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'' ?. t ' f :><.! /«.>'-> REMARKABLE Ci > I Revealed to W. Kussell, near Millbrook, Can- ada West, regarding the Second Coming of Christ, to take place not later than 1 8 7 1 / • In the immediate neighbourtopd of the Tillage of Millbrook, near Port Hope, in Canada West, there has resided upon his farm for more than forty years, Will- iam Kussell, a member in the Methodist church ; and who has maintained during that period, a most constant and exeniplary Christian walk and conversation. He has steadfastly practised the habit of continual commun- ion with God, usually spending in prayer a considerable part of the evenings, after cessation of his daily occupa- tions. He is 6G years of age in the present year 1864. Those wlio have read the biographies of Wesley, Fletcher, Carvosso, Bramwell, and other eminent pious perrcns, will be f.aniliar with instances in which God has given remarkable and e;eii miraculous revelations to his people in answer to prayer. Some very remarkable Divine nianifestations, of this character, have been revealed to Mr. Russell in reference to the glorious period of Christ's Milleunial Reign upon the earth. These unfoljdings, we think, will be interest- ing to all who believe, .that in these last dai/s we may expect incipieiiit ful^llmerits of J 90! 2:28. . , , ; , , R£MARKAltLi: The following is an alniont verbj'tim report of liis o^vn v.'ords, ill describiLg wliat he hii3 seen and heard iu ref- erence to this momentous subject. When Mr. 11 became convertodj he read and thoutrht ft great deal about the Proinises contained iw the Bible. ha\iug an ardent df&ire to know how they would be fulfilled ; yet, he gave tlie ? uVyect no sj>ccial ^raxfQi'ful attcTition until alter the year 1830. About that time, while one day walking out, and not at all thinking on the subject of Christ's coming or the Millennium, he heard the Lord say to him, " Come, and I will make of thee a nation!'^ On hearing thes-e words he began to think that if all others were to be cut off but himself, he would rather die with the rest ; and he earnestly prayed to God that He would save others as well as him. In answer to this he was told, that if he pHiyed for others, he would have to suffer , with them until the Deliverance came. After liaving consented to suffer along with others until the time of the deliverance, he heard a loud voice from heaven, say, ^^You have done right in rcgardiiy the good of others as well as your own I " \Note : — Mr. R , while speaking of the above words addressed to him, says, " According to the Divine few laid down, God can do nothing for us without being asked ; and I think- that He made this off^r to me know- ing that I would ask for the deliverance of others." ' For an example similar to this, see Exodus 32 : 10 ; Numbers 14: 11, 12, 15, where God threatened to de- stroy the Children of Israel, and to make of Moses a 1! it I*- :!■■ v:.b:oM8. !) great nation. And an to tlic^ Deliverance, he thinks it will take place about tlie commencement of the last 3J years of thin di.spensation, when God's chosen ones (that is, those who arc earnestly praying to God for this prom- ised deliverance, in oonnectiou with Christ's second com- ing) will be separated from the wicked, and taken to Jerusalem, in the Holy Land ; where they will escape the 3|^ years' Great Tribulation. See Rev. 3: 10; 12:14.] From this time he began to think more seriously on the .'object of the Millennium, greatly desiring to know ichen and by what means it would be ushered i;i. Therefore, to get information regarding this impoftant subject, he began by reading ail the books and comments that came within his reach having a bearing on tl *;' in- teresting question. But the authors whom he read, dif- fered so mucli in their opinions regarding Christ's Mil- lennial lielgn, that he found it impossible by this means to arrive at any definite conclusion, or to learn from any man. At last he thought that if the state of things in which we are now living, is superior to that of the by-gone Jewish dispensation, we ought to enjoy as much near- ness of communion with God as was possessed by them. And feeling satis^ed that the information whioh he de- sired, could not be acquired from man, he therelbre began to seek knowledge from Him who hath said, " If any man lick vAsdonty let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not ; " (James 1 : 5 ;) and the Loid began to t^doh by his spirit, but h 4 REHA&KAJiLh he was not satisSod with that, thiiikhvjj there vrc.s still room to df)Ui)t iVoiii wbonce this te'jchin<:c c'luuo; and he earnestly bo^=oiiuht (rod to mauirest l)is visildo prt'sonee, 80 that \w. uii^^lit hear the words iVoni jii^: own mouth, as lie spake face to face witiv jMo.-jos. In answer to this earnest and solemn r<'«|uest, the Lord visibly ;ij)])earcd ,to him, and lie heard tlje words IVom H'la own mouth. [^Xote. — Sonie ])eop]e, wlio are not well read hi the Scriptures, may prnbabiy o'»jei't to tliis \i. wr.s still ; and he 1 UJOUtl), ^r to this uj)poarcd mouth. ad in the .ssiire the Word of y mortal, glorious i'on and perhon a cs repre- followiiii' but that niel : for '•And an speak- thelSth 7/ of God, face: for ,110 itiaa Ve. ;For 14 '.14] liroti. 18 ; Willie one day ploiiuliinfr in the field, he was thinking on the 21st ch.'iptcr of Lukt', from the 25th verse, where Clnist def-crihcd to the Disi-iples the signs tliat were im- niediatdy to precede Ili.s tSeeond Coming ; but he could not understand what generation the Saviour meant, where he Hayr., '-litis i^nienrf.ion tAitiW not pass away, till all bo fnllilhid." Ami lie kneeled down, and asked the Lord to tell him plainly the meaning of tliis passage ; and he heard a lourc him with His justice, and Christ following with His e." Matt. 24: 37. It is the opinion of several distinguished prophetic ex- positors, that the character who is to be manifested as the personal Antichrist, — -and who is to play so eongpic- '^ous apart, during the awful Tribxdatiou of tho Lo^t VHI0V9. to make >, and a- is tfiken, til were mstouo. im that re iilied he final er. 80; ^5, 44 ; Dph. 1 : 7-10; 1, nth, peruse e rcf'cr- will be ;0 prove nglit in )revioiis conver- )lly un- ight by sitation Were las ! no. lIso the etie cx- sted as jongpic- Days, — will bo the present Emperor of France, Louis Napoleon; and who, aecovdinp: to Rev. 12: 17; 13: 5, 7 ; Dan. 7 : 25 ; 12 : 7, Is to wage a dreadful war, for SJ years, against the saints wJjo are left beliind at the first deliverance. But " whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy the with brightuess of His coming," 2 Thcss. 2 : 8.] At another time, whilst silently lifting up his heart in prayer to God, he saw heaven opened, and from it a briglit light shone down upon his head, and from above that lielit there came a voice sayuig, " YOU ARE ANOINTED THE SAME AS KING SAUL!'' At that time he did not think much about these words, nor did he understand their meaning. But some time afterward, the Lord gave him to understand that he is to fulfill in Palestine, in the Millennium, the same office that king JJavid fulfilled in past time ; and also request- ed him to make it known to the people. This request seemed to him an unbearable task, being fully conscious should he niake it known, he would immediately be re- garded as crazy; and he, consequently, begged of the Lord to make it known Himself; in answer to which He said, '' Not then, until I see fit .' " During his stay at a (J amp-meeting, he saw the Lord as in the act of reaching down to him a Shepherd's crook, and saying, " YOU ARE TO GO BEFORE MY PEOPLE. " This act, accompanied by these words, seemed to leave him almost powerless, he felt himself to be such a poor, miserable creature. But he was told to look to Christ for help. Aud the Lord stpoke to hiu M! 10 REMARKABLE again, saying ''YOU SHALL GO TO JFAIUSA- LEM; ANi) I WILL 8EN1) NONE AGAINST YOU, BUT SUCH AS I A3I DETEKxMINEl) TO CUT OFF ! " . It was shown him that the winding up of the present age will be a dreadful time <>/ troubU, connnoncing with a persecution against the people of God. But he was shown that all those wlio are living a holy life, and earn- estly praying for the Personal Coming and Keign of Christ upon the Earth, and are asking to '* be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come toj)asSy and to stand before the Son of Man."' (Luke 21 : 36,) will be preserved from that dreadful persecution, by being taken to the Holy Land immediately at its com- mencement. (See Rev. 12 : 13, 14.) Yet, still he waa told that they should not go altogether unpunished ; that they might have known more, had they looked to God instead of looking to one another. He, therefore, pray- ed that they might not suffer what he saw they would, and the Lord said, '- THEY WILL NEVER LOOK FOR THAT REDEMPTION WHICH IS OFFER- ED WITH LESS PUNISHMENT ! " (See Luke 21 : 28 ; Rom. 8 : 23 ; Ezek. 30 : 37.) But the voice add- ed, ^^As a Father pitieth his Children, so the Lord ^nt- ieth them that fear Ilim.^^ At the same tinie, he was told, that the Last Judgments will not be brought on vXi at once ; so as to give ].)ersons an opportunity of looking for that Deliverance. [^Notc. — This deliverance, in con- nection with the ^^Restitution of all things^' (Acts 3: 21,) has been spoken of by all the l*rophets; conse- .j(l««ljdy tjhose desiring a knowledge of what has been said vi>:ioNs. 11 JERUSA- LNEB TO he present moing with ut he was and earn- Keign of e accounted mie to pass f :e 21 : 86,) icution, by Eit ita com- till he was ished ; that ;ed to God efore, pray- hey would, Ul LOOK ^ OFFER. [} Luke 21 : voice add- ^ Loj'd j)it- iie, he was ught on vXi of looking Qco, in con- (Acts 3: ts ; conse- 3 been said sliould prayerFuliY !>tud y the Prophecies for themselves, as they are ahuust wholly ignored by the Ministry of the present day.] The Lord told him tliat the reason why He is going to separjite the Righteous from the wicked, is, that He is going to withdraw His Spirit and Protection from the earth ; and that it would be impossible for them to with- stand the temptations that are coming on the world ! He was also told that all who will not look for the Re- dcinption which is ojfetrd, w^ill certainly be cut off I [iVb/r. — It is also quite evident from Dan. 7 : 25 ; Rev. 12 : 17 ; 13 : 7, 15, that numbers of righteous peo- ple, who are now hostile to the Personal Reign of Christ, w ill be put to de.'ith during that aivfal hour of trial ; be- cause they will not look to the Saviour for deliverance. They say, It is auffic^'cnt if we prepare for death, and that death in the coming of Christ. Do you suppose, dear reader, that all the Children of Israel who were prepared for deaths — while passing through the Wilder- ness, — entered into the Promised Land? Did Moses, because he icas prepared for death, enter therein ? You answer no. Well then, just so will it be, in regard to the Last Great Deliverance, with all those who do not steadfastly exercise faith in the Promises of God ! ] It was told him that immediately before the Separa- tion takes place, God will pour out His Spirit upon His people, and that each one wdll then know their own sit- uation in the Millennium. But the Lord told him, that the Righteous will not be delivered until thty are ju9t I 12 REMARKABLE If. it sinking ; hecauHQ the}/ would n either inquire into these things, nor believe thorn tluit did ! lie had also a view of the Battle of Armageddon — an awful sight of bloodshed and horror! Thi« Battle, he was shown, will take place at the consumuiation of this Dispensation, when Gog, with liis whole confederacy, conies upon the Mountains of Israel, against the Right- eous or Wise Virgins. (See Ezek. 88.) Although he was not told, yet, he thinks that Christ, at this juncture, will appear upon the Earth to destroy Antichrist, at Ar- mageddon and introduce His Milhunial Reign. At another time, he was thinking how impossible it WQuld be for the Righteous who are poor, to go to Jeru- salera ; and he saw heaven opened, and had a view of God, who said with a loud and clear voice, ^'/ WILL SUPPLY ALL THEIR WANTS!'' These \vord» were followed with enchanting strains of heavenly music, such as no mortal can describe ! When these things were first shown to Mr. R , the Lord told him that he would not onlv live to hce the commencement of the Millennium, but would live a long time into it. ^Vnd he afterwards heard an anthem sang oviT while asleep, except the lust two words, which after he awoke were sung with heavenly music, descivibing his situation in the Millennium. Partoftl^e v/ords which they sang were these, ''^Yon shall go to that Happy Land, and shall have riches and etenial glory J^ He declines mentioning the rest. -" -^ The second time that he was assured of having to live so longy he could not help shrinking from it ; and hcj. heard a voice from heaven say, •'/< is all in mercy ! into these 'jgeddim — lis Battle, niiation of he Kio-ht- thouo'li he s juncture, ist, ut Ar- I. Possible it to Jeru- a view of 1 WILL ese worcl» Illy luusic, . K— , to hee the ive a loDi^ liem sang !iich after i'ibing his ds which t Ihxppy He j> aving to it ; and viiercy J Vi::f.U}NS. 13 All in mcrci/ f Throe times aficr this, he offered his life to the Jiord, i'il would only be the means of open- ini.^ tlie eyes of others, to see what he luul seen! and he au dn heard a voice fi-oui hea^Cll. nav to him, ''/ have proiiidi'.d somffhlitfj hfiUr f>r i/ luuikely in every respect. And while soleinuly thinking' upon tlio responsibility of such a pp- gitioii, he heard tiie Lord say, ''Tlum that honor Me. I will honor y lie, therefore, prayed to God, that if Ho called him to take that place.', He would prepare him, for it; and he heard a voice from hea\en say, ^^Amcn .'" Not U)ng ago, the Saviour told him that He was going to procule for that Helivcrance, and that Ho would pre- pare liim to take his place. ►Since that, ]}e told him that there wore some standing- in the way of the Millen- nium, and that He was going to remove them, out of the wav. Very lately, ho was shoAvii that the Lamb's Wi/e, nientiomid in the 19th chapter of llevGlation, represents those that are raised in the First Kesurrection, at the . commencoment of the Millennium ; and that these called to the Marriage Supper, are the 1 44,000 Wise Virgins, I li 14 REBIAIIK ABLS Ji'! I which stand with the hmnh on Mount, Zion, (chap. 14.) At a considerable time pi'evious to tliis, when so nuuiy people spoke against the 3lillenniiim, and a}i;aiust what Mr R htid seen and heard, he felt so niuch oppresj^- ed and grieved that he concluded to say notliing more in relerence to this subject. Shortly afterward a person cnnie to him, and asked some questions regarding the I\Iillernjium, but received no answer. And when again praying to the Lord for further information, he received the following answer : " What is the 'use of you pray'mcf to know wore, sinre you are not faithful in imparting the knowledge you already have f'^ He, thereibre, asked for another op- portunity, promising to answer the questions which he had before refused. Not long afterward the s ime pej'~ son requested his company to visit a sick neighbor; and while they were on their way the gentleman again asked the same questions, and received an answer to them. The same day, while returning home alone, Mr. R ■■• was surroiuided with a number of the spirits of the juat, and heard them talking one to another ; among them he recognized the voice of his deceased eldest sister. Dur- ing their conversation, one of them said to him, — refer- ring to the Millennium,— '^ WOULD YOU NOT LIKE THAT TIME TO BE HASTENED?" And he did wish for it with all his heart. He saw that they were far more earnestly longing for the period of Christ's Advent, than even the sainta upon the earth ; (See Re*'. 6: 0-11;) for until then they will not be clothed with their resurrection bodies, nor enjoy the full fruitioii of that eternal bliss prepared for them. He was Vi?Iu.\B. 1& haj). 14.) ti so lujuiy iiist what li opprest;- liiig' mure lud asked b received Lord lor r answer: o/v;, sin re ledge you lother op- which he s ime pea'- ibor; and ain !;skcd to them. k. K ■ tlie juat, ; theijQ he T. Dur- 11, — refer- [J NOT 3NED?" saw that period of 16 earth ; I not be ' the lull He was 80 ovcr^jowcrf'd with tlie srlvrj' of this vision, that lie knew not how ho had ji^ot home. He then saw what a glorious state tlie Milieiiniiim will be — that we shall then have comnuiuiou with heaven — that the "covering caht over »ll people, and the vail that is spread over all nation^*/* will then he removed, (Isai. 25 : 7,) — and that Cliri>jt will vhlhly dwell among His people, and be their God, and will wipe away all tears from their eyes. The next mornif>g after this, he heard a voice, — refer- ring to that Happy Age,— say, ''YOU SHALL BE FAR FROM OPPRESSION ! " Another voice said, '' THE HALF HATH NOT BEEN TOLD ! " At another time he saw a RAY of LIGHT from the Son of Righteousness, and from that light he saw that for a certain distance upward, the air was thronged with Wicked Spirits, accusing tJie Righteous before God; but beyond them there appeared one continued scene of LIGHT and GLORY ! He was shown that in the time of the Millennium, when the Devil is bound, (Re^'. 20: 2,) instead of the air being filled with wicked spirits, it will then be thronged with Angels, and the gloriiied Saints of the First Resurrection* He prayed, on another occasion, to be told whether the duration of the Millennium as mentioned in Rev. 2()th chapter, is to be a thousand literal or a thousand prophetic years; tlfat is 360,000 years. Although he did not hear an audible voice in answer to this request, yet, he felt an impression, while praying, that the state- ment in Scripture was too plain to need any explanation ; and he, therefore, inclines to the view, that the Millen- nium will last a thousand prophetic years. Because, r ;i 16 DUKATION OF TfiZ ilil.LKNNlUM. \ t otherwise, the rule of Satan over mankind would be six times longer than that of (vhrist, and hecauso it i.^ said of JERUSALEM and tlio JE\V\S, (Isai. (10: 15,) '•/ icill make thee an ETERS'AL exallcnnj, tt i■ I . i 4 " Hail to the bri'jhtnes.s of ZIon\s glad niorr.Ing ! Joy to the Lands that in darknesy have lain ! Ilush'd be the accents of sorrow and mourning; Jesus in triumph begins His mild Reign. " Hail to the brightness of Zion's glid niorning ! Long by the Prophets of Israel fort^toid ; Hail to the thousands from bondage returning; Gentiles and Jews, tlie aiad \ision behold. " Lo ! in the desert the rich il(jw'rs are springing, " :. Streams ever copious are gUdir:g along; Loud from the mountain-toj)s echoes are ringing ; : Wastes rise in verdure, ami mfngle in song. " See, from all lands — iroin the isles of the ocean, Praise to Jehovah ascending on high ! > Fali'n are the engines of war and commotion, . . . , Shouts of IlEDEMrTiON are rending the sky I " V t L. *J v't — .; V. • » t.J .. d be six t hi said 15,)'"/ . 20 : G ; ft' j>i rpet- lich point crease of of 7,000 lovo thun of reck- n g I ala ! ling; n 1. ngmg ; cean m. skyl".., t-.i..--» ^VllIiTi* OKTPOt) "^10 J;Uiii'k;'» ■ /:. '^r J .r' ;t^' ■li^ .? , t ■'AT> .fJ^fi;'' T>.' V f > . 5 ...l "^' if . / '^^ :-i S i J :ri .'/ } n ^ i^'U' .v4./i^ .•*^T 'ii*^ .i^-- J K i .. . / ,1 '■ w.};'*:'! , :'":' .*i.^ • ■ ■;! ♦i:K ^''A .h . nd ;8I Jyy, ; -5 , in t;:4;ihi 6d iliw J' ,i A ""^^ ,.!.J ./ t .jt/ JViiil ^ II ..¥1 :. II' I 'II THE ORDEK Oy COMING ITSN7S. W. R. Believos : — First. — Tluit there will be a perseoution u. gainst the Saints by the combined Roman Catholic World, hotd- od by the Last Infidel Antichrist; at the commencement of which the 8aint3 who love their Saviour's appkarino will be taken vc the Holy Land, about 3^ years before the Kud of this Dit;pen.s«k> tion: [Rev. xii. 14; iii. 10; Isai, xxvi. 20.] Secondly. — Thai at the end of that jjcriod all nations will be gathered againnt Jeru- salem to battle ; [Zech. xiv. 2 ;] when Antichrist will sit in th* Temple at Jerusalem, [Matt, xj^vt. 15 ; 2 Thcbs. ii. 4,] just l)cfort the Battle of Armageddon. — That about that time the LiviiiL- Saints will be caught up into the air (but not made immortal) meet Christ coming with the Resurrected Saints, [1 Thcss. i\. 17,] just before the Last Great Earthquake takes place; [Ra. xvi. 18; Isai. ii. 19; Matt. xxiv. 29-31;] after which they wi)i t. u> .] Thirdly. there will be a thousand years of l^lessedneas upon this Karth, u\ the commencement of which the Ci^ and Temple of Jerusalcin will be rebuilt in great splend6r — [Isai. Ix., Ezek. latter part] — ^that the Mortal Saints will inorease and live to a very great agn^, [Isai. Ixv. 22,] and die without bodily suffering — that the Raiscti or Immortal Saints will Reign with Christ as Kings and Priest r over the Mortal Saints : [Rev. v 10 ; xx. C] Fourthly, — Thtt at the end of the Millennium Satan will be loosed, followed by th^* gathering of Gog and Magog to battle : [Rev. xx. 8 :] — That th^ Living Saints will be Changed to be Immortal: [1 Cor. xv. 51, 52.] — That the Heavens and Earth will pa^rs away, and he fol- lowed by the Final Judgmenlj — the New Heavens and New Earth — the New Jerusalam — no more death; followed by BternM.1 Agtv. See Rev. xx. 11, 12, 13; xxi. 1, 2, 4. (TO. persecution u* World, hotd ment of which III bo taken vc this DispensK- \co7idljf.^Th8,\ ' Jen* will sit. in th«- 4,] ju8t bcfort ne the Livii^L- i immortal) ui [1 ThC5«. U. 5 place ; [11 \ . hich they wiij :ed: [Judc li. will t)e bound. this Earth, m of Jenisalciri c. latter purt] irery great agt , | ^at the Raised i js and PricBtr Mr