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RoiiERTsoNS ch:£ai> series 
 Compiled from the moat reliable sources. Fuller than the " Clipper " Almanac.. 
„ M 
 iv ;■{». j .jfe. .;.'».. 
 ^.' ', 
 Stephen Roberts 'owed Sidney Dorlon 
 tiTe times, winning lour ; he also beat Rob- 
 ert Martin, Hudson River, 10 miles, Steph- 
 en Roberta is said to have beaten all oppo- 
 nents from his 18th to his 35th year. No re- 
 cord kept. 
 James Lee bt. Mike Conkling, off Battery, 
 N. v., »200, May, 1S50. 
 James Lee won first prize American 
 Institute Fair Regatta, otf Castle Garden, 
 Sept., 1850. 
 James Lee bt. William Decker, off Bat- 
 tery. N.Y.Oct. 5, 1850. 
 James Lee bt. Charles Thomas, off Castle 
 Garden, 3 miles, $200, May 1851. 
 William Decker bt. James Lee, off Castlo 
 Garden, N. Y., 8J900, July 1851. Suit en- 
 tered and stakes drawn. 
 James Lee bt. Prioe, Hudson River N. Y., 
 $200, Aug., 1851. 
 Charles Price won first prize American 
 Institute Fair Regatta, off Castle Garden, 
 N. Y., Sept., 1851. 
 Charles Thomas bt. Price, off Castle Gar- 
 den, 32:30, $200, Sept., 1851. 
 Charles Thomas bt. J as. Lee, off Castle 
 Garden, 32:30. $200, Oct., '51. 
 Charles 'Ihomas bt. Jas Lee, off Castle 
 Garden, 32m , $200, Oct '51. 
 Thomas Daw bt. Thomas Burns, 8 miles, 
 $200, Aug. 11, 1855. 
 Thomas Burns bt. Decker, D. Hayes and 
 Collins, Fort Hamilton, N. Y., August 19, 
 Andrew Fay bt. Stephen Roberts, Harlem 
 River, N. Y., 5 miles, !?.-»0. Nov., 1855. 
 Andrew Fay bt. Stephen Roberts, Harlem 
 Rivor, N. Y., 5 miles, 44.20, $200, Dec. 18, 
 First Shell in *merinr\ built by James 
 McKav,andlauncu«3d Juno 4, 185({. Williams- 
 bury L. I. 
 Tlimnas Burns tookfirHt firflt prize, Staten 
 Island Ri'giuta, Sept. l(i, 1857. 
 Thnm»B>l)aw bt. William (ilen, 5 miles. 
 43:06, $1,000, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 28 
 John Haucou won first prize, Newburg 
 (N. Y.) Regatta, July, 4, 1858. 
 Andrew Fay won tirst prize, Staten Island 
 (N.Y.) Regatta, Aug, 1858. 
 J. H. Seymour won first prize, Springfield 
 (Mass.) Regatta, 2 miles, 16:10, Aug. 27, 
 Josh Ward bt. John Hancon, Newburc 2 
 miles, 16:07, Oct. 15, 1858. 
 T. Grover won first prize, Worcester 
 (Mass.) Regatta, 2 miles, 16:20, Julv 5. 
 1859. ' ' 
 John Hancon won first prize, Staten Is- 
 land (N. Y.) Regatta, Aug. 15, 1869. 
 Josh Ward bt. Walter Brown, Hancon 
 and Grover, Newburg, N.Y., 5 miles, $100. 
 Se])t. 20, 1859. • > » . 
 Andrew Fay bt. Tom Daw, Staten Island. 
 5 mile-s 39m., $1000, Sept. 29, 1869. 
 John Hancon won first prize, Albany 
 (N Y.)Reg.-^tta, 3 miles, 25:17, Sent. 1859. 
 iosh Ward, won champion belt," beating 
 John Hancon, Andrew Fay, a»d Thomas 
 Daw, Staten Island, N. Y., 5 miles, 35:10. 
 Oct. 11, 1859. 
 Josh Ward won first prize, Boe'jon (Mass ) 
 Reiiatta, 3 miles, 23:16, $200, Oct. 25 
 Josh Ward won first prize, Worcester 
 (Mass.) Regatta,2miles,15:17i,Julv 25.1860. 
 Denny Leary won first prize, Pough- 
 keepsie, N. Y., 5 miles, 48: '^6, Sept. 5. 
 1860. ^ 
 Andrew Fay won first prize, Pough- 
 keepsieN. Y., Smiles, .'WIS, Sept. G, 1860. 
 Josh Ward won first prize, Albany (N.Y ) 
 Regatta, Oct. 11' 1860. 
 Josh Ward bt. N\'illiam Burger, Pough- 
 keepsie, N. Y., 10 miles, 83m., $500. Nov. 
 5, 18(iO. 
 Andrev/ Fay. bt. William Decker, Jersey 
 City, N. J., 4 miles, $400, Nov. 2.3. 1860. 
 William Stevens be. J. Biglin. Pougb- 
 keepsio, 5 miles, 38:45, $200, Sept. 24, 1861. 
 John Bi^iin bt. John McGrady, Harlem 
 Rivor, N. v., 5 miles, 39:47. $400, Oct. 3, 
 .lann's Hamill bt. Wm. Campbell, Pitts- 
 burg, Pi. 3 miles, 24:50, $.50, Oct, 5, 186L 
 Jaiiit-b HuMiill bt. Josh WanI, Fhi.ludel- 
 phia, Pa., 3 miles, 27:39, $600, Aug. 13, 
 Jamen flainill won first prize, Beacon Cup, 
 Boston (Mhpb.) Regatta, 2 miles, 18:05^, 
 June 20, 18G3. 
 Josh Ward, bt. Jamex Hamill, Pough- 
 keepsie, N. Y. Smiles, 42:29, $1,000, July 
 23, 18()3. 
 James Hamill bt. Josh Ward, Pough- 
 keepsie N. Y., 6 mileii, 37:38, $1,000, Sept. 
 28. I8G3. 
 William Stevens bt. Gil Ward, Pough- 
 keepHie, N. Y., 5 miles, 39:53, $400, Oct. 
 28, 1863. 
 James Hamill bt. Josh Ward, Pittsburg, 
 Pa., 5 miles, 40:46, $1,000, July 19, 1864. 
 J. H. Iladford won first prize, Worcester 
 (Mass.)H»gatta, 2 miles, 16:36, July 30. 
 John BiUin bt. W. H. Hayes, Staten 
 Island, 5 miles, 41:12, $1,000, Nov. 9, 
 John !»/ekeol bt. Gil Ward, Sing Sing, 
 N. Y., 5 miles, 41m., $250. July 10, 1866. 
 W^alter Brown bt. Josh Ward, Portland, 
 Me,, 3 miles, 22.30, $2,000, Sept 18, 1866. 
 Josh Ward won first prize, Spriugfield, 
 (Mass.) Regatta, 2 miles, 15:59, Sept. 20, 
 Walter Brown bt. Josh Ward, Worcester 
 (Mass.) Regatta, 2 miles, 15:16, Sept. 27. 
 John Bilgin bt. J. McGradv. Hoboken, 
 N. J., 6 miles, 39:40 $500, Nov", 1866. 
 William jtteveus bt. Gil Ward, Pough- 
 keepsie, N. Y., 6 miles, 38:39, $300, Nov. 
 1, 1866. 
 Walter Brown, bt. James Hamill, Pitts- 
 bun?, Pa., 5 miles, $2,00*», May 21, 1867. 
 Walter Brown pulled 3 miles against time, 
 23m., Worcester (Mass.) Regatta. July 19, 
 John Meukel won first prize, Worcester 
 (Mass.) Regatta, July 19, 1867. 
 James Hamill bt. Walter Brown, New- 
 burg, N Y., 6 miles, $2,000, Sept. 9, 1867. 
 Henry Coulter bt. John Meckel, Pitts- 
 burg, Pa„ 5 miles, 41 :50, $2,000, Oct. 30, 
 John Tyler jr. won arold medal, Charles 
 River Championship, Boston, Mass , 2 miles, 
 15:31, May 22, 1868. 
 John Tyler jr. bt. Walter Brown, Phila., 
 Pm., 3 miles, June 18, 1868. 
 James Hamill bt. H. Coulter, Phila., Pa., 
 5 miles, $2,000, June 19, 1868. 
 John Tyler jr. bt. Walter Brown. Hudson 
 River, N. Y., 2 miles, June 24. kJ68. 
 Ch«rles Ward bt. J T. Kayniond, Sing 
 Sing, N. Y., 5 miles, $600, July, 1868. 
 John Tyles, jr. bt. Joliu Meckel, Wur- 
 oester, Mass., 2 miles, 14:52, $1,000, July 
 24, 1868. 
 George Brown won championship ol 
 Halifax, N. S., 2^ miles, 23:22. Aug. 1, 
 R. W. Hayes won championship, Toronto, 
 C. W., 2 miles, 16:08, Aug. 22, 1868. 
 Walter Brown bt. H. Coulter, Pit'sburg, 
 Pa., less than 6 miles, 34: 28^ $2,000, Sept. 
 9, 1868. 
 John Meekel beat O'Neil. Newburg, N. 
 Y., 2 miles. 15.61, Oct. 21, 1868. 
 John Mekeel bt. J. Bigliu, B. Biglin, J. 
 Blu« and W. H. Ha>e^. Hudson River, N. 
 Y., Smiles, Nov. 25, J 868. 
 Walter Brown won gold medal. Boston, 
 Mass., 2 miles, 16:48, June 16, 1869. 
 Walter Brown won first prize, Boston, 
 Mass., 2 miles, 17:14, June 17, 1869. 
 James Hamill and Henry Coulter, Pits- 
 bur e. Pa., 6 miles, $1,000, draw, Aug. 7, 
 Henry Coulter bt. James Hamill, Pits- 
 burs. Fa., 5 miles, 37:51, $2,000, Aug. i9, 
 Wm. Scharff bt. W^m. Stein, Pittsburg, 
 Pa., 3 miles, 25:07, July 3, 1«69. 
 John Biglin bt. Fred Sinzer, Hu<^"<<on 
 River, N. Y., 5 miles, 46m., July 12, 1869 
 John Blue bt. Fred Siuzer, Hudson 
 River, N. Y., 6 miles, July M, 1869. 
 Wm. H. Hayes won flag, Ned James' 
 Regatta, East River, N. Y., 3 miles, Aug. 
 28, 1869. 
 Henry Coulter won first prize, Meadville, 
 Pa., Sept. 11, 1869. 
 W'm. Scharflf bt. Jos. Scott, Pittsburg, 
 Pa., 1 mile, Sept. 18. 1869. 
 James Hamill won first prize, Louisv'lle, 
 Ky., 3 miles, 24:20, Sept. 14, 1869. 
 Thomas C. Butler won first prize, Boston, 
 (Mass.) Regatta, 2 miles, 16:41, Juno 17, 
 J. J. O'Leary won first prize. Worcester 
 (Mass.) Rcgaita, 2 miles, 16:11^, July 23, 
 Wm. Scharflf bt. H. Best, Pittsburg, Pa., 
 5 miles, Aug. 6, 1870. 
 Ellis Ward won first prize, M. R. 0. 
 Regatta, East River, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1670. 
 John Mekeel bt. Thomas C. Butler, Bo.ston 
 Mass., 3 miles, 22:51, $500, Aug. 21, 1870. 
 T, C. Butler bt.J. A. Landers, Lowull, 
 Mass., 2 miles, 16:05, $500, Aug. 24, 1870. 
 Geo. Lovatt won championship of Halifttx, 
 N. S., Sept. 1, 1870. 
 William Schartf won single scxill nee, 
 Pittsburg (Ita.) Regatta, 3 miles, 24:40, S.-pt. 
 3. 1870. 
 John Biglin and John Blue, Empire City 
 RogHtta, Harlem River, 4 miles, 32m. (dead 
 heat), Sept. 6, 1870. 
 ■ S' 
 EIKm Ward won first prizA at Bergen Point 
 ^. J.) Regatta, 3 miles, o3:36, |100, Sept. 
 10, 1870. 
 J . J. O'Leary bt. P . Harrington, Worcester, 
 Mm8., 3 miles (short), 22:05, Sept. 14. 1870. 
 £(1. Murphy bt. James Ten Eyuk, Corn- 
 wall, N. Y., 3 miles, $200, Oct 6, 1870- 
 J. J. O'Leary bt. J. A. Landers, Wor- 
 cester, Mass., 3 milits 'short), 22:16, $500, 
 Nov. 3, 1870. 
 T C. Butler won championship medal, 
 Boston, Mass., June 17, 1871 
 Ellias Ward won first prize, Newburg, N. Y • 
 4 miles, 31:55, July 5, 1871. 
 Eph Morris bt. Rooney Miller, Pittsburg, 
 3 miles, 24m., $600, July 15, 1871. 
 W. B. Curtis won gold medal, N Y. Ath- 
 letic Club Regatta, Harlem River, N . Y ., 2 
 miles, 14m., July 29, 1871. 
 Bulyea bt. Bray ley, St. John, N. B., 3 
 mUes, 24m., Aug. 17, 1871. 
 Harry Kelley won first prize, $1,000, 
 Quebec, Dominion of Canada, Sept. 20j 1871. 
 Amelia Shea won first prize, Empire City 
 Regatta, Harlem River, N. Y., 2 miles, 
 18:32, women's race, Sept. 25, 1871. 
 John Biglin won first prize, Empire City 
 Regatta, Harlem River, 4 miles, 31:59, Sept. 
 26, 1871. 
 C. E. Courtney bt. Jack Elsefier, Ithaca, 
 N. Y., 19:91, May 11, 1872. 
 Wm. ScharflFbt. T. C. Butler, Phila., Pa., 
 6 miles, $1,000, June 7, '72 
 M. F. Davis won gold medal, Portland, 
 Me., 2 niles 16:37, June 12, 1872. . 
 Ellias Ward bt. J. J. O'Leary, Worcester, 
 Mass*, 3 miles (?), 21:30, $1,000, June 26, 
 Robert Berry bt. Henry Coulter, Bufl^alo, 
 N. Y.. rowing against time, 3 miles, 23im., 
 July 8. 1872. 
 J O'Neil won first prize, Worcester, Mass., 
 2 miles, 15:45, July 19, 12. 
 R. Berry won first prize, Laohine (C. E) 
 Reeatta, Aug. 17, 1872. 
 John Biglinbt Ellias Ward, Nyack, N. Y., 
 6mil(5a, 39:06. $1,000, Sept. 19, 1872. 
 J. Mol'ready, bt. W. B. Curtis, gold 
 medal, Hailem River, N. Y., 2 miles, Sept. 
 21, 1872. 
 Fred Wolf won fir8tprize,Cinciunatti (Ohio) 
 Regatta, Sept. 27, 1872. 
 W. B. Curtis bt. J. McCready. gold medal. 
 N. Y. City, 2 miles, 17:10, Oct. 16, 1872. 
 James Ten Eyok bt. Gil Ward and J. T. 
 Raymond, Peektkil, N. Y., 3 miles, 24:23, 
 Oct, 23, 1872. I 
 Wm. B. Curtis won champion medal, 
 Harlem River, N. Y., 2 miles, 14:29, May 9, 
 T. C. Butler won champion medal, Boston, 
 MsM., May 16. 187& 
 Gil Wai.1, Mughag's 
 20:12, $100. June 4, 
 James Ten Eyck bt. 
 Lake, N. Y., 2 miles, 
 Eph Morris bt. T. C. Butler, Lowell (Mass.) 
 Regatta, 2 miles, 16:10, July 9, 1673. 
 Wallace Rosa bt. John Harding, tit. John, 
 N. B.. July 10, 1873. 
 John Biglin bt. Ellis Ward, Springfield, 
 Mass., 5 miles, $1,000, July 15, 1$73. 
 Robert Fultnn won first prize, St. John 
 (N. B.) Regatta, Aug. 21, 1873. 
 Chas. K Courtney won first prize, Sara- 
 toga (N. Y.) Regatta, 2 miles, 14:15, Sept. 
 11, 1873. 
 Wra. B. Curtis rowed 50 miles, Chicago, 
 111., lOh. 11m. 55s., April 25, 1874. 
 F. A. Plaisted won first prize, Boston, 
 Mass., 1 mile. May 8, 1874. 
 T. C. Butler won first prize. West End 
 Regatta, Boston, Mass., 2 miles, 16:05, June 
 17, 1874. 
 James Ten Eyck bt. Wm. Scharff, Peeks- 
 kill, N. Y., 3 miles, 25m., $1,000, June 26, 
 M. F. Davis won first prize, Portland |kle. ) 
 Regatta, 2 miles, 15:37, July 4, lfi74. 
 Fred A. Plaisted bt. Michael Aheara, 
 Boston, Mass., 5 miles, $200. 
 James Ten Eyck bt, O. Dyckman, Peekt- 
 kill, N. Y., 3 miles, 28:60, Aug. 1, 1874. 
 Alex. Bray ley won first prize, St. Stephens, 
 US. B.) Regatta, 2 miles, 16:09, Aug. 4, 
 J . A. Ten Eyck won first prize Rockawav 
 (L. I.) RegatU, Aug. 9, 74. 
 John Brown won first prize, Worcester 
 (Mass.) Regatta, 2 miles, 15:01J^, Aug. 19, 
 Wallace Ross won first prize, St. John, 
 (N. B.) Regatta, August 21, 74. 
 Chas. E. Courtney won first prize, Sara> 
 toga(N. Y.) Regatta, 2 miles 14:44, Aug. 
 28, 1874. 
 Eph Morris bt. H. Conlter, Hulton, Pa., 
 5 miles. 37:03, $1,000, Sept. 11, 1874. 
 Chas. E. Courtney won firstprize, Owasca 
 Lake Regatta, Auburn, N. l ., Sept. 14, 
 J . A Landers won first prize, Sebags 
 Lake, Me., 3 miles, 19:32, Sept. 16, 1874. 
 John Biglin bt. J. Ten Eyok, Nyack, 
 N. Y., 3 miles, about 23m., $1,000, Occ. 9, 
 Fred A. Plaisted bt. T. C. Butler, Boston, 
 MsRS., 2 miles, 14.46f, $2t)0, Oct. 10, >674 
 Eph Morris bt. H. Coulter, Hulton, Pa., 8 
 miles; $1,000, Oct. 16, 74. 
 Chas. E Courtney won first prize, Sara- 
 tof?a(N.Y.) Regatta, 2 miles, 13:39} Aug 
 John Brown won championship of Halifax, 
 N. S., 3 miles, Aug. 3, 76. 
 A Brayley bt. P McNulcv, St. Joho, 
 N. B., 3 mile?, 25:20, §400, Auy. 12, 1876. 
 Ed Haulau bt. T. Loudon, Ontario cham- 
 pionship, Toronto, $200, Au^'. 20, 1875. 
 A Brayley bt. Lau<ierK, St. Scephena, N. 
 B.. Smiles, Aug. 23, 1875. 
 M. F. Davis bt. F. A. Piaiated, Boston, 
 Mass., 3 miles, 22:15, Auir. 25, 1875. 
 M. F. Davis bt. F. A. Plaisted, Portland, 
 Me., Smiles, Sept, 1, 1875. 
 M F Davis bt. J. .i. O'Leary, Portland, 
 Me.," 3 rpiles, 23m., $500, Sept. 15, 1875. 
 Geo. Englehart bt James O'Neal, Saratojja 
 Lake. N. Y., 3 nUes, 22:22^, 2,000, Sept. 
 23, 1875. 
 A. Brayley bt. J. Brown, Halifax, N. S., 
 8 miles, l$?00, Sept. 24, 1875. 
 Ellias Ward bt. Frank Kilsby, Seneca 
 Lake, N. Y., 2 miles, 15:28, $1,000, Oct. 8, 
 1875. , , ^^ 
 VV, Ross won first prize, Portland Har- 
 bour. May 24, 1876. 
 Wallace Ross bt. A. Brayley, St. John, 
 N. B., 5 miles, 41:03i, $400, June 15, 
 T. C. Butler won first prize. West End 
 Regatta, Boston, Mass., 16m., June 17, 
 Warren Smith won first prize, Halifax, 
 N. S., 3 miles, 23m., Aug. 7, 1876. 
 James Riley won first prize, Saratoga, 
 (N. Y ) Regatta, 2 miles, 13:21^, Aug 9, 
 Ed. Hauian won first prize, Toronto, 
 (Ont.) Ri-gatta, 2 miles, Aug. 12, 1876. 
 A T. Siewart. bt. T. C. Butler, Sebago 
 Lake, Me., 2 miles, 17.37, Aug. 16, 1876. 
 Wallace Rosa bt. Alex. Brayley, St. John, 
 N. B., 3S miles, $200, Oct. 19, 1878. 
 Eph Morris bt. Wm. ScharfF, Pittsburg, 
 Pa., 5 miles, 36:45, $2,000, June 9, 1877. 
 J. Han Ian bt. J. Adair, 2 miles, $100, 
 Toronto Bay, Ont., June 8, 1877. 
 Ed. Hanian won first prize. Silver Lake, 
 (Mass.) Regatta 3 miles, 21:41f, June 25, 
 M. F. Davis bt. Geo. Faulkner, Boston, 
 Mass., 3 miles, 22:58i, $1,000, June 27, 
 P. Restau bt. J. A. Launders. Boston, 
 Mass., 3 miles, 22:53i, $2,000, June 29, 
 Wallace Ross bt. Warren Smith, St. 
 John, N. B., 3 miles, 26m., July 25, 1877. 
 Chas. E. Courtney bt. Riley and Plaisted, 
 Saratoga, N. N., 3 miles, 20:474, Aug. 28, 
 C. E. (Jourtney won first prize, Owasco 
 Lake, (N. Y.) Regatta, 3 miles, 21:29i, Sept. 
 27, 1877. 
 Eph. Morris bt. Patrick Luther, Hulten, 
 Pft., 5 miles, 37m., $2,000, Oct. 13, 1877. 
 Edward Hanian bt. Wallace Ross, Toronto, 
 $2,000, Oct. 1.5, 1877. 
 < "has. E. Courtney won first prize, Owego 
 Lake RegatU, 3 miles, 20:14^, 0.^t. 17, 1877. 
 M. F. Davis bt. George Hosmer. $1,000. 
 Boston, Ma s., H nnles, 23:04, Nov. 2", 
 lu contests where no places are designated, 
 the matches tuoi^ place on the Thames 
 Champion Course, distance four miles 
 three furlongs. 
 Robert Chambers won Thames National 
 Regatta, 1856. 
 Robert < 'hambers won Thames National 
 Regatta, 1858. 
 Robert Chambers bt. Tom White, Tyne, 
 April 19, 1859. 
 Robert Chambers bt. Tom White, Sept. 
 George Drewitt bt. Harry Clasper, Tyne, 
 22:32 £200, April 24, 1860. 
 Harry Kelley bt. J. Messenger, 23:30, 
 M»y 12, 1857. 
 Richard Green bt. Thomas McGrath, Port 
 Jackson, Australia, 26:30, £200, Aug. 9, 
 Robert Chambers bt. H. Kelley, 25:25, 
 Sept. 29, 1869. 
 Henry Clasper bt. R. Claudish, Tyne, 
 Sept. 27, 1860. 
 William Lumbly bt. Wm. Taylor, Tyne, 
 Sept. 27, 1860. 
 R. Cooper bt. G. Strong, Tyne, Sept. 27, 
 G. Hammerton bt. G. Drewitt. 24:25, 
 £100. Nov. 14, 1860. 
 J. H. Clasper bt. G. Drewitt, Tyne, £400, 
 May, 1862. 
 ■ I 
 No official^ time was taken of those mark* 
 ed thus.* 
 1859, Oct 11 — J W^ard won championship 
 belt, 5 miles, turn, Staten, Island 36m lOs. 
 1862, Aug 13— J Hamill bt J Ward, $500, 
 3 miles, turn, Phila. 22m 278. 
 1862,AuB 14— J Hamill bt J Ward, $600, 
 5 miles, turn, Phila, 37m 39s. 
 1863,July 23— J Ward bt J Hamin,$l,000, 
 5 miles, turn, Poughkeedsie, 42m 20s. 
 1863, Sept 28— J HamUl bt J Ward, 
 September 11— E 
 $1,000, 5 miles. 
 Morris beat H 
 (short) Hulton, 
 $2,000, 5 miles, turn, Poughkeepsie, 37m 
 1864, July 10— J Hamill bt J Ward, 
 $1,000, 5 miles, tum,Pitt8burg,Pa,40m,468. 
 18()7, May 21— W Brown bt J Hamill, 
 $•2,000, 5 miles, turn. Pittsburg, 46m 30s. 
 1867, Sept 9 -J Hamill bt W Brown, 
 $4,000, 5 miles, turn, foul, Newburg, N Y, 
 1868, June 19— J Hamill bt H Coulter, 
 182,000, 5 miles, (short) turn, Phila, .37m 
 1868, Sept 9 -W Brown bt H Coulter, 
 $2,000, less than 5 miles, Pittsburg, 34m 
 1874, July 8— G Brown beat W ScharflF, 
 $4,000, 5 miles, turn, Springfield, Mass. * 
 1874, September 26— G Brown beat E 
 Morris, $4,000, 5 miles, turn, St. John, N 
 B, 37m. 
 1875 October 16— E Morris heat H CouL 
 ter, $1,000, 5 miles, (short) Hulton, 35m 
 1876, October 21— VV Sehartf beat E Mor- 
 ris, $2,C00, 5 miles, turn, Pittsburg. * 
 1877, June 9— E, Morris beat W Scharff, 
 $2,000, 5 miles, turn, Pittsburg, 36m 458. 
 1877, October 13— E Morris beat Pat Lu- 
 ther. $2,000, 5 miles, turn, Hulton, 37m. 
 1878, June 20— E Hanlan beat E Morris, 
 $2,000, 5 miles, turn, Hulton, 37. 
 1&78, October 4— E Hanlan beat Charles 
 E Courtney, $2, (XX) a side, (nominally, real- 
 ly $1,0()0 a side) with a $6,000 purse added, 
 5 miles, turn, 36m 23a. 
 1865,Juiy 18— John, James and Bernard 
 Biglia and D Leary of New York City bt E 
 Beneway, W Berger, H Wooden and W 
 Stevens of ?oughkeepHie, $6,000, 5 miles, 
 turn— Poughlieepsie, N Y, 37m lOs. 
 1865, Sept 25- Joshua, Gil, Charley and 
 Henry Ward bi Biglin- Leary crew, $2,000,5 
 miles, turn. Sin? Sing, N Y, 33m 05s. 
 1867, Sept 11— Ward Brothers (as above) 
 bt D McCaffrey, J W McCaffrey, John 
 Morris and T M MoAuley of St John, N B, 
 $2,000, 5 miles, turn, Springfield, Mass,39m 
 1868,Oct21— ParUCrewof St John (G 
 Price, 3 Ross, S Hutton and R Fulton) bt 
 Ward Brothers, $3,000, 6 miles,turn,Spring. 
 field \as8, 39m 27|8. 
 VWT.Sppt 9— n Campbell bt Willians, 
 Tiiaues River. 
 1846, Aug 19— C Coombes bt C CatapbeU, 
 £400, 41 miles, Thames, 26m 158. 
 1852, May 24— T Cole bt R Coomben,JE400, 
 43 miles, Thames, 2dm 15a. 
 1857. Nov 20— J Messenger bt V Cole, 
 £400, 4f miles, TLames, 24m 45s. 
 1357, May 12 -H Kelley bt J Messenger, 
 £400, 4g miles Thames, 34m SOs. 
 1859, Sept 29— R Chambers bt H Kelley, 
 £400, 4 3 8 miles, Thames 25m 258. 
 Frank Kilsby bt W. Spencer, Thames 
 (short), 23:05. Sept. 22, 1862. 
 Frank Kilsby bt. W. Spencer, 27:29, Not. 
 10, 1862. 
 1863, June 16 — R Chambers (champion of 
 England) bt R A W Green, Champion of 
 Australia) Match £400, 4 3 8 miles straight- 
 away, Thames, Eng,|52m^3s. 
 Tom King (pugilist), bt. E. May, Thames 
 Course (short), 27:10, £50, Nov. 4, 1864. 
 David Coombes bt. Frank Kilsby, 25:16, 
 £200. Dec, 1864. 
 1865, Aug8— H Kelley bt R Chambera 
 £400, 4 3 8 miles, Thames, 23m 26s. 
 1866, July 4— H Kelley (champion of Eng- 
 land) bt J Hamill (champion of America) 
 match £500 and championship of the world, 
 4i miles straightaway, Tyne, Eng., 33m 29a. 
 1866, July 5 -H Kelley bt J Hamill match 
 £300, turn, Tyne, 36m. 
 1866 Nov 22— R Chambers bt J Sadler 
 ^ttOO, 4 3-8 miles 25m 4s. 
 1867, May 6— H Kelley bt R Chambera, 
 £400, about 4^ miles, Tyne 31m 47s. 
 Tom King bt. Percy, £100, Jan. 26, 1865. 
 Harry Kelly bt. R, Chambers, Tyne, 4i 
 miles, 31:49i, £400, May 6, 1867. 
 Harry Kelley and J. H. Sadler, £600 (foul), 
 Nov. 27, ordered to row Nov. 28, 1867 ; 
 Kelley rowed over tha course alone. 
 W. Sadler bt. J. Biffin, £100 (foul). Feb. 
 11. 1868. 
 James Benforth bt. J. Bright, Tvne, 2 
 miles, 13:22, March 28, 1868. 
 James Renforth won Thames Regatta, 
 £90, Aug. 4, 1868. 
 James Renforth bt. H. Kellev, £400, Nov. 
 7, 1868. 
 Hart-y Kellev bt. J. H. Sadler, 23m., 
 £400, Deo. 1, 1868. 
 Mark Addy bt. W. Sadler, £200, March 
 15, 1869. 
 Robert Cooper bt. J. Taylor, Tyne, £100. 
 April 12, 12, 1869, 
 James Renforth won Thames Regatta, 
 24:01, Aug. 1869. 
 Walter Brown (American) bt. W. Sadler, 
 Tyne, £100, Nov. 19, 1869. 
 William Sadler, bt. J. Heath, £100, March 
 1, 1870. 
 Harrv Kellev bt. J. Bright, Tyne, 28:30 
 £400, May 2, 1870. 
 John Winship bt. R. Hepplewhite, Tyne, 
 £100, May 21. 1870. 
 Michael Rush bt. Hickey, Sydney, Aus- 
 tralia, May 21, 1870. 
 J. H. Sadler bt. Harry KeUey, 24:07i, 
 £400, July 14, 1870. 
 Stephen Wright bt. William Saddler, 
 King'8 Lynn, £100, July 27, 1870. 
 J. H. Sadler won Thames championship, 
 Aug. 15, 1870. 
 William Hickey bt. M. Rush. Sydney, 
 Australia, 25:03, £400, Nov. 19, 1870. 
 Robert Bagnall bt. Ralph Hepplewhite, 
 Tyne, £50. May 1. 1871. 
 Robert Bagnall bt. Mark Addy, 29:55, 
 £100, May 1872. 
 Thomas Winship bt W. Biffin, 29.40, 
 £100, May 7, 1872. 
 R. Bagnall bt. M. Addey, 2 miles, £100, 
 Nov. 4, 1872. 
 M. Rush bt. Wm. Hiokey, Sydney, Aus- 
 tralia, £200, Feb. 15, 1773. 
 Thomas Winship bt. J. Lally, Tyne, £200, 
 March 10, 1873. 
 Alexander Hogarth bt. R. W. Boyd, 
 Weir, £50. July 23, 1873. 
 Harry Kelley bt. J . Taylor, Tyne, 3 miles, 
 20:03, £400, July 28, 1873. 
 Alex. Hogarth bt. R. W. Boyd, Weir, 
 £50, Aug. 4, 1873. 
 Bobert Bagnall bt. H. Relley, Tyne, 3 
 miles 713 yds., 27:18, £400, Aug. 11, 1878. 
 Frank KUsby bt. W. Sadler, 25:42, £50, 
 Dec. 5, 1873. 
 Ralph Hepplewhite bt. A. Hogarth, Tyne, 
 £80, July 27, 1874.^ 
 Frank Kilsby bt. W. Sadler, £50, Nov, 9, 
 Joseph H. Sadler bt. R. W. Boyd, 28:35, 
 $400, Nov. 15, 1874. 
 Ralph Hepplewhite bt. T. Winship, Tyne, 
 9i miles, £200, March 8, 1875. 
 Robert Bagnall bt. W. Lumsden, Tyne, 
 3im., £200, March 9, 1875. 
 Robert Watson Boyd bt. J. H. Sadler, 
 Tyne, 1 mile, 6:10^, £200, March 22, 1875. 
 Wilaam Lumsden bt. A. Strong, Walney 
 Chanell, 2^ m. 14:15 3-5, £200, May 13, 
 13, 1875. "^ 
 John Higgins bt C. Brian, £200, Oct 2, 
 John Higgins bt A. Strong, £200, 23:05, 
 Oct 19, 1875. 
 Thomas Qreen bt R. Hepplewhite, £200 
 Nov. 3, 1875. 
 William Lumsden bt. R. Bat^all, Tyne, 
 3 miles, 24:33^ £200, May 9, 1876. 
 Henry Thomas bt T. Winship, 24:36, 
 ^200, June 19, 1876. 
 Rc'Wed for the first time on the Tyne on 
 March 17 and 19, 1877. Competitors— R W 
 Boyd, Grateshead ; W Lumsden, Blyth ; Wm 
 Nicholson Stockton ; and Wm Elliott Blyth. 
 Ib the final heat 
 1877— R W Boyd, Gateshead beat W 
 Nicholson, Stockton, Mansion House to Scots- 
 wood Suspension Bridge on the Tyne, 2om 
 R. W. Boyd won first prize, Thames Re- 
 gatta, Nov. 4, 1876. 
 R. W, Boyd won Tyne Challenge Cup, 
 March, 1877. 
 Thomas Blackman bt. W. Lumsden, Tyne, 
 3^ miles, 26:20, £200, April 16, 1877. 
 John Bright bt. R. Cooper, Tyne, 3i 
 miles, 26:03, £100, April 17, 1877. 
 Thomas Green bt. R. Hepplewhite, £200, 
 May 14, 1877. 
 J. Higgins bt Thos. Blackman, £200, 
 June 11, 1877. 
 Edward Trickett bt. M. Rush, Sydney, 
 Australia, 3^ miles, £400, 23:26, June 30, 
 R. W. Boyd won first prize, Thames Re- 
 gatta. July, 1877. 
 George Tarryer bt C. Brian, 22:25, £200, 
 Aug. 13, 1877. 
 J. Higgins bt R. W. Boyd, 24:10, Oct., 
 J. H. Sadler bt H. Kelley, 24:03, £200, 
 Nov. 5, 1877. 
 W. Elliott bt. R. Bagnall, Tyne, 30-05, 
 £100, Jan. 15, 1878. 
 1877— R W Boyd Gateshead beat John 
 Higgins, Shadwell. cup and £400. Putney to 
 Mortlake 29m. May 28. 
 1877— J Higgins, Shadwell, best R W 
 Boyd, Gateshead, cup and £400. Putney to 
 Mortlake. 24m 10s. Oct 8. 
 1878— John Higgins, Shadwell beat R W 
 Boyd, £400 and cup. Man8i.>c House to 
 Scotswood Suspension Bridge on the Tyne. 
 Won on a foul ; no time taken Jan 14. 
 1878— John Higgirg, Sha(?well, beat Wm 
 Elliott, Pegswood, £400 anc cup. Putney 
 to Mortlake, 24 min 38 seca June 3. 
 Rowed for the first time on the Thames, 
 Sept 16 and 17, 1878. Competitor!— John 
 Higgins, Shadwell; Wm Elliott Blyth ; 
 R W Boyd, Gateshead ; and Thos. Black- 
 man, Dulwich. In the final heat — 
 1878— Wm Elliott, Blyth, beat R WBoyd, 
 Gateshead. Putney to Mortlake, V'on on 
 a foul, 24 min 47 aeo. 
 1879— Wm. Elliott Blyth beat John 
 Higgins, Shadwell. Cup and $400. Man- 
 sion House to Scotswood SuBpension Bridge. 
 Time, 22 mins 1 sec. Feb. 17. 
 1879— Hanlan beat Elliott, Tjrne ooane, 
 Jane 16, time, 21 min 1 sec. 
 180'9. July 24 — Walter Brown won first 
 prize, regatta, 2 miles, beating Haycock and 
 Tinning of Toronto, Lachine, Canada, 13m 
 1869, Nov. 19— Walter Brown, of Ameri- 
 ca, beat William Sadler, match, £200, 3 
 miles 713 yards, straightaway, Tyne 21m 
 1871, Sept.l— J H SadIer|of England won 
 first prize, $500, beating G Brown, H Eel- 
 ley, H Coulter and others, 3 nautical miles, 
 straightaway, Halifax, N S, international 
 regatta, 25m 2s. 
 1871, Sept 11— J H Sadler won first pnze, 
 ll.OUO, beating Kelley, John Biglin, E 
 Ward and others, 4 mil^i. turn— Saratogn 
 Lake, N Y., 30m 18^8. 
 1872, July 4— William ScharflF of Pitts- 
 burg, Pa, beat R Tinning of Toronto, On- 
 tario, special prize $200, 2 miles, turn — 
 Buffalo, N Y, regatta, 15m 37s. 
 15>72, July 8— R Berry of Toronto, On- 
 tario, beat H Coulter of Pittsburg, Pa, $200, 
 3 miles, turn, against time — Buffalo, N Y, 
 23m 308. 
 1873, June 28— P Luther of Pittsburg 
 won first prize, $125, 2 miles, turn — Toron- 
 to, Ontario, 15m 48s. 
 Same date and place, W Snyder of Pitts- 
 burg won first prize, 2ad class race, $25 belt, 
 same cours'>, 15m 3 Is. 
 Aug 17, 1878, Felsing beat Weisi^erber at 
 Beach Bottom, three miles, 20 min 40 sec. 
 July 31, 1878, Hanlan beat Wallace Ross, 
 five miles, turn, at St Johns, N B, in 37min 
 1873, Sept 6— H Coulter of Pittsburg Pa 
 bt E Morris R Berry and T Louden $200, less 
 than 2 miles, regatta— Toronto Ont 13m 0528. 
 1873 Sept 18— R Fulton beat John A 
 Biglin of N Y, A B Brayley and others, $400 
 3 miles turn regatta— St John N B 27m 428. 
 1873 Sept 23— G Brown of Halifax bt 
 John A Biglin of N Y, match $2000 Smiles, 
 turn— St John N B 38m 453. 
 1876 Sept 6— Ed Hanlan of Canada won 
 first prize 3 miles turn beating J Higt^ins £ 
 Morris and others Centennial professional 
 regatta— Pbila 2Im 9^8. 
 1876 Sept 1— C E Courtney of N Y State 
 won first prize, 1^ miles straightway Centen- 
 nial amateur regatta— Phila, 10m 48^3. 
 1877 June 6— Wallace Ross of St John bt 
 F A Plaisted of N Y, match $1,000 about 3S 
 miles straightaway — St John N B 27 m 7J8. 
 1878 May 15— Ed Hanlan bt F A Plaisted 
 match $2,000 2 miles straightway— Toronto 
 1878 July 1— Ed Hanlan bt F A Plaisted 
 J A Kennedy, J H Riley and J A Ten Eyok 
 $500 4 miles turn — Regatta at Brockville Ont. 
 1878 July 4— Ed Hanlan bt Plaisted and 
 W MuKen $200 4 miles turn regatta— Cape 
 Vincent N Y. 
 1878 July 4— T C Edwardes-Moss bt Geo 
 W Lee of Newark N J amateur race. Diamond 
 Sculls 1 5-16 miles straightaway — Henley 
 Regatta Eng, 9m 83. 
 1878, Aug 12— E Hanlan beat Wallace 
 R0S8 2, Geo Hosmer 3, Pat Luther 4, W 
 McKen 5, F Plaisted 6, A Elliott 7, Harry 
 Coulter 8, E Morria 9, at Barrie Regatta ; 4 
 miles, time about 28min — not official. 
 1878, Aug 13— Plaisted beat Luther, Mc- 
 Ken, Ed Ross and Elliott, at Barrie Regatta ; 
 four miles, in 29m 31 s — not official. 
 1878, Aug 18— Ed Ross beat Morris, El- 
 liott and Coulter, at Niagara Regatta ; short 
 three miles, in 18m 10a 
 1878, Aug 28— Hosmer beat Morris, Ross, 
 McKen Luther and Plaisted, short four 
 miles, at Hamilton Regatta, in 23m 17s. 
 187S, Aug 30— Morris beat Plaisted, Ross, 
 Luther, McKen, Elliott and Ed Ross, at 
 Hanlan Island Regatta ; three miles, in 22m. 
 1878, Sept 18— Morris beat Riley, Ken- 
 nedy, Hosmer, Elliott, John Hanlan, Mc- 
 Ken, Gaudaur and Plaisted ; four miles, at 
 Sturgeon Point Regatta — not official. 
 1879. M ay 5— Hanlan beat John Hawdon 
 of Delavel,' on the Tyne Championship 
 Course, easily ; 32m 053 ; very rough. 
 1879, Aug 18— Hanlan and Riley rowed a 
 dead heat for first place, beating Kennedy, 
 McKen, Elliott, Gaudaur, Hosmer, Plaisted, 
 Berry, Jack Hanlan and Patullo ; four miles, 
 27m 128 ; ^anlan refused to row over. 
 1879, Oot 16— Hanlan rowed over for a 
 $6,000 purse, on Chautaqua Lake ; Court- 
 ney's boat cut and unable to answer call of 
 referee ; time, 33m 56^s ; purse withheld for 
 another race. 
 1865, July 5— E Welch, John Morris, E 
 McAuley, J Lambert (Neptune crew) of St. 
 John N B, bt Pat Lynch, S Roberts, J 
 Mathieson, H Lawbon, G Neuman, cox. 
 ( J D R Putman crew) of New York match 
 $600, 6 miles, turns, Boston, 47in 35s. 
 1856. Sept 20— E Welch J Morris, D Mor- 
 ris, J Lambert (Neptune) of St John, bt S 
 Roberts, C Wetherell, W Sellars, T Daw, J 
 Elliot, cox. McKay crew) of New York, 
 $2,000, 6 miles, turns, Boston, 42m 48. 
 3&58, Oct 15.— W Dinning, T Tinning, M 
 Teedy, J Tinning R. Tiuuiug, cox. (Shakes- 
 peare R C), of Toronto, C W, bt Metropoli- 
 tan R C, of Chicago, $1,000, 5 miles, turn, 
 Chicago, III, 42m 
 1867, July 8— G Price, E Ross, S Hutton 
 and R Fullertou of St John N B, won Hrat 
 prize, 2.00fr, btg French and Eut^lish crews, 
 lurigged boats, 3 miles 5 furlongs 4 rod8,two 
 turns — Exposition regatta, Paris, France. 
 1867, July — St John crew (as above) won 
 tirst prize, l.OOOfr, btg London R C, Eton 
 ian Club and other crews, outriggers, 1^ 
 miles, utraight-away — Exposition Regatta, 
 1869, Aug 27— Oxford University of Ox- 
 ford, Eug, F Willau, A C Yarborough, J C 
 Tinne, S D Darbishire, J H Hall (cox), bt 
 Harvard University of Cambridge, Mass — 
 J S Fay, F Lyman, W M Simmons, A P 
 Loring, A Buruham (con), amateur match, 
 4g miles, straightaway — Thames Eng, 22m 
 1870, Sept 15— James Taylor, T Winship, 
 J Martm, Jas Renforth of Newcastle, Eng, 
 bt Price, S Hutton, E R iss, F Fulton of 
 St John, il,000 and Championship of the 
 world, 6 mileci, turn, Lachine, Canada, 40m 
 1871, July 5 — George Veiner, A Erwein, 
 C Moinhart, William Schartf (McKee B C) 
 of Pittsburg, Pa, beat Tinning and DiUiou 
 crews of 'I'oronto, Ontario, $500, 3 miles, 
 turn— Buit'alo, N Y, regatta, 20m O^s. 
 1871, August 23— Paris crew of St. John 
 (as above) beat .1 Percy, R Chambers, H 
 Kelley, J Ueuforth of Newcastle, England. 
 (Renforth seized with fatal illness and crew 
 withdrew), £1,000 and championship of the 
 world, 6 miles, turn— St. John, 39m 20|8. 
 1871, August 31— James Taylor, J H Sad- 
 ler, R Baguall, T VViuship of Newcastle, 
 England, won first prize, $3,000, beating 
 American, Canadian and aiidher English 
 crew, 6 nautical miles, turn, Halifax, N S, 
 international regatta, 44in 283. 
 1871, Sept 11— Ellis, Joshua, Gilbert and 
 Heniy Ward of Cornwall, N Y, won tirst 
 Erize, $1,260, btg i'aylor-Winship, Tyne, 
 liglin-Coulter, anr) other crews, 4 miles, 
 turn — Saratoga, N Y, iuterualioual regatta, 
 24m 40s. 
 1872, June 10— Loudon R C— J B Close, 
 FSGulston, A De L Long, W Stout, Alex 
 beat Atlantic B C of N Y— Ed. Smith, 
 Handy, T Van lladeu, R VVitheiT, amateur 
 match, 4| miles, straightaway — Thames, 
 Eng, 21ui Ids. 
 1872, July 4— C Meinhart, N Denmarah, 
 H Best, WSchariT (McKee B C) of Pitts- 
 burg, Pa, bt New Dominion B C of Toronto, 
 Out, $500, 3 mil'-t, turn— BufiFalo, N Y, 
 regatta, 21m 42^8. 
 1873, Juhe 28— C Meinhait, N 
 Denmarsh, H Best, W ScharflF (Mc- 
 Kee B C) of Pittsburg won first 
 prize, $300, 4 miles, turn, regatta- 
 Toronto, Out, 26in 04a. 
 Same dale aui) course, S Donovan, J Sup- 
 ple, M Byrne, VV Dillon (Erie R C) of Buf- 
 falo bt New Dominion R C of Toronto, 
 medals worth $100, 20m 20h. 
 1873, Sept 18— G Pricp, E Ro8s>, S Hutton, 
 R Fulton (Paris crew) bt Loniishore of 
 Portland, Me. and other crews, $1,000, 6 
 miles, turn — regatta, St John, N B, 39ra, 
 1876, Sepb 1— James J McCormick, L H 
 McEntee, R T CJ. rmau, T G Gorman 
 (Beaverwyok R C of Albnuy, N Y) won tirst 
 prize, bt Li>ndon R C and Vatkina B C in 
 tinal heat, li miles, 8fcrai.|lita way— Centen- 
 nial amateur regatta, Philadel|ihia. 9ta Gs. 
 1878, July 4 5— E E Sage, C Edson, H G 
 Ridabock J T Goodwin (C)lumbia College of 
 New York) bt Oxford and Cambridge Uni- 
 versity crews, amateur. Visitors' Challenge 
 Cup, 1 5-16 miles straightaway— Henley re- 
 gatta, Eng. Final heat won in 8m 41 s. 
 1878, July 5— S Smith F S Gulston A 
 Trower F L Playford (London R C) bt M 
 Nadeau, W H Durell J Nadeau, S Desaaeu 
 (Sho-wae-cae-mette B C of Monroe Mich,) 
 amateurs. Stewards' Challenge Cu,p, 1 5-16 
 miles, straightaway Henley regatta, Eng, 8m 
 Performances by amateurs are designated 
 'U miles— 7;46f,* four oars, strai-htaway, 
 Emerald Club of SagiraM'. Mich— strong 
 current— Detroit, Mich, Ana 15, 1877. 
 li miles— 8:18,* double-scull straighta- 
 way, 1 Quaker City Club, Phila— strong 
 current— Detroit, Mich, Aug 15, 1877. 
 li miles— 8 ••563,* pair-oar, straightaway, 
 Mutual Club, Albany, N Y— C E Butler, 
 H C Graves— Newark, N J Aug 20, 1878, 
 IJ miles— 9 00i,* single-scull, straight, 
 G VV Lee, Triton Club— Newark, N J, Aug 
 21, 1878. 
 2 miles— 12:16,* double-scull, turn, FE 
 Yates and C E Courtney— Saratoga, N Y, 
 Aug 8 1876. 
 2 milea— 12;20J*, pair-oar, straight, J. 
 Riley and J Kennedy— Greenwood Lake, 
 N Y, Oct 9, 1876. 
 2 miles— 13 :21i,* single-sculls, turn 
 James Riley, Neptune Club, Staten Island- 
 Saratoga, N Y, Aug 5, 1876. 
 3 milea— 15:37i,* four oars, straight, 
 • ^^ 
 Argonauts JJ A— Kill von KuU, N J, Sept 8, 
 3 miles — lt>:32 4-5,* six-cars straight, 
 Amherst University, G E Brewster, B L 
 Brown, L Bradley Jr, F M Wilkins, A J 
 Benedict, W Negray — Springtield, Mass, 
 July 24 1872. 
 3 miles — 17:345,* eightoars, straight, 
 Cornell University crew (see College races) 
 Owasco Lake. N Y, July 17, 1878. 
 3 miles — 17:40i, six-oars, turn. Josh, Gil, 
 Ellis, Charley and Hank Ward, and J T 
 Raymond, defeating Harvard U B C — Lake 
 Quinsigamond, Mass, July 22, 1868. 
 3 miles — 17 •.48^,* six-oar. turn, Harvard 
 U B C. -G W Holbredge, W W Richards, J 
 W McBirney, W H Simmons, R C Watson, 
 A P Loring — Lake Quinsigamond, July 24, 
 3 miles — 17:58, four-oars, turn, Obed 
 Smith, J Nickerson W Smith, J Nickerson 
 (Fisherman crew) Halifax N S— Phila, Ra, 
 Sept 4, 1876 ; in 18 04J,* W B Curtis, H 
 H Smith, J Kilorin. C Corning (Northwest. 
 ern B. C.) of Riverdale, III. — Saratoga, N 
 Y. Aug 9, 1876. 
 3 miles — 19:30^, four-oars, working- boats, 
 turn, C .^^looper R J Kelly, S Gookin, N 
 Henry (Lakeman 6 C.) — Silver Lake Mass, 
 Aug 15, 1875. 
 [ We are in receipt of a communication from 
 F. Straton claiming that 1521b lapstreak 
 boat manned by himself and G H Hilder- 
 brand, A W Straton and J M Straton, 
 was rowed 3 miles, turn, in 18m 5 l-5s, at 
 Fredericton, N B Sept 12, 1877, but we are 
 without the corroborative evidence and fuller 
 parti'iulars necessary for the purposes of re- 
 3 miles — 20 03J, double-scull, turn, G 
 Faulkner, P Reagan — Boston, Mass., July 
 10, 1877 ; in 21 41i» E Losee, A S Swan 
 Atlanta B C)— Pliila:, Pa., June 13, 1872. 
 3 miles — 20 14^, sintjle scull, turn, C E 
 Courtney— Oawe^ro, N Y Oct 17, 1877. 
 3 miles — 20 28, pair oars, turn, G. 
 Faulkner. P Reagan— Philadelphia, Pa., 
 Sept 6, 1876. 
 4 miles 24 40, four-oars, turn, Joshua, 
 Ellis, (iil and Hank Ward— Saratoga, N. Y., 
 Sept nth, 1871. 
 4 miles — 20 44if* eight-oars, straight. Har- 
 vard University Crew (soe t!ollege races) — 
 New Haven, Ct., June 28, 1878. 
 4 miles — 27 15, four oars, workimr-boats, 
 C. Hooper, K. J. Kelley, S. (Jookin, N. 
 Henry, (Lakemau B. C.) — Boston, Mass., 
 July 4, 1878. 
 4 miles — 29 12 single scull, turn, Edward 
 Hanlan and James H. Riley, Barrie, Aug. 
 '^4^ miles — 19 35* eight oars, straight,|Cam- 
 bridge Universitvcrew — Putney to Mortlake, 
 Thames. Eng., March 29, 1873. 
 41 miles— 20:43, four-oars, straight, Tyne 
 crew -Putney to Mortlake, Thames, Eng., 
 Nov 5, 1869. 
 4g miles — 22:55, single-scull, straight. Geo 
 Tarryer — Putuev Aqueduct to Mortlake, 
 Eng," Aug 13, 1868. 
 4| miles— 23:15, single-scull, str.night, 
 James Renforth--best championship time — 
 Putney to Mortlake, Thames, Kng, Nov 17, 
 6 miles -30:44, pair-oars, turn, John, 
 James and Bernard Biglin and Denny Leary 
 —Harlem River. N Y, Sept 10, 1860. 
 5 miles — 32:01. p:ur-i>ar. turn, John and 
 Barney Bi-lin— Philadelphia, May 20, 1872. 
 5 miles— 33 :56i, single scull, turn, Edward 
 Hauian, Chatauqua Lake, Oct 16, 1879. 
 6 miles— 39:20 3 5, tour-oirs. turn, Paris 
 cr»jw— E. Ross, S. Huttou, (i Price, R Pul- 
 ton— St John, N B, Aug 23, 1871. 30:56,» 
 four-oars, turn, B. Brand, D. HerroU, L. 
 Stoker. L, KdelllSt. Louis B. C.)— St. Louis, 
 Mo., June 30, 1878. 
 10 miles— 1.23:00, single-scull,turn, Joshua 
 Ward— P.uiglikeepsie, N Y, Nov 5, 1860. 
 12 miles — 1.34:,30, eight-oars, lapstre«k, 
 coxswain, three-turns, E. Welch, J. Morris, 
 D. Morris, J. Mulhearn, P. Cashley, J. Coyle, 
 J. Lilly, J. Lambert ('Superior' crew of 
 St. John, N. B.)— Boston, Mass, Sept. 13, 
 50 miles— 8 55 20, C A Barnard (amateur) 
 in a match with W B Curtis — Calumet River 
 near Chicago, III, May 12, 1877. 
 60 miles (ntarly)— 8.05 00,* four-o-rs, gig, 
 C Newham, G Pnillips, R Boyton and H 
 Bliuckoe — Lambeth to Graveseud and back, 
 Eng, Aug 17, 1845. 
 91 miles— 11.29 03, single scull, John Wil- 
 liums, who never left his seat during the 
 time, Waterloo Bridge, London, \<> Graves- 
 oii.., thence to Bichmond, Eng, and back to 
 placo of starting, Aug 13, 1832. 
 166 2-5 miles— 39.22 00, four-oars, Egyp- 
 tertes Club, match with Nemzeti Club, Bu- 
 dapt'dth to Comoru and back — Danube River. 
 Hungary, Sept 15, Id, 17, 1875. 
 N»'w York to Queenstown, Ireland — 7d 
 12h 41m, mean time, Britannic, VVhite Star 
 line, W H Thompson commander ; sailed 
 8 50 a. m- Dec 11, arrived 1 53 a.m. Deo 24, 
 1976. lime computed from Sandy Hook to 
 Rouiie's I'oint, <leductiug 4h 22m for differ* 
 ence in time. Time to Liverpool (including 
 all detention) 8d 5h 15m Fastest eastward 
 New York to Queenstowu, Irelaud — 7d 
 16h 28m, mean time, City of BerliD, Inmaa 
 line ; sailed 9 a m Oct 2, arrived 5 10 a m 
 Oot 10, 1875. Computed from Sandy flock 
 to Roche's Point, deducting 4b 22m for dif- 
 ference in time ; distance sailed, 2,82§ 
 miles. Fastest eastward passage by this 
 New York to Queenstown — 8d Ih 38m, 
 mean time, Moatana, Williams & Guioa 
 line ; sailed I 35 p m Jan 23, arrived 7 35 p 
 m Jan 31, 1877. Computed from Sandy 
 Hook to Roche's Point, deducting 4h 22m 
 for difference in time ; distance, 2 810 miles. 
 Fastest by this line. 
 New York to Queenstown — 8d 6m 30s, 
 mean time, Russia, Cunard line ; sailed 3 30 
 p m July 4, arrived 8pm July 15, 1869. 
 Computed from the Battery to anchorage in 
 Queenstown harbour, deducting 4h 23 m 308 
 for difference in time. Fastest by this 
 New York to Liverpool*— 8d 17h 49m, 
 mean time, Russia, Cunard line ; sailed 
 3 30 p m July 7, arriving 2 19 p m July 16, 
 1869. Computed from the Battery to bar 
 at Liverpool, deducting 5h for difference in 
 Queenstown to New York — 7d lOh 63m 
 mean time, Britannic, White Star line; sailed 
 4 36 p m Aug 10, arrived 11 06 p m Aue 17, 
 1877. Computed from Roche's Point to 
 Sandy Hook, adding 4h 22m for difference 
 in time. Fastest recorded passage across 
 the Atlantic. 
 Queenstown to New York— 7d I4h 12m, 
 mean time, City of Berlin, Inman line ; sail- 
 ed 7 p m Oct 5,arrived 4 50 a m Oct 13, 1877 
 Computed from Roche's Point to Sandy 
 Hook, adding 4h 22m for difference. Fastest 
 passage by this line. 
 Queenstown to New York— 8d 4h 42m, 
 Montana, Williams & Guion line ; sailed 
 2 20 p m Aug 23, arrived 2 40 p m Aug 31, 
 1877. Computed from Roche's Point to 
 Sandy Hook, adding 4h 22m for difference 
 in time ; distance, 2,800 miles. Fastest 
 westward passage by this line. 
 Queenstown to New York— 8d 6h 67m 308 
 mean time, Russia, Cunard line ; sailed 4 p 
 m June 20, arrived 6 34 p m June 28, 1869. 
 Computed from anchorage in Queenstown 
 harbour to Battery, adding 4h 33m 308 for 
 difference in time, 
 Liverpool to New York*— 9d 8h 12m, 
 mean time, Russia, Cunard line ; sailed 3 22 
 D m June 19, arrived 6 34 p m June 28, 
 1869. Computed from bar at Liverpool 
 * See Britannic's passaKe, N. Y. to Queens- 
 town. Owing to the detention at Queenstown, 
 it is not custon^ry to computa time to and from 
 to Battery, adding 5h for difference in 
 Philadelphia to Queenstown — 8d 18h 13m 
 mean time, Illinois, American line ; sailed 
 4 20 p m Nov 30, arrived 3pm Dec 9, 1876. 
 Computed from Cape Henlopen to Queens- 
 town, deducting 4h 27m for difference in 
 Queenstown to Philadelphia — 8d 21h 22m, 
 Illinois, American line; sailed 12 32 pm 
 Sept 28, arrived 5 27 a m Oct 7, 1876. 
 Computed from Queenstown to Cape Hen- 
 lopen, adding 4h 27m for difference in time. 
 New York to Havana- -Sd 19h 6m mean 
 time City of Washington, N Y, H M line ; 
 sailed 6 17 p m Feb 13, arrived 12 dOlp m 
 Feb 17 1878. Computed from Sandy Hook 
 to Morro Castle, adding 33m for difference 
 in longitude ; distance run, 1,237 miles. 
 New York to Havana— 4d 2h 54m, Sara< 
 to^a. New York and Cuba Mail S S line ; 
 sailed Nov 9, arrived Nov 13, 1877. Com* 
 puted from Sandy Hook to Morro Castle, 
 adding 34m for distance in time ; distance, 
 1,265 miles. Fastest Honthward passage by 
 this line. 
 Havana to Few York— 3d lOh 7m, mean 
 time, City of New York, N Y, H and M 
 line ; sailed 5 35 p m May 8, arrived 4 II a 
 m May 12, 1875. Computed from Morro 
 Castle to Sandy Hook, deducting 33m for 
 difference in time. 
 Havana to New York— 3d lOh 26m, 
 Niagara, N Y and C M S S line ; sailed 
 Sept 8, arrived Sept 11, 1877. Computed 
 from Morro Castle to Sandy Hook, deduct- 
 ing 34m for difference in time ; distance, 
 1,183 miles. Fastest by this line. 
 New York to New Orleans ; sailed Nov 29, 
 arrivee Deo 5, 1873. Computed from Sandy 
 Hook to bar at mouth of Mississippi River. 
 In 6d 8h 16m from pier to pier. 
 New York to Aspinwall— 6d 14h, Pacific 
 Mail Co's ateamer Henry Chauncey. 
 Aspinwall to Now York — 6d 6h 30m, 
 Henry Chauncey ; sailed 5 55 a m Nov 13, 
 arrived 11 25 p m, Nov 19,1865. Computed 
 from pier to pier. 
 Yokohama, Japan, to San Francisco, Cal 
 — 14d 15h 20m, mean time, Oceanic, Occi- 
 dental and Oriental line ; sailed 7am Deo 
 12, urrived Sam Deo 27, 1876. Apparent 
 time, 14d 22h. Time from Hong Kong, 
 China, to San Francisco, including 2d Ih de> 
 tention at Yokohama, 22d 6h 20m. Distance 
 sailed from Hong Kong to Yokohama, 
 15,996 miles ; from Yokohama to San Fran- 
 cisco, 4,633,46 miles. 
 San Francisco, Cal, to Yokohama, Japan 
 — 16d 9h, City of Peking, Pacific Mail 8 
 S Co. 
 The records of pedeatrianiBin have got be- 
 yond control, and time will not now permit 
 of a revisal and construction of records. 
 The introdnotion of go-as-yoa-pleasism has 
 mixed up records now so that they are in 
 confusion and will be to the end of the year. 
 Amateur performances are designed by 
 a *. 
 100 yards — 9J sec, Georpe Seward, turn- 
 pike i. road. Hammersmith, Eng, Sept 30, 
 1844: lOs, W C Wilmer, Milburn, N J, 
 July 6. and Mott Haven, N Y, Oct 12, 1878; 
 and R La Montague (penalized a yard), 
 Staten Island, X Y H, Sept, 28, 1878. H 
 H Lee was returned as doiog the dibtance in 
 the same time at Philadelphia, May 25, 1879, 
 on a grass course, up hill, but as he has never 
 been able to do so well on much faster 
 tracks, grave doubts are entertained regard- 
 ing the correctness of the timiug. 
 120 yards — 11^8,Greo Seward, Londcn,Eng, 
 May 3, 1847. 
 125 yards— 12^8, J W Cozad, Long Island, 
 Nov 23, 1868; 12 35-8,» Geo McNichol, Mott 
 Haven, N Y, Julv 4, 1878. 
 130 yards — l'2^a, W Johnson, Fenham 
 Park, Eng, Feb 9. 1867. 
 130^ yards— 12^0, G Wallace, Sheffield, 
 Eng, May 26, 1874. 
 139^ yards— 13^8, J C Clowry« Sheffield, 
 Eng. Nov 30, 1870. 
 140 yards — 148, W G Scarlet, turnpike, 
 Newcastle, Eng, Sept 7, 1841. 
 160 yards — 15s, C vVesthall, Manchester, 
 Eng, Feb 4, 1861 ; and Geo Forbes, Provi- 
 dence, R I, Pec 20. 1869 ; 16 2-6s,* W C 
 Wilmer, Milburn, N J, Oct 6, 1878. 
 180 yards — 18 l-6s,* L Junker. London, 
 Eng, April 27, 1878. 
 200 yards — 194sj G Seward, London, Eng, 
 March 22, 1847 ; in 20 2 68,* J Shearman, 
 London, Eng, June 2, 1877. 
 220 yards— 22 7-8 s,* W C Wilmer, Mott 
 Haven, N Y, Oct 12, 1878 ; 22 2-68,* W P 
 Phillips, London Eng, Sept 28, 1878, 
 260 yards— 27i8, R W Vidal, Oxford, Eng, 
 Dec 8, 1865. 
 300 yard8-31i8, J Nuthall, Manchester, 
 Eng, April 27 1863, and D Wright, Glasgow, 
 Scotland, Aug 6, 1876. 
 350 yards — 408, Geo Walsh, Manchester, 
 Eng, April 13, '72. 
 400 yards — 458, T Brian, Donoaster, Ensr, 
 Feb 28. 1841. 
 440 yardB— 48j8, R Buttery, Newcastle, 
 Eng, Oct 4, 73 ; 50 2-6b,» F J Colbeok, Lon- 
 don, P]ng. June 20, '68 ; J Shearman, Lon- 
 don, June 7, '77, and W H Churchill; Cam- 
 bridgej Eng, Nov 19, 78 ; 62 ISs;* W C 
 Wilmer, Mott Haven, N Y, Jcly 4, 1878. 
 600yards-l:0('|, G Walsh, Manchester. 
 Eng, May 23, 1874. 
 600 yards— 1:13, James Nuthall, Manches. 
 ter, Eng. Feb 20, 1864; 1:14 3 5,» F T El- 
 borough, Loudon Eng, April 28 1877 ; 1:16 
 4-68ec,* E t! La Montague, Mott Haven. N 
 Y, July 4, 1878. 
 700 yard8-l;29, J Pudney, turnpike. 
 Slcug, Eng. April 7. 1856. 
 800 yards— 1:60, W Jackson, Epsom race- 
 course. Eng, Nov 2 1826 ; 2:01 1-6, • turf, A 
 C Courtney, Dublin, Ireland, June 9, 1876. 
 880 yards— l:53i, Frank Hewitt, Lvttle- 
 ton, Australia, September, 1871 ; 2:67i* *" 
 T El borough, London Eng, Oct 7, 1876 . 
 2:00 3-6, J E Manning, Boston Mass, Got 13,* 
 1877— best in America ; 2:02 4-6880,* E 
 Merritt, New York, May 20, 1877. 
 1,000 yards— 2:19|,J Nuthall, Manchester 
 Jan 13, 1872 ; 2:19 4 68ec,* W W Bolton. 
 Cambridge, Eng, Nov 26, 1878. 
 1,320 yards-3:07, W Richards, Manches- 
 ter, June 30, 1866 ; 3:14|8ec, \V Slade, Lon- 
 don Eng, March 26, 1878. 
 1 mile— 4 17i W Richard, and W L«ng, 
 dead heat, Manchester, Aug 19, 1866; 4 241» 
 W Slade, London, June 19, 1875 ; 4 28 4-5,» 
 grass, W Slade, Dublin, Ireland, June 8, 
 li miles— 6 30, Wm Lang, Manchester. 
 Eng, July 18, 1863 ; 657,* J Gibb, London. 
 April 30, 1877. 
 limiies— 6 60JFlter, Manchester, Enir. 
 Feb 23. 1867 ; 7 14,* J Gibb, London, ApSl 
 30, 1877. 
 If miles— 8 348,* J Gibb, London. Enir. 
 April 30, 1867. **' 
 2 miles— 9 llj, W Lang, Manchester, Auir 
 1, 1863 ; 9 42,* W Slade, Belfast, IrelandT 
 June 10, 1876 ; 9 46^,* grass, T Ducket, St 
 Helen's C C Sports, Eng, July 17, 1876. 
 3 miles— 14 26, J White, London, Mav 11 
 1863; 14 46,* J Gibb, Cambridge. Eng 
 March 3. 1877 ; 16 21i.* E C Stinson, Glen 
 Mitchell, N Y, 15, 1877. 
 4 miles— 19 36. J White, as above; 2o 22,* 
 W SlaHe, London, April 26, 1876 ; 20 481,* 
 grass course, T Duokett, Stoke-on-Trent. 
 Eng, Aug 4, 1875. 
 5 miles— 25 40, J White, as above ; 26 24^ 
 1-6, J Gibb, London, Eng. Nov 3, 1876. 
 6 miles— 2y 50, J White, as above; 32 07,* 
 J Gibb, London, Eng, Nov 17, 1877. 
 7 miles— 34 46, J White, as above; 37 46.* 
 J Gibb, as above. 
 8 miles— 40 2»s, J Hewitt, London. June 
 1, 1862; 43 30,* J Gibb, as above. 
 9 miles— 4521, J Hewitt, as above; 49 16,* 
 J Gibb, as above. 
 10 mileg— 51 26, L Bennett (Deerfaot) Lon 
 don, Eag, April 3, 1863 ; 54 49,* J Gibb, as 
 11 miles— 56 52, L Bennett, as above. 
 12 miles— 1.02 02i, L Bennett, as above ; 
 1 08 22,* S F Weall, Harrow and Primer 
 Road, Eng, Nov 27, 1873. 
 13 miles— 1.1031, l Hewitt, London, Eng, 
 March 29, 1852. 
 14 miles— 1.16 12, J Howitt, as above ; 4. 
 21 18,* S F Weill, as above. 
 15 miles— 1.22 00, J Howitt, as above. 
 16 miles— 1.28 06, J Howitt, as above ; 1. 
 36 00,* S F Weall. as above. 
 17 miles— 1 38 58, G Hazael, London, Eng' 
 Dec 10, 1877. 
 18 miles— 1 45 01, G Hazael. as above ; 
 1 59 00, 'S F Weall, as above. 
 l^ •"■I®^"'! «J i? I G Hazael, as above. 
 20 miles — 1 57 27 > 
 27 miles— 3 00 00, G Martin, Maidstone, 
 Eng, Sept 22, 1863. 
 20 miles— 3 20 00, J RhodeB,Birmingham, 
 Bn«, Feb 7, 1863. 
 36 miles— 4 08 00 ) R MankB,Birmingham, 
 40 miles— 4 51 00 S Eng, Feb 7, 1863. 
 50 miles— 6 17 00, G Martin, Maidstone, 
 Eng, Sept 22, 1863. 
 1 mile— 2 54^, F T East,* Leicester. Eng 
 land, October 5, 1878. 
 2 miles — 5 48 "i John Keen, Wolver- 
 3 miles— 8 55 }- hampton, Eaglaud, 
 4mile8-12 01 J May23. J877. 
 5, I. Keith-Falconer.* 
 jUand, October 23, 1878, 
 miles — 5 48 
 miles — 8 55 
 miles— 12 01 
 miles— 15 13 
 Cambridge, Enj 
 miles— 19 24 
 miles- 22 40 
 miles — ".^5 57 
 miles— 29 16 
 miles— 32 27 
 36 20 
 39 35 
 42 50 
 46 02i 
 49 17 
 52 3;{ 
 65 48 
 59 05 
 miles — 
 miles — 
 miles — 
 miles — 
 miles — 
 miles — 
 miles — 
 miles — 
 miles— I 02 0!» 
 inilos — 1 0.» 'A4 
 miles— I OSr.O 
 miles- ! 12 0(i 
 miles 1 
 miles — 1 
 miles- 1 
 miles — I 
 I Ion Keith-Falcoier,* 
 J U BC, Oxford, Kii«. 
 land, June 11, 1877. 
 If. 4'; 
 20 !".» I 
 2;i 4.S \ 
 ■u: 12, 
 John Keeu, Lilli 
 Bridge, London, De- 
 ^ cdmber 8, 1876. He 
 rode 18 miles 587 
 yards in one hour. 
 ',1.1, I • t 'i 
 .1 Keen, portion, Sot>t [ 
 .sn. 1S7S. ' I 
 •lohn Kp"n, Ijondon, i 
 November 20, 1876, I 
 miles— 2 09 00 ) 
 miles— 2 29 10 \ 
 H L Cortis,* London, 
 Eng., Oct, 26, 1878. 
 John Keen, London, 
 October 9, 1876. 
 John Keen, London, 
 May 7, 1877. 
 David Stanton, Lon- 
 October 14, 
 miles— 2 47 24 , 
 miles— 3 06 45 
 miles— 3 14 08 ^ 
 miles— 3 29 34 
 miles— 3 58 10 
 miles— 4 17 51 
 miles -4 .37 24 
 miles — 1 58 27 
 miles— 5 07 09 
 miles— 5 17 22 
 miles—u 25 23 
 miles— 5 46 20 
 miles— 6 11 60 ^ 
 miles— 6 3011 I 
 miles— 6 44 15i J 
 100 mUes— 7 18 65, F E Appleyard,' 
 to London, June 10, 1878. 
 160 miles— 11 05 00, F White, who did not 
 make a stop, London, May 14, 1878. 
 18 miles 6S7 yards in an hour — J. Keen ' 
 London, Dec. 8, 1876. 
 l,060i miles— 6 days, ridiug time limited 
 to 18 hours per day, W Caan who rode 22(5^ 
 miles in 18 hours, 422^ in 36h 613 5-16 miles 
 in 64 hours,j796^ miles in 72|honr8, 946g miles 
 in 90 hours and 1,060 miles in 108 nours. 
 Agricultural Hall, London, Nov 18, 23, 1878. 
 Amateur Records — Besides those already 
 mentioned, I Keith-Falconer has a record of 
 6-01 for two miles, 909 for three miles, and 
 12-20 fol*! fpur miles at Cambridge, Oct 23, 
 1878. The rimes of A A Weir for every mile 
 rom 11 (36-33) to 25 (1.24-36) are the best 
 accomplished at Cambridge, Eng., M;»y 18, 
 1878, In a competition at Lillie Bridge, 
 London, Oct 26, 1878, A G Derkindeu made 
 the fastest times from 26 miles (1-34 11) to 
 32 miles (1-56-18) and 49 (3.06-10) and 50 
 miles (3.09-66) H Osborne 33 miles (2,01-17) 
 H L Corfcis 34 miles (2.05-08) to 42 miles 
 (2,37-36) and from 45 miles (2 50-14) to 48 
 miles (3.02-18) Mc William making a dead 
 heat with Cortis at 41 miles (2.33-21) 
 and leading at 43 (2.41-49) and 44 
 miles (2.46-04). W T Britten, Clarence B C 
 rode from London to Bath and return, 212 
 miles in 23h 55in, Sept 12, 1878. A A VVeir 
 rode 17 miles 140 one hour Lon- 
 don, May II, 1878. 
 .'].']2't 2in solid stream steam apparatus, 100 
 ft i>f' iio-(e 1 3 16 inch nozzle, Mississippi No 
 2 — .\ow Orloaus Lh, June 25, 1876 Un Dec 
 27, KS74, the Maine machine, with 1^ inch 
 noz/,l<), threw .32lft 4in. 
 Hilt': 9^in solid stream steam apparatus 
 50ft of hose, If inch nozzle, Creole No 9 
 seoond-claas Amoakeag machine — New Or- 
 leana, Aug 24, 1873. 
 273ft hand apparatus built by Abel Shawk 
 —Cincinnati 0., July 9th, 1857. 
 220 yards— 33isec Centennial Hook and 
 Ladder Co 30ft ladder put up, with 
 climber on top — Plymouth O. July 4, 1876. 
 220 yards — 35^sec Hose Co's Wide Awake 
 and No 3 carrying 150ft of hose laying 60ft 
 and getting water through nozzle — South 
 Bend, Ind, SeptS, 1875. 
 231 yards — SSfsec Smuggler Hose Co of 
 Crestline carrying 300ft of hose laying 20uft 
 making attachment to engine, and attaching 
 nozzle — Bucyrus, O, June 21, 1877. 
 400 yards — S9^3ec Bates Hose Co of Den- 
 ver Col, 18 men 500 lb cart (without hose), 
 carrying 350 ft of hose and laying 300ft con- 
 necting with hydrant and having pipe in 
 leurliness (we understand catch couplini^s 
 were used) -Chicago, 111, Sept 5, 1878. In 
 (Jl^^ec Barnes Hose Co No 7 of Burlington 
 Yt, same conditions as above except that tight 
 couplings (three tull turns, water and air-tight 
 connections) were made, they winning; first 
 priiie at Firemnn's National Tournament — 
 Chicago, 111., Sept. 4, 1878. If catch coup- 
 linsjs were used by ttie Bates Co., the Barnes 
 performance is the better of the two. 
 433 yards— 1:10 Bloss Hose Co. of Titus- 
 ville. Pa., ruuuing 1,000ft to hydrant, then 
 laying ,300ft of hose, and got water through 
 hose, 18 men, including hydrant and pipemeu 
 —Oil City, Pa., July 4, 1878. 
 440 yards— In 1 :07, 100 ft of hose laid and 
 water thrown, Hope Hook and Ladder Co., 
 10 men, 1 horse — New Orleans, La., Aug. 21, 
 1871 ; 1:22^, Courier Hose Co., up grade 
 .350ft of hose laid, connection made with a 
 steamer and pipe placed in readiness — Titus- 
 ville, Pa., July 4, 1872. 
 500 yards— l;12i, Maple City Hose Co. 
 1, light duty cart, 15 men and pipeman, 
 laying .300ft rubber-lined linen hose, coup- 
 ling to hvdrant and putting on pipe — Hor- 
 nelisviUe', N Y, July 16, 1877. In l:22i 
 Maple City Ho.se Co No. 1, carriage weigh- 
 ing 1,3251b, 15 men and pipeman, laying .300ft 
 rubber hose, attaching to Jlydrant and put- 
 ting on pipe — Hornellsville, N Y, July 4, 
 1877- The runners were regular fire-duty 
 members of the company, hose the style com- 
 monly used at fires, with screw cor.plings, 
 both cart and carriage had been ani are in 
 .ictive service at all fires, and the races took 
 pl;ice on Jones' level half mild traok. 
 540 yards — 1:22^, (Jarryowen Hoae Co of 
 Builiugton Yt, .30 in'>n, including pipeman 
 and hydrant man, light duty cart (about 
 360 lb), laying 300ft regulation hose, screw 
 couplings, hose and pipe caoable of j standing 
 a cold-water pressure of 1001b to the square 
 inch ; standing start, part uo grade — Port 
 Henry, N'Y, Oct., 19,a876. 
 880 yards— 1 :39i, water thrown in 2:04i, 
 Hope Hook and Ladder Co, ten men, one 
 horse. New Orleans, Aug 15, 1869. In2:34i, 
 water thrown in 2:41|, Mechanics No. 6, 
 thirty men, 50ft of hose. New Orleans, Aug. 
 15, 1867. In 2:57, Confidence Engine Co 
 No. 2, running race, twelve men drawing 
 four-wheeled waggon, weighing, with trainer, 
 etc., 1,0001b — Southern District Agricul- 
 tural Society's Grrounds, Los Angles, Cal., 
 Oct 17, 1878. 
 1 mile— 9:10, Active Hose Co No. 2, 10 
 men. unreeling 300ft of hose — Rochester, N 
 Y, Sept, 1871. • 
 Amateur performances are designated by 
 Running broad-jump — 29ft7in John Howard, 
 usiQg5U) (each)dumb-bells, and takmg off from 
 a block of wood, 1ft wide, wedge-shaped, 2ft 
 long, liin tliick, raised 4 in in front — Chester 
 racecourse, Eng. May 8, 1854. [Note 
 Having been fairly acccomplished prior to the 
 framing and adoption of rules for the govern- 
 ment of athletics, and given a place on the re- 
 cord according tolthe custom which then gov- 
 erned such matterH, we consider that How- 
 ard is still entitled to this record, although 
 at the prcHcnt time, when there are plain 
 rules for guidance, level ground and a fair 
 take-otf are requisite to secure a record. 
 Without artificial aid— 23ft IJin ; *J Lane, 
 D. U. A. C, Dublin, Ireland, June 10, 1874 ; 
 in America — 21ft 3id, A C Reid, Caledonian 
 games, Belleville, Ont, July 1, 1878 ; 20ft 
 llin, * R M Campbell (Trinity College) 
 Hartford, Ct, May 25, 1878. 
 Standing broad-jump— 13ft lOin, J.^.Eme- 
 rick. Oil City, Pa, fSept 19, 1878. 13ft 7in, 
 Joseph Groaves, ll^lb dumb-bells, Wood 
 Park Grounds, Bardsiey, Eng, Sept 18, 1875 
 12ft 2iiu, * A. S, Thomson, 141b dumb-beUs, 
 San Francisco, Cal, Nov 25, 1876. 
 Standi ug Broad .Jump — without weights, 
 llft3iu, E VV Johnston, Thorold. Aub 17 
 1879. ' 
 Running high-jump— 6ft 2iin, * M J 
 Brooks (Oxford U A C), London, Eng, April 
 7, 187<i ; .')it llin, E Yardy, Haydon, Eug, 
 AUg 27. IS."!*). In America— 5tt JO^in, E W 
 Johnston, Caledonian games, Belleville, 
 July 1. 1879; fnt (ijin * .1 P Conover 
 (Columbia Oolleg( ), N Y City, May 1. 1878. 
 Staiulu g Itijjti jump— 6ft ;hu, E W Johu 
 stoD, CaledoniaQ games, Baltimore, Md, Mw 
 27, 1878 ; 4ft lOin * F. Hargreavea and ' 
 Moore, Manchester, Eng, Aug 5, 1871. 
 Pole-jump— lift lin, * J E Woodbam, 
 Ulveratone, Eug, July 21, 1876 ; 10ft 9in, D 
 Anderson, Bvidge of Allan, Scotland, Aug 6, 
 Running hop, step andvjump — 47ft 7in, R 
 Knox, Leith, Scotland, August, 1870 ; 46ft 
 9in, A. Dobson, Caledonion games, To- 
 ronto, Canada, Sept 8, 1879 ; 45ft 4in, * J 
 C Daly, Cork, Ireland, April 22, 1873 ; 
 43ft 2in, * P Johnson, Boston, Mass, June 29, 
 Standing hop, step and jump— 40ft 2in, 
 D Anderson, Fort Eyemouth, Eog, July 24, 
 1865. In America, 35ft llin, E W John- 
 ston, New York, July 29, 1879. 
 Hurdle race, 120 yards, 10 flights, 3ft 6in 
 high— 16 sec, * C N Jackson, Oxford, Eng, 
 Nov 14, 1865 ; Hisec, 'HE Ficken, New 
 York, Oct, 1878 ; 220yds, hurdle, 34i8., J. 
 Lafon, Hackensack, N J, Oct 19, 1878 ; 
 quarter-mile, hurdle, Im 4s, W L Allen, 
 Montreal, Canada, Oct. 10, 1878. 
 High Kick— 9ft Sin E W Johnston, Troy, 
 Aug, 1878. 
 37ft — over water. Chandler, ridden by 
 Capt. Broadley, Warwick, Eng, 1847. 
 34ft — over hurdles, Colverthorpe, England. 
 33ft— over wall, Lottery, Liverpool, Eng. 
 3,334 out of a possible 3,600 points- 
 American team, in international contest with 
 British team for Centennial Trophy, eight 
 men each, 800, 900, 1,000 yards, 30 shots at 
 each distance, a bull's eye counting 5 points 
 — Creedmoor, L I, Sept 13 14, 1877. Aver- 
 age of second days shooting 512^. 
 1,679 out of a possible 1,800— American 
 team in second stage of above contest, 15 
 ■hots at each range— Creedmoor, Sept. 14, 
 1,186 out of a possble 1,350— Brooklyn 
 beat New York team, six men each, 800, 
 900, 1,000 yards, 15 shots at each range, 
 bull's-eyes ooauting 6— Creedmoor, May 12, 
 968 out of a possible 1,080— American 
 team, second international match vifith Irish 
 team, six men each, 800, 900, 1,000 yards, 
 15 shots at each range, a bull's-eye count- 
 ing 4 Dolly mount, Ireland, June 29, 1875. 
 845 out of a possible 900 — Massachussets 
 R A team, 4 men. Interstate competition, 
 800, 900, 1,000 ^ards, 15 shots at each 
 range— Creedmoor, Sept 20, 1878. 
 4?^ eut of a possible 450— W H Jackson, 
 800, 900, 1,000 yards, 30 shots at each 
 range, in American team walk-over compe* 
 tition for Centennial Trophy — Creedinoor. 
 Sept 25, 26, I878. 
 221 out of a possible 226— J S Sumner, 
 800, 900, 1,000 yards, 15 shots at each 
 range, in first stage of Centennial Trophy 
 walk-over — Creedmoor, Sept 25, 1878. 
 198 out of a possible 225— W. H. Jackson, 
 900, 1,000, 1,100 yards, 15 shota at each 
 range— New Jersey R A meeting, Brinton, 
 N J, Oct 8 to 12, 1878. 
 191 out of a possible 225— Frank Hyde, 
 1,000, 1,100, 1,200 yards. 16 shots at each 
 distance— Brinton, N J, Oct 12. 
 171 out of a possible 180— Major Henry 
 Fulton, first international match with Irish 
 team, 800, 900, 1,000 yards, 15 shots at 
 each range, a bull's-eye counting 4— Creed- 
 moor, L I; Sept 26, 1874. 
 21 consecutive bull's-eyes, 14 at 900 yards 
 and 7 at 1,000 yards— Dudley Selph, New 
 Orleans, La., July 10, 1877. 
 15 consecutive bull's-eyes — a clean score — 
 at 1,000 yards, by J K Milner, Irish tuam, 
 Creedmoor, L I. Sept— 1876, At 900 yards, 
 J M Partello, Washington, D C, Oct 22, 
 1878. jt^t 800 yards, Edmund Johnson, 
 Creedmoor, Sept — , 1876 ; J S Sumner, 
 Creedmoor, Sept 25, 1878 ; W H Jacks p. 
 and H F Clark, Creedmoor, Sept 26, 187 ; 
 J F Brown. Walnut Hill, near Boston,MasB. 
 Aug 28, 1878- 
 Weight- LrFTiNG. — Tne athletes herein- 
 after named are credited with having lifted 
 the followiuK weights ; but as such of these 
 reported feats as were performed in public 
 are not properly attested, they do not con- 
 stitute a record, and, as in the case of other 
 alleged performances which appear below, 
 we merely insert them for the information of 
 and comparison by our readers : With har- 
 ness— W B Curtis, New York, 3, 3001b ; 
 Ambrose A Butts, Auburn, 0. 2, 737|lb ; John 
 J Lucas. Belleville, 111. 2.7001b, Oct 26,1875 ; 
 Dr G W Winship, Boston, Mass, 2,6001b. 
 Hand-lift— W B Curtis, 1,2301b ; G W Win- 
 ship, 1, 2001b ; Edward Brennan put up a 
 141b bumb-bell over 12,400 times, match, 
 $1,000, Eureka, Nev, January 29, 30,1876. 
 Lath-making— W F and N Leclerc made 
 54 laths, pinewood, 4ft long, 2^-eights of an 
 inch thick and l^in wide, in one minute; 
 plain lath bench, lath pushed through by 
 hand. They also made 2,100 in an hour, in- 
 cluding time to oil machinery and put wood 
 on bench — Acton Vale, Me, October 1876. 
 Locomotive frame, weighing 1,3501b, 
 I I 
 completed in 10b. 40in, three beaten, two 
 helpers, under direction of Jaa Rodfj^era, 
 Nia(;ara Steam Forge, Buffalo, N Y, Jan 21, 
 Glazimci— Chaa Stnkwi glazed 334 twelve- 
 ligbt windows, or 4,008 ligbts, each SxlOio, 
 in 10 hours. His fastest time was *ix lights 
 in 33seo, and the last three half yrindows be 
 glazed in 45!sec. each. His average time was 
 •ix and a half lights per minute. O. Prunk 
 set and pointed the glass, besides taking it 
 out and carrying it from the boxes, using 
 four and six points to each light, and kbpt 
 Mr. Stukas supplied as fast as the latter 
 could work — Clinton Iowa, July. 1877. 
 Bricklayino— W D Cozzens laid 702 
 bricks in 12min, Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 4, 
 Horseshoe kails — 221 made in one hoar, 
 J B Morris. Hickory, Pa, Feb. 1871. 
 Football — Mr Maodonald, Melbourne 
 Club, kicked the hall through the goal-posts 
 at a distance of 65 yards — Melbourne, Aus, 
 August 1877. 
 The following is the record of the highes 
 cricket scores in single innings during the 
 season of 1878. No runs under 50 are re- 
 corded . 
 C Bannermau — Australia vs Montreal, 
 Oct 11—126. 
 L Bailey— Merion vs Baltimore, May 29, 
 R S Newhall — Philadelphia vs Australian, 
 Oct. 3—84. 
 D Newhall — Young America vs Manhattan, 
 July— 83. 
 C Bannermau — Australia vs San Francisco, 
 Oct 25.— 78. 
 A Marsh— St George vs Longwood, June, 
 2— not out — 75. 
 D Newhall — Young America vs Chestnut 
 Hill, June 29—73. 
 F L Bailey — Dorian vs Merion, June, 27 
 C R Brown— Occident vs Opal, July 4 — 
 £ T Comfort— Old Haverford vs Univer- 
 sity. Sept 18-66. 
 TWKimber— Old Haverford vs Univer- 
 sity, Sept 8—63. 
 F Brewster — Germantown vs Belmont, 
 May 30—60. 
 — Philip — Longwood vs Lawrence, July 
 F Brewster — Detroit vs Germantown, Aug 
 — Hindeman — Detroit vi Germantown, 
 Aug, 1—67, 
 — Woolman— Belmont vs St Timothy, May 
 D Newhall — Young America vs Merion, 
 June 15—65. 
 John Hargreave— Philadelphia vs Ger- 
 mantown, July 6 — 54. 
 —Yarnall— Belmont vs St George of West 
 Philadelphia, June 25—54. 
 O Newhall — Young America vs St Georg« 
 July 3 n o— 53. 
 J Purdy— Picked Eleven of San Francisco 
 vs Opal, June 19 — 52. 
 J Rogau Manhattan vs Belmont, Sept 
 S Law— Merion vs Baltimore, May 20 — 
 C Newhall— Young Amenoa vs Manhatan, 
 Julj-, 5—50. 
 It will be seen that the Philadelphi- 
 ans carry off the honours, especially the 
 Newhalls— R Newhall8 84, D Newhall 88, 73 
 and 55, and C Newhall 63 and 60. 
 10 miles in 8min, Hudson River road, 
 locomotive and platform oar, with steam 
 tire-engiue, Peekskill to Sing Sing, N Y. 
 Feb 17, 1874. 
 14 miles in llmin. locomotive Hamilton 
 Davis and six cars, Lake Shore and M S 
 RR, 1855. 
 18 miles in I5min. special train conveying 
 the Duke of Wellington, Paddington to 
 Slough, Eng. 
 81 miles in 82min. Engine 341, N Y Cen- 
 tral, James Wood, engineer, directors' car 
 only, Roche8t«»r to Syracuse, N Y, May 16. 
 90 milea in 99min. — Engine 573 and a 
 train conaisting of one combination pas* 
 senger, mail and baggage car, and one Pull- 
 man hotel- oar (Jarret & Palmer Transconti* 
 nental Express), Jersey City, N J., to West 
 Philadelphia,no stop ; Engineer David Kerr 
 —June 1, 1876. 
 Ill miles — 109min. Special train con- 
 sisting of locomotive, baggage car, one coach 
 and one Pullman palace car, Engineer Mo- 
 Comber, carrying Bishop of Detroit and a 
 number of the clergy. The time includes 
 4min. stoppage at Charing Cross— St 
 Thomas to Amherstbnrg, Canaida Southern 
 Railway. Sept 13, 1877. 
 138 miles in 2b. S3m. incluaive of llmin. 
 stoppage. Engine Wabasha, Enffineer Philip 
 O'Neil, two oars, Clinton to Chicago, on 
 the Chicago and Northwestern road, iSept 
 3, 1874. 
 Jersey City to »an Francisco, Cal, 
 83.89:16— Jarret & Palmer'a Transcontinen- 
 tal train, as above. Left at 1.03 a. m, June 
 i, arrived 9 22 a m, June 4, 1876. No stop 
 was made between Jersey City and Pitta- 
 buri^, Pa. 
 San Franoiso to Jersey City, N J. — 9d 
 17ii. 35m, freight train, thirteen oars, laden 
 with tea : leit 6 p m April 2&, via the Cen- 
 tral Paciho, Union Pacific, Chicago and 
 Northwestern, Michigan Central and Great 
 Western, and New Vorii Central and Had- 
 8on (River Railroad Companies ; arrived 
 J1.35 a m May 6, 1877. 
 Longest train drawn by a single engine— 
 18.^ empty freight oars, one loaded eight- 
 wbeeler, too cabooses and a dead engine, up 
 grade ; train 6,200 feet long, drawn by 
 engine No 4, Northern Central R R — Clark's 
 Ferry to Sunbury Pa, ^1 miles, October, 
 Cricket — Mr Forbes threw m ball 132 
 yards, slightly aided by the wind — Oxford, 
 Eng. March, 1876. Largest individual inn- 
 ing, 404 — E Tylcote, Clitton College match, 
 1868 ; 400 (not out), W G Grace, United 
 South 11 vs Jrimady 22, at Grimsby, Eng, 
 Julp 10 11 12, 1876 ; highest in America 163 
 Joe Hargreaves, Philadelphia Pa, Aug 11, 
 Bii/LiARDS — John McDeritt ran 1,483, 
 four- ball game match with W Goldthwait, 
 New York, Jan, 8, 1868, also ran 1,458 in a 
 match with Joseph Dion, Chicago, 111, Sept 
 16 1868. Wm Sexton ran 417, Match 3 ball 
 with G F Slosson— New Orleans, Jan 
 6 7, 1877. Jacob Schaefer ran 429, three- 
 ball tournament— St. Louis, Mo, March 29, 
 Skittlks— Frame cleared, nine pins, 80 
 times in 55 minutes, by fidly Butts, setting 
 up pins himself, London, Eng, July 17, 1859. 
 Joe Chippe cleared the frame 60 times in 
 88:24, without assistance of any kind, and 
 throwing the cheese under his leg each time, 
 London, Jan. 23, 1871. 
 Tyfe Setting — George Arensberg set 
 2,064 ems, solid minion, 23 ems to line- 
 one break-line to each stiok-fuU-^iu one 
 hour. New York, Feb 19, 1870. S N Bern- 
 erman set 5,070 ems, nonpareil, ordinary 
 newspaper measure, in three hours, Wash- 
 ington, D C, Deo 5, 1874. 
 bUTCHEKiNG — BuUock dressed in 4m 46e, 
 by Charles Lyden, tournament at Bridge- 
 port, 111, for champion belt. May 16, 1869 ; 
 4:01^, R Lafferty and Ja« R Ferguson, 
 - match, Brighton, Mass, April 19, 1877. 
 Lacboshb — Ball thrown 123|t yards, Ro«8 
 McKenzie — Toronto, Ont, Sept 14, 1878. 
 BaSl thrown from lacrosse 366ft d^iu, by J 
 Pavey— Montreal, Canada, Aug 24, ICTS. 
 OvsTEB- Opening— 100 oysters opened in 
 3m 45s by Johu Curran of Providence, R I, 
 defeating John Dodge of New York — How- 
 ard Athenaeum, Boston, Mass, 500 oystera 
 opened in 26m 18^ by George Schillman, de- 
 feating George Beach (who opened 490 in 
 the same time, in a match said to be for $500 
 a side — Noouan's Varieties, Philadelphia, 
 Horseshoes -100 in 2h 33^m, John P 
 Silk, match— Cincinnati, O, Dec. 5, 2877. 
 100 single birds killed in succession, 
 (tame doves), two hours, A H Bogardua, 
 Dexter Park, Chicago, 111, July 21, 1869, 
 300 glass balls broken in succession, A H 
 Bogardus, Lincoln, III, July 4, 1877 
 500 glass balls broken in 25m 15i ont of 
 535 shots at, A H Bogardus, St Paul, Minn, 
 Sept 4, 1878. 
 1.000 glass balls broken in Ih 6m 59s, A 
 H Bogardus, using three guns, one 10 gauge, 
 weighing lOIb, using 14 oz shot, one 12- 
 gauge, 741^, loz, and one 20-gauge, 5^lb {oz; 
 two traps, 15 yards. Agricultural Hall, 
 London, Eng, June 26, 1878. Bogardus was 
 reported to have broken 1,000 balls out of 
 1,064 shot at, 18 yards, in Ih 3m, at the 
 State tournament, Ottawa, Kansas, Oct 10, 
 1878, b^ t the feat has not been authentic- 
 ated • 
 5000 glass balls broken in 8h 35s, out of 
 5,156 shot at, A H Bogardus, lOlb shot-gun 
 two sets of barrels, 10 and 12 gauge respeo 
 tivcly ; two traps 15 feet apart, 18 yards 
 14 oz of No 8 shot, the shooter loading his 
 own gun— Gilmore's Garden, N Y City, Jan 
 3, 1878. 
 6,500 glass balls broken in 7h 3')m 3(^ 
 out of 6,222 shot at; W F Carver, Win- 
 Chester repeating- rifles, balls thrown up by 
 hand about twelve feet from muzzle of rifle, 
 assifttantai loading, cleaning and cooling 
 rifles, Brooklj'U (L I) Driving Park, July 
 13, 1878. 
 I ,(1 I 
 80 yards— 56^8 ; W. Beckwith, 
 water, London, May 19, 1876. 
 100 yards— Im 8i9, E T Jones, still water, 
 London, Eng, Oct 21, 1878. 
 110 yards— Im 17s ; E 1' Jones.still water, 
 Leeds, Eog, Oct 12, 1878. 
 480 yards— 7m 143. Jl B Johnson, still 
 water, London, Oct 12. 1877. 
 500 yards— 7m 27 2 Ss, H Parker, open 
 water, Tottenham, Aug 23, 1870 j in 7m SOs, 
 ■till water, London, Oct 12, 1877. 
 880yard»^16m 29«, on the back, Harry 
 Gurr, terpentine, London, June 1, 1865. 
 1,000 yards— ISm [31^9, E T Jones, still 
 water, Leeds, Eng, Sept 7, 1S74. 
 5 miles— Ih 4m 23s, C VVhyte, Thames 
 River, July 18, 1870. 
 35 miles (about) —21h 45m. CapUia Mat- 
 thew Webb, across the Euglish Chaoael, 
 irom Dover, Eog to Calais, Fratce, Aug 
 24, 26, 1875. 
 90 yards swam under water-^Peter Joha- 
 SOD, England, Nov 2, 1869. 
 3m 35s under water, in a tank — J B 
 Johnson, London, Eng. 
 62ft 8in, plunged by H J Green, Maryle- 
 bone Baths, London, Oot 13, 1876. 
 New York tp Liverpool, En^— 13d Ih 
 25m. Bed Jacket, Capt A fildndge com- 
 mander ; sailed 7 am. Jan 11 arrived Jan 
 24, 1854. Computed from Sandy Uook to 
 bar at LiverpooL 
 Boston, Mass, to Liverpool— 12i 6h 
 James Baines. 
 Baltimore, Md, to Liverpool— 13d 7h, 
 Mary Whit«ridge. 
 San Francisco to Boston— 75 days North- 
 ern Light. 
 New York to Shanghae, China -95 days, 
 Shanghae to New York— 92d, Kathay, 
 arrived Jan 19 1857. 
 New York to Melbourne, Australia— 73 
 days Nightingale. 
 Liverpool to Melbonrne, — 620, days, James 
 Baines ; teturn trip in 60 days. 
 Liverpool to San Francisco — 99 days, 
 Young America : 90 days from Conuebeg 
 lightship to anchorage ; sailed Oot 13, 72, 
 arrived Jan 20. 1873. 
 New Orleans to Liverpool— 25 days, Rich' 
 ard llyland, arrived Feb, 1871. ,,,iij„ i^, 
 Daunt's Rock, Irish coast, to Sandy Hook, 
 U S schooner Cambria, Royal Harwich Y C, 
 Eng Com James Ashbury commanding, 
 match with Dauntless N Y Y C, 268 tons, 
 James G Bennett ; sailed 2.20 pm July 4, 
 arrived 4 47 p m, July 27, 1870. Distance, 
 2,861 m. 
 Stapleton, S I to Five Fathom 
 lightship, Cape May, N J, and hack 
 to Sandy Hook lightship, 18h 
 schooner Dauntless, Oot 2829, 1875. 
 tatice, about 225 miles. 
 New York to Qiieenstown, Ireland- 
 9h 36m, schooner Sappho, N Y Y C, 310 
 tons ; sailed 7am July 88, arrived 9pm 
 Aug 9, 1869. 
 New York to Cowea, Isle of Wight-^13d 
 21h 65m, schooner Henrietta, N Y Y C, 305 
 — 12d 
 tons, sweepstakes race with Vesta and Fleet* 
 wing, $90,000 ; distanoe sailed, 3,106 miles 
 —December 11 to 25, 1866. 
 26 miles in one hour, South America. It 
 has been claimed for the Mary Powell that 
 on Aug 7, 1874, ' she ran from her dock up 
 to Piermont, 28 miles, in one hour,' but 
 steamboat men do not credit the time, and 
 especially question the distance. 
 76 miles in 3h 3m, Mary Powell, New 
 York to Poughkeepsie, N Y. 
 125 miles in 5h 18m, Chrysopolis, Sacra* 
 mento to San Francisco, Cal, Dec 31, 1861. 
 145 miles in 6h 2lm, Alida, New York to 
 Albany, N Y. New Orleans, La, to Nat* 
 chez, Miss- 16h 36m 47s, R E Lee ; left 8. 
 41:25 a m Oct 27, arrived 1.18:12 a m Oot 
 28, 1870. 
 New Orleans to St Louis, Mo— 3d 18h 14m, 
 R E Lee ; left 4 55 p m June 30, arrived 11. 
 09 a m July 4, 1870. 
 Longest battle on record — 6h 15m, James 
 Kelly and Jonathan Smith, near Melbourne, 
 Australia, November, 1855. 
 Longest battle in England — 6h Sm, Mike 
 Madden and Bill Hayes, Edenbridge, July 
 17, 1849. *• 
 Longest battle in America — 4h 20m, J 
 Fitapatrick and James O'Neil, Berwick, 
 Maine, Deo 4, 1860, 
 Shortest battle on record — 2h, by Watson 
 and Anderson in England, and by Tommy 
 Kelly and W Parkinson in America. 
 Largest Stake ever Fought for— $10,000, 
 Tom Hyerand Yankee Sullivan, Rook Point, 
 Md, Feb 7, 1849 
 Largest Stake Fought for in England — 
 £2,000, Tom King and John C Heenan, 
 Wadhurst, Eng, Deo 10, 1863. 
 First Ring Fight in America— Jacob Hyer 
 and Tom Beasley, in 1816. 
 Longest Glove-fight on Record — 3h 2Sin, 
 J Fowler and T Hawkins, 51 rounds, draw ; 
 3min rounds, Imin interval — London, Eng, 
 Aug 15, 1878. 
 l,25ulb, health-lift machine, John M Can- 
 non, Cincinnati, O, Jan 16, 1875. 
 1,21Mb, hand-lift, Richard Pennell, 
 Academy of Music, New York, Nov 8, 
 101b dumb-bell put up 8,431 times in 4h 
 34m, H Pennock, match with B Shaiok,beIl to 
 be put up not less than twenty-five timesper 
 minuta, and the fore-arm not to be dropped 
 lower than the elbow— Maites' GymBasium, 
 New York, Dec 13, 1870. 
 501b dumb-bell put up 75 times, G M 
 -San FraB- 
 Robinson, Olympic Club games 
 Cisco, Cal, Nov 25. 1875. 
 1001b dnnnbbell put up 10 times, O H 
 Robinson— San Francisco, Cal, Nov 25, 
 201 Jib dumb-bell put up by R A Pennell— 
 John Wood's Gymnasium, New York, Jan 31, 
 I Longest game — to 0, twenty- four in- 
 I niugs. Harvard University vs Manchester — 
 Boston, Mass., May II, 1877- 
 ! Best game— -0 to 0, fifteen innings, St. 
 I Louis vs Star of Syracuse — St Louis, Mo, 
 May 1, 1877. 
 Best League game — 1 to 1, eleven innings, 
 Hartford vs Boston, at Brooklyn, April 30, 
 Best International Association Game— 1 to 
 0, fifteen innings, Live Oak vs Cricket, Lynn, 
 Mass, May 7, 1878. 
 Best Junior game— 1 to 0, fifteen innings, 
 Jefferson vs Hudson, Hoboken, N J. Aug 19, 
 Best Co-operative-nine game— 2 to 1, fif* 
 teen innings, Mohawk vs Shamrock, Cincin- 
 nati, O, July 20, 1878. 
 Regulation ball thrown— 133yds 1ft 7in. 
 John Hatfield, Brooklyn, L I, Oct 15, 1872. 
 400 yards in I -.05, J D Armstrong, Mon- 
 treal, Canada, March 4, 1871. 
 880 yards in 2:39^ J F Scholes, Montreal, 
 \ I mile in 5:39 J, J. F Scholes, as above. 
 2 miles in 1 1 :30, Keraronwe, as above* 
 3 miles in 17 :53, Keraronwe, as above. 
 4 miles in 24:04, Keraronwe, as above. 
 1 mile— 1:56 ^m Clarke, Madison, Wis. 
 SOmiles— 4.57:03, E. St. C. Millard, Ex- 
 position Building, Chicago, 111, Feb 2, 1878. 
 100 miles— 11:46, and 24hrs with 20 min. 
 rest, E St Clair Millard, Cincinnati, O, 
 March 3, 4, 1868. 
 25 rata killed in 1:28, Jimmy Shaw's 
 Jaoko, London, Eng. Aug. 20, 1861. 
 60 rats killed in 2:43, Jacko, as above, 
 July 20, 1862. 
 100 rata killed in 6:28, Jacko, May 1, 
 200 rata killed in 14:37, Jaoko, June 10, 
 1,000 rati killed in lesi than 100 minutes, 
 Jaoko, May I, 1862. 
 i mile— 0:47|, Olitipa, 2 yn, 97 lb, Sara* 
 toga, N Y, July 25, 1874 
 { mile i 1 :02;, Bonnie Wood, 3yn, 1021bs, 
 Saratoga, N Y, July 20. 1878. 
 Smile— 1:15, First Chance, 1001b, Phila, 
 Oct 18. 1876. 
 1 mile— 1:392. Ten Broeck, 6yrs, 1101b, 
 against time (1:41 J, by Kadi, 6 yrs, 901b, 
 second heat, Hartford. Ct, Sept 2, 
 Louisville. Ky, May 24, 1877. 
 1^ miles — 1:54 Bob Woolley, 3 yrs, 
 Lexington, Ky, Sept 5, 1875. 
 1:^ miles-2K)8i Charley Gorham, 
 871b, Lexington, Ky, May 18, 1877. 
 1^ miles— 2:342, Tom Bowling, 4 yrs, 1041b 
 Lexington , May 12, 1874. 
 If miles- 2:49i, Teu Broeck, 3yrs, 901b, 
 Lexington, Sept 9, 1875. 
 12 miles— 3 :054, Courier, 4yn, lOlIb, Louis- 
 ville, Ky, May23. 1877. 
 2 miles— 3 .27^, Teu Broeck, Louisville,Ky, 
 May 29, 1877 
 2^ miles— 3:45^ Aristides, 4yrs, I04lb, 
 Lexiiigton, Ky, May 10, 1876. 
 24 mi'.<tB — 3:564, Preakness and Springbok, 
 1141b, dead heat, Saratoga, July 29, 1875. 
 2^ miles— 4 .27^ Aristides, 4yr8, 1041b, 
 Lexington, Ky, May 13. 1876 
 3 miles-5:26. First King. 3yr8, 1011b, Mel- 
 bourne, Australia, Jan 1, 1878. 
 4milea— 7:152, Ten Broeck, 4yr8, 1031b, 
 Louisville, Ky, Sept 27,1876. 
 50 miles— 2.0) .30,JoBe Perez,mateh,$l,000 
 nsing ten horses, changing animals at the 
 end of every mile, Los Angeles, Cal, Oct 8, 
 60 miles- 2.33:33, George Osbaldiston, 11 
 horses, Newmarket, Eng, Nov 5,1831. 
 100 miles— 4.19:40, George Osbaldiston, 16 
 htrf »", as above. 
 155 miles — 745:07, John Mnrphy, match 
 against time, 20 horses, N Y City, July 3, 
 200 miles— 8hi Nell H Mowry, 30 horses, 
 Bay view Park, San Francisco, Aue 2, 1868 ; 
 in 8.42, George Osbaldiston, 29 horses, as 
 300 miles— 14.09 KX), Nell H Mowry, 30 
 horses, as above. 
 1 mile— 2 122, St. Julian, Oakland Park, 
 Cal., Oct. 25. 
 1 mile-2:13i. Rams, Buffalo, N Y Aug 3. 
 It was urged against this at the time that, as 
 it was made in one more heat than the horse 
 was ehtitled to under the terms of the race 
 for which he was entered, it ahould not be a 
 record. It was manifestly an irregular per* 
 formanoe, but ifc ii by no me»ni eUmr that 
 for that reason alone it ahonld not oousti* 
 tute a r coni. The qaestion of irregularity 
 and the oonieqaenoet of that irregnlarity 
 are ma t«ra that can be aHjadicated upon 
 only by the National Trotting .\HOoiation. 
 Aotioa ou the part of that boiiy baa never, 
 it seema, been lovoked Therefore the 2:13^ 
 in a record, and auoh it mast remaiu uutil 
 the Aeaooiation mets it aside. 
 I mile — 2:l4j^. R«rnn, in hampsM, fastest 
 6r8t heat. OI*-vulaod. 0, July 17, 1878. 
 1 mile— 2:15. 2:13^. 2:13|, Rama in har- 
 nesn, fastest secoml aud third, best two acd 
 three consecutive heats, and best three-heat 
 raue, Hart'orH, Ct, Aug 23. 1878 
 1 mile— 2:1^, 2:17, 2:16$, Mmatmler, in 
 harness, f»8t«:8t time and best two and 
 three cnnneoutive heatx by a stallion, 
 H irtford, Cr, Auk 31, 1875 
 1 inil«-2:15i, 217. 2 16|, 2:171, 2:18 
 2:19|, fastest tive and six couaecu'..ivtt bests, 
 and iifSt six-heat race ; Smuggler won the 
 tirMt and second, the third was dea<l between 
 him and Gold«mith Maid, and the latter 
 « on thfii three following , Hartford, Ct^ Aug 
 31. 1876 
 1 mile — 2: 1 5|. Great Eastern, under sarl- 
 dle, third h- »t. Fleetwood Park, Morrisania, 
 N Y, Sept 22 1877 
 1 mile— 2:ldi 2:17, 2:17, Hopeful, 
 fatitest time aud best two aud tttree cn^nsecn- 
 tivH heats to waggon. Chicago, III, Oct 12. 
 1 mile— 2:15*. 2:16j, 2:15J. 2:17. best 
 four-heat r:tce ; OoldsinithMaid won tirat 
 heat. Lulii the others ; R<ichester, N Y, 
 Au« 14. '875 
 lm-e-2.15i. 2:17i. 2:16i. 2:10i. 2:17*. 
 bent tive, hetit raue ; Goldnniith Maid won 
 flrtit and second heata, Smuggler the others, 
 Cleveland O. July 26. 1876 
 1 mile-2:l7i, *2:18. 2:17, 2:20. Smug- 
 gler, in harneHS (second heat dead with 
 Judge Fnllertfin). fastest four consecutive 
 heats hv a stalliuu, Philadelphia, Pa. July 
 16. 1876. 
 2 miles -4:50i, Flora Temple, in harness, 
 An^ 16, 1859. 
 2 mdes— 4 56i. Gen Butler, first heat. 
 June 18 1863. and Dexter, second heat. 
 Oc^. 27, 1865 both to waggon. 
 3 miles— 7:2U, Hnntrens. in barnesa, 
 Brooklyn, L 1. Sent 21. 1872. 
 3 mile* 7324. DtirchmAn. under saddle, 
 Beacon Course. Hoboken. N J, Aug L 1839. 
 3 miles -7 63. TionafeH^w, to waggon, Sa- 
 cramento, Cal. Sept 21, 1863. 
 4 miles- 10 34^. liongfellow, to waggon, 
 California. Dec 31, 1861K 
 4 milen- 10.51, Dutchman, under aaddle, 
 May, 1836. 
 4 miles — 11.06, Trnstee. inhameM, Union 
 Course, L I. Jnne 13, 1849. 
 6 miles— 13.00. Lady Mac. in harness, San 
 Francisco, Cal, April 2, 1874. 
 5 miles- 13.43}, Little Mao, to waggon, 
 Oct 29, 1863 
 10 miles — 27 23|, Controller, in hameaa, 
 San Francisco. Cal. Nov 23 1878. 
 10 miles- 28 02^ John Stewart, to wag- 
 gon, Boston, Mass, June 3i). 1868. 
 20 mile — 68 25. Captain MoGowan, in 
 harneHS, half mile track, Boston, Oct 31, '65. 
 20 miles — 58 57, Controller, to waggon, 
 San Francisco. Cal. April 20, 1878. 
 50mile8— 2.7 00. J Castro, saddle, using 
 ten horses, and chantrintr ever mile, San 
 Fiancisco, Cal, April 12, 1878 
 50 miles — 3 55 40^. Ariel, in harness, dri- 
 ver weighing 601b, Albany, N Y, 1846. 
 5 > miles — i 59 04, Spangle, waggon and 
 driver weighing 400ib, Union Coarse, L I, 
 Oct 15, 18.55. 
 lUO miles — 8.55 53. Conqueror, in harness, 
 Union Course, L I. Nov 12, 1853. 
 1 mile— 2 14^, Billy Boyoe under saddle, 
 Butfal«>N Y. Autr 1 1868. 
 1 mile— 2 15, Sleepy George in barnesa 
 Ro..hester N Y Autf7 '78. 
 1 mile — 2 15, 2 161, ^"^ ^^^ conseoutive 
 heats in harness. Sleepy George took tirbt 
 and Sweetzer the second Rochester. N Y 
 Aug 7 '78. 
 1 mile— 2 16, 2 16, 2 161, Sweetzer fastest 
 three Ron«e<>iitive heats in harness, Cleveland 
 Ohio Oct 2 77. 
 1 mile — 2 17^, Pocahontas, waggon and 
 driver wt-itthing 265 lb. Union Course L I 
 June 21 1855 
 1 mile— 2 18. 2 18, 2 171. 2 18i. 2 19J, 
 2 16^. to wagvron — fastest tour, five, and five 
 consecutive hents ; Sweetzer won the first 
 fourth and sixth heats, Lucy the second, and 
 Sleepy George the fifth— Buffalo, N Y Aug 
 2 '7a 
 2 miles— 4 56^ Hero in harness, Union 
 Curse. L T May 17 '53. 
 2 miles — 4 57^ James P<>]z under saddle 
 alao Roanoke Pdiladeiphia June 30 '69. 
 2 miles — 4 ,58^ Young America to waggon. 
 2 milcH — 5 041 Bowerv Bov under saudle, 
 Centreville L 1 Sept 7 '29 
 3 mile"— 7 44 Oieida Chief under sad(^1«». 
 Beacon Couri|e. Hobftken N J Aug 15 1843. 
 3 miles— 7 44 Jameoi K Polk in hainiesa 
 Centreville Course L I Sept 13 '47: