^. n^ '^tS- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A fA 1.0 2.2 I.I 11.25 2.0 Hiotographic Sdences Corporation ^■^ ^ IZ WEST MAIN STREET WECSTER.N.Y. M580 (716) 8774S03 ^9> V o %^ »^ c> <^ <1 ¥ \\ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMM Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques Technical and Bibliographic Notas/Notaa iachniquM at bibliographiquaa Tha Inatituta haa attamptad to obtain tha baat original copy availabia for filming. 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Whanavar possibla. thaaa hava baan omittad from filming/ II sa paut qua cartainaa pagaa blanchaa ajoutias lors d'una raatauration apparaiaaant dana la taxta. mais. torsqua cala Atait possibla. caa pagaa n'ont paa Mi filmiaa. L'Inatitut a microfilm* la maillaur exampiaira qu'il lui a it* possibla da sa procurar. Las ditails da cat axamplaira qui sont paut-itra uniquas du point da vua bibliographiqua, qui pauvant modifiar una imaga raproduita. ou qui pauvant axigar una modification dans la mithoda normala da fiimaga sont indiquis ci-dassous. T t( rri Colourad pagaa/ I V I Pagaa da coulaur □ Pagaa damagad/ Pagaa andommagias D EZl Pagaa raatorad &nd/or laminatad/ Pagaa raatauriaa at/ou pailicuiias Pagaa diacolourad. stainad or foxad/ Pagas dicoiorias. tachatias ou piquias T P fl r~n Pagas datachad/ Pagas ditachias Showthroughy Transparanca Quality of prir Qualit* inigaia da I'Imprassion Inciudaa supplamantary matarii Comprand du matirial supplimantaira r~n Showthrough/ r~1 Quality of print varias/ r*n Inciudaa supplamantary matariai/ D D Only aditJon availabia/ Saula idition disponibia Pagas wholly or partially obscurad by errata slips, tissues, etc.. hava been refilmed to ensure the best possible image/ Lea pagaa totalament ou partieilement obscurcies par un feuillet d'errata, una pelure, etc.. ont it* fiimies * nouveau da fapon i obtanir la meilleure image possible. rj} Additional commanta:/ [Printed ephemera] 1 sheet (verso blank) Commentaires suppiimantairea; Thia item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document eat filmi au taux da riduction indiqu* ci-deasoua. 18X 22X 10X 14X 26X 30X y 12X 16X 20X 24X 28X 32X Thtt copy filmed h«r« has bMn r«produe«d thanks to tha ganaroaity of: D. B. Weldon Libr«.Y University of Wntam Ontario (Regional Hiitory Room) Tha imagaa appearing h«ira ara tha baat quality posaibia considaring tha condition and lagibiilty of tha original copy and in icaaping with tha filming contract spacifieationa. Original copiaa in printad papar eovars ara fllmad beginning with tha front covar and ending on the laat page with a printad or illustrated imprea- sion. or tha bacic cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated imprea- sion, snd ending on the laat page witn a printad or illustrated impreaalon. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol —^(meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol ▼ (meaning "END"), whichever appiiea. Mapa, platea, charts, etc.. may be filmed at diffcrrent reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirety included in one expoaure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, aa many frames aa required. The following diagrama illustrate the method: L'exemplaire film4 fut reproduit grice 4 la ginirosit* da: D. B. Weldon Library University of Western Ontario (Regional History Room) Lae imagea suh/antea ont 4ti reproduitee avec le plua grand soin. compta tenu de la condition et de la nettet* de i'exemplefre film*, et en conformity evec lea conditions du contrat de fllniage. Lea axemplairsa origlnaux dont la couverture en papier est ImprimAe sont filmis en commen^ant par le premier plat at en terminant aoit par la darnlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impreeaion ou d'illustration, soit par le second plat, salon le caa. Tous las autrea oxamplaires origlnaux sont filmte en commenqent par la pramlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impreasion ou d'illustration et en terminent per la derniAre oage qui comporte une telle empreiitte. Un dee symbolee suivants apparaitra sur la damlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbols — »- signifie A SUIVRE ". le symbole V signifie "FIN". Lee cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte i dea taux de rMuction diff*rents. Lorsque le document eet trop grand pour fttre reproduit en un seul cllchA. il est film* A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche it droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'imeges n^cessaire. Las diagrammes suivants iliustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 32X 4 5 6 • y # S^ & f RECEIPTS OF Dl OF T[ii: COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR RECEIPTS. DUNWICH. Wild Laivl Taxes, Common School, IS-'o. £04 5s.; 1856, £63, County Uaics, 1855, £IC7 6s. 5^d.', 185G £495, 284 13 3^- 12: 5 0G2 SOUTH DORCHESTEU 5 5 V MALAHIDE. SAINT THOMAS. SOUTH WOLD. Wild Land Taxes, Common Schools, County Rates, Lunatic A. Kate, Wild Land Taxes, County Ratos, County Rates, 1 365, Lunatic A. Raie, Wild Land Taxes, County Rale?, --- ^ yar:^iouth. CountyRates, 1855, £596; 1856, £2033, School" Rates, 1 8 5 5, £ 1 59 ; 1 8 5 6, £ H 5, .... ti^natic A. lUes, 1855, £84 Is; 18r)6, £83 j|^.^:.28. .101. 'V^ild Land i txev 4-.. ^-"iii^^h^*" ..(jpunty Ratcs,)l855, £173 10s.; 1856, £l60»^ .Lunatic A. RaiJ^, '."-- BA.p^H|M. 88 4 \0-\ 38 262 I.') 18 7 3 12 6 2 102s 13 366 IG 3 40 5 4 9 15 3 1000 262r 304 107 3 8 17 474 10^ 4O M "0 1024 3 9} For amount Wild Land County Gia Collector J: Will Land County Gi{i MALAHID southwc YARMOU: Collector L VIENNA- BAYIIAM- ALDBORO Collector Li DEBRNTU COUPONS John King, F:'.rni.shings Jamys Fail Colin Munr If l^mas Brc Coii^|ble3, Coronof's, Witn- ss(?&il LUNATIC LI 1 u ocnooi itati\ . . County Rates, ALDBOROlfOFUi Wild Land Taxes, Common Schools, County Raies, 1855, £225 Ss. Id ; 1966, 227 158, 452 18 1302^15 10' 2nB 9t) 8f 766 19 9# ^yvw^ GENEF Postage, f"nnft4ahl('.q. « 1 OF D ^]NTS OF TliK [N FOR THE YEAR 1856. )24 3 9} n D I S B U 31 S E M K N T S DUNVVICH For amount twice cicHlited &i; Oash in 1855, — Wild Ljind Taxes County Grant, .... .... — '. Collector Lanntic A. Rate, 13 10 ii 192 -) 20t) (» 10 4 AV SOUTH DORCIIKSTER. 70 .- 2,)0 21 10 Oi 172 10 2 2 105 14 2 ITj 103" 10 WiM Land Taxes, County Grant, .... MALAHIDE-Wild Land Taxes, SOUTH WOLD— County Grant, .. YARMOUTH— Wild Land Taxes, ComUj Grant, Collector Lunatic A. Rites, VIENNA— County Grant, BAY 1 1 AM— County Grant, ALDBOROUGH— Wild Lnnd Taxer, Collector Lunatic A. Rate, DEBENTURES— Debentures Paid, COUPONS— Coupo.s Paid, _ ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE CRIMINAL. John King, for salary and Account', Fi'.rnishinos fur Gaol, Prisoners, &c., Jamys Farley, Colin Munro, IJ'l^mas Bro^Hi, Co!itlt.|ble3, .... Coronet*^ . ,--■* --•-, Wiln ases in Svlvoster Cook's Case, ATIC AjRAlllS— Collectors l8o6, ..'.. Receiver General 1850, 052 8 11;^ J?-) 15 10'' ];) 11 0^ 201 (t-i 54 4 H lo2 11 0} as \4g 9 -4r%Hi| 4 3 3' 492 # 406 II IIA- 270 12 19 175 5i 199 2 0.|^ 201) 25 100 9 2 5325 1405 9 9 706 19 9# f:ntliltflhl('S. 4o;^tyRatfcs,1856,jei73 10s.; 1856, ilOO^^ ^^E^n i S^r School County Rates, W % I"' A' m %tf?tno -^i Coroiic^ Wftltsscii ir .11 i5 ALDBOftO^H^if I. * 1305^*15 10 \ 21.^ 1 8J &6 452 18 I Wild Land Taxes, Common Schools, County Raies, 1865, £225 38. Id ; 1960, 227 ' """ """ DEBENTURES. i Debentures sold under By Law Nn. 27 378* 6 ? ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE CJUMINAL Receiver General, ,-.- 632 12 4 Sundiies H 6 COUNTY GRAMMAR SCOOLS. Board of Education, Toronto GENERAL FEE FUND. Clerk Division Court No. 1, 110 12 1 u «» '« No. 2, 4t! 2 5 " .« " No. 3 97 4 «« " " No. 4<, , 35 4 '« «' » No. 5, ' 4 15 9 PeterMuriagl), C. C, 56 8 9 Receiver and Inspector General, 138 9 COUNTY BUILDINGS. lusurance Company, part dama|fl»5> PORT STANLEY ROAD. J. Fraser for Gates, 1855. £101; 18515, £971 9s. 9d, .^ 107Sr 9 9 Rent of Toll House, £9 ; Plai:k sold, 16s.. .^: 9 15 GENERAL PURPOSES. Pedlars' Licenses, .... — - BILLS PAYABLE. ... Proceeds of Notes Discou n ted , PAYMENT OF JURORS' FUND. Peter Murtagh, Records, 66 5 Magistrates Fines, 5a 5 9 COMMON SCHOOLS. ^ Board of Education, Toronto, PATRIOTIC FUND. - Southwold, .--. 15 8 3 Malahide, 29 7 6 Cash in the hands of Treasurer, December 31st, 1855, 70G 19 3784 G 033 3 195 9f 7 10 489 8 1 5 3 1082 4 9 3 5027 5 10 108 10 9 651 9 5 44 15 9 . 3200 15 H £247«3 o Bates, Prill tcr, !st, Thomas. m'lo ir Coi MqUi CH, CoroiioM ... I .... Wttltssw* in 'Svtvostor Cook's Case. . ^ : XT]^4TID AiJiAmS--Cdtlectors ttS^^ .... »'*« y'^lJ l»'ceifer,t'e"eml 1850, 130^15 10 V 700 10 Of 3784 G 7 033 3 10 195 489 8 3 1 5 1082 4 9 3 5027 5 10 108 10 9 051 9 5 44 15 9 3200 15 H 247«3 o •1" 13 2 200 040 15 4 2359 15 4 9 25 l.'i 7 5 210 I) 45 2 89 2 4 04 3 H 404 13 2264 11 310 9 4 7 * 503 18 1^0AR%DF GENEH.vJfeK FUND-T.ru%o%gl l^ostnge, lOs. ; F. McDirniid, IVes» £i2, COUHTY BUILDINGS. Sundries for Repairs,