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Lea diagrammea auivanta illuatrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ?raesrisres;®f J ».M. mwm -4 4914 im 313 ,4o|3 ».\M. ••j^3r ^•IM 16' 2 34 3 1 2263; 2163 iiuncke 161 10 48 I . .t n^l6l7h0 25l.^ 1 23 10 „ 42 10 53 16 17 10 ? 5lj3 ^\ \ f}\ 3. 37 1 41 U 415 !T^2 "6 714 i 33 : 1T-.9 ' M ' L69: 11 10 5 10 : 2 33i3 321 146 4 31^ in 8' \i?A\fm.i\MmFvll 593 4i3 253 m 1 24 -1 12l ,cl. ll [-551^ [2 38 16 2| 7 54 15 57 aatfiilfgllllil 9 30 21 3 55l J>12 5 ^MiV 4 J^ gU 5 j«.. 9 131 6^ 54p.i. 1 o 334 m|47 .^^ 5114 -.o-, 8 56U|9!3 54 1|5394 b| I ^ 2514 21 IS XlJSS lm% # 51I14 45 4 ll 9 "0114 33) 9 14 9 2214 31 9 1 15I 9 44 14 291 10 5114 26' llO iiliili i58 2 44(2 59 2 532 50' 2 58 5 310 6 81 7F1^'« 0,1 to' 60 509 36 16 9 \ 32 4S 339 55^,16 12 11 11 -> 20 U I16 14\ Partridge I. L.Hmise, ^j^^^^^e, nitto' White Head Island, ,lBrtetN«ndLigUt House, ^Nu 50 i'^S-JS -ww*« ^^A'MJm< irt MB W ii-* W H ^ A lie me.— 30, \>y\ )eing 5yricH.\C " 1 ECLIPSES OF 1843. There will be thrte Eclipses this year, two of tha Sun, and one of the Moon, in the manner following:—' I. The first will be an annular Eclipse of tK*) Sun, 'Tuesday, 27th day, conjunction at 2h. 39m. mean time, in the evening or af- ternoon ; invisible here by reason of Moon's south iatiiude ; (S)'s lat. at that time being 17m Ils.S. descending, or increasing in her south latitude. Central Eclipse on the Meridian, in the North Pa- cific Ocean, about 17° almost directly south of Cape St. Lucas, at Sh. 42!n. of ouQ time. II. The second will be a partial Eclipse of the Moon, Wednes- day, Dec. 6th dny, and visible here as follows : — Beginning, 6h. 31m.^ Ecliptic^, 7 21 {Meantime, Middle, 7 33 f even. End, 8 31 Duration, 2 00 Digits eclipsed, 2*^ 58^', from northern side of 0'a shadow. HI. The third will be a total Eclipse of the Sun, Thursday, Dec. 21st day, conjunction at Oh. 28m. 46^. mean time, in ihe morning ; therefore invisible here ; ©'a lat. at that time 31m. 18s. N. ascend- ing, or increasing in her north latitude.—Central Eclipse on tlip Meridian, a little north of Pulo Lozin, in the peninsula of Malaya, or Malacca, at Oh. 29m. of our time. Morning and Evening Stars of 1843. The Planet Venus ( $ ) will be Morning Star till October 4th ; then Evening Star to the end of the year. — Jupiter (II) will be Evening Star tilt January 25lh; then Morning Star tnl August 1.5th; then Eve- ning Star to the end of the year. —Mars (^) will be Morning Star till June 6th , then Evening Star to the end ofuie year, — Saturn (fp) will be Evening Star till January 7th ; then Morning Star tlil Jaly 15th ; then Evening Star till the end of the year. Chronological Cycles of ISA'S. Dominical Letter, A I Epact, 29 I Roman Indication, 1 Golden Number, 1 | Solar Cycle, 4 | Julian Period, 6566 J^atnes and Characters of the Planets. The Sun. © The Earth. 511 I The Moon. Jfames and Characters of the Aspects and ^odes. ^ Mercury. fi Vesta. If Jupiter. 5 'Venus. ^ Juno. ^ Saturn. g Mars. $ Pallas. ijl Herschel, or ^ Ceres. Uranus. [(5 Conjunction. Quadrature, 90°. Opposition, 180°. Q, Asccending Node, y Descending Node. Inf. Inferiuur. Sup. Superioar- N. North. S. South. E. East. W. West, i Jfamesand Characters of the Signs of the Zodiac. Lf Aries, head. \>^ Taurus, neck. Gemini, arms. Ct^ncer, breast. 4 S\, Leo, heart. 5 nj Virgo, belly. G:£: Libra, reins. 7 tTl Scorpio, secrets. 8 / Sagittarius, thighs. 9 V3 Capricornua, kneen. 10 r; Aquarius, legs. 1 1 >6 Pisces, feet. iih \ -nr~ ..¥" r-rm ! Mo9mibUF9$tiMUofth* CAitrv* in. 1843 SeptuafMinm l^umlay, Feb. 13 Sbioire anadajPt " 96 AahW«d. Lent beg. Mar. 1 Pklto Sondiy, Apr. 16 EMterDay, •' 9 Aeceneion l>»jr Holjr } Thundaj, ) MkjK Whit. 8«a. or Penteeoil, Jnne4 Trtni^ Sandijf, " 11 Advent Suadiy, Dee. 3 I LIGHT HOUSES. CommiMtoMff /or Light Hmues m the Ba§ of IViwff.'-^ehn Waid. •ear., Robert W. Crookabank, Thomaa Bariotr, Jom Ward, junior, Laadilan Donaldaon, W. F. W.Owen, and I. Woodward, Eaqnirea. Oammi$tioner$for- Partridgfi lilamd and the Beacon Light Hemea.— John Ward, aenr., and Lauohlan Donaldaon, Esauirea. L.'^bnaldaon, Eaq., Surveyor of^hoae Light Houaeain the Bay of Fundy belonging to New Branawick; and aiao of thoae belonging to Nova Scotii, wbieh are, partly aupported by New BruiMwick. Ckpe Saile Seal Idand LtfAf.— The firat Light in approaebinf the Bay of Fiindy, ia on the South Point of the Sed bland. Thia iaa plain white Light, elevated about 80 feet above higji water mark> and may. be seen in approaching the island from any point of the compass. A very dangerous rock, undier water, but upon which the sea always breaks, calTed BAMub Roek, liea about 2 roilea S. S. W. bv compass, from the Light House. Between thir rock and the laland, there are Bome dangers — the ground ia rocky tiirongbout, and large vessels, therefore^ ought not to attempt paasiitg between tbem< Brier liland Light.— In advancing i^p the Bay, the next Light ia ri* tuated on Brier IslAnd, about half a m;ieN. E. from the N. W. point thereof. A plain white liig^t. JDwiiy, QuL Light.— 'The next light on the coast of Nova Scotia if placed aide of the Digby Out— from. Brier Island N. Eastward. The coast is very bold atra not indented; the Light ia therefore chiefly ^intended as a guide into Digby Basin. The' Lamps and Lanterns were renewed in the Spriogof 18%, and refiectorsmrnished, so that this Light is in high orde^ — A white Light; Gannet.Redt L^.— This Light beara from the Light on Brier Island, N. W. <| W. 21, miles. It is intended to warn vessels of their .approach to » venr dangerous range of shoala and ledges, which ex> tend from the Old Proprietor to the Seal blands off Machiaa, a dia> tauce of about twenty miles. Bearinetffomthn Oannet Roek Light Hduae— To "^e 01d.Proprietorv which dries at | ebb; (very, dangerous), E. by N.iN.7»Uef>. " Black Rook, (idways above water 23 feet) off White Head, N. E 4 E " South West Head of Grand Manan, Ni W. d N. " Northernmost of the Murr Ledges, (dry at two tbirdr ebb), N, W. by W. i W. " Sontbemmost of ditto, called Saint Mary's Ledge, (alw^sont of water), S, W. by W. i W. " Maehias Seal Island Lights, distant about 13 milen, W. by Ni i N. /^ N Lodj [alwa Hou eigbi may Wfe from ! dark i I atripe Tw opera water, 200 fe I station upoQ I i iiigs fr Tot Vesse Gunnet Liff (its i mile fro lights. Head and the Head H Campo West lal enables \ light. Point are p!ac« can be se ful— both If Home G( I in stripes Been mor Partrid Harbour vears, req light, an( atripes. Beaeen which eUsfi dries at tw I alight,ise /of Saint J( ^^m^m >,,«»J!»»#.ilM^ #> Ih.- ■■'-■ ''^.. ' >)r k z' If 9 'he 9 fly I rns ■ bat m Ker m Uir il H by N. NuTK. — Between the Northernuioflt aiul Southtrninaitof thaMnrr Lodges, there is a range of rlangeroutrockiianil aboals, many ortheiiy alwaya above water, and which extend Weatward fron toe -Liglit Hunse about four milaa ; from thia range, farther Weitterly, iboat eight n^ileii, lies a dangerous breaker called the Roaring BuH. Thia may be uvuided by keeping three remarkable headlandii near the S. W. end of Grand Manan, upen.—The red glaM having been removed from the Lantern, there is now a flaah light— white — twenty seconda dark and forty liiht in each minute.— The Light House ia painted in stripes, vertical, black and white. T%vo fixed tchiu lights upon theMachias Seallslunds, were put into operation in 1832— they were elevated about forty-five feet above high water, and bear from eaeh other £. S. £. and W. N. W. distant abont 300 feet, by wbieh ciroumatance of two Light Houses at the same station, they will be immediately distinguished from all other li|[bts upon the eonst, (British or American) — the following are the bear- iiigd from them, viz : To the Southernmost Murr Ledge, (St. Mary's) E. S. £. easterly. " Gannet Rock Light. E. by S. i 8. 13 miles. " Southern Head of Grand Manun, E. by N. ^ N. " Northern Head of Grand Manan. N. E. i C. " N. E. Rock, distant 2 miles, N. E. by N. Little River Head, N. by W. " Libby hhnd Light Houde, (American.) N. W. by W. Vessels stunding into the Northward, between these Lights and the Gannet Rock, should tack or haul oif the moment they bring these Lights in one, as they will not then be more than thre? fourtTis ef a mile from the Murr Ledges, if more than five miles to the Eaat of the lights. Head Harbour Light. — Next in order after passing Grand Manan, and the plain white Light, (American) on West Qnoddy Point, is Head Harbour Light. This is placed on the North East extremity of Campo Bello, and is a guide to vessels entering the main Channel to West Isles, Moose Island, and tho inner Bay of Passamaqnoddy ; it enables vessels at all times to enter Heed Harbour — it is a fixed wAi/e light. Point Le Prtqu Light$.'-V oon this projecting head lami (^o lights are placed, one above the otner, and distant 28 feet.— Both lights can be-aeen from every point of the compass, where they may be use- ful— both are fixed and tchiie. In consequence of orders from the Home Government, this Light was, in 1840, ^aintefd red and white, in stripes of five feet broad each, horizontally, m order that it may be seen more distinctly at a distance. Partridge Idand Light,— Thia light, at the entrance of the River and Harboar of Sahit John, having been established upwards ef forty years, requires no particolar notice!, further than that it is a fixed lelute light, ana that the Li|;bt House is red and white, in vertical stripes. Beae0H LtfAf,— Within Partridge Island, and upon a Spit or bar, which elKfends about half a mile S. S. E. oiT Sand Point, and which dries at two-thirds «bb, stands the Beacon Tower. Upon this Tower a light Js established, which is eminently usefol to the coasting trade of Saint John, and to all other vesfels having pilots on board, as it en- z' m abiM tbeio to enter the harbour at all hours of tlie night. A fii«d ie/ii/0 light. The House is white and black, in stripes ver- tioall/. Cape Forcku Light.— The Light House on Cape Forchu, on the W. aide ofthu entrance to Yarmouth, (JVova-Scotia,) in iat. 43, '<n, N. long. 66 8, West, was put in operation on the 15th January, 1840, and exhibits a plain ravol.viiiig light — visible one minute and a quarter, and invisible half a minute, The building is painted • white, and is elevated 135 feet above the level of the sea. I (luaeo. — A revolving white light is placed on a small rock ofTQuaco Head, showing twice full and twice ark in a minute. Thio light can be seen from any quarter where a vessfl can approach. The Ught House is painted white and red in horizontal stripes. Cose Enrage. — A new Light House, nearly opposite to Apple Ri- ver Harbour. A plain white light- Tlie House U painted white, and about 120 feet above tide mark. The halfof the expense of the Cape Sable and Brier Idland Lighto is paid by New Brunswick, as they are so highly useful to vessels tra- ding with this Province. IVett Q,u3ddy Light.— ThU is an American Light, and is placed on the West side of the entrance into the Saint Croix by Lubec and Eustport; a new light house has lutely been erected here, and the light much improved. Light Houses in Nova Scotia— in addition to those pretiouslg noticed. . SanAro — Sambro Island, mouth of Halirax Harbour — a 6ted Light. Roseway-M'fiutVs Island, mouth of Shelbcurne Harbour — two Lights, one above the other. Liverpool— Cof&n^a Island, moi; th of Liverpool Harbour— one revolv- ing Light. Canso — Island, Gut of CansQi^.two Lights, one above tlie other. Halifax — Aleagher's Beach, Halifax— one Light. Pic^Mi— Entrance to Pictpu Harbour— one fixed Light, for eight mpi^ths in the year. Cross Island— Croaa Island, near Lunenburgh. Low P(nn(- -Entrance tp Sydney Harbour— one fixed Light. HATES OF WHARFAGE. Established by Act 54 Geo. III^ cap, 9* For every decked vessel, or vessel of the description caHed Wood Boats, not exceeding 50 tons, • - Is. 6d. Above 50 tons, and not exceeding 100 tons, Ss. 6d. Above 100 touB, and not exceeding 150 tons, Ss. 6d. Above 150 tons, and not exceeding 200 tons, Ss. Od. Above 200 tons, and not exceeding 300 tons, 7s. 6d. Above 300 tons, and not exceeding 400 tons, 10s. 6d. 400 Tons and upwards, - • - - 12s. 6d. per day. f" R..,....U!l!JM:'-UUiJMi mm^: ^Hi.«rmiawi JANUARY. [1843- ighl" j 9tra- id on a and 1 the ivolv-ll 9H\\a The New Year is come ! and 'tis gloomy *nd chill, There's no flower in the vule, aniTuo grass nn the hill; The oxen are stalPd, and the shepherds ore fled, From their snow-drifted foldd, to the snugly th«tcti'd shed : W)icreyer we turn the trees are all bare, Or a glistening net-work pf icicles bear; And winds, ai they whistle o'er woodlat^d and heath. Whirl around the sear'd leaves that lie scuttvr'd beneath, Yet, unlit and unche^r'd by tlte summer sun's beam, How guy is the scene on the banks ofyou stream ; Where, blithsome and glad as the dancers of May, The skaters are met iu their frolic .irray. O t3 9M( Wood S) First Quarter 6th day, 3h. '.Vim. evening. # Full Moon 16th day, 3h. 48ni. mornii)g. 9 Last Quarter 22d day, 8h. 22m. evening ^ New Moon 3Qth day, 7h. 22m. n)orning S.E. W. N. S.E. CALENDAR, &o. Isl S. alt. Cttristni. Pleasant- Carl RosAlyn d. 1805. Cold- General Monk d. 1670. Roger Ascham died, 1568. U se. 5, 48. A thaw. French inv^ed Jersey, 1781. ^ D Ot Snow stornt. l«X Sun. aAor Epiph. 9 st. Alioth so, 5, 53 morn^ Bowditoh the Traveller died, Low tides. C^^^^- $ ri. 4,56mor. Clear Se cold. Charles J. Fox born, 1740. Gt.F. i?^St.John,'37. 9 per. 2d Sun. after Epiph. © y. Day break 5, 50. Rain storm. Franklin b. 1706 Tr.ofLouisXVI. ter. 1393. High tid, ^ ri. 1, 42 mor. Alioth so. 4, 50, Very oidd Q'sQlO" 30 mV3. 3d Sun. af. Epiph. Moderate Duke of Kent died, 1820. Wm. Pitt d. 1806. Lowtid. Conv. orst Paul, Boisterous 9 6®- © low S. 9 ri. 6, 24 uior. Clear and Lord Stowell d. 1836. erdd. 4th S. a. Ep. Geo.HI. d. 1820. Alioth so. 4, 10. $ St. Ben Johtifon b. 1754. Snou). o Ri.<&Set li.m. h.m. 38, 38 38 3S 38 7 38 38 37 37 37 37 33 36 35 35 34 34 33 32 3S^ 31 30 30 29 38 27 26 255 24 23 22*5 l!0 31 32 33 34 •35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 53 54 55 57 5B 59 1 2 3 5 6 dcS d. m I © :r&s h. m. 23 2 22 57 22 51 22 45 22 38 22 3|i 22 24 22 le 22 fc 21 59 21 50 21 41 21 31 21 gl) 21 9 20 58 20 47 20 35 20 $32 30 S 19 56 19 43 19 29 19 15 19 18 45 18 30 18 14 17 58 17 17 5 3(j 6 4'3 7 4- 8 52 9 53 10 54 11 56 ix]otn 058 2 2 © 7 12 13 8 656 ri^es. 6 47 8 5 9^3 kne. leg. «g. leg. feet feet bead head head neo neo arm. onn. bres 10 40bely U 56 morn 1 11 2 24 3 33 4 34 526 6 8 6 44 sets, 1 6 39 h'art hely bely rem rein secf seer tbi. thi. kne k)ie leg. leg. leg. HlTh water h. m. 11 43 e«18 50 132 1 54 3 39 3 8 3 53 454 6 6 726 836 9 33 10 22 11 7 h'artlll 45 morn 035 1 3 1 41 335 3 14 4 15 536 7 C 8 32 9 20 10 6 10 45 n 30 1*1 52 wm ■ :*ww!a»f— ■■ "—(Wlilllii illiiH '* II I" """'"II " . i^plMitlMH ' i^ 1643.] FISBRIJARY. Tti* lr0«k tre still bare, ood the fields irt still white, And tite eventag u soon seeruti tu cluse up the light | But ofteu the skv at the noon of the day. Shows spots ormir blue, or clouds fleecy and gray ; And the wind», as tbev uiaruiur o'er monntiiin and heath, Though they oft whirl the snow in a feathery wreath, Leas ehilling or fierce, on the traveller's path, Wins the sleot'driving blast in its wiiberiiig wrath. \ And I doubt not, but down in the va|f fnd the gleu, Wliere, long ere she visits the dwelliMP of men, Spring weaves for the birds a sof( ouTOlin of green, That tlie vi'let and primrose may Orequent be seen. For He, (Vom whose bidding creation arose. By the p«wer Ho form'd worlds, fornuthe bud on the rose, And the voice which wus heard 'mid the wild warring winds Is the same that their fury in gentleness binds. I as :*Mfc '^^^^ J 4 5 6 8 9 10 II 13 13 14 15 16 O First duarter 7 th day, llh, 53m. morning. E. % Full Moon 14th day, 3h. 39m. evening. N. E. (i Last Quarter Vlwt day, 6h, 7m. niorniny . S. ^ W. Th 3Fri CALENDAR, ^. Battle Brienne, 18147 '^:£ 19 SO 21 9i 33 34 35 36 r 21 9 perih. HighUd. 7 80 Mantua sur. to Fr. fVUdg. 7 18 Sat Abo. of Slavery in Fr. colon. 7 17 — » «t, 9 gr, hel. laf. N. 7 16 Dr. J. Priestly d. 1804 7 15 Recdes. by fire at Guildhall. 7 13 Earthouake in London, 1750. 7 18 Lord Darnlay murd. 1566. 7 11 Montesquieu d. 1755, a 66. 7 9 Aiiothso. 3, 33 morn. 7 8 Septuages. Sun. CM. 7 7 F.Bnscoviohd. '87. 7 5 Valentine. Snow or rmn. 7 4 Day br. 5, 33. 7 8 Meldncthon b. 1497. 7 1 Battle of St Albans, 1461. 6 59 E, L Com. Char, granted. 6 58 5 ' '^ Cfoar, A«t6 56 5 SU Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W. Th Frl Sat SU Mo 38lTi 9 ri. 4, .18 mom. Voluire b. )694, Til Trinidad taken, 1797. teryeoUt, W. Davy the musician d. 1834. Th Peace with TippoSaib, 1791. Fri St. Matthias, Mild Sat Earl of Essex beheaded, 1603. SU Shrove Sunday. CM $nd disagretahU. ii|j. B. y. Guillotine beh. 1794. i Ri.dtSU n.m. 655 653 653 650 6 48 6 47 6 45 10 13 13 15 dc.S d. m 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 17J15 3 5 "" 5 5 5 5 5 17 8 16 51 16 34 16 16 15 58 15 39 1615 31 1914 43 80^14 33 8314 4 3313 44 13 34 34 36 37 h m. 7 41 8 43 feet 9 44 10 45 11 48 head mom neo 51 nee 1 54 arm. 13 4 13 43 3913 33 3013 3 31 11 41 33!ll 19 3410 58 35il0 36 37 10 16 38 39 41 4i 6 435 43 6 4-.J 5 45 9 53 9 31 9 8 8 41 8 1 3 56 3 53 4 44 587 6 4 rises. 8 19 938 10 56 morn 13 184 46 16 41 ® TUgh water h. feet head bead arm. arm. bres bres h'art h'art 6 59 belly m. belly rein rein seer. seer. dii. 31 51 81 53 :m 13 6 83 6 49 8 » 9 18 10 8 10 46 1137 mora 5 ev 1 1 3 3 4 » 3 38thi. 3 83kne. 9kne. kne, logk legs 4|feet 43 83 5 55 56 18 6 47 8 8 9 9 44 W21 10 58 1 2 3 3 5 mi mmmMm irt J —iii ' iWW ^ ' ^ h orn 5 43 S2 5 55 56 18 47 2 441 21 521 > / J HJABC I I* ^ But. lint! tha loud blait ii awak'nioi amiil. And tha itom roan around on tita aarfc>iiinf iog main ; Tha traaa pf tha (braat ara bowad to thahr roots, And wUdiv tha brook down ita narrow path ahoota, And ia Wintar tnm*4 baoh, than, with tawpa it and g)ooni) To withar thn tfrat bnd of Spriof in ta Moom f Or U aha aull ibr flroin oar bnd, that wa haar» At mom and at av'ninff aueh voiaaaof (bar f Ob, no ! thonch tha wind wfaiatlas landljr and ahrill, SoA vardura anall soon naantla vallay ami hill ; And the harba of tha (laid, and th» |ardon*a m had«^ Bloom flreah in tha breoM, that blowa ovar tnair liaada. (1M3.I C w: Th FrI Sht fSV 6tMo 8W «Tb lOFri U 19 8U 13 Mo 29 24 25 26 27 28 # Naw Moon lat day, lb. 23Ui. morning. C Pint Quartar 9th day, 5h. 10m. mormng # Full Moon 16th dav, lh.9m. morning. O Last Quarter 29d day, 6b. 64m. avaning^ #• New Moon 3Qth day, ?h. 9m. ereninf. N. Tu Tu W. Th Fri Sat 19 SU aOAfo Tu W. Th Pri CALENDAR, &o. or6 Aah Wad. 8t. Uavid. Fime Horaoa Walpole diad, 1797 <m ape. tid. Cold and c'aor yiV: 0,47 nor $rL4.19m lat Sundajr in Lant. Blah, Atiarbnryb. 1669. Load CoHingwoad d. 1810, William III. dvl702i Asia I« Govaa ra-eap. by Br. 1804; Aliotlvao. 1, 37 mot. faoio SatTAuao b. 1644. ? at. Low Ud. 9d 8and|iy in Lent, dmrnpolfion. d. 1832. Klepttoek died. 1803. Fair and miid. Day hr. 4, 34. (fiper. St. Patrick, Very high tid. All. ao. I 6, (^ aph. Snow. 3d SnndMrin Lent. Nawton died 1727; n. 84. 4|^nt T Spring Ld. StraCiree triad> '41 . [be^. Kotaebue OMOMiaatedv 1810. Fk>ra Macdonaldd. '90. Fair. SatiLow tidaa, SU 4th Sunday in Lent Mo AU. io. 0, 30. A thaw. Tu Raphael b. 1483. 29 W. Guatavua IIL d. 1792. g at dOThlgt (^ (§. $ perih. (»apo. 3i Fri Yd; L. aa. 10. 50. FroUa. Ri.dtSeta h.m. h.m. watar 6 405 6 385 6 365 6 355 6 335 6 3l|5 6 295 285 6 265 6 24;5 6 229 6 21 6 6 196 6 17;6 6 15)6 6 136 6 11;6 6 106 8l6 U<6 46 26 o!o 6 It 6 6 5 59,6 5 576 5 556 5 536 ;)516 5 493 5 486 466 . i-rl ;..!Jiiii,4 ^k^StimtMtaid^kS ««;r...n^o.»^'w . >^>-«^*^ f.«T^lltfi' ftte' t^' l»::t ^ 1843.] APRIIi. Oh ! gently and ealni, o'er the brow of yon hill, Soft clouds, in mild showers, a sweet frugrance distil, Far and wids the dim landscape looks hazy and blue; And the meadows are reokinff with sunny-wreath'd dew. Sweet April approaches ! JVfeek, timid, and fair, We feel her, though seen not, abroad in the air. And we trace her light steps by the odour that plays, And the songs that melt round her, wherever she strays. Oh .' 'tis sweet now to watch in this month, that'sso nay As if all the fair things that exist were at play. How gently, 'mid changes of sunlight and gloom. The season steals on, as it were, into bloom. C First Quarter Vth day, 6h. 27m. evening. S. # Full Moon 14th day, 9h. 50in. morning. N. W. (9 Last Quarter 31st day, 7h. 45m. morning. S. W. ® New Moon, 29th day, 11 h. 39m. morning. S. S CALENDAR, 4&c. 1 Sat All Fool's Day. Chilly. SSU 5th Sunday in Lent. 3 Mo Shakespeare died, 1616. 4 Tu Marqub of Worce.stei d. 1667 5 W. Crora. treaty with Dutch, '54 6 Th $ ri. 4, 3 morn. MUd and 7 Fri Dr. Blair b. 1718. 8 Sat Lon. K. S. inc. 1625. pleasant. 9 SU Palm Sunday. 10 Mo HugoGrotiMs b. 1583. 11 Tu Treaty of Fontainbleau, '14. 12 W. All. so. 11,23 ev. Cold— heavy 13 Th Cath R.B. passed, '29. rain 11 Fri Good Friday. Euler b. 1707. 15 Sat High tid. ho0. 16 SU Easter. Day br 3, 30. / y 17 Mo ^ ri. 1, 32 mor. Fair. 18 Tu Buenos Ayres block. 1818. 19 W. Thomas Bourne born, 1771 20 Th Goudaloupetak 1794. tVarm. 21 IPri Arundel Cookcaptured,1644 22 'Sat Richard Cromwell deposed, 23 SU 1st S. af.E. St. George. [1659. 24 Mo 51 sup. d ©. (? ri. 10, 45. 25TuTu88odied, 1595. 26 W. David Hume born, 1717. 27 Th Alioth so. 10, 23. Shomry 28 Fri Cherettc sho'i at Nantes. 1796. 29 Sat Sir Isaac Heard died, 1822. 30 SU M S. after Easter. Fine. Ri.&Sets h.m. h.m dc.N. d. m. 44 42 6 25 6 26 5 406 27 38 37 6 29 6 30 .356 31 336 32 31 6 34 296 35 28 20 24 22 21 36 37 6 38 6 40 6 41 17 16 14 11 9 7 6 4 3 1 58 56 55 196 42 6 43 6 44 6 46 126 47 6 48 6 49 6 50 6 52 6 53 6 54 6 .596 50 6 58 6 59 7 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 d 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 R&S h. m. 29 52 15 38 1 23 46 9 31 53 15 37 59 21 42 4 25 46 7 27 4^ 8 23 48 9 27 47 6 25 43 8 32 9 34 10 35 11 33 mom 026 13 53 28 58 nek. nek. nek. arm. arm. bres bres br^s h'art h'a^t 26bel^ 53 21 rises 8 40 9 55 11 2 11 58 morn 42 19 bely rein. rein. seer seer thi. thi. kne kne legs. 48 legs, legs, feet feet 13 35 56 17 39 2 High water h. m. 11 55 ev.28 3 42 26 18 21 41 5 16 9 12 9 59 10 43 11 26 morn 8 52 38 27 19 19 27 6 38 7 38 8 7ii heac^ 9 13 head 9 51 head 10 25 sets. jnek.jlO 59 8 29'nek.'ll 35 h- r^\ s <«^i t% w , „j, ,..-.«.*--*"— ^ *" h- *'■ ■ lll'«ll " -« I li I I II II 111 I !■ ■■ II ■I— ■■! — II— ..^IMll^^fc^ Beside the garden-path, the crocus now Puts forth its head, to tvoo the genial breeze; And finds the snow-drop, hardier visitant, Already basking in the solar ray. Upon the brook the water-cresses flout More greenly, and the bordering reeda exalt Higher their speary summits. Joyously, From stone to stone, the ousel flits along. Startling the linnet from the hawthorn bougb, While on the elm tree, overshadowing deep The low-roof 'd cottage white, the black-bird sits Cheerfully hymning the awaken'd year. [1843. 4) First Quarter 7ih day, 5h. 3m. morning. N. W. # Foil MoonlSth day, 55h. 45m. evening. E. (9 Last Quarter 20tb day, llh. I5m. evening. E. # New Moon 29th day,2h. 15m. morning. N. E. Mo Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU Mo 9Tn W. CALENDAR, &c. I ^ Ri.f&Sets h.m. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Battle of Lutzen, 1813. Cold Reg. se. 2, 16 mor. ($ hi. N Louis XVIU. ent. Paris, 'l4. Plato d. b. c. 347. Look for Bonaparte d. 1821. heavy and ^ ri« 0, 19 mor. cold showers. All. BO. 9, 45 ev. Mild. Low tid. ^ ri. 9, 55. Chas. IL proclaimed 1660. Battle of Lodi, 1796. Wind. Th Boscovich born, 1811. F ri Glass invented, 663. Cltar. Sat High tides. $ ri. 3, 18 mor. SU U ri. 1, 17 mor. Mo Day br. 2, 29. Thunder To! Battle Aibuera, 1810. 54 52 51 497 48 467 45 44 W.liO0. fVarm and pleasant. 4 ThAli. so. 9»2. 4 Fri Bonaparte proc. Emp. 1804. 4 Sat Low tid. Columbus d. 1506. 4 SU ^ ri. 1 1 , 15. High wiwls. 4 MoJoreatakenby French, 1800. 4 Tu Wm. III. land, in Ire. 1690. 4 W. dueen Victoria b. 1819. Fair. 4 Th Ascens. Day. U ri. 0, 36mr. 4 Fri Bona. r.r. Kingof Italy, 1805. 4 Sat All. so. 8, 26. Shotoery. 4 SU Geo. Lb. 1660. 7*s 6 ©■ 4 Mo@hi.N. 9 gr. h. 1. S. 4 Tu Peaoe in Europe. 1814. 4 VV.iLow tides. Fair and fine. 4 7 7 427 41 407 397 387 377 357 o4;7 337 327 3l'i7 CO 7 29^7 287 277 277 267 257 247 247 237 dc.N d. m. R&S h. m. 22 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 15 1 15 20 15 37 15 55 16 12 16 29 16 46 17 2 17 19 17 35 17 50 18 5 18 20 18 :J5 18 50 19 4 19 17 19 31 19 44 19 57 20 9 20 21 20 33 20 44 20 55 21 6 21 16 21 26 21 36 21 45 21 53 9 2b 10 23 11 11 11 52 morn 2S 50 1 27 1 53 2 20 2 48 3 20 rises 8 41 9 43 10 34 11 15 11 48 morn 15 High water h. m. 38 1 1 21 42 5 30 3 36 sets. 9 8 9 52 arm arm arm bies bres hart. hart. bely bely rein rein seer. seer. thigs thigs kne kne kne legs legs feet feet head head head nee nee arm arm arm bres ev 10 48 28 10 1 2 2 67 3 54 5 5 623 7 39 8 44 9 38 10 25 11 12 11 55 morn 39 122 2 4 2 49 387 4 31 5 33 6 38 7 38 8 33 9 18 9 5! 10 3! 11 18 11 661 ev 351 I ■ ill ;-^i at* ■■T-g-yw u f H H r"^ - I ( w [1843. JVNE. No longer the sky is with clouds overcMt, And the yoang fickle herald of sammer is past) Bright and clear shines the sun, and the soft glowing scene Has a tint of more deep and luxurious green ; Through the meadows the docks slow and quietly graze^ Or seek the cool shade, where a shallow stream plays. Sweet June, there's no month so delightful as thine, No one when the landscape more lovely can shine, For the bright hues of summer and fremnesti of B|irinf, Together are mixed on thy sky -tinted wing ; And pleasure and labour so smile in thv train, That we wish they may never be parted again. ^ First Quarter 5th day 9h. 66m. morning. N» E. # FitU Moon 12th day> 2b. 31m. morniBj[r. 8. W. ^ Last Q,uarter 19th day, 3h. 51m. evenings N. W. 9 New Moon 27th day, 2h. 41m. evening. Sk W. ITh 2rr su Mo Tu W Th Fri le^Sat 11 12|Mol fl3To 14 45 Th J6Fri Baft BV 19 Mo mm. 92 Th 23 Fri .Ji2l84t StJtohnJB. Vespasigoi. 7 9. , ^26iu|5d SunTafterTrin.. 5i«ttiOTl9 CALENDAR, &c. Witrm Reg. se. 0, 17 mor - .. Riots in London^ 1780. Sat TannihJII b. 1774* fleaiant Whit S. Pentecost. ^ «. King of Hanover bom, l^Tl. Bentham died, 1332. Cod, Low tides. hut fine. Thomas Paine died, 1801. Battle of Ballynahineh, 1795. All. BO. 7, 31 ev. I> ri.9,54. SUlTrin. S«n. Watmihouett. Horace Walptite b. '17. Robert South bom, *38. BatUe of Marengo, 1800 Day break, 1,49. HtM. ToUl Eclipse of Sun, 1806 Addi*>ndied, 1719. ThuHder. Mt Sunday after Trinity. iMmes I. b. 1566. Clear. Wm. IN. d.— a. Vict. ace. Oent.^t0,24ev. Stm^b^. Stanhope b. 1763. Rain. l>ri.9ri. i{ri. 10>41 imd4 21 m high N. b.T682. " 4 19 FiM4 19 96| 27iTfi Charles XII MW. Q,. Vict. cr. 1838. growing\4 20 29|Th St Petet and St. Paul, tsea- 4 20 SopPritReg. se. 10, 19. 9 «t tkir. 4 21 Ri.&Set8 h.m. h.m. dcN. d. m. 2117 34 iTs 7 3522 1011 Sbres 4 207 36^ le 4 207 27K» 26 4 197 3722 32 4 197 3822 390 .4 187 3932 45 4 187 39^ 50 4 187 4022 56 187 4123 1 4 177 4123 5 4 177 42<23 9 4 177 4223 13 4 177 4323 16 4 177 4^23 19 4 177 4423 21 4 177 4423 23 4 177 4433 25 4 177 45193 26 4 177 4523 27 4 177 4523 28 4 167 4523 28 4 19.7 4623 27 4l8JLi6^26 7 462^1^ 7 46123 23 7 4623 21 7 46|23 19 7 4623 16 7 4623 12 1? RdtS b. m. 10 29 11 11 mttra 21 1 17 1 51 232 3 21 rises 9 8 9 44 10 15 10 40 11 3 11 11 46 moru « 039 1 1 33 SOb'art arm bres 3 1 sets. 8 29|bre8 9 4 9 36 h bres 56h'artl bely bely 48 rein rein se6r. seer, thigs ihige kne kne legs legs ftiet 25 feet feet head head nee nee nee I3i?S^ h'l 'art water h. m. 1 14 154 238 328 4 28 5 42 7 6 8 21 9 88 10 14 10 SG 11 43 morn 033 1 39 15 53 38 89 31 6 41 7 47 11 artlcv IT 11 S «0 0^ iBBB H i • •^■: M H V. N. Iwaterj lb. m. ires b'artj h'-_ bflly Ibely rein rein seer.1 1 14 154 8 38, 388 4 88 5 421 7 61 8 81 9flB Beer. 10 M thigslOSG thi«in43 ikne mora knelo^, 1 1 I39l 3 15 8 53 3 38 4 89 5 31 6 41 7«7] 8 ^rea Ij «l ih'aril TO MVJLV, 1843.] More calm growa the scone, and the clear glowing sky, Unchanging from mornmg to eve, meets the eye, Wherever it turns, with a deep cloadless blue. That girds like a zone of bright sapphire the view; The streams, almost wasted, glide slow through the plain, And the herds seek the pool and the brooklet in vain. No showers of soft dew on the meadows are shed. And the freshness and bloom of the landscape are fled; While the gossamer fly and each snn-Iiving tribe, That seenia from its orb all their joy to imbibe, From each bush, tree, and flower, by thousands awake. And rejoice in the sultry garden ana brake. ® First Quarter 4lh day, 2h. 24m. evening. S.E. # Full Moon llth day. Oh. 27m. evening. N. (9 Last Quarter 19th day, 9h. Im. morning. s. w. # New Moon 27th day, Ih. 3m. morning. N. ISat 3SU 3^Mo 4To W. 6Th Pit 8|Sat l(Mo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 80 81 82 Tu w. Th Fri Sat SU;5th S Mo 85 86 CALENDAR, &c. 7^s rises 1, 18 mor. <^ Apo, 3d Sun. aft. Trin. ^ri.8,23 Richardson d. '61. Clouds U. S. Ind. dec. '76. and rain Sinking Fund 6atab. 1786. Zimmeirman d. 1718. Very Sheritand. 1816. ^ so. 9, 16 1> ty- ^ «t- i 6 ©• warm 9|SU4th Sufi. ai\. Triu. ® low S Thuti;4 Tu W. Th Fri Sat SU l24lMo 87 Th 188 Fri 89 Sat 90 SU 31 Columbus b. 1447, Robert Bruce b. 1274. der Erasmus d. 1536. High tid. Marat assassinated, 1793. Daybr. 2, 11. showers. ^ (9 ©• 9 ''• 2, 53 mor. af\. Tri. Ali. so. 5, 12. Dr. Watts b. 1674. Fine Bishop Sherlock died, '61. Petrarch d. 1374, a. 70. Petrarch b. 130 V Low tid. Burns d. 1796. Very sultry. Napoleon, jr. d. 1832, a. 21. 6th Sun. aft. Tri. ® hi. N. Comet seen, 1819. ® ^. St. James. l|[n. 8,31. St. Ann^. t? (5 ®. Dog Spanish Armada Hest. 1588. High tides. ^ perih. Days! Battle of Tolavera, '09. Fair. I7th Sun. aft. Tr.jine, and eery Moi73|^s ri. 1 1 , 16. vegetative. Tu W I O Ri.&Setd dc.N. h.m. h.m. d. m. 21 227 227 237 23 247 257 25 26 27 28 287 4 297 30 31 4 327 4«37 34 3 367 36 37 38 407 40 42 437 46 45 45 45 45 44 44 43 R&S h. m. 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 4322 44 4 45 4 467 4 47 43 42 42 41 40 40 39 38 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 18 7 86 2618 18 9 5 55 50 44 38 31 24 17 10 2 53 44 35 25 16 6 55 44 32 21 9 56 44 31 17 4 50 35 SO 10 1 10 27 10 53 11 20 11 52 morn 028 1 12 2 6 3 8kne hart. bely bely rein rein seer. seer. thigs thigB rises 8 15 8 42 9 6 9 28 9 49 10 11 10 34 11 1 11 31 morn 7 052 45 47 1 2 3 8 4 8 31 8 57 984 kne legs legs legs feet feet head head head nee nee ' arm arm bres bres 55 bres hart, hart, bely bely rein High water h. m. 1 37 2 17 3 3 3 58 5 13 6 41 8 2 9 10 10 2 10 47' 11 28 morn 3 037 3 4 5 7 1 9 141 2 15 8 53 38 35 45 5 8 17 9 15 10 3 10 45 1126 ev 3 40 1 17 1 57 T »fi I I I I , iim «»«*)«'.'■ 'irtSM**'* \^-^ [1843. AVOVST. The aiokle ii whetted— the harreit begioa, Atid the air with the shout of the husbandman rings ; For the hopes that he cherish'd throughout the long jear, Through many a doubting and harassina fear, Now completed, reward all his cares and his toil With the ripe heavy crops of the well-labour'd soil. Oh! come tlien, with him let us stray through the fieldr For there is not a sight that warm Auffustcan yield* More fair or more grateful to hearts uat are kind, Than the land with the sheaves or the warm reapers lin'd, Where Him who feels all we still seem to behold, Giving bread, as He once did the manna of old. §) First Quarter 3d day, 6h. 47m. evening 8. 9 Full Moon 10th day, Oh. l5m. morning. 8. O Last Quarter 18th day, 3h. 10m. morning. 8. E. 9 New Moon 25th day, 9h. 56m. morning. 8. E. Tu W. Th Fri Sat Lammas Day< BrigM it fair. 73)(s ri. 11, 8. b so. 10, 45. Arkwrightd. 179*2,^.69. Burgoyne d. 179S. Low tid. Lord North d. '92. ©lowS. 24 35 36 37 m 20 30 •tl CALENDAR, &c. Ri.&Sets h.m. h.m <i^ I ® dc.N.K&8 d< m. h. m. SU 8th 8un. after Trin. ® Q. Mo Queen Caroline d. 1821. 8 Tn Canning d. 1827. Cmd and 9 W. Izaak Walton b. 1593. rtuhy 10 Th All. so. 3, 34 morn. U6(B 11 Fri High tides. Very warm 12 Sat Geo. lY. b. 1762. 9 ri. 3. 46m 13 SU 9th Sunday after TWnity. 14 Mo George Colman died, 1794. 15 Tu Walter Seott b. 1771. (g) apo. 16 W. Day br. 3, 11. Tkund. skouers. 17 Th Rothsay Castle, Stm. Packet, 18 Fri Low tides. [fost, 1631 19 Sat lat Europ. Temp. Soc. 1829. 20 SU 10th Sun. after Tri. (^ hi. N. 21 Mo Ali. so. 2, 56. ® ^5- 3S T« Sir Wm. Wallace exec. 1305. 33 W. French landed in Ireland, '98. Th St. Bartholomew. Fairifjine. Fri Herschel died, 1822. Sat Battle of Dresden, 1813. SU lltk S. aft. Tr. dpr. $ Q. 46 4i^ 51 51 5S 54 51 56 57 5e 4 59 5 5 Mo High tides. ^ so. 6, 49. Th W. Th Locke b. 1633. Highmndi, Dr. Patey b. 1743. and rain 33 32 7 21 20 18 17 16 14 13 11 10 8 5 10 5 11 12 13 14 15 17 / 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 59 358 6 56 654 653 6 51 6 49 648 6 46 19 20 21 166 44 6 43 6 41 6 39 18 6 17 51 17 35 17 19 17 3 16 47 16 30 16 13 15 56 15 39 15 31 15 4 14 45 14 27 14 2113 50 13 31 13 11 12 52 12 32 12 12 11 52 11 32 11 12 10 51 10 30 10 9 9 48 927 9 6 955 10 30 11 11 mora 1 058 2 3 3 9 ® High water h. m 4 17 riseS' 5 5 326 37 8 50 7 33 753 8 15 8 38 9 3 9 31 10 4 10 45 11 33 altera 029 1 34 3 44 rem seer. seer. thi. thi. ktie. kne. kne. legs lege feet feet head head head nee nee arm arm arm bres bres hart 3 59 hart sets 659 727 7 57 8 31 9 11 9 58 thi. 2 43 340 454 625 750 8 57 42 10 29 11 7 11 38 morn 9 bely beiy rein, rein, seer. s«cr. 1 1 2 3 3 5 38 10 42 17 58 51 3 6 33 7 43 8 49 9 43 10 36 11 7 1143 ev.30 1 1'49 3 30 3 88 s o ^ sas 'i%j •"■ad'" - -.r¥- w *n S [High water! Ih. va.\ <> .'■i e>i §EPTKlimER. [1843. The Summer's task is done, O'er-ripened fruit drops from the bending bough ; In red and golden hues the forests now, Are glittering in the sun. Gone every summer bird, Yet through the short'ning day's warm noontide honrii Where bloom in surer nooks pale Autumn flowers, The bee's low bum is hoard. Down*sloping sunbeams fall Athwart the meadows, yet with verdure green, Where one. of still, sweet countenance, is seen With faded coronal. C First duarter lat day Oh. 43m. morning. W. # Full Mron 8th day, 2b. 18m. evening. N. E. (9 Last Quarter 16th day, 6h. 34m. evening. N. # New Moon 23d day, 6h. 13ni. evening. W. C Firat Quarter 30th day, 9h. 31m. morning. N. E. O d Fri Sat SU Mo 5Tu 20 31 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 W. W Th Fri Sat SU Mo T« Th Fri Sat SU 18 Mo 19,Tn W Th 1112 Fri 33Sat ^SU 25'Mo 28Tu tr.w. 28 Th 29 Fri 30 Sat CALENDAR, &e. ®lowS. 7:<cs ri. 9, 11. Great Fire in London, 1666. 12th Sunday after Trinity. Battle of Dresden, 1813. Fine. Island of Malta surren. 1800. ^ so. 8, 21. Ctoud$ up for Buffbn born, 1707. rain. High tides. 21 so. 10, 18. William the Conq. d. 1087. 13th Sun. after Trin. ^ aph Curacoa aur. to British, 1809. Ali. so. 1,24 mor. Thunder Fox died, 1806. Moscow burned, 1812. Fair Huskisson killed, 1830. and Day br. 4, 0. (§ hi. N. fine. 14th Sun. after Trin. ® ^ Low tides. 9 ri. 5, 21 mor. Battle of Poictiers, 1536. i gr. h. I. S. Sisfntofrain. St. Matthew. Ali. so. 6, 48, ^ (5 ® ^ so. 7, 17. Cool, 0ent%<^, 31 ev. Autumn be, Sir Humphrey Davey b. '7 Profa8sorPorRond.l838. hvt St. Cyprian. ^nsaii4j>^MiU. Battle of Busaco 1810. 7;|es ri. 7, 55. U so. 8, 53. Saint Michael. High winds. Saint Jerome. Ali. so. 0, 1 3. o Ri.&Sets h.m. h.m. o dcN d. 24 6 36 256 34 266 32 276 30 28 29627 30 326 23 336 21 34 a5 36 37 6 28 6 25 6 19 6 17 6 16 ^H 396 12 406 10 41 42 436 44 456 47 48;5 57 495 55 8 6 4 3 1 59 m. 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 53 51 49 48 46 44 42 822 8 739 7 17 654 632 6 10 5 47 24 2 39 16 53 30 7 44 2 21 1 57 1 34 I 111 47 I 24 N. 1 S. 23 ® lli&S b. m. 46 10 a3 66 20 2 43 10 5!) 11 55 mom 1 2 7 3 14 4 19 rises 620 6 43 head 7 7 734 8 5 8 42 9 26 10 18 11 18 morn 023 1 34 2 49 4 5 sets. 555 628 7 8 © High water h. m. thigs thigs kne kne legs legs feet feet feet head nee nee nee arm arm bres bres bres b'art h'art bely bely rein rein seer. 7 54|8ecr. 8 48 thigs 9 48 thigs 10 54 kne 4 41 6 8 7 31 837 9 86 10 5 10 39 11 11 11 40 morn 11 41 1 14 150 2 32 3 32 425 5 44 7 8 8 20. 9 15] 10 1 10 43 11 23 ev 3 46 1 31 220 3 16 422 wm «f« -V-. ln> m 1^1* lOAt^i [1843. OCTOBER. Faat fade the fair flowers, and the windi, as tbej fljr, Seem to brnih from their leaflets each soft tinted dye ; While they bow their faint heads, torn, witben'd, and pole, As if nerer again ;hey would bloom through the dale. But, wherefore were all the sweet blossoms they bore, If 80 soon they thus perish, and wake never more ; Or for what with such oare did each seem to be placed, If all were to die with the stems that they srac'd T But see, as the flowers are bent down bv the wind, And their leaves fall away, there is still left behind The seeds of those, myriad buds, that shall blooru. When the vales the green mantle of summer rosuaie. a su Mo 3|Tu W. 5|Th Fri 7 Sat 8SU ID 12 13 4irl4 15 16 17 19 20 !1 # Full Moon 6th dfiy, 6h. 3?m. morning. W. (i Last Quarter 16th day, 9h. 29m. morning S^ W. # New Af eon 23d day, 2h. 57m. morning. N. iB. f) First Quarter29thday, lQh .3m. evening. 8. W . Mo Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu law. Th Fri Sat 22JSU 23 Mo 24 Til 85 W. 2QTh 27Pri 28 Sat 29 SU 80 Mp 31 Tu CALENDAR, &e. 16th Sun. aft. Trin. Fine. Major Andre exec 1780. Battle of Jena, 1 806. Low tid. John Kennel died, 1831. '*? so. 6, 27. Pleasant. Dr. Maskelyh born, 1732. Zimmerman d. 1795. ^ d®. 17th S. aft. Trin. 2^80.8,13. Cervantes b. 1549. RaiH:anri Hurricane at Barbadoes, '80 ^ BO. 6, 4. highmnd$. Aliothso. 11, 23 even. Canovad. 1822. © hi. N Day br. 4, 87. i) y. U st, 18th Sun. af. Trin. « inf. Konciusko d. 1817. Fair and Peace bet. Fr. & Austria, '97. 0'8^26» 12' in /. fine. Battle of Leif jio, 1813. America disc. 1492, N. S. Nels in killed, 1805. 19th Sun. after Trinity. (§) per. High tid. Light i) St. &. perih. frost. Alioth so. 10, 31 [low S Chaucer died 1400 (2)Q,& Captain Cook bor.n, 1738. St. Simon and St Jude. 20th San. after Trinity. Low tides. $ se. 5, 13. Reformation beg. 1517. Cool Ri.&Seta h.m. h.m. 595 40 38 5 37 25 35 35 33 5 31 615 29 28 26 7 8 10 11 12 135 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 235 25 26 27 31 33 34 35 37 24 82 21 19 17 15 14 12 10 9 7 5 4 2 51 dcS. d. m. ® R&S h. m 294 59 304 58 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9- 10 10 11 11 11 13 12 56112 30 53 3 26 49 12 34 57 20 42 5 27 morn 55 1 16[2 12 401 3*14 4 17 5 18 rises. .5 38 6 to 6 42 724 8 12 9 8 10 10 49jH 17 1 1 morn 38 27 55 140 2 55 4 12 5 32 sets 5 43 6 7 ® St 13 53,13 52 50 17 38 21 42 3 24 44 4 24 44 4 35 36 8 42 9 50 10 59 morn 4 kne. leg. leg. leg. feet l%et head head head nee nee arm. arm. arm bres bres h'art h'art bely bely rein rein seer aeer thi. thi. kne kne leg. leg. leg. High water h. m. 5 41 7 6 2 8.62 934 10 9 10 41 11 14 11 45 morn 18 52 30 10 57 58 5 623 789 8 43 936 10 22 11 7 11 50 ev.34 1 20 2 7 2 56 3 53 4 59 6 6 ••^. ^•f.T'^ar-'^ n,'',J\ti.' 'I: fl v^ NOYEJUBER. 1343.] Where now s|ia]l \v£ stray, nr in wandering find Fair sights, tu delight us, or food for the miudf For the hedges are bare, and no birda trills its iaj To soothe the lone traveller's f turui-beaten way. Oh .' even, this month, tho' so gloomy apd ccld. Has a tale and a warning for young and for old : And the trees, as they scatter their yellow leaves round, That wither i^n loose gathered beapin on the ground, Are an onibleui of manhood, whose budding and bloom For awhile look so gay, and then fade in the tomb. Now the farmer withdraws the strong plough from the fields And the herdi from the storm under warm shelter shields. 9 Full Moon 7th day, Oh. 34m. morning. S. (§ Last Quarter 14th day, 9h. 54m. evening. N E ® New Moon, 21 st day. Oh. 54m. evening. 8. O First Quart»r 28th day, 2h. 29m. evenmg. 9. E. 5.S./] TTigh water h. to. P P 28 Th CALENDAR, ±c. Ri.&Sets h.m. h.m 30 Th All Saints! Yd. L. ri. 8, 40. 6 All Souls, Clouds, andteind, 6 Princess Sophia b. 1777. and 6 Churchill d. 1764, a. 34. raio. 6 21 St Sun. «ft. Trin © apo. G Gen Wolfe born, 1726. 6 ^010 or rain. 6 Alioth so. 9, 37 even. 8 High tid. © high N. 6 Luther b. 1413. T? so. 8, 43. 6 Saint Martin. Fair andjine. 6 22d Snn. after Trin. 9 y . 6 SirJ.Mooreb. 1761. '5D0.6 Leibitz died, 1716. Cloudy. Ar. so. 9, 9. and disagreealtie. 6 Day break, 5, 10. 6 Low tid. 9 86. 5,7. 7 Rubens b. 1577 Cool, but 7 . 23d Sun. aft. Trin. pleasant. 7 Sir J. Mackintosh d. 1832. 7 Pestalozzi d. 1827. High tid. 7 Ali. so. 8, 42. O low S. 7 Rebels routed at St. Denis, 7 Sterne born, 1713. [1S."7. 7 Saint Catherine. High and 7 24th S. aft. Tr. sharp N. W. 7 John Knox d. 157dc winds. 7 Cardinal Wolsey d. 1530. 7 Goldsmith b. 1721. Low tid. 7 Saint Andrew. Fair 8f mild. 7 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 52 C3 54 56 57 58 1 2 4 4 49 4 47 4 46 4.46 43 42 4] 40 39 37 36 35 34 33 32 3J m 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 3018 Ui 42 1 20 38 57 15 32 50 7 23 40 56 12 28 'R&S b. m. 8 10 3 11 12 13 14 29 28 27 87 2620 2520 25I2O 2420 2320 23,21 22S1 2221 21i'91 58 12 26 40 54 7 20 32 44 56 7 18 28 38 rises. 5 23 6 10 7 3 8 3 9 7 10 14 11 23 mom 34 1 48 3 4 4 22 5 42 sets 5 15 6 21 7 31 8 42 9 51 10 57 mora 6 1 1 2 feet (eet head head bead nek. nek. arm arm. arm, bres bres h'art b'art bely bely bely rein. rein. seer seer thi. thi. kae kne 7 14 8 10 8 56 9 37 10 14 10 4n 11 24 11 59 morn 81 ]*13 1 53 2J 8 26 4 24 5 36 6 57 8 9 9 10 110 2 10 51 11 37 ev.33 legs, feet feet feet 6 48 31 17 4 6 6 11 mufm ■^^■^wiptwpw^rtlwwi?" mm t> . T :!. ' yJ Ss ne 1843.] ducejuber. Still giooiuisr crovva the ehortday, and, ere night, S.ion veils with dark clouds the faint glimmering light ; While around the dull landscape loolu naked and bleak, Or scarce through the mist that surrounds it can break, And save when the winds and the tempest arise, Sad Nature seems drowsily closing her eyes. But again in iti fleecy and bright-woven vest, O d Winter tlie earth in sood huiMourhasdress'd: And thus, having travelled along with the sun. And with him each month not unmindfully run, Once more the same objects arise to our view, As when first Nature's track we began to pursue. # Full Moon 6lh day, 7h. 2'^m. evening. (9 Last dnarter ]4tn day, 8h. 14m. morning. 10 New Moon 21st day, Uh. 30m. morning. C First Q,uarter 88th day, lOh. 3ni. niornmg. E. S. W. N. N. E. p "l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Mo Tu W. Th CALENDAR, &c. Fri Emperor Alexander d. 1825 Sat Cortez d. 1547, a. 61 ®apo SU Advent Sunday. Cold, but Mo Richilieu d. 1642. j^ne, and7 Tu Mozart d. 1702. pleasanl. 7 W.Hightid. ©hi. N. ThCicerokill. 43B. C. a.64. Fri ^ 89. 7, 6. Signs of stumor Sat Milton born, 1608. rain. SU 2d Sunday in Advent. Mo Ali. so. 7, 27 even. Tu Clear and eold W. Henry IV. of France b. 1798. Th Washington died, 1799. Fri Low tid. Blustery. Sat Day break, 5, 44. $ aph. SU3d Sun. in Advent. Mo Lord Liverpool d. 1828. Tu Fort Niagara tak. by Br. '13 W. © Q, & lo. 8. 1*1 D ©. Th Saint Thomas. Oecl. iuv. Fri <2» ent. V3 6, 9 mor. Winter 7 Sat High tides. [begins. . Sir4th Sun in Advent. CUar7 and eold. Christmas Day. Saint Stephen. Saint John the Evangelist. Innocents. Low ttd. FrijBecket killed, 1770. More SatjSir. ri. 7, 7. © ap. moderate SllSUlst Sunday aAer Christmas. Ri.&.Set8 h.m. h. ni 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 25 26 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 a5 36 36 36 37 37 37 38l4 38 7 384 21 21 20 dc.S d. m 21 21 22 2022 2022 2022 19^ 19122 19;22 1922 19,23 1923 1923 2023 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 48 57 6 14 22 30 37 43 49 55 5 9 13 17 20 22 24 26 27 27 27 27 26 25 23 21 18 15 11 6 © R<&S h. m. 2 3 4 5 6 I rises 4 58 5 56 6 59 8 6 9 15 10 24 11 34 morn 47 1 17 34 48 55 sets. 6 18 7 30 8 39 9 44 10 49 1152 morn 53|head 1 54 2 55 © timm P head head nee nee nee arm. arm. bres bres h'art h'art h'art belly belly rein rein seer. seer. thig thig kne. kne. legs High water h. ni. feet feet feet head nee nee 7 18 8 14 9 4 9 48 10 28 11 7 11 43 morn 20 57 1 34 2 14 256 3 49 4 56 6 17 7 39 8 51 9 49 10 40 1125 ev 7 46 1 22 159 237 320 4 6 5 9 6 18 728 ^ > I -— --1.,-( H ^ -^ > CITY OF SAIIVT The Hon. WILLIAM BLACK, Mayor. The Hoif. WILLIAM B. KINNEAK, Rteorder. ALDERMEN. John V. Thurgar, Benj. L. Peters, Thoiuus Harding, John Saiidall, Robert Salter, George Bond, « ASSISTAHTS. WARM. Mr. Samuel Ilallett, • • Xtti^f. " Robert Ray, • • • Qtieena. " William Hagerty, • Dukes. " E. W. Greenwood, - Sidneif. " James Olive, Sen. - Oujft. " Joseph Beattey, • - Brook$. John R. Partelow, Esquire, Treasurer or Chambeilain. Jameg Peters, Junior, Esquire, Common Clerk. James William Hoyd, Euquire. Deputy Common Clerk. James Stockford, High Constable, James Stuckrord, Thomas M'Ga^hey, James M'Donald, George W. Busteed, and Isaac C. Perkin!>, Marshals. Thomas M'Gaghey, Ebenezer Herrington, Matthew Morrison, Pa- trick Kelly, William Fearerby, George Stockford, James Peacock, Levi Lockhart, James Stockford, Isaac C. Perkins, R. Shewbridse, John M'Arthur, William M'Lauchlan, Alexander Downs, John H. Fairjoy, John Nixon, Robert M'Kelvey, James Irons, and James Pat- terson, Constables. Roland Bunting, William Fearerby, Robert M'Kelvey. Patrick Kelly, George Stockford, Thomas M'Gaghey, and Levi Leckhart, Hog Reeves on the Eastern side of the Harbour. William Cronk, R. Irvine, and Justus Danfotth, Hog Reevei at Carleton. Thomas Reed, William D. Fauike, Isaac Woodward, T. M. Smith, T. Leavitt, J. U. Thomas. andW. P. Scott, Port Wardens. Daniel Jordan, Daniel J. M'Laughlan, Simeon L. Lugrin, and Jo* siah Wetmore, Junior, Assessors of Taxes and Statute Labonr. Daniel Jordan, Daniel J. M'Laughlan, and Simeon L. Lugrin, As> sessors of Nightly W.itch and Scavenger Tax. Thomas Baldwin, Collector of Taxe6. — '• , Collector of Carleton. Thomas Baldwin, Collector of Statute Labour Fines ■ , Collector of Statute Labour Fines at Carleton. Roland Brnting, Collector of Dog Tax. Fyler Dibblee, Inspector of Cord Wood and Bark in the Market Slip ; Stephen Gerow, ditto ditto at North Slip ; John Paul; ditto ditto at Lower Cove ; Lynus Seelye, ditto ditto at Carleton. James Williams, Collector of Wharfage and Slippage at the Mar- ket Slip. A. C. O. Trentowsky, Collector of Slippage at Union Street. Stephen Gerow, ditto at the North Slip. A. C. O. Trentowsky, ditto at the Lower Cove , ditto at the Public Slips in Guy's Ward. Jacob Wilson, William M'Aulay, Francis Wilson, Edward Hippis* ley, and William Scott, Measurers of Coals. Jacob WilsoiK William M'Aulay, Edward Hippisley, and William Snott, Measurers of Salt. --•% ;tf4*» i Vr'' 8. Gerovr, Weigh Mmter at the North Slip; Richanl M'Cnllongh, ditto at Uaion Street; Jiiinea Price, ditto at Lower Coto; Chriato- pher Mailman, ditto at Cnrloton. David S Mnia'mli, and Charleii P. Betti, Iimpectors or Lime. A. C. O. Trerit.iwaky, Collector of Wharfage at the Breakwater. A. C. O. TreiitowHky, Collector of Anchorage. Peter Bernard, Collector of Wharfage and Slippage at Rodney Slip. Tbomait Uood. Hurbour Master. Benjamin C. Chuloner, City Guager. Andrew George Lordly, and Samuel Giileapie, Guagers and Sear- chers af Oil. John Knollin, Fence Viewer; Samuel Clarke, ditto at Carleton. Robcit C. MiniiRtte, City Surveyor. John Boyd, M. D., J. G. Harding, M. D., and George P. Peters, M. D., Visiting Physicians. John V. Thurgur, J. Korr & Co., W. D. W. Hubbard, J. Lordly, Henry Hawkins, andTiiomas Hatiford, Licensed Auctioneers John Reed, George Thomas, John Murray, Daniel Hatfield, Alex- ander Milli, Abraham Beaiteay, William Seely, Edward Murray, Jamea Reed, John Spears, J. Price Thomas, John Mills, Thomas Vaughan, William Spearp, John Scott, John W. Soely, Donald M'Dougal, and William LeaviM, Junior, Branch Pilots. Alexander Reed, Keeper of the Partridge Island Light House. George Lane, Keeper of the Beacon Light House Samuel Jordan, Alexander M'Grotty, John M. Campbell, John G. Tobin, David M. Whiling, John Jordan, George Cassie, Thomas Fairweather, G. W. F. Fairwoather. Thomas Leach, John O'Neil, John Quinton. John Galli an, Jeremiah Gove, Thomas Ni\on, Alex- ander M'Grotty, Junior, George H. Robertson, William Shives, Oli- ver B. Cougle, Hiram Edgett, Wdliam H. A. Kean8,Jame8 Stewart. Josiah Wetmore, Junior. Edward D. Gore, Zechariah Adams, and James H. Fairweather, Surveyors of Lumber. Thomas Miles, James Peacock, Andrew George Lordly, and Sa- muel White, Inspectors of Lathwood, Staves, Hoop Poles,- &c. Andrew G. Lordly, and Samuel Gillespie, Cullers of Dried Fish. William Dunham, John Kinney, Henry Nice, John Dunn, John Christopher, Junior, Samuel White, Samuel Gillespie, Andrew Geo. Lordly, Joseph O. Dunham, Thomas Miles, Robert T. Brittain, Da- niel Dykeman, and Joseph Wilson, Inspectors of Pickled Fish. Levi Lockhart, Superintendent of the Fish Market. Charles Davies, Nathaniel Clinton, Robert Rankine, Junior, and John Humbert, Inspectors of Flour. William Hagart^, and David S. Marshall, Fire Inspectors. Fyler Dibblee, Superintendent of Carts, Hand Carta, and Hacks. Robert i). Bennison, City Inspector. Samuel Bulyea, Looker after Nuisances in Carleton. Roland hunting, Pound Keeper. William Cronk, and Richard Irvine, Pmind Keepers at Carleton. James Pi;acock, Inspector of Bread. Geo. Matthev, G. T. Ray, and James Olive, Ovorseeraof thePoor. Matthew Thomas, Keeper of the Alms House. George Bond, Robert Salter, and William ScovU, Jno.. Eeguires, Trustees of Schools. "^ X h. M •^ GeorgaA. Locjchart, JohqV. Thurgnr, GharlMC SMwart, Wm. Hagarty, David 8. Manhall, Charl«a M'Lauohlan, aad James Wm. Boyd, Fire Wardens. Thomaa H> Smith, Chief Engineer. Wm. Barlow, David Waterberry, Samuel Jordan, J. E. If 'Donald, John M'Alpine, George L. Camber, Richard Duff, John Robinaon. and William Olive, Engineers. Joahua Mercer, Captain, or Head ofthe Company orHoaemen. John Wilson, Captain, or Head ofthe Company of Aiemen. John Pattersou, Captain, or Head of the Company of Hook and Ladder Men. SIGNALS Ditplayedat Partridg* Island^ on th$ approach of Fssss/s <•. (iks Harbour of Saint John : One ball close, for one square-rigged Vessel. One ball half hoisted for two ditto. Two Ralls close, for three Vessels. Two Balls separated, for four ditto. A Pendant of any colour, for five ditto. A ditto under a Ball, for six ditto. A ditto over a Ball half hoisted, for seven ditto. A ditto under two Balls close, for eight ditto. A ditto under two Balls separate, for nine ditto. A Flag of any colour, for ten or more- ditto. The above are displayed at the East or West yard arm, aeeording to the direction in whicn the Vessels are at first observed, and as soon as their kig can be distinguished, descriptive Coloara will be hoisted at the mast head, in the following oraer : A Union Jack, with a white Pendant over, for a small axBMd vessel. A blue Pendant for a Merchant Ship. A red ditto, for a Merchant Brig. A white and blue ditto, for a Foreign Vessel; A white ditto, (without a ball,) for a Topsail Schooner or Sloop. A red Flag pierced white, for a steamboat from Saint Andrews and Eastport. A Ball at the mast head. Vessel is on Shore or in distress. 07 Should immediate aid be necessary, guns to be fired. In foggy weather a gun will be fired from Partridge island, in return for each hoard at sea. Should a vessel require a- Pilot her descriptive Pendant will be displayed at a yard arm in the place of a Ball. TIME FOU: GOING THROUGHTHE TALL9: (near Si. John). The Falls are level (or still water), at about 3^ hoars on the floods and about2^ on the ei&, which makes them passable four times in twenty four hours, about 10 or 15 minutes each time. — No other rule can be given, as mueh depends on the floods in the River St. John, and the tii|)« of high water or full sea, which is often baatea- ed by high winds, anil in proportion to the height of them. ■WMW fj RATES 0£ PILOTAGE, Utt Mi M L \mm Law or Oniiiiaiiee ^(Aa Cormmni CtnmeSL of tlU CUm </ SmiK Johm-pomd Julp, 1036. Five 8hilliii|i ptr foot, for bringing any Ship or VcimI into tb« HMboiir of Sunt John, and mooring birr into aMfe plaeo or berth, or •eenring her elongiide of one of the Wharvee; end Five Shilling! per foot for removing and taking any Ship or Veaiel out of the Harbonr. In eaaea where Pilota shall be detained on board of VeiaeU. nnder and bv virtue of the Quarantine or Health Lawa of the Province, they ■hall be entitled to demand and receive from Maatera of aueh Veaaelfl, the aum of Ten Shillingi per day, for every day of such da* teation, iv addition to the allowance aforesaid. Coasting Vessels, going from one part of the Bay of Fnndy to another, British or Foreign Steam Boats, or British Vessels drawing nnder six feet of water, are not eomuelled to take pilots i when employed, they are to be paid aecorcling to the rate above men* tioned. For removing Vessels (Vom any mooring ground to any Wharf, or firom one Wharf to another Wharf, and seeing them properly moored or secured, the following rates i For Vessels not exceeding One Hnn« dred Tons, Seven 8hlliin|[s and Sixpence i fbr Vesseb ever One Hundred and not exceeding Tw» Hundred Tone, Ten Shillings; fbr Vessels over Two Hundred and not exceeding Three Hundred Tons, Fifteen Shillings; and for atl Yessela over Three Hundred Tons, the sum of Twenty Shillings. Firat Dutamu.-~Trom Partridge Island to Musquash Cove Head, bearing North West, Five Shillings per foot. Seamd Distance.— From Musquash Head te Point LePreaux. bearing North West, Six Shillinffs and Threepence per fbot. llUrd Dutatiee -rFrom Point LePreaux to North Head of Grand Afanan, hearing North West~-or North Channel, bearing South East, Seven Shillings and Sixpence per foot. Fourth Diataiue. — From the North Head of Grand Manan— or North Channel as aforesaid-<to Maehias Seal Island, bearing South, Eight Shillings and Ninepenee per foot. ZDi^anet. — Any where outside the aforesaid distance, Ten , ja per foot. HARBOUR MASTER'S FEES. On Vessels of 30 Tom and under 50, 28. 6d. ; Vessels of 50 Tons and under 7S, 3s. 9d. ; 75 and under 100 tons, 5s.; 100 and nnder 150 tons, 68. 3d. ; 150 and under200 tons, Ts. 6d. ; 200and under 300 tons, ]0s. ; 300 and under 400 togs, 128. Od. ; 400 tons and upwards, 15s. Decked Vessels, uhder 100 tons, owned and registered at Saint John, and all British Vessels under thnt tonnage trading within the Bay of Fandy, or arriving firom Ports to the Northward of Cape Cod, or the Westward of Cape Canso, or from any Port in Nova Scotia, to pay annually as follows: Under 30 tons, Ss. 9d. ; over 30 and nnder 50 tons, 5s. ; over 50 and nnder 75 tons, 6s. ; over 75 and under 100 tons, 10s. I the I llO( llOi y r^ eoi \ T-r CUfi tb«l ••or iderj lee, ttehl d«.f lo "»f icnf Bo- or I 'ed lOo oe| • :| >dj Mil •> Ratct of Cartage In Saint John. ARTICLES AND WEIGHT. $.4. imrnnwi: — Kor • loltd uf Wood, (Uunrier o^ « Curd,) For a load of CmU, (Haifa '-'haldron,) For a load containing 15 bunti.U of Grain, Salt, Pota- toaa, or any other articlea maaiured at loading or unluad- Int, oicent Coalf, . - For a pipe of Wine, OIn, or flrdndy, and homing within the door of the flnt floor, For a puncheon of Rum, or i tierce of Sugar, flrom 7 to 10 ewt., and honilni, For a puncheon oi Molateetf a honhead of Sugar of to awt. or u|>ward«, or a hogshead of Tobacco, it houaing. Fur a hogshead or puncheort of Cider, or a lond of Dtled Flab, of IS cwt. or a common load of houaehold Oouda, and itorlng. For a load of Shingles, Hoop Poles. Heading, StaVea, Treenails, Smoked Flih in boies, Salmon in kits. Dry Goods, or a load of any other articles not herein men- tioned, or a hogshead of Lime, or a bonhead or crate of Earthenware, or two tloreea of ■arthenwai^, a hogshead of D^led Fish, two tierces of Coflbe, or quantity in bags not exceeding 19 cwt. or n load con- taining 6 bbls. Flottr, or 5 barrels Sugar, Fish, Beef, Pork, Turpentine, or Cider, or half a ton uflron, or the same Quantity of Corda|a, in coils not eitleedlni 4 cwt. or a load of any articles not herein mentioned, For a M-itallon caak of Wine, Rum, OIn, Brandy, Molassas, or Portefi or for a load of Sand, Ornvel or Stones, or a load of 4 barrels of any Splrituotts Liquor or molaaaes,. For Cables and Cordage, In eoMs abova a cwt. or If to coil, per ton, or If for Hay loose, p<tr ton, - 13 104 30 1 90 13 09 For Hay, screwed, per ton For Bricks, per Inousand For Lumber, per thousand feet. For the carriage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, - - 1 SO 96 40 30 A .73: 10 3 11 9 1» 141 101 111 ss 98 4 3 3 3 3d; 0.4. '? 1 1 33 10 93 16 1 u »7l I 3 3 41 1 10 9 41 1 S 6 9 10 4 6 3 6 4th. Ttji 4. 1 K 19 i4k 96 )0 96 19 111 i 3141 S« 30 40 30 m 13 1 6 ff 04 39 SO 40 10 The First Diitfiet to comprise all that part or the City between the south line of Pond street and north line of Duke strokf, which lies to the westward of the East line of Mill street, Dock street, and thit part or Prince Williaitf street situated between the north Mrie of the' brick building belonging to Mr. James K. M'Kee, (northwihrd Ofthe Nw> ket MtuarS,) and the north litfe of Diike street, and ineltiding King street, to the westward of the west line of Germain street. Second Di$iriet to comprise alt that part of the City bietweett (he nortli line of Uniitn street and soiifltline of Saint James' street, which lies without or beyond the First district, to the westward of the iist line of Charlotte street. Third Dittrid to comprise all (hut part of the Citr, which lies with- out or beyond the Second Distri^ to the westward of the eastKnc 6f Sidney street Fotirth Di$triet to eomprise aH that part of the City lying without or beyond the Third District, to the westward of the East line of Cttt- marthen atreet. IV^ Diitriet to comprise all that part of the City lying withd'nt or beyond the Fourth District. h' f -^ PUBLIC PORTERS AND HAND-CART MEN. For loading, carrying, and hoasini^ an/ goods or any other articles on any hand cart, from the M arket Slips in King's and Queen's Wards or from any other place within the limits of the Fi»t District, to any other place within the uid several Five Districts, the rates of priceii, ati as follow:— For ths First Di^trist, Threepence; Second District, Three penee half-penny ; T'hird District, Fourpence ; Fourth Distriei, Fourpence half-penny { FiAh District, Fivepence. HACKNEY-COACH FARES. For conveying not exceeding Fonr pernong from any public stand to any other part of the Cit^.or from any one part of the City to any other part thereof. One Shilling; and for every Passenger over Fonr, Sixpence additional: if Carriage be detained, to pay additional, at the rate of One Shilling for every half hoar. RATES AT THE PUBLIC WEIGHING MACHINES. Every Load not exceeding 1000 lbs. weight, One Shilling ; and One Penny for every additional cwt. ; payable, half by the seller, and half by the purchaser. RATES OF SLIPPAGE AT THE CORPORAtlON SLIPS. All Decked Vessels, same rates as for Wharfage ; Wood Boats — Three half-pence for every Ton burthen, and allowed to remain six days each trip, for the purpose of discharging: if they remain longer, to pay One Penny per ton additional for each day. No Boat to re- main longer than twenty days. RATES OF FERRIAGE, BthoeeH St. John and Carleton—frotn Ferry Landing at the foot of Prin- ce$8 street to the Landing at the end of Rodney street, in CarUton — and to the Landing at Sand Point, caUed Steam Ferry. Every grown person, 3d. ; Children under 14 years of age, l^d. ; every Horso, 3d. ; «very Ox, Cow, or other large animal, 4d. ; evenr 6atf, Swine, Sheep, Lamb, Or Goat, Id. ; every Waggon, Cart, Sled, Carriage-, or other Vehicle, (loadMl or not loaded with goods) usually drawn by cattle. 3d. ; every Hand Cart, Sled, or Wheelbarrow, Id. ; every Barrel, l^d. ; every Pipe, Hogshead, or Putiche'dn, 9d. ; every Ca«k of Lime, 3d. ; evtery Firkin, Keg, or Small Box, not exceeding in size a Firkin, Id. ; Grain, Salt, Potatoes, Turnips, or Vegetables, nsnally sold by the bushel, per bushel, ^d. ; Iron, Steel, Copper, and the like, per cwt. Id, And the rates of Ferriage for the Short Ferry, so called, and also for Ferriage across the Steaih Ferry, so called, when the Steamer is lying by to clean boilers, or other circumstances preventing the plying of the Steam Ferry Boat, as follow, viz. : — Foet Passengers, 3d.; Two Horses, with Waggon or Stage, Ss. 6d.; One Horse and Gig, Sleigh, Sled, Cart, or Waggon, Is 6d.; an Ox, Horse, or Cow, Is.; a Swine, 5d. ; a Sheep, 4d. ; a Barrel of Flour, 8d.; a Keg of Powder, 3d. W. ^ .<*'"«> iTii»i idil'liiitp' . ■ ^f* t^,^T^.^-^f^, ^^y^f^ 0-^^^ ''mm j/W^ m wn " < i Mijj iiyi>f W. _^ y^ !S Chamber iif Commerce. — L. Donaldson, Esquire, President; W. H. Street, and John Pollock, Erqnires, Vice Presidents ; Isaac Wood- ward, Esquire, Secretary ; Charles Ward, John Wishart, Hon. John Koliertaou, Wm. Walker, S. L. Lngrin, John Duncan, Wm. M Kay, James VVhitney. Jamas Kirk, -tnd Frederick A. Wiggins, Esquires, together with the Members of the House of Assembly for the City and Coiintv (bHiiiff the non-elvctive part), compose the Committee. Mechanics' Institute — ^John Dtlncan, Esquire, President; W.Jack, and Alexander Lawrence, Vice Presidents; Robertson Bayard, Cor- responding Secretary; H. J. Chubb, Recording Secretary ; S. L. Tilley, Treasurer; George Flenlming, Edwin Fairweatiier, Thomas Ranl{ine,Jun.. Thomas Barlow, Jun , Thomas Daniel, James Cudlip, J. G. Sharp. C. H. DiinmOck. W. A. Robertson, Thomas Nisbel, Jr., James Harris, aild James Lawton, Directors. Saint John .Wicnceum.— Hon VVard Chipman, Chief Justice, Pre- sident; Hon. Wirt. Bldck, (at Vice President; Hon. Judge Parker, 2d Vide President; E. D. W. Uatcliford, Esqaire.Sd Vice President; John H. Gray, Esquire, Recordiiiir Secretary; Dr. Gesner, Corres- ponding SeriBtJiry; W. Wright, Esquire, Treasurer. Council-— Dr. B(itsfi)i-d, W.Jack, James Cudlip, M.H. Periey, Dr. S. B>yard,'and Rev. W. ScoVil oaititJohn Emignitinn Society. — His Worship the Mayor (Hoti,. W. Black.) President; Honorabies Charles Simondsahd Hugh Johnstbn, Vice Presidents; A. Wedderbiirn. Esquire, Secretary". John V. Tliur- gar. Esquire, Treasun'r; — who. with the following Gentleinen, con*- stitutethe Directors— Joh I R. Partelow, A. Gesner, William Wright, .R. Payne, P. Besnaid, Geo. Younger, I. Woodward, and R. Bayard. Saint John County Agricultural and Hortitulturat Society. — Hon. C Simonds, President; U.M. Jar vis, Walker Tisdale, James Brown, and Archibald Menzies, Vice Presidents ; Messrs. Geo. G. Gilbert, James Dunn, Charles Drury, W. O. Cody, E. Seniill, JainesCother, G. C. Carman, Joiiu Kerr, Dr. Cook, Dr. Bavard, Alexander Wedderburn, Peter Dewar, M. H. Periey. John Gillies. W. Ritchie, T. L. Nichol- son, Thomas Trifion, James W. Peters, Isaac Chirk, Richard Cal- vert, James Travis, George Brown, Thomas Bean, and George Ball, Directors; John Dutican, Esquife, Treasurer; R. Bayard, Esquire, Corresponding Secretary; Mr. Geo. Younger, Recording ^ ecretary. Puldic Grammar School in Saint John. — Tlie Reverend the Rector of Saint John, President; the Mayor, the Recorder, the Hon Ward Chipman, L. L. D., the Hon. Judge Parker, R. F. Hazen, and Wil- liam Wright, Esquires, Directors; J. II. Gray, Esquire, Treasurer and Clerk; James Patterson, L. L. D., Principal. Saint John Chdreh of England Sunday Schunl.—The Rector of Saint John, President; Samuel Huyghiie, Esquire, Superintendent of the Male School; Miss Deblois, Superintendent of the Female S hool. Saint John District Committee of the Society for promoting Chris- tian Knotcledge. — The Rev. the Rector ofSaint John, President ; lion. William Black, and William Scovil, Esquire, Vice Presidents; Be- verley Robinson, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer. (CTerms of admission to the Parent Society, One Guinea Donnlion. and One Guinea annually. Terms of admission to the District Committee. Haifa Guinea nnuiially. The depository of Books and Tracts is at Mr. Samuel Hallett's. ^ mmf^^mm^/ ,w "c^h Saint John Rdigious Tract Society. , President ; Mr. John Kinnear, Secretary. Committee — The Ministers of the dif. ferent Denominations, and Messrs. W. B. Kinnear, N. S. Demill, G. T. Rav. L. H. OeVeber, J. Wisharf, John Duncan, S. L.Tilley, Richard W. f^ore, and A. dmithers. SaitU John Society Library. — Hon. Judge Parker, Pi'esident; R. F. Hazen, Esquire, Vice President; Rev. F. Coster, J. H. Hartt, Esquire, Committee ; James W. Peters, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer ; W. MacDougail, Librarian. Library hours from 3 to 5. Sarred Music Society. — Alexander Lawrence, President; Z. Es- ter, Vice President ; George Whittekir, Jun., Treasurer ; L. H. Waterhouso) Secretary ; S. K. Foster, Conductor ; Charles J. Me- lick, Stephen Whittekir, Thomas Hathaway, Samuel Bustin, J. W. M'Leod^ Committee. Temperance Society. — ^The Rev. B. G. Gray, D. D., President ; the Honorables Judge Parker, and W. B. Kinnear, Vice Presi- denta ; Francis Kinnear, Esquire, Secretary, &c. Saint George's Society. — ^Jobn V. Thurgar, Esquire, President ; Mr. John Rhodes, Vice President ; Isaac L. Bedell, Esquire, Trea- surer ; Lewis W. Durant, Secretary ; Messrs. Henry Chubb, John Sandal], and John J. Roberts, Standing Committee. Saint Jlndrew's Society. — ^John Boyd, Esquire, M.D., President ; John Wis^art, Esquire, Vice President ; John Duncan, Esqunre, Treasurer; Mr. James Robertson, Secretary. Saint Patrick's Society. — William End, Esquire, M. P. P., Presi- dent ; William Parks, Esquire, Vice President ; William Hutchin- son, Esquire, Treasurer ; Mr. Wm. Mills, Secretary ; Mr. Thomas Magee, Jun., Assistant Secretary. Albion Union Society. — W. H. A. Keans, President ; H. Buxton Vico President ; Samuel Holman, Treasurer ; John Wbodill, Se- cretary. Friendly Sons of Erin. — Mr. John Gallivan, President ; Mr. Fer- gus McCarthy, Vice President ; Mr. James Gilday, Treasurer ; Mr. James White, Secretary. Orphan Benevolent Society. — Robert Ray, Esquire, President ; James Gallagher, Esquire, Vice President ; Mr. John Dougherty, Treasurer ; Mr. John Humbert, Secretary. Friendly Fire Club. — Robert W. Crookshank, Esquire, Presi- dent ; T. L. Nicholson, Esquire, Secretary, &c. Union Fire Club. — Daniel Leavitt, Esquire, President; Leveret H. DeVober, Vice President; John Wishart, Esquire, Treasurer ; E. W. Greenwood, Esquire, Secrstary. Protection Fire Club. — Mr. G. Thomag, President ; Mr. Thomas Nisbet, Vice President ; Mr. G. M. Robertson. Secretary. 1 MARINE HOSPITAL. For 'the Relief 'df Sick and Disabled Seamen, (Saint John.) Commissioners— The Hon. William Black, R. M. Jaryis, John Ward, Junior, Thomas Barlow, R. W. Crookshank, and Daniel Lea- vitt, Esquire*; TVeosurer— The Bank of New Brunswick; Secretary — L. Donaldson, Esqiiire ; Physician and Surgeon— J. Boyd, Esq, M. D. N^ ai t Mttto. ' "<»■ ax »♦'•—" ,w ^ >■ e-l er- ret ■er; nas oba CITY AND COUNTY QF SAINT JOHN. The Blayor andJUecorder, JuHticesoftlie Mayor's Court. The. Mayor, ami Recorder, John V. Tburgar, Benjamin L. Pe- ters, Thomas Harding, John Sandull, Robert Salter, and George Bond, Esquires, Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. John^ Ward, William Scovil, James Peters, Ralph M- Jarvit, Charles Simonds, G. C. Carman, Zalmon Wheeler, John Jordan, Allan Qtty, George Anderson, James Moran, Hon. Hugh Johnston, Henry Gilbert, R. W.Crookshanlc, Senior, Noah Disbrow, Senior, Robert Ellis, Robert Payne, Archibald Menzies, George Brown, Benjamin L Peters, Charles Ward, Hon. J Robertson, William H Street, George D. Robinson, Daniel Leavitt, John Kinnear, John Gillies, Calvin L. Hatheway, James Brown, George Ball, Daniel Ansley, James T- Hanford, John Kerr, Elisha DeWolfRatchfurd, James Kirk, John Pollock, William Leavitt, George A. Lockhart, Williani Olive, Samuel Strange, James Gallagher, and Jacob C. Allan, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. James White, Esquire, High Sheriff; Mr. G. V. Nowlin, Depaty Sheriff. James Peters, Junior, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace, Slc. ; James William Boyd, Assistant Clerk of the Peace, &c. William Bayard, Esquire, M. D., Coroner. John R. Partelow, Esquire, County Treasurer. Henry Swymmer, Esquire, Surrcgate Charles Drury, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Wills. Benjamin L. Peters, Esquire, Cumiuissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. Henry Swymmer, Hon.W. B. Kinnear, Alfred L. Street, James Peters, Junior, William End, Francis A. Kipnear, Robert F. Ha- zen, V^illiam Wright, Peter Stubs, H. N. H. Lugrin, John M. Ro- binson^ Moses H. Perley, Robert L. Hazen, Richard Sands, Junior, John Johnston, James William Boyd, George Wheeler, William H. Needham, William Jack, Judah H. Hartt, Duncan Robertson, Charles Johnston, Wm. S. Sands, N. W. Wallop, John H. Gray, James W. Peters, Robertson Bnyard, William J. Ritchie, Charles E. MiHidge,EliasTupper, Charles W. Hard law, Snmuel J. Scovil," William M.Greenwood, William R. M. Burtis, Edward B. Peters, Charles Duff, William T. Peters, Junior, Andrew C. Black, James A. Harding, William C. Hare, Gustavus R. Jarvis, James J. Kaye, Edgar Wheeler, William E. Twynham, William M. Howe, and Charles Doherty, Esquires, Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. Robert F. Hazen, Esquire. Commissionor of Bankrupts. GehardusC. Carman, John. lordan, and James Moran, Esquires, CQmmissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. Charles Drury, Esquire, Issuer of Mairiage Licenses. Board of Education. — The Mayor, the Recorder, Rev. F. Cos- ter, William Scovil, Junior, and James Pelerii, Junior, Esquires. Surveyors of Lumber in the County. — Michael Fisher, James Flewelling, Gilbert Jordanf Junior, Muses Tuck, Alexander M'L. n ^ 'M W li < ■ ' V>--^3»Vnt'*wv*-»«><v<-... ^ /V# Seeljr, William W. Jordan, Francis Jordar, J, F. Goddard, Janiea) Scott, Chrrles Sorrcll, Stephen H. Shaw, Thomas F. Langen, John Morrison, James Clark, George Cassie. William Quint, Daniel AI*Goldrick, Charles Eagles, George Eagles, and Wm. A Reynolds. William Munford, George Mason, and Joseph C. Littlehale, Overseersof the Fisheries. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas. — 3d Tu«»day iq Bftrci), Ist Tuesday in June, September, and December. PARISH OF PORTLAND. John Duncan, John Bradley, and James Briggs, Overseers of the Poor. Hugh Sharkey, Jan^es Travis, and Solomon Berseyj An»cssors of Taxes. Andrew Miles, Collector of Taxes. Matthew S. Manks, Stephen E. Daniels, Jacob Pidgeon, George M'Donald, James Dixon, JohnO'Keefe, Ricliard Reardon, Jere- miah Leonard, John Taylor, and George Dixon, Constables. Daniel Logan, James Dixun, George Dixon, James Butler, and Jeremiah Leonard, Hug Renves. Michael Campbell, Peter Snider, James Moran, and John Car- righill. Pound Keepers. Ptolemy Lombard, Maurice Delaney, and Patrick Harrigan, Fence Viewers. Solomon Hersey, Ptolemy Lombard, and Jaines Flewelling, Commissioners of Highways. William Eagles, Patrick Hnrrigan, Patrick M'Gonldrick, James Crozier, James Love, and Thomas Logan, Surveyors of Highways. The Rev. William Harrison, William Harding, and John Dun- ean, Trustees of Schools. Samqel Daltqn, Superintendent of the Ferry Landing. James Scott, Superintendent of the Portland Slips. John Butler, and Hugh Sharkey, Inspectors of Fish. John Coleman, Ferryman. Hugh Sharkey, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. James Joyce, ancl Stephen E. Daniels, Overseers of the Fisheries. John Pollock, Jantes Payne, John Duncan, and Jaipes Travis, Firewardens. PARISH OF LANCASTER. George Anderson, Archibald Mcnisics, and John Stevens, Com* missioners of Highways. William Wetmore, John Scott, and Charles Low, Overseers of the Poor- Isaac Clarke, John Gillies, and John Scott, Assessors of Taxes. John Hording, Collector of Taxes. John Gillies, G . C. Carn^an, and Isaac Clapke, Trustees of Schools. J. Dunham, J. Harding, and J. M'Auley, Constables, J John Vaughan, John H!irtling,and William Scott, Fence Viewers RBaai m tmm& h^ M ^ N George Howe, and John Scott, Hog Reeves. John Hnrding, and William M.Tilton, Pound Keepers. William Harding, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. John Hurding, John Dunham, Isaac Clarke, John Brondags, Hugh Bolmour, Jamos Wynn, Uichard Sinnott, James Cunning' hau), Leacy Hayward, Af . Parker iialcnim, James Gault, Daniel Morris, Jind George Mullin, Surveyors of Highways. Daniel Morris, and John Cunnaboll, Overseers of the Fisheiiee. PARISH OF SAINT MARTINS. Jolin Brown, Senior, Michael Kelly, and William Flaherty, Commissi>>ncr8 of Highways. George W. Marsters, Jacob Bradshaw. and Andrew Milligan, Oveisot.'is of tho Po4)r. . William Fnwns, Junior, James Bustin, ar.d James S. Smith, 1 Trustees of Scho ds. Thomas Brown, Willium Vail, and George Marr, Asaessors of Taxes. Daniel Brown, Collector of Taxes. James Shnnklin, I'atrick Mdlony, and JnmrsFowns, Constables. Edward Brown, Jatne:^ r^tnitli, Johu Smith, Guurge Coclu'an,and John Howard. Fonco Vie«<'rs. William Scott, Pound Keeper. William iVl'Ciiniitor, ;ind TlKimns Scntr, Hojj Reeves- Thomas H. Blark, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. David Bnidsliaw, Kenry Uiiitiiin, \V illiain Nottlo, Robert Floyd, Andrew Smitli, Janes bricMtjy, Samuel Younp:, William iM'Afee, Isaac Bradsliaw, Gnhiiul Ahirclibunk, Steplion Brown, Piiiiip Mo- sher, James Ford, Midiiiol Ryan, Samuel Shankiin, John Fritcb, and James Brown, Junior, Surveyors of Highwayy. PARISH OF SIMONDS. George Moffut, Nugent Ci-cighton,and Robert Douglas, Truit«cs of Schools. Francis Hannah, George Moffat, and Robert Long, Overseen of the Poor. John Hawks, Robert Long, and Joseph Ball, Assessors of Tftxcs. John Johnston, Collector of Taxes. John Johnston, James Burley, William IW'Geoch, Richard Daley William Whelpley, Robert Bowes, John Maxwell, Patrick M*Ma- nus, and James iVIGuire, Constables. Thomas Bean, W. Robinson, Wm. Bean, Senior, John Morrison, William Dn.ley, hugh Ryan, Corbyn M. VVhooton, Thomas Gar- net, WilJiam Wood, Robert Bowes, Thomas Trafton, and John Douglas, Fence Viewers. James Burley, Richard Daley, Job Stanley, James Bustin, Wm. Blair, Peter Brannen, William M'Geoch, John Maxwell, Teagae Gallivan, John Munfon, Thomas Kays, and Charles Boyle, Hof Reeves. "*" W ,im » - Hr-HT- \fi~- ■ ".: -^Wi ^r* ^) I H. Dunn, Philip Furlong, John Morrison, John Johnston, John 1 Wallace, Dunlel Gallagher, Neil Quinn, Ephraim C. Sentill, and I Thomas Kays, Found Keepers. i Aobert Bowes, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Maikct. I Nugent Croighton, John Johnston, and John Hawks, Commis- i sioners of Highways. Winthrop iiobinson, Robert Bowes, Samuel Blair, Philip Fur- I ion^, William Anthony, James Dalzcli. William M'Bean, John I I>owd, Simon Fraser, Thomas Long, Ephraim Sentill, Thomas { Garnett, William Tippin, John Morrison, Corbyn M. Whooton, i James Bowes, Thomas M'Garry, John Buckley, James Stackhouse, Thomas Traflon, Daniel Gallagher, James Kibler, John VV. Sjott, I Wm. Hawks, Benjamin Ellison, lahmaol Reed, Robert Gratjey, j William M*Grigor, William Slach, Charles Emslie, John Parker, ; James Stewart, and Owen M*Guire, Surveyors of Highways. I Daniel Gallagher, and William Bean, Overseers of the Fishery. i COUNTY OP YORK. Hon. John Simcoe Saunders, John Allen, Hon Thomas C. Lee, John Robinson, and George Minchiu, Esqtiires, Justices of the Infe- rior Court of Common Pleas. Hon. John S. Saunders. John Allen, Hon. Thomas C, Lee, John Robinson, George Minchin, Jacob Eilegood, James A. Maclauchlan, Thomas Emerson, Thomas Jones, James Harrison, William David- son, Patrick Campbell, James Mites, Ross Carrie, (of the Qjuorum.) Adam D. Allan, George Garden, L. Bradsliaw Rainsford, Hugh J. Hansard, Henry Morehouse, Solomon Parent, David B. Shelton, George Cheyne, William J. Bedell, Benjamin Wolbaupter, Thomas Gill, Thomas Earle, Richard Hayne, GeorgeClements, James Taylor, Allan M'Lean, Thomas Pickard, Thomas R. Robertson, William Dell Hartt, John T. Smith, Asa Coy, and Isaac Kilburn, Esquires, Justices of the Peace- Edward VV. Miller, Esquire, High Sheriff; Mr Joseph Myshrall, Denuty Sheriff. George J. Dibblee, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Hon. George F. Street, Surrogate. John C. .\IIen, Esquire, Register of Probates. Joseph Beek, Esquire, Register of Deeds and Wills. William Woodforcle, Henry Fisher, Junior, and Henry Jones, Ea- qttire9, Coroners. Mark Needham, Esquire, Crf^ty Treasurer. Hon. Charles J. Peters, ^ i George F. Street, Hon. John S. Saunders, D. L. Robinson, Geoiv J. Dibblee, Charles P. Wetmore, T. R. Wetmore, L. A. Wilmot, George Botsford, Charles Fisher, George F. H. Minchin, William H. Odeil, Steph»ta A'' '.ler, David S. Kerr, John M'Mahon, Francis A. H. Stratton, Jouu C. Allen, Geo. Lee, Jan., William Watts, B. W. Hammond, George N. Segee, Jai. F. Bertoa> Edward H. Wilmot, Lewis Peter Fisher, and William H. Shore, Esqiiires, Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme , Court. ^^ ^ .^■ ^^mwirw -i..^«^^.-^. 'TAaig'u'.At. -«M^*4 M M .^■ Hon. John S. Saunders, and Wiiliam Tyng Peten, Esquire, Com* m'lBsioners fur taking Bail in tiie Supreme Court. D. Ludlow Robinson, Esquire, Comniissioner of Bankrupt*. James A. Maclauchlun, John Alien, Jdcob Ellegood, Jonn Robin' son, and J. Harrison, Esquies, Commissioners for Solemnieitikg Mar riage. Asa Coy, F. E. Bcckwith, Mark Needham, F. W. Hatheway, Jon. Gaynor, Henry Fisher, and James E. Periey, Licensed Auctioneers. hoard of Education.— John Robinson, G. J. Dibblee, D. L. Robin- son, Georgn Lee, Jr., Esqiitrcs, Very Rev. William DoUard, V. G., and the Rev. J. M. Sterling, A. M. Alms House and Work House. — Benjamin Wolhaupter, Lemuel A. VVilniot, WilliHtn J. Bedell, Thomas Gill, Moses Ftekard, Thomas Murray, and John Simpson, Esquires, Commissioners ; Joseph Fle« minj, Keeper. Terms of tlie General Sessions and Common Pleas. — First Tuesday in Junijury and June. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas.-^ Third Tuesday iu March, and second Tuesday in October. Fredericton Library. — J. E. Woolforde, Esquire, President; F. E. Beckwith, Esquire, Vice President; R. Gowan, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer; W. H. Shore, and G.S, Flood, Committee ; Michael VVhite, Librarian Terms, £3 on admission, and 15s. linnuHlly. Fredericton Society of Saint Andrew. — VV, Frnser, M. D., President ; John Gregory, Esquire, 1st Vice President; Robt. Fulton, 2d ditto.; John F. Taylor, Treasurer; William M'Beath, Secretary. Fredericton Society of Saint Patrick — Hon. Thomas Baillie, Presi- dent ; L. A. Wilmot, Esquire, Vice President ; Joseph Beek, Esquire, Treasurer; Matthew Brunneu, Secretary; Stephen White, Assistant Secretary. Fredericton Society of Saint George. — Hon. Gectrge Shore, President; J. E. Woolforde, and the Hon. G. F. Street, Vice Presidents: — - — r-. Secretary and Treasu/er; Ven. Archdeacon Coster, Chaplain. Floral and Horticultural Society of New Brunswick, (at Fredericton), J. E. Woolforde, Esquire, President ; Hon. Neville Parker, and L. A. Wilmot, Esquire, Vice Presidents; who, with Messrs. Oliver Smith, and S. Flemming, constitute the Committee of Management and Decision. — George Lee, Jun. Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer. Firewards in Fredericton. — ilon. Thomas Baillie, George Minchin', Mark Needham, William Dell Hartt, John A- Beckwith, Benjamin Wolhaupter, L. A. Wilmot, and John T. Smith, Esquires. COUNTY OF CARLETON. B. C. Beardsley, Esquire, Commissioner of Bankrupts. John F. W. Winslow, Esquire, High Sheriff. Terms of the General Sessionsand Common Pleas. — Fourth Tnesday in January apd June. Additional Terms of Common Pleas.'— Fini Tuofuiay in March and October. COUNTY OF CHARLOTTE. Honorable Harris Hatch, Commissioner of Bankrapts. Thomas Jones, Es^quire, High Sheriff. (T-... >. - V' V — -'■''V"..- Terms of the General Sesfions and Common Pleas. -rSocond Tuesday in April and tiiird Tuesday ill SepTember. Additional Terms of me Common I'leas.—Second Tuesday in July and September. COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. Robert F. Hazen, Esquire, Commissioner of Bat:krupta. William P. Sayre, Esquire, High Sheriff. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Plens.— Third Tuesday in June and November. Additional Terms (f the Common Pleas. — First Tuesday in April and second Tuesday in September. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. J. A. Street, Esquire, Commissioner of Bankrupts. Henry W. Baldwin, High Sheriff. Terms of the, General Sessions and Common Picas — Second Tuesday in January find laHt Tuesday in July. Additional Terms of the Com- mon Pleas.— First Tuesday in April and last Tuesday in October. KING'S COUNTY. Robert F. Hazen, Esquire, CommJHsioner of Bankrupts. Asa J)avidson. Esquire, Hijrh Sheriff. Terms of thaGiieral Sessions and Commm P/aos.— First Tuesday iu March, and third Tuesday in October. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas. — First Tuesday iu May and January. QUEEN'S COUNTY. D. L. Robinson, Esquire, Commiasionerof Bankrupts. Natiianiel Hubbard UeVeber, Esquire, High SheritF. Terms of the Gmeral Sessions and Common Pleas. — Fourth Tuesday in Jauuary and June. Additii-nnl Terms of the Common Pleas. — Fourth Tuesday in April and October. COUNTY OF HUNBURY D. L. Robinson, Esquire, Cotniiiiseioner of Bankrupts. John Hnzen, Esquire, Hi^h Sheriff. Terms of the General Sensions and Common Pleas. — Third Tuesday in January and June. Addiliomil Terms of the Common Pleas. — Fourth Tuesday iu March and Tiiird Tuesday iu October. COUNTY OF KENT. J. A. Street, Esquire, Commissioner of Oankrupta. Lg Baton Drury, Esquire, High Sheriff. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas. — Second TueBday in January and Fourth Tuesday iu June. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas. — Last Tuesday in April and September. COUNTY OF RESTIGOUCHE. J. A. Street, Esquire, Commissioner of Bankrupts. John Paul, Esquire, High Sheriff. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas. — First Tuesdiy in January and Second Tuesday in July. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas. — Se:ond Tuesday in October and Second Tuesday in April. ^ i . T"ii*ftS<S;*s, rrr-"::' ■;i^- ^ I ^, ^ COUNTY OF NOKTHUMB£RLANP. J. A. Street. Enquire, Commissioner or Bankrupts. John M. Johnson. Esquire, High Sheriff. Terms of the Oeneral Sessions and Commitn Pleas, — Second Tuesday in January and July. AddUimuU Terms of the Common PUas.—Fint Tuesday in May and October. PROVINCE O F NEW BRUNSWICK. His Excellency Lieutenant Colonel Sir WiLr.MM M'Bban Giorce C01.BBR00KK, K. H., Lieutenant Governor of the Province of New Brunswick, &c. &c. &.c. Alfred Reads, Esquire, Private Secretary to the Lieut. Governor. ExKcvTiVB Couif ciL. — Hon. William Black, Hon. G. Shore, Hon. Frederick P. Robinson, Hon. Wm. F. Odell, Hon. John£l. Saun- derd, Hon. Charles Simonds, Hon. Hugh Johnston, Hon. William Crane, Hon. Joseph Cunard. Lkoislative Covvcil. — The Honorable , President ; Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, Hon. William Black, Hon. Geo. Shore, Hon. Thomas Baillie, Hon. Harry Pnlers, Hon. Joseph Cunard, Hon. James Allanshaw, Hon. Wm. H. Robinsrn. Hon. John S. Sunnders, Hon. Amos E. Botsfurd, Hon. the Attorney General, Hon. Thomas C. Lee, Hon. Edward B. Chandler, Hon. George F. Street, Hon. John Robertson, Hon. Thomas Wyer, Hon. Harris Hatch, Hon. William B. Kin near. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. The Honorable Charles Simonds, Speaker. County of York.— Lemuel A Wilmot, James Taylor, John Allen, and Charles Fisher, Esquires. County of Saint Johir— Hon. Charles Simonds, John R. Partelovr, John M. Wilmot, John Jordan, Esquires. County of Charlotte.— George S. Hill, James Brown, Junior, W. F. W. Owen, James Boyd, Esquires, County of Westmorland.— William Wilson, Daniel Hanington, Hon. William Crane, Philip Palmer, Esquires. County of Northumberland. — Alexander Rankin, John A. Street, Esquires. County of Snnbury.— George Hayward, Henry T. Partelow, Es- quires. King's County.— Samuel Freeze, William M'Leod, Enquires. Queen's County.— Honorable Hugh Johnston, Thomas Gilbert, Esquire. ' County of Kent.— Hon. J. W. Weldon, David M'Almon, Esquire. County of Gloucester.— William End, Peter Stewart, Esquires. County of Carleton.— J. M. Connell, B. C. Bcardsley, Esquires. . Countv of Re&tigouche — Andrew Barberie. Esquire. City of Saint John.— Isaac Woodward, and Thomas Barlow, Esqrs. :;^j^..i -W i.w 'i nt n ts u mmmmmm nm m 1 " "^ ' ■■*»^ ^' /p» OrricKM or tub Crowm. — Hon. Charlea J. Petera, Attorner Ge- neral ; Hon. George F. Street, Solicitor General ; William Wright, Eaaiiire, Acting Advocate General : Hon.Williaoi F. Odell, Provin- cial Secretary ; Honorable Thomas Baillie, Surveyor General; Hon. Thomaa C. Lee, Receiver General ; J. A. Street, Esqnire, Hon. W. B. Kinnear, Hon. E. B. Chandler, L. A. Wilmp^ and William End. Eaqnirea, Queen'i Counitei. Orrictn. or thk Exkcotive Coorcil. — Hon. W. F. 06e\\, Clerk. Orricciis of thb LtaisLATivs Coukgil. — William Tyng Petera, Eaquire, Clerk; John Gregory, Erauire, Clerk ARsistant; B. R. Jouett, Eaqiiira, Serveant at Arms, ana Usher or the Black Rod ; Rev. George Cosier, A^. M-, Chaplain. OrripERi or thk Hovsk or Assembly. — Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire. Clerk; George L^e, Jr., Esquire, Clerk Aosistant; George Garden, Esqnire, Sergeant at Arms : Rev. John M. Sterling, A. B., Chaplain. Court or Chakcert.— His Excellency the Lieutf rant Governor, Chancellor; Honorable N9ville Parker, Master of tl>e Rolls; Hon. William F. Odell, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery; J>aniel Ludlow Robinson, Esqnire, Registrar; Hon George F. Street, Henry Swym- mer, Stephen Miller, George J. Dibblee, and Robert F. Hazen, Es- quires, Masters ; A. K S. Wetmore, Andrew Barberie, William Chandler, Alexander Campbell, and Christopher Milner, Junior, Es- quiref, Masters Extraordinary; William M'Beath, Esqnire, Sergeant at Arms attending the Court of Chancery. Terms : HUarf—LxM Tuesday in January, to end on Saturday same week ; T/inity — First Tuesday in June do. do.; ilfieAoe/mas— First Tuesday in October, do. do. The Court sita for tlie transbction of business on the first Tuesday gf every month. Supreme Codrt op Jodicature.— Chief Justice, Hon. Ward Chipman, L. L. D., 29th September 1834 ; Justices, Hon. William Botsford, 3d April, 1823; Hon. James Carter, October 1834; Hon. Robert Parker, October 1834. John Ambrose Street, Esquire, Clerk of the Crown ; Hon. George Shore, Clerk of the Pleas ; William Tyng Peters, Esquire, Clerk of the Circuits, and Clerk of the Crown on the CircuiU. r*!rffM— The first Tuesday in February and the se- cond Tuesdaysin June and October. Nisi Prius sittings in the County of ForiE:— Third Tuesday in February, fourth Tuesday in June, and murth Tuesday iq October David a. Kerr, Esquire, Reporter of the Decisions in the Supreme Court. CiRcviT Court.— SatT^t John : Second Tuesday in January, and first Tuesday in August ; C/iarlottfi : Fourth Tuesday in April, and the Tuesday itfter the Fourth Tuesday in October ; Kings : Second Tuesday in July; Queens: First Tuesday in March; JCent: Last Tuesday in August; Westmorland: First Tuesday in September; Gloucester: First Tuesday in September; Northumberland: Second Tuesday in September; Carkton : Last Tuesday in September; Sun- bury : Last Tuesday in February ; Restigouche : Lost Tuesday in August. _^ CI eat nani denl SoM Tuel C\ Judi odtil John mpi .«***«*' *W*r.^" f^ ^ • CooRT or GoTKRNOR AND COUNCIL, foT hearing and dttermining eanMe$ rdating to Marriage and Divdree. — His Excellency ^e Lieu\tt' nant Governor, President ; Honorable Judge BoUford. Vice Preai* dent ; the Hbnoiable. Her Mttjosty'a Executive Council, Mambera ; John C. Allen, Esquire, Registrar and Clerk; Terms : The aecond Tuesday in February, iiiid third Tuosdkys in June and October. Court or Vict Admikaltt. — Hono.rable William B. Kinnear, Judge and Commissary; William Wright, Esquire, Advocate General, ad interim; John M. Robinson, Ebquire, Registrar and Scribe; John Humbert, Esquire, Marshal. Court for the Trial and Punishment of Piraetf and other Ojfeneet committed on the High Seas. — The Governor ; The Chief Justice, and other Judges of the Supreme Court; the Members of the Executive Council ; Judge of the Vice Admiralty; Thn Public Secretary; Pub- lie Treasurer; Commander in Chief, Flag Officers, and Captains, and Coriimaiiders of Ships of War on this Station for the time being ; William Tyng Peters, Registrar and Scribe ; Edward W. Millei', Esquire, Marshal. KT'The Courtsita atany place within the Province to be appointed by any three of the members, the Governor, Chief Justice, or one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, or Judge of the Admiralty, being oue. SoRROOATX Courts.— The Surrogate Cout is are held every third dav (Sunday excepted), in their respective Counties, but Letteraof Administration may be had, and Wilis proven, at any time, by appll cation to the Surrogate of the County. POST OtTICE DEPARTMENT. John Howe, Esquire, Deputy Post Master General for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Post Masters in the Province. — ^John Howe, jr. Esquire, Saint John ; Wijliam B. Pliair, Esquire, Fredericton ; Wil- liam F. Bonnell, Esquire, Gagetown; George F. Campbell, Esquire, Saint Andrews; David A. Ruse, Esquire, Saint Stephen; Gideon Knight, Esquire, Saint George; Christopher Milner, Esquire, Dor cheater ; James Caie, Esquire, Miramichi ; John W. Weldun, Esq., Richibucto; Thomas M. Deblois, Esquire, Bathurst; Richard Eng- lish, Esquire, Woodstock: Asa Davidson, Esquire, Kingston; J. C. Vail, Esquire, Sussex Vale; Dugald Stewart, Esquire, Restigoache; John H. Ryan, Esquire, Grand Falls ; P. C. Amereaus, Esquire, Madawaska ; Alexander Lockhart, Esquire, Quaco. HER MAJESTY'S CUSTOMS. Port or Saint John. — Henry Bovvyor Smith, Esquire, Collector; George Hnihilton Smith, Esquire, Landing Siirveyoir'; James Walker. Esquire. Waiter and Searcher ; Jas. D. Lewin. Esquire, Waiter and Searcher; Mr. John Longmaid, Tide Surveyor; Mr. William White- side, First Clerk ; Mr. William S»nith, Second Clerk; — -— — , Third Clerk. t / I.- .'. < f(^' M\ Charlea Driir^; Esquire, Adnicasiirer of Ships and Vt'uda. Sub'Collecton. — Jaiuns Sayro, Esquiro, Dorcliuater; John Mack- edie, Em]iiir«. Dalhonaio ; Dnvid Swnyno, Esquire, Richibucto; H. E. Dibbloe, Esquire, Woodsitock ; Thomas M. Deblois, Esquire. Ba- thut'st; J. Blackhull, Acting, Ctirnquut — under the principal OtHcers of Hor Majesty's Customs nt the Port of Saint John. Wardtouse Department. — Wiiiinin Stringer, Esquire, Wnrehonse Kertpor at Saint John ; Thnmns P. Marter, Esqu'^e, Looker at ditto. PoKT OF MiRAMicHi. — John Wright, Esquire, Collector ; Joseph Dean, Esquire, Principal Waiter und Searcher ; Mr. Richard Hockiq, Clerk — under the Principal Officers of Her Majesty's Customs at the Port of Saint .rohn. Port or St. Andrews. — Alexander Grant, Esquire, Collector; C. V. Forster, Esquire, Landing Surveyor: R. Ker, Esquire, Acting Wai- ter and Searcher; Win. Ellman, Esquire, First Clerk and Warehouse Keeper. Sub-Collector8.>-D. Bennett, Esquire, Campobelto ; T. Armstrong, Esquire, Saint Stephen: Cochran Crnig, Esquire, Grand Manan ; A. J. Wetmore, Esquire, Saint George. PROVINCIAL REVENUE. BEVEnr.EY RoBiNSoiT, Esquire, Province Treasurer, Deputy Trkasurbrs. — Joseph Beek, Esquire, Fredericton ; David W. Jack, Esquire, Saint Andrews; A.J. Wetmore, Esquire, Saint George ; Thomas Moses, Esqiiire, West Isles ; Robert Watson, Es- auire, Saint Stephen; T. H. Peters, Esquire, Miramiclii; J. W. Wel- on, Esquire, Richibucto ; Daniel Hanington, Esquire, CShediac,) John M'Almon, Edword Wood, Wm. Carter, George Hoit, Stepheii Hubble, Westmorland; D. Stewart, Esquire, Restigouche; John Miller, Esquire, Balhurst ; Bill Chappel, Esquire, Bay Vcrte ; H. E. Dibblee, Esquire, Woodstock; Cochran Craig, Esquire, Grand Manan. Mr. Henry Whiteside, Treasury Clerk. Benjamin C. Chaloner, Esquire, Gmiger of Dntiable Airticles, and Tide Surveyor at the Port of Saint John. David W. Jack, Esquire, ditto ditto, at Saint Andrews. Williim Joplin, ditto ditto at Miramichi. Tuie Waiters. — Stephen Humbert, John Abrartis, and Thomas Griffiths, Saint John ; William Payne, Frederictoh ; Edmund Walsh, Saint Stephen ; Charles M'Donald, Restigouche ; Henry Johnston, and William Stoop, St. Andrews; R. Sutherland, gjt. George; Alex- ander Anderson, Bathurst; E. J. Stewart, DdlhoUsie : George Sive. ret, Sen., Shippegan and Caraquet ; Johtt Craven, Woodstock. Geofgo D. Robinson and Isaac Woodward, Esquires, Appraisers of Dutiable Articles at Saint Johti. Hon. Thomas Wyer, J. W. Street, James Douglas, &nd Williair! Garnett, Esquires, Appraisers of Dutiable Articles in Charlotte Count/. OFFICE OF AUDIT. Honorable Frederick P. Robinson, Auditor General. r ^ I • '■ . *%^ •* p"l tC' M > 4 'Y'^ PROVINCIAL VACCINE ESTABLISHMENT. CeiUral Statiom— Saint J»kn. Hit Excellflncy the Lieutfliiaut Governor and H«r rr^a^eiity't Cooii* oil, Patrnno of the InMtitution; Hon. William Ulack, Director of the iMlitiitioii; Committee: Fredericton, Hon. \V. F. Odell ; St. Ad* drewH, Kev. Jerome Alley, D. D. ; Vnccitinting Snvgeoue: Saint John, George P. Peters, Enqnire, M. D. ; Frederictoo, the Medic«I Officer in charge of the Troopa. OF CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE ARCHDEACONRY NEW BRUNSWICK. Patron, His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor; Preaident, The Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of the DiuceRe ; Vice Preai- dents, The Venenihle the Archdencoii, the Hon. the Chief Justice, the Membera of Her Mnjeaty's Kxecutive Council, the Membera ofHvr Majeaty'ri Lecialative Council, the Speaker of the House of Aaaemhiy, the Judges of the Supreme Court, Her Mnjenty's Attorney and Soli* citor GeneraU, being members of the Society, with Wifliam Scovil, and W. F. W. Owen, Esquires; Secretary, the Rev. Frederick Coatar; Aaaiatant Secretary, the Rev. John M. Steiiing. UNIVERSITY OF KING'S COLLEGE-FnEnKRiCTOt. Patron, the Queo^i ; Visitor on Her Mnjesty's behalf, the Bishop : Chancellor, the Aunimistrator of the Government; President, tne Archdeacon; CuunCil— ;the Lieutenant Governor, Venerable Arch- deacon Coster, Rev. Dr. Jacob, Hon. W. Betsford, Honorable Ward Chipman, L. L. D., Honorable John S. Saunders, Honorable Wii liam Black, D. C. L., Honorable Neville Parker; Honorable G. F. Street, Registrar. COLLEGE— Vice Pre.sidentand Principial— The Rev. Edwin Jacob, D. D. ; Professors— Classical Literatorc, History, and Moral Philosophy— Rev. Dr. Jacob; Metaphysics and Divinity, Rev. Dr. Jacob; Mathematics and Natural Philosophy— W. Bryden Jack^ A. M. ; Chemistry and Natural History— James Robb, M. D. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL— Masters, Mr. George Roberts, and Mr. James Holbrook ; French Tutor . THE GOVERNOR AND TRUSTEES OF THE MADRAS SCHOOL IN NEW BRUNSWICK. The Lieutenant Governor ui Commander in Chief for the time heinj;; the Lord Bishop of tlie Diocese ; the Chief Justice. ; the Members of Her Majesty's ConncH; the Judge of the Admiralty; the Speaker of the House of Assembly ; the Mayor and Recorder of Saint John; the Elcclesiast:cal'Commi:wary of the Province ; the Rector and Churchwardens of Trinity Church in Ssfint John : together with the Hon. Edward J. Jarvis, the Rev. George Burns, D. D., and William Scovil, F.8quire ; Robert F. Hazcn, Esquire, Treasurer ; J. W. Boyd, Esquire, Clerk. EMIGRANT DEPARTMENT— Niw Brunswick. St John, Alexander Wedderburn, Esquire, Chief Agent i Frede- ricton, Edmund Ward, Eaquire, Assistant Emigration Agelit; 4 . >CD ^^enfs--St. Andrews, David VV. Jnck, Esquire; Miramichi, Thns. H. Peters, Esq. ; Ri^hibuctn, J. W. Weldon, Estiuire; Restigouche, Diigald Stewart, Esq. ; Bathiirst, John Miller, Esq. ; Shediac, Dauiel Hanington, Esq. ; Bay Verte, Bill Cbappel, Esq. NEW BRUNSWICK BAPTIST EDUCATION SOCIETY. Reverend Joseph Crandali, President; Reverend Joiin Masters, and John T. Wiltnot, Esquire, Vice Presidents ; Asa Coy, Esquire. Treaitnrer ; Messrs. John T. Smith, and Samuel W. Babbitt, Secre- taries ; Rev. S. Robinson, Hon. W. B. Kinnear, Jarvis Ring, Aaron Harit, J. T. Smith, and W. D. Hartt, Esquires, Committee of Ma- nagement. Teacher in the Male Department, Mr. Hall, Principal. In the Female Department, Mrs. Ackerley, Principal. BANKS. Bank of New Brunswick, {St. John.) Capital £100,000. Presi- 'dent, Thomas Leavitt, Esquire ; Directors : John Boyd, M. D., L.' H. Deveber, Robert F. Hazen, Hon Hugh Johnston, Charles C. Stew- art, George Swinney, W. P. Ranney, and William Wright, Esquires. Cashier. Richard Whiteside, Esquire ; Solicitor, John M. Robinson, Eiiauire : Notary, James William Boyd, Esquire. ^omrnereial Bank of New Brunstckk, (St. John). Incorporated by ItOTal Charter. Caoital £ 150,000, with power to increase to £300,- 000. President, .John Duncan, Esquire; Directors: I. L. Bedell,. Lewis Burns, Mark Dole, William Hammond, R. L Hazen, Daniel J. M'Laughlin, A. S. Perkins, Charles Simonds, James Travis, Chas. Ward, A. W. Whipple, and J. Wishart, Esquires. Cashier, George C. Partelow, Esquire ; Solicitor, Robert L. Hazen, Esquire. Commercial BramA Bank, {Newcastlcj Miramichi.) Committee of Mana«ement : VV'lliam Loch and Alexander Rankin, Esquires ; Cash- ier, Tnoiiias C. Allen, Esquire. Commercial Bank Agency at Woodstock. Committee of Manaie- m«nt, Charles Pcrley, Charles Connell, Richard Englisti, and A.B. Sharp, Esqiiires ; Cashier, G. F. Williams, Esquire. Central Bank of New Brunswick. Capital, £35,000, with power to iDcr«a«e to £50,UOO. President, William J. Bedell, Esquire : Cashier, Samuel W. Babbit, Esquire ; Solicitor, George J. Dibhlee, Esquire. CefUral B'^.nk Agency, at Woodstodt. Committee oF Management. Iticihaird K<'tchum, James Robertson, and A. B. Sharp &qutres. A|^nt, A. B. Sharp, Esquire. CheerUittt County Banlt. Capiul £15,000. President, Hon. Har- ria Hatfch ; Cashier, John Rodgers, Esquire. Saint Stii^'9 Bank. Capital, £25,000. President, William Por- ter, Eaauire ; Cashier, David Upton, Esanil'e. Bai^tifBfitiik North America. (Established io London. V Capital £1,000,000 Bterling, in 80,000 shares, of £50; (three fbnrtha of which have been subscribed in England, and the remainder in tho riorth American Coinnies,) with poW«r to increase the capital. Manager of tlM» Branch at Saint John, Alfred Smithers, Esqnire. IjioeatOirMloi* at Saint John: James Kirk, Hon. John RobertMn, W. if. Street, Mid J. Pollock, Esquires; Standing Coansel, Hon. O. '^ B > ,,^iiw ■r.v- — .*--.,. ^_ tr ■^««^***-'r.-!^ A ... ^ r F. Street, Solicitor Genera! ; Solicitor «ad Notary, Geo. Wheeleri^ Esquire. FrMferteton Bniiidk. Manager, George Taylor, Eaqaire ; Director. S. J. Barker, lohu Simpson, and James Taylor, Eaqnires. City of Saint John Savings' Bank, (Saint John). Ilia Excellenajr the Lieutenant Governor, Patron ; Hon. Ward Chipnian, L. L, Hon. Huf;h Johnaton, John R. Partelow, Tbonuw Barlow, lohn Ward Junior, R. F. Hazon, and VL W. Crookah«nli,Eaqntrea,Trua- tees; The Bank ofNew Brnu»wriek,Treaiiur«r; Danied Jordan, Ea- qaire, Cashier and Register. COUNSELLORS ANP ATTORNIES PRACTISING IN THE PROVINCE. Frederieton^ — Honourable Charles 1. Peten, (Attorney Omeral,) William Tynf[ Peters, Honorable John 9. Saunders, Hon. George F. Street, (SMaior Ge«era/,J Daniel L. Robinsion, George J. Dibblee, Charles P. Welmore, T. R. Wetmore, liOmuel A. Wilmot, ((^jusnCm Connsd,) George Botsford, Charles Fisher, George F. H. Minchin, William H. Odell, Stephen Miller. DaTid S. Kerr, John M'Mahon, Francis A. H. Strattoii, John C. Allen, George Lee, Junior, William Wattf, B. W. Hammond, George N Segee, Jan. F. Berton, Edwerd H. Wilmot, Lewis Peter Fisher, and William H. Shore, Esquires. Saint Jokn. — Henry Swymmer, Hon. Wm. B. Kinnear, (^itcci^'f Counael^) Alfred L. Street, James Peters, Junior, William End, (Qujecn's Couuset^) Francis A. Kinnear, Robert F. Hazen, Williapi Wright, Peter Stubs, H. N. H. Lugrin, John M. Robinson, Moaes H. rwAayy Robert L. Hazen, Richard Sands, Junior, John Johnston,: Jaoies William Boyd, George Wheeler, Wiliinm H. Neodham, Witliatn Jack, Judah H. Hartt, Duncan Robertson, Charles John- iton, Wm. S. Sands, N. W. Wallop, John H.Gray, James W. Pe- ters, Robertson Bayard, William J. Ritefaie, Charles E. Miliidgc,' EliasTupper, Charles W. Wardlaw, Samuel J. Scovil, Wiliinm M. Greertwood, William R. M. Burtis, Edward B. Peters, Charles Duff, William T. Peters, .hinior, Andrew C. Bloc'', James A. Harding, Wm. C. Hare, Gustavus R. Jarvis, Jas. J. Kaye, Edgar Wheeler, William E. Twynham, William M. Howe, and Charles Dobecty, Esquires. Saint AndrttaM, — Hon. Harris Hiltcb, Samuel H. Whitlock, Jas. W. Chandler, Richard M- Andrews, George Dixon Street, Wel- lington Hatch, Thomas Burton Wilson, Thomas Wyer, Junior, Esquiies. Mirarhichi. — Thomas H. Peters, John A. Street, (Qveith's Coun- sel)^ William Carman, Junior, George Korr, Edward Williston, John M. Johnson, Allan Davidson, Esquires. Dorchester.— Hon. Edward B. Chandler, (Qiifien'» Counsel), T. S. Sayie, Christopher Miller, Junior, M. B. Palmer, Robert K. Gil- bert, Esquires. Dalhouaie, — Andrew Barborie, Thcophilus Desbrisay, Esquires. Bathurtt. — Richard Carman, James S. Morse, Esquires. Restigouche. — Chipnian Botsford, Patrick Cough Ian, Esquires. Hopewell. — Samuel G. Morse, Esquire. f0sm ■«««»— tnrilfu»[i « x~jj Bend of Petitecdiae.--'Bl'im Botsfnrd, Esquire. St. Stephens. — George Stilman Hiil, Alexander Campbell, Ste* pben H. Hitcbings, T. B. Abbott, G. J. ThomsoiH Enquire*. Saint George. — Samuel G. Andrews,, Wm. B. Chandies, Feter Clinch, Jun., Esquires. RiehiJbtuto.—MKa W. Woldon, William- Chandler, EsquiMS. Oagetown. — Henry S: Peters, Esquire. Kingston. — William Sinwson, Edward B. Smith, Esquires. Woodstock.— 'B. Cpannel Beardsley, A. K. Smedes Watmore, A. Nelson Garden, David Lewis Dibblce, William t: Wtltnot, Charles Edward Beardsley, James P. Wetmore, George Connell, Enquire*. Tobique. — Andrew W. Rainsford, Esquire. OromoetOi — Edward A. Clowesj Andrew R. Wetmore, Eeqairea. ^on-Residents. — Charles Inglis Haliburton, John D. Kinnear, W. H. Lee, Jonathan M^Cully,. James S. Morse, Alexander Stew* art, J. Stewart, J. H. Peters,. Wm. M. Ilofiman, Esquires. PROVIiVCIAL miLITIA. STAFF. Hi^ Excellency Lieutenant Colonel Sir WittuM M'Braw Gborgb CntKBROOKE, K. H. Commander in Chief Th9 Honorable Lieutenant Colonel George Shore, Adjutant Gene^ rnl-2l Mfir. '21. The HVtnorable Lieutenant Colonel W. H. Robinson, Assistant Adjutant General— 1 1 March, 1.839. Lieutenant Colonel John Allen, Quarter Master Genera!— 1 May, 1839. Lieutenant Colonel Hayne, N. B. Regt. of Artillery, Provincial AidKle-Camp— 7 Mwy, 164fe Captain Charles Drury, Asaistant Provincial Aid-de*Camn—SS July, 184t. Major Lemuel Alien Wilmot, Judge Advocate Geaeralr-Gth August, Major George Priestley, Staff Adjutant— 9th May, 1839. STFAFF OF THE ARMY. 8RRVINO IN THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK, UNDER MftiorGeneral Sir JEREMIAH DICKSON, K. C. B., Commanding Her Majesty's Troops iu Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,. and its Dependencies. Lieutenant Colonel W. Bloia, 52d Regiraont^ Commanding Her Ma- jesty's Troops in. New Bruaswick. <#diiTM0ii5 — Saint John, Lieut. Col. H. S. Ormond, C30th Regi- j ment;, Commandant; Town Majin- Gallagher, (H. P. S6tb R«gt.) ; Fredericton, Lieut. Col. W. Blois, C52d Regiment,) Commanwint; St, Andrews, Lieut. E. Ilearde, (30th BjBgt.) ditto ; Woodstock, Capt. C. J. 0. Mills, (53d Regt.; ditto. *N \ ^^ lO xii jr«, A. :;harlea| !quire»< Rqairea. ;inn«ar,| ir Stew- •^i f GCOROB I int Gene- Aansiitantr-^^ —4 May, 11 rovineial |^ S8 July. Auguit, I r^ JNDEft InimandiDg | V.and iti Ig Her Ma- [30th Regi- SthR«gt)'t| biinandant; Itock, Capt. CAaptotns.— Frederictuii, Venerable Archdeacdn Coster, A. M. ; St. John, Rev. B. G. Gray, D. D. ; St. Andrews, Rev. J. Alley, D. D. Commissariat Department.— Si. John, Oliver Goldsmith, EiHinira, Assistant CumtnisHary General^; Robt. Baker, and Angustua R. White, OomuiLssatiat Clerlt-s; Frederictou. Richard Iiighs, Esquire, Depnty Ajwistant CooitnissaryGenerd ; Janiea D. Willan, Conimisaariat Clerk. Ordnance Department. — Frederick C. Fritli, Enquire, Depnty Ord- nance Store Ke^iper; LieuteiiiHit Sanmej Hnyghne. First Clerk . Robert Pickthalt, Second 'Clerk ; WiHinui Bond, Storehouseniaa; — — Harrison, Armourer; James Eniison, Offi c Keeper. Barrack Department. — St. John. Capt. French, Barrack Master; A. White, Barrack S«r^ant:Fredi*ricton, J. E. VVioolforde, Esquire, Barrack Master; William Faifburu, Barrack Sergeniit. Royal Engineer Department. — St. John, Lieut. Ford: h- Anderspn, Clerk ; H. Hennigar; Overseer of Works; Fredericton, Wm. Ander- son, Clerk or Works. Board of Respictive Oncers.— Capt. Tuite, R. A., Lieut Fotd, R.E., Deputy Or jjiauce Store Keeper Frith. OFFICERS OF CORPS SERVING IN THE PROVINCE. Royal Artillery. — St. John, Captain Tui:e, Commanding; Lieut. Morsehead; Fredericton, Lient.'Kriox. 30r/t Regiment, at Saint ./oftn.—Liouleinnt Colonel H. 8. Ormond; Major J. "^W. Poyntz; Captains, R. A. Andrews, C. SiHery, E. J. Grant; Lientenants, W. A. Steele, D. J. B. Edwards. R. W. Smith, R. W. Wilkinson, G. F. Broome: Ensi^'ns, J. B.4*attullo, C. D. Oliver, J. H.Keongh: Paymaster, R. C. MacDonald, (Lieut. Colonel KingVGountv^ or Castle Tioram, Regiment of Highlanders, Prince Edward Island); Adjutant, A. Mac Donald /I; Quarter Master, J. Ward; Sargeon, J. Trigance; Assistant Surgeon..^. Cockburn. At St. Andrews, Lieut. W. H. Hearde. 5i2i '{iegiment, at Fr^emton.—Xiientenant Colonel W. Blois; Major R. French; Captiiins, C. W. Forester, E. H. F. Pocklinglon, J. G. Jarves, G. Campbell, C. A. Denisnn;[; Lieutenants, J. H. Alleyne» F. Cardeo. C. F. Wedderbutne, F. J. Wilfon, W. F. F, Jones; Ensigns,. J. M. Hawkins. M. V R. Bowie, H. D. Garden, L. H. Peel. R. R. Pelly, M. D. P. Stronge; Pay Master, T. M. Creagh: Adjutant, H.M. Brownrigg, /(. ; Quarter Master, J. Wil- liams; Surgeon, J. Wilson; AsMistant Surgeon, A. Skeene. At Woodstock, Captain C. J. C. Mills. VALUABLE RECIPES. ToruHOve spots of grease ftom paper ,—^Tiike-w[\ikn\ parta^f rocb alum burnt, and flour of sulphur finely powdfired together v'moiston the paper with cold water; lay a small quantity of powder on<tiie' spot ; rub gently with the finger, and the grease will disappear. To preserve- tkeeat/rom mites. '-Vaste over it coarse brown paper in every part. To preserve feathert.—Whcn poultry is pi<iked, the featiiera thonid be carefully preserved from damp and dirt, and all hard bit* of quill cut out ; then put them in paper bags, a few in each, mmmm mSk to 4 ■.. ll l ll lll ^^fll i^pn S! and hang thflDi about a kitchen or dry laundry, to season; when enough are collocted to be of use, they had bett(jr be also dried in a cool oven. Freith feathera must not bo put in a bag with those that are partly dried. To destroy rats. — Equal parts of ox-gall "nd oil of amber made into a paste with oatmeul ; make it up into little bulls ; lay them about ; and set plenty of vessels of water close at hand. The rats will eagerly eat the balls, which will make them very thirsty, and then they will drink till they kill themselves.' To get rid of beetles or eoc/crottches. — Lay about the floor, and stuff into the chinks and holes, nnslaekud lime, or common red wafers made of red lend, not vermillion. To get rid qfbtd and other bugs. — Gather a handful of the weed called assmart : boil in a pint of water, and when cold rub the li- quid where they frequent, and they will disappear. To cure ringworms. — Got the coomb of a church bell, that is, Mie grease which is applied to make it work easy, and which with the metal for.naa kind of verdigris; mix it with unsalted lard, and apply a fresh plaster twice a day. It is not superstition that dic- tatea the use of a church bell above any other, but the peculiar combination of metal employed for that purpose, produces a differ- ent kind of verdigris. Tills remedy was long kept a profound se- cret, and many cure j effected at an enormous charg t. It has been equally as efficacious as freely and openly communicated. For a burn or scald.~-lf on the hand, tie it np in a bag of flour, or on the face or neck, bhake flour from a dredge, and continue to do so tHl all the heat is drawn out. By this method the Are may be extracted without breaking the skin, and the sore will be quite healed, and the skin drop ofi'dry. For a loasp sting. — Bind on the place a thick plaster, of common salt, iust moistened; it will soon extract the venom. In case of swallowing a wasp, which is a most dangerous accident, it should be instantly attempted to get down a spoonful or moreof salt with just water enougli to make it liquid This is a remedy always at hand. Salt and water would be very useful in such a case, or salt, oil, honey, and vinegar, but there is not a moment to be lost in fet- ching or mixing what is not close at hand. S^lck Head-ache. — It is said that three or four drops of nitric acid dissolved in cold water, and drank, is a sure remedy for sick head ache, when it arises from a want of acid in the stomach. Varnish for hoots and shoes by which they are rendered impervious to water. — Take a pint of linseed oil, with half a pound of mutton ■uet, six or eight ounces of bees' wax, and a small piece of rosin : boil all these in a pipkin, and let the liquid cool till milk-warm. Then with a hair brush lay it on new boots and shoes. If old boota or shoes are to be varnished, the mixture is to be laid on when the leather is perfectly dry. Gapes in chickens. — It is said that if you keep iron standins in vinegar, or what is the same thing, wo suppose, vinegar standing IB an iron vessel, and put a little of the liquid in the food every few dayit, U will cure or prevent the gapes in chickens. So giropltt a rflmedy for a fatal disease may be worth trying. ^ ^ ^ > T^ mtmmmaeifi^af'i when ied in those made r thorn he rats ty, and on and red ■^ weed the li- that in, ch with nrd, and that die- peculiar a differ- >und se- las been of flour, jtinue to fire may be quite common case of t should salt with ilways at 3, or salt, ast in fet- litric acid sick head upervioua >f mutton of rosin : ilk-warm, 'old boots when the andinff in r standing every few simple a > ^ T^ Cure for corns. — Corns nay be cured by binding on them at nicht a piece of sponge, moistened in a weak solution of pearl ash. The skin may be brushed oif in the morning, having been dissolved by the action of the caustic. To cure the hots in horses. — Pour down the horse a quarter oC a< pound of alum dissolved in a pint of water (milk warm ;) inffVeor ten minutes afte^ pour down him a pintof linseod oil or other mild active purgative ; in ton minutes the horse will rise and nat. Insects taken into jtho stomach may geno.rally be destroyed by a small quantity of vinegar, to which salt may bo added. For insects that may ^et into the ear, use a little salad' oil. Frost bitten. — i^pirits of turpentine applied at once is a cure for freezing. To take spots out of silk. — Rub the spots with spirits of turpen- tine; this spirit exhaling, carries off with it the oil that causes. the spot. Expeditious method of taking out stains from scarlet^ or vdvet qf any other colour. — Take soup wort, bruise it, strain oat its juices, and aidd to it a small quantity, of black soap. Wash the stain with this liquid, suffering it to dry between whiles, and by this method the spots will in a day or two entirely disappear. Suhstitu'.efor salt oj sorrel for removing ink spots or iron mould, — Take six parts of crystals of tartar, in powder, three parts ofaluro, likewise pulverized, and use ihcm in the same manner as salt or sorrel. To take iron mcu'ds out of linen. — Hold the iron mould on the cover of a tankard of boiling water, and rub on the spot a \iu\tih juice of sorrel and a little salt, and when the cloth has thoroug^ily imbibod the juice, wash it in lee. To clean cotton gowns. — Make a solution of soap, put in the arti^ cles,and wash them in. the usual way. If greens, reds, &c., run, add lemon juice, vinegar, or oil of vitriol, to the rinsing water. To clean black veils — Pass them tlirough a warm liquor of bul- lock's gall and water ; rinse in cold water; then take a small piece of glue, pour. boiling water on it, and pass the veil through it; clap it, and frame it to dry. Clothes' Ball. — Mix two pounds of pipeclay, four ounces of pot- ter's clay, four ouncQi of whiting, and a quarter of a pintof ox gall. Chapped hands.— -Afiet washing,drop a few drops of honey, and rub the hands together till the stickiness is entirely removed. Slugs may be prevented from getting into fruit trees, by tightly tying a bit of haircloth round the stem of the tree. They never can get over it. Preserved Peaches. — Take ripe free-stone peaches ; pare, stone, and quarter them. To six pounds of the cut peaches allow three pounds of the best brown sugar. Strew the sugar among, the peaches, and set them away in a covered vessel. Next nK>rning Eut the whole into a preserving kettle, and boil it slowly abuHtau our and three quarters or two hours, skimming it well. Preserved Quinces. — Pure and core your quince, put them into a kettle, cover them with the parings and cores, fill up with spring water, and let them boil until they are a pink color ; take out the I «fF MWM > ■•.' n \ L (|uiooe«, atrain the liquor through a bag, and set it away for quiince jell^ ; make a syrup of loaf sugar, pound forpound, boil the quin- ces in it two hours, 8lowl'y,>fr«quently putting them under the li> quor ; after taking them out, let the liquor boil until it is reduced to a-tyrup. PretervedPean.-^Take-ih. pounds of pears to four pounds of sugar, boil the pnrings in as much water as will cover them, strain it through a cullender, lay -some pears in the bottom of your kettle, put in some sugar, and soon, aJternatciy ; then p<iur the liquor ofl (he pear skitis over, boil 'ihem until they begin to lodk transparent, then take thi'm out, let the juice cool, nnd clarify rt, put the pears in KgBin,with>a great dealoftrace ginger chopped fine ;boil till done ; let the liquor boil after taking them out until it is reduced to a »yrup: Preserved Pumpkins. — Cut the pumpkin into leaves. &c., accor- ding to tasto; sprinkle them with white sugar grated ; let them la;jr all night; make a syrup pound for pound, cut some lemons in thin slices, add a little race ginger, and bail slowly until done lee Cream Pare, ^nne, and scald twelve ripe qpricots, boat them fine in a marble mortar, put to them six ounces of double re- fined 8Ugar,.a pint of scalding cream ; work it through a hair sieve, put it into a tin that has a close cover, set it in h tu^ of ice broken small, and a large quantity of salt put amongst it ; when you see the cream grow thick round the edge of your tin, stir it, and set it in again till it grows quite thick, when your creui.i is all froze up, take it out of your tin, and put it into the moulA you intend it to b« turned out of, then put on the lid, and haivc ready another tub with ice and salt in as before ; put your mould in the Jniddle, and lay your ice under and^overit, let it stand four or five hours, dip your tin in wnmi water-when you turn it out ; if it be summer you must not turn itouttill the moment you want it; you may use any sort of fruitif you have not apricots, only observe to work it in fine. Currant Jeuy.... Put the currants into a pitchei;,<cover it close, and set the pitcher 'in warm water, this will extract the juice ; squeeze them through a flarrnel bog, and to one quart of juice add two pounds of loaf sugar ; boil it twenty minutes, but no longer. POISON ANTI1»0.'i:|:S. For oil of vitriol or aqua fortis, give'Ia^ge' d(i8es^)f magnesia and water, or equtfl parts of soft soap and water- For oxalic acid, give magnesia, or chalk and water. For tartar emetic, give Puru^'ian bark arid wdter, or a strong de- coction of tea, until the bark can be had. « For saltpetre, give an emetic of mustard and water ; afterwards mucilages and small doses oflaudanum. iFor opium 'Or laudanum, give an emetic of mustard, and uf/C con- stant 'motion, 4ind if possible the stomach pump. For lunar caustic giv«' common salt. For corroffivesublimate, give the white of eggs mixed with wa- ter, until free-votniting takes place. For arsenic, doses of magnesia are good, but freshly prepared hyirated per oxide of iron is better. I % '-^^ ^ ^ r ■,^"r^'^ ■■■*i'**^'" in % V ^ > r KOAD9 AIVD m»TA3kC£S. JTrom A. /vAn to Frederieton, M Saint John to Sft<iM4jf, f*«JV«rcpw. _ To Deboue't, French Villa|t, 90 Harding's (Yorkihire (av.) Brundagtt**, MaUier'a (Douglaa Arm*,) Pardy'a, Oarbv Uillan'i, W. Smith's, Morrison's, (Oromocto|) Fredaricton, Miles. 4 10 4 12 10 7 7 U Total, 65 On the Eastern side of the Biter. 9 4 14 13 6 13 8 12 To Black's Farm, Gondola Point, Kingston, Head of Belleisle, VVasbademoac, Jemseg Ferry, Tiiley s, (Sheffield,) Widow Perley*s, Fredericton, St. John to St. Total, 86 Andrews. Drummond's IS M'Manus's, UN Dor man's, IS Meeting House, Sbepody, 13 Total, 79 St. John to Amherst, (X S.) vU.' Sussex Vale, Do/ehester^ ^e. To Robinson's, 5 Heiinigar's, 4 Campbe I rs, 3 Ketchum'ii, 4 Hampton Ferry, 7 Nay's, 5i Baxter's, (Finger Board,) 4| Roaches 's 10 M'Monagle's, 13 To Sussex Vale, 46 „ To M'Leod's, (Portage,) 12 | Pittfield's, IS- Nixon's, I ■■ 12 Lewis', 12 To Byrne's, LakefieM, Tilton's, Musquash, M'Lauchlan's, Gray's, M. Gowan's, (halfway,) Walters', Shaw's, Magaguadavic, Burns', St. Patri^k^ Saini Andieffiit, 9 64 6 f 8 9 12 St..Joti To Codj Beatty's, ' Otaco, Vjiughan's Creek, Melvin or Fuller's Beaoh, ^ig Salmon River, TuA's, (along shore,) Little Salmon River, Alartii's Head, 11 9 11 14 3 n 4 4 To Btnd of Petieodiae, 96 Charter's, Memramcook, 16 Hickman's, Dorchester, H To Dorcheater, —119 Evan's, Westcock. 7 Well's, Tantamar, 10^ Ferguson's Amherst, Sf Total, 146 Amherst to Halifax. To Stewart's, 10 Mewsnn's, River PhiHpt 9 Purdy's, Craountain,) 10 Sutherland's, 6 Yewill's (Londondesry,) 10 Blanchard's. Trurr, fi' 16 Hill's, Stewiack 17 Miller's, Gay'i Aivqr, 9 Keyes', 10 Shultz's 9 Halifax, ll| Total, 48^ Total, 1S0» |#. '.M il :§!■..." i!^""" '"'■ .jii!Biiiiiiiiai»''g'''' - "g" ■■•IMIMPI ' . 11 v m m'f "' '"^"' <f r 0' BmU rf FUkHUme fo JfiUkihuto. MUei. To SniUi'^, ShfldiM, Cooiicne Bridge, gmith'i, Little BuctotNhe, Ketwick'a, Big fiuctouehe, Harris*. King*! Annii j^ant Hotel, 15 1 8 2 7 ' Riehibucto, 6 Total, 50 RieMbueto to Mramkhi. To Rankin's, Oisken's, Bay du Vin, M'Beath's, Black River, M'Beath's ) Blanchard's, > Chatham 13 10 12 Hea's t0 BaHiurttt (Bay d Chaleur.) To Goodfellows, 6 Curry's,- 8i Forein's'(halAway house,) 15 Xfe*a, 911 Court House, 9 Total, 48 B«tlkttr$l, ntAigmuki.. To Arsioeau's, 1% Daley's, \% Harvey's, Na»bte€re«k, IQ-i M'Pherson's. (old plaoej, 9h Flefnming's, DulhoueiQ, 10 Reid's, 7j M'Neii^ Cambeiltowo. 9 FreierUtoH to Qi^ee. Miles. To Bvrgoyne's Ferry, 16 Munroe s, 13 Ctvion's, 5 lones*, 17 Woodstock Ferry, 7 Woodstock Poet OfBf e, 6-64 Court HouKe, 2 Victoria, 8 Applosiey's, 13 Haud's, 18 Tibbe/s, 10 Restook, 3 Grand Falls, 18-62 Coorobe's, 12 Vital Thibideao's, 15 Madawaflka Chapel, 7 flerbert'sv 3 Entrance of Madawaska, I Do. of Lake Temiseouattir 84 Do. of the Portage, 14 River St. Lawrence, 96 Kamouraska, 18 St. Ann, 2S| Rivierewielln, S2| Saint Thomas, 15 Snint Joseph, 18 Point Levi, Quebeo, 18^280 Total, 346 From Digby to tlatifat. To Annapulis, 19 K«ntviH8, 58 Windsor, 27 H»liraz, 45 Total, 70i| Frederieton to MiranUeki. To BrowB'^e, 11 Young's, 10 M'Leod's» 4 Boies'. 20 Hunters'. ]4 De Cateline's, 14 Cochrane '«, ]4 Rarker'p, 13 Wt!son'8 Point, 7 Ifewcastle, 3 Total. 108 Total, 149 Halifax to Pktou. ToPulman^sFarm, 12^ M'Keen's, 16 Leckie's, 13 Heney's, 12 West Branch, (£arit River,) 26 To the Court House, 16 Total, 95^ Digiu to SkeUtunie. outn Church, To Yarmout Hargrave's, Shelburne, 73 67 Total, 140 m K ^ ■<^... ■■ [''■"mm%, Qfubee. rs, Milea. 16 13 5 17 7 6-64 3 « 13 18 10 3 18-68 12 16 • y 3 ika» 1 14 3S 18 m 15 18 Total, 346 fi8 27 45 Fotal, 149 ou. \2i 16 13 12 iver,) S6 16 Total, 9S|| T3 6T ['otal, 140 V ^ N t 2. 3- o B a a i i e •% OB a. a t IS oooeSSSoo5<eoB'>ig>o<<^M»a># ;a"'gjafc^«*^'^ <|M » »>!»>.»». »» tl M s:^s^^5:j5:iSi£-r i»iit»i f i l i iM«i>#»M> ■!»■*♦ **• C4 .iM« f .Ht»- >»" < ■> I 'W MCnM»- — tOMC — «0 »» CM to " (0 tU tfi I-* i-> >» ^ »~ CO o> lU ts M (p «i<^Mie>^MMM ^ e o M !^ <>-> i>ri ^h>i|>rinDenK)IO(ON<MM»p< :*» *i. - o^^^jg^ w JO >s »« -.^ - K) K> «0 (• »iit ^ IM M>^i^OcpOilOO "^ M Cd .(0 *0 10 »:< .M M M (O K' to •-"•< H^ iMi**. iMW^ M»««»- ■tk CO CO <o H' i>i« AMei9>4'^M«4>-'G0«>IM9iCnifeMC«(0»< 01 a ^ «eooMa»cn^b8(SM> ooooMMfi^N'Mi-'ecpaDMCn i^ m (O *-• « Ol W O M *• M 00 CI (O to 10 to*- ^ »« M>» MP WC MM MHi>IM.>»-*W»» <*» MM lg Ok 0« 1^ ito CC M 10 M I-* s IS OQOO)*>K>eOOO>i»>«80000<>)AiUMWM> iMUikM o © © o o o © o c o w -ajjj^o^^ *j w 2 o GC i 3 a ^ O fi «> '^^^^^-•IT ^^ iMt^i4 . MINTING ESTABLI 9^MSS^ mwa^ IToOa Ctaty^arMty of Book and Job Primtiro executed in the netteil *Sc mftnneri and otij^he Iqjgics^ licn*. }€ V- Pitildhilef ^ ^ataWgues, Handbills, Show-billa, €iriiUlars, fVfiifldia,J^l« of Lading, Sieceipta, Drufgi|>u' Labele/An. fffril j«t a|oirt poli^. Blakk* of every deM}ri|>ttoa alwaye::^oa' ' i4M>iUilNiniiilt bea executed with lieat«e«a^.|itid ilfaftltilkll^ Bta<^MlM having been rafely r sgiii ti u li Iji'exlfifted OS liberal terow. , •I I "15 • .4 fe^^Si