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 MlCtiAEh ANTHONY, i^f fhe 
 Divine Mercy and the Grace of 
 ''■'^-'fhe K6ly See^ Mishj^- of Carpasi- 
 "■■' ^v Vicar Apostolic'rrf Newfound- 
 idndf Labrador^ and the Island 
 "'' ^* Antipoaiiy Vikor 'General .of 
 to the Throne of the Sovereign 
 ■«• kA 
 ^ Tq all the Faitkful or Our Vicar^te as well 
 '^ ]1tw,v>^gy as the Laj^w ■GB.mrn^G.i:' Pt^mihu-'nU 
 pearly Ji^efoved Brethren and ChthfrminJfemg: C%W„ 
 rlijB niercies of a benoficerit God, awakend by yoar 
 fervent prayers during the absence of many months, 
 jhfLye at kbgth restored Us id t4ld bosom of an M*- 
, } 
 fectionate people, with health renewed and energies 
 revived, to labor with increased fervor lor your sal- 
 vation in that Vinevard over which, however un- 
 worthy, We have been placed by the iiiscrutable 
 dispensations of an all-wise Providence. Let us, 
 therefore, implore that those hol^ aspirations be 
 continued, that Our motives may be purified lind all 
 Our actions directed by the Holy Spirit. 
 15iit "tieloved Brethren- and Children in Christ, 
 think not that Our absence was occasioned by a 
 desire for personal gratification or private advan- 
 tage ; Our sole object in withdrawing for a time 
 from Our Pastoral charge, was an ati^ious and ear- 
 nest wish to promote your eternal happiness, and 
 the extension of that Holy Religion which was 
 cradle in the crib of Bethlehem mid confiFmed 
 with the blood of Our Sacred Redeemer on the 
 Cross.'- ' -'---.-■ ■ ■■ ' -' ^ ;■ '• :■ - : 
 The time of that absence may be properly di^ 
 vidf^d into two periods, — the one of Our sojourn in 
 London to seek from the Government of England 
 for the Catholic People of Newfoundland, the poor 
 boon of a scrap of ground, whereon to erect a Tctti- 
 ple to the Living God suitable to the extent and 
 character of the Congregation — a comfortable 
 dwelling for the Ministers of God, a house where 
 the virtuous votaries of Religion may be able to 
 lead your female little ones in the ways of grace 
 and happiness, and finally where We may be able 
 to lay.<H3tt a convenient and sufficient depository 
 for your mortal remains and those of your poste- 
 rity, to await that call which We trust will awaken 
 you to a happy, a glorious Resurrection.— The 
 y a 
 } to 
 otlior period comprehending a space of five months, 
 j)assed in the citadel ot the Christian work!, on the 
 occasion of Our repairing to the Sacred Sec, to pay 
 Our homage at the feet of the Sovereign P<^tiff» 
 Christ's Vicegerent, op earth. /l^^ ^^ 
 k ' ^ 
 - ^ . 
 It is not Our intemion here to say by whaflirt 
 fices of the enemy your wishes and Our hopes from 
 the British Government have been frustrated. We 
 shall merely observe that Oiir expectations from 
 the Justice of our present Grncious Soyereigr) fjrii 
 sanguine. Our object on the present occasion * m 
 not to call up unpleasant recollections, but to pro» 
 claim to Our beloved people glad tidings— rthe^hap^ 
 py tidings that, through the tender solicitude of the 
 Holy Father for your t)terna[ J^^^^p<vV^V Sfe*^ * ^ 
 salvation are at hand,'''^ /^&/7^>C^777.^4^t^A^fi^ -^/^t¥ 
 It is to Us a'-sourcc of tlie greatest happineliftthat 
 Our humble exertions in the promotion of ^he 
 Christian Mission in Newfoundlandr have met.lhe 
 approval of the Sovereign Pontiff and that the de* 
 signs of the enemies of Keligion, the malevolence 
 of the wicked, have only had the effect of drawing 
 out into stronger relief all th^ benevolent arid kindly 
 dispositions pf the Holy Father.? 5, ipv».., ..,i,,; .,(,j,;^ 
 His Holiness, in proportion as the.fPreJatg And 
 the Priesthood of Newfoundland were heapca[ with 
 opprobrium — in proportion as their ch:u:acter. wa6 
 assailed and their feelings tortured motive0 j 
 maligned and their conduct calutnniate|<l, ppui;ed .■ - % 
 the balm of sympathy on their VH0vnd^^4 spinf* ^nd 
 by an accumulation of favors, a» great as lbc|y were ^^ 
 unlooked for, and unexpected because undep#rved,l/fci-^ ^ 
 '■^ .. ■ t 
 brovgJl^conBoliition to Our soul. His boiievoliBncoy 
 was; pourtrayed iii many acts of personal kindness^ 
 an4 tAlibJli^y — -His zeal inthecoJM^ of Religion—. 
 Hij^miW^ly fiu" yiMf^'iviAiajflage.lii^ b^^ developed^ 
 ift gj$f^ aaid' jjfl feringa audi pfiiiileg^is and graces to. 
 tbe^€i|illi6lic pS8fl9o{tl|^ comoIii^ iiDexampled; 
 ^Ht ^nof^gi^tti^ m^ay farors^ gj^aiijted to Our be-. 
 loT0<| pi^oiplp,. tjhe greatest, the iiao^t n^agnificont is 
 tbal ixbipq.iit;i^O)ii^^biect at pretjipnt toproclaini— 
 It is %^ gre%tesli of aft ^\ois. v^b.QI;e^ b^ nirtue of' 
 the pow<(,i!s de}egiait;ed]tp.hiiB Hol^iess.tyy Qur benign 
 RedeeiiM^ili, q^id Hihiic^h, baxc diQscended t-o, Hiin on; 
 the stF^aiWi oi tiimo, through an unbrokei)> l^ipe. of* 
 Ponti&from St. Peter,--he opens I he portals of*' 
 / / eternaJl Mips to the people of Newfoundland, by 
 granti^^ tiheip all the graces anjd ajdyant^vgcs of an. 
 ^ 'enlai^4i IJ9jiil5^.1g<Q9,(;e \^, fo];qa Qim Jv^ileb.. . ; - « 
 His lloiiness ha^ been, ^aciously pleased to, 
 grant uss. Qljii Our mewiorial, the privilege* Qf Estab- 
 lishing a Ji^bilpG% ojr enlarged. Indulgences through- 
 out this Yipa/i.ate ifi, a. i»an;ier the most extensive,^ 
 and the oopst ^tl^catipM^'s Cor yo^r salyatipn, and in, 
 virtue of this gr^al; privilege, I hereby declare thi^ 
 same to be i:9^u|at.e(i in iii.anner Coil.b,vKing : — 
 The Jubilee s^3iii Qommpt^c^ ati St(. John's on th& 
 freat and solenwit Qestival of the iSatiyity of our 
 iord and Saviour Jqw.9 Christ,, and shall coiitinuc 
 to be celebrated fbt Wli U.i9 Faithful under Our spt^ 
 ritual jurisdiction at St. J.oh;^*3, until the f(?a8t of 
 the Ascension of Our iijwid Jesus, in the v^ar of' 
 u Our Rttcmptinn,.CHie 'fljK)Msand Eight llundred. 
 and Thirty Li '/I't • r- ■ 
 ©n— . 
 ea to. 
 cnt ia. ' 
 ije of' 
 m on 
 lie ot*" 
 als oi:' 
 nd, by 
 of an. 
 sed to, 
 md 'n^^ 
 ire thuj 
 on thov 
 of our 
 )ur epk 
 ^ of 
 v^fXr of' 
 On tU fauBt of the AsttmuMMi hit mniiUafi^ ifr 
 afasHbciobeii^ at E^etty Harbtojpf «ad o0iitiDiii[i>tlMra 
 to b« c«Mr«t€d for aft the FaiiAfiil of 0(iir¥k4riiit«, 
 until the fbajt of AJ^ SaiAtiixi iyb«|uiie|««K ^^ r h i 
 ^ ■ *.■ • • ■'.•'■ ■"' J 
 On the fea^ of AM fiiftintaliast meolioiMvW^^^ 
 open tt Portuffal Cove, .and contiaoe to be cali- 
 brated in thatHaibor until the feast of the NalinH 
 ty of Our Lor4 J^mib, in tKs aaflie year. 
 And on the feast of the Naiivitv last mentioned, 
 it shall be opened at Torbay, ana continue ia folo* 
 bration thereuntil the Feast of the AsceneioH pf 
 Our Lord imat^iu the year One Thousand Eight 
 Hundred and Thirty-nine. 
 To obtain the Indukrenee of the Jubilee in any. of 
 the abof plaeesin thu District, all U|e Faj^llmir|(a 
 required to obsenre the conditions mowing. 
 ■"-\ . 
 Ist All who are arrived at the proper aeeehail, 
 through thie portals of penance approach the Holy 
 Sacrament of Eucharist in purity and hunifity, in 
 that Church wkare the Jubflee is there being cele- 
 brated. And Children under age may gain its ad- 
 rantages by approaching the Sacrament ot Penance 
 frith pne /Borrow and compunction for dieir sins. 
 2nd. To gifo alms to the Poor for the love of 
 Clod, the Bkh liberally, as God has been bountifill 
 to them, and eren the Poor shall bestow a little of 
 that which Ood gi? eth them. 
 3rd. All between the i^et of Sigteen and 8i4ty, 
 except where a bad state of hesHh shall forbid, and 
 ;i . 
 ^■r- i- 
 eiccipt «Uo p^soDS in actual empW as domestic 
 ServiEmts, shall visit onco^ each of the following^ 
 Churches. of this District^ — Saint John's, Pelty Har- 
 bor, Torha3r, or Portugal Cove^ and all those iSKf 
 cepted above, viz., persons in a delicate ^.tate of 
 hodth^ and domestic servants, shall tftirice visit&e 
 Ghuxtcb most convenient to their > residence, but Jn 
 the oaae of persons confined from sickness^ the yi- 
 sits shall be commuted by their confessor^ fox fcome 
 other pious exercise. 
 .." ItfConccpiidh' Bay We prliaiiiy that the Jubllfe6 
 commence at IJ^tbor Grace nriA in Brfgus, on the 
 Holy f'estival'bf the Ciircunicijiionpf Our LordJeSiiS, 
 in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred anii 
 Thirtyreight, and that ii continue thence until the 
 fd?tUal0fthC'Na[tivity neit'Mow "which 
 peri6d the cojirfitions toafked Firflt and Siecond for' 
 St. Johri*B ^hall be bb^crVed, but in place of th^ c<nr-» 
 dition No. ,3, the follp>vii^ shall be observed :* ^ 
 </ All the Faiithfurin Coijiception Bay . sbaLft after 
 complying with th^ two first conditions, vi^ii any 
 t^O churches .\vithin the. Districts of that Bny,^ 
 making itwpyisits tp each church, liu^ where lw(^ 
 chujches^hallnptb^Vi^ithiiQ four ipiles, of each pt^^^ 
 with a passable road, theh four visits to one cburcli 
 will. suffice;, rk ikrA -r^; i.Lmh ^hoV .hni: 
 ♦ In the District of Bay of Btills the JuWIeo shall 
 be opened in Bay Bulls, Witless Bay, and/Boads'- 
 Cove on the same conditions and on the same days 
 a^ at St. John\ Petty Harbor^ and Portugal Gove, 
 terminating on Christmas Day, in t!i» year of Our 
 }oae texr 
 •^tate of 
 fy hut iti 
 on the 
 cd antf 
 ntil the 
 r which 
 pond for' 
 t after 
 li^ anjf^ 
 •;,.> )'■ 
 ■ .A' 
 tjord,iQne*Thouaan4 Eight Hundrpii UAdiXhirt^ 
 In all the other Districts, v:z., A«ngV CoveMTHfing 
 He^rb^f^ JBav de Verd^^ Ferfyhnd^ Samt Marif% Pla,H 
 centra, and ^urm, it appears to Us nece#ft9xy thatthe 
 respective Clergymen shou)d be at liberty , ^o make 
 the. Rules consistent with the circ^mstancea of their 
 iiridely-scattered congregations, and therefore tKc( 
 Rey.r>}icHOLAS Devereux at King* a, Caye^ theliev. 
 Martin Bergin ^XTifting Harbor^ihe Rev. Bernard 
 Duffy at Bay deVerds, the Rev. James DuFFvat S/. 
 Mary's^ the Rev. Palagius Nowlan at Placeniia^ 
 and the Rev. Michael Bekny at Burin, are hereby 
 empowered jbo appoint the places and the periods 
 for opening and holding the same within their rcspec. 
 ^ive Districts, so that the final day thereof shall npt 
 be beyond Easter Sunday, in the year of Og^ Lord 
 Qne.ThoUfidnd EigUt Hundi^ed and Thirty^nine,3ubt 
 ject always to any further order or direciioi^ from Us* 
 BiU in all cases and in all Districts, the Sacra* 
 meots of Penance and the Eucharist shall he neces- 
 sary, as in the 1st condition for thir) District, and it 
 $hall be further indispensable that Christ be viaited~ 
 in bis Temples in all places where it shalibo^pra^^ 
 tioable, and, in all other cases ia any Distriot in ;the 
 kland, the express peiimia^oa of the confessot 
 shall^ be requisite to commute the; visits for o'sonnf^ 
 other pious exercise, and the devout practice', of 
 alms-giving. Jr>r>;*»t*l 'vfii:vt.j>r»iib, > 
 "That charity which covers a multitude ofsifis" 
 (St. Peter IV. 8.) shall b,e universally enjoined as ne* 
 cessary to prepare the way for the '[ndulgence, that 
 f . r 
■^N for the beui,, ' 
 great object of the o!tlu- u''*'""'P'is''raeiit of .1.^ 
 Action in any Diwri?, 7^' '' Weafter awi„i« P!f' ' 
 •dminister the hJ^I"*c°''''" Wand uS^''^^"'^'* 
 "•«P«fDoii«/^_""»"tke rBM»Jj *'•*' 
 »i«riKfc"T»» «<»« jS'^i^'lfc*"**' for 
 •ion oru,^ ae*S«^' !««'» mu.t Wihlr''™' 
 'jv . 
. I 
 ■ k "■ 
 pflbred up to Almighty God, through the merits of 
 Our Lord Jesus Clirist, and the intercesflion of Our h/ 
 ^Hcred Mother the Bleared Virgin Mothir of God^ 
 (or the following purposes, that is to say— » f ' ■'^*' 
 For th<» exaltation «f O^^r H^y Mother the *- 
 For thp pnlightcning of all who ^ro Wandering in 
 .. ,/ 
 For peace and concord tmotig Christian Princes 
 and Christian People. 
 For the extension of the Dominion of Christ 
 among the people of Newfoundland. 
 For Our Holy Father the Pope, thh< saiictityidg 
 W" .v»i-r. 
 ', <- 
 himself ho iHf^yflBi^ptify-'hia people. 
 And, finally, for Us, your unworthy Prelat?t thf^t 
 pvcriooking Our imperfections, Our Ministry Ipav ^ 
 ^c ^pH^htcned by the spirit of truth in p^ thi^igi, 
 BeloYi'd phil^ren f^fnd brethren m Jesus Christ,-??* 
 i^ Behold MPW 19 |he acceptable time, now is the •? 
 dny of tnlvutiQ«'*-r2, cor. ch. 6, v. 2. Our Holy Mor * 
 ^her thp rhur^h \^ iN plenitude of her pow^r «pi| ^ 
 her W0f0y ha$ herein pfovided wherewith to secur<^ 
 f he aoauisition of our eterpal inheritiiQ(;e the Kiiig4 
 Cjom qI God^s Glory. Oh ! let us then lose no ti|n0 
 in securing <hat greatest pf |i|l gpQdS) th? ^t^rnal 
 happiness of our souls^ u - "^ V' 
 Ojp ordinary occasions the church confers her^fa- ' 
 yprgpn all her cliildrcn, vvlio approach th^ sfipr^i^ 
 m&nt3 withthq proper <lispQsitions ofcontrition a^iT 
 Ljmriiiity., i^ith ugenerc^ity nroportione.d Uvt hc^ion 
 cerity of zeal cxhibitod, bv the Peniteijt, but qu t\i^ 
 occasion of Jubilee, she spreads forth all her attract 
 tions tp captivate the wandering shepp— she thraws 
 open all her treasures to allure the cnildren of tho^ 
 world—she calls, in tones of touching sweetness, to 
 win qsi^froni^pur si nsr— she exercises all her soft al- 
 lurements to awaken m our souls the love of Him 
 whose Sacred Heart is burning with a love of us. 
 Our tfoly Mother the Church ier^ reminds the 
 Just that it is only by a perseverance in the pathways 
 gf religipn, and by partaking of the refreshing foun- 
 tains of the sacraments, that they can hope to at- 
 tain to that crown of immortality tovvhich they as- 
 pire— :To the avaricious she exhibits treasures, sur- 
 passing all the riches of the Nations of the earth— ^ 
 To the siensual she displays pleasures fcyond the 
 £ower of human imagination to conceive — To the 
 jbcriine she exposes the deformity of bis degrading 
 passions, and points to a love more pure than earth* 
 ly hopes could promise. In fine to the Saint, to the 
 Sinner she whispers in soothing accents '* beliohi 
 now is the acceptable time, behold ^iow is the cky 
 ofralvation"— 2Cor. vi. ^. . i l/i *./»♦.. i 
 ^^ Children of Christ Jesus, the nooa gJltes. of the 
 waters of life are now thrown open, Qh let iis driuly 
 deeply of their holy spri^igs that gusl^ fpr those 
 who thirst unto life everlasting — Oh coij[ie allat'this 
 all-saving lime — Lot the just come in order that 
 tiicir holiness may b(3 confirmed by the plenitude of 
 grucps now so lavishly proffered ; bul it is the siuncr 
 .? .•■K»K.,y 
 ■ V.;- 
 ; '^ 
 / ' 
 l> V 
 / ' 
 Ivlio is most pressin«;ty iiivitcd--rt is the' 'sinitier tgf 
 \vh6ni every Dlandishment is addressed, to aUraipt 
 him from flieiHital mists of error — '• As I. live .sa(.ith 
 Jhe t^ord God, I, desire not Uie death of the wicked, 
 *biit that t&e wicked turn from his ways and live. 
 Turii ye, turii ye, from your evil ways : and why will 
 you die O hoiise of Israel" Ezek. xxxiii. 2// ' ' \ 
 It wk^ for ihe sinner only Jesus condescended to 
 clothe the, Go.dhoad with the flesh of man--*> lam not 
 come to bring the just but sinners to /jcnonce'' L. v. 3% 
 It was for the sinner only that Jesus trembled in the 
 crib at Bethlehem — *^I am not conie to bring t^e 
 just butsipnefs topen^nc^" — It was for the sinner 
 only that Jesus sunk beijeath the pressure of the 
 , cross— " 1 am not com© to bring the just but sin- 
 ners to penance*'— It was for the sinner only that 
 the mangled flesh of Jesus was torn with scourges, 
 was pierced with nails, that his sacred heart was 
 wounded with a spear, that his parched lips were 
 saturated with vinegar and gall, that his sacred 
 blood flowed in streams upon the ground, that his 
 temples were tortured with a diadem of thorns, *4 
 am not conie to bring the just but sinners to pen- 
 /i( ' .i-C! 
 It was the sinner ho pleaded for in the agonies of 
 his crucinxion, " Father forgive them for they know 
 not what they (/o"— Luke xxiii. 34 — It was the sinner 
 he recommended to his blessed Mother, with his 
 fading breath, " Woman behold thy son"— John xix. 
 26 — It was the sinner he cheered as his spirit was 
 passing," This day thou shakbe with me in Para- 
 dise"--Luke xxiii. 42 — It was, in fin3,for the sinner 
 he bowed down his head in death, " I am not come 
H B H IWI W l 
 \ I 
 to call the just but sinners to penance.*' Behold, 
 here are glad tidings ! sinners turn, be converted to 
 t|ie LOFd T ^* the Lora deaFeth patiently for your sake; 
 l^he church pitied your e^rOr.s and throws forth all 
 her hghts to diirect you, dnd bewiiri§ hdW of the 
 threat held forth in th^ scriptures, '^ yet d little while 
 the light is among yod. W^lk while ydu haVc thd 
 light, t^t the darkness bVc^rlake Vbu not : and H^ 
 tb^t walketh in darkness, kiiowdthndt whither he 
 goeth— *' St. John xii. .3d; CnHstian siniidrS, beware 
 lest the light aibai),dod jrdu for ^Vdr^ Aiid you fall 
 ^l^dei '" • • • . ...« ^ .- .... . ... .1 .. . ^ 
 judgnoentof God? or despi 
 nis goodness, iind patiencO, ftndloilg (iiitteringi not 
 kno^Yiiifi^ ^h^^ ^^^ benignity ofGod Ici^deth tnee to 
 penance; but dccordiUg td thy hardness i^nd impe- 
 nitent heart, thou trcdsdresi lip to tAyself wrfith^ 
 agalns^ the d^y df i^raihi"-iRom. ii. 3. 4, 5, 
 Turn therefore td the LdrJ And take his yoke urt^i 
 on you, then; to use the beautiful expression of the 
 Prophet, "then shall thy light break forth as the morn- 
 ing, and thy health shall speedily arise, and thy jus- 
 tice shall go before thy face, and the glory of tl^c$ 
 Lord sh^llgather thee up — Then shaTt tWdU calL 
 apd the Loi^ s(i^ll hear : thou shalt cry, and he shall 
 say— here I am: and the Lord will givetb^e rest 
 cdntinuillly,ajid fill thy soul with^ brightness^ "-Isa. 
 ivii|<8. 9.JI. ' ^ 
 '^ Grace to you and peace from God the Father* 
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 *"' fttMl from Our Lord Jesiss Christ who gave himself 
 for our sins, that he might doliver us from this pre- 
 jCsent wicked world, to w|^oi% i^ glory %r crr4Mrand 
 * ever, JimmJ^—QtBil, c. 1, |, 4% 5. _ ^j ^: | >i; 
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 Saint John's, December 24, 1^37, 
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 JL J« Parsons, PaiifTBa, Kiiio'b-Place, St. John's, 
 vi^- *** ' Newfoundland. ' 