Rose. Bart., K.C.M.G. Sir Frannis Hinckd, C B , K.C.M.G. Christopher Dunkin Alexander Morris, Lieat.-Qo7ernor of Manitoba James 0. Aikens Chnrles Tapper, C.B. John Henry Hope John O'Connor Theodore Robitaille Thomas N. Gibb HoRh MoDonald A. A. Dorion David Christie W. Rom D A. Macdonald, Lieut-Governor of Ontario T. Fournier «i It II II 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II It II *i It II PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE (East Block.) OJic^»* Clerkt and Ser^antt, William A. Himsworth, clerk of the Privy Council Joseph 0. Cotd, assistant clerk of the Privy Council P. H. Himsworth, clerk Henry Alexander, clerk William Horace Lee, clerk Lewis J. Burpee, clerk Frank Newby, clerk Frank K- Bennetts, clerk Michael Nauffhton, doorkeeper and messenger Joseph Grenier, messenger William Groome, messenger William Reynolds, messenger Commi88ioner per Dedimua Poleitatem* William A. Himsworth, clerk of the Privy Council* and Justice of the Peace for the County of Carleton tatt lUltSAliOirS 1>631ESTIC llAlHIOA»^-«lii l€-:l^,^. l^^lMamd <}o*klBV VUniMMf mid iMVMt Tarloijr off Hmuw Fomlfllilnfr OooAm at SQr¥ejer*s, 094 CwmAm BU 266 DOMINION OP CANADA. The Bailwnv Committee of the Prv':; ' '^uufrn. Hon. A. Mackenzie, Minister of Publio Work ^ *' A. J. Smith, Minister of Marine and Fisl^.iies ** Minister nf Affrioulture ** W.B. Vail, Minister of Militia ** R. W. Soott, Secretary of State The Commieeionere for the Fntemnl Economy of th€ Ilouet of Commone. Hon. A. Maf^kenxie, Minister of Piibiio Works *' Inaao Burpee, Minister of CuHtoras " Thomas Coffin, Receiver-General The Treasury Board and Sub-Committee on Council of Civil Service, Hon. R. J. Cartwright, Minister of Finanoe ** Isaac Burnee. Minister of Customs " Rodolphe Laflamme, Minister of Inland Reyenne *' Thomas Coffin, Reoeiyer-Qeneral THE SENATE. (Has 77 members, beinsr 24 for Ontario and 24 for Quebec, 10 for Nova Scotia, 10 for New Brunitwiok, 4 for Prince Edward Island, 3 for British Columbia, and 2 for Manitoba.) The Hon. David Christie, Speaker. Robert LeMoine, Clerk of the Parliaments. ONTARIO. BBNATOBS. P. O. ADDRESB. The Honorable Aikens, James C Toronto Alexander, George Woodstock Allan, George W Toronto Benson, James Rae St Catharines Brown, George Toronto Campbell. Alexander Toronto Christie, David Paris Dickson, Walter H Niagara Flint. Billa Belleville Hamilton, John Kingston Hope, Adam Hamilton | Leonard. Elijah London Macpherson. David L Toronto McDonald, Donald Toronto MoMaster, Wm Toronto Read, Robert Belleville Reesor, David Markham Sootti Richard W Ottawa l|ii«««« Five A litre, Insanuiee Co.— Forbes A Hnds^t WHITKimiSM BHIBTS |l.SO, WORVfl $9.05, AT DlIsniABTEAr iL BOND'S. 11^. SENATE, m SKHATOBB. P.O. ADDBISS. Seymour, Benjamin. .**...••... Port Hope bhaw, James Smith's Falls tiimpsoot John Buwmanville Hkeadf James Ottawa Smith, Frank .Turunto Vidal, Alexander Saruia QU£BEO* Armand, Joseph F Kividre-des-Prairios Baillargeon, Pierre Quebec Beilorose, Joseph H ,,,..hl. Vmoent de Paul Bureau, Jaoques O tit. Kern i Chaffers, Wm. H SC C^sairo Ghat)ais. Jean Oharies 8t. Denis, Kamouraska Chinio, JfiuK^ne (^u^^heo Cochrane, Matthew Henry. .... Uompton Cormier, Charlen Pletisisvillo Dumouohel, L^andre 6t. Bonoifc Fabre, Ueutor Quebec Ferrier, J ames Montreal Guevremont, Jean B JSurel Hamilton, John Hawkesbury Laooste, Louis Bouchervillo Paquet, Anselme Hom^re St Cuthbert Penny, £d ward Goff Montreal Poser, Christian H St. Ueorge, Beauoe Price, David ifi Quebec Byan» Thomas Montreal Stevens, Gardner Q W atei loo Tr udel, F. X. A • • • • .Montreal Wilson, Charles Montreal NOVA SCOTIA. Archibald, Thos. D Sidney, G.B. Bourinot. Juhu Sidney Dickey, Kobt. B Amherst Kaulback, Henry A. N liuuenburg Maofarlane, A W allace MoLelan, Archibald Wm Londonderry Miller. Wm Arichat, N.S. Northrup, Jeremiah Halifax Power, Patrick Halifax b ,1 I I NEW BRUNSWICK. Botsford. Amos E Westcock, Wegtmoreland Dover, James St. John Ferguson, John Bathurst Qlasler, John Sunbury ' ' ■ ^jr«T9ttt«« Sold by »il C»ro«#M« ^ _^ ;i* :i4 IgfamUmt WMngw^ WiftlMMri* Iimi Bi<»4siMda» SvHut llMtoy ]I»HMM€«» Ae.— I*. J. ▲• Siirveyer, 094 Cndv 8t. 25d DOMINION OF CANADA, 8RNAT0RS* P.O. ADDBBBB. Lewiot James D * St. John MoGlelan, Abner Keid Hopewell, Albert Oounty Muirhead, Wm Ohatham Odel. Win. U •*■ Frederioton Wark, David Frederietno Wilmot, Kobert D Belmont, 8unbury PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Hayiland, Thomas Heath Charlottetown Hay thorne, Robert Poore ...... Gh arlottetown Howlan, (jheorge W Alberton Montgomery, Donald Park Oorner BRITISH COLUMBIA. Oarrall, Robert W. W Barkerville Cornwall. Clement F Asborot't Maodonald, William John Viotocia MANITOBA. Qirard* Maro Amable St. Bimifaoe Sutherland, John Kildonan THE SENATE OFFICES (East Half Cintbb Block.) Officers, Clerks, and Servants. Robert Le Moine, olerk, master in ohanoery, cashier and accountant. Fennings Taylor, deputy olerk, olerk assistant and master in chancery. E. L. Montizambert, law olerk, olerk of committees and English traiislatur. Rev. Canon Johnson, chaplain. - J. Adamson, lirst Englidh clerk and dork of English journals. P. Miller, second English olerk and clerk of routine and nrooeedinsfi i^u. ^. W. Mo Loan, third English clerk and clerk of private bills. A. A. Boucher, chief French translator and clerk. A. Garneau, tirsc l^'rcnch translator and clerk. J. de St. D. Le Muiue, clerk of French journals, 2nd French translator and sergeant- at- arms. I. Taohd, assistant olerk of French journals and deputy sergeant-at-arms. K. W. ^tephen^ assistant accountant and olerk. A. bouttei. juuiur olerk. R. E. Kimber, gentleman usher of the black rod. l^uoeiM ft iire 6c i^tlc, iucuraiice Co.— Forbes A JUud0«« \ii- ■ i HOUSE OF COMMONS. J. B. Myrand, Postmaster. P- Dunne, hocraekeeper. P. Rattey, doorkeeper. IS* I. Jones, news-room keeper* 0. Young, speaker's messenger* J. Doherty, wardrobe, ke. F. Gilbert, bank messenger. T* Wheeler, permanent messenger. J. Dunne, •» *• " L. Kobitaille, J. Wingfield, 0. Archambault, J. H. Pelletier, Hill, Dessaint, sessional messengers; I. Davis, temporary messenger. j4\ Grant, H. W. Buoke, and Wm. B. Hyndman, pages. CotnmUaionert for Administering the OaJth to Member », Robert Le Moine, Clerk of the Senate* Fennings Taylor, Deputy Clerk of the Senate. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. (Has 206 members, being 88 for Ontario, 65 for Quebec, 21 for Noya Scotia, 16 for New Brunswick, 6 for Prince Edward Island, 6 for British Columbia, and 4 for Manitoba*) The Hon* T. W. Anglin, Speaktr* Alfred Patrick, Clerk qf the Bowte. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO* ••••t***t9 coNSTrnnmciBS. Addington Algoma- . Both well*. Brant, N.. do S*. Brockville Bruce, N*. do S.. CardwcU.. Carleton . v>ornwaU« •****..**•• • Duudas . . Durham, B do W Elgin, £... uo W... Essex MEMBERS. P* 0. ADDBESS* Schuyler ^hibley • . . • Napanoe £* B. Borron Sault Sto. Marie Hon. David Mills. . . Ottawa Gavin Pieming Glen Morris Wm. Paterson Branttord Jacob D. Buell. .... .Brookville JohU Gillies Paisley Hon. E. Blake Ottawa Daltou McCarthy. . .Toronto John Rochester-.... Ottawa A. P. MacdOnald. . . .t'ornwaJl Win. Gibson Morrisburgh Lewis Ross Port Hope H. W. Burk Buwmauville Colin Macdougall. . . .St. Thomas George E. Casey Pingal W m. McGregor Windsor 'f - ii i. VHT BAM9A1.0U S UOMEiiTiC'— Ib«*iuilil|r f^, jr»v«rti«» IMd 1^ fill OvMtfnU. ..r^. . ' rit ••'Ml 'flu. > L 1 lllclimonil mtktL BfltpvMs Portable ihe market, at !<• J» A. Snrreyer'st « best In Oralc St. CONBTITUENOIEB. MEMBERS. P. O. ADDBK8S. Frontenao G. A. Kirkpatriok* • •Kingston Glengarry Archd. MciN ab Breadbalbane Qreuvillo Win. U. iirouse Presoott Grey, 14 Geo. fc>mder Owen Sound do E Wm. K. Jj'lesher. ...Flesherton do iS Geo. Landerkin . . . . Hanover Haldiinand JDavid Thompson . . . .Indiana Ualton W in. McCraney Oakville Hamilton JSmilius Irving Hamilton do Andrew T. Wood.... ** Hastings, N ...Muckenzie Bowell-.. Belleville do K Juhu White Kuslin do W J ames Brown Belleville Huron, N Thus. Farrow Bluevale do C Horace Horton Goderich do IS Thos. Greenway Centralia Kent Kut'us sitephenson. . .Chatham Kinwton \ ii'HoS:naId:Vo.K: } 'J^»«""<> Lambton Hon. A. Mackenzie. .Ottawa Lanark, N Daniel Gal braith.... Almonte do 8 John G. Haggart Perth Leeds, N U.F. Ferguson Kemptville do ti i>avid Ford Jones. . . .Gananoque Lennox Hon. ii. J. Cartwright, Ottawa Lincoln James Morris tit. Catharines London J.H. i^raser... London Midalesez, N Kobt Colin bcatcherd, otrathroy do E Duncan MacmiUan.. London do W George W . Ko8S btrathroy Monck Laohlin McCallum.. .btromnetts Muskoka A. P. Cuokburn Gravenhurst Miagara J. B. Plumb Miagara iSortoik, N John Charlton Lyuedooh do ti William Wallace.... bimcoe Northumberland, E.- James L. Bigger Murray do W. William Kerr Ccbourg Ontario,N W. H. Gibbs Oshawa do 8 Hon. T.iS. Gibbs.... '* Ottawa City J. M. Currier Ottawa do Pierre bt. Jean ** Oxford, N Thomas Oliver Woodstock do ti James A. bkiuner. .. *' Peel Kobert bmith ..... .Brampton Perth, N AuUrow Monteith. . . .btrr tt'ord do b James Trow... hhakeHpearo Peterboro', E Jamen Hall Peterboro' do W'*'... John i>ertram *' Preseott Alberi Hagar Plantagenet Prince Edward Walter Kot'8f , 0ONSTITUBV0IE8. MBUBBRS. P. O. ADDRESS. Maskinongd Louis A. Boyer Montreal Megan tio B. E. Riehard Arthabaskayille Miflsisqnoi William Donahue. . -Montreal Montealm Firman Dugas Mt>ntcalm Montmagny H. T. Tasohereau.... Quebec Montmorency Jean Lanfflois do Montreal (East) Louis A. Jett6 Montreal Montreal (Centre) .... Bernard Devlin do Montreal (West) Thomas Workman. . . do Napiervillel Sixte Ooupal Napierville Niooiet Joseph Gaudet. Gentilly Ottawa County Alonzo Wright Ironside, Hull Pontiao . . . . W. McKay Wright.. .Ottawa PorUieuf E. A. de St. George . ■ Cap 8ant6 Quebec (East) Hon. J.Thibeaudeau.Quebeo mebec (Centre) Hon. J. E. Cauohon.. Ottawa luebeo (West) Hon.Thos.MoGreevy. Quebec mebec County P. Adolphe Caron ... do _liohelieu George J. Barthe* . . .8orel Richmond, Ac Hon. Hy. Aylmer, jr- Melbourne Rimouski J. B. R. Fiset.. .... Kimouski RouTille Guillaume Cheval.. .bt. Hilaire St Hyacinthe Louis Delorme- St. Uyacinthe St. Johns Francois Bourassa. . . Belle A Iodic St Maurice Charles Lajoie Yamachiche Shefford Hon.L.S. Huntington Ottawa Sherbrooke E- T. Brooks Sherbrooko Soulangei Jacques P. Lanthior-St. Polyoarpe Stanstead Charles G. Colby Stanstead 'en baa. Temiscouata Jean B. Pouliot Kivi(>ro-du-Loup Terrebonne L. F. R. Masson Terrebonne Three Rivers Wm. McDougall Throe Rivers Two Mountains.'.... J. B. DaouHt. Montreal Vaudreuil Robert Harwood Yaudreuil Verchdrea Hon. Felix Geofifrion- Verch&res Yamaska > . . Charles Gill ^orel NOVA SCOTIA. Annapolis William H. Ray Clomentsport Antigdnish Angus Molsaao Antigonish Cape Breton Nowton L. McKay.. Sydney Cape Breton William McDonald Little Glass Bay Colchester Thomas McKay Truro Cumberland Hon. C. Tupi^er, C.B.Toronto Digby Hon. W. B. Vail Ottawa Guvsborough John A. Kirk (illenolg Halifax Alfred G. Jones llalitax Hants • Monson II. Goudge.- Windsor Inverness S. iVlacDonnell Port Hood Kings Fred'k W. Burden.. Canning llaeeUf Five Sc Jblfe, Inanrancie Co.— Forbes 4c RIiM&cey ClUof Aff^Ht*, l9i Mid IM uu fmmw nu Ittontroal. Wlhfrtm made to Order a BMRKABTBAV * BOHBtS 415 NOTBE DAMB STBBBT. HOUSE OB^ COMMONS. 268 0ON8TITURN0IE8. MKMBRR8. Lunenburg Charles E. Church.. Piotou Ja?. W. Carmiehaol SPit'tou John A. Dawson.... ueens James F. Forhes... iohmond Edmund P. Flynn... Shelbourne Hon. Thos. Coffin .. Victoria C.J.Campbell Yarmouth Frank Killam P.O. AODBBSa. Chester New Glasgow Pictou Liverpool Arichat Ottawa Biuidook Yarmouth NEW BRUNSWICK. Albert John Wallace Hillsborough Carleton S. B. Appleby Woodstock Charlotte Arthur H. Gilmor. ...St. George Gloucester Hon. T. W. Anglin..St. John Kent George McLeod do Kings '....James Domville — do Northumberland Hon. Peter Mitchell. Montreal Queens John Ferris ('am bridge UestiKouche George Motfat Duihousie St. John (county). .J. S. Boies de Veber-St. John St. John (city) Hon. Isaac Burpee., do St. John (oity) Acalus L. Palmer. ... do Sunbu*-/ Charles Burpee Sheffield Victoria John (Jostigan Grand Falls Westmoreland Him. A J. 8mith. ...Ottawa York John Pickard Fredorictou PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. King's County Hon. Dnniel Davis.. Charlottetown " Peter A. Mclntyre...youri8 Prince County...... James Yeo Port Hill " iStauiijiaus. F. Perry. Tignish Queen's County Hon. Jjta. C. Poi>e . . Charlottetown ** Peter Sinclair Summerfield BRITISH COLUMBIA. Cariboo J. S. Thompson Barkeryille New Westminster. ... James Cunningham. New Westminster Vancouver..... ......Arthur Bunsrter Victoria Victoria Amor de Cosmos do *' Francis J. KoBcoe. ... do Yale Edgar Dewdney do MANITOBA. LIsgar John C. Schults Winnipeg Marquette .....Joseph Ryan Portage La Prairie Pritvenoher A. G. B Bannatync Winnij'Cg Selkirk Don' Id A. Smith — Montreal i.i ) I n s^Y BABSAI^OVS STFAB BKFIIfSB FABHiT MIArt Sniiei'ior k» all ottieie. ^ :;^? ''nj ( I Csmieasf Comlee Poles^ Btalv Rod«, a tpeelalltj at li. J. A. SURVBTBR'S, S84 Graiff Street. 264 DOMINION OP CANADA.. OPPICBRS OP HOUSE OP COMMONS.-CCrntral Block.) Alf. Patrick, clerk of the House; H. Hartney, deputy clerk and a-ooouDtant ; B. U. Pich^, olerk assistant; •). G. Boarinot* B^ond clerk assistant; G. W. Wiokstoed, chief law clerk; W. Wilson, assistant law clerk, and chief Enirlish translator ; T. G. Goursolles, assistant law clerk and chief Prench translator; L. 0. David, chief translator of votes, prooeedint^ and journals ; P. Hayes, R. J. Wicksteed, assistant English translators; J. P. Gingras, J. Tass^, J. A. Qenind and A. Prechette, assistant Prench translators; J. StansHeld, assistant accountant ; P. Mo- Gillivray, clerk of routine and records ; U. B. Stuart, chief engrossing clerk ; J. G. Sloane, clerk of stationery ; R. MoG. Moffatt, indexing cl»»rk ; C. Panet, clerk of Standing Orders an(i Miscellnneous Private Bills Goinmiitee ; W. Todd, assistant do. do. ; T. Patrick, chief dork of railway and banking com- mittees ; E. P. Hartnny, assistant do., and olerk of standing committees on public accounts; J. P. Leprehon, clerk of com- mittees, awi ^p^^uxer's secretary ; F. X. Blanohet, assistant clerk of comm? ' iiifcs ; H. Poettor, chief clerk of votes and prociodings ; W. C. T< 'r 5«>:^. ossistant clerk of votes and prooeedin5<:8 ; V7, B. K«,.-^, chW»i English journal clerk; A. G. D. Taylor, assistant Ei.tfJish j«"^rnal olerk ; H. Lindsay, clerk of sessional papers: ?. HIv t, -ucf French journal clerk; J. H. T. Blais, assistant i.*:i<»h ionrnal clerk; R. Brewer, H Low, E. Quay, and P. Iv ^lan. .fi;"r clerks ; P. Poirier, postmaster; T. Falardeau, B. Pellat'- a?8ist)int postmastors; D. W. McDonell, sergeant- at-arms ; K. R. Stnith, deputy sergeant-at-arms ; L. I)ub^. chief messenger; J. O'Connor, chief door-keoper; B. Storr, assistant doorkeeper: ./. Lemondo, N. Turgeon, J. Brown, J. Hoy, B. Staacy, 0. Koberge, M. Laflamme, J. E. Asselin, B. Desrochers, V. Brice, G. Lizotte, messengers : J. Fitzsimraons, G. Smith, night watchmen ; James Sinclair, house carpenter. Printinp of Parliament.— U.. Hartney, superintendent; B. Botterell, jr., distributer of printed papers ; N. Boulet, assist- ant ; J. Rivet, E; 0. Botterej!, messengers. Commi«nionera for Adminiaterinff the Ooth to Memhera,-^ Alfred Patrick, clerk of the House ; D. W. McDonell, sergeant- at-arms; G. W. Wickf-teed, chief law clerk; E. U. Piohd, olerk assistant ; H Hartney, deputy olerk. SuPBRMR Court, "cee page 119. Thr Library of PARLiAMENT.—The Library was constituted a separate department of the public service by the Act "U Vic, oh. 21. The oifioers are appointed by the Crown, and are re- •ponsible to the Speakers of the Senate and K'mis<) of Commons, assisted by a joint committee ot both Houses, aossionably ap- pointed. ^ A. Todd, principal librarian; A. G. liajoie, assistant libra- rian; A. Laperridre, senior clerk, French division; A. Todd, senior clerk, English division: J. Fletcher, rf»gietry clerk; J. Oampbell, junior clerk, English divi.! W. Cudlip, iosueotor, St. John, N.B. ; J. C. Mewburn, inspector for Ontario, Hamilton. OOI.LRCTORB OP CUSTOMS IN THB DoMINIOK. Portt and CoUeetora^ Province of Ontario, Those marked thus (*) are >VarelioiisiM(( Ports. *Ainhentburg, E. Anderson *Belleville, Anthony Dixon *Brantford. H. B. Learning Brighton; M. K. Look wood *Brook7ille, Qeorge Easton Burwell, E. A. Dunham ^Chatham, J. O. Pennefather *Chipewa, C. St O. Yarwood *Clifton, W. Leggett *Cobourg, Oeorge Perry •Colbome, W. A. Uouth ^Collingwood, Oeorge Watson •Cornwall, R. K. Bullock *Cramahe, J. M. Merriman 'Darlington, John Rankin *Doyer, T. B. Barrett •Dundas, Thomas Clark *DttnyiIle, A. Brownson Elgin, R. P. McMillan •Fort Erie, R. Graham *Gananoqae, J. Ormiston •Gait, T. Bryan •Goderioh, D. Doty •Guelph, B. Carthew •Haofiilton, W. U. Kittson •Hope, E. J. W. Burton •Kingston, W- R. Mingaye Kingsyille, G. A. King •Lindsay, D. Browne •London, J. B. Strathy Porta and ColleetorSf Province of Quebec. Clarenceyille, W. M. Pattison Potton, George Gunn •Coaticook, W.S. Williams *Quebec, J. W. Dunsoomb •Dundee, M. M. Smith (acting) *himuuKki. P. L. Gauvreau Morrisburgh, H. Carman •Napaneo, J. Benson •Newcastle, F. Farncomb •Niagara, W. Kir by •Oakville. R. K. Cbisholm •Oshawa, iS. Wood •Ottawa, Z. Wilson Owen Sound, W. A. Stepheng •Paris, F. H. Haycock Penetanguishene, W. N. Rut- ledge Peterboro', James Stratton •Pioton,J.S. Ciute Prince Arthur's Landing, P. Nicolson •Prescott, H. D. Jessup Rowan, A. 8. D. Mabee •8arnia, G. N. Matheson Saugeen, G. C. Douglas •Sault Ste. Marie, J. Wilson St. Catharines, J. Clark Stanley, J. T. C. Finlay *Stratford, J. Hamilton 'Toronto, James E. Smith Trenton, A. J. F. Maguire Wallaceburg, C. Fraser •Whitby, G. A. Carson •Windsor, Wm. Benson •Woodstock, W. H. Van Ingen \l Frelighsburg, F. J. Parker •Gasp6, E. Totu Uemmiugford, LaooUe, A. Uolden •Magdalen It^tands, J. J. Fox •Montreal, W. B. Simpson •New Carlisle, Ls. Robitaillo Percd, G. LoBoutiilier Phillipsburg, Russeltown, K. Uodgors ♦Sherbrooke, Charles E. Perry Stanstead, C S. Channell •St. Johns, E. D PhUiips •.'Sore!, G. Peltier *St- Ilyaointhe, J. Clapin Sutton, U. tSeaton Fhree Rivers, C. U. Godby ^^••■t Firedc Life, luaurance €o*— Forbeai 4p Mudst» €IU«r As«iitoi 191 aud IM St. James Uu RIoiilreal, 41ft HOfBB DAISB SmttBT. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, 267 Porta and Collecton, Province of Nova Scotw, *Annapoli8. A. Fullerton *Atnher8t» N. Tupper •AntiaoiiiKho, UiiKh McPhie *Ariohat, ^imon Donovan *F« Ideok, A. Cameron *BHrriuKtun Passage, D. Sar- gent 'Bridgetown, S. 8. Buggies *Comwalli8, Ebenezer Hand *Digby, Butsworth Viets Ouysboro, James A. Tory •Halifax, Uon. W. Kosa *Looke Portf George btalker *Londonderry, K. Dill •Liverpool, J. H. Freeman •Lunenburg, E. Dowling •Margaretsvilie, D. W. Landers i^North Bydney, 0. B., T.Brown, jr. •Parrsborough, A. S. Towns- hcnd •Ptctou, D. McDonald •Port Hawkesbury, M. Mo- Donald •Port Uood, E. D. Tremaina •Port Medway, Jos. J. Letaon •i^helburne, James Muir •Sydney, C. B.. G. E. Leonardt Jr. Truro, John F. Grow •Windsor, Edward O'Brien •Weymouth, ti. Jones •Yarmouth, H. A. Uood Port* and Collectors ^ Province of New Brunetoiek. •Bathunt, ■•Monoton, James Robertion Bay Vertie, W. W. Presoott i*^ewoa8tte, R. B. Haddow •Campo Bello (Welohpool), Ricbibucto, Henry Livingeton .inhn Vartnar •^aokyiUe, James Dickson •Shediac, D. Harrington Shippegan, P. J. N. Dumaresq •8t. Andrews, Oharles M. Goto \iU George, James A. Moran •St John, James R. Ruel *6t. fcitephens, Henry Webber •West Isles, James K. Dickson John Farmer •Caraquet, J. J. Blackall •Chatham, Daniel Ferguson •Dalhousie, W. Montgomery Dorchester, John Hickman Frederioton) A. F. Street •Grand Fails, F. W. Brown Hillsborough, Wm. Wallace Mc Adam's Junction, S. Watt ]• Woodstock, D. F. Merritt Port and Collector^ Province of Prince Edward leland, Charlottetown, D. Gurrie. Port and Collector^ Province of Manitoba, •Winnipeg, George B. Spencer. Port and Collector^ Province of Britieh Columbia, Victoria, Hon. W. Hamley. DRPARniRNT OF INLAND RKVKNUE.—Hon. R. Laflamme, Min- ister of Inland Revenue; A. Brunnel, Commissioner do.; E. Miall, jr., assistant. Accountant's Branch : P. M. Robins, aooountantj F. K. E. Campeau, J. B. Valin. clerks. Statistical Branch : F. Measam, statistical clerk. Standards Branch : i F»TOVlt«. »Old 117 All OVOMM, I, % ' I I '^»; n. ^ Mkthmkon^ And fimpress Pertabto Rang efl« b«*t In the Biarlcef) at Ij. jr. A. Surrey er's, 5ft4 Orals St. 268 DOMINION OF CANADA, W. L. fleroD, R. Nettle, A. Graham. Canals : B. H. Teaklet, Neil Stewart, J. F. Shaw, 0. E. Chubbuok, and R. Devlin. Gorrespondenoe : W. liimsworth. jr^ W. Carter, W. J. John- stone, J. Brunei. Printing, &q, : F. K. Blatch . Minister's Mcretary; L. Laframboise, clerk. Messengers: J. Fowler, G. Fowler, K. Arohambault. District Insprctors of Inland Rkvenur.— H. Qodson, chief inspector, Toronto; J. Davio, Windsor ; C. E. Remain, Guelph; O. P. Dickson. Toronto ; K. Borradaille, Ottawa ; R- Bellemare, Montreal; J. M. Lemoine, Quebec ; O. Esson, jr., Halifax, M.S. T. Hanford, St. John, N.B. ; J. A. McDonald, Charlottetuwn ; W. F. Gouin, Winnipeg, Manitoba ; C. T. Dupont, Victoria, B.C. Dkpabtmknt op the Intkrtor.— Hon. David Mills, Minister of Interior and Superintendent General of Indian Affairs ; E. A. Meredith, LL.D.« Deputy Minister of Interior ; William Howe, clerk ; A. M. Burgens, private secretary. Indian Branch.— h. Vankoughnet, Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs; R. Sinclair, accountant; J. V. De Bouchervilie, land sales clerk ; A. N, McNeil, correspond- ing clerk \ M. Benson, assistant corresponding clerk ; F. Smith, assistant accountant ; T. F. S. Kirkpatriek, J. Penner, J. D. McLean, clerk;;. Ordnance Insaranoe Co.— Forbes 6c Mndfe, Chief Ayentai, 101 and 19S St. James St^ Montreal. I a^iU WHITS DBBM iHlBTS f 1.50, WOBTH itJif , AT D£8]IIART£AU & BOlfD'8. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 269 SaultSte. Marie ; M. Hill. Shannonville : F. MoAnnany, Belle- ville. Quebec— J. E. R. Pinsonnoault, Caughnawaaa; E. De Bluii, Pierreville : P. Moore. Kiyer Desert ; L. E. Otia, Roberval ; A. LeBel, junr., Rividre-du-Loup ; J. Davidson, CorDwall. Nova Scotia.— J. Harlow. Bear River : P. Danaber, Bedford ; Rev. H. Chisbolm, Poniquet Forks ; J. B. McDonald, Port Hood; P. M. Holden, Kentville ; R. McDonald, Piotou : Rev. J. McDougall, Red Island ; A. F. McGillivray, Qrand Narrows. New Brunswick.— Rev. J. J. O'Leary, Orand Falls ; W.Morrissey, Eel Ground; W. Fisher, Frederioton^ Rev. J. C. MoDevitt, Fredericton { Rev. J. Theberge, Miramiohi : C. bargeant, Chatham. Prince Edward island.— T. Stewart, Gharlottetown. Manitoba.— J. A.N. Provencher, Fort Garry ; J. F. Graham, Asst., Manitoba ; R. Pither, Asst., Fort Francis. British Columbia.— J. W. Powell, Victoria ; J. Lenihan, Asstt Mew Westminster. List of Ouardian» of Islanff 'n the River St, Latorenee.'- A. B. Cowan, Indian agent, < ctnoque ; J. Wallace, Esoott; A. Root, Lockport; J. L. Thomson, Brockville. Dkpartmknt of the Srcrrtary op State.— Hod. R. W. Scott, Secretary of State ; E. J. Langevin, Under Secretary of State. Correipondence Branch^—Q. Powell, R# Pope, (Clerk of the Crown in Chancery) Chief Clerks ; W. H. Jones. U. E. Steele, clerks : H. J. Morgan, keeper of the Records. — Hegtatry Branch.— L, A. Catteiier, deputy registrar; J. A. Belanger, E. Brousseau, J. J. Burns, C. Ballantyne, A. G. Learoyd,W. S. Gliddon, clerks. Stationery OMce.—d. Young, T. Roxborough, T. Robertson, A. Cunningham, clerks. Queen^e Frinier'e J?rtmcA. -Lieut.-Col. Brown Chamberlain, C M. G., Queen's Printer: W. Gliddon, A. G. Kingston, A. Potvin, clerks. N. W. Mounted Police Branch.— h\ White, L. Fortesoue, A. Fisher, clerks. Minieter'a Secretary,—^. Tobin. Meaeengert,— P. Logan, T. O'Keele, J. J. Hughes, J. Larkin. Receiver General's Department.— Hon. Thos. Coffin, Re- ceiver General ; T. D. Harington, Deputy Beceiver General ; T. C. Bramley, accountant ; F. Lewis, warrant clerk ; 1. B. Stanton, C W. Shay, F. Hunter, I. B. H. Neevp,, J. R. Nash, H. Dunlevie, C. E. Turgeon, E. D. Sutherland, C. Gough, clerks. Mev9engera.-V . Cassault, F. McCaffrey, James Mc- Caffrey. ^BT BABSAI«01J'S HTEAM. BEFINED FABIILY fiiOAP. Slaperior to all otbem* IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4^ 1.0 1.1 UitTA |25 Ut lii 122 S La 12.0 Rlll^al i^ 1.25 II 1.4 1.6 Hiotografiric Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRKT WEBSTIR.N.Y. 14SB0 (716) •72-4903 A^ 4i ^ ? m^ 270 .1".. ^v r > .-■":. — r, — . ; ? ..[ . : ; . ...,. ' .. . ■ ' ." DOMINION OF CANADA, DEPAI^TMENT OF MILXTU AND DEFENCE. (Wbbtebk Block.) Hon. W. B. Vail, Minister of Militia and Defence; Lieut.- Ool. Hon. G. Bagene Panet, Deputy Minister of Militia and Defeiioe; Maior-General E. Selby Smyth, Commanding the Militia of the Dominion oj Canada; Colonel Walker Powell, Adjutant General of Militia. Corresponding Branch.— B> Suite, J. B. E. Chwl«(^u, H. D. J. Lane, oierks. Accountant's J?rancA.— Lieut-Col. J. Maepherson, chief clerk imd accountant; C. H. O'Meara, F. X. Huot, W. B.. Aumond, A. G. Benoit, P. Clarke, clerks. /Sieore ^rnncA.— Lieut-Col. T. Wiley, Director of stores ; C Wf^kein, G. Grant, F. L. Jones, J. Yeoman, clerks. Ad^ulani- General's Office,— W. R. Wright, chief clerk ; Lieut- Col. O. Stuart, Grant Seymour, Major D. A. Maodonald, F. X. Lambert, G. E. M. Sherwood, C. Junot, T. C. Larose, oierks ; Colin Campbell, (retired assistant payinaster, R.N.) private secretary to the Minister. lfe««enflrer«.— C. Dion, M. Byan, J. W* GK>w, N. Casault Dbfabtioent or Public Wobksv— 'Hon. Alex. McEenziei Minister of Public Works; T. Trudeau, Deputy Minister of Public Works. Engineerinff Branch.— J. PasOf chief engineer ; G. F. Bail- larg^, assistant engineer ; T. 8. Scott, chief architect ^ Charles AloOarthy, G. Mothessill, draugbtsmen ; S. McLaughlin, photo- grapher. Secretary's Branch.— V. Braun, secretary ; J. W. Harper, paymaster ; H. A. Fissiault, L. E. St. 0. Chapleau, F. H. Bnnis, T. B. French, J. F. N. Bonneville, W . J. Tilley, C. F. Street, A. E. Evanturel, Louis Lefebyre, L. D. Dion, A. J. Duffy, L. N. Fortier, L. N. Filteau, F. A.~Dizon, E. P. Banco, J. A. Theriault Accountant's Branch.— J. Baine, accountant; 0. Dionne, A* P. Bradley, assistants. Minister's Secretary.-W. Buckingham. Temporarilv Emploved.—W. Kingsford, T. B. Townsend. R- Steokel, engineers ; fl. James, architect ; D. Bwart, F. J. Alex- I apio«B, Wf3f * |i||l»» Insuranee Co.— Forbes * Mvtet CIU«f Agentifllf 1 una IM ft. jriupi^ Mi. Rloiifreil* GOVJJRNMENT DEPABTMBNTS. m under, W. R. Billings, W. Brymnjsr, J. B. Lamb, W. Garran, J. iW. H. Watts, and 0. Hine, draughtsmen; J. G. Taoh^, jrJ, A. Gobeil, P. Boulet, assistant engineers. 4le«r«ata«r«.--J. Deslauriers, M. Walsh, H* Potvin, Joseph Gottlette. Ganadiak Pacific Railway.— Sandford Fleming, chief en- e'neer ; W. B. Smellie, assistant engineer; Marcus Smith, Jas. . Rowan, Samuel Hazlewood, H. A. F. McLeod, district engi- neers ; T. K. Burpee, secretary ; E. Y. Johnson, draughtsman ; Charles 0. Palmer, accountant. JCMten^er.— Louis Besserer. Intbboolonial Railway.— Sandford Fleming, (Aiief endj neer; Gollingwood Sc^reiber, engineer: T. Burpee, priyajw secretary: Ralph Jones, secretary; Thomas G. Dn Plesis, aoeountant ; W. H. McNally, clerk. Opfioial Arbitratobs.— Jas. Cowan, Gait; Gharles Taylor, Saraia; Isidore Hurteau, Montreal ; H. Elliot, Halifax, IN.S* ; F. H. Ennis, secretary, Public Works Department, Ottawa. DoiQNiON Public BuildinoS} Mechanical Evginbbr's Offior-iJ. R. Arnoldi, Mechanical Engineer, Dominion Public Buildings ; W. H. Lewis, clerk. Departmental BuUdinga Staff*— W* Smith, engineer; M* Giftltasher, F. Lebonte, G.iProulx, M. Gastello, firemen. Bemiring Staff. —3, Kelly, plumber ; M. Glancy, steam fitter; M. Whelan, smith; T. Wensley, W. H. Butland, electno bells ; T. Smith, 0. Larividre, A. Latoumey, helpers. Parliament Buildings ^to#.— Robert Qilmour, engineer: D- Long, asst. engineer ; M. Scanlon, H. T. Spenqe, B. Rodioni firemen. Water Works Staff, —'D, Smillie, engineer; J. Ooulette, fire- man. Inepeotor and Measurer of Wood,—Wnk. Hutchison. ( ■ '■■' ! i ,' i 4 ■ i&M : ) , C^MUeei, €dnil€6 Foles, Stair Ro4i% •pecMliy lit JL. J. A. SITRTBTBR'S, 594 Cralff Street. Depaethent of Marine and Fisheries.— The Hon. Albert J. Smith, minister; William Smith, deputy minister; W. F. Witohen commissioner of fisheries ; John Hardie, chief clerk; J. Tomlinson, general superintendent of lights, and constructive engineer ; J. Tilton, accountant and firstHJlass clerk; Samuel P. Bauset and W. L. Magee, first-class clerks; W. S. Pettegrew. F. F. Gourdeau andM. Graburn, senior second class clerks ; W. P. Anderson, assistant engineer and Ijunior second-class clerk ; W. H. Alexander, R. N. Venning, G. Tru- deau and J. Makinson, junior second-class clerks ; A. Ghisholm, stenographer and third-class clerk ; W. B. Carlton, J. B. Hal- kett, F. E. A. Gauthier, third class clerks ; H. G. Tiepke, A. Fraser and M. V. G. Nicholson, extra clerks ; J.ZJJ. Gregory, agent, Quebec ; J. H. Harding, agent, St. John, N.B. ; H.'^W. Johnston, agent, Halifax, N.S. ; Capt. J. Goopar, agent and inspector of lights, Victoria, B.C.; W. Mitchell, agent, Char- lottetown. P.E.I. ; J. Mitchell, superintendent of lights for N.B., Newcastle, N.B.; Gapt. J.Kendrick, superintendent of lights for Nova Scotia, Halifax; and D. Smith, superintendent of lights above Montreal, Ottawa, Ont ; Gapt. P. A. Scott, R.N., chairman of board of examiners of masters and mates ; Gapt< G, A. Jtf ackenzie and D. Hunter, examiners^ Halifax, N.S. ; Commander, £. D. Ashe, K.N., and Captain A. Marman, examiners, Quebec; Capt J. Prichard and.W. Thomas, ex- aminers, St. John, N3. ; Gapt. R. Cameron and F. W. Hynd- man, examiners, Gharlottetown. P.E.I. ; and Lieutenant D. M. . Browne, clerk to chairman, Halifax, N.S. ; S. Risley, chairman board of steamboat inspection, and inspector for Ontario, Huron and Superior division, Toronto ; W. M. Smith, deputy chair- man and inspector for N.B. and N.S. division, St. John, N.B. ; W. J. Meneilley, inspector for West Ontario division, Toronto ; J. Taylor, inspector for East Ontario division, Kingston, Ont ; J. Burgess, inspector for Montreal division, Montreal; F. X. Befort, inspector for Three Rivers division, Sorel ; J. Sampson^ inspector tor Quebec division, Quebec; and T. Westgotith, inspector for B.C. division, Victoria, B.C. ; S. Wilmot, superin- tendent of fish-breeding establishments, Newcastle, Ont ; W. H. Venning, inspector of fisheries for N.B., St. John, N.B. ; W. H. Wylde, inspector of fisheries for N.S., Halifax, N.S. ; W. H. Rogers, fishery officer, Amherst, N.S. ; N. Lavoie, commander of Government steamer Lady Head ; A. Marmen, commander Government steamer Druid : A. G. l>espres, commander Gov- ernment steamer Napoleon I1L\ J. N. Purdy, commander Government steamer Neiofield ; and Captain John Devereux, commander Government steamer Sir James Douglat ; G. T. Kingston, M.A., superintendent meteorological office and di- rector of magnetic observatory, Toronto ; Rev. J. Williamsont M.A., LL.D., director observatory, Kingston. Ont. ; C. H. McLeod, director observatory, Montreal; E. D. Ashe, R-N., director observatory, Quebec; and G. Hutchinson, director observatory, St John, M.B.; J. McLaughlin. Chief Constable of Water Police, Montreal ; and R. H. Russell, Chief Constable 4|tteeii» Fire * I«ife9 Insurance Oo.^Forbes St Mm^gt^ €bief As^nts, m and ISS Stt JTftitt^fi Sttt.]Rontr«al« flOilrto made to order at BESIHARTBAV A BOini>8« *15 NOTRE BAIKIE STREET. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 278 Water Polioe and shipping master, Quebec; A. McLean, ship- ping master, fc>t. John, N.B. ; J. D. Cummins, shipping master,- Halifax, N.S.; and W. Koughan, shipping master, Charlotte- town, P.B.I. ; B. Wood, harbour master, Halifax, N.S.; W. White, harbour master, Charlottetown, P.E.I. ; J. Naigle, harbourmaster, Victoria and Esquimalt, B.C.; J. Eden, har- bour master, Qasp / I 274 DOMINION OF CANADA. DK^ARTlflKT OF AOBIOULTURB.— Hon. -, Minister of Acrioulture,' J. C. Taoh^, deputy; John LowO) secretary. Mint8ter*8 Private Secretary and Clerk, — E. T^tu. StatiHicst Emigration^ General Correapondence^ tArehivea^ 06tor; J. F. Whiteaves, psleontou^ist and curator; R. Barlo#, head totiographic4l draughtcto^ ; J. Richardson, Prof. R. Bell, H. G. Vennor, S. BarloW, E W. Ells, A. Webster, G. M. Dawson, Hugh F. Fletcher, field i#ol- ogisto ; T. 0. Weston, lapidary ; J. White, librarian ; M. MoFar- ren, messenger. CSelj ryn« inerklc t, niiw ml- eontmi i^t itatntuA Tj. a#,K. w. field'i «ol. M. MoEar- nmr veiJit sitiinw jtT DnniiA«qrBAV * 415 NOTRB DAlfiS 8TR1BBT. nmm HOUSE OP ASSEMBLY-ONTARIO. 276 PEOVINCE OF ONTAEIO. Seat of Oovemmertt, Toronto, Zieut,-Govemor,—B.iB Honor Donald A. MoDonald» Toronto* Private Secretary and A. D. C— Forsyth Grant. ExKOUTivi Council. Hon. 0. Mowat, Attorney-General. ** SO. Wood, Secretary. T. B. Pardee, Commissioner of Crown Lands. C. F. Eraser, Secretary and Registrar. Adam Crooks, Treasurer. J. G. Seott, Clerk of the Executive Council. J. L. Capreol and E. H. T. Howard, oierks. Michael Smith, messenger. << HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. R. M. Wells Speajcer. OONSTITUBNGIBS. NAUB AND P. O. ADDRESS. Aldington Hammel M. Deroohe, Napanee Algoma ...«■ S. J. Dawson, P. A. Landing Brant, N. R. Hugh Finlayson, Paris Brant, 6. R Arthur S. Hardy, Brantford BrockTille William H. Cole, Brockville Bruce, N. R Donald Sinclair, Paisley Bruce, S. R Hon. R. M. Wells, Toronto Oardwell John Flesher, Gait Carleton G. W. Monk, South March Cornwall John G. Snetsinsfer, Moulinette Dufferin .......John Barr, Homing's Mills Dundas A . Broder, West w inchester Durham, E. R John Rossevear, Port Hope Durham, W. R John McLeod,, Bowmanville Elgin, E.R JohnH. Wilson, St. Thomas Elgin, W. R Thomas Hodgins, Toronto Essex, N. R t John C. Patterson, Windsor Essex, S. R , Lewis Wigle^ Leamington Frontenac Peter Graham, Kingston Glengarry A. J. Grant. Williamstown Grenville, S. R. • • • • • Hon. C. F. Eraser. Toronto Grey, N. R .".... David Creighton, Owen Sound Grey, E. R A. VY . Lauder, Toronto i s r ! 11 Hi BblttTOMMSy Ae*— !<• J* A* Siirr€7«r, 594 €vnlir St* i 276 DOMINION OF CANADA. 00N8TITUEN0IES. NAME AND P. O. ADDRESS. Grey.S- R James H. Hunter, Durham Haldimand Jacob Baxter, Oayuga Halton I William D. Lyon, Milton Hamilton James M. Williams, Hamilton Hastings, W R *. . . Thomas Wills, Belleville Hastings, E R N. S • Appleby, Shannon ville Hastings, N R Qeorge H. Boulter, Stirling Huron, B R Thomas Gibson, Wrozeter Huron, 8 R Archibald Bidhop, Hay Huron, W R ..A. MoLagan Ross, Goderioh Kent, E R Daniel MoCraney, Bothwell Kent, W R Alexander Goutts, Valetta Kingston William Robinson, Kingston Lambton, E R Peter Graham, Warwick Lambton, W R ....Hon. T. B. Pardee, Toronto Lanark, NR William Mostyn, Almonte Lanark, S R Abraham Code, Innisville Leeds, N R Henry Merrick, Merrickville Leeds, S R Robert H. Preston, Newboro' Lennox John Thomas Grange, Napanee Lincoln ••.. .....J. C. Rykert, St. Catharines London :..W. Ralph Meredith. London Middlesex, E R Richard Tooley, Belmont Middlesex, N R John MoDougall. Komoka Middlesex, W R John Watterworth, W ardsville Monck Henry Ryan Haney, Fenwick Muskoka John C. Miller. Toronto Norfolk, S R Richard Richardson, Rowan Norfolk, NR John Clarke, Simcoe Northumberland, E R James M. Ferris, Campbellford Northumberland, W R William Hargraft, Cobourg Ontario, N R Thomas Paxton, Port Perry Ontario, S R Nicholas Wood Brown, Whitby Ottawa Daniel J. O'Donohue, Ottawa Oxford, N R Hon. Oliver Mowat, Toronto Oxford, S R • Hon. Adam Crooks, Toronto Peel Kenneth Chisholm, Brampton Perth, N R David Davidson Hay, Listowel Perth, S R • Thomas Ballantyne, Stratford Peterborough, E R John O'Sullivan, Peterborough Peterborough, W R Wm. H. Scott, Peterborough Presoott Wm, Harkin, Vankleek Hill Prince Edward Gideon Striker, Picton Renfrew, S R. James Bonfield, Egansville Renfrew, N R Thomas Deacon, Pembroke Russell A. J. Baker, Osgoode Simcoe,E R • John Kean, Marchmont Simcoe, S R. . * Hon. W. MacDougall, Toronto Simcoe, W R Thomas Long, Collingwood Stormont James Bethune, Toronto Toronto, East Hon. M. 0. Cameron, Tpronto €|iieeiB, Fire Sc litfe* Insurance Co.^Forbes Sc ]IIadi^e» Cblef AccnUb 191 Mid IM St* J»meii| St., REontreal. WHITB PRESS SHIRTS $l.SO, WORTH #9.25, Al^ DBSIKEARTBAU Sc BOND'S. PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS-ONTARIO. 277 Toronto, West Bobert Bell, Toronto Victoria, N R Duncan MoHae, fiolsover Victoria, S R Hon. S. C. Wood, Toronto Waterloo, N R Muses Springer, Waterloo Waterloo, S R John Fleming, Gait Wellaud ilon.J.G^.Currie, St. Catharines Wellington, N R John Mo Cowan,. Alma Wellington, C R Charles Clarke, Elora Wellington, S R James Massie, Guelph Wentworth, N R James MoMahon, Dundas Wentworth, S R William Sexton, Jersey ville York, E R. John Lane, Thornhill York, W R Peter Patterson, Patterson York, NR J. U. Widdifield, Newmacket Officers of the House of Assembly.— Charles T. Gillmor, Clerk of the House ; Arthur H. Sydere, Clerk Assistant ; J. J. Vance, Clerk of Private Bills; J. M. Deiamere, Clerk; John Notman, Accountant; Alexander Leith, Law Clerk; P. J. Glackmeyer, Sergeant- at- Arms ; Thomas Philips, house- keeper and chief messenger. PuBLio Depabtments, Ontabio. Provineial Secretary's Office.—Hon. S. C. Wood, Provincial Secretary ; Isaac R. Echart, Assistant Secretary ; R. S. Brodio. Chief Clerk; J. B. MoLachlan, 2nd Clerk; J. D. Warde,3rd Clerk ; Arthur Burohall, Messenger. Provincial Begiatrar's Oi/tce.— Hon. S. C Wood, Provineial Registrar; J. P. C. Usher, Deputy Registrar; George Hobbs and John A. Innes, Clerks. Attorney General's Q/^'(?^.— Hon. Oliver Mowat, AttOHoy- General; J. G. Scott, Chief Clerk; J. L. CapreoL Assistant Clerk; Thos. Bengough, Private Secretary ; E. H. T. Howard, Clerk; Michael Smith, Housekeeper ; Matthew Currey, Mes- senger. JJepartment of Public. Works, — Commissioner, Hon. C. F. Frasor ; Secretary, William Edwards ; Architect, Kivas Tully, Engineer, T.N. Molesworth; Accountant and Law Clerk, F. T. Jones; ilrtiughtsmen, W. J. S. Holwell, R. Puriom, JohnC. MoNabb; Clerks, Marmaduke Wilson, James P. Edwards; Messenger, C. McDonald. Treasurer's Department.— Ron, Adam Crooks, Treasurer ; W. R. Harris, Accountant; Henry Totten, A. T. Deacon, 'Henry Alley, A. J. Rattray, Clerks; Hon. W. Cayley, Auditor; L- W. Ord, Clerk ; C. H. Sproule, Book-keeper ; P. Simser, Clerk and Messenger. nrr barsai^ou's stkam iikfine]>.fa9Eii.t BOAj^i Sup«rfor to all i^Cheitfi ; I II ouse Pnrnlslftliig (iloods at SarTeyer'Sf 594 Cralfr St* 278 DOMINION OF CANADA. Immigration Department (oonneoted with the Department of the Hon. the Provinolal Treasurer).— Secretary, David Spenoe ; Olerk, Edward Jenkinson. Crown Lands Department.— Hon. T. B. Pardee, Oommis- aioner; Thomas II. Johnson, Assistant Commissioner; G. Kennedy, Law Clerk ; H. A. Ford, JShort-hand Writer. Free Grants and Sales Branch.— J. C. Tarbutt, Chief Olerk; A.Kirkwood, J. M. Grant) P. Alma, and J. Murphy, Clerks. Surveys, Patents and Roads.— T. Devine, F.R.G.S., Deputy Surveyor Generak G. B. Kirkpatripk, P.L.S. ; and W. Revell, Clerks. E. Eox, P.L.S., Chief Clerk Patents; A. J. Taylor and J. Innes. Clerks. J. W. Bridgland, tiuperintendent of Colonization Roads ; C. Cashman, Clerk. Woods and Forests Branch.— G. B. Cowper, Chief Clerk ; J. A. Maoinnis, A. G. Langlois, and E. G. Kerby, Clerks. Accounts Branch.— ^yilliam Ford, Accountant; D. G. B. Ross, Book-keeper ; R. H. Browne and F. Stowe, Clerks. J. Morphy, Registrar; W. F. Lewis, Clerk. J. Bradshaw, Office-Keeper ; A. McDonald, Messenger. Crown Land Ageftts, P. A. Landing. .Amos Wriifht | Lindsay.... James McKibbon Apsley Duncan Anderson Magnetewan S. G. Best Bracebridge....C. W. Lount Bruce Mines ... John Bowker " John F.Day Durham Wm. Jackson fganville James Reeves ergus A. S. Cadenhead Goderich H. H amitton Kingston R. Macpherson L' Amable J . R. Tait Windham. .Jos. W. Fitzgerald Parry Sound.... T. McMurray Pembroke .... Adam Kennedy Saugeen A. McNabb Sault Ste. Marie. .C. P. Brown Stratford John ^barman Tamworth E. Perry Vambrugh J. Mahon Board of Examiners of P. L. Surveyors. — The Hon. Com- missioner of Crown Lands, President^ cic-oj^cioy Thos. Devine, Deputy Surveyor General, Chairman. Members— J. S. Dennis, Ottawa; F. F. Passmore, Toronto; T. F. Gibbs, Adolphus- town; A. C. Webb, Brighton : H. Wilson, Mount Forest; P. S. Gibson, Willowdale : Prof. Chapman (Examiner in Geology), Toronto ; George B. Kirpatrick, beeretary, Toronto. Department of Public Inatruction^ Ontario. — For the general administration of the Grammar and Common bchooi Laws. Education Office.— Hon. A. Crooks, Q.C., LL.D., Minister of Education ; J. George Hodgins, LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, Deputy Minister and Editor of the Journal of Education for Ontario; Alexander Marling, LLB., Secretary to Education Department ; F. J. Taylor, Clerk ot^Statistics ; J. T. R. Stinson, Clerk of Uecoids ; W. H. Atkinson, Clerk of Correspondence ; A. C. Panll, Clerk of References ; J. H. J. Kerr, Assistant ij^iLeen* Fire d; litf e, Insiiraiice €o«— Forties 4e Blnilyef 415 NOTRG VAJIIB SVIi£BT* LEQISLATIVIJ COUl^CIL-QUEBEO. 279 Olerk of CorrespondeDce ; J. Green, 2od Assistant Olerk of Oor- respondenee; J. 8. Barber, Clerk of Reports and Returns; Frank N. Nudal, General Assistant Olerk ; H. P. DarieSf Junior Assistant Olerk ; Caretaker, James Moore. Depository Branch.— S. P. May, M.D., Clerk of Libraries ; Henry M. Wilkinson, Depository Cashier ; S. B. Sykes, Clerk of Sales and Assistant Olerk of Libraries ; S. A. May, Despatch Olerk : W. (Sweeten, Clerk of Stores ; R. B. Bryoe, Clerk of Stock : R. L. Gathron, Clerk of Invoices ;' J. A. Sangsteri Copying Clerk ; E. Townsend) Junior Assistant Clerk. Wm. Lemon, Furnaoeman and Messenger. Offices in the Departmental Buildings, Victoria Sqaare* Toronto. PEOVINCE OF QUEBEC. Seat of Oovemmenti Quebee» Lieutenant Oovernor,'**Hon, Luc Letellier de St. Just. RXEOUTITB OOUNOIL. Hon. 0. B. DeBoucherriUe, Commissioner of Agriculture and Public Works. Hon. T. R. Church, Treasurer. Hon. A. R. Angers, Attorney General. Hon. G. F. Baker, Solicitor General. Hon. P. Gameau« Commissioner of Crown Lands. Hon. J. J. Ross, President Legislative Council. Hon. J. A. Ghapleau, Secretary and Registrar and Minister of Publio Instruction. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. John Jones Ross, Speaker. OONSTirUINOlBS. NAMB AND P.O. ADDRBSS. Bedford Hon. Thomas Wood, Dunham Flats Chaouinigane ** Jno. Jones Ross, Ste. Anne de la Parade Golte. " Thomas Savage, L' Anse au Cap Grandville ,.» *' E. Dionne, Me. Anne de la Pqoatidre Inkermann *' George Bryson, JMansiield ihaut.) Lanaudidre " Pierre Eustache Dostoler, Berthier («n La Durantaye ...... * Joseph Octave Beaubien, Montmagny Laurentides ** JeanEUe Gingras, Quebec Lauion * ' Alexander R. C. de L6ry , Quebec fHX' 1»AM»ALOV'H STEAJII BEFINEP WAMfJLT MM^ I it 4 II I ill ! 0«mleM« O^mlee P^le*! dtatr llo4«, m ■peeialttf M li. J. A. 8VRVBYBR98, 094 Oralff Street. 280 DOMINION OP CANADA, £MaUe Hon. Louis Panet, Quebeo a yallidre " Jean Baptiste O. Proulx, Nioolet Lorimier " Joseph G. Laviolette. Napieryille Montanrille ** Chai. B. de Bouoheryille, Bouoherville Mille Isles <* F^lix H. Lemaire. St Benoit Repentigny *' L. Archambaultt L'Assomption Rigaud ** E. Prud'homme. Montreal Baurel " Pierre Euolide Roy, tit Pie. Stadaoona '.. " » Salaberry.*.. " Henry Starnes, Montreal Viotoria. ** James Ferrier. Montreal Wellington " W. H. Webb, Melbourne Officers of the Leoislatiye Council.— G. B. de Bouoher- ville. Clerk of the House } .P. L6gar6, First Assistant Clerk : T, W . Lloyd, Second Afsistant Clerk ; I. 0. Jodoin, Clerk of Offices; B. Globenski and N. Legendre. Clerks of French Jour- nals: N.Fauober, Clerk of Special Committees; S. S. Hatt, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod; A. A. Labelle, Copying Clerk; T. E. Roy, Sergeant-at-Arms : P. X. BrauU, Chief Messenger; Z. Duhamel, Postmaster; F.X.Gagnon, Assistant Postmaster. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Hon. Louis Boaubien, Speaker. OONSTITUBNOIES. NAME AND P. O. ADPRBBS* Argenteuil Sidney Bellingham, Montreal * Bagot- * •Flavien Dupont, St. Liboire Beauoe. ... F. X. Dulac, St George Beauhamois E. H. Bisson, St> Louis de Gonzague Bellechasse P. Fradette, St. Gervais Berthier Louis Sylvestre, Berthier (en haut) Bonaventure P. C. Beauchesne, Carleton Brome W. W. Lynch. Knowlton Chambly Raymond Pr^tontaine, Longueuil Champlain D. Nap. St Csnr., St. Anne de la Parade Charlevoix On^sime Gauthier, St. Urbain Chateauguay Edouard Laberge, St Philom^ne Chicoutimi and Saguenay. W. E. Price, Saguenay Compton . f W. Sawyer, Sawyerville Deux-Montagnes..*>L. C. Champagne, St Eustache Dorchester L. N. Larocnelle, St. Ansel me Drummond and Arthabaska. .W* J. W&tts, DrummondvlUe Gasp^ Hon. Pierre Fortin, Quebec Hochelaga Louis Beaubien, Montreal Huntingdon Dr. A. Cameron, Huntingdon Iberville Louis MoUeur, St. Jean Wk9t Ac^ntff, m WBi4 199 St. Jitme* 9t.t a[QotY«m« BUT T017R SmilTS ATJIKSlHABTBAir * BOlfBNi 41S NOTBB DAUB BTBBBT. LEGISLATIVE ASBEMBLY-QUEBEO. 281 Jacques Oartler NaroftseM. LeOayallier, St. Laurent Joliette ... Yinoent Paul Lavall^e, St. F6Hz de Valolf Kamouraska Gbs. Frg. Roy, Ste. Anne de la Pooatiiire Laprarie L- B. Alp. Charleboig, Laprarie Tillage L'Assomption Onulphe Peltier, L'Bpipbanie Laval L. 0. Loranger, Montreal L6 s....... , T.E. Pnquet. St. Miohulas L'l8 et Pamphile Q. Yerreault, St Jean Port Joly Lotbini^re Henry Oustave Joly, Qu^ben Maakinong^ Motse Houde, Riviere du Loup (en haut) Megantic Andrew KennedVi South Halifax Missisquoi Hon. George B. Baker, Sweetsburg Montoalm Louis Gustavo Martin, Montreal Montmagny Louis Napoleon Fortin, Cap St. Ignace Montmorency Hon. Auguste Real Angers, Quebec Montreal West< J. W. MoGauvran, Montreal Montreal Centre.... A. W« Ogilvie. Montreal Montreal East L. 0. Taillon, Montreal Napierville L. D. Lafontaine, St. Edouard Nicolet 0. E. Houde, St. C^lestin Ottawa County Louis Duhamel, Wright's Township Pontiac Hon. L.R. Church, Aylmer Portneuf Prax^de Larue, St. Augustin luebec East Jos. Shehytf , Quebec luebeo West John Hearn, Quebec bebec Centre*. R. F. Rinfret ait Malouin, Quebec [uebeo County Hon. P. Qarneau, Quebec liohmond & Wolfe- Jacques Picard, Wotion Richelieu Michel Mathieu, Sorel Rimouskl Alexandre Chauveau, Quebec Rouville Victor Robert, Ste. Angele St. Hyacinthe Pierre Bachand, St. Hyacinthe St. Jean F^liz G. Marohand, St. Jean d'lbervilU St. Maurice Elie Laoerte, Yamachiche She£ford Hon. M. Laframboise, Montreal Sherbrooke (City).. -Hon. Joseph Gibb Robertson, Sherbroo'. ) Soulanges R. S. de Beaujeu, COteau du Lac Stanstead John Thornton, Barnston Temiscouata G. H. Deschdnes, Epiphanie Terrebonne Hon. Jos. Adolphe Chapleau, Moctre.ii Three Rivers (City) . Arthur Turootte, Trots- RiviSrea Vaudreuil Emery Lalonde, St. Marthe Verchdres « .Jos. Daigle. Beloeil Yamaska J. C. S. Wiirtele, Montreal Offioebs of the Legislative Assembly.— G. M. Muir, clerk of the House i Etienne Simard, assistant do. ; L. Simoneaui accountant; C- J. Ardouin, 1st office clerk; A. E. Demers, assistant do. ; T. Prendergast, copyist ; J. L. Blanchet, clerk of records ; Chas. P. Lindsay, clerk of committees ; Ed. DemorSf 1st assistant clerk do. ; C. Pettigrew, 2nd do. do. ; Ed. Lemoine> TBjr 'S STEAM REFINED FABUiT IM^ATt (9iiperior to all ollwfi* liii«iiNI» WHii|tM% WMlwem li«ii riMiii«Uli» kw^eti^ Beds* MnUx c m tn tf Ac«~l<. ^. A* flNurr^yier, fld4 Cratfr St. olerk of private bills ; Ed. S. Belleau, assistant do. : W. Cook, 1st English translator ; J. B. Duggan, assistant do. ; A. N. Montpetit, 1st French translator; B. Taroott, assistant do; B. Marquette* Ist translator ; 0. C. de Lachevrotidre« clerk of the IVenoh journals ; L. Fprtier, assistant do. ; Paul E. Smith, clerk of the English journals ; Joseph Whyddon, assistaiit do. ; L. P. Lemay, librarian ; L. P. Turootte, assistant do. : G, LaRoque, sergeant-at-arms ; Z. DuhameU post-master; F. X. Oagnon, assistant do. ; Olivier Robitaille, 1st messenger ; Alf. P611etier« speaker's messenger ; Ed. Littlejohn, Jos. Trudelle, S. Gagn^2 clerks' messengers ; J. Morin, E. Gauvrean, E. Balzaretti, B. Angers, libarian messengers ; N. Bour^, Queen's printer's do. ; A. F. Marsan, chief law clerk ; A. Pariseau, assistant do. do. Public Depabtments. Queen's Printer's OMoe.^Ojfficers : Charles F. Liinglois, Queen's printer ; C. Pargeau, Frenoh translator and book- keeper; E. Trudelt olerk ; T. Maloneyt English translator. Secretary* a Office,— Hon. J. A. Ohapleau, proyincial secretary ; P. J. Jolicour, assistant secretary; G. W. Golfer, clerk of English correspondence ; 0. F. Gampeau, accountant of eon- tingenoies ; J. 0. Laurin, E. A. Duchesnay, Z.* Duhamel« E. Gagnon, T. T. Nesbitt» clerks; P. Blouin, D. Bittner, mes- sengers. Provincial Registrar's Department,'^ J. B. Millenr, depubr provincial registrar ; A. Belanger» E. Poitras, clerks ; J. Lebrecque, messenger. Department of Public Instruction,— -Hon, Gideon Ouimet, superintendent of public instruction ; Dr. Louis Giard and Dr. H. H. Miles, secretaries and deputy heads of the department ; 0. Dunn, 1st clerk of French correspondence, editor of Journal de V Instruction Puhlique, and librarian ; L. Devisme, clerk of French correspondence; J. H. Richardson, accountant and book-keeper; G- A. Thomas, L. Lefevre, P. Prevost, clerks of statistics, &o, ; A. Dor^, messenger. Council of Public /n«truct«on.— President— Hon. G. Ouimet» ex-offlcio. Joint secretaries— Dr. L. Giard and Dr. H. H. Miles. Roman Catholic members of the Couocil.T-The Archbishop of Quebec, the Bishops of Rimouaki, Three Rivers, St. Hyacinthe, Montreal, Sherbrooke, and Ottawa ; Hon. P. J. 0. Ghauveau, Hon. T. Ryan, Hon. Judi^e Routhier, Hon. C. R. Delagrave, P. S. Murphy, Dr. Lacbaine. and Frs. Painchaud. Protestant members of the Council. — The Lord Bishop of Quebec, Hon. Judge Day, Hon. Judge Dunkin, Rev. Dr. Cook, Hon. G. Irvine, Venerable Archdeacon Leach, Hon. J. Ferrier. and Dr. J. W. Dawson, F*R.S. Chairman of the Protestant Committee of the Council— Hon. G. Irvine. Secretary of the Protestant Committee of the Gounoil— Rev. G. Weir. ^tKMiKy Vlr6 A liife. Insurance €o«— Forlies St Hffadse* €lia«f Agentof lit iliid 109 BU JTaniM Su OEoiiUreal. 1 CraifT St. 0. W. Cook, *» i A. N. itant do: « olerk of E. Smith, itadt do. ; do.; G. er; F. X. iger: Alf. Trudelle, reaa, E. ^^ Queen's Pariseau, Lfluiglois, id book- lator. ecretary: olerk of t of eon- amel, E. ler, mes- r* depubr )rks ; J. Oaimet, 1 and Dr. jkrtment : Journal , olerk of ant and clerks of Ouimet, I. Miles, hbishop era, St. P. J. 0. a. C. R. Dchaud. shop of r. Cook, Perrier, otestant of the entreat. iHltti iitfade fo order at B^ilttAll'i'l!Air A WOfiftm^ 4U UrOTRti BAlttE ilT]ftAi:T. Department of Agriculture and Public Wbr A;». —Hoif. C. B. de Bonohetville, commissioner; S. Lesage, assistant commis- sioner; £. Moreau, secretary ; E. Gagnon, acting secretary; P. Gatiyreau, director of public works ; J. B. Derome, assistant engineer ; E. A. Nesbitt, book-keeper ; C. Lespernnce, assistant book-keeper; J. 0. Fontaine, assistant director of colonization ; T. T. Nesbitt, registrar ; A. G. Guilbault, A. Turgeon, clerks ; J. B. Sirois and P. Archambault, messengers. Treasury Department.— Hon. L. R. Church, proTinciat treasurer ; G. Drolet, auditor of the province ; H. T. Machin, assistant treasurer; H. Hemming and F. D. Tims, book- keepers ; N. A. Giard, olerk ; T. K. Nelson, judicial deposits clerk; S. H. Holt, J. E. Marmette, J. T. narrower. A, Evanturel, T. A. Poston, and T. C. Waugh, clerks ; H. Hughes and G. Trudel, messengers; B. Globensky and W. Smith, inspectors Of public offices. Council of Agriculture.— J. M, Browning, president ; L. H. Massue, vice-president ; George Leolere, secretary-treasurer ; J. N. E. Faribault, TAssomption ; J. 0. Beaubien, Montmagny ; M. H. Cochrane, Compton; D. E. Price, Quebec ; J. J. Ross, Ste. Anne de la Parade ; Messrs. L- Beaubien, M.P.P., Mon- treal ; B. Benoit, M,P., St. Hubert ; S.N. Blackwood, Sheflford ; A. Gasavant, St. Dominique ; E. J. Deblois, Quebec ; J. Gaudet, M.P.P., Gentilly ; F. Wood Gray, Quebec ; L. Levesque, M.P.P., D'Aillebout; A. Marson, TAssomption ; Rev. F. Pilotte, Ste. Anne de la Pocati^re ; Rev. S. Tass^, Th^r^se ; L. Landry, St. Pierre Montmagny; office, 63 St. Gabriel street, Montreal. Board of Examiners of P, L. Surveyors- — Hon. the Com- missioner of Crown Lands, ex-oMdo ', J. Bouchette. depu^ surveyor-general ; C. Bainarge, president; F. W. Blaiklook,E. T. Fletcher, L. P. Gauvreau, J. Bignell, J. Gallagher, examiners and provincial land surveyors ; A. Sewell, secretary, Quebec ; A. R. C Selwyn, examiner in geology and min- eralogy. OFFICERS AND CLERKS OF CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT. Hon. p. Garneau, commissioner; E. E. Taoh6, assistant commissioner. «SMrt?cy«.— Joseph Bouchette, deputy Surveyor-general ; B. T. Fletcher, surveyor and draughtsman, and inspector of surveys: G. G. Dunlevie, Jules Tach€, surveyors and draughtsmen! P. M. A. Genest, C. E. Gauvin, draughtsmen and surveyors: F. GhasB6, T. Morkill, clerks. Land Sales, Section West.—W. F. Collins, Clerk in charge ; F. D. Dugal, W. E. Collins, L. Berthelot, 6. Binfret, olerkd. % 4 i. I v\ VmY ^ABSAtOt S DOVn^TIC J^Alt fiNlAl^u-tiie WKHanf / A VATonte. sold i»y vAi 0jfioi^H, / ■iclimoBd and Empreds Portable Bangest beat la tlie market, at Ii« JT* A* SnrTeyer'e, 594 Craiff St. 284 DOMINION OF CANADA. Beffiati'ar.—J. J. Pre&dergast, registrar. Wooda and Forests.— A. Par^, superintendent ; V. Beromei clerk. AeeoutUs.—J. V. Qale, accountant; L. H. Lepage* clerk. Lnnd Sales^ Section East, — L. D. Lemoine, L. L. Riyardi clerks in charge ; D. C. Mackedie, J. N. Proulz, clerks. Office'Keeper.—J, Caron. Messenpers.—P. Cahill, and C. Dumontier. Extra Clerks,— Charles Parent, L. N. Dufresne, H. de Lottin- viUe, Q. A. 8utton, J. M. Turcot, and Frs, Kerouac; N. Q-. D'Auteuil, Cadastre Branch. Cat>astrr Ovmovm.— General Q/^c«.—G. A. Varin, secretary; R. D'Estiraauville, Tancr^de Morin, clerks. Montreal.— J. B. Varin, director; P. W. Blaiklock, surveyor and draughtsman ; L. W. Siootte, clerk. Quehee.—V. L. Morin, director ; F. Lachaine, surveyor and draughtsman. Three Rivers.— G. A. Bourgeois, director; L. 0. Arcand, surveyor and draughtsman ; P. Quillet, clerk. Terrehonne.—J. A. Hervieux, director; J. H. Leclair, sur- veyor and draughtsman. Montmagny,—E. Casgrain, director ; F. X. Qendreau, assist- ant. Beaukarnois.—'L, A. Seers, director; J. Sullivan, surveyor end draughtsman ; Joseph Mayer, clerk . Joliette.—MtLx Cr^peau, director; y. Dorval, surveyor and draughtsman ; J. Delfausse, olerk. iSherbroohe,—Ja.mBa Addie, director J C. P. Towle, surveyor sad draughtsman. Bull, {County of Ottawa.)— C. Leduc, director; J. Mc Arthur, surveyor and draughtsman ; — — — , clerk. L*As8omption and Jlfonfca^m.—Onulphe Peltieri director; A. W. Lipp^, surveyor and draughtsman. Crown Land and Timber Agents.— Jidmund Heath, Clar- i^ndon ; Robert Parley, Hull ; J. A. Cameron, jr., Thurso ; 0. B. Kemp, Waterloo; C. Patton, Robinson; A. Gagnon, Artha- baskaville : P. A. Proulx, St. iranois ; C. T. Dub^, Riviere du Loup; J. B. Lepage, Rimouski; L. J. Riopel, New Carlisle; G. Duberger, Murray Bay; J. 0. Tremblay, Chicoutimi; I. Dumais, assistant, Boberval: L. Z. Rousseau, Quebec; A. Dubord, Three Rivers; J. B. Delfausse, Joliette; C. E. Belle, Montreal; John Eden, Gasp6 Basin; L. Roy, sen., Cap-Ohat; F. Paquet, Magdalen Island ; E. Renault, Montmagny ; A. B. Filion, Grenville; John Hume, Leeds; A. J' Russell, Ottawa; G 8. McNutt, assistant; J. Ritchie, E. T. Smith, clerks; J. ^ueen, Fire 4e Lilffe, Insurance €o*— Forbes d; madire, ClM«r 4vent0f in aB4 !•§ bt« /antes UU Montreal. DRBSS SHIRTS 91.50, WORTH i9.95« AT RESMARTliAIJ A; RONR'S. EXECUTIVE COUNCIIr-NOVA SCOTIA, 285 McDonald, Ottawa ; MoL. Stewart, general oolleotor of timber and slide dues, Quebec ; John McKay, assistant ; P. Millert clerk ; C. DeSalaberry, Forest Ranger, Ghambly. Jesuits' Estates and Cbown Domain Agents. Jos. Laurin, crown domain and commutin? agent, censive of Quebec, superintendent beach and deep water lots, and agent tor seigniory of Lauzon ; J. B. Variu, collecting and commuting agent, Jesuits' estates, District of Montreal ; F. Lottinville, col- lecting and commuting ngent. Cap de la Madeleine and Jesuits' estates, city of Three Rivers ; Ls. Guillet, jr., collecting and commuting agent, seignioiy of Batiscan ; P. Uuot. collecting and commuting agent, Jesuits' estates, District of Quebec ; L. L. Bivard, insl)ector of gold mines. Game Oyersbers. eT. N. Proulx, superintendent, Quebec : W. C. Willis, Sher- brooke ; A. Blais, Causapscal ; A. Labb6, St. Urbain : 0. Latraverse^ Sorol ; E. Copping, Montcalm ; Is. Dumais, Rober- val; F. Richard, Ste. Anne de la Pocatidre ; J. F. Saillant, Tadoussac; J. B. Chevalier, St. Jean; Patrick Clancyj Hem- mingford ; J. P. Lachanoe, Stoneham. PEOVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. " Seat of Govemmentt Halifax. % Lieutenant' Governor, (and Deputy Governor for signing Mar- Hage Licenses)— His Honor the Hon. Adams George Archibald. John Hicks, private secretary; Lieut.-Col. H. W. Clarke, N.S.M.. and Major M. B. Daly, 1st Brig. Mil. Artillery, Provin- cial Aides-de-Camp. ExRCUTivB Council, Hon. Stayley Brown, Treasurer. " 0. S. Weeks, Attorney General. P. C. Hill, Provincial Secretary. ^ , ,,. R. Robertson, Commissioner of Public Works and Mines. Alonzo J. White, Commissioner of Crown Lands, James Cochran, Colin Campbell, J. McKinnon, D. McDonald, Retired Memhera of Executive Council retaining their rank and precedence^ by special permiaaion of Her Majesty. — Hon. Sir William Young, Hon. Charles Tupper, C.B. ; Hon. William A. Henry, Hon. James McDonald, Hon. Samuel L. Shannon, Hon. Alexander MoFarlane, Hon. Adams G. Archibald. it u u it (( If It Co } Members of Council. TRY BARSAI<01J'S (»T£AR RKFINER FJJVULT SOAP, {hipenkMr to all v^bmoh MMrhi^im^ Oooklnff VMumIIs, Hud largest Tartetr off House FurnlslklBcGoodayat Surreyer'sy 9B4 Oralg 8t — - - - 286 DOMINION OF CANADA. LBQISLATIVB COUNCIL. Hon. John Cbeighton President. NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Hon. R.M. Cutler,Guysboroiigh " Stayley Brown, Yarmouth J. Creiffhton, Lunenbunrh W.O.Whitman, Annapolis P. Tapper, Liverpool J. MoKinnon, Antigonish P. Smyth, Port Hood S. Creelman. Stewiaoke Wm. 0. Heffernan, Guys- borough. It «t <( (t « «< NAMR AND P.O. ADDRESS. Hon. D. McN. Parker, Halifax ** .James Eraser, Piotou James Oochran, Halifax Henry Martell, Arichat G. MoKenna, Shelbourne Chas. Diekie, Cornwallie Robert Boak, jr., Halifax " A. MoN.Oochran, Maitland ** E. R. Oakes, Digby (I t< IC O#c0r«.— John C. Halliburton, clerk ; Robert L. Weatherbe, law olerk and olerk of parliament ; Rev. Geo. W . Hill, A.M., chaplain; Robert RomanSt gentleman usher of the Black Rod. Hon. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. — — ^.~— — — Speaker. OONSTITUENOIES. NAVE AND P.O. ADDRESS. Annapolis A yard Longley, Bridgetown ** Wm. B. Troop, Wilmot Antigonishe Hon. D. Mc Donald, Antigonishe ** John J. MoKinnon, Antigonishe Colchester - Thos. F. Morrison, Londonderry *'• Samuel Rettie, Truro Cumberland Hiram Black, Amherst ** Edward Vickery, Parrsboro* Cape Breton E. T. Mosely. Sydney, C.B. " Hon. A. J. White, Halifax Digby Hon. C. Campbell, Halifax ** H. M. Robiohan, Clare Guysborough Hon. 0. S. Weeks, Halifax *' C. Freinchebille, Port Mulgrave Halifax .....Hon. P. 0. Hill, Halifax ** Edward Farrell, Halifax " D. Archibald, Musquodoboit Hantz W. H. Allison, Windsor ** Alfred Putnam, Walton Inverness Hon. J. MoKinnon, Mabou " Duncan Campbell, Mabou King's ...D. B. Woodworth, Kentville ^ " JohnB.North, Lunenburgh <■ . . .M. B. Desbrisay, Bridgewater Jas. Eisenhauer, Lunenburgh «t <|neeii» Fire 4c I«ife, laeuranee Co.— fPorbee ic Mudgt^ kcauef Agentof m and lo^ Bu JmaHLttlkK ISoutreal. HirtM made to order at BESHIAVtTBAV 4e ilOJlB»i| 415 NOTRE DARIE STRBBT. PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS-NOVA SCOTIA, 287 OONSTTTUENOIBS. NAME AND P. O. ADDRESS. Piotou Hugh Cameron, New Glasgow ** Simon H. Holmes, Piotou ** Alex. McKay, West River Queen's J. Newton Maok, Wells Village , ** Samuel Freeman, Liverpool Riohmond .... Charles Boudrot, Arichat j^,* Murdoch MoRae, Ariohat SheiDume . . . . ^ Hon. R. Robertson, Barrington *' Tbos. Johnson, Locke's Island Victoria John A. Fraser, Baddock ** David McCurdy, Baddock Yarmouth John Lovitt, Yarmouth ** Albert Gaytoui Puhnico Officers of the House of'Assemblt.— H. C. D. Twining, oierk ; L Power, assistant clerk ; Rev. Canon Cochran, chap- lain; A. M. Gidney, sergeant- at- arms ; James L. Griffin, asst* 8ergeant-at-arms ; J. Fitzgerald, messenger. Public Departments. Provincial Seeretary^a OMoe,— -Ron, P. Oarateret Hill, Pro- vincial secretary ; H. Crosskill, deputy Provincial secretary ; n. Kerr, Thos. Robertson, clerks. Provincial Treasurer's Q/^ee.— Hon. Stayley Brown* Provin- cial treasurer ; W. E. Brine, clerk. Attomey-GeneraVa O^ce.— Hon. C. S. Weeks, Attorney* General. Crown Lands Department^Kon. A. J. White, commissioner; Edward Morris, F. LeBlauc, M. Cuppiadge, and J. H. Austin, clerks. Department of Mines and Public Works. — ^Hon. R. Robertson, commissioner ; deputy commissioner, John Kelly ; Inspector of Mines, Henry S. Poole ; Inspector of Works, H. B. Reid. Board of Agriculture,— Hon. D. McDonald, president ; H* Yeomans, vice-president ; Professor Lawson, secretary. Education 2>eparemene.'-Superintendent of Education, Rev. A. iS. Hunt, M.A. ; Council of Public Instruction, Members of Executive Council. Provincial Hospital for /iMane.— Medical superintendent, James R.'Delloyle, M.D. I 'VHt BA]|»AJiOV*S STEAH BEFimSB TAMXLY BQJ^t MmngiMf WrlBsevs, WaplMMs Iron B«d»imibh Bpvlatf liedSf Bfottr e — m » Ae*— li* J* A* Snrreyer, 024 Cndv Bt« 288 DOMINION OF CANADA, Dominion Offigjebs and Offioebs. Finance Department of Canada. — Nova Sootia Branch.— Sydenham Howe, auditor ; R. Stather, olerk ; John MuUuie, messenger. Aasiat. Reo, General for Nova iS'coh'a.— J. R. Wallace. Post Office Department^ Nova Scotia Z)tvw»on.— Post OfiSce Inspector. F. M. Tassow; clerks, Thos- Southall, R. A. Bum- ham; messenger, R. R. McMillan. Money Order O^ee.— Superintendentf James H. Thome ; clerks, F. Creighton, S. S. Thome; messenger, Thos. Conran. Railway Mail Clerks,-^ Between Halifax and Amherst, Isaac b. Bumhill, £. A. Bent; between Halifax and Annapolis, A. Brown, F. R. Bent; be- tween Picton and Truro, F. Huntington. Poet'OfUce In9pector,~-¥. M. Passow. Poet-Office, Halifax,— W. Hugh Blackadar; clerks, W. M, Small, V. V. Tremain, T. W. De Wolfe, A. H. Cunningham, J.»D. Story, W. H. Chamberlain, W. H. Donovan, J. Flowers; temporary clerks, C. Legg, C. H. Hamilton, T. Southall, jr., J. Cunningham ; newspaper sorter, C. C. Smith ; letter car- riers, Matthew Collins (chief carrier), J. Fitzgerald, James Wilson, John Wilson, W. Carroll ; temporary letter carrier, D. Silverthorne ; pensioned letter carrier, Wm. Craig ; messenger, S. Saunders. Penitentiary.— John Flinn, warden ; medical attendant, Rufus S- Black, M.D. ; chaplainj Rev. Henry Pope. Sable /«Zanc{.— Resident Superintendents— St Pauls, Dan. J. McNeil ; Soatterie, John McLean. Railway Department. — General Superintendent, Lewis Car- vel: General Traffic Agent, Geo. Taylor; Chief Bnirineer, Alex. McNab ; Accountant^ Thomas Foote ; Paymaster, W. U. Jones; Cashier, David Rottmger ; Clerks, John Adams, S. S. Bully, D. A. Story, Wm. Huggin, and J. M. Lyons ; Telegraph Clerk, — McLearn ; Messenger, Owen Cameron. Immigration OJJUce. — Agent, Rev. E. Clay, M.D. Board of Statistics ofBirthst Marriages and DeathsS^cretaryf John Costly, Halifax ; Issuers of Marriage Licenses and De- puty Registrars Births, Marriages and Deaths, the Deputy Post- masters in the different Counties, and Stephen Selden, Halifax ; Deputy Registrars of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, the Way Office-keepers in the different Counties, and Rev. Henry S tamer, Rev. R. Jamieson, Rev. James Waddell, Rev. Edward Ansell, J. J. Clark, M.D. Inspector of Steamers Carrying Passengers,— Alex* Moir. Inspector of Customs.— J. J. Kerr: Collector, Halifax. Hon. W.Ross. Savings Bank.— J, B. Wallace, Cashier. Militia Department,— J , W. Laurie, D.A.G. <|iteeii, Ftre ic lilfe, Ininrance Co.— Forbes A Bladir^t Clito Afentst IH and |99 St* jrameni IM«» JBIynfreiil* Pan. BtTY TOVB SHIRTS Af J^SiUmAnTWiAtJ A BOHBHI 415 NOTRE DAiniE STRBBT. LEGISLATIVE COUNOIL-N. BRUNSWICK. 289 Inland Revbnub Department. Inspector for Nova Scotia. — Gborqb EsSON. ^a^i/acc.— Collector, S. Tupper ; Exoisemen, Angus MoLeodt John D. Nash Jr. ; Clerk, B. H. Blanohard; Messenger» Pk. Hagarty ; Inspector of Petroleum, R. G. Fraser. P«ceou.— CoUectori J. M. Porteous; Exciseman} A. Mo- Donald. North Sydney,— CoWeotoTt Lachlin Robertson. FarmotttA.— Collector, J. y. B. Bingay. PROYINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Seat of Oovernmentf Fredericton, Lieutenant-Governor— Kifi Excellency Samuel Leonard TUley, C.B. Provincial Aide-de-Camp and Private Secretary, L*leut.- Colonel John Saunders. Extra Aide-de^Camp, Alfred F. Street, Esq., Captain Reserve Militia. Executive Council. Hon. Robert Young, President. • •* G. E. King, Attorney- General. '* J. J. Fraser, Provincial Secretary. " B. R Stevenson, Surveyor-General. ** W. M. Kelly, Chief Commissioner Board of Works. *• E. Willis, -k *• A.JSlcC^ueen, ^ f .• rfcTaw&d, ^M,mb.r.ofCounoU. Wm. E. Perley, J F. A. H. Straton, clerk. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. J. S. Saunders President. Countiks. Name and P. 0. Address. Albert... Hon. J. Lewis, Hilsboro\ Carleton '* Carleton " Charlotte '* Gloucester " , Kent " ' King's ... Northumberland Queen's ** C. Perley, Woodstock Wm. Lindsay, Woodstock F. Hibbard, St. George R. Young, Caraquette 0. Mclnernay, Riohibucto GidiBon D. Bailey, Canning (i i- 5 .1 *e.— Ii* Jr« A. Sorrier, 094 Cndir 8t» 290 DOMINION OP CANADA. Restigouohe Hon . W. Hamilton, Dalhoasio St. John ** St John " Sunbary ** Viotorift " Westmoreland " Westmoreland. . t • • t ** ^. unuuiuBwufpuvuiaw York.* ** J. S. Saunders* Frederioton York. ** John A. Beokwith, A. MoL. Seely, St. John T. R. Jones, St. John A. Harrison, Mangerville B. Beveridge, Tobique E. B. Chandler, Dorohester D. Hannington, Shediao •I . ••••••#.. 4> Officers of the LBaiSLATivE Oounoil.— Qeorge Botsford, clerk ; J. H. Phair, assistant olerk ; B. R. Joaett, Usher of the Biaok Rod : Rev. JohnM. Brook, ohaplain ; George F. Gregory, engrossing olerk. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. William Weddesburn, Speaker. 0ON8TITUBN0IES. NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Albest Alex. Rogers, Hopewell. ** 1.. James Ryan, Goverdalo. Oarleton R. K. Jones, Woodstock. ** ....J. S. Leighton, Woodstook. Charlotte Hon. B. R .Stevenson, St. Andrews. ** J. Murohie, St. Stephen. ....J. Maokay, Pennfield Ridge. . . . .Thos. Cotterell, Oak Bay. Gloucester. Kennedy F. Bums. Bathurst. ** Patrick G. Ryan, Oaraquette. Kent H. O'Leary, Richibucto. ** U. Johnsou, bt. Marys. King's * R. E. MoLeod, Sussex. ** John Fieweilii^, Hampton. '** Hon. J.H. Crawford, St. John. Madawaska. L. Theriault, St. Leonard. Northumberland Hon. W. M. Kelly, Chatham* ** . W m. Swim, Duaktown. *' A. A. Davidson, Newcastle. " L. J. Tweedie, Chatham. Queen's Francis Wood. Welsford. ** Walter S. Butler, Grand Lake. Restigouche A. McKenaie, Campbellton. ** John Phillips, Daihousie. St John Hon. G. E. King, St. John. " Wm. Elder, St. John. ** H. A. Austin, Indiantown, St.John. ** Hon. Edward Willis, St. John. S^ John (City) W. H. A. Keans, St. John. *' Wm. Wedderbum, St John. Sunbury . . . . , Hon. W. E. Perley, Blissville, " J. S.. Covert, Mangerville. 4|««eii9 Ftre 4c Uif •» Inauranee €••— ForliM 4fc Mndf •, IM^ 4f•llti^J^| fiilf i?| iff fmm^BMU^ noutg99df 415 tiOTtUM HARtB 8f ilEBT. PRINCE EDWARD ISLA.ND. 291 OONJ^lIi'UENOlBS. KAIIE AND/.O. ADDBES8. Victoria Wm. B. Beveridge, Tobiqae. Westmorland E. J. Smith, Shediao. *' Hon. A. McQueen (Pointedu Bate) '* J. A* Uumpnreyt Mouoton. '* Thomas Piokard, Sackville. York Biobert Kobinson, Ganterburyt ** Hon. J.J. JbVaser, Fredericton. ** H. Dow, Fredericton. ** T. F. Barker, St. Marys. I Offiorbs of the House of Assbmblt.—Q. J. Bliss, clerk ; J. Richards, clerk assistant; H. Beckwith. sergeant-at-arms ; Rey. Joseph McLeod, chaplain ; E. L* Wetmore and C. W* Beckwith, engrossing clerks. Public Depabtiients* Provincial Secretary's Qjffice,— Hon. John J. Fraser, Provin- cial secretary ; J. W.i^imim, chiei' clerk ; G> M. Babbitt and E. Hanson, clerks. Board of Works Departinent»^H.on. W. M. Kelly, chief com- missioner; R. B. Winsiow, chief clerk ; Adolphus (i. Beckwith, civil engineer. Surveyor General's DepartvMnU — Hon. R. R. Stevenson, sur- veyor general ; Andrew Inches, deputy surveyor general ; W. B. FlewelliDg, jun., crown land clerk; T. O'Connor, A. Sibbald, and Thomas Loggie, draughtsmen. Government OMcers.—J, S. Beck, auditor general ; Theodore H. Rand, chief suj;)erintendent of schools ; Qeorge Thompson, chief clerk education office; George E. Fenety, Queen's printer ; William Carman, clerk of Supreme Court at Law and Equity; George J. Bliss, assistant clerk : W. H. Tuck, clerk of Crown in Supreme Court; Edward L. Wetmore, A.B., deputy clerk of Crown in Supreme Court ; H. G. C Wetmore, librarian to the Legislative Assembly* PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Seat of Government. — Charlottetown. Lieutenant Governor.-^Sk Robert Hodgson, Kmght; R. R. Hodgson, Private Secretary; Lt. -Col. Hon. John Longworth and Lt.-Col. Robt. Robinson Hodgson, Provincial Aideis-de- Camp. I JTRY PAKiSAI^OCJ'ft* llOMA^SIIC; HAM (iMAF^Tbo Faillt];^ i 'I ll t 1:1 h«; MelmioiiA and ^mprMt PortaMe BangM, best in the inarketf at £i* J* A* Burwejer^u^ 584 Oraiff St. DOMINION OP CANADA. EXECUTIVB OOUNOIL. Hon. L. H. Davies. *• JohnYeo. '* Aler.. Laird ** Daniel Gordon. Hon. Gtoorge WilUam 0. DesBrisay, Clerii. Hon. John Leftirgey. ** John F. Robertson. ** Samuel Prowse " William D. Btewart. W. DeBlois. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. ■, President. Queen's County. Charlottetown and Royalty— Thomas W. Dodd. First District— Hons. — . John Balderston. Second District— Hons. William McGill, R. Munn. Kino's County. First District— Hons. Patrick Walker, Simon Bulger. Second District— Hons. Joseph Wightman, Daniel McDonald. Pbincb County. First District— Richard B. Reid, William Richards. Second District— Alexander Laird, Hon. William G. Strong. Q^c«r» ef Legislative Council. — John Ball, Clerk; , Usher of the Black Rod and Sergeant-at-Arms ; Rey. , Chaplain. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. , Speaker. Queen's County. Charlottetown— Hons. G. W. DeBlois, L. H. Davies. First District— Hon. W. D. Stewart, William Campbell. Second District— D. Farquharsou, D. McKay. Third District— Hon. Henry Beer, Francis Kelly. Fourth District— Hon. J. F. Robertson, Wm. Welsh. King's County. Georgetown— Hon. D. Gordon, — — — FirstDistrict— Hon. James H. McLean, L. Macdonald. Second District— Hon. W. W. Sullivan, Hilary Mclsaao. Third District^ J. G. Serimgeour, J. E. McDonald. Fourth District— Hons. — Prowse, James Robertson. <|Meeii9 Fire dc Uf «> lusurauee Co.— Forbes 4c Mndir^i ^WieC Aven^ 191 and 198 St* jramei Bf^ Montreal* liniTtM DBEm sknits fiuio^ HoMTk #9i«, At DE8MABTEA1J A B01fB*B. LEQISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-MANITOBA. 208 Prinoi Oountt. First Distriot— Nicholas Conroy, Edward Haokett. Second District— Hon. John Yeo, James W. Richards. Third District— Hon. Joseph 0. Arsenaultt John A. Mao- donald. Fourth District— J. R. Oalhoun, W. C. Lea. Fifth District— Hon. John Lefurgey* Angus MacMillan. Q/^oert.- Archibald McNeil, Clerk ; F. W. Hughes, Assistant Clerk ; Neil McLeod, Law Clerk ; R«v. L. C. Jenkins, D.C.Ij*y Chaplain. PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Seat of Gov0mment'~Fort Garry* Lieutenant Governor : His Honor the Hon. Alex. Mobris, D.C.L., Fort Gany. Private Secretary: Frank G.Beoher. Hon. ExEGUTiYK Council. -, President. R. A. Davis, (Premier), ProYincial Treasurer. ** J. Royal, Proyinoial ii^eoretary and Attorney-General. ** J. Norquay, Minister of Public Works. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker Hon. Joseph Dubuo. Clerk Thomas Spenob, Esq. OONSTITUENCIKS. NAMR AND P.O. ADDRESS. St Paul's -, St. James' Edwin Bourke, St. James' Westbourne C P. Brown, Palestine Bale St. Paul Felix Chenier, ^aie 8t Paul Poplar Point F. E. Cornish, Winnipeg High Bluff. « Jas. Cowan, M.D., Port la Prairie Winnipeg Hon. R. A. Davis, Winnipeg Springfield W. R. Dick. Springfield St. Norbert Hon. Jos. Dubuc, St. Boniface St. Boniface. Hon. M. A. Girard, ** St Andrew's, North John.Gunn, St. Andrew's St. Cleinents Thos. Howard, Winnipeg St VitaL Joseph Lemay, St. Norbert ) i : i * l|MM(|«i» Wrt]P9««it WMlMMy Ivon Ba^siciid^ SpvUlff 294 DOMINION OP CANADA. OONBTITUKNOIKS. NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. St. Francois Xarieri East. ..Maxime Lopine, Pointe du Bute Rookwnod Wm. F. Luxton, Winnipeg Lake Manitoba Aninis MoKay, St Fr. Xavier portage la Prairie R. MoKenzie, fiurnside St. Ai^athe A. F. Martin, Winnipeg St. Charles Alex. Murray, Sturgeon Creek St. Anne Chas. Noiin, St. Anne St. Andrew's. South Hon. J. Norquay, Winnipeg St. Francois Xayier, West . .Hon. J. Royal, — — Headingly John Taylor, Headingly Kildonan • John Sutherland) Kildonan NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. Seai of Oovemment—Bcxttle/ord, Lieutenani- Governor— The Hon. David Laibd. Council. Matthew Ryan and Hugh RiohardsoiK Stipendianr Magistrates, Members of Couneil ex qMeio ; Lieut.-Col. James Farqu- harson MoLeod; C.M.G., Commissioner of Police, Member of Council, specially appointed. Lieut-Col. Acheson Gosford Irrine, Assistant Commissioner of Police : Amed^e Forget Clerk of the Council and Secretary to the Lieut-Governor ; Wm. Jas. Scott} Registrar. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Seat of OovemmerU—Vietoriai F. L Lieutenant' Oovemor— Hon, A. N. Riohabds. BXEOUTIVB COUNCIL. Hon. A. C. Elliott, Attorney-General and Provincial Secretary ** Wm. Smithe, Minister of Finance and Agriculture ** Hon. F. G. Vernon, Chief Com. Land and Works. Clerk— F. R. Hett -j'^i^m^i.^ 9tra,4|p InMursnae Co.— VovImi A tttrir Tovn aann at MmikkwamAX! « mqvjb^ 415 NOTBE DAHE STBEET. NEWFOUNDLAND. 286 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker . . . . i Hod. Jamis Tuhbls, M.D« 00N8TITUKM0IIB. MIME AMD F. O. ADPBm. Oariboo A. E. B. Davie, Victoria ** J. Evans, Barkenrille ** G. A. Walkein, Viotoria Gomez John Ash, M.D., ** Oowichan E. Pimbunr, Cowichan *' Hon. Wm. Smithe, Victoria Esqaimault Wm . Fisher, Esquimault " Jred. Williams, " Eootenay 0. Gallagher, Kootenay " W.O.Milby, Lillooet Wm. M. Brown, 15 Mile House *' Wm. Morrison. 184 Mile House Nanaimo John Bryden, Nanaimo New Westminster W.J. Armstrong, N. Westmiaster ♦ * " B. Brown, New Westminister New Westminster City B. Dickinson, New Westminster Victoria W. F. Tolmie, M.D., Victoria '* Hon. T. B. Humphreys, " . Victoria City R. Beavan, " " »♦ Jas. W. Douglas, " •• Hon. J. Trimble, M.D., " •« ♦♦ Hon. A. C. Elliott, " Yale Robert Smith, Nanaimo ....................... •ti. A» jMLara, j&amioopB *■ Hon. F. O. Vemon, Viotori» NEWFOUNDLAND. ExBCoTivB Council. Hon. Frederick B, T. Carter, Premier and Attorney-General. " Edward D. Shea, Colonial Secretary. " William V. Whiteway, Solicitor-General. " James J. Rogerson, Keceiver-General. ** William J. S. Donnelly, Financial Secretary. ** Stephen Rendell. WKW IffAf W^J- ^M^ « 110|I«^T1€J BAR soAy—XlieF— Jly -'■J ^m (hi 1 itMNri«i» Wvliiff«n» WiMlieMy Imh B««i%, 41S If OTBE BAMS STREET. GAME LAWS. 299 5* No animal or bird, except hares, named in any of the fore- going sections, shall be taken or killed at any time by means of any rope, snare, spring, cage, net or trap of any kind; nor shall any such engine be for that purpose at any time placed, con- structed, erected or set, either wholly or in part, and any per- son may take possession of and destroy any such engine so placed, constructed, erected or set. 6. No eggs of any species of wild fowl shall at any time be wilfully disturbed, injured, gathered or taken ; and all vessels and boats employed in disturbing, gathering or taking the eggs of any species of wildfowl, and the eggs, snail be confiscated and sold. 7. No wild cat, marten, fisher, shall be hunted, trapped or killed between the fifteenth day of April and the first day of November ; and no mink between the fifteenth day of April- and the fifteenth day of October in any year. 8. No person shall hunt, trap or kill any otter between the first of May and the first of October in any year; any beaver between the thirtieth of April and the first of September in any year ; any muskrat between the first of June in any year and the first of A^ril following, for the districts of Quebec, Sague- nay, Chlcoutimi, Montmagny, Eamouraska, Kimouski and Gasp6, and between the first of May in each year and the first of April following for the remainder of the Province. 9. No person shall, at any time, use or employ strychnine or other deleterious poison, either mineral or vegetable, nor any spring gun, to hunt, take, kill or destroy any animal whatsoever. 10. Every game-keeper appointed by the commissioners of Crown Lands shall seize on view any animal or bird namecLih the foregoing sections, or any part of such animal or bird found in the possession or charge of any person during the time pro- hibited, and which may appear to have been taken or killed during such time, or by any of the unlawful means named in sections 5 and 9 of this act ; and he shalllbring the same before a justice of the peace, who shall declare them confiscated in whole or in part. Any animal or bird, or any part thereof, shall belong to the game-keeper. 10 a. No person shall have in his possession^or in his care or charge, any one of the said animals or birds already named, or any part or parts thereof, except the skin, during the times pro- hibited by this act, when it is forbidden to kill any, or have in possession any which appear to have been taken or killed by any of the means forbidden by this act , but any of the said animals or birds, or part or parts thereof, may be bought and sold (when lawfully taken), during fourteen days from the termination of the several periods respectively fixed, by this act, tor the killing thereof. 11. Every such game-keeper shall cause to be opened, or shall open himself, in case of retusal, any sack, bag, valise or A«Y BABSALOU'S ATEAJIf REFINED FAMULY SOAFi m) ' .'m ) Cm. *%(1 Itleliiiioiid And l^prMiii Portable RanirMf tbest tti tl&e market) at L* jr« A. Surveyer's, 524 Gratis St* 800 GAME LAWS. oUier reoeptaole, in which he shall haTe reapon to believe there is contained any game taken or killed during the times pro- hibited, or any unseasonable skin of any of the said animals- 12. Every offence against any of the provisions of this Act shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, and to be recovered summarily on information or on summons only by a Justice of the Peace. That Justice of the Peace on the proof thereof shall impose a fine with costs, which said fine shall go to the informer. In default of immediate payment, the offender shall be in- carcerated in the common jpraol of the district wherein the offence has been committed, for a period not more than three months. Any magistrate shall have power to convict on view. 13. No evidence or information shall first be required on oath from the plaintiff or defendant, in the proceedings instituted under this Act, provided the subject of the complaint or requisi- tion be plainly stated in the writ or in a declaration annexed thereto. The evidence!of the informer alone, or of any witnesSf shall be sufficient to convict. 14. No proceeding of any kind under this Act shall be vacated, annulled or set aside hy certiorari ; but an appeal shall lie to the Circuit Court of the district wherein the offence was committed, to be instituted in the same manner as appeals in virtue of the Municipal Act. 15. All prosecutimis shall be brought within twelve calendar months from the day of the committing of the offence charged. 16. The Commisi^ioner of Grown Lands may appoint certain officers to superintend the due execution of this act, and of any other act, which may be hereafter passed, respecting game in this Province. 17. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, and any other person authorized by him to that efiect, may grant leave, in writing, to any one desiring to obtain bona-jide birds or eggs, or for animals for scientific objects, during the times prohibited, and the persons obtaining such leave shall not be liable to any pen- alty imposed bx this act, provided he shall furnish, within the two months following the time he shall have hunted, in virtue of said leave, sworn statement, showing the kind and quantity of game, or for animals taken by him for scientific purposes* 18. All acts and parts of acts relating to game in this Province are hereby repealed. 19. This act shall come into force immediately after its sanction. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. In New Brunswick, the only game laws in force are those relating to moose and partridge. There was an act making it nnlawniHo kill deer on the Island of Grand Manan for a period of three years, but it expired June 8, 1868. The close season s hewt hi ralff St. WHITB DRESS SHIRTS $l.SO, WORTH §2.86, AT BCSMARTBiLIJ A BOHTR'S. )ye there ues pro- imavi. this Act 8, and to I only by impose a f be in- >rein the an three m view. i on oath Qstitated • requisi- annexed ^witnesSf shall be ;)eal shall anoe was >peals in calendar charged. it certain id of any game in >r person writing, ;s, or tor ited, and any pen- Lthm the in virtue quantity poses • Province after its kre those taking it 'a period e season GAME LAWS. 801 for moose only extends from Ist February to Ist May. Fine $40, and anyone is empowered to kill any dog found hunting within the prohibited time. Not more thab two moose can be killed by any one person within a period of twelve months ; $12 for each offence. The killing, except for food, is prohibited, and the leaving the carcase in the woods subjects the offender to a fine of $20. Partridges are not to be killed between Ist March and Ist September. The fishery laws are the same as those of Ontario and Quebec, except that the close season for salmon is, for net fishing, from 15 tb August to let March, and fly surface- fishing, from 15th September to Ist February. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. In Nova Scotia, chap. 13 of the Revised Statutes provides " that no moose or beaver are to be killed between September 1st, 1874, and September Ist, 1877, under a penalty of not less than S30, nor more than $50, for each offence." Provides for the preservation of useful birds and animals during the close season ; authorizes the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to ap- point a Commissioner or Warden for each district, to enforce the provisions of this Act, and assist the officers of the govern- ment of Canada in carrying out the laws for the preservation of inlapd fisheries. Close season for partridge, 1st January to Ist October; for woodcock, snipe, blue-winged duck or teal. Hares or rabbits, Izt March to 1st September. Woodcock not to be killed between sunset and sunrise. Penalty for breach of Act, $1 for each bird. Penalty for setting snares for moose, $100. The export of moose and cariboo hides is prohibited* Fine from $20 to $50, and forfeiture of game or hides. Otter, mink and muskrat not to be killed between 1st May and November, under a penalty of $8. It is absolutely forbidden to kill robins, swallows, sparrows, <&c., and birds of song. Penalty for each offence, $1. The foflowing ia a summary of the Game Laws in operation in the undermentioned Provinces, No amendment ha§ been made to these latos since 1868 : PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. It is unlawful to buy or £^ell, or exhibit for sale, any deer or elk between Ist March and 1st August, or any grouse, prairie fowl or partridge, or to destroy or to collect their eggs, between Ist March and 10th August. Fine $50 or three months' im- prisonment. JJKY BARSALOIJ'S BOMKSTIC BAR SOAP-Tll« Family Favorite, fik^ld by all Gvooers, ■ I m m If loUflioad and Empress Portable Ranses, best la the market) at !#• J, A. SurveyeVs^ 514 Cralar St* 802 GAMK LAWSk PROVINCE OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Therqiis only one game lair in this itland—entitled* *' Aq Act for thfrFrottecli^Q and Breeding of Wild Fowl and Qame." It prohibits the killing, taking* parohasing, selling or pofliessing of partridges from the 20Ui f'ebraary to the 25th Aogatti and s^nliee a similar prohibition in the ease of snipe, or any other wild or migratory birds frequenting for the purpose of inouba- tion (exoept wild geese), from the 1st April to the 20th August. PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. The game laws of Prince Edward Island prohibit the killing of partridges between 1st March and Ist October, and salmon intheFaU. PBOVINOE OF AtANITOBA. No giUkte law has been enaoCed in lUlAnitoba. * » J. STARKE &. CO., 84 St. Francois Xavier St., Montreal, KBBP OOVSTklSflLr ON RANI), Law Forms, Private Leases, Powers of Attorneyi Brokers'. Stock and Share Books, Brokers' Gkdd, Bailroad, and Himng Stock Books. <|iieeo, Fire 4c I«ife, Ineurance €o.~Fortoee&llladffet Cbler Agent*, l»l anA IM St. Janie* St^* BKonireml. ADVERTISEMENT. 803 CHEMIA COARTATA ; 0B» TfiE KEY TO Chemistry. By A. H. KOLLMYBR, M.D. FOR SALB AT J, STARKE & CO/S 54 St. Francois Xavier St., Montreal; ALSO, AT D AWSOIS" Beothers, BOOK-BINDERS Manufacturing ^TATiONeRS, 159 to 161 ST. JAKES 8TBEET. I: /I ■/I i I I ; .■V'r 1^' ;| 304 ADVERTISEMENT. W. & F. P. GURRIE & CO. WO Gr&yJYun Street^ Montreal^ '*' 1 T ~\'*- "^ " " "f ^ IMPORTERS OP T V,""I"Vf PIQ IBOIp BAB IB BOILER PLATES/GALVANIZED IRON, I Caiaia Mai®s» 1£b Fifties f f BOILER TUBES, GAS TUBES, T Zxiffot TixLi Inffot Copper, Slieet Oopperi Antimony} Sheet Zinor Ingrot Zinc, Pigr Lead, Rivets, Veined Marble, Zron ^ire, Eoman Cement, Steel "^ire, Portland Cement, Glass, Canada Cement, Faints, Pavingr Tiles, Fire ^JlaV) (harden Vases, I!lue Covers, Chimney Tops, Dry Bed Lead, Fire Sricks, Fountains, Dry White Lead, DHAIIT FIFES, Patent Encaustic Paving Tiles, &c. ! ' • ». MANUFACTURERS OP ^®*A LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND.-^^ . 1