'^iVADf/Ulk f^OTHESAY AND OTHER VERSES; BY a EG RUE EDWIN FAIR WEATHER. Njind |"ioly, joyful, calm evrjd clear, A.nd happiiK'ss wihlioiit a tear, '^e youi'^ withirj ttje coiijirjiJ year. Near by the base of yon smooth dift'. Where svveejjs .sweet Kassis" fiowiii^ tide. There broad'iiing shores large vohunegive A harbor safe where fleets may ride. Upon this wide and grand expanse What sj)()rting scenes have met the eye ! What nndtitud<'s along the shores The struggle keen with interest spy ! There they who i)ly their strength and power In boats, -a willing task fulfil Show power of limb and mind and nerve. And manly lH>aring, tatt and skill. Beneath the wave of that expanse Full many a one has found a grave; And sudden sipialls which theic abound Have tried the skill of boatmen brave. Far up the north, majestic scenes Of mountain bold and forest free, Of sloping shore and fields of green. And distant views of marsh and tree Show rural beauty grand, serene— Which artists long delight to see - Filling the poet's |)en with fire To write as h<'art and soul inspiie. The j^«'iilU' slope? of southern slioie. Bat'ked by the hilLs in grjindeur show The lovely home and pleasant eot, That wealth and taste and art bestow. Up)on tbese hills which overlook The matchless scene of stream and bay. Stand ( 'hristian schools of that sonnd faith. Where sure and firm foundations lay. When early summer's foliage new Adorns the trees in vale, on hill, And fields are fresh and bright and green. And birds are full of song and trill. The happy throng may there be seen ; That pleasant city homes forsake, Content to dwell in humble cot. So they of rural charms partake. Let all who here find happiness. Remember whence all blessings tiow. And honor God, His law. His (i ly. And strive His love, in fear, to know ; S) shall He ever Rothesay bless, And on her people good bestow. Ibol^ Btble, (Published August, 1892.^ God's Holy Word, that sacred book. From which His servants ever took Their faith and fear. In every chapter, verse and line, His mercy p:reat. His love divine. Are plain and clear. What power we there by faiih discern. What lessons sweet and dear we learn Of hop(> and peace ; Our hearts within us glow and burn. His constant love is our concern, His cleansing grace. It tells of great redoennng love, Th(»ugh ( 'hrist who came from heaven above Our sins to bear. Aids us to sutfer and endure. To nuike us holy, good and pure, His triinnph share. Most precious is that sacred word. The life of C'hrist, our Saviour, Lord. His death and shame. That gives us hope of peace and rest In mansions ready for the blest, Through His dear name. Thy Word iH a lampuntu my feet, and light unto my path, Ps. cxlx. 105. To me how dear is Thy comniard, How sweet the light in which we stand. Tliy precepts high. Thy love so iu*>\). Aid all to fear, Thy law to keep, Suggests the prayer that's hreathed to Thee, That we in all God's goodness see. When trials come and doubts assail, And every effort seems to fail. Thy word a lanip clear shining, bright. Shall flood the slippery path with light. Then all Thy precepts I can read, And Thou my Lord shall kindly lead. Shall lead me up life's rugged hill, My soul with happiness shall till, Antl as my footsteps forward press. Thy bean)s, O "Sun of Righteousness" Shall brightly shine my years to close ; Then clearer light, sweet peace, repose. * THE BETTER PART. Eternal Source of life and li^lit, Of angol hosts, lioly and hiij^lit. Of love and j)eace : Gifts ji:reat and jj^ood Thou dost hestow On each, on all. Thy saints helovv. And every grace. Still let Thy thoughtful care and love Descend upon us from above To warm the heart. And make th<' life holy and pure, Give faith and peace which shall endure The better part. Aid us to honor, love and fear That gentle influence ever near. The Spirit blest, On whom with Father and with Sou, Eternal Three, yet ever One. Our hope we rest. >!• St PEACE AND REST. The wave of time flows on apace, And we upon its crest Drift on towards the land unknown in hope of peace and rest. Peace through tlie hlood of our dear Lord, Jesu the Prince of Peace, Who has in a bright, liappy land Prepared a dwelling-place. A rest for all who seek by {)rayer God's pardon, love and grace, And in the daily walk of life The Saviour's footsteps trace. May it be ours that land to see. Its peace and rest to gain, Where sin and sorrow never c de fleet with souje prevail, While others cry "to horse," On river broad the s}>reading s.-iil Claims tribute of the passing gale. And speeds on pleas\n'e's course. The frail canoe and ce- n \Vaitin.u: the end that shall - When fifloi'ilied forms in bn-! The (juiek and the d(»ad. tb<' . From lands far and wide, f i . i Hf)W blest is the hope, hou ji Life everlasting l)y C'hris! lit K(»r all who have rendered -. In mansions of light eternal .''.mid scenes eeU'stial. happ> Where Jesus shall reign, bt • 12