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Thoae too large to be entirely included in one exposure ara filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrama illustrate the method: Archives of Ontario Toronto Lea imagea suivantas ont Ati raproduitea avac la plua grand soin, compta tenu de la condition at da la nattet* de I'exempiaire filmi. et en eonformiti avac lea conditions du contrat da fllmage. Lea exemplairaa originaux dont la couverture en papiar est imprimte sont filmis en commenpant par la premier plat et en terminant soit par la darnlAre page qui comporte una empreinte dimpreasion ou dllluatration, soit par la second plat, seioti la eaa. Ttsus las autras exemplairaa originaux sont filmte en commen^ant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte dimpreasion ou d'illustration et en terminant par la darnlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un dee symbolas suivants apparaitra sur la demlAre image de cheque microfiche, seton le caa: la symboie — *> signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbolo V signifie "FIN". Lea cartaa. planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsqua le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul slichA. il est filmi A partir da Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en baa, en prenant la nombre d'lr ges n^cessaira. Les diagrammes suivants iliustrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 6 I I •VOTEI^S' 3L.IST, 1885. — O — — 00 — 0© — "0 — — — mm — O — O — 00 — OO — i»(i — — ► I.IST or PERSONS ENllM.KJ. TO VOTE AT- _ A. K D — Elections to tlie Leiislatiye Assoily. — O — O — OO — 00 no — o — o— Suh-Strtiofi 4- of Section 2, of the Act to Qmi^nHdnte and Amtrvl the Ltnv irxpet-tiiKi \''>tcrs' Lvtts. — O — O — 00 OO -OO — o — o — ^ 4. The Sheriff sh-^ll, immeiliately uix)n the receipt of his copies cause one of them to be posted up it» » conspicuous pliice in the Court Hoiise ; tlie Clerk of the Peace, upou tlie receipt of his copies, shall cause one of them to be posted in a conspicuous place in his oftice ; every Public or Separate School Head Master or Mi'»tres» sliall in like nianner put up one on the door of the School House ; and every Postmaster ?hall ix>st one I of his copies in his Post Office. --39 V,, C. 11, s. 3, «. s. 1. -W Z K (» K ▲ M: Printed by J. Fucuty, at the A»t4 sc* office, Josepbiae St. less. Munii 1. A .Ufi 5 Mai f»Anr 1 .— roUiu!; S wmmm 49 Ai r,o J Ai lyo J Ai 35 J B 45 J B 53 J B r'4 B 57 J B 58 P. 69 1^ 79 V 87 J I 128 J 1 4 c i 80 .' f 31 .- r ( I ( 80 . J ( ' 90 J < y 91 J ( 92 133 139 J 22 J .. 47 52 J 106 J 152 25 J 145 J 11 J 12 . 11* J 115 140 I -^OTEIR S' X.I ST, JL885. , Municipality'of East^awanosh SCHBDULB OF POST OFFICES : •I r.IA'TH. f^' i'KLGAVK. 0. WurrFXiiuRCH. 7. Wingham. 5 Marni»( 11. 4 FORDYCK. 8. WESTFIIiLD PAUr l._P,..::ou. e„ml.a to v,„o ,.t „.„ Mn„i,.i>;.l Elections, a„aEleo.>o„s rolliu!; Suli-Division to the Lugislntive As^i'iubly. ^ NAME. 49 Arrastroiic C. Risliiiril r,0 J Andersou TliomtvH lyO J Aula Aiuuew n5 J Brailnock John 45 J Brown Wiiliiim 5B J Beiitiy .Tohn r,4 Bentlv .loniithan J ]^,liic'nbr*'ni,'li -Tob" Sr. lil!icl\brnin.'li John A. Ji". Burchill Albci-t l'.oytl. Monro J Brown Thorax s 57 58 69 79 87 128 J Buchiinan Kohert 4 Cassidy Thornas 80 J Cowau Isaac 81 J Cowan John 80 J CoUis TlioraMS f)0 J Carter Samson 91 J Carrol W. John Jr. 92 Carrol John Sr. 138 Cook John 139 J CovenU-y William 22 J l^G'-r John 47 Dobie William Sr. 52 J Dobie William Jr. lOG J l>ey Alexander 152 Dingwall Alexau ler Jr. 25 J Efigart August 145 J Ellis E. Joha 11 12 114 115 140 Govier Henry Govi^r John Gibson George (libson Robert Greenwood William LOT. W hf 31 S hf 32 S hf 31 E hf 39 29 83 83 35 35 S hf 38 .^ 39 C pt 42 30 N hf 30 E hf 28 S bf W hf 38 N hf W hf 38 N hf N hf 42 S ui N ht 31 S hf 31 S hf 31 N E pt 33 E hf 35 W hf 35 E hf 3C N hf 32 • S hf N hf 37 S hf 41 CON. 2 Farmers S n 2 Owner 4 Owner 1 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Farmers Son 2 Owner 2 F;iuu''rs ?on 2 Te;tcher 2 Owner 3 Owner 4 Owjier 1 Farmers Son 1 Own* r 1 Owner 2 Owner 3 Owner 3 Owner 3 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 1 1 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 8 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 8 8 1 o 2 2 \V hf W hf 36 E hf 38 E hf 30 E hf 30 S hf 40 S hf 40 W hf 36 1 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owuer 3 Owuer 4 Farmers Son 2 1 Owner 1 4 Owner 2 1 Tenant 1 1 Owner 1 3 Owner 2 3 Owner 2 4 Tena^nt 8 2. PULLING SUBDIVISION m 3 - o c4 K 41 42 43 64 65 06 81 98 186 141 H4 38 39 55 126 yji 134 150 15 16 17 21 26 96 118 NAME. Hoiwe Thomas Hoivro John Henderson Alcxuntler lleni! 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 a 8 2 lon )0U 2 a 2 2 8 8 8 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Son ) Sou 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 Son ■8 Son 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 1 i ) a; .2 V r/ 4 c o t .E 'u. (U rt to S rt to CO rt c o o U o c w I o rULLlNG HUB-DIVISION NO. 1. 8. I 9 § NAMIi. ^« 181 J McDowoll Erlwiir.l 180 Mifclioll Jolm 112 J Mi'Uowcll ]iolif>it 114 J McDow.ll William 11 PufVttVr CoiuMd 20 Platzer Joi u ol J Potter Thomiis 5U Piirlcer J-imos 60 J Piirlasr AloxaiM or (51 J Piirkt r Aldiizo 03 J Piitti.'rsoii A cxiiuler 70 J Potter Junius 77 Potter Wa.Unco 84 J PfittorsDii Doiiidil 121 J Parks Jeremiah 107 J Qninu George 28 78 71 ll« 117 110 122 UG 147 5 6 7 8 82 83 46 78 94 99 104 132 153 « 9 29 86 87 40 48 85 95 97 J Rauey Thonius Ross Jolm Ross William Rose Hiiyli Ross Jolir. Raiicy Tliomns Ramsay Rol)« rt Ross Tliomns Ross John J Sturdy' John^ StuT'.y Henry Sturdy William Sturdy Geor^'e J Somers Roburt J Somers James J Straujjlian Thomas Sloau W'illiam U. D. SproDf? William Stark John & Co. Stewart William J Staokhouse John J Stewart George Thomson H. Thomas J Tnmyju Thomas Thomson Wm. Peleg Thomson .John J Tamyn Henry J Thiel Henry J Toll Frederick Jr. J Taylor Joseph Taylor John LOT. W i 82 >V J 84 37 W i 88 E .1 31 Pt 34 >; ^ 82 86 86 86 S .J 87 S 1 40 S I 40 W i 29 SE:t28 S i 37 S i E .1 36 W .', 41 W J 41 41 41 N E pt 42 W i)t 28 N ^ 39 & 40 N i 39 & 40 W^ 29 \V ^ 29 W' J 29 Wi29 El 88 Ei 88 W \ 30 S W pt 42 E i 82 S W ^ 34 Wi 30 E h 82 42 • E^29 8 137 Wi40 Wi40 Si 41 Si 81 E*29 Si 33 N E ^ 34 CON. 4 Owner 8 4 Owner 8 4 Tenant 2 4 OwtK r 2 1 Owner 1 1 Owm r 1 2 TeiiMl.t 2 2 leiiant 2 2 ''enalit 2 2 2 2 0^\t.vv 2 2 (>\vner 2 2 Farmers Son 2 3 Owner 1 4 Owner 8 3 Owner « 2 1 Owner 2 2 Tenant 2 2 Owner 2 8 Owner 2 3 Farmers Son 2 8 Owntr 2 4 Owner 8 4 Owner 2 4 Farmers Son 2 1 Owner 1 1 Farmers Sou 1 1 Farmers Son 1 1 Farmers Son 1 1 Owner 2 1 Owner 2 2 Owner 1 2 Owner 2 8 Owner 1 3 Owners 8 Owner 2 4 Owner 8 4 Owner 2 1 Owner 1 1 Tenant 2 1 Occupant 2 1 Owner 2 1 Owner 2 2 Owner 1 8 Tenant • 1 3 Owner 2 S Owner 2. 4. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 1. 138 (A O 3i 1 •> (52 li>2 loa 105 148 23 24 2 J NAME. Toll I'ro.l.-rick Hr. Tuiiney Jmuort Wilson W '.rmin Sr. W'iIhom Williiiui Jr. Wtitson Tliomiirt Will lit, ins I' lew Williaius TlK.m.iti Wilsoii .Tdhn Wi-Uli E.iwiinl Youiit^'plnt Wiirner Youiigi)!ul Jacob LOT. Wi 85 N E {.t 34 Wi 28 w - 28 v,\\ 1'^ i 35 Ei 35 Pt 3C) !»« 37 S .1 35) E \ 35 El 35 CON, 3 ()\vnor 4 OWli«.l 1 Owner I Owiit'r 2 Owiuv 3 Own' 1* 3 KMrnici'S Son 3 OwhP- 4 Owut^r 1 Toiuiiit 1 Ten nut e tf 8 8 X % % % 2 1 1 TAUT II. -Persons entitled to vole at Municipal ElnctionH only 8 151 121 CI) 1)3 75 Cassidy Caroline Mrs. D'ngwall Alex. Mrs. Sr. Mcllween Phtt'be Mrs. Oliver Jemima Mrs. RuL'er Henry Mrs. Stewart Cutheriue Mrs. E \ 25 S h 41 N vt 4-2 84 W \ 32 E .V 41 1 Owner 1 4 Owner 2 3 Owner 2 2 Owiii r 2 3 Owner H 2 Owner 2 P\RT Iir-Persou8 eniitlea to vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly only, NONE. vVve \v\ advance. ^^ Per y^ar o i 'X) CO )n I % t i 2 2 a; £ M o u 1 1 rt tlve 1 2 2 2 3 2 o c '7. c o r" «3 o U 'ar CJ fcc 73 rt CO E O 1 i VpTE!I2,S' LIST, 18S5. Municipality of EasfWawanosii. 1. Auburn, o Marnoch. SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES : 2. BlYTH. 3. J'.ELGAVK. G. Whitechurch. 7. Wingha.m. 4. FoRI>YCK. 8. WEaXFIliLD PAUr 1— Persons entitled to vote at p.oth Mnnicipiil Elections, and Elections to the Legisliitive Assembly. rollili:;- Sub-Division No. 2,—ConiprmiHj all the Lots in Om. J, Hn,l all the Lots in Cuiia. 6, 7, 8 (0 9, east of the rirer. s^ . • ■ _ — —: 1 NAME. LOT. CON • 6 ]7G J Armour Juraes N .V N I 80 5 Owner 2 178 Armour William N i 37 5 Owner 2 179 Armour John Ni37 5 Farmers Son 2 218 J Anderson John Sr. Pt 88 & 39 6 Owner 3 219 Anderson James Pt 88 & 89 6 Farmers Son 3 220 Anderson John Jr. Pt 88 & 89 6 Farmers Sui 8 241 J Anderson liobert Pt 31 & 82 ■ 7 Tenant 8 209 Asinew Thomas Sr. N E pt 83 8 Owner 5 847 J Agnew Jnltn W^ 38 &c. 9 Owntr • 3 8o2 Anderson Finhiy W pt 40 9 Owner 3 358 J Anderson Dunctu N E pt 40 9 Owner 3 8.54 J Anderson James S E pt 40 9 Owner • 3 177 J Bell J. Thomas " Si Ni 36 5 Owner 2 180 Bell James Si 37 5 Owner 2 202 J Bhick J")hn Eh 31 6 Owner 8 217 J Bhick Andrew Wi 88 6 Owner 8 250 Bennett John W.V 37 7 Ownt r 3 253 J Blade Tiiomas Ei 38 . 7 Owner 3 298 bengough William N E pt 83 8 Owner 3 802 J Bone John 85 8 Owner 5 308 Bone W. James 35 8 Faimers g'on 5 30G J Bone Williivm E pt 36 8 Owner 5 845 Bretz Gerard Si 37 9 Owner 3 346 J Bretz Robert Sk 37 9 Owner 3 358 J Brandon Matthew S pt 42 9 Owner 3 860 Brandon John Ni 42 9 Owner 3 154 Campbell Hiram N pt 28 5 Owner 8 156 Campbell H. William N pt 28 5 Farmers Sou 8 156 J Campbell N. John S pt 28 6 Owner 8 198 J Carr Alfred pt 3') 6 Owner 8 203 Carr William S W i 31 6 Owner 8 258 T Coultis John Sr. Si40&c. 7 Owner 3 259 Coultis John Jr. Si40&c. 7 Farmers Son 3 260 Coultis Basil Si\: 40 &c. 7 Farmers Son 3 263 J Curly Richard Ei 41 7 Owner 3 6. POLLING SUBDIVISION N^- NAME- 208 J Cmn\M\\ Joli" Dauby Jolin J Dunbar David J Dtiisinore Hoiiry Daubar Joscpb Duubav A. David J Daigaiiio Geoi-e J Edwaras lieuiy .] FothergiU George Foils 8amuil J Femviok J. WiUi-vm IGO 1G4 'iOl 2-24 •225 213 207 •211 .U J Giigg Willi=>^^^ oi - T (ivl"!' James Hoover A(\:\m Hoover J. U'-b^^rt i,30 Hoover H. J"b-' IC)-) 'J Hoover Joaepli 100 J Howalt George J Henry George J H-nry James J Henry ilobert 101 1G2 1(>3 18'J ,300 301 J Johnston \Vilham .._,-, J Johnston Charles o-i J Johnston David ;ii ••}12 .^,^ J Livingston Elam ^91 J Loishman J^.mes 188 lOG . 107 170 171 iB-i 185 199 205 208 211 254 297 310 311 312 813 J AIcC iuton H. John McClinton John br. McCuUoch John^ McCulloch Da via J ^[cGili James J McGill William J ^IcLarty Malcolm J Morton Alexander J McDow.'ll Jihu McDonald Petei J ilartin Willinm J McBaniey Hngli J McCallnm John McCallura James J McLean John J Mclieau Hugh LOT. Ni 42 &c. Wi 41 S^. 30 \Y.V 32 Pt 30 & 31 E*41 E Ji 41 N i-N i 35 NiEi3G Pt 33 & 34 E^ 37 fe^ EV 35 Pi 41 Pt 41 81 81 31 E?T 32 CON. 7 5 5 t) (') (] o Ni Ni SJr 34 41 33 34 34 \\h Si 3G Ei ^-^ 30 Ei'30 SE-i 41 c^e. S4 bi 42 Si 33 SJr 33 Si 34 Si 34 \Vi 30 Si' 40 Pt 29 & 30 \Vi N.V 33 Si 34 8ptWi35 ■Eh 39 E pt 33 38 89 W pt 40 E pt 40 Owner Tenant Ownrr Owner Owner Owner F'.iimers Son Owner i a i @ i 3 5 G Owner «') Owner 7 Owner G Owner 8 Owner 8 Owner o 5 5 5 5 5 () 8 8 Owner Farmers "Son Farmers bon Owner Owner Owner Ownrr Owner Own^;r 9 Owner 9 Owner <) Owner 5 O^vner 5 Owaei 5 Owner 5 Owner 5 Owner 5 Owner 5 Owner 5 Tenant Tenant Owner Owner 6 Owner 7 Owner 8 Tenant 8 Ownev 8 Owner 8 Owner 8 Owner o 3 $ 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 2 o 5 5 2 2 8 8 8 8 o 2 8 5 6 £ B 5 8 8 8 8 o a to x> CO i 8 8 3 5 ^ > 3 C< . ^ 1 r;; - 1 c • 3 1 ci • 8 1 d • • 8 ' • ■ c • 8 ■ ' ^ -Q c n 2 JU 5 5 CO (— ' • ^^ 4-4 4-> ■ ■c w *^ i 1 fe J 6 53 8 'T3 u 4-> c; c «-> t 'lI rt ii C-. cJ OJ b/3 j= tD 8 «-• a 8 o ♦— » «-• •■ 8 '^ 8 (U o '^ li 'O 2 rt 8 5 s 5 f^ £ a^ 8 1 '*- 6 * ° 8 CO 8- i -1 8 i 8 1 o S5 c 16 1^ 1( 25 2/ 2t 3S 31 St 38 It 18 2^ 2i 3£ 3£ 34 34 34 34 3£ 1£ If 2C 21 2i 2J 2^ 24 24 24 24 21 2i 3i 3^ 32 ll 1^ 11 2( 2( 2] 2( 2( d( SI POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 2. 7. 160 189 190 221 252 262 320 m a o B8 U •-& J J J J J NAME. Nay lor Sydney NetliPiry James Ne.ueiy Lancelot Nethery "William Nicol Walter Nethery John Nixon Thomas 317 J Owens James 356 J Owene John 338 Porterfiehl^Pet^^r 157 J Redmoud John 187 J Rath Jumes 255 J Rath William 256 Rath Jumes 334 Robertson Michael 337 J Reid George 340 J Robertson Alexander 343 J Reilly Robert 348 J Robeitsoa Duncau 349 J Robertson John 357 Robertson Donald 158 J Snell H. Edward 159 J Stackliouse William 209 Snell David 210 Snell R. William 238 J Shorts Enoch 239 Shorts William 242 J Scott James 243 Scott Alexander 244 J Sowler George 248 Scott David 249 J Scott Walter 257 J Stonehouse Richard 261 Stonehouse Joseph 821 Stewart Alexander 844 J Scott Robert 350 J Stewart James 172 Taylor H. Thomas 173 Taylor H. Benjamin 174 Taylor Benjamin 200 Tyndali Georg« 204 J Taylor David 212 J Taylor H. Thomas Jr. 266 J Taylor John 267 J Taylor George 807 J Tyner T. Henry ao8 Tvner GeorKe St. LOT. Si 80 Pt 41 & 42 Pt41 Jki2 Si 40 Wi 88 N i N i 41 N E pt 42 N W pt 42 Ei41 S W i 84 Wi 29 &c. Wi 41 Pt 89 & 40 Pt 89 & 40 SptEi83 Ei Si 84 Si Ni 85 Ni 36 SEi 38 Pt 38 & 39 S E ci.r. 42 Ei 29 Ni 30 Wi Wi 35 Ei Wi 35 W pt 81 W pt 81 Bi 32 Ei 32 Si 83 85 36 NiNi40 Ni Wi 41 N E pt 42 Ni 37 S Wi 89 Wi35 Wi85 S W pt 35 Pt 29 & 80 32 Ei 85 Wi 86 Gpt42 Cpt42 Wi 87 Wi 87 CON. 5 5 5 6 7 7 Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 8 Tenant 8 Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner 5 Owner 5 Owner 7 Owner 7 Farmers Son 9 Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner 5 Owner 5 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner 7 Owner 7 Owner 7 Owner 7 Farmers Son 7 Owner 7 Owner 7 Owner 7 Owner 7 Tenant 8 Tenant 9 Owner 9 Owner 5 Owner 6 Farmers Son 5 Tenant 6 Owner 6 Tenant 6 Tenant 7 Owner 7 Owner 8 Owner 8 Owner 6. 8 2 2 8 8 2 8 8 8 8 2 8 3 5 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 8 8 8 8 5 8 8 8 8 8 5 8 8 U 8 8 5 5 8 8 8 8 POLLING SlJB^DiymON^^O^ 309 318 322 336 Ij Tyner George Jr. J Taylor ArcWbald Tboffison William Tayloi H. Jolm .22 J Vaocamp William lis Vancamp George 168 175 183 226 227 228 245 246 247 264 265 304 305 359 J Witmer Beujamiii J Welsh Samuel J WilUfttns John J Welsh Malco.m J Welsh Joshua Welsh Thomas T Wi^?htman J. W^nr^r '^ Wightman Henry Wightman Uichar^ Wightman James Wightman W lU-m J Wightman Edwin J W'ightman James J Wheeler Daaiel E* 37 ]^ E cur. 42 ^ E pt 42 Si Ni 34 Wi 41 Wi 41 m 33 Si 36 E^ 38 Si 42 Si 42 15 J^ 42 i^i 34 Si 34 Si 34 Si 42 Si 42 W pt 36 W pt 36 i^i 42 g Owner Q Tenaut 8 Owner 9 Tenaut (3 Tenant (J Owner 5 Owner 5 Ownej: 5 Owner Q Owuer Q Owner (5 Owner - 7 Owner rj Owner 7 Farmers Sou 7 Owner 7 Farmers Son 8 Owner 8 Owner Q Tenant 9 8 8 8 8 6 2 8 8 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 ^^^^^^.^^ ^ — ^''" — ■ rM^nicinal Elections only. --7;7r::;:sons entUlea to vote at Municipa ^ ^^^^^ PARI i^- ^_ ^^_^^, 37 _ . ownei 216 181 182 316 319 333 835 HarriBon Eliz.^beth Love Isabella Murray Margaret McKibhoa Jane McDonald Abigal 37 Wi 38 S \V corner oo ^Ept41 ;^ E corner -l^ 8ptEi33 ^ E pt 33 6 5 8 8 9 9 OwUtT Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owuer 5 2 2^ 8 8 5 5 MoDonam Aui^'" — -^ - , ,. ^^ — r— ^^ . ,^ the Legislative ■^.^-^■^^==-■--^■^=''^11^ to vote at Elections to the U g PAHT III.-Pevsons enutW ^^ only.^O^^^^^_^,,^,.=^ •1- f^f the- Winal^am Subscribe for ttit w ^, in advance Advanck, only $1 per y«f I o 04 8 8 8 f 2 2 8 8 3 5 30U Sou 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 2 2 8 8 5 5 slative r year 1^'. a crt I CIS £ ft o 4-' X) CO ra > ^ c c d • c : c o c o u to o ;2; ATOTEI^S' LIST, 1SS5. Municipality of East Wawanosh. 1. AuntjRN. 5 Marnoch. SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES 2. iiLYTlI. 8. J'.KLtiAVK. (i. Whitechurch. 7. Winoham. 4 Fcl'.DYCK. 3, Wkitkiki.L' PALM 1.— PlVsous entitled to vote at both ^[aait•ipal Elections, uud Elections to the Legisliitivo Assembly. r<»IIJiii? Sjib-Divisioii No. 3,— ''"'/'/"■'•W*/;/ «// tlif Ij>ts in Cons !(),(• ll KnJ of Sideline 33 it- 34, 12th k 13th Cons. Kdst of the river, a ml 14th Con. Knst of Sideline 33 k 34 •r. 2 i-s 388 423 J 425 435 J ■I'M) 440 J ol4 617 J 519 J NAME. Armstroiii; Edwaitl Aynew Thoma.s Jr. Anderson J'>iui Abrsiliam Wiiliam Jr. Abrahiun WiUiiim Sr. Abni'iiim Tliomas • Anderson Archibald Anderson William Armstrong Chailcs 3S1 J Brown Patrick 39H J p)randon Joseph 399 Brandon Jann'S 503 Brant Arcliibald 384 CnrarainG;s Gcorgo 427 J Coutts John 430 J Conltis Pobert 431 Coultis Joiiu 438 Campbell John 454 J Coad Thomas 455 Coad Richard Sr. 457 Coad John 458 Coad Richard Jr. 471 J Currie Robert Jr. 49f> J CnrrieT. Jdin 505 J CiitTord John £0G J Clifford James 507 J Currie James 508 Currie John 522 Cochrane James 523 Cochrane Robert 524 Cochrane John 564 Currie Robert Sr. oG5 Currie J. William 5GG Currie Audrew 567 J Currie John CON. LOT. E cornel' 38 35 N pt 30 W.V 41 Wi 41 Pt 42 RJl 39 W.V 40 Pt40c^41 N E corner 86 &c. 10 Ov\ner NJ 41 1.0 Tenant, NA 41 10 Owner C pt SI 41 14 Owner lo Ownpr OwiK^r Owner T.nant Owner Owner Owner 13 0\\ nir 13 Ten. Hit Pt 3G NJ 37 89 SJ 39 Ei 41 S\ 33 SA Ni 33 Pt 33 k 34 s* 34 N.V 39 Ei Ei 32 3G Ei 3G W i37 W ^37 S pt 42 S pt 42 S pt 42 Pt 39 & 40 Pt 39 k 40 Pt 39 & 40 WJ r 41 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 18 13 13 14 14 14 14 OwiK r Owner Owner Farnii'rs Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmers Owner Farmers Farmers Owui r F'armers Farmers Owner Son Son 7 Son Sen Son Son 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 7 5 7 7 7 7 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ■^ t 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 pOLUNC^smi^!^"^^-- HA.ME. 404 £•25 547 J Deicou Ueury Jv. J Duff ThomaH J Daley George 1 DucUettLloya J Davidson Thom.s .7n J Ellntt Jolm Jf- 'llf- J EUiottJfttueH '477 J KlUott Jol;" -r- 578 E"i"^^ '''^'^^' 400 401 402 40*3 472 473 474 511 512 513 557 J Feri^uson Andrew 1 Ver^tuson Jivofl^s Fcri'«sf>" «>"''" Ferguson Tbomns Fergrsott Josepn ■perewson Henry Fitzratvick Albert Foster Jobn 548 J Grain Henry 437 Hasile Boberi 892 J Ir^i« ^^'"^"' 379 880 441 442 562 569 LOT. S yt 42 Si B9 Si Si 40 ^,\ 42 ^ pt 42 Si 34 iSi 40 ^i 40 \Vi 4i Wi Ei 40 Si 41 Si 42 Si 42 Si 42 Si 40 Si 40 Si 4C Si 38 Si 38 S F. pt 37 l^i 84 Ei41 Sil^i39 CON. 6 •1 14 Owuer 14 Fariucra Son 10 Owner 1.0 Owner 10 Owner Ij^ Owner 14 Owner 12 Owner 12 owner 12 Owner 13 Owner T J.ickson Jnlin J James Bicliar.l James John ] Sslint^^-Uaniel 383 jKubyGeoige 429 433 434 465 482 509 515 516 &20 -5 521 J 561 3 J J J Lind Thomas Loiittit Maguus LontiitJolm Lemmex Elwba bowery hxva^^ l.atroatt Samuel LinldaterWilham 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 85 /i Ei 42 /x Ei 42 ^ pt Si 40 ^ W pt 42 Spt36 Wi 88 40 40 Si 36 Si 42 Ei 37 m 39 M 39 Ei Wi 41 S pt 39 Owner Owner Farmers Farmers Ownvuer wner armeis Son wuer iwner )wnov )wuer j'arnicrs Son Dwner Owner Owner 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 rf I 7 7 o [>2 c c c -a a 1-4 42 -a m £ 2; in rt O •A r.7 H7 :i7 !{H W ;;'.! k; 17 .'til ',() HI) Ijl) ■IH 17 lU ■ID r.o r.i r» T) ;-{s i-i •ir, \h 40 -IC) 4(; 40 40 47 48 48 88 88 sr. 55 5G 42 89 89 40 4() 50 roij.iNo .sun DIVISION no 3 u. • M c a: NAMI'l. LOT. (UN , 5?7)] .1 McConit flciiry S.J 81 ir, (1\vn. r H77 ,1 \Ic(!(init William NA }jl 10 1) A 1), 1' :i7H .1 Me(,'i)in-t .Jiim< rt • Nj 84 10 Ountr J{H2 J Mi'Kay .Jiimf H N W |>t 8(5 10 Ocoup Hit JJh') .1 Ml ii/it s Joliii N pt 87 10 ownt r ;;'.il Mc(!.tsi'y Tati-ick Ni Ni 89 • 10 tiwiicr 4 a'.) Mcliidoo \Villi:iin Ni W'i 42 11 O'A'Uir i(>*.» ,1 Mi-])iiiiL,'iill Andrew Si 89 12 THIIIlllt 170 MuDoU'^'.ill Aloxaiitlor Si 89 12 Own, r ."iOli .J McKc'liir l)iiiiciin Wi 8(5 18 '.)\\\v\ ■>()! McKcllnr Joliu E4 80 18 Tt'iiaiit «U(J Poiii'ou Mattlicw NJ 40 10 Owner Ji'.)7 Peuvou Ksiiiiili Ni 40 10 Farmers Sou 482 .1 Perdue Jinnefi Ei 88 .t N.'. :i!) 11 Owner 17K J Pluulvctl; Tlitimis K i 41 VI ()wner 49s .1 Piitlison G.'ovi^j S.I 88 18 Owner 1!)!) J PuttisOII JcniHtllMM S.l 83 18 Owner r.U2 J Piiltison Wf.slt'y Ei 85 18 Ownev r.4') .1 Pt'ltoii .John N i)t85 14 Owner r.oo Pcltou Edward N pi 85 14 Farmers Smi r* < .SHI) J liol)Crt.sf)ri Aicliibiv'd Ivi 8H 10 Owil'el' 8 421 .] Jioiudi Wiiliiim Ni 88 k 84 11 OWIK'I' 5 40(i J lloid Jolin' Ni N.'. 88 84 12 Tenant 7 4r,u lieid H. Jiiiues W 4 85 12 Owm r 7 407 liiiv .James N E } :-i8 12 Owner 7 4(iK Kprietor. o V G .ST. rt £ rt I k PA O H 197 283 229 23(1 282 283 284 320 861 362 373 194 273 274 296 827 446 488 '184 487 488 489 490 491 492 526 527 528 284 2".5 366 369 420 VOTIiJI?.S' LIST, 1885. Municipality of East Wawanosli. 1 . Auburn. 5. Marnoch. SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES: 2. liLYTH. 8. BelgaVE. 6. Whitechurch. 7. Wingham. 4 FORDYCE. 8. Westfielii. PAiir 1.— Persons eutitled to vote at both Municipal Elections, aud Elections to the Legislative Assembly. Pollini; Sub-Division No. i,—Compnsi,H^ all the Lots West of the river in Cons. 6, 7, 8 d' 0, in Cons. 10 d' 11, West of Sideline 33' d 34, in Cons. 12 & 13 West of the river, and in Con. 14, West of Sideline 33 and 34. z, . • cc .. . J 1 NAME. LOT. CO.N • c 0< 197 * 9 J Armstrong Jumps E^ NJ- 20 6 OwUT 8 283 J Armstrong Charles Wi 29 7 Owner 8 229 Brooks Robfit S pt 28 7 Owner 8 230 Brooks Jncob S pt 28 7 Fsirraers Son 282 J Bruce Alexander Jr. S pt Si 30 8 Tenant 5 5 283 J Bruce Thomas S pt Si 30 8 Owner 284 Bruce Alexander Sr. 8 pt. Si 30 8 Owner R 820 Beecroft John Ni 31 9 Owner 5 4 861 J Barbour Archibald Ni 28 10 Tenant 362 Barbour Robeit Ni 28 10 Tenant 4 373 J Beecioft William N pt 32 & 33 10 Tenant 7 5 194 J Clmmpion Fredfricij Ei 28 6 Tenant 8 273 J Cliamuey Eilwiirj Ei Ei 29 8 Owijtr 4 274 Cliamney William Wi Ei 20 8 Owner 4 296 J Campbell Charles Wpt 83 8 Owner 827 J Chamney Richard 29 9 Owner t/ 4 446 J Clow John Si 80 12 Owner 6 483 Carrick Andrew Ni 28 18 Owner 6 484 Chi rick David Ni 28 13 Owner G 487 J Cook Robert Wi 29 13 Owner 6 488 J Cook Thomas Wi- 29 13 Owner 6 489 Clow James Sr, Pt 29 & 30 13 Owner 6 490 Clow Andrew Pt 29 & 80 13 Farmers Son 6 491 Clow Davi.; Pt 29 & 30 13 Farmers Son 6 492 Clow Archibald Pt 29 & 8C 13 Farmers Son 6 526 J Campbell John N pt Ni 28 U Owner 6 527 Campbell Thomas N E pt 28 14 Owner 6 528 Cottle George N E pt 28 14 Owner 6 284 Donohue Timothy Ei 29 7 Owner 8 2*^6 Donnelly Owen- Wi 30 7 Owner a 866 J Dow James Ei 29 10 Owner 4 369 J Deacon Jt^mes Si 31 10 Owner IE 5 420 J Deacon William Si 83 11 Owners 7 14. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4. • 1 NAME. Oh LOT. CON 6 •-5 Frnlick Beujamin 33 14 Owner 6 1 ^H Gibbous William Ni 28 11 Owner 4 ^H Gibbous Patrick N^ 28 11 Occupant M 4 ^H Gibbous J. Tbomas 29 11 Owner 4 ^H 410 Gibbous Patrick 29 11 P^armers Son 4 4 ^H Gibbons John 29 11 Farmers Sou ^H Greenan H, John Si 80 11 Owner 5 ^H J Gtirtou George S pt Ni 28 14 Tenant 6 ^H Gillespie John Si. Npt29 14 Owner 6 ^H Gillespie John Jr. Npt29 14 Farmers Sou 6 ^H 271 Ha'nes Edward Sr. N W cor. 28 8 Owner 4 ^B J Haines Robert Ni 28 9 Owner 4 ^H J Haines Edward Jr. Ni 28 9 Owuer 4 ^H J Homey Henry Si 31 9 Owner 5 ^H J Hanna Cimpbell N E c.r. 33 10 Owner 5 ^H 495 Henderson D. Hugh S W pt 32 13 Owner 6 ^^1 J Hare George Wi 82 14 Tenant 6 ^H Irwin John S W pt Ni 81 10 Tenant 5 ^ ^^1 Irwin W. Richard N E pt Ni 31 10 Fanners S•' pt 28 .t 29 Ni 30 & 31 Ni 30 & 31 S^ 31 N W pt 32 N^ 81 Wi 32 N W.i 20 ^H N-i 31 Ac. N.V SI 31 N W pt 28 Si Ni 31 Ni 3C Ni 30 Ni 31 S W pt 32 S W pt 32 S \V pt 32 Wi 20 Wx 20 N E pt 20 El 32 JU Si 31 S W pt 32 S W pt 32 Si 28 &c. t5i 28 &c. w^ 32 Si 31 &c. Ni 30 Si 28 S pt 20 N E pt 29 Ei 32 Ni 38 28 Wpt28 Ni Ni 28 N E pt 29 Pt 30 E* Wi 82 CON. 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 6 11 Faruun'.s Sou OwiJtr Owner Owner Occupant Owner Farniors Son Tenant Occupant Owner Owner Owner 15. o' At 5 6 6 7 V) 6 6 6 8 8 Owner 6 8 Owner 4 11 Owner 6 8 Owner 6 8 Farmers Son 5 8 Owner g 8 Owner 5 8 Farmers Sou 6 8 Farmers Son 5 10 Owner 4 10 Farmers Son 4 14 Owner 6 14 Tenant 6 8 Owner 6 8 Owner 5 8 Owner 5 9 Owner 4 9 Farmers Son 4 11 Owner 5 13 Owner 6 13 Owner 7 14 Owner 6 14 Owner 6 14 Owner 6 14 Owner 6 11 Owner 4 14 Tenant 6 6 Owner 8 7 Owner 4 14 Owner 6 14 Owner 6 14 Owner 6 16. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4. PART II.— PersouB entitled to voce at Municipal El^ctious only, T. . CO o5 as NAME. 485 Hamilton Mary Mrs. 277 James William Mrs. 572 Philips Airs. LOT. Ni Si 28 N^ S.J 80 N W pt SO CON. 13 Owner 8 Owner li Owner 4 i i 6 PART III.— Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly only, NONE. Total number of persons qualified to serve on juries, Three Huniired, (SCO.) I, PETER PORTERFIELD, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, do hereby certify that part One of the within List constitutes H correct list for the year 1885 of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the s id Municipality, to be entitled to vote at Elections for Members uf tlie Lej,'isuitive Assem- bly, and that parts One and Two constitute a correct list for the said year of all persons appearing by the said Roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elec- tions in said Municipality, And I hereby call upon all electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein to talie immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 1st day of August, 1885. P. PORTERFIELD. Clerk. ■VOTEK,S' LIST, 1885. I» Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, pursuant to the twelfth section of tl e "Voters' List Act," do hereby certify that the within is a correct copy of the Lis't of Voters for the year 1885, received by me from the Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of East Wawanosh, according to my revision and correction thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the said Act. c c o I— ' 'x. CO Dated at : this. .1885. .day of .Judge. s — -J :o 6 a ?r; .2 > c c any o CO c -a c U re f a a; re E a: OT J o