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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 IT K R F. A S it Ims lecn t!ii,uylit i-vptiK. :it. Air tlic Iiifoiiii.iiiuii (jf tli,' I'mprii'tors offiiiniry Trads of LanJ, fiiiiatc in tlu- Province oi '\'yj.t-Scili;i, tir //•.W/,;, tii make known llic Tcimr ol' llic li.vi.i.il CJiaiit-. umlcr which the f.iiJ LanJ^ arc liclJ, therefore the li)l!owin|j; Kxtr.u'(5 arc prliitcd. I P.i.'iiit cr Chiint, tmckr the Hiind of the Grrjcy>iir, and Seal tf the Province s/Nova-Scotia, iiig G E N r L E M E N, viz. .76,-. /?;■ (/ PiiJiiit cr G \i>:t, unci r the 0,'/oki- iS'. I. Thoniiii F M:,, Acadia, » grunted ti the fdhtv- F.nncr, GrenijieiJ, iiy ■■:■'/ 'Tittenkiim, Ifilii/im Priykn; 'fil'H FeKf.n, I'.iq; ■Jdn -n-ln; YJ:\; j\':i:h!. kcrirs, Elq; Genre Gil/win, 'Jiinie; FinLiy, j'limei 'Jiimefiii, Olixier S/'irn'\ CknL i Petlit, Ijtiiie (Jiiti':, JM, a,; '/(in,i llmhei. 02. Col. Fred' Haldimand, 33. Al-jfes Hiizrn, 34. Th'.tna: Chipft, 35. //ie.\- J-ihn Satt, 36. Thonun Fidnner, Jim' 37. l)' Thimin Bliiir, 38. Hhhl If'-illlams, 39. Thomas Smilt, Efq; 40. Ghiiiles Alirris, Jim' 41. Hoii'-'l'-' Wv/f/.-i Hutchir/ln, 42. Iliijamiii Priee, Efq; 45. y-.A/; ^'■;.'./«!, Efq; 44. A'l////' '/,!>!. Ihlliindt. Eli,; 45. y>/i/( Frvin?-, Jiin' Efq; 4'.. 'a;.///..!- Ghrif/i,; Efq; 47. y'V'/''-' Unvnrd, 48. jyHiiiim Keou^h, 49. Daniel Dijncy, 50. Riehard Shurne, 51. l^miii-n EvlKi, Elq; 5;.. //.v;,'/) P.irlf); 5 j. iriUuim Sprv, Efq; 54. y.-/.;: C-;..//.;-//, Efq; 5v l)' Rilerl Hell, 50. y./i.i Jordiin, 5-. 'U'd'liim ll:i--eii, 55. J.:,'/iei Sl/nmoii, 59. Fre:leru!: Haldlrnw I, Jim' Oj. y./i)/ Livl 'listen, Et'q; (11. ys/.'fl Z.Y/,(-i' Lhorage. 1765. 0.%/'^r 18. 1705. '7f'S- " A Tract of L.iiul, lo liucallc'i t!i.'n and Settling, are tlie l.une la this (ii.ini .! ''/ii>/h i\; vvhicf are excepted. . iliat of the 'Fownfliips of Gii^i P) another P.iteiil cfth's Date, is i^rante,! t: the /ic,-fi/>,r Peil.n-:, ii> idf) ti John Lewis G.i ', TlK-mas .Moncrief, Eff, Oliver De l.aiicev, "fun' Riel'.aid liurton, Kdwaid Hiilk^lv, /■.'/y; tiiitl ]o(e\t\\ 1'eai.h, l'j\; " A Trasl of I^and, to be called the Townlliip of Sunhin, fitnate on the Well Side of the River St. 'y:hn':, beginning at the N'onii-F.alf Doundary of the Lands referved lor.Maior Oth: H,imill',n, and ti run South 45 Degrees We'.f 19 and an H.ilf .Miles, ihuKC North. 45 De.;recs Wilt 10 Miles, thence North 45 Degrees F.ill till it meets the River St. 'f-.hn's, thence the Courfe of the River to the firlt mentioned Koimdary, to/ethcr with all lllands in the Front, ruiming on the laid River, except fuch Lands or lllands as are already granted, and except ^.-is Acres, inchidiiie. .1 Chiireh and Hiirving-Ground, at .•/.'W/-..VA-, and 4 .Xercs for a Bu- rving-Cji-ouiid at St. Anne's- Point, and the llland lommonh c.dled the Indnir.- lllmd. Alfo " Another 'i'racf of Land, leginning ai the Soiiih-Welf Corner of L.mds .ilready ijranted to the fai.l T'-::n.is PdcaKey, and his Af.ociat.s, on the North-Ealf Side of the River St. Jihii\, and to run Noiih 45 Degrees Fait along the Line of the laid Lands gr.intcd to the (aid Th'.n.-iK Fiileoner 5i C '-' ami L.mds ungr.inted 13 Miles, thence Nordl 70 Degrees Weil on ungranted Lands 7 Mile', th.nte houtli 1 1 Dvgiees Well till it meets the hill mentioned Hi'iindaiv, which laid two I'raCts contain about 1 25, .00 .-Xcres, "• 'I'lie CoiiditiiMis, in Refpisit to Rent, Lielofmg, Cultivation .:nd Scttleinem, are the fame in this (j'lant as in the Grant of the 'Fi.v. niLip of (/(,;,;i aiu! C-;«fc..T. " A ge.Kral Rclervat.on of all Mine ^.ifGidd, Silver, a!\l C"o,.!s, ii made ill each Gi.mt relpeetivelv ." ■ / [fyEllKC; I'rlnt.J |.y llkLvvs .'. Cr.