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Tous les autres exemplairas originaux sont fllmAs en commen^ant par la pramlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la darnlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. \in des symboies sulvants apparaltra sur la dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols -^> signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols Y signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tebleaux. etc., peuvent Atre fiimis i dss tsux de reduction diff«rents. Lorsque le document est trop grsnd pour Atra reproduit en un seul ciich*. ii est filmA A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droits, et de haut en bas. an prenant le nombro d'images nAcsssairs. Les diagrammes sulvants illustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 AN ALPHABETICAL ABRIDGMENT Of THE LAWS FOR THE PREVENTION OF SMUGGLING. 1816. LONDON: PRINTED BY OBOROE EYRE AND ANDREW STRAHAN, PRINTERS TO THE KINo's MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTT. 1816. i J. A A I. A a. — '/ .AN • 'T j;;r^,y ALPHABETICAL ABRIDGMENT, (VV ■■■j--f"- Sfc. Sfc. ■J ;- ALDERNEY. See " Guernfey." ARMED PERSONS. See « Smugglers." I. ARMS and AMMUNITION. If any-( Cutter, Lugger, Shallop^ Wherry, Smaci, or Taivl, belonging in the whole or in part to any of His Majefty's Subjefts, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board are Subjects of His Majefty, fhall be found or difcovered to have been within the Limits of any of the Ports of Great Britain, or in the Britifh or Irifh Channels, or within loo Leagues of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, having on board any Arms or Ammunition, except by Licence of the Admiralty, every fuch Cutter, &c» with the Arms and Ammunition, and the' Goods on board, (hall be forfeited . - -^ 2. ■ Not to extend to any Cutter,' Lugger, Shallop, Wherry, bmack, or Yawl, belonging to or employed in the Service of the Navy, Vic- tualling, Ordnance, Cufloms, Excife, or Poft Office ; nor any Cutter, &c. which (hall have been regularly entered and cleared at any Cuftoip lioufe in any of His Majefty's Dp- minions with Arms or Ammunition, as Merchandize, or for the Ufe of Jiis Majefty's Stores or Garrifons, and which fhall be regularly ftowed in the Hold of fuch V<?irel Aa ACTS. Reign, 34 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. Chap. Seft. 50 66 34 Geo. 3. uii A- J '.» •50 *^*r «7 14. J. ARRACK, not to be imported in Veffels or Cades under 60 Gallons, or in Veffels under 100 Tons. See " Spirits." BLADDERS, capable of containing Li< quids, of the Sort ufually adapted for Smuggling, on board Ships and VeiTels within certain Diftancei> of the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland. See ♦* Ships and Veffels." « Guernfey." BOATS. The Owners of every Boat be- longing to a Ship or Veffel, owned in the whole or in part by any of His Ma- jefty's Subjects, ihall caufe to be painted upon the Outftde of the Stern of every fuch Boat the Name of fuch Ship or Vejfely and the Port or Place to which (he belongs, and the Mafter's Name within-fide the Tranfum, in White or Yellow Roman Letters, not lefs than Two Inches in Length, on a Black Ground, on Forfeiture of fuch Boat - - -J - The Owners of every Boat not he-' longing to a Ship or Ve£el (hall caufe to be painted upon the Stern of every fuch Boat, in White or Yellow Roman Letters of Two Inches in Length, on a Black Ground, the Nanus of the Owners of fuch Boat, and the Port or Place to which fuch Boat belongs, on Forfeiture of any fuch Boat found within the Limits of any of the Ports of Great Britain, or in the Briti(horIri(h Channels, or within 100 Leagues of the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland^ — — — Nothing in thefe Afks is to forfeit' any Boat whatever in the Service of the Navy, Vi£tuallinor, Ordnance, Cuf- toms, Excife, or Poft Office ; nor any 1 the Owner of which (hall have f Boat the a Licence for navigating the fame, or which are ufed lolely in Rivers or Inland Navigation Pinnace or Any Wherry, Barge> or Galley, rowing or buUt to Reign. I Chap. Sea. 27 Geo. 3. 32 27 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 32 66 «7 ■j 27 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 3* 66 4 17 :^ 5 ip. Sea. ;« •J \1 56 17 6. 4 <7 ■^ BOATS— rofl///»tt^</. ro«f wi/A mor^ /i&jn Four Oars, found either upon Ijand or Water, within the Counties of Middlefex, Surrey, Kent, or EfTex, or in the River Thames, or within the Limits of the Ports of London, Sandwich, or Ipfwich; or any Boat, &c. rowing with more than Six Oarsi found either upon Land or Water in any other Port, or within Two Leagues of the Coaft of Great Britain, (hall be forfeited with the Tackle and Furniture ; and every Per- fon uiing or rowing in any fuch Boat (hall forfeit 40 1. except Boats licenfed by the Admiralty, or the Commiflion- ers of the Cuftoms ; Tow Boats be- longing to licenfed Pilots within the Port of Hriftol ; Barges or Galleys of His Majefty or the Royal Family ; Long Boats, Yawls, or Pinnaces be- longmg to Merchant Ships or Veffels, or belonging to Ships or Veffels em- ployed in the Greenland or Southern Whale Fifheries ■' ■ ' '■ Any Boat belon;^ :ng in the whole or in part to His j^ajefty's Subjects, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board (hall be Subje£ts of His Majefty, rowed with or conjlruded to row with more than Six Oars, found within the Limits of any Port in the United King- dom, or in the Britifli or Iri(h Channels, or within icx> Leagues of any Part of the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland, (hall, with all the Furniture, Tackle, and Apparel, be forfeited Nothing in this Aft as to the" Number of Oars of any Boat (hall extend to Boats employed in the Whale Fi(heries; nor to any Boat belonging to any Merchant Shijp or Ve(rer exceeding the Burthen ofi^o Tons ; nor to any Life Boat ; nor any Boat employed folely in Rivers or In- land Navigations; nor to any Boat belonging to His Maiefty, or in the > Reign. 8 Geo. I. 19 Geo. 3. 32 Geo. 3. 35 Geo. 3. Cha[>< Sedt. iS 69 22 92 3»4 3*5 6 35 47 Geo. 3. 66 47 Geo. 3. 66 6. 8. ! i' BOATS— ron/i/iMf^/. Service of Government^ or in the Em- ployment of the Cuftoms or Excife ; nor to any Boat liceafed to ufe more than Six Oars — ^— Any Boat rowed with or conftruSed' for rowing with more than Six Oars, found or difcovered to have been ho- vering, or within Four Leagues of that Part of the Coaft which is between the North Foreland and Beachy Head, or within Eight Leagues of any other Part of the Coaft, mall be forfeited ; provided that fuch Diftance of Eight Leagues (hall be meafured in any Di- rection between the Southward and Eaftward of Beachy Head, although any Part of the extended Limits may exceed the Diftance of Four Leagues from any Part of the Coaft of Great Britain to the Eaftward of Beachy Head A.ny Boat,Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, \ or GaUey, rowed with or conjlrulled to row with more than Four Oarsy belong- ing wholly or in part to His Majefty's Subjefts, or whereof Half the Perfons on board are Subjeds of His Majefty, found within the Limits of any Port of Great Britain, or in the Britifti or Irifti Channels, or within loo Leagues cS the Coaft of Great Britain, or dif- covered to have been within fuchLimits or Diftance, the Owners of which fhall not have obtained a Licence from the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms in England or Scotland, as the Cafe may be, or from the Lords of the Admi- ralty, prior to the A£t 47 Geo. 3. ch. 66, every fuch Boat, Sec. with the Tackle and Furniture, fhall be j forfeited - - -J Not to extend to any Boat, &c,' belonging to His Majefty or any of the Roy 3 Family, or in the Service of Government, or in the Employ- ment of the Cuftoms or Excife ; nor to any Long Boat, Yawl, Pinnace, Keigii. Chap. Sea. 42 Geo. 3 47 Geo. 3. 82 66 3 9 / 5» Geo. 3. 141 :i .'u» '•rt ■0^^ fir: ip. Sea. i2 16 3 9 4« II. 9. BOAT S-^oniinued. or other Boats belonging to any- Square-rigged Veflel in the Merchant Service, or to any other Merchant Veflel above 150 Tons Burthen not otherwife requiring* a Licence for the T.Tfe thereof, nor to any Boat employ- ed in the Fifheries, or any Life Boat, or any Tow Boat ufed in towing Vef- . fels belonging to licenfed Pilots within the Port and Jurifdi£lion of the City of Briftol, or any Boat, &c. employed folely in Rivers or Inland Navigation ^ 10. Any Boat exceeding 28 Feet in Length from the Forepart of the Stem to the Aft-fide of the Tranfum or Stern Poll aloft, and tke Length of which Jhall be greater than in the Proportion of '^\ Feet to one Foot in Breadth^ found either upon Land or Water within the Counties of Middlefex, Surrey, Kent, or Eflex, or in any Port of Great Britain, or within Two Leagues of the Coaft thereof, fliall be forfeited with t he Tackle and Furniture ; and every Per- fon ufing or rowing in any fuch Boat (hall forfeit 40 1. but not to extend to Boats licenfed by the Admiralty or the CommifDoners of the Cuftoms ; Tow Boats belonging to licenfed Pilots within the Port of Briftol ; Barges or Galleys of His Majefty, or the Royal Family ; Long Boats, Yawls or Pin- naces belonging to Merchant Ships or VefTels, or to Ships or Veflels em- ployed in the Greenland or Southern Whale Fifheries - - — — Any Open Boat belonging wholly' or in part to any of His Maje^'s Sub- jects, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board are Subjedts of His Majefty, and being of the Length of 23 Feet and upwards, built for rowing or failing, or for rowing and failing, the Length of which Jhall be greater them in the Proportion of ^^ Feet to l Foot in Breadth, to be meafured by a *A4 Reign. Chap. Sea. 52 Geo. 3. 8 Geo. I. 19 Geo. 2. 24 Geo. 3. 141 18 69 47 3»4 3»5 33 8 ii.BOAT.S ftraii 12. >3- 14. I —continued, ht Line from the Forepart of the Stem to the Aft-fide of the Tran- fum or Stern Pod aloft, found on Land or within any Port of Great Britain, or Member or Creek thereof, or in the Britiih or Iriih Channels, or wit\in 100 Leagues of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, fhall be forfeited - -^ —— Any Boat built for rowing or fail-' ing, or for rowing and failing, belonging wholly or in part to any of His Ma- jelly's Subjedts, and being o/'/it^ /.^^//^ oflS Feett and undet the Length cfl^Feet irom the Forepart of the Stem to the Aft.fide of the Tranfum or Stern Poft aloft, and the Depth of which is greater than in the Proportion of One Incht and One Quarter of an Inch to every Foot of the Length, fuch Depth to be taken from the upper Part of the Plank next the Keel to the Top of the upper Strake, whether fuch Strake be fixed to the Boat or ufed as a loofe or (hifting WaihStrake, (hall be forfeited, togethe- with the Ship or VefTel to which th fame belongs - " " "^ — Any Open Boat belonging as afore-' faid of 2^ Feet and upwards, the Depth of which jhall be greater than in the Pro- portion of One Inch to every Foot of the Length, fuch Depth to be taken as before mentioned, may be feized by any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife.^ N. B. — No Limits or Diftance are' mentioned in the loth Section of the Ad 28 Geo. 3. ch. 34. as to Boats mentioned in N<^' i2 & 13. — ^ Not to extend to any Boat in' the Service of the Navy, Vi6tu- ailing, Ordnance, Cuftoms, Elcife, or Poft Office, or Boat ufed on any Canal or Inland Navigation, nor to any Boat the Owner of which fhall have a Licence, if the fame be on board at the Time of her being detained or examined, nor to any Reign. Chap. 28 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 2i5Geo.3. 34 66 34 Soft. 10 »7 10 28 Geo. 3. 34 10 14. BOATS-^coatinued. Whale Boat belonging to any Veflfel employed in the Greenland or Southern Whale Fifliery, nor to any Boat which (hall be built with Timber and Plank not lefs than the following Scantling, viz. An Open Boat from ao to 25 Feet long, having Plank ^ of an Inch thick and Timbers i^ [nch fquare. From 25 to 30 Feet long, having Plank li Inch thick and Timbers 2 Inches fquare. From <to to 35 Feet long, having Plank if Inch thick and Timbers 3 Inches fquare. From 35 to 40 Feet long, having Plank 2 Inches thick and Timbers 4 Inches fquare. From 40 to 50 Feet long, having Plank 2 Inches thick and Timbers 5 Inches fquare. From 50 Feet and upwards, having Plank 3 Inches thick and Timbers 6 Inches fquare fc5. ■' Any Open Boats built for rowing or*^ failing, or for rowing and failing, be- longing in the whole or in part to any of His Majefty's Subje£is, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board are SubjeAs of His Majefty, and being of the Length 0/1^ Feet an J under the Length £/' 1 8 Feet, to be meafured by a ftraight Line from the Forepart of the Stem to the After>fide of the Tranfum I or Stern Poft aloft, and the Depth of ! which Jhall he greater than in the Proper' I tion of\\ Inch to l Foot in Length', fiich ' Depth to be taken from the upper Part of the Plank next the Keel to the Top of the upper Strake (whether fuciis upper Strake (hall he fixed to the Boat or (hall be ufed as a loofe or ihifting Wafh Strake) found either upon the Land or within any Port ' of Great Britain or any Member or Creek thereof, or in the Britifh or Irifh Channels, or within 100 Leagues Reign. 28 Geo. 3. 32 Geo. 3. 35 Geo. 3. Chap. Sea. 34 22 9* 12 6 35 34 Geo. 3. 47 50 66 9 17 10 15- I i6. «7- BOATS— ro«//»«<r</. of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, (hall be forfeited, unlefs fuch Boat (hall have Plank of f of an Inch thick and Timbers i^ Inch fquare^ and not more than nine Inches diftant from Timber to Timber ; and if any fuch Boat (hall be found on board, or (hall belong to any Cutter, Lugger, Shallop, Wherry, Smack, or Yawl, fuch Cutter, Lugger, Shallop, Wherry, Smack, or Yawl, (hall alfo be forfeited. J I Not to extend to Whale Boats, or any Boat in the Service of the Navy, Victualling Office, Ordnance, Cuftoms, Excife, or Poft Office, nor to any Boat the Owner of which (hall have a Licence, the fame being obtained and entered agreeably to 24 Geo. 3, and adiually on board at the Time fuch Boat is detained, and produced on De- mand ; nor to any Boat wholly employed in the Cod, Herring, Mackarel, or other Fi(heries, carried on from Great Britain, having on board fufficient Hooks and Lines and Nets for fuch Fifheries, and clearing out from Great Britain - - - -, Any Open Boat belonging wholly' or in part to any of His Majefty's Sub {*e6ts, or whereof Half the Perfons on >oard are Subjects of His Majefty, and being 30 Feet long and upwards^ built for rowing or failmg, or for row- ing and failing, the Length oftohichJhaU exceed the Proportion of one Foot for erery two Inches of the Width, meafured by a ftraight Line from the Forepart of the Stem to the Aft-fide of the Tranfum or Stern Poft aloft, found within the Limits of any Port of Great Britain, or in the Briti(h or Iri(h Channels, or within 100 Leagues of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, (hall be for- feited, unlefs the fame being clench- built (hall have Plank not lefs than Half an It'ch thick, and Timbers of the fol- Reign. Chap Sea. 34 Geo. 3. 35 ^eo. 3. 50 92 10 ] 9. 52 Geo. 3. 141 11 I 8. 1 i ' 1 VIZ. BOATS— continued. lowing Dimenfions, For every Boat, Feet. Feet. exceeding the length of 30 and under 35 of the length of - 35 - 40 - 45 - - - 50 Feet & upwards fuch Timbers refpectively not being above 10 Inches apart. Not to extend to Boats belonging" to Veffels above 150 Tons Burthen, provided fuch Boats are licenfed by the Commiilioners of the Cuftoms. Life Boats nor Boats employed in the Whale Fiflieries. Boats belonging to any Square- rigged Ship or Veflel in the Merchants Service, or to any otlier Merchant Veffel above 150 Tons Burthen. Boats ufed Jolely in Rivers or Inland Navigation. Employed in the Service of Govern- ment ; or Licenfed by the Admiralty prior to the Aft 47 Geo 3. ch. 66 or by the Commiflioners 01 the Cuftoms before this Aft. . - -_ ■ The Commiflioners of the Cuftoms' England, Scotland, and Ireland, > m refpeftively, may revoke Licences for Open Boats not belonging to Ships or VefFels, allowing fuch Open Boats to proceed to Foreign Parts, and in future refufe Licences for fuch Boats ; or confine the Employment or Navigation thereof in any Manner and withm any Limits and Diftance of the Coafts as they may deem fitting and proper — — After the faid Commimoners ref-' peftivelv (hall by any Order in Writing under their Hands have revoked any fuch Licence, a Copy of the Order fhall be left either with any one of the Owners or with the Perfon having the Care or Cuftody of any fuch Boat ; and from and after the Delivery of a Reign. Chap. Seft 1 52 Geo. 3. 141 SS Geo. 3. H3 - ^vB.«^;r;iuQitwv;^!VUVUJ|lUPJl/|IV'' '■'.<. IS! 20. BOATS—continued. Copy of fiich Order the Licence (hall be null and void, and the Owners re- quired to caufe the faid Licence to be delivered up to the Collector of the Cuftoms of the Port to which fuch Boat ^ (hall belof.^ within three Months from the Day on which the Order (hallhave been delivered as aforefaid ; or, in cafe of the faid Licence being loft or taken by the Enemy, fatisfaSory Proof on Oath (hall be within the fame Period made before the CoUe&or or Comp> troUer of fuch Port ; and in cafe fuch Licence (hall not be delivered up, and no fuch Proof made within fuch Period as aforefaid, the Owners (hall forfeit 20 1. ; or if fuch Open Boat (hall be ufed or navigated after a Copy of the Order revoking the Licence (hall have been delivered, every fuch Open Boat (hall be forfeited - * "_ 2 1 . • - ■ Every Open Boat, belonging in the" whole or in part to His Majefty's Subjefis, found or difcovered to have been in Foreign Parts, or found with or difcovered to have taken on board at Sea any Goods from any Ship, Veffel, or Boat coming from Foreign Parts, (hall be forfeited, unlefs fuch Open Boat (hall have gone into any Foreign Port, or have taken fucn . Goods to preferve the fame, from Ne- [ celfity or Diftrefs, of which Proof (hall be made before the Collector or other Chief Officer of the Cuftoms immediately upon the Arrival of the faid Boat in a Port of this Kingdom, or unlefs fuch Boat (hall be licenfed for that Purpofe by the Commiffioners of His Majefty's Cuftoms, or any Three or more of them 22.—— The Commiffioners of His Ma-T Reign. Chap. Sea jefty's Cuftoms in England, Scotland, and Ireland refpe£tiveiy, or any Three or more of them refpe6lively, may grant any Licence required for any Boat $S Geo. 3. 143 1 n 56 Geo. 3. 104 21 i 13 143 104 21 BOATS — continued. - upon fuch Conditions, as to the Navi- gation, Trade, and Employment of any fuch Boat, and for fuch Limits as to Diftance from the Coaft of the United Kingdom, or otherwife, as the ^ faid Commiffioners refpefiively may deem neceffary or expedient or proper for the Security of the Revenue and the Prevention of Smuggling ; and every Boat having any fuch conditional or li- mited Licence which fhall trade, navi- gate, or be employed in any Manner not authorized by the Licence, (hall be for feited in like Manner as if no Licence whatever hadbeen?ranted for fuch Boat_ ■ ■ The Mailer of any Boat which by' 27 Geo. 3. ch. 52. or 24 Geo. 3. cli. 47. is required to be licenfed, (hall produce the Licence to every Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife who (hall board fuch Boat within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, or within 100 Leagues of the Coaft thereof, on the fame being required by fuch Officer ; and if fuch Mafter (hall not have fuch Licence on board, or (hall not produce the fame, or if the Licence is produced without an In- dorfement thereon that the proper Security has been given to the Col- le Aor of the Port to which (he belongs, fuch Officer may feize fuch Boat, and the fame (hall be forfeited - J Reign. made ufe of in the Removal of Pro- hibited or Run Goods. See •* Cattle and Carriages.'* For the Regulations under which Licences are to be granted. See '* Licences." BONDS. Officers to be allowed a Pro. portion of the Penalty of the Licence Bond. See ** Licences." BOTTLES. No Wine to be imported in Bottles except in certain Quantities^ or for private Ufe. See " Wine." Chap. 56 Geo. 3. 27 Geo. 3. 38 Geo. 3. Seit. 104 23 22 5 12 27 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 32 66 7 7*n 14 ■ BRANDY. Regulations as to the Impor. tation, and to prevent the Smuggling, See " Spirits." BRIBES. Offered to Officers of the Army, Navy, Marines, Cuftoms, or Excife. See « Officers." BULK, BROKEN. See «' Ships." « Guernfey." CAMBRICKS and FRENCH LAWNS.l Not to be imported except into the Port of London oniy% nor imported into that Port unlefs packed in Bales, Cafes, I or Boxes, covered with Sackcloth or ' Canvas, each of which fhall contain JOG Whole Pieces or 200 Demi or Half Pieeest on Forfeiture thereof 1. CANDLES. Not to be imported other wife han in Packages containing 224 Pounds Net at leaft, to be flowed openly in the Hold of the Velfel importing the fame, on Forfeiture thereof 2. ■ Not to be entered or reported for Exportation in any Veffel belonging wholly or in part to His Majefty's Subje6ts otherwife than in Packages containing 224 Pounds Net at the leaft ; and all Entries and Reports made contrary to this A.Gt fhall be void, and the Candles fhall be forfeited 1. CATTLE and CARRIAGES. All Vef.= fels and Boats^ and all Horfes and other Cattle and Carriages whatfoever, I made ufe of in the Landing, Remov- f ing, Carriage, or Conveyance ofanyprohi- hited or uncujlomed Goods fhall be foneited^ 2, . All Seizures of Horfes, Cattle,"* 1 and Carriages whatfoever, for being ufed in the Removing, Carriage, or Conveyance of Goods, or for any other Caufe of Forfeiture contrary to any Aft of Parliament rela- ting to the Revenue of Cuftoms, may be adjudged and determined by and before any Two of His Ma- jeflfs Juflices of the Peace for any County, Riding, City, Diviflon, or liberty, in fuch Manner and by Reign. Chap. 32 Geo. 3. 32 23 Geo. 2. 21 ^t 42 Geo. 3. 93 ^9i S Ann. 17 ' .f,: ''IV ■ u I. CATTLE and CARRIAGES— continued. fuch and the like Rules as the Seizure of any Horfes, Cattle, or Carriages liable to Forfeiture for being ufed in removing, carr^'ing, or conveying of any Prohibited or Run Goods, may be adjudged and determined by any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, by virtue of any A&. of Parliament in force, relating to the Cuitoms or Excife, and Judgments given in purfuance of thefe A£ts (hall be valid and efTedlual in the Law, and final to all Intents and Pur- pofes whatfoever, and not liable to any Appeal or any Writ of Certiorari CINNAMON and CLOVES. Imported^) by virtue of a Licence from the Com- millioners of the Cuiloms, from any Place or Places beyond the Seas, other than diredly from the Eaft Indies, fhall not be packed in any other Pack- ages than in Ca^s or Bales, containing the Quantity herein-after mentioned; that is to fay, each Bale of Cinnamon to weigh 70 Pounds Weight or upwards, and each Bale of Cloves 300 Pounds Weight, on Forfeiture thereof CLEARANCE. See '« Guernfey," Jerfey, > > (t >y t€ « Alderney," « Sark* and *« Man." Goods." COCKETS. See COFFEE. Not to be imported in Pack ag containing lefs than 100 Pounds Weight Avoirdupoife ■■ Not to be entered or reported for Exportation, otherwife than in Packages containing 112 Founds Weight Net of ■ Coffee at leall ; and all Entries or Re- ports made contrary to this Aft fhall be void, and the Coffee fhall be for- feited - - - __ • ■ Any Coffee of the Weight of 20' Pounds or upwards, found on board any Ship or Vejfel whatever at Anchor or hovering within the Limits of any Reign. Chap. Sed. 6 Geo. I. 24 Geo. 3. j6 Geo. 3. 21 47 104 '3 36 14 6 Geo. I. 21 45 48 Geo. 3. 120 42 Geo. 3. 93 >9 . J 16 I : I ' ! 3. COTYEE— continued. Port of this Kingdom, or within Four Leagues of that Part of the Coaft which is between the North Foreland on the Coad of Kent and Beachy Head on the Coaft of SuiTex, or within Eight Leagues of any other Part of the Coaft, or (hall be difcovered to have been within fuch Limits or Diftance, and not proceeding on her Voyage, Wind and Weather permitting, unlefs in cafe of unavoidable Neceflity or Diftrefs of Weather, of which the Mafter (hall give Notice and make Proof before the Collector or other Chief Officer of the Cuftoms of any Port within the Limits of which fuch Ship or VefTel (hall be found, imme- diately after her Arrival within fuch Liniits, ?,U fuch Coffee, and the Ship or VefTel, with the Guns, Tackle and Furniture, (hall be forfeited ^. ■ ProvidedthatfuchOiftanceofEight' Leagues (hall be meafured in any Di- re6tion between the Southward and Eaftward of Beachy Head, although 1 any Part of fuch Limits fo extended [ may exceed the Diftance of Four Leagues from any Part of the Coaft to the Eaftward of Beachy Head Any Coffee of the Weight of") 20 lbs. or upwards, found on board any Ship, Vejfel, or Boat belonging in the whole or in part to any of His Ma- jejly^s SuhjeSff or whereof One Half of the Perfons on hoard are Subjeds of His Majefty, at Anchor or hovering within the Limits of any of the Forts of Great Britain, or in any Part of the Britifh or Irifh Channels, or within 100 Leagues of any Part of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, and not pro- ceeding on her Voyage, unlefs in cafe of Neceffity,to be proved as above men« tioned, all fuch Coffee, with the Ship, Veffel, or Boat, and the Guns, Tackle, and Furniture, (hall be forfeited Reign Chap. Seil 24 Geo. 3. 42 Geo. 3. 42 Geo, 3. 47 82 82 24 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 47 66 17 -( V , 17 COFFE E— ^:o«/in«^</. But not to prevent Evidence from being received in any Suit or Infor- mation for the Forfeiture of any Ship, Veflel, or Boat) in order to fhew from the Smallnefs of the Quantity of the Goods and other Circumftances of the Cafe, that the fame were on board without the Knowledge either of the Owner or of the Mafter of the VcfTel, and without any wilful Negleft or Want of reafonable Care in the Dif- charge of the Duty of fuch Owner or Mafter : And where Proof fhall be fo made that fuch fmall Quantity was on board without the Knowledge either of the Owner or Mafter, and without any wilful Negleft or Want of reafon- able Care in either of them, fuch Veflel, if exceeding loo Tons Burthen, fliall not be forfeited for fuch fmall Quantity of Goods - - ' ■ "^ Provided that fuch Goods found on' Reign. Ghap. Sea. board any fuch Ship, Veflel, or Boat, within the Limits or Diftance men- tioned in this A6k, or in 42 Geo. 3. ch. 82. or 47 Geo. 3. ch. 66. whether with or without the Privity or Know- ledge of the Mafter thereof, ftiall be forfeited, and t;he Perfon in whofe Charge or PoiTeflion the Goods ftiall be found, fliall forfeit treble the Value thereof - - - - :ORDAGE. See " Ships." « Guernfey." CURRANTS. Not to be imported other-") wife than loo/e in Hogsheads or other Ca^St each of which fliall contain Five hundred Weight Avoirdupois of Net Currants at leaft, nor packed in Rolls, Bags, or any other Pack- ages within fuch Hogflieads or Caflcs, OH Forfeiture thereof; but Veflels K coming from any Pla ? from whence Currants are ufually imported, may have on board a Quantity not ex- ceeding Five hundred Weight for B 24 Geo, 3. 47 23 Geo. 3. II 18 J''!-. i:i ! . CURRANTS.— fo«/i«W. the Ships Ufe, to be (lowed openly and loofe in a Caflc capable of contain- ing Five Cwt. Net, and to be regularly reported - - - - -_ CUTTERS. See « Ships and Veffels.*' DISGUISE. Perfons wearing any. See " Smugglers." EAST INDIES. See « Goods." '« Manifefts." « Seizures." FIRE WORKS. See «' Signals.'' FRENCH LAWNS. See ♦' Cambricks." GLASS. Every Package containing any" Plate or Plates of Glafs unframed, being " Plate, Crown, or Sheet Glafs," imported or brought in for the Pur- pofe of Exportation, (hall contain Five hundred Weight iTet at leaft of fuch Glafs, and fhall meafure Six cu- bical Feet at leaft, and be entirely filled with Glafs without any other Cafe or Package whatever contained therein; and fhall alfo be marked or damped on the Outfide, in Roman Letters not lefs than Four Inches in Length, with the Name of the Perfon to whom the fame is configned, and alfo with the Words "Plate Glafs," "Crown Glafs," or *' Sheet Glafs," refpeftively, as the Cafe may be, with the Number and Sizes contained in the faid Package, on Forfeiture of all fuch Glafs brought contrary to this Aft Not to forfeit any Plate Glafs beingT of the Length of 60 Inches or upwards, j on account of the fame not being > brought in Packages marked and de- [ fcribed as aforefaid - -J — ' And in cafe any Crown Glafs," Plate Glafs, or Sheet Glafs, (hall be found inclofed in any Ca/e or Package whatever containing other GooJst Wares, or Merchandize, than fuch Crown Glafs, Plate Glafs, or Sheet Glafs, or (hall be found amongft Goods fo con- tained in any fuch Cafe or Package, Reign. Chap. Seft. 45 Geo. 3. 122 19 Chap. Sea J 122 GLASS— ron//«W. Re'g"- Chap. Seft. all fuch Glafs Ihall be forfeited, to- gether with Double the Valup thereof GLOVES. See ♦* Seizures." GOODS. If any Perfon ihall caufe any" Goods for which the Duties are due or payable to be landed or conveyed away without due Entry, upon Oath thereof made before the Lord Trea- furer or any of the Barons of the Exchequer, or Chief Magiftrate of the Port or Place where the Offence fhall be committed, or the Place next ad- joining thereunto, the I<ord Treafiirer or any of the Barons aforefaid, or Chief Magillrate of the Port or Place where the Offence (hall be committed, or the Place next adjoining thereunto, may iffue a Warrant to any Perfon enabling him with the Affiftance of a Sheriff, Juf- tice of Peace, or Conflable, to enter into any Houfe in the Day -time where > 12 Car. 2. 19 fuch Goods are fufpeded to be con- cealed ; and in cafe of Reiiftance to break open fuch Houfes and to feize and fecure the Goods concealed ; and all Officers and Miniflers of Juflice are required to be aiding and affifting thereunto - - - — — — Provided that no Houfe fhall be entered unlefs it be within the Space of one Month after the Offence fup- pofed to be committed ; and if the Information whereupon any Houfe fhall come to be fearched fhall prove to be falfe, the Party injured fhall recover his full Damages and Cofls againft the Informer by Adion of Trcfpafs - - Any Officer of the Cufloms,autho-" rized by fVrit of AJJtJlance under the Seal of His Majelly's Court of Ex chequer, may take a Conflable, Head- borough, or other Public Officer inha- bitng near the Place, and in the Day- time enter any Houfe, Shop, Cellar, Warehoufe Room, or other Place, B2 20 I GOODS— roff/inW. and in cafe of Refiftance, break open Doors, Chefts, Trunks, and other Package, to feize and from thence to bring any kind of Goods or Merchan- d\2e whatfoever prohibited and un- cuftomed, and fecure the fame in His Majefty's Storehoufe in the Port next to the Place where fuch Seizure fliall be made - - ■ ' All Goods imported or brought* into Great Britain with Intent to be landed (except Diamonds, Bullion, and Frefh Fifh, Britifh taken, and im- ported in Britifli-built Ships owned, navigated, and regiilered according to Law, and alfo except Turbots and Lobfters, however taken or imported) whether fuch Goods (hall be liable to Duty or not, (hall b» regularly entered ^ at the Cu/lom Houfe, and not unjhlpped or landed but in the Prefence of the proper Officers^ either on Sundays, Holidays, or any other Days, on Forfeiture there- of; and fuch OfEcers fhall examine the Goods, and not deliver them until they have taken a particular Account of the Quantity and Species thereof - - . I If any Goods whatfoever liable toT the Payment of Duties, (hall be un- Jhipped nv'ith Intention to be laid on Land (Cuftoms and other Duties not being firjl paid or fecured) or if any prohibited Goods nuhatfoever, fhall be imported into any Part of, Great Britain, the fame fliall be forfeited ; and the Perfons affift- ing or otherwife concerned in the un- fliipping, or to whofe Hands the fame fliall knowingly come after the un- fhipping thereof), fhall forfeit Treble the Value thereof, together with the Veflels and Boats, and all the Horfes and other Cattle and Carriages what- foever made ufe of in the landing, re- moving, carriage, or conveyance of any of the aforefaid Goods Reign. Chap. i3&i4Car.2 i3&i4Car.2 27 Geo. 3. 36 Geo. 3. 43 Geo. 3. II Sea. I 5 I a Car. 2. 8 Ann. II 13 82 68 7 12 I 3 4 3 3 17 fl GOODS^ccntittueJ. ^''"'i^"- ^hap . Any Cuftomable Goods found by any' Officer of the Cuftoms in the Cuftody of any Perfon being in any Bark, Hoy, Lighter, or Boat on the Water or coming diredlyfrom the Water Side v/ithout the Prefence of an Officer, may be lent to His Majefty's Warchcufe ti;l Proof be made by Oath or otherwife (to the Sa- tisfaction of the Commiffioners in Lon- don, or of the Principal Officers in the > 6 Geo.i. 21 Out Ports) of Payment of the Duty, or that the faid Goods were brought in a lawful Way of Trade, or compound- ed for or condemned in the Court of Exchequer ; on which Proof the Goods are to be delivered ; but if not made within Ten Days, they are to be feized and profecuted — In cafe any Foreign Goods fhall by' any Coqfting Vejfel or Boat be taken in at Seat or out of any Ship or Vejel, in order to be landed or put into any other Ship, Veflel, or Boat within the Li- mits of any Port, withor* Payment of the Duties, fuch Goods fhall be for- feited, and the Mailer of fuch Coafting VefTel or Boat fhall forfeit treble the Value, unlefs in cafe of Neceffity, which y- 5 Geo. i. 11 he fhall immediately give Notice of, and make Proof before the Chief Offi- cers of the Cufloms of the Firft Port of this Kingdom where he fhall arrive; and the Mafler of the Ship or Veffel out of which fuch Goods fhall be taken at Sea, unlefs in cafe of Neceffity as aforefaid, fhall forfeit treble the Vailue thereof - _ - -^ If any Cuilomable or Prohibited' StSt. 39 Goods fhallbe found on board any Vejfel of^O Tons or under, hovering on the Coajii of this Kingdom within the Limits of any Portf and not proceeding on her Voyage for Foreign Parts, or to fome other Port of this Kingdom, Wind and Weather permitting, any Officer of the Cuftoms may go on board fuch *B3 Q2 I' 8. GOODS—continued. VefTel and take an Account of the La- dii ?, and fhall alfo take Security from the Mafter in treble the Value of fuch ♦ Foreign Goods, with Condition "That ] fuch Ship or Veffel, (as foon as Wind ' and Weather, and her State and Con- dition doth permit) fhall proceed re- gularly on fuch Voyage, and land fuch Foreign Goods in and at fome Foreign Port or Porto ;" and if on Demand he (hall refufe to enter into fuch Security, or having entered into the fame fluiU not proceed regularly on fuch Voyage, unlefs fufFered to make longer Stay by the CoUedlor (or other Principal Officer in hisAbfence) not ex- ceeding 20 Days, then all the Foreign Goods on board fliall be taken out and forthwith brought on Shore and fecured ; and if the Goods are Cuftom- able, the Duties (hall be paid ; and Prohibited Goods or other Goodsliable to Forfeiture found on board are for- feited, as alfo the Ship or Veffel, if liable to Condemnation 9. ■ After fuch Goods are fecured, the" Bond (hall be void and.delivered up ; or the fame may be vacated and difcharged, on a Certificate under the Common Seal of the Chief Magiftratein any Place or Places beyond the Seas, or the Hands and Seals of Two known Britifh Mer- chants upon the Place, that fuch Goods were there landed, or on Proof by credible P'rfons that they were taken by £nei ies or perifhed in the ^ Seas, the £xan« .ation and Proof there- of being left the Judgment of the Commiflloners ^ the Cuftoms 10. ■' ' ' Any Foreif . Goods taken on board' any Coq/iing V (el tn Parts beyond the Seas, or out of any Ship or VeJTel at Sea or at any Port or Place of this King- dom other than the Port or Place from whence fuch Goods Jhall be certified^ fuch Goods and double the Value \ Keign. Chjp. Sei't. 5 Geo. I. 8 Geo. I. II 1 1 8 8 5 Geo. I . II 9 Geo. I. 21 US Chjp. fciet't, U 1 I 8 8 II 9 13 ). GOODS—continueJ. thereof, (hall be forfeited, aud the Mailer cf the faid Coafting Ship wherein the faid Goods were imported (hall forfeit the Value of f;ich Goods -— In cafe any Foreign Goods (hall by* any Ship, Veffel, or Boat whatever, 6t taken in at Seat Qt put out of any Ship or Vejfel whatever within Four Leagues from the Coafts o/'thia Kin^^doin without Payment ofthe Duties, (unlefs in cafeof apparent NecelTity or other lawtul Rea- fon, of which the Mafter ofthe VeiTel or Boat taking in the fame (hall give imme* diate Notice to and make Proof of be> fore the Chief Officer or Officers ofthe Cuftoms of the firft Port where he (hall arrive), fuch Goods (hall be forfeited \ and the Mailer of the VelTel or Boat tak- ing in the fame, and all Perfons affiAing or concerned in qn^hipp*' ig or receiving fuch Goods, (hallforfit Treble the Va- lue thereof; and the Ships, Boata, and Veffels, into which fuch Goods afe un- (hipped anu taken (hall be forfeited if not exceeding • oo Tons Burthen ; and the Mafter or Ptirfer of the Ship or Vef- fel out of which fuch Goods (hall be t?ken (unlefs from Neceffity or other lawful Reafon, whereof he (hall give No- tice and make Proof as aforefaid) (hall alfo forfeit Treble the Value thereof If any Goods whatever (hall be unr > Reign. Chap. S««. »• 9 Geo. 2. 35 »3 Jhippedat Sea, and taken out of any Shipyr Kejfel employed in the Service of the Eafi India Company on her Voyage HomevDords to this Kingdom, at any DiiancefrQm the Coafts thereof, (utilefs in cafe of , apparent Ijfeceffity, or fome other law- ful Iveafon, yf which the Mafter of fuch Ship or Veifel (hall give immediate Notice to and make Proof of before the ColleAor and Controller, or the Chief Officer of the Cuftoms, at the firft Port ► of this Kingdom where he (hall arrive,) all fuch CJpods, and everyShip, Veflel, or Boat, into which the fame Audi be *B4 17 Geo. ^. 4' m li. GOODS — continued, unfliipped and taken, or which (hall be ufed in removing the fame, (hall be for- feited ; and the Mailer of the Ship or Veffel from whicii fuch Goods (hall be unlhipped permitting the fame» and all others concerned in unfhipping or re- ceiving fuch Goods, fhall forfeit Treble the Value thereof - - If any Goods whatever (hall be put' »3 14' h ■ ' on board any fuch Ship orVeJfel at Sea, at any Di/lancefrom the Coqjis of this Kingdom, after clearing outwards and departing from the Port of Lon. don on her outward-bound Voyage, (except F -»vifions and Stores necef- fary for the Voyage), .all fuch Goods, and every Ship, Veffel, or Boat, out of or from which the fame fhall be fo unladen, (hall be forfeited ; and the Mailer of fuch Bail India Ship know- ingly permitting fuch Goods to be taken on board, and every other Perfon concerned in the unihipping or re- ceiving of the faid Goods, (h^l forfeit Treble the Value thereof — If any Goods liable to Forfeiture [See' Appendixl by any A61 of Fkrliament, upon being imported into Great Britain, (hall be found on board any Ship or Veffel whatever yitAnctior, orhovenng witliin the Limits of any Port of this Kmgdom, or within Four Leagues of that Part of the Coail which is between the North Foreland on the Coail of Kent, and Beachy Head on the Coail of Suffex, or within Eight Leagues of any other Part of the Coail, or discovered to have been within fuch Limits or Dif- tancc, (and not proceeding on her Voyage, Wind and Weather permit- ting), unlefs in cafe of unavoidable Neceff.iy and Diilrefs of Weather, of which the Mailer (hall give Notice, and make Proof before the Colledor, or other Chief Officer of the Cuiloms of any Port in the Limits of which Reign. Chap. : Sea S 4. GO 17 Geo. 3. 41 24 Geo. 3. 42 Geo. 3. 47 S2 I 3 25 GOODS'-continued. fuch Ship or Veflel fliall be found im- mediately after her Arrival within fuch Limits; all fuch Goods, and the Ship or Veflel, with all her Guns, Tackle, and Furniture, mall be forfeited Provided, that fuch Diftance of" T m Eight Leagues fliall be meafurod any Direction between the Southward and Eaftward of Beachy Head, al- though any Part of fuch Limits fo extended may exceed the Diftance of four Leagues from any Part of the Coaft to the Eaftward of Beachy Head - - |6. If any Goods liable to Forfeiture by" any Aft of Parhamenl, upon being im- ported into Great Britain, fliall be round on hoard any Ship, VeJfeU or Boat belong- ing in the ivhok or in part to any of His Majefly's Subjeffsy or whereof One Hidf of the Perfons on board are Subje£is of His Majejly, at Anchor, or hovering within the Limits of any of the Ports of Great Britain, or in any Part of th^e Britifli or Irifli Channels, or ivithtn 100 Leagues of any Part of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, and not proceeding on her Voyage, unlefs in cafe of Neceflity, to be proved as before mentioned, all fuch Goods Ihall be forfeited, together with the Ship, Veflel, or Boat, in which laden But not to prevent Evidence from' > > being received in any Suit or Infor- mation, for the Forfeiture of any Ship, Veflel, or Boat, in orde>* to ftiew, from the Smallnefs of the Quantity of the Goods and other Circumftances of the Cafe, that the fame were on board with- out the Knowledge either of the Owner or of the Mafter of the Veflel, and without any wilful Negledl or Want of reafonable Care in the Difcharge of tht Duty of fuch Owner or Mafter; and where Proof fliall be made, that fuch fmall Quantity was on board, without Reign, 42 Geo. 3. 24 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. Chap.' Sea. 8i 47 66 24 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. J 17 66 2 17 26 20. •- 1 7. GOODS— -conimued. the Knowledge either of the Owner or Mafter, and without any wilful Ne^- le&i or Want of reafonable Care in either of them, fuch Veflel, if ex- ceeding loo Tons Burthen, fhall not be forfeited for fuch fmall Quantity of Goods - - ._ 1 8 — — — Provided, that fuch Goods found' on board any fuch Ship, VefFel, or Boat, within the Limits or Di fiance mentioned in this A A, or in 42 Geo. 3. ch. 82. or 47 Geo. 3. ch. 66. whether » with or without the Privity or Know- 1 ledge of the Mafter thereof, fhall be for- feited ; and the Perfon in whofe Charge or PofTeffion the Goods fhall be found ftiall forfeit treble the Value thereof 19. ■ If after the Seizure of any Brandy,"] Arrack, Rum, Spirits, or Strong Waters, either Foreign or Britifh, or any Foreign Excifeable Liquors , by any Officer of Cuftoms or Excife, in pur- fuance of any A.6t now in force, or hereafter to be made, any Perfon fhall by force or violence re/cue, or Jball caufe nr Procure to be refcued, any fuch Spirits or Strong Waters, or any Foreign Excifeable Liquors, or (hall attempt or endeavour fo to do, or fhall, at or after fuch Seizure, Jlavey Break, or otheriuije defiroy or damage any Cq/k, Vejfel, or Bottle, contain- ing fuch Spirits or Strong Waters, or fuch Foreign Excifeable Liquor, the Party or Parties fo offending fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit 40 1. If any Perfon fhall by force or' violence refcue or caufe to he re/cued any Goods which may be liable to be feized by virtue of any Aft now in force, or fhall attempt or endeavour fo to do, or after fuch Seizure fhall flante, break, or otherwife destroy or damage any Package wherein the fame (hall refpe6tively be contained, the Officers of the Cuftomi, and all Per- Reig!i. Chap. Sc>;t 24 Geo. 3. 47 8 Geo. I. 18 19 Geo. 3. 69 10 27 GOODS— continued, fons afting in their Aid and AflTiftance, may arreft and detain the Offender, and convey him before a Juftice of the Peace, and the Juftice fhall, if he fee caufe, commit him to the next County Gaol, to be deah with as di- refted by this Aft See *' Smugglers." . If any Perfons to the Number of' Three or morcy armed ivitb Fire jirtns or other ojfenfive Weapons^ fhall be afl'cm- bled in order to be aflifting in the ref- cuing or taking away any Goods after Seizure, from any Officer of the Reve- nue or other Perfon employed by or afTifting him, or from the Place where fuch Goods were lodged, being thereof lawfully convifted fhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and fhall fuffer Death^ See '* Smugglers armed or in Difguife." |2. - Refcued after Seizure by armed"! Reign. Chap. Scrt. Perfons, the Rape or Lath or Hundred I where the Fa6l was committed in Eng- ^ land are to make Satisfaction, not ex- j ceeding 200 1. J See " Smugglersarmed or in Difguife " r — Every Mafter of any Ship or Vef-" fel on board of which any Goods (hall he Jhipped for Exportation to Foreign Parts from any Port or Place in Great Britain, (hall upon Demand deliver to each and every Officer or Officers of His Majefty's Cuftoms who fhall come on board his Ship or Veffel, either within the Limits of any Port in Great Britain, or withiu four Leagues of the Coafl thereof, every Cocquet or Cocquets delivered to him by the proper Officer or Officers of the Cuf- toms at the Port or Place where the Ship or Veffel fhall have been cleared out, for the Examination and Infpec- tion of every fuch Officer, under the Penalty of icol. ; and if fuch Officer fhall find any of the Goods on board fuch Ship or Veffel not tocorrejpond 19 Geo. 2. 34 26 Geo. 3. 40 «8 if' 111 III 33. GOODS— -fo«//««^</. with the Coquet or Cocquets fo pro- duced, he fhall feize the faid Goods, which (hall be forfeited; or if fuch Officer {hall difcover that any of the Packages indorfed upon the Cocquet or Cocquets produced are not on board, the Mailer Ihal Iforfeit the Sum of 20I. for every Package contained in fuch Cocquet or Cocquets and not found -J 1. GUERNSEY, JERSEY, ALDEH.O Nl^Y, SARK, and MAN. No Spirits of any kind (hall be Im-' ported into Great Britain yrow the IJle of Man ; and where any Ship or Veffel coming from thence and having on board any Spirits exceeding Two Gal- lons for each Seaman, or any Goods prohibited to be imported from thence into Great Britain, (hall be found at Anchor or hovering within the Limits of any Port of Great Britain, or within Three Leagues of the Shore, or difcovered to have been within the faid Diitance, and not proceeding on her Voyage, Wind and Weather permitting, (unlefs in cafe of unavoidable Nece(uty and Diftrefs of Weather, of which the Matter (hall j give Notice and make Proof on his Arrival) all fuch Goods, together with the Ve(rel in which the fame (hall be fo imported or found, with all her Tackle and Furniture, (hall be forfeited No Spirits (hall be imported into* Reign. Chap. SeftJ or exported from the Iflands of Guem fey, Jerfey, Alderney, Sark, ojt, Man, or removed from any one to any other of the faid Iflands, or Coaftwife from any one Part to any other Part of either of the faid Iflands, or water-borne for that Purpofe, in any Ship, Veflel, or Boat of lefs Burthen th^n 100 Tons, nor in any Caflc or Package of lefs Size or Content than 60 GtSlons ; nor (hall any Tobacco or Snuff ht fo imported or exported in any Ship, VeflTel, or Boat of lefs Burthen than 5 Geo. 3. 39 29 GUERNSEY, kc.-^continueJ. lOO Tons ; nor in any Cafl< or Package containing lefs than 450 Pounds Weighty fave and except any fuch Spirits or loofe Tobacco as ftiall be for the Ufe of the Seamen belonging to and en board any fuch Ship, Veflel, or Boat, not exceeding two Gallons of the for- mer and five Pounds of the latter for each Seaman ; and alfo except fuch manufadlured Tobacco or SnufF as fhall have been duly exported as Mer- chandize from Great Britain or Ire- land ; nor fhall any Wine be imported into or exported from the faid Iflands, or carried from any one of the faid Iflands to any other thereof, or Coaft- wife from any one Part to any other Part, or be (hipped or water-borne for the Purpofe of being (hipped in any Ship, Veffel, or Boat of lefs Bur- then than 60 Tonsy or in any Package lefs than an Hogshead, on Forfeiture of all fuch Goods (hipped' or laden con- trary to thefe Afts, and every fuchShip, VefTel or Boat in which laden, with the Guns, Tackle, and Furniture - -^ Provided that nothing herein con-' tained (hall fubje6l to Forfeiture any Boat not exceeding the Burthen of 10 Tons for having on board any Foreign Spirits of the Quan- tity of 10 Gallons or under in Cades or Packages of lefs Size or Content than 60 Gallons, or any Tobacco, SniifF, or Tea, not exceeding- 50 Pounds Weight of each, for the Supply of the faid Ifland of Sarkt fuch Boat having a Licence from the proper Officer of the Cuftoms at either of the Iflands of Guernfey or Jerfey ; provided that every fuch Boat having on board at any one Time any greater Quantity of Spirits than 10 (^ons, or any greater Quantity of Tobacco or SnufF than 50 Pounds Weight of each of the faid Articles, unlcfs in Ca(k8 or Reign. Chap. Sea. 45 <5eo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 121 84 3 12 48 Geo. 3. 84 4 12 30 ii ill' III! Uliii ! GUERNSEY, &cc. —continued. Packages of the Size, Content, or Weight before required, or having on board at any. one Time any grer ier Quantity of Tea than 50 Pounds Weight, fhall be forfeited ... Not to prevent the Importation' into or Exportation from the faid Iflands of any Wine in Bottles {hipped in Cafes or Cades only, each containing Six Do%en reputed Quart Bottles ; pro- vided that before the Shipment for Great Britain or Ireland, the Mafter of the Ship, Veflel, or Boat, together with one other fufficient Surety, fhall give Bond to the proper Officer of the Cuf- toms in 408. per Gallon that the Wine fo fhipped (hall ( the Danger of the Seas and Enemies excepted) be duly entered and landed at the Port or Place *T Great Britain or Ireland to or for which the fame fliall be declared at the Time of giving fuch Bond ; and > fuch Officer is hereby required to furnifli the Mafter with a Certificate fpecifying the Number of fuch Pack- ages and the Quantity of Wine con- tained in each, the Date of the Bond, and the Name of the Port or Place to or for which the fame (hall be fo de- clared ; and fuch Bond (hall not be de- livered up or cancelled until a Certifi- cate under the Hand of the proper Offi- cer of the Cuftoms in Great Britain or Ireland of the due landing of the Wine mentioned therein (hall be produced to and left with the Officer taking the Bond within Three Months after the Date thereof - - ■i If any Ship, Vejfel, or Boat, having' on board any Foreign Spirituous Li- quors in any Cafk or Package which (hall not contain 60 Gallons at the leaft (except only for the Ufe of the Seamen not exceeding Two Gallons for each Seaman), or having on board any IVitie in Caflcs or Packages of lef» Reign. Chap. Sea, 45 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 121 84 5 12 31 [. GUERNSEY, ^c.—contmued. Content than a reputed Hoglhead (ex- cept fuch Wine in Bottles as is before allowed and provided, miie fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat having Wine on board fliall not exceed 60 Tons Burthen; or if any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, having on board any Tobacco or Snuff" in any Cade or Package containing Tefs than 450 Pounds Weight (faveand except loofe Tobacco for the Ufe of the Seamen not exceeding Five Pounds for each Seaman) fliall be found at Anchor, or hovering or dif covered to have been within Two Leagues of the Coafts of either of the ^ faid Iflands oiGuern/ey, Jer/ey, Sark, or Marii or within Two Miles of the Coail of Alderney, fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat not proceeding on her Voyage, (Wind and Wea*,her permitting) un- lefs in cafe of unavoidable Neccffity or Diftrefs of Weather, of which Ne- ceffity or Diftrefs the Mafter fhall give Notice and make Proof before the Chief Officer of the Cuftoms of the neareft Port, or the Port in which fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat fliall take Shelter, or to which fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, can go^ under all Circumftances of Wind, Tide, and Weather, immedi- ately after the Arrival of fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, within the Limits of fuch Port, then all fuch Goods and Packages, and the Ship,Veffel or Boat, with all the Guns, Furniture, Tackle, and Apparel thereof, fliall be forfeited ^ 6. ■■ I In cafe any 5^// (whether Foreign or' Britifli) fliall be exported from the Iflands of Guernfey^ J^ffeyt Aldtrneyt Sari, or Man, or removed by Sea from any one Part to any other Part of either of the faid Iflands, or fliall be put on board any Ship, Veffel, or Boat whatever, in order to be fo re- moved or carried otherwife than in Bulk or in Ca^s containing four hundred freight Net of Salt, except only fuch Reign. Chap. Sea. 45 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 121 84 6 12 ds .( ! !■ I 111 I III! 111 , '>'' I Ifil I 6. GUERNSEY, 9i.c. -continued. Salt as may be for the neceflary Pro- vifions, or for t)ie Ufe of the Seamen, not exceeding two Pounds Weight for each, to be uowed openly and fairly in fuch Ship, Vefll'l, or Boat ; or in cafe any Pepper fliall be exported from the faid I (lands, or ftiall be removed by Sea from any one Part to any other Part of the fame, or (hall be put on board any Ship, Veflel, or Boat whatever (other than fuch Quantity as may be necefTary for the Ufe of the Seamen), in order to be fo removed j in Cades not containing Four hundred Weight Net of Pepper, all fuch Salt and Pepper, and the Ship, Veffel, or Boat on board of which any fuch Salt or Pepper (hall be found, with the Guns, Furniture, and Apparel, fliall be forfeited - - 7. — — . Not to prevent the Exportation from" either of the Iflands of Guernfey or Jer- fey at any one Time of a«iy Quantity of i'a// not exceeding loBuftiels, any Quan- tity of Pepper not exceeding 50 lbs. Weight, or any Quantity of Wine not exceeding I o Dozen reputed Quart Bot- tles/or /Af Supply of Sari ; and the faid Articles may be fo exported in any Boat not exceeding the Burthen of 10 Tons, fuch Boat having a Licence from the principal Officers of the Cuftoms at either of the faid Iflands of Guernfey or Jerfey, (which Licence fuch Of- ficer is hereby authorized and required to grant) : Provided that every fuch Boat having on board at any one Time any greater Quantity of the refpeftive Articles than what is permitted by this Aft, fuch Articles, if in Packages of lefs Size or Content than prefcribed by the Laws in force,, (hall be forfeited j 8, ■ If after the Departure from' > ii Guernfey, Jerfey, Sark and Man re- fpeftiyely of any Ship, VeJfeUorBoat helonging wholly or in part to His Ma- Reign. Chap. SedB 47 <^eo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 66 84 3' 12 49 Geo. 3. 62 33 GUERNSEY, Scc—contittued. jefiy's SuljeSst or whereof Half the Per- font on board are His Majejifs SubjeSs, having on board any Spirits, Tobacco, SnufF, Tea, Wine, or Salt, Bulk (hall be broietiy or any Part of the Cargo un- laden or unfliipped, or any Alteration made in the Form, Size, Defcription, or Number of the Packages, or in the Quantity, Quality, or Mode of Pack- age of the Goods therein, at any Time in the Profecution of the Voyage for which the Veflel or Boat cleared out, fuch Veflel or Boat, with her Guns, Tackle and Furniture, fliall be forfeited ; but no Forfeiture (hall be incurred for breaking Bulk, or unlading the Cargo or any Part of it, through unavoidable Neceflity or Diftrefs, nor for any Al- teration in the Cargo if occa(ioned by Neceflity or Accident, or made to preferve the Veflel or Boat, to be proved to the Satisfaflion of the re- fpe6tive Commilfioners of the Cuftoms or Excife - ... No Ship or Veflel fliall fail from" Guernfey, Jerfey, Alderney or Man, without a Clearance, whether in Ballaft or having a Cargo, and if with a Cargo, the Mafter (hall give Bond to His Ma- jefty in double the Value of the Veflel and of the Cargo, for duly landing the fame at the Port for which the Ve(rel clears j and every Ship or Ve(rel not having fuch Clearance, or which hav- ing a Clearance for any Cargo, (hall be found light or with any Part of the Cargo difcharged before Delivery there- of at the Port fpeci(ied in the Clear- ance, unlefs through Neceflity or to preferve the VeflTel, to be proved to the Satisfadlion of the refpedive Com- milTioners of the Cuftoms or Excife, fliall be forfeited - - .J If any Ship, Vejfel, or Boat, belonging' wholly or in part to His MajeJlyU Sub- yeQs, or whereof Half the Perfons on c Reign. Chap. Sea. 47 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 66 84 II 12 47 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 66 84 12 12 W I S4> 15 10. GUERNSEY, hc^cuntinued. board are Subjeffs of His MajeJIyt (hall fail from Gucrnfey, Jorfey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, with a greater Number of Perfons on board than allowed, or if any Ship, Vefl'el, or Boat fhall fail from any of the faid Iflands having on board, or which ihall have taken on board during the Voy- age, any Small Cordage adapted for flmging fmall Cades, or any more fmall Cades, Tin or other Cafes or Bladders of lefs Content than 60 Gallons, and capable of containing Fluids of the Sort ufed for fmuggling Spirits, than (hall be neceflary for the Ufe of fuch Veffel, or any Materials for making any fuch fmall Cades, Cafes, Boxes, or Bladders, or any Im- plements for broaching or drawing off any Fluids more than is ufual and ne- ceflary for the Purpofes of the Voyage, or any Materials adapted for repacking any Tobacco or Snun on board during the Voyage, fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, with her Guns, Tackle, and Furniture, diall be forfeited HATS. No Baft or Straw, Chip, Cane," or Horfehair Hats or Bonnets, or any Platting or other Manufadures of Baft or Straw, Chip, Cane or Horfe- hair, proper for making Hats or Bon- nets, diall be imported, except into the ?ort of London only, and not into that Port unlefs packed in Bales or Tubs lontaining 75 Dozen of Hats or Bonnets, or 334 Pounds Weight of Platting or other ManufaAure at the leaft, on Forfeiture thereof, as alfo of the Vef- fel, if of the Burthen of 50 Tons or under - - 1. HAWKERS. If any Perfon fliaU ofFer= any Tobacco, Tobacco Stalks, Spanlfl* Tobacco, Stalks forTohacco, Stalk Flour, Snuff Work^ Tobacco Stalk Flour or Snuff, to Sale, not having a Permit ; or if any Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty Rcigii. Chap. Sc(| 47 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 66 84 «3 12 fo Geo. 3, 43 sri HAWKERS— fow//'«ttw/. i^e'K". Chapman, fliall ofter any Tobacco,' &-C. to Sale although he fliall have a Her- mit ; fucli Ptrfon or Hawker, Pedlar or Potty Chapman, (hall forfeit all fuch Tobacco, &c. with the I'ackages, and alio the^Sum of 20 1. ; and any Per- fon to whom the fame is fo offered may fcixe fuch Tobacco, Sec, and I'ackages, and carry the fame to the next Ware- houfe of the Cufloms or Excife ; and the Pcrfon offending may be brought before any Jiillice of the Peace, who may commit him to Prifon ; fuch To. y\ 20 Geo, 3. bacco, 8cc. fhall be profccuted as if f feized by an Officer of the Cufloms or Excife ; and after Condemnation there- of, and Commitment of the Offender, the Perfon feizing fhall have the fame Rewards as any Officer of the Cufloms or Excife would have had for feizing the fame ; and if the Perfon feizing fhafi defire it, in the meantime, till fuch To- bacco, Sec. can be fold, he may be ad- vanced Three-pence for every Pound Weight thereof, on a Certificate, under the Hand and Seal of fuch Juflice, of the Offender being committed to Prifon j and after the Sale of fuch Tobacco, &c. (if the fame fhall be fold) the Monies fo advanced fhall be replaced out of the Produce If any Perfon (hall offer for Sale' Chap. any Tea, Foreign Spirits, or any To hateo or Snuff, not beiag licenfed to deal therein, ana not having a Permit for the fame; or if any Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty Chapman fhall offer for Sale ^ any Tea or Spirits, or any Tobacco or Snuff, although he has a Permit for the fame j the Perfon to whom the fame is offered for Sale may arreft and detain the Perfon and feiase all fuch Tea, &c. and carry the fame to the next Warehoufe of the Cufloms or Excife, and convey the Perfon before a Juflice, who may require him to enter Ca 68 Sea. 134 I hi liili! 9 (fill il 36 HAWKERS— fo»/,flW. into a Recognizance as dire^led by 45 Geo. 3. ch. 1 2 1 . ; and (if the Offen- der be a Subjedl of His Majefty, and a Seaman or Seafariner Man, and capa* ble of ferving in the Navy), fuch Juftice may fend him to fome Officer of the Imprefs Service, to be dealt with according to the faid A6t, or otherwife to be by fuch Juftice committed to I'rifon, and profecut.ed for the Penal- ties ; fuch Goods may be profecuted in the Name of the Seizor ; and after Condemnation or Commitment of the Offender, the Perfon fo feiz- ing and detaining fhall be entitled to 5 I. if a Moiety of the eftimated Value (hall not exceed fuch Sum j and if a Moiety of the Value ex- ceed 5I. then a Moiety of fuch Value, which the Commiflioners of the Cuf- toms and Excife refpedUvely (hall pay in like Manner as Rewards under the faid A6t are paid ; and the Perfon fo arrefting any fuch Offender (hall have fuch further Rewards as by any Law now in force are given to any Officer of the Army, Navy, or Ma- rines, for arrefting any Offender againft any A&. for preventing Smuggling - — — If any Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty Chapman, (hall be convided of knowingly dealing in, or felih.^ any Smuggled or Prohibited Goods, he ihall forfeit Iiis Licence, and be incapable of obtaining a new one, over and above all other Penalties and For- feitures for fuch illicit Dealing — — If any fuch Hawker, &c. trading" by Licence, on Demand made by any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife, Sec. (hall refufe to produce and fiev/ his Licence, or (hall not have fuch Licence ready to produce, he (hall forfeit 10 1. and for Non-payment fuffer as a common Vagrant, and be committed *o the Houfe of C9rre^ion Reign. Chap. Sect. 48 Geo. 3. 84 50 Geo. 3. 4« m 37 \ [AWKERS—roff/inw^d. •Any Perfon forgingor counterfntingany^ fuch Licence, or producing a forged or counterfeited Licence for the Purpofe of trading as a Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty Chapman, (hall forfeit 300 1. - j — Any Pt *fon trading under a Li-n cence granted to another Per/on, or in I which his own real Name is not in- L ferted) fhall forfeit 40 1. except Ser- j vants of licenfed Mafters • -J Any Perfon may detain a Hawker- Reign. &c. trading without, or refufing or ncgleSing to produce a Licence upon De- mand, and a Peace Officer may carry him before a Juilice, who, on Con- vidion, may levy the Penalty by Diftrefs, and commit the Offender till the fame is levied or paid HORSES. All Horfes and Cattle whatfo-'-v ever, made ufe of in the Landing, Re- moving, Carriage, or Conveyance of any I prohibited or uncuftomed Goods, (hall be [ forfeited - - - I All Seizures of Horfes and Cattle^ whatfoever, for being ufed in the Re- moving, Carriage, or Conveyance of any Goods, or for any other Caufe of Forfeiture contrary to any A&. of Parliament relating to the Revenue of Cuftoms, (hall and may be adjudged and determinedly and before any Two of Hit Majejly^s Juftices of the Peace for any County, Riding, City, Divifion, or Liberty, refiding near the Place where fuch Seizure (hall be made, in fuch Manner and by fuch and the like Rules as the Seizure of any Horfes and Cattle liable to Forfeiture for being ufed in removing, carrying, or conveying of any prohibited or Run Goods may be adjudged and deter- mined by any Juflice or Juftices of the Peace, by vu*tue of any AA of J*ar- liament in force, either relating to the Cuftoms or Excife ; and Judgments given in purfuance of this AGt mall be C3 50 Geo. 3. Chap. 4» Sea. 18 «9 20 8 Ann. »7 6 Geo. I. 24 Geo. 3. 56 Geo. 3. 21 47 104 >3 o '4 38 > a. HORSES— eontinueil. valir^ and efFe£tual in the Law^ and final to all Intents and Purpofes what- foever, and not liable to any Appeal, or anv Writ of Certiorari J. ■ If anjr Perfon fhall take or »/^ any Horfd Mare, or Gelding belonging t9 any other Per/on without his Confent, for the Purpofe of carrying or con- veying any Foreign Brandy, Rum, Geneva, or Spirits, or any Tobacco or Snuff, fubjedt to Forfeiture by this or any other Aft of the Cultoms or Excite, fuch Offender, being convifted before a Juftice on the Oath of a cre- dible Witnefs^ (hall forfeit a Sum not exceeding 50 1. nor lefs than 20 1. to be recovered as any like Penalty by the Laws of the Cuftoms or Excife, and One Half fliall go to the Informer, and the other to the Owner of fuch Horfe, &c. and the Offender fliall remain liable to fuch other Punifhment or Aftion I j.|; '!)i,|i I as he would by Law have been liable to for taking or ufing fuch Horfe, &c. if fuch Penalty had not been impofed by this Aft HOVERING. See" Boats.'* '< Coffee." *' Goods." " Salt." "Ships and Veffels." " Spirits." " Tea." « Tobacco and Snuff." "Wine." I !.|| ,ii ,1 I IMPLEMENTS. For drawing off Fliiids or repacking Tobacco. See "Ships." "Guernfey" JERSEY. See "Guernfey." 1. JUSTICES. Any Two or more of His") Majefly's Juftices of the Peace for any County, Riding, City, Divifion^ or Liberty, may examine into, hear» and dettrmine all Projecvtiotu fw tht Con- demnation of any Seizure xn^itwAtt ot Reiga. Chap. 45 Geo. 3- 21 39 JUSTICES—fon/wW. by virtue of any Aft or Afts relatincr I to His Majefty'a Revenue of CuU I tome; and the faid JuiUces are hereby ^ authorized and required, upon Im- formatiun exhibited before them, for the Condemnation of any fuch Sei* zure or Seizures as aforefaid, to proceed thereon in the fame Manner and with the like Powers and Autho- rities as are given to them by any Law or Laws of Excife now in force with refpeft to Forfeitures for the^ Breach of any Law or Laws of Ex- cife - - - - — It ftiall not be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons vthatfoever to com- mence or profecute, or caufe or pro- cure to be commenced or profe- cuted, any Information againft any Perfon or Perions for the Recovery of any Fine, Penalty, or Forfeiture, under or by virtue of any Aft now in force, or which (hall hereafter be made relating to either of His Ma- jefty's Revenues of Cuftoms or Ex- cife, unlefs the fame be commenced or profecuted by Order of the Commiflioners of His Majeily's Cuf- toms or Excife; and if any In« formation is commenced or profe- cuted by or in the Name of any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, except upon fuch Order as aforeCaid, the fame, and all Proceedings thereupon had, (hall be null and void ; and the Juftice or Juftices of the Peace where or V,„' 'e whom fuch Information is or fhail ine To commenced or pro- fecuted, fhall not ])ermit or fuffer any Proceeding or Proceedings to be had thereupon - -^ LACE. No Thread Lace (hall be imported" excoj^t into the Port of London, and not mto that Port In Parcels contain- ing left then 12 Tards, unlefs of the Value of Two Pounds per Yard or C4 r Reign. 56 Geo, 3. Chap. 104 Sea. »4 $6 Geo. 3. 104 IS 43 Geo. 3. 81 40 1 « ■ n- Li A C E — continued. upwards, or for the Importer's private j Ufe only - - "J LICENCES. No Licence for the NaviO gation of any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, j ihall be granted by the Commiffioners of the Admiralty, or any Perfon autho* rized by them to grant the fame, but that in every Cafe where the Owners of any Ship, Veflel, or Boat are required to have a Licence, the fame, unlefs granted before the pafling of this Ad by the Admiralty, /ba/l be granted by the Commiffioners of the Cuf- toms in England, Scotland, and Ireland refpe3ively, or any Three of them ; and the Ships, Veffels, and Boats fo li- )» ccnfed by the faid Commiffioners re- fpeftively, fliall be liable to all the Rules, Regulations, Reftriftions, Pe- nalties, and Forfeitures, to which Ships, Velfels, and Boats licenfed by the Admiralty were refpeftively liable ; and the Owners of every Ship, Veflel, or Boat (hall alfo be fubjed to the like Securities, Penalties, and For- feitures to which the Owners of any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, fo required to be licenfed by the Admiralty, were fubjeft and liable " ~ -^ . ' Every Licence for a Ship or Vef-" fel fliall hecify the Tonnage, whether Cutter, Lugger, Shallop, or Wherry, or what Sort of Built flie is, and who is or are the Owner or Owners thereof, and for what Port, Harbour, or Creek flie is about to fail, and what Quantity and Number, and what Sort of jirms and Ammunition, flie is licenfed to have on board • - - Every Licence granted by the' Reign. Chap. Sea! > Commiffioners of the Culloms in Eng- land or Scotland /or any Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or Galley rowing with Six Oars, or otherwife requiring Licence, after3ifl: Auguft i8i'i, fliall contain the proper Defcription thereof, the 47 Geo. 3. 66 24 24 Geo. 3. 47 10 41 LICENCES— ro«/mW. Names of the Owners, tlieir Places | of Abode, and how intended to be )> employed, with any Particulars the Commiflioners may direA ; and the Owners fhall alfo give Security by Bond as herein-after direfted ; on fail- ure whereof the Licence (hall be void, and fuch Boat, &:c. may be feized as if no Licence had been granted - - - - The Commiflioners of the Cuftoms" in England, Scotland, and Ireland re- fpeftively, may grant any Licence re- quired for any Ship, Veflel, or Boat, upon fuch Conditions as to the Naviga- 'on, Tradcy or Employment of any fuch Miiip, Veflel, or Boat, and for fuch Limits as to Diftance from the Coaft of the United Kingdom, or otherwife as the faid Commiflioners may deem neceflary ; and every fuch Ship, Veflel, or Boat, having any fuch conditional or limited Licence, which fliall trade^ navigate, or be employed in any Man- ner not authorized by the Licence, {hall be forfeited, and liable to Seizure in like Manner as if no Licence had been granted for fuch Ship, Veflel, or Boat - - - -_ — iWffup any licenfed Ship or Vef-' fe' j, rucceds to Sea, or fails out of any i or r, Harbour, or Creek in this Kingrdt r., t'lf- Owner ftiall bring fuch Licence lo the proper Officer of the Cullomi for the Port, Harbour, or Creek from which fuch Ship or Vef- fcl is about to fail, to be duly regif- iered ; and fuch Owner Jhall produce the fame to the proper Officers of tV" Cuftoms of any and every Port, *■ '.-^rbour, or Creek at which he ftiall avr^ve - , _ — The Owner, of any fuch Ship,' Veflel, or Boat, fo requiring a Li- cence, fliall give Security in Treble the Value thereof^ at the Port to which Reign. 52 Geo. 3. Chap. 141 Sea. 56 Geo. 3. 104 22 24 Geo. 3. 47 42 if III: w i I Hfi ! I. 1*1; 'II in III H I m !'i 1!, 111 6. LICENCES— continued. fuch Ship, Vcffel, or Boat (hall be- long and no other ; and the Perfons who are to become fuch Security (hall be approved by the CoUeAor and Comptroller of the Cuftoms, fufficient and refponfible, and refiding at or near the fame Port ; and the Condition of fuch Security Ihall be. That in cafe fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat (hall be loft, broken up, fold, or otherwifc difpofed of, the Licence (hall be de- livered up to thtr Perfon or Perfons by whom fuch : ■ 5ty (hall have been taken, or to i )r their Suc- ce(ror8 in Office, in order that the fame may be cancelled; and that fuch Ship, Ve(rel, or Boat (hall not be employed in the Importation or landing of any Tea or Foreign Spi- rituous Liquors, or any prohibited or other Goods contrary to any A&. of Parliament which now is or here- after may be in force, or in the Ex- portation of any Goods which are or may be prohibited to be exported from this Kingdom, or in the relanding of any Goods whatfoever contrary to Law which are entered outwards for Exportation for any Drawback or Bounty, or which are or may be pro> hibited to be ufed or worn in Great Britain ; and that fuch Ship, Ve(fel, or Boatj (hall not be found in any Part of the Briti(h or Iri(h Channels, or elfewhere on the High Seas, within lOO Leagues of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, or difcovered to have been within the faid Limits, hav- ing on board any Spirits, Tea, To- bacco, or Snu(F, in any ivianner con- trary to 45 Geo. 3. ch. 121. ; and that the faid Velfel or Boat (hall not be employed, or be found or difcovered to have been out of the Limits within which the faid VelTel or Boat is licenfed ' to navigate or trade, and (hsdl not be Reign . Chap. ■4 24 Geo. 3. 36 Geo. 3. 46 Geo. 3. S6 Geo. 3. 47 82 137 104 101 3 2 23 43 LlCENCES—fo«/<«»^^. engaged for or ufed in any Trade or Employment whatever other than that defcribed and fet forth in the Licence ; and that tlie faid Ship, Veffel or Boat fhall not be ufed or employed in any other Way or Manner contrary to the Laws in force or hereafter to be made relative to the Revenue of Cuiloms - - - - ■ If any Perfon (hall counterfeit,' trafe, alter, or falfijy, or caufe to be counterfeited, erafed, altered, or fal* fiiied, any Licence which has been granted by the Admiralty, or by the Commiffioners of His Majefty's Cuiloms in England, Scotland, or Ire- land refpedlivdy, or any Three of them for the Time being or fhall know- ingly or wilfully make ufe of any Li- cence fo counterfeited, erafed, altered, or falfified, fuch Perfon fhall for every Offence forfeit 500 1. When any licenced Ship, Veffel,* or Boat fhall be feized for any Caufe of Forfeiture, and any Bond taken for the faid Ship or Veffel or Boat fhall be put in Suit, and the Penalty thereof recovered, the Commiilioners of His Majefly's Cuftoms in England, Scot- land, or Ireland refpeftively fhall pay unto the Officer or Officers making the Seizure One Half Part of the Sum recovered from the Obligors of fuch Bond, free from all Cofts and Charges of Suit - - - -^ — — — No Officer of His Majefly's Cuf-" toms fhall cancel any Bond given upon the j|;ranting of any Licence for the Navigation of any Veffel or Boat, or deliver up any fuch Bond, until the Licence or Licences in refpefl whereof fuch Bond was given hath been deli- vered up to the proper Officers of the Cufloms for the Space of 12 Calendar Months, or the Penalty of fuch Bond hath been paid to His Majefty - Reign. Chap. Sea. 47 Geo, 3. 66 26 48 Geo. 3. 28 84 14 44 III I ! i 4 lir. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 LICENCES— ron/mMd-^/. IC. ■ ■ If the Owner or Mafter of any licenfed Veflel or Boat loft, broken up, captured) burnt, feifed, and con- demned, fold, or otherwife difpofed of, fhall knowingly make ufe of the Licence in order toproteti from Seizure and Pro- fecution any other Vejfel or Boat ; or if the Owner or Mafter of any Veflel or Boat licenfed by the Commiflioners of the Cuftoms in England or Scotland (hall ufe fuch Licence for any otherVef- fel or Boat than that for which it was granted ; fuch Owner, and alfo the Maf- ter, knowing thereof, fhall forfeit 200 1._ 1 1 . - Whenever any licenfed Ship or Vejfel' exceeding 1 5 Tons Burthen ftiall be difpofed of the Licence granted for the fame (hall, in cafe the Ship or Veflel was licenfed for the Coafting or Fifh- ing Trade only, be delivered up to the Colleftor of the Cuftoms at the Port to which fuch Ship or Veflel fliall be- long, within Two Months from the Time fuch Ship or Veflel (hall be fo difpofed of ; or in cfe the Ship or Veffel was licenfed for trading to Parts beyond the Seas, then the faid Licence (hall be delivered up to thefaidCoUedlor within the Period of One Calendar Month from the Time when the Dif- pofal of fuch Ship or Velfel (hall come to the Knowledge of the Owner there of; or in cafe the Licence (hall have been loft or taken by the Enemy," fatis- faftory Proof thereof on Oath (hall be made within the fame Periods refpec- tively, before the Colleftor and Comp- troller of fuch Port ; and in cafe the Licence (hall not be produced and fo delivered up, and no Proof is made i within the faid Periods refpe£tively, I the Owners and alfo the Mafter of fuch i Ship or Veffel ftiall forfeit 50 1. if of the Burthen of 15 Tons and under > the Burthen of i co Tons, and 100 1, if j of the Burthen of i5oTon8 or upwards^ > - Reign. 5 2 Geo 3. Chap. Seit. LICE 2>- 141 6 : 52 Geo. 3. '3' — 141 1 14. 45 Chap. Sedt. 2- 141 6 i 141 UC^^CES— continued. R'^'g"- Ici^ap. - Whenever any liccnfed Boat of* any Defcription whatever (not be- longing to any Ship or Veflel, and being under the Burthen of 15 Tons) fhall be difbofed of, the Licence fhall be delivered up to the CoUedor of the Cuftoms at ths Port to which fuch Boat belongs, within Six Weeks from the Time fnch Boat fliall be fo dif- pofed of; or in cafe of the faid Licence \ 52 Geo. 3. being loft or taken by the Enemy, fatistaftory Proof thereof on Oath fhall be within the fame Period made before the Colleftor or Comptroller of fuch Port ; and in cafe fuch Licence fhall not be produced and fo delivered up, and no Proof made within fuch Period; the Owner of fuch Boat fhall forfeit 30 1. — — The Commiflioners of the Cuftoms' in England, Scotland, and Ireland re- fpeAively, may revoke Licences iffued for Open Boats j not belonging to Ships or VcfTels, allowing fuch Open Boats to proceed to Foreign Parts, and in > ^^ Geo. 3. future refufe Licences for fuch Boats, or confine the Employment or Naviga- tion thereof, in any Manner and within any Limits and Diftance of the Coafts as they may deem fitting and proper - After the faid Commiflioners re-" Scd. '43 fpeftively fhall by any Order in Writ- ing under their Hands have revoked any fuch Licence, a Copy of the Order of Revocation fhall be left either with any one of the Owners, or with the Perfon having the Care or Cuftody of fuch Boat ; and from and after the Delivery of a Copy of fuch Order, the Licence fliall be null and void, and the Owners required to caufe the faid ! i- cence to be delivered up to the Col- leAor of the Cuftoms of the Port to which fuch Boat fhall belong, within Three Months from the Day on which the Order' (hall have been delivered as 46 h ih' h i I i 14. LICENCES— fon/m«f^. aforefaid ; or in cafe of the faid Licence j being loll or taken by the Enemy, fatisfadlory Proof on Oath fliall be within the fame Period made before the Collector or Comptroller of fuch Port ; and in cafe fuch Licence (hall not be delivered up, and no fuch Proof made within fuch Period as aforefaid, the Owner fliall forfeit 20 1.; or if fuch Open Boat fliall be ufed or navi- gated after a Copy of the Order re- voking the Licence fliall have been delivered, every fuch Open Boat fliall be forfeited - - _ - MACE and NUTMEGS, Imported by= virtue of a Licence from the Commif- fioners of the Cuftoms, from any Place beyond the Seas, other than directly from the Eail Indies, fliall not be packed in any other Packages than in Ca/is or Bales containing 300 Pounds If eight or upwardsjon Forfeiture thereof MAN, Ifle of. See « Guernfey.'* 1. MANIFESTS. Every Mafter of any-| Ship belonging in the whole orin Part to any of His Majefliy's Subjeds, laden with any Goods, Wares, or Merchan- dize and bound to Great Britain, fliall, on his Arrival within Four Leagues of the Co^^, produce every Manifeft to fuch Officer of the Cuftoms atfhall demand the fame and firft come on board his Ship, and fliall deliver to fuch Officer a true Copy thereof, which Copy is to be provided and fubfcribed by the Mafter ; and the Officers to whom the original Manifefl: fliall have been fo produced fliall certify upon the Back thereof that the fame was produced, and alfo the Day on which the fame was pro* duced and Copy delivered, and Uke- wife certify upon the Back of fach Copy the Day on which the fame was produced, and forthwith tranfmit fuch Copy to the CoUeftors and Comp- ; trollers of the fevcral Ports to which Reign. Chap. Seel <■'', 6 Geo. I. ai 47 MANIFESTS— fon/i'nw^^. the Goods appear to be configned j and the Matter fliall in like Manner produce fuch Manifefts to the Officer of the Cuftoms who (hall firft come on board within the Limits of any Port of Great Britain in which the Cargo or any Part thereof is intended to be difcharged, and alfo deliver to him a true Copy thereof (fuch Copy alfo to be provided and fubfcribed by the Matter) ; the Production of which Manifeft and the Delivery of fuch Copy to be certified to have been fo pro- duced and delivered by the Officer who fhall firft come on board the Ship on her Arrival witliin the Limits of any fuch Port, upon the Back of the origi- nal Manifeft ; and fuch Officer is forth- with to tranfmit the Copy of the Mani- feft to the Colledor and Comptroller of that Port; provided that if any Manifeft dire^ed to be delivered up to the Colle6tor and Comptroller of any Port where fuch Veffel arrives fliall contain an Account of Goods not there to be landed, but which (hall appear to be configned to fome other Port or Place in Great Britain, then the Col- le6lor and Comptroller (hall certify upon fuch Manifeft under their Hands fuch part of the Cargo as ftiall have been there delivered, and deliver back the original Manifeft to the Mafter, and fo in like Manner as often as the Cafe (hall require, until fuch Ship (hall arrive at her laft Port or Place of Difcharge - - - If the Mafter (hall not produce" fuch Manifeft as aforefaid upon De* mand thereof, and give fuch Copy at aforefaid, ot (hall not gtre an Account of the Deftiuation of fuch Ship, or fliall give a falfe Account of theDefttnation, the Mafter fliall forfeit a Sum equ^ to double theValue of the Goods, together with the full Dutif s payable thereon - Reign. Chap. Sea. 26 Geo. 3. 40 a6 Geo. 3. 40 jm I ! 48 > 54 Geo. 3. MAmFESTS— continued, R«ig"- 3. ■ Any Goods imported or brouprht fnto Great Britain in Ships belonging in the Whole or in Part to His Ma- jelly's Subjedls from any Place within the Ealt India Company's Charter, the Cape of Good Hope, Saint He- lena, or from Places at which fuch Ships are allowed to clear on their Homeward Voyages, fuch Goods not being included or de/crileJ in the Manife/l or Manifefts required by this Aft, or which (hall not agree therewith, fhall be forfeited, notwithflanding they may be included in the Report of the Ship, and the Mafter (hall forfeit 50 1. for every Package - - - I. OFFICERS. Any Per/on armed with' Club or any Manner of Weapon heating or wounding any Officer of the Cuftoms or his Deputy, or Perfon a£ting in his Aid in the due Execution of his Office, either on board any Ship or upon Land or Water, every fuch Perfon may by the next Juftice of the Peace be com- mitted to Prifon till the next Quarter ^ Seflions, when the Juilices may punifh him by Fine not exceeding 100 1. ; and the Offender (hall remain in Prifon till difcharged of the Fine and Imprifon- ment by Order of the Court of Ex- chequer, or till he difcovers the Perfon that fet him on work, that he may be legally proceeded againfl - - J 2, Perfons more than Five in Company' Chap, Sec 36 12 i3&i4Car.2. II who Jball forcibly hinder or refifl any of the Officers of the Cufloms or Ex- cife in feizing or fecuring any Kinds of run Goods fhall be deemed and taken to be Runners of Foreign Goods and Commodities within the Mean- ing of this A£t ; and being convicted thereof, fhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and be tranfported as Fe- lons to His Majefty's Colonies or Plantations in America, there to re- main for Seven Yeats, in the fame 8 Geo. I. 18 49 OFFICERS— ro«/in«<r</. Manner as Felons are appointed to be | '. ranfported by the 4 Geo. 3. ch. 1 1. J — Officers, and any Perfons who' aii in their Aid and Afliftance, Reign. Chap. Sea. being on board any Ship, Boat, or VeifTel, within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, forcibly oppo/ed, obftruQedt woundedf or Sea/en, by any Perfons in the due Execution of their Duty, being convidled thereof, (hall be tranfportcd to fome of His Majelty's Colonies and Plantations in America, for fuch Term as Court (hall think (it, not exceeding Seven Years, in the fame Manner as by 4 Geo. I . ch. I f . and 6 Geo. 1 . ch. 23. . — - Any 0(ficer of the Cuftoms or' Excife producing his Warrant or Deputation (if required) may go on hard any Coaling Vejfil within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, and fearch the Cabin and all other Parts of fuch Coafting VelTel for prohibited and uncuftomed Goods; and fuch Officer may re- main on board during the whole Time that the Veffel mall continue within the Port; and if any Perfon (hall obftruS or hinder any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife in going or remaining on board fuch Coalling VeiTel, or in the entering or fearch - ing the Cabin or any other Part there- of every fuch Perfon fliall forfeit lool. - - - - - If any Perfon keeping any Houfe > > where Ale, Wine, Brandy or other Strong Liquors ^all be fold, by Retail, (hall knowingly harbour or entertain any Perfon againjl whom any Procefs of Arreft (hall have iffued for having beat, abufed, or obftruded any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife in the Execution of his Office, to which Procefs the Sheriff, or Officer having Execution thereof, IhatU have D 9 Geo. 2. 35 28 9 Geo. 2 35 29 If 50 1 ; I I li ! 'II ' I h*! 5. OVFlCVjKS-^continueil. returned that fuch Perfon cannot be I found, and who fhall not have appeared ^ to the faid Proccfs ; or if any Perfon fhall knowingly harbour or entertain any Perfon who haviny, been in Prifon for the faid Offence fhall have efcaped, or having been convidled fhall fly from Juftice; every iuch Perfon fo offending fhall forfeit 100 1. and be rendered incapable of having a Licence for keeping any Virtualling Houfe, or felling Wine, Ale, or Strong Li- quors by RtLail for the future 6. ' Provided that no Perfons fhall fufler any Penalty or Difability for fuch harbouring or entertaining, unlefs Public Notice fhall have been given Six Days before, in Two fuccef- five Gazettes, of the abfconding of the ^ Perfon who fliall be fo harboured or entertained, and alfo by Writing to be fixed to the Door of the Patifh Church where fuch Perfon laft dwelt before his abfconding - - - y. ........^ li tiny Perfon pq/Jing nvith prohibited or unettftomed Goods contrary to this Ad, and armed with Guns, Piflols, Cutlaffes, or other offenfive Weapons, fhall hinder, moleji, or refift any Officers of the Cuftoms or Excife, who in the Execution of their Duty fhall endea- vour or offer to fearch for or feize any prohibited or uncutlomed Goods from any fuch armed Perfon, by beating, maiming, or wounding any fuch Oln- cers or any Perfons adding in their Afliftance, in every fuch Cafe the ^ Officers and all Perfons by them called to their Affiftance fo refifted may op- pofe Force to Force, and endeavour by the fame Methods that are ufed againft them to defend themfelves, and execute the Duty of their Office ; and if any Perfon fo hindering, moleding, or refilling the Officers aforefaid, or their Aififtants, fliall be wounded. ReitJM. 9 Geo. 2. CI14). 35 { 9 Geo. 2. 35 9 Geo. 2. 35 51 OFFIC E Rii— continued. maimed, or killed, and the faid Of- ficers and their Aflidants (hall be profecuted, they may plead the General Iffuc, and give this A&. and the Special Matter thereof in Evi- dence; and all Jullices before whom fuch Officers or Perfons a£ting in their Affiftance fliall be brought, for or on account of any fuch Wound- ing, Maiming, or Killing, are required to admit every fuch Officer and Per- fons to Bail . - _ Any Perfons to the Number of Three' or more armed with Fire Arms, or of- fenfive Weapons, who (hall forcibly obflrud, ajfaultt or rejijl any Officer of the Revenue in feizing any un- cuflomcd or prohibited Goods ; cr if any Perfons (hall malm or dangtroufly wound any Officer of the Revenue in attempting to go on board any Ship or Verfel within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, orjhoot at, ma'tmt or dangeroufly wound him when on board fuch Ship or Ve(fel, and in the due Execution of his Duty, every fuch Perfon (hall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and (hall funer Death as in Cafes of Felony without Benefit of Clergy ; and Perfons convicted in Scot- land (hall incur the Pains of Death and Con(ifcation of Moveables See " Smugglers armed, or in Dif- ' "guife." If any Officer of the Revenue or" other Perfon employed in feizing any Goods liable to Forfeiture for being prohibited or uncuttomed, or for being prohibited to be exported, or in endeavouring to apprehend any Of- fender againft this Aft, (hall be ivound- edf maimed, or hilled, or the Goods rejfcued by Perfon* fo armed as afore - faid, unlefs the Offender is apprehended and convided withih Six Calendar Months after the Fad, the Rate, or D2 Rei^n. Chap. Seft. > 19 Geo. 2. 35 !i 1 1 'i 10 52 9. OYFlCERS^continueJ. Lath, or Hundredy where the Fad was I committed in England, fliall make Sa- ^ tisfa6lion not exceeding 40 1. for the Damages by wounding or maiming, and not exceeding 200 1. for Damages by Lofs of the f Toods, and fhall alfo pay to the Executors or Adminiftrators for each Perfon killed 100 1. to be levied upon the Inhabitants by a propor- tionate Tax ; and fuch Adlions fhall be profecuted In the fame Mannejr as by 8 Geo. 2. cap. 16. with refpeft to Damages recovered upon Hundreds in Cafes of Robbery But no Pevfon fhall recover fuchT Damage unlefs Notice be given within Four Days after the Injury to Two or more of the Inhabitants of ibme Town, Village, or Hamlet near the Place, nor unlefs within Eight Days after he de- clares upon Oath, before aJuflice of the Peace of the County where the Fa£t was committed, whether he knows any y. of the Offenders ; and if he does, fuch Perfon mufl be bound by Recogni- zance to profecute fuch as he knows ; nor unlefs he alfo gives Notice, and enters into fuch Recognizance as is re- quired by 8 Geo. 2. cap. 16. of Perfons robbed, and commences the A6lion within a Year - " ". II. If any Perfon fhall qffaultt oppofe,' or ohjlruQ any Officer of the Cufloms or Excife in feizing any Goods what- foever liable to be feized by virtue of any Aft now in force, or by Force or Violence refcue, or caufe to be refcued, any of the /aid Goods after the fame have beenfei%edy or Jh all attempt or endeavour fo to doy or after fuch Seizure fhall deflroy or damage any Cafks, VefTels, Boxes, or Package wherein the fame refpeftivelv fhall be contained, the Of- ficers of the Cufloms and Excife, and a|l Perfons ading in their Aid and Af- lillance, may arrefi and detain any Reign. 19 Geo. 2. Chap. I 34 Sett. 6,8 7.9: 19 Geo. 3. 69 10 53 > I. OFFICERS— fo»//«tf^//. Perfon fo offending, and forthwith convey him before a Juftice of the Peace near to the Place where the Offence fhall be committed ; and the Juftice fhall, if he fee Caufe, commit the Perfon to the next County Gaol until the next General Quarter Seflions, there to be dealt with as direded by this Aft _ , • See " Smugglers." \2. ^ If any Perfon upon the Shore, or' on board any Ship, Veffel, or Boat whatever, fhall malicioujly Jhoot at or upon any Shlpy Ve/fel, or Boat belonging to the Navy, Cufloms, or Excife., within the Limits of any of the Ports of Great Britain, or within Four Leagues of that Part of the Coaft which is between Beachy Head and the North Foreland, or within Eight Leagues of any other Part of the Coatt ; or if c»ny Perfon being on Shore, or on board any Ship, Veffel, or Boat within the faid Limits refpeftively, fhall malicioujly Jhoot at, maim, or dangeroujly wound any Officer of the Navy, Cufloms, or Excife, acting in the due Execution of his Duty ; or fhall malicioufly fhoot at, maim, or dangeroufly wound any Perfon aiding and aflifting fuch Officer ; every Perfon fo offending, and every Perfon 9(fi fling therein, fhall be adjudged guilty of Fe- lony, and fuffer Death without Benefit of Clergy - - - [13.——— When any Perfon is charged with" any Offence made Felony by this AA before a Juflice or Judge of the King's Bench if in England, or before One of the Lords of Julticiary if in Scot- land, by Information of One credible Perfon on Oath, fuch Jullice or Judge fhall certify and return fuch Informa- tion to One of the Secretaries of State, to be laid before His Maj^fly in Council, who may order the Offender to furrender himfelf, and if he does I>3 Reign Chap. Sea. 24 Geo. 3. ,42 Geo. 3. 47 82 T I 2»3 m > 24 Geo. 3. 47 12 54 ' '1 !! I 13. OVTICERS— continued. not furrender, or efcape after fuch Surrender, he is to be deemed to be convi6ted of Felony Every Perfon who fhall harbour, H 15.— 16. 17.' 18. a " Reign. Chap. Seft. conceal, aid, or fuccour fuch Perfon knowing him to have been required to furrender, (hall be deemed guilty of Felony, and be tranfported for the Space of Seven Years - • — If any Offence againfl this Aft" falls within the 19060.3. c.69. the Offender may be committed to the County Gaol until the next Quarter SefTioiis of the Peace, and tried and punifhed as by that A^ direfted — — Offences in England, Wales, or th?* Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or within the Limits of any of the Ports thereof, or within Four or F.gl^t Leagues of the Coatls, may be tried before any Court of Qyer and Ter- miner, Great i^eirion, or Gaol Deli- Tery, in any County of England or Wales - - .; Offences declared to be a Felony' or Mifdemeanor committed in Scot- land, or wtthin the Limits of any Port thereof, or within Eight Leagues of the Coafls of the fame ; any Juftice, Judge Ordinary, or Judge Admiral, Depute or Subftitute, refiding near- eft the Place, may grant a Warrant for committing the Ofender ; and fuch ^ Perfon (hall be tried before the Court of Jufticiary, or Circuit Courts, or High Court of Admiralty at Edin- burgh ; or in cafe the Offence be oply punifhable by Hard Labour or Impri- fonment, the Offender may be tri|?d before theJudge Ordinary of theCounty w Place where tlie Warrant was granted^ - — Eveiy Ferfpn taken before a Juf-" tice for any Offence deemed a Mifde meanor, fhall enter into a Recogni zance with Two Sureties to plead the Indiftment • * 24 Geo. 3. 47 '3 16! is: 19 m FFICERS— fo/i/»i»W. Whenever any Perfon is charged with affaulting or obftruAing any Offi- cer of Cuftoms or I'.xcife, or Perfon afting in his Aid, or with rcfcuing or attempting to refcue any Goods after Seizure, any Judge of the Kin^^'s Bench may iffue his Warrant to appn> hend and bring the Offender befoi? . him or fome other Judge of the Kinj^ 8 ^ Bench, or before fome Juftice of the Peace, in order to his being bound with Two Sureties to appear to anfwer the IndiiStment or Information ; or, upon refufing, he may be committed to the Common Gaol of the County until he jhall lo become bound, or be difcharged by Order of the Court or one of the Judges - - -- |o. - .. ■ If any Officer of the Navy or of Cuftoms or Excife, being on Shore, or going on board, or returning from on board any Ship, Boat, or Veffel, within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, or within Four Leagues of that Part of the Coaft which Ues between Beachy Head on the Coail of Suffex, or within Eig/jt Leagues of any other Part of the Coaft, (hall be ohjiruaed or qffiaulted in the due Execution of his Duty, or if any Perfon acting in the Aid or Affiftance of fuch Officer fhall be obftrufted or afTaulted, the Offen- der may be carried before a Juftice of the Peace refiding near to the Place where fuch Offence (hall be committed who may commit him to the next County Gaol, and being duly coa- viAed (hall be fentenced to Hard La- bour on the River Thames, or other Navigable River in England, for any Term not exceeding Three Years, ac- cording to 19 Geo 3. ; or fuch Court may order the Offender to be com- mitted to the Common Gaol or Houfe of Correction for any Term not ex- ceeding Three Yeara; • -J I D4 Reign. 26 Geo. 3. Chap 77 Sett. 18 > 34 Geo. 3. 42 Geo. 3. SO 82 5 2 56 ;• i m\\ lit OFFICE RS^continutJ. i I . If any Perfon fliall ajfault^ oppofe,'\ oh/lrud, or hinder any OJxcer of His Majefty's Army, Navy, or Marines, or any Officer of the Culloms or Ex- cife, oi any Perfon aiding or affiiling fuch Officer, in the due Execution of the Powers tjiven by this Atl, fuch jfi i Perfon fliall be adjudged a Felon, and tranfported for Seven Years, or impri- foned in any Houfe of Correction or Common Gaol, and kept to Hard Labour for any Term not exceeding Three Years, at the Difcretion of the Court before whom the Offender fliall be tried ; or if any Perfon fliall mali- cioufly^oo/ at or upon any Shipt VeJfeU or Boat belonging to His Majefty's Navy, or the Cuftoms or Excifcy in any Part of the Britifli or Irifli Channels, or elfewhere on the High Seas, within loo Leagues of any Part of the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland ; or if any Perfon fliall malicioufly Jhoot at, maim, or dangero»Jly wound any Officer of His Majelly*8 Army, Navy, or Marines, or the Cuftoms or Ex- cife, or any Perfon aiding or affift- ing fuch Officer in the due Execution of his Duty under any of the Powers of this Aft, every Perfon fo offending or affifting therein fhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and fuffer Death without Benefit of Clergy 12. — — — Every Offence committed within' Reign. Chap. u\ any Port, Harbour, or Roadftead of Guernfey, Jerfey, Alderney, or Sark, may be determined in the faid [flands ; and every Offence committed elfewhere out of the United Kingdom may be determined in any County of the United Kingdom ; and every Offence ^ committed within England, Scotland, or Ireland refpeftively, may be de- termined within any County of that Part of the United Kingdom in which committed, in fuch Manner as if eom- 45 Geo. 3. 121 45 Geo. 3. 121 12 ^? \6. OFFICER 'S-^cont'muetl. mitted in the County in whicli the famr I (hall be determined - -J »■ JufticcH of the Peace, the Court of King's Bencii, andjnfticefi of Oyer and Terminer, or CJaol Delivery, empowered to take Cognizance of AfiauItH, Obftrud^ions, Felonies, or ^ Offences, as if the fame had been committed or incurred on I^and within the refpeftiveJurifdiftions of the faid Court or Juftices - - . Where any Officer or Seaman em- ployed in the Service of the Culloms or Excife fhall be killed^ maimed, or woundedt in the due Execution of this Aft, or any other Aft relating to the Revenues of Culloms or Excife, or pafled for the Prevention of Smuggling, the Commiffioncrs of Culloms and Excife, in England, Scotland, or Ireland refpedlively* niay make Provi- fion for every fuch Officer or Seaman, or the Widows and Families of fuch as ihall be killed, under the Direftion of the Lords Commiffioncrs of His Ma- iefty's Treafury Where any yt£l to be done after' the paffing of this KGt in bre/»ch of or in refiflance to any Part of the Laws for colleSing His Majejly*s Revenue in Great Britain, would fubje6t the Offender to fufFer Death as guilty of Feh)ny without Benefit of Clergy, fuch Adl fhall be taken to be Felony with Be- nefit of Clergy, unlefs alio declared Felony without Benefit of Clergy by thisAA —— If any Perfon fhall malicioufly' /ho9t at or upon any Ship, VeJJ^U or Boat belonging to His Majefty's Navy, or the Cufloms or Excife, with- in the Limits of any Port, Harbour, or Creek of Great Britain or the Ifle of Man, or in any Part of the Britifh or Irifh Channels, or on the High Seas within 100 Leagues of the Goad of > Reign. Clrip. Sc6t. 47 <^'eo. 3. 48 Geo. 3, 66 84 8 12 24 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 47 66 21 42 52 Geo. 3. H3 Ul I «t."ll 58 26. OYYlCERS^conllnued. Great Britain or Ireland, or if any Perfon within the Limits aforefaid fhall malicioufly Jboot at, maim, or dangernujly wound any Officer of His Majefty's Army, Navy, Marines, Militia, or Volunteers, or any other His Majefty's Military or Naval Forces, or of the Cuftoms or Excife, or any other Perfon aiding or aflifting any fuch Officer when in the due Execu- tion of his Duty, every Perfon fo of- fending, or aiding, abetting, or aflift- ing therein, (hall fufFer Death as a Felon without Benefit of Clergy ; and every fuch Offence committed within any Port, Harbour, Creek, Haven, or Roadftead of Guernfey, Jerfey, Alderney, Sark, or Man refpe^tively, may be determined in the faid Iflands refpediively ; committed elfwhere, out of the United Kingdom, may be determined in any County of the United Kingdom ; and committed within England, Scotland, or Ire- land refpe«9:ively, may be determined within fuch Part oi the United Kingdom in which refpe6tively com- mitted, but in any County or Shire thereof 2»7, . If any Perfon (hall be charged by" Information on Oath with being guilty of fo affembling, aiding, or aflifting in any Cafe wherein any fuch Officer as aforefaid, or any Perfon aiding or affixing any fuch Officer as aforelaid, fhall have been killed, fuch Informa- tion fhall be forthwith certified, by the Perfon taking the fame, to One of His Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State, who fhall forthwith lay the fame before His Majefty in His Privy Council, and His Majefty may there- upon, by His Order in Council, cum.- mand the Offender to Curreoder hiiQiielf to any Perfon cpmpet«nt to tajce (uch Surrender ■» , , ,» Rcign. Chji S;i :ai 52660.3. H3 59 FFICE RS — continued. — — If fuch Perfon (hall not fo fur- render within the Time limited, or {hall after Surrender and before t rial efcape, he (hall be adjudged to be at- tainted of Felony, and fhall fuffer Death without Benefit of Clergy if the Offence is charged to have been committed in England, or within the Limits of a Port, or within loo Leagues of the Coaft ; and the Court of King's Bench, or the Juftices of Oyer or General Gaol Delivery, or Great Seffions, for the County or Place where the Offender fhall be, may award Execution againft him as if he had been convifted ; and if charged to have been committed in Scotland, the Offender fhall be deemed to be convicted of a Capital Crime, and fhall fuffer the Pains of Death and Confif- cation of Moveables; and the Court of Jufticiary, or theLordsof Jufliciary in their Circuits in Scotland, fhall award Execution in fuch Manner as if he had been found guilty and con- demned in the faid Courts ' In cafe any Ship or Vejfel hahle to' Seizure or Examination by any Aft of Parliament in relation to the Revenue of Cufloms or Excife fhall not bring to on being required fo to do, or being . chafed by any VefTel in the Service of His Majefty's Navy having the proper Pendant and Enjign of His Majeity's Ships hoifled, or in the Service of the Cujloms or Excife having a Pendant and Enfign hoijled <with fuch Maris thereon as are now ufed and ivorn by fuch VefTels in a Blue Fie'd, the Cap- tain or Officer may fhoot at or into fuch Ship or VefTel which (liall not bring to, after fuch Colours (hall be hoifled, and a ^un fired as a Signal ; and fuch Captain or Officer, and every Perfon acting it) his Aid or by his Direction, is indemnified and difchaiged > Reign. Ch^p. 52 Geo. 3. H3 Sea. 12 24 Geo. 3. 47-5 47 66 23 32 I 29. Vv. SO- 3I" } 24 Geo. 3. 47 60 OFFICERS— /fo«/in»^i. Re'g"- Chap. from any Penalties or Actions for fo doing ; and in cafe any Perfon fhall be wounded or killed^ and the faid Offi- cer or other Perfon acting in his Aid or by his Diredion (hall be fued or prolecuted, or be brought before any of His Majeily's Juitices of the Peace or other Perfon having competent Power, for or on account of fuch wounding or killing, every fuch Juftice or Perfon is required to admit everyf uch Officer and Perfon to Bail - ... If any Britifli Ship or Veffel, not" in the Service of His Maje(ty*s Navy, or the Cuftoms or Exciie, (hall carry or hold any fuch Pendant or £n- fign, the Mafter of every fuch Ship or I Veffel (hall forfeit 500 1. J ■ In cafe any Ship or Vejfel liable') to Seizure or Examination by this or any other Act of Parliament in force (hall not bring to on being required fo to do, or being chafed by any Ship or Veffel in His Majefty's Navy having the proper Pendant and Enfign of His Majeily's Ships hoifted, or by any Ship or Venel employed in the Prevention of Smuggling, under the Authority of the Lords of the Treafury, the Lords of the Admiralty, or Commif- fioners of the Cuftoms or Excife, hav- ing a Pendant and Enfign hoifted oj fuch Defcription as His Majefty by any Order in Council, or by His Royal Pro" elamation under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, /hall order and direS, the Cap« tain, Mafter, or other Perfon having t|ie Charge or Command of fuch Ship . or Veffel in His Majefty' s Navy, or employed as aforefaid, (firft caufing a Gun to be fired as a Signal) may (hoot at or into fuch Ship or Veffel ; and fuch Captain, Mafter, or other Offi- cer, and every Perfon actmg in his Aid ^ 56 Geo. 3. 104 SnJ 61 OFFICERS— tfo«/iii«^^. and Afliftance, or by his Direction, is indemnified and difcharged from any Penalties or Actions for Damages for fo doing ; and in cafe any Perfon (hall be wounded, maimed, or killed, by means of fuch Firing, and the faid Captain, Mailer, or other Perfon (hall be fued or profecuted, or brought before any of His Majefty*8 Juftices of the Peace, or other Juftices or Per- fons having competent Authority, every fuch Juftice, Perfon or Perfons, is and are authorized and required to admit every fuch Captain, Matter, or other Perfon or Perfons fo brought before him and them, to Bail If any Ship or Veffel not being in the Service of His Majefty's Navy, or employed as aforefaid, (hall carry or hoift any fuch Pendant or Enfign as is herein-before refpectively mentioned, the Mafter of every fuch Ship or VeflTel (hall forfeit 500 1., - Of His Majefty's Cuftoms and" their Deputies are authorized to go aboard any Ship or VeJfeU as nuell Ships of War as Merchant Ships , and from thence to bring on Shore all Goods prohi- bited or uncuftomed, except Jewels, if they be outwards bound, and if they be Ships or Ve(fels inwards bound to bring on Shore all fmall Parcels of Fine Goods, or other Goods which (hall be found in Cabins, Chefts, Trunks, or other fmall Package, or in any private or fecret Place, in or out of the Hold of the Ship or Ve(rel, which may occafion a juft Sufpicion that they were intended to be fraudu- lently conveyed away, and all other Sorts of Goods whatfoever for which the Duties were not paid within 20 Days after the Firft Entry of the Ship, unlefs the Commiflioners of the Cuf- toms (hall allow a longer Time ; and the Officerff of the Cuftoms and their Reign Chap. Se£t. ^6 Geo. 3. 104 13 & Car c 147 .2. j II 62 33. OFFICERS— fo/j//«M«/. Deputies may freely ftay and rertiain on board until all the Goods are deli> vered and difcharged out of the faid Ships or VpfTels ; and if any Mailer or any other Perfon whatfoever fhall fuffer any Package to be opened aboard the faid Ship or Veflel, and the Goods therein to be embezzled, carried away, or put in any other Form or Package after the Ship comes into Port, he fhall forfeit lool. Officers of the Revenue properly' 34 y 35- 36. authorized to examine any Ship, or the Cargo on board, fhall at all Times have free Accefs to the Cabin and every Part or Place in fuch Ship; and in cafe any Place within the Cabin, Fore- callle. Steerage, or any other Part of the Ship, or any Boxes, Chefls, or other Things contained therein, fhall be locked or faflened, and the Keys withheld, or the Places fhall not be opened, fuch Officers, if they are fu- perior to Tidewaiters or Watermen, may open the fame in the befl Manner they can, and are indemnified in fo doing ; but if fuch Officers fhall only be in the Clafs of Tidewaiters or Watermen, they fhall fend for t^eiv fuperior Officer, who is authorized to open or caufe the fame to be opened, and fhall be indemnified in fb doing If any Officer of the Cuftoms" fhall direftly or indirectly make any col- hifive Seizure of Foreign Goods to the Intent that the fame may efcape Pay- ment of the Duties, he (hall for- feit 500 1. and be incapable of fervmg His Majefty in any Office or Employ- ment in the Revenue ; and the Importer and Owner of the Goods fhall forfeit Treble the Value thereof. See No. 39. ^ — Provided that if the Officer or' Importer and Owner of the Goods ihall difco"er his Offence to the Corti- miffioners of the Cuftoms in England Reign . Chap. 26 G eo. 40 2] 5 Geo. I. 21 ^\ 63 > . OFFICER S^continueil. or Scotland refpeftively within Two I Months after the fame fhall have been ^ committed, fo as his Accomphce or AccompHces be convi6ted, the Of- fender (ball be acquitted and dif- charged If any Perfon other than the Of-' ficcr of the Revenue making fnch col- lufive Seizure, or the Importer and Owner of the Goods fo feized, fhall within Three Months after fuch Sei- zure difcover to the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms in England or Scotland rcfpeftively any Perfon who (hall have been guilty of fuch Fraud, fo as he is convifted thereof, the Perfon fo difcovering (hall receive to his own Ufe One Half Part of His Majelly's Share of what fhall be recovered on the Convidlion |8. If any Perfon or Perfons whatfo-" ever fhall q^er any Bribe, Recompence, or Reward whatfoever to any Officer of the Cufloms or Excife, to connive at or permit any cuflomable or pro- hibited Goods to be run om Shore, or to connive at any falfe or fhort Entry of any fuch Goodtr, or to do any other AA whereby His Majefly might be defrauded, every fuch Perfon and Perfons fhall for every Offence (whether the fame Offer or Propofal fhall be accepted or not) forfeit the Sum of 50 1. — — If any Officer of His Majefty's" Navy, Cuftoms, or Excife fliall make any coUuJive Seizure, or delh'er up or make any Agreement to deliver up or not to fei%e any Ship or VefTel or any Goods liable to Forfeiture, or fhall directly or indircftly take or receive any Bribe, Gratuity, Recompence, or Reward for the Negleft or Nonper- formance of his Duty, every luch Officer fhall for every Offence for- feit 500 1. and be rendered incapable > R>.ign. 5 Geo. I , 9 Geo. 2. Chnp. 8ea. 1 21 25 26 35 24 1- ! it 64 If! SI I ii 39. OFFICERS— continueJ. of ferving His Majefty in any Office I or Employment) Civil or Military j and ^, if any Perfon whatfoever (hall offer or promife to give any Bribe, Recom- pence, or Reward to, or make any collufive Agreement with any Officer of the Navy, Cuftoms, or Excife, to do^ conceal* or connive at any A&, whereby any of the Provifions made by any Aft of Parliament relative to His Majelly's Cuftoma or Excife may be evaded or broken, every fuch Per- fon fhall (whether the fame Offer or Promife be accepted or performed, or not) forfeit 500 1. 40. ■'■■ If any Perfon (hall give, offer, or" promife to give any Brihct Recom- pence, or Reward to, or make any collaftve Agreement with any Com- miiuoned or Non-commiflioned or Warrant Officer of His Majefty's Army, Navy, or Marines, to do, con ceal, or connive at any Aft by which His Majefty might be defrauded His Revenue of Cuftoms and Excife, whether any fuch Bribe or Offer fhall have been accepted or not, every fuch Perfon fhall forfeit 100 1. 41* ■ If any Officer on Half-pay, Mili-" 7 " on- ^ ichf in I tary or Naval, fhall make any eollu Jive Seizure, or fhall deliver up, or fhall make anv Agreement to deliver up or not to feize any Ship or Veffel, Boat, Horfe, Cattle, or Carriage, or any Goods liable to Seizure, or fhall direftly or indireftly take or receive any Bribe, Gratuity, Recompence, or Reward, for the Negleft or Non-per- formance of his Duty, in relation to any fuch Goods or Articles, or Sei- zure thereof, every fuch Officer therein offending fhall forfeit 500 1. and be rendered incapable of ferving His Majefty in any Office or Employment Civil or Military ; and if any Perfon whatfoever fhall give, offer, or promift > Rcien. 24 G eo. Chap. 47 47 Geo. 3. 66 56 Geo. 3. 104 65 [OVUCEKS—continiuJ.- to c^ive any Bribe, Recompence, or Reward to, or nfake any fucn collufive Agreement with any fucn Officer, every fuch Perfon (hall for fuch Offence, whether the fame Offer, Propofal, Pro- mife, or Agreement be accepted or per- formed or not, forfeit 500 1. -J — — The Commander of any of His" Majefty*s Ships or Veffels ot. War, or any Commiffioned, Warrant, or Petty Officer, fpecially authorized by them, may/eizef without having any Deputation or Commiffion for that Purpofe, any Goods, or any Ships or Veffels what- foever, fubje^ to Forfeiture by any Pi.8t now m force for any Offence againft the Revenues of Cuftoms or Excife, provided that the Commander (hall bring or caufe to be brought every fuch Seizure to His Majefty's Ware- houfe at t>ic neareft Cuftom Houfe to i which fuch Seizure can conveniently > be brought, and depofit the fame in the Cullody of ihe proper Officer of the Cudoms, in cafe the Seizure (hall be made under any AA for fecuring the Revenue of Cuitoms, or in the Cuftody of the proper Officer of Excife, in cafe it (hall be made under any Ad for fecuring the Revenue of Excife only, and (hall in all Refpe6ts, in regard to the Profecution and Delivery, con- form to all the Regulations, and Re- ftri£tions to which the Officers of the Cuftoms and Excife are now fubje6t . refpefting Seizures made by them -J — • All PowerSf Authorities, Exemp-' tions, and Exceptions, and all Privi- leges and Protehions, as to maintaining or defending any Suit or Aftion, and pleading therein, or any Cofts thereof, in relation to any A^s that may be done by any Officer of Cuftoms or Excife under any Law in force on and immediately before the Puffing of this Ad, for the Protedion of the Revenues £ Reign. Chap. Seft . '§ Y' t 26 Geo. 40 27 I i 66 43. OFFICERS— fo«/i«tt<?r/. of Cuftoms and Excife, or Prevention of Smuggling, and every Thing therein contained,.relating to any Ships, Veffels, or Boats fubjcdl to Forfeiture by any Aft now in force for the Prevention of Smuggling, or by reafon of being found with any prohibited or un- cuilomed Goods on board within cer- tain Diftances of the Coafts of Hi(i Majefty's Dominions, or to any Goods laden on board any fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, or to any Matter or other Perfon having or taking the Charge or Command, or any other Perfon on . board, (hall be put in Execution in all •Cafes, and be ufed and exercifed by all Commiflioned Officers of His Majefty's Army, Navy, and Marines ; . provided that Ships, Veifels, Boats, and Goods or other Articles feized by any Officer of His Majefty*8 Army, Navy, or Marines, under the Provifions of this Aft, fball forthwith be delivered to or lodged in the Cuftody of fome Of- ficer of His Maiefty's Cuftoms or . Expife, who (hall take an Account thereof, and give a Receipt for the fame - - - -, 44. ___ Any Warrant or other Non-com- mi/Jioned Officer, not being Below the Rank of a Serjeant in the Army, ap- proved of by the Officer commanding the Regiment as proper and qualified for the Service, may patrole with any Number of Soldiers under his Com- mand for the Purpofe of preventing illicit Praftices on the Revenue, and feixe, without having any Deputation or Commiffion for that rurpofcyany Veffel ; or Boat, or any Goods whatever, which fhall be fubjeft to Forfeiture by any Aft now in force for any Of- . fence againft the Revenue of Cuftoms or Excife ; proyided that fuch War- rant or ether Non-commiffioned Officer, on the making of any l.rh. Seizure, Reign. I Chap, 45 Geo. 3. 121 Ci il ^nw»'E«i'»'"ff?^»v«^w<iwM»« ■'TS'WTVf'* • ^ 67 I OFFICE RS—^o«//n«^/ (hall caufe the fame to be brought I without Lofs of Time to His jVtajefty's )=• Warehoufe, at the neareft Cuftorri Houfe to which fuch Seizure can con- veniently be brought, and there depofit the fame in the Cuftody of the proper Officer of the Cuftoms in cafe the Seizure fliall be made under any A&. for fecuring the Revenue of Cuftoms, or in the Cullody of the proper Officer of Excife in cafe it (hall be made under any Aft for fecuring the Re- venue of Excife only, and mall in all RefpeAs, in regard to the Profecution or Delivery of fuch Seizure, conform to all the Regulations and Reftri6kions to which the Officers of the Cuftoms and Excife are, in cafe of fuch Seizures made by them, now fubjeft — All the Powers and Authorities of" every Aft paffed for the Prevention of Smuggling, in relation to the arreting and detaining any Perfons liable to be arrefted or detained under any fuch Aft, ftiall extend to every Warrant and Non-commiflioned Cifficer of the . Army not below the Rank of a Ser- [ jeant, who hath been or (hall be ap- proved by the Officer for the Time being commanding his Regiment as qualified to patrol for the Purpofe of preventing illicit Praftices on the Re- venue _ - _ Every Officer of the Cujlom (hall' ufe and exercife the like Ponuers and Authorities for the Examination, Sei- zure, Detention, Removal, and Profe- cution of any Ship, Boat^ or other Veffel, Carriage or Cattle, or Goods, forfeited under any Lanu of Excifi, as are or ihall hereafter be gratited or may be exercifed by anjr Officer of Excife ; and every Officer of Extife foatl have the like ' Powers and Akthortties for the Examination, Seizure, DefeHtioi^, Re- motalf and Profi^cutioti of ahjr Ship, £ a * Reign. Chap. SedK 30 47 Geo. 3. 66 . ■ \ ■ i J. 48 Geo. 3. 84 5 1-^ • 1' J. ■; .•■ •- • 1' 1 56 Geo. 3. 104 1 %\ ' m>^mj^iH/ ivr^mt 68 46. OFFICERS— tfo/i//««^^/. Boat, or other Veflel, Cattle or Car- riage, or Goods forfeited under any Law relating to the Cttfioms, as are or (hall hereafter, be gi'anted, or fhall or may be exercifed by any Officer ot Cuftoms - • « Any Officer of the Army or Navy 47 48. on Half-pay, authorized for that Pur- pofe by Warrant or other Inftrument under the Hands of the Lords of the Treafury for the Time being, or any Three or more of them, or by a De- putation from any Three or more of the Commiffioners of Cuftoms or Ex> cife in England, Scotland, or Ireland refpeftively, may fet%et within fuch Limits as (hall be fpecified in fuch Warrant or Inftrument, any Wine, Spirituous Liquors, Tea or Tobacco, or any prohibited Eaft India or French I Goods, or any other Goods fpecified I in any fuch Warrant or Inftrument, I wliich may be fubjeft to Seizure under any Law relaiing to the Revenue of Cuftoms or Excite, or any Veffel, Boat, Horfe, Cattle, or Carriages ufed in the Importation or Removal of fuch Goods ; and all the Powers and Au« thoriiies in any Ads in relation to the making of any fuch Seizure by any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife, and to the arrefting or detaining any Men liable to be arrefted or detained, (hall extend to all Officers authorized as aforefaid, and to all Goods which they are empowered to feize, as if the Powers relative thereto were re-ena£ted in this Aa - - - V Every ^ch Seizure Jhall be profe-^ cutedi and difpofed of under the Direc- tion of the Commiffioners of the Cuf- toms or Excife, in the fame Manner as if made by any Officer of the Cuf- toms or Excife ; and all Penalties, For- feitures, Matters, and Things^ con- tained in any Acts of Parliament rela- Reign. Chap. 56 Geo. 3. 104 69 8. OFFICERS— tfo«/«W</. live to the Seizure of the like Defcrip- tion of Goods by Officers of the Cuftoms or Excife, and all Powers, )> Exemptions, Privileges, and Protec- tions, as to maintaining or defending any Suit or Action and pleading therein, or any Coils thereon, in relation to any Acts done or that may be done by any Officers of the Cuftoms or Excife, fhall apr^y to all fuch Officers on Half- pay, and to Seizures made by them, as if the Powers relative thereto were re-enacted in this Act 15. .■ But nothing in this A& fliall give" to any fuch Officer on Half-pay any Power to feize any Ships or Commo- dities liable to Forfeiture under any A£k for the Encouragement and In- creafe of Shipping and Navigation - PACKAGES opened and altered. See " Goods/' « Guernfey." PEDLARS. See « Hawkers.'* PEPPER. Not to be exported from Guern-" fey, Jerfey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, otherwife than in Cq^s containing Four hundred IVeight, except for Ship's Ufe, and in certain Quantities from Guern- fey and Jerfey for the Supply of Sark See " Guernfey." PLATTING FOR HATS. No Plat-- ting or other Manufa^ures of Baft or Straw, Chip, Cane, or Horfehair, proper for making Hats or Bonnets, ihaU be imported except into the Port oi London only t nor imported into that Port unlefs packed in Bales or Tubs containing 224 Pounds Weight of fuch Platting or other Manufactures at the leaft, on Forfeiture thereof, as alfo of the Veflel if of the Burthen of 50 Tons or under - - - 1. PROSECUTIONS. In cafe any Profe-- cution (hall be commenced by any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife for the Recovery of any Penalty or For- E3 Reign. 56 Geo. 3. Chap. 104 SeA. 56 Geo. 3. 104 47 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 49 Geo. 3. 66 31 12 6 10 Geo. 3. 43 i ; I i t ; 70 1. PKOSECUTlOliS— continued. feiture incurred by virtue of Jiny A£l relating to either of His ^Iajefty*8 Xaid Revenues, His Majefty's Attorney General, in cafe it fnall appear to his Satisfaction that fuch Penalty or For- feiture was incurred without any In- tention of Frand, may ftop all further Proceedings by entering a Noli Pro- fequiy or other wife, on every fuch Pro- fecution, as well with refpeft to the Share of fuch Penalty or Forfeiture to which any fuch Officer may claim to be entitled, as to the Share thereof be- longing to His Majefty 2. It{hallnotbela>yfulforanyPerfon"| to commence or profecute ^ny Action or Information agaiuft any Perfon for the Recovery of any Fine, Penalty, or Forfeiture under any A6t now in force, or which (hall hereafter be made, relating to the RevenvisofCuftoms or Excife, unlefs the fame le commenced or profecuted by Order of the Commif- Jioners of His M.ajefly's Cufloms or Excife t or by or in the Name of His I Majefly*s Attorney General ; and if a,ny \ Afikion, Informa^tion, or Writ of Ap- praifement is commenced, o;r j/Tued by \ or in the Name of any Perfon, except upon fuch Order, or by or in the ; Name of His Majefty 's Attorney Ge- neral, the fame and all Proc,ee,dings thereupon had f|iall be null and vpid^ and the Court or Juftice of tjie feace \ where or before whom fucl^ A6^ion, ! Information, or Wjrit of Appr^ije- i ment is or /hal| be commenced or iffued {hall not permit any Proceedings to be had thereupon When carried on folely a^ the' Cl^arge of the Croyjrn, the Omc^rs con- cerned therein fla^ll be allowed OnC' jourth of the Sum recovered by w^y of Penalty or Coj^^poiition : Whep cap-ied on whojly ^t thiepharge of the; Crown, except t^e. ^h^x^pi^f^tsig Reign. Chap. 26 Geo. 3. 77 ^6 Geo. 3. 104 71 PROSECUTIONS— foii/i«»^//. the Defendant upon the SherifPs War- rant, the Officers concerned therein (hall be allowed a Moiety ; and when the fame (hall be carried on wholly at the Charge of the Officer concerned ^ therein, nich Officer (hall be allowed Two'thirds of the Sum recovered ; but not to alter or repeal any AA now in force, by which any greater Rewards are allowed ; and no fuch Officer (hall be at Liberty to commence or carry on any Profecution or Action, for the Recovery of any Penalty or Share thereof, without the Permiffion and Directions of the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms ■ In any Profecution carried on in the' Court of Exchequer at Weftminfter or at Edinburgh, by any Order of the Commiffioners, the faid Commiffioners or any Three or more of them ref- £e£kively, under the Direction of the lOrds of the Treafury, if they (hall deem it expedient may order the whole or any Part of the Cqfls and Expencet of fuch Profecution (whether the Money which (hall be recovered by way of Penalty or CompoHtion, (hall be fufficient to anfwer fuch Cofts and Expences or not) to he paid out of His Majefiy*s Share of the Penalties arifing by Cuftoms or Excife Profecutions, and to allow the Officer concerned or Perfon through whofe Information or by whofe Means or Affiftance fuch Offences were detected, any Sum not exceeding a Moiety of the Sum reco- vered - - - - . In all Cafes where any Ship^ Vejjfel^ or Boat Hcenfed (hall be feized by any Officer of the Cuftoms, Excife, or of His Majefty's Army, Navy, or Ma- rines, authorized to feize the fame, and any Bond taken for the Ship, Vef- fel, or Boat (hall be put in Suit, and the Penalty thereof recovered) the E4 Reign. Chitp. Sfeft. 47 Geo. 3. 66 '9 if 6 Geo. 3. 104 13 a 47 Geo.3, 66 28 72 i 1 5. PROSECUTIONS-r..r.;;iiW. Commiflloners of the Cuftoms in Eng- land, Scotland, or Ireland, (hall pay unto the Officer making the Seizure, One Half of .the Sum recovered on fuch Bond, free from all Cofts of Suit RUM. See ** Spirits." 1. SALT or ROCK SALT. Not to be-| imported from Ireland in any Veflel I of lefs Burthen than looTons, on For- | feiture thereof, and alfo of the VeffelJ 2. • '■ Not to be imported from other' Places in any Veflel of lefs Burthen than 40 Tons, or othernvife than in Bulk only, (except for Ship's Ufe, not ex- ^ ceeding Five Pounds for each Seaman) on Forfeiture thereof, and alfo the Veflel - - - 3. • If any Salt or Rock Salt exceeding" Two Pounds "Weight for each Sea- man fliall be found on board any Ship or Vejfel which ftiall be at Anchor or hovering within the Limits of any Port of Great Britain, or within Four Leagues of that Part of the Coaft which is between the North Fore- land on the Coafl; of Kent, and Beachy Head on the Coaft of Suflex, or within Eight Leagues of any other Part of the Coaft, or fliall be dilcovered to have been within luch Limits or Dif- tance (and not proceeding on her Voyage, Wind and Weather permitting unlefs in cafe of unavoidable Neceflity and Diftrefs of Weather, of which \ the Mafter (hall give Notice and make Proof before the Colledor or other Chief Officer of the Cuftoms of any Port in the Limits of which fuch Ship or Veflel fhall be found, im- mediately after her Arrival in fuch Limits), all fuch Salt or Rock Salt, and the Ship or Veflel, with all her Guns, Tackle, and Furniture, fhall be forfeited - - - Provided that fuch Diftance of Eighfj Leagues fliall be meafured in any Di- | Rfeign. Chap. 45 Geo. 3. 3 Geo. 2 38 Geo. 3. H 20 89 38 Geo. 3. 42 Geo. 3. 89 8a 14 I ai UJi.ll^l ■■< 78 SALT or ROCK SAVr-^continued. re&ion between the Southward and Eaftward of Beachy Head, although any Part of fuch Limits fo extended may exceed the Diftance of Four Leagues from any Part of the Coaft to the Eaftward of Beachy Head — — Provided alfo, that nothing in thefe' Ads (hall forfeit any Ship or Veffel for having Salt on board, if known to be employed in Fifliing, and no other Salt (hall be on board than fhall have been received from fome entered Warehoufe, not exceeding the Quan- tity neceffary for preferving fuch a Quantity of Fi(h as may reafonably be expedled to be taken by the Crew ■ " If any Salt or Kock Salt exceeding" TwoPounds Weight for each Seaman fhall be found on board any Sbipt Vef- felf or Booty belonging in the whole or in part to any of His Majejlys Suh- jeds, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board are Subje3s of His Majefty, at Anchor, or hovering within the Limits of any of the Ports of Great Britain, or in any Part of the British or Irifh Channels, or within loo Leagues of any Part of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, and not pro- ceeding on her Voyage, unlefs in cafe of Neceffity to be proved as before mentioned^ all fuch Salt or Rock Salt, together with the Ship, Veffel, or Boat in which laden ftiall be forfeited " ' ■ If after the Departure from Guern-' feyi JerfeSi Aldemey, Sarky or Man, of any Shipy Veffel, or Boaty belonging in the whole or in part to His Mafeflfs Subje^Sy or whereof One Half of the Per- fons on hoard are SubjeSs of His Majefly, having on board any Salt, Bulk fhall be broken, or any Part of the Cargo ftiall be unladen or unftiipped from fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, or any Altera- tion fliall be made in the Form, Size, Befcription, or Number of the Pack- > Reign. 42 Geo. 3. 38660.3. 42 Geo. 3. 38 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. Chap. 82 Sea. 89 82 I 89 66 14 17 74 8. SALT or ROCK ^kW— 'continued. ages taken on board, or in the Quan- tity or Quality,, or Mode of Package of the Goods contained therein, at any : Time while in the Profecution of the Voyage from the Iflands^ every fuch ; Shid, VefTel, or Boat, with her Fur- niture, Tackle, and Apparel, fhall be forfeited; But no Forfeiture fhall be incurred on account of the breaking Bulk or unfhipping the Cargo, or any ' Part thereof, if done through unavoid- -able Neceffity or Diftrefs ; nor on ac- count of any fuch Alteration in the Cargo, if the fame was occafioned by inevitable Caufe or Accident, orbecamfe neceflary for the Security or Prefer- vation of fuch Ship, Veflel, or Boat, fuch Neceffity, Diftrefs, Caufe, or Accident to be proved to the Satis- fadion of the Commiffiouers of the Cuftoms or Excife - - -. — > In cafe any Salt, Foreign or Britifli,' Ihall be exported from Guemfeyy Jer- fey, Alderneyt Sari, or Maut or be removed by Sea from one Part to any other of the Iflands, or put on board any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, to be fo removed or carried, otherwije than in Buikt or in Cajks containing Four hnn- dred weight net of Salt (except only fuch Salt as may be for the neceffary Provi- fions of fuch Ship, VeiTel, or Boat, or for the Ufe of the Seamen, not exceed- ing Two Pounds Weight for each "baasn, to be ftowed openly and fairly in fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat), all fuch Salt, with the Packages, and the Ship, Veffel, or Boat, fhall, with the Furniture, Tackle, and Apparel, be forfeited - - - -^ — But it fhall be lawful to export' from Guemfey or Jerfey at any one Time any Quantity of Salt not ex- ceeding 10 Bufhels in any Boat not exceeding lo Tons, having a Licence from the Principe. Officer of the Cuf- Reign. 47 Geo. 2. 48 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. Chap- Seft 66 84 11 12 66 84 II 12 75 \ SALT.or ROCK SALT— fow/inw^. toms at ekher of the faid Iflands for the Purpofe of being employed in caffying Commodities for the SuMiy of Sari *, provided that fuch Boat nav- ing on board at one Tinie any greater Quantity than herein allowed, other- wife than in Buljk, or in Caiks of Four hundred Weight, (hall be forfeited - SARK. See " Guemfcy." SEIZURES. Any Two or more Jujices of the Peace for ^.ny County, Riding, City, Divifion, or X'iberty, may examine into, hear, and determine ^11 Profecutions for the Condemnation of Seizures made under any A€t relating to the Cuftoms ; and the Juftices are required, upon Information exhibited before them for the Condemnation of fuch Seizure, to proceed thereon, in the fame Manner and with the like Powers as are given by any Law of Excife now in force with refpe£t to Forfeitures for the Breach of any Law of !^xci{e — In cafe any Profecution fliall be' commenced by any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife for the Recovery of any Forfeiture incurred by virtue of any A&. relating to either of His Majelty's faid Revenues, His Majefly's Attorney General, in cafe it fliall appear to his S^tisfa&ioji that fuch Forf^itujre was incurred without any Intention of fraud, 9iay ftop all further PrQqeediQgs by enter- ing a Noli Profeqvi, or otherwife, on every fijch Profiecution, ail well with relpe^ to the Sh^re pf fuch Forfeiture to whjch any fuch Officer may claim to be entitled, a9 tp the Share thereof belonging tp liis Ml^ Jefty - - - -^ No Perfon fliaU iifnf or cftufe to^ be iffued any Writ <f 4ppr^m/mt for the Condemnation oC any Ship* Bopit, orYeffel, oranyGppdg, Uj^f^^sfnt" fei^ed by virtue of mf Ma mMs Uie t Reign. 49 Geo. 3. Chap. 62 Sfid. > J', 56 Geo. 3. 104 H 1 i< i 'r. [ 26 Geo. 3* 77 14 r- 1 ii 76 I I SEIZURES— fon/i«W. fame be iflued by Order of the Com- mifHoners of the Cufloms or Excife, or by or in thp Name of His Majefty's Attorney General j and if any Writ of Appraifcment is iflued by or in the Name of any Perfon, except upon fuch Order, or by or in the Name of His Majefty's Attorney General, the fan»e and all Proceedings thereupon had fhall be null and void, and the Court or Courts where fuch Writ of Ap- praifement fliall be iffued (hall not permit any Proceeding to be had there- upon • - - - "^ I The Commiflioners of the Treafury' of Great Britain, or any Three of them, may diredl any Spirits feized and con- demned to be again diftilled, for the Purpofe of bringing the fame to a proper Strength, and direA fuch Spirits, either before or after any fuch I)iftil- lation, and alfo any Tobacco or Snuff' feized and condemned, to be delivered to the Care of the Commiflioners for viftualling His Majefty's Navy, or to caufe fuch Spirits, Tobacco, or Snuff to be deftroyed ; or if it (hall appear to them moft conducive to the Pro- tefliun of the Revenue, they may dire£l the fame to be fold, for Home Confumption or Exportation ;; and the faid Commiflioners (hall give fuch Dire6tions for the Removal of any fuch Spirits, Tobacco, or Snuff, and make fuch Regulations for the af- certaining the Value, or to fix any Average Value thereof, for the Pur- pofe of afcertaining the Rewards (where the Spirits are diftilled or de- ftroyed) to which Perfons feizing the fame would have been entitled if the fame had been fold and diftributed under any A£ts in force, and to di- > dire£t the Amount, (not being in any Cafe a lefs Amount, as far as the Mode of afcertaining the Value will Reign. Chap. Sea. 56 Geo. 3. 104 45 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 121 66 15 29 11 SEIZURES— fo«//«Mfd. allow, than fuch Officer would have been otherwife entitled to), and the Time and Manner of paying the fame, and alfo to regulate the Amount and Mode of Didribution of Rewards to any Commiffioned, Non-commif- fioned Officer or Private Men of His Majelly's Forces, or any Commif- fioned Officer, Petty or Warrant Of- ficer, or Seamen of His Majelly's Navy or Marines, as (hall appear to be rea* fonable - - * - - All Spirits which (hall be feizedl by any Officer of His Majelly's Army, Navy, or Marines, or Officer a6ting under the Orders of the Commiffioners of the Admiralty, or under the Order of the Commiffioners of Cuftoms or Excife, or by Officers on Half Pay, Military or Naval, at Sea or on Shore, or having been un (hipped or landed without Payment of the Duties, (hall, after the Seizure thereof, be lodged nvith the proper Officer of Excife^ and fecured and gauged, and taken and kept Account of; and after the Con- demnation thereof, upon Profecution thereof by Order of the Commiffioners of Excife, (hall be forthwith conveyed to fuch Places as are mentioned in the 45 Geo. ch. 121. and there re-diftilled under the Orders of the Commiffioners of Excife for the Purpofe of making the fame of a proper Import Strength, and (hall afterwards be fold or other- wife difpofed of as direfted by the faid Aft, and by 47 Geo.a. ch. 66. and alfo by this A£l, under the Orders of the Commiffioners of Excife The Commiffioners of the Cudoms,' (hall caufe all Ships, Velfelb, Boats, and Goods, (except Spirits and Goods required to be burnt or dedroyed, and Ve(rels and Boats to be broken up), feized by any Officers of the Cudoms, and condemned according to Law to be Rcigii. Chap. ■, ;■ 56 Geo. 3. 104 Sett. 16 1 i mm 78 6. SEIZV KES^continued, fold publicly to the be/l Biddtr at fuch Places as the Commiflioners (hall think pioper ; but no Goods condemned as forfeited under any Law or Laws of Cuftoms or £xci(^ in Great Britain or Ireland, (hall be fold at a lefs Price than (hall be equal to the Duties of ^ Cuftoms and Excife upon fuch Goods imported or taken for Home Gonfump" tion ; and all condemned G >ods for which on Public Sale a Price (hall not be offered equal to the Price afore* faid, and all condemned Goods the ' Importation whereof is or (hall be ivhnlly prohibited, (hall be dejlroyed, or fold for Exportation, or applied and dif pofed of to fuch Public Ufe as (hall be ordered by the Commiilioners of the Treafury, or any Three of them , ' ' For the Reward and Encourage- ment of Officers of the Army, Navy, or' Marines, or Officers acting under the Orders of the Commiilioners of the Admiralty, and of Officers on Half Pay, and of Officers a6ting under the Orders of the Commiffioners of Cuftoms or Excife, for the Prevention of Smuggling, and of other Perfons giving Information of any Smuggling Tranfaftion, the Rewards hereinafter , mentioned (hall in lieu of the Rewards ; now payable, be allowed in refpedi of all Seizures of Ships, Boats, or other Veffels or Goods at Sea, or for being un(hipped or landed without Payment of Duties, or the Importation of which : (hall be wholly prohibited ; -^that is to , fay^ if any Officers making fuch ■ Seizure at Sea (hall alfo arreft and , detain all the Perfons "employed in ' navigating the Ship, Boat, or other Vefiel in or on board of which fuch Goods (hall be brought or feized, and (hall alfo fei2e fuch Shipy Boat* or other Vedel, or makbg> fuch Sen zure on Shore, Jhall alfe deUiR' the Reign. Chap. m 3 Geo. 3. 56 Geo. 3. 22 104 17 79 SEIZURES— fo«//««^^. Perfun >yho (hall be unlading, remov- ing, ur concealing fuch Goods, and ulfo feize and fecuie the Carriage, and Horfe or Horfes, or Cattle, ufed in removing and carrying the fame ; and fuch OiHcers (hall convey all Per- fons fo detained before One of His Majefty's Jultices of the Peace fo that they may be dealt with according to Law, or (hall deliver every fuch Perfon who (hall be (it for and liable to be employed in His Majefty's Navy to fome Commander in or on board of one of His Majefty's Ships of War, then fuch Officers (hall be paid the Whole of the Faluet after dedudting all Cofts, at which fuch Goods (hall be eltimated or (ixed by the Commiflloners of Cuftoms or Excife ; and in cafe fome or one only of fuch Perfons as aforefaid (hall be detained and brought before fuch Juftice, or delivered over for the Ufe of His Majefty's Navy, and the reft (hall unavoidably eicape, and fuch Ship, Boat, or other Veffel, (hail alio be feized, fuch Officers ihall be paid, after fuch Deduction as aforefaid, Three Fourth Parts or Shares of fuch Value as aforefaid ; and in cafe fuch Officers (hall alfo feize luch Ship, Boat, or other VefTel^ or the Carriage^ Horfe or Horfes, or Cattle, but fhall not alfo detain and produce before the Juftice, or deliver over for the Ufe. of His Majefty's Navy, any of the Per- fons aforefaid, or fhall arreft> detain, and produce before the Juftice, or de- liver over for the Ufe of His Majefty's Navy, fuch Perfons or fome or one of them, but not feize fuch Ship^ Boat, or other VefTel, Carriage, Horle^ or Cattle, then fuch Officers making fuch Seizure (halllbe paid> after fuch Deduction as aforefaid, Tvfd. Third Parts of fuch Valtte.-^ and in cafe any Officers ftiall m^e^; Seizj^re. of any \ Reign. Chap. Sea. ^6 Geo. 3. 104 t':i i: 80 0' ' I' 8. SEIZURES— fo«//W^. fuch Goods, and (hall not feize the faid Ship, Boat, or other Veffel afore- faid, or detain and produce before the Juftice, or deliver over for the Ufe of His Majefty's Navy any of the Perfons aforefaid, then fuch Officers only (hall be entitled to, and (hall be paid after fuch Deduction as aforefaid, One Half Part of the Fake : Provided that the Lords Commiflioners of His Majeily's Tre^^'ury for the Time being, upon Proof being made to their Satisfadlion that the Failure of any fuch Officers upon making any fuch Seizure as aforefaid in arrefting all or any of the Perfons, and produ- cing them or him before fuch Juftice, or delivering them or him over for the Ufe of His Majefty's Navy, or feifing fuch Ship, Boat, or other Vef- fel, was not owing to any Want of Ex- ertion on the Part of fuch Officer or Officers, but was folely occafioned by Refiftance, or from the Violence of the Sea, Darknefs of the Night, or other infurmountable Obftacles, may grant to fuch Officer or Officers fuch further Part of the Value of fuch Seizure as by them may be deemed expedient in that Behalf - - - .— — — The Lords Commiffioners of His" Majefty's Treafury for the Time be- ing, or any Three of them, or the Commiffioners of Cuftoms or Excife under their Direction, may order fo much of the Reward, Part, or Share of any fuch Seizure, or of the Value thereof as aforefaid, as is by this A£l given or granted to the Officer or Ofi&- cers making any fuchSeizure, as they may deem proper, to be paid to the Perfon or Perfons by whofe Information or through <athofe Means and AJJiJlance fuch Seizure may have been made One Half Part of all fuch Rewards^ 4fter fuch Deduction as aforefaid, (hall | Reign. Chap. Sea. IsElZtJR be **: . .u» n m m tm 56 Geo. J: 104 7 Si |sEl2tTItES— fo«/i«W. be paid by the Ccmtriiffioncrs of Ciif- toms or Excife by Whom thfe Pfofe- cutiion fhall be dire£ted, to fuch Officer or other Perfon who fhall be entitled to ^- the^ fame, immediately upon thu Condenf- nation of any fuch Seitzure, attd the other HiJf Part thereof upon the Accounts relating to' fuch l^eizure being finally adjufted — In cafes iv&efe Per/hns are not' linhle to be arrejied ancl detained under the AAs for the Prevention of Smug- gling, the Officers' fhall be' allowed' one Moiety of the Product of the Goods feized, the Charges being fii'ft deducted ; provided theyy2'/ztf attd prO' ftcute the Ship or VeJfeU on board which the Goods Jhcdl have been brought, found or feiztd, dr the Boat, Vejfel, Cart, Horfe^ or other Cattle or Car- > riage made ufe of va. the removing or conveying of hich Goods', and dif- cover any of the Perfons concerned in the unfhipping or receiving fuch Goods fo that they may be profe- cuted, otherwife they fhall only be en- titled to One Third Part of the Net Produce arifing by the Sale of fuch Goods - - - - — — But upon Seizures of Foreign' wrought Silhs, Vel-oets, Crapes, or Tiffanies, Calicoes printed, painted, flained, or dyed in Pcrfia, China, or Eall India, and of Foreign manufac- tured Leather Gloves, the Officers fhall be allowed Two Third Parts although the Boat, Veffel, Cart, Horfe, or other Carriage made ufe of in the removing fuch Goods fhall not be feized oi* profe- cuted, nor any of the Perfons concerned in unfhipping or receiving fuch Goods, or in whofe Poffeffion the fame fhall be fouiid and feized, fhall not be difcb- vered and made knoWn, fo that they may be profecuted Reign. 56 Geo. 3. j ri & f2 T Wni. 3. J- 3 Geo. 3. 5 GtiM.^, II&I2\ Wm. 3. / 50 Geo, 3. Chap. t Sua. ^ ;ro'4 10 "J. ' f . ' 1 ,.: < ■ i ' . .; } 1 \ 10 2 22 I 43 1 39 1 i I t. i 10 2 5S 3 t '^ ( 8S nv I SElZURES—contittueJ. 12. — — — And when any Officer upon the' Seizure of any Goods liable to For- feiture by any A&. relating to the ' Cuftomi or Excife (hall alfo feize the CartSi Horfes^ Cattle^ or Cur' riages made ufe of in the Removing, Carriage, or Conveyance of any fuch Goods, and the fame (hall be con- demned, fuch Officer (hall be entitled to Three Fourths of the Proceeds of fuch Carts, Horfes, Cattle, and Car- riages after all Charges attending the Profecution and Sale thereof fhsdl be deduced - - -^ 13' '■' ■ ' ■ And when any Officer (hall feize' any Spirits within the Limits cf the Ports, or within loo Leagues of the ' Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland, which (hall h^Lvc been funk or concealed under or in the Water within fuch Limits or Diftance, fuch Officer (hall be al- lowed One Moiety of the Value at which the Spirits (hall be fixed or efti- mated - _ . -^ 14. ■ The Commiffioners of the Cuftoms' , and Excife in England and Scotland (hall reward Officers and Perfons feiz- ing Vejfels and Boats broken up after Condemnation, in the following Manner, (that is to fay), for all VeflTels or Boats as (hall exceed Four Tons by Ad- meafurement an Allowance of 40 s. per Ton ; and for all Boats which (hall not exceed Four Tons by Admeafure - ment an Allowance of So s. per Ton ; and for all Ve(rels and Boats which, on account of their Built, Conftruction, Denomination or Defcription , are liable to Forfeiture by any Aft of Parlia- ment, and which (hall be liable to be broken up, and which Ve(fel8 and Boats at the Time of the Seizure thereof (hall be found in Ballaft or light, an Allowance of 30 s. per Ton ; to be paid upon the Condemnation of Reign. Chap. 47 Geo. g. 66 49 Geo. 3. 12 28 Geo. 3. 47 Geo-. 3. 34 66 83 , SEIZURES— fon/i»«^rf. fuch Veflfels and Boats according to the legal Admeafurement thereof ; and alfo One Moiety of the Produce of the Materials after dedudiing the Charges of Condemnation and Sale — All Cqfis and Expences attending' the Seizure, Detention, Cuilody, Re- moval, Profccution« Condemnation, and Sale of any Ship, Boat, or other Veffel, Carriage, Horfe, Cattle, or Goods forfeited under any Law of Cuftoms or Excife, (hall (except in the Cafes herein-after mentioned) be paid out of the grofs Proceeds a'if- ing from the Sale of fuch Seizure whenever fuch Goods are fold ; and in cafe fuch Goods (hall not be fold, but be deftroyed or otherwife difpjf! d of by any Order of the Lords of t e Treafury, or any Three of them, fuch Colls and Expences (hall be paid out of His Majefty's Share of Seizures^ — — But in all Cafes where any Ship," Veffel, Boat, Horfe, Cattle, Cart, Car- riage or Goods, fliall be feized as for- feited under any A£t relating to the Cuiloms or Excife, the Commiflioners or any Three or more of them, under the Dire6tion of the Lor(:3 of the TVm- /«rj», if they fliall deem it expedient fo to do, may order the Whole or any Part of the Cqfts and Expences ariHng either from the Seizure, Cuftody, Removal, Detention, or Profecution whether con- demned or not, and alfo of the Cods, Charges, and Expences arifing from the Condemnation and Sale thereof, whether the Produce fliall be fufficient to anfwer the Cofts and Expences, or not, to be paid out of His Majejly*s Share of the Produce of Seizures, and diftri- bute amonglt the Officers, who fhall have made fuch Seizure, and the In- former, if any, by whofe Information or through wnofe Means or Affiflance F2 Reign. Chap. Sea 1 56 Geo. 3. 104 II 56 Geo. 3. 104 12 II u i6. SElZVRES-^continued fuch Seizure fhall have been made, a Sum not exceeding the Share or Pro- portion of fuch Seizure, or the Value thereof, or the R eward for making fuch Seizure direfted to be allowed to the ; Informer, or Officer, or Perlon making fuch Seizure, in full, without deducting the faid Cofts and Expences, or any Part thereof ; and the Refidue of fuch Produce (hall be applied to fuch Ufes and Purpofes aa His Majefty's Share of the Produce of fuch Seizures is by Law applicable unto 1 7. ' ' In all Seizures made by any Offi-*! cers, or Warrant or Non-commiflioned OfKcers, or Privates of His Majefty's Army, and in all Cafes of any Offi- cer?, or Warrant or NoU'Commiflioned GiBcers, or Privates, who fhall aid or affift any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife in the making, fecuring, or guarding of any Seizures, His Majefty in Council may direft in what Manner and Proportions the Re- wards given by this or any other Aft relating to the Revenue fhall be divided, or dijiributed amongfi the Commlf- Jiomd and Warrant and Non-commif' Jionfd Officers and Privates, aftually making or aiding, or affifting in making the Seizure, and the Com- miffioned Officers, and Warrant and Non*commiffioned Officers and Pri- vates of the Regiment, Battalion, or Corps to which the Perfons aftually making, or aiding or affifting in the making the Seizure fhall belong - 18. " ■' I Every Reward or Part or Share' Reign. [Chap. of any Seizure, or of the Value there- of, allowed by this Adt, as fhall by virtue of this or any other A6t be pay- able to any Officers, Non- commiffioned Officers, Petty Officers, Seamen, <ir Privates, of His Majefly's Army, yi g ^ Na^y, or Marines, or ading under f ^ ^' U 47 Geo. 3. 66 104 85 , SEIZURES— tfon/foW. the Orders of the Admiralty, (hall be diilributed in fuch Proportions, and according to fuch Rules, Re- gulations, and Orders, as His Ma- jefty by His Order in Council or Pro- clamation fhall dire6t or appoint -J SHIPS and VESSELS. All Cutters, Lug-"] gersy Shallops i or fV berries (of what Built foever), all Vefels of any other Defcription whofe Bottoms are Clench IVorkt unlefs fquare-rigged or fitted as Sloops with {landing Boltfprits, all Vejffels the Length of which Jhall he greater than in the Proportion of 3^ Feet to One Foot in Breadth \ and all Ships or Veffels armed for Refijlance, (otherwife than as hereinafter excepted) belonging in the whole or in part to His Majefty's Subjefts, or where- of One-half of the Perfons on board are Subjects of His Majefty, found within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, or in the Britifh or Irifli Channels, or within 100 Leagues of any Part of the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland, (hall be for- feited, together with all the Goods laden thereon " " "^ Not to forfeit any Ship or Veffel' (except Cutters, Luggers, Wherries, Smacks, Yawls, and Boata) having on board Two Carriage Guns of the Calibre not exceeding Four Pounds and Small Arms not exceeding Two Mu fleets for every Ten Men ; nor any Ship or Veflel in the Service of the Navy, Vi«Slualling, Ordnance, Cuiioms, Ei^cife, or Poll Office ; nor any Veflel whatever the Owner of ■ which fliall have a Licence for navi- gating the fame ; nor any Lighters or Barges ufed folely in Rivers or Inland Navigation ; nor any Veflels which ihall have on board any Arms or Ammunitioe regularly cleared at Fa Reign. Chap. Sea.. 24 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 47 66 4 17 . I 24 Geo. 3. 34 Geo. 3. 47 50 5 7 86 ! '1' a. SHIPS and VESSELS— ro«ft«tt^//. any Cuftom Houfe in any of His Majefty's Dominions as Merchandize, or for His Majefty's Stores or Gar- rifons, and ' regularly (lowed in the Hold of fuch Ship or Veffel 3. ■ Any Cutter, Lugger, Shallop, Wherry^' Sloop, Smack^ or Tawl, belonging in the whole or in part to any of His Majefty's Subje^s, or whereof One- half of the Perfons on board are Sub- jeAs of His Majefty, found within the Limits of any of the Ports of Great Britain, or in the Britifh or Irifh Chan- I nels, or within 100 Leagues of any y> Part of the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland, having a Bovjprit which (hall emeed in Length more than Two- thitds of the Length of fuch Cutter, &c. from the Fore-part of her Stem to the aft-fide of the Sternpoft aloft (whe- ther a ftanding or running Bowfprit), fliall be forfeited - - Not to forfeit any Cutter, &c. in the Service of the Navy, Vi£lualling, Ordnance, Cuftoms, Excife, or Pod Office; nor any Cutter, &c. the Owners of which (hall have a Licence for navi- gating the fame ; nor any Lighters or Barges ufed folely in Rivers or In- land Navigation — — Every Cutter, Lugger^ Shallopt" Wherry, Smack, or Tawl, of any built whatfoever, belonging in the whole or in part to any of His Majefty's Sub- jefts, or whereof One-half of the Perfons on board are Subje6ls of His Majefty {unlefs fquare-rigged or fitted with ajlanding Bowfprit, the Heel of which fhall be fixed to the Main Deck by an Iron Ciafp, fuch Llafp to be without Bits ft'curely bolted through the Bowfprit and Beam of the faid Deck, and the faid Bowfprit to be fteaved or elevated at the leaft Two Inches in every Foot, from the ttraigh ?r Reign. Chap. 3» 60 27 Geo. 3. 32 34 Geo. 3. 35 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 50 56 »7 87 SHIPS and VESSELS— f0n/iiitf<r//. JLine of the Range of the Deck, and rigged with a fixed Stay for the Jib to work upon, which Stay (hall not be lefs than a Two Inch Rope for a Veflel of 20 Tons» and fhall increafe in Size not lefs than ^ an Inch for every other 10 Tons, and the faid Bowfprit to be without any Traveller or other Materials to conduA the Jib out and in upon the faid Bow- {jprit, and without any Flying Jib fet thereon in any Manner whatever), which (hall be found or difcovered to have been within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, or in the Britifh or Iriih Channels, or within 100 Leagues of any Part of the Coails of Great Britain or Ireland, every fuch Cutter, &c. (hall be forfeited, toge- ther with all the Goods laden thereon ^ •■■ Not to forfeit any Cutter, &c. belonging to or employed in the Service of the Navy, Vidualling, Ordnance, Cuftoms, Excife, or Poft Office ; nor any Cutter, &c. having a Licence for her Navigation, fuch Licence being obtained and entered agreeably to 24Geo. 3. ch. 47. and pro- duced when demanded ; nor to forfeit any fuch Cutter, Sec. ufed on Rivers, Canals, or Inland Navigations Any Cutter, Lugger, Shallop," Wherry, Smack, or Tatvl^ belonging in the whole or in part to any of His Majefty's Subjefls, or whereof One- half of the Perfons on board are Sub- jefts of His Majelty, found or difco- vered to have been within the Limts or Diftance herein-before mentioned, hav ing on board any yirnu or Ammumtion except by Licence of the Admiralty, every fuch Cutter, &c. with the Arms and Ammunition, and the Goods on board fhall be forifeited Not to forfeit any Cutter, Lug-n ger. Shallop, Wherry, Smack, or | F 4 > Reign. Chap. 34 Geo. 3. Sea, 50 II 34 Geo. 3. 47 If '! 66 14 »7 .wijii apipi 88 8. SIflPS and VESSELS— fo/i/ww</. Yawly belonging tQ or employed in I the Service of His Majeilv's Navy, y Victualling, .Ordnance, CuKoms^ Ex- cife, or Poll Office ; nor any Cutter, >: c. which (hall have been regularly entered and cleared at any CuHom Houiie in any of His M^efty's Dominions with Arms and Ammunition as Mer- chandize, or for the Ufe of His Ma- jefty's Stores or Garrifbns, and which {hajll be regularly ftowed in the Hold of fuch Veffel - . - 9. ■ r Every Veffel belonging ip tlie whole or in part to His Majefty's SubjeiSls, or whereof One-haif of the Perfons on board axe Sybjedls .of tjlis l Majelly, exceeding th ^urthtn of SO Tons by Admeajuraifieut , which /hall be rigged or fitted as a Lt^gger^ ihali, he forfeited - - -r^ N.B. — No Limits or piftance are mentioned in this Se£bion. lO f . ' ' ■' But the Owner of every Veflel' or Boat rigged and fitted at the Time of the paljRng of this AA, not exceeding the Burthen of 50 Tons by ' Admeafurement, defirous of navigating fuch Ship or Veffel for the Purpole of f ifhing, or carrying on lawful Trad,e, or as a Packet, or jfor any other lawful ! Purpofe, fhall take out a Licence from I the Commiffioners pf tlie Cuftoma in ' England^ Scotl^nd^ or Ireland, Qr any Three or more of them, within Two Months after the paffing of this Aft ; and during fiich Period of T>yo Months ro fuch Veflel of Bo^ ihall be liable to jSeizurp under thp ^rovi- fions of this Ajft, for want iof fyph Licence - - - li. — — — - No Ship, Veffel, or ^oat bplong-' ing in the whole or in part to His Maieily's Subje/fts, or i^hereof One- half or the Perfoiis on board are S^b- jeds of His Maj^fty, and U9t heing a Lifgger, and at tl)^ Tftoe ^tte.4 ^d Re\gii •\ 34 Geo. 3- Chof. SO SedJ 47<5eo.3. 66 89 I.SPIPS and VESSELS— fon/«i«ft/. rigged as fuch, (hall have on board ^or be navigated by a gnaUr Number of Men (Officers and Boys included) than m thefoHoiving Proportion ; ( that is to fay) , if of 30 Tons or under, and above Five Tons, Four Men ; if of 60 Tons or under, and above 30 Tews, Five Men ; if of 80 Tons or under, and above 60 Tons, Six Men ; if of 100 Tons or under, and above 8 J Tons, Seven Men ; and above that Tonnage, V One Man for every 15 Tons of fuch additional Tonnage ; or if a L#ugger, the following Proportions (that is to fay), if of 30 Tons or under, Eight Men ; if of 50 Tons or under, and above 30 Tons, Isine Men ; and in cafe any fuch Ship, Veflbl, or Boat fliall be found or difcovened to have been within the Limits of aay Port of the United Kingdom, or in the Britiih or Irifh Channels, or within 100 Leagues of thie Coafl of Great Britain or Ireland, having on board any greater Number of Men than in the Proportion before limited, every fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, fhall be forfeited 112. ■ Not to forfeit any Ship, Veffel, or' Boat by reafon of any Excefs in the Proportion of Men, whether a regular and eftablifhed Packet or Paffage Veffel or not, if they are bonA fide Paffengers only, or taken on board at Sea under any Circumftanpes of Dif trefs or unavoidable Necelfity } Proof of fuch Perfons being Paffengers only, or of fuch Circumftances, being given to the Satisfaction of the Commif- fioners of the Cuftoms if required by them, or to the ^ati8fa6lion of the Commiffioners of Excife on Seizures made by the Officers of Excife '3' " i The Commiflioners of the Cuftoms' and all Perfons acting under their Dire6kion, in granting any Licence fof pavigatiug any Fejfel exceeding 50 > Aieifn. 47 Geo. 3, Chfip. ce 47 Geo. 5. ■He 66 ** 90 IJ SHIPS and VESSELS— fon/iiifi^^/. Tons Burthen^ and rigged as a Lugger, are indemnified ; and uich Licences are to be deemed valid ; and the Proviiions of the 47 Geo. 3 . ch. 66. as to granting Licences, (hall, from the Day on which the faid A&. pafTed, extend to all Veflels rigged and fitted as Luggers, exceeding the Burthen of 50 Tons by Admeafurement, and by the faid A&. made liable to Forfeiture, and not to Veflels therein defcribed under the Burthen of 50 Tons 14.' The faid Commiflioners refpec-' tively, at any Time within 10 Years from the Date of the Firlt Licence Reign. granted under this Att, may renew any fuch Licence to the Owner of any fuch VelTel, on Proof to their Satisfaction of the Ownerfhip of fuch VefTel having been changed by Death or otherwile^ 1^. But no fuch Lugger exceeding the' Burthen of 50 Tons fhall have on board or be navigated by a greater Number of Men (Officers and Boys included) than in the following Pro- portions ; that is to fay, If of 80 Tons or under, and above 60 Tons, 1 1 Men. If of 100 Tons or under, and above 80 Tons, 12 Men. And if above 100 Tons, one Man for every Ten Tons of fuch ad- ditional Tonnage. 16. ■ wi And in cafe any fuch Lugger fhall be found or difcovered to have been within the Limits or Diftances in the faid recited A6t mentioned, having on board any greater Number of Men than in the Proportion aforefaid, every fuch Lugger, fhall be forfeited ; but not to extend to any Veffel exempted in the faid recited A€t from the Provifions therein contained refpefting the Number f of Men by vrhich luch Snip or Veffel maybe navigated - > 48 Geo. 3. Chap. 84 Setll 84 in J or for ceec i8.< 91 SHIPS and VESSELS— ro/i/iWr*/. — - The Commiflloners of the Cuiloms' in England and Scotland, or any Three or more of them, may grant Licences for the Navigation of Luggers not ex- ceeding the Burthen of 6^ Tons intended to U folely employed in the Fijbery car- ried on in the North Seas, between Saint Abbs Head on the Coaft of Scotland and the South Foreland on the Coaft of Kent, but no fuch Lug- ger (hall proceed beyond the Dif- ances from the Coaft hereafter men- tioned ; (that is to fay), when any fuch Lugger is employed in the Fifliery to the Northward of a due Eaft Line from Loweftoffe Light Houfe, and to the Southward of a due Eaft Line from Saint Abbs Head, fuch Lugger (hall not proceed beyond the Diftance of so Leagues from the Coaft ; when any fuch Lugger (hall be employed in tl^ Fi(hery to the Southward of the faid due Eaft Line from Loweftoffe Light Houfe, and to the Northward of a due Eaft Line from the North Fore- land, fuch Lugger (hall not proceed beyond the Diftance of Six Leagues from the Coaft ; and when employed in the Fifhery to the Southward of the faid due Eaft Line from the North Foreland, and to the Northward of a due Eaft Line from the South Foreland, not to proceed beyond the Diftance of Four Leagues from the Coaft ; and if any Lugger, licenfed under the Frovi- iions of this Ad, (hall be found beyond the Diftances hereinbefore mentioned, every fuch Lugger (hall be feized and profecuted Provided that the Owners of every Lugger licenfed under this A&. (hall, before any iuch Lugger proceed to Sea, or fail out of any Port, Harbour, or Creek give Security by Bond to His Majefty, His Heirs and Succe(rors, in the Penalty of Treble the Value therc- RVign. Chap. Se£t. ^6 Geo. 3. 104 24 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) I I.I 11.25 121 121 i^ Uii 12.2 I: _^ ■ Its 14.0 I 2.0 ^ U 11.6 <j> ffh 72 >' '/ y^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST AAIN STRUT WL5.-TII«,N.Y. 14580 (716)S72-4S03 92 »9 ao. %B.SBJfBmd YESStLS— consumed. I -of, in the Mmmer required by 46 Geo. 3. ' ch. 1 37. with re(pe<£^ to ceriain Veffew and Boats for which the Owners are quired to give Security by Bond, as dine^ted by that Adi — No Licence Jball he required from the Commiflioners of the Culloms in England, Scotlsindy or Ireland, for navigating any fqnare-rigged Ship or Vejfel of the BurtheK tf aoo Tom or upwaras by Aiimeafurement ; and no iuch Ship or VefTel fliall be deemed liable to Seizure or Forfeiture on ac- count of the Lenjgth, Bwlt, Conftruc- tion, Denomination, or Defcription ; bust every fuch Sliip or V^flel which . fliall be armed fior Reiilbuice, or be f navigated with any greater Nuoober of Men than is allowed by Law, in proportion to the Number of Tons of her Admeafurement, (hall be liable to Soizure or Forfeiture under any A6t of Parliament m force relating to liqenfing of Ships or Veffels, unlets the Oivner of every fuch Ship or Veffel fliall have taken out a Licence for the Navi- gation thereof ... Every oj^en Vejfelt belonging in the' whole or in part to His Ikiutjefty's Subjects, which fliall be found or dif- covered to have been in Foreign Parts, oV found with, or difcovered to have taken on board at Sea, any Good^, from any Ship, Veflel, or Boat coming from Foreign Parts, (hall be fbrieited, unleiii fuch open Veflel fliaU have gone into any Foreign Port, or have taken fuch Goods on board from Nccellity or Diilrefs, of which Proof fliall be made before the Colle^or or other Chief Officer of the CuftomB immediately upon the Arrival of the faid Veffel in any Port of this Kingdom ; or un/efs fuch Fejeijhali if litenfed for that Par- pofe by the ComiMffioiiers of Cufloma or any Three or moie of dmn Reign. Chap. \.i Mi •i k: Sea. $6 Geo. 3. 104 aii 'ii ( ■ i. '9 21 9» i-V- SHIPS and VESSELS— fo«//«aw/. . — The Gommifiioners of the Cuftonur*) in England, Scotland', afid Ireland or [ any 'Ihree or more of then* mzy grant any Licence which fhail be required for any Ship or VeffeK upon fnchCofv- ditions as to the Navigation, Trade, and Employment and for fuch Limits as to Diftance from the Coaft of the United Kingdom, or otherwife as the faid Commiflioner9 may deem necefTary or proper for the Security of the Rjsrve- nue and the Prevention of Smu^pgiing f and every Ship or Veflel, havisig aay fuch conditional or limited Lioeacr,. which (hall tradle, mavigaU, or i» *m- tloyed in any Manner nofi autiorhud by the Licence, fliall fae forfeited iad liaMe to Seizure in like Maader,. inall Rs> fpe^s, as if no Jcence had) faaren granted - - .. |j2.- The Mafter of any Ship or Veffiel^ which by 24 Geow 5. ch. 47. or 27 Geo. 3. ch. 32. i(i required to be licenfed, (hall produce fucA Licence to every Officer of theCuftome or Excife who (hall come on board fuch Ship or VelTel within the Limits of any of the Ports of Great Britain, or ia the Britifli or Irifh Channels, or within 100 Leagues of the Coaft of Great or Ireland, on the fame being required by fuch Officer ; and if fuch Mailer (hall not have the Licence on board, or /hall not produce the fame, or if the Licence ia produced without an Indorfemoit thereon that the proper Security has been given, fuch Officer may feize the Ship or Veflel and the fame fliaU be forfeited i]' • In cafe any Ship or Veflel iiahle to' Seizure or Examinettion by any A6^ of Parliament in relation to the Revenue of Cuftoms or Excife^/W/ not bring to on being required fd to do, or being chafed by any Veflel in the Service of Hii Majefty's Navy having the proUr Pen* dant and Enjgn of HU Mt^fif**^ Ship^ Rei^. \' .in-i-k 27 Ge».^. 5^ Geo. 3> 56 Geo. p Cb^ 3* 53 !i04 d»Qi 5 12 22 > tm •■v:.-, \l 27 Geo. 3, 47 Geo. 3. 3» 66 7 »7 •i-jf? titfij •.»» * i|. i; 23. SHIPS and VESSELS'-contiaued. if - hoiked or in the Service of the Cu/lonu I \ or Excife having a Pendant and Enjign I hot/led f with fuch Marks thereon as are ' i now u/ed and worn by fuch VefTels in a Blue Field, the Captain or Perfon hav- ing the Command of fuch Veflcl in the Service of His Majrfty's Navy, Cuf- toms> or Excife, may (hoot at or into I fuch Ship or VefTel which (hall not ^ bring-to after fuch Colours (hall be hoifted, aud a Gun fired as a Signal ; and fuch Captain or Officer, and every Perfon asking in his Aid or by his Direction, (hall be indemnified and dif- charged from any Penalties or AAions for Damages for fo doing ; and in cafe any Perfon (hall be wounded or killed and the faid Officer or other Perfon ading in his Ai<i or by his Direction, (hall be profecuted or brought before t. any Juftice, or Perfon having compe- tent Authority, for or on account of fuch wounding or killing, fuch Juftice or Perfon is required to admit fuch Officer and Perfon brought before him to Bail - - - -^ 24. .11 J " If any Briti(h Ship or Ve(rel, not! being in the Service of His Majefty's I Navy, or of the Cuftoms or Excife, > (hall carry or hoift any fuch Pendant I or Enfign the Mafter (hall forfeit 500I, J 25. In cafe any Ship or Ve(rel iiable'\ to Seizure or Examination by this or * any other A&. of Parliament in force (hall not bring-to on being required fo to do, or being chafed by any Ship or VeflTel in His Majefty's Navy having the proper Pendant and Enfign of His ' Majefty's Ships hoifted^ or by any Ship or VeflTel employed in the Pre- vention of Smuggling under the Au- I thority of the Lords of the Treafury, of the Admiralty, or the Commif- fioners of the Cuftoms or Excife, having a Pendant and Enfirn hoi/led of fueb Dtjcriftion at His Mcyefty by any Order Reign. Ichap. ■% 24 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 47 66 3' 24 Geo. 3. 47 24 » i '•, * i^^'.j'" 95 l26. -.SHIPS and VESSELS— tfon/imitfi/. in Council, or by Proclamation under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom /hall order and direSl the Captain, Mafter, or other Perfon havin? the Command of fuch Ship or Veflel in His Miuefty's Navy, or employed as aforefaid (furft caufing a Gun to be fired as a Signal)^ may moot at or into fuch Ship or Veflel ; and fuch Captain, Matter, or other Perfon, and every Perfon ading in his Aid and Afliftance, ojr by his DireAion, (hall be indemnified and difcharged from any Penalties or Anions for Damages for fo doing ; and in cafe any Perfon fhall be wounded, maimed, or killed by means of fuch firing, and the faid, Captain, Mafter, or other Perfon a£ling in his Aid or Afliftance, or by his Direction (hall be fued or profecuted, or (hall be brought before any of His Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, or other Perfons having competent Authority, for or on account of fuch wounding, maiming, or killing ; every fuch Juftice or Perfon is required to admit every fuch Captain, Mailer, or other Perfon or Perfons fo brought before him to Bail — If any Ship or Veflel not being in! the Service of His Majefty's Navy, or I employed as aforefaid, (hall carry or I hoift any fuch Pendant or Enfign, the \ Mafter of every fuch Ship or Veffel (hall forfeit 500I. - - -_ |i?. In cafe any Foreign Goods Jhtdl by' any Coajling Vejfel or BocU be taken in at Sea, or out of any Ship or Vejfel in order to be lan^d or put into any other Ship, Veffel, or Boat, within the Limits of any Port, without Payment of the Duties, fuch Goods (hall be for- feited, and the Mafter of fuch Coaft- ing Veffel or Boat fliall forfeit treble the Value, unlefs in cafe of Neceflity, which he (hall immediately give No- tice of and make Proof before the Reign. Chap. Sea. 56 Geo. 3. 104 8 $6 Geo. 3. 104 - . J ■ t 5 Geo. X. II .1 W4W-.3 96 *9- SI '! - ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ 2^ SHIPSi and VESSH.LS—eontinued. Chief Officers of the Cuftoms of the firft Port of this Kingdom where he \ ] j fhall arrive ; and the Mafter of the Ship : ' or VefTel out of which fuch Goods ; ihall be taken at Sea (imlcf* in cafe ^ \ of Necefllty as alom^aid) AaU forfeit ' treble the Value thereof 28J— ' If any Cuftomable or Pvohibited' Goods Jhall be found in BMtd any Veffel of $0 Tons or uHtkf, Jltovsting on^ the Coafis of this Kingdom 'mthitttSe Limtlt of any Port, and not pfUMtocding on he* Voyage for S'oreign Parts, or to fodie other Port of this Kingdom^ (Wind and Wedtfier permitting^,) any Officer of the Cuftoms iflaly go on board fuch Ship or Vejfel, and takd an Account of the Lading^, and \ take Security from the Mafter, in ' I > treble the Value of fuch Foreign ; ' ^ Gdds, with Condition "That fuch ' , « " Ship or Veffel (a» foon aft Wind and \ \ \ " Weather, and the State and Gondii \ I ' <* tion of fuch Ship or Veffel doth " permit) will proceed regularly on ** fuch Voyage, and land fuch "St^ j ^ ** reign Goods in and at feme Fo^ I «* reign Port or Ports;" and if on^ Demand he fhall nefufe to enter into I I fuch Security, or having entered into , i , thei fame fhall not proceed r^ularly oil ^•*j 1 fudi Voyage, unlefs fuffered to make I ■ longer Stay by the Colleftor (or Other I principal Officer in his Abfence), not exceeding Twenty Daysy. then ^\i the : Foreign Goods on board fhall be tftken ) out of fuch Veffel, and brought on • Shdre and fecured and if the Goods ar^ Cbflomable, the BotiM fhall be . paid ; and prohibitied o» other Goods' ' uable to Forfeiture found on board- are forfeited, as alfo^ tAie Ship or Veffi^' if liable to Condemnation >* *-^ After ftiah Goodd am fecured,' the B<ind fhaU Hei void Md delivei«d i4p>i oij the fame Aa9> be dMargvd'on Reigta. lift A J 2 i 5 Geo. iiv Ghhp. Se^ II . } . '\-' I V.I •t l...i-. 97 [SHIPS and VESSELS— ro»//n«/frf. a Certificate under the Common Seal of the Chief Magiftrate, or the Hands and Seals of Two known Britiih Mer- chants, in any Place beyond the Seas, that fuch Goods were there landed, or on Proof by credible Perfons that fuch Goods .were taken by Enemies, or pe- rifhedin the Seas, the Examination and Proof thereof being left to the Judg- ment of the Commiflioners of tlie Ctiftoms - - - - Any Foreign Goods taken oh hard any Coqfting Veffel tn Parts leyond the Seas^ or out of any Ship or Veffel at Sea^ or at any rort or Place of this Kingdom, other than the Port or Place ff^m whence fuch Goods > Jhalllie certified, fuch Goods and double the Value thereof fhall be forfeited, and the Matter of the Coafting Ship wherein tlie faid Goods are imported (hall forfeit the Value thereof — And where any Foreign Goods JhalV by any Ship, Boat, or Vejfel whatever ^ he taken in at Sea, or put out of any Ship or Vejfel within Four Leagues from the Cualts of this Kingdom, without Payment of the Duties (unlefs in cafe of apparent Neceflity, or other lawful Reafon, of which the Matter of the Veffel or Boat taking in the fame fhall give immediate Notice to and make Proof before the Chief Gifficer or Officers of the Cuttoms of the firft Port where he (hall arrive), fuch Goods fhall be forfeited, and the Matter of the Veffel or Boat taking in the fame, and all Perfons afilfting or concerned in unfhipping or receiving the fame, Ihall forfeit treble the Value thereof ; and the Ships, Boats, and Veflels into which fuch Goods are unihipped and taken, (hall be forfeited, if not exceeding loo Tons Burthen ; and the Matter or Purfer of the Ship Of Veffel out of which Goods (hall be G Reign. 5 Geo. 1 . Chap. II Sea. 9 Geo. I. at 8 9 Geo. 2. 35 23 '.a " 98 33- 34- 3i.^HIPS and VESSELS— ron/mW. taken, (unlefs from Neceffity, or other lawful Reafon, whereof he (hall give Notice and make Proof as aforefaid), (hail alfo forfeit Treble the Value 32. — If any Goods whatever (hall be" u:%/bipped at Seat and taken out of any Ship or Veffel employed In the Ser^ke of the Eq/l India Company ^ on her Voyage Homewards to this Kingdom, at any Diftance from the Coafts thereof (unleU in cafe of apparent Neceflity, or fome other lawful Reafon, of which the Maf- ter of fuch Ship or Ve(rel (hall give immediate Notice to and make Proof of before the Collector and Controller, or other Chief 0(ficer of the Cuftoms, ' at the firft Port of this Kingdom where ', he (hall arrive) all fuch Goods, and every Ship, VeflTel, or Boat into which they are taken, or which (hall be ufed in . reniioving the fame, (hall be forfeited ; and the Mafter of the Ship or Ve(rel from which fuch Goods (hall be un- (hipped, permitting the fame, and all others concerned therein, or in receiving fuch Goods, (hall forfeit Treble the Value thereof - - In cafe any Goods (hall be put on hoard any fuch Ship or Vejfel at Seat i*t any Diflancefrom the Coa/ls of this Kingdom^ after having been cleared outwafds, and departed from the Port of London (except Provifions and Stores nece(rary for the Voyage), all fuch Goods, and every Ship, veffel, or Boat out of or from which the fame (hall be fo unladen, (hall be forfeited; and the Mafter of fuch Eaft India Ship, per- mitting fuch Goods to be taken on board, and every other Perfon con> cemed in the un(hipping or receiving of the faid Goods, (hall forfeit Treble the Value thereof — If after the Arrival of any Ship ern Vejffel bound to Great Britain^ either I within the Limlu ^ any of the Ports | Reisii. Chap. 17 Geo. 3. 4' * ' L 1)9 ""•' ■ ' ■'.H 1' ' !VIW'ri' SHIPS and VESSELS— fo«/m»r</. or within Four Leagues of the Coaft thereof, Bulkjhallbe broken, or any Part of the Cargo of fuch Ship or VefTel (hall be unladen or unfliipped for any Purpofe whatever, before fuch Ship or Veffel fhall come to the proper Place for the Difcharge of her Cargo or any Part thereof, the Matter and the Mate, or other Perfon next in Command, (hall forfeit 200 1. ex- cept in cafe of Neceffity, Diftrefs, or unavoidable Accident, of which the Matter (hall give Notice, and (together with Two or more of the Mariners on board) (hall make Proof upon Oath before the ColleAor or other Chief Officer of the Cuftoms of the Port within the Limits of which fuch Accident, Kecetlity, or Diftrefs (hall happen, or before the Collector or other Chief Officer of the firft Port in Great Britain within the Limits of which fuch Ship or VelTel (hall after- wards arr e, if the faid Accident, Neceffity, or Diftrefs (hall have hap- pened not within the Limits of any Port, but within Four Leagues of the Coatt of Great Britain - — — If any Goods taken on board any' Ship or Ve(rel in any Foreign Port (haU, after the Arrival of fuch Ship or Veffel within the Limits of any Port of Great Britain, or within Four Leagues of the Coaft thereof, or after tlie firft Produ6tion of the Manifeft or Content to the Officers of the Cuftoms (whether fuch Goods (hall be inferted in the faid Manifeft or Content directed to accompany fuch Goods or not), be thrown overboard, or flaved, or otberwife in atn Manner de/lroyed (except \n cafe of'^ unavoid- able Neceffity, Proof of which (hall be made to the Satis&dion of the Co^uniffioners pf the Cuftoms in England and Scotland refpedively), G2 \ Reign. Chap. 'i'tXT^ 26 Geo. 3. 40 t. \v .'^■'* Sea. 8 >3 100 35- SHIPS and 'VESSELS— contiftued. R'!g«- the Mafter of the Veifel on board I ^ which fuch Offence (hall be committed i (hall forfeit 200 1. - - -J ^6. ■ Any Ship or Veffel belonging' wholly or in Part to His Majeily's / '^ Subje^ls, or whereof One-half of the I Perfons on board (hall be Subjects ? of His Majefty, found or difcovered to have been within the Limits of any Port in the United Kingdom, or in any Part of the Britifh or Irifh Channels, or on the High Seas, within I CO Leagues of any Part of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, having on hoard, or having had on board during the Voyage, any^o// Cor/Za^^ adapted and prepared forflinging/wa// Ca^St or any more fmall CaOcs under 6o Gallons^ or any Tin or other Cafes or Bladder* ot' lefs Content than 6o Gallons (and capable of containing Liquids) of the Sort ufed or adapted for fmuggling Spirits, than (hall be necelTary for the Ufa of the faid Ship or Ve(rel, or any Materials for making any fuch Small Cajksy Cafes, or Bladders, or having on board or naving had on board any Sy- plion,Tube,Hofeor/w//<'»i/«/5 whatever for broaching or drawing off" any Fluid, more than is nece(rary for the Uie of the Voyage, and not being a P^rt of the Cargo, and included as fuch in the regular official Documents, or having on board, or having had on board, any Materials adapted for repacking any Tobacco or Snuff which may be on board or have 1been on board during the Time, every fuch Ship,, VefTel, or Boat, and the faid Implements, An- kers. Calks, Cafes, and Materials, (hall be forfeited " " * J If any Ship or VefTel (hall be' found or difcoVercd to have been hovering, or within the Diftancesof Four cr Eight Ltagues of fuch FartSc of the Coafts of Creat Britain or Ire- Ch ap, Sea. S7- 7.SHIPS lai foi 47 Geo. 3. 66 39- n S I. SIGN 101 t SHIPS and VESSELS ^coutiiiufd. land refpeflively as are in any A€ts for preventing Smuggling ipecified at to fach refpe^tive Diftances of Four and Eight Leagues, having on board or having had on board during the Voyage any /mail Cordage, adapted and pr^ared for Ringing fmall Cajki% or ^ zny more yfniert, &c. (as aforefaid) than fhall be really neceflary for the Ufe of the faid Veffel, or any Materials/or mai'tng fuch Anhertt &c. or any fuch Syphon, Tubet Hofe, or Implement, or any fuch Material* for repacking any Tobacco or Snuff which may be on board or have oeen on board during the Time, every fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, and the (aid Implements, Caiks, and Materials, (hall be forfeited h8. Every Ship or Veffel belonging' ' wholly or m part to His Majefty's Sub- jeds, or whereof One-half of the Per- fons on board (hall be Subjeds of His Majefty, which (hall have taken on board any Sprits, Tobacco, Snuff, or Tea, in ani Forftgn Port of any State at War with His Majefty, or have taken any fuch Articles on board from any Veffel or Boat coming from any fuch Port, f more than is neceffary for the Ufe of the Men on board, without Special Li« cence from the Privy Coujicu, Admi- ralty, or Secretary of State, (hall be forfeited; but no fuch Seizure (hall be made after the End of Six Months from the Time of the Veffel taking fuch Goods on board ~ ~ ", [39» " For the Regulations under which Licences are to be granted for the Na- vigating Ships and Veffels, and the Pe* muties and Forfeitures relating thereto. See *' Licences." I. SIGNALS. If any Perfon, after Sunfet^ and before Sunrife between the aift September and ift April, or after the Hour of Eight in the EVenmg and before Six in the Morning between Reign. ■ ,' # Chap ^M' 47 Geo. 3. I •%<" 66 sta. //•; T,r>' '.(,■:. . .gairlitK H ■ i«i; ^•.c.J 102 1. SIGNALS— rofl/M(i<r</. the laft Day of March and 22d Sep* I tember, (hall make, or aflift in makine , or be prefent for the Purpofe of aflin- - ingin making, any Light, Fire, Flaih* or Blaze, or any Signal by Smoke, or by FkOcket, Fireworks, FlagSf Firing of Guns, or other Fire Arms, or any other Contrivance, in or on board or from any Shipt VefTelt or Boatt or on or from any Part of the Coqft of Great * Britain^ or within Six Miles thereof, for , the Purpofe of giving any Signal to I any Perfon on board any Smuggling ^ I Veffel or Boat, whether the Perfon on ] board be or not within Sight or Diltance to fee or hear fuch Signal, fuch Perfon • (hall be deemed guilt)' of a Mifde- meanor, and any Perfon may arreft the ' Ofiender;andconvey him beforea Juf- tice, who may commit him to Prifon ; 3 upon the Trial of the Indidment it (hall not be necelfary to prove that any Ve(rel or Boat was actually hovering or off the Coaft, or "lund or difcovered to have been withit. any Limits or Dif> tances mentioned in any A6t againd ■ Smuggling ; and the Offender on Con- viction (hall either forfeit lOol. or be 1 1 committed to Prifon, and kept to hard • '• Labour, for any Term not exceeding ' One Year, at the Difcretioii of the Court before whom he (hall be convifted^ 2. If any Perfon be indifted for anvT fuch Offence, the Proof thnt fuch 1 i ' Light, &c. charged with having been v > made for a Signal was not made with ] fuch Intent, (hall be on the Defendant j 3. When any Perfon is arretted and" taken before a Juilice for any Offence againtt this A£t, he fhall not be ad- ! mitted to Bail without firll entering into a Recognizance to appear and anfwer to any. Indictment for fuch Mifdemeanor ; ^nd fuch Recognizidice ■ (hall be forthwith tranfmitted to the ^ proper Officer - . Reign. Ciinp, 47 Geo. 3. 66 •t!i a n ■ ' ■ ■■ . .4 34 xt> H T^ 35 36 103 SIGNALS— fo«//»««f. ^ " Any Perfon may put out and ex-' tinguifli any fuch Light, &c. or any Smoke, Signal, Rocket, Firework, or other Contrivance made as aforefaid, and enter any Lands for that Purpofe, without being liable to any Indi^mcnt or AAion - - - SMACKS. See "Ship and Veffels." SMUGGLERS. Upon Information on' Oath before any Ju (lice of the Peace that any Perfon or Perfons is or are waiting or loitering within Five Mites from toe Sea Coq/l or any Navigable River, and there is reafon to fufpedi that he or they wait with Intent to be aflifting in the running or carrying away any pro- iiibited or uncuftomed Goods, every fuch Juftic c is to caufe fuch Perfons to be brought before him ; and if a fatisfadtory Account is not given of their Callings and Employments, or they oiherwife make it appear that they were not to be concerned in or aififting in any fraudulent or clandeiline Trade or unlawful Occupation, and were not affembled wich Intent to carry on the fnid clandeiline Pradlices, every fuch Perfon (hall be committed to the Houfe of CorreAion, to be whipped and kept to hard Labour for any Time which fuch Juftice fhall think meet, not exceeding One Month, and the Commiffionersof the Cuftomt (hall pay to the Informer aos. per head ■ If any Perfon (hall defire Time for" naaking it appear that he was not con- cerned in any fraudulent Pra€lice, the Jultice may commit him to Gaol until he (hall give fuch Account of himfelf^ and make Proof of the Matters afore- faid to the Satisfaction of the Juftice, or until he finds Security not to be gwilty of any of the faid Offences -^ If the Matter of any Ship or Vejjfef of the Burthen, of 50 Tota or under, in part or fully tofkn with Brandy, at G4 > Reign. 47 Geo. 3. Chap. 66 SeA. 37 , (. ,, ;. > 9 Geo. 2. 35 18 •< V >af \'\.. ! «: >fi ul- '9 104 3. SMUGGLERS— fon/ma^^/. Anchor or hovering within Two t , Leagues of the Shore (and not pro- I ' ceeding on her Voyage, Wind and f ' Weather permitting), fliall fufFer any j uucuftomed or prohibited Goods to be put out of fuch Ship or Veflel into any Boat or Bottom to be laid on Land, fuch Mafter, befides the Penalties and Forfeitures incurred by any Law now in being, (hall fuffer Six Months Im- prifonment 4. -< Where the Officers of the Cuftoms > Reign. 1 > or Excife fliall find on board any Ship or Veflel arriving from Foreign Parts, within the Limits of any Port of this Kingdom, more than 100 lbs, 'weight of Tea (not being in Ships belonging to or employed by the £aft India Com- pany) or more than 100 Gallons of Foreign SplritSt over and above Two Gallons for every Seaman, and being in Caflcs under 60 Gallons, the Mailer fliall forfeit 300 1. ; and any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excile, and any Perfon afling in his Aid, may convey him before a Jufticerefiding near where fuch Ship or Veflel fliall then be, or where fuch Perfon is arrefted ; and fuch Per- fon fliall enter into a Recognizance to His Majefty, with one fufficient Surety in 300I. with Condition to enter an Appearance in the Court of Exche- quer to any Information which fliall be exhibited againft him ; and if he refufe to enter into fuch Recognizance, the Juftice fliall commit him to the County Goal - - . -_ — — Officers of the Cuftoms or Excife^' and all others a£ting in their Aid, may arreft every Perfon found affifiing in Mnfltippingt to be hid on Land, any Goods whatever, the Duties not betngj^rjl paid or fecured, or which are or may be prohibited to be imported into this King- 4om; and fuch OfScerB and their /Vffiftanta fliall fojrthwHh carry fuch Chi' "P 6 Geo. I. 21 19 Geo. 3. 26 69 77 I If • t i ' • »T-> ■ »' :. "• 19 Geo. 5. . 69 -)tj 105 SMUGGLE RS—fon//«W. Perfon before a Juftice refiding near the Place where the Offence is com- mitted, who may commit fuch Perfon to the next County Gaol till the next Quarter Seilions^ to be dealt with as direded by this Adt - - . If the Offender is committed, theT Officer fliall enter into a Recognizance | > Reign. Chap. SefXi ■.■r> %• to His Majeily in 40 1. conditioned to \ appear at the General Quarter Seffions ( to profecute the Offender - -J — The Juftices at the General Quar-" ter Scffions may try and determine fuch Offence; and if the Perfon is con- vifted, they are, in lieu of any other Punifliment by any former Aft, to commit him to Hard Labour in the Houfe of Correftion for any Term not exceeding Three Years, nor lefs than One Year - . - -^ — — But if any Perfon fo convifted is' approved of as fit to ferve His Majefty, the Juftices may adjudge him to ferve as a Soldier or Sailor ; and no fuch Perfon ihall be taken out of His Ma- jefty's Service by any Procefs, but for fome Criminal Matter, nor during the Term of Five Years (unlefs fooner dif- abled by Accident or Infirmity^ be V difcharged from fuch Service i; . and any Officer of His Majefty's Land Forces, Marines, or Sea Service, who (hall wilfully difcharge any fuch Perfon ; or for any Gratuity, or by any coUufive or evafive Means, fuffer him to avoid a6tual Service, he fhall be cafhiered - - - If the Majer of any Ship or Vejfel' Jball coucealy or fuffer to be concealed by his Mate or Seamen, in any Part thereof, or in any Cheft or otner Thing be- longing' to fuch Ship or Veffcl, any Foreign Spirits above Two Gallons for each Seaman, or any Tea above the weight of 6 lbs. or 9Xiy Cofjlee thovc the weight of 19 lbs. ; or if the Maftcr 19 Geo. 3. 69 II 12 106 • 1 li SMUGGLE KS-^ continue J. (hall clandeftinely import or fuffer to be clandeftinely imported any Fo- reign Spirits, or any other uncuf- tomed Goods, whereby the Owners )>■ of fuch Veffel become liable to Penal- ties, or the Veffel to be forfeited, the Mafter fhall not only forfeit to the Owners nil his Wages, but alfo Treble the Value of all fuch Foreign Spirits, •Tea, Coffee, or any other uncuftomed Goods, over and above the Penalties to which he (hall be liable by any Law now in force ; fuch Penalty of Treble the Value of the Goods to be recovered of fuch Mafter by and to go to the Owners of the Ship or Veffel only - lb. ' If the Mate or Seamen of any Ship' . ; or Veffel Jhall conceal on board or im- } port any Foreign Spirits, above Two , I Gallons for each Seaman, or any Tea I above 6 lbs. weight, or any Coffee above 1 9 lbs. weight, they ftiall forfeit refpe6kively to the Owners all Wages then due, and alfo lo s. each for every Gallon of fuch Spirits, and 10 s. for M every Pound of fuch Tea and Coffee above the Quantities hereby limited - tl. " If fuch Mafter or Seamen commit' any fuch Offence in Time of War, contrary to this or any other A£l, the Owner of fuch Ship may fend them on board fome of His Majefty's Ships of War, to ferve for 1 hree Years, except difabled or otherwife unfit for fuch Service ta, II ' This A£fc (hall be printed, put up," and continued on fome confpicuous ! Flirt of every Briti(h Ship or Veffel trading to or from this Kingdom ; and whenever the printed Claules are de- faped or deftroyed, the Ship Mafter (hfdl immediately replace the fame, under the Penalty of One Shilling per Day during fuch Omiffion, to i>e recovered by and be paid to the OJwner of the Veffel by Warrant Reign. 21 Geo. 3. ;,. Cbp. Se 39 107 SMUGGLE RS—con/i/itttf^/. under the Hand and Seal of One I Juftice - - - -J . If fiich Mates or Seamen be dif- abled from ferving in the Navy in Time of War, or offending in Time of Peace, fhall negleft or refufe to pay the faid Penalties on Conviction, or { (hail not have fufficient £fFe£ts to an- j fwer the fame, the Juftice may commit inch Offenders to the County Gaol for any Time not exceeding Three Months, and not lefs than Six Weeks -^ Such Juftice may mitigate any Penalties incurred under this ACtj but fuch Mitigation ftiall not extend to more than One Half Part thereof ; and ^ the Orders and Proceedings of Juftices fhall not be quafhed or removed, but their Determination fhall be final |lj. Any SubjeS of His Majejly, who' jball •voluntarily t and without Licence f or any /undent Excujefor the fame ^ fail to any Road or Harbour on the Coafl of any of His Majeflys Enemiet» or be found in any Ship or Veffel lying on the Coaft, or in any Road or Harbour of any Enemies Country ; or under the Protefiion of any Batteries or other Force on fuch Coaft, or under the ProteAion of any Veffel belonging to His Majefty's Enemies, witnout . fuch Licence or fufiicieAt Excufe, fuch ' .SfaiporVifftd having on board or having had on board, on fuch Voyage, any Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, or Snuff, or being in fuch H&rbour, or on fuch Coaft, or under the ProteSion of fuch Batteries, with Intent to tatke on board any fuch Articles^ ^very fiich Stib- je6k of His Majefty fhall "be deemed guilty of Felony, and be tranL;>orted K>r any Term not exceeding Seven Years • - ^ |i6,.i— — i. Ever^ Perfob» beinsf a SivijeA ^ His Majefly^ foimd 011 Xoarii or <^0* '^ *i>ered to have, been on board my Slnpt ' Reign. Chap. Sea. I'm ■■ ■ I*. 21 Geo. 3. 39 ..)\ .^fir* 6,7 '^ }i '\ ■ *i [^k If M ■1; It i 48 Geo. 1. 84 *J » m i 108 Ji.%V: it 1 6. SMUGGLERS— fon/i'aW. f^e^l, or Boat liable to Forfeiture under this A6k, or of any other A6t, for being found, or having been at Anc})or> or hovering within any fuch Diftances of any of the Dominions of His Majefty, with fuch Goods on board as fubjed fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, or Goods to Forfeiture, and who fhnll not prove that he was only a Paffenger on board ; and every Per/on I found aiding or qfjiftlng In unfhlpplng, or found carrylnpt conveying, concealing, or a/ljfting In toe carrying away, con- 'oeylng, or conceeding any Spirits fubjed to Forfeiture under any Law relating ^ ^ to the Revenue of Cuftoms or Excife, fhall forfeit either Treble the Value of the Goods that fliall be found or taken from fuch Perfon^ or loo \; at the Option of the Commiffioners of Cuftoms or Excife ; and Officers of the Army, Navy, Marines, Cuftoms, or £x- i cife> ihall arreft and detain every fuch Perfon, being a Subje£l of His Majefty, and convey the faid Perfon before a Juftice of the Peace refldin? near to the Port or Place into \wiich fuch Ship, Velfel, or Boat (hall be taken or carried, or near to the Place where any fuch Perfon (hall be fo taken or arrefted ; and fuch Juftice is required, upon Proof on OaUi that fuch Perfon was fo found or taken, or difcovered as aforefaid (unlefs any fuch Perfon taken or having been on board of any fu^ch Ship, Veflel, or Boat, (hall prove that he was only a Paflenger), to hold fuch Perfon to Bail, with Two good and fufficient Sureties in tool, each, for his Appearance to anfwer to any Indifftment or Information that may ji bie brought againft him, and in De- fault of finding Bail, to pommit fuch Perfon to any Gaol or Prifon, or Houfe of Corre^on : Ph>nded, that if any fuch Perfon (hall be capable Reign. Chap. ;* 45 Geo.3. 121 n / My.. ■.: M- 10^ [smuggle KS-^contittueJ. and defirous of entering and ferving as a Seaman or Marine in any of His Majefty's Ships of War, he may be conveyed on board any fuch Ships of Waf) in order to his bein^ entered and received as a Seaman or Marine ; and being fo entered and received, (hall not on any Account be difcharged during the Term of Five Years, and froAi thence until the Conclufion of any War in which His Majefty may be engaged, unlefs difabled within that lime by unavoidable Accident or Bodily Infirmity ; and any Officer of the Navy or Marines) who fliall knowingly difcharge any Perfon fo entered and received, or (hall by falfe Muiler or Certificate, or in Cortfideration of a Gratuity, or by any other coUufive or evafive Ways, fufFer any fuch Perfon to avoid the aAual Service hereby intended, every fuch Officer (hall on Conviction be caihiered: Provided that no Perfon fo detained, and entering as a Seaman, Ihall be liable to the Penalty, unlefs he (hall defert His Majefty's Service -^ — — Where, by reafon of any Perfon fo' entering, to ferve His Majefty, no Pe- nalty or Forfeiture Jhall be recoverable^ the Commimoiiers of Cuftoms or £x- cife are required, on Proof made to their Satisfaftion of fuch Deten- tion, and of fuch entering into His Majefty's Service, to reward the Per- . fon who would, if any Penalty or For- j feiture had been recoverable, have been entitled to any Part thereof, with fuch Sum, not exceeding the Propor- tion to which fuch Perfon would have been entitled, as under all the Circum- ftances of the Cafe (hall appear propsr _ No Perfon fo found on board any' Veifel or Boat (hall have the BeneJU of any ProteSion to fecure him from being impre(red, or to whicl^ he may be Reign. Chap. Sea. 45 Geo. 3. n-i. ■ ii VA. . r. X-li ty <i'j 111 8 •>i at ml" 110 "♦-r- 1 8« SMUGGLERS— foir/fflW. entitled under any A&. of Parliament, or in refpefit of the Veffe! having Let- ters of Marque, but every fuch Pro- tection (hall be null and void ; and any fuch Perfon, and every Perfon liable to be detained under this A&., or 45 G. 3. ch. 1 2 1 . being a Seafaring Man, may be conveyed on board of any of His Majefty's Ships, or delivered over to any Officer of the Imprefs Service, and impreffed into His Majeily's Na- val Service ; and no Perfon fo im> preflcd fhall, unlefs difabled, be dif- i charged during the Period of Five Years, nor after the Termination of fuch Five Years until the Conclufion of any War in which His Majefty ^ may be then engaged $ and all the Frovifions and Penalties of 45 Geo. 3. ch. 121. as to discharging any Man, fhall extend to Men fo imprefled un- der this A&. ; and no Perfon im- preffed fhall forfeit any fuch Pe- nalty of 100 1. or treble the Value, unlefs he (hall defert His Majefty's Service ; and the Commiilioners of the Cufloms or Excife, upon Proof to their Satisfaction that any fuch Men have been fo impreffed, and alfo of the Ship, VelTel, or Boat in which they were found being liable to Sei- zure, or of fuch Perfon being liable to be detained, to award to the Officer any Sum not exceeding ao 1. for each Man^ |ci. " ■ 'P I Whenever any Ship, Veffel, or Boat required to be licenfed fliall be foupd or difcovered to have been ' within the Limits or Diftance men- ' tioned in 24 Geo. 3. ch. 47. 42 Geo. 3. . ch. 82. or 47 Geo. 3. ch. 66. and any Perfon on board fhall during the Chace widiin fuch Limits or DifUnce throw any Part of the Cargo overboardt unlefs through Neceffity or Diftrefs, or for the Prefervationof theShip, Veffel, or S- Boatj, being thfn laden with « le^ | Reign. Chan. .1|, 47 fieo. 3. 66 4Q.Geo. 3. 62 Ill [smugglers— fon/i*«tff//. Cargo, fuch Perfon being » Swbje6k of His Majefty, and not a Paifenger, (hall forfeit lool. and may be arrefted and dealt with as direAed by 45 Geo. 3. ch. 121. and 47 Geo. 3. ch. 66.; and the Officer fliall have the like Powers, Authorities, and Rewards, as in re- fpeft of Perfons arrefted under either of the faid Afts — - When any Perfon liable to be ar-' refted or detained, and arrefted or detained, under 45 Geo. 3 ch. 121. or 47 Geo. 3. ft.2.ch. 66. mall be found notJU or able toferve His Majejiy in His Naval Service, and ftiall be refufed by any proper Naval Officer, every fucn Perfon (hall forfeit 100 1. ; and any Of- ficer of the Army, Navy, Marines, Cuftoms^ or Excife, may convey hinr. before a Juftice of the Peace, who fliall, upon Proof on Oath by a cre- dible Witnefs that fuch Perfon was fo liable to he arrefted or detained, and has been fo refufed, hold him to Bail, with Two or more fufficient Sureties in 100 1. each, for his Appearance to anfwer any Information which may be brought againft him ; and till fuch Bail is found, fuch Juftice may commit him to Prifon until he (hall pay the Penalty, or be delivered by due Courfe of Law^ — Every Perfon who may be arrefted" or detained under the A8s 45 G . 3 . r ^. 1 2 1 . or 47 Geo. 3. ch. (^. and who by virtue of the faid Afls, would have been liable to be imprefled into His Majcfty's Naval Service, (hall be liable to ferve His Majefty in the faid Service, and to be kept and detained in the faid Ser- vice, in the fame Manner and for fuch and the fame Period of Time as in the fa^d A£ls is mentioned ; and all Perfons and Officers who by the faid A£ts would have be'^n authorized to receive and detain any fuch Perfon, are authorized fo to do in the fame Reign. Chap. SeiU ':?)i' I r.: ..i^ '^ ' ' .: li 'A JiV ilH » ■ 49 Geo. 3. 62 ;:;■ t s.—— ■ ***■. I -1 i ■r $6 Geo. 3. 104 *7 112 a4- ^S- 3 1. SMUGGLERS-— coii/Mttf^. Manner, and ^s effe6tually» as if fuch Perfon and Officers had been empow- ered fo to do by any Imprefs Warrant ilfued for that Purpofe 22. Any Perfon knowingly harbouring' or concealing, or fuflfering to be har- i boured and concealed, any prohibited i or run Goods, (hall forfeit the fame, ^ and Treble the Value thereof ; and / the Value fliall be deemed to be ac- cording to the Price of the bed Goods ' of the like Kind in London 23. -If any Perfon (hall o^r to Safe any Goods wiiich are or (hall be prohibited, or which have been, or (hall be, or (hall by the Perfon fo offering to Sale be pretended to have been run, fuch Goods, with the Package, (Iiall be for- feited, and may be feized by the Party to whom offered, or by any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife ; pro- vided, that if the Seizure is made within the Limits of the Weekly Bills of Mortality, then within 24 Hours ; and if made elfewhere, then within 48 Hours next after fuch Seizure, the Goods (hall be lodged as follows ; viz. if the Goods are pro- hibited, or are liable to Duties of Cuf- toms only, the fame (hall be lodged in fome Cuflom Houfe Warehouie near the Place of Seizure ; and if the Sei- zure is made at a Place too remote from any fuch Warehoufe, then in fome Excife Office near the Place of Seizure ; but if the Goods are liable to any Excife Duty, the (ame (hail be loaged in fome Excife Office, or other fafePlace, underthe Cuftody of fome Of- ficer of Excife, near thePlace of Seizure J -^— Every Perfon offering fuch Goodsl to Sale, befides forfeiting the fame, I (hall alfo forfeit Treble the Value, to f be eftunated as aforefaid - -J AH the prohibited or run Goods,*) 1 fo 9^ ias ffKb brought -by any perfon. | Reign. Chap. Seft. 25. SMI II Geo. I. 30 16 - r. X, * 26. ;,v^ * f..', /17 I18 «7- »9 lis /I7 li8 I,. S'v* »7- 15. SUUGGLERS—coatinued. with the Package, fliall be forfeited, and may be feized from fuch Buyer either by tiie Seller or by any Officer of the Cfjftoms or Excife '; provided that within the like Times before limited for Goods feized from the Seller, the Goods fo feized from the Buyer be lodged in the like Cuftody, as liefore appointed for Goods feized. from the Seller - - -^ 26. Where any Perfon (hall buy any' fuch prohibited or run Goods, or which the Seller fhall pretend to be fuch, the Perfon fo buying, befides the Goods • bought, (hall forfeit Treble the Value ', thereof, to be computed asaforefaid; \ but not to fubjeft both the Party j buying, and the. Party felling or of- I fering to Sale, to Treble the Value of I the fame Parcel ; but that the Party, f whether Buyer or Seller, or Offerer to Sale, who fhall firft profecute with I „ EfFeft the other Party, (hall be dif- charged from any Profecution for which the other Party is profecuted with Effect ; provided, that if with- in One Month next after making fuch Seizure, either b) the Seller or Buyer, or Party to whom the Goods are offered to Sale, a Profe- cution is not commenced, and after- wards carried on to Adjudication by the Party feizing them, the Perfon in whofe Cudody mch Goods are lodged may profecute for the Forfeiture thereof - , - All Perfons whatfoever employed in' carrying any Goods prohibitedt run, or clandeftinely imported, knowing the j . fame to be prohibited, or to have been I clandeftinely run or imported with- t out Payment of the Duties, and yXi* ^^^ (hail be thereof convifled, upon their Appearance or Default, upon . the Oath of One or more credible Witnefs or Witnefleg, or by the Con- H Reign. Chap. stet. 11 Geo. I. 30 20 " "'-'■ -^ ' 'flJvf !■'■,',■*. ■ 21 n * ■ -!■'■■. I i . i 'I-:- t iJj-ifl . ■•. ^•,J^•^ .;;: 7 '-. •■i^ . f . 114 l-J, SMUGGLERS— contittueJ. R"gn- feifion of the Party, before a Jufticc of the Peace of tKe County, Divifion, or Liberty wliere fuch Offence (hall be ^ 9 Geo. 2. committed, or the Offender found, (hall forfeit Treble the Value of all fuch Goods, to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of theOffender'sGoodsorChattels, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of fuch Juftice before whom fuch Offender (hall be convicted ; and for ivant of fuch Diftrefs, every fuch Offender ftiall be committed to the Houfe of Corre£lion, there to be whipt and kept to hard Labour for any Time that fuch Juftices (hall judge meet, not exceeding Three Montns - ^ 28. ' If any Perfon ttizW offer any Tobacco f' Tobacco Stalis, Spani/bi Tobacco Stalks for Tobacco Stalk Flour» Snuff Wori, Tobacco Stalk Flour, or Snuff", to Sale, not having a Permit ; or if any Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty Chapman, (hall offer any Tobacco, &c. to Sale, although he (hall have a Permit ; fuch Perfon, Havrker, Pedlar, or Petty Chapman, (hall forfeit fuch Tobacco, &c. with the Packages, and alfo 20 1. ; and any Perfon to whom the fame is offered may feize fuch Tobacco, &c. and Packages, and carry the fame to the next Warehoufe of the Cuttoms or Excife, and bring the Perfon offend- ing before any Juftice of the Peace, who (hall commit him to Prifon, that ' he may be profdcuted for the Penalty ; and futh Tobacco, &c. (hall be pro- fecuted as if f(^ized by an Officer of y 29 Geo. 3. ; the Cuftoms or Ekcife ; and after Con- '. demnation and 'Commitment of the Offender, the Perfon feizing (hall have the fame Rewards as any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife would have had for feizing the fame, to be paid by the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms or Excife ; and if the Perfon feizing (hall defire it, the faid Commiffioners re- Chap. 35 Sea. 21 28.SMIJ 19. 68 124 115 a8. SMUGGLERS— fo«/mtt^</. fpe£tively (hall in the ineantime» till fuch Tobacco, .Src. can be fold, caufe Three-pence for every Pound weight thereof to b? advanced, on a Certificate under the Hand and Seal of fuch Juftice of the Offender being committed to Prifon ; and after the Sale of fuch Tobacco, &c. (if the fame (hall be fold) *:he Monies advanced (hall be re- placed out of the Produce 1151, ' ■ If any Perfon (hall o^er to Sale' any Tea, Brandy, Rum^ Geneva, or other Foreign Spirits, or any Tobacco or Snu^, not being licenfed to deal therein, andffo/ having a Permit for the fame ; or if any Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty Chapman, (hall offer to Sale any Tea,&c. although he has a Permit for the fame, the Perfon to whom offered may arrefb and detain the Perfon fo offering, and feize all fuch Tea, &c. and carry the fame to .he next Warehoufe of the Cuftoms or Excife, and convey the Perfon before a Jullice, who may re- quire him to enter into a Recognizance as diredled by 4^ Geo. 3. ch. 121.; and (if the Offender be a Subjeft of His Majefty, and a Seaman or Seafaring Man, and capable of ierving in the Navy) may fend him to fome Officer of the Jmprels Service, to be dealt with according to the faid KQt, or other- wife to be by fuch Juflice committed to Prifon, and profecuted for the Pe- nalties ; uud fuch Tea, &c. may be profecuted in the Name of the Seizor ; and after Condemnation or Commit- ment of the Offender, the Perfon feizing fuch Goods, and detaining the Offender, fhall be entitled to 5 1. if a Moiety of the eflimated Vafue fhall not exceed fuch Sum, and if a Moiety of the Value exceed 5 1. then a Moiety of fuch Value, wliich the Cominif- fioners of the Cultoms and Excife re- fpediively are to pay in like Manner H'2 ,. Reign. Chap. Sea. ^ » . 1 r. -f. -■• ■ !k\ >./ i ■ ' '' ■•*'! ; r : 'i' ^ - 'A. <■ 1, * 1 * - tt. 1 r ;:.j - ■ .il U ^^ ■ .M • -.i; :^ ' ./...U . -'. ■ -:. r:li 1.'.", . ■ 1 ■ •lil ■ "... •' - '■- ft ' ' ■■':< b ' tm-^--* [ 48 Geo. 3. 84 7 ....;■ ::.. \i » ■• ' * ' B • ., ■ , 1 '\i\ 111 'I I i kh\ 116 ' 30 I 3«« 3»- 33- 34" 39. SMUGGLERS— roff/mW. as Rewards under the faid A€t ; and the Perfon fo arrefting any fuch Of- fender (hall have fuch furtlier Rewards as by any Law now in force are given to any Officer of the Arnjy, Navy, or Marines, for arrefting any Offender aeainft any A&, for preventing Smug- S^ng — If any Hawker , Pedlar, or Petty' Chapman^ (hall be convi£ted of know- ingly dealing in or felling any fmuggled or prohibited Goods, he (hall forfeit his Licence, and be incapable of ob- taining a new one, over and above all other Penalties and Forfeitures for fuch illicit Dealing . . .^ — — If any fuch Hawker, Sec. trading' by Licence, on Demand made by any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife, &c. (hall refufe to produce his Licence, or (hall not have fuch Licence ready to produce, he (hall forfeit lol. $ and for Non-payment (hall fuffer as a Common Vagrant, and be committed to the Houfe of Corredion - - -^ — Any Perfon forging or counter-^ feiting any fuch Licence, or producing I a forged or counterfeited Licence for \ the Purpofe aforefaid, (hall forfeit 300 1. - - . Any Perfon trading under a Li-' I. cence granted to another Perfon, or 1 which his own real Name is not V iferted, (hall forfeit 40 1. except Ser- j mts of licenfed Mafters - -J — - Any Perfon may detain a Hawker,' . c. trading without or refu(ing or : .>gle£iing to produce a Licence upon Jemand ; and a Peace Officer (hall carry him before a Juftice, who on Convi£don (hall levy the Penalty by Diftrefs, and commit the Offender tiU the fame is paid - . . SMUGGLERS ARMED or in DISo GUISE. Perfont, more than Ftve in I Company^ fwMpalfng wiib any Foreign \ Reign. Chap. Sea ■ I. SMU( 50 Geo. 3. 41 16 17 2. 18 19 20 117 2. SMUGGLERS ARMED or in DIS- GU ISE—continued. Goods, landed toitbout due Entry and Payment of Duty, from any of the Coafts of this Kingdom, or within ao Miles thereof, or carrying any qffenfi^.'e Arms or Weapons t or wearing any Utf- guife when pajjftni with fueh Goods, or hindering or refining any Officer of the Ciiftoms or Excife in feizmg or fecur- ing any fuch Goods, (hall Be deemed Runners of Goods within the Meaning of this A€t ', and, being conviAed of any of the faid Offences, fhall be ad- judged )>uilty of Felony, and be tranf- {)orted to fome of His Majefty 's Co- onies or Plantations for Seven Years ; and if they return before the Expira- tion th«" jof, Execution (hall be awarded againft them as Perfons attainted of Felony - - -^ Offenders, before Conviftion, difO Reign. covering Two or more Accomplices I within Two Months, (hall receive4oI. for f *ach, and be acquitted of their OffenceJ Other Perfons difcovering Offend-") ers within Three Months to be paid I 40 1. for each, over and above any other f Reward - - -J The Rewards to be paid by theT Receivers General and Ca(hier8 of I Cuftoms or Excife out of any Public I Money in their Hands, upon a Certi- [ ficate from the Judge before whom the Offender was tried - Two or more Perfons in Company' found pqffing within Five Miles from the Sea Coyl, or any na/vigabif River, with any Carriage laden with more than Six Pounds of Tea, or Spirits excee£ng Five Gallons, not having paid the Du- ties, and not having a Permit, or any other Foreign Goods above the V(due of 30 1. Sterling, landed without Payment of the Duties, and who Jball carry any offitnfive Arms or Weapon*, or wear any "Di^ui/efVfhen pa(&ng vnth fuch Goods, H3 Chap. Se£t. l,.r 8 Geo. I. 18 8 Si 1. 1-- 118 €. SMUGGLERS ARMED or in DIS- GUISE--ro«//««^^. or luho Jhall olJlruS, a/fault, or re/ijl any of the Officers of the Cuftoms or Excite in the feizing any prohibited • or run Goods, or other the Execution f of their Office, fhall be deemed Run- ners of Foreign Goods within the Meaning of 8 Geo. i. although no Proof be given that fuch Goods were run ; but the Proof of Payment of the Duties, and of the Manner how the faid Perfons came by the fame, (hall wholly lie ort fuch Perfons ; and every Perfon convicted of any of the faid Offences fhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and be tranfported to one of His Majefty's Colonies or Planta- tions in America for Seven Years ; and if any fuch Offender (hall return into Great Britain or Ireland before the Expiration thereof, he fhall fuffer as a Felon, and have Execution awarded againff him as a Perfon attainted of Felony - - -. ■ All the Goods, Weapons, and' Arms found upon or with fuch Per- fons, and all the Furniture of the Horfes, Cattle, juid Carriages, and the Package of all Goods, fhall be for- feited - _ If any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife Jhall in the Execution of his .Duty he maimed or dangeroujly wounded by any Offender hereinbefore men- tioned, or if any fuch Officer or other Perfon fhall be fo maimed or wounded in the apprehending or endeavouring ta apprehend any fuch Offender, fuch Officer and Perfon fhall, upon the Con- vi6tion of the Offender, receive 50 1. over and above any Reward they fhall be entitled to by virtue of this Aft ; and in cafe any Perfon fhall be killed in the apprehending or endeaTOuring to apprehend fi>ch Offender, then the Executors or Adminiftrators of fuch Reign. Chap. Sea. 9 Geo. 2. 35 n H IS 119 Chap, 35 H Seil.B, SMUGGLERS ARMED or in DIS- GUISE — continued. Perfon killed (hall receive 50 1. over and above any Reward that the Perfon killed, or the Executors or Admini. 13 H llrators, (hall be entitled to by virtue of this Ad ' - Any Perfons within Three Months'" difcovering to the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms or Excife in England or Scotland any Perfon who fhall have ^ been guilty of any furh Offence, fo as fuch Offender be convidled, fhall receive 50 1. for every Offender — The Rewards to be paid out of" any Pubic Money in the Hands of the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms or Ex- cife, upon producing a Certificate under the Hand of the Judge of the Court before whom the Offender was tried, or upon producing fuch Certifi- cate of any fuch Perfon being fo killed ; and if any Difpute fhall arife between the Perfrs entitled to the Rewards about their refpe6tive Shares, the fame fhall be divided in fuch Shares and Proportions as to the faid Commif- fioners, or the major Part of them, fhall feem juft and reafonable 10. ' If any Perfon pajfmg with pro-' hVoited or uncuftomed Goods j and armed with Guns or offen/ive Weapons, fhall rejijl any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife, who in the Execution of his Duty fhall endeavour or offer to fearch for or feize the faid Goods from fuch Perfon, bv beating, maiming, or wound- ing any iuch Officer, or other Perfons ading in their Affiftance, then all Officers, and Perfons by them called to their Affiftance, who are fo refifted, may oppofe Force to Force, and en- deavour, by the fame Methods that are violently ufed againft them, to defend themfelves, aijid execute the Duty of their Office ; and if wy Ferfona fo rcfifting the Officers CMrth^v: ^-fjSAaiits H 4 > Reign. Chap, Seft. 9 Geo. 2. 35 16 > "1 n, 17 / .'1 i. 35 'i* A ia ^^ 120 lO. II SMUGGLERS ARMED or in DIS- G U IS E— <ro«/i/i W. (hall be vrounded, maiined» or killed, and the laid Officers and their Afliftants (hall be profecuted, fuch Officers, and Perfont acting in their Affiftance, may plead the General Ilfuet snd give this A6t and the Special Matter thereof in Evidence ; and all Juftices and Per. ' fons before whom , any fuch Officer ; or P<Tfon (hall be brought, are re- quired to admit them to Bail ■ If any Perfons to the Number of" Three or more^ armed with Fire Arms or offenfive Weapons^ ajemhled in order to cyfiji in, or being aSunlly a/Ming in, the Exportation of Goods prohibited to he exported, or in tarrying them in order to be exported, or in the running or carrying atvay prohibited Goods, or Goods liable to any Duties which have not been paid, or in re/anding Goods ex- ported upon Debenture or Certificate, or in r^ttiff^the fame after Seizure, <r in refcuing any Perfon apprehended for any Offence made Felony by any A&. relating to the Revenue, or in prevent- intr the apprehending any Perfon guilty of any fuch Onence, or amding therein ; or if any Perfon Jball have his Face blacked, or wear any Maflt or other Dijguife, when paffing with fuch Goods, or (hall aifault any Of- ficer in feizing fuch Goods ; or if any Perfon (hall dangeroufly wound any Officer in his Attempt to board any Veffel within the Limits of any Port, or wound him when on board in the due Execution of his Duty, every fuch i Perfon, if coiivi£ted of any fuch Offence, (hall be adjudjged guilty \- of Felony, and (hall fatter Death; and if convided in Scotland, (hall j fuffer Death and Confifcation of Move- ables - ; • - - j iVo/«.—-That wearing any Difguife, \ or wounding an Officer, ta to be Reign. Chap Se^ ,. SMU< I3- 19 Geo. 2. 34 hs« of' 121 ,1, SMUGGLERS ARMED or in DIS- GUISE— ron/ffitf^i/. deemed Felony, with Benefit of I Clergy, and punifhable only as j fuch by 52 Geo. 3. ch. 143. See No. 22. |12. •■ If any Perfon is charged with any' of the faid Offences upon Oath before a Juftice of the Peace, or one of the Juftices of the Court of King's Bench, if committed in England, or before the Lord Juftice General or one of the Lords of Jufticiary, or a Juftice of the Peace, if in Scotland, the fame fhall be certified, and the Information returned, to one of the Principal Secretaries of State, to be laid before His Majefty in His Privy Council, who may require the Offender to furrender : upon his Surrender, he fhall be committed to Gaol without Bail or Mainprize ; and if he does not furrender, or efcapes, he is to be deemed convi6ted and at- tainted of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy, in England, or convicted of a Capital Crime in Scotland, and Exe- cution may be awarded accordingly. — Perfons knowingly harbouring or"* abetting any fuch Offender after the Time appointed for his Surrender (hall be tranfportcd for Seven Years ; and returning into Great Britain or Ireland before the Expiration thereof, fhall fuffer as Perfons attainted of Felony. But not to prevent the Judge of P3- M5. the King's Bench, or of the Court of Jufticiary in Scotland, from bailing any Perfon committed for Felony, and not V convided or attainted thereof, in fuch Manner as they may by Law bail any Offender in other Cafes of Felony -J Offences made Felony by any A£i relating to the Revenue of Cuftoms or Excife may be tried in any County of England, as if the Fa£fc had been > committed therein; but no Attainder for Felony upon this A.€t is to work Reign. Chap.' SeSt, r ■ ,r . .1 19 Geo. 2. 34 2,4 .;. 12 r! 4 u 1^2 1 8. J 15. SMUGGLERS ARMED or in DIS GUIS )i— 'Continued, Corruption of Blood, Lofs of Dower, or Forfeiture of Lancia or Tenements l5. ■■ Whoever* apprehends or difco- vers any Offender in England, who has been advertifed and not furren- dered, and caufes him to be brought before a Juftice of the King's Bench, or a Juftice of the Peace for London or Middlefex, (hall be paid 500 1. (within One Month after Execution is awarded) by the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms or Excif^, who are to divide the Reward among the Peifons con- cerned, in fuch Proportions as they think reafonable ; and if the Dif- coverer is any fuch Offender (againft whom no fuch Order in Council has been made), he is, befides his Share of the Reward, to be difcharged from his Offence, and all former' like Offences for which no Profecution has been commenced " " "^ 17. ■ i Perfons wounded in apprehending" endeavouring to apprehend fuch fhall be paid 50 1. ; and are killed, their £xe- Reign. Chap. ^ or Offenders if fuch Perfons cutors or Adminiftrators (laying Proof thereof before the Commilfioners of the Cuftoms or Excife) fhall be paid 100 1. ; fuch Rewards to be paid by the Receiver General of the Cuftoms or Cafhier of Excife, upon an Order from the Commiffioners, and to be allowed of in their Accounts as Money paid to His Majefty — — In cafe any Officer of the Revenue,' or other P erf on, being employed infeizing or conveying any Goods liable to For- feiture for being prohibited or uncuf-* tomed, or for being prohibited to be exported, or in endeavouring to appre- hend any Offender againfl this A61, fhall be wounded, maimedt or killed, or the Goods refcued, by Perfons armed as aforefaid, (unlefs tlw Offender is ap- SMUGG G prehe Caler Rape Fadt make for 19 Geo. 2. 34 {! 123 SMUGGLERS ARMED or in mS- GVlSE^continued. prehended and convided within Six Calendar Months after the Fa6l), the Rape, or Lath^ or Hundred, where the Fadt was committed in England, fliall make Satisfadlion, not exceeding 40I. for the Damages by wounding or maiming, and not exceeding 200 1. for Damages by Lofs of the Goods, and {hall pay to the Executors or Adminif- trators for each Perfon killed lool. to be levied upon the Inhabitants by a proportionable Tax — But no Perfon is to recover fuch" Damage unlefs he caufes Notice to be given of the Offence within Four Days to Two or more of the Inhabitants of fome Town, Village, or Hamlet near the Place ; nor unlefs, within Eight Days after, he declares on Oath, before a Jultice of the County, whether he knows any of the Offenders ; and if he does, fuch Perfon muft be bound by Recognizance to profecute fuch as he knows ; nor unlefs he alfo gives No- tice, and enters into fuch Recogniz- ance, as required by 8 Geo. 2. ch. 16. as to Perfon s robbed ; and commences the Adion within a Year If any Perfons, to the Number of' \ > Tnvo or more, Jhail he found pajftng in any Part of the Kingdom tutth One or more Horfes^ or tutth any Cart or CarriagCt whereon (hall be laden more than Six Pounds of Tea^ or Foreign Spirits exceeding Five Gallons, not hav- ing paid the Duties, and without an authentic Permit, and carrying any of- fen five Arms or Weapons, or wearing any Vi%ard, Majk, or other Difguife, when palling with fuch Tea or Foreign Spirits, any Officers of the Cuftoms or ExcifCj and all other Perfons adling in their Affiftance, may arreft the Per- fons fo pafilnff, in wnofe Cuftody or PoiTcffion fuch Tea or Spirits fhall !> Reign. 19 Geo. 2. Chap 34 Sea. 6,8 7>9 lii 19660.3. 69 7-/ 1S4 21. 22. «3- ^ 20. SMUGGLERS ARMED or in DIS- GUISE — continued* then be found, and fuch Officers and ; their Afliftants {h: 11 convey fuch Of- j fenders before any Juilice or the Peace, I who may commit them to the next County Gaol till the next General Quarter Sefiions, to be tried and dealt with as directed by this Aft See " Smugglers*' Nos. 6, 7, & 8. Whenever any Perfon ihall be" charged with rr/cuinj or attempting to re/cue by force any uncuilomed or prohibited Goods, and the fame (hall be made appear to any Judge of the King's Bench by Amdavit, or by Certificate of an Indictment or In- formation being filed againft fuch Perfon, the Judge may iffue his War- rant to apprehend and bring the Of fender before him or fome other Judge [ of the King's Bench, or before fome Juftice of the Peace, in order to his being bound with Two Sureties to anfwer the Indictment or Information; or, upon refuting, the Offender may be committed to Gaol until he f.all fo become bound, or be difcharged by Or.ler of the Court or one of the Judges - - — — Where any A8 to be done after the pafling of this Adt» in Breach of or in Rejijlance to the Laws for the col- lefting His Majefty's Revenue, would by the Laws in force fubjeCt the Of- fender to fuffer Death as guilty of Felony without Benefit of Clergy, fuch Act (hall be taken to be Felony with Benefit of Clergy, and punifhable Only as fuch, unlets alfo declared Felony without Benefit of Clergy by thisACt - - -^ — — If any Perfons to the Number of' Three or more, armed with Fire^jima or other offenfive IVeatonst (hall within Great Bntam, or within the Limits of any Port, Harbour, or Creek thereofi Reign. Chap. 26 Geo. 3. 77 52 Geo. 3. H3 24. be ai 125 \i\. i'. SMUGGLERS ARMED or in DIS- ^"g"- ^hap GUISE — continued. or within the Ifle of Man, or the Limits of any Port, Harbour, or Creek thereof, h affem'led in order to be aiding or qffiji- ing m the illegal Exportation of Goodt prohibited to be exported^ or in the carrying offuch Goods in order to fuc!i Exporta- tion» or in the illegal running or carry- ing away prohibited or uncuftomed Goods ^ or Goods liable to Duties which (hall not have been paid or fecured, or in the illegal relanding of any Goods, or in ref cuing or taking away any Goods after Seizure, or trom the Place where the fame fhall have b^n lodged, or in refcuing any Perfon apprehended for any of the Offences made Felony by any A^ relating to the Cuftoms or Excife, or in preventing the appre- hending any Perfon guilty of any tuch Offence ; or in cafe any Perfons to the Number of Three or more, fo armed > 5* Geo. 3. 143 as aforefaid, (hall, within Great Britain or the Ifle of Man, be fo aiding or q^ing ; every Perfon fo offending, or fo aiding or affifting, (hall be ad- judged guilty of Felony, and fuffer Death, without Benefit of Clergy; and every Offence committed within any Port, Harbour, or Roadftead of Guemfey, Jerfey, Aldemey, Sark, or Man, (hall be determined in the faid Iflands refpedively } and every Offence committed elfewhere out of the United Kingdom fliall be determined in any County of the United Kingdom ; and if committed withinEngland, Scotland, or Ireland refpedively, (hall be deter- mined within fuch Part of the United Kingdom in which committed, but in any County or Shire thereof Whenever any Perfon (hall be' Se6l. charged by Information on Oath with fo aUembling, aiding, or adifting in any Cafe wherein any Omcefi or Perfon aid- II 1^6 24- I. SMUGGLERS ARMED or in DIS- GUISE— contittued. ing or afTiiling fuch Officer in the Exe- cution of his Duty as aforefaid, fhall have been killedi the Information (hall be forthwith certified to One of His Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State, who ihall forthwith lay the fame before His Majefty in His Privy Council, and His Majefty may by His Order in Council command the Of* fender to furrender himfelf; but if fuch Perfon fhall not furrender within the Time limited, or fhall, after Sur- render and before Trial, make his Efcape from Juftice, he fhall be ad- judged to be attainted of Felony, and fhall fuffer Death, without Benefit of Clergy ; if the Offence fhall be charged to have been committed in England, the Court of King's Bench, or the Juflices of Oyer or General Gaol Delivery or Great SefTions for the C nty or Place where fuch Offender fhall be, may award Execution againil him as if he had been convi6led ; and if the Offence fhall be charged to have been committed in Scotland, the Offender fhall, in the like Cafe, be adjudged to be convi£led of a Capital Crime, and Confifcation of Moveables ; and the Court of Jufliciary, or the Lords of Jufticiary in their Circuits, may award Execution againft fuch Offender in fuch Manner as if he had been found guilty and condemned in the faid Courts refpeftively SOAP and STARCH. Not to be im-^ ported otherwife than in Packages i containing 224. Pounds weight at leaft, (^ to be flowed openly in the Hold of the f Vcffel importing the fame, on Fox- 1 feiture thereof - - - J '2. — Not to be ^ntered or reported for' Exportation in any Vcffel belonging wholly or in |)art to Hif Majeuy's Reign. Chap, SeJ Vf '" cor the SPIRIT or Vel 60 f the| T^ thel 5a Geo. 3. 143 12I .. <. \> 23 Geo. 2. 21 17 127 SOAP and STARCH-^contmued. Subje6t8, othenvife than in Packages I containing 224 Pounds vuagbt at the f leall;and all Entries and Reports ntade contrary- to this A£i fhall be void, and the Soap (hall be forfeited [, SPIRITS. No Rum fhall be imported or brought into Great Britain m any VefTel or Cade which (hall not contain 60 Gallons at lead (except only for the Ufe of the Seamen^ not exceeding Two Gallons for each) on Forfeiture thereof - ' - — — But if it be made appear to the' Commiffioners of the Cuftoms in Eng- land or Scotland refpe£tivcly, th^t any Rum, the Produce or Manufa6lure of any of His Majeifty's Dominions in America, was imjpojrlied 4ire6tly from thence in fmall C!aiks, without Fraud or Concealment, for the Ufe of the Majier in the yoyage, or for the Pri- vate Ufe of the ^ierchants or Tinders fo importing the fame, or de/igned as PrefentSt and not by way of Mer- chandize, the Comibiffioners may, if they think proper, admit fuch RuiQ.to an Entry - - -fs -^ No Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Ge-' neTa, Strong Waters, or other Spirits whatfoerer, brought into Great Bri- tain in Veffels or Calks which (hall not contain 60 Gallons, (hall be «)i- terei or reported for Exportation ; and all Entries and Reports made of fuch Liquors (hall be null and void No Foreign Spirituous Liquors {exee^ Rum of the Britifli Plaatatiom$ and Arraek ) (hall be imported into Great Britain in any Velfel or Caflc which (hall contain kfs than 100 Gsllons at the leaft (except only for the Ufe of the Seam^, not exceeding Two Gallons for each), on Forfeiture of fuch Liquors, and of the Ship or Veflel, o^ vrbatever Burthen the £ime may be ,\ * 1 Reign. 42 Geo. 3. Chap. 93 Sea. '9 5 Geo. 3. 43 28 28 Geo. 2. 29 21 26 Geo. 3. 73 .4 ~~> 59 ] ■«— '1' i!r I uk i'ii lli'i IS Mi I'! ill' lii il ie8 6. 8. SFIRlTS^onthttuJ. — No Perfon (hall import into Great" Britain any l^oreign Spirits whatever, of a greater Degree of Strength than One to Nine over Hydrometer Prooft on For- feiture thereof, with the Fackaees^ except Rum or Spirits of the Fromice of the Britifli Surar Plantations - ^ No Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Strong' Waters, or Spirits of any Kind what foever (hall be imported in any Ship or VeiTel of the Burthen of loo Tone or under, except only for the Ufe of the Seamen (not exceeding Two Gal- Ions for each), on Forfeiture thereof, and of the Ship or Veffel in which im- ported - • - But Rum and Spirits of the Growth' \ and ManufaAure of the Britifh Sugar Plantations may be importea in any VeiFel of not lefs Burthen than 70 Tons . - _ - Any Ship or VeiTel of the Burthen of 50 Tons or under, in part or fully ladtn with Brandy, found at jtnehor or hovering within Two Leagues of the Shore, and not proceeding on her Voy- age, Wind and Weather permitting, may be compelled to come into Port by any of His Majefty's Ships, or by any Veflel or Boat in the Service of the Cuftoms, or any OfBcer of the Cuftoms ; and the Mafter, and alfo the Ship or Veflel, and the Brandy therein, (hall be fubje£t to the fame Regulations, Penalties and Forfeitures, as fuch Cargoes, Ships, or Veflels, and the Maners, hovering within the Limits of any Port of this Kingdom, are fubjeft to by 5 Geo. i. ch* ii» See « Ships and Veflels.'* "•^ If the Mafter of fuch Ship or Veflel ftiall fuffier any Brandy or other uncuftomed or prohibited Goods to be put out of fuch Ship or Veflel mtp any Hoy, Lighter, Boat, or Bottom, to be laid on Land, he flisdl^ befides the Pe« > W Reign. a6 Geo* 3. 5 Geo. 3. Chap. 73 6 Geo. 3. 43 »7 46 6 Geo. I, I). ■•A ■).— xr 21 S9 1^9 y SPIRITS— fo«//W^//. nalties and Forfeitures incurred by any Law now in being, fufFer Six Months Imprifonment - • No Spirits fhall be iniported into' Great Britain from the Ijte of Man ; and if any Ship or Veffd coming from thtncCi having on board any Spirits (except for the Ufe of the Seamen not exceeding Two Gallons for each) fliall be found at Anchor or hovering within the Limits of any Port of Great Britain, or within Three Leagues of the Shore, or difcovered to have been within fuch Limits, and not proceeding on her Voyage, Wind and Weather per- mitting, (unlefs in cafe of unavoidable Neseffity and Diftrefs of Weather, of which the M after fhall give Notice and make Proof to the proper Officers upon his Arrival) all fuch Spirits, to- gether with the Ship or Veflel in which imported or found, (hall be forfeited, whether Bulk fl>all have been broken or not - - - " *J If any Ship or Vejfel whatever' fliall be found at Anchor or hovering within the liimits of any Port of Great Britain, or within Four Leagues of that Part of the Coaft which is between the North Foreland on the Coaft of Kent, and Beachy Head on the Coalt of SufTex, or within Eight Leagues of any other Part of the Coaft, or ftiall be difcovered to have been within fuch Limits or Diftance, (and not proceed- ing on her Voyage, Wind an J vVeather permitting, unlefs in cafe of unavoid- able Neceffitv and Diftrefs of Weather, of which the Mafter ftiall give Notice and make Proof before the CoUeAox or other Chief Officer of the Cuftoms of any Port in the Limits of which fuch Ship or Veflel fliall be found, im- mediately after her Arrival in fuch Limits), having onvboard any Spirits in any Vefl*el or Caflc not containing 60 > Reign. Cbap Sea. f * "-1 ** / 5 Geo. 3. » ^ 24 Geo. 5. 42 Geo. 3. 39 8 47 82 I I % ISO II. IS. 13- 14. SPIRITS— ^on/inW. Gallons at the leaft (except for the Ufe of the Seamen, not exceeding Two Gallons for each), then not only all fuch Spirits, but alfo the Ship or Veifel, ihall be forfeited ... ■ ' Provided that fuch Diltance of^ Eight Leagues (hall be meafured in any Diredtion between the Southward and Eaftward of Beachy Headj al- though any Part of fuch extended Diftance may exceed Four Leagues from any Part of the Coaft to the Eaftward of Beachy Head If any Ship, VeJfeU or Boat be-' longing in the whole or in part to any of Hit Majejiy*s Su/jeds, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board are Sub- jeQs of His Maje/ly, ihall be found at Anchor or hovering within the Limits of any of the Ports of Great Britain, or any Part of the Britifh or Irifh Channels, or elfewhere on the High Seas within 100 Leagues oi any Part of the Coaft of i Great Britain or Ireland, (and not pro- r ceeding on her Voyage, unlefs in cafe of Neceiuty, to be proved as before men- tioned), having on board any Spirits in any VelTel or Cafk which ihall not con- tain 60 Gallons at the leaft (except for the Ufe of the Seamen, not exceeding Two Gallons for encb) then not only all fuch Spirits, biiw alfo the Ship, VeiTel, or Boat, (hall be forfeited But not to prevent Evidence from ■ being received, in any Suit or Informa- tion for the Forfeiture of any Ship, Veifel, or Boat on account of any Spirits contained therein, in order to ihew, from the Smallnefs of the Quantity and other Circumftances of the Cafe, that they were on board without the Knowledge either of the Owner or of the Mafter, and with- out any wilful Negle& or want of reafonable Care in the Difcharse of the Duty of fuch Owner or Maner; and Reign, Chap. Sc^ 42 Geo. 3. 82 24 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. 47 66 24 Geo. 3. 47 131 |i4. SPIRITS— /-ow/mW. where Proof (hall be fo made, fuch VefFel, if exceeding lOO Tons Burthen, fhail not be forfeited for fuch fmall Quantity |i^, ■ But the Spirits fo found on board" any fuch Ship. Veffel, or Boat within the Limits or Diftance mentioned in this A6t,or42Geo 3. ch. 82. or 47 Geo. 3. ch. 66. whether with or without the Privity or Knowledge of the Owner or Mailer thereof, fhall be forfeited, and the Perfon in whofe Charge or Poffef- fion the fame (hall be found fliall for- feit Treble the Value thereof |l6. ■• If any Vejfel or Boat comin? from' Foreign Parts, and belonging wholly or in part to Hit Majejly*s Sulje^s, or whereof Half the Per/ons on bmrd are SuljeSs tf Hit Majejly, (except any Ship or other Jquarc'rigged Vejfel )y (hall be found in the Britilh or Infh Channels, or elfe- where on the High Seas within 100 Leagues of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, or (hall be difcovered to have been within fuch Limits, having on board any Foreign Spirits in any Caflc or Ppckage of lefs Size or Content than 60 Gallon* t (except for the Ufe of the Seamen, not exceeding Two Gal- lons for each) all fuch Spirits, with the Veffel or Boat, (hall be forfeited [17. Provided that in cafe any Veffel or' Boat, not coming from Foreign Parts, (hall on the High Seas take on board from out of any Ship, Veffel, or Boat coming from Foreign Parts, any Fo- reign Spirits in any Caflc or Package of lefs Size or Content than as afore- faid, every fuch Veffel or Boat (hall > be deemed to be a Veffel or Boat coming from Foreign Parts, Mrithin the Meaning of this A« ; and not only all fuch Foreign Spirits, with the Caiks or Packages containing the fame, but alfo every fuch Veffel or Boat, Audi be I forfeited - - -J ' I z Reign. Chap. Sedt. 24 Geo. 3. 47 45 Geo. 3. 121 m^i Htili' i-i' I ■^N 132 i8. 1 19. 20. SPIRITS— fon//«ttf^. . No Spirits Ihall be imported into' or exported yy-oOT Guernfeyt Jerfeyt M' (hrneyiSarki or Man^ or removed Coail- wife, or to or from the faid Iflands, or fliipped or waterborne in order to be fo removed, in any Ship or Veffel of lefs Burthen than 100 7b«j, nor in any Caflc or Package of lefs Content than 60 Gallons, on Forfeiture thereof, as alfo of the Ship or Veflel - - j ■ But not to forfeit any Boat not exceeding the Burthen of 10 Tons for having on board at any one Time 10 Gallons of Foreign Spirits or under, in fmall Cafks, for the Supply of the JJland of Sat it (fuch Boat Jhavmg a Licence from the proper Officer of the Cuftoms at Guernfey or Jerfey for carrying Commodities for the Supply of Sark) ; provided that any fuch Boat, having on board any greater Quantity of Spirits than before limited, fhall be forfeited — • If any Ship, Vejfel, or Boat 'tuhat-' ever, having on board any Foreig-n Brandy, Rum, Geneva, or other Spi rituous Liquors in any Calk or Pack- age which fhall not contain 60 Gal- lons at the leafl (except only for the Ufe of the Seamen, not exceeding Two Gallons for each), fhall be found at Anchor or hovering, or fhall be difcovered to have been <wilhin Two Leagues of the Coafts of Guernfey, Jerfey, Sark, or Man, or within Two Miles of the Coaft of AU derney, fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat not proceeding on her Voyage (Wind and Weather permitting), urlefs in ). cafe of unavoidable Neceffity or Diflrefs of Weather, of which the Mafler of fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat fhall give Notice and make Proof be- fore the Chief Officer of the Cufloms of the neareft Port, or the Port in which fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat Reign. 45 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 45 Geo. 3. 121 Chapj Sc6 121 84 45 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 121 84 J2 133 I SPIRITS — continued, fliall take Shelter, or to which (he can gOy under all Circumitances of Wind, Tide, and Weather, immedi- ately after the Arrival of fuch Ship, Veffel, oi Boat within the Limits of fuch Port, all fuch Spirits, and the Ship, Veffel, or Boat, (hall be for- feited — Every Ship or Veffel belonging in' the whole or in part to His Majelly's SubjeAs, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board fliall be Subjefts of His Majefty, which (hall have been laden wiih, or (hall have taien on board any Spirits in any Foreign Port belcng-^ ing to any State or Ponvfr at War with His Majefty, or (hall have received or taken any Spirits on board from any Ship, Veffel, or Boat coming out of I or from any fuch Port, in any greater • Quantity than (hall be neceilary for the Ufe of the Men on board for the Voy- age, without a Special Licence from His Maiefty's Privy Council, or the Admiralty, or One of His Majefty*s Secretaries of State, (hall be forfeited ; but no Seizure (hall be made after the Expiration of Six Months from the Time fuch Spirits were taken on board If after the T eparture from Guern-' fey, Jerfeyy JjJderney, Sari, or Alan, of any Ship, Veffel^ or Boat, belonging in the whole or in part to His Ma- jefty 's Subjedls, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board are Subjects of His Majefty, having on board any Spirits, Bulkjhallbe broken, or any Part of the Cargo (hall be unladen or un- fliipped, or any Alteration Jliall be made in the Form, Sixet Defcription, or Number of the Packages taken on board, or in the Quantity or Quality or Mode of Package of the Goods contained therein, at any Time during the Voyage, every fuch Ship, Veffel, 1 1 Reign. Chap. Sea. 47 Geo. 3. 6G H il 134 12. SVlRlTS-^cotttimed. -I or Boat {hall be forfeited ; but no Forfeiture {hall.be incurred on account ! of the breaking Bulk, or un{hipping j> ',' or unlading the Cargo or any Part i thereof, if the fame was done through ! unavoidable Nece{fity or Di{lref8 ; nor ; {hall any Forfeiture be incurred on ' account of any fuch Alteration in the Cargo, if the fame was occafioiied by inevitable Caufo or Accident, or became nece{rary for the Security or Preferv- 1 ation of fuch Ship, Veflel, or Boat ; fuch NeceJTity, Dittrefs, Caufe, or i Accident, to be proved to the Satif- ; faction of the Commillioners of the Cuftoms or Excifc 23. Every SubjeS of His Majejly who {hall voluntarily, and without His Ma- • jetty's Licence, cr the Licence of His I Majefty's Privy Council, or of One , of His Maje{ly'8 Principal Secretaries : of State, or of the Firft Lord of the I Admiralty, or other fuiiicient Au- • thority, and without fuflficient Excufe, proceed and fail to any Road or Har- I l)our upon the Enemies Coqftt or who {hall be found in any Ship, Ve{rel, or Boat lying on the Coaft, or in any Road or Harbour of any Country belonging to His Majefty's Enemies, without any fuch Licence or Autho- • ■ rity, or fufincient Excufe, or be under the Proteftion of any Batteries or other Force on fuch Coatts, or of any Ve{rel belonging to His Majefty's Enemies, having on board, or having had on board on fuch Voyage, or being in fuch Harbour, or i^pon fuch Coaft, or under the Protec- tion of fuch Batteries, with Intent to take on board any Spirits, {hall be deemed guilty ofl^lony, and be tranf- ported for any Term not exceeding | Seven Yeare - - -J I. TEA. Above the Quantity of 6 lbs.'. . Weight found in any Bnti{h Ship or { Reign. Chap. 66 84 Sett. II 12 48 Geo. 3. 84 ' ■" 135 Chap. Seel. — — 66 II 84 12 84 ,TEA — continued. VelTel arriving in Great Britain from Foreign Parts (except thofe employed by the £aft India Company) (halt be forfeited, whether fuch Tea fhall be intended or reported for Exportation or not - ir^r - -. -■ If any Ship or Vejjfel whatever fhall be found at Anchor, or hover- ing within the Limits of any of the Ports of Great Britain, or within Four Leagues of that Part of the Coaft which is between the North Foreland on the Coaft of Kent, and Beachy Head on the Coaft of Suffex, or within Eight Leagues of any other Part of the Coaft, or Ihall be difcovered to have been within fuch Limits or Diftance, (and not pro- ceeding on her Voyage, Wind and Weather permitting, unlefs in cafe of unavoidable Necemty and Diftrefs of Weather, of which the Mafter fhall give Notice and make Proof before the Colleftor or other Chief Officer of the Cuftoms of any Port within the Limits of which fuch Ship or VelTel fhall be found, immediately after her Arrival in fuch Limits), having on board Six Pounds Weight of Tea or upwards, all fuch Tea, and alfo the .«h'p or Veffel, fhall be forfeited -J Provided that fuch Diftance of1 Eight Leagues fhall be meafured in j any Diredtion between the Southward I and Eaftward of Beachy Head, al- I though any Vnxt of fuch extended f Diftance may exceed Four Leagues from any Part of the Coaft to the Eaftward of Beachy Head - -J — — If any Ship, Vejfely or Boat, be- longing in the whole or in part to any of Hu Majefly's SulyeSst or nuhere^ One Half tf the Perfons ou hoard are Suhjeas of His Majffiy, fhall be found at Anchor or hovering within the Li- miti of amy of the For^s of Great Bri- *I4 Reign. 28 Geo. 2. Chap. 21 24 Geo. 3. 42 Sea. ' 47 82 !li; s 42 Geo. 3. 82 »'■ --■ ■ i >- i ^^ "'if- i' ■ r-Mi' . - II, h: 136 6. TEA — continued. . tain, or in any Part of the Briti(h or I k Iriih Channels^ or within lOO Leagues I of any Part of the Coaft of Great ^ Britain or Ireland, (and not proceeding on her Voyage, unlefs in cafe of Necel- fity, to he proved as before mentioned,) having on board more than 6lb8. of Tea, all fuch Tea, together with the Ship, Veffel, or Boat (hall be forfeited . ' But not to prevent Evidence from being received, in any Suit or Infor- mstKn for the Forfeiture of any Ship, Veil;;! • Boat, in order to ftiew, from t -Imallnefs of the Quantity, ' and other Circumftances of the Cafe, that the Tea wan on board without the Knowledge either of the Owner, or of the Mafter of the VeiTel, and without any wilful Neglefl or Want of reafonable Care in the Difcharge of their Dut^' ; and where Proof (hall be fo made, fuch Ship or VefTel, if exceeding loo Tons Burthen, fhall not be forfeited for fuch fmall Quan- tity - - ' ■ '■ But the Tea fo found on board^ any fuch Ship, VeiTel, or Boat within the Limits or Diftance mentioned in this A&., or in 42 Geo. 3. ch. 8a. or 47 Geo. 3. ch. 66. whether with or without the Privity or Knowledge of the Mafter thereof, fhaU be forfeited ; and the Perfon in whofe Ch?,rge or Poifeffion the fame fhall b^; found fhall forfeit Treble the Value taereof -^ If after the Departure froLi Guern^' i fen, Jerfeyt Jildem^, Sark, or Man, of any Ship, VefTel, or Boat, belong- ing wholly o** in part to His Ma- jefty's Subjeds, or whereof Half . the Perfons on board are Hia Majefty's SubieAs, having on board any Tea, BmkJhaM bebrohnt or any Part of -the Cargo unladen or unfhipjped, w emy jtUeration made in the Fomi| Size^ Defcription or Niunlxr of the Pack* Reign. I Chap. 24 Geo. 3. 47 Geo, 3. 47 66 24 Geo. 3. - r ■f. ■A ■{■ ■< xv.'i !^'^' ■* ;-■ , 47 r i'j 137 ||,TEA — continued, ageSi or in the Quantity, Quality, or Mode of Package of the Goods therein, at any Time while in the Profecution of the Voyage, fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat fliall be forfeited ; but no For- feiture fhall be incurred for breaking Bulk, or unlading the Cargo or any Part of it, through unavoidable Ne- ceffity or Diftrefs, nor for any Altera • tion in the Cargo, if occafioned by inevitable Caufe or Accident, or necef- fary for the Security or Prefervation of the Ship, Veffel, or Boat; to be proved to theSatisfadtionof the refpe6liveCom- miffioners of the Cuftoms or Excife - If any Veffel or Boat coming from Foreign Parts, and belonging nuhvlly or in part to His Majeflys Sul)je3s, or nuhereof One Half of the Perfons on board Jball be SubjeQs of His Majeflys (except any Ship or other fquai'e- rigged Veffel), fliall be found in any Part of the Britifli or Irifti Channels, or elfewhere on the High Seas within lOO Leagues of any Part of the Coails of Great Britain or Ireland, or difco- vered to have been within the faid Li- mits, having on board more than 6 lbs. Weight of Tea, all fuch Tea. together with the Package containing the fame, and the Veffel or Boat, (hall be forfeited_ — And in cafe any Veffel or Boat, not coming from Foreign Parts, fliall on the High Seas take on board out of any Ship or other Veflel or Boat coming from Foreign Parts, any Tea whatever, every fuch Veffel or Boat fliall be deemed to be a Veffel or Boat coming from Foreign Farts, within the Meaning of this Ael ; and not only all fuch Tea, together with the Packages containing the fame, but alfo every fuch Vieffel or Boat, fliall be forfeited |io. Not to forfeit any Boat not ex-' Reign. \ > ceeding lo Tons for having oik boiurd Chip. I Set! . 47 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. 45 Geo. 3. ; ■ • • - ". <J ;:-; -J : . \>Ult ' I. ,-:i'l ,. ,.l .• •, ,. .t ; ':•.■ . V) / 1 • , ,.1.1 1 " . ...w * ■ ; i4 'Mf ■■rt 66 II 84 12 121 I < ■i 138 10. T^A'^continued. any Tea, not exceeding 50 Pounds ; • : Weight, for the Supply of the JJland of ; ■ 5arZ,(fuch Boat having a Licence from . 1 the proper Officer of the Cuftoms at \ . i either of the Iflands of Guernfey or Jerfey for carrying Commodities for the ' Supply of Sark), provided that any Boat having a greater Quantity of Tea than before limited ftiall be forfeited 11. Every Ship or Veffel belonging' wholly or in part to His Majefty's i Subjects, or whereof One Half of the ' Peribns on board (hall be Subjects of His Majefty, which (hall have been laden with or have taken on hoard any Tea in any Foreign Port of any State at War with His Majefty, or have taken any fuch Articles on board from any Veffel or Hoat coming from any fuch Port, more than is neceffary for the Ufe of the Men on board, without ' fpecial Licence from the Privy Coun- cil, Admiralty, or Secretary of State, (hall be forfeited : but no Seizure ihall be made after the End of Six Months from the Time fuch Tea was taken on board « - - 12. - Every SubjeS of His Majefty who") voluntarily and without His Majefty's Licence, or the Licence of the Privy Council) or one of His Majefty's Prin- cipal Secretaries of State, the Firft Lord of the Admiralty, or other fuf« ficient Authority, and without fuffi- cient Excufc, (hall proceed and fail to ' any Road or Harbour upon the Enemies Coafty or be found in any Ship, Veffel, I -: or Boat lying on the Coaft, or in any t' Road or Harbour of any Enemies Country, without any fuch Licence or Authority or fufficient Excufe, or \ be under the Prote£tion of any Bat- teries or other Force on fuch Coaft, \ or of any Veffel belonging to the Enemy, having on board or had on \ board on the Voyage^ or being in fuch Reign. 45 Geo. 3. Chap. Seal 121 47 Geo. 3. 66 H vv . 48 Geo. 3. 84 139 . TEA — continued. Harbour, or upon fuch Coail, or under the Proteftion of fuch Batteries nvlth Intent to take on board any Tea^ {hall be deemed guilty of Felony, and be tranfported for any Term not ex ceeding Seven Years TIM CASES. Fitted or adapted for the fmuggling of Spirits, found on board Ships and Veflels within certain Dif- tances of the Coaft, See " Ships and Veflels." *' Spirits." " Guernfey." TOBACCO and SNUFF. Not to be^ imported or brought into Great Britain except in Hogsheads, Cq/isy Chejls, or Cafes, each of which fhall contain at leaft 450 Pounds Weight, and fuch To- bacco or Snuff (hall not be packed in Bags or Packages within any fuch Hogfheads, &c. nor feparated or di- vided within the fame, in any Manner . whatever, except loofe Tobacco for » the Ufe of the Seamen and Paflengers, not exceeding Five Pounds Weight for each Perfon, on Forfeiture of fuch Tobacco and Snuff, with thePackages, and the Ship, Veffel, or Boat im- | porting the fame - - - J Not to be imported into Great' Britain from Foreign Parts otherwife than in Hogsheads Cq/k, Chejl, or Cafe only, each of which (hall contain 450 Pounds Weight of Tobacco or Snuff, ex- cept as is before provided by 29 Geo. 3. ch, 68. feft. 9. on Forfeiture of fuch Tobacco, with the Packages - -j — ^— But not to prevent the Importation" of Twriry 7o^dtf<:o packed in Bags or Packages within any Hogfhead, Ca(k, Cheft, or Cafe, or the feparatingor » dividing of the Tobacco, provided the Hog(head, Ca(k, Cheft, or Cafe con- tains 450 Pounds Weight Nor to prevent the Importation' under an Order in Council of unma* Reign. Chap. Sea. 29 Geo. 3. 68 30 Geo. 3. 40 47 Geo.3. l» 2 '(if 140 6. i TOBACCO and SNUFF— ro«//nW. nufadlurcd Tobacco of the Eajl Jndiest or of the Spatitjh or Portugueje Colonies or Plantations in South America, packed in any Sort of Packages whatfoever, upon fucn Conditions, &-c. as ihall be provided in any fuch Order - . _ . - Not to be imported or brought' into Great Britain from Foreign Parts in or on board any Ship or Veflel of lefs Burthen than 120 Tons, on Forfeiture thereof, and alfo of the Ship or Veflel in which imported - ' If any Ship or Veffel luhatever fliall be found at Anchor or hover- ing within the I jmits of any of the Ports of Great Britain or within Four Leagues of that Part of the Coaft which is between the North Foreland on the Coaft of Kent, and Beachy Head on the Coaft of Sufiex, or within Eight Leagues of any other Part of the Coaft, or ihall be difcovered to have been within fuch Limits or Diftance (and not proceeding on her Voyage, Wind and Weather permitting, unlefs in cafe of unavoidable Neceflity and i-irtrefs of Weather, of which the Mafter fliall V give Notice and make Proof before the Colleftor or other Chief Officer of the Cuftoms of any Port within the Limits of which fuch Ship or Vefld fliall be found, immediately after her Arrival in fuch Limits), having on board any Tobacco which, taiken together or I feparately, (hall exceed 100 Pounds fVaght, or aiiy Tobacco Stalks, whether manufadured or unmanu- factured, or any Tobacco Stalk Flour, or any iSnuff Work^ all fuch Tobacco, t&c. and the Skip or Veflel, (hall be forfeited ■> I ■ Provided that imh iDiftance of Eight Leagues' fliall be meafured in any Direction between the Southward and Eaftward of Beachy He«»d, al- > Reign. 49 Geo. 3. Chap. 25 Seal 29 Geo. 3. 68 ■- M 24 Geo. 3. 29 Geo. 3. 42 Geo. 3. 47 68 82 1 u I .v^'5 ..., "TC. '..•' 'i 4. U :■' ■■• *- 1 42 Geo. 5. 82 141 .TOBACCO and SNUFF— ro«//ntf^</. though any- Part of fuch extended DiAance may exceed Four Leagues from any Part of the Coaft to the Eaft ward of Beachy Head If any S/jtp, Fejel, or Boat k-^ longing in the whole or in part to any of His Maje/ifs SubjeStt or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board are Sub- jeSs of His Maje/ly^ (hall be found at Anchor or hovering within the Limits of any of the Poits of Great Britain, or in any Part of the Britifli or Iri{h Channels, or within lOO Leagues of any Part of the Coalls of Great Britain or Ireland, and not proceeding on her ^ Voyage (unlefs in cafe of Neceffity, to be proved as before mentioned), having on board any Tobacco or Snuff which, taken together or feparately, (hall ex- ceed ICO Pounds Weight, or any To- bacco Stalks, manufadured or unma* nufaftured, t>r any Tobacco Stalk Flour, or any Snuff Work, all fuch Tobacco, &c. and the Ship, Velfel, or Boat (hall be tbrfeited But not to prevent Evidence from' being received, in any Suit or Infor- mation for the Forfeiture of any Ship, or VefTel, in order to (hew from the Smallnefs of the Quantity, and under the Circumilances of the Cafe, that tlie Tobacco, &c. was on board with- out the Knowledge either of the Ow- ner or of the Mailer and without any wilful Negleft oir Want of reafonable Care in the Difcharge of the Duty of fuch Owner or Mafter ; and where Proof Ihall be made that fuch fmall Quantity was on board without the knowledge either of the Owner or Mafter, and without any wilful Neg- left or Want of reafonable Care m cither of them, fuch Ship or Vef- fel, if exceeding loo Tons Burthen (biall not be forfeited for fuch fmall Quantity • '• -J Ueign. Chap. ' Sea. .' 24 Geo. 3. 29 Geo. 3. 47 Geo. 3. ■J > 24 Geo. 3. 29 Geo. 3. 47 66 'Qf Mr? id 47 68 -■'& t ;* I 12 '7 i 2 It I ""^'^wpp mm ua 10. II. I2« 24 Geo. 3. 47 TOBACCO and SNUTF-- continued. Re'S"- thap. ' But the Tobacco, &c. fo found' on board any fuch Ship or VefTel, within the Limits or Diftance men- tioned in this A£t, or in ±2 Geo. 3. ch. 82. or 47 Geo. 3. ch. 60. whether with or without the Privity or Know- ledge of the Mailer thereof, fhall be for- feited, and the Perfon in whofe Charge or Pofleffion the Good& fhall be found | (hall forfeit Treble the Value thereof J — — If any Veffel or Boat coming from Foreign Parts, and belonging tvhoUy or in part to His MajeJ{y*s Sulye^s, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board fhall he Sul^eSs of His Majefly, {except any Ship or other fquare-rigged Feffel)t mall be found in any Part of the Britifh or Irifh Channels, or within 100 Leagues of any Part of the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland, or dif> covered to have been within the faid Limits, having on board any Tobacco or Snuff in any Cafk or Package what- > 45 Geo. 3. 121 ever containing lefs than 450 Pounds Weight, (except loofe Tobacco for the Ufe of the Seamen, not exceeding Five Pounds Weight for each, and except fuch manufaAured Tobacco or Snuff as fhall have been duly fhipped for Exportation as Merchandize from fome Port or Place in Ireland), all fuch Tobacco or Snuff, together with the Caflcs or Packages containing the fame, and the Veffel or Boat, fhall be forfeited - - - -, — — And in cafe any Veffel or Boat, not coming from Foreign Parts, fhall ii'^ on the High Seas take on board from any Ship or other Veffel or Boat coming from Foreign Parts, any To- bacco or Snuff in any lefs Quantity than as aforefaid, every fuch Veffel or Boat fhall be deemed and confidered to be a Veffel or Boat coming from Foreign Parts ; and . all fuch Tobacco or Snuff, with tlie Cafks o^ Packages \ 145 li. TOBACCO and SliVFF— continued. containing the fan\e, and fuch VeiTel I or Boat, (hall be forfeited - -J M, Not to be imported into or ex-' ported from Guernfey, Jerfeyy Alderneyt Sari, or Man, or carried Coaftwi'e in either of the faid Iflands, in any Ship, Veifel, or Boat of lefs Burthen than loo ^ Tons, nor in any Cafk or Package con- taining lefs than 450 Pounds Weight, on Forfeiture thereof, and alfo of the Ship, Veffel, or Boat If any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, ie'ong-' 14. '5- ing wholly or in part to Nit Majefiy*s SubjeSs, or whereof Half the Perfom on board are His Majeftfs SuijeSs, (hall be difcovered to have been within the Limits of any Port or Harbour of the United Kingdom, or in any Part of the Britifh or Irifli Channels, or within 100 Leagues of the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland, having on board any Tobacco or 3nuff (except for the Ufe of the Seamen, not ex- ceeding what is now by Law allowed for their Ufe^ which, though in Pack- ages of legal Size, fhall neverthelefs be divided within the Package into fmaller Packages, either by Cords or Strings, or any Thing introduced therem, or in any Manner whatever ; or if any other Croods, or any Article whatever, fliall be found in any Pack- age of Tobacco ; all fuch Tobacco and Snuff, with the Package, and every Article contained therein, and the Ship, Veffel, or Boat, ihall be forfeited^ -— If after the Departure from Guern"' fey, Jerfey, Alderney, Sari, or Man, of any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, belonging in the whole or in part to His Ma- jefty's Subjeds, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board are Subje&s of His Majefty, having on board any Tobacco or Snuff, Bulijball be broien, or any Part of the Cargo (hall be un- laden or un(hipped, or any AUeration Reign. Chap. 45 Geo. 3. 48 Geo. 3. m ,'« '■% 47 Geo. 3. StA. 121 84 3 12 >.•;> ■ it, O 66 10 t ^mm 144 1 5. TOBACCO and HNUYF-^continued. Jha/i be made in the Form, Si%e, Defcr'tp' tiou, or Numbet" of the PachageSf or in I the Quantity or Quality or Mode of Package of the Goods contained therein, at any Time while in the Pro- ^ i fecuiion of the Voyage, every fuch ^ Ship, Veffel, or Boat (hall be forfeited ; i *" ' but no Forfeiture fliall be incurred on I account of the breaking Bulk, or un- ; (hipping or unlading the Cargo, or any Part thereof, if the fame waa done j through unavoidable Neceffity or Dif- ! trefs ; nor on account of any Altera- tion in the Cargo, if the fame was oc- cafioncd by inevitable Caufc or Acci- dent, or for the Prefervation of fuch Ship, Vcflel, or Boat ; fuch Neceflity, } Diitrefs, Caufe, or Accident to be I proved to the Satisfaction of the Coni- miflloners of the Culloms or Excife 16. Every Ship or Veflel Motiving' wholly or in part to His Maje/ly's ' SuhjeSSi or tuhereof One Half of the ',1 Perfons on board fhall be SuhjeQs of His Majeflyt which fliall have been ' laden with or have taken on hoard any I Tobacco or Sntiff" in any Foreign Port \ of any State at IVar with His Majeily, or have taken any fuch Articles on ( board from any Veflel or Boat coming from any fuch Port, more than is neceflary for the Ufe of the Men on board, without Special Licence from the Privy Council, Admiralty, or Se- \ cretary of State, fliall be forfeited ; but I no Seizure fliall be made after the End of Six Months from the Time fuch To- ■i bacco or Snufi" was taken on board - 17. ■ , ■ Every Siihje^ of His Majefly who" v oluntarily and without His Majefty's Licence, or the Licence of the Privy Council, or one of His Majefl:y's Prin- cipal Secretaries of State, the Firll Lord of the Admiralty, or other fuf- ficient Authority, and without fiifficicut Excufe^ (hall proceed and fail t<j any Reign. Chap. ScctJ 47 Geo. 48 Goo. 66 84 I! 12 ^.•i.' (•..) r. . ,fi.' 47 Geo. 3. ■i i)'» JiU ifir ..ft (^(^ K 145 17. TOBACCO and SNUFF— fo«/iW^/. Roitd or Harbour upon the Enemies Coa/l, or be found in any Ship, Veflel, or Boat lying on the Coaft or in atiy fuch Road or Harbcurof any Enemies Country, without Authority or fuffi- cient Excufe, or be under the Protec- tion of any Batteries or other Force on fuch Coaft, or of any VefTel be- longing to the Enemy, having on board, or had on board on the Voyage, or being in fuch Harbour, or upon fuch Coaft, or under the ProteAion of fuch Batteries, with In'ent to take on board any Tobacco or Snuff, fhali be deemed guilty of Felony, and be tranfported for any Term not exceeding Seven Years ^ 1 18. Offered for Sale by Hawkers or Pedlars, or Perfons not having a Per- mit. See " Hawkers and Pedlars." TONNAGE REWARDS. See " Seizures, 14." I. WINE. No Sort of Wine (hall be im- ported in any Ship or Veffel which Ihall not exceed the Burthen of 60 Tonj, on Forfeiture thereof, as alfo of the Ship or Veffel in which imported 12. Not to be imported in Flajks or Bottlesy except Wine of the Growth of the Dominions of the Great Duke of Tufcany in open Flafks ; or Wines of the Growth of Turkey, or any other Part of the Levant Seas, in the fame Manner that fuch Wines were ufually imported before the pafling of . I Geo. 2. ch. 1 7.;. and except French ' Wine in Dottles from Guernfey, Jerfey, or Alderney, in Britifh-built Ships or Veffels, and French Wine in Bottles from France in Britifh or French-built Ships or Veffels, each -Package of French Wine containing at the leall Six Dozen reputed Quart Bottles or Flafks^ — — — And any Sort of Foreign WinesT may be imported,/rain Ireland xn Pack- ages not containing lefs than bix Dozen reputed Quart Bottles or Flafks ; pro* \ *K R«ign. 48 Geo. 3. » f -. 24 Geo. 3. ■■■» * '*3 I Geo. 2. 39 & 40I Geo. 3. J 4a Qeo. 3. 45 Geo. 3. '''i4. '*>\ Chap. Sea. 84 |K: 47 >-<K' 17 83 44 131 ■t h 27 7 2 2 3 j mHIHI ; 146 Vfl't^E— continued. vided that I'uch Wines are imported in Brilifli or Irifli-built Ships or Veflels, and according to fuch Rules, &c. as are provided by the Afts in force ; but if any Foreign Wines in Bottles or Fladcs (hall be imported from Ireland in any Icfs Quantity, or otherwilie than in fuch Packages, Ships, or Veflels as are required by this Aft, the fame fhall be forfeited ' Of the Growth of the Dominions' of the Crown of Spain or Portugal ^ and alfo French Wines^ fhall not be imported in any fmaller Veflel or Calk ^ than an Hog/head in which fuch Wines | have been ufually imported, on For- feiture thereof - - -J > ■ ■ I3ut if it fliall be made appear' to the Satisfadlion of the Commiflioners of the Cuftoms in England or Scot- ' land, that any Wines are imported, without Fraud or Concealment, in any fmaller Veflel or Cafk than an Hogfliead, for the private Ufe of the ^ . Importer, and not by way ofMer- ■ . chandize, any Three or more of the faid Commiflioners may, if they think ' proper, admit fuch Wine to an Entry, ' and caufe the Duties to be accepted indead of the Forfeiture 6. ■ " Of the Growth of any Country not' before enumerated or defcribedy ftiall not \ ■ be imported in any Veflel or Cafk ; i which fliall contain lefs than 25 Gal- ,^ lons^ except on Proof to the Satis- fadlion of the Commiflioners of the Cuftoms in England or Scotland re- fpedlively, that the fame is imported for private Ufe, and not by way of Merchandize - - -^ 7. If any Ship or Vejfel of 60 Tons or' under fliall be foundT at Anchor, or hovering within the Limits of any of ,:. the Ports of Great Britain, or within Four Leagues of that Part of the Coaft which is between the North Foreland Reign. Chap. Sea. SS Geo. 3. ^5 18 Geo. 3. 27 2$ Geo. 3. 69 I Geo. 2. 18 Geo. 3. 17 27 7 6 147 1 y. WINE — continued. on the Coaft of Kent, and Beachy Head on the Coaft of Suffex, or -within Eight Leagues of any other Part of the Coaft, or fhall be difco- vered to have been within fuch Limite or Diftance, (and not proceeding on ^ her Voyage, Wind and Weather per- mitting, unlefs in cafe of unavoidable Neceflity and Diftrefs of Weather, of which the Matter (hall give Notice, and make Proof before the ColledHor or other Chief Officer of the Cuftoms of any Port in the Limits of which fuch Ship or Veflel (hall be found, immediately after her Arrival within fuch Limits), having on board any Wine in Calks, all fuch Wine, and the Ship or VeflTel (hall be forfeited Provided that fuch Diftance ofT Eight Leagues (hall be meafured in any Direction between the Southward and Eaftward of Beachy Head, al- though any Fart of fuch extended Diftance may exceed Four Leagues from any Part of the Coaft to the Eaftward of Beachy Head I J. ' If any Ship or Vejfel ofCoTont or' under, belonging in the whole or in part to any of His Majefty^s Suhjeffs, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on hoard are SubjeSs of' His Majejlyt Jhall be found at Anchor, or hovering within the Limits of any of the Ports of Great Britain, or in any Part of the Britiih or Iri(h Channels, or elfewhere o« V the High Seas within loo Leagues of any Part of the Coaft of Great Britain or Ireland, and not proceeding on her Voyage, (unlefs in cafe of Neceflity, to be proved as before mentioned), having on board any Wine in CaOcs* all fuch Wine, and the Ship or Vc(rel (hall be forfeited |lo, —.-—.« Not to be imported into or ex- > ported from Guernfey, Jerfev, Alderne^ Sari, or Man, or removed Coaftwi' ifel Reign. Chap. SeA. 24 Geo. 42 Geo. 47 82 4a Geo. 3. 82 8 h <i> 24 Geo. 47 Geo. 3- 3 47 66 I '7 ■\ 1/* 148 ip. WINE — continued. ,./ II. K- I I' in the faid Iflands, in any Ship, Veflel, I or Boat, of lef^ Burthen than 60 Tom, ^ or in any E'ackage lefs than an Hogshead, on Forfeiture thereof, with the Ship, Veffel, or Boat See *' Guernfey." •' • r ^ ^' If, after the Departure fromT Reign. Chap. 'I' Guernfey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, of any Ship, Veffel, or Boat belong- ing in the whole or in part to His Majefty's Subjects, or whereof One Half of the Perfons on board are Sub- je£ls of His Majefty, having on board any Wine, Bulk Jhall be brokent or zny Part of the Cargo fhall be unladen or unlhipped, or any Alteration Jhall be made in the Form, Size, Defcription, or Number of the Packages, o» in the Quantity or Qual'cy, or Mode of Package of the Goods contained there* in, at any Time while in the Profecu- tion of the Voyage, every fuch Ship, Veffel, or Bout, (hall be forfeited; provided that no Forfeiture (hall be incurred on account of the break- ing Bulk, or unthipping or unlading Cargo, or any Part thereof, if the fame was done through unavoidable Neceflity or Diftrefs ; nor on account of any fuch Alteration in the Cargo, if the fame was occafionedby inevi- table Caufe or Accident, or for the Security or Prefervation of fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat ; fuch Neceflity, Dif- trefs, Caufe, or Accident to be proved to the SatisfaAion of the Commiflion- ers of the Cufioms or Excife 121 84 3' 12I 66 84 II 12 ■ r I FINIS. Eyr« and Strahan, Hb Majefty'a Priaten. '.' ^ APPENDIX. A TABLE of GOODS wholly prohibited to be imported, or prohibited to be worn or ufed in Great Britain, and which are ]i:ible to Forfeiture on board VeiTels hovering within the Limits of the Ports or within certain Diltances of the Coaft. See Goods, « N"» 14 & 16." BROCADE. No Gold or Silver Brocade,") or other Work made thereof, (hall be imported into Great Britain, nor worked or made up in or upon any Wearing Apparel, on Forfeiture thereof, and alfo lool. by the Importer for each Parcel imported - - - CALLICOES, printed, painted, ftained, or dyed, in Perfia, Ckina, or Eaft India. See " Silks." • . CHOCOLATE and COCOA PASTE. No Chocolate ready made, or Cocoa Fade, fliall be imported into Great > Britain, on Forfeiture with Double the J Value thrreof - J COCOA-NUT SHELLS or HUSF S.-| If any Perfon fliall import any Cocoa Nut Shells or Huflcs without the Nuts thereto belonging, the fame may be feized, and after Condemnation (hall be dcllroycd, or otherwife difpofed of, as the Commiiiioners of the Cuftoms or Excife fliall dired, and the Officers rewarded with a Sum not exceedinor 208. per Hundred Weight EMBROIDEllY. No Foreign Em-"^ broidery fliall be imported into Great | Britain, nor worked or made up in (^ or upon any Wearing Apparel, on For- feiture thereof, and alfo 100 1. by the Importer for each Parcel imported FRINGE. See *' Manufaftures of Gold, *' Silver, or Metal." GIRDLES. See '* Ribbands." GLOVES and MITTS of SILK or LEATHER. If any Foreign m mu- fadured Silk or Leather Gloves or Mitts ftiall be imported into Great Britain, the fame fliall be forfeited, and may be feized in like Manner as > Reign. 10 Ann. 15 Geo. 2. 22 Geo. 2. Chap. J;^ 10 Geo. 1, 4 Geo. 2. ;-*^^ 26 20 36 10 14 k .:'■' 13 &I4C.2 10 Ann. II 26 15 Geo. 2, I 20 22 Geo. 3 • 36 Se«. 65 7»9 »»5 12 13 7>9 i»5 1^0 APPENDIX* I. GLOVES, ^c.-^cont'mucd. other prohibited or uncuftomed Goods ; | and every Perfpn concerned in import- ^ ing or veniling fuch Gloves or Mitts, or in whofe Pofleffion they fhall be found, fliall forfeit 200 1. with Cotts of Suit ; but not to fubjcA the Wearer to fuch Penahy or Forfeiture < The Aa 6 Geo. 3. ch. 19. iliall ex-' tend to all Foreign Leather cut into the Form of Gloves or Mitts, called Shapes or Tanks, or which fhall be t cut or prepared in any other Manner j or Form, in order to be made into Gloves or Mitts, and are not lit for any other Purpofe LACES. See •* Ribbands." LEATHER, cut into the Form of Gloves or Mitts. See « Gloves." MANUFACTURES of GOLD, SIL-") ; V^R, or METAL. No Gold or ' Silver Thread, Lace, Fringe, or i other Work made thereof, or any ; Tiiread, Lace, Fringe, or other Work ]^ made of Copper, Brafs or other in- ; ferior Metal, or Gold or Silver Wire ; or Plate, fhall be imported into Great ■ Britaio ; and no fuch Gold or Silver ; Thread, Lace, Fringe, or other Work ; made thereof, fhall be worked or made up in or upon any Wearing Apparel, ; on Forfeiture thereof, and alio lool. by the Importer for each Parcel imported MITTS. See «* Gloves." NEEPLEWORK. No Perfon fhall im port any Foreign Needlework, on ; Forfeiture thereof, and alfo lool by i the Importer _ - _ Pt ATE. See " Manufaftures of Gold, ; " Silver, or Metal." RiBBANDS, LACES and GIRDLES. 1 ; If Jmy Perfon fliall import any Rib- ■ bands, Laces or Girdles not made in Great Britain, whether of Silk only or , mixed with any '"other Materials, the fame fhall be forfeited ; and the Im- porters and their Afliftants, or the Vendors or Perfons concealing the famcy fhall forfeit 300I. with Cofts of } Reign. 5 Geo. 3. 6 Geo, 3. 25 Geo. 3. 10 Ann. 15 Geo. 2. 22 Geo. 2. Chap. 48 «9 13 & 14C.3. 3 Geo. 3. 5 Geo. 3. 55 26 20 36 IS 21 s«a. I I 65 7»9 ^>5 1,2 (i *« {.' J APPENDIX. 2. »« I? s RIBBANDS, kc.—continued. Suit ; but not to fiibjeft any Perfon Wearing fuch Ribband, &c. as Part of their Drefs to any Penalty or For- feiture " " "_ SHAPES for GLOVES and MITTS.' See "Gloves." SILKS. No wrought Silks, Bengals, or' StufFs mixed with Silk or Herba, of the Manufacture of Perfia, China, or Eaft India, or Calicoes printed, painted, llained or dyed there, im- ported into this Kingdom, (hall be ufed or worn therein ; but after Entry i thereof (hall be put into Warehoufes 1 approved by the Commiflioners of the Cuftoms, and not taken out other , than for Exportation ; and any fuch Silks, &c. whether mixed or made up I for Sale with any other Goods or I otherwife, whicli fhall be found in any Place (other than fuch Warehoufe), ' fhall be forfeited, and the Perfon in whofe Cullody the fame (hall be found, or that (hall difpofe thereof, (hall forfeit 20cl. " " "^ ' If any Perfon (hall import or bring" into any Port of Great Britain, other than the Port of London, or fome Port which has been approved of for the Im- portation of Ea(l India Goods by the Order of His Majefty in Council, any of the faid Silks or Callicoes, or fhall im. ,port or bring the fame into the Port of London, and fhall not make due Entries thereof, the fame fliall be deemed and taken to be clandefline running thereof; anji the Perfon s offending and their Abettors fhall not only forfeit the Goods, but alfo ^500. ■■— No wrought Silk, or Silk mixed with" Gold or Silver, or other Materials, isi or Oliver, or fhall be imported, on Forfeiture thereof, and 200I. by the Importer ; and the ^ 6 Ann. Perfon in whofe Cuftody, or who fhall [ fell or conceal fuch Silk, fhall, betides I other Penalties, forfeit lool. -J — No Foreign-wrought Silks, Crapes*! or Tiffanies (hall be imported into I Great Britaini or tb? I^ands of Guem- | Reign. Chap. Sea.: II & 121 Wm. 3. J II & I2\ Wm.3./ 53 Geo. 3. ■jv 10 10 ^S5 4 10 19 14 "^■("PBPPSWP""'^ 152 APPENDIX. > SlLtK.S—'ConiinueJ. fey, Jerfey, Alderney, Sark or Man, on Forfeiture thereof} and lool.by the Importer, for each Piece or Remnant, with Coils of Suit ; and all Silks, Velvets, Crapes or Tiffanies, or other Work made thereof, whether mixed with any other G'^ods or not, and the Goods with which they may be mixed, may be feized, and after Con- demnation fliall be forfeited, and the Vender or Maker-up (hall forfeit lool. for every Piece or Remnant, or other Work made thereof, with Cofts of Suit ; and the Perfon who (hall fell or _ otherwife difpofe of any fuch Silks &c. (hall for each Offence forfeit I ool. with Colls of Suit ; but not to in(li6l any Penalty on the Wearer of fuch Silks, &c. or Work made thereof, or on the Owner of any Furniture SILK STOCKINGS. If any Foreign^! manufactured Silk Stockings (hall be imported into Great Britain, the fame fhall be forf. ted, and may be feized in / like Manner as other prohibited and uncu domed Goods ; and every Perfon concerned in the bringing in or vending fuch Stockings, or in whofe Poffefiion they fhall be found, (hall forfeit 200 I. with Cofts of Suit ; but not to fubjeft the Wearer to fuch Penalty or For- feiture - _ . THREAD. See " Manufaftures of Gold, " Silver, or Metal." TOBACCO STALKS and SNUFFl WORK. No Tobacco Stalks, whether manufadlured or not, or Tobacco Stalk Flour or Snuff Work, (hall be imported ,^ into Great Britain, on Forfeiture there- | of, together with the Ship, Veffel, or j Boat importing the fame - -J VELVET. See " Silks." WIRE. See " Manufadures of Gold, "Silver, or Metal." Reign. V. 6 Geo. 3. 50 Geo. 3. Chap. 28 55 5 Geo. 3. 29 Geo. 3. 48 68 F 1 N I S. lEyre and Strahan, His^ajetfy's Printera. 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