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 1 2 3 
 A N 
 or Tni 
 Work of God, 
 I K 
 'oundland^ North-America, 
 In a Scriei of L E T T E R S. 
 To »Uck art prcfzad a lew 
 •oa> of wkkk wcniakem froatkc Lip* erPcHba*. 
 who 4iM trisBpUaad/ ia th« Faith. 
 O (MM i«r^. wU htfln, Jljt fkttfim- CtJi mt 
 ImiOnajm wiaf i< i«fi dm/tr my Snl. 
 TowUek are ailded, foiae enxUent Scatuneati. 
 « WTt«ftnl 6em Om Writiiip of aa caiocat Dirinc 
 Haablf Dadiotal w t^ Ri^kt Hoaoanbb 
 The CouHTiis of HovTiKovoir, 
 B7 the RcT. L. COUGH Ljy, 
 jr to Ae SccUty fer proptgaiiag i)m 
 G«<jp«l ia Ferega Fa«U, at HmUm-Gract, aod 
 CtrtmMr,\MCmaflUm Bf, HeuftmUlmml, tml 
 Lv'BO'i FiiaiidbfW. Citaaar, Ko. ij, 
 Cw»Claw*>UM, ImAtkttt ttrmn Mi loU •« 
 (- i 
 I cTK 9 AT H B 
 : . I 
 r;i.. -^f •,:<:-.'» 
 >;:..■>:' r, .... X 
 ' :MAp*A>t,,., . 
 ly^lf mvt^g'|iad.theHoaourofbe« 
 r ing- acquainted with you: Lady* 
 ftiip foms '1 imc, and knowing the 
 irqit Zeal that, you are "pofleflcd of 
 fqr the Glorjf of the ^prd Jcius, and 
 Ac SalVation o\ ia^ryjrtal and nsrcr* 
 ^ying SoulSf wai one Mbtive,tiut 
 excited mie to put the following Ac« 
 Cfjunts under jout Lady/hip's Patro- 
 iu^e. i was further encouraged by 
 vburXadjCbip, as you, in a way ol" 
 Frovidetice, faw one of the Accoutats', 
 which met wi^h your L^odyihip'p Ap- 
 probation, and which you dedred I 
 .Would'cotnmit to tBt World, to fliew 
 the Dealiiigi of God with preciout 
 Soalw Vvam^mj lMifi\hoot that 
!*■ :' 
 th!'< litMe Drofifrrm tiv. R-xJr, which 
 trjs gathered »ft iForti^ Partt,'-tviM; 
 hy the Grace of God, have a Ten- 
 dency to promote Jxis - Glory, and 
 prove a Means oT itirf ing up the dear 
 Child.'cn of God, .ind weaning them 
 more and more from me Thiigs of 
 Time and Senfe^ which ptrJfh in the 
 afing. This my Lady, is the Vie\y 
 which I have in publiffiiog the(e lit- 
 tle Fragments, which I picked* up in 
 ffemfottrtShnd '. They are the arrlefs 
 Xcnguacc of pTccioM? Souls, whom I 
 ftrtcnded in their laft Moments: May rfdar Lord bicfs the fame t6 all 
 iro *e tp whom they may connr; ind 
 m y t' leave jtlai^jrtg ImpreHion on. 
 Ivtriv ?innd; that Mdn maynot only 
 yziihjvf Cl:n(lians die, but may live 
 jdic Life t/f th'i-Rfghteoin, tlut they 
 ttarditf tijs l>Jlt;f6f<Hie RiK^ iats, 
 , .■*■.:•'. •- I ;-aao." . . , • •• » 
 I . ■} .' . :\ r "'>•;'.' _,.■-- ,f..-;iid]nff 
 *..-:.. YdurLibiy&ipVmofto&Ujitd; 
 . •?'*•• ij".? ., ' .r^*> 
 .lAod; jei]rfafUBU6 ScnianU 
 ." I 
 ■ ^■ 
 . r, / T / -? t n -f r\ 
 i,.i )h -./fi (i .'.T: O " T .'H E. >M it' f v'/vj 
 mn'ji 'iPi.-i/.r.v hfjB ,t>of) to n^7t..Jrrf:> 
 .14 R 
 ■I / 
 nrH ERE is nothin;^ more pUafant ^ani. 
 . .\i^'"H^'^^^^> *norc aHimating and' enliveti' 
 ■ j"" tft^', more ravi/hing and Soul-cont<JitiH?^ to 
 atrueCbnftian, than tbeffiquent reading the 
 Expediences of dying Saints ; thif di/co^en the ■ 
 C&mmuntoH and Onenefs thatrfuhfifis between the 
 Head and Members; Chrifi Jefus biini tU- 
 whole of Man'j^Happine/Si the -Suni which 
 gtves htm. Light. in Barknefs ' -- - 
 who heals his SouPs " ' ' 
 which defends him in 
 ^au ms uijeajes', the Rod, wh;d^f^ffa>ns :-[ ■ % 
 him under theheaviejl Prefure\ tbe'l^i/cl^eiii^f^-^ 
 tb^.'JVant of arijl df/}ra^eth S^u/s-ihth^LiVl 
 ^ greateji zvorldiy Abundance. Chriji:istjhe Pitl^S^A 
 ^^iaryivbahprttem and Itiuiiljis dear Childrcyi-'iv^A 
 if ' 
 •-jv P k £ F A C £. -^ 
 '"iS^^^i/ ^tht'^NMvenijMdnna^ which fetis tht 
 JjorS's Pedpte\ be is the IrazeH Setpenf^ which 
 *■• }uref them of tbcfinfuV Venjtfi:, v^birh the fiery 
 ^-'•:St/-pent bath infuftd info thm: Fcr Chrifl is 
 . the All in AH, in wbopt Mercy is feated^ and 
 • through whom, it is revealed nnd communicated 
 '^to aU^ikit tbirjf after it. * • "' ^ 
 I^of\n£ can make- that • Man mijetahle, who 
 ' ''h'ai'h'Cmjl for his Portion-, Chrift being the 
 •'^niy Well that is alle to rffrifh ditdfillUs.fvhen 
 all our Vtffels, fi^^HagarV, trove empty Bot- 
 ■tks. Chrift is the only ConduHor, who is abU 
 ' io lead his Peopk through this fVildfrnefs:, and 
 ■ Red Sea of manifoid Adverftties \ tht only Codt- 
 f anion to comfort ks^ when God calls us t<i pafs 
 ■ --through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, 
 ^ ^Froyn hence it appears, that ha-Oing Chrijl^ive 
 > 4trefecures bitt, without Chrift ^ali other Efp^ 
 ^joyments are ^urth Nothings Stand not thtti- 
 ■ fort upon the Coft, whether Pains, br Tears, dr 
 ■' " Prayers, Peace or JVealth, Goods or Nainei lAfe 
 '] or Liberty \ fill all for this P^arl: Chrift is -of 
 '':' thatH-^mhandUfi, that then canft nt^erov'er- 
 'huy hims though thougiveft thyfelfi and all tht 
 ■World forM^' *I^^ tnakihgfurt of Chrift ts 
 -: -tbe'/lffurameofallthtreft. -v^. » 0^~- j; • - 
 • Betoh/lanl in theKnoH>ledge of Faith, tkf^e, 
 ''^fear, and Trcf^ion df Chrift. Bi mt,- in the 
 :^-.iih /» Reid'th^€n''v}ith -mWind.-^ Be-m 
 ■ 'i^a-'Hed to and.fyif with ^ery mndofDolirine, 
 Hie a Ship without a Rudder. Be not loffed up • 
 and down with every Gujl and JVave of /ifflic- 
 t:'on. Take not thy leave of Chrift, as Orpha 
 • did of Naomi, /<7r any Dijlrefs that may befal 
 the Church, or the Caufi ofCbriJl ; Jo not leave 
 the Sun for a Glow-IVorm, the Favour of Cod' 
 , for the Love of Men\ do not change the Ark 
 for the World, the Wheat for Chaff. . , . v - 
 ■ V // was the Seeing c/"Conitantinc tKc.Grc^r, 
 ** He that will befalfi to God will never be true- 
 •' to Man for Confcience Sake." He that break- 
 tih Faith with God is not worthy of the leq/l 
 ■ Credit with Men. 7'ake heed then, let not 
 Thoughts within thee arifi of departing frotn the 
 living Gody but prefs forward, draw nearer ' 
 and nearer to God. Break through ail the 
 Armies of Oppofilion and Difcouragement ^ 
 . which do or fhall encounter thee-, tfj David's ' 
 Worthies, break through the Armies of the Phi^- ,.• 
 liftines, and come to the Wells of Bethel. Grow 
 in Knowledge, as the Light fhining more and .' ■ 
 more unto the perfcft Day. Grow in Fait b^ '•'. 
 as the Trees in Root; increafe in Love, as the . • : 
 Fire in Heat, having much Wood; be >wt ter-'. l', ' 
 rified with any Combinations; be not difheartenedii'::' ; 
 with any Lofes; revolt not for Fear of awyVr^ 
 Suffering; there is enough in Chrift to make ik 
 /uperabundant Recompenfe; in him^ thou baft. 
 an Iron Pillar,, when all thy withered Reeds' ,. 7' 
 4re broken^ a Wall of Fire, wbfn ^U, the Rf.- " '' 

 <;;^M';'ft'^B; # A e^ E. - ^ 
 '/rt^l»^ anMidihg-Phdes ofChnffand Stuh^le a^ 
 fcntt^redy like the Daft before tbeTViud: In 
 him thoU haft agioriousSutiy •vheft all the bhzitig 
 Stars of thy tvbrldly Comfcrti afe eriiitguifhed', 
 ] ,and comt td nou^ht\ a Bridegreoftty the Chief- 
 tft among Tth Thoufand, tiheii all thy 
 '^Friends y aciording'tothi FUfh^ dre pnl to per- 
 pettial Sikntt' in 'the Grqi)t. O then faffer thf^ 
 felf now to be guided by Chrift \ proflratt thyfelf 
 under thi Feet tf Chrifl y be with Chri^ ; re- 
 'Pofe thyfetf upon hint -y thereof: thy Intet efl in 
 Chrift i live whclfy to Chrift\ dnd bi ready til 
 ■ ftiffef and diB fcr Cbrijl'y that thou mayefl foi^ 
 :^xl\h}ir triumph with Chrifl \ fo prdyeth the tnoft 
 >'t^l \.u&i(;ortJ^: of them ^vhofefve the Lord Chrift. ' 
 :^> s 
 \^\r R K O P,<;G OJ>i 
 '. iV£ wPo uno'i/^n;!^ 
 *;:'• X<^5^^ tt I S iVbfk be^A ihjl' vciy'>;''i? 
 3^ 'p }^ remarkable Mahrter-, 'not c(!>m- 'mj 
 ■ ^%»w^ mon, as m EngidndySc'otldndy 6f»'J 
 ' «)?C»38C ^.^/fl,/^. We find the Revival 0^:^:' 
 Keligion ih £«^A;»i (whieh hai'.bwn iflii"- 
 ' ritd oh for above Thirty Yiears) began ifopii . 
 ^ afftci' the Gpfpel tame to thd Parts; where ^ 
 ?^; it had beien preached, but thif tiifl'ers fqrtic-Jtr..^ 
 •,;',\\,v^hati for the G6fpel was' prtjachea nrtlv!!| 
 I ;•':.•• .Ffev^foundbrid near three Years before ;there*;|';j| 
 ■ -r. Was thel<raft Appearance of in/. A>yakcn;/:,i| 
Tills was very difcouragirig to me, info- 
 ■ much that I often concluded, that God had 
 never called me to that Place. This kept mc 
 exceeding low rat laft, I was determined.' 
 that I Would not ftay in fuch a poor defo-' 
 late Land, and Strength for 
 nought. , • ^ r 
 • Xhadmany ups and'downs: — None can- 
 tell the Afflittion whicli a Minifter of Tcfus 
 Uir:it feels, when he has the Carc'of a 
 Panfli and very little Fruit of his Labour; 
 th,s »s hke jiewing of Wood; or drawing of 
 Water. Thofc who are called Miniftas. 
 but are not fent of God, Ga//h like 
 carf pt vm of theje things; if they have 
 their Salary, and their Income an fwers their 
 K: 5%ft'»t'on, all is well with them; they 
 ' defiri n6 further Proof of tlleir being fent " 
 Of God; but this will not content a true 
 m , .f vangehcal M-nifter, notwithf^anding that 
 l^: he wants jiot Food and Raiment, and tht: 
 m: -Labourer is xvmthy of bis Hire ^ all which xl 
 - reafonable, feeing it is written, .7houJhah 
 n<UwuzzUtheOitthatireodttb out the Corn. ' 
 ■•; f true Minifter. looks for a more glorN 
 ; 6us Fruit.of his Labour, and Proof that " 
 V God has called him to preach his everlalU" 
 ■ i|ig Golpel. He looks for'a Reformat. 
 ..tjon -of Mai.ners) foeh as the mcked to^ 
 forfake hts Ways, and the Unritrhter,ux Ma*f i-y"^ 
 ^ ncughtj.AM^ tlic.U/idcrihndingis firit- 
 rV^^n^:S;4;::.*;:^>:"V- ir inJlrmcd,' 
 •b'.K' -f*- "***■'•♦■"""■ " 
 ■■■•:;.« '•■~ :*•''' 
 . ) 
 • V : 
 A -0 > 
 ^\ 9 r 
 ^fifotaied, it thth follow^ fbf the Life and 
 banners to be refoi^med. '^Th.s wa. m 
 •ibmc Meaf^rc, the Ckfe^m l^ewfoundland^ 
 thovigh nbt in geheral,fortomc would not te> 
 perfuaded to part with their bclo.ed Lufts.> 
 %bcU, yd Vtjpifin. dnd wonderland ptrtft,t L 
 ^ork a mrk inydtir Days, 'wbtchyoujljallm no. 
 v)ife itliihJe, though n Man ^^^^\!^^^^::^, 
 read a 
 .t-v, - Portion of God'« Wdrd^'and 
 ■pounded the Tamet This 1 'dotttinued to . 
 •So about four Timis aWeek, for near thrt?e . 
 Years, before 1 perceived the Icaft Fruit^f . 
 tfiy Labour J but at length Cod ^asrpkafed , 
 t6 blcfs my Endeiv/ours in a very wonder. 
 fu\ Manner: For now m^iriy were pricked to 
 'tbi man, and tried oMt; Wbdt fkttji I do to he 
 •/tft;fi? -Some prayed aloud jn the COTjgre- 
 •^ration-, others praifed aloud, ^hd declared ; 
 • ^hatGod had done for their Souls:- Nor.,. 
 this only at their privatcMccangs, npw!; . 
 then, but Jiifo in the great Congrega;* _^', 
 •and then, but 
 ' -tions. The "Word was nov) liki- Tnre^ ^^ 
 ■ . Ukea HmHiner,tbat bnaketb 'theRock to. Piccesi 
 " Now the Woru was indeed qukk and'po-a;er» 
 '--■ -JaL /harper Ihatta tiioo-edged S-wird',:dividirg^ 
 ■ • between SDula^dSpirilJdintnftdM/rtrm-, ana 
 Kt'^rn r\!fcer*!er of the 'Thoif^htfdvd hitcnts •of 
 '-. *- 
hitherto he had kept his Palace, nnd h!s 
 I onpr r^;,;, andJpoMbis Goods, and t^t 
 ^y. hs Armour whertin he trufed. h thaf 
 he was a conquered Foe. - - \ . 
 Now, to be revenged, Satan fets to worfc) 
 St 1?^^^^'-. Quarter,. which was to worl: 
 y^ •''^yi^^«'1w :"P ;^ J^etitionl n-ned bv 
 welve Merchants and Gefltlc^enffo caLl ' 
 .(^ v^li^ran they (et-n^e forth blackenough t 
 it^t nlen7r''''%'"'' ^'^^''^ '^'' ^^ ^°"^5o 
 y.i -f^^^^'^?''* I was called buorc a Cdurt ofo 
 ^:-,rJu4u:atUre,,where theylaid Things ^nW^ 
 I'-r I ».^J?'<:^|,fenew,not:- Soinebf mfc 
 ^■'' n! r-^ ' -t the Uverjaftmg Friend of SinV.Y ' ' 
 .'. .ne,^^ppeaf^dfoj;^c,,and.Rll,.my Knem^^^^ 
 f r Jh'^^y''"'^ of /^^ has ov^ir his She^ti. ,. '\ 
 -:. thus- appears:-. Thpfe, Enemies, finding- . 
 bvthey could, not jy-evail to. (lop my Mou.^- ^ 
 *.; or euro me out of the ^and. Jaid a Schcmc/1 -n 
 .. Ot ^ei^s) .to g^t the Dpd^or, to give ^l %^^ 
 i Dofe^wh.ftb. would.; put zr E^<\ rr myVlV; 
 I- ^H^^^'^'^k^^ tius was ciifcQvtred by thi^-.v./'l 
 ..♦, .' 
 ( -«■ :> 
 l)<jftor, wlio dcfifcd tFntl-wouId be upo/i 
 itiy. guard. iV» Wtapm that itformtd aiainft 
 ihttflxffp^ffrr. The Lord G«d is a Sum and 
 ibUtd^'mtii win pvi Crdct ami Glorj. All 
 this, while, God ms doing- grtat Things 
 fbrRlj iSrdplc.^If f^ no Wonder, when 
 the Ktngdom of rtieWJck*^.! One is Hukeo, 
 ih«' he OiOiild rafe up hi* Gfrildrtn to 
 dilhirb the Peace of God's PcopJe. 
 • For thre,; Yean I laboured Night and 
 l>iy,ftrfriA'Hoble to Hooft; bat I could 
 hot petteivt injrAppWrance <>f Oohvifiioo, 
 6r Cbhvcrfiort, rake platr throughout th^ 
 tiriflli daring which Tinw; -we had no 
 oucwat-a Perlccnti6n ; but at length a 
 cloriotii V< . broke- out. — The Joys of 
 ?"• C* '!J.«ii of God on one hand, and Grirl 
 or brbhert-hcarted Smners onr the oth>r, 
 w<te iirf 'alarming, —' I then birgan ta ht 
 afliaffltd of my Licclcnefrof Faith; iotrt 
 waistot i few' We*kir btfor* thU Otrt* 
 pouring of the Spint, that i conduded; 
 1|^at jod had rfcver firnt mito thar Peopiej 
 and thcrtrfbre t had fettled m/ Afiirs, iii 
 order to rsmom ta E/^taali bat fcefngVW 
 Jtrit t/tbtLi/rd rneiurf, h tilenotd aU mf 
 ViUi^ and bohtlraincd- me 'to crjr out, fba 
 'it rULrrttx' Doing, arndrrr^y- he haTr^allth* 
 Gloi^;- 'Ittrim ^fbim-tbst vnUeth^ ^ntr if 
 i>m that mmutb, hit «/ C»J ibdt Jbtmik. 
 aAtij. M7 poor Heart often cried wot. 
^ PowfrVill^oine jo luclt * Tinw.^n* 
 vndcr fuch s Sermon-, but the Vbtce of | 
 Pod u not in our .Wajr or f ime» but I 
 ifhen hit wU', and by whom*^ §n wh»« j 
 J»iinn^ |>e pleiTci^;, - ;V|- )^.Vli^ ;i 
 ,. ;^pw» JB »' dew ana .powerful WoTk , 
 •ppfamli' the DctU began wi^ pewIVnp^ 
 facKMu i— before^ tnj f eajr J /were, jduj'tbere .1 
 was no. Goo4 ^oof> now , iFic /^^niT | in, with, perhaps thu will not JRand, ! 
 or why could there noiibc a^Worl^of CJo^ j 
 f arricd on wiihciui tucK f ', Noife, boU\ ia 
 prorate Ho\i)ib indmV.tnc" great Cbri^*| ^ 
 guioni? (altjioug^ with Irgard to cryinr 
 out i never encouraged It, nor daie I fpea^ 
 '^ . dircAljraeaind U}} out folt wai^ thac,.ua> 
 ^ almofTevetj Scnnon and Exhortation; 
 foqif wane'(;ut 19 1^ Heart, and others p^ 
 jdped in load Soags of Frailcs. Hqrc t w'u 
 «t }i.^aiid,aDd\lid>notkiiow whai todoi'thit 
 titetnig^cjr toma 9f God came' down wis 
 iFcrj nunifcll, buj my great Fear was^ tKrc 
 \he P«;*'d woidd flnre to mingle, therc> 
 irith Cioc falie Flre^and iro'po{e upon fodir^ 
 ift onier uhvi^ am evtlRffcrt ^'n tiee::^ 
 imU,!, ^t m this, God, took care ot hu 
 pw^ yfjOrkf flctkh was fweeily carr' 1 
 o^rioyAVeck. Ctiieds Inlf^sMng / J > 
 r. Aar.i-.H ; . ■: ;i,i .^.-ft^ | 
 :. i 
 ( n ) 
 For a Proof of ttyi, iKe Reader m«y 
 fee the variouj Accounts whicfr 4 have re- 
 ceived h-cm feveral rcrfons; fome of 
 whaTi are living Witncnis of rhis gloriouj 
 Truth : Their Language u. artlers anJ 
 Cmpic, without the leail human Ember, 
 liftjment, but as they experienced the 
 Worlcings of the Spirit of God •, nor is it 
 to be wondered, that fo much Simplicity 
 (hould be fcen in the following Accounts, 
 feeing that, in this Part of Newhmu/Uttl 
 they never had a Minifter, till the Provi- 
 dence of God fent tne there : Many of 
 them de(.larcd. that at 6rft they came noc 
 to hear me, but to kt me, whether I was 
 like another Man: As to the Gofpei, 
 they had not the leaft Notion of it; 
 Drinking, and Dancing, and Gamins; 
 they were acquainted withj thefe, they 
 were taught bv the Earoptau, who came 
 ahnu7Jly to filli : Accordingly, this Re- 
 mark they made to me, —That whereas 
 ^ the Europetuu did fuch Things, they 
 thought it no Harm.— But here I might 
 nle the Language of Scripture, with a 
 t little Deviation, and lay of Ejiglad^ Sto/. 
 *w^ and LtlaiJ, b*d tit mirbty fForU, 
 wbieb wtri dene im litt, ken Zm in Neoa. 
 fcudlMl, tbty wtnU, btfmntw, ktu^tta 
 ^mx 'MdpmMg Li,btu 
 tf • Thai- 

 "^b Work 1*11 Cirr'rfd on wKh grtat 
 S«cc^"■i^ ahd all thu rfr« Children ol Di'k- 
 Ads could do againU it ar^ifed litrit. Thb 
 themt now bfgan to work frDtn mother 
 Quarter, in the following Mariner : Otrt 
 Merehlnt w»$ ftnt In the Nair.e of rtiany, or 
 is a HeprtftntatiTe bf theBddy, to me, 
 ii(h thU Mtinge, that if 1 <W Ii6t 
 dian^ mv Wiyof Pfeachmg, tneyTrouI^ 
 ♦ithdriw' iheir Subfcr?ptions ; but thi» 
 Genileman Rid, he Wtuld not, nftiwnh- 
 ftandirig lie kh«rw the ottim wotjld, for. 
 thailtl«i' faid Wy ^Way of pftaching wu 
 Midrttf-!. ttoWhim, ihaton the next Jas- 
 min r i*ou^d pnfre 1 Was not md. Accord- 
 Ihgly, on hcxt Lord's Diqr Morning, 1 
 fctotfied from yft7/ xxtL 15. / nm lut 
 iu£. P'ro»B>fhlch Wortls, I firft fhcwed, 
 ■'Who thij *Tt*that iflfghtbepfdpeily faid 
 to be *<»</, htrttdy, DroftkSfds, Sweattrs, 
 . ^e. Were ftwij arid. In Ac n«*xt pin*, I 
 theWed, that thofe Who were nmud frtm 
 '-, Varhufs it Liglt, stid feared Gei, 4ad 
 ■ikorlUJ JUXbiiok/iUft^cmU -not, with any 
 Vftjpnefy, be eonfldcrtd as mad. - FrOni 
 , fhis nmc, ninj of the Gentry withdfc-^ 
 . their Subfcrl^i»1tts,-4hd'ai they cotild not 
 V "Hbpriiefromprt^ching, thcf were dtrer- 
 Iffifiid to torre rhc \ but this alfo proved 
 aboitiyei and I could tcft upon the 4Vt>fr;: 
 V 1 
 tftnv'thar Mafter, ^hy, Bread f jail le'glvm 
 '/IfMi^tutd tlrf ti^aierpiil.bklftae.i thiythat 
 Trufi ifi ' thi iJptd JM '■ lack^ ■ no ,• Mamterl^f 
 tbtfig' thai h gom-j ^-^ and -l founds thiS 
 T^iuh yffzs alfo fulfilled, Godlintfs ,if profii^ 
 ihle to alt Things^ having the Prcmife of< this 
 Lifcy and of that which is to come:^ (This was 
 <hd Cafe witli many of the Natires, for, 
 bc/ort they received tlie Gofpe), - they fpcnc ,, 
 ' totjch of their lime ih Rioting ^ndDrunte* . •.' 
 ertncfs •, but when the' Word took place ih' 
 their Hearts, '■ many <jf them not only, jgot"./ 
 ipiit 6f liebt, but alfo had to fpart. ,..!• 
 4f*. •i'Hcri I would remark, how groundicfs : 
 . \i that Report, that thofe People who grot\/ ' • 
 . religious grow ^bor, or turn Beggars. -Iw -\ 
 the Dcft'Senfe of the Word, they are made? ..-'■ 
 •«krkrtV' 'firt*'*!*. rn. J\\\Mt>%*A ^rL;..~.-: c.:.--.c'.'-' :'.'.' 
 •ihey ' 
 ^^Mrjoeth Hcthing of. Indeed' they >. are, aU 
 ♦^>;'Beggarsat the 'I j. rone- of. Grace; and^iri' , w 
 t?ii.s they glory, that tliey -have an heaftvv'.V,] 
 ^i-kome to eoiVie, and that,* '■^^thoui A?*»;'*"H"^ 
 .lirf^'cnd v;ilbouf Price, '■^a/i.andhavt^'-ll'^ 
 pe/fiek ahdfind: God iifaitJifutm'ifs P><^' ' '" ' 
 t ( i6.) 
 But to return, to civc my Reader a par- 
 ticular Account of tlic above Work goine 
 V>n.f>- As. Religion is an Offence the World 
 '^^rT'i ^""'^'r' ^-^^^^^^'^ ^ooh f^rcaci 
 •rT. '*^^;?'5^^*"^ g'-"t Part of the Land, 
 ;iy»at the People at Hariour^Gracf znd Carl 
 ,;ia^ecr .were going niadj this was taken 
 Jor granted » but out of this fccminff Evil 
 :r'od brought fohh, Good : Mrbints W-J 
 . fogttherfot Gcod, to them that Ui heJ.'to 
 : iteta lb At are the Called acceYding t(f his Puk 
 foff. —The Report of the Madncfs brouc6t 
 ««9ny from Vnrious' Quarters to h'e^r'fAr 
 ^hemfelvi-^ ahd when they hca,-d,v',n;ihV 
 ■ 'f* J^r ^<^^«^ ^ijj^^thc Eereatis, ibe^feycbld'*' 
 fPeStttpiurej, ahd found Mat thty l4a^d 'to 
 ^e dgreeablf th(?retd:a-;Sdmc came fifteen. 
 r. . *»iaiKs in nieir Arms, over'Mo'Ohtauis of 
 R.Vv:^"OW, at the Hazard of thclt 'Liveff^ % 
 \u:-»iihtihMihemrdcf Godpr^aitiiv^-'x ' 
 ■ ,^'1 now had Invitations from- vai^feaA 
 Quarttrrs,-whJch-I'Attendcd ta,whert \hb 
 ; Wea her permitrcdj as' a great Part of cUr 
 trnvejling -was by Water, *in little Skiffs; 
 not di^t3eh.Jargcr than the fmali Boats UpOrt 
 ot.Gbit;atccndcd^ ^he-^Woi-d" whcitveVri 
 zw'-'i .Hi^'v?.'-' .(•.•:! 7-.) Jjr.TOT.'^ f,{injt 
 - eanteiTcflfuH clearly fee, iti^as'tbeDdy^of 
 Cod's Power. ■• -• -: r> . - r - 
 „■ But aj« my Confolations now abounded ' 
 fo did alifo my Sufferings; I had fuch 
 dreadful Apprehenfions of the Sea, when-^ 
 going m fuch very fmall Boats," that my 
 .Life^ was one^contlnued Ma .yrdomr i, , 
 had little Reft Day or Night.^ J .e WorJt . 
 jpread more and more j where Sabbath-^ ' 
 breaking. Playing; and many other Vice*' 
 had t>e»oreaboundcd, the Employment wai ' j 
 ft,TV">«^» f,^ f.nging of Hymns. Ar^ jf. 3 
 IhisTime my Health was greatly impaired? ■:. A 
 |,^. hard; Labour, andia general fait Provi'-" '" 
 /wns, were what Flelli and Blood coulc*' ■ ■■ .-1 
 itct put up with v.^et God gjvc Strenoth* '"''- 
 proportionable to my Day. -v;. ^>p.^/»' • j 
 * . The Winters in Newfoundlafrd' ali^ Ver^' " '^ 
 ■ri' ^^^'^ '^'"e e'"^^^ ^^^^^ of SfioW, ■ • 
 and hard Froftj- the HOufes there ard-;-- 
 jnoftly very difagrceable to thofe who are; i:'.'. 
 jot uftd^to, general', they are all •' 
 ^VocKi;.th^ Wall,, (bellied, a're sTudrp^J-: ■ 
 ^nto the Gi-ound clbfe together. , ani bei ' • 
 men each,, they flop Mofs., as they call '^ 
 It, to^i^cep out tiie Snow ; this thejr cove^ 
 ^ithBarkof Trees; andput great Clods <jv^- ' 
 that* v>r>* Kv» ^ -J - • » .~ . '»"*^» 
 >. OK ^ * ^-'-r"?. :,! ijr?"^i^3^^*^^^« ^^5^* beautiful whiter ;'?:i 
 Covering of^^ Shoes liave f.bc&ii 
 io, Ji'ard frozen, thatVl '.could 'not MycJl^uB^ 
 them on, till broug,ht- «o the iFUt: Botf! 
 u'hder ail this, i Vas fuppprudj leeing* ;| 
 glorious "Work goin^ on. ,■-'''■ V : ul. *' f 
 .,X^ow,' fis God opened the kHftd .EyesytH 
 JPcbpIc,in^ remote, Par tij» where I. came, fay^ 
 "tnc.'^Jecdjpf: forming; fhemrclyes togcihcfy" 
 in-order, tp'read'thc,\yord of Go^ arid to 
 fpcnd Ibme Time In Singing and Pj-"ayer» " 
 agreeable'to th? Scriptures :. fhj^'tl/at feared'^ 
 tbeUird /pake oftptpn<to ano.iber"^ Tm? .Vc.i ' 
 ,"Tha5<7y being very extcnfivc, bneChurchjT?' 
 'dfropld hot,jdo^ fo that we Toon,, Had thrcit' 
 iihufchcs,,--: A ,!Pfopf| of ;the great Z.eal^ 
 whioh'fillcdrthore deai; Souls in one Part 
 blf'thei\fi«T)rv called ;Bi^f/{;-/:fw</^ upon the' 
 ^orih ^lw*i< wa? this.f— f^'hc)^! propored to ' ! 
 jpiw', t6 point pot ,a_ Place -where 1» would, 
 .chpbfc , tot .biyld V a Churchy t which' jwajst' 
 agreed upon ^i accordingly all, HaridS' went ! 
 into the, Vyipod,. and cut dpwn as much of 
 ijot.pne 3t^ \ hevyn i .however; they;, hadil 
 ipaHV .great )^r;9grefs ; io. ! thq^ Wprk j !\ thc^^ 
 i^'b^'lc there : in genej-al are gopd Hatchei\ 
 - Jiurc£c. 
 'i««te Who^ kre able to heNr'^T»rece.% 
 Timber with- thofe jh New/ounJland, ' thi^: 
 they take up naturally;') they are People ^t" 
 * very bright Genius: t have 'known k' 
 Man, who. could, iiot read, ^ Letter ip'V 
 . 5,9*'^/ go,.??;.? »^fWopd,-an'd-cutdowa' 
 Tmiber, bring the fame out Wfth "the HelS 
 of 4rServanti Ahd buikl.'a J3oar, rk'it^ 
 and afterwards, go toSea with the faine 
 Boat -, But to return-, t^e 'faid CAurch' 
 was framed, and, CO' cred m, In 'lefs'thah ' 
 npr-^arefrom this Place gone td Gloj^^-^ 
 andM truft ther<i' are a few to tJiis^Dayt 
 that continue ftcdfaft, anci; will^be'ni^: 
 S''oyn or Rejoicjnffin.the Great Bay.'''' '•' -i 
 ij7^il2'"W"'''^'"^^'= ?^ew Church -ac: -t^ 
 ^.i/<^-//W:.rofnetiraes, as I c6uld;cpm<?: . '•. 
 here but •ieldom,' It being, a: verj^^iid;' 'V^V 
 ^i}Of<?» i appo!r':ed them i:6'mt^z6^^-\l 
 *5i^r, ahd read.the Church, Servrcej Snd'-''l 
 afterwards to read a' Sermon; w'hicji I fur:"' ' \ 
 lulhed.theni with i Thiis. they;^ continued"' ' 1 
 to; <lo..5flnd^w/Kn;:th? Weather perii,rt:^^^^ I 
 them, rhfv vjAiiU ,,<A«.*/ .-. tr.j/* •'. >s^- ♦ - ■'< 'l 
 •^,vi':>.? ■'•• ■•: ' '■ 
 .. ."\x... 
 .' >l<'i 
 H f 
 1 1 
 1 t 
 I I 
 1 ' !l 
 ' ', ; 
 'V. • 
 * ! 
 .' ' ' 
 : ! 
 ' 1 
 4 .!* 
 8ti tlv» Hazard <5f their Lives, with theiir 
 littleBabcs in shcir .Arms j— but what will; 
 not precious Souls," whd have the LoVc of* 
 God Ilicd abroail'm their Hear cs^' go-; 
 through for, a dear Redeemer: God' did: 
 great Things-, ■ in* a fliort ,llme, in thefc 
 Farts. ■■ .-. \ * • -. ': ','•" '■ ■ ■ \ 
 r .Soon after . this .Work began, GoJ- 
 gave a biellcd Teftimony. thereto (whicly 
 1 traft "was much to his Glory, and to iKfr 
 cftablilhing thr Word of 'his Grace among, 
 this People) whidh "was. by calling one of 
 his dear Children to eternal Reft, who^ 
 •when .upon his Dcath.Bed,^Tdefired.that the 
 Miniftcr mighv be fcnt for j accordingly I 
 went, .a,nd afl^ed-him why ^clcnpfor me i 
 t<^ which he made ^fwer, -VSir, I' fcn^; 
 for you J to tctl, ypu what God has don^' 
 {(^ pp6T Spalj'bv.t. before I tell ^ou,; 
 Idjjfire,; that all my| FriendS; may^ be prcn 
 icnt :*'r^They were fent for j and he dcfired^ 
 that he might, partake of. the blcflfcd S^^' 
 criimehti.wcthph- joined. in Prayer, andv 
 of a Truth it was a Tiihe of Love j God, 
 filled the Houfe' With his' "Glor/. — " Thy; 
 Prcfcniic; n^akcs my, P^adife, and where:; 
 thov? art f?^ Heaven." *'When Je/as is pre-; 
 fe/i<^ali fhiiigs go well," — After SacramerjC,, ' 
 hir'told rnc, in what Manrier God firft;' 
 irti'lcd httn\ under the Word, andalfo ihc'^ 
 ■S<i^:l^H;.?/ ^ . ... - -^Time; 
 ( 21 ) 
 Work of Grace upon hU Soul, and faid, 
 T tm thy Salyaimn Which enabled him io 
 : ery our,^with the Prophet, Thouihfhm wajf 
 ■ mjy.wtth me thine Anger h ttrned awL 
 aud thou comforted me. Ho'then adreflS 
 .. h.sanc,cnt Parents, 'arid deHred them to 
 hjsAy,fe and carncftly bcfoughc her to 
 rtiakc the Lord her Hufband.^This vS 
 •fir;i^r7-"?-&';'; '''' ^"^5ent Parents 
 dn ont S^^ff^■ h.s Wife and fix fmallChij- 
 • 'lTri^.V^-'t"'- -Tht, Family. wis rl 
 .maikabW Tor Harmony and' Love, ^ffe 
 .^•iKtfo^his Wi/e^ « ^i; aear; I k i.^S 
 iomg outpf apporiniferableVrorlcf, an^ " 
 .{i?" ."lV^.f yP« where! am gorngVaH^ ' 
 I fliall be foon. crowned wTth « fe-^V ;^^ 1 
 fadetbHot qwayr Ai a Hufband, I WA; \ 
 under poi .%n?y-.di:ar Children v'b.m:'-'i 
 ^^^y arq no more hiiheVl give 'yoi'and ■•-■J 
 nie, and ^rv^il he a FMr i<^. %t Patber^:. 
 be a blefled- MclTen^^er tb 'my S,niaJ'.l ^Ai , .' f 
 , ' ?^'^ 
 .i *'• * . • •( ^} ) ," 
 fix, Children?;; He replied^ t*i OIi, 'Sr^•.t' 
 ' can ^ (^\e.ii\ait:i\l the> 
 vX^^''J4<^ph» >h^are Wi Things tojVie i\ 
 Chri/l.isM mdiftJin''. Thui he continued ■ 
 ; to his Jaft Moments. .Blejfed are the Dedd^ 
 • ':viicb,^(ein iht Lord^ frotn htnceforih\^ yia,{ 
 faitb. ih^: Spirit^ that ibty may reji fr0m thsir\- 
 L'abctirs, and theirMorks. do follow ibem. -^li't. 
 ,, In, ._thi$: Placc^i -another' (Very ^awfulJ 
 Circui)iftanc€[ happened r; A; poor ';'Ort-»i 
 f!;odIyr»^nncf, who, was much addi(5led toi 
 Druiikennefs offrrt aticnded the Wdrdv> 
 ■fcut madcjight of ,'ir,; fo far; that hc'cp^^i 
 'pofed .Hieiin. the .open Church; I adriio^J 
 ;niihcd him, from Time to. Time, bur hff^ .; 
 ; .was like the t]„f Adder, and. would ntffc- ' ■ 
 hear/fi.ile pleaded, thathe ^Was" foi-th.t: 
 yCburih^,\,\\<:Chuich\ vin^ that he SVas ftire,'? 
 the Clcf^ in England did not preach' u^^'^''- 
 'that People miill go to. Hell, except they '^ 
 • were born'again ';. and j« for h'rs Pah, ho i 
 would not believe it": Th« he rnddegdotf^-s 
 he never did. He that is often repfc>oed,'Hnd'^ 
 hardetteth hh Neck. Jhall fail, into Dcjlntllioti^^ 
 and .;l'at withoitt'Iiemetfy.'- This ScfiptOfes:* 
 Ma*? .Ailfilkd'in this un happy -^W retch -iJ 
 'Gc^;aner a.Tirae galled hmi away-, but- 
 Upon hi>Pcath-Bed, hexrricd. out,- ^Vl^aaiV. 
 daii-netrtb ill Eternity r I have (in nei away A 
 *the l^ay o£'i5Vacc, «nd now I am ;fcafed.i 
 -- V 
 C *^ ) 
 for erer unto rtemal Dimnatlon. C«J 
 esfftJ, and hij Mmiftcr called, but / rt- 
 fyidiJmuU mt havt tbt Lord t» reign ner 
 ikey r loT^i-mr Sins.- w Ok of hii Chil- 
 dren cried oat, artd fiud, •• DearFtth«r 
 pray to tW Lord Jcflu j be came lefctk itj 
 fave fear left Sinners r To which he mrit 
 Mfwer, '* Oh ! my Child, your poor Fa- 
 ther cannot prajr » he foon wni be tor- 
 Aiented m the Flames of crerlafting Bum. 
 ings J »fl It OTer; it iiioo J«e :" He fanher 
 eriM^ "Oh ! I »hreidy ftel the Tormeno 
 «♦ the Damned ; none can tell what I fcel • 
 Oh I I fecthpofendj of Derilj in- tbii 
 Room, could you fee them, 70a would 
 not ftayinthisPlace: Oh! cverlafting Burn- 
 ing I Oh? Eternity r— Thus he continued 
 to the laft, uttering many more Thinzi, 
 •which wouH be ftuxkmg to mention.— 
 Bfcauft I b^e axUed, i ,t refuftd^ / 
 t^'firenued out my Hand, nd no Man 
 . regarded X hut ye bave fet at nought all mt 
 Ceujifd^ and weuld none of my Rtpretf- / 
 alfo wiU laugh at your Calamity , / wtU ^ 
 when your Fear unetb: IVbem your Fear 
 eometb at Defolatitn^ and your Dtftruaion 
 ■,.umethas a mrirhnndx when Dtftref, and 
 ■ Mf^Jhtomttb upcnycu i Fn that they hated 
 ■Mwledge, and did not cboofe the Fear tf tha 
 Ltrd^Ptiv. i. H^a^ — Her^lVould 
 t «* > 
 drop a Wofd of Exhortation : Sttk tit 
 '■ Ijrl, tpbilt be mof he/eunJi taUye tipcm bim, 
 9hiU bt is near. Let ibt IVukid fur fake Us 
 B^aj, unj tbe Ufirifbteeia Mam bit Tbctqbli ( 
 ■ sml let bim ret torn wUt tbe Lord, and he voiU 
 krvt Mtrn upon bim ^ mdto ttcr Cod, ftrbt 
 mriU aiun/antly pardcHy I/aiab W. 6, 7. 
 . But 1 will rrfcr 017 Reader to the foU 
 lowingExrtKiBMCci, and Lcttik>, for the 
 Truth of the powerful Work carried oa 
 in Htwftmdlandy and if the Gune fhould 
 prore a BIcflmg to 8117 one Sou!, 0127 the 
 GI017 h tt bim vobt bath laved itt^ and wa/btd, 
 mfrtm'ttrS'-amtiitwa Blati, . ^ 
 iir.A. T -. i •■ •.. •• ; — ••! . i : ^•j.fH-.> ;. ..t: 
 ',-./-*. i" t.. ' ■r.:i: ;.r,"r.-'t **; , r.:'. <5,t.v 
 -.— .tx .,i^ '.•.i'J --.TA sn i?.«.';y ,.''..'.Jr 
 :. ;. . ,\ ^-^ .^ •••. •.r-T-jL • -.y^' 
 *■*":* l-'-...-w'A ^-i •. .. '.;. •"• .- : v^wii'. 
 ^' v. u- . (-V:. tf^.v;.. ^; •:.;..• 'ris. 
 ' *.. ;'. '• .*• '.» »'►« •» - • • .' v».- 
 -..-•» I- '^ :..*".« -.J".'* '-.«». •, -.--11" 
 ; j •*. \..;i Ir.f. ,•...•. i'.\ .t ■;.•.»»;» 
 \:*.' .^;\*.-.i-. wis-..* ■» *.ii.'-jr.yi gj^'^ 
 V » , ^1. r -J » . •. .J . . ji^ . , .x» ,-,4.. >J«»^ 
 The Experience of C-- G 
 Who aepartcd this Lifc^oiV the pth^o^^ij 
 A%, 1773. 
 '"s^•*■■1s,l/? ■■if'-. 
 l^tme dietbiDedthofUeAishtems, andUp-K^ 
 tfiy litter End be like biii < ^ iU^V 
 <?• ;■ 
 A S to her Perron, llie was cxceedinely- V;? 
 -t^^i^rceablei flie aI(o had a Share (Sr^^^'' 
 good S.^nfe, fbw could excel her,; Ihe wa* t^^Jv . 
 quite gay. She had a Mother, an dlc^'i-^^'j 
 Lady, wlio was blind; but notwitljftarxd-;-*''' 
 injr her Gait-tv. In n^mfr r^f r> /L. _'j-^*'i';j 
 her, as a Pattcri to others; ihc wanted.!--- 
 nothing to make her complete, but the mH^vt= . 
 Tbm^ needful fijie attended on the CJmrch i'.'^^i 
 ' xT^T'^ \ ^ ^^^" ^^" ^ ""i^to the^^;y? 
 inand flie had rome good Imprefllons made:::;^--! 
 vipon her poorSoul ; but Ihe often f^id, thatf ; ' 
 It was too foon, and when fiie grew o}d,lhe-.,ii ■m 
 • would be religious, and become a Convert;?^/* fli 
 Thus, for fbur or fivrc Years,, ihe wertc'-'i*- f 
 jjci r< 
 ure. oiic bore .a good, ii 
 ' '^:T?'"1W^^''*^'"S » virtuous young Lad V. 
 ♦ .»<' 
 ■ S(H 
I. ,*• 
 ( 26 I: 
 till about two Years bcfo'-e /he died* 
 But how. true is that Pro\ - Evil Coin^ 
 ft t ' — 
 mint<ahons ccrruptiood Matt , vhich was 
 I f 
 .^; . . jfisis young Lady s Cafe, and proved the 
 ■JDcflrudio^ of her Body. A Cfentlcman 
 Merchant came to vifit her, under the Nor 
 .lion- of Frienddiip, and repealed his Vifits, 
 ^.. . \intil Tvich Time as he, got, his Will of her. 
 ^v'!:!'v,'i"hia,poor deluded, young Lady at laft 
 ■/ proved , w^th Child,- from which Time Ihc 
 >'• was ilruck. .with the. Thoughts of Eternity. 
 ,^, 'j. Tht^ Hoirrible Sir, fhe was overcome with, 
 ?,';;|li'.and the Scandal ihe wa,s likely to bring , 
 Ij;,..-. upon hei^FaHiily, puri'ucd her Day and. 
 A.'lV'^'Nightjfo/ me concluded, at Times, 
 ^I'vty.', ithat ijie muft beevcrIartino;ly Joft ; yet flie 
 J- .>'■>; rclolvc,d to -attend upon the Means of Gi ice, 
 I k-i);s*..;'which. fti» conftantly did all 'Vyraihers* 
 i ^jctj: lAbous two^M died, being 
 I [n \V Jat, Church on * Eajier-Sunday^ fhc faw, the 
 [^ !'■;!, ■^^^"^■8''*^§.^"°"'i.^''y ^^ ^Ji^ Sacrament; and 
 !^v'.' ,-;T)vhc:n Qie looked at the CommuniGant.", lli« 
 r^v. - TivUcn me looKed at the LommuniGant.", llic 
 ri^i' •r't4iiSught, that fhe fhouldhave been^q&e'ec)- 
 J.Vj-'t'iiigly happy to. be one of tli€m,jt CK^had' 
 i'-V'vv;b««n but worthy. ' .' ' ■ . ',. i/ ■ 
 !>•]»!;«'-•' AftDijier Circumflan^ rfie related, which 
 3^;:;]'^j>ri3veJ..her ftrong Conyl<^^on, v^as this:: 
 ";V-.,»^<iOi>e t?ay,. as fhc flood. at her, Window, ihe 
 J^.^.-i^itiiw' n. Corple.^arricd by to be buried ^ fhe 
 'f; ■'r;;)jbiuill,'»Ht, >uid, cried ai9uij;~Hcf.Motiit:i'," 
 .1. ■-»■ 
 being in the Room, faid, «' My dear K^tfjr, 
 what is theMatter ?"— She ani^wered, ♦' 9 
 my dear Mother, I fee aCprple goinff'ta 
 btf buried, and I doubt nor, but I fhall 
 be ti^c next J but Oh! what fhall Niiecomc 
 of my never-dyingSoul:"— ThusherCofti^ 
 vl(flion was more and moreincrcaflfd. ' !"'^ 
 Another Gircumftancei which pfoVcci 
 (jod Was At work 
 this : She often 
 andPaper, in ordc 
 and defired, that I might be acq\idihted ^^ . , 
 with the fame ; but as lubn as flictock thfc;-!'' 
 Pen in her Hand, fhe was feizcd with fi3ch|?;^ 
 Trembling that flic- cttuld^jicf write, " 
 :: : 
 umitance; which pfoVcci : | 
 i upon hct poor Soul;' w'ife . . .' | 
 fat-'downj jind tDoU Pen " ' I- 
 jr to write her Calc'iome, ' V , I 
 moft diftrefTcd Condition, fhe Continued,;.'];-.':;! 
 'till the Hour of Nature's I'rdublesic'ame,:;.;?^ J 
 *lrt the ^5Iidllof her Pangs, fh£ cnc'd6yt,-:i^tj 
 •that fhc was loft for ever.~Shc then^ravd;,:^;.!;;^ 
 to the Women, " Pray do ', fend' %fl=HiV,:- f;wj 
 Ccughlarty and lepme fte him,^1hat^hc;itiw>f.^ ^ 
 'pray formypoor Soul. ' Oh' i:am gc4n|,'^';'"''^ ^ 
 T am goin,^ to J-kll. Oh ! Ererriityy Ktcr ; 
 nlty !"— Altera foreTravail, itpieaJi.\lGotl .. 
 X.6 dcUvcr het Body, but the * TO ml df . ; HI 
 'her Soul Continued; -I was then fertt'fOf,' ,^ 
 P*^^.* ^•^■^ ■^-'•'^ 
 ( ^.8 ) 
 f^e fcnt for mc. I further enquired, uhe. 
 ..tncr It was jiot thcr. Scandal of that Sin 
 .alone, which caufcd her to be ir. fuch Dif- 
 treG. — She then ixknowledged her great 
 Sin» bur, with lii'ted- up Hands;, and Eyes, 
 ana bitter Cries, fhc faid, " Oh 1 Sir, this 
 ,is,not the only Sin which I feel, but I am 
 altogether Sin ; but is there not Mercy for 
 the Chief of Sinner? J I am, it is true, one 
 _. pf the greateft. of Singers : O my . dear 
 ; Mr, Coughkn;. will you pray for. me ? Do 
 j)ray, do give me the bleflfcd Sacrament, 
 before I die, and then I will give up 
 ;.; . li^Body and. Soiit to Godj I will, my dear 
 ''.'Iv ;5jr.**— I alkcd.her„what wertiould rcqueft 
 " r'v: 'S>t Co«i irt Trayeri — ." O Sir (faid fhcV 
 . •);^'^»'ay, that my poor Soul may be clothed 
 p:^^' .with that Wedding Garment, the Rightc- 
 ^'.. . ; pufnels of a dying God,;, in this I dcfire ^ 
 toht found,*'— We went 'to Prayer, and ^ 
 D-. \ V ,9f a Troth it^as a T i me of Love. ; . Oh 1 " ' 
 the Hcart'piefcing Cries which fhe put up, 
 .^hd'the Arguments, ihc made ufe of, wcne 
 . '..piercing to all in the Room, and prevalent 
 .■^..■vyitti; God, tHe/e you might fee' a poor 
 ■ ; Sinniir at, hex; Lorch. FctL, wajkhg tbem ' 
 :; -ieith Teat's, and mpiHg them with the Hairs 
 /'/■^fr //<M.-—r The next Day, 1 vifjced 
 Jiir,,'ancl,foii>id-iicri^thifit for her God. 
 .'the bldTfd Satramenti and giving heVrelf - 
 iipitoGod-: -"She anfwered,^' 1 kn()w, thic • 
 ■my Sins are many more than T can. tell; 
 and;God knows, that I have nothing to 
 ^brinjT,; L am very unworthy to cometo,^ 
 •the'bleflcd Table, yet,' jif a loft Sinner, I \'- li 
 ■Avill cohie." ^Tiilterrogkted her, and faidy;!';. ' 
 'VBut fuppofe, ,thatG6d woujd raileyoii u'i>rf.;i^ 
 •and fpare you a little longer*, would yo,u''' ' 
 ..not be aihamed of tiie poor defpiled People , , 
 of God 5 and ■ are you ' not ■ liable' • to. the 
 like' Sin again .>"— She then anfwcred, .•- 
 *' This is very true.'*,--She further lifted up' ; \\ '.|j 
 <her Hands and • Eyes to Heaven, and put. 
 ; -up" Prayers to tli'^ Throne- of Grate, Tii ,; 
 Words to this EfTea: " O my Qod,. : .' 
 thouknoweft my'ifinful Heart; yet, bad; V, 
 'and vile as I am, thou, O my God^ ca'nfti '^ 
 pardon all my' Sins,' and make; me one Ojf •?.'!/ 
 thy' dear Children. Here is my Body and '-:;• 
 Soul; take me, O my God, juft as 1 arnV ;'' 
 and I never will forfakc thee iiidre/ ' l*>6r,-.- • t 
 my dear 7<'/«j,take a'loft Sinner.'*;V.I,"afttB': • :" 
 this, gave her theblrfTcd Sacrarfienf,£nd- ^''.■' 
 joined in Prayer :— -^ur, fee irhfe'/* ' 
 Tca^s• run down her- Face! - Hk5^r^^;irfts- - 
 frorfi the Rock, was vcrjr.' affefliirig/jaami ' . 
 to behold htf aged bliiTdM"dtlieri;and,ixjipv.' ' 
 ■ 'of her dear Friends aroimd.-'hef Be<i/;;vv-as' -.• , 
 ,3«ty moving :—ThJ4 ^^aix^aurj4mZ!'y^:^/'i 
 .y\ The. ,y<z/Wrty .following, fome Friends 
 I^MMfit^cl her, when (he , dcfircd, that " they 
 ;-■; would fing an Hymn, which they did: — 
 Y' The H/mn began with thefeWords*,' ' 
 1 1' 
 R.' ' 
 , vve tlien joined m Prayer, after which 
 . ^fhe cried out, *' Where is my dear Sifter ? 
 .».P "ly dcat Sifter,,. 7<A«J is come, he is 
 ' com? i. niy Soul is fired with the Love of 
 ■^ .^pd > DhJ my Sins arc done av/ay,not one ^ 
 ; , '■' remajn9.^!--She then broke out intoPraifes, * 
 .'•^mixed with Prayer, and faid, ',VO bkiTtd 
 H.-j^i what" haft tjio.u done for mc! What! 
 ; -.Ibch a yjlc, Sjnncr* fuch., a, '-Jack Sinner, 
 ■ made white in t:he Blood of the dv^r .Lamb! 
 ' J^l'fii >-&f Lord^ p wy, ^w/j e)jd all that, .is <* 
 ,ju)ithin,,mehkfs^ lis Icly Name. '[Ohl who 
 'could evei-beileyc, that the. Love of God . 
 was fo fweei ] 6 my 4?ar Sifter,, my Soul ' 
 is filled with thisfwcet Love of God. Oh!-^ 
 jhnt I had,lVin^s., that I fvightfiee awayy atid'^ 
 ■ he for ever luitb my Ga4, Now 1 have: only 
 one peCfe,;arad that is to live, to fliew tlie .' 
 TVVoriu wha: God kas done, for" my Soul, 
 I, that was ("uch an- Enemy to jhcblefled : 
 i • • • ft ■ ■ 
 ■ C 3»' )■ 
 -v jne,! inhiy Sins arid In my Biood f "'— H<?p 
 XV'Mother, Who fat weeping at her Bcdiide, 
 - faidi *♦ O my dear Kitty, can you leave 
 me, your poor blmd Mother ! Who (hall 
 lead me in and out to the Houfe of God ?"i-- 
 - ; -X" ,'^^'^'''V?« anfwered,"« True, my dear 
 • ; {MotheA you ?><* blind," 'nbt'ohW in. Bodv 
 - but m- Soul ; 'fo Was 1 all my Days till 
 \' mn that told m aU that e;jer I hd^ ' 
 ' hntt thts the very Chrijl. J^toX now,, my 
 ^'••dear Mother, I can leave Mother and- Sif- 
 '.ter, and.nil the World, and go to him. . 
 , ^'• Soul loVethV 1 (hall be' ('oon- , 
 ■ /:With himt^'O yeiV r (hall be with him'-'i^i 
 , , and pra.fe him for ever."- She' then del.'^Tj 
 ^ (ired, that her two' Brothers might he fenc ^A 
 » • 'f or^ who caihe to her Bedfide (one of which • ' '-l 
 was .the Magiftrate) iarid (he cried diit' '• * 
 v;-andfi,d «• My dear Brother famdying'' ': 
 . I I Will ttll you what God has 'done for my : > 
 Sour: Ii is true', I br^ougln a Scandal upon ' 
 ' vou; ' but bad - Company and a./temptrn2 : 
 I^eviJ, 'With a fallen i\aturr,^Wu8!,t ml" 
 ^to this... but God has taken awaAu mv ■ 
 ; Now fee, that, you delay hori:;Oh « 
 drdrou know what LbVe j- gp^^j jj, ^ ^ ' 
 [U. . ' ' mofCi .1 prav God,-, that youm&y'feek d^e 
 , Lcrdt ivhili ie .may be 'found** — She then. 
 • wlflitd Uiem a gooil ^Night, and prayrd 
 . i\}X theVil, and otien fjid, " O fwtct ^r-' 
 yz/j, how powerful is thy Love to my 
 i. SoulJ I .have -inucli forgiven mc, may I 
 ;, love much." ' 
 '■/ ' Sunday Mqxx\\x\Q^. about three, o'ClcKk^ ' 
 'f. flic lent for me, about three Hours before 
 • llie dcpai-tcd j, >vhen I came into the Hoom, 
 fhe fi:?t(J her Eyes ipon mc, and took me 
 .by the Hand, and fa d,)*' O my. dear, dear 
 ? .Mr.C<7Ai^^/iZ«,I*ftm juli: going,theTime is at 
 .,h4nd:this blefl'cd Sabbath I ( ii^ 
 • ' Ciloi" , Oh ! what has Jejus done fo' me ! 
 !..Do, my dear Sir, join m Prayer Iv,. me, 
 '•;that, J, may foon get through this Valley, 
 ,;, and'} land, f^fe upon yon bUft eternal 
 .'; Shore;**— I alkcd her, if ihe was fcarlul of 
 ■ Death;:— >.*V No, my dear Sir" (faid (he) 
 ; how* cati I, when ,my Matter is in the . 
 Ship, and holds me by the Hand ? 1 know, 
 that I aiv» upon the Rock, and (hall praife 
 ?• him ioT ever: Oh ! I long to be with him !"— 
 Ir: \Yc ihen joined, in Prayer, ana foon my 
 i. ."Voice 'Wfts loll in her Praifes :— She often 
 ,' tried our, /VO fwect 'Jefus^ I long to be 
 1 \\heiv lUcU^Art//'*- A little before '(Ik; de- • 
 ■"jparjiedt'iKe intreatcd her poor difconfolatc, 
 •JvidtheV,. hQttO.weep for her, laying, that 
 «t C S3 ) ♦ .'^^ 
 (Tie was leaving a poor, miferable,. cenfo- 
 rious .World, and going ta eojoy a King* "f 
 dom that could not be moved.'— Thus flie ' 
 continued, till (he fpoke her la(t j and, jn j] 
 > a few Minutes after,. ' ' . ,; 
 • <»' Shft"*claf)t h^:^ Wings, 'and iower'4 
 " away, . ^ , ' " • 
 «•= And mingled With the ^Jazfe'of Day." 
 In afewDaysaiicr, thepoorjfnfancfol.. " *' 
Yv . 5> ' * • ^iH:"^•■^ 
 I'TKe' Experience of MIi^ 2V: &i^'^' 
 *^' Who departed this Life, on the 24th of 
 ;f;;^i;?^»>i77,3. :»•> t^c 2,<?ith,Xcar of her.Agc.j 
 r!* ■'■'•- ' 
 C » •■' 
 ; 1 •■. 1 . 
 .» » 
 I -'■'•<' A' Bb'tfT the lOtliDay of ^ww^, I was 
 f V Xi ii:.., for by Mift N--^ G -, 
 Aviio was then dan^eroufly ill. When I 
 camc». rlfcund her crying out for lylerCy. 
 i alkcd her, Whether flic f^w and felt her- 
 ■ felf CO be aSinner :— She faid, *VYes, Sir, 
 . 1 know and feel tlufc I rini/'-rl further 
 ' afkcdher, if flie thought i\iZtJefus'Chrifi 
 ■ ■ ,v/as able and >^iHing to i., . e her: —She faid, 
 , .:;'*• I,hopefo.'*— She then went to'Prayer,and 
 lit'jjKfaid as follows : '» Oh \J^i one Drop of 
 '*:;':liihaf:'$lood.i O Lord, hoW is it that thou 
 , • f^puldcfli'ldok Upon fuch a poor Creature ! 
 Vr iSee now, how 1 am obliged' to call upon 
 /■'■-rny Ood! Oh! what poor Creatures are we v 
 ' .when *Wc can .do nothing elle, we come 
 •uot!6/God! I often pVomifed^and refolv'ed^' 
 Itou'ii^ve'itb ,God, and would, for a iluic 
 ( 35 ') 
 \^^' foon would all my Rcfolutions fall away » 
 >• What with the Allurements oCrhc World 
 r. and th^ Weaknefs of my IfcTrt, . I foon 
 ^ * fell back again. .Oh! Uiis poorWxjrld, I fee 
 it now' as it is i it h ail nothing to* me; 
 Bor do I want to flay in it one Hour / 
 longer, if my dear Jefus did but prepare .' 
 me ^or another \VS)rkf. Sir, I find, th« ')■':/ 
 .all my AfFcdtions arc taken o/Frhis Worjdi ;■' •' 
 tJ)frcisnot a Creature/nor ThiiW in lt.i;ii;^;■ 
 dlat I defire bcfides y,>, Cfjriji. But, ^S- i V 
 bir, I fear, that I am not fincere'v and i often -'vi-'t 
 defpairofmyfelf: . f aJfo am.afraid toirullV.i::'..y- 
 my Heart, yet I hope I . am . lincere ahdl ')% l 
 upright before my Gody'znd my one Dc- ' ' •',« 
 ijre::, ^u he would prepare mc' to jheec'i-ir^') 
 wiTOi I do to lUy in tWs Wx;r;iU:ii *^ 
 m parricuiar in Prayer :^Si^ei^^i;:Ni/(^:^?/,M 
 pray^ that God may -truly cunvinc^^I^idjg-;!!:^;;^ 
 W 3ms, and ^al Ru-don oa my-H^^ah/'O^^ -i;! 
 '■^,^-- I'- •■ ( 3^. 
 ■biitarday the 19th, I vlfitcd hef a^ain,^ 
 \and found her mourning', like a Dove, fop> 
 her Iweet 7<y5/J, as flie often called him. 
 .1 th-n a{ked her, If flie longed tor Jefusxo'. 
 • cake poffcinon of her Soul:— "Oycs, Sir ^ 
 "(faid flie) I long for nothing elfe."— Slie * 
 then prayed, and faid, " O my God, Wlot 
 "out all my Sins.-, create in ne a clean; 
 Heart, O mV God. Oh! what a poor hel^-;* 
 kfs Sinner am. Ij yet, O. my God, thou-' 
 art merciful to poor Sinners •, Lord, I am 
 •.:pnev 01»! look inMercy upon mc,andfave 
 . 'mtf: .0 fwcet Jefus, look upon me, and" 
 * lake my into thy .Arms. O .dear JefuSy 
 . walh' me from all Unrightcoufnefs, and, 
 i . make me holys alhou art lioly."~She fur-. 
 - tl^T faid, " Ohl I fear, my Heart is not 
 : upright enough \ Ohl.that I was prepared' 
 for my God, O come, fweet Jcfus, and- 
 ■• take'up thy Abode in my poor Heart.'.'— -I" 
 then fpoke to her about the Sacrament, 
 'feeing that God had prepared her for it by 
 his blened Spirit j but Olil whatRcvcrcnce 
 and Humility did il^c Ihew upon this Oc- 
 cafxonl — " O .Sir (faid fhe) it is a great ' 
 Undertaking; 1 fcai', I am not worthy to 
 partake of luch aFc^."- She then prayed 
 thus : '* Dear Jefus, thou knoweft what a 
 Sinner I afi^v thou fccrt,ihat l" have no- 
 " Goodnefs o^ my ownj no, rhavo.<oonei 
 m, .^M... ^M ■ ?ylam. 
 I am a rtry unwunhf Sinner, yet, O mj 
 God and Saviour, I come with all my Sins, 
 and lay them down at thy Feet: Dear 
 JefuJ, hrar, O thou dear Jefus, now I am 
 coming to thy Table, to partake of thjr 
 olcned Body and Blood ; and now I giVe 
 up my Body and Soul to thee ; and if I 
 lire. Oh! let me live to thcc; but I do 
 not defire to livej O twcctjefus, make me 
 thine for ever." — She then took the blcHcd 
 Sacrament, as a Token and Pledge of the 
 dying Love of a crucified Jt/uj. 
 On Mmdaj, the 2ift, I viflted her 
 again, and aflted her, whethsr Ihe did not 
 love her Saviour, and if (he did not be- 
 lieve that he loved her : — She replied, " I 
 love him, and believe that he lovca me."— 
 She further faid, " O Sir, I thought I was 
 io the Arms of my dear Jefiu, but I am 
 not as yet gone-, I hope I fcon (ball" ■ She 
 then defircd, that we might join in Piayer.. 
 On the 33d, I viQted her again, and I 
 afikcd'her, if Ihe found Cor^/lf precious to Soul :-.She faid, " O Sir, I do, 1 do, 
 and love him with all my Soul, and wfch 
 all my Heart."— Here I muft take notice, 
 that, during the Time I was laft with her, . 
 flie had uncommon Strength, and was 
 delivered from diftraaing Pain, till i^rayer. 
 wai coded. . s ■ . . 
 £ Her 
 • Hct EKperience thui far, I was an Eyc- 
 WitDcfi lo, having diicfly uken ic from 
 her own. Lips. 
 A Friend, who fat up with her, heard 
 • her, ID the SjJcncc of the Niyht, break wit 
 jnt* powerful Prayer, faying, " ff^itlcut 
 HoliMtJi, no owe Jhall fit tit Urdi Lord, 
 iBak« IK ie/j sj tbtu art Mj.^^Mn. 
 ^ ^» *fw> WM with her in her laft Mo- 
 rnenis gives this Account of her:-" I 
 lee (C»id flic) that my dear Jifut is de- • 
 termined to have me. Oh! who could 
 think, that my dear Saviour would do fo 
 much for me- as he has done."— At ano- 
 ,- ther Time, Ihc faid, " Oh ! what a Number 
 IS there m Heaven ! And. O n»y dear7*/w 
 -^' I am going to be one of that blefFcd Nun>! 
 hrr of the E left of God , yes, I ..n going: 
 ( . * »"»<»». that myPeace is made with God . 
 O ray Dear Jtjui, I am ready." 
 The following is a Prayer which im 
 , found in fcer Pocket. 
 ,. ^ **7"^,^''*«^. r"t indglcrituj art 
 thj^^ks: I fit tbj mjgniJSctnt P^u.^ Ja 
 M^J fhjUlf ktfir, M., tvtn mt.^ J^i 
 9» tnf*a HtUmfi. O mdtt m jittr, ^ 
 ( . 39, ) * . '^^. 
 fore thee 'f give me an humble and contrite 
 lleart. Go4y let me he wholly devoted to ' '-'t 
 thy Service, Gain rhyfelf Vieiory.^Q bkjfed tl 
 Jeftit-, and let the AffeSlioni that are pkced -^ ;}| 
 «« tUti MM i^orJd be fixed '• on thee, mver^ \' 
 never to righteousy a Judges 'bui •,• J 
 tnahU'tns to 'praife ■ fhee acceptably ^ loiih Re-^. ^' ■■,] v 
 •pererice and . godfy Feat of Heart \ \and anfujer', ii ' i ^ i; 
 ■ Uyifiibe thy blejfed JVUli ,jiinenand ^I/aeii.\\ ■;. -J} >J j' 
 " I. 
 >*••"/} V: 
 I. ■^^1•>';Tr■^•^•(;ll??^;;>;^;■l;/^ >bv.'i.-5M'k^^ 5?.'-i». 
 ^'.\ -■-■?: •••' f;, •*--!-: I- j^r-^fr-".:; J.-«'. j;;..'.'| A 
 ,*'' "^^ 
 ;i/iv' ♦w .iWtt; -^r 
V^ /, - • '^ I ■'■'.*•>•',■ ■ • j ( '^ ' . • ' 
 :The Jixperieuce/of MrSr ^-i^ 
 • Who departed this Life, on the 9th o^ 
 -'^■:.V:Septeitilfery I'j'ji^ in the . Twenty. firft 
 r' f iVYcar of her Age; who wasa Wi/c and 
 f> ;? xoMo^hcr of'Twb Children. ?^'-.ivv 
 J- i. ■'.«?-'■ vi-ix; r; *v-.!j '( ,<v- "^'vi .TVit-'w' 
 ^. riv Kighuom Jball he hdim everlajiing Rs* 
 £:•.*•'' mmbfaHcCk : . ,>',, v. ; * 
 K S to her Pcrfon, fiie was exceeding near, 
 >* * and as a Native, pi'odiglous clean ia 
 I'erfdf and irt her Family. She was * 
 Girl of no Education, a^ Jjer Father was 
 taken away in her Youth, and »he poor 
 : Widow left with a large Family > fothac, 
 it w^s BS much as flie could do to get them 
 Food and Raiment. The Mother received 
 the Gofpcl, and died in full Aflurancc of 
 Faith. .i • . T .. , • 
 On fUptmher the 7th, I was fcnt for, by 
 Mr».^ ,wha -was theft brought-to-bcd^ 
 \ and was dangcroudy ill j and 1 aflccd her, 
 '■ how (he was, as touching her Soul ;-»• She 
 JBUfwcred, ** Very bad: I fcnt for you, 
 ^7''^" to let you know, that I am now coin jt 
 ^w& ij* tiiis Woriu inco avvotid oi; bpirus, i 
 - jiwhcre," i 
 (•41. ) 
 where, I fear, I (hall be tormented ibi:; 
 ever. ^Idid npt fend foi* you, with a View r 
 that- you can dd "any good foi me i- no^. 
 Sir, I have no Hope for Mercy, it is too 
 late J I already feel, the Torments of die! 
 damned Spirits : ; I ■ have, finned- av/ay the . 
 Day of Grace j fo that, I mull: be for ever 
 feparated from God,. My dear Mother, 
 who, I believe, is now in Glory, often 
 warned mej but :! made irght of ;.al^ fh^_ 
 llje faid to me, and would not have -the 
 Lord to reign over me ; and nowGod is very,' 
 . juftly cutting me off, .1, Sir,, am all Sin^' 
 and have- never Jpnc one good Adion ,ia 
 all my L;..?., .Qhi-wlut .fliail Ido, I feel a 
 Jlell jn my Confcience v. I ani loft for ever i 
 fure,.therq is no Mercy for me. Iha.YC • 
 often gone to Church, bjuctqok^o notjce . 
 of all you. iaid, and made, light .of it..'jj: 
 often omitted, the Means of Qrace,, and, 
 ^as careful about this p9Qr,.World.. Now' 
 ^ Body is.cxceqd.ingbadj^jan^ .the," paia 
 'that is in the fame Body is more than 1 can 
 cxprcfs V but,. Sir, the Pain of my Body .is that which my So^l feels;.. If my 
 Pain is fp great- here, \yha;,rou^ it be here- 
 after, when this- Soul of -mine i$>, feparated 
 from my Body 1. Sir, I fent. for you,, to tell 
 ypu ^U this*, ai)d, that you may warn othey 
 • ip.oor;>inn«rs.l*^i a(ked hcr,!t. we^aould jp^n 
 '^■•'-■•■'- wo-'- •••• ■, ^^:Cy,^-\^kK'^l ■ 
.V J«|- 
 ■ r 4io; ■ r 
 inPrayer:— Shc.faid/ ♦*you rfiaf prayibiirrt ' 
 • 1 have no Hopti 6f.Mercy,''-iI alked hcr^.^ 
 "whjt I fliould alk'o/ her behalf i^'V 
 She then lifted up her Hands and Eyes, and . - 
 , {iidy v,»«, Well, Sir, if you- will- pray for i ' 
 ■ fuch H '/ilc. Sinhcr, do pray,- that God!; 
 would .deliver my\ poor Souli. and /\vrife J/, • 
 Tardon wretdwd HearrJ which if^pt. 
 he wiU. buj: do,; I. twill ' praifc: him forr-i 
 cvcr."i-\Ve joined In Praycf, an^I found.O 
 ' my Soul much drawn out for her*. ; I afkedf 
 her, after Prayer, jf flie found : any' Hope " 
 that God "Would fliew her his Salvation :-*t. - 
 ' 'She (aid, ** I do find, that: God has given 
 :': me ibmc Diwiiings 6f Hope, that ho will . 
 :■ ihew me fonie Mercy«"-7.I • left her quifc{{„.'[ 
 !■' athn-ftforGod. The Day after, Ihedefired, -in 
 ! iha]^, 1 might be lent for^' accordingly i 5 > 
 [( vifiwd her again, arid. afjccd her,? hoW/lhq>rj 
 fouod her Mind :*— Shefaidi M O. niy ^ejr-A • 
 , Mr. Cacgblany ali i si well ; ijcftu. i^- con>ey;r/ 
 i'_iif|ia^ ftal«;di*^doAQn4iny poonSQuU-n <c.r-n'i 
 !1k'5V -'rrt 
 •-♦Yi,>l •i\U.\ i 
 ; ;, *•• thou bottomlefs Abyr$,*i;.v .:.o"i m.^.V- 
 [!;-*•■ My Sins ftrefwallowed upiiiitllcc-'faf.- 
 I'T ' •T^,: •' • • V; :y.r\ \" '. ,:m::' •>.(>' ■;viio*'^ 
 V: t'fald unto her. Do, yo\): now beliCYe,'f > 
 hhac 6oii, (or C^j/J*sl'Sake^!. hfcs- blotted >/l 
 liivic all' your })im<-^*^ O my dear .Mr.f.l -j 
 f«!cl;'tliat CAn)? "is mine }1 do, I do TfJ-iJ-y'*- 
 bejicvei, - that C/&rj/? is my Bclovied.} ahd i ' 
 . am furc he is mine, my very Heart biirrti^' 
 ' wirii' Love: O yes, nny Soul is fuU of (• 
 Cbovi, .Oimyfiear yefus^'XX^Q\\Vi\o'Nc[\y't 
 that I do love thee. 1 am not no\v afraid-,'' 
 of Death': No, Sir, the Sting is taken r 
 ■ away ; and I am fure, I fhall be foon ivith'/^ 
 ^ mydeaj-y*^, 'l^fliallfobn be in Glory, i,: 
 Oh ! whacihas jefus done for me !■ O help / ' 
 mA 80' praife my God." — I then afl<ed her, ' 
 if ihe couki freely leave her dear Huiband : 
 and hertwo little Infants -—-She liienfaid^y, 
 ". Wcs it the Will of my dear Father,. Itfv"' 
 would fubmittoftayiaiitile with my dear '"^ 
 Babes 1 but, O Sir,- 'God willtake" carerv.; 
 of thenrj • therefore the Will 6f "the Lord .".^ 
 be donet'i;! do not want to (lay 'in this /.; .' 
 poor World • 'ho, -Sir,. I never found end ,-:^'. 
 Grain of Happinefs *i'n-it."— She thertU, : 
 cried out, and faidv*'' Thou, Lord.hatt-^ . 
 made me willing i and now; thou knowcft:, t% 
 I can leave Hylband and my deaf'Babesi- •: 
 to be for ever with my dear God ahdSai-'.Vf! 
 viour V'' J ■ do ftoc wajic 'kj live i in: this • ! 
 World : O come, and take me, my dear i 
 Saviourt I am thine,"and-fhall>bo .thine^S, i, 
 for c^^r."-id,then'faid, *J I hope, my deaf 1^? 
 Friend, that what ycfu fay; you- vife wcil 
 HiTurcd .of :M-M."r^swhich, (he>repii{^i"'i':q. ;.; 
 .,.,:,. ,,;.5.,..^- ■'. : 
 > 'C 
Sir;-'Db ybVdetbtofwhacIfa/? Whatf?^ 
 iii my iaft 'Moments,' whciCr am .goiAgC 
 ihrb Et^rriity I Sir,«, I do know,!,. 
 that I; am- ohe *fkh, Ghrift :. ■ He' is. my ali^ 
 an<f has favcd me.'WitW aii ceerlafting 5aU' 
 ^vat'ionf r would not deceive my owapooi?/ 
 Soiil >f6f i.fen' thoufand ••World5!''r' No^V 
 Sir,' I ahi fur<f -vvhatll tcllyou ii triiev^ I''' 
 ; aiivrurei'^f/w^Civ-//? has blotted cnitr my: 
 ', Sms, iditd ' I do Icrve him' wichv all 'my' 
 Heart V and I-amifure; 'he loves me, fbf 1,. ; 
 feci his bit' fled Spirit ini my Heart «,. Aone 
 .;r.'can tell, what Love I' feci in my pobri 
 L^'j^jSoul-JOiil'lt .is Heaven.below:-Oh! that^ 
 f •,€ ievtry poor^' Slnher»:did' but feel this; Lover 
 thirti feel.'*-^Shfl 'theiv.'defited, ihaf ihe 
 nii^hc'lup -Wiih-'jier dear' Lord iii rfrc.^ 
 I - , blelicd Saci'ini^h ev'as. a' Token and Pleu^i 
 of his dying Love, iaad flienbcfeeched the 
 ".; Lord, ftndiiiid»-i—'f. Do, dear 'Lord, take- 
 rne- as -ti poor- loft ' SLfiiier, -yet ; a iaved- 
 •) Sinncf, thrcAiglv Grace -,; here is^'my Soui.. 
 If^./a'nd Body:- Lord, ihou ^afl: - bought nae,- 
 aTkcl 1 «irt' thiAe; bnd. fliaJl be- ihtnc, foc^j/ 
 eVer.".-**Thus' -much T had from heij owin- 
 h jj jMouth; What follows, - 1 , had from :a deair, " 
 rf^Fi'iehd, wlib attended her in heclUneft. ,'.' 
 |\ • ■ After :lh6-\vas doliverei),' Ihe'deficed, we 
 i^ V»Ci;iu jOiij ilj ictiiiiiiiig i nuuj^;^ lu vjuu. 
 I;-fo^'hgriiaf<E!ftiivf€ryi which w€ did:— She 
 thenfaid,' •' Sure I fhall never ftrgei thii' 
 Mercy, ,that God fliouldheaf ^y poor- 
 Prayer, and deliver mc. Oh! now, I never 
 ihall forget this j I, who have been fuch z 
 vile Sinner, that God ihould hear and dc- , 
 hver mcl"— Mrsi ^ — ^^ who gives' this 
 Account of her, faid, ♦« My Dear, you- 
 know, thcDelfvcrance you had before this v , 
 bow you J>romifcd tbGod what yod would, 
 be; but, you know, that you foon forgot it, • 
 and returned to Sin agam :'*— She replied^ 
 " True, my dear Soul, I did fo, but ihif^ " 
 I Ihall never /orget to the Day of hiy! 
 Death J.*'-^ Soon' after this, God broke 
 in upon her Soul, and flie called upon all . 
 to join her to praife her God, who had 
 done fuch great Things for her. She often:' 
 called upon her dear Saviour, to come and 
 take her Home ; for now (he was made : 
 ready. She then defired, that her dear Huf- . 
 band, and all her Relations, might come 
 into her Room, for flic had a Word to fay 
 to Uicui, before flie departed.— She faid to 
 Ur dear Hufband, " O my Dear, I am 
 *o;oing to leave you ; I fha'.l be foon. in 
 Heaven with my dear ^efus. Now, my 
 pear, make hafte and follow me, where 
 Sorrow and Trouble (hall be no mor^."— • 
 -S^ then c?,l!ed for her Sifters and Bro- 
 >thers, • and tolji them, what God had- done, 
 C -4^. > 
 ^o^ hcr-^ul.~-She then. poured -oiu-lj*^ 
 Frayf rs. for thepi, and tpc k her Jeavc: 
 fofinci ibon h^ fhaJJ biiirAyQn<i.r Cloud. 
 Tut •^"^'•^^/Oy^^s heavenly Homei"i^ 
 She .then-defired, *^at.we might,joia.irt 
 iTay^. and filter ,Vrayer,..lhcg£Vft:out an 
 J^Tynin thrdughour, and fung^ic. ai if.ihe 
 V.V, _ , ^ow my Time IS. come i fee my >/«:r, 
 ll . . ijJccding l,amb.'» '- ' - . . • . * 
 (47 ): 
 . * * * , t . 
 The Experience of Mri. /*- 
 When fyin^on hec Ceath^Bca. 
 WH E N - Ihr waj ia great Paiir of 
 Bod]r, Hie would often It/t up her 
 Soul, in fervent Prayer, to God, and beg, 
 that he would not fuiTcr her, through any. 
 Pain o£ Death, to fall from him.— She 
 would often Say, " My Father, uLe me 
 to thy Mcrqr ; my dear Je/us, uke mc U> 
 iliyfcU'."i-~When in great Agony and Pain 
 •^ Body, fhr would praifc and gTuriJ/ 
 od, anii 'wi/fild often (ay, ♦* Whaterer 
 pleaffi mj God, I hope, ihali alfo pleafe: 
 IDC." — She wa» truly Icnilble, that God 
 afflidcd her Body for the Good of her 
 ScuL She would often complain of her 
 own UnworthiiK^i, and would beg of 
 God to purse out all the oldLeare.i of 
 Malice and of Wickcdoefs, and make her 
 t new Lump, that She might be mecc for 
 ois Kingdom and Gicrry. — When, in all 
 Appearance, near the Time of her DiiTo'. 
 , kiuon, ihe was afked by one, if She was . 
 afraid to die :— She leadily replied, " Ho^ 
 bkfled be Cod, I aai. aoii Death u oq 
 • TerPior 
 ■ :l! 
 ( 4t ). 
 Tmourtomei I on\j wait mj LoH'i 
 L«ifurc :" — She ihcn cried our, with gTt*t 
 Rercrcncc,** Come. Lord7</irx, come quick- 
 ly I come Lord Jefus, come nuickly :"- • 
 And with the like Rrvcrtrjce, Ihe faid, 
 •* father, into thj Hands I commend my 
 Body, Soul and Spirit : O fend thy blcflVd 
 Angels to carry my Soul to Heaven."— 
 In all her Llnefs, (he did not think, that 
 God dealt hardly with her-, but would 
 often fay to thofc around her, " Oh I how 
 good is my Gcd to mc, in refrclhing my 
 Soul widj the RefrvSiments of bu Spirit, 
 and anfwering my Prayers ; not fuffcring 
 me, through any Pains of Death, to fall 
 from him. Oh! it grieves mc much, be- 
 caufe I cannot love my drir/e/ia more.**— .' 
 She woiild often fay, ♦• I could now, thU 
 Moment, ft/etch myfelf out on this Bed, 
 and freely give up the Gboft. and go ta 
 my dear luviour,"— Sometimes Oic faid 
 Ulfl could have.puflied through with 
 my Hands and Feet, I nwuld have gone 
 before now, but I cannot} 
 Oiiift wait my Lord'i Leifure."-.When 
 Tifited by her Children, (he entreated thenv 
 to <cek the Fear of God, and the Salva- 
 tion of their Souls j telling them, that than 
 lukiBodia.«-Wiiai P^- thought (he wu. 
 • ~ * djiii^ 
 ( 49 ) , 
 dying, ihe fcnt for her Cijildren; and, • 
 when one came i i, fhc looked up, and, 
 fighing, called her by Name, faying, *' My 
 Dear, remember, and think upon thy poor 
 dying Mother ; and '■ ay, that God would 
 turn thy poor hara Heart : It is better 
 (faid ihc) for God to fay, gp thou Beggar 
 to Heaven, than to fay, go thou that hifl 
 R', s to cndlefs Mifery : What will ic 
 avdii you, to have all the fine Things in 
 -the World i it will only fink your Soul 
 d-ner and deeper to all Eternity."— She 
 alfo, toanotherof her Family, a little be- ' 
 fore flie died, repeated her Experience, 
 (hewing how Ihe was convinced of her loft 
 Eftate, and. alio the Manner of her Coa- ' ♦ 
 verfipn :— To this, and much more, .arc 
 many Witneffes, fever al Pcrfons, beiag 
 prelcnt. . '^il^/'^iV^jV/ 
 •i/t^ ' ' •' it_:. ■^' •./••?■ tr'V-* /''■'^i iif-.^i •<•; ' 
 \ i'. 
. V*T 
 < 50 ) 
 L E. T T E R S 
 vi"!T O T H E 
 ,' 1^ '•' 
 riev: Mr; b O U G H L A N. 
 . yf 
 'l .•<» 
 , ., My very Dear and Rev. Sir, . 
 : .'J'eace betoyou, (^c. . • . 
 ' r^ ^'i?^''.'"^ ^"^^'^ ^cfrom-us, and 
 .V » .Jl his Creatures, to our God, who 
 ■ ifl'^t'' ^''''' :^'^'"8S for us, and hath 
 .tuis Morning given us ^ frcfli Evidence 
 ot his miraculous Love, in.the J<edemp. 
 yon of ppor, fallen, loft, -undone Sinners. 
 •• to man fell his pardoning Lov« to luch 
 S.nmrsis wonderful^ and what maKes 
 more vvondenhil ks, mat Man being fo de- 
 ; Kr/f KT^^"" ^'>«'?E>"1 is certainly in 
 < Man by Kacurc, and«,vhole Man is Ev:) ahcnaied from Qod, and incapable 
 ■•Si^'!^ ''•■■; ^^,5-. .^V^^^ 
 (• 5» ; 
 of himfelf to become a returning Pf»i-' 
 tent ; but the bleflcd Redeemer mull ani 
 will perform all;, the good Work in and 
 with the Soul that he will fave •, working 
 and operating In his own "Will and Way v 
 Ibmeiin^es by laying on his Challlfements 
 upon the Sinner, and fending Home iht; 
 preparative Rod of Aftlidtion, to bend 
 •the ftubborn Heart and (liff Neck, in 
 order to bring low, and mortify thac 
 naughty Flefli, which we have lb little 
 Mind or Will to mortify ourfelves : Here 
 the dear Saviour undertakes all the. Work 
 himfelf, and convinces the Sinner, at the 
 fame Time, that, by his Sins, he hath dc- 
 f-.rcyed himfelf; and not only fo, but, 
 being brought th I' e by Affliftlon into the 
 -Vale of Humility, he here difcovefs,. tiiac 
 his Sins have been th? Weapons, and him- 
 felf the Traitor, which have pierced the 
 Lord of Life and Glory : And this ciufes 
 •that blefled Mourning and Sorrowing for 
 ,Sin, which workcth a finccre Repentance.; 
 foftcnin»-the ftony Heart, ca- 
 pable or receiving the Grace of God, even 
 /-as foaking Showers prepare and molify the 
 Earth, to receive the Seed ; and thtn ic 
 is, the great Hufbandman cads., in the 
 -.Seed; and God, with his Word and Spiri;, 
 ^cfays to the Sinner, I am thy BalVutipr. 
 ■■^^ . . F2 . U'}\:Vih^. 
 •J ; ' 
 • 1 
 -1. **>...• 
( Si y 
 I!'(^ nff""" '' ""^ freely ^pardoned, htr 
 paft Offences arc done away, the Seed 
 now influenced by the Depths of Humi: 
 luy> takes Root downward, and brin<ry 
 forth ^ upward the* Fruits of the Snirrr. 
 Oh! ftrangeMetamorphofel theConfcicnce. 
 but a Moment or two before wounded 
 loaded; the Sinner, juft ready to dcfpair 
 row inftantly with a Joud Voice, Lol 
 claims the Salvation of his Red^mer' 
 and cries out, with Ecftafies of Joy f" 
 have fouiid a pardoning God:- SureJy. 
 . Mercy and Truth arc now met together 
 Righteoufiiefs and Peace embrace the poor 
 Jinnert The bright Perfedions of*^thc 
 Jbternal he,^ n^ine, «n ire, anJ form a 
 New Creature. Oh! that every poor Crea- • 
 ture could digeft that true Text of St.PW 
 £fb.u.8. Fit' byCraceareyefa'oed.thro' Faith 
 and thiitnot ofnurfaves\ jt is the Gift of 
 Gi>^.— Dear Sir, I write thus to you,becaule 
 I nave Iwcetly experienced thole Truths 
 t_oncerning the tnider compaffionaifc* 
 UiaiteningB, and preparative Work, our 
 .Lord carries on, in the bringing of Sin- 
 riers to himfelfi a blcffed Work, that 
 Glory be to God, you are not unacquainted 
 wiihicrpcciaUy in him, who now is the 
 ' •/. 
 ■ •»• 
 . .-•■•f. 
 ( 53 ) 
 happy Occafion of my writing to you : 
 You, and we, your little Flock, all know, 
 that, for more than twelve Months ago, 
 he was under Conviftions, and r:eiT»ed, at 
 Times, at our little Meetings, to be very 
 folicitous about the State of his Soul ; but 
 thole good Motions feemed, of late, to be 
 almoll, if not quite worn off, until the 
 Lord laid his aftliding Rod upon him: I 
 iiad vifited him feveral Times, before you 
 -was with him the other Day, and was 
 convinccd,tliat the Lord was again at work • 
 with him; but fince you yourfelf was 
 with him, it hath appeared more evident ; 
 nnd.your dcfiring me to vifit him, I took 
 as a Charge; and accordingly I did fo, 
 and have the Happinefs to tell you, 
 that the "Lord hath bleffed your Endea-" 
 vours, and Miniftry, both in me and him. • 
 Glory to our dear Lord, who hath greatlv 
 ftiengthened me, with Faith ih'- IV^yei^, 
 and J)lcading the Promifes for.hi'iTi occ'a- 
 fionly. I plied him with Pills fu(i^ until ■ 
 I found him quite "broken down, and' 
 athirfl for God ; this was MondcTy- tLven^ 
 "ng, liaving alfo been with liiin in tho' 
 \ * ' i» ; 
 \ .' 
 >' V 
 lorning. Tuelday Morning, I was wirb ^.'^ 
 /him again, when I found -him nnicli diiV'^v 
 .treffcd, md labouring under 'an..' rtimblV: - 
 ..iwtolifrabic Weight and Bui'dcn en his-'. 
 . f / 
' . • H ...;( 54, ) .. 
 Heart, wjiich fccmed, fie Taid, / morft 
 ' grievous; and painful, than all his oth<?r 
 bodiljf Diforders i, fearing, as He faid, af 
 thd fame Time, that hisSihs had been fo 
 heinous, and manifold,' that God, al- 
 tliough, fays he,,J know he is a merciful 
 God, would not pardon then- This' was 
 liis great.TKoublc and Pain. I was very 
 jilad of this Symptom j and knowing, that 
 this was the Hiehway to the Gates of 
 Mercy, I was enaoled to gather up a few 
 ^, ,Jimple Fragments, and prcfent them to his 
 :''■ Gcfponding Soul.- Dear Sir, I caopot* 
 llSitxprefs tlie Faith and Artiirantfe I' feemed 
 ' ■'• to have beftowed lip6n me, at this Time, 
 to plead, and hang on the Promifej, that 
 all who thus come to him, he Kvill in no 
 \uife cafl out ; and our dear Immanuel ^wa j 
 i)f a Truth with us ; for I was ■alTuiyd, 
 .that Chrifi would foon manifeft his pardf n- i 
 Sng Love to his Soul. Several ofTur • 
 Women Friends were with us, and were ' 
 greatly blcflcd •, they were filled to the * 
 Brim wiih the Waters of Humility, which ■ 
 the Maftcrfoon turned into fwtet WTne.-** '* 
 Ucar Lord, .what ale we, br ouP Father's 
 Houfe, but grcaf'^iAners'! O Lord^ what '} \ 
 is^ that Tthou * regarded tiini ! Or, '- ;' 
 an^ongft the Sons of Mcn,what are we, that t / 
 ihou iiiouldcik viiit us with ihy Love \-^- \': 
 ', • ' :■ T- •' i nov*s'. 
 f 1 
 i SS ^ 
 \ now fung the i6oth and i88th Hymns : 
 This laft Hymn fecmcd to relax his whole 
 Heart, and operated, as a foaking Shower 
 of Rain upon the thirfty Ground : It 
 is thefe precious Heart-fprung Tears that 
 are well pleafing to 'Jefiis\ fo well pleaHnff,' 
 that our tender, compalTionate High-Prielt' 
 cannot,will not overlook them •, tor furely 
 there is a Bottle to put them in. Encou- 
 raged by thefe Circumftarices, I was per- 
 /fuaded, that the(c Jpril Showers, as Mr.Trap 
 has ir,would foon producc'VW<«y Flowers. I 
 went now toPrayer,and the Lord helped my 
 Infirmities, and made Interceflion for us, 
 fuitable to the Occafion. I told him to 
 'be fervent in Prayer, and that thowh Heavi' 
 nefs might endure for a Nighf^ yet 1 nad great 
 Hope ot Jcy in the Morning for him ; for I 
 was fomehow alTured, that the Lord would 
 vifit him very foon. I then took my Icavj 
 of him, afid came Home, where I was' 
 fo laid out in Prayer for him,- that I could 
 nor leavd off, for a grejit while ; and I be- 
 lieved,that the Lord was now near to deliver 
 him.— This Morning, I Was again juft pre- 
 paring to vifit him, and pray with him 
 again, % *,.to my unfpeakable Joy and 
 Comfort, a McHenger came to 'me, and .•■ 
 'told il^e, thai^hc defired, that 1 '^ould cornc v. 
 1v .' ^ii>-:yt\\.\ 
 M t: 
 ■ ;. IT'S.; 
 • "'V^V.^^„_ 
( s^ ) 
 to him, and that he had good News to t.H 
 InA ^f"*^' '"^'fcd. 1 went immedlateiv 
 and when I came into his Chamber I 
 . maginable; his Guilt all removed .S 
 J-'iej I could find it in mv Hcarr ml/ 
 out ot Bed, and dance." J%yd/?ir? 
 queft.on whether ever you^ faw fuch' I 
 : '7;f^"l Change; he was\ indeed read, 
 Th i H: '''"" 1^^^ h'm. in what Manner 
 his Change firft opera ted >~ He told me 
 • that he had been very bad all the NiZ 
 ., : J.'"^^; a"d that, m this Sort of Slumber he 
 .„ ...raw fome People come to hii, who we" 
 ' f ^^^ ^° «Pen him and take cXt his He^r 
 -^^^ fc ''''"'' r^*^"^ "^^"'^ ^e then S 
 : ,/«o^ 1-iearr,. or fomething to that EtYt^ ■ 
 •when theMen faid, Oh! we%re to givf^tu 
 anew Heart; with that he faid.T C 
 tip his own Hand, and faid, . 1 wi 1 pulHt 
 out myfclf, which, as he tlCht^ wa : 
 done. accordingly, and immedfatcJy hc^ 
 •awoke with a new. Hwr^ ;„^. Jt ••^' "^1j 
 „ . 1 — 7— tov » """ inimcdiatclv he 
 •awoke With a new ,Heart indeed ;' J ani 
 C 57 ) 
 lure (ra.d he) it is not the fame, for I feet .' 
 ^ Pet^nL T ^T'^'' ^'g^^"^'"^. Love,- 
 Peace and Joy all over -, I have no Pnin 
 no Burden: What is became :rmygu It; 
 ■ }^''^ «"^ ?^'" •' What is become of Fear^ 
 I am not airaid now to die; I am all Love ' • 
 Love, for every Soul in the whole World 
 Oh! my God ,s all Love ["—We now had • " 
 ^ Hv'mn'^^^'^V^^^^^^'^*^^ Wc",t 
 iufsurnT^'^'^uS'"'"' ^"^ agreeable was 
 our Surprife to hear him, who, the Niaht 
 • bf«'-^»wasdeadandhei;refs, asiLS 
 IrVktH^T'L''' ^'''y* an'le'^^w'n ^ 
 VoTce il-^'^"^^' ^^^» ^''^^ «" audible ^ 
 Love anJ tJ . r^*^ Overpowered with 
 This mv i'"^^ "'^' '° h^Redeemer ? 
 inl: r I '^*^^'' ^''■' ^^ the News thaf ' 
 R?eat Sir* ^'^'^^^ ^ believe, wilt 
 'f Jt tfertrUnSS^ ' 
 "emoted y^^^''^^'^^^^* you nuj n ver t ' 
 removed from us, nor the holy Vifion h^ 
 Portiorof hie Q -'-^'^^ y°" « double 
 continue CO ^oiccfj^l^^^ri!!;!!^^^* 
( 58 ) 
 *]cftis Chrifi eftablifli our Hearts in Faltb 
 and Love, that wc may be found un- 
 blamable in Holinefs before our God, 
 even bur Father, at the coming of th6 
 Lord Jefus^ with all K\% Saints \ that ;he 
 Spirit of Cbriji may dwell in us ; that we 
 may continue in the Grace of God, and 
 in the Faith, grounded and fettled j and 
 may not be moved away from the Hope- 
 of the Gofpel. May thcBlcfling of God 
 be on your Miniftry, that you may con- 
 .tinvle to bring many unto Righteoufncfs^ 
 • ^.thatyou may at lad finifti your Courfc 
 -. i!witK Joy, and fhinc forth as the Stars, fo^ 
 --Cvcf and ever. Amm, . i 
 ..„ 1^ cj . *;= 3: 
 ; .'V.^ :,;• -w 
 Dear Sir» 
 • ; i' .y p :;;•; Your Brother m Cbriji Jefus., 
 '. < -.1. . ■,,'•"•. , - 
 'C 5? ,). 
 ■4I 1.1/ : ' 
 L ^ r X i^ R 
 J?^//W^, 7«»*2I, 1774, 
 Reverend Sir, • , 
 ■his I ci>cerfully d„ f ' "'^ Z"^?'^ «'' . 
 of your « Jdl°' ™ f '^^"ff ""o^) 
 Jiie, at a Time wL ^r .- ^'ndnefs loi''/ . 
 -d cleftituTHf : l^^i,^^-^^^^^^^ ■ 
 ^ut twenty-four HoS" „ \he ^""^^•• 
 ^hen we i^iJed with a fair Wind ^r'*y-'"' 
 mediate y Joft Siahr «> r j ' ^"^ 'm-. ',:..«.. 
 ^A W:*:^:^'i^^^^\|}^Capeof.^^?. 
 iween Lands havL ^^^ ^^^ks be- ! ; V 
 My Paflage was mad. L ^'^"1 StOrms.j:v..,.i- 
 tbc FriciSin^ oftr? ^^^^'•«b]e,thro^ .;i;r:. 
 ployed me as Lfto/'^lfP^^'^ ^^•^'^^- ■>';; 
 i could bJeed and nnV a ^'i^ ' ^"'^ as .;:;•. ^' 
 of Do<5lorfl,i^ a^"^:^''^°'^,>'^'^«hac.'?^^^ • 
 Drugs, I was m?H ^PP^'cation 0/ : 
 o^> -i was made exce*'Hjr.,v ..r r . 
 lumbers, whn in i-u ■ r^'Z,-"'^ « 
 ^'the bein'^lch'^^^ ^^^^^e. were jit.-. 
 ( 60 
 through the BlefPng of God on my En- 
 deavours, none died : 1> found Bleeding, 
 Vomiting,' and- a BHfler on the Back, 
 nude head again ft the Fever, and the ^'ck 
 foon recovered : This introduced me into 
 •the good Graces of theCaptain ; fo that, 
 I-was treated like hlmfclf. By the Confcnt 
 and Dcfire of the Captain. I preachcil 
 twice on SundaySj and once on the Week 
 Days, when the People could hear; biit 
 , this was with an heavy Heart, for I did 
 1 not find my Soul alive to God j but, on 
 the contrary, I knew, that God's Difplca- 
 fure was againft me, becaufe of my,Un- 
 faithfulnefs i and I was overwhelmed in 
 Trouble ; ncverthdefs, I had the Comfort 
 to find a Backflider confefs, that, he was' 
 reftorcd to Favour under my Labours ; 
 and different Pcrfons profeffed to be gread'y 
 quickened.- ■ 
 After J went to Baltimore^ I mad« In- 
 quiry forXthe People of God, ind con- 
 verfed witft one of Mr. fVeJky's Preachers -, 
 but as I had no Letter from Mr. JVeJley^ he 
 feemed verycold,and behaved with nofmall 
 - IndifFcrcncc, which did not a little try me. 
 However, I was received to lodge with a 
 Dutch Gentlewoman, where I continued 
 fome Time, at free Coft ; bur, hearing -of 
 no ?lacey<| was going to kx. fail for Phi- 
 , ' ■ ^ ladelj>bia, 
 i" J 
 • .:■«: .; 
 ■1 •> 
 ( 61 ) 
 hdelpLia^ when a young Man of Mr. 
 iy^iy% Society, directed by Providence,* 
 came Irom his Home to the Houfe where 
 I Wa« ; and, as he informed me afterwards, 
 he did ^o^. know well why it was, but 
 he found liimfelf^prened to 'come that 
 ■D;iy to Town ; and, he hearing of me 
 was puflied on to prefs me to go Home 
 ^ with him, and flay at his Houfe, until 
 Providence Hiould open a Door for (nc • 
 1 accepted this Offer, and went to his 
 fathers Houfe, twelve- Miles from 
 Town, _ whrrc I met the young's 
 Pather, and three Siaen, allhiinpyia 
 the Lord. I his, and a Reneclrion otf.mvr 
 f State, brought Tears m Plenty from -my 
 byes; Sorrow revived in my Hearc, 'arid 
 my Gntt was fo excefTive, and viiible,*-' 
 that I could not avoid informing them cf'- 
 the Whole- of my Didrefs, and the Caufc 
 thereof. Well, they prayed for u.e, wcpc ' 
 over me, and aflured me, that God had' 
 made known to them, that ti.e iLord ■ 
 would niortly rcftore to me all tiiat I \^^ >: 
 loft. One Morning, after Family Pra>^ •*: 
 i read a Chapter, which greatly affeded' 
 me, and young Mr. (for thar.was 
 the Name of thePcrfon who broucrhr m- 
 to, his Houie) wc walked into the \Voodj^ ' 
 ..and,^h fell on Pur.Kaces, .and , " 
 '':^'-^ ^ ;4Jpin: 
' p . 
Spirit of Prayer was imparted to us bothj 
 .Tnd the blcflcd God broke into my Heart,, 
 in a more powerf\il Manner than J can 
 ddcribe, removed my Gr.ef, and filkd 
 my Heart^with his Love, to fiuh, a De- 
 gree, that I Co,..' : hsrdiy fpeak, while 
 Tears :of Joy, ran down my Checks. , O 
 Sir, God, by bis IVoyidcnce, conveyed mc 
 to this Land, tomanjtctt thcGreatncfs of 
 his-GoodDcIs to mc J evcrv Day's Expe- 
 rience, lince, confirms me in the lovnig 
 l^indnej£<iof,,the Lord to my poor Soul. 
 Now;^hi8 piiange bejng wrojjgjit,. Joy and 
 Comfort "was mjr l^orijon ^4 J^V^'id JF.ree- . 
 'dorft to commune with C*od, as a Man 
 doth with his .J^'ricnd. ; 1 was daily.; called ^ 
 on to pray in pubhck,.,and xiie i'eopJe 
 . v.'ere fo affected, that fhey were coovinced 
 of God's Goodnelis. Brother 0—— .and 
 .7. walked one Su>iday, to fee M/.-ST— '-—^ 
 ly < '\ , a Gentleman of an immenfe . 
 J'ortune," where were diHlrcnt Peribns pre: 
 fent ; after a little Converfacion, I gave 
 out an Hymn, and fung k with Tears of 
 Joy, after which, I went to Prayer with 
 -them, and" the Glory of God filled every 
 Heart, while on our Knees i fo that, every ; 
 Perfoa was obligfkl to withdraw to fome • 
 private i'iace, io vent thpir Tears in 
 ^ecreti <as for my Pare, I thought, that my 
 '•••" .'■■-. .•;.-.■•".' ■ V.' Hearr 
 ( S3 •> 
 Heart muftburft with the loving Kind- 
 • "^i^'ofth*, Lord. Here L exhorted, la 
 the fame Lvemng, to a Company of Per- 
 ions, wh^fe Hearts the Lord We!l watered. 
 T-fe next Lcrd's-Dcy 1 wns great!, „- 
 portuneo to preach to a large Company 
 and tne Peoples Heart. 'were li- J,\2'^ 
 u'^A^'l '^ ^'■'•^ ''■' Oh '■ -how did mv 
 lusi^ove, 'The Sunday zh^r, I' preached 
 twice to crowded Afiembl.cs ; and the 
 his Tloufe. ind'^dXTTiTr'^m^gJ^r^^ 
 his Houfe my own : This Offer I gfadiy *m! ' 
 • have gladly ^^^elJ^^M^^^^^ 
 would; but I W-- UA rr. ^ r . "S ^^ * 
 P^, Hoirct^u'Ld f: ^;^,:^;^ 
 0. doing more good; i ^.-^^,"' "^ 
 • >•■<:. ■ - . . A '■■ -■.■■'•■''■• • 
 'i }^ 
could not be fuftercd to leave the PJoufc x 
 tlicrcforc,- {[\e has made me an OffvT of 
 l.odging and Board at her Houfe, gnuis j 
 anil has got a School-Hoiile pur jn Order, 
 ior my teaching Children. Thus nappily 
 am I fituated at preienr, in the Midft of 
 Plenty: ' But it fecms, that 1 fhallnot be 
 iuffered to flay here long; for the Preachers 
 Icem determined to have me out f ravr), 
 lliortly; but as to that, I am at the .pofal 
 of tlw: Lord, and willing to fpend and be 
 Ipenc for my dear Mafler. Th?rc is a glo- 
 rious Profpedb of a great Harvf ft here : 
 Thovifands are convertcd.and tnere is aProf- 
 peft of thoufandj more. I de'^'re, that my 
 kind Refpcds may be given to thofc who 
 have afiifted me in my Diftrcfs ; Jir.d as for 
 yoa, I am pctiuaded, that the biciTed Lord 
 will fully rewarLf your Labour of Love," 
 for. being an Inftrument of freeing me 
 from four Years Servitude j by which, 1 
 believe, I fliall fpend the 'J ime in a more 
 blcfled Way. May the dtar Lord blefs 
 your Labours abundantly, and fill you 
 wich divine Confolation : He tha: h^th 
 loved will loV(i you to the E.d. •• 
 From your affefiionato, 
 •' And much obl-gcd Friend, 
 J Li::' X— ^ R- '- 
 ( 6s ) 
 X- E T T E R III. 
 Hart/ord County, 24enlattd: Aug, 26, i;;^. 
 Reverend Sir, ». 
 " hope, you have received my laft Letter 
 to you, wherein I gave you an Account 
 of the Dealings of the Lord with me ir. '' 
 my Voyage of my Arrival .c Baltimore, • 
 with the Subftance of what I mer rhere 
 and of the gr-at Mercy of the Lord, in 
 i^ftonng Peace and Joy to my Soul: ' 
 i his Account I fent by a careful Captain 
 " ^^'""^ ^or Brijlol, as I then had no other 
 Opportunity: As I hope, iccamciafe to 
 hand I niall-only gi-^ you an Account " 
 of whatpaflld nnce:\And to bea... I 
 inform you, that I co inue at one of our; . 
 l-riend s Houfes, in r t County of Balti-r 
 more, and occafionally preach in different' 
 Places; and the Lord gave me great Fa-' 
 vourmthe Eyes of the People; fo that' •• 
 many, who never took the Trouble of ' ^^ 
 coming to hear Preacl.i.-g before, made ip * 
 ;^r'i;^^.v.,.^^.- ^3- ■■■'■ 
 * •«.'«: 
 If V: • 
 their Bufincfs to come many Mike fo hear 
 mc; and many felt the Power oftht Lord 
 As to a School, I could get no open Doof 
 for fome Time, ahMI%'i I fought it dili. 
 gently : In this Way. I continued moft 
 ot the Summer j and it is incredible, what' 
 Art and Pams the Devil uitd to prevctu* 
 my Ufcfulnefs: Neverthelcfs, the Lord 
 opened my Way, and enabled me to ftand 
 tny Ground, looking to him; and" at lail- 
 I am taken into Connexion, and now traH 
 vel the Round i where, blcflVd for ever be 
 the Name of my dear Mafter, : am greatly 
 blefled, and aflilkdi ever- I'lace where 
 " go» I fee manifeft Tokens of his Good-, 
 fsj the Lord is carrying on a giorJ6u4 
 _^ V»ilcm this Land-, their Numbers daily 
 . tncreafe, whofe Souls are truly alive to 
 thv* Lord, and have already obtained futk 
 a Meal are of Grace, as that they are as 
 fttikd in the Ways of th? Lord, as if they , 
 had been twenty Yeats in the Way: And 
 thole who ftaiid out are convinced of the' 
 Truth of the Gofptl in general, only they 
 arc not yet made willing to give- up all 
 fjr the Lord. The only Thing that feems 
 wjiiting here, is faithful, hunble, gifted' 
 Men, who ai-e willing to fpcnd and be' 
 Ij.entfor Clrifi^ in order to caulc, ther 
 >kolc Gpniintnt to- embrace the Gofpek 
 ( ^7, y 
 They are a People much given up toprri'' 
 vare Prayer; fo that, in publick, they are 
 folemn and chcerlul, as alfo zealous for . 
 .God; and thofer.who are poiTe/Ted of ' 
 Thoufands fceni- as devoted as if not 
 worth any Thing ; there fcems, at pie- 
 f;fnt, a happy Difpofition among them- ^ 
 They are not ignorant of the dimrrent • 
 Opmionsm Religion among Profeflbrs^ 
 but they delp.fe all Sentiments which dJ 
 not tend to fubduc. their Hearts {O the 
 Obedience ot Chri/i: And as Hulincfs and 
 Happincfs are nearly conncded tOKetijcr'' ' 
 ihe.ronly Ambition is to lirek- to have 
 th^": Hearts moulded into the Image and'. 
 Spirit of ar;/.. Oh! that this wer? mom- :. 
 the Conteft among Chriftians ; then, like ^ ' ' 
 the happy Avericam, they would cnioy a' ' 
 more frequent Intercourfe with Heaven' 
 than they do.- My dear Fnend, I can^ -• ' 
 blefled Days and Hours in the Ways of ti e^ ' • 
 Lord yet I never had fo clear and frequent' 
 Man feftations of a Redeemer's Love ' 
 as I enjoy now. What Lhave fuffercd- 
 has given me fuch a Sight ofniyfelf, chat-" " 
 Tarn made willing to be any Thing in thc^:-: '• 
 Hand! of my God, being cWvinced that-V^" 
 lam not worthy of any Thing but Hell ' Y' 
 fo that.evprv Tnl-.^ /f t ...-'= ""' **fv* 7 
 '%' •'•'f'v'-: 
( 6S >. 
 35 a Means of fciting my Soul on Fire 
 with Love to him. O divine Saviour, 
 help me to p.aife thy Name, whofe Love 
 Is without a Bottom or Shore. My for-, 
 mer AfFairs keep me humble and rcfigncd 
 in my Station at all Times j his Love ta 
 me daily keeps me every Day happy j and 
 a Senfe of my Weaknefs keeps me daily 
 V dependent on him. I fee, that it is a great 
 Y hing to preach and live the Gofpel ; and 
 I am lUrred up to feek a Power to live as 
 folemn and devoted, at allTTimes, as when 
 in the Pulpit. I find the Way of thcCrofs 
 fweeter to me than I ever did before, I 
 drink no Spirits, Water is my conftanc 
 Drink-, I fee a vaft Need of keeping my 
 Body under, and of bringing it into Sub- 
 jeftionj and though, at this Time, Num- 
 bers are in an afflifted State, the Heat of 
 the Seafon, being exceflive, throws^ Num- 
 ; bers into Fevers and Fluxes-, yet, through 
 the Mercy of my (jod, I never enjoyed 
 better Health in my Life-, and my dear 
 Mafter makes my Sf^rits fo lively, that 
 my glad Heart dances for Joy : Indeed, 
 I want Words toexprefs how good che 
 Lord is to a poor Worm ; Glory be to his 
 dear Name. I fometimes think of my ' 
 Wife and Children, and ther^ Nature be- 
 gins to worki but I am obliged to give 
 ' ■. . " them 
 therti up to the Lord-, however, I fliould 
 be »lad to hear from them : I wifli, it were 
 in your Power to make any Enquiry, by 
 Means of fome of your Friends oi Brijlol^ 
 about them, and to let me know fomething 
 concerning tliem. And now, my dear bcft 
 of Friends, I cannot help often wondering 
 at the great Love and Purpofe of the 
 Lord, in making you an inftrumcnt of 
 freeing me from four Years Slavery^ 
 throughyour Aflillancc, in paying myPaf- 
 fage, by which my Way is made clear to 
 preach the Gofpel j whereas, the being 
 bound four. Years might have been my 
 Ruin: 'Surely, I (hall, while I live, refleft 
 on /Our Kindnefs with Gratitude. May 
 the Lord make your Labours fucccfsful. 
 O Sir, let the Zeal of the Lord of Hofts 
 conftrain you to devote the whole of your 
 Life to the Lord. A Minifter Ihould 
 have but one Bufinefs on Earth, the Sal- 
 vation of Souls. I wifh you all Happi- 
 nefs ; may your Chapel be the Houfc of 
 God, and the Gate of Heaven-, may the 
 Glory of the Lord be revealed there, 
 w h?nevt r you fpeak for God : The Crown 
 will recompenlc you abundantly for all 
 your Labours. My kind Refpedls to 
 Mrs. Cougblan, and her Daughter, (dc. 
 Lwifli them all HanDinefsi and 1 truft, 
 'i! i 
 t ||! 
I ' . of Grace : And I beg yoUrPrayers for me 
 that I may fpcnd the whole of my Life 
 bethcObjcdt ofallmyDcfires; to love 
 l\{?ll and to abour for hioJ. 15b all my. 
 • '■AVilhes and Aims; r*=^:''W , -" : .*•;. • ' 
 ^. •. V.-' ••;.*;-]'?'-;t .H' 
 L E T T E R IV. 
 Harbour -Grace^X^nokr 21 i 1774* 
 ■Reverend Sir,- 
 T Eicaitily thank you for' your kind Let- 
 ter, which convinced me, that you Hill 
 rareil for my Soul. 1 fclc my Very Mc-art 
 • pained, when I found you was not to re- 
 turn ; yet I could rOj'oice, and praii'c Qod, 
 that he had fruftrated the m.ilicious Dcfiga 
 of your Enemies, and had covered them 
 with Shame. O Sir, I do fenfibly feci. 
 , the Want of you; I can truly Uy, I havfr 
 often mourned for you with Tears. My 
 dear Sir, you dcfired, f would give you a - 
 particular Account,, how the Lord fii;fTt,:.,« 
 wrought upon my Soul, and how I go onj ili >;• 
 which 1 readily do, beli&ving it to. be my.t'f.V:? 
 Duty to comply with your Requell. Wheir'-.i Ter '' 
 J firll heai'J you pieach, I was an Enemy >'t-'n 
 to God, and knew it nor, I loved yoii ;-'^'^;|' 
 . from the lirft, and could not bear to hear/Ji 'f 
 you, or the ' Truth which you delivered^ ; >;'' T ' ' 
 evil Ipoken of;, yet your •Preaciimg''?T«y 
 wrought no faying Change in me^ tiJth-'Jr:': 
 your Ketunv from ^>f/Wi wiien, as I. con*' 'C-\(\\ 
 •^^■'•'■•'•^" -.:ji; * ■ '^ .n^ntly\?jll';* 
 • * 
 : 1 
 -' i 
.- " * - • . 
 iltntly attended the Means, the Word 
 began to take Root, and Things ap- 
 peared in a different Light. On Clfr/Ji. 
 masnVay, I ventured to go to theSacrament, 
 ■with my Father apd Motherj, after you 
 had repeatedly explained ' the Nature of 
 it, and the Danger of unworthily Receir- 
 ing,I was, in a Meafure, convinced of Sin-, 
 yet I did not fecy aad feel, my loft and on' 
 done State by Nature, till the Spring foU 
 lowing; when the Lord -fent his Word 
 with Power, as a two-edged Sword, to my 
 Soul: I favv myfclf wretched^ arJ .poor^ 
 And blind, and naked', having no Hope, and 
 withait God in the li''orld: I faw, and felt, 
 I deferved Eternal Damnation ; 'and was 
 conftrained to cry out, Lord^Jcve, or I pe- 
 riff}. The Enemy often fuggcitcd, I had 
 finned away my Day of Grace, and it was 
 .in vain to pr;'y, and. that tiiere' was no 
 Salvation forme. 1 was greatly diftreffcd 
 with blafphemousThoughis, and 1 thought, 
 tio Creature was fo ^tempted at I was : 
 Both you and Mrs. Cough/an prayed with, 
 and for me; 'I continued in this great Dil- 
 trefs of Soul, till Thurfday in ffhitfun lVeek\ 
 but when I was praying to the Lord, thi^ 
 Text came with Fowcr to my Soul, Try mci 
 and fee, if I will not pour jn a Blejftng, fo ai 
 thtrt.fhall ^ot be Jioont enough fo - held iL ^ \\ 
 '^•iMi?^^" "' • Suddenly;- . 
 fi;ddenly felt my DilVrefs removed, and \ 
 could rejoice, n the God of iHySalvatlun. 
 my Heart leaped for Joy,, and my S 
 were filled with Tears; I thought, I coulj 
 Chiflj Sake, had forgiven my Sins : I fdc 
 my Heart fo full of Love, that I could no 
 help Ipeakwigofit; but was conftrdined 
 to tell my Friends;' and I eameftly Joneed 
 tp fee you, to tell you what the Lord had 
 done for my Soul. In rny frfi Love I wa^. 
 .calous for God and often wondered JC 
 St. 7./.,v,m the Revelation, m^znt by 
 leavmg the frft_ Love, bur, by woful Ex 
 penence I now know what it means- had 
 1 not left my>;? Love, I mighthlvVbeen. 
 furrher on ,h my Journey : ^ O Sir I fr^ 
 nlha„u.d. when 1 W back, to te \Z ' 
 a L.>.terer Lhave been, and how So' 
 Glory I^ave broucrhtto.God; furely ic ■' 
 m-ght J uflly have for ever withdrawn t e ■ ^ 
 r^'n'^f ^' Holy Spirit fVom me; bu^ ^^ 
 what fhal I fay? He is a C.^^A ^e ^ •'• ; 
 Mercv. T OJll/^' it'-.!' ^G°^ °^ ;«nder.. ; 
 God, every Thing contrary to his divin^l- 
 S^eai ^ecclilty orHoiinelSi and, bleflcdf 
 ■Sv , 
( 1A ) 
 •bcGcd, I feci as Diflrefs^ at Tim«, 
 dor Sandificatlon, as ever I did for Juf- 
 . tificatibh .' I knoMv^thxttbe pyUlof Gbdii mj 
 San^'ficdtidhil fed, that nothing fliort pf 
 MolineCs 'will <io. Lord Jefus^ make pie 
 ' 'Jioly ; givfe mc i\\^t Faith which overcometh 
 . .the Wcrld^ and that Lcve whieh is Jlronger 
 \ than Death. My dear Sir, I beg an Intercft 
 ^jh youi; Prayers, that you may with Joy 
 f •gi^'= "^^ ^P *** ^^^ Great Day. I dill con- 
 .' J^nnue to meet the "Women, according to 
 . your Dcfire; but, O dear Sir, I feel my- 
 V » felf very unfit for a Leader, and often 
 " think, tnat all who make a Profefllon live 
 '' ,;. nearer to God than I do; and when I ought 
 . . , to be a Teacher of others, that I have need 
 ■ *r^o( fome orte to ttach me.— We meet as 
 ;■-'•. "ufual, on Friday^ at Mrs. Mnrtin*s^ and on 
 -'l'. Sabl^aih Evenings at my Father's and 
 "''brother's, where poor fy preaches.— 
 ^.PcKir M- — B •, and / -, Demas 
 • f:\ like, have forfaken us, havinj^ loved this 
 .:f*«}{r^'W/^«/ evil f^orldi they hav-r never met 
 •:''*-^: ; iincfc you'lcfc us. And what fliall I fay of 
 -.•;''■ poor Mrs. P— , her Walk is diforderJy^ 
 .' ;• and flitf feldort attends the Meetings-, I 
 '■'^ '• ant very doubtful of her: The reft con- 
 ■■<"'/.. ftantly attend, and, I believe, arc very 
 • -'^ iJncere.-^My deaf Sir, you caivhardly con- 
 : •'■■^ciye'lW Putrefy Vhat.-i fooaetimes feci 
 •:-^",''^9>^: .....*. -.-J: 41;.;- - • ;.,.^r. 
 ( '75 ) . . 
 forwanfof your godly Inftru^rons afi^ 
 Advice; knowing my ownUnfaithfulncl^, 
 and my great Ignorance, it often bo^sme 
 'down. I beg your particular ,0irettion 
 how to'procecd, in future, with rcfpc<fb to 
 •the Meetings; 1 defirc to be obeciient. 
 'None but God and my qwi> -SovU know 
 'lipw gladlfliouldbctofecyou: fvlySoul . 
 < Would fly, if pofilblev to heat ..the; Gdfpel 
 ■ Triimjict founded by ybii : J OK \\ S\i, 
 whcii I confider, h6w often I. K^vc been 
 ' hlcikd under yo\ir Preaching,.^" melts me 
 into 'Tears,' now I am 4cp"ved of ?iic ;, 
 ^ • Happinefs ; I often noOijrn for the blefTcd 
 • 'Sacrament of the Body and I^lpod of our 
 ■■Lordjefus Chriji -A^o Mivc, iojhr^jorth 
 • my Lord's Death, Jill he come : I . ttoft, 
 ■ He'will fupply the Lack of all Means to my 
 . Soul, and enable me to, fly to him, in every 
 — Time ofTrial. . I desire (continually to br 
 >'.taughr, by the Teachings of the bleffed 
 "'■■' Spirit; for if left to mylclf, but for a Mo- 
 '^ menr, I am readyito f^ll into Evil of every. .,. 
 "^^, TCtnd.' We\\mip)^tyeremah hy.The Htcn'C^^^, 
 t ' is deceitful - Above ^nll Xi>i"g^y ^^^ defperatelj 
 ' ■ imckedy'vihi^ can know ill \ Oin u\.\\y hy,^: 
 r"'"^ my p/e'ateft Enemies are within.; I feel an 
 • T-5Vcvil Heart of Unbelief, ever bene to back- 
 :'^^flidc ftt>m God ; I long to .be. delivered 
 ' r I'rttift tile 'Remains of inbred,. Sln^and to 

 ftavc the whole Image of G^a mneJ 
 x^ponmySoul, and .^ery Dc. • ^ S 
 h^fwilThi'n'^' P- ^^^^ '°^''-" Lilian 
 nis Will be done in me. M, ucar Sir I 
 .Jope, you will continue to pray for me; my 
 pool* Pr.ycrs fhall not be wanting for you 
 ; ., >I..y you ever cry aloud, and/pare not ; Mt ut> 
 .^ * ,'.' ^^^ ^^^^ 'nay tJaily -^dd Souls 
 ^0 yourMiniilry, and ac laft Lown yoj 
 > .7"; 
 ■i «)tri 
 Carbontar, ytb ofyanuf'ry^t f77.^. 
 ' . Mj very dear and Reverend Sify 
 t Am favoured with this Opportunity to. 
 write a few Lines, and hope, this wilfc 
 find you, and dear Family, fafe and well 
 in England; after a plea fan t and edifying.' 
 Paflage through the mighty Watens : May- 
 he that holds them in the Hollow of his' 
 Hand hold, fupport, blefs, protect, guide, 
 and direft you, and yours-, and may x 
 double Portion of the dear' Redeemer's 
 Spirit be upon you, enabling you to blow 
 the Gofpel Trumpet very loud, in every ...i 
 Place where God •;al.s you forth. But,r^N/, 
 Oh! to think of never having you this \, 
 \yay again is very Heart-breakingi bucv ■ 
 I believe, your Work is done here, and- 
 God is now calling you to greater Worlo^;;. 
 ftill. And when 1 confidcr, hoy you-hayc. 
 laboured and toiled for a. Parcel, of .p^r 
 . unworhy .;Jlebels,- in this inclement Re- 
 gion, lam covered with Shame, to think.. 
 ..that I am no better, no further advanced. 
 ;.it)awardi and ftiU. I am no better tluna> . 
 ■'■-v.. . ■".■■■■ Hi ' 'withered 
 ^ «i.<i- 
 I! m 
 withered Branch, notwithflanding the 
 Uoud was with us fcven Ytars, out 6t' 
 which thj Lord gave us Kain from Hea* 
 . vcn, and fruitful Seafons. What an Ac- 
 . count have I to make for all tliofe Gofnel 
 BlefTings that I have enjoyed, for all thtfc 
 Oofpd Showers, fliould I be found with* 
 out tnm at Jaft! 'Surely the Lord will 
 •not lend you this Way again; no, we arc 
 unworthy of fuch a Favour-, no, God may 
 .lultly make our Habitations as the 
 Mountams of Gi/ha, where there are no 
 iJews; but Glory to him in the Highefl,- • 
 who commandeth the Clouds above, and 
 ppeneth the Windows of. licavcn ; he it 
 ; i; }^^^ he^eth Prayer; and this is the : 
 ■Pnvileire of God's poor Chjldren in the' 
 Wildernefs, that they have the Prayers of 
 ?11 Gcd's faithful Miniftcrs for them; 
 Praytherefore, my dear Sir, repeatedly,- 
 to him iJraf gh'ctb the Increnfe, i\ux. he' 
 would open the Windows of Heaven, and 
 r-meiv,ber and refrelh this paxchcti WiU . .■ 
 derncis, wherein we live, with cdhtinual • 
 Mijwir.s of his Grace;, and thq; not one of)« 
 Jflole whom God hath given to your Mii. 
 Kiltrymaybelolt: And,.Oh! that'wemay- 
 p'ery opeotu' meetyouin Heaven, and. 
 be prelented by you tO; oqr dear Immanuel, ' 
 ;.ftd^heaf jrou lay, B(bold m, bkfj'ajtfus,' 
 V " ■ . and 
 ( . n ) 
 andthoft thou dulfig^ve me in Kewfou.dlaU. 
 yimen. Dear Sir, I hope, you will co 
 tlirough, and face all your Nc^^.foundlmd, m the Strength of Cbrifi ^ 
 wdl fight' all your Battles for vfu'. and. 
 • you off niore than Conqueror: It "s ' 
 his Caufe, therefore fear not. I fuppofl- 
 they w.ll. Dev.Mike, beafhamed to aXt; 
 q^enly aga.nftyou. and wouid beXd 
 '^ yo" were nlent; but out with thofe Set-* 
 pcnt.s out of the Grafs, and expofe them- ' 
 iiQC that we mind what wicked Men caV ' 
 do, or fay againft us; but let GodV' 
 Cauie be gbnfied, and his dear Children '* 
 the World to know, ^,^,\ be afl-ured, that r 
 you are a Prophet lent of God, a fa thful 
 M.mfter of Jefus ChriA which. Glory be to ' 
 y^M myfelt and a great many more have : 
 happdy experienced. Dear Sir, as foont" 
 as you left us, the liar hour- Grace Scribes ' 
 andPhan fees occupied Mofes^s Sea:. ' 
 P ; ^"d f$^ have crept into th^ ' 
 Church : ^he Enemy came and /owed Tares-^'- 
 One preaches ox.z i^urtday, and the other ' 
 another; and they intend to keep Pofleiri- ' 
 on, until a Miflbnary comes outf The firk' 
 Sermon Mtm preached was ar 
 \ht -Funeral of poor J s who"^ 
 WQs found droxyncd at the Wharf, a' Jictle: 
 f- •.. 
 iii .' 

( ' 
 »' • 
 afrer' you' failed, the- fame Morning fthi:^ 
 Subjed: or the Sermon run on the Rcfpeft,; 
 Obcdicnceand Homage, that People ought- 
 to pay to Magifkratcs, isfc. And I am^ 
 forr^'. to tell you, that feveral of thofe that 
 were for a Time of your Flock are turned; 
 over to their Doftrine, viz. all the 5——,; 
 and fomcochers,atf/(sr^<?ttr-(?r<7ff. ButjbleflT-" 
 cd be the Lord, I have good News to wiite 
 you, from your.little Church, at Carhfiear, 
 that,notwithfl:anding ourPronenefs to dray,. 
 and being without you, yet the Lprd docs 
 "meet and blcfs us there-, fo that, I am furc^. 
 yov\ are continually praying for, and with 
 us i and although abfcnt in the Flefhy yet • 
 we are often prd'ent in Spirit. Oh! Grace,.. 
 Grace, Oh! bleficd Gofpcl, Oh! ble/rcd; 
 Truths, Oh I blelfed Word and Spirit, that 
 point out a crucified Saviour, the Son of 
 God, lifted up for us: This, n>y dearr, 
 Mr. Cougblan^ is the Center of our Union, 
 although we are feparated, and difperfed. 
 into the uttermoU Corners of the Wilder- i, 
 nefs i no Wonder then, that we are pre- . 
 fent in the Spirit. Chriji lifted up Jhall 
 draw ell Nations unto him. J dq often won-; 
 der with myfelf, how I fhv^t' have any-"! 
 Love for, or Acquaintance witii all thatJ 
 love J'efus CbriJUr even as though I was 
 familiar .yiih thcuTi/fc nigh I never faw 
 . , ( 8i ) 
 them in the Fielh, v .by this blc/Trd 
 Umon, I fee them all, and enjoy happy: 
 and comfortable Moments with them that . 
 I never faj in the Body; All the dear Chil- • 
 dren of God in .this World,, throughout ' 
 the Earth, feem prefent with mt- ; much :' 
 ■ '"^x!^? you. my dear and Reverend Father' 
 mChnJl y\xo have laboured hard, and ' .'■ 
 travelled m Birth for fueh a poor Hell- '' ' ' 
 deferving Sinner as I am j may cu- hea- ^ * 
 venly Father give you his BlelTmg. even '■' 
 I' the Blefllngs of Jacoi,, on.the Head of 
 Jofepb fo, and more, may the ble/Ttd 
 TT *l^^ow upon you. My dear STr, we 
 had a blefTed watering Seafon, on CM. ' 
 mas-Day, at,our Love-Fead, in theChurch ' 
 and a gracious out-pouring of the Spirit 
 amongft us ; I do a/Ture you, the Lord was . " 
 with us tf a Truth; fuch a Time we 
 have not had flnce your firft c-^-riin-y 
 amongft us (fave the firft twoYears) no? 
 oIIX^k' ^,^^l''-«^-^!^'''35^^^TTlS;e cried 
 outi othershavmg theirCups running over • 
 The gracious Redeemer made i. a Love! 
 l-eaft indeed, and turned our Water into 
 Wine; and you,. my dear Si., was pre 
 ^nt upon all our Hearts, in a articular > 
 MannerdvarDay^Oh! tP :ThadPow5-: 
 from on Hieh,thati GO :^ ^„,e venture 
 • .* 7,' i 
 iJ^ar^ I ;^n^O/i}f 
 ' ! 
 .' ' A J^ •) •. •' 
 out into thcHighWays, withoiitCrutche% 
 ^ .and Call in. poor Sinners to fcaft with 
 ■ fuch amcrgful Saviour-, butmyFaculties 
 . .are deftrdytfd by a long Courfcof Sin and' 
 '•'Vice, that to me it fccms impoflible, that 
 ever I Ihould do any futh great Work for 
 Chriji: HoweVcr, I hope, he will make 
 ; me willing to do what 1 am capable of,' 
 *i\and makefne any Thing, or Nothing, 
 . ' .fo that 1 may glorify hinf, and be his 
 ihumblc Servant ftill. Dear Sir, if it 
 iliould not be the Will of God to fend 
 .;| •;' you out again •, pray be aflurcd, if you 
 ' ':': ■' "experienced Soldier vfjefus Chriji-, othcr- 
 ,!: : -wife, it is better for us to be as we are ; 
 :'L ioi our God cloth blefs us in our little (hort 
 Comings : 1 think, if you fend one, he 
 ">j?» iTJuft be endued with no little. Share of 
 u l^is Spiritual Gifts, to build upon andthers 
 K '.VI I'oundation: God di reft for the beft, I 
 ' •■■;!■ hope he will keep us until that Time: 
 !■>;'■ And, dear Sir, whether you or any other 
 ' ' *' fliould come, let us be diredcd by you 
 how to proceed, that we niay not let all 
 •.u^*'. drop> the Lord Jefus forbid, 'that we 
 vi'^'^ever fhould be content vvith a formal 
 :' ■ ' Profefllon.— My dear Sir, all our dear 
 Fricr.4»defir€. their Love to youi — 1 his 
 ■ V* 
 ( &5 ) ' 
 is our Meeting Night, .and I hope, the 
 bleffcd Jefus will meet and blefs us.^ lam 
 'obr|<»cd to Conclude 'for >- want of.Room* 
 7>;.i*?Ji-iv.''i J».d ;Tr<o.'Vi;ii If 'ii.-)iOiT» r. niai 
 oafi.joiS ic.jV.iJO-} siiolji vvl ijr/oTvoh i-.*-* 
 ,iut :hc»\*/ -t'ii-^^ r,)vi vi:'.r>t» '..J-iorrt iS*;> 
 iiUaiJlxu ui j5<jpr' L,-3v-yyoIl MvO 
 .gnifiTovl iw ,MaiuT yrtiYoUM^'l&fir. J^.K 
 '^'fi' ■'■ 4- -' ^ •*'^W ^¥n^^^<^^" '^'i <vj',1 cat*- -t^?;;' : 
 ■-. . '1 
 ^ -7.'' i' 1^. . . . -f « \ «l V f 
 .. .. .*AiV- ••"i .Vi- »• •••4* >• 
^k- 'Sfii- 
 . 2 Muft begin this Letter, by faylna, thnt 
 you w.ll wonder to receive [hi? om 
 me; however with Men Things ;, J ; 
 ponible, with God all Thin^ |;o^br 
 ^v,dences fufficient, to Lw hfs ai! 
 rp'ghty Power,- who cmmn»ded the Uzlt 
 the Number that will be taking this Oo'" 
 portunuy of declaring the lie .)a 
 Jhed abroad w their Hearts, arid of glori- 
 ^ ^'ng h's holy and blefled Name, for the 
 tht comfortable Influence of his Holv 
 ^p>nt,I am conftrained to own, and gladly 
 declare, that he feems very preciot ta 
 my poor fequeflcred Soul, that was falong 
 cltranged from himj that his Lona-fufTcr 
 mg has at laft touched the He?rt that 
 was once hardened .againil, ihe moft en. ,. 
 , .; •'/• M f , deaj:ing 
 ( 85 ) 
 dearlng Calls of his Holy Spirit. Oh! my 
 dear Friend, 1 bdicvt you often lifted up 
 your Heart arid Kyee to that allloveiy 
 and blcfll'd Sav;our, with ardent "Jntcr- 
 ccfTions for me, who cruelly abufcd his 
 ^ercy, and trampled under Foot ihe filenc 
 Conviftionsof an awakening Conlcience. 
 lUclTcd be rhy holy Name, thou dear 
 Iinmamsl, who halt plucked me as a Brand 
 from the Burning: Oh! grant, that the 
 Prayers of my Friend may co operate ' 
 With my popr impcrf«a Ones, for the In- ' 
 creale at thy Lqvc, an*^ that Faith which 
 worketh by Love. It has" jjleafed the 
 Father of Mcrcirt, to give his Son a fcw^ 
 out of the Work^ . few, I tfuft, that will 
 gather more Sons :o Righteoufnefs. I am 
 but a Probationer, and young in the 
 School of Cbrijii but a Week Yeacrday, • 
 that I found my Heart givino- way to 
 the fwc-et Calls of that dear Keckemer 
 and warmina it with humble Adoration ' 
 for iiALoving-kindnefs:' It was. when ' 
 all had told the bleifed E.^cpcrience they''- 
 had of the divine Love ^cd abroad in 
 their Hearts, when I fet feif-condcmned 
 Without a Wedding Garment, Aiillv con* 
 v](ftcd of my Unworthinefs; fince which. >' 
 I praifc the. Almighty Power, cut'"' 
 my Bonds klunder, and loofcacd ine from ' ■ ■ 
 ■ i-i' 
 S'jr.f i 
I '■ 
 ^lie Fetters of Sin and Death: Oh! that! 
 may be enabled to fet forth his Praife, 
 and declare his Lovir^g-kindnefs more and 
 more. */Anen. — *-! had the Pleafurc 
 ' of reading your Letter to poor ^— — 
 . ■•^1 7" -r> and it gave me greai -Satisfadtiorf^, 
 iie is a very fcribiis and -true Chrillian' 
 •and Iaboius..indefat.ig4bly in the Gift he 
 ; has obt.iinedj I truft, his Talent will gai,^ 
 •■ ^anyMT^n*. have Accounts from 
 many Hands, you will hear every Farticu- 
 •Lr; my flurry will not admicofmyen- 
 ; ■^^'■ging ': 1 am going ^to faii ior Hoqie 
 -.".To-Morrow, Ghi willing. ,... :\,, ,r 
 •.■<■■'','.- -r-i^i f'*^^^ -^^''n' nt:A' r L. J- o 
 ■ '^ if J:S^' -;Sr^;> -^'"^ ^^'^ ^^'fi <'^ ^i^s:i 
 .-wii..f4-.d; !,od ^r_-^i:irA ••''-• 
 X }H: T/T E 11 vil. 
 •I ; * 
 .'lU . Jf.' 
 Vi'V'^^J.^H' 5*.^ 
 't if 
 ;*'i ■ 
 ■ Iff .♦ ; 
 " ' '"'y .•■)J';.-.n *'ni,.:j ■ 
 Ms.tOVGHLAN^ V'-i^ \W..-f.|. 
 Reverend Sinfv •" "•.Vw:.or.'."o r 
 J Hope, that this Letter will- find' you' 
 poflefled of every Tiling that can make 
 you happy here, and filled with that Peace 
 which the World rannot give, or ever 
 take away. Suffer me, dear. Sir, with the. 
 relb of your Kriendi in thpfe Parts, to aor . 
 quaint you witk the Work of God upoii. 
 my Soul. When I firft heard you preach, 
 r went and feafched the Scriptures, ta- 
 find if thefe Things were fo; and I found, 
 that your Preaching and the Word of 
 God agreed:- Then I began- to confidcr, , 
 what State I was in; and the. Lord was' 
 pleafed to fliew me,..t^at I was an helpleiiN 
 Sinner. One Day,, when. employed at my: ! 
 ordinary Bufinefs,. I fuddenly felt a- IX'-! 
 preflion of Spirit, and all the Sins I hall: 
 ever .committed^ftared me iaftAijily-io ihc^ 
 '■'■•-■' A. ac . •••; ;: :;^^cc>^' 
 ■■ ■ - '!<■:'" ri*!-; 
 .4) ' . ' 
 ... face; about one Week. I felt guilty 
 • . Load, and I conftantly prayed to bcW 
 ..vcred f^romat:. The *^Lord heard my 
 rPray<:r,and 5oul at. Libewy 1 
 ,i:C..nnot fay,^hat I felt any fudden «; in' 
 . Si ftantaneous Change; but I found- the Bur. 
 .._: ,iv.rien. gradually remove, and the Love of 
 , -y^y/'J.OvcrrpreacI my Soul: Flowcrver I 
 ...can nowfay. in full Afiur^ce of Faith,thai 
 ' 7'f"sJ>v^d we, ,nd gave kmfelf for me: I 
 . . A: find hmjvcry precious to me; and I do 
 ■ • '& ^\-^J^^^^ ■ f efled be God, I hive 
 /; ,;-heen called to fuffer Affliftion in this 
 ,. .,,:l.jtCi 1 am almoft in. continual Angui/Ir 
 ■■- ''.'" <^°"^^q"<^nce. of, a broken. Limb,^tha; 
 . .«-was badly feti ye.c, m the Mid^ of my 
 •* 'itTr ?"/■'>?;« ^^eZord,M,d: trimpb 
 .^.1. «//>* Gcaofwy Salvation.^^Az preiencf I 
 '.•^•Jiave a. FcrfuaTion, that my Time here 
 • .•V<Mow >s n^ort; and I blefs'God, lam 
 .... ..ready v,hcnever the MclTcnger comes. 
 •'.^.•ihe Ground of my Perfuarion is this- 
 ;; .about fix \Vceks pall, my. Wife infoi-mecl 
 . vi. mt that Ihc heard tJie moft extraordinary' 
 ■'•••■?fh /J;''?"'^.^"^''^ '" ^'^'^ World, amV 
 ■ : , hat.fhc he^rd It continuaiJy while awake- 
 ' . .. :.; Jier Wo/ds iccm^d to me as idle Tales, anj 
 . . ^: I would not be pcrfuadcd, bucthat it was 
 '■::.- • f^"^. ^^^y . -^F |i^^g'"ation, till, at Lft- 
 --..»..*;.-' . about 
 about three Weeks pail, I began to hear 
 the fame myfclf; fince wJiich Time, it is 
 my conllant Attendant, while I am awake;.. 
 in what Place focvcr I am, it is with me 
 continually: It is-different from all other • 
 Mufick thar ever 1 heard, and is moft. 
 like the Sound of an Organ, according to^ 
 . the Dcfcription I have heard given of. 
 Organs; the Sounds arc many and vari- 
 ous; the Tunes, which are Pfalm or- 
 Hymn Tunes, " with many a Preamble 
 " fweet, " are truly. Heavenly; fo that, if.' 
 a Paufe is made in it, but a Minute, I 
 feem dejeded for want of it: This makes 
 me think, that 1 (hall foon be fet. at Li- 
 berty from this Houfe of Glay, and deli- 
 vered from the cumbrous Clod that now- 
 bows down my Spirit with Anguifli.'^— • , 
 I hope, you will not look upoi. what I- 
 have faid as wild and extravagant, for I. 
 folemnly declare, in the Prefence of God, . 
 that it is the very Truth.— Glory be to- 
 my God, that ever 1 heard your Voices., 
 receive my ThaiV.cs; and may my Goii 
 ^ive you his Blefling. — I hope to fee.yoa, 
 in the Realms* of Blifs, ar.d to welcome.: 
 you into the Manfions of everlafling-Re-^ 
 pofc; tillthen. Adieu: Continue fiirhfuU 
 ^:>''''';./-: ^''■;: La. '/ [')ix^:'}iMa» 
. y/^ l^^*|. 
 <> V^.^^ 
 150 ^^™ 
 1:25 u II 1.6 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) «7]-4S03 
 ".unto Death, anci yOu^ Mafter will*eive 
 . you a Crown ot Liic. . ~ 'f- ^ *^ 
 . ypwsf.6?c. 
 . ..; iv, 5. Theahoveexrraordinarv'AcGount' 
 ■•^* -l^ w "'^J'V'^ t'y the 7 cltimol)y or hfs 
 :'^tK^'^f^ "^ ^^« Mertings ; ami every Par!- 
 H ''^«-^) 
 . L E . T T E. R viIL ■ 
 Harbour-Graee, November ^, j 774. ' 
 Dear and Reverend Sir, ' 
 :Tiy^. ^O"!" to you, with'my Cncere 
 . ^Aff^^'on, and. I hope, it v^-W \n6val 
 inPropentyofSoulandBody. Thou!^ • 
 yf"'- ^<>^J^ in this Land is at an end vfr 
 ome of the Fruits of it do 'remai-r Lnd 
 . Itrufl, Will prove the Crown of ' y^u; > 
 rejoicing in the Gre^t Day of our Z3 • 
 *nd Saviour i. then, I hope, i ^1 h^^' 
 the Number, and Fove LV of th Seak 
 olios': "^rtr ^^/-p-i-ce 'r : 
 /r / >■• • ^^ 'ny Education inOv^-^.- 
 ^"4^/, in a religious Fai^^iJy Z^t" 
 cariy taught the; kr ofX\^,j "'^ ^ 
 this Fear, I was prefcrved • anrl k S'^'- 
 rcftraining Grace of G^d I w^fe,^^-^^:^? '^ 
 thesis Pollutions that ^rel^t^'^^ij!.:. 
 At Idlt, It pleaied the 1 m-H r,^ v " '^'"» ;:•. 
 mtothcfe Lrts. and I p'; ^ l^a'S^ 
 ':> Mercy in fending you. vL.Tll 
 ^"rd you, ™y Hearl ^joiadT wd^.t' ': 
 •;■ I- 
 ' 1 ' 
 C ?2- ) 
 reached my Ear, it Toon found a way ta. 
 - my Heart-, and i clearly faw, thatno pir- 
 ■ tial ourward Righteoufncfs- would avail 
 me; then I mourned and grieved for my 
 ' Sins,and fought continually for Occafions, 
 in private,, to pour. out. my^ Griefs- btfora 
 thf Lord: Thus I v.Tnt on a long Time;, God, at lail, comforted me. One 
 Evening; while my Hufband was readihg 
 the Scriptures in our Family, Vhe Lord 
 ^ broke in upon my Soul, and I felt his 
 .Love overflow my Heart Tuddenty, it 
 •flafhed in upon my Soul like Lightning . 
 'and I felt- a Comfort and Joy that nu. 
 ;Words can exprefs..^ Since this Time», 
 . I frequently feel a Return of the fame 
 Heavenly Fire, fometimcs in private, 
 •fomctimes in publick, when I draw near 
 •unto the Lord.— (jlory be to my God 
 for his Free-Grace, I yet enjoy the Com- 
 forts of his Prcfence ; and,l hope, lihall 
 •foon enjoy it in: full Fruition to all Eter- 
 nity.--'My dear Sir, [ cannot refrain from, 
 -acquainting you with what I hourly ex- 
 perience: About fix Weeks pad, on a 
 >Night,when in Bed, fuddenly I heard the 
 rnolt charming Mufick in the World; 
 !no Tongue can exprefs the divine Har- 
 .jnibiiy Ot Jtj and when it firft began, I 
 (thpughr^as it played, it exprcfled thefe 
 :.5->.-;'Vv;''' , • Words,,. 
 .♦if?^^'Ji.^^•; - ■ -■■.■-:■ 
 Words " All your Sini forgivcrt>" ■ This 
 'ixprefl.on was continually: for a con 
 -^L'^'n^i^'r T'""*^' ""^P^^^d '" Concert with 
 . y^hat I heard he- would not believe me 
 mu, n^ortly after, h« was convinced Zl 
 i^ic Tune5 arc Pfalm and Hymn Tunes 
 Trebl'an^J?-' ^"' 'I ^^^'^^^ -^ Baf Z 
 .ireble.andTcnour: Sometimes it plavs 
 exceeding foft; then again it raifes^and 
 &^''-.%''"S Joudf fomerimes* 'tSc 
 tl R r'A^^'"°"- ^^"^ Pj^y aJone; then 
 'd.liLhrr'i ?? ^°"S"e can defcribe the ■ 
 , delightful Harmony of it. For my Part ' 
 1 am enraptured with it; and, as 1 believe 
 ;t to be a delightful Summons to me I - 
 .long to be difiblved, to be with C&ri/i to 
 jom th.s heavenly Mufick, in fingmft^J ^ 
 Prailes of. my God, and the Lamb^ S?^- 
 fo'h/"^ ^7''-All my Family defies ^ 
 L rSrtr' ^^y^"' particu'larly my 
 p /ij "T^ hope to meet you at God's *"- 
 K^ghtH4nd, andlpendwith you a happy " 
 Eternsty. lam,, Dear Sir> '^^^ 
 ^?^9«r truly aflflftionate Daughter 
 'in Chriji Jefus, 
 Jane Nofevoortby^ 
 N . I' ■' 
 i'; , , i' "*' 
 4i', .a W- 

 :;Xt ,.si. ^f^i-" T :5i- 
 • v.>vA ;^./.\, ,^ .<,- 
 • .<. 
 t * 
 *.' .•! Have been; very particular in what tc- 
 '' I fpc6ts Mrs. Nofeworthy*& Account of 
 'Tt'^i tills extraordinary Mufick 5 I have alked 
 •ii^j ibmanyQiicftipns, and been fo minute in 
 ij^j* ;ihy Inquij7t.. that. tat, Jaft' believe it .is. 
 ■ . \he very Truth, 1 as related '/above (yoa 
 ■ /:].' Jcnow 1 am not very CfeSulous:) I have 
 ' '" ■ wrote :he Account : herowa.Words 
 ' 4-'' 
 (" 55 ) 
 X E T T E R IX. 
 '• ^^ 
 . liarhour-Grau^Novmher:4,\ \^;j^ 
 Dkap. ^t. COUdHLAN. 
 ■ ' ••^' -■• -^ ^^ V- ,1 .? 
 Sir, • • 
 -. ^ you m- Experience;; but had inucfi' : '' 
 rather tell it to you,. Face to I<^ace, than 
 wfite: But alas the happy Days are at an :i,.r 
 end, when we u fed to converfe with you: 'I ' 
 .We,lhall^o more receive your oodlv 'i" 
 Admonitions ^d Inftruflions; no more 
 hear you proclaim the everlafting Gofpd^ "•; : 
 and no more receive tlie blcired Sacra-* '' •' 
 ment at .your Hands: Wc ofcen larhenti. 
 and ir poflible, would wiH/a Return of • ' 
 the happy Days that are paft. My Ex-' 
 perience is as follows: The Gofpdctt 
 with Power from your Lips, and reached , - 
 the Hearts of my Family; our Eyes weffc^^l'; 
 all opened, as you may remember; it theJ:- 
 • iis^ loft nnful Worm, utterly vriyvdrchy 
 - f»' i 
 .! ■ 
. I ) 
 i 9^ ) 
 of Mercy., and many a Tear I fiicd, and 
 many an aching Hearc I '-ad,, before th«» 
 God of my Salvation fet me at Lfbertyi 
 above twelve Months" I groaned under ^ 
 ,- the Lafh?8 of'lty ConfciencLSanu ^ &' 
 Terrors of the Law. One Evening, when 
 mulmg <o my wretched Condition, in my 
 -own Houfe, and while I was lamenting 
 my undone St-ate,'th<e Lord brolce in upo^ 
 mySpul, with thefe Words,' ** I'eo-m 
 *' oily JkTuvc:' The Clouds verenowdii' 
 • ncrfedi I was filled with Lovo-j m'y heavy 
 Burden was removed -, I felt myfdf lifted 
 •abave niy Griefjr; and I did beljcve, that- 
 • God, -for Chriji'% ^S.lke, had fdrgiveh al^ 
 my Sins. I rejoiced thus • in- the lord ' 
 about a Week;' and then tlie Enemy'' 
 came in as a Flood, arid peftliaded me ^ 
 that I was deceived, thj^t all was a Dtlu' * 
 ,fion, and that I had not received l!*ardon' ■ 
 or Confolation, as yet. Six Weeks the 
 Enemy thus blinded my. Eyes, opprelTed 
 my Spirits, arid overwhelmed me ih Dif- 
 .trcfs; OW what A nguifli of Spirit was I 
 \n,\mu\\\\tLordJefus again delivered 
 .me. On a 'Sabbath-Day, when returning 
 .from the Holy Sacrament, hlled with 
 'Anguilli, and perplexing Doubts and 
 ..Fears, iuddenly I fdt myfclf delivered- my 
 .Boiibts were all difpcrfed, and I was^lled 
 ■ ' ' ' , \, . with 
 with Love: Oh ! how did my Heart ro- 
 joicc; then f defied my Adverfary, and 
 could, Nvith full Affurance of Faith, call 
 cye/usLord. Since this Time, blcfTed be 
 God, I have been kept by the. Power of 
 Free-Grace, and I may truly fay, 
 •< Oh! to Grace, how. great a Debtor, * 
 •* Daily I'm conftrain'd to be; ,.. ; ' 
 . **.May that, Grace, ftili; like a Fetter.* ^<; 
 *,;• Bmd myv/and'ring Heart to dicc.'f. 
 '• • :..■;-. '^. ,• ■ • - ^-z :| 
 : This, in Turn, is my Experience/ Ohf ' 
 that the Remembrance of ;ny Lord's 
 GoGdnefs may excite me to continue 
 faithf ul, unto hioi, and cleave clofer ini 
 clofer unto my God. We are not likel J 
 to meet again in the Jriefh, bur, I hope^ 
 We Ihall meet where parting ihall bciio 
 morp I am. With true Refped, -^ 
 pear Sir, 
 . Tour sifc^Uonatc Friend and Daughter ' 
 ;* ■ ... ' q.. ' ■■:'■■■: 
 ^ y 
( 9» ; 
 ' - '-My very dear Mr.'C^oucHt x'iil'^ ■ ^ *' <^> 
 I Am yer among the Sons of Men» vet tn 
 the Land of the Living; calmly wau- 
 ingmyi good Maftcr's PltaTul-c j jcady 
 ■whenever he is pleafcd to fign jny Rcleafe 
 -from this J;^owfc of Clay,' I here fend 
 you my Experiencq, and, I here, thcAc- 
 •i:ount will prove a Blefling to many: 
 "Jtrom my.. Youth -up, J Was moral, and- 
 Regular in my Convcrfation, of a fober, ' 
 'refcrved Dirpofition; yet totally blind to 
 •my Corruption by Nature, till the mcrci- 
 iiii Lord fcntjiou into this Place, to 
 preach the cvei'lafting Gofpci. Glory for 
 cytr be toiny God^ that I heard the joyful 
 News from your Lips, which has proved 
 .mighty to the pulling down of Strong- 
 ;holds. The firft Time 1 heard you preach, 
 I was convinced of Sin j the Truth found 
 a way to my Hearty and I f»w and fell my 
 .loft Condition l>y.,NftturLi and my whole 
 ';t Life 
 ",''K^'i*'<>i.' *•■■ 
 ( ^9" ) ' 
 Life appeared a Blot: I faw, that I had 
 jiev«r done one good A<fkion all my long 
 Life-, and my Grief was great and fore; 
 that ever I offended h good, an infinitely- 
 good Gcd : I laboured under this Diftrels 
 of Soul near two Years j during which 
 Time,. I fought the. Lord .carneftly with 
 Tears, Ninrht and Dayv and you know,,. 
 that I conftantly attended the Means of 
 Grace whenever Icbuld. ' Ariafi:, it^leaf- 
 cd God to- manifell his pardoning. Love. 
 to me, and to comfort- my aftiifted Heart. 
 Miny Times, I intended to go and open> 
 "the State of my Soul to you, but jlill: 
 fomething hipd^red v I have teen on t^ic • 
 Way to you, and then again returhcdback;. 
 :at laft:, I went to your Houfe,!and opcndd: 
 "the State of my Soul to you, and you 
 pi-ayed with and for nrtc; tiie fame Even- 
 ing, when I left your Ho life, there was a 
 heavy Load upon my Spirit,, and I v/ent . 
 ^ flowly on my way Home, heavy and 
 , jedted ; :' but before I ■ reached my owa 
 . Hpufe^itpje^'d theLord to ftiine upon 
 Vn3/.^Spiif, SiiH'l was fuddeniy filled rxitb] 
 ^^^'^M ''P.ii'ce in ■ believing * I fou nd m y 
 rH^4H:trtla\^^d;and -lifted upk Praile and''' 
 yj^.n^'^iifgivirt'^i, and I went to my Hoitfc 
 > "i9,^''^i»^^-' ^'"Hertwas-an Inllance ofamaz-.. 
 4jng Mefcy, -for •■ I 'was -aboqt ftvepty 
 K 2 
 ' i 
' I 
I ' 
 years olc?, wllcn thik Miracle of hcalfnf/ 
 ^ya^ performed in me. Oh I how Iha f 
 Jj^^;7"^^VHonour due unto the^ 
 t^ al .prevailing Name of ye/us? J 7m 
 fur., I,,aveKeaJon to bJcf, God/that ever 
 1 law yoor Face or ever heard the Wd 
 of yoMr Voice, for you was the Me/Tenger 
 m.vrJ '°r^°i!'- OhI that my God. 
 £re .nT'^":! ^^^^'"6' onyour^Heai 
 here, and reward you with an-cndurinff^ 
 Liheritance la Heaven. Glory be to r^ 
 God I am yet enabled to rejoice in himr 
 caHed tofecthcKing in his fair Bewitt": 
 ta triumph for ever in his:Prdence'and^ 
 L°nnrp'"^^-'''S°^i^f^ him^.throaah J' . 
 ^appy torn.ty. Give my Love and^btftl 
 ll^fpeftsto dwp Mrs. C^^K and. bSi 
 lurycraeto .i?c, iaSinccrityiad.Tmih. ' - 
 ,w^''-U\i i 
 ,. '-"y/ -.■i.< .'j-i/iyoiir affc(ftionfltc £)aurhtcf-/ 
 I iuill -yiVl (m'vJ^ '>;i»;t C>r»iv'^»^:| '-*.|.^,'' 
 x^v;% 'f. harbour Qract^ Nffvtmiar jl: 177^ 
 Mr. COUGH LAU: '^ ^-^ ^'V'^^^^ Xf^ 
 . DiAR Sir, ' ' 'I 
 J Did not receive your Letter of the loti 
 ot April, till the Beginning of O^ober^ 
 and I was heartily glad to hear from you, 
 but was truly forrowful, when I confider- 
 cd, that I Ihall fee your Face no morci 
 however, I am rejoiced, when I confider. 
 that you are happy, and out of the Power • 
 ot your Enemies. Agreeable to your De.; 
 "re, i here acquaint you with the Woilc 
 of God upon my Soul ; You have heard, 
 no doubt, that I have lived a regular 
 inite from my Youth up; through the re- 
 Itrainmg Grace of God, I was preferved 
 Irom the many Pollutions of the Place 
 wherein I was born; and I endeavour.-.i 
 to fcrvc God in the beft Manner I was 
 aoie. 1 heard you preach often, before I 
 was convinced that youc- Preaching con-, 
 ' -^3 ccrncd 
 '1. -J.- 
 J . 
 'i' ■ -i '1 

 ccrned me: I did not fee my N^ced of a' 
 Saviour:. I thought my own Righteouf- , 
 ne(s ,was fufficient for- tnc: , At laft, it 
 pleafed God to open my Eyes, by McaiTs 
 of vour preaching from thcfe Words, Let ' 
 the Wicked forfake his Way, and theUn- 
 rJ^biecus. Man his nought f^ and return unto 
 iL'c Lcrdy a^d he will have Mercy upon him^ 
 ■err. . The Words were direftly applicable. ' 
 to my State; J faMr clearly, that if 1 was 
 not Wicked, yet I was LfnrighCcous, and 
 wanted a Saviour as much as. any one. 
 When my-I.ycs. wcrt' orpcncd, how aflo; 
 nilhed was I to. find,: that all. my Righ- 
 teculnefs.was as filthy^Rags^ was hateh.1 
 iti the Sigut.of a pur^ and holy God. -r 
 nicurned, L lamented, and prayed con-* 
 tjrtually tomy-God, toopenmy F/es yct- 
 xftore and more^ and lead 'mc in-the- Way-' 
 ot- Tnulj.v' :/ hus i ftrovr^-and' prayed' 
 nfcar three Months ^;aftd then, ^at a pub*- , 
 l.cU Mtewng,. the Lord w-as" pleafed 'to* 
 f^\s6 me an Aflurance ot^his Love: After 
 thjs,.l began to dowbt^ of the'Reairty of* 
 myConvcrfion,.and jg^rayed for a clearer 
 Hvjdeiice of-' i*ardon - imd Acceptartce:- 
 IVly good. Lord riearci- and anfwcred, and" 
 gave me an 'Evidence fliortly after, ar 
 juiothe/ publick .Meerjnf/, -fle?,r' s':*', e- 
 Mcrkhar Sunj . ^en, I co'uW- trdyVay;' 
 -I. ♦.!• . 
 that ye/us was precious to 'my SouI« thir' 
 he v^^s altogether love/y, and that his Rich-' 
 teoufnefs alone (imputed and imparted) was ■ 
 fufhcient for me. • Glory be to his ixttt \ 
 Name, I yet find him near; he is myS ' 
 Comfort and Delight; the Joy and Defi e'^ 
 of my Heart. -I ^eel myfelf greatly at^^^ 
 ?. i"^^*^ yo"> It was you th?t was the' '* 
 Meflenger of Peace to niy Sourand I ^ 
 vanced m Years as I am, that I would 
 gladly undertake a Voyarre to\ff»<r/w 
 ^r no other Purpofe,4uf:^ff^^^^^^^ 
 Face once moxe m the Flefli; but as it fi"' 
 invrobable-that we fhall m^er again ia"^ 
 the Body, I truft, we fhall at laft meet • n 
 the Realms of Bbfs and Glory, to^irr ^l - 
 and M^s Bet/ey; may you and theyTn ' 
 enjoy Happ.nef^ and Comfort i/ your 
 native , Land, and arrive at Jaft in- r^ ' 
 Haven of Eternal Reft, 'I am.T Mi^^fe;-.'. 
 ■:■■} ' ••••■- .^ ^ .^c '"^^U'iij^/ 
 . t U*rnuh,iJ< ir; Dear Sir. -j o\i::-ii:i,,:pl 
 ',&'£ p^ afiirdionate Fricn^;!^;|^^ '}; 
 X: I/./; "" ■ 7 — -;»-.iw/; 
 i »^ •> 
 L E, XT E R XII. 
 ^,V^ ' Harhour-Grai'tt Nevemher ^ I774» 
 Mr: COUGHLAN, '''■ ^ ^ ^ J .^^ i/f 
 • Dear Sir, ^ - . . ■ , 
 T T rejoiced my Heart, to hear your 
 Letter read in our Meeting, lail Spring ; 
 but, 1 am fure, I was grieved, to hearthat 
 you was not to come to us again. Lord, 
 lielp us, we are left as Sheep^ witbcut a 
 Shepherd. ' that the Lord may fuppl/ 
 our Wants, for they are great. Agree* 
 able to your Defire, I fend you an Ac- 
 count of my Converfion, which was as 
 follows i 1 heard you preach a Jong Time, 
 and ufed all the Means of Grace, before 
 I was truly convinced of my loft, undone 
 State by Nature i and fo ftupid was I, and 
 ignorant, that I laughed, and wondered, ; 
 when 1 heard my Sifttr talk of her being 
 converted} and I did not belicvt, that (he 
 «/ac a Sinner great enouph to need Con- 
 vcrHoot At lail, it plcafed God to work 
 ;v. -V •. upo0 
 -«*'««— to— iw 
 ' »05 ) 
 4iul ih. Lord made ufe of it as a ifeeans 
 lawn.ylelfloft and undone- I ^ouml T k a' 
 as much Need of a Saviou^a'prf^fit^f 
 cT"'fc;::d "^^^'^^ P^ron'S- 
 ever, i cr;ed mjshtilr to tK*. T ^.^a j 
 mcPowerto believe in him 'mv ^""^ 
 was lifted up, and iJ^ .n.T^ T^ ^^?" 
 vnto h,m. Laft Winter, it pf "afed tIT ' 
 Lord to afflift n,e „„ /■' ''^. P'wied the 
 .e"n" Y:L°.'*:-d i 'l^*^f™- "g'd "'" - 
 i. ' -ic^ars; and a Dauehter ao^A «« 
 fcventeen Years. 7 h^r.- u * ?^^ "^^^ 
 raticnce to endur<» Affl.A- "^b'*^^" me 
 dear' SiPi I recfueft vn.jr P....-^ ^__ ''^^>^-: 
 ■I'liV' ,■'•-■"-■ "■■*' tliav •' 
 1 « 
 ( < 
 X V66 ) 
 lli^r*t may at laft join you,- with the reft- 
 of God's de,nr Children, where Sorrow 
 an</ ISfghing' fliall be/ forrcvcK doile 
 away. . . " 
 '■ I remain, with all Humility, 
 ;.;!■; A.v.y ; 
 DcArSir, ' •. ] 
 I .r. .^sr-nivi j. your affeftionatc Friend, 
 :Vi ;: V ''itil '■'j Jtff-fi irt ^"4 humble Servant, 
 ■ . > - 
 i'rrS ffijb ■:w^.^ ioiJ^.■0 -Jn'.iu' 
 ' J^^l; -m!A 6io.i ST^sJ -wtt .T:ois:b^' j^:i^Y;EIl 
 ^ f?7 ) 
 ':;. ." 
 ' .V 
 '''■''•'"■''■'■■"• •"'ja'^.i. 7i;o'>' -■' ■ - 
 E>SAR Sir, : ■ '^ 
 I Join niyfclf to- the Number of your 
 Friends, to write to vou- and S 
 %, with the refV, that I a'm dc^'ced and 
 ^a'cT^'^^ to hear of your Welfa"! 
 nnd fad, toconfider, that you wil7n^ 4' - 
 turn to us again.' May the I nri I •". i 
 tl.e great Sl^pherd anS^i;^^ ^^^^:*:ii.4. 
 mySo^ lizard yo^^l^t^:,: 
 ;a King Gofpo^ near three Years hJZlx 
 f^cltthatl was a Sinner' ' cS.nH ^ 
 tended the Means of Gr;c; bufS ^^ ''■ 
 ■ / 
 i? '' 
 ■ t -. 
-^:t .7^:s,-i 
tliea the Word came witli Power in my 
 Heart, and I faw and felt niy loft, undone 
 Condition by Nature,, and, by Pradticc: 
 I laboured under thefc ConviftJons about 
 t,wclvc Months, groaning earneftiy to be 
 delivered', at laft, it pleafed. the Lord to 
 •break in itpon my Soul, in a very power- 
 ful Manner, when I was receiving the 
 Holy Sacrament At yoUr Hands j then, 
 *then, I found experimentally thatHis F/eJh 
 was Meat indeedy and that His Blood ivas 
 ^rink indted\ my; Jefiis . did then feed my 
 Soul with the .Manna of his Love; I 
 found the Burden removed that preflcd 
 me down, my Heart was enlarged; and I 
 - cap truly f^ay, that! did, then indeed re- 
 . joicc in God my Saviour. Glory be to 
 . God. I yet feci, that Jefus is precious to 
 mySoulj he is, yet with me, his Rod and 
 his Staff do comfort me. I find, that all 
 his Ways are Ways of Pleafantnefs, and 
 in his Paths are. Peace^ Thanks be to 
 J piy God for h is i^ree: Grace, I (land; and 
 ■ I hope» through the, fame Almighty Pow- 
 «r, that I (hall bcenablcd p gcrleYerc un- 
 - to tH* End. i Let me,, with the reft of 
 ' your poor Children in thcfe Pans, have 
 an.>:Intcreft in; your Prayers-, I am fure, 
 w^ ofici\4tbirik,of yc.u, and ye p» ten pre- 
 ' iaS^oii in our Prayers before the Lord; 
 •...,. ', . ■ . Oh! 
 C 109" ) ^ 
 Oh! that he may hear our united Cries ** 
 and enable us to continue faithful unto' • 
 Death, that .we may all inherit a Crown of* 
 Life, and may at laft meet, to enter with ' 
 you into the Marriage Supper of the ' 
 Lamb. Give my Love and beft Refpe<5ts 
 to. Mrs. Cou^hiart, and Mifs Bet/ey, znd 
 believe ttic' to be,' "■' ' ''"•■ - r- •.;» 
 loUvjq u«;{j -ij :...•, ,. "-. '•->. 
 ' I ^'>nR^,i;vjir.!l.?.TH?T '^"Pt^W.Servr.nt,-'^ 
 ■ o^ ?wf^.:>^i i,■f^^,K ^«c;,i,^ "^r Kj'^^::: \. 
 i^^'-ii vJ6 L ; '■l:^ .-i list. .. *• " '■ . 
 ;i. i 
 "I v r " \ \ ' i S" * >." » ' 
 •I ■ 
 • i^.r. ^jC III,'!, have willingly embraced this 
 /.'/^rv'^y^ ^,(ipp<?rtunity' of acquainting you, that 
 ;:.i..' ■>'!'>, the LQrdhasftiU*prerenrcd me, as a Mo- 
 '^•vi'i nvimcht pt" hii Mercies ; he proves to me 
 . .''""i-*^''. jin indulgent father, and a bountiful Bene. 
 *.''*> •'r'Vaftor: Oh! how doth he fulfil his Pro. 
 . «l 
 1 ■«. 
 adore Free-Grace,. -who have experienced 
 'fft'^''\'',Jefus toke my Redsemr^ when Thoufands 
 ' '-'^ll;-- better thaiil are left faft bound in the 
 '.••:■:;;!• Chains of Sin and Mifery. But, O my 
 '.'■.t'.'vM^'dear. Sir, what Reafon have I to bluih, 
 ' ^I'l'fl ■•'.,' and be aflumed, when I review my After- 
 -.>i/!^M*i.Walk, who have fo often abuled the 
 •'•■^f^'^G': Goodnels and Long-fuffcrings of my dear 
 • 'V'.'--lr7f/w who have fo often trifled with his 
 •-'iV'* precious Blood! I verily believe, that I 
 ' •V'j'amthe vileft of all God's Children-,- tor. 
 ^Teacher; yet, O my dear Sir. I can fay 
 that 7(///j loves me! Is not this Grace 
 upon Grace? I hopeyou Will help me to 
 pnife God for his Mercy, towards me: 
 And, O my dear Sir, pray' for nv^, ihat-I 
 may endure, to the End: I truft, that he 
 who h4s begun this gocdPFcik-ViiU nrver 
 leave me nor forf ah vie. May.Ic^ 'v.hold 
 fajl whereunto Ihaye- already attained, and 
 never draw back^ till I i^ay. be foun^ com- 
 plete in Glory, and fing ince/Tmr //^^V- \,' 
 lujahs \o Qoi\ and the Lamb for evir. ■ 
 ^wf».^Dear Sir, I defire to be thankful 
 for.the.Goodnefs cf God, in conveying 
 •youfafc to vour defircd Port-, anirx.iay' !: 
 7(/«j,cver.blefs, you from the upper and 
 Tocthcr prays your , unworthy. 'hi 
 Daughter io thtGo/pcL .:-. . ..;.•, - '■'■ -• ■/•••^ 
 •J. yit^.i.Z'tir'^ti 
 i' K 
 ■ t\ 
 ' ' ! 

 ;St:fe '■'**' 
 •V. '■ * ) , ^ 
 i: c:-; 
 ^>I ^^cc'Vfa your Favour lad Spring, and 
 j>. . >ya^ .rt- joiccd to hear of your fafc Arri- 
 «'.^^ !i" • ^f"<!f'f i but V'as' greatly diftreflcd, 
 ^p^xh.^Aj/p.yiid that yoix was not to return 
 'f ''•'*. i"^i."^'^'""f ^/<fl' the Want, of' you in 
 j-.tK^.Vy inter,: yet had fome Hopes' that you 
 J J, would return i but when I muft 
 ■ '■■ -t -.^^Xv""*/ Hopes were'biaftcd, and I mourn- 
 ^.cd, were dead, or as though 
 ■ j^^^^^iP^^Evil had happened unto you j yet, 
 -.-in theMiddpf my Diftr^fsj 1 found the 
 . i'^'Lord (who i$ the only Help in Time of 
 ;'.;■ Need) was my Comfort and Confolation, 
 , .-. ^ my Strength arid my Stay/ Agreeable to 
 • ;;'ryour Defire, I hcfe fi;nd "an Account, how 
 i ;• t^l was brought to Cod,, through the Mini- 
 : , ^ftration of the jloribvis Gofpel, which has 
 ][ proyed tbt Powir c( God unto . Sahatio;^ to 
 . jny Soul- 'My Life, before you came to 
 Vthis Xandj Wregulari and I honed to 
 ( T'li ) 
 be favcdbythe Merit of my Works j n6r 
 -^^o I know, that 1 was triily aw?Jtcned, 
 uhtil the Winter that you'firft went from 
 - J^^\^^3:cctoEnjr}a»(ii then it pleafed the 
 ' Lorj to Open niy Eyes,and T found,! was.. 
 .; an Unbeliever,- and had Need of a Savi- 
 ' our; But on Cbrijimas-Bay^ when yoa 
 •firft adininiftercd the Holy Sacrament ia 
 Harbour-Graee^ I felt the Weight aqd 
 Burden of my Sins ; I faw my great Un- 
 worthincfs to receive the Holy Commu- 
 niop, and was fo oppreflcd with Awe and 
 Terrour, as I approached the Table, that . 
 I funk down; and I know not tc thi» 
 Hour, how I received thefacred Elements. 
 From this Time, I felt ftrong Convic- . 
 , tions (which were often fo violent, that I 
 could hardly bear up under them) until 
 ^the twelfth Day of February following; 
 on that Night, when returning from°a 
 •publick Meeting, I felt myfclf fo vile and 
 wretahed, that I wn? conftraincd often to 
 fall on my Knees in the publick Path, and 
 cry for Mercy i but before I reached i.iy 
 own Houfe, the Lord Jefus broke in up- ' 
 on ndy Soul, took away the heavy Load 
 that bowed me down, and I went on my 
 Way rejbicing. I can, by no Means, 
 defcribe the amazing Alteration which I 
 luddenly tclcj l was happy, my Night 
 '^-li'x-^LiS ^ i "' '■7* : ;was 
 ;( «'4 ) 
 was turned inbDay,^/ Hell was chang- 
 ed to a Heaven. Since that Time, blciT. 
 cd be God, I ftand;,and,,»n the Strength 
 >!^.ofJe/us, 1 am enabled to'Jigbt the 'g$od' 
 ■;Figbt 0f Fattb: Oh I that 1 may be ena- 
 . bled to endure unto the End. I find, my 
 ijefus is ftiil precious to my Soulj he lifts 
 \Ttiy finking Spirits in every Affliftioa, 
 . and 13 better to mc than all the Wprld. 
 .1 requeft an Intireft irt your Prayers, 
 , you always have an Intcreft in mine. Oh I* 
 •raajr wc meet where Prayer ' is loft in 
 . .'ff^jli^ia^dvParting is no moft.,- '. ' *;' 
 i?ri/Jiv-;/.>?>l<^.'? \ i ''f^ My dcarSir/i >-1 
 i-^ia ^l '^l //'Your affeAionatcDaughtcr> 
 r i. -7 ■ -■ -^-- ■•'« 'L '' ?•••?-•?■*•. •>^r'^r • ■ ' " ' 
 Lcaer from my Hands, thouc^h I am 
 an unworthy Follower of the dear Lord 
 7'/w. You exprelTcd fome Fear/ .h^^ 
 -e in your Letter, and I confers at the^J 
 ^ere not groundlefs; for T find ^^ r .^ 
 tnatitl had not been a Loiterf. i /,■ l 
 h»ve been further on in my heav ^f' 
 rf vvorK of God wrought upon th^fr 
 ii- you. in Obedience to vonc r^ 
 J^and, I, among the reft. gf^^oJanA'^-' 
 coi-nt of the- Work of r^/ ^^" 
 ■So... which. w« as followt"^Ali ^"^ 
 Vc.^. .THK^Unci^i i exceeded all rJJ^ .. 
 — - — '* "•• ♦" — - l^eighhourl .- 
 ((:ii6 ) 
 "^ Neighbours in Iniquity, and gloried in my 
 Shame i as laft, it pleafed God to awaken 
 • me, under a remarkable Sci-mon of yours, 
 in Carbonear, on thefe Words, i^f/ the Wick^ 
 ■ id forfake his H^ay, and the unrighteous 
 Man his Thoughts, £yV.»The Word came 
 Vriih Power to my Soul-, I faw myfelf 
 wicked and abominable, and wondered 
 • ^hat my God was «fo kind, as to offer Par- 
 don to fuch a Rebel as I had been. The 
 . Conviftion jrbllowed me, and \ncreafed 
 • more and more, till my. Sins became a 
 Grief, and Burden too heavy for me to 
 - .' bear: Near twelve Months, I groaned 
 ■under the Laflies of a guilty Confcience, 
 • ■ 'and then it pleafed my dear Redeeiper to 
 -Jiave Mercy upon me. One Nigh^, bemg 
 at J^rayer with our Friends in a private 
 > -Meeting, the Lqvd J ejus fet my Soul at 
 ^Liberty, and g^ve me an Affurance of his 
 .. X-oVCi he fhcvycd me, ^hat great as my 
 • -Sins had been, yet that he was able and 
 (willirie :q pardon, and Tieceive me mto 
 '' ^-JS/ OH'Vw was i aftonifheda; 
 . ; his gracious ConCcfcjonftoni 1 funk down, 
 overwhelmed wiih a Senfe of my very 
 •" *;rcat Unworthin^fsi and feipamed trem- 
 • -blinR, and overpowered wu> Wonder, 
 ^•n "- Fru'n'ifi '*ame and railed me "O"^ 
 ■,.■.., ^l .•.,«J;. • » 
 ■^^"^hV^ n^y Acceptance; the 
 ■ ;^7'^ ^^^^ perfuaded m., that all was a 
 Ddufion;.and my Lord hid Kis lovdy 
 , .the Ablcnce of my Lord ; no Ton-ue can 
 while he concealed himfdf from me 
 However he did n'ot leave me long com- 
 fortlefs. became to my Deliveran?e, dif- - 
 llniU "rF'""!^'' ^"^ ^'^ "V Doubts 
 ■ r^"' Je^ Glory be to my God, I yet en- 
 S r ^''^''['f ^'^ -i^refence can ca I 
 7fs, Lord, and do ftilJ feel him precious '• 
 TfZ T'' ,^^^-'^'^^^ihadthc'Tong^'r 
 ^ myGodforhisMerciestome: He pluck- 
 . Jd me as a Brand from the Burning/when - 
 • LTnVd" '- r^^ ^^^ ^° ^^ftrudion he 
 CJ.'u J 
 J -.t ■*"•»/' 
 Dear Sir 
 ^l:i: H"f aSeftionatc, though unworthy 
 • , vrr ''i\t i.^:-,., t ?on and Servant, 
 i"i ■■—>;••. 
 •.'•■• iit :■' : - . . ■ 
 : '*' 
 :?> :*1 
 ; ;;1L fi:;-r T e r xvii. 
 !^.t ;i. 
 ' NovemUr Ay "^IIA^ 
 ;.; ■ My dear Mr. ^tfa§^/<7«, 
 • AS 1 iliould be always glad to hear 
 ! from you, I would not let flip any 
 , Ooportunity of writing to you, if Time 
 'vovild peimit; and as Mr. H "^ 
 •;becn detained by contrary Wii>ds, and I 
 . -now have ;a little Leifure, I gladly em- 
 '■* brace it, to tell you how thankful I am to 
 ■ God, that you arc well, and doling good in • 
 r.your Lord's Vineyard. Oh! my dear 
 ^ -Sir, how merciful hss our blefied Redee.B)- 
 '• cr been tO us poor Creatures here, that 
 •■■he {houl( fo didinguinVing a Manner, 
 vifit us, by fending the Light of hi§ glon- 
 r^otis Gofpel amongft us.-, bleffed .be his 
 "'holy Name, although, through my great 
 ' Ingratitude, lam utterly unworthy, yet I. 
 '•, find it to be the Power of God to the 
 '■f.Salvatioa of n^y Soul: / hnow, that my 
 y Redeemer Iheth, and he often co'^^^^jf. 
 - . mc with his divine Lovej bvu my >-aie _. 
 '., ^ ■..; ' •••..' *.uhgrattral/. 
 - ( "9 ) . 
 ungrateful "Heart, how ready is it to turn., 
 afide from my altogether lovely Redeem-' 
 crl How ready to receive and worfhip 
 IdoIsT But though I find thefc Tempta- 
 tions ftrong, yet Grace is ftronger-, my- 
 Je/usy in his Power and Strength, enables. 
 mc to refiftand cofiquer. O Sir, by the' 
 manyCorruptionsI feel,l know,that I have 
 not made ufe of the Talent my Lord en--.' 
 trufled to my Care; I have not been 
 faithful to Grace vouchfafcd: But prayV 
 for me, that Imay be enabled to fet out, 
 afrefli, and tr-imple all thefc Enemies 'o 
 my Peace under my Feet; that my bleH*- 
 cd Je/us may be Lord and Ruler of every 
 Though^, Word, and Aiflion of mine. ' 
 My dear Sir, how do I lament the Want 
 of thefc rcfrcfhing Seafons, which I made;";' 
 ■ .but too light of, whc- frequently to be^ ' 
 . had. Ohl ma/, pur Lord fend us 'a 
 Teacher after his own Heart, that our:-- 
 Souls may be more abundantly fed; but" ■' 
 thoiigh I Ihould have many. Teachers, "; 
 , yet my Love for you would exce'»d them 
 ;aliri never Ihall forget your Exhorta- ■ 
 ! tions to mc-, for my Redeemer ha? blcfT- • 
 fed them to my Soul. I fliould be very':'. I 
 ■ thankful indeed to fee you, and dear, ' ' 
 ■ Mrs. Coughlan. once m.ore, and. I hope 
 ..that God in this Matter wiilgrantmy 
 •.. n*-^ 

 '1 . 
 (120 ) 
 Rcqueft; but fhould he no fuft, we , 
 fliall meet where Parting fhai- be n^ more, 
 where %bbatbs never end; but where 
 there will be ceafelefs HaUelujabs, feeing ^ 
 the Latnby vjpo batb redeemed us with bis'^ 
 .Bloody and made us Kings and Priejls unto 
 cur God. I hope, you do not forget me in 
 your Prayers, that the Lord may grant more Faith and Love, and make me.^ 
 , J^ly in all Manner »f Conver/ation^ that I' 
 rf'jlla^fponftantly be enabled to ivorjhip tbe., 
 ■Lord my God in Spirit and in TrW' with, 
 iKj Bodj and Spirit t tobicb are bis\ • ':. /" 
 ..v!.i. (•- : •:, . - • ■ : i' ;<v . oiV:^«J"- ; '• 
 ;•: ..'CT' :::liiA^ dear Sir, :nli^^ 
 y..i<-V ;■., f^'' \, 
 i.'Fr3rV>;y!7'j-;v;y our unworthy, though ^"•: 
 U.>/ 1-; 
 i' w «ir* I w j> i t f 
 (,:«2i i 
 Har-hur-Grace, November i, 1774. 
 U:.COUGHLAN^ •':•■. 
 Dear Sri?,' 
 /^S I am depnvcd of the Happinefs of 
 feemg you-i^^icc to Face, I sUdW 
 comply with your Defire, in .fcndir| you 
 an Account of my Experience: V^hf^n I 
 Brftheardyou'preach, I wasdead^to God' 
 dead tn<rrefpajfes and in Sins; had no Ko-" 
 tion of bcitigi^,;, cgahu and 'did not fee 
 my Wretched State h^ Nature and Prac- 
 tice: I conftaniiy attended your preach-' 
 ing for. about. two Years, and all that ' 
 lime, I was. not convinced of my loll 
 State: At la^Mtplcafed the Lord to lay ' 
 «i3eonthcBed'of:Affli«flion;Dc rh ftared 
 me,iiith(j:Fiace,^artd all- my former S\as 
 came to- my Remembrance i- 1 then fa\y^ ' 
 my Need of a Saviour, and was conftra^n- " 
 cd to xtyottighcily to Qod, that he would 
 > ■ < ' » 
 • -.• < ■ 
 .if J' 
) : 
 I i 
 ii • 
 ( 122 ) 
 fave, me from eternal Damnation: I faw 
 .myfclf fie for Hell and Dcarudtlon, and 
 knew ;Ij^t, If J was not waHicd in t\c 
 Blood of ye/us, I could not be faved: 
 I laf in' this great AiTnftion of Body and 
 Mind about fix Weeks, as you may re- 
 member, Sir, for you often VI fited me in 
 rty Affli<5tion. One Morn mg, ns I liy 
 in great Weaknefs and Diftrefs, itpleafed 
 my blefled Redeemer- 19 vifit me-, 1 fek 
 my Diftrefs removed, and mv Soul filled 
 with the Love of Je/uj; I thought my- 
 *fclf "wholly fkved from Sin; the gl6rioa<> 
 Sun of RighUoufnefs did ar.ife with healhtg 
 in his Wings: From that Hour, I thought, 
 1 began to amend-, I felt Peace in believ- 
 ing, and a Refignation -to tl>e Will of 
 God: But, Oh! dear Sir, what iictlePro- 
 grefs have J made ! How ihamefclly have 
 1 turned afide, and grieved that Hciy. Spirit 
 '.vhereivilh J was fealed: Kiit^ jGlory be to 
 my God, he hath had Meicy ea me, and 
 given me, Grace lojcburn; I do now de- 
 lire to be wholly given up to God, to be 
 i.dircdjed by him in all my. Ways. I ftilt 
 ■.c^DViruie .to meet with ,thc reft of our 
 i^riends.; and I find, that the Meetings arc 
 Atlefled Means of Grace to my Soul: And 
 .; 2 Jiave Kc^on CO pr^ife God, that ever 1 
 .. C 12^ ) 
 faw your Face; for, under God, lowc my' 
 ^alvation^to you ; and I truft to mec;c 
 you vyithjpj', when you have enteVccl /»/-^ 
 -•jrT*:;:;rv/o-i:.f ;n^<^; itr. --^ -/'n v^v, 
 ,>/:'i;:j.>«il t tia.?ri:r>; iT«>j''| •.7-j'*?-i' Vv'- ?:. 
 I 3-0 f.'i'.^f s-h o> ;if/'3i.r'v;V>S«»./ hf :'?",<■ p:i'' 
 •-js ti*-.. :.vSr tCT-rtjs y.r,', ,>(l% jVi.iv,/ i ' : 
 * t 
 »..'^ W '• • 
 <t» ' 
 ■ 1 

 . ■< I. 
 « •, t . 
 ( f24 ) 
 ,h*j.' iTi v:l } :.;l-i'v,' ^l.;/' i ''i:'-) '.ftJ •;•• » i: 
 Dcaj ^K,C0mHL4ir, - ?:•'• -»!]:. .X 
 Y ^ M .^^r^^^'^y, /«npyr J my former , Ex- 
 '_ pcrif'nc<r| ^er; incompliance tp your 
 ptlia', 'I ' Wil 1 '" iignm\\ repeat , .it. to y op': 
 You preached here near^ three Years, )?e- 
 '■'■ •; fore (he Word made any Im'prc^iop "upon 
 • S me; 1 found my Heart hard astht ;ether 
 Milftone, and felt hot my guilty,, fauen 
 State-, kt lad, the mercifAil Redeemer waa 
 p leafed ti open my Eyes^'in a fudden, and 
 almoft ]nftantane6u$ Manner, when fit- 
 ingin my own Houfe-, I was iftruck witii 
 Surprifc to fee my fallen Condition ; and 
 Anguifh filled my Heart, when I faw tha 
 Load of Guilt which bowed down my 
 Soul: I cannot exprcfs the. Pain and'Arj- 
 •1? ffUifti I felt I for ;hrec Days fucccfllvely' 
 .. 1 v.yuia 4iJiu no 44njtiyii>cn& jo apy Jt ning, 
 ' C 125 ) 
 and T thought, my Pain and Diftrefs of •. 
 Soul was as great as if J had felt a Por- . 
 'on of Eternal Tormenti; but the third 
 Day at N.ght, ,t ^leaf.d the Lord to take - 
 «fthjf3 and diftrefled; the Lord S • 
 kindly came cO my . Deliverance, and " 
 fpoke Pardon and Peace ro my Sou ;■ the ' 
 Xhangc was fo fqdden, that I was, is it 
 fay, or th>nki I knew, that I was full of 
 A.ove, that my Pains and AnguiHi were 
 all removed, and that I was willing, thic 
 Inftant, to die; for I knew, that my 
 Sms were pardoned, and that my God ' 
 S-^n'irW^"' "'V''''' ^''' l^I^n-ed Arms. 
 &inee this Time, I am enabled, by the 
 Trrhi ''/"' 'i' Sreateft Enemy, and 
 Troublerof my Peace, is this vain,f;oli[h -' 
 Worldi fometimes it almoft overcomes 
 wi'th' ir"; TV'""' "^y "'^^^ ^'■o'" God, 
 ^'^^ J"^I^<^l"fions. and anxious Cares 
 tr-l^^'^'"^ '?<^ God. who«.^,. kav^Z> • 
 Makes me, ho calls mc by the aentiC 
 Whiipers of his Spirit, and fays. /^S, 
 w/// f/jougo? That" the Won^] "f p 'i 
 if^i nope, I n.aii cc^^SiMiM 
 ■ 3 - even 
 / ;ll' 

( si2p ; ^ 
 even unto the End, and fbali '\x:yo\{r'Jo^^ ^ 
 and Crjywn of rejoicings in tht Greai Day^ 
 . 1 .requeft an- Intcreft in i your. Prayers, ,7 
 when you prcfenc your Children in thcfe . .' 
 Parts bcfprt'the Lord: And- thi.j we.; 
 may , all meet at lail jn the Kealrns of Blifs ■ : 
 ami the. Prayer ofy- ''tr-}n '.■V.if-'cA . 
 '^' 'C ^T •?! ■ V<)or aflfcaianate Son; ;•; ': 
 ■■ i^ ii*(!:^;'^:::.^^ •^a«i:biimbi<;rScrvan^.^ 
 < .'('j. •» i.fij'j- '^c »*' .• 
 •.t;(♦...i>•.•,.}- t,f,. 
 ■v:;i«M'r!:.lJ:U i. . 
 ff '»{V 
 •' ! ' ■■ ' ■",' ' -. ' ^— r- — i ^ . •::"'! 
 >y_. r.r . Fre]h-lVat{ry O£lohtr 27, 1774,'-^ ^ 
 • . iWy Dwr ani, Honoured Fawer\, ' / . ,- 
 J- Your poor weak Child, now acquairt;' 
 • •• you with my Life, which, bleflcd bcf • . 
 God, is prcity well at this prefcnt Timcj-r''.; 
 for this Day, Lhave.bcen \tx^ ^appy» as .'* 
 I was in the Woods. Glory be to our 
 blefledaridjdcarllcdeemer, who is ahuayi . 
 more ready to bear^ than poor Sinners, are i ^ 
 ready to fray. My dear Reverend Sir, I 
 am, at Times, troubled! with Fears and 
 Doubts, that I fhall be overcome by the > 
 Hands of Sqid\ but when L look unto :';• 
 the Lord, I know, that his Grace is fuf- ■ 
 fioient for jjity and I am enabled to rejoice. 
 My dear Father, the greateft Enemy I • 
 have is my deceitf<jl Heart; but, O m/ 
 dear Sir, what a Blcfling it is that we 
 know it ! One Thing I know, that the 
 nearer I live to God, the more Tempta- - 
 tions I fina; but, for ever bleffed be his,'';i'M!, 
 huly';N.ame,\]^ fiaus a Way for me to.'.'.rl^ 
 withftand themj but, O dear Sir, pray i":r 
 ... .t '■■■.•••. '--ni.'-r ^ '■<■■;'; . 
 ■ 'I 
 ' ■. I. 
 ; -'A 
 for mc, that I may not be r.i/? away- 
 1 remember the Charge which you gave 
 rne; to meet you at the Right-h .nd of tlic 
 . Majcfty on high, which Words many ' 
 1 jmes prove a great Blc/Jlngto my poor 
 Soul, to believe, that wefhallmcct in the 
 Spir.t.-as there is' no Likelihood of our 
 meeting m. the FleH . Oh ! my dear Sir 
 I ofien perceive the Want of your Com- 
 panyi bur, I hope, you will grant me-mv 
 Uefire, which i«, that you will pray for 
 me, that I may hold out to the End; for 
 k: is a rough and. thorny Road, that we " 
 are walking inj buv I know, that the 
 Lo-d will deliver us out of aU our Trou- ♦ 
 bles here below* » i 
 »' I am. 
 ■ -i cv 
 .*;i« ♦'. 
 • "»■''. 
 jc. ?. /: :. :.your poor unworthy Chili ^ I 
 ;_-si^ :i:,:3 J ^: -r::r!^il /•j.'rrv)^-/!;^^,.;;/; 
 VI?> •••.'jf^l 't-'iv .»|,,,'( -■,,».?.., ^ . ,. - . i s<* 
 V'fJ SVCJ M.y >'.!.>! VO'' -^-/i^ 
 '-.> »,W-^i 
 ' >OVC"i» 
 V^. ^^T 
 ( {l? ^ 
 ^oz '(liu 1 *jf,flf ,:;ri 
 — rr* 
 r i'our. poor unworthy qhiid.'.greatlv 
 ../. delirc, that you would be plcafcd to 
 . .a,cc€pt of thcle few Lines, with' my Loye 
 . 5P.yoiianp^FamUy. .1 have . been poorly 
 tliele .t^yo Days pafl, but,, ble/Tcd be Godl 
 .1 know, jhat Ci^nJ} U my Sayiour and Rc^ 
 H??.'"^r..: . ,.■ : ,.-, .,. . ■, .-. : - ':. 
 • • > , ' : , *'• -o' »< *• -ft- 
 •' ul^,h^^'''^^^y I'^fw^it' awhile -'ii^:! 
 . , .•iiJl.iieoi> me in Mercy fmilcV ' .1 
 . r ,::;■. ;•••.: ■ ■ -; '• *-■•-• r 
 How 'often haik he-deliveredviy Soulfmn 
 Vcatk, mine-Eyes frgm Tean, and my Feet 
 Jrom^alltng, by fcafonable Prefervationsf 
 lo ih^ I «Jo jet wfl/^. hfcre htm. in the 
 Land of the Living: He hath refcued mc 
 Jrom the Brirtk of many a Precipice, 
 which, through Ignorance, I did not 
 apprehend or fear. When I knew not ■'■ 
 which Way to turn, he hath made my ^• 
 f ath plaiij i but how little do I love my 
 ^y.-C ^^vjour, who, hath done lb much for '' 
 . 'l 
^^^ m 
 .>.- . 
 ( ijo ) 
 niy Soul!, for many a Time, I do noffc-^ 
 prove Srn as I ought (more to my Shnme) 
 which, makes me fear,' that I am a Traitor 
 to my God: But, blefled be his holy 
 J^ame, that he is ever near to tpoje-that love 
 , and fear him. I rememb.r a fweet Word, 
 which^dropped from your gracious Lips, 
 ."which, I hopCj'will ever be irtiprcflcd upon 
 my Mind i- •' That it was a poor Day for 
 • [♦* ft Saint, when he did not find the LoVe 
 '■ y. of God i •• and, I am furc, if I do not 
 , enjoy this divine Love,' it is through my 
 ; 'Negle(5l, or the Dcceitfuljxis of my wick- 
 cd Mearti O my dear Reverend Sir, I 
 " am often .afraid of my deceitful Heart; 
 " which makes me frequently cry to my 
 blcflfed Saviour, to keep it for me.— 1 kept 
 -the Place, where you put me with the 
 ■ young Men, till the Middle of this laft 
 Summer, when they begun to draw away j 
 and then I went with the old Men, where 
 I have been ever fincc: It is my Dcfire, 
 never to draw back from thofe fweet Ordi- 
 nances, which you have pointed out for 
 "V-S when 6ur bleficd Saviour takes fo 
 ' inuch Delight to manifeft himfclf to poor 
 ■ iinful Dufi. Some of the young Men 
 1 have Ipoke to me lately, which makes mc,.v 
 1 belitVCj that we fliall heain next friday^ 
 c^ay ihc Lord open their poor Eyes, that 
 < 131 ) ' 
 they may fee their Danger' ere Iz. 
 • be too late. //;.w;.-And noNv, my dear 
 and Reverend. Fadier,..! entreat you ta 
 pray for me: Andmayourdenr Redeem, 
 er blefs you, with your Family, and prof- 
 per your Labours: May you have a dou- 
 ble Portipn of his bleffcd and lioly Spirit, 
 that yon may be enabled to bring man^ - 
 poor Smners to God; and that we,. iJ 
 Newfoundland, according to vour blciTcd 
 Dcfire may meet you at the 'Right-hand 
 otGodj which, God ©f his inrini?c Mercy 
 grant, may be all our happy Lots 
 through ari/?,,ur bleHVd Savio'u^r! Ji^ 
 • "■ -^ —ri ■■\:..-:-h^^ ;'■•' -•■*■. >r';:,-' !) - 
 .'i^roni your poor weak Child. tiU Death 
 J , 
 1^ ;l 
 :i ii 
 i n 
 \ype<Jr Brother^' aUIfougb I may rather fay^ 
 .<^.. Father in Gcdy'., \ ;. :. 
 T Received your Letter' in tlie Summer,, 
 ^ and likewrfc another, dated the i2tV 
 of >^n7^^nd was.glad TO hear, froin -yoii, 
 and Family. Blcflcd be God, that the. 
 Caufe of the Wicked did not prevail 
 a^ainfl: you; ' Iv. gives me Comfort. Co 
 hear, that the- Lord doth flilL blefs the 
 Word you .preach. May the Lord con-' 
 tinue his Good'nels tb you, and Hi ike you: 
 and mt faithful unto Dedtb^ that, we may* 
 receive the Crown of Life. Dear, Brother, ' 
 I muft let you know, that the Lord doth 
 ftill contiaiie his Goodnefs unto me,' 
 though a poor unworthy Creature; blelT- . 
 ed be his moft holy Name: Oh! that I 
 could be more •ihankful for his Mercies 
 T )ward3 me and my Family. I find mv 
 Heart, at , Times, very deceitful; I fee, 
 mat the* V is 4 rs etc iuty, c Very 
 every Moment, 
 l'«. *. 
 '35 ) 
 «f looking unto God fur Strength : I find 
 hun a^vcryprefent Help in every Time of N'ecd.' 
 I find, jt Times, that his^Love is precious 
 •to my Soul, Glory be to his dear N.m., 
 ^nd^th^t, by Faith, L can lay hold of his 
 ■ bleflTedPromifes; thoug.S,^mufi:confciV 
 I am an unworthy Creature, no: deferv- 
 ingof the leaft of- his Favours • I fee 
 ..that there, is a^Neccm^y pf «;^;;^.w ,„,; 
 .Prayer and of perfeverir.g unto the End!: 
 ;May .the Loid give me Grace, that J may 
 groWMpvibisFulncfs,t\,tmghJefus Chrit 
 ,tiyi. .. Anun. .-rr^, D^ar Brotli.r 
 you defired me to let you know, how we 
 went on m our little Meetings: ElcITed 
 be God, we find, at Times,, that his Love 
 isprdent with us; although there .:re 
 Jpme^^lut feem to dra-^'back: I mult 
 iiiention fome of them to you; poor 
 A . r-— ^, I fear, is quite gone, and 
 ^jT^ ' ^ "^^'^ "o Hopes of 
 Mr. G— — , very little of 7 » 
 A P -^T" — ^°"^^5 b'^'t very (tU 
 dom; I am afraid of fome others: But I 
 know, that the Lord is able to keep'thern 
 and me: Was it not through his affilling' 
 OhTV ."l"^ "°.' ^'^"^ «"^ Moment^ 
 Oh! that the Lord may keep me. Dear 
 ' ^'.P'"/ ^«* nic,.. x^iii W inter; we 
 met twicc.a Week, this Summer orcc a 
 rrv' ' r ' ■ -^ ' ^^K. 
 - . • 1 ! ■• 
< '1^ 
 "Week J ?nt1, 1 hope, wc Ihall meet twice a 
 vWc^l* 4gain -rlirt Winter: Dut our deai" 
 Brother y r* is going froni us, %\-h6 
 is a great Strength to ws> he is a faithful 
 Servant, both to God and Man. Dear 
 ■•Mr.Coughla»y 1 have no Hopes of feeing 
 . you again in this World j .but, I hope, 
 •wc Ihall meet one Day around xhcThrone, 
 to fpcnd an cndlefs Day.— All my Family 
 is well. Sctly remembers Ker Love and 
 Duty to you, and Mrs. ' Cott^2'/a», and 
 plealc to a.rept 'of '• the fame youf dear 
 . / 
 ■ 1 
 Self, f^rom yoiir 'ijn\vorthy Brother in 
 v,') i:^ »5:.(iVjim<>: V.'--.W> ?vJl f. ->•■'; "i:. 
 "'' ' * LETTER 
 '"^'' '•' ' - "' ^ ■ - ■ - ■- -'--■■'- 1 ■• -^^ I . 
 ;ig7iy:;"i 2o < linear* irCavi^Oylokerii%^.jiy^j^' 
 ,3t|Oi-l ; ,3Uf'- ; hiioV/ .3fr^: 'fii nic-^I r.,n.' 
 'Mr. C<) irCHL'ANy^ anoi^orn jT/;:;'! -jv.- 
 TWas glad to Kear from you, but mould 
 J be mujh more ^jrlad to fee you, as .you 
 arc near to mc in the Spirit, being my 
 Spiritual Father: And as you defirc to 
 have a Letter from me,, with an Account 
 of my Experience, I Ihall endeavour to 
 ^iatisfy you: About three Years ago, I 
 was convinced of my loft State j and I 
 laboured near a Twelve-Month under 
 the Lafhes of m/ Confcience, till one 
 Day, at Private Meeting, ttiis Text canrc 
 with Power to my Heart, / -will put my 
 Hpirit within you \ I was enabled to* lay 
 hold on the Ij3rd Jefus^ and^jDraife tJie 
 God of my Salvation \ and, from tlut 
 Time, I found my Burden removed. 
 Afterwards, the Enemy of my Soul thruft 
 ■fure at ir*Ci but tlic dear y^/wj s.~iajled me 
 * N 2 to 
 '■ !'l 
 . i. 

I' » 
 I > 
 ( n^ ) 
 . to wuhaand his Suggcltions, and did on my Soul; and, blefTcd be his 
 hoy N,me hrnill.dorh keepWr-Dcar 
 ' I findJIardncfs of Hc^rc.andWand.rin.s 
 irom Godrwhich- 1 mourn over; BlcfTcd 
 bejjis holy Name, I find no Defire to 
 draw hatkiA ft.ll firtd a Dcfire to prcfs 
 . forward. DearSir, I hape^^you: wijj ever 
 Partmg fhall be no more. ' At .Times. I 
 find a Dcfire after Holincrs 6f Heart, a.itl 
 ^«^y.^/.;7 to Cbrift.^l ftill go (0 Qur ^lifcl« - 
 ^«ght; >I hope, I, fhall be more tiilfgeni 
 Yor the Tinie to'camC/' I ftili>c6mfh\ife 
 Avith Brother and Siaci-7n^L.L.^^,p^ay 
 ;|iVe my Love to MHs,(.V^^,fe»artd Mi fs 
 ,f W, ATjd plcale to rterfv.ethefatncfrom 
 • ^youJ^iinworthyrChilUi^^- w \^Ki^> v^n^v 
 L.ME./Tn.T..;E^: R;._:.XXIV. 
 fc I I M 
 J Am about to write to you', but "know 
 : not how to exprels the great Love and . 
 guty lowe unto you. my dear Spiritual, 
 father .and Brother in Cinji. Oh ! ];ow 
 often. do I wini,that I could fee you;: 
 What a .Cordial would it be to our Souls I 
 t)ut we are not worthy. Glory be to God's 
 great Mercy. for fending you a MefTcnfJcr 
 10 caH us frm.Darifie/s into his marvellous 
 Ltgbt, from the King^m of Satan, to the-- 
 Ktngdom of his dear Son.~0\x\ what a^ 
 ftubborn, ftifF-neckcd i^copjc were we 
 when you firft came here i bur, Glory bo 
 to God, you left fome of us in a better 
 ™'^; O dear Sir, what a hard, heart, 
 akmg 1 hing it was to part with you • but 
 we mull be refigned to the WjU of God • 
 ^ou ieit us under the Care of our great 
 Shepherd, Jefus.Chrijh, and, Glory be ta 
 N 3 
 ■4 ^ 
 ^7 !ii 
 I ..■ 
 I It 
 I'' i 
 !' .. . 
 It ' 
 ( ^3^ .) 
 his holjr Name, ht hath kept /ome of us 
 - although: there are- fome Sheep that are 
 ' ^.gone aftray; Oh! -may the Lord gather 
 .•t"^m again into his Sheep-fold ; and, Oh f 
 ■> <Jcar Sir, J-ofccn fear^ that it- will fooo be 
 ''P^,^'^iSK'''-^''^'l^'^'"o» thrt my /lean 
 ■'tS'deceitfkl-ahddtfperattfy wickedy none 
 .. 2 knows It; but my God Uone: Oh! how 
 •\do I pray; that the Lord would difcovcr 
 'unto me every Evil'thatiodgeth there: 
 ';^"^.I '^<>pe, that my wicked Heart will 
 • Yiotdeceive rtiev forit is my Defire to give 
 •AipS6uland Body,iall'I have, am, and 
 ' ievcr fhall be, into h\s Hands; fiut-I am 
 afriamed of my little Love tcHiim, *• and 
 "■■ kis fb great to me;", for though I am r<ten 
 ■•' cdft down, ' and filled with Doubts and 
 ' Fears, yt h# oftert tefi^fheff my Souli 
 Prai/e tke Dsrd\ tny Ssul-, and- all that it 
 ' vviihih me, blefs and paife-lMs My. Name, 
 for rthis Moment ^^1 his-Love wafming 
 , ttiyp6ot^' unworthy . Heart i Oh! this 
 2iov(fi- this '^iraces fo -imoitnfe and free 1 
 for,0 my Soiil, >lt h«h' found out theef 
 Oh'l miy !• always kt wilh Mary at my 
 • Mafterjs Feet:- My dear --Father, this is 
 ' better felt thar- exp'reflr. ' My dear Sir, I 
 hope,iHat thfe L&rd will enable me to ftand 
 itt^ h^ork-^optht-Lordy butrl . gionot ^o \t 
 myftln.for I fee, more and more, my Vn. '' 
 .tworthincfsi every. Day-i but Lhope, that '^ 
 .^my dear Lord, who hath beg'un iheJVork 
 ■ :in;my, Soul, will deepen ir, and f^rry ,/ on 
 ■:ivA feal nreto the Day of Redeiitpticn. Dear 
 ••Sir; I hope, -.that you will pray forone, tJie 
 ; .•weakcft and unworthitfl of all your Chil- 
 vdrcn. . Glory bu .to God, ; that he carries 
 :-on his Work in all our, Womens. Hearts 
 •alfoi J hope, that I can fpeak for them all 
 Our little Meetings. go on,. and no one ' 
 fails to come, m FreJh-lVater and Ckim • 
 Glory be. to God for his great Love and 
 Care over us, for he crowns our Meetings 
 i wif h his Pjience. Oh! the great andojnl 
 iipeakableGoodnefsof God to fuch poor 
 : Worms as we! Oh! that we coyld love 
 him more, and fcrve him better- and 
 praife his holy Name-, O.dear Sir, though 
 you- are abfent in Body, you, and our dear 
 ■•'^^^-r^-^.x% Coughjan, are prefent with us 
 at the Throne of Grace; -And if wc 
 never ^bcyou more in the Flefla, . may the 
 Lord prepare us all to meet you at our 
 Father's Houfe, as you charged us at 
 your Departure;, which Charge often 
 quickens, and Itirs us up. Oh' what 
 .great Things has God doneibr Mr P— 
 fmceyou went away 1 and, I hope, he will 
 •^?.,Srcat,ef . Things yet;. I. hope,' thac 
 ? m 
 / - 
( 140 ) 
 Mr. P will be God's Inftrrment :o 
 kepp'hw Children, ; poos. diltrcflv-d ChiU 
 ciren.Tria barren, from going 
 aftiay: But the more diftrcfTed,,. IJic 
 louder we. muft cry ; and I hope, that tiie 
 J^ord will fupply rur every Want, out of the 
 itcc Riches ef hU Grace. May God^ of his 
 infinite Mercy, grant, that we may hold out 
 unto the End, that when Chrifi, who it our 
 J.ifts 'JhaU:appear\- wi may a^b appear, with 
 him in Glory, rruimen.-^nium,, ,..•; in- ^ 
 ~bi';j;o *i i:;r, 'Ui ..-/ j >'s->p:-><iuvj>rf7r 
 'M, ^u.ui:; -^rHoI^, dear Sir. '.h^:^^li. 
 • 'JO 1 
 :Htd ''TtW! 
 • . J-' 
 .^Ithotfghthe^weakcft and unwonhieft ■ "^ 
 /.iil- •Yr./'.oo Yolu^ fintere Daughter,-' 
 ;;':jl>v.'n.rT>i^-7- .citwiq ,?h-«i7",?;.V.T1o:'/. Uii? iX: 
 C HI: > ' 
 . . ,' » ! >• t iL I I I « I . . I . a . . . " 'if I. ■ 1 
 sO«l "t'l-.-.v.^.',- ■ , ,^ :^ v.^v'.r ^■' il,;/ :;;.'• J 
 ., ^ ; -tjlarbciir Grace, lanuan li, ^775. 
 • by ,feyer?J Conveyances, 
 and gladly embrace the prelcnt Oppor- 
 tunity, 10 acquaint you of our Proceed- 
 ings,, as, 1 know, ydu often bear as on 
 your. Hcarl ;b5:fore ;he Mercy Scat.»r- 
 I .n\ the J ft «//.'. wc conftantly attended 
 oup little Meetings, and W^*—^H^-^^f 
 •preaching on Sundoys^ and expounding 
 'on J^ednefday Nights, where our . dear 
 Redeemer gives Food jibimdantly. The 
 Lord put it in • our Hearts to celebrate 
 •the laft Chrijhias-Iiay, in fuch a Mannef 
 ;s« we. never did heretofore:' We aflem- 
 •■bkd:at7:-^ P 's, at five o'Clock 
 in the Morning, fung praifcs, and prayed, 
 a'wi exhor..ed, and every Heart rejoiced 
 in our Chriji; wc continued 'thus, till 
 ei^ht o'clock, had .Vrayers again at ten, 
 and three in the Afternoon, and our dear 
 ,Loru, continued prefent ail .the Day, 
 ■r "^ "" T "T 
 ^ if 
 • (142 ) 
 at Night, we had a Love-Feaft at S 
 f formerly youVHotil't:) arid fuch a blffltd 
 Wcetihg vpe rfdve'r iawt'O'Sir, it-rt Irtv^ 
 poflib'lc'fbVitic tocxprefs'what I (and net 
 only I,' but eVer^ Soul prtfcnt) tclt on. 
 thic O'cCafion-, fuch' Love, Joy, and Awe^ 
 as appeared on every Countenance, is in* 
 ckprcfiTblei*' but ''when- wc btgan x6 lirtg^ 
 fuch"Meltmg^ o^Sbul! fuch Ovt^rfloWinai 
 of he%t-felc=C6mforc lifted' ou^ "SouU. 
 above ''this '^"Wbcldi^'ba fmgirtg' 'tlielfi 
 .'"Words ♦'■'■' ^^■':-'" •■'■»'^' nvMV.wKu^ ,' vsob 
 *^* C/5)»/)?-' KatK burit tlje Uonds of Di»ath;- 
 ji^Wc his quick'ning Spirit breathe;.'* ^'> 
 Our poor ^-f-^-was—fir af Llbtrtyj 
 '*i^e could liot proceed. Tears of holy Joy 
 gaVe Vent to the •Overflowings of oiir 
 Hearts: I havefince fpoke with moft of 
 •our Friends ftparately^andnhey affirmed, 
 that t^ey* never were fopow fully in>. 
 •fluencedi/ Omy deaf Mr:CDaghIan^'vil\cn 
 T refleft on my manyOmiflriohs, Back- 
 •flidings,' dnd Short-comings, hOw vile do 
 I ft : and feel myfelf -, and yet my blefled. 
 ■Jefuf contmually comforts and refrefh^s 
 ►We: Ldrd,'makemehum'>lei-Lord, make 
 "me thankful; "4h^ ftfertgtheii 'me, that I 
 •may ricVti' bxing'^ki^C'ndal-on- thy holy ;^ 
 i "-'-;. ^- • f^^-^ ^\^''-* ''■■^^ -'■"■ ReiigioA. 
 fji-^* •■' ■; ■• .- 
 • ■.'>«. ,• ■ 
 ■ ■ ~^. ? 
 i n'ii-\ 
 Rdigwn.— I dr€\y- out Tome Rules' for 
 our outward- Walk ;.and.,GQverpmcnt in 
 our" Society V- and,,, on ,Ncw-rear!s^Tlay^ 
 we all, I hope, fin; dy covenanted vyiih 
 <3od, and each other, to abide by tlicm-, 
 if any Perfon. offends, andis not recon- 
 ci't-d by. Repentance, tliey arc to be rea^ 
 .c of the; Society: , XM^ Pur.;tofd,^)y 
 Jus Grace, has..; I truft,.Jbeen.'a't work on 
 our Hearts,. to- bring, us to Order and 
 '^fer Communion with ourGod, and each 
 othcr.—I could wifn, uW who frequented 
 our Meetings, uruier your Miniftry, had 
 continued with us, and been bJeflcd .as we 
 were; but, alas! lome have been afiiamcd 
 of us. Poor^- — .P- — — ^ H .. J* 
 and his Wite, and F- — S ., are en- 
 tirely gone oi^from us; but . we adore 
 'Our blefled Lord, that thofe who remain 
 ,are daily ftrengthened, and building each 
 ether up in tbeir mft holy /-c;//^.— Lall 
 :^unday^ /T— preached fvom Frov. v.'ii. 
 Sl'^Zoy which he performed in fuch a 
 .'Manner, that 1 (hould have been glad, 
 'that fomc of our modern, fine witty Gen- 
 tlemen had been prefcnt. How doth God, 
 •in his Wifdom, make ufe of ihclVeak and 
 ipQoliJh to. confound the Wife and Mighty. -^ 
 \Poor B H- was delivered of a 
 ..dcad.Child, a few Days ago, and was al- 
 ..■.'■• . • .moft 
 ; > 
 :! ■■■!'! 
 ; 1 
 1 ; 
 .i 1! 
I-;-'* -• 
 '.' .'.1... j'„;^ 
 f ; ■/■ 
 nioft defpaired c5f; irt her 'weaker Mrf.* 
 mcWs, Trie g.ive her- HcarcTJ Caufc to 
 praifc God in her B<^half; flie -being fiUed 
 r, r;ff»./aith and 'LoveniiThnsr my dear 
 ^r. CoUghlarr; you fee, thhf ycur Labour 
 'i>itSH9t}i(ninvamif. the'Lcrd; ctq onvdc 
 clanng his great L6ve to Sinners ; and 
 .fcjayjou ftillcontinue,: in vour Mafter's 
 I^ame, to call, and may poor Sinners obey 
 I'c-f^^^'.^i^^^^^^^' till "you faithfully 
 [fiaifli rhe Wwk he has givdri you to So. .'i 
 f~ Tot**" afft^ionatC'Sofl andBi-otherv> 
 .', «{;>;-i— T..'AX.»>>!.V',<-.. ^..'t -..•-'.•t V." ^■■. •■.'*. 
 . / ?*i>r'-*,'wV- .C'ff? "i '> -•» . V _.• «, ^ -^ ^ ^ 
 ■ ./ 
 ■•. ^ 
 • » 
 r .- ^i 
 t-B T T'E'R XXVI. 
 5 •.■■ -J . 
 Reverend and DEAa'SiRi '•:^ 
 Thought it my Duty to acquaint you 
 with the Dealings of God with my 
 Soul, being confident, that you will re- 
 joice to hear how good my dear Jefus to 
 my Soul has been: BlefTcd be his holy 
 Name, I can, with holy Reverence, fay, 
 iVhom have I in Heaven hut him^ and there is 
 none upon Earth that I de/ir? hefides him, 
 who daily vifueth me with his Lovci 
 notwithftafiding, my dear Sir, I cannot 
 cxprefs how unworthy I fee myfelf or' 
 the Icaft Mercy or Favour, feeing I am 
 fliil a poor, barren, unprofitable Servant, 
 who have not fpcnt one Moment to liis 
 Glory: Oh! how little Love do I find for 
 him, who poured out his Blood forme- 
 and yet my dear Jefus loves mef ' Even 
 this Night I can. fay, / have found him 
 whom my Soulhveth. _, my dear Sir 
 although you are abfent .rom me, I be- 
 fccch you to remember me at the Throne 
 1' ■ 
 • 1 

 1 1 
 OF .Grace, a poor, unworthy, trifling 
 ^^^o^m ; this, I truft, you have dbnet 
 and, I am perfuaded, you v/ill not forc^ct 
 me, that if I fliould never more fee you 
 • s "Si u S^^'? ^ ""'8^' '"^^ yo" at God'3 
 Rfght-Hana.;, My humble. Rcfpefts to 
 iVlrs. Cougblan^ and 1 an;, 
 '^ . i?< ^;^'^*^"''."nwortiy.Son in tlic Gofpel, 
 .•'^vi5^X:^^^^:.^:ll>;'; *: :: f V:;'^ -L E 1: T E R 
 ■'. '• i'i.«; 
 > 4 It 
 , '•■■y 
 (, H7 ) 
 HarBeur-GracCy Ncvmkr 4, 4774. 
 Dear Mr. COUGHLANy ■ '•'■'-iVf* 
 .T Was rejoiced to hear, laft Spring, of 
 your Welfare, and that you werfr out 
 of the Reach of your Enemies; but -vv^s 
 truly concerned, when I found, that you 
 was no more to return to this Land. I , 
 am fure, I may fay, that I fland in Need 
 of your godly Admonitions and Inftruc^ 
 tions, as much as any Perfon whatfocver; 
 and though the B'ruit of your Labour did 
 not appear in me, yet, I hope, it will yet-' 
 fpring up; Oh! that it may become a ^ 
 great Tree.— This I can fay, that my one • 
 Defire is to fcrve fjod and do his VVil': ■ 
 I know, that I mud be lorn again\ bur,'' 
 I think, that I do not feel my great Dc-" 
 pravity by Nature, akhougii i Ice it very 
 clearly. My Life lias been regular, there- 
 fore tiie Guilt of Sin dees not lie To heavy- 
 upon me as it otherwife might.— , I hope,: ■ 
 you will remember me in youf Prayers;; 
 O 7. 
 ^ .= 
 •■ ■ 
 II 'it 
 ' \ 
 ■ -I 
 fr^'^n'r'^'^''' ^vould fend the Comforr- 
 • .^^'^"^^^on to accufe myfc ^ tifh vet I 
 nand n I artn not truly TenfibJc- of their 
 ■ you P 'aver. T", ''^"'^ *" ^"^^''^^ i^' 
 " vourCh^;" »?°i^ "f°" "^e a« one of 
 ' vet .nni ^^'chyou havc fown wiJ 
 yet appear; my God can do a great 
 V ^,^°"g^ '' " "°t Jikelychat we fhalf any 
 - ^7f^"L^« on Earth, yet, 1 trufl, we fl all 
 V- aiJ in Concert, meet to fmg JPraifes to 
 iiiat this may be our happy Lot is the 
 f^^ayer of, ,■ Deaf' Sir, .. ^ ' " ® 
 '- '■■^"^''^^••■'Vour real Friend, 
 ^^■^l^kp-'v:, "U»4,^ 
 ,;f V^aV ;!.,.. V}rfi4ii- 
 ..,!;;LE;yTER , 
 .•hilt 4 
 ' ■•,; ■•( il4d. •)..:..^ ....•• 
 L E T T E R XXVriLV' 
 My very dear and Reverend Sir^ -. 
 J Could iiot let this Opportunity flip,; 
 without writing you a Line or two, 
 letting you know, that I am your loving^ 
 though undutiful Son, and that the Lord 
 doth continue to bellow his divine Fa- 
 vours upon my Soul, that I am filled with 
 Love and Gratitude to him, and, next to 
 him, my Love abounds to ou-ward; 
 you, who have done, und' r Almighty 
 God, fo much for unworthy, helLdclerv- 
 ing me : Surely, I can never forget you^ 
 my Spiritual Father in theLoid, who 
 have travelled in Pirth for my Soul. Oh ! 
 what a fad^ lamentable Thing is it, to 
 lofe fuch a ^vatchful Shepherd as you^ 
 was over my Soulj but God's Will muft 
 -be done: We hear, that the Lord ia 
 doing reat Things for. you at Home,, 
 which ^ 7es us fome Comfort. Pray,. ■ 
 dear Sir, never forget your poor Floclc 
 in thi»Part of the World; but put up. 
 Supplications, with mighty Wreftiinas,. 
 for us> that we may perfeveic to the End, 
 aad> N^ 
 and as there ,s no Likelihood to meet you 
 . in th!s World, that we may meet you in 
 I am filled with Love and Dcfires for your 
 •y^^^%^' May the Lqrd blefs you with' 
 every Bleffiog. You know," what a poor 
 Talent I have; but, be alTurc-d. my 
 Heart js fuller than I can cxpvefs. • We 
 jv^re right glad, and humbled, when 'we 
 rieard your Letters read to us at Sprinc.. 
 J^^ebicJs God, that the Lord is ftifl out^ 
 Shepherd, and cares for U3, and ble/Ies 
 the Ordinances to our Souls; Oh! that we 
 may be faithful ever. My Wife joins with 
 ..tqual Love to you, and Mrs. Ccu^b/an, 
 '• .-.•*••: ' •* ■',.'■■ ^" *, {.,.•*■-''.' 
 :J;:;';;;J"::rdm, dcarSir^'^^^ ' 
 :iH^-''.V"'\i .■■■ ' 
 ' . .: . I 1 • • • '. ■.<i'.l'^ v'A^-f- 
 :;,>::'=.• :»v^.:'^ .:«;:^. .- vi;av,^N:A.^.^-:/ 
 IV U;:. 
 <ii i.^ 
 Carhonear, C*7(?^<r'22, 1774, 
 i ' A . . .; . i 
 ^ ■ ., -'.i V ,- . . 
 Reverend Sir» '"' ' " 
 TJ A V I N G this Opportunity, T accept 
 of it, trufling in the Lord, that thcfe 
 few Lines will find you and your Family 
 in good Health, as I and my Family are 
 Bt prcfent; Glory be to his holy Name 
 for this, and for every other Mercy and 
 Favour that he beftows upon me, a poor 
 unworthy Creature: Yet, notwithftand- 
 ing my Unworthinels, he fills my poor 
 Heart with his precious Love; gives mc 
 Joy andComfort,and enables me, through 
 Grace, to forfake all, and follow Jefus 
 Chrifi. Blefied be the Lord, he hath 
 given me Power, in fome Meafure, ovirr , 
 many Evils; as hafty Anger, evil Com-H 
 pany,.Covetoufnels,Pleafurc.taking; and, ' 
 blefied be his holy Name, he enables '"^ 
 to hate every evil Way; but Hill I fij^ 
 my Heart very unthankful, I cannot diank 
 my dear Lord as I ^tiwc\ ncvprcheiefs i 
 find him to be a viry pre/ent Help in every 
 ;r „ 
 ■r,meofNeed, when Temptations and 
 i nnis anfc, I look to the liord, and he 
 delivere me out of them all, and nils mv 
 • P°°'- Heart with his precious Love Jnd 
 .thcmoreldefireiti and this is the Way 
 that the Lord hath lead rfie in ever fmce 
 you left us. My poor Heart ^vould re! 
 jo.cctofceyou; butfince that cannot be 
 rV^'',^' u ' ^ ,^^^""^ ^'^^ ^"yers of your 
 to ^A M. knock, and >/a;^, tilU enter in 
 ?■ ^'',^ ^'"'^'^^ ^' everlafting Happinefr 
 and at laft meet you in Glory -^ which 
 God of his infinite Mercy, granVm^y be 
 «7 happy Lot, Amen and S;«« !^ ^"^ 
 ^ •'":.. V-' -'^-iUv ; ,.. \;:4,/ 
 t.L'"'s'fv-i tJir^r-i' • . i- 1. •.*•>;"".'' 
 >j.' / 
 ' •»;.»• » ■■• -V ,- 
 • .'■) • • 
 C ^53- 1 
 l^ E T^ T E R XXX: 
 My very dear Mr, Coughlan, 
 *~^Yi\S co.nes with my kind Love to 
 you, and dear Mrs. Conghlan, and 
 Betfe^y ahd> I hope, it will find you attend- 
 ed with dvery Blefling, as, blefTed be our 
 Lord, we arc at pfefcnt. O my dear.Fa- 
 ther, how can I exprcfs the Emotions of 
 my Heart for you! I cannot exprefs 
 them : What earthly Friend have I, that, 
 lavs fo heci-my Heart as dear Mr. Ccugblan, 
 v/hom God hath made an Inftrument of 
 bringing fuch a poor, ignorant, blind, 
 Sinner as I am, to the Knowledge of 
 Chrijl's Redeeming Love; and put us in 
 the Way to call upon fo merciful a God, 
 whom we before- knew not, but now we 
 know, that hejs a God that heareth Prayer^ 
 and that pardonetb Iniquity^ Trarfgrcjfiony 
 and Sin: For ever be adoredj O blcfied 
 Redeemer I— It was Matter of great Grjcf 
 and Sorrow, when we heard, that you -was .,. 
 not coming to us ao-ain 1 but the Will of 
 ' ' ° ' . God • 
 " if».*. 

 V »54 ) 
 Godmiift be done: AndmaytheLordmakc 
 m morethankTiil for the fignal Favours 
 he hath bcftowcd^pon us. and me as one, 
 when Numbers of bcttir Ifrinciplcs have 
 alio lieard the Gofpel i)rcachtd, as often 
 as I have, and yet remain hardened; that 
 he fhould pafs by me, and permit me to 
 live is a Mirr^. MayHGod, of his in- 
 hnjte Mercy^nnd Grace, Free-Grace, 
 make me ever thankful,ever fteadfaft, and* 
 immovable. The Lord is with us at 
 ■Times, in our Ordinances, of a Truth, 
 and you moft Times in our Hearts and 
 .Minds. ■ I muft conclude with my kind 
 Love to you all, and am, my dear and 
 Reverend Sir, ^ .( ., ,j^,: ^ c^ - ^,j , . „ 
 •^^•»^:■3^^;':?you^§, in Cbriji, 
 ■^:^ir :{.r^ *'i% A:^. i!' -^i^ '^ ?>><..<• :>^i. 
 i^'JJi *. bri:^ :r ^'.•«t" .^•^■ 
 : ii;^? c» 'S'K- « ^ ■ ; ■'^'i'-.x E T T i: R 
 vv.>vs>via 7*,.-.; ; ;..k; .; H?-.. ■. 
 iK.'ov..: i •'•.v.'C :;i55 .); .o 
 LET t E R XXXr. 
 yiyf^.i. CarboneoTy No-Jbiiber 3, ,77^ 
 My DEAR Sir. 
 I Take this Opportunity, to write a few 
 l^mes to -you, hoping, that they will 
 be to h,s dear and lioly Name for fpnrinc 
 fuch an unworthy Creature as I am; for! 
 Lord, thou knowefl, ihac I have back: 
 -n.den from thee. It is my daily Prayer 
 that the Lord would heal'my hlckjljl' 
 cndkve we freely, that he would cieanfe 
 me from all Evil, and wafh my He ' 
 with Jus moft precious Blood; that he 
 would root out all Evil, that would hin! 
 der the free Courfe of his blcHed So rk 
 to my Heart. 1 find a great Need of 
 iiatchtng unto Prayer: Lord "J ejus, give me ' 
 brace, that I niay always w'Ji . ' 
 lefi I enter into temptation, that fo I may ■ 
 be guarded agamft the Temotations of- ' 
 ^h! I find, K IS a hard Tiiing^to live 
 '■' • ■-•'neari- 
 f ! 

!■ 'I 
 ■ : < ' 
 ( 156 )' 
 Ticar to the Lord, >vhen once fallen; but 
 I find, that the Lord is giving me frefh. 
 Defires to follow after him: I pray, that 
 the Lord may give me Grace, that I 
 may never riiw.'. turn' back from him; 
 and that he w3uld carry ori his Work, and 
 deepen It in my Soul.. J am jealous over 
 my Heart, kit I flioiild offend my dear 
 jfefus in Thought, Word and Deed; for 
 1 know, that I mufl: give an Account at, 
 the Great Day. Oh! it 's my .Prayer^ 
 that the bleiTcd Jcfuj would fearch mc, 
 and try mej that he would fct my Heart 
 aright towards him; that he would create 
 in me a n^w Hearti and renew a true 
 right Chriftian Spirit within me: Lord;V, 
 cyjve me Grace, th?t I may hold out unto 
 ^thfe End. I find great ftrcngthening in 
 the little Meetings; I am fure, that I 
 ihall never, by the Grace of the Lord, 
 turn back from them. He who is my 
 bofom Friend doth not go to the little 
 Meetings; but*it is my Prayer to the 
 Lordjefus^ t© turn his Heart, that he may 
 go: * O .ny dear Mr. Coughlan, I fear, I 
 Iball fee you no more here:. Be pleafed to 
 .•fend us a few Lines to ftir us bnih. up. 
 My Love w Mrs. ^ugblan^ and, Mi 13 
 >-..*•,•».' From your loving Child,.; ;•.-.;) 
 r 157 y 
 L.E T^T i: R 
 ■ .. OSlohcr 20, iTTj. 
 ' . ■ ■ . , - • ■ ";.' 
 Dear Sir, ^ . ' . •*- 
 Y 9 ^ ^ DeC^re I readily colnply with * 
 • m relating to you what Jefus has • 
 done, and u yet doing, for my Soul; and 
 Oh! that it could be engraven with an 
 Iron Pen:. Indeed, it is utterly impoflible ' 
 to write of relate his Goodnefs to my 
 •boul; I daily find hfs Spirit bearino- wit. 
 nefs that / ,7;» his, a."d am indeed amired 
 that he is mine-, even while thefe Lines f 
 arewntmg, I i^^Xj,;,, ^'=- Pardon 
 and Love on my Soul , .,: therefore, 
 p my dear Sir help ... .0 praife ti.^ " 
 Lord for thefe his unfpeakable M rcies- 
 tcr I am loft in Wonder, Love, and 
 I raife : And, O my dear Sir, I would 
 now defire to love, praife and adore my. 
 dear Jefm for thefe Mercies received ; and 
 I humbly hope, that he will give me 
 Faith and Patience, to rely on him for 
 Mercy and Strength, for die 
 •^ . . Come. 

 -'•* •■♦?•: 
 - ♦ • 
 come^. My Dcfire is, as I cannot expeft 
 to.lce you agairi^in the Flelli, that I ma/ 
 lee you rejoicing at God'5 Ki>-;ht-Hand^ 
 'And, while 1 rem;' in in the Body, may i 
 ever be thanking Gud for his I'rovidence, 
 In Tending you, his Mefll-nger, to call me 
 ':]*' ' ■ . j^^'* Darknefs. into hii mafvjellcus ^ >j(ht, and, 
 xi through youf Labours, 10 be » 'iwJling 
 -.''■'{'in the Day of bis Aiw., O Sir,. 
 , >> pray for me, that 1 may fpen'd the Rcfi due 
 ■■■;•* of my Days to- his Glory, who fufflred, 
 Virho bled, who died, for my Sins, who 
 ■ yanlbmed me from Hell, for which he he- 
 *. .. came a' Men of Sorrows ^ and acquainted with 
 ' * .-;.'.. many Grief Si to whom be/tUCjlorj, both novo 
 \'}\ ' Jind evermc's. dmm» •»:''.'!:'••'•-. 
 .w:^-. .< -.. • :•;• .-■•• ■*t.:!.; '■■ 
 • ; ' %\ ^ff * : jrom your unworthy n aughtcr, 
 ■ .;.>• -t''. •> -•-•■*.■■■•.•• 
 •^ • •'••.'••■* > jn the Gofpel, , , • 
 t i 
 ( 1-59 ) 
 " -P^-QK^ 
 •''• Cerhmear^ Loyits-Dfly F.viiilnx, Deem- 
 'J-'^'v , ■ ^'^ 4,' »774^ -.^ ^-^ V' •'•• --^^i .: 
 . '' My vi.ry Bear Pfjlcr^ my "Dear Spiritual 
 J'atber. •.. 
 • T Could not let this Opportunity C'p.- 
 without fending "my L,ove, in a few 
 Lines, to rtcquaint you, that our dear 
 J^fils is ifcili with us : And alchough here 
 . and there cnc proves a Traitor, ycc 
 .Cbriji's little Flock i ere will Hand.'. 'L'hcvc 
 have, within this Month pail, been trying' 
 Seafons 1:0 my Soul; yea, i. has been -^ 
 • fifting Time; bn.t Glory be to him, who 
 .fiiall make cllTbin^^., work togclb.r for th 
 ■ Coodoilvs Churc , and, by vhcfc Means, 
 ■ fiiew us the fo'.i Wheat: Although it ib 
 .a great Trouble to have rotten Mnn- 
 - bers, yet it is fonie Comfort to know 
 them. — This is the tc\ir;rh Salba^b.i\\^X' 
 : the Lord haih <*n4bled me to raake my 
 own Sermons, ann affuled me ^10 fpeak. 
 alfo, wliich hath orocurcd • m-- nvi 
 V 2 
 1 ;> 
 I ' 
r-i » • v.; : ■ 
 V \ 
 I'^nemies: But Glory to 7^/5/f «;J-/s> ' 
 ngc the more we are comforted, that we 
 ■^^edouig, he Mailer's Will. May, he 
 -i.Wy,/;,, enable us to be true to 'e 
 1re thr^^ ?I ""• ^y Srenrcft Enemies 
 ' 'a clfij''^^ ^"'" I^V'^^fi*"' «nd owned 
 >^poTae Oh.T' ^"' "ow they -are 
 ;"poiutes. Oh! hciwcuttnff are the fe 
 . J I'aveh.thertoftood: Oh! Jn thy Gra- •' 
 -fhou „?„?;''•-"'• *»••<=''. -"d come no? . 
 tnoii intorheirSnar^. ' *j_. ^^^ ^ , : 
 ■ night my i cxt being, ne IVicked-flmll be ■ 
 TdT^'''"^'- ^"^ ^'- ^ord enfb Ing 
 Phea ion (tor they had lately been at a 
 J .• ( • 
 . . C i6i ) ' . - . . 
 bear it: /fV- — threatened,- if I went oh 
 a little farther, he would haul me. by the 
 Nofo out of thQ Church, calling me, as I • 
 . heard afterwards, by opprobrlousNames; 
 and y Tpr— expreflcd himfelf very 
 indecently: This is the fad Work of the' 
 Devil going on amongfl: us-, but, I hope, ' 
 the Mafter will fupport us in every tryino- " ' 
 Scafon. R M and J ° 
 ■ M have forfaken our little Meet- • 
 ings: My dear Sir, this will give you 
 great Trouble, as it doth me; but whac 
 jhall we fay to it; the Lord nuke us 
 faithful, and clear of their Blood. This 
 is the Lord'S'Day Evening, and we are "s, 
 juft come from Church; and a Day of 
 Jat Things it hath been to mine, and to .^ 
 many Souls, as they have told me 
 Mr. H , Mr. B , R-^ — B * 
 JVIr. r , J p ,, and the dea? 
 Women who hold on their Way buvely 
 were all at our Houfe, where we had a 
 hippy Meeting; and, beafTured, my dear 
 Fatlicr, our dear Immanud manifcftcd 
 himfelt to every individual Soul of us; 
 ■ Oh ! how full were ourCups ! And, when 
 we began to mention, and bring our dear 
 father upon our Hearts, in Supplication 
 to the Throne of Grace, Oh! i^ow ?C 
 lured were we, that the dear 
 1- ^ 
 Jefuj. iieard ' 

 (.152. ) . 
 ' our Prayer for you! He manif.fted him- 
 ' fdf in tl- Midlt of. us, and. fhed abroad 
 his Lov6 in all our IJrarts: It was fuch 
 a mighty Out-pouring as fome could 
 .;-icarcely contain: Glory be to our great 
 ; Mrgh Pneft, uh cvtr livcth to make /«N^ 
 •^/mj^tf;//^;' poor Worms,- this hath bcen^ 
 « aDay, much t6 be remembered- -Pr^?;/^ 
 . <^t^eLord,0'wySouh and hU that is -within 
 '■'US, praife the Lord ^ while I live, mil / 
 ■^fraife hi,„. for he is the-Light of my Coun- 
 r^'/enaKce, lind my Gcd. O my clear Sir 
 '•:;excu{e me, Ibr I cannot, J know not how 
 ;•;?' to exprefs my Gratittidc and I.ove; Ohr 
 *';'that 1 had a thouland Lives to lofe for 
 •the ever^^blcired, 'lovely,' altogether adori- 
 ; .r '^ble Jefas. Our dear Friends, who joii. -d 
 jl'me this Evening, at our Houfe, are, with 
 ;::;-;great Keluaiinte, juft gone home; Oh > 
 , '^-how loatii'are ^vT to parr, when,: meerin<r 
 .!' together, v/c falk -rhe heavenly Love" 
 ■:\ahe Lord' blcfs you, and -fill yAu daily 
 •'fVith iti for the' more we have, 
 . -J hope,' We Ihall crave ftil!,- till, 'at laft* 
 :::^e Hiail be fwallowed up in his FuInefsof 
 ; .'Love, when we fliall meet, never to pare 
 .. 4JJrtr(t» /My' dear Sir, it is not all bad 
 • -IN ewsi' Which'! have to fend you for 
 •^nco Lwrotc-to you j^fr dear I5i-othei- / 
 .f'T^**' ^^'^^ £''^^t iiopc», that the bleiF. 
 • (M63-)' , -' •• 
 ed Jefus hath '^ded • s^nothc r . to Cirhnear 
 , Churcf), whichisa Young Gentleman, I 
 . believe, from Z.^;;^c«; and'a Store-keeper, 
 ; xo Mr. D—i — , r have great Hopes, is 
 converted. Mrs. B r, and T , 
 • the Carpenter, are very, humble Souls, 
 filled with Love, the beftbtefied Mark of 
 a converted Soul. All our .dear Friends- 
 are well, and beg,, will accept of 
 their ^kind Love apd Duty: .Pleafe to' 
 accept aifo all our kind Loves to our' 
 very d«ar Mrs. Cougblan,&nA Betfey. Oh ! 
 how glad would all your Children be to 
 fee you once more; but this Happinefs 
 we have but little Hopes of in this. Life. 
 : May all our Heart's be direSledunto the. Love 
 of God, and. into^ the patient ivaiting for^ 
 Chrijiy and then we Ihall meet, never to' 
 feparate; then, then, Ihall we/echimas he 
 is, and be fatisfied with his Fidnefs. Our 
 dear Friends at Harbour-Grace ktc^ up 
 their little Meetings, ts?r. Iprayyou,and • 
 all our dear .fpiritual Friends, to pray ' 
 earncHly for us,, that we may go cheer- 
 fully through the Wildcrnefs, and meet 
 them, with open Arms, in, that blefled 
 Land of Canaan., 1 fhould be glad, that 
 you would tender my kind Love to the 
 Sifters; 1 often think on them, and do 
 bear ihcm on my Heart: Pray tell them, 
 • what 
 ' • ^ ' •( 164 ) ■ , ' 
 . whatilic Lord, through your Miniftrr - 
 has done for fuch^a Sinner as I : Oli ! thac' 
 .. I could ever havfe-my Eye and Hcarc " 
 .% hxcd on him, whom I.h.ivc pierced,* and 
 jver mourn my.fad bale Ingratitude. Dear 
 Jir, theVeflcl is upon-iailing; I muft there- 
 fore, conclude, wi/hin^ and praying for 4 
 -^-ery. Bleffing compatible with %our 
 ^W.ippincfs, in this, and the bJefled World 
 ^ '.to comei^- ;,;•■.: .;. -..j i .,^w.,;j ^. ; \, -^ - •-•: » 
 .;:r.-.v«-.i> i •. vv I remjinj v4v.^^.v^^i .v".''. 
 ■ :;y«',^'.» 'r-yourdutiful Son and Brother 
 v>rv;Ai.'..\c,- rin the crucified blciTcd »/ ••' 
 V Vv' • ' * 
 . . .»» » «^ 
 •'Ti i,^«bId;?Ui3rr: ;,-ijt'f?il :,>}o ■,iW'?vv «!!v• 
 ( ifij ) 
 ../ j'r.i :j •."> 
 L E :t' T'e'.R XXXIV. 
 ^ RnvE-REND Sir, 
 I Am a poor unthankful Creature; /;; we 
 dwM no^ood rhiug, and, without' the 
 iiefirc to do aiiy good Tlii«g., ^^; ^^,,, 
 lam ,vcak then God is ftrong: I do not ' 
 eem worthy to-take his holy Name with-f-.^- 
 'n my Lips i but he hz^ Macy en -wkcm^A 
 al hough the dark C ouds pafs about me, , 
 ■yet I find our Lord in the Midft of thefe 
 Storms -and. Tempefts; I find the Lord 
 b^es me, and Jays many Things to my 
 Charge, they cannot prSve- hL 
 t egrcateft Enemjes\o the C.^fc of b.^' 
 God . , '^''' "^''^ '° -° ^° tW Houfe of ■ 
 ?°^' ^"^ ^/^" to the Table of our dear - 
 Lord and Saviour. I hope, that the Lord - 
 ■ and /-^^l *"'^."f P""^"'-'^^ andCoIdnc-fs, 
 and the Sws which do fi e.^fily befet u^ tU^ 
 jit before us, 1 find a o.v^-,^ v...j ^r . •/. : 
 pafling, forward. O my dear Sir,. I 
 ■ i ; 
 ( r66 ) ^ • • 
 more Humility^ I am afraid of my own 
 Heart," I am fure that I have a deceitful 
 6nc ' Often v/oliid , my ^md fly away ^ ar.d 
 be ai Rejl\ but \\\y Heart is a Clog to 
 bind it to this Earth, although I cannot 
 behold any' Thing here, but Vanity^ and 
 Vexation of Spirit. Oh ! I want Patience 
 'to dvrellwith mcj,' while I am in this WiU 
 'derncisy for foinetimes Faith is fmall,and 
 •Unbelief feenw to come in Doubts and' 
 •Fears. I am afraid, that I am like the 
 unprofitable Servant, or like the Man 
 with one Talent. 1 find in me a great 
 vDeadnefs and Drynefs: In myfclf; I am 
 a poor helplefs Creature; but. in the 
 Loivi my Help is found. O my dear 
 Father, we never knew the Wane of a 
 ■;■■ 'Shepherd, to feed God's little Flock, 
 ■until you was taken from us-, but now, 
 ;~ I am lure, thf*y that know the Lord here 
 [know the Want of a Shepherd. — Sir, I 
 .. .{^'have fent you a few fmall Fi/li, and three 
 Bottles df" Juniper Berries, for you and 
 '..■ -Mrs. Cciigblan^ and Mils Bcl/ey.^l am 
 .'■^ftill poor in tjiis World's Riches, and 
 ,r! VunwdrthyofanyThingfrom God;, bur, 
 !;•;.?' J know, that the Lord Jf/wj loves my 
 • '"'Soul, by the Ftee-Grace which he flieds 
 abrOati in 'nvy Heart; and Lknow, that 
 .r,-; ; V I love my-Sayiqui* v^uri iuiow, that he 
 ij » ••■I /■• .•. • 
 loved me firft; for while I was the chief^eft' 
 ot Smncrs, he died fur me, to redeem my 
 Soul from the loweft Hell. Q dear Sir 
 I ann not able to tell, or exprefs, how 
 nnich I am beholden to; God's rich" 
 i-rec-Grace; but I am unthankful" O 
 my ^dear Redeemer, do thou.make,. in 'thy 
 unthankful CJuld, a thankful Heart O 
 ' ^y ^Hf^;']^'->^"llIeverfecyou again 
 in this World? I am poor and wealc in 
 ^y ?°"^ and if the Lord fiiould leave 
 me, I fhould fink into the Depths of Mi- 
 fcry again; but tiie Lord hath promifed 
 never to leave me, nor forfake mc; tiiough 
 Ibmetimes I am ready to. fear, that I 
 Ihould forfake him, through Unbelief and 
 the Deceitfulncfs of my own Heart;' and 
 that makes me pray to J ejus. Chriji, that' 
 he would draw me unto him: I find, his 
 Rod good to chaftifc nie, and his ble/Ted ' 
 Irornifesto comfort me. . .Our greateft 
 Builder In our Meeting, Mr. ^^ ^ , 
 |oing from us this Wmter; but Uope, 
 that the Lord will fend him to. us a Jn 
 .or you, our dear FatW; although! am* 
 afraid we Ihall never fee you in thfs Land. " 
 notwuhftandmg there be Changes in the 
 ivignt-Hand of tli*. .^/r^a uij-u ■ , 
 art not our own, for our Lord hath bought 
 ^ . . C 108- )^ 
 us "Ji'Iika Trice^ even fucli a vile Sinner 
 as I have been : -And I am ftill a back aid- 
 ing Creature, .a vile Creature, full of in- 
 bred Sin J but I am but a Sinner, and, 
 bleflcd be the holy Name of niy Redeem- 
 er, I'know, that he hath died for mySins,. 
 although I have many Doubts and Fears[ 
 and Suggeftions from Satan^ which way! 
 Jay me, and oftentimes rob me of that 
 Peace and Comfort which I Ihoiild take 
 in my Saviour. Dear Sir, remember my 
 kind Love to all my Brethren unknown-,, 
 tell them, that I am poor, and beg theni 
 to fend me over one Book for my daily 
 OCe. Ihave three of my li«le Childreil 
 ftill with me. I am alhamcd, that I have 
 Nothing more to fend, but pleafc t6 ac- 
 cept of my little Fifh and Berries, which 
 I am fure you'willr.'!'* t vw'; \\':r>\t\-.\ 
 ^"' -•■ ■ ••' • • ' :^r-.i'i c*; J.-vf.-Tf ,,f.?. 
 ■ li-emain,: 
 rri.j I 
 • - • . . • •,•...•■.. \-. i 
 •a /TdUP unworthy ChiW In the Lord. 
 • ■-,;•■.>•. ..; \.:,l , ,:,i 
 r::J>..-HM>, O^ 
 ■ f 1 - 
 ,• ,;,•• n i/.o3 .',,u 
 ^Y v'"^ '* -S^^'-'A -^^ '-• -i- "^icr •vi'A'-Y.c.: 
 ..f^Si Sir, I thank you for-'tht ^Qod Books 
 C' ^^9 );.-•»,' ^ 
 The following ardYome choice Sen- 
 tinr.ents, extraded from the Writ- 
 - ings of a very eminent. Divine • 
 grounded upon GaL ii. i^C- 
 "**••••■« ao*M«eo< 
 I the, yet not 7, hut Cbriji Ihetb in me. 
 I Live, and I live not. The Life which. 
 1 live i& not of Nature, but of Grace 
 notofmyfelf but of Chrift: In refped: of 
 the Rule which guides my Life, though I • 
 Hefh, I am nor led by my Lufts, but bv . 
 the Spine of Chrift, I liVe not Lfter Z.'. 
 own Fancy, but according to the Will of. 
 CanH:, m refpeil of the Meam by which I 
 Traditions, . Self-Devices, carnal Doc- 
 trmes, and Inventions of Men, or fuper- 
 ft.tious Obfcrvation.", but I live by the ' 
 Wheat of ChriU's Dodr-- .u„ V 
 1 Mlk of God's Word,,.this i, the Staff 
 ! 4 
 ( 170 ; 
 Sray of my Lif> . In ref^f '• . the End 
 ■or Term to which I live, i uve not to* 
 myfelf, I feck not, I cxait n. , i magnify 
 - not myfclf, I propofe i.ot mine 
 Endsi but I live to Chrift, I intend, pro- 
 poL', and exalt Chrid, I Ilrive to be all 
 that I am unto Chrift: In rcfpe<a of the 
 Opinion^ and Apprchcnfion which I iiavc 
 of mylelf, I live not as mine own Lord 
 ■and Mailer, but I carry myfelf a^ a cru. 
 cificd Man, fuffering Nothing in me to 
 ^alf itfcJf againft Chrifl-^ buc I proftratc 
 all at the Feet of Chrift, I make ail to 
 yail and bow to Chrift,, iha^ Chrift may 
 Ji^^e and rcjgn in me, look upon myfelf 
 as the Chief of Sinners, and ihe bafeft of 
 Creatures, as unworthy of the Icaft of 
 thrift's Mercies, I deny myfelf, I allow 
 Jio l^Hcc within mc, to my own Wifdom 
 and Reafon, to my own Will and Aftec- 
 lions, my own Fancy and Defiresj I look 
 on .riicfe as empty Lamps which have no , 
 Light, as on falle Guides and treacher- 
 ous Friends, tl at have no Truth: I han- 
 (die Jtheie^as Traitors, that conlpire againft 
 the A«:!;as of my Soul: I trample and 
 ..tread thtfe under Foot, ?s Enemies to my 
 Peace: I fiiencc rhcfe, and will not hear • 
 iher t fpfa] I fupprefs thtrfc, and , will 
 ^oo£(pfix:r them to reign, I mortify thefe, " 
 and will not fuffcr them to live rand thus- 
 I live, and liv^ not, hence we learn,. 
 • * rf^^'^r' '^^° ^'""""^ ^^'^f' °fGrace,andtrue 
 Holinejs, doth wholly deny bmfelf, bis own 
 iLnds, Counfeli, and AffeUions, nnd altogtiher 
 projlr^ates bimfelfand all that is bis under Chriji 
 Jejus: He purs himfclf and all that he 
 hath under Chrift, he employs himfelf 
 and all that he hath for Chrift, in all that 
 he doth he chiefly minds and intends. 
 Chrift: In Jofeph's Vjfion. the Sm, Moon, 
 and Eleven St^rs, tiicfe ceieftial Creatures 
 did OljcJ-ance unto him, and all the 
 Sheaves in the Field vailed unto his 
 Sneafi m the Soul, Life, Way, and Work 
 ^.^'^^Seneratc Man, all the fupernatu- 
 Ml oifts and Graces, all the moral Abili- • 
 ties, and Endowments, and all the r.atu- ' 
 ral- Pov/ers and Faculties of the Souj- '' 
 With all the Members of the Body, all the" 
 Laboiu-s of the Life, rnd wli.ufoever elfc 
 do Obeifance unto- Chrift, aie made fub- 
 jed: ana krviceable unto Chrift: True 
 Chnftians arc termed by the Apoftle a 
 itvtng Sncrif-,. The Sacrifice under the • 
 Law was^no more his. that oftered ir, but 
 t^heLorci'i, and wholly to be Jpent in tiie 
 Service of the Lordj the Chriftian who 
 offers h.mielf unto God under the Gofoel 
 4s no more his own, but the Lord's, to be 
 0,2 , cmplpycd. • 
 ■%. '->-:5 
 : 1 
 C 172 ) • 
 employcd;wl,olIy in ,he Service of t^. 
 . . J-.onU this our Saviour Jays down as'n 
 .. neccfTary Duty, and fetteth it forth as a 
 ., .-;.-arancl lively Charafter of a true m 
 (lauh he,«;;//r.„;,^//,^ ^«^, /<r/ lli Jc,y 
 , hmjdf, arid take up his Crofs and folh-v, mc- 
 . f any Mar> wfll come after n.e, aTi 
 .VW after his Teacher, receiving nw 
 Inn.rua.on ; as a Sheep after his Shepi.erd 
 feeding ,n my Paftures ; as a SoldUr aftc^ 
 ^isCaptam, fighting my Battles; as a 
 SubjeSl after h.s Sovereign, obeying my 
 Co.iimandmcntsi as a Bride after her 
 Bridcgroorn, making me the complete 
 ^ Objca of his Love, and embracinrv ^^e as 
 the Hufband of his Soul; if any M^n will 
 - -■JfrMf .^^^^'' "''"' ^'" ^^^^ Kr.o-dcd'je of mvr 
 W,il, ,n the Belief oi my Promi'fes, in the 
 Love of my Truth, and in tjic Ohcdicr.ct 
 of my Precepts, Jm hint dny himfclL U-c 
 him lay afide his own mjdom as an empty 
 Lamp, his oww IFill as an evil Com- 
 riiander, his own hnagiyiaiion as a f.lfc 
 . -J^.le, his o\sn /]ffemons as corrupt Coun- 
 fcllors, and h'S own Ends as bafe and un- 
 • worthy Marks to he aimed at- let him 
 deny^ himfclf wiiatfoevcr is of himftlf, 
 /,within himfclf, or belonging to himfclf, as 
 acorr.p: and carnal Manj let him ro 
 -., .^V • . - •• . • ■ out 
 ' .■■>'*■• 
 out of himfclf, that he may come to me;. 
 Jet him empty himfelf of himfclf, that he 
 nuy be capable of me, that I may reign 
 and rule within him, that he may wholly 
 fubjevft himfelf to roe a. id my Service; 
 there is no true following of Chrift and 
 his Example, no thorough Subjeftion to 
 Chrift and his Precepts, without the 
 Denial of ourfelves and our AfFcdions,. 
 without the Rejection of our own Ends 
 and Counfcls; this the Apcftle ftyles a 
 Irjing not unto ourjelves^ hut unto him thai 
 died for US; not to live unto ourlelvcs, by- 
 following our own Imaginations, not to- 
 fcrve our own Lulls and Affeaions, not 
 to terminate ourfelves wichin ourfelves,, 
 by feeking our own Applaufe and Profit' . 
 by making oiifelves the Lords and.. 
 Maftcrs of our Service, ferving ourfelves,. 
 and not the Lord Jcius; but to live to^ 
 Chrift, to do all in Love and Obedience- 
 unto Chrift, to refer all to the Praife and, 
 Glory of Chrift: It is a very bafe. and. 
 carnal Service which doth not priniarii , • 
 intend the Lord Jefus; furely he jsia, 
 from the Life of Chrift, that doth not 
 live to Chi-;ftj that Man's Life is of a " 
 bafe, corrupt, and earthly Original, the ■ 
 Energy, Operation^ and Intendment of. 
 whoii; living is not to exalt and- make 
 ■ ' ' 9^3 , Chriit 

 ( 174 ) 
 Chr.ft glorious i he alone truly under- 
 Itands-theEnd of Chrift's Death that 
 makfs Chrifl's Glory the End of hisLifV- 
 _ ftndthiis runs the Charge of the Apoaie 
 to the^Romans, 2'icld yonrjelves unio Gcd 
 as tbcfs that are alive f rem the Dead, and 
 your Members as Injlruments of Ri^hteouhiffs 
 Tu-^'"^- T'^^^ you'Telves to God, as 
 • ^]f^^rsiot\,txx Captain, as Servants to 
 hcrMafter, to fight for Gcd, to work 
 lor God, to do all for God's Glory let 
 ; <:Vory. Faculty of the Soul, and Member 
 ot.thc Body, cv.-n whatfoever bdon^s • 
 unto you be dedicated unto God. and 
 employed in the Work and Service of 
 God; thatSei-vice which is not univer- 
 • lal IS hypocritical; he alone is a pcrfeft 
 Servant, tiiat purs the wJiole Man upon 
 ■ theService of the Lord, as all the Rivers 
 come from the Sea, and return, and empty 
 ■ tbcmfchesmto the Sea: Thus mull we re- 
 turn to God, and empty ourfelvcs, and all 
 -ihai we have into God proftrate'it all 
 ^nd.r God's Feet, and pu"c it all upon the 
 ■Uoof behind hm in Egypt, but all 
 out that he might lacrifice to (heLord 
 ct whatfoevtfr the Lord v -'-^ have- thus 
 . we muft not leave a Hoot o. our Hearts.* 
 TJioughts, Loves, Dv-liu5 behind us up- 
 ■ r 175 ) 
 on S,n,andthc orld, but take of alJ, 
 and lacrilicc all to God and his Service- 
 wemuft with the Baptifl be wiling to 
 decrea/e ^h^r. Chnil may increafe. to be- 
 come vile, and of no Elteem-with Men, 
 that Chnft may be exalted;- we muft 
 ^hlr.f Macedonians, give ourfehcs to 
 ihe Lord Wc mull give our VnderjUnd- 
 ingsjio Icnow God, our ll^iUs to choofe 
 God, our Imaginaticns to think upon God 
 ou^ Memories to remember God, ou^ 
 Affe£lions- to fear, trull, love, and re- 
 joice in God. our Ears to Jiear God's 
 :Word our r^«^«,^ to fpcak God's Praife 
 ' our Hands to work for God, and all our 
 Subltance to the Honour of God. 
 And a holy and gracious Chriftian 
 -doth thus hye to Chrift, and put him- 
 ■ lelf and- all that ne hath undei Chrift 
 r. In regard of that Carnality, Vanity, 
 Bafencfs Earthltnefs, Unworthine/s, Corrul. 
 tion andtTnek,nneJs,yjMch hfics, and feels 
 :n his own hkfh in his oxvn Affc^ons, Ends 
 andComfels: Hci,<,s ther- is an EmptU 
 nels in himfelf, tlat his own Flclli is an 
 empiy Houfe, vihcrem dwt.eth no Good 
 and wherein . is r,o ,V - uney to the '>erl 
 formance of any ^-ood Ducyj: he f<:es 
 , tiiar im own Uean is a City full of Trea- 

 ::, ' 
 » ' * • 
 C , 176 ) 
 . fon, denitful above Mcafurty and not to be 
 tniftedj* he fceJs a Law in his Members 
 rtbellhig againlt the Law of his Mind, as 
 ■Rebecca felt the Twins in her Womb 
 ft^iving the one againft the other; he 
 <lircerns that his own Wifdom is foolifli, 
 , an empty Lamp, a blear Eye, a falfe 
 Light; he difccrns that he is brutifli, 
 x.nd hath not the Knowledge of the Uoly\ 
 ht fees much Uncleannefs within himfe'lf, 
 mpny Spots in his Soul; he {qc% that he 
 is like Jacob's Block, fpotty coloured; 
 like Noalf's Ark, wherein are many un- 
 clean Beads amonp; the clean; like the 
 •Field in the ParaLie, wherein are, many 
 Tares among the Wheat; he fees how he 
 is yet in part carnal^ afid fold under 
 "Sin, not fully freed and difcharged from 
 ;the Strength and working of Sin; he 
 *difcerns an unhappy Pronenefs in his 
 Heart, to confult with Flefli and Blood, 
 and to propole bye, and finiftcr, low, and 
 bafe Ends; and having the Sight, Senfe, 
 and for'owful Experience of all this ; he 
 denies himfelf, as ^^zro^J' havingExperience 
 •of lUcDeceitfuliiefs of Laban, grew weary of 
 •him, denied fiim his Service, and went 
 forth from him. Thus a gracious Man, 
 having Experience of the Corruption and 
 • Dcc€itfulnels of hi« own Heart and Flefli, 
 ■«'•'- grows 
 c n? ) 
 grows wenry of himfelf, denies himft-ir, 
 goes out of himfelf, cometh unto Chriflr, 
 and puts 'himfelf wholly undcr^Shrift; 
 and as the Evangelift: faid of Chrifl:, that 
 knoivwg 'ichat 'was in Maity be would not 
 coimnit himfelf w'to Man\ fo fandified 
 Man knowing what is in himfdf, he will 
 not commit himfelf unco himfelf, he will 
 not truft: himfelf with himfelf, he denies 
 his own Wifdom, he becomes ^ i^s^/ in 
 his own Apprehcnfion, and feeks to Chrifl: 
 to be made wile unto Salvation ; he looks 
 upon his own Righteoufnefs, as rotten 
 RagSy anil comes to Chrilt for Jufl:ifica- 
 tion; he confiders his own Wcaknefs, 
 and comes to Chrifl as the Gibeonitcs came 
 to. Jofjua, to refcue him from his Ene- 
 mies, he is experienced in tlie Vanity of 
 all other Helpers; and therefore comes 
 to Chrift, as the difeafed Woman, whom 
 the Phyficians could not cure, that Chrift' 
 may heal his fpiritual Maladies; and 
 the more clerrly he difcerns the Carnality 
 and Bafenefs of iiis own Heart, the greater 
 Progrefs he will make in the Divine Life. 
 He that knows how fubjedl he is to mif- 
 carry when he leans upon himfelf, will 
 readily put himfel'f and all that he hath 
 Under Chrift. , 
 ..2. Ifk 

' // 
 t IK! 
 . , ( '78 ) 
 rr.l' ^''J^e^'^ of the boJy.Jironz, and 
 ccjjlam Bent, and IncUn.tionof thfuTt 
 i hing „,oves towards it proper Centre 
 So 2,''r ^;^""^'» '^ '°"^« to that; 
 • sTuT. /^'i^'''^ true, Centre of the^ 
 ■^ thee1;1n^^''^-'^'^^"'^'°" °f thrift, " 
 Cinleofr ^^T'?' ^°"^ ^"^^ ^ JPnn- 
 Chriff r T' "^c'^3 ^ Communication of 
 t,iir ft, luch ,1 Suuablencfs between the 
 v^h^m' ^ V''^ .'^''^'■^^ thrift, luch » 
 ST;i ^^"e^"S ^^' thrift, that i? 
 anfwer k n ^°i^"^S but Chrift can 
 in the Soul ucha bleffed Refidcnce, fuch 
 O ?°7'^"l f ^ g'-^^'ous Energ;, anS 
 SSw °^^'^': ^r' °^ ChriCthat as 
 the mesh inEzekien Vifion «;.W where^ 
 focver the living Creatui-es mvcTht 
 caufe the^;>;>;V of the living Creatures 
 2Vci '"If f "^^^ '° ^^^ ^od move 
 » in the Sou , this makes it pant after 
 S' '', •"'' J"^"' ^^''' '^^ rWaier 
 Ji;e jiry C/Qund for Waters; this inakes 
 ••'-. ■,. 
 ( »79 > 
 it folbvi hard after Chriil, as. the Child 
 with Cries and Tears after the- Father 
 going fron\^ it; this makes it cry for 
 • Ciuilt, as fometimes Rachel dixd^ forChild- 
 rcn, O give me Chriji or elfe I die; and as 
 David thirjied,, and liis Worthies hiirfi 
 through tiie Army of the Philipnes for 
 Water out of the Wells of Bethel: So the 
 Soul thirfting for Chrift, breaks through 
 . all the Armies of Oppofition to come to 
 Chrift, torefreih itfdf with Chrift; now 
 it denieth all, leavcth all, pafTcth- 
 tjarough all, proftrateth itfelf and all that 
 It hath under :hrift, that it may enjoy 
 Chrift; it ha^es all that hinders its comin--* 
 to Chrift, and embraceth all that may 
 further its Communion with Chrift- 
 Suitablenefs between the Soul and Chrift' 
 readily denies and rcjefts all that hinders 
 the Fruition of Chrift'. 
 3. In regard to the Vanity andNothln^J 
 neis whicli a gracious Uonx difcerns m 
 himfelf, and in all Things elfe without 
 and befide Chrift; he looks upon him- 
 felf as on Duji and AJbes-y he is vile in 
 his own Apprehenfion, as a Wcrm and no 
 Man; he humbles and abhors himfelf 
 even as helow the DuJi and AHics ; he looks' 
 on all other Things as Lung and Brofs, 
 and a Thing of w«^^/ in comparifon of 
 ■ ■ 1 
 • i. 

 . C i8o ) 
 Chrifti he reputes all Things irt refped. 
 ofChrift, as yotbaiti 6k\ Mimelecb in re--; 
 fpcd of the Sons of Jmihbaal-, bit as 
 a Bramble in refpcdl of the Vifie, Fig- 
 Tree, and Olive-Trce-, and having fuch 
 a lowOpinion of himfclf.and all I'hings' 
 elfe; he rpdily denies himfelf and all 
 Things elle, and makes ajl to vail and 
 il:oop to Chrift; with Simhaind Andrew, 
 NVho wpre ready- to Icavq their Nets, their* 
 Ship, and their Father, to deny their 
 PoflefTions, and their Friends, and to put 
 all under Chrift,- he alfo is willing to 
 leave , whatfoevcr is mod profitable and. 
 dear according to the' Flefli, for Chrift's 
 Sake, and with Ptf«/ to cftcem his very' 
 Life as Nothing, that he may glorify' 
 'Chrift, and finiih Chrift's Work: The' 
 more any Man dot'i undervalue himfelf, J 
 and the Creature, the more he exalteth "^ 
 Chrift, the more freely, fully, and readily' 
 he proftratcs all at the Feet of Chrift. 
 ■ 4. In regard of the holy, powerful, and' 
 miverfal Reign, Rule and Dominion of 
 Qjrifi in a gracious and fanElifed Soul: ' 
 ;Here Chrift reigns as a King in his" 
 Throne, as Solomon reigned over the Land ' 
 6i Canaan from Sea to Sea, and from the 
 River to the £nds of the Earth : So doth ' 
 Chrift reign in a regenerate and gracious 
 Y'.h;;^ ' • ' '^tv^- •, :' Soul, 
 Soul, from the higheft to thtf lowel^ 
 Faculty thereof, and from the Head to 
 t-he.Feet, and from the higheft to the 
 l°'^'=^^F9^«'^^*"^'"g of a Chriftian: 
 Here Chrift- reigns as a Dwel/er in His 
 Houfe; the Dweller rules over all the 
 Rooms, Members, and Goods of his 
 Houfe, and difpofeth all to his Service;: 
 Chrift rules over all the Faculties of the 
 Soul, Members of the Body, and dif- 
 , pofcth all the Endowments and Qoincrs of. 
 a Chriftian to his own Service, and'' for 
 his own Honour: Here Chrift rules aa 
 the Head over the Body, a<5ting, moving, 
 guidmg, and framing the wiiole Man 
 to a holy, humble, and free Subjedion: 
 Here Chrift reign- as a Ceniunon in his 
 Army.and as the Servants of thcCenturion 
 did go and come at his Command, and do 
 whatfoever he bad them: Thus all the 
 Faculties of the Soul, and Members of 
 tlie Body of a true Chnftian, are at the 
 Command of Chrift, receiving their Direc- 
 tioaand Commifiion from Chrift, doincr 
 every Thing in Subjection and Obedieac" 
 n^ iV^^- ^ ''."' '^^ ^''"^^"^'^^ ipeaking of 
 Chrift s Kingdom, fauh, ;« the Day cf th-* 
 Power, when Chrift ftiaJl rei^^n by his 
 Gofptl and Spirit in the Souh of Men 
 the People JhoHld be willing, free, ready, and 
 R full 

= J 
 ( 182 ) 
 jull in their Siibjtaion unto ChrifV, and 
 ■4>is Enmics'Jhould i/ow before bim^ and lick 
 '■ ihi: Dult; fuch as were Enemies, t^el^ 
 iJous, and difobcdicnt in their Unrcgcnc- 
 racion, Ihouki after their Convcrfion bow 
 thcmfcives, and lick the I>«^, acknow^ 
 ledge -and 'receive Chrift as' their Lord 
 ^nd King, -and in very great Humility 
 liibjccft and proftraic boih-thcmlervcs and 
 all theirs to him, and his Service; for as 
 y1l>Hcr entering into Covenant with David, * 
 ^nd taking David for his King, undertook 
 xobring about all Jfrtiel unto David ; t\n\S' 
 tJie Soul entering into Covenant with 
 Chrift, and taking Chri.i for its King, 
 bnrgs about all to Chrift, and puts all in / 
 ■Suljedtion under Chrift. ,: 
 >! 5. in rtgi'rd of the loly and fervent- cf axracicus Soul to exalt and f el up 
 rClriJl:'V\\\% is the prime Labo.ur, Joy- 
 and Comfort of a godly Soul, to'fee and • 
 :fecl Chrift's-Kingdom within him^ to fee 
 «p Chrift in his- Heart, and to'difcern' ' 
 •h;ra/uling and commanding there, as a 
 •King in -nis. Throne, as a Pjlot in the" 
 Shrpi this is his Suit arid Supplicatiort- • 
 unto God, tJ\at.a;-//2's Kingdom mgy ecme^ 
 •II; at Chrilt iV>ay- rcign-and-rule Wirhin' 
 him, as David fometimes' thirfted, and* 
 lpnge4 to ice the frjoer and Clary pf God* 
 ■/'/» ^■^■,'lit...\»i'-*■t^^■• 
 . , C. 183 ) 
 m the Sanftoary: So doch a codlv M.m 
 Jong to Uc the Power and Glory of Chnrt 
 m his Souli td behold him reigning in 
 h.s Heart: In the Day of ^^/m^^'s cSro- 
 nation the People piped "j.itb Pipes, and 
 jcjoteed with great Joy, ip that the Earth 
 run^ With the Sound thereof: In the Day 
 ■ ? ^,'^i"''i's Coronation, and Reign in the 
 Soul of Man, the Heart of Man rejoiced 
 with exceedmg great Joy, Chrift's Do- 
 mmion is a holy Soul's rcjoicinrr- TU 
 Kingdom of God is Rigbteoufnefs and'^ Peace 
 <ind Joy tn the Holy Gbcjl. It was the Care* 
 ^abour, and Joy of David xjo.hnn<r the 
 Ark or the Lord into" the TabernacleJ 
 and m that Day David dnnced. before the 
 Lord w^h' all his MIglu, and all the 
 .Houfe of Iii-ael brought up the Ark of 
 the Lord w;/i> Shaittiug and ivitb the Sourd 
 fifa "Trumpet^ andfet it in the Midji of the 
 tabernacle. Thus it is the Care, Labour 
 .and Comfort of the whole Man that is 
 godly, to fet up Chrift in the Midft of 
 . J \i^°\^^* ^^ ^^"^ ^^'^ reigning in his Un.: 
 derltanding, as the^««in the Eye; fiuid- " 
 ;ing,in his Will, as a /V;>;r^ commaSjinD- 
 ir; in his Imagination, as 'the Objai ot 
 which h? thinketh with rnoft Frequency, 
 Delight and Comfort; in his Truit! 
 a& the only i^i^.4 whereon he bull^ctlu 
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 ( 184 ) • 
 in his Fear, a« xheKtrfg of K'wgs^ whom he 
 chiefly reverenceth J and in his Love, as 
 an //w/7>'/7wiin thc.Love of the Wife: So 
 • powcrfuland operative is this Defire, 
 Labour, and Joy of a • gracious Soul, 
 'couching the Exaltation, Reign, and Rule 
 •of Chrilt. within if,' that as the People 
 ^vouid^havc all the Men put to Diaih 
 '\Vhich' would' not liave Saul reign over 
 them: So doih fuch a Man mortify' all 
 'his Luds which oppofe Chrill*s King- 
 •tlom, remove whatfocver may hinder 
 Chrid's fpiritual Dominion, and make 
 *il vail and (loop for ChriR's Exaltation. 
 within him. 
 » -6. In regard of a gracious Soul's yf^- 
 'twcfcence ^nd 'Contentment 'with the ^pprth- 
 J/aticncfChriJl: In this it pleafeth, in this 
 •it blefleth, delighteth, and fatisiieth itfelf; 
 Vhatfoever it -hath befides ic, this is ih>- 
 -Head of all, as the Sun is to the Eye in- 
 .^ead of all Lights, and the Fountain to 
 the ThirHy' inllead of. all Bdttles; tht 
 .Aj)probation»of Chrift is of very great 
 'Price with a true Chridian; hrs Praifeis 
 ^ot the Praife of Men hut of God', not to 
 have the Approbation of Men to his 
 •Doings, but of God ; not to have his 
 •Ear tickled with the empty Breath of 
 »vam Man*3 Applaufe; but. with the 
 'i'-'-'^^-.- ;;/'•. : .#. • folid 
 ' •. < vsj; ; ,fS:K !»-U-.r;> ' 
 ■■ . . . • ■:■■.■■'. ■ -r, \^;^. 
 . Tolid and fwcet Infpiration, andBreath- 
 Jng of God's Spirit, affuring him of God's 
 ••Acceptation of him ; as our Saviour 
 fought not himfclf, nor his own Prdife 
 but the Praife of his Father, made it his 
 Meat and Drink, to do his Father's Will 
 and contented himfelf with his Father's 
 ■ Approbation, how unworthily foeverMen 
 '^thought of him: Thus all the Members 
 of Chrill'in proportion feck not them- 
 •fclves, nor the Applaufe of Men, but the 
 Teftimony of Ciu-ift; in this they rejoic« 
 and folace themfelves, in all Things tip. 
 praising ihemfehes to God, as good Servants 
 in all Eftates, in all Changes, in a!l their 
 Undertakngs;. and this is the holy 
 Glorymg, Rejoicing and Comfort of the 
 Soul, to ^/<;ry (as the Apcftle faith) /«//^tf 
 ?f • r.^° glory in the Domnion of God, 
 lubjcftmg himfclf unto him,' to glory in 
 t\xt Power oi God, refting upon him,. tO' 
 glory in the Tejiimoity ot God, blcnino- 
 and pleafing himlelf in God'j Approba-' 
 tionj for not he that com^endeth him- 
 l^f IS approved, but whom the Lord 
 commeridcth: God's Approbation is the 
 Crown- and Comfort of a Chriftianj and 
 -therefore a?, the Wife fcekeih and reioiceth. 
 :in th^ Approbation of her Hufband,. 
 though Ihe dilplcale hg-fyif^. and all the- 
 . ■ , '^ 1^ 3 ' Family/ 
 I' ,1 ' 
 ( 186 ) 
 ■ Family to enjoy it: Thus the Soul which 
 IS wedded to Chrin: feeks-thc Approba* 
 tion of Chnft,. plealeth himfelf herein, 
 .. and for, the Enjoyment whereof will dit 
 pleafehis own Flefli, and all the World; 
 he denies whatfoever is aHindcrance here- 
 unto, he. fubje^s himfelf wholly unto 
 ChnU:, to.^ain and keep the Teftimbny 
 of Chrifti for as it was faid of PlatOy Unius 
 . Platcttis C(ilculum inter millet the Appro- - 
 hj^iion oi Plato alone was inftead of a 
 ^ t Ijoufand : - So the Tellimony and Appro- 
 bation of pne Chrifl-, of Chrift alone, i» 
 more to ,a gracious Soul, than the Ap- • 
 plaufe ot the World, or whatlbevcr the' 
 . Jr.^rth can afford i and for thefe and fuch. 
 JiKe Caufes doth a Man endued with true 
 ■ Hohnefs deny himfelf," his own Ends. ^ 
 and. Counfcls, and p^oftrate all. under - 
 Chrift JeAis. :;:-..,,..;..... •v{.K»-^wi:i,'^jv.» 
 Confider this then, and fee the^arr- - 
 ■ W^'^'K- ^-^^^ ^^ ^^" ^^° ^"ow noc ^ 
 Lhnft, and lubjcd not themfelves to him^ ; 
 and his Service; as the Sodomites yNonld.' 
 not have Lot to be a >^^^ among them,. '' 
 ■ iio more will many Men have Chrift ra . - 
 reign over them i the Sons of Belial dt- . T 
 ^i/eu Saul, and brought him . no Prejents,.:, 
 • :^/>.^-i^5^-^.°?^-^'Cif-^<^^^'JepifcChhft.ia...-;. 
 • * 1 J.'j.»- ■' * 
 (■ ^S; ) 
 his PerfoH, they fee no Beauty nor Com- 
 linefs in.him, they defpifc him in his GoP- 
 pel, they will not vail co his Scepter, they 
 . dclpifc him in his Emhajfadors, they deny 
 Audience and Reverence to their Mef- 
 fage, they defpife him in hisO^w.tiiey do 
 not hear him as their Prophet; obey hinV 
 as their King, they do not believe in him' 
 as the Prieft who luth offered himfelf to- 
 C^od An all-fufficicnc Sacrifice for them ■■ 
 they defpife him in his Z^w,' they burft 
 them afunder, as Sampfon burft his Withes • • 
 S^-ange and fliamcfui. is the Contempt' 
 offered by profane Pcrfons to the Lord'' 
 Jdus, and though they, profefs Chrift. 1 
 <and pretend Chrift, and will iiavc Chrift - 
 to be preached and fpoken of amonW 
 themv yet as the Philifiines, thoucrii they 
 entertained the Ark, yet they i;,? Da^m 
 a^^e, and would not endure the Prefcncc " 
 th6rcot^. when Dagon fell before it: So 
 tliele.Men, though they outwardly enter-' 
 . tain Chrift, and give him fome Place ! 
 amongft them, yet they. will fet their V' 
 Bvgon, their Lufts, their Pride. Pleafures .. . 
 1 rofits, and Inventions, above Chrift ; and 
 if their Piagon tall, if Chrilt bcgm to fhe«r 
 his Power and Work upon their Dazon • 
 d. Wr, reprove, flume, and offer to' • 
 caft: down, their I^uHs, and will not fuffer ^ 
C m y 
 •thefc to -reign, they grow very wcarv of 
 Chnft, his Prcfcnce is uncomfortable': 
 • Chnft preached .in his Power ever provis 
 a Burthen tothe Soul where Sin is pica- 
 fane and delightful ;• he that doth nor 
 deny himfelf denies Chriftj -he rhat alJows- 
 •Tiot Chnil n full and univcrfal Dominion, 
 js. a great Stranger to him.' -• .- '.; ,. 
 ^Some deny i^.ot their ^w/ ' wifdom,. 
 • Chrift reigns not in their Underftahdinc^,. 
 they arcwi/^ in /^tf/r i;w»7ij?x, they cm- 
 brace not Chrift'sDiredion, Chrift is nor 
 in (lead of Eyes unto them,: as Hohab was" ' 
 to Mtf/«.-and. Ifrael in their Journies 
 through the Wildernefs; they' a(k not 
 Cpunlel of Chrifl, but wal.k after their- 
 own Counfel; they make not tiieir Wifdomi 
 to ftoop to Ghrift's Wifdom, and there- 
 lore Folly dwells with them, Chrift is not 
 known to them; he of all Men ^zt^ Jeaft 
 of Chrift, and continues moft foolifh, :hac 
 moft exalts and \ magnifies his own. 
 Knowledge. •; . . .- , 
 - Some deny not their cwn l^ilh^ ther 
 makcnotChrift's Will the Rule of their 
 ,Wili;but fet up their own Wills to be 
 the Rule.of Ghrift's Will, and make their" 
 own. Will the. Law by which they, walk,, 
 as !«■ was foretold of thc<King of Greece^, ■ 
 •that he fhould ftand up" and rule with; ' 
 ?i7n ^i^"^'"ion. ^^^ do according to his 
 Will: So It is trucofthcfe Men, they 
 ftand up againft Chrift, and they rule 
 -^ud fway over Ghrift's Laws, Minifters 
 Ordmances, and Offices, and do all 
 ■Things according to their own Will. H 
 the Days of Mic^h tiie Idolater, there was 
 no King in Ifrael, and every Man- did 
 that which was r((^h/ in bis .own Eyes: 
 • Ihus thcfe Men are wichout a fpiritual 
 King, Chnft doth not reign in their 
 i>ouls but they do what is right in their 
 .own Eyes, they are r^3^///,/^.r Peopk, AvV 
 Cbtldreu, Children that will not hear the 
 ^Law of the Lord, whith fay to the Seer, fee 
 iut.and to the ■ Prophets, prcphefy not wi'to 
 -vs ri^ht r kings, fpeak unto usfmooth 'Thinzs. 
 'prophefy to us Deceits. Chrift hath no 
 Kingdom m the Soul whichis fwayed by. 
 /^ain Dclulion, and carnal Gounfel. 
 -^ Some will not dehy ih'^ir own Memcm, 
 they Will not put them under, but fufFcr 
 them to lord it over Chrift, Chrift hath 
 not the Preheminence in their Fear, Truft ' 
 Love Joy; but as the Lord faid to £//! 
 thou bonoureji thy Sons cboije me, fo thcfq 
 Men honour their Affeclions and Lufl:s 
 •above Chnft. Solomon obfei-vcd in his 
 Time Servants riding en Ihrfeback, and 
 Frtncti walking on Foot. Every Man may 
 i i. 
 • . ( 190 ) -> 
 fee In thcfc Times Mens natural ard • 
 I Afiedlions, which fliould like Servants be 
 kept under and;, fupprcired, humbled, , 
 brought low, and made to walk on Foot; 
 yetthefc arc fet on Horltback, exalted, 
 honoured, preferred, and Chrift the 
 ' Prince of Peace, and ^^ his Ordinances, 
 ^Statutes, and Teftimoiiies, which ihouid 
 reign and rule Tike Princes in c!.e Soul 
 of JVlan, thgfe are niade like Servants to^ 
 ■ travel on Foot; thcfc are of no Eftcctn' 
 and Price with Men v thefe have no Rule • 
 and Sway in the Hearts of Men: Herodias 
 liath Prcheminencc in the Heart of Hcrfid 
 above the Bappirti a S-unne is of more 
 ^ • .Efteeni than Chi-ift.' with tiie Gaderine... 
 '•••• , Man's Exaltation: of : his c.orrupt.A&ec*' 
 '•'■' tions is afoul snd (hameful Abafemeai;. 
 of Chrift and his Ordinances. . , . ,;. 
 ■ Some deny, not their worldly Profiis'i,- 
 y^lff fct T)avid behind th? Ewes, many 
 fc!t Chrift behind, the Ox and the Afs; 
 • - jhc Farm and.j^hpjf'i/ey their Merchandife, 
 and "wortdly: Traffick, . they prize the 
 World above Chrift, they love this more . 
 . . than they, loyc ; Chrift, . the l-oye of the: . 
 . /World carries their //m/v far frpm Chri(t, 
 when their. 'Bodies drawnear to Chrirtj^; 
 ; . the' oyerValuing of the Earth ]s an under*' .^ 
 .:...vulw5n;g;oJ'!;6}hri(l> when the World is 
 >•••' U?;&>i-:;i^V'';l'''''^ " " ' over' 
 ' * K' :■,.■■./ 
 ' . ( »9r ')■ 
 over fwett and favoury to Mens Palates 
 their Souls difrc/ijh Cliriftr and his Ordi! 
 dances; when the Earth is pleoiant like 
 ^a Paradife, Chrift and all tlie Means cjf 
 Grace arc apprehended as a very Wil- 
 dernefs. .ut*M;';n'i| • .! ■' 
 ■ Some deny not their ozvn" P/eafures, but 
 vuUie them above Chrift, zsl:fiu did a 
 ftw Lottage above h\s Binlri^bj. fome 
 d«ny_not their Pride, but :iwlLfalc;n fou.^ht' 
 ^^ ""^'S"., though it were to the D;flion?ur 
 ami Depofalof his Father i;^wj from h's' 
 Throne: So the/ feek to magnify them- 
 lelvesi thougrvro the Dillaonour of God 
 and Depoial of Chrift from his Throne in 
 , fheir Hearts; feme deny not their own 
 U'mh and Goodnefs; they are rich and' 
 v^ iuIJ in their own Opinions, as the Man in ' 
 ,th^ Prophet which dreamed, he bad eaten 
 and was full; fome deny no: their own 
 ^tipcrjltttons, they receive for Do^rrines 
 the Commandments of Men, they will 
 fee Chnft m a Glafs of their own tpming, 
 learn Chnft ,n r. School of their ow"n 
 credling, and dcawthe Waters of Salva- 
 tion out of a Cift^crn ;of their own dig- 
 ingr doubt ei> they arc very feu th?f 
 havcjearned the great.Le/Toh' of living to ' 
 ChnO, qucftionlds,: Chrift -hath fpiri-'' 
 ntuaj ,and heavenly' Dominion in the 
 I ■ V.I- 
 C »9« ) 
 Souls of few Men. Very full of bafc, 
 RcfpctSls and Purpofes arc the Hearts of 
 - many that j)rofcfs Jefas Chrift. The 
 Propliet fpeaks of a Day, wherein /even, 
 jyanen Jlifuld take hold of oneMan^faying^we. 
 •ccill eat our cwn Breads and wear our own 
 Jppcrel^ only let us be called by thy Name^ to 
 take away our Reproach' Tiirre is a Day. 
 'now, wherein fevcn, a very great Number, 
 take hold of one Man Chrift, by an out- 
 ward i'rdfelTioni but they will eat thcir^ 
 own Bread, and wear their own Apparel, 
 they wUl find their own Pleafures, walk 
 in tlien- own Ways, keep themfelves 
 apparelled with the old Man, they will 
 not deny themfelves, they will not put. 
 away'^their old Things, and make all 
 Things new, they will only be called by 
 the Name" of Chrill, to take away their 
 ' Reproach of being reputed Athcilts ana 
 Infidels among Men. Myiy Men that.' 
 jjrofefs themfelves Chriftians do lliame- 
 fuliy deny the Lord Jefus, and arc far 
 from the Denial of themfelves, their own^ 
 Counftflsand AfFcdions. 
 ■|n:-|M^ ■'■)?* t N I s» r*' '^Y'* 
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