\ t) \ 'v \ ■ V / ,. IMAGE TEST T/i .0 11. i I /^ I.ZO IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3 <7 / 6- / 6 .0 18 1.25 4 A CIHM/ICMH Microfiche o6riGS . CIHM/ICI Collectior microfich HM/ICMH illection de crofiches. ■jpn ! •• grace ci ■ ^a .;' I ai ! b 1 1 1 1 V Les images sutvante*^ i ^tf* reproduite plus grand soin corrjpte tenu df ondit ^« la nettet^ de ' <^v prri pjairp fHr-r**^ pt or cufiformit^ ave ndit filmage tiirrsed on m p r e *- AM on the 'es rinted les exempldire ujinaux donf uvertur papier est impnni^e sont film^s en commer p;>f \f> nrprr"! !Pr n^'^"^ *^t f^n tprm!n;M^^ '■^rnt nyi d « ? M i « r e p ci y t.' q LJ i la.) r n p l; n e lj .' i t:; u r n p ( e s r s t e d tmpressfon ou d illustration soit par le se< plat selon le cas Tous les autres exerripjaires oriq«^-Rux sont ^iim^jc <-., - v)fT'>^^«npant par la pre n Here page qui Lurriporte une empreinte d'impression ou d illustration et en terminer I a derni^re pane out comporte un^^ telle St o ft leb cartes planches tableaux, et( peuv^ *-H r e i.(.irsque le UDCurneni ebi irup yidfju puur t;Ue reproduit ervun seul cliche il est film^ ^ pa de langU pf^neur qh qau' :le hau* -^^ h;^- ^lages net ■1- Th ixvOM THK OlFKr. Kj^ oUNDAY. Ju! BY THOMAS JEFFERSON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PROCLAMATIO WASHINGTON CITY, Ju ' tie wars v h aiJ their liSt - (orre -Irvt, have unhap. owers vi Kurope, the Uni* .11 Ai rht r principles ol peace> , by a rrv/ular discharge ot .lai dutieh, aiul by every fri-nd- !y oflice tlieir iiiu^Hru r\as admitted, to maintain, witL aji the beliigtreuts, their accusti.med relaticns of frieiid- ^np, f.cruitrcial mttrcourse. Taking no jpart 111 rhe qu^^'iioiii vi.ich arimate '.'le.ie pc . er» a» g-iiniteach ether, nor peimitring thenifelvt i to enttr- "vi.ii a vvifh hut. for the reA^ration of general Peac*i, they have obicrvtd wiih good faith the neutrality they "alliiiTstd, and they btlie'. e that no inllaiice ©f a departur* from It .'.\x le^ Cr.n bt jufMy in.puted to them by any na- tion. A h're ufe of tlieir h'^^rboursand waters, thenieuni ■ !;':i^ g .u.d of rtrireOure«,t, of iuccour to (b-ir fell ; :i f ifti'i'^f li ive, at all tm:es, anvl on »qual prnicplt !«, ■ s-M cAt ivli d o «!!,ar;d thji. too aniiiin a cor.Aant re^ur- T :n •• of a^ils of inluhordiiiirion to the laws, of violence * •'" r'.riorSj ar.d (;f trelj>if!es on tbe property of our -. v.. , cn^mi'ted by offizers of one^ of tht| bel».- ^^•'a .t ^iirtics,^ received among us. In truih thefe abiifei ■:.- t.!t' laws cf Ju'lpirality have,] with few t yc^*ptio^f, h^ * ■■' h^l, ,, <^5»nirr.an(jers of the liriiiih a»:n<»-i ■"'^ I ^erui^"^ < ' ■ ^'*si£l, «ind frequenting our :: ir- iO' r . rhfry hare hem the Jubjevfl ot repeated »"**prf: '>.t.fcr.s to our ^r,v«rnmet;t. AfTiirinces have t)et'n >;/.ven fMat p/np».Tor.!er8lh .ul'J reflr.UM theni within tlie A nit of rhe :i:Jir^ aid ot the reipe^it due fo a friendi^^ 1 at 01, . bur th (It" orders a, ul a'dura: ceshavehceu ^^ ithouf «/fvCl. , no ;:;ri:a!'.ce o^ v^\r.'Qirr.i:T\t for pufl w-on^r^ r.i^ taken place- At It ^ch. a c'reu. tmcfcendin^ all we have huhsr- to f':»'n or fntTered. biin;^* the pubhc ^ensibdity C^; a Jiij\x% crifi.*, and oi.r forbearance to a necelTarX raii(y. vide for if? peace and for the (ifetj of its citizen*, and conftqueatly to refu-c de;cnptions, as are inc«;t)riftent With thele, or with the maintenance of the autfiorit/ uf the iawa, I have thought proper in purluance of the authorities (peciaJly given by law to iffu* this my Pre- ciamation, liereby requirmg all armed veiselr$ hearings comniifliofis under the govetnnitnt of Great Br rain, i;ow within the harbors or waters of the United Stan-a, imn;«cliatcly and witl:0ut any fl^ay to depart fi oni the hiiie, interdi af ..rvdaid, or ;f they ( r an^ other*, fo .riterdic* ti' i. lliali hcreafrer enr^"- '■he harhors or w^Jter-s afure- fia i doinrhatcafe forbid ail intercourfe with i em rr any ol them, tlieir oni*.ersor crew.s, and doprohibic all hippiie?aiid aid frcni being furniflied to them c. asy of tliem. And I (io declare and make known, thit il anv per- son from, or Wiihji the jurisdieti^na! iinnts of the Uni- ted Stares rtiall j^ffurd any aid toany luch ve-.sel, c( • '• ^ ry to the prob'ibition con aiued in ^hi^ Prociniarioi., .. ther in repairio)^ any fuch ves-cl, or in furii;liung her, her '■^'-^r* or crew With iupplies of any kind, or in a-.) mnnn^r wharfoever, or if rny pdnr th?!! .(n^ In na« tfigat ligany of tke fvid armed ve*-..!*. ui Jefs it h^ the purpofe of carrvir^g them in th- (iri't inlUnce. l>e- yond tht limits and junsdidion of the Urmed Stutrs, or unlefs It be in the i afc of a vef?- 1 force ihall. on convdion (uff^r -i-i *he. pains a:.d penalties by tb.eiaws provided iur luc^ ofTenc s M ertiser 5 UNDAV. 7:. . .. iSr )N, noN. fety of its citizens, and ons, as are iijc«;nriOer.t naiu.f: of the authoDt/ 3pcr in purluance of the w to iffut this II. y Pre- armeJ vessels bearing' tiitnt of Great Brtaiu, •rs of the United State*, sjlajr U) dep*rt fiori the oi ah the iiiui harbori i-sselg, and to all at.her* athofity of the Brif fli y«f them, fhah fail to : airy ether t, fo -nterdi*.* rhora or w.»ter"? afure" intJTCourfe with t em • ci«*vs M, and do prohtbiC urnilhed to them c. aisy nown, thiC il any per- ti«iia* hnnts il the IJni- anyluch vf.sel, contja- in 'his Prticilnjfion, ti- i, or ij) i\xTi.:ii\\ng 'itr, es of any kmdj r^r ia ly pijrtf tb^ll ..jfTu* to Ka» ei.n;l». uije' ' be for th" iirit iniUiite. h«- of the I'niteil States, or 1 forced by dilrre^ if i«5 hcreinalter j,ruvjdfcJ Ih on ■ ■ • vf (i^ioj) {uff.r ;r laiA 5 J . .. ..vied iur ^uc^^ I 807. .25 p / Science: AHponiti b 25 4 6 liotogi^aphii Sciences oiponitin'i "^ \ M ^ "mmmmimmmsfif^ .%saMfaB>3ie»gW»ft<»t^B»^ji>M>a^^ • ^ i^mMintmamsiQ^ttiMemmfimsitA^ '*'****8"«*^**««**WI*««HB?«WW^^ , :i*'ttHOWWPS»,tftBrtiaBBaMMBWWBW.' ywMW i i <t»ii«%>vwi[^M.a» ^ » i « t ti i i w stcm ^imiminitmm ^ • xwwwwwfe 4MM^w«jUiMaM»a»-.i!wa*Jti l i V * W JaMaL ft ^tg ^'^'*JK«wwiwia«»rt»t»>»(w»MW^ M I <3 I. «3 O ■ \ I y uiTTererU redut.iiofi rdiios Those loo »dfy* entirely included )ne exposure are filmed beqinning in thf> upper Ipft hand corner le*^ u rigfii arid top ' ^'"'*' #ror..,, re(]uired The tolfOwiDy diayfdnis ihustfate method 1 2 3 «-4 ft 3 squt 'pproduit en un seu' cIk h«^ il *^Nt *\\m^ ^ i r\ f t I 4 ie ruiiji e(. Ods, en pre/uini lu fiornure 1 images n- sair 2 '1 ■^ fci fU'ipiiJiii) nave ^ ; Hhtc Uemth' .•\5t of reucatrd r»<'vp ft (() our jrr,v,irnn5' r Affirsrcei hdvt l)e»'D /I* 1 Uf o •.ikeu place. At li glh, ft O'r tv) f ' .: cr f'ltlVreil ,. -.^0 the pu'jiic 'triJiibiljty Cr a . ii>u^ crifi«, ami ni r f.irbt';irir.ce tu a neccilarX \.Aut . \ ♦r'/!t« ( ( tf.e Ufiiiel Stnten trufting to ;i A;-fc f , * , .ad Uavim;; her Kar')'>«r on a cJiftaaf fer. • ee:i lurprfed aiui ;itfuckeicn, aiM has Ifrn i] f^^bK-J * ^uMcr V. th tiA Jils of a number of nien ki| 'd 'i.^ V. our.i.cJ. Thii eiiorr.nty wai not only withfui prnvi c^:■^ wU.c ;tiici (i/,iy i,[, yAyUigt. . -.rrita'. -V to the I ri I K , . i!.T in rt'])ainij; an) ^uui vti ti, i.r ui luri..ij!.iig her ..^r#.r» or cri*w u»f h iu^jpli*-! (J any kind, .. ... 1'.) mnnn^f uhn»r«.f ver, or ./ my y,\rn fhalJ ..filti iorji- t.gat i.jj^ui y t»f tkf f kI arnied iffv. l*. \\> \vts if Ht* for » f^ hrm li inrtiti n of fhf rnilrd Sti»t<»l, ftf unUfs It bt lu the t afv* of ;* % iiltrt* p ( r char^ui with pu" " * ipatch... a* !•• r ; VI 'ed fiH-, iWvh I ' ur ptrrf . ' " "■ r •'V»h^ pan. 3 M..J pniaities b; ti.v uas j r.^vijcc. ..;, i^.-crv ofTtnc'-. *u i(n> i>r ir'. 'v •i the Unittil V anJ .rht Jiants there' t\ rr 1,^)^ withiu fh»- l.i. v. »th vie and promptitii.le (o ci »'spretiv" ..iir , and to be aid-rijij an 1 illi'fiti^; t.-, th cl-ntation ai'd crtry parr thert'of. info hiu . ffcc li'rovid.;d n^.' vcrtheief* that H ai h v.'l)el (hall be forced into ■ '^ ' ' ' by ''iifrtf*, i.y ...t; ..li^ci-s dx :f./u-, or t-y tiic j ; of menu, <>i Ih.ill b ubiick pm.1;' r. h.r t)*- aiue of b'tter^ -* <' ^'.- •'■- • • i.nmediatfly i ^ t. ■■"if* or ^' "^"T*. u.n-* 'vm^o'ti- -r. '» '.tUii . pr '' of the Dntifh government, .% tic ^ 'V fiirrai^e bus been con'ri'f' n.-f bu' r-r'f. nr -tfel' :^ vi.j- has been di>h•• y )>.if>r fh.tll ..filii to ««• fk't !•, ui Ifts \f hv for th«* lirl> inlU • ►f fhr <\ Stat^i, l»r rce*J ^> diirrt" » c r ed HI. Ci i:i2ciih <f 1 tJtiv * ;.(!' , th ' ". iuro fun ' iTtrOV vrljfl in, :iil be • u,, t^r i-v tii' iot ! ( r- - I ^