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Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole -^signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". re Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film63 A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsqu:* le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. y errata 3d to nt ne pelure, ipon d 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 r 4 • 6 THE CHURCH CATECHISM BUOKKN INTO SHORT QUESTIONS: WITH AN KXI'LANAT.'ON (»!' :;OME OF TIIK WORDS. .:..'.■' I . LONDON: PKINTKD FOR TIIK ft CII.TV TOR rUOJIOTlXG ClIElSTIAN KNOWLEDGE. RP: VISED EDITION, WITH THE SANCTION OF THK LORD BISHOP OP TORONTO. Price 4c or ^2.76 per hundred. [70] TOllONTO : HENRY BOWSELL, Churvli DcposUwy^ ^.Wellington Buildings, King Street. 1862. ^ If - CH WITH i ^PaiNTED P( ITU THE Church ] y^ THE CHURCH CATECHISM BROKEN INTO SHORT aUESTIONS: Ji WITH AN EXPLANATION OP SOME OF THE WOEDS. LONDON: fpaiNTED FOR THE SOCIETY FOR PROMOTINO CHRISTIAN KKOWlEWfB. •..•i REVISED EDITION, ITH THE SANCTION OF THE LORD BISHOP OF TORONTO, TORONTO: HENRY R0W8ELL, Church Depository, 8, Wellington Buildingt, King Street, 1862. H The great advantage of these Questions is to enable ilm Quest Teacher to try whether Children repeat their Caiechis I q ^y merely by rote ; to engage their attention ; to imprint ti i ^^ j^j* sense of it on their minds; and to furnish the materials ijjherein j further questions^ which they may answer in their oi/*f ^ ^^ " words. The answers to most of them are given in the vei | Q» B words of the Church Catechism. The explanations q A. B words are incorporated in the Catechism itself. - ^. y i A. Ii CSirisiia Q. ^A ■ liA, A. T •^••-- . ■ ^^ " • ^ " m- ■ ■ |A. T folyou? K *> TH|! HURCH CITECHISM BROKEN INTO SHORT QUESTIONS, J is to enable tm QuJiSTiON. W^AT is your name ? 7 • ^j ,. I Answer. N. orM. their Caiechis | q ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^l^.g ^^^^ ^ ; to imprint ii% a. My GodfAthers and Godmothers in my baptism, the materials lilierein I was made a member of Christ, the chil^ Qf God, sr in their oj^^ ^'^ ^°^®^^^°^ o^ *^® ^^"^8^^°* o^ H®^^®°* jiven in the vei | Q« By whom was your name given to you ? explanations J| A. By my Godfathers anil GodmotheFs..|, ., elf. Q. Wlien was it giv^n? f A. In my Baptism. Q. What name was then given you, yp^r Christian name or your Surname? A. My Christian name. Q. What were you first made at your baptism ? f;A. A member oi Christ. Q. Whose child were you then made? ,j A. The child of God. jQ. Of what were you then made an inheritor? A. The kingdom of Heaven. ^. What did your Godfathers and Godmotherfl then f<f you ? A 2 •>*if A. They did promise and tow three things in n name. First, that I should renounce the Deyil and a his works, the pomps and vanity of this wicked world and all the sinful lusts of the flesh. Secondly, that should believe all the articles of the Christian FaitI And, thirdly, that I should keep God's holy will an commandments, and walk in the same all the days my life. Q. Who promised these things in your name A. My Godfathers and Godmothers. Q. In whose name did they promise them ? A. In my name. Q. What is the first thing they promised? A. That I should renounce the Devil and a his works. Q. What do you mean by renouncing them ? A. Forsaking them and having nothing to c with them. Q. Whose works did they promise you shou" renounce and forsake ? A. The works of the Devil. Q. How many of the Devil's works did the promise you should renounce ? A. All of them. Q- What do you mean by pomps and vanitj A. Vain outward show. Q. What pomps and vanity d'-d they promi; you should renounce ? A. Those of this wicked world. Q. What is the world called in the Catechisir A. Wicked. Q. What sinful lusts did they promise y should renounce ? A. ' Q. '% A. ) Q. •and G( f A. Christi . Q. ^ A. I Q. J the Ch A. r Q. ' land Gc ' A.' comma days oi r Q. ' A. ( you m< A. ' Q. J A. Q. D( .^|ind to d A. Y heartily lue to t] Saviour that I c jpromis A A. Those of he flesh, ! things in e Deyil and [usis m^ Q. What do you mean b dm A. Wrong desires, wicked world | Q. What is the second thing your Godfathers ^omily, tha^ Jand Godmothers promised in your name? holy will an ' ^' '^^^^^ ^ should believe all the articles of the all the days ^Christian faith. J Q. What do you mean by the Christian faith? * A. What a Christian ought to believe. I your name ^ q ^^j ^^^^ j^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^1^^ articles of T^' . rf the Christian faith? iise them I _ ^ rp^^^ ^j^j^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ j^^ • r17 f ^' ^hat is the third thing your Godfathers proinise . i^^j Godmothers promised in your name ? uevii ana a f ^^ rj.^^^ j ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ j^^j^ ^^^ ^^j . . « commandments, and walk in the rime all the cingthemi jay^ ^f ^y life, nothing to c Q -^yjjj^j g^g y^^ j^ j^ggp , , , ' A. God's holy will and comman leyoushou:^ Q. You say, "walk in the san you mean by ''the same?" A. The same holy will and commandments. Q. How long are you to walk in them? A. All the days of my life. Q. Dost thou not think that thou art bound to believe, ,p,nd to do, as they have promised for thee ? A. Yes, verily ; and by God's help so I will. And I they promi heartily thank our heavenly Father, that he hath called me to this state of salvation, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. And I pray unto God to give me his grace, that I may continue in the same unto my life's end Q. Why did your Godfathers and Godmothers promise and vow all these things in your name ? a3 same dments. :" what do >rks did the s and vanity e Catechisir promise y( r> to r I R A. Because 1 was an infant, and not able to do it for myself. Q. Should you then publicly promise and vow the same things for yourself when you are of a proper age to do it? A. Yes. I Q. When will that be 1 I A. As soon as I have been so far instructed in ■ my duty, as to be fit to be confirmed by the Bishop. Q. Ought you not in the meantime to believe and do all that your Godfathers and Godmothers promised you should ] A. Yes; I think myself bound to it. Q. Will you not then be more especially bound to it, when you have promised for yourself? A. Yes. Q. Can you fulfil these promises by yourself? A. No ; but I hope to fulfil them by the hel[ of God. I Q. Into what state were you called by baptism A. A state of salvation. Q. Who called you to it? A. Our heavenly Father, Q. Through whom were you called to it ? A. Through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Q. What return should you make to God fo calling you to it ? g A. I should thank him. * Q. Q. How are you to thank him ? repes A. Heartily. A. Q. How long do you desire to continue in thi | Q. state of salvation ? J A. I heav Ai W Virgi Su andt Th He hand Fr( dead, lb Th. Th( Th( Am lot able to do nise ami vow you are of a A. Unto the end of my life. Q. Whose grace must you have to enable you to do ii? A. The grace of God. Q. What do you mean by the grace of God? A. His favour. Q. How must you obtain the grace of God ? A. By praying for it. CATECHIST. j instructed in _ )y the Bishop. I ne to believe I Godmother^ Rehearse the articles of thy Belief. I ANSWER. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of dby baptism it. lecially bound heaven and earth. ourseif 1 M "^"^ ^^ Jesus Christ his only son our Lord. % Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the 1/.9 Virgin Mary, by yourseii j Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, n by the h el [ and buried. He descended into Hell. I The third day he rose from the dead. He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence he shall come to judge the (^uidk and the dead. * • ' ' I believe in the Holy Ghost. The holy Catholic Church. The oommuniOB of saints. The forgiveness of sins. The resurrection of the body. And the life everlasting. Amen. Q. What do you call that which you have last repeated. - ,.-: u A. The Belief. J 7/ .t Q. Is there any other name for it ? h A. Yes ; the Creed. led to iti [iour. :e to God fo mtinue in thi s Q. In whom do you say that you believe t A. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. Q. When you say that God is Almighty, what do you mean? A. That he can do whatever he pleases. Q. Of vyhat is he the Maker ? A. Of heaven and earth. Q. Who made you and all other creatures? A. God. Q. What is the next article of the Creed ? A. AnJ in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord, Q. Of whom is Jesus Christ the only Son? A. The only Son of Gofl. Q. What is Jesus Christ here said to be to us? A. He is our Lord. ' Q. By whom was he conceived when he be- came man? A. By the Holy Ghost. Q. Of whom was he born ? A. Ofthe Virgin Mary. Q. Under whom did he suffer ? A, Under Pontius Pilate. Q. What death did he suffer ? A. He was crucified. Q. What is that ? A. He was nailed to a cross. Q. Was he taken down from the cross alive or dead? A. When he was dead. Q. What was done with him after he was dead? n .'!!<■ 3lieve 1 Almighty, ighty, what jases. eatures 1 Dreed 1 on our Lord. ly Son 1 to he to us ? 7hen he be- ross alive or A. He was buried. Q. Into what place did Christ descend? ^ A, He descended into Hell. I Q. What do you mean by descended? I A. Went down. I Q. W^hat does the word Hell here mean ? ' A, Not the place of torment, but the place of departed souls. I Q. What dr.y after his death did he rise again ? ^ A. The third day. i Q. Whither did he ascend after he rose again? 1 A. He ascended into Heaven. Q. What do you mean by ascended ? A. Went up. Q. To what pjlace is he exalted in heaven ? A. To the right hand of God. li Q. Will he always continue there, or wnll he come from thence ? i A. He will come from thence Q. What will he come to do? A. To judge the qnick and the dead. Q. What do you mean by the quick ? A. The living ; that is, thoj?e who are alive on the earth at the last day. Q. What is the next article of the Creed ? A. I believe in the Holy Ghost. Q. What does Ghost mean ? iter he was A. Spirit. Q. Whose spirit io the Holy Ghost? A. (iod's Spirit. Q. In what Church do you believe? A. I he Catholic Church. 10 Q. What do you mean by the Catholic Church 1 A. The Church of Christ all over the world. Q. Why is the Catholic Church called holy? A. Because all its members are set apart for God. Q. What is the next article 1 A. The communion of saints. Q. What is the meaning of communion? A. Sharing things together. Q. Who do you mean by saints ? A. God's children. Q. What do saints share together? A. The blessings which God gives us in Christ. Q. What are the last three articles of the Creed? A. The forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Q. What dost thoa cbeafly learn in these articles of thy belief? A. First, I learn to believe in God the Father, who hath made me and all the world. Secondly, in God the Son, who hath redeemed me, and all mankind. Thirdly, in God the Holy Ghost, who sanctifieth me, and all the elect people of God. You say you believe in God the Fatpier, Gqd THE Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Q. Are these three Gods ? A. No. Q. What are they then ? A. Three Persons in one Godhead. ^ II ic Church? le world, led holy? 3t apart for I* ion 3 in Christ, lies of the rrection of e articles of Father, wiio deemed me, ctifieth rae, ^KER, God Q. What did God the Father do for you? A. He made me. Q. Pid he make any more than you ? A. Yes, all the world. Q. What did God the Son do for you ? A. He redeemed me. Q. Did he redeem any beside you ? A. Yes, all mankind.. Q. What does God ihe Holy Ghost do for you ? A. He sanctifieth me. Q. Does he sanctify any more than you ? A. Yes, all the elect people of God. Q. You said thrt your Godfathers and Godmothers did promise for you, that you should keep God's com- mandments. Toll me how many there be. A. Ten. Q.' Which be they? A. The same which God spake in the twentieth chap- ter of Exodus, saying, I am the Lord thy God, who brought the out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thcu shalt have none other gods but me. Q. Who spake these commandments? A. God. Q. In what place of Scripture do we find these commandments? A. In the 20th chapter of Exodus. Q. What did God do for his people Israel ? A. He brought them out of the Land of Egypt. Q. What was the land of Egypt to them ? A. The house of bondage. Q. What is that? ' A. A place of slavery. 12 i ii lif Q. What does the first commandment require of us ? A. To have the Lord for our God. Q. What is forbidden in the first command- ment? A. To own any for our God, except the Lord. Q. What is the second commandment ? A. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor in the water under the earth : Thou shalt not bow down to them, nor worship them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, and visit the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and show mercy unto thousands in them that love me, and keep my commandments. Q. What is it that we are forbidden to make for a God 1 A. Any graven image. Q, What is a graven image? A. An image cut out of wood or stone, or any other thing. Q. To what are we forbidden to liken God ? A. Any thing that is in Heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth. Q. What niust we not do to the images ur pic- tures of other things? A. We must not bow down to them nor wor- ship them. Q. What does God here call himself to make us afraid of doing so? A. A jealous God. Q. j«aIo A. given Q. towa A. Q. A. A. : in vail taketh . Q- m vaitf A. talk. Q. A. Q. A. Q. \\ A. R sit dayi but the In it th son, an( servant] gates, earth, t seventh daj, an Q. ' Mi 13 snt require command- t the Lord. raven image, eaven above, sr under the nor worship Dus God, and Iren unto the iiate me, and love me, and en to make )ne, or any en God / )Ove, or in under the ges or pic- m nor wor- f to make Q, What does God mean by caUing himself jtalous / ,, A. That he will not ,bear to have his honour pven to any other. Q. How are his true worshippers disposed towards him? A. They love him. Q. How do men show that they love God ? A, By keeping his commandments. ^' Q. Rehearse the third commandment. A. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ; For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. - Q. What do you mea.i by taking God's name m vain ? A. Swearing by it, or naming it in common talk. Q. What does God threaten to those who do so? A. He will not hold them guiltless. Q. What is that? A. He will surely punish them. Q. Which is the fourth commandment ? A. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day ; sii days shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do ; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt do no manner of work, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy man servant, and thy maid- servant, thy cattle, and the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the aemnth day; wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it. Q. What day is it we must keep holy ? B I ! 14- ■ A. ] A. The Sabbath day. ^^ J^.^ Q. How many days in every week may w q , A, OlX. A 1 Q. What must we do in those six days? '^q' -^ A. All that we have to do. j^ j Q. What portion of time in every week mus q* y God's Sabbath take up ? ^* r A. The seventh. ^^ ^ Q. May we do any manner of work upon tha^j,^^- day? iQ q A. No, not any ; except works of piety, necespj^ ^^ sity, or charity. A.I Q. If parents work not themselves, may the; ^* set their children to work? 9' tt^ A. No: for the commandment says, thou aiifingy be thy son, and thy daughter. thee. Q. May masters or mistresses set their servant 'q i to work ? riouire^ A. No : for it says, thy man-servant and th^^* ^ maid-servant. o' 1 Q. May their cattle work? fisher ' A. No. U. i Q. Who else was included heretofore in th W^' commandment? *|i. Wl A. The stranger that dwelt within the gates c '^- ^^ Israel. . , iiQ. \ Q. What reason is. given for the observance ( A. > this law? ai|^ hat A. Because God himselfrested upon the sevent * ^j «^ay- ' . i. Th Q. What then did he do upon the first six days b $ 15 days ? week mui ,, A. He made heaven and earth, the sea, and all tie creatures in each of them, lek may w q yy^at did God do for the seventh day when he had rested on it? A. He blessed and hallowed it. Q. What do you mean by hallowed ? A. He made it holy. Q. Why did Gou bless and make it holy? A. That we might rest on that day from our ^,ual works, and set it apart more especially for ork upon tha^orshipping him. ' Q. Can those be thought to keep it holy, who •piety, necespjgy ^^ j^^^ Sabbath day? A. By no means. es, may the' > Q. "Which is the fifth commandment? , A. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days ^ys, tnou aiKmgy ^^ j^^g ^^ ^^^ i^^^^ ^j^i^jl^ ^jj^ j^^^^ ^^^ q^^ giveth thee. their servant 'q^ Who are the persons this commandment , ,riquires you to honour? vant and th; j^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^j^^^^ Q. What may those expect who honour their er and molher? , lA. A long life in the heavenly land, tofore m th ^ ^ ^ %. "Which is the sixth commandment? I the gates c ^- Thou shalt do no murder. Q. What does this commandment forbid ? observance ( ^^. Not only murder, but every degree of malice af^^ hatred, on the sevent ^ ^j^j^jj^ jg ^j^^ gg^e^th commandment? 1 Tiioa shalt not commit adultery. ) first six days b 2 16 Q. ] Q. What is forbidden in this commandment? g^g y^, A. Every thing that is unclean and unchaste. j^^ ^ Q. Which is the eighth commandment 1 A. Thou shalt not steal. Q. A. ] Q. What does this commandment require of y oil *W my A. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. WI M A. To keep my hands from picking and stealing and to be true and just in all my ways. Q. Which is the ninth commandment? A. Thou shalt not bear false witness against th neighbour. Q. What kind of witness must you not bea against your neighbour? A, False witness. Q. Is any thing else forbidden in this commanii ment? A. All evil speaking, lying, and slandering, ^^q ^*e Q. Which is the tenth commandment ? mother: A. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, tho put inai shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his servant, nc my gove his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is hL< 1q ordei Q. What do you here mean by covetting? J^^ hurt A. Setting our heart upon that which belong^®* ^^,^ to another person. ing- an( Q. What do you chiefly learn by these commandments slanderii A. I learn two things, my duty towards God, and ni and cha duty towards my neighbour. gdods ; Q. What is thy duty towards God ? Sving, a A. My duty towards God is to believe in him, to fea Ifldch it him, and to love him, with all my heart, with all m mind, with all my soul, and with all my strength : t worship him, to give him thanks, to put my whole tru; in him, to call upon him, to honour his holy name ac his word, and to serve him truly all the days of my lif Q. A. Q. B.: 17 Q. In whom are you to believe ; and whom uandment'? g^g jq^j ^q ]Qyg g^d worship? i unchaste. a. God. Q. How are you to love God ? A. With all my heart, with all my mind, with equireofyoD *^1 '"y ^^^^ ^'^^ ^''^ ^'^ ^Y strength. Q. What trust must you put in him? A. My whole trust. Q, What must you honour belonging to God ? A. His holy name and his ./ord. Q. How must you serve him ? A. Truly. Q, How long must you serve him ? A. All the days of my life. I and stealing ^s. IS against th ^ou not bea bis command landering. r'g house, the lis servant, nc hing that is hi- ovetting? vhich belong Dmmandments Is God, and e in him, to fen rt, with all n ly strength : t my whole tru holy name &i days of my lif Q. What is thy duty towards thy neighbour ? A. My duty towards my neighbour is to love him as myself, and to do to all men as I would they should do imto me. To love, honour, and succour my father and mother: to honour and obey the Queen, and all that are put in authority under her. To submit myself to all my governors, teachers, spiritual pastors and masters. To order myself low^y and reverently to all my betters. To hurt nobody by word nor deed. To be true and jast in all my dep^Ungs. To bear no malice nor hatred in my heart. To keep my hands from picking and steal- ing; and my tongue from evil speaking, lying, and slimdering. To keep my body in temperance, soberness, aflid chastity. Not to covet nor desire other men's g^ds ; but to learn and labour truly to get mine own Uving, and to do my duty in that state of life unto irlich it shall please God to call me. jQ. How must you love your neighbour? - A* As myself! Q. How must you do to all men 1 b3 lili ii n 18 A. As I would they should do unto me. Q. What must you do to your natural parents your father and mother? A. Love, honour, and succour them. Q. What do you mean by succouring them '? A. Comforting and assisting them. Q. Whom must you honour and obey ? A. The Queen, and all that are put in authc rity under her. Q. To whom must you submit yourself? A. To all my governors, teachers, spiritUE pastors and masters. Q, Who do you mean by your spiritual pastors A. God's ministers. Q. How must you order yourself to all yot betters? A. Lowly and reverently. Q. What do you mean by ordering yourse reverently ? A. Behaving with respect and good manner Q. What must you not do to any body ? A. I must not hurt any body by word or dee Qc What must you be in all your dealings? A. True and just. Q. What must you not bear in your heart? A. I must not bear malice or hatred in it heart. •. ^ Q. From what are you to keep your hands? A. From picking and stealing. Q. From what are you to keep your tongue' A. From evil speaking, lying, and slandering Q. What is slandering? A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. other ,^A.: Q. A. Q. living A. Q. which A. My do the ments grace, diligei say th Our Hal Thy Thj Giv • Anc thatt Anc , tvil : For glory, ii ito me. Llural parents em. iring them l 1. obey ? put in authc )urself? lers, spirituj ritual pastors If to all yet ering yourse good manner r body 1 word or dee r dealings l our heart? hatred in it your hands? your tongue: id slandering A. Backbiting. Q. How are you to keep your body 1 A. In temperance, sobernes?s, and chastity. Q. What is temperance ? A, Neither eating nor drinking too much. Q. What must you not do with respect to other men's goods? A. I must not covet or desire them. Q. What are you to learn and labour for? A. To get mine own living. Q. In what manner must you get your own living? A. Truly ; that is, fairly and honestly. Q. What are you to do in that state of life which it shall please God to call you to? A. I am to do my duty. i^ CATBCHIST. My good child, know this, that thou art not able to do these things of thyself, nor to, walk in the command- ments of God and to serve him, without his special grace, which thou must learn at all times to call for by diligent prayer. Let me hear therefore if thou canst Bay the Lord's Prayer, ANSWER. Our Father, which art in Heaven : Hallowed be thy name: Thy kingdom come : Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, ^» And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them ^at trespass against us : And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from «vil: • For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. ■■_.<r m 20 ' I ! ' I ' Q. To whom do you here pray 1 A. To God. Q. What relation does God bear to us? A. He is our Father. Q. Where is God in a special manner present' A. In Heaven. Q. Which is the first petition in this prayer? A. Hallowed by thy name. Q. What do we desire may be hallowed am sanctified ? A. The name of God. Q. What is the next petition ? A. Thy kingdom come. Q. Whan do we pray may come ? A. God's kingdom. Q. What is the next petition ? A. Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven, Q. Vhat do you here ask concerning God's will? A. That it may be done. Q. Where do we pray it may be done? A. In eaith. Q. How do we pray God's will may be done in earth? A. As it is in Heaven. Q. Which is the next petition? A. Give us this day our daily bread. Q. How much bread do we pray for every dayl A. Our daily bread ; that is, enough for our present wants. Q. What is the next petition ? A. And forgive us our trespasses, as we for- give then that trespass against us. Q. A. Q. forgi^ A. Q. A. ui fro Q. ^ A. Q. A. Q. A. and tl Q. God? A. Q. to bel A. I the gi^ to all p obey h he will souls a tad fc SftYe ai and th and fri And t thirouji AlB^Q. li i tl Q. What do you mean by trespasses? to us? A. Our sins. Q. Whom are we to forgive, if we hope to be inner present' forgiven by God? A. Them that trespass against us. this prayer? Q- Which is the next petition? A. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver hallowed am; w« ^roni evil. Q. Into what do we here pray not to be led ? A. Into temptation. Q. From what do we pray to be delivered ? A. From evil, » Q. What is the conclusion of this prayer? -?'A. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever, is in Heaven, Q- What do we here acknowledge to belong to erning God's ^^'^' A. The kingdom, the power, and the glory. Q. How long do we acknowledge these things done? to belong to him? i A. For ever ar*d ever. nay he done ^- What desireth thou of God in this prayer? A. I desire my Lord God, our heayenly Father, who is the giver of all goodness, to send his grace unto me, and to all people ; that we may worship him, serve him, and obey him as we ought to do : and I pray unto God that d. hi will send us all things that be needful, both for our ►r every day 1 ^^^s and bodies ; and that he will be merciful unto us, uffh for our ^^ forgive us our sins ; and that it will please him to ° Sftve and defend us from all dangers, ghostly and bodily ; and that he will keep us from all sin and wickedness, and from our ghostly enemy, and from everlasting death, as we for* And this I trust he will do of his mercy and goodness, through our Lord Jeiut Christ, and therefore I say Awea. So b9 it. iliii' iii I ! ; i! I> 22 Q, Who is the giver of all goodness? A. The Lord God, our heavenly Father. Q. What do you first pray God to send 1 A. His grace. Q. Unto whom ? A. Unto me and to all people. A. Q. A. Q. all gooc Q. For what purpose do you pray God to send it! j^^ A. That we may worship him, serve him, and q, obey him as we ought to do. A Q. What are the next things we pray him ti ^ , sen^us^ Church! A. All things that be needful both for our souli a. tv and bodies. is to say Q. For what do we pray God to be merciful Q. V and forgive us ? A. A. Oui sins. is the Q. In what do we pray to be saved and defended! A. In all dangers, ghostly and bodily. Q. What do you mean by ghostly dangers? A. Danger to our souls. Q.From what do we pray that God will keep us? A. From all sin and wickedness. Q. From what e'se? A. From our ghostly enemy. Q. And what next? A, From everlasting death. Q. What do you mean by our ghostly enemy A. The enemy of our souls. Q. Who is our ghostly enemy ? A. The devil. Q. From what death do we pray to be kept? Q A. Q. A. Q. A. o A Y T T A Q. Wh A. I r and spir: himself, i a pledge Q. ^/\ Sacram( A. A Q. W A. A Q. 23 s? ather. lendl A. Everlasting death. Q, What is the foundation of our trust in God? A. His mercy and goodness. Q. Through whom do you expect to receive all good things? odtosenditl a. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. ve him, and Q. What is the meaning of the word Amen ? i'' A. So be it ; or. So let it be. i ^ ■ Q. How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church ? for our soul: a. Two only, as generally necessary to salvation ; that is to say, Baptism, and the Supper of the Lord. be merciful Q. Which are the two Sacraments? A. Baptism is one, and the Supper of the Lord is the other, nddefendedl Q Are these Sacraments generally necessary? A. Yes. Q. To what end are they generally necessary ? A. To salvation. Q. Are there any more than two Sacraments? A. No : there are two only. ' Q. What do you mean by this word Sacrament? A. I mean an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace given unto us, ordained by Christ himself, as a means whereby we receive the same, and a pledge to assure us thereof. tly enemy! Q. What kind of sign is requisite to make a Sacrament? A.. An outward and visible sign. Q. What do you mean by a visible sign? be kept? A. A sign that we can see. Q. Of what kind of grace must it be a sign? ly. dangers ? )d will keep i 1 24 H ( Q. A. Q. A. md of A. An inward and spiritual grace. Q. What is here said to be give i to us? A. An inward and spiritual grace. Q. What is here said to be ordained ? A, An outward and visible sign. Q. Who ordained this sign ? A. The Lord Jesus Christ. Q. What do you mean by saying that he Cp^jj ^f dainedit? race. Q. Vi A. A usaess Q. A. Q. A. A. He ordered it. Q. Who gives this grace ? A. The Lord Jesus Christ. Q. Of what are Sacraments the means? A. They are the means whereby we recei Q^ j the same. A. I Q. The same what? Q. A, The same inward and spiritual grace A, which we are speaking. Q^ Q. You say that a Sacrament is a means whe A, j by we receive grace. What is it besides? ^ ^ A. A pledge to assure us thereof. j^ j^^. Q. How many parts are there in a Sacrameiiewby A. Two ; the outward visible sign, and the»de to t ward spiritual grace. Q^ y^ Q. Which is the first part? ,ce? A. The outward visible sign, j^^ i\ Q, Which is the second part ? Q, ^^ A. The inward and spiritual grace. A, T( Q. What is the ouiward Tisible sign or form in 1 Q, W tism? A 'Tl A. Water; wherein the person is baptised in- *-^ Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the r™*"^ Ghost. C M i 25 1 to us 1 :e. lined 1 Q. With what are persons baptised? A. Water, Q. In whose Name are they baptised ? A. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, md of the Holy Ghost. Q. What is the inward and spiritual grace ? A. A death unto sin, and a new birth unto righte- naness ; for being by nature born in sin, and the chil- nng that he c^qj^ ^f ^rath, we are hereby made the children of race. Q. Unto what do baptised persons die ? A. Unto sin. Q, To what are they therein new born 1 E means'? A. Unto righteousness, eby we recei Q. In what are we born by nature t A. In sin. Q. Of what are w^e by nature the children? iritual grace A. Of wrath. Q. What are we made by baptism ? ameanswhe A. The children of grace. besides . q^ "What is required of persons to be baptised ? of. A. Repentance, whereby they forsake sin ; and faith, in a Sacramebeueby they steadfastly believe the promises of God sien and the*de to them in that sacrament. Q, What are persons here said to do by repcnt- ice? A. To forsake sin. Q. What are they said to do by faith ? race. A. To believe ihe promises of God. nor form in IQ,, What promises? A. The promises of God made to them in that 8 baptised in cfanrient. ,^ n, and of *"* ' ^i 26 Q. Which Sacrament? A. 13aptism. O I Q. How ought we to believe them ? . ^^* A. Steadfastly. * ^ Q. Why then are infants baptised, when by reason Q, \ their tendc i* age they cannot perform them ? leath A. Because they promise them both by their suretie; * n which promise, when they come to age, themselves a: ^ bound to perform. q y^ Q. You say because they promise them botli^'^pper ? Both what, do infants promise in baptism? A. Both repentance and faith. Q. By whom do they promise them ? A. By their sureties. Q. What do you mean by their sureties? A. Their Godfathers and Godmothers. A. Br( he rec Q. W iord's S A. B Q. Who are bound to perform the promisft4||pcei M Tl Q; Is A. Yi Q. W Q. Why was the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup| *'*• "^ orlained? o y^^^ A. For the continual remembrance of the sacri£ J* mi of the death of Christ, and of the benefits which idt 'iiidee receive thereby. 3Pjj»g ^ Q. What are we to remember in the Lon ^ ,,^ ? .^' ^ A. The death of Christ. 'T^Th Q. What was the death of Christ here calle q* j. A. A sacrifice. j^' ^^ 02 made for infants by their sureties? A. The infants themselves. Q. When are they bound to perform them! A. When they come to age. Supper Q. What is a sacrifice ? -&>:• 27 A. An offering made to God that he may for- give us onr sins. ' Q. How long is this sacrifice of Christ's death to be remembered ? ,i* A. Continually, en by reason Q. What else besides the sacrifice of Christ's em? ieath are we to remember] ^ themselve^^^^^^^ A. The benefits which we receive thereby. Q. What is the outward part or sign of the Lord's je them botli^^PPer ? *• ^ 1 A. Bread and wine, which the Lord hath commanded 'P^'sm? !» received. n f lem i Q. What is commanded to be received in the iord's Supper] sureties] A. Bread and wine. others. Q« Who hath commanded bread and wine to 1 the promisdJElpceived] A. The Lord. % Is it our bounden duty to receive both ] brm them! A, Yes. q>. Why is it] ^ ,, a , Af« Because the Lord hath commanded us. Lords bupi I . Q. What is the inward part or thing signified ? of the sacril^^ rpj^g ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ of Christ, which are verily nefits wliich j^ ^^gg^ taken and received by the faithful in the )rd*B Supper. in the LoriQ^ ^^^^^ .^ ^^^..j^ ^^^ .^^^^^ taken and re. jived in the Lord's supper] , ^ y ., A. The body and blood of Christ, ist here calie ^ g^ ^j^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ received I A. By the faithful. -■■.:■■ / ' o2 28 Q. What are the benefits whereof we are partaker thereby ? A. The strengthening and refreshing of our souls b the body and blood of Christ, as our bodies are by tli bread and wine. Q. What are strengthened and refreshed in tlit Lord's Supper? A. Our souls. Q. By what are our souls strengthened an refreshed ? A. By the body and blood of Christ. Q. In what manner are they strengthened an refreshed ? A. In the same manner as the body is b bread and wine. Q. What is required of them who come to the Lord Supper ? A. To examine themselves whether they repent the: truly of their former sins, steadfastly purposing to lea a new life, have a lively faith in God's mercy throug Christ, with a thankful remembrance of his death ; ac be in charity with all men. Q. What is the first thing to be examined I) them who come to the Lord's Supper? A. Whether they repent. Q. Of what are men to repent before they com: A. Their former sins. Q. How are they to repent of them ? A. Truly: that is, sincerely and in earnest. Q. What are they steadfastly to purpose ? A. To lead a new life. Q. What is the next thing to be examined ? A. Whether they have faith. Q. A. Q. A. Q. mercy A. Q. A. Christl Q. A. a. A. a. desire A. a. 1 thily ? A. ] m m cl are partaker if our souls b; lies are by tlv reshedin tlit gthened an St. ngthened an ; body is b le to the Lord ey repent the: rposing to les mercy throug is death ; at examined b |i'e they com: lin earnest, mrpose ? 29 Q. In what must they have faith ? A. In God's mercy, Q. What kind of faith must they havet A. A lively faith. Q. Through whom does this lively faith expect ilKercy ? A. Through Christ. Q. What is the next thing to be examined? A. Whether they have a remembrance of Christ's death. Q. What kind of remembrance must it be? A. A thankful remembrance. CI, Which is the n xt thing to be examined? A. Whether they oe in charity. ■IQ,. With whom must they be in charity, who desire to receive the sacrament worthily? ^A. With all men. CI. What do you mean by receiving it wor- thily? A. Receiving it in a proper spirit. ixami ined? c3 1: k I I] 1^ A MORNING PRAYER. j To be used daily by every Child at Home. "®'f Glory be to Thee, Lord, who hast preservet j me from the perils of the night past, who has p^j refreshed me with sleep, and raised me up agair /p^ to praise thy holy name. ^^^ I humbly worship Thee, O God, my heavenlj ^^^ Father, through Jesus Christ my Redeemer; ^r\(y^fy I again devote myself to Thee, desiring to servt j Thee faithfully this, and all the days of my life. ^[^ I was made thy child, and the disciple ofthj,^^,.^ Son Jesus Christ, by Baptism, and then receivei q^ the promise of thy Holy Spirit. Let that goo( Spirit thoroughly cleanse me from all the corrup tion of my nature. Help me to remember Thee, my Creator, ii the days of my youth. Preserve me from those errors and follies it "J® ^" which, by the frailty of my tender age, I am mos^""f ®^ exposed, and keep me from every great offence ^^J^cri Deliver me from the vanity of my own hear! ]J^"^ '^ and from the temptations of evil company. !(^ Incline my heart to all which is good, that I ma; |i be modest and humble, true and just, temperatJW^^' and diligent, respectful and obedient to my supe^^*^ "' riors ; that I may fear and love Thee above all^ '^'^'^ that I may love my neighbour as myself; and d f|t,He to every one as I would they should do unto merelatior Let thy good providence defend me this da^ t.He from all evil ; let the grace of Thy Holy Spiii^Jmd'' continually prevent and assist me. takkg bornxieE G'J 31 JR« Bless me, I pray Thee, in my learning ; and t Home ^®'P ^^ daily to increase in knowledge, and wis- dom, and all virtue, hast preservec j humbly beg thy blessing upon all our spiritual last, who has Pagtors and Masters, all my Relations and Friends, I me up agair (particularly* my Father and Mother, my Brothers and Sisters, and every one in this house.) Grant my heavenl; ta them whatsoever mav be good for them in this edeemer; anf||j*g^ ^^^ guide them to life everlasting, ssiring to serv( j humbly commit myself to Thee, Lord, in s of my life, ^jjg j,ame of Jesus Christ my Saviour, and in the disciple ofthj ^^rds which he Himself hath taught us: then receivet Our Father, &c. Let that goo( ill the corrup ^^ EVENING PRAYER. p ■ • To be used daily hy every Child at Home. G.oRY be to Thee, Lord, who hast preserved and follies li "™® ^^^ ^^^^ P^^^ » ^^^^ ^^^^ defended me from all 2e I am mos^^^ ^^'^^ ^^ which I am constantly exposed in this 'g^ Qg-gP(.g UrtCertain life; who hast continued my health; own heart ^^^ ^^^^ bestowed upon me all things necessary jnauv forlife and godliness. od that I ma' ^ humbly beseech Thee, heavenly Father, to r/lgj^ppj.2^{jpai?don whatsoever Thou hast seen amiss in me t to mv suoe^ ^^^'' ^" "^'^^ thoughts, words, or actions [par- [yself ; and d ^|^Here let the Child mention his or her particular do unto me relations. me this da t ^^^^ let the Child be instructed to confess and be- iT 1^ Qniri^*^^ ^^ particular any sin which may have been com- iioiy op mitt^d l3y. him or her in the day past; whether lying, taltkig God's name in vaic, stealing, quarreling, stub- borimess, or any other .sin. • ' 32 ^^iv Make me, Lord, thoroughly sensible of the great wickedness and corruption of my nature and the many errors of my life. Assist me, I pray Thee, in making it my con stant endeavour to resist and conquer every evi inclination within me, and every temptation fron without. Help me daily to increase in the knowledge and love of'J'hee, my God, and of my Lord anc Saviour Jesus Christ. Shew me the way in which I should walk whilst I am young, and grant that I may nevei depart from it. Bless to me, I pray, whatsoever good instruc- tions have been given me this day ; help me carefully to remember them, and duly lo improve them, that 1 may be ever growing in knowledge wisdom, and goodness. I huTibly beg thy blessing upon all our spiritua Pastors and Masters, all my Relations and Friends (Particularly* my Father and Mother, my Sister; and Brothers, and every one in this house.) Lei it please thee to guide us in this present life, ami to conduct us to Thy heavenly kingdom. I humbly commit my soul and body to Thj care this night, begging thy gracious protection and blessing, through Jesus Christ our only Lort and Saviour; in whose words I conclude my prayers : Our Father, &c. * Here let the Child mention his or her particular Relationi, A sho Loi Thee, help II ness, I holy n Jesus 1 Bli tunity Make hearer throng Ble use, ar Jesus Ac( Thyo by ou nsibJe of thf f my nature g it my con- ler every evi iptation fron le knowledge riy Lord anc should walk I may nevei good instruc- y; help me y to improve 1 knowledge our spiritua and Friends r, my Sister: louse.) Lei sent life, and )m. )ody to Thj protection Lir only Lort onclude m\ 33 A short Fray ER far Children when they first come into their seat at Church, Lord, I am now in Thy house ; accept I beseech Thee, me, and my services. Let Thy Holy Spirit help my infirmities, disposing my heart to serious- ness, attention, and devotion, to the honour of Thy holy name, and the benefit ofmy own soul, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Before they leave their seat at Church. Blessed be Thy name, OLord, for this oppor- tunity of attending Thee in Thy house and service. Make me, I pray Thee, a doer of Thy word, not a hearer only. Accept both me and my services, through Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Advocate. A Grace before Meat. Bless, Lord, these Thy good creatures to our use, and by them fit us for thy service, through Jesus Christ our Lord, A Grace after Meat. . Ace EPT our thanks, Lord, lor these, and all Ifhy other mercies, and may we show our gratitude Itir our lives, through Jesus Christ. er particular ROWSELL & ELLIS, PRINTERS, TORONTO.