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Instrumental Introduction— Chorus — .... Sonjjf (Recluse)— . - - - Semi-Chorus— . . - Recitative (Recluse)— Duet (Hose and Lil}')— Sonjif (Recluse) — Chorus — ... Solo (Crocus) and Chorus- Solo (Dahlia) and Chorus— - Duet (Heliotrope and Miiiiionette)and Chorus— '* We are the flowers." "Here would I rest." '* Rest thee here." " Lost in wonder." " Would 'st thou know." •• O »;fn tie peace." "Who shall becjueen." " 1 am the first." •* Peace, false ])reteiider." *' 'Tis not in beauty." Solo (.laponica) and Chorus- Solo (Suntlovver) and Chorus Chorus — Duet (Violet and Lily)— Solo (Rose) and Chorus — Recit. (Tulip)— Chorus " Prized by the beautiful." '• Make way, ye silly praters." *' Say where is our favorite Lil> ." "Sister flowrets, we are here." "The balmy odours which we i)ear." ' " Lo t\vilij>ht shadows." " Come, come quickly away." Hynui, To-Ni^dit. Semi-Chorus and So!i^^ (Recluse)— " Fold, O ni^iht." INTERLUDE. Duet (Ni»,^htingaie and Rose)- - " Wherefore dost thou thub enchant me." PART SECOND. Chorus— - Chorus — ' • Recit. and Sonjr (Hollyhock)— Semi-Chorus — Semi-Chorus— Sojim: (Recluse)— Chorus— ChoruM of Heather-Bells— Full Chorus. Coronation March- Senn -Chorus — Semi-Chorus— Chorus and K(;ho— SoTii,'- (Rose)— (Miorus March — SonK'"(Recluse'— Finale (Kose, Recluse and Solos)-- " Good morninj,'-. "To the choice. " "oftly, dear friends. " We love you all. " Stranger, thou hast heard our claim. •' 'Tishard to cho-)se. " Prepare we for the festive scene. " We come from the hill-side. " Ue come from the ])ala('e. - " Receive thy crown. " On tiiy brow. " Long live our beauteous Queeti. " Filled with gratitude and love. " We go to fulfil. "I bless the hand. " Light of eternal kne. »> >> 11 »» >> »> «> >> )> n M »» M •» »» l> owers. I rest." 3 here." onder." kiiow." peace." ,^neen." e first." eiuler." feaiitv." -utifiil." raters." e Lily." e here." e l)ear." adovvs." awav." niiiht." ,iit me." irmnj,'-. uhuice." riends." on all." claim." 3ho')se." scene." ll-si(le." palace." crown." , brow." Quee!i." 1(1 love." a fulfil." ■i hand." al love." ARGUMENT. The Flowers meet in a secluded dell in the forest, to choose their Queen. A person discontented with the world, seeks, in the same place, retirement from its cares and disappointments. The Flowers tell of love and duty ; and the Recluse— learnin