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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i I k i [^ I p I I I i p p I I Is (:^ i m raj K.'i.. '^. '^-^r-'Wfy, ■>?''«ai(,^'J^' ■*-■'.; ■i a.-:^"«fTltl i'^i f^mt^m^^i^^^^M^^m^^^M^EmM^^^i^^^^ MANITOBA aiii Sfii^iitiir Socirty, WINNIPEG. <^ 11 H D ■^ 3 FOR THE YEAR 18S4-X; ;). A i{i':vii:w or thi-: viivirs <)i»i:i{Ati<)ns, tiii: KLix Tiox or oi I i< i:i{s, Sn-. \V 1 N N I P E f) : MANITOBA KREE PRESS I'RINT. 18 8."). )(i!3e<P<ii3&3G!9ei3(ci3®i;!9<2i3&s»i^ m^ X'^^^'^ KNITOIU historical & SriENTIFir SOCIETY. REPORT OF THE ANNUAL MEETING, 188".. the annual meeting of the Historicai Saientitic Society was lield yesterday frnooii, Rev. Dr. Bryce, president, in chair, and about fifty members, lev. Professor Hart, oorreapondiiig sec- iry, read the annual report of the ex- Itivc council, and the same was adopted (motion of Rev. Canon O'Meara, sec- Jed by Mr. John McDonald. The kjrt was as follows : — ANNUAL UEPOKT OF THE ('OL'NCIL. Pho Executive Council begs to report \t duruii; the past yeai a very much ?er amount of work has been done HI in any previous year in the history |the society. NEW QUARI KS. resolution Jiaving h m carried at last annual meeting adv sing a change I rooms, the present central, safe and imodious quarters have been obtained. society has been able to have a tai-y and news room separate, and tat was much needed before, a hall for blic meetings. The hall has been iind very suitable for the meetings of lumber of societies and other bodies, has been sub-let to the Board of ide, Pet Stock Club, Reform Associa- Jn, Medical and Chirurgical Society, examinations of the University of jmitoba and of the College of Physi- is and Surgery, and the use has on ^eral occasions been given to the lorthand Reporters' Association. The t^enue received from these several lies and the decreased insurance goes to bring down the expenses to that [the former limited quarters, while the piety has many advantages. The hall been used also for museum purposes, ^e contents of the museum have been iiblod during the year, and additional ^es of furniture are urgently needed to aw and [jreserve the articles obtained. le increase has been chiefly in the f>lo»ical rind archoiological departments, well as in the large collection of ^vid Young. Esq., entrusted to our re. SCIENTIKI'.' WOIIK. The most striking feature of the year is probably the incrtasc of scientific work in the society. Railway connec- tion with the Rockies has stimulated re- search in this department. (a. ) Geology — During the year Messrs. Panton, McCharles, Bell, Goodridge and others have been active in study and investigations in this direction. Large accumulations of fossils of Silurian age have been obtained from the Red River Valley. Explorers and friends of the society have sent us specimens large and valuable from the cretaceous rocks of the fossil reptiles, cephalopods, etc., abounding in the far west. In this de- partment the loss of Mr. Panton will be much felt, but it is to be hoped his mantle will fall on some worthy succes- sor. (b. ) Botany — An opportunity was oft- ered during the year of obtaining an in- crease of specimens for the society, as well as of supplying the Provincial Govern- ment museum with a collection. Four observers were appointed — (1) in Lake Winnipeg district, (2) Lake of the Woods region, (3) Southern Manitoba, (4) West- ern Manitoba. Some hundreds of speci- mens wore obtained. One observe- was unfortunate in the almost total loss of his 200 specimens; th«8e obtained are now being named and catalogued; some hun- dreds will be in a short time in the hands of the society and government. Dr. Haydon has presented the society with a number of well preserved botanical specimens, as also Mr. Goodridge from his collection made on the Rocky Mount- ain Expedition IJ years ago. (c.) Zoology — In the department of ornithology Mr. E. E. T. Seton, a most active correapwnding member of the society at Carberry, Manitoba, has done j good service. He is superintendent for 1 the Northwest of the American Ornitho- I logical Union. Mr. Seton has made the I animals of Manitoba a special study. He I was likewise most successful as one of it 11 the botanical collectors already referred to. (d.) Archu!«loKy — In of atudy of tho inound advance has been made The president visited the department builders, much during tho year. the celebrated Rainy River mound region, with its 21 mounds : opened two mounds and brought back a large ({uantit^ of remains, which are now in the museum of the society. VISIT OF THE URITISH ASSOCIATION. The visit of this distinguished scientific body was one of the society's most im- portant matters. The Provincial Govern- ment and City Council recognizing the Historical and Scientific Society aa the proper body to entertain the strangers, each made a grant of $250 to assist in an exhibition suitable for the occasion. The exhibition was generally admitted to be a most valuable exhibit of the historical and physical features of the Northwest. Such an exhibition as this, well carried through, will do more to recommend the country than a whole series of banquets and ice palaces. The rooms of the so- ciety were, during the whole month of August, frequented by visitors from the mother country. The exhibition lasted for two weeks, tho receipts were $1,290.- 60, and notwithstanding the exceedingly bad weather, added some $200 to our society's funds. ROYAL SO<;IETV OK CANADA. The Royal Society meeting annually at Ottawa has affiliated our society, along with some fourteen others throughout the Dominion. The president proceeded to Ottawa in May to represent the So ciety. He was accorded a most hearty reception : made a statement of the work of our society, and presented the mother society with a morocco bound copy of the publications of our society. He also read a paper "A plea for a Cana- dian Camden Society," which has been extensively circulated, and promises to be the means of leading to the publica- tion of a number of the works of early explorers now almost unknown or out of print. PUBLIC MEETINGS. The meetings of the society have been larger than in any former year. The Executive Council has had ^,1 meetings during the year and the society nine. The new hall was opened on the 24th of April with an address by the President. The following are the PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS of the society during the year; — 1. The Red River— Pp. 3, by \\1 Murdoch, C. E. An interesting ske| of physical conditions of the prairie Red River vallov. 2. Tho Red River— 8 pp. by .1. Rowan, C. E. An elaborate an irapil ant paper on the geographical and cc| mer'jial features of tiie river. .'{. The Prairie Chicken — 1» pp. by E. E. T. Seton, of Carberry, being original study of the habits and con| tions of the Pintail groude. 4. Silurian outcrop of Red River str —13 pp., by J. H. I'anton, M. A, minute and useful account of the fusJ of the Red River valley; as also a stral graphical sketch of the same. 5. The Mound Builders— 20 pp., Rev. Dr. Bryce, being the result of vestigatioiis by the author, and a theJ as to origin, age, etc., of the mouiuls[ Red and Rainy Rivers. G. Our Crop Markets — 11 pp., a val able paper on the grounds for beliovil the Northwest will maintain itself as| wheat growing country. 7. Prairie Fires— 2 pp., by E. E. Seton, a short paper giving a theory to the treeless nature of tlie prairies. 8. Historical names and places in tl Northwest— 8pp., by Mr. C.N. Be| second vice-president, a sketch of kit ing points of interest from Lake Supeiil to the Rocky Mountains, with dates events and derivations of the names. !>. The Deer and its Preservation Manitoba — pp. , by E. E. T. Seton, i excellent and useful description of tij various species of Jeer and thoughts to game lawn. READING ROOM AND LIBBARV. The newspapers and magazines takej by the society from a very attractii feature of the society's work. Almost ; the provincial newspapers are sent frtj of charge to the society, and the cound desires to put on record its thanks for tbi continued and hearty favors snown \f their proprie*^ors to the objects of tn society in thus supplying our news rooiii The perusal of the collection of magazind and periodicals is itself a full repaymeu to members for the very moderate duej exacted by the society. In appendix a list of papers and magazines is added! During the year considerable addition! have been made to the libraay. The folj lowing volumes have been added durin the year: In science, 40 vols. ; NorttJ west books, including arctic, 30 vo1b.I general literature, including fiction, 19| vols. ; total, 269 vols. s The importance of preserving the peri- Micul literature received hy the society patunt to all. Many difficultiuB arc loniiected with it. The large number \i Canadian and Provincial newspapers Bceivod by the society forms a history of Ihe time. In 'JO, 50 or 100 years these fles will be invaluable. Could funds be Obtained these should be bound yearly. )uring the past year t)0 volumes have leen added to the library by bindinor up le magazines on hand at a cost of $91.90. most popular addition was thus made I the reading department of the library. )uring the year, by the direction of the )uncil, a catalogue was published of the |olumes in the library; this was done at urgent request of members who liake the most use of the library. The >uncii regrets that the number sold to ite has hardly justitied the expense in- irred in preparint; the catalogue — less lan 100 copies having been sold. BXCHANOE.S. The increasing age and reputation of le society, t<^gether with the fortunate rrangements made with other learned ftcieties, has resulted in the society }rary receiving a large number of works ; value. Special notice should be taken the continued receipt of the publica- »ns of the Smithsonian Institution, |nited States Government,and Dominion, itario and Manitoba Governments. A kt of societies from which publications re received is found in appendix B. It 1 but right to state that in the receipt id acknowledgment of exchanges, in le cataloguing, moving and arrange- ment of the library, and in the superin- Indence of the rooms, as well as in the ^avy work of the exhibition held by the ciety, the librarian has had an excep- bnally heavy year. The increased spase Id accommodation now possessed by the eiety, as well as the number of meet- ;s, makes extra demands upon the ^rarian. During the past year the ex- itive council has felt it due to add a inus of $200 to the salary of Mr. ighan, and regrets that the funds of society do not justify the addition of irger amount. MEMBERS. )uring the year the death took place iHon. A. M. Sutherland, a rising public kn of the Province, and a good friend Ithe society. The sympathy of the so- |ty is offered to his bereaved friends relatives. Near the end of the year lalready noted, Mr. J, H. Panton, M. I, left the field of work of the society. We shall gratefully remember his eflbrts for the society. It would be desirable to retain the name of Mr. Panton oh the list of corresponding members. The number of members added during the year has been 122 — as against 147 in the previous year. The total membership of the society is now 381. HTANDIN(J t:OMMITTEE.S. The library committee has done a large amount of work during the year. On the 27th of March and 8th of May it submittod elaborate reports with propo- sitions for the organization of the lib- rary. The committee has selected books, examined tenders for books, binding and magazines and supervised the publica- tion of piipers. The finance committee has had luany meetings, and in no pre- vious year of the society's history have the Hnance» of the society received such careful attention. Reference should be made to the service of the prompt and in- defatigable treasurer, Mr. Goodridge. The science committee made but one report, but this was valuable, as it led to the di- rection of effort in connection with the botanical and geological departments of our work. FINANCIAL CONDITION. The society began the year with a bal- ance in hand of $454.15 in its library account, which, though now reduced to $12. 2G, is represented by valuable ad- ditions to the library. For ordinary re- venue a much increased expenditure was needed on account of the change of rooms, outlay in furniture, increase of expenses for rent and maintenance. The council is glad to state that after having paid as last year a bonus of $200 to the hard-working secretary, all obligations have been met. On ordinary aceount $2,- 122.!»8 has bee i received, and $2,11().G5 expended, leaving a balance of $0.3.'$ on hand. In regard to the secretary's salary it is rocomuiended by the executive coun- cil that it should be considered by the society what salary the secretary should receive, as the council finds the bonus system into which it has fallen an incon- venient one. The treasurer's statement, audited, is herewith presented. REVENUE. At the beginning of the year, on ac- count of the increased advantages as well as greater expense incurred, the council appealed to those members of more than one year's standing for an additional $3 per annum. About thirty members re- sponded to tne appeal. As our annual dues are so small the council is of opin- I ion thivt It liu'gor iiuiiiVhh' Hliotild have re- t{arilotl Uiu ro(|UOBt. I)uriiif{ tho jiiiBr. yoar tliu hope w,w iMcluIi^cd that by this timt! or a littlo later tho society might l»e in ocoupancy of tlio rooms promisee', by tho council U) your oxucutivc council. The untinished state of tho City Hall loaves us still in doubt. In regard to tho future, should tho >rrants now given and the rents received still hold good, y(Mn' council is of opinion that the incoming may V)e hopefully faced. It is cheering to notice that an association likely to feel more than most others tho depression prevailing, should ho able to present such a balance sheet as your council has tlio hjnor of presenting. All of which is respectfully submitted. CiEOHOE Bry(;e, Tjiomah Haiit, President. Cor. -Secretary. Tho report of the treasurer, Mr. R. E \V. (ioodridgo, for the year, was then road, together with that of tlie auditor, Mr. J. B. McKilligan, certifying to its correctness. Its adoption was moved by Mr. J. M. Muir, seconded by Rev. Prof. Hart, and unanimously carried. The following are the accounts : — OKDINARV KECKU'TS. balance on hand $ U 43 Provincial Govt. Grant 2.tO 00 ("ity Gra't 500 00 Members' Fees and Lib. - nbsc'tions 037 50 PubliC'ilions and Mate'ial sold 2.5 75 Rent of Hall 163 00 ProHt '"'-' 'Ntion 202 30 To KXPKNDITUKE. 92122 98 Rent paid «740 00 .Mccrotary "s Salary '. SO"! Ot) Insur., KreiK'it and I'o taRC 10!) 52 I'rintinK. Publishing and Advertising.. 118 38 Furniture and Museum 121 90 Ncv/s|» B and Mag. (i year> 86/5 Fuel, Light and Dtiretaking 137 60 llalanco on hand 6 33 Total $2122 98 KXHnilTION ACCeUNT.— RECEIPTS. Pro v. Gov. Grant f 250 00 City Grant 250 CO Ticliets Hold 681 80 Material dispsed of 108 80 Total $129060 EXPENDITLUE, Kent Light and Fuel (Caretaker and Work Material Tents and flags Printing iind yVdvertising Telegrams, Stationery and Postage Transportation Music Gratuities to Police and Firemen Balance on hand 125 CO 52 to 118 (10 300 82 15 5' 148 75 82 93 68 30 127 00 50 00 202 30 Total $1290 60 tnntAHV AfCOU.NT- UKCKIIT.s. Balance on Hand ....$460 7 KXI'ENDITl'KE. Noniiwcht and A'clic Books f 81 rJ Science 40 21 History, Biography and Travels . 37 iJl Franklin Sijuare and Soatide 09 Art 18 J Minding !)l liI <;atalogueH 97 u| Shelving 10 (»| Balance on band 12 : «460 On motion of Prof. Hart the ((uestiiiil of paying tho sucretary a V>onu8 of $2(J( in addition to his salary of ^tiOO, waai referred to tho favoraVilo consideration ol the executive council, after their havinJ considered the condition of tho sociuti financially. On motion of Mr. A. H. WhitchorJ seconded by Prof. Hart, Mr. J. B. Mc| Killigan was reappointed auditor. ELECTION. The election of tifteen members t| constitute the executive council was pni ceedod with, Messrs. Martin, VVoymssj Gofidridge and Greenfield, acting as scrJ tineers. The result was that the folloul ing were chosen: -Rev. Dr. Bryce, Mt'{ srs. VVm. Clark, R. E. W. Goodridgfl Aid. Ryan, J. B. McKilligan, Aid. Peail son, W. H. Hughan, C. N. Bell, AlJ Carruthei's, Alex. McArthur, A. Whifecher, Rev. Prof. Hart, Capt. Gautier, Hon. A. A. C. LaRiviere aii| Rev. Canon Matheson. The election of officers was then heli| with the following results: — President, Rev. Dr. Bryce; Hrst vicj president, Mr. A. H, Whitchor; socm vice-president. Rev. Prof. Hart; cornf ponding secretary, Mr. C. N. Bell; treaj urers, Mr. R. E. W. Goodridge: recori ing secretary, Mr. W. H. Hughan. After some discussion on the subject] fees the meeting adjourned. APPENDIX A. CITY AND PROVINCIAL NKWSPA1'EK.S. Winnipeg Daily Sun. Winnipeg Daily Times. Winnipeg Daily Free Press. Winnipeg Weekly Free Press. Winnipeg Weekly Siftings. St. Boniface Le Manitoba. North-West Farmer. Canadian Pacific Register. Manitoba Gazette. Post Office Guide. Pilot Mound Signal. Rat Portage Progress. Manitoba Liberal, Portage la Prairie. - KKCKIITS. » 16l> 'KK. ;h » 81, to-." iivcls . . ^ ;:L '" %'' !«!l| 97 «| 10 of '..v. '.'.'.'•'■ •• l--'*! $460 lart the (luestioi. a V)onua of $5i< vry "f *<)00, Will le coiiaidortttiou ol aftor thoir havinJ (Ml of tho BOClUtj A. H. Whitcher] lit, Mr. J. B. Mc| ed auditor. )N. fteen mem here tJ council was prij Martin, VVoymsJ leld, acting as scriif as that the foUoMl V. Dr. Bryce, Mti E. W. Goodridgfl [iUigan, Aid. Peal C. N. Bell, All |tfc Arthur, A. Hart, Capt. . LaRiviere aiil heli 1 era was then ts:— Bryce; first vicJ Whitcher; socoij rof. Hart; corn^ C. N. Bell; trea Goodridge: recon i. Uughan. on thesubjectj irned. )n IX A. AL NEWS1'APKH.S. ress. le Press, tings, oba. Bter. rtage la Prairie. kc Emerson International. lu Brandon Sun. be Minnedosa Tribune. Iiiionton Bulletin, likirk Herald. skatchewan Herald. Jgary Herald. Lrt McLeod (iazette. ^gina Leader. Bose Jaw News. kepawa Canadian. iidstono Age. initoba News, Moideu. Im Ni)r'-Wester, Calgary. |o Weekly Tribune- lloviow. Portage li 'rairie. Le Manitou Mercury. |e Commercial. il :30. hNNIl'KO ANI> NOKTHWKST liONATIONS. )uncan MacArthur, Mass of Lightning iglomerated Brick and Mortar; C. .1. f'dges, two Mastodon Fossils ; La jche Tapper, two Shoo Buckles, Sel- Ik Expedition; Ruperts Land Dio- le. Synod Report; R. H. Hunter, Indbook of Archteulogy ; R. L. Rich- pson, Report of British Association kit; Capt. H. H. Swinford, Piece of re- Proof Rock; Herbert Swinford, iifornia Travel Curiosities ; R. H. EddiHg, Tho Manitou Mercury; Daniel ^ey, Ancient City of York, 3 vols. 'The Nor' Wester," as published; inada Royal Templar," No. 1; John bholson, British Columbia, three fnets; T. A. Bernier, Universitj' Act "Parliament, do. Calendar 1883. Pro- Icial Govornment, Manitoba Municipal 1884, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Crop Bul- In, No. G Crop Bulletin, No, 7 Crop pletin. No. 8 Crop Bulletin; The iiual of Acts and Orders-in-Council ; Statutes Manitoba, 1883; Vol 1 Public Acts; Liverpool Geological Associa- B, C, British Columbia Gold lea; Ex-Sheriff Richard, Execution Be Knot; Mr. Fullerton, Large Othoce- |te Fossil; R. E. W. Goodridge, two ails; Mr. Harstone, C. P. R. Register; kod Acts and Proceedings, Rev. Dr. |ce, and No. 6 Crop Bulletin, " Our In- T»8;" George A, Bayne, two Pieces Boric Stone, Specimen Incipient Coal; ^ph Greenfield, Horn Coral, Mus- Hawk, White Moth; ''Carpentery," eam Engine," "Mechanism;" H. A. •ng, Interior of Fort Garry, Photo- >hic Mosaics 1884; Wilson Irwin, ip American Authors, do Eminent Hen; Thoa. W. Taylor, Ten Years in kitoba; U. J. A, Pither, (Fort Fran- ces) 1 Indinif Scraper, (• Pieces Pottery, 3 Arrow Heads; A. U. Whitcher, Re- port Fisheries 1883; W. A. Ducker, D. L. S., Lioceramus; Rev. C. B. Pitblado, "The Christian Sabbath:" f!.«\. A. A. Cameron, "Our Church P(»licy;" Ex-Ald. Monkman, (iypsuin Specimens; S. A. Rowbothani, B. C. Information for Emi- grants, Resources B.C.; .lacob Smith, In- dian Birch Bark Letter and Manuscript; E.J. Russel (Rush Lake), 3 Li/.ards, 1 (larter Snake; Messrs. McPhillips,Bro8., Largo Winnipeg Map .Mounted, 1 do (Sections in Paper), I outline Ward Map Mounted, I Sma'l Map (reduced from 2nd Edition); Dr. Haydoii, 150 Botanical Specimens; W. (Joodridge (.1. P. Springfield), Pr-ize List of Agriculture, Voters' List for Municipality; Lindsay & Garrett, Winnipeg College Journal; William Battye, per Hon. A. G, B. Ban- natyne, 39 Coins; J. H. Rowan, C. E., Index and Maps to Capt. Palliaer's Re- ports, 19(»5; Ernest E. T. Seton (Car- bory), Botanical Specimens, Natural His- tory do.. Sixteen Old Engravings; Mayor Logan and Council, 6 Copies British As- aociotion Souvenir; J. F. Galbraith (Morden), Manitoba News, aa published; WINNIPEG. C. N. Bell, Iron Ore Specimen from Maple Creek, Our Northern Waters; North American Ontario Boundaries Map, " Free Mason " 17 Noa., Ostario Paheontology 1874, do 1875, Four French Mapa, Societe de Geographic for July, Auguat and September, Stock Growers' Journal; Capt. T. Scott, M. P., Reports — Railways and Canals 1883, Trade and Navigation 1883, Sessional Papers C. P. R. 1883-4, Repwrt Department Indian Affairs 1883, do. Secretary of State 1883, do. Penitentiaries 1883, do. Arrange- ments with British Columbia's Militia Defence 1883, Public Accounts 1883; Lieut.-Governor Aikin, Geological and Maps 1880-81-82, G, & W. H. S. of Canada, Report of Progress 1870-80 and Maps to AccompaBy Same; A. Mc Arthur, Esq., 12 Electoral Division Lists of Voters Co. Selkirk 1872; W. A, Hender- son (on Loan), Sylvia; A, W, Roas, Esq., 2 copies speech C. P. R . Loan and Cana- dian Northwest; James E. Stoen, " The Commercial " as published; Capt. Lewis, Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad Scrip; W. J. Graham, M. D., Swain's Queen Charlotte Islands, Gold and other Miners B. C; J. Hoyes Panton, M, A., Selkirk Stony Records, 2 Stony Mount- ain Foaaila, Glacial Action Stone, Medi- cine Hat Coal Specimen, Fragment of the Carapace of Extinct Lund Turtle, CrotacKous Dep<»it Irvine Ravine; Mr. A. McCharleB, 1 Coral Foasil, 2 Selkirk do., 13 do. do,; F. Flet«her, 1 (Jreat Ammonite, 1 smaller do., Lamelli Branohiates & Cretaceous Fosaila; J. B. Peebles, Indian Birch Letter; Arthur ^tenhousu. Silver Tree Leaves; J. F. Latimer, 4 Mineral Hpecimens; James Henderson, Winnipeg Directory 1884, Gazette and Directory 1883; A. H. VVhit- oher, Mining Regulations 1884. APPENDIX B. CANADA. The Montreal Times; Natural History Society, Montreal, Vol. 1, No. 1; Daw- son Bros., Mtintreal, Handbook Domin- ion of Canada 2; Natural History Mus- eum, Montreal, The Canadian Reco/v? of Science Vol. 1 No. 1; Dr. Dawson, Pet- rified Moss; Toronto Canadian Institute Proceedings F. A. S. Ciculus 1 Vol. No. 2 do. ; Proceedings F. A. S. Ciculus 3 Vol. 2; Toronto — Allan McDougall, "James & McDougall on C. P. R;" Mar- ine and Fisheries Department, Report Transit of Venus observations; Metero- logical Service of Canada, Monthly Wea- ther Review; Royal Society of Canada, Proceedings and Transactions Vol. 1; Province of Ontario — Annual Report of Agriculture and Acts for 1872, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9; 1880, 1, 2, 9 volumes. Palaeon- tology of 1874, 1875, Bo;ird «f Health Report 1873; Provincial Government, Ontario Agricultural Commission 1881, do. Appendix B. ; Dominion Govern- ment, Census of Canada 1880-81, Vol. 2; Minister of Agriculture, Report of Cana- dian Archives; Library of Parliament, 6 vols. Sessional Papers, 5 vols., do. vol. 17 vol. 18; Appendix to the Journal; Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club, Trans- actions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Halifax Institute of Natural Science, Proceedin«[8 Part 1 vol. VI. 1882-83; Rev. A. E. MeD, Ottawa, Zenobia, Northwest Territories and B. Columbia. Toronto — H. H. Browne, Sitting Bull's Tobacco Bag; Nova Scotia — Dalhousie University, Inaugural Ad- dress. British Columbia Government, Exploration Queen Charlotte Islands, Daily British Colonist", Geo. Sur. and Natural History, Francis" Journal of Commerce B. C. Edition, List of Pub- lications, Descriptive Sketch Pysicial Geography, Vocabularies Indian Tribes, 2 Geological Maps, East and West; Hon. Alex. Morris, A. M., D. C. L, Canada and Her Resources, Treaties of Canada with I Indians of Manitoba, Nova Britiania «bc| I Ontario — Library of Legislative .\BSt)iif bly. Annual llej)ort Agriculture luJ Arts Vol. 1; do. Vol. 2; Quebec's *i»i graphical Society, Transactions vol. No. 3, 1882-3-4; Hamilton Asaociati« Part 1 Vol. 1 Journal of Proceedings. ORKAT BRITAIN. Report Public Libraries Newaastle i Tyne; Alexander Begg, 50 copies Til "Colonies and India;" John Camcril Grant, Prairie Lectures, Lilith and othl Poems; Dr. Barnardo, The King's Bui ness Requireth Haste; Leeds Philosoplj cal and Literary Society, Annual port; Royal Colonial Institute, Procee ings val. 15, 1883-4; Philosophical ' ciety of (Jlasgow, Proceedings 188.'3-h The Machinery Market and ForciJ ^•'upplement, London; J. C. Thomp8o| Woodstock Waverly Road, Liverpo England, Laws Liverpool Microscopiij Society, Catalogue slides in Cabinets Books in Library, 16th Ynnual Repoi Rev. E. Hill, F. G. S., St. John's CJ lege, Cambridge, Baily's Palieozoi Characteristic British Fossils. UNITED STATKS GOVBRNMENT. Distribution and consumption Wheat; Agricultural Report 1883; Burei of Education, Five Circulars, Exhibiti| do., Shorthand do.. Illiteracy do., port of Commissioner of Education 1^ 82; War Department, Means of Trail Dortation, etc.; Treasury Departniej F'inance Report 1883, do. 1884; Geo! gical Survey. Act ix. North Amerig Invertebrate Palmontology, ProgreHs ports 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, Mine! Resources of the United States; Depa ment of Agriculture, No. 6 Area Wh Grain, No. 7, Timber Land and Fori Trees, Yield of Crops No. 13; Engine! in-Chief Department, 67 charts NortliJ and Northwestern Lakes. Departmi of Interior, 10th Census Vol. 6 Pnnl do. ^ol. 7, do. Vol. 8, do. Vol. 6 Pl 2; Chief Signal Office, Profes-sicf Papers, No. xiv. do do Charts St(( Frequency; Smithsonian Institution.! J. Report 1882, 2 American Philosuij cal Society; 1 Sociedan Oientifica Arg tina; Bureau of Ethnology, Annual port 1880-81. UNITED STATE.S. Harvard University, No. 4 Build Vol. III., No. 28, or Vol. in No. 5, >| 24 to 29, 1883 to 1884 No. 30. or V(,l T No. 1; Wisconsin Historical Society,] Charter, Revised Statutes 1884; Wi» sin State Historical Society, Constituii (JOVEENMENT. Ety-Lawi; American Philoaophioal Philadelphia, Proceedings N<i. Bl. 'Jl, do. Vol. 21 No. 110 1884; ur of I'ublished Papers; Auiuriuun of Natural History, Now York, |utu set of Publications, BuUotinr 1 [o. No. 5, 11 Annual Kuports, \ii- luport 1K84; Ainuricun Institute of Engineers, Transactions March 12 Papers; Chicago Meeting, 5 i; 14 July, 18 Papers; Aug. 10, 7 i; September IG, ti Papere; 27 Oct., ^pers; December. 15 Papers; San I, ••The West Shore;" Oincin- Uttbert Clark it Co., Catalogues Libraries; Albany Tniversity Library, Hall's Palioontology (i I'acific Ocean R. Route 4 Vols. ; fork. Journal of the Association of I'uriug Societies .Ian. 1885; Illinois Museum of Natural History, Crus- |and Crinoids; Engineers Club nf lelphiti. Proceedings No. 5 Vol. lo. 1 Vol. nil., No. 2 Vol. nil., }(ling8 Vol. IV No. ;{, Supplement of Members 1883; Maasachu- listorical Society, Proceedings Vol. i2, 18a*5; Hon S. A. (Jreen, M. Joston, six Volumes; Worcester I Society of Antiquity, Proceedings No. 20 188.'l, Mastodon Discovery; Minnesota I Academy of Natural Sciences, Bulletin; ! Historical Society, Biennial Report 1885, lioston, Athenii'um, Oration on Lee; Boston, Rev. C. D. Bradlee, History of Ordination, also of l.'Uh anniversary; Library Co. Philadelphia, Bulletin July 84, do. January 1875; St, Louis Aca- demy of Science Transactions No. '.i Vol. 4: Essex Institute Salem, Bulletin Nos. 1,2, y Vol. 15, do. Vol. 15 Nos. 7, 8, », do Vol. 16, Nob. 4, ."), Hand 7 to 12; Swe- denberg Society, New York, 20 voIh., Swtfdenborg's Thet)logical Works. Al'STIlIA. Meitheilunger dus Ornithologischin Vereines Wein Nos. 1 to 25. KRANCE. Annuaire De La Societe D' Ethnograp- hie for 1881-8;j; Do Societe Americaine 1881; Societe de Geographic, Bulletin No. 1 April 1884, Premiere An?)''", Forme 1; Argentina Rupublica, BuenoM Airii-s, OfKcial Review 1883, Boletin Lomo vi. Eartoga 1 u, Acta 3 Vols., Bok/:n i Vols., La Cuestion Religious by Dr. Wilde, Boletin Lomo vi. Entrega 4 a.