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RE-PHlNtED BT JOHN RVSSEL^^ OCTOBER, I79<5- ' 0'* '/ , 1» I I •*k <* 1 <" ""Of THE LIFE AND RE ATI! of Mrs. SCOTT. 1 IT is generally allowed, tliat few things have a great- er influence in convincing thofj who know not God, of the excellency, beauty, and nccedity of in- ward Religion •, or of exciting feeble believers to a more fteady, a •i* ■T"^ Tf:e Ufe and Death of Mrs. .Scott. • S to which file confcntecl. Prcfcntlv after her former religious imprellions revived, attcndjd with remcrfe and f'ilf-coiidemnatlon. She faw, and felt herfclf a guilty criminal ; the remembrance of her baekllidings became intolerable \ (he loathed lin \ — ^^abhored lier- felf on accouut of it ; — and v/as confeious, that without the grace of Chrift, Ihe could do nothing plrafing to God. Shame covered her face ; flie con- fefl'ed her vile ingratitude, and humbled herfelf under the mightv hand of God. Now her gr:ind enquiry was, not, "What Ihall I eat ? "What ftiail I drink ? or, whcrewithall flialf I be cloathed ? But " V/hat fliall I do to be faved ? H'ow fliall I efeape the wrath to come r" Every thing elfe appeared vain, and empty. "How can I take comfort in any thing, faid ihe, while my fins are unpardpned, and my foul at enmity with God ! No : I will not ! I cannot reft, until I find comfort through the fprinkling of the blood of Jefus !" Her dlfbefs increafing every day, convhic* cd her more deeply of the oppofition in her nature, to the Will and Law of God. She faw that her very prayers and duties had need of forgivnefs \ and that there was no other Name given und:r heaven where- by ilie could be faved, but that of J f. sus. being driv- en from every refuge, and ready to fink into difpair, ihe threw herfelf into the arms of the Redeemer, With, ^^ ]f I pcri/Jjy I p.^ri/Jj /" And was faved by Grace. The glorious Hght of hcaveii illuminated lier mmd, — guilty fears vaniihed av/ay, and the kingdom of God took place in her lieart. The diilrefi flie felt before dehverance, was fo extreme, that, when the Lord was plcafed to manifeil his goodnefs, and reveal his Son to her, {he was fo overpowered with divine love, that, whether flie was in the body, or out of the body, Ihe could hardly tell. Lideed, the exceeding a- bundance of joy did not continue long, but however, it left a peaceful and holy lerenity upon her fpirit. A 2 ^ 5 4 '\ \kl 6 Ihe Life and Death of Mrs. Scott. Being jiiftificd by faith, flie had peace with God. Tlie ff !?^^ ?M ^"' ^""^^ ^"^okiiYi, and fhc entered into .the blelTcd hberty of the Gofpel. Her Faith was not a cold notion in the head, or a bare aflc-iit of the underflanding to the truths of the 13iblc ; but a divine and living principle in the heart, wrought by the power of the Holy Spirit : It was the evidence of things not feen, and the fubllance of things hoped for : It penetrated heaven ; looked through the curtain of the ikies ; and beheld him who js invifible, and the centre of all perfedion and hap- pinefs; even Jefus, God over all, bleiled for ever. Iromhimihe derived couftant fupplies of wifdom and Itrength, peace and comfort. Faith worketh by love 5 This was eminently fo in her : The love of God was flied abroad in her heart ; her defires were habitually turned towards him, as her only choice and portion. Many times did flio cry out with the Pfalmift, "Whom have I in Heaven, but thee ? And there is none in all the earth, that I de- fire befide thee !" Her foul delighted in the Lord, and rejoiced in the God of her falvation. She could not reft without a fenfe of his favour ! If he did but hid*=^ his face, flie was troubled, and mourned and wept, until he fmiled again. His Will was the rule of her life ; and the example of Jefus, the copy which fhe imitated. Her thirft for holinefs was intenfe ; fome- times to that degree that it well nigh overpowered her body. She could not bear the thought, that any un- holy temper, lliould remain in her foul. Perhaps few • perfons ever felt a greater abhorrence to fin : She was thoroughly convinced of its remains, and refo- • lutely refolved to obtain through Chrift, its utter de- ftrudion. From the Bible fhe learned, that there is no work, or device in the grave ; that death cannot deftroy fin ; that the Blood and Spirit of Chrift alone can r(X>t out the carnal mind : that God hath promif- ed to fauftify his faithful people tJiroughout, foul, bo- -, . i ■-^ The Life and Death of Mi's, Scott. 7 dy, and fpirlt. All this (he ftedfaflly believed, and importunately fought. The expedtation of experi- encing this blefling, animated her in the path of obe- dience, and drew forth her whole heart, in faith and love. It wa5 no uncommon thing to be on her knees wreftling with God in prayer, in behalf of herfelf, her friends, and the church of God, for two or three liours, after the family were loll in filent flumbers^ Here it was, that her divine Mailer, in a particular manner manifefted the fecrets of his love, and poured out thofe uncommon confolations, with which flie was fo highly favoured. Frequently did her hulband rife from his bed, after having flept fomc time, and liflen to what paffed between God and her, in the next room Sometimes fhe was bathed in a flood of tears, wreilling in all the agony of prayer, until her flrength was nearly exhaulted : at other times flic was loft in wonder, love, and praife, at the light of the goodnefs of God. As this was the manner in which ffie often fpent great part of the night : we need not wonder, if we find her affedions flowing after her beloved Lord, through the day. She wiflied to think, and fpeak of nothing, but what, fome way or other, led to Jcfus. "I want," faid fhe, "I want whatever I do, whether I eat or drink, to do all to the glory of God." In or- der to this, fhe endeavoured to maintain a fpirit of deep ferloufnefs and reverence, in all places ; confi- deringherfelf as in the prcfence of God, and accoun- table to him iox every motion of her heart.* The or- dinances of Chrlft were dear to her. In the miniftry of his word and facramcnts, — in fearching the fcrip- tures, — in meetings for prayer and exhortation, — reli- gious converfation, — ferious meditation ; — falling or abftinence 5 — and other duties of devotion, fhe took * In all my arquaintancc with her, for about nine ysars, I do not remember have Jieatd her je.1, or to ijave fcen her Uu^h ; yet » chfiftian finile oft«a Ui on liv^r eoHHtc^ance, 'f 8 Tht Lifi nn J Death of Mrs. Scott. 111 peat delight. For the rniniflers of thr- rvfn i n Jiad an uncommon cftccm • er 1.^ r V ''^ ^'^ pen to receive them .n \^ ^7/^^"^^ ^^""^ '^^vi'nys o- Jon in nrnXr!!:^':; th 1 Jll^Sn^ ^^^^^^ 'ft'' for their Mafter'O'.l-^ t ? . i' ^^^^^ ^oved them all the a;!? ; ^"'''-''■■'^ Iicr dclieht was in of Sir ii'^tii fo ':r """'■rr '° "^"-- ''°'^-" t>cuhrly tliat execrable opinion < T ./M i ( ''^'" be ()efil,.,l t.,;.i, 1 I " » ■'^"''t "'e body mav t!.e temples of the Hoi Gllft f ^■°"'' ^'""''^ ^^^ the temnlp J r- \ , ■ .^ ' ^^ '"7 tnan defile iK-arttS a with Sa r ..'"r.^"' ^^^ '" "- cr, and the gold of fo, if sL "n^n^'V'" ^^^'''^'="'" con,e into^he'r W wL';' j^''^ P^^il' "^'' "^ P"°^. the danger of S'. ?• '^ •' "^g'^'<^^^-'l to vara of and that^r the meft ' J^''^ '""".""■•'^>^cw.d ihuc, . I>u»"g the latter'; t of l.T life '^f '"'"'""■• thnes vifited with ficLef.S, ?».•»'., ^ ''■^' """^ e.xen,pJary Patience Aver/lv "^ u"" '"^■"'"^'tea .■.=.tion .Z thanlfuhKft w iel':""';? ^'";^'* f '^"g" rit of the Redeemer coudinft, re 'n? "'"' ""= ■'^J''" the rafe in the Iln'• ^" *^= r and happy frame of id'iJUi^'l S *""'' ';^'^- ^ler. It was at thi^ time n.. J] V ^ ^-^^^ <^ver feen «ce .%„, ,es firft~ ti i -"^^ • " "'"'" my power to eive a mnr» • , ^ ^''^ " ^ere in here.^ It was f u , an affeain"'"r'[ "1"'''°^ "^ « fceb!c, dying Won/an^r^ .''s'" ' '^ behoJd a f-iefs o^ ifs terr,^'nd7o£?,oT''\ •^^"'•' t™e into a glorious eternity 71 w f""?'' ""^ "^ ^■ere of fingular c-mfort to V,l' r , *°""^ving lines expreft her^dying fSenti^r ' ""^ ^^^ '*^^''"« «fH- r.r^^.- • r . -iieaven to ihare ; God o?hcfs\S"SaJ: ?°T.\^t"-%- the were then prefent ,L i^/" ="" ^" f"""'"^ who Lord had Sone ^or hellur"^'"' *^'"S^ ^^'"■'^ '"^^ Thompfon and Mrs O'iSn fl P""""'-"-'/ 'o Mrs. rienced much of the ^o.A r /'"^' "^ ''^^^ «pe- Ae Lord in day p^r " d "'.'°^'"-" '''"'^"^''^ ''f that my &ns wJ.CkeT T' ^PP^ '" ''"°^"'""? ? meafu're ox the IZI'T^'.",'^ "' '•'''= f"'''^'"'-" -^ th t. - in a fetv- 'jy to fay^ ious, pru- '^ind, ob- a friend, chri/lian. In the no/l Uve-^ ever ken -r experi- were in ion of it behold a : death, ^ out of !g lines likewifc in the s who h the Mrs. expe- :i(s of wing :t of my until The Life and Death of Mrs, Scott. 1 1 a few months ago, when I was penetrated with a convidion of the neccflity of entire purification : my whole foul thirfted aftt^r perfect purity, and I refold- ed never to reft without it ; being fuHy perfuaded that this was the will of God, even my fan£lifica- tion. I knew that the Lord could not be ftraitened for time or power. I v/ent upon my knees, rcfolving never to give up the fuit, until I found the bleffing : I continued about three hours in prayer ; during which time I experienced unutterable things, and found Jefus to be unfpeakably precious. In this frame I wxnt to reft ! praihng the Lord for his goodnefs* After dofing a little, I awoke -, afraid left I hid (lept too long, and, by this means, loft time in fleep, which •might have been fpent in the more angelic work of praife. I had fuch an awful view of the Divine Ma- jefty, and of the abfolute neceiTity of Chrift, as our Mediator, as I never beheld before : and through him, I knew my acceptance into the new covenant- ftatc ; and all my foul was wonder love and praife." — -—Here fhe broke out into holy rapture and joy, exhorting thofe around her to make fure of an inter- eft in Chrift, — and of his fandifying grace, without which, ftie ti^ftified, they could not enter into the king<^ dom of heaven. She defired her eldeft daughter to fetch the linen, which flic had laid afide for her funeral clothes, and fhew them to Mrs. O'Brian, w ho was to lay her body out. Upon Mrs. O'Brian's manifefting (omQ reluc- tance to fee them ; — Mrs. Scott faidto her, "What! do you think I am afraid to die .? No ! No ! While you are handling this dead body^ my foul will be in heaven with my precious Jefus ! I ihall be praifmg God with the angels, and glorioufly triumphing there !" Sunday the 6th was to her a moft glorious day. Tt r!,>^w»^,J « n \C \\n%^ f.-\t\\ trr'^c^ in [-«f>Ttr.^«-> inrl rdirilhi^n with the unfpeakable glories cf God. In the aiter«. i t2 { i I i I I 1^ ^'^^iA'"''iI^e.a.fMn. Scott.- noon, for a ffin f * have noS '?"'?'' '''^ '"-'' « S-^^C ■'" ^°^- thJ^J : " ^'A fleen -—Ik ' -^ '""m much !""S to make me fleep X'^T] ^'"'^ "°' t^ken any t, tha fon,e tJmes, I LmLt i •/" °Wrei?ed with to iix It upon God n "''^ "P mv heart n" J^a this > I'cannot r;ft JSuf " .*'""k thL i tl^n h^' '•edeemcd my Si t T "'^ ^'^"■'- ^ know £" yo" think the Lord vv" LL '""°' ^^^ *«3 ? Do feftmghia love aga n ' Yet .^ '^'-'.' "'"^'"^ «an! tnat lie IS mine i,t< r ' , • '^^nnot < bubt -—T l-r,„ Soon after f^ir- .'™ ^"' ' " ^ 'nk r fV f J- ™ ^'"d to Mrs J? r. ■ anfwered. " 1 bone not N, ? .l'^*f •'^' Mrs. Ja '" ?°' ' "^"f A^ 'Joftoffa; ^ ' ^'"'■wered, S: n """°' continue loT;7°""'^ 5«remely' T n " '^ "^'^^ g'WtJy reviver! ^" > ^^^'■'"g thcfe J-O'-d, cut fliort thy vvort „ ■' f"^ ""''='' ^'oud • O me to thyfeJf r t 7 '^^ '" "gbteoufneA ,.7! , r «,;ii 1 ^ ' f^o not dorhf ft, , "^"'> and take rinT. '".^ "P°n 'Jwe. But I ' /t'°^° ' ^ """ot ; nous prefence. 1 cM,n^. r '''''^ ^^nt thy Praifethee ! Oh I nlv ""« *° ^= ^itb thee I T ", ''Wed realityTnVS ""'rf ''^y- ' tL'^'I I-e^me be all lite thcc'I '^^ ^"^^ '"^^ "^X hear" "■"*'>'"^"'l''OX«>entofpraift; e in God. ighes, "I iJ'n much >ken any iTed with heart as J any fin know he us ? Do ut rnan- -I know ^o jroii fVered, remely thefe id ; O id take nnot ; y g^o- ^clous faid, —and I be- fitted crl- mo- alll will Is a aJto- md, his in : \nfi- The Life and Death of Mrs. Scott. 13 « What care I for this body ! I will praife thee ! All the powers of my foul fhall praife thee !" Taking her hufband by the hand, fhe faid. O my dear, praife the Lord, for what he has done for my foul ! He is mine, and I am his ! He is the great Jehovah ! The mighty God ! He is God over all ! Lord of Glory ! I long to be with him !" She requefted her daughter, who was coming to wet her lips, to forbear, laying, **I am not thirfty : I want to praife God ! O the good- nefs of God, that ever he fhould look upon fuch a wretch as I am, the vileft of the vile ! He has redeem- ed my foul. O feek and ferve God. Give your hearts wholly to him. None need defpair -, I was the vileft of all j— yet I found mercy. O turn unto the Lord, turn unto him now." Looking around, and feeing all her friends weep- ing about the bed, flie cried out, «0 praife the Lord! What ! will none of you praife the Lord ? I fee the Angels praifing God ! I long to be with them. I fee the Angels and Jefus waiting to receive my foul ! I fhall foon be there ! But, Lord, give me patience I O the heaven of heavens ! What a glorious fight I I long to be there !" n r • i Two fillers now taking leave of her, (he Uiid to them, "I charge you to meet me there (meaning in heaven) to praife him. See that you live clofe to God. Give him your whole heart.— You muft be f uidtified. I find nothing elfe will do. It is attain- able, I know it is •,— you muft experience what I feel. Live near to God. It is only they that endure to the end, that can be faved." Then (lie prayed that the Lord would keep them from the temptations and fnares, with which they might be furrounded, and . make them faithful until death, that they might re- ceive the crown of life. Secins: a youngmau at the oppofite fide of the r^om, (he eara^jilly exhorted him, thai: if he had not naw a B M Ihe Life and Death of Mrs, Scott. r ri I cu ariy the e] "I ftiall (hortly be in heaven. The Lord is with me now, and he will Hand by you in all your trials." About five o'clock, waking from a fhort flecp, (he broke out in thankfulncfs and praife ;— declaring that the abundance of confo'lation which fhe felt, was be- yond the power of defcription : "It is impolhble, faid ilie, for words to exprefs the joys I feel ! I have had a blefled view of my home ; and angels wait to guard me there." She then exhorted every one to feek the favour of God, through faith in Jefus Chrift ; teftify- Lng that he died for them, tha-t they might reign witli In the morning (he was fpcechiefs about five mi- nutes -, but recovering her voice, faid, "I thought my Lord had called me •,— "1 thought I was juft gone, but he hath fpared me a li.Li longer with you. His will be done."— She entreated her weepmg friends not to repine nor murmur •, adding^ I am hap- nv. a"d vQii m:iv be fo too, if you will but give up yourfeive/to the Lord." Mr. Sl obferved, " You ars t6 The Life andDetth of Mrt. Scott, wore than conqueror •' "Yea, fhe replied, more than v.aor ! more than viftor ! let there be no complain ing rn our ftreets." Thefe were her laft words.^ a" bout a quarter of an hour after, a, fte lay fpeechleft M^S laid to her, as your fi,eech is gone, if d^eprot pea of glory open fweelly before you. lift up your hand.-She .nftantly threw up both her hands, kW ^em clafped on her breaft, and fell aileep i^' lu THE END. r ■ M fcthan iplain- 5. A- chlefs, sprof- ' your s> laid a the