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Lee diagrammes suivants illuatrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I UTTV" { j4»n ^MMiyl •■■■•■■■■» o xxvx jr jLiiij o X , I ^M < ^ i L Mi l .! mJmimmiJmmiJs i lii m ^ STBONGESC ■MiHMF -«^ •«» ■A* I I I I I I J III i l I ff mJLm M mJLm miMmmJi ^^^mgf mJLm • FGEST and BEST. i :. i.#l" ■ inv X&l 1C ""■Opp SIMPLEST, SILBNTB i « It is Superior to all others, amd Is the Machine CALL AND SEE IT IN OPERATION. i 1" ik^ ■■t 1 til jiji^'l^ Tff% TP" »nn^ ij gi J AAJNT jomr, N. B. Gibson's XXXX Rye Whiskey, For Si^t in Bottles by all HoUli, Z>Rii^ Tho Corks and Ubels are brandad "MOOR nr Thia Whi»k»y it of a SUPIRIOR Q Uh-diiSX ana ±5i!jC3T. s IW W% 11 'FWLWi- - JBNT] E ff^il^'^Rl "S 4-» H iC « n r\ "RTHPiT nd is the Machine of the Period. PERATIQN. ifmni' nar vt r E dgecombe & Sons^ Carrlafeii MANCHESTER, ROBERT luiaii JUTj ujiuuS IN I'Hi: IMWEXL General Dry Goods Utodi, Mouse Furnishinff and Carpets, Gentlemen's Outfitting, Shirt Making and Boys' Clothing, Carpet and Oilcloth Warehouse, (in the rear) Mantle Making Department, (in the rear) Steam Shirt Factory ancl Laundry (in the rear) X^mUm* XTnderclothing, Millinery, Baby Linen, &c,, dsc, (JUo :fl^^BMr i3E3i»ja.aFiTaswfl[ ftRST Floor.— Gloves, Hosiery, Lace Goods, Hamburgs, Ornaments, Berlin Work, Crewels, Flannels, Napkins, Yarns, Sh A SKIN OP BIAHHC IS A aOV PORIVIII i AS. f . TiiZ OOUBAUS'I Oriental Cream, or Magical Beautiflei. BemoTOi Tan, Plmpl)i, Frocklci. Mtilh- pHlchuadnd eviry hlvuiish on but a- y, iiud dt)9es <:«- UlCtlOQ. It h if ■tnod tb« t«tt of thirty yearn, a id l>«o hHniilogii ir« t««te it to \w i>ii r« thaprppunttlnii It proi>»>rly iiind 9. ACMDI #?» C<<)!n- t«>frt»<)t »lm(iM g\x\*hf>A l>r. 1..JL. ityre, mIiI i» n Imiy «r ' . ' ,,,' , ton (• 1- **A»lfm la^ imv»*thtmt fmrntm'-in ft. >...>„.,,> » Crratm* «» im fea»« tumnfiil (if ail Uix Mln pr«imry- Itefif .'• One tw<tfi(! win iHgt ilx montho. uplne It ovlm^ day. Alxit I' iKtro Hnbtllo remuvaa ■uperfliibus iiaur wifhont iiijuiy u> tho iikln. JIme.M II raOtJUA ID, Solo Prop ,48n"nd9t,.N.T. Ftir «nlo liv hII fliuuKlfln niicl li"!!!!!'/ Ooutin Doalttia throughout lli« U H., ( iiiitdu* «iid Kumne. Ali>o fuoiid l»lf i¥.0'f»i«t n n Mu«<v'« at»rti'. m.>t<»i.«' uidlsy't and other Vnvcf Uoods DtmU'ru. tw~ newaro of bm • InltattuB*. |t,fl()0 H««ard (ur arreat aod proof of tnr m» Miling th« Mtne. THE GREAT BARNUM i »AllfiUW. BAIL mxn O RANP OVE^TURirr «tlN« No. 1. Eltm-f MOST FAMOUa CLOWNJ.-Oko. Mklvillb, w <>HAfl. Blish. TheGre«te».tPo<>lr.of snentFiin, Inai mlDUndBrwuuulliigx, aii.l wlilmsloHl MiUlmpR. i HfTTT'KN I .r»uM, ^LAtfNrffii; liN rANiTiirASHitTTi MAMMOril VVIU) IIKAHT I'AtJKA NT Moiiu.l th« S Kle|iliiuit»i yilciKlliIly <'.H|<ftrl«oue<l (Jlimt Itlm^k Dron Soumlron»of the iiKwt henullful hikI iniellltfciit Thcin ot the Niitloim, 3«iu»(tr«ns of Nobly Heiititlfiil Florstm, < QoBOiniet., Manners, W-.i, <!,,!«-., Ttftpphigi,. »i,f| KRrft I) Tli'eTliii<!li (if. EHiiiol..|iic»l Trliwii (V„. <Jy(wlen. T»lu»n«l!4lai, ' ''1 'rt Lord of BeiwtN, oiiri J^-4^i 'luiinainl A« iinl«itiii(ii.. lOir I fLO.S.H* Char, ,e», nn>l ulnijiilaii 'froii|i,. oi 'it oiigliHil nml iniMiuii.'irttHa poiTui umnoaB. J'M. BUtJBOW. I SKUOtTkl) OJUMPIOn.'J i)V TilK LkaPS. W;.nfl Plmt liitrodiuitoii III AnwrloH of KlammM llerolo ( Urnwliig Rooot. Bveiiing Draw Alhl»tl. ». "w" «i M«!HIU)I>K H1U»H, I -- .- -^.^....^ 1_._^ ._ 'i>IIOOflAN t.irn ur n4HNViit, /A L tJHVMA TK l>. ho I A /» ORIENTaL l Hli.i, whim th««Uoi)t witnklti »|i'iil> Ui, brow »,„) ,.i,eek, lt« r«.vmt« h(<Hb And a an th« iy<Mihtg> aiHln I'lmnvili Who hm Ooiii BATJI IIOT£L. Bal CSSSaSB wm trrlai mm" ROBERTSON ALLISN uOOdS c^Mduiibiinieni OmrXSR PROVINCES. 'linff and Carpets, I Hoys' Clothing, 3 rear) - J rear) ^ • 3 rear) dnen, <ffc., <©c., (Room, on Second Floor) Entrance, 29 King Street. 27 Ming Street, 29 King Street, 29 King Street. 27 King Street, 29 King Street, *9 n 99 99 99 ;oods, Hamburgs, Ribbons, Wools, Fringes, Laces, Gimps, Buttons, ^Japkms, Yarns, Sheetings, Towels, Table Linens, Cottons. AT BARNUM AND LONDON NINE UNITED SHOWS, BAWNUIW. BAIHY A HUTOHiNSOW, Sole Ownera. -i. ire; to, 1. STAcae. BIIVO No. 9. .i.«t beautiful .jn.l luielll«.mt rh,.nu.«hl.,..,l Ht«llin,m. Trick Ho kc* ami de.' over ^,ml 1*1 V^nl *"'' 'T« ^ 'd BewU; tWli« .U.K. tor.! „t n«>i*.HjCarrvl„« » |„«t „f ljl,TiJjl» fi|«¥.|i. RnJ ,»U«n,le<l bv the oiiTv Ilibv Kioi.lTai.t OTrgfiT^oT;R ., ^Pr^L..-'^. -'■'ir.i»v«rlk.F»t Women, PImmFJ r|p^ --jU '111 II 'iiif I'rrKtittiiiH <i| ! irtrui'ls lioilbiuian. on. ^'M. U!.'t;it()W, li«M i>V ykriaiViTgullUmi. " f rl,.i(«of lik, VMu iiOiii ^ICKSS (»K THIC MOAPS. W^MlSFfnl double m,m..r.H»it,riwlMK, ara Jk^rtlgBtTS^ ,. . '*''Vu'- ' f';''''^- IFi AiiMrloH of KlnRHul I lieroio (;i,«.l„ HtMuun. UoniHii (1 LlUtur « \,'.™-'*~—--^''-- '''«'' "'"'"^''« "n'T huge eLphiMit*. m.MKOOK mtOH I (HI.p-illtT BH(»8. COYLit & IJOHtt j»ftOtil» A M Ml Oft Mf reUIo gM^W^^s' « ■ ""' ' * ""y*- t ' *' U.LtlMTMATKn, mVNtt IS runtt. fHUJn'ATKxltvr't^ttS U!in, wlinii Ihnnlloitt witnkln xloiiJn Ui. I.r<iw mul nlwpk, lt« r«.vi»,t« Ii^hIh, And e an tiM lyMihtg'a aiHlii I'oiircHla? Who hut iloiirmic). ^ '^* MiM fATitnsH, offi.r m ars. "'» Onnitnl Croinn Urnvvt uul On Moaiity'H hUIii IIui fiiliilMt spot lint <liiVBii»w«y the,. Impla •pot,. ■' 'tlB (Vrionfii r™!.T,r'. .« . •■ V ' '• »^i-"t«i >ny Ooar»Hd's. Who Kl»,»H bitok thn ohdrin to Inwiilty's oh-mk HOTEL, Bath Je, Best House. Best location, ,Srn««*r,::- i Edgecombe jk Sons, Carriages ^ ^^ ^ TIPPET, BURC FARM MACHINERY largest Assortment!! Best Value The Toronto Mower. Builard's Hay Tedder. St^rp's Selif-Dumping Rake. Call Ih ^ ^ ^^ *^ "^"^ CS-ermain Street, Oppt: Send for the " A6Rl€tJITUBAL YEAB BOOS,'' eontalnimr much 1 Largest variety of Implements ever offered by any one flriBln the Bo O <3^W A-IWC Jli: E.—O oMtittxiedi nMn*i No. 1. ■JP Bar«b(M>k BquMrtrtsnisni. LINDA JKAl. O i» pmm, W^ vai 81Ki» •^. YAHAMOTOi O Higl) Kuwian Ladder Act, SCHBODU BKOS. lO Steept« ChAMi Manags, M At>A» M ABTH A 3lI i*ni\oi|(»i liMneliaok ^vuiutlona. WM, nUTTON. £IQl Mint app«iu'»n6e 0/ iLie lovely Aerial (juoen In itir-<««irpitMiiliig Swinging l'ra{)««u. CUnlr P;^rHmijiii^ and lncotn|irt<hi!iiaU)i« M'IjLR ZAHAH. VTOToif LAIOKIjLK. r. Xd Twin MarvalH of I'lmnonuniiU Juggling on Swift'ttevolvlna Ulolms. X-4i I^tipMt aiui mmt Bagaaiuua Herd of Hug* RlBi>haiiU I'll nMth, In Mlllt«ry Evolution*. ColiiiHittI rvrnmlilH liitr()4luti«il by Uuilr witvlii UK01t«K AESTINQSTALL. UIIOSSKEY St KIJ)RH. CftMnou Hftll Act. (Hi.P'UHT imos, J.CI Frinultiel Dnruliuok Hurdle Act. UN DA .riSAL v.. STAGE. PhonoQeaal fNsrflunBanoea and Amaslng TOriNdelMrean uul Bomorsanlt Vm\M on the Hlgh^S{»gl« Wlte. JOAN <7AlGEDO, TFiirUiuiiy i^rHfiS"1)PTra^ the Teeth, aIbo liitnuluoing liar ila^ok of tuttrvel- ouRly Trulued Uorei. M'LLE ZARAIi. Perfbrming Gro^ by OHAS. \THITK. Thrilling Flying f«peM Venturon. AU0U8T HDTSJ-Bir. rirst appean) (V3 of the Mlraoututta Jaimaeoe lady, who a<r<'um[i||iihe!> the apiiarnnily nuttflr- btlinan aolilevwinent of MoiinMug antt D«weiullng LaddofH, B.lHSPtxyr, «ttH)|»iiig with lior unoro- tectu.l weight ufioh the ntzor-cilgrte of IVnKwi Sword BliMles. MISS i'AMAM<m> flrit and only i>w»rf Clown Elefihtnit, "Tom Tliurab." HtHT Low Oomedlan of the Animal Kingdom. lulsiKluced l»y the «4roa» Elephant <Jlow«, WM. OONBAI). Wimdernil IlluntrAtions of Ilollnr nUatlng. A8H1.K:Y & HICSS. Pritiolpal BaietM Pumllel IIoi Som<^ Ladde The A morloan M i'Hm-iptXnSiirebu <:r>niortliiio'Htng. 'i'lie rtartng Moi Trapoxeing. Betaratng Aet. Only and inoet 1 Ing Itli iiliRiits, Ir Aflte oittl AnttOB. U o I &r"l>rcGiir " K Klfkem, irighl'ernh. Prlni]i]>ai Jarehu ILT GHIAND TUMBLING TOURNAMKKT, Oreand «»d Lofly TrlumpiM, m^^ggmmm PBOGBA-MMB CONTINUED ON PAQBl 3, Olf Tittt HoRLD\H aiiEAT CLASaiC CIMVtTIT. Mmt ISxoltlniir ICveutu* HoncHtly ami Htubbornly C'onvettod for G<Mh ,-..-**» 'XrrXm^ii X* • jL?f° ■ """" ■ "■ I J I iirM "s^ 3URDITT & CO, HINERY OF ALL KINDS. lest Talue ! ! Latest Iinprovemeiits ? ! The Massey Mower, The Massey Harvester, ' The Toronto Light Binder, Street, Opposite Country Market, ^„ii j-. ■*- >S,^' eontatnliw niQch Usefnl Information on Farm Topics, and fnll description of tiie any one fine In the Dominion of Canada. Mailed FB£E on appl ication to any address p — O outiiiuedl. am! AmMlng t VeMtM (HI the I CAIGEDO. Went, hohlinK by fl0ok of tnarvel- 'LLE Z AmAH. HAS. WHITE. U8T BcrrsLRir. -™*f-u- - ■ oulultii JiiimaeM >|i»reui.lj' nuttflr- wnd DoweiiUing with lior iinoro oilgnfl of Nnhwi VAMAMOTO. Blaphnnt, " Tom of the Aiiltnnl Uroitt ElepUitut VACOONRAO. AUutliig. UK If it HKSS. RINO NO, t. HrtnotptU BaiettAok Act. BLENA JBAL. PftnUloI IIori»mtal Bars. AVKRY * MOULTON. BomM. Ua.e.. | RWANDA. WAT«ON^^ The Araorlcan Miuiaga, MATTIE JAOKSON. Coiuortliiin'MfiiBi. OKKIN HOI.U8. 'fAfAr.lAr •^^DUPLEX 60RSET ^^aMtt. ■"m^m Tlitt Itarliig MonartA e( the 8tngl« IHgh float- TrHpoxeing. 8IG f.EDKSMA. MhutflftttR Aet. Hi«»Wl'»rch. B. OILrOBT, tOlTLE & DOK». Onlv Hiul Tiioet lenrned Oiove of Yimiig Perform- ing Kli i>hKiitH, In IVlArliiil, MuHi< il aiit) Mlrtliflil Ac!t« 1111.1 \iitlns. WM.NKWMAM. Ualta if^rcliii UyBuiiuri and (Irotoiiqno High Iflfkem, OAHON BKOH. irigU I'ernh. YOUNU NICOLAS. Prlnai]«i Jarubaak Amerlcftu tlookey Act. ORltlN ttOLLtS. Oomttortable, BtAMnfc Perfl»ott7 UMaUhruI, ami Ui« moat durable kaorwn to tb* trad«, Ov«*, l,!!t)o,(tno Afiiei+cuo IjMlca now wear the BJPKyiRSSI, Double BoncDonble Uro«|. Double Seam. Gau lie lii>:tiu>tly mlJUMCMl to tit any fiiim. Kvary CorBeTwarrante*!. Beware orimitRtloiiii. Sea that the »nr,l DUPI.IX Kaiuped on every U)rm. POn SAT,JBl SrJSBYWaERK. sw^ I /^/'t^^^°^^\<^ i [ ^ qnt: • s 3=3K QreaiHlHi^ h^f IrhimplM, bf tbt Titrs* Oreat Oompante a^ JD OW PAGB 3, jLAsarc ciMvuiT. nly Convett«d for 0<Mh Premium! I WMte, Fast Black ▲«• x Oriental* Cream, or Jfagical Beautifier. BemoTe* Tan, Piiiiple% Freckles. Motii- Patches and every blemisS) oa bean- , tT, and deflea de< rtectloa. It has etood the test of ttilrty years, and iaeo barailesswa taste it to be vure ttw preparation Is propwlj m»u8. Accept )fo e<>un< %mm «« tfmitat faithed Br. I,. A. ayte, Said to % lady of the kmA toft, (* patient;!— > "4a ym iaMt» vMuntthsiH. Ireeom»Mui *Gourau(Pt Otecm' a« the Itasi haiinful of ali Os ffkin f/repara- aon»" One lM>tt1a will luat aix months, using It even day. Ali<o Puadre Bnbttle removes aaperfluous hair without injury to the Bkin. _ ._ „„ Mme.M B T.GOUHAUD,8oleProp.,48Bond8t.,N.T. For sale by all Druggieta and Fancy Goods Dealna In N . f . City, at R H . Macy'B,8tem'6, Khridia', Ridley's, and other Farcy Goods Dealers. ^gT Beware of bass Imitations. $1,(X)0 Reward for arreat and proof of any «ne selling th« some. KItiHT MOST FAMOUS CLOWNS.-Obo Melville, Wm, on A 8. Bliss. The Greatest Fools of Silent Fun, in a oon mlsande r»tanilingH, an < 1 whiroslcxl iniahapa. 1 STUl'ENLOUS, MTdklPlOKNi' AND CLA8SI0 Hit MAMMOTH WILD BEAST PAOKANT around the grei Klephaots; RolewlldLT <»ifflf]»>Bed Giant Blaok Dronied Sauadrons of the moiit beaatiftil anf intelllftent Thoroug of the Nations, Squadrons of Nobly Beautiful Horses, C»\ Cottnnies, Manners, WawJroben, Tiappinns. and K*re Dev! sa Tbi March of J ITMil#. <»iMM U'nl of Beasts, cairfii EfUnologScal TribftJ Oijit^fii^tp , f S*tCHtng«, Savasfe, Heathen «yp«ies, Tshitwiwlas, •p|ir*/oai;ijm, twavif, Siamiese, Ast the Sahara, 0(i«a) w her Tm«WMlou» and Awfiil i.jli»Hii,<': iMid Bwaying to t - iniii! (iuateinaf». w :Siiiu8, Austr»Harjg, Moil, Wild QsiksJia Snake ©riarimar'. j»«i) (iitigularly arrnye'l i^j fl-i>n(ic (>f 1PralBed"Tr&5«s*a Sfcuiioiia in "ffiKT original and iiwoiuparal^te iwrfDrniances. JTM. DUCROW. skLec tkd champi ons Ol- First lntr<Hiu<!tiou in America oyKleginT Drawing Room, Evening Dregs Athletics. 80HR0J»K BROS. THE LEAPS. "WTnuXi^ Heroic CIsi tests and I.IlfE OF JtAltNir.m "yfOowawift IhLrrSVMATED, nttirjfTt 1 ORIENTAL J org* - -^ Who, when the silent wrinkle steals On brow and cheek, its ra,vaKe lieais. And e'en the freckle's ^tain conceals? * Who but Gouraii BATH HOTEL, FABIGY DRSSS la Our Dress Department is now the Largest and Most Con tlie most desirable Fabrics and Styles from the leading manufactui mere Foule, Crape Foule, Vienna Foule, Ottoman Foule, Cloth 5 Robes, Embroidered Robes, Persian Cashmeres, Drap de Cichemei MOURNING DEPARTMENT. Cashmeres, Henriettas. Persian Veiling, Crape Foules, Merinos. N. B. — Samples Mailed Free of Charge. GENTLEMEN'S ROOM. Collars, Cuffs. Scarfs, Silk Handkerchic Vaises, Carnage Robes, Portmanteaus, Umbrellas, Boys' Suits, Chamois Ves Tweed Waterproof Coats. TRUNKS AND SOLID LEATHER VALISES. Gentlemen w stock replete with all the leading Novelties that we can procure in the market Second Floor.— LADIES' AND MISSES' ROOM. Visitors attt the Novelties in this Large and Varied Department. Cotton Uaderclothing, Flowers, Feathers, Hats, Hat Pins, Baby Linen E31iTC3-LISIi: jSlITID T'TtWlSTC ALL ORDERS FOR MILLINERY EXECUTED IN THE ■ DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY Foi Saltb) dm i •il&iim BIMO Hfo, 9. JLOWNS.— Obo MRtviLLB, Wm.Cokead, FRAXC018 Kbnnbbrl, Whitfikld, Louis Snow, Qko. CABaos, Bo. Fbitz, Ireatest Pools of Silent Pun, In a oontlnuoii*, nproarioug high orn' 'al of mtrthfUl i»utominie. latHcrona Imitations. lauKhable ii< ) whinnlcxl ittiahapg, > o ^lTO?^',i''Vi,^'^*'*?^y Hlft^JDUAMATlC TttlUMFHAL MABCU, WUPJLB ARBMO (SfiAlJtt fcSf1?bKte AND BEASf PAOKANT around the great Exterior Itaclnq ClrclH, and simultaneously In all the rlngis; Royal Caravan of monster r <»i^rlfK]ned 0lAnt Ulaok proiuedarlefl and CokMsal Satrud White Camels: Prl£ei«>>B Dr&ves atloms and led W<ld Beasts- tbeatttiftil and intelllftent ThorouRhbrert 8«alllo«», Trick Hor»e» and Ponies' ever aaiwmhl^. 'Regally maaniflcent ConKress irons of Nobly Beautllul Horaes, Cavaloadea of Bichly Arnie«l Knights and Oourtiy Dames, Barbaric Pomp, Splendid and Novel ?awJrobeB, TiappinitR. and Rare DiBvlcea. Fl rst and^niy uatemalans, AfEhans, Cannibals, Uj-iMaevr * ~ ■ ~ ., Nn Si'_^"!i "™?r **«^odl«i<« 08 the lw»rv0lwi« Mnn^ttiu jaytlfut mn The mm t|M», <*i«M« l-tml of Bea«t8, carryinif a host of his little ftiends, and attended bv the only Baby Klephaiit. , Sa.vaffe, Heathen NatioBs isMsludiiig Himiooft, Syrians, Burmese, (Suatemalans, AfghanB, Cam..»»B, »¥«, Siamese, A»teei>, Sttiuualeoe, East IwHa Nautch IMncing Girls, Biiddfclat Prlesta, Botocado«B. j>jB the SiAara, Ooeanic iiiolaieiii, " Miranib*" Band, Mounif-Bok, Ar»<la, Ul&nt», Dirarfo, Fat Women, ~ )iii;ijm, tw»¥i», Siamese, Asteeis ian. __ t^^ttem^ B«w,rd«rt Wo' her Ts*«i*ndou» ttti.l Aw^'l >ythm, AnHmiXU"1S^C^^,Mmm, :;.;: ";:;::^'artsr'''''''^'"' ""'*" ""'^ ^"^'^'^ p^^^m rtr^^Tofm^mr^^^^^^^^^^ iH ;id Sfcuiioia in iSiSir' s,k le twrforiwances. J[M. D£CBOW._ loSs oi- THE Leaps P^rliStting Ukridir»eTti^lio»i;*^ Trickeof tiL~Cou •aok Fkslidol. pbof chas. white. /Tit Auieriea of Klegant ng Dress Athletics. 80HftOi»E BU08. ^"^."l^lJli" <l!?i*l!?J?™""»»'*»>. >«'!!*?' a?d far ftights overTiii E~obrticIea~iTOrhnge efephaniii: Heroic CUsHic Statues. Koman Ulafliatorial Con- 1 r<t>.. > "i. -- _ '"r"— ■ — — tests and Prodigious Feats of Strength. Classic AcrohatJo Brother Essays. _^_ GILFUKT BR OS. 1 COYLB & DOKK. ''?fd ow*w»wi g oowTiwujEo_ow_pAce^^ —TTIZZZZZZ , ixir/sruATEo, notmn i\ vloth, solv at exavt cost to hih PATJtoifs, ONr.r so ars. rhr>, when the silent wrinkle steals II brow and dieek, ItH rayatje heals, nd e'en the freckle's ^taln conceals? * Who but Gourand. His Oriental Cream leaves not On Beauty's skin the faintest spot, But drives away the pimple spot. Oouratid fl'. Felixl. Who gives back the cbarm to beauty's cheek y.S,*?''A*'"« or sickness makes them w6ak? " 'Tts Oriental Cream," the ladiea «H»»k. From ray Gcuraud's. HOTEL, Bath, Me. Best louse. Best localion. TERMS, $9.00. mm PLPKHSR. Irop. r DRKSS GOODS. gest and Most Complete in the Maritime Provinces, containing all leading manufacturers of England, France, and Germany. Cassi- lan Foule, Cloth 3uiting, Nun's Cloth. Scotch Suitings, Braided Drap de Cachemeritza, French Cashmeres, Plaids, Checks, Faxicys. i, Henriettas. Persian Cashmere, India Cashmere, Ottoman Cloths, Nun's ailed Free of Charge. irfs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves*, White Shirts, Fancy Shirts, Underclothing }' Suits, Chamois Vests, Rubber Coats, Shawl Scraps, Hand Bags, Hose. SES. Qendemen wishing to purchase Goods in this line, will find our procure in the markets of Eurepe, 00 M. Visitors attending Barnum's Show are cordially invited to inspect [at Pins, Baby Linen, Child's Robes, Corsets, Bibs. EXECUTED IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. h for Sale by WALTER & CO., i^ifi%f 3 «: ^^ i^ ^^ »i fc.m fcr it ■^Vkmm,- S<JHR0DB BROS. lO Steeple Uhatw Manage, MADAM MARTHA IX Frinciital BoreUack {CTuIutiontt. _ WM. pUTTOX. XB Pint appearance of the lovely Aerial (j^ieen in ail-i»tirpaMtug and tneomiirehensible Swinging Traiieze. M'LiLK ZARAH. Chair Pyrami. Id, VICTOR LA) i-E. XO Twin Marvels of Phenomenal Juggling on Swit'tlRevolving Globes. -RS. 3.4 Larg|«H)t anU lurwt SagaoiuaB Herd of Huge Elepiknto «n earth, in Military Evolutions. Coloiwal PyratnidH introduced by their world &niou8 tramer, (JKOUGE ARSTINGSTALL. XO Soottisb. PaettnieH and Cnledunian SportH. CROSSLEY & ELDER. Cannon Ball Act. GrLPORT liROS . XO Principal Bareback Hurdle Act. LINDA JE.4^L. ^eelh. Also liitrodudlng ouBly Trained Doves. her ftock of marvel- M'LLE ZARAH. PerformlBg Go^t, by CHAS, WHITE. ThrllUng^PJylng 1Sft>«HftVentureii. AUGUST BUISLET. First appeiuauoe of the Mlraculoits Japauew la'ly, who accumpiishes the apparently M\iper- human achievement of Hounliug and Descending Ladders, BAREFOOT, stepping with her unpro- tected weight upota the razor-edges of Naked Sword Blades. MISS YAMAMOTO. First and only Dw»rl! Clown Elephant, " Tom Thumb," Star Low Coinwiian of the Anitnal Kingdom. Introduced by the Great Elephant Clown, WM. CONRAD. Wonderful Illu^jtrations of Roller Skating. ASHLEY & HESS. Roma^i Ladders, | ^j The AmericaiT Manage, PrineipitT Bareback Sumei Coutortlaa klugs. the DaHng ivionarch of Trapeaeing, BiriMtoing Act^ Hooit£eroh. Only and most learned I ing Elephants, in Martia Acts anil Antics. Gatta Percha Gymnact Kickers. High Perch. Princinai Bareback Amei X*?" GRAND TUMBLI.VG TOURNAMENT, Ground krmI Lofty Triumphs, by the PROGRAMME CONTINUED ON PAGE 3. ON tHE WOBLD*8 GREAT CLASSIC CIRCUIT. Most dxcitingr Evcuts, HonesUy and Stubbornly Contested for Cafib Pren Starter, WM. OUCROW. Judge, iBt Race.-GENTLEMEiVS ENGLISH AND AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED JOCKEY RACK.— A most determined struggl and Riders.— Three times around the Track. HOR8K8. JOORKTfl. Co GOLD OUST .1. Fr.VNN Bed LIGHTNING ., J. BauloW Red GIBON J. Nklson Gree OLIVETTE T. Ross, (Colored) Blue BUOKSHOT B. BISHOP , ^ Puri PUINOB W. A8P1NWALL R ed y Race.— LITTLE FOLKS' PRETTY PONY AND COMICAL MONKEY BACE.-TwIce aroand. 9d Raoo.- 4th Baoe.- Mas!;nlttceat Struggle of Man against Running Hoi se.— Once around— A L. Cabrok. -LADIES' FLAT RACE— Three times around. By the most daring and dashing Lady Jookeyi In the World. UoR8E». Lady Jockkys. KANSAS M188 May Stewart OAZELLB Miss Jknnik: Sawtbb DOHLMAN Miss Robalikr Stickney JENNIE Miss Nbluk Vknoa. 80DA COLOI ....Blu .^..Blu ....Yol .Blu .Miss Mattib .Tackboh'. Re<i 8tu Race. -0ATTL1B RAOE-Once around. RAMA8 ANY, PATTO, VANQADASALUM-RMtai^^ India BuUocki to NatiT< ones in Amerirn. ,>. ^i** Rime.— FAS T FOOT RACE— On'-ear»nni. Pv the f Iminplons. Cbob b lby A Kldkr. TthMdW.— WtibP AKD UNigUB-QIANT ARABIAN CAMEL RACE— Onoo around. NA TIVE NUBIAN RIDERS firom tl RODUCTION TERRIFIC DOUBLE TEAM BAREBACK ROMAN STANDING RACE OF A Ct Ml RiKK-CtjASSIO „ BliUL^raiBlRn T. Watsok V«l Sli'vlrai AHD DAN John Huktbbson .• Bet Of i^V ANDCOLV ER Fbamk M ohqaw. Wb 9tk lli M«.-I.AiniTA BLE WHEELBARROW RACK, by Empl oyees. All re relv ing ca nh prl«w, except the last, hU golnf to the lOt hltaoe .-PONDEItOUB ORIEN TAL ELEPHANT R ACE.- To Saddle -O nce around. nth Race .— POWY Suf.KIE3(. 't> Driven by F u nny Clowns. —Onre around. ____., . mh Race -HEROIC AND RllKfriKIFYlNG FOUR HORSE BOMAN COLISEUM CHARIOT RAOK.-Eii;otly as Aptdaod* FoilB UORMKS AhHBAST. CHABIOTBKRa. NIOGBR. STAR, FRIT/- AND STOCKING Madame Wi PETE, ,IKRRV,JBPII»KR AND KAOI .K... .- WM. ffWITH. AUDIENCE 18 RCQUISTID TO RIMAIN •lATIO UNTIL TIRMINATION^OF PEf; Any I>lii«i<tiirt<<i>y on tli«> pnrt of thci Ushers, nr other •niplojr««a, should b« at on«« reported %o tka Mana| Will bin iH^iit lo tli« MHiiiiK*^'°'*> OtllnA. Jt7Sk.i M-i^'^-i^ ^Jka.A nSLET. scenuiijg r uupro^ f Naketi HOTO. it, "Tom Animal Elephant *RAI). HESS. Eo^aa Udae«. j ^ ^ AN^A. WATSON. _ Th« American Manage, MATTIE JACKSON. PrihcipiH Bareback Somersault Act. _ OKRIN HOLLIS. C<intQrti'n kliigs. ^_ TataTjaT" the Uariiig JMouarcli of the Single High Float- Trapeaeing. SIG LEDESMA. IMMtoing Act. Hooii;E.erch, R. aiLFOBT. COYLE & DORR. Onfy Knd most learned Drove of Toung POTforni- Ing EI*!iihant8, In Martial, Musical anil MIrtttftil Acts ami AnUcs. WM. NEWMAH. datta Percha Oynmaets and Oroteaqae High IClckarg. CARON BROS. High Perch^ YOUSG NICOLAS. Prlnchial Bareback American Jockev Act. ORRIN H<JLLI8. mnd And Lofty Triumphs, by the Three Great Companie N PAGE 3. 8IC CIRCUIT. ontested for Gafih Premiums Judg;e, J. C. DAVIS. tACE.— A moHt determined struggle between famous Flyers Colors. Red and Blue. Red and Qreen. Qreen and Pink, , Blue and Yellow. ...., Purple. Red and Black. around. ady Jookeyi In the World. Color of BTBBAHBBt. Blue and Red. R ...Blue and White. CHEY Yellow and White. Blue and Orttmatt^ IN Red and Whjto^ iMinf BMt India Bullocks to Native Sulkies. First and only A TIVB NUBIAN RIDERS firom the Soudan. )MAN STANDING RACE OF ANCIENT DAY8.- OOLOB*. Vrtlow. .• Red. ...t^... Whit e. Ises, except the last, his gcl»ip^ito ^e first. ' -Three HOT RACK.— Kstotly ss Aprdanded by the Imperial Cnsart. CSAHtUTRKIia. MADAHh WATtOir. ....■■WM. ttlllTH. ^ ^ TERMINATION^OF PERFORMANCE. • at onoe reported |o tka Mnnkger, All srtloles found JB^R SJLZX Pouble Bose.Do'vale dtMil, Double Beam, Cbu be instantly adjusted ' to tit any form. Every C orset Wa rranted. tl»t"the wo'nf Oij pLeW damped on every <;ui«eL MVJBBTWUBRR. i I fegA O.NT. « 8 R I White, Fast AHD AH the Hew Colors "AHEAD OF ALL OF THEM" ros S^d ^d }diwil\ine jewing. ———■ — . Garments sewed with our FAST BLACK wiM never show white on the Seams after l3ein£ worn or washed. A Sure Cure for Headache, Dyspepsia* Constipation, Indigestion^ Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Liver Complaint and Malaria. wDOn FAIL TO TS; TMATi BOXES sent everywhere by mall ou a two-ct'iit jposttiKH stamp. If thtro wat In BILIOU81NE, would we give the people a c tiy it free of coot ln'fore they buy f For Biliougni KH it it< one of the best remedies It is a sure cure for sick headache. It removi'R the dlHtruss occasioned by beartbnm and sour (•tomiwh For d.vpp<j)i"la It has never bein known to fall. For this C' mplHtiil, take ono-qnarter teaspoon after each mcnl; If lakcn dry. place it uiidur the longun and let it diHHolv. or It cau no mixed with water: It is very pleas- anf X > (hi- t-nip. F'rsala by Druggists IIKMKinWKtt.--A trial box of lUUOUPINK will boku t Ion y;id<lreiM npou receipt of u two^eut stam|>. e3STO"Wr Aj ea-rle; PROVIOrNCE. R. I. I MD flree to«!<»»5rt tlutt you Uiay JtiBtlT Claim tbM Uie COLUMBIA ha« not iU ttmal in ftfoMy of material and finish, F, J. DRAKE, V. S. )n«n<»oli>r »?f ,Vist<>r' .1 •THS* PUPS 'MlPie . CQi • 597 Washington St., Boston Mass. 12 WARREN ST.A B RANCHilOUS ES / "^ WABASH AVE. • NEW YORK ' / "'^.^gaHSaJy^ {. CHiCAGO • 4 ^-|i'!!L^ MBLACK I Oil Dressing FOR HARNESSES. Canton Paint & Oil Co. 160 Congress St.^ BOSTOi¥. Endorsed by the fiarnam and London Shows. ^Intonbleach;'^ OOM> itt£I)AT» Full Strength, No Artificial Wftiifht, Soft Finish. OipHoi* C!*--otls blc»c!unl bn tite pro- cess for 8al0 in Boston bf/ M«Hiir». O. If'. ITfivov & €0., »li«l>ui«l, >'c.rwen A Co., " Iloin;, Itrown & Tnylur, " OhaiHlIwr & Co., " JordAii, Mnrith A Co.. " II. If . Whito & Co., and other*. !n SAI.EM. MAS.S. nv ]^«MMir«. Alniy, Hl|f«*l«>vr * Wxwliburn, »n<l by loiulins r«t«il IiuuKMM in N«w York and **C&ntoh Bleach," ' ~ m 00 BARNUM EVENTS. Sometimes the names of men become so •Hied with the businesi which they pursue as to m&ke the avocation and cogBonien inseparable. You cannot' mention one without thinking at the same moment of the other. Thi> is notably the case with P. T. Baknvm, more so, p«That>s, than with any other man living, no matter what the occupation^ nor how long tile tniiividual has industriously followed it. Bamum was the first to build up and successfully conduct an immense museum in America, or elsewhere for that matter,' and at originality always receives the amount ol encouragement due it, just in proportion to its d.eserts, so Mr. Barmum succeeded, and with one bound iju^ng on the top round of th« ladder of fame. Without money, and against the advic^i of his friends, he accomplished all this. He knew that his idea had in it the germ of success.* He was simply in advance of others. Had lie followed the counsel of his intimates and abandoned the project which to him uncovered all the elements of successful accomplish- ment and a brilliant career, some one else years later m would have carried it out, and there would have l>een no Barnum, theshowman. He paid fis.oOo for an old museum with its iiipires and stuflTed attractions, when it was worth, less to anyone else, and in six months had his money back. New li(e wasinfiued into .nil thiitgs round and about the establishment, an ! aijijijtpearance of animation and pros- perity prevaded evjerythi ng The museum became literally Buriuim, and without Bamum the mtiseum could not have lived one month. H » first move was to introduce living curiosities, such a.i little i eoplc, fat men mid women, men actually skin and bone, g eat giants, and so on, without limit. Now every large l 'wn in the country has its museum, and all of them give exactly the show Barmiro presented in New York forty-five years ago, except that they are not oiic-tenth as complete and extensive. The great manager w;is tliejirtt, the grtatftt and best of alt. He blaied th<! road, to use woodman phraseology, and many men have travi led it since, some with success, others With failure. J Wlicn Mr. Bamum exhibited the firstdwarf, Tom Thi'.mb, the wliole nation's liead was turned topsy-turvy, Xlt(.^ittle G> and the great iniknager became the most noted per- sonages, not only in this country but abroad. Mr. Barnum could not resist tiie importunities of foreign influence, and finally crossed the Atlantic with his midget man. Kings, Queeus, and noted men and women of the moat iashionable and popular European capitols paid homage to the dwarf and praised and fcaMed the great showman. After the Tom Thumb victory nt home and in the old worM, Mr. Bamum engagad at an unheard of salary, the famou» and beautiful Lind. The queen of song got rich in less than a year, so did n.-irnum, who was wealthy alrcidy. Then the great show- man built the enormous Now American Museum on Broad- way, 'h New Votk , afterwards destroyed by fire. In 1*170 he again appoared with the "World's F*ir,"»he first of his big traveling shows. 1874 gave the metropolis his Hii/po- drome, which was presented with the glory and splendor of the Tarquin and Casar eras. Since then, every year has been only a succeeding and unheard of triumph, and now h<j throws a rloud over every other aohiewment of the past by breaking England's heart, and givlngus— Jumbo, the ^ENTS. xome so •Hied with the m&k« the avocation and lot mention one without e other. Thii is notably 8 «o, p«that>s, than with rhat the occupation^ nor idustriously followed It. itnd successfully conduct ., or ekewhere for th&t receive* the amount ol purtion to its d.eserts, so one bound iju^nj on the e. Without money, and le accompliiihed all thit. le germ of success.* He . Had he followed the doned the project which )f successful accompllth- one else years later m re would have been no 15,060 for an old museum ions, when it was worth> ths had his money back. H round and about the of animation and pros- museum became literally museum could not have was to Introduce living t men Biid women, men nls, and so on, without country has its museum, ow Barnuro presented in cept that they are not 'e. The great manager /of alt. He blazed th<> ;y, and many men have i, others with failure, firstdwarf, Tom Thj'.mb, Itopsy-turvy, Xh4.^ittlo ame the most noted per- il abroad. Mr. Darnum )f foreign influence, and s midget man. Kings, I of the most fitthiunable d homage to the dwarf lowmRn, After the Tom old world, Mr. Bainum he famou! and beautiful r.z •.r.zzz:;Tf^mz:c jZr.v.y n lest than a year, lo did . Then the great show- loan Museum on Broad- Iroyed by fire. In 11*70 i'sFair.'Mhe first of hii : metropollH his Hi|)iK>- I lie glory and splendor lice then, every year has rd of triumph, and now achievement of the past giving Its— Jumbo, the i'; j f' y MWill •^Sitt^ffiiik .^...J' bm Mi - ^-ih^feV-.-^., 5e KING STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. STOCK COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, Viz: Brusseli| Carpet in alLgrades. Tapestry from 40c. to $1.00, All Wool Carpets in all qualities, ■ Tnir\-ri f^t English Oil Cloth 8 yds. wide, English Linoleum 4 yds. wide. I Endorsed by the jsarnnm Itondon Shows. "CANTON BLEACH."" Full Strength, No Artificial Weight, Eofb Finish. ee$9 for sate in Boston hy Mcasrs. C F. ITovey & Co., " ghepai-d, Norwell & Co., *' Hogj;, Itrowa St Taylor, " Chandler & Co., " Jordan, Marsh Si Co., " B. H. \nile« & Co., and others. !« SALKM. MASS, nv lEemrs. Almy, lBlg[*low & Wnslibum, and by leading retail uunseB In New York and FhiladeliAila. Ev0ry Piece of Goods Stamped ** Canton Bleach," I VICTOR BICYCLES and TRICYCLES HCLP WORLD'S RECORDS. oeiiiiM wiiiei, Bond for Catalog 179 TREMONT ST. BOSTOIV. SKI a HHff ^'jiie; gTarglants , and limit. Now every large 1 1 wn in the country has i ts museum, and all of them giv« exactly the show Bartium presented in New York forty-five years ago, except that they are not C! e-tcnth as comj^tete smA extensive. The great raanager wus \i.\tjirst, theg-rea/esi and iesi of all. Ke blazed the road, to use woodmax phraseology, and many men have traveled it since, some with success, others ^xTih iailuirc. J When Mr. Barmira exh&ited the firaftfwarf, Tom Thjirab, the whole nation's head Was tumettiopsy-turvy. "jpaii^UttW General artd thegreat mlinai(er became the most noted per- sonages, not only in this coontfy but abroad. Mr. Bamum could aot resist the importtutities of foreign ii)fluence, and finally crossed the Atlantic with his midget man. Kings, Queecs, and noted men and women of the most &shionable and popular European capitols paid homage to the dwarf sn(t t^.qt«»H an^ l»<ict^/t *y*^ TZZ* S^OV/V^^'^ . A^.'*' *h* ^.vm. Thumb victory a£ home and in the old world, 'Mr. Barnum engaged at an unheard of salury, the famous and beautiful voiced " Swedish Nightingale," the insomparable Jenny Ijnd. The queen of song got rich in lessthan a year, so did Barnum, who was wealthy alre^idy . Then the great show- man buClt the enormotts New American Museum on Broad. w«y, '» New York , afterwards destroyed by fire. In 1870 he again appeared.Mfith the "World's Fiir,"the first of hit big traveling shews. X874 gave the metropolis his Hippo- drome, which was presented with the glory and splendor of the Tarquin and Caesar eras. Since then, every year has been only a succeeding and unheard of triumph, and now ho thntws a cloud over every other achievmnent of the p»k\t by breaking England's heart, and {^ving us— Jumbo, the hero of such lovely poetry and pathetic prose story. jfThe Life of P. Ji^ parwjm, written by hidiself, and bronght down to^eSs^eads like a romance Over a mil- I ion copies hav^ fifeetfcirculatcd in this and foreign coun- tries. It abounds in valuable experiences and suggestions, while its wit and humor are irresistible. No p«rfos should fail to read and own a copy of it. • It is neatly bouud, fijil of pictures, and sold, «i exact coat, SO«MM«. ^ Tlte Sie«« Article tstent In7«ii«e4l IN HAISn or gOKT, HOT or <OLl> WATKU. H»t mtt Hrfth wundijrfui 8iic<5cs«, and th« (JPtti8|»4 t« BCMdlif !■• er««aIiiK. fi^>ld by all tirotfrn. but iwwum Of ^ileUaita> Thrt 8,mniu« MW»rs bnur* tho uamo ol JAIMC8 PYLI, NEW YORK, „ Jlllllil^ nAQTA CA kbnnw i» urtiB i n^ u^ DEL puhL ilkEEY Bi BOSTOli, I I country has its museum, w fiarnuro pretented in ;ept that they are sot :. The great raanager of all. Ke biazfsd this y, and many- men havo , others ^*rth failure rs^tfWarf, TomThjirab, iopgy-turvy. "jaiitUttte imc the most uot^d per- t abroad. Mr. Bamum f foreiga ii)fluenc«, and midget man. Kings, of the most &shionable 1 homage to the dwarf ntwna 2 After thsTo:^ old world, 'Mr. Barnum LC famous and beautiful le insomparable Jenny t less than a year, so did Then the great show- can Mus«um on Broad- royed by fire. In 1870 I's Fiir,"the first of^ht i metropolis his Hippo- the glory and splendor ice then, every year has rd of triumph, and now achievmnent of the p•k^t giving us— Jumbo, the etic prose story, ritten by hidiself, and romance Over a mil- this and foreign coun- ■iences and suggestions, ibie. No pcrfoB should • res, snd sold, «i exact ttx^wMiv ol tileUaiM> iW YORK, Viz: Briissel|^ Caypet injill^^riide^ Tapestry from 40c. to $1.00, All Wool Caroets in all Qualities. Union Carpets in all qualities, English Oil Cloth 8 yds. wide, English Linoleum 4 yds. wide. Lace Curtains, Madras Curtains, Turkoman Curtains. Window Poles , In BRASS, EBONY, EBONY and GILT, WALNUT, WAL- NUT and GILT. A. 0. SKINNER. tOSTOli, I Hllll I IIIU Printers of this Proacrmmme. m^m^i