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ELGIN SETTLEMENT. rilKiil'; iii-f u|iu:inN or;iO,iM>(i rnlniiiiil |"rMin-< in ('^iMmla. lin^llv I'lp^ilivrs limii llu' I'-utnl Slali's. 'I'lirir iiuiiil">iv arc iiicivxsiiiL,' raimlly liv lli" (.i[i(.T:il idii v\ tli'' l'"ui;itivf Slave wliicli -^w^^ tiiciii im i •, .ilij;- |ilac(i till llic.V mm- h <',iii,iila. wliriv iliiy j,'rin.'riilly iiii\'' in ,. ih -litnti' rdHiliiion, slriiijHMl of i'V((H ial aiul iiioial iiiiinovfiin'iit, w.'is tlii^<: Tin; l!rv. Wiii.iam Kimi luiviug lu'i miu' licit' to a luuiilicr iif Hlavi'H ill Luiiisiiiliii, r. Willis of 'roronto are \ ice- 1 'residents of the Klejn Association, and freipiently visit tiio Settlement. They testify to the success of the experiment, and the industry of the settlers. On these lands a church heen ereited, to siipplv the iduli poj>ulali(Ui with the means of erace , and schools have heeii estahlisheil, lo j;ivi> tl liildren ii ;,'ood tHlucatioii. schools aie now attended hy upwanls of one humlied pupils. The iiuniher would he ;,'reatly increased hy enlar;,nii,i,' the' aeeommodalion, and erect in.u permanent hnildin,i,'s. [DVKK. Ihe l.uiMmns mv all (.fa teinpornry kind, .imi ^vilI rrr|uiro to 1,,. rqi,-,.,! l,v (.iImts ..f a Mior." sMl>stan1inI :ni,| ,-..|i,i,u,Hnt natuir. Ilu- sr|„,ols «ill .viuiiv tl,.- sni....rt of IVionds for s.,.n.- tiiiio to ...nnir, li i> on K-.hHlf nf tl,r .pinliial m.l odiirutmnal part nf il,.. .uUTpris,. that w ,,..«■ aj^-al I" ,v,m ; u- ask i,„llnn. f „ ,1,,.,, twup,,,,,! support AW ask ^,.,. ""'■' '" "'' "-^ '" f' ■••■'■*'«" "'■ ^"^'"' •""I ^"' -'■'"ti^'i l.M,l.l,n,s, t., pla. . Ila. s,|,nols o„ a |..n„an...,t a,„l ..Hi..,',.,,! l,aMs and to ^■ivuW a U■^y fairsarirs tor tho jmrj-o^- ,.f pr,parin}r y,,un,' lu.-n of pi.ty and talents lor |,;i,„v li^rluln. s~, rithrr lu Canad-i till' T'nit>'d States, or Afii.a. ' ' ' Ahvadv tlHi schools |,av,. |,on,o IVnil. A f.„ t.a, i„.rs. t.ann.d at ti,.. s,l,oo!s, have heen s..,,! out to diti^niit parts of the provMUe, where thov are now „>efully e .olow .f Ki.hanI M, -lohn.u,. on,, of ,!„. fu^ituas, is now stndvin. ,n the University ol J-.dinlaiiLrli as iiTUedical ini.-su narv. A frvv Ihousnid pounds will he rr.piired f ■, hj,.,-!. rouhinphd.d. Tho pnnripal eitics in Indand and N, aland have l"■envls,l,_.d.^vhereJM.rsollsofalldenon^,lati.l,s|,av,.s^lupall^-,.,l u ill, the niov.anmt. and have aided with iheir do,. , lions lli.s etlort to improve tl,e soeial and moral e, ndifon of a Ion, n,.,^h.,,,.d and deepiv inniivd ra,e. We. now visit vour eitv yn I.ImII ot tie- .aim. ohie.t. and a>k you (o aid n. in ^ivin^ th. |iiLlet<,tlm Ingit.v, and endowing Imn with the capm il'v to read It. " I . ^ Vonrdouaiionsmayl,esentloAxnKKwXih,.>oN,Ks,,.,Cashierof tie. Hank of S.-otlaiel. < Ha.-ow ; or to Messrs. !!m„, w. Ili:v\.N- .V Co., Bunkers, Lonfloii, to tiie eredii of the liiixtoii lnstitut(.. \V.M. KI^■(;, 1 i),hutatil |.> ilKI'lM. lis III' [l tin- llMVl- lli'ill.s :■ city mrily I.VY, I /r // ./ I f ' ~-» i,.it '» nn'H ~ -1 — ■♦-- sutr- A-* 6:c' ■b'Ib ' ''' Br /• ^ j'-l.!- TT --"wnxmrr*^ i^nTrr _J- H T -c ' un » » n;«TTT /-/• /'/w /f>'.'' //,fi>.\'l A'-'f '■" >^"' ■•'""■/ '">■' III, lilt/ l/ll/ir'r^»llli/ ■•/' ///' l,i/„.:i/ / ii/iii/it/i'iil ;'/' fiiliili/i ,7„ .i:///i'"i"l^ 'v 'if'i"/f ^> l/'ii., /.'Ill/ il'iii ■'! t/i/ii ii'ir/r i'i/i/,u/iiii,/ ifii'iu '.'/•/// /■i,i,ii//fw iirilw irini/ 'i/'i'H/ /"f'fl liiii/.i ///, /i"i'/ I' '/ 'I liiii'/r/ /•!' /r"-/ //// ■'■/• /,' /tW /ft///' l/tti/ .11/ -li //i//il-ll' //f /'t'tl'/ltli/i-l"^ Ml /i,-i/ i,r//i I /ii'Ai/ j/t/ttr- / '11 .'/'//it t l/l/t'ltllll'll'll /■.'///I II . /.I l,l'''l'/t'"" ■ , /lltltlll/ /it/ll'l/ ll/ f/ll OF THE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF RALEIOH, r«U N TV <»K KKNT. CANADA WEST. ,:„','.,i.,w..s. i,..H.a...i i.« ii,..i;i;vVwii,i,i,vM ki.v.;. \w <^(vi. i iu' Umtiu- •v.. .1 /!. t ■ // /,;.■■'» .1/,.,:, I'l. /J'.f/itl 1/ J <,iii A'l/ii/.i- //'•"■' '■ //l/tl l/' . /•ll.'f fll)i,^- Ai/i"i'/ i / ,/ n /. /iriiA /lirr/ .lYirwi -t'li' 1 ili/ii'tl/l'i'-^' I'/liil .l>i i/l • till/ ' \/lli/i ,i;.,V .l/i// /; ,1/in- / . 1 /„ ,' ,. fi /I'/ll'/u-l/ // /ill, /'I.