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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 PROCLANil rr-' I ' " ' I I « ! ! • Sv nrnn t-.t I^VBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY I tf the South Biding of the Coantr of Waterloo, that ii obidten^e t3 He l»h day of the Month of H&T, A. D. 1S63. 1 require tb In (he said South Bidiiq^ of the Coui MONDir, THE 8th DAT of the uiShltf •*9k9«k, noon; (or the purpose of electing * fit aiid proner person to represcnl them in the Leg And allowea in the manner by Law preacribed, snc WEDNESDAY, the 17th DAY of tt Kelt, ia Ae Townships of South Waterloo, North Dumfries, and Wilmot, and' also iti (he Villages of Vn peflKMDi !• hereby required to take notice and to pjovern himself accordingly. QkHH ttader my hand, at Berlin, in the said'County, this 27th day of the Month ot May, in thi m <^ Ketur itt^Mlt IVh^ank i •> Cf "t.r !SS RGB) 6IVEN, To the Eiecttn I ol)3dt8ii3e t3 Her Hajosty's Writ to me di eeted, and besiiag dftto Ihi IS63. 1 require the presence of the said Electors at the •.V\ tidily of the Connty of Waterloo^ on or the MONTH OF JUNE, tm, .-■'■■ ' * • eprescnt thero in the Legislative Assembly of this Province ; and in case a POLL shalJ b« demanded, r by Law prescribed, sncb a Poll will be opened on i¥ or the MONTH of ilM, 18«3, ilso iti Ke Villages of Preston, Uespeler, and New Hamburg, and in the Town of Oalt» of »U which every Month ot May, in the year of Onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. <^ Keturning Officer, South Ridiiig County of Waterloo. > ^ -. C3»