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Les diagrammes suivants illustrsnt la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^mm^.% OMADIM POSTAL GcUim CHftf REeOUpWS Milii POST OFFICE, RA-T^ES OF POSTA^GEy STBB.7 mVOBMATIOir IV BBOAXD T^ A COMTLETB LIST OF ALL THE POST OFEIOES IN CANADA, DIBTINOXriSHIHO THH MONEY ORDER OFFICES, TEIEGRAPH STATIONS, AND RAIIWAY STATIONS; TOOBTHBB WITH TABLES OF ALL THE RAILWAYS IK CANAL'A, AKD TSfB DISTANCES BETWEEN EACH STATION. ZP '< COMPILED BY JOHN DEWE, POBT OFROB IMSFBOTOB. %xim%t& Ml tire \^tm\n\^ If % ^ni'miAtt (^mut TOKONTO: R. k A. MILLER, 62, KING STREET; AND 60, ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, MONTREAL. AND FOR SALE AT THE BOOK STORES. 1868. ^ IT ■tl S'fG c n «v •^. ''^. CAMDIAF POSTAL aUIDE: OONTAIiriKO THB CHIEF REGULATIONS OF THE POST OFFICE, IHB 4 RA.TES OF POST^aE, BVEBT INrORMAXION IN BBOARD TO A COHFLRTB LIST 0£ ALL THE POST OFFICES IN CANADA, \\ DISTINGUISHING THB mm ORDER OrFICKS, TELEGRAPH STATIONS. AND RAILWAY STATIONS; TOOETHBR WITH 11 TABLES OF ALL THE RAILWAYS IN CANADA, AND TUB DISTANCES BETWEKN ?:ACH STATION. COMPILED BY JOHN DEWE, POST OFPICK INSPECTOR. TORONTO: R. * A. MILLER, 62, KING STREET; AND (iO, ST. FRANCOIS XAVIBR STREET, MONTREAL. AND FOR SALE AT THE BOOK STORES. <^. TORONTO : PRINTED BY LOVELL AND GIBSON, YONOB BTREBT. Thi informal publishei it is hope the inter i The ^ office in will be f years, ar country ] As 1 change, Postal yearly, c ToRoa PREFACE. ►!-«•+— The principal object of this little work is the dissemination ol i information in regard to the Canadian Postal Seuvice. It is I published with the kind permission of the Postmaster General, and I it is hoped will be useful to the public as well as conducive to the interests of the Post Office. I The short and imperfect sketch of the progress of the post '^ office in Canada, which has been compiled from authentic sources, will be found interesting. It extends over a period,of one hundred years, and serves to mark a rapidity of improvement which, in a country purely agricultural, has seldom been surpassed. ^ As the regulations of the post office are subject to constant change, it is proposed to issue new editions of the Canadian Postal Guide, revised and corrected to the latest date, half- yearly, or yearly, as circumstances may appear to require. Toronto, January, 1863. Post Office A Few Fa Chief Offi Post Offic( Postal Di\ RCLKB AM Office Post < Office Mails Rates Soldi( Rates Perio( Book Print( Print! Lcf Parce Fraril Abati Undcl Regis Posta Monc; General R Snggestioi Rates of I Canad Rates of I Do Aniou!it. it United Canad Amount ii Order Amount ii Kingd( List of Po lions ii Railways Gran( Mont! Gang Monti CONTENTS. Post Office Calendar for the Year 1863 A Few Facta about the Post Office in Canada Chief Officers of the Departmen', at Quebec Post Office Inspectors Postal Divisions RCLKB AND ReQULATIONB; Officers ; ' Post Office Office Hours , Mails Rates of I'ostage on Letters Soldiers' and Seamen's Letters Rates of Postage on Newspapers Periodical Publications Book Post Printed Papers, Prices Current, Hand Bills, &c Printed Votes and Proceedings of the Imperial Parliament and Oolonial Legislatures Parcel Post Franking and Free Letters Abating a'ul Refunding Postage Undelivered and Dead Letters Registration Postage Stamps Money Orders General Regulations Suggestions to the Public Rates of Postage from Canada to British Colonies and Foreign Countries, by Canadian Ocean Steamers Rates of Postage from Canada to British Colonies, &c., by Ounard Sterimers Do do. do. by the United States Amount, in Curremy to be paid for Money Orders drawn in Canada on the United Kingdotii, and for Money Orders drawn in the United Kingdom on Canada, from Id Sterling to 5s. Sterling Amount in Ciirreney to be y)aid for Money Orders drawn 'n Canada on Money Order Offices in the United Kingdom, from 5s. Sterling to £10 Sterling . . Amount in Currency paid in Canada for Money Orders drawn in the United Kingdom on Canada, from 53. Sterling to £10 Sterling List of Post Offices, Money Order Offices, Railway Stations and Telegraph Sta- tions in Canada Railways in Canada, with thk Distances bktwebn the Stations: Grand Trunk Railway Montreal and Rouse's Point Railway Caughuawaga and Plattsburg Railway Montreal and I.achino Railway Pagj 9 16 U 16 17 IT 18 18 19 20 ai 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 29 80 SO 81 33 34 36 89 40 41 41 42 44 80 82 82 82 Prescott Rnd Ottawa Rnllway ®^ BrockTiUo and Ottawa Jtailway °* Cobourg and i'eterboro* UftihvftV . . . . ^Z Port Hope, Petorboro', and Liadsny Railway bJ Northern Uailwny ^^ Great Western Railway " Preston and Berlin Railway °* Erie and Ontario liaihvay ^* Wcllaad Railway " Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway " London and Port Stanley Railway i lost mti (Hiilcnbat foe tjjc |c:ir 1863. Pat* 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 8i 84 84 84 JAMUlARVf-ai Days. FEBRll/IRY-;i8 Paya. A. M. To. \, : Th. 1 P. 2 8. X. M To. W. Th. r. 8. 7 3 I 2 o 4 5 i 6 (i 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 24 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 2.-) 2(5 27 2H 29 30 1 31 . . . WARCM-af Hap, k^mk-3.0) Daya. «. M. Tn. W. Th. F. 8. «. M. Tu. W. Th. r. 8. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 (J 7 8 9 10 11 15 Ki 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 1 15 IG 17 18 22 23 24 25 2(> 27 28 1 19 20 21 1 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 ! 20 27 1 28 29 30 ! ... ... MAY-3.ii 1 3 ays. ,B01N]E-30 Paye, ». M. Tu. W. Th. r. 1 S. Si. M. Tu. W. Th. 4 F. 5 G 2 1 2 3 3 4 "ri G 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 24 31 25 20 27 23 29 30 28 29 30 • • • ■ « > ... . mkr-m Oaya, AUi©UiST-3 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 G i 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 i ... 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 N10VKWtBEB-3Q) Da^s, BEGEiVtBER-atBays, 5. 1 2 Tu. 3 W. 4 Th. 6 F. 6 S. 7 «. M. Tu. W. 2 Th. 3 F. 4 S. 5 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 29 30 • • ' '2. ... *• . _'.*-* . 27 28 29 30 31 : = = 1 Jtb Jfatts aboitt i)^t |p0st Office in Canaba. OOHFILEO FBOM AUTHENTIC SOUB0E8. The earliest records of the administration of the post office in Canada bear date 1750, at which period the celebrated Benjamin Franklin was Deputy Post- master General of North America. At the time of his appointment the revenue of the department was insufficient to defray his salary of £300 per annum ; but under his judicious management not only was the postal accommodation in the Provinces considerably extended, but the revenue so greatly increased, that ere long the profit for one yoar, which he remitted to the British treasury, amounted to £3000. In the evidence given by Franklin before the British House of Commons in tl>« year 1706, in regard to the extent of the post office accommodation in North America, he made the following statement : — " The posts generally travel along the sea coasts, and only in a few cases do they go back into the country. Between Quebec and Montreal there is only one i)ost per month. The inhabitants live so scattered and remote from each other in that vast country that the posts cannot be supported amongat them. The English colonies, too, along the frontier are very thinly settled." Franklin was removed in 1774. War broke out a few months afterwards between the North American Provinces and the Mother Country ; and the charge of the post office in Canada was assumed by Mr. Hugh Finlay, who, it appears, had under Franklin performed the duties of postmaster at Quebec. Mr. Finlay is designated in his commmissiou as Deputy Postmaster General of His Majesty's "Province of Canada," from which it would seem that the Lower Provinces were not included in liis charge. An Almanac published in Quebec in the ytiar 1791 thus describes the condition of the Department : — Hugh Finlay, Esq., Deputy Postmaster General .... Quebec, Wm. E. Edwards, Postnijister Montreal, Samuel Sills, " Three Rivers, Louis Aime " Berthier, L. 0. <.< it . '* BaiedesChaleurs, " Hugh Munroe, .... Samuel Anderson, " Cornwall, John Munroe, " Matilda, Joh. Jones, " Augusta, Peter Clarke, " Kingston, Joseph Edwards, " Niagara, George Leitch, " Detroit, Mitchell, " Mickelniackinac, TJ. C. u n (I There were thus five post oihces in Lower Canada, and seven post offices iiv Ujiper Canada. 10 Between Quebec antl England mails wove despatched once per month ; between Quebec and Halifax, twice per week in summer, and (mce per week in winter • between Quebec and Montreal, twice per weci^ ; and between Montreal and tha offices above Montreal, once per month ; between Quebec and Baio des Chaloura mails were despatched "as occasion ofl'orcd," In the year 1792, 170:?, and 1794, tlie mail wa^ carried once per month between Montreal and Kingston by a French Canadian na.aed MoriseLte ; between Kingston and York it was carried by Alex. Anderson ; and between York and Niagara by a Mohawk Indian. The rate of travel was probably about 20 miles per day ; the route being eitlior by a path through the woods or along the shores of the River St, Lawrence and Lake Ontario : no regular road having been aft that time in existence. In the summer season the mail was carried between Kingston and Niagara by the Government vessels, — Caldwell, Mohawk, Oneida, and Speedy. Between Canandaigua, in the State of New York, and Niagara, the mail was carried once ]ier week at a cost of $200 per annum. In the year 1790 there were precisely the same number of offices, and generally the same amount of mail accommodation, as in in 1791. Mr. Finlay was succeeded in the year 1800 by Mr. George Heriot. In 1803 Upper Canada had 8 post offices, but the mails were not more frequent than in 1791. In 1804 there were in Lower Canada 6 post offices ; in Upper Canada, 9 ; in Nova Scotia, G ; in Capo Breton, 1 ; in Prince Edward's Island, 1 ; in New- Brunswick, 4. The late Mr, Wood, who filled the office of postmaster of Cornwall for many years, thus describes the condition of the department in the Upper Canada Province about the year 1807 : — " When I first took charge of the post office in this place the mail was carried from Quebec to Amherstburg on the back of an old Canadian pedestrian ; he performed his trip once in three months, and his arrival was hailed with joy by the then contented and loyal inhabitants tliroughout the country. " The following is a copy of a somewhat curious advertisement wliich appears in the Upper Canada Gazette, published in the year 1807 : — "The mail for Upper Canada will bo despatched from the post offica at Montreal, on the foUowing days, to wit : "Monday, 14th January. ' ' Monday, ] 2th Februaiy. "Monday, lOth March, "Monday, 7th April — the last trip. "A courier from Kingston may be looked for here in 14 or 15 days from tho above periods, wliero ho will remain 2 or 3 days, and tlien return to Kingston. "Another courier will proceed from this with the Niagara mail, via Messrs. Hatt3, where tlio Sandwich letters will bo left, both from Niagara and thia 'till the courier comes from tliero to return witli them, " Letters put into the post office will be forwarded at any time by "W. ALLAN, " Acting Deputy Postmastor." 11 ;h ; between in winter ; eal and tha OS Chaloura til between < ; betwoun York and ut 20 miles f the shores ng been ati Niagara by 10 mail was id generally . In 1803 Bnt than in Canada, 9 j 1 ; in New 11 for many 3er Canada was carried Dstrian ; he with joy by I appears m st ofBca at ya from tho ) Kingston. via Messrs. nd this 'till tmastor." There arc in existence several c lissions issued by Mr. Heriot to postmasters in Nova Scolia, in which he sign iself Deputy Postmaster General for tho Province of Upper and Lower C , Nova Scotia, and New ]inmswick, and their dependencies. It would a .r therefore, at all events, that during a portion of his term of office he hau suporviaion of all the posts in those colonies. Mr. Ileriot was succetdod in the year 181G by Mr. Daniel Sutherland, who, on his acccsssion to ofhco, found Nova Scotia and Prince Edward's Island wholly withdrawn from tho Canada charge. New Brunswick, however, continued to be included in it. The postmasters in that Province being commissioned at Quebec and accounting to the Deputy Postniaster General there. In the year 1817 Lower Caiiada had 13 post offices ; "Ui)per Canada, 12 ; Nova Scotia, C ; New Bnniswick, 3 ; Prince Edward's Island, 1. In this year tho mails were running between Quebec and Halifax once a fortnight, all the year round ; between Quebec and Kingston, once a week ; between Kingston and Toronto, once a week ; and between Toronto and Amherstburg, once a fort- night. In tho year 1820 there weio in Lower Canada 20 post offices ; in Upper Canada, 19 ; in Nova Scotia, G ; in New Brunswick, 3 ; in Prince Edward's Island, 1. In 1824 there wore in Upper and Lower Canada 69 post offices, and 1992 miles of established mail routes. The annual 1i-avel of the mail was 370,000 miles. The gross revenue wa^ $G8,000 ; and tlio revenue transmitted to Eng- land, after dediicting $1200, the supposed surplus for New Brunswick, $21,000. At tliis time the population of Lower Canada was about 440,000, and of Upper Canada 150,000. In this year Mr. Sutherland was succeeded, as Deputy Postmaster General, by Mr. Thos. A. Stayner. and shortly after was ellected tho separation of nearly the whole of Now Brunswick from the Canada charge. Under tlie long and able administration of Mr. Stayner, extending from tho year 1824 to 1851, postal accommodation was greatly extended throughout Upper and Lower Canada. In 1827 til. were 101 post offices and 23G8 miles of established post route. The annual transportation of the mail was 455,000 miles. The estimated number of letters passing through the post in the year wf\s 340,000 ; tho estimated number of papers, 400,000. In the year 1832 the Dnke of Richmond, then Postmaster General, proposed a re-moditication of tho post office throughout British North America. An Act was prepared with this object, bnt the attempt to pass it through the several Legislatures failed, and of all the plans that had been contemplated only two were carried into ofFect, namely, the establishment of an Accountant's Office and the appointment of Local Inspectors. Tho attention of the Legislature of Upper Canada was, about this tmie, frequently turned to tlie post office, which still continued imder the Imperial control. Committees were appointed and reports made, in which the transfer of the nianagemont of the department to the Colonial Government was strongly urged. In the yt!ar 1837 a joint address from the Legislative Council and Assembly was adopted, praying that the revenue jiroduced by the post office in the Colonies should no long r be reniittod to England. Tliis address wa^ referred to tho lx)rda of tho Treasury, and by them referred to Lord Durham, on thc^ ground that some gtnicTal mo-isnro was ivcpuitxl to c;irry its prayer into effect. Nothing, however, was done until .some years afterward", towards the acoom]>lishmeut of this end. A large and steady increase continued to take place yearly in the busmesa and i'everiuo"or iho post uflicu, Ju 18D8 tiicro were 330 post offices, and 5180 miles 12 of GRtiiblished post route. The annual transportation of the mail was 1,345,000 miles ; the estimated number of letters carried, 1,000,000; the estimated number of newspapers, 1,250,000 ; and the gross revenue, $146,000. The following extract from the Quebec Mercury, published on the 18th July, 1829, conveys some idea of the postal communication with England at that period: — "No later advices hava been received from Europe since our last. Some further extracts from the London papers, to Slst May inclusive, brought to New York by the * Corinthian,' will be found in another part of this number." The following extract from the Montreal Courant, of September 2, 1829, describes the improvement which had at that date been eitected in the postal communication between that city and Prescott : — "Expeditious Travelunc.. — On Saturday last the Upper Canada lino of stages performed the journey from Prescott to this city in about 17 hours, leaving the former place at a little before 3 A.M., and arriving here a few minutes before 8 in the evening. Not many years ago this journey occupied two and sometimes three days, but owing to the great improvements rjade by Mr. Dickinson, the enterprising proprietor, by putting steam boats on the Lakes St. Francis and St. Louis, and keeping his horses in excellent condition, it is now performed in little more than one- third of the time." Tlic- following advertisement, which appeared in the year 1833 in the Colonial Advocate, published at Queenston by the late Mr. W. L. Mackenzie, will give sonu' idea of the postal facilities in the Upper Province at that period : — "POST RIDER WANTED IMMEDIATELY. ' ' The proprietor of this newspaper wishes to contract with a steady man (who can find and uphold liis own horse), to deliver it to the subscribers once a week during the winter, on the route between York and Niagara vki Ancaster." Regular steam communication was established across the Atlantic in the year 1841, and about that time the rate of postage on letters between any part of Canada and any part of the United Kingdom was, on the recommendation of Mr. Stayner, reduced to a ixniform charge of Is. 2d. sterling, per half ounce. Thus, it is believed, was first recognized the principle of a uniform rate of postage — irrespective of distance — which has since been so uuiversjilly adopted. In 1848 there were 539 post offices and 6895 miles of post route ; the annual transportation of the mail was 2,225,000 miles ; the estimated number of letters carried in a j'ear 2,000,000 ; and the gross revenue $260,000. On the Gth April, 1851, was eflected the transfer of the post office in Canada from the control of the Imperial authorities, to the Colonial Government. Mr. Stayner retired from office, and the Hon. James Morris, the first Canadiai" Postmaster General, assumed charge of the department. In 1851 postage, which had pre , lously been charged according to the distance the letter was carried, which it waa computed averaged 15 cents on each letter, was reduced to a uniform charge of 5 cents ])er \ oz. , the decrease being equiva- lent to § or 6C§ per cent, on the former rate. A very considerable reduction was also eft'ected in the rate of postage on newspapers. The increase in the number of letters transmitted through the post, within a year after the reduc- tion of the rate, was 75 per cent. Several improvements, including the intro- duction of postage stamps, were effected in this year, and the operations of the department greatly extenaeu. 13 vas 1,345,000 lated number e 18th July, land at that ' last. Some mght to New tuber." )er 2, 1829, in the postal nada lino of lit 17 hours, g here a few ney occupied jnts uade by on the Lakes tiditiou, it is the Colonial zie, will give od:— dy man (who once a week Lister." c in the year n any part of mendation of i: half ounce, form rate of filly adopted. ; the annual bar of letters ice in Canada iment. Mr. irst Canadiai' ) the distance n eacli letter, being equiva- ble reduction crease in the rer the reduc- ng the intro- :atioiis of the On the 31st March, 1853, the Hon. James Morris was succeeded a.^ Postmaster General by the Hon. Malcolm Cameron . At the latter end of this year and the beginning of the year following the conveyance of the mails was transferred to the Northern Railway between Toronto and Bradford, and to the Great Western Railway between Suspension Bridge and Windsor. The Hon. Malcolm Cameron was succeeded by the Hon. Robert Spence, who assumed charge of the department on the lith September, 1854. In February, 1855, the money order system was first introduced into Canada. The system was at first confined to 84 post offices : it now embraces within its operations 229 offices. The mouth of May, 1850, was marked by the first voyage to the St. Lawrence of the line of Canadian Steamers, under contract with Hugh /' .*n, Esq., of Montreal, for the conveyance of the mails between Quebec and Liverpool in summer, and Portland and Liverpool in winter. In October, 1856, the Grand Trunk Railway, which had previously been completed as far westward as Brockville, was opened from the latter point to Toronto, and, in connection with the Great Western Railway, an unbiokeu line of postal communication established between Quebec in the east, and Windsor in the west. The following statement of the time occupied in the transit of a letter in winter between Quebec and the principsd cities and towns in Western Canada, in 1853 and in 1857, will give some idea of the improvement effected: — In 1853. In 1857. Quebec to Windsor 10^ days. 49 hours. " London 9" "■ 45 " ** Hamilton 8 '* 42 " Niagara 8 " 50 " Guelph 9 " 51 " Toronto 7 " 40 " " Cobourg 6 " 30 '• " Belleville 5 " 34 " '* Kingston 4 " 31 " " Brockville 3 " 29 << " Ottawa 3 " 24 " In August, 1857, the exemption of postage on newspapers was confined to newspapers transmitted from the office of publication to regular subscribers — all other newspapers being matle liable to charge. On the Ist February, 1858, Mr. Spence retired from office, and was succeeded as Postmaster General by the Hon. Sidney Smith. In May, 1857, the Canadiaii Ocean Steamers, under contract with Mr. Hugh Allan, commenced a weekly service between Quebec and Liverpool in summer, and Portland and Liverpool in winter. These steamers, and the Grand Trvuik Railway, between Portland and Quebec on the east, and Detroit on the west, which was completed a few month afterwards, have made Canada one of the great postal as well as commercial highways between Europe and the Western States, Closed mails are now carried under treaties with the several governments with regularity and despatch. In July, 1859, postage was re-imposed on newspapers sent from the office of publication to regular subscribers. Postage rates were computed in dollars and cents ; and letters addressed to any place in Canada, if posted unpaid, were subjected to an additional rate of two cents per half ounce. A large augmenta- tion continued to take pla y. fr every department of the post office ; the mails carried by the Ocean Steanivn-i especially, rapidly increased. The four mails of January, 1802, carried 30,000 letters from Canada, and brought 31,000 letters to the Province— a number far beyond the previous average of a raid-winter month. In May, 1802, Mr. Smitli resigned his office, and was succeeded, by the Hon. M. H. Foley, who now presides over the department. 14 The following statement will convey some idea of tho rapid growth of the postal system in this Province, since tho ti'ausfer to tho control of tho Colonial Government, in 1851 : — Year. No. of PoHt Omces. Number of Number of I No. of letters | Number of iiiilos of miles ofaiuiual carried by post llcKistercd PostRoutol Mail Travel. per anuuiii. Lutturu, Gross Eevcnuo. K;: pencil* (u-'OiCXpIi'- tivc of Rail" way Mail naymiMita. 1351 601 7595 2.487,000 2,132,000 • 1852 840 8018 2,930,000 3,430,000 3,700,000 «230.fi?!f) $276,191 298,723 361,447 449,726 486,886 1853 1016 9122 4,260,000 278,587 320,000 308,166 374,295 1854 1166 10,027 4,000,000 5,100,000 1856 1293 11,192 4,550,000 6,000,000 1856 1375 11,839 4,800,000 7,000,000 356,060 1857 1506 13,253 5,383,000 8,500,000 450,000 462,163 622,570 1868 1566 13,600 5,620,000 9,000,000 450,000 ; 641,153 64(5,374 1859 1638 13,871 5, 304,000 8,500, ^00 400,000 ■ 578,426 529,290 1860 1698 14,202 5,712,000 9,000,000 480,000 658,451 534,681 1861 1775 14,608 5,855,000 9,400,000 400,000 . 698,888 560,132- Uf tho 9,400,000 letters passing by post in 1861, tho seven cities supplied 4,250,000 ; as f(>llows :— Quebec 1,000,000 Montreal 1,400,000 Kingston 210,000 Ottawa 160,000 Toronto 900,000 Hamilton 360,000 London 230,000 Of the gross receipts collected in 1861, $628,000 was derived from letter postage, and $70,000 from postage on newspapers. owth of the tho Colonial tii''0,('XPlr- tivc of Rail" way Mail Tiaymi'iita. > $276, 19t 298,723 361,447 449,726 480,886 622,570 fi4(),374 529,290 534,681 560, 132' tiea supplied OOO 000 1)00 DOO [)00 LWO WO from letter AT QUEBEC. Fostmaater General : THE HON. M. H. FOLEY. Depntr Foitmaster General : WILLIAM H. GRIFFIN, ESQ. Accountant : H. A. WICKSTEED, ESQ. Secretary ; WILLTAM WHITE, ESQ. Superintendent of Money Order Department! P. LkSUEUR, ESQ. Cashier : JOHN ASHWORTH, ESQ. ^nm'^m. W. a SHEPPARD, ESQ Quebkc Division. E. F. KING, ESQ Montreal " M. SWEETNAM, ESQ Kingston " JOHN DEWfi, ESQ Toronto " GILBERT E. GRIFFIN, ESQ.... London " J%e Cotmtitt comprittd in each Divition are given on the next pnge. POSTAL DIVISIONS. The following are the Counties in the several Postal Divisions :— ' QUEBEC DIVISION. Ql Arthebaska. Kamouraska. Quebec. 1 Beauce. Levis. Richmond — Townships of Bullechasse. L'Islet. Kingsey and Shiptou Bonaventure. Lotbini^re. 1 only. Chanipiain. Megantiu. Rimouski. Charlevoix. Montmagny. Saguenay. Chicoutimi. Montmorency. Teaiiscouata. ^ Dorchester. Nicolet. Wolf. Gaap^. Portneuf. No pert tion in tl MONTREAL DIVISION r. allowed t( Argentenil. L'Assomption. St. Hyacinthe. On entt Bagot, Laval. St. Johns. ^oath or dt Beaiihamois. Maskinongd. St. Maurice. person ca declaratio Berthier. Missisquoi. Shefibrd. Brouie. Montcalm. Sherbrooke. I, (Na Chambly. Montreal (City.) Sherkrooko — (Town and here. ) do •11 P 'j-l 1 Chateauguay. Napiervillo. two Townships.) will faithl Compton. Ottawa. Soulanges. m the ser 1*11 1 Druinmond. Pontiac. Staiistead. bidden b Hochelaga. Richelieu. Terrebonne. Post Offic Huntingdon. Richmond — except Town- Two Mountains. This (o Iberville. ships of Kingsey and Vaudreuil. subscribe Jacques Cartior. Shipton. Verchferes. of Jolielte. Rouvillo. Yamaska. \" Laprarie. ^f KINQSTON DIVISION • !; Addington. Hastings. Prescott. '^: Carletou. Lanark. Prince Edward. The wc Dundaa. Leeds. Renfrew, «xhibitcc Frontenaa Lenox. Russell. A Lett Glengary. Northumberland. Stormont. the road Greuville. Peterboro'. same in ] A sepa • TORONTO DIVISION. pose, s 10 Bruce. Ontario. Waterloo. wherever 1 Durham. Peel. Wellington. such ace Grey. Simcoe. York. aceordini A 1 Halton. Victoria. At eve within d LONDON DIVISION. ( Where may be despatch Brant. Kent. Oxford. Elgin. Lamb ton. Perth. 1 lock and Essex. Lincoln. Welland. A bar- Haldiraand, Miilfllfispx_ Weiitworth, ? a post c Huron. Norfolk." bar-roon k.ia^'KiiiBw* iv^Mff f I CANADIAN POSTAL GUIDR •Townships of and Shiptou he. — (Town uships.) ams. and ard^ §\{U^ mA §tp\Ut%0M. i OFFICERS. No person under sixteen years of ago is permitted to hold any sitna- Ago. tion in the Post office, to liave access to the letters or papers, or is allowed to have charge of the mail. On entering the service of the Post office it is necessary to make an^^^lritlo* ^oath or declaration in the prescribed form before a Magistrate ; and no"^'' Serson can be permitted lo perform any official duty until this oath or eclaration is signed. The following is the form of oath or declaration : I, (Name uf person and capacity in which employed, to be inserted here.) do solemnly and sincerely promise and (swear or affirm) that I will faithfully perform all the duties required of me by my employment in the service of the Post Office, and will abstain from everything for- bidden by the I aws for the Establishment and Government of the Post Office Department in Canada.— So Help mb God. This (oath or affi.rmation) was taken and subscribed before me, the day ' of 186 . _ .J. P. POST OFFICE. The words "Post Office," in large and conspieuoua letters, should be exhibited outside every building in which a Post Office is kept. A Letter Box should also be fixed, with an opening accessible from the road or street, the words "Letter Box" being painted over the same in plain legible characters. A separate office or apartment, conveniently fitted up for the pur- pose, should be provided by the postmaster for conducting the business wherever the duties are sufficiently extensive or important to require Buch accommodation. The internal tittinjjs of the office should vary according to the nature of the duties. At every principal office there shoiild be a lobby or standing place within doors for the accommodation of parties applying at the office. Where the Postmaster General may consider that a separate room may be dispensed with, the letters and papers, both for delivery and despatch, are to be kept in a secure place, and, if practicable, under lock and key. . , , , r A bar-room or public room in a tavern is never to be made use of as a post office, nor should the entrance to a post office be through a bar-room. Sign. Letter Boa. Snparato (illice. Lobby. WHipre s«- paiate otfies ikotrequiraA Ba.-room not to b* used. 18 Unautho' riled per- •oni. Sltufttlon* Protection. No person except the postmaster or his sworn assistant should, on any pretence whatever, be allowed to have access to the letters and papers in a post oftico. A Post Office should be in a convenient and central situation, and must not bo removed from one part of a town, village, or sottlomont, to another without the approval first obtained of the Postmaster General. Postmasters are required to take every precaution to secure their offices against burglary and fire. Principal Country officev. Sundays, Canada West. Sundays, Canada East. Nothse of hours* OFFICE HOURS. At the principal Post Offices in Canada the hours of opening and closing are regulated by the Postmaster General. In country places Postmasters are required to keep their offices open during the usual hours of bminess in the locality, and to attend at such other hours as may be necessary to receive and despatch the mails. On Sundays Postmasters in Canada West are at liberty to close their offices to the public. When an office in Canada West is closed to the public on Sundaj* it must be closed to all persons alike, and no exceptional or partial delivery to particular persons can be allowed. In Canada East, Postmasters keep their offices open on Sundays at least one hour either before or after Divine Service, as may be most convenient to tlie public generally. A Notice, stating the hours at which the office is opened and closed, should be posted in every office, in such a position as may be readily observed by the public. Canada rail ways. Canada common roads. liower Provinces. Postal routes to the several portions of the world. Do. to North American Continent, Isthmus of Panama, W. jnf*5cs, vtjC- Mails for England. MAILS. • Mails are conveyed twice each way every day, except Sunday, over the principal lines of railway in Canada. Over the less important lines of railway they are carried only once each way every day, except Sunday. Mails are also conveyed once each way every day, except Simday, over the principal lines of common road ; and once, twice, or three times per week over the less important lines of common road. The postal communication between Canada and the Lower Provinces is three times per week each way vid Quebec, and once per fortnight each way by Cunard Steamers vid Boston and Halifax. Also twice per week each way in summer vid Portland. The most speedy and direct postal route from Canada to almost every portion of the globe, with the exception of the Continent of North America, the Isthmus of Panama, and a portion of the West India Islands having direct communication with New York, is by way of England, from whence mails for the several British Colonies and Foreign Countries mentioned in the tables at pages 36, 37, 38, and 39, are regularly despatched. The most speedy and direct postal route from Canada to all parts of the Continent of North America, the Isthmus of Panama, and a por- tion of the West India Islands having direct coramimication with New York, is vid New York. Mails for England are despatched twice in each week from Canada, viz. : once by Canadian Steamer sailing every Saturday, from Quebec 19 iatant should, on ) the letters and al situation, and 3, or sottlomont, the Postmaster to secure their of opening and iheir offices open id to attend at id despatch the rty to close their iblic on Sundaj* ional or partial . on Sundays at as may be most med and closed, I may bo readily )t Sunday, over important lines ry day, except except Stmday, twice, or three X road. iower Provinces ce per fortnight Also twice per to almost every inent of North he West India , is by way of I Colonies and 37, 38, and 39, t to all parts of ma, and a por- ation with New c from Canada, y, from Quebec in Summer and from Portland in Winter ; and once by Cunard Steamer, sailing every Wednesday, either from New York or Boston. The following Post Offices in Canada make up mails direct for certain Post Offices in the United Kingdom, viz. :— Hamilton, Montreal, Toronto, Quebec. Kingston, m n f Mails are exchanged daily with the United States post offices at all ^*iU^<* the principal frontier points, and closed mails are exchanged daily 8ta»M. between the principal cities of Canada and New York and Boston. „,,, -^ Mails are also made up at Quebec, Montreal, and Toronto, for Hali- foweV fax, Nova Scotia, and for St. John's, Newfoundland, and despatched Provinoefc to destination by Cunard Steamer, sailmg from Boston, every alter- nate Wednesday. RATES OF POSTAGE ON LETTERS. The rate of PoHtago on pre-paid Letters between anyplace i^/^^nada g^ada snd and any other place in Canada, and on pr (( (( (( 10 cts. 15 cts. 2 " 20 cts. 2i " 25 cts. And so on, 5 cents being charged for every additional ^ oz., or fractici of a half ounce. If the weight be exceeded to the smallest extent, even though theExcMiof balance be merely turned, the letter becomes liable to an additional weight. Letters addressed to any place within the Provir je of Canada, if sentUnpaW unpaid, are liable to a charge of 7 cents per i oz. The charge on local or drop Letters, viz. , letters posted at an office Drop letters in Canada for delivery from that office, is one cent for each letter. The charge on letters delivered by Letter Carrier, in Canada, is two f/^tte™ d«. cents for each letter in addition to the ordinary postage. carriers. " Letters for Nova Scotia, specially addressed by '* Cunard Steamer, j^^^^g^^Ia sailing from Boston to Liverpool vlA Halifax, every alternate Wednes-^^^ Halifax, day, are liable to 12 ^ cents per ^ oz., which can be pre-paid or not at the option of the sender. xt # j Letters for Newfoundland are liable to a rate of 20 cents per i oz., jje^;"""*" which must bo pre-paid. -a ■<.'• ■h The rate of postage on letters to British Columbia and Vancouver s B^iUsh^ Island is 25 cents per ^ oz. , which must be pre-paid. The rate of postage on letters to Red River, vid the United States, is Bed Elver. 10 cents per \ oz., which may be pre-paid oi not at the option of the sender. . ^ , j The rate of postage on letters between any place m Canada and any United place in the United States, except California and Oregon, is 10 cents Sta'-e"- per^oz., which may either be pre-paid or not, at the option of the sender. •nd Oregon flw1«» of wdKht United KiiiKdoiii, Osnudltii StAAiiierR. Cuiiard itaauiurs. M«»ln of wal«ht. nI.v?o"ir*(Mnf'';!f!"'^" on lettors hotwoon any place in Onnada an.l any piiu,o in (..ihfoiina .)r ()roK.)n \n 15 c..nt« nor k oz.. wliich muv U pro-paul or not lit tl.u option nf th« BoudtT w"'U. n.uy b« riio Hcuh. of woijrht uu.lnr wliicl. th<, iil.ovo loitcrH aro cliurL'c.l ia th. ThoHingl,, ruto of poi^URo on lottcTH botwoon any placo in Cunad* Jiy C:ina(liiin Stoanicr, Hiiilinir uvory Satnrduv from Onnhun in H„.„ mor and fro„, I'ortlan.l in Wintor, J'4 cont" woXIndllJlVSr' ""'"'' "'''""' ''■"'" ^'^^ '^"••^ "•' """*"" «^«^y Lottu.vs u.Mrosfiod to tl.o lT„itod Kingdom and forwanlod l.v oithor of tl above ron OH, will bo d,arfr...l a.Tordin« to tho follow!, !„cIlo >v nch ,t wdl bo soon .lilbTs fron, tin, H.ali <.f woight under wS lottors passn.g botwoeu plaoos in Canmia aro taxed :- LettorH not woi^dli^lg over ^ an ..z., I rato. '^' weighing njoiv than ^ oz. a.ul nc.t exceed. I oz. 2 rates .t/-"l"o,n"-';;"''^''"^' *'"'' ''"*'' ^"^ "^"''y '«l^"fci«"''l ounce or /rac^tcm The postage on all lottors posted in Canada for the United Kinirdom and ,n the Un.tod Kn.gdon, for Canada, shoul.l bo pr.-paid. '^"'*''*""'' f sent ni.paul (kI storling will bo charged on each letter on deliverr in addition to the onlinaiy j.ostage rate "tiivery Dc.,mM,l,VK;. "S*"''^r'^'^ in Cana.ia for the United Kingdom, and in tho United Slir'^' ;,n;, ' -who or , r"p''' T '^*''^I";|''^'^"' "• f^^ lir«t man that i» n.uio up— wliothor for tho Canadian or (^unai quired. Unpaid letters. British Co loiiicN and Foreiifii Ooun tries'. •pocify h dutaohnii^ a The 4. Tho ■oaiiian. All tho the follov being init Fron H. (JJerv itiK CD., Ca] 11. To A JJ. {Ifert thi Letters or tliroug rate, but bo charge Soldier re-dire'5ti( All sole the Unite Letters or master Hchoolnitu^ included but are c Soldien • with tho a cordance they arj ] Kingdom^ Bate. Oondit' SOLDIERS' AND SEAMENS' LETTERS jJon-Commissionod Officers, Embodied Pensioners, Seamen, and Solders, and Arn.ySchoo masters of all but first class while th^y are employed in Her Majesty's Service, can send and recei've le ter It th^ '■? ^J *7 cents each under tlio following regulations :- i. Hid two cents must be paid at the time the letter is posted. 3. ^h« name of the soldier or sailor, his class or description, and th« name of the ship corps, or detachment to which he belonls m st S «P«c,faed m tho. d,r.ction of th. letter ; and in the ca«e oftet era .eS by soldiers or seamen, the officer in command must siguL name ani The lai held to n each wee) general u Althouj post, it ii mission ; A newi ioilowiug nadfv ntiil any liiuh iiiuy b« :]iurKcy dither of lowing Hcalo, under which . 2 rates. 4 " « « 8 «' > or fraction thr,r command- inq (fjficf.r) II.M.S. To A. R., Seaman, Jl.M.S. (Jitrt tht direction to he fiuinhed) From A. U. , Sergeant, . _^liegiment {Here interl dirtction of the Utter.) C, D., Colonel (or otlwr comtnaud' inij Ojficcr) iletjiment AddrMib To A.n., Private C.S'crf/. or CorpU) llfgiment , {Here the direction to hefiniihed.) Letters for Holdiura or seamen may be forwarded at tho above rate to or throu;,di any country requiring the payment of any foreign or transit rate, but subject to the paymcjit of such foreign or transit rate, as may bo chargeable thereon. Soldiers and seamena letters are not liable to any additional rate on re-direotion. AH soldiers' and soauuMis' letters are conveyed between Canada and the United Kingdom by the Canadian lino of steamers. Letters sent to or by cuinmissioned or warrant officers, midshipmen or master's mates, engineers m the navy, cai)tain's clerks or fiist-chiss iichool masters, or conimisHioncd or warrant otticers in the army, are not included ni the privilege attached to letters of soldiers and seamen but are chargeable witii tho saino rates as ordinary letters. * Soliliera and seainens letters posted in Canada without a compliance > with tho above regulations are liable to full postage. If posted in ac- cordance with tho above regulations but without pre- payment of 2 cents they arj liable to a charge of 2d. sterling on delivery in the United Kingdom. Suhjiiot to Iiro-pa.v" lllf'llt of transit rate* tiuii. Convcyancab Ticttera for coDimiii> Nionud oiD* ccri, Ac TiOttera pouted without irumplianoa with reRU* latioua. RATES OF POSTAGE ON NEWSPAPERS. The law declares that for post ofhco purposes a newspaper shall bo DeOnitkm. held to mean a periodical published not less frequently than onco in each week, and containing notices of passing events, thr4 is to sav general news. " Although provision is made for forwarding newspapers through tho ^»" ^ •*"• post, It IS not compnlsory on any one to employ this mode of trans- ?hanT^ miaaion ; everything except letters may be sent in any other way. p"«t. ' A newspaper to pass at the undermentioned r-aton ih onKi^^f ♦^ ♦!,- «-*_:^.. ioiiowiug rtiBtiictioni :— '"'"' "^ """ ^'='"-"= SS; 22 Bztra or luppleroent Canada commuted rate when a4;nt from otBte of publication, 1. It must have no cover, or a cover open at both ends^ 2. It must not contain any enclosure. 3. It must have no writing or mark thereon but the name and address of the person to whom it is sent, nor anything on the cover except such name and address. Newspapers which are not posted in accordance with these regula- tions are not forwarded. An extra newspaper or a supplement to a newspaper is deemed a ' distinct newspaper, and charged accordingly. Newspapers published in Canada may be sent by post from the office of publication to any place in Canada at the following rates, if paid quarterly in advance, either by the publisher at the post office where the papers are posted, or by the subscriber at the post office where the papers are delivered. For a paper published 6 times per week, 40 cents per quarter. (( 3 2 1 << If commut- ed rate not prepaid. Payment of commuted in advance by either the Trtnalent papers. Publishers •nbscription ■ooounts and receipts Packets of returned papers. Bate to United States. Prom United States. American papers. Commuted rate not ap- plicable to tJ, 8. papers. Semi-Month ly, Monthly, "When the above rates are not paid ... „«,„..vc uy vimvi ma publisher or subscriber the papers are charged 1 cent each on delivery. It is not necessary that the commuted rate on newspapers should bo paid absolutely on the first day of each quarter. The regulation is intended to be carried out with all possible consideration for the con- venience of the public, and it will be sufficient if the person desiring to pay the commuted rate declares his intention and offers the pny- ment when first calling at the office within a reasonable time after the commencement of the quarter ; but after having made his option to pre-pay the commuted charge, or to pay for his papers as received at one cent each, as the case may be, postmasters are not expected to alter their newspaper accounts to allow of a change until the com- mencement of the next quarter. The commuted rate of payment can be accepted from new subscribers during a quarter for any unexpired period of the quarter not less than a month. Newspapers published in Canada which are not posted from the office of publication, must be pre-paid one cent each by postage stamps, otherwise they will not be forwarded. Publishers of newspapers in Canada are allowed to enclose in copies of their papers sent to subscribers, subscription accounts, and receipts tor the same, without rendering them liable to any additional postage. Packets of unbound newspapers published in Canada may be returned by a subscnber to the office of publication, at the rate of 2 cents per 8 oz. or fraction of 8oz., which must be pre-paid. Transient newspapers addressed to the United States must be pre-paid one cent each by postage stamp, otherwise they will not be forwarded Newspapers posted in the United States and addressed to Canada are liable to one cent each on delivery. The stamp paid on these papers indicates that the United States postage only has been pre-paid, the Cr-nadian rate of one cent remaining to be collected American newspapers posted or re-posted in Canada must ha nre- paul one cent each, by stamp, otherwise they will not be forwai-ded". The option of paying the commuted rate on newspapers does not apply to papers published in the United States : they must be paid for at the full rate of one cent each. Canadi? nnpaid, v such news Newspa must be p Newspa United K Newspa one penny Newspa pre-paid o If forwj no additio If forwi two cents British each, by s1 British bookseller! Canadian i Canadia: (ubseribera vinces, (fcc. applicable warded if Exchang publishers free throug No new! voted to ( science, is periodicals, clusively tc Newspap each, by sti The rate countries \ These tabh Cunard Ste No Unite exception < thiough the In cities and publish to admit o from their «Iso should should be p! When th( of the othe States, and uncalled for tri-weekly, Oiie month ; ■lich newspf party to w] Is. the name and g on the cover I these regulo- iv IB deemed a from the office J rates, if paid st office where ffice where the r quarter. (( (( (( by either the ih on delivery, pers should bo i regulation is m for the con- >erson desiring offers the pny- time after tho e his option to as received at •t expected to until the com- ew subscribera r not less than sted from the ostage stamps, iclose in copies », and receipts* my additional ay be returned of 2 cents per ust be pre-paid bo forwarded, ised to Canada paid on these been pre-paid, must ha pre- forwaixJed. ipors does not «8t be paid for Canadian news agents and booksellers may post American newspapers News unpaid, when addressed to regular subscribers in tlvj Province ; but '^^"'''• such newspapers are charcjeable on delivery witli one cent e.icli. Newspapers posted in Canada and addressed to tho United Kingdom Rate to U. must be pre-paid by stamp, one cent eacli. kiiit'dom.* Newspapers forwarded by Canadian Steamer are deli^'ered in the ByCanadian United Kingdom without additional charge. Steamers. Newspapers forwarded by Cunard Steamer are liable on delivery to By Cunard one penny each, being the American transit rate. steamers. Newspapers posted in the United Kingdom for Canada should be From U. pre-paid one penny each, by stamp. Kingdom. If forwarded by Canadian Steamer tlicy are subject on delivery to BvCanadian no additional charge. "^ .Steamers. If forwarded by Cunard Steamer tlioy arc subject on delivery to l!v Cunard two cents each, being the American transit rate. sioamers. British newspapers re-posted in Canada must bo pre-paid 1 cent Brit, papsrs each, by stamp. reposted. British newspapers distributed to rogukr subscribers by Canadian Brit paners booksellers or agents pass free in the same way as if received by the polled by Canadian Steamers. agents. Canadian newspapers addressed from tlio office of publication tocommnt«,i Bubscribera m the United States, the United Kingdom, Lower Pro- rate oa^ vmces, (fee, may be forwarded on pre-pay ment of the commuted rate "^'^^'fPapers applicable to subscribers witliin the Province ; but they cannot be foi'-mu'Sr' ■warded if unpaid. Canada. Exchange papers passing between publishers in Canada end between Fxehanir.. publishers in Canada and publishers in the United States, are carried /rce^ free through the post. No newspaper, properly so called (except exchanges), whether de- Xo otlier votea to education, temperance, agriculture, or to any branch oi'^^^^^'P- science, is entitled to exemption from cliarge. The law exempts onlvci™ "" periodicals, other than newspapers, prhited in Canada, and devoted e^. ^^'*^'' clusively to the above objects. Newspapers addressed to Newfoundland must be pre-paid two cents Newfound- each, by stamp. ^ lami. The rates on newspapers addressed to British Clonics and foreign British r„. countries will be found in the tables at pages 36, 37. 38, 3!» and 40 iii(!saud 1 l'"orei!;n '■"J Countries. These tables give the rates : 1, by Canadian Ocean 'SteamersT 2, Cunard Steamers : and 3, by the United States. No United States newspapers of any kind or description (with the No United exception of exchange papers) are on any ground entitled to pass Sf^tesnaper tniough the Canadian mails free of postage. exempt. .v,"^" "ur^'l ''"V^^,^^^ ^here newspapeiv, are published, tlie printers „„w to b. and publishers should send them to the post ofticc put up in a manner fonTard o,! to admit of their being readily counted, and if nece;5sary witlulriMvn ''■"'" l"'*'-'- from their covers for examination. The newspapers for each office"''^"'" "'"'''' also saould be made up in strong paper in a sep:iratc parcel, which should be plainly addressed. -\^'^^" 5^^ """J^f 9^ ^ news])aper pnl)lis]ied in Canada or in either N„tifi,.«,io„ of the other British North American Provinces, or in the Thiited t^' i «>bl^r^^^^^ States, and issued daily, have remained in a post ofiico in Canada Vr"" """' uncalled for during two weeks ; of a newspaper issu(>d semi-v.eeklv, or ■^'• tn-weekly, during three weeks ; of a newsn.'-per issued weeklv, daiin«' one mon^h ; and of a monthly periodica) during two inonlli.s,' or wlien ■tich newspapers and periodicals have been refused to bn taken by the party to whom addressed, the postmaster is instructed to i;otify the |i '! ''hicSosures •11 news- papers. 24 respective publishers in tlie proper form, which is to pass free of postage. If the newspaper or periodical continues to arrive aftet the notice has been sent, the postmaster is instructed to notify the pub- Usher in the same way a soconrl time, specially calling his attention to the first notice given. To enclose a letter, or any writing, or to make any written marks to serve the jnirposes of a letter, or to enclose any other thing (except jjublishers' accounts and receipts, as before mentioned) in a newspaper posted to pass as a newspaper, is a misdemeanor. Postmasters are re- quested at once to transmit all newspapers containing such writing, marks, and enclosures to the Postmaster General. Definition. Rito to Cnii!icl;i and V. Slates. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. Periodical Publications are publications issued at regular intervals, but less frequently than once per week. Periodical Publications can bo transmitted by post to any part of Canada and the United States at the following rates : — For every periodical publication weighing not more than 3 0J5. in weight 1 cent, OverSoz. in weight 4 cents. Pro.pay'mt The above rates must invariably be pre-paid by postage stamps. It pre-paid by postage stamps and sent from the office of publication, periodicals published in Canada weighing over 3 oz. pass for two cents each. Periodical publications received from the United States are liable to the rates above mentioned, viz. : If not exceeding 3 oz. 1 cent ; if exceeding 3 oz. 4 cents. Canadian Booksellers and News Agents may post British, American or Pi'ovincial periodicals for distribution to regular subscribers unpaid. If sent unpaid they will, when exceeding the weight of 3 oz., be subject to 4 cents. Canadian Booksellers and News Agents may also post for transmis- sion by mail in Canada small periodicals, whether Canadian, British or United States, weighing less than 1 oz., such as the Children's Paper, Cliild's Paper, The Play Hour, The Carrier Dove, The Sabbath School Visitor, The Evangelizer, The Gospel Message, The Good News, and others of a like description, in packages to one address, at the rate of 6 cents per pound, or fraction of a pound bulk weight, provided that the said Ne .va Agent.^ and Booksellers pre-pay such packages by postage stamps. This must not \>e understood as imposing a charge on Canadian periodicals entitled to pass free. Periodicals printed in Canada other than newspapers when specially devoted to education, meaning the instruction of youth, (both religious and general), to agriculture, to temperance, or to any branch of science, and addressed directly from the ofhce of publication to be transmitted to any post-oflice in Canada, are conveyed by mail free of charge. Such periodicals must not contain general news or advertisements or they forfeit their claim to exemption. A periodical devoted to education to pass free must be either strictly scholastic in its subject matter, or manifestly adapted and intended for juvenile as distinguislied from adult instruction. It is in this primary sense that tiie word Education, whether ndigious or secular, is under- stood to bo used. Religious publications are not as a class entitled to exemption from charge. The law exempts only those wliich come within the foregoing definitions. iSent. from (tnblicalion oflicn. Prom United Stutcs. [f posted by booksellers or news agents. ."^niall peri- octicals posted liy bookHi'llers and news aKents. Periodicals px'jmptrrom puslago. T".'T!1T?K|*'?"^*™T' "■ to pass free of arrive aftei tha notify the pub- g his attention ritten marks to r thing (except in a newspaper tmasters are re- l such writing, »gular intervals, to any part of re ,.. 1 cent. ... 4 cents. ge stamps. I of publication, , pass for two « .tes are liable to oz. 1 cent ; if itish, American scribera unpaid. i oz., be subject st for transmis- iian, British or lildren's Paper, Sabbath School ood News, and I, at the rate of provided that ages by postage rge on Canadian I when specially (both religioiis anch of science, be transmitted f charge. Such lements or they D either strictly nd intended for in this primary cular, is under- class entitled to ISO wluch come 25 No United States periodical of any kind or description can, upon any ground, claim exemption from Canadian postage. Parcels of unbound periodicals may be returned by a subscriber to the office of publication at the rate of two cents per 8 oz. or fraction of 8 oz. Periodicals to pass at the above rates must be put up in covers open at the ends or sides, and if these regulations are not strictly complied with, or if such periodicals are found to contain any writing other than the address, they are liable to full letter rates of postage. No packet of periodicals can be forwarded through the post if ex- ceeding the weight of 48 oz. Bound volumes of any periodical published in Canada may be for- warded at the rates and under the conditions described under the article Book Post, US.periodi- cals not ex- einpt. Returned periodicals. Conditions Not to ««• cecd 18 01. Bound peK- odicals. BOOK POST. Books bound or unbound posted in Canada, and addressed to any office m Canada, British North America and the United States, are chargeable with a rate of 1 cent per oz., which must be pre-paid by postage stamps. Book packets are forwarded by post from Canada to the United Kingdom, and vtce versa, by Canadian Steamers only, at the following rates : — ." s For each packet weighing not more than 4 oz., 7 cents. '' " exceeding 4 oz. and not exceed. A lb., 12i cts. " " " * lb. " " 1 " 25 " " " " 1 " " " U" 371 " U" " " 2 " 50 ■• And so on, adding 12| cents for each additional half pound, or frac- tion of half a poimd weight. Book packets, printed matter, or single newspapers, can be forwarded ir^^r ^^'^^^^ *o France, or oice versd, by Canadian Steamers only, at the following rates : — ^' If not exceeding 2 oz. in weight 5 cents If exceeding 2 oz. and not exceeding 4 oz. .. 10 " 4 " " 8" ;.;:; 20 «' 8 " " lib 40 " ^'^rS'J^V^ ""^'^'"^ 20 cents for each additional i lb. or fraction of Alb ine toUowiug conditions must be carefully observed — 1. Every book packet must be either without a cover or in a cover open at the ends . 2. It must not contain any letter open or sealed, or any sealed enclosure wliatever. *' 3. It must not exceed two feet in length, breadth, or width. 4. liie po.stage must be pre-paid by stamps. A book packet may contain any number of separat.-^ books, publica tions, works .^f literature or art, almanacs, maps or prints, photographs, daguerreotypes, when not on glass or in frames containing ghL and any quantity of paper, vellum, or parchment (to the exclusion of ^l^lll' , -^'^ ^''^^'' '"'■'P'' P*^^'"' *''•' ^*^y ^^ either written, E- ^ n^iP'^^'V' ""^^""y ""^t"re of the three, and may be either Joritisn, Uolonial or Forftio'n AH legitimate binding, mounting, or covering of the same, or a por- Wlini'7 ' 7\" ^'^ allowed as part of the packet, whether such mnclmg, tfec, be loose or attached, as also rollers in the case of prints Catiads, B. N. Ame- rica, and United States. United Kingdom. Scale of charge. France. Scale of charge. Conditioaa Contents o' a book packet. m t -i ! 4: Bender's ad dress per- mittoa on cover. Books car- ried at par> eel rates. Cannot be aeut by Ounard Steamers. Bound vol- umes of newspapers or periodi- eals. Book packets for United KiHKdom Improperly poBted. Do. insufH- oiently paid Letters en- closed ill book packets, British Co. lonies and Foreign •CountrjeH. 26 and maps, unci whatever may be necessary for the safe transmission of iterary c,r .u-t.stic matter, or whatever usually appe?tainT heretrand the postage .s rated upon the gross weight of the packet ' . Ihe nw.u and address of tlie sender, and anything else not in the nature of a letter may also bo written knd printed on tl e enJebpe o? cover of the packet, m addition to the name and address r/tirZson to whom it may be forwarded. person . Books addressed to places in Canada can be sent through the mails inclosed packets for the same rates of postage as parcels ° Books cannot be forwarded except at letter rates of posta-e by the Boston "^' '^'^ ^^'^'^^'' '^"^""^ ^^•'"' New York and if S^i'mnriT^" *^^ ''''^ poriodical or newspaper published in Canada, If bound m a form to come withni mailable dimensions, that is to say JlL n^-"f ^•'^''i* ^"^•^"F'^' ^''^-^^^^' «^' thickness nor exceedSi fn Ani/f 't!"^^' ^'V'"* *'^'" ^^^ «ffi°" °^ publication to any placf ni Canada at a charge of two cents per 8 oz.s. or fraction of 8 ozs ^ Should a book packet jiddressed to the United Kingdom be nested unpaid, or with a pre-payment of less than 7 cents, or^ be endowed in fiedTwn hf " t'^f^.''t' ^r'^^"^^ '' ^'^^^'^ *he dimensions specU nea, it will bo sent to the Dead Letter Office o■,ll^ ^''''^ ^'*f ^' addressed to the United Kingdom be posted insuffi- W h^i''"P*'^'r^ It appears that at least the single rate of 7 cents has been ;nre-paid such packet will be forwarded to its destinatkm Sx'at^t ri'"^"^^ ''''''' ^^""^^ ^ *^« ^^^--^' - each, to be and liable aa flgurea and nient of one t)d Kingdom ley mnat be I enveloi>e8, 27 Prices current, posted in Canada and addressed to any place in the T'riccs cur- United Kingdom, are liable to a rate of 2 cents each, which must beT-"V'i pre-paid by stamp. KiSom. Lithographed letters and circulars are allowed to pass through the Post Mtluicmph- at tlio saoiij rate as printed circulars, cd l(.ttcis and ciro'lars PRINTED VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT AND COLONIAL LEGISLATrRES. The special rate under which printed Votes and Proceedings of tho Imperial Parliament and Colonial Legislatures were formerly trans- mitted in the English mails, has been abolished, and such matter now passes to and from the United Kingdom at the ordinary book post charge. PARCEL POST. Parcels closed at the ends and sides, and not exceeding 3 lbs. in weight, Xot to «• may be posted at any post-office in Canada for conveyance to any other cuud 3 its. post-office in Canada at the following rates : — For each parcel weighing not more than 1 lb 25 cts. Scalo of Exceeding 1 lb. and not exceeding 2 lbs 50 " charge. 2 " " " 3 " '.' 75 '« The following conditions must be carefully observed :— Cnndifo-K. 1. No letter or letters shall be enclosed. carded! "'' 2. The parcel sliall not contain any explosive substance, glass, liquids, or other matter likely to injure the ordinary contents of the mail. 3. The weight of the parcel shall not exceed 3 lbs., nor the size ex- ceed one foot in length or breadth, or six inches in thickness. 4. The postage must be pre-paid by stamps. .5. The parcel .should have the words " P)y Parcel Post,'* plainly written on the address. It should be well and strongly put up, and be legibly addressed to the post-office address of the intended receiver, the name of the County in which the said office is situated being added'. If the name and address of the sender be written on the parcel itSonder'a will; if delivery should fail from any cause, be returned fiom tlie Dead "«^o on Letter Office unopened to the sender, on payment of an additional *'^'^"^'''^* rate for the return conveyance. If the number of stamps affixed to a parcel be insufficient to pro-pay T'niTclx in- the proper rate, the amount deficient will bo rated unpaid, with a fine '*"''''''':"tly of 10 Ceuis ill addition. pi-t;-pa»d. Ill '11 SS!'"^ .cwS^""??" ^^ registered on pre-payment, by stamp, of five cents in parcels. addition to the po jtage. When registered the Postmaster should -ive a receipt to the pa:ty posting the parcel. Contents allowed in parcels. Enclosure Parcels sent by post may contain books, daguerreotypes, photo- graphs, printers' proof and copy, military returns, stated and rolls contannng written hgures and signatures; returns, deeds, legal feUers' ti-^usmissions of a like character not being strictly of letior:s-in.,J^ ^'"'^f ^ f i''**^- °^ ^''**^^',' P"" ''"^ ^"*^"S intended to serve the parcels. P"ipofce ot a letf.er, in a parcel intended for the Parcel Post in a mis- demeanour. Should it be ascertained that a packet posted for the Parcel Post contains a letter or Letters, the stamps it may bear will be canceUed, and the parcel rated as a letter with full unpaid rates. Parcels cann ^t be transmitted by post at the above rates to any place beyond the lim is of the Province of Canada. ^ P.arcel post CDiiIiiicii to Cauad.i. Address. Matter ex- empt from poscage.^ The followiig is an example of the address recommended :- £]/ Parcel Post. Mr. Thomas Jooies, Paisley, County of Bruce, Sent by William Smith, Toronto. FRANKING AND FREE LETTERS. Tlie -ollowing matter is exempt from Provincial Postage : All letters and other mailable matter addressed to or sent bv the Governor General of Canada, or addressed to or sent by aSy Public Dopai tment at the seat of Government. ^ ^ All lettei-3 and other mailable matter addressed to or sent bv the Speaker or Chief Clerk of the Legislative Council or of the Le-^isla tive Assembly ; or to or by any Member of the Legislature at the'Seat of G overnaient during any Session of the Legislature, or addressed to any of the Members or Officers in this Section mentioned at the Seat .- (_53i„i_.;,s vouacii vx irejjiSiauvB iissembiy, to any [ember during th All paj Canada, i either du ■ Public Iclauses, s tion of tl Jjurpose • same. All let Postmast- Post Offic to pass fr Letters Idora and inents, ai f:^ Postma fases only Letters ' Postage Ushers an without c] All oth ipecially r Utter or p All lett( month, ej tee advert the public If a neT iirected t( Insertion t Parties +1,^ I f five cents in sr shoiilcl give ypes, photo- :es and rolls, deeds, legal >eing strictly to serve the Post m a mis- Parcel Post be cancelled, to any place 1:- sent by the any Public sent by the he Legisla- at the Seat ddressed to at the Seat before the Speaker or ibiy, to any 91 Member of either of the «aid branches of the Legislature of Canada during the recess of Parliament. ' All papers printed by order of either branch ci the Legislature of Canada, sent by Members of either branch of the said Legislatures either during the Session or recess. ' • Public documents and printed papers sent under the two foregoing' fclauses, should bear, as part of the address, the *cjia Jide superscript^ tion of the Speaker, Chief Clerk, or officer specially deputed for this l)urpose to act for those functionaries, or of the Member sending the same. All letters to and from the Postmaster General and the Deputy Poatmastef General ; and all official communications to and from the Post Office Department and to and from the Post Office Lispectors, are to pass frea of any Provincial postage. Letters on Her Majesty's service passing between the United King- dom and Canada, to or from the following Imperial tMilitary Depart- ments, are exempt from Canadian postage : Military Secretary. Adjutant General. / Quarter-Master General. Commissariat Department. Barrack Department. Medical Department (including Purveyors.) Comptroller of Army Expenditure. Military Accountant. Royal Engineer Department. Regimental Paymaster and Officers Commanding. Sifrnatiire required to addresses. P. M. G.. D.P.M G. & Post Office (usjiectors. Military de- par tin (!ritM and ofDoers. I f ABATING AND REFUNDING POSTAGE. Postmasters in Canada are allowed to refund postage in the following ^ases only ; — * Letters charged as weighiiig more than the actual weight. ' Postage incorrectly charged on editor's notices addressed to pub- lishers and editors, and exchange papers, which should legally iiass without charge. o j i • All other claims for the return or abatement of postage must be Specially referred to the Postmaster General for his decision, with the letter or packet on which the return is claimed. Postmastere may refund Charpros for over weight. On editors' notices and excliauges. Other cases to bo re- ferred to Postmaster General. UNDELIVERED AND DEAD LETTERS. All letters remaining undelivered in a post office on the first of each month, excepting drop letters and such letters as are daily called for are advertized in a list posted at the office door for the information of the public. If a newspaper is published in the neighbourhood the Postmaster is •irected to insert this list therein, provided the proprietor will on8ii tie registration ? it practicable madu, from its lace in Canada dom, or parts rt of despatch. Icient stock nf it, 6 cents, 10 nps equivalent slopes axe sold •ftt ■ingly at eents eaeh ; 06 eenis yr doieu ; |5.60 per hundred. The 10 cent envelopM are sold singly at 11 cents each ; |1.26 per dozen ; |10. 60 per hundred. jl^,^ ^ With the approval of the Postmaster General, postage stamps are deaiors. ■old to certain dealers to retail again to the public. _ Pre-payment of letters should, in ftll oases where practicable, bemonUn.* made by postage stamps. Htampi. A mutilated stamp, or a stamp cut in half, is not recognized in pre- Mutilated payment of postage. stamps. A medallion stamp cannot be accepted in pre-payment of postage if Medallion •eparated from the envelope of which it may have formed a part. stamps. No British stamps, or stamps of a foreign country, can be received British and in pre-payment of postage in Canada. foreign In affixing the stamp to the letter wet slightly the comer of the Mode of •nvelope and the gummed side of the stamp, and gently press the affixingr. stamp till it is firmly fixed. Stamps should be placed on the front or address side of the letter, and on the right hand upper comer. Letters cannot be pre-paid partly in stamps and partly in money ; the Partial pay postage must be pre-paid either wholly in stamps, or wholly in money. ™^"* *"• If the stamps affixed to a letter addressed to any place in British Insufflcient North America be not adequate to the propier postage, the letter is men^f^" rated with an amount equal to the deficiency. Letters addressed to the United States, on which stamps are affixed Do. United representing less than the amount of postage to which the letters are States. liable, are rated with full unpaid postage. Postage stamps are received at all post offices in payment of postage stamps ro- on impaid letters delivered therefrom. 5oS/*" MONEY ORDERS. Post offices in Canada at which money orders are issued and paid are ¥°^^I ^^ distinguished in the List of Post Offices by being printed in italics. offices. Every money order office in Canada issues money orders on every P""*^®" other money order office in Canada, as well as on every money order ^'^^"^ * 6ffi<^e in the United Kingdom. Every money order office in the United Kingdom also issues money orders on every money order office in Canada. The rate of commission charged on money orders drawn by one Commission ^ey order office in Canada on any other money order office in«!i£~'"^"* ■ada, IS as follows : — '" not exceeding in amount $10 Scents. Exceeding $10 and not exceeding |20 10 " " 20 " " 30 15 " :i " 30 " " 40 30 « " 40 " " 60 45 « ^ " 60 " ** 80 60 " " 80 " " 100 75 " No half cents can be introduced into orders. Half cents. No money order exceeding $100 in amount can be granted on any Amount of (bffice in Canada ; but postmasters are at liberty to grant two or more '^'"pieorders orders for $100 or for any lesser sum. They cannot, however, grant ceed Jim". two or more orders for sums of or under $30 on the same day to the same applicant in favor of the same payee. Money orders on the United Kingdom are drawn in sterling money. Qj'^?^ °^ and may be for aay sum from one shilling to tea pounds. They must Khigdom. 82, not, howover, exceed the latter amount ; but poBtmastera are at liberty to 188UO two or more separate orders for ten pounds each or for any smaller sum. ^ CommlMion The rate of commission charged on orders on the United kingdom over and above the currency value of the sterling, is as follows — ' For orders not exceeding £2 sterling 25 cents Exceeding £2 and not exceedino £6 sterling BO << " 7 " " 10 " ::::::::: ^ Tables shewing the amount of Provincial currency required for money orders issued in Canada upon the United Kingdom, in addition to the commission, and paid for money orders issued in the United Jiuigdom on Canada, will be found at pages 41, 42, and 43 tlliitedap. .. Applicants for money orders should always use the printed applica- licMtionB. tionforms,in which they shou.d fill up the particulars of the ordir oEI "^ ^"^ supplied gratuitously at all money order F«n names ^1*1! «J^™tiau and surnames in full, and residences, both of the re- androrf. ^}"er and the payee, should be furbished to the issuing postmaster £d "■ fVo " ™»r"«?70'°a» 18 either tha remitter or payee, her own chrisl MaL"T'fw"^'^ ^u^^'"' n^ '^^^ *^** of her husband, thus-- Mr . Mary Smith," not " Mrs. John Smith." If the sufficient such ^v.'^'^.'^u I'arties procuring money orders should examine them carefully to SSa. Tppear the lin^ ^"^"P"^^ ^".'^ "-^ ^""^ ''^'^^'^- ^his caution ^wS appear the more necessary when it is understood that any important defect m these respects w 11 throw difficulties in the way of ^piyTonr SderT"' ^am^n? ?f^''' ""^f^' '" consequence of misapprehensioif of the mZ out tl hTf '' °f Ar °^ .P^y"^""* h^^« been erroneously made out, can be returned to the postmaster, and a correct order given con?cted"o?i?. ''"'' ^^"^'^^^^^o^' ^^^^ver, will be charged on the S'oK"at Pai^if^ obtaining money orders on Canadian offices can procure re- ilffr''*Py°l«"t.thereof on presentation of the orders at the office at which office. issued, signing the receipt at the foot. No order however can b« repaid without the authority of the superintendent; urZs presented for repayment on the day on which it is issued. Either crorders on the United Kingdom be repaid without his special authority Unuir" na^ th'lnn Jl?""^ ^' ,*^'T- T.^^''^ '^^ ^^^ ^"i*^^ Kingdom to be KinSom Jf^ *hf "gh a '^ank. It is left to his option to give or withhold the can bo paid name of the payee, or to substitute for the name of theiaveeaiv througl^a other designation or modification such as - the SshL of Z bS of England, "the Chief Clerk of the Foreign Office." Such orders d'^^'^'T' ^ r.r^ ^y *^« ^^^'^^g postmaster with the name o bank through which the order is to be paid. No credit „ ^he issue of money orders on credit, or for chflnnp« r.n+r»n^i,^i allowed. " good " by the bank 'drawn upon, is strictly prohibited "^""^'^ tvl oX/ln'thT^lt ''"*?' .^.' """'*• '^" *^* '"'^^^ ^* *h. foot ef nmrV +n»,at,-r P'f .•^<=® o^ t^© paying postmaster, by makina kis mark, to be witnessed m writing ; as, for sxamp' j :_ ^"-^H «"• ffitn«»s,—John Kenny, Hii J»tefh X AlUn. Mark. In Ci\Ac %o accept of a sucr jteyoo is I When •r payee, llent, whi Duplic country. in Canad Order Ofl on Canad Money date are ipecial pp |«aHOiia si 4he order, The De Ised to iss Money oi te Malta 'H Postmai from servi applies to postinaste The pos »nd the p( divided in excepting tote at th the Legisl Postmas ■O it is eiii A letter addressed, application to any oth A letter irm. If 1 of them. A letter being the 8 intended, e feceived, tl tike," and Letters ] tllBt they c unpaid or letters cam the writers sso infor « post offici ,*#**■' erg are at liberty » each or for any nited Kingdom, s follows : — ..25 cents. ... 50 «« .. 76 '« ..$1. icy required for lorn, in addition I in the United id 43. printed applica- ra of the order all money order both of the re- ing postmaster. , her own chris- d, thus — "Mrs. ordinary title ia rm will suffice, Co." lem carefully to lis caution will b any important '■ of payment, lension of the len erroneously :ect order giren harged on the can procure re- office at which oweyer, can be riless presented ther can orders ithority, iingdom to be >r withhold the the payee any 3r of the Bank ' Such orders th the name of es not marked i at th® foot of by making ki« ' In Ctwes of money orders iBsued in Canada, postmasters are at Ubertyf^rdflr of $0 accupt the written order of the payee on the order itself in favour j*J'/„''*'„'." of a second [jorson, if through illuuss or insuperable difficulty the conU pcrwm payoo is provontod from proRcuting the order in person. VVIion a Caiuuliau money order has been lost, either by the remitter Lost orden. •r payee, the circuinstancej mtist be made known to the superinten- ieiit, who, under certain precautions, will issue a duplicate. Duplicate of sterling orders can only bo granted by the paying DupIicntM aountry. Thus the British post office issues duplicates of orders drawn »' "•'itiiili in Canafla on the United Kingdom, and the Canatl:> Head Money" Order OfHco grants duplicates of orders drawn in the L nitod Kingdom on Canada. Money ordere which are not presented imtil one full year after their Langpd date are considered as lapsed orders, and cannot be paid without the"™''™- ■fecial permission of the superintendent. In all such cases satisfactory rea-soiis should be given explanatory of the delay in the presentation of the order. The Deputy Postmasters General of Malta and Gibraltar are author- Orders on ked to issue money orders on the seVeral money order offices in Canada, p'""*'}* Money order offices in Canada do not, however, grant money orders Malta and ''.y '" ^Q not wanting in which it has been shown to the satisfaction even of *^'"' °' '°'" me complainants, that the fault at first attributed to the Post Office, i^ truth rested in other quarters. Thefts by private hands, although ▼ery diffitult of proof, have not unfrequently been brought to light ; tpd it is greatly to be desired that those who suffer loss should, in the fist instance, and while tho circumstaTices are fresh, endeavour to as- certain with the utmost precision all particulars respecting the despatch 5 O OOOOOOOOOO 04 aooc^e4oc4ooQoooo 8 o o 9 O »« C 04 O <0 fr^ « O OOOOiOOOOOio 10 lO \t^-^ O o«©oooooo©oo5 eo ^ «4i kA m «A ui^ s/^ .^ ^ ^ r? 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'J' — "«' X O g2^ O &D i-g « ^.2 ^§ s s.S ^■ ^ > S? ■1 DD o 03 b tn O w O GQ b ■. d. $ ots. B. d. 1 cts. 8. d. $Ct8. s. d. $ Ots. 8. d. t ot«. 1 0.02 1 1 0.26 2 1 0.60 8 1 0.76 4 1 0.9» 2 0.04 1 2 0.28 2 2 0.62 3 2 0.77 4 2 1.01 8 0.06 1 8 0.30 2 8 0.54 3 3 0.79 4 3 1.08 4 0.08 1 4 0.82 2 4 0.56 3 4 0.81 4 4 1.05 6 0.10 1 6 0.34 2 6 0.68 3 6 0.88 4 6 1.07 6 0.12 1 6 0.86 2 6 0.60 3 6 0.85 4 6 1.09 1 0.14 1 7 0.38 2 7 0.62 3 7 0.87 4 7 1.11 8 0.16 1 8 0.40 2 8 0.64 3 8 0.89 4 8 I.IS 9 0.18 1 9 0.42 2 9 0.66 I 9 0.91 4 9 1.16 10 0.20 1 10 0.44 2 10 0.68 3 10 0.98 4 10 1.17 11 0.22 1 11 0.46 2 11 0.70 8 11 0.96 4 11 1.19 1 0.24 2 0.48 3 0.78 4 0.97 - 4bmQttnt In Currency to be paid for Money Orders drawn In Canada on Money Order Offices In the United Kingdom from Ss. Sterling to £10 : Sterling. In addition to tbe sums in dollars and cents placed opposite the reapectire amounts, tbe following eommissions mast be paid : — On orders not exceeding £2 stg., 26 c^ats ; |;exceeding £2 and not exceeding £5, 60 cents ; exceeding Je6 and not exceeding £7, 76 eents ; exceeding £7 and not exceeding £10, $1 .00. i ^ ^ >x i> • ti ^ }f >> OQ o m O 02 O $Cttt. M o m o 8. d. $ cts. s. d. % eta. 8. d. 8. d. $ cts. 8. d. lets. 5 1.22 (^ 11 1.69 8 10 2.16 10 9 2.63 12 8 3.10 6 1 1.24 t 1.71 8 11 2.18 10 10 2.65 12 9 3.12 6 2 1.26 1 1.73 9 2.20 10 11 2.67 12 10 3.14 6 8 1 28 2 1.76 9 1 3.22 11 2.69 12 11 3.18 6 4 1.80 3 1.77 9 2 2.24 11 1 2.71 13 3.18 5 6 1.32 4 1.79 9 3 2.26 11 2 2.73 13 1 3.20 6 6 1.84 6 1.81 9 4 2.28 11 3 2.75 13 2 3.22 6 7 1.86 6 1.83 9 5 2.80 11 4 2.77 18 3 3.24 5 8 1.88 7 1.86 9 6 2.82 11 6 2.79 13 4 8.26 6 9 1.40 8 1.87 9 7 2.34 11 6 2.81 13 5 3.28 6 10 1.43 9 1.89 9 8 2.36 11 7 2.88 13 6 3.80 6 11 1.46 10 1.91 9 9 2.88 11 8 2.88 13 7 3.82 « 1.47 11 1.93 ft 10 2.40 11 9 2.87 13 8 3.84 S I 1.49 8 1.95 9 11 2.42 11 10 2.89 13 9 8.36 6 2 1.51 8 1 1.97 10 2.44 11 11 2.91 13 10 3.88 : 6 8 1.63 8 2 1.99 10 1 2.46 12 2.93 13 11 8.40 6 4 1,55 8 3 2.02 10 2 2.48 12 1 2.96 14 3.42 6 5 i.57 8 4 2.04 10 8 2.61 12 2 2.97 14 1 8.44 6 6 1.69 8 5 2.06 10 4 2.63 12 8 2.99 14 2 8.4ft .6 7 1.61 8 6 2.08 10 6 2.66 12 4 8.01 14 8 8.48 « 8 i .oo 7 2.XU 10 'ii . Oi VI 5 S.Uo 14 4 3.60 6 9 1.66 8 8 2.12 10 7 2.69 12 6 8.06 14 6 8.62 P 8.10 1.67 8 9 2.14 10 8 2.61 12 7 3.08 14 6 8.64 42 SCALE shewin, Oanada, on 'j^^s'oS.Szru^,.Y^rJ^^;^j^zi^,^«' *- - SI sterling «6 Sterling equal to 8 9 10 929.34 34.22 39.12 44.00 48.90 "^""united mn°.dr^ "".f "^^^^ '°' ^«-^ O'^*" ^-wn In ^Ited Kingdom on Canada, from 5a Stg. to £}10 Stg the «. 15 16 16 16 15 16 16 16 i6 16 16 "7 Ordera drftwa in mtinutd ) O lots. .36 .88 .40 .42 .44 .46 .48 60 62 64 66 68 60 8. 18 19 IV 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 » >. 00 O . d. IcU. 11 4.6S 4.64 1 4.66 2 4.68 8 4.tl 4 4.7t 6 4.76 6 4.11 1 4.19 8 4.81 9 4.8t 10 4.8S 11 1 4.8T equal to 929.34 34.22 39.12 44.00 48.90 drawn In the 10 Stg. Amormt in Ourrenoy paid in Oaoada for Money Orders drawn in the United Eincrdom on Canada, from 68. stg. to £10 stg. — {Oontinued.) 00 «. d. 16 16 16 16 8 16 16 16 16 b i5 8 16 9 16 10 16 11 $ ets. 8.66 8.67 8.69 8.71 8.73 8.75 8 77 8.79 3.81 8.83 3.85 8.87 iP « 0. d. 16 16 16 16 8 16 16 16 16 16 8 16 9 16 10 16 11 b I cts. 3.39 8.01 8.98 8.95 8.97 8.99 4.01 4.03 4.06 4.08 4.10 4.12 a. d. 17 17 1 17 2 17 3 17 17 17 17 17 8 17 9 17 10 17 11 o $ etfl. 4.14 4.16 4.18 4.20 4.22 4.24 4.26 4.28 4.80 4..S2 4.34 4. So 73 o 8. d. 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 6 18 7 18 8 18 9 18 10 18 11 I cts. 4.88 4.40 4.42 4.44 4.46 4.48 4.60 4.62 4.54 4.56 4.58 4.60 B. d. 19 19 1 19 2 19 8 19 4 19 6 19 6 19 7 19 8 19 9 19 10 19 11 b Iota. 4.6S 4.64 4.66 4.68 4.70 4.72 4.74 4.76 4.79 4.81 4.88 4.86 *1 Sterling equal to $4.87 2 " " 9.73 3 " " 14 60 ♦ •' ..... " 19.47 5 " •' 24.33 £6 Sterling 7 8 9 10 equal to $29.20 34.06 38.96 43.80 48.66 ^ 09 o ■^H S. d. 3. $et«. I 18 8.1« 1 18 1 8.18 13 2 8.20 18 3 3.22 18 4 8.24 18 6 3.26 13 6 3.28 18 7 3.80 13 8 8.8t 18 9 8.85 18 10 8.8t 18 11 8.89 14 8.41 14 1 3. 48 14 2 8.45 14 8 8.47 14 4 8.49 '^^ 14 5 8.61 14 6 8.68 14 7 8.6f 14 8 8.67 1 4 .« 3.69 14 10 8.61 1 14 11 1 8.«t '% ,?'^"T'^''° *^°''''*"*'y amount to be added for any broken sum between the POUNDS Bterling, viz , from £1 to £6, will of course be taken from the Scale above. Thus for an Order of £3 ISs. lid. Sterling :-i;8 is »14.60; add, for 18s. Ud.. $4.60, which will pve the full value of the Order, viz., $19.20. ■i 4.i LIST OP MONEY ORDER OFFICES, RAILWAY STATIONS AND TELEGRAPH STATIONS, IN CANADA, On tm l8T OF Januabt, 1863. Money Order Offices are printed In Italics. Kailway Stations are distinguished thus ||. Telegraph Stations are distinguished thus t. Offices marked with an asterisk (•) are closed during winter. Name of Post Office. Abbott's Corners... Abbottsford Abercorn fberfoyle. ',,,[ Abingdon tl Acton f I Acton Vale....*.'.' AdamsviUe Adare .... ill. Addison Adelaide * .* Admaston * ] .' Adplphustown ..'..'. Agincourt MAilaa Craig. .....' berton ■f/*««w» .*.'.'.' fWboro' fl^lJ'T. lAldershott Alderville [] Alexandria...!!.'!.' Alfred Algonquin I Allan burg ! AUaadale Milla Allan Park ! ! Allan's Corners !!! I Allendale AIHflQnyjIlg Alliston ... ! Township if in Canada West, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East. Electoral County or Division. Name of Postmaster. • *.... • Sutton Puslinch Oaistor Esquesing ! , Acton Farnham Biddulph Elizabethtown . . . Adelaide Admaston AdoIphuBtown .!! Scarboro' West McQilliTray Ancaster. Albion !! Aldboro' Ameliaeburg Flamboro' East. . . ', Alnwick iiw'.:::::::;:: Augusta Thorold Otanabee ! ! Bentinck ! ! * Purham !!! Inniefil AmeiiaBburg Tecumseth >••••■•», Missisquoi Rouville - Brome Wellington, S. R , . Lincoln Hal ton ! Bagot !!!! Brome Huron Town of Brockville Middlesex, W. R . . , Renfrew ^en?o« '.'. York, E. R Huron Wentworth, S. r!!! Peel Elgin, W. R Prince Edward Wentworth, N. R,. Northumberrnd,W.R Q'engary Prescott Grenville, S. R.. Welland ! ! Peterboro' Grey [ Chateauguay Siracoe, S. R. ,,,,,. Prince Edward ! ! ! ! Simcoe, S. R» H. H. Smith Ebenezer Fisk Benjamin Seaton S, Falconbridge Thomas Pearson J. Matthews A. Q. Dubrule George Adams William Clarke Coleman Lewis John S. Hoare Archibald Patterson J. J. Watson John Hill S. Hey James Galloway Samuel Walford D. McDougall Isaac Dempsey Alexander Brown R. Mulholland Alexander McDonell John Hill Silas Wright John Rannie Richard Short G. B. Allan W. McArthur Royal 0. Hicks George Fletcher ^'*"-1'^*'?W 46 Kaoae of Po»t OaSoft IS ATIONS, inter. Name of 'ostmaater. Smith zer Fisk nin Seaton Bonbridge IS PearaoQ (hews Dubrule i Adams ai Clarke la Lewis . Hoare aid Pattersoo ''atsoa [ill Gfalloway Walford ougall empaey ier Brown lolland Ier McDoDoU ill right mnie Short Ian rthor .Hicks ?letober ll Alluraette Island Alma , Almira , {Almonte. Alton Altona Alvinston Ameliasburg •fAmhtrttburg Amiens Anoost^r Ancienne Lorette . , Ange Oardien lAtlffUM Antrim Appin Appleby Appleton Apto Argyle Arkona Arkwright Arlington Armagh Arnprior Artemesia f II ArthabaskaStation Arthur Arva Ashburn Ashburnham Asbgrore Asbton Asbworth Athelstan Athens Atherlj Athlone Athol Auburn Audley Aughfim (Aultmlle. \AHrora Avoca Avon Avon Bank Aylmer iSatt) .... Aylftwr\WeU).,.. Aylwin Ayr Ayton TowDBhij) if in Canada West, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East. Allumctte Island Peel Markham Ramsay Caledon Pickering Brooke ,,, Ameliasburg . .. Maldon Lobo Ancaster Quebec , Ange Oardien . . , Essa Fitzroy Ekfrid Nelson Ramsay Flos Eldon Bosanquet Arran Electoral County or Division. >••••• Pontiac Wellington, N. R York, E. R Lanark, N. R . . . Peel Ontario. S. R. Lambton Prince Edward Essex Middlesex, W. R . . . Wentworth. S. R... Quebec Montmorency Simcoe, S. R CarletDU Middlesex, W. R . . . Halton Lanark, N. R Simcoe, N. R Victoria Lambton Bruce Namfl of Fostmastdr. Adjala | Simcoe, S. R. . Armagh McNab Artemesia , Arthabaeka. Arthur London Whitby Otanabee Esquesing Goulbourn Scott Hinchinbrook. .. . Scott Ma' 1 Adjala Indian Heserve. . . Colborne Pickering Eupbemia. Oznabruek Whitchurch.... ». Grenville ft Dorchester Downie Hull Malahide Aylwin Dumfries , . Normanby Bellechasse Renfrew Grev Arthabaska , Wellington, N. R.., Middlesex, E. R Ontario, S. R Peterborough Halton Carleton Ontario, N, R Huntingdon Ontario, N. R Ontario, N. R Simcoe, S.R Glengary Huron Ontario, S. R Lambton Stormont York, N. R Argenteuil Middlesex, E. R. . . . Perth Ottawa Elgin, E, R Ottawa Waterloo, S. R Grey John Lynch Thomas Graham B. Bowman James H. Wylie, Jr. John S. Meek Joseph Monkhonw Owen Roblin James Kev'll D. McArthur G. B. Rousseauz Michel Gauvin Mme. Louis Goulek John Mather John Shields J. D. R. MoLeaa T. A. Atkinson Albert Teskey D. Gallagher Donald McEachera Levi Schooley J. Faulkner I Thomas Kidd Neil McNeill Andrew Russell James P. Fowler Louis Poisy William Mitchell W. B. Bernard Edward Olver Robert D. Roger* John Hunter John Sumner J. TomlinsoD Harvey Mills R. Bingham W. C. McMuUen John Kidd George McDonell James Sutherland Robert Graham J. McEeune J. R. Ault Charles Doaa John McOallum Simon Whaley James Muir J. R. Woods Philip HodgkiasMi J. Little Robert Wylie John McFhilUpe 46 Name of Post Office. Township if in Canada Weat, and Township, Seigniory. or Pariih if in Canada East. Baby's Point Babjville J Baden , Bagot Ba^otville BaillargeoD Bwllieooro' Baldenon Baldwin Ballantrae Ballinafad Ballyoroy Ballyduff BaIIyniot« Bailynabinch Balmoral Balsam i Baltimore amberg. Banda Bandon Bangor Bannockburn Barnett ... Saruston £l«otoral County or Division. Name of Postmaater. ] Po Sombra Lambton SherriDgton Napierville ™ot Waterloo, 8 Bngot " - Bagot St.Autoine deLauzon Oaran R. Bathurst. ... Camden . . , Whitchurch. Erin Adjalo^. . . . . Man vers.. .. London . . . . Kingaton.... Walpole Pickering. . . Hamilton . . Wellealey . . Mulmur .... Hil'ett Huron Renfrew Chiooutimi ■t-ieyi •••..,,»...,,, Durham, E. R Lanark, S. R [ Addington York, N. R ." Wellington, S. R... Simcoe, 3. R Durham, E. R Middlesex, W. R . , . Frontenac Haldimand Ontario, S. R NorthumberIand,WR Waterloo, N. R . . . . Simcoe, S,R Pickering Madoc . . Nichol . . Barnston ••••••« •■» ilBarrie Vespra Barrington Bartonville Bath Baliscan Batiecan Bridge. . . . Battersea Banfietd ^ayham leachburg Beaehville ........ Beamaville '. Jear Brook Beaubarnois „«._.. „v Beaumont I Beaumont Beauport Beauport Beaverton Thorah tlBecanoour Becaucour Bedford Belfast. Belford Jelfountain Hemmingford . . . Barton Ernestown Batisran Batiscan Storrington Stanley Bayhiim [ Westmeath Oxford West Clinton Cumberland Beaubarnois Ml RJTi^re \Btllevmt. Bell Ewart Bellrook ■n-ii»_ BelmoQt • • • « I Stan bridge Ashfield . . Markham Caledon . •••••••« ««••«••»» •••»•••••• ■••«••»»*«« Thurlow Innisfil.. Portland, Nepean [ Dorchester Sonth Ontario, S.R , Hastings, N. R...., Wellington, N. R. . , Stanstead Simcoe, N.R Huntingdon Wentworth, S. R. . . Addington Cbamplain .' .' Cbamplaiu Frontenac Huron Elgin, E. R. .. .'.[,', Renfrew Oxford, s. R ;; Lincoln Russell Beauharnois Bellechasse . , Quebec Ontario, N. R Nicolet Missisquoi . . Huron York, E. R . . Peel.. Two Mountains Hastings, S. R Simwie, S.R Frontennfl.. Oarieton .. Blgin. £. R '•••*«*ft« >••••• '••■!• Humphrys Nesbitt Jacob Beck Felix Devine L Z, Rousseau A.' Simonea" James Fituferald A. McDonald Gordon P. York James DeOeer Juo. S. Applebd John McClelland W. A. Maxwell J. W. O'Brien Robert Gibson Lewis Anguish Robert Dods John Gilbard F. Wa? ,er John Clemingar John Leighton Isaac Turner W. H. Carpenter James Elmslie John Humphrey Alfred Lane Oliver Lyttle S. F. Dopew W. J. Fairfield D. Lncouroidre J. Fug^re Cornelius Vanluren James Gairdner Thomas Springall George Surtees H. J. Moore J. B. Osborne W. H. Walsh 0. Payment Z. Turgeon Patrick O'Brien Donald Cameron B. Rivard Nelson Adams Jno. MoCrosti* Israel Burton Noah Herring F. X. Brazeau J. H. Meachom P. Edward Drak* i> George Arnold Jame« Waterbtrry Belmur Beloeil i Beloeil Benmill Bennie'i Bensfor Bentinc Berkele JyBerli errysft Berthie iBerfhii ervie . Berwick JBethan; Bethune Bewdlev ♦Bio .. Binhiooii Birch ton BirkhalL Birmingl Birr . . . , Bishop's Black Or flBlackf Blair . . . Bland fon Bleesingt JBloomficl slooming "^Bloomsbu Bluevalo ^B'ytheswi ""iobcaygec "-•dmin ., >gart . . . manton naveutu 'ondhead Bougard's ♦Bord & P |k)Scobel . Boston .. BoBWorlb. VBot/iwll Bouchervil iourg Loi Ppwen . . Mnouman lowmore , Sswood ., >k-#T-tmlii„MUMli,t.tsM, J fiii[fj i 3, 47 Name of Postmaster. laiphrya Nesbitt cob Book lix Deviae fj. Rousseau Simouea" nea Fitiferald MoDonald rdon P. York aes DeQeer '• S. Applebe n MoCielland A. Maxwell V. O'Brieu >ert Oibson ris Anguish •ert Dods n Oilbard Va?',er ) Olemingar 1 Leighton c Turner H. Carpeotar ea Elmslie J Humphre/ ed Lace er Lyttle . Dopew r. FairBeld ncouroidre ig^re elius Vaalurao !8 Gairdner las Spriugall ge Surteea Moore Osborne [. Walsh .yn)ent rgeou 3k O'Brien Id Cameron rard n Adams ioOrosti* Bu.-toa Herring Brazeau Meacbom ward Drak* B Arnold Waterbarrj Name of Post Office. Township if in Canada West, and Townnhip, Seigniory, or Pariah if in Canada East. Belmure Belceil Station BeloBll Village.... fienmiller Bennie'a Corners. . . Bensfort , Bentinch Berkeley i\Berlin erryaford Berthieren Bas,... iBerihier en Haut. . ervie , Berwick [ ■Bethany [] Bethune Bewdley ♦Bio ;;; Binbrook Birchton .... BirkhalL ,,',,[ Birmingham. ....'.*..' I Pittsburg S!*"!* • •. London Bishop's Mills Oxford Black Creek f I BlackRiver Station Turnberry .... BeloDil... Beloeil CoiboiTie Ramsay South Monaghan Bentinck Holland Waterloo, North . Berrysford Bertfaier , Berthier Kincardine Finch Manvers Grenville ." Hamilton Bio Binbrook Eaton ]] Moore Electoral County or Division. '•••«■• I r ..,..., Blandford . , . Bleesington . ^loomfield . . loomingdale loomsburg. luevalo lyth... ly theswood 'obcaygeon fJmin 'K«rt manton Bonaveuture Bondhead BoDgard's Corneis. . f Bord k Plouffe Sub Office loscobel Boston Bo8worth...\ iBot/iwlt Boucherville ...... Jourg Louis •owen ^Hotcmanville towmore .... lowood WiJloughby. at. Giles . . . Waterloo . . Blandford . . Tyendinaga. Halloweli . . Waterloo. . . Townsend . . Turnberry . Morris Mersea. . . . . , Verulnm. . . . , Morris Hungerford . . Haldimand . . Hamilton. . . . Tecumseth .. Marysburg . . Isle Montreal Ely Townsend . . Peel , Zone Boucherville Bourg Louis . Richmond Darlington . . Nottawasaga, Lobo ....... Huron Verchdres .' . .* Verchdres Huron Lanark, N.R Northumberland, WR Grey Grey ' Waterloo, N.R..'!!.' Terrebonne Montmagny ! Berthier Bruco ! Stormont !!! Durham, E. R Argenteuil !! Northumberland, WR JJj«n""8ki Wentworth, S. R . . . Compton Lambton Frontenac ! ! ! Middlesex, S. R. ! ! Grenville, N, R..! Wellftnd Lolbinidre Waterloo, S. R.. . ! Arthabaska .., Hastings, S. R Prince Edward. Waterloo, N. . Norfolk ! ! ' JJuron !!!!! Huron Essex Victoria !! Huron Hastings, N. r!!!!! Northumberlaud.WR Bonaveuture Simcoe, S. R Prince Edward Laval Name of Postmaster. F. W. Irwin S. Dillon J. R. Brillon Edwin Gledliill Alex, Leishnian James W. McBain A. B. McNab John Fleming V/illiam Ja^ay P. Chailneau F. X. Corriveau Alexander Kitsou Nichol Molotyre J. A. Cockburn F. Bleakley D. Mc Arthur John Sidey J. R. Colclough Henry Hall J. McNeight F. Mackenzie Mrs.Elz. Blrminghaa Ehas Place Asa W. Bishop J. H. Allen Louis Olivier W. Bowman T. Lafldche John Lally Jonathan Striker J. G. Moyer M. M. Kitchen John Messer Wm. Drummond Johu Hope Mcssom Boyd William Harris Jsines Mclntos/h Richard Knight Rev. A. L. Alain Mrs. St. Clair John Bonerard V. Lemay Sheflford Norfolk ! Wellington, N.'r! Kent Ghambly ! Portneuf Durham, W. R. . . Simcoe, N. B . . . . Middlesex William HackwelJ Oliver C. Rouse M. Schnieder Capt John Taylor Louis A'ormandin E. A. Panet James Bowen J. B. Fairbairn James Rue>sell Archibald Bell 48 H Name of Post Office. Hoyiie ^Bradford.... iraemar ■IBrainj'ion .. Branohton . . [Jirantford . ireadiilbane . . Breslaw ^ irewer'sMilU. Brewster Bridgenorth . . Bridgeport ... Bridgewater . . Brighatn .... UBrighlon... Briokworth... Brietol BritonvlUe.... Brook irome Bromemere Brompton f IBrompton Falls . ♦IBroiite iBrooklin BrooksJale Brougham Brougbton Brownsburg Bro'vDSTille Brucefield Bruce Mines Brudenell I Brunswick luckhorn Buckingham Buckland Bulstrode Bulwer Burford Borgessville Burnbrae Burahamthorpe . . . BuroB Burnntown Burritt's Rapids.., Bury** Green . . . . . Burtcb Barton Bote. Buttonville.. Buxton Township if in Canada West, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Oanada East. Trafalgar WeitGwillimbury.. East Zorra Ohingiiacousy Dumfries, North. ... Brantford Tioobiel Waterloo Pittsburgh Hay Smith Waterloo, North Elzevir Farnham Murray Rawdou Bristol Morin Brock Elizabeth town Brome Outlet Brome Lake. Brompton Brompton Trafalgar Whitby West Zorra Pickering Broughton Chatham Dereham Stanley i«*«lft«** Brudenell . . Manvers . . . Harwich ... Buckingham Buckland. . . Bulstrode. .. Eaton Burford .... Norwich . . . Seymour . . . Toronto .... Momington McNab Oxford .... Somerville . Brantford . . . Manyers . . . Somerset » » Markham . . Raleigh . . . . Electoral County Division. or Name of Postmaster. Halton Simooe, S. R Oxford, N.R Peel Waterloo, S. R Brant, W. R Olongnry Waterloo, N. R Frontenac Huron Peterlwjro' Waterloo, N. R Hastings, N. R Brome NorthumberUnd,E. R Hastings, N. R Pontiac Argenteuil Oatari«, N. R Town of Brockville. Brome Brome Richmond Richmond Halton Ontario, S. R Oxford, N. R Ontario, S. R Megantic Argenteuil Oxford, S. R Huron Algoma District. .. . District of Nipissing. Durham, E. R Kent Ottawa Belk'cliaBse Arthabaska Compton Brant, W. R Oxford, S. R Northumberland,E .R Peel Perth Renfrew Qrenville, N. R . . . . Victoria Brant, E.R Durham, E. R Moicmnt.in York, E. R Kent Edward McLernan Mrs. Anne Douglas John Forbes, Jr K. Chisholm Andrew Burnet A. D. Clement P. McStewart Cyrus Erb Robert Anglin J. H. Marcus o. Dean P. N. Tttgge O. W. Wood E, 0. Brigham Joseph Lockwood A. Fullerton William King Qeorge Hamilton A. Jones John Crawford Henry R. William* C. H. Jonea E. B. Stevens James Dean T. C. Hagaman Robert Darlington John Innis Richard Taun C. H.J. Halll Alexander McGibboB E. McDiarmid Robert H. Qalrdner J. Coatsworth John Reynolds S. R. Beamish Hugh McPherson James Wilson 0. Coulet J. L. Geoffrey Quinn John Catton Josiah CampbeU. Alexander Donald Qeorge Savage W. Cousins James Douglas John Meikle, Jr John Fell George Taylor James tfcGiU J. McKinnoa Francis Plebs RcT. W. King 41 ame of itmMt«r. McLernan ne Dougla* irbes, Jr bolm DurDet lement ewart h-b Anglia o. Dean Vood ■ighatn Lockwood irton I King UamiltoD !B •awford a. William* ones Levent Dean [agaman Darlington mis i Taun . Hall] der McGibboB Hnrmid H. Qairdner sworth eyuolds eamish llcPherson Wilson let feoffrey Quino atton CampbeU. ider Donald I Sayage isins Douglas f eikle, Jr ?ell ) Taylor IfcGiU Linnoa sPleb* 7. King Niitne of PoBt Office. Byron Oftcouna CiBHurea tCuinsville aiiitown Caistor Cjiistorville Calnbugie Ouidwell Calt'don OaledonE'-t Oaiedotiia b|ji-iiige . Oaluinet Isle Camborne Gnmbray Camden Kast. Cnmerou Cainilla , Campbell ford Oampbfll'8 CniBH . . Catn|n(B. G) \C'arl(toH Place. , . . Ouilinyfoid Cai lisle Curlow llCarUtnu West . .. . Carluke Carp jCarronbrook Cai'tba(;e Cartwrigbt Cuttiiei Caelmiere Towiinhip if in Canada Went, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish it in Canada East. Westminster Oacouna Cnrtwright . . . . Biantfoid, Kast. Yoiige Caistor Caistor Bai{ot Calcdoi) Caledoi) Caleilon Caliidoiiiu Calumet Uaiiiiltoii Fimelon Camden East . . Fenelou Mono Seymour C!(iinguacou8y . Nassagaweya . . Clinton Caiiboro' Cayuga Tlunlow , Itlenlieim , Bruck Hull Hope Perc6 . . . . , St. Vincent , St Foy I'ortneuf , Garden Chatham Carlcton. ...,,, Heckwith FuUartoD Fliimboro' East. Colboiue York Aiicaster , Huntley , Logan Mornnigtou . . . , Cailw light ... MarkUaut . . . ., Musa Electoral County or DivUion. Middlesex, E. R. Temiscouata Durham, W. R Brant, E. R Leeds, S. R Lincoln Lineolii iteufrew . . F'eel Peel Peel Prescott Pontiac Northuinberl'd, W.R. Victoria Addington Victoria Himcoe, S. R Northutnberl'd, R. H Peel Haltun Lincoln 11 ddimund llildimand Hastings, S. R Oxford. N. R Ont nio, N. R Rouvide Ottawa Durha.n, E. R Onspij . , Qa»p6 Gi ey Gliamplain Quebeu Mimtmagny Portneuf Victoria Argenteuil Bonavenlure Lanark, S. R Perth Wentworth, N. R. . Huron York, W.R Wentworth, S. R.. Carleton Perth Perth Name of PottniB8t«r. Robert Sadler J. B. Beaulieu James C(r>8ar Margaret Orenny W.Tennant Jamei) Tisdale .M. O. Scott D. Dillon Patrick Murphy George Bell James Munaie Wm. Lendrum Louis Brisard Ocorge Stewart William Hunter Samuel Clark Jamei) Bryson Hugh Cnrrie A. S. Ph.tt E T. llnifyard F. J. Jones H. W. Moyer H. G. Birdwall John Wilson Durham, W.R... Yui k, E. R Middlesex, W.R. D JonaH Cannit. Jr Eliza Raines Charles Oibbs James Malarkoy Giorge Brown Wdiiitni D- aeon F. O. Lamontngne William Tilly Donald McLaren Sev^ro Rocheleau Charles Drolet H. C. LaRue O. A. Allsopp Richard Delaney George Schneider Joseph Meagher Paul Struthera A. Davidson John C. Orooker James McDonagh E. S. Tiernay James Calder W. J. Felherston Joseph Kidd Charles Brown William Vance Samuel Jeiinings George Mansfield 50 Name of Post Office Gasselman Oastlebar Gastleford Oastlemore Gastleton Cathcart Caughnawaga Cavaguol Cavnn Cayuga Cedar Grove Cedar Hill jCedars Cedarville Centre Augusta . . . Oentreton Centreville Cbambly Basiu. .. . Chambly Canton . , Cbamplain Cbaring Cross Cbarleebourg Charlestou Cbarleville Chateauguay Cbateauuuay Basin Cbateau Richer .... Chatham East f Chatham West... Chatswortb C leap.'ide Chelsea C leltenham Cherry Creek Cherry Valley Chertsey Chester Chesterfield Chichester Chicoutirai f Ckippawa Churchill Churchville Clachan Claremont ' ""larence 'Lirenceville Clarendon Clarendon Centre. . . darevie^Y' . . , , , . * tJClarke Clarkeb'rg (sub office ) Claude Township if in Canada West, and Township, Seigniorv, or Parish if in Canada East. Cambridge . . . . Shipton Horton Toronto Gore . . Craniahe Burford Sault St. Louis. Vaudrouil . . . . Cavan Cayuga Markham Pakenhara . . . . Soulauges Proton , Augusta Hnldimand . . . , Camden East . , Chambly , Cbambly West Cham plain ... Harwich Quebec Escott Augusta Chiiteauguay. . Chateauguay. . Montmorency . Chatham Raleigb Holland Walpole Hull Chinguacousy . Innisfil Athol Chertsey Chester Blenheim Chichester . . . Chicoutimi. . . . Stamford . . . . luuisiil. Toronto Electoral County or Division. Russell Richmond Renfrew Peel Northumberl'd, W.R. Brant, W. R Laprairie Vaudreuil Durham, E.R Haldimand York, E. R Lanark, N. R Soulanges Grey Grenville, S. R Northumberl'd, W.R. Addington Chambly Chambly Champlain Kant Quebec Leeds. S. R Grenville, S. R Chateauguay Chateauguay Montmorency Argenteuil Kent Grey Haldimand Ottawa Peel Simcoe, S. R Prince Edward Montcalm Arlhabaska Oxford, N. R Poutiac Chicoutimi Welland Simcoe, S. R Peel Elgin, W. R Name of Postmaster. Aldboro' Pickering Ontario, S. Clarence i Russell . . . Noyan Clarendon Clarendon Sheffield Clarke CoUingwood Chinguacousy .... R. Missisquoi . Poutiac . . . . Pontiac . . . , Addington. , Durham, W. Grey Peel R. John Casselman Roderich McLeay E. Ferrall John Murphy John 0. Pennock Thomas Muir Robert McNabb John A, Matbison Wm. Graham G. A. Messenger Michael Brooks S. Dickson Benjamin Joassim Thomas Rogers Horace McLean T. H. McAuley James N. Lapum P. B. V. DeBoucber- John Hackett [ville J. E. Lauouette Jane Gay M. Trend)lay P. F. Green Samuel Throop N. Mallet John Jack, Sr Mmo. L. B. Rousseau James B. Gushing n. F. tiirfoot Henry Cardwell William Lamb NicholaH Link William Allan William Main Isaiah T Insley Magloire Granger Jasper Emerson George Baird Joseph Bergeron John Guay Mrs. Hepburn H. Sloane William Dnggan J. Marchbank J. Mc. M. McNab Richard Woodley Charles Stewart A. Wilson JaraeB Shaw Riimue! 0. McDonQflll James Lockhart Henry Perdue 51 Name of Poatraaater. a Caeselman erich McLeay 'errall a Murphy a 0. Pennock mas Muir ert McNabb [) A, Matbison 1. Graham v. Messenger hael Brooks Dickson jamin Joassim maa Rogers ■ace McLean 3. McAuley les N. Lapum 3. V. DeBoucher- n Hackett [ville i. Lauouette e Gay Trenibky ''. Green iiiel Throop Mallet n Jack, Sr 10. L. B. Rousseau les B. Gushing F. Hirfoot [iry Can i well lliam Lamb holaH Link lliam Allan lliam Main iah T Insley gloire Granger per Emerson 3rge Baird eph Bergeron in Guay 3. Hepburn Sloane lliam Dnggan Vlarchbank Ac. M. McNab hard Woodley irles Stewart Wilson QCB Shaw nuel G. McDonusll ^^ nes Lockhart Name of Post Office. Dry Perdue Clayton Clear Creek Clearville Clifford 1 1 Clifton *f Clifton House (sub I Clinton [office) Olontarf Clover Hill Cloyne Clunas Clyde f J Goatieook Cobden Coboconk f 5 Cohourg Oodrington f I Golborne Colchester Coldsprings Coldwater Colebrook Coleraiue Colinvjlle Oollfield f I Collinc/wood Collin's Bay Columbus Coinbor Como flCompton •|-|Cor.cord Coneatogo Consecon Constance Contrecoeur Conway Oookshire Cookstown Cookaville Cooper Copetown \\Cornwall Corunua Coteauciu Lac flCoteau Landing. . Coteau Station , . . . . Cotes des Neiges . . . Cote St. Paul Coventry Corey Hill Cowansville Craighurtt Township if in Canada West, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Candida East. Ramsay Houghton Orford Minto Stamford Stamford Tuckersmith Sebastopol Essa Barrie Dorchester. South Heverley Barford Ross Bexley Hamilton Brighton . Oaiuahe Colchester Hamilton Medonte Camden, East. . . . Toronto Gore . . . . Moore Litchfield Nottawasaga Kingston Whitby Tilbury West . . . , Vaudreuil Compton Vaughan , Woolwich Hillier HuUet ContreccEur Fredericksburg . . , Eaton Essa Toronto Madoe , Beverley Cornwall Moore Soulanges Soulangos Soulanges Montreal Montreal Albion Hemmingford. .. Durham Flos Electoral County or Division. Lanark, N. R Norfolk Kent Wellington, N, R... WeUand Welland Huron Renfrew Simcoe, S. R Frontenac Elgin, E. R Wentworth, N. R . . Stanstead Renfrew Victoria NorthumberlM, W.R. Northumberl'd, E. R. Northumberland .... Essex NorthumbHrl'd, W.R. Simcoe, N. R . . . . Addington Peel Larabton Pontiac Simcoe, N. R Frontenac Ontario, S. R Essex. Vaudreuil Compton York, W. R Waterloo, N. R . . . Prince Edward Huron Verch^res Lenox Compton Simcoe, S. R Peel Hastings, N. R Wentworth, N. K... Town of Cornwall . . Larublon Soulanges Soulanges Soulanges Hochelaga Hochelaga Peel Huntingdon Missisquoi Simcoe, N. R , Name of Postmaster. 0. Banning, Juo. Jonathan Bridgmaa John Scott T. Brown J. W. Dunklee J. Shears Thomas Fair T. P. French Thomas Saunders F. Clark William H. Gravei W. McPhersou Horace Cutting Jason Gould J. H. Cronk Thomas Scott William Shaw C. R. Ford John Cheyne D. Mcintosh James Shaw Charles Warner Thos Shuttleworth John Butler M. Hughes W. B. Hamilton Lawrence Herchmer R()bi>rt Ashtou Henry Reichenbaoh John Hodgson A. W. Kendrick John Duncan William Hendry A. Marsh John Lawson Olivier Lamoureux E. Howard R. H. Wilford William McClain F. B. Morley Robert Kiunear I'honuis Milne G. C. Wood H. J. Miller John Bermingham Rodger Duckett R. Robertson ' F. X. Chauvin A. Hamilton W. Barrett W. H. KatbM John Craig n '% \ I k 11 62 Name of Poat Office. Oraigleitb .... Cranbounie . . . Credit Crediton Creek Bank. . . Oreemore .... Creasy Crinan Cromarty .... CroBshill CroBspoint. . .. Croton Crowland Croydon Cryeler Oulloden Cuijiminsville. Cumuock Curran Daillebout Dalesville Dalhousie Mills . . Dalston Danforth \ll)anville Dai tford Davenport )awn Mills )ealtowu )eCew8vine )elaware Delhi Delta... Demorestville Denisoii's Mills. . . . Deniston DeRamsiiy Dereham Derry West Descbainbault Detour du Lac Devizes Devon Dewittville Dextor Diamond \ \ Dickinson'sLancfg Dingle Dixon's Corners .... Donegal Dooii Doran Township if in Canada West, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East. Collingwood . . Cranbourne . . . Toronto . . . . . Stephen Peel Nottawasaga . . Marvsburg . . . Aldtoro' Hibbert Wellesley . . . . Restigouche . . . Camden Crowlaod . . . . Camden, Enat. Finch Dereham . . . . Nelson Nicbol Plar.tagenet . . Electoral County or Division. London . Stephen Yarmuuti) B'itzioy O.-nabruck Grey .Vliiiilda Eimii Waterloo, North. Balhurst De Ramsay Rear of Chatham . . , Ldchiel Vespra Scarboro' Sliiptun Percy York Gore of Camden. . . Tilbury Eiisl Cayuga Delaware Middkton Bastard tiuphiasburg Shiptoii Hiiichiiibrooke .... De Ramsiiy l)(.-reham Toronto Deschambault Grey . . .* Dorchester Peel Huron ., Wellington, N. R. . , Simcoe, N. R Prince KdwArd. ... , Elgin, W. R Perth Wuterloo, N. R . . . , Bonaventure Kent Welland Addington Stormont , Oxford, S. R Halton Wellington, N. R.. Prescott Joliette Argenteuil Gleiig.iry Simcoe, N. R York, E. R Richmond Noithumberl'd, E. R Y..ik, W. R Kent Kent liakliniauil MKldi.'8l'X, W. R ... Norlolk.... Lce'is Piinci' Edward iiichiiiond Frontt uiic Joliette Oxford, S. R Peel I'ortnt uf 'reiiiisoiiata Middk-sex, E. U.... Huron llmilinKdoi) Elgin, E. R Uiu letoii Stormont liuniu Uuiidas Perth WiiterhM., N. R Lanark, S. H Name of Postmaster. A. G. Fleming John Colgan James Mngrath John Parsons James Gniimm George I. Bolster S. W. Carson D. Mclnlyre Robert Leggatt James McCctcbeon John Fra-er J. H. Johnston L«'S!!>lie B >ardmaa John M. Williamfl E. K. Jtbnstuno Mr?. M. McKennie Robert Thor.itiOD James Samson P. Gareau L. J. Dt^ziel p. tfr Me Arthur William Chisholm H. A. Clfford Hfiny Hogarth J. W. Slock well William Bailey James Yi-arly Juiiies Smith Isaac Kiissell T. li. Dier C. J. Laeel Grenville, S. R Renfrew Name cf Postmaster. Thomas Putmaa J. N. Hardy A. W. Bell Charles Veit Charles Barilti«r Michael Lehaae James Echlin C. P. Watson Alfred Parker James McKeneie J.imes Millar Peter Ker T. H. Patterson James Tait, Senr Zerah Evans John Fraaer Samuel Smith William Beckstedt John Parker James Barnes Ellas B. Grey Patrick Thornton Daviil Baker R. Clendinning Edward Baker Andrew Browu John Armour Hector Maclean Wvman C. Davis P.N. Pacaud Amos Austin Hugh E. Cairns Rodney Hutchins James Kennedy Eliza L. Atkinson James Gamble 0. W. Prouty W. G. Ferguson Orlin Watts William Simpson Lewis Dunning Lindsay Pdlar Henry Vansittart Jodhiia Foss M Brudley John Nolhercott Siimuel Meadows Thomas Martin John Ker Jiunes Oollingbounw William S. Akin John Quealy 64 Name of Post Office. Islington . . . Egmondville , Eeremont . . . Eldon Elgin Elginburg . . . Elginfield . . . Elizabethville EUengowan. . Ellestnore . . . Elm Grove . . Elmvale . . . . Mora Elphin Township if in Canada W est, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East. York Tuckersmith . . Egremont Eldon S. Crosby Kingston London. Hope Brant Scarboro' Essa Flos Pilkington North Sherbrook Embro \ Zorra West. Russell Amherst Island Enninkillen . . , . Darlington , . . . Enniamore . . . . Camden East . . Euphrasia Reach Embrun Emerald Ennis Bnu'skillen Ennismore Enterprise Epping Epeom ^ Eramosa i Eramosa . Erin ! Erin Erinsville \ SheflBeld. . Erroll ; Plympton Escott I YoDge . . . Esperance i Ham .... Esquesing ' Esquesiug Etohicoke Etobicoke Eugenia '•■ Artemesia Everton ' Eramosa . Exeter Stephen . . Electoral County or Division. York, E, R Huron Grey Victoria Lee(j8, S. R Fro; tenac Middlesex, E. R.. Durham, E. R.... Bruce York, E. R Simcoe, S. R Simcoe, N. R. . . . "Wellington, N. R. Laiiark, N. R . . . . Oxford, N. R Pussell Addington Lambton Durham, W. R . . Peterboro' Addington Grey Ontario, N. R Wellington, S. R . Wellington, S. R . Addington Lambton Leeds, S. R Wolfe Halton Yoik,W. R Grey Wellington, S. R Huron . Falkirk Falkland Farmersville ...... Farmington Fariiham Centre. . . Farquhur Farrun's Point Fanaghvale Fenella Fenelon Falls Fenwick Fergus , Ferguson's Falls. . Fernioy Feversham FiT,>jr,l Fish Creek Fitch Bav Middlesex, W. R . . Brant Leeds, S. R Wellington, N. R.. Bedford. Osprey . . . . Snuth^pold . Blnnshard . Staustend . Fronteuac . . . . , Grey Elgin, W. R . . , Perth Stanstead . Name of Postmaster. Williams Brantford Yonge Amaranth Farnham 1 Brome Osborne c ! Huron Osnabruck ► , . ! Stortnont Caledonia Prescott Haidinmnd Northumberl'd, W.R. Fcuelon Victoria Pelham Well.ind Nichol Wellington, N. R . . . Di umniond Lanark, S. R Joseph Hargrave T. J. Marks Thomas Smith Angus Ray Philemon Pennock Peter Bates W. H. Ryan J, McMurtry John Hopper Arch. Glendinning Richard Love William Harvey John Finlayson D. MathesoQ John Hitchin Charles Little John Pierce P. Gallivan Robert Graham John Benson G. Ferguson J. E. Worsfold William Coraock Patrick Gafney George Whiting Andrew Todd Pierre Prince John Murray William Gamble R. McL.Purdy D. F. Stevart William Sander* John H. Priestly Martin Stully Arza Parish John Curry John Johnstone William Edmonda George N. Hickey James Proudfoot Thomas Frank James Fitzgerald J. H. Taylor James McQueen Robert Hicks Edward Botting Mary Sproule S:in'.nel Tubbv Joiin Bell Joseph Munro S6 Name of Poat Office. Fitzroy Harbour . . . Fleetwood Fliotou Florence Fonthill tJForest Forester's Falls Forestville Forfar Formosa Fort Coulonge \Fort Brie FortWilHam Fort William Fournier Foxboro' Fox River (sub office) Frampton Frankford JFranktowu Frankville. FreeltoD Freiburg Frelighsburg French Village Frome Frost Village FuUarton Fulton Gad's Hill UQalt Qalvray + 1 Gananoque Garafraxa Garneau Garthby Gaspe Basin Geneva Gentilly + 1 Gf'nrgetown Georgeville Oeorgina Gilbert's Mills Glaramis Glanford Glaiimire iGlaiiworih Glastonbury Olenallan Glcubiiriilc jGleticoe Qleuelg Township if in Canada West, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East. Fitzroy Manvers Kaladar Euphemia . . . . Pelham Plympten Ross Charlotteville Bastard Carrick Mansfield . .. .. Bertie Esher Plaiitaganet Thurlow . . . Frampton Sidney Beckwith Kitley West Flamboro . Waterloo, North . St. Armand . . . . Kingsey Southwold Shefford Fullarton Caistor Nortii Eaxthope Uumfiiea North Galway Leeds Garafraxa .... Lafoutaine. . . . Garlhby Gasp6 Argeiiteuil . . . . Gentilly Esquesing . . . . SUiListead Gt'orgina .... Sophiasbuurg . . Bruce. ........ Glanford ; Tudor ....... ; Westminster . . I Kuiadai- iPcel Kingston Ekfrid . . Gleuelg Electoral County or Division. Carelton Durham, E. R . . . Addington Lanibtou Welland Lumbton Renfrew Norfolk Leeds, S, R Bruce Pontiac Welland Lake Superior. . . . Pontiac Prescott ......... H East . . Kiiii<:»s Griintliiim Radcliffe Electoral County or Division. Pontiao Leeds, S. R Brant. W. R Hastiness, N. R Huron Middlesex, E. R Argenteiiil Oxford. N. R 1. Bnint, E. R Wellington, N. R... Essex Fi ontenac Norfolk Mt'ganlic Kent Norihumberl'd, W.R. Peterboro' Stanetead Peterboro' Prescott Sinicoe, N. R Waterloo, N. R .... Huron Waterloo, S, R Carleton York, E. R Victoria Drummond Giey Perth Grenville, N. R Waterloo. N. R Huntingdon . Prescott Iberville Huntingdon Compton Waterloo. N. R Peterboro' York, K. R Prince Edward Lambton Wellington, S. R... Nortbuniberl'd, E. R, Grey Hochelaga Yoik, N. R W.-llington, N. R. . . Huron York Liniue Lincoln District of Nipissiug Name (T Podtmaster. W. G. Leroy William Gainsford J. L. McLellan John Clark M. McDermid John McMillan Donald B. Campbett D, L. Demorest O. A.. Spoor A. Harrison J. Miinger Samuel Stewart P. M. Rogan James Hutchison R. Drope Heni'v Fowlds W. G'. Cook Peter Pearce Thomas Higginaon James Houston M. P. Empey James Murray Maigaret iSomervillo John Young John Montgomery .James Riley Heury Menut Thomas J. Rorke Joli!i Proudlove G. Adams John Krassler John Scriver C. W. Hamelin E. S. Goodnow John Johnstone Aaron Workman ('onrad Nahrgang George Evans E D. Slmekleton Solomon Flagler Thomas L. Hill R. J. Morrow R. Hoatli F Paiiichaud VV. J. Slone S. Robertson Jonas Copp John Qulbell J.iiiii Aniierson William Smith, Juor H Y. Raad sr Name of Poet Office. HopetowD Hornby Homing's Mills. .. . Houghton Howick Hubbell's Falls.... Hull Eullsville Humber Eumberstone Hunterstown Huntingdon Huntingville Huntley Hut^tou Hydf Park Corner. Jnditina , . . , Industry . . f j IngersoU Iknermann Innerkip . . Innisfil .... InniBville . . . nverary . . Jnverhuron nvermay "nverness oua 68 Township if in Canada West, and ToTvnsbip, Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East. ron Hill Iroquois '. slay '. flle auxCoudre8(S.O.) !flleauxGrue9 sle aux Noix sle Perrot Isle Verte '. slington "vanhoe ^vy Janetville Jarratt's Corners . . . Jarvis Jarsey, R Chaudiere Jerseyville ........ Johnson Johnson's Mills Johnville {Jordan Lunurk Esquesing Meluucthon Houghton South Georgetown. Fitzroy Hull Wiilpole Eltobicoke Humberstone Hunterstown Qodmancliester. . . . Ascot Huntley Maryboro' London Seneca. Kalad-tr Kamouraska. Oxford, North Mountain , . . . . East ZoiTu . . . . Innisfil Drummond . . . Storrington . . , Bruce Arran Inverness Duiiwich Brome , Matilda Fenelon Isle Perrot Isle Verte.. . , Etobicoke ... Huntingdon. , Essa Manvere . . Oro Walpole . . St. George . Ancaster . . Sydenham Hay Eaton Louth . . . , Kaladar Kamouraska Electoral County or Division. Lanark, N. R Halton Grey Norfolk Chateauguay Carleton Ottawa Haldimand York, W. R Welland Maskinong6 Huntingdon Richmond ...... Carleton Wellington. N. R. , Middlesex, E. R . Haldimand .... Joliette Oxford, S. R . . Dundas Oxford, N. R . . Simcoe, S. R . . . Lanark, S. R. . . Frontenac ... . Bruce Bruce Megantio Elgin, W. R... Brome Dundas Victoria Saguenay L'Islet St. John's Vaudreuil . . . . Temiscouata . . . York Hastings, N. R. Simcoe, S. R. . . Durham, E. R Simcoe, N. R Haldimand Beauce Weutwortli, S. R.. Grey Humri Compton Lincoln Name of Postmaster. W. Rankin John McMillen Paul Jarvis D. Jackson Thomas Qebbie James Reddell G. J. Marston John Hull Thomas Bell John Thompson William Parker W. Marshall Caleb P. Mallory John Graham W. Robinson John Squares Thomas Slaven L. T. Groulx Joseph Thirkell John Renwick Robert Lindsay Benjamin Ross Thomas Code Hugh Ralston John Thorrington Abraham Neelands Robert Layfield William Harris Isaac Cutting Joseph Qrier T. Smithson [licceur P G. Lachaine dit Jo* Corp'l Jefifers, R.O.R Marie S. Jobin Louis Bertrand Thomas Musson Thomas Eiuo T. D. McDonald J. McDermid Charles Jarratt James Sill Michael Cahill H. F. Young William Johnstone Henry Green Charles Smith Jacob Snure Addington E. F. Dunham Kamouraska Alexis Gagu6 Nai Post Kara . . . , Eatesville Seenansyi \Keene . , Kelvin . . , \\Kemptfi Kendall . Kenilworl Eenmore [Kerwooc Eertch.. Keswick Kettleby Kilbride Eildare Kilkenny Killarney Eilmanag Kilmarno Kilmartin Kilsyth . , % Kinburn , Kincardir JJKing., KiDgsey , Kingsey I ^XKingitt jKingstor Kiagsville Kinkora Kialoss . EinmounI Kinsale . Kintail . . Eintore . Eippin . . Eirkhill. Eirkton Eirkwall Elineburf Knowlton fjEomok Name o( PoBtinnster. Rankin D McMillen 1 Jarvis Faokson tnas Qebbie \ea Reddell I. Marston n Hull iruas Bell n Thompson iliam Parker Marshall eb P. Mallory ,D Graham Robinson m Squares ^nnis Slaven r. Groulx eph Thirkell in Renwick bert Lindsay ijamin Ross omas Oode gh Ralston m Thorriugton raham Neelands bert Layfield Iliam Harris ac Cutting leph Qrier Smithson [licoeur fl.Lachainedit Jo' ip'l Jeffers, R.O.R irie S. Jobin uifl Bertrand omas Musson lomas Erno D. McDonald McDerraid larles Jarratt mes Sill chael Cahill , F. Young illiain Johnstone jury Green larlea Smith cob Snure F. Dunham Lexis 6agu6 69 Name of Post Office. Kara KatesTille , KeenansTille... . \Keene Kelvin jlKemptville . . . . Kendall Eenilwortb Eenmore IKerwood Kertoh , Keswick Kettleby Kilbride Kildare Kilkenny Killarney Kilmanagh Kilmarnock .... Kilmartin Kilsyth Kinburn Kincardine . . . , fJKing Kingsey Kingsey Falls. .., ^\Kingtton , iKingston Mills . Kingsville Kinkora Kinloss Einmount Kinsale Kiutail Kiutore Kippin Kirkhill Eirkton Kirkwall Klineburgh Knowlton fjEomoka La Bale .. Labarre . . IZa Beauce. \ Lachenaie . \Lachine. . i Lachute . , Lac Noir . . I Laeolle . . . I Lafontalne , Laggan . . . hip Canada West, and Township, Seigniory. or Parish if in Canada East North Gower Metcalfe Adjala Otannhee Burford Oxford Clarke Arthur Osgoode Adelaid« Piympton North Gwillimbury . King Nelson Kildare Kilkenny North Shore of ChinguacousT Wolford ...' Metcalfe Derby Fitzroy Kincardine King Kingsey Kingsey Kingston Kingston Gosfield Ellice Kinloss Somerville Pickering Ashfield East Nissouri Tuckersmith Lochiel Usborne Beverley Vaughan Brome Lobo Electoral County or Divieion. La Baie . . La Barre . . Ste. Marie. Lachenaie . Montreal . Argenteuil Fouruier . . Laeolle . . . Tiny Kenyon . . . Carleton Middlesex, W. R. . . Simcoe, S. R Peterboro' Brant, W. R Grenville, N. R . . . . Durham, W. R Wellington, N. R... Carleton Middlesex, W. R..., Lambton York, N. R York, N. R Hal ton Joliette Montcalm Lake Huron Peel • Grenville, N. R Middlesex. W, R. . . Grey Carleton Bruce York, N. R Drummond Drummond City of Kingston . . . Frontenac Essex Perth Bruce Victoria Ontario, S, R Huron Oxford Huron Glengary Huron Wentworth, N. R. ,. York, W. R Brome Middlesex, W. R . . . Name of Postmaster. Yamaska Cliicoutimi . . . . Beauce L'Assornption . . Jacques Caitier Argenteuil L'Jslet St. John's Simcoe, N.R . . Glengary Henry Dunham William McClatchey G. P. Hughes George Read W. H. Bottum W. Trull Robert Hayward M. E. Tobin J. H. Thomas James Oxenham Henry Stennett Jacob Walton John Mathews 0. Vigneault M. J. Fournier Solomon 'i'hebo Isaac Lowes George Newsome John Smith Thomas Sloan R. Power M. McKendrick Richard Macbell A. Wilcox Hayes Oilman Robert Deacon Thomas Burrowefl John Kennedy James Moriarty Thomas Hodgins John Hunter John Fairless William Murray Robert Bell James Dunn William Currie W. McMillan H. S. Howland Albert Kimball 0. D. Mabee Joseph Rosseau C. Hebert J. B. BonnevUle 1. O. Laurier ' F. Caisse ' John Meikle J. B. Pelletier T. Van Vliet D. CattanaoU 9b Name of Poet Offio«> La Ouerre L«ke Aylnier Lake Beauport Lakefield Lakettide Lake Temiscouata . . L'Amaroux Lambeth Lanobton Lanark f I Lancaster LangHido LangtoD Lanoraie f ILaDsduwD, ... . . L Acadie L'Anse an Foin .... L'Anse i\ Giles L'Anee St. Jean .... Lft Petite Rivifire (S. La Pigeonniere. .[O.) Laprairie La Pr^acntatiou .... Largie Laskay .... L'Aseomption Laterrit^i e Laurel Laval Lavaltrie Lavender L'Avenir Lawrenceville Leamington Leaskduie ... Leavens . Leeds . . flLefroy Leinster. , jeinster Leith Lemonville f\LentwxviUe Lennox Leonard's Hill L'Epiphanie Les Ebouieiiiens. . . . Les Eeureuila . . ,. . . Les EscouraiiirjB .... Leskard Leslie Lps 5'oti$vS Bergero- ILevis [nes Township if in Orinada West, and Township, Seieniory, or Puri.sli if in Canada East. God maneh ester. Stratford St. Dunstan . . . . Gore East Nisaouri . . York Westminster LatnbtoD Linurk Liincaster Kinluss Walsingliam Lanoraie , Lansdown L' Acadie Tremhiay L'lalet. St, Jean St. Fran5oi8 ....... La Salle Laprairie La Pr^sentatioD . . . . Dunwich King St. Sulpice N. D. do Grand BrOIe Amaranth Laval Lavaltrie Mulmur Durham South Ely Mersea Seolt St. Vincent Leeds .... Innisfil Richmond ......... Sydenham Whitchurch. ....... Asci it Fredericksburg .... Wicki^am St Siilpice Ebouleiueus D'Auteull Clarke . . York . , . . ^agiicnay Lauzon . . Electoral Oountj or Dirition. Huntingdon Wolfe Quebec Argenteuil Oxford, N. R Tomiscoiiiita York. W. R Middlesex, £. K.... Beauce Lanark, N. R Glengary Bruce Norfolk . Berthier Leeds, S. R St. John's Chicoutimi L'Islet Chicoutimi Charlevoix Napierville Laprairie St. HyHcinthe Elgin, W. R ....... York, N. R L'Assomptlou (^hicoutimi Wellington, N. R... Montmorency Berlhier Simcoe, N. R Drummond Shfcftord Essex Ontario, N. R Grey Merantic ., Simcoe, S. R Lennox Grey York, N. R Town ofSherbrooke. Lennox Drummond L'Assomption Charlevoix Portneuf Saguenay Durham, W. R York Sagueiiay Levi Name of Postmaster John McDonald F. Legeodre A. Simmons Q. Rogers H. F. Sharp George Dall Jiiraes Taylor Almond Buok Dr. Louis Labreoqn* A. G. Hall K. McPherson Peter Reid P. W. Boughovr E. Lcsoault George McKelvey Mme. 2. Deaeau P. Potrin G. F. GiassoD L. E. Otis Moise Roy James Charlton N. Bergeron D, McOallum George S. Baldwin J. Guilbault George McKenxi* James Sp«uce Revd. H. Gagnoa Joseph Charland I. B. Miistin H. S. GrifBng F. Lawrence Warreu Kimbal George Leask S. Cunningham Matthew Jiggena David Davidson Michael Jordan James Ross, Seor John Hill J. P. Gushing John C. Lucus M. Leonard E. Le Blatic Edward Slevia Pierre Pitge John C. Barry P. Mclnfy.ie Geonj^e Leslie, Junr Frouyois Bertraod Nam Poet ( Lifford . . . , Limehons lime Lake Lindtay linton ... iinwuod . , iippinoott jisadel . . , Lisbon . . , Li^burn . ♦ Ili'lslet , LixtotoeU Litchfield . Little Brit Little Ride Lloj/dtmen . Lobo Loch Garrj Lochiel . . . Lockton. . , Londepborc j:^ London . Long Islani Long Point \Lovgncii,rl ILoiigwood Lonsdale . , rette . . , *Orignat rrame ., iLotbiuiere iLoughboro [Low werlieli wville ., QLucan . ijUfknow lUiienburg ILurgim . . . iLuther . . nton .... \Lyn .. Lynden . ■yndhurst iyuedoch jyons . . . jyster . . . iMcDonald'i iMuGdlivra iMcliiiyre jidavnider IllACton... Name of PoBtmaster. in McDonald Legendru Simmona Rogers F. Sharp jrge Dnll aes Taylor nond Buok Louis Labreoqa* a. Hall McPhersoD er Reid W. Boughner Lcsonult )ige McKelvey le. 2. Deaeau Potiin F. OiasaoD E. Otis ise Roy ries Charlton Bergeron McGallum )rge S. Baldwio xuilbault >rge McKeiuu* jes Speuce rd. H. Gagnoo eph Clinrltuid I. Miiatin 3. Oiiffiug l,awrence rreii Kimbai irgo [jL'ask yunningham ^Ihew Jiggens ad Davidson bael Jordan les Ross, Soor nHill '. dishing n C. Lucus Leonard Le Blatio vard Slevin rre Piige n C. Barry Vlclntyje »r>j;e Leslie, Junr r> ..n- ngois Bertrand (U Name of Post Office. Liflbrd Limehouse Lime Lake , Lindtay Linton iinwood Lippinoott Lisadel Lisbon Li^burn fjli'lslet Lii>tov)tU ........ Litchfield Little BrItHtn Little Rideau Lloydtmen Lobo Loch Garry Loclnel , . . , Lockton Londfsborough. , . . \lLondoii Long Island Locks. Long Point Lovgneuil Longwood jonsdale lorette . Wrignal rrame lotbiniere iLoughboro' Low owerL eland wville IJLucan juckniiw lUnenbuvg , lurgiiu . . . lUther . . . illtlUI \Lyn ... Linden . , ■yndburst , iyuedoeh , lyons . . . , jyster ... llfcDnnald's Corners. [HuGillivray [Mulaiyre jliavnider IllACton Town«bip if in Canada West, ami Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East. Manvers Eequesing Huugerford Ops King Wellesley york Howick North Er ;, S. R Quebec Pi e?cott Simcoe, S R. Loll)iiii(^r<' Kronteuao Ottawa Megantic Halton Huron Bruie Stomiont Bruce Wellington, N. R... Elgin, li. R , Town uf Brockviile Weniworth, N. R. ., Leeds, S. R Norfolk Elgin, E. R , Meganlic Lanark, N. R Huron Oiey ••• iumouski Welluigton Name of Postmaati-r. H. h. Kirby John Newton James Jannio Thomas Adano Joseph Lynn Robert Charles Coote Mary Larkin Arthur Mitchell John Zinkanii Gideon Ruttle Eliza Ballantyoe W. i:. Hacking Thomas McVeigh John Broad Thomas Ross Anthony Eastwood .Mrs. E. Fares James ri-aser Owen Quigley Adam Parkinson John Neelands Lawr^-nce Lawless Mosea (irMiiible J. B. Morin P. Les p6 ranee rhiinias Gordon Kitliar -'ildraan J. G. \ I cent Johnson John Mills Jos.ph Filteau Hugli M.idden Caleb Brooks Edward Redman R. P. Rogers William Porte M. Campbell F. Kiikpatrick J. W. Gamble Saml. Stuckey L. \i. Tyrrell N. Baxter William Smith William P. Lee (leoi'ge ('I ay P. J Putman John King Hugh McLean D. Shoff John McLean 0. A. Lauioiiiagaft J. M. McCormick e9 Nome of Post Office. Macrille MaddingtoD ifadoo Magdalen Islands Magog MiililAtoQe I Muitland Malakoff fJft'.iUoi'ytown. . . Malta flMalton ilalvorn Manchester AMnndaumln (anilla Maoitownniog. . . . Ifanningville Mansfield i Maple [apio Grove Mapleleuf , Mapleton Mara , Marbleton March , Uarchinnunt Mardcn , Maria \Markham . Ifarlbank Marlow Marmion Marmora Marnoch Marshville Martintown Martinville JMarysville liascouohe Masbam MaskinongS Township if In Canada West, and i'nwuHhip, Seigniory, or f'arish It in Canada East Albion .... Maddlngton. Madoo . . . . Magog Miidstooe Augusta Marlborough ToDge Bruoe Toronto Gore Scurboro' j Reach I Plymptou I Maripoi^a i On Lake Mulniur . . Vaughan . Ireland . . . Newport . . Yarmouth Mara Dudswell . . March . . . . Orillia Guelph . . . Maria . . , Markham . Hungerford Matane Mawcook . . Maxwell . . , May field . . . Mayne. .... Meadowvale Medina . . . . Medonte . . . Melanothon .azeioaume . Melbourne Ridge Sullivan ..... Marmora Wawanosh . . Wainfleet Charlottenburg Clifton Tyendinaga . . Mascouche. . . . Masham , Maskinong6. . West Hatley.. Matane , Granby Osprey Chin;?uacou8y . , Wallace Toronto East Nisaouri . Medonte Melanothon . . , Melbourne . , . , Melbourne . , . , Electoral County or Division. Peel Arthabiiitka Hastings, N. R Qtt8p6 Stanstead , . Essex Qrenville, S. R Carleton Leeds, S. R Bruce Peel York, E. R Ontario, N. R Lambton Victoria Huron , Huntingdon Simcoe, S. R York, W. R Megantic ('ompton Elgin. E. R. Ontario, N. R Wolfe Carleton Simcoe, N. R Wellington, S. R . . . Bonaventure York, E. R Hastings, N. R Beauce (Jrey Hastings, N. R Huron Welland Glengary Oompton Hastings, S. R L'Aasomption Ottawa Maskinonge Stanstead Riraouski Shefford Grey Peel Perth Peel Oxford, N. R Simcoe, N. R Grey ........,,,,, Richmond .... .. . Richmond Name of Postmaster. R. H. Booth V. St. Germain A. P. Wood J. J. Fox Calvin Abbott Thomas Moran George C. Longley W. J, Pierce Frederick Lee Walter Macfarlane Joseph R. Allen David Brown James Truaz James Dunlop Mary Douglas George Ironside Fisher Ames M. Oolouhoun Joseph Noble Jared B. Hall Benjamin Wilson William Ritchie J. B. BiHhop Thomas Read Frs. Kean C. Mc. D. Blyth E. C. Campbell ' J. J. B;'.rker i W. G. Allan ; James Armstrong I 8. B. Conger I D. G. Bowen , P. Poteifield j Edward Lee j Robert Blackwood ! Amasa Martin I James Kilmurry ' M. Delfausse j E. Trempe 0. Masson I Luther Abbott I L. N. Blais I L. N. Hungerford Joseph Maxwell William Spiers John Oallanan James Gooderham J. H. Beck Edmund Moon Jnmaa Wpr^nrn Thomas Tait William Beattie NBrne of PontmMter. . H. Booth , St, Germain . F. Wood J. Fox ilviii Abbott ^omas Moran Borge C. Longley '. J. Pierce 'ederiok Lee 'alter Macfarlane meph R Allen livid Brown imes Truaz imes Dunlop ary Duugias eurge Ironside sher Ames , Oolouhoun seph Noble red B. Hall 'iijaniin Wilson illiiim Ritchie B. Binhop loraas Read ■8. Kean Me. D. Blyth 0. Campbell J. B:'.rker . G. Allan ines Armstrong B. Conger Q. Bowen Poteifield Iward Lee ibert Blackwood naaa Martin mes Kilmurry Delfausse Trerape Masson itber Abbott N. Biais N. Hungerford 3eph Maxwell illiam Spiers hti Callanan mes Gooderham H. Beck Imund Moon fnes Brown omas Tait illiam Beattie Name of Post Office. Melrose Melville , Menle MerriekvilU Mersea Metabecbouan . . . , M6tis Meyersburg Middloville Mile End. Milford Millbank Millbridgo j Millbrook ...... Mille Isles Mille Roches. . . ille Vaches Mill Grove Mill Haven Milliken Milnesville Milton, East Milton, West . . . . IMimico Mimosa Minden \\ Mitchell Mohawk Moira Molesworth Monoklaiid Money more Mougeiiais Monkton Mono Centre Monn Mills Montague Montcalm Moute-Bello Montmagnif W Montreal Montrose Mont St. Hilaire. . Moore Morewood Morningdale Mills Morpeth Morrisbank ^IMorri^biirff . . . Morrisdale Moiriston Morton Morven Township If in Canada West, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish I? in Canada Kast. Tyeudinaga Hillier Sevmour Wolford Mersea Metabechuuan M6tis Seymour Lanark Island of Montreal , Marynburg , Mornington , Tudor Cavan Mille Isles. . . Cornwall , Electoral County or Division, j West Flaniboro' I Ernestown . . . I Markhnni ! Markhani j .Milton I Trafalgar .... I Etobiooke i Krin ; Anson Logan 1 iirauMord ... . : Huntingiiou. . . , i Qi'oy I Ilcxbroiigh . . . ! Hiiiigeifi)rd. . . , I Newton ' Klma I Mono j Mono ' Montagui; Uawdon Petite Nation . . St. Thomas . Montreal Stamford St. Hilnire Moore Winchester , . . . Mornington. . , , Howard Morris Matilda Grey Puslinch ...... S.Crosby Ernestown . . . . Hafltingn, H. R Prince Edward Northumberl'd, E. R. Grenville, N. R . . . . Essex Chicoutimi Rimouski Northumbfir-rd, E. R, Lanark, N. R Hochelagn Prince Edward .... Perth Hastings, N. R Durham. E. R Argenteuil Town of Cornwall . . Saguenay Weiitworth. N. R.. . Addington York, E. R do , , Shefford Hal too Yorl<, W. R Wellington, S. R. , Victoria Perth Brant, W. R Hastings, N. R. . . . Fluron Stormont HHsiings, N. R . . . . Vau(l( L'liil Perth Simcoe, S. R Name of Postmaster. Lanark, S. R Montcalm Ottawa Montmagny City of Montreal. . . Welland Rouville Lambton Dundas Perth Kent Huron Dundas , . Huron Wellington, S. R... Leeds, 8. H Addington George Duncan E. W. Edwardi W. 0. Read Jonathan Wigfield G. M. Skene W. E. Page E. U. B. Hayward William Croft A. Piche James Cook W. Rutherford John Bull Kichard Howden John Pollock S. H. Moss John Peverley James IVner George B. Forward W. Gorvett Peter Milne Charles Gillespie William D. Lyon Herod Noble Henry Reed Daniel Buck John (licks William L. Jones Henry Ostrom John Mitchell D. McCallum John Hnrigan H . R. McDonald Edward Greensides Robert Laidlaw James McLaughlin John Telford J. B. LeBlanc Charles Major, jr J. S. Val6e E. S. Freer N. E. Th'impson J. E. Ducharme William McPherson Alexander McKay J. Nicklin Andrew Heyward Benjamin Draper James Holden Donald Scott R. B. Morrison George Morton Daniel Henwood H \ly'-)\ W IM Niime of Po*( Office. Moscow KouDtain Orove ... MouuuftioD View.. . Mount Albion I Mount Brydges . . . Mount Carmel .... Mount Clinrles .... M<ert I John Little ; James Musgrove Hii'hird 0. Dicksoo I Paiwaid Treniblay ': Mii-hiU'l Davy ' RichiU'd llauna I Gi'orue Shearer Sehdi Orvis P. Anstie John MiMcer Alexander Campbell John Arthurs N. Palin I'hdip Wood Thos. Eiisterbrooks M. O'Meara A G. MacKay .lames Zavils D. Winkler Joseph Thompson AugUHtu8 Gary John Edgiir Thomas Webster James Lytlo Robert Hope Tiionia<« Rf-hinion Mattiiew Caldwell 11 it am [lodges Peter Eriiesi E. F. Schooley es Name of Postraaaier. ra Vanluv«o L. Godfrey H. Wny B. Grey ward Handy m Lavoie \rles King H. Bodwell [J. Smith in Doniildaon in Wallace in McQuilleD ilay McQuaig Mncdooell J. Best B. HuH8ey [)mas Brndy 868 M. Crooker anias Peirin l)ert Webster . F. Ziivili Naul>ert Ml Little lies Muaijrove hi I'd 0. DicksoD wai d Treniblay •liiul Davy ;]iiU'(l llauna orue Shearer ah Orvis Anf«tie in MiMcer I'xander Campbell | m Arthurs Palin dip Wood OS. Eiisterbrooke 0'. VI earn G. MHcKay DCS Zavila Winkler )e|>h Thorn psoB gUHtiw Gary 111 Edfjiir omns Webster lies Lytlo hert Hope oniawn Robinson . ^INiagara Nicolet Nile Nilestown Nis90uri Nithburg Nobletou Norham . Norland Normandale Normanton North Adjnla North Augusta North Bristol North Douro North Eldon North Ely North Georgetown . . North Glanford .... North Gower North Lancaster . . . North Mountain . . , . North Onslow North Pelham North Port North Ridge North Stanbi idge . . North Stukeley North Sutton North Wakefield . . . North Waltiiiigham . North Williamsburg Norton Creek INfr.i val Norwich Norwood Notfield Nutre Dame dn Pnr- Nottawa [tnge Noyan Nutt's Corners Township if in Canada West, and Township, Seignioiy, or Parish if iu Canada East. Lacorne Wilmot Osnabruck , Ireland East Gwillimbury , Lauzon ' . . Sunnidale Wliitchurch Brantford New Richmond . . , Elma Tecumseth , Niagara , Nicolet Colborne Dorchester, N . . . . Niaeouri West. . . . N. Easthope King Percy Laxton Charlotteville. . . ., Saugeen Adjala Augusta Bristol Douro , Eldon Ely Beauharnois Glanford , N, Gower Lancaster Mountain Onslow Pelham Sopliiasburg Gosfield Staubridgo Stukeley Sutton Waketiold Walsingham u'illiiimsburj Beauluirnois Ksquesiiig Noiwich Asphodel. Indiiin Reservation Nottinvasaga. , Sabrevois Sabre voifl. Electoral County or Division. Terrebonne Waterloo, S. R Stormont Megantic York, N. R Levi Simcoe, N. R York, N. R Brant, W. R Bonaventure P.-rth Simcoe, N. R Town of Niagara . . Nicolet Huror MiddltJiex, E. R. . '. ! Middlesex, E. R Perth York, N. R Northumber'd, E H . Victoria Norfolk Bruce . . . . Simcoe, S. R . . . . . Grenville, S. R Pontiac Peterboro' Victoria SheflFord Chateauguay Wentworth, S. R... Carleton Glengary Dimdas Pontiac Weliand Prince Edward Essex Missisquoi Shefford Brome Ottiiwa Norfolk Dundas '. . Chateauguay Hiilton '. O.Kfor.l, S. R Peterboro' Glengary TeaHscoii.ita .,.,,., Simrot', N. R Mi'^sisquoi Missisquoi, Name of Postmoater. William Purse Andrew Ross Jacob Baker Richard C. Porter R. Hunter Damase Roberge P. Paton William Roe L. Chapin Richard Brash C. Coulter William Chantler Robert Warren H A. Chillaa J. Rhynas Mary Putman Joseph Howes James Brown William Munsie Dr.B.G.Q.Demoreek A. A. McLauchlin John W. Slieppard John J. Lehnen William Donchey Samuel J. Bellamy R. Shirley Robert Casement William McCtadie G. Bartiett Basile Vannier Jacob Terry berry George E. Johnston Charles Leclair Jame^ Cleland T. Gibbons Mrs. M. A. McQueen Samuel Solrnes, Jr W. H Billing E. B. Sloiie S. Paqiiette S. Sweet A. Pritclmrd John K Simmons Wdliam Gordon Thornns Cantweli Joseph Kyle Gilbert Moore James Foley Peter Kennedy vr \i:..i I IT . '•! t\.tt:iut Andrew MelviUd David Natt 66 Name of Post Office. Oak Hill Oakland Oak Ridges jlOakville Oakwood Oban Odetta Oil Springs Olinda Omagb lOmemee , Oueida , lOnondaga Onslow |Ontnrio Orangeville Orcliard Orillia Orleans Ormond Ormstowa . . . , . . Oro Orono Orwell Osborne Osgoode ■{■ [ Oshawa Oaprey Ospringe Ossian ^Ottawa OttervUle . Oungati Overton Owen Sound Owl's Head... . Ozenden Oxford Centre. . . Oxford Mil Ik Osnabruck Centre Paisley Pakenham . . . Palermo Panmure Papineauville. Parbam f|iPart« Parma Pasbebinc . . . . FcSttsrliiw . . . . Pelham Union J'embrokt .... Township if in Oanada West, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East. Laxton Oakland . . . Whitelmrcb Trafalgar. . . Mariposa . . . Plyraptoc . . Ernestown . Enniskillen . Qosfield . . . Trafalgar . . . Emily Oneida . . . . Electoral County or Division. Onondaga Onslow Saltfleet Garafraxa Norniauby Orillia North Gloucester. Wincliester Bcauharuois Oro Clarke Yarmouth Cumberland Osgoodo Whitby Oaprey Krin Enniskillen Nepean Norwich Cbatham C jmdcn Sydenliam Grey Potion Bromc Monteagle Hastings Oxford Oxford, S. R. . Oxford ' <^rtnville, N R Osnabruck Stormont .... Victoria Brant, W. R. . York, N. R... Halton Victoria LnnibtoD Addington . . . Lambton Essex Hallon Victoria Haldimand . . Biant, W. R. . Pontiac ...... Wentworth, S. Wellington, N. Grey Simcoe, N. R. Russell . Dundas Cliateauguay . Simcoe, N. R. Durham, W. R Elgin, E. R. . . RussfU Carleton Ontario, S. R. Grey Wellington, S. Limbton City of Ottawa. Oxford, S. R.. Kent , Addington . . . . , R. R. R. Elderplie . . . . I'akenham TVafalgar Fitzroy I'ctite Nation . . , Hincbiubi ook . . . Dumfries, South. Fredoricksburg, . Georgina Pelham . . Pembroke Bruce Lanark, N. R. Halton Carleton Ottawa Frontenac . . . , Brant, E. R. . . Lennox B( naventure . . York, N. R. .. AVcUand Renfrew ..... Name of Postmaster. William Corbett John Toyne Frederick Suttle R. Balmer Charles S Ruttao William Carrick P. S. Timmermaa William Harrison John 0. Fox Thomas Little Robert Grandy J. T. Mutchmore William S. Buckwell Walton Smith John Wilson Dr. Wm. S Hewatt Thomas Caldwell Thos. Speero Moffatt Ira Morgan R. N. Walhh Donald Grant Joseph L. Tucker D Su'herland Q. G. Dunning Adam J. Bakttr Francis Eellar A. Tuppcr William Symon George McPhersoa G. P. Raker John H. Cornell Stephen Kinny Edward Storr George Brown A. C. JeuniogH Miohacl Doylo Willinm Garbutt Richey Waugh Jacob Poapa f. Thomas Orchai-d William Dickson H. M. SwitKer James King St. phen Tucker Thomas A. Grant George Stanton John C. Green D. Bis-son George Johasou Alexander Moffatt I Name of Postmaster. iam Corbett I Toyne lerick Suttle aimer 'les S Ruttoo iam Carrick . Timmerman iam Harrison I 0. Fox nas Little jrt Grandy Mutchmore inm S. Buckwell ^011 Smith I Wilson iVm. S Heyratt DOS Caldwell . Speero Moffatt I organ . Walhh Lid Grant ■•h L. Tucker a'herland . Dunning n J. Bnk(;r sis EeJlar upptjr iam SymoD sje McPhensoa Raker H. Cornell len Kinny ird Storr ge Brown Jennings \c\ Doyli} II m Garbutt sy Waugh I Pen pa as Orchai-d im Dickson , SwitMf 3 King en Tucker as A. Grant ;e Stanton 0. Greeo :son :o JoLasou nder Moffatt 67 Name of Post Office. Pendletou Penetanguishene . . Peuinsula Gasp^ . . Penvllle Perce Perrytown Perth 'etewawa \Peterboro' Petersburg 'eterson Peterson's Ferry . . . , 'etrolea 'etworth 'everil ■Philipsburg Eatt. . 'hilipsbiirg West . . 'hilipsville • I Pickering Picton !^ieiTevil!e Pigeon Hil! Pike River Pine Orchard ^ine River inkerton ........ 'ittsferry 'lainfield ^lantagener. Plattdville 'layfair 'leasant Hill Point Abiiio 'oiat Alexander . . . Poiute au Chene . . , Pointe aux Anglaia . Poiute aux Trembles Pointe aux Trembles 1 1 Pointe Claire rointedu Lac Point Fortune f J Point Levi, East . Point Platen + 8 Point St. Charles. Point St. Peter Poland P'liisonby Tout ue Masktnong^. Poole Portage du Fort .... Port Albert Port au Persil Port Bruce Township if in Canada West, and Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East Plantageuet ... Tiny ......... Ga8p6 Tecuinseth Perce , Hope , Drunimond Petewawa North Monaghan Wilmot Anson Sophiasburg . . , , Enoiskillen Portland Newton St. Armand . . . . Wilmot Bastard PiuKering Hallowell Pierrevillf St. Armand.. . .. Staiibridge Whitchurch Huron Greenock . Pittsburg Thurlow . Electoral County or DivisioD. •••••• Prescott Simcoe, N. R Gasp6 Simcoe, S. R Ga8p6 Durham, E. R.... Lanark, S. R Renfrew Peterboro' Waterloo, S. R.... Victoria Prince Edward. . . . Lambton Frontenac Vuiidreuii , Missisquoi , Waterloo, S.R Leeds, S. R Ontario, S. R Prince Edward Yamaska Mittsiaquoi Mifesiflouoi York, N. R Bruce Bruce Fj ontenac Hastings, S. R Prescott Oxford, N. R Name of PoBtmaater. Plantagenet Blenheim Bathurst j Lanark, S. R. Wulaingham Norfolk Bertie Welland '. . Rolph Renfrew Greaville. . . , Argenteuil Two Mountains | Two Mountains .... Isle of Montreal . Pointe aux Trembles. Montreal Pointe du Lac.,... , Rigaud Liuisou St. Croix Island of viontreal Aialbaie Dalh'iusie Pilkington Maskinongd Mornington Litchfield AHhfieliJ , Mouni Murray ... Malahide Houhelaga Portneuf , . . . Jacques Cartier.... St. Maurice Vaudreuil Levi Lotbini^re ■Tacques Curlier. .. . Gasp6 Lanark Wellington, N. R. . . Maskinougu & CI 111 •••••••««a«B* Pontiac Huron Charlevoix Elgin, K. R J. M. Desleader. D.J.L hell [Dien Thomab ol* Edward Tumw J. E. Tuz. R. A. Corbett, M. D William J. Morris Charles Young S. J, Carver John Ernst Edward Sissoo Paul Peterson P. Barclay E. L. Carscallen Alexander Morrison D. T. R. Nye G. C. Doerinj Sidney A. Taplin Elizabeth Whitney David I'arker Louis Gill C. Roberts C. Rendall D. McDerraid M. Pinkerton Daniel Root H. G. Gillespie Henry Smith Sumnel Piatt J. C. Mills J. D M trgau Ralph LMsher Benjamin McConnell Archtbald Cameron Bazile Charlebois L. J. 0. Lecoura Fre. lerick Larue L. B. D'Aust Louis Comeau A. St. Denis Charles Bourget N. NopI dit Tousig- E. Blomeley [nant George Packwood W, Ropers James L Halley. A. J. Lafrenidrti D. Matthews D. F. McLaren Thomas Hawkins Jolm McL.tren 68 |ilL Nnme of Post Offio*. Port Bui well ...... tlPort Colborne , . . Port Credifc Port Dalhousie . . . 'ort Daniel {Port Dover Port Elmsley I Port Granby 'ort Hoover - I Port Hope 'ortland ; »ort Lewig *ortMait1nnd 'ort NelsoD "Portneuf Port Perry Port Jiobinton . . . jPort Jiowan Port Royal Port Ryers ■, Portsmouth \\Port Stanley . .. Port Talbot IPretcott Preston ^riceville 'riinrose Princeton 'respect Proton Puslinch Townsliip if in Canada West, and | Township, Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East. Electoral County or Division. Name of Postmaster. ^[Quebec Queensborough +Queenston . . . Quecnsvillo . . . Rnginn Raiiton Rainham Raiuham Centre. ... Rapides de Joachims lllatlio Uavenswood Rawdou lloncii lending lednorsville teekie Rev f revs ... Renion f Rcponligny Rioebuig Riccvillc Baylinm Humberstone . . . . Toronlo Grantham Port Daniel Woodhouse North Elmsley. . Clarke '. . . Cartwright Hope Bastard Godmanchester. . Sherbrooke Nelson Portneuf Reach Thorold Walsingham . . . . Walsinghara . . . . Woodhouse Kingston Yarmouth i>unwich Augusta Waterloo, South Arumesia N^ono Blenheim Beckwith Proton Puslinch Elgin, E. R Tliomas Pilcher Welland L. G. Carter Peel Robert Cotton I Lincoln i John H. Martindalo Bonaventure I Patrick Sweetman Norfolk James Riddell Lanark, S. R i Joseph McCormaok Durham i George Elliott Durham, W^. R i Thomas Hoover DiH-ham, E. R i David Smart , Leeds, S. R | S. S. Rcovll Huntingdon | B. B. Carson { Haldimand James Moss Halton Hugh Carter Portneuf Charles Gaulin Ontario, N, R ' Joseph Bigeloiir Welland Andrew Murray Quebec Elztvir Niagara East Qwillimbury Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Frontenac Elgin, E. R . . . Elgin, W. R. . . Grenville, S. R. Waterloo, S. R. Grey Simcoe, S, R. . , Oxford, N.R... Lanark, S. R . . , Grey Wellington . . . , Wtiitby ..'.., Loughboro' . . , Rainiiam Rainham . . . . . Aberdeen . . . , Bliindford . . . , Bosanquet . . . . Rawdou , Iteach Ganifraxa ... Ameliasburj , Kincardine . . Horlon , Town-sen, I ... L'Assjimptioi: Stan bridge . . Plautagcuct. . Quebec . . • . Hastings, N. Lincoln . . . . York, N. R. R. • • • • • I Ontario, S. R Frontenac Haldimand Haldiiiand Ponliac Oxford, N.R . Lanibton Montcalm Ontario, N. H Wellington, N. R... Prince Edward.,.. Bruce Renfrew Norfolk L'A.88omptjon Missisquoi PrcscoU Andrew McLennan Mark Barrett William H, Ryerse George McLeod , H. M, Yerrington John Clark Alpheus Jones Conrad Nispel John H. Yeomani John Stewart J. G. Lindsay John Burrows George Armstrong William Leslie John Seweil Daniel Thompfloo James Wynn James Aylward Loren Foster John Walsh Cliarles Williams Margaret Jones Nichol Mownt Joseph Williams A. F. Lapham Michael Skelly M. G. Robson M. Leeson James Redner Joseph Shier George Ross James B. Smith Joseph Em C. A, Rico Peter McLauren l^ame of stmaster. I Pilcher larter Cotton [. Martindalo Sweetmaa Riddell McCormaok Elliott 3 Hoover Smart covil 'arson M038 barter 3 Gaulin Bigelow ir Murray «r McLennan 3arrett n H. RyerM ) McLeod f Yerrington Dlark IS Jones 1 Nispel I. Yeomani Stewart Lindsay Jurrows 3 Armstrong m Leslie Seweil Thompson Wynn Avlward Foster ^alsL 18 Williams ret Jones I Mowat 1 Williami Laphain el Skelly Robson ;son Retlner 1 Sliier e Ross 1 B. Smith I Giu Rice McLauren m Nnme of Post Office. f I Richmond East. . . Kichmond West ... . IRielimond J Jill .... Kichview I Rich wood idgt^town Rigaud Rimouski Ringwood Ripley I River Beaudette . . :iver David River Desert Riversdale Riviere de Prairies . f |i£. du Loup en ba» Riv. du Loup cb haut i Riviere Ouelle .... ,ivi6re Trois Pistoles Roberval Robinson Rcblin Rochelle Rochester lockford iockport locktoD ' ' I Elockwood iodgerville '. lokeby iolph lomnty londeau '. losebank . losedene !lo;emout . '. losetta '. loseville ] loslin Roes Rothsay Rouge Hill Rougcmont Round Plains Rowan Mills Roxtoii Falls Rugby Ruissenu des Chines. Runnymcdo RuSEifll HuBscltown RuthiM ford Ruthveu Township if in Canada West, and Township Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada East. Electoral County Division. or Shipton .... Gonlbourn , . Vniighan .... Toronto Gore Blenheim. . . . Howard Rigaud Rimou?ki Whitchurch . . Huron ...... Gieeucck , Montreal , Rivi6re du Loup. Riviere du Loup. Riviere Quelle . . Trois Pistoles ... Roberval Bury Richmond Stukeley , Rochester Townsend Escott Beverley Eiamosa Usborne Sherbrooke Middleton Rorauey Harwich Brentford Gainsboro' Tosoroutio Lanark Dumfries, North. Thurlow Ross Maiyboro' Pickorirg , . St. Cesaire I'owi.send Walsingham . . . Koxlon Noi th Oru Upton llostigouche Russell Dawn . . . Qosficld. I Richmond ...... ; (^arleton iYork, W.R iPeel Oxford, N. R Kent I Vaudreuil : Kimouaki York, N. R Bruce ; Soulanges Yamaska ; Ottawa I Bruce I Hochelaga i Temiscouata Maskinong6 Kamouraska Teniscouata . , .. Chicoutimi Compton Lennox Shefford Essex Norfolk Leeds, S. R Wentworth, N. R. Wellington, S. R. Huron Lanark, S. R Norfolk Kent Kent Brant, E. R Lificoln Simcoe, S. R. . . . Lanark, N. R Waterloo. S, R... Hastings, S. R. . . Renfrew Wellington, N.R. Ontario, S, R. . . . Rouvillo Norfolk Norfolk Shefford Simcoe, N. U Diummiiud Bonaventui e llu^^SC'll Chatcauguny Lainbton Essex Name of Postmaster. O. K. Foster W. H. Butler Matthew Teefy John Davis J. L. Lay cock T. Rushtou A. W. Charleboie J. T. Couillard G. H. Silvester I'homas Harris Colin McPherson J. B. Commeault John White Thomas Corrigan S. Marien. Junr Charles H. Gaudry Louis Baribeau Charles H. T6tu, Sr Nazire T6tu Rev. C. L. A. Bemier Lemuel Pope William Paul Louis Dube P. Dumouchell« William Cornwall W. W. Barlow I Robert Passmore I John Back I A. Adams E. D, Buchner Thomas Ren wick ! J. K. Morris Alexander RobertAOO Cornelius McKay George Gumming John Dods Jihn Unger William Gihoy James McLaren James D.ividson M. Brooks D. Bachelder George Averil Deoinnis Burrow* F6lix Lauzon Walter Hunter T. L. Desauliera Henry Lodge Richard Helmer iiobert Stewart A. McDonald Hugh Uuthven 70 net :0' ii Name of Poet Offi. . . Hellechrtii.sc Arlhabaska Name of Postmaster. G. M. Ryokman P. A. Labrlo Anthony Kaiser L. Boulanger Flavien Boily P. Gelinas John D. McOormick Edmond Leveque A. A. L. Brien Leandre LeBau Luke Corcoran 0. Couture P. 0. Marquis Joseph A. Levis T. B. Meikle Lackey Masterson J. B. N. Papineau F. H. Bourgeault Thomas Sauv6 Th^lesphore M^thot J. Perr6 Hector Granger Joseph Dionne Jacob Upper F. F. Buteau Eitmond Larua Narcisse Cartier Remi Martel C. 0. Potter M. Casault P. Regnier C. Bourgault C. East Louis Paquetta 0. Heroux Edouard Mathieu J. Fauteux ' G. Jobin E. Lemaire l^ierre Plante William Murray A. P. Par6 J^iwi Hanna Narcisse Par6 Joseph Maloney J. P. Merritt 0. E. Houde 0. Dorval J. E. LeBIaiio, T. Moiitminy Xiionne )per teau Larue Cartier rtel ;ter It er ault quetta X Mathieu re unte Murray •6 ma Par6 aloney ritt ide tiaiio iny eauuet Name of Poet Office. Township if la Canada West, and Township Seigniory, or Pariah if in Canada East. 8te. Claire St Oiements 8t CI6t St. Columbin St. Conntant Ste. Croix St. Cuthbert St. Cyrille St. Djmase St. David's . . StD^nis, RKichelieu 1st. D6niB de la Bou- St, Didace. . [tellerie St. Dominique St.Dominique des Cd- St. EdouarJ . . . [drea Ste. Elizabeth St. Eloi St Ephrem d' Upton St. Esprit St Etienne St Engine St. Eutlache St Evariste de For- St. Fabien. .. .[syth. Ste. Famille St. Felix de Valoix . St F6reol (S. 0.) . . . Ste. Flavie St Flavien St Foy . St Franois St. Francois, Mont'ny 8t Frunyoia, Beauce. StFranfois.d'Orlfians ' St. Frederic St Gabriel de Bran- Ste. Genevieve . [don. St. George, Beauce. . 8t. George^ Brant . . . St.George deWindsor Ste. Gertrude St Gervais St Giles St. Gr^goire StGuillaume d'Upt'n |Ste. Heldae Ste. H61(^iie de Bagol St. Helens Ste. H6n6diMc iSt. Ileuri St. Hermas fySt Hilaire Station Ste. Claire Wellesley Soalangea Laprairie. Ste. Oroix St Damase. Niagara . . . St. Denis. . . Lanaudi^re Soulanges . Upton St. Maurice East Hawkesbury Island of Oi-leans. Electoral Coanty or Dirision. St. Flavien Quebeo . . . Beauce Island of Orleans . Sc. Frederic , Brandon Montreal St. George Dumfries, South. . Windsor Ste. Gertrude ... St. Gervais. . . . .. St. Giles St Gr6goire Upton Wawanosh Lnuzun . . . St. Hdairo. Dorchester , Waterloo, N. R... Soulanges Two Mountains . . , Laprairie Lotbiniire Berthier L'Islet St Hy.icinthe . . . , Lincoln , St. Hyacinthe . . , Karaouraska Ma^kioong6 Bagot Soulanges Napierville Jolic-tte , Temiscouata . . . . , Bagot Montcalm St Maurice Prescott Two Mountains. . , Beauce Rimouski . Montmorency . . . , Joliiette Montmorency . . . . Rimouski Lotbini^re Quebeo Yamaska Moutmagny Beauce Montmorency . . . , Reauce. ... Berthier , Jacques Oartier . , Beauce Brant, R. 11.... Richmond NicDlot Bellechasse .... Lotbiui6re Niodlet Yamaska Kamouraska . . . Bagot Huron Dorchester Levis . , Two Mountains . . Rouville ....... Name of Postmaator. L. V. Royer John Stroh E. Bourque M. J. Phelar Pierre Labergc Moiae Couture J. Cheuevert J. B. Cloutier P. H. Petit 0. Fisher Michael Laprise J. D. Lavoie E. Germain Mad. Duport J. L. Coutlee J. Blain [lieu P. L.Hudon dit Beau- Charles Th6riault S. B. Warner C. Dalp6 dit Pariaeau D. Decoteau A. McBean David Mitchell M Beaudoin Vital Roy dit Lauzon J. Pr6mont Max. Crdpeau J. B. LaMontagne L. B6dard .loseph Roy O. H. Coutu E. C. Boulet Hitaire Poulin [prise C.E.DagneaultditLa P. A. Belanger M. OHeir J. M. Paquin [Durao F. X. Bonhomme dit Samuel Stanton Remi Benoit Leon Champoux Joseph Jolivet George Cote S. Doucet ;0n6zime Bellemare N. Peltier J. T. Poitras Wm. Gordon [tagne J. Baquet (lit Lamoo* T"!, H. .Vfftr?eau P. E. Claivoux Thomiis Valiquet 72 m Hi Name of Poet Office. Township if in j Canada West, and | «, . , „ Township Seicntory. ! ^^'^c'"™! County or or Parish if ill I £>i vision. Canada East. Name of Poaiinastw. St. Hilaire. St. Hyaciuthe. West Nissouri St Hilaire Village . St. Hubert St Hu^ues to 5/. Hyacintha ... St. Ir.'n F. Fortin [dreville Charles Bacon Elie Godin Miss E. Joubert John Taylor Phillippe Gerard Naicisge Fortier A. McDonell Edouard Plamondon Charles BSdard M. Dumontier P. Kenneur A. Morin B. Roeher E. Bell anger P. S. Gtndron J. B. Filiatrault W. H. Scott J. L. Saucier A. Fortier A dolphe Lemy Alfred Brien A. PcUelier Olivier Ilebert William Campbell Basilide Roy Aldeiic Barbeau Jacques Royal John Mitchell George McCrea John Morris Louis Voligny E. Ermatinger J. B. Scott P. 0. Trudel N. Dorais 74 Name of Ho«t Office. 8W Ureule 8te. Valeutioe ISt.Vallier St. Victoire St. Vincent Sk Vincent de Paul St Z^phirin St. Zotique Sable . Sabrevois Saintfield ', Salem , Salford [[ Sandfonl *' Sandhill [ ' Sand Point Sandwich Sandy Beach f\8artiift Baugeen Sauit mi Reciillet . . . SaoItStp Marie Sawyer ville f iScarboru' Schomberg ..... Scone Scotch Block ..\. Seollaiul Scugog |Seaf(/rth Sebringville .... Seeley'a Bay . . . Selby... ■:.... Selkirk Selwyn \\Seneea Settrington Severn Bridge. .. f I Shakespeare , . Shamrock UShannoiiville . Shanty Buy Shantz Sharon Shawbridge Sbawencgati Sheffield ShefFord Mountain f\'Shr.rbrook-e .... Sheridan Sherkston Sheningtoij Shipley Townaliij) if in Cauuda Weat, and Towiibhip Seigniory, or Parish if in Canada Eaat. - St, Vftiiier. St. Vincent. Islo J$SU8 . . Courval . . . Electoral County Division. West Williams . . Sabrevois Reach Malahide Dereham j Scott Albion MoNab Sandwich South GaspS Bay. Sarnia Sau!;eeu , [ Montreal I Lake Superior . . . , I Newport I Scnrburo' King Brant Esquesing Oakland , Sougog Tuckersmilh Dowuie Leeds Richmond Walpole :Smith Seneca Settrington Morrison ........ S. Eaethope . . . . . Admaston Tyendinaga Oro Waterloo Gwillimbnry East •^ beroonibiu Shaweneji;an Beverley Shefford [ Asci^t Toronto , Hmnberstone .... Slit-riington Wallace , Maekinongf^. . St. John's . . . Bellecbasso . . , Richelieu .. . . , Grey Laval Ynmaakti .Midiilesex .... Iberville Ontario Elgin, E. R... Oxford, S. R . Ontario, N. R. Peel Renfrew .... Essex Qaapfi Lambton Bruce Hochelaga Algomac .... , Oompton York. E. R.... York Bruce Halton Bran*, W. R... Ontario Huron Perth Leeds. S. R. . . . Lennox Haldimand Peterboro' Haldimand .... Charlevoix .... Simcoe, N. R. . Perth Renfrew Hastnigi?, S. R. . Simc", N. R. , Wiiteilos N. R, York, N. R Terrebonne St. Miiuri WeiitworLh, 8heff)rd Town of Sherbrooke, Peel Wclland NiiplerviUe Perth N. R. or Name of Pofltmaster. L. Lupien H. D. Cot4 F. Bclanger Dr.Adolphe Bruoeao D, L. Layton '-). Oerniain. Jr Thomas N^. Hark 0. F. Prieur A. McDonald Thomas Jones Richard WelU Oeorge Snia lea William Boon Edward Taylor Robert Dwyer, Jr Alexander MoDonell P. H. Morin H. Bailey Alfred Fisher Thomas Lee Edoiiard Daupbio David Pir.i William Sawyer A. MaoLean William Moore Thomiis Bearmaa Thomas Hume H. Lyman James Gordon George Inglia S. P. Hesson William Oolemao Duv'ui Wartman Henry Kent John Uoll.iivay John Scott Charles Choulnard Jaiiit i H. Jacksoo George Brotro P. Goiman Hirinj Holden William Heard A. Mesuer John 0. Hogaboom William Shaw Joseph Dessnuluiers Alexander Bell, Senr D. R. Savage Samuel J. Foaa Joshiiiv Pollard Wilson Sherk Georj;u Busby E Britttow 1^ 7» nao of master. Pwt Office. Br le Bruneaa ton in. Jr Hart ir nid •nes 'ella laJea 000 ijlor yer, Jr MoDoa«ll i«r 6 liuphio wyer )ore arniMa me on lis leinaa ;mao ray luinard ickson rn en ird [aboom ,w luluiers ell, Senr >Sfl k Shrewsbury . . BillsTiile Silver Or ek. . Silver Hil .... S|SiIveiBl)oe . . Simcoe inghfiiiipton . Skye Shl^o Smitlitieltl iSmith^n FaVt . tniihviU' Sombra Tr)wn«liip if in Cana a West, and Townsliip, Seijcniory. or Parish ifin Canada East. IfSoraersi't oonya fSorel South Bolton South Cayuga Soutl) Doiiro South Dummer . . . . South Durham South Kliiislcy South Ely South Fiiich, iSouth Gloucester.. South Oower South Gran by South Uinchinbrnokp South March South Monaghaii . . . South Mountain . . . Soutl J Potton South Quebec South Roxtou South 2iorra Sparta Spencer Cove iSpencerville Spring A! hour Springforcl JSpriDgville taffa Stafford StatnfonI Stanhtidge East . . . Standon f|8tanf..M Stanhope . Stanley's Mills StauKtead. Stnrnpboro' , , , , , , Stnynei tella i Chut hum Fredericksburg Ksqtiesing Clmrlotteville. Sunnidale Woodhou.to . . Ouprey Kenyon (Jnledon Brigliton N. Elmsley . . . Giimnhy Sombra Somerset Reach Sorel Bolton S. Ciiyiiga Douro Dummer Durhim S. Blm^ley Ely Fiucli Gloucester. . . . S. Oower Or.iiiby Hinchinbrooke I March i S. Mooughan . . . Mountain I Potton Levi Koxtoii Zorra Yarmouth Eleit.t\va3;iga . . . . Amherst Island . . Drummond Leeds, N. R Sht'fford Stufinont Curletoii . . . Grenvilie, N. R Shefford Huntingdon \ Carleton North umber'd. W. R, Dundas Brome Levi Shefford Oxford, N. R Elgin, E. R Quebec Grenville, S.li Norfolk Oxford, S. R Peterbi»ro' Perth Renfrew Welland Missisquoi Dorchester Arthabaska Stiinstead Peel Staiistead Ohiiteauguay Simcoe, N. R Ad ' igton John Chambers Donovan Sills Johu Fort man Elizabi-th Colo John Rnsi Uenry Muikins J. 11. Sing r. R. McKeniie , Iitiac Hunter James Shaw, Jr Robert Thompson P. Cnitanach H. Jutras Lewis Harper Jo. DuplesMs John McMannis Isaac Fry Daniel .Sullivau Asa Leighton Jdhn Ferguson Amos VV. Lay Nelson Gray Micliael Fagao Robert Magee Elias Clow J. Holbrook Saiuuel Soiason Robert Waddell Jolm Morrow Alviu Barry Mrs. Anno Winsley A. Sanborn Thomas Cross John A. Eakina Denis Maguire VV. B. Inirie J. W. Hazen Johu Wood A. Goodfellow Tbo9. Dunn Robert Childerhose Kllen Wiit^oi! E. J, Briggs John Nicholson James Huston Alexander Murray T. G. Jackson B F. Hnhbard ni,;i.!!ea Mo.Gi!! Robert Rosp, Junr William Perceval 7« Name of i'uRt Office. StevcnsvJlle jfSlirling Btoco BtoneficlU Stonelmm Stonetj Creek Btoniowfty. . Stottyille StouffvilU Strabane Strafford villo Strangford {{Slral/ord Stralhburn Stratliglnssi }Str-Mi'iiiiin HouM' Willi:tiii Jiidd Fnuicia Muiphj Ovv>, 8. R Beauou Teniiscouata L'Islet Huntingdon Perth Wentwortb, N. R.. Isi ih B. Secord h\ Dessalles iiastiea TretUe Lussier 76 Name of Post Office, Vernon Vcrnonville , Verona Vesta , Victoria Corners . . . , Victoria Square. . ., Vienna Vigor Villanova Violet Virgil Vitloria Vi jomanton Wakefield Walkerton Wallace Wallacebuig Walliicetown Walsingbanj Walter's Falls Walton iWanstead Warden Wardwille .... . , . Warkworth J Warrington Warsaw 1 1 Warwick. L. C. . . Waribick, U. C. Washington Water down Walerford Waterloo, J... C HWaterlof,, U. G . . Waterloo, Kingstfln. }| Watervii!e Watford Wateon B Corners. . . Waverley Weedon J Welland Wcllaud Port Wellenlcy jWellington 4 1 Wellington Square Wellnoan's Corners . . West Arran West Brone, West Brook West BroughtoD. . . . Town?hip if in Canada West, and Township, Seigniory. or Puri^ih if in Canada East. Osgoode Ualdimand Portland Brant and Elderslie. Reach Markham Bayham , Viger Townsend Ernestown Niagara Charlotteville Brock Wakefield ..., Brant , Wallace Chathivtii . . . . , j Diinwich Walsingham , , Holland (irey ; Plympton iShefford I Mosa Percy ........ Nottawaaaga. .. Dummer I Warwick ! Warwick ' Blenheim Fl.imboro' East . I Townsend Isiioffurd Waterloo Kingston Compton Wnnvicli Ddlhuusie . . . . Flos Weedon Crowland Gainsboro' . . . . Wellesley . . . . nillier .... Nelson Raw don Arran Broine Kingston Brougfa on .. . . Electoral County or Division. Carleton Northumber'd, W. R, Frontenac . . . Bruce Ontario, N. R York, E. R Elgin, E. R Teiniscouata Norfolk Addington Fiincoln Norfolk Ontario, N. R Ottawa Bruce Perth Kent Elgin. W. R Norfolk Grey Huron Lambton ShefJt'ord Middlesex, W. R... Nort lumber'd, E. R. Simcoe, N. R Poterboro' Arthabaska Lambton Oxford, N. R..., Wentworth, N. R. Norfolk ShefTord Waterloo. N.R... Frontenac Compton , Lambton Lanark, N. R Simcoe, N. R . . . Wolfe Welhnd L'ncoln Waterloo, N. R Piince Elwtird... . Ilaltun Hastings, N. R. . . . Bruce Brome Frontenac MugHiitiu Name of Postmaster. J. W. Imlay Arsel Anis A. M. Clarke Robert Cannon W. H. Stevenson Humphrey White John P. Macdonald I Thop. Kemblay I John McLaren I Jacob Lane I George Cairna : Simpson McOall ! Samuel Parrish James McLaren Malcolm McLean D. M. Williams Daniel Johnson John Mi-Killop Henry L. Kiicben John Walter Georgo Bigger John Dewar E. D. Martin Henry R. Archer Israel Huinphrie* Jesse Peckham Thomas Cheat L. T. Doraia James M. Burns Dnnioi Wakefield Jas. Burn Thompaoo James L. Green Jonathm Robinson Christian Kumpf Jo.^cph Northmore Charles Brooks James Merry William Wat-^on Alexander Kettle Simeon Fontaine Thomas Burgar Samael Holmes Jolui Zoeger John D. t^clleck C. Richar Ison Andrew Sherman John Biggar S. L. UuDijerford Benjamin Clark J. St. iliiuiro IS 79 ime of tmaster. ■"lay nis larke Daiinou Iteveneon ■ey White Macdonakt emblay Laren ane Oairna McOall Parriab [cLareo McLean illiaraa Vinson Killop I. Kiicben liter war irlin . Archer jinphrie* cikham Choat rais . Burns IT^ikeficId n Thompsoo . Green RobinaoD Kumpf Forthmore iBiooks en-y Watson ir Kettle ^lutaine i?urgar lolmes per e^olleck r Ison ^bermaD 3:jrmjui Znricb IJay Huron Frederick Knpll HiltttHp itt (&mHis^. The asterisk (*) a^inst a Station denotes that another line of Railway branches off therefrom. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. STATIONS. IB . s * O j= |Eh 5 Riviirt du Loup. St Alexan iro St. Hclene St. Pa<;chal River Quelle St. Anne St. Roch St. Jean, Port Joli . L'lslet Cap St. Tgnaco St. Thomiis JBerthicr St. Michel St. Chark'8 8t. Henri •Chaudiurc Jiiiiclion Point Lfvi (opposito Quebec) 12 7 6 9 G 7 8 8 7 7 9 9 6 8 8 19 25 34 40 47 55 63 70 77 86 95 101 109 ji IS 1-20 STATIONS. Point Levi (opposite Quebec.) *Chaudicre Juuctiou Chaudi^re Craig's Road Black River Meihot's Mills Bcciincour Somerset Stnnfold A rthab.'iska. Warwick Danville , * Richmond "Portlaud, U. S , "Island Pond, v. S 8 1 6 6 9 12 8 6 9 d 12 12 .a -.4 3 o I 9 15 20 29 41 49 55 64 72 84 9e 14# 81 RAILWAYS IN CANADA— Grand Trunk {Continued.) le of taetor, 1800 ott me lama ey wes own te ?6 ley Hudaon r ak 3S0D iowmaa merman Knell 4^ therefrom. m • .a -A .2 S gj 8 • • 1 9 6 15 6 20 9 29 12 41 8 49 6 65 9 64 8 72 12 84 12 9a ■ • • • • • 14» STATIONS. 'Jalavd Pond. Boiindarv Line . Ooaticook Compton Wat-'iviUe Leiinoxville. .. . Sherbrooke .... Bromptcin Falls Wiuilsor *Richmond .... • Richmond. Durham Acton Upton Brittania Mills . St. Hyacinthe . . St. Hilaiie St. Lnmbert. ... * Montreal "Montreal. ♦Lacbine Junction . . Point Claire St Ann's Vaudreuil Cddars River Rouge Goteau Landing . . . . River Beaudette. . . . Lancaster Cornwall Moulinette Dickinson's Landing. Aultsville Williamsburg Matilda ../. Edwardsburg •Prescott Junction.. Prescott Maitlnnd *Brockvillo Lyn Mallorytown LansduwD Qananoque Kingtjtou Mills Kingston Ernestown Bath Road ■ Napanee Ty«?ndinaga ShuuDouville a. a g * Qj3 CD a n 8 8 4 n 3 6 8 11 10 12 6 6 n 13 15 8 2 6i 3i 4* H 8 H m 13i 6 44 6i 8i 25 33 37 44 47 53 61 72 22 28 84 41 54 69 72 14i 21 24i 29 S4i 37i 48i 53f 67i 72i 77 m 92i 6f 99 6* 104i 71112 Hll3i 6 J 120i 5 126i 4il29i 8il37J 8ill46i 8f 156 134 168i 4 172i 16 I87i 2i 189f 8i|198i 8 i:0t-5 6i|213 STATIONS. Belleville Trenton Brighton Colboi nc Grafton *Cobourg * Port Hope Newtonville (Clarke) Newcastle Bowman ville 0.>hawa < Whitby Dutliu's Creek, (Pickering) ... Fienchman*s Bay (Duiibarton) Port Union Scarboro' Don "Toronto * Toronto, Carleton Weston Matton Brampton Norval Georgetown Limeiiouae Acton West Rockwood •Guelph Breslaw ^Berlin Petereburg Baden Hamburg Shakespeare ♦.Stratford *St. Mary's Lucan Ailsa Craig Swamby Widder Forest Perch "Sarnia C3 ;. 5.S IH 7i "Sarnia, Port Huron, U. S. (Ferry). *> Detroit, U. S *St. Mary's. "London . V 220i 23 If 241i •24 Sf 7i 256 7f 263i 6^270 10 ',280 5J285I 4i!290 H299^ 4 303i 6i310 2i312i 4i 3164 54 322 H 331i H 338 6 6 H •^^ H 15 6 21 6 27 2 29 3 82 34 864 54 41 74 484 94 68 44 624 6i 68i 8i 724 2i 74f 7 81* 6i 88 104 984 15i 113$ 7 I20f n 128i 94 124 H .1 e2i 10 1364 1464 159 168i 1 63^ 12 224 RAILWAYS IN CAVkD L—(Gontinwd) STATIONS. Distances ' ' between. — O STATIONS. ■■3 J 3 I Total Distances on the Grand Trunk Railway. Montreal and Toronto 838 'I'ofouto and Sanii-.i 168J Port ILron (opposite Detroit) .... 62J St.. Mary's and London 22 j 118 Rivi6re du Loup and Cliaudiorc ) Jun<;tii>n j Point Levi ami Richtnond 9*'' Portland anil Isb'nd Pond l^'^ Island Po;id and llicbniouil 72 Riclin.ond and Montreal 72 Total ioy*i MONTREAL AND ROUSE'S POINT RAILWAY. *Montreal.. St. Laniliert. June! ion. . . . L'Aoaiie . . . St. Johns. .. 1 1 10 11 3 14 1 21 Grand Ligne. .. Stotts Lncollo *yjoitJc'» Point 27 38 38 44 CAUGHNAWAGA AND PLATTSBURG RAILWAY. Hemmingfonl PtiivinC'! 1 jiic •llnore'd Junction. Ca»ffIniaioa j> iO 5 i 15 18 21 23 — RAILWAYS IN CANADA— Con«Ruei.) CI . J. = i ■^ ni 5 ^ e2| ... 838 ... 168i . . . C2i ... 22i lO'JH ] 8| 8 8 81 4 36 3 88 5 48 I 64 jiH IH .... 52 .... lU .... 63i lioii.) 18 21 23 3 27 6 88 6 38 r. 44 4 26 ■ * 4 30 k V ^•* STATIONS. 09 * _• 5 2 ■>-• ^ \ ■- \j vr « Lo - CO STATIONS. To ^ 9 ;l PORT HOPE, *Port Hope. Qu'iys Pet ly town Cai»|ib(-ll8 Summit •Millbrook IklanvtM's ( Bethnny) .... BiuiiBwick Leyiles Omemee Kellys Lindnay PETERBORO', AND LINDSAY RAILWAY. * Millbrook. I Fiiizei ville (Springville) j 7 Pclerboro" 6 6 6 2 8 2 10 6 16 3 18 G 24 2 26 2 28 6 33 6 :j8 5 13 1 18 Total Distances. Port Hopo nnd Limlsny 48 Millbrook anil Poturboro , . 18 Total 66 * Toronto. Diiveiiport Weston York Tlionihill lliclirnoiid Hill . . King Anrora Newtn.irket llolliui;! Laiidiiig Br.'Kiford Bcaiduns Gil'oid NORTHERN RAILWAY. 4 H H 4| 6 8 Uf ]8i 2H 30i 34i 38 4U 44i 49 BeM Ewait (Branch) fif^fioy Ciaigvillo Harrie (Allandale) . . Ilanisotrs Kssa ArigU'4 New Lmvell SnnniiJiilc (Silveisboe). Warrington S'nvncr C'oUhifjwootl , Si 8 62 1 63 51 5Si 5^- 64 5X C9> 24 72 24 74i H 80 1 81 5 86 1 87 H asi *7'oronto. Miniicn Port Credit Oakville.... Bn'ntt! Wfdiinglon Square Wato'ilown (AlilcMsliott). *Bin'lingtoi! Junction . . . Uamilton GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. ^Clifton (Suspension Bridge). Tho'rold St. CntbaMnes. ...... Jordan r . . ...... QfamEviUo Griinsby Oiitario . , , , llaii'ilton *Biirlin'j;Lon Junction Dniitbis Fbimhoro' . , . , ■ Cojciovni Lvudcn H 18i 8 2H H 'm H 32 3 S6 2+ 37^1 H 39 H H o Hi H 17 5 •22 H 20) J 5 3)^ H AH H 44i 4 48i 4ii m *Ilftri;!fbnrg •Paris Princclon Arnold's Eastwood Woodstock Beadivilie Inj^crsoll Dorciiosler •London , . . * Komoka Mount Urydgcs Lonj; wood Appin Olencoc N ewliury Bothwell Tliamesville Lrwisvillo Cliatbaiii r?:!>!li?.re Cri'tk ,.,... li.ili- River * Windaor (opposite Detroit). 8* n 7 2 5i ^h 5 4i:iooi Sil09f 94|ll9i l('ii|29i 5 '184i 6 139^ 624 72i 79i 81i 86^ 91 96 44 144 5 149 6i^ 155^ 4i'l59} 8| It.Si 6 1174^ 9 I183i l!ih«8 14 l2ia 17 22& 84 RAILWAYS IN CANADA— Ge«at Wkbtirw {Continued.) STATIONS. Sri 01 ^ V "O • C 0) !R 2 ^ in ii ■y C S^ O e3 H 5 STATIONS. *Harri»burff. Branch ton . . GaU Preston Hespeler . . . . *(}uelph . ... *Komoka. Strath loy . . . . Currie Road. Watford Wanstead . . . 6 6 6 12 4 16 3^ \n 8 27i lOi __ 8 16i n 23i i H 31f Wyoming . Mnndiiumin "Sarnia . . 5 a .2 •3 . S ai OB .2 5 ^1 o 9 Qua r-i -w 2* 34i 7 4U Of 61 Total Uistances Great Western. Tor •Tborold Allaoburg WELLAl^D RAILWAY. Port Robinson VVelland Port Volborne BUFFALO AND LAKE HURON RAILWAY. 2i 7 4 6 6i •Buffalo. Fort Erie.... Ridgewajr . . . Sherks Port Colborne Waiiifleet . . . Boulton Ditch Leeds ' -j Dunville - 6£ H 4f 2i Cantield Coolies .... Caledonia (Seneca) Middleport Onondaga Cainsville I H 2i I Brantford . . . 9i * Paris 13^ Riuhwood . . . 19| Drumbo ..., 24f Plattsville . . , 80 Ratho 32^ Tavistock... 88| *Stratford.. 46i Mitchell 51i Carronbrook 58f Seaforth .... 65i Harpurhay . 671 Clinton 72 Qoderieh . . . !••••• 3i nn 8 8S* fij 89 2* m H 97 s 100 ■7 107 8 115 121 12ti 51133 LONDON AND PORT STANLBV RAILWAY. •London. Fond Mills Westminbter North Wesirainster South TarmouiU 3 3 3 6 3 9 4^ i- St. Thomas . . Wliitcs Por< Stanley. 11 n 12f 139i 140f 147ii 160i 15 20 24 Lovell nr%d Gibton, PrMtem, Toronto. 34i 51 12 14 n i 75i I 89 i Hi i. 91 100 107 115 1133 il39i i 140i f 147iJ fieoi 15 20 24 y Rice LEWIS & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BRITISH & AMERICAN HAROWARC IMPORTERS, Constantly keep in Stock a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of every deacriptlon of Goods in the Trade, such as BUILDERS', COOPER', TINSMITHS', CABINET MAKERS', PAINTERS', GLAZIERS,' AND BLACKSMITHS' TOOL S & MATER IALS ! JCl" By Parcel Post we forward FR '^E to any part of Canada, BEST DOUBLE ANCHOR BOLIIN& CLOTHS, On receipt of amount of invoice. MILL OWNEES SUPPLIED WI^^H EVERY REQUISITE! Rubber and Leather Belting, Saws, Oil, &c, m%t J^ttmiisMng Matters, Of best quality, adapted for THE COTTAGE AND THE MANSION! And suitable for THE KITCHEN! THE HALL! THE DINING-ROOM! THE DRAWING-ROOM! THE BED-ROOM! AND EVERT OTHER DEPARTMENT OF THE HOUSEHOLD I IRON BEDSTEADS from $5 ! JOSEPH RODGERS & SON'S CUTLERY! riRK PROOr «AFC * PARLOUR & OFFICE FIRE-PBOOF SAFES! (cj* Remember the Place ! Corner King & Toronto Streets, TORONTO ! ■:i