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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, pisnches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent dtre filmto A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour fttre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est fiimA d partir de I'engle supi^rieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'imeges nicessaire. Les diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 6 mjcrocopy resolution test chart (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1^ ^0 1^ m Li ■ 3.6 m US IS u KUu Ih IM =^ 1653 Eost Main Street gVS: J'??^"'!,''; '^e* York M609 uSA •-^S (716) 482- OJOO- Phone =a (716) 288 -5989 -Fox Inc -4: hip fr Tl-IE LlTY OF PAINT Jo HN i^i: Bj a J IJ]SrE -soth, 1877, A 1 "mm BY A. O. PKITCHARl), NKW tir,AS(!0\V, N. s. *~, XJ !k 8T. JOHN, N. B. : IMMNTICl) AT THE HEHALD OFFICE. J|j. 1877. ids. «-j" ^Jv Koad. sheraton's Carpet & Furniture Warerooms, "19 w^a !5SJ» Brussels, Tapestry and Wool CARPETS ; Oil. CLOTHS of every description, cut to suii ; 1000 lbs. Live Geese FEATHERS, guaranteed ; MATTRESSES & BEDDING of every description; Office Desks and Sideboards, in everj' style. AMERICAN HAIR MATTRESSES, a specialty. U Iple Agent for New Brunswick for F. GELDOWSKY'S cele brated BLACK WALNUT and FRENCH BERYL BED ROOM SUITS. All the Mir- rors are best English Plate. ^r Messrs. Shaw & Applin's PARLOR SUITS ^ are acknowledged to be superior in n)ake and |h to any goods imported to this Market. All aortiae and tenon joints ; no pin dowells. [HE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. A. B. SHERATON. '"w^nim^- A T) VF.n TTSKMrXTS. :7 \\ R. FLAHERTY & CO. MAKERS OP (EC VICTOR" m, mmm, m. ®, C. H. WETMORE, I LEGISLATIVE CARPENTER AND BUILDER MANUFACTURER OF Doors, Sashes and Blinds. Fairbanks' Factory, City Boad, ^'^^n n A J) VER TLSF}fEKTS. J. L. McOOSSBEY, (Late with H. Chubb & Co.) Stationei[y, Blank Books,^ k„ M. T \oi'tli Side King Square, (Tti'iiy JCiifiinicp, ITitrrisoii Avenue,) (t ST. JOHN, N. B. A full line of Law and Commercial Stations y constantly on hand. Orders for Job Pkintino, Bookbinuiw, *c., will be promptly attended to. ' •' ?«p HAZEN HOUSE, Charlotte Street, - - St. John, IV. B. Mannfaoturers and Dealers in READY-MADE CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, &c. Clothing made to order in the best and latest style. Seamen's Outfits in great variety. Will be found at new building foot of Dock Street about 1st Feb., 1878. THE GREAT FIRE oy THE 3-isteii, Oh stmhger, listen t« h,e, And learn the tale of the tragedy Of th^ fair St. John, the City Queen Of Fuhdy« tv-atew ; of what has !>««„ Nothing at all V the Pi^ fiend left, Swept from tht, earth and of all bereft. Swept by the hand of Gt,d with fire ; l-ist f« my mournful, trembling lyre! Hearts beat high on the r :*u2 aay ; Fair was the weather on . und/s bay • Danced the barque on the dark blue wave ; All her sheets to the breeze ahe gave. Dallied the wind with her snow white wing And bore h.r along like a fairy thing. Sea birds ghded o'er wharf and cove, Oreolfts Aa^iT ;« +u a Beautiful snow white fleecy clouds AV VERTISEMENn OASfl* I Ist. Wonders will never cease they say Something new happening every dly • ^ewspapers with startling headings ^pear Exciting the people with joy or ioar: Explosions, robberies and murders abound, Whole cities occasionally burned to thegronnd • _«ut the greatest wonder of the day Which has caused more excitement'in its way ihan all the others put together Making earth a paradise in cold weather l,boU the pulse of tho city free, Mnmng.mwlmtshy-wjwyufc to bo.' l^nwn the c»mnt of time she poor, 'lit., tho mirmr of future years, Whoii the Pacific gr^at highway Treasures ,>fl,.,,,j,.j„„^(.,^^j^^^^ la tribute beneath h^r feet ghaJI hiy ^^'"'"*^'I^«»f «verynati<>Hmu«t And float .n her waters a, nighty fleet, l^aclen with sp,>ils of foreign land.,, And she the Queen of the Coutinont stands. Thus mused the City af fair St. J„h„. Hl^ilepondored the wealthy over their bond,; Ponde^cJ the n»erchant over his books, Into his safe «nd his c<,irer8 ha looks • Ponders the indigent over his lot «iglas for the treasures that ho has not >>oar8 ambition on tinselled wings Onxsping at wild, chin,erical things Wers they frittered their time away • Beauty m summer sunshine lay, Age reposed in its easy cliair ; «rave politicians debated there ; Lied the reporters and editor's pen Lawyers they swindled their clients' then, ^waggered the drunkard over his glass, Tnpped on the sidewalk the paphean lass, ^"oh was St. John when the fire fiend fell «^n her noblest structures with K'~=*= ^ .. ,, R. H. LOUGHHEAD, InsiuMce Broter and Gsneml Agent, • Offices VEEHON'S BUILDIir&, COMEB TSISQ and GrEBMAIN STEIETS, V .t Insuranee Rooms of Ira Coknwaia, Jr.) SAINT JOHN, N. B. MAEIlSrE, FIRE AND LIFE INSUR&HCE Flaced in Reliable Gompanie* without Cfcarge. PROOFS OF LOSS PREPARED A2tl> CLAIMS COLLECTED. '^S^ A large and extended .experience Ib a sufficient gnarantee that aU Policief* issued througji me will be perfect in every particular. EDWARD HANEY & CO., ■Wholesale and Retail Booksellers m Stationeiis, ISTo. 53 King Street, ST. JOHN, N. B. The Lrtest and Best Kewspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Keriews, &c., &c., Always on the counter. GBEA T FIRE OF THE CITT OF ST. JOHN. ent, STEEETS, re. rantee that set John V. ElliK, ingr, Esti- 0., ] et. sriodicak, CANTO 2. stranger her history 1 need not pen, Suffice it our sires were noble men ; Loyal and true when Britain cast Her colonies adrift ; men who held fast To their allegiance, and preferred to roam TJie Northern forests for a home Then wear the traitor's badge, e'en though impressed VMth all the syren charms that Liberty possessed. They held, and through the stormy times maintained That principle is paramount ; that nought is gained By sacrifice of honor for an end'; That right is might and lod wil' at defend. Here they St. George's Lion banner raised, And here they prospered, God alone be praised, And thus their children still look back with pride And bless the stalwart exiles who defied The revolution's force to break this trust "^ In Britain's arm, or call her cause unjust. The 20th day of June, that direful day, Who can its record faithfully portray ? 'Twas two o'clock, or near about that hour. When rang the warning from the old Bell Tower ; The old Bell Tower, rich with memories. Sent forth its words of warning on the breeze. When other sentinels the tocsin woke And with responsive tongues the warning spoke. Then started from its dream this City fair, The cry of fire resounded everywhere. The fire brigade, that sturdy, valiant band, The guardiads of our hearths were prompt on hand. Faithful, self-sacrificing, noble men. 8 ADVERTISEMENT. MII«H*X & BOMVAX, MEW BOOT & SHOE STORE, IN'o. 312 TJmoti Street, (Next Door to A. Sinclair's,) SAINT JOHN, N, B. Z„ned a Retail Store in connection .nth the.r "'^'&sale Manufactory, and are now Retailing at Wholesale Pnces. .„ coods Put.teSrrornu»^pa.recl Free of CHarge. The following are our Special Lmes^: Women's Serge Plain D. S. Congress •' " Tip ' , , .. u "Medium Balmorals, " " High .. »• Grain Fox High '• u " Grain Calf " " , .. Grain Tip Pegged, Low, Bal8., ,, ,4 " Med. :: .. .. High " <5tronff Boots, 90c. and 95c. KpiSn Se.ed Balmorals, Med.^ $0 60 05 1 00 1 20 1 26 1 40 1 00 1 10 1 25 o 11 40 1 75 1 75 2 00 1 75 H. M., 2 75 8 00 to (( K It Men's Strong Broeans, »« Congress Boots. .> " Tip Boots, " Balmoral '* •' Grain Shooting Boots, " Alexis Ties |[ •' Cowhide Long " Kip - Calf 8. and W. ;; " " '^'^ f "^' t nf Bovs' and Youths' Congress and including a large -ortm^^^^^^^^ «,,,, ,„a Long «oo ^^^^^ .^ ^^^^^ ^ ^,^^y_ _ _ .. „ ._ /^ j» alwava on liana. ^.^.Goods made to order in Latest Styles. V. & O- 1 30 1 40 1 10 1 60 2 25 3 00 4 50 3 60 3 00 3 20 3 00 3 26 h GREAT FIRE '^F THE CITY OF ST JOHN. They shewed a truly Roamn courage then. Fairweather's wharf, York Point, the fire began, And with a strong Nor'wester swift it ran. From base to roof and borne upon the bl Ist, The blazing fragments fell in showers fast. Over the dwellings ; when the evening can'ie The city blazed a mass of living flame. Oh God it was a most appaling sight, That blanched the cheek of n.any a Iturdy wigh£ No mortal pen its horrors can portray The seething fiery fields sublnne display, Its hellish roar : its fiames that licked the sky, And seemed to dally with the clouds on high. ' The smoke, the falling buildings, heated air ; The surging mass of human faces there ; The woman's piercing, agonizing wail, And man's deep moans when human powers fail The shrieks of children lost amidst the throng • ' The steeds that wildly rushed the streets along • The horrid turmod when some building fell ; Heart-rending sobs that echoed hope's fai-ewell ; Oh ! Dante's muse would pale before that fire And silence hold the numbers of her lyre ; E'en VirgU's stygian horrors fade away Before the stern realities of that catastrophe. CANTO 3. The sun went down, and with the dying day Hope withered. Veterans were heard to say Another *Thirty-seven ! all is o'er ! But there are minds that spurn the earth and soar Above^spair ; within that frantic throng "The Fire of 1837. ~~. ~ — ' i*. ! 10 A D VER TISEMENTS. liil 1. Sf Iff Oil, Importer and Deal er in FOREIGN WINES, LIQUORS, £»! Corner riiioii and Brnssels Streets, , ST. JOHN, N. B. ^^Country Orders solicited. MI3HAEL McPARTlAND, McPARTLAND^S BAKERY Sydney Street, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PATRONAGE SOLICITED/ FtcOi'KiETOR- pin:ici/ ill i in IQUORS, Is Streets, 3. LAND, IKERY, 5t, :nded to. FED, . ^^f^ "^OF THE CITY OF ST. JOHN. Were sorno stout hearts that bore the feeling strong Of the old Loyalists ; and then it rose In all its pristine grandetu- 'midst the throes And wild commotion of this human sea, This surging billow of humanity. Calm and collected there were men who dared, In spite of tho.e who chided and despaired To hope against all hope, and to the last Fought hand to hand against the fiery blast ; ' ^ Disputing every inch of ground as ran The flaming column, Death leading the van, Wl»o, hke the soldiers of the Spartan field, Would wear the bays or grace the hero', shield • Forced by the glowing torrent to recede I visited King's Square, and there indeed A spectacle, I can forget, Appalled mine eyes, it haunis my slumbers yet. There lay the sick and wounded, old and blind, The proud, the humble, the unsound of mind ' There hungry mothers gave the breast in vain To hungry infants ; .here were girls again, Wnthxng in strong convulsions. There a child Had lost its parents and with grief was wild ; There did the wealthy once and poor lie down To equal grade reduced by fortune's frown • Those who from life's first dawn had ever been Rocked in the lap of plenty, now were seen Glad to take rest with beggars, paupers there, And mother eartti|,ude bosgm with them share • A canopy of smoke above them spread. The fire advancing and their last hopes fled • Oh ! ye who live in splendour, ye might learn This lesson of adversity so stem. 11 12 A D VER TISEMENTS. I I I, ip DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Ladies', Misses', Children's and Gents' BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS, 71 KIIN^a STUEET, (Nixt d?>or beloio Mr. W. Kennedy's Grocery Store,) ST. JOHN, N. B. The Best Goods at Cheapest Rates. . » C. E. FOTTEE, IMPORTER OF GOLD LE^F, &c, ■ iffiSiS^ i / 1 CORNER OF Sliawmiit and Harrison Avenne, 'S. w OF > ar»d Gents' SLIPPERS, t Grocery Store,) I. B. »apest Bates. » 3", &c, on Avenue, "^-^ ^ ^^^^ 0/- r//^ eiTV OF ST. JOHN. And draw this moral from this scene of woe That wealth Hath no sure tenure hero below • That Fortune, fickle Goddess, too hath wings, Such ,ure the laws that govern human things Wealth, honors, power, are our grand pursuite, Death, or the whirlwind bears away the fruits And there were some whose resignation strong Marked them above the ordinary throng Who knelt and calmly looked to heaven for aid, ^ Whose faith was strengthened as their hopes decayed S»o rose their piety on Seraph's wings Above the turmoil of sun-ounding things. CANTO 4. Oh ! for the power of Hogarth to portray The varied aspects of the scenes that lay Before me there, that I might make them live Again upon the canvas. Then I 'd give Posterity a boon that would impart The glow of genius to the painter's art. Oh ! for a Virgils' all descriptive pen. To now delineate what happened then. And to a future generation show All that their suffering sires did undergo. With heavy heart I hastened from the Square Disconsolate I roved, I knew not where, ' And read in every countenance despair. Stranger, I never realized till there, The weight of sorrow some men have to bear. Oh ! for a blast to sweop that crowd away That without pity on the helpless prey : Yes SUfih thor^Q Kr> T . i__ 1 ., _ . , ., , > ^ ^";iiiit:a tneui iie^e and there, Like beasts of prey all hungry from the lair. 13 i^ ^("""f 14 AD VERTISEMENTS. T. E. IIOLLINS, (Successor to J. E. Poi-ter,) TINSMITH, PLUMBER, GAS-FIHER AND UEALEB IN Stoves, Lamps, Oils, &i*. FURNACE WORK neatly Pitted and promptly attended to. Britannia Metal and Sliver Plated Ware Repaired. ^^STOVES of Latest Patterns always on hand. 169 Union Street, St. John, H. B. CEO. E. THOMAS, OFFICE-PRINCESS, NEAR PRINCE WM. STREET, Fire and Marine Insurance effected AS nrKLrUUBKA l fe KA I K»' oH^MtanWinAt^w ITS. LIITS, Poi-ter,) , CAS-FIHER Oils, &i\ itly Fitted and ded to. tted Ware Repaired. rns always on hand. Jolin, IT. B. DMAS, C^ f e Miitt, CE WM. STREET, [•aiice effected «A I bC*' _J^^^^T^E OP THE CITY OF ST JOJIK Tliey prowled the streets, or vampires they Or fiends incarnate : some in amb.ish lay And waylaid feeble wo.nen as they bore Some relics of their fortunes now no more. The brothel dregs, in every vice refined, Below the social level of niankiud- Thronged i„ the by-ways, and with li,«or " high " Jhey revelled in their ribald deviltry So callous was the aspect of each brow, And so inhuman in its mirth r vow That man, the masterpiece of God's design Ves, he who claims his image is divine ' Would thus recoil, and his own image shun As though the likeness of the evil one As raged the conflagration in the night JPar off upon the Bay there flashed the light And many miles away the ruddy sky Bespoke of ruin to the travellers' eye Vessels at anchor felt the fire-fiend's sway And made a pyrotechnical display f 7 «*reet to street the furious torrent ran, ^"'n'''**^^*he feeble power of man For God s own finger marked its ruthless way A«d each doomed street or dwelling for its pr'ey. Or fanned, ts flame to fury with the gale To leave but desolation in its trail ' That night the '^Empress" boat steamed up the Bay • Her p^sengers were light of heart and'ga;,'' When the prophetic glare upon the sky Baxsed apprehension. As the shores drew nigh And all the dread magnificent display, I^ikQ a volcanic crater in full play Loomed up upon the waters, ther^ were breasts 15 K *1 ! le A D VER TISEMENTS. HAWKE8 BROTHERS, (MTOKTEBS AW1> UKAtJSKS IK Ales, "Wines and Cigars, Xo. 48 ftERMAlX STREET, ASTf Cor. King Square & Sydney Street, ST. JOHN, N. B. B. McaO"WAlT'S HAIR DRESSING ROOMS, 16 Charlotte Street, ST. JOHN, N. B. Hair Cutting, Dyeing and Shampooing, DONE IN THE MOJ^T ARTISTIC STYLES. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. sr. HERS, H IN d Cigars, STREET, ydiiey Street, N.B. I ROOMS, Street, N. B. nd Shampooing, ISTIC STYLES. )LIOITED. y attended to. ^^OREATnnE OF THE CITV OF ST. JOHN. VVi;h ..-Id en.ot.,«H «ei.ed and ],..,« oi,«.,««,, , Then mo« grow ,,„Je and ,t,,,j,..U,erga=^d Mute and bewildered, temhly^ed ; Who can depict their feeling as there ca,u« The 8frn reality-- th.,ir homes i„fl«„.,. Perhaps r«d„^d to nsl.os ; fortnnes gone • The,r cheerful heartha no n.oret.>looic upon. " f he loving wife and children all that's dear Penshed perhaps. Thus there forebodings'drear And other sad unutterable things Crowded their anxious wild imaginings; A 1 those endearment, all those sacred ties Of home and kindred in the bosom rise, And fr,.„ long-buried n,eu,ones there spring. The sad reflection of «li loving things. CANTO ->. From the bright roll of heroes who displayed ^alour unparalelled, hearts undismayed Fx.m the brave phalanx of undaunted men Whose deeds are worthy of a nobler pen Than mi.e their great achievement to rehearse, My muse would fain a tributary verse Indite for brave Mnnro and Angus, one Knot by birth by lineage a son Of the old land of «. mountain and of flood." The o hers veins were rich in Saxon blood. One of those souls that wheresoe'r we roam, From Artzc regions to the torrid zone, VV e find in great emergeneies at hand Eager and proud at danger's post to stand; Oool and self-sacrificing, enerrrrf-c Vave For duty prompt with ready handl tTsIve, 11 \k L ■•-ij, -4i 1» A D VER TISEMENTS. 44 %\t Weelli geiftli ff 18 THK Best and Cheapest Newspaper pub- lished in St. John. SI.OO PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. ICuftJSTE &c OO., :E>R0PRIET0R8' AMi EIMPS Of mm FSIlS44^tt4 Neatly and Expeditiously Executed at "The Weekly Herald" Office, 64 6ERMAIN STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. J^-Order» aolicited and satisfaction gitaranteed. JAMES MINEHAN, VICTUALLER, STALLS Nos. 6 and 7, i 1 CiTV Market, : : : St. John, X. B. ^ A mm:. » I 1 CONSTANTLY .> .".i>''- A Large Supply of Fresli Mid Salt Meats, jw POULTRY, GAME AND VEGETABLES. ^^Vessels and FamilicB supplied on the most reasonable tenns. 'S. wspaper pub- bhn. ADVANCE. - ^PROPRIETORS- xecuted at " The Dffice, . JOHN, N. B. jfiiaranteed. I and 7, T. John, X. B. GREA T FIRE OF THE CITY OF ST. JOir, 19 U^^. aud Salt Meats, k/EQETABL,E8. [le most reasonable tenns, W^hHlltl, frank good natnr. of his., o«. Which .nt.« rudest feature* we can trace; ^on,n.ayBntHnniafrorul.,.rock-bo„uaco..t Send forth such sons to stand at danger's post- Long nmy she, Angus, over land and , .ine ' Nurture the sailor spirit such as thine ' Alone they stood within the awful Square, With fare and s,noko surrounded everywhere; OWh.tte and Sydney and St. Andrews street Blocked with their fiery coluums all retreat; Wddly they stared each other in the face These fire-walled comrades, a. if there to trace borne new device, some hidden agency Home hope forlong to start and set thorn free ; Oh ! when n^en's hopes are ebbing fast away, And this vain world's realities decay As culminate life's moments to the last ' Then man instinctively his ga.e will calt I pon his fellowa, without word or sign And dwell upon the "human face divine." Who can describe th' emotions of the soul ' In that brief pause when time draws near its goal Back wuh the lightning-^ speed to youth and ,lme And all that's lovely in the past they roam, Then from the dark abyss in landscape rise, ^ife s panorama on the gla^^ing eye. In wild disorder lay around the Square Heir-looms and household gods deserted there And mongst those burning relics those brave men f^ith tbs to Hoothe their lonely couch that night, ghey d.e for others, fighting the good fight . ar>uvv; cne Mill and roar arise 20 ADVERTISEMENT. ¥ Importer and Manufacturer of BEADMWADE CLOTHINC, FsiiHishiiig Umh, etc. ^^mmn mim^^mn on hand. GENT-S CLOTHING mIm TO ORDER i,, the most Fashionable Styles. ROBEET 0. aOBDO Dealer in* WINES AND LIQUORS, MAIN STREET, PORTLA^SD, St. John, ISr. B. GOODS DELIVERED PRee OF CHARGE Country orders promptly attended to. The fa.., demand ™„t„e„i„,j,„,, TO-., ° '"'locanst .)f death • ;-.>..i*,T.,;:;-:s;,ir i he tender thoughts of K Or «o„,e„,ira,e,„a,.t,,„,,,, „,„„,' Back to h., EngliA cottage home's ifr. I'r ■"■'-•"-" -ed:vo:::sr° Hears his loved chiMrpr,.' • ' Hi.»ifei„te„dea:::::::'"r'"'"''^''' These and a th„„s,„d f , ! ' ^'^ "»'""• --—on :;:::--—« The V18IOU fades beforo h ,o Ti, ^> .. ^^^'^^ ^18 vacant eyes • -...»;*rr.rhr^-- Bnrstf„,„ their prison „i,,„,'*; ^».™Uhepe„te„,„«„„.„„,:t^*™' A<..ohhingtteachM,heth„.add 1, -nis comrade : Sir IT • , '"^'^scd '-»"ou.,r„ae.:;;:irti:t:::"™^^^ surrounding wal] 21 Or My «ei've« and aJJ yny wanted fire that shp>- courage breaks 22 AD VER TISEMENTS. ^^!S\ ^WTSTTO k^V\'v^V\\,'A WWWWSW ^\N\\W "Wholesale WINE AND SPIRIT g!f ST. croHiisr, nsr. b. KELLY & MURPHY, Manufacturers of AND SLEIGHS. Repairing neatly done. Old Carriages exchanged for New, and Bought and Sold. FACTORY : Main Street, Portland, - - St. John, H. B, J. K£L.Ii¥. G. MUBPHT. IT 3. langed N.B. •HY. GREA T FIRE OF THE CITY OF ST. JOHN. 23 'Tis the reflection that T leave beliind A tender wife, fond, faithful, noble, kind, And darling children to lament my fate. Who will protect them in their helpless state ? I know this night I'm doomed to perish here, The warning voices in the flames I hear, But if kmd Providence shall favor thee. And from this prison fate shall set thee free. My ship the " Asiana's " at the shore. Seek her and tell my messmates I'm no more ; Tell them to bear the tidings o'er the sea. With this last message to my wife from me, i3ll her that midst the fire and to the last I held her image and the children's fast. Tears are in vain, come, gallant comrade, cheer, Said bold Munro, we'll stay no longer here. We will not die without one effort more, What profits it to linger at death's door ; And with one impulse, they, as if inspired, Boae from the ground with resolution fired. One last " Good bye, God bless thee," and all three Parted ; then with heroic bravery Each took their awful solitary path, Faced the fierce element in all its wrath, Amidst the falling debris fought their way. Through smoke and flames where blazing timbers lay. Like he whose process woke the *Mantuan lyr.', " Pious iEneas," when he sought his sire, Amidst the burning streets of ruined Troy, So resolution fears disarm, destroy. So this heroic woman, these brave men Pfvssed through the jaws of deatli to home and friend ligain. •Virgil was born in Mantua. i 24 ADVERTISEMEyr^^ OLAIUMOHT HOUSE, TORRYBXJRIS^- THIS HOUSE is again under the management ot Mrs. McGowan, whose long exixirience m catering for the public has gamed for this HOUSE its flESf-OlAI 1, r^% SI n HS ^»!*1!!S Meals at all liouK served in first-class styl ^-9- Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars constantly on hand. MRS. McGOWAN, Proprietor. P THOS. F. TIERHEY, S.M)\W>Akv v„>',A^\Ta. •vK\\\ MAIN STREET, TOWN OF PORTLAND, ^, S Hair Cutting, Shaving, Dyeing and Shampooing. — ALSO- CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' HAIR CUTTING promptly attended to. \N\\\ go to the house ir desired. tnil^AT FIRE OF THE CITY OF ST. JOHN. 25 '&■ CANTO a. Fain wu«lcl I still my mournful strain prolong, Had I the minstvel's gift to fire my song. i liavti not tasted the pierian fount, Or climbed the arduous steep and classic UKJimt - Famed Helicon ; but to historic prose, And to the power of genius, and those Who seek perennial fame, I humbly bow ; ■On ye devolve the loftier task I trow, Suffice it then in brief for rae to tell H.,w on that day, 'twill be rememl)ered well, i The year of seventy-seven, the twentieth day Or June, two thirds of this fair city lay In aslies. Desolation reigned supreme Over the smoulderijig heaps of what had been «t. John, and chimnies, weird and charred. Like lonely sentinels, keep watch and guard. Then rose above the " ruin " one low wail From broken hearts, then Want and Fanune pale, stretched their lean hands and grasped the Rich and Proud, While Misery in tatters shrieked aloud. Then Rank and Wealth from their high station fell. And in the dens of Misery did dwell. Yes, thpse cold, icy barriers that divide The rich and poor, for once were cast aside ; While Pomp and Pride deserted by their bands, ' With naked Indigence at last shook hands ******* Loud was the wailing that rose on the air, Bitter the accents of wee and despair, Scalding the tears on the ashes that fell ; '•'■■"y "len, puuuer it weii. ■ fn fK ^^antime Provinces through. In the warm heart of P«i. u- '"*"»«• AT , Columbia apnear«_ Moves the great sa„] * i> • "^'P®*'*' « great soul of Britannia to tear^L <-anada thou did'at rJ« ^ ForS^ ^ ."'**"* ^^ "'^nders indeed ' er.h„ historical record of thine ■ *'""*<'» '"'"democracy glide- •'Win.tieution,, «„,,„„„ J T^^ »^d and chimerical ™i„„. gi,,:^' «-nge,., rapid ,„cce«i„n he ™„gh^- ■W'Shty inventions aprin. out of J ,^ Will mid.t tH chanL7fc .. *" "'°"»'"- There i, . tu ~r^ ""' """ """> xnfold ' „ " " """« "«" will never g,„„ „m »- owed hyn,e™ory oft .t„i„rjd'^ We7'™.""™«-»»»««"ohe •^»l."i'=«5p«„r,„fferi„g^„,.„,,^^- i7 2S A D VER TISEMENT8. mi^ W. PRICE, .» o. 2 SHANTY, South Side King Square, n WINDOW SHADES & WIKE SCREENS A SPECIALTY. PARK HOTEL 411 ifli ^ J-OHItT ■^-^Ji^'^, PROPRIETOR. inuMj H- B ■ ■ i»f^i^= = = - J = _ = <^ re. ENS ^# 4- r. OnEATj^jj,^ Ojr THE CITY OF ST. JOHK 29 Then to the .nother-land ever the .aab., England that's never appealed to in vain i;"gland, magnanimous, mighty and free,' ^..rse of the generous minded to thee .VVeturned as a child to its mother appeals, We 11 rh: " "" "^^'"«^ ^^ ^""^- it feels. We I d:d the mother respond to the en.. VVell did the States in munificence vie 7t*^;7^''I'-d"-henaBeecher arose And called forth the tender emotions of those VV hose ancestors were our inveterate foes. ^t' *'' ''' ^'''''''' «P"-i* -- -o- ; Woke o'er the fire's desolation to soar; Woke from the nightmare of famine and paxn • Woke mto life and to action again Like the smouldering fires in Etna's breast, Calm as the slumber of infancy's rest, < >nly its vigor reserves for an hour Now all majestic bursts forth in itl power. ^ee through the ruins activity flies See how the old Saxon spirit doth rise. Soon will another St. John appear Beautiful structures their heads wi'll rear, AH that is lovely in science and art, All the improvements that skill can'impart, The Mantxme Queen of this Eastern strand. This IS the tale of the terrible fire Stranger, fareweU, cease my tuneless lyre. Yet, ere I hang thee on the willow tree, One pai-ting stanza, though nnn.„.i, .L .x.. • Ihe barque that bear, me old St. John from thee, 3f0 A D VER TISESiENVS. ST. JOHN DINING ROOMS 1 Oysters, Game, Pastry, Ice Cream, Sc, &c. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 113 KINQ STKEET, ST. JOHN, N. B. * ■ JOHEPH fB[€€OL«lX, Pi»inief«»r. (Late of A. Richardson & Co.,) SAW MANUFACTURER Corner of Union and Dock Streets, ST. JOHN, N. B. ALL KINDS OF SAWS • I !;c. n\ R J^SATfnieo^rHe cirr or sr. .,o„y. «ide. In the hiuboi.f reartv fnr tl.. vueen of the Eastern coaat A+i, x^ t, «™ coast, Athens of Fundy's Bay. A. O. PRITCHARD. .V7 i^S CARPEITER MD^ BUILDER. STORE and OFFICE FITTlNr • r- Shelving and Sign mal^n ' .^°""^«^^' Desks, and at rfasra^byf.^te:'.' '^^'^^ ' Shop: Corner Eli^ ST. JOHN, N. B. Ail orders promptly attended to. ^*m. 38 ADVERTISEMENTS. McNIGHOl & RUSSELL, Dealers in AND fiEIVTS' FlRMSHINC; COODS, No. 39 King Street, - - St. John. N. B. Clothing made to order at the shortest notice, and in the most Fashionable Styles. WM. m'NICHOL. WM. R. RUSSELL. T. F. BO"WB, MASON CONTRACTOR, St. A-ndrew^s Street, (NEAR GAS WOKKS.) » '^9 Brick and Stone Plastering and Stucco work, DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. i. — J work guurauteeu. 0'»'f!p.rfi solicited* -^"•■wi"' H A2 EnITo use **""' *OBw. ». a. A Pi,n A *■■***■« ON HAND- «0»V on li»^^ "" '^■'» »^ on liand. .,^ ADVERTISEMENTS. ROBERUTEVENSOH'S BOOT ib SHOE STORE, 19 Oharlotte Street, ST. JOHN, N. B. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S BOOTS. ,. «.^, on «».. K'*. •••» -"- «"'"„ Bents' Fine tod-made BalFTalUonpess. BOYS' HMO WUTH8' "AllWA" BOOTS. A new article in the market. p<.»rrpT STEVENSON, CfcRPtNTER tND BUILDER. (Opposite Turnbuirs Factory,) -— SEoTDS^r. Storefronts. Do"' * ^'"^^ ~'' UG,SL»*erl Signs. O^^^^^' ^ i ■ I V.\) V, 'mad. to order ai: the shortest notice. .... . .._ .u.„. .lan« will be promptly attended to. All orders ieii a^ N. B. nm, ^^AU m ^MEHIOAN DOOR <-" - -^.n? ^^S« DEPOT 2L£2i«TEN^, B^i^^lum ^P'letor. fnirbi 7, P-omptly attend. !«/-} *. ^'^ABK, *r. *«i:-JBoi> ANHOXJHOEMENT ! THE SUBSCRiBEH experts on or Jibout the l>^t J;imuir\ . ISTM, to open to the pitblic Tlie DoBiiiiioi WinB Yaiilts, Limoli and Billiaril Rooms, situatcHl in the 15aseinerit of the M^llin ]>]lOTHEKS' 151o(']v, Corner Dock Street and North Wharf, A select u.ssortment of choice hnnids of* Wines, Liquors and Ci,iA-nrs, will he kept constantly on hand.. The lAXfii OouNTEii will be nnder the supervision of an experienced caterer. I The BjiJ.fAHi) Room, &<•.. Avill be rmder i the niauajA'ement of Mr. John Connors, • ; forni(A-ly of the ^'Yictoria Hotel." ■ s ■* The entire premises fitted np in First-class Style. A shaie of Public patronage, solicited. ' <) \ J k