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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m*thode. rrata to pelure, fid □ 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 G hi til PBI] [C- FURTHER CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA IN CONNECTION WITH THE APPOINTMENT OF THE JOINT HIGH COMMISSION AND THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON. (IN CONTINUATION OF PAPER PRESENTED APRIL, 1872.) Dt«0enteli to fiotfi ^ome» of Darltamcnt bn iilommnxiu of JSiev iiBaicotv, May, 1872. LONDON: PBINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES & SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS, FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, [C— 54i] Price ^d. 1872. ^ FUKTHER CORIIESPONDENOE wrra ran GOVERNMENT OF CANADA IN OOVNKCnON WITH TIIK APPOINTMENT OF THE JOINT HIGH COMMISSION AND THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON. The Lord Lisoar to The Earl of Kimi!ER[,ey. (No. 95.) Govcrumont House, Ottawa, April 15, 18/2. My Lord, (Kocoivcd May 3, 1872.) Wrrn reference to your Lordsbijj's Despatch, No. 58,* ol' Mardi 18, 1872, I have MOW the honour to forward, herewith, a copy ol' a IMiimte of the Privy Council of the DoiTiinion, from which your Lordsliip will perceive tliat the Ministers announce their intention of proposing to the Canadian Parliament the measures necessary to give efl'ect mti, ^ to tliosc clauses of the Treaty of Washington which relate to Canada. -72, ^"'• I have, &c., The Earl of Kimberley, (Signed) LISGAK, &c. &c. &c. Canada. • Vide Com- mand PiipcT, April, 1872, piigi' 14. I Enclosure. Copy of a Retort of a Committee of the IIoNOURAni.E the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governou-General, uu the 15th day of April, 1872. I The Committeo of the Privy (.^ouncil liave had under their consideration the Eai'l of Kiinborley's ^ Despatch to your Excellency, dated the ISth ultimo, connmniicatinii' the views of Her Majesty's Imperial M Government on the proposition submitted in the Report of the Privy Council, transmitted in your Excellency's Despatch of 22n(l January last. Froin the Despatch it appears that ller Majesty's Government are of opinion that the most convenient course will \m that it should be provided in the Acts to be |)assed by the Dominion Parliament to give f'll'ect to the Treaty, that such Acts should only come into force ujum tlie issue of a Proclamation by the Governor-General in Council bringiufr them into operation ; that on their part Her Majesty's Government will engage that when the Treaty shall have taken efl'ci't by the issue of such Proclamation, tliey will i propose to Parliament to guarantee a Canadian Loan of i!2,5(X),000. Such Loan to be ap])lied to the j purposes indicated by the Council, namely, the construction of the railroad through British territory from (Janada to the Pacitic, and the imiirovcment and enlargement of the Canailian canals ; and to be raised at the same time and in e(iual proportions with the Canadian unguaranteed Loan for the same objects, on the understanding that Canada abandon all claims on England on ixccount of the I'euian Raids. The Earl of Kimberley further observes that Her Majesty's Government will enable the Canadian ' Govemment to assure the Dominion Parliament that any recommendation made by Canada to terminate I the Articles of the Treaty immbered 18 to 25 inclusive, and likewise Article 30, in conformity with Article 33, will be acted on ; that they have no liesitation in declaring that the greatest deference would be ; pal<l to the expression of the wishes of the Dominion, signified by Addresses from both Houses of the l)ominion ParliauuMit. and that those wishes would certainly be attended to, subject of course to the neces- sary reservation of ller Majesty's discretion to take into consideration, in the interests of the whole Empire, I the state of ller relations with Foreign Powers at the jiarticular juncture. The Committee eif thi^ Privy Council feel that although ller Majesty's Government have been unable to accede to their proposition in full, it is nevertheless their duty, in the interests bolh of (Canada and the Empire at large, to accept the modified projjositiou of the Earl of Kimberley, and they will accordingly be prepared to propose to thi> ('anadian Parliament the measures necessary to give effect to those lauses of I tlie Treaty relative to Canada. ' (Certified) \\'m. II. Lee, Clerk, Privy Council, Canada. Enclosure. LONDON: rillNTED BY WILLIAM Ci,0WE8 ANll SUNfJ, S1'AMF0I1I> STIiKKT AND fillARINO CROS.i, roll iiEii majesty's stationeuy office.