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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 500 DOLLARS REJFARD! Upper Canada. 1'^' PROCLAMATION. George the Third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Gteat Britain and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, WHEREAS between the hours of Eight and Nine o'clock on the night of the twenty-fifth ot Jpril laft, a mod daring Robbery, to the amount of One thousand' and Seventy-Seven Pounds. Ten •Shillings, was committed in the houfe of Mr. JaMes Hall in the Township of Elizabethtown. in the District ol Johnftown. during his abfence, by three Perfons difguifed. and armed with Piftols and Knives, who carried away the following pacels of Money. ^o wit,— In American Eagles, and halt Eagles >C593-i5— ^^ Doubloons. &c, x:40i-5— In Silver Dollars half Dollars and Crowns ^62-10 — In Three Shillings Bank Tokens /:20-- WE therefore have thought fit, by and with the advice and content of our Executive Council, to offer the above Reward of Five Hun- dred dollars, or One Hundred and 7wenty Five Pounds, Pro- vincial Currency, to be p?id immediately to any Perfon or Perfons, who fliall give fuch information as may lead to the apprehenfion and convidionof all orany of the Persons concern- ed in the faid Robbery :— And W£ further offer His Majefty s mod Gracious Pardon to fuch one ol the Offenders as will make a difcovery of his accomp/ices. In tcftimony whereof WE have caufcd thefc our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto affixed -.Witnefs our trurty and well beloved Fa^NClS GORE E«qaire» Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province, at York, this fifteenth day of May, in the ycat oi Oti^ Lord one Thoufand eight hundred and fixteen and in the fifiy-fixth year cf our Rtign. F.G. Bt Gammand of His EKctUcmj Wm,J< \i vt\fj SiialliiPgiWMi?iy^