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Un des symboles suivants apparaftra sur la dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon Ie ces: Ie symbols «»• signifie "A SUIVRE", Ie ' symbols ▼ signifie "FIN". Meps, plates, cherts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely Included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames es required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les certes, pisnches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmAs A des taux de rAduction diff Arents. Lorsque Iq document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul cllchA, 11 est filmA A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de geuche A droite, et de haut en Ims, en prenent Ie nombre d'imeges nAcessaire. Les diegremmes suivants lllustrent la mAthode. 1 t 3 t t 1 4 • • ' * i^ 4 7-\A/ i) A^ BY-LAWS OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT, PASSED IN THE FIRST AND SECOND SESSIONS OF TBE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, OF THE WSSTXSRN DXBTRXCT. JOHN DOLSEN, ESQUIRE, WARDEN. PRINTED EY OP.DEn 0:r TilC COUXCH.. C H A T [f A F: VUL-JL.S tt. t/ ..! .1 ■„■'., .•.,('■ t 1«42. L F/oz'b . \ . / 1: ^%A;i\fJi> ■' r.:7> ■i .y BY-LAWS OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT, PASSED IX THE FIRST SESSION OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT. John Dolsen, Esq. Warden, >; ::!;; ; ^ CHAPTER 1. '. ^ A By-Law establishing a uniform mode of ajjplicationfor the alteration of old, and opening new Roads. [Passed 14th February, 1842.J Whkreas it is expedient that some certain method should bo fixed by law, in which applications should be made, for amend- ing and opening Roads in this District. Be it enacted by the Warden iinJ Councillors of the Western District in Council assembled by virtue oi an Act of the Pro- vince of Canada, cntituled *'An Act to provide for the better internal government of that part of this Province which for- merly constituted the Province of Upper Canada, by the estab- lishment of local Municipal Authorities therein."' I. That from and after the passing of this By-Law thatbcfore any application for amending or opening any road in this Dis- trict, it shall be necessary that a requisition shall firstbe made to the Surveyor of Highways in and for this District, by ai least twelve inhabitant householders of the township, through which said road is mtendcd to pass, to survey and report thereon to the Council ; and said surveyor shall affix a public notice of the same in two or more conspicuous places of said township, at least fourteen days previous to the then next meeting of the Council, requiring all persons having objections to the said Intended road, to oppose the sami at the next quarterly meeting of the Municipal Council for this District, when th« 4 First Session. — Chap. II. — February, 1842.' said application shall be made, in order that the said Council may have full informalion thereof. II. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that notwith- standing no opposition sliall be made to the said intended road, that the said Council shall not only have full power and autlior- ity either to enter into farther examination of the necessity for said road, before any enactment coni-cniing the same sliall be passed, but shall have full power to direct such further pelilion, examination and report to be made to the said Council, by such person or persons as shall be by the said Council directed. III. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said Council shall have full power to cause an estimate to be made of the compensation necessary to be made (if any), to the person or persons through whose land the said road shall pass ; and receive such evidence of the same, as shall be deemed ne- cessary ; and at the same time such land shall be so estimated, take into mature consideration how much such person or per- sons shall be benefitted or injured by such road: and by a By- Law make such allowance or compensation as shall bo consider- ed just ; to be raised, levied and paid in the same manner as other appropriations made by the said Council. IV. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all Reports of the surveyors of roads on such requisition as afore* said, shall by said surveyors of loads, be transmitted to tho surveyor of the District, to be by him laid before the Council at the then next meeting thereof. CHAPTER II. [Faesed 14th February, 1842.] Be it enacted by thy Warden and Councillors of the Western District in Council assembled by virtue of, and under the author- ity of an Act of the Province of Canada, entituled, *'An Act to provido for the better internal government of that part of this Province which formerly constituted the Province of Upper Canada, by the establishment of local Municipal Authorities therein,'* I. That from and after the passing of this By-Law, that the Warden of the District be authorized to issue his warrant in favor of Ihe Township Clerk of the several Townships, for tha I First Session— Chap. III. — February, 1842. louncil itwith- 1 road, [\ulhor- ity for iluill be ciition, )y such ;d. hat the e to be , to the il pass ; ned ne- limated, or per- y a By- ansider- inncr as that all ,s afore- d to the ouncil at ,1842.] Western 3 author- in Act to rt of this Upper uihorities that the arrant in 8, for tho several amounts paid into the Treasury for taxes of non-resi- dents, in order that the several Townships may have the benefit of the same, according to the law now in force, respecting tho same, and that tho (JoLuicillors for the respective Townships shall be advised with m the disposition of the same, by tho per- son or persons having aright to direct and lay out the same ; which said sums shall be accounted for as directed by law in that behalf. II. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all mon- ies now (or hereafter to be) in the hands of the Township Clerks (or fines, under tho trespass acts, shall be subject to the same authority and disposition as is mentioned in the ptecedmg clause of this By-Law. CHAPTER III. A By-Law to provide for the current expenses of the year 1842, and to provide for certain matters therein contained, connec-- ted therewith. [Passed 14lh February, 1842.] Whereas it is expedient that a sufficient sum should bo raised in tho Western District, to meet the current expenses for tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. Be it enacted by the Warden and Councillors of the Western District, in Council assembled by virtue of, and under tiie au- thority of an actenlituled, *'An Act to provide for tho better in- ternal government of that part of this Province which formerly constituted the Province of Upr r Canada, by the establishment of local Municipal Authorities uv rein. I. That for the year 1842, there be by assessment raised and levied and collected from and upon all property liable to be as- sessed by law in the Western District, both landed and other- wise, in the following proportion, that is to say, on all lands in lieu of all taxes already by law imposed on lands as aforesaid, tho sum of one half penny per acre, and on all other property liable to bo assessed as aforesaid, in lieu of the taxes now im- posed on the same, the sum of one penny in the pound, in th» First Sestion— Chap. III. — Februry, 1842. '■i \i t I ordinary manner provided by law, to defray the current expen- ses of the said District for the year aforesaid, making the ag- gregate sum of one thousand eight hundred and ten pounds, three shillings, and eight pence, to be apportioned in the follow- ing manner, that is to say : — First. — The sum of tkvo hundred and eighty seven pounds, fourteen shillings and six pence, for the expenses of levying, collecting and managing the rates and taxes imposed in this Dis- trict, being the first charge imposed by law on the District fundu, that is to say — For assessors, average 6 J per cent. -- v ,; : on the rates collected in 1841, . t , i at one penny in the pound, ' - £76 1 For collectors average Ih per cent. on the rates collected in 1841, at one penny in the pound, For estimated loss by absentees, and on an average of 3 per cent.. For Clerk of the Peace for making up assessment rolls and other da« ties connected therewith., 87 15 11 35 2 4 88 14 6 £287 14 10 Second. — The sum of seven hundred and fifty three pounds, nineteen shillings and (wo pence, for the cxpcnccs connected with the administration of justice, under the following h.eads : Sheriff, Clerk of the Peace, Coroners, Gaoler, Surgeon of the District Gaol, and other officer or person, for ihe care and sup- port and keeping prisoners, repairing Court Mouse, and other purposes first mentioned, being the second charge imposed by law on the District funds. For Sheriff* including the expenses of the gaol and prisoners, aver- ago, je225 For Clerk of the Peace. 118 19 2 For forwarding felons to the peni- tentiary at an usual average. 100 For Coroners on an average per annum. 60 eutexpen- ng the ag- 1 pounds, he tbllow- jn pounds, )f levying, in this Dis- rict funda, ;287 14 10 ree pounds, i connected ing heads : weon of the re and sup- , and other imposed by ; ■< First SeiaioQ— Chap. III. — February, IBit. For constables. 100 For gaolers salary and allowance, per annum. 80 For turnkey for occasional services per annum. For medical attendance on the gaol. For crier and messenger of the court per annum. 12 10 For average expenses of repairs to gaol, and court house. 25 20 12 10 Je763 19 S Fourth. — The sum of three hundred and ninety-eight pounds and ten shillings for all sums now payable out of the funds of the District, for any public purpose whatsoever other than those above mentioned, and not within the scope of the powert of the District Council, being the fourth charge imposed by law on the District funds : . For the Treasurer's per centago, calculated on the sum raised in 1841, by tho rate of one penny in the pound ; and post office account, For township clerks, 26 in num- ber, at £4 each per annum, 104 00 For surveyors of highways, cal- culated at an ahnual average, 40 00 For bounty on the destruction of wolves, calculated on amount paid in 1841, 194 10 J6398 10 £60 00 Fifth. — The sum of three hundred and seventy pounds, for the following sums and expenses directed by this By-Law in the following order, being the fifth charge imposed on the Dis- trict funds, and included in the above aggregate sum first mentioned : For two Auditors, at £A0 each per annum, £80 00 For Clerk of District Council, per annum. 100 00 First Setvion— Chap. lil.— February, 184t. r , [ I i For Messenger, For stationary, estimated at For printing and postage, For repairs, wood, candles, and seal. For internal improvements and contingencies, 12 10 25 00 40 00 12 10 100 00 £370 00 II. And bo it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the salaries of all District officers, and all sums 1o bo paid unJer the authority of the Council, except where otherwise provided for, shall be paid and payable under the warrant of the War- den half yearly on the thirtieth day of June, and the thirty- first day of December in each year ; and that the said several warrants shall be acquitted by the said officers, and others re- ceiving the same by giving duplicate receipts, one of which to be lodged with the Treasurer of the District, and the other to be lodged in tho Auditor's office, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned. III. And be it enacted by tho authority aforesaid, that the better to enable the Auditors of the District to audit the ac- counts of the same, it shall be absolutely necessary for all public officers, and others, paying monies into the treasury to receive duplicate receipts for the same, one of which every person so paying monies as aforesaid into the treasury, shall keep himself, and shall lodge the other with the Auditors of the District, after which he shall bo deemed to be fully dia^- chargfcd. IV. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that any balance remaining in the hands of the Treasurer from the taxes heretofore, now, or hereafter to be raised in this District, by virtue of this or any other act, by-law or ordinance, shall be accounted for in a regular manner, and carried into the ac- count of the following year, to the credit of the District V. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that if it shall so happen that the whole sum provided for by this By-Law or any other act of the Province of Canada heretofore made for the current expenses of this District, shall fall short of the same in this present year, that the deficiency shall be made up in the ensuing year, in the usual manner, under the usual headf, tind in the order required by the law as it now stands. \ \ First Session — Chap. IV. — February, 1842. 9 I 00 [hat the id under )rovided le War- ) thirty- several Lhers re- which to other to reinafter that the t the ac- y for all iasury to h every ry, Bhall iditors of ully dis- lat any ie taxes jtrict, by shall bo the ac- ict that if it By-Law )re made rt of the made vp \ heads, I j CHAPTER IV. A By-Law to enable Thomas Park, and others to receive and expend certain monies therein mentioned. [Passed 14lh February, 1842.] Whereas the sum of fifty pounds was ordered by the Quar- ter Sessions, for the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and forty, to be raised by assessment in the town of Am- hcrstburg, intended to be expended by the persons hereinafter mentioned, which sum was raised and paid over to the treasidrer, but the names of the said persons were omitted to be inserted in said order of Quarter Sessions, by means of which liie said sum remains unexpended in the hands of the treasurer. Bo it enacted by the Warden and Councillors of the Western District in Council assembled by virtue of and under the au- thority of an act of the Province of Canada, enfituled *'An Act to provide for the better internal government of tliat part of this Province which formorly constituted tlio Province of Upper Canada, by the establshment of local Municipal Authorities therein. I. That Thomas Park, ThomnsPaxfon, and Peter Taylor, of Amhersthurg, Gentlemen, be Commissioners for expending the said sum of J&50 ; and that the Warden shall issue his warrant to the treasurer in favor of the said Commissioners, who shall give duplicate receipts for the same, one to the treasurer, and the other to the auditors, and the same shall be accounted for in the usual manner. • \ ■ i. ( -*r /= ' .^ 'r BY-LAWS ' OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT, PASSED IN THE SECOND SESSION OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE WESTERN ^ ^ DISTRICT. John Dolsen, E^q., Warden. CHAPTER I. h. By-Law to enable District Officers to receive their salaries quarterly instead of half-yearly. [Passed 14lh M.iy, 1842.] Be it enacted by the Warden and Councillors of tho West- ern District in Council assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act of the Province of Canada, cntilulcd, "An Act to provide for tho better internal government of ihut part of this Province which formerly constituted the Province of Upper Canoda, by the establishment of local Municiiml Au- thorities therein." I. That the salaries and allowances of all public odicers nna persons cmploye.l within this District, bo paid and payable quarterly in each vcar, on tKo warrant of tho VVardcn ol tho same, on tho last day of March, tho last day of June, tho lust dav of September, and the last day of December, respectively —being first examined, puditcd and allowed by tho Auditors of this District : and the suid warrants, on payment, be acquit- ted by duplicate receipts, m the usual manner as provided for by a former By-Law of this Council. •^ ^ JOHN DOLSEN, Wardem John Cowan, Clerk of the Council, 12 {Second Session — Chap. II. — May, 194*. ill i ! 1f ''0 V: V I.| CHAPTER II. A By-Law to invest the Councillors of the respective Totonships with certain powers relative to Statute Labor , Sfc. [FftBsed 14th May, 1842] Whereas it is expedient that all matters connected with statute labor in this District and the expenditure of monies in any manner provided for the samei shall be eflectually provided for as is hereinafter mentioned. Be it enrcted by the Warden and Councillors of the Western District in Council assembled by virtue of, and under the autho- rity of an Act of the Province of Canada entltuled, "An Act to provide for the belter internal government of that part of this Province which formerly constituted the Province of Upper Canada, by the establishment of local Municipal Authorities therein." I. That the Municipal Councillor now or hereafter represent- ing any township, reputed township or place, shall be and is hereby authorized to superintend, oversee and direct within the township, reputed township or place for which he is Councillor, all matters heretofore under the direction of the Justices within the same, and which now are or hereafter may be placed under the supervision of any person or persons respecting all roads* streets, bridges, and all matters and things connected therewith : whether for the performance of statute labor, or the expendi- ture of any monies which may, by any law, be appropriated for that purpose, subject to the provisions hereinafter mentioned. H. And be it enacted, that all pathmasters in this District do on or before the first day of October in each and every year hereafter, make a clear return or list of labor laid out and expended in each Division, together with a return of all monies expended by them, duly signed and sworn to before a magis- trate ; which return they shall file with the Township Clerk on or before the time aforesaid. III. And be it enacted, that in the said return the said path- masters shall make a just, true and clear distinction between all those persons who do, and all those persons who do not. Second Session — Chap. II. — May, 1842. 18 well arid truly perform their statute labor in a faithful and suffi- cient manner. IV. And be it enacted, that the said Township Clerks shall and do on or before the first day of November in each and every year hereafter, make a true, sufficient and clear return, duly signed by them, to the Councillor for their townships, reputed townships or places, embodying all the returns furnished by the said pathmasters : which return shall contain all monies received by the said Township Clerk from magistrates for fines, or from any other source whatever. V. And be it enacted, that each Councillor for each township, reputed township or place, shall and do make a correct and clear aggregate return to the Council on the last quarterly sitting of the Council in each and every year. VI. And be it enacted that any person or persons not com- plying with the provisions of this By-Law at the times and in the manner herein required shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than five nor more than twenty shillings currency, for each and every such default, to bo recovered according to the pro- visions of the township officers' Act ; and when recovered, shall be paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the District, to be applied to the use of the township to which the officers so forfeiting such sum belongs — to be expended under the super- intendance of such persons as may be appointed for that pur- pose by any By-Law now made or hereafter to be made. JOHN DOLSEN, Warden, John Cowan, ^lerk of the Council, I 14 Second Session.— Chap. Ill — May, 1842 CHAPTER III. ■i M i ? M A By-Law toprov/demeanstn finish the public Wharf at Sand' wich, and fur other purposes. [Passed 14lh May, 1842.] Whereas it is nccossary to assess tlio town of Sandwich tocon)plc'te the Public Wharf, whicli is much wanted, and pay the balance duo on the Hay^.scales, and a balance due on the old Wharf. Be it enacted by the Warden and Councillors of the Western District in Council assembled by virtue of and under the au- thority of an Act of the Province of Canada, entituled, *'An Act to provide for the belter internal government of that part of this Province which formerly consiituted the Province of Upper Canada, by the establishment of local Municipal Autho- rities therein." I. That the said inhabitants of the town of Sandwich be assessed according to tho provisions of any law or by-law now or hareafter to be made, for tin; sum of ono liuiidied and seventeen pounds currency, over all expences of collecting, in the following manner and proporlion, thai is to say : during tho present year of ojr Lord one tliouaand eight luindrod and forty-two, the sum of fil'ty-scvcn pounds, to rc|)ay John Prince, Esq., for an advance of tiuU amounf to purchase and put up hay-scales in tho said town ; and tho sum of five pounds to provide for the payment of the balance duo on the old wharf of the said town; and that the same, when collected according to the provisions of said law or by-law, shall l^o paid over to Henry S. Paxlon, John Morrow and Joseph Provoncher, all of Sandwich. IL And be it further enacted by the anthorlty aforesaid, that the further sum of forty-fi»e poutrfs, for completing tac public wharf, be raised in like manner, and placed in the same hands for the same purposes, and accounted for in tho same manner, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty- three, being the balance required for the services aforesaid. in. That the said Henry S. Paxton, John Morrow and Joseph # Second Session — Chap. III. — May, 1842. IS at Sand' , 1842.] andvvich and pay on tho old Western iv the au- Ued, *'An ihat part rovincc of >al Aulho- % Provoncher, commissioners for expending the said sums, shall, so soon as the same shall bo expended under an account to tho Council, through the Auditors, of all such expenditures — pro- ducing the requisite vouchors in the ordinary manner. IV. That the said hay-scales, and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, be annually or for a term of years put up to the highest bidder, who shall receive all foes due for the use of ihe said hay-scales ; and that such persons shall receive a lease fro;n the Councillors of the township, and Police Ma- gistrates of the town. V. That the letting and leasing of tho same shall be under the superintendanco of the Councillors for the township and Police Magistrates of Sandwich, who shall pay over the amount of rents annually received therefor to the Treasurer, of the District, for the general uses of the said town of Sand- wich, and particularly for the keeping in repair the said hay- scales, if wanted. JOHN DOL.SEN, Warden, John Cowan, Clerk of ihe Council. idwich be y-law now ndicd and Icctiiig, in y : during ndrod and liu Prince, iiid put up poundsr to old wharf according id over to )nchcr, all osaid, that tne public ame hands o manner, and forty- resaid. ind Joseph CHAPTER IV. A By-Law to authorize the Inhabitants of the town of Amherst' iurg to be assessed to provide for the balance required to pay certain sums mentioned therein, [Passed 14th May, 1848.] Wherfas an assessment was heretofore intended to be raised and levied on the Inhabitants of the town of Amherstburg, for tho purpose of building a iMarkct-House, providing weigh- scales and other matters mentioned in the order on that subject, in the said town, equal to the sum of two hundred pounds, at tho rate of one hundred pounds in each year, until the said sum should be fully paid. And whereas the sum of fifty pounds only was authorised in each year to be so raised by the Jua* tick's in Quarter Sessions, under the provisions of the then law. I" f HI I i 10 Second Session — Chap IV. — May, 1842. hi I ! . 1 ! \^'^ I Be it enacted by the Warden and Councillors of the West- ern District, in Council assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act of the province of Canada, entitled **An Act to provide for the better internal government of that part of this Province which formerly constituted the Province of Upper Canada, by the establishment of local Municipal Autho- rities therein.'' I. That the said inhabitants of the town of Amherstburg be assessed according to the provisions of any law or By-Law, now or hereafter to be made, for the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and forty-two, the sum of one hundred pounds province currency, over and above all expenses of collection ; and that the sum when collected according to tho provisions of such law or by-law, shall be paid over to Thomas Paxton, Thomas Park and Peter Taylor, Esquires, Commis- sioners for expending the same. II. And that the farther sum of fifty-five pounds be raised and levied in like manner and placed in the same hands, and accounted for in the same manner, through tho auditors in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, being the balance required for the services above specified. III. That the said Thomas Paxton, Thomas Park and Peter Taylor, Esquires, the aforesaid Commissioners, shall so soon as the said monies shall be expended, render an account to the the Council, through the auditors of such expenditures, provid- ing the requisite vouchers in the ordinary manner. JOHN DOLSEN, Warden, John Cowan, Clerk of the Council. m\ !\ I he West- under the tied "An that part ovince of al Autho- rstburg be By-Law, one thou- 3 hundred pcnses of ng to the o Thomas Commis- be raised lands, and tors in the )rly-thrce, ecified. and Peter ill so soon ount to the 2B, provid- ^arden. Second Session— Chap. V.— May, 1842. 17 I CHAPTER V. A By-Law lo place the assessing and collecting of Rates under the control of the Council. fPassed 16th May, 1842.] Whereas under and by virtue of the authority contained in the act commonly called the Municipal Council Act, of thi$i province, power is given to make By-Laws, for raising, assess- ing, levying and appropriating such monies as may be re- quired for the purpose of carrying into effect, all or any of the objects for which the Distrlrt Councils were instituted* and for the collection of and accounting for all lolis. ratp« nnd aesaea- ments, imposed or raised nndci ihe authority of such District Council, and of the revenues belonging to Districts respectively. And whereas it is necessary for the purposes aforesaid, that the assessment and collecting rolls, being documents used for the raising, assessing, collecting, appropriating and accounting for the revenues of the Western District, should be under tho direct control of the District Council, to ensure their correcN ness, and secure their return from the hands of the township officers for the future, within the convenient and proper periods. Be it therefore enacted by the Warden and Councillors of the Western District in Council assembled by virtue of and under the authority of An Act of the Provino© of Canada, entituled, "An Act to provide for tho better internal government of that part of this Province which formerly constituted tho Province of Upper Canada, by tho establishment of local Municipal Authorities therein." L That from and after the passing of this By-Law any per- son chosen as assessor in any township, reputed township or place in the said Western District, according to the provisions of the now existing or any hereafter to be made law in that behalf, shall return a duplicate original of the assessment lists, or rolls, thereby directed to bo made, to the District Clerk, to be laid before tho Council of the said District at the usual periods, and that they shall receive for the same the amount now allowed by the Provincial Statute, upon the amount of the 3 # r I!. 1 III I'.:- Ml IP 18 Second Session — Chap V. — May, 1842. t; I jj; i I ill /If said assessment roll or list, provided nevertheless that the fur- nishing the same to thy Clerk of the District Council shall not dispense with the necessity of furnishing the Clerk of the Peace as heretofore with a duplicate original of the same, also according to law, in order that he may make up the Jury lists necessary for the administration of justice, and for the other purposes for which they may be required in his office. Nor do away with the necessity of putting up a copy of the same in some conspicuous place in the township as heretofore required by law, and that the said assessor shall be allowed the sum of seven shillings and six pence currency for any number of names, not to exceed one hundred, on such list, and two shih lings and six pence currency, if exceeding one and not over two hundred, and so on in proportion, for such third and extra copy. II. And bo it onantpd that wheu ilic said District Council shall have by ciny By.T.aw, directed any rate, toll, or assess- ment for the purpose of defraying ihc cAponaes of said District, to be levied to or for any police or corporate Town or City, now or hereafter to be erected in the said District, it shall and may be lawful for the District Clerk having received such as- sessment lists or rolls as aforesaid, under the direction and supervision of the Warden, to divide and appropriate the same upon each and every person in the said assessment lists or rate rolls named, being liable to pay rates, according to their ratea- ble property real and personal, in accordance with any law of this Province, now or hereafter to be made for that purpose ; and having ascertained the quota, dividend or sum of money for which every person la oo nssessed for the current year, the District Clerk shall transmit forthwiih u certified copy of such assessment roll so rated and ascertained as aforesaid to each and every collector within the District ; and such certified copy shall bo to each and every collector sufficient authority for collecting the proportions or dividends within their respective townships : Provided always, that as to the said police or corpo- rate towns as aforesaid, that in order to carry suoh assessment into effect, when the improvement of the same may be required according to law, that it shall be the duty of the District Clerk to select from the general assessment of the said District, a list or assessment of the rateable property that each person has, or owns or possesses in the said towns respectively, ready to b% laid before the Council in each year. Stcood Session— Chap. V. — May, 184t. 10 the fur- Mi shall : of the ne, also iry lists tie other Nor do ame in required ; sum of mber of vo shil" lOt over nd extra Council r assess - District, or City, shall and such as- 2tion and the same ts or rate eir ratea- ny law of purpose ; of money year, the y of such id to each ified copy lority for respective ! or corpo- ssessment e required rict Clerk rict, a lilt irson hafl, aady to b% HI. And be it enacted, that the District Clerk shall hereafter extend the collection rolls in all cases, the same having heru- tofore been done by order of the justices, as the collectors were not generally found capable of so doing with sufficient correctness. IV. And be it enacted, that the said District Clerk shall hereafter furnish the Statute Labor lists to the persons legally requiring them, at such periods as ar« now required by law. V". And be it enacted, that tiie sums heretofore paid annually for extending the collection rolls and furnishing the Statuto Labor lists shall be no longer paid, the said duty being per-* formed by the officer of the Council. YL And be it enaced that ad sums to be paid under this By- Law, shall be first audited and paid by the Treasurer on the Warden's warrant, and acquitted in the manner required by th» laws of the District. JOHN DOLSEN, Warden. John Cowan, Clerk of the Council,